Free University of Berlin, Germany
flowchart I[Free University of Berlin, Germany] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (3)"] AW["Affiliated Works (355)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (99)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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- Free University of Berlin, Department of Geosciences
- Free University of Berlin, Department of Physics
- Free University of Berlin, Institute for Meteorology
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Prototype Field Instrument for Detection of the Nitrate Radical by Laser-Induced Fluorescence
- Flexural rigidity and lithospheric stress in collisional orogens from constrained 3D density models
- Ground water anomalies induced by distant earthquakes: shaking and mixing
- The Southern Andes Between 36<SUP>o</SUP> and 40<SUP>o</SUP> S Latitude: Seismicity and Average Velocities
- Long-term Variability of Ozone and Temperature in the Tropical Lower Stratosphere: The Role of Extratropical Wave Forcing
- A Possible Triggering Mechanism for the Earthquake Swarms in Vogtland/NW-Bohemia: Data Analysis and Numerical Modeling
- Micaschist and Impure Marble - two Examples for Lithology Related Constraints to Rb-Sr Microsampling Analysis
- One Year of Massive Fluid Production Test in KTB Pilot Hole, Germany
- Seismic attenuation and electrical resistivity beneath the southern Altiplano plateau
- Rheological Consequences of Incipient Melting in Crustal Rocks
- Sr Mobility and Isotope Homogenization During Metamorphic Overprint - an Example From the Cycladic Blueschist Belt
- The Altiplano (Central Andes) High Conductivity Zone: Interpretation and Modeling
- 3-Component Reflection Seismic Survey Across the Seismogenic Coupling Zone in Chile (Project TIPTEQ)
- Advanced Seismic Imaging of Subduction Related Structures at the North Chile Convergent Margin
- Earthquakes and Strength of the Continental Lithosphere
- Elastic Anisotropy of Basalt
- Enceladus' global geology as seen by Cassini ISS
- Evidence for Phyllosilicates in the Early Mars Crust at Nili Fossae and Mawrth Valles Using OMEGA and HRSC Data
- Fast location of seismic sources using migration techniques
- Imaging the Chilean Subduction Zone at 38° S Using Prestack Kirchhoff Depth Migration Within Project TIPTEQ
- Imaging the Seismogenic Coupling Zone in Chile: The 3-Component Reflection Seismic Survey of Project TIPTEQ
- Late Episodes of Fluvial Valleys Formation on Mars From HRSC/MEX Data
- Length Scaling of Shear Zones at the Frictional-Viscous Transition (FVT)
- Quantifying valley network parameters on Mars using DEM from HRSC/MEX data
- Recent gullies on Mars: MOC and HRSC survey of the southern hemisphere
- Statistics of Rock Criticality and Fluid Injection Induced Seismicity.
- Subduction and exhumation of continental crust in the Western Alps - A comparison of field-based and dynamic models
- The Topographic Mapping Performance of the HRSC (High Resolution Stereo Camera) on Mars Express
- Active and Passive Seismic Imaging of the San-Andreas-Fault-System
- Causes of Extensional Deformation in Front of the Corner of the South Alpine Indentor: an Experimental Study
- Chemistry of Crustal Fluids in Continental Fault Systems: Results From Massive Fluid Production Test at KTB Drill Site
- Dynamics of Hydraulic-Fracturing Controlled Microseismicity
- Fluid Induced Earthquakes: From KTB Experiments to Natural Seismicity Swarms.
- High Resolution Enceladus Atlas derived from Cassini-ISS images
- Injection-Induced Microseismicity at the German Deep Drilling Site (KTB) at 4km Depth
- Reflection Seismic Imaging of the Subduction Zone in Southern Central Chile (Project TIPTEQ)
- Rheology of Melt-bearing Crustal Rocks
- Submarine Hydrothermal Activity and Gold-Rich Mineralization at Brothers Volcano, Southern Kermadec Arc, New Zealand
- Uncertainty and regional air quality model diversity: what do we learn from model ensembles?
- A Multi-Proxy Approach to Reconstruct the Hydrological Changes and Holocene Climate Development of Nam Co, Central Tibet
- High Resolution Dione Atlas derived from Cassini-ISS images
- Layering of the Phyllosilicates in the Mawrth Vallis Region of Mars, as Seen by OMEGA and HRSC Colors and DTMs
- Martian valley networks 3D geometry from the HRSC data in the Echus Chasma, Huygens and Aeolis regions
- Possible Glacial Erosion of Interior Layered Deposit Mounds in Central Candor Chasma
- Reflection Seismic Imaging of the Seismogenic Coupling Zone in Southern Central Chile
- Systematic Identification of Metastable Regimes in Atmospheric Data Sets
- Targeted Iapetus Flyby of Cassini: Imaging Results
- Active seismic imaging using microseismic events: results from the San-Andreas-Fault system at SAFOD
- Analog earthquakes: Friction experiments with bulk solids and implications for fault dynamics
- High-resolution Seismic Imaging for CO2 Storage Site Assessment
- Imaging The Deep Crust Of The Chilean Continental Margin Using Wide-angle Data
- Initiation and Activation of Faults in Dry and Wet Rock by Fluid Injection
- Magnetotelluric Imaging of Fluids and Melts: Examples from the Chilean and the Costa Rican Margins
- Mineral growth in metamorphic rocks: relationships between chemical patterns, mineral microstructure and reaction kinetics
- Multi-spacecraft synergy with MEX HRSC and MRO SHARAD: Light-Toned Deposits in crater bulges
- New Seismic Images of the San-Andreas-Fault System at SAFOD
- The use of high resolution analytical methods for the characterization of reaction microstructures
- Active Seismic Imaging Using Microseismic Events: Results From the San Andreas Fault System at SAFOD
- Downscaling a transient simulation of the Holocene with a time-slice technique
- Fluvial valleys on Alba Patera, Mars, viewed by HRSC/MEx camera
- Global aerosol retrieval by synergistic use of ESA ENVISAT instruments and potential for long-term aerosol records from Sentinel-3
- Imaging Hydration and Dehydration of the Costa Rican Subduction Zone based on an amphibious Magnetotelluric Profile
- Insights from orthopyroxene reaction rims and layers (Invited)
- Lake Suigetsu 2006 varved sediment project - towards a purely terrestrial radiocarbon calibration model (Invited)
- Magnetotelluric images of the Central American margin in Nicaragua and Costa Rica
- Organic geochemical evidence for climate changes over the lateglacial-Holocene in Lake Suigetsu, Japan
- Temporal Distributions of Microearthquake Magnitudes During Fluid Injection in Rocks (Invited)
- 3D distribution and evolution of porosity during albitization and patch perthitization of alkali feldspars
- Climate-driven changes in scour regime and potential risks to salmonid survival in the Middle Fork Salmon River, Idaho
- Combined SSM/I and MERIS Water Vapour Products from the ESA GlobVapour project
- Deep electrical conductivity anomalies beneath the backarc, not the arc of the Central Andes (Invited)
- Does a Dielectric Double Layer Evolve in Partially Molten Rocks?
- Fault-induced seawater circulation in the Seferihisar-Balçova Geothermal Basin, Western Anatolia, Turkey
- Global retrieval of long-term aerosol datasets from ERS-2, ENVISAT and Sentinel-3
- Horizontal Wave Analysis using COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 Radio Occultation Data
- Lake System Response to Late Quaternary Monsoon Dynamics on the Tibetan Plateau (Invited)
- Late glacial and Holocene development of Lake Donggi Cona on the NE Tibetan Plateau
- Leading-Side Terrains on Enceladus: Clues to Early Volcanism and Tectonism from Cassini ISS
- Long-term evaluation of COSMO forecast models over Germany using Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) data
- The Cycle of Hydration and Fluid Release in the Costa Rican Subduction Zone imaged through electromagnetic soundings: Where has all the water gone? (Invited)
- 4 Vesta in Color: Lithologic heterogeneity from Dawn Framing Camera Images
- Adriatic indentation vs. Carpathian slab roll-back: what triggered rapid exhumation and lateral escape in the Eastern Alps?
- Geomechanical Interpretation of Pore Pressures Triggering Seismicity
- Highly siderophile element abundances and Re-Os model ages of pyroxenite layers from the Lanzo peridotite (northern Italy)
- Images of Tibetan Lithospheric and Upper Mantle Seismic Structure from Project INDEPTH
- Long-term global aerosol datasets from ERS-2, ENVISAT and Sentinel-3
- Mapping Vesta Equatorial Quadrangle V-10EW: Identification of Dark (Volcanic?) Features
- Mapping Vesta Mid-Latitude Quadrangle V-11SE: Analysis of Dark "Ribbons" and Bright Rayed Craters
- Mapping Vesta Mid-Latitude Quadrangle V-12EW: Mapping the Edge of the South Polar Structure
- Mapping Vesta South Polar Quadrangle V-15SP: A Complex Geological Structure Dominates Vesta
- Mapping Vesta: A Geological Overview
- Multiscale Seismic Imaging of the San-Andreas-Fault System
- Rates of recent volcanism in the Tharsis Region, Mars
- Salinity, Temperature and Polarization Effects on Top of Atmosphere Radiance's for Case One Waters Using a Simple but Realistic Bio Optical Model and Full Radiative Transfer Solutions
- Seismic Imaging of the Alpine Fault at Whataroa (NZ)
- Seismotectonic Condition of Reservoirs Inferred from Magnitudes of Injection-Induced Earthquakes
- Structural features on 4Vesta: Observations and analysis
- The Inclusion of Raman Scattering Effects in the Combined Ocean-Atmosphere Radiative Transfer Model MOMO to Estimate the Influence of Raman Scattering in Case 1 Waters on Satellite Ocean Remote Sensing Applications
- The South Polar Structure on Vesta from Dawn: Using Geologic, Topographic and Compositional Mapping and Planetary Analogs to Test Origin Models
- Using Esa's MERIS as a Simulator to Study Oxygen-A Cloud-Top Pressure Retrievals from Dscovr-Epic
- Assessing the potential of chlorophyll fluorescence retrievals from GOSAT space measurements to indicate gross primary production on a global scale
- Characterization of the permeability evolution and nonlinear fluid-rock interaction from induced seismicity
- Equatorial Layered Deposits in Arabia Terra, Mars: Facies and Process Variability
- Extreme precipitation patterns reduced terrestrial ecosystem production across biomes
- Formation and evolution of ILDs in Juventae Chasma and implications from fractures at mound B
- Localization of lake water quality deterioration based on combining airborne thermal infrared to detect major groundwater exfiltration zones and ground-based measurements to determine pattern of groundwater contamination
- Microseismic reflection imaging using data from a hydraulic reservoir stimulation
- On the relation between postseismic afterslip and aftershock seismicity of the 27 February 2010 Mw=8.8 Maule earthquake, central Chile
- Processes in Decadal Climate Variability and their Incorporation into a Decadal Climate Prediction System
- Relation between the fractal distribution of elastic parameters in the earth crust and the Gutenberg-Richter b-value of earthquakes: A method to estimate b-values from sonic well logs
- Sensitivity analysis for Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment (PTHA)
- Space borne retrievals of chlorophyll fluorescence from the GOSAT satellite
- Strategies for comparing LES and experimental data of urban turbulence
- Sulfates and phyllosilicates in Aureum Chaos, Mars
- Tectonic seismogenic index of geothermal reservoirs
- The Geology of the Marcia Quadrangle of Asteroid Vesta: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Volcanic History of the Tempe Volcanic Province
- A High-Resolution Lateglacial Pollen Record from the SG06 Lake Suigetsu Core, Japan: Contrasting Mechanisms of Holocene and Bølling Warming
- A multilayer extension of the Shallow Shelf Approximation
- A reduced complexity model for dynamic similarity in obstructed shear flows
- Bottom-up analysis of the fluorescence and photosynthesis relationship with the SCOPE model, flux tower data and space retrievals of fluorescence for corn-soybean rotation in the midwestern U.S
- Comparing the lithospheric structure in Tibet and in the cratons of North America and Europe
- Dynamical Variability and Antarctic Ozone under Different Climate States
- Evaluating kinematic reconstructions of deformable and indepent microplates - the example of the Western Mediterranean - Alpine system
- Heavy Rainfalls in a Desert(ed) City - a climate-archaeological case study from Naga, Sudan
- High-resolution detrital flux and provenance records from the Lake Suigetsu (SG06/12 cores) and climate changes in Central Japan during the last deglaciation
- Investigating the intermittency of turbulence in the stable atmospheric boundary layer - a field data and stochastic modeling approach
- Lake System Development on the northern Tibetan Plateau during the last 12 ka
- Mapping cropland GPP in the north temperate region with space measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence
- Mathematical challenges in glacier modeling (Invited)
- Prospects for chlorophyll fluorescence and vegetation remote sensing from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2
- Provenance and Dispersal of Quaternary Sediments in the Gaxun Nur Basin, Inner Mongolia, China
- State-of-the-art satellite vegetation fluorescence retrievals and comparisons with reflectance-based bio-spectral indicators over Russian drought regions in 2010
- Stress dependence of fracturing-stimulated permeability inferred from microseismic signatures. (Invited)
- Switches in subduction polarity, slab tearing and the opening of slab gaps along the Alpine chain - a view from the bottom up
- Variability of stratospheric water vapour
- A Clustering Method to Characterize Intermittent Bursts of Turbulence and Submeso Motions Interaction in the Stable Boundary Layer.
- Acidic Alteration Environments on Mars and Implications for Habitability
- Calculations for chlorophyll fluorescence incorporated into the Community Land Model
- Close-up multispectral images of the surface of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko by the ROLIS camera onboard the Rosetta Philae lander
- Comparative Simulations of 2D and 3D Mixed Convection Flow in a Faulted Basin: an Example from the Yarmouk Gorge, Israel and Jordan
- Dynamic Similarity and Instability in Porous Flows
- Excavation of Stratified Phyllosilicate-Bearing Rocks in the Northern Plains of Mars
- First Results from the ROLIS Experiment on Philae
- Improving the monitoring of crop productivity using spaceborne solar-induced fluorescence
- Irregular-Moons Science Today and in Cassini's Final Three Years
- Local seismicity and Vp/Vs at shallow to intermediate depth during the late interseismic phase of the Central Andean seismic gap
- Making a Large Volcano on Mars: Edifice State of Stress of Olympus Mons and Implications for Its Evolution
- On Variability in Satellite Terrestrial Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measurements: Relationships with Phenology and Ecosystem-Atmosphere Carbon Exchange, Vegetation Structure, Clouds, and Sun-Satellite Geometry
- Planetary Science Education - Workshop Concepts for Classrooms and Internships
- Processes of Decadal Climate Variability in Different Regions
- Reconstructing the Catastrophic Flood History of Eastern Valles Marineris, Mars
- Reconstruction of Late Quaternary Environmental Changes in Large Endorheic Basins: Challenges and Problems
- Seasonal decoupling between vegetation greenness and function over northern high latitude forests
- Self-Organizing Reactive Fluid Escape from Dehydrating Rocks
- Spatio-temporal Interplay of RWTs and Cyclones in the North Atlantic
- State of Stress in the Interseismic in the Salar Grande Area and its Relationship with the Foreshock Sequence of Mw8.1 Pisagua Earthquake
- Subseafloor fluid mixing and fossilized microbial life in a Cretaceous 'Lost City'-type hydrothermal system at the Iberian Margin
- The Martian geomorphology as mapped by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC): Implications for Geological Processes and Climate Conditions.
- The ever-increasing CO<SUB>2</SUB> seasonal cycle amplitude: contributions from high latitude warming, CO<SUB>2</SUB> fertilization, and the agricultural Green Revolution
- Tropical forest response to elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>: Model-experiment integration at the AmazonFACE site.
- Vegetation Change in East Africa Under the Influence of Tectonic Uplift
- A Hydrothermally Altered, Mn-incrusted Marine Sediment as an Analogue for Martian Deposits?
- A Model-Data Fusion Approach for Constraining Modeled GPP at Global Scales Using GOME2 SIF Data
- A Statistical Model for Seismic Hazard Assessment of Hydraulic-Fracturing-Induced Seismicity
- Balancing shortening and extension around the Adriatic Plate to constrain its independent motion and driving forces since Late Cretaceous time.
- Combined Whole-Rock to Nano-Scale Investigations Reveal Contrasting Response of Pt-Os and Re-Os Isotope Systematics During Magmatic and Post-Magmatic Processes
- Comparison of the Cratering Records of Ceres and Rhea
- Deformation experiments under conditions of the blueschist- to eclogite-facies transition: implications for the upper Wadati-Benioff plane of seismicity
- Different Long-term Trends of Extra-tropical Cyclones and Windstorms in ERA-20C and NOAA-20CR Reanalyses
- Early Mantle Evolution and the Late Veneer - New Perspectives from Highly Siderophile Elements
- Effect of the chosen solar irradiance dataset on simulations of a Future Grand Minimum: Results from a state-of-the-art Chemistry-Climate Model
- Geometrical Scaling of the Magnitude Frequency Statistics of Fluid Injection Induced Earthquakes and Implications for Assessment and Mitigation of Seismic Hazard
- Human contribution to the United States extreme heatwaves in the coming decades
- Imaging of SO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions from anthropogenic sources as part of AROMAT campaign
- Late Quaternary Lake-System Dynamics on the northern Tibetan Plateau
- New data on the unresolved paradox of the Tibesti crater paleolakes (Central Sahara, North Chad)
- Observations on Rupture Behaviour of Fluid Induced Events at the Basel EGS Based on Empirical Green's Function Analysis
- Orogen-Parallel and -Normal Extension at the Dinarides-Hellenides Junction during Clockwise Rotation and Radial Expansion of the Retreating Hellenic Arc-Trench System
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-1 Asari Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data.
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-3 Dantu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-4 Ezinu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Maps of the Ac-H-10 Rongo and Ac-H-15 Zadeni Quadrangles: An integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Serial Clustering of North Atlantic Cyclones and Wind Storms: A New Identification Base and Sensitivity to Intensity and Intra-Seasonal Variability
- Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Trends: The Roles of Ozone and Greenhouse Gas Changes
- Subseafloor fluid mixing and fossilized microbial life in a Cretaceous 'Lost City'-type hydrothermal system at the Iberian Margin
- Substantial Variations of Refractory Siderophile Element Ratios in Components of Unequilibrated Chondrites - Implications for Terrestrial Planet Compositions
- The Geology of Ceres: an Overview
- The Multi-Scale Dynamics of Gravity Waves in Parameterizations: Central Issues and Solution Strategies
- The application of a Regional Climate Model for paleoclimate studies: the climate of Europe frommidto-late Holocene
- The collisional history of dwarf planet Ceres revealed by Dawn
- Using Machine learning method to estimate Air Temperature from MODIS over Berlin
- An Amphibious Seismic Study of the Crustal Structure of the Adriatic Microplate
- Analysis of Atmospheric Flow in Mountainous Terrain Using Multi-Scale Observations and Dimension-Reduction Techniques
- Attribution of Winter Windstorm Variability in Europe to Anomalous States of the North Atlantic Ocean
- Brittle reactivation of inherited late Neoproterozoic/Cambrian lithospheric-scale structures during extension and break-up of Madagascar from Africa
- Crater-related flow features on Ceres - Implications for cryovolcanism
- Depositional environments and architecture of the ELDs in Arabia Terra (Mars)
- Earthquake-driven erosion rates under hyper-arid condition in the Atacama Desert, Chile
- Fluid-rock Interactions recorded in Serpentinites subducted to 60-80 km Depth
- Hydration of Eclogite at the Plate Interface: How Fluids Infiltrate into a Dry Rock
- Imprint of Serpentinization Processes on Calcium Isotope Signatures
- Laboratory earthquakes triggered during the eclogitization of lawsonite bearing blueschist
- Magmatic origin and fluid alteration versus inheritance: Complex history of accessory minerals from I-type granites from northern Victoria Land (Antarctica)
- Multiple Scale Analysis of the Dynamic State Index (DSI)
- Net Precipitation of Antarctica: Thermodynamical and Dynamical Parts of the Climate Change Signal
- Pitted Terrain on Dwarf Planet Ceres: Morphological Evidence for Shallow Volatiles at Low and Mid Latitudes
- Putting the slab back: First steps of creating a synthetic seismic section of subducted lithosphere
- Seismicity related to the faults activation within Nazca and South American Plates, Mejillones Peninsula, northern Chile
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Extreme European Winter Windstorms
- Stratigraphy in the Samarkand Sulci Region of Enceladus
- Study of the geodynamic evolution of the Chinese Tianshan metamorphic belt to unravel deep processes occurring at the plate interface.
- Tectonic Origin of Serpentinites on Syros, Greece: Geochemical Signatures of Seafloor Serpentinization Preserved in the HP/LT Subduction Complex
- The Bright Spots in Occator Crater on Ceres: Geologic and Stratigraphic Context
- The Surface and Interior Evolution of Ceres Revealed by Analysis of Fractures and Secondary Crater Chains Using Dawn Data
- The nature of Ceres' bluish material.
- Unconventional barometry and rheometry: new quantification approaches for mechanically-controlled microstructures
- 3-D modeling of magnetotelluric data in the Paniri-Toconce volcanic chain, Central Andes.
- Ceres' intriguing Occator crater and its faculae: formation and evolution
- Combined point and distributed techniques for multidimensional estimation of spatial groundwater-stream water exchange in a heterogeneous sand bed-stream.
- Freva - Freie Univ Evaluation System Framework for Scientific HPC Infrastructures in Earth System Modeling
- Geology and Hydrology Drive Benthic Fungal Community Structure in a Lowland River System
- Implementation of an Online Chemistry Model to a Large Eddy Simulation Model (PALM-4U0
- Implications of Martian Phyllosilicate Formation Conditions to the Early Climate on Mars
- Influence of North Atlantic modes on European climate extremes
- Meteoric <SUP>10</SUP>Be/<SUP>9</SUP>Be ratios in marine sedimentary records: Deciphering the mixing between their marine and terrestrial sources and influence of costal trace metal fluxes
- Pollen-proxies say cooler, climate models say warmer: resolving conflicting views of the Holocene climate of the Mediterranean region
- Quantifying the Extremity of Windstorms for Regions Featuring Infrequent Events
- Quantifying uncertainties of climate signals related to the 11-year solar cycle
- Seawater Li and Be isotope records and the spatial and temporal partitioning of denudation as driver of late Neogene cooling
- Statistical Analysis and ETAS Modeling of Seismicity Induced by Production of Geothermal Energy from Hydrothermal Systems
- Stratigraphy and Surface Ages of Dwarf Planet (1) Ceres: Results from Geologic and Topographic Mapping in Survey, HAMO and LAMO Data of the Dawn Framing Camera Images
- Structural evolution of the Semail Ophiolite metamorphic sole, Wadi Hawasina and Northern Jebel Nakhl Culmination, Oman
- The DSeis Project: Drilling into Seismogenic zones of M2.0 to M5.5 earthquakes in South African gold mines
- Towards Understanding the Contribution of Waterbodies to the Methane Emissions of a Permafrost Landscape on a Regional Scale - A Case Study from the Mackenzie Delta, Canada
- A new approach to benchmark present-day's TOA flux in 9.6-μm ozone band from model ensemble
- Ancient Non-Synchronous Rotation (NSR) and True Polar Wander (TPW) on Enceladus.
- Anisotropy-controlled Transboundary Groundwater Flow: The Example of the Lower Yarmouk Gorge, Jordan Rift Valley
- CSFD Tools - A new application to account for crater obliteration effects in crater size-frequency distribution measurements
- Can Massive Rocky Exoplanets Have a Solid Inner Core?
- Closing the gap in a double seismic zone: Properties and origin of intraslab seismicity in Northern Chile
- Enceladus' complex organics, Saturn's main ring composition and Oort Cloud dust: the latest and best from Cassini's CDA
- European Campaign Activities in 2019 for Calibration and Validation of the S-5p Operational Products
- Evaporation losses from boreal reservoirs : A comparison between eddy covariance measurements and estimation methods relying on limited data
- Fingerprinting anthropogenic versus climatic influences on the nonlinear temporal dyamics of alpine grasslands on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau between 2000 and 2016
- From a hydrothermal core into space: life and fate of Enceladean organic molecules
- How many CI-like parent bodies existed in the Early Solar System?
- In Situ Sulfur Isotope Study of Sulfides in Carbonaceous Chondrites and Volatile-rich Clasts.
- Integrating satellite and climate data to predict wheat yield in Australia using machine learning approaches
- Investigating the Function of the Star Trails to Improve the Determination of Gravity Field
- Model performance evaluation and computational efficiency of chemical mechanisms implemented in the microscale urban climate model PALM-4U
- Modelling submarine permafrost extent and development at the circum-Arctic scale
- Multicomponent Melting in a Heterogeneous Lunar Mantle after Magma Ocean Solidification
- Raman Heating Experiments: Correlations of synthetic, terrestrial and extra-terrestrial carbonaceous matter
- Re-examination of the population, stratigraphy, and sequence of Mercurian basins: Implications for Mercurýs early impact history and comparison with the Moon
- Reaction-induced faulting in granulite causes earthquakes in the lower continental crust
- Ready for Their Close-up: Insights about Occator's Bright Faculae Derived from New, Highest Resolution Observations of Ceres
- Regolith Mixing by Impacts: Lateral Diffusion of Basin Melt
- Ring-mold craters within Occator Crater, Ceres: Evidence for subsurface ice reservoirs
- Rupture Imaging and Directivity of the 2014 M5.5 Earthquake Below a Gold Mine in Orkney, South Africa
- Seismicity in Central Oklahoma shows signatures of reservoir-induced seismicity
- Testing the QDaedalus Measurement System for Astrogeodetic Observations of the Gravity Field
- The in-situ halogen content of MORB-like eclogites, Raspas Complex, Ecuador
- The speed distribution of Saturn's E ring particles
- Timing variability of precipitation regulates alpine grassland productivity on the Northern Tibetan Plateau
- Tomography of Mejillones Peninsula Using Cross-Correlation of Ambient Seismic Noise
- Towards improved travel time estimates that account for interfaces in the hydrological cycle
- Updip seismicity streaks and frictional segmentation of the megathrust observed in the 2014 Mw 8.1 Iquique, northern Chile, earthquake sequence
- Volcanic outgassing and chemical speciation of the C-O-H system during the Earth Magma Ocean evolution
- Will it bend? Insights into the mechanical properties and thermal evolution of Ceres' Nar Sulcus
- A 400 ka-multi-centennial record from Lake Petén Itzá reveals mechanisms of moisture transport across Central America
- A pathway to assess chemistry-climate models' tropospheric ozone radiative forcing from satellites
- Analysis of water vapour clear-sky bias from satellite observations
- Analyzing Enceladus' Plume Constituents: First Steps to Experimentally Simulating Hypervelocity Impacts
- Angle-Dependent determination of Delta Parameter: the Group/Phase Velocity Trade-Off and Influence of the Transducer's Size, Form and Coupling.
- Coupled Retrieval of the Three Phases of Water from Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Measurements
- Coupled, physics-based modeling reveals earthquake displacements are critical in generating the 2018 Palu, Sulawesi tsunami
- Detection of low mass amines, carbonyls and aromatics from within Enceladus - suitable precursors for biologically-relevant hydrothermal synthesis
- Fragments from the Origins of the Solar System and our Interstellar Locale (FOSSIL): A Discovery Mission Concept
- High Resolution Modeling of the Quaternary Climate of the Alps for a Nuclear Waste Repository
- Linking Micro to Macro: Dynamics of tipping cascades on complex networks
- Mapping the Mantle on the Marion Rise
- Microseismic event localization using surface and borehole data
- Modelling extreme ozone pollution under the influence of atmospheric blocking
- Modelling rocky planets from mantle to atmosphere: predictions from Earth to exoplanets
- Northern Hemisphere Climate Response to a Projected Stratospheric Ozone Super-Recovery
- Revealing the Varied Sources of Faculae-Forming Brines in Occator Crater via Surface and Sub-Surface Analyses
- Sensitivity of the Walker Circulation to a future decrease in solar luminosity
- The SUfarce Dust Analyzer (SUDA ): Compositional Mapping of Europa's Surface.
- Thermodynamically constrained scaling techniques of the Quaternary to inform the location of Alpine nuclear waste repository
- Waveform-based techniques applied to high-frequency acoustic emission events
- <SUB>Characterizing ponded craters on Vesta </SUB>
- Abundant phosphorus for life in the Enceladus ocean
- Characterization of the High Velocity Impact Phenomena of Small Water-Ice Particles
- Effects of Strongly Enhanced Atmospheric Methane Concentrations in a Chemistry-Climate Model: Rapid Adjustments and Slow Feedbacks
- Exploring Enceladus and other Ocean Worlds using Mass Spectrometry
- Free Evaluation System Framework - New Aspects and Features
- From bulk compositions to interior structure models: Why does it matter where the iron ends up?
- Hypervelocity Sampling of the Enceladus Plume: Implications for Astrobiology Investigations
- Modeling the Magnitude and Direction of SIF and GPP in Response to Light Conditions Across Evergreen Forests
- Modification of the halogen budget of the North American lithospheric mantle from subduction
- Quantifying CH<SUB>4</SUB> coal mine emissions in Upper Silesia by passive airborne remote sensing observations with the MAMAP instrument during the CoMet campaign 2018
- SeisAndes: A High Resolution Seismic Velocity Model of Crust and Upper Mantle beneath the Central and South Andes from Full Waveform Inversion
- Sensitivity Kernels for Static and Dynamic Tomography of Scattering and Absorbing Media with Elastic Waves: A Probabilistic Approach
- Synergy of Microwave Radiometer and Differential Absorption Radar: Simulated Retrieval Performance for Water Vapor Profiling in the Cloudy Boundary-Layer
- The Evolution of the Halogen Budget in Ophiolites from the Western Alps
- Understanding hypervelocity sampling of ice-borne biosignatures in space missions
- Viscosity and thermal conductivity - from Earth's lower mantle to Super-Earth models
- Analogue Experiments for the Identification of Organics in Ice Grains from Europa Using Mass Spectrometry
- Characterize our Dust Environment with DESTINY+
- Compositional heterogeneity of salt-rich grains emitted from Enceladus subsurface ocean
- Compositional profiles of the Enceladus dust plume from CDA measurements at flybys E5 and E17
- Comprehensive high-latitude dust field campaign in the desert of Dyngjunsandur, Iceland
- Deep Learning for Improving Numerical Weather Prediction of Rainfall Extremes
- Dehydration-induced earthquakes identified in a subducted oceanic slab beneath Vrancea, Romania
- Experiments with Bacterial DNA, Lipids and Lysates for the Identification of Biosignatures in Ice Grains from Enceladus and Europa
- First Results of 3D Travel Time Tomography of the Ligurian Sea and Coastal Western Alps
- Free Evaluation System Framework (Freva): updates and new features
- Garnet pyroxenites explain high electrical conductivity in the East African deep lithosphere
- Highly siderophile element-depleted mantle beneath the Southwest Indian Ridge at the Marion Rise
- Imaging the Eastern European lithosphere with ambient seismic noise
- In Situ Analysis of Silicate Particles Originating from Saturns Main Rings
- Laboratory calibration of the Interstellar Dust Experiment (IDEX) instrument
- Linking Asteroid Parent Bodies to Meteorite Classes by Low-Velocity Spacecraft Flyby Dust Detection
- OLYMPIA-LILBID: A new Approach for Calibrating Spaceborne Hypervelocity Ice Grain Detectors Using High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry
- Seasonal-scale prediction of Indian summer monsoon onset with echo state networks
- Seismic Evidence for an Intermediate Phase during the Olivine-Wadsleyite Transformation within the Subducting Pacific Slab in Kuril
- Stable Water Isotope Signals in Tropical Ice Clouds in the West African Monsoon Simulated with a Regional Convection-Permitting Model
- The Compositional Impact of a Dynamical Bottleneck within Saturns E-ring
- The Fate of Impactor Material upon Impacts into Magma Oceans Insights from Numerical Simulations
- The Science Case for a Return to Enceladus
- The clay sulfate transition at Mawrth Vallis and implications for changes in the geochemical environment and climate
- The co-occurrence of volcanic eruptions and chlorophyll blooms at Nishinoshima Volcano, Japan
- The evolution of the Indus River drainage basin, and its influence on the Indus Fan sediment archive.
- The influence of interior structure and thermal state on impact melt generation during the early evolution of planetesimals and terrestrial planets.
- Using River Discharge Observations to Understand Precipitation Biases in CMIP6-HighResMIP Simulations
- What Does Really Happen in a Dust Impact?
- A Comprehensive Map of Martian South Polar Region Araneiform Locations and Morphological Analysis
- Aerosol layer height retrieval from OLCI Oxygen A-band using GRASP algorithm.
- Ambient Seismic Noise Imaging of the SE Asia, Australia, and their Collision Zone.
- Analysis of Impact Ionization Mass Spectra of Anthracene Dust Particles – a Pilot Study Characterizing Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Using Dust Analyzer Instrument
- Detecting and Analyzing Interstellar Dust Particles in the Local Interstellar Cloud
- Detection of Phosphate in Enceladus' Ocean: Its Implications for Geochemistry and Habitability
- Does Lithology Control Drainage Density? An Investigation of Two Neighboring Plutons in Semi-arid Santa Gracia, Chile
- Global and Regional Drought Response to Idealized Deforestation Based on LUMIP Models
- Global constraints on intermediate-depth intraslab stresses from slab geometries and mechanisms of double seismic zone earthquakes
- Impact ionization dust detection with compact, hollow and fluffy dust analogs
- One is Enough: Identifying Cell Material in a Single µm-sized Ice Grain Emitted by Enceladus or Europa
- Oxidation of Slab-derived Fluids by Subducted Metasedimentary Rocks and its Impact on the Oxygen Fugacity of Arc Magmas and the Mantle
- Particularities and Challenges of Ambient Noise Monitoring at Subduction Zone Volcanoes: A Comparison with Data from Cascadia and Kamchatka
- Permanent Multi-Well DAS Monitoring Explains The Seismicity Triggered by an Interaction Between Two CO2 Plumes
- Preliminary Results from 3D Travel Time Tomography in the Ligurian Sea using FMTOMO
- Pressure Diffusion Controls Maximum Earthquake Magnitudes Induced by Geo-Energy Applications
- Science Expectations for the Interstellar Dust Experiment (IDEX) onboard the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP) Mission
- Synthetic Dust Impact Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectra for Ongoing and Future Heliophysics Missions
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Longobardo
- A. Pańta
- A. Raponi
- A. S. McEwen
- Alessandro Frigeri
- Amanda Hendrix
- Amy E. Hofmann
- Ana‐Catalina Plesa
- Andrew Carter
- Andries Jan de Vries
- Andy Richling
- Anke Dannowski
- Ariel D. Anbar
- B. L. Ehlmann
- Barnabé Cherville
- Bo Huang
- Boris Kaus
- C. Langenbruch
- Carlos Pérez García‐Pando
- Christian Maas
- Christian Sippl
- Christopher Kadow
- Christopher R. German
- Christopher R. Glein
- Cristina González-Flórez
- Cristina Reche
- D. J. McComas
- D. Malaspina
- Daniel E. Ibarra
- Dirk Scherler
- Elizabeth Cottrell
- Esther M. Schwarzenbach
- Fabian Klenner
- Frederik Tilmann
- G. Di Achille
- G. Filacchione
- Ganna Portyankina
- Greg Michael
- Guangsheng Zhuang
- H. J. Dick
- Hsiang-Wen Hsu
- J. H. Waite
- J. Helbert
- J. L. Bishop
- J. L. Eigenbrode
- J. R. Szalay
- Jan Riad El Kassar
- Jean Pierre Paul de Vera
- Jesús Yus-Díez
- Jonathan I. Lunine
- Jorge Núñez
- K. Wünnemann
- Kerstin Schepanski
- Kristen E. Fauria
- L. Allibert
- Laura Petrescu
- Lennart R. Baalmann
- Liam J. Kelly
- Louisa Murray‐Bergquist
- Luca De Siena
- M. C. De Sanctis
- M. Horányi
- Marc Neveu
- Marine Denolle
- Mario D'Amore
- Martina Klose
- Min Chen
- Mohammad Javad Afshari Moein
- Neal J. Turner
- Nicholas Rawlinson
- Nicola Tosi
- Niklas Boers
- Olivier Poch
- Patrick C. McGuire
- Peter Makus
- Pier Luigi Vidale
- R. N. Greenberger
- R. Orosei
- R. Srama
- Robert Green
- Roman Pevzner
- S. Diniega
- S. Hunziker
- S. Kempf
- S. Piqueux
- Serge A. Shapiro
- Shannon MacKenzie
- Shuya Tan
- Stanislav Glubokovskikh
- T. Mitsui
- T. Munsat
- Thomas P. Ferrand
- Tori M. Hoehler
- Tushar Mittal
- Wayne Crawford
- Y. Kilic
- Yani Najman
- Yasuhito Sekine
- Z. Sternovsky