University of Montana
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Satellite Radar Remote Sensing Measure of High Latitude Growing Seasons for Improved Regional Carbon Cycle Monitoring
- Airborne FTIR Measurements Obtained Aboard the UW CV-580 During SAFARI-2000
- Climate Variability, Dissolved Organic Carbon, UV Exposure, and Amphibian Decline
- Comparison of Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Backscatter to SNTHERM-Modeled Snow Properties in a Boreal Landscape
- Comprehensive Laboratory Measurements of the Emissions From Fires in African and Other Globally Significant Fuels Measured by FTIR, PTR-MS, and GC
- HYDROS: The Hydrosphere State Exploratory Mission
- Mapping the Western Idaho Suture Zone Using Free Air Gravity and Topography
- Multi-Year Assessment of Seasonal Freeze-Thaw Dynamics in Boreal Landscapes With Spaceborne Ku-Band Scatterometers
- Particle and Gas Emissions From a Savanna Fire From Biomass Burning in Southern Africa
- Relationship Between Landscape Character, UV Exposure, and Amphibian Decline
- SAPYRO: A Regional Spatio-temporal Model for Estimating Pyrogenic Emissions From Vegetation Fires in Southern Africa
- Sedimentary Record of Late Pleistocene to Holocene Transition, Flathead Lake, Montana
- Surface Evaporation Index Derived from Satellite Remote Sensing
- The Assembly of Eastern North America: Using Garnet Zoning to Decipher the Potomac Terrane
- The Teaching-Learner Relationship in Online Learning
- Trace Gas Emissions From the Production and Use of Biofuels in the African Tropics
- A framework for continuous monitoring of the biosphere at multiple scales
- An Investigation of Multi-Sensor Radar Backscatter Sensitivity to Spring Thaw Dynamics With Respect to Landscape Complexity
- Assessment of Provisional MODIS-derived Surfaces Related to the Global Carbon Cycle
- Assessment of the Impact of Urban Sprawl on Net Primary Productivity
- Atmospheric Deposition Effects on the Water Quality of High-Elevation Lakes in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming.
- Capturing Earth Science Learning Dynamics: Communication Interactions of ESE Teachers and Children Occurring in Online, Classroom, and Small-Group Environments.
- Characterizing Diversity of Thermal and Flow Properties in Waters of the Umatilla River, Oregon, and its Floodplain
- Comprehensive Laboratory Measurements of the Emissions From Fires in Indonesian and African Fuels Measured by FTIR, PTR-MS, and GC
- Distributed Application Framework for Earth Science Data Processing
- Forcing of 1982-1997 Ecosystem Water and Carbon Fluxes in the Conterminous United States: Relative Influence of Vegetation Structure and Phenology Versus Climate
- Geomorphic, Sedimentologic, and Structural Records of Major Extensional Faulting Along the Mission Fault, Western Montana: Evidence From Terrestrial and Lacustrine Environments
- Intercomparison of MODIS and Tower Eddy-Flux Based Estimates of Gross and Net Primary Production
- Modeling the Advection of Biomass Burning Emissions Through an Urban Airshed
- Monitoring Boreal Ecosystem Phenology with Integrated Active/Passive Microwave Remote Sensing
- OVOC Emissions and Atmospheric Transformations.
- Reactivated Mesoscale Structures Along the Lirou Fault, Languedoc, France
- Record of Late Pleistocene Through Holocene Climate Change in a Regional Lake System: Flathead Lake Basin, Northwestern Montana.
- Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System: Integration of satellite and surface weather observations with ecosystem models
- Understanding the effect of fire disturbance and climate change on model estimates of regional carbon cycling in the boreal forest biome
- Validation Effort of MODIS LAI/GPP/NPP Products at FLUXNET Sites
- Validation of the MODIS MOD17 Algorithms for Estimating global Net Primary Production
- Verification of Satellite Radar Remote Sensing Based Estimates of Boreal and Subalpine Growing Seasons Using an Ecosystem Process Model and Surface Biophysical Measurement Network Information
- A Challenge to the Flux-Tower Upscaling Hypothesis? A Multi-Tower Comparison From the Chequamegon Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study
- Application of MODIS GPP to Forecast Risk of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome Based on Fluctuations in Reservoir Population Density
- Biospheric Monitoring and Ecological Forecasting using EOS/MODIS data, ecosystem modeling, planning and scheduling technologies
- Climatic Controls on Hillslope Angles and Relief in the Himalayas
- Comparing Measurements and Chemical Model Simulations of Smoke Plumes From an African Savanna and an Alaskan Boreal Fire
- Comparison of Biomass Burning Smoke Plume Models
- Current Status Of MOD17 And What Influence Its Results
- Data Supporting the Validation of MODIS Land Products
- Emissions From Miombo Woodland and Dambo Grassland Savanna Fires in Southern Africa
- Estimation of the Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange of Chaparral Using Eddy Covariance, remote sensing and Biome-BGC
- FLUXNET: A Global Network of Eddy-Covariance Flux Towers
- Integrating Aircraft, Tower fluxes, MODIS and Biome-BGC to Study Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor Fluxes over Arctic Alaska
- Latest summary of MODIS land data products from Aqua
- Mapping Active-Layer Thickness in an Urbanized Environment: The Barrow Urban Heat Island Study
- Matching MODIS Products to Flux Towers: the first step in bottom-up scaling
- Remote Sensing of pan-Arctic Snowpack Thaw Using the Seawinds Scatterometer
- Satellite Observations of Spatial Patterns and Interannual Variability in Spring Thaw and Terrestrial Net Primary Production for the Pan-Arctic
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Landscape Freeze/Thaw State Dynamics for Complex Topography and Fire Disturbance Areas Using Multi-Sensor Radar and SRTM Digital Elevation Models
- Sedimentary Indicators of Significant Late Pleistocene - Early Holocene Lake-Level Fluctuation: Preliminary Results From Flathead Lake, Montana
- Spatial variability of the active layer thickness: observations, analysis, and modeling.
- Synergistic use of MODIS and Nighttime DMSP/OLS Data for the Assessment of the Climatic Effects of Urbanization
- The Effect of Geomorphic Complexity on Water Temperature in a Pacific Northwest Alluvial River
- Trends in Pan-Arctic Springtime Thaw Monitored With Spaceborne Microwave Radiometry
- VPD Estimation from Land Surface Temperature (MOD11) for global map of evapotranspiration and NPP.
- Validation of the MODIS GPP algorithm (MOD17A2) using eddy flux tower data
- A Multifaceted View of a Glacier Speed-Up Event
- A generalized, bioclimatic index to predict foliar phenology in response to climate
- Abundance of Woody Riparian Species in the Western USA in Relation to Phenology, Climate, and Flow Regime
- Assessing the impact of lawn management practices on the US carbon and water budgets
- Biospheric Monitoring and Forecasting
- Cassini Observations of Co-rotating Heavy Ions Near Saturn's Rings
- Comparison of Stratigraphic and Structural Evolution of Verkhoyansk and Cordillera Miogeoclines
- Diel changes in stable carbon isotope ratios and trace element concentrations in the Clark Fork River, MT.
- Effect of Snow Cover on the Characterization of Seasonal Freeze-Thaw Processes From Spaceborne Radar
- Extending Observational Volume and Heat Transport Records of the Indonesian Throughflow Using Repeat Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) Lines
- Flathead River Basin Hydrologic Observatory, Northern Rocky Mountains
- Geomorphic controls on chemical weathering rates in the High Himalayas of Nepal
- Importance Of Recent Shifts In Soil Thermal Dynamics On Growing Season Length, Productivity, And Carbon Sequestration In Terrestrial High-Latitude Ecosystems
- Integrating outdoor activities into the FOSS curriculum: Effect on teacher practices on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Montana
- Monitoring Freeze-Thaw States in the Pan-Arctic: Application of Microwave Remote Sensing to Monitoring Hydrologic and Ecological Processes
- Nitrogen In Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Regional-Scale Carbon Flux Estimates Over Complex Terrain and the Airborne Carbon in the Mountains Experiment
- Sensitivity Of MODIS Global Terrestrial Primary Production To The Accuracy Of Meteorological Data Sets
- Sub-glacial Water Pressures Over Long Time Scales and Extended Spatial Scales
- Terrestrial Productivity in USA derived by A Biogeochemical Model and Remote Sensing Products from 1982 to 1997
- The Airborne Carbon in the Mountains Experiment
- Time/Space Migration of Diurnal Cycles Related to Hydrology and Ice Dynamics: Bench Glacier, Alaska
- Using Biome-BGC to estimate production in annual crops - A study in Nebraska
- A Comparison of Two Air-Temperature Records From Barrow, Alaska, 1976-2004
- A Dynamic View of Subglacial Lakes in a Glaciation/Deglaciation Cycle
- Application of MODIS for Monitoring Water Quality of a Large Oligotrophic Lake
- Bedrock Channel Width Along an Orographic Precipitation Gradient in the Upper Marsyandi River in Central Nepal
- Characterizing Erosion from Forest Roads in Western Montana
- Coupling Rainfall Simulation Experiments With Numerical Models to Understand Hillslope-Scale Erosion From Disturbed Landscapes in Southern California
- Coupling a Soil Moisture Model and a Slope Stability Model to Predict Landslides in the Himalayas
- Effects of Forest Thinning on Snow Accumulation in Lodgepole Pine Stands, Montana, U.S.A.
- Field Validation of a New Method for Inverting GPR Measurements for the Liquid Water Content in Snow
- Integrating landscape and hydrologic simulation models to assess the influence of fire-suppression on water yield from forested Rocky Mountain watersheds
- Interannual variability in North American grassland biomass/productivity detected by SeaWinds scatterometer backscatter
- Late Miocene-Pleistocene Stability of upper Ferrar Glacier, Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Pan-Arctic Freeze/Thaw Algorithm Development Using AMSR-E Data and Satellite Remote Sensing Technique
- Quantitative Evaluation of a Rapid and Severe Early Holocene Drought in NW-Montana
- Recent Increases in the Productivity of Alaskan Boreal Forest and Tundra: Evidence of an Acceleration of the Northern Terrestrial Carbon Cycle
- Regional Characterization of Landscape Freeze/Thaw Transitions Using Spaceborne Microwave Remote Sensing
- Regional Forest-Atmosphere Carbon Exchange via Atmospheric Inversions and Flux-Tower Upscaling
- Remote Sensing Products for Regional Carbon Studies
- The Annual Freeze-/Thaw Cycle in the Caribou Poker Creek Research Watershed, Alaska: Combining RADAR With Model Results
- The Genesis Onboard CME Identification
- The use of a Discrete Element Model for Granular Materials to Investigate ice Shelf Formation and Break up in Jakobshavn Isbrae
- Three-dimensional GPR investigation of intraglacial hydrologic structures
- Time variability of radar reflections from englacial and subglacial waters
- Variability in Seasonal Freeze-Thaw in the Terrestrial High Latitudes and Their Relationships with Land-Atmosphere CO2 Exchange: Characterization with Spaceborne Microwave Remote Sensing
- A New Look at Factors Affecting Microbial Silicification: Effects of Microbe to Solution Ratio, Al and Fe on Silica Accumulation on B. subtilis Surfaces
- A Self Calibrating Remote Controllable Water Monitoring System
- Apparent Shift in Time of Spring Runoff due to Annual Discharge Variability in the Headwaters of the Columbia-Missouri Rivers
- Assessment of the Magnetospheric Contribution to Suprathermal Ions in Saturn's Foreshock Region
- Biomass Consumption, CO2, CO and Main Hydrocarbon Gas Emissions in an Amazonian Forest Clearing Fire
- Carbon Cycle Dynamics in the Labrador Sea During the Spring to Summer Phytoplankton Bloom
- Detection of Biosignatures in Natural and Microbial Cultured Jarosites Using Laser- Desorption Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry: Implications for Astrobiology
- Diurnal Fluctuations in Borehole Water Levels: Configuration of the Drainage System Beneath Bench Glacier, Alaska
- Early postseismic displacements from the 2005 Kashmir earthquake
- Effect of Vegetative Ash on Runoff and Erosion After a Forest Wildfire in Western Montana, U.S.A.
- Englacial and Subglacial Water Flow Elucidated by Active and Passive Borehole Experiments: Bench Glacier, Alaska
- Headwaters of the Missouri and Columbia Rivers WATERS Test Bed site: Linking Time and Space of Snow Melt Runoff in the Crown of the Continent
- High Resolution In Situ Measurements of Fine Particle Size Distributions in Biomass Burning Plumes
- High weathering rates and episodic regional deformation in the Eocene Rocky Mountains: A record from evaporites in the Green River Formation of Wyoming
- Implementation of a global MODIS evapotranspiration algorithm for 2000-2005
- Initial Results Comparing Spectral Signatures of Post-fire Materials, Western Montana
- Investigations Into Scale-Free Response Dynamics in Antarctic Ice Sheet Models
- Landscape Estimates of Carbon Pools and Fluxes via Lidar and High Resolution Spectral Data
- Linking Water to Sliding Dynamics at the Full-Glacier Scale
- Long-term active layer and ground surface temperature trends: results of 12 years of observations at Alaskan CALM sites
- Modeling complex ecosystems in support of the NACP Mid-Continent Intensive
- Modeling the Onset of Spring Snowmelt in a Large-scale Northern Rockies Watershed
- Monitoring Meltwater Generation and Transport in a Ripe Glacial Snowpack
- Multi-channel, Multioffset, GPR Data Acquisition on a Temperate Alpine Glacier
- Preliminary Results from the CCSM Carbon-Land Model Intercomparison Project (C- LAMP)
- Remotely Sensed Variations of Pan-Arctic Terrestrial Vegetation Productivity from 1982- 2005
- Sedimentary Record of syn- and Post-Glacial Climate Change Along the Former LGM ice Terminus, Flathead Lake, Montana
- Temporal Variation of Depth of the Radar-Transparent Layer Within Bench Glacier, AK
- The Rheology of Vegetative Ash-laden Debris Flows
- Topographic Expression of Deep Crustal and Mantle Processes
- Variability in frozen and thawed seasons in the terrestrial high latitudes and relationships with land-atmosphere CO2 exchange: Characterization with spaceborne microwave remote sensing
- Variations of Global Terrestrial Primary Production Observed by Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) From 2000 to 2005
- What Does the MODIS GPP Algorithm Miss by Modeling Wetlands and Uplands Alike?
- A Comparison Of Tree Crown Recognition Techniques
- An Experimental Study of the Effects of Litter and Duff Consumption and Ash Formation on Post-Fire Runoff.
- Assimilating QuikSCAT SeaWinds With WRF Model for High Latitude Sea Breeze Simulation
- Benchmark Experiments for Higher-Order and Full Stokes Ice Sheet Models
- Biomass-Burning Aerosol Particles in Mexico During the MILAGRO Campaign
- Characterizing Thermal features in Norris Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Using Multi- spectral Remote Sensing Data and Dynamic Calibration Procedures
- Comparing Least Squares and Robust Methods in Linear Regression Analysis of the Discharge of the Flathead River, Northwestern Montana.
- Controlled Floods, Geomorphic Processes, and Riparian Vegetation Mortality in a Sand-Bed Desert River
- Does wildfire ash block soil pores? A micromorphological analysis of burned soils.
- Englacial Characterization of a Temperate Glacier Using 3D Multioffset Multi-channel GPR
- Estimating the Basal Sampling Area of a Borehole During the Summer-Winter Transition
- Evidence from U-Pb geochronology, mineral rare-earth element chemistry and trace element thermometry for short-lived ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism in the Anápolis-Itauçu Complex, Southern Brasília Belt
- Field Measurement of Past and Present Meltwater Infiltration in the Percolation Zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Geophysical imaging of a temperate glacier's hydrologic system in 1, 2, and 3 dimensions
- Global Terrestrial Carbon Observations: Looking 30 Years Back and Maybe 20 Years Forward
- Headwaters of the Missouri and Columbia Rivers WATERS Test Bed site: Linking Time and Space of Snow Melt Runoff in the Crown of the Continent
- High Resolution Geothermal Heat Flux Data--Implications for Ice Sheet Dynamics and Model Uncertainty
- Ice penetrating radar surveys along the EGIG line in the percolation zone of Western Greenland
- Impacts of large-scale oscillations on northern high-latitude terrestrial net primary production
- Kinematic Constraints on Greenland Contribution to Sea Level Rise in the Next Century
- Large-scale evapotranspiration derived from MODIS GPP compared to MODIS evapotranspiration and 'observations'
- Modeling Spring Snowmelt Dynamics in a Northern Rockies Basin using a Modified Temperature-Index Model
- Norris Geyser Basin: An example of Yellowstone National Park's Effort to Monitor Geothermal Resources Using Remote Sensing
- Predicting Fire Severity and Hydrogeomorphic Effects for Wildland Fire Decision Support
- Project BudBurst: Citizen Science for All Seasons
- Project BudBurst: Citizen Science for All Seasons
- Remote Sensing of Open Water in Northern High Latitudes for use in Hydrologic Modeling
- Satellite Based Mapping of Land Surface ET using MODIS and Alternate Surface Meteorological Inputs from AMSR-E, Reanalysis, and Surface Weather Stations
- Spatial Estimates of GPP Using LiDAR- and Quickbird-Derived fPAR
- The Effect of Open-Framework Gravels in Hyporheic Braided River Sediments on Ground Water Flow Velocity
- The Hydrological Response of Snowmelt Dominated Catchments to Climate Change
- The NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) Evapotranspiration Product: the New MOD16
- The impact of biomass burning on air quality in and down wind of Mexico City
- The influence of sea ice and topography on the wind regime of the Beaufort Sea coast
- The use of Fluxnet to improve processes and parameters in land surface models: a case study with the NCAR Community Land Model
- Unchannelized collapse of thickened continental crust and metamorphic core complex formation
- Upscaling Carbon Fluxes from Stand-Level Towers to the Footprint of a Very Tall Tower in a Heterogeneous Landscape
- Yearly Streamflow Discharge Analysis Using Functional Regression Models
- A Comparison of CAPS Composition Measurements of the Plasma near Enceladus with Predictions of a Chemical Model
- A Tale of Two Air-Temperature Records in Barrow, Alaska: 1976-2005
- Air-sea fluxes from drifting buoys during two recent open-ocean gas exchange experiments
- An Earth System Data Record for Land Surface Freeze/Thaw State: Quantifying Terrestrial Water Mobility Constraints to Global Ecosystem Processes
- An Inundated Wetlands Earth System Data Record: Global Monitoring of Wetland Extent and Dynamics
- Carbon Dioxide Variability in the Gulf of Trieste (GOT) in the Northern Adriatic Sea
- Causes of Variability in the Effects of Vegetative Ash on Post-Fire Runoff and Erosion
- Change in Firn Densification Rates to 80 m Depth Across the Percolation Zone of Western Greenland
- Changes in terrestrial carbon storage in China induced by multiple environmental stresses
- Comparative study of modeling the impacts of air pollution on carbon and water cycles in terrestrial ecosystems of China during 1980-2005
- Comparison Study of MODIS Evapotranspiration in Australia during 2000-2006
- Comparison of Global Model Results from the Carbon-Land Model Intercomparison Project (C-LAMP) with Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) Manipulation Experiments
- Deriving Spatial and Temporal Statistics of Meltwater Infiltration Using a Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling Analysis of 10m Borehole Thermal Data
- Detection of Biosignatures using Geomatrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry: Implications for the Search for Life in the Solar System
- Detection of Fracture Induced Anisotropy in Temperate Glaciers Using Georadar
- Earthquake Education in Tajikistan: An assessment of perceptions, preparedness, and a pilot science-based curriculum
- Effects Non-uniform Flux Transfer and Empirically Based Heliosheath Plasma Distributions on Global Maps of Heliospheric Energetic Neutral Atoms
- Effects of Nitrogen Deposition on Carbon Sequestration in China as Simulated by Process-Based Ecosystem Models
- Entrapment and protection of biosignatures by the jarosite group minerals
- Eurasia terrestrial water storage changes and boreal drought from multi-sensor satellite observations, in-situ data
- Future Monitoring of Northern Carbon Cycle Dynamics from SMAP
- Improved Segmented-Flow Tracer-Monitored Titration for Automated Measurement of Total Alkalinity in Seawater
- In-situ measurement of the elastic properties in a temperate glacier using SH, P, and 3D seismic reflection analysis
- Initial Composition, Transformations, and Transport of Particles and Trace Gases From Mexican Biomass Burning
- Initial Geomorphic Responses to Removal of Milltown Dam, Clark Fork River, Montana, USA
- Intercomparison, interpretation, and assessment of spring phenology in North America estimated from remote sensing for 1982 to 2006
- Interpreting Faults and Fractures in Hydrothermal Basins With High-Resolution Aeromagnetic Data in Yellowstone National Park
- Marmot Dam Removal: Predictions and Observations
- Models for mechanics and morphology of arcuate subduction
- Monitoring Seasonal Landscape Freeze/Thaw Processes with SMAP
- Project BudBurst: Citizen Science for All Seasons
- Reservoir Sediment Evacuation and Channel Evolution: Upstream Geomorphic Response of the Blackfoot River, Montana, to Removal of Milltown Dam
- Retrieving land surface fluxes by assimilation of MODIS surface temperature and soil moisture observation
- Role of Field Experiments in the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Satellite Project
- Satellite Based Analysis of Northern ET Trends and Associated Changes in Regional Water Balance from 1983 to 2005
- Spatial Variability of Water Repellency After Forest Fires in the Rocky Mountain Region
- Spatial and Temporal Sea Surface pCO2 and O2 Variability During the North Atlantic Deep Ocean Gas Exchange Experiment (DOGEE)
- Spatiotemporal Variability in Terminal Electron Accepting Processes in Groundwater Ecosystems at the Floodplain Scale
- Stratigraphic and Paleomagnetic Comparisons of Mesoproterozoic Strata and Sills from the Belt Basin, NW Montana, USA, and NW Anabar Shield, Russia: Testing a Precambrian Plate Reconstruction
- The GENESIS Mission: Solar Wind Isotopic and Elemental Compositions and Their Implications
- Water Column Carbon Trends During the SO Gas Exchange Experiment
- Water and Nutrient Sources for Floodplain Trees: Model-Based Inference
- A Methanogenic Origin for Molybdenum-Nitrogenase (Invited)
- Analysis of the Arctic System for Freshwater Cycle Intensification: Observations and Expectations
- Application of Singular Value Decomposition and Regularization Techniques for Optimization of a Highly Parameterized FEFLOW Model
- Carbon Budget of an Alluvial Floodplain in Northwest Montana, USA
- Cassini Plasma Spectrometer Ion Observations Close to Enceladus: E3, E5 and E7
- Climate Change impacts on the hydrology and temperature of Pacific Northwest streams
- Comparison of Interstellar Boundary Explorer Observations with 3-D Global Heliospheric Models
- Contraints On Lithospheric Extension From Break-Up Of The Proterozoic Siberia-Laurentia Connection
- Correlations between Eurasia terrestrial water cycle and boreal drought derived from multi-sensor satellite observations and in-situ data
- Detection of Non-aromatic Organic Compounds in Meteorites using Imaging Laser Desorption/Ionization Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry
- Ecohydrological modeling of the Goodyears watershed in the Yuba River basin, California
- Engaging the Public in Climate Change Research
- Evaluating the Significance of Subglacial Lakes in the Context of an Ice Sheet Water Model
- Evidence for lateral structural heterogeneity in the Kashmir Himalaya from coseismic and postseismic surface velocities
- Firn Densification and Meltwater Runoff in Western Greenland
- Froude space: An aquatic currency derived from remote sensing data for assessing ecological potential of river floodplains
- Geodynamic Evolution of the Nubia-Arabia-Somalia Plate Boundary System
- Global Mapping of Landscape Freeze-Thaw Status Using Spaceborne Microwave Remote Sensing
- Global Structure of the Heliosphere in the Interstellar Magnetic Field
- Growing C4 perennial grass for bioenergy using a new Agro-BGC ecosystem model
- High resolution fire emission estimates for air quality applications
- Historical perspectives on channel pattern in the Clark Fork River, Montana and implications for post-dam removal restoration
- Hydrologic response of Pacific Northwest river to climate change
- INRA Constellation of Experimental Watersheds: Cyberinfrastructure to Support Publication of Water Resources Data
- Laboratory Investigation of Trace Gas Emissions from Biomass Burning on DoD Bases
- Measurement and Modeling of Firn Densification in the Percolation Zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Measurements of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from Biomass Combustion - Emission Ratios, OH Reactivities and SOA Precursors
- Measurements of gas-phase inorganic and organic acids in biomass fires by negative-ion proton-transfer chemical-ionization mass spectrometry (NI-PT-CIMS)
- Reflection and Neutralization of Solar Wind Ions from the Moon: IBEX Observations
- Remote sensing of the environmental boundaries of trees in Lake Tahoe, NV
- Rhea’s interaction with Saturn’s magnetosphere: Evidence for a plasma source
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Global Vegetation Phenology: Comparison of Optical-Infrared and Microwave Sensors
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange Using Optical-IR and Microwave Sensors: Algorithm Development for the SMAP Decadal Survey Mission
- Satellite-based Global Long-Term Terrestrial Evapotranspiration Estimates and Trend Analysis
- Structures and Spectral Variations of the Outer Heliosphere in the IBEX Energetic Neutral Atom Sky Maps
- The Pickup of Titan’s Ionospheric Ions into Saturn’s Magnetosphere
- The Riverscape Analysis Project: Using Remote Sensing to Leverage Salmon Science and Management Applications Around the Pacific Rim
- The best of prophets of the future is the past. Or is it the present? (Invited)
- Time Variations of the ENA Flux Observed by IBEX: Is the Outer Heliosphere Evolving?
- Variations and Trends of Terrestrial Primary Production Observed by MODIS from 2000 to 2008
- VolksWRF - A Weather Modeling Portal for the General Public
- Vulnerability and Resiliency of Arctic and Sub-Arctic Landscapes (VuRSAL) - A NASA Sponsored Scoping Study on Feedbacks in High Latitude Systems
- applications of the newly improved global MOD16 evapotranspiration algorithm at ameriFlux tower sites and global scale
- A Cyber-Infrastructure for a Virtual Observatory and Ecological Informatics System -VOEIS
- A Prescribed Fire Emission Factors Database for Land Management and Air Quality Applications
- Basaltic caves at Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve as analogs for Mars
- Bioclimatic limitations on global tree distributions
- Black carbon aerosol properties measured by a single particle soot photometer in emissions from biomass burning in the laboratory and field
- Changes in the community structure of microbial mats along chemical and temperature gradients in a Yellowstone hot spring
- Characterizing the Hydrological Properties of Wildfire Ash
- Climate Change Impacts on the Hydrology and Temperature of Pacific Northwest Streams
- Collisions on a curved Earth (Invited)
- Continuous Time-Series of Carbonate System Dynamics in the Coastal Oregon Upwelling System
- Description of the Improvements on MODIS Global Terrestrial Evapotranspiration
- Design and Applications of the SAMI-pH Sensor
- Development and Evaluation of Global Wetlands Mappings from Coarse-Resolution Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing
- Divergent trajectories in tropical rainforest carbon-climate relationships: results from a new tropical forest carbon inventory database
- Downscaling Climate Projections to a Mountainous Landscape: A Climate Impact Assessment for the U.S. Northern Rockies Crown of the Continent Ecosystem
- Drought-Induced Reduction in Global Terrestrial Net Primary Production from 2000 Through 2009
- Energetic neutral atom imaging of the magnetospheric cusps
- Evaluation of MERRA land surface estimates in preparation for the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission
- Extracting complex subglacial water dynamics through tight coupling of flow models to airborne radar sounding and satellite altimetry
- First IBEX Observations of the Terrestrial Plasma Sheet and a Likely Disconnection Event
- First results from a large, multi-platform study of trace gas and particle emissions from biomass burning
- Further Observations of Plasma Properties in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Geochemical characterization of subglacial water from the West Greenland Ice Sheet
- Implementing a Terrestrial Carbon Flux Model in Preparation for the Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission
- Integrating Borehole Measurements with Modeling of Englacial and Basal Conditions, Western Greenland (Invited)
- Intensification of hydrological process in permafrost regions and correlation with ecological processes from multi-sensor satellite observations and in-situ measurements
- Mapping Active-Layer Thickness in an Urban Area Using the Modified Berggren Solution
- Measurements of Trace Gases and Particles in Fresh and Aged Smoke from a Chaparral Fire in California
- Mercury and other Mining-Related Contaminants in Ospreys along the Upper Clark Fork River, MT
- Model assessing the impact of biomass burning on air quality and photochemistry in Mexico City
- Modelled dynamic sensitivity of Isunnguata Sermia, Western Greenland to the perturbation of basal boundary conditions
- New global fire emission estimates and evaluation of volatile organic compounds
- OH Reactivity and Potential SOA Yields from Volatile Organic Compounds and Other Trace Gases Measured in Controlled Laboratory Biomass Burns
- Perturbations to Subglacial Water Storage through Integrated Borehole Impulse Testing: Western Greenland
- Propagation of information in a pilot-point based multi-objective calibration exercise for a surface-subsurface distributed hydrologic model
- Satellite derived 30-year trends in terrestrial frozen and non-frozen seasons and associated impacts to vegetation and atmospheric CO2
- Sediment Transport and Deposition Resulting from a Dam-Removal Sediment Pulse: Milltown Dam, Clark Fork River, MT
- Short timescale variation in the heliospheric ENA flux: IBEX observations and correlations with solar wind observations
- Spatial Patterns of Mercury Bioaccumulation in the Upper Clark Fork River Basin, MT
- Spatial Predictive Process Models Yield Improved Forecasts of Vegetation Response to Climate Change
- Spatial Variation of Fine Sediment Infiltration in a Gravel-Bedded River
- Spectral properties of regions and structures in IBEX's global ENA sky maps
- Statistical error estimation and optimal merging of MERRA and AMSR-E soil moisture and temperature datasets in preparation for SMAP
- Stomatal Conductance, Plant Species Distribution, and an Exploration of Rhizosphere Microbes and Mycorrhizae at a Deliberately Leakimg Experimental Carbon Sequestration Field (ZERT)
- The Circularity and Stability of the IBEX Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) Ribbon
- The Soil Moisture Active/Passive (SMAP) Freeze/Thaw Product: Providing a Crucial Linkage between Earth's Water and Carbon Cycles
- The impact of diverse types of biomass burning in a tropical country
- Using spectral slopes to characterize the origin of ENAs in the IBEX sky maps
- Variation in Wildfire Impacts on Vegetation Influences Longterm Recovery of C Stocks Lost to Disturbance
- A Global Record of Daily Landscape Freeze-Thaw Status from Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing
- An Empirical Topoclimatology Model for Regional and Landscape Scale Assessments of Water Balance and Related Ecological/Hydrological Processes in Complex Topography
- An assessment of the carbon balance of Arctic tundra: Comparisons among observations, process models, and atmospheric inversions
- Application of NASA's modern era retrospective-analysis in Global Wetlands Mappings Derived from Coarse-Resolution Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing
- Biomass burning: space-based detection efficiency, differences between ground-based and airborne measurements, evolution of trace gases and particles
- Compressional and EM wave velocity anisotropy in a temperate glacier due to basal crevasses and implications for water content estimation
- Dam impacts on downstream sediment grain size in a dryland river
- Detection of Terrestrial Ecosystem Disturbances Using Aqua/MODIS Land Surface Temperature and Enhanced Vegetation Index
- Effect of warming on the altitudinal distribution of soil moisture and net primary production in a synthetic mountain catchment
- Effectiveness of Straw Bale Check Dams for Reducing Post-Fire Ephemeral Channel Erosion
- Effects of Changing Climate on Hydrological and Carbon Cycles
- Elucidation of basal processes from borehole water level perturbations along a transect of the Greenland ice sheet
- Evaluation of a WRF dynamic downscaling simulation over Western Montana
- Exploring the time dispersion of the IBEX-Hi ENA spectra at the ecliptic poles
- Fire induced changes in aggregate stability: the interacting effects of soil heating and ash leachate
- Geochemical conditions beneath the West Greenland Ice Sheet inferred from borehole and terminus samples
- Glacier length, area and volume changes in the Himalaya: an overview and specific examples
- Global bioenergy capacity as constrained by observed biospheric productivity rates
- IBEX Heliospheric neutral atom energy spectra between 0.01 and 6 keV
- Increase in groundwater storage in discontinuous permafrost areas in Eurasia and impact on vegetation productivity
- Investigating the polar spectra in IBEX's global ENA sky maps
- Limitations on inferring relationships between kinematics and dynamics in continents
- Linkages between geomorphology, geochemistry, and aquatic ecology in mining-impacted streams of the upper Blackfoot River basin, Montana
- Local-Time Dependence of Ion Plasma Parameters at Saturn
- Long-term active-layer trends: 20 years of Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) observations
- Mercury and Selenium in a Mining-Affected Watershed of the Rocky Mountain Northwest
- Molecular Diversity of Natural Dissolved Organic Matter Demonstrates Possible Linkage Between Carbon and Sulfur Cycling in Yellowstone National Park (WY) Hot Springs
- Monitoring daily evapotranspiration in northeast Asian monsoon region using MODIS and regional land data assimilation data
- Near-Field Evolution of Biomass Burning Aerosols
- New insights into halocarbon emissions in boreal regions: Forest fires and Alberta oil sands
- Nitrogen Cycling in Wet Tropical Forests
- Oscillating and Irregular Subglacial Water Pressures Suggest the Disassociation of Basal Water from Surface Melt in a Greenland Ice Sheet Outlet
- Our evolving heliosphere: The first three years of IBEX observations
- Post-fire Gully Rejuvenation - Evidence of Process Thresholds Controlled by Vegetation Disturbance
- Reduction in Global Terrestrial Net Primary Production from 2000 Through 2010 Measured by MODIS
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Inundated Wetlands: Global Data Record Assembly and Planned Uncertainty Analysis
- Satellite detection of Northern Hemisphere Non-Frozen season changes and associated impacts to vegetation growing seasons
- Simulating the effects of fire disturbance and vegetation recovery on boreal ecosystem carbon fluxes
- Spectral Properties of Energetic Neutral Atoms Measured by IBEX and Their Implications for the Microphysics of the Termination Shock
- Temperature Regimes in Traditional Iñupiat Ice Cellars in Barrow, Alaska
- Temperature, albedo and evapotranspiration differences between forested and non-forested areas from MODIS observations
- The 2010 Transient Events in the Heliosheath - Comparing the Observations of IBEX and the Voyagers
- Topographic controls of soil nitrogen cycling in a lowland tropical rainforest
- Using IBEX Polar ENA Flux Variations to Estimate the Dimensions of the Outer Heliosphere
- Using optical and microwave data from AQUA to study the Amazon rainforests
- A Remotely Sensed Global Terrestrial Drought Severity Index
- A Three Tiered Approach to Advance Phenology Land Product Validation Efforts using Satellite Remote Sensing Products, Camera/In Situ Networks and Ground Based Phenology Networks
- A lethal combination of toxins and biofilms aids soft tissue fossilization
- An audit of the global carbon budget: identifying and reducing sources of uncertainty
- Application of ALOS PALSAR ScanSAR Data for Determining the Freeze/Thaw Surface State over Alaska
- Application of a satellite-based terrestrial carbon flux model for quantifying recent climate and fire disturbance impacts on northern ecosystem productivity
- Capacity of US Forests to Maintain Existing Carbon Sequestration will be affected by Changes in Forest Disturbances and to a greater extent, the Economic and Societal Influences on Forest Management and Land Use
- Charging of Interstellar Dust Grains in the Inner Heliosheath
- Climate change in Western Montana: local needles in the global haystack
- Compiling ASCAT Scatterometer Data for Continuing Global Vegetation State Monitoring: An initial comparison with SeaWinds-on-QuikSCAT Scatterometer Data
- Cottonwood Tree Rings and Climate in Western North America
- Detectability of hydrologic intensification and enhanced snowpack at high elevation in western Montana
- Development and Applications of the Community Ice Sheet Model
- Effects of river hydrology and fluvial processes on riparian vegetation establishment, growth, and survival
- Epistemology of Ice Sheet Change
- Estimation and Propagation of Errors in Ice Sheet Bed Elevation Measurements
- Estimation of Evapotranspiration using MODIS products over the Continental US for all sky conditions
- Experiments in dam removal, sediment pulses and channel evolution on the Clark Fork River, MT and White Salmon River, WA
- Exploring Salt Tectonics in Northern Pakistan using InSAR and Seismic Interpretations
- Exploring the functional diversity of the supraglacial environment: Microbial degradation of the pesticide 2,4-D on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Forest-atmosphere exchange of CO2 isotopes over six years at the Niwot Ridge Ameriflux forest
- Global vegetation responses to selected CMIP5 climate model projections: results from the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISI-MIP)
- Hydraulic and topographic response of sand-bed rivers to woody riparian seedlings: field-scale laboratory methods and results
- Hysteresis in catchment storage - discharge relationships: Implications for interpreting catchment biogeochemical fluxes
- Influences of changing freeze-thaw seasons on evapotranspiration in northern high latitudes and associated uncertainty analysis
- Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) observations of energetic neutral hydrogen from solar wind reflected off the surface of the Moon
- Investigation of Airborne-Based Smoke Marker Ratios from Prescribed Burning
- Linking Present Environmental Change on Earth to Rapid Climate Change on Mars at the Noachian/Hesperian Boundary: Implications for Habitability
- Mapping the Distribution of Traditional Iñupiat Ice Cellars in Barrow, Alaska
- Mountain Pine Beetle Impact on Stand-level Water Balance
- On the effects of evaluation decisions in model-data intercomparisons: An example using CMIP5 evapotranspiration
- Rapid Adjustment of Greenland Subglacial System to Discharge Perturbations: In Situ Measurements in Boreholes
- Remote Sensing of Climatic Anomalies and West Nile Virus Risk in the United States
- Satellite Microwave Detection of Vegetation Phenology; Climate Constraints, Temporal Offsets and Post-Fire Recovery as Compared to Optical-Infrared Phenology
- Satellite microwave detection of contrasting changes in surface inundation across pan-Arctic permafrost zones
- Satellite observations of vegetation productivity provide new insight into United States bioenergy targets
- Shallow groundwater dynamics across complex terrain: Influences of landscape position and climate
- Space-time variability of stream discharge across a headwater catchment
- Spatial and temporal patterns of hydrologic connectivity between upland landscapes and stream networks
- Spatio-temporal controls on diurnal streamflow fluctuations
- Temperature and water control on vegetation productivity in Eurasia
- The Circularity of the IBEX Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) Ribbon
- The Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission: Geophysical Products and Algorithm Development
- The effect of winter frozen season changes on Northern Hemisphere vegetation canopy growth determined from satellite microwave and optical remote sensing
- The physical properties of black carbon and other light-absorbing material emitted from prescribed fires in the United States
- The role of 3D plate interaction in obliquely convergent orogens and plate corners
- Uprooting force balance for pioneer woody plants: A quantification of the relative contribution of above- and below-ground plant architecture to uprooting susceptibility
- Validating a Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing Based Global Record of Daily Landscape Freeze-Thaw Dynamics
- Variation in experimental flood impacts and ecogeomorphic feedbacks among native and exotic riparian tree seedlings
- What do we know about the role and regulation of stored non-structural carbon compounds in trees?
- What is an Extreme Wildfire? Perspectives from remote sensing, ecology, and the social sciences
- Wildfire ash: its production and hydro-eco-geomorphic effects in forested landscapes
- A bias-aware Bayesian approach for optimizing estimates of winter precipitation in mountainous terrain
- A global analysis of the concentration and dynamics of non-structural carbohydrates in plants: does it matter under global change? (Invited)
- Agricultural conversion reduces biospheric vegetation productivity in the absence of external inputs
- An assessment of factors controlling spatial and temporal patterns of stream discharge in forested mountain watersheds
- An inter-comparison of plot-scale, satellite and earth system model estimates of tropical net primary productivity (Invited)
- Application of physics-based interpolation to cryospheric data (Invited)
- Are Hydrologic Model Parameters Scalable? An Investigation into the Catchment Connectivity Model
- Assessing self-organization of plant communities--A thermodynamic approach
- Assimilation of Freeze-Thaw Observations into the NASA Catchment Land Surface Model
- Biophysical Interactions of Channel Incision Following Wildfire: Empirical Evidence and Conceptual Modeling Framework
- Black Carbon from Biomass Burning Emissions: New Mexico Wildfires and Controlled Laboratory Burns of Fuels Found in the Southwestern US
- Constraints on transient fast flow at South Pole in the last glacial cycle
- Data Management And Pre-Archival Activities For A Complex UAS Project In The Arctic
- Data-driven constraints on ice sheet model boundary conditions and comparison to borehole observations in Western Greenland
- Dependence of Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo on Biomass Combustion Efficiency: Laboratory and Field Studies
- Development of the synergism between Fluxnet and global terrestrial remote sensing (Invited)
- Does decreased orographic enhancement explain declining annual streamflows and recent increases in wildfire fire activity in the Pacific Northwestern US?
- Effects of experimental floods on riparian and aquatic ecosystems: Bill Williams River, Arizona
- Evaluating Remotely-Sensed Soil Moisture with Data Synthesis for Ecological Applications (Invited)
- Evaluation of Three Evapotranspiration Products over the Canadian Landmass
- Firn Model Inter-Comparison Experiment (FirnMICE) (Invited)
- Frequent, Low-Intensity Fire Increases Tree Defense To Bark Beetles
- Greenland ice reveals imprint of the Early Cenozoic passage of the Iceland mantle plume
- Ground-based LiDAR to investigate landscape engineering by woody riparian trees
- How Blogging on Earth and Environmental Science Changed One Student's Passion, Perception, and Future
- How do Gradients in Mineralogy and Nutrient Availability Alter Links between Microbial Growth Efficiency and Soil Carbon Storage?
- How do Soil Microbial Enzyme Activities Respond to Changes in Temperature, Carbon, and Nutrient Additions across Gradients in Mineralogy and Nutrient Availability?
- IRIS observations of moss variability
- Improved estimates of the permafrost carbon feedback
- Improvements to the MODIS Land Products in Collection Version 6
- Investigating Land Surface Phenology Derived from Satellite and GPS Network Microwave Remote Sensing
- Land-Cover Change Within the Peatlands Along the Rocky Mountain Front, Montana: 1937-2009
- Landscape heterogeneity modulates forest sensitivity to climate
- Life on a Changing Edge: Arctic-Alpine Plants at the Edges of Permanent Snowfields that are Receding Due to Climate Change at Glacier National Park
- Linked Modeling Approach to Assess Climate Change Effects on Hydrogeomorphic Processes and Aquatic Ecosystems: Example for a Watershed in Western Montana
- Linking Short-term Upstream and Downstream Geomorphic Responses to the Removal of Condit Dam, White Salmon River, Washington
- Mass-balance inferences from the Firn Model Inter-Comparison Experiment (FirnMICE)
- Mercury Contributions from Flint Creek and other Tributaries to the Upper Clark Fork River in Northwestern Montana
- Mirror Symmetry of the IBEX Ribbon of Enhanced Neutral Atom (ENA) Flux
- Modeling the Effect of Climate Change on Large Fire Size, Counts, and Intensities Using the Large Fire Simulator (FSim)
- Multi-scale geomorphic and hydrogeologic influences on bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) spawning habitat in headwater streams
- Near-Field Evolution of Biomass Burning Aerosols
- Observations on the balance between abiotic and biotic factors in plant-morphodynamic feedbacks (Invited)
- Partitioning the Refreezing of Meltwater in Firn in the Percolation Zone of Western Greenland
- Patterns in foliar nutrient resorption stoichiometry at multiple scales: controlling factors and ecosystem consequences (Invited)
- Patterns of new versus recycled primary production in the terrestrial biosphere (Invited)
- Patterns of wildfires and emissions under future climate conditions across the conterminous United States
- Physical Conditions of the Greenland Ice Sheet Bed: A Divide-to-Margin Transect (Invited)
- Postseismic response of the Kashmir region and the role of lateral mechanical heterogeneity in the continental lithosphere (Invited)
- Pre-Launch Phase 1 Calibration and Validation Rehearsal of Geophysical Data Products of Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission
- Recent Progress and Emerging Issues in Measuring and Modeling Biomass Burning Emissions
- Representation of Thwaites Glacier Bed Uncertainty for Modeling Experiments
- Satellite Detection and Attribution of Divergent Northern Vegetation Growth Responses to Lengthening Non-Frozen Seasons (Invited)
- Satellite prediction of spring frost impacts on vegetation growth and productivity within the conterminous US
- Satellite-guided hydro-economic analysis for integrated management and prediction of the impact of droughts on agricultural regions
- Sediment transport and topographic evolution of a coupled river and river-plume system: An experimental and numerical study (Invited)
- Spatial and temporal patterns of hydrologic connectivity between upland landscapes and stream networks (Invited)
- Structure and location of the terrestrial plasma sheet as observed by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX)
- Study on Landscape Freeze/Thaw Classification and its Spatial Scale Effects using Satellite L-band radar observations over Alaska
- Testing Earth System Models with Earth System Data: using C isotopes in atmospheric CO2 to probe stomatal response to future climate change
- The Firn Model Inter-Comparison Experiment: Visualizing Firn Densification Models to Characterize Uncertainty in the Physics of Firn Densification
- The IBEX Ribbon at the lowest IBEX-Hi energy range
- The Public and Conservation: Why Environmental Education about Hydrology is Important
- The impact of climate change on the bottom up regulation of density dependence in large herbivore populations
- Transient minimization in data assimilation: examining the effect of plausible initial conditions and model forcings on the evolution of the Greenland ice sheet
- Understanding how seasonality and shifts in species composition impact emission estimates in semi-arid ecosystems
- Using High-Resolution Models to Predict the Effects of Climate Change on Aquatic Ecosystems in the Crown of the Continent
- Winter conditioning of the Cascadian margin upwelling system: Remote forcing and coastal river influences (Invited)
- "Actionable" Climate Scenarios for Natural Resource Managers in Southwestern Colorado
- Agricultural Fires in the Southeastern U.S. during SEAC4RS: Emissions of Trace Gases and Particles and Evolution of Reactive Nitrogen and Ozone
- Assessing the Impact of Disturbance on Carbon Stocks in Western Forests using Remote Sensing and Forest Inventory Data
- Assessing the Remotely Sensed Drought Severity Index for Agricultural Drought Monitoring in North China
- Assessment of Model Estimates of Land-Atmosphere CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange Across Northern Eurasia
- Attribution of hydrologic trends using integrated hydrologic and economic models
- Biomass Burning: Major Uncertainties, Advances, and Opportunities
- Carbon and Nitrogen Levels across Forest Soil Communities Impacted by Bark Beetle and Wildfire Disturbance in Western Montana
- Changes in the global methane budget since 2000
- Characterizing an Integrated Annual Global Measure of the Earth's Maximum Land Surface Temperatures from 2003 to 2012 Reveals Strong Biogeographic Influences
- Charging of Interstellar Dust Grains in the Out-of-Equilibrium Plasma of the Inner and Outer Heliosheath Regions
- Constraining Carbonaceous Aerosol Climate Forcing by Bridging Laboratory, Field and Modeling Studies
- Continuous monitoring of watershed signals: Disentangling compounded processes
- Diagnosing Carbon-Climate Feedbacks in the Contemporary Carbon Cycle
- Differentiating between Land Use and Climate-driven Change using Long-term Vegetation Index Trends adjusted for Precipitation on the Mongolian Plateau
- Disentangling the driving mechanism of streamflow trends using runoff senstivity to land use and climate change.
- ENA Time Variation in the IBEX skymaps and at the Poles
- Ecohydrological and Topographical Controls on Soil Moisture and Soil Temperature for a Snow-dominated Watershed in Pacific Northwest of North America
- Evapotranspiration from Airborne Simulators as a Proxy Datasets for NASA's ECOSTRESS mission - A new Thermal Infrared Instrument on the International Space Station
- Fifteen Years of Earth Observations from MODIS: What Has Been Accomplished?
- First Airborne PTR-ToF-MS Measurements of VOCs in a Biomass Burning Plume: Primary Emissions and Aging
- First Characterization of Biomass Burning Smoke from Cooking Fires, Peat, Crop Residue and Other Fuels By High Resolution PTR-TOF Mass Spectrometry and FTIR
- GPS Constraints on the Spatial Distribution of Extension in the Ethiopian Highlands and Main Ethiopian Rift
- Greenlandic Microbiomes and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Ground and Airborne Aerosol Composition Measurements of California Coastal Chaparral Smoke Emissions
- Groundwater Estimation Using Remote Sensing Data on a Catchment Scale in New Zealand
- Impact of Forests on Local Temperature Based on Satellite Observations
- Implications of Prospective Climate Change for Groundwater Recharge in the Western United States
- Improvements and Extension to a Global Earth System Data Record of Daily Landscape Freeze-Thaw Status Determined from Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing
- Incorporating landscape heterogeneity to understand patterns of stream discharge across spatial and temporal scales in forested mountain watersheds
- Integrating new satellite observations from SMAP and OCO-2 for analyzing terrestrial water and carbon connections
- Internal versus external controls on age variability: Definitions, origins and implications in a changing climate
- Kinematics and Dynamics of the Pamir, Central Asia
- Landscape Heterogeneity Modulates Forest Sensitivity to Climate
- Landscape and plant physiological controls on water dynamics within a watershed
- Large Influence of Subduction Geometry on Extreme Exhumation in Orogen Syntaxes
- Linking aerosol size and optical properties to trace gases emitted from biomass burning in real-time
- Modeling the Complex Photochemistry of Biomass Burning Plumes in Plume-Scale, Regional, and Global Air Quality Models
- Multi-Scale Variations in Streamwater Chemistry and Hydropedological Implications for Hotspot Development
- Multiplatform inversion of the 2013 Rim Fire smoke emissions using regional-scale modeling: important nocturnal fire activity, air quality, and climate impacts
- New geodetic measurements in central Afar constraining the Arabia-Somalia-Nubia triple junction kinematics
- On the role of spatial patterns of watershed storage in observed storage-discharge relationships
- Paleo Channel Reconstruction and Grain Size Variability in Fluvial Deposits in the Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Utah
- Precipitation and Topography as Drivers of Tree Water Use and Productivity at Multiple Scales
- Profiles of the Ribbon: Systematic ENA Flux Features Within and Beyond the Central Ribbon
- Quantifying flood duration controls on chute cutoff formation in a wandering gravel-bed river
- Satellite Microwave Detection of Boreal-Arctic Wetland Inundation Changes and Their Impact on Regional Methane Emission Estimates
- Sediment Budgeting in Dam-Affected Rivers: Assessing the Influence of Damming, Tributaries, and Alluvial Valley Sediment Storage on Sediment Regimes
- Sediment Supply as a Control on Plant-Morphodynamic Interactions
- Sediment routing through channel confluences: RFID tracer experiments from a gravel-bed river headwaters
- Sensitivity analysis of vegetation-induced flow steering in channels
- Shallow groundwater dynamics across complex terrain: Influences of landscape position and climate
- Soil Active Layer Freeze/Thaw Detection Using Combined L- and P-Band Radar Remote Sensing
- Spatially Explicit Estimation of Optimal Light Use Efficiency for Improved Satellite Data Driven Ecosystem Productivity Modeling
- Spring Hydrology Determines Summer Net Carbon Uptake in Northern Ecosystems
- Strong Regulation of Precipitation on Spring Phenology in the Tibetan Plateau from 1982 to 2008
- The Future of the Plate Boundary Observatory in the GAGE Facility and beyond 2018
- The Interface Between Snowfields and Treeline at Glacier National Park, Montana
- The Many Hazards of Trend Evaluation
- The SMAP Level 4 Surface and Root Zone Soil Moisture data assimilation product
- The contribution of semi-arid ecosystems to interannual global carbon cycle variability
- The symmetry and mass of halo Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) as quantitative predictors for severe space weather at Earth.
- Uncertainty in sap flow-based transpiration due to xylem properties
- Understanding regional variations in TWS in Eurasia using GRACE time variable gravity data and CLM 4.5 output products
- Urban Geocryology: Mapping Urban-Rural Contrasts in Active-Layer Thickness, Barrow Penninsula, Northern Alaska
- Using Coupled Hydrologic and Agro-economic Models to Evaluate the Impact of Agricultural Activity on Streamflows
- Vegetation Health and Productivity Indicators for Sustained National Climate Assessments
- Water Control on Vegetation Growth Pattern in Eurasia from GRACE
- What is driving the change in vegetation productivity in northern Eurasia?
- Widespread climate-driven increases in global wildfire season length (1979-2013) and potential carbon cycle feedbacks
- time Dependence of Aerosols in Biomass Burn Plumes from Bbop
- A Climate Change Minor that gets Physics Students talking to Philosophy Students
- A socio-hydrologic model of coupled water-agriculture dynamics with emphasis on farm size.
- A statistical model for basal sliding
- Affordable Open-Source Data Loggers for Distributed Measurements of Sap-Flux, Stem Growth, Relative Humidity, Temperature, and Soil Water Content
- Asynchronous Amazon Forest Canopy Phenology Indicates Adaptation to Both Water and Light Availability
- CALM at 21: Results of long-term monitoring of the active layer/upper permafrost system.
- Challenges to natural process restoration: common dam removal management concerns
- Change in Terrestrial Ecosystem Water-use Efficiency Over the Last Three Decades
- Characterization Of Greenland Ice Sheet Bed Conditions By Direct Measurement In A Network Of 36 Boreholes
- Climate refugia: The physical, hydrologic and disturbance basis
- Combining paleoecology and ecosystem modeling to study forest ecosystem consequences of wildfires from decades to millennia
- Comparison of soil-surface temperatures with satellite trends of increasing phytomass in northern Alaska
- Constraining the 2012-2014 growing season Alaskan methane budget using CARVE aircraft measurements
- Detecting Disturbance and its Impact on Ecosystem Carbon Balance from Global to Regional Scales
- Disentangling Modern Fire-Climate-Vegetation Relationships across the Boreal Forest Biome
- Ecosystem Disturbance Effects on Land Surface Temperature, Forest Carbon Stocks, and Primary Productivity in the Western United States
- Evaluation of the SMAP Level 4 Surface and Root-Zone Soil Moisture Product
- Evolution and characterization of drought events from GRACE and other satellite and observation.
- Fine Structure ENA Sources Beyond the Termination Shock: Observational Constraints and Detection Limits
- Flood duration and chute cutoff formation in a wandering gravel-bed river
- Geodesy Brings the Geoscience Community Together as Geophysicists
- Hydrogeomorphic Investigation of the 2015 Atacama Floods, Northern Chile
- Hygroscopicity of Black-Carbon-Containing Aerosol in Wildfire Plumes
- Ice nucleating particles from biomass combustion: emission rates and the role of refractory black carbon
- Identifying vegetation's influence on multi-scale fluvial processes based on plant trait adaptations
- Improving the Representation of Near Source and Downwind Smoke Plume Chemistry in Regional and Global Air Quality Models
- Incomplete décollement rupture in the 25 April 2015 Gurkha earthquake; Implications for past and future Himalayan earthquakes
- Incorporating Detailed Chemical Characterization of Biomass Burning Emissions into Air Quality Models
- Integrated satellite assessment of regional trends in snowmelt and frozen ground conditions over the pan-Arctic
- Interactions between fluvial forces and vegetation size, density and morphology influence plant mortality during experimental floods
- Internships and UNAVCO: Training the Future Geoscience Workforce Through the NSF GAGE Facility
- Kinematics and Dynamics of the Main Ethiopian Rift
- Landscape Heterogeneity Modulates Forest Sensitivity to Climate
- Landscape controls on nitrogen availability in a western forest watershed
- Linkages between hillslopes, riparian settings, and streamflow: a multi-year, multi-site characterization of spatio-temporal variability in Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest
- Linking Tree Growth Response to Measured Microclimate - A Field Based Approach
- Mercury Speciation and Bioaccumulation In Riparian and Upland Food Webs of the White Mountains Region, New Hampshire, USA
- Millennial-scale drivers of carbon storage and flux in terrestrial ecosystem models
- Monitoring and Characterizing Seasonal Drought, Water Supply Pattern and Their Impact on Vegetation Growth Using Satellite Soil Moisture Data, GRACE Water Storage and In-situ Observations.
- Multi-criteria Evaluation of Discharge Simulation in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models
- Orbital Forcing of High Elevation Meltwater Events along the Periphery of East Antarctica
- Probing the Boundaries of the Heliosphere by Analyzing the Temporal Variation of the Polar ENA Flux
- Quantifying the spatio-temporal variability of shallow subsurface flow across three hillslopes in a semi-arid, sub alpine watershed
- Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture based on Dynamic Vegetation Scattering Properties for AMSR sensors
- Remote Sensing-based estimates of herbaceous aboveground biomass on the Mongolian Plateau
- Revisiting mechanisms underlying tree mortality induced by drought in the Amazon: from observation to modeling
- Sensitivity analysis of channel-bend hydraulics influenced by vegetation
- Simulated Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance of Western US Forests Under Contemporary Climate and Management
- Simulation of Permafrost and Seasonally Frozen Ground Conditions and their Response to Recent Climate Warming in the Tibetan Plateau
- Spatio-Temporal Variability in Topoclimate Inferred from Land Surface Temperature Data and its Relevance for Mapping Climatic Refugia
- Spatiotemporal Trends in late-Holocene Fire Regimes in Arctic and Boreal Alaska
- Spectral Modulation of the IBEX Ribbon Flux by the Dynamic Draping of the Interstellar Medium over the Heliosphere
- Stochastic and recursive calibration for operational, large-scale, agricultural land and water use management models
- Sunlight Mediated Seasonality in Canopy Structure and Photosynthetic Activity of Amazonian Rainforests
- Synthesizing Fluvial Sedimentary and Geomorphic Response to Dam Removal—A Two-Decade Perspective
- Synthesizing, summarizing, and sharing natural hazard information for non-scientists
- Taking the Firn into Account: Elevation Change of the Greenland Ice Sheet due to Surface Mass Balance and Firn Processes, 1960-2014
- The Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment: Observing, Understanding, and Predicting Social-Ecological Change in the Far North
- The Extent of Channelized Basal Water Flow Under the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The Influence of Topography and Spatial Patterns of Soil Hydraulic Conductivity on Groundwater Response Across a Forested Hillslope
- The NASA SMAP Mission Level 4 Carbon Product: A New Tool for Global Monitoring of Terrestrial Carbon Exchange
- The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Level 4 Carbon Product calibration and validation using eddy covariance observations across North America, Australia and Finland
- The Role of Snow Cover in Affecting Pan-Arctic Soil Freeze/Thaw and Carbon Dynamics
- The treeline as a refuge: are elevational gradients in Mountain Pine Beetle-caused mortality common in Pinus albicaulis populations at treeline?
- Topographic Distributions of Emergent Trees in Tropical Forests of the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Toward a Regional MOD16: Addition of a High-resolution Precipitation Input and a Simple Soil Moisture Component to the MOD16 Algorithm
- Trends in nitrogen and phosphorus cycling are consistent and constrained during tropical secondary forest succession: is secondary forest young primary forest from a nutrient perspective?
- Water-Free Shale Stimulation: Experimental Studies of Electrofracturing
- A Model-Based Approach to Infer Shifts in Regional Fire Regimes Over Time Using Sediment Charcoal Records
- A Modeling Approach for Evaluating the Coupled Riparian Vegetation-Geomorphic Response to Altered Flow Regimes
- A satellite data-driven, client-server decision support application for agricultural water resources management
- Accelerating North American rangeland conservation with earth observation data and user driven web applications.
- Biomass Burning Emissions of Black Carbon from African Sources
- Canopy tree species drive local heterogeneity in soil nitrogen availability in a lowland tropical forest
- Characterizing Seasonal Drought, Water Supply Pattern and Their Impact on Vegetation Growth Using Satellite Soil Moisture Data, GRACE Water Storage and Precipitation Observations
- Characterizing permafrost active layer dynamics and sensitivity to landscape spatial heterogeneity: A case study in Alaska
- Climate-Vegetation-Fire Interactions: Pieces in the Pliocene Polar Puzzle.
- Contributions to Pliocene Arctic warmth from removal of anthropogenic aerosol and enhanced forest fire emissions
- Declining snowpack and forest productivity in a montane ecosystem in the Northern Rocky Mountains
- Detailed Analysis of the Width of the IBEX Ribbon - Variations in Position and Energy
- Detecting Soil Moisture Related Impacts on Gross Primary Productivity using the MODIS-based Photochemical Reflectance Index
- Detecting changes in water limitation in the West using integrated ecosystem modeling approaches
- Development of the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) radiometer derived landscape freeze/thaw product
- FIREX: Aerosol Science Priorities for the 2018 WP-3D Campaign
- High-resolution Mapping of Permafrost and Soil Freeze/thaw Dynamics in the Tibetan Plateau Based on Multi-sensor Satellite Observations
- Improving the Assessment of Indonesian Carbon Emissions from Peat Fires
- Long-term active-layer dynamics: results of 22 years of field observations in Northern Hemisphere permafrost regions.
- Measured Deformation Enhancement in Western Greenland Shows the Importance of Viscosity Reduction for Elevated Melt Season Velocities
- Modeling Heat Transfer to Explain Observed Temperature Anomalies in Near-Surface Ice, Greenland Ice Sheet Ablation Area
- Monitoring Bioclimatic Indicators in Southwest Alaska National Parks
- Monitoring Regional Changes in Alaskan Carbon Fluxes and Underlying Biophysical Processes Using In Situ Observations, Models and Satellite Remote Sensing
- Nepal Ambient Monitoring and Source Testing Experiment (NAMaSTE): Emissions of particulate matter from garbage burning, wood and dung cooking fires, motorcycles and brick kilns
- Predicting Fire-Regime Responses to Climate Change Over the Past Millennium: Implications of Paleodata-Model Comparisons for Future Projections of Fire Activity
- Probing the Boundaries of the Heliosphere Using Observations of the Polar ENA Flux from IBEX and Cassini/INCA
- Quantifying the effects of spring freeze-thaw transitions and snowpack dynamics on surface albedo change using satellite optical and microwave remote sensing
- Real-time noble gas release signaling rock deformation
- Reconstructing Century-Scale Changes in Nitrogen Cycling in Forests Throughout the United States using Tree-Ring δ<SUP>15</SUP>N Chronologies
- Respiration the forgotten flux: new insights on ecosystem respiration and its global significance
- Satellite passive microwave detection of surface water inundation changes over the pan-Arctic from AMSR
- Scaling arctic tundra vegetation from plot to the landscape across the North Slope of Alaska, U.S.A
- Seasonal Changes in Drainage System Configuration from Synthesis of a Surface-to-Bed Measurement Network in Western Greenland
- Seasonal Responses of Terrestrial Ecosystem Water-use Efficiency to Climate Change
- Temporal variation of the IBEX Ribbon
- The Atmospheric Constraint: What we Know About the State of the Carbon Cycle by Observing Carbon Dioxide and Methane
- The FIREX 2016 Missoula Fire Lab Study
- The challenges associated with applying global models in heterogeneous landscapes: A case study using MOD17 GPP estimates in Hawaii
- The global methane budget 2000-2012. What's next?
- The shared and unique value of optical, flourescence, thermal and microwave satellite data for estimating large-scale crop yields
- Understanding the time-lag effect of terrestrial ecosystem response to drought: a regional case study of the 2000s Millennium Drought in Australia
- Using Greenland Ice Sheet ablation zone radiostratigraphy to test modern data against century-averaged steady state conditions
- Using Helium as a Tracer of Dynamic Rock Deformation
- Using interviews and focus groups with resource managers to explore risk perceptions and responses to climate scenarios
- Using stable isotopes in process-based ecohydrologic modelling to infer vegetation imprint on water fluxes, partitioning and storage in boreal ecosystems
- A seismic intensity survey of the April 16, 2016 Mw 7.8 Muisne, Ecuador earthquake, and a comparison with strong motion data
- Aerosol Optical Properties and Trace Gas Emissions From Laboratory-Simulated Western US Wildfires
- Airborne Deployment of a High Resolution PTR-ToF-MS to Characterize Non-methane Organic Gases in Wildfire Smoke: A Pilot Study During WE-CAN Test Flights
- An Examination of Drought-Induced Hydraulic Stress in Conifer Forests Using a Coupled Ecohydrologic Model.
- Assessing ecohydrological controls on catchment water storage, flux and age dynamics using tracers in a physically-based, spatially distributed model
- Assessing the Utility of Temporally Dynamic Terrain Indices in Alaskan Moose Resource Selection
- Automated attribution of remotely-sensed ecological disturbances using spatial and temporal characteristics of common disturbance classes.
- Biogeomorphic feedbacks in the Southwestern USA: exploring the mechanisms of geomorphic change and the effectiveness of mitigation measures
- Building place-based collaborations to develop high school students' groundwater systems knowledge and decision-making capacity
- CO2 emissions from permafrost regions in Alaska during the nongrowing seasons
- Changes in Arctic terrestrial evapotranspiration under climate change
- Characterization of biomass burning aerosols produced in the laboratory with a light-scattering aerosol mass spectrometer
- Characterizing soil moisture and snow cover effects on boreal-arctic soil freeze/thaw dynamics and cold-season carbon emissions
- Chemical composition of wildland and agricultural biomass burning particles measured downwind during the BBOP study
- Detecting Kerogen as a Biosignature Using Co-located UV Time-Gated Raman and Fuorescence Spectroscopy
- Detecting Recent Changes in the Arctic-Boreal Carbon Sink Using Satellite Remote Sensing, Flux Tower Data and Biophysical Models
- Determining the Dimensions of the Heliosphere from the Time-Correlation of IBEX ENA Observations with Variations in the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- Effect of Tundra Fires on Stream Chemistry in Alaska's Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta
- Effects of Recent Regional Soil Moisture Variability on Global Net Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange
- Emission and chemistry of organic compounds from biomass burning: measurements from an iodide time-of-flight chemical ionization mass spectrometer (I<SUP>-</SUP> ToF-CIMS) during the FIREX FireLab 2016 intensive
- Empirical relations between the April 1, M8.2 2014 Chile earthquake and the April 16, M7.8 2016 Ecuador earthquake, and a comparison with instrumental ground motion
- Energetic Neutral Atom Emission from the Heliospheric Nose
- Enhanced Resolution Maps of Energetic Neutral Atoms from IBEX
- Enhanced-Resolution Satellite Microwave Brightness Temperature Records for Mapping Boreal-Arctic Landscape Freeze-Thaw Heterogeneity
- Estimating ecosystem iso/anisohydry using microwave satellite data and its applications in ecohydrology
- Evidence of a robust relationship between solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and gross primary productivity across dryland ecosystems of southwestern North America
- FIREX (Fire Influence on Regional and Global Environments Experiment): Measurements of Nitrogen Containing Volatile Organic Compounds
- Farmer response to climatic and agricultural market drivers: characteristic time scales and sensitivities
- Field Measurements of Trace Gases and Aerosols Emitted by Undersampled Combustion Sources Including Wood and Dung Cooking Fires, Garbage and Crop Residue Burning, and Indonesian Peat Fires
- Geochemical Insights into the Volcano Tectonic Evolution of the Gulf of California near Mulegé, Baja California Sur, México
- Higher Temperature Variability Reduces Temperature Sensitivity of Vegetation Growth in Northern Hemisphere
- Impacts of Vegetation Growth on Reach-scale Flood Hydraulics in a Sand-bed River and the Implications for Vegetation-morphology Coevolution
- Impacts of fire on nitrogen cycling in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems in the Yukon-Kuskokwim River Delta, AK
- In situ measurement and source apportionment of aerosols in the Kathmandu valley, Nepal, April 2015.
- Inferring Groundwater Age in an Alluvial Aquifer from Tracer Concentrations in the Stream - Little Wind River, Wyoming
- Information footprint of different ecohydrological data sources: using multi-objective calibration of a physically-based model as hypothesis testing
- Insight into the hydraulics and resilience of Ponderosa pine seedlings using a mechanistic ecohydrologic model
- Insights into the Sensitivity and Resilience of Riparian Ecosystems to Flow Regime Shifts Through a Coupled Ecogeomorpic Model
- Integrating Measurement Based New Knowledge on Wildland Fire Emissions and Chemistry into the AIRPACT Air Quality Forecasting for the Pacific Northwest
- Integration of DAS (distributed acoustic sensing) vertical seismic profile and geostatistically modeled lithology data to characterize an enhanced geothermal system.
- Laboratory measurements of glyoxal emissions from biomass burning
- Long-term comparison of Kuparuk Watershed active layer maps, northern Alaska, USA
- Mapping global surface water inundation dynamics using synergistic information from SMAP, AMSR2 and Landsat
- Mapping wood density globally using remote sensing and climatological data
- Measurement of Total Reactive Nitrogen (N<SUB>r</SUB>) during the FIREX 2016 Lab Study
- Methane emission from high-latitude (>50N) lakes: Annual cycle of climatological emissions using satellite-derived lake-ice phenology and freeze-thaw dynamics
- Multiyear Downstream Response to Dam Removal on the White Salmon River, WA
- New Approach in Modelling Indonesian Peat Fire Emission
- On-line Field Measurements of Speciated PM<SUB>1</SUB> Emission Factors from Common South Asian Combustion Sources
- Photochemical Cycling of Reactive Oxygen Species in Hydrothermal Springs: Impacts on Biosignature Preservation
- Plant Water Content is the Best Predictor of Drought-induced Mortality
- Primary emissions and chemical oxidation of volatile organic compounds emitted from laboratory biomass burning sources during the 2016 FIREX FireLab campaign: measurements from a H<SUB>3</SUB>O<SUP>+</SUP> chemical ionization mass spectrometer
- Reciprocal interactions between fluvial processes and riparian plants at multiple scales: ecogeomorphic feedbacks drive coevolution of floodplain morphology and vegetation communities
- Regional comparison of tundra carbon budget response over the Alaska North Slope to varying environmental conditions as informed by in situ and flux tower measurements, remote sensing and biophysical modeling
- Regional crop gross primary production and yield estimation using fused Landsat-MODIS data
- Results from the Subglacial Hydrology Model Intercomparison Project (SHMIP)
- Role of Fire and Landscape Position on Dissolved Organic Carbon Composition and Reactivity in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Satellite Soil Moisture and Water Storage Observations Identify Early and Late Season Water Supply Influencing Plant Growth in the Missouri Watershed
- Satellite based assessment of recent permafrost extent and active layer trends over Alaska and Northwest Canada
- Seasonal Crustal Loading Deformation around the Great Lakes
- Sensitivity of productivity and respiration to water availability determines the net ecosystem exchange of carbon terrestrial ecosystems of the United States
- Speciated Chemical Composition of Biomass Burning Aerosol from Various Fuels during FIREX
- Sustained changes in water storage across the western U.S. inferred from elastic land displacements observed with GPS: Parching of the ground during the summer of drought years and seeping of snow melt into the ground during the spring of heavy-precipitation years
- The Rise of the Hindu Kush and its Role in the South Asian Monsoon
- The Terrestrial Bow Shock: A Comparison of New Data from the IBEX Mission to Existing Models
- The absorption budget of fresh biomass burning aerosol from realistic laboratory fires
- Time Dependence of Aerosol Light Scattering Downwind of Forest Fires
- To Tree, or not to Tree: Sediment Storage in Forested and Non-forested Mountainous Hillslopes of the Bitterroot Mountains, MT
- Towards Understanding the Timing and Frequency of Rain-on-Snow (ROS) Events in Alaska
- Tropical cyclones and climate of the mid-Piacenzian warm period in a super high resolution atmosphere-ocean coupled simulation
- Unraveling the chemical complexity of biomass burning VOC emissions via H<SUB>3</SUB>O<SUP>+</SUP> ToF-CIMS (PTR-ToF): emissions characterization
- Unravelling the Chemical Complexity of Biomass Burning VOC Emissions via H<SUB>3</SUB>O<SUP>+</SUP> ToF-CIMS: Separation of High- and Low-temperature Pyrolysis Products
- Using Multiple Environmental Tracers to Investigate the Relative Role of Soil and Deep Groundwater in Stream Water Generation for a Snow-Dominated Headwater Catchment.
- Vegetation optical depth measured by microwave radiometry as an indicator of tree mortality risk
- Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from biomass burning: GC-MS analysis of primary combustion emissions of fuels common to North America
- Volcanic and Tectonic Evolution of The Gulf of California Near Mulege, Baja California Sur: Results From Baja Basins NSF-REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates)
- Why are models unable to reproduce multi-decadal trends in lower tropospheric baseline ozone levels?
- A Framework for Understanding, Testing, and Anticipating the Ecosystem Consequences of Wildfire Activity over Space and Time
- A Quarter Century of CALM: Recent Developments in the Alaskan Component of the Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring Program
- A pan-arctic synthesis of nongrowing season respiration: Key drivers and responses to a changing climate
- Arctic Tundra Fire Promotes Increased Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Freshwaters and Changes Methane Hotspot Locations across the Landscape in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta
- Assessing functional diversity in a dryland ecosystem using full waveform lidar
- Biomass Burning Emissions Determined during the Fire Influence on Regional and Global Environments 2016 Firelab Experiment
- Biophysical feedback of global forest fires on surface temperature
- Carbon Consequences of Fire-regime Variability in Rocky Mountain Subalpine Forests Over Millennia
- Comparison of downscaled vertical GPS observations to independent measures of hydrologic loading
- Comparisons of Global Land Surface Phenology Derived from Vegetation Greenness, Optical Depth, and Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
- Consistent Reanalysis of Five North American Glacier Mass Balance Records
- Critical Skills for Next Generation Leaders in Food, Energy, and Water Systems
- Detecting Recent Changes in Vegetation, Landscape Water Availability and Freeze/Thaw Characteristics in Interior Alaska Using VIS-NIR-TIR and Microwave Remote Sensing
- Determining the Presence of Remains Using the Chemical Composition of Burned Cadaver Ash
- Developing a modelling framework to characterize sensitivity of soil freezing processes to snow cover changes and active layer dynamics in Arctic Alaska
- Differential Use of Winter Precipitation by Upper and Lower Elevation Douglas FIR in the Northern Rockies
- Do water policies encourage or impede agricultural adaptation to climate variability? Integrating hydrology, remote sensing, and economics to model farmer decision-making in irrigated and dryland agriculture
- Drought-induced Ponderosa pine seedling mortality controls the extent of the lower tree line in the U.S. Northern Rocky Mountains
- Dynamics of lodgepole pine forests in fire-driven landscapes: past, present and future
- Effects of advection from ice flow on deep firn structure in Greenland's percolation zone
- Emergent metabolic regimes of river networks
- Emission and chemistry of volatile organic compounds from western U.S. wildfires: New constraints from airborne measurements during the 2018 WE-CAN campaign
- Energetic Neutral Atom Emission from the Heliospheric Nose
- Environmental and ecological drivers of American robin (Turdus migratorius) migration and habitat selection
- Estimating the Effective Parameters of Fractured Rock at the Bedrichov Tunnel Using Mean Groundwater Age, Fracture Discharge, and Environmental Tracer Concentrations
- Evaluating the impacts of climate change on forest demography and carbon cycling in boreal forests
- Evaluation of Real-time Global Flood Modeling with SMAP Satellite Based Fractional Water Cover
- Feedbacks between fluvial forces and differing vegetation morphologies moderate riparian seedling losses during experimental floods; implications for restoration using environmental flows
- Field scale crop evapotranspiration monitoring using satellite-driven modeling
- Field-scale Crop Sensitivity to Climatic Conditions using Landsat NDVI throughout Wheat Fields in the Western U.S.
- Flume and field investigations link woody riparian vegetation plant traits to morphodynamics across scales
- Forward and inverse modeling of body and ocean load tides in a 3D Earth
- From drones to resource selection: using unmanned aerial vehicles to understand the relationship between fire, food availability and woodland caribou
- Gap Filling of Landsat Reflectance Time Series Using Google Earth Engine
- Geodynamic Modeling of the Main Ethiopian Rift: Insights From Thin Sheet Forward Models of Gravitational Collapse
- Hillslope topography mediates the sensitivity of western U.S. net primary productivity to climate
- Implementing a Watershed Prioritization Framework for Communicating and Directing Conservation Efforts Under Climate Change, Upper Missouri Headwaters, Montana
- Improvements on NASA's MODIS Evapotranspiration (MOD16) and GPP/NPP (MOD17) Operational Global Data Sets Using Gap-filled Climatological FPAR/LAI
- Influence of Large Wood on Sediment Routing in a Mixed Bedrock-Alluvial Stream
- Integrating operational satellite-based remote sensing products into the calibration of hydro-economic models to simulate agricultural water use at a regional scale
- Inter-annual Variability and Drivers of Ecosystem Regulation on Leaf Water Potential Change Based on Passive Microwave Vegetation Optical Depth
- Introducing a Global 0.05° Hydrological Monitoring and Forecasting System
- Investigating Physical Changes in Tundra Lakes and Ponds in Alaska's Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Using Remote Sensing and Stable Isotopes
- Just open a window: Understanding the combined effects of heat and smoke on a mountain community in the western United States, Missoula, Montana
- Large-Scale Synchrony and Climate Drivers of Barrenground Caribou Migration across North America
- Low frequency behavior of organic soil for a multi-phase study of a permafrost soil dielectric model
- Making agriculture sustainable using local renewable energy
- Mercury in freshwaters of the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta, Alaska
- Mobile Aerosol Mass Spectrometry Measurements in the Kathmandu Valley: The Impact of Local Sources and Meteorology to Spatial Variability of Aerosol Composition
- Mountain Water - The Role of Deep Groundwater in Mountain Watersheds
- Observations of a Flare-Associated Current Sheet in the Extended EUV Corona
- Overcoming Nutrient Limitation: Will Phosphorus Availability Constrain Global Plant Production Under Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>?
- Plot-scale analysis of interactions between climate, vegetation, and permafrost at Toolik Lake, Alaska (1995 - 2018)
- Quantifying Cold Season Soil CO2 Emissions in Alaska and Northwest Canada
- Rain and snow, a long term optical and passive microwave satellite record of snow processes for Alaska and the Arctic boreal region
- Redesigning for Research: Accessible Data Interaction with MISR Fire Plumes
- Reduction in Rainy Days during Summer Exacerbates Western US Forest Fire Extent
- Remotely sensed geodiversity for identifying and predicting biodiverse landscapes
- Satellite Retrievals and Analysis of the Global Near-Surface Atmospheric Vapor Pressure Deficit using AMSR-E and AMSR2
- Scaling of Dissolved Organic Carbon Removal in River Networks
- Soil-surface temperatures, active-layer thickness, and satellite trends of increasing phytomass in northern Alaska
- Sounding The Dimensions of the Heliosphere Using the Time-Correlation Between IBEX ENA Observations and the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- Source Apportionment Of Regional Sources And Spatial Difference Of Aerosol Composition From The Nepal Ambient Monitoring And Source Testing Experiment [NAMaSTE] In The Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
- Spatiotemporal consistency of four gross primary production products and solar-induced fluorescence in response to climate extremes across CONUS in 2012
- Tackling water contamination issues in Indigenous communities using silica polyamine composites and the implementation of traditional knowledge and western science.
- The Big Burn: centennial-scale precedence and ecological consequences of the record-setting fires of 1910 in the U.S. northern Rocky Mountains
- The Biogeochemical Consequences of Millennial-Scale Fire Activity in the Western U.S.
- The Snow on Ice Project: A data-model collaboration for assessing Greenland Ice Sheet change during periods of Arctic warmth
- The Superposition of Climate and Topography Influence Atmospheric Demand, Soil Moisture and Resultant Shallow Subsurface Flow Dynamics across Six Mountain Catchments
- The US Northern Plains 2017 Flash Drought as Seen by SMAP L4 Soil Moisture and Gross Primary Productivity
- The climate sensitivity of carbon use efficiency from ecosystems to global scales
- The responses of coordinated xylem-phloem-photosynthetic machinery system to varying environmental conditions
- The role of plant regrowth in recent enhancement of terrestrial carbon uptake
- Thinning and Prescribed Fire Alter Tree-Level Climate-Growth Relationships and Reduce Vulnerability to Drought in Ponderosa Pine Forests of the Northern Rockies
- Tracking the storage and dissipation of storm snow and water in the Rocky Mountains using GPS observations of solid-Earth deformation and GRACE gravity measurements
- Tropical Peat Fire Behavior, Emission Factors and Challenges for Making Regional Carbon Emission Estimates
- Using In Situ Stable Water Isotope Fluxes to Understand Hydrologic Budget and Mixing Dynamics of the Antarctic Dry Valley Lakes
- Using Remotely Sensed Features of Habitat Structure to Assess Behavioral Thermoregulation of Alaskan Moose in Response to Increasing Temperatures
- Using Solar Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence to Understand Carbon Dynamics and Plant Phenology of Global Major Ecosystems
- Validation of SMAP L-band global daily freeze-thaw data products
- Water Balance in the SMAP Level-4 Soil Moisture Algorithm
- Water Supply Constraint on Grassland Productivity at Different Seasonal Timing
- Wolf denning phenology and reproductive success in response to climate signals
- A Comparison of PM<SUB>1</SUB> Emissions in Smoke Plumes from Aircraft UHSAS and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements During the WE-CAN and MILAGRO Campaigns
- A New Agent-Based Model for Assessing the Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Sources and Transfer Mechanisms Contributing Faecal Indicator Organisms to Streams
- A new P-wave mantle tomographic model for Africa and a receiver function study of the Ethiopian plateau
- Accommodation of African Rifting across the Turkana Depression and adjacent rift segments
- Accumulation of Permanent Deformation and Topography over Multiple Timescales, Cascadia Subduction Zone (USA)
- Actionable knowledge and the art of engagement
- An Evaluation of Gridded Drought indices to Enhance the Upper Missouri River Basin's Drought Early Warning System
- An analysis of the 2012 drought using a satellite data-driven hydro-economic model
- Ancient and/or Geologic Methane-derived Carbon Contributions to Riverine Macroinvertebrates
- Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery to Quantify Benthic Primary Producer Assemblages in the Klamath River, California
- Assessment of Spatiotemporal Variability in Arctic-boreal Carbon Flux Budgets
- Atmospheric Perturbations Induced by the Solar Eclipse of July 2, 2019
- Box Model Assessments of Biomass Burning Smoke Oxidation and the Interplay Between VOCs, NO<SUB>x</SUB>, and NO<SUB>y.</SUB>
- Can coupling sliding and hydrology models produce better estimates of ice flow?
- Capturing Change in the Icefield-to-Ocean ecosystem of Southcentral Alaska
- Capturing the strain migration process through rift evolution in the Turkana Depression, East Africa
- Catchment critical zone controls on groundwater contributions to surface water chemistry variability
- Characterization of the Background Atmosphere to Aide in the Detection of Atmospheric Gravity Waves Induced by the 2 July 2019 Total Solar Eclipse near Andacollo, Chile.
- Complex Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Global Coastal Dead Zones
- Continuous wavelet transformed topography reveals geomorphic history and future of Cascadia forearc
- Contrasting ecohydrological partitioning in urban green spaces: quantifying vegetation controls on evaporation, transpiration and groundwater recharge using isotopes and models.
- Contributions of aerosol-cloud interactions to mid-Piacenzian seasonally sea ice-free Arctic Ocean
- Downscaling GPS observations for watershed-scale hydrologic loading
- Evaluating forest spatiotemporal trends of self-thinning trajectories and its implications on carbon storage
- Evaluation of the Impact of Land Water Supply on the Distribution of Plant Productivity
- Feast and Famine - Lagrangian Water Quality Data Collection and Interpretation Along the Upper Colorado River During High- and Low-Flow Conditions
- Field Campaign Strategies for High-Resolution Vertical Data Collection
- Finding Relevance in the Roaring Fork Watershed: Using a Catchment-Wide Network to Engage a Community
- Fine spatial variation in nitrate concentration in a wood-filled, alluvial river
- Forest Mosaics: Spatial Vegetation Diversity Patterns from Stands to Regional Scales Incorporating Airborne Observatory Platform (AOP) Datasets with Satellite Data in Eastern U.S.
- From "valley of the dead" to "vibrant ecosystem" - the evolution of our understanding of life at the edge
- From Surface to Ground Water: Water Availability Control on African Forests' Productivity during Severe Meteorological Conditions
- From satellites to soils: quantifying and accounting for sources of uncertainty in carbon emission estimates from fires in Indonesian peatlands
- Global assimilation of L-band brightness temperature observations from SMAP and SMOS into the Catchment land surface model and contribution to the skill of soil moisture estimates
- Great Expectations? Reconciling the Aspirations, Outcomes, and Possibilities of Co-production
- Green water dynamics in the critical zone: mapping internal catchment states of water storage and age
- Greenland Ice Sheet mass loss rate will exceed Holocene values this century
- High Resolution Irrigated Lands Mapping in the Western United States
- IBEX Ribbon Separation Using Consecutive Six-Month ENA Skymaps
- Ice Sheet-Moderated Changes in the Precipitation Isotope Climatology of NW Canada during the Late Deglacial
- Improved understanding of land cover and land use change impacts on ecosystem functioning using high spatiotemporal resolution satellite observations
- Increasing fire frequency and short-interval fires in the boreal forest: precedence and context from Alaskan paleoecological records
- Inferring causal graphs from observational long-term carbon and water fluxes records
- Inferring velocity variations from optical flow tracking at the Wolverine Glacier, South Central Alaska
- Intelligent Science for Involving Stakeholders in Making Agriculture Sustainable using Local Renewable Energy
- Interactions of Urban Plumes with Biomass Burning Emissions During the 2018 WE-CAN Field Campaign
- Interactive Ice Sheet Flowline Model Designed for Education and Research
- Interannual variability in the terrestrial carbon cycle informed by atmospheric CO2 measurements
- Investigating Gas-Particle Partitioning of Reduced Nitrogen in Western Wildfire Smoke
- Large-scale observational and modelling-based constraints of the CO<SUB>2</SUB> fertilization effect
- Litterfall inputs drive patterns of soil nitrogen heterogeneity in a diverse tropical forest
- Mapping Irrigation with Fully Convolutional Neural Networks
- Modeling Spatial and Temporal Variation in Sediment Balance in the Santa Clara River, CA
- Multi-day summer speed-up events in western Greenland's ablation zone driven by non-local ice sheet motion
- Multicomponent Satellite Assessment of Global Drought Severity from 2002 to 2019 Using AMSR-E and AMSR2
- New opportunities for developing high spatial resolution land products derived from gap free Landsat reflectance time series in Google Earth Engine
- Ozone Production in Western U.S. Wildfire Plumes sampled by the Western Wildfire Experiment for Cloud Chemistry, Aerosol Absorption and Nitrogen (WE-CAN)
- Phenolic Compounds in Wildfire Plumes: Gas-Phase Emissions, Chemistry, and Contributions to Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation
- Properties of the Energetic Neutral Atom Emission from the Ribbon
- Recent CFC-11 Enhancements in China, Nepal, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and South Korea
- Recent kinematics of the Pamir, the northwestern tip of the India-Asia collision zone: Westward flow into the Tajik Depression and triggered slip along the northwestern margin
- Reconciling carbon exchange efficiency from ecosystem to global scales
- Satellite Monitoring of Global Soil Health Attributes Using the SMAP Level 4 Carbon Product
- Satellite observations of environmental controls on vegetation greening and browning trends over Alaska and Northwest Canada domains
- Simulating Energy and Water Dynamics for a Temperate Urban Microclimate Using a Fully Distributed Eco-Hydrological Model
- Snowpack Influences Spatial and Temporal Soil Nitrogen Dynamics in a Western U.S. Montane Forested Watershed
- Soil CO2 flux in the permafrost zone: New insight from a year-round chamber network in Alaska and Canada
- Sounding the Dimensions of the Heliosphere Using the Time-Correlation Between IBEX ENA Observations and the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- Subsurface Parameter Estimation Using Environmental Tracer Concentrations
- Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest, Montana: A decade of research and education on coupled carbon and water cycles in snow-dominated watersheds
- The Effect of Earth Structure on the Loading Deformation Around the Great Lakes
- The Global Flood and Drought Monitor (GFDM): A High-Resolution (0.05°) Early Warning System for Hydrological Hazards
- The Montana Mesonet - a Nascent Wireless Network in the Upper Missouri River Basin
- The Reactive Nitrogen Budget of Laboratory-Simulated Western North American Wildfires
- The Three Mountain DRAGONS of FIREX-AQ
- The topographic signature of ecosystem climate sensitivities in the western U.S.
- Time Evolution of Trace Gasses, Aerosols, and Their Optical Properties in Nine Wildfire Plumes Sampled During the BBOP Field Campaign
- Trace gases, aerosol mass and optical properties, influence on O<SUB>3</SUB>, and high NO<SUB>3</SUB> production rates in a western US city impacted by wildfire smoke
- Twenty Years of Earth Observations from MODIS: What has been Accomplished?
- Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle Platform As A Drop-In Alternative for Balloon-Borne Radiosondes
- Using Gaussian Process Emulators to Reduce Uncertainty in Sea Level Projections with Ice Sheet Models
- Using SMAP Soil Moisture to Constrain MOD16 Evapotranspiration Estimates
- Validating the WRF Montornès et al. Eclipse Module With The July 2, 2019 Total Solar Eclipse
- Validation of the SMAP Level 4 Carbon Product using a continuous crop condition survey index
- Vegetation optical depth serves as an ecosystem-scale indicator of drought-driven tree mortality rates
- Volatile Organic and Sulfur Compounds in Wildfire Smoke in North Central Idaho and Potential Impacts on Human Health
- Volatile organic compounds emitted from western U.S. wildfire smoke
- Walking Tree Line: Changes in the Arctic and Alpine Forest Ecotone over a 1,000 km Climatic Gradient across Alaska's Brooks Range
- Warming-induced spring net carbon uptake contributes to enhanced carbon sink activity in the northern high latitudes
- Which Remotely Sensed Quantities Relate to Pollutants and Toxics at the Surface? An Overview from California, October 2018 and WE-CAN 2018
- Wildfire-driven Changes in the Abundance of Gas Phase Pollutants in the City of Boise, ID during summer 2018
- A Comprehensive 0-D Chemical Model Simulation of Wildfire Plume Composition Evolution: Insights into Radical Oxidant Sources, NO<SUB>x</SUB> Lifetime, and the Formation of Secondary Products
- A Unified Vegetation Index for Quantifying the Terrestrial Biosphere
- Alpine Plant Functional Traits Change with Increased Soil Temperatures at the SW Montana Gloria Target Region
- Analyzing Radiation, Air Temperature and Soil Moisture Controls on Urban Surface Temperatures Using an Ecohydrologic Model
- Application of a Satellite-Driven Hydro-economic Model to Assess Climate Change Impacts On Montana's Water Resources, Agricultural Production, and Farm Revenues
- Atmospheric pressure loading in GPS positions: A comparison of data products and processing methods for the contiguous U.S. and Alaska
- Automated in-situ dark chamber system for parsing open channel and sediment-associated aerobic respiration in rivers and streams
- Background Characterization of the Atmosphere When Looking for Eclipse-induced Gravity Waves
- Building A 3-D Map of the Heliosphere with IBEX
- Compositional comparison and atmospheric impacts of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from agricultural fires and wildfires measured with the NOAA Integrated Whole Air Sampling System during FIREX-AQ
- Connecting laboratory and field measurements of smoke composition to build a framework explaining ozone formation from Western U.S. wildfires measured during FIREX-AQ
- Constraining long-term NOx emissions over the United States and Europe to improve model simulations of tropospheric ozone
- Constraining subglacial processes from surface velocity observations using surrogate-based Bayesian inference
- Constraining volatile organic compound emissions from western US wildfires with WE-CAN airborne observations
- Constraints on meltwater infiltration in cold firn from measurements and modeling through the full thickness of western Greenland's percolation zone
- Critical evaluation of smoke age inferred from different methods during FIREX-AQ
- Daytime PAN and PPN Production Mechanisms in Western U.S. Wildfire Smoke Plumes
- Early crop mapping at continental scales derived from reconstructed high spatial resolution images
- Emissions from Western Wildfires and Southeastern Agricultural Fires: An analysis of VOC measurements from the NASA DC-8 during FIREX-AQ
- Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds from Western U.S. Wildfires Measured During WE-CAN
- Enhancing Vegetation Biodiversity Estimates Based on Environmental Similarity Across Scales: An Open-Source Strategy
- Extreme ice sheet melting over Antarctica during the 2019-2020 austral melt season observed by the SMAP L-band Microwave Radiometer
- Forest resilience to fire in the western US: a test case for using satellite metrics to assess spatial and temporal patterns of forest recovery
- Formaldehyde Evolution In Wildfire Plumes During FIREX-AQ
- Garbage Burning in South Asia - How important is it to regional air quality?
- Global Observation Data Show Variable but Increasing Active-Layer Thickness
- Governing Water Futures: Integrating Montana Water Rights into a Hydro-economic Model
- Helium (<SUP>4</SUP>He) Measurements During a Chemical Explosion and their Implications
- High spatial resolution gap free biophysical variables for Earth Observation at continental scales with Google Earth Engine
- How deregulation, drought, and increasing fire impact Amazonian biodiversity
- Identifying and Quantifying Volatile Chemical Product (VCP) Species During an Indoor Surface Refinishing Event
- Impacts of Protected Area Deforestation on Dry-season Regional Climate in the Brazilian Amazon
- In-Situ Measurements of Three-Dimensional Deformation in the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Increased CO2 and decreased CH4 emissions in response to drying of northern peatlands: experimental observations vs. model simulations
- Inferring Holocene variations in ice-flow patterns and accumulation gradients at Hercules Dome from radar measurements of internal layering and englacial velocity profiles with 2D ice-flow modeling
- Intraplate Seasonal Seismicity in the Northern Rocky Mountains of Montana and Idaho
- Investigating Field Scale Fracture Network Deformation Using Radiogenic Noble Gases
- Kinematics of linkage between the Main Ethiopian and Eastern rifts in the Turkana Depression
- Lab Measurements of Noble Gas Capture from Water Saturated Non Welded Tuff
- Low molecular weight oxygenated volatile organic compound (OVOC) emissions during FIREX-AQ: Distributions, reactivity, chemical evolution, and comparison with other measurements
- Modeling Surface Mass Loading Around The Great Lakes Region
- Modeling Wildfire Plume Chemistry using the GECKO-A Box Model
- Monitoring Crop Status in the Continental United States Using the SMAP Level 4 Carbon Product
- Mutually-exclusive Global Wetland, Lake, and Reservoir Methane Emissions Data Sets
- Non-methane organic and nitrogen emissions from wildfire plumes during FIREX-AQ
- Organic Aerosol and Brown Carbon Evolution in Fresh Wildfire Plumes: Roles of Dilution-Driven Evaporation and Phenolic Chemistry
- Paths to Tree Drought-Induced Mortality: Progress to Date
- Photochemical Evolution of Primary and Secondary Organic Aerosol in Large Wildfire Plumes.
- Post-fire recovery of ecosystem productivity in Arctic and boreal forests of Alaska
- Potential of full-polarimetric P-band SAR in characterizing subsurface soil profile in Arctic tundra
- Precipitation modulates Greenland Ice Sheet size during the Holocene
- Probing the Earth's Magnetosheath Boundaries Using the Interstellar Boundary Explorer Encounters
- Sorting and Ranking Complex Terrain Controls on the Persistence of Cirque Glaciers
- Source apportionment of regional aerosols and spatial variability from The 2<SUP>nd</SUP> Nepal Ambient Measurement and Source Testing Experiment [NAMaSTE]-2 in the Kathmandu valley, Nepal
- Spatially resolved oxidation chemistry of reactive organic compounds in wildfire plumes
- Surface elevation changes on land terminating sectors of West Greenland during recent decades
- Synergistic use of SMAP and OCO-2 data in assessing the responses of ecosystem productivity to the 2018 U.S. drought
- Temperature Monitoring Under Different Land Covers on the North Slope of Alaska
- The Influence of Hydroclimate and Silvicultural Treatment on Rates of Forest Regrowth Following Harvest across the Western U.S.
- The Role of Paleoecology in Elucidating the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Tundra Fires
- The false dichotomy of modeling metabolism in lotic and lentic ecosystems: frontiers for integrating freshwaters.
- The resilience and vulnerability of the regional carbon sink in Alaska and Canada
- Upper Mantle Seismic Structure of the Turkana Depression: Evidence from Body-Wave Travel-Time Tomography
- Upscaling water storage - flux - age interactions in larger catchments using tracer aided ecohydrological models
- Using the WRF-ARW Model to Visualize and Predict Atmospheric Parameters During an Eclipse
- Validation of satellite measurements in wildfire plumes: A first look using aircraft in situ and remote sensing instruments
- Verification of the HRRR-Smoke simulations for the BB-FLUX and WE-CAN field campaigns during July-September, 2018
- Volatile Organic Compounds in a Western Montana Valley: Roles of Residential Wood Burning and Impacts of SARS-CoV-2 Shutdowns
- Volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions during FIREX-AQ: Distributions, emission ratios, and comparison with ARCTAS and SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>RS
- Water stress and carbon uptake in the tropics: surface temperatures as a new indicator
- Wind Determination Using a Rigid-Body Model of Quadrotor Motion
- Wringing out moisture from deep learning: high-res (250m) soil moisture predictions across the Western USA to estimate tree seedling survival and forest regeneration.
- glimpse: Open-source Software for Estimating Glacier Velocities from Timelapse Cameras and Satellite Data
- A Three-Dimensional Map of the Heliosphere from IBEX
- A Unified Vegetation Index for Quantifying the Terrestrial Biosphere
- Adaptive Capacity of Agricultural Producers in a Grassland Social-Ecological System: A Social Network Approach
- Ambient measurements of volatile organic compounds in the Arctic tundra using PTR-ToF-MS and comparison to GEOS-Chem simulations
- Analysis of permafrost vegetation interactions based on long-term ground surface observations
- Analyzing the multipath of GNSS time series to study snow properties
- Antioxidant treatment may reduce endosymbiont expulsion and prevent bleaching in corals.
- Aquatic Invasive Species Target Screening: A Case Study using Machine Learning Species Distribution Models on an Invasive Trout
- Assessing meteorological and hydrological drought in the western US using geodesy
- Assessment of Malaspina Glaciers Vulnerability Through Field Data and Modelling
- Automatic and manual in-situ chamber measurements for open-channel respiration in streams and rivers
- Biomass Burning Organic Aerosol Emission Factors, Volatility, and Aging
- Body-Wave Tomographic Imaging of the Turkana Depression: Implications for Rift-Development and Plume-Lithosphere Interactions
- Calculated OH Reactivity of Western U.S. Wildfires Measured During WE-CAN
- Calibrated 21st century mass loss projections from the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Comparison of GPS Observations of Crustal Deformation and Hydrologic Storage Estimates
- Constraining long-term NOx emissions over the United States and Europe to improve model simulations of tropospheric ozone
- Continuity of Terrestrial Evapotranspiration and Primary Production Data Records from MODIS to VIIRS for Earth Ecology Monitoring
- Controls on Strain Localization in Rift Development across the Turkana Depression
- Country Specific Food Security With Respect to Globally Co-occurring Drought and the Geospatial Characteristics of Trade Networks
- Determining Spatial Controls on Snow Isotopic Signal and Tracing the Snowmelt Pulse as it Moves Through Two Montane Catchments
- Dilution and Photooxidation Driven Processes Explain the Evolution of Organic Aerosol in Wildfire Plumes
- Drought assessment has been outpaced by climate change: Empirical arguments for a paradigm shift
- DroughtCast: A Machine Learning Forecast of the U.S. Drought Monitor
- Drying reduces carbon sink strength and carbon stock in northern circumarctic peatlands
- Effective Diffusivity of Sulfate Ions in the EPICA Dome C Ice Core for the Last Five Interglacials
- Estimating Forest Resilience to Wildfire in Northwestern Montana
- Evaluating the Use of Environmental Tracers to Reduce Conceptual Model Uncertainty of Hydrogeologic Models
- Evaluation of Surface Fractional Water Impacts on SMAP Soil Moisture Retrieval
- Evaluation of WRF-ARWs Ability to Simulate Simultaneous Atmospheric River and Total Solar Eclipse at High Resolution Utilizing Data Assimilation
- Field-based tree mortality observations constrain model-projected forest carbon sinks across continents
- Forest classification using airborne SAR and Lidar data in interior Alaska
- Global Carbon Exchange Efficiency Reveals Widespread Ecosystem CO2 Loss
- Helium (4He) measurements during vacuum crushing of rock
- High Spatial Resolution Water Quality in the Colorado and Green Rivers of the western US Can we see the trees for the forest?
- High resolution landscape scale predictions of collective soil functioning
- Higher-resolution IBEX-Hi Sky Maps
- How well can a global model represent regional smoke and assess continental-scale impacts of fires?
- Hydrogeomorphic Response of Steep Streams after Wildfire in the Western Cascades, Oregon
- Hydrologic Signals in GNSS Geodesy and Their Implications for Future Hydrology
- Ice-Flow and Surge History of the Malaspina Glacier, Alaska, From Landsat and Sentinel Data, and Autonomous Repeat Image Feature Tracking (autoRIFT).
- Inferring Gas Flow and Fracture Network Damage After a Subsurface Detonation Using Explosive and Geogenic Noble Gases
- Investigating Atmospheric Processes and Transport of Smoke During the 2021 Fire Season in Missoula Montana
- Investigating the Controls on the Weathering Front Profile with Reactive Transport Modeling
- Long-Term Trends from the Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) Program
- Long-time record and continuous high resolution gross primary productivity estimates at continental scales.
- Loss of water in the ground in the southwest U.S.during drought in 2020 and 2021
- Mapping Groundwater Flow in Riparian Ecosystems Through Thermal and Multispectral UAV Surveys of Surface Water and Vegetation
- Mapping Vertical Ice Sheet Melt Profiles using Spaceborne Multi-frequency Microwave Radiometry
- Monitoring Vegetation Status in Tropical Forests and Biomes using Land Surface Temperature
- Multi-decadal global ozone trends from ozonesonde and surface background sites: Why cant models reproduce trends?
- New Seismic and Geodetic Constraints on Geothermal Viability of East Africas Turkana Depression
- Observations of Spatial Heterogeneity of Submicron Aerosol Composition and Source Apportionment Across Three Ground Sites around the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
- Outdoor and indoor fine particulate at skilled nursing facilities in a wildfire impacted landscape
- Ozone Production from Wildfires during FIREX-AQ
- Potential Satellite Monitoring of Surface Organic Soil Properties in Arctic Tundra from SMAP
- Projected twenty-first century global glacier mass change using PyGEM and OGGM
- Quantifying Heterogeneities in Soil Cover and Weathering in Montanas Rocky Mountains
- Quantifying River Sediment Regimes to Evaluate the Sustainability of Hydropower Systems
- Radiosonde Eclipse Campaign Education: Increasing Accessibility Through Adaptability and Affordability
- Regional Ray-Tracing of Atmospheric Gravity Waves During the Total Solar Eclipse Over South America on December 14th, 2020
- Relating Calving to Surface Runoff at Helheim Using a Stochastic Calving Model
- Response of Crustal Deformation in Lake Mead due to Current Drought of 2021
- Role of Long-Residence Time Bedrock Groundwater on Shallow Soil Hydraulic Dynamics in a Mountain Catchment
- Self Organizing Maps Identify Future Changes in Surface Mass and Energy Balances in Greenland and West Antarctica
- Siberian 2020 heatwave increased spring CO2 uptake but not annual CO2 uptake
- Snow-cover Effects on the Active Layer Above Permafrost: Results of Long-term Ground Surface Temperature Observations in Northern Alaska
- Space Public Outreach Team: Engaging Families in STEM Learning
- Spatiotemporal Methane Emissions from Global Lakes and Reservoirs
- Spectral Properties of the Globally Distributed Flux of Heliospheric ENAs within the Source Region: Time-shifted Analysis with IBEX-Hi Observations
- The Crust and Uppermost-Mantle Structure of the Turkana Depression: Insights from Surface-Wave Analysis
- The Crustal Structure of the Turkana Depression: Receiver Function Evidence from Project TRAILS
- The Varying Strength and Impact of Negative Fire-Vegetation Feedbacks Across the North American Boreal Forest Biome
- Tracking Changes in Groundwater Storage from GNSS Geodesy in the Great Lakes Region
- Tracking the storage and dissipation of atmospheric river storm water in the Russian River watershed using GPS elastic displacements
- Tundra Vegetation Heights Derived from Traditional High-Resolution Air Photos, Toolik Lake, Alaska
- Using Elastic Deformation of the Earths Surface to Investigate Watershed Storage-Discharge Relationships
- Using Multiple Environmental Tracers to Quantify Field-Scale Hydrodynamic Dispersion and Reduce Parameter Uncertainty in Reactive Transport Models.
- Widespread decrease in temperature control of northern plant productivity
- A Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer Utilizing Ammonium Ions (NH4+ CIMS) for Measurements of Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere
- A Community Science Approach to Assessing Drinking Water in Three Navajo Nation Communities
- A Meta-Learning Framework for Characterizing and Accessing Training Data for GLOBE Observer Program Land Cover Protocols
- Accelerating rates of glacier change and topographic controls, Glacier National Park, MT, USA: 1966-2021
- An Operational Product for Peatland Applications: The Version 7 of the SMAP Level-4 Soil Moisture Data Assimilation Product
- Analyzing Changes in Wildfire Emissions Over Time During the Progression From Mainly Flaming to Smoldering Combustion Using Satellite Data
- Atmospheric chemistry of volatile organic compounds in high and mid-latitude urban areas impacted by residential wood burning
- Calibrated probabilistic modelling of a maybe sometimes marine-terminating glacier
- Climate Regulates the Consequences of Drought and Physical Disturbance for Dryland Ecosystem Structure and Function
- Comparable Trends in Retrieved Surface Melting of Ice Sheets using SMAP L-band Microwave Radiometry and a Surface Mass Balance Model of Glaciers
- Concentrations and Sources of VOCs during wintertime urban pollution at Fairbanks, Alaska
- Considering the influences of non-linear plant responses to climate variation and disturbances for dryland productivity
- Constraining Bedrock Groundwater Recharge and Discharge Dynamics in a Mountain Catchment with a Numerical Model and Groundwater Residence Times
- Cooling the coldest continent: The 4 December 2021 Total Solar Eclipse over Antarctica
- Coupled indoor-outdoor aerosol mass, composition, and size measurements from a residential home in Fairbanks, Alaska during ALPACA 2022
- Crustal Deformation around Lake Mead, Nevada-Arizona due to Current Drought of 2022
- Deep and Lasting Impact on Greenland's Surface Layer from an Extreme Autumn Rainfall Event
- Determining the role of low-to-no snow years on mountainous water budgets with bedrock through atmosphere models and observations
- Estimating Air Quality Impacts of Western US Wildfires Using A Continental Scale Chemical Transport Model
- Fine ash-bearing particles as a major aerosol component in biomass burning smoke
- Fluctuation in subsurface water inferred from GPS elastic displacements: Insight on water cycle processesand the critical zone
- Formaldehyde and its main sources in wintertime Fairbanks, Alaska
- How (Un)important are Channel Heads to Hillslope-Channel Sediment Connectivity?
- Hydrologic Signals in GNSS Geodesy and Their Implications for Advancing Hydrologic Models
- Hydropower Systems at the Nexus of Water, Energy, and Climate Security: Contrasting Cases from South America and Africa
- Improving Biomass Burning Representation of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in GEOS-Chem
- Improving Seasonal Patterns of Carbon Fluxes in a Dynamic Vegetation Model Using Carbon Isotopes
- Introduction and Application of the NEIVA Biomass Burning Emissions Database and Python-Based Querying Tool
- Investigating load-induced elastic Earth deformation using a homogeneous, non-gravitating half-space method and a homogeneous, gravitating, spherical method
- Investigating the Relationship Between GPS Elastic Displacements and Hydrologic Storage in Rain and Snow Dominated Watersheds
- Legacy of Agriculture and Urbanization Influence Water Quality in Two Tributary Watersheds of the Upper Missouri River
- MODIS Data Products help to explain Environmental Conditions Leading to Desiccation of Terminal Lakes in the Great Basin of the Western United States
- Mapping Surface Organic Soil Properties in Arctic Tundra using C-band SAR data
- Molecular structure impacts on alkoxy radical fate and aerosol formation from glycol ethers during OH-initiated oxidation.
- Multi-scale mapping of river and lake ice conditions using multi-source satellite observations over Alaska
- Ocean Tide-load Adjoint Sensitivity in 3D
- Paleo-pyro-diversity and Ecosystem Resilience to Wildfires over the Late Holocene in a Northern Rocky Mountain Forested Watershed
- Quantifying Subsurface Water Loss During the Present Southwest U.S. Drought, 2020-2022
- Quantifying algal controls on riverine productivity in a Bayesian framework
- Response of foliar stoichiometry to rising CO2 could greatly reduce Earth's land C sink
- Results of Long-term Active Layer Monitoring in Permafrost-Affected Areas of Alaska.
- Seismic Imaging of Heterogeneous Lithosphere Beneath the Unusually Broad Turkana Depression, Africa
- Simultaneous high-frequency measurements of O2 and pCO2 provide insights into river metabolism
- Spatio-temporal Climatic and Hydrological Trends for Algerian Smallholder Agriculture Using Remotely Sensed Data
- Strain accommodation during continental rifting: Mantle lithosphere matters
- The Development of Multiple Phases of Superposed Rifting in the Turkana Depression, East Africa: Evidence from H-K Stacking of Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- The impact of vegetation removal by oil and gas development on wind erosion and dust emission in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Theseus: An Advanced Method for rendering Interstellar Boundary Explorer ENA Sky Maps
- Validation and intercomparison of five formaldehyde products from four satellites (TROPOMI, OMI, OMPS-NPP, and OMPS-N20) with FIREX-AQ and WE-CAN aircraft observations over the United States in fire seasons
- Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from fires: how many should we care about?
- Vulnerable Waters - Headwater Streams and Non-Floodplain Wetlands - are Essential to Watershed Resilience
- We Can't Just Open a Window: Mapping Vulnerability to Summer Heat in a Mountain Community, Missoula, MT
- Wintertime Sources and Sinks of Volatile Organic Compounds in Fairbanks, Alaska
- a Century of Surges of the Sit'tlein (malaspina) Glacier, Southeast Alaska
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Borsa
- A. Bergstrom
- A. J. Soja
- A. M. Middlebrook
- A. W. Rollins
- Alan Fried
- Alan M. Rhoades
- Alejandro N. Flores
- Alessandro Cescatti
- Ali Akherati
- Alice M. Carter
- Allegra N. LeGrande
- Allen H. Goldstein
- Ana Bastos
- Andreas Colliander
- Andrew C. Wilcox
- Andrew J. Newman
- Andy Aschwanden
- Anna E. Klene
- Anna M. Wilson
- Armin Wisthaler
- Arthur J. Sedlacek
- Ashish Sharma
- Ashlesha Khatiwada
- Ashley P. Ballantyne
- Athina Peidou
- B. C. Sive
- Benjamin A. Nault
- Benjamin Poulter
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brett B. Palm
- Brian Menounos
- Brianna John
- C. J. Ebinger
- C. R. Nowlan
- C. Warneke
- Caroline C. Womack
- Chad A. Greene
- Charles E. Miller
- Charles R. Lane
- Chelsea E. Stockwell
- Christine Wiedinmyer
- Christopher D. Holmes
- D. A. Streletskiy
- D. B. Reisenfeld
- D. Feldman
- D. J. McComas
- D. N. Wiese
- D. W. Toohey
- Daniel Farinotti
- David Bastviken
- David Rounce
- David Shean
- Deniz Bozkurt
- Di Yang
- Donald F. Argus
- Donald O. Rosenberry
- Dorothy K. Hall
- Douglas A. Day
- Dylan B. Millet
- E. C. Apel
- Edward A. G. Schuur
- Elizabeth B. Wiggins
- Ellen Knappe
- Emily M. Gargulinski
- Emily V. Fischer
- Eoin L. Brodie
- Eri Saikawa
- Erica R. Siirila‐Woodburn
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- Ezra J. T. Levin
- F. A. Darbyshire
- F. Chevallier
- F. W. Landerer
- Fabien Maussion
- Frank Flocke
- G. B. Crew
- G. S. Diskin
- Gayle Tyree
- Genevieve Ali
- Georgios I. Gkatzelis
- Glynn Hulley
- Gong Cheng
- Gonzalo González Abad
- Grégory Duveiller
- Gustau Camps‐Valls
- H. Fichtner
- H. O. Funsten
- Heather E. Golden
- Hilary R. Martens
- Holly K. Nesbitt
- Hongyu Guo
- Héctor Angarita
- I. D. Bastow
- Irena F. Creed
- Isabelle De Smedt
- J. A. de Gouw
- J. Andrew Neuman
- J. B. Gilman
- J. B. Miller
- J. D. Crounse
- J. H. Crawford
- J. L. McCarty
- J. M. Sokół
- J. Mao
- J. P. DiGangi
- J. P. Schwarz
- J. Peischl
- J. W. Holt
- Jack E. Dibb
- Jacob Downs
- Jakob Lindaas
- James C. Stegen
- Jason M. St. Clair
- Jean L. Dixon
- Jeffrey R. Pierce
- Jessica Brandt
- Jessica J. Mitchell
- Jie Gong
- Joel A. Thornton
- Joel T. Harper
- John B. Nowak
- John S. Kimball
- Johnathan Hair
- Jonas Mortelmans
- Joseph M. Katich
- Julia K. Green
- Julianne J. Miller
- Junji Saito
- K. Arthur Endsley
- Kathy S. Law
- Kelsey E. Nyland
- Kerri A. Pratt
- Kimberly A. Casey
- Kirk Ullmann
- Kouji Adachi
- Kyra D. Wolf
- L. T. Berner
- Laura H. Thapa
- Lawrence I. Kleinman
- Lei Shu
- Lei Zhu
- Li Hu
- Luz Marina Calle
- M. A. Kubiak
- M. Bzowski
- M. E. Brown
- M. H. Burger
- M. N. Gooseff
- M. Newcomer
- M. Ralph
- M. S. Christoffersen
- Mallory L. Barnes
- Manabu Shiraiwa
- Maosheng Zhao
- Markus Reichstein
- Martha M. Farella
- Martin A. Briggs
- Martin Truffer
- Martin van Driel
- Mason Perry
- Mathias Goeckede
- Mathieu Morlighem
- Matthew H. Kaufman
- Matthew M. Coggon
- Matthew P. Dannenberg
- Matthew S. Johnson
- Meeta Cesler‐Maloney
- Megan D. Willis
- Meredith C. Parish
- Michael C. Duniway
- Michael D. DeGrandpre
- Michael G. Loso
- Michel Bechtold
- Miguel L. Villarreal
- Ming Pan
- Mizuo Kajino
- Mohammad Mousavi
- N. A. Schwadron
- Nandita B. Basu
- Nicholas C. Parazoo
- Nicholas Clinton
- Nicholas Lau
- Nima Madani
- Osvaldo E. Sala
- P. B. Kirchner
- P. F. DeCarlo
- P. H. Janzen
- P. James Dennedy‐Frank
- P. O. Wennberg
- P. R. Veres
- P. Rojo
- Paul J. DeMott
- Philip E. Higuera
- Pierre Gentine
- Qiaoyun Peng
- Qiqi Cao
- R. A. Washenfelder
- R. J. Weber
- R. Kounoudis
- R. Kyle Bocinsky
- R. S. Hornbrook
- Rachel E. Gallery
- Randal D. Koster
- Raven J. Mitchell
- Rebecca Bendick
- Regine Hock
- René D. Garreaud
- Richard H. Chen
- Robert O. Hall
- Robert T. Hensley
- Rolf H. Reichle
- Romain Hugonnet
- Rose Abramoff
- S. A. Ewing
- S. C. Herndon
- S. Chaliyakunnel
- Samuel R. Hall
- Saroj Dhital
- Sasha C. Reed
- Scott G. Leibowitz
- Scott J. Goetz
- Sebastian Apers
- Shawn J. Marshall
- Sonia I. Seneviratne
- Sonia M. Kreidenweis
- Sourish Basu
- Stacy Larochelle
- Stephen J. Bauer
- Steven S. Brown
- Steven W. Running
- T. B. Ryerson
- T. Dylan Mikesell
- T. F. Hanisco
- T. J. Fudge
- T. P. Covino
- Tara I. Yacovitch
- Taylor Shingler
- Thomas K. Kim
- Toby Meierbachtol
- Travis Nauman
- Umakant Mishra
- Vanessa Selimovic
- W. Payton Gardner
- W. R. Simpson
- Wade Permar
- William R. Wieder
- Yuanyuan Huang
- Yuehan Zhou
- Yuhan Yang
- Yuning Fu
- Z. H. Hoylman
- Zhi Hua Liu
- Zolal Ayazpour
- Álvaro Moreno-Martínez