Imperial College, London
flowchart I[Imperial College, London] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (7)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1609)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (695)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Imperial College, Astrophysics Group
- Imperial College, Department of Chemical Engineering
- Imperial College, Department of Chemistry
- Imperial College, Department of Earth Science and Engineering
- Imperial College, Department of Physics
- Imperial College, Royal School of Mines
- Imperial College, Space and Atmosphere Research Centre
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Comparison of the Motion of Auroral Ion Outflow Regions With the Motion of Auroral Arcs
- Cluster Observations of the Dawn-Side Magnetosphere and Boundary Layer
- Cluster-II Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Continuous Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause under Steady IMF Conditions
- Comparison of Magnetic Field Measurements by FGM and EDI on Cluster
- Cusp and Dayside Boundary Layer Dynamics During Various IMF Conditions
- Electric Field Measurements at the Magnetopause
- First CLUSTER plasma and magnetic field measurements of flux transfer events in conjunction with their ionospheric flow signatures
- First Results of the Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations Experiment (STAFF) of Cluster
- High Precision Iron Isotope Compositions in Components From the Allende CV3 Meteorite by MC-ICP-MS
- Ionospheric Thermal Plasma Acceleration Linked to Magnetopause Motions: First Cluster Results
- Kinetic Simulations of thion current sheets: prediction and comparison with CLUSTER observations
- Magnetic Structure of a Flux Transfer Event: What can we Learn Frm Cluster Multipoin Measurements.
- Magnetic Turbulence in the Magnetosheath From a few Hours to 2 10<SUP>-4</SUP> Seconds
- Modeling Multi-Phase Flow and Energy Transport in the Earth's Crust by Combined Finite Element and Finite Volume Methods
- Multi-spacecraft observations of the CPS and PSBL using the CIS instruments on CLUSTER
- Multipoint and Multi-instrument Study of a Flux Transfer Event Crossing: Preliminary Results.
- On the Evolution of Ion Distributions Across Quasi-Perpendicular Bow Shocks: CIS Multipoint Observations
- Properties, Structure and Dynamics of the Stagnant Exterior Cusp on February 19th, 2001: CLUSTER Multi-Instrument and Multi-Spacecraft Results.
- Saturn's Magnetic Field: Modeling and Predictions for Cassini
- Substorm Intensifications Observed by Cluster
- Terrestrial Bow Shock in the Electrostatic Subshock Regime
- The Cluster magnetic field investigation: one year in orbit
- The Geochemistry Of Major And Selected Trace Elements In A Forested Peat Bog, Kalimantan, SE-Asia, And Its Implications On Past Atmospheric Dust Deposition
- Transverse Waves in the Dayside Sector of the Magnetosphere Observed by Cluster
- Unravelling the Complexities of MC-ICP-MS Isotope Analysis: A Study Using Cu and Zn.
- A dynamic approach to the identification of conceptual hydrological models
- CLUSTER - RAPID measurements of high energy electron gradients in the Earth's magnetotail
- CLUSTER Observation of the Dynamics of Ionospheric O+ and H+ Ions in the Mid-Tail
- Characteristics of the Magnetotail Current Density from Cluster Observations
- Cluster Observations In the Magnetotail During Sudden and Quasi-periodic Changes In the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- Cluster Observations of Reconnection at the Magnetopause and in the Cusp: Implications for the Large-Scale Nature of Reconnection
- Cluster Observations of the appearance of a double cusp
- Compressional Waves in the Current Sheet: A Cluster Study
- Energetic Electrons as a Field Line Topology Tracer in the Cusp Region: Cluster Rapid Observations
- Following the Polar Cap Magnetic Field and Heliospheric Current Sheet as Ulysses Descends in Latitude.
- Hazard Zonation from Historic Earthquakes
- Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fluctuations in the Plasmasheet, Effects on the Ion Distributions and the Plasma Dynamics.
- Magnetospheric Oxygen in the Magnetosheath as Observed by CIS Cluster
- No Great Earthquake in the Central Himalaya Since 1505: a Possible Future M>=8.2 event?
- Potential for Application of PSInSAR Data for Tectonic Modelling in Subduction Areas
- Predicting the Properties of Coronal Mass Ejections at 1AU.
- Properties, Structure and Dynamics of the Exterior Cusp Under Northward IMF, Cluster Multi Event Analysis
- Rainfall-Runoff Modelling: New Tools and New Horizons
- Relation between Field Aligned Currents, Electrons and ULF Waves
- A Survey of Coronal Dimmings and EIT Wave Transients
- A muti-instrument study of polar cap outflowing plasma
- Calibration and Regionalisation of Rainfall-Runoff Models
- Displacement Accumulation in a Linked Segmented Normal Fault over the last 18 ka Within the Whakatane Graben, New Zealand.
- Kink-mode Waves and Bifurcated Current Sheets: CLUSTER Observations and Analysis Techniques
- Modelling Mercury's Magnetosphere
- Remotely Triggered Earthquakes in Intraplate Regions: Distributed Hazard, Dependent Events
- Solar Wind Discontinuity Observations Using Simultaneously FGM Magnetic Field Data and CIS Plasma Data From the Four Cluster Spacecraft
- Alfven Vortex Filament-Like Structures Observed by Cluster Downstream the Bow-Shock
- Anomalous Intensities in the Gangetic Plain Following Great Himalayan Earthquakes
- Cassini Magnetic Field Measurements and Saturn's Interior
- Cluster/DSP observation of current sheet oscillations
- Cluster/Double Star Observations of Substorm Dipolarization
- Current Structure and Motion of a Northward IMF X-Line
- Interaction of Saturnian Dust Stream Particles Detected by the Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyser (CDA) With the Interplanetary Medium on Approach to Saturn
- Multipoint Observations of Magnetospheric Oxygen Ions at the Dusk Flank Magnetopause: a Case Study with Cluster
- Rolled-up Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices at the flank magnetopause and their implications for the formation of the low-latitude boundary layer
- Saturn's Internal Magnetic Field
- Saturn's Magnetosphere During Cassini's Approach and Initial Orbit
- Scaling Properties of Magnetic Fluctuations in the Earth's Plasma Sheet
- Solar Wind Modeling of Cassini-Approach Observations
- Structure of Saturn's Magnetosphere as Revealed by Energetic Particles
- Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction Research in Chalk Catchments: UK Lowland Catchment Research Programme (LOCAR)
- Survey of oxygen ions and mass density in the dayside near-magnetopause region
- Use of Stable Isotope Techniques to Differentiate Between Processes Contributing to N2O Emissions From Soils
- A survey of energetic electrons in the Earth's magnetotail
- Anisotropic Spatial Turbulent Spectra in the Magnetosheath: Cluster Results
- Challenges Projecting Polar Ozone Depletion
- Characterising Groundwater-dominated Lowland Catchments - the UK Lowland Catchment Research Programme (LOCAR)
- Delineating Tracer Test Input Functions from Fluid Electrical Conductivity Logging in Fractured Porous Rocks
- Direct Detection of a Magnetic Reconnection Exhaust in a Current Sheet Embedded in the Magnetosheath Flow
- Dynamical Structure of the Cross-tail Current Sheet During Substorms Observed by Cluster
- Electron Pitch Angle Variations Recorded at the High Magnetic Latitude Boundary Layer by the NUADU Instrument on the TC-2 Spacecraft
- Electron microsignatures from the Saturnian satellites: Cassini MIMI/LEMMS observations
- Ensemble modeling of flows in ungaged catchments
- Global Structure and Dynamics of the Kronian Magnetosphere: Cassini Results
- Linearised Richards' Equation Approach to Pumping Test Analysis in Compressible Aquifers
- Multi-Scale Multi-Point Analysis of Interplanetary Discontinuities in Different Solar Wind Conditions
- Paleoseismic Investigation of the Ranong and Khlong Marui faults, Chumphon Province, Southern Thailand
- Plasma Dynamics in the Vicinity of a Cusp-Like Magnetic Configuration
- Strong Ground-Motion Prediction in Seismic Hazard Analysis: PEGASOS and Beyond
- Structure of thin current sheets in the magnetotail
- Styles and rates of knickpoint migration from cosmogenic Be-10 in an extensional landscape
- ULF Waves in the Kronian Magnetosphere
- Zinc Isotopic Composition Along A Peat Bog Profile
- Addressing Key Questions in the Bioatmospheric Nitrogen Cycle Using Stable Isotope Techniques
- BBF Plasmoid Observed by Cluster and Double Star Constellation
- CLUSTER observations of ULF waves in the plasmasheet: relation with plasma flows and theoretical analysis
- Calibration and Uncertainty Analysis of Water and Solute Transport Models Within Vegetated Soils Using a Detailed Dataset
- Experimental Study of the Propagation of a Hydraulic Fracture Containing a Constant Volume of Buoyant, Viscous Fluid
- Icy Moon Absorption Signatures: Probes of Saturnian Magnetospheric Dynamics and Moon Activity
- Mars SEIS Experiment : Development Status
- Movement of Water Through the Chalk Unsaturated zone
- New understanding of the complexity of groundwater flow in Chalk catchments of the UK
- Observation of thin current sheets during magnetotail reconnection with a presence of a guide field
- Observations of plasmoids in Saturn's magnetotail
- On the flowside plasma environment of Titan
- Spatial signature of electron distributions around the X line
- Strong bulk plasma acceleration in Earth magnetosheath: A magnetic slingshot effect
- Strong rapid dipolarizations in Saturn's magnetotail: Evidence for substorms?
- The Acquisition of Source, Path and Site Effects from Micro-earthquake Recordings; Application to the UK.
- The Impact of Upland Land Management on Flooding: Results from a Multi-Scale Experimental and Modelling Programme
- The first recorded surface rupture in southern Africa: the 22 February 2006 M 7.0 Machaze, Mozambique, earthquake
- Two new advances in well hydraulics
- Ulysses Recent Ascent to the South Polar Cap: Magnetic Field Observations
- Anatomy of Diamagnetic Cusp Cavities - Cluster observations
- Cluster and Ground-Based Observations of Flux Transfer Events During the 10,000 km Separation Season
- Contribution of Sudden Solar Wind Compression to Substorm Triggering
- Design of Carbon Dioxide Storage in a North Sea Aquifer Using Streamline-based Simulation
- Insights on Compositional and Thermal Structure of the Earth's Upper Mantle Using Mineral Physics and Seismic Data.
- Joint Control of Substorm Onset by Titan and Saturn
- Measurements of the wavevector anisotropy of solar wind turbulence
- On the Variability of Observations in the Inner Saturnian Magnetosphere: Exploring the Parameter Space
- Recent Ulysses Fast latitude Scan: Magnetic Field Observations
- Relationship between tail-current sheet activation and dayside magnetosphere
- Significance of Pre-Asymptotic Dispersion in Porous Media
- Sulphur Dioxide: High Resolution Ultra-Violet Photoabsorption Cross Section Measurements at 200K.
- The Effect of Alternating Bars Migration on River Bifurcation Dynamics
- The solar wind upstream of Saturn - a comparison of pre- and post-SOI interplanetary magnetic field structure.
- Titan at Saturn's magnetopause: CAPS results from T32
- Updated Model of Saturn's Magnetic Field Based on All Available Data
- A 3-D Chemistry Transport Model for Titan's Thermosphere
- A multi-scale modelling procedure to quantify hydrological impacts of upland land management
- Analytical solution for pressure buildup and plume evolution during injection of CO2 into saline aquifers
- Cluster Observations of Non-steady Reconnection on the Magnetopause Under the Influence of Mirror Modes in the Magnetosheath
- Electron acceleration in the near-Earth magnetotail in substorms
- Estimating the Uncertain Mathematical Structure of Hydrological Model via Bayesian Data Assimilation
- Microscopic Investigation of Martian Soil Samples at the Phoenix Site
- Modeling the Size and Shape of Saturn's Magnetopause Using Dynamic Pressure Balance
- Numerical simulation of groundwater flooding: An example from the UK.
- Penetrators as planetary probes and MoonLITE a proposed UK-led lunar mission
- Phoenix Magnetic Properties Experiments Using the Surface Stereo Imager and the MECA Microscopy Station
- Phoenix landing site and sample context images from the Surface Stereo Imager
- Physical Properties of the Icy Soil at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Preliminary identification of minerals at the Mars Phoenix Landing Site
- Quantifying Late Quaternary Changes in Thermohaline Circulation With Nd and Pa-Th Isotopes
- Relationship Between Saturn Kilometric Radiation Emissions and Kronian Magnetotail Activity, as Compared with the Terrestrial Case
- Saturn's Magnetic Field Periodicity: Spectral Sidebands, their Origin and Significance
- Spacecraft Observations of a ULF Wave Injected Onto Field Lines by SPEAR
- Subsurface Materials Exposed at the Phoenix Landing Site
- The Ambient Solar Wind's Effect on Coronal Mass Ejection Transit Time
- Tsunami Catalogues for the Eastern Mediterranean - Revisited.
- Two-Layer Models for Nonlinear Internal Wave Interaction
- Understanding heterogeneity in UK Chalk catchments and its influence on groundwater flooding
- A priori prediction of discharge
- Anisotropy up to and Beyond the Outer Scale of Turbulence and its Radial Dependence
- Anomalous Transport from Pore to Field Scale - Capturing the Impact of Heterogeneity (Invited)
- Bayesian Conditioning of Hydrological Models Using Regionalized Indices
- CINEMA (Cubesat for Ion, Neutral, Electron, MAgnetic fields)
- Does the solar magnetic flux depends on boundary conditions?
- Experimental measurement of the multiphase streaming potential coupling coefficient in sandstones during drainage and imbibition
- Extreme Rainfall Impacts in Fractured Permeable Catchments
- First-Order Reversal Curve (FORC) analysis of chondrule magnetism
- Global Simulations of the Response of the Cusp to Rapid Northward Turnings of the IMF
- Hydraulic Anisotropy of Unconsolidated Granular Packs
- Identifying evidence of climate change impact on extreme events in permeable chalk catchments
- Interpreting high time resolution galactic cosmic ray observations in a diffusive context
- Large-scale River Channel Shifts on the Western Indo-Gangetic Plains and their implications for the Bronze-age Harappan Civilisation Settlement Patterns
- Managing extremes in groundwater-dominated catchments: the Chalk of SE England (Invited)
- Multiphase Streaming Potential in a Bundle of Capillary Tubes Model: Insights Into the Impact of Fluid and Charge Distribution at the Pore-scale
- Numerical modeling of landslide generated tsunami using adaptive unstructured meshes
- Polarization and Beaming Properties of the Saturn Kilometric Radiation
- Revisiting a domain state independent method of paleointensity determination
- Rotation of Saturn and Jupiter and their Magnetized Envelopes
- Saturn Auroral Movies from Cassini UVIS
- Small scale convection at the edge of the Colorado Plateau: Implications for topography, magmatism, and evolution of Proterozoic lithosphere
- Structure and process beneath the western US: Integrating disparate geophysical datasets (Invited)
- TRIO (Triplet Ionospheric Observatory) Mission
- The statistics of paleointensity distributions
- Understanding Groundwater Flooding in the Low Burren, Ireland
- ``Crater'' Flux Transfer Events: Highroad to the X-line?
- A dynamical mechanism for recent Southern Hemisphere climate change
- A virtual observatory in a real world: building capacity for an uncertain future - the UK pVO
- An Improved ``Low-Dimensional'' State-Space Model for Unsaturated Flow in Fractured Porous Catchments
- Analysis of high-resolution spatiotemporal structures of mesoscale rainfields based upon the theory of left-sided Multifractals
- Analysis of the Allende chondritic meteorite's remanence
- Auroral hiss observations at high magnetic latitudes at Saturn
- Cassini observations of plasmoids and travelling compression regions in Saturn's magnetotail in 2006
- Climate change impacts on water resources in tropical mountain regions: an Andean perspective (Invited)
- Cluster Multi-Spacecraft Observations of AKR in the Auroral Acceleration Region (Invited)
- Correcting the Mathematical Structure of a Hydrological Model via Bayesian Data Assimilation (Invited)
- Distribution of high energy electron drop-outs in the upper atmosphere of Titan
- Drilling at the northern Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand: The key to unlock the secrets of slow slip events
- Drought assessment of six UK catchments using two stochastic rainfall generators
- Early dolomitization of a Lower Cretaceous shallow water carbonate platform: was microbial activity a major controlling factor?
- Existence and importance of the edge region of the Antarctic stratospheric vortex
- Feedbacks Between Channel Adjustment, Sediment Calibre and Landscape Dynamics in Tectonically Perturbed Landscapes (Invited)
- Fracture-related diagenesis in the carbonate carapace of a salt dome, Jebel Madar, Oman
- From transient landscape to transient stratigraphy: Characterising the response of sediment routing systems to tectonic and climatic perturbations
- Improving stable carbon and oxygen isotope geochemical measurements in dolomite: reference material and acid fractionation factor
- Integrated Mineralogic, Magnetic, Geochemical, and Isotopic Tracers of Sediment Provenance for the Circum-Antarctic Margin (Invited)
- Intense plasma wave emissions associated with Saturn's moon Rhea
- Investigation of average electron properties during reconnection events in the Earth's magnetotail
- Local galactic cosmic ray increases within the sheaths of interplanetary coronal mass ejections
- Marine sedimentary provenance evidence for massive discharges of icebergs from the Aurora and Wilkes sub-glacial basins
- Modeling a Rotating Partial Ring Current in the Saturn's Magnetosphere as a Source of B-field Periodicities: A Progress Report
- Modeling the migration of fluids in subduction zones
- New Estimates of the Timing and Magnitude of Early to Middle Miocene Eustasy based on Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Sequences from the Marion Plateau (ODP Leg 194)
- Pliocene climate variability and tipping points
- Potential Spacecraft-to-Spacecraft Radio Observations with EJSM: Wave of the Future? (Invited)
- Potential scientific objectives for a 2018 2-rover mission to Mars and implications for the landing site and landed operations
- Retreat of a Giant Cataract in a Martian Outflow Channel
- Spectral Properties of Soil Grains as Inferred from Images of the Optical Microscope onboard the Phoenix Mars Lander
- Subduction interface geometry and seismic reflection character in the region of shallow slow slip events and tsunami earthquake generation along the northern Hikurangi margin, New Zealand
- Super-Alfvénic propagation of reconnection energy flux: Kinetic PIC simulations compared to Satellite Observations
- The 2009-10 SAHKE Experiment: Acquisition and Preliminary Results Across the Interseismically Locked Southern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- The Cassini Enceladus encounters in the view of energetic particle measurements
- The Europa Jupiter System Mission: Synergistic Science Enabled by JEO and JGO
- The GEMS-2 Seis Experiment
- The Global Current System in Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere
- Three Dimensional Bow Shock Structure and Dynamics
- Titan's ``Memory'' of Saturn's Field as a Factor in its Plasma Interaction Features
- Titan's induced magnetosphere from plasma wave and magnetometer observations
- Towards a virtual observatory for ecosystem services and poverty alleviation
- Uncertainty in Estimates of the Apparent Temperature Sensitivity of Peatland Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes under Changing Hydrologic Conditions
- Understanding the k-5/3 to k-2.4 spectral break in aircraft wind data
- Universality of rain event size distributions
- Upscaling Physics-based Models to Estimate Catchment Scale Effects of Localised Tree Planting
- Variations in the Rotational Modulation of Saturn Kilometric Radiation and Their Relationship to Magnetic Periodicities Observed Before and Near Equinox
- What Is a Plume: An Experimental Perspective on Heads, Tails and Entrainment
- A Digital Martian Soil based on In-Situ Data
- A Quantitative Assessment of the Size-Frequency Distribution of Terrestrial Dust Devils, Comparison with Qualitative Estimates, and Applications to Mars
- A three dimensional tsunami propagation simulation of the 2011 off Tohoku earthquake using an unstructured finite element model
- Afm Measrurements of Martian Soil Particles Using Mems Technology - Results from the PHOENIX Mission
- An evaluation of a combined scanning probe and optical microscope for lunar regolith studies
- An extreme comparison of two downscaling approaches using Bayes factors
- Application of Terrestrial Wavefield Tomography in Helioseismology
- Atmospheric deposition rates and isotopic trends of Pb in Asian dust during the last 9.5 kyrs in the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
- Auroral counterpart of magnetic field dipolarizations in Saturn's tail
- Broken Ergodicity in MHD Turbulence in a Spherical Domain
- Detection of sediment compaction and disturbance of marine sediments with anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS)
- Dilatancy, compaction, and failure mode in andesite: the transition from brittle faulting to shear-enhanced compaction in volcanic edifices
- Direct evidence for a three-dimensional magnetic flux rope flanked by two active magnetic reconnection X-lines at the Earth's magnetopause
- Early to Mid-Pleistocene Warm Events at the Antarctic Margin
- Ecosystem Impacts of Geoengineering: A Review for Developing a Science Plan
- Horizontal forward-motion velocities of terrestrial dust devils, comparison with ambient winds, and application to Mars
- Hydrological analysis in R: Topmodel and beyond
- Modelling strategies to predict the multi-scale effects of rural land management change
- Multi-year investigation of flux ropes in the Martian ionosphere
- Orbit Determination of the EnVision D-InSAR mission to Venus
- Rapid Changes in North Atlantic Deep Ocean Circulation During the MIS 5a/4 Glacial Inception
- Reconstruction Of Eocene To Miocene Antarctic Surface Temperature And Aridity From Bulk Sediment Geochemistry Of Continental Margin Drillholes
- Seismic reflection character of the Hikurangi subduction megathrust, North Island, New Zealand
- The Environmental Virtual Observatory: A New Vision for Catchment Science
- The GEMS-2 SEIS Experiment
- The Oxidation State of Terrestrial Basalts and its Link with the Mantle
- The Structure of the Upper Atmosphere of Venus - New Measurements and Models of the Northern Polar Region
- The Thermal Structure of Titan's Upper Atmosphere
- Triggering of magnetic reconnection in a magnetosheath current sheet due to compression against the magnetopause
- Variability of the solar wind
- Web services for ecosystem services management and poverty alleviation
- An integrated stochastic approach to the assessment of agricultural water demand and adaptation to water scarcity
- Analysis of Cassini magnetic field observations over the poles of Rhea
- Auroral arc features at Saturn and their relation to magnetopause reconnection
- Can lower mantle plumes be located using seismic tomography and transition zone topography?
- Cassini Observations of Saturn's Nightside UV Auroral Oval: In Situ Evidence of its Periodic Motion
- Cloud-enabled Web Applications for Environmental Modelling
- Comparison of Numerically Modelled Lunar Impact Basins with GRAIL-derived Gravity Maps
- Conditioning rainfall-runoff model parameters to reduce prediction uncertainty in ungauged basins
- Continuous reconnections inferred from observations by TC-1 during IMF Bz≈0
- Cooling of the Antarctic ozone hole is controlled by dynamics as well as by radiation
- Energy transfer at the magnetopause: Cluster observations combined with GUMICS-4 global MHD simulation results
- Estimating the volume of supra-glacial melt lakes across Greenland: A study of uncertainties derived from multi-platform water-reflectance models
- Evolution of major and trace element composition during melt migration through a crystalline mush: Implications for chemical differentiation in the continental crust
- Generation of Continental Rifts, Basins and Swells by Lithosphere Instabilities
- Hydrological models as web services: Experiences from the Environmental Virtual Observatory project
- Importance of anisotropic flow components for oceanic eddy-induced transport
- Improving coupling of surface and groundwater for high resolution water cycle models
- Increased component isotropy and plasma magnetic compression at sub-ion Larmor scale turbulence in the solar wind as seen by Cluster
- Laboratory and Field Studies of Fracture Flow and Its Extension in Underground Settings
- Laboratory measurements of the electrokinetic and electrochemical potential in chalk, with application to monitoring of saline intrusion in the UK chalk aquifer
- Magnetic reconnection at Saturn's magnetopause
- Modelling catchment non-stationarity - multi-scale modelling and data assimilation
- Multi-Scale Imaging of Carbonate Rocks
- Multi-spacecraft Detections of Plasma Sheet Fast Flows and their Relation to Dipolarisations & Substorm Phase
- Multiphase flow through porous media: an adaptive control volume finite element formulation
- Numerical tracing of energetic electron microsignatures: methods and applications
- Objective Assessment of Groundwater Resources for the Isle of Wight, UK
- Observations of Uranus' auroral emissions
- On the suitability of gelatin as a laboratory-scale analogue for host rock to study the propagation of buoyant liquid-filled fractures in geophysical applications, notably magmatic dikes
- Optical properties of Saharan dust aerosol and contribution from the coarse mode
- Origin of sulfate in barite and calcite cements in the Jebel Madar salt dome (Oman)
- Pliocene anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and diatom stratigraphy from the Wilkes Land margin
- Receiver function imaging of the onset of melting, implications for volcanism beneath the Afar Rift in contrast to hotspot environments
- Recent Insights into Saturn's Intrinsic Magnetic Field
- S-to-P Receiver Function Imaging the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary and the Onset of Melting beneath Hawaii
- Saturation dependence of the streaming potential during drainage and imbibition
- The INSIGHT SEIS VBB Experiment
- The mesoscale contribution to variability in sea surface temperature and its associated heat transport
- Trading Space for Time in Bayesian Framework
- Using energetic electron microsignatures as tracers of electric fields in Saturn's magnetosphere
- Validity of the "thin" and "thick" double-layer assumptions to model streaming currents in porous media
- Water scarcity in the tropical Andes: population growth outweighs climate change
- What Determines Different Anomalous Transport Behavior in Different Porous Media?
- A Parallel Numerical Micromagnetic Code Using FEniCS
- A Portable Low-Cost High Density Sensor Network for Air Quality at London Heathrow Airport
- Agricultural practices and irrigation water demand in Uttar Pradesh
- Along-strike and down-dip variations in décollement physical properties relative to input parameters
- Amplified warming at high elevation in the tropical Andes? (Invited)
- An adaptive control volume finite element method for simulation of multi-scale flow in heterogeneous porous media
- An assessment of magnetic reconnection at Saturn's magnetopause
- Anisotropic Intermittency Scaling of Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
- Assessing Clumped Isotope Thermometry for the Formation Temperature versus Burial Recrystallisation of Dolomite
- Assessment of transboundary aquifers of the world--vulnerability arising from human water use (Invited)
- Basin evolution, organization of faulting and the distribution of displacement within the Gulf of Corinth rift
- Behavioural modelling of irrigation decision making under water scarcity
- Brackish Conditions Revealed by Clumped Isotope Thermometry of Bioclastic Carbonates and Early Concretions, Barton Clay, UK
- Cassini Observations During the Saturn Auroral Campaign of Spring 2013 (Invited)
- ChemCam Compositional Results from the Shaler Outcrop in Gale Crater, Mars (Invited)
- Cluster multi-spacecraft observations of electron and ion holes in the Auroral Acceleration Region
- Determining pre-onset field magnetotail topology from multi-point magnetospheric and ground-based measurements
- Effects of seasonal and inter-annual land cover changes on the hydrology of the Upper Ganges basin, India
- Evolution of Particle Size Distributions in Fragmentation Over Time
- Experimental measurements of thermoelectric and electrochemical potentials in sandstones saturated with NaCl electrolyte
- Failure of Anisotropic Shale under Triaxial Stress Conditions
- First Vlasiator results on foreshock ULF wave activity
- Forward Modelling of 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake Based on SAR Sub-Pixel Offset Data and Refined Dinsar Data
- Generating performance portable geoscientific simulation code with Firedrake (Invited)
- Glacial and Holocene climates of Australia reconstructed by vegetation-model inversion
- High-resolution imaging of crustal melts using 3D full-waveform seismic inversion
- Hydrological feedbacks in groundwater dominated systems: approaches, challenges and projections of future change
- ICME-driven sheath regions deplete the outer radiation belt electrons
- Impact of melt migration on the evolution of major and trace element composition in a crystalline mush: Implications for chemical differentiation in the continental crust
- Interactive effects of fire regime and CO2 concentration on biome distribution and primary production in an ice-age climate
- JUICE: A European mission to Jupiter and its icy moons (Invited)
- Laboratory and field measurements of the self-potential (SP) in chalk, with application to monitoring of saline intrusion
- Mantle structure beneath the Afar triple junction derived from surface wave tomography
- Modeling climate change impacts on primary production by the terrestrial biosphere
- Modelling ice-ocean interaction in ice shelf crevasses
- Modelling land cover change in the Ganga basin
- Multi-Scale Particle Size Distributions of Mars, Moon and Itokawa based on a time-maturation dependent fragmentation model
- On the generation of magnetosheath high speed jets by bow shock ripples (Invited)
- One-dimensional hybrid simulations of ion cyclotron waves from the Enceladus plume
- Opportunities and challenges for the application of SP measurements to monitor subsurface flow (Invited)
- Pliocene and latest Miocene anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) from the Wilkes Land margin (Invited)
- Probing the spatial and temporal variability of Enceladus mass-loading from ion cyclotron waves
- Recovering physical property information from subduction plate boundaries using 3D full-waveform seismic inversion
- Saturn's auroral dynamics during the 2013 observing campaign: in situ and remote observations (Invited)
- Sedimentary Petrography and Facies Analysis at the Shaler Outcrop, Gale Crater, Mars
- Sedimentary architecture of the Shaler outcrop, Gale Crater, Mars: paleoenvironmental and sediment transport implications
- Seismic and Gravity Investigations of the Western Espanola Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Smouldering Combustion for Soil Remediation: Two-dimensional Experiments and Modelling
- Stratification and Tdal Mixing in the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway
- The Martian geomorphology as mapped by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC): Implications for Geological Processes and Climate Conditions
- The SEIS InSight VBB Experiment
- The decomposition of vegetation and soil in marginal peat-forming landscapes: climate simulations to quantify gaseous and dissolved carbon fluxes and the effects on peat accumulation and drinking water treatment
- The missing biology in land carbon models (Invited)
- The value of regionalised information for hydrological modelling
- Theoretical analysis of the global land carbon cycle: what determines the trajectory of future carbon uptake?
- Titan's plasma environment and ionosphere during the T85/T42/T32 magnetosheath encounters (Invited)
- Urban greening impacts on tropospheric ozone
- Use of a novel new irrigation system to observe and model water vapor flow through dry soils
- Variability in Martian magnetic field topology
- 'The Middle Man' - Nd Isotope Signatures of Marine Sediments as a Provenance Tool to Reconstruct Oligocene Ice Sheet Instability in the Wilkes Subglacial Basin, East Antarctica
- 2D Thermo-mechanical Modelling Sheds New Light on the Geochemical Evolution of Melt within Crustal Magma Chambers
- A Classification Scheme for Glaciological AVA Responses
- A New ɛNd Record Covering Termination II
- A Precipitation Satellite Downscaling & Re-Calibration Routine for TRMM 3B42 and GPM Data Applied to the Tropical Andes
- A comprehensive theory for the coupling between terrestrial carbon and water cycles, supported by stable carbon isotope measurements from leaves
- A self-levelling nano-g silicon seismometer
- Advanced Seismic Studies of the Endeavour Ridge: Understanding the Interplay among Magmatic, Hydrothermal, and Tectonic Processes at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Alfvenic Fluctuations in the Inner Heliosphere: Implications for Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus
- Alfvénic Turbulence and Kinetic Instabilities in the Expanding Solar Wind: Two-Dimensional Hybrid Simulations
- Amazon Vegetation Response to Anomalously Dry and Wet Years 2010 and 2011 derived from Lower Troposphere Greenhouse Gas Balances
- Ancient deltas on Mars: outstanding targets for martian habitability?
- Anomalous Transport in Carbonate Rock - Predictions and Quantitative Measures
- Break up of connected non-wetting phase during CO<SUB>2</SUB>-brine and N<SUB>2</SUB>-water drainage core floods
- Characterising Atlantic deep waters during the extreme warmth of the early Eocene 'greenhouse'.
- Circcrex: A New Cirrus Dataset for Model Evaluation
- Circum-Antarctic Nd isotope variability during the last 30 kyrs
- Climate Change-Induced Shifts in the Hydrological Regime of the Upper Amazon Basin and Its Impacts on Local Eco-Hydrology
- Computerized X-ray Microtomography Observations and Fluid Flow Measurements of the Effect of Effective Stress on Fractured Reservoir Seal Shale
- Constraining the role of magma before, during and after the break-up of continents using seismic reflection data
- Contribution of Elasticity in Slab Bending
- Crustal Structure of the Gulf of Aden Continental Margins, from Afar to Oman, by Ambient Noise Seismic Tomography
- Curiosity in Situ Observations at Kylie, a Preview of the Kimberley Drill Site Geology
- Data inversion immune to cycle-skipping using AWI
- Declining Groundwater Levels in North India: Understanding Sources of Irrigation Inefficiency
- Deep Mantle Large Low Shear-Wave Velocity Provinces: Principally Thermal Structures?
- Deterioration of surface roughness and hydraulic transmissivity of a rock fracture due to pressure-solution compaction
- Determining resolvability of mantle plumes with synthetic seismic modeling
- Development of Response Spectral Ground Motion Prediction Equations from Empirical Models for Fourier Spectra and Duration of Ground Motion
- Do Two Deep Drill Holes Into the Upper Ocean Crust Quantify the Hydrothermal Contribution to Global Geochemical Cycles?
- Dynamic Pore-Scale Imaging of Reactive Transport in Heterogeneous Carbonates at Reservoir Conditions Across Multiple Dissolution Regimes
- Early Observations with the Rosetta Langmuir Probe Instrument at the Target Comet
- Eastern Edge of the Laurentian Cratonic Lithosphere Beneath Southern Quebec from Teleseismic P Waves
- Effects of electron drifts on collisionless damping of Alfvén waves
- Empirical Modeling of Magnetotail Reconnection
- Enhanced Seasonal Exchange of CO<SUB>2</SUB> by Northern Ecosystems - Observations and Models
- Evidence for the Application of Self-Potential (SP) Monitoring to the Management of Abstraction in Coastal Aquifers.
- Evidence from Ice-Rafted Debris and Sediment Provenance for a Dynamic East Antarctic Ice Sheet During the Mid-Miocene Climate Transition
- Evolution of the Precambrian Crust and Sub-Continental Lithsophere in Eastern Canada: Constraints from Probabilistic Inversion and H-k Stacking of Receiver Functions
- Exploring Plasma Turbulence in the Kronian Magnetosheath Using Cassini Data
- First Laser Shock Experiment at Esrf to Probe Warm Dense Iron
- First Results at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko With the Rosetta Plasma Consortium
- First Results at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with the Ion Composition Analyzer of the Rosetta Plasma Consortium
- First Results from the RPC Magnetometer Experiment during the Approach Phase to 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- First Rosetta Observations of the Cometary Plasma at Churyumov-Gerasimenko with the Mutual Impedance Probe (RPC-MIP)
- Formation of the Moon's Orientale multi-ring basin
- Fractal analysis of urban environment: land use and sewer system
- Fusion and Visualization of HiRISE Super-Resolution, Shape-from-Shading DTM with MER Stereo 3D Reconstructions
- GPR attenuation analyses using spectral ratios of primary and multiple arrivals: examples from Welsh peat bogs
- Game Theory and Risk-Based Levee System Design
- Geologic Framework for Aeolis Palus Bedrock, and Its Relationship to Mt. Sharp, Mars
- Geology of the Wilkes Land Sub-basin and Stability of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet: Insights from rock magnetism at IODP Site U1361
- Geomorphic Controls on Aquifer Geometry in Northwestern India
- HDDTOOLS: an R package serving Hydrological Data Discovery Tools
- High Pressures and Preserving the Records of Life.
- High resolution imaging of the Earth with adaptive full-waveform inversion
- Hydrous upwelling across the mantle transition zone beneath the Afar Triple Junction
- Identifying Effective Policy and Technologic Reforms for Sustainable Groundwater Management in Oman
- Impact scaling for lunar impact basins: Contributions from GRAIL and hydrocode modeling
- Importance of dynamic mesh adaptivity for simulation of viscous fingering in porous media
- In-situ observations of magnetic reconnection in the Jovian nightside magnetosphere
- Increasing Seasonal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes and the Potential Role of Changing Plant Functional Types
- Instant: An Innovative L5 Small Mission Concept for Coordinated Science with Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus
- Ion Density Fluctuations at the Kinetic Scale: Experimental Investigations
- Ion Temperature Anisotropy across Reconnection Exhaust Jets
- Ion and Electron Bulk Heating in Magnetic Reconnection: Dependence on the Inflow Alfvén Speed
- Ion and Electron Sensor Observations on Photoelectrons and Coma Development at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Iron Stable Isotopes, Magmatic Differentiation and the Oxidation State of Mariana Arc Magmas
- Is There a Critical Distance for Fickian Transport? - a Statistical Approach to Sub-Fickian Transport Modelling in Porous Media
- Lagrangian Statistics and Modeling of Pore-Scale Dispersion in Heterogeneous Natural Porous Media
- Land Use Change Modelling in R
- Lead Isotopic Tracing of Coal-Based Anthropogenic Pollution in Agricultural Soils in Jianghan Plain, China
- Learning from models: Insights into the behavior of water in unsaturated fractured-porous media
- Making sense of martian sediments at the Kimberley, Gale crater
- Mapping Petroleum Migration Pathways Using Magnetics
- Martian Ambient Seismic Noise: from the first modeling to the future data of the InSight Seismic experiment.
- Methodologies for Analyzing the Water Footprint of Cities
- Micro-CT Pore Scale Study Of Flow In Porous Media: Effect Of Voxel Resolution
- Micro-CT imaging of reservoir condition CO<SUB>2</SUB> during multi-phase flow in natural rock
- Microscale dynamics within Kelvin-Helmholtz waves: A probe of localized reconnection occurrence
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Magnetosheath High Speed Jets
- Multi-scale Model Coupling for CFD Simulations of Discharge Dispersion in the Sea
- Multiscale Modelling of the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami with Fluidity: Coastal Inundation and Run-up.
- New Theory of Whistler Waves Observed during Magnetotail Reconnection<SUP>*</SUP>
- Observations of Chemical Transport and Reaction in Porous Media in 3D with Applications to Understanding the Role of Heterogeneity in Reactive Transport
- Observations of Plasma Waves in the Colliding Jet Region of a 3D Magnetic Flux Rope Flanked by Two Active Reconnection X Lines at the Subsolar Magnetopause
- On the Dependence of Solar Wind Speed on Local Magnetic Field Orientation in Highly Alfvénic Streams
- On the Relationship Between Volcanic Hotspot Locations, the Reconstructed Eruption Sites of Large Igneous Provinces and Deep Mantle Seismic Structure
- P-wave travel-time tomography reveals multiple mantle upwellings beneath the northern East-Africa Rift
- Pore Scale Heterogeneity in the Mineral Distribution, Surface Area and Adsorption in Porous Rocks
- Pore-scale Simulation of Reactive Transport in Micro-CT Images
- Potential ExoMars Rover Landing Sites: Aram Dorsam (previously known as Oxia Palus) and Hypanis Delta
- Present and Future Projections of Habitat Suitability of the Asian Tiger Mosquito, a Vector of Viral Pathogens, from Global Climate Simulations.
- Preserving Deep Mantle Structure in Hotspot Lavas
- Pressure Variations and Particle Acceleration Associated with Foreshock Bubbles and Hot Flow Anomalies
- Pseudo-data Inversions of California CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes Combining Tower Measurements of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and <SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> with OCO2 Column CO<SUB>2</SUB> Retrievals
- Radiogenic Isotopes As Paleoceanographic Tracers in Deep-Sea Corals: Advances in TIMS Measurements of Pb Isotopes and Application to Southern Ocean Corals
- Reactive Transport at the Pore Scale with Applications to the Dissolution of Carbonate Rocks for CO2 Sequestration Operations
- Recalcitrant Carbonaceous Material: A Source of Electron Donors for Anaerobic Microbial Metabolisms in the Subsurface?
- Reconciling Measured and Modeled Distributed Snowpack Temperatures and Subsurface Heat Fluxes
- Reconstructing Ancient Fluvial Environments at the Balmville and Dingo Gap Outcrops, Gale Crater, Mars
- Reconstructing the Catastrophic Flood History of Eastern Valles Marineris, Mars
- Reconstructing the birth, life and death of ancient monogenetic basalt volcanoes using seismic reflection data
- Reducing water scarcity possible by 2050: Linking global assessments to policy dimensions
- Regionalisation of Hydrological Indices to Assess Land-Use Change Impacts in the Tropical Andes
- Rotation of a Magnetic Cloud: MESSENGER and STEREO-B Observations
- Seasonal Variation of Methane Emissions in California's Urban and Rural Regions Using Multi-site Observations
- Seismic Anisotropy below the Juan De Fuca Plate: Results from the Cascadia Initiative
- Sensitivity of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Obtained by Algorithmic Differentiation
- Simulating Amazon forest carbon cycling using an individual- and trait-based model.
- Slab Deformation in the Mantle Transition Zone: The Effect of Plate Age and Strength Evolution
- Small-Scale Mechanical Behavior of Evaporite Caprocks and Implications for CO2 Sealing Capacity
- Sources and Relative Timing of Groundwater Recharge in Northwest India Using Environmental Isotopes
- Spatial and temporal variations in fault activity during early development of rift polarity within the offshore Corinth rift, central Greece
- Spatio-temporal Variations in Groundwater Levels in Northwest India and Implications for Future Groundwater Management
- Spatio-temporal dynamics of global peatland extent and carbon stocks as simulated for the past twenty thousand years
- Streaming Potential Dependence on Water Saturation during Drainage and Imbibition
- Structure and Dynamics of the Interaction Region at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Comparing Numerical Simulations and RPC Magnetic Field Observations
- The Assembly and Evolution of Eastern Laurentia: Evidence from the QM-III Experiment
- The Conditional Frazil Ice Instability in Seawater
- The Effect of Upper to Lower Mantle Viscosity Jump on the Regime Diagram of Slab Deformation in the Mantle Transition Zone
- The Effects of Ion Kinetic Instabilities on the Three-Dimensional Reconnection of Ion-Scale Current Sheets in the Solar Wind
- The Electron Heat flux in the Solar Wind: Collisionless or Collisional Dominated?
- The Feasibility of Avoiding Future Climate Impacts: Results from the AVOID Programmes
- The Formation and Evolution of Ion Beams near Dipolarization Fronts in Magnetotail Reconnection Exhausts
- The Global ecosystem Production in Space and Time (GePiSaT) Model of the Terrestrial Biosphere
- The Growth and Interaction of Faults in Multiphase Rifts: Horda Platform, Norwegian North Sea
- The HELCATS Project: Characterising the Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections Observed During Solar Cycle 24
- The Location of Magnetic Reconnection at Saturn's Magnetopause: a Comparison with Earth
- The Mars Oxygen ISRU Experiment (MOXIE) on the yet-to-be-named Mars 2020 Lander
- The Martian geomorphology as mapped by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC): Implications for Geological Processes and Climate Conditions.
- The Nd isotopic composition of Adélie Coast Bottom Water - insights from GIPY6 cruise along 140°E
- The Puzzle of Septarian Concretions
- The Robustness of Clumped Isotope Temperatures to Bond Reordering: Evidence from Deeply Buried Carbonate Reservoirs
- The Rosetta Ion and Electron Sensor (IES) Measurement of the Development of Pickup Ions from Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- The Tectonic Evolution of SE Canada: Seismic Evidence from the QM-III Experiment
- The Variation of Planetary Surfaces' Structure and Size Distribution with Depth
- The Very High Alfvén Mach Number Bow Shock of Saturn
- The carbon cycle response of the Amazon forest during the 2010 drought in dynamic global vegetation models
- The effect of brine composition, concentration, temperature and rock texture on zeta potential and streaming potential coupling coefficient measured in sandstones and sandpacks
- The effect of metastable pyroxene on the slab dynamics
- The interplay between particulate and dissolved neodymium in the Western North Atlantic: First insights and interpretations
- The spectrum of natural forest disturbances and the Amazon forest carbon balance
- Timing and Mode of Landscape Response to Glacial-Interglacial Climate Forcing From Fluvial Fill Terrace Sediments: Humahuaca Basin, E Cordillera, NW Argentina
- Toward Transparent and Reproducible Science: Using Open Source "Big Data" Tools for Water Resources Assessment
- Towards a Handshake of Ground-Based Measurements and Remote-Sensing of Vegetation Traits at Global Scale?
- Trace gas constraints on vertical transport in models: a case study of Indonesian biomass burning emissions in 2006
- Trench Advance By the Subduction of Buoyant Features - Application to the Izu-Bonin-Marianas Arc
- Turbulent cascade in the solar wind at kinetic scales and quasi-parallel whistler waves
- Uplift and Erosion Histories of Continents From Inversion of Drainage Networks
- Use of a Novel Visual Metaphor Measure (PRISM) to Evaluate School Children's Perceptions of Natural Hazards, Sources of Hazard Information, Hazard Mitigation Organizations, and the Effectiveness of Future Hazard Education Programs in Dominica, Eastern Caribbean
- Using Grail Data to Assess the Effect of Porosity and Dilatancy on the Gravity Signature of Impact Craters on the Moon
- Using Satellite Observations of Cloud Vertical Distribution to Improve Global Model Estimates of Cloud Radiative Effect on Key Tropospheric Oxidants
- Water Resource Management Mechanisms for Intrastate Violent Conflict Resolution: the Capacity Gap and What To Do About It.
- Water-energy links in cities: the urban metabolism of London
- What Are Stratigraphic Surfaces?
- Zeta Potential of Carbonates in Saline Brines as a Function of NaCl Salinity and Potential Determining Ions: Ca, Mg and SO<SUB>4</SUB>
- a Seismic Reflection Study on the Ablation Area of the Taku Glacier, Southeast Alaska
- 3D Observations of Dispersion, Mixing and Reaction in Heterogeneous Rocks
- A Full Empirical Description of Mixing and Dilution - The Fingerprint of Non-Fickian Mixing
- A System of Systems (SoS) Approach to transforming to a low carbon resource-efficient energy system: Insights for the European Union (EU)
- A novel approach to improving the reconstruction of bed elevation with special consideration of bathymetry at the ice/ocean interface of the Greenland ice sheet
- A study of magnetic clouds observed by MESSENGER and Venus Express
- Advanced Geologic Modeling Using CAD and Unstructured Meshes
- Allocation changes buffer CO<SUB>2</SUB> effect on tree growth since the last ice age
- Along-rift Variations in Deformation and Magmatism in the Ethiopian and Afar Rift Systems
- Are Cloud Processes Key Drivers of UTLS Chemistry and Constituent Variability?
- Breaking Britain: submerged and buried landforms suggest catastrophic flood breaching of the Dover Strait
- Carbon allocation changes: an adaptive response to variations in atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Characteristics of seismicity in Eritrea (2011-2012): Implications for rifting dynamics
- Chemistry of the Materials Above and Below an Unconformity Between the Murray and Stimson Formations in Gale Crater, Mars
- Climate Modulation of Pb Isotopes in the Deep Indian Ocean Linked to the Himalayan Chemical Weathering
- Comparing observations of fossil fuel-derived CO<SUB>2</SUB> in California with predictions from bottom-up inventories
- Constraining the erosional response of deep-water channel systems to growing folds and thrusts, Niger Delta.
- Controls on aquatic carbon cycling in a carbonate dominated groundwater catchment using dissolved oxygen dynamics
- Coupled THMC modelling of single fractures in novaculite and granite for DECOVALEX-2015
- Craton Development and Stabilization: Insights from SE Canada using P and S Wave Tomography
- Critically Stressed Fractures as Conduits: Mechanically-Chemically-Mediated Anisotropy of the Effective Permeability of Fractured Rock
- Determining olivine dislocation densities and deformation mechanisms by high angular resolution electron backscatter diffraction
- Direct visualization of chemical and thermo-remanent magnetization of pseudo-single-domain magnetite grains and the implications for reliable paleomagentic signal acquisition
- Eastern tropical north Pacific coral radiocarbon reveals North Pacific Gyre Oscillation variability
- Effect of maghemization on the magnetic properties of pseudo-single-domain magnetite particles
- Energy Dependence of Electron Anisotropy and Agyrotropy from PIC Simulations of Tail Reconnection
- Estimating methane and nitrous oxide emissions in California using multi-tower observations and hierarchical Bayesian inversion
- Evidence from Ice-Rafted Debris and Sediment Provenance for a Dynamic East Antarctic Ice Sheet During the Mid-Miocene Climate Transition
- Evidence of Inhomogeneous Coma Composition at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Evolution of the Plasma Environment of Comet 67P
- Experimental Evidence for Cerenkov Emission of Whistler Waves by Electron Holes Associated with Magnetic Reconnection
- Exposing variation to aid climate change risk assessment
- Fault Growth and Interactions in a Multiphase Rift Fault Network: Horda Platform, Norwegian North Sea
- Field Evidence for Optimal Acclimation of Leaf Nitrogen to Environmental Gradients
- First Analysis of Densities Inferred from Accelerometer Data on ESA's Venus Express
- First Detection of a Diamagnetic Cavity at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- First Results on Visualization and Verification of the STEREO Heliospheric Imager CME Catalogue with In Situ Data from the Heliophysics System Observatory
- Fluvial fan evolution during Late Quaternary climate changes: field and chronological constraints from the Indo-Gangetic basin
- Fully Coupled 3D Finite Element Model of Hydraulic Fracturing in a Permeable Rock Formation
- Geochemistry of the Bonin Fore-arc Volcanic Sequence: Results from IODP Expedition 352
- Getting Under Mars' Skin: The InSight Mission to the Deep Interior of Mars
- Glacial-Interglacial Climate Changes Recorded by Debris Flow Grain Size, Eastern Sierra Nevada, California
- Glacial-Interglacial and Holocene N<SUB>2</SUB>O Stable Isotope Changes Constrain Terrestrial N Cycling
- Global Greening Is Firm, Drivers Are Mixed
- Grain size trends reveal alluvial fan sensitivity to late Pleistocene climate change
- HELCATS - Heliospheric Cataloguing, Analysis and Techniques Service
- Has the Northern Hemisphere Mid-Latitude Hydrological Cycle Responded to Twentieth Century Aerosol Forcing?
- How Do Normal Faults Grow?
- How are giant clasts incorporated into submarine landslides and how do they change flow dynamics?
- Ice Giant Exploration
- Impact of land use change on the land atmosphere carbon flux of South and South East Asia: A Synthesis of Dynamic Vegetation Model Results
- Improved Simulation of Subsurface Flow in Heterogeneous Reservoirs Using a Fully Discontinuous Control-Volume-Finite-Element Method, Implicit Timestepping and Dynamic Unstructured Mesh Optimization
- Improving the representation of photosynthesis in Earth system models
- Inclusion-Based Effective Medium Models for the Permeability of a 3D Fractured Rock Mass
- Increased Climate Variability in the Southern Ocean During the Late Twentieth Century
- Increased Ocean Access to Totten Glacier, East Antarctica
- Influence of the Magnetosheath Waves on the Dayside Reconnection
- Instrumentation development for planetary in situ <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar geochronology
- Investigating the Impact of Past and Future CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions on the Distribution of Radiocarbon in the Ocean
- Investigating the ion-scale spectral properties of solar wind turbulence with high-resolution hybrid simulations
- Investigation of a Major Stratigraphic Unconformity with the Curiosity Rover
- Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling in Jupiter's Low Latitudes
- Lateral magma flow in sill-complexes: towards a paradigm shift in volcanology
- Local properties of the reconnecting magnetotail current sheet: a statistical study using Geotail and Cluster
- Magma Emplacement and the 3D Geometry of Igneous Bodies in Rift Basins: Insights from the Bornu Basin, Onshore NE Nigeria
- Magmatic Fluid Source of the Chingshui Geothermal Field: Evidence of Carbonate Isotope data
- Magmatic Plumbing at an Incipient Oceanic Spreading Centre: Evidence From Local Earthquake Data in Northern Afar
- Magmatism vs mushmatism: 2D thermo-mechanical modelling of crustal mush processes
- Magnetopause-Foreshock Interactions Induced by Dayside Reconnection
- Magnetotail Reconnection Jets at Lunar Distances
- Mapping Petroluem Migration Pathways Using Magnetics and Seismic Interpretations
- Mapping of the cometary plasma density around comet CG/67P at perihelion.
- Maspex Europa
- Millennial-scale hard rock erosion rates deduced from luminescence-depth profiles
- Monitoring and Modelling of Salinity Behaviour in Drinking Water Ponds in Southern Bangladesh
- New Constraints on the Geochemistry of the Millennium Eruption of Mount Paektu (Changbaishan), Democratic People's Republic of Korea/China
- Numerical Modelling of Tsunami Generated by Deformable Submarine Slides: Parameterisation of Slide Dynamics for Coupling to Tsunami Propagation Model
- Numerical simulation of immiscible viscous fingering using adaptive unstructured meshes
- Observations of the Dynamic Connectivity of the Non-Wetting Phase During Steady State Flow at the Pore Scale Using 3D X-ray Microtomography
- On the Role of Coulomb Collisions in the Electron Evolution Throughout the Heliosphere.
- Optimal Plant Carbon Allocation Implies a Biological Control on Nitrogen Availability
- Overriding Plate Deformation During Subduction Evolution
- PRo3D®: A Tool for High Resolution Rendering and Geological Analysis of Martian Rover-Derived Digital Outcrop Models.
- Paleoseismic assessment of the Hat Creek fault using cosmogenic He-3 surface exposure dating in basalt, northeastern California: A proof of concept study
- Pore-Scale Heterogeneity in the Mineral Distribution and Reactive Surface Area of Porous Rocks
- Precambrian Processes, the Trans-Hudson Orogen, and Cratonic Keels: Insights From Teleseismic Tomography in Northern Hudson Bay, Canada
- Predicting the Interplanetary Magnetic Field using Approaches Based on Data Mining and Physical Models
- Prediction of Geomagnetic Storm Strength from Inner Heliospheric In Situ Observations
- Probing the Inner Core with P'P'
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Model Budgets of Tropospheric Ozone and OH
- Quasi-continuous reconnection accompanied by FTEs observed by Double Star TC-1 during IMF B<SUB>z</SUB>≈0 nT at dawn flank magnetopause
- RPC-IES observations of the development and variability of plasma interaction regions near 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Radar-Inference of the Basal Properties and Englacial Temperature of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Radio Triangulation of Type II Bursts Associated with a CME - CME Interaction
- Relationship between ecosystem respiration and aeration constant in open channel dissolved oxygen analysis
- Reservoir-Condition Pore-Scale Imaging of Reaction in Carbonates using Synchrotron Fast Tomography
- Ring Current and Field Aligned Currents from Cluster-Swarm Observations
- River restoration: separating myths from reality
- Role of dayside transients in a substorm process: Results from the global kinetic simulation Vlasiator
- Sedimentary Facies as Indicators of Changing Lake Levels in Gale Crater, Mars
- Sedimentary structures and stratal geometries at the foothills of Mount Sharp: their role in paleoenvironmental interpretation
- Seismic Anisotropy and Mantle Flow from Ridge to Trench Below the Gorda-Juan de Fuca Plate System
- Seismological Structure of the 1.8Ga Trans-Hudson Orogen of North America and its affinity to present-day Tibet
- Self-potential monitoring of seawater intrusion in a fractured coastal aquifer.
- Simulating the Black Saturday 2009 UTLS Smoke Plume with an Interactive Composition-Climate Model
- Sketch-based geologic modeling
- Solar Wind Interaction with Comet 67P/C-G: Impact of Corotating Interaction Regions
- Terrestrial carbon storage dynamics: Chasing a moving target
- Testing How Depletion, Dehydration and Melt Affect Seismic Expressions of the Asthenosphere
- The Effect of Crustal Strength on Volcanism During Continental Breakup
- The Effect of Pre-Impact Porosity and Vertical Density Gradients on the Gravity Signature of Lunar Craters as Seen by GRAIL
- The Effect of Pressure Dissolution and Precipitation on Fracture Permeability and Normal Stiffness
- The Electron to Neutral Number Density Ratio as a Proxy for Processes at Play in the Coma of 67P
- The Evolution of Comet 67P as Seen by a Mass-Resolving Ion Spectrometer
- The Impact of the Flow Field Heterogeneity and of the Injection Rate on the Effective Reaction Rates in Carbonates: a Study at the Pore Scale
- The Magnetic Response to Sudden Mass-loading of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's Induced Magnetosphere
- The dominant role of semi-arid lands in the trend and variability of the land CO<SUB>2</SUB> sink
- The effect of brine pH, concentration and temperature on zeta potential measured in natural sandstones
- The impact of boreal deciduous and evergreen forests on atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> seasonality
- The role of mantle temperature and lithospheric thickness during initial oceanic crust production: numerical modelling constraints from the southern South Atlantic
- The story of a craton from heart to margins: illuminating cratonic lithosphere with Rayleigh wave phase velocities in Eastern Canada
- Three-Dimensional Reconnection and Turbulence in the Outer Heliosphere
- Thrust fault growth within accretionary wedges: New Insights from 3D seismic reflection data
- Tomography & Geochemistry: Precision, Repeatability, Accuracy and Joint Interpretations
- Towards an Accurate Orbital Calibration of Late Miocene Climate Events: Insights From a High-Resolution Chemo- and Magnetostratigraphy (8-6 Ma) from Equatorial Pacific IODP Sites U1337 and U1338
- Tracking along-arc sediment inputs to the Aleutian arc using thallium isotopes
- Transition to Petschek-type Reconnection in Solar Wind Reconnection Exhausts
- Weak leaf photosynthesis and nutrient content relationships from tropical vegetation
- What role does structural inheritance play in controlling the geometry of rifted basins during multiple phases of extension? A case study from the Northern North Sea
- Windows of Opportunity for Groundwater Management
- Zeta Potential in Intact Natural Carbonates at Elevated Temperatures
- Are current models for normal fault array evolution applicable to natural rifts?
- A Broadband Silicon Microseismometer for Planetary and Terrestrial Applications
- A Catalogue of Geometrically-Modelled Coronal Mass Ejections Observed by the STEREO Heliospheric Imagers
- A Pilot Study to Evaluate California's Fossil Fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions Using Atmospheric Observations
- A Systematic Exploration of the Local and Remote Climate Effects of Anthropogenic Aerosol Emissions from Key Regions
- A Tale of Two Orogens: Comparing Crustal Processes in the Proterozoic Trans-Hudson and Grenville Orogens, Eastern Canada
- A model of buoyant ridge subduction: effects of ridge width, buoyancy and obliquity
- A new bed topography dataset for Greenland out to the continental shelf
- A plume beneath western Ethiopia!
- A tale of phenocrysts: trace element contents of boninites and forearc basalts from IODP Expedition 352
- Active fault slip and potential large magnitude earthquakes within the stable Kazakh Platform (Central Kazakhstan)
- An Integrated Assessment of Basal Scattering and Topographic Roughness Information Derived from Greenland Radar-Sounding Data
- An extensive subglacial lake and canyon system in Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica
- Analysing Trends in Light-Use Efficiency and Their Influence on Seasonal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Amplitude Using a Simple Land Ecosystem Model
- Applying 3D Full Waveform Inversion in resolving fracture damage zones around a modelled geological disposal facility in granite
- Are observed allocation responses in a grassland FACE experiment consistent with functional balance theory?
- Assesment of longwave radiation effects on air quality modelling in street canyons
- Atmospheric evidence for a global secular increase in isotopic discrimination of land photosynthesis
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Ice Formation and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Gas Depletion in the Polar Winter Atmosphere of Mars from Mars Climate Sounder Measurements
- Can 30 ms Resolution MMS-FPI Electron Distributions Explain Interspersed Parallel and Oblique Whistlers Measured During Magnetopause Reconnection?
- Carbon Isotopes in Ocean and Land Carbon Cycle Models: Atmospheric Forcing Data and Applications for CMIP6 and Beyond
- Characterizing Uncertainties in Atmospheric Inversions of Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions in California
- Citizen Science: Participatory Monitoring of Water Resources Management in Mustang District, Nepal
- Cold Electrons as the Drivers of Parallel, Electrostatic Waves in Asymmetric Reconnection
- Cold Noise Testing of a Microseismometer for Planetary and Terrestrial Applications
- Cometary Electron Heating Driven by Solar Wind Interaction with the Coma
- Community based Low-cost Hydrological Sensors for Improving Flood Risk Management Activities in Nepal
- Community-based Monitoring of Water Resources in Remote Mountain Regions
- Continental breakup, the final stretch: seismic reflection and borehole evidence from the Danakil Depression, Ethiopia
- Cratonic modification and subsequent asthenospheric interaction: Evidence from absolute P-wave tomography
- Currents Within the Bursty Bulk Flow Braking Region as Observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- Currents and associated electron scattering and bouncing near the diffusion region at Earth's magnetopause
- Density and Vs contrasts across mantle transition zone discontinuities beneath the Central Pacific
- Designing for knowledge: bridging socio-hydrological monitoring and beyond
- Dominant hydrological process identification for ungauged basins: Bayesian approach
- Dynamics of the Urban Water-Energy Nexuses of Mumbai and London
- Electron Heating near the Reconnection X-line Versus in the Downstream Exhaust
- Elevated Cosmogenic <SUP>26</SUP>Al/<SUP>10</SUP>Be Production Ratio at High Latitude
- Enhanced terrestrial carbon uptake linked to a recent pause in the growth rate of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Evaluation of the cloud fields in the UK Met Office HadGEM3-UKCA model using the CCCM satellite data product to advance our understanding of the influence of clouds on tropospheric composition and chemistry
- Extensive massive basal-ice structures in West Antarctica relate to ice-sheet anisotropy and ice-flow
- Flexure in the Corinth rift: reconciling marine terraces, rivers, offshore data and fault modeling
- Geometry and growth of segmented thrust faults influences hydraulic connectivity in accretionary wedges: New Insights from 3D seismic reflection data
- Glacial-Geomorphological Evidence for Past Ice Cover in the Western Amundsen Sea Embayment of Antarctica
- Global Magnetospheric Simulations Performed Using the Gorgon Code: Benchmarking for Space Weather Applications
- Global drivers of the stratospheric polar vortex via nonlinear causal discovery
- Greening of the Earth and its Drivers
- HELCATS: Statistical results on interplanetary type II bursts observed by STEREO/Waves
- High-angle faults control the geometry and morphology of the Corinth Rift
- Hydro-climatic Investigation of Lake Urmia Shrinkage using Remote Sensing
- IODP/ICDP Expedition 364-Drilling the Cretaceous-Paleogene Chicxulub impact crater: Insights into large craters formation and their effect on life.
- Identification of dominant flow structures in rapidly rotating convection of liquid metals using Dynamic Mode Decomposition
- Impact of Stress on Anomalous Transport in Fractured Rock
- Impact of the viscous-capillary force balance on geologic CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage in layered porous media
- Improved Carbon Flux Observations over Urban Areas Using Carbonyl Sulfide (COS) to Differentiate Contributions from Biosphere
- Improving Scientific Writing in Undergraduate Geosciences Degrees Through Peer Review
- Improving the effectiveness of interventions and investment in Andean watersheds through a participatory network of research basins
- Inner Core Imaging Using P'P'
- Interactive modelling of forest fires and their impacts on atmospheric composition
- Investigating the Trade-Off Between Power Generation and Environmental Impact of Tidal-Turbine Arrays Using Array Layout Optimisation and Habitat Sustainability Modelling.
- Ion Larmor Radius Effects and the Larmor Electric Field Near the X-line During Magnetopause Reconnection
- Kinetic physics in exhausts formed by guide field reconnection within the magnetosheath, as observed by MMS
- Lithospheric deformation in the Canadian Appalachians: evidence from shear wave splitting
- Lithospheric keel stratication from anisotropic Rayleigh wave tomography in eastern Canada
- MMS Observations and Non-Force Free Modeling of a Flux Transfer Event Immersed in a Super-Alfvenic Flow
- MMS Observations of Parallel Electric Fields During a Quasi-Perpendicular Bow Shock Crossing
- MMS Observations of Turbulence from Magnetic Reconnection
- MMS observations of large guide field symmetric reconnection between colliding reconnection jets at the center of a magnetic flux rope at the magnetopause
- MMS observations of wave-particle interactions in a kinetic-scale Alfvén-branch wave
- Magnetic Flux Circulation in the Saturnian Magnetosphere Revisited
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Examination of Stress Balance in FTE-Type Flux Ropes at the Earth's Magnetopause
- Mapping hydrological signatures in the tropical Andes using a network of paired catchments
- Mirror Instability in the Turbulent Expanding Solar Wind
- Model Predictions and Ground-based Observations for Jupiter's Magnetospheric Environment: Application to the JUICE and Juno Missions
- Near-Earth magnetotail flow braking observed by multi-spacecraft MMS, Geotail, and Cluster
- Neoglacial Behavior of Spitsbergen Valley Glaciers and Relationship to Sea Level and Climate
- New Pore-scale Metrics for Quantifying the Impact of Heterogeneity on Coupling of Transport and Reaction
- On the information content of hydrological signatures and their relationship to catchment attributes
- Origin of the two scales of wind ripples on Mars
- Permeability of three-dimensional rock masses containing geomechanically-grown anisotropic fracture networks
- Planning for the Paleomagnetic Investigations of Returned Samples from Mars
- Plasma response to a cometary outburst: Rosetta Plasma Consortium observations during comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko outburst event on 19 February 2016
- Pore-scale modelling of the combined effect of physical and chemical heterogeneity on reactive flows
- Provenance Tracing of Glacial Sediment from the Foundation, Academy, and Recovery Ice Streams, Weddell Sea, Antarctica
- Quantifying solute spreading and mixing in rocks using 3D X-ray CT and PET imaging
- Quantifying the Influence of Waves and Tides in Shaping Delta Morphologies with the Use of Numerical Modelling.
- Reconciling Mantle Wedge Thermal Structure with Arc Lava Thermobarometric Determinations in Oceanic Subduction Zones
- Relative ages of relict landscape surfaces at the southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau, Yunnan, China
- Resilience canvas: a heuristic tool for socio-hydrological management under change
- Resolving Plume Tails in the Lower Mantle With Finite Frequency Tomography: Insight From Synthetic Experiments
- Resolving the fine-scale deformation structure of continental hyperextension at the deep Galicia rift margin using seismic full waveform inversion.
- Revisiting the universal scaling hypothesis: do all plants respond similarly to aridification?
- Robustness and quality of precipitation and river flow data obtained through participatory monitoring and citizen scienc
- SMILE: A Novel and Global Way to Explore Solar-Terrestrial Relationships
- Sedimentary Flux to Passive Margins From Inversion of Drainage Patterns: Examples from Africa
- Sensitivity of CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage performance to varying rates and dynamic injectivity in the Bunter Sandstone, UK
- Simulating groundwater-induced sewer flooding
- Space Weather - A Socio-Economic Impact and Forecast Benefit Study
- Stable Vanadium Isotopes as a Redox Proxy at High Temperatures?
- Stick, slow-slip and slide: the continuum of fault behaviour controlled by the mineralisation potential of a carbonate saturated solution
- Structure and dynamics of the umagnetized plasma around comet 67P/CG
- Subducting-slab transition-zone interaction: stagnation, penetration and mode switches
- Subduction geometry beneath south-central Alaska and its relationship to volcanism
- Substantial Lateral Motions Accompany Tectonic Deformation on Venus
- THOR contribution to space weather science
- Testing the seismic signature of upper-mantle plumelets: application to the Northern East-African Rift
- The Economic Cost of Hydrologic Non-stationarity for Infrastructure Planning and Design
- The Formation of Laurentia: Evidence from Shear Wave Splitting and Seismic Tomography
- The Hunting of the `Psark' - 40 Years On
- The Importance of Considering Turbulent Flow when Modelling Adit Systems
- The Isotopologue Record of Repeat Vital Effect Offenders: Tracking (Dis)equilibrium Effects in Sea Urchins and Nannofossil Using Clumped Isotopes
- The Non-linear Evolution of Whistler-mode Waves at the Dayside Magnetopause and Its Relation to Magnetic Reconnection and Particle Acceleration
- The PROTEUS Experiment: Active Source Seismic Imaging of the Crustal Magma Plumbing Structure of the Santorini Arc Volcano
- The Role of Rating Curve Uncertainty in Real Time Flood Forecasting
- The Status of Global Fire Modeling: Results from the Fire Model Intercomparison Project (FireMIP)
- Third-Moment Descriptions of the Interplanetary Turbulent Cascade, Intermittency, and Back Transfer
- Three-dimensional Hybrid Simulations of Decaying Plasma Turbulence from Fluid to Sub-ion Scales
- Towards full waveform simulation using SPECFEM3D for earthquakes in the Lesser Antilles subduction zone
- Understanding the role of Whistler waves at the Bow shock of Earth: MMS observations and dispersion analysis
- Upper Crustal Structure of Santorini Volcano from Seismic Tomography using the PROTEUS dataset
- Upscaling nitrogen-mycorrhizal effects to quantify CO<SUB>2</SUB> fertilization.
- Using Sediment Provenance to Study Ice Streams in the Weddell Sea Embayment of Antarctica
- Velocity Models of the Upper Mantle Beneath the MER, Somali Platform, and Ethiopian Highlands from Body Wave Tomography
- Visualization and Imaging of Crude Oil Mobilization on the Pore Network Scale by Low Salinity Flooding
- Vital Signs: Seismology of Europa and Other Ocean World
- What will Europa sound like? Modeling seismic background noise due to tidal cracking events
- Whistler-mode Waves Upstream of Saturn
- (Over-)Reaction of the Cometary Plasma to Extreme Solar Wind Conditions
- 140-year subantarctic tree-ring temperature reconstruction reveals tropical forcing of increased Southern Ocean climate variability
- 30 years in the life of an active submarine volcano: The evolution of Kick-`em-Jenny and implications for hazard in the southern Caribbean
- 3D upper crustal seismic structure across Santorini volcanic field: Constraints on magmatic and tectonic interactions
- A Single Deformed Bow Shock for Titan-Saturn System
- A Statistical Study of Interplanetary Type II Bursts: STEREO Observations
- A bottom-up partnership of Andean institutions to improve hydrological interventions using a participatory network of research basins
- A unique research partnership investigating the fundamental principles of subsurface carbon dioxide behaviour and carbonate reservoirs
- African Cenozoic hotpot tectonism: new insights from continent-scale body-wave tomography
- Agricultural land use doubled sediment yield of western China's rivers
- An Ionosphere/Magnetosphere Coupling Current System Located in the Gap Between Saturn and its Rings
- Anomalous Transport in Natural Fracture Networks Induced by Tectonic Stress
- Assessing cloud radiative effects on tropospheric photolysis rates and key oxidants during aircraft campaigns using satellite cloud observations and a global chemical transport model
- Asymmetric Responses of Primary Productivity to Altered Precipitation Simulated by Land Surface Models across Three Long-term Grassland Sites
- Atmospheric dynamics feedback: concept, simulations and climate implications
- Block Tectonic Motion on Venus
- Carbon dioxide sequestration induced mineral precipitation healing of fractured reservoir seals
- Characteristics of Energetic Particle Acceleration in Hot Flow Anomalies Observed by MMS
- Characterization of Fractures in the Chicxulub Peak Ring: Preliminary Results from IODP/ICDP Expedition 364
- Characterizing Plasma Waves during Cassini's F ring and Proximal Orbits
- Charged Particle In-Situ Measurements in the Inner Saturnian Magnetosphere during the "grand Finale" of Cassini in 2016/2017
- Citizen Science into Action - Robust Data with Affordable Technologies for Flood Risks Management in the Himalayas
- Citizen Science to Support Community-based Flood Early Warning and Resilience Building
- Comprehensive Case Study of Magnetosheath Pressure Pulses and Rapid Magnetopause/Bow Shock Motion
- Constraining the JULES land-surface model for different land-use types using citizen-science generated hydrological data
- Contribution of Black Carbon Aerosol to Drying of the Mediterranean
- Core analysis of heterogeneous rocks using experimental observations and digital whole core simulation
- Dawnside Variability of Magnetic Field in High Latitude Regions of Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Decision Network for Blue Green Solutions to Influence Policy Impact Assessments
- Deep Subsurface Microbial Communities Shaped by the Chicxulub Impactor
- Designing wireless sensor networks for hydrological and water resource applications: A purpose-oriented approach
- Determining the Extent of Hydrothermal Interaction on the Southern Costa Rica Rift Ridge Flank During the Past 8 Ma from Joint Inversion of Geophysical Data
- Different Stratospheric Polar Vortex States linked to Cold-Spells in North America and Northern Eurasia
- Dissipation Mechanisms and Particle Acceleration at the Earth's Bow Shock
- Do In Situ Observations Contain Signatures of Intermittent Fast Solar Wind Acceleration?
- Dominant Sources of Ionospheric Variability during a Quiet Sun Period
- Ecohydrological Responses to Variability in Annual Precipitation
- Effect of Hydration State of Martian Perchlorate Salts on their Decomposition Temperatures during Thermal Extraction
- Employing high resolution satellite imagery to document a rapid glacier surge in the Karakoram - risks and opportunities for hazard assessment
- Episodic vein formation in Gale crater, Mars: evidence for an extended history of liquid water
- Estimating the Grain Size Distribution of Mars based on Fragmentation Theory and Observations
- Evidence for Depth-Dependent Metasomatism in Cratonic Lithosphere
- Exploring global carbon turnover and radiocarbon cycling in terrestrial biosphere models
- Exploring the Hydrothermal System in the Chicxulub Crater and Implications for the Early Evolution of Life on Earth
- Fermi Acceleration of Electrons inside Foreshock Transient Cores
- From lakes to sand seas: a record of early Mars climate change explored in northern Gale crater, Mars
- Generation and Micro-scale Effects of Electrostatic Waves in an Oblique Shock
- Generation and Scaling of the African Landscape.
- Glacial-interglacial cycles in detrital sediment supply to the Amundsen Sea: Implications for West Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics during the Late Pleistocene
- GrowYourIC: an open access Python code to facilitate comparison between kinematic models of inner core evolution and seismic observations
- High Resolution Vertical Seismic Profile from the Chicxulub IODP/ICDP Expedition 364 Borehole: Wave Speeds and Seismic Reflectivity.
- Highly siderophile elements and Os isotope signatures in the K-Pg transition of the Chicxulub peak-ring rocks
- Hydrological characterization of a pre-Inca artificial recharge system to alleviate drought and flooding in the Peruvian Andes
- IODP-ICDP Expedition 364: Drilling the Chicxulub impact crater to understand planetary evolution and mass extinction
- Ichnofabrics and Facies in the Paleocene of Chicxulub: A Record of the Recovery of Life Post-Impact
- Imaging The Shallow Velocity Structure Of The Hikurangi Megathrust Using Full-Waveform Inversion
- Implications for Nucleus Heterogeneity from the Comparison of Pre- and Post-Equinox Neutral ROSINA Observations Inbound and Outbound Beyond 3 AU
- Incision and Landsliding Lead to Coupled Increase in Sediment Flux and Grain Size Export
- Insights into the Geographic Sequence of Deglaciation in the Weddell Sea Embayment by Provenance of Ice-Rafted Debris
- Intrabasement structures as structural templates for rifts: Insights from the Taranaki Basin, offshore New Zealand
- Investigating the role of evergreen and deciduous forests in the increasing trend in atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> seasonal amplitude
- Investigation of Magnetic Reconnection Suppression at Saturn's Magnetopause
- Investigation of Polyaxial Stress-Dependent Permeability of Three-Dimensional Fractured Rocks using TOUGH-DPUM
- Ion Dynamics and Wave Properties of Shock Ripples: MMS Observations
- Ion Thermalization and Electron Heating across Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks Observed by the MMS Mission
- Ion Thermalization and Electron Heating across Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks Observed by the MMS Mission
- Isotopes, Inventories and Seasonality: Unraveling Methane Source Distribution in the Complex Landscapes of the United Kingdom.
- Kinetic-scale fluctuations resolved with the Fast Plasma Investigation on NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale mission.
- Late Holocene spatio-temporal variability of the south Greenland Ice Sheet and adjacent mountain glaciers
- Low-cost sensors to monitor groundwater drought in Somalia
- MMS Multipoint Analysis of the Dynamics, Evolution, and Particle Acceleration Mechanisms Inside FTEs at Earth's Subsolar Magnetopause
- MMS Observations of Reconnection at Dayside Magnetopause Crossings During Transitions of the Solar Wind to Sub-Alfvenic Flow
- MMS observations and hybrid simulations of rippled and reforming quasi-parallel shocks
- MMS observations of guide field reconnection at the interface between colliding reconnection jets inside flux rope-like structures at the magnetopause
- MMS observations of magnetic reconnection signatures of dissipating ion inertial-scale flux ropes associated with dipolarization events
- MMS observations of the Earth bow shock during magnetosphere compression and expansion: comparison of whistler wave properties around the shock ramp
- Macro-scale Tectonics of the Eastern North American Shield: Insights from a new Absolute P-wave Tomographic Model for North America.
- Magnetospheric Multiscale observations of Flux Transfer Event signatures
- Magnetospheric Multiscale observations of Poynting flux associated with magnetic reconnection in the Earth's magnetotail from 10 to 25 R<SUB>E</SUB>
- Magnetospheric Science at Uranus and Neptune
- Magnetotail fast flow occurrence rate and dawn-dusk asymmetry at XGSM ∼ -60 RE
- Mantle Flow at the Edge of the Alaska-Aleutian Subduction Zone from Shear-Wave Splitting
- Mantle convective support, drainage patterns and sedimentary flux: Examples from the West Africa passive margin
- Mapping Saturn's Night Side Plasma Sheet Using Cassini's Proximal Orbits.
- Mass Tracking with a MEMS-based Gravity Sensor
- Measuring resilience of coupled human-water systems using ecosystem services compatible indicators
- Measuring the Hydraulic Effectiveness of Low Impact Development Practices in a Heavily Urbanised Environment: A Case Study from London, UK
- Meteorological and small scale internal ecosystem variability characterize the uncertainty of ecosystem level responses to elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>. Insights from the Duke Forest FACE experiment
- Monitoring carbonate dissolution using spatially resolved under-sampled NMR propagators and MRI
- Multi-dimensional Imaging and Characterization of Convective Mixing in a Porous Media
- Multi-phase imaging of intermittency at steady state using differential imaging method by X-ray micro-tomography
- On the Magnitude and Orientation of Stress during Shock Metamorphism: Understanding Peak Ring Formation by Combining Observations and Models.
- On the role of ozone feedback in the ENSO amplitude response under global warming
- Paleo-environmental Setting of the Murray Formation of Aeolis Mons, Gale Crater, Mars, as Explored by the Curiosity Rover
- Patterns and processes of drainage network evolution on Mars
- Photosynthetic capacity regulation is uncoupled from nutrient limitation
- Planetary period oscillations in Saturn's magnetosphere: New results from the F-ring and proximal orbits
- Plasma Wave Intensity During Cassini's F-ring and Proximal Orbits
- Poleward Energy Transport: Is the Standard Definition Physically Relevant at All Time Scales?
- Predicting Reactive Transport Dynamics in Carbonates using Initial Pore Structure
- Predicting Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Groundwater Boreholes Using Self-Potential Data
- Preliminary Results From the Chicxulub Post-Impact Sediments: XRF and Physical Properties Data
- Probing the Cypriot Lithosphere: Insights from Broadband Seismology
- Relating sedimentary processes in the Bagnold Dunes to the development of crater basin aeolian stratification
- Remote Characterization of Ice Shelf Surface and Basal Processes: Examples from East Antarctica
- Representing Farmer Irrigation Decisions in Northern India: Model Development from the Bottom Up.
- Return to the Strangelove Ocean?: Preliminary results of carbon and oxygenisotope compositions of post-impact sediments, IODP Expedition 364 "Chicxulub Impact Crater"
- Review of comet 67P/CG ionosphere and its interaction with the solar wind after Rosetta
- Saturn's Internal Magnetic Field Revealed by Cassini Grand Finale
- Saturn's Ionosphere: Cassini/INMS In Situ Measurements and Model Comparisons
- Seismic Imaging of the Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone Using S-to-P Receiver Functions: Insights From VoiLA
- Seismic signal and noise on Europa and how to use it
- Shock pressure estimation in basement rocks of the Chicxulub impact crater using cathodoluminescence spectroscopy of quartz
- Simulation of geothermal water extraction in heterogeneous reservoirs using dynamic unstructured mesh optimisation
- Southern Ocean Circulation: a High Resolution Examination of the Last Deglaciation from Deep-Sea Corals
- Stratigraphic distribution of veins in the Murray and Stimson formations, Gale crater, Mars: Implications for ancient groundwater circulation
- Subglacial roughness of the Greenland Ice Sheet: relationship with contemporary ice dynamics and geology.
- The Dayside Aurora Brightening Associated with Magnetosheath High-Speed Jets and Their Related Magnetospheric Signatures
- The Development and Assesment of Adaptation Pathways for Urban Pluvial Flooding
- The Distribution of Basal Water Beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet from Radio-Echo Sounding
- The Formation of Laurentia: Evidence from Shear Wave Splitting and Seismic Tomography
- The Heliospheric Cataloguing, Analysis and Techniques Service (HELCATS) project
- The Mechanics of Peak-Ring Impact Crater Formation from the IODP-ICDP Expedition 364
- The Periodic Flapping and Breathing of Saturn's Magnetodisk During Equinox
- The VoiLA ocean bottom seismic array: First insights into the intermediate depth seismicity distribution in the Lesser Antilles
- The subglacial roughness of Antarctica: Analogs, interpretation and implications for ice thickness uncertainities
- Towards Mountains without Permanent Snow and Ice - Impacts and Challenges for Adaptation
- Transport and Reactive Flow Modelling Using A Particle Tracking Method Based on Continuous Time Random Walks
- Two types of SDR recognised in pre-stack velocity analysis of ultra-long-offset seismic reflection data in the South Atlantic
- Uncertainties on the Thermal Structure of the Pacific Lithosphere: Resolution From Surface Waves and Comparison of Different Thermal Models
- Unusual Physical Properties of the Chicxulub Crater Peak Ring: Results from IODP/ICDP Expedition 364
- Using the C3M Satellite Data Product to Evaluate and Constrain the Cloud Fields in the HadGEM3-UKCA Model with an Aim to Enhance Understanding of the Effects of Clouds on Atmospheric Composition via Photolysis
- Vertical motions from ancient buried landscapes: Constraints on Icelandic plume evolution
- VoiLA: A multidisciplinary study of Volatile recycling in the Lesser Antilles Arc
- Why is a High-Resolution Gulf Stream Required to Properly Model its Influence on Mid-latitude Weather and Climate?
- Zeta potential in oil-brine-sandstone system and its role in oil recovery during controlled salinity waterflooding
- 3D imaging of the impact of continuous and discontinuous layered heterogeneity patterns on the process of convective dissolution
- A Framework Approach to Modelling the Risk of Extreme Geomagnetic Space Weather Events
- A Globally Fragmented and Mobile Lithosphere on Venus
- A Lacustrine Environment Recorded at Vera Rubin Ridge: Overview of the Sedimentology and Stratigraphy observed by the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover
- A Magnetic Perspective on the Interior of Saturn
- A Statistical Study of Parametric Decay Instability of Alfvén Waves in the Inner-Heliosphere
- A coupled sociohydrological, crop and groundwater modelling framework of the Gandak Basin, north India
- A pre-Messinian Rise in Mediterranean Sea Surface Salinity Evidenced by Clumped Isotopes of Cements and Skeletal Fragments in a Shallow-Water Carbonate Ramp (Novaglie Formation, Southern Italy)
- An Advanced Multiphase Flow and Reactive transport Code for Simulating CO<SUB>2</SUB> Geological Sequestration
- An emerging new picture on plasma heating at Earth's quasi-perpendicular shocks
- An open-access Web-based sociohydrological model platform for improved water security and user decision-making
- Assessing the Global Impact of Dayside Magnetic Reconnection at Mars
- Assessing the role of hydrological evidence in water resources governance
- Automated Detection and Categorization of Antarctic Basal Units Using Radar Sounding Data: Demonstration in Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Brittle-Ductile Deformation and Fault Slip Behavior of a Shallow Subduction Thrust, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Calculating the return on investment of nature-based solutions for water security
- Challenges in the transition from TRMM to IMERG precipitation products - An index-based insurance perspective
- Changes in Photosynthetic Microbial Communities in a 'Pink' Soda Bay in the Chicxulub Crater after the K/Pg Extinction
- Characterizing the onset of fast flow at Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Choosing the future of Antarctica: a perspective looking back from 2070
- Community Based Flood Early Warning System in Nepal: Citizen Science and Participatory Approach towards Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Building
- Compactive deformation in the incoming sedimentary section of the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand: Constraints from seismic reflection data and IODP cores
- Comparison of thermal lithosphere-asthenosphere models with geophysical observations
- Continuum Scale Multiphase Flow Parameter Estimation in Heterogeneous Media using X-Ray CT Imaging and Numerical Modelling
- Coupled mechanistic ecohydrological modelling and machine learning can provide robust estimates of global ET and GPP
- Crustal Structure in Hotspot and Cratonic Environments: a Reappraisal of the H-k Stacking Technique
- Data-Driven Discovery and the Rise of the Collaborative Culture of Data Sharing
- Deep Learning of Geological Structures in 3-D Seismic Data
- Design and Installation of a Very Broad Band Seismometer on Mars
- Dynamic Imaging of Reaction at Reservoir Conditions Considering the Impact of Chemical and Physical Pore-Scale Heterogeneities in Carbonates
- Dynamic mesh optimisation for improved geothermal reservoir modelling
- Elastic moduli and physical properties of fault rock and protolith associated with SSEs at the Northern Hikurangi margin, NZ
- Electromagnetic Interaction Between Saturn and its Rings Viewed by the Cassini Magnetometer During the Grand Finale
- Emissions from Smouldering Peat Fires: Literature Review and New Laboratory Measurements
- Enceladus Auroral Hiss Emissions during Cassini's Grand Finale
- Ensemble approaches to forecasting the near-Earth solar wind
- Evolution of High-Energy Electron Populations as a Function of Heliocentric Distance
- Fast and Slow Components of the Extratropical Atmospheric Circulation Response to CO<SUB>2</SUB> Forcing
- Formation and evolution of crater rim alcoves and alluvial fans on Mars
- Fracture Characterization and Measurements of Granitic Core of the Chicxulub Impact Crater
- Generation and Scaling of Fluvial Channels
- Global MHD/test particle simulations of non-diffusive flux enhancement processes in the radiation belts
- Goal-based Sensitivity Maps Using Time Windows And Ensemble Perturbations
- High-resolution maps of the main types of anthropogenic surface water demand for 4 Andean countries (Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Chile)
- High-resolution seafloor imaging of the diverse North Hikurangi Margin, including the creeping and catastrophic North Tuaheni Landslide
- Historical time-variation in climate sensitivity related to the nature of the forcing
- How vegetation and climate constrain the global range of T/ET?
- Hydrological characterization of pre-Inca water harvesting practices using high-resolution monitoring
- IODP borehole observatories to monitor slow slip at the offshore Hikurangi subduction zone
- Imaging Tracer Transport and In-Situ Fracture Aperture Changes Due to Shear Displacement with X-Ray Computerized Tomography
- Imaging the Lesser Antilles subduction zone from a new regional seismic velocity model and relocated seismicity
- Impact Generated Porosity at Depth Within the Lunar Crust
- Increasing our understanding of perchlorate salts during thermal decomposition and their implications for life detection on Mars
- Insights from Radio and Plasma Wave Observations During Cassini's Grand Finale
- Integrating citizen-science generated data with the JULES land-surface model for hydrological analysis in the tropical Andes
- Investigating the Role of Underplating and Mantle Plumes in the Midcontinent Rift Using Vp and Vp/Vs Tomography
- Ion Density Profiles in a Cometary Environment: Ionospheric Modelling and in-situ Data Comparison
- Landslide EVO: Citizen Science and Sensor Networks for Landslide Risk Reduction and Resilience Building
- Large-Scale Tectonic Forcing of the African Landscape Revealed by Drainage Analysis.
- Lithospheric Thermo-Compositional Structure of the Northeastern North American Shield from Rayleigh Wave Dispersion Analysis
- Low-cost LiDAR Sensor Networks for Water Level Measurements and Discharge Calculations
- Low-cost, high-frequency groundwater monitoring for water security in Somalia
- MMS observations of reconnecting current sheets in the disordered transition region of collisionless shocks
- Magnetosheath Turbulence and its Relationship with Electron Magnetic Reconnection
- Magnetosheath high speed jets and magnetopause observations by Cluster and MMS simultaneously
- Marine terrace genesis on an active tectonic coast: rates and processes of rock coast erosion prior to uplift during the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake inferred from cosmogenic <SUP>10</SUP>Be concentrations.
- Measuring Water Levels with Low-cost LiDAR
- Measuring energy conversion in near-Earth space plasmas with MMS
- Microstructural observations of quartz from the basement rocks of the Chicxulub impact structure and shock pressure estimation
- Modelling of Melt Segregation and Reactive Flow in Crustal Mush Reservoirs
- NZ3D OBS experiment: Toward elucidating high-resolution plate boundary structure, offshore Gisborne, Hikurangi margin, New Zealand
- Net-zero Emissions Energy Systems
- New Insights into Electron-Scale Dissipation at the Earth's Bow Shock
- North American Landscape Evolution: Insights from Stratigraphy, Thermochronology and Geomorphology
- On the applicability of simplified models to assess pressure evolution during CO2 injection into multiple site systems
- Peak Temperature Distribution of Micrometeorites on the Earth and Mars: Implications For the Survival of Organics
- Probing mantle deformation in Central and Eastern Europe using SKS splitting
- Rayleigh Wave Imaging of the Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone
- Reactive Melt Flow in Mush Reservoirs: A Key Process Controlling Storage and Differentiation of Magma in the Continental Crust
- Relationship of Tropospheric Stability to Climate Sensitivity and Earth's Observed Radiation Budget
- Revisiting the Seismic Structure of Atlantic Oceanic Crust
- Revisiting the giant Ruatoria Debris Flow on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand: results from IODP Expeditions 372 and 375, Site U1520.
- Saturn's Planetary Period Oscillations observed throughout the Cassini mission
- Scales of Similarity and Disparity Between Fluvial Channels
- Seafloor Overthrusting Creates Ductilely Deformed Fault Rocks in Marine Sediments at the Hikurangi Margin: Implications for Fault Zone Evolution and Mechanics at IODP Site U1518
- Seismic imaging of the Lesser Antilles subduction zone using S-to-P receiver functions and P-to-S delay times: Insights from VoiLA
- Shallow Mantle Convection Beneath West Africa, Solid Sedimentary Flux to the Mauritanian Basin and Continental Uplift Histories from Drainage Inversion
- Soil moisture controls on C cycle variability and drought impacts across scales
- Spatial multi-objective optimization framework for multifunctional Urban Green Infrastructure implementation based on high resolution data. Case study: Baltimore city
- Structural style and evolution of multi-phase rifts: Examples from the northern North Sea Rift
- TRY - the global database of plant traits: potential and limitations
- Testing the upper-mantle seismic signature of plume-lithosphere interaction in the northern East-African Rift
- The Challenges of Soil Biogeochemistry Mechanistic Modeling - A Reality Check
- The Coupling of Saturn's Atmosphere and Ionosphere to the Rings
- The Decoupling Depth and Slab Thermal Structure
- The Effect of Pressure on the Prebiotic Carbon of the Early Solar System
- The Emergent Impacts of Small Scale Capillary Heterogeneity on Field Scale CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flow and Trapping
- The TROODOS Experiment: Tomography and Receiver function Observations of an Ophiolite using Data Obtained from Seismology
- The challenge of spatio-temporal variability of processes across Antarctic ice-bed-ocean interfaces: past evolution of Antarctic sensitivity to climatic conditions
- The conductivities of Saturn's ionosphere from the Cassini Grand Finale
- The dynamics of shallow plate interface slip at the offshore Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand
- The internal structure of the African superplume; insights from body-wave seismic tomography and converted phases
- The modern Icelandic landscape: a record of regional uplift from progressive fluvial erosion histories
- Thermal acclimation of leaf respiration consistent with optimal plant function
- Thermosphere Density Inferred From the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter Aerobraking Campaign
- Towards a system dynamics model of the Indo-Gangetic Plain for sustainable water resources management
- Tropical Pacific Climate Variability under Solar Geoengineering: Impacts on ENSO Extremes
- Turbulence-Resolving Simulations of the Plunge Phenomenon in a Stratified Ambient
- Unlocking hydrological uncertainties for adapting decision-making in the Himalayas
- Validating a full-waveform inversion velocity model at the north Hikurangi subduction margin using IODP drilling data
- Visualisation and communication of hydrological data to support risk reduction and resilience building against flooding and landslides
- Winding down the Chicxulub impact: The transition from impactites to normal marine sedimentation
- 12 Years TRY Database - Towards a 3<SUP>rd</SUP> Generation of Data Assimilation
- A Coupled SPH-Shallow Water Hydrodynamic Modelling Approach for Landslide Generated Tsunami Hazard Assessment
- A Multi-Proxy Approach to Understanding Continental-scale Landscape Evolution: A North American Example
- A Reduced Order Deep Data Assimilation Model
- A deep-learning based approach for predicting high latitude ionospheric scintillations using geospace data and auroral imagery
- A new P-wave mantle tomographic model for Africa and a receiver function study of the Ethiopian plateau
- A pore to continuum multiscale study of REV, hysteresis, and heterogeneity in subsurface multiphase flow
- A reduced-order model of the zonal jets problem in the Southern Ocean
- Acceleration of Ions in Jovian Plasmoids: Does Electromagnetic Turbulence Play a Role?
- Acknowledging The Elephants: New Directions And Tests Of Least-Cost Optimality Theory
- Advancing the Particle-In-Cell Scheme to an Adaptive, Unstructured Mesh Computational Modelling Framework
- Anomalous pressure diffusion in sparse fracture systems: Insights from hydraulic and thermal field experiments at the Grimsel Underground Research Laboratory, Switzerland
- Assessing the Impact of Glacier Shrinkage on the Water Security and Resilience of Tropical Andean Populations
- Characterising Extreme Rainfall over the Tropical Andes with a Network of Tipping Bucket Rain Gauges and GPM satellite Data
- Characterization of the InSight Landing Site Near Surface Properties Using the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Probe (HP<SUP>3</SUP>) Mole as a Seismic Source
- Characterizing Multiphase Flow in Heterogeneous Carbonates
- Citizen science in schools: Environmental education and empowerment in a remote region of western Nepal
- Comodulation Analysis of Atmospheric Energy Injection into the Ground Motion at InSight Part 1: The Site Dynamics on Elysium Planitia
- Comodulation Analysis of Atmospheric Energy Injection into the Ground Motion at InSight Part 2: Environmental Sensitivity of SEIS and Quake Detection
- Comparison of InSight Homestead hollow to Spirit Laguna hollow
- Connecting Lower Mount Sharp Strata: how does the Clay-bearing Unit in Glen Torridon Relate to the Murray Formation, Gale Crater, Mars
- Constraining Earth's Multi-scale Topographic Response to Global Mantle Flow
- Constraining the Ionospheric Zonal Neutral Flow Shears at Saturn from Cassini Magnetometer Observations of Low-Latitude Field-Aligned Currents at Saturn
- Contextualising Paleomagnetic Records with Multiscale Microscopy, Microanalytics and Machine Learning
- Crater Retention Ages at the InSight and Spirit Landing Sites
- Dayside magnetospheric and ionospheric responses to transient upstream disturbances measured by satellite-imager coordination
- Depositional regimes at the Brazilian Equatorial Margin during the Cenozoic
- Design Thinking and Socio-Hydrological Modelling
- Detection of Fossil and Biogenic Methane at Regional Scales Using Atmospheric Radiocarbon
- Direct Evidence of Nonstationary Collisionless Shocks in Space Plasmas
- Discriminating models of rift mechanics using transient river profiles in extensional footwalls
- Distribution of Alluvial Fans and Syn-Tectonic Sedimentation in Valles Marineris, Mars
- Diverse temperate rainforests near the Late Cretaceous South Pole
- Drainage Integration in Active Continental Rifts: Tipping the Balance between Basin Filling and Subsidence
- Earthquakes track subduction fluids from their source in the slab to their sink in the mantle wedge
- EnVision M5 Venus Orbiter Proposal
- Energy Transport and Partition in the Vicinity of the Magnetopause Reconnection Electron Dissipation Region
- Enhanced images and new models of the Wilkes Subglacial Basin help constrain the variability in geological boundary conditions for the East Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Estimating and Tracking the Exchange of Carbon and Water between the Vegetation and the Atmosphere using a Model-Data approach
- Estimating the return-on-investment of in situ hydrological monitoring
- Evaluating the ERA5 reanalysis dataset in the context of weather index-based insurance in sub-Saharan Africa
- Evaluation of pore network model predictions of continuum multiphase flow heterogeneity by comparison with high resolution experimental observations
- Evidence for an Anomalously Large Cold Mantle Wedge Corner of the Caribbean Plate in the Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone
- Experimental Study of Shear Fracture Reactivation in Marcellus Shale
- Fugitive methane emissions from UK onshore gas distribution: geochemical characterization and inventory verification
- Generalized Ohm's Law Decomposition of the Electric Field in Magnetosheath Turbulence: Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations
- Geology of the InSight Landing Site, Mars
- Geothermal reservoir modelling by using dynamic unstructured meshes for improved heat recovery in highly heterogeneous reservoirs
- Global Mapping of Leaf Photosynthetic Capacity Using Remote Sensing Methods
- Global Patterns of Continental Uplift: Insights Inferred from Paleobiological Data
- Growth of thrust fault arrays in space and time: an example from the deep-water Niger Delta gravitational system.
- Half a Mars Year of Atmospheric Results from InSight
- Heat sources and the evolution of multiple magma reservoirs in the continental crust
- High resolution seismic imaging of the Lesser Antilles incoming plate, outer rise and accretionary prism: Implications for the hydration of slow-spreading Atlantic lithosphere
- How Much Mass, Momentum, and Energy Do Magnetosheath Jets Carry to the Magnetopause?
- Hydrological benefits of indigenous nature-based solutions in the Andes
- ICECAP's contribution to NASA's Operation IceBridge in East Antarctica
- Imaging of Steady-State Intermittent Flow Pathways in a Carbonate Rock with 1 Second Time Resolution
- Immersed Boundary Finite-Difference Methods for Seismic Wave Propagation Modelling: an Implementation Using Symbolic Computation in Devito.
- Impact of storm surge inundation and monsoonal flushing on drinking pond salinity in coastal Bangladesh
- Impact of texture and mineralogy on the wettability of rock surfaces
- In search for lost atoms: benchmarking <SUP>10</SUP>Be & <SUP>26</SUP>Al measurements at ANSTO
- In-flight alignment calibration of magnetic field measurement by JACS on JUICE
- Inclusive hydrology: how to maximize participation and actionable knowledge creation in water resources
- Influence of fracture growth, interaction and coalescence on flow channeling in dense three-dimensional fracture networks
- Insights into rock deformation from observations of the Chicxulub impact crater: Impact bulking, role of cohesion, and contrasts with tectonic plate boundary faults
- Insights into the rates and nature of long-term erosion of rocky coasts from CRN exposure dating
- Instrumental, Lander, and Geophysical Resonances from the InSight Seismometer on Mars
- Interstellar Probe - To Touch Interstellar Space
- Ion Acoustic Waves Associated with Turbulent Plasma Mixing in the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability
- Is the Sequence of Quakes on Mars Poissonian?
- Landslide EVO: Monitoring landslides in remote western Nepal by leveraging technological advances and citizen science
- Large scale 1/f magnetic field spectrum in the solar wind close to the Sun: comparison between 0.15 and 0.3AU
- Linking Soft Traits with the Environment: Trait Syndromes and Plant Adaptation Strategies
- Local earthquake analysis in a region of slow slip and mud volcanism: The onshore NZ3D Hikurangi margin experiment
- MMS observation of particle distributions in an Alfvén vortex
- Magnetic connectivity of the ecliptic plane within 0.5 AU : PFSS modelling of the early PSP encounters
- Mechanism of Element Exchange Between Solid Phases - a Case Study Using Fe-Mg Exchange Between Ortho- and Clinopyroxenes
- Mitigating the Climate Forcing of Aircraft Contrails by Small-Scale Diversions and Technology Adoption
- Modeling of Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Fractured Porous Media
- Modeling of the interaction of a hydraulic fracture with a pre-existing three-dimensional fracture network using a fully-coupled finite element-based poroelastic model
- Modelling the effects of 3D shallow scatterers and atmospheric sources on Martian seismic signals at high frequencies
- MyShake - Global Smartphone seismic network for earthquake hazards mitigation
- Natural Infrastructure for Water Security in Peru : how systematic review and meta-analysis can promote the conservation and restoration of Peruvian ecosystems or ancestral practices
- Observations of Wetting Alteration in Sandstone and Carbonate Rocks Across Scales (10<SUP>-9</SUP> - 10<SUP>-5</SUP>m) Using Atomic Force Microscopy and XCT Imaging
- Observations of the X-discontinuity - at 280-350 km depth - beneath hotspot locations
- Observed Properties of Solar Wind Jets inside 0.25 AU
- Olivine grain growth kinetics at high pressure and temperature
- Overview of observed seismic signals on Mars
- Oxygen isotope values of biogenic silica: Diagenesis and utility as a paleoenvironmental proxy
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Magnetic Reconnection Exhausts during Encounter 1
- Particle Acceleration from Strong Turbulence Driven by Magnetic Reconnection
- Patterns of Cenozoic Dynamic Topography: An Example from the North American Middle Atlantic Margin
- Pervasive sensor networks for river stage monitoring and discharge estimation
- Potential for passive electromagnetic sounding of Triton's expected subsurface ocean
- Predictability of Leaf Traits with Climate and Elevation: A Case Study in Gongga Mountain, China.
- Pressure effects on SEIS-INSIGHT instrument, improvement of seismic records and characterization of gravity waves from ground displacements
- Quantification of the Gas-in-Place and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage Potential of Shale Using Sorption Measurements and Modelling
- Quantifying landscape response times to active faulting and bedrock erodibility: Field insights from Calabria, Italy
- Quantitative prediction of leaf economics
- Radiation Monitor RADMON aboard Aalto-1 CubeSat: First results
- Revealing the Large-Scale Properties of the Saturnian Magnetodisc Current Sheet
- SEIS first year: nm/s^2 (and less) broadband seismology on Mars and first steps in Mars-Earth-Moon comparative seismology.
- Seafloor Sediment Thickness Beneath the VoiLA Broadband Ocean-Bottom Seismometer Deployment in the Lesser Antilles from P-to-S Delay Times
- Searching for seismic sources around the InSight landing site: focus on the sol 173 and sol 235 events
- Seismic activity level of Mars estimated from 300 Sols of InSight data
- Seismic structure of mature Atlantic Ocean crust
- Seismicity of Mars
- Sharp Alfvenic Impulses in the Near-Sun Solar Wind: Properties and Possible Origins
- Solar wind and Planetary period modulations of reconnection events in Saturn's magnetotail
- Spatial distribution of englacial layer slope as a constraint on ice sheet basal conditions
- Standing on Apollo's shoulders: MEMS seismometers for the Lunar Geophysical Network
- Statistics of Reconnecting Structures within the Transition Region of Earth's Bow Shock
- SunPy v1.0, the community-developed, free and open-source solar data analysis environment for Python.
- Surveying Quasi-Periodic Ultra-Low-Frequency Waves in the Jovian Magnetosphere
- The Interplay of Turbulence and Electron-Only Reconnection: A Survey of Magnetosheath Turbulence with Magnetospheric Multiscale
- The Marsquake Service for InSight: the first year of operations
- The Role of Variable Slab Dip in Driving Mantle Flow at the Eastern Edge of the Alaskan Subduction Margin: Insights From Shear-Wave Splitting
- The Solar Orbiter Magnetometer: Performance and Science Targets
- The co-dependency of erosion rate, rock strength, and topographic relief: a case study from the Western Transverse Ranges, southern California, USA
- The landscape of Saturn's magnetic field from the Cassini Grand Finale
- The magnetic structure and electrodynamics of the emerging solar wind
- The modulation of solar wind hydrogen deposition in the Martian atmosphere by foreshock phenomena
- The temporal evolution of normal faults
- Thermal Histories of Crystals Formed in Crustal Magma Reservoirs
- Three-dimensional anisotropic P-wave velocity structure around the shallow plate boundary in the Northern Hikurangi margin, New Zealand
- Tracing Unstable Marine-Based Sectors of the Antarctic Ice Sheet during Late Pleistocene Warm Times
- Using In-Situ Juno Observations to Understand the Radial Evolution of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections.
- What Lies Beneath: Making the Link Between the coma and Surface Composition of Comets
- What controls the selective influence of pre-existing basement structures during rifting? Insights from analogue modelling
- What record will the Greenheugh pediment and associated landforms in Gale crater reveal about Martian climate history?
- Widespread hydration of the back arc and the link to variable hydration of the incoming plate in the Lesser Antilles.
- Young Solar Wind in the Grip of the Sun's Corona
- Zeta Potential of Intact Natural Sandstones in Subsurface Reservoirs: Impact of Mineralogy, Electrolyte Composition, Temperature and Wetting State
- A Global Analysis of the Effects of Hydrometeorological Variables on Human Leptospirosis Incidence
- A Lagrangian study of interfaces at the edges of shallow cumulus clouds
- A System Dynamics framework to understand and quantify urban built, natural and human environment interdependencies
- A method for adjusting the peakedness of design storms to prevent bias in hydraulic modelling simulation
- A methodology to characterise human water use with application in the data-scarce tropical Andes
- A system water management meta-model based on Green-Red loop concepts on global scale
- Air Quality Modeling for Urban Environments Using Deep Neural Networks and Very High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
- An Update on the Seismicity on Mars as seen from InSight
- An Urban Planning Sustainability Framework for Multifunctional Design Solutions
- Analytical study of energy-transfer processes on Ganymede's upstream magnetopause
- Atmospheric Restoration AcceleratorWorking in collaboration with industry, policymakers and the public to realise and scale greenhouse gas removal technologies in a socially and environmentally sustainable way to address the impacts of climate change.
- Automating Code Generation for Point Evaluation in Geoscience Models
- Building a lunar network using a flexible, long-lived Lunar Geophysical Package (LGP)
- Cascading Tipping Elements at Earth's Greenhouse-Icehouse Transition
- Characteristics of Jupiter's X-ray auroral hot spot emissions using Chandra
- Cloud feedbacks cause higher climate sensitivity in CMIP6. What do observations say?
- Consolidated synthesis of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O time series 1990-2018 for EU27 and UK
- Continuous CH<SUB>4</SUB> and δ<SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUB>4</SUB> Measurements in London Demonstrate Under-Reported Natural Gas Leakage
- Cretaceous to Recent Continental Uplift From Paleobiological Data and Landscape Evolution Modelling
- Current and future global climate impacts resulting from COVID-19
- Current sheet structure and associated small-scale flux ropes in the heliospheric magnetic field observed by Solar Orbiter
- Developing lithospheric strain fabrics and complex asthenospheric flow in the eastern Mediterranean: evidence from shear-wave splitting
- Development and Early Results from UK Air Quality Supersite Network
- Difference in ambient-personal exposure to PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and its inflammatory effect in local residents in urban and peri-urban Beijing, China: Results of the AIRLESS project
- Direct measurement of olivine grain boundary viscosity
- Does Jupiter's magnetosphere ring like a bell? Investigating the system response to externally driven ultra-low-frequency waves
- Early results from the Proton Alfa Sensor (PAS/SWA) onboard Solar Orbiter: the Solar Wind at different scales.
- Early- to mid-Holocene ice sheet thinning in the Pine Island-Thwaites Glacier catchment of West Antarctica: glacial-geological observations and modeling
- Effects of Root Exudation on Soil Carbon Formation and Loss: Insights from Artificial Root-Soil Systems
- EnVision: Europe's Proposed Mission to Venus
- Enceladus as an Internal Plasma Source at Saturn and How this Affects the Global Magnetic Field Structure
- External Operators in Firedrake
- First Evidence of a Cushion Region at Saturn and a Reconsideration of Why It Forms
- Forward, Inverse and Spectral Analyses of Drainage Networks and Landscapes Reveal Dominance of Regional Tectonics and Mantle Dynamics
- Full-waveform inversion imaging of the slow slip region at the shallow Hikurangi Subduction Margin reveals complex fault and hydrogeological systems
- Geological Mapping in Northern Meridiani Planum: Insights into Flooding in Paleo-Dune Fields
- Global infrastructural development towards a sustainability balance
- Ground deformations due to atmospheric forcing at InSight landing site: effect of lateral variation of sub-surface properties and response to various atmospheric waves
- Heliocentric Distance Variation of Interplanetary Field Enhancements
- Hydrology of high-Andean bofedales wetlands
- IPCC Sixth Assessment approaches towards FAIR data and an enhanced data reuse
- Identifying ancient dune processes in the Stimson formation of Gale crater from the Greenheugh pediment to the Emerson Plateau using geochemical data from ChemCam.
- Identifying and generating valuable hydrologic information for decisions about natural infrastructure
- Impacts of COVID-19 Emissions Reductions on Aerosol-Cloud Interaction: from Chemistry to Climate
- Impacts of infiltration trenches on hydrological ecosystem services : a systematic review.
- Implementation of stable carbon isotopes into JULES model: A novel approach for evaluating the coupled carbon and water cycles as represented in UKESM
- Improved Retrieval of Mid-upper Tropospheric Water Vapour by Measurement of Far-infrared Radiance - a Case Study
- InSight seismic data from Mars: Effect and treatment of transient data disturbances
- Initial Ambient Noise Tomography above a region of Slow-Slip, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Integrated management of urban water systems to prioritise river quality
- Integration of Spatiotemporal Data in The Development of AI-fEaL: Artificial Intelligence for Early Warning of Leptospirosis in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
- Investigating physical and statistical correlations associated with induced seismicity in the Delaware Basin, Texas
- Investigation on kinetic processes based on MMS/Cluster joint measurements at the vicinity of the plasma sheet boundary layer
- Investigations of Magnetic Field Signals During Pressure Vortices at InSight
- Ionospheric Outflow at Jupiter and Saturn
- Kinematics and structure of submarine landslides;recent learnings from 3D seismic reflection data
- Land-Use Differentiated Unit Hydrographs of Thirty Paired Catchments in the Tropical Andes
- Large silicic magma bodies and very large magnitude explosive eruptions.
- Linking Lithospheric Structure, Mantle Flow and Intra-Plate Volcanism
- Listening for a Landing: the seismic detectability of Mars 2020's arrival by the InSight lander
- Lithospheric Thermo-compositional Structure as a Record of Tectonic History: A Comparison Between the Canadian Shield and the South American Platform.
- Low-cost Lidar Sensor Network for River Stage Monitoring and Discharge Estimation
- MMS and Cluster conjugate observation of current sheet disturbances associated with localized fast flows in the near-Earth magnetotail
- Magnetosheath high speed jets observed with Cluster and MMS with near-Earth upstream solar wind monitors
- Mapping the intra-annual cropping frequency of African irrigation schemes by multi-sensor fusion
- Mass Spectrometric Fingerprints of Archaea and Bacteria for Life Detection on Icy Moons
- Micromechanical testing of olivine grain boundaries
- Missing the Forest for the Trees: How accurate is the MODIS Vegetation Continuous Fields Tree Cover and does it matter?
- MoonShake: a Future Lunar Seismic Network delivered by Penetrators
- Multiphase flow in heterogeneous mixed-wet rocks observed at the resolution of pores across large spatial domains
- Natural and anthropogenic drivers of the 2016 drying of Lake Poopó, Bolivia
- Near-Surface Geophysical Tomography of the Royal Arches Meadow Rock Avalanche in Yosemite Valley, California.
- New evidence for climate and erosion history in Gale crater, Mars, from Curiosity's ascent onto the Greenheugh pediment
- New study targets modelling crust and lithosphere heterogeneity in the Wilkes Subglacial Basin of East Antarctica
- P-wave velocity structure and stress state of shallow subduction faults in the northern Hikurangi margin, New Zealand, from NZ3D OBS data
- Polarized ambient noise on Mars
- Pore to core scale observations to characterize the wetting state and multiphase flow heterogeneity of subsurface rocks
- Pore-by-pore wettability characterization in sandstone and carbonate rocks
- Pore-scale modelling of collective dissolution of bubbles in a regular porous medium
- Predicting Fluvial Sediment Geochemistry: Forward and Inverse Approaches
- Probing the atmosphere-driven ground motion through comodulation at InSight, Mars
- Quantification of the fossil fraction of methane emissions in London using radiocarbon measurements of atmospheric methane
- Quantifying the Importance of Vegetation Characteristics and Fuel Build Up for Fire Seasonality
- Reanalyzing carbonate clumped isotope calibration materials using robust carbonate standardization
- Reconstructing Martian environmental change across a major unconformity at Gale crater: sedimentology of the Stimson formation at the Greenheugh pediment
- Resolving a trilemma: a consistent and conservative transport scheme for moisture on the Charney-Phillips grid
- Retrieval of midlatitude cloud properties from FIRMOS downwelking spectral radiance
- Returns on investment in watershed interventions: water funds as science-policy-economy catalyzers
- Revealing the structure and dynamics of dyke swarms using 3D seismic reflection data
- Revealing the subsurface structure of deep-water volcanoes using 3D seismic reflection data
- Reviewing the evidence: How do nature-based solutions affect water flows in agriculture and rangelands
- Saturn's nightside ring current during Cassini's Grand Finale
- Seismicity of the Abaya geothermal field in the Ethiopian rift
- Slow and unsteady? Soil carbon accumulation rates in Mediterranean and semi-arid post-agricultural landscapes
- Societal Transformations in Models for Energy and Climate Policy: The Ambitious Next Step
- Solar Orbiter: early in situ measurements
- Source Apportionment of Black Carbon in Residential Environment Using Portable Multi-wavelength Aethalometers at Peri-urban and Urban Beijing
- Spongy land-use for regional plans based on hydrological extreme indices, a case of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area
- SunPy 2.0: the community-developed open-source solar data analysis environment for Python
- Surface Investigations of Aeolian Activity on Mars: Recent Advances and Outstanding Questions
- Survey of Saturn's magnetopause and bow shock positions over the entire Cassini mission: boundary statistical properties, and exploration of associated upstream conditions
- Temporal and spatial changes in full-waveform inversion velocity models along the northern Hikurangi subduction margin
- The Contribution of Planetary Period Oscillations towards Magnetic Reconnection at Saturn
- The Development of Intermittent Fluid Flow Pathways and their Impact on Relative Permeability Imaged with 1s Temporal Resolution
- The Effects of Nature-Based Solutions on Soil Erosion Mitigation in the Tropical Andes.
- The Europa Seismic Package
- The Historic Effect of CO2 on Global Photosynthesis
- The Impacts of Changes in Cloud Radiative Effects on Poleward Atmospheric and Oceanic Energy Transport in a Warmer Climate
- The Lunar Seismic Package
- The Relative Aggregate Footprint of Energy Production in the Southeast United States
- The Three-Dimensional Structure of the Martian Ionosphere from MAVEN Observations
- The effect of Mach number on accelerated He+ pickup ions downstream of quasi-perpendicular shocks
- The response of Saturn's dawn field-aligned currents to magnetospheric conditions during the Proximal Orbits
- The seismic moment and seismic efficiency of small impacts on Mars
- Thermomechanical Properties of the Shallow Martian Regolith
- Three dimensional high-resolution imaging of the Deep Galicia Margin using wide-angle seismic data
- US Climate Action in a Paris Committed World: What's at Stake?
- Using Multilevel Monte Carlo methods with XBeach to assess erosion/flood risk in the coastal zone
- Using Participatory Natural Capital Decision Making to Improve Collaborative Water Management in River Catchment Partnerships
- Virtual Stakeholder Engagement in Integrated Water Management: Navigating Online Meetings, Social Distancing and Catchment Partnerships During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- A Bayesian approach for regional moment tensor inversion using ocean bottom seismograms in the Lesser Antilles and the implications for regional stress field
- A Catalogue of ICMEs Observed by Juno between 1 and 5.4 AU
- A Field Scale Study to Determine the Impact of Capillary Heterogeneity on CO2 Plume Migration at the Endurance CCS Target Site in the UK
- A Massively Parallel Particle Model for Radiation Belt and Non-Thermal Particle Distributions in the Magnetosphere
- A New Perspective on Non-field-aligned Proton Beams and Their Roles in Cyclotron Wave Growth: Solar Orbiter Observations
- A framework of nature-based solutions with spatial non-stationarity for water hazard management
- A general purpose workflow for creating and forecasting geophysical model surrogates for data assimilation using adversarial training
- A novel method using video images of plumes to estimate volcanic gas fluxes
- A solar source of Alfvenic magnetic field switchbacks: in situ remnants of magnetic funnels on supergranulation scales
- A systems approach to implementing nature-based solutions for water security at the watershed scale
- Accounting Epistemic Uncertainty in Finite-fault Inversion: Development of a Potency-density Tensor Approach to Investigate Complex Earthquake Rupture Processes
- Adaptation to Climate Change Induced Water Stress in Major Glacierized Mountain Regions
- An Open-Source Tool for Accurate Topography Implementation within Finite Difference Wave Solvers
- An estimate of early Pliocene global mean sea level constrained by differentially uplifted sea level indicators and geodynamic models of the Patagonian slab window
- An unsupervised learning approach to identifying blocking events: the case of European summer
- Analysis of the structure and dynamics of the Venus bow shock measured by Solar Orbiter
- Ancient deposits provide insight into dominant morphodynamic processes in river networks under different boundary conditions
- Anisotropy of Solar-Wind Turbulence in the Inner Heliosphere at Kinetic Scales: PSP Observations
- Assessing multi-sector near-term transition and longer-term physical climate risks of greenhouse gas emissions pathways
- Astronomical pacing of the Antarctic Cryosphere: Terrestrial vs. Marine-based Ice Sheet Responses during the Early Miocene
- Attributing Regional Methane Sources with Carbon-13 and Radiocarbon in Atmospheric Methane in the UK
- Body-Wave Tomographic Imaging of the Turkana Depression: Implications for Rift-Development and Plume-Lithosphere Interactions
- CO2 fertilization effect on photosynthesis inferred from observations using optimization theories
- Cenozoic landscape evolution of the Middle Appalachian Mountains: How to get an erosional pulse from an ancient orogen
- Characterization of Opensource 3D Printed Flow Meters for Open Channel Applications.
- Comparing the properties of thin current structures across different turbulent environments using Magnetospheric Multiscale, Parker Solar Probe, and Solar Orbiter
- Comparison of CNN architectures for textural carbonate core image classification
- Comparison of field-aligned currents and GIC variations
- Constraints on the Mantle Wavespeed and Discontinuity Structure below the Turkana Depression, East Africa: Insights into Topographic Development and Ethiopian Flood Basalt Volcanism
- Contaminant Transport in Heterogeneous Soils from Different Land Management Practices
- Contribution of reactive flow in controlling melt fraction change and chemical differentiation in mush reservoirs
- Controls on Strain Localization in Rift Development across the Turkana Depression
- Creating a climatology of gravity wave activity throughout Mars's lower and middle atmosphere from Mars Climate Sounder limb observations
- Determining the Mechanical Parameters of Martian Rocks Using Meteorites and micro-RME
- Detrital Zircons as a Tracer of Paleo-Ice Sheet Dynamics and Subglacial Geology in the Central Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Diagnosing and evaluating the dynamics of terrestrial carbon cycle models
- Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) passive seismic monitoring of a geothermal field with linear and helically-wound fiber
- Dynamic Mesh Optimisation for High Precision Saline Intrusion Modelling
- Dynamic mesh optimisation for unstable density-driven flow modelling: Application to the Elder problem in 2- and 3D
- Effect of Orography on Winds over the Gulf of Mannar Region in India
- EnVision at Venus: Europes next Medium-class science mission
- Energetic Ions in the Venusian System: Insights from the First Solar Orbiter Flyby
- Energetic particle measurements in the inner heliosphere with Solar Orbiters Energetic Particle Detector: First results
- Europa Seismic Package (ESP): Development of a seismometer for the exploration of Europas interior
- Evidence of Bedform Disequilibrium Dynamics in Preserved Fluvial Cross Strata: A Record of Flood Variability or Morphodynamic Hierarchy?
- Farside Seismic Suite (FSS): First seismic data from the farside of the Moon delivered by a commercial lander
- Federated causal inference for out-of-distribution generalization in predicting physiological effects of radiation exposure
- First Solar Orbiter observation of an Alfvenic slow wind stream
- First year of energetic particle measurements by Solar Orbiter's Energetic Particle Detector
- Forest mycobiome composition dictates tree growth and carbon capture across Europe
- Generating future rainfall field at a high spatial-temporal resolution, based on a stochastic generator and an hourly-scale convection-permitting model
- Geodynamic, Geodetic, and Seismic Constraints Favour Deflated and Dense-Cored LLVPs
- Global Contributions of Active Regions to the Solar Wind
- Global Distribution of ULF Wave Power at Earth and Relationship with Charged Particle Dynamics: Implications for Other Planetary Magnetospheres
- Heliophysics Audified: Resonances in Plasmas (HARP), a Citizen Science Tool for Space Weather
- Hierarchical Systems Integration for Coordinated Urban-Rural Water Quality Management at a Catchment Scale
- Hot rocks and Hotspots: How Fine-Scale Geothermal Heat Flow Anomalies Influence East Antarctic Subglacial Melt
- How Magnetic Reconnection Inside Coronal Mass Ejections May Affect Their Coherence
- How a realistic magnetosphere alters the polarisations of surface, fast magnetosonic, and Alfven waves
- How sphericity combines with the age and width of slabs to dictate the dynamics and evolution of subduction systems on Earth
- Hydraulic and photosynthetic plant traits variation along a rainfall gradient: a multiscale perspective
- Hydrology and society: Phenomena emerging from the interactions and feedbacks between human and water systems
- Imaging and Modeling of Multiphase Flow and Reactive Transport in Geological Storage and Oil Recovery
- Impact of Clay Content on the Zeta Potential of Natural Intact Sandstones
- Influence of Sedimentology and Mineralogy on the Potential for Organics Detection in the Rock Record at Jezero Crater, Mars
- Intercomparing Global Foliar Trait and Canopy Height Maps: Upscaling Approaches and Spatial Patterns
- Interhemispheric Asymmetries during Sudden Commencement using Extremal 100-year Dipole Forecasts: Global MHD Simulations
- Investigating Vegetation Role on Urban Heat Island with Mechanistic Modelling Worldwide
- Investigating the Effects of the Planetary Rings on the Azimuthal Magnetic Field at Saturn
- Juno UVS Observations of the Local Time Dependence of Jupiters Polar Auroral Emissions
- Kernel flows to infer the structure of convective storms from satellite passive microwave observations
- Kinetic electrostatic waves and their association with current structures in the solar wind
- Laboratory Scale Demonstration of Self Potential as a Saline Intrusion Early Warning System
- Late Time Behaviour of Immiscible Viscous Fingers
- Leptospirosis Prediction Modelling Under Hydrometeorological Extremes Using Random Forest Machine Learning: a Case Study of the Flood Prone Northeastern Districts of Peninsular Malaysia.
- Listening to the heliosphere how best to make space data audible
- Lithospheric Thermo-Compositional Structure of the South American Platform.
- Localized Drought Early Warning using In-situ Groundwater Sensors
- Low-cost, Non-contact Sensor Network for River Stage Monitoring and Dynamic Discharge Estimation
- MAVEN observations of low frequency steepened magnetosonic waves and associated heating of the Martian nightside ionosphere
- Machine Learning Surrogate Model for Latent Data Assimilation in Wildfire Forecasting Context
- Magnetic reconnection as a mechanism to produce multiple proton populations and beams locally in the solar wind
- Magnetic reconnection near the planet as a possible driver of Jupiters mysterious polar auroras
- Magnetospheric Multiscale observations of energy transport and conversion by magnetic reconnection
- Mantle Structure and Uncertainty from Transdimensional Bayesian P-wave Tomography in Alaska
- Mantle Transition Zone Beneath the Lesser Antilles
- Mechanism and timescale of eruptible magma mobilisation prior to Central Andean supereruptions
- Modelling Seismicity in Response to Fluid Injection Proximate to Faults at Preston New Road, Lancashire, UK
- Multi-Objective Optimisation of a Rock Coast Evolution Model with Cosmogenic 10Be Analysis for the Quantification of Long-Term Cliff Retreat Rates
- Multi-Scale Observations of the Magnetopause Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves During Southward IMF
- Multi-scale 3D investigation on the potential enhanced natural gas recovery and subsurface CO2 storage for Bowland Shale, UK
- Multi-spacecraft Study of the Solar Wind in Latitude
- Multiscale analysis of a current sheet crossing associated with a fast earthward flow during a substorm event detected by MMS
- Multivariate statistical appraisal of regional susceptibility to induced seismicity: application to the Permian Basin, SW United States
- Natural Infrastructure for Water Security
- New Seismic and Geodetic Constraints on Geothermal Viability of East Africas Turkana Depression
- New detailed bathymetry data from Amundsen Sea continental shelf reveal more comprehensive paleo ice flow pattern
- Numerical modelling of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage systems with Dynamic Mesh Optimisation
- Observations of Gravity Waves in Saturns Thermosphere and Implications for Meridional Circulation
- Observations of the Jezero Crater Delta Front by Perseverance Cameras
- One-Dimensional Flow to a Constant-Pressure Boundary in a Pressure-Sensitive Porous Medium
- PINNtomo: Seismic tomography using physics-informed neural networks
- Palynological and Geochemical Analyses of the Chicxulub Impact Crater, IODP Expedition 364: A PETM Record from the Southern Gulf of Mexico
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of the Presence and Absence of Magnetic Reconnection in the Near-Sun Solar Wind Current Sheets
- Predicting the Distribution of Sedimentary Architectural Elements within Martian Sinuous Ridges Using Earth-based Examples
- Prevalence of Magnetic Reconnection in the near-Sun Heliospheric Current Sheet
- Progress in Understanding the Hydrology of High Andean Grasslands under Changing Land Use
- Properties of Alpha Particles in Magnetic Switchbacks
- Proton energization by phase steepening of parallel-propagating Alfvenic fluctuations
- Providing Operational Forecasting of Geomagnetically Induced Currents Using the Gorgon Global Magnetospheric Model
- Quantifying the role of Ganymedes magnetopause current system in inducing magnetic field in the moons subsurface ocean
- Radial evolution of switchbacks in the inner heliosphere: observations from PSP to Ulysses
- Radiative transfer emulation for hyperspectral imaging retrievals with advanced Kernel Flows-based Gaussian Process emulation
- Realistic Convection-Permitting Projections of Temporal Structure of Rainfall Challenge Expectations of Substantial Changes in Ecosystem Productivity under Climate Change
- Recording the Solar Nebular magnetic field through impacts: A magnetic study of the Murchison CM chondritic meteorite
- Reducing Uncertainty in Upper Mantle Rheology and Rates of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Using A Bayesian Inverse Framework to Calibrate Experimental Parameterisations of Anelasticity
- Revisiting the non-heating Preisach paleointensity method using remanence-FORC diagrams
- Sampling deltaic rocks and their source terranes at Jezero crater to understand early Martian history
- Scale-Dependent Topographic and Climatic Controls on Biodiversity: Insights from Wavelet Spectral Analyses
- Science Data From a Multi-Spacecraft, Multi-Scale Observatory: Data Processing, Selection, and Analysis for the HelioSwarm Mission
- Seamount Subduction Along the Northern Hikurangi Margin Inferred from 3D Seismic Imaging
- Seasonal Loops between Local Outgoing Longwave Radiation and Surface Temperature
- Seismica: a community-led Diamond Open-Access journal for seismology and earthquake science
- Self Potential Monitoring of Induced Saline Intrusion in a Beach Aquifer
- Silica-rich Archean continents reconstructed by 'unweathering' the major-element composition of sedimentary rocks
- Small-Scale Solar Activity and its effect on the coronal environment
- Solar Orbiter - Short scale structures propagating in the Solar Wind and effects on the proton distribution functions: observations from PAS.
- Some Tesserae on Venus Display Recent and Perhaps Ongoing Deformation
- Spectral diversity in the Western Delta Fan exposures in Jezero crater, Mars, as seen with Mastcam-Z on the Perseverance rover mission
- Statistical Observations of Solar Wind Fluctuations in the de Hoffmann-Teller Frame
- Statistical Study of Magnetopause Flux Ropes associated with Electron Diffusion Region (EDR) Encounters
- Strategic siting of new renewable plants to help in avoiding wind-solar extreme drought in deeply decarbonised grids A case study of India
- Streaming Potential Measurements of Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids
- Structure and dynamics of flux ropes in the solar wind with implications for switchbacks
- Structures and seismicity: showing shifting rift axis across the Turkana Depression
- Studying the evolution and propagation of a prominent solar wind structure observed by PSP on June 13, 2020
- Sub-Ion Scale Alfvenic Turbulence in the Near-Sun Solar Wind: New Insights from Parker Solar Probe
- Subduction History of the Caribbean from Upper-Mantle Seismic Imaging and Plate Reconstruction
- Suprathermal Ion Intensity Enhancements in the vicinity of the Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossing near Parker Solar Probes Perihelion 7
- Switchback-like structures observed by Solar Orbiter
- Synergistic Science from the VERITAS, DAVINCI, and EnVision Missions to Venus
- Ten months of Perseverance on Mars
- The Crust and Uppermost-Mantle Structure of the Turkana Depression: Insights from Surface-Wave Analysis
- The Crustal Structure of the Anatolian Plate from Receiver Functions: Implications for Uplift in Anatolia
- The Crustal Structure of the Turkana Depression: Receiver Function Evidence from Project TRAILS
- The Development of Seismic Anisotropy Below South-central Alaska: Evidence From Shear Wave Splitting
- The First Widespread Solar Energetic Particle Event Observed by Solar Orbiter on 2020 November 29
- The Human Health Impacts of Africas 21st Century Air Pollutant Emissions Trajectory
- The Kinetic Evolution of the Electron Strahl in the Inner Heliosphere
- The Local and Remote Atmospheric Impacts of Africas 21st Century Aerosol Emissions Trajectory
- The M5.0 Turkana Rift Mainshock-Aftershock Sequence, E. Africa
- The Mantle Seismic Structure below Canada and Alaska Constrained by a New Absolute P-wavespeed Tomographic Model
- The Mars Winds Project: Mapping Prevalent Surface Wind Directions on Mars using Deep-Learning
- The Notional Plan for Sample Collections by the Perseverance Rover for Mars Sample Return
- The Role of Mush Reservoir Processes on the Source, Size and Frequency of Large-Scale Silicic Eruptions.
- The Seismicity on Mars as recorded by InSights' Marsquake Service
- The X-discontinuity as a Tracer for Chemical Heterogeneity: Observations from East Africa
- The influence of the North Anatolian Fault and a fragmenting slab architecture on upper mantle seismic anisotropy in the eastern Mediterranean
- The interior of Mars as seen by InSight
- The role of magnetosheath high-speed jets in generating magnetospheric ULF waves
- The seismicity of Cyprus 20172019
- Thermochemical structure of cratonic roots
- Three-Dimensional Imaging of Density-Driven Convection in Consolidated Rock Samples Using X-Ray CT Scanning
- Traveling Through Field Line Resonances at Saturn
- Triggering of Microseismicity During Low Tides at the Equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Inferred from the PI-LAB Experiment Data
- Tropical Dry Forest Response to Nutrient Fertilization: A Model Evaluation
- Uncertainty propagation from pedotransfer functions to ecosystem dynamics
- Understanding Grain size Dependence of Pyrrhotite Magnetic Particles using Micromagnetic Modelling
- Understanding the sediment system of the Maverick Basin, Texas during the Late Cretaceous to Early Eocene through modelling of Apparent Organic Temperatures vs Carbonate Clumped Isotope Temperatures
- Unraveling controls on rare earth elements in global rivers: a data compilation and modelling approach
- Urban Water Neutrality at City Scale: CityPlan Evaluation and Design Module
- Use of 14C for quantification of fossil methane in central London and evaluation of 14C emissions from nuclear power plants
- Using Compressibility to Characterize Circularly-Polarized Waves Near the Proton Cyclotron Frequency Observed by Solar Orbiter
- Using machine learning to predict the ground motion from atmospheric data at InSight, Mars
- Using the Favorable Magnetic Geometry of Uranus to Search for Subsurface Oceans within its Moons
- Viscous instabilities in 2D miscible displacements in a quarter five spot pattern. Hele Shaw experiments and numerical simulations.
- Vortex-induced reconnection at the Earths magnetopause
- Widespread thermal acclimation of canopy photosynthesis
- 3D Reconstructions of the Solar Atmosphere using Neural Radiance Fields
- A 3-D numerical investigation of the impact of aseismic ridges on subduction dynamics and stress
- A Correction Coefficient for Heterogeneity-induced Biases in Passive Cloud Droplet Number Concentration Using Neural Networks, Active Remote Sensing, and In Situ Observations
- A MAVEN case study of radial IMF at Mars: Impacts on the dayside ionosphere
- A Micromagnetic Approach To Determining The FORC Response Of Single-Vortex Signals.
- A Semi-Automatic Method for Predicting Subglacial Dry-Wet Distribution Based on Radio-Echo Sounding Data
- A Systems Approach to Understanding the Impacts of Nature-Based Solutions on Water Security
- A stochastic approach to causality
- Advanced continuum damage models for simulating ice shelf fracture
- Aeolian Activity Over Two Martian Years at the InSight Landing Site
- Aero-geophysical constraints on the crustal structure of the western margin of the Aurora Subglacial Basin, East Antarctica
- Agricultural policy and its potential for unintended impacts on air quality and public health in India
- An Overview of HelioSwarm: A NASA MIDEX Mission to Reveal the Nature of Turbulence in Space Plasmas
- An estimate of the amount of geological CO2 storage over the period 1996-2020
- Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage: Challenges to Widespread Uptake in the United Kingdom and Other Immature Markets
- Assessing how BepiColombo will use Solar Wind Variability to Probe Mercury's Interior
- Assessing the risk of saltwater contamination during Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage
- Automatic Detection of Magnetic Reconnection: Solar Orbiter Reveals that Reconnection Jets Cluster in the Solar Wind
- Broadband seismological analyses in the Eastern Mediterranean: implications for late-stage subduction, plateau uplift and the development of the North Anatolian Fault
- CME-CME Interactions: Preconditioning, Collisions and Flux Erosion: How to Create a Perfect Storm?
- CUBHIC 2.0: Modelling the Hydrological Benefits of Nature-based Solutions for Water Security in the Andes
- Can Probabilistic Machine Learning Extract the Physical Mechanism of Induced Earthquakes in the Delaware Basin, West Texas?
- Candidates for Downstream Jets at Interplanetary Shocks
- Chasing tails: Insights for thermomagnetic recording in non-uniform magnetic structures from micromagnetic modeling
- Climate Controlled Fluvial Stratigraphic Architecture in the Middle Eocene Escanilla Formation, South-Central Pyrenees, Spain
- Cloudspotting on Mars: Mapping Mesospheric Clouds through Citizen Science
- Combining Global MHD, Test Particle and Fokker Planck Simulations to Resolve Multiscale Radiation Belt Dynamics
- Consistent Trends in Dry Spell Length in Recent Observations and Future Projections
- Constraining the Intermittency of Flow and Sediment Transport in the Geological Past
- Constraining the amplitude of Antarctic Ice Sheet change during warm intervals of the Pliocene
- Constraining the properties of asteroid Dimorphos from post-DART impact analysis, semi-analytical models and numerical simulations
- Crustal Martian Structure from the analysis and inversion of large Marsquakes Rayleigh waves ellipticity
- Crustal structure of Mars from the first observation of surface waves
- Damage Mechanics Challenge: Predictions based on the phase field fracture method
- Data-Driven Decision-Support Tool for Water Neutral Urban Development at Different Scales
- Depositional Conditions for the Rockytop Interval of the Lower Jezero Delta Complex, Mars
- Determining the Fossil Fraction of Carbon Monoxide Emissions on a Regional Scale using Radiocarbon
- Development and In-flight Performance of the Highly-Miniaturized Magnetoresistive Magnetometer MAGIC on the RadCube Technology Demonstration CubeSat
- Dispersive and kinetic effects at switchbacks boundaries
- Dust Aerosol Variability over Australia During the Last Two Decades: An Initial Analysis of UKESM1, HadGEM3-GC3.1 and MODIS Satellite Data
- Dynamics of Magma Formation, Storage, Differentiation and Transfer in Vertically Extensive Systems
- Early EUV irradiance forecast using virtual spacecraft outside the Sun-Earth viewpoint
- Eccentricity modulation of East Antarctic Ice Sheet in Wilkes Land over the past 6 million years
- Eco-evolutionary Optimality in the Context of Vegetation Modelling
- Effects of Long-Term Dipole Evolution on Sudden Commencement and Regional GIC Risk
- Effects of Various Ion Distributions on Relaxation of the Transmitted Cold Ion Beam Downstream of Shocks
- Electron Diffusion Region at Magnetic Dipolarization Event observed by MMS and CLUSTER
- Electron acceleration and heating in magnetic reconnection in the transition region of the Earth's bow shock
- Episodic Aqueous Conditions Punctuated dominantly Aeolian Deposition within the Layered Sulphate-bearing Unit, Gale crater (Mars)
- Evaluating nature-based solutions for water security at the catchment scale
- Evidence of a Non-Orthogonal X-Line in Guide-Field Magnetic Reconnection
- Exploring Past Aqueous Alteration in Jezero crater Samples Using Reactive Transport Modeling
- Explosion monitoring on planetary surface with atmosphere: comparison between Mars and Earth.
- Farside Seismic Suite (FSS): Lunar Seismology in the Artemis Era
- Fe Ion Heating Across a Shock Observed by Solar Orbiter's Heavy Ion Sensor
- Fine-Scale Sedimentary Architecture of the Jezero Western Delta Front
- Fluids at slow slip megathrust zone supplied by consolidation of clay-rich, volcaniclastic subducting upper crust
- From Night to Day: Shedding Light on Vortex Behavior in the Day Diagram
- Further Insights into the Physics of Ion-Acoustic Waves in the Solar Wind by Comparison of Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission with Parker Solar Probe Measurements Combined with Supporting Theory and Simulation
- Global Patterns of Species Richness Scale-Dependence
- Grounding-Zone Retreat and Marine Sediment Transport from Holocene to Present along Thwaites Glacier in the Eastern Amundsen Sea
- HENON: the HEliospheric pioNeer for sOlar and interplanetary threats defeNce
- High-Fidelity Topography Implementation for Finite-Difference Models of Infrasound Propagation
- Hybrid Simulations of Reconnecting Current Sheet Generation and Decay at and Downstream of Earth's Bow Shock
- IC-FEMRES: A new 3D two-phase finite element magma reservoir simulator
- Impact of Shear Fracture Structure on Chemical Reactions and Fracture Permeability
- Initial Results from the DART Impact Modeling Working Group and Momentum Enhancement Estimates from the DART Impact
- Insights into the Sedimentary Record and Processes of the Western Delta of Jezero crater (Mars) as observed by the Mars 2020 rover Perseverance.
- Investigating the Drivers of January-February Rainfall over Eastern Africa
- Investigating the role of microbial communities of varying chemotactic and hydrocarbon degrading abilities in the natural source zone depletion of a legacy petroleum hydrocarbon site
- Investigation of a bottom-simulating reflector at the Hikurangi subduction margin by means of 3D full-waveform inversion
- Island Dolomitization in the Cretaceous Calcitic Ocean: A New Insight on the Role of Volcanism
- Kinetic Origin of Bulk Energy Conversion in the Electron Diffusion Region of Magnetopause Reconnection: MMS Observations and PIC Simulations
- Lend Me Your Ears: The Potential of Sonification in Space Weather (Citizen) Science
- Litter Quality and Quantity: Untangling Herbivore Effects on Carbon Cycling
- Location of Meteoroid Impacts on Mars Using Seismic and Acoustic Waves Data From InSight
- Long-term Satellite-based Estimates of Wildfire Impacts on Air Quality and Health in Equatorial Asia through Deep Neural Networks
- Low Permeability Faults Inhibit Fluid Expulsion from the Northern Hikurangi Subduction Margin
- MAKOS: Multi-point Assessment of the Kinematics of Shocks
- Magmatism During the Continent - Ocean Transition
- Magnetic Field Reconnection as the Source of the Solar wind
- Magnetic Reconnection Near the Planet as a Possible Driver of Jupiter's Mysterious Polar Auroras
- Magnetopause reconnection and dynamics following the impact of magnetosheath jets
- Mantle-Driven Vertical Motions of the North American Continental Interior: Testing Dynamic and Isostatic Models of Long-Wavelength Uplift using the Stratigraphic Record
- Mapping Hydrocarbon Charge-points in the Wessex Basin Using Seismic, Geochemistry and Mineral magnetics
- Mapping the Sun and its Irradiance in Extreme Ultraviolet from any Viewpoint with an End-to-End ML Pipeline
- Minor Minerals Analyzed by PIXL – Major Insights into the Petrogenesis of Igneous Rocks in Jezero Crater from Phosphate and Fe-Ti-Cr Oxide Minerals
- Multi-Scale and Cross-Process Character of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability during Southward Interplanetary Magnetic Field Conditions
- Multi-Spacecraft Observation of the Merging of two Coronal Mass Ejections during Propagation
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Shocklets at an Interplanetary Shock.
- Multipoint In Situ and Imaging Observations of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections with Solar Orbiter, BepiColombo, Parker Solar Probe, Wind, and STEREO-A
- New Insights into the Chicxulub Post-impact Hydrothermal System Based on Permeability Measurements of the Peak Ring Rocks from IODP Expedition 364
- Numerical modelling of basin-scale fluid flow and metal transport: application to Cu transport in the Katangan Basin, Central African Copperbelt
- Numerical modelling of coupled hydromechanical deformation and permeability of grown fractured rock masses
- Observing the Alfvénic Slow Wind at the First Solar Orbiter Close Perihelion
- On the short-scale spatial variability of electron inflows in electron-only magnetic reconnection in the turbulent magnetosheath observed by MMS
- Optimization of Well-Doublet Locations for Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage
- Orienting Rock Cores on Mars Drilled by the Perseverance Rover for Martian Paleomagnetism Studies
- Parametric Study of Magnetosheath Jets in 2D Local Hybrid Simulations
- Partitioning evapotranspiration based on the Generalized Proportionality Hypothesis
- Perseverance's Delta-Front Campaign in Jezero Crater, Mars
- Perturbation Solution of the One-Dimensional Flow Problem in a Porous Medium whose Permeability varies Strongly with Pore Pressure
- Pore-by-Pore 3D Network Modelling of Multiphase Flow
- Proterozoic Point Bars: Geological Evidence for 1.2 Ga Deep, Meandering Rivers, Clachtoll Formation, Stoer Group, NW Scotland
- Proton Core, Proton Beam and Alpha Particle Kinetic Features Obtained from SWA-PAS 3D VDFs via an Innovative Code Based on Machine Learning
- Quantitative Constraints on Paleohydrology and Flood Variability in Ancient Rivers
- Radial Evolution and Energy Budget of Thermal and Suprathermal Electron Populations in the Slow Solar Wind from 0.13 to 0.5 AU : Parker Solar Probe observations.
- Radial Evolution and Kinetics of Ion Species: Helios Observations
- Radiocarbon Measurements of Soil Density Fractions Represent Powerful Constraints on Carbon Turnover: A Case Study of Swiss Forest Soils
- Rapid Modelling of Reactive Transport in Porous Media using Machine Learning: Limitations and Solutions
- Rapid Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow Using Semi-Structured Meshes
- Recent insights into dust lifting and sand motion at the surface of Mars.
- Reconnection Signatures within the Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortex-Induced Lower-Hybrid Waves at Earth's Magnetopause
- Relative Sea-Level Data Preclude Major Late Holocene Ice-Mass Change in Pine Island Bay, Antarctica
- Reversible ice sheet thinning in the Amundsen Sea Embayment during the Holocene
- SMARTFracs: Recent advances in fracture characterization
- SMITE: A New Saturn Ionosphere Model Including Ring-Planet Coupling and Electrodynamics
- Sea level and dynamic topography change since the mid-Pliocene: Leveraging a global dataset of 12 wavecut scarps
- Seasonal water storage and related ecosystem services of Bofedales wetlands in the Central Andes
- Sedimentary Facies and Stratigraphy of the Enchanted Lake Outcrop Explored by the Perseverance Rover, Jezero Crater, Mars
- Sedimentary Record of Pre-Satellite Retreat of Pine Island Glacier, Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
- Seismic Imaging of Heterogeneous Lithosphere Beneath the Unusually Broad Turkana Depression, Africa
- Seismic anisotropy in East Africa: Plumes, Cratons, and Magma
- Seismic detection of a deep mantle discontinuity within Mars by InSight
- Self-consistent Simulation of an Energetic Storm Particle Event of 10 November 2012 with SOLPACS
- Sensitivity of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to +2°C (SWAIS 2C)
- Slab to back-arc to arc: fluid and melt pathways through the mantle wedge beneath the Lesser Antilles from seismic attenuation tomography
- Solar Wind protons: Gaussian and Inverse-Gaussian components
- Space Weather-driven Variations in Ly-alpha Absorption Signatures of Exoplanet Atmospheric Escape: MHD Simulations and the Case of AU Mic b
- Spatial moment analysis of single-species transport in unidirectional laboratory tracer tests using rock cores
- Spectral Diversity in the Western Delta Fan in Jezero Crater, Mars, as Seen with Mastcam-Z on the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover
- Strain accommodation during continental rifting: Mantle lithosphere matters
- Suprathermal Ion Observations Associated with the Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossings by Parker Solar Probe During Encounters 7-11
- Switchbacks, microstreams and broadband turbulence in the solar wind
- T&C-Crop: A Site Level Evaluation of Model Performance using Eddy Covariance Observations for Maize, Soybean, Wheat and Forest Plantations.
- Terrestrial Radar Interferometry on the Juneau Icefield
- The APECS Polar Earth Observation Database
- The Crustal Structure of Central Africa: A 750km Broadband Seismology Experiment to Illuminate the Evolutionary Processes of the Katangan Basin.
- The Development of Multiple Phases of Superposed Rifting in the Turkana Depression, East Africa: Evidence from H-K Stacking of Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- The Energy Pathways of Impulsively Excited Global Magnetopause Surface Eigenmodes
- The Evolution of Intermittency in the Solar Wind During a Radial Alignment Between Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter
- The Impact of Bimodal Pore Size Distribution and Wettability on Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure in a Microporous Limestone
- The Impact of Boat Activity on Pink Dolphin Activity in Hoi Ha Bay
- The Impact of Capillary Heterogeneity on CO2 Plume Migration at the Endurance CCS Target Site in the UK - A Core To Field Scale Study
- The Rise and Fall of the Late Neogene West Antarctic Ice Sheet in the Central Ross Sea Using a Multianalytical Provenance Approach
- The Three-Dimensional Stratigraphic Architecture of the Jezero Delta Front
- The astronomical evolution of Antarctica's ice sheets
- The geomagnetic Vigil: How useful are Measurements at L5 for forecasting a Geomagnetic Index like Dst?
- The non-orthogonal X-lines: MMS observations and possible causes
- Thermo-Compositional Structure of the South American Platform Lithosphere
- Understanding and managing the risk of water-related diseases under hydrometeorological extremes
- Understanding first-order reversal curve diagrams for hematite
- What Marsquakes Tell Us About Impact Rates on Mars
- What are the Auroral, Ionospheric and Ground Magnetic Signatures of Magnetopause Surface Modes?
- What the Blazes? Using evidence-based uncertainty estimates to find what we really know about the world's changing fire regimes.
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Fraeman
- A. Aran
- A. B. Galvin
- A. Boyce
- A. Glocer
- A. Greco
- A. J. Brown
- A. Korpi-Lagg
- A. Koval
- A. M. Stickle
- A. Masters
- A. Mittelholz
- A. P. Rouillard
- A. P. Walsh
- A. R. Vasavada
- A. S. Afshari
- A. S. Sharma
- A. Steele
- A. T. Russell
- A. Vourlidas
- A. W. Case
- A. W. Labrador
- Abigail A. Fraeman
- Adrian P. Butler
- Adrian R. Muxworthy
- Adrian T. LaMoury
- Adriana Paluszny
- Adriana Settino
- Ahmad Lalti
- Alastair G C Graham
- Alec Paschalis
- Alessandro Retinò
- Alex Farnsworth
- Alex Huth
- Alex Lipp
- Alexandros Avdis
- Alexandros Chasapis
- Ali Rahmati
- Alice Lucchetti
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Alicia Vaughan
- Alison Rust
- Allan H. Treiman
- Amir Caspi
- Amy J. Williams
- Anasuya Gangopadhyay
- Ana‐Catalina Plesa
- Anders Eriksson
- Andreas J. Weiss
- Andrew Annex
- Andrew D. Wickert
- Andrew Fazakerley
- Andrew Gase
- Andrew P. Dimmock
- Andrew P. Roberts
- Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo
- Angela G. Marusiak
- Ann Muggeridge
- Anna Horleston
- Anna Ruth W. Halberstadt
- Anya M. Reading
- Arnaud Beth
- Asier Munguira
- Attilio Rivoldini
- B. Banerdt
- B. E. Smith
- B. F. Ochoa‐Tocachi
- B. Horgan
- B. L. Alterman
- B. L. Ehlmann
- B. L. Giles
- B. Lavraud
- B. P. Weiss
- B. Wang
- Baptiste Cecconi
- Benjamin D. Stocker
- Benjamin Dechant
- Benjamin Fernando
- Bennett A. Maruca
- Benoît Tauzin
- Bernard J. Vasquez
- Bernd Heber
- Bertrand Bonfond
- Branko Bijeljic
- Brent M. Goehring
- Brian Jackson
- Brigitta Sipőcz
- Brigitte Knapmeyer‐Endrun
- C. C. Chaston
- C. D. Rowe
- C. Forsyth
- C. Froment
- C. J. Ebinger
- C. J. Owen
- C. Keegan
- C. M. Dundas
- C. M. Ernst
- C. M. Fowler
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. R. Martinis
- C. R. Riesselman
- C. Rychert
- C. S. Reynolds
- C. S. Salem
- C. T. Russell
- Caroline Beghein
- Caroline M. Wainwright
- Carène Larmat
- Cathy Quantin‐Nataf
- Cecilia Durán
- Chao Xiong
- Charles J. Farrugia
- Charles W. Smith
- Chen Shi
- Chi Chen
- Chloé Michaut
- Christian Möstl
- Christian Onof
- Christian Tate
- Christine F. Dow
- Christopher D. K. Herd
- Christopher M. Lowery
- Christopher M. Taylor
- Christy Swann
- Claire E. Stanley
- Colby Haggerty
- Colin Wilson
- Conor O’Malley
- Constantinos Charalambous
- Corey J. Cochrane
- Cédric M. John
- D. C. Nunes
- D. D. Blankenship
- D. Fischer
- D. J. Gershman
- D. J. McComas
- D. Lario
- D. M. Kass
- D. Malaspina
- D. Medvigy
- D. Payne
- D. Píša
- D. Schutt
- D. Turrini
- Dale Weigt
- Dan Barker
- Daniel B. Graham
- Daniel B. Seaton
- Daniel Heyner
- Daniel McCoy
- Daniel Pacheco
- Daniel S. Goll
- Daniel Verscharen
- Daniele Antonangeli
- David Arge Klevang Pedersen
- David Burgess
- David C. Catling
- David Flannery
- David Heslop
- David M. Rubin
- David Mimoun
- David Pollard
- David Stansby
- Demetris Koutsoyiannis
- Denis Grodent
- Denise K. Kulhanek
- Dirk Plettemeier
- Dong Wei
- Doyeon Kim
- E. J. Bunce
- E. V. Panov
- Ehsan Haghighat
- Eleanna Asvestari
- Elias N. Mansbach
- Elias Odelstad
- Elisa Savelli
- Eliza Karlowska
- Elizabeth Hajek
- Ellen Knappe
- Emiliya Yordanova
- Emily Kraus
- Emma E. Davies
- Eric Guiltinan
- Ethan E. Butler
- F. A. Darbyshire
- F. Allegrini
- F. Auchère
- F. D. Wilder
- F. Nimmo
- F. O. Nitsche
- F. S. Mozer
- Fabio Florindo
- Fabián Drenkhan
- Fangqin Chen
- Federico Fraternale
- Felicity McCormack
- Ferdinand Plaschke
- Fernando Carcaboso
- Fiona J. Clubb
- Florian Pappenberger
- Foivos Karakostas
- Fred Richards
- Frederik Dhooghe
- G. A. DiBraccio
- G. B. Hospodarsky
- G. C. Ho
- G. Di Achille
- G. J. Hunt
- G. M. Mason
- G. Martínez
- G. Martı́nez
- G. R. Gladstone
- G. Zimbardo
- G.G. Roberts
- Gareth J. Funning
- Geoffrey J. Puzon
- Gianluca Di Natale
- Giovanni Lapenta
- Giovanny M. Mosquera
- Giuliano Di Baldassarre
- Giuseppe Consolini
- Gregory F. Moore
- Greig A. Paterson
- Géraldine Zenhäusern
- H. C. P. Lau
- H. Korth
- H. Y. Wei
- Hadi Madanian
- Hannah T. Rüdisser
- Hao Cao
- Hari Viswanathan
- Harlan E. Spence
- Harry Manners
- Harsha Gurram
- Heather Graven
- Helen E. Brindley
- Heli Hietala
- Henri Samuel
- Hirokuni Oda
- Hiroshi Hasegawa
- Holly Croft
- Hsiang-Wen Hsu
- Huw Horgan
- I. D. Bastow
- I. Dandouras
- I. G. Richardson
- I. J. Daubar
- I. Zouganelis
- Imogen Gingell
- Isabella Altoe
- Isla H. Myers‐Smith
- J. A. Hurowitz
- J. B. Garvin
- J. C. E. Irving
- J. C. Holmes
- J. C. Kasper
- J. D. Tarnas
- J. Dorelli
- J. E. Mound
- J. E. P. Connerney
- J. E. Stawarz
- J. F. Drake
- J. G. Luhmann
- J. L. Burch
- J. L. Freiherr von Forstner
- J. L. Verniero
- J. L. Whitten
- J. M. Davis
- J. M. Raines
- J. M. Sunshine
- J. M. Trigo-Rodríguez
- J. Michael Battalio
- J. Mukherjee
- J. P. Chittenden
- J. P. Eastwood
- J. R. Johnson
- J. R. Shuster
- J. S. Famiglietti
- J. S. Halekas
- J. Souček
- J. T. Niehof
- J. T. Steinberg
- J. W. Bonnell
- J. Webster
- J. William Carey
- J.‐M. Kendall
- Jacqueline Austermann
- Jaivime Evaristo
- James D. Kirkham
- Jamin S. Greenbaum
- Jan Erik Arndt
- Jana Šafránková
- Jared Espley
- Jeannine Cavender‐Bares
- Jean‐Claude Gérard
- Jeffery M. Valenza
- Jeffrey D. Hyman
- Jennifer S. Powers
- Jenny Collier
- Jeroen van Hunen
- Jia Huang
- Jiangong Liu
- Jiaqi Li
- Joel B. Abraham
- Joeri Rogelj
- Jonathan Ng
- Jorge Núñez
- Joseph Eggington
- Joshua A. Kammer
- Joshua Talib
- Julia Pongratz
- Julia S. Wellner
- Julie Prytulak
- Julián D. Alvarado‐Gómez
- Junying Yang
- Justin I. Simon
- Justin N. Maki
- K. A. Blasl
- K. E. Korreck
- K. G. Klein
- K. Goetz
- K. H. Williford
- K. J. Trattner
- K. L. Siebach
- K. Ogasawara
- K. W. Paulson
- K.T. Ramesh
- Karine Issautier
- Karsten Gohl
- Kartikeya S. Sangwan
- Katerina Stergiopoulou
- Kathleen C. Benison
- Kathy J. Licht
- Kazue Takahashi
- Keiko Shimizu
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- Kenneth R. Bromund
- Konrad Steinvall
- Konstantinos Leptokaropoulos
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- А. V. Artemyev