Johns Hopkins University, Maryland
flowchart I[Johns Hopkins University, Maryland] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (3)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1291)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (419)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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- Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory
- Johns Hopkins University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Johns Hopkins University, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Framework for Instrumentation Infrastructure Support For Hydrologic Research
- A comparative study of entrainment dynamics in the atmospheric boundary layer using remote sensing measurements and LES simulations
- Coupling of Land and Atmosphere Over Complex Terrain as Observed by Lidar and Wind Profiler Radar
- Evaluation of Changes in Iron Interfacial Composition Using Surface Spectroscopy
- Geometric properties of the subgrid-scale heat flux from field observations
- Inferring Anthropogenic Carbon Inventories in the Ocean from Tracers
- Lattice Boltzmann Method for Fluid Flows
- Low Heat Flow Values Measured on the Hawaiian Ridge
- Measurements of the alignment of Subgrid Stress and Strain Rate in the atmospheric surface layer
- New Observations on Subgrid-Scale Modeling from Field Experiments: Davis99
- Study of the displacement of two-dimensional nonwetting immiscible droplet with Lattice Boltzmann Method
- The Influence of Silica on the Reactivity of Iron Towards Chlorinated Hydrocarbons
- The Topography of Mars: Understanding the Surface of Mars Through the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter
- Use of Morphology-based Gravel Budgets to Anticipate the Locations of Channel Instability on the Lower Duchesne River, Utah
- Accurate and Efficient Implementation of Pore-Morphology-Based Modeling of Drainage in Totally Wetting Porous Media
- An Experimental Study of the Step-Pool Bedform
- An Historical Approach for Specifying Restoration Flow Regimes for the Duchesne River, Utah
- Atmospheric Boundary Layer Extinction Coefficient from the 2001/2002 Baltimore PM Supersite Experiments
- Complete Isotope Study of the New York City Aerosol Before and During the WTC Disaster
- Diffusion as a Source of Confusion: Complications and Misconceptions in the Interpretation of Desorption Data
- Iron-Nickel Phosphides at High Pressures and Temperatures
- On Nonlinear Properties of Waves Predicted by a Boussinesq Model
- Particle Transport in the Coastal Bottom Boundary Layer Using Combined PIV and SVM
- Phenanthrene Breakthrough and Elution in "Aged" Macropore Columns: Effects of Exposure Time
- Sorbed-Phase Remediation under Diffusion-Limited Conditions: The Role of Equilibrium Driving Forces and Initial Conditions
- The Peroxy Challenge to Early Life
- A Method for Measuring the Density of Irregularly Shaped Aerosol Particles Such as Pollen
- Channel Responses to Fluctuations in Water and Sediment Supply on the Lower Duchesne River, Utah
- Effects of spatial aggregation on land-atmosphere interactions using large-eddy simulations LES) with a Lagrangian dynamic model
- High-Resolution Photo-Mosaicing of the Rosebud Hydrothermal Vent Site and Surrounding Lava Flows, Galapagos Rift 86W: Techniques and Interpretations
- Hybrid ROV For 11,000 Meter Operations
- Jason 2: A Review of Capabilities
- Land-Atmosphere Exchange Over Complex Terrain
- Navigation Upgrades to the National Deep Submergence Facility Vehicles D.S.V. Alvin, Jason 2, and the DSL-120A
- PIV Measurements of Atmospheric Turbulence and Pollen Dispersal Above a Corn Canopy
- Reconstruction of Overbank Sedimentation Rates with Chromite Mining Waste in Small, Urbanizing Eastern Piedmont Watersheds (Baltimore, MD, USA)
- Source Attribution of Aerosols during the Baltimore PM Supersite in 2002 from Lidar, a Turbulence Sensor, and Back-Trajectory Analysis
- Tests of scalar heat flux - roughness scale relationships from the SGS-2002 data sets
- The Atmospheric Boundary Layer at the Aletsch Glacier (3600 m - Switzerland)
- Comet C/2002 V1 (NEAT): Behavior of a Cometary Dust Tail at 0.1 AU From the Sun
- Coupling sediment transport and channel morphology: must we?
- Hybrid Robotic Vehicle of Operations at 11,000 meters: Project Progress to Date
- Large Eddy Simulation of Canopy Flows Using Lagrangian Dynamic Model and Comparison with PIV Field Experimental data
- Sand in the cobbles: Laboratory measurements of fine-sediment transport over a coarse and immobile bed
- The Lyman-Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP)
- The Potomac River Basin and Western Shore Chesapeake Bay Drainage as a Proposed CUAHSI Hydrologic Observatory
- The Use of Wireless Sensor Networks in Soil Ecology
- Time-Average Core Flow: Mantle vs. Core Origins
- Very High Resolution Bathymetric Mapping at the Ridge 2000 Integrated Study Sites: Acquisition and Processing Protocols Developed During Recent Alvin Field Programs to the East Pacific Rise and Juan de Fuca Ridge
- 3D crystal packing variation through a rythmic layer in the Dais Intrusion, Dry Valleys Antarctica: Initial insights through 3D micro CT analysis.
- A Formulation for the Entrainment of Fine-Sediment in Coarse-Bedded Rivers
- A Wireless Sensor Network For Soil Monitoring
- Computing Mutual Information Based Nonlinear Dependence Among Noisy and Finite Geophysical Time Series
- Grain-scale stress and strain patterns in elastically deforming partially molten rock using a FEM: Estimation of effective moduli and seismic velocity
- Influence of Initial Solute Concentration Distribution (Aging) Within a Diffusion Region on Desorption Rates and Solute Availability.
- Influences of Flow Rate on Axial Diffusion and Dispersion: Experiments in a Cylindrical Macropore Column.
- Large Eddy Simulation of the diurnal cycle of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- Large-Scale Sediment Routing: Development of a One-Dimensional Model Incorporating Sand Storage
- Lattice-Boltzmann Modeling: Upscaling of Multiphase-Multicomponent Flow and Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Modeling of Bioremediation in Groundwater: a Three-Dimensional Lattice-Boltzmann Method for Bacterial Chemotaxis
- On the parameterization of surface roughness at regional scales
- Origin of Mafic Pegmatoids in the Dais Intrusion, Wright Valley, Antarctica
- Pore-Scale Study of NAPL Dissolution with a Lattice-Boltzmann Model
- Sediment Flux in First Order Basins in the Mid-Atlantic Piedmont
- Simulating Drainage and Imbibition Using Dual Models of Pore Spaces
- Snow-Atmosphere Interaction in the Swiss Alps
- Space-time integration to assess ecological response to river restoration efforts
- A WorkGroup Hydrologic Information System Implementation for the Lower Susquehannan and upper Chesapeake Bay
- Binational Dilemmas: the Contrasting Challenges for Environmental Management and Restoration of the Colorado River and Rio Grande
- Comparison of Conductances derived from IDA3D and TIMEGCM with GUVI
- Conceptual Design of a Chesapeake Bay Environmental Observatory (CBEO)
- Critical Times for the Onset of Density-Driven Convection in Anisotropic Porous Media
- Designing Gravel Augmentation for Geomorphic Change on the Trinity River, CA
- Dive and Discover: New Arctic Educational Modules and Near Real-Time Coverage of Exploration on the Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
- Dynamo Oscillations: Possible Sources of Geomagnetic and Paleomagnetic Secular Variation
- Estimating the magma supply rate at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii
- Experimental and Modeling Study of Retarded Diffusive Transport of Uranium(VI) in a Hanford Sediment
- Flow and Transport Modeling to Support Decision Making in the Management of Glen Canyon Dam
- Impact of variable bed morphology on transient storage, hyporhic exchange and nutrient uptake in a field-scale flume
- In Situ Techniques for Life Detection on Mars
- Influence of Wave Strains on the TKE Production Rate in the Outer Part of the Bottom Boundary Layer
- LRO Lyman-Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP): Exploration of Permanently Shadowed Regions and the Lunar Atmosphere
- Large Eddy Simulation and Field Experiments of Pollen Transport in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- Lattice-Boltzmann Modeling of DNAPL Dissolution
- Mechanisms for Fluid-mud Interactions Under Waves
- Multiphase Flow Simulations Using a New Kind of Pore Network
- New Navigation Post-Processing Tools for Oceanographic Submersibles
- Realistic Pore Throats from Three-Dimensional Images of Pore Spaces
- SNOHATS: Stratified atmospheric turbulence over snow surfaces
- Soil Monitoring at Scale: A Progress Update
- Tectonic velocities, dynamic topography, and relative sea level
- Temperature-Dependent Pore Space of Sea Ice: X-ray Computed-Tomography and Dual Model Network Analysis
- The Sentry Autonomous Underwater Vehicle: Field Trial Results and Future Capabilities
- A Novel Multiple-Relaxation-Time Lattice-Boltzmann Model for Simulating Anisotropic Advective-Diffusive Transport
- Analytical solutions for bacterial energy taxis (chemotaxis): traveling bacterial bands and their role in groundwater remediation
- Arctic Gakkel Ridge hydrothermal plume study by in-situ redox and particle size measurements.
- Characterization of sediment sources in the Le Sueur River watershed, southern Minnesota
- Creating and Accessing the Global Fluxnet Data Set
- Drainage Studies Using Pore-Scale Approaches
- Evaluating Consequences of Volcanism for Spent Nuclear Fuel at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
- Icy Galilean Satellite UV Observations by New Horizons and HST
- Igneous Activity at Yucca Mountain: Technical Basis for Decision Making
- Laboratory Fluid Experiments on Metal-Silicate Plumes and Core Formation
- Mapping of Hydrothermal Plumes on the Gakkel Ridge During AGAVE 2007
- Mapping the temperature and composition of Saturn's stratosphere from Cassini/CIRS observations
- Numerical Simulations of Density-Driven Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Numerical and Experimental Investigation on the Mobilization of Residual NAPL by Seismic Waves
- Scientific Scope and Summary of the Arctic Gakkel Vents (AGAVE) Expedition
- Statistical Behavior of Reversing Gravitational Dynamos
- Tetracycline Resistance in the Subsurface of a Poultry Farm: Influence of Poultry Wastes
- The Arctic Gakkel Vents (AGAVE) Expedition: Technology Development and the Search for Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Fields Under the Arctic Ice Cap
- Toward Predictive Stream Channel Design
- Trapping of fine-grained sediment in a gravel-bed river by large woody debris: a physical modeling study
- Unifying Diverse Watershed Data to Enable Analysis
- Assessment of CO2 flux measurements in different soil types
- Buried Wetlands: The Origin and Evolution of Pre-Settlement Piedmont Valley Bottoms in Pennsylvania and Maryland
- CBEO:N, Chesapeake Bay Environmental Observatory as a Cyberinfrastructure Node
- Changes in Natural Abundance Carbon Stable isotopes of Human Blood and Saliva After 24 Days of Controlled Carbohydrate Supplementation
- Changes in the Stratospheric Brewer-Dobson Circulation: Causes and Impacts.
- Direct Numerical Simulation of Scalar Transport in Free-Surface Turbulence With Applications to Air-Sea Gas Transfer
- Effects of the Marmot Dam Removal on Grain Size Distribution in the B Reaches of the Sandy River in Oregon
- Equatorial Superrotation on Earth Induced by Optically Thick Dust Clouds
- Evidence for temporal variability of Enceladus' gas jets: Modeling of Cassini observations
- Experimental and Modeling Study of Sorption-Retarded U(VI) Diffusion in a Hanford Silt/Clay Material
- FUSE Observations of Jovian Aurora at the Time of the New Horizons Flyby
- First-Year Downstream Sediment Budget Following the Marmot Dam Removal from the Sandy River, Oregon
- Horizontal Transfer of Tetracycline Resistance Genes in the Subsurface of a Poultry Farm
- Infiltration of Liquid Droplets Into Porous Media: Effects of Dynamic Contact Angle and Contact Angle Hysteresis
- Lattice-Boltzmann modeling of contaminant degradation by chemotactic bacteria: exploring the formation and movement of bacterial bands
- Life Under Your Feet: A Wireless Soil Ecology Sensor Network
- Marmot Dam Removal: Predictions and Observations
- Modeling of Waves with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics on the GPU
- Non-Reactive and Reactive Micromixing at Low Peclet Number Conditions
- Non-modal analysis of the onset of density-driven convection in porous media: Effect of medium heterogeneity
- Parameterization of a complex landscape for a sediment routing model of the Le Sueur River, southern Minnesota
- Pore-Scale Study of Enhanced Mobilization of Residual NAPL Blobs in Porous Media by Seismic Waves
- Prediction of the Capillary Pressure-Saturation curve from a Pore-Network Model that is Grid-Free and Based on Duality
- The Scientific and Institutional Context for the Removal of Marmot Dam, Sandy River, Oregon
- Thermal and chemical diffusion within conduits of sinking metal-silicate plumes during core formation events.
- What would have happened to the ozone layer if chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) had not been regulated?
- Who Knows What Soil Lurks in the Heart of Fens?
- A Statistical Boundary Layer Model for the Mantle D"-Region
- A sensor network driven micrometeorology study in the Serro do Mar rainforest canopy, southeast Brazil
- A window to the landscape of Chesapeake’s past: Reconstructing nitrogen dynamics and hydrologic conditions using stable isotope geochemistry and palynology
- Atmospheric Heterogeneous Stereochemistry
- Characterization of grain sizes in the reservoir impoundment behind Marmot Dam post-dam removal
- Development of the Arab Land Data Assimilation System (ALDAS)
- HST observations of Europa's atmospheric UV emission
- Hydrologic Applications of GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage Data (Invited)
- Hydrothermal Exploration of the Mid-Cayman Spreading Center: Isolated Evolution on Earth’s Deepest Mid-Ocean Ridge?
- Investigation of bar formation on a reconfigured gravel-bed river
- Lyman Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP) Observations of the LCROSS Impact
- Modelling Io’s auroral emission and the interaction of the moon’s atmosphere-ionosphere with the Jovian magnetosphere
- On the Principles of Building a Layered Intrusion
- Optimal Dynamos in Terrestrial Exoplanets
- Pore Network Modeling of Capillary Pressure -- Saturation Relations Through Retention Cells and Equilibrium Fluid Distributions in Long Columns
- Preliminary Analysis of Bankfull Width and Its Relationship to Drainage Area and Precipitation
- Relative Role of Convection and Large-Scale Flow in Controlling Upper Tropospheric Humidity
- Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) on River and Coastal Restoration—a Center Approach to Creating a Unique Research Experience for Undergraduates
- Response of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities to Increases in Sediment Supply from Dam Removal
- Soil Respiration Measurements in a Temperate and a Tropical Forest
- Spatial and Temporal aspects of magnetopause boundary layer formation under northward IMF
- Speeding up Network Model Simulations of Capillary--Dominated Drainage and Imbibition
- StreamLab: Full-scale Experiments in River Science (Invited)
- The Data Conservancy
- The Design and Application of a Chesapeake Bay Environmental Observatory
- The Formation and Growth of Gravel Bars in Response to Increased Sediment Supply Following the Marmot Dam Removal
- Three-dimensional Tsunami Inundation Modeling with GPU-SPHysics
- Wholesale, massive partial melting and melt separation in granite host rock, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- A numerical study of nearshore circulation a in rip channel
- An Information Integration Perspective on the Data Conservancy (Invited)
- CO2 Clouds on Mars: New Constraints from CRISM Data
- Communications and Control for Enhanced Autonomy in Underwater Vehicles for Deep Oceanographic Research
- Connections between Antarctic Ozone Depletion and tropospheric Rossby wave breaking and cut-off lows
- Diverse styles of submarine venting on the ultra-slow spreading Mid-Cayman Rise (Invited)
- Evidence of secular frequencies in the Earth's orbital motion during the Mid-Cretaceous (100-125 Ma) seen in modulations of certain Milankovitch cycles
- Exploring interactions of geomorphic setting, flow variability, and restoration on nitrate uptake and transient storage in streams
- Impact of GRACE Data Assimilation on the Simulation of Hydrologic States Across North America
- Impact of climate change on summer cyclones and air pollution
- Insights from analog gelatin experiments on the effect of bedding dip on sill morphology and crystal load
- Isotope tracing of Hg pollution from artisanal small scale gold mining in an aquatic ecosystem of Amapá, Brazil
- Laboratory study of spectral waves over a muddy bottom
- Large Eddy Simulation study of fully developed thermal wind-turbine array boundary layers
- Large Scale Variability of Ground Water Storage: the Mississippi River Basin (Invited)
- Narrowing of the Brewer-Dobson Circulation in the Tropical Lower Stratosphere in CCMVal-2 Simulations of the 21st Century
- Novel Image-based Methodology for Correlating Fish Position and Local Flow Attributes
- Numerical study of effect of progressive surface wave on turbulence underneath
- Paleo-shade: woody cover, stable isotopes, soil temperature, and soil organic matter in tropical ecosystems (Invited)
- Rosetta-Alice Observations of Exospheric Hydrogen and Oxygen on Mars
- Seeing Through Smoke: Sorting through the Science and Politics in the Making of the 1956 British Clean Air Act (Invited)
- Simulation of Io's Auroral Emission: Constraints on the Atmosphere in Eclipse
- Small-scale dynamo in solar surface simulations
- Stochastic Flux-Freezing and Turbulent Magnetic Dynamo
- The Middle East and North Africa Land Data Assimilation System: First Results (Invited)
- The importance of downstream bed surface coarsening in predicting the wave of incision in response to a sudden base level drop at the mouth of a river: the Holocene Le Sueur River, Minnesota, USA
- Transient Responses of Gravel Bars to Increases in Sediment Supply - Field & Flume
- Turbulence Statistics in the Coastal Ocean Bottom Boundary Layer
- Ultraviolet Exploration of 21 Lutetia by the Alice UV Spectrometer Aboard Rosetta
- What would have happened to the ozone layer if chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) had not been regulated?
- 4 Vesta in Color: High Resolution Mapping from Dawn Framing Camera Images
- A Soft X-Ray Imager for the Earth's Magnetosphere
- Analysis of Tides in a MarsWRF Simulation Forced with TES Limb Dust Observations
- Assimilation of GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage for Land Surface Modeling and Drought Monitoring: a Case Study in Western and Central Europe
- Aurora on Ganymede
- Climate Change and Vector Borne Diseases: Getting A Grip on Control
- Data Conservancy: Infrastructure for Data Re-Use and Sharing
- Diagnosing Ocean Stirring: Comparison of Relative Dispersion and Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponents
- Effects of Dynamic Capillary Pressure on Water Infiltration: Experiments and Green-Ampt Modeling
- Effects of non-native earthworms on on below- and aboveground processes in the Mid-Atlantic region
- Evaluating the Application of Multi-Satellite Observations in Hydrologic Modeling
- Evaluating the role of stream restoration in reducing nutrient loading
- GAIA - A New Approach To Decision Making on Climate Disruption Issues
- GAIA - A Systems Approach to Manage Climate Disruption Risks in Public Health and Security
- GAIA - a generalizable, extensible structure for integrating games, models and social networking to support decision makers
- HST/STIS Observations of Ganymede's Auroral Ovals at Eastern Elongation
- Human Amplified Natural Change: An approach for vulnerability assessment and mitigation planning
- Impact of Rossby wave breakings on the Precipitation over Pacific - North America during YOTC
- Integrating Delta Building Physics & Economics: Optimizing the Scale of Engineered Avulsions in the Mississippi River Delta
- Interactions between a fractal tree-like object and hydrodynamic turbulence: flow structure and characteristic mixing length
- Investigating temporal variability in nitrate uptake in paired stream reaches due to changes in streamflow
- LES study of scalar transport in wind farms: Do wind turbine wakes increase or decrease surface fluxes?
- LRO/LAMP Maps of the Lunar Poles: Survey of Nightside and Dayside Far-UV Albedos
- Large Eddy Simulation of atmospheric boundary layer flow over multi-scale topographies with a dynamic surface drag model
- Light Scattering by Lunar Exospheric Dust: What could be Learned from LRO LAMP and LADEE UVS?
- Long term deployment of ambient CO<SUB>2</SUB> sensors in the Atacama Desert using a wireless sensor network
- Low-pass filtered continuum streambed and bedload sediment mass balance laws for an alluvial, gravel-bed stream
- Modeling and Observations of the Response of Tropical Tropospheric Ozone to ENSO
- Sample Processing technique onboard ExoMars (MOMA) to analyze organic compounds by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
- Seismic anisotropy of the inner core deduced from geodynamical and mineralogical models
- Sulfide mineralization in magmas: Investigating the effect of re-equilibrating olivine xenocrysts
- TASTER: Trojan ASteroid Tour, Exploration and Rendezvous, a NASA Planetary Science Summer School Mission Design Exercise
- The Arctic Vortex in March 2011: A Dynamical Perspective
- The Data Conservancy Service: An adaptable and evolvable data curation infrastructure supporting cross-disciplinary science
- The Effect of Fines in Mixed Size Sediment Transport in a Gravel Bed
- The Geophysics of Mercury: Shape, Interior Structure and Thermal Evolution from MESSENGER
- The Moon's Permanently Shadowed Regions as Observed by LRO's Lyman Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP) Instrument
- The influence of sediment supply on bar-pool morphology in a laboratory meander
- Thermochemical and phase structure of the D"-Region constrained by 3-D spherical mantle convection and seismic tomography
- Three-dimensional numerical simulation of point bar growth in a field-scale experimental meander bend
- Towards an integrated soil moisture drought monitor for East Africa
- Transient and steady State Patterns in Gravel Bars Following Sediment Supply Increases
- "we cannot Wait to ACT!" Simulating Global Climate Summits with Gifted and Talented Students
- A control algorithm for attaining stationary statistics in LES of thermally stratified wind-turbine array boundary layers
- A stochastic framework for estimating changes in storage from repeat DEMs
- Antibiotic Resistance in Animal-waste-impacted Farm Soil: From Molecular Mechanisms to Microbial Evolution and Ecology
- Application of GRACE for Monitoring Groundwater in Data Scarce Regions
- Applications of PIV and Holography to Characterize Flow and Particle Distributions in the Ocean
- Channel Bed Response to an Increased Sediment Supply
- Connections between transport in events and transport at landscape-structuring timescales
- Data Conservancy Lineage Service: A Key Component for Data Preservation
- Development of Nereid-UI: A Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle for Oceanographic Access Under Ice
- Development of a Topographic Filter to Identify Dominant Sediment Source Areas in a Watershed
- Ensemble Modeling with Data Assimilation Models: A New Strategy for Space Weather Science, Specifications and Forecasts
- Environmental Monitoring of Endemic Cholera
- Estimating and propagating uncertainty in sediment transport using Bayesian statistics
- Experimental Pore-scale Study on the Dynamic Response of Blobs in Porous Media to Pressure Gradients
- Exploring eddy radii in laboratory rotating tank experiments
- F-layer formation in numerical dynamos with inner core translation
- Ganymede's Magnetic Field Environment from Hubble Space Telescope Observations and Modelling
- Geomorphic Analysis Supporting Restoration of the Walker River, Nevada
- Geospatial Interpolation of Remotely Sensed Observations in the Chesapeake Bay: an Ecological Forecasting Application
- Global Tropospheric OH
- Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Ganymede's Time-Variable Auroral Ovals
- Improved water does not mean safe water
- Increased Accuracy in Statistical Seasonal Hurricane Forecasting
- Insights on the velocity dependence of capillary pressure for two-phase flow in porous media
- Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Bacterial Chemotaxis in Porous Media
- Modeling Insights into the Lunar Exosphere
- Observed Connection between Stratospheric Sudden Warmings and the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Ocean Color and the Equatorial Annual Cycle in the Pacific
- On the influence of varying stream discharge on bed topography and tracer migration in gravel bedded channels
- Reach-Averaged Sediment Transport Model for the Walker River, Nevada
- Rotation and penetrative convection in water cooled from below}
- Sea-Level Rise for California, Oregon, and Washington: Present and Future
- Seasonal Variations of Stratospheric Age Spectra in GEOSCCM
- Silicate-Iron partitioning of Palladium and Ruthemium up to 110 GPa using nano-X-Ray Fluorescence imaging
- Size matters. History too. The rest is detail
- Soil Microbial Activity Elucidates Unique Soil Carbon Transport Patterns within Resource Islands on Semi-Arid Hillslopes
- Stochastic Flux-Freezing in MHD Turbulence and Reconnection in the Heliosheath
- The Data Conservancy: Early experiences with cross-disciplinary data management
- The Earth's Geocorona and Geotail as Observed by LRO's Lyman Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP) Instrument
- Three-dimensional Numerical Study of Wave-induced Coherent Structures in the Surf Zone
- Towards a coherent interpretation of the seismic inner core
- A south equatorial African precipitation dipole and the associated atmospheric circulation
- Advancing Site-Based Data Curation for Geobiology: The Yellowstone Exemplar (Invited)
- Analysis of surface drag over Antarctic sea ice from combined analyses of High-Resolution measurements from Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Large Eddy Simulations
- Bridging the Gap: Perspectives on Institutional Archiving of Disciplinary Data (Invited)
- Comparing large eddy simulations and measurements of the turbulent kinetic energy budget in an urban canopy layer
- Creating 13C- and 15N-enriched tree leaf litter for decomposition experiments
- Detection and Characterization of Callisto's Atmosphere with the Hubble Space Telescope
- Determining the effect of climate change and development on water resources management in the Sudan
- Dissolution Mediated Boron and Carbon Storage during Exhumation of HP Metapelites: Examples from New Hampshire Tourmaline-Graphite Intergrowths
- Dual Network Model for Colloid Filtration under Environmental Conditions
- Enhancement of Contaminant Biodegradation through Traveling Bacterial Waves
- Europa's Atmosphere and Aurora: Recent Advances from HST-STIS and Plans for Plume Searches with JUICE-UVS
- Exploiting Stable Mercury Isotopic Analysis to Differentiate between Mercury Sources: Gold Mining vs. Land-Use Change (Invited)
- Filament Channel Formation by Helicity Condensation
- GRACE Hydrology: Applications of Current and Future GRACE Missions
- Global Paleobathymetry Reconstruction with Realistic Shelf-Slope and Sediment Wedge
- How Workflow Documentation Facilitates Curation Planning
- LES and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition analysis of vertical entrainment of kinetic energy in large wind farms (Invited)
- LES modeling of wind over Antarctic snow-ice formations using a dynamic surface roughness approach
- Large-Eddy Simulation of Oil Slicks from Deep Water Blowouts: Effects of Droplet Buoyancy and Langmuir Turbulence
- Lifetimes of Stratospheric Ozone-Depleting Substances, Their Replacements, and Related Species
- Numerical evaluation of the PERTH (PERiodic Tracer Hierarchy) method for estimating time-variable travel time distribution in variably saturated soils
- Outcomes of the 'Data Curation for Geobiology at Yellowstone National Park' Workshop
- Physical and Biological Responses to Dam Removal Sediment Release, Patapsco River, Maryland
- Planetary Observations in the Soft X-ray band; Present status and Future CMOS based technology
- Plant Wax Biomarkers in Fluvial-Lacustrine Sediments from the Omo-Turkana and Awash Basins in Eastern Africa
- Process scales in catchment science: a new synthesis
- Questioning the Faith - Models and Prediction in Stream Restoration (Invited)
- SOMBRA: A scoping study for understanding the intensity of open-ocean hypoxia
- Spatial scale dependence of ecohydrologically mediated water balance partitioning (Invited)
- Stochastic Flux-Freezing in MHD Turbulence and Reconnection in the Heliosheath (Invited)
- The Signature of ENSO Diversity in the Boreal Winter Extratropics and in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- The Value of Information from a GRACE-Enhanced Drought Severity Index
- The second wave of earthworm invasion: soil organic matter dynamics from the stable isotope perspective
- Three generations of wireless sensor networks to monitor the soil ecosystem (Invited)
- Three modes of interdecadal trends in sea surface temperature and sea surface height
- Towards Data Repository Interoperability: The Data Conservancy Data Packaging Specification
- Towards an Effective Roughness Length Model for Thermally Stratified ABL Interacting with Wind Farms
- Two-Stream Model: Toward Data Production for Sharing Field Science Data
- Understanding multidecadal variability in ENSO amplitude
- Upscaling Colloid Transport and Retention under Unfavorable Conditions: Linking Mass Transfer to Pore and Grain Topology
- Water infiltration in prewetted porous media: dynamic capillary pressure and Green-Ampt modeling
- Whipple: A Discovery mission concept to probe the outer solar system
- A Model of Callisto's Ionosphere
- A New Concept for Geothermal Energy Extraction: The Radiator - Enhanced Geothermal System
- A New Method to estimate Daily Tropical Cyclone Precipitation from the GHCND Rain Gauges
- A Soft X-Ray Imager for the Space Weather Applications
- Adaptive Urban Stormwater Management Using a Two-stage Stochastic Optimization Model
- Air Mass Origin in the Arctic and its Response to Future Warming
- An experimental application of the Periodic Tracer Hierarchy (PERTH) method to quantify time-variable water and solute transport in a sloping soil lysimeter
- Analysis of Binary Series to Evaluate Astronomical Forcing of a Middle Permian Chert Sequence in South China
- Analysis of the Suitability of OMPS LP Ozone Profile Dataset for Extending the Aura MLS Record
- Application of Assimilated GRACE Data for Drought Monitoring
- Birkeland Currents and Their Closure at Mercury
- Characteristics of the Afternoon E-region Plasma Density Irregularities in Middle Latitudes
- Classification of atmospheric river events on the U.S. west coast using a trajectory model
- Climate "Noise" and the Cryosphere: New Constraints on the Evolution of Ice Sheets during the Cenozoic
- Climate Regionalization through Hierarchical Clustering: Options and Recommendations for Africa
- Co-spectrum and mean velocity in turbulent boundary layers
- Combining New Theory and Multi-Scale Observations to Explore Hydrologic Transport Processes and Their Relationship to Catchment Structure in a Small Piedmont Watershed
- Comparison of the Martian Polar Vortices in Data Assimilation Reanalyses and General Circulation Models
- Coupled effects of chemotaxis and growth on traveling bacterial waves
- Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in Geospace
- Determining the Provenance of Late Paleozoic Loess Using Radiogenic Isotopes
- Disentangling Topographic and Climatic Change during the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic in the Western US Cordillera
- Dynamical downscaling with WRF for the Middle-East and North Africa
- ENSO-Type Signals Recorded in the Late Cretaceous Laminated Sediments of Songliao Basin, Northeast China
- Early Cretaceous Ocean Dynamics from Clumped Isotope Thermometry
- Ecological carbon sequestration via wood harvest and storage: Practical constraints and real-world possibilities
- Effectiveness of Nitrogen Assimilation in the Non-Tidal Chesapeake Bay Watershed: Evaluations Based on Thirty Years of Data
- Effects of Dayside Ionospheric Conductivity on the Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling: Solar Cycle Dependence of Night-side Field-aligned Currents
- Estimating Uncertainty in Long Term Total Ozone Records from Multiple Sources
- Evaluation of Methods for Estimating Long-Range Dependence in Water Quality Time Series with Missing Data and Irregular Sampling
- Far-UV Eclipse Observations of Ganymede's Atmosphere with New Horizons Alice: New Constraints to the Atomic Oxygen Component
- Far-Ultraviolet Surface Reflectance of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as Observed by the Alice Spectrograph on Rosetta
- Field-Aligned Electric Potential in the Polar Cap
- Field-Aligned and Ionospheric Current Contributions to Ground Magnetic Perturbations
- First scientific dives of the Nereid Under Ice hybrid ROV in the Arctic Ocean.
- Following up on the Discovery of Water Vapor at Europa's South Pole with HST
- Global Ocean Sedimentation Patterns: Plate Tectonic History Versus Climate Change
- Global Paleobathymetry for the Cenomanian-Turonian (90 Ma)
- Global response of M-I coulping revealed by AMPERE
- Groundwater and surface water scaling over the continental US using a hyperresolution, integrated hydrologic model.
- Hemispheric Differences in Tropical Lower Stratospheric Constituent Seasonal Cycles
- Hydrogen Concentrations near Mercury's North Pole: New Measurements from MESSENGER's Low-Altitude Campaign
- Improved Rainfall Estimates and Predictions for 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Drought Early Warning
- Improving solar wind modeling at Mercury: Incorporating transient solar phenomena into the WSA-ENLIL model
- Interannual Variability of the Atmospheric Tides over South Pole from a Decade of Meteor Wind Observations
- Investigation of the Tidal Signatures in the Thermosphere Using the TIMED/GUVI Data
- Investigation of the plasma bubble and blob connection in the low latitude ionosphere
- LRO-LAMP Observations of the Lunar Exosphere Coordinated with LADEE
- Laboratory Experiments of Rip Current Generation
- Laboratory experiments on core merging after a giant impact
- Large eddy simulation and K-profile parameterization of submesoscale oil droplet plume dispersion in Langmuir turbulence
- Lava Textures, Magma Crystallization History, and the Dynamics of Merapi and Aleutian Mush Columns
- Long-Duration Neutron Production in Solar Eruptive Events Detected with the MESSENGER Neutron Spectrometer
- Long-Term Loads of Nutrients and Sediment from Non-Tidal Regions of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: An Assessment of Seasonal Trends and Progress
- Lower Mantle Superplume Growth Stimulates Geomagnetic Reversals
- MESSENGER Disappearing Dayside Magnetosphere Events: Evidence for Severe Dayside Erosion and/or Compression?
- MESSENGER Observation on Reconnection and Structure of Mercury's Magnetotail Lobes and Plasma Sheet
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter observation of Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring)
- Mars Thermal History: Core, Atmosphere, Mantle, Phobos and Surface (MaTH CAMPS)
- Measurement of the Gas Environment of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with the Alice Far-ultraviolet Spectrograph on Rosetta
- Measuring the Value of Earth Observation Information with the Gravity Research and Climate Experiment (GRACE) Satellite
- Mercury's Internal Magnetic Field: Results from MESSENGER's Low-altitude Campaign
- Mercury's Internal Magnetic Field: Results from MESSENGER's Search for Remanent Crustal Magnetization Associated with Impact Basins
- Modeling and Predicting the Daily Equatorial Plasma Bubble Activity Using the Tiegcm
- Modeling hyporheic exchange and in-stream transport with time-varying transit time distributions
- Multi-Scale Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices Along Mercury's Magnetopause
- New HST observations of Io's time-variable UV aurora: Probing Io's magma ocean and neutral and plasma environment
- Nitrogen is Not Always Noble in the Mantle
- Observations and Implications of Large-Amplitude Longitudinal Oscillations in a Solar Filament
- Observations of Ganymede's variable auroral ovals on leading side derived from HST/STIS
- Patterns in the Waves
- Periodicity in the occurrence of equatorial plasma bubbles
- Preliminary Polar Sea Trials of Nereid-UI: A Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle for Oceanographic Access Under Ice
- Preliminary Results from a Coordinated Hisaki/Chandra/XMM-Newton Study of the Jovian Aurora and Io Plasma Torus
- Quantification of the Intrusion Process at Kïlauea Volcano, Hawai'I
- Reexamination of Lunar Exospheric Dust Estimates Using Discrete Dipole Scattering Simulations
- Response of High Latitude Birkeland Currents and Ionospheric Convection to Transitions in Solar Wind Forcing
- Results from the NASA-ISRO SAR Mission Applications Workshop: Linking Mission Goals to Societal Benefit
- Role of ocean isopycnal mixing in setting the uptake of anthropogenic carbon
- Seasonal Prediction of Hydro-Climatic Extremes in the Greater Horn of Africa Under Evolving Climate Conditions to Support Adaptation Strategies
- Seasonal variations of stable, including clumped, isotopologues of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in air: Initial observations from La Jolla, Ca
- Sharing Site-Based Research Data: Standardizing and Packaging for Reuse
- Simulations of Filament Channel Formation
- Soft X-ray and ENA imaging of the Earth's dayside magnetosphere : OpenGGCM modeling results
- Spatially-resolved mean flow and turbulence help explain observed erosion and deposition patterns of snow over Antarctic sea ice
- Statistical characteristics of nighttime mid-latitude F-region field-aligned irregularities observed by Daejeon VHF coherent scattering radar in South Korea
- Testing the Interstellar Wind Helium Flow Direction with Galileo Euvs Data
- Tharsis Formation by Chemical Plume Due to Giant Impact Event
- The Effects of Interactive Stratospheric Chemistry on Antarctic and Southern Ocean Climate Change in a Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Model
- The Modeling of Time-Varying Stream Water Age Distributions: Preliminary Investigations with Non-Conservative Solutes
- The New Horizons Radio Science Experiment: Expected Performance in Measurements of Pluto's Atmospheric Structure, Surface Pressure, and Surface Temperature
- The Role of Land-Atmosphere Interactions During the CONUS 2012 Summertime Heat Wave
- The Whipple Mission: Design and development of the focal plane
- The Whipple Mission: Exploring the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud
- The search for Ar in the lunar atmosphere using the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter's LAMP instrument.
- Time-Dependent Coupling of Lfm-Helio and MAS Models for CME Propagation
- Towards a South Asia Land Data Assimilation System: first results for transboundary basins
- Towards a more consistent picture of isopycnal mixing in climate models
- Tracing Earth's O<SUB>2</SUB> Evolution Using Zn/Fe Systematics in Carbonates
- Transforming Spatial Reasoning Skills in the Upper-Level Undergraduate Geoscience Classroom Through Curricular Materials Informed by Cognitive Science Research
- Tree Distributions, Subsurface Characteristics and Nitrogen Cycling
- Triple Oxygen Isotopic Variation in Continental Waters and Potential Applications to Paleoclimate Research
- Using New Theory and Experimental Methods to Understand the Relative Controls of Storage, Antecedent Conditions and Precipitation Intensity on Transit Time Distributions through a Sloping Soil Lysimeter
- Whipple Mission Design - Fields, Orbit, Schedule
- 3D kinetic picture of magnetotail explosions and characteristic auroral features prior to and after substorm onset
- A Method for Constraining Glacial Boulder Exposure Ages with Bedrock Erosion Rates Utilizing Cosmogenic Ne-21 from the Central Transantarctic Mountains
- A Two-Timescale Response to Ozone Depletion: Importance of the Background State
- Achieving Peak Flow and Sediment Loading Reductions through Increased Water Storage in the Le Sueur Watershed, Minnesota: A Modeling Approach
- Adaptability in the Development of Data Archiving Services at Johns Hopkins University
- Adding Drift Kinetics to a Global MHD Code
- An Interactive Tool For Semi-automated Statistical Prediction Using Earth Observations and Models
- An MJO-Mediated Mechanism to Explain ENSO and IOD Impacts on East African Short Rains
- Beyond Roughness: Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Topographic "Structure" on Venus and Elsewhere in the Solar System
- Building a Framework in Improving Drought Monitoring and Early Warning Systems in Africa
- Changes in Transport from the Northern Hemisphere Midlatitude Surface
- Characterization of the Interior Density Structure of Near Earth Objects with Muons
- Characterizing hydrological hazards and trends with the NASA South Asia Land Data Assimilation System
- ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy at Gale Crater: Diurnal and Seasonal cycles of O<SUB>2</SUB>, H<SUB>2</SUB>O, and aerosols
- Chromium Redox Equilibria in Fluids and Minerals under Hydrothermal and Subduction-zone Conditions
- Climate change influences on the annual onset of Lyme disease in the United States
- Clumped Isotope Verification of δ<SUP>18</SUP>O-Based Freshwater Mussel Shell Growth Chronology for a High-Resolution Climate and River Discharge Record
- Comparative Studies of the Density and Thermal Structure and Associated Escape Rates of Pluto and Triton's Atmospheres
- Differentiation and delivery of an enriched deep mantle reservoir during iron descent to the core.
- Distributions of irregularities, patches, and scintillation in the high-latitude F region seen by Swarm satellites
- Dust and the Mars Polar Vortices
- ENDLESS: a multi-scale large-eddy simulation approach to study oil plumes in the ocean mixed layer
- Early results on energetic particle dynamics and structure from the Energetic Ion Spectrometer (EIS) on the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission
- Effect of electron ambient plasmas in reconnection jets and dipolarization fronts : MMS initial results
- Effects of Reservoir Filling on Sediment and Nutrient Removal in the Lower Susquehanna River Reservoir: An Input-Output Analysis Based on Long-Term Monitoring
- Effects of Water on Carbonate Clumped Isotope Bond Reordering Kinetics
- Effects of solar wind and IMF on BBFs in high-resolution LFM simulations of the magnetotail
- Electrodynamic Context of Magnetotail and Magnetopause Dynamics Observed by Magnetospheric Multiscal
- Energetic Particles in the far and near Environment of Pluto
- Energy Dissipation and Transport Associated with Whistler-wave Generation during Plasma Jet Events using MMS Data
- Escape of Pluto's Atmosphere: In Situ Measurements from New Horizons and Remote Observations from Chandra
- Estimating Uncertainties in the Multi-Instrument SBUV Profile Ozone Merged Data Set
- Fast Flows and Entropy Evolution in Global Hybrid Simulation
- Field-aligned Electric Field and Currents in the Polar cap
- Fine Scale Structure of the Afternoon Equatorial Magnetopause as Seen on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- First MMS Observations of High Time Resolution 3D Electric and Magnetic fields at the Dayside Magnetopause.
- Fluid dynamics experiments on impact-induced metal dispersion during Earth's accretion
- Formation of Polar Ionospheric Tongue of Ionization during Minor Geomagnetic Disturbed Conditions
- GUVI and SSUSI Observations of the St. Patrick's Day Storms
- Global MHD simulations of plasmaspheric plumes
- Gravity, Topography, Magnetics: Geoscience Data Analysis in Spherical and Planar Geometry
- Haze Production in Pluto's Atmosphere
- Hidden in the Neutrons: Physical Evidence for Lunar True Polar Wander
- Hot in Baltimore: linking urban form to fine-scale temperature differences
- Identifying and Addressing Infrastructure Vulnerabilities Under Climate Change in Data-Scarce Regions: the Role of Conservation
- Immiscible Hydrocarbon and Aqueous Fluids Under Subduction Zone Conditions and Implications for the Deep Carbon Cycle
- Impacts of Geomagnetic storms on the mid-latitude mesosphere and lower thermosphere observed by a Na lidar and TIMED/GUVI
- Implications of an "Inverse Storage Effect" on the Sensitivity of Watershed Transit Times to Rainfall Variability at Plynlimon, Wales
- In-Flight Calibration Processes for the MMS Fluxgate Magnetometers
- Inferring boundary layer structure from auroral precipitation and field-aligned currrents
- Infiltration and Evaporation of Diesel and Gasoline Droplets Spilled onto Concrete Pavement
- Influence of ice thickness and surface properties on light transmission through Arctic sea ice
- Insights Into the Mineralogic Diversity of Lower Mount Sharp Units from Mars Science Laboratory Mastcam Multispectral Observations
- Intense energetic-electron flux enhancements in Mercury's magnetosphere: An integrated view with high-resolution observations from MESSENGER
- Interhemispheric transit-time distributions and path-dependent lifetimes constrained by measurements of SF<SUB>6</SUB>, CFCs, and CFC replacements
- Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections from MESSENGER Orbital Observations at Mercury
- Investigation of a Major Stratigraphic Unconformity with the Curiosity Rover
- Laboratory Experiments on Core Merging and Stratification After Giant Impacts
- Latitudinal and Solar Cycle Variability of Thermosphere Composition at the Solstices
- Longitudinal Properties of a Widespread Solar Energetic Particle Event on 2014 February 25: Evolution of the Parent CME and Associated Shock
- Low-Frequency Wave Activity Detected by MMS during Dusk Magnetopause Crossings and its Relation to Heating and Acceleration of Particles
- Low-frequency wave activity related to dipolarization fronts detected by MMS in the magnetotail
- MESSENGER Observation on Reconnection and Structure of Mercury's Magnetotail Lobes and Plasma Sheet
- MESSENGER Observations of Suprathermal Electrons in Mercury's Magnetosphere
- MMS Spacecraft Observation of Near Tail Thin Current Sheets: Their Locations, Conditions for Formation and Relation to Geomagnetic Activity
- MMS observations of small magnetic flux ropes in the near-tail (X > -11 Re)
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling During the June 22-24, 2015 Magnetic Storm
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Ultra Low Frequency Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Major-Element Compositional Diversity Observed by ChemCam Along the MSL Traverse: The First Three Years
- Mapping Mercury's magnetic topology with solar energetic electrons
- Mercury's Crustal Magnetic Field from Low-Altitude Measurements by MESSENGER.
- Modeling Callisto's Ionosphere: Insight Into Callisto's Atmosphere
- Monitoring groundwater drought with GRACE data assimilation
- Multi-point, multi-scale observation of the near-Earth current sheet reconfiguration during storm-time multi-onset substorms
- Multivariate assimilation of satellite-derived land remote sensing datasets: Advances, gaps and challenges
- New Horizons Alice sky Lyman-α at Pluto encounter: Importance for photochemistry
- New Horizons LORRI Pluto Haze Spatial Analysis
- New Horizons Pluto Flyby Guest Operations
- Non-linear Regression and Machine Learning for Streamflow Prediction and Climate Change Impact Analysis
- Non-stationary Concentration-Discharge Relationships for Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sediment for Nine Major Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay
- Observational Constraints on a Pluto Torus of Circumsolar Neutral Gas
- On the formation and origin of substorm growth phase/onset auroral arcs inferred from conjugate space-ground observations
- Plasma precipitation on Mercury's nightside and its implications for magnetospheric convection and exosphere generation.
- Pluto's Far Ultraviolet Spectrum and Airglow Emissions
- Pluto's atmosphere-plasma interaction: Hybrid simulations
- Possible Albedo Proton Signature of Hydrated Lunar Surface Layer
- Potential Vorticity Structure of the Mars Polar Vortices
- Principle Component Analysis of Birkeland Currents Determined by the Active Magnetosphere and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment
- Profiles of Ionospheric Storm-enhanced Density during the 17 March 2015 Great Storm
- Proton Acceleration at Injection Fronts in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Quantifying global melt flux and degassing rate from global mantle convection models with plate motion history
- Radio Occultation Measurements of Pluto's Atmosphere with New Horizons
- Reconnection Between Twisted Flux Tubes - Implications for Coronal Heating
- Reduced complexity model to simulate reductions in sediment delivery from a agricultural watershed in southern Minnesota
- Relationships between Geomagnetic Induced Currents and Field Aligned Currents
- Relative controls of external and internal variability on time-variable transit time distributions, and the importance of StorAge Selection function approaches
- Remote visualization and scale analysis of large turbulence datatsets
- Science Measurements for the <em>Io Volcano Observer (IVO)</em>
- Search Coil and Fluxgate Data Merging on MMS: Examples on Dipolarization Event Cases
- Searching for Charon's Atmosphere
- Seasonal Scale Water Deficit Forecasting in East Africa and the Middle East Region Using the NMME Models Forecasts
- Sedimentary Facies as Indicators of Changing Lake Levels in Gale Crater, Mars
- Sedimentary structures and stratal geometries at the foothills of Mount Sharp: their role in paleoenvironmental interpretation
- Sensitivities Affecting Heat and Urban Heat Island Effect on Local Scale Projected to Neighborhood Scale in Baltimore, Maryland
- Signature of inner core nucleation on the geodynamo
- Solar Wind at 33 AU: Setting Bounds on the Pluto Interaction
- Spontaneous formation of magnetotail bursty bulk flows, dipolarization fronts, and corresponding changes of magnetic topology
- Stormtime Ionospheric Outflow Effects in Global Multi-Fluid MHD
- Subsurface carbon-bearing material on Mercury revealed by the MESSENGER Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer
- Surface Albedo Variations Across Opportunity's Traverse in Meridiani Planum
- Swarm Observations of Field Aligned Currents during Geomagnetic Storms
- Teaching Spatial Thinking in Undergraduate Geology Courses Using Tools and Strategies from Cognitive Science Research
- Testing the Response of Earth's Carbon Cycle to Volcanic Perturbations
- The Atmospheres of Pluto and Charon
- The Impact of Desert Dust Aerosol Radiative Forcing on Global and West African Precipitation
- The Impacts of Variations in Groundwater-Stream Hydrologic Connectivity on Nitrogen Fluxes on the Eastern Shore of Virginia
- The Maturely, Immature Orientale Impact Basin
- The Potential for Forecasting Water Cycle Extremes with GRACE
- The Radiator-Enhanced Geothermal System
- The Relative Importance of Time-Variable Transport through Hillslope and Riparian Hydrogeomorphic Units on the Emergent TTD of a Small Forested Piedmont Watershed
- The SuperCam Remote-Sensing Instrument Suite for the Mars 2020 Rover Mission
- The Ultraviolet Spectrograph on the Europa Mission (Europa-UVS)
- The Understanding of Elevation Dependent Warming from Climate Models
- The Value of Information from a GRACE-Enhanced Drought Severity Index
- The dynamics of region 1 field-aligned currents during periods of dayside and nightside reconnection
- The evolution of Phanerozoic seawater - Isotope paleothermometry finds consensus on Early Paleozoic warmth and constant seawater δ<SUP>18</SUP>O
- The onset condition of equatorial plasma bubbles - the role of seeding mechanism and growth condition
- Time-dependent global modeling of the inner heliosphere
- Towards a National Space Weather Predictive Capability
- Triple oxygen isotopes and clumped isotopes in modern vertebrate and dinosaur biominerals: Records of paleoecology, paleoaridity, and paleo-carbon-cycling
- UV Observations of Hemispheric Asymmetry
- Ultraviolet emission from CG's coma: fluorescence versus electron-impact excitation
- Under Construction: Rebuilding Kīlauea's Shallow Magma Storage System After Caldera Collapse
- Understanding Recent Trends in Freezing Level Height over the Tropical Andes Mountains of South America: An Investigation of Reanalysis Products and GEOSCCM Integrations.
- Underwater Oil Plume Intrusion from Deepwater Blowouts - A Large-Eddy Simulation Study
- Using AMPERE to Identify and Characterize Onsets of Birkeland Currents
- Utilizing Satellite Precipitation Products to Understand the Link Between Climate Variability and Malaria
- Value versus Accuracy: application of seasonal forecasts to a hydro-economic optimization model for the Sudanese Blue Nile
- Variability of Interhemispheric Tracer Transport
- Visualizing and Understanding Socio-Environmental Dynamics in Baltimore
- What gravel size may tell us about the rivers draining from the north wall of Gale Crater
- A Large Eddy Simulation Study of Heat Entrainment under Sea Ice in the Canadian Arctic Basin
- A Multi-Scale Energy Food Systems Modeling Framework For Climate Adaptation
- A Two Time-scale response of the Southern Ocean to the Ozone Hole: Regional Responses and Mechanisms
- A coupled nearfield and farfield large-eddy simulation for oil transport from deep-water blowouts - a study of the effects of dispersant in the Deepwater Horizon accident
- Abundance and Temperature Variations in Titan's Atmosphere as Revealed by ALMA
- Age-ranked storage and age-ranked discharge relationships at a hillslope scale: controls of physical processes, boundary conditions, climate variability, and hillslope shape
- An Improved Method for Interpretation of Concentration-Discharge Relationships in Riverine Water-Quality Data
- An investigation of Haze Heating and Cooling in Pluto's Atmosphere
- Analysis of Trace Gases Response on the Anomalous Change in the QBO in 2015-2016
- Analyzing Multidecadal Trends in Cloudiness Over the Subtropical Andes Mountains of South America Using a Regional Climate Model.
- Assessing a novel approach to proxy system modeling of speleothem δ<SUP>18</SUP>O values
- Assimilating Non-linear Effects of Customized Large-Scale Climate Predictors on Downscaled Precipitation over the Tropical Andes
- Berlin, Maryland - How One Small City is Using Science to Change its World
- Can a simple lumped parameter model simulate complex transit time distributions? Benchmarking experiments in a virtual watershed.
- ChemCam passive reflectance spectroscopy of the Lubango, Okoruso, and Oudam drill targets in Gale Crater, Mars
- Cleaves Revisited: Consequences of Inverted Bedrock Topography on Chemical Weathering Rates in a Classic Study Watershed
- Climatological aspect of the equatorial ionospheric dynamics seen by TIMED/GUVI
- Closing the loop: integrating human impacts on water resources to advanced land surface models
- Cluster and THEMIS observations of the magnetosphere dayside boundaries in preparation for the SMILE mission
- Comparison of Citizen Science Aurora Data with Energy Flux Derived from Aurora Observations and Models
- Comparison of New Horizons Plasma Data with Three-Dimensional Hybrid Simulations
- Conjugate observations of the evolution of a long-duration polar cap arc in both hemispheres
- Connectivity Between Solar Energetic Particle Observations and Their Solar Sources: The Event on 14 August 2010
- Constraining Holocene Hydroclimate in the Tropical Andes Using Δ<SUB>47</SUB> and Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O in Lacustrine Carbonates
- Constraints on Io's interior from auroral spot oscillations
- Contrasting Upper and Lower Atmospheric Metrics of Tropical Expansion
- Detection of a hydrogen corona in HST Lyman-alpha images of Europa in transit of Jupiter
- Dipolarization in the inner magnetosphere during a geomagnetic storm on 7 October 2015
- Dissociation of aqueous silica at high P-T and implications for metal complexes in subduction-zone fluids
- Distribution of iron oxides in lower Mt. Sharp from Curiosity and orbital datasets, and implications for their formation
- Earth's ion upflow associated with polar cap patches global and in-situ observations
- Ecological carbon sequestration via wood harvest and storage (WHS): Can it be a viable climate and energy strategy?
- Effects of including electrojet turbulence in LFM-RCM simulations of geospace storms
- Electron Diffusion Region Identification on MMS Using the Radius of Curvature of the Magnetic Field
- Elemental composition of Ceres
- Energetic electron acceleration during dipolarization events in Mercury's magnetotail
- Environmental Transitions Recorded by Fluvial Fan Stratigraphy at Dingo Gap and Moonlight Valley, Gale Crater, Mars
- Equatorial ionospheric response to the 2015 St. Patrick's Day magnetic storm
- Evaluating the sub-seasonal impacts of the MJO on rainfall over the Northwest of South America.
- Evidence for Paleo-Dune Fields in the Upper Formation of Aeolis Mons, Gale Crater, Mars
- Farley-Buneman Instability Effects on the Ionosphere and Thermosphere
- Field-aligned currents in auroral vortices
- First Gravity Traverse on the Martian Surface from the Curiosity Rover
- Flux Transfer Events on the Magnetopause, Force-Free or Not: An MMS Multi-Instrument Study
- Gaussian Process Models for One Hour Ahead Prediction of the Dst Index.
- Global Land Carbon Uptake from Trait Distributions
- Global Observations of High-m Poloidal Waves in the Magnetosphere During the Recovery Phase of the June 2015 Magnetic Storm
- Haze in Pluto's Atmosphere: Implications for Processes and Evolution
- Hemispheric Differences in Tropical Lower Stratospheric Transport and Tracers Annual Cycle
- High Latitude Precipitating Energy Flux and Joule Heating During Geomagnetic Storms Determined from AMPERE Field-aligned Currents
- High latitude convection dynamics during Magnetospheric Multiscale magnetopause encounters and magnetic reconnection observations
- Impacts of Anthropogenic Heat on Summertime Rainfall in Beijing
- Improving Riverine Constituent Concentration and Flux Estimation by Accounting for Antecedent Discharge Conditions
- In-Flight Calibration Methods for Temperature-Dependendent Offsets in the MMS Fluxgate Magnetometers
- Information theoretical approach to discovering solar wind drivers of the outer radiation belt
- Inter-annual Variability of Temperature and Extreme Heat Events during the Nairobi Warm Season
- Investigating the origins of rhythmic major-element zoning in HP/LT garnets from worldwide subduction mélanges
- Ion Transport and Acceleration at Dipolarization Fronts: Large-Scale MHD-Test-Particle Simulations
- Ionospheric TEC disturbances induced by the 2016 NK's rocket
- Kinetic Features of Multi-Species Energetic Ions Associated with Dynamic Injections at the Near-Tail Region as Observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission
- MMS Observations of Energetic Particle Escape Dynamics at the Dayside Magnetopause
- MMS Observations of Ion-scale Magnetic Island in the Magnetosheath Turbulent Plasma
- MMS observations of magnetic reconnection in small-scale current sheets in magnetosheath turbulence.
- MMS, Van Allen Probes, and Ground-based Magnetometer Observations of a Compression-induced EMIC Wave Event
- MMS-Mission Diagnosis of Species-Dependent Leakage of Energetic Particles across Earth's Magnetopause and Implications for Juno at Jupiter
- MSL/Mastcam Multispectral Observations of Lower Mt. Sharp Units: Spectral Evidence of Distinct Alteration Environments
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Field-aligned Currents at the Magnetopause
- Magnetotail Stability Parameters in Global MHD Simulations
- Magnetotail flux release instability in MHD and kinetic regimes: Global and local aspects
- Making Major Mounds on Mars: Shaping by Wind-Terrain Feedbacks
- Mars' Annular Polar Vortices and their Response to Atmospheric Dust Opacity
- Middle-Latitude Ionospheric Irregularities and Their Relationships with the Ring Current and Auroral Oval Expansion during Geomagnetic Storms
- Modeling the sensitivity of shallow subsurface catchment transit times to rainfall variability under present and future climate.
- Multi-instrument observation of two different types of polar cap aurora occurring simultaneously during northward IMF
- Near-Earth magnetotail flow braking observed by multi-spacecraft MMS, Geotail, and Cluster
- Nightside storm-time Birkeland currents: quasi-steady state, onsets, and dual R1/2 sense pairs
- Observations and simulations of specularly reflected He<SUP>++</SUP> at Earth's quasiperpendicular bow shock
- Ocean carbon and heat variability in an Earth System Model
- Opportunities and Challenges for Hydrological Analysis in the HKH: Emerging experiences from the South Asia Land Data Assimilation System
- Origin of the two scales of wind ripples on Mars
- Paleoclimate and Paleoecology of Central Utah during the Past ≈200,000 Years from Soil Carbonate Pendants
- Physical Basis for Storage-Dependent Age Distributions of Water Discharged from an Experimental Hillslope
- Pre-reconnection: Plasma motions preconditioning the magnetotail for topology change
- Predicting the 2015-2016 Ethiopian Drought: Model Skill and Decision-maker Response
- Propagation of Uncertainties in Radiation Belt Simulations
- Quantifying Hemispheric Asymmetry of Auroral Currents by Polar Region Interhemispheric Magnetic Observatories (PRIMO)
- Radiation Science Enabled by the Radiation Monitoring Subsystem (RMS) for the Planned Europa Mission
- Reduced urban heat island with warmer climate
- Relation of field-aligned currents measured by AMPERE project to solar wind and substorms
- Robust decision making in data scarce contexts: addressing data and model limitations for water infrastructure planning under transient climate change
- SMILE: A Novel and Global Way to Explore Solar-Terrestrial Relationships
- Secondary and Primary Energy Minimum Interactions of Colloids in Porous Media: A Novel Binomial Modeling Approach
- Sensitivity of Sahelian Precipitation to Desert Dust under ENSO variability: a regional modeling study
- Sensitivity of different tracers to transport
- Simulating the Magnetosheath in X-rays
- Slumps and Fog in Valles Marineris
- Soil, Water, Plants and Preferred Flow in All Directions: A Biosphere-2 Experiment
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Atomic Oxygen in The Mesosphere And Lower Thermosphere
- Spatial and Temporal Variation in the Isotopic Composition of Ethiopian Rainfall
- Stability of Mars' annular polar vortex
- Statistical Study of Mercury's Energetic Electron Events as Observed by the Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer Instrument onboard MESSENGER
- Storm-time plasma pressure distribution: First results from an advanced empirical geomagnetic field model
- Structure and Variability in the Ionosphere using DMSP/SSUSI and TIMED/GUVI Data
- Structure of high latitude currents in magnetosphere-ionosphere models
- TIMED GUVI: Recent Progress and Future Challenges in the Ionosphere, and Thermosphere System Coupling
- The Extent to Which Dayside Reconnection Drives Field-Aligned Currents During Substorms
- The Impact of Ozone Depleting Substances on Tropical Upwelling, as Revealed by the Absence of Lower Stratospheric Cooling since the Late 1990s
- The Relative Abundances of Resolved <SUP>12</SUP>CH<SUB>2</SUB>D<SUB>2</SUB> and <SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUB>3</SUB>D and Mechanisms Controlling Isotopic Bond Ordering in Abiotic and Biotic Methane Gases
- The Role of Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in Energetic Particle Loss Through the Magnetopause: High-Resolution MHD and test-particle simulations
- The Role of Monsoon-like Zonally Asymmetric Heating in Interhemispheric Transport
- The Soft X-ray Imager (SXI) on the SMILE Mission
- The coupling between idealized 2D eddies and 3D small-scale turbulence in the upper ocean and its implications for oil transport simulations using ENDLESS
- The dynamics and structure of current systems during dipolarization events
- The effect of subauroral polarization streams (SAPS) on the thermosphere and ionosphere during the 2015 St. Patrick's day major storm
- The far ultraviolet spectrum of Pluto and the discovery of its ionosphere
- The signature of inner-core nucleation on the geodynamo
- The variability of the occurrence of the Field Aligned Irregularities in the middle-latitude F region using the VHF radar observation at Daejon, South Korea.
- Triple oxygen isotopes and clumped isotope thermometry applied to East African water balance over the last 500ky
- Tropospheric Transport Differences Between Models Using the Same Large-Scale Meteorological Fields
- True Dipole Wander Driven by Mantle Convection in the Phanerozoic
- Two-Relaxation-Time Lattice Boltzmann Method for Advective-Diffusive-Reactive Transport
- Using AMIENext Patterns Derived from AMPERE Data to Explore Hemispheric Asymmetries in Field Aligned Currents and Magnetic Potential
- Water Balance Modeling to Identify the Time-Variable Contribution of Hillslope and Riparian Fluxes to Discharge in a Small Forested Piedmont Watershed
- What generates Callisto's atmosphere? - Indications from calculations of ionospheric electron densities and airglow
- A Search for Rarely Seen Ultraviolet Coma Emissions and New Species Upper Limits at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Using the Rosetta-Alice Ultraviolet Spectrograph
- A new approach for constraining tropical OH based on the path-dependent lifetime of multiple trace gases
- An initial validation of Landsat 5 and 7 derived surface water temperature in US lakes and estuaries
- Assessing Space Weather Applications and Understanding: IMF Bz at L1
- Calibration of low-cost gas sensors for an urban air quality monitoring network
- Comparison of New Horizons SWAP Data with Three-Dimensional Hybrid Simulations
- Connections between Air Pollution and Stagnation
- Context, Biogeochemistry, and Morphology of Diverse and Spatially Extensive Microbial Mats, Little Ambergris Cay, Turks and Caicos Islands, B.W.I.
- Controlled experiments of hillslope co-evolution at the Biosphere 2 Landscape Evolution Observatory: toward prediction of coupled hydrological, biogeochemical, and ecological change
- Coupled storm-time magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere simulations including microscopic ionospheric turbulence
- Current structures and high frequency waves inside Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices: MMS observations
- Detection and Characterization of Micrometeoroid Impacts on LISA Pathfinder
- Determining hyporheic storage using the rSAS model in urban restored streams.
- Direct Measurements of Surface Energy, Elastic Modulus and Interparticle Forces of Titan Aerosol Analog (`Tholin') Using Atomic Force Microscopy
- Do Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL) Shape their Local Landscapes?
- Does Variability in Shallow Hydraulic Conductivity Explain Subsurface Electrical Resistivity Anomalies in a Piedmont Hillslope?
- Does age matter? Controls on the spatial organization of age and life expectancy in hillslopes, and implications for transport parameterization using rSAS
- ENSO Influence on Trace Gases in the Tropical Lower Stratosphere
- Effects of snowmelt on watershed transit time distributions
- El Niño, Rainfall, and the Shifting Geography of Cholera in Africa
- Electron Impact Studies Relevant to Rosetta Coma Measurements of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Examining Magnetotail Stretching and Substorm Onsets using GOES Satellite Data and Information Theory
- Examining why Baltimore's urban heat island decreases during heatwaves using high-resolution urban observations and simulations
- Extending the SBUV MOD Ozone Profile data record with OMPS Nadir Profiler Data: Updated Trends and Uncertainties
- Extreme Precipitation and Flooding: Exposure Characterization and the Association Between Exposure and Mortality in 108 United States Communities, 1987-2005
- Flow pathways in the evolving critical zone - insights from hydraulic groundwater theory
- Forecasting Malaria in the Western Amazon
- Global distribution of nighttime medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances seen by Swarm satellites
- Greater Baltimore Open Air: an Internet of Things (IoT) approach to citizen science and community-driven climate, air quality, and urban heat island monitoring
- Groundwater Withdrawals under Drought: Reconciling GRACE and Models in the United States High Plains Aquifer
- Hydrologic Synthesis Across the Critical Zone Observatory Network: A Step Towards Understanding the Coevolution of Critical Zone Function and Structure
- Hydrologic connections between environmental and societal change at the Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah
- Ice exposures and landscape evolution in the Martian mid-latitudes
- Impact of Hurricane Irma on Little Ambergris Cay, Turks and Caicos
- Informing Drought Preparedness and Response with the South Asia Land Data Assimilation System
- Ion Heating and Thermalization in a 3000 km/s Shock
- LRO/LAMP Study of the Interplanetary Medium via the HeI 58.4 nm Resonance Line
- Large uncertainty in the relative rates of dynamical and hydrological tropical expansion
- Localizing drought monitoring products to support agricultural climate service advisories in South Asia
- MESSENGER's Special Delivery: Gas and Dust Production from Comets 2P/Encke and C/2012 S1 (ISON) at Small Heliocentric Distances
- Merging Hydrologic, Geochemical, and Geophysical Approaches to Understand the Regolith Architecture of a Deeply Weathered Piedmont Critical Zone
- Methane Emissions from Tree and Soils along a Wetland to Upland Transect
- Mini-RF S- and X-Band Bistatic Radar Observations of South Polar Craters on the Moon and their Implications for the Presence of Water Ice
- Modeling Episodic Ephemeral Brine Lake Evaporation and Salt Crystallization on the Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah
- Modeling of Mastcam Visible/Near-Infrared Spectrophotometric Observations at Yellowknife Bay
- Modeling the intersections of Food, Energy, and Water in climate-vulnerable Ethiopia with an application to small-scale irrigation
- Morphodynamics and Sediment Transport on the Huanghe (Yellow River) Delta: Work in Progress
- Mud, models, and managers: Reaching consensus on a watershed strategy for sediment load reduction
- Multi-scale Food Energy and Water Dynamics in the Blue Nile Highlands
- Observations by the Rosetta-Alice Ultraviolet Spectrograph of a Coronal Mass Ejection Impact on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- PerSEUS: Ultra-Low-Power High Performance Computing for Plasma Simulations
- Pluto's Ultraviolet Airglow and Detection of Ions in the Upper Atmosphere
- Pluto's surface composition and atmosphere
- Quantifying the changes in the High Mountain Asia snow hydrology
- Radiator Enhanced Geothermal System - A Revolutionary Method for Extracting Geothermal Energy
- Real-time isotope monitoring network at the Biosphere 2 Landscape Evolution Observatory resolves meter-to-catchment scale flow dynamics
- Response of Antarctic sea surface temperature and sea ice to ozone depletion
- Rosetta/Alice Measurements of Atomic and Molecular Abundances in the Coma of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Salinity Trends within the Upper Layers of the Subpolar North Atlantic
- Scaling up Planetary Dynamo Modeling to Massively Parallel Computing Systems: The Rayleigh Code at ALCF
- Science Innovation Through Industry Partnership: Lessons from AMPERE in Bridging the Federal Sponsor/Private Corporation Divide
- Seasonal scale water deficit forecasting in Africa and the Middle East using NASA's Land Information System (LIS)
- Self-Organization by Stochastic Reconnection: The Mechanism Underlying CMEs/Flares
- Sources, properties, and energization of auroral particle precipitation
- Sulfur cycling in plays an important role in the development of Ocean Anoxic Events
- TIMED/GUVI Observations of Aurora, Ionosphere, Thermosphere and Solar EUV Variations
- The Bagnold Dunes in Southern Summer: Active Sediment Transport on Mars Observed by the Curiosity rover
- The Density of the North Polar Layered Deposit from Gravity and Topography
- The New Horizons Ultraviolet Solar Occultation by Pluto's Atmosphere
- The Onset of Magnetic Reconnection
- The Rocket Investigation of Current Closure in the Ionosphere (RICCI) mission: A novel application of CubeSats from a sounding rocket platform
- The importance of temporal inequality in quantifying vegetated filter strip removal efficiencies
- The partitioning of litter carbon during litter decomposition under different rainfall patterns: a laboratory study
- Thermal Evolution of Earth's Mantle During the Accretion
- Tools for Detecting Causality in Space Systems
- Tracking Research Data Footprints via Integration with Research Graph
- Trends and variability of water quality in Lake Tana, Ethiopia using MODIS-Aqua
- Tropospheric Mean Age Responses to Tropical Circulation Changes Using GEOS-5 Simulations
- Ultraviolet Characterization of Comet and Asteroid Surfaces as Observed by the Rosetta Alice Instrument (Invited)
- Unpacking paleoenvironmental change across OAE2 using paired d<SUP>34</SUP>S records of pyrite and organic matter
- Untangling the drivers of nonlinear systems with information theory
- Using Emergent and Internal Catchment Data to Elucidate the Influence of Landscape Structure and Storage State on Hydrologic Response in a Piedmont Watershed
- Using Satellite Data and Land Surface Models to Monitor and Forecast Drought Conditions in Africa and Middle East
- Using StorAge Selection Functions to Improve Simulation of Groundwater Nitrate Lag Times in the SWAT Modeling Framework.
- Web-Based Tools for Data Visualization and Decision Support for South Asia
- What Can Catchment Transit Time Distributions Tell Us About Runoff Mechanisms? Exploring "Age Equifinality" with an Integrated Surface-Groundwater Model.
- A Community-engaged Approach to Understanding Environmental Health Priorities and Measuring Air Pollution in Urban and Rural Alabama
- A Lunar Dynamo Driven by Mantle Precession and Convection
- A Statistical Analysis of X-Ray Bursts Using Mutual Information
- Acceleration, Jerks, and External Signals: Global Characterization of Earth's Field on Sub-Annual Time Scales with Space Constellation Measurements
- Age of Martian Air: Time scales for Martian atmospheric transport
- Air quality, health and carbon implications of various power sector strategies for India
- Arctic Tundra Fire Promotes Increased Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Freshwaters and Changes Methane Hotspot Locations across the Landscape in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta
- Assessing the uncertainty in the terrestrial water budgets over High Mountain Asia
- Atlantic-basin tropical cyclones and associated risk to all-cause, accidental, cardiovascular, and respiratory mortality in 78 United States communities, 1988-2005
- Attribution of changes in hydrologic extremes to changing land cover
- Breakdown of the North Atlantic Age-AOU Relationship
- Can Multispectral Information Improve Remotely Sensed Estimates of Total Suspended Solids? A Statistical Study in Chesapeake Bay
- Cap Sequence Post-dating Marinoan Glacial Deposits, Naukluft Mountains, Namibia
- Challenges for Malaria Early Warning Systems in the Amazon
- Changing Patterns of Tree Cover in the Blue Nile Highlands of Ethiopia and Implications for Local Food, Energy, and Water Resources
- Characterizing biospheric carbon balance using CO<SUB>2</SUB> observations from the OCO-2 satellite: the impact of improved satellite retrievals
- Characterizing the Modern-Day Aeolian Environment at Gale Crater, Mars
- Characterizing the lagged effects of temperature and precipitation on malaria risk in the Peruvian Amazon
- Climate Resilience across Topographic Gradients in the Highlands of Ethiopia
- Coal mine methane in China: potential uses and benefits for both air quality and health
- Community Air Quality Projects at the Intersection of Citizen Science, the Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics
- Data Compression to Improve the Computational Efficiency of Inverse Modeling with Large Satellite Datasets
- Data assimilation with stochastic reduced models quantifying model error
- Deep Critical Zone Architecture of Perpendicular Ridges in a Northern Maryland Piedmont Catchment as Imaged by Seismic Tomography
- Deterministic wave elevation prediction for real-time impedance matching control of wave energy devices in intermediate waters
- Diel Cycling of Methane in Arctic Ponds
- Direct Observations of Pollution Gradients Within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: Overview of the Ozone Water-Land Environmental Transition Study-2 (OWLETS-2)
- Does the ultracool dwarf LSR J1835+3259 exhibit auroral emission? Hubble Space Telescope Observations of its UV spectrum
- Drivers of recent salinity trends in the subpolar North Atlantic
- Dust and Drought in the Sahel: dynamics, variability and feedbacks
- Dynamic Ramp Compression of SnO<SUB>2</SUB>: Implications for Structural Systematics of Dioxides at Ultrahigh Pressures
- Econometric panel approaches to isolating the causal impact of impervious cover on annual peak floods
- Effects of Seasonal and Long-term Climate Variability on Nitrate Export in the Chesterville Branch Catchment of the Eastern Shore, MD
- Effects of food export policy shocks on the Food-Energy-Water nexus in Ethiopia
- El Niño Southern Oscillation Diversity, Teleconnection Patterns and Impacts on East African Precipitation
- Erosion hotspot identification in the sub-humid Ethiopian Highlands
- Estimating Occupational Heat Exposure from Personal Sampling of Public Works Employees in Birmingham, Alabama
- Evaluation of Matthews-WLR-CH<SUB>4</SUB>: A New Wetland, Lake, and Reservoir Methane Emissions Data Set
- Evaluation of a SAR-Based Oil Detection Algorithm
- Evaluation of downscaled GEOS-5 seasonal forecasts used to improve hydrologic forecasting in the United States
- Experimental observation of a hillslope-scale rank StorAge Selection function: Process controls on its functional form, time variability, and hysteresis
- Fluctuating pressure and fluid fluxing during subduction: records from rhythmically zoned high pressure/low temperature garnets
- Forecast for Blue Nile river flow in 2018: evaluation and regional responses
- Geologic Structure of the Mars Polar Layered Deposits and Its Impact on Stratigraphic Signal Recovery
- Global groundwater storage estimates through assimilation of GRACE data into a land surface model
- Global magnetosphere modeling with empirical ring current pressure
- Green Stormwater Infrastructure Planning under Cost and Performance Uncertainty Using Bayesian-Based Optimization - A Case Study in Philadelphia, PA
- Historical reconstruction and near-term forecasts of surface water in South Asia
- How do evapotranspiration-driven discharge fluctuations alter reach-scale ecosystem function?
- Hydrologic Storage and Partitioning Across the CZO Network
- Hydrologic connectivity in snow-dominated basins as a function of climate
- Identifying cost-effective strategies for Chesapeake Bay restoration through optimization analysis of a watershed-estuary model
- Impact Simulations for the DART Mission Using a New Computational Approach
- Impact of August 2017 British Columbia Pyrocumulonimbus Injection Events on Lower Stratospheric Composition
- Impacts of lateral mixing parameterization on physical and biogeochemical climate sensitivity
- Implications of Assimilating GRACE into a Land Surface Model with human-water interface: Improving Water Component Estimates in High Plains Aquifer
- Improved seasonal groundwater storage forecasting in the U.S. through GRACE data assimilation
- Incorporating Trait Distributions into Land Surface Models
- Information Theoretic Approach to Discovering Causal Dependence in Solar Cycle Dynamics
- Insights into the atmospheres of the TRAPPIST-1 planets from the laboratory and models
- Integrating Climate Prediction and Regionalization into an Agro-economic Model to Guide Agricultural Planning
- Integrating Climate Shocks and Climate into Malnutrition Research and Decision Making
- Intermittent subharmonic edge wave excitation with random incoming waves.
- Interpreting Ultraviolet LAMP & LROC Observations of the Moon with the Aid of Laboratory Measurements of Fe-Impregnated Silica Gel Analogues
- Isotopic effects of dolomitization on Cryogenian strata in the Panamint Range, California
- Kuiper Belt Planet Geoscience from Interstellar Probe
- Lateral flow and bedrock weathering in hillslopes: a simple steady-state model of how stream incision rates might control subsurface relief, porosity and permeability
- Mars Science Laboratory Observations of the 2018/Mars Year 34 Global Dust Storm
- Mid-term report of K-LIS: Korea Land Data Assimilation and Asia Land Data Assimilation projects
- Modeling and Predicting Enteric Infectious Disease Burden Using Hydrometeorological Estimates Derived from Earth-Observing Satellites and Model-Based Reanalysis
- Modeling the efflorescence growth and porous brine evaporation of the salt crust on the Bonneville Salt Flats
- More than a Concentration-Discharge Curve: Looking at Detailed Event Concentration Dynamics to Understand Changing Stream Sulfate Sources Across Flow Conditions and Land Use Gradients
- Multi-Sensor Analysis of Mercury's Energetic Electron Events
- No measurable calcium isotopic fractionation during crystallization of Kilauea Iki lava lake, Hawaii, and its implication to calcium isotopic fractionation during mantle partial melting
- North Atlantic Centers of Action and Temperature Variability in the Eastern United States
- Occator Crater at 35 km Altitude: Dawn XM2 Mapping of a Pristine Impact Basin on a Hydrous Dwarf Planet
- Ocean temperature extremes driven by an enhanced seasonal cycle- A role for ocean yellowing?
- Optimizing Investments in Green Stormwater Infrastructure: A Philadelphia Case Study Using StormWISE for Multiobjective Analysis of Costs, CSO Flow Reduction, and Community Benefits
- Options for building resilience and food security in the highlands of Ethiopia
- Orbit Classification for the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) Mission
- Photochemical Hazes Control the Atmospheric Temperature Structures on Pluto and Triton
- PlasmaPy: A Community Python Package for Plasma Physics
- Portable, low-cost, column carbon dioxide and methane measurements for validating satellite observations in remote locations
- Quantifying Cold Season Soil CO2 Emissions in Alaska and Northwest Canada
- Radiator Enhanced Geothermal System: From Numerical Modeling to Construction
- Raman and Infrared Micro-Spectroscopy of Experimentally Shocked Basalts
- Reaction kinetics in the Alta Stock contact metamorphic aureole, Utah: Insights from carbonate clumped isotope geothermometry
- Relationships Between the Subtropical Jet and Hadley Cell
- SSERVI at the Potrillo Volcanic Field: Exploration Roles of Handheld Instruments
- Scaling of flow quantiles and mean catchment fluxes and storage provides empirical formulation of the flow duration curve
- Seasonal Scale Drought Forecasting in Africa and the Middle East
- Simulations of Observed Haze Layer Structure in Pluto's Atmosphere
- Solar wind turbulence effects on the magnetosphere: information theoretic approach
- Spatial and temporal relationships between hydrologic forcing, geologic setting, and river corridor exchange in a mountain stream network
- Stationary and Portable Cost-efficient Multipollutant Monitors for High Spatiotemporal Resolution Air Quality Studies
- Statistical parameterization of surface lateral diffusivity from satellite data
- Storm-time Dynamics of Birkeland and Ionospheric Currents: Toward Diagnosing Proximal Physical Drivers of Geomagnetically Induced Currents
- Storm-time thermospheric neutral density variations: Impacts of nitric oxide cooling, and solar EUV, Particle and Joule heating
- Strong dayside aurorae and precipitations under radial interplanetary magnetic fields
- Sub-seasonal to seasonal hydrological prediction in the Hindu Kush - Himalaya (HKH) region with the South Asia Land Data Assimilation System (SALDAS)
- Temporal and Spatial Development of vTEC Enhancements During Substorms
- The CuPID Cubesat Observatory: Imaging Soft X-rays from the Magnetosheath
- The December 20, 2016 Earthquake Swarm in the Great Salt Lake, Northern Utah
- The Dragonfly Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer (DraGNS): Elemental Composition Measurements on the Surface of Titan
- The First Map of Mercury's Northern Hemisphere Near Subsurface Hydrogen from MESSENGER GRNS Data
- The Future of Natural Gas Infrastructure Development in the United States
- The Influence of Spatial Resolution of Temperature Estimates on Predicting Personal Exposure and Adverse Health Outcomes Associated with Heat Waves
- The Potential for Energy and Climate Change Benefits From the Adoption of Faidherbia albida Agroforestry
- The Shape of Bennu.
- The Structure of Storage within a Deeply Weathered, Piedmont Catchment and its Response to a Decadal Drought
- The Three-dimensional Evolution of Smoke Aerosols Emitted During the 2017 Pyrocumulonimbus Events over British Columbia
- The Value of Information (VOI): Using GRACE-based river flow forecasts to improve flood protection and emergency measures
- The bottom line: measuring public financial investments in, and returns on, research
- The effect of equatorial fountain on the evolution of equatorial plasma bubbles
- The effects of land cover on soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux in a temperate suburban neighborhood
- The response of Southern Ocean sea surface temperature to ozone depletion: Comparison of linear and nonlinear response functions
- The role of bubble-mediated transport of cyanobacteria and other microbes from lake sediments
- The role of land surface feedbacks in drought monitoring and forecasting
- To What Extent Does High-Resolution Dynamical Downscaling Improve Seasonal Forecasts over the Ethiopian Highlands?
- To What Extent Does Solar Wind Forcing Affect the Periodic Behavior of Energetic Electron Events in the Hermean Magnetosphere?
- Towards Refining U.S. Ammonia Emissions with CrIS Observations through Four-dimensional Variational Assimilation
- Transit Time Distributions on a Boreal Catchment Using a 14 Year Data Time Series.
- Transmission Spectroscopy of the Hot-Jupiter WASP-79b from 0.6 to 1.7 μm
- Uncovering a regime shift in Ethiopian highland summertime precipitation with implications for seasonal prediction
- Understanding Convective Variability in Coupled Climate Models: A Salt Oscillator Mechanism
- Understanding the Long-Term Evolution of the Coupled Natural-Human Coastal System: The Future of the U.S. Gulf Coast
- Understanding the magnetic origins and acceleration of the solar wind: Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter.
- Understanding the nuclear emissions from metal bodies through experiment: Preparation for the Psyche Mission to a metal world
- Understanding why long-term climate change impacts on the ocean requires analysis of physical mechanisms operating on biological ecosystem structure
- Using Multi-Decadal Records of Long-Lived Constituents to Understand Dynamical Processes Affecting O<SUB>3</SUB> Trends
- Using SatStressGUI to Calculate Tidal Stresses on Moons: Applications to Europa
- Using flowpath decomposition to understand time-varying transit time distributions and storage selection with an integrated surface-groundwater model of a small watershed
- Velocity scale for transport and mixing of buoyant particles in the oceanic mixed layer
- A Multiplayer Microeconomic Framework for Integrating Multiscale Datasets and Models in the Food-Energy-Water Nexus
- A Numerical Exploration of Coevolution Between Runoff Pathways, Climate, and Landscape Morphology
- A Space Computer Named In Sight Landed on the Red World Last Year and Here is What We Found So Far
- A Sustainable Agriculture Matrix of environmental and socioeconomic indicators for protecting Earth's climate
- A System Science Approach to Understanding the Coupling between Tail Flows and Alfvenic Poynting Flux in a Global Hybrid Simulation
- A Temporally-dynamic and Spatially-resolved Comparison of Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Coal and Natural Gas-fired Electricity in the United States
- A multi-scale food model to evaluate regionalized impacts from policy changes: application to an export ban policy in Ethiopia
- A pause in Southern Hemisphere circulation trends due to the Montreal Protocol
- Aeration to Reduce the Dead Zone in the Chesapeake Bay - Management and Policy Implications of Scientific Evidence and Uncertainty
- Alfvenicity in PSP observations: comparing different measures
- An Augmented Porphyry Copper Deposit Exploration Model and Screening Strategy Supporting AN Environmentally-Sound Mine Life Cycle for 21<SUP>ST</SUP> Century, Deep Underground Copper Mines Deserving of a Social License for Mining while Supplying a Vital Metal for Industry: Bridging the Urban-Rural and Developed-Developing Socio-Economic Divide
- Analysis of the Internal Structure of the Streamer Blow Out Observed the Parker Solar Probe during the First Solar Encounter
- Application of GRACE-FO Data Assimilation for Monitoring and Forecasting Wetness Conditions and Drought
- Biome Type Affects the Seasonal Temperature Responses of Alaskan Ecosystem Carbon Balance: A Geostatistical Inversion Study
- Building a mission to an unknown body: Constraints on the composition and formation of (16) Psyche
- Can we observe depth-variable iceberg melt rates?
- Characterization of Heat Index Experienced by Individuals Residing in Urban and Rural Settings in Alabama, USA
- Climate Variability and Cholera Risk in Equatorial Africa
- Coal mine methane in China: potential uses and benefits for both climate and air quality
- Comparison of Kinetic Alfven Waves from Magnetotail to the Ionosphere between Global Hybrid Simulation and Observations
- Constraining the composition of salts exposed on Europa's surface using VIS-NIR spectra derived from Europa Clipper EIS and MISE data
- Contribution of Meteorological Downscaling to Skill and Precision of Seasonal Hydrological Forecasts: Studies of Notable U.S. Drought Events
- Contribution of bursty bulk flows to the global dipolarization of the magnetotail during an isolated substorm.
- Controls on channel width and depth in alluvial rivers
- Coordinating air pollution and clean power strategies in India for health and climate objectives
- Cusp Convection and Dynamics Derived from AMPERE Measurements of Dayside High-Latitude Birkeland Currents
- Data Compression to Improve Inverse Modeling with Large Satellite Datasets:An Example from OCO-2
- Design and Potential of a Compact Low-Cost Reflectance Spectrometer and Fluorimeter
- Developing a drought monitoring and sub-seasonal to seasonal forecast system for South Asia
- Diurnal and seasonal pattern of vertical brine and energy transfer on Bonneville Salt Flat
- ENA injections and narrowband emissions at Saturn
- ENSO Teleconnections to East African Summer Rainfall: A Process-Based Study of Climate Models
- Exploring the Environmental Drivers of Global Terrestrial CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes Inferred from OCO-2 and a Geostatistical Inverse Model
- FUV observations of Ring Current Aurora
- GEMMA: Geophysical Exploration of the Moon with MEMS Accelerometers
- Geologic Structure of the Vera Rubin ridge and clay-bearing Glen Torridon region, Gale Crater, Mars
- Geology of the InSight Landing Site, Mars
- Geospatial analysis of environmental risks for isolation prevalence of pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacteria in a population cohort
- Global model of the storm-time magnetosphere with empirical ring current pressure
- Half a Mars Year of Atmospheric Results from InSight
- Impacts of small coronal transients at Parker Solar Probe at times of density increases and burst of magnetic switchbacks
- Incorporating the Seasonal Snowpack into Thermo-Hydrologic Modeling of Frozen Ground at Niwot Ridge, CO
- Information Horizon of Solar Flare Waiting Times
- Information theoretic approach to discovering causalities in the solar cycle
- Integrating Materials Science Techniques into the Study of Planetary Hazes
- Intermittent heating in the inner Heliosphere: PSP observations
- Intrepid: Lunar Roving Prospector
- Investigating the Surface Composition of Europa with the Europa Clipper
- Irrigation water use sensitivity to drought and heat across the Contiguous United States: a modeling study
- Learning from the data: manifold learning in interpreting tracers of the landscape hydrologic system
- MHD-Scale Energy Transfer in the Inner Heliosphere from PSP observations
- Melt Inclusion Constraints on Mantle Carbon Heterogeneity at the Global and Regional Scales
- Methods for estimating Wet Bulb Globe Temperature from remote and low-cost data: a comparative study in central Alabama
- Modeling the Impact of Highland Settlements on Ecological Disturbance of Streams in Gilgel Gibie Catchment: Macroinvertebrate Assemblages and Water Quality.
- Monitoring Ring Current Magnetopause Loss by Energetic Neutral Atom Imaging
- Multi-scale climate impacts on food and water security in Ethiopia
- Multi-species modelling of the forming solar wind from the upper chromosphere to Parker Solar Probe
- New satellite-enhanced daily air temperature estimates indicate rapidly increasing exposure to extremes in Africa, Asia and South America
- Numerical modelling of fan-shaped fluvial deposits in low-latitude regions of Mars and their relationship to basin boundary conditions
- Observations of Lunar Exospheric Helium with the UV spectrograph LAMP onboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of the Release of Density Blobs and Flux Ropes at the Heliospheric Current Sheet
- Parker Solar Probe Science Gateway: A Centralized Data Access Point
- Parker Solar Probe observations of the first Venus flyby
- Partial hydro-mechanical coupling in fractured media with applications to injection-induced seismicity.
- Phase Transitions of Magnesium Oxide under Shock Compression
- Possible Substorm Triggering by Magnetosheath Jets During Northward and Radial IMF: 14 Spacecraft Observations, MHD Simulations and Ground Based and Auroral Signatures
- Quantifying the influence of vegetation and albedo changes on High Mountain Asia hydrology
- Reservoir management at multiple scales: Where should we focus most?
- Scenario and model uncertainty in ocean biogeochemical response: Isolating the role of ocean lateral mixing
- Seasonal and zonal variations of the MJO impact on upper troposphere/lower stratosphere temperature and circulation
- Seismicity on Tidally Active Ocean Worlds in our Solar System and Beyond
- Solar wind streams and corotating interaction regions observed by Parker Solar Probe with corresponding observations at one AU
- Structure and equation of state of gold under dynamic ramp compression to 690 GPa
- Synthesis model development in the context of management decision support system
- Testing theories and models for dayside magnetopause reconnection with the Cusp Plasma Imaging Detector (CuPID) Cubesat Observatory
- The Climate Mitigation Opportunity behind Global Power Transmission and Distribution
- The Development of Cubesat Instruments to Image Magnetic Reconnection
- The Relationship of Magnetospheric Coupling Functions to Substorm Onset
- The Surface Energy of "Tholin" and its Implication on Haze-Liquids Interactions on Titan
- The Vast Potential of Geothermal Energy in the United States and an Approach to Extract It
- The imprint of agricultural ecosystems on trace gas emissions in the US Midwest
- The magnetic structure and electrodynamics of the emerging solar wind
- The role of long term atmospheric observations in evaluating methane emissions policies for the oil and gas sector
- The role of stratification in determining phytoplankton community composition during summertime in the Chesapeake Bay
- Tipping the scale: Coupling statistical scaling and geomorphic classification models to extend high-resolution ecohydraulic analysis to the network scale
- Toward a Malaria Early Warning System for the Western Amazon
- Towards Developing a Customized Composite Drought Index for Pakistan: A framework for understanding drought in an agricultural context
- Towards Refining Ammonia Emissions with CrIS Observations through Python-based Four-dimensional Variational Assimilation and CMAQ
- Transport and mixing across Mars's annular polar vortices
- Using information theory to untangle the drivers and response modes in the solar wind-magnetosphere system under strong and weak driving
- Variations in deep critical zone weathering revealed by 2-D and circular seismic refraction surveys in a Northern Maryland Piedmont catchment
- Waiting time (distance) distributions of magnetic field and velocity PVI events during the first Parker Solar Probe encounter
- What defines a flood? Building shared understanding across differing attributes and definitions of flooding
- Which way is downhill? Structure that controls flow in the deeply weathered Piedmont Critical Zone
- Young Solar Wind in the Grip of the Sun's Corona
- 2019 Southern Hemisphere SSW was not a Result of Climate Change
- A Comparison of Trace Gas Trends in Urban Areas Collected via Whole Air Sampling during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- A User-friendly Environmental Sensor Platform for Monitoring Soil Systems
- A comparison of thermospheric FUV radiance and composition from TIMED, GOLD and ICON
- A pause in Southern Hemisphere circulation trends due to the Montreal Protocol
- Achieving >90% Sensitivity in Forecasting Malaria Risk 12 Weeks in Advance in the Amazon
- An Information-Theoretical Approach to Analyzing Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Processes in Hybrid Simulations
- An online self-directed course and python module for StorAge Selection (SAS) modeling of tracer transport through time-variable hydrodynamic systems
- Automatic Polar Cap Boundary Identification Using Redline Imaging Data
- California dominates U.S. emissions of sulfuryl fluoride, a potent greenhouse gas
- Can fill-and-spill subsurface flow be represented by a moisture-dependent anisotropic permeability tensor in Richards equation-based models with coarse spatial resolution?
- Carbon and beyond: Interactive global change impacts on Amazon biogeochemical cycles
- Chesapeake Legacies: Implications of Legacy N Accumulation for Water Quality Improvements in the Chesapeake Bay
- Climate change, time spent outdoors, and physical activity in a moist subtropical climate in the Southeast United States
- Combing Remotely Sensed Data and Health Surveys to Investigate Food Insecurity and Women's Reproductive Health in West Africa
- Comparisons between laboratory experiments and a theoretical model of intermittent edge wave excitation
- Corotating Interaction Regions observed between Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe
- Decoupling the Subtropical Jet from the Hadley Cell in Idealized Atmospheric Models
- Dynamics and Flows in Active Region NOAA12737 that can contribute to Type III Bursts observed by Parker Solar Probe during Encounter 2.
- Effects of Oil and Gas Well Site Proximity on Ambient Air Pollutant Concentrations in California
- Electron Density Fluctuations in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Electron energization by parallel electric fields in high-m poloidal Alfven waves: consideration of standing and ballooning modes
- Estimating persistent and random components in spatio-temporal evolutionary patterns of active regions using information theoretic approach
- Evaluating a Framework for Refining Ammonia Emissions Estimates with Satellite-based Observations with Regional Air Quality Modeling
- Examining olivine and MgO using multiple compression regimes
- Finally! AMPERE-NEXT - it's about TIME (Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Electrodynamics)
- Future Amazon Hydropower under Climate Change
- Geophysical and Chemical Comparisons to Understand Structure in a Deeply Weathered Critical Zone
- Groundwater affects geomorphic and hydrologic properties of coevolved landscapes
- Impact of Southern Hemisphere westerlies on deglacial and recent changes in oceanic carbon and atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Improving Drought Monitoring for the Middle East and North Africa Region via Data Assimilation Using the NASA Land Information System (LIS)
- In-depth analysis of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants from electric transmission and distribution systems
- In-situ identification of giant, needle-shaped magnetofossils in Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum Sediments using high-resolution, low-noise FORC measurements
- Incorporating functional diversity into the Energy Land Model (ELM) substantially influences terrestrial carbon uptake
- Influence of Land Cover on Spatiotemporal Air Temperature Trends
- Information Horizon of Stellar Flares
- Informing urban climate planning with high resolution data: the Hestia fossil fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions for Baltimore, Maryland
- Intrepid: Traversing 4 Billion Years of Lunar History
- Leveraging earth observations for estimating health risks associated with flooding precipitated by heavy rains
- Magnetic unmixing of conventional and giant coastal marine magnetofossils during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere coupling processes shape precipitating electron distribution functions within the aurora
- Mapping Alpine Permafrost in High Mountain Asia Using Remotely Sensed Data
- Measuring heat stress and health outcomes associated with exposure to extreme heat events: Implications for infectious disease risk
- Mesoscale-resolving space weather modeling
- Metamorphism and the evolution of plate tectonics
- Midlatitude Jet Position and Shift Linked to Atmospheric Convective Types
- Modeling radiation belt electrons with information theory and neural networks
- Models underestimate the increase of acidity with remoteness biasing radiative impact calculations
- NASA Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) Whole Air Sampling across the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- New HST observations in the search for Europa's plumes and a neutral torus
- New Insights into the Dynamic Relationship between Jetlets and Plumes
- New large-scale ultralow-velocity zones discovered using highly anomalous SPdKS recordings
- Non-Binary Systems: Looking Toward the Future of Gender Equity in Planetary Science and Related Fields
- Now we're cooking: How do activities in the home impact exposure?
- Parker Solar Probe In-Situ Observations of Magnetic Reconnection in the Near-Sun Solar Wind
- Parker Solar Probe observations of the first three Venus flybys: foreshocks, shocks and particle acceleration
- Polar Vortices on Terrestrial Planets
- Prediction of Soft Proton Contamination in XMM-Newton: a Machine Learning Approach
- RBSP Science Gateway: Centralized Access to Multi-Mission Data, Interactive Analysis Tools, and Space Weather Modeling
- Reaching Across the Aisle: The Power of Engaging Media and Considerations for Climate Change Media Research and Practice
- Reconstructing Magma Storage Depths for the 2018 Kīlauean Eruption from Melt Inclusion CO<SUB>2</SUB> Contents: The Importance of Vapor Bubbles
- Resolving changes in air pollution in the Northeastern US due to COVID-19 across spatial and temporal scales using multi-platform measurements
- Role of Solar Minimum on Waiting Time Distributions Throughout the Heliosphere
- Science Applications for Soft X-ray Imaging Missions
- Sedimentary Marcasite: a Proxy for Ocean Acidification?
- Simulating Soft X-ray Images of the Magnetosheath
- Soft x-ray imaging telescopes for remote observation of the magnetosphere
- Source apportionment of regional aerosols and spatial variability from The 2<SUP>nd</SUP> Nepal Ambient Measurement and Source Testing Experiment [NAMaSTE]-2 in the Kathmandu valley, Nepal
- Surface Investigations of Aeolian Activity on Mars: Recent Advances and Outstanding Questions
- The Future of Planetary Surface Gravimetry
- The Lunar Environment Heliospheric X-ray Imager (LEXI) - A mission for global magnetospheric imaging
- The Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) informs process-based estimates of inter-annual variability in the global carbon cycle
- The Origin of Bubble-like Structures in Midlatitudes during Geomagnetic Storms
- The Significance of Sub-Milankovitch Signals in the Martian Northern Polar Layered Deposits
- The role of initial condition on sub-seasonal to seasonal drought forecast for South and Southeast Asia
- The surface energies and lifetimes of cool exoplanet haze analogs: insight from laboratory experiments
- Towards a Hydrological Monitoring System for the West of South America: The Role of Vegetation Across Ecosystems
- Towards a Physically - Informed Projection of East African Summer Rainfall Derived from ENSO Dynamics and Teleconnections
- Typology of Food-Energy-Water Systems in the United States
- Unraveling the Multi-Scale Solar Wind Structure Between Lagrange 1-point, Lunar Orbit and Earth's Bow Shock: Better Space Weather Prediction Through Information Theory
- Velocity Shear Driven Aurora
- Visible/Near-infrared Reflectance Spectra of Drill Tailings in the Glen Torridon and Greenheugh Pediment areas, Gale Crater, Mars
- Whistler Waves in the Young Solar Wind: Properties, Origin, and Consequences for Particles
- Winter Weakening of Titan's Polar Vortices
- A Comparison of First-Order Permafrost Estimates in High Mountain Asia Using Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature, Air Temperature, and Snow Reanalysis Products
- A Paleomagnetic Investigation of the Acapulcoite-Lodranite Parent Body to Understand Core Formation and Differentiation on Small Bodies
- A Wave of Jerks in Our Worlds Inside Studied by Phone Joining Space Computers
- A macroinvertebrate multi-metric index for Ethiopian highland streams.
- A solar source of Alfvenic magnetic field switchbacks: in situ remnants of magnetic funnels on supergranulation scales
- Advancing the Modeling of Human Footprint Impact on Water-Energy-Carbon Cycles via Land Data Assimilation
- Air-Sea Coupling Shapes North American Hydroclimate Response to Ice Sheets During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Ambiguity in Recent Changes to US Methane Emissions
- An Experimental Investigation of the Two-Phase Couplings between Passive Deformable Objects with Intense Background Turbulence
- An experimental study on the solubility of diamond in aqueous fluids at 5 GPa and 950C.
- Applicability of Taylor's Hypothesis during Parker Solar Probe perihelia
- Applications of Remote Sensing for Delineating and Documenting the Biodiversity of a Proposed UNESCO World Heritage Site in Peten, Guatemala
- Assessing Permafrost Behavior in High Mountain Asia with Physics-Based Models
- Between-catchment variations in recession curves explained by geological diversity
- Beyond PM2.5 mass: Use of particle composition measurements to identify and quantify air pollution sources
- Can solar coronal plumelets precondition switchback events in the wind?
- Changing Patterns of Tree Cover and Implications on Food, Energy and Water Resources in the Gilgel Gibie Highlands of Oromia Region, Ethiopia.
- Chesapeake legacies: the importance of legacy nitrogen to improving Chesapeake Bay water quality
- Climate TRACE - Tracking Real time Atmospheric Carbon Emissions: Making greenhouse gases emissions visible through remote sensing and artificial intelligence
- Comparison of health symptoms associated with flooding estimated using remotely sensed flood exposure to self-reported home flooding in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey
- Connecting the deep and shallow critical zone: Quantifying inherited heterogeneity of the CZ structure
- Constraining Representation Errors in a Global Aerosol-Climate Model Grid Cell and the Case for Targeted Deployments of Low-Cost Networks to Estimate Spatial Variability of Ground Level PM2.5 Measurements
- Controls on critical zone thickness in the Appalachian Piedmont: lithology, vegetation, and state of stress
- Cost effective solutions to improve water quality in intensively managed agricultural landscapes prioritize wetlands and other near-channel approaches
- Dams, Reservoirs, and Nutrients in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: Past trajectories and Future Horizons
- Direct Evidence for the Dynamic Chromospheric Origin of Solar Coronal Plumes
- Earth Information System (EIS) - Freshwater: A Pilot Study Exploring Open Science on the Cloud
- Earth Information System (EIS) -Freshwater: A cloud-based open system for integrated hydrological cycle studies
- Earth and field observations underpin metapopulation dynamics in complex landscapes: near-term study on Carabids
- Ensemble Kalman Filter for Non-Conservative Adaptive Meshes and Lagrangian Observations With a Joint Physics and Mesh Update.
- Equitable Policies for Climate-Induced Migration
- Estimating the transit time distribution in a forested watershed with a bimodal hydrologic response using MESAS
- Ethane emissions from U.S. oil and natural gas operations and associated impacts to surface ozone levels
- First Observations of Solar Disk Gamma Rays over a Full Solar Cycle
- Flavors of flash drought: definitions and classification
- Full sphere dynamo models for Mars' ancient magnetic field
- Geophysical imaging reveals lithologic controls on weathering at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia, USA
- Geospatial patterns of cholera seasonality and their association with climate in sub-Saharan Africa
- Greater Los Angeles Area dominates U.S. emissions of sulfuryl fluoride, a potent greenhouse gas
- Growing an Oasis: The Role of Trees in Driving Regolith Production in a Bedrock Landscape, Panola Mountain, Georgia
- HST observations of Ganymede for Junos PJ34 flyby
- Heliospheric imaging and science from the Moon with LEXI
- Holocene Temperature and Water Budget Records from the Tropical-Latitude Andes (11S) using Clumped Isotope (47) and Triple Oxygen Isotope ('17O) Measurements of Lake Carbonates from Lake Junin and Laguna Pumacocha, Peru
- Hot Topic: Using Satellite and Ground-Based Measurements to Estimate Air Temperature and Identify Vulnerable Communities in Baltimore City
- Implementing Landscape Connectivity with a Topographic Filtering Model
- Lattice Dynamics of an Iron-bearing Hydrated Sulfate Under Icy Planetary Interior Conditions
- Linking quantitative unmixing of magnetic signatures of conventional and giant magnetofossils with environmental change 56 million years ago
- Long Lived Radiogenic Hydrothermal Systems on Mars
- MJO Teleconnections over East Africa in General Circulation Models: A Study of the Recent Past and the Future
- Mars Science Laboratory Visible/Near-Infrared Spectrophotometric Observations in the Glen Torridon, Edinburgh, and Mont Mercou regions, Gale Crater, Mars
- Matrix Diffusion as a Mechanism Contributing to Fractal Stream Chemistry and Long-Tailed Transit Time Distributions
- Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of Iron at Extreme Conditions Using Laser-Driven Ramp Compression
- Modeling the Influence of Meltwater Inputs on Subglacial Hydrology Downstream of a Perennial Firn Aquifer: The Dance of SHAKTI Below Helheim Glacier, East Greenland
- National Science Foundation's Geoscience Research Experience for Undergraduates Sites: Demographics, Trends, and COVID Impacts
- New Horizons Detection of the Local Galactic Lyman- Background
- New insight into the nature and origin of switchbacks thanks to a comprehensive catalogue of events
- Non Detection of Lightning During the Second Parker Solar Probe Venus Gravity Assist
- Non-storm time thermospheric O/N2 depletion and NO enhancement
- Observations of Spatial Heterogeneity of Submicron Aerosol Composition and Source Apportionment Across Three Ground Sites around the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
- Observing the Very-High-Energy Sun in TeV Gamma rays with HAWC
- On importance of mesoscale processes in storm-time geospace
- On the statistical distribution of Elsasser increments in solar wind turbulence in the MHD range
- Onset of convection in rotating spherical shells
- Overview of MEDA results aboard Perseverance over the first sols on Mars
- Paleomagnetic Analysis of Geological Samples with Complex Magnetization Using Multipole Fitting
- Paleomagnetism of Calcium-aluminum-rich Inclusions from CO chondrites
- Panola Mountain revisited: intensive geophysical and geochemical studies reveal the structure of the deep critical zone at a classic hydrologic study site
- Parker Solar Probe observations Venusian foreshocks, shocks and particle acceleration
- Promise and progress with in situ visualization of magnetofossils in marine sediment chips
- Proton-Alpha Differential Flow of the Young Solar Wind: Parker Solar Probe Observations
- Quantifying the Influence of Parks on Urban Heat Island Through Assessment of the Cooling Effect in five U.S. cities
- Reanalysis of the Pioneer Venus Large Probe Neutral Mass Spectrometer Data
- Reconciliation of asynchronous satellite-based NO2 and anthropogenic XCO2 enhancements with WRF-Chem over two metropolitan areas
- Refining Ammonia Emissions Estimates with Satellite-based Observations Using a Novel Framework and an Air Quality Model
- Satellite-based Analysis finds Grassland temperatures trending upwards faster than Forests during the Summer months across the contiguous United States
- Satellite-informed simulation of irrigation in South Asia: opportunities and uncertainties
- Signatures of conjugate photoelectrons in the ionosphere and thermosphere
- Solar-induced fluorescence (SIF) shows variable skill in helping constrain spatial and seasonal patterns in global terrestrial biospheric CO2 fluxes
- Spatiotemporal variation in childhood risk of enteric Shigella infection: using earth observation-derived climate data for risk mapping and decision making
- Sri Lanka and the MJO: Studying Subseasonal Variability in a Monsoon-driven Climate
- Strong Anisotropy in the Critical Zone: Evidence that Weathering Enhances Seismic Anisotropy in Saprolite and that Permeability Anisotropy may be Related
- Structure and Density of Silicon Carbide to 1.5 TPa: Implications for Extrasolar Planets
- Structure and dynamics of flux ropes in the solar wind with implications for switchbacks
- Temperature measurements of single crystal MgO shock-compressed up to 1.1 TPa and 33000 K
- The Hydrogeomorphic Evolution of Variable Source Areas
- The TEMPEST Initiative
- The effect of channel aspect ratio on air entrapment during imbibition in soil-on-a-chip micromodels with 2D and 2.5D pore structures
- The emergence of a summer hemisphere jet in planetary atmospheres
- To Touch the Sun: Parker Solar Probe and the Alfven Critical Point
- Top-down estimate of carbon stock changes in support of the Global Stocktake
- Tritons Haze Properties and the Role of Carbon Monoxide in Haze Formation from the Laboratory
- Turbulence Characteristics of Switchback and Nonswitchback Intervals Observed by Parker Solar Probe
- Understanding Planetary Hazes Using Laboratory Experiments and Photochemical Models
- Urban air quality at high spatiotemporal resolution with the SEARCH multipollutant network
- Using SQUID Microscopy to Obtain High Resolution Paleomagnetic Records from Speleothems
- Variation in Hillslope Sediment Size Controlled by Differences in Subsurface Weathering in a Transient Piedmont Landscape, South Carolina, USA.
- VfOx: Venus Oxygen Fugacity, the DAVINCI Student Collaboration Experiment
- Visible/Near-infrared Reflectance Spectra of Drill Tailings in the Central Glen Torridon and Mont Mercou areas, Gale Crater, Mars
- A Cross-Laboratory Comparison Study of Titan Haze Analogs and A Database of Material Properties of Organic Liquids, Ices, and Hazes on Titan
- A Study of Magnetic Active Regions: An Information Theory Approach
- A Study of Spatial Pattern of Household-level Disease Transmission Variables Using DHS/MICS Data
- A parsimonious and scalable approach for linking water quality to water age in unsteady hydrologic systems
- A region-scale analysis of oil and gas surface casing fluids in Northeastern Colorado
- AMOC Dynamics: Can a Box Model Explain a Global Model?
- Advancing GeoHealth Through Integrated, Coordinated, Open, Networked (ICON) Science: Recommendations for Future Work
- Aeolian Activity Over Two Martian Years at the InSight Landing Site
- Airborne Lidar to Characterize Ancient Land Use in the Tropical Forests of Peten, Guatemala
- Aragonitic stalagmites record of the geomagnetic field: Paleomagnetic promise and limitations
- Assessing Health Risks of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Marginalized Fenceline Communities in Southeast Pennsylvania, USA
- Barometric Pumping Through Fractured Rock: A Mechanism for Venting Deep Underground Methane to Mars' Atmosphere
- Changes in Extreme Precipitation Patterns in the Meuse River Basin as a Driver of the July 2021 Flooding
- Characteristics and sources of electron density irregularities near and after midnight in the equatorial F region
- Characterization of Hazardous Air Pollutants by in situ GC-TOF and PTR-MS: Results from the Hazardous Air Pollution and Monitoring Assessment Project (HAP-MAP)
- Characterizing ICME-related Forbush Decreases at Mercury
- Climate and Land Use/Land Cover Change Impacts on Hydrological Processes in the Mountain Watershed of Gandaki River Basin, Nepal
- Comparison of Jupiter's and Saturn's magnetic fields and implications for their interiors
- Computational Framework for Measuring Viscosity of Mantle-Relevant Materials Using Shocked Interface Physics
- Constraining U.S. Sulfuryl Fluoride Emissions With Atmospheric Measurements and a Geostatistical Inverse Model
- Contributions of Solar Orbiter to our understanding of Solar Energetic Particles
- Coupled indoor-outdoor aerosol mass, composition, and size measurements from a residential home in Fairbanks, Alaska during ALPACA 2022
- DIYnamics: An Active Learning, Scalable Climate Sciences Teaching Platform
- Defining Spatial Heterogeneity: Using Ground Penetrating Radar to Map the Boundaries between Soil, Saprolite, and Bedrock in the Critical Zone
- Designing an Undergraduate Course Focused on Empathy to Empower Scientific Identity and Support Diversity in Earth and Space Sciences
- Drivers of abrupt circumpolar surface warming across the Southern Ocean
- Drought Sensitivity of Gross Primary Productivity for Water- vs. Energy-Limited Ecosystems
- DupuitLEM and the Search for Fundamental Insights into the Coevolution of Landscape Hydrology and Geomorphology
- Effects of climatic, social and policy factors on SARS-CoV-2 reproduction number in three contiguous countries of Tropical Andean South America: a spatiotemporally disaggregated time series analysis.
- Expected particle radiation around magnetized small bodies and implications to mission design
- From Forecasts to Services: Evolving Applications of the South and Southeast Asia Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Hydrological Forecasting System (SAHFS-S2S)
- Geologic Evidence for a South Polar Impact on Enceladus
- Heliospheric System Observatory Conjunctions and Data Return for Parker Solar Probe Encounter Periods
- High-Resolution Paleomagnetic Analysis of a Detrital-Rich Portuguese Speleothem Using Magnetic Microscopy
- High-resolution soil moisture using thermal hydraulic disaggregation for hydrological and agricultural applications in the United States
- Hydrometeorological Monitoring and Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Forecast for Malaria Early Warning in the Western Amazon Basin: Collaboration for Sustained Applications
- In situ X-ray diffraction of Al2O3 during laser compression and release
- Influence of target strength heterogeneity on impact into an asteroid
- Information theory highlights new aspects of solar wind driving of the radiation belt electrons
- Initial Results from the DART Impact Modeling Working Group and Momentum Enhancement Estimates from the DART Impact
- Interchange Reconnection within Coronal Holes Powers the Fast Solar Wind: Connecting Parker Solar Probe Observations and Simulations to Coronal Reconnection Dynamics
- Interchange reconnection within coronal holes powers the fast solarwind: Suprathermal ion flows and bursty magnetic fields modulated by the network magnetic field.
- Interrogating the Record of Archean Tectonics from Metamorphism in the Minnesota River Valley, USA
- Iron Melting at 80 GPa Using Pulsed Joule Heating
- Let me autodiff this thing: similarities and synergies between physical models and neural networks
- Localized urban heat extremes during heatwave events: a study of inequities in heat exposure in Baltimore City
- Looking for the Fill-and-Spill Mechanism with Ground Penetrating Radar-Panola Mountain, Georgia
- Lunar Gravimetry and Shallow Seismology with the VIPER Rover
- Magnetic Field Reconnection as the Source of the Solar wind
- Measuring Transport Properties at High Pressures and Temperatures Using Novel Laser Compression Techniques
- Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of Iron at Extreme Conditions Using Laser-Driven Ramp Compression
- Modeling Ground Temperature with Thermal Conductivities based on Soil Classification and Moisture in High Mountain Asia
- Monitoring hazardous air pollutants in a heavy industry fenceline community: coupled mobile-lab and fixed-site VOC and source-apportioned PM measurements during HAPMAP 2021
- Novel Experiments to Measure the Viscosity of MgO at Lower Mantle Pressures and Temperatures
- Observations of the climate near the surface of Jezero over a half Mars year
- Obtaining High-resolution Holocene Paleomagnetic Records from Speleothems using Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) Microscopy
- Physics-Based Simulation of Mercury's Magnetosphere to Characterize the Magnetic Field Signatures of Birkeland Currents
- Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Future Transboundary Water Conflicts in the Middle East
- Predicting Floor-Based Variability in Composition and Concentration of Indoor Aerosol of Outdoor Origin in a High-Rise Multi-Family Building
- Preserved barform deposits in the Carolyn Shoemaker formation, Gale crater, Mars
- Probing magnetopause dynamics with soft X-ray imaging
- Quantification of the COVID-19 impact on US methane emissions
- Radial Evolution of CME-associated Particle Acceleration Observed by Solar Orbiter and ACE
- Random Forest-based Understanding of Earth System Model Predictions of Phytoplankton Diatom
- Reconstructing the spatial field-perpendicular energy spectrum of magnetic fluctuations near and below the Alfven critical point
- Satellite data reveal a larger seasonal amplitude of the global carbon cycle compared to most bottom-up models
- Sensitivity Analysis of WRF-LES Simulations of Urban Areas to Soil Moisture Spinup, Land Cover Conversion, and Urban Canopy Models
- Simulating Permafrost across High Mountain Asia with Global Climate Datasets
- Solar Polar - The Why, When, and How
- Solar Wind Protons and Alphas Properties inside the Sub-Alfvenic Regions
- Spatial Measurements of PM, VOCs, and Metals to Quantify Community Exposures and Risk: Results from the Hazardous Air Pollution and Monitoring Assessment Project (HAP-MAP)
- Spatiotemporal Patterns of Baltimore's Urban Heat Island: Disparate Exposures to Extreme Heat
- Spectrophotometric Properties of Materials from the Mars Science Laboratory at Gale Crater: Bradbury Landing to Cooperstown
- Supply and Demand of Sulfate Influences Pyrite Formation Rates and Sulfur Isotope Ratios in Estuarine Sediments: Implications for Earth System Oxygenation
- Switchbacks, microstreams and broadband turbulence in the solar wind
- The Capabilities and Challenges of Unit-resolution Mass Spectrometry at Venus
- The Climate Sensitivity of Mosquito Habitats: Simulating Subseasonal Climate Impacts on Dengue Vector Breeding Sites
- The Delivery of Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) May Affect the Distribution and Intensity of Hypoxia in Coastal Oceans
- The Geomorphic Origins of Variable Source Area Hydrology
- The Planetary Child Health Observatory - from Earth Observation-informed predictive mapping to early warning systems for enteric infectious diseases in low- and middle-income countries.
- The Role of Planetary Magnetic Fields During the Formation of Ice Giants
- The Role of Superionic Ice on The Magnetic Field Morphology of Uranus & Neptune
- The Shape of Dimorphos, the Target Asteroid of the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) Mission
- The role of stably stratified layers in separating deep and shallow dynamos
- Trace and Major Elements in Aerosol in Urban Southeastern Pennsylvania, US: Combining SP-AMS Mobile Monitoring with Fixed Site Size-Resolved Measurements by ICP-MS
- Trading off sinking between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans- A six box model
- Transit Times and StorAge Selection Functions at the Hillslope Scale: Model Development, Experimental Observations, and Applications of the Model
- Trends in US ethane emissions and implications for fugitive leaks from the oil and gas industries
- Two decades of global water cycle variability - non-stationarity assessed by land data assimilation
- Understanding the Human Impact on Water Partitioning Using Data Assimilation and Budyko-space Approaches
- Understanding the Origin and Evolution Iron-Rich Worlds from Spacecraft Exploration of Asteroid (16) Psyche
- Urban Soil Research and Community Involvement: Lessons Learned in Baltimore City
- Use of FUV emissions to trace thermospheric dynamics: O/N2 and NO
- Use of Low-Cost Air Quality Sensors and Satellite Observations in Uganda for Improved Air Pollution Exposure Assessment
- Using Deep Learning for Climate Tipping Point Discovery to Understand Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) Collapse
- Using stable metal isotopes and other techniques to understand cycling of urban pollutants
- Vegetation changes and burn severity drive post-fire hydrological response as shown by high resolution ET observations in Western U.S.
- Vulnerability of soil moisture and ground water stocks to meteorological droughts from anthropogenic influences
- Winter Subglacial Hydrology Modeling: High Water Pressure and Spatially Variable Transmissivity
- Wintertime Sources and Sinks of Volatile Organic Compounds in Fairbanks, Alaska
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Fraeman
- A. E. Andrews
- A. E. Schuh
- A. Eldering
- A. J. Boyd
- A. J. Steffl
- A. Karion
- A. M. Rymer
- A. M. Stickle
- A. Sánchez‐Lavega
- A. W. Case
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Agustín Sánchez‐Lavega
- Albert A. Presto
- Alejandro Gonzalez
- Ali Aydoğdu
- Ali Rahmati
- Alice Lucchetti
- Amin Dezfuli
- Anand Gnanadesikan
- Ana‐Catalina Plesa
- Anders Eriksson
- Andrew F. Thompson
- Andrew K. Sun
- Angappan Regupathi
- Anirudh Hari
- Ankit Barik
- Asier Munguira
- Attilio Rivoldini
- Augusto Getirana
- B. D. Loomis
- B. Horgan
- B. J. Anderson
- B. J. Dalzell
- B. M. Lerner
- B. P. Weiss
- B. R. Neupane
- B. T. Cardenas
- Ben Livneh
- Benjamin D. Goffin
- Benjamin F. Zaitchik
- Bertrand Bonfond
- Bianca C. Baier
- Bin Fang
- Bradley J. Carr
- Brady Flinchum
- Brendan Byrne
- Brian M. Walsh
- Bruno Basso
- C. A. Raymond
- C. Froment
- C. Hain
- C. J. Owen
- C. M. Ernst
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. Pilorget
- C. S. Riebe
- C. T. Russell
- Caitlyn Hall
- Carolina Martin-Rubio
- Chanud N. Yasanayake
- Chao He
- Chi Hung Yan
- Chris O’Dell
- Christian Tate
- Christina K. Pikas
- Christine L. Dolph
- Chuanfei Dong
- Ciaran J. Harman
- Claire Welty
- Colby Haggerty
- Colin R. Meyer
- Colm Sweeney
- Connor O'Brien
- Constantinos Charalambous
- Courtney L. Wagner
- D. Byrnes
- D. F. Strobel
- D. Fischer
- D. G. Sibeck
- D. J. Lawrence
- D. J. McComas
- D. K. Henze
- D. Kim
- D. Litwin
- D. Malaspina
- D. N. Huntzinger
- D. Ruffolo
- Dalia Kirschbaum
- Daniel B. Seaton
- Dany Waller
- Darryn W. Waugh
- David Bonan
- David Crisp
- David Dralle
- David K. Sing
- Delaney B. Kilgour
- Denis Grodent
- Dillon J. Amaya
- Donald M. Hassler
- Dong Lin
- Dylan C. Gaeta
- Dylan R. Harp
- E. A. Cloutis
- E. Dotto
- E. E. Palmer
- E. J. Dlugokencky
- E. Mazarico
- Earle A. Wilson
- Eduardo A. Lima
- Edward Molter
- Elie Bou‐Zeid
- Ella Sciamma-O’Brien
- Ellen Thomas
- Emily Lichko
- Emma E. Davies
- Eri Saikawa
- Esther Xu Fei
- Ethan T. Vishniac
- Evan L. Sneed
- F. Bagenal
- F. Chevallier
- F. S. Mozer
- F. S. Porter
- Farid Salama
- Francesca Miozzi
- Franck Montmessin
- G. C. Ho
- G. Clark
- G. E. Tucker
- G. M. Mason
- G. Martínez
- G. Martı́nez
- G. P. Zank
- G. R. Gladstone
- Gabriel M. Filippelli
- Genevieve Brett
- Glenn S. Orton
- Greg Lackey
- H. A. Weaver
- H. K. Connor
- H. Kil
- Hamada S. Badr
- Hanqin Tian
- Harald Stark
- Harihar Rajaram
- Hyunglok Kim
- I. Jun
- Ilai Guendelman
- Ioan Lascu
- Isaac Vimont
- J. A. Klimchuk
- J. A. Rodriguez-Manfredi
- J. B. Garvin
- J. B. Miller
- J. C. Kasper
- J. D. Huba
- J. F. Beacom
- J. F. Drake
- J. G. Luhmann
- J. G. Lyon
- J. Gruesbeck
- J. J. Buffo
- J. Jiménez-Martín
- J. K. Wicks
- J. L. Hayes
- J. L. Verniero
- J. M. Aurnou
- J. M. Sunshine
- J. M. Trigo-Rodríguez
- J. Mao
- J. R. Johnson
- J. R. Spencer
- J. Rodrı́guez-Pacheco
- J. S. Halekas
- J. T. Steinberg
- J. W. Bonnell
- J. W. Parker
- Jason A. Otkin
- Jean C. Perez
- Jean‐Baptiste Vincent
- Jennifer M. Jackson
- Jens Mühle
- Jia Huang
- Joachim Saur
- Joe P. Renaud
- John P. Ortiz
- Jonathan A. Czuba
- Jordan E. Krechmer
- Jorge Pla‐García
- Joseph A. Berry
- Josh M. Colston
- Joshua A. Kammer
- Joshua B. Fisher
- Joshua M. Feinberg
- Juan M. Lora
- Junjie Liu
- Justin Krier
- Justin Pflug
- K. D. Küntz
- K. G. Klein
- K. Goetz
- K. J. Van Meter
- K. N. Singer
- K. S. Carslaw
- K. W. Lewis
- K.T. Ramesh
- Kamini Singha
- Kareem Sorathia
- Karen B. Gran
- Katherine R. Barnhart
- Kathleen L. Craft
- Kathryn McKain
- Kenny C. Y. Ng
- Kerri A. Pratt
- Kevin Pham
- Kim Locke
- Kimberly Mueller
- Kristin Poinar
- Kristopher B. Karnauskas
- Krzysztof Barczynski
- Krzysztof Lamorski
- Kurt D. Retherford
- Kyung Y. Kim
- L. D. Woodham
- L. Golub
- L. J. Paxton
- L. Montabone
- L. Ojha
- L. P. Chitta
- L. S. Sklar
- Laura Nicolaou
- Lauren Haygood
- Li Hu
- Liying Qian
- Lorenz Roth
- M. A. Mischna
- M. Bzowski
- M. C. De Sanctis
- M. C. Nolan
- M. D. Smith
- M. E. Banks
- M. G. Trainer
- M. I. Desai
- M. J. Wiltberger
- M. L. Rudolph
- M. M. Osman
- M. Martinović
- M. Moncuquet
- M. Pajola
- M. Pulupa
- M. R. Collier
- M. Swisdak
- M. T. Lemmon
- M. T. Zuber
- Mahdad Talebpour
- Malcolm A. Barnard
- Mallory E. DeCoster
- Manabu Shiraiwa
- Manuel de la Torre Juárez
- Mariah Baker
- Marie-Aude Pradal
- Marius Millot
- Marjorie A. M. Friedrichs
- Markus Hilpert
- Markus Reichstein
- Martha C. Anderson
- María Paz Zorzano
- Masatoshi Hirabayashi
- Mathieu Morlighem
- Matthew Dietrich
- Matthew Rodell
- Matthew Route
- Matthew S. Johnson
- Meeta Cesler‐Maloney
- Megan S. Claflin
- Melissa L. Wrzesien
- Michael A. Calkins
- Michael J. Radke
- Michael P. Vermeuel
- Michael W. Davis
- Michael Wolff
- Miguel Ramos
- Mingyang Zhang
- Minseok Kim
- N. A. Murphy
- N. C. Schmerr
- N. E. Raouafi
- N. R. Izenberg
- N. Stein
- Nandita B. Basu
- Naomi E. Levin
- Nick Schutgens
- Nicolás M. Stríkis
- O. Chegwidden
- Oleksiy Agapitov
- Olivier S. Barnouin
- P. E. J. Nulsen
- P. F. DeCarlo
- P. H. Reiff
- P. J. Rayner
- P. Louarn
- Pang‐Wei Liu
- Parisa Mostafavi
- Patrick Belmont
- Patrick Michel
- Peter C. Lippert
- Pierre Gentine
- Pierre St‐Laurent
- Plinio Jaqueto
- Prakrut Kansara
- Qian Wu
- Qian Zhang
- Qingqing Sun
- R. A. Qudsi
- R. C. Allen
- R. E. Arvidson
- R. Hueso
- R. I. Trindade
- R. Ilie
- R. J. MacDowall
- R. J. Weber
- R. K. Schaefer
- R. M. Winslow
- R. P. Callahan
- R. T. Daly
- Renske Gelderloos
- Robert F. Wimmer‐Schweingruber
- Robert Holder
- Robert Sullivan
- Roger C. Wiens
- Romina Nikoukar
- Rui Pinto
- Ruixue Lei
- Ryan Haagenson
- S. A. Stern
- S. Ahmad
- S. C. Herndon
- S. Curry
- S. D. Bale
- S. E. Gibson
- S. J. Bolton
- S. K. Vines
- S. Livi
- S. Marchi
- S. T. Badman
- S. Vargas Domínguez
- S. Zurita‐Zurita
- Sabine Stanley
- Sara Navarro
- Sarah A. Katz
- Sarah E. Moran
- Sarah M. Hörst
- Scot M. Miller
- Scott D. Guzewich
- Se Jong Cho
- Sean Crowell
- Sebastian Wolf
- Sergio Ibarra
- Seulgi Moon
- Sha Feng
- Shannon L. Capps
- Shanshan Bao
- Sharon Gourdji
- Shreeram Inamdar
- Simon Wing
- Sofiane Bourouaine
- Sourish Basu
- Stanley B. Grant
- Stephan R. McCandliss
- Stephanie Schollaert Uz
- Stephen C. Riser
- Su Ming Hsu
- Sujata R. Emani
- Sujay V. Kumar
- Susan Hill
- T. Dudok de Wit
- T. M. Davison
- T. Oda
- T. Woolley
- Tara I. Yacovitch
- Teresa Nieves‐Chinchilla
- Thanh-Nhan-Duc Tran
- Thomas Holmes
- Thomas Lauvaux
- Thomas Stanley
- Thomas W. N. Haine
- Tim Linden
- Tom Pike
- Trevor F. Keenan
- V. Apéstigue
- V. G. Merkin
- V. J. Bray
- V. Krasnoselskikh
- V. Lakshmi
- V. M. Uritsky
- Valdir F. Novello
- Vanessa Selimovic
- Vasilije V. Dobrosavljevic
- Vernon R. Morris
- W. Jesse Hahm
- W. R. Pryor
- W. R. Simpson
- W. Steven Holbrook
- Wanshu Nie
- Wenbin Wang
- William Checkley
- William Pan
- Winnie Chu
- Xi Zhang
- Xinting Yu
- Xiyue Zhang
- Y. P. Shiga
- Yadi Wang
- Yohai Kaspi
- Yongliang Zhang
- Yuhan Yang
- Zichong Chen
- Á. Vicente‐Retortillo