Boston University, Department of Physics
flowchart I[Boston University, Department of Physics] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (44)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Lévy/Anomalous Diffusion as a Mean-Field Theory for 3D Cloud Effects in SW-RT: Empirical Support, New Analytical Formulation, and Impact on Atmospheric Absorption
- Lévy/Anomalous Diffusion as a Mean-Field Theory for 3D Cloud Effects in Shortwave Radiative Transfer: Empirical Support, New Analytical Formulation, and Impact on Atmospheric Absorption
- Pattern Dynamics Analysis of Regional Fault Systems
- Self-Organization in Leaky Threshold Systems
- The dynamics of regional seismicity data
- Ergodicity in Natural Fault Systems
- Mean Field Threshold Systems and Phase Dynamics: An Application to Earthquake Fault Systems
- Physical Interpretation of Laboratory Friction Laws in the Context of Damage Physics
- Theoretical Investigation of Fault System Evolution
- Damage Mechanics: Connecting the Microscale and Macroscale in Material Deformation
- Evaluation and Development of the Pattern Informatics Method of Earthquake Forecasting
- Finding Order in Chaos: Complexity in the Career of Don L Anderson
- Mean-field studies of a slider-block model with noise
- Rupture Source Identification Prior to the Occurrence of Large Events
- Simulation of evolution effects in microscale and macroscale models of fault systems
- Spinodal Critical Points, Scaling and Predictibility
- Connecting the Microscale to the Macroscale in Earthquake Processes: Scaling and its Relationship to Nucleation in Damage Mechanics
- Earthquake Forecasting with Correlated Seismicity Patterns
- Modification of the Pattern Informatics Method for Forecasting Large Earthquake Events Using Complex Eigenvectors
- Simulation-Based Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment Using System-Level, Physics-Based Models: Assembling Virtual California
- 100 Years after the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906: Earthquake Forecasting and Forecast Verification - Status, Prospects and Promise
- Earthquake statistics in models and data
- Pattern recognition of historic seismicity data and earthquake forecasting
- Self-Organization and Correlations of the San Andreas Fault System through Interactions: Forecasting based on Recreating Great Earthquakes in the Computer
- The Critical Point Theory of Earthquakes: Observation of Correlated and Cooperative Behavior on Earthquake Fault Systems
- Bayesian Analysis of the Pattern Informatics Technique
- Failure of Rock Masses from Nucleation and Growth of Microscopic Defects and Disorder
- A Feasibility Study of Medium-term Earthquake Forecasting Using Numerical Earthquake Simulators: Comparison to the WGCEP
- A Quantitative Analysis of the Pattern Informatics Technique to Characterize Future Earthquakes
- A Study of Earthquake Catalog Heterogeneity
- Better Forecasts Through Comparison of Natural and Synthetic Earthquake Catalogs
- Medium-term Earthquake Forecasting with Numerical Earthquake Simulators: A Feasibility Study with a Comparison to the WGCEP
- Nucleation and Growth of Damage in Rock Masses and on Sliding Surfaces
- Pattern Informatics in Mining Induced Seismicity and its Applications to Rockburst Hazard Assessment
- A Simple Declustering Method for Seismicity
- Ten years later: The PI index and earthquake forecasting (Invited)
- Damage and the Gutenberg-Richter Law: from simple models to natural earthquake fault systems
- Declustering seismicity using the Thirumalai-Mountain metric
- Nucleation in models of damage mechanics
- Precursory Activation and Quiescence Prior to Major Earthquakes
- Preparing K-8 Teachers to Conduct Inquiry Oriented Science Education
- The Effect of Damage on Earthquake Scaling and Forecasting
- Self-Organized Earthquakes
- The effect of spatially heterogeneous damage in simple models of earthquake fault networks