Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Kiruna
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Comparison of the Motion of Auroral Ion Outflow Regions With the Motion of Auroral Arcs
- CLUSTER-2 Multipoint Observations of the mid-Altitude ion Cusp
- Cluster Ion Spectrometry Observations of the Plasmasphere
- Cluster-CIS observations of bow shock-reflected ions
- Cluster-II Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Continuous Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause under Steady IMF Conditions
- Cusp and Dayside Boundary Layer Dynamics During Various IMF Conditions
- Ionospheric Thermal Plasma Acceleration Linked to Magnetopause Motions: First Cluster Results
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Oxygen Beams from the Southern Polar Region by CIS Onboard Cluster.
- Multi-spacecraft observations of the CPS and PSBL using the CIS instruments on CLUSTER
- On the Evolution of Ion Distributions Across Quasi-Perpendicular Bow Shocks: CIS Multipoint Observations
- Properties, Structure and Dynamics of the Stagnant Exterior Cusp on February 19th, 2001: CLUSTER Multi-Instrument and Multi-Spacecraft Results.
- Simultaneous Cluster/CIS and FAST Observations of Boundary Layer Plasmas
- Substorm Intensifications Observed by Cluster
- Bow Shock Specular Reflected Ions in Presence of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves: a Case Study
- CLUSTER Observation of Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetotail: Comparison with Hall Physics Effects.
- CLUSTER Observation of the Dynamics of Ionospheric O+ and H+ Ions in the Mid-Tail
- Cluster Observations of Reconnection at the Magnetopause and in the Cusp: Implications for the Large-Scale Nature of Reconnection
- Cluster Observations of the appearance of a double cusp
- Ion Reflection, Acceleration and Transmission at the Quasi-Perpendicular Bow Shock: Cluster CIS Observations
- Ionic Structures Observed in the Plasmasphere by CLUSTER
- Magnetospheric Oxygen in the Magnetosheath as Observed by CIS Cluster
- Properties, Structure and Dynamics of the Exterior Cusp Under Northward IMF, Cluster Multi Event Analysis
- The Source of Low Energy O+ in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Alfvén Wave Modulation of Substorms and Outflowing O+ ions Observed by Cluster: Kinetic Features
- Alfvén wave modulation of Substorms and outflowing O+ ions Observed by Cluster: Bulk Parameter View
- Coordinated Remote Sounding and Local Measurements of Water Vapour in the Middle Atmosphere
- Observations of Two-Component Upstream Ions by Cluster
- Observations of a sharp boundary between field-aligned beams and gyrating ions in the foreshock
- Simulation of Energetic Neutral Atom Images at Venus
- Solar Activity Explored With Wavelet Methods
- ASPERA-3 First Results on Energetic Neutral Atom Imaging at Mars
- An ENA Instrument for the Mercury-Exploring BepiColombo mission
- Exploring the Moon and Mars solar wind interaction using energetic neutral atoms
- First results of the HIA instrument on the Tan Ce 1 Double Star near Equatorial Spacecraft
- Investigation of Ion Beams in the PSBL using Cluster
- Kinetic Aspects During a Quasi-Continuous Reconnection Event Tailward of the Cusp: Cluster CIS Observations.
- Latest Results From ASPERA and Implications for Atmospheric Loss
- Low Energetic Neutral Atom (LENA) imaging of the Moon
- Low-Altitude Ionospheric Plasma Energization at Mars - ASPERA-3 Findings
- Mars Express ASPERA-3 Observations of Neutral Atom Streams in the Interplanetary Medium - of yet Unknown Origin
- Observations from the ASPERA-3 ELS of Photoelectrons in the Tail of Mars
- Observations of ion velocity space holes associated with magnetic field fluctuations in the plasma sheet
- Power Fluctuations in Meteor Head Echoes Observed with the EISCAT VHF Radar
- Radar Observations of Meteor Created Plasma Interactions in the Atmosphere
- Structure of the Martian Wake
- ASPERA-3 onboard Mars Express: instrument, operations, and the first scientific results at the end of the nominal mission
- Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Photoelectron Energy Peaks: An Indicator of the Morphology of Solar Wind Influence on the Martian Environment
- Current View of the Venus-Solar Wind Interaction
- Electron Observations Near ``Martian Aurora''
- Electron Pitch Angle Variations Recorded at the High Magnetic Latitude Boundary Layer by the NUADU Instrument on the TC-2 Spacecraft
- Energetic Neutral Atoms (ENA) at Mars: Properties of the Hydrogen Atoms Produced Upstream of the Martian Bow Shock and Implications for an ENA Sounding Technique
- GAIA - A Virtual Auroral Observatory
- Ion Extraction on Mars. ASPERA-3 Observations
- Ion flow in the Martian wake. One and half year of IMA (ASPERA-3, Mars Express) measurements.
- MEX/ASPERA-3/NPD e NPI data statistical analysis
- Mars Express/ASPERA-3/NPI and IMAGE/LENA Observations Downstream of the Heliospheric Neutral Atom Flow
- Non-adiabatic Bouncing Ion Clusters in the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer Observed by Cluster-CIS
- Observations of Magnetic Anomaly Signatures in Mars Express ASPERA-3 ELS Data
- Oscillations of the ENA Flux From the Subsolar Region at Mars
- Solar Wind Charge Exchange X-rays at Mars
- Sprite-attributed infrasonic chirps, their detection, occurrence and properties between 1994 and 2004
- Sudden Reconfiguration of the Sub-Solar ENA Jet/Cone Geometry at Mars Caused by an Interplanetary Shock
- Variations of the Location of the Induced Magnetospheric Boundary at Mars - Mars Express Aspera-3 Observations
- A Comparative Analysis of the Venus and Mars Magnetotail ion Flows. First Data From the IMA (ASPERA-4, Venus Express) Mass Spectrometer Compared With Mars Express.
- ASPERA-3 Observations at Mars and Their Interpretation by a Global QNH model
- Altitude Dependence of Electron Signatures from 2004-2006 in Mars Express ASPERA-3 ELS Data
- Analysis of the Mass Composition of the Escaping Plasma at Mars
- Cluster and DMSP Observations of SAID Electric Fields
- Energetic Neutral Atom observations at Venus from the Aspera-4 Experiment on Venus Express
- Hybrid Modelling Study of the Plasma Interaction Between Venus and the Solar Wind
- Mode Identification of Terrestrial Foreshock ULF Waves Observed by Cluster
- Modeling Mars' Hydrogen Exosphere
- Plasma Regimes Around Venus: VEX Insight on the Boundary Separating Solar and Planetary Plasmas.
- Precipitation of the solar wind ENAs and protons into Martian exosphere
- Probing the Mars-Solar Wind Interaction With Numerical Modeling of High-Altitude Photoelectrons
- Simultaneous Mars Express / MGS observations of plasma near Mars
- The Convection Electric Field in the Inner Magnetosphere: A Parameterized Model Using Cluster Data
- The Global Auroral Imaging Access (GAIA) VxO Program
- Time-of-Flight Detector System with Low Background Performance for the IBEX-lo Sensor
- Venus Bow Shock Location at Solar Minimum Observed by Venus Express
- A Review on the First ENA Observations at Mars and Venus
- ENAs from the Moon
- Energetic Neutral Atom Emissions From Venus: VEX Observations and Theoretical Modeling
- Energetic Neutral Atoms Around the Extrasolar Planet HD 209458b
- Geo-Effective Solar Flare Events In December 2006: Space Weather Effect on Mars and Venus Oxygen Loss to Space
- Global Hydrid Modelling of the Venus Express MAG Observations
- Investigations Based on the 3D Distribution of Optical Emissions at High Latitudes Obtained by ALIS
- MESSENGER and Venus Express Observations of the Solar Wind Interaction with Venus: A Dual Spacecraft Study
- Modeling of the Interaction Between the Induced Magnetosphere of Venus and the Solar Wind During the MESSENGER Flyby.
- Simultaneous Photoelectron and Ion Measurements in the Martian Tail
- Studies of Noctilucent Clouds With an Inter-Continental Network of Automatic Digital Cameras
- The Plasma Environment Of Venus: Comparison Of Venus Express Aspera-4 Measurements With 3D Hybrid Simulations
- A hybrid modelling case study of the Venus Express particle and magnetic observations
- Comparing ASPERA 3/4 Pick-up Ion Signatures at Mars and Venus
- Current Sheets and Substroms in Venus' Magnetotail
- Escape of Mars Photoionized Electrons from Carbon Dioxide and Atomic Oxygen in 2004
- Fine structure of the interface between solar wind and Venusian induced magnetosphere.
- Ionospheric Plasma Energization and Escape from Mars: Composition and Flow Properties
- Photoelectrons at Venus in the Ionosphere and the Tail
- Self - Organization of Zonal Flows Driven by Drift Mode Turulence in Space and Astrophysical Plasmas
- Solar Wind Interaction With Mars: From Phobos to MGS, Mars Express, and Beyond
- Studying the Lunar Ionosphere with SELENE Radio Science Experiment
- The Effect Of Fast And Slow Solar Wind On The Venusian Upper Atmosphere.
- A variety of escape channels on Mars and their effectiveness
- An Improved Short Study of Ionospheric Photoelectrons at Venus
- Dynamics of solar wind protons reflected by the Moon
- Energetics of the Oxygen Ion Escape From Venus in a Hybrid Simulation
- Ion bulk flow in the ionospheres of Mars and Venus
- Multi-Satellite Observations at Different Scales of Flux Transfer Events and Magnetic Reconnection at the Magnetopause
- On magnetic reconnection in the Venusian wake. The experimental evidences
- Protons precipitation onto the Martian atmosphere: Mars Express observations
- Relationships between PMC and PMSE from SOFIE and radar observations in both hemispheres (Invited)
- Small-scale Plasmoids in the Magnetosheath and the Solar Wind
- Solar Wind Halo/Strahl Interaction with the Atmospheres/Ionospheres of Mars and Venus
- Space Weather Influence on High Energy Pick-up Ions at Venus
- Strong interaction between Phobos and the solar wind
- The Energetic Ion Events Measured Upstream the Earth's Bow Shock by STEREO, Cluster, ACE and Geotail: Where is the Origin?
- Asymmetries of the Venus plasma interaction in a global hybrid simulation (Invited)
- Characterizing magnetospheric electrons from ALIS observations of discrete auroral arcs and quasi-stationary modeling of auroral acceleration
- Deducing spatial properties of auroral primary particle distributions from ground-based optical imaging
- Discrete auroral arcs: coordinated ALIS-EISCAT observations and modelling
- Does a Planetary-Scale Magnetic Field Enhance or Inhibit Ionospheric Plasma Outflows?
- Estimating the Circulation and Net Plasma Loss from Ionospheric Outflow
- Extreme Space Weather at Venus and Mars: What We Know and Don't Know (Yet) (Invited)
- Investigaion of X-ray emission from Martian exosphere at solar minimum with Suzaku
- Magnetic Reconnection in a Turbulent Space Plasma: Cluster Multi-Spacecraft Observations in the Magnetosheath
- Multi-probing of the auroral acceleration region by Cluster (Invited)
- Observation of the Descent of Mesospheric Air above the Arctic during the Northern Winter 2009/2010 using the Tracer CO
- Periodical oscillation of zonal wind velocities at the cloud top of Venus
- Structure and Dynamics of the Upper Ionosphere of Venus
- Asymmetric Venusian Plasma Environment: Role of the IMF Bx Component
- Auroral electron fluxes and characteristic energy of precipitating electrons: comparison between the Auroral Large Imaging System and EISCAT
- Can the Martian magnetic anomalies make for the ionosphere escape?
- Cluster Observations of the Auroral Acceleration Region
- Experimental evidence of momentum transport in the Venus plasma wake
- Heavy-ion flux enhancement in the vicinity of the Martian ionosphere during CIR passage: Mars Express ASPERA-3 observations
- Hot Flow Anomalies at Venus
- ICMEs observed by both VEX and STEREO during a 2011 alignment
- O+ outflow channels around Venus controlled by directions of the interplanetary magnetic field
- Radio occultation observation of the solar corona with Venus explorer Akatsuki
- The Dynamic Lunar Wake
- Backscattering process from unmagnetized bodies: Comparing the interactions of the Moon and Phobos with the plasma environment
- Cold Ion Escape from the Martian Ionosphere
- Combining remote and in-situ observations to learn about CME evolution
- Comparison of Global Models for the Escape of Martian Atmospheric Plasma
- Comparison of oxygen ion outflow on Earth and Mars during space weather events
- Effects of a Large ICME on Atmospheric Escape at Venus
- Global Hybrid Simulations of Planetary Oxygen Ion Energization in the Venusian Induced Magnetosphere
- How the Martian Magnetic Anomalies Reduce the Planetary Ion Source
- Kinetic Plasma Processes at Airless Bodies
- Kinetic effects on Lunar plasma environment on global scale, mesoscale and microscale
- NITRO: Understanding the Earth-Venus-Mars difference in Nitrogen
- New discoveries in the Venusian Foreshock
- On auroral electron precipitation and colour ratios
- Oxygen ion escape from Venus: The acceleration mechanisms and the escape rate under different IMF configurations
- Solar Wind Driven Plasma Fluxes from the Venus Ionosphere
- Sporadic loss of plasma from Mars, Venus and Titan caused by upstream variability
- Structure and variability of the Venus ionosphere inferred from photoelectron measurements by Venus Express
- The Interaction Between the Moon and the Solar Wind
- The configuration of the induced Martian magnetosphere and ionosphere during quiet solar wind conditions
- Asymmetry of the Mars Ionosphere Boundary Altitude during a Solar Energetic Particle Event
- Atmospheric dynamics Research InfraStructure in Europe: The ARISE Project
- Callisto Plasma Interactions
- Cluster observations of plasma sheet energy conversion near dipolarization fronts
- Coordinated observations of the Martian ionosphere and induced magnetosphere with Mars Express and MAVEN
- Distribution of plasma and magnetic field in the Venus induced magnetosphere is strongly asymmetrical
- Effectiveness of Generalized Aurora Computed Tomography for the EISCAT_3D project
- Enhanced horizontal extreme-echo speed occurrence leading to polar mesospheric summer echoes (PMSE) increase at solar-wind pressure enhancement during high-speed solar wind stream events
- Enhanced ionization of the Martian nightside ionosphere during solar energetic particle events
- Examination of Japanese Project to Study Martian Atmospheric Escape
- Global effects of crustal magnetic fields on the interaction between the Moon and the solar wind
- IMF control of the azimuthal direction of earthward magnetotail fast flows?
- Identification of the Energetic Plume Ion Escape Channel at Mars
- Interannual variability of winter-time O3 above Kiruna and a comparison of ground-based radiometer measurements in winter 2012/13
- Ion Escape From Mars and Venus (Invited)
- Magnetism and the atmosphere of Mars --- How polarimetric microwave observations may reveal magnetic properties of the southern crustal field
- On Lunar Exospheric Column Densities and Solar Wind Access Beyond the Terminator from ROSAT Soft X-ray Observations of Solar Wind Charge Exchange (SWCX)
- On the Ionospheric Holes of Venus
- Optical Emissions Enhanced by O and X Mode Ionosphere HF Pumping: Similarities and Differences
- Polar Mesosphere Winter Echoes: Turbulence Versus Acoustic Waves
- Reduced low energy electron counts and their relationship to crustal magnetic fields at Mars
- Solar Wind-Lunar Magnetic Anomaly Interaction: Hybrid Model Simulations
- The Moon-Magnetosphere Interaction at the Earth as Compared to Outer Planets
- The global morphology of the Europa neutral torus from Cassini Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) observations and implications for JUICE
- A Case Study of the Impact of a Transient Solar Wind Structure on Venus
- Eastward Propagating Auroral Vortices Observed in the Post-Midnight Sector
- First Results at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko With the Rosetta Plasma Consortium
- First Results at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with the Ion Composition Analyzer of the Rosetta Plasma Consortium
- How are Rhea's Alfven Wings Generated?
- Induced Magnetic Dipole at Callisto: 3-D Hybrid Modeling of Flybys by Galileo
- Interferometric radar observation of fast moving meteor trails in strong electric field
- Ion and Electron Sensor Observations on Photoelectrons and Coma Development at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Ion flows in Venus' magnetotail
- Mars Express Observations During Comet Siding Spring Mars Encounter
- Mini-Magnetospheres at the Moon in the Solar Wind and the Earth's Plasma Sheet
- Modeling the Solar Wind Plasma Interaction with Gerasimovich Magnetic Anomaly on the Moon
- Modeling the plasma interactions of Phobos
- Solar Wind Turbulence and Intermittency at 0.72 AU - Statistical Approach
- Survey of Mars Energetic O<SUP>+</SUP> Ions Beyond the Induced Magnetospheric Boundary
- The Influence of the Martian Bow Shock on Heavy Planetary Ions
- The Martian escape rate as a function of upstream solar conditions
- The Rosetta Ion and Electron Sensor (IES) Measurement of the Development of Pickup Ions from Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Variable Cascade Dynamics and Intermittency in the Solar Wind at 1 AU
- Development of observed meteorological database to understand the deposition and dispersion processes over Fukushima and Kanto plain of Japan in March 2011
- Effects of the crustal magnetic fields on the Martian atmospheric ion escape rate
- Energization of Oxygen Ions at Mars: Comparison of a Global Hybrid Model to In Situ Observations
- Evidence of Inhomogeneous Coma Composition at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Evolution of the Plasma Environment of Comet 67P
- First Detection of a Diamagnetic Cavity at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Fortuitous Plasma Observations During the Mars Atmospheric "Plume" Event of March-April 2012
- High-energy pickup ions measured at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko by the Rosetta Ion and Electron Sensor (IES)
- Ion Outflow from Venus and Mars and the Processes Involved
- Jovian plasma interaction with Ganymede's magnetosphere
- Mapping of the cometary plasma density around comet CG/67P at perihelion.
- Misestimation of plasma temperature when applying a Maxwellian distribution to space plasmas described by kappa distributions
- On the Origin of Magnetosheath Plasmoids, and Their Relation to Magnetosheath Jets
- RPC-IES observations of the development and variability of plasma interaction regions near 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Science Measurements for the <em>Io Volcano Observer (IVO)</em>
- Solar Wind Interaction with Comet 67P/C-G: Impact of Corotating Interaction Regions
- Terrestrial Planet Space Weather Information: An Update
- The Evolution of Comet 67P as Seen by a Mass-Resolving Ion Spectrometer
- The Interaction Between the Magnetosphere of Mars and that of Comet Siding Spring
- The Magnetic Response to Sudden Mass-loading of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's Induced Magnetosphere
- The Total Solar Eclipse on Svalbard 2015
- Colliding Magnetospheres: Comet Siding Spring Flyby of Mars
- ENA Measurements of the Lunar Surface using LDEX
- Effects of Solar Irradiance on Ion Fluxes at Mars. MARS EXPRESS and MAVEN Observations
- Ion Acoustic Waves Observed at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Kinetic Interactions Between the Solar Wind and Lunar Magnetic Fields
- Magnetosphere - ionosphere coupling process in the auroral region estimated from auroral tomography
- Plasma response to a cometary outburst: Rosetta Plasma Consortium observations during comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko outburst event on 19 February 2016
- Possible link of sudden onset and short-time periodic pulsation of polar mesosphere summer echoes to ULF Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations and solar wind dynamic pressure enhancement
- The Electric Wind of Venus: A global and persistent "polar wind" like ambipolar electric field sufficient for the direct escape of heavy ionospheric ions
- The Ion Escape From Mars: 13 Years of Measurements From Mars Express
- The Mars-Solar wind coupling function - Investigations with Mars Express
- The large-scale crustal magnetic field on Venus north polar region
- Tracing the signatures of heavy ions in the plasma environment of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Ion Composition Analyzer (ICA) observations
- (Over-)Reaction of the Cometary Plasma to Extreme Solar Wind Conditions
- Determining the kappa index of space plasma distributions from observations in a limited energy range
- Does an Intrinsic Magnetic Field Inhibit or Enhance Planetary Ionosphere Outflow and Loss?
- Improved methods for nightside time domain Lunar Electromagnetic Sounding
- Lower Hybrid Waves at Comet 67P
- Particle and Fields Observations Associated with Discrete Aurora at Mars: A Dual Spacecraft Perspective Using MAVEN and MEX
- Review of comet 67P/CG ionosphere and its interaction with the solar wind after Rosetta
- Seasonal Variation of Martian Ion Escape from MAVEN and MEX Observations
- Simulating the Reiner Gamma Lunar Swirl: Influence of the Upstream Plasma Conditions
- The search for active Europa plumes in Galileo plasma particle detector data: the E12 flyby
- UV Reflectance of Jupiter's Moon Europa and Asteroid (16) Psyche
- Vortex Structures in Planetary Plasma Wakes and in the Wake of Extrasolar Planets
- Dynamics of the polar thermospheric wind and substorm phases
- Estimating the Kinetic Energy Budget of the Polar Wind Outflow
- Exploring the Unseen: Extra-Heliospheric ENAs Observations on an Interstellar Probe
- First observations of magnetic holes deep within the coma of a comet
- Getting Ready for BepiColombo: A Modeling Approach to Infer the Solar Wind Plasma Parameters Upstream of Mercury From Magnetic Field Observations
- How Solar Orbiter will observe small-scale time variations of the solar wind and identify characteristic structures
- Key Questions in Planetary Science to be Addressed by Exploration of a Lunar Magnetic Anomaly: The Lunar Compass Rover Discovery Mission Concept
- Methods to Determine the Bulk Properties of Space Plasmas and Potential Applications
- On the mechanism of radio emission in type III Solar Radiobursts
- Pickup Ions at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Measured from the Rosetta Spacecraft
- Plasma Interaction with Lunar Crustal Magnetization: Implications for Space Weathering
- SHOTS: Comparison of numerical approaches for the solar wind interaction with Mercury's magnetosphere within the BepiColombo simulation group
- Solar Wind induced waves in the skies of Mars: Ionospheric compression, energization, and escape resulting from the impact of ultra-low frequency magnetosonic waves generated upstream of the Martian bow shock
- The 2017 September 10th events and their imprints at Earth, Mars and STEREO-A
- The 7-8 September 2017 Storm: Geoelectric and Geomagnetic Response Over Fennoscandia and their Link to GIC.
- Towards a Generalized Understanding of Ion Escape: Lessons from Measurements in the Solar System and Expectations Beyond
- What Does Our Heliosphere Look Like in Energetic Neutral Atoms? Some Recommendations for a Low-Energy ENA Camera Onboard the Interstellar Probe
- A Planetary-Scale Magnetic Field Can Enhance, Rather than Inhibit, Ionospheric Escape
- A collaborative study of the Hermean magnetosphere using the multiple numerical and visualization techniques of the SHOTS project
- ARTEMIS observations of electromagnetically induced fields from the lunar interior
- Characterizing ocean ambient noise using a regional infrasound network: a sensitivity analysis
- Generation of Harmonic Emission of Type III Radio Bursts in Strongly Inhomogeneous Plasma
- How Far Can an Interstellar Probe "See" Using ENAs?
- Modeling the lunar wake during extreme plasma conditions
- Neighboring Planet Outposts: Location and Opportunity
- Planetary Magnetic Field Control of Ion Escape from Weakly Magnetized Planets
- Planetward flow in the Venusian magnetotail: Similarity to the Earth and difference from Mars
- Polarisation of a small scale cometary plasma environment: Particle in Cell simulations
- Protect or Not Protect. That is the Question
- Results from the SPIDER sounding rocket: multi-point in-situ measurements in the auroral E region
- Simulating the Reiner Gamma Swirl and Magnetic Anomaly: The Long-term Effect of Solar Wind Standoff
- Solar Illumination Dependence of the Auroral Electrojet Intensity: Interplay between the Solar Zenith Angle and Dipole Tilt
- Solar wind interaction with the lunar surface: Observation of energetic neutral atoms on the lunar surface by the Advanced Small Analyzer for Neutrals (ASAN) instrument on the Yutu-2 rover of Chang'E-4.
- Sounder Accelerated Particles at Mars: Observations, Mechanism, and Applications
- Stellar Wind Energy Influx to Intrinsic Magnetospheres
- Studeis of Noctilucent Clouds in Midlatitude Region by Coordinated Observation with a Geostationary Satellite, Airplanes, Balloons, and Ground-based Imagers
- The infant bow shock - where and when does it exist?
- Time-Dependent Hybrid Plasma Simulations of Lunar Electromagnetic Induction in the Solar Wind
- Why planetary magnetization is not necessary for protection from atmospheric escape
- Atmospheric ion escape from Mars - MAVEN observations of a state-transition at high solar EUV
- Determination of the response time of the Martian induced magnetosphere from solar wind fluctuations using multi-spacecraft observations
- Dynamics of the Ions at Ganymede's Magnetopause
- Earth's O<SUP>+</SUP> Outflow and Escape during Various Solar Wind Conditions
- Energetic proton depletions near Europa: the effect of plumes, atmospheric charge exchange, Alfvén wings and the wake
- Identifying Fundamental Upstream Drivers of Ion Escape at an Unmagnetized Planet Using Machine Learning Methods
- In-depth seismo-acoustic analysis of mining-induced Mw 4.9 Kiruna earthquake
- Interaction of Space Weather Phenomena With Mars Plasma System During Solar Minimum 23/24
- Magnetic Fields, Atmospheres, and the Connection to Habitability (MACH) - Using Team Science to Determine How Magnetic Fields Influence Habitability
- Scaling atmospheric ion escape to IMF orientation and planet magnetic dipole strength in terrestrial worlds
- The Fate of O+ Ions Observed in the Plasma Mantle: Particle Tracing Modelling and Cluster Observations
- The Venusian Atmospheric Ion Escape and its Effect on the Atmospheric Evolution
- Unravelling the mysteries of Venusian atmospheric evolution through future orbital space physics measurements
- Variability in the energetic electron bombardment of Ganymede
- Assessing the spatial variability of mesosphere/lower thermospheric winds from multi-static meteor radar networks applying tomographic retrievals with a 3DVAR algorithm
- Atmospheric Escape Rates from Mars If It Orbited an M Dwarf Star
- Barium Release Optical and Radio Rocket (BROR) Experiment
- Characteristics of the drift rate of the rising tone chorus waves measured by the Van Allen Probes
- Comparing interhemispheric differences of mesosphere/lower thermosphere dynamics from ground-based observations and three general circulation models
- Estimating Ion Escape from Unmagnetized Planets
- Exploring a Lunar Magnetic Anomaly: The Lunar Vertex PRISM Mission
- First results of Mercury Electron Analyzer onboard Mio/BepiColombo during Mercury and Venus flybys
- Flow Directions of Low-Energy Ions Around Comet 67P
- Mars Express Pickup Ion Observations as an Interplanetary Magnetic Field Proxy
- Mechanistic simulations of the solar and lunar semidiurnal tide response to the 2013 sudden stratospheric warming event.
- Planetary space weather at Venus and its effect on the atmospheric evolution
- Plasma Environments and Ion Escape at Mars and Venus under Similar Solar Wind and IMF Conditions
- Progress on Understanding the Influence of Planetary Magnetic Fields on Atmospheric Escape Rates
- Reconstruction of the three-dimensional structure and precipitating electrons of pulsating auroras by Aurora Computed Tomography
- Simultaneous pulsating aurora and microburst observations with ground-based fast auroral imagers and CubeSat FIREBIRD-II
- The Effect of Europas Perturbed Electromagnetic Fields and Induced Dipole on Energetic Proton Depletions in the Alfven Wing
- Topographically scattered infrasound waves observed on dual balloon-borne microbarometers
- Triton's Variable Interaction with Neptune's Magnetosphere
- Validation of the ESA Aeolus Winds in the Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere Using Atmospheric Radars in Arctic Sweden and in Antarctica
- Whistler instability driven by the sunward electron deficit in the solar wind: High-cadence Solar Orbiter observations
- A Multipronged Approach for Determining Meteor Masses
- An Eastward Current Encircling Mercury
- An active observation of aurora using a gimbal and AI in Kiruna, Sweden
- Analysis of multi-point Probe Measurements Obtained by SPIDER-2 Sounding Rocket in the Auroral E-region during a Pulsating Aurora Event
- Atmospheric lifetime for a hypothetical Mars-sized planet orbiting Barnard's Star
- BepiColombo 2nd Mercury flyby: Ion composition measurements from the Mass Spectrum Analyzer onboard Mio
- Determination of bulk plasma parameters in Rosetta Ion Composition Analyzer data
- Electric currents of the Venusian induced magnetosphere - Differences and similarities to Mars
- Electron acceleration observed by Mercury Electron Analyzer onboard Mio/BepiColombo during its second Mercury flyby
- Initial Results of the Second Mercury Flyby Observation by MPPE (Mercury Plasma Particle Experiment) on BepiClombo/Mio
- Mars Express Pickup Ion Observations as an Interplanetary Magnetic Field Proxy
- Modeling Venusian Atmospheric Losses over Time
- STELLA – A proposal for Europe's contribution to a possible Interstellar Probe
- Searching for Synergies between Venus and Exoplanetary Worlds
- Structure and Variability of Low-Energy Ions in Mercury's Magnetosphere: Initial Results from BepiColombo Mio MIA Observations
- Sunward Ion Flows in the Martian Magnetotail: Mars Express Observations
- The impact of surface charging on the first particle and electric field measurements by the JUICE Langmuir probes
- Vertical wind observations from multi-static meteor radar networks considering the continuity equation
- Water-group ions from Europa and Ganymede: A window into surface ice evolution
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Farrish
- A. Glocer
- A. Johnson
- A. Milillo
- A. R. Poppe
- A. W. Merkel
- Alan Liu
- Alessandro Retinò
- Aljona Blöcker
- Ana‐Catalina Plesa
- Anders Eriksson
- Arnaud Salvador
- Aya Nakayama
- B. J. Anderson
- B. Lavraud
- Bayane Michotte de Welle
- Bradford J. Foley
- Brett W. Denevi
- C. Gillmann
- C. J. Owen
- C. M. Jackman
- C. S. Paty
- Chenfeng Yuan
- Chi Zhang
- Christian Möstl
- Chuanfei Dong
- D. J. McComas
- D. T. Blewett
- Daniel Bowman
- Daniel Verscharen
- David Brain
- Dennis Höning
- Diego Janches
- Dominique Fontaine
- E. Roussos
- Elias Odelstad
- F. Allegrini
- F. Bagenal
- F. Tsuchiya
- François Leblanc
- Frederik Dhooghe
- G. C. Ho
- Go Murakami
- Guiping Liu
- Gunter Stober
- H. Fichtner
- Hanli Liu
- Hans Huybrighs
- Harlan E. Spence
- Hayley Williamson
- Heather Meyer
- Huixin Liu
- I. Dandouras
- J. A. Slavin
- J. G. Luhmann
- J. M. Raines
- J. R. Szalay
- J. S. Halekas
- Jana Šafránková
- Jared Espley
- Jonathan M. Lees
- Joshua Cahill
- K. Hosokawa
- K. Mandt
- K. Seki
- Karan Molaverdikhani
- Katherine Garcia‐Sage
- Kazushi Asamura
- Kurt D. Retherford
- L. Iess
- L. L. Hood
- L. M. Kistler
- Laura Berčič
- Leonardo Regoli
- Liane Kathryn Tarnecki
- Lucas Liuzzo
- M. B. Weller
- M. F. Larsen
- M. Giuranna
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- M. Kretzschmar
- Manasvi Lingam
- Martin Rubin
- Martin Wieser
- Mats Holmström
- Michael Way
- Mika Holmberg
- Miki Kawamura
- Mizuki Fukizawa
- Moa Persson
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- Niklas J. T. Edberg
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- Peter Addison
- Pierre Henri
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- Robert F. Wimmer‐Schweingruber
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- Shadia Rifai Habbal
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- Teresa Nieves‐Chinchilla
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