Boston University, Department of Astronomy
flowchart I[Boston University, Department of Astronomy] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (506)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (22)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Telescopic and Microscopic View of a Magnetospheric Substorm on 31 March 2001: New CLUSTER Observations of the Near Magnetotail
- CEDAR/MISETA Science: Multi-Diagnostic Studies and Modeling of Thermospheric-Ionospheric Dynamics
- Challenges in Solar System Ionospheres
- Day-to-Day Fluctuations in Mars' Total Electron Content: Implications for Navigation and Position Fixing on Future Missions to Mars.
- Energetic Ions in the High Latitude Boundary Layer of the Magnetosphere - RAPID/CLUSTER Observation
- Ground-based Imaging Spectroscopy of Airglow and Aurora During Daytime: The Final Frontier in Optical Aeronomic Investigations?
- Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossings During the 1995-1996 Solar Minimum
- Imaging Magnetospheric Boundries at Ionospheric Heights
- Investigation of the detailed energetic electron trapping boundary structure using CLUSTER II RAPID data
- Ionospheric Variability on Earth and Mars
- Local Heliospheric Current Sheet Structure From Two-Point Measurements
- Magnetospheric and Ionospheric Reconfiguration Timescales: Observations and Global MHD Modeling
- Modeling the low latitude thermosphere and ionosphere
- Multi-point Satellite Measurements in the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System Enabled by New Technologies
- Periodicity in the Solar Wind as a Source of ULF Pulsations
- Polar Observations of the Temporal/Spatial Evolution of Merging at the Dayside Magnetopause and Comparison to MHD Simulation Results
- Post-shock ULF Wave Activity Driven by Dynamic Pressure Variations
- Pulsations in Global MHD Simulations of the Magnetosphere
- Role of Auroral Science in Solar System Aeronomy
- Sounding the Magnetopause Surface in Three-Dimensions with Cluster/RAPID
- The Application of General Circulation Models to the upper Atmospheres of Titan and Triton
- The Geomagnetic Cusps as seen in High Charge State Shocked Solar Wind Ions Observed with s/c Polar during April 2001
- The Magnetospheric Response to Solar Wind Forcing on 31 March 2001: SOHO, ACE, CLUSTER, IMAGE, FAST, SAMPEX, and GEO observations of a Major Geomagnetic Storm.
- The dayside cusp as observed by Polar and Cluster energetic particle instruments
- A Cold Jovian Arctic Polar Vortex: Evidence from Infrared Imaging
- A Ground-based Study of Proton Aurora from Tromso, Norway
- A study of Pc 3-4 pulsations observed by the Cluster satellites and multiple ground-based observatories
- Bow Shock is not the Main Source of Upstream Energetic (> 40 keV) Ions
- CLUSTER - RAPID measurements of high energy electron gradients in the Earth's magnetotail
- Characterizing the Periodicity of Bursty Bulk Flows
- Comparison of Global MHD Simulations of the Lobe Magnetic Field with Spacecraft Data
- Contribution of proton precipitation to space-based auroral FUV observations
- Energetic Particles Observed in the Cusp Region during a Strom Recovery Phase
- Estimation of Plasma Mass Density Using Toroidal Oscillations Observed by CRRES
- Evidence for a Cusp Source of Upstream Energetic Particles
- F2-Layer Behavior Modelled With Coupling From the Lower Atmosphere
- High Resolution Measurements and Modeling of Auroral Hydrogen Emission Line Profiles
- How Magnetically Open are Magnetic Clouds Beyond 1 AU?
- Internal or External? What MHD Simulation Can Say about the Cause of Semiannual Variation in Geomagnetic Activity
- Is the Current Disruption Region the Genesis Region for the Substorm X-Line?
- Jupiter's Aurora: Correlations with Solar Wind? Results of the Millennium Campaign
- Local and Global Jovian Plasma Sheet Characteristics Observed by the Galileo Energetic Particles Detector
- Observational search for magnetosheath merging
- Polar Upstream of the Bow Shock
- Response of low - Latitude OI 630.0nm Dayglow Emission to geomagnetic disturbances
- Solar Wind Control of the Cusp Aurora for Northward IMF
- Sources of Cusp Energetic Ions
- Testing the Potential Saturation Predictions of the Hill Model Using Observations From the March 31, 2001 Storm
- The Role of Storm-Time Parallel Potential Drops in Ion Acceleration
- The Roles and Needs of Models in the Future Solar-Terrestrial Data Environment
- The periodicity of solar wind high-beta structures
- Transient convection in the Earth's magnetosphere and the generation of Pi2 pulsations
- What role does the high latitude ionosphere play in the magnetosphere-ionosphere (MI) coupling?
- A Coupled Model Using Solar Observations to Make Probabilistic Forecasts of Magnetospheric Activity
- A General Code Coupling Framework and the Dissection of the LFM Code
- A Statistical Study of Plasma Sheet Parameters in Geotail Data and the LFM MHD Model
- A Statistical Study of the Global Structure of the Ring Current
- A macroscopic / microscopic view of a substorm
- Building Successful Partnerships Between Scientists and Educators to Bridge Scientific Research to Education and Outreach Audiences at a National Research Laboratory
- CISM: Modeling the Sun-Earth Connection
- Case Study of ULF Waves in the Cusp Region
- Comparison of LFM Simulation With Tsyganenko Models and GOES Observations
- Constellation Strategies of the THEMIS Mission From 2006 Through 2008 and Beyond
- Coupling of Solar Wind Energy to the Magnetosphere via ULF Waves
- Cusp Region as Viewed by Energetic Electrons and Ions:A Statistical Study Using Cluster Rapid Data
- Effects of the Solar Wind and Ionospheric Conductance on the Transpolar Potential and Magnetosheath Flow: Global MHD Modeling
- Energetic Ion Observations at the Cusp and Bow Shock
- Energetic Particles And The Concept Of An Open/Closed Field Line Boundary
- Energetic and dynamic impact on the upper atmosphere during the April 2002 geomagnetic storm
- Faces of the Sun and Cognitive Phases
- Ground based OI 630.0 nm Observations of Sunlit Cusp from Sondrestromfjord, Greenland
- Implications of unusual pitch-angle distributions observed by ISEE-1 and ISEE-2.
- Ion Composition in Jupiter's Inner and Middle Magnetosphere
- Is a New Lexicon for Field-Aligned Current Systems Needed?
- Large-Scale Magnetic Field Inversions at Sector Boundaries and Their Relation to Coronal Mass Ejections
- Magnetospheric Interaction of the Galilean Satellites with Jupiter: Auroral Emissions from the Satellites and their Magnetic Footprints
- Multi-satellite measurements of electron phase space density gradients in the Earth's magnetotail and their relation to geomagnetic activity and solar wind conditions
- Multi-station Scintillation Observations at Spitzbergen During the NASA Cusp Rocket Campaign
- Multispacecraft Observations of Energetic Electron Anisotropies in the Plasma Sheet using CLUSTER/RAPID Data
- Non-specular meteor trail diagnostics
- O<SUP>+</SUP> <SUP>4</SUP>P-<SUP>4</SUP>D<SUP>0</SUP> Lines in Aurora over Svalbard
- Pi2 Pulsations With Second Harmonic: CRRES Observations in the Plasmasphere
- Probabilistic Forecasting of Geomagnetic Indices Using Solar Wind "Air Mass" Analysis
- Teacher Intern Experiences during a Graduate Level Summer School
- The Relative Timing of Substorm Onset Phenomena
- The Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI)
- Understanding Electron Heat Flux Dropouts
- Visualization and Data Analysis for CISM Models
- a Field Line Topology Tracer -- Cluster Energetic Electrons Observations in the High Latitude Boundary / Cusp REGIONs
- A Comparison of Coronal Magnetic Field and Heliospheric Current Sheet Derived From the MAS and WSA Models
- A Multisatellite View of the Recovery Phase of Substorms
- A Statistical Comparison of the Geotail and MHD Plasma Sheet
- A study of low latitude electron densities using CMIT
- An Imaging Spectrograph for Ground Based, Round-the-Clock Optical Aeronomy Studies
- Comparison of Solar Energetic Particle Events and Impulsive Nitrate Increases in Greenland Ice Cores
- Coupling Processes in the Inner Magnetosphere Associated with Midlatitude Red Auroras during Superstorms
- Dayside boundary layer under northward IMF: A Cluster perspective
- Effect of the Anomalous Electron Heating on the Ionospheric Potential in the Global MHD Model.
- Extreme Solar Wind Conditions and Extreme Response of the Earth's Magnetosphere
- First Ground-Based Measurements of OI 6300 Å Daytime Aurora Over Boston in Response to the 30 October 2003 Geomagnetic Storm
- Geomagnetic Activity Dependence of the Ratio N+/O+ in the Ring Current
- How common are magnetic disconnection events in the solar wind?
- Investigation of Sawtooth activity duing the Halloween Storms of 2003
- Ion Accelerating by Turbulent Electric Fields in High-Altitude Cusp
- MHD Simulation of Solar Wind Magnetosphere Coupling During the Halloween Magnetic Storm
- Magnetic Reconnection for Southward and Northward IMF- Coordinate Observations by TC1 and Cluster on Feb.13, 2004
- Mass Density Inferred From Toroidal Wave Frequencies And its Comparison to Electron Density
- Model and Data Comparison of Inner Magnetosphere Plasma
- Multiple-spacecraft Detection of the Diffusion Region of Magnetic Reconnection by Cluster Mission
- Numerical Simulations of the October-November 2003 Super Storms
- Plasma instabilities in auroral ionospheric density gradients from 120-200 km altitude
- Predictions of solar wind properties at 1 AU: A comparison of empirical and physics-based models to spacecraft data.
- Saturn's Magnetosphere During Cassini's Approach and Initial Orbit
- Saturn's UV Aurora Imaged with HST during the Cassini Approach to Saturn
- Study of Cusp Structure and Wave Activity in Cusp Regions
- Temperature Anisotropy Constraint In The Plasma Sheet
- The Role of Interchange Reconnection at the Sun, in the Heliosphere, and in Earth's Magnetosphere
- Three Dimensional Energetic Electron Distributions Observed During Substorms: Using a New Mode the L3DD Data of the Cluster RAPID Experiment
- Two Components of Ionospheric Plasma Structuring at Mid-latitudes during Large Magnetic Storms
- Universal Aspects of the Local Plasma Environment
- Visualization and Science Analysis for the CISM Models
- A Conjunction FTE Event of Cluster and TC1 on Jan 04,2005
- A global MHD simulation of an event with a quasi-steady northward IMF
- Anomalous Electron Heating and Its Effect on the Electron Density in the Auroral Electrojet
- Assessing the Sensitivity of Radiation Belt Model Predictions to Different Magnetic Field Models
- CEPs are an Additional Source of Outer Radiation Belt Charged particles
- Cluster Measurements of Fast Magnetic Reconnection in Earth's Magnetotail
- Cluster observations of magnetospheric substorm expansion and recovery phase features in the near- and mid-tail regions: Comparison with numerical simulations
- Comparative Ionospheres: All Planets Enjoy Sunshine
- Dayside Magnetospheric Boundary Layer: Coordinated Observation by Cluster and Double Star
- Direct Solar Wind-Thermosphere Coupling
- Disconnection Signatures of Field-Line Opening in ICME Legs?
- Earthward Flowing Plasmoid: Structure and Its Related Auroral Signature
- Embedding a Hall MHD plasma sheet simulation inside the Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry global MHD model
- Energetic Particle Modulation by ULF waves in the inner magnetosphere
- Energetic particles boundaries in the inner magnetosphere observed by the Cluster
- Finding the LFM Magnetopause
- H Lyman-Alpha Disc Emission from the Upper atmosphere of Jupiter: New Radiation Transfer Diagnosis
- HST/ACS UV Imaging of Saturn's Southern Aurora in a Quiet State
- Hands-on Space Experiments from Cradle to Grave: The Role of the Sounding Rocket Program in Developing Human Infrastructure
- High Resolution Substorm Energetic Electrons seen in the Magnetotail by all 4 CLUSTER satellites
- High and low latitude reconnection signatures in the dayside magnetopause and cusp observed by Cluster-Double Star: six-point measurements
- Inferring storm induced variations in thermospheric composition over low-latitudes using ground-based daytime optical airglow emissions
- Investigation of the PFSS and Schatten Current Sheet Interface in the WSA Model
- Magnetic Flux Pileup and Magnetic Field Dipolarization During Substorm
- Magnetopause at Low and High-latitude: Cluster and Double Star Perspective
- Mean of Proton Temperature Anisotropy in the Solar Wind is Solely Controlled by the Threshold of its Excited Instabilities and its Implication: Two Years of Geotail Observations
- Metrics Studies of the Center for Integrated Spaceweather Modeling Solar Wind Models: An Eight Year Comparison of CORHEL and WSA Predictions with Wind and ACE Observations
- Multi-Spacecraft Observation of a High-Speed Flow Event at the Dayside Magnetopause for Strong IMF By: A Preliminary Study
- Observations of the Effects of Solar Flares on Earth and Mars
- Planetary Ionospheres And Magnetospheres: What Can We Learn From Comparative Auroral Analysis?
- Saturn's Ionosphere: Modeling Plasma Densities and Temperatures, Comparisons with Cassini
- Sources of Cold Dense Plasma Sheet:A Multi-Satellite, Multipoint Case Study
- Structure and Dynamics of the Plasmapause Region: Cluster Observations
- Studying the property of the boundary layers using new multipoint techniques
- TC-1 and Cluster Observation of Substorm Dipolarization on Sep 14, 2004
- The Energetic Particle Investigation for the SMART Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- The Occurrence Rate of Solar Wind Periodic Number Density Structures
- The heliospheric magnetic flux budget
- Understanding the Solar Terrestrial Environment through Numerical Simulation
- Where is the Anomalous Cosmic Ray Accelerator and Why did Voyager Miss It?
- Whistler Scattering of Suprathermal Electrons in the Solar Wind: ACE Observations
- A Comparison of Saturn's Ring Current Parameters With Changing Magnetospheric Size
- BBF Plasmoid Observed by Cluster and Double Star Constellation
- Cassini Radio Occultations of Saturn's Ionosphere: Modeling a Variable Influx of Water into Saturn's Atmosphere
- Compositional changes in thermosphere during a geomagnetic storm inferred using ground- based daytime OI 630.0nm optical airglow emissions
- Conceptual Understanding of Students in an Upper Division Space Physics Course
- Developing cyber-infrastructure for addressing grand challenge questions in Sun-Earth system science: First results of a testbed worldwide online conference series
- Energetic particle flux enhancement at the high latitude boundaries
- High-Altitude Cusp: A New, Large, Radiation Belt in Geospace
- In Situ Estimates of Auroral Current Sheet Structure and Dynamics Using Three-Point ST5 Magnetometer Observations
- In situ evidence for the structure of the magnetic null in a 3D reconnection event in the Earth's magnetotail
- Investigating the state of the Sun-Earth system during extreme events: First science results of a worldwide online conference series
- LRO Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER): Instrument Overviw and Computer Simulations of Detector Response to SEPs and GCRs
- Larger IMF drives relatively lower magnetospheric activity: Observational and LFM simulation results
- Magnetopause location in the LFM, empirical models, and Cluster observation
- Magnetospheric Oscillations and Their Relation to Periodic Multiple Discrete Solar Wind Number Density Variations
- Modelling the rate of recovery from geomagnetic storms at solar maximum and minimum
- Multi-fluid simulations of the magnetosphere-ionosphere interaciotn and convection
- Predicting Solar Wind Structures in the Inner Heliosphere
- Properties of Open Fields in Magnetic Clouds at 1 AU and Implications for Patterns of Interchange Reconnection at the Sun
- Radial Variation of the Average Ion Mass Inferred From the Frequency of Standing Alfven Waves Observed by CRRES
- Shock and discontinuity associated periodicities in the solar wind and magnetosphere
- The Dayside Plasma Sheet at High-Altitude, Mid-Latitudes: The View From Within the (Magnetic) Bottle?
- The Global Structure of the Heliospheric Magnetic Field over the Solar Cycle
- The HST UV Auroral Imaging Campaign of Jupiter and Saturn during the International Heliophysical Year
- The Mission of Opportunity Radbelt Experiment (MORE) for the RBSP Program
- The Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) Energetic Particle, Composition, and Thermal Plasma (ECT) Instrument Suite
- Transient IP Structures Associated with Short-Period Variations in the Solar Energetic Particle and Galactic Cosmic Ray Flux
- Transit Time and Normal Orientation of ICME-driven Shocks
- Using Solar and In Situ Observations to Improve and Constrain Corona & Solar Wind Models
- Water on Saturn: Global effects on ionospheric densities
- Cluster Observations of the Magnetospheric Low-Latitude Boundary Layer and Cusp During Extreme Solar Wind and Interplanetary Magnetic Field Conditions: 10 November 2004 ICME and Statistical Survey.
- Diffusive Acceleration at the Blunt Termination Shock
- Energetic Particles Observed by ISEE-1 and ISEE-2 in a Cusp Diamagnetic Cavity on September 29, 1978
- Estimations of the convection electric field from plasmaspheric images and geostationary energetic particle measurements; direct comparison
- Evolution of suprathermal electron distributions with heliocentric distance
- GCR Modulation by Small-Scale Features in the Interplanetary Medium
- Hybrid Simulations of the Heliospheric Termination Shock
- Ionospheric O+ Outflows in the Multi-Fluid LFM
- Longitudinal Variability of the Low Latitude Ionosphere and Scintillation Activity
- Magnetospheric {ULF} Activity as a Function of Solar Wind Conditions: Toward a Quantitative Model of Radial Diffusion in the Magnetosphere
- Multiple Cusps under Northward IMF Conditions: Observations and MHD Simulations Compared
- New Theoretical Tools for Studying Ionospheric Electrodynamics
- On the difference between active and steady magnetospheric response to moderate solar wind IMF driving
- Quantifying ULF Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere and Their Effects on Radiation Belt Electrons
- Solar Wind Speed as a Driver of Magnetospheric Activity
- Sources and sinks of equatorially mirroring energetic charged particles in the earth's inner magnetosphere
- The Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) -- Half a Year to Launch!
- The Interstellar Boundary Explorer Instrument Models and Predicted ENA Count Rates
- The Structure of the Mars Ionosphere
- The rotation of Saturn's auroral oval
- Variations in the GCR Flux Associated with Heliospheric Transient Structures Near the August 20, 2006 Forbush Decrease
- Vertical transport in the ionosphere derived from near-infrared spectroscopy of the aurora
- Automatic Segmentation of Jupiter's Aurora on HST Images
- Bulk Acceleration of Outflowing Ionospheric Thermal Plasma in Multi-Fluid MHD
- Conservation of open solar magnetic flux and the floor in the heliospheric magnetic field
- Coordinated measurements of auroral processes at Saturn from the Cassini spacecraft and HST
- Dynamic Motion of the Bow Shock and the Magnetopause and the Magnetospheric Response - THEMIS Observations
- Effects Non-uniform Flux Transfer and Empirically Based Heliosheath Plasma Distributions on Global Maps of Heliospheric Energetic Neutral Atoms
- Energy partition of the heliospheric termination shock
- Examining EMIC Waves Observed at Geosynchronous Orbit During Storms, Directly and as Inferred From the Plasma Population
- High time resolution observations of the drivers of Forbush decreases
- Initial Validation of the Earth-Moon-Mars Radiation Environment Module
- Ion composition in the Plasma Trough and Plasma Plume Derived From a CRRES Magnetoseismic Study
- Ionospheric Storms: Average Patterns for Seasonal, Solar Cycle and Local Time of Storm Onset at Sub-Auroral Sites in Both Hemispheres.
- Location and correlation of Saturnian Kilometric Radiation (SKR) sources and UV aurorae
- Magnetospheric Configurations During Relativistic Electron Dropout Events
- Modeling Magnetic Field Topology at Jupiter with the Khurana Magnetic Field Model
- Modelling of the Saturnian Kilometric Radiation (SKR)
- Multipoint Analysis of Meso-scale Structures in the Ambient Solar Wind: STEREO-A, -B, and L1 Observations
- Multisensor observations of low latitude irregularity development
- No Two Ionospheric Storms Are the Same ..... Nonsense!
- Numerical Study of Interchange Reconnection Associated with CMEs
- Observed Properties of the Slow Solar Wind
- On the Source of Periodic Solar Wind Number Density Structures Using the Alpha to Proton Abundance Ratio
- On the estimation of particle energies and fluxes incident over Boston during a daytime auroral event
- RCM-VERB Coupled Simulations of the Dynamics of the Radiation Belts During Storms
- Radiation Belt Storm Probes Mission
- Radiation belt energy and pitch angle distributions resulting from shock-drift injections
- Recent results from HST and ground-based observations of Saturn's aurora
- Response of Saturn's Magnetosphere and Ionosphere to Solar Wind Driving
- Source Regions of Helium Variations in the Slow Solar Wind
- The Degree of Correlation of Jovian and Saturnian Auroral Emissions With Solar Wind Conditions
- The Energetic Particle, Composition, and Thermal Plasma Instrument Suite on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes Mission: Instrument Overview and Science Investigation Summary
- The Flux of Open and Torroidal Interplanetary Magnetic Field as a Function of Heliolatitude and Solar Cycle
- The Solar Wind Power from Magnetic Flux
- The WebCam vs. the Particle Beam: A CRaTER Visualization of the Effects of Radiation
- Using Particle Observations from Geosynchronous Orbit as a Proxy for Whistler and EMIC Mode Wave Growth During High Speed Stream Driven Storms
- A Model for Energetic Electron Transport due to Ultra-Low-Frequency Waves in the Radiation Belts
- A comparison of magnetic field measurements and a plasma-based proxy to infer EMIC wave distributions at geosynchronous orbit
- Beyond Illustration: New Data Driven Techniques for Visualizing Magnetospheric Structure
- Caveats of the Tsyganenko-Sitnov magnetic field models at distances beyond 10 RE in the flanks
- Comparison of Model ENAs Produced from Heliospheric Multi-fluid MHD with the First All-Sky ENA Maps
- Conjugate Observations Of Low And Mid Latitude Ionospheric Processes In The American Sector
- Density Gradients at and Near the Plasmapause
- Development and application of advanced spectral analysis tools for Wind SWE
- Direct Observations of Interstellar H, He, and O by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (Invited)
- Education Opportunities Using the CRaTER Instrument
- Effects of the moon on galactic cosmic rays as seen by the CRaTER instrument on LRO
- Energetic electrons in the exterior cusp and along the high latitude magnetopause
- Energetic electrons response to ULF waves induced by interplanetary shocks in the outer radiation belt
- Estimating the Mass of Meteoroids from Radar Head Echo Observations: A Comparison of Two Techniques
- Examining Solar Wind Number Density Structures Observed in SECCHI HI 1
- FIREBIRD: A Dual Satellite Mission to Examine the Spatial and Energy Coherence Scales of Radiation Belt Electron Microbursts
- Five Years of Questions About Space Physics from Participants of the CISM Space Weather Summer School
- Identifying Loss Mechanism of Radiation Belt Electrons During Flux Dropout Events
- Ionospheric Storms in the Sub-Auroral Ionosphere: Local Time Effects Driven by Electrodynamics
- Ionospheric conductivities at planets and planet-like bodies without internal magnetic field
- Jupiter’s Aurora: Outstanding Questions for Future Missions (Invited)
- LFM-helio MHD model and comparisons with Ulysses Fast Latitude Scan data
- Modeling the local interstellar flow: comparisons to first observations from IBEX
- Nanosatellite Potential for Unique Research and Education
- Nanosatellite standardization and modularization as an asset to space weather measurements
- Observation of Low-Frequency Waves due to Interstellar Pickup He+
- Positive Phase Ionospheric Storms at Geophysically-Equivalent Sites
- Probing the microburst source region using low energy electron measurements made in low-Earth orbit
- Proton intensity gradients and radiation dose equivalents in the inner heliosphere: Modeling and Prediction
- Secondary-Particle Production in Organic Material by Cosmic Rays: Simulations and CRaTER Observations
- Simultaneous entry of oxygen ions originating from the Sun and Earth into the inner magnetosphere during magnetic storms
- Synthetic study of heliospheric Ly-alpha data
- The First Massively Parallel Simulations of Meteor Plasma in 3D
- The Radiation Environment in Low Lunar Orbit
- The link between pick-up ions and energetic neutral atoms
- Variability in the GCR Count Rate as Measured by the CRaTER Instrument on LRO
- Variability of Pickup Ions and Possible Correlations with the Solar Wind from New Horizons/SWAP around 11 AU
- 1 1/2 Dimensional Model of the Martian Ionosphere
- 150 Student Questions on Solar Physics
- Arecibo's Thermospheric Gravity Waves and the Case for an Ocean Source (Invited)
- Coordinated investigations of daytime redline optical emissions and incoherent scatter radar measurements from Sondrestromfjord, Greenland
- Energetic protons accelerated by a model Coronal Mass Ejection and associated shock in the solar corona
- First Cosmic Ray Proton Albedo Map of the Moon
- Galactic Cosmic Ray Variations at the Moon, as Measured by the CRaTER Instrument
- HST Imaging Observations of Jupiter's Hydrogen Corona
- High Resolution Spectrum Analysis of Jupiter's Lyman-alpha Bulge
- Implementation of Inductive Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling and its Effects on Global MHD Magnetospheric Simulations
- Kinetic Simulations of Miniature Spread-F Bubbles
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling: Effects of E-Region Plasma Turbulence on Ionospheric Conductances
- OpenGGCM Simulation of Ballooning and Axial MHD Mode at Substorm Onset (Invited)
- Optical Signatures of Lightning-induced Electron Precipitation (Invited)
- Preparing K-8 Teachers to Conduct Inquiry Oriented Science Education
- Properties of energetic electrons in the high-altitude cusp and magnetosheath
- Radar and optical observations of irregular midlatitude sporadic E layers and MSTIDs (Invited)
- Separation of the IBEX Ribbon from the Globally Distributed Energetic Neutral Atom Flux
- Simulations and analysis of relativistic electron energization by ULF waves in the Radiation Belts
- Singly-ionized helium of solar origin in the solar wind
- Testing dayside ionospheric remote sensing methods using RAIDS measurements of the OII 83.4 and 61.7 nm dayglow
- The energy spectrum of heliospheric ENAs and properties of their parent protons
- Total Electron Content in the Mars Ionosphere: temporal studies and dependence on solar inputs and crustal magnetic fields
- 3D MHD modeling of non-stationary flow in the heliosheath
- A non-tearing mechanism for generating secondary magnetic islands during reconnection
- Active Exploration of the Space Enviornment
- Automated measurements of F-region Dynamics at the Millstone Hill Observatory and other Upper Atmospheric Facilities
- Dynamic effects of auroral currents on ionospheric conductivities, composition, and transport
- Effects of dust storms on the upper atmosphere of Mars
- Flow Transition Region in the Heliosheath
- HiT&MIS: A General Purpose Imaging Spectrograph for Groundbased Observational Studies of Airglow and Aurora
- High Latitude Magnetometer Arrays: Multipoint and Conjugate Data for Studies of Currents, Transients, and Ultra-Low-Frequency Waves in Earth's Space Environment
- How Chapman-like is the ionosphere of Mars?
- Hydrogen Species in the Ionosphere of Mars
- Magnetospheric Response to Solar Wind Alfvenic Fluctuations using WSA-Enlil-LFM
- Mesoscale structure of the heliospheric current sheet from MHD simulations
- Metal atoms observed in the thermosphere over Arecibo
- NSF CAREER: What did we learn and advance in our knowledge on shocks in the lower corona and the magnetic field structure in the heliosheath
- Nighttime Ionosphere Tomographic Reconstruction Observatory
- Non-thermal ISR scatter and auroral forms associated with a substorm expansion
- Novel Modeling of Mars' Ionospheric Electrodynamics
- PREDICCS: Predictions of Radiation from REleASE, EMMREM, and Data Incorporating CRaTER, COSTEP (EPHIN), and other SEP measurements
- Radio Sounding of the Martian and Venusian Ionospheres
- Reconnection at the Heliopause and the Motion of Energetic Particles in the Outer Heliosphere
- Saturn's Magnetospheric Dynamics As Viewed from Auroral Observations
- Science Planning for the New Research Vessel R/V Sikuliaq
- Shocks in the Corona and Inner Heliosphere: Implications for Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter
- The Role of Coronal Holes in CME Deflection in the Lower Corona
- The evolution of stream interaction regions as modeled by the LFM-helio: Comparisons with ACE and MESSENGER data
- The heliospheric structure during the recent solar minimum: shocks in the lower corona and the magnetic field structure in the heliosheath
- Training Early Career Space Weather Researchers and other Space Weather Professionals at the CISM Space Weather Summer School
- Variability in the M1 Layer of the Martian Ionosphere
- Variation of Pick-up Ion Pressure throughout the Heliosheath: 3-Dimensional Multi-ion, Multi-fluid Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of the Outer Heliosphere
- Versatile Satellite Architecture and Technology: A New Architecture for Low Cost Satellite Missions for Solar-Terrestrial Studies
- A Dual Wavelength Echidna® Lidar (DWEL) for Forest Structure Retrieval
- Anomalous OI-989 Å intensity profile: solving an old mystery
- Anomalous ionospheric conductances caused by plasma turbulence in high-latitude E-region electrojets
- CME Deflection Predictions Using ForeCAT (Forecasting a CME's Altered Trajectory)
- Comparisons between the ionospheres of Venus and Mars
- Compositional dependence of solar wind fluctuations
- Fluid-Kinetic simulation study of the evolution of a penetrating electron beam measured at the top of the ionosphere and its effect on the ISR
- Global Numerical Modeling of SEP Acceleration by a CME Shock in the Solar Corona and Subsequent Transport to 1 AU
- Gravity Wave Coupling Between the Mesosphere and Thermosphere Over New Zealand
- Hemispheric Asymmetries in Mercury's Exosphere Due to the Offset Magnetic Dipole
- High Resolution Winds Detected by Non-Specular Meteor Trails between 95 and 110 km Altitude
- Hydrogen at Mars: Effects on Ion Composition
- Intensities and spectral properties of 0.03-6 keV Energetic Neutral Atoms Measured by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Along the Lines-of-Sight of Voyager
- Ionospheric Observations with Raids, AN Extensive Comparison of O<SUP>+</SUP> 83.4 NM Emission to Ground Based Observations
- Ionospheric sources for molecular ion outflow
- Likely Detection of UV Auroral Emission from the Magnetic Footprint of Callisto
- Modeling of Mars' ionospheric electrodynamics under various local magnetic field topologies
- New measurement of the upwind interplanetary hydrogen velocity as observed by the Hubble Space Telescope
- Oblique ionospheric reflections in the MARSIS data set
- Observations of the nightside ionosphere of Mars by the Mars Express Radio Science Experiment MaRS
- Probing the Nature of the Heliosheath with the Heliospheric Neutral Atom Spectra Measured by IBEX in the Voyager 1 Direction
- Propagation of Stream Interfaces: An LFM-helio Study
- Reconnection at the Heliopause and Its Effects on the Transport of Energetic Particles
- Reconnection in ICMEs by Relaxation into the Taylor State
- Recovery of Mars Ionospheric Electron Density Profiles Acquired by the Mariner 9 Radio Occultation Instrument
- Response of the M1 Layer of the Mars Ionosphere to Solar Variability
- Sigmoidal Active Regions on the Sun: Statistical and Detailed Studies
- The Plasma Environment around 100 km
- The magnetosphere as system
- Thermal Pressure of the Proton Plasma in the Inner Heliosheath
- Web of Pseudostreamer and Streamer Belts and their Interplanetary Signatures
- A Porous, Layered Heliopause
- An Equatorial Spread F Plume Observed Over a Mid Latitude Site
- Can We Predict CME Deflections Based on Solar Magnetic Field Configuration Alone?
- Degradation of the magnetic structure of elongated ICMEs by interior reconnection
- Electrodynamics of the Martian dynamo region near magnetic cusps and loops using the Martian Multifluid Magnetohydrodynamic Model (M<SUP>4</SUP>)
- Field Deployments of DWEL, A Dual-Wavelength Echidna Lidar
- Saturn's northern auroras as observed using the Hubble Space Telescope
- Separating Leaves from Trunks and Branches with Dual-Wavelength Terrestrial Lidar Scanning: Improving Canopy Structure Characterization in 3-D Space
- Termination Shock Transition in Multi-ion Multi-fluid MHD Models of the Heliosphere
- Tracking the Plasmapause by Its Optical and Thermal Signatures in the Ionosphere
- Argus: An Io observer mission concept study from the 2014 NASA/JPL Planetary Science Summer School
- Jupiter's Dynamic Magnetosphere
- The upper ionosphere of Mars: A comparison of Mariner 9 radio occultation and MARSIS measurements
- MAVEN Observations of Ionopause-like Density Gradients in the Martian Ionosphere
- Observations of Small-scale IRIS Bombs (Reconnection Events) in an Evolving Active Region
- Characterizing Electric Fields that Trigger the Farley-Buneman Instability in the Chromosphere
- Characterizing the Accuracy of Higher Order Particle-in-Cell (PIC) Methods
- Dispersive Magnetosonic Waves and Turbulence in the Heliosheath: Multi-Fluid MHD Reconstruction of Voyager 2 Observations
- Effects of including electrojet turbulence in LFM-RCM simulations of geospace storms
- Farley-Buneman Instability Effects on the Ionosphere and Thermosphere
- Formation of Dense Plasma around a Small Meteoroid: Kinetic Theory and its Implications
- High temporal resolution observations of auroral electron density using superthermal electron enhancement of plasma lines
- How Numerical Magnetic Dissipation at the Heliospheric Current Sheet Affects Model Predictions at Voyager 1 and Results from a Kinetic-MHD Model of the Heliosphere within SWMF
- Investigating the Effect of the Heliosphere with Jets on ENAs as a Function of Solar Cycle
- MAVEN Observations of Dayside Peak Electron Densities in the Ionosphere of Mars
- Multi-scale effects of magnetic reconnection in the polar ionosphere
- Nonlinear Interaction of Langmuir and Whistler Waves Observed with Incoherent Scatter Radar
- Probing the nature of pick-up ions (and kappa distribution) in the heliosheath through global ENA measurements and in-situ measurements
- Spectra of Full 3-D PIC Simulations of Finite Meteor Trails
- The ForeCAT In Situ Data Observer and the Effects of Deflection and Rotation on CME Geoeffectiveness
- The Heliosphere with Jets and its implications for the global Energetic Neutral Atoms Maps throughout the Solar Cycle and its impact on the large-scale draping of the interstellar magnetic field
- Turbulence in the Heliospheric Jets
- Two Dimensional Energy Flux Measurements of Precipitation using Incoherent Scatter Radars
- Wave Turning and Flow Angle in the E-Region Ionosphere
- Chorus waves modulate Langmuir waves: Van Allen Probe observations
- Comparisons of Spectra from 3D Kinetic Meteor PIC Simulations with Theory and Observations
- Coupled storm-time magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere simulations including microscopic ionospheric turbulence
- Do we understand what creates 150-km echoes and gives them their distinct structure?
- EMIC wave events during the four QARBM challenge intervals
- Enhanced Exoplanet Biosignature from an Interferometer Addition to Low Resolution Spectrographs
- From the Outside Looking In - Looking Back at Our Heliosphere in Energetic Neutral Atoms
- Gradient Drift Turbulence from Electron Bite-Outs: Dependence on Atmospheric Parameters.
- Jupiter's Magnetodisc in the Juno Era and Implications for the Aurora
- MAVEN Observations of the Effects of Crustal Magnetic Fields on the Mars Ionosphere
- Martian thermal tides from the surface to the atmosphere
- Particle-in-cell simulations of collisional ISR spectra.
- Quantifying the contribution of microburst precipitation to global electron loss
- Relativistic electron flux dropout due to field line curvature during the storm on 1 June 2013
- Results from the OH-PT model: a Kinetic-MHD Model of the Outer Heliosphere within SWMF
- SWARM-THEMIS ASI observation of flow shears at the poleward boundary of Omega bands
- Spreading speed of magnetopause reconnection X-lines using ground-satellite coordination
- The Energetic Neutral Atoms of the "Croissant" Heliosphere with Jets
- Understanding the Driver of Energetic Electron Precipitation Using Coordinated Multi-Satellite Measurements
- Using Wave and Energetic Particle Observation on Juno to Investigate Low Altitude Magnetospheric Process on Jupiter.
- VirtualSpace: A vision of a machine-learned virtual space environment
- Are There 150 km Echoes at Mid-Latitudes? An Arecibo Survey
- Boston University All-sky Imager Network to Study the Ionosphere at Low and Midlatitudes
- Concurrent Lucky Imaging and Spectroscopy of the Mercury Exosphere with the Rapid Imaging Planetary Spectrograph
- Electron-electron collision effects on ISR temperature measurements
- Energetic Neutral Atom Maps from the "Croissant-like" Heliosphere
- Examining the link between MSTIDs and ionospheric plasma density enhancements with petitSat, an upcoming 6U CubeSat mission
- Formation of Dense Plasma around a Small Meteoroid in the Earth's Atmosphere: Analytic Theory and Simulations
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Early Orbit Observations
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): First Light Observations
- Investigating the Conjugate Nature of MSTIDs in the Europe/Africa Sector Using 630.0nm All-Sky Imaging Data
- Latest results from the MAVEN Radio Occultation Science Experiment (ROSE)
- Leveraging Commercial Cubesat Constellations for Science: A Case Study
- Magnetotail Reconnection at Jupiter: A survey of magnetic field and plasma flow signatures observed by Juno
- Multi-instrument observations of low-latitude ionospheric variability
- Simulating Meteor Ablation using Molecular Dynamics
- Simulations Reveal a New Thermally-Driven Plasma Instability in the Solar Chromosphere
- The Impact of Kinetic Neutrals on the Shape of the Heliosphere and Structure of the Heliotail
- Theory, Simulation, and Observation of Magnetosonic Turbulence in the Heliosheath
- A Keogram Analysis of Local Time Variations of Jupiter's Ultraviolet Aurora using Juno UVS Observations
- An improved method of determining meteor plasma density from head echo data: A critical step toward determining meteoroid masses
- Comparison of gravity waves from multi-instrument measurements in the African and American midlatitude sectors during quiet geomagnetic conditions
- Critical analysis of STEVE fine structure: New constraints derived from high-resolution photogrammetry
- Early Morning Equatorial Thermosphere-Ionosphere Anomaly
- Energetic Neutral Atom Maps from a Kinetic-MHD Description of the "Croissant-like" Heliosphere
- First Measurement From the Geostationary Orbit of the Equatorial Plasma Bubble (EPB) Characteristics Using GOLD Data
- Global View of the Night-Ionosphere: Seasonal Changes
- Global-scale Observations of the Twilight Airglow
- Impact of Nighttime Thermosphere Dynamics at Mid- and Low-latitude Ionosphere
- Kinetic Simulations of Photoelectron Driven Instabilities Applied to 150 Km Echoes with Improved Collision Models
- Kinetic theory for photoelectron driven instabilities: Applications to 150 km echoes
- Nighttime observations of the low latitude ionosphere using GOLD and ground-based optical and radio data.
- Observations at sub-auroral latitudes of airglow structures associated with STEVEs and SAR arcs
- Optical signatures of the outer radiation belt boundary
- Preferential Ion Heating and Particle Acceleration Downstream of Dispersive Shock Waves in Collisionless Multi-Ion Plasma
- Recent Results from the MAVEN Radio Occultation Science Experiment (ROSE)
- Seasonal variation and solar activity dependence of two distinct types of 150-km echoes from JULIA observations
- Simultaneous Observations of a SAR arc by Multiple Instruments at Sub-auroral Conjugate Points and Its Ionospheric Response during the St. Patrick's Day Storm in 2015
- Solar Flare Effects on 150-km Echoes Observed Over Jicamarca: WACCM-X Simulations
- Sub-Auroral Plasma Turbulence in the E-Region Ionosphere: Microprocesses that Have Large Consequences on the Entire Geospace Environment
- The Two-Lobe Structure of the Heliosphere Persists in the SHIELD Model, a K-MHD Model of the Outer Heliosphere
- The altitude patterns of photo-chemical-equilibrium conditions in the Martian ionosphere
- Unexpected field-aligned PADs of energetic ions in the dayside ring current region
- petitSat - A 6U CubeSat to examine the link between MSTIDS and ionospheric plasma density enhancements
- A Multi-Fluid Multi-Species (MFMS) numerical code for simulating the solar atmosphere
- A New Long-Term Study of the Moon's Extended Tail of Sodium Atoms with Implications for Sputtering Source Rates from the Lunar Regolith
- A Novel Physics-Based Functional Form for the Magnetopause Shape
- A new approach to calculating meteoroid heating using atomic-scale simulations
- Aurora to Magnetodisk Mapping: Connecting UV Emissions to Events in Jupiter's Magnetosphere
- Characteristics of Jupiter's X-ray auroral hot spot emissions using Chandra
- Comparing plasma irregularities across scale sizes with GOLD and COSMIC
- Comparisons of MAVEN/ROSE Results to an Empirical Ionospheric Model
- Constraining the 3D Distribution of the Martian Hot Oxygen Corona using MAVEN Observations
- D and H in the Lower and Upper Atmosphere of Mars
- Effect of Electron Precipitation on E-Region Instabilities in Auroral Regions and Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
- Effects of Re-connection in the Structuring of Plasma and Aurora in the Polar Cap
- Evidence of Heat Transport from Jupiter's Polar Ionosphere to Lower Latitudes Found in Ground-based Keck-telescope Maps of Jupiter's Ionospheric H<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>+</SUP>
- Expansion of equatorial irregularities to mid-latitudes during the solar cycle 24.
- Extracting thermosphere/ionosphere parameters from simultaneous GOLD and Ground-Based All-sky Imagers Observations
- Geospace Plume and Its Impact on Dayside Magnetopause Reconnection
- Heliospheric Ly α Absorption in a Split Tail Heliosphere
- How Pickup Ions Generate Turbulence in the Inner Heliosheath: A Multi-Fluid Approach
- Hydrogen Loss Retrievals from MAVEN/IUVS via Temperature-Dependent Radiative Transfer Modeling
- Improving Conductance Modeling in Global Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Simulations during Geomagnetic Storms: An Important Element of Space Weather Modeling
- Investigating the simultaneous occurrence of STEVEs and SAR arcs using all-sky imagers, satellites, and citizen scientist data
- Latitudinal Variation of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Drift Velocities Derived From GOLD Data
- Mesospheric Gravity Wave Momentum Flux Associated With a Thunderstorm Complex
- Multi-Fluid Simulations of Collisional Plasma Instabilities in the Solar Chromosphere
- On the Ionospheres of Strongly- to Weakly-Oxygenated Terrestrial Exoplanets
- Quantitative Remote Sensing of Nighttime Ionospheric Electron DensityUsing GOLD 135.6 nm Airglow Observations
- SIHLA , a Mission of Opportunity to L1 to Map H Lyman Alpha Emissions from the Heliopause, the Interplanetary Medium, the Earth's Geocorona and Comets
- Semi-Empirical Modeling of the Venus Ionosphere
- Single Spacecraft Tomography to Determine the Spatial Structure of the Magnetosheath Using Soft X-rays
- Soft x-ray imaging telescopes for remote observation of the magnetosphere
- Structure of the Heliosphere and Heliotail from different MHD models as Probed by ENA maps
- The Effect of Changing Solar Magnetic Field Intensity on ENA Maps
- The Effects of Small Scale Plasma Turbulence on Conductance Modeling in Global Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Simulations during Geomagnetic Storms
- The Green Emissions of STEVE: Optical Evidence of an Energy Cascade
- The Highly Variable Ratio of D/H in Atoms Escaping from Mars
- What Can We Learn from the Equatorial ionization Anomaly (EIA) Locations in GOLD Observations?
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Coster
- Baptiste Cecconi
- Dale Weigt
- Dimitra Koutroumpa
- E. Hanson
- Ewan S. Douglas
- G. B. Crew
- Jinxing Li
- K. E. Korreck
- L. Capannolo
- L. R. Cashman
- Laurent Lamy
- M. Bzowski
- M. M. Klida
- Marissa F. Vogt
- Michael L. Stevens
- Michael W. Davis
- Nithin Sivadas
- Philip S. Muirhead
- Supriya Chakrabarti
- Teresa Nieves‐Chinchilla
- Y. Nishimura