Boston University, Massachusetts
flowchart I[Boston University, Massachusetts] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (5)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1626)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (653)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Boston University, Center for Remote Sensing
- Boston University, Department of Astronomy
- Boston University, Department of Earth Sciences
- Boston University, Department of Geography
- Boston University, Department of Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Comparative Planetary Aurora: Jupiter, Saturn, and the Earth
- Investigation of Energetic Electrons in the Geotail using Cluster RAPID IES
- Media Perceptions of Hydrologic Research
- Microbial Growth of a Denitrifying Bacteria at In-situ Hydrothermal Conditions: Implications for Biomineralization at Mid-ocean Ridges
- Multifractality of Geophysical Flows: from Scaling Exponents to Description of Real Flows
- Multiscale analysis and validation of MODIS LAI product over Maun, Botswana
- Nonconjugate ULF Wave Power Observed by Ground Magnetometers in the Northern and Southern Dayside Cusp/Cleft/LLBL Regions
- Polar/Cammice Investigation of Storm Time Ring Current Asymmetry
- Tail Current Contribution to Dst during Major Storms
- The evolution of north-south aligned auroral forms into auroral torch structures: The generation of omega bands and Ps6 pulsations via flow bursts
- <SUP>10</SUP>Be Systematics of Incoming Sediments and Arc Lavas at the Izu and Mariana Convergent Margin
- An Optimality Principle of Evaporation Over Non-vegetated Land Surface
- Cusp Region as Viewed by Energetic Electrons and Ions:A Statistical Study Using Cluster Rapid Data
- Energetic Electrons as a Field Line Topology Tracer in the Cusp Region: Cluster Rapid Observations
- Fate and Impact of Contaminants in Sediments of the NE United States
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of the Mid-Altitude Cusp
- Retrieval of Biomass and Structural Information of Forests From Lidar Waveforms Using Time-Dependent Radiative Transfer Theory
- The Hf-Nd isotopic fingerprint of subducting sediments --A tale of two trenches
- Validation of the MODIS LAI Product and its relationship to Canopy Structure along the Southern Africa Kalahari Transect
- Comparison of Seasonal and Spatial Variations of LAI/FPAR From MODIS and Common Land Model
- Dynamical Methods for Non-Adiabatic Excited State Reactions in Planetary Atmospheres
- Estimation of Drainage and Evapotranspiration from Time Series of Soil Moisture, Potential Evaporation, and Precipitation
- Interannual Variation in the Response of Forest Productivity to Elevated Carbon Dioxide
- MODIS LAI and FPAR Product on Global, Regional and Local Scales
- New Features of the Collection 4 MODIS LAI and FPAR Product
- Numerical Simulation of Solar Wind Structures Upstream of Earth
- Relations Between Albedos and Emissivities From MODIS and ASTER Data Over North African Desert
- Soil Carbon Sequestration After Six Years of Experimental CO2 Enrichment at the Duke Forest
- Stellar Variability Studies with SMEI
- Biological Alteration of Basaltic Glass With Altered Composition and Oxidation States
- CLUSTER measurements of energetic electron bursts in the context of global multispacecraft observations: The telescope-microscope combination
- Cluster Observations of Earthward Flowing Plasmoid in the Tail
- Cross-Sections for Excited State Nonadiabatic Thermospheric Reactions
- Earthquake Forecasting;Linear and Non-Linear Evolution
- Equilibrium, Non-Equilibrium and Critical Points; Universality in Models of Earthquake Faults
- Gamma Ray Flashes Due to Plasma Processes in the Atmosphere: Role of Whistler Waves
- Microbial Metallomics: A Bioinorganic Perspective
- Preliminary Results of Nitrate Analysis of Greenland Ice Cores
- Stable Isotopic Detection of Ammonium and Nitrate Assimilation by Estuarine Phytoplankton
- Trench-parallel flow in the mantle wedge: insights from integrating seismology and 3D subduction zone modeling
- Cluster/RAPID high energy particle observations within non-force-free flux ropes in the plasma sheet
- Dynamics of ULF wave attenuation inferred through the optical aurora
- Multiple Modes of Orbital-Scale Change in Thermohaline Circulation
- Observations of Saturn's Atmosphere and Auroras by Cassini UVIS and VIMS
- Observed trends of NDVI and climate over the Amazon basin
- Obtaining Networked Scintillation and Total Electron Content Data Across Africa and Asia: Partnering with the IHY/UNBSSI Developing Nations Program
- Open Flux Estimates and Reconnection Rates in Saturn's Magnetosphere, Derived Using HST and Cassini Data
- Seismic Imaging of the Transition from Continental Rifting to Seafloor Spreading, Woodlark Rift System, Papua New Guinea
- Testing the ``Wildfire Hypothesis:'' Terrestrial Organic Carbon Burning as the Cause of the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary Carbon Isotope Excursion
- The Correlation of Polar Nitrates in Ice Cores and Solar Cosmic Rays
- The Variation of Io's Auroral Footprint Brightness with the Location of Io in the Plasma Torus
- A new model of spatial cloud drop distribution that simulates the observed drop clustering: effect of clustering on extinction coefficient estimates
- Can coronal mass ejections reverse the open field polarity over the solar cycle?
- Challenges in Estimating the Vegetation Phenology With Remote Sensed Data
- Comprehensive auroral imaging of Saturn during the International Heliophysical Year
- Computational Framework for the Living with Star Program
- Fast flow channels in the LFM plasma sheet
- Fog as a potential source of nitrogen for coastal redwood forest ecosystems
- Heliophysics Science Enabled By the Return the Moon
- High-latitude magnetospheric plasma convection and its dependence on solar wind parameters: Statistical analysis of Cluster EDI measurements
- Hill-Siscoe and LFM transpolar potentials compared
- Mantle Diapirism and the Arc Component in Back-Arc Basin Basalts
- Mapping Africa Biomass with MODIS Imagery
- Marine Sediment Records of Paleocene-Eocene Boundary Wildfire Activity
- Meteor Induced Ridge and Trough Formation and Structuring of the Nighttime E-Region Ionosphere
- Optical evidence for Alfven wave breaking in the near-Earth magnetosphere
- Plio-Pleistocene Ice Volume, Antarctic Climate, and the Global δ18O Record
- Pliocene-Pleistocene Shifts in Tropical Atlantic Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling
- Quantifying the effects of changes in ocean circulation and endmember composition on variability in Late Pleistocene carbon isotope records
- Saturn's Auroras and Polar Atmosphere from Cassini UVIS
- The Coral Record of Millennial-Scale Sea Level Change: An Orbital Influence
- The Magnetosphere under Conditions of Extreme Solar Wind Driving
- Validating the MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF)/Albedo
- What Controls the Pacing of 100-ky Glacial Cycles?
- A new simulation tool for coupling global magnetohydrodynamic models to ionosphere- thermosphere models
- Age differences between Atlantic and Pacific benthic d18O change at terminations
- Auroral Movies and Spectroscopy from Cassini UVIS
- Ground Based optical observations of the March 23, 2007 substorm event from Alaska.
- In situ observation of radiation belt particle response to an interplanetary shock
- Mantle Flow and Melting Processes Beneath Back-Arc Basins
- Measured Correlations of Auroral Emissions from Jupiter and Saturn With Solar Wind Variations
- Naturally Enhanced Ion Acoustic Lines with the Poker Flat AMISR radar.
- North Atlantic Deepwater Responses to Obliquity and Precession
- Probing the auroral acceleration region through ISR inversion
- Quantifying the Effects of Land Cover Change on Carbon Budgets in Romania
- Saturn's Magnetosphere During the Recent HST Observations
- Seismic imaging of dehydration reactions in the subducted oceanic crust
- Solar Wind Structure at Solar Minimum: 3D MHD Solar Wind Model Results Compared with STEREO and ACE Observations
- The specific entropy of the LFM plasma sheet
- Trench-parallel flow in the mantle wedge: insights from integrating seismology and 3D subduction zone modeling
- Wave propagation and the formation of fine auroral structure: New constraints derived from high-speed imagery
- X-rays Observations with Hinode's XRT and the Power of the Solar Wind
- A Community-Based Approach to Developing a Solar and Space Physics Education Literacy Framework
- Bulk properties of ionospheric oxygen in the magnetosphere
- Comparing Measures of Fine Root Uptake by Mature Trees: Applications for Determining the Potential Impacts of Climate Change-Induced Soil Freezing on Nutrient Uptake by Sugar Maple and Red Spruce
- Disruption of Equatorial Spread-F Leading to a Fossil Bubble and Airglow Enhancement
- How does forest disturbance impact albedo as revealed from historical Landsat and MODIS data?
- ISR spectral analysis in regions of highly variable ion composition
- Interactions between the carbon cycle and the nitrogen cycle are critical to predicting terrestrial carbon sequestration
- Multi-scale radar and optical measurements of a substorm expansion
- Nonlinear Consequences of Interchange Reconnection
- Numerical Modeling of Sub-glacial Bedrock Channels in the Labyrinth, Antarctica
- Saturn Auroral Movies from Cassini UVIS
- Substorms and CMEs: A Search for a Common Onset Mechanism
- The 2002 M5 Au Sable Forks, NY, Earthquake Sequence: Evidence for High Stress Drops in an Intraplate Setting
- The Ambient Solar Wind's Effect on Coronal Mass Ejection Transit Time
- The variation of different components of Jupiter's auroral emission
- Vegetation Phenology and Vegetation Index Products from Multiple Long Term Satellite Data Records
- δ15Nitrogen in Tree Rings of Temperate Forest Trees: Indicators of Past Changes in Soil Nitrogen Cycling
- A Retrospective Look Forward on Constellation-Class Geospace Missions (Invited)
- A Sounding Rocket experiment to Validate Ultraviolet Remote Sensing of the Upper Atmosphere and Ionosphere
- Airborne Measurement of Surface Albedo in Alaska
- Analysis of ENA Intensities and Spectra (0.6 to 55 keV) from the Nose and Tail Regions of the Heliosheath: Observations from IBEX and Cassini/INCA
- Analysis of Snow BRF from Spring-2008 ARCTAS Campaign
- Assessing General Relationships Between Above-Ground Biomass and Vegetation Structure Parameters for Improved Carbon Estimate from Lidar Remote Sensing
- Cloud optical depths from the new AERONET “cloud mode” observations
- Comparison of Interstellar Boundary Explorer Observations with 3-D Global Heliospheric Models
- Composite imaging of convective flows and auroral forms during a substorm cycle
- Correlations and Synchronization in Earthquake Physics (Invited)
- Deteriorating food security in India
- Direct Determination of Deep Ocean Nitrate During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Does the solar magnetic flux depends on boundary conditions?
- Dynamic Response of the Environment at the Moon (DREAM): Providing Opportunities for Students and Teachers to Learn About the Solar-lunar Environmental Connection
- Early Results from the LRO Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) During this Historic Solar Minimum (Invited)
- Effects of ionospheric oxygen on the magnetopause boundary wave activity
- Energy and Spatial Variation of Flux Features Observed by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer
- Global Modeling of Different Modes of Geomagnetic Activity (Invited)
- Global Structure of the Heliosphere in the Interstellar Magnetic Field
- HST Observations of the July 2009 Impact on Jupiter
- HST UV Observations of the New Jupiter Impact Site
- Heliophysics Science
- Hybrid Simulations of Perpendicular Termination Shocks: Consequences of Variations in Pickup Ion Distributions
- IBEX observations in the context of a global heliospheric model
- Interpreting high time resolution galactic cosmic ray observations in a diffusive context
- MISR at 10: Looking back, ahead, and in between
- Nitrogen mediates CO2-induced changes in rhizosphere priming effects in an aggrading forest (Invited)
- O+ Outflow in the Multi-Fluid LFM: Effects on Cross Polar Cap Potential
- On the Relationship Between Coronal Heating, Magnetic Flux, and the Density of the Solar Wind
- Organic Matter Fluxes from the Fly River, Papua New Guinea
- Pick-up ions, the termination shock, and energetic neutral atoms (Invited)
- Preliminary reconstruction of martian atmospheric structure from Phoenix entry measurements
- Radial evolution of the solar wind speed as one source of alpha to proton ratio variations
- Reflection and Neutralization of Solar Wind Ions from the Moon: IBEX Observations
- Role of the Internet in Anticipating and Mitigating Earthquake Catastrophes, and the Emergence of Personal Risk Management (Invited)
- Saturn Auroral Movies from Cassini UVIS
- Short timescale variation in the ENA flux emanating from the heliospheric poles: IBEX observations
- Space Weathering Impact on Solar System Surfaces and Planetary Mission Science
- Structures and Spectral Variations of the Outer Heliosphere in the IBEX Energetic Neutral Atom Sky Maps
- Studies in the Sensitivity of IBEX to Variable Heliosphere Boundary Conditions
- Studies of Martian ionospheric conductivities undertaken using Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Express data
- The Dungey-Alfvén Magnetosphere
- The impact of midlatitude stationary waves on the Hadley cell and ENSO
- Time Variations of the ENA Flux Observed by IBEX: Is the Outer Heliosphere Evolving?
- Translation of IBEX-measured ENA fluxes to the outer heliosphere
- 3D Model of Melt Distribution in Partially Molten Dunite
- A Geochemical and Lithologic Interpretation of Volcanic Ash and Sedimentary Inputs to the Nankai Trough, IODP Expedition 322
- A Model for Export of Particulate Organic Carbon in Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems
- A multi radar study of global polar cap patch dynamics and morphology
- An exploratory survey of the attenuation of radio signals by the ionosphere of Mars
- Characterizing uncertainties in recent trends of global terrestrial net primary production through ensemble modeling
- Charge-State and Plasma Properties Across Trailing Boundaries of Slow Solar Wind
- Coupled Biogeochemical Cycles and Global Change in Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Different views on the Arctic surface albedo
- Dispersive Alfven waves and Ion-acoustic Turbulence: M-I coupling at the Smallest Scales
- Effect of soil frost on growing season nitrogen uptake by fine roots of mature trees in northern hardwood forests of the United States
- Elevated East Antarctic outlet glaciers during warmer-than-present climates in southern Victoria Land
- Exceptional Volumes of Rejuvenated Volcanism in Samoa
- GCR Dose Rate Observed in Lunar Orbit During the Transition from Solar Cycle 23 to Cycle 24
- Global Characterization of the Ocean Ridge System
- Helium Abundance and Minor Ion Charge State Variations in the Solar Wind over the Solar Cycle
- How Reliable are our Earthquake Source Parameter Measurements?
- Ionospheric heating, upwelling, and depletions in auroral current systems
- Local galactic cosmic ray increases within the sheaths of interplanetary coronal mass ejections
- Mechanisms of erosion along salt marsh edges: the interplay of invertebrates, vegetation, and sediment properties
- Modeling Mars' Ionosphere with Constraints from Same-Day Observations by Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Express
- Modeling Recollision and Escape Probabilities [|#11#|]USING the Stochastic Radiative Transfer Equation
- On the model-data convergence in optical aeronomy (Invited)
- Preparing K-8 Teachers to Conduct Inquiry Oriented Science Education
- Remote sensing the Ionosphere using RAIDS: Comparisons of 83.4 nm airglow to ground-based ion density profiles
- Soil Organic Matter Responses to Chronic Nitrogen Additions in a Temperate Forest (Invited)
- Species Diversity and Foliar Chemistry Along AN Urban-To Gradient
- Temperature and velocity structure functions in the upper troposhere and lower stratosphere from aircraft measurements (Invited)
- The Effect of Soil Freezing on Nitrogen and Carbon in Soil Leachate during Snowmelt
- The Lunar Radiation Environment: LRO/CRaTER Observations and Geant4 Modeling
- The Synergistic Use of NASA's A-Train Observations to Characterize the Planetary Boundary Layer and Enable Improved Understanding and Prediction of Land-Atmosphere Interactions
- The Two Basic Modes of Magnetospheric Convection Compared
- The response of amino acid cycling to global change across multiple biomes: Feedbacks on soil nitrogen availability
- Tuffaceous sandstones at Site C0011B, Nankai Trough: Sources and emplacement processes
- Wet melting along the Tonga Volcanic Arc
- Along- and Across-arc Basalt Geochemical Trends of Seamounts in Lau Basin: Evidence for Fluid Components and Mantle Melting
- Benchmarking carbon-nitrogen interactions in Earth System Models to observations: An inter-comparison of nitrogen limitation in global land surface models with carbon and nitrogen cycles (CLM-CN and O-CN)
- Beyond Greenness: Towards a Continuous Phenology of Vegetation
- CME-Sheath and Shock Heating by Surface Alfven Wave Dissipation in the Lower Corona
- Climate sensitivity estimated from temperature reconstructions of the Last Glacial Maximum
- Coastal response to simultaneous mid-Holocene climate and sea-level changes: Lessons from ancient Egypt
- Controls on Nitrogen Retention and Loss in Urban and Rural Forest Ecosystems.
- Dispersed Volcanic Ash in Sediment Entering NW Pacific Ocean Subduction Zones: Towards a Regional Perspective
- Do physiological changes at leaf level explain seasonal changes in remotely sensed canopy greenness?
- Economic Impact Analyses of Interdisciplinary Multi-hazard Scenarios: ShakeOut and ARkStorm
- Estimation of Aboveground Biomass at a High Spatial Resolution Using an Extensive Data Record of Satellite Derived Metrics: A Case Study with California
- Formation and origin of tuffaceous sandstones from IODP Expedition 322, Nankai Trough
- Geophysical Characterization by the SAGE Program of a Newly Proposed, Low Temperature-EGS Prospect in the Central Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Heliophysics
- Is digital cover photography a viable method for measuring leaf index for phenological research in closed forest ecosystems?
- New Evidence for Dual-Trend Volcanism in the Pacific
- Nitrogen use efficiency in the US economy: Towards mitigation of climate change impacts
- Numerical Simulations of the Ionosphere of Mars during a Solar Flare
- PhenoCam: A continental-scale observatory for monitoring the phenology of terrestrial vegetation
- Root carbon inputs to the rhizosphere stimulate extracellular enzyme activity and increase nitrogen availability in temperate forest soils
- Seemingly Incongruous Voyager 1 & 2 Energetic Particle Observations in the Heliosheath Through 2011
- Soil and vegetation carbon in urban ecosystems: The importance of urban definition and scale
- Structure and dynamics of auroral electron precipitation: sounding rocket and groundbased observations of tall rays at the nightside poleward boundary
- The Extended Duration Sounding Rocket (EDSR): Low Cost Science and Technology Missions
- The PhenoCam Website: Adventures in "Crowd-Sourcing" Data Collection, Distribution and Analysis
- The Storm Time Energy and Dynamics Explorers
- The dynamics, structure and signatures of magnetic bubbles in the outer heliosphere
- The role of subduction fluids and mantle sources in the petrogenesis of Eastern Lau Spreading Center magmas
- The stoichiometry of root exudation- insights from a model and a field experiment in a temperate forest
- Three-dimensional imaging of ionospheric motion and its relation to magnetospheric drivers
- Understanding Space Weather and the Physics Behind It
- Using optical and microwave data from AQUA to study the Amazon rainforests
- A Web Interface for Eco System Modeling
- A simple Parametric Estimation of Live Forest Aboveground Biomass in California Using Satellite Derived Metrics of Canopy Height and Leaf Area Index
- All Sky Imager Network for Science and Education
- Ca isotopic fractionation patterns in forest ecosystems
- Climatic Responses of Tropical Ecosystems Control Variations in Atmospheric CO2 Growth Rates
- Continuous Change Detection and Classification (CCDC) of Land Cover Using All Available Landsat Data
- Coral oxygen isotope reconstruction of sea surface salinity variability in the southern Makassar Strait since 1938 C.E. and its influence on the Indonesian Throughflow
- Dependence of Energetic Ion and Electron Intensities on Proximity to the Magnetically Sectored Heliosheath: Voyager 1 and 2 Observations
- Depth distribution of seismic slip in oceanic lithosphere: Observations following the April 2012 great earthquakes
- Development and validation of software to process radio occultation data: From time series of frequency residuals to vertical profiles of atmospheric and ionospheric properties
- Does a slow magnetosonic bow shock exist in the local interstellar medium?
- Effects of Viewing Geometry and Temperature on Spectral Reflectance of Planetary-analog Materials
- Fluid-Kinetic simulation study of the evolution of a penetrating electron beam measured at the top of the ionosphere and its effect on the ISR
- Flyby of Io with Repeat Encounters (FIRE): Designing a New Frontiers mission to study the most volcanic body in the solar system
- Forest Composition and Biomass at Euroamerican Settlement in the Upper Great Lakes
- Heavy Ion Heating from the Sun to 1AU
- How Structures of the Solar Corona and Eruptions Interact to Create Extreme Energetic Particle Events
- Imaging Space Weather Over Europe from a Single Site
- Incorporating climate change and technology into the science classroom: Lessons from my year as a GK-12 Fellow
- Incorporation of Disturbance and Seasonality in Terrestrial Carbon Flux Upscaling
- Interdependence of climate, soil, and vegetation as constrained by the Budyko curve
- Life-histories from Landsat: Algorithmic approaches to distilling Earth's recent ecological dynamics
- Lithosphere-to-Ionosphere Plug-and-Play Architecture (LION-PNP): Networking the Physical World Made Cheap and Easy
- Magnetic reconnection in the heliosheath and the generation of anomalous cosmic rays
- Magnitude and significance of observed trends in precipitation frequency over the U.S
- Marsh Pool and Tidal Creek Morphodynamics: Dynamic Equilibrium of New England Saltmarshes?
- Melting and dehydration within mantle plumes and the formation of sub-parallel volcanic trends at intra-plate hotspots: Analysis of physical properties on spatial and temporal evolution of viscous plug formation
- Modeling the Economics of Beach Nourishment Decisions in Response to Coastal Erosion
- Monitoring Interannual Variation in Deciduous Broadleaf Forest Phenology Using Landsat
- Moving Beyond Environmental-Recruitment Relationships For Ecosystem Based Management
- Multi-decadal Estimation of Evapotranspiration from Weather Station Data using a New Approach
- Non-Linear Force Free Field Modeling and Flare Ribbon Comparison of Several Flaring Active Regions
- Observations of Uranus' auroral emissions
- PhenoCam: A Continental Observatory in Support of Monitoring, Modeling, and Forecasting Phenological Responses to Climate Change
- Phenology of belowground carbon allocation in a mid-latitude forest
- Probing an S-wave with a P-wave: experimental developments for understanding rock nonlinearities
- Putting urban biomass on the map: contrasting case studies from three climactic zones
- Relationships between Noble Gases and Indicators of Geochemical Enrichment in Carbonatite Metasomatized Xenoliths from Samoa
- Solar wind flow in the heliosheath due to latitudinal and time variations over the solar cycle
- Structural uncertainty in model-simulated trends of global gross primary production
- Success Stories of Undergraduate Retention: A Pathways Study of Graduate Students in Solar and Space Physics
- The Redfield Ratio over the Past 70 Million Years
- The State of Land Surface Model Uncertainty for the Alaskan Arctic
- Transient hotspot motion due to interaction between a mantle plume and a migrating mid-ocean ridge
- Variability of Relative Humidity Reveals and Estimates Land Surface Controls on Evapotranspiration
- Why is Remote Sensing of Amazon Forest Greenness so Challenging?
- A search for seeds of equatorial plasma irregularities: Results from ground- and balloon-borne optical measurements
- Assimilation of Leaf and Canopy Spectroscopic Data to Improve the Representation of Vegetation Dynamics in Terrestrial Ecosystem Models
- Atmospheric nitrogen inputs and losses along an urbanization gradient from Boston to Harvard Forest, MA
- Avenues for Scientist Involvement in Earth and Space Science Education and Public Outreach (Invited)
- Canopy Biomass Lidar (CBL) Acquisitions at NEON and TERN Forest Sites
- Cenozoic sedimentation rates and provenance variations in the South Pacific Gyre
- Characterizing the V1 layer in the Venus ionosphere using VeRa observations from Venus Express
- Comparative study of above ground biomass estimates for conterminous US
- Conjugate All-sky Imagers to Study Ionospheric Processes from Low to Sub-auroral Latitudes
- Coordinated Sounding Rocket, HST, and SPICAV Observations of Venus in Nov. 2013
- Developing a National Climate Indicators System to Track Climate Changes, Impacts, Vulnerabilities, and Preparedness
- Direct burial and vault emplacement data quality comparison at Dotson Ranch, New Mexico
- Dispersed Ash in Marine Sediment: An Overview Towards Unraveling the 'Missing Volcanic Record'
- Do the Solar Cycle Effects Explain Different Flows in the Heliosheath Observed by Voyager 1 and 2?
- Energy cascade in the magnetosphere-ionosphere system: A case study
- Fires, invasives, migrations, oh my! Scaling spatial processes into earth system models and global change projections. (Invited)
- Forest cover change in the upper Midwestern United States results from both climate and land use change following European settlement: Historical survey and weather records provide robust support for modeling applications
- Future scenarios of urbanization and its effects on water quantity and quality in three New England watersheds
- Geochemistry of Sediment from IODP Expeditions 322 and 333: Terrigenous Provenance, Dispersed Ash, and the Nankai 'Subduction Factory'
- Geologic and Environmental Context for Gale Crater, Mars: Insights from the Antarctic Dry Valleys
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Science Implementation
- Ground-based imaging spectrometry of canopy phenology and chemistry in a deciduous forest
- Heliospheric Pattern Recognition
- How do how internal and external processes affect the behaviors of coupled marsh mudflat systems; infill, stabilize, retreat, or drown?
- Imaging Rayleigh wave attenuation and phase velocity in the western and central United States
- Impact of Foliage Surface Properties on Vegetation Reflection and Absorption
- Impact of diffuse mortality in a terrestrial biosphere model: stress, succession, and disease (Invited)
- Impacts of urbanization on the carbon cycle (Invited)
- Incorporating Space Science Content Into the Undergraduate Curriculum by the NASA Education Forums' Higher Education Working Group
- Increased carbon uptake in the eastern US due to warming induced changes in phenology
- Integration of Landsat-based disturbance maps in the Landscape Change Monitoring System (LCMS)
- Interannual Variations in Global Vegetation Phenology Derived from a Long Term AVHRR and MODIS Data Record
- Intercomparison of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Instruments for Assessing Forested Ecosystems: A Brisbane Field Experiment
- Ionospheric beam-plasma interactions: production of quasi-mode in the ion density
- Lithosphere-to-Ionosphere Plug-and-Play Architecture (LION-PNP): Sensor Networking Made Cheap and Easy
- Long-Term Response of Terrestrial Productivity to Elevated CO2 Remains a Grand Challenge in Terrestrial Biogeochemistry (Invited)
- MEMEX: Mechanisms of Energetic Mass Ejection Explorer
- Mahali: Space Weather Monitoring Using Multicore Mobile Devices
- Measurement of nonlinear parameters in a semi-infinite medium: laboratory experiment in a berea sandstone
- Meteoric ion layers in planetary ionospheres
- Model-experiment synthesis at two FACE sites in the southeastern US. Forest ecosystem responses to elevated CO[2]. (Invited)
- Multi-scale Modeling of Magnetic Reconnection during Solar Eruptions and Magnetosphere Storm Times
- Neoarchean metamorphism recorded in high-precision Sm-Nd isotope systematics of garnets from the Jack Hills (Western Australia)
- Neptune and Triton: A Study in Future Exploration
- On the Radiative Transfer Based Remote Sensing of Forest Structure and Leaf Biochemistry (Invited)
- On the Rotation of the Magnetic Field Across the Heliopause at Voyager 1
- Onset and evolution of millennial-scale variability of the Asian monsoon and its possible relation with Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau uplift; Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 346
- Organic carbon sequestration in soils and sediments along the land-ocean continuum of the Fly River, Papua New Guinea
- Patterns of volcanism at oceanic intraplate hotspots
- Permeability of Partially Molten Rocks from Lattice-Boltzmann Modeling
- Principal uncertainty patterns in precipitation among CMIP5 models: Dominant modes of intermodel disagreement in precipitation climatologies and projected change patterns
- Projected Effects of CO2 Enrichment on Community Dynamics and Carbon Cycling in an Early-successional Forest
- Quantifying ecosystem carbon losses and gains following development in New England: A combined field, modeling, and remote sensing approach
- Reanalysis of Mars ionospheric electron density profiles from Mariner 9
- Reduced low energy electron counts and their relationship to crustal magnetic fields at Mars
- Representations of historic vegetation dynamics in CMIP5 and MsTMIP models
- Retrieving Leaf Area Index and Foliage Profiles Through Voxelized 3-D Forest Reconstruction Using Terrestrial Full-Waveform and Dual-Wavelength Echidna Lidars
- Returning from the deep: Archean atmospheric fingerprints in modern hotspot lavas (Invited)
- Revised paradigms of forest production over stand development: Why does carbon storage increase as trees die in aging mixed temperate forests?
- Root phenology at Harvard Forest and beyond
- SAFRR Tsunami Scenario: Economic Impacts and Resilience
- Scaling forest phenology from trees to the landscape using an unmanned aerial vehicle
- Seismic slip of oceanic strike-slip earthquakes
- Taking the temperature of the mantle: A global comparison of seismic models, axial ridge depths, and the petrology of mid-ocean-ridge basalts (Invited)
- The Resolute Bay Incoherent Scatter Radar: Initial Results and Future Opportunities (Invited)
- The Response of the Mars Ionosphere to Solar Flares
- The Science of the Global-scale measurements of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission
- The carbon cost of nutrient uptake: global patterns and use in regional to global scale models of terrestrial productivity
- The chemical compositions of global MORB and their implications for mantle properties (Invited)
- The coupled effects of carbon and nitrogen on soil decomposition: A theoretical model
- The effect of wind velocity on transpiration in a mixed broadleaved deciduous forest
- The influence of water table position on soil microbial processes and carbon mineralization in a mid-latitude spruce peatland
- Two-Dimensional Modeling of Crustal Field Effects on Plasma Structure at Mars
- Unique relation between surface-limited evaporation and relative humidity profiles holds in both field data and climate model simulations
- Using Large-Scale Precipitation to Validate AMSR-E Satellite Soil Moisture Estimates by Means of Mutual Information
- 2.69-2.68 Ga granulite facies metamorphism in the Wyoming Craton revealed by Sm-Nd garnet geochronology and trace element zoning, eastern Beartooth Mountains, Montana and Wyoming, USA
- A Hierarchical Analysis of Tree Growth and Environmental Drivers Across Eastern US Temperate Forests
- A Parsimonious Modular Approach to Building a Mechanistic Belowground C and N Model
- A Quantitative Evaluation of the Multiple Narratives of the Recent Sahelian "Re-greening"
- A direct human influence on atmospheric CO2 seasonality from increased cropland productivity
- An Ad-hoc Satellite Network to Measure Filamentary Current Structures in the Auroral Zone
- An Ultra-Depleted Mantle Component in the Ontong Java Plateau Revealed by Major, Trace and Volatile Element Abundances in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
- Are above and belowground phenology in sync?
- Assessing Phenological Controls on Carbon and Water Fluxes Using a Process-based Ecohydrological Model Incorporating Field Observations and Remote Sensing Data
- Assessing the Accuracy and Precision of Inorganic Geochemical Data Produced through Flux Fusion and Acid Digestions: Multiple (60+) Comprehensive Analyses of BHVO-2 and the Development of Improved "Accepted" Values
- Assessing the long-term performance of terrestrial ecosystem models in northeastern United States: linking model structure and output
- Blue Hill Observatory Sunshine - Assessment of Climate Signals in the Longest Continuous Meteorological Record in North America
- Boosting subsurface life: is subseafloor sediment a natural catalyst for radiolytic hydrogen production?
- C/NOFS and the Air Force Research Laboratory's Conjugate Point Study
- Characterizing the carbon emissions of megacities
- Characterizing weather and climate variability for precipitation: A data-based stochastic modeling framework
- Climate Change Impacts on US Agriculture and the Benefits of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
- Climate and Edaphic Controls on Humid Tropical Forest Tree Height
- Climate change in winter versus the growing-season leads to different effects on soil microbial activity in northern hardwood forests
- Climate change vulnerability of global hydropower generation
- Constraining Centennial-Scale Ecosystem-Climate Interactions with a Pre-colonial Forest Reconstruction across the Upper Midwest and Northeastern United States
- Constraining carbon budgets at a regional scale: fusing forest inventory data with a cohort-based biosphere model
- Darkness on the Edge of Light: Stable Dark Spots in Jupiter's Ionosphere
- Developing a Pilot Indicator System for U.S. Climate Changes, Impacts, Vulnerabilities, and Responses
- Ecogeomorphic Heterogeneity Sculpts Salt Marshes
- Ecological Characterization Of An Intact Tropical Peat Forest Using Airborne Small Footprint LiDAR
- Ecological and Environmental Controls over Fifteen-Year Forest Net Ecosystem Production at the University of Michigan Biological Station
- Ecomorphodynamic Feedbacks and Couplings Between Landscape Subsystems Influence Barrier Island Response to Changing Climate
- Effects of European land use on contemporary tree-climate relationships in the northeastern United States: Implications for predictive models
- Effects of Privately Owned Land Management Practices on Biogeochemical Cycling
- Emergent Patterns of Forest Biomass Production from Across and within a Micro-Network
- Ensemble Integration of Forest Disturbance Maps for the Landscape Change Monitoring System (LCMS)
- Evaluation of Ionospheric Parameters Obtained by Inverting O II 83.4 nm Dayglow Profiles from RAIDS
- Evidence for A Weakening Relationship between Interannual Temperature Variability and Northern Vegetation Activity
- Evidence for Anomalous Energization of Electrons by Beam-Ionosphere Interactions in the Auroral F-region
- Evidence for at Least Two Different Sources of Asian Dust to the Northwest Pacific Ocean Since the Eocene
- Examination of the Asian Monsoon: Ongoing Studies from IODP Expedition 346
- Experimental Study of Olivine-rich Troctolites
- Exploring regional patterns of uncertainty over precipitation change among CMIP5 models using empirical mode techniques, with a focus on the midlatitude Pacific storm track region
- Extreme F-region gradients generated by patch-arc interactions in the polar cap
- Finite fault modeling of oceanic strike-slip earthquakes
- ForeCAT: Using CME Deflections to Constrain their Mass and the Drag
- Foreshocks and Aftershocks in Simple Earthquake Models
- Geographic Patterns of Volcanism at Intraplate Hotspots
- Global Field Orientation Across the Heliopause As a Result of Regions of Reconnection
- Global Structure of Idealized Stream Interaction Regions Using 3D MHD Simulations
- Ground-based observations of Saturn's H3+ aurora and ring rain from Keck in 2013
- Growth and Evolution of River Mouth Bars Under Wave Attack
- HiT&MIS: Instrumentation for Auroral and Ionospheric Airglow Studies
- High-Resolution Pleistocene Alkenone Temperature Records of IODP Expedition 346 Sites U1425 and U1429
- High-resolution mapping of biogenic carbon fluxes to improve urban CO<SUB>2</SUB> monitoring, reporting, and verification
- Images of Polar Bears and Penguins, Storms, Deforestation and More - Middle School Students Perceptions of Climate Change
- In situ spacecraft observations of suprathermal ion acceleration in the reconnection jet braking region
- Influence of relative sea level on a marginal sea environment and its implication for reconstructing ice volume changes using IODP Expedition 346, Site U1427
- Inter-linkages of SE Asian, Indian and Indonesian-Australian monsoonal subsystems on orbital and suborbital timescales
- Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP) - Its Time Has Come!
- Ionospheric Studies From Low to Sub-Auroral Latitudes Using Geomagnetic Conjugate All-Sky Imagers and Satellite Data
- Long-Term Data Records of Biophysical Parameters from Multiple Satellite Systems
- MISR at 15: Multiple Perspectives on Our Changing Earth
- Magnetic Dissipation Effects on the Flows within the Heliosheath
- Magnetic Reconnection in Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections
- Magnetic Reconnection in the Heliospheric Current Sheet: The Implications of the Different Environments Seen by the VoyagerSpacecraft
- Mapping Carbon Storage in Urban Trees with Multi-source Remote Sensing Data: Relationships between Biomass, Land Use, and Demographics in Boston Neighborhoods
- Mapping Crop Cycles in China Using MODIS-EVI Time Series
- Mapping of the Jovian auroral electron energy with HST/STIS spectral observations
- Marsh Edge Erosion Effects in Coupled Barrier Island-Marsh Systems
- Mediation of Fire-Climate Linkages by Vegetation Types in Alaskan Arctic Tundra Ecosystems: Impacts of Model Uncertainty on GCM-Based Forecasts of Future Fire Activity
- Meteor Trails in the Lower Thermosphere: What Do Large Radars Really Detect?
- Methane Emissions from Natural Gas in the Urban Region of Boston, Massachusetts
- Mid-Miocene to Pleistocene Radiolarian fossil record from IODP Expedition 346: Faunal response to the global climatic changes and local/regional tectonics
- Modeling Channelization in Coastal Wetlands with Ecological Feedbacks
- Monitoring Seasonality in Phenology of Amazonian Rainforests Using MISR and MODIS Data
- Multi-Camera Reconstruction of Fine Scale High Speed Auroral Dynamics
- NASA and GLOBE Connect K-12 Students to NGSS with Big Data Applications
- Neodymium Isotope Variability at the Grain Scale in the Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle: NdO<SUP>+</SUP> Analyses of Individual Clinopyroxene Grains (<5 ng Nd aliquots) from a Kilbourne Hole Harzburgitic Xenolith.
- Net Carbon Uptake Has Increased through Warming-Induced Changes in Temperate Forest Phenology
- Northern Forest DroughtNet: A New Framework to Understand Impacts of Precipitation Change on the Northern Forest Ecosystem
- On the Use of Landsat Data to Detect Long-Term NDVI Trends in Canadian Boreal Forest
- Online Chapmann Layer Calculator for Simulating the Ionosphere with Undergraduate and Graduate Students
- Paleoceanography in Pelagic Clay of the South Pacific Gyre
- Partitioning soil respiration: examining the artifacts of the trenching method.
- Patterns of flow and sedimentation in channels with variable tidal and fluvial influence: observations from coastal Georgia.
- Promoting Scientist Communications Through Graduate Summer School in Heliophysics and Space Physics
- Quantifying Diurnal and Seasonal Variation in On-road CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions Across the Northeastern U.S.
- Radial Evolution of Stream Interaction Regions and Sector Boundaries in the Inner Heliosphere: Observations and MHD Simulations
- Rapid Heating at Subduction Interfaces: A Special Case or the Norm?
- Rhizosphere impacts on peat decomposition and nutrient cycling across a natural water table gradient
- Salt Marshes as Sources and Sinks of Silica
- Salt marsh vegetation promotes efficient tidal channel networks
- Satellite lidar data do not show static greenness in wet equatorial Amazonian rainforests
- Scaling Forest Management Practices in Earth System Models: Case Study of Southeast and Pacific Northwest Forests
- Scaling and Stress Release in the Darfield-Christchurch, New Zealand Earthquake Sequence
- Scaling issues in local productivity hotspots in marine ecosystems using remote sensing data: A case study in the Gulf of Maine
- Sediment Bypassing of River Mouths: Mechanisms and Effects on Delta Evolution
- Sedimentation Rates at IODP Site U1424 since the Pliocene Deciphered from Spectral Analyses of RGB and GRA Bulk Density Profiles
- Simultaneous multi-scale and multi-instrument observations of Saturn's aurorae during the 2013 observing campaign
- Solar Heliospheric and INterplanetary Environment (SHINE) Students - Student Representatives' Perspectives
- Source Parameters of the Upper-Mantle September 21, 2013 Mw4.8 Wyoming Earthquake
- Spatial Patterns of Carbon Exchange Seasonality in Amazonian Forest
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Forest Harvest, Fire, and Pest/Pathogen Disturbance for Western and Eastern Oregon
- Standardizing PhenoCam Image Processing and Data Products
- Stochastic analysis of California's recent precipitation drought in the context of the last one hundred years
- Strategic Science to Address Current and Future Space Weather Needs
- Structure Measurements of Leaf and Woody Components of Forests with Dual-Wavelength Lidar Scanning Data
- Studying dissolved organic carbon export from the Penobscot Watershed in to Gulf of Maine using Regional Hydro-Ecological Simulation System (RHESSys)
- The 2014 M<SUB>w</SUB>6.2 Eketahuna earthquake, Hikurangi subduction zone - normal faulting in the subducted Pacific Plate crust
- The Influence of Downscaling Models and Observations on Future Hydrochemistry Reponses of Forest Watersheds
- The Interaction of Solar Eruptions and Large-Scale Coronal Structures Revealed Through Modeling and Observational Analysis
- The Manifestation of Sudden Impulses and the Role of the Magnetospheric Current Systems.
- The Multi-fluid Nature of the Termination Shock
- The PEcAn Project: Accessible Tools for On-demand Ecosystem Modeling
- The Role of Multiple Foreshock Structures in Facilitating the Rupture of the M<SUB>w </SUB>5.0 Earthquake Swarm Mainshock near Urban Reno, Nevada in 2008
- The Role of Thermal Stresses in Rock Weathering and Sediment Production in a Polar Desert: A Study of Surface Erosion from Mullins Glacier, Antarctica
- The San Marcos Pueblo Archaeological Site: A Review and Update of Ongoing Work by the Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE)
- The contribution of semi-arid ecosystems to interannual global carbon cycle variability
- The field-aligned-current system of a sun-aligned arc over Resolute Bay
- The role of vegetation in the development and resiliency of the coastal freshwater deltaic system of Wax Lake Delta
- The upper ionosphere of Mars: A comparison of Mariner 9 radio occultation and MARSIS measurements
- Tools for Engaging Scientists in Education and Public Outreach: Resources from NASA's Science Mission Directorate Forums
- Tools for Scientist Engagement in E/PO: NASA SMD Community Workspace and Online Resources
- Toward a Simple Probabilistic GCM Emulator for Integrated Assessment of Climate Change Impacts
- Tracking Monsoon Related Provenance Changes in Continental Margin Sediments of the East China Sea: Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 346.
- Trade Wind Charging of the Equatorial Pacific As a Driver for ENSO Variability
- Tree species composition influences dependence of climate forcing on spring phenology across temperate deciduous broadleaf forests in Eastern United States
- Using Simulations to Quantify High-Latitude Type-I Radar Backscatter Spectra as a Function of Flow Angle
- Using Time Series of Landsat Data to Improve Understanding of Short- and Long-Term Changes to Vegetation Phenology in Response to Climate Change
- Using Wavelets and Information Theory to Characterize the Direction, Strength, and Time Scale of Interaction between Environmental Drivers and Greenhouse Gas Exchange in Managed Wetlands of Northern California
- Using the Rapid-Scanning, Ultra-Portable, Canopy Biomass Lidar (CBL) Alone and In Tandem with the Full-Waveform Dual-Wavelength Echidna<SUP>®</SUP> Lidar (DWEL) to Establish Forest Structure and Biomass Estimates in a Variety of Ecosystems
- Variability of the Tsushima Warm Current during the Pleistocene and its relationship with the evolution of the East Asian Monsoon. Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 346 (Sites U1427 and U1428/29) based on benthic ostracod assemblages.
- Velocity-Resolved Multi-Scale Imaging of Na Escape from Io
- Vision for the Future of Lws TR&T
- <p> Using three decades of Landsat data to characterize changes and vulnerability of temperate and boreal forest phenology to climate change
- A Model of the Heliosphere with Jets
- A Prototype Indicators System for U.S. Climate Changes, Impacts, Vulnerabilities, and Responses
- A Remote Sensing-based Characterization of the Urban Heat Island and its Implications for Modeled Estimates of Urban Biogenic Carbon Fluxes in Boston, MA.
- Along Strike Heterogeneity of Seismic Slip Revealed by Oceanic Transform Fault Earthquakes
- An Analysis of Conjugate Ground-based and Space-based Measurements of Energetic Electrons during Substorms
- An Atmosphere-based Method for Detection and Quantification of Methane Emisions from Natural Gas Infrastructure in an Urban Environment
- An Overview of the Auroras of Jupiter and Saturn from the Cassini Perspective
- Analysis of forest leaf area index variations over China during 1982-2010 based on EEMD method
- Application of Ca stable isotopes to long-term changes in the Ca cycle of a Northern Hardwood forest
- Applications of spectral inversion to understanding vegetation functional trait relationships
- Assessing model sensitivity and uncertainty across multiple Free-Air CO<SUB>2</SUB> Enrichment experiments.
- Assessing the impact of radiative parameter uncertainty on plant growth simulation
- Assimilating Paleoecological Data into a Forest Gap Model
- At What Distance are CME Deflections Determined?
- Attribution of urban greenhouse gas fluxes: Does the biosphere in cities matter?
- Chasing the long tail of environmental data: PEcAn is nuts about Brown Dog
- Chenier plain development: feedbacks between waves, mud and sand
- Comparison of MAVEN Topside Ionosphere Observations with MRO/SHARAD Total Electron Content Morphologies
- Comparison of Mars Initial Reference Ionosphere (MIRI) Model with Initial Data Sets from MAVEN
- Confronting remote sensing product with ground base measurements across time and scale
- Conjugate Behavior of MSTIDs and ESF Structures
- Conjugate Studies Using C/NOFS and All-sky Imagers in the American Sector
- Considerations of solar wind dynamics in mapping of Jupiter's auroral features to magnetospheric sources
- Contribution of Phenological and physiological Variations on Northern Vegetation Productivity Changes over last three decades
- Correlating organic carbon concentration and composition with mineralogy in deep-sea pelagic sediments
- Developing Best Practices for Sharing Long-term Marine Sediment Flux Data
- Divergent Responses of Canadian Boreal Forests to Recent Climate Warming
- Down Core Fidelity of Authigenic Oxyhydroxide Coatings: Tracing Paleogene Water Mass Evolution
- Dust, Volcanic Ash, and the Evolution of the South Pacific Gyre through the Cenozoic
- Early Results from the MAVEN IUVS Echelle Channel
- Ecosystem composition changes over the past millennium: model simulations and comparison with paleoecological observations
- Effects of experimental warming and elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> on surface methane and CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes from a boreal black spruce peatland
- Elucidating Geochemical Controls on the Concentration and Composition of Organic Carbon in Deep Pelagic Sediments
- Emissions of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and criteria air pollutants from mobile sources: Insights from integrating real-time traffic data into local air quality models
- Empirical Succession Mapping and Data Assimilation to Constrain Demographic Processes in an Ecosystem Model
- Enceladus's Long-Term and Diverse Geologic History
- Error Analysis of O+ Density Retrieved from Combined 83.4 nm and 61.7 nm EUV dayglow
- Estimation of Canopy Sunlit Fraction of Leaf Area from Ground-Based Measurements
- First Results from Including Macroscopic Effects of Small-Scale E-Region Turbulence in Global Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere (MIT) Models
- Forest carbon uptake in North America's aging temperate deciduous forests: A data-theory-model mismatch?
- Formation of continental crust in a temporally linked arc magma system from 5 to 30 km depth: ~ 90 Ma plutonism in the Cascades Crystalline Core composite arc section
- Fusing data and models to forecast disturbance impacts on ecosystems: past, present, and future
- Generating and Evaluation Leaf Area Index (LAI) from MODIS MultiAngle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction (MAIAC) Surface Reflectance Dataset
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): From Simulations to Observations
- H Escape in 3D: MAVEN IUVS observations of the Mars corona
- High Resolution Integral Field Spectroscopy of Europa's Sodium Clouds: Evidence for a Component with Origins in Iogenic Plasma.
- Hyperspectral and Polarimetric Signatures of Vegetation from AirMSPI and AVIRIS Measurements
- Improving Canopy Vertical Structure Measurements with Dual-Wavelength Laser Scanning
- Improving Earthquake Stress Drop Measurements - What can we Really Resolve?
- Improving estimates of surface carbon fluxes to support emissions monitoring, reporting and verification at local and regional scales: quantifying uncertainty and the effects of spatial scaling.
- Improving the representation of photosynthesis in Earth system models
- Improving the seasonal-deciduous spring phenology submodel in the Community Land Model 4.5: Impacts on carbon and water cycling under future climate scenarios
- Incorporating phenology into yield models
- Incorporating vegetation to build a comprehensive urban carbon budget
- Initial Results from an Atmospheric Validation of Urban Greenhouse Gas Budget Estimates for the US Northeast Corridor
- Inside an Earthquake Swarm: Objective Identification and Analysis of Spatiotemporal Subclusters of the Mogul 2008 Earthquake Swarm in Reno, NV
- Insights into Broker - User interactions from the BCube Project
- Investigating the energy crisis in Io's plasma torus: plasma energetics in rotating magnetospheres
- Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling in Jupiter's Low Latitudes
- Iron Cycling in Sediment of the North Atlantic: Preliminary Results from R/V Knorr Expedition 223
- Is the seasonal forest more vulnerable to drought effects in tropical Amazonia
- Jovian Auroral X-ray Emission Coinciding with an Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection
- Kinetic Theory of Meteor Plasma in the Earth's atmosphere: Implications for Radar Head Echo
- Linking vegetation structure, function and physiology through spectroscopic remote sensing
- MAVEN IUVS-NGIMS-model ionospheric comparisons and insights
- MAVEN Observations of Ionopause-like Density Gradients in the Martian Ionosphere
- MAVEN Observations of Ionosphere Magnetization at Mars: Implications for Atmospheric Escape
- MAVEN observations of atmospheric waves in the Martian upper atmosphere
- MAVEN/IUVS Apoapse Observations of the Martian FUV Dayglow
- Magnetic flux annihilation and the development of magnetic field depletions in the sectored heliosheath
- Magnetically Conjugate Observations of the Low Latitude Ionosphere in Western South America
- Magnetized Jets Driven by the Sun, the Structure of the Heliosphere Revisited: Consequences for Draping of BISM ahead of the HP and Time Variability of ENAs
- Making Waves—The VIIRS Day/Night Band Reveals Upper Atmospheric Gravity Wave via Sensitivity to Nightglow Emissions
- Mars Nitric Oxide Nightglow as observed by MAVEN/IUVS
- Mars Ozone Mapping with MAVEN IUVS
- Mars' ultraviolet dayglow observations by IUVS/MAVEN: Structure and variability of Martian upper atmosphere
- Millennial-scale drivers of carbon storage and flux in terrestrial ecosystem models
- Mitigating Uncertainty from Vegetation Spatial Complexity with Highly Portable Lidar
- Monitoring and Modeling of Large-Scale Pattern of Forest Height and Biomass based on the Metabolic Scaling Theory and Water-Energy Balance Equation
- NASA Science Mission Directorate Forum Support of Scientists and Engineers to Engage in Education and Outreach
- Networked high-speed auroral observations combined with radar measurements for multi-scale insights
- Observation of the June 22, 2015 G4 storm by HiT&MiS: an Echelle Spectrograph for Auroral and Airglow Studies
- Observations of a Breakdown of a Mountain Wave Near 84 km Altitude Over Cerro Pachon Chile from the Andes Lidar Observatory
- Oxic and Anoxic Regions of Subseafloor Sediment
- Phenological monitoring of Acadia National Park using Landsat, MODIS and VIIRS observations and fused data
- Predicting the Response of the Mars Ionosphere to Solar Flares
- Preformed Nitrate in the Glacial North Atlantic
- Preliminary Insights Into the Interplay Among Oxygen, Organic Carbon, and Microbial Metabolism in North Atlantic Subseafloor Sediment Communities
- Probing the Martian Atmosphere with MAVEN/IUVS Stellar Occultations
- Proof of the Post-drought Effect of Amazonian Forests from Space
- Quantifying Ecosystem Structural Components with Highly Portable Lidar
- RISR Observations of High Ion Temperatures: A Case Study
- Radiolytic Hydrogen Production in the South Pacific Subseafloor Basaltic Aquifer
- Reducing the uncertainty in the projection of the terrestrial carbon cycle by fusing models with remote sensing data
- Retrieval of Mars' Upper Atmospheric Composition using Dayglow Observations by IUVS on MAVEN
- SAR Arcs We Have Seen: Variability of Ring Current - Ionosphere Interactions
- Seasonal Co-Variation in Surface Properties and the Urban Heat Island in Boston
- Sedimentary Catalysis of Radiolytic H<SUB>2</SUB> Production, and Implications for Subseafloor Life
- Simulation of Ionospheric E-Region Plasma Turbulence with a Massively Parallel Hybrid PIC/Fluid Code
- Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century: Projections of the Responses of an Old-Growth Douglas-Fir Forest in the Pacific Northwest under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 Climate Change Scenarios
- Solar Wind Prediction at Pluto During the New Horizons Flyby: Results From a Two-Dimensional Multi-fluid MHD Model of the Outer Heliosphere
- Study of the Martian cold oxygen corona from the O I 130.4 nm by IUVS/MAVEN
- Sunlight Mediated Seasonality in Canopy Structure and Photosynthetic Activity of Amazonian Rainforests
- Systematic characterization of CMIP5 model spread in simulated tropical Pacific rainfall
- The Hot Oxygen Corona of Mars: Observations by MAVEN IUVS
- The impact of boreal deciduous and evergreen forests on atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> seasonality
- Tides in the Martian Atmosphere as Observed by MAVEN IUVS
- Tree Nonstructural Carbohydrate Reserves Across Eastern US Temperate Forests
- Two Types of Aurora on Mars as Observed by MAVEN's Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph
- Urbanization and the Carbon Cycle: Synthesis of Ongoing Research
- Using ForeCAT to constrain the initial parameters of the 2010 August 14 CME in the low corona.
- Using the 11-year Solar Cycle to Predict the Heliosheath Environment at Voyager 1 and 2
- Variability of spatial patterns of total suspended matter in the Tyrrhenian Sea coasts from remote sensing data
- 1-D Photochemical Modeling of the Martian Atmosphere: Seasonal Variations
- 10 Years of Student Questions about the Radiation Belts
- A Research Coordination Network for Ecological Applications of Terrestrial Laser Scanning
- A large-scale sensitivity study of urban heat islands using GFDL's earth system model
- A year-long assessment of anthropogenic and biogenic CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions in the Boston area based on atmospheric measurements in an inversion framework
- Absorption by Mercury's Exosphere During the May 9th, 2016 Solar Transit.
- Age scatter in cosmogenic exposure-age chronologies in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: implications for regional glacial history and sampling strategies
- Air Quality Modeling and Forecasting over the United States Using WRF-Chem
- Airglow observations of MSTIDs and correlations with C/NOFS ion density and electric field perturbations
- Albedo and its Relationship to Land Cover and the Urban Heat Island in the Boston Metropolitan Region
- Amazon Forests' Response to Droughts: A Perspective from the MAIAC Product
- An Assessment of Differences in Tree Cover Measurements between Landsat and Lidar-derived Products
- An Empirical Assessment of the MODIS Land Cover Dynamics and TIMESAT Land Surface Phenology Algorithms
- An idealized LES study of urban modification of moist convection
- Assessing the Impacts of Multiple Breadbasket Failures
- Characterizing Electric Fields that Trigger the Farley-Buneman Instability in the Chromosphere
- Characterizing the Accuracy of Higher Order Particle-in-Cell (PIC) Methods
- Comparative Measurements of Ionospheres at Mars and Earth: MGS, MEX, MRO, MAVEN and Ionosondes
- Connecting climate change to coastal evolution: Impact of sub-millenial- scale precipitation variability on fluvial sediment discharge
- Connecting macroscopic flow properties with turbulent energy spectra in stratified atmospheric surface layers
- Continuous Signal Propagation in the Indus Submarine Canyon since the Last Deglacial
- Coordinated Ground-Based and AIM Satellite Measurements of Mesospheric and Stratospheric Waves over South America
- Cyclo-stratigraphy of the Pliocene-Miocene interval in the Japan Sea sediments (Exp.346 Site U1425 and U1430)
- Deep sea authigenic clays as a sink for seawater Mg through the Cenozoic
- Derivation of Auroral Energy and Energy Flux using Simultaneous Multispectral Imaging.
- Discovery of Proton Aurora at Mars
- Dispersive Magnetosonic Waves and Turbulence in the Heliosheath: Multi-Fluid MHD Reconstruction of Voyager 2 Observations
- Disturbance, Climate Change, and Browning Trends in Canada's Boreal Forest: A New Analysis Based on 28 Years of Landsat Imagery
- Earthquake Source Properties from P-wave Spectra
- Edge effects resulting from forest fragmentation enhance carbon uptake and its vulnerability to climate change in temperate broadleaf forests
- Effect of hurricanes and violent storms on salt marsh
- Effects of experimental warming and elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> on surface methane and CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes from a boreal black spruce peatland
- Emergence and evolution of millennial-scale variability in the East Asian summer monsoon over the last 3 Ma recorded in hemipelagic sediments of the Japan Sea recovered by IODP Expedition 346
- Emission Line Properties from Analysis of MAVEN-IUVS Echellograms of the Martian Atmosphere
- Evaluating Productivity Predictions Under Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> Conditions: Multi-Model Benchmarking Across FACE Experiments
- Event Relocations, Focal Mechanisms and Source Parameters of Recent Earthquake Sequences in the Reno, Nevada Urban Areas
- Extratropical blocking as a mechanism for triggering the onset of El Niño Events
- Feasibility of Juno radio occultations of the Io plasma torus
- Field Mapping, LiDAR Analysis and Shallow Geophysical Methods Define the Geometry and Kinematics of the Leech River Fault, an Active Forearc Structure in Northern Cascadia
- First Hubble Space Telescope Movies of Jupiter's Ultraviolet Aurora During the NASA Juno Prime Mission
- Glacier advance in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica during Marine Isotope Stage 11
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission - A New Approach to Ultraviolet Remote Sensing of Earth's Space Environment
- Greening of the Earth and its Drivers
- H Escape Rates and their Variability as Reflected in the MAVEN Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph Dataset
- High temporal resolution observations of auroral electron density using superthermal electron enhancement of plasma lines
- High-Resolution Relocations of Digital-Era Seismicity and Stress Field Estimates in the Vicinity of the Nevada National Security Site, Southern Nevada
- How Numerical Magnetic Dissipation at the Heliospheric Current Sheet Affects Model Predictions at Voyager 1 and Results from a Kinetic-MHD Model of the Heliosphere within SWMF
- How does vegetation community shape geomorphological evolution? Tradeoffs among tide, sediment fluxes and vegetation configuration in the Virginia Coast Reserve (VA).
- Impacts of paleo-climatic variability on ecosystem stability and model performance in the modern era
- Impacts of storm events on salt marsh sediment dynamics
- Inter-hemispheric Comparison of Ionospheric Processes at Sub-auroral Latitudes
- Interactions Between Urban Vegetation and Surface Urban Heat Islands: A Case Study in the Boston Metropolitan Region
- Interactions between river stage and wetland vegetation detected with a Seasonality Index derived from LANDSAT images in the Apalachicola delta, Florida
- Investigating the Effect of the Heliosphere with Jets on ENAs as a Function of Solar Cycle
- Jupiter's auroras during the Juno approach phase as observed by the Hubble Space Telescope
- Leaf optical properties shed light on foliar trait variability at individual to global scales
- Lidar and paleoseismic trenching reveal first documentation of late Quaternary onshore faulting in the forearc of southwestern British Columbia
- Linking big models to big data: efficient ecosystem model calibration through Bayesian model emulation
- MAVEN Observations of Dayside Peak Electron Densities in the Ionosphere of Mars
- Measurable Pools of Soil Carbon for Carbon Cycle Modeling
- Mission EarthFusing GLOBE with NASA Assets to Build SystemicInnovation in STEM Education
- Modulation and Evolution of Bottomside Equatorial Spread F Observed with All-Sky Imagers
- Multi-centennial ecosystem modelling in northeastern America at the species level
- Multi-ion Multi-fluid Simulations of the Effects of Pick-up Ions on the Global Structure of the Heliosphere
- Multi-scale effects of magnetic reconnection in the polar ionosphere
- Multisource Image Kalman Filtering for Rapid Phenological Monitoring and Forecasting
- New AMISR-14 observations of equatorial F-region irregularities: June solstice events
- Next-generation soil decomposition models: representing ecological process complexity across scales
- Nitrogen Pollution Shifts Forest Mycorrhizal Associations at Continental Scale
- Nonlinear Interaction of Langmuir and Whistler Waves Observed with Incoherent Scatter Radar
- Observationally Based Analysis of Land-Atmosphere Coupling
- Observations of the gradually heating processes of cold ions in the reconnection layer at the dayside magnetopause
- Overestimated surface roughness impact on land use/land cover change induced temperature anomaly
- Paired measurements of K and Mg isotopes and clay authigenesis in marine sediments
- Partitioning sources of uncertainty in projecting the impact of future climate extremes on site to regional ecosystem carbon cycling
- Patterns and Drivers of Inorganic and Organic Nitrogen and Phosphorus Deposition, Cycling, and Loss Throughout a Metropolitan Area
- Prediction of Ultra-Relativistic Electron Flux Dynamics Through a Fusion of Machine-Learning and Physics-Based Models
- Preliminary Comparative Observations between Jicarmarca and Recently Installed VHF Radar in Huancayo, Peru
- Probing the nature of pick-up ions (and kappa distribution) in the heliosheath through global ENA measurements and in-situ measurements
- Provenance of Continental Margin Sediments in the East China Sea, Results from IODP Expedition 346
- Quantification and implications of dispersed volcanic ash as an input to the Nankai Subduction Zone
- Quantifying Vegetation Structure with Lightweight, Rapid-Scanning Terrestrial Lidar
- Radio and optical observations of storm induced ionospheric responses over Italy
- Remotely sensed northern vegetation response to changing climate: growing season and productivity perspective
- Response of an Alpine Tundra in the Southern Rocky Mountains to Climate Change by 2100: Projections of Water, Carbon, and Nitrogen Cycling under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 Scenarios
- Science Objectives for a Soft X-ray Mission
- Science highlights from MAVEN/IUVS after two years in Mars Orbit
- Searching for sources of planet-wide heating in Jupiter's upper atmosphere: new clues from the Great Red Spot
- Sediment transport in a surface-advected estuarine plume
- Sedimentary Catalysis of Radiolytic Hydrogen Production - A Global Perspective
- Seismological Analysis of Induced Earthquakes in Central Oklahoma, Comparing a Large Seismogenic Fault with M5 Earthquakes and Small Faults Lacking M4 Events
- Show me the data: advances in multi-model benchmarking, assimilation, and forecasting
- Soil Moisture Controls on Evaporative Fraction
- Solar Wind Interaction and Crustal Field Influences on Mars' Upper Ionosphere: MAVEN Observations Compared to Model Results
- Source parameter validations using multiple-scale approaches for earthquake sequences in Oklahoma: implications for earthquake triggering processes
- Spacecraft measurements of large-scale spatial properties of magnetopause reconnection
- Spatial and Temporal Clustering in a Simple Earthquake Asperity Model
- Spatial and temporal variations in atmospheric temperature and humidity gradients controlled by local urban land use intensity in Boston, MA
- Stage-discharge relationship in tidal channels
- Stand structure and composition provide differential tree-ring growth signals in eastern U.S. forests
- State of the Carbon Cycle Report 2 (SOCCR2): Highlights from the Urban Systems chapter
- Synthesizing trait correlations and functional relationships across multiple scales: A Hierarchical Bayes approach
- The Geoscience Paper of the Future: Best Practices for Documenting and Sharing Research from Data to Software to Provenance
- The Heliosphere with Jets and its implications for the global Energetic Neutral Atoms Maps throughout the Solar Cycle and its impact on the large-scale draping of the interstellar magnetic field
- The North American Carbon Budget Past, Present and Future
- The Role of Authigenic Volcanic Ash in Marine Sediment
- The Soft X-ray Imager (SXI) on the SMILE Mission
- The Zodiacal Cloud Model applied to the Martian atmosphere. Diurnal variations in meteoric ion layers
- The role of tidal current characteristics on the development of intertidal morphology in tropical and subtropical mangrove forests
- Thresholds of understanding: Exploring assumptions of scale invariance vs. scale dependence in global biogeochemical models
- Toward Multi-Model Frameworks Addressing Multi-Sector Dynamics, Risks, and Resiliency
- Two Dimensional Energy Flux Measurements of Precipitation using Incoherent Scatter Radars
- Understanding the Perception of Global Climate Change: Research into the Role of Media
- Urban land use choices and biogeochemical consequences
- VT0005 In Action: National Forest Biomass Inventory Using Airborne Lidar Sampling
- Validation of VIIRS Land Surface Phenology using Field Observations, PhenoCam Imagery, and Landsat data
- Variability of D and H in the Martian Exosphere
- Variability of Dayside Reconnection in a Global Hybrid-Vlasov Simulation
- Variations of the Martian cold oxygen exosphere derived from the O 130.4 nm line by IUVS/MAVEN
- Wave Turning and Flow Angle in the E-Region Ionosphere
- Which factors limit constraining ecosystem models with remote sensing observations?
- "Ring rain" on Saturn's ionosphere: densities and temperatures from 2011 observations and re-detection in 2013 observations
- (Un)certainty in climate change impacts on global energy consumption
- 10 Years of Student Questions about the Sun and Solar Physics: Preparing Graduate Students to Work with Parker Solar Probe Data
- A Framework for Effective Assessment of Model-based Projections of Biodiversity to Inform the Next Generation of Global Conservation Targets
- A Soil Service Index: a method for quantifying the value, vulnerability, and status of soil resources
- A Study of the Interplanetary Signatures of Earth-Arriving CMEs
- A global analysis of the urban heat island effect based on multisensor satellite data
- A multi-model assessment of terrestrial biosphere model data needs
- ALM-FATES: Using dynamic vegetation and demography to capture changes in forest carbon cycling and competition at the global scale
- ANDESITE: Measuring Small Scale Aurora with a CubeSat Swarm
- Amateur Radio Flash Mob: Citizen Radio Science Response to a Solar Eclipse
- An Object-Based Machine Learning Classification Procedure for Mapping Impoundments in Brazil's Amazon-Cerrado Agricultural Frontier
- Annual measurements of gain and loss in aboveground carbon density
- Approaches and Activities of Professional Development During Graduate/Postdoctoral Summer Workshops
- Assessing Ecosystem Model Performance in Semiarid Systems
- Assessing change in the overturning behaviors of the Laurentian Great Lakes using remote sensing.
- Assessing saltmarsh resilience to sea-level rise by examining sediment transport trends in the Great Marsh, MA.
- Assessing the Potential for Inland Migration of a Northeastern Salt Marsh
- Attribution of surface temperature anomalies induced by land use and land cover changes
- Beach- ridge internal architecture and use for Holocene sea-level reconstruction: A case study from the Miquelon-Langlade Isthmus (NW Atlantic)
- Beach-ridge sedimentology as an archive of terrestrial climate change: Insights from a geochemical and stratigraphic study of the Tijucas Strandplain, southern Brazil
- Brown Dog: A Data Transformation Ecosystem for Research - Advancing from Beta to 1.0
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Urban Synthesis and Analysis ("CO<SUB>2</SUB>-USA") Network
- Canadian Boreal Forest Greening and Browning Trends: An Analysis of Biogeographic Patterns and the Relative Roles of Disturbance versus Climate Drivers
- Canopy structural complexity predicts forest canopy light absorption at continental scales
- Cement Distribution and Diagenetic Pathway of the Miocene Sediments on Kardiva Platform, Maldives.
- Characterizing the Meso-scale Plasma Flows in Earth's Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- Chenier Development within a Prograding Strandplain Complex
- Constraints on Mars Hydrogen loss from MAVEN: processes and present-day rates
- Controls on Biogeochemical Cycling of Nitrogen in Urban Ecosystems
- Detecting spatio-temporal changes in agricultural land use in Heilongjiang province, China using MODIS time-series data and a random forest regression model
- Developing a Data Record of Lower Troposphere Temperature Profiles for Diurnal Land-Atmosphere Coupling Investigations
- Diffusive transport of several hundred keV electrons in the Earth's slot region
- Dominant Sources of Ionospheric Variability during a Quiet Sun Period
- Effects of different types of moderate severity disturbance on forest structural complexity and ecosystem functioning: A story of ice and fire
- Effects of magnetospheric particle energization processes on ionospheric conductance
- Establishment of a sensor testbed at NIST for plant productivity monitoring
- Estimating Unbiased Land Cover Change Areas In The Colombian Amazon Using Landsat Time Series And Statistical Inference Methods
- Estimating the ecology of extinct species with paleoecological data assimilation
- Estimation of evaporation from equilibrium diurnal boundary layer humidity
- Evaluation and Application of Gridded Snow Water Equivalent Products for Improving Snowmelt Flood Predictions in the Red River Basin of the North
- Evaluation of Global LAI/FPAR Products from VIIRS and MODIS: Spatiotemporal Consistency and Uncertainty
- Exploring tropical forest vegetation dynamics using the FATES model
- Field- and Remote Sensing-based Structural Attributes Measured at Multiple Scales Influence the Relationship Between Nitrogen and Reflectance of Forest Canopies
- Forests on the edge: Microenvironmental drivers of carbon cycle response to edge effects
- GLOBE Mission Earth: The evaluation of the first year's implementation.
- Generating Global Products of LAI and FPAR from Suomi-NPP VIIRS Data
- Generation and Evaluation of a Global Land Surface Phenology Product from Suomi-NPP VIIRS Observations
- Global Evolution of Plasmaspheric Plasma: Spacecraft-Model Reconstructions
- Gradient Drift Turbulence from Electron Bite-Outs: Dependence on Atmospheric Parameters.
- High spatial and spectral resolution measurements of Jupiter's auroral regions using Gemini-North-TEXES
- High-Resolution Source Parameter and Site Characteristics Using Near-Field Recordings - Decoding the Trade-off Problems Between Site and Source
- Hydrogen Escape at Mars : Comparisons from MGCM-LMD Simulations and Observations from Mars-Express/SPICAM, MAVEN/IUVS and HST/ACS
- Identifying drivers of divergent methane fluxes from restored wetlands
- Impact of Future Emissions and Climate Change on Surface Ozone over China
- Impacts of weather versus climate and driver uncertainty on multi-centennial ecosystem model simulations
- Improving MAVEN-IUVS Lyman-Alpha Apoapsis Images
- Inferring biogeochemistry past: a millennial-scale multimodel assimilation of multiple paleoecological proxies.
- Influence of Magnetic Topology on Mars' Ionospheric Structure
- Integrating invasive grasses into carbon cycle projections: Cogongrass spread in southern pine forests
- Integrating terrestrial and marine records of the LGM in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica: implications for grounded ice expansion, ice flow, and deglaciation of the Ross Sea Embayment
- Integrating the avoidance of forest degradation into systematic conservation planning in the Eastern Amazon
- Intermitted Occurrence of Millennial-scale Variability of East Asian Summer Monsoon before 1.45 Ma based on the High-resolution Br Record of the Japan Sea Sediments
- Investigating mesospheric mountain wave characteristics over New Zealand during DEEPWAVE
- Ionospheric modifications detected by a dense network of single frequency GNSS receivers
- Juno Perijove 1 radio occultation of the Io plasma torus
- Juno Radio Science Observations and Gravity Science Calibrations of Plasma Electron Content in Io Plasma Torus
- Jupiter's non-auroral Ionosphere and Thermosphere
- Latest results from the MAVEN Radio Occultation Science Experiment (ROSE)
- Leaf optical properties shed light on foliar trait variability at individual to global scales
- Looking Past Primary Productivity: Benchmarking System Processes that Drive Ecosystem Level Responses in Models
- MAVEN Observations of the Effects of Crustal Magnetic Fields on the Mars Ionosphere
- MAVEN/IUVS Periapse Lyman-alpha Observations: Variability and Constraints on H and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Abundance
- MAVEN/IUVS observations of dayglow emissions on Mars: indicator of dynamics, energetics, physical processes, and coupling between lower and upper atmosphere
- Mars topographic clouds: MAVEN/IUVS observations and LMD MGCM predictions
- Martian Electron Temperatures in the Sub Solar Region.
- Martian thermal tides from the surface to the atmosphere
- Migrating Toward Fully 4-D Geodynamical Models of Asthenospheric Circulation and Melt Production at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Modeling Dynamics of South American Rangelands to Climate Variability and Human Impact
- Monitoring tropical forest degradation using time series analysis of Landsat and Sentinel-2 data
- Multi-Scale Analysis of Trends in Northeastern Temperate Forest Springtime Phenology
- Multidecadal Rates of Disturbance- and Climate Change-Induced Land Cover Change in Arctic and Boreal Ecosystems over Western Canada and Alaska Inferred from Dense Landsat Time Series
- Multisource Imaging of Seasonal Dynamics in Land Surface Phenology Using Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 Data
- Near-field observations of microearthquake source physics using dense array
- Network-level fossil of a phosphate-free biosphere
- Overview of HST observvations of Jupiter's ultraviolet aurora during Juno orbits 03 to 07
- Paleoclimate reconstruction through Bayesian data assimilation
- Particle-in-cell simulations of collisional ISR spectra.
- Piecing together the fragments: Elucidating edge effects on forest carbon dynamics
- Plasmaspheric Hiss Modulation By Energetic Electron Injections in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Producing Titan ionospheric electron density profiles from Cassini radio occultation data
- Provenance Changes Over Glacial-Interglacial Timescales Recorded in Japan Sea Sediments (IODP Site U1430)
- Reconciling the Reynolds number dependence of scalar roughness length and laminar resistance
- Requirements, Science, and Measurements for Landsat 10 and Beyond: Perspectives from the Landsat Science Team
- Response of surface CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes to whole ecosystem warming and elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> in a boreal black spruce peatland, northern Minnesota
- Results from the OH-PT model: a Kinetic-MHD Model of the Outer Heliosphere within SWMF
- Saturn's Ionosphere: Cassini/INMS In Situ Measurements and Model Comparisons
- Seasonal Transport in Mars' Mesosphere-Thermosphere revealed by Nitric Oxide nightglow
- Secretome-based Manganese(II) Oxidation by Filamentous Ascomycete Fungi
- Soil Moisture (SMAP) and Vapor Pressure Deficit Controls on Evaporative Fraction over the Continental U.S.
- Solar Wind - Magnetosheath - Magnetopause Interactions in Global Hybrid-Vlasov Simulations
- Space Weather Now-Casting for Area-Denied Locations: Testing All-Sky-Imaging Applications at Geomagnetic Conjugate Points.
- Spatial and Temporal Relationships of Stomatal Development and Function in a Temperate Forest Canopy
- Spatial and temporal variability in carbon cycling in a northeastern U.S. forest in relation to leaf traits, canopy diversity and climate variability
- Spreading speed of magnetopause reconnection X-lines using ground-satellite coordination
- Stress Drop and Directivity Patterns Observed in Small-Magnitude (<M5) Seismic Clusters Near Reno, Nevada
- Suprathermal particle precipitation and small-scale auroral features
- Temporal and Spatial Variability of the Martian Hot Oxygen Corona
- The Effect of Spatial and Diurnal Variations of Surface Temperature on Flux Imbalance
- The Efforts of the American Geophysical Union Space Physics and Aeronomy Section Education and Public Outreach Committee to Use NASA Research in Education and Outreach
- The Energetic Neutral Atoms of the "Croissant" Heliosphere with Jets
- The Evolution of Deuterium and Hydrogen in the Martian Upper Atmosphere
- The Impacts of Synoptic Forcing on Urban Moist Convection
- The Jovian Magnetodisc Mapped at High Latitude by the Juno Spacecraft
- The North American Energy System: Chapter 3 of SOCCR-2
- The Structure of the Heliosphere with Solar Cycle and Its Effect on the Conditions in the Local ISM
- The UV Spectrum of Phobos as measured by MAVEN/IUVS
- Thermospheric Expansion During Multiple Dust Storms on Mars Observed by MAVEN/NGIMS
- Three types of aurora on Mars
- Tropical rainforests dominate multi-decadal variability of the global carbon cycle
- Uncertainty and inference in the world of paleoecological data
- Understanding Uncertainties of Stress Drop Estimation at Parkfield
- Understanding the Driver of Energetic Electron Precipitation Using Coordinated Multi-Satellite Measurements
- Understanding the drivers of post-fire albedo and radiative forcing across Alaska and Canada: implications for management.
- Upgrades to the Mars Initial Reference Ionosphere (MIRI) Model Due to Observations from MAVEN, MEX and MRO.
- Urban-rural variations in air quality and health impacts in northern India
- Using Wave and Energetic Particle Observation on Juno to Investigate Low Altitude Magnetospheric Process on Jupiter.
- Utilizing the NASA and NOAA Joint Ocean Surface Topography Mission to Assess Patterns and Trends in Sea-Surface Height in the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands
- Variability in the topside ionosphere of Mars as seen by the MAVEN NGIMS instrument
- 10 Years of Student Questions about the the thermosphere and ionosphere: Preparing Graduate Students to Work with Data from ICON
- 2D structure of foreshock driven Pc5 ULF waves observed by THEMIS satellites and ground-based imager conjunction
- A CubeSat Approach to Martian Ionospheric Tomography
- A Predicted Small and Round Heliosphere
- A Study of E Region Electron Temperatures from an Unusually Disturbed Electric Field Event
- Advancing the monitoring of forest degradation in support of inventories of carbon emissions
- Analysis of Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph (IUVS) Observations of the Martian Disk at O135.6 nm with Implications for Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometer (EMUS) Data Analysis
- Analysis of Questions Posed by Graduate Students During an Introductory Research Workshop
- Applying improved spectral analysis to an induced earthquake sequence in Oklahoma and implications on earthquake triggering
- Are future forests driven by climate or management?
- Assessing the uncertainty in the aircraft-based mass balance estimation of CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions from the Baltimore-Washington area: Comparison of top-down estimates to various bottom-up inventories
- Attribution of Surface Energy Balance Changes Induced by Springtime Phenology
- Beach-ridge sedimentology and geochemistry as archives of coastal response to Holocene climate change
- Benchmarking and parameter sensitivity of FATES predictions of ecosystem structure and function at Barro Colorado Island, Panama
- Biking and Breathing Study: personal air pollution exposure in New York City bicycle commuters
- Building Bundles of GLOBE Activities: Facilitating Urban Teachers Implementation of Project Based Learning
- City Scale: Urban Integrated Analysis for Sustainability
- Classification mapping of salt marsh vegetation by flexible monthly NDVI time-series using Landsat imagery
- Climate change may worsen mercury pollution in northern hardwood forests
- Combined Scattering of Outer Radiation Belt Electrons by Simultaneously Occurring Chorus, Exohiss and Magnetosonic Waves
- Combining low-cost sensor measurements and satellite aerosol optical depth to enhance the full-coverage PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> prediction in Imperial County, CA
- Compiling a training data set for rapid detection of earthquake-induced building collapse using satellite imagery
- Complete Partitioning of Variance to Improve Predictability of the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle in a Forest Gap Model
- Concurrent Lucky Imaging and Spectroscopy of the Mercury Exosphere with the Rapid Imaging Planetary Spectrograph
- Cutting out the middleman: Calibrating and validating an ecosystem model using remotely sensed surface reflectance
- D-region Conductivity Enhancements due to Sub-relativistic Precipitation and their Dependence on Substorm Phases
- Decline of the Amazon Carbon Sink from Recent Climate Extremes
- Deep learning for satellite data-driven assessment and forecasting of particulate pollution over South Korea
- Developing High Resolution Particulate Matter Surfaces for use in Community Health Assessments
- Developing a novel method to extract nonlinear viscoelastic characteristics of Earth rock by propagating elastic waves
- Digging down: How respiration from different soil depths responds to climate change
- Direct EUV/X-ray Modulation of the Ionosphere and accompanying TIDs during the August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
- Does tree diversity in North American forests influence carbon and water fluxes between ecosystems and the atmosphere?
- Dynamics of High-latitude F-region Winds Driven by Multi-scale Magnetospheric Energy Input
- Dynamics of meso-scale electron precipitation and conductance in the nightside auroral oval
- Earthquake Processes along Oceanic Transform Faults and Ridge Segments: OBS Observations along the Chain Fracture Zone in the Mid-Atlantic from the PI-LAB Experiment.
- Effects of Dynamic Electric Fields Derived from Incoherent Scatter Radar on High-latitude Ionosphere
- Electron-electron collision effects on ISR temperature measurements
- Employing Remote Sensing Techniques to Quantify Sediment Supply and Evaluate Marsh Vulnerability in the Plum Island Estuary
- Energetic Neutral Atom Maps from the "Croissant-like" Heliosphere
- Energetic charged particle characteristics of Jupiter's middle-to-outer magnetosphere: Observations from Juno/JEDI
- Enhancing Growth In Green Roof Gardens With CO2 From Human Respiration Inside Buildings
- Estimates of present and future asthma emergency department visits associated with exposure to oak, birch, and grass pollen in the United States
- Evidence for Flow Channel Control of Eastward and Westward Expansion of the Substorm Expansion Phase
- Expansion Effects in Voyager Magnetic Field Spectra
- Fate of cohesive sediments in a marsh-dominated estuary
- Fault Structure, Earthquake Interaction, and Source Properties of Two Small (M<SUB>w</SUB> < 4) Sequences in the Walker Lane
- Forecasting forest responses in real-time: How close are we and how do we get there?
- GLOBE Mission EARTH: Fusing GLOBE with NASA Assets to Build Systemic Innovation in STEM Education
- GLOBE Mission Earth: Evaluation of the Second Year's Implementation.
- How can hierarchical Bayesian calibration of a dynamic vegetation model help with ecological forecasts?
- How predictable are soil fungal communities in space and time?
- Identification of Auroral Zone Activity Driving Large-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
- Identifying uncertainties in L1 measurements as predictors of conditions at the magnetopause
- Improving Health in Environmental Justice Communities with Data, Good Food and Water
- Improving the Monitoring of Vegetation Phenology Using the New Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES-16)
- Interpreting urban heat islands as perturbations on surface energy and water balances
- Intrinsic Constraints on Asymmetric Turbulent Transport of Scalars Within the Constant Flux Layer of the Lower Atmosphere
- Investigation of Solar Proton Access into the Inner Magnetosphere on 11 September 2017
- Ion Heating by Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Juno Radio Science Observations and Gravity Science Calibrations of Io Plasma Torus and Its Impact on Telecommunications Links for Future Missions
- Latest results from the MAVEN Radio Occultation Science Experiment (ROSE)
- Leveraging Commercial Cubesat Constellations for Science: A Case Study
- Local land surface temperature response to the widespread Earth greening
- Localized Ionization Hypothesis for Transient Ionospheric Layers
- Lower Land Use Emissions Increased Net Land Carbon Sink During the Slow Warming Period
- MAVEN IUVS and HST Observations of the Martian Exosphere During the 2018 Dust Storm
- Mapping Continuous Fields of Bare Ground, Grass, and Woody Cover in the Southern Cone of South America using Landsat
- Mesoscale Convection Structures Associated with Polar Cap Patches using Cluster-Imager Conjunctions
- Mitigating near-term future ambient air pollution increases over India with reductions in the transportation and domestic combustion sectors
- Monitoring crop phenology using a smartphone based near-surface remote sensing approach
- Monitoring vegetation greening at alpine treeline ecotones using airborne laser scanning and Landsat time-series
- Multi-case study of energetic electron precipitation during Van Allen Probes and LEO satellite magnetic conjunctions
- National Climate Assessment IV, Chapter 17: Sector Interactions, Multiple Stressors, and Complex Systems
- Neutral-Driven Plasma Structure in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars
- North Atlantic Last Glacial Maximum Salinity Reconstruction
- Northern Hemisphere patterns of land surface phenology in a state-of-the-art climate model and remote sensing
- Observational Data-Driven Surface Concentrations Derived from Aircraft Profiles and Satellite Total Columns
- Observations of Jupiter's low-latitude ionosphere: almost-global maps of H<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>+</SUP> temperature and density
- Oxygen ion dynamics in Earth's ring current: Van Allen Probes observations
- PEcAn: Ecosystem Modeling at your fingertips
- Performant, practical and reliable design for cross-language Python packages
- Plant productivity varies with experimental soil drying and active layer deepening across ecotypes of a dominant Arctic sedge
- Projections of future stream water chemistry under the Representative Concentration Pathways in an old-growth Douglas-fir forest of the Pacific Northwest using a biogeochemical model with improved algorithm on soil cation exchange capacity
- Quantifying Nonlinear Interactions Between Chorus Waves and Radiation Belt Electrons
- Quantifying the Information Content of Global Imaging Spectroscopy
- R Shiny for encouraging data discovery and download: best practices
- RAM-SCBE Simulations of the March 2017 CIR-Driven Storm Period
- Realistic Worst Case for a Severe Space Weather Event Driven by a Fast Solar Wind Stream
- Recent trends, drivers, and projections of carbon cycle processes in forests of North America
- Reconstructing the East Asian Monsoon from Provenance of Marine Sediment in the Ulleung Basin
- Rendering Hydrologic Ecosystem Services From Urban Soils: A Combined Field and Simulation Study
- Robust Analysis of Stress Drop Variation along San Andreas Fault at Parkfield Using Multiple Local Networks
- Saturn's ionosphere and D ring electrodynamic interaction using RPWS/LP measurements from the Cassini Grand Finale
- Scale issue in the attribution of land use and land cover change-induced surface temperature anomalies
- Seasonal and Dust Storm Variability in Mars H Escape inferred from MAVEN/IUVS Lyman Alpha Brightness Measurements
- Simulating Meteor Ablation using Molecular Dynamics
- Simulations Reveal a New Thermally-Driven Plasma Instability in the Solar Chromosphere
- Soil creep in a New England salt marsh: fast, seasonal, and likely mediated by vegetation
- Source Complexity of the 2015 M<SUB>w</SUB> 4.0 Guthrie, Oklahoma Earthquake
- Spatial scales and properties of chorus waves using simultaneous multi-satellite observations
- Structure and evolution of dayside magnetopause reconnection exhaust
- Temporal variations of the atomic oxygen on Mars' upper atmosphere derived from the O I 130.4 nm triplet observed by MAVEN/IUVS
- The CuPID Cubesat Observatory: Imaging Soft X-rays from the Magnetosheath
- The Downsides of Detail: Quantifying the Uncertainty Surrounding the Implementation of a Mechanistic Plant Hydraulic Module in a Dynamic Vegetation Model
- The Future of US Forest Function Under Changing Climate, Disturbance, and Forest Management
- The Gas Leak Allies Story: How Scientists and Advocates Partnered for Urban Policy Solutions.
- The Holocene Glacier Advance and Retreat History of Steingletscher (Central Swiss Alps), inferred from in situ cosmogenic <SUP>14</SUP>C and <SUP>10</SUP>Be
- The Impact of Kinetic Neutrals on the Shape of the Heliosphere and Structure of the Heliotail
- The Jovian Magnetodisc Azimuthal and Radial Fields Mapped by the Juno Spacecraft
- The Role of Atmospheric Eddies on the Lapse Rate Feedback and Arctic Amplification
- The anatomy of an ocean transform fault rupture: the 2016 M7.1 Romanche earthquake in the Mid-Atlantic from high-resolution local seismic and bathymetry data recorded with the PI-LAB experiment
- The impact of emissions scenarios and climate change over China on ozone air quality in China and the United States
- The persistence of root carbon in soil: data and modeling gaps
- Theory, Simulation, and Observation of Magnetosonic Turbulence in the Heliosheath
- Topside Ionospheric Responses to the 21 August 2017 Eclipse Observed by DMSP Spacecraft
- Towards Improved Stress Drop Measurement: A Detailed Comparison of Contrasting Approaches
- Towards a global synthesis of land-surface fluxes for natural and human-altered watersheds using the low-dimensional Budyko framework
- Typical properties of whistler mode waves in plasmaspheric plumes and their quantitative effects on energetic electron precipitation
- Ultrafine Particle Transport from Arriving Aircraft
- Understanding variations in the post-fire recovery of North American Boreal forests
- Unique Canopy Structural Signatures of Moderate Disturbance Derived from Terrestrial LiDAR
- Urban biogenic C uptake estimated based on high-resolution remotely sensed biomass and urban-specific field measurements in Boston, Massachusetts
- Using DMSP and AMISR for studying ionospheric flow channels and density structures due to magnetic reconnection
- Using Docker to Ease the Sharing and Running of Code in the PEcAn Project
- Using PhenoCams and Landsat to improve understanding of photoperiod control on spring phenology of deciduous forests in the Eastern US
- Using edge to interior ratios to characterize disturbance: moving beyond the spatially explicit
- Using satellite-derived surface concentrations to estimate the mortality associated with ambient air pollution in cities worldwide
- Variability in Martian Proton Aurora as Observed by MAVEN/IUVS
- Variability in the Io Plasma Torus Seen by Juno Radio Occultations
- What else can citizen science and 'amateur' observations reveal about STEVE?
- Winter vs. Growing Season Climate Effects on Tree Growth and Carbon Sequestration in a Northern Hardwood Forest
- 2017 Northern California Wildfires - A NASA Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (HAQAST) Tiger Team
- A Land Surface Phenology Product for North America from Harmonized Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 imagery
- A Multi-Wavelength Study of Io's Atomic Oxygen and Sulfur Emission
- A comparison between MAVEN/ROSE and MAVEN/LPW measurements of electron densities at Mars' ionosphere.
- A model-data fusion approach to estimating terrestrial carbon budgets across the contiguous U.S
- Airborne Data Visualizer: A Generalizable Web Application for Visual Exploration Of Greenhouse And Trace Gas Concentrations Observed From Aircraft
- Almost Two Decades of Student Questions about Space Weather Forecasting and Impacts: Preparing to Respond to the Questions that Graduate Researchers Have About Space Weather Impact.
- An Estimation of the Effect of Soil Moisture on Subsequent Precipitation Using the SMOS Soil Moisture Product
- An explicit estimate of terrestrial evaporative fraction based on weather data for a boundary layer at diurnal equilibrium
- An optimal projection of the changes in global leaf area index in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Analysis of Questions Posed by Graduate Students During an Introductory Research Workshop
- Assessing Management Impacts and Representation of Ecosystem Heterogeneity in Northern Wisconsin Forests: Modeling for Better Stewardship
- Assimilative Mapping of Global Auroral Energy Flux and Conductance
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> densities and temperatures from MAVEN/IUVS between 80-150 km: Simultaneously probing the middle and upper atmosphere
- Carbon Density Dynamics from MODIS, Landsat, and TanDEM-X
- Characterization of Nonlinear Interactions Between Energetic Electrons and Chorus Waves with Various Spectral Properties
- Characterizing Earthquake Source Complexity in the San Jacinto Fault Zone: Implications for Calculation of Source Parameters
- Characterizing patterns of combined sewer discharge in a drinking water source: Spatiotemporal variation of fecal indicator bacteria in the Merrimack River
- Characterizing the spatial distribution of macrophytes in Lake Kyoga based on Landsat, 1986 - 2018
- Climate Change Leads to A Doubling of Turbidity in A Rapidly Expanding Tibetan Lake
- Climate controls on springtime phenology in Eastern Temperate Forests of North America
- Comparison of Enhancements in Energetic Neutral Atom and Auroral All Sky Images.
- Consequences of Changing Winter Climate for Carbon Balance in a Temperate Forest
- Dayside Polar Cap Flows and Density Enhancements Triggered by Substorms
- Dayside magnetospheric and ionospheric responses to transient upstream disturbances measured by satellite-imager coordination
- Deriving Coefficients of Universal Normalized Vegetation Index and Tasseled Cap Transformation for Sentinel-2 Multispectral Instrument
- Detecting earthquake-induced liquefaction using VHR satellite and aerial imageries fused with geospatial data
- Developing high-resolution and long-term NO<SUB>2</SUB> and PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> exposure estimates using OMI NO<SUB>2</SUB>, TROPOMI NO<SUB>2</SUB>, and MAIAC AOD for five pilot cities
- Direct Observation of Sub-Relativistic Electron Precipitation Driven by EMIC Waves
- Direct biophysical impacts of Earth greening largely controlled by aerodynamic resistance
- Disconnect between SIF and tree-level physiology: Limitations of SIF as a proxy for GPP?
- Discovering fine structures of the ionosphere-thermosphere system using high-resolution general circulation models: A coordinated study of Feb 20, 2014, geomagnetic storm
- Distinct Turbulence Structures in Stably Stratified Boundary Layers with Weak and Strong Surface Shear
- EMIC (ElectroMagnetic Ion Cyclotron) waves during the Van Allen Probes and ERG era: Spatial distributions of EMIC waves depending on geomagnetic conditions
- ESCAPADE: coordinated multipoint observations of the Martian magnetosphere
- ESCAPADE: the first multi-spacecraft science mission to another planet.
- Effects of Connections Between Plasma Sheet and Sub-Auroral Flow Bursts
- Energetic Neutral Atom Maps from a Kinetic-MHD Description of the "Croissant-like" Heliosphere
- Equipping the Workforce with Space Weather Measurement and Interpretation Skills: The Incoherent Scatter Radar Summer School
- Estimating PM2.5 in Southern California Using Satellite Data: Factors that Affect Model Performance.
- Expanding the Boston Region Carbon Monitoring System: The Addition of Total Column Observations of Greenhouse Gases
- Exploring parameter uncertainty in the presence of trait filtering, using the FATES model at a tropical forest site
- Forecasting the Soil Microbiome
- From SAPS and DAPS to Flow Channel Control of Auroral Omega Bands and Auroral Substorm Development
- Global Measurements of Annual Gain and Loss (2003-2016) in Aboveground Carbon Density
- High Latitude Dynamics and Fast Flow Channels: Implications for Ionospheric Structuring and Energy Dissipation
- Hydro-geochemical Processes Driving Arsenic Concentrations in Springs in the Highlands of Costa Rica
- Hydrological Response of High Elevation Watersheds in the Conterminous United States to Climate Change under the Representative Concentration Pathway Scenarios
- Identification of Large Volume Leaks in Natural Gas Distribution Systems
- Impact of Drought Severity and Topography on Tropical Forests of Costa Rica
- Improving forecasting of biome shifts with data assimilation of paleoecological data
- Improving leaf area index retrieval over heterogeneous surface mixed with water
- Informing Policy Through a Vulnerability Assessment of Heat-Related Mortality
- Initial Survey of Energetic Particle Flux Distributions Measured by UCLA's ELFIN CubeSats
- Investigating Solar Flare-Induced Oxygen Production in the Martian Thermosphere
- Io Plasma Torus Variability During the Juno Mission
- Juno Radio Science Observations and Gravity Science Calibrations of Io Plasma Torus: IPT Impacts to Europa Gravity Science
- Large Eddies Regulate Turbulent Flux Gradients in Coupled Stable Boundary Layers
- MAVEN/IUVS Measurements of the D/H Ratio in the Martian Upper Atmosphere
- MMS Observations of Multi-Scale Wave Structures with Energetic Electrons at the High-Latitude Dayside Boundary Layer In the Vicinity of the Southern Cusp
- Magnetosphere Mapping of Jupiter's Polar Auroral Bright Spot
- Magnetospheric dynamics associated with STEVE
- Mapping pasture and rangeland degradation in the Southern Cone of South America using Landsat
- Mars Atmospheric Loss is Enhanced by Lower Atmospheric Dynamics, Including Regional Dust Storms
- Modeling Electron Enhancement and Butterfly Pitch Angle Distributions in the Earth's Inner Radiation Belt and Slot Region
- Monitoring and modeling of ambient ultrafine particle concentrations along a runway trajectory near a major airport
- Morphology of GPS scintillation at middle latitudes
- Moving Forward to Improve Predictions of Productivity Under Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>: Ensemble-Based Model Intercomparison and Benchmarking Using the Predictive Ecosystem Analyser
- Multiband chorus waves in Earth's magnetosphere
- Near real-time forecasting of terrestrial carbon and water pools and fluxes
- Neutral Responses to Fine-Structure Energetic Particle Precipitation and Electric Field Variability During Geomagnetic Storm
- Neutral dynamics associated with STEVE: multi-instrumental observations
- Observation of unusual high frequency EMIC waves and their effects on electron dynamics
- Optical signatures of the outer radiation belt boundary
- Origin of two-band chorus in the Earth's outer radiation belt
- Phase Coherent Scale Size and Properties of EMIC Waves Using Simultaneous Multi-Satellite Observations
- Plant functional traits and climate influence drought intensification and land-atmosphere feedbacks
- Plasma sheet electron precipitation due to lower and upper band chorus waves
- Predicting town-level cases of Lyme disease in Southern Maine
- Preferential Ion Heating and Particle Acceleration Downstream of Dispersive Shock Waves in Collisionless Multi-Ion Plasma
- Probing the nature of the Hikurangi Margin hydrogeologic system - Preliminary results from the SAFFRONZ Expedition
- Quantification of Energetic Electron Precipitation Driven by Magnetospheric Waves
- REAL: A CubeSat to Study Energetic Electron Precipitation into Earth's Atmosphere
- Radiation Belt Electron Acceleration at Earth and Jupiter
- Radio Occultation Results from MarCO, The First Interplanetary Cubesat Mission
- Re-Analysis of the 1976 Mars Occultation of Epsilon Geminorum
- Reanalysis of Cassini Radio Occultation Data and Electron Density Profiles for Saturn
- Recent Results from the MAVEN Radio Occultation Science Experiment (ROSE)
- Resolving the spatiotemporal variability of small earthquake source parameters at Parkfield and their relationship with 2004M6 Parkfield earthquake
- Responses of winter precipitation to urbanization
- Results from a new approach to meso-scale driving of the I-T system
- Role of marsh edge form in wave attenuation: field measurements in Newbury, MA
- Rupture Directivity of Foreshocks Show Rapid Migration around Patches on a Complex Fault during the 2008 Mogul, NV Earthquake Sequence
- Saturn's Ionosphere in Light of Cassini Measurements
- Scintillation producing ionospheric structures over Antarctic plateau during substorm events
- Seasonal variation and solar activity dependence of two distinct types of 150-km echoes from JULIA observations
- Similar sensitivities but different responses of land surface temperature to deforestation in two global earth system models
- Solar Cycle Variations of the Ionospheres of Venus and Mars
- Some Space Rocks Visit Us from Far-Away Space
- Spatial Scale of Dayside Magnetopause Reconnection
- Statistical study of Chorus modulations by background magnetic field and plasma density
- Statistics of the Magnetospheric Multi-Scale Observations of Energetic Particle Properties and their Relation to Diamagnetic Cavities
- Teaching Heliophysics from a Curriculum
- Temporal and Spatial Variability of the Martian Hot Oxygen Corona During the MAVEN Mission
- Test Particle Simulations and Analytical Estimates of Nonlinear Wave-Particle Interactions
- Testing the trade wind charging mechanism and its influence on ENSO variability.
- Testing theories and models for dayside magnetopause reconnection with the Cusp Plasma Imaging Detector (CuPID) Cubesat Observatory
- The CO<SUB>2</SUB> Urban Synthesis and Analysis ("CO<SUB>2</SUB>-USA") Project: Results and Deliverables
- The Development of Cubesat Instruments to Image Magnetic Reconnection
- The Driver of Energetic Electron Precipitation in the Earth's Upper Atmosphere
- The Effects of Surface Heterogeneity Scale on the Flux Imbalance under Free Convection
- The Formation of Mid-latitude Irregularities and Potential Impacts on Systems During Magnetic Storms and Sub-Storms
- The Impacts of Leaked Natural Gas on the Integrity of Urban Street Trees
- The Structure of the Heliotail as probed by a Kinetic-MHD, a Multi-Ion Description of the Heliosphere and Energetic Neutral Maps
- The Two-Lobe Structure of the Heliosphere Persists in the SHIELD Model, a K-MHD Model of the Outer Heliosphere
- The Variability of D and H in the Upper Atmospheres of Mars: Implications for Water Escape
- The urban-rural contrast of heat stress in a global earth system model
- The use of machine learning for the rapid prediction of radiation belt dynamics
- Tidal waves and ionosphere-thermosphere coupling at Mars
- Tracking the Vernal Window Using Bundled Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) protocols
- Twenty Years of Space Weather Summer School
- Two Decades of MODIS Daily Albedo, NBAR, and BRDF products
- Uncertainty quantification in aerosol properties retrieved by optimal estimation: a testbed using General Retrieval of Aerosol and Surface Properties (GRASP)
- Unexpected Detections of Martian Nightside Proton Aurora and Connections with the Mars Magnetic Field Environment
- Unified estimation of spectral coastal land and water reflectances with uncertainties
- Using GLOBE Hydrology Protocols for Culturally Responsive Teaching and Socioscientific Issues in a High Need Urban District
- Using moderate and high spatial resolution imagery to characterize seasonal variation in leaf area in a temperate broadleaf forest.
- Vector Sensor Simulation and Processing of Auroral Radio Emissions
- Voluntary, Permanent Land Protection Reduces Forest Loss and Development in a Rural-Urban Landscape
- Westerly Jet-Asian Monsoon Coupling Reconstructed Using Radiogenic Neodymium Isotopes in Eolian Dust from Japan Sea Sediments
- Whistler waves driven by field-aligned streaming electrons in the magnetic reconnection
- X-line spreading in three-dimensional asymmetric magnetic reconnection
- A New Vision for Summer Schools: Moving the Heliophysics Summer School to a Remote Model
- A Possible Link Between the Occurrence of Metallic Calcium Ions Within the Intermediate Descending Layers at Arecibo and Equatorial Electrodynamics
- A global-optimization-based spectral decomposition method and its application to resolving source parameters of small earthquakes at Parkfield
- A hybrid empirical and parametric approach to forecasting dissolved oxygen in Lake Geneva to address long-term changes in lake biogeochemistry under re-oligotrophication and climate change
- A multiresolution approach to auroral precipitation and its impacts on the ionosphere-thermosphere coupling
- A new approach to calculating meteoroid heating using atomic-scale simulations
- A new framework for meso-scale driving of the high-latitude I-T system
- A new pattern of coupling strength in North America using a linear inverse modeling framework of the land-atmosphere system
- Air Quality, Health and Equity Impact Assessment of the Transportation Climate Initiative
- Air pollution reduction and mortality benefit during the COVID-19 outbreak in China
- An overview of Jovian auroral acceleration processes: emphasis on energetic charged particle observations from NASA's Juno mission
- Analysis of Energetic Electron Precipitation and its Associated Drivers Using Multi-Point Observations
- Analysis of Temporal Trends of Groundwater Level and Salinity in a Coastal Forested Area in Delmarva Peninsula (VA).
- Assimilating disturbance: Toward real-time carbon monitoring and forecasting
- Auroral Disturbance Driving of Large-Scale Traveling Ionospheric disturbances (LSTIDs)
- Biogeochemical alteration of iron oxyhydroxide in the pine (mycor)rhizosphere: new evidence from in-situ X-ray imaging
- Brune Stress Drop and Rupture Directivity During the 2016-2018 Amatrice-Visso-Norcia Seismic Sequence: Key Parameters for Earthquake Source Physics
- Cassini observations of ionospheric plasma in Saturn's magnetosphere
- Comparisons of MAVEN/ROSE Results to an Empirical Ionospheric Model
- Constraining Inversions of Rural and Urban CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes Using EM27/SUN XCO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements
- Constraining the 3D Distribution of the Martian Hot Oxygen Corona using MAVEN Observations
- Crustal Strength Variations Inferred from Earthquake Stress Drop at Axial Seamount Surrounding the 2015 Eruption
- D and H in the Lower and Upper Atmosphere of Mars
- Daily and monthly weather improve near-term population forecasts for the vector of Lyme disease (Ixodes scapularis) and it's primary host (Peromyscus leucopus)
- Dawnside Auroral Polarization Streams
- Design of climate-resilient marsh restoration projects using a novel multiscale biogeomorphic model
- Detailed Analysis of Electron Precipitation induced by ULF waves
- Divergence of Sediment Fluxes Triggered by Sea Level Rise Will Reshape Coastal Bays
- Does Earthquake Stress Drop Increase With Depth?
- Driving of outer belt electron loss by solar wind dynamic pressure structures: Analysis of balloon and satellite data
- Dynamic mechanisms support forest carbon cycling stability following disturbance
- Ectomycorrhizal fungi: mediators of plant-microbial interactions and terrestrial biogeochemistry
- Effects of High-resolution Forcing on Joule Heating and Ionosphere-Thermophere Disturbances
- Effects of Re-connection in the Structuring of Plasma and Aurora in the Polar Cap
- Eight Years of Urban Methane Emissions From a Top-down Framework in Boston, MA
- Electron Scattering Effect due to VLF transmitters in Near-Earth Space
- Energetic Electron Scattering in the Earth's Inner Radiation Belt and the Slot Region
- Energetic Proton Precipitation in Jupiter's Inner Magnetosphere Using Juno Observations
- Energy Flux and Conductance from All-Sky-Imagers
- Engaging undergraduate students in project-based science through citizen science: The GLOBE Program
- Evidence for fluids at the shallow Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand, imaged by offshore seismic attenuation
- Expansion of equatorial irregularities to mid-latitudes during the solar cycle 24.
- Exploring the Dependence of Corner Frequency Estimates on EGF-selection Criteria using the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Exploring the role of particulate matter as a carrier of SARS-CoV-2 in USA cities
- Flood Loss Risk and Its Drivers: Evidence from Massachusetts Residential Properties
- Forecasting autumn canopy phenology in near real-time
- Formation Mechanism for the Bursts of Electron Butterfly Distributions
- GLOBE Mission Earth: Student Projects Activating Research and Knowledge
- Global Model of Whistler Mode Chorus in the Near-Equatorial Region (|λ<SUB>m</SUB>| < 18<SUP>o</SUP>)
- Global distribution and evolution of whistler mode chorus and hiss waves studied by a machine learning based model
- Global modeling of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling at the limit of the fluid approximation: Auroral beads and ballooning-interchange instability in the magnetosphere
- Global multi-scale modeling of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling during an isolated substorm
- Gutenberg-Richter distributions for individual faults in California
- Heliospheric Ly α Absorption in a Split Tail Heliosphere
- Hiss in the Plasmasphere and Plumes: Global Distribution From Machine Learning Technique and Their Effects on Global Loss of Energetic Electrons
- How Pickup Ions Generate Turbulence in the Inner Heliosheath: A Multi-Fluid Approach
- Hydrogen Loss Retrievals from MAVEN/IUVS via Temperature-Dependent Radiative Transfer Modeling
- Illuminating the Physics of Jupiter's Auroral Dawn Storms
- Impacts of liana infestation on tropical forest demography and functioning: lessons learned from the implementation of a lianescent growth form in a vegetation model
- Introducing the NEON Ecological Forecasting Challenge hosted by the Ecological Forecasting Initiative Research Coordination Network.
- Investigating the simultaneous occurrence of STEVEs and SAR arcs using all-sky imagers, satellites, and citizen scientist data
- Investigation of Ion-slippage Process in the near-Earth plasma sheet
- MAVEN Observations of Solar Flare Effects in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars
- Managing heat-health risks in the urban Northeast: lessons from summer 2020
- Market prices for weather-related risk: Hurricane Irma and house prices in the Florida Keys
- Mars Orbiters for Surface-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Connections (MOSAIC)
- Measuring the Carbon Cycle to Navigate Hydraulic Uncertainty
- Measuring the Stratospheric Temperature of Uranus Using Archival Stellar Occultations
- Mechanisms of Silica Availability in a New England Salt Marsh
- Mesoscale-resolving global modeling of geospace
- Mesoscale-resolving space weather modeling
- Mesospheric Gravity Wave Momentum Flux Associated With a Thunderstorm Complex
- Mid-Century Temperature Shifts' Heterogeneous Impacts on the Demand for Electricity: Evidence from World Cities
- Modeling Nonlinear, Time-dependent Evolution of Ionospheric Fluid Instabilities in the Polar Cap
- Morphodynamics and modelling of salt marshes in a period of accelerated sea level rise.
- Multi-Point Observations of Modulated Electron Precipitation
- Multi-Point Observations of Quasiperiodic Emission Intensification and Effects on Energetic Electron Precipitation
- Nightside high-latitude magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere responses to an extreme substorm
- Non-Binary Systems: Looking Toward the Future of Gender Equity in Planetary Science and Related Fields
- Observations and Modeling of the Ionospheric Topside Response to the Moon's Shadow During Solar Eclipses
- Observations of Gravity Waves in the Middle Atmosphere of Mars
- Origin of Jupiter's Diffuse Aurora: Quantitative Analysis Using Juno Observations and Theoretical Calculations
- Performance and Capabilities of Juno's Dual-Frequency Radio Science Telecommunications Links
- Phenological variation in vegetation indices, leaf area index, and fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation from Harmonized Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Data
- Photoperiod compensates for decreased temperature sensitivity in deciduous forest greenup
- Prediction of Soft Proton Contamination in XMM-Newton: a Machine Learning Approach
- Properties and Occurrence of Periodic Rising and Falling Tone ECH Waves: Statistical Results
- PyGemini: modular GEMINI-3D ionospheric MPI Fortran model orchestrated by Python
- Python and Fortran: from classroom to research using industry best practices for the geosciences
- Quantifying Changes in Urban Albedo with NASA Earth Observations to Reduce the Urban Heat Island Effect in Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Quantifying Rupture Characteristics of Microearthquakes in the Parkfield Region Using the Borehole High Resolution Seismic Network
- Quantifying energetic electron loss from current sheet scattering at the outermost boundary of the outer radiation belt
- Quasi-Periodic Variation of Jupiter's Aurora Compared with Magnetospheric Dynamics
- REAL: A CubeSat Mission to Study Energetic Electron Precipitation into Earth's Atmosphere
- Recent advances in integrating climate change, air quality, and public health into urban decision-making
- Recent advances in the Io Plasma Torus Calibrations for Galileo, Juno, and Europa Clipper Radio Science Measurements
- Reconciling Ground-Based Remote Sensing and In-Situ Observations of COVID-Related Air Quality Changes in the Boston Area
- Reconstructing Primary to Secondary Paleo-productivity Using Nitrogen Isotopes: a Case Study from Bainbridge Lake, Galápagos
- Relationships between drainage basin morphology, vegetation, and water availability in an arid, carbonate landscape in Oman
- Relative contributions of large-scale and wedgelet currents in the substorm current wedge
- Relativistic Electron Acceleration in Planetary Radiation Belts: Paradigm Shifts from the Van Allen Probes Mission at Earth and a Call for a Dedicated Study at Jupiter
- Relativistic Electron Phase Space Density Distribution in Jovian Plasma Sheet Observed by Juno
- Running the Incoherent Scatter Radar Summer School Virtually During a Pandemic
- Satellite-based Estimates of Land Degradation Across the Southern Cone of South America in Support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- Seasonal Reynolds stress components, winds and tides in the Southern hemisphere mesosphere/lower thermosphere in 2019
- Semi-Empirical Modeling of the Venus Ionosphere
- Sequential observations of flux transfer events, poleward-moving auroral forms, and polar cap patches
- Short-term PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and cardiovascular admissions in NY State: assessing sensitivity to exposure model choice
- Simulation of midnight temperature maximum winds and post-midnight equatorial spread-F bubbles
- Simultaneous Observations of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves and Magnetosonic Waves
- Solar Energetic Proton Access to the Inner Magnetosphere during the 7-8 September 2017 event
- Solar Wind Turbulence from 1 to 45 AU
- Source Properties of Moderate-Magnitude Earthquakes to Quantify Variations in Seismogenic characteristics Along the Alpine Fault, New Zealand.
- Statistical Distributions of Bifurcation of Earth's Inner Radiation Belt due to VLF Transmitters
- Stress drop and ground-motion source comparison of the July 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence: A community validation study
- Stress drop estimation from source spectra: Resolution limits and consistency between different studies.
- Summary of THEMIS observations of magnetopause reconnection
- Supporting Map Literacy for Grades K-12 in a High Need School District
- Surface Urban Heat islands during Heat Waves: a Comparative Study between Boston and Phoenix
- Synergies and tradeoffs between climate action and mercury reductions: a matrix approach to analyzing human-technical-environmental systems
- Systematic Evaluation of the Relationship Between Chorus Waves and Electron Pitch Angle Distributions Using Van Allen Probes Observations: Potential Evidence for Nonlinear Interactions
- The Effect of Changing Solar Magnetic Field Intensity on ENA Maps
- The Green Emissions of STEVE: Optical Evidence of an Energy Cascade
- The Highly Variable Ratio of D/H in Atoms Escaping from Mars
- The Impact of Extratropical Atmospheric Variability on El Niño: Contrasting Thermodynamic versus Dynamic Coupling
- The Lunar Environment Heliospheric X-ray Imager (LEXI) - A mission for global magnetospheric imaging
- The Virtual Boulder Solar Alliance REU
- The investigation of lunar farside and nearside space environments
- The power and potential for iterative, near-term ecological forecasting to advance freshwater science
- Thermal Tides at Mars: Observations of Thermospheric Densities by the MAVEN Accelerometer During Aerobraking
- Tractable Models of Resonant Wave-Particle Interactions
- Transmission Spectroscopy of Exo-Solar Systems in the TESS Era
- Two million years of cracks: Co-evolution of subcritical fracturing and rock thermal properties at Mullins Glacier, Antarctica
- Uncertainties in measuring the effect of energetic precipitation on ionospheric conductance
- Uncertainty Analysis of the GeoNEX Top-of-Atmospheric Reflectance Products Generated from the Third-Generation Geostationary Satellite Sensors
- Using Satellite Remote Sensing to Estimate Intra-urban PM2.5 Health-related Inequalities and Environmental Injustices in Washington DC
- Using Vegetation Greenness to Predict Seasonal Variation in Evaporative Fraction at AmeriFlux Sites
- What Drives the Destiny of Tropical Forests? Lessons Learned from a Full Variability Partitioning of a Mechanistic Vegetation Model
- Where Should We Paint the Roof White?
- Whistler Mode Chorus Waves and Their Influence on Diffuse Electron Aurora and Ionospheric Conductance.
- 2021 Eclipse Effects on the Topside Polar Ionosphere Observed by DMSP
- 2D Michigan Solar Wind Propagation Model for the Outer Heliosphere
- A 6000 years speleothem paleomagnetic record of the South Atlantic Anomaly in central South America
- A Modeling Study of Energy Deposition by Meso-scale High-latitude Drivers into the Ionosphere and Thermosphere
- A Multi-Resolution Spatial-Temporal Approach for Auroral Precipitation Assimilation
- A Numerical Study of Momentum and Scalar Transport Over and Within a Real Urban Canopy
- A Time-Dependent Split Tail Heliosphere
- A Turbulent Heliosheath Driven by Rayleigh Taylor Instability
- A comparison of heliotail configurations arising from different treatments of non-ideal MHD effects with ENA maps at IBEX energies
- A high-resolution inventory for inverse modeling ofNew York City methane emissions
- A new proxy model for the precipitation loss of energetic electrons based on multiple NOAA/POES observations
- A review of the physical processes of meso-scale dynamic auroral forms
- Adapting Software, Hardware, and Programming Support in a Virtual Environment for the Boulder Solar Alliance Research Experience for Undergraduates Program
- Algorithm Development for Magnetic Field topology reconstruction in a 3-D simulation box using Machine Learning
- Altered Belowground C Cycling and Water Use Efficiency in Southeastern US Following Land Conversion to Sugarcane
- An EUV Model of Solar Eclipses using SDO-AIA Images and the Impacts on Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- An Improved e-N2 Scattering Algorithm to Simulate 150 km Echoes
- Analysis of Flood Risk Changes in Semarang, Indonesia
- Analysis of Various Remote Sensing Algorithms for the Estimation of Chlorophyll-a Concentration in the Coastal Waters of Semarang, Indonesia
- Analytical Results for Simple Models of Nonlinear Wave-Particle Scattering
- Application of Supervised Deep Learning to Differentiate the Drivers of Relativistic Electron Precipitation
- Assessing the Accuracy of Ice Flow Velocities Derived from Sentinel-1 Backscatter Data on the Juneau Ice Field, Southeast Alaska
- Assessing the spatiotemporal variability of total column NO2 in Boston observed by TROPOMI and an intra-urban network of Pandoras
- Association of relativistic electron enhancements with VLF/ULF wave activity and seed electrons
- Atmospheric and Ionospheric Impacts of Intense Relativistic Electron Precipitation from the Plasma Sheet and Radiation Belts Based on ELFIN CubeSat and MMS Observations
- Auroral Electron Characteristics Utilizing a Heterogeneous Approach
- Bean physiology under drought stress: High-throughput field phenotyping using tower-based spectral reflectance and solar-induced fluorescence (SIF)
- Boulder TINa Layers Detected by High-Sensitivity Na Lidar and Their Possible Connections to TIDs and MTM
- Boundary Layer Interactions Explain Observed Patterns of Soil Moisture-Precipitation Feedback across the Conterminous United States
- Building a Collaborative Network for Supporting Regional Capacity Development in Harmonizing Land Use and Land Cover Mapping and Monitoring in West Africa: Initiatives by the West Africa Land Use/land Cover Task Force
- CMS Maps of Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimates Compared to Ground Truth Estimates at Stand, County, and FIA Sample Hexagon Levels
- Can Fault-Zone Complexity Explain Spatiotemporal Variation in Observed Stress Drops?
- Can property level flood losses be reliably predicted?
- Carbon accounting of ponderosa pine forests across the interior western U. S. based on tree-ring and forest inventory data
- Certainties and Uncertainties in P-wave Spectral Analysis: Results for the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence as part of the Community Stress Drop Validation Study
- Challenges for global mapping of land cover change using Landsat time series
- Classifying the Diurnal Variability in the Column Measurements of NO2 and Implications for Geostationary Monitoring
- Cloud-Optimized Data Service for Multispectral and Hyperspectral Observations
- Combined Sun Glint and Vegetation BRDF Correction over Heterogeneous Wetland Land Cover
- Comparison of Stress Drop Variation of M3.8-4.2 Earthquakes Between 0-12 km Depth Using Four Independent Methods on 2019 Ridgecrest, CA Data
- Comparison of the NOx Source from Particle Nitrate Renoxification and Soil Emissions across North America
- Conflict, Climate, and Weather Variability, A Case Study: Ethiopia
- Continental bottom-up data assimilation to support terrestrial carbon cycle and disturbance Monitoring, Reporting, Verification, and Forecasting
- Cool Electrons in the Magnetosphere
- Coordinated observations of the effect of consecutive HSS pulses on relativistic electron enhancement
- Crop Price Variability, Environmental Change and Intra-Regional Migration in Africa
- Delta-X: Resolving Hydrological and Ecological Processes in the Mississippi River Delta
- Dependence of Nonlinear Effects on Whistler-mode Chorus Wave Bandwidth and Amplitude: A Perspective from Diffusion Coefficients
- Detection and Sourcing of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) in Urban Coastal Waters with UV-Visible Imaging Spectroscopy
- Developing Systematic Evaluation Methods of Acid Reductive Leaching for Paleoceanographic Proxies: a Case Study using Pacific Marine Sediment.
- Direct Connection Between Auroral Oval Streamers/Flow Channels and Equatorward Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
- Direct Detection of Atomic Carbon and Implications on Photochemical Escape from MAVEN/IUVS Observations of C I 156.1 nm and 165.7 nm Dayglow
- Disturbance suppresses the aboveground carbon sink in North American boreal forests
- Drivers and impacts of marsh migration in the coastal critical zone
- Dynamic World: Near real-time global 10m land use land cover mapping
- ESCAPADE: unraveling cause and effect in Mars hybrid magnetosphere
- Earth imaging from the Moon with the EPIC-type camera
- Economic valuation of Valley fever (coccidioidomycosis) in response to climate change
- Ecosystem Response to Throughfall Exclusion at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest is Dominated by Shallow-soil Processes
- Effect of Strong Electron Precipitation on Farley-Buneman Instability in Auroral Regions
- Effects of 2020 September Moderate Geomagnetic Storms in the Nighttime Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) as Observed by GOLD Mission
- Energetic Electron Precipitation Driven by Wave-Particle Interactions: Multi-Event Analysis Using ELFIN CubeSat Observations
- Energetic Proton Distribution in the Inner and Middle Jovian Magnetosphere
- Engaging Multi-Disciplinary Student Teams Across Institutions With The Youth Environmental Alliance In Higher Education (YEAH)
- Enhanced Forest Ecosystem Monitoring for Carbon Accounting and Climate Mitigation: the Case for Adding Tree Rings to North American's National Forest Inventories
- Evaluating the Viability of Cosmic Ray Neutrons for Estimation of Snow Water Equivalent in a Prairie Environment
- Evidence of sub-relativistic electron precipitation from multi-satellite measurements in association with EMIC waves
- Fetch and distance from the bay control accretion and erosion patterns in Terrebonne marshes (Louisiana, USA)
- First results from the ELFIN mission and equatorial spacecraft conjunctions
- Forecasting disturbance by an invasive moth and subsequent forest canopy recovery using a Bayesian statistical framework
- From Bacterial Genomes to Biogeochemical Fluxes: Metabolic Modeling of the Soil Nitrogen Cycle
- Fusion of Time Series of Radar and Optical Remote Sensing Data for Monitoring Land-cover Change in the Amazon Basin
- GLOBE Mission Earth Evaluation: Design, Practice and Future Directions
- Geospace plume and its impact on dayside magnetopause reconnection rate
- Global Land Cover and Land Cover Change for the 21st Century using Landsat time series
- Global Survey of Electron Precipitation due to Whistler-Mode Waves in the Earths Inner Magnetosphere
- Heliospheric imaging and science from the Moon with LEXI
- High Resolution Modeling in a Coastal Urban Environment in Support of Geostationary Satellite Retrievals of Air Quality
- High-Resolution of Primary Gradient Drift Instability in Polar Cap Patches
- Hotspot Signatures from Synergy of DSCOVR EPIC and Terra MISR sensors to Monitor Changes and Biophysical Processes of Equatorial Forests
- How Urban Teachers in a High Need School District Use GLOBE and Environmental Study to Satisfy Literacy and Next Generation Science Standards
- Hurricane deposition can enhance salt marsh resiliency to sea-level rise
- Identifying Needs and Opportunities for a Modern All-of-Government Approach to Coastal Resilience
- Identifying hostile workplace conditions associated with negative experiences that disproportionately affect minoritized groups in ecological, earth and spaces sciences
- Identifying the Structure and Propagation of Pc5 ULF Waves Using Space-ground Conjunctions
- Impact of Storm-induced Sediment Transport and Depositional Processes in Essex Tidal Inlet and Backbarrier Bay System
- Impact of global climate and land use change on soil reactive nitrogen emissions - implication on air quality
- Impacts of a Medium Intensity Storm Surge Event on Groundwater Level and Conductivity along the North Atlantic Coast
- Implementation of Recurrent Neural Network in Constructing Global Electron Density in the Earths Magnetosphere
- Improved Characterization of the Tundra Ecosystem Preserved in the Camp Century Ice Core Subglacial Sediment, Northwestern Greenland
- Improved stress drop estimates for M 1.5 to 4 earthquakes in Southern California from 1996 to 2019
- Improving channel hydrological connectivity in coastal hydrodynamic models with remote-sensed channel networks
- Insights into the Evolution of the Early Solar System from REE Kinetic Isotopic Fractionations in Refractory Inclusions
- Interplanetary Hydrogen Properties as Probes into the Heliospheric Interface
- Interplay Between Linear and Nonlinear Processes in Simulation and Space Plasmas
- Introduction to the SCEC Community Stress Drop Validation Study
- Investigating the Effects of the Planetary Rings on the Azimuthal Magnetic Field at Saturn
- Is a trigger necessary to predict senescence in a deciduous canopy?: Considering chlorophyll cycling in phenology process models
- Iteratively forecasting near-term terrestrial fluxes across a network of eddy-covariance towers
- JUpiters Global maGnetic Environment and RadiatioN ObservaTory (JUGGERNOT): A Mission to the Solar Systems Greatest Particle Accelerator
- Joint Analysis of JUICE and Europa Clipper Tracking Data to Study the Jovian System Ephemerides
- Juno UVS Observations of the Local Time Dependence of Jupiters Polar Auroral Emissions
- Kinetic Plasma Structures Associated with Substorm Auroral Beads by Space-Ground Coordinated Observations
- Magnetospheric Source and Electric Current System associated with Intense SAIDs
- Mapping Suspended Sediment Properties in the Louisiana Delta Using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy for Modeling of Sediment Dynamics
- Mapping causal agents of disturbance in boreal and arctic ecosystems of North America using time series of Landsat data
- Mapping the Dynamics of Aquatic Vegetation in Lake Kyoga and Its Linkages to Satellite Lakes
- Mapping the M5.8 Mineral Earthquake Aftershock Sequence and the Virginia Seismic Zone
- Martian nonmigrating atmospheric tides in the thermosphere and ionosphere
- Mesoscale Features in Global Response to CME Driven Event
- Meteoroid heating, melting, and evaporation at picosecond timescales using molecular dynamics simulations
- Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions to the Atmosphere are Low from Two Temperate Seagrass Dominated Ecosystems
- Microbial metabolism shifts with winter climate change
- Modeling Equatorial Plasma Bubble Forcing by Thermospheric Acoustic-Gravity Waves: seeding and evolution
- Modeling Galactic Cosmic Rays in the Very Local Interstellar Medium
- Modeling leaf senescence of temperate deciduous tree species
- Modeling the Dynamics of Salt Marsh Formation
- Monitoring Temperate Forest Degradation on Google Earth Engine Using Landsat Time Series Analysis
- Multi-Scale Density Structures in the Plume
- Multi-fluid Simulations of Small-scale Collisional Plasma Instabilities in the Solar Chromosphere
- Multi-point observations of ULF modulated energetic electron precipitation
- Multi-sensor mapping of commodity-driven deforestation in West Africa: implications for carbon and climate change
- My Deep Sea, My Backyard: Enabling more equitable deep-ocean exploration and research
- Near-real-time monitoring of tropical forest disturbance by fusion of Landsat, Sentinel-1, and Sentinel-2 data
- Negative impacts of urbanization and forest fragmentation on soil ectomycorrhizal fungi and microbial community networks
- Nonlinear Coupling of Langmuir and Ion Acoustic Waves in 150 km Echoes
- Observed and Simulated Morning Transition over the Upper Snake River Plain
- Observed landscape responsiveness to climate forcing
- Observing and Modeling Phenology at Local to Global Scales Using Remote Sensing
- On the Origin of Magnetic Holes in the Inner Heliosheath
- Ongoing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts in the CEDAR Community
- Origin of Diffuse Aurora at Jupiter: Multi-event Analysis Using Juno Observations and Physics-Based Modeling
- Parallel-HDF5 file I/O for ionosphere simulations
- Phase angle and the estimation of Earth reflectance
- Plasma Wave and Particle Dynamics during Interchange Events in the Jovian Magnetosphere Using Juno Observations
- Precipitating Energy Flux, Average Energy, and Hall Auroral Conductance from THEMIS All-Sky-Imagers during Two Substorms: Mesoscale Contributions
- Present Global Warming (PGW): An Intuitive Single Scaling Factor to Compare Short Lived Climate Pollutants
- Progresses and Challenges to specifying the I-T system during weak storms
- Pushing the Boundaries of 3D Particle-In-Cell Simulations of the Plasma Surrounding an Ablating Meteoroid
- Quantifying Capabilities in Observing Coronal Mass Ejections
- Quantifying Meridional Transport of Scavenged Radionuclides over Pacific Biogeochemical Provinces
- Quantifying earthquake source parameter uncertainties associated with local site effects using a dense array
- Quantifying the Public Health Benefits of Expanding Green and Blue Spaces in Urban Areas
- Quantifying the Sensitivity of Microearthquake Slip Inversions to Station Distribution Using the LASSO Nodal Array in Oklahoma
- Quantifying the Temporal Variability and Drivers of Land-Atmosphere Coupling Across a Range of North American Ecosystems Using the Jarvis-McNaughton Coefficient ()
- Range of Plasma Conditions at Ganymede
- Recent Advances in Understanding the Thermosphere-Ionosphere From the Global-scale Observations of The Limb And Disk (GOLD) Mission
- Recent decline in wind-driven wave energy decreases nearshore sediment availability to Louisiana salt marshes
- Reconstructing Primary to Secondary Paleo-productivity Using Nitrogen Isotopes: a Case Study from Bainbridge Lake, Galapagos
- Relationships among boreal ecosystem properties, disturbance history, and ICESat-2-derived vegetation heights
- Roles of ectomycorrhizal fungi in plant and soil function under simulated global change
- Salt Marsh Resilience Inherited from Self-Organization of Tidal Channel Networks at Plant Colonization Stage
- Seasonal Patterns of Covariance Among Remotely Sensed Vegetation Indices, LAI, and fAPAR in a Temperate Deciduous Forest
- Seasonal and Longitudinal Variability of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Occurrence and Drift Velocity During Solar Minimum from the GOLD Mission
- Seismic stratigraphy and depositional history of a mixed-energy, accommodation-limited flood-tidal delta along the Eastern Shore of Virginia Conceptual model development and implications
- Smart Urban Planning: Change Detection of Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Semarang, Indonesia
- Soil carbon and nutrients change with pine invasion into eucalypt forests
- Solar Flare Effects on Upper Ionosphere Processes at Mars
- SoloHI Observations of a Deformed, Concave CME
- Statistical Investigation of the Frequency Dependence of the Chorus Source Mechanism of Plasmaspheric Hiss
- Statistical Properties of Chorus-induced Electron Bursts with Butterfly Distributions observed by Van Allen Probes
- Statistical Survey of Ion Acceleration in Plasmoids in the Jovian Magnetotail with JUNO Data
- Statistical analysis of intermittent structures and their implications on heating during the first six PSP encounters.
- Storm-time Plasmaspheric Density Structures Imaged with Ionospheric TEC
- Surprising Similarities: Comparing the Transit Spectra of Potential Earth-like and Venus-like Exoplanets
- The Case for Heterotrophic Nitrogen Fixation in Coastal Sediments
- The Contribution of Inorganic Sediment Inputs to Multi-Decadal Accretion of Backbarrier Saltmarshes in the Southeast USA
- The Crustal Ocean Biosphere Research Accelerator (COBRA) Will Inform Decision Making for Deep-Sea Mining and Subseafloor Carbon Sequestration
- The Effect of Recirculated Plasmasphere Material: Its Signatures and How it Interacts with the Ring Current
- The Effects of E-Region Turbulence, Precipitation, and their Interactions on Global MagnetosphereIonosphereThermosphere Simulations During Intense Geomagnetic Events
- The Effects of Solar Cycle Variability on D and H in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars
- The Feasibility of Space-Based Stellar Occultation Observations of Uranus and Neptune
- The Ionosphere-Thermosphere Responses to Multi-scale High-latitude Drivers during the 2015 St. Patrick's Day Storm
- The Martian D/H Ratio In Escaping Atoms and Evidence for Primordial Water
- The Nighttime Equatorial Ionization Anomaly Crest Latitudes Dependence on Longitude with Season in 2020 GOLD Mission Observations
- The Occurrence of X-Patterns in the Nighttime Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) Observed in 135.6 nm Images from the Global-scale Observations of Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission
- The Relativistic Electron Atmospheric Loss CubeSat
- The Role of Laterally Accreted Spit and Inlet Fill Deposits in Sand Conservation During Barrier Island Transgressive Submergence
- The Role of Whistler Chorus Waves in Rapid Buildup of Radiation Belt Intensities in Storm Recovery Phase: Global Test-Particle Simulations
- The role of Corotation Enforcement Currents in driving the Behavior of Jupiter's Ultraviolet Main Emission
- The role of magnetosheath high-speed jets in generating magnetospheric ULF waves
- Timeliness in Forest Change Monitoring: A New Assessment Framework Demonstrated using Sentinel-1 and a Continuous Change Detection Algorithm
- Toward a comprehensive aeronomical model of ionospheric flow channels
- Towards Uninterrupted Canopy-Trait Timeseries: A Bayesian Radiative Transfer Model inversion Using multi-sourced Satellite Observations
- Two-dimensional Structure of auroral oval/plama sheet flow channels
- Understanding the connection between chorus and microbursts through multipoint observations
- Unexpected enhancement of ion temperatures in Mars lower ionosphere
- Unraveling the formation region, frequency and bandwidth of chorus spectral gaps
- Unusual high frequency EMIC waves: Testing EMIC wave excitation and energy coupling from magnetosonic waves
- Urban eddy-covariance: Why, how and where?
- Urban vs Rural Contrast in Compound Heat Extreme Change with Global Warming
- Using Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) Imaging to Understand Global Transport in Geospace During Active Intervals
- Using Magnetic Flux Conservation to Determine Heliosheath Speeds
- Using near repeating earthquakes for monitoring aseismic processes along the Central Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Vegetation Earth System Data Record from DSCOVR EPIC Observations: New Parameters in Version 2 VESDR Product
- Vegetation promotes water retention in deltaic wetlands
- West Africa Land Use/Land Cover Harmonisation Task Force for ECOWAS
- What Scale of Kuroshio Extension Variability Influences the Downstream Atmosphere that Links with the Pacific Decadal Precession?
- What makes low-frequency earthquakes low frequency: cluster-based constraints on the attenuation structure of the Nankai plate interface (Japan)
- petitSat - a 6U CubeSat to examine plasma density enhancements in the ionosphere
- A 3D Global Simulation of the Heliosphere with Hot Electrons
- A Link between Kuroshio Extension Variations, Northeast Pacific Marine Heatwaves, and Marine Ecosystems in the Gulf of Alaska
- A New Tool for Modelling Scintillations Caused by Multi-scale Ionospheric Irregularities
- A Refined Emissions Estimate from Onshore Oil and Gas Flaring and Venting Activities in the United States and their Impacts on Air Quality and Health
- A SAR arc evolving into STEVE during extreme subauroral plasma conditions
- A Soft X-ray Tomographic Approach to Determine the Three-dimensional Spatial Structure of the Magnetosheath
- A new method to determine the depth of earthquakes on oceanic transform faults using teleseismic arrays: application to the Chain transform, equatorial Atlantic
- Accelerating Atmospheric Correction with Spatial Smoothness
- Accounting for the Health Benefits of Air Pollution Regulations in China
- Active Control of the Radiation Belt Particle Populations with Ionospheric Amplification of VLF Waves
- Advances in Solving the 3D Quasineutral Potential Equation
- An ACR Mediated Termination Shock
- An Analysis of the Climate and Health Impacts of Harvard University's Building Portfolio: A Case-Study
- An upscaling approach to estimate field-scale irrigation water use
- Analysis of Electron Precipitation and Ionospheric Density Enhancements due to Hiss Using Incoherent Scatter Radar and Arase Observations
- Analyzing the Drivers of Scintillation using an Information Theory Approach
- Assessing School District Readiness for Teacher Professional Development in Environmental Science Investigations
- Assessing the Association Between Combined Sewer Overflow Events and Acute Gastrointestinal Illness in the Merrimack Valley of Northern Massachusetts
- Association Between Ambient Heat and Risk of Emergency Department Visits for Mental Health Among US Adults, 2010 to 2019
- Auroral Beads in Conjunction With Kinetic Alfvén Waves in the Equatorial Inner-Magnetosphere
- Broadening Impacts Program of the SHIELD DRIVE Center: Increasing the Diversity and Inclusion of Space Physics and Heliophysics
- Bursty energetic electron precipitation by high-order resonance with very-oblique whistler-mode waves
- Challenges and Opportunities in Coastal Urban Air Quality Monitoring: Lessons from the Boston Basin for Geostationary Observations
- Characterization of Earthquake Swarms and Ruptures and Their Relation to the Orientation of the Stress Field
- Characterizing auroral precipitation and ionospheric conductance with the Multiscale Atmosphere-Geospace Environment model
- Characterizing hardware uncertainties and environmental effects on tower-based solar-induced fluorescence data
- Climate Change Impacts and Adaptive Capacity for California Almonds
- Climate-dependent Subcritical Fracture Propagation in Cobbles from the McMurdo Dry Valleys
- CoBE Projection: A Tool to Project Health and Climate Co-Benefits of Energy Conservation in Built Environment
- Community Code for Magnetic Field Modelling of Jupiter
- Comparison Between the GOLD's Observation of Equatorial Plasma Bubble Morphology with the ICON's Neutral Wind and Vertical Drift Measurements
- Comparison of Lyman Alpha Absorptions in the BU and Moscow Models
- Constraining IPH properties at 1.5 AU using MAVEN observations
- Constructing a Database to Support the Study of ABoVE-domain Tundra Fire Dynamics
- Correlating Spatial Heterogeneity in Carbon Sequestration and Hydrodynamic Intensity in Seagrass Meadows
- Cross-Scale Modeling of Radiation Belt Variability During a Geomagnetic Storm
- Delta-X, SWOT and NISAR to Revolutionize our Understanding of Coastal Hydrodynamics
- Dense Vegetation Hinders Sediment Transport Towards Saltmarsh Interiors
- Determining shallow structure beneath the dense LASSO array to improve ground motion prediction and source-parameter estimation
- Development and Consequences of Rayleigh-Taylor-Like Driven Instability in Heliosheath with a Multi-Ion treatment
- Dispelling Myths Concerning the Wave Power-Retreat Relationship
- Diurnal Thermal Structure of the Martian Atmosphere from MAVEN/IUVS Stellar Occultations
- Does Management Reinforce or Mitigate Climate Change Driven Shifts in Forest Function? Integrating Management in Ensemble Vegetation Modeling
- Drivers of Bluff Retreat on Drowned Drumlin Field Comprising the Boston Harbor Islands, Boston, Massachusetts
- Ecological forecasting of ponderosa pine forest biomass in the Interior West US
- Effect of Photoionization on the BU Global Model of the Heliosphere
- Effects of Climate Change Across Seasons on Northern Hardwood Forest Carbon Balance
- Electron Precipitations as Driven by Interplanetary Shock Impact on the Earth's Magnetosphere
- Energetic Electron Precipitation Driven by Whistler Mode Hiss, Plume Hiss, and Chorus During an ELFIN and THEMIS Conjunction
- Enhanced Integration of Health, Climate, and Air Quality Management Planning at the Urban Scale
- Ensemble Modeling of Radiation Belt Electron Acceleration by Chorus Waves: Dependence on Key Input Parameters
- Equatorward Extending Auroral Streamers and the Associated Localized Current System
- Estimating Global Ozone Surface Fluxes and Examining Sensitivity to Input Products and Methodologies
- Evaluating Health Benefits of Transportation Policies Designed in Collaboration with Environmental Justice Organizations
- Evidence that Earth was exposed to Cold Dense Interstellar Medium 2 Myrs Ago as a result of the Encounter with Local Lynx Cold Clouds
- Evolution of Mesoscale Dayside Cusp Convection
- Exploring the Dynamics of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly over South America using Multi-Spectral Observations
- Fast Shock, Slow Shock, or Bow Wave? Multi-fluid Simulations of the Solar Bow Shock
- Find Your Favorite Io Volcanic Enhancement! A Global View of the Jovian Magnetosphere During the Juno Mission as Recorded by PSI's Io Input/Output Observatory (IoIO)
- First Validation of Earth Reflector Type Index (p) Parameter from DSCOVR EPIC VESDR Data Product Using Australian Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network Observing Sites
- Formation of Ionospheric G-condition following a Total solar eclipse
- Future Ozone-Related Short-Term Excess Mortality Under a Changing Climate: A Multi-Location Study in 407 Cities in 20 Countries
- GLOBE Mission Earth Evaluation: Strengthening the Students' Voice
- Global Mappings of Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Wave Driven Diffuse Electron Aurora and Ionospheric Conductance
- Global distribution and evolution of chorus waves modeled by an artificial neural network
- Global distribution of energetic electron precipitation observed by ELFIN in low Earth orbit
- Health Implications of Climate-Forward Investment in Active Transport
- Health impacts of smoke exposure in South America: Increased risk for populations in the Amazonian Indigenous territories
- Hemispherical Symmetry between Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Electron Density and Magnetospheric Quasi-Static Poynting Flux
- High-Latitude Plasma Convection Based on SuperDARN Observations and the Locally Divergence-Free Condition
- High-resolution modeling of air quality and health benefits of transportation policies in the Boston Metropolitan area
- Hiss in the plasmasphere and plumes: Global distribution from machine learning techniques and their effects on the loss of energetic electrons
- How is fault complexity linked to high-frequency radiation from Southern California earthquakes?
- Hydrological Variable Clustering and Ecological Patterns in a Coastal Forest
- Improvements of multi-scale geomagnetic forcing specification from the ground-based integrated networks and the impacts on I-T modeling
- Improving the Physical Accuracy of 3D Particle-In-Cell Simulation of the Plasma Surrounding an Ablating Meteoroid via Simulated Ablation Physics
- Inconsistencies in Thorium-Derived Dust Fluxes in the Pacific Ocean
- Influence of Shallow Snow Spatial Variability on Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing Estimates of Snow Water Equivalent in a Prairie Environment
- Initial K2 Simulations for the Geomagnetic Storm of March 17, 2013
- Inner belt wisp precipitation measured by ELFIN: regimes of energetic electron scattering by VLF transmitter waves
- Integrating networked observations and remote sensing into a CONUS-scale carbon cycle reanalysis and forecasting system
- Interaction between Subauroral Proton Aurora, SAR Arcs and SAPS Unveiled by Citizen Scientist Photographs
- Investigating the Acceleration Efficiency of VLF and ULF Waves on Different Electron Populations in the Outer Radiation Belt Through Multi-Point Observations and Modeling
- Investigation of enhanced E-region activity and intermediate meteoric ion layers over Arecibo
- Ionosphere of Europa from an X-band Radio Occultation with the Juno Spacecraft
- Ionospheric irregularities and Scintillations associated with Midlatitude plasma density structures
- Landcover and Albedo Impacts on Urban Surface Temperature Across Seven United States Cities: Towards Optimal Climate-Sensitive Design
- Mapping Multiple Kinds of Agricultural Land-Cover Change in Egypt Using a LandTrendr Time Series Temporal Segmentation Approach
- Mars Conditions During MAVEN Deep Dips: Exploration and Analysis
- Measuring Solar Irradiance Variability with GISSMO
- Modeling the Simultaneous Dropout of Energetic Electrons and Protons by EMIC Wave Scattering
- Moderate Spatial Resolution Mapping of Global Land Cover and Land Cover Change Across Multiple Decades from Landsat
- Mortality and Morbidity Attributable to Wildland Fire Smoke in California from 2008-2018.
- Multi-fluid Simulation of Chromospheric Turbulence and Heating Due to the Thermal Farley-Buneman Instability
- Multi-point Observations of the Magnetopause Boundary Layer During the 2015 Winter Solstice Storm
- Multi-scale F-region Neutral Winds During the March 27th, 2014 Substorm Event
- Multi-site Fabry-Perot Interferometer Measurements of Thermospheric Neutral Winds and Temperatures in Western South America
- Neural Network Models of the Near-Earth Solar Wind and Magnetosheath
- Nighttime Airglow and Ionospheric Variability from All-Sky Imager and Ionosonde Data at Midlatitudes
- On the Energization of Pickup Ions Downstream of the Heliospheric Termination Shock by Comparing 0.52–55 keV Observed Energetic Neutral Atom Spectra to Ones Inferred from Proton Hybrid Simulations
- On the Relationship between Energy Input to the Earth's Polar Ionosphere and the Ion Outflow Flux under Different Solar Zenith Angles
- On the Source of GPS Scintillation by Substorm Irregularities
- Opening the Black Box of the Radiation Belt Machine Learning Model
- Origin of dawnside subauroral polarization streams during major geomagnetic storms
- Overview of Urbanization Impact on Regional Climate and Extreme Weather
- Partitioning model-data uncertainties in a terrestrial carbon cycle reanalysis across NEON sites.
- Plasma wave and particle dynamics during interchange events in the Jovian Magnetosphere using Juno observations
- Policies on the Electrical Grid Affect the Severity and Location of Impacts of Charging Electric Vehicles
- Potential Link between Co-occurring Marine and Terrestrial Heatwaves in Java, Indonesia
- Predictability of Salt Marshes in Coastal Land Reclamation
- Probing magnetopause dynamics with soft X-ray imaging
- Quantifying Nationwide Associations between Pipeline Infrastructure, Methane Leakage, and Ownership Type of Natural Gas Distribution Systems
- Quantifying Natural Space and Associated Health Benefits in Urban Areas
- Quantifying Relationships Between Surface-Water Connectivity, Suspended Sediment, and Land Change in Coastal Louisiana
- Radially dependent models for magnetospheric mass density and average ion mass for L = 3 to 10 from spacecraft data
- Radio Occultations of the Io Plasma Torus and Gravity Science Calibrations for the Juno Prime Mission's 35 Orbits of Jupiter
- Recently Developed Analytical Results for Nonlinear Wave-Particle Interactions
- Regional Inverse Modeling in North and South America for the NASA Carbon Monitoring System - Follow-On
- Relating the Origin of Energetic Ions to Energetic Neutral Atoms (ENAs)
- Relation between GPS scintillation and aurora in the nightside high-latitude ionosphere
- Remote sensing of EMIC and VLF wave-particle interactions with energetic particles and fields measurements from low altitude, polar-orbiting CubeSats.
- Revealing the unseen diversity of nitrogen fixing bacteria in aquatic ecosystems
- SMITE: A New Saturn Ionosphere Model Including Ring-Planet Coupling and Electrodynamics
- Saturn Lyman-alpha airglow: re-assessment of the calibration of ultraviolet instruments since 1980
- Sensitivity of urban air warming to anthropogenic heat within a forcing-feedback framework
- Seven Sisters - An Inner Heliospheric Constellation to 1) Measure Longitudinal Structure of the Coronal Mass Ejections, 2) Enable Advanced Prediction of IMF Orientation at Earth, 3) Determine Particle Energization Processes in Solar Wind Structures
- Shadow Chaser: a SmallSat concept to determine the middle and upper atmospheric structures of Uranus and Neptune through stellar-occultation measurements from Earth orbit
- Shifts in belowground processes along a forest edge transition
- Simulations of photoelectron driven ionospheric waves predict many features of 150 km VHF radar echoes
- Soil carbon assimilation through PEcAn State Data Assimilation framework
- Solar Flare Effects on Ions at Mars: A Comparison of MAVEN NGIMS Observations with MGITM Model Outputs
- Solar eclipses at EUV wavelengths: their impacts on the ionosphere-thermosphere system and predictions for 2023 and 2024 eclipses
- Solar wind with Hydrogen Ion charge Exchange and Large-Scale Dynamics (SHIELD) DRIVE Science Center
- Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Snowpack in a Forested Watershed in the Adirondack Mountains, NY
- Statistical comparison of various dayside magnetopause reconnection X-line prediction models
- Strategic Electrification from Gas to Networked Geothermal: Case Studies across the Bos-Wash Corridor
- Structure and Evolution of Meso-scale Flows in the Nightside Auroral Ionosphere during Storms and Substorms
- Studying the Time and Spatial Variations of the Flow Structures within the SAPS and SAIDs
- Subauroral and midlatitude traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) in the vicinity of storm enhanced density (SED) and subauroral polarization stream (SAPS)
- Switchback Properties Revealing their Source and Evolution Processes: Parker Solar Probe Observations
- Temporal and spatial evolution of chorus waves modeled by an artificial neural network
- The Competition Between Wave-Driven and Current Sheet Scattering-Driven Precipitation of Relativistic Electrons
- The Current State and Future Plans for the Heliophysics Summer School
- The Cycling of 231Pa in the Pacific Ocean and Implications for its Use as a Paleoceanographic Proxy
- The D/H Ratio and Implications for Escape of Water from the Upper Atmosphere of Mars
- The Effect of Recirculated Plasmasphere Material: Its signatures and how it interacts with the Ring Current.
- The Fast and Slow Hydrological Drivers of Marsh Migration along the Delmarva Peninsula
- The Global Thermosphere and Ionosphere Responses to the November, 20, 2003 Extreme Storm Event
- The Greenhouse Gas Budget of North America 2010-2019: Results from the Second Regional Carbon Cycle and Processes study (RECCAP2)
- The Historical Contexts & Biases of Geoscientific Data
- The Impact of Warm Season Ozone Exposure on Children's Health in the US
- The Interactions between Boundary Layer Clouds and Surface Fluxes could Explain Observed Patterns of the Interactions between Soil Moisture and Precipitation in the Conterminous United States
- The Nighttime Equatorial Ionization Anomaly Crests – Some Seasonal Differences Observed by the GOLD Mission
- The Observed Properties of H in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars
- The Relationship Between ENSO, Suspended Particulate Matter, Chlorophyll-A, and Sea Surface Temperature in Java Sea and Their Potential Effects on Human-Driven Stressors
- The SCEC/USGS Community Stress Drop Validation Study using the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence Data
- The role(s) of remote sensing in reducing methane emissions from the oil and gas supply chain
- Tropical surface temperature response to vegetation cover changes and the role of drylands
- Turbulence effects in GEMINI: towards an aeronomical model of ionospheric flow channels at high latitudes
- Twenty Years of Space Weather Summer School
- Two decades of post-disturbance land cover changes in Arctic and boreal ecosystems of North America
- Understanding Seasonal Variations of U.S. State Energy Demand
- Understanding the Role of Mercury in Investigating the Connection Between Planetary Habitability, Atmospheres, and Magnetic Fields.
- Understanding the diurnal and seasonal patterns of regional CO2 drawdown using EM27/SUN XCO2 measurements at Harvard Forest
- Unexpected spectral and morphological variations in discrete aurora emissions at Mars
- Unsupervised Wildfire Change Detection based on Auto-Encoders and Contrastive Learning
- Unusual Effects of Magnetosonic Waves on Low Energy Protons under Geomagnetically Disturbed Conditions.
- Unveil the Effects of Whistler-mode Waves on Energetic Electron Dynamics in the Jovian Magnetosphere
- Upper Limit of Outer Radiation Belt Electron Acceleration by Whistler-Mode Chorus Waves
- Uranus' Lower Thermosphere is Cooler than Previously Thought
- Using Land Surface Phenology to Characterize Long-term Changes and Interannual Variations in Carbon Fluxes
- Using NDVI Timeseries to Infer Soil Vertical Accretion Contribution from Marsh Vegetation
- Using Space-for-Time to Understand the Empirical Dynamics of Tropical Rainforests
- Utilizing high-latitude ground-based observatories in conjunction with satellite observing systems: A focus on all-sky-imagers and radar to provide 2D context and verification
- Validation of the PEcAn Terrestrial Ecosystem Forecast Using NASA SMAP Satellite Soil Moisture Observations
- Vegetation Earth System Data Record from DSCOVR EPIC Observations: Product Status and Scientific Exploration
- Verification of Substorm Onset from Intruding Flow Channels with High-Resolution SuperDARN Radar Flow Maps
- Vorticity of the STEVE Picket Fence
- Voyager Observations of the Energy Dependence of Galactic Cosmic Rays Anisotropies in the Very Local Interstellar Medium
- Water Loss from Mars: Energetic Deuterium and Its Effects on the D/H Ratio
- Water and Generation Resource Integrated Database (wGRID): A Tool to Quantify Water Impacts of Electricity Use
- What Aspects of Food Security in Southern Madagascar can be Informed by Satellite-based Remote Sensing Data?
- What drives differences in ground- vs satellite-based gradients in NO2 column abundance?
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Chan
- A. Baltay
- A. E. Andrews
- A. G. Burns
- A. G. Burrell
- A. Glocer
- A. Green
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Halford
- A. J. Hull
- A. J. Rigden
- A. Johnson
- A. Karion
- A. Kumamoto
- A. M. Keesee
- A. M. Michalak
- A. Masters
- A. Matsuoka
- A. Runov
- A. S. Reimer
- A. T. Fisher
- A. W. Breneman
- A. W. Merkel
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Adam Kellerman
- Adam Michael
- Afroditi Nasi
- Alan Dyer
- Alex de Sherbinin
- Alexander Marshak
- Alfonso Delgado-Bonal
- Alia N. Al‐Haj
- Aljona Blöcker
- Allison Jaynes
- Allison Mattheis
- Amir H. Souri
- Amruta Nori-Sarma
- Amy Marcarelli
- Ana M. Vicedo‐Cabrera
- Anders Eriksson
- Andrew J. Christ
- Andrew T. Hudak
- André Scarlate Rovai
- Ane Alencar
- Angelia L. Seyfferth
- Ankur R. Desai
- Anthony Y. H. Wong
- Arlene M. Fiore
- Aroh Barjatya
- Astrid Maute
- B. E. Strauss
- B. Gallardo‐Lacourt
- B. Grison
- B. H. Mauk
- B. K. Meinke
- B. Larsen
- B. M. Jakosky
- B. P. de Sousa
- B. Wang
- Baptiste Cecconi
- Benjamin Hmiel
- Benjamin Poulter
- Bennett A. Maruca
- Bertrand Bonfond
- Beth M. Haley
- Beth N. Orcutt
- Billy Williams
- Bin Peng
- Bingbing Wang
- Bo Wang
- Brandon Burkholder
- Brian E. Wood
- Brian M. Walsh
- C. A. Cattell
- C. A. Colpitts
- C. A. Kletzing
- C. Ferradas
- C. Forsyth
- C. G. Wheat
- C. Gately
- C. H. Anderson
- C. J. Heale
- C. J. Ruhl
- C. Kay
- C. M. Fowler
- C. Mouikis
- C. Paranicas
- C. R. Martinis
- C. T. Russell
- Camilla Scolini
- Carl Schmidt
- Carlos M. Souza
- Carolus J. Schrijver
- Cenlin He
- Chae‐Woo Jun
- Cheng Sheng
- Chihoko Y. Cullens
- Chih‐Ping Wang
- Chikae Tatsumi
- Christine Gabrielse
- Christine R. Rollinson
- Christopher F. Brown
- Christopher J. Hein
- Christopher P. Loughner
- Christopher T. Hayes
- Christopher W. Tessum
- Christopher Y. S. Wong
- Christos Katsavrias
- Cody S. Sheik
- Colin Pennington
- Connor O'Brien
- Cédric G. Fichot
- D. G. Sibeck
- D. J. Gershman
- D. J. Knipp
- D. J. Knudsen
- D. J. McComas
- D. K. Henze
- D. L. Turner
- D. M. Gillies
- D. M. Kass
- D. M. Peteet
- D. M. Thompson
- D. Malaspina
- D. McCammon
- D. P. Hartley
- D. Píša
- Dan Li
- Daniel J. Short Gianotti
- Daniel Lo
- Daniel T. Trugman
- Daniel Zimmerle
- Dany Waller
- Dara Entekhabi
- David Brain
- David Butman
- David M. Smith
- David Mitchell
- David R. Thompson
- Dedong Wang
- Deepak K. Karan
- Denis Grodent
- Dimitra Koutroumpa
- Dolon Bhattacharyya
- Donald Hampton
- Dong Lin
- Dong Wei
- Donglai Ma
- Doğacan Öztürk
- Duncan M. FitzGerald
- Dustin Buccino
- E X Bonilla
- E. A. Cherrington
- E. A. Sproles
- E. G. Thomas
- E. J. Bunce
- E. J. Lund
- E. Marín-Spiotta
- E. Mazarico
- E. Nishchitha S. Silva
- E. R. Sánchez
- E. Roussos
- E. S. Cochran
- E. Thiemann
- Elena A. Kronberg
- Elena Blanc‐Betes
- Elizabeth Hoy
- Elizabeth K. Thomas
- Emmanuel O. Akinlabi
- Enrico Camporeale
- Ercha Aa
- Eric L. Bullock
- Erika Palmerio
- Ernesto Rodríguez
- Erwan Monier
- Esteban J. Chaves
- Ethan R. Deyle
- Ethan Tsai
- Evan H. DeLucia
- Evan L. Sneed
- Ewan S. Douglas
- F. Bagenal
- F. D. Wilder
- F. S. Mozer
- F. S. Porter
- F. Toffoletto
- F. Tsuchiya
- Fazlul I. Laskar
- Fei Chen
- Florent Aden-Antoniów
- Franck Montmessin
- Frank D. Lind
- G. B. Crew
- G. B. Hospodarsky
- G. Bellucci
- G. Clark
- G. D. Reeves
- G. Facskó
- G. J. Hunt
- G. P. Zank
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- G. V. Khazanov
- Gabriel A. Vecchi
- Gabriele Pfister
- Gangkai Poh
- Garima Raheja
- Gary Kleiman
- Geoffrey Roest
- Georgios Balasis
- Giovanna Nordio
- Gonzalo Cucho‐Padin
- Grant M. Domke
- Gregory Starr
- Guido D. Salvucci
- Gábor Tóth
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- Hanqin Tian
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- Harlan E. Spence
- Heidi Nepf
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- Hilary Chang
- Ho Y. Kim
- Holly A. Michael
- Hongjian Fang
- Hongrui Qiu
- Hsiang-Wen Hsu
- Huixin Liu
- I. J. Cohen
- I. Shinohara
- Ioannis A. Daglis
- Ioannis Y. Georgiou
- Isabel F. Trigo
- Ivana Kolmašová
- J. A. Carr
- J. B. Miller
- J. B. Snively
- J. C. Kasper
- J. Correira
- J. D. Lumpe
- J. D. Menietti
- J. E. P. Connerney
- J. Egedal
- J. F. Drake
- J. G. Luhmann
- J. G. Lyon
- J. G. Mitchell
- J. G. Murphy
- J. G. Sample
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- J. Klenzing
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- J. M. Ajello
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- J. M. Ruohoniemi
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- J. Scott Evans
- J. T. Clarke
- J. W. Bonnell
- J. Wroten
- Jacob Bortnik
- James E. Neumann
- James T. Randerson
- Jan Písek
- Jasmeet Judge
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- А. V. Artemyev
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