University of Montana, Department of Physics and Astronomy
flowchart I[University of Montana, Department of Physics and Astronomy] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (54)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (4)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Initial Cassini Plasma Observations at Saturn
- Martian Regolith Analog Experiments
- Plasma Measurements in Titan's Ionosphere: Initial Cassini/CAPS Results
- Preliminary Interpretation of Titan Plasma Interaction as Observed by the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer: Comparisons With Voyager 1
- Preliminary Results on Saturn's Inner Plasma Sheet as Observed by Cassini: Comparison with Voyager
- The GENESIS Solar-Wind Sample: Summary of In-Situ Spacecraft Measurements During the Sample Collection Period
- The Production and Redistribution of Oxygen in Saturn's Magnetosphere: CAPS Cassini Data
- Inner Magnetospheric Nitrogen Source Detected at Saturn
- Ion Production and Loss within Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere: Cassini Results
- Neutral Exosphere Densities and Structures at Titan Inferred from Pickup Ions Observed by CAPS
- The Genesis Mission: Solar Wind Conditions and the Application of ACE/SWICS in Situ Measurements to the Genesis Sample Analysis
- The composition of Saturn's magnetosphere
- Nitrogen Sources in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Tracing Magnetospheric Circulation with Ion Composition at Saturn
- Abundances and Energetics for Water Group Ions in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Ion Composition measured in the environment of Comet 19P/Borrelly by Deep Space One
- Molecular Oxygen Ions in Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere for the First 24 Cassini Orbits
- Longitudinal variations in Saturn's magnetosphere caused by hot electrons.
- Water Group Composition Near the Orbit of Enceladus
- Ion Composition near Enceladus during Cassini Flybys: Measurements and Chemical Model
- Ion Dynamics and Composition in the coma of Comet 19P/Borrelly as measured by Deep Space One
- Methane Group Ions in Saturn’s Outer Magnetosphere?
- Pickup Ion Distributions at the Termination Shock: A Numerical Study for IBEX
- Short timescale variation in the ENA flux emanating from the heliospheric poles: IBEX observations
- Studies in the Sensitivity of IBEX to Variable Heliosphere Boundary Conditions
- Heliospheric energetic neutral atom intensities at 1 AU derived from global fitting of the IBEX-HI data set
- Separation of the IBEX Ribbon from the Globally Distributed Energetic Neutral Atom Flux
- Sources and Formation of the Ribbon Observed by IBEX: ``... Good Things may be Close by''
- The energy spectrum of heliospheric ENAs and properties of their parent protons
- Interstellar Magnetic Field: Comparing directions from the IBEX "ribbon" and stellar polarizations
- Noise, backgrounds, and efficiency of the IBEX-Hi sensor over time
- The Terrestrial Magnetopause and Bow Shock: A Comparison of New Data to Existing Models
- The free escape boundary of diffuse ions upstream of the Earth's quasi-parallel bow shock
- The nature of the local interstellar magnetic field from IBEX and polarization data
- IBEX polar heliospheric ENA flux variations and correlations with solar wind observations over more than three years
- Elemental composition variations in the solar wind: Comparisons between Ulysses and ACE within different solar wind regimes
- Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX)-Hi observations of heavier-than-hydrogen energetic neutral atoms
- The Evolving Heliosphere Observed Over IBEX's First Five Years (2009-2013)
- Time-Variation of ENA Flux Observed by IBEX at the Heliospheric Poles: Has the Recovery Begun?
- ENA Time Variation in the IBEX skymaps and at the Poles
- Profiles of the Ribbon: Systematic ENA Flux Features Within and Beyond the Central Ribbon
- Survey of the Plasma Composition in Saturn's Magnetotail
- Probing the Boundaries of the Heliosphere by Analyzing the Temporal Variation of the Polar ENA Flux
- Spectral Modulation of the IBEX Ribbon Flux by the Dynamic Draping of the Interstellar Medium over the Heliosphere
- Variations in Solar Wind Fractionation as Seen by ACE/SWICS Over a Full Solar Cycle and the Implications for Genesis Mission Results
- Probing the Boundaries of the Heliosphere Using Observations of the Polar ENA Flux from IBEX and Cassini/INCA
- Structure and Dynamics of the IBEX Ribbon of Enhanced ENA Emission: The Role of ENA Transport in the Interstellar Medium
- Structure of the Heliotail from Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Observations: Implications for the 11 Year Solar Cycle and Pickup Ions in the Heliosheath
- Temporal variation of the IBEX Ribbon
- Determining the Dimensions of the Heliosphere from the Time-Correlation of IBEX ENA Observations with Variations in the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- Energetic Neutral Atom Emission from the Heliospheric Nose
- The Terrestrial Bow Shock: A Comparison of New Data from the IBEX Mission to Existing Models
- Energetic Neutral Atom Emission from the Heliospheric Nose
- Properties of the Energetic Neutral Atom Emission from the Ribbon