University of Michigan
flowchart I[University of Michigan] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (8)"] AW["Affiliated Works (4580)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1188)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- University of Michigan, Dearborn
- University of Michigan, Department of Astronomy
- University of Michigan, Department of Atmospheric Oceanic and Space Sciences
- University of Michigan, Department of Geological Sciences
- University of Michigan, Department of Physics
- University of Michigan, Flint
- University of Michigan, Radio Astronomy Observatory
- University of Michigan, Space Physics Research Laboratory
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 3D Global MHD Simulations of Flux-Rope-Driven CMEs
- 3D MHD Simulation of a Coronal Arcade Eruption by Self-Induced Shearing
- A Structural-Paleomagnetic Investigation in the Foreland Thrust Belt of Georgia and Alabama to Constrain Rotations in Lateral and Oblique Structures
- Carbon and Energy Fluxes Over two Mid-Latitude Deciduous Forests: Interannual and Latitudinal Variations
- Carbonate Mineral Equilibria and DIC Fluxes: Watershed Case Studies From the Great Lakes Region
- Characteristics of Eight Hour Waves in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere at High Northern Latitudes
- Characteristics of the Central Costa Rican Seismogenic Zone Determined from Microseismicity
- Combined Organic and Inorganic Geochemical Reconstruction of Paleodepositional Conditions of a Pliocene Sapropel From the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
- Continental Heat Gain in the Global Climate System
- Contradictory Magnetic Polarities in Sediments and Variable Timing of Neoformation of Authigenic Greigite
- Dating Neogene Eolian Deposits by Ichthyolith Sr Isotope Stratigraphy
- Determination of Interfacial Properties by Surface Active Impurities in an Organic Waste Liquid
- Ekdahl, E.J., Moore, T.C. Jr., Rea, D.K. Climate States in Late Pleistocene Proglacial Lake Varved Sediments, as Defined by Evolutionary Spectral Analysis
- Electron Microscopy of MORB: Linking Marine Magnetic Anomalies and Rock Magnetism
- Equation of State of Transformed Natural Peridotite at Lower Mantle Pressures
- Fault Interactions in Extensional Regimes
- Features of High-latitude MAgnetic Reconnection In sub-alfvenic Flow: Interball Tail observations On 29 May 1996
- Gas-Driven Eruptions, and Speculation for Methane-Driven Ocean Eruptions
- GeoWall: Stereo Projection Systems Designed for Earth Science Classrooms
- Geochemical Comparison of Late Pliocene Sapropels from Vrica (Calabria) and ODP Site 964.
- High-Resolution Comparison of the I-Cycle 90 Interrupted Sapropel From Four Locations
- Improved Age-Depth Profiles for Neogene Red Clay Cores from the Subtropical North Pacific Ocean
- Influence of magnetism on spectroscopic and elastic properties of hcp iron
- Inner Magnetosphere Simulations - Coupling the Michigan MHD Model with the Rice Convection Model.
- Inner core elasticity and temperature from first principles
- Interaction effects of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and nutrient supplies on carbon cycling and sequestration in a pine forest
- Internet-based Collaboratories for the Geo-Sciences
- Is Productivity Important to Sapropel Deposition? Evidence from Ionian Basin i-cycle 180.
- LENA Observations on March 31, 2001: Magnetosheath Remote Sensing
- Landsat Estimate of Albedo Change from Fire in the Alaskan Boreal Region
- Life after NEAR
- Lithium Budget and Isotopic Characterization of Materials Entering the Izu-Mariana Subduction Zone
- Localization of Dislocation Creep in the Lower Mantle: Implications for the origin of Seismic Anisotropy
- Long-Term Fluences of Energetic Particles in the Heliosphere
- Low late Pliocene sedimentary \delta<SUP>15</SUP>N from a 10 site survey
- Modeling DNAPL Migration and Persistence: Twenty Years of Progress and Challenges for the Future
- Modeling Mantle Contributions to the Global Lithospheric Stress Field
- Modeling the Effects of Fertilization on Net Ecosystem Exchange of Carbon, Water, and Energy.
- Paleomagnetic results from the Upper Unkar Group and overlying Nankoweap Formation from the Grand Canyon Supergroup (GCSG), Arizona: Implications for Laurentia's Neoproterozoic APWP
- Re-envisioning the Land-Sea Interface: Elemental and Isotopic Proxies of Paleotemperature and Paleosalinity
- Rutile/TiO<SUB>2</SUB>II Phase Transition Redux
- STAR-Light: Enabling a new vision for land surface hydrology in the Arctic
- Sapropels and Black Shales - Peas in a Paleoceanographic Pod?
- Sediment Control of Convection in Glacier Dammed Lakes
- Soils and Carbon Transformations in Northern Michigan Forested Watersheds
- The Costa Rica M<SUB>w</SUB>=6.9 Underthrusting Earthquake: Aftershock Focal Mechanisms and Deformation Associated with Seamount Subduction
- The Influence of Sediment Flux from Nanga Parbat in Interpreting Regional Erosion Patterns from the Indus Fan
- The Role of Bending Resistance at Subduction Zones on the Force Balance of Plate Tectonics through the Cenozoic
- The Space Weather Reanalysis
- The prime killer of the ring current at storm maximum
- Thermodynamics of Silica Dissolution From In-situ Raman +Spectroscopy
- Too-low Magnetic Inclinations in Central Asia: An Indication of a Long-term Tertiary Non-dipole Field?
- U Mineral Hosts and Enrichment Processes in Altered Oceanic Crust
- <SUP>39</SUP>Ar/<SUP>40</SUP>Ar Chronology and Volumes of Eruptive Products Over the Last 1 Myr in the Tequila Volcanic Field, Jalisco, Mexico
- Abrupt Millennial-scale Sea Surface Temperature Changes on the California Margin Through MIS 3 Inferred From Foraminiferal Mg/Ca
- Aerosol Box Model Intercomparision
- An Analytic Gasdynamic Approach to the Modeling of Earth's Bow Shock
- An approach to understanding hydrologic connectivity on the hillslope and the implications for nutrient transport
- Analysis of Ambient Aerosol Measurements During PROPHET 2001
- Atmosphere-Forest Exchange: Important Questions Regarding the Atmosphere's Role in the Delivery of Nutrient Nitrogen and Impacts on Nitrogen and Carbon Cycling
- Borehole Temperature Observations Compared to Synthetic Subsurface Temperatures Generated by Proxy Climate Reconstructions
- Can we Constrain Carbon Assimilation and Allocation in a Multi-Species Hardwood Forest Using Water Flux Measurements?
- Canopy Quantum Efficiency in a Northern Hardwood Forest: the contributing roles of direct and diffuse PAR
- Cation Disorder and Elasticity in MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> Akimotoite
- Comparison of River Water and Precipitation δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Across the 48 Contiguous United States
- Development of Strain due to Dislocation Creep in the Lower Mantle and its Implications for Seismic Anisotropy
- Early Cenozoic Stratigraphy of the Equatorial Pacific and the Eocene Revealed
- Ecosystem Respiration in a Northern Mixed Hardwood Forest: Source Dynamics and Interannual Variation
- Elasticity of Antiferromagnetic hcp Iron
- Eruptive Productivity of the Ceboruco-San Pedro Volcanic Field, Nayarit, Mexico
- Estimates of radiated energy from global shallow subduction zone earthquakes
- Estimating the Age of the Hawaiian Hotspot
- First principles prediction of the akimotoite-to-perovskite transition in MgSiO3
- Geologic and Seismic Constraints on the Coupling Between Plates and Slabs: Past and Present
- H<SUB>2</SUB>O diffusion in dacitic glasses and melts
- History of the Deep Western Boundary Current at Rekohu Sediment Drift, Southwest Pacific (ODP Site 1124)
- Hydrothermal Vents in Yellowstone Lake: Chemical Fluxes, Siliceous Deposits, and Collapse Structures
- Improved biomass burning emissions using the TOMS AI
- Inelastic Neutron Scattering Experiments in Polycrystalline Fayalite
- Influence of Conceptual Model Selection on Three-Dimensional Tracer Transport: Comparison of Predictions and Observations in a Nonuniform Sand Aquifer
- Interactions Among Grassland Plant Species, Microbial Communities, and Soil Processes
- Intermediate waters and abrupt climate change: Ultra-high resolution sediment records from Santa Barbara Basin, California
- Local and Far-Field Effects Under a Southern Californian Upwelling Cell; Trace Element Results From ODP Hole 1017E, San Lucia Slope, California.
- Long-term Phanerozoic Octupole Fields
- Magnetic Reconnection at Neutral Points: Role in Magnetospheric Dynamics
- Measurement of Nitrous Acid (HONO) During PROPHET 2000 Summer Intensive
- Measurements of Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Winds by the TIMED Doppler Interferometer
- Miocene-Oligocene magnetostratigraphy from Equatorial Pacific sediments (ODP Site 1218, Leg 199)
- Modeling the bulk- and shear-elasticity of a multi-phase mantle
- Multi-proxy Characterization of the Feni and Gardar Drifts
- New Calibrations of Garnet - Clinopyroxene Thermobarometers
- Nitrogen Deposition Reduces Decomposition Rates Through Shifts in Microbial Community Composition and Function
- Nutrient Uptake Kinetics in Two Virginia Estuaries
- Observations of the O<SUB>2</SUB> Atmospheric Band Nightglow by the TIMED Doppler Interferometer
- On the Heliospheric He+ Pickup Ion Acceleration by CME Driven Shocks
- Outstanding Questions About the Ocean a Half Century After IGY
- Overview of One Aspect of the Sun-Earth Connection during the April 2002 Events: the "Magnetospheric Driver" Chain
- Paleomagnetism of ODP Leg 199 Sediments: Implications for Paleogene and Neogene Magnetic Stratigraphy and Paleolatitudes
- Particle acceleration processes in CME and CIR driven shocks
- Partitioning of Seismogenic Strain in the Offshore Costa Rica Forearc
- Quantifying Latitudinal Variations of Continental Physiography
- Reactive Oxidized Nitrogen Partitioning and Ozone Production Efficiencies during the PROPHET Summer 2000 and Summer 2001 Measurements Intensives
- Room- and Low-Temperature Magnetic Fabrics and Tectonic Strain in Weak- to Moderately-Deformed Mudrocks
- Rupture features of the Aug 19, 2002 Tonga deep earthquake doublet
- Sedimentation Rates in the Central North Pacific Pelagic Clay Province Using Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy
- Seismic Attenuation in the Subduction Zone of Costa Rica
- Simulation of Mass Recovery of Entrapped Tetrachloroethene in Coupled Physically and Chemically Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Spectral analysis of air and ground temperatures at Fargo, North Dakota: conduction dominated propagation of the annual frequency signal
- The CCD of the Paleogene Tropical Pacific - Results of ODP Leg 199
- The CompreHensive collaborativE Framework (CHEF)
- The Outer Source of Pickup Ions and Anomalous Cosmic Rays
- The Sulfur Isotopic Composition of the Sun
- Thermoelasticity of the Lower Mantle from First Principles: Implications for the Origin of Lateral Heterogeneity
- Two Views of MLT Winds: TIMED/TIDI and UARS/HRDI
- Viscosity of Hydrous Rhyolitic Melts
- 3D Boltzmann Simulation of the Io's Plasma Environment: Comparison with Observational Data
- A Healthy Reduction in Oil Dependence and Carbon Emissions
- A Holocene Sediment Record From Lake Elsinore, Southern California: Evidence for Relative Lake Level Change and the Onset of ENSO.
- A Northern Hemisphere Climate Reconstruction through Integration of Borehole Temperature Data and a Conventional Proxy Model
- A Science Plan for Integrated Studies of Coupled Biosphere-Atmosphere Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles
- Active Microbial Methane Production and Organic Matter Degradation in a Devonian Black Shale
- Adaptive Grids in Climate Modeling: Concept and First Results
- Adaptive Grids in Climate Modeling: Tests of the Dynamical Core
- Borehole Climate Reconstructions: Spatial Structure and Hemispheric Averages
- Categorized Observed and Modeled Stormtime Reponses at Geosynchronous Orbit
- Changes in Benthic Foraminiferal Assemblages and Total Organic Carbon in Sediments at ODP Site 1058, Blake Outer Ridge During Marine Isotope Stages 11-12
- Chemical Identification of Source Regions in the Operationally-Defined Eolian Dust Component of Central Pacific Sediment
- Comparison of SAFOD Pilot Hole phyllosilicate mineral assemblages to the Punchbowl fault: Recognizing post-faulting alteration in exhumed fault zones
- Continental Arc Magmatism and its Abrupt Termination by Ridge Subduction or Ridge Jump Along the Proto-Pacific Margin of Gondwana, Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica: A Zircon U-Pb Study
- Coupled precipitation and long-term erosion rates across the Washington Cascades
- Determination of a Permeability-depth Curve for the Oregon Cascades Employing Numerical, Analytical, and Statistical Methods
- Effects of Geomagnetic Storms and Sudden Stratospheric Warmings on Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Winds
- Eruption of a Buoyantly Emerging Magnetic Flux Rope
- Estimate of the Temperature Field of the Mantle and its Contribution to the Lateral Heterogeneity of the Earth's Interior
- Evaluation of PROPHET and Ameri-Flux Measurements Obtained Over the Period 1998 to 2003 for Evidence of Ozone Effects on CO2 and Isoprene Fluxes
- Evidence for Upper Mantle Flow Associated with the African Superplume
- Examing the Effects of Different IMF, F10.7, and Auroral Inputs on the Thermospheric Neutral Winds
- Finite Element Modeling of Subduction Zone Stresses in the Wake of Bathymetric Feature Subduction Offshore Costa Rica
- First Principle Study of Olivine Solid Solutions
- Forest Fire Effects on Mercury and Other Trace Metal Concentrations in a Rocky Mountain Forest Ecosystem
- GeoPad: Innovative Applications of Information Technology in Field Science Education
- GeoWall-2 : a Scalable Display System for the Geosciences
- Geological Factors and the Evolution of the Greenhouse Effect
- Geostatistical Modeling of Uncertainty Attached to the Spatial Distribution of Arsenic in Groundwater of Southeast Michigan
- Grenvillian History Of The SW Amazon Craton: The Accretionary History Of The Paragua Craton In A Rodinia Framework.
- Ground induced currents incorporated to the model for direct and simultaneous simulations of the heliosphere-magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions
- High Energy Precipitation and Consequences During the April 2002 Storms
- Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation in the System Brucite-Water at 3GPa
- Increasing Simulation Speed in a Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Model by Using Mixed-Resolution, Parallel Components
- Initial India-Asia Collision: Sedimentologic, Paleomagnetic and Paleontologic Evidence From the Ghazij Formation, Balochistan, Pakistan
- Interplanetary-Ionospheric Coupling: The 6 November 2001 Magnetic Storm Event
- Interpreting Environmental Change and Nutrient Cycling Using Major Element and Strontium Isotope Ratios in Tree Rings
- Iroquoian and Canadian Disturbance to the Ecosystem of Crawford Lake, Canada
- Kinetics of convective crystal dissolution and melting, with applications to methane hydrate dissolution and dissociation in seawater
- Last ODP Legs Expand Black Shale Legacy of Scientific Ocean Drilling
- Lu-Hf and U-Pb Chronology of a Possible Triassic Franciscan High-Grade Block, Healdsburg, California
- Mapping Wetlands of the North American Boreal Zone from Satellite Radar Imagery
- Modeling One-Dimensional Transport of Arsenate Through Iron Oxide-Coated Sands
- Modeling the May 1, 1998 CME propagation from the Sun to the Earth
- Neogene Magnetostratigraphy of the Guide Basin and its Implications for Pliocene Evolution of the NE Tibetan Plateau
- New Insights Into Volcanic Hazards in Western Mexico: Multiple Cone-Building Episodes at Arc Stratovolcanoes Revealed by 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology
- Nitrogen Fixation Enhanced Organic Matter Production in Demerara Rise Black Shales
- Noble Gas Thermometry and Hydrologic Ages: Evidence for Late Holocene Warming in Southwest Texas
- Observations of Seasonal Variations of Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Tides by the TIMED Doppler Interferometer
- Obsidian hydration profiles and dating
- Origin of the Low Velocity Zone in Oceanic and Continental Regions
- Oxygen Isotope Thermometry and Speedometry
- Oxygen, Carbon, and Nitrogen Isotopic Evidence of Environmental Changes in Eastern Lake Erie Over the Past Century
- Sediment/Fluid Contributions and Element Transport Deduced from Elemental and Isotopic Data From the Luzon-Bicol arc Systems, Philippines
- Simulated Response of Tropical Climate to Changes in ice Sheet and Carbon Dioxide Forcings
- Solubility of H<SUB>2</SUB>O in Rhyolitic Melts at Low Pressures
- Source Contributions to the Carbon Isotopic Signature of Ecosystem Respiration in a Northern Deciduous Forest Ecosystem
- Stagnation of the Eastern Tropical Pacific During Deglaciation?: Porewater Oxygen Concentration Shifts in the Gulf of Tehuantepec
- The Anvils as Pressure Calibrants in the Hydrothermal Diamond Anvil Cell
- The Co-Production of Science and Policy in Integrated Climate Assessments
- The Hysteresis Properties of Multidomain Magnetite and Titanomagnetite/-maghemite in Mid Ocean Ridge Basalts
- The Pacific Decadal Oscillation and the Growth and Decay of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet During the Last Glacial
- The Partial Molar Volume and Thermal Expansivity of Fe2O3 in Alkali Silicate Liquids: Evidence for the Average Coordination of Fe3+
- The Rate of Weathering-Derived Calcium Input to a Base-Poor Forest Ecosystem in the Northeastern USA
- The Role of Paleogeography on the Evolution of Mesozoic Ocean Circulation: Sensitivity Experiments Using a Fully Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model
- The State of the GeoWall
- Tracking the Equator Into the Paleogene
- Trans-Mediterranean Paleoclimate Connections Evident From Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotope Patterns in Late Pliocene Sapropels
- Transport of Surface-Active Solutes in a Heterogeneous Vadose Zone: Dealing With Limited Data Collection
- Variability in Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Models of the Pre-Industrial and Modern Climate
- Viscosity of silica-rich water at high pressure and temperature
- Visualizing seismic wave propagation
- Wireless Structural Sensing for Health Monitoring and Control Applications
- Working Toward a Better Representation of Heterogeneities in Regional Groundwater Flow Systems: a Three Dimensional Approach
- 30 Myr of polarity stratigraphy and relative paleointensity from Equatorial Pacific sediments (ODP Sites 1218 and 1219, Leg 199)
- A Gibbs Sampler for Constrained Geostatistical Interpolation and Inverse Modeling
- A scaling analysis of vegetation carbon uptake for the North American Carbon Program: What are we missing and what can we do about it?
- Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Consumption in Uplifting Mountain Ranges: New Insight From the New Zealand Southern Alps
- Atmospheric convection and measurements of variability of radiation and surface fluxes of heat, water vapor, and dust.
- Auroral and Non-auroral X-ray Emissions from Jupiter: A Comparative View
- Causes and Effects of the early Aptian ( ∼117 Ma) Methane Release
- Chandra Observations of Soft X-ray Emissions from Earth and Jupiter
- Constraining the Tectonic History of the Himalaya in Central Nepal With Low-Temperature Thermochronometry and Numerical Modeling
- Correlation between continent area and elevation
- Coupling Processes in the Inner Magnetosphere Associated with Midlatitude Red Auroras during Superstorms
- Diagnosing Atmospheric Inverse Calculations: What Exactly Are We Learning About?
- Differentiation of Cenozoic Eolian Dust Sources in the Eastern Pacific by Nd-Sr-Pb Radiogenic Isotopes
- Distributed volume rendering of global models of seismic wave propagation
- Dufek Layered Mafic Intrusion, Antarctica: Constraints on Magma Chamber Processes from U-Pb Geochronology and Trace Element Modeling
- Eruptive History of Volcán Tepetiltic, Mexico: Evidence for Remelting of Silicic Ashflows Revealed by 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology
- Examing the effects of periodic high latitude forcing on the Joule heating and thermospheric temperature structure
- Experimental Determination of the K2CO3 Fusion Curve to 3 GPa and Constraints on the Liquid Equation of State
- Exploring the Carbonate Production/Dissolution Paradox in the Mid-Bruhnes of the Southern Ocean Using Coupled Records of Biological and Chemical Dynamics
- Fast Apparent Polar Wander in the Phanerozoic: True PW or Fast Drift Rates?
- Field-based Information Technology in Geology Education: GeoPads
- First Three Years of TIMED: New Results in Sun-Earth Connections
- Franklin Volcanic Field: Characteristics of a Submarine Volcanic Province in the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Geostatistical Estimations of Regional Hydraulic Conductivity Fields
- Geostatistical Modeling of the Spatial Variability of Arsenic in Groundwater of Southeast Michigan
- Global Energy Partition During Superstorms
- Heat Capacity of Hollandite-Type KAlSi3O8 and Related Phase Equilibria
- High pressure proton disorder in brucite
- Hydrogeochemistry Of A Modern Dolomite-Forming Lagoon System, Cabo Frio-RJ, Brazil
- Hydrothermal Diamond Anvil Cell Investigations Into the Alumina-Silica-Water System up to 1073 K and 4 GPa
- Impact of Recent Land Use Changes in the Great Plains
- Impact of vegetation cover and stand age on scaling carbon fluxes in the upper Midwest: a multiple eddy flux site study
- Interplanetary Shock Interaction with the Magnetosphere: Model Results
- Investigating the Influence of Atmospheric Changes on the Variability of the North Pacific Using a Fully Coupled GCM
- Ionospheric and Solar Plasmas in Geospace Storms
- Lacustrine Organic Matter Elemental and Isotopic Compositions as Markers of Environmental and Paleoenvironmental Changes: Examples from Lagoa do Caco (Maranhao State, Brazil)
- Late Cenozoic reduction in Antarctic Circumpolar Current flow from analyses of drift deposits along the Antarctic Peninsula, ODP Site 1095.
- Liquidus Phase Relations in Pyrolite at Pressures of the Transition Zone
- Lunar surface and atmosphere analysis through in situ pickup ions
- Mesozoic-Cenozoic reworking of the deep crust beneath the Bering Sea plate: Data from lower to middle crust xenoliths
- Multi-Site Evidence for Marine Nitrogen Fixation in Mid-Cretaceous Black Shales
- New Standard State Entropy for Sphene (Titanite)
- Nitrogen Transformation And Transport In An Arctic Watershed
- Nutrient Dynamics in the Glacial Southern Ocean
- Occurrence statistics of cold, streaming ions in the near-Earth magnetotail
- Oxygen Isotope Fractionation between Synthetic Aragonite and Water: Influence of Solution Chemistry
- Paleoceanographic Reconstruction of Productivity and Oxygenation Changes Across the Mediterranean Sea During the Deposition of two Late Pliocene Sapropels
- Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimate Changes Since 21,000 Cal Years BP in the Northeastern part of Brazil Inferred From Sediment Records in Lagoa do Caco (Maranhao State, Brazil)
- Pressure Dependence of Viscosity of Hydrous Rhyolitic Melts
- Primary Productivity Changes in the subtropical western North Atlantic During Marine Isotope Stages 11-12: Inferences from Benthic Foraminifera
- Quantifying Glacial Valley Widening and Deepening With Apatite (U-Th)/He Thermochronology: Coast Mountains, B.C.
- Radiolarian and Sedimentologic Paleoproductivity Proxy Record From the Benguela Upwelling System, DSDP Site 532, 0-6 Ma
- Regional CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Estimates for North America from Atmospheric Transport Inversions
- Regional Hydraulic Conductivity Field Inferred From Joint Calibrations of 3-D Groundwater Flow and <SUP>4</SUP>He Transport Models
- Seasonal Seismicity Associated with Western United States Volcanoes
- Sierra Nevada river incision from apatite 4He/3He thermochronometry
- Soil Carbon Turnover and the Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance of a Northern Hardwood Forest, Michigan, USA
- Statistical Diagnostics of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Inversions
- Steady Magnetospheric Covnection Events as Measured by Polar UVI
- Stress and Strain in the Mantle Wedge
- Temporal Variations in the Evershed Flow
- The Eruptive History of the Talpa-Mascota-San Sebastian Volcanic Field in Western Mexico.
- The Growth and Decay of the Southern Lobe of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet
- The Importance of Soil Mineralogy to Plant Nutrient Availability in the Northeastern U.S.
- The NSF-Supported ADVANCE Initiative at the University of Michigan Aimed at Successful Recruitment and Retention of Women Faculty in Science and Engineering
- The Origin and Evolution of Deep Plasmaspheric Notches
- The Role of Plate Boundaries in Degassing: Dynamic Mantle Models
- Three-Dimensional Numerical Studies of the Magnetic Topology and Pre-Eruption Conditions for the Halloween Storms from 2003: Computational Challenges Posed by Extreme Space Weather Events
- Trench-parallel flow in the mantle wedge: insights from integrating seismology and 3D subduction zone modeling
- Upscaled Mass Transfer Correlations for Estimating Mass Discharge From DNAPL Source Zones: Comparisons to Field-Scale Numerical Simulations
- Using global MHD simulations to relate the Three-Part Structure of CMEs to in situ observations
- Utilizing Wireless PocketPC's in Earth System Science Lectures to Expand Discourse
- Variability of the Heliospheric Magnetic Flux
- Variations in Composition and Preservation of Peat Deposited Since 27 ka in the Baoxiu Basin, Southwestern China: Implications for Environmental and Climatic Changes
- Water and Solute Mass Transport in Soils Developed on glacial Drift: A Br Tracer Investigation Using Instrumented Soil Monoliths at an Agricultural Long Term Ecological Research Site (Kellogg Biological Station, Hickory Corners, Southern Michigan)
- A 3 Million Year physical Record of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current: Results from ODP Site 1101 and Comparison with Other Records
- A 3-d gas dynamical model of the neutral gas environment of Enceladus
- A Combined Geodynamic-Tomography Investigation into Thermochemical Piles in the Lower Mantle beneath Africa and the Pacific
- A Geostatistical Framework for Incorporating Transport Information in Estimating the Distribution of a Groundwater Contaminant Plume
- A Potential Impact on the Chemical Composition in the Marine Boundary Layer in the Arctic Ocean by Ship Emissions
- A Sequential Leach Method and Pb Isotope Approach to Studying Apatite Weathering in Granitoid Soils at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH, USA
- A benchmark for the modeling of subduction zones
- A new 1500-year climate reconstruction: enhanced low-frequency variability and the fingerprint of anthropogenic warming
- Accelerating Seafloor Spreading and a Crustal Production Slowdown During the Cenozoic
- Analysis of VOC Samples using a Comprehensive 2-Dimensional Gas Chromatograph Coupled to a Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
- Analyzing Electric Field Morphology Through Data-Model Comparisons of the GEM IM/S Assessment Challenge Events
- Carboniferous Paleomagnetic Study of Zhemanty, Kendyktas block, Kazakhstan
- Cenozoic Ridge Crest Sediments From the Central Arctic Ocean Yield cm/ka-Scale Sedimentation Rates
- Chemical Evolution of Dynamic Mantle Models with Strong, Mobile Lithosphere.
- Comparing Estimators of Microbiological Attributes by Random Subsamples
- Depth Extent of Continents: A New Look Based on Shear-Wave Velocity Models Inferred From Higher Modes of Rayleigh Wave Observed Across California and the Kaapvaal Craton Seismic Networks
- Detailed 40Ar/39Ar chronology of the Tancítaro Volcanic Field, Michoacán, Mexico
- Dynamic Topography and the Density Structure of the Lithospheric Mantle
- Dynamics of Lake Nyos Eruption and Degassing
- Effects of elevated nitrogen dioxide and carbon dioxide on the growth of Sugar Maple and Hemlock seedlings
- Electric Activity in Dust Devils and Dust Storms
- Entropy And Phase Equilibria Of KAlSi3O8 Hollandite
- Erosion or Channel Flow? What controlls the Development of the Himalayan Orogen?
- Evaluating Fe and Zn Isotopes as Tracers in the Marine System
- Evidence for Channelized Transfer of Residual Melts and Fluids in the Basement Sill, Ferrar Province, Antarctica
- Evidence for Positive Correlation of 400- and 670-km Discontinuity Topography Beneath the Central Pacific from SS Precursors
- Exploring static stress changes along the Costa Rica margin following the March 25, 1990 M w 7.0 Nicoya Gulf earthquake
- Fine Spatial Resolution Global CO2 Flux Estimates for 1997 to 2001 Obtained Using Remote-Sensing Derived Environmental Data Within a Geostatistical Inverse Model
- Finite Strain in the Forearc Mantle: Testing the B-type Fabric Anisotropy Hypothesis
- First Principles Investigation of Liquid MgO at High Pressure
- Flow structure, entrainment and stirring in thermal plumes: a laboratory view
- Fluxes of isoprene and monoterpenes from a tundra ecosystem.
- Forest Carbon Storage in the Northern Midwest, USA: A Bottom-Up Scaling Approach Combining Local Meteorological and Biometric Data With Regional Forest Inventories
- GeoPad and GeoPocket: GIS-Enabled Field Science Education
- GeoSTAR: Developing a Microwave Sounder for Geostationary Weather Satellites
- Geomicrobiological Regeneration of Iron Sulfides in Engineered barrier Systems
- Geostatistical Study of the Scale-dependent and Spatially Varying Impact of Geology on Arsenic in Groundwater of Southeast Michigan
- Glacial/Interglacial Terrigenous Provenance in the Southeastern Atlantic Ocean
- Gold-functionalized DNAzyme Nanosensors to Quantify Heavy Metal Gradients
- Gravity wave influence on the global structure of the diurnal tide in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere
- Has escape tectonics acted north of Tibet? Paleomagnetic and geological constraints in post-Permian times
- Heating of the Upper Atmosphere and the Expansion of the Corona of Titan
- Holocene Planktonic Foraminiferal Assemblage Shifts on the California Margin; Environmental Forcing of Medieval Chumash Society?
- Improved agreement between borehole and other proxy reconstructions of paleoclimate via a new common temperature reference scheme
- Innovative Interstellar Explorer (I2E)
- Integrating Microbial Community Composition With Biogeochemical Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics: Examples From Lignin and Polyphenol Decomposition
- Ionospheric positive and negative storm phases: Dependence on the vertical ion transport, tongue of ionization and neutral advection
- LEADX-2005: A system study of near-surface winter tropospheric processes near Barrow, Alaska
- Late Paleozoic Paleomagnetism of Southeast Kazakhstan: Age and Mode of Rotations
- Long Term Field Calibration of the Noble Gas Temperature System in a Shallow Unconfined Pleistocene Aquifer
- Low-latitude Temperatures, Pressures, and Winds on Saturn from Cassini Radio Occultations
- Magnetic Reconnection Rate in Collisionless Plasma.
- Magnetic Reconnection in Global MHD Modeling of Magnetosphere Dynamics
- Magnetospheric interaction with Saturn's icy satellites
- Magnetotail Current Sheet Thinning in Global Simulations of Magnetosphere Dynamics.
- Mercury deposition to snow and ice provides a link between the lower atmosphere and the cryosphere in northern Alaska
- Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (MOSS): A Mission for Global Observations of Deep Soil Moisture
- Multi-Proxy Geochemical Characterization of Mid-Cretaceous Black Shales in the Newfoundland Basin
- Multiple volcanic episodes of flood basalts generated by thermochemical mantle plumes
- Numerical Simulations of Groundwater Flow, Heat Transfer and 4He Transport - Implications for the He Terrestrial Budget and the Mantle Helium-Heat Imbalance
- Opal Accumulation in the Equatorial Pacific
- Paleoceanographic Inferences from Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopic Compositions of Cenomanian Black Shales from DSDP/ODP Sites 367, 530, 603, 641, 1257-1261, and 1276 in the Atlantic Ocean
- Phyllosilicate mineral assemblages, elemental compositions and microstructures from the SAFOD Main Hole
- Physical Properties Record of Current Flow From Magnetic Analysis of Deep-sea Sediments at the Antarctic Peninsula Pacific Margin (OPP Sites 1095, 1101)
- Polar cap size metrics study at CCMC
- Pressure Effect on H2O Diffusion and a General Model of H2O Diffusivity in Dacite
- Provenance of Pelagic clay in the Eastern Pacific: Dating the downcore Cenozoic dust record.
- Recent Alteration of 15-Ma Oceanic Crust, ODP Site 1256, Leg 206
- Recycling volatiles and attaining a geochemical and fluid dynamically consistent model of mantle convection
- Regional Scale Inverse Modeling of North American Carbon Fluxes
- Results From the Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (GCMS) Experiment on the Cassini-Huygens Probe
- Revised Late Cretaceous and Early Cenozoic Apparent Polar Wander Path for the Pacific Plate
- River restoration in the United States: the challenge of restoring reaches to manage catchments
- Slab pull, slab weakening and their influence on great earthquakes, deep earthquakes and surface deformation
- Soil Solutions as the First Source of Divalent Cations in Rivers: Carbonate and Silicate Mineral Weathering in Two Michigan Watersheds (Tahquamenon and Huron)
- Sound Speed and Compressibility Measurements for CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 Liquids
- Structure and freezing of MgSiO3 liquid in Earth's interior
- Study of Current Sheet formation and Forced Reconnection based on the Newton Challenge.
- The Albite Fusion Curve Re-examined: New Experiments and the Density and Compressibility of NaAlSi3O8 Liquid With Pressure
- The Bermuda Rise Record of MIS 11-12: Inferences from Organic Carbon Fluxes, Organic Matter Isotopic Composition and Benthic Foraminifera
- The Clay Mineralogy Of Fracture Coatings Observed In Mudrock Cuttings From The SAFOD Borehole
- The NaCl Fusion Curve: New Experiments to 5 GPa and Constraints on the Liquid Equation of State
- The Passage of an oxygen-depleted water mass through the Pacific during Deglaciation.
- The Polar Wind as a Mass Source for Saturn's Magnetosphere
- The South Pacific Bare Zone
- The legacy of forest harvest and burning on ecosystem carbon storage in the northern midwest, USA
- The partial molar sound speed of TiO2 in sodium silicate melts: Evidence for an exceptionally compressible component
- Thermobarometry of Sphene-bearing Reactions: Calculations With New Thermodynamic Data
- Towards Inverting Seismic Waveform Data for Temperature and Composition of the Earth's Upper Mantle
- Towards a General Theory for Convective Vortices
- Towards a complete in situ section of upper oceanic crust formed at a superfast spreading rate: Deep Drilling in Hole 1256D
- Transition zone structure of California from Ps converted waves
- Understanding Orbital Controls on Ice-Age Cycles
- Unusually High Helium Fluxes in the Shallow Marshall Aquifer in Southern Michigan: Implications for Cross-formational Flow and Salinity Sources
- Use of JERS Satellite Imagery Mosaics for Boreal Wetlands Mapping
- Using Remote Sensing Data to Help Constrain Fluxes of CO2 in a Geostatistical Inverse Modeling Framework
- Using wireless (Pocket)PCs in Large Introductory Courses to Expand Discourse and Interactivity
- Visualization of the Atomistic Simulation Data: Application to Silicate and Oxide Liquids
- Water in MgSiO3 Melt at High Pressure
- What did the Ural Ocean look like?
- Why is the Remanent Magnetic Intensity of Cretaceous MORB so Much Higher Than That of Mid- to Late Cenozoic MORB?
- eGY Education and Outreach: Creating a Virtual Educational Space that Pushes the Envelope for Connecting Teachers and Students to Data
- 0 to 3 Ma Eccentricity Control of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current Preserved in Magnetic Susceptibility Fabrics
- A Graphical User Interface to the Michigan Space Weather Modeling Framework
- A Multi-species MHD Model of Io's interaction with the Io Plasma Torus
- A Multi-stage Spatial Sampling Strategy With Multiple Criteria for the Quantification of Contaminant Mass Discharge Uncertainty
- A New Thermodynamic Model for the Plagioclase-Liquid Hygrometer
- A Pendular Ring Radiobrightness Model for a Wet Snowpack
- A Proposed Test Suite for Atmospheric Model Dynamical Cores
- A Wetlands Map of Alaska Using L-Band Radar Satellite Imagery
- A community benchmark for thermal convection in the compressible mantle
- A comparison between spectrally derived vegetation indices and CO2 fluxes measured over a hardwood forest
- A comparison of CO2 and sensible heat flux measurements from aircraft and tower-based platforms
- Airborne observations of gaseous mercury and other pollutants over the northwestern US during INTEX-B
- Alteration history of mudrock samples from the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) drill hole: a TEM-XRD study
- An Investigation Into the Effect of Composition on the Geometry of Thermochemical Piles in Tomographically-filtered Geodynamic Models
- CCSM Simulations Using a Finite Volume Numerical Method for the Atmospheric Model: Present-day Climate
- Cenozoic Depositional Regimes and the Onset of Ventilated Conditions in the Central Arctic Ocean
- Characterization Of The Global Angstrom Exponent And Aerosol Optical Depth From MISR Observations And IMPACT Model Predictions
- Characterization of fault rock compositions, alteration mineral assemblages, and preliminary implications for fluid-rock interaction in the San Andreas Fault system at the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD)
- Characterizing SMCs by the Balance of Reconnection Rates
- Characterizing Small Bodies From Imaging Data
- Chronic Nitrate Deposition, Litter Biochemistry, and Microbial Community Effects on Litter Decomposition and C Flux in a Northern Hardwood Forest Soil
- Coarse Woody Debris and Ecosystem Carbon Dynamics in a North Temperate Forest
- Coincidence of Temporal Changes in Earthquake Clustering and Geodetic Velocity in the Basin and Range, western United States
- Collisionless Reconnection in Global Modeling of Magnetospheric Dynamics
- Computational Considerations in Modeling the Space Environment
- Conductances and the Beam Spreading Effect for Global 30 240 keV Proton Precipitation in the 17 18 April 2002 Geomagnetic Storms
- Contrasting magnetic fabrics (RT-AMS, LT-AMS and AARM) in a pressure-solution domain (Internal Sierras, Pyrenees, Spain).
- Correlating Cordilleran Ice Sheet Collapse with North Atlantic Heinrich Events using Global Radiocarbon Plateaus.
- Detecting Dusty Events on Earth, Mars and Beyond
- Distribution and fractionation of Zn stable isotopes in the oceans
- Disturbance, Succession, and Forest Carbon Dynamics: a Large-Scale Manipulation at the University of Michigan Biological Station
- Drilling a complete in situ section of upper oceanic crust formed at a superfast spreading rate: Hole 1256D
- Effect of Experimental Nitrate Deposition on Leaf Litter Decomposition, Soil Organic Matter Accumulation, and DOC Leaching: Results From a Microcosm Experiment
- Effect of bulk composition on seismic discontinuities
- Elemental Geochemistry of Samples From Fault Segments of the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) Drill Hole
- Eocene History of the Arctic Ocean Basin From Nd-Sr Isotopes in Fossil Fish Debris
- Evidence for Degassing-Induced Crystallization in Peripheral Andesite and Dacite Flows along the Flanks of Volcan Sanganguey, Mexico
- Evolution of Subducted Oceanic Crust in Dynamic Mantle Models
- Experimental investigation of mass-dependent and mass-independent fractionation of mercury isotopes
- Exploring vertical grid refinements for atmospheric GCMs
- Fidelity of the Ocean and Ice in a New CCSM Simulation with a Finite-Volume Dynamical Core in a 1-deg x 1.25-deg Atmosphere
- First Principles Simulations of Liquid Silica: Structural, Dynamical and Electronic Behavior at High Pressure
- Forward and Inverse Scattering Models for Radar Remote Sensing of Planetary Subsurfaces
- GeoPad and GeoPocket: Information Technology for Field Science Education
- Geometric, Kinematic, and Erosional history of the Central Andean Plateau, northern Bolivia
- Grenville orogenic architecture and structural evolution from integrated thermometry, barometry and chronology.
- Hall MHD Simulations on Block Adaptive Grids
- High-Resolution Gray-Scale and Geochemical Analyses of a Micro-Laminated Upper Cenomanian Black Shale Sequence from ODP Hole 1260B on the Demerara Rise
- High-pressure behaviour of serpentine and elasticity systematics of hydrous and nominally anhydrous phases
- Hydrothermal Alteration of the Ocean Crust: Constraints From O and Sr Isotopic Compositions of Whole Rocks and Secondary Minerals From Macquarie Island
- Hydrothermal Blueschist Facies Zircons from the Franciscan Complex, California
- Hydrothermal pits in sediments of the equatorial Pacific
- Ice Sheet Influences on the Pacific Northwest Marine Environment during the Last Glacial.
- Influence of Sea Ice on Plio-Pleistocene Tropical Climate
- Influence of Viscoelastic Relaxation on Triggered Seismicity due to the March 25, 1990 Nicoya Gulf, Costa Rica Earthquake
- Integrated use of numerical models to support water resources decision making in Michigan
- Large-Scale Ionospheric Conductance from Combined Satellite and Ground-Based Electromagnetic Data
- Large-scale heliospheric structure in 2004-2006 and its solar origin
- Late Miocene dismemberment of the Himalyan arc: Deformation of the Shillong Plateau, NE India
- Mechanism of Wettability Hysteresis in Natural Soils
- Mediterranean Sapropels Near-Modern Analogs for Deposition of Organic-Carbon-Rich Mesozoic-Paleozoic Black Shales
- Mercury deposition in the snow pack of the arctic Alaskan coastal system
- Microbial sulfate reduction in upper oceanic basement, ODP Site 1256
- Mission Design Concept for in Situ Characterization of Saturnian Atmospheric Composition
- Modeling the "gap" region between the ionosphere and magnetosphere
- Mountain Building in Extensional Regimes
- Multiplicity of Magma Source Characteristics and Melting Processes for Late Cenozoic Basalts of the Bering Sea Volcanic Province (BSVP), Alaska
- New Acoustic Velocity Measurements on CaO-FeO-SiO2 liquids: a surprising comparison to CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 liquids
- New structural and low-temperature AHe thermochronological data from the southeastern Stateline Fault Zone, California and Nevada
- New, improved analysis of ACE/SWICS data for low-flux situations
- Nonlinear Effects in the Interaction of Surface Waves with Internal Waves
- Observing the Coupled Ionosphere-Thermosphere System: From Solar Maximum to Solar Minimum and Beyond
- Olivine Fabric Transitions and Shear Wave Anisotropy in the Ryukyu Subduction System
- Paleomagnetic results from Late Pennsylvanian marls and Early Permian red paleosols of the Dunkard group, Ohio and West Virginia, U.S.A.
- Phenocryst compositional diversity as a consequence of degassing induced crystallization
- Plumes originating from a thermochemical boundary layer and implications for mapping mantle plumes
- Q-Burst Origins in Africa
- Quantifying Glacial Moraine age, Erosion, and Soil Mixing With Cosmogenic Depth Profiles
- Quantifying Mixing and Scales of Heterogeneity in 2-D Numerical Models of Chaotic Mantle Mixing
- Quantifying Quaternary climate variability and erosion of the central Andes with paleoclimate modeling and cosmogenic 10Be
- Quantifying modern and ancient drainage basin erosion with detrital thermochronology
- Radiolarian Indices of Paleoproductivity Variation in the late Pleistocene Benguela Upwelling System, ODP Site 1084
- Real-time Characterization of Submarine Hydrothermal Vents with an In-situ Mass Spectrometer Operating Aboard a Human Occupied Submersible
- SCREAM (Subsurface Characterization Rover for Exobiology Assessment on Mars)
- Seismic Velocity Gradients Across the Transition Zone
- Solar and Heliospheric Modeling Activities at the CCMC
- Solute Transport Modeling In An Experimental Stratigraphy
- Sound Velocity Measurements on K2O-Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2 Liquids and the Compressibility of Crustal Melts
- Spatial Covariance Structure of Modeled Column Integrated CO2 Distributions and its Impact on Representativeness of Satellite Measurements
- Spatial and Temporal Variations in Topography and Glacial Erosion From Apatite (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry, Southern British Columbia
- Steep Faults, Narrow Basins, and High Topography in the "Dulan-Chaka Plateau": Observations and Implications for Growth in the Northern Tibetan Plateau
- Structural and erosional controls on exhumation across the southern Himalayan front, NW India
- Subduction as a source of major element heterogeneity and consequences for Earth structure
- The Andesites of the Tancítaro Volcanic Field, Michoacán Mexico: Evidence for their Formation in the Lower Crust.
- The Composition of the Solar Wind
- The Coronal Solar Magnetic Observatory (COSMO)
- The Effects of 3D Slab Geometry on Deformation in the Mantle Wedge
- The Impact of Black Carbon on Ice Clouds With the NCAR Community Atmospheric Model Version 3 (CAM3) Coupled With a Global Aerosol Model
- The Interaction Between the Titan Exosphere and the Kronian Magnetosphere: MIMI Observations Statistical Analysis and Modeling
- The Lipid Biomarker Holocene Paleoclimate Record of West China in the Zoige-Hongyuan Peat Deposit
- The Nitrogen Budget of a Northern Hardwood Forest: Sources and net Primary Productivity Requirements
- The Polar Wind Outflow Model: Saturn Results
- The Role of Periodic Loading-Unloading in the Magnetotail vs IMF Bz Flipping in the Ring Current Buildup
- The geomorphic record of deep lithospheric deformation
- The thermal state of subduction zones with implications for material transport into the deep mantle
- VITMO: A Virtual Observatory for the ITM Community
- Variations of Neutral Winds in the Lower Thermosphere at Middle Latitudes during Solar Minimum Equinox Conditions
- Water Solubility in Octahedrally Coordinated Silicates
- What Does a Pixel Represent? Accounting for the Non-Uniform Spatial Information Content of Remotely-Sensed Data Used for Data Assimilation
- 15-ky Peat Paleo-Monsoon Reconstructions from Lipid Biomarker Contents of Three Bogs in China
- A Geostatistical Approach for Gap-filling XCO2 Using Non-Stationary Spatial Covariance Functions
- A Landscape Investigation of Carbon Dioxide Flux Drivers Using a Geostatistical Regression at Various Temporal Scales
- A Late Quaternary Climate Reconstruction Based On Combined Heat Flow And Borehole Temperature Data
- A Slow and Steady Growth of the Andean Plateau?
- A Study of Water Uptake by a Mature Amazonian Rainforest.
- A geostatistical inverse modeling method for simultaneous estimation of hydraulic conductivity and contamination history
- A numerical study of dust distribution in the Enceladus' atmosphere
- Accounting for Transport Parameter Uncertainty in Geostatistical Groundwater Contaminant Release History Estimation
- Alfven Waves in the Solar Corona
- An Indian Monsoon Story As Told By The Bengal Fan Sediments
- Arctic transport climatologies for the International Arctic System for Observing the Atmosphere (IASOA) and POLARCAT
- Assessment of the non-hydrostatic effect in general circulation models (GCMs)
- Assimilation of Current Measurements Into a Circulation Model of Lake Michigan
- Assimilative 3D Models of Density and Temperature in the Solar Corona
- Automated Lagrangian Water-Quality Assessment System (ALWAS) Measurements of North Slope Lakes and the Bering Glacier, Alaska
- Bridging across Spatial and Temporal Scales in North American Carbon Dioxide Flux Estimation through Geostatistical Analysis of Scale-Dependent Relationships Between Carbon Flux and Auxiliary Environmental Data
- Can Orbital Forcing Help Explain Reconstructed Monsoon Winds for the Early Jurassic?
- Carbon Fluxes From Land-Use Change and Forestry: A Multi-Model Study
- Carbon Storage in Urban Areas in the USA
- Carbonate Mineral Weathering Contributions to the HCO3- Flux from Headwater Mid-latitude Streams in the Face of Increasing Atmospheric CO2
- Charge States of Ions, Accelerated by a Turbulent Shock Waves
- Clay Neomineralization and its Role in a Weak San Andreas Fault: new Insights From the SAFOD Drillhole in Parkfield/California
- Comparing MISR and MODIS Data to Output from the IMPACT Aerosol Transport Model Using the Aerosol Measurement and Processing System
- Comparison of Iron Sulfide and Zero-Valent Iron as Reactive Materials for the Removal of Arsenic From Groundwater
- Constraints on Lateral Variations in Temperature and Composition in the Upper Mantle From Inversion of Long Period Seismic Waveforms.
- Controls on Mg/Ca variation in planktonic foraminifera: insights from microanalysis of laboratory cultured Orbulina universa
- Cosmogenic 10Be Dating of Early and Latest Holocene Moraines on Nevado Salcantay in the Southern Peruvian Andes
- Deformation Rates From Climate Cycles in Marine Synorogenic Turbidites, Jaca Basin, Spanish Pyrenees
- Deformation and Exhumation History of the Central Andes, Bolivia: Insights From Thermochronology and Numerical Modeling
- Diffusivity of Diopside Liquid at High Pressure
- Direct dating of remagnetizations in carbonate rocks: insights into the timing and mechanism from clay mineralogy and 40Ar/39Ar age analysis.
- Dynamics of Thermal Plumes: Comparison of Laboratory and Numerical Models
- ELF Q-bursts from African Squall Lines
- Enabling Science with the Virtual ITM Observatory
- Endogenic Origin of Titan's N2
- Estimating Point Concentrations of Total Organic Carbon in Water Sediments by Geostatistical Downscaling
- Evidence From a Crystal-Poor, Zoned (Rhyolite-Andesite) Pyroclastic Deposit From Volcan Tepetiltic, Western Mexico for Rapid Generation of Silicic Melt by Partial Melting of Granitoid and not by Segregation From a Long-Lived Crystal-Rich Mush
- Evolution of the tropical atmosphere radiative budget as seen from observations and AR4 model simulations
- Evolving the NCSA CyberCollaboratory for Distributed Environmental Observatory Networks
- Examples of Information Technology in Field-based Educational Settings
- Experimental Study of U(VI) Release Kinetics from Aquifer Sediments from a Former Uranium Mill Tailings Site (Rifle, Colorado, USA)
- Exploration of Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments: Environmental and Scientific Stewardship
- First-Principles Investigation of Melts in the MgO-SiO2 System
- Geochemical Evidence of a Metasomatized Mantle Source Beneath the West Antarctic Rift System
- Global MHD studies of Titan's interaction
- Global Simulation of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves
- Heat Capacity of γ-Fe2SiO4 and Thermodynamic Calculation of Fayalite - γ-Fe2SiO4 Phase Transition Boundary
- Heat transport properties of mantle phases from ab initio calculations
- Historical Land Use Change Impacts in the Great Plains
- Important yet Overlooked Topological Mechanisms of Compression in Silicate Liquids at Low Pressure (0-5 GPa).
- Improving Estimation of Over-Lake Precipitation - An Application to Lake Erie
- Improving Seismic Constraints on Subduction Zone Geometry
- Influence of major element disequilibrium on mantle structure
- Initial Analyses and Demonstration of a Soil Moisture Smart Sensor Web Using Data Assimilation and Optimal Control
- Late Paleozoic History of the Kazakhstan orocline
- Layers in the mantle - dynamics and structure
- Lessons Learned About Recruiting and Retention of a Diverse Faculty During 5 Years of the University of Michigan ADVANCE Program
- Leveraging Someone Else's Knowledge Based System
- Life in Subseafloor Sediments of the South Pacific Gyre
- Long-Term Glacial Erosion in the Coast Mountains, British Columbia, Canada from Low- Temperature Thermochronology
- Magnetic and electronic thermodynamics of fayalite
- Mantle Dynamics beneath East Asia Constrained by Sr, Nd, Pb and Hf Isotopic Systematics of Ultramafic Xenoliths and their Host Basalts from Hannuoba, North China
- Mantle support of the East African Rift System
- Mantle-lithosphere coupling and the state of stress of the lithosphere
- Mass Dependent and Mass Independent Fractionation of Hg Isotopes and Estimation of Photochemical Loss of Hg in Aquatic Systems
- Measured Correlations of Auroral Emissions from Jupiter and Saturn With Solar Wind Variations
- Mercury biomagnification in polar bears ( Ursus maritimus)
- Mobility of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes in Porous Media
- Modeling STEREO White-Light Observations of CMEs with 3D MHD Simulations
- Multi-year Measurements of Stomatal and Non-stomatal Fluxes of Ozone to a Northern Mixed Hardwood Forest
- Nanoparticle-host interactions in natural systems
- NeAr Dating: New Dimensions for Ar-Ar Dating Using Nucleogenic Neon Isotopes
- Neutral Wind Dynamics Measured Near the Poker Flat ISR Facility
- New Hampshire's Changing Wintertime Climate: Impact on Forestry Practices
- Olivine Dissolution into MORB Melt: an Experimental and Theoretical Study
- On the body centered structure of iron at Earth Core Conditions
- Organic Geochemical Evidence of Late Glacial-Holocene Climate Instability in the Aegean Sea: Teleconnections With North Atlantic Paleoclimate Variability
- Phase Equilibria and Thermobarometry of Lawsonite and Pumpellyite-Bearing Metabasalts From Crete
- Plate tectonics, ancient crust, and the geochemical evolution of the mantle
- Pleistocene Variations in Delivery and Deposition of Organic Matter Under the Benguela Current Upwelling System - Biomarker Isotopic Evidence From Sediment Light-Dark Color Cycles
- Prediction of Solar Wind Properties at Saturn: Models and Validation
- Present-day Three-Dimensional Temperature Distribution From a Mantle Flow Model.
- Quantifying transient erosion of orogens with detrital thermochronology from syntectonic basin deposits: insights from the central Pyrenees, Spain
- Reconciling Global Stacks of PP and SS Waveforms With Mechanically Mixed Mantle Models
- Reconstruction of the Eocene Arctic Ocean Using Ichthyolith Isotope Analyses
- Reporting and measurement of mass-dependent and mass-independent fractionation of mercury isotopes
- Seasonal Aspects of the Biogeochemistry of the Chena River near Fairbanks, Alaska
- Sensitivity of Denudation Rates to Latitudinal and Orographic Variations in Climate, Central Andes, Bolivia.
- Sierra Nevada river incision from apatite 4He/3He thermochronometry
- Simulations of Late Paleozoic Continental Ice Sheets Under Orbital and CO2 Forcing
- Southern California Hydrographic Shifts During the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age.
- Space-Time Multiresolution Approach to Atomistic Visualization: Application to Silicate Liquids
- Spatial Variation of Surface Wave Q and Body Wave t* in North America
- Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Strain in the Sevier Desert Region from a Decade of BARGEN Continuous GPS Observations
- Spatial and Temporal Variations in Exhumation across the NW-Himalaya
- Strontium Isotope Dating of Metalliferous Sediment in the SW Pacific Basin
- Subadiabatic geotherm and compositional gradient in the mantle
- Surface Energetics of Calcite {10-14} Faces upon the Adsorption of succinic Acid
- Testing the necessity of transient spikes in the drivers for creating a storm-time ring current
- The Acceleration of the Fast Solar Wind by Reconnections Between Open Magnetic Flux and Coronal Loops
- The COronal Solar Magnetism Observatory
- The Influence of Atmospheric and Surficial Processes on Titan Organics
- The Michigan Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF)
- The Structure of Saturn's South Polar Vortex Determined by Cassini VIMS: Constraints on Winds and Horizontal and Vertical Cloud Distributions
- The Subsurface Structure of a Submarine Hydrothermal System, ODP/IODP Hole 1256D
- The Virtual Heliospheric Observatory (VHO)
- The electron density structure of the Titan ionosphere
- Titan's magnetospheric interaction
- Trench-parallel flow in the mantle wedge: insights from integrating seismology and 3D subduction zone modeling
- Two Plumes Beneath the East African Rift System: a Geochemical Investigation into Possible Interactions in Ethiopia
- Uncertainty in the Relationship Between Lithospheric Structure and the Surface Stress Field
- VEIL: A New Frontiers Class Mission Concept for Exploring Venus
- What determines aerosol number concentration for cloud droplet nucleation and radiative forcing?
- When Metadata Alone Is Not Enough
- A Geostatistical Data Fusion Technique for Merging MISR and MODIS Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) Retrievals With AERONET AOT Measurements
- A geostatistical synthesis study of factors affecting net ecosystem exchange in different ecosystems of North America
- Absence of magnetic isotope fractionation for Hg during dark biological processes: experimental evidence and theoretical considerations
- Aerosol Production in a Mixed Deciduous/Coniferous Forest
- Aligning Socio-Technical Work in Collaborative Scientific Networks: Lessons from the Social Sciences
- An Assessment of Forest Pollutant Exposure Using Back Trajectories, Anthropogenic Emissions, and Ambient Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Measurements
- An Extreme Expression of the California Current during the Holocene: New Evidence from the Washington Margin
- An Inundated Wetlands Earth System Data Record: Global Monitoring of Wetland Extent and Dynamics
- An eleven-year validation of a physically-based distributed dynamic ecohydorological model tRIBS+VEGGIE: Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed
- Another View of Anomalous Deglacial Radiocarbon Transients in the Pacific Ocean
- Applications of Geostatistics to Data Assimilation in Biogeochemical Models
- Atmospheric Mercury Transport Across Southern Lake Michigan: Influence from the Chicago/Gary Urban Area
- Breakout coronal mass ejection or streamer blowout: the bugle effect
- CAFE: a seismic investigation of water percolation in the Cascadia subduction zone
- Can Interseismic Geodetic Observations Resolve Persistent Rupture Asperities? A study of the Japan trench off Tohoku.
- Carbon Stored in Human Settlements: the Conterminous US
- Characterizing the Upper Atmosphere of Titan using the Titan Global Ionosphere- Thermosphere Model: Nitrogen and Methane.
- Clinopyroxene Dissolution and Xenolith Digestion in Basalt
- Combining Mechanistic Approaches for Studying Eco-Hydro-Geomorphic Coupling
- Comparing the Interannual Variability of Forward and Inverse Models
- Comparison of MHD Simulations of CME Evolution and Structure with Coronagraph Observations
- Comparisons of High-Resolution Organic Paleoenvironmental Records in Five Lake Erie Sediment Cores Sampled Over a 21 Year Period
- Complex Permittivity Model of Venus Atmosphere and Implications for Design of Imaging Altimeter and INSAR Orbiters
- Constraints On Fluid Evolution During Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Circulation From Anhydrite Sampled by ODP Hole 1256D
- Coupled Low-temperature Thermochronometry and Ar Dating of Fault Gouge: New Evidence of Early Onset (~45 Ma) of Deformation Along the Northeastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Coupling Between the Solar Convection Zone and Corona by Shear Flows Driven by the Lorentz Force
- Coupling of strain rate, orogen width and plate convergence speed in continental collisions
- Decadal Change in Northern Wetlands Based on Analysis of ALOS/PALSAR and JERS SAR Data
- Denudation of the Himalayan Orogen
- Determination of Reactive Nitrogen Species (NOx, NOy-HNO3, Peroxyacetyl Nitrates, Total Organic Nitrates) During the PROPHET Summer 2008 Intensive
- Dynamic simulations of polypeptide templates to promote Ca-carbonate nuclei
- Ecohydrologic Dynamics in Areas of Complex Topography in Semiarid Ecosystems
- Elastic properties of the post-perovskite phase of Fe2O3 and implications for ultra-low velocity zones.
- End member models for Andean Plateau uplift
- Energetic and Dynamic Response of the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere to Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Impulse
- Erosion histories of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau from low-temperature thermochronometry: Evidence for collision-age faulting followed by a kinematic shift in middle Miocene time
- First Recovery of Submarine Basalts from the Chukchi Borderland and Alpha / Mendeleev Ridge, Arctic Ocean
- Fugitive Mercury Emissions From Nevada Gold Mines
- Gap Region FACs Included in Calculating Ground Magnetic Perturbations in a Global MHD Model and Study of the Asymmetric of the Ring Current
- Geochemical and Biochemical Co-Evolution of Uranium and Thorium Minerals
- Global teleseismic P wave attenuation
- How Robust Is The Noble Gas Paleoclimate Proxy?
- Idealized Tropical Cyclones in Atmospheric General Circulation Models
- Improving constraints on Earth's long period internal structure using normal mode measurements for recent large earthquakes
- In Situ Bioreduction of Uranium in an Alluvial Aquifer: Overview of Results from the Integrated Field-Scale Subsurface Research Challenge Site (IFC) at Rifle, Colorado
- In-situ LA-ICP-MS Analysis of Pyroxene in the Peridotite Section of the Coast Range Ophiolite: Diverse Trace Element Compositions and Cryptic Garnet Field Melting in the Cordilleran Mantle Wedge
- Influence of Andean Plateau Rise on South American Climate Dynamics
- Influence of Geography and Carbon Dioxide on Oceanic Circulation and Seawater δ18O
- Investigating the effect of thermospheric parameterization on the ionosphere during the IPY using the Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model.
- Kinetic simulation of the distribution and escape of minor components of Titan's exosphere
- Land Surface Processes and Vegetation Interaction in a Changing Climate
- Large spatial variations in glacial erosion detected with detrital thermochronology
- Long-term Canyon Incision From Low-Temperature Thermochronology
- Magnetic storm simulation with multiple ion fluids: results and analysis
- Major element chemical heterogeneity and disequilibrium in Earth's mantle
- Mapping Global CO2: Geostatistical Gap Filling and Uncertainty Assessment for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory
- Mass-Dependent and -Independent Fractionation of Mercury Isotopes in Aquatic Systems
- Mass-Independent Fractionation of Mercury in Hydrothermal Systems
- Mercury and major element snowmelt chemistry at an Alaskan Arctic coastal site
- Mixing and Entrainment in Mantle Plumes: A 3D Experimental Investigation
- Modeled cross-polar cap potential response after sudden IMF changes
- Modeling Mossbauer Spectra to Determine the Spin State of Iron in (Mg,Fe)SiO3 Perovskite
- Near-field Mercury Deposition During Summertime Precipitation Events: the Impact of Coal Fired Utilities
- New Magnetostratigraphic and Rock Magnetic Results From Sediments and Rocks of IODP Expedition 316
- Observations of Dust, Ice Water Clouds, and Precipitation in the Atmosphere of Mars
- Observed and simulated influence of rainy-region SST on the tropical upper tropospheric humidity (UTH)
- On Road Study of Colorado Front Range Greenhouse Gases Distribution and Sources
- Post-depositional Diagenetic Carbonate Precipitation, Methane Production and Climate- Driven Sedimentary Processes in the Northeastern Pacific Nitinat Fan
- Potential of Future Hurricane Imaging Radiometer (HIRAD) Ocean Surface Wind Observations for Determining Tropical Storm Vortex Intensity and Structure
- Precise Surface Exposure Dating of Early Holocene and Little Ice Age Moraines in the Cordillera Vilcabamba of Southern Peru
- Projecting Carbon Cycling Trajectories in Forests of the Upper Midwest, USA: Has Carbon Storage Peaked?
- Quantifying the Accuracy of Inner Magnetospheric Electric Field Descriptions With Data- Model Comparisons for All Intense Storms of Solar Cycle 23
- Radiometric dating of brittle fault rocks; illite polytype age analysis and application to the Spanish Pyrenees.
- Recent Mapping and Sampling on Chukchi Borderland and the Alpha/Mendeleev Ridge Complex
- Report of the Cyberinfrastructure for Environment Observationa, Analysis and Forecasting workshop: toward collaborative VEOs
- Results of the North American Carbon Program (NACP) Site Model-Data Comparison (MDC) project
- S40RTS a new degree-40 shear velocity model of the mantle
- SHOTPUT: A mission proposal to study composition and origins of small bodies in the outer solar system through fly-by and impactor science
- Saturn and Jupiter: Surprising Similarities and Stark Differences in Dynamics and Chemistry in the Gas Giants as Revealed by Galileo, Cassini, and New Horizons
- Sea level forcing of mid-ocean ridge magmatism on Milankovitch timescales
- Seasonality, Water Quality Variability and Diarrheal Disease in Northern Coastal Ecuador
- Secondary Electron Focusing to Retain High-Resolution Measurements in Linear-Electric- Field Time-of-Flight Telescopes
- Sedimentary Silver as a Paleoproductivity Proxy
- Seismic modeling of Earth's 3D structure: Recent advancements
- Sensitivity of Evapotranspiration to Climate Change - Comparison of GCMs to an Off-line Hydrologic Model
- Simulation of the Impact of New Aircraft- and Satellite-Based Ocean Surface Wind Measurements on H*Wind Analyses and Numerical Forecasts
- Social Science Studies of ESMF as Cyberinfrastructure: A New Project
- Solar Cycle Dependence of Relativistic Electrons at Geostationary Orbit
- Solar wind and IMF drivers during different modes of energy transfer
- Source Components and Intensive Parameters of Magma Genesis in the CentAm and North IBM Arcs: Analyses using Arc Basalt Simulator Version 2 Model
- Sprites over Africa During the AMMA with Multiple Electromagnetic Detections of Their Parent Lightning Flashes
- Statistical Analyses of d18O in Meteoric Waters From the Western US and East Asia: Implications for Paleoaltimetry
- Storm-time Inner Magnetosphere: Self-consistent Kinetic Simulation Driven by the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Structure of iron at Earth Core Conditions
- Subhorizontal Extension of the Upper Plate at NantroSEIZE Sites C0001 and C0002
- Temperature and Pressure at the Phoenix Landing Site
- The Acceleration of Anomalous Cosmic Rays by Stochastic Acceleration in the Heliosheath
- The Effect of Thin Structural Layers on Seismic Observations with Applications in Seismic Tomography
- The Effects of Mantle Flow and Plate Rheology on the Lithospheric Stress Field
- The Fate of Barite in Sediments Under a Coastal Upwelling System.
- The Global Range of Subduction Zone Thermal Models
- The Importance of Anoxia in Sustaining High Productivity During Deposition of Organic- Carbon-Rich Marine Sediments During the Phanerozoic - Implications from C/N, C/P, and Nitrogen Isotopic Records of Upwellings, Mediterranean Sapropels, and Black Shales
- The Influence of Wettability Hysteresis on NAPL Source Zone Architecture
- The Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean: No Relationship to the Paleo-Tethys
- The ORCA West Coast Regional Project - Atmospheric Top-Down Modeling to constrain Regional Carbon Budgets at high Temporal and Spatial Resolution
- The Origin of low-Sr Rhyolites by Multiple Episodes of Partial Melting
- The Role of Cation Coordination Change on Topological Mechanisms of Compression in Silicate Melts at Low Pressure
- The Role of Sulfur Oxidation in Carbonate Precipitation and Dissolution Within Sulfidic Hot Springs
- The Thermal Structure of a Submarine Hydrothermal System, ODP/IODP Hole 1256D
- The Upper Crustal Formation at the Superfast-Spreading East Pacific Rise: Insights on the Lava Deposition History at Hole 1256D
- The analyze of structure of vaterite and which factors will induce vaterite formation
- The conditions of the formation of the sheeted dike complex at superfast spread East Pacific Rise revealed by deep ocean crust drilling at ODP Hole 1256D
- The diffusion of water in haploanesite
- The impacts of AO and ENSO on the Great Lakes ice cover
- The variation of different components of Jupiter's auroral emission
- Thermal History of ODP Hole 1256D Lower Sheeted Dikes: Petrology, Chemistry and Geothermometry of the Granoblastic Dikes
- Thermal conductivity of MgO at lower mantle conditions from ab initio calculations.
- Tracing the Complex Ice Cover Evolution of Lake Vida, Antarctica Through Noble Gases
- Transformations in shallow fault zones; evidence from fault rocks in young strike-slip systems.
- Transition Between Low-Temperature Alteration and Hydrothermal Alteration in ODP/IODP Hole 1256D. The Mineralogical Record
- Transport Equation for MHD Turbulence: Application to Particle Production at Interplanetary Shocks
- Uranium Desorption From Contaminated Sediments at the USDOE IFC Research Site in Rifle, CO: From Batch to Field
- Urbanization Across Gradients: Testing Hypotheses on Effects of Land Change at Multiple Scales
- Using Synthetic Tomography to Investigate the use of Tomographically-derived Buoyancy as an Initial Condition to Compute Global Mantle Flow Models
- Volatiles and melting: Advanced models of fluid flow in subduction systems
- Water diffusion, Viscosity and Bubble Growth in Silicate Melts
- What Controls Creep on the San Andreas Fault at the SAFOD Drillhole?
- Whole-Ecosystem Labile Carbon Production in a North Temperate Deciduous Forest
- A Geostatistical Data Fusion Technique for Merging Remote Sensing and Ground-based Observations of Aerosol Optical Thickness (Invited)
- A Multiscale Approach to InSAR Time Series Analysis
- A blueprint for using climate change predictions in an eco-hydrological study
- A coupled eco-hydro-geomorphic investigation of basin response to climate change: Examining the role of climate on internal basin dynamics
- A fusion of top-down and bottom-up modeling techniques to constrain regional scale carbon budgets
- A new method for global magnetosphere simulations: an implicit scheme with limited numerical diffusion
- A test of whether contrasting magma supply rates (hotter vs. cooler lower crust) influences the differentiation of arc magmas in the Mexican arc
- A ‘heavy’ noble gas framework for understanding mantle volatile origin and evolution (Invited)
- Advances in simulating hydrologic processes in the Community Land Model version 4.0 (Invited)
- An Assimilative 3-D Model of Coronal Density from Multi-Spacecraft Observations
- Analyses of Methanobactin, a Novel Copper-Binding Compound, or Chalkophore, from Methanotrophs
- Andean Surface Uplift, Climate Change, and the Evolution of Precipitation δ18O (Invited)
- Atmospheric CO2 Inversions of the Mid-Continental Intensive (MCI) Region (Invited)
- Calcium Isotope Fractionation in Hydrothermal Systems
- Centennial-scale surface water δ18O anomalies in the Florida Straits: Implications of magnitude and timing (Invited)
- Characteristics of periodic plasma escape from Saturn
- Coarse-Resolution Daily Inundation Dynamics over the Alaska-Yukon Region: Comparison with High-Resolution Inundation Products and Influences from Atmospheric Drivers
- Conjugate Studies of Pc3-5 ULF Waves Using SAMBA, MEASURE, and McMAC Magnetometer Chains
- Constraining the timing of proglacial Lake Missoula outburst floods into the Northeast Pacific: Insights from Cascadia Basin sediments
- Constraints on the Rheology of the Lithosphere From Geodetic Observations Before and After the 1999 Izmit Earthquake
- Could the Cordilleran Ice Sheet destabilize the North Pacific during deglaciation? (Invited)
- Cycling of Volatiles and Stable Isotopes During High-P Subduction Dehydration of Serpentinite
- Decadal Change Characterization in Northern Wetlands Based on Analysis of L-band SAR Satellite Data
- Defining Lithological Units by Cuttings, Core and Logging Data at Site C0009A in the Nankai Trough, Japan: IODP Expedition 319
- Did the surface ocean cool in the South Pacific Gyre during the last glacial? New planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca results from the Cook-Austral island chain
- Diffusional Transport of Organic Solutes in Subsurface Clay Lenses and Layers
- Dissipation of fast strike-slip faulting within and beyond northeastern Tibet
- Distribution of H2O and SO2 in the atmosphere of Venus
- Do aircraft-based atmospheric observations indicate that anthropogenic methane emissions in the United States are larger than reported?
- Ecosystem Responses to the Changing Climate in the Midwest: What Do We Know about CO2 and H2O Fluxes?
- Effect of Spin Crossover on Diffusivity of Fe2+ in (Mg,Fe)O Ferropericlase
- Effects of Large Scale Forcing on Thermal Regime of Aquatic Ecosystems in the Alaskan Arctic
- Elevated water concentrations and evidence of small scale heterogeneity in olivine-hosted melt inclusions: Insight into the source of high melt volumes in the Iceland hotspot
- Energy Deposition by Energetic Protons in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars
- Entry Probe Missions to the Giant Planets
- Estimation of nuclear volume dependent fractionation of mercury isotopes
- Evaluation of Paleoproductivity Proxies in the Southern Ocean
- Evapotranspiration-Temperature Relationships Under Climate Change: Energy Flux vs. Energy Pulling Up a Chair
- Evolution of the Miocene to Quaternary Nankai forearc from drilling results within the Kumano forearc basin (IODP Expedition 319)
- Evolution of uranium and thorium minerals
- Exceptionally high Water, Other Volatile and LILE Concentrations in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from the Yellowstone Hotspot and Columbia River Flood Basalts
- Fluid pathways in subduction zones
- Four stages of metasomatism recorded in zircon from garnet metachert and variable metasomatism in garnet hornblendite, Santa Catalina Island, California
- Fractionation of mercury isotopes by photo-oxidation in aquatic systems
- Generation of future and present climates using an hourly weather generator and a stochastic downscaling of climate model outputs
- Generation of mantle heterogeneity by oceanic crust recycling: how well can we match geochemical and geophysical observations? (Invited)
- Geologically and geodetically constrained slip rates: Implications for earthquake cycle dynamics and slip partitioning (Invited)
- Geostatistical Data Fusion for Remote Sensing Applications
- Global Structure of the Heliosphere in the Interstellar Magnetic Field
- Global teleseismic S wave attenuation
- Hysteresis of Soil Moisture Spatial Heterogeneity and the "Homogenizing" Effect of Vegetation
- Icequake Tremors During Glacier Calving (Invited)
- If the Sun is so quiet, why is the Earth ringing? A comparison of two solar minimum intervals
- Integration of Observations and Modeling Results in the North American Carbon Program (Invited)
- Investigation of Dairy Farm Silage Emissions
- Iron spin transitions in high-pressure magnetite
- Isotopic Fractionation of Mercury in Great Lakes Precipitation
- Kinetic modeling of neutral and ionized components of the lunar exosphere
- Laboratory generated magnetized plasma bubbles as a means to understanding coronal mass ejections
- Links between tectonism and exhumation in the Spanish Pyrenees: Evidence from apatite fission track analysis and Ar fault dating
- Lu-Hf systematics of the ultra-high temperature Napier Complex, East Antarctica: evidence for the early Archean formation of continental crust
- Magnetic Signature of Moisture Availability in Ancient Subtropical Soils: a Pilot Rock Magnetic Study of Neogene Paleosols in Pakistan
- Mass-independent fractionation of Hg stable isotopes during Arctic atmospheric mercury depletion events
- Mass-independent fractionation of mercury isotopes during photochemical reduction in freshwater systems
- Mean Elevation of Continents and Survival of Islands
- Measurements of Product-Specific VOC Reactivities during the PROPHET 2008 field intensive using proton transfer reaction linear ion trap (PTR-LIT) mass spectrometry
- Mechanisms For Sustained Carbon Storage In Old Forests: Early Results From The Forest Accelerated Succession ExperimenT (FASET)
- Melt inclusions are not reliable proxies for magmatic liquid composition: evidence from crystal-poor andesites and dacites in the Tequila volcanic field, Mexico
- Mercury Isotopic Composition of Young-of-Year Fish in San Francisco Bay
- Mercury Isotopic Evidence for Contrasting Mercury Transport Pathways to Coastal versus Open Ocean Fisheries (Invited)
- Mercury Stable Isotopic Variations in the Central Arctic Ocean - 100 kyr to the Present
- Mercury in the Arctic spring: a tracer for physical and chemical processes linking the atmosphere to the land and sea (Invited)
- Meteoric water in normal fault systems: Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic measurements on authigenic phases in brittle fault rocks
- Middle Miocene kinematic shift in northeastern Tibet from collision-related northward growth to eastward contraction
- Mineral Reactions in Active Fault Strands of the SAFOD Borehole: Results from Mineralogical and U/Th Studies
- Mixing and entrainment in mantle plumes: A 3D experimental investigation
- Modeling of Ring Current Energy Content and Magnetic Field During Storms: How Much Do the Results Depend on Model Choice?
- Moment Tensor, Depth, and Source Time Function of the 2009 Sept. 29 Samoa Great Earthquake
- No Evidence of Degassing-Induced Oxidation of Hydrous Andesites and Dacites: An Analytical Study
- OH and HO2 Concentrations during PROPHET 2008: Measurement and Theory
- Orographic versus non-orographic precipitation isotopic elevation gradients: Implications for paleoaltimetry of continental plateaus
- Overview of POLARCAT intercomparisons
- PGE-enrichment with late-stage Fe-Ti oxide crystallisation observed in the Dufek-Forrestal layered mafic intrusion, Antarctica
- Paleolatitudes of the Permo-Triassic Ukrainian Shield with Implications for Pangaea A and B
- Particle Precipitation Into Jovian and Saturnian Thermosphere and Exosphere
- Persistence of Coseismic Rupture Asperities as inferred from Interseismic Geodetic Observations
- Planktonic foraminiferal proxy evidence for Santa Barbara Basin sea surface temperature changes during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age
- Plant Species Richness and Nitrogen Deposition can Alter Microbial Assimilation of New Photosynthate
- Preliminary Results from a Mercury Dry Deposition Measurement Methods Intercomparison
- Radio Aurora Explorer : Mission overview and the science objectives
- Reconstructing Weathering Intensity and Climate Change from Cenozoic Paleosols (Invited)
- Retrieval of Surface and Subsurface Moisture of Bare Soil Using Simulated Annealing
- Rock magnetic and paleomagnetic investigations using a Giant Magneto Resistance-based scanning magnetometer
- Role of Mineral Deposits in Global Geochemical Cycles
- Saturn's Periodic Magnetosphere: our Deepest Mystery so far? (Invited)
- Science Objectives and Measurement Requirements for ASCENDS Mission (Invited)
- Seismic investigation of the Pacific lower mantle using S, SKS and SKKS traveltimes and amplitudes
- Seismological images of plumes
- Simulation of the Halloween 2003 shocks to 10 AU with the 3D MHD Hybrid Heliospheric Modeling System With Pickup Ions (HHMS-PI)
- Slab dehydration versus melting: primary arc magma genesis for arc crust formation
- Spatial and temporal patterns of exhumation in the Greater Caucasus from low-temperature thermochronometry (Invited)
- Spatiotemporal Distribution of Earthquakes During Slow Slip in the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Sr Isotope Systematics of Aragonite Shell Fragments and Pore Waters from an ANDRILL Core, Southern McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
- Subantarctic Pacific hiatuses as clues to periods of enhanced oceanic circulation during the late Neogene
- The Carbon Budget of Titan and its Effect on the Organic Landscape of Titan's Surface
- The Influence of North American Carbon Flux Spatial Distribution on the Temporal Variability of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
- The Integration of Paleomagnetic, Litho-, and Bio- Stratigraphies (Invited)
- The Pangea Problem: Insights from New Permo-Triassic Paleomagnetic Data from Gondwana
- The Partial Molar Volume and Compressibility of FeO in CaO-SiO2 Liquids: Systematic Variation with Fe2+ Coordination Change
- The Peralkaline Rhyolite Spectrum in Marie Byrd Land Volcanoes, West Antarctic Rift, and the Case for Polybaric Fractionation
- The Search for Triggered Seismicity Associated with the 2007 Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, Slow Slip Event
- The boundaries of convection
- The compressibility of K2CO3-Na2CO3-Li2CO3-CaCO3 liquids derived from sound speed measurements: implications for the fusion curve of CaCO3
- The effect of the characteristics of solar flares on the thermospheric response
- The fabric of Mass Transport Deposits in the Ursa Basin, Gulf of Mexico
- The geochemical composition of frost flowers in the Alaskan Arctic and their role in mercury deposition
- The phenology of roughness length - long term analysis from a Michigan mixed forest
- Thermochronology of fault rocks from the mid-Miocene South Virgin-White Hills detachment, Arizona and Nevada
- Timing and paleoclimatic significance of Holocene glacier fluctuations in the Cordillera Vilcabamba of southern Peru
- Uncertainty Quantification and Parameter Estimation Utilizing a Global Ionosphere Thermosphere Model
- Unexpected Structural and Spin Effects on Mössbauer Spectra and Implications for Iron Spin in (Mg,Fe)SiO3 Perovskite
- Uranium in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Creation of Plutonium (Invited)
- Vegetation Productivity Consequences of Sprawl in the Eastern United States
- Velocities of Subducted Sediments and Continents
- Westerly Wind Variability in New Zealand Fjords: Signals of Marine and Terrestrial Sedimentation
- What is the slab surface? Evidence from seismology (Invited)
- Zr Diffusion in Rhyolitic Melt During Zircon Dissolution
- A Comparison of Long-Period SKS Datasets And What They Reveal About 1D Outer Core Structure
- A Multiscale Approach to InSAR Time Series Analysis
- A control-volume model of the compressible Euler equations with vertical Lagrangian Coordinate
- A different approach to multicomponent diffusion
- Above canopy OH and HO2 during PROPHET 2008 and CABINEX 2009: Measurement and theory
- An analysis of SS precursors using 3D specfem synthetics
- An approach to numerical simulation of the gas distribution in the atmosphere of Enceladus
- An intermodel comparison of the response of the mid-Cretaceous Arctic climate to CO2 forcing
- An observational urban heat island study: A primary step in heat event mitigation planning in Detroit, MI
- Are oceanic PP-P and SS-S differential travel times compatible with ocean cooling models?
- Assessing the Significance of Varying AGCM Physics Packages on Idealized Tropical Cyclone Simulations
- Assessment of Decadal Change in North American Wetlands Based on JERS and PALSAR Space-Based L-band SAR Data
- Big Data for Big Questions: Global Soil Change and the National Soil Carbon Network
- Blankenbach 3 revisited: intricate time-dependent patterns in a simple model of mantle convection
- Bringing a Chemical Laboratory Named Sam to Mars on the 2011 Curiosity Rover
- Calibration for Infrared Measurements of OH in Apatite
- Cenozoic climate, topography and ecologic change in the Sierra Nevada and Basin and Range: Coupled organic molecular and inorganic isotopic records of environmental change
- Climate Projections: From Useful to Usability
- Comparison of a global-climate model to a cloud-system resolving model for the long-term response of thin stratocumulus clouds to preindustrial and present-day aerosol conditions
- Comparison of silicon nanoscale gratings to carbon foils for use in space plasma mass spectrometers
- Constraining the stable isotope budget for Antarctic Bottom Water: New results from the abyssal southwestern Atlantic
- Contribution of Joule heating and soft particle precipitation to the cusp neutral density enhancement
- Coronal Heating by Surface Alfven Wave Damping: Implementation in MHD Modeling and Connection to Observations
- Cretaceous Arctic magmatism: Slab vs. plume? Or slab and plume?
- Cretaceous high latitude climate—Are we closing the model-data gap? (Invited)
- Cross-Product Comparison of Multiple Resolution Microwave Remote Sensing Data Sets Supporting Global Mapping of Inundated Wetlands
- Crustal structure beneath the Indochina peninsula from teleseismic receiver functions
- Detrital apatite (U-Th)/He constraints on the exhumational histories of the Arunachal Pradesh Himalaya and the Shillong Plateau
- Development of Hydro-Epidemiology Studies to Establish Relationships Between Source-Water Contamination and Preterm Birth
- Differential exhumation across the eastern Greater Caucasus from low-temperature thermochronology: Implications for plate boundary reorganization and foreland basin deformation
- Distribution and Clustering of Fast Coronal Mass Ejections
- Does vegetation buffer hydrological response? (Invited)
- Drought in the U.S. Southeast, Model Bias, and Climate Change
- Dynamics of iceberg detachment and mélange motion during the August 21, 2009, calving event at Jakobshavn Isbræ
- Dynamics of photochemical and microbial processing of newly exposed terrestrial DOM in arctic surface waters (Invited)
- Earthquake forecasting based on NASA's integrated systems engineering analysis
- Effects of climate change and hydrological signals on streamflow characteristics
- Energetic protons accelerated by a model Coronal Mass Ejection and associated shock in the solar corona
- Equation of state of molten fayalite (Fe2SiO4)
- Evaluating the North American In-Situ Carbon Dioxide Monitoring Network
- Evaluating the role of prior information in atmospheric inverse modeling frameworks through comparison with geostatistical inverse modeling techniques
- Evaluation of constraint provided by current atmospheric monitoring network for quantifying anthropogenic emissions and biospheric carbon fluxes (Invited)
- Evolution Of Oceanic Crust Alteration From Deep Ocean Drilling (Invited)
- Evolution of Piled Up Compressions in Modeled CME Sheaths and the Resulting Sheath Structures
- Experimental Compressibility of Molten Hedenbergite at High Pressure
- Extreme Heat and Human Health (Invited)
- Forecasting phenological responses to climate change: Using hierarchical models to bridge local processes and regional predictions (Invited)
- From Human Activities to Climate Change: Uncertainties in the Causal Chain (Invited)
- Geochemical evidence of mantle reservoir evolution during progressive rifting
- Geometric Signatures of Continental Movements During Supercontinent Assembly and Dispersal (Invited)
- Grass Roots Design for the Ocean Science of Tomorrow
- H2O and CO2 devolatilization in subduction zones: implications for the global water and carbon cycles (Invited)
- High rates of carbon storage in old deciduous forests: Emerging mechanisms from the Forest Accelerated Succession ExperimenT (FASET)
- High-latitude ecosystem changes enable late Paleozoic glacial-interglacial cycles
- High-resolution deep Northeast Pacific radiocarbon record shows little change in ventilation rate during the last deglaciation
- Hinode, STEREO and SOHO obervations of a CME event
- Hot Hydrogen/Proton Precipitation in Planetary Ionospheres
- How clays affect fault strength and slip behavior: Lessons from SAFOD
- Impacts of Tibetan Plateau snowpack pollution on the Asian hydrological cycle and monsoon climate
- Impacts of a Large and Intense Tundra Wildfire on the Hydrological Export of Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus
- Impacts of wildfire on biogeochemistry and energy balance of the North Slope of Alaska
- Importance of Heliospheric Evolution to Understand CME Geo-effectiveness
- Improving the physics models in the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Iron Spin Transitions in High Pressure Minerals (Invited)
- Is the Magnetic Field in the Heliosheath Sector Region and in the Outer Heliosheath Laminar?
- Kinetics of Abiotic Uranium(VI) Reduction by Sulfide
- LWS FST: Determine and Quantify the Responses of Atmospheric/Ionospheric Composition and Temperature to Solar XUV Spectral Variability
- Local-Scale Exposure Assessment of Air Pollutants in Source-Impacted Neighborhoods in Detroit, MI (Invited)
- Lu-Hf and Re-Os systematics of peridotite xenoliths from Spitsbergen, western Svalbard: Implications for mantle-crust coupling
- Mass-dependent and -independent mercury stable isotope fractionation in the atmosphere (Invited)
- Measurements of HONO Above and Within a Mixed Hardwood Forest Canopy During the 2009 CABINEX Field Campaign
- Mechanistic ecohydrological modeling with Tethys-Chloris: an attempt to unravel complexity
- Metadata Means Communication: The Challenges of Producing Useful Metadata
- Mid-Latitude Dayside Ionospheric Response to Storm-Time Electric Fields
- Modeling of Mantle Convection in 3D Subduction Zones
- Modeling the migration of fluids in subduction zones
- Multi-proxy records of Eocene vegetation and climatic dynamics from North America
- Multipoint Observation of Quarter-Wave Length, Standing Alfvén Modes
- Multispacecraft Validation of a Global Two-Temperature Corona and Inner Heliosphere Model (Invited)
- No evidence for a deglacial intermediate water Δ14C anomaly in the SW Atlantic
- North American Carbon Balance: Results from the Regional Synthesis Project of the North America Carbon Program (Invited)
- North American Carbon Program (NACP) Interim Synthesis Project: Regional Forward Model Intercomparision (Invited)
- Object Based Evaluation of GCM-Simulated Clouds and Radiation For the 1998 El Nino- La Nina Transition
- Occurrence and Hydration State of Smectite Minerals in Hole C0009 of the NanTroSEIZE Project (expedition 319)
- On the resolution of plumes by seismic tomography
- Origin of the F-Layer by ``Snowfall'' in the Earth's Core
- Overview of CABINEX/PROPHET 2009
- Oxidative Dissolution of Uraninite in the Presence of Mackinawite (FeS) under Simulated Groundwater Conditions
- Partition of Proton and Electron Heating in the Solar Wind (Invited)
- Petrography and U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology of metasedimentary strata dredged from the Chukchi Borderland, Amerasia Basin, Arctic Ocean
- Plasmaspheric Data Assimilation using LANL Satellite Plasmapause Crossings
- Polar Vortices Temporal Evolution Represented by the Atmospheric Reanalysis Systems
- Pressure induced spin transition and its effects on diffusion of Fe2+ in ferropericlase
- Programming Makes Software; Support Makes Users
- Quantifying glacial landscape processes with numerical modeling and thermochronology
- Recent mass balance of Arctic glaciers derived from repeat-track ICESat altimetry (Invited)
- Replication of Subdecadal Holocene δ18O Records from Borneo Speleothems
- Research needs and current approaches for a global carbon monitoring system: Monitoring requirements, synthesis of existing data streams, and emissions verification (Invited)
- Response of Saturn's Current Sheet Structure to Changes in the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure and IMF
- Satellite observations of banded VLF emissions in conjunction with energy-banded ions during very large geomagnetic storms
- Sensitivity of Midwest Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation to Grid Spacing and Cloud Spectrum Characteristics in NASA GEOS-5
- Sensitivity of magnetospheric energy input into the upper atmosphere from different models to the solar wind speed
- Shorter time intervals, better insights? Global CO2 distributions inferred from GOSAT observations for three-day intervals
- Simulating Water Flow in Variably Saturated Soils - Exploring the Advantage of Three-dimensional Models
- Simulation of an ensemble of future climate time series with an hourly weather generator
- Soil Moisture Sensing Controller and Optimal Estimator (SoilSCaPE): An in-situ Wireless Sensor Network for Validation of Spaceborne Soil Moisture Estimates (Invited)
- Soil Organic Matter Responses to Chronic Nitrogen Additions in a Temperate Forest (Invited)
- Soil moisture controls on inter-annual variability of biogenic isoprene emissions and ozone
- Solar Wind Measurements on Solar Orbiter: Discovering the Links Between the Solar Wind and the Atmosphere of our Sun
- Spatial and temporal variation of the last ice age mega-floods in the Pacific Northwest: Sediment provenance using single-aliquot K/Ar dating
- Sr and O Geochemistry of ANDRILL AND-2A Biogenic Carbonates. Scientific Outcomes; Current and Future Research
- Surface Storage Dynamics in Large Rivers: Comparing Three-Dimensional Particle Transport, 1D Fractional Derivative and Multi-Rate Transient Storage Models
- Synchrotron X-ray characterization of mackinawite and uraninite relevant to bio-remediation of groundwater contaminated with uranium
- Temporal dynamics and spatial heterogeneity of soil moisture in a northern temperate deciduous forest
- The Impacts of Thermokarst Failures on Lakes: Rapid Attenuation of Major Impacts gives way to Potential Long-term Effects on Benthic Processes
- The Influence of Surface Flux Distribution and Magnitude on the Atmospheric Concentration Signals at Towers within North America
- The Nature of the Enceladus Plasma Cloud From the Cassini Plume Radio Occultation
- The Partial Molar Volume and Compressibility of the FeO Component in Model Basalts (Mixed CaAl2Si2O8-CaMgSi2O6-CaFeSi2O6 Liquids) at 0 GPa: evidence of Fe2+ in 6-fold coordination
- The Perils of Electron Microprobe Analysis of Apatite
- The Role of Precipitating Energetic Particles in Coupling Atmospheric Regions
- The Role of Spatial and Temporal Variability in Determining the Magnitude and Structure of Thermospheric Vertical Winds
- The South American Meridional B-field Array (SAMBA) and Pc4-5 Wave Studies
- The Thermal Evolution of the Lower Arc Crust During Basalt Emplacement: Importance of Melt Advection out of the Lower Crust in Maintaining a Relatively Cool Steady State Geotherm
- The Variation of Viscosity with Depth as Seen From Geodetic Interseismic Deformation (Invited)
- The consequences of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake on bedrock river processes in central Taiwan (Invited)
- The exploration of mechanisms of mass-independent fractionation of mercury (Invited)
- The science and politics of global climate change: a guide to the debate
- Three Dimensional Bow Shock Structure and Dynamics
- Three-dimensional thermal structure and seismogenesis in the Tohoku and Hokkaido subduction system
- Total Hydroxyl Radical Reactivity Above and Below a Forest Canopy During CABINEX 2009
- Tracing the Galapagos Volcanic Groundwater System Using Noble Gases and Stable Isotopes
- Tundra fire alters stream water chemistry and benthic invertebrate communities, North Slope, Alaska
- Using an ecosystem process model to examine effects of increased atmospheric N deposition on soil carbon storage in northern temperate forests
- What Is a Plume: An Experimental Perspective on Heads, Tails and Entrainment
- What is causing morning nitric oxide "pulse" above the canopy at a forested site in northern Michigan?
- 3D MHD modeling of non-stationary flow in the heliosheath
- A Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Approach to Forecast Future Climate - Blending Regional Climate Model Predictions for the American Southwest
- A Chemical Detector for Gas Chromatography Using Pulsed Discharge Emission Spectroscopy on a Microchip
- A Quantitative Assessment of the Size-Frequency Distribution of Terrestrial Dust Devils, Comparison with Qualitative Estimates, and Applications to Mars
- A Radiocarbon Database for Improving Understanding of Global Soil Carbon Dynamics: Part I
- A Robust Wireless Sensor Network Architecture for the Large-scale Deployment of the Soil Moisture Sensing Controller and Optimal Estimator (SoilSCaPE)
- A computationally efficient finite volume hydrostatic/non-hydrostatic hybrid model with a vertical Lagrangian coordinate
- A monitoring network design tool for atmospheric carbon dioxide:Validation over North America
- An Isolated Glacial Southern Ocean Gathers No Oxygen: Trace Metal Evidence for a Sedimentary Redox Shift from Poor Ventilation to High Production
- Analysis of Seasonal Variability in Gulf of Alaska Glacier Mass Balance using GRACE
- Anisotropic BATSRUS and CRCM two way coupling
- Aquarius Satellite Salinity Measurements; Preliminary Results Of The First 2-3 Months
- Assessing the impact of the expanding continuous measurement network in North America on carbon budgeting with an atmospheric inversion
- Assimilation of Plasma Density Measurements Into the Dynamic Global Core Plasma Model
- Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection in Coronal Mass Ejection Current Sheets
- Aurora on Ganymede
- Background error statistics for assimilation of atmospheric CO2
- Biogeochemical effects of volcanic degassing on the oxygen-state of the oceans during the Cenomanian/Turonian Anoxic Event 2
- CME-Sheath and Shock Heating by Surface Alfven Wave Dissipation in the Lower Corona
- Carbon cycling in seafloor and continental peridotite-hosted hydrothermal systems (Invited)
- Changes in Arctic black carbon concentrations, deposition, transport, and sources during recent centuries
- Changes in Organic Carbon Accumulation and Benthic Foraminiferal Assemblages in Sediments Deposited on the Bermuda Rise (odp Site 1063)DURING Mis 13 TO 10
- Characterizing the dispersal and distribution shapes of the geomagnetic field directions of the Late Miocene Columbia River Basalts
- Climate-forcing & Feedbacks of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age
- Combining Natural Tracers to Identify Flow Paths in Arctic Beaded Streams
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of the Rising Portion of a Seafloor Hydrothermal Plume
- Constraining the Length of the Reconnection Site in the Magnetotail using THEMIS Observations of Flux Ropes and BBFs
- Constraints on Kunlun and Haiyuan left-lateral strike-slip fault evolution, northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Constraints on the pre-extensional paleoelevation of the central Basin and Range from carbonate clumped-isotope paleothermometry
- Coupled Conodont δ18Ophosphate, Climate Model, and Stratigraphic Perspectives on Carboniferous Cyclic Deposits from Mid-Continent North America
- Dating and tracing groundwater resources in central Québec with noble gases, <SUP>14</SUP>C and water chemistry
- Diffusion of Chlorinated Organic Contaminants into Aquitards: Enhanced by the Flocculation of Clay?
- Disturbance and decoupling of belowground carbon and nitrogen cycles in a northern temperate forest
- Dynamic Controls on the Depth Sensitivity of Lower Crust Viscosity Inferences Over Tectonic Time Scales
- Dynamics of plumes in a compressible mantle: consequences for their seismic visibility
- Effects of cloud optical thickness on net ecosystem exchange in a Northern U.S. temperate forest
- Emergence of tidewater and ice shelf calving dynamics using a granular model of ice
- Enabling Data Synthesis at Lessons Learned
- Enhanced light use efficiency as a mechanism for forest carbon storage resilience following disturbance
- Evaluating atmospheric CO2 inversions at multiple scales over a highly-inventoried agricultural landscape
- Evaluating the uncertainty of predicting future climate time series at the hourly time scale
- Exploiting ALOS observations as a guide to what will be possible with DESDynI
- Field Line Resonance Measurements in the Inner Magnetosphere During Large Storms: Implications for Convection and Depletion
- Flow Transition Region in the Heliosheath
- Formation of Low Energy Electron Population in the Inner Earth's Magnetosphere
- Global Pickup Oxygen Ion Precipitation in the Martian Thermosphere: Distributions, Effects, and Implications
- Groundwater Forecasting Optimization Pertain to Dam Removal
- Gulf of Mexico Climate, Laurentide Ice Sheet History, and Global Sea Level Change During the Last Glacial Cycle
- Horizontal forward-motion velocities of terrestrial dust devils, comparison with ambient winds, and application to Mars
- Hydrodynamic Models of the Dynamics of Methane Release by Natural Hydrates
- IBEX Heliospheric neutral atom energy spectra between 0.01 and 6 keV
- Interaction between moist physics, cumulus parameterization and GCM grid spacing in simulations of midlatitude mesoscale convective systems
- Interannual and intraseasonal variability of Arctic Dipole Anomaly pattern and summer ice minima
- Intercomparisons of satellite CO2 observations with models - a probabilistic approach
- Interdisciplinary Pathways for Urban Metabolism Research
- Investigation of the Photochemistry in Saturn's Ring Shadowed Atmosphere: Production Rates of Key Atmospheric Molecules
- Late Devonian paleomagnetism of the North Tien Shan, Kyrgyzia: can secular variation vary on a short time scale?
- Lessons from the Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN) Workshop "Defining Your Research Identity"
- Lithium Resources for the 21st Century
- MCore: A High-Order Finite-Volume Dynamical Core for Atmospheric General Circulation Models
- MHD Wave Turbulence as the Energy and Momentum Source for Heating the Solar Corona and Driving the Solar Wind in Global Space Weather Models
- Major and trace-element speciation in deep-sea hydrothermal plumes of Eastern Lau Spreading Center
- Mantle Degassing and Atmosphere Evolution
- Mapping and Characterizing Fire in the Arctic Tundra of North America
- Mapping boreal wetlands using ALOS SCANSAR data from the USGRC Datapool at ASF
- Marine cycling of mercury: Results from a new 3D global ocean tracer simulation
- Mechanisms maintaining productivity in old forests of the upper Great Lakes
- Mercury isotope record preserved in Archean rocks from 2.3 - 3.25 Ga
- Millennial-scale surface water mass radiocarbon reservoir age changes recorded on the California Margin
- Mineral Formation and Trace Element Uptake in Rising Hydrothermal Plumes of the Lau Basin
- Mission Assurance Versus Cost - Thinking in a Smaller Box
- Mixing of deep basinal brines and glacial meltwater inferred from major ion chemistry, stable isotopes and noble gases in the Saginaw aquifer, Michigan
- Modeling the Impact of Cracking in Low Permeability Layers in a Groundwater Contamination Source Zone on Dissolved Contaminant Fate and Transport
- Modeling the Migration of Fluids in Subduction Zones
- Modeling the quiet time outflow solution in the polar cap
- Modeling trace element partitioning in multi-component iron alloy systems
- Modern and Future Spatial Variability of Soil Respired CO<SUB>2</SUB> Across the United States
- Modern and Paleo-Atmospheric Controls on High Elevation Meteoric δ<SUP>18</SUP>O
- Monitoring flood events using the AMSR-E based Polarization Variation Index
- Multiscale InSAR Time Series (MInTS) analysis of surface deformation
- NSF CAREER: What did we learn and advance in our knowledge on shocks in the lower corona and the magnetic field structure in the heliosheath
- No effect of H<SUB>2</SUB>O degassing on the oxidation state of hydrous rhyolite magmas: a comparison of pre- and post-eruptive Fe<SUP>2+</SUP> concentrations in six obsidian samples from the Mexican and Cascade arcs
- Observations and Modeling of Glyoxal in an Isoprene-Dominated Forest Environment
- On the Solar Wind Ion Composition Properties With Source Regions from Low-Latitude and Polar Coronal Holes of Opposite Polarity
- Paleoclimate Cooling in Eocene-Oligocene New Zealand Revealed by Clumped Isotope Thermometry
- Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Early Eocene Wind River Formation in the Wind River Basin, Wyoming
- Planktonic foraminiferal shell weight reflects sea surface temperature over the past 150 years in Santa Barbara Basin, California
- Pleistoceneholocene Sedimentation Pattern in the Southeastern Brazilian Continental Margin Interplay Between Sea Level Climate Changes and Regional Ocean Circulation
- Possible cloud structure of Uranus and Jupiter from thermochemical models and observations
- Progress on SAR-Based Mapping and Change Detection for Boreal Wetlands of North America
- Progress toward Consensus Estimates of Regional Glacier Mass Balances for IPCC AR5
- Properties of Smectite in the Kumano Basin, Japan: New Results from NanTroSEIZE Expedition 319
- Radiogenic and Radioactive Isotopic Evidence for a Dynamic Residence Time of the Athabasca Glacier Subglacial Water
- Reconciling Geodetic Deformation and Long-term Exhumation Rates Across the Western Greater Caucasus
- Reconciling Paleomagnetism and Pangea
- Reconciling estimates of the contemporary North American carbon balance among an inventory-based approach, terrestrial biosphere models, and atmospheric inversions
- Regional stresses inferred from coseismic slip models of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan, China, earthquake
- Resistance to Snowball Earth Initiation in the CAM3.1 Slab Ocean Model
- Root Niche Separation Can Explain Avoidance of Seasonal Drought Stress and Vulnerability of Overstory Trees to Extended Drought
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Inundated Wetlands: Global Data Record Assembly and Planned Uncertainty Analysis
- Sensitivity and applicability of ensemble filters for CO2 data assimilation
- Significance of Poynting flux and soft particle precipitation to the cusp neutral density enhancement
- Significant Science from a Saturn Atmospheric Entry Probe Mission
- Slab break-off influence on the formation of the major intra-continental faulting systems during India-Asia convergence
- Spatial and temporal signatures of flux transfer events in global simulations of magnetopause dynamics
- Spatial patterns in surface waters along the SE Margin of the Tibetan Plateau, Yunnan Province, China
- Swelling and Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Smectitic Clay in the San Andreas Fault at Parkfield/California
- TASTER: Trojan ASteroid Tour, Exploration and Rendezvous, a NASA Planetary Science Summer School Mission Design Exercise
- THE CONTRIBUTION FROM GLACIERS TO SEA LEVEL RISE - assessing the present state of the art
- Talking Past Each Other? Cultural Framing of Skeptical and Convinced Logics in the Climate Change Debate
- Temporal and spatial variability of Great Lakes ice cover, 1973-2010
- Temporal variations in lake water temperature: Paleoenvironmental implications of lake carbonate δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and temperature records
- The Effects of Fine-scale Soil Moisture and Canopy Heterogeneities on Energy and Soil Water Fluxes in a Temperate Mixed Deciduous Forest
- The First EUVI Images Seen Without Stray Light
- The Heat Is On: Decision-Maker Perspectives on When and How to Issue a Heat Warning
- The Impact of Drainage Reorganization on Cenozoic Topography
- The Impact of Transported Pollution on Arctic Climate
- The Origin of Andesite in the Deep Crust: Evidence from the West-Central Mexican Arc
- The Relationship of Intermediate- and Deep-Focus Seismicity to the Hydration and Dehydration of Subducting Slabs
- The development of coupled wave-current, large-to-coastal scale operational system
- The ecohydrological interaction of snow and vegetation type along a climate gradient in the Alps
- The effects of differentiated heat production on the stability of deep dense pools at the core-mantle boundary
- The heliospheric structure during the recent solar minimum: shocks in the lower corona and the magnetic field structure in the heliosheath
- The location and evolution of the South Atlantic Anomaly as observed by SOLSTICE
- The seismic structure of the mantle beneath Iceland
- The solar wind structure and heliospheric magnetic field in the solar Cycle 23-24 minimum and in the increasing phase of Cycle 24
- Thermodynamic properties of the CaCO<SUB>3</SUB> component in mixed alkali carbonate liquids: new measurements and importance to thermodynamic models of mantle melting
- Toward an Understanding of the Time Dependent Responses of the Martian Upper Atmosphere to Dust Storm Events
- Towards modeling hydrodynamic stress limitations on transpiration
- Uncertainty quantification and parameter estimation for multi-scale systems: Lessons learned from inverse problems aimed at constraining the CO2 budget from atmospheric observations
- Understanding the modeled ground-level ozone bias over the Southeastern U.S.: The role of soil moisture and regional climate
- Upscaling the overland flow resistance coefficient for vegetated surfaces
- Zonation of volatile and major elements in basaltic melt inclusions: a snapshot of syn-eruptive processes
- a Radiocarbon Database for Improved Understanding of Global Soil Carbon Dynamics: Part II
- A Detailed Comparison of the BATSRUS Global Saturnian Magnetosphere Model with Cassini Data
- A Framework for Describing Uncertainties in Climate Projections
- A Long-Lived Equatorial Coronal Hole and the Associated Solar Wind
- A Multi-Scale Approach to Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Hydrologic Response of Watershed Systems: 1. Quantifying Regional Trends and their Uncertainty
- A New Generation of Predictive Analytics Tools for Spacecraft and Petascale Simulation Data
- A Strong Correlation Between Geochemical Indicators of Slab-Derived Fluids and Elevated Oxidation States of Mantle-Derived Arc Lavas
- A deglacial ventilation history of Northeast Pacific intermediate waters
- A framework for incorporating the effects of hydrodynamic stresses on forest photosynthesis and evaporation
- A mid-Pleistocene record of monsoonal precipitation in southwestern US, insights into the occurrence of drought
- A newly calibrated plagioclase-liquid hygrometer for rhyolites
- AIAA Educator Academy: Enriching STEM Education for K-12 Students
- Active and Social Data Curation: Reinventing the Business of Community-scale Lifecycle Data Management
- Active current sheets and hot flow anomalies in Mercury's bow shock
- An Integrated Model of Market-Driven Dynamics of Carbon in Exurban Landscapes
- An analysis of SS precursor amplitudes using 3-D synthetics
- An oxygen isotope record of prograde and retrograde subduction fluids preserved in garnets from eclogite and related rocks from California and Greece
- Analysis of impact of heterogeneity at landscape level in retrieval of soil moisture from low-frequency radars
- Anatomy of a deep sub-surface ridge flank aquifer: The "Red Brick" Horizon in ODP Hole 1256D
- Anisotropies in TeV Cosmic Rays Related to Entry into the Heliosphere and the IBEX Ribbon
- Asian monsoon extremes and humanity's response over the past millennium
- Assessing the Ability of the Coupled Hydrosphere-Atmosphere Research Model (CHARM) to Reproduce Great Lakes Water Temperature
- Assessment of differences in physical watershed characteristics between gaged and ungaged portions of the Great Lakes basin
- Assessment of the Area Ratio Method and the value of gages for predicting runoff in intermittently gaged portions of the Great Lakes basin
- Atmospheric Density Specification with the Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model (GITM) using the Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Building Climate Literacy Through Strategic Partnerships
- CME Deflection Predictions Using ForeCAT (Forecasting a CME's Altered Trajectory)
- Carbon Flux Signal Detection for the ASCENDS mission
- Chemical Convection in the Lunar Core from Melting Experiments on the Fe-Ni-S System
- Chemistry Climate Interactions Studies within the Regional Climate Model RegCM4.3
- Cholera and shigellosis in Bangladesh: similarities and differences in population dynamics under climate forcing
- Clay minerals in Alpine Fault gouge: First results from the DFDP-1B pilot hole
- Climate risks for the Midwestern USA
- Climatology Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models in Low Solar Flux Conditions for the CCMC CEDAR Challenge
- Compressible plume dynamics in the transition zone
- Connecting Humans and Water: The Case for Coordinated Data Collection
- Constraining Groundwater Flow in the Michigan Basin Through Helium Concentrations and Isotopic Ratios in the Saginaw Aquifer, Southern Michigan
- Constraining the Dynamics of Periodic Behavior at Mt. Semeru, Indonesia, Combining Numerical Modeling and Field Measurements of Gas emission
- Constraining the Paleogene of South America: Magnetostratigraphy and paleoclimate proxy records from Cerro Bayo (Provincia de Salta, Argentina)
- Correction of Ionospheric effects in Coseismic ALOS data of the 2008 Wenchuan (Mw7.9) earthquake
- Coupling between pore water fluxes, structural heterogeneity, and biogeochemical processes controls contaminant mobility, bioavailability, and toxicity in sediments
- Cracking of Clay Due to Contact with Waste Chlorinated Solvents
- Data assimilation and input reconstruction for the Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model (GITM) using Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART)
- Data/Model Analysis in the Virtual Model Repository
- Defying the decline: Carbon storage resistance to moderate disturbance in a temperate forest
- Determining fluid signatures during deformation: O and H analysis of newly crystallized clays in folded layers from the Mexican Fold-Thrust belt
- Diffusion in heterogeneous media
- Dissolved Noble Gases in Rainwater, Southern Michigan - Evidence for Lack of Rainwater Equilibration with the Atmosphere at Surface Conditions
- Does a slow magnetosonic bow shock exist in the local interstellar medium?
- Dynamic topography over the Antarctic continent
- Dynamic uplift and subsidence in the Central Andes associated with flat-slab subduction
- Early Eocene cyclicity in BBCP drill cores, Wyoming: Orbital forcing and environmental response
- Enhanced Diffusion of Chlorinated Organic Compounds into Aquitards due to Cracking
- Environment, Health and Climate: Impact of African aerosols
- Environmental controls on δ13C variations of Sphagnum derived n-alkanes in the Dajiuhu peatland, central China
- Evaluation of Meteoric Calcite Cements as a Proxy for Mass-47 Clumped Isotope Paleothermometry
- Exceptional Isotopic Variability in Stream Waters of the Central Andes: Large-Scale or Local Controls?
- Finite-frequency global mantle tomography in the Cubed Earth from Rayleigh wave dispersion
- Flyby of Io with Repeat Encounters (FIRE): Designing a New Frontiers mission to study the most volcanic body in the solar system
- Forecasting recreational water quality standard violations with a linked hydrologic-hydronamic modeling system
- GIAnT - Generic InSAR Analysis Toolbox
- Geochemistry and Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb Chronology of the mafic dyke swarms from Gaoligong magmatic zone and their geological significance
- Global Numerical Modeling of SEP Acceleration by a CME Shock in the Solar Corona and Subsequent Transport to 1 AU
- Global Radially Anisotropic Mantle Structure from Multiple Datasets
- Ground-To Bistatic Radar Measurements of Auroral Irregularities
- Growth and Physiological Response of Tropical Lianas and Trees to Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Soil Nutrient Availability
- High-Resolution Continental Records of Early Paleogene Hyperthermals from the Bighorn Basin Coring Project
- High-resolution, high-fidelity carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in northern Wyoming from cores recovered by the Bighorn Basin Coring Project
- Hot 'nough for ya?: Controls and Constraints on modeling flux melting in subduction zones
- Hot as You Like It: Models of the Long-term Temperature History of Earth Under Different Geological Assumptions
- How Structures of the Solar Corona and Eruptions Interact to Create Extreme Energetic Particle Events
- Hurricane Imaging Radiometer (HIRAD) Observations Of Brightness Temperatures And Ocean Surface Wind Speed And Rain Rate During NASA's GRIP And HS3 Campaigns
- Iceberg mélange, traffic jams and the stability of tidewater glaciers
- Impact of DNAPL Storage in Cracked Low Permeability Layers on Dissolved Contaminant Plume Persistence
- Impact of Parameterized Lee Wave Drag on the Energy Budget of an Eddying Global Ocean Model
- Impact of stratification and climatic perturbations to stratification on baroclinic and barotropic tides
- Impacts of biological diversity on sediment transport in streams
- Incorporating Ecosystem Processes Controlling Carbon Balance Into Models of Coupled Human-Natural Systems
- Inference of multiple earthquake cycle relaxation time scales from irregular geodetic sampling of interseismic deformation
- Influence of non-hydrostatic processes on gravity-wave simulation in the upper atmosphere
- Influence of variable lithology on landscape evolution
- Integrating experimental studies of hydrous mantle melting with numerical models of the global variability in the temperature - depth structure of the mantle wedge
- Iron Sulfide as a Sustainable Reactive Material for Permeable Reactive Barriers
- Iron isotope fractionation among magnetite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, rhyolite melt and aqueous fluid at magmatic-hydrothermal conditions
- Isotopically depleted carbon in the mid-depth South Atlantic during the last deglaciation
- Kinetic modeling of sodium in the exosphere of Mercury
- Linking hydrothermal plume geochemistry with deep-sea microbial community structure along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
- MESSENGER observations of Mercury's bow shock and magnetosheath
- MHD Waves and Coronal Heating: Unifying Empirical and MHD Turbulence Models
- Mapping of satellite CO<SUB>2</SUB> observations - novel practical applications
- Measuring Vertical Motions of the Earth's Surface on Long Time Scales through Integration of Surface Uplift Proxies with Climate Modeling
- Measuring and modeling disturbance-induced changes to flux dynamics in increasingly heterogeneous canopy environments
- Melts in the Deep Earth: Calculating the Densities of CaO-FeO-MgO-Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>-SiO<SUB>2</SUB> Liquids
- Mercury Isotope Constraints on Depth of Methylation and Degree of Photo-Degradation of Methylmercury in the Central Pacific Ocean
- Messenger observations of Mercury's bow shock and upstream ultra-low frequency waves below 1-Hz
- Metal-contaminated Sediment Effects on Biofilm Communities: Impairment of Multiple Stream Ecosystem Functions
- Microbial geochemistry in rising plumes of two hydrothermal vents at the Mid-Cayman Rise
- Modeling E. coli Release And Transport In A Creek During Artificial High-Flow Events
- Modeling North American Ice Sheet Response to Changes in Precession and Obliquity
- Modeling the Natural Biogeochemical Cycle of Mercury in the Global Ocean
- Multi-Scale Simulations of Magnetospheric Dynamics for Steady Solar Wind Driving
- Multi-Scale, Multimedia Modeling With Pangea: Local To Global Evaluation Of The Human Health Impacts Of Emissions From Coal Power To Bar Soap
- Multi-decadal variation in southern California drought during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age (~800AD-~1800AD) - evidence from coeval terrestrial and marine proxies
- Multi-model assessment of black carbon in Arctic snow and sea ice, an AeroCom analysis
- NCPP's Use of Standard Metadata to Promote Open and Transparent Climate Modeling
- Nature of the Mantle Sources and Bearing on Tectonic Evolution in the West Antarctic Rift System
- New insights into the carbon isotope composition of speleothem calcite from vegetation, soil, and subsurface processes
- Numerical models of transient partial melting of the lower crust during repeated emplacement of basalt sills and subsequent cooling due to advection of melt out of the lower crust
- Observations of Uranus' auroral emissions
- On the Importance of Pickup Ion Precipitation to the Martian Thermosphere Under Severe Solar Wind Conditions
- On the non-uniqueness of sediment yield
- Online and in-person networking among women in the Earth Sciences Women's Network at
- Opening Data in the Long Tail for Community Discovery, Curation and Action Using Active and Social Curation
- Orogen-scale Structural Architecture and Potential Seismic Sources Resulting from Cenozoic Closure of a Relict Mesozoic Ocean Basin in the Greater Caucasus
- Paleo-Hydrography south of Africa: Assessing the role of the Subtropical Front in regulating Agulhas Leakage at the Last Glacial Termination
- Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) and its Effects on Continental Biotas: Evidence from Polecat Bench in Northwestern Wyoming
- Perturbing model processes to linearize non-Gaussian model error in microphysical parameterization
- Photochemistry in Saturn's Ring Shadowed Atmosphere: Production Rates of Key Atmospheric Molecules and Preliminary Analysis of Observations
- Plagioclase Dissolution in Basaltic Melt: the Role of Interface Reaction
- Precipitation intensity and vegetation controls on geomorphology of the central Andes
- Preliminary Result from an Observational and Modeling Study of Coronal Pseudostreamer Structure as a Solar Wind Origin
- Probing the Nature of the Heliosheath with the Heliospheric Neutral Atom Spectra Measured by IBEX in the Voyager 1 Direction
- Project Aether Aurora: STEM outreach near the arctic circle
- Radiometric Dating of Folds: A new approach to determine the timing of deformation at shallow-crustal conditions, with examples from the Mexican Fold-Thrust Belt
- Reconstructing early Cenozoic topography of the North American Cordillera from authigenic mineral δ18O-Moving beyond Rayleigh distillation
- Reorganization of North Pacific Ocean Circulation at ~1300 AD during the Terminal American SW Drought of the Medieval Climate Anomaly
- Revised depositional age of the Fenghuoshan Group, Hoh Xil Basin, north-central Qiangtang terrane: implications for the pre- and early-collisional tectonic evolution of the Tibetan Plateau
- Role of storm-magnetotail flux buildup in SYMH decrease
- Science from a Saturn Entry Probe Mission
- Sharing Responsibility for Data Stewardship Between Scientists and Curators
- Simulated Nitrogen Deposition Reduces the Abundance of Dominant Forest Understory and Groundcover Plants
- Simulating land surface energy fluxes using a microscopic root water uptake approach in a northern temperate forest
- Simulation of S-Web Corridor Dynamics
- Soil Inorganic Nitrogen Cycling during Successional Change in a Northern Temperate Forest
- Solar wind flow in the heliosheath due to latitudinal and time variations over the solar cycle
- Southern hemisphere cloudiness: models vs. observations in different dynamical conditions
- Statistical properties and solar wind source of long-duration and amplitude southward IMF intervals and their geomagnetic effectiveness
- Success Stories of Undergraduate Retention: A Pathways Study of Graduate Students in Solar and Space Physics
- Superthermal Electron Energy Interchange in the Ionosphere-Plasmasphere System
- Sustained Vertical Thermospheric Winds in the Auroral Zone
- Synchrotron Micro-XRF Mapping of Ag Storage in a Coastal Marine Diatom: Implications for Ag as a Novel Paleoproductivity Proxy
- Temperature changes derived from the extent of the tropical Quelccaya ice cap, Peru
- TerraFERMA: Harnessing Advanced Computational Libraries in Earth Science
- Terrestrial deep biosphere observatory: the Soudan Iron Mine
- The 2012 Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP)
- The Earth System CoG Collaboration Environment: Connecting Resources in the Earth Sciences
- The Great Lakes Runoff Intercomparison Project (GRIP)
- The Mineral Collection of the University of Michigan: its History and Future
- The Thermodynamics Of Calcite Nucleation On Organic Surfaces: Classical Vs. Non-Classical Pathways
- The effect of rheological heterogeneities in models of post- and interseismic deformation: Application to faults and earthquakes in Tibet
- The global oxidation state of the upper oceanic crust
- The impacts of a 4 Degree C world on Sustainable Development
- The inner magnetosphere as simulated by the anisotropic BATS-R-US - CRCM model
- The interaction between litter, N input, and allocation requirement determines invader success and N retention in a simulated clonal wetland ecosystem
- The solubility of Nb-bearing rutile in aqueous fluids containing Albite, NaCl and NaF from 1-5 GPa and 300-600oC
- The spatial distribution and speciation of iron in buoyant hydrothermal plumes of the Mid-Cayman Rise
- The thermal and spatial structure of the solar corona over the cycle and its implication for the coronae of inactive stars
- Tidal Conversion in a Global Ocean General Circulation Model
- Transport of the plasma sheet electrons to the geostationary distances
- Twenty Years of Litter and Root Manipulations: Insights into Multi-Decadal SOM Dynamics and Controls
- Understanding the effects of intermediate disturbances on evapotranspiration in the upper Midwest
- Variable magnitude of carbon isotope excursions in organic and inorganic terrestrial carbon pools during the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Warm, salty surface water incursions and destabilization of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet
- Water in a young Moon constrained from ferroan anorthosites
- Water-saturated phase-equilibrium experiments on rhyolite and dacite obsidians: the effect of variable melt water concentration on the composition of phenocrysts
- Why Does Calcium Carbonate Precipitate in the Ocean Crust?
- "Uncertainty in downscaling using high-resolution observational datasets"
- 19th-20th century rainfall patterns reconstructed from sediment provenance in a Santa Barbara Basin box core
- A High-resolution Speleothem Record of Western Equatorial Pacific Rainfall: Implications for Holocene ENSO Evolution
- A Multi-Scale Integrated Approach to Representing Watershed Systems: Significance and Challenges
- A closer look at 40Ar/39Ar systematics of illite, recoil, retention ages, total gas ages, and a new correction method
- A machine-to-machine architecture for the real-time study of urban watersheds
- A numerical study of comet ISON near perihelion
- A numerical study of thermal structure around the junction between Japan and Kurile arcs
- ACE-SWICS In Situ Plasma Composition of Fragmented Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
- AIAA Educator Academy: The Space Weather Balloon Module
- Abundant Melt Inclusions of Andesite-Dacite Composition (59-68 wt% SiO2) in Basaltic Andesite and Andesite Lavas from the Mexican Arc
- Active current sheets at Mercury and across the solar system
- Addressing accurate representation of physical processes in climate projections
- AirMOSS P-Band Radar Retrieval of Subcanopy Soil Moisture Profile
- An Explanation for the Recent Voyager 1 Observations
- An assessment of magnetic reconnection at Saturn's magnetopause
- Analysis of Venus Express optical extinction due to aerosols in the upper haze of Venus
- Application of Multispectral and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing For Detection of Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms
- Approach to Integrate Global-Sun Models of Magnetic Flux Emergence and Transport for Space Weather Studies
- Array analysis of S and ScS waveforms for Pacific lowermost mantle structure
- Assessment of climate impacts on hydrology and geomorphology of semiarid headwater basins using a physically-based model
- Assimilation of Dual-Polarimetric Radar Observations with WRF 3DVAR and its Impact on Ice Microphysics
- Atmospheric Chemistry Transport Modeling of Organic Nitrogen Input to the Ocean
- Atmospheric Krypton and Xenon Measurements from Mars Science Laboratory
- Bayesian Estimates of the Sensitivity of Orographic Precipitation to Upwind Sounding and Terrain
- Belowground processes regulate ecosystem nitrogen retention during a multi-year forest dieback event
- Bias in estimates of lithosphere viscosity from interseismic deformation
- Bioavailability of Mercury to Riverine Food Webs as a Function of Flood-Event Inundation of Channel Boundary Sediments
- Carbon cycling in seafloor and continental peridotite-hosted hydrothermal systems (Invited)
- Carbon-rich Inner Core Inferred from Anomalously Low Shear-Wave Velocity of Non-Magnetic Fe<SUB>7</SUB>C<SUB>3</SUB>
- Career Aspirations and Career Outcomes for Solar and Space Physics Ph.D
- Cassini Observations During the Saturn Auroral Campaign of Spring 2013 (Invited)
- Cellular-enabled water quality measurements
- Change in the <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/N of the Mars Atmosphere from Viking to MSL: A possible indication of climate change on Mars
- Changing the Curation Equation: A Data Lifecycle Approach to Lowering Costs and Increasing Value
- Chemical zonation in olivine-hosted melt inclusions: A record of syn-eruptive cooling
- Climate OSSE with full-treatment of sub-grid cloud variability and its application in longwave spectral fingerprinting studies
- Climate controls on the carbon isotopic composition of soil organic matter and its regional variability in grasslands and savannas
- Climate-driven shift of the tree-line ecotone in the Polar Urals and impacts on land-surface properties
- Compositional stratification across the Transition Zone in the presence of whole-mantle convection
- Controls on the Migration of Fluids in Subduction Zones
- Convection Electric Field Observations by THEMIS and the Van Allen Probes
- Coronal Heating Diagnostics from EUNIS 2013
- Coronal Heating Signatures in Stream Interaction Regions
- Coronal Heating in a Three Temperature, Alfven Wave-driven Solar Wind Model
- Coronal sources, elemental fractionation, and release mechanisms of heavy ion dropouts in the solar wind
- Coupling MHD and PIC models in 2 dimensions
- Crystal/liquid thermobarometry in the rapidly erupted Peridot Mesa phonotephrite: constraints from new measurements and phase equilibria experiments (Invited)
- Current-sheet-like structures in different type of solar winds and their effects on the solar wind MHD turbulence
- Diffusion of DNAPL Components into Low Permeability Soils
- Direct Dating of Brittle Faults and Episodic Orogeny, illustrated by Illite Age Analysis of Major Thrusts in the Canadian Rocky Mountains (Invited)
- Dissipation of El Niño-like climate conditions through Andean uplift
- Do the Solar Cycle Effects Explain Different Flows in the Heliosheath Observed by Voyager 1 and 2?
- Effect of High Pressure on Uranyl Nanocages
- Effect of the Long-Term Warming Since the Last Glacial Maximum on Terrestrial Heat Flow
- Effects of changing H<SUB>2</SUB>O concentrations and viscosities on plagioclase crystallization in a rhyolite obsidian: experiments and plagioclase speedometry (Invited)
- Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> and O<SUB>3</SUB> Alter Productivity and Carbon Storage in Northern Temperate Forests: Results from Aspen FACE
- Environmental Drivers Influence Carbon Emissions and Storage of a Freshwater Lake
- Environmental Dynamics and the Habitability Potential at Gale Crater, Mars (Invited)
- Eocene - late Oligocene crustal shortening within the Hoh Xil Basin, north-central Tibetan Plateau
- Evaluating the Metal Source(s) of Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold (IOCG) Deposits (Invited)
- Evaluation of Oceanic Transport Statistics By Use of Transient Tracers and Bayesian Methods
- Evaluation of climate projections for use in planning and adaptation applications (Invited)
- Evaluation of the Earth System CoG Infrastructure in Supporting a Model Intercomparison Project
- Evidence for Smectite Clays from MSL SAM Analyses of Mudstone at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Evolution of basal crevasses links ice shelf stability to ocean forcing
- Expanding Snow Treatment in CESM Vegetation
- Extracting a redox signal from Scanning XRF results in Santa Barbara Basin to reconstruct annual shifts in bottom water oxygen concentration
- Extreme Space Weather on Exoplanets
- Field Observations of Methane Emissions from Unconventional and Conventional Fossil Fuel Exploration
- Field-Lines-Threaded Model for: (1) the Low Solar Corona; (2) Electrons in the Transition Region; and (3) Solar Energetic Particle Acceleration and Transport
- First multiproxy terrestrial paleoclimate record of the PETM from temperate South America (northwest Argentina)
- Global ICME-Mars Interaction and Induced Atmospheric Loss
- Global MHD simulations of Mercury's interaction with the solar wind: Influence of the planetary conducting core on the magnetospheric interaction
- Global Simulations of the March 17, 2013 Storm: Importance of Boundary Conditions in Reproducing Ring Current Observations
- Ground-atmosphere interactions at Gale
- High Resolution CH4 Emissions and Dissolved CH4 Measurements Elucidate Surface Gas Exchange Processes in Toolik Lake, Arctic Alaska
- Hybrid Simulations of the Plasma Interaction with Europa's Atmosphere
- IMPACT: Integrated Modeling of Perturbations in Atmospheres for Conjunction Tracking
- Idealized Simulations of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings with an Ensemble of Dry GCM Dynamical Cores
- In-situ measurements of a highly fragmented comet: WIND STICS Measurements
- Incorporating Space Science Content Into the Undergraduate Curriculum by the NASA Education Forums' Higher Education Working Group
- Influence of Protolith Composition and Sliding Velocity on the Microfabric of Fault Gouge: Experimental Results
- Influence of elevated NOx levels on the oxidation capacity of the atmospheric boundary layer in Barrow, Alaska
- Influence of the perpendicular ion-drag force on the vertical wind and neutral density in the equatorial region
- Influences of increased riparian thaw depths on stream temperatures and chemical export in beaded arctic streams
- Inheritance of earthquake hazard from suturing: the Himalayas as an analogue for the structural architecture and seismic potential of the Greater Caucasus
- Integrating Environmental Genomics and Biogeochemical Models: a Gene-centric Approach
- Inter-Comparison of the Phase Partitioning of Water in Mixed-Phase Clouds among Global Climate Models
- Investigating ionosphere-thermosphere space weather using ensemble based modeling
- Investigating the direct climatic forcing of pollen and subpollen particles
- Is The Indirect Forcing By Aircraft Soot Positive Or Negative?
- Kinetic and dynamic control for magmatic sulfide deposit formation
- Kinetic modeling of Europa's neutral atmosphere and pick-up ions
- Laboratory experiments inform iceberg-calving forces
- Late Pleistocene sea surface warming as a trigger for catastrophic ice sheet wasting in the North Pacific Ocean
- Linking charring temperature and wood source to the structure and degradation rates of pyrogenic organic matter in soil
- Long wavelength structure of Earth's lowermost mantle from normal mode splitting function inversions
- MESSENGER Observations of Flux Transfer Events during the Impact of the 23 November 2011 Coronal Mass Ejection onto Mercury's Magnetosphere
- MESSENGER observations of proton precipitation in Mercury's northern magnetospheric cusp
- Magnetic cloud erosion by magnetic reconnection: occurrence statistics, radial evolution and geo-effectiveness
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Energy Interchange in the Electron Diffuse Aurora
- Mars Photoelectron Energy and Pitch Angle Dependence on Intense Lower-Atmospheric Dust Storms
- Microspectroscopic Analysis of Anthropogenic- and Biogenic-Influenced Aerosol Particles during the SOAS Field Campaign
- Model analysis tools in the Virtual Model Repository (VMR)
- Modeling Cleft-Region Particle Precipitation Using the Interplanetary Magnetic Field and Generalized Auroral Electrojet Indices
- Modeling Relativistic Electron Precipitation Bremsstrahlung X-Ray Intensities at 10-100 km Manned Vehicle Altitudes
- Modeling long-term hillslope denudation due to large earthquakes: Example from the Wenchuan 2008 earthquake, Longmen Shan, China
- Modeling the impact of disturbances on the carbon cycle of a mixed-deciduous forest in the upper Midwest
- Moving to Google Cloud: Renovation of Global Borehole Temperature Database for Climate Research
- Multi-fluid MHD Study of the Solar Wind Induced Plasma Escape from the Martian Atmosphere
- Multi-model GCM ensemble simulations of idealized tropical cyclones
- Multi-scale Modeling of Magnetic Reconnection during Solar Eruptions and Magnetosphere Storm Times
- Neptune and Triton: A Study in Future Exploration
- New high order schemes in BATS-R-US
- North-South Gradients in Carbon Isotopic Compositions of Atlantic Ocean Black Shales: Evidence for Paleohydrologic Influences on Mid-Cretaceous Black Shale Deposition
- Nutrient Budgets in Successional Northern Hardwood Forests: Uncertainty in soil, root, and tree concentrations and pools (Invited)
- Observation of Isoprene-derived Organic Nitrates Using CIMS during SOAS 2013
- Observed and modeled response of the dayside/nightside reconnection rates to a solar wind dynamic pressure front
- One-Hour Cadence Comparison of the AWSoM 3D MHD Model to LASCO-C2
- Open Holes in the Sheepbed Unit of Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Paleogeographic Controls on Climate Sensitivity and Feedback Strength and their Impacts on Snowball Earth Initiation
- Patterns and Implications of Non-Linear Mixing on Mass-47 Clumped Isotope Thermometry
- Post- and interseismic deformation due to both localized and distributed creep at depth (Invited)
- Putting Predictive Models to Use: Scoring of Unseen Streaming Data using a Multivariate Time Series Classification Tool
- Radiative Forcing associated with Particulate Carbon Emissions resulting from the Use of Mercury Control Technology
- Radiative forcing of organic aerosol in the atmosphere and on snow: incorporation of SOA and brown carbon
- Rapid post-Pliocene crustal shortening in northern Tibet: Evidence from the Kumkuli Basin, Xinjiang Province, China
- Reconstructing the Paleo-Limnologic Evolution of Lake Bonney, Antarctica using Dissolved Noble Gases
- Regional impacts of climate change on a temperate mixed forest: species-specific microscopic root water uptake strategies
- Relating out-of and in-ecliptic solar wind composition with Ulysses/SWICS and SOHO/CELIAS/MTOF
- Relict basin closure during initial suturing accommodates continental convergence with minimal crustal shortening or reduction in convergence rates
- Remote Sensing as a First Step in Geothermal Exploration in the Xilingol Volcanic Field in NE China
- Replicating the Ice-Volume Signal of the Early Pleistocene with a Complex Earth System Model
- Resistance of plate motion due to continental deformation (Invited)
- Root Niche Separation as Strategy of Avoidance of Seasonal Drought Stress in a Mature Amazonian Forest (Invited)
- S-Isotope Fractionation between Fluid and Silicate Melts
- Satellite Remote Sensing Hyperspectral Data Simulator
- Scaling up carbon storage in human-dominated heterogeneous landscapes in the Great Lakes region
- Secular Climate Change on Mars: An Update Using MSL Pressure Data
- Simulation of Magnetic Cloud Erosion and Deformation During Propagation
- Simulations of the Na+/O+ ratio observed by MESSENGER and implications for oxygen-bearing volatiles in Mercury's exosphere
- Smart Clays: SAFOD Samples Confirm the Key Role of Newly-formed Clays in Shallow Fault Zones
- Solar Wind Acceleration in a Three Temperature, Alfven Wave-driven Solar Wind Model
- Southern Hemisphere Cloudiness In Extratropical Cyclones: An Observational Evaluation Of ERA-interim And MERRA
- Spatiotemporal and Multiscale Validation of Ideal and Anisotropic MHD Models within the Space Weather Modeling Framework using Distance Correlation Functions
- Structure and thermal annealing of latent fission tracks in apatite and zircon
- Studies of Arctic Tropospheric Halogen Chemistry via Field Measurements and Modeling
- Studying Subauroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) During the March 17, 2013 Magnetic Storm: Comparison between RAM Simulations and Observations
- Subducted, detached, and torn slabs during early orogeny: evidence from deep earthquakes under the Greater Caucasus
- Survey of the ULF wave Poynting vector near the Earth's magnetic equatorial plane
- TerraFERMA: The Transparent Finite Element Rapid Model Assembler for multi-physics problems in the solid Earth sciences
- Tethered Satellites as an Enabling Platform for Operational Space Weather Monitoring Systems
- The AGU Chapman Conference on Communicating Climate Science: A Historic Look to the Future
- The CAM/IMPACT/CoCiP Coupled Climate Model: Radiative forcing by aircraft in large-scale clouds
- The Cassini Radio Science Observations of the Enceladus Plasma Cloud
- The Chemically Heterogeneous Transition Zone (Invited)
- The Community of Heliophysics Faculty who Teach Undergraduate Courses (Invited)
- The Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN): A member-driven network approach to supporting women in the Geosciences
- The Earth System CoG Collaboration Environment
- The Fate of Carbon Draining Permafrost Soils is Controlled by Photochemical Reactions in Addition to Microbial Degradation in Arctic Surface Waters
- The Fluid Memory of Clays in Faults and Folds
- The Impact of Diffuse Light on Terrestrial Carbon Uptake
- The Michigan Mars Environmental Chamber: Preliminary Results and Capabilities
- The Search for Methane on Mars
- The Search for Nitrates on Mars by the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument
- The VAULT2.0 Observing Campaign: The First Comprehensive Investigation of the Chromosphere-Corona Interface at Sub-arcsecond scales
- The current systems responsible for SYM and ASY indices variation during geomagnetic storm
- The development of a hydrologic-hydraulic representation of an urbanscape: the case study of Nashville, Tennessee
- The geomicrobiology of iron in deep-sea hydrothermal plumes (Invited)
- The influence of topographic stresses on faulting, emphasizing the 2008 Wenchuan, China earthquake rupture
- The role of iron and reactive oxygen in the degradation of dissolved organic matter draining permafrost soils (Invited)
- The roles of production and preservation during Oceanic Anoxic Event III: A multi-proxy record from the Western Interior Seaway
- The scientific challenges to forecasting the propagation of space weather through the heliosphere (Invited)
- The stresses that led to the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan, China, earthquake: Constraints from coseismic slip, aftershocks, and topography
- Topaz rhyolites of Nathrop, Colorado: Lava domes or rheomorphic flows?
- Topographic signatures of microclimatic mechanisms for landscape asymmetry
- Transforming Polar Research with Google Glass Augmented Reality (Invited)
- Tree Death Leading To Ecosystem Renewal? Forecasting Carbon Storage As Eastern Forests Age
- Tropical Silurian Paleotemperatures from Clumped Isotope Analysis of Coexisting Dolomite and Calcite
- Two-way self-consistent coupling of HEIDI in SWMF
- Validating Thermospheric Neutral Winds Produced by a Global Model
- Variable Resolution Modeling of California Snowpack within the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Variations in Melt Generation and Migration along the Aleutian Arc (Invited)
- Was the 19th Century end of the Little Ice Age in the Alps forced by industrial black carbon?
- "Invar"-like behavior in compressed Fe<SUB>7</SUB>C<SUB>3</SUB> with implication for deep carbon cycle
- 3D Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Modeling of the Spacecraft Environment of Rosetta
- 3D Thermal Structure of the Alaska-Aleutian Arc with Predictions for the Metamorphic Structure and Seismic Velocities in the Subducting Slab
- A 3D Description of the Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Constrained by Rosetta Observations
- A Computer-assisted Method for the Calibration of Raw Data from the DFMS sensor on Rosetta
- A Correlation Between the Solar Wind's Alfvén Point and the Coronal Heating Boundary
- A Decade of Cassini Radio Science so Far, and Three Spectacular Years Ahead
- A Dynamical Downscaling study over the Great Lakes Region Using WRF-Lake: Historical Simulation
- A Multi-neutral-fluid model of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- A New MHD-Kinetic Approach to Europa's Atmosphere, Ionosphere and Interactionwith Jupiter's Magnetosphere
- A Novel Bistatic Radar and Radiometer to Investigate Shallow Planetary Subsurfaces
- A Simulation Study of the Thermosphere Mass Density Response to Substorms Using GITM Model
- A Tale of Two Gases: Isotope Effects Associated with the Enzymatic Production of H<SUB>2</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O
- A Test for Whether or Not Voyager 1 Has Crossed the Heliopause
- A Web service-based architecture for real-time hydrologic sensor networks
- A direct human influence on atmospheric CO2 seasonality from increased cropland productivity
- A new record of provenance and hydroclimate in Santa Barbara Basin, California spanning the last 250 years
- A quantification of methane emissions from the Bakken shale play region of North Dakota
- A sensor architecture for real-time, in situ measurement of overlake evaporation on the Laurentian Great Lakes
- A sensor-based energy balance method for the distributed estimation of evaporation over the North American Great Lakes
- A-Train Observations in Extratropical Cyclones: A Comprehensive Tool for Model Evaluation
- Active landsliding and landscape denudation in response to transient tectonic uplift, Northern California.
- Adaptive Particle / Panel Methods for Global Geophysical Flow
- Adaptively Monitoring Hydrologic Systems Using Web-enabled Sensor Nodes
- Aerosol Microphysical and Macrophysical Effects on Deep Convective Clouds
- Airborne Ethane Observations over the Barnett and Bakken Shale Formations: Quantification of Ethane Fluxes and Attribution of Methane Emissions
- All Is Not Lost: The Transition from Order to Disorder in Greenland's Glaciers
- Along-Arc Variation in Slab Surface Temperature Caused By 3D Material Circulation at the Plate Interface
- Altitudinal Contrasts in Drought-Driven Aeolian Microbial Inputs to Montane Soil Ecology: Impacts of a 500-Year Drought in the Sierra Nevada, California
- An Analysis of Fundamental Mode Surface Wave Amplitude Measurements
- An Empirical Model of Saturn's Current Sheet Based on Global MHD Modeling of Saturn's Magnetosphere
- An Experimental Study on Liquid Brine Formation at Gale Crater
- An In Situ Method for Sizing Insoluble Residues in Precipitation
- An Isotopic Map of Dust Source Areas in the McMurdo Sound Sector of Antarctica
- Analysis of Environmental Forcing and Melange Fluctuation in Asynchronous Retreat of Ocean Terminating Glaciers in Greenland's Sermilik Fjord
- Analysis of model output and science data in the Virtual Model Repository (VMR).
- Anomalous Doppler Shift in the Storm-time Midlatitude Red-line Emission
- Argon Measurement Capabilities at Comet 67P with ROSINA/DFMS
- Assessing Grid Refinement Strategies in the Chombo Adaptive Mesh Refinement Model
- Assessing Hydrological and Energy Budgets in Amazonia through Regional Downscaling, and Comparisons with Global Reanalysis Products
- Assessing the Impact of Transient High-Volume Groundwater Withdrawals on Headwater Streams
- Assessment of Modeling Capability for Reproducing Storm Impacts on TEC
- Atmospheric Deposition of Soluble Organic Nitrogen due to Biomass Burning
- Benchmarking Space Radiation Transport Codes Using Measured LET Spectra from the Crater Instrument on LRO
- Biogeographic, molecular evolution, and diversification patterns in Neotropical plants
- Biological and Physical Drivers of Coarse Woody Debris Respiration Following Moderate Forest Disturbance
- Birkeland Currents and Their Closure at Mercury
- Burial Diagenesis Effects on Clumped Isotope Signatures of Coexisting Dolomites and Calcites
- Cation Ordering in Fe-bearing Silicate Perovskite (Bridgmanite) and its Role in Disproportionation
- Changing Aerosol Transport to the Arctic from Present Day to the End of 21st Century
- Characteristics of Coronal Mass Ejections
- Characterizing the carbon emissions of megacities
- Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool the Earth - Report from the National Research Council
- Cloud Radiative Effect by Cloud Types Based on Radiative Transfer Model Calculations and Collocated A-Train Data
- Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS)
- Combining Full Waveform Inversion and Traveltime Tomography
- Combining precipitation data from observed and numerical models to forecast precipitation characteristics in sparsely-gauged watersheds: an application to the Amazon River basin.
- Cometary Nitrogen-Noble gases and the Origin of the Oceans: Waiting for ROSINA-Rosetta Data
- Comparison of Ion Temperatures in the Magnetosphere as a Function of the AE Index using TWINS ENA data
- Comparison of Paleotemperature Proxies from the Goler Formation, California
- Comparisons of multiple isotope systems in the aragonitic shells of cultured Arctica islandica clams
- Compositional and Temperature Effects of Phosphoric Acid Fractionation on Δ<SUB>47</SUB> Analysis and Implications for Discrepant Calibrations
- Consequences of Kinetic Effects in Nonsymmetric Reconnection Configurations on Large-Scale Dynamical Processes in Magnetosphere and Solar Plasma
- Constraining the plasmasphere dynamics with multiple data sets and data assimilation
- Constraints on long-term carbon-climate feedbacks from spatially resolved CO<SUB>2</SUB> growth rate fluctuations linked to temperature and precipitation
- Control of Periodic Variations in Saturn's Magnetosphere By Compressional Waves
- Cordilleran Ice Sheet meltwater delivery to the coastal waters of the northeast Pacific Ocean
- Coronal Hole Boundaries as Source Regions of a Steady Slow Solar Wind: Global Modeling of Charge State Composition and Sun-to-Earth Observations
- Coulomb collisions and the radial extent of preferential ion heating in the solar wind
- Counter-streaming alpha proton plasmas in an eroding magnetic cloud: new insights into space plasma evolution from Wind
- Crossroads of Tropical Meteorology and Atmospheric Composition in the Maritime Continent: Recent Field Results from the 7SEAS Program
- Data-Model Comparison Investigations of Thermospheric Density and Composition Influences on High-Altitude Photoelectron Fluxes at Mars
- Data-Model Comparisons of Plasma Sheet Ion Temperatures during Moderate Geomagnetic Storms
- Data-Model Comparisons of the October, 2002 Event Using the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Dayside Magnetopause Location During Radial Interplanetary Magnetic Field Periods
- Decadal Effects of Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> and O<SUB>3</SUB> on Forest Soil Respiration and Belowground Carbon Cycling at Aspen FACE
- Decoupling of Organic and Inorganic Carbon Isotope Records during the Coniacian-Santonian in the Western Interior Seaway: Implications for Carbon Cycling during OAE 3
- Deep Mantle Structure As a Reference Frame for Absolute Plate Motions
- Desorption of organochlorine pesticides from historically contaminated sediments into water-biofuel mixtures
- Determination of Trends in Ozone in the Mid-Atlantic Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
- Determining Earth's magnetotail structure from low-altitude isotropic boundaries
- Determining resolvability of mantle plumes with synthetic seismic modeling
- Determining the Provenance of Late Paleozoic Loess Using Radiogenic Isotopes
- Developing Remote Sensing Products for Monitoring and Modeling Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Vulnerability to Climate Change and Land Use
- Developing a Multi-Element Geospace Investigation to Understand the Impact of Hemispheric Assymetry
- Diagnosing Energy and Potential Enstrophy Transfers in Dynamical Cores of Gcms
- Direct Inversion of Postseismic Deformation for 3D Lithosphere Viscosity Structure and Fault Slip
- Distribution of dissolved and particulate trace metals in Arctic sea ice
- Do Two Deep Drill Holes Into the Upper Ocean Crust Quantify the Hydrothermal Contribution to Global Geochemical Cycles?
- Dynamic base level and deterministic climate forcing as a possible explanation for transience in bedrock river incision rates
- Dynamics and geometry of thermal plumes in the laboratory and the mantle
- Early Activity of Churyumov-Gerasimenko: ROSINA/RTOF Results
- Ecological and Environmental Controls over Fifteen-Year Forest Net Ecosystem Production at the University of Michigan Biological Station
- Effect of Burial Depth on the Clumped Isotope Thermometer: An Example from the Green River and Washakie Basins (WY)
- Effect of the Interaction of Jovian Magnetosphere with Europa's Exosphere on Pick-up Ion Population and Plasma Environment
- Effect of topography on slip inversions using geodetic data: application to the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake
- Elemental building blocks of the slow solar wind
- Emergent Data-Networks from Long-Tail Collections
- Enceladus Environmental Explorer (EVE): A Mission Concept
- Enhanced Seasonal Exchange of CO<SUB>2</SUB> by Northern Ecosystems - Observations and Models
- Ensemble Space Weather Forecasting with the SWMF
- Estimating Stresses, Fault Friction and Fluid Pressure from Topography and Coseismic Slip Models
- Estimating Top-down Emissions (2011-2014) of CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> From Los Angeles by an FTS Atop Mount Wilson
- Evaporating Atmospheres Around Close-in Exoplanets.
- Evidence for an abrupt transition in the mantle-derived source to the Long Valley Caldera rhyolites after the climactic eruption: from subduction-modified lithosphere to asthenosphere
- Evidence of Dayside Asymmetries in High-Latitude Magnetic Perturbations Measured By ST5 and DMSP
- Expected constraints on the outer solar system formation conditions from the Rosetta-ROSINA measurements
- Exploring Multi-Phase Boundary Layer Phenomena during Magma Mixing
- Exploring the Origin of Volatiles in Terrestrial Worlds
- Extratropical Transition Using 23 Years of Tropical Cyclones in a Variable-Resolution Global GCM
- Factors Contributing to the Late Cenozoic Cooling and Aridification of Southwestern North America
- Far-Infrared Surface Emissivity Impacts on Climate and the Potential for a Positive Feedback
- Fast solar wind measurements from the Bright Monitor of the Solar Wind instrument on Spektr-R
- Fe Isotope Systematics of the Upper and Upper Main Zones of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa
- First Cassini Radio Science Bistatic Scattering Observation of Titan's Northern Seas
- First Observations of Mercury's Plasma Mantle As Seen By MESSENGER
- First insights on the organic species from the high resolution mass spectrometer ROSINA DFMS on-board the Rosetta spacecraft
- Flux measurements from in-snow production of molecular halogens in Barrow, Alaska
- Forecasting Ionospheric Space Weather Due To High Speed Streams
- Forest Carbon Cycling Across Gradients of Disturbance Severity: Patterns and Underlying Mechanisms
- From the field to classrooms: Scientists and educators collaborating to develop K-12 lessons on arctic carbon cycling and climate change that align with Next Generation Science Standards, and informal outreach programs that bring authentic data to informal audiences.
- Galactic Cosmic Rays and Lunar Secondary Particles from Solar Minimum to Maximum: CRaTER Observations and Geant4 Modeling
- Gas Transfer in the Pluto-Charon System: A Charon Atmosphere
- Geomorphic and Fish Genetics Constraints on Late Cenozoic Long Wavelength Topographic Evolution of the Hangay Mountains, Central Mongolia
- Global Field Orientation Across the Heliopause As a Result of Regions of Reconnection
- Global MHD Simulation of the Coronal Mass Ejection on 2011 March 7: from Chromosphere to 1 AU
- Global Morphological Mapping of Strike-Slip Structures on Ganymede
- Global Multi-Fluid Solar Corona and Inner Heliosphere Model for Solar Probe Plus and Solar Orbite
- Global impact of collisionless magnetic reconnection on the structure of planetary magnetospheres
- Great Lakes Integrated Sciences + Assessments: Connecting Users and Generators of Scientific Information to Inform Climate Change Adaptation
- Greenland meltwater impacts on the <SUP>234</SUP>U/<SUP>238</SUP>U composition of seawater, the role of subglacial residence time.
- Heavy Ion Heating at Shocks in the Heliosphere
- Heavy Ion Temperatures As Observed By ACE/Swics
- Heavy ion composition in the inner heliosphere: Predictions for Solar Orbiter
- Helium as a Dynamical Tracer in the Thermosphere
- Hemispheric Asymmetry and Universal Time Effects in Ionospheric Total Electron Content and Outflow Rates
- High Order Schemes in Bats-R-US for Faster and More Accurate Predictions
- High Resolution Magnetotail Simulations of Bursty Bulk Flows
- Highlights from the First Ever Demographic Study of Solar Physics, Space Physics, and Upper Atmospheric Physics
- How Various Sources of Uncertainty Affect Retrieval Uncertainty in the Optimal Estimation Framework Using a Non-precipitating Liquid Clouds Example
- How Well Does the S-Web Theory Predict In-Situ Observations of the Slow Solar Wind?
- How important are glassy SOA ice nuclei for the formation of cirrus clouds?
- Human drivers of variability in the atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> growth rate
- Hydrocarbon emissions in the Bakken oil field in North Dakota
- ICESat-2 volume scattering bias
- Impact of an Event-Specific Plasma Density Model for Modeling the October 8-9, 2012, Event with the LANL DREAM3D Diffusion Code
- Impacts of Organic Macromolecules, Chlorophyll and Soot on Arctic Sea Ice
- Impacts of Variations of Vegetation Hydraulic Properties on Land-Surface Hydrology
- Improved electron and ion temperatures and application to the Nov-24-12 substorm
- Improving Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity in a Global Model with Local Mesh Refinement
- Improving solar wind modeling at Mercury: Incorporating transient solar phenomena into the WSA-ENLIL model
- Influence of cloud optical thickness on surface diffuse light and carbon uptake in forests and croplands
- Informing urban carbon emissions with atmospheric observations: motivation, methods, and reducing uncertainties.
- Insights into Aqueous-phase processing through Comparison of the Organic Chemical Composition of Atmospheric Particles and Cloud Water in the Southeast United States
- Integrative sensing and prediction of urban water for sustainable cities (iSPUW)
- Interactions Between Chlorinated Waste Solvents and Clay Minerals in Low Permeability Subsurface Layers
- Interannual Variations in Aerosol Sources and Their Impact on Orographic Precipitation over California's Central Sierra Nevada
- Intercalibration of the GPM Constellation Using the GPM Microwave Imager (GMI)
- Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP) - Its Time Has Come!
- Intraplate Seismicity and Lithospheric Strength as Inferred from 3D Seismic Models
- Inventory of Volatiles in the Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from Rosetta ROSINA - An Overview of First Results
- Investigating Magma Mixing By Using Chemical and Textural Observations of Plagioclase from Mutnovsky Volcano, Kamchatka
- Investigation of Controlling Factors Impacting Water Quality in Shale Gas Produced Brine
- Investigation of Solar Wind Source Regions by Using Ulysses/SWICS/SWOOPS Composition Data and a Potential Field Source Surface Model to map in situ Measurements back onto the Photosphere
- Ionospheric Conductance During Substorms and Steady Magnetospheric Convection Events (SMCs)
- Isotope Effects Associated with N<SUB>2</SUB>O Production by Fungal and Bacterial Nitric Oxide Reductases: Implications for Enzyme Mechanisms
- Joint Inversion of Geoid Anomaly and Teleseismic P-Wave Delay Times: Modeling Density and Velocity Perturbations Beneath the Parana Magmatic Province
- Kinetic modeling of the composition and dynamics of volatile's distribution in Europa's exosphere
- Late Circulation Response in the Deep Southwest Atlantic during Termination I
- Late Quaternary Climate and Precipitation δ<SUP>18</SUP>o Variations over the Tibetan Plateau from Paleoclimate Modeling
- Linked Hydrologic-Hydrodynamic Model Framework to Forecast Impacts of Rivers on Beach Water Quality
- Linking Microbial Activity with Arsenic Fate during Cow Dung Disposal of Arsenic-Bearing Wastes
- Linking Pyrogenic Organic Matter Reactivity in Soil to its Charring Temperature and Wood Source
- Linking a Large-Watershed Hydrogeochemical Model to a Wetland Community-Ecosystem Model to Estimate Plant Invasion Risk in the Coastal Great Lakes Region, USA
- Long-Term Variability of Evapotranspiration and Vegetation Productivity: The Role of Temporal Scales
- Lunar Proton Albedo Anomalies: Soil, Surveyors, and Statistics
- MESSENGER Disappearing Dayside Magnetosphere Events: Evidence for Severe Dayside Erosion and/or Compression?
- MESSENGER Observation on Reconnection and Structure of Mercury's Magnetotail Lobes and Plasma Sheet
- MESSENGER Observations of Cusp Plasma Filaments at Mercury
- MESSENGER's low-altitude plasma observations in Mercury's northern magnetospheric cusp
- MHD-EPIC: Extended Magnetohydrodynamics with Embedded Particle-in-Cell Simulation of Ganymede's Magnetosphere.
- MHD-Epic: Embedded Particle-in-Cell Simulations of Reconnection in Global 3D Extended MHD Simulations
- Magnetic Dissipation Effects on the Flows within the Heliosheath
- Magnetic Flux Erosion and Redistribution during CME Propagation
- Magnetic reconnection in 3D magnetosphere models: magnetic separators and open flux production
- Magnetospheric Interaction at Jupiter's Galilean Moons Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto: Galileo in-Situ Measurements Compared with Simulation Results
- Magnetospheric ULF waves with an increasing amplitude induced by solar wind dynamic pressure changes: THEMIS observations
- Mars Atmospheric Composition, Isotope Ratios and Seasonal Variations: Overview and Updates of the SAM Measurements at Gale Crater
- Measurements of Point Source Methane Emissions in the Barnett Shale and Eagle Ford Basins
- Measurements of Thermospheric Winds and Temperatures with a Fabry-Perot Interferometer Network: Results from NATION, South America, and Alaska
- Measuring Snow Grain Size with the Near-Infrared Emitting Reflectance Dome (NERD)
- Mechanisms for uranyl reduction by ferrous iron in solution and at the oxide mineral-water interface
- Melting curve of CaCO<SUB>3</SUB> with implications for the presence of melt in the transition zone
- Mercury Stable Isotopic Composition of Monomethylmercury in Estuarine Sediments and Pure Cultures of Mercury Methylating Bacteria
- Methane emissions in the US and Canada: contributions of various source sectors and evolution of emissions over time
- Microclimate-induced Lateral Channel Migration as a Driver for Hillslope Asymmetry in Semi-arid Landscapes
- Mineral and trace element indicators of changes in sediment delivery and deposition on a Western Boundary Upwelling System (Cabo Frio, Brazil) since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Mineral dust archive in Taylor Dome ice core as evidence for shifting coastal east Antarctic climate during the LGM-Holocene transition
- Minor Ion Species in the Solar Wind As Seen with SOHO/Celias/Mtof
- Moball-Buoy Network: A Near-Real-Time Ground-Truth Distributed Monitoring System to Map Ice, Weather, Chemical Species, and Radiations, in the Arctic
- Modeling Impacts On and Feedbacks Among Surface Energy and Water Budgets Due to Aerosols-In-Snow Across North America
- Modeling Longitudinal Hemispheric Differences during Geomagnetic Storm Times
- Modeling Oxygen Isotopes in the Nascent Solar Nebula for Material to be measured with Rosetta at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Modeling variability in Mars' lower ionosphere
- Modulation of Young Injection Events at Saturn at the Rotation Period of Perturbations in the Winter Hemisphere: A Proposed Mechanism
- Monitoring Bacterial Water Quality for Application to Watershed and Nearshore Fate and Transport Model Development
- Monte Carlo Model Predictions of Energetic Ion Precipitation and Energy Deposition in the Martian Atmosphere
- Morphology of Interchange-Driven Injections in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Multi-Scale Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices Along Mercury's Magnetopause
- Multi-spacecraft Observations of Heavy Ion Dropouts: Physical Processes, Fractionation Rates, and Release Mechanisms
- Multicomponent Diffusion between Felsic and Silicic Melts: Insights from Tektites and Experiments
- Multicomponent Diffusion in Silicate Melts: SiO<SUB>2</SUB>-TiO<SUB>2</SUB>-Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>-MgO-CaO-Na<SUB>2</SUB>O-K<SUB>2</SUB>O System
- Multidecadal Variability in Surface Albedo Feedback
- Multifluid MHD Simulations of the Plasma Environment of Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko at Different Heliocentric Distances
- NASA Data Evaluation: Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies
- Near-surface rock strength estimates from the South Napa earthquake relative to coseismic landslide hazards
- New evidence for chemical depletion of ammonia in the 1 to 2 bar region of Jupiter's atmosphere
- New geodetic constraints on strain accumulation along the North Anatolian Fault from the Karliova Triple Junction to the N Aegean Trough
- New results on the midnight temperature maximum with the NATION Fabry-Perot network for the central eastern continental US
- Newly Implemented Snow-Vegetation Representation in the Community Land Model
- Noble Gas Signatures in Antrim Shale Gas in the Michigan Basin - Assessing Compositional Variability and Transport Processes
- Noble Gas Signatures in Greenland - Tracing Glacial Meltwater Sources
- Noble Gas Signatures in Groundwater and Rainwater on the Island of Maui, Hawaii - Developing a New Noble Gas Application in Fractured, Volcanic Systems
- Normal Mode Insights into the Long Wavelength Velocity and Density Structure of the Lowermost Mantle
- Nowcast Model for Low Energy Electrons (10-200 keV) in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Numerical model of meltwater retention and firn aquifer formation in Greenland Ice Sheet
- OH & H2O Production and Radial Distribution from Ultraviolet Observations of C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) by MAVEN
- Observations and Modeling the Advection of Carbon from an Inland Lake Surrounded By a Forest
- Observations of a stratospheric depletion and annual mean interhemispheric gradient in the atmospheric Ar/N<SUB>2</SUB> ratio from the HIPPO Global campaign
- Observations of atmospheric and snowpack chemistry in the summer on the Juneau Icefield
- On the Current System and Electric Field Associated with the Boundary of Plasma Bubble
- On the Non-Uniqueness of Sediment Yield
- On the effect of short temporal scale climate variability on long-term water, energy and carbon fluxes: Insights from a modeling approach
- Oxygen Pickup Ions Measured by MAVEN: A Link to the Extended Exosphere of Mars
- Paleoelevation of the Tibetan Plateau Relative to Plate Convergence, Crustal Shortening and Conservation of Crustal Mass
- Photochemical Control of the Distribution of Water and Sulphuric Acid Aerosols in the Clouds and Upper Haze of Venus with Comparison to Venus Express SOIR Observations
- Photochemistry in Saturn's Ring-Shadowed Atmosphere: Modeling of Key Molecules and Observations of Dust Content
- Physicochemical Characterization of Lake Spray Aerosol Generated from Great Lakes Water Samples
- Plasma Speeds Upstream of Saturn and in the Magnetosphere as Measured by Cassini's Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument (MIMI)
- Plasma Transport, Acceleration, and Loss in Mercury's Magnetosphere and Comparison with Other Planetary Magnetospheres
- Predicting ICME Magnetic Fields with a Numerical Flux Rope Model
- Predicting Stability of Ice Shelves with Crevasses: A Numerical Experiment
- Predictions of Geospace Drivers By the Probability Distribution Function Model
- Present-day to 21<SUP>st</SUP> century projections of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from a global climate-aerosol model with an explicit SOA formation scheme
- Probabilistic Forecasting Analysis of Geomagnetic Indices for IMF Bs-events
- Probabilistic forecasting of harmful algal blooms in western Lake Erie
- Projected Precipitation Changes within the Great Lakes Region: A Multi-scale Analysis of Precipitation Intensity and Seasonality
- Proposed Hydrodynamic Model Increases the Ability of Land-Surface Models to Capture Intra-Daily Dynamics of Transpiration and Canopy Structure Effects
- Quantitative evaluation of the effect of H<SUB>2</SUB>O degassing on the oxidation state of magmas
- Reading The Sun: A Three Dimensional Visual Model of The Solar Environment During Solar Cycle 24
- Recharge Regimes of the Saq Aquifer System, Saudi Arabia: Inferences from Geochemical and Isotopic Compositions
- Regional modeling of surface-atmosphere interactions and their impact on Great Lakes hydroclimate
- Regional to national constraints on US N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions using atmospheric data
- Regional-Scale Surface Magnetic Fields and Proton Fluxes to Mercury's Surface from Proton-Reflection Magnetometry
- Remotely Measuring Trash Fluxes in the Flood Canals of Megacities with Time Lapse Cameras and Computer Vision Algorithms - a Case Study from Jakarta, Indonesia.
- Representing Sub-Plot Canopy Heterogeneity Improves Model Prediction of Net Ecosystem Exchange in a Mixed-Deciduous Forest
- Response of Arctic Temperature to Changes in Emissions of Short-Lived Climate Forcers
- Response of the Reverse Convection to Sharp IMF Turnings
- Results from the Sunlight Absorption on the Greenland Ice Sheet Experiment (SAGE)
- Risr-N Observation of the Characteristics of Polar Cap Patches and Implication for Patch Formation Mechanism
- SAM Chlorine Observations at Gale Crater
- SCION: CubeSat Mission Concept to Observe Midlatitude Small-Scale Irregularities and Scintillation
- Scientific Overview of Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems (TEMPEST) Program
- Scientific Progress in Understanding Thermosphere-Ionosphere Dynamics Enabled by Ground-based Networks of Instrumentation
- Sea Surface Temperature Variability During the Past 2000 Years in Santa Barbara Basin, California
- Secular Climate Change on Mars: An Update Using One Mars Year of MSL Pressure Data
- Sensitivity of Modeled Far-IR Radiation Budgets in Polar Continents to Treatments of Snow Surface and Ice Cloud Radiative Properties
- Shedding "Dark" on the Oxidation of Dissolved Organic Matter by Hydroxyl Radical in Arctic Soils and Surface Waters
- Simulating CME Eruptions from Active Regions
- Simulating black carbon and dust in snow and their climatic impact over Eurasia
- Siphateles (Gila) sp. and Catostomus sp. from the Pleistocene OIS-6 Lake Gale, Panamint Valley, Owens River system, California
- Software Development for Jointly Analyzing Thermal-Ion Measurements from Multiple In-Situ Instruments
- Solar Corona/Wind Composition and Origins of the Solar Wind
- Solar Probe Plus: A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun
- Solar Wind C, N, and O Abundances and the Solar Metallicity
- Solar Wind Interaction with the Martian Upper Atmosphere at Early Mars/Extreme Solar Conditions
- Solar wind dynamic pressure pulse - driven magnetospheric vortices and waves
- Sound velocities of iron carbides (Fe<SUB>3</SUB>C and Fe<SUB>7</SUB>C<SUB>3</SUB>) under core conditions
- Sources of the Mid-Latitude Fast Solar Wind
- Specification of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere Environment Using Ensemble Kalman Filter with Orthogonal Transformations
- Spectral Radiative Kernel and the Spectrally Resolved Longwave Feedbacks in the CMIP3 and CMIP5 Experiments
- Spinning, Breathing, and Flapping: The Changing Size and Shape of Saturn's Middle Magnetosphere
- Statistical analysis of the geomagnetic response to different solar wind drivers and the dependence on storm intensity
- Stochastic Modeling of Carbon Photo-mineralization along Arctic Rivers
- Storm time plasma transport in a unified and inter-coupled global magnetosphere model
- Stratospheric Temperature Trends in the 11 Years of AIRS Spectral Radiance Observations
- Strontium isotope variation in the dissolved load and suspended sediments of Northern Hemisphere land terminating glaciers
- Study of Potential Sub-Micrometer-Thick Frost Events and Soil Water Content at Gale Crater
- Subsurface Gas Flow and Ice Grain Acceleration within Enceladus and Europa Fissures: 2D DSMC Models
- Sunlight Controls Water Column Processing of Carbon in Arctic Freshwaters
- Survey of Mars Energetic O<SUP>+</SUP> Ions Beyond the Induced Magnetospheric Boundary
- Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems (TEMPEST) CubeSat Constellation
- Testing the Sensitivity of Extratropical Cyclones to Variations in Environmental Conditions
- Testing the Solar Probe Cup, An Instrument Designed to Touch the Sun
- Testing the limits of high-resolution whole-rock δ<SUP>13</SUP>C<SUB>carb </SUB>stratigraphy
- The AUTUMNX Magnetometer Network in Quebec and its Antarctic Conjugate Network PRIMO
- The Common Spectrum in the Heliosphere: Observations and a Theory to Explain the Observations
- The Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory (COSMO)
- The D/H Ratio of the Martian Water That Formed the Yellowknife Bay Mudstone Rocks Measured By the MSL-SAM Instrument
- The Disappearance of the Post-Midnight High Energy Ion Plasmasphere
- The Effect of Wavefront Healing on Estimates of S-Wave and P-Wave Heterogeneity in D"
- The Europa Imaging System (EIS): High-Resolution, 3-D Insight into Europa's Geology, Ice Shell, and Potential for Current Activity
- The Impact of Biogenic and Anthropogenic Atmospheric Aerosol on Climate in Egypt
- The Imprint of Plumes on Waveforms Using Spectral-Element Method Synthetics
- The Influence of the Martian Bow Shock on Heavy Planetary Ions
- The Information Available in A-Train Data Regarding Precipitation Processes in Warm Cumulus
- The Interaction of Solar Eruptions and Large-Scale Coronal Structures Revealed Through Modeling and Observational Analysis
- The Mars Magnetosphere in the Tail of Comet C/2013 A1(Siding Spring)
- The Martian Hot Oxygen Corona at Ancient times
- The Martian O<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O cycles observed with ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy
- The Multi-fluid Nature of the Termination Shock
- The Onset of Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere
- The Potential Role of Regolith in the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- The Role of Electron Density on the Interchange Instability at Saturn
- The Role of Regional Atmospheric Circulation in Shaping Abrupt Climate Reorganization in Africa
- The Role of Topography on Continental Water Cycling and Water Stable Isotope Compositions over Geological Time Scales
- The Sensitivity of Simulated Tropical Cyclones to Tunable Physical Parameters in Community Atmosphere Model
- The Size Distribution of Desert Dust and Its Impact on the Earth System
- The Thermal Memory of Smectite and Implications for Seismogenic Heating during the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake in the Japan Trench
- The impact of molecular iodine photochemistry in the Arctic
- The influence of variations in Jupiter's plasma environment on the Europa interaction
- The role of superthermal electrons in high latitude ionospheric outflows
- The strengths of constellation missions when exploring our atmosphere
- The timing of fault motion in Death Valley from Illite Age Analysis of fault gouge
- Themis Measurements of Quasi-static Electric Fields in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Threaded-Field-Line Model for the Transition Region and Solar Corona
- Time-dependent MHD modeling of Titan's plasma interaction during T32, T85 and T96 and comparison to Cassini data
- Tomographic-Geodynamic Model Comparisons and the Presence of Post-Perovskite and Chemical Heterogeneity in Earth's Lowermost Mantle
- Topographic stresses and slip heterogeneity in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake: Constraints on regional stress, fault friction, and pore pressure
- Topology and Seasonal Evolution of the Network of Extreme Precipitation over the Indian Subcontinent and Sri Lanka
- Tracking seasonal subglacial drainage evolution of alpine glaciers using radiogenic Nd and Sr isotope systematics: Lemon Creek Glacier, Alaska
- Tracking the direction of the interstellar wind over a full solar cycle using pickup ions detected by ACE SWICS
- Tree-Level Hydrodynamic Approach for Improved Stomatal Conductance Parameterization
- Tying Biological Activity to Changes in Sea Spray Aerosol Chemical Composition via Single Particle Analyses
- Typical and Atypical Magnetospheric Response to Sudden Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Changes
- ULF Wave Electromagnetic Energy Flux into the Ionosphere: Joule Heating Implications
- ULF waves at Mercury
- Unique Capabilities of the Situational Awareness Sensor Suite for the ISS (SASSI) Mission Concept to Study the Equatorial Ionosphere
- Using a multi-scale approach to identify and quantify oil and gas emissions: a case study for GHG emissions verification
- VIRTIS-Rosetta Observations of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Nucleus and Coma During the Mission Pre-Landing Phase.
- Validation of Coronal and Heliospheric Models for Quasi-Steady Solar Wind: WSA-Enlil, MAS-Enlil, SWMF, and IPS Tomography Models
- Validation of Thermospheric Density Models for Drag Specification
- Venus Then and Now: Simulating Sulfuric Acid Clouds Using Latitudinally Dependent VIRA and VeRA Temperature Profiles
- Vision for the Future of Lws TR&T
- Waveform Modelling of High-Frequency Body-Waves in 3-D Earth Models
- What Can Neutrinos Tell Us about Light Elements in Earth's Core?
- What controls Rayleigh-Taylor instability growth rate and the formation of bubbles?
- 2013 March 17 Storm: Synergy of Observations Related to Mid-Latitude Electric Field Drivers and their Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Effects
- A First Comparison between 3D Model Predictions of Mars' Oxygen Corona and Early MAVEN IUVS Observations
- A Holistic Model That Physicochemically Links Iron Oxide - Apatite and Iron Oxide - Copper - Gold Deposits to Magmas
- A Multi-Model Comparison of Black Carbon Budgets in the Arctic Region.
- A Multivariate Analysis of Extratropical Cyclone Environmental Sensitivity
- A Physics-based Automated Technique for the Detection of Field Line Resonance Frequency in Ground Magnetometer Data
- A Survey of Spatial and Seasonal Water Isotope Variability on the Juneau Icefield, Alaksa
- A Thermochronometric Approach to Understanding Exhumation in the Southern Colorado Rockies
- A Unified Scenario for the Solar Wind Phenomenon
- A multifluid magnetohydrodynamic simulation of the interaction between Jupiter's magnetosphere and its moon Europa
- A new olivine-melt thermometer/hygrometer based on Ni partitioning
- A new technique for identifying and distinguishing between ion heating mechanisms in solar wind plasma
- A review of measurement and modeling of Light-absorbing Particles in Snow and Ice and their climatic and hydrological impact
- A study of the variation of physical conditions in the cometary coma based on a 3D multi-fluid model
- A-Train Based Observational Metrics for Model Evaluation in Extratropical Cyclones
- Achieving Forecasts in the Thermosphere and Ionosphere with Lead Times of a Few Days
- Achieving Science Goals with CubeSats: a Study by the National Academies
- Adaptive Interference Cancelation using a Pair of Magnetometers for Small Satellite Applications: No Need for a Boom
- Adaptive, real-time hypoxia measurements using an autonomous boat
- Advances in Simulating Large-scale Water Cycle Processes in the Community Land Model Version 5.0
- Aerosol Indirect Effects on Cirrus Clouds in Global Aerosol-Climate Models
- Alternative hypothese for the origin of the ultra-low velocity zones
- Amazon Column CO<SUB>2</SUB> & CO Observations to Elucidate Tropical Ecosystem Processes
- An Inexpensive, Implantable Electronic Sensor for Autonomous Measurement of Snow Pack Parameters
- An MMS multicase study of magnetotail dipolarization fronts
- An Observationally Based Global Band-by-Band Surface Emissivity Dataset for Climate and Weather Modeling Effort
- An Overview of the Induced Magnetospheres of Mars and Venus from a Modeling Standpoint
- Analysis of likely Frost Events and day-to-night Variability in near-surface Water Vapor at Gale
- Analysis of the Phoenix Mission's Thermal and Electrical Conductivity Probe (TECP) Relative Humidity Data
- Anomalous Ion Charge State Behavior In Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections
- Application of the Plagioclase-Liquid Hygrometer to the Bishop Tuff: Consistency with Melt Inclusion H<SUB>2</SUB>O Contents
- Arctic Ozone and Bromine Chemistry: Relationships with Snow Composition and Open Lead Presence
- Assessing Climate Change under Future Warming Scenarios with Improved Canopy Snow Representation in CESM
- Assessing Compositional Variability and Migration of Natural Gas in the Antrim Shale in the Michigan Basin Using Noble Gas Geochemistry
- Assessing Radium Activity in Shale Gas Produced Brine
- Assessment of inductive electric fields contribution to the overall particle energization in the inner magnetosphere
- Assimilating a decade of hydrometeorological ship measurements across the North American Great Lakes
- Atmospheric Effects of Solar Energetic Particle Events In Magnetized and Non-Magnetized Regions of Mars
- Atomic Oxygen Green and Red Emissions in the Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Balance between Coulomb relaxation and preferential ion heating in the corona and solar wind
- Benchmarking longwave multiple scattering in cirrus environments
- Biogeochemistry of a submerged groundwater seep ecosystem in Lake Huron near karst region of Alpena, MI
- Bringing organic carbon isotopes and phytoliths to the table as additional constraints on paleoelevation
- Bulk Velocity and Thermal Properties of the Solar Wind in the Inner Heliosphere
- Characterizing Variability in the Spatial Distribution of Bromine Explosion Events in the Vicinity of Barrow, Alaska
- ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy at Gale Crater: Diurnal and Seasonal cycles of O<SUB>2</SUB>, H<SUB>2</SUB>O, and aerosols
- Clay Formation and Fabric Development in the DFDP-1 Borehole, Central Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Climatic gradients and human development pressure determine spatial patterns of forest fragmentation in the Great Lakes basin, USA
- Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS)
- Combining DSMC Simulations and ROSINA/COPS Data of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko to Develop a Realistic Empirical Coma Model and to Determine Accurate Production Rates
- Comet 73P Measurements of Solar Wind Interactions, Cometary Ion Pickup, and Spatial Distribution
- Comparing global soil models to soil carbon profile databases
- Comparison of Bulk Carbon Concentrations and Optical Properties of Carbonaceous Aerosols in the North Slope Alaska from Summer 2012 and Summer 2015
- Comparison of Ground- and Space-based Radar Observations with Disdrometer Measurements During the PECAN Field Campaign
- Compensatory Root Water Uptake of Overlapping Root Systems
- Compositional mantle layering revealed by slab stagnation at ~1,000 km depth
- Connecting real-time data to algorithms and databases: EarthCube's Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS)
- Consequences of simulated ion precipitation and sputtering during extreme conditions at Mars: comparison to MAVEN observations
- Constraining Atmospheric Particle Size in Gale Crater Using REMS UV Measurements and Mastcam Observations at 440 and 880 nm
- Constraining Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Production in Northeastern Pennsylvania Using Aircraft Observations and Mesoscale Modeling
- Constraining Runoff Source Fraction Contributions from Alpine Glaciers through the Combined Application of Geochemical Proxies and Bayesian Monte Carlo Isotope Mixing Models
- Constraining the Thermal History of the Midcontinent Rift System with Clumped Isotopes and Organic Thermal Maturity Indices
- Constraints on water cycling in a deep mountain valley from stable water isotope and sap flux measurements
- Context Images for Venus Express Radio Occultations: a Search for a Dynamical-Convective Origin of Cloud-top UV Contrasts
- Contrasting Redox Stories from Trace Metal and Iron Proxy Records of the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway
- Contrasting Strategies of Tree Function in a Seasonal Amazon Rainforest
- Contribution of Field-Aligned Currents to the Variations of Mid-Latitude Magnetic Field on the Ground: Dayside and Nightside are Compared.
- Controlling Factors of the Fate of Ionospheric Outflow at Earth and Mars
- Coordinated Hard Sphere Mixture (CHaSM): A fast approximate model for oxide and silicate melts at extreme conditions
- Coseismic landslides associated with the 2015 Gorkha earthquake sequence in Nepal
- Crystallization and Cooling of a Deep Silicate Magma Ocean
- Curating and Preserving the Big Canopy Database System: an Active Curation Approach using SEAD
- DSCOVR Observations of Magnetic Reconnection
- Data Management System for the National Energy-Water System (NEWS) Assessment Framework
- Data-Model and Inter-Model Comparisons of the GEM Outflow Events Using the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in Rapidly Rotating Magnetospheres
- Day-To-Night Ionosphere Transport by Neutral Winds
- Day-side ionospheric photoelectrons observed by MAVEN-SWEA at low altitudes and high solar zenith angles on the Martian night-side
- Deformation of Polar Cap Patches During Substorms
- Design and Application of a Community Land Benchmarking System for Earth System Models
- Detection and Quantification of Urban CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions over Several Megacities using In-situ and Remote-sensing Measurements: Inversion Framework and Methodology
- Differential flow: Locally Generated or Coronal Artifact?
- Diffusion of SiO<SUB>2</SUB> in Rhyolitic Melt
- Directly attributing methane emissions to point source locations using the next generation Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS-NG)
- Dissolution-precipitation reactions and permeability evolution from reactions of CO<SUB>2</SUB>-rich aqueous solutions with fractured basalt
- Drivers of the Increasing Mean Annual CO2 Cycle in the CESM
- Dust size parameterization in RegCM4: Impact on aerosol burden and radiative forcing
- Dust, Elemental Carbon and Other Impurities on Central Asian Glaciers: Origin and Radiative Forcing
- Dynamic Heating and Decompression Experiments on Dacite and Rhyolite Magmas
- Dynamics of Polar Jets from the Chromosphere to the Corona: Mass, Momentum and Energy Transfer
- Earth's hot lowermost mantle revealed by Stoneley mode splitting observations
- Effect of electron ambient plasmas in reconnection jets and dipolarization fronts : MMS initial results
- Effects of Isotropic and Anisotropic Structure in the Lowermost Mantle on High-Frequency Body Waveforms
- Electric Mars: The first survey of Martian parallel electric fields.
- Electrodynamic Context of Magnetotail and Magnetopause Dynamics Observed by Magnetospheric Multiscal
- Electron Energetics in the Martian Ionosphere: Model Comparisons with MAVEN Data
- Electron Flux Models at GEO: 30 keV - 600 keV
- Energization and Precipitation of Electrons in Mercury's Magnetosphere
- Energy Dissipation and Transport Associated with Whistler-wave Generation during Plasma Jet Events using MMS Data
- Ensemble Simulations of the Thermosphere to Quantify the Relationship between Uncertainties in the Space Environment Drivers and the Orbital Position of LEO Satellites.
- Equator To Pole in the Cretaceous: A Comparison of Clumped Isotope Data and CESM Model Runs
- Estimates of Methane and Ethane Emissions from the Barnett Shale Using Atmospheric Measurements
- Estimation of cold plasma outflow during geomagnetic storms
- Estimation of soil organic carbon in forests of the United States
- Evaluating the Influence of Ice Microphysics on an Idealized Simulation of Orographic Precipitation
- Evaluation of Precipitation from CMIP5 Models for Western Colorado and Development of a Scenario based Method for Regional Climate Change Planning
- Evidence for Rapid Post-Pliocene Exhumation of the Santa Monica Mountains, California, from Apatite (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry
- Evolution of H2O related species in the neutral coma of 67P
- Evolution of Sediment Source of Sierra Nevada Cenozoic Paleochannels from Clustering in Detrital Zircon Age Spectra and Implications for Basin and Range Paleoelevation
- Examining the Release Mechanism of Intermittent Streamer Blobs
- Examining the exobase approximation: DSMC models of Titan's upper atmosphere
- Experimental confirmation of liquid brines on Mars
- Exploring Subduction, Slab Breakoff, and Upper-Plate Deformation in the Georgian Greater Caucasus: Shortening Estimates from Area- and Line-Balanced Crustal Scale Cross Sections
- Extended MHD approach to dayside reconnection
- Extensions of the Fisk & Gloeckler Model for the Nose Region of the Heliosheath
- Extratropical Transition of Tropical Cyclones in the North Atlantic: Multi-Decadal Climatology and Phase Space Analysis using a Variable-Resolution GCM
- Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- FORCAsTing the Influence of a Forest Canopy on the Bi-Directional Exchange of Gases and Aerosols
- Field-aligned Transport and Acceleration of Solar Energetic Particles
- Fine Scale Structure of the Afternoon Equatorial Magnetopause as Seen on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- Fingerprinting young ignimbrites in Dominica (Lesser Antilles): Constraints from bulk REEs, apatite chemistry, and U-Th zircon chronology
- Fluid and mass transfer into the cold mantle wedge of subduction zones: budgets and seismic constraints
- Fluxes at the canopy interface: Synthesizing across the canopy, boundary layer and regional scales
- Focusing Fluids towards the Arc: the Role of Rehydration Reactions and Rheology
- Forest carbon uptake in North America's aging temperate deciduous forests: A data-theory-model mismatch?
- Formation of redox gradients during magma-magma mixing
- Four-fluid MHD Simulations of the Plasma and Neutral Gas Environment of Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko Near Perihelio
- Ganymede as a Laboratory for Multiscale Physics
- Genes, Genomes, and Assemblages of Modern Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Cyanobacteria as Proxies for Ancient Cyanobacteria
- Genome-resolved metagenomics reveals that sulfur metabolism dominates the microbial ecology of rising hydrothermal plumes
- Genomic reconstruction of novel sediment phyla enlightens roles in sedimentary biogeochemical cycling
- Geosynchronous Electron Fluxes and Chorus Generation During an MHD Substorm
- Global Multi-fluid Solar Corona Model with Temperature Anisotropy
- Global Response of the Upper Thermosphere to Large Ion Drifts in the Jovian Ovals
- Graduate Education in a Small Business Environment
- Great Lakes Region Morphology and Impacts of March 17, 2015 SED Geomagnetic Storm
- Ground-Based Lidar Measurements of Forest Canopy Structure as Predictors of Net Primary Production Across Successional Time
- Halogens at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko seen with ROSINA-DFMS
- He Bulge Detection by MAVEN Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer (NGIMS) in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars
- Heinrich events driven by feedback between ocean forcing and glacial isostatic adjustment
- Hg Isotopes Reveal Importance of In-Stream Processing and Legacy Inputs in East Fork Poplar Creek, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
- Hot Spring Microbial Community Elemental Composition: Hot Spring and Soil Inputs, and the Transition from Biocumulus to Sinter
- Hot in Baltimore: linking urban form to fine-scale temperature differences
- How Reliable Is the Solar Wind Prediction from the Models Installed at the CCMC?
- How Will Secondary Organic Aerosols Change in the Future?
- How much can Greenland melt? An upper bound on mass loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet through surface melting
- HydroUnits: A Python-based Physical Units Management Tool in Hydrologic Computing Systems
- IBEX and Voyager observations require a heliosheath between ~122 and 143 AU that requires that Voyager 1 is not yet in interstellar space
- Identification of Atmospheric Mercury Input to Ecosystems From Precipitation Using Coupled Δ<SUP>200</SUP>Hg and Δ<SUP>204</SUP>Hg Fractionation
- Identifying Glacial Meltwater Sources in Greenland using Noble Gases as Tracers
- Identifying and Addressing Infrastructure Vulnerabilities Under Climate Change in Data-Scarce Regions: the Role of Conservation
- Identifying the Holocene evolution of interannual climate variability in Southern California river runoff records.
- Identifying the Sources of Methane in Shallow Groundwaters in Parker and Hood Counties, Texas through Noble Gas Signatures
- Impact of Dust on Mars Surface Albedo and Energy Flux with LMD General Circulation Model
- Impact of Multiple Scattering on Infrared Radiative Transfer involving Ice Clouds
- Impacts of Future Climate Change on Aerosol Transport to the Arctic
- Impacts of ULF wave power on the Ionosphere
- Implications of MAVEN Mars Near-Wake Measurements and Models
- In Situ measurement of Kr and Xe in the atmosphere of Mars
- In-Flight Calibration Processes for the MMS Fluxgate Magnetometers
- Influence of a dynamic ocean on Permian ice sheet growth
- Informing climate change adaptation in the Northeast and Midwest United States: The role of Climate Science Centers
- Initial Predictions of Outflow Rates from Jupiter's Ionosphere
- Intense energetic-electron flux enhancements in Mercury's magnetosphere: An integrated view with high-resolution observations from MESSENGER
- Interior Characterization of Europa using Magnetometry (ICEMAG): Probing the Europan Ocean and Exosphere
- Interplanetary Shocks Observed by the DSCOVR Spacecraft
- Interpreting snowpack radiometry using currently existing microwave radiative transfer models
- Interstellar Flow Longitude from Pickup Ion Cut-off Observations at 1 AU
- Interstellar neutral flow characteristics, composition, and interaction with the heliosphere - neutral gas and pickup ion analysis from ongoing observations and perspectives for IMAP
- Inverse Estimation of California Methane Emissions and Their Uncertainties using FLEXPART-WRF
- Investigating the response of the electron temperature to field-aligned currents using SWARM observations
- Ion-Driven Instabilities in the Solar Wind: Wind Observations of 19 March 2005
- Isotopes and Minor Volatiles in the Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Observed by the Rosetta/ROSINA Instrument: Planetary Implications
- Jovian Auroral X-ray Emission Coinciding with an Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection
- Kalman filter based estimation of lithospheric viscosity and fault slip from postseismic deformation: application to the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake
- Kinetic Modeling of the Neutral Gas, Ions, and Charged Dust in Europa's Exosphere
- Laboratory investigations of seismicity caused by iceberg calving and capsize
- Lake Surface Temperature Influence on Atmospheric Circulation and Precipitation Processes in the Great Lakes Region
- Landscape response to the Mw7.9 Gorkha earthquake
- Light Absorption in Arctic Sea Ice - Black Carbon vs Chlorophyll
- Local Velocity Structure from the Amplification of Surface Waves
- Long-lived plasmaspheric plumes: What is the source of the plasma?
- Long-term variation in above and belowground plant inputs alters soil organic matter biogeochemistry at the molecular-level
- Low-Frequency Wave Activity Detected by MMS during Dusk Magnetopause Crossings and its Relation to Heating and Acceleration of Particles
- Low-frequency wave activity related to dipolarization fronts detected by MMS in the magnetotail
- MAVEN/IUVS Apoapse Observations of the Martian FUV Dayglow
- MESSENGER Observation on Reconnection and Structure of Mercury's Magnetotail Lobes and Plasma Sheet
- MESSENGER Observations of Substorm Activity at Mercury
- MESSENGER Observations of the Dayside Low-Latitude Boundary Layer in Mercury's Magnetosphere
- MHD Model Results of Solar Wind Interaction with Mars and Comparison with MAVEN Plasma Observations
- MMS Spacecraft Observation of Near Tail Thin Current Sheets: Their Locations, Conditions for Formation and Relation to Geomagnetic Activity
- MMS observations of small magnetic flux ropes in the near-tail (X > -11 Re)
- Magnetic phase diagrams and thermal equations of state of Fe<SUB>7</SUB>C<SUB>3</SUB> and Fe<SUB>3</SUB>C up to the pressure-temperature conditions of Earth's core
- Magnetized Jets Driven by the Sun, the Structure of the Heliosphere Revisited: Consequences for Draping of BISM ahead of the HP and Time Variability of ENAs
- Magnetohydrodynamics with Embedded Particle-in-Cell Simulation of Mercury's Magnetosphere
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Ultra Low Frequency Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Magnetospheric Simulations With the Three-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamics With Embedded Particle-in-Cell Model
- Manganese Influences Carbonate Precipitation in a Laminated Microbial Mat
- Mapping Mercury's magnetic topology with solar energetic electrons
- Mars Methane Detection and Variability at Gale Crater Measured by the TLS instrument in SAM on the Curiosity Rover
- Mars Nightside Electrons Over Strong Crustal Fields
- Mars Nitric Oxide Nightglow as observed by MAVEN/IUVS
- MarsCAT: Mars Array of ionospheric Research Satellites using the CubeSat Ambipolar Thruster
- Mass-47 clumped isotope thermal history reordering: Example from the Greater Green River basin
- Measurements of Dielectric Discontinuities in Planetary Subsurfaces with a Passive Instrument
- MiniCOR: A miniature coronagraph for an interplanetary CUBESAT
- Modeling AWSoM CMEs with EEGGL: A New Approach for Space Weather Forecasting
- Modeling Greenland's Climate Response to the Presence of Biomass Burning Aerosols in the Atmosphere and Snow
- Modeling Urban Flood Dynamics Using High-Resolution Topography and Bathymetry
- Modeling of the Inner Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Constrained by VIRTIS and ROSINA Observations
- Modeling the Effects of Multi-layer Surface Roughness on 0.5 -2 GHz Passive Microwave Observations of the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets
- Monte Carlo Photon Modeling to Explore the Dependence of Snow Bidirectional Reflectance on Grain Shape and Size
- Multi-fluid MHD Study of the Solar Wind Interaction with Mars' Upper Atmosphere during the 2015 March 8th ICME Event
- Multi-point, multi-scale observation of the near-Earth current sheet reconfiguration during storm-time multi-onset substorms
- Multi-scale Analysis of DSCOVR Data Using Wavelet Cross Correlation
- Multi-spacecraft Characterization of Current Sheet Crossings in the Dynamic Solar Wind
- Multi-spacecraft Measurements of Heavy Ions at Interplanetary Shocks in front of Coronal Mass Ejections
- NASA Data Evaluation (2015): Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies
- Near Nucleus Dust Coma Analysis on the Base of In Situ GIADA Observations and Aspherical Dust Grain Model.
- Neither Dust Nor Black Carbon Causing Apparent Albedo Decline in Greenland's Dry Snow Zone; Uncorrected Sensor Degradation Impacting MODIS C5 Results
- Network Analysis of Atmospheric Rossby Wave Patterns in the Northern Midlatitudes
- New Publicly Available EEGGL Tool for Simulating Coronal Mass Ejections.
- New Sub-nanometer Spectral Estimates of the 0-5 nm Solar Soft X-Ray Irradiance at Mars Using the Extreme UltraViolet Monitor (EUVM) Onboard MAVEN
- Noble Gas Signatures in Athabasca Glacier - Tracing Glacial Meltwater Sources
- Non-linear Regression and Machine Learning for Streamflow Prediction and Climate Change Impact Analysis
- Nowcasting Ground Magnetic Perturbations with the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Observational Results of Diurnal Variation in Quiet Time Inner Plasmasphere Equatorial Noise Leading to Post-Midnight Ion Loss
- Ocean forcing drives glacier retreat sometimes
- Oligocene termination of shortening and initiation of volcanism in the northern Tibetan Plateau: Early removal of Tibetan mantle lithosphere?
- On contribution of energetic and heavy ions to the plasma pressure: Storm Sept 27 - Oct 4, 2002
- Overview of the National Energy-Water System (NEWS) Assessment Framework Study
- Overview of the SHIELDS Project at LANL
- Paradoxical High Productivity in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean During the Miocene "El Padre", ODP Site 849, and IODP Sites U1337 and U1338
- Parameter sensitivity study of Arctic aerosol vertical distribution in CAM5
- Perchlorate Formation by Radiolysis on Mars
- Perfect plastic approximation revisited: a flowline network model for calving glaciers
- Photochemical escape of oxygen from the Martian atmosphere: new insights from MAVEN
- Photochemistry in Saturn's Ring-Shadowed Atmosphere: Modulation of Hydrocarbons and Observations of Dust Content
- Physicochemical Characterization of Coarse Lake Spray Aerosol Particle from Lake Michigan
- Plasma interactions in the Martian Nightside Ionosphere
- Plasma precipitation on Mercury's nightside and its implications for magnetospheric convection and exosphere generation.
- Possible Albedo Proton Signature of Hydrated Lunar Surface Layer
- Presenting DSCOVR: The First NOAA Mission to Leave Earth Orbit
- Probing the Martian Atmosphere with MAVEN/IUVS Stellar Occultations
- Project EDDIE: Improving Big Data skills in the classroom
- Properties of Discrete and Axisymmetric Features in Jupiter's Atmosphere from Observations of Thermal Emission: Recent Updates on the Eve of the Juno Mission Arrival at Jupiter
- Proposed Hydrodynamic Model Improves Resolution of Species-Specific Responses to Drought and Disturbance
- Quantification of Methane and Ethane Emissions from the San Juan Basin
- Quantification of the errors associated with the representation of surface emissivity in atmospheric models
- Quantifying Molecular Hydrogen Emissions and an Industrial Leakage Rate for the South Coast Air Basin of California
- Quantitative Evaluation of Ionosphere Models for Reproducing Regional TEC During Geomagnetic Storms
- Quantitative airborne assessment of gas flaring combustion efficiency in the Bakken Shale
- RPC-IES observations of the development and variability of plasma interaction regions near 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Real Time Solar-Helio Simulation System Based on the SWMF and ENLIL Models at CCMC.
- Reconstructing Quaternary precipitation periodicities with Santa Barbara Basin sediment cores: application of the siliciclastic detrital element proxy at annual resolution
- Refining the chemical composition of the inner core with multicomponent alloys: from first-principles to thermodynamics and seismology
- Regional emission and loss budgets of atmospheric methane (2002-2012)
- Relating the Chemical Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter Draining Permafrost Soils to its Photochemical Degradation in Arctic Surface Waters.
- Relative Heating of Heavy Ions Observed at 1 AU with ACE/SWICS
- Remote Sensing of Equatorial Mass Density via Virtual Ground-Based Magnetometers in the SWMF Global Magnetospheric Model
- Remote Sensing of Urban Mixed Layer Structure in Los Angeles, with Applications to Greenhouse Gas Emissions Quantification
- Responding to Climate Change at the Poles: Findings from the National Research Council's Reports on Climate Intervention
- Response of Arctic Temperature to Changes in Emissions of Short-Lived Climate Forcers
- Retrieval of Mars' Upper Atmospheric Composition using Dayglow Observations by IUVS on MAVEN
- Reverse glacier motion during iceberg calving and the cause of glacial earthquakes
- Rifting and Calving Event in 2015 at Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica, Associated with Frontal and Basal processes
- Ring Current Influence on Ionospheric Morpology using HEIDI/GITM
- Role of the subduction filter in mantle recycling
- Rosetta/ROSINA observations of the volatiles in the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko during the nominal mission
- Running climate model in the commercial cloud computing environment: A case study using Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- SS-precursors Imaging of the Mantle Transition Zone based on Finite-Frequency Theory
- Satellite-Based Analysis of a Warm Conveyor Belt in a Marine Extratropical Cyclone
- Science Measurements for the <em>Io Volcano Observer (IVO)</em>
- Search Coil and Fluxgate Data Merging on MMS: Examples on Dipolarization Event Cases
- Seasonal Changes in Diversity and Metabolic Potential of Freshwater Microbial Communities in an Arctic Lake
- Seasonal Variability and Anomalies in Precipitation over Pakistan; a study of 2010 - 2014 Floods
- Shallow Structure of the Main Himalayan Thrust from Relocated 2015 M<SUB>W</SUB>7.8 Gorkha, Nepal Aftershocks
- Simulating the Effects of Solar Flares at Mars During MAVEN
- Simulation of Active-Region-Scale Flux Emergence
- Simulations and Characteristics of Large Solar Events Propagating Throughout the Heliosphere and Beyond (Invited)
- Single-Particle Chemical Composition in the Arctic during the Winter-Spring Transition
- Size-Resolved Chemical Analysis of Individual Atmospheric Aerosols near Barrow, Alaska
- Snow Pack and Lake Ice Pack Remote Sensing using Wideband Autocorrelation Radiometry
- Snowpack Microstructure Characterization and Partial Coherent and Fully Coherent Forward Scattering Models in Microwave Remote Sensing
- Soil Organic Carbon Sources of Respired CO<SUB>2</SUB> in a Mid-successional North Temperate Forest
- Solar Ionizing Radiation at Mars: Predictions vs. MAVEN Observations
- Solar Wind Prediction at Pluto During the New Horizons Flyby: Results From a Two-Dimensional Multi-fluid MHD Model of the Outer Heliosphere
- Solar wind ion distribution broadening by waves and transients
- Spaceborne Radiometry Intercalibration Variability and Dependence on Geophysical Parameter
- Stable Isotope Systematics of Martian Perchlorate
- Stakeholder Alignment and Changing Geospatial Information Capabilities
- Statistical comparison of inter-substorm timings in global magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and observations
- Steepening of Waves at the Dusk Side Magnetopause
- Stormtime Ionospheric Outflow Effects in Global Multi-Fluid MHD
- Strike-Slip Faulting Processes on Ganymede: Global Morphological Mapping and Structural Interpretation of Grooved and Transitional Terrains
- Structural Characteristics of Nocturnal Mesoscale Convective Systems in the U.S. Great Plains as Observed During the PECAN Field Campaign
- Structural evolution of a uranyl peroxide nano-cage fullerene: U60, at elevated pressures
- Study of the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko based on the ROSINA/RTOF instrument onboard Rosetta
- Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) of Atmospheric Particles and Single Particle pH from Raman Microspectroscopy: Tools to Provide Greater Chemical Detail about Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Swarm Observations of Field Aligned Currents during Geomagnetic Storms
- Synthesis of Decades of Change in Northern Eurasian Ecosystems: Current Assessment and Future Projections
- TOPDOWN 2015: A Multi-aircraft Assessment of Methane Emissions in the Four Corners Region
- Technical Evaluation of Biogeochemical Transformation of Iodine at 200-UP-1, Hanford, WA
- Tephrochronology of the East African Baringo-Tugen Hills Cores: Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP)
- Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Structure from Motion teaching resources for undergraduate field education courses
- Testing Earth System Model Assumptions of Photosynthetic Parameters with in situ Leaf Measurements from a Temperate Zone Forest.
- Tests of ionospheric control of young injection events identified from magnetometer observations at Saturn
- The 4-Corners methane hotspot: Mapping CH<SUB>4</SUB> plumes at 60km through 1m resolution using space- and airborne spectrometers
- The CHORDS Portal: Lowering the Barrier for Internet Collection, Archival and Distribution of Real-Time Geophysical Observations
- The Density and Compressibility of BaCO3-SrCO3-CaCO3-K2CO3-Na2CO3-Li2CO3 Liquids: New Measurements and a Systematic Trend with Cation Field Strength
- The Dynamics of Coronal-Hole Boundaries
- The Dynamics of Laurentian Great Lakes Surface Energy Budgets
- The Earth Science Women's Network: The Principles That Guide Our Mentoring
- The Effects of Partial Ionization on Prominence Mass Formation
- The Europa Imaging System (EIS): High-Resolution, 3-D Insight into Europa's Geology, Ice Shell, and Potential for Current Activity
- The Interaction of Venus-like, M-dwarf Planets with the Stellar Wind of Their Host Star
- The Loss Rate of Ions from the Martian Atmosphere
- The Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA): A Suite of Environmental Sensors for the Mars 2020 Rover
- The Onset of Magnetic Reconnection
- The Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS): Enabling Required Plasma Measurements for the Exploration of Europa
- The Role of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Physiological Forcing in Driving Future Precipitation Variability and Precipitation Extremes
- The Role of Paleogeography and CO<SUB>2</SUB> in Late Cretaceous Ocean Circulation
- The Substorm Cycle at Mercury
- The impact of exospheric neutral dynamics on ring current decay
- The intermediate-depth Tonga double-seismic zone and relationship to slab thermal structure
- The physico-chemical nature of the exchange between mafic enclaves and their felsic hosts
- The response of southern California ecosystems to Younger Dryas-like rapid climate change: Comparison of glacial terminations 1 and 5.
- The spectral details of observed and simulated short-term water vapor feedbacks of El Niño-Southern Oscillation
- The stability of Pyrogenic Organic Matter is dependent upon its wood source and charring temperature
- Thermal Plasma Measurements with the Solar Probe Cup: An Estimate of Perihelion Data
- Thermospheric Wind Effects on the Evolution of Dayside Ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC)
- Tracing Shifts in Subglacial Hydrochemistry Due to Changes in Drainage Configuration: Athabasca Glacier, Alberta, Canada
- Transport and radiative impacts of atmospheric pollen using online, observation-based emissions
- Tropical precipitation-carbon cycle links in CMIP5 Earth System Models
- ULF Wave Modeling Challenge -Modeling Results and Application to Observations
- UQ-Guided Selection of Physical Parameterizations in Climate Models
- UV Opacity at Gale Crater from MSL/REMS Measurements
- Ultra-wideband Radiometry for Internal Ice Sheet Temperature Measurements: Modeling and Experiments
- Understanding Io's Interior Structure from Electromagnetic Induction
- Understanding the Longitudinal Variability of Equatorial Electrodynamics using integrated Ground- and Space-based Observations
- Update on the Atmospheric Composition Measurements by Curiosity: Three (Earth) Years on Mars
- Upper and Lower Bounds on the Stability of Calving Glaciers
- Urbanization and the Carbon Cycle: Synthesis of Ongoing Research
- Use of Historical Measurements to Constrain a Black Carbon Emission Inventory of the United States from 1960s to 2000s
- Using Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Assess the Impact of Agriculture on Northern Hemisphere CO<SUB>2</SUB> Seasonality
- Using a multi-scale approach to identify and quantify oil and gas emissions: a case study for GHG emissions verification
- Using an Earth System Model to Better Understand Ice Sheet Variability Through the Pleistocene
- Using continuous in-situ measurements to adaptively trigger urban storm water samples
- Using the 11-year Solar Cycle to Predict the Heliosheath Environment at Voyager 1 and 2
- Using the Chombo Adaptive Mesh Refinement Model in Shallow Water Mode to Simulate Interactions of Tropical Cyclone-like Vortices
- VIRTIS/Rosetta Observes Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Nucleus and Coma Derived Composition and Physical Properties.
- Variability of Mars Thermospheric Neutral Structure from MAVEN Deep Dip Observations: NGIMS Comparisons with Global Models
- Variations in Solar Wind Fractionation as Seen by ACE/SWICS Over a Full Solar Cycle and the Implications for Genesis Mission Results
- Vertical Soil Carbon Distributions in the Contiguous United States: Effects of Land Cover and History of Cultivation
- Visualizing and Understanding Socio-Environmental Dynamics in Baltimore
- Western tropical Pacific hydrology as inferred from northern Borneo speleothems: interannual to orbital-scale variability
- What Controls the Low Ice Number Concentration in the Upper Tropical Troposphere?
- What causes an icy fault to slip? Investigating strike-slip failure conditions on Ganymede at Dardanus and Tiamat Sulcus.
- Wood source and pyrolysis temperature interact to control PyOM degradation rates
- Zircon Saturation and Zr Diffusion in Rhyolitic Melts
- <p>Tracking a Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Pulses' Impact Through the Magnetosphere Using Ground-based Magnetometers, Wind, THEMIS and MMS
- A Comparison between 3D Model Results Using Two Different Collision Schemes: Forward Scattering vs. Hard Sphere Collision
- A Multi-Proxy Investigation into the Biomineralization Pathways of Benthic Invertebrate Taxa
- A Multi-proxy Reconstruction of the Winter Pacific North American Variability over the Past Millennium
- A New Thermodynamic Model for High Pressure Melts and the Impact on Magma Ocean Crystallization
- A Paleoclimate Modeling Perspective on the Challenges to Quantifying Paleoelevation
- A Reduced SWAP+C DC Magnetometer for Geomagnetic and Space Physics Research
- A Sensor Driven Probabilistic Method for Enabling Hyper Resolution Flood Simulations
- A direct measurement of the stable isotopes of transpired water vapor in a northern Michigan forest
- A model to constrain 21st Century sea level rise from tidewater glaciers
- A new 3D multi-fluid dust model: a study of the effects of activity and nucleus rotation on the dust grains' behavior in the cometary environment
- A paleoseismic investigation of a frontal foreland thrust in the Greater Caucasus
- Achieving Science with CubeSats: Thinking Inside the Box
- Active Learning and Engagement with the Wireless Indoor Location Device (WILD) Learning System
- Adaptation by Stealth: Understanding climate information use across scales and decision spaces in water management in the United States
- Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change
- Airborne Observations of Reactive Bromine Transport in the Arctic
- Airborne Quantification of Methane Emissions over the Four Corners Region
- Alfvenicity of Ion Drifts at 1AU
- Amplification of Heat Extremes by CO<SUB>2</SUB> Physiological Forcing
- An A-train climatology of extratropical cyclone clouds and precipitation
- An Updated Analysis of Freezing Rain Events in the Great Lakes Region of North America
- An abrupt change in the magmatic source of rhyolite volcanism in Long Valley, CA recorded by pre-eruptive oxygen fugacities of the Early Rhyolites (Obsidians): evidence of transition from subduction-modified lithosphere to asthenosphere
- Analysis of Surface Albedo to Improve Upper-Ocean Heat Budget Calculations
- Atmospheric Rivers and floods in Southern California: Climate forcing of extreme weather events.
- Attributing Methane and Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Anthropogenic and Natural Sources Using AVIRIS-NG
- Balancing the stochastic description of uncertainties as a function of hydrologic model complexity
- Biomass Burning Emissions and Transport of Black Carbon (BC) to the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) in 2013
- Bridging Scales with a High-Order Adaptive Mesh Refinement Dynamical Core
- CME Plasma Dynamics using Remote Sensing & In-situ Observations
- CYGNSS Observations of Surface Wind Speeds in Oceanic Tropical and Extratropical Cyclones
- Canopy complexity's role in (re)shaping carbon cycling following disturbance and with age: Do new observations support old theories?
- Characteristics and performance of L-band radar-based soil moisture retrievals using Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) synthetic aperture radar observations
- Characterizing Glacial Meltwater Sources in the Athabasca Glacier, Columbia Icefield, Canada, using Noble Gases as Tracers
- Chemical Characterization of Atmospheric Particulate Matter from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
- Climate Change Impacts on Biogenic Emissions in the Central Hardwoods
- Climate Process Team "Representing calving and iceberg dynamics in global climate models"
- Climate and Biological Drivers of Biodiversity Across the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
- Climate impact of solid ammonium sulfate aerosols as ice nuclei
- Climate-Vegetation-Fire Interactions: Pieces in the Pliocene Polar Puzzle.
- Climatic influences on the geochemistry and microbial communities of glacial outflow from a southern Greenland outlet glacier.
- Climatological Thermodynamic and Aerosol Variability over the Maritime Continent
- Collisionless Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection in 3D MHD-EPIC Global Simulations
- Comparing floral and isotopic paleoelevation estimates: Examples from the western United States
- Comparing turbulent mixing of biogenic VOC across model scale
- Comparison of Aerial and Terrestrial Remote Sensing Techniques for Quantifying Forest Canopy Structural Complexity and Estimating Net Primary Productivity
- Comparison of Global Martian Plasma Models Using MAVEN Data
- Compressibility of Mercury's Dayside Magnetosphere
- Computing phase relations involving ordered solid solutions ab initio: Three thermodynamic approaches to the Fe-Si binary
- Constraining Holocene Hydroclimate in the Tropical Andes Using Δ<SUB>47</SUB> and Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O in Lacustrine Carbonates
- Constraining Recent Climate History Using Helium, Krypton and Xenon Concentrations in the Perennially Ice-Covered Lake Bonney, East Antarctica
- Constraining heating processes in the solar wind with kinetic properties of heavy ions
- Cooling rates of lunar volcanic glass beads
- Coseismic and early postseismic deformation for the 2015 Mw 6.4 Pishan earthquake from InSAR and GPS observations
- Coupled Atmosphere-Surface Modeling of Lake Levels of the North American Great Lakes under Climate Change
- Creating a Generalized Empirical Model of the H<SUB>2</SUB>O Coma Distribution in Comets Based on ROSINA/DFMS Measurements and AMPS-DSMC Simulations for comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Crustal Magnetic Field Effects on the Martian High-Latitude Electron Density Profiles
- Damage Mechanics in the Community Ice Sheet Model
- Data Collection and Processing Capabilities used by the SWEAP Investigation on Solar Probe Plus
- Defining the Iron-Rich Fe-Ni-S Melting Curve at 20GPa: Implications for Martian Core Solidification
- Deglacial Meltwater Pulse Recorded in Last Interglacial Mollusk Shells from Bermuda
- Deglacial sea-surface temperature change and rapid response along the western margin of the northern and southern Cordilleran ice sheet
- Dependence of Photochemical Escape of Oxygen at Mars on Solar Radiation and Solar Wind Interaction
- Detecting Field-Aligned Current Signatures Using MAVEN Observations
- Developing Benchmarks for Ionizing Radiation
- Developing a Global Database of Historic Flood Events to Support Machine Learning Flood Prediction in Google Earth Engine
- Differential Drag Analysis to Infer the Geometrical Configuration of a Cubesat
- Differing Lunar Regolith Hydrogen Distributions as a Possible Source of Variations in Proton Albedo: Geant4 Simulations
- Dispersive Magnetosonic Waves and Turbulence in the Heliosheath: Multi-Fluid MHD Reconstruction of Voyager 2 Observations
- Downscaled ice-ocean simulations for the Chukchi and Eastern Siberian Seas from an oceanic re-analysis product
- Dusk side magnetopause surface waves: boundary motion, thickness, and wave steepening
- Effect of crustal field rotation on ion loss rate and seasonal variation
- Effects of In-stream Mixing on Photo-mineralization of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Arctic Rivers
- Effects of Induction and Magnetopause Reconnection on Mercury's Magnetosphere: MESSENGER Observations and Global MHD Simulations with Coupled Planetary Interior
- Effects of Pressure and Temperature on the Kinetics of Iron-magnesite Redox Reaction: Implication for the Genesis of Ultradeep Diamonds
- Element Mobility and Mass Transfer during Serpentinization and Hydrothermal Alteration of Seafloor Rocks: Implications from the Geochemistry of Atlantis Massif (IODP Expedition 357)
- Energetic electron acceleration during dipolarization events in Mercury's magnetotail
- Enhancements to the SPASE Metadata Standard: Simulations and Tools
- Equatorial distributions of energetic ion moments in Saturn's magnetosphere using Cassini/MIMI measurements
- Estimating Tropical Cyclone Surface Wind Field Parameters with the CYGNSS Constellation
- Evaluating Small Spatial Scale Ozone Levels in Riverside, CA using a Low-Cost Sensor Network
- Evidence of degassing-induced oxidation of relatively oxidized K-rich magmas caused by degassing of dissolved SO<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>2-</SUP> (S<SUP>6+</SUP>) component in the melt to SO<SUB>2</SUB> (S<SUP>4+</SUP>) in the gas phase
- Experimental and Theoretical Investigations on Viscosity of Fe-Ni-C Liquids at High Pressures
- Exploring the geological expression of the transition from subduction to continental collision in the Georgian Greater Caucasus
- Extracting Transient Strain from GPS: A Novel Application of the Radial Basis Function-Finite Difference Method
- First Results at Jupiter from the Microwave Radiometer Investigation
- Flood Dynamics Using High-Resolution Data and Probabilistic Assessment of Uncertainty
- Floods and Fires: Decadal-scale terrestrial data from Santa Barbara Basin during the Common Era
- Fluid Sources and Timing of Surface-Localized Mineralization in Clay Gouge of the Central Alpine Fault Zone (New Zealand)
- Flux Transfer Events on the Magnetopause, Force-Free or Not: An MMS Multi-Instrument Study
- Forecasting CMEs at 1AU with a Flux Rope-Driven Model
- Forest Canopy Water Cycling Responses to an Intermediate Disturbance Revealed Through Stable Water Vapor Isotopes
- Forest disturbance spurs growth of modeling and technology
- From Icefield to Ocean: Investigating Biophysical Linkages at Wolverine Glacier Alaska
- Geodetic and Neotectonic Signal of Magmatic Rifting in the Sevier Desert, Eastern Basin and Range, Utah
- Geodynamic modeling of PKP precursors
- Global Observations of High-m Poloidal Waves in the Magnetosphere During the Recovery Phase of the June 2015 Magnetic Storm
- Global Seismic Image of Mantle Transition Zone based on Finite-Frequency Theory.
- Global datasets and Nd isotopes in pine needles estimate dust inputs to ecosystems in eroding landscapes
- Global models of internal tides and waves for the SWOT mission
- Global variations in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere system due to Sudden Impulses under different IMF By conditions
- Global-scale Ionospheric Outflow: Major Processes and Unresolved Problems
- Groundwater Controls on DOC Transport to Arctic Streams and Rivers
- He Bulge Detection and CO2 variations in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars: MAVEN NGIMS data
- High Resolution Sensing and Control of Urban Water Networks
- Historical trends of biogenic SOA tracers in an ice core from Kamchatka Peninsula
- How Can Polarization States of Reflected Light from Snow Surfaces Inform Us on Surface Normals and Ultimately Snow Grain Size Measurements?
- How Numerical Magnetic Dissipation at the Heliospheric Current Sheet Affects Model Predictions at Voyager 1 and Results from a Kinetic-MHD Model of the Heliosphere within SWMF
- Hydraulic Strategies and Response to El Niño Drought in Amazon Rainforest
- Identifying temporal and spatial synoptic-scale variability of total column carbon dioxide measurements
- Impact of Canopy Structure on Top-of-Canopy SIF Observations
- Impact of dissolution and carbonate precipitation on carbon storage in basalt
- In-Flight Calibration Methods for Temperature-Dependendent Offsets in the MMS Fluxgate Magnetometers
- Incorporating realistic surface longwave spectral emissivity in the CESM and the impact on simulated current climate and climate changes
- Increased electron pressure as possible origin of magnetic field dropouts observed by RPC-MAG of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Inferring IMF Orientation From Martian Current Sheet Crossings Using MAVEN Data
- Influence of ocean model treatment on late Paleozoic ice sheet growth
- Influences on Summertime Arctic Aerosol Chemical Mixing States
- Initiation and evolution of the Arabia-Eurasia collision in the Caucasus region constrained by detrital zircon geochronology
- Insights into the presence of post-perovskite in Earth's lowermost mantle from tomographic-geodynamic model comparisons
- Inter-Hemispheric Comparisons of the Ground Magnetic Response to an Interplanetary Shock
- Inverse modeling of fossil fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions at urban scale using OCO-2 retrievals of total column CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Investigating the Evolution and Fate of Injection Events at Saturn Using Cassini Data
- Investigation of Analogues to Plasmoids and Jets in the Mercury Magnetosheath
- Investigation of heavy ion contribution to dayside reconnection rate
- Investigation of olivine and orthopyroxene grain boundaries by atom probe tomography
- Ion Density, Temperature, Composition and Winds in the Martian Ionosphere
- Ion and neutral populations in Europa's exosphere
- Iron content of soils as a precipitation proxy
- Janus: Graphical Software for Analyzing In-Situ Measurements of Solar-Wind Ions
- Kameleon-live: An analysis and visualization platform for CCMC-hosted models
- Laboratory Observation of Laser-Driven, Supercritical Collisionless Shocks
- Laboratory Studies of the Cloud Droplet Activation Properties and Corresponding Chemistry of Saline Playa Dust
- Landform and soils control successional trajectories of forest composition and biomass accumulation in a north-temperate forest landscape
- Landslide mobility and connectivity with fluvial networks during earthquakes
- Large-scale deep learning for robotically gathered imagery for science
- Late Pleistocene to Holocene paleoseismicity of the House Range fault from UAV photogrammetry and exposure-age dating
- Limits on the Interstellar Magnetic Field Imposed by Observational Constraints Indicate that Voyager 1 Remains in the Inner Heliosheath
- Local velocity structure from the amplification of surface waves
- Low Background Levels of Mars Methane at Gale Crater Indicate Seasonal Cycle: Updated Results from TLS-SAM on Curiosity
- MAVEN Measurements of Ion Escape Rates from Mars
- MAVEN Observations of the Variable Nature of Ionospheric Waves
- MAVEN observations of electron temperatures in the dayside ionosphere at Mars
- MESSENGER observations of Mercury's Plasma Mantle
- MESSENGER observations of flux ropes and reconnection fronts: locations of the near tail reconnection site at Mercury
- MHD Modeling of Jupiter's Magnetosphere using the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF): Preliminary Results
- Magnetic Cyclotron Waves near the Proton Cyclotron Frequency in the Solar Wind: Wind and ACE Observations in 2005
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Examination of Stress Balance in FTE-Type Flux Ropes at the Earth's Magnetopause
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Field-aligned Currents at the Magnetopause
- Magnitude and Surface Rupture Length of Prehistoric Upper Crustal Earthquakes in the Puget Lowland, Washington State
- Martian Electron Density and Temperatures Below 200 km as a Function of Solar Irradiance Input
- Martian Low-Altitude Magnetic Topology Deduced from MAVEN/SWEA Observations
- Mass transport and recycling of molecular haloens near the snowpack surface in Barrow, Alaska
- Measurements of Suprathermal Ions in the Inner Heliosphere from Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus
- Measurements of the Activity of dissolved H2O in an Andesite Melt
- Melt Inclusion Study on Water and Other Volatiles in the Lunar Mantle
- Mercury Geochemistry of SAFOD Core and nearby host rock Indicates Deep Meteoric Fluid Infiltration in the San Andreas Fault System
- Mercury's Magnetosphere during Intervals of Intense Southward Interplanetary Magnetic Fields
- Methane Sources and Migration Mechanisms in the Shallow Trinity Aquifer in Parker and Hood Counties, Texas - a Noble Gas Analysis
- Micron-scale Mineral Heterogeneity as a Controlling Factor for Surfactant Adsorption and Water Imbibition in Fractured Shale
- Model photoautrophs isolated from a Proterozoic ocean analog - aerobic life under anoxic conditions
- Modeled Response of Greenland Climate to the Presence of Biomass Burning-Based Absorbing Aerosols in the Atmosphere and Snow
- Modeling Landscape Evolution and Climate: How Erosion and Precipitation are Linked in Active Orogens (Preliminary Results)
- Modeling Transport and Processing of Light Absorbing Aerosols Deposited on the Greenland Ice Sheet in 2013
- Modeling the Southwood Theory of Rotation-Period Perturbations of a Magnetized Plasma
- Multi-Resolution L-Band Microwave Observations for Growing Vegetation during SMAPVEX16-IA
- Multi-fluid MHD study of the solar wind interaction with Pluto
- Multi-instrument observations and numerical modeling of intense ion upflows during stormtime polar cap expansion
- Multi-ion Multi-fluid Simulations of the Effects of Pick-up Ions on the Global Structure of the Heliosphere
- Near-Earth magnetotail flow braking observed by multi-spacecraft MMS, Geotail, and Cluster
- Net Ecosystem Production and Actionable Negative Emissions Strategies
- New Capabilities for Adaptive Mesh Simulation Use within FORWARD
- New Space Weather Forecasting at NOAA with Michigan's Geospace Model
- Noble Gas Signatures in Snow: a New Experimental Investigation.
- Noble gases Ar, Kr and Xe measured in the coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: implications to early solar system formation
- Normal Faulting, Fluid Upflow Pathways, and Alteration in the Subsurface of a Seafloor Ultramafic-Hosted Hydrothermal System, northern Apennines, Italy
- Numerical Modeling of the Thermal Evolution of the Mid-Upper Crust Due to Basalt Emplacement and the Origin of High-Silica Rhyolite
- O<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB>, and Sustained Mesoproterozoic Climatic Equability
- Observations from 1 to 6 AU of Low-Frequency Magnetic Waves due to Newborn Interstellar Pickup Ions Using Ulysses, Voyager and ACE Data
- On Understanding the Nature and Variation of the Venusian Middle Atmosphere Via Observations and Numerical Modeling of Key Tracer Species
- One-dimensional canopy modeling of biogenic VOC during the 2016 PROPHET AMOS campaign
- Operationalizing the Space Weather Modeling Framework: Challenges and Resolutions
- Overview of the Mechanics of the Active Mai'iu Low Angle Normal Fault (Dayman Dome), Southeastern Papua New Guinea
- Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of drill core from Tugen Hills, Kenya through X-ray Diffraction
- Photochemical escape of oxygen from Mars: constraints from MAVEN in situ measurements
- Photochemistry in Saturn's Ring-Shadowed Atmosphere: Modulation of Hydrocarbons and Observations of Dust Content
- Plant hydrodynamics help govern forest water cycling response to intermediate severity disturbance
- Plasma precipitation on Mercury's nightside and its implications for magnetospheric convection and exosphere generation.
- Polar Ice Sheets Drive Paleohydroclimate Affecting Terrestrial Plant Distribution and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange Potential during the Upper Carboniferous
- Precipitation climatology and trends in the Indus Basin
- Predicting Field-Aligned Transport and Acceleration of Solar Energetic Particles During Extreme Space Weather Events
- Preservation of Primary Carbonate Clumped Isotope Compositions: Insights from Fossil Brachiopod Calcite
- Probing the nature of pick-up ions (and kappa distribution) in the heliosheath through global ENA measurements and in-situ measurements
- Projections of Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Balance Based on CMIP5 Climate Forcing
- Prudhoe Bay Emissions Drive Particle Growth Events Observed in Barrow, AK
- Radiative Forcing from Emissivity Response in Polar Regions
- Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity in the Upper Mantle Beneath the Indian Ocean
- Real-time SWMF-Geospace at CCMC: assessing the quality of output from continuous operational simulations
- Reconstruction of Topography and Lithosphere Dynamics Within the Basin and Range of Western North America Since 36 Ma
- Reducing Lake Erie's Harmful Algal Blooms: Projection and Adoption of Management Plans
- Relict basin closure accommodates continental convergence with minimal crustal shortening or deceleration of plate motion as inferred from detrital zircon provenance in the Caucasus
- Remagnetization in the Monterrey Salient (NE Mexico) and regional tecto-magnetic events in the Mexican Fold-Thrust Belt
- Resolving Plume Tails in the Lower Mantle With Finite Frequency Tomography: Insight From Synthetic Experiments
- Resolving the Kinetic Reconnection Length Scale in Global Magnetospheric Simulations with MHD-EPIC
- Response of the Equatorial Ionosphere to the Geomagnetic DP2 current system
- Rhyolitic tephra record of the Gona region, southern Afar Rift, Ethiopia: Characteristics correlation and chronology
- Robust decision making in data scarce contexts: addressing data and model limitations for water infrastructure planning under transient climate change
- Robustness to Atmospheric Transport Error in Urban Greenhouse Gas Flux Inversion: a Los Angeles Case Study
- Role of moist processes in the development of the March 2005 atmospheric river event
- Root water uptake and lateral interactions among root systems in a temperate forest
- SAGE: Attribution of Biomass Burning Tracers sampled on the Greenland Ice Sheet in 2013
- SPRITE - The Saturn PRobe Interior and aTmosphere Explorer Mission.
- SWEAP coronal and solar wind plasma measurements on Solar Probe Plus
- Satellite-Enhanced Regional Downscaling for Applied Studies: Extreme Precipitation Events in Southeastern South America
- Seasonal & Daily Amazon Column CO<SUB>2</SUB> & CO Observations from Ground & Space Used to Evaluate Tropical Ecosystem Models
- Seismological Landscape of the Core-Mantle Boundary
- Separating the Effects of Tropical Atlantic and Pacific SST-driven Climate Variability on Amazon Carbon Exchange
- Short-term Cloud Radiative Feedback from A-Train Using the Observation-based Cloud Radiative Kernel Method
- Simulated dependence of the Himalayan and Tibetan Plateau precipitation δ<SUP>18</SUP>O-elevation relationship to orogen height
- Simulating 3D Spacecraft Constellations for Low Frequency Radio Imaging
- Simulation of Antenna Brightness Temperatures for the Juno Microwave Radiometer
- Simulation of Theoretical Most-Extreme Geomagnetic Sudden Commencements
- Solar Metallicity Derived from In-Situ Solar Wind Composition
- Solar Probe ANalyzer Ion Instrument - Demonstrated Laboratory Performance
- Solar Probe Cup - Demonstrated Laboratory Performance
- Solar Wind Driven Variations of Electron Plasma Sheet Parameters Beyond Geostationary Orbit During Storm Times
- Solar Wind Interaction and Crustal Field Influences on Mars' Upper Ionosphere: MAVEN Observations Compared to Model Results
- Solar Wind Origins, Heating and Turbulence Evolution with Solar Probe Plus: The First Three Perihelia
- Solar wind intermittency with DSCOVR, Wind, and ACE
- Source Apportionment of Carbonaceous Aerosols at Two Sites on the North Slope of Alaska
- Southern Ocean Zonal Scale Summertime Oxygen Outgassing and Carbon Dioxide Ingassing
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Atomic Oxygen in The Mesosphere And Lower Thermosphere
- Spatial and Temporal Variation in the Isotopic Composition of Ethiopian Rainfall
- Specification of the Surface Charging Environment with SHIELDS
- Stable stress drop ratio estimation for potentially induced earthquakes in Oklahoma
- Stakeholder Alignment for Requirements in GEOValue
- State of the Carbon Cycle - Consequences of Rising Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Statistical Study of Mercury's Energetic Electron Events as Observed by the Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer Instrument onboard MESSENGER
- Statistical Survey of FTE Showers at Mercury
- Statistical evaluation of substorm strength and onset times in a global MHD model
- Stress drop Variability in Mw 5.8 Pawnee earthquake source region in Oklahoma
- Study of Velocity and Magnetic Field Fluctuations at Kinetic Scale with the DSCOVR Data
- Studying the thermodynamics of coronal jets through modeling- and observational diagnostics techniques
- Sunlight Absorption on the Greenland Ice Sheet Experiment (SAGE) - Tracing black carbon from emissions to deposition
- TIME after TIMED - A perspective on Thermosphere-Ionosphere Mesosphere science and future observational needs after the TIMED mission epoch
- Terrestrial Magma Ocean Crystallisation: Bottom-up or Middle-out?
- The Atmospheric Constraint: What we Know About the State of the Carbon Cycle by Observing Carbon Dioxide and Methane
- The Atmospheric Moisture Budget over the Great Lakes: Comparing Reanalysis and CMIP5 Present-day Simulations
- The Chemical Composition and Mixing State of Sea Spray Aerosol and Organic Aerosol in the Winter-Spring Arctic
- The Dust Bowl in the American West: A geochemical record of dust provenance and deposition in the Upper Fremont Glacier ice core
- The Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP-2016): Results of the Moist Baroclinic Wave Test Case
- The Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP-2016): Results of the Supercell Test Case
- The Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP-2016): Results of the Tropical Cyclone Test Case
- The Dynamics of Open-Field Corridors
- The Effect of Submarine Melting on Iceberg Calving
- The Effects of Surface Longwave Emissivity on Atmospheric Circulation and Convection at Sahara and Sahel Regions
- The Electron Solar Probe ANalyzers - Demonstrated Laboratory Performance
- The Global Influence of Cloud Optical Thickness on Terrestrial Carbon Uptake
- The Heliosphere with Jets and its implications for the global Energetic Neutral Atoms Maps throughout the Solar Cycle and its impact on the large-scale draping of the interstellar magnetic field
- The Impact of Drone Technology on Arctic Remote Sensing Data
- The Importance of Land Management Assumptions on Nutrient Hotspots and Scenario Effectiveness
- The Influence of Ice-Ocean Interactions on Europa's Overturning Circulation
- The Influence of Monoterpene and Isoprene Nitrates on the Chemistry and Phase State of Secondary Organic Aerosol in a Low-NO<SUB>x</SUB> Mixed Deciduous/Coniferous Forest
- The Influence of Nitrogen Oxides on Chlorine Chemistry in Barrow, Alaska
- The Martian diffuse aurora: Monte Carlo simulations and comparison with IUVS-MAVEN observations
- The NASA CYGNSS Satellite Constellation for Tropical Cyclone Observations
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE)
- The Types and Variability of Slow Solar Wind
- The distribution of landslides caused by the 2015 M<SUB>w</SUB>7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal
- The dynamics and structure of current systems during dipolarization events
- The effect of atmospheric sulfate reductions on diffuse radiation and photosynthesis in the eastern United States
- The effect of ring current electron scattering rates on M-I coupling
- The effects of meteorology and air mass history on ozone depletion events in the Arctic Ocean boundary layer
- The extreme dipolarization during the Galaxy 15 spacecraft anomaly
- The impacts of light scattering by clouds on longwave radiative transfer
- The importance of stochasticity and internal variability in geomorphic erosion system
- The influence of shear-velocity heterogeneity on ScS<SUB>2</SUB>/ScS amplitude ratios and estimates of Q in the mantle
- The oxidation state of sulfur in apatite: A new oxybarometer?
- The predicted impact of VOCs from Marijuana cultivation operations on ozone concentrations in great Denver, CO.
- The role of inductive electric fields in the ring current enhancement during the March 17<SUP>th</SUP>, 2013 geomagnetic storm
- The stability and density of Fe-bearing akimotoite and implications for subduction
- The stratospheric changes inferred from 10 years of AIRS and AMSU-A radiances
- Thermal Equation of State of Fe<SUB>7</SUB>C<SUB>3 </SUB>by Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction with Implications for Carbon in the Inner Core
- Tidal energy dissipation over long geological timescales
- Top-down Estimate of Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Production in Northeastern Pennsylvania Using Aircraft and Tower Observations
- Topographic Wetness Indices, Soil Moisture, and Water Table Dynamics Identify Hydrologic Flow Paths in a Forest Watershed
- Toward city-scale water quality control: building a theory for smart stormwater systems
- Towards a Self-Consistent Simulation Capability of Catastrophic Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Towards constraining megacity fossil-fuel emissions estimates with OCO-2 observations and Lagrangian modeling.
- Trace Gas Distributions and Correlations Observed In The Southern Ocean Atmosphere During the ORCAS Mission
- Trace element diffusion during basaltic andesite-dacite equilibration: Effects of coupled dissolution and diffusion
- Tracing in-situ measurements of solar prominence plasma to their solar origin.
- Triple oxygen isotopes and clumped isotope thermometry applied to East African water balance over the last 500ky
- Tropical Carbon Response to Seasonal Phasing and Intensity of Precipitation in CMIP5 Earth System Models
- U-Th zircon chronology reveals protracted cold storage and subsequent rejuvenation in magma reservoirs beneath Dominica, Lesser Antilles
- Understanding the climate-included variations in the seasonal water demands of irrigated crops in Northern India
- Unexpected Diurnal Variations in Electron Temperature in the Mars Ionosphere
- Using Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS) in a range of geoscience applications
- Using Critical Thresholds to Customize Climate Projections of Extreme Events to User Needs and Support Decisions
- Using Lagrangian flights and modeling to study O<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes over the Southern Ocean during the O<SUB>2</SUB>/N<SUB>2</SUB> Ratio and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Airborne Study (ORCAS).
- Using MHD Models for Context for Multispacecraft Missions
- Using Satellite Data to Unpack Causes of Yield Gaps in India's Wheat Belt
- Validation of 2D and 3D MHD with embedded PIC (MHD-EPIC) simulations against MMS observations
- Validation of Absorption Based Dual-Frequency Radar Retrieval Algorithm of Snow Water Equivalent using SnowScat and SnowSAR Data
- Variability of the Thermospheric Wind Structure of Mars: MAVEN NGIMS Measurements and Corresponding Global Model Simulations
- Virtual Model Repository (VMR) enhancements to the Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC)
- Water infrastructure flexibility through real-time control
- Western tropical Pacific hydroclimate across four glacial cycles
- What coronal phenomenal can be observed in situ with the SWEAP Instrument Suite aboard Solar Probe Plus?
- What impact have TIMED/TIDI neutral wind measurements of the ITM had on our knowledge of the upper atmosphere ?
- Whistler mode waves driven by anisotropic electrons in the Martian magnetosphere
- iSPUW: integrated sensing and prediction of urban water for sustainable cities
- 2 years with comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: H<SUB>2</SUB>O, CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CO as seen by ROSINA RTOF
- 3D Hall MHD-EPIC Simulations of Ganymede's Magnetosphere
- 3D Reconnection and SEP Considerations in the CME-Flare Problem
- A -100 kV Power Supply for Ion Acceleration in Space-based Mass Spectrometers
- A 40 ka high-resolution soil carbonate record from southern Utah: proxy development, paleohydrology, and paleoecology
- A Centaur Reconnaissance Mission: a NASA JPL Planetary Science Summer Seminar mission design experience
- A Deeper Understanding of Stability in the Solar Wind: Applying Nyquist's Instability Criterion to Wind Faraday Cup Data
- A Full Wave Solution of Combined Volume and Surface Scattering for Snow and Sea Ice at X-, Ku-, and Ka- Bands
- A High Resolution Tropical Cyclone Power Outage Forecasting Model for the Continental United States
- A Laboratory-Scale Analogue Model to Probe Ice Sheet Grounding Line Dynamics
- A New Approach to Study Stochastic Heating in the Solar Wind with Implications for Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter
- A New Global Multi-fluid MHD Model of the Solar Corona
- A Spectroscopic Study of the Energy Deposition in the Low Corona: Connecting Global Modeling to Observations
- A clear-sky hyperspectral closure study for MERRA-2 and ERA-interim reanalyses
- A geochemical record of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) during the late Paleozoic Ice Age: The relationship between atmospheric pCO<SUB>2</SUB>, climate and fire.
- A new hybrid particle/fluid model for cometary dust
- A synthesis of Plio-Pleistocene leaf wax biomarker records of hydrological variation in East Africa and their relationship with hominin evolution
- A zone of preferential ion heating extends tens of solar radii from Sun
- Active Molecular Iodine Photochemistry in the Arctic
- Advances in authigenic silicate geochemistry: Evidence for Precessional Control of Pleistocene Lake Salinity at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
- Advancing Littoral Zone Aerosol Prediction via Holistic Studies in Regime-Dependent Flows: August 3-9, 2016 Middle East Dust Event
- Airborne testing and demonstration of a new flight system based on an Aerodyne N<SUB>2</SUB>O-CO<SUB>2</SUB>-CO-H<SUB>2</SUB>O mini-spectrometer
- Allogenic and Autogenic Signals in the Detrital Zircon U-Pb Record of the Deep-Sea Bengal Fan
- An ab-initio study of the energetics and geometry of sulfide, sulfite and sulfate incorporation into apatite: The thermodynamic basis for using this system as an oxybarometer
- An automated multi-model based evapotranspiration estimation framework for understanding crop-climate interactions in India
- An improved estimate for the IMF direction upstream of Mars from April 1999-October 2006
- Analysis of Atmospheric Moisture Transport over the Himalaya-Karakoram-Hindukush Region
- Apatite Mineral Chemistry From IOA Deposits in Northern Chile
- Are "Habitable" Exoplanets Really Habitable? -A perspective from atmospheric loss
- Assessment of Predictive Capabilities of L1 Orbiters using Realtime Solar Wind Data
- Autonomous watersheds: Reducing flooding and stream erosion through real-time control
- Barnett Shale or Strawn Group: Identifying the Source of Stray Gas through Noble Gases in the Trinity Aquifer, North-Central Texas
- Bayesian Calibration of Thermodynamic Databases and the Role of Kinetics
- Beating the Heat: Magmatism in the Low-Temperature Thermochronologic Record
- Bringing Art, Music, Theater and Dance Students into Earth and Space Science Research Labs: A New Art Prize Science and Engineering Artists-in-Residence Program
- Broadening Pathways to Geosciences with an Integrated Program at The University of Michigan
- CCMC Modeling of Magnetic Reconnection in Electron Diffusion Region Events
- COARSEMAP: synthesis of observations and models for coarse-mode aerosols
- CYGNSS Surface Wind Observations and Surface Flux Estimates within Low-Latitude Extratropical Cyclones
- Can Canals Effectively Replace Groundwater Irrigation in Over-exploited Regions in India?
- Capturing Multiscale Phenomena via Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) in 2D and 3D Atmospheric Flows
- Caught in the act: Crustal foundering documented by thermobarometric, Lu-Hf and U-Pb data from Colombian xenoliths
- Characterization of ice nucleating particles during continuous springtime measurements in Prudhoe Bay: an Arctic oilfield location
- Characterizing the effects of a plasma composed of solar wind H, ionospheric H, and O
- ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy at Gale Crater, Mars: Interannual Variability in Dust Aerosol Particle Size, Missing Water Vapor, and the Molecular Oxygen Problem
- Chemical Composition of the Semi-Volatile Grains of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Clear-sky irradiance simulation using GMAO products and its comparison to ground and CERES satellite observation
- Climate impact of anthropogenic aerosols on cirrus clouds
- Combining Remote and In Situ Observations with MHD models to Understand the Formation of the Slow Solar Wind
- Community-managed Data Sharing, Curation, and Publication: SEN on SEAD
- Comprehensive Assessment of Models and Events based on Library tools (CAMEL)
- Controls on Biogeochemical Cycling of Nitrogen in Urban Ecosystems
- Curiosity and the Four Seasons: In Situ Measurements of the Atmospheric Composition over Three Mars Years
- Customizing WRF-Hydro for the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin
- Cutting-edge Kinetic Physics with Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter: The Arbitrary Linear Plasma Solver (ALPS)
- D/H in Water Evolved from Martian Rocks in Gale Crater
- Damage Mechanics Approach to Penetration of Water-filled Surface Crevasses
- Deep Learning Methods for Quantifying Invasive Benthic Species in the Great Lakes
- Deep-water formation in the North Atlantic during the latest Cretaceous
- Design thinking can deepen the collaboration between scientists and society: Lessons from the innovation economy
- Detecting Spectroscopic Signatures of Magnetic Reconnection Along the Boundary of Coronal Holes
- Detection and Characterization of Micrometeoroid Impacts on LISA Pathfinder
- Determining the Interstellar Wind Longitudinal Inflow Evolution Using Pickup Ions in the Helium Focusing Cone
- Did the Basement-Involved Main Caucasus Thrust Form during the Cenozoic Arabia-Eurasia Collision?
- Diffusive exchange of trace elements between basaltic-andesite and dacitic melt: Insights into potential metal fractionation during magma mixing
- Distribution and Energization of the Heavy Ions in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Dust and chemical erosion biases in cosmogenic nuclide studies: A factor-of-ten problem that could mask strong climatic effects on landscape evolution
- Early Calibration Results of CYGNSS Mission
- Early Jurassic clay authigenesis in the Central Appalachian Valley and Ridge province; infiltration of surface-derived fluids during Pangean rifting
- Ecohydrologic Changes due to Tree Expansion into Tundra in the Polar Urals, Russia
- Ecohydrological Responses to Variability in Annual Precipitation
- Effect of Different Tree canopies on the Brightness Temperature of Snowpack
- Effect of hydrogen on the melting of the Fe-C system and the fate of the subducted carbon
- Effects of Snow/ Soil Interface on Microwave Backscatter of Terrestrial Snowpack at X- and Ku- Band
- Effects of biomass smoke from southern Africa on stratocumulus over southeastern Atlantic Ocean based on satellite observations and WRF-Chem model simulations
- Effects of dew deposition on transpiration and carbon uptake in leaves
- Electrodynamic Tethers and E-Sails as Active Experiment Testbeds and Technologies in Space
- Empirical Modeling of ICMEs Using ACE/SWICS Ionic Distributions
- End-of-mission ROSINA/COPS measurements as a probe of the innermost coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Energetic electron acceleration and injection during dipolarization events in Mercury's magnetotail
- Energetic electron injections and dipolarization events in Mercury's magnetotail: Substorm dynamics
- Estimates of the seismic properties of subducted eclogite in the lower mantle from observations of S-to-P wave conversions
- Estimating the mass density in the thermosphere with the CYGNSS mission.
- Europa's induced magnetic field: How much of the signal is from the ocean?
- Evaluation of a Mesoscale Convective System in Variable-Resolution CESM
- Evapotranspiration estimation using a parameter-parsimonious energy partition model over Amazon basin
- Evidence of Plume on Europa from Galileo Magnetic and Plasma Density Signatures
- Explicit Simulation of Networks of Outlet Glaciers to Constrain Greenland's Sea Level Contribution
- Fault Dating in the US Rockies and Large Regional Extent of Deformation Pulses Along the Sevier Orogen of North America.
- Finite Element Simulations of Kaikoura, NZ Earthquake using DInSAR and High-Resolution DSMs
- Finite-Frequency Effects on the Determination of the Mantle Transition Zone Thickness.
- Finite-frequency effects on estimates of the S-wave and P-wave velocity structure in D"
- First in-situ observations of exospheric response to CME impact at Mercury
- Five Years of Analyses of Volatiles, Isotopes and Organics in Gale Crater Materials
- Five-moment multi-fluid plasma simulation for comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Flotation of Magnetite Crystals upon Decompression - A Formation Model for Kiruna-type Iron Oxide-Apatite Deposits
- Gas Production at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as Measured by the ROSINA Instrument: Long Term Trends and Correlations with H<SUB>2</SUB>O and CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Gateways and Water Mass Mixing in the Late Cretaceous North Atlantic
- Generating and Visualizing Climate Indices using Google Earth Engine
- Global Distribution of Solid Ammonium Sulfate Aerosols and their Climate Impact Acting as Ice Nuclei
- Global Evolution of Plasmaspheric Plasma: Spacecraft-Model Reconstructions
- Global Magnetosphere Modeling With Kinetic Treatment of Magnetic Reconnection
- Global Three-dimensional Simulation of the Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction Using a Two-way Coupled Magnetohydrodynamics with Embedded Particle-in-Cell Model
- Groundwater Dynamics and Export from Active Layer Aquifers Overlying Permafrost
- H<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>+</SUP> Measurements in the Jovian Atmosphere with JIRAM/Juno
- High Resolution Flash Flood Forecasting Using a Wireless Sensor Network in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex
- High-resolution responses of sedimentary δ<SUP>15</SUP>N to climate change in the southern California for the past 2000 years
- How deep is Jupiter's Great Red Spot?
- How to emit a high-power electron beam from a magnetospheric spacecraft?
- Hydrothermal Upflow, Serpentinization and Talc Alteration Associated with a High Angle Normal Fault Cutting an Oceanic Detachment, Northern Apennines, Italy
- Hyper-localized carbon mineralization in diffusion-limited basalt fractures
- Identifying Wave-Particle Interactions in the Solar Wind using Statistical Correlations
- Image Patch Analysis of Sunspots and Active Regions
- Impacts of Extreme Space Weather Events on Power Grid Infrastructure: Physics-Based Modelling of Geomagnetically-Induced Currents (GICs) During Carrington-Class Geomagnetic Storms
- Implications for Nucleus Heterogeneity from the Comparison of Pre- and Post-Equinox Neutral ROSINA Observations Inbound and Outbound Beyond 3 AU
- Importance of Ambipolar Electric Field in the Ion Loss from Mars- Results from a Multi-fluid MHD Model with the Electron Pressure Equation Included
- Improvement of Mars surface snow albedo modeling in LMD Mars GCM with SNICAR
- Improving Barotropic Tides by Two-way Nesting High and Low Resolution Domains
- Improving Baseline Model Assumptions: Evaluating the Impacts of Typical Methodological Approaches in Watershed Models
- Improving the Nightside Mid-latitude Ionospheric Density in the Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model
- In Situ Observations of Snow Metamorphosis Acceleration Induced by Dust and Black Carbon
- Incorporating Geodetic Technologies in to Field and Campus Courses at the University of Michigan: Best Practices and Lessons Learned
- Incremental fold tests of remagnetized carbonate rocks
- Influence of the solar wind and IMF on Jupiter's magnetosphere: Results from global MHD simulations
- Influences of Sources and Aqueous Processing on the Molecular Composition of Dissolved Organic Compounds in Cloud Water
- Information Architecture for Interactive Archives at the Community Coordianted Modeling Center
- Initial Assessment of Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) Observations
- Initiation of the Bukadaban Feng Normal Fault and Implications for the Topographic Evolution of Northern Tibet
- Interactions between iron and organic matter may influence the fate of permafrost carbon in the Arctic
- Interannual Variability of Water Ice Clouds at Gale Crater
- Investigating EMIC Wave Dynamics with RAM-SCB-E
- Investigating Whistler Mode Wave Diffusion Coefficients at Mars
- Investigating the Impact of Aerosol Deposition on Snow Melt over the Greenland Ice Sheet Using a New Kernel
- Investigating the Impact of Current Sheet Crossings on the Propagation of Solar Energetic Particles in the Inner Heliosphere
- Investigating the Role of Gravity Wave on Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularities using SABER and C/NOFS Satellites Observations
- Ionospheric Outflow in the Magnetosphere: Circulation and Consequences
- Ionospheric Scintillation Induced by Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Enhancements in the Southern Hemisphere
- Is all co-production created equal? Understanding drivers and outcomes across different users and forms of engagement
- Is the S-Web the Secret to Observed Heliospheric Particle Distributions?
- Laboratory Experiments Enabling Electron Beam use in Tenuous Space Plasmas
- Lake Energy Budget and Temperature Profiles Under Future Greenhouse Gas Scenarios
- Lake Representations in Global Climate Models: An End-User Perspective
- Lasting Effects of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods on Subglacial Drainage Networks
- Leaf-level to Canopy Exchange of NO<SUB>x</SUB> and Ozone in a Forest at the University of Michigan Biological Station
- Lessons Learned from Stakeholder-Driven Modeling in the Western Lake Erie Basin
- Lessons learned from recent geomagnetic disturbance model validation activities
- Leveraging Trillions of Pixels for Flood Mitigation Decisions Support in the Rio Salado Basin, Argentina
- Lidar measurements of boundary layer depolarization and CCSEM-EDX compositional analysis of airborne particles on collocated passive samplers throughout the forest canopy during the 2016 airborne pollen season at UMBS, Pellston, MI
- Little ice bodies, huge ice lands, and the up-going of the big water body
- MMS Multipoint Analysis of the Dynamics, Evolution, and Particle Acceleration Mechanisms Inside FTEs at Earth's Subsolar Magnetopause
- MMS Observations of the Evolution of Ion-Scale Flux Transfer Events
- MMS observations of magnetic reconnection signatures of dissipating ion inertial-scale flux ropes associated with dipolarization events
- Magnetic field extrapolation with MHD relaxation using AWSoM
- Magnetic pumping as a source of particle heating in the solar wind
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Observations of Magnetic Flux Ropes in the Earth's Plasma Sheet
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Field-Aligned Currents in the Magnetotail
- Marine Emissions and Atmospheric Processing Influence Aerosol Mixing States in the Bering Strait and Chukchi Sea
- Mars Crustal Magnetic Fields and Large-Scale Dayside Ionospheric Anomaly
- Mars Environmental Analyzer, an environmental station for Mars 2020
- Mars Methane at Gale Crater Shows Strong Seasonal Cycle: Updated Results from TLS-SAM on Curiosity
- Mass loss at Saturn: The contribution of plasmoids
- Mechanism of SOA Formation Determines Magnitude of Radiative Effects
- Melting curve of compressed barium carbonate from in situ ionic conductivity measurements: Implications for the melting behavior of alkaline earth carbonates in Earth's deep carbon cycle
- Melting of KCl and pressure calibration from in situ ionic conductivity measurements in a multi-anvil apparatus
- Mercury sodium exospheric emission as a proxy for solar perturbations transit
- Mercury's solar wind interaction as characterized by magnetospheric plasma mantle observations with MESSENGER
- Mesozoic clay diagenesis in the Appalachian Plateau
- Mission Concept to Connect Magnetospheric Physical Processes to Ionospheric Phenomena
- Modeling Effects of Lability on Microbial Uptake of DOM in River Reaches
- Modeling the Diagnostic Effects of Vegetation, Soil Albedo, and Dust on Mid-Holocene Saharan Climate
- Multi-fluid MHD simulations of Europa's interaction with Jupiter's magnetosphere
- Multi-scale, multi-method geophysical investigations of the Valles Caldera
- NASA CYGNSS Mission Overview
- NASA CYGNSS Ocean Wind Observations in the 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season
- NASA CYGNSS Satellite Measurements and Applications
- Nature of Energy Transfer in Kinetic Turbulence Diagnosed with a Field-Particle Correlation Technique
- New Magneto-Inductive DC Magnetometer for Space Missions
- Noble Gas Signatures in Fresh Snow
- Numerical Preparations Toward Identifying Heating Mechanisms using Distributions Function Measurements from SWEAP and Parker Solar Probe.
- Numerical simulation of the kinetic effects in the solar wind
- OCO-2 advances photosynthesis observation from space via solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence
- Observation and Modeling of the Generation Mechanism of Ion Upflow during Sudden Commencement
- Observations of Bromine Chloride (BrCl) at an Arctic Coastal Site
- Observations of Galilean Moons by JIRAM on board Juno.
- Observations of Inland Snowpack-driven Bromine Chemistry near the Brooks Range, Alaska
- Observations of Nitrogen Oxides Diurnal Variations and Eddy Covariance Fluxes above a Mixed Hardwood Forest during the 2016 PROPHET-AMOS Campaign
- Obtaining high-resolution stage forecasts by coupling large-scale hydrologic models with sensor data
- Occurrence rate of ion upflow and downflow observed by the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR)
- One-month validation of the Space Weather Modeling Framework geospace model
- Perturbed-input-data ensemble modeling of magnetospheric dynamics
- Polar CAP Boundary Identification Using Redline Imaging Data
- Prediction of CMEs and Type II Bursts from Sun to Earth
- Preliminary Data Pipeline for SunRISE: Assessing the Performance of Space Based Radio Arrays
- Probing storm-time near-Earth magnetotail dynamics using 30 keV proton isotropic boundaries as tracers of precipitating and trapped populations
- Quantifying Greenland Ice Sheet snowmelt that results from atmospheric blocking events
- Quantifying global fossil-fuel CO2 emissions: from OCO-2 to optimal observing designs
- Quantifying point source emissions with atmospheric inversions and aircraft measurements: the Aliso Canyon natural gas leak as a tracer experiment
- Quantifying the Interannual Variability in Global Carbon Fluxes from Heterotrophic Respiration using a Testbed and Pulse Response Modeling Approach.
- Quantifying the contribution of root systems to community and individual drought resilience in the Amazon rainforest
- Quantifying the impact of El Niño-driven variations in temperature and precipitation on regional atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> growth rate variations
- Quantifying the imprint of mesoscale and synoptic-scale atmospheric transport on total column carbon dioxide measurements
- Radar Retrieval Algorithm for Snow Water Equivalent Applied to SnowSAR and Scatterometer Data
- Radiative forcing of iron oxides from combustion sources
- Radio Emissions from Electrical Activity in Martian Dust Storms
- Rapid reduction of MORB glass in piston cylinder experiments with graphite capsule - a XANES study
- Reaction between hydrous wadsleyite and iron: Implication for water distribution in Earth's transition zone
- Reconstructing Global-scale Ionospheric Outflow With a Satellite Constellation
- Reconstructing Heat Fluxes Over Lake Erie During the Lake Effect Snow Event of November 2014
- Reducing the biases in simulated polar climate by incorporating realistic surface spectral emissivity into the global climate model
- Regions of enhanced density in the Martian exosphere as detected in MAVEN NGIMS data
- Relation between the Sub-Auroral Polarization Stream and Energetic Particle Injection during Substorms
- Relationship between annual precipitation variability and ENSO in Southern California for the Common Era (last 2,000 years)
- Release of Nitrogen during Planetary Accretion Explains Missing Nitrogen in Earth's Mantle
- Report on the survey for electrostatic discharges on Mars using NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN)
- Representation of the Great Lakes in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Version 5
- Response of the Martian atmosphere to temporal variations of the plasma precipitation
- Response of the coupled M-I-T system to the March 17, 2015 solar wind dynamic pressure enhancement event
- Results from the OH-PT model: a Kinetic-MHD Model of the Outer Heliosphere within SWMF
- Results of the Phoenix Relative Humidity Sensor Recalibration
- Results on Jupiter's Atmosphere from the Juno Microwave Radiometer
- Retrieval of the Far Infrared emissivity of snow over the Greenland Plateau using the Tropospheric Airborne Fourier Transform Spectrometer (TAFTS).
- Rio Grande rift evolution and accommodation mechanisms as revealed through low-temperature thermochronometry
- Satellite-derived SIF and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Observations Show Coherent Responses to Interannual Climate Variations
- Seismic observation of a sharp post-garnet phase transition within the Farallon crust: Evidence for oceanic plateau subduction
- Sensitivity Analysis To Different Parameterization Schemes On A Subtropical Cyclone Over The Eastern North Atlantic.
- Sensitivity of Hydrologic Response to Climate Model Debiasing Procedures
- Simple Dependence of Proton Temperature on Solar Wind Speed and Compression in High Alfven Mach Number Solar Wind
- Simulated Nitrogen Deposition has Minor Effects on Ecosystem Pools and Fluxes of Energy, Elements, and Biochemicals in a Northern Hardwoods Forest
- Slip in the 2015 Mw 7.9 Gorkha and Mw 7.3 Kodari, Nepal, earthquakes revealed by seismic and geodetic data: Delayed slip in the Gorkha and slip deficit between the two earthquakes
- Solar Atmosphere to Earth's Surface: Long Lead Time dB/dt Predictions with the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Sources and Characterization of Submicron Aerosols in a Rural Forest During the PROPHET-AMOS 2016 Campaign
- Space Weather Forecasting at NOAA with Michigan's Geospace Model: Results from the First Year in Real-Time Operations
- Spatial Variations of Poloidal and Toroidal Mode Field Line Resonances Observed by MMS
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Southern Auroral Emissions in the IR from JIRAM/Juno Data
- Spatially Localized Particle Energization by Landau Damping in Current Sheets
- Statistical Analysis of Interchange Injection Events from Over a Decade of Cassini Data
- Statistical Characteristics of Ionospheric Polar Cap Patches Observed by RISR-C
- Stochastic simulation of ecohydrological interactions between vegetation and groundwater
- Structurally bound sulfide and sulfate in apatite from the Philips Mine iron oxide - apatite deposit, New York, USA: A tracer of redox changes
- Structure and Evolution of the Central Appalachians from the Mantle to the Surface: Results from the MAGIC Project
- Sulfur-in-apatite: An indicator of the volatile evolution during lunar magmatism
- Surface Activity Distributions of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Derived from VIRTIS Images
- Surface fluxes and recycling of molecular halogens above the snowpack, in Utqiaġvik, AK
- Surface-atmospheric water cycle at Gale crater through multi-year MSL/REMS observations
- Survival of Acetate in Biodegraded Stream Water DOM: New Insights Based on NMR Spectroscopy
- Synergistic Use of Spacecraft Telecom Links for Collection of Planetary Radar Science Data
- Tectonic Control on Landsliding in the Nepal Himalaya Revealed by the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake
- Tectonic Evolution of the Izmir Ankara Suture Zone in Northwest Turkey Using Zircon U-Pb Geochronology and Zircon Lu-Hf Isotopic Tracers
- Temperatures and Melt Water Contents at the Onset of Phenocryst Growth in Quaternary Nepheline-Normative Basalts Erupted along the Tepic-Zacoalco Rift in Western Mexico
- Temporal Arctic longwave surface emissivity feedbacks in the Community Earth System Model
- Temporal Dynamics and Spatial Patterns of C, N, P in a Forested First Order Watershed
- Tethyan Anhydrite Preserved in the Lower Ocean Crust of the Samail Ophiolite? Evidence from Oman Drilling Project Holes GT1A and 2A
- The 2017 Fertilizer Emissions Airborne Study (FEAST): Quantifying N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions from croplands and fertilizer plants in the Mississippi River Valley.
- The Acceleration of Thermal Protons and Minor Ions at a Quasi-Parallel Interplanetary Shock
- The Applicability of Maximum Entropy Production Theory for Turbulent Heat Flux Modeling Over the Arctic
- The Composition and Chemistry of the Deep Tropospheres of Saturn and Uranus from Ground-Based Radio Observations
- The Effects of Different Scales of Topographic Variation on Shallow Groundwater Flow in an Arctic Watershed
- The Efforts of the American Geophysical Union Space Physics and Aeronomy Section Education and Public Outreach Committee to Use NASA Research in Education and Outreach
- The Heavy Ion Sensor (HIS) Onboard Solar Orbiter (SOLO): Calibration Results and Science Outlook
- The Impact of CO<SUB>2</SUB>-Driven Vegetation Changes on Wildfire Risk
- The Interacting controls of pyrolysis temperature and plant taxa on pyrogenic organic matter stability and decomposition in a Northern Michigan forest soil
- The Interaction of Coronal Mass Ejections with Alfvenic Turbulence
- The Noble Gas Abundances in the Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from Rosetta/ROSINA
- The Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS) on The Europa Clipper Mission
- The Soho/swan Survey of Water Production in 61 Comets
- The Structure of the Heliosphere with Solar Cycle and Its Effect on the Conditions in the Local ISM
- The Sun Radio Imaging Space Experiment (SunRISE) Mission
- The Tectonic Evolution of the Central Andean Plateau and Geodynamic Implications for the Growth of Plateaus
- The Thermal Infrared Sensor onboard NASA's Mars 2020 Mission
- The UV Sensor Onboard the Mars Science Laboratory Mission: Correction and Generation of UV Fluxes
- The contribution of inductive electric fields to particle energization in the inner magnetosphere
- The effects of small-scale structures on the state of the thermosphere and ionosphere
- The equatorial Pacific "graveyard" for semidiurnal internal tides: Incoherence or dissipation?
- The great American solar eclipse of August 21, 2017; new understanding of the response of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere.
- The impact of including export limitation in photosynthetic models from leaf to global scales
- The influence of Cloud Longwave Scattering together with a state-of-the-art Ice Longwave Optical Parameterization in Climate Model Simulations
- The influence of IMF clock angle on dayside flux transfer events at Mercury
- The influence of meridional ice transport on Europa's ocean stratification and heat content
- The potential influence of multiple scattering on longwave flux and heating rate simulations with clouds
- The relationship between organic carbon and methanesulfonic acid at two sites on the North Slope of Alaska over four summers
- The role of climate in landscape evolution: a coupled model of erosion and precipitation
- The role of reforestation in carbon sequestration
- Timing of Glacial Lake Missoula Outburst Floods and the southwestern Cordilleran Ice Sheet retreat.
- Tomographic Validation of the AWSoM Model of the Inner Corona During Solar Minima
- Towards Interpreting the Signal of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions from Megacities by Applying a Lagrangian Receptor-oriented Model to OCO-2 XCO<SUB>2</SUB> data
- Towards a Universal Calving Law: Modeling Ice Shelves Using Damage Mechanics
- Towards data-driven decision-making for sustainable diets in Vietnam: Identifying priority indicators through stakeholder engagement
- Trace Element Geochemistry of Magnetite and Accesory Phases from El Romeral Iron Oxide-Apatite Deposit, Northern Chile
- Tracking Energetics of a CME Core in the Low Solar Corona
- Tracking a Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Pulses' Impact Through the Magnetosphere Using the Heliophysics System Observatory
- Transport, Acceleration and Spatial Access of Solar Energetic Particles
- Two-way Effects of an ICME Event at Mars
- ULF Wave Associated Density Irregularities and Scintillation at the Equator
- Ultra-Wideband Radiometry Remote Sensing of Polar Ice Sheet Temperature Profile, Sea Ice and Terrestrial Snow Thickness: Forward Modeling and Data Analysis
- Understanding non-equilibrium collisional and expansion effects in the solar wind with Parker Solar Probe
- Understanding the Effects of Lower Boundary Conditions and Eddy Diffusion on the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- Understanding the d18O Response to Precession in the South Asian Monsoon Region
- Using Agent-Based Modeling to Enhance System-Level Real-time Control of Urban Stormwater Systems
- Using ESRI Story Maps for Engaging Tribal Youth in Localized Climate Education
- Using GNSS-R techniques to investigate the near sub-surface of Mars with the Deep Space Network
- Using OCO-2 Observations and Lagrangian Modeling to Constrain Urban Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the Middle East
- Using Satellite Data to Identify the Causes of and Potential Solutions for Yield Gaps in India's Wheat Belt
- Using noble gases and <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr to constrain heat sources and fluid evolution at the Los Azufres Geothermal Field, Mexico
- Validating modeled turbulent heat fluxes across large freshwater surfaces
- Validation of High Wind Retrievals from the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) Mission
- Variable modes of rifting in the eastern Basin and Range, USA from on-fault geological evidence
- Where do arc magmas differentiate? A seismic and geochemical search for active, deep crustal MASH zones
- Why We Need to Have Broad-Based Societal Discussions of the Governance of Geoengineering, at national and international levels, starting with scientists and increasingly with policy makers?
- 'Induced Magnetosphere' Aspects of the Mars-Solar Wind Interaction
- 2018 Mars Global Dust Storm - Effects of Airborne Dust and Particle Deposition on Mars Science Laboratory SAM (Sample Analysis at Mars) Instrument Inlet Cover Actuator Temperatures
- 2018 Martian Global Dust Storm and Ionospheric Photoelectron Fluxes
- 3-D Trajectory Tracing of Ions in the Inner Magnetosphere with BATS-R-US Electromagnetic Field
- A 2,000 year Record of Biomarker Identification in Santa Barbara Basin, California Flood Sediments
- A Combined Active and Passive SWE Retrieval Algorithm Using SnowEx 2017 and Finland NoSREx datasets
- A Compact Plasma, Pickup Ions and Suprathermal Tails Composition Instrument for the Interstellar Probe
- A CubeSat Approach to Martian Ionospheric Tomography
- A Multi-instrumental Study of Ring Rain
- A Nye's Zero Stress Damage Model for Full Stokes Glacier Flow
- A Predicted Small and Round Heliosphere
- A Survey of Magnetic Impulse Events (MIEs) Observed by the MACCS, AUTUMNX, CANMOS, and CARISMA Magnetometer Arrays in Arctic Canada: 2014-2017
- A Survey of Singly Charged Ions and Their Relation to Filament Material Within Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections
- A comparison of fracture-physics-based calving models including hydrofracturing
- A comprehensive analysis of global tropospheric chlorine chemistry
- A study of the effect of seasonal and longitudinal variations of gravity wave on occurrence of ESF
- A unified snow and sea ice radiative transfer algorithm in Earth System Models
- An Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) Framework for Future Weather and Climate Models
- An Airborne Mission Simulator at X- and Ku-bands driven by SnowEx 2017 Data
- An Assessment of Airborne SnowSAR Data from SnowEx 2017
- An idealized framework for simulating monsoon low pressure systems and their potential sensitivity to the mean state
- Anatomy of the Marine Ice Cliff Instability
- Anomalous structure of MgCO<SUB>3</SUB> liquid and the buoyancy of carbonatite melts
- Application Usability Levels: Their evolution and eco-system
- Applying a new olivine-melt Ni thermometer to K-rich primitive lavas from Colima cones, western Mexico: new constraints on melt segregation conditions and geodynamic implications
- Arctic Chlorine Chemistry Influenced by NO<SUB>x</SUB> Pollution from Villages and Oil Fields
- Arctic Sea Spray Aerosol Production and Composition in the Wintertime
- Are aftershock locations a good proxy for the mainshock rupture area?
- Assessing the Performance of NOAA SWPC's Operational Geospace Model
- Assessing trends on tree species diversity and biomass change across human-dominated tropical forests
- Assessment of Predictive Capabilities of L1 Monitors using Dst Index
- Assessment of Vertical Velocity Profile Shapes in the Fourier Space: Tilt and Top-heaviness in Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves and MJO
- Astrobiology Science Strategy for the Search for Life in the Universe
- Atlantic-basin tropical cyclones and associated risk to all-cause, accidental, cardiovascular, and respiratory mortality in 78 United States communities, 1988-2005
- Atmospheric Bromine and Chlorine Chemistry in the Changing Arctic
- Band-by-band contributions to the longwave cloud radiative feedbacks in the Arctic
- Beyond isohydricity: a whole-plant approach to understanding hydraulic strategy
- Biochemical Factors Controlling the Kinetics of Bacterial Mercury Methylation
- Bulk sediment δ<SUP>15</SUP>N responses to remote forcing in Northeast Pacific for the past two millennia
- CCMC Metadata upgrades
- CHARGED: Understanding the Physics of Extreme Geomagnetically Induced Currents
- CHORDS: Building the Internet of Things for the Geosciences (IoT-G)
- CME Event Simulations with AWSoM-EEGGL Model
- CYGNSS Surface Heat Flux Product Development
- Can MHD be used to forecast substorms?
- Cauldron Collapse Provides Natural Laboratory to Constrain Ice-Fracture Thresholds
- Challenges in Determining Most Likely Future Urban Hot Temperature Extremes by Mid-Century for the Central U.S.
- Challenges in Space Weather Prediction: Estimation of Auroral Conductance
- Changes in Surface Processes Due to Tree Expansion into Tundra, Polar Urals, Russia
- Characterizing the effects of blocking on summer Greenland Ice Sheet snowmelt and surface energy balance
- Classifying Counterstreaming Suprathermal Electrons and Investigating their Correlation with Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections and their Observed In-Situ Substructure
- Climate literacy on the move: Understanding shifts in student perceptions of the causes, impacts, and solutions to climate change
- Cloud Morphology Associated with Jovian Lightning
- Cold Ion Outflow in Mars' Magnetotail
- Combining multiple isotope tracers and cellular biological approaches to study the biomineralizing environment of marine calcifying organisms
- Comparing MAVEN/NGIMS Thermospheric Wind Observations with M-GITM Simulations
- Comparison of the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Responses to Sudden Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Increase and Decrease
- Comparison of thermal lithosphere-asthenosphere models with geophysical observations
- Constraining physically-based climate modeling with snow spectroscopic measurements from the Surface Biology and Geology concept
- Constraining the Mantle Liquidus and the impact on Magma Ocean Crystallization
- Constraints on the geologic processes and record of collision from an orogen currently transitioning from subduction to collision: the Greater Caucasus
- Coronal magnetic field extrapolation with MHD relaxation
- Correcting PSP/SPAN VDF Measurements for Spacecraft Charging and B-Field Effects
- Coupled Fluid-kinetic Global Simulations of Saturn's Magnetopause Dynamics
- Customizing the National Water Model to meet Regional Needs for Water Prediction
- Decomposing patterns of interannual variability in remote sensing vegetation data
- Decoupling of Late Paleozoic epicontinental sea and open ocean δ<SUP>18</SUP>O in a fully coupled isotope-enabled Earth system model
- Densities and sound velocities of Fe<SUB>3</SUB>P up to 1.5 Mbar: Implications for Phosphorus in Earth's Core
- Deriving properties of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) using in-situ charge state distributions to constrain plasma heating in the corona
- Detection of supraglacial lakes and melt ponds using airborne laser altimetry
- Determining the Interstellar Wind Longitudinal Inflow Evolution Using Pickup Ions in the Helium Focusing Cone
- Determining the Link between Hydraulic Properties of Arctic Tundra Soils and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Deformation Measurements
- Determining the volatile surface activity of comet 67P/CG from Rosetta remote sensing measurements
- Diagnosing Energy Transfer in an Idealized, North-Atlantic, Ocean-Atmosphere Model
- Diatom Paleolimnology of Late Pliocene Baringo Basin (Kenya) Paleolakes
- Diel Variations in High-latitude Non-glacial Stream Water Chemistry
- Discovering the Origin of the Solar System
- Do hydraulic traits drive the seasonal and interannual dynamics of Non-Structural Carbohydrates of trees in seasonal eastern Amazon?
- Dramatic Holocene ecologic change on the Colorado Plateau inferred from a laminated pedogenic carbonate record
- Driving a 3-Dimensional Lake Dynamics Model Using a Global General Circulation Model: A Proof of Concept
- Dust column opacity and size variability at Gale crater during the 2018/a storm
- Dynamic Rupture Models of the Cascadia megathrust earthquake: how the transition zone governs rupture propagation
- Dynamics of Ecosystem-Scale Water Use Efficiency as a Product of Plant Hydraulic Strategy
- EUV Diagnostics of Optically Thick Plasmas using the 304 Å channel
- Eagle Ford Shale - a Compartmentalized Reservoir? Insights from a Noble Gas Study
- Early Evolution of CMEs as Seen in Ly α and White Light by Future ASO-S/LST
- Ecosystem memory alters the carbon cycle response to interannual climate variations
- Edge effects: Insights gained from a decade of interdisciplinary modeling projects in Lake Erie
- Effect of an improved physically-based simulation of land ice albedo on Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance and arctic regional climate in the ModelE GCM
- Effect of turbulent cascade partitioning among ion species on the solar wind formation
- Effects of Seasonal Lability Variations on Reach-scale Uptake of Dissolved Organic Matter
- Effects of atmospheric density uncertainties on the probability of collision for the CYGNSS constellation.
- Effects of plate tectonic simulations on mantle convection and mixing
- Effects of the MY34/2018 Global Dust Storm in the Gale Crater Environment as Measured by REMS
- Electron Solar Probe Analyzer Design, Operation, and Calibration
- Electron-Ion Hybrid Instability in a Quasi-Static Near-Earth Dipolarization Front
- Elevated sulfur contents in lunar apatite: A result of late-stage oxidation?
- Energetic Neutral Atom Maps from the "Croissant-like" Heliosphere
- Enriching the Twitter stream: increasing data mining yield and quality using machine learning
- Estimating canopy rainfall interception using the CYGNSS satellite constellation
- Estimating vegetation water content and soil surface roughness using physical models of L-band radar scattering for soil moisture retrieval
- Estimation of a spectrally resolved emissivity and its far-infrared variability in GCM
- Europa's surface radiation environment
- Evaluating science to action amid changes to research funding and co-production
- Evaluating the Effects of Finite-Frequency Theory on the Determination of the Mantle Transition Zone Thickness.
- Evaluating the impacts of short and long-term fates of nitrogen additions on forest carbon pools in Earth system models
- Evaluating the ratio of S-wave to P-wave velocity variations for the Pacific LLVP based on long-period traveltime data
- Evaluation of Global Downscaled Versus Bottom-Up Fossil Fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions at the Urban Scale in Four US Urban Areas
- Evaluation of ozone horizontal gradients at the land/water interface from the 2017 Ozone Water-Land Environmental Transition Study (OWLETS)
- Excess Urban Methane Emissions from Northeast Corridor Washington, DC/Baltimore Metropolitan Region
- Explicit Mass Spectrometric Determination of Isoprene Epoxydiol (IEPOX)-Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol with a Developed Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography (HILIC) Method
- Exploiting Model Structure for Global Sensitivity Analysis in E3SM Land Model
- Exploring linkages between below-ground plant hydraulic processes and multi-scale evapotranspiration during the 2015-2016 Amazon dry season
- Exploring secular divergence in boron isotope records in planktic foraminifera
- Exploring the Parameter Space of the Energy-Dependent Relativistic Electron Drift-Resonant Interaction
- Extending the Definition of Planet Habitability to Include Space Environment Factors
- Fingerprints of Climate Change in the Detrital-Zircon U-Pb Record of the Deep-Sea Bengal Fan?
- First Identification of Foreshock Plasma Populations at Mercury
- First results from sonification and exploratory citizen science of magnetospheric ULF waves
- Focused Pulse of Rapid Erosion in Central Nepal Related to Himalayan Fault Motion
- Four deltas of carbonate stable isotope geochemistry (δ<SUP>13</SUP>C, δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O, Δ<SUB>47</SUB>), with a focus on lake systems
- From Research to Operations to Decisions: Hydroclimatic Forecasting Advancements for Application to Regulation of Lake Superior Outflow and Water Resources Management in the Great Lakes
- From the ocean to the air: Biological processes as a source of warm temperature ice nucleating particles in the Arctic
- GCM-driven Projections of Future Pollen Emissions and Counts over the United States
- Galileo Plasma Observations of the Europa Plume: Comparison with Simulation Results
- Geospace System Responses During the September 7, 2017 ICME-Driven Geomagnetic Storm
- Global Magnetosphere Response to Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Pulses Using the Heliophysics System Observatory
- Global dipole magnetic field: Boon or bane for the Martian atmospheric retention?
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Early Orbit Observations
- Gradual Desiccation of Rocky Protoplanets from <SUP>26</SUP>Al-heating
- Groundwater flow and exchange across the land surface explain carbon export patterns in a continuous permafrost watershed
- Helping Decision Makers Incorporate Climate Model Projections into their Future Planning
- High Andean Geophysical Investigation of the Puna Grassland Critical Zone
- High resolution satellite imagery allows for temporal perspective on landslide rate following the 2015 M<SUB>w</SUB>7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal
- High-Resolution Hydrologic Forecasting for Very Large Urban Areas
- High-resolution XRF-scanning records from the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP): Plio/Pleistocene hydroclimate variability in East Africa
- How Local Trapping Amplifies the Effects of Heating from Magnetic Pumping
- Impact of Multiple High-resolution Regional Domains on the Accuracy of the Global Surface Tides
- Impact of Reactive Silicate Zones on CO<SUB>2</SUB> Trapping in Natural Basalt
- Impact of Sudden Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Variations on the Geospace System
- Impact of elastic structure variations on constraints of glacial density and GIA in southeast Alaska
- Impact of the September 2017 Solar Flare and ICME Events on Mars
- Impacts of Sensible Heat from Precipitation on Ice Cover in Large Lakes
- Implementation of an HF Radar wave-spectrum assimilation algorithm using SWAN and application for the CASPER-West Experiment
- Improving the Multiple-Field-Line-Advection Model for Particle Acceleration with Alfven Wave Turbulence
- Increased Ionospheric Scintillation in the Southern Hemisphere following Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Enhancements
- Influence of Asymmetries in the Magnetic Draping Pattern at Titan on the Emission of Energetic Neutral Atoms
- Influence of Interchange on the Energetic Ion Distributions of Saturn
- Influences of the Preconditioning of Jupiter's Magnetosphere on its Response to Interplanetary Shocks: Insights from Global MHD Simulations
- Information Embedded in the Finely Resolved UWBRAD Tb Spectra of Polar Ice Sheets
- Information measures of land-carbon source-sink dynamics
- Innovative approaches to improving watershed models for management decisions and policy applications
- Insights on carbon cycle dynamics using spatially resolved Northern Hemisphere CO2 variations from seasonal to multi-decadal timescales
- Interannual, seasonal and diurnal variability of water vapor at Gale Crater, Mars as observed from contemporaneous MSL and MEx measurements
- Investigation of EMIC Scattered Electron Precipitation During a Conjunction of Cluster and FIREBIRD-II
- Investigation of Ocean Surface Wind and Wave Coupling Using CYGNSS Observations
- Ion Solar Probe Analyzer Design, Operation, and Calibration
- Iron mediated oxidation of dissolved organic carbon in arctic soils
- Isotopic Evidence of Methylmercury Photoreduction Followed by Retention on Suspended Particles in Surface Waters of the Central CA Valley
- Joint Retrievals of Vertically Resolved Cloud and Precipitation Properties Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Techniques
- Joint age-proxy system modelling
- Kameleon Next-Gen: A new python-based architecture for space weather model access and interpolation
- Laboratory Observations of Plasma Heating in High-Mach-Number Collisionless Shocks
- Landscape response to transient extreme erosion rates
- Landslides triggered during the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal reveal non-linearity of topographic controls
- Large-Amplitude Oscillatory Motion in Mercury's Cross-tail Current Sheet
- Lessons from the Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP)
- Liquidus Determination of the Fe-S and (Fe,Ni)-S system at 24 GPa with Implications for Planetary Cores
- MESSENGER observations of dipolarizations in Mercury's magnetotail
- MESSENGER observations of fast plasma flows in Mercury's magnetotail
- MMS Observations of Cross-tail Current Sheet Flapping at Earth
- MMS observations of flux rope formation and magnetic reconnection implications in Earth's central plasma sheet
- Machine Learning Algorithms for Spacecraft Magnetic Field Interference Cancellation: Enabling Satellite Magnetometry without a Boom
- Machine Learning and the "Holy Grail" of Space Weather Forecasting
- Magnetic Reconnection May Control the Ion-scale Spectral Break of Solar Wind Turbulence
- Magnetopause Dynamics from 3D Hall MHD-EPIC Simulations of Ganymede's Magnetosphere
- Magnetosheath and Magnetopause Under Low Mach Number Conditions
- Magnetotail Reconnection at Jupiter: A survey of magnetic field and plasma flow signatures observed by Juno
- Magnitude-Frequency Distribution of Simulated Earthquake Cycles in Damaged Fault Zones
- Mapping 3D Surface Charge Distribution in Nanoporous Shales
- Mapping Smallholder Yields Using Landsat and Micro-Satellite Data
- Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Dark Ice and Ice Algae with Sentinel-3 Imagery over Southwest Greenland
- Mapping transition zone topography beneath China by migration of ScS reverberations.
- Marine and terrestrial influences on ice nucleating particles during continuous springtime measurements in an Arctic oilfield location
- Mars Science Laboratory Observations of the 2018/Mars Year 34 Global Dust Storm
- Measurement of Ice Sheet Internal Temperature Profiles with Ultra-Wideband Microwave Radiometry
- Mechanical integrity of engineered cementitious composite during geologic carbon storage
- Mechanisms underlying production stability in temperate deciduous forests
- Mercury's extended sodium exosphere: pickup ion observations in the solar wind by MESSENGER
- Mesoscale Convective Systems within Variable-resolution CESM
- Microwave Sounding of Saturn and Uranus: Comparing Gas- and Ice-Giant Planets
- Microwave observations of Jupiter's atmosphere from 1 bar to 200 bars
- Modeling phosphorus loss reduction strategies from the international St. Clair-Detroit River system watershed
- Modeling the origin and impacts of near-Earth plasma
- Modification of Aerosol Phase, Acidity, and Structure by Heterogeneous and Multiphase Chemistry
- Modulation of mid-Holocene northern African rainfall by direct and indirect dust aerosol effects
- Molecular Insight into Co-optimizing Methane Recovery and Carbon Storage in Unconventional Reservoirs
- Multi-Sensor Analysis of Mercury's Energetic Electron Events
- Multi-instrument Observations of Meso-Scale Sub-Auroral Polarization Stream (MS-SAPS)
- Multi-instrument observations of super equatorial plasma bubbles over American and Asian sectors
- Multi-point Observations and Modeling of Subauroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) and Double-peak Subauroral Ion Drifts (DSAIDs): A Case Study
- Multicomponent diffusion in basalts, and predicting diffusion behavior during mineral dissolution
- Multiple-Instrument Observations of Nighttime Magnetic Impulse Events (MIEs) at High Latitudes
- NEON Data in the Classroom: An Open Education Resource for Enhancing Understanding of Terrestrial Carbon Cycling Processes Across Scales
- New Perspective of the Ionosphere and Plasmasphere from GNSS Sensor Constellations
- Noble Gas Concentrations in Cloud Water: Implications for Solubilities of Trace Gases in Clouds and Fog
- Non-local mixing
- Observational signatures of fluctuating moments associated with ion-cyclotron waves in the solar wind.
- Observations of ICMEs at Mars: past and present
- On the Frequency and Drivers of Ion Scale Instabilities in the Solar Wind
- On the variations of protons during the magnetospheric substorm at Earth and Mercury in the near-tail: A comparative study
- Orbital-scale controls on Plio-Pleistocene African climate
- Organic aerosol nucleation, climate and land use change: Decrease in radiative forcing
- Orographic Precipitation Response to Microphysical and Environmental Perturbations for Idealized Moist Nearly Neutral Flow
- Parametric Experiments In Mitigating Spacecraft Charging Via Plasma Contactor
- Parametric study of magnetospheric sawtooth events using a kinetic tail reconnection model embedded into a global MHD simulation
- Parker Solar Probe SWEAP Science Operations: How we operate to measure plasma near the Sun
- Parker Solar Probe: A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun - Mission Status Update
- Parker Solar Probe: Post-Launch Operations and the First Solar Encounter
- PhanTASTIC - Towards A Phanerozoic Technique-Averaged Surface Temperature Integrated Curve
- Photochemistry in Saturn's Atmosphere: Ring Shadow and Ring Reflection
- Photoelectron Pitch Angle Distributions at Mars
- Physics based modeling of extreme space weather
- Phytoliths and Microcharcoal from the Baringo Basin, Kenya, Reveal Savanna Dynamics During the Plio-Pleistocene Transition
- Plasma depletions in the Martian ionosphere as detected by MAVEN
- Predictability of variable arctic soil hydraulic and thermal properties, and implications of such variability on future thaw
- Predicting geomagnetic indices and ground magnetic field fluctuations in the face of uncertain solar wind driving
- Predicting spacecraft charging effects due to Langmuir probe operation on a CubeSat using analytic equations
- Preparing Our Coastlines for Climate Security Threats
- Probing the Outer Planets with Cross-link Radio Observations Enabled by Small Satellites
- Probing the Presence of Hydrogen at Varying Depths Beneath the Lunar Surface Using Albedo Protons and Neutrons: Geant4 Simulations
- Propagating Novel Turbulent Heat Flux Measurements Into Extreme Lake Weather Event and Water Supply Forecasting Systems
- Quantification and Analysis of Agricultural N<SUB>2</SUB>O Fluxes Using Continuous Airborne Atmospheric Observations
- Quantifying Data Uncertainty and Bias in a Bayesian Model for Large Lake Systems
- Quantifying Heating by Magnetic Pumping through in situ Spacecraft Observations
- Quantifying Helium's impact on the dynamics of Earth's high latitude thermosphere and ionosphere
- Quantifying the Impact of Heterotrophic Respiration on Variability in the Global Carbon Dioxide Growth Rate.
- Quantifying the imprint of atmospheric transport on total column-averaged CO<SUB>2</SUB> observations from OCO-2
- Quantifying the role of aseismic slip in the source processes of induced earthquakes
- Quantitative lacustrine paleosalinity and Pleistocene orbital controls from clay mineral oxygen isotopes: Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
- Radiative environment and dust deposition and lifting at Gale Crater during the 2018 Global Dust Storm
- Radiative forcing by dust in the cryosphere and remaining challenges for constraining global impacts
- Reaction kinetics in the Alta Stock contact metamorphic aureole, Utah: Insights from carbonate clumped isotope geothermometry
- Reactive transport of nitrogen species near the groundwater-lake water interface
- Reactive uptake kinetics of N<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB> and yields of ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> on saline playa dusts: new insights into inland sources of ClNO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Real-time interactive analyses and visualization of massive and diverse seismological observations
- Record Warming Global Mean Surface Temperature in 2014-2016 Related to Large Oceanic Heat Releases
- Recovery from Acid Deposition Increases Streamwater Carbon Export Potential in a Silicate-Treated Forested Watershed
- Regional FDTD Modeling of GICs during the 2003 "Halloween" Solar Storm
- Relationship between annual precipitation variability and ENSO in Southern California for the past 9,000 years
- Relationship between moisture modes and moist Kelvin waves
- Response of the Dayside Magnetosphere to Abrupt IMF turnings
- Responses of the Martian Magnetosphere to Changes in the Solar Wind Velocity and the IMF Orientation
- Responses to Rapidly Shifting Waterscapes in the High Tropical Andes of Southern Peru
- Results From The Juno MWR Instrument
- Rethinking Iron in Paleosols and Atmospheric Oxygenation
- Revealing Solar Sources and Dynamic Evolution Properties of the Solar Wind: Applications to Upcoming Missions
- Revealing the Multiscale Nature of Turbulence in Space Plasmas with an Innovative Swarm of Spacecraft
- Saturn's ionosphere and D ring electrodynamic interaction using RPWS/LP measurements from the Cassini Grand Finale
- Scale dependent topographic control of landslide frequency-size statistics
- Science to Assist with the 2020-2026 Colorado River Interim Guidelines Renegotiations
- Seasonal Variation of Mars Methane Background Indicates that Gale Crater May Be a Containment Region for Local Microseepage
- Seismic Evidence for Small-scale Shear Velocity Variance of D" Layer beneath Northern Indian Plate
- Short-term variability versus long-term consistency of inferred fault slip rates in the Western Transverse Ranges, Southern California
- Signature of spatiotemporal dynamics of encroaching vegetation in timberline ecotone of the Polar Urals region
- Simple Dependence of Proton Density and Temperature on Solar Wind Speed and Compression
- Simulating Eocene extreme warmth and high climate sensitivity through low-cloud feedbacks
- Simulating Ground Magnetic Perturbations during Extreme Storm Sudden Impulses Using RAM-SCB and the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Simulating Pine Island Glacier Extents Under Multiple Forcing Scenarios Using Damage Mechanics
- Simulations of the first Parker Solar Probe encounter using the AWSoM model
- Socio-Environmental Systems (SES) on the Changing Mongolian Plateau: A review
- Soft X-ray Emission Scenarios of Comet 46P/Wirtanen for its 2018 Apparition in Accordance with HXMT Observation
- Solar Probe Cup Design, Operation, and Calibration
- Solar Wind Effects on Ion Temperature and Density in Mercury's Central Plasma Sheet
- SpacePy: Space Physics in the Scientific Python Community
- Specification and initial forecast of keV electrons at GEO and MEO related to surface charging
- Spin state and elasticity in an intermediate MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB>-FeAlO<SUB>3</SUB> bridgmanite: implication for Earth's lower mantle
- Stationary and Portable Cost-efficient Multipollutant Monitors for High Spatiotemporal Resolution Air Quality Studies
- Statistical Characteristics and Generation Mechanism of Polar Cap Patches Using Multi-Instruments and Numerical Models
- Statistics of global-scale coherence modulation of radiation-belt electron loss
- Steady State Characteristics of the Terrestrial Geopause
- Storm-time Dynamics of Birkeland and Ionospheric Currents: Toward Diagnosing Proximal Physical Drivers of Geomagnetically Induced Currents
- Stormtime Modeling of the ITM System with SAMI3/GITM/RCM
- Strengthening cross-agency bi-national partnerships to improve regional water management and prediction capabilities
- Structure Stability and Compressibility of Fe<SUB>2</SUB>Si at High Pressure
- Studying the dynamics of Mercury's magnetotail with the MHD-EPIC model
- Sunny-side up: The promise of future solar polar missions
- Suprathermal heavy ion plasma composition from Wind: A new dataset from STICS
- Surface Interaction of Crude Oil, Maltenes, and Asphaltenes with Calcite. An Atomic Force Microscopy Perspective.
- Surface energy budget in the Arctic: a maximum-entropy-production perspective
- The Alaskan Layered Pollution and Chemical Analysis (ALPACA) Project
- The Application Usability Levels and the Operational Space Weather Modeling Framework
- The Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP): Quantifying the Uncertainties in Atmospheric River Climatology and Impacts
- The Carbon Dioxide Emissions of US Cities
- The Chicxulub Impact Produced a Powerful Global Tsunami
- The Closer, the Better? Untangling Scientist-Practitioner Engagement, Interaction, and Knowledge Use
- The Conceptualizing Public Engagement series: A working meeting series to co-create a landscape map and organizational framework for public engagement at the University of Michigan
- The FINE Mission - Demonstrating a New Capability to Measure Species-Dependent Fine-Scale Irregularities in LEO
- The First Space-based Radio Interferometer for Solar and Space Physics: The SunRISE Mission Concept
- The Fourth National Climate Assessment: Midwest
- The Geologic and Climatic Context of Biotic Evolution in the Neotropics
- The Great Lakes Runoff Inter-comparison Project for Lake Erie (GRIP-E)
- The Impact of Kinetic Neutrals on the Shape of the Heliosphere and Structure of the Heliotail
- The Impact of Rising CO<SUB>2</SUB>on the Spatial Footprint of Extreme Heat Events
- The Invisible Policymaker: Congressional Staff Members as Users and Producers of Science Communication
- The NASA CYGNSS SmallSat Constellation
- The PSP/SWEAP Data Processing Unit - Compressing a lot of information into a limited data allocation.
- The Responses of the Mars Thermosphere to the PEDE-2018a dust event: MAVEN NGIMS Measurements and Corresponding Global Model Simulations
- The Role of Jupiter's Magnetospheric Plasma in Europa's Plasma Interaction
- The Role of Rainfall-Runoff Processes in Associations Between Heavy Rainfall and Waterborne Disease
- The Role of Surface Emissivity and Ice Cloud Longwave Scattering on Simulated Climate in the Arctic
- The Solar Probe Cup: data analysis and commissioning
- The Spectral Dimension of Arctic Greenhouse Efficiency Changes during the Aqua Observation Period
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE) Mission Concept
- The Variation of Helium Across a Two Solar Cycles
- The aftermath of the 2015 El Nino: how have carbon fluxes changed?
- The mechanism of the akimotoite-bridgmanite phase transition and implications for the dynamics of subducted slabs
- The role of vegetation canopy structure in the variability of the terrestrial carbon sink
- The source and fate of snowpack mercury in a watershed underlain by continuous permafrost near Utqiaġvik, Alaska
- The statistical properties of solar wind temperature parameters near 1 AU observed by Wind
- Theory, Simulation, and Observation of Magnetosonic Turbulence in the Heliosheath
- Theory, Simulations, and Observations of Suprathermal Ions at Strong Interplanetary Shocks: Implications for the Source Population
- Thermal Conductivity at the Base of the Earth's Lower Mantle
- Thermochemical evolution of the upper mantle over 3.5 Gyr: Implications from Mid Ocean Ridge and Subduction Zone basalt magmas
- Timing of clay mineralization in the Central Appalachians and its extended foreland; challenging the orogenic fluid expulsion ("squeegee") hypothesis.
- To What Extent Does Solar Wind Forcing Affect the Periodic Behavior of Energetic Electron Events in the Hermean Magnetosphere?
- Toward Using OCO-2 Observations and Lagrangian Modeling to Estimate Urban Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the Middle East
- Towards improved simulations of the Jovian synchrotron radiation belts as seen by Juno's MWR
- Tracking Solar Type II Bursts with the Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE)
- Trait Shifts affect Ecosystem Carbon Exchange under Climate Change in Alpine Grasslands
- Translating scientific knowledge into resiliency in the age of coastal inundation
- Triple oxygen isotopes in Central Andean precipitation
- Uncertainty quantification of urban flooding simulation by using a reduced order modeling framework
- Understanding accretion of carbon and sulfur to the Earth: C/S versus C relationships between the Bulk Earth, the Bulk Silicate Earth, and primitive and differentiated materials.
- Understanding the Effects of Lower Boundary variations on the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System using GITM and WACCM-X
- Understanding the impacts of groundwater depletion and climate shocks on irrigation decisions in India
- Understanding the magnetic origins and acceleration of the solar wind: Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter.
- Understanding the zinc-rich mineral assemblage of the Sterling Hill deposit, New Jersey, USA
- Unique Canopy Structural Signatures of Moderate Disturbance Derived from Terrestrial LiDAR
- Unseen Impacts of Organic Sulfur from Lower Sulfur Dioxide on Air Quality and Aerosol Properties
- Upper Pliocene Age Model for the HSPDP Baringo-Tugen-Barsemoi Core (Kenya) and Climatic Implications
- Use and Synthesis of the Third National Climate Assessment for the Great Lakes Region
- Using Historical Isotope Chemistry to Look at Modern and Future Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions
- Variability of the Martian Ionospheric Peak and Hot O Corona - Observations and Simulation
- Variability of the energetic particle population in response to magnetospheric activity
- Variably mixed meteoric and metamorphic fluid sources during fold-thrust belt formation revealed by O-H isotopic analysis of dated fault gouge in the Canadian Rockies
- Vulnerability Assessment Tool for Cities Preparing for Climate Change
- Wintertime urban ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> observations in Michigan
- giapy: Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in PYthon: Nondimensionalized relaxation method for computation of time-domain viscoelastic Love numbers
- "Observing Dissipation Scale Dynamics of the Inner Heliosphere with Merged Search Coil and Fluxgate Magnetometer Measurements"
- 3-D Synthetic Modeling of Anisotropy Effects on SS Precursors: Implications for Flow in the Mantle Transition Zone
- 3D global Hall-MHD simulations of Mercury's magnetopause dynamics
- A Benchmarking Library for Making Smart Stormwater Research Accessible
- A Leaf Wax Biomarker Record of Plio-Pleistocene Environmental Change from the Baringo Basin (Tugen Hills), Kenya
- A Model-Based Evaluation of Permo-Carboniferous Climate Change in Tropical Pangaea
- A Neural Network Model for Plasma Sheet Electrons from Solar Wind Observations
- A New Metric for Evaluating Northern Hemisphere Growing Season Net Flux in Climate Models
- A Serendipitous New View of Lunar Albedo Radiation
- A Statistical Study on the Upstream Ultra-low Frequency Waves in Mercury's Foreshock seen by MESSENGER
- A Tractable Approach to Coupling the Thermodynamics, Kinetics, and Fluid Dynamics of Mantle Melting
- A deep-learning based approach for predicting high latitude ionospheric scintillations using geospace data and auroral imagery
- A gray-box model for a probabilistic estimate of regional ground magnetic perturbations: Enhancing the NOAA operational Geospace model with machine learning
- A hybrid model-observation analysis of changes in global flood hazard
- A missing physics in climate models for the simulation of Southern Ocean: longwave radiative coupling between surface and atmosphere
- A multi-signature procedure for substorm identification
- A new view of the Eocene greenhouse world from paleoclimate data assimilation
- A simple wave particle correlator for the Parker Solar Probe Mission - Invited Paper 491142
- ASAP as a Model for Tracking Impact and Advancement of the Adaptation Field
- AWSoM Simulation of waves, turbulence and shocks associated with the September 10, 2014 CME/ICME
- Actionable knowledge and the art of engagement
- Adaptive Estimation of Thermal Conductivity Coefficients in the Global Ionosphere Thermosphere Model
- Addressing magnetic interference in small spacecraft with machine learning
- Advancing autonomy in underwater manipulation with a deep learning visual dataset collected in cold seep environments of the Costa Rica Active Margin
- Alfvenic slow solar wind and proton temperature anisotropy in inner heliosphere by PSP observations
- Alfvenicity in PSP observations: comparing different measures
- Alpha Particle Content in the Solar Wind as Observed by the SPAN-Ion Instrument on Parker Solar Probe
- An Assessment of Machine Learning Techniques for Replicating Physical Forcing Mechanisms in Climate Models
- An Earth System modeling study of the recent geological history of the global oceanic circulation over the Cenozoic.
- Analysis of the Internal Structure of the Streamer Blow Out Observed the Parker Solar Probe during the First Solar Encounter
- Arctic Sea Spray Aerosol Production during Polar Night
- Assessing Impacts of Climatic and Non-climatic Factors on Smallholder Agricultural Systems in India
- Assessing Runoff Risk to Support Nutrient Application Timing Using a Hybrid of Physically-based and Statistical Models—an Application of National Water Model
- Assimilative modeling of traveling ionospheric disturbances observed by the Very Large Array
- Asymmetries in the Martian system
- Atmospheric Escape Processes and Planetary Atmospheric Evolution: from misconceptions to challenges
- Atmospheric Evolution and Persistence of Martian Habitability from Isotope Ratios Measured by MSL and MAVEN
- Atmospheric radiative forcing at the MSL landing site during the 2018/Mars Year 34 global dust storm
- Auroral Reconstruction CubeSwarm - ARCS: a NASA Heliophysics mission concept for decoding the aurora
- B-SPICE: The Beam-Spacecraft Plasma Interaction and Charging Experiment
- Below-ground structural and ecohydrological feedbacks across disturbance severity gradients
- Bumps Ahead: An Investigation into the Calculation and Evolution of Roughness in Ice Shelves
- Buoyancy forces create numerical instabilities in Full Stokes Flow: Identifying physical and numerical calving instabilities
- CH<SUB>4</SUB> spatial and vertical distribution in the Jovian atmosphere observed by JIRAM on Juno mission
- CHORDS: Helping to build the Internet of Things for the Geosciences (IoT-G)
- CME -Associated Energetic Ions at 0.23 AU—Consideration of the Auroral Pressure Cooker Mechanism Operating in the Low Corona as a Possible Energization Process
- Carbon isotope ecology of gymnosperms and implications for paleoclimatic and paleoecological studies
- Catchment Research in the Arctic Long-Term Ecological Research program: North Slope, Alaska, USA
- Centennial Timescale Variability in Euro-Mediterranean Hydroclimate Since the Little Ice Age
- Changes in Atmospheric Rivers Shaped Mid-Latitude Hydroclimate Since the Mid-Holocene
- Characteristics and Evolution of Strahl Electrons in the Inner Heliosphere
- Characterization of Transient Geomagnetic Fluctuations and Associated Rapid Ionospheric Currents
- Characterizing Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections Using In Situ Observations of Solar Wind Heavy Ions
- Characterizing thermal expansion profile of solar wind streams with Parker Solar Probe SWEAP and FIELDS
- Climate impact of anthropogenic aerosols on large-scale cirrus clouds
- Combined active and passive Ultra-wide band remote sensing of Polar ice sheet temperature profiles
- Combining Remote and in situ Parker Solar Probe and STEREO Data to Understand Solar Wind Density Structures
- Comparing the Parker Spiral Approximation with ADAPT-WSA Modeling to Determine Magnetic Connectivity of Solar Flare Electron Sources to STEREO Spacecraft
- Comparison of 3He-rich SEP Event Observations at the Parker Solar Probe and the Advanced Composition Explorer
- Comparison of Coronal Mass Ejections Associated with Flares and Filaments
- Comparison of Parker Solar Probe Observations during First Perihelion with Global Magnetohydrodynamic Model Results
- Composition of Individual Arctic Sea Spray Aerosol Controlled by Microbiology
- Comprehensive Observations of Multi-scale Polar Ionosphere Structuring Processes During October 13, 2016 Geomagnetic Storm
- Conceptualizing uncertainty in multidisciplinary modeling of harmful algal blooms under climate change: Takeaways for ecosystem services planning in Western Lake Erie.
- Conductance in the Aurora: Influence of Magnetospheric Contributors
- Connecting displacements to strains with Gaussian process regression
- Consequences of the precipitation-buoyancy framework: protected convection and convective adjustment timescales.
- Constituent parts of the Earth's ring current
- Constraining dynamic topography in deep ocean basins
- Constraining equilibrium climate sensitivity through simulation of Eocene extreme warmth
- Constraining the Properties of a Subglacial Lake in Northwest Greenland with Active Source Seismology
- Constraints for the Martian meteoroid impact seismic signals through modeling based on comparison of Terrestrial, Lunar and Martian data
- Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory Science Objectives
- Correlation Radiometry to Remotely Measure the Freshwater Lake Icepack Thickness
- Cost of reversing climate change as a CO<SUB>2</SUB> mitigation strategy - using a cost optimization framework in the U.S. electricity sector
- Coupled Precipitation of Light Elements from the Core into the Mantle: Importance for Powering Earth's Dynamo
- Coupling of Snow and Freeze-Thaw Processes to Model Permafrost State in a Timberline Ecotone
- Customizing an interactive hydroclimate dashboard for large lakes in Africa
- Damage Mechanics as an Alternative to Minimum Thickness Criteria for Ice Shelves
- Density Fluctuations in the Solar Wind Deduced from Radio Measurements by Parker Solar Probe
- Detecting contributions of ocean fluxes to atmospheric CO2 variability
- Detecting the Mantle Transition Zone of Mars From Seismic Reflected Waves
- Determining the Interstellar Wind Longitudinal Inflow Evolution Using Pickup Ions in the Helium Focusing Cone
- Determining the potential surface distribution of CO<SUB>2</SUB>and H<SUB>2</SUB>O on the nucleus of comet 103P/Hartley 2 from EPOXI IR images
- Determining the volatile surface activity of comet 67P/CG from Rosetta remote sensing measurements
- Developing a Hydrologic-Hydrodynamic Flood Forecasting System for Lake Champlain
- Development of observation system for constraining uncertainties in physical parameterization
- Diagnosing Energy and Heat Transfer in the North Atlantic Region of Idealized and Realistic Ocean-Atmosphere Models: A Frequency-Domain Approach
- Diagnosing Mercury's Magnetotail Asymmetries: Detecting Seasonal Effects of Mercury's Orbit Using MESSENGER Observations
- Direct Evidence of Nonstationary Collisionless Shocks in Space Plasmas
- Discriminating models of rift mechanics using transient river profiles in extensional footwalls
- Distributed acoustic sensing - the future of urban geophysics?
- Distribution of Storms and Moist Convection on Jupiter derived from Juno MWR data
- Diversity Responses to Landscape Change in the Basin and Range Province: Tectonics Influence Macroevolutionary Dynamics and Faunal Structure in Mammals over the Neogene
- Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion initiatives in Earth Sciences at the University of Michigan
- Do High Speed Streams from Coronal Holes Typically Have Distinct Core and Boundary Regions?
- Early Evolution and Propagation of a Coronal mass Ejections within 55 solar radii as seen by Parker Solar Probe
- Earthquake cycle simulations for long-term damage evolution and healing in low velocity fault zones
- Effects of dynamic ionospheric convection on structuring the ionospheric density distribution
- Efficient Optimal Bayesian Experimental Design of Snow Depth Sensors for Inferring Sea Ice Thickness
- El Niño-Southern Oscillation Teleconnections in a Warming Climate
- Electromagnetic Fields of Magnetospheric Waves and Transients at Conjugate Antarctica-Greenland Arrays: Resolving the Current/Voltage Dichotomy
- Electrons in the Young Solar Wind
- Emerging Views of Earth's Core - an E' Layer at the Top of the Outer Core?
- Emerging tools and techniques for taking advantage of remote sensing imagery to understand the landslide hazard cascade
- Employing ensemble prediction to enhance the value of Great Lakes seasonal water supply and water level forecasts
- Energetic Electron Dynamics near Callisto
- Energetic Particle Increases Associated with Stream Interaction Regions
- Enhancing river discharge forecasting in the Niagara River: An integrated approach to utilizing multi-source remote sensing data for bathymetry maps
- Enhancing total water prediction for the Great Lakes through calibration of the National Water Model in Canadian watersheds
- Ensemble modeling to predict space weather impacts on the North American power grid
- Estimating Soil Organic Carbon in the Active Layer of the Arctic Foothills Using Spaceborne InSAR Surface Deformation Data
- Estimating the thermospheric density from the GPS measured trajectories of the CYGNSS satellites
- Evaluation of AIRS Arctic Cloud Phase Classification against Combined CloudSat-CALIPSO Observations
- Evaluation of E3SM Atmospheric Simulations over Antarctica and the Southern Ocean
- Evidence for Solar Coronal Heating by Nanoflares Based on Coordinated EUV Spectra Observed with the EUNIS Sounding Rocket and Hinode/EIS
- Experimental study of olivine crystallization in basalt under rapid, diffusion-limited growth conditions: tests of chemical equilibrium and re-equilibration timescales
- Exploring the physics of sawtooth oscillations from MHD-EPIC simulations
- Extracting Supraglacial Streams on Greenland Ice Sheet Using High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
- Fault rheology of the Muji fault inferred from postseismic deformation after the 2016 Mw6.6 Aketao, northeast Pamir, earthquake
- Flocculation, switchbacks, and loss of Alfvenicity: Indicators of shear-driven turbulence in the young solar wind?
- Foraminiferal I/Ca ratios: Ocean O<SUB>2</SUB> change during the Common Era in Santa Barbara Basin, CA
- Forecast of Ionosphere GNSS TEC using CNN and LSTM neural network
- Frequency-Domain Analysis of the Energy Budget in an Idealized, Coupled, Ocean-Atmosphere Model
- From publishable to operational: new metrics to more honestly measure the ability of remote sensing algorithms to consistently monitor flooded assets and populations in near real time
- General Structural Properties of Velocity Spikes in the Solar Wind Inside 0.25 AU
- Geophysical and geochemical models help constrain the relative importance of oceanic and continental crust recycling
- Geothermal energy production from depleted natural gas reservoirs using CO<SUB>2</SUB> working fluids
- Glacial cooling and climate sensitivity revisited
- Global Magnetohydrodynamics Simulation of EUV Waves and Shocks from the X8.2 Eruptive Flare on 2017 September 10
- Global Magnetospheric Model with Microscopic Physics: MHD-EPIC
- Global modeling of secondary organic aerosol with organic nucleation
- Global modeling of the drivers and impacts of storm-time plasma composition
- Gravity Wave Effects in the Martian Thermosphere: Simulations from the M-GITM 3D General Circulation Model Utilizing a Nonlinear Gravity Wave Parameterization Scheme
- Heat Transport by Atmospheric Rivers under Global Warming: Projections using a High-Resolution Earth System Model
- Helium Variation Across Two Solar Cycles Reveals A Speed-Dependent Phase Lag
- Helium abundance and non-equilibrium in the inner heliosphere
- Heterogeneous OH oxidation of methyltetrol sulfates leads to formation of multifunctional organosulfates previously measured in ambient fine aerosols
- Hidden earthquakes as a tool to conduit evolution during an explosive eruption
- High-Resolution Numerical Modeling of Heat and Volatile Transfer from Basalt to Wall Rock: Application to the Crustal Column beneath Long Valley Caldera, CA
- How small changes in the magnetopause current help trap the ring current population
- Hydroxymethanesulfonate (HMS) Formation during Summertime in An Arctic Oil Field
- Ice Formation by Ambient Tropospheric, Laboratory Generated SOA, and Mixed Mineral Dust Particles
- Iceberg, right ahead!: The surprising and ongoing collapse of an East Antarctic ice shelf in response to changes in the ocean environment
- Identification of Small Scale Structures from PSP Observations
- Identification of spectral lines to study CMEs with ground- and space-based observatories
- Imaging Ocean Microplastic Dynamics from Space
- Impact of Non-MHD Effects on Global Magnetosphere Dynamics for Extreme Solar Wind Driving
- Impact of including the longwave scattering effect of clouds on the Arctic energy budget and climate
- Impact of varying bare ice extent and albedo on Greenland ice sheet SMB in the NASA GISS ModelE GCM
- Impacts of Greenland Blocking Geography on Low-Level Liquid Clouds over the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Impacts of Particle Composition and NO<SUB>x</SUB> on the Vertical Distribution of Reactive Bromine in the Arctic Troposphere
- Impacts of improved cryospheric surface shortwave radiative transfer scheme SNICAR-AD on fully-coupled Earth system simulations
- Impacts of small coronal transients at Parker Solar Probe at times of density increases and burst of magnetic switchbacks
- Implementation of a Two-Moment Warm-Cloud Microphysics Parameterization for Convective Clouds of GCMs: Impacts on MJO Simulations
- Implementation of the Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE) Mission Concept
- Improved AWSoM Modeling of the First Two PSP Encounters
- Improving Forecast Lead Times for the Solar Wind, IMF, and Kp Index
- Improving LRO/CRaTER Measurements of Cosmic-Ray LET Spectra and Lunar Albedo Protons
- Improving the Simulation of Carbon Cycle Fluxes in Arctic-Boreal Vegetation in the Community Land Model
- In-Flight DC and Low-Frequency Electric Field Calibration for the Parker Solar Probe
- Including K-12 teachers in field research: progress and lessons learned on communicating climate change science to a broader audience
- Influence of tree water content in the zero-flow maximum temperature difference: A theoretical and experimental approach.
- Insights into the role of turbulence on model-measurement agreement of oxidants in forested environments
- Inter-hemispheric comparison of ground magnetic response to interplanetary shocks: Shock impact angle versus timing and intensities of ground magnetic response
- Interhemispheric comparisons of large nighttime magnetic perturbation events
- Intermittent heating in the inner Heliosphere: PSP observations
- Intraseasonal dynamics and directional dependencies in novel tower-based SIF observations over a temperate deciduous forest
- Inverted-V electron acceleration events concurring with discrete aurora observations at Mars by MAVEN
- Investigating Storm-Driven Thermospheric Density Enhancements with Two-Line Element Sets and Orbital Propagation
- Investigating Wave Particle Interactions in the Martian Space Environment with MAVEN Observations
- Investigating a Possible Relationship between Fog and Monsoon Surges
- Investigating a model-proxy discrepancy between precipitation and hydrogen stable isotopes in mid-Holocene northern Africa
- Investigating the Impact of Plasma Interaction on the Retrieval of Europa's Induced Magnetic Field
- Investigating the role of solar wind-dust interaction in the production of He+
- Investigation of Methane Emission in Permafrost Using In-situ Measurements and Satellite Remote Sensing Data for Climate Change Education
- Investigation of isoprene dynamics during the day-to-night transition period
- Ion temperature anisotropy measurements using the Solar Probe Cup on Parker Solar Probe
- Is Tibetan Plateau uplift more recent than we thought?
- Jupiter As Seen By The Juno Microwave Radiometer: A Progress Report
- Jupiter with Jupyter: Lessons from Teaching Data Visualization and Statistics in Geosciences
- Kamodo: An open source python visualization tool from the CCMC
- Kinetic physics everywhere in the inner heliosphere: Evidence from the FIELDS instrument on Parker Solar Probe
- Landslide volume - area relationships from an earthquake-triggered event
- Large Scale Structure of the Solar Wind, Poynting Flux, and Ion Energy Flow between 35 and 130 Solar Radii.
- Late quaternary vegetation and hydrological changes in the southeastern Amazon based on geochemical and pollen analyses
- Lessons from a 15-year eddy-covariance dataset: could changing soil water content tip the temperate forest carbon balance?
- Limitations of global MHD models of the Earth's magnetosphere
- Linking field, model, and remote sensing methods to understand when tree mortality breaks the forest carbon cycle
- Linking the Evolution of Terrestrial Interiors and an Early Outgassed Atmosphere to Astrophysical Observations
- Localized Magnetic Field Structures and Their Boundaries in the Near-Sun Solar Wind from Parker Solar Probe Measurements
- Locating the Source Field Lines of Jovian Decametric Radio Emissions
- MAVEN observations of internally generated ULF waves in the upper ionosphere of Mars
- MESSENGER Observations of Flow Braking and Flux Pile-up in Mercury's Magnetotail: Evidence for Current Wedge Formation
- MESSENGER observations and global simulations of highly compressed magnetosphere events at Mercury
- MESSENGER observations of planetary ion characteristics within Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices at Mercury
- MHD mode decomposition in the inner-heliosphere from the Parker Solar Probe
- MHD-Scale Energy Transfer in the Inner Heliosphere from PSP observations
- Magnetic connectivity of the ecliptic plane within 0.5 AU : PFSS modelling of the early PSP encounters
- Magnetic reconnection as a source of velocity spikes in the solar wind
- Magnetospheric Response to Driving by Complex ICMEs
- Magnetospheric Response to Solar Wind Transients Using the Heliophysics System Observatory
- Mapping Modeled Exposure of Wildland Fire Smoke for Human Health Studies in California
- Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA) an environmental suite of sensors for the Mars 2020 rover
- Maximum Entropy Production (MEP) Method for Modeling Surface Energy Budget - Theory and Applications to Arctic Regions
- Measurement of Electron Temperature Anisotropy to within 35 Rs
- Measuring the Earth's Synchrotron Emission from Radiation Belts with a Lunar Near Side Radio Array
- Mercury's nightside magnetosphere in response to a Coronal Mass Ejection and a High Speed Stream: MESSENGER observations
- Methane Emissions from Oil and Gas Systems: Losses in Production and Consumption
- Methylmercury Degradation by Methanotrophs and its Environmental Implications
- Modeling Active Layer Depth of Permafrost under Changing Surface Boundary Conditions
- Modeling Porosity-Permeability Evolution of Carbonates due to Reactive Fluid Flow Using OpenFOAM
- Modeling SAPS in the ionosphere and plasmasphere with SAMI3/RCM/GITM
- Modeling Sodium Energization at Mercury.
- Modeling an Extreme Coronal Mass Ejection and its Consequences for the Earth's Inner Magnetosphere
- Modeling nutrient cycling and retention in wetlands as a simultaneous driver and outcome of ecosystem self-organization
- Modern foliar nitrogen-climate relationships in select Cupressaceae used to model middle Eocene high latitude foliar nitrogen
- Moisture Controls on the Behavior of Simulated Tropical Deep Convection
- Molybdenum speciation in Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway sediments: Implications for trace metal proxies
- Monazite Eu Anomalies Beyond Feldspar: Constraining the Timescales of Deep Crustal Heat and Mass Transfer
- Multi-Instrument Study of High Latitude Ionospheric Dynamics due to Enhanced Solar Wind Compression
- Multi-Proxy Investigation of the Cenomanian Western Interior Seaway using Oyster Macrofossils
- Multi-fluid MHD Modeling of Europa's Plasma Interaction: Effects of Asymmetric Density in the Neutral Atmosphere
- Multi-species modelling of the forming solar wind from the upper chromosphere to Parker Solar Probe
- Multi-station GPS TEC and magnetometer observations of ULF waves in Antarctica
- Multivariate Sensitivity Analysis of Orographic Precipitation Within an Idealized Atmospheric River Environment
- NASA Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System: From Characterization of GPS EIRP to Physical Oceanography
- Nacreous clouds on Mars: imaging cloud formation with the Curiosity rover
- Near-global CFC-11 Trends as Observed by Atmospheric Infrared Sounder from 2002 to 2018
- Neighboring Planet Outposts: Location and Opportunity
- New algorithm for the generation of global CYGNSS-based watermasks detects short-term flooding and lake dry-out
- New insights about the Late Eocene monsoon-like atmospheric circulation using the IPSL Earth System Model: what is certain, less certain and very uncertain !
- Next Generation Venus Lander Missions for the Coming Planetary Science Decadal Survey
- Nighttime magnetic perturbation events observed in Arctic Canada: Investigating their associations with localized field-aligned currents and with substorms
- Nonequilibrium ionization effects on coronal plasma diagnostics and elemental abundance measurements
- Novel Measurements of Solar Corona during the July 2 2019 Total Eclipse over Chile
- Novel statistical modeling tools for identifying thresholds and phase shifts in coastal ice cover
- Numerical experiment design doubles scientific return of surface-atmosphere synthesis
- Numerical simulations of the evolution of magnetic field kinks in the solar wind
- Observation of the Heating and Acceleration of the Solar Wind by MHD Waves
- Observations of Non-Thermal Structure in the Proton Velocity Distribution Function Using Proton Beams Below 0.3 AU from Parker Solar Probe and at 1 AU with Wind
- Observations of Space Weather at Mars
- Observations of blowing snow impacts on ambient particle abundance and chemical composition in the springtime Arctic
- Observed Properties of Solar Wind Jets inside 0.25 AU
- Ocean circulation sensitivity to tectonic gateways changes during the latest Cretaceous
- On the Martian Induced Magnetosphere Boundary: MAVEN Observations
- On the magnetospheric driver of double subauroral ion drifts (DSAIDs) and effects of ionospheric conductance
- On the origins of magnetic flux ropes in the ionosphere of Mars using observations from MAVEN
- On the temperature dependence of equilibrium climate sensitivity and cloud feedback
- On the validity of the Taylor Hypothesis in the inner heliosphere as observed by the Parker solar probe.
- Out-of-sequence shortening in an active accretionary prism by km-scale buckle folding revealed by structural and thermochronometric data from the Eastern Greater Caucasus
- Paleoceanographic change across the Western Interior Seaway during the onset of Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2
- Parameterizing turbulent transport of reactive tracers
- Parameterizing waterbodies in a level pool scheme: a National Water Model application
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Magnetic Reconnection Exhausts during Encounter 1
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Solar Energetic Particles Associated with a Slow Coronal Mass Ejection at 0.25AU
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of the Release of Density Blobs and Flux Ropes at the Heliospheric Current Sheet
- Parker Solar Probe approaches the Alfvén Point
- Parker Solar Probe observations of proton beams simultaneous with ion-cyclotron waves
- Parker Solar Probe observations of the first Venus flyby
- Parker Solar Probe: Mission Status and Outlook After One Year of Operation
- Photoionization as a loss process of the Sodium Exosphere at Mercury: A Seasonal dependence observed by MESSENGER
- Physics-informed Machine Learning for Probabilistic Space Weather Modeling and Forecasting: dB/dt and Geomagnetically Induced Currents
- Physiological functioning of seasonally dry-adapted floras in response to changes in late Paleozoic atmospheric composition and aridity.
- Plasma waves near the electron cyclotron frequency in the near-Sun solar wind: implications for inner heliospheric turbulence and the structure of the solar wind
- Playa Dust Mineralogy and its Impact on Atmospheric Reactivity and the Production of Reactive Halogens
- Pre-training of urban flood simulation for real-time flood forecasting within uncertainty quantification framework
- Predictable Soil Stratigraphy of the Upper Thawed Layer in Permafrost Terrain Controls Hydrological Flows and Dynamics
- Predicting Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs): Meeting the Challenge with Improved Space Weather Services
- Predicting Solar Flares using Time Sequence Based Machine Learning Models
- Predicting the Solar Wind at Parker Solar Probe Using an Empirically Driven MHD Model
- Preferential Ion Heating and Particle Acceleration Downstream of Dispersive Shock Waves in Collisionless Multi-Ion Plasma
- Probabilistic Sea Level Projections from Ice Sheet and Earth System Models (ProSPect)
- Probabilistic forecast of microcystin toxin using satellite remote sensing, in situ observations and numerical modeling
- Provenance and cyclostratigraphy of Permo-Carboniferous dust delivered to northeastern Gondwana
- Quantifying forest management impacts on soil carbon using meta-analysis, data synthesis, and remote sensing
- Quantifying high temporal resolution patterns of gap creation and tree mortality in the 50 ha plot on Barro Colorado Island using drone-acquired imagery
- Quantifying land and ocean carbon cycle responses to climate variability using Earth system satellite observations
- Radial Evolution of MHD-Scale Solar Wind Turbulence from 35 Rs to 1 AU
- Radiation bombardment at Europa by magnetospheric particles and cosmic rays
- Radiative cooling uncertainties introduced by neglecting cloud longwave scattering from the Indian Ocean to the Maritime Continent
- Rapid Flux Angle Measurements in the Inner Heliosphere
- Rapid Mineral Precipitation During Shear Fracturing of Carbonate-Rich Shales
- Rapid viscoelastic deformation slows marine ice sheet instability at Pine Island Glacier
- Reconstructing and forecasting the water balance of Lake Chilwa (Malawi)
- Refining the Use of Stable Carbon Isotopes in Terrestrial Forest Ecosystems to Reconstruct Climate
- Relating Jovian Lightning Rates and Water Abundance: a One-Dimensional Model
- Relating strain localization during post-orogenic collapse to inherited crustal structure in the northern Basin and Range extensional province, western United States.
- Remote Sensing of Ice Sheet Internal Temperatures Using Ultra-Wideband Microwave Radiometry
- Remote Sensing of Ocean Surface Winds and Waves Using NASA Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System
- Research Update: First Identification of Foreshock Plasma Populations at Mercury
- Residual Study: Testing Jupiter Atmosphere Models Against Juno MWR Observations
- Response of chemical weathering and hillslope hydrology along an exhumation gradient in central Nepal: new insights from transit time tracers and groundwater chemistry
- Responses of Venus and Mars to an Extreme Carrington-Type Space Weather Event: Atmospheric Loss and Core-Induced Magnetic Signature
- Results from Juno's Stellar Reference Unit Survey of Jovian Lightning
- Revised estimates of agricultural fire emissions for Punjab, India: bridging gaps in satellite observations using household survey data
- Role of Moisture Flux Divergence in Mid-summer Precipitation Decrease over the Great Lakes Region
- Role of the Inductive Electric Field to the Ring Current Particle Energization and Trapping
- Saturn's Rings: Atmsopheric Effects of Ring Shadow, Ring Shine, and Thermal Emission
- Scales and Velocity Contrasts of Scatterers in the Lower Mantle using USArray Recordings of S-wave to P-wave Conversions
- Scintillation producing ionospheric structures over Antarctic plateau during substorm events
- Scoreboard of the Inner Magnetosphere Charging Environment: Realtime Validation of an Ensemble of Community Models
- Sea Surface Temperature Variability on the California Margin During the Common Era
- Searching for Weak Stream Interactions in the Inner Heliosphere using the Parker Solar Probe
- Season's greetings or annual averages from paleosol carbonates? Findings from numerical simulations of soil carbonate formation.
- Seasonally dependent impact of cloud longwave scattering on the polar climate: why it is a missing physics in current climate models?
- Sedimentological evolution of a thick Upper Cretaceous mudstone succession from the southern high latitudes - insights from IODP Site 1512, Bight Basin, Australia
- Segmentation of Storm-Enhanced Density by Boundary Flows Associated with Westward Drifting Partial Ring current
- Seismic characterization of the Critical Zone in the Nepal Himalaya: a regional perspective
- Seismicity on Tidally Active Ocean Worlds in our Solar System and Beyond
- Selected Alfvén Spikes from the First Two Parker Solar Probe Encounters
- Sensitivity study of ice cloud radiative property for future spaceborne far-infrared remote sensing applications
- Sequence-stratigraphic and X-ray fluorescence characterization of lake transgression-regression cycles at the late Pliocene to Pleistocene transition, central Kenya Rift Valley
- Sharp Alfvenic Impulses in the Near-Sun Solar Wind: Properties and Possible Origins
- Siberian and temperate ecosystems shape Northern Hemisphere atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> seasonal amplification
- Signal of Opportunity CubeSat for Ranging and Timing Experiments (SOCRATES)
- Soil carbon, where does it come from? Where does it go? Insights from the long-term DIRT network.
- Solar Energetic Particles and Seed Populations Observed by Parker Solar Probe at ∼0.5 au: Observations and Modeling of the April 21, 2019 Energetic Particle Event
- Solar Flare Classification and Prediction with Data Science
- Solar wind interaction with Venus in a global hybrid model: the ion foreshock and the dynamics of the induced magnetosphere
- Solar wind proton core and beam distributions as seen by the SPAN-Ion instrument on Parker Solar Probe.
- Solar wind streams and corotating interaction regions observed by Parker Solar Probe with corresponding observations at one AU
- Space-Based Observations of Seasonal NOx Emissions from Agriculture
- Statistical Investigation of Auroral Structures
- Statistical analysis of the equatorial plasma irregularities retrieved from Swarm 2013-2019 observations
- Statistics of Energetic Particles in the first Parker Solar Probe Orbit: Correlations and Association with Magnetic Structures
- Stochastic heating of the solar wind becomes increasingly significant close to the Alfven critical point
- Stochastic simulation and inference of complex ecohydrologic processes with uncertainty quantification in an Amazonian catchment
- Stress drop variation of deep-focus earthquakes based on empirical Green's functions
- Stripping back the Modern to reveal Cretaceous climate underneath
- Sub-Alfvénic Conditions Upstream of the Heliopause Inferred from a Magnetohydrodynamic Model of Ganymede's Magnetosphere are Consistent with Voyager Data in the Local Interstellar Medium
- Sunlight and iron control the oxidation of DOC leached from permafrost soils
- Sunward Strahl in Rapid Magnetic Field Reversals: Solar Connectivity and Magnetic Topology During Switchbacks in Parker Solar Probe's Early Encounters
- Superposed Epoch Analysis of Sawtooth Events: Investigating the Role of Heavy Ions for Different Interplanetary Drivers
- Suprathermal O6+ behavior associated with interplanetary shocks
- Switchbacks: A Statistical Investigation of Their Properties
- Synchrotron radiation belts at Jupiter - Juno's MWR observations versus modeling results
- Syneruptive Pressure-Temperature-Time Paths of Basaltic Magma
- Systematic Study of the Magnetopause Reconnection and FTEs from 3D Simulations of Ganymede's Magnetosphere
- Systematically quantifying core-scale mineral heterogeneity as a controlling factor for permeability evolution
- Ten-Moment Multi-Fluid Model for Driven Terrestrial Magnetospheres: Application to Mercury
- Testing The Exchangeability Of Two Ensembles Of Spatial Processes - Evaluating Proxy Influence In Assimilated Paleoclimate Reconstructions
- The 2019 Greenland Expedition for Undergraduate Research
- The Andean topography throughout the Cenozoic
- The Carbon Content in Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from Rosetta/ROSINA
- The Cloud, Aerosol, and Monsoon Processes, Philippines Experiment (CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex): Planning, performance, and early outcomes
- The Coronal Source Regions of Solar Wind Suprathermal Electrons at 0.1-200 keV
- The Current State of Operational Geospace Modeling Efforts at NOAA SWPC
- The Dynamics of Energetic Ions and Electrons While Embedded in Callisto's Perturbed Electromagnetic Environment
- The Effects of the Upper Atmosphere and Corona on the Solar Wind Interaction with Venus
- The Fundamental Roles of Iron as a Mediator of Land-Water Interactions in Arctic Catchments
- The Heliospheric Current Sheet in the Inner Heliosphere Observed by Parker Solar Probe
- The Importance of Self-Consistent Conductivity in Coupling Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Models
- The NASA CYGNSS Small Satellite Constellation
- The Net Aquatic and Terrestrial Carbon Balances are Linked by Weather Events in a Headwater Arctic Catchment
- The New AGU Education Section as a Voice for Earth and Space Science Education
- The Polar Winter Anti-Greenhouse Effect: Surface Temperature Impacts, Dependence on Inversion Strength, and Geoengineering Potential
- The Prevalence of Ion-Scale Instabilities in the First Parker Solar Probe Encounters
- The Radial Dependence of Proton-scale Magnetic Spectral Break During PSP Encounter 2
- The Relationship between Pulsating Aurora and Chorus Waves: Comparing Simultaneous Observations with Gakona All Sky Camera and the Van Allen Probes
- The Role of Ocean Forcing In Triggering Ice Shelf Disintegration
- The Runoff Model-Intercomparison Project Over Lake Erie and the Great Lakes
- The STONE Curve: A ROC-based model performance assessment tool
- The State of Acidity in the Atmosphere: Particles and Clouds
- The Structure of the Heliotail as probed by a Kinetic-MHD, a Multi-Ion Description of the Heliosphere and Energetic Neutral Maps
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE) Mission Concept
- The Two-Lobe Structure of the Heliosphere Persists in the SHIELD Model, a K-MHD Model of the Outer Heliosphere
- The Zoo of Metrics: Teaching a Robust Set of Data-Model Comparison Techniques for Space Physics
- The co-dependency of erosion rate, rock strength, and topographic relief: a case study from the Western Transverse Ranges, southern California, USA
- The fossil fuel CO2 emissions of U.S. cities
- The impact of cold ions on ultralow frequency (ULF) waves and the subsequent effects on the magnetospheric system
- The induced magnetosphere of Mars. Fields, forces, currents
- The influence of water column and porewater trace metal bioavailability on sediment geochemistry in a Proterozoic ocean analogue
- The magnetic structure and electrodynamics of the emerging solar wind
- The origin of the geochemical zonation with temperature in Bishop high-SiO<SUB>2</SUB> rhyolite: evidence of rapid times scales between melt segregation and eruption?
- The physiological landscape of the Carboniferous: Freezing, Vegetation, and Earth System Processes
- The response of Jupiter's coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere system to changes in the solar wind and the release of plasmoids in the magnetotail: Results from global MHD simulations
- The role of Alfvén wave dynamics in the large scale properties of the solar wind: comparing 3D MHD simulation and PSP data
- The role of crustal recycling: Coevolution of deep-mantle structure and geochemical heterogeneity
- The role of groundwater dynamics on carbon export from continuous permafrost watersheds
- The twin-probe method: tracking the variable potential of small satellites to improve Langmuir probe measurement accuracy
- Thermodynamic Modeling Using ENKI: 1. Overview and Phase Equilibrium Applications
- Thermodynamic Modeling Using ENKI: 2. Extending Existing Models
- Thin current sheets observed by MAVEN in the Martian magnetotail
- Time-Dependent Two-Fluid Magnetohydrodynamic Model and Simulation of the Chromosphere
- Toward Massively-scalable Hydrologic Sensor Networks
- Tradeoffs in planning and operation costs due to climate change in SERC's power system
- Trials and Tribulations of Supervised Learning for Computational Geosciences in Planetary Magnetospheres
- Triple Oxygen Isotope (Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O) Signatures of Evaporation at Bear Lake, Utah since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Triple oxygen isotopes, aridity and uplift: a case study from the Atacama
- Tropical Variability from the Last Glacial Maximum to Present
- Turbulence Transport Modeling and PSP Observations
- Type III Radio Bursts Observed in the Inner Heliosphere
- UV Fluxes at Gale Crater: Correction of three Mars Years of MSL REMS Measurements
- Uncertainty Quantification for E3SM Land Component using Low-Rank Surrogate Models
- Uncertainty in critical source area predictions from watershed-scale hydrologic models
- Understanding drivers of recent record-high water levels across the Laurentian Great Lakes
- Understanding earthquake impact on communities through structural building damage and social vulnerability metrics
- Understanding the Effects of Earth's Lower Atmosphere on Upper Ionospheric-Thermospheric Semi Annual Oscillation - Using GITM, MSIS and WACCM-X
- Unexpected field-aligned PADs of energetic ions in the dayside ring current region
- Unifying the Multiple-Field-Line-Advection Model for Particle Acceleration with a Seed Population
- Unraveling Diffuse Deformation in the Drum Mountains, Utah, with Paleoseismology, Modern Geodesy, and Historical Aerial Photography
- Using ICESat-2 and Operation IceBridge Altimetry for Supraglacial Lake Depth Retrievals
- Using a Student Developed CubeSat to Study Electrodynamic Tether Propulsion
- Using dynamic earthquake rupture models to quantify rupture characteristics and upper plate deformation for the Cascadia megathrust
- Validating the Alfven Wave Solar Atmosphere (AWSoM) Model from the Low Corona to 1 AU
- Validating the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF) for applications in northern Europe: Ground magnetic perturbation validation
- Validation of the combined active and passive microwave snow retrieval algorithm by using NASA SnowEx 2017 and ESA NoSREx 2009-12
- Variability of Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Meteoric Waters
- Variability of the Energetic Particle Population in Response to Magnetospheric Activity
- Variation of Magnetospheric Ultra-Low Frequency Wave Power Spectrum during the 27-28 May 2017 Challenge Event: LFM-RCM Simulation Results
- Vehicles as sensors: high-accuracy rainfall maps from windshield wiper measurements
- Volcanically Initiated Shoaling of the Marine Calcite Compensation Depth during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 ( 94 Ma)
- Waiting time (distance) distributions of magnetic field and velocity PVI events during the first Parker Solar Probe encounter
- Warming Temperatures Lead to Increased Groundwater Depletion in India
- Weighted CRAND injection coefficients at Saturn
- Worst-Case Severe Environments for Surface Charging as Dependent on Solar Wind and Geomagnetic Conditions
- X-&Ku-band Radar SWE Retrieval Improvement: Estimation of the Background Scattering of the Soil Interface with C-band Radar Observations
- Young Solar Wind in the Grip of the Sun's Corona
- Zone of Preferential Heating for Heavy Ions in the Solar Wind
- 3D Hall-MHD Simulations of Mercury's Dayside Magnetopause Reconnection and Its Impact on the Global Magnetospheric Dynamics
- <SUB>Impacts of Spatially Varying Eddy Diffusion Coefficient in the Lower Thermosphere on the Ionosphere and Thermosphere using GITM</SUB>
- A 4-D geodynamic model of the lithosphere: the coupled influence of tectonics and surface processes on crustal deformation, basin development, and drainage evolution in southwestern North America since the Late Eocene
- A Comparison of FDTD-Predicted Surface Magnetic Fields with SuperMAG, INTERMAGNET, and BATS-R-US and RIM Virtual Magnetometers during a Geomagnetic Storm
- A Compendium of Resources for Remote Teaching
- A Copula-Based Water Supply Forecasting System for Large Lakes
- A Geospatial Analysis of Wildland and Agricultural Burning PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Air Pollution for Human Health Studies in California
- A Multiple Scattering Model of Brightness Temperatures for Soil Moisture Retrieval in Forests and Comparison with SMAPVEX12 Data
- A New Metric for Evaluating Northern Hemisphere Growing Season Net Flux in Climate Models
- A Statistical Comparison of Global MHD Simulations and Geomagnetic Storm Indices
- A Statistical Study of Sudden Impulse Characteristics to Understand their Space Weather Importance
- A depletion of ammonia and water by storms in the deep atmosphere of Jupiter
- A multidimensional framework enhances interpretation of carbon (C) cycling stability following disturbance
- A semi-operational ice nowcast/forecast modeling system, supporting navigation in Lake Erie
- A transient enhancement of Mercury's exosphere observed at extremely high altitudes in the solar wind
- A wet basin during dry times: a new Pliocene lake record from the Afar region, Ethiopia
- Advancing Urban Flood Resilience with Smart Water Infrastructure
- Agent-Based Models as an Integrating Boundary Object for Interdisciplinary Research on Coastal System Dynamics
- An Evaluation of Coupled Machine Learning Emulators for Physical Parameterizations in the Community Atmosphere Model
- An Initial Exploration of the 3-D Structure of Terrestrial-like Exoplanetary Atmospheres Orbiting Around Different Parent Star Types
- Analogues of a Flow-regime Conducive to European Forecast Busts: Are Mesoscale Convective Systems Catalysts of Synoptic Forecast Error Downstream?
- Analysis of Extreme Precipitation Conditions near the Wilkes and Adelie Lands in Antarctica
- Analytical study of energy-transfer processes on Ganymede's upstream magnetopause
- Applying Machine Learning \to Understanding the Physical Processes of Solar Flare Onset
- Assessing the Impact of Pre-Segmentation Image Processing Filters on the Accuracy of Rock Characteristics Derived from CT Datasets
- Assessing the Performance of the Solar Orbiter Heavy Ion Sensor via Cross Calibration with its Ion Optical Model
- Atmospheric Rivers in a Changing Climate: An Overview from the second phase of the Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP)
- Back-arc tsunami hazard in the Gulf of Mexico from Oaxaca earthquakes: Lessons from past events
- Balloon-based Atmospheric Investigations of Venus
- Beauty and the Beast: Simple Brune source model applied to complex earthquakes
- Boundary Inflow Estimation for Greenhouse Gas Imaging Satellite Observations: Application to MethaneSAT
- Bringing the Arctic to the High School Classroom
- Building the Capacity in West Africa for Hydrographic Science through Development of an Academic Program at the Regional Maritime University in Accra, Ghana
- Case study of a transpolar arc during high geomagnetic activity
- Catching the Freshwater Wave: Lakes, Aerosols, and Algal Blooms
- Characteristics of Geomagnetic Storms: Comparison of Community Storm Databases and Storm Statistical Properties
- Characterization of Extreme Rainfall Events and Landslide Hazard in the Himalaya from High-Temporal Resolution Precipitation Records
- Characterization of Transient Induced Current Events In Ground Magnetometer Data
- Characterization of Transient Induced Current Events Observed in Ground Magnetometer Data
- Characterizing multi-subevents earthquakes using Brune source model
- Characterizing the Performance of a Low-Cost Dual Frequency GNSS Receiver: Enabling Distributed Arrays of Small Instruments (DASI) and Citizen Science Observations
- Chemical Characterization of Prescribed Burn Emissions from a Mixed Forest in Northern Michigan
- Cloud Phase Classification in the Arctic using Far-Infrared Radiances
- Coastal Water Level Variability, Inundation, and Impacts on Nearshore Infrastructure
- Comparing numerical models to laboratory experiment results using the twin-probe method: a technique to improve Langmuir probe measurement accuracy on very small satellites
- Comparing the best ADAPT realizations from WSA, AWSoM and AWSoM-R
- Connecting Landscape-Applied Nutrients to Widespread Coastal Wetland Invasion Across the Laurentian Great Lakes
- Connections to Tidal Marsh and Restored Salt Ponds Drive Seasonal and Spatial Variability in Ecosystem Metabolic Rates in Lower South San Francisco Bay
- Constraining the climate sensitivity in CESM2 through simulation of the Last Glacial Maximum
- DAVINCI+ Answers Long-Standing and Emerging Questions About the Venus Atmosphere
- DAVINCI+: Opening the History Book of Venus and Connecting Analog Exoplanets
- Data and Simulacra, toward a framework for inclusive coproduction
- Deep Atmosphere of Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging Plus (DAVINCI+): Discovering a New Venus via a Flyby, Probe, Orbiter Mission
- Deep-UV Raman Spectroscopy for Planetary Science: Searching for Signs of Life on Mars
- Deltas in an estuary: clumped and triple oxygen isotope analyses reveal isotopically depleted headwaters in the early Eocene of Southern CA
- Determining the Global Water Abundance in Jupiter from Juno MWR
- Determining the source location of African dust transported to the Amazon and its associated Fe speciation
- Determining the volatile surface activity of comet 67P/CG from Rosetta remote sensing measurements
- Developing a new estimate for the water balance of the Laurentian Great Lakes
- Development of a Coupled Hydrologic-Hydrodynamic-Wave Flood Forecasting System for Lake Champlain
- Did Galileo Pass Through a Plume on E26?
- Divergent hydraulic responses to dry season water limitation for canopy dominant species in an Eastern Amazon Rainforest
- Does the Ionosphere and Plasmasphere Ever Vanish? : an Investigation of Topside Ionospheric Behavior During Geomagnetic Storms
- Drivers of Atmospheric and Oceanic Surface Temperature Variance
- Dynamic mechanisms support forest carbon cycling stability following disturbance
- Early Miocene evolution of C4 vegetation and open ecosystems across equatorial East Africa
- Early results from the Proton Alfa Sensor (PAS/SWA) onboard Solar Orbiter: the Solar Wind at different scales.
- Ecosystem-to-global scale modeling of vegetation-climate feedbacks during the Late Paleozoic Ice Age
- Effects of Europa's Moon-Plasma Interaction on Europa Clipper's Magnetic Induction Investigation
- Emissions of aerosols and climate-warming gases from coal-fired brick kilns in South Asia and Colombia
- Energy distribution of planetary ions He<SUP>+</SUP>, O<SUP>+</SUP> and Na<SUP>+</SUP> in Mercury's magnetosphere
- Enhanced Google Earth Web (eGEW): GeoTrips and GeoExplorations
- Estimating iron oxidizing bacteria distribution from remote sensing in Alaskan tundra
- Estimating soil moisture in the active layer of the Arctic Foothills using spaceborne InSAR surface deformation data
- Evaluation of Distributed System Mission (DSM) Architectures for Cloud Bow Retrievals using the Hyper-Angular Rainbow Polarimeter (HARP)
- Evaluation of Terrestrial Water and Energy Budget Components over the St. Lawrence River Basin
- Evolution of Global Sea-level Rise Projections for the 21st Century and their Incorporation in Local and Regional Assessments
- Examining the I/Ca paleo-proxy on a molecular level: A quantum-mechanical approach to understanding the thermodynamics of iodine incorporation in marine calcite
- Experimental Coupling of a MEMS Gas Chromatograph and a Mass Spectrometer for Organic Analysis on Icy Ocean World Landers
- Extensional Strain Heterogeneity in the Northern Basin and Range Continental Rift Recorded in Low-Temperature Thermochronology
- FLEKS: A Flexible Particle-in-Cell code for Multi-Scale Space Plasma Simulations
- Fast Deep Learning-Based Stokes Vector Inversion with Confidence for SDO/HMI
- Fe XII and Fe XIII Line Widths in a Southern Coronal Hole up to 1.5 Solar Radii
- First Measurements of Heavy Ions from the Solar Orbiter Heavy Ion Sensor
- Flexible Kinetic Coupling Model with FLEKS for Simulating Ganymede's Magnetosphere
- Forecasting global ionospheric total electron content (TEC) using deep learning
- Frequency-Difference Back-projection of Earthquakes
- From Fault Dates to Orogenic Rates: Fault Gouge Dating in the Spanish Pyrenees and Application to Global Fold-Thrust Belt Strain Rates
- Geochemical-geomechanical feedback in stressed fracture systems
- Geoelectric Fields Driven by Ultra Low Frequency Waves: A Missing Link in our Understanding of Geomagnetically Induced Currents
- Geomagnetic simulation using MHD with Adaptively Embedded PIC model
- Geosynchronous orbit access strategy for the NASA SunRISE Explorer Mission
- Glacial Hydroclimate in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool: Perspectives from Water Isotopes
- Global Capabilities of Modeling Auroral Precipitation - Characterizing Contributors and Drivers
- Global Imaging of Magnetotail Dynamics
- Global MHD Simulations of Uranus' Dynamic Interaction with the Solar Wind: Diurnal and Seasonal Variations
- Global survey of ion flow acceleration within current sheets in the Martian magnetosphere with MAVEN
- Heavy Ion Sensor on Solar Orbiter: Linking the Solar Wind and the Sun
- Heliospheric Ly α Absorption in a Split Tail Heliosphere
- High-latitude surface-atmosphere radiative coupling in the far-IR: missing physics in climate models and opportunities in future observations
- Hillslope morphology drives variability of detrital <SUP>10</SUP>Be erosion rates in steep landscapes
- How Do Near-Surface Strength Characteristics Vary Over Landscape Scales? A Case Study Using Geotechnical Field Methods and a Back-Analysis of Earthquake Triggered Landslides.
- How does planetary magnetic field impact on Ion escape rate?
- Hydrologic effects of leaf regulation strategies in the Amazonian headwater system
- Hydrological Extremes and Human Society
- ICESat-2 melt depth retrievals: Revisiting surface melt on Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica
- Ice Sheet Model Mesh-resolution Dependence of Damage Advection and Calving
- Ice Shelf Roughness: Its Fractal Nature and Relationship to Basal Melt
- Identification of earthquakes and anthropogenic events around the southern Great Lakes
- Identifying relationships between urban stormwater signatures and watershed characteristics using interpretable machine learning
- Imaging the Japan Trench Subduction Zone Subsurface with an Ocean-Bottom Fiber-Optic Cable
- Impacts of Greenland Block Location on Clouds and Surface Energy Fluxes over the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Impacts of Remotely Generated Internal Tides on the Energetics in Regional Simulations of the California Current System.
- Impacts on the Carbon Cycle of Warming and Species Removal in Montane Ecosystems
- Implementing a Physically-Based Hyperspectral Snow Albedo Scheme in Regional and Global Climate Models for Improved Ice Sheet Mass Balance Estimates
- Improved prediction of tropical wetland methane emissions using new CYGNSS-based inundation maps
- Improving Environmental Forecast Models through Stakeholder Engagement
- Increased Northern Hemisphere vegetation cover as a potential solution to the Holocene Temperature Conundrum
- Indirect effects and feedbacks associated with light-absorbing constituents in the cryosphere
- Inherent Spatial Scales of Solar Wind Periodic Structures Found in ACE/SWICS Data
- Insights into Fast Magnetic Reconnection in Highly-extended Current Sheets with Laser-produced Plasmas
- Intense surface melting and firn saturation on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the 2019-2020 austral melt season mapped from space using satellite C-band radar scatterometry
- Interpretation of LSTM Prediction on Solar Flare Eruption
- Interpreting Interglacial Stratigraphy in Bermuda With New Amino Acid Data
- Investigating temporal trends and spatial patterns of extreme precipitation in Northern Virginia, USA
- Investigating the relationship between fault damage zones and earthquakes through earthquake cycle simulations
- Ion properties of Mercury's northern cusp under extreme solar wind observed by MESSENGER
- Is Modern El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Variability Unprecedented? Resolving ENSO Variability of the 17<SUP>th</SUP> Century Using Coral Data from Genovesa Island, Galápagos
- Kamodo Open Source - A Community Resource for Data and Model Access and an Analysis Library for Space Physics
- Kamodo online visualization at the CCMC
- Lake Spray Aerosol Emissions alter thermodynamic equilibrium in the Great Lakes
- Lake-Effect Zones in Climate Model Projections
- Large scale field demonstrations to test the carbon sequestration potential of enhanced weathering in working lands
- Lateral heterogeneity in paleosol geochemistry and resampling to improve proxy uncertainty
- Leveraging NEON soil archives to link soil organic carbon stocks, persistence, and climate sensitivity at the continental scale
- Local Magnetic Field Control of Energetic Electron Fluxes in the Mercury Magnetosphere
- Localizing the Source of Type II Emission Around a CME with the Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE)
- Long-term Trends for Marine Sulfur Aerosol in the Alaskan Arctic and Relationships with Temperature
- Longitudinal Wave Observations Using MAVEN NGIMS Aerobraking and Deep Dip Data
- Low-Rank Tensor Network Approximations for Earth System Models
- MAVEN Observations of Ion Escape as a Function of the Twisted Tail Magnetotail Configuration
- MESSENGER Observations of Sputtering in Mercury's Exosphere
- MESSENGER observations of flux transfer event showers and their influences on sodium ions in Mercury's dayside magnetosphere
- MMS Observations of Forward and Reverse Ion-scale Flux Ropes in the Plasma Sheet: Evidence for Turbulent Reconnection?
- MMS Survey of Dissipating Earthward Propagating Flux Rope Through Re-reconnection with Geomagnetic Field
- Machine Learning Efforts on Solar Flare Predictions by UoM Team
- Machine Learning Forecast of Ionosphere Total Electron Content
- Magnetic Field Measurement Suite for CubeSat Applications
- Magnetic Topology in the Mars Magnetosphere and Its Consequences
- Managing Legume Nitrogen Fixation to Reduce Nitrogen Losses from Farms
- Mercury Lander: A Planetary Mission Concept Study for the 2023-2032 Decadal Survey
- Metamorphism and the evolution of plate tectonics
- Methane and Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from the Offshore Oil and Gas Supply Chain in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
- Middle Miocene continental temperature and precipitation changes recorded in paleosol carbonates (a transatlantic approach)
- Model investigation of the origins of wintertime Arctic aerosols over northern Alaska
- Modeling Pollen Emission Variations over the Continental U.S. with Climate Change
- Modeling future Cascadia tsunamis: Don't prepare only for the rarest and biggest one
- Modeling the effects of nitrogen and hydroperiod on greenhouse gas emissions in Great Lakes coastal wetlands
- Modeling the impact of gravity waves on the thermosphere of Mars with a whole atmosphere gravity wave parameterization in the Mars Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model
- Modelling Miocene climate with the IPSL earth system model. Uncertainties and challenges.
- Modes of Variability in the Great Lakes Water Balance
- Modification of Particle Viscosity and Morphology of Secondary Organic Aerosols with the Uptake of Isoprene Epoxydiols (IEPOX)
- Molecular Ion Contribution to the Polar Plume from Mars: Effects of Solar Wind Parameters and Crustal Magnetic Fields
- Mountain building and critical zone development: the interplay of rock fracturing and mineral weathering in the rapidly exhuming High Himalaya, central Nepal
- Multi-fluid MHD Modeling of Europa's Plasma Interaction
- Multi-proxy evidence for constant hydrological sources and mild, wet climate in post-EECO Greater Green River Basin
- Na<SUP>+</SUP> Energization on Mercury's Dayside - Modeling and MESSENGER Observations
- Near-Inertial Wave Transmission to Ocean Interior in Realistic Global Ocean Simulations
- Net ecosystem production across successional time in a North American eastern temperate forest chronosequence
- Neutral Wind Estimations From Different Methods and Impacts of Neutral Dynamics on the M-I-T Coupled System
- New 2-way Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling within the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- New Electron Beam Experiments in Space and Active Spacecraft Potential Control
- NextGen Space Weather Modeling Framework Using Physics, Data Assimilation, Uncertainty Quantification and GPUs
- Non-Binary Systems: Looking Toward the Future of Gender Equity in Planetary Science and Related Fields
- Northern Great Barrier Reef coral documents seasonal ocean temperature, salinity, productivity and runoff from the last 250 years
- Nutrient Loading Regime Determines N and P Limitation and Alters Ecosystem Function in Simulated Coastal Wetlands Along a Climate Change Gradient
- Observation of COVID-19's Impact on PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Concentration as a Result of Independence Day Fireworks
- Observations of Jovian electrical storms by Juno's SRU
- Observing and Modeling Drainage Networks from Supraglacial Lakes on Russell Glacier, West Greenland
- On the production of singly ionized He in the solar wind from the first observations of Solar Orbiter's Heavy Ion Sensor
- Online capacity building for ocean sciences in West Africa
- Operational Inner Magnetosphere Particle Transport and Acceleration Model for keV electrons
- Optimal Experimental Design of Sensor Locations in EnKF Data Assimilation for Predicting Oceanic Rogue Waves
- Oxygen isotopic signatures of major climate modes and implications for their detectability in speleothems
- Paleoclimate simulations of middle Miocene and early Eocene South America: a quantitative analysis of the regional atmospheric water cycle
- Patterns and Predictors of Tree Mortality Amidst Exceptional Drought
- PlasmaPy: An open source Python package for plasma science
- Plastic Punch: Innovative Ways to Stimulate Societal Engagement in Marine Plastic Pollution
- Predictions of Preferential Heating Zone Boundary using SPAN-I Data
- Process-based evaluation of occluded extratropical cyclones in climate models using CloudSat-CALIPSO observations
- Python and Open-Source Software for Developing Countries: A Catalyst for Change
- Quantifying Variability in Streamflow Distributions from Climate Models to Understand the Relationships Between Climate, Topography and Erosion
- Quantifying atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> interannual variability driven by ocean from OCO-2 observations and air transport simulations
- Quantifying the Impacts of Interplanetary Propagation and Transient Events on Solar Energetic Particle Intensity-Time Profiles
- Quiet-time Solar Wind Suprathermal Electrons of Different Solar Origins
- Radiation tolerance of the the low-cost PNI RM3100 magnetometer for a Europa lander mission
- Radiative Transfer Model for Cross-Polarization of X-&C-band Radar Observations on Remote Sensing of SWE of Mountainous Snow
- Rapid deoxygenation of the Southern California Oxygen Minimum Zone during the Little Ice Age
- Rapid viscoelastic deformation slows marine ice sheet instability in the Amundsen Sea Embayment
- Reanalysis of global temperature variability during the last 24,000 years
- Recent progress and future opportunities in autonomous ocean CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux observing
- Reconstructing precipitation δ<SUP>18</SUP>O from lacustrine carbonates using δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, Δ<SUB>47</SUB>, and Δ'<SUP>17</SUP>O: a modern case study from Junín, Peru with implications for paleoclimate
- Reduction of problem dimensionality by merging hydrologic models with a probabilistic learning methodology
- Remote Sensing of the Terrestrial Water Cycle with the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS)
- Retrieval of high latitude surface emissivity across the far and mid-infrared from a high-altitude aircraft flight
- Revealing the internal structure of Europa with a Bayesian approach to magnetic induction studies
- SOLSTICE: Space Weather Modeling Meets Machine Learning
- Scientific goals for the Venus Flagship Mission's aerobot
- Sensitivity of snow grain size retrievals to dust content, ice particle asphericity, and solar zenith angle
- Signals of the Serengeti: how do four carbon isotopic proxies for C4 grasslands compare?
- Simulating Solar Maximum Conditions with the Alfven Wave Solar Atmosphere Model (AWSoM)
- Snowpack remote sensing using Ultra-Wideband Software-Defined Radiometer (UWBRAD) and the Wideband Autocorrelation Radiometer (WiBAR)
- Solar Orbiter - Solar Wind Analyser (SWA) Suite: Early results from the Electron Analyser System
- Solar Orbiter - Solar Wind Analyser (SWA) Suite: Initial Results of an Alpha-particle Relative Abundance Study within 0.5-1 AU
- Solar Wind Turbulence Features for Parallel and Perpendicular Sampling Direction
- Spatiotemporal Characterization of Tree Encroachment Process at Timberline Ecotone
- Spin transitions and compressibility of ε-Fe<SUB>7</SUB>N<SUB>3</SUB> and γ'-Fe<SUB>4</SUB>N: implications for iron alloys in terrestrial planetary cores
- Statistical Characterization of Vertical Wind Drivers from GITM Simulations
- Statistical Distribution of Magnetic Perturbations and Solar Wind Drivers Using SWARM Data and Machine Learning
- Statistical and event analysis of phase and amplitude scintillations associated with polar cap patches
- Substorm current wedge formation at Mercury informed from MESSENGER observations
- Substorm dynamics in MHD: Statistical validation tests and paths for improvement
- Surface Alfven Wave Reflection as the Slow Wind Formation Mechanism in the Alfven Wave driven Solar Atmosphere Model
- Sustainable Development Goal Achievement in the Presence of Increased Human Pressure
- Sustaining Assessment and the Fifth National Climate Assessment: Recent Efforts by the U.S. Global Change Research Program
- Temporal Changes in Fault damage Zones: Effects of Coseismic Damage Accumulation and Interseismic Healing on Earthquake Cycles
- Tensile failure is insufficient for glacier retreat in a Nye zero stress calving model including crevasse advection
- The Breathing Plasmasphere
- The Coastal Ocean Environment Summer School in Ghana
- The E-bin Model: an AE-based Empirical Model of Auroral Precipitation with a New Cumulative-energy Binning Method
- The Effect of Changing Solar Magnetic Field Intensity on ENA Maps
- The Effects of Bubbles and Biotic Impurities on Snow and Ice Radiative Transfer Properties
- The Impact of African Aerosol Transport on Biogeochemical Cycles
- The Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer: Pressure and Humidity Sensors and Science
- The Origins of Seismic Heterogeneities in the Lower Mantle: Insights from Mineral Physics
- The Polar Radiant Energy in the Far InfraRed Experiment (PREFIRE): Characterizing Far InfraRed Emission from Earth's Polar Regions
- The Power of Words, Images, and Representation: Using Science Communication for Social Justice in STEM
- The Punctuated Continuum of Plate Tectonics Revealed by Global Igneous Rocks
- The Rock Matrix Around CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex's Gemstones: The Value of the Apparently Mundane in Shaping Earth System Observation
- The Role of Hydrates, Competing Chemical Constituents, and Aerosol Surface Composition on ClNO2 Formation from Dusts
- The Structure and Origin of Switchbacks: Parker Solar Probe Observations
- The Surface Energy Budget during the first 4 Martian Years of the Mars Science Laboratory mission
- The influence of accretionary wedge and sedimentary layer on coseismic slip and ground motion of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
- The internal structure of Jupiter's Great Red Spot
- The magnetic flux transport along the -E<SUB>SW</SUB> direction in the magnetotails on Mars and Venus
- The role of timing and location knowledge in enabling the SunRISE mission
- The scale-dependent and non-linear relationship between topographic metrics and rock strength
- The synergistic effects of climate variability, streamflow, land cover change, and fertilizer application on long-term stream water quality across scales
- Thermal Tides at Mars: Observations of Thermospheric Densities by the MAVEN Accelerometer During Aerobraking
- Thermospheric Temperature Responses during the 2018 PEDE Event as Observed by the MAVEN IUVS Instrument: Implications for Changing Dynamics using Mars GITM Simulations
- Three Decades of Subsurface Water Temperature Measurements Reveal Warming Trends and Deep Water Dynamics in Lake Michigan
- Time-dependent global MHD simulations of Jupiter's magnetosphere with a realistic internal field model
- Tipping the Tipping Point: After a Regime Shift to Typha Dominance can Management or High Water Levels Push a Wetland Plant Community Back to a Pre-Invaded State?
- Toward Using Space-Based CO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>2</SUB> Observations to Estimate Urban CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions
- Tracking preliminary impulse propagation using the Heliophysics System Observatory, SuperMag and Intermagnet ground-based magnetometer stations
- Trends in Tropical Variability Since the 18<SUP>th</SUP> Century: A New View from Northern Australian Corals
- Tsunami hazard in Cascadia from M7-9 earthquakes: Most hazardous segments of the rupture
- Two Decades of Geodetic and Seismological Insight into the Seismogenic Zone: A View from Nicoya, Costa Rica
- Understanding the Limitations of System Models for Geomagnetic Index Prediction
- Unravelling the mysteries of Venusian atmospheric evolution through future orbital space physics measurements
- Using Dynamic Rupture Simulations to Assess Megathrust Earthquake Behaviors in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Using triple oxygen isotopes to constrain speleothem paleorecord interpretation in western USA cave systems
- Variability of the Energetic Particle Population in Geospace and Geomagnetic Cutoff Rigidity in Response to Magnetospheric Activity
- Variability of the Solar Wind Flow Asymmetry in the Martian Magnetosheath observed by MAVEN
- Variable Aquifer Discharge and Cooler Climate in Bermuda during the Last Interglacial Revealed by Subannual Clumped Isotope Analysis
- Variations in Deep Convective Storm Morphology and Organization in the Dynamic and Thermodynamic Environments of CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex and PISTON
- Venus Global Ionosphere Thermosphere Model
- Venus, Earth's Divergent Twin?: Testing Evolutionary Models For Venus with the DAVINCI+ Mission
- Verifying Snow Spectral Albedo from the Snow, Ice, and Aerosol Radiation (SNICARv3) Model
- Vertical Distribution of Water Vapor Using the Recalibrated TECP Relative Humidity Measurements and Coordinated MRO Observations at the Mars Phoenix Lander Site
- Volatile Chemical Evolution in Planet-Forming Disks
- We Will Rock You: Noisy and Quiet Times Around the Michigan Stadium
- What good is a STONE curve: Feature set analysis of this new metric
- When Pulsating Aurorae and Chorus Waves Don't Align: Comparing Simultaneous Observations by Gakona All Sky Camera and the Van Allen Probes
- 2D Michigan Solar Wind Propagation Model for the Outer Heliosphere
- A 95-myr continuous record of sea-surface temperatures and polar amplification from planktonic foraminiferal 18O
- A Catch-All Approach to Ocean Capacity Building in West Africa
- A Framework for Sustainable Urban Stormwater Management: Case Study of the Clinton River Watershed, Michigan
- A Holistic Water Balance Closure Forecasting and Validation Framework
- A Lipid Biomarker Record of Plio-Pleistocene Hydroclimatic Change from the Baringo-Tugen Hills-Barsemoi Basin, Kenya
- A Machine Learning Approach to Detecting Kuiper Belt Objects for NASAs New Horizons Extended Mission
- A New Conductance Model Based on PFISR and SWARM Observations and Its Impact on Geospace Dynamics
- A Numerical View of Stellar Coronal Mass Ejections and Exoplanet Habitability
- A Physically Based Analytical Model of Permafrost Active Layer Thawing Depth
- A Predictive Geoelectric Field Model: Development, Results, and Challenges
- A Representation of Crown Damage in the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator Leads to Increased Carbon Starvation Mortality and Decreased Aboveground Biomass
- A Time-Dependent Split Tail Heliosphere
- A Turbulent Heliosheath Driven by Rayleigh Taylor Instability
- A comparison of heliotail configurations arising from different treatments of non-ideal MHD effects with ENA maps at IBEX energies
- A new 3D model of Europas tenuous atmosphere
- A powerful machine learning technique to extract proton core, beam and alpha-particle parameters from velocity distribution functions in space plasmas
- A solar source of Alfvenic magnetic field switchbacks: in situ remnants of magnetic funnels on supergranulation scales
- A tropically hot and salty North American Western Interior Seaway in the mid-Cretaceous
- A two-parameter non-exponential parameterization for frozen clouds and precipitation reflecting recurring observations in diverse cloud conditions.
- AFT: Predicting Active Region Evolution Using Far-Side Helioseismology
- AWSoM MHD simulation of a solar active region with realistic spectral synthesis
- AWSoM context simulations for Parker Solar Probe encounter 7
- Acceleration and transport of SEPs in the inner heliosphere and geospace
- Addressing Current Limitations in Simulating Lake-Effect Snowfall in Operational Numerical Weather Predictions
- Aerosol Vertical Transport, Exchange, and Transformation in Maritime Southeast Asia: Observations and Implications from CAMP2Ex and PISTON
- Aircraft-based Mass Balance Estimate of Methane Emissions from Offshore Gas Facilities in the Southern North Sea
- Algae blooms on the Greenland Ice Sheet detected through solar induced fluorescence
- Alkali metals in Jupiters atmosphere
- An Analysis of Atmospheric River Evolution and Moisture Region Source in the Eastern US
- An Analysis of Recorded and Simulated SH Wave Reverberations in the Upper Mantle beneath the USArray
- Analysis Of The Net Basin Supply To A Large Inland Lake With A Coupled Basin-lake Model And Different Climate Forcing
- Analysis of Microplastic Detection Using Spaceborne Radar
- Analysis of Sodium Ions in the Solar Wind at Mercurys high-altitude Exosphere: MESSENGER Spacecraft Measurements
- Analyzing the Sunward Electron Deficit to Understand the Suns Electric Potential
- As Seen on Parker Solar Probe: Waves Generated by Proton Beams Produced by Magnetic Reconnection
- Assessing the Interannual Variability in the Chemical and Isotopic Composition of the Martian Atmosphere with MSL/SAM
- Assessing the influence of changing vegetation distributions on increasing seasonal CO2 exchange in high latitudes
- Assessment of Spire GNSS-R Winds and Mean Squared Slope
- Astrobiology Implications of Environmental Dynamics Observations in Jezero Crater, Mars
- At the Nexus of Climate, Streamflow, and Humanities in Vietnam: A Paleo Perspective
- Auroral Ionization for Upper Atmospheric Modeling
- Auroral and Electrodynamic Measurement Needs for 21st Century Models
- Benefits of a SmallSat Radio Occultation Constellation for Mars Science and Exploration
- Best practices for building a more inclusive glaciology through
- Biogenic Sources Dominate Carbonaceous Aerosol on the North Slope of Alaska
- CFC-11 Column Concentration Retrieved from AIRS and CrIS with Near-global Coverage
- COVID-19 impacts on California methane point source emissions
- Calibrating the Size Frequency Distribution of the Kuiper Belt with Small KBO Occultations Enabled by New Horizons
- Carbon Photochemical Escape from the Martian Atmosphere: Updates and Future Directions
- Carbonate Paragenesis in the Afar rift system, Ethiopia: insights from clumped isotope thermometry
- Changing Meteorological Drivers of Power System Reliability due to Storage Integration
- Characterization of Transient-Large-Amplitude Geomagnetic Perturbation Events
- Characterization of the Nonlinear Response of Offshore Marine Sediments with Distributed Acoustic Sensing
- Characterizing change in soil organic carbon in forests of the United States
- Charge State Simulations with the Alfven Wave Solar Model
- Chemical Characterization of Long-Range Transported Biomass Burning Aerosols in Michigan
- Circulation cells in the meridional plane of Jupiter: Breaking waves produce upside-down analogs of the Brewer Dobson circulation in Earths stratosphere
- Collapse of Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf by intersecting fractures.
- Community Code Verication Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): 3D Effects, Fully Dynamic Ruptures, and Dipping Fault Geometries
- Community Engagement in Academia: Collaborating with Local Government to Assist in Rain Garden Development
- Comparing Solar Wind Data Collected by MESSENGER Spacecraft to Simulation Data by AWSoM Model
- Comparing Tail Dynamics Using TWINS and THEMIS
- Comparing Two Number Sets: A Foundational Concept for Earth and Space Science Education
- Comparisons Between TIDI and Other Wind Measurements
- Complex Collaboration For Understanding Drivers and Consequences of Arctic Environmental Change
- Connecting Antarctic sea ice and mid-latitude precipitation
- Constraining charge exchange between solar wind He2+ and circumsolar dust
- Constraining hydroclimate interpretations of the North American monsoon since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Constraining the CME Core's Heating and Energy Budget with SOHO/UVCS
- Constraints on the Latitudinal Profile of Jupiter's Deep Jets
- Continuous Suprathermal Ion Acceleration Flanking Two Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossings During Parker Solar Probes Perihelion 7
- Correlated Magnetic Field Dropouts and Langmuir Wave Activity at Switchback Boundaries
- Coupling Decarbonization of the Power System with Advance Planning for Integrating Negative Emission Technologies
- Cover crop decomposition on higher fertility soils leads to higher pulse N2O emissions following tillage
- Creating a New Model for Estimating Glacial Thickness
- Cross Calibration and Performance Assessment of the Solar Orbiter Heavy Ion Sensor with its Ion Optical Model
- Cross-Scale Quantification of Storm-Time Dayside Magnetospheric Magnetic Flux Content: A Statistical Analysis
- Damage on living trees contributes to 36% of biomass losses in tropical forests
- Decay by ectomycorrhizal fungi limits soil carbon storage
- Dependence of Mercurys magnetopause reconnection on the upstream conditions: 3D Hall-MHD simulations
- Dependence of Mercurys magnetotail asymmetries on magnetospheric activity
- Developing a Machine learning Regional watershed model from individual Soil and Water Assessment Tool models for western Lake Erie
- Developing the Michigan Sun-to-Earth Model with Data Assimilation and Quantified Uncertainty
- Development of a Flood Forecasting System for Lake Champlain
- Development of the continental urban steam water quality dataset towards a socio-ecological framework
- Diagenesis and iron paleo-redox proxies: New perspectives from magnetic and iron speciation analyses in the Santa Barbara Basin
- Digging deeper into above and belowground relationships: linking canopy and root structure with soil respiration
- Direct Detection of Atomic Carbon and Implications on Photochemical Escape from MAVEN/IUVS Observations of C I 156.1 nm and 165.7 nm Dayglow
- Direct First PSP Observation Of The Interaction Of Two Successive Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections On November 2020
- Disentangling the Relative Impacts of Temperature and VPD on Tropical Forest GPP using a Demographic Ecosystem Model
- Distributed acoustic sensing of seismic noise on the western Mediterranean bottom
- Divergent patterns of forest carbon uptake and loss stabilize net carbon balance as disturbance severity increases
- Do People Change Evacuation Behavior After Major Disaster? A Closer Look into the 2018 Debris Flows in Montecito, CA
- Dusty plasma in Venus ionosphere and comparison with Earth and Mars
- Dynamic and Thermodynamic Environmental Modulation of Tropical Deep Convection in the Maritime Continent
- Effect of different simulation configurations on the prediction performance of the Space Weather Modeling Framework on ground magnetic perturbations
- Effects of Europa's Atmospheric Asymmetries on its Plasma Interaction: Insights from the Galileo E15 Flyby
- Electrifying Heating: Trade-offs between Comfort, Cost, and Electricity Distribution System Load
- Electron-Scale Structures and Cross-Scale Features in the Magnetopause Region from Multi-Spacecraft MMS Data
- Elemental abundances of prominence material inside of ICMEs
- Emissions Impacts of Electrifying Motorcycle Taxis in Kampala, Uganda
- Emissions and health implications of Pennsylvanias entry into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)
- Emissions of CH4, CO2, and NOx from Offshore Alaska Oil and Gas Activities
- Enhancement of planetary ions at Mercurys cusp during flux transfer event showers: MESSENGER observations
- Enriched Water Abundance over Jupiters High Latitudes and Polar Atmosphere
- Evaluating ACCP Architectures for Skill in Constraining the Microphysical Properties of Precipitating Shallow Convective Clouds
- Evaluating models for lithospheric loss and intraplate volcanism beneath the Central Appalachian Mountains
- Evaluating the Influence of the Martian Magnetic Field Environment on Proton Aurora Activity
- Evolution of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles During Geomagnetic Storms
- Evolution of Mercurys magnetotail structure and characteristics with magnetospheric activity
- Evolution of the Atlantic ITCZ from the Cretaceous and its implication on the South American and African rainforests.
- Explicit Oceanic Tides in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Exploring the middle corona: new instrumentation to address science questions critical to understanding the thermal structure and dynamic evolution of the middle corona
- FETCH Concept: Investigating Quiescent and Transient Magnetic Structures in the Inner Heliosphere using Faraday Rotation of Spacecraft Radio Signals
- Farside Seismic Suite (FSS): First seismic data from the farside of the Moon delivered by a commercial lander
- Field Measurements of Flare Combustion Efficiencies and NOx Production Rates in Major US Oil and Gas Basins
- Field-Aligned Currents Identified in Pioneer 11 Magnetometer Data Interpreted as Reflected Alfvenic Perturbations Imposed by Ganymede
- Finite Element Modeling of the Electromagnetic Induction Response Produced by Europas Subsurface Structure
- Firn Aquifer-Induced Disintegration of Antarctic Ice Shelves
- First 6D Hybrid-Vlasov Modeling of the Entire Magnetosphere: Substorm Onset and Current Sheet Flapping
- First Imaging Spectroscopy of 92-115 Angstrom Solar Soft X-rays by EUNIS: Implications for Solar Coronal Heating
- First Results of the Surface Energy Budget, Thermal Inertia and Albedo at Jezero Crater, Mars, as obtained from the Mars 2020 MEDA Instrument
- First results of the Perseverance environmental stations (MEDAs) Relative Humidity Sensor
- Forecasting of Localized Geomagnetic Disturbances in Global Models: Physics and Numerics
- Formation and evolution of the large-scale magnetic fields in Venus Ionosphere: Results from a 3D global multi-species MHD model
- Formation of Transpolar Auroral Arc during Geomagnetically Disturbed Conditions
- Forming Hospitable Rocky Worlds with Some (But Not Too Much) Water
- Freeze tolerance influenced forest cover and hydrology during the Pennsylvanian
- Freeze-Thaw Retrieval with the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS)
- Frequency-Difference Backprojection of Earthquakes
- Functional Tensor Network Approximations for E3SM Land Model
- Future warming and drying during the summer fire season in the northern hemisphere predicted by CMIP6 models
- Geomagnetic storm event simulation using a global MHD with Adaptively Embedded Particle-In-Cell (MHD-AEPIC) model
- Geophysical implications of ferric-iron-rich akimotoite in harzburgite in Earths transition zone
- Global Climate Simulations of Glacial-Interglacial Ocean Circulation and Temperature During the Permo-Carboniferous
- Global Hybrid-VPIC Modeling of the Solar Wind Interaction with Mercury's Dynamic Magnetosphere: Reconnection and Foreshock
- Global Impacts of Asymmetric Neutral Wind Dynamo-Driven Field-Aligned Currents
- Global Sensitivity Analysis for Solar-Wind Simulations in the Space Weather Modelling Framework
- Global Simulation Perspective to Energy Transport in the SW-M-I System
- Global hybrid modeling of ultra-low frequency waves and ion escape at Venus and Mars
- Global pattern of diffuse electron aurora and ionospheric conductance caused whistler mode chorus wave, and its comparison with the Ovation-PRIME empirical model results
- Global warming and ocean acidification during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Globally resolved climate changes since the Last Glacial Maximum: new insights from models and proxies
- High Latitude Signatures of SI and SSC Events
- Holocene Temperature and Water Budget Records from the Tropical-Latitude Andes (11S) using Clumped Isotope (47) and Triple Oxygen Isotope ('17O) Measurements of Lake Carbonates from Lake Junin and Laguna Pumacocha, Peru
- How deep is Jupiters Great Red Spot? Results from the Juno gravity experiment
- How much does the Ionosphere control the magnetosphere during substorms and SMCs?
- How the changes of fault zone material properties influence earthquake nucleation and rupture
- How will the crustal magnetic field affect the tail reconnection process at Mars?
- Ice cloud property retrievals with the GOES-16 satellite observations based on an improved ice cloud optical property model
- Imminent Seismic Velocity Changes in Earthquake Cycle Simulations
- Impact of Plant CO2 Physiological Forcing on Extreme Heat and Humidity Events
- Implementing Self-Attraction and Loading Calculation in the Model for Prediction Across Scales
- Improved CYGNSS Observations of Storm Force Winds and their Impact on TC Forecast Skill
- Improving Flood Forecast Guidance for Ports in the Great Lakes Using a Linked Hydrologic-Hydrodynamic Framework
- Incorporating AMPERE data into Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model simulations: Testing the upper atmosphere response during a Substorm and an SMC event.
- Interhemispheric Asymmetries in Large Magnetic Field Residuals between Swarm Observations and Earth Magnetic Field Models
- Interpretable Flare Prediction with Integrated Data: SHARP parameters, Spatial Statistics Features and HMI Images
- Interpretable Machine Learning Methods for forecasting the SYM-H Index
- Investigating the role of Marine Ice Cliff Instability for glacier retreat in the Amundsen Sea Sector over the next century
- Ion temperature diagnostics at the off-limb coronal hole boundary and post-flare loops
- Ionospheric Plasma Transported into the Martian Magnetosheath
- Ionospheric electron temperature and density during geomagnetic storms: Comparison of DE 2 and GITM
- Is Sputtering by Planetary Ions (Na+) a Source of Episodic Variability in Mercurys Neutral Exosphere? A Comparative Study Between MESSENGER Observations and Models.
- Juno MWR Revealed Points-of-interest from Error Analysis
- Juno's Insights on the Origin and Evolution of Jupiter
- Jupiter's Deep Meridional Circulation as Inferred From Juno's MWR
- Large Mammal Responses to a Novel Sensory Pollutant Across Urban-Wildland Gradients
- Latitudinal and Seasonal Asymmetries of the Helium bulge in the Martian Upper Atmosphere
- Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of CO2-enabled Sedimentary Basin Geothermal
- Looking for water in Jupiters atmosphere: Adam Showmans legacy and Juno measurements
- MAVEN observations of factors influencing the twisted magnetotail configuration at Mars
- MAVEN observations of low frequency steepened magnetosonic waves and associated heating of the Martian nightside ionosphere
- MESSENGER Observations of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field's Influence on Magnetotail Twisting at Mercury
- MESSENGER observations of sudden impulses within Mercurys magnetosphere near solar maximum: Prelude to BepiColombo
- MORB and Solar-OIB like Noble Gas Signatures in the Eagle Ford Shale, Southwest Texas Implications for the Earths Geological Evolution and Framework
- Machine Learning Forecast and Statistical Exploration of Equatorial Ionization Anomaly Based on Total Electronic Content
- Machine Learning-Based Forecasting of SEP Events Using the Recently Published MDI Data.
- Magnetic Life of Young Suns: Data Constrained Model of the Corona and Wind from k1 Ceti
- Magnetic reconnection as a mechanism to produce multiple proton populations and beams locally in the solar wind
- Magnetosheath Jet Evolution as a Function of Lifetime:Global Hybrid-Vlasov Simulations Compared to MMS Observations
- Magnetosphere Energy Dynamics in 3D, Comparison to the Virial Theorem and Quantification of Macro Scale Dynamics During a Simulated Storm Event
- Magnitude Frequency Distribution Estimations Using Relative Magnitudes for the 2011 Prague, Oklahoma Earthquake Sequence
- Mapping Vertical Ice Sheet Melt Profiles using Spaceborne Multi-frequency Microwave Radiometry
- Mars Hot Oxygen and Carbon Coronae and Photochemical Escape: Updated Model Parameters
- Martian nonmigrating atmospheric tides in the thermosphere and ionosphere
- Massive Pickup Ions at the Bow Shock
- Mercurys Plasma Sheet Horn in Data and Model
- Mesoscale Features in Global Response to CME Driven Event
- Metasomatic Production of Talc at the Plate Interface under Guerrero, Mexico: Implications for Slip Behavior and Episodic Tremor and Slow Slip
- Methane Plume Mapping Over Offshore Oil and Gas platforms Using Sun Glint
- Model Validation and its Crucial Roles in Closing the Gap Between Space Weather Research, Operations, and End-User Needs: Successes and Setbacks
- Modeling Global Impact of Chicxulub Tsunami
- Modeling Mercury's Disappearing Dayside Magnetopause Under Extreme ICME Conditions
- Modeling lake spray aerosol at regional and global scales
- Modeling of Observations of the OH Nightglow in the Venusian Mesosphere
- Modeling of Wave-Particle Interactions on Martian Crustal Fields
- Modeling of pollen rupture mechanisms during a thunderstorm event
- Modeling the Himalaya-Karakoram-Hindukush glacial mass balance and ice dynamics using the Open Global Glacier Model
- Modeling the Impact of Gravity Waves on the Thermosphere of Mars with a Non-orographic Whole Atmosphere Gravity Wave Scheme: M-GITM Application for Interpreting MAVEN NGIMS Measurements
- Modeling the effects of declining CO2 and C4 vegetation expansion on late Miocene African environments
- Modified Titov-Demouline CME Generator Based on Manufactured Solution of Grad-Shafranov equation
- Mountain Building and the Critical Zone: A Detailed Look at Chemical Weathering and Critical Zone Architecture in the Rapidly Exhuming High Himalaya, Central Nepal Using Observations from an 80m Borehole
- Multi-instrument investigation of the role of plasma convection in the formation of the polar holes
- Multi-objective hydrologic model calibration using global-scale gridded soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and runoff datasets
- Near-surface shallow velocity models using Distributed Acoustic Sensing and ambient seismic noise in an urban area: Granada, Spain.
- Neptunes pole-on magnetosphere-solar wind coupling observations by Voyager 2
- Net ecosystem production is similar across disturbance types in a century old North American eastern temperate forest chronosequence
- Neutral Wind Vector and Tidal Components in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere/Ionosphere Region Derived from Measurements by TIMED Doppler Interferometer
- New Capabilities in Space Weather Model Simulation Services at the Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC)
- New metric for performance of DART arrays: Can we improve tsunami monitoring in Cascadia?
- Non-targeted tandem mass spectrometry enables detection of molecular markers of microplastics in the coastal environment
- Non-uniform slope distributions can explain the decoupling of erosion rates and average slope angles in threshold hillslope landscapes
- Novel Magnetic Field and Electron Density Measurements of CMEs (within AU) with the Proposed Multiview Observatory for Solar Terrestrial Science (MOST) Mission
- Observability-Based Sensor Placement Improves Contaminant Source Identification in River Networks
- Observations of High-latitude Multi-scale Ionosphere Irregularities During Geomagnetic Storms
- Observing and Modeling Drainage Networks from Supraglacial Lakes on Russell Glacier, West Greenland
- Observing transient, rapid mass changes in the Earth system with GRACE Follow-On laser ranging measurements
- Ocean floor imaging with Distributed Acoustic Sensing and water phases reverberations
- On the Canyon-Induced Dissipation of the Internal Tides
- On the Growth and Development of Non-linear Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at Mars: MAVEN Observations
- On the validity of the Taylor Hypothesis in the inner heliosphere as observed by the Parker Solar Probe
- Optimizing solar plus storage deployment on public buildings for climate, health, resilience, and energy bill benefits
- Origins of low turbulence, quiescent magnetic field regions in the near-sun solar wind and their peculiar magnetic and anisotropic ion behavior.
- Outgassing and Ingassing of Na in Lunar 74220 Orange Glass Beads
- Overview of MEDA results aboard Perseverance over the first sols on Mars
- PSP investigation of switchback boundaries: encounters 1-8
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of High Plasma Beta Solar Wind from Streamer Belt
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of the Presence and Absence of Magnetic Reconnection in the Near-Sun Solar Wind Current Sheets
- Patches of the magnetic switchbacks: hints of their origins
- Patterns of Suprathermal Electron Flux in the Near-Earth Space Environment: Statistical Learning using THEMIS Data
- Performance Characterization of a low cost ZED-F9P GNSS Receiver for Ionospheric Total Electron Content Observations
- Periodic Structures in Solar Wind Composition Observed by the ACE/SWICS Instrument: Event Studies and Superposed Epoch Analysis
- Permafrost fate in Northwestern Siberia under projected climate change during 21st century
- Petrophysical variations in a syn-rift volcanic sequence on the southwest Australian rifted margin (IODP Site U1513)
- Photoionization of sodium-group atoms at Mercurys exosphere
- Physicochemical characterization of Lake Spray Aerosol (LSA) via Spectroscopic Techniques
- Pinning points in ice shelves: Mountains or mole hills?
- Predicting Larval Alewife Transport in Lake Michigan Using Hydrodynamic and Lagrangian Particle Models
- Predicting Lightning Depth Distributions of Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
- Predicting the Background Solar Wind for Solar Maximum Conditions with the Alfven Wave Solar atmosphere model (AWSoM)
- Predicting the Optimal Poynting Flux for Different Solar Activity Conditions for Realtime Solar Wind Prediction
- Prediction of Adverse effects of Geomagnetic storms and Energetic Radiation (PAGER)
- Present-day Impacts of Extratropical Cyclone Location on Antarctic Sea Ice
- Prevalence of Magnetic Reconnection in the near-Sun Heliospheric Current Sheet
- Process-oriented evaluation of warm rain in multiple global models: Early results from GEWEX PROES-WR
- Professional Networking: Societies, Affinity Groups and Other Ways to Support Your Career Development
- Properties of Alpha Particles in Magnetic Switchbacks
- Properties of Ion-Inertial Scale Plasmoids in the Jovian Magnetotail Detected by the Juno Spacecraft
- Properties of ion scale waves observed concurrently with ion "hammerhead" distributions by Parker Solar Probe
- Pseudo-3D Back-Analysis and Predictive Modeling of Landslides Caused by the 2015 Lefkada Earthquake
- Quantifying XRF Core Scanning Counts Within Different Sediment Matrices: Transitioning From a Nearshore to Farshore Environment at IODP Site U1553
- Quantifying atmospheric CO2 interannual variability driven by ocean from space-based observations and atmospheric transport simulations
- Quantifying the Effects of Radar Resolution on a Warm Rain Retrieval
- Quantifying the ambipolar electric field contribution to the solar wind acceleration
- Quantifying the role of Ganymedes magnetopause current system in inducing magnetic field in the moons subsurface ocean
- Quantifying volumetric scattering bias in ICESat-2 and Operation IceBridge altimetry over snow-covered surfaces
- Quantum Mechanical Models to Electrochemistry: Understanding the Redox Properties of Uranyl Peroxides
- Radial Evolution of the Electron Temperature Derived from the Quasi-Thermal Noise Spectroscopy in the Pristine Solar Wind: Parker Solar Probe Observations
- Rapid Auroral Wandering During the Laschamps Event
- Receiver Function Analysis of the Magmatic Plumbing System Beneath Okmok Volcano
- Recent Progress and a Near-Future Vision for Exoplanet Atmospheric Dynamics
- Reconstructing Paleo-Dynamic Topography of the Ocean Basins: a Somali Basin Case Study
- Reconstructing and Predicting Ionospheric TEC: The VISTA Dataset and Matrix-Based Auto-regressive Model
- Refining Coronal Magnetic Field Models Using Complementary Very Large Array and Parker Solar Probe Observations
- Relating Solar Wind Variability to the Magnetic Topology of its Coronal Source Region
- Remote Sensing of the Equatorial Plasma Mass Density by Travel-Time Propagation of the Preliminary Reverse Impulse
- Retrieval of surface spectral emissivity in the polar regions using different a priori constraints
- SNICAR-ADv4: A Novel Physically Based Radiative Transfer Model for Glacier Snow, Firn, and Ice
- SOFIE (Solar-wind with Field-lines and Energetic-particles): A data-driven and self-consistent SEP modeling and forecasting tool
- SOLSTICE: Space Weather Modeling meets Machine Learning
- Sanidine-Liquid Equilibrium: Phase Diagrams and Two Sanidine Hygrometers for Alkaline and Calc-Alkaline Liquids.
- Sedimentary Basin CO2-Driven Geothermal Utilization Systems: the Impact of the Geological Heterogenity
- Shaken, Not Stirred: Lack of Magma-chamber Overturn in a Caldera Setting Recorded by Whole-pumice, Mineral, and Melt Inclusion Chemistry. The Tshirege Member of the Bandelier Tuff, New Mexico, USA
- Shear-wave Attenuation Parameters in the Mantle along Different Source-receiver Paths
- Short Duration Electrostatic Waves with Frequency Shifts in the Solar Wind Sunward of 1/3 AU
- Signal Detection with a Cabled Ocean Bottom Seismometers and Distributed Acoustic Sensing.
- Signatures of Landau Damping in Young Solar Wind Turbulence
- Simple Dependence of Proton Temperature on Solar Wind Speed and Compression in High Alfven Mach Number Solar Wind
- Simulated Multispectral Temperature and Atmospheric Composition Retrievals for the GEO-IR Sounder
- Simulating Interactions Between Coronal Mass Ejections
- Simulating Pollen-Meteorology Interactions and Evaluating the Impacts of Pollen on Cold Cloud Formation Processes
- Simulating the dawn-dusk asymmetry of Mercurys magnetotail reconnection with MHD-AEPIC model
- Small-Scale Solar Activity and its effect on the coronal environment
- Sociotechnical utility-based framework for prioritization of water infrastructure decision-making
- Solar Farm as an Ideal Test Bed for Satellite Surface Emissivity and Temperature Retrieval Algorithms
- Solar Orbiter - Short scale structures propagating in the Solar Wind and effects on the proton distribution functions: observations from PAS.
- Sources of Auroral Conductance - Balance and Impacts
- Space Weather Future Path Mingles Between Real and Virtual Worlds
- Space Weather Observations From Gateway
- Spaceborne observations of the diurnal cycle of column-averaged carbon dioxide
- Spatial Variation in Aerosolized Microcystin Exposure from a Harmful Algal Bloom Event
- Spatial patterns of temperature and hydroclimate during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Fingerprints of a warmer world
- Specifications of keV Electrons by Operational Inner Magnetosphere Particle Transport and Acceleration Model
- Statistical and event analysis of phase and amplitude scintillations associated with polar cap patches
- Structure and dynamics of flux ropes in the solar wind with implications for switchbacks
- Studying the evolution and propagation of a prominent solar wind structure observed by PSP on June 13, 2020
- Subtraction of Rough Soil Surface Scattering in X and Ku Band Radar Remote Sensing of Snow Water Equivalent
- Sunward Strahl in Magnetic Field Reversals: Solar Connectivity and Magnetic Topology during Rapid Switchbacks in Parker Solar Probe Fast Electron Data
- Surface versus subsurface flow: Using paired resistivity tomography and water isotopes to understand the hydrologic response to wildfire in the San Gabriel Mountains, USA
- Survey of whistlers waves parameters in the pristine solar wind from the first PSP orbit: wave amplitude, polarization, and occurrence rates
- Switchback systematic orientation near Sun and implications for solar interchange reconnection preferential locations
- Switchback-like structures observed by Solar Orbiter
- Switchbacks in the Young Solar Wind: Electron Evolution Observed inside Switchbacks between 0.125 AU and 0.25 AU.
- Synergistic use of Far- and Mid-Infrared Spectral Radiances for Polar Cloud Phase Determination from Space, Part I: Ice Thermodynamic Phase
- Tectonics climate coupling in the Himalaya from the perspective of extreme events
- Terrestrial Impacts of Global Geospace Modeling of an Ensemble of Storms
- The HERMES Space-Weather Science Payload for Gateway
- The Heliospheric Current Sheet Observed by Parker Solar Probe
- The Impact of Fault Friction Behaviors on Estimated Ground Motions in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- The Information Content of Dense XCO2 Retrievals: the Potential of Extracting Sector-Specific Fluxes with OCO-3
- The Multiview Observatory for Solar Terrestrial Science (MOST)
- The Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS) on Europa Clipper Progressing Towards Flight
- The Ring Current as a Critical Element in the Geospace System
- The Role of IMF Clock Angle on Dayside Magnetic Reconnection at Mars
- The Role of North American Mesoscale Convective Systems in the Onset of the June 2017 European Heatwave
- The Scale-Filtered Correlation: A Frequency-and-Velocity Resolved Method for Characterizing the Resonant Impact of Waves
- The Science Data Processing of SunRISE: A Distributed Eye in the Sky for Radio Burst & SEP Sourcing
- The Spatial and Temporal Organization of Deep Convective Systems and Its Impacts on the Production of Anvil Clouds
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE) - Project Overview
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE) Mission Overview
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE): Science Measurements
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE)The SunRISE Spacecraft
- The Venus Global Ionosphere Thermosphere Model (V-GITM)
- The impact of high-latitude longwave radiative couplings on the Arctic sea-ice simulation by the E3SM
- The impact of improving ocean surface albedo on hydrological responses in the community earth system model
- The impact of spatial heterogeneity on porosity-permeability evolution during microbially-induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) in sandstone
- The influence of rock-mass strength on post-wildfire erosion, Santa Monica Mountains, southern California, USA
- The interaction of a solar wind reconnecting current sheet with Earths bow shock
- The internal structure of vortices on Jupiter as observed by the Juno Microwave Radiometer
- The investigation of fine scale urban form effects on stream water quality in the Huron River Watershed
- The need for distributed multi-point observations for understanding auroral dynamics and their impact.
- The origin and biogeochemical impact of North African dust transported to South America
- The orographic influence on storm variability, extreme rainfall characteristics and rainfall-triggered landsliding in the central Nepalese Himalaya
- The role of in-canopy processes on the formation of organic nitrates: a comparison between two temperate forest sites
- The role of open source software in interpreting astronomical datasets
- The scale dependence of permeability: Effects of pore-throat size distribution and pore connectivity
- The sensible and latent heat surface fluxes in extratropical cyclones through their lifecycle
- The static stability of a giant planet's weather layer
- The uncertainty in InSAR-based active layer soil water storage estimates over the Arctic Foothills
- Thermal Sensitivity Across Forest Vertical Profiles: Patterns, Mechanisms, and Ecological Implications
- To Touch the Sun: Parker Solar Probe and the Alfven Critical Point
- To clean or not to clean: Influence of cleaning procedure on trace element-to-calcium ratios measured in foraminiferal calcite
- Toward a Heliophysics Knowledge Commons: The Heliophysics KNOWledge Network (Helio-KNOW) and what it means for the future of Earth and Space Science
- Toward underwater vent monitoring with multibeam sonar and distributed acoustic sensing
- Towards Just, All-Of-Society Climate Action: An Inventory of Federal Climate Workforce Development, Education, Training, and Engagement Programs
- Tracing the Drivers of Slow Solar Wind in the Middle Corona
- Transported African Wildfire Smoke Acts as Cloud Condensation Nuclei in the Tropical Atlantic Marine Boundary Layer
- Tree Effects on Microwave Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture Using Numerical Solutions of 3D Maxwell Equations
- Triple oxygen isotopes of speleothems in the Amazon and southern China provide independent support for prior 18O-based interpretations
- Turbulence Characteristics of Switchback and Nonswitchback Intervals Observed by Parker Solar Probe
- Turbulence Transport Modeling and Parker Solar Probe (PSP) Measurements
- Two-dimensional mapping of the time-variable plasmasphere using Van Allen Probes observations.
- UPb dating constraints on dolomite formation environments
- URGE Outcomes From University of Michigans Earth & Environmental Sciences
- Understanding the formaldehyde (HCHO) budget in a pristine forested environment using field and laboratory studies and the 1-D FORCAsT model
- Understanding the warming air that comes from food-making and animal land
- Using CALIPSO Spaceborne Lidar to Estimate Subsurface Optical Properties on the Laurentian Great Lakes
- Using Radio Occultation to Generate Mars Atmosphere Profiles
- Using airborne observations over the U.S. Corn Belt to quantify N2O emissions and evaluate underlying controlling processes
- Using global Bayesian optimization in ensemble data assimilation: parameter estimation, tuning localization and inflation, or all of the above
- Using past climates to develop Earth system models: how a simple paleoclimate metric can help greatly
- Using remotely sensed information to support landslide hazard and exposure assessment throughout the disaster lifecycle
- Utilizing Electron Heat Flux to Improve IMF Polarity Specification for Validation of the Wang-Sheeley-Arge Model
- Venus Ionospheric Measurements by the SWEAP-SPAN-Ai Sensor on Parker Solar Probe.
- Very early carbon loss in Earths source materials inferred from geophysical, cosmochemical, and astrochemical constraints
- Water Supply vs. Distribution: Forecasting Out-of-Basin Diversions in the Laurentian Great Lakes
- Water Vapor Adsorption and Desorption at the Mars Phoenix Landing Site
- What can we Learn about Cirrus Clouds and Ice Nucleation from the Decrease in Anthropogenic Emissions During the Pandemic?
- When are (simulations of) ice shelves stable? Stabilizing forces in fracture-permitting models
- Wintertime Atmospheric Chlorine Chemistry on Aerosol Particles and Snow
- X- and Ku- band radar algorithms for SWE retrieval and Validation with SnowSAR airborne data
- a Continental Scale Analysis of Soil Organic Matter Composition Using Untargeted Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry; Exploring Changes in Composition with Depth and Soil Order
- "Understanding the Genesis of Gold-rich Porphyry Systems: A case of Study from the Dorado Porphyry Gold Deposit in the Maricunga Belt, Northern Chile"
- 3D MHD-EPIC Simulations of Mercury's Dayside Magnetopause Reconnection
- 3He-rich Solar Energetic Particle Event Observed by Parker Solar Probe During Encounter 12 Perihelion
- A 1000 years of decadal-scale Southern California vegetation and sediment responses to fire regimes
- A 3D Global Simulation of the Heliosphere with Hot Electrons
- A Database of In Situ Surface and Subsurface Temperatures for Inland Lakes across North America from 2010-2022
- A Global Investigation of IMF-Crustal Field Interactions at Mars Using MAVEN Data
- A Hierarchical Modeling Approach for the Himalaya-Karakoram Glaciers
- A Novel Reduction-Based Scheme for In-Situ Solar Wind Origin Classification using Machine Learning
- A Simple Model of Volcanic Aerosol Forcing Against an Idealized Climatological Background in Support of the DOE CLDERA Project
- A Statistical Analysis of High-frequency Transient-Large-Amplitude Geomagnetic Disturbances Throughout Solar Cycle 24
- A Statistical Study of the Storm-Time Magnetospheric Magnetic Flux Dynamics Using Cross-Scale Observations from the Heliophysics System Observatory (HSO)
- A comparison of in-situ and lab-derived soil water retention curves and their relationship to ecosystem flux
- A meta-analysis of sustainable intensification interventions across smallholder systems
- A retrospective analysis of the impacts of land management and climate drivers on nutrient contributions to freshwater sources: a Maumee River case study
- ARMAX Regression More Accurately Determines the Timing of Solar Wind, IMF Bz, Substorms, and ULF Wave Influences on 2 MeV Electron Flux
- Acceleration of relativistic electrons up to 500 keV in Earth's plasma sheet by magnetic reconnection and flux ropes
- Adaptive Noise Cancellation for the NEMISIS Three Magnetometer system through Unsupervised Machine Learning and Compressed Sensing
- Addressing an equitable transition to clean heating with empirically validated housing stock improvements for US cold climates
- Advancing Community Science for Marine Protected Area (MPA) Management in California
- Advancing a Just Transition across the Western United States through Coordinated Deployment of Electric Power and Hydrogen Infrastructure
- An Analysis of Switchbacks Observed Near the Alfvén Critical Surface
- An Eastward Current Encircling Mercury
- An Exploration of Nutrient Management Case Studies to Assess the Impacts of BMPs
- An Extended Metric Study of SWMF Conductance Model Influences on Estimating FACs: Effectiveness of semi-physical MAGNetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere (MAGNIT) Model
- An Improved X and Ku Band SWE Retrieval Algorithm and Validation Analysis Using Airborne Data
- An Overall Assessment of the Ice-Cloud Longwave Scattering Effects on the Simulated Global Climate
- An Overview of HelioSwarm: A NASA MIDEX Mission to Reveal the Nature of Turbulence in Space Plasmas
- An Update on the SMART Cables Initiative for Observing the Ocean and Earth
- Analysis of Airborne and Tower-Based Cross-Polarization Backscatter Data at X- and Ku- Bands for SWE Retrieval Algorithms.
- Application of Sparse Methods for Estimating Coseismic Slip Distribution from Geodetic Observations of Surface Deformation
- Application of divers' underwater videos in hazard warning: The 2022 earthquake sequence in the Persian Gulf region
- Applying the Large Lake Statistical Water Balance Model (L2SWBM) to Reduce Uncertainty in Great Lakes Water Balance Components
- Approaches to Development and Assessment of Ecological Forecasts, With Recent Examples From Lake Erie
- Are Legacy Phosphorus Estimates Predictive of in situ Soil Phosphorus Concentrations?
- Assessing differential impacts of storm-surge flooding on coastal communities of the Great Lakes
- Assessing spatial interpolation methods for space based GNSS-R measurements using CYGNSS data
- Automatic Detection of Magnetic Reconnection: Solar Orbiter Reveals that Reconnection Jets Cluster in the Solar Wind
- Back to the future: What evolution of Holocene grounding lines in the Amundsen Sea Embayment tells us about Pine Island's future
- Bayesian analysis of particle distributions in the solar wind
- Beyond imperviousness- Investigating the influence of urban form and socioeconomic characteristics on urban stream water quality in the Continental United States
- Beyond the wall: Diverse outcomes associated with climate driven ice sheet retreat in the Amundsen Sea Embayment
- Bistatic HF Radar Modeling for Wind and Wave Estimation
- Breakout Reconnection and Eruption in a Double Null-point Topology
- Broadening and evaluating "broader impacts" in cryospheric and polar sciences proposals and research
- Brown Carbon Fuel and Emission Source Attributions to Global Snow Darkening Effect
- Brown Carbon from Biomass Burning Imposes Strong Circum-Arctic Warming
- Building equity and inclusion for the long term at the Arctic LTER
- Carbon cycle inferences from diurnal to interannual variations in space-based XCO2
- Cascading delays in the monsoon rice growing season and post-monsoon agricultural fires likely exacerbate air pollution in North India
- Changing Southern Ocean Oxygenation at Intermediate Water Depths during the Transition Eocene-Oligocene Ice Sheet Development: Bulk Sediment Elemental data from IODP Site U1553, New Zealand.
- Chemical Characteristics of Indoor Aerosol Particles and Surface Films
- Climate Change and Great Lakes Basin Water Management
- Climate Impacts on Regional Boreal Forest Productivity Inferred from Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
- Climate Resilience and Equity in Transportation Planning Utilizing a GIS Network Analysis
- Climate-driven Shifts in C and N Burial in an Anoxic Lake Sinkhole
- Closing the gap on understudied aerosol-climate processes in the rapidly changing central Arctic
- Collisional Transport of Solar Wind Plasma During its Journey from the Sun to the Earth
- Combining stress- and damage-based calving laws reproduces recent behavior of Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica, and enhances 21st century ocean-driven retreat
- Community Code Verification Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): From 3D, Full Elastodynamics and Dipping Faults to Fluids and Fault Friction Evolution
- Comparing Magnetotail Dynamics Using TWINS and THEMIS
- Comparing solar wind data collected by MESSENGER spacecraft to simulation data by AWSoM model
- Comparing the impact of African dust, biomass burning, and volcanic ash on marine and terrestrial biogeochemical cycles
- Comparison of Lyman Alpha Absorptions in the BU and Moscow Models
- Comparison of single fluid and multi-fluid MHD simulations of ion outflow using the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Comparisons of Solar Tides in the Mesosphere-lower Thermosphere Region by TIMED-TIDI and ICON-MIGHTI
- Computational Framework for Measuring Viscosity of Mantle-Relevant Materials Using Shocked Interface Physics
- Connecting White Light Images with In-situ Observations of Solar Wind Quantities for CME Simulations in the SWMF
- Constraints on the Nature of Primary Precipitates in Archean Iron Formations from Spectroscopic and Theoretical Determinations of the Equilibrium Iron Isotopic Behavior of Greenalite and Ferrihydrite
- Controls on celerity of drought propagation over the tropical country Thailand
- Correlations of Substorm Strength and Plasma Sheet Electron Flux
- Coupled Evolution of Earth's Hydrogen Distribution and Thermal History
- Coupled indoor-outdoor aerosol mass, composition, and size measurements from a residential home in Fairbanks, Alaska during ALPACA 2022
- Coupling CYGNSS and Digital Elevation Data for High Spatio-temporal Mapping of Inundation
- Critical metals resources required to achieve carbon neutrality: Where will they come from and are there enough?
- Crustal Field Inclusion of the Dawn-Dusk Asymmetry of the Mars Magnetotail Current Sheet
- CryoCommunity: On the need for strategic goals to guide EDI efforts across the polar sciences
- Decadal Growth Patterns in a Boreal Inland Delta
- Deep Learning for Monitoring Large-Scale Croplands in sub-Saharan Africa
- Detecting Changes in Sector-specific CO2 Emissions from Space: an Application of OCO-3 over the Los Angeles Basin
- Detection of Aerosolized Anabaenopeptin Emitted from a Cyanobacteria Harmful Algal Bloom
- Determinants of Air Pollution Exposures in Urban Charcoal-Using Households in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Determination of CME Structures with Faraday Rotation of Spacecraft Radio Signals: the FETCH Instrument on the MOST Mission.
- Determination of Magnetic Dipole Moments for Spacecraft Subsystems
- Determining the Strength of the Oceanic Lower Crust: a Geochemical, Microstructural, and Rheological Investigation of ODP Hole 735B, Southwest Indian Ridge
- Determining the shape of hot ion injections in Saturn's magnetosphere with robust data-model comparison metrics analysis
- Determining the volatile surface activity distribution of comet 67P from Rosetta remote sensing measurements
- Developing a Neural Network for the Identification of EMIC Wave Events
- Developing a Spatio-temporal Modeling and Forecasting Tool for a Subsurface Water-borne Toxin (1,4-Dioxane)
- Developing the Next Generation Space Weather Modeling Framework: Year 2
- Development of a Next Generation Prediction System for Great Lakes water levels and Lake Management Decisions
- Diffusive Ti Isotope Fractionation in Haplobasalts
- Direct Infrared Spectral Observations of Global Greenhouse Gas Forcing and Feedback
- Distributions of Mesoscale Periodic Structures in the Elemental and Ion Composition of the Solar Wind
- Diverting Space Weather over a Weakly-Magnetized Planet: MAVEN Observations of SEP Electron Depletion at Mars
- Do the virial theorem and Biot Savart law tell the same story about magnetic perturbation in the magnetosphere?
- Dolomite as a Paleoclimate Proxy: The Relationship between Cation Order and Oxygen Isotope Fractionation in Experimental Dolomites
- Dynamic Evolution of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles During Geomagnetic Storms
- Dynamic evolution of bursty bulk flows and their impact on multi-scale magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling revealed by MHD with Embedded Particle-In-Cell model
- ECCCO: The EUV CME and Coronal Connectivity Observatory
- Early solar wind studies from the Solar Orbiter Heavy Ion Sensor
- Earthquake Magnitude With DAS: a Transferable and Universal Scaling Relation
- Effect of Photoionization on the BU Global Model of the Heliosphere
- Effects of Driving Parameter Filtering on SWPSNN Model Performance
- Effects of historical land policies on land use and land cover in Narok, Kenya
- Emerging tools and techniques for surface topography change related to land-surface processes and hazard cascade
- Energy Budget Perspective on Monsoon Low Pressure System Growth by Barotropic and Moisture-vortex Instabilities
- Energy Transfer Through the Magnetopause in Global Simulations
- Energy partition between the solar wind proton "core" and "tail" distributions in the inner heliosphere
- Enhancing snow albedo modeling in Community Land Model (CLM/CTSM)
- Entraining West African scientists into the global science enterprise via open-source software and cloud computing
- Environmental and Health Consequences of Automated Trucking
- Estimates of Geomagnetic Disturbance Scale Sizes
- Estimating Urban Methane Emissions from Space using TROPOMI CH4:CO Enhancement Ratios
- Evaluating Atmospheric and Surface Drivers for O2 Variations at Gale Crater as Observed by MSL SAM
- Evaluating Local versus Regional Contributions to Secondary Organic Aerosols
- Evaluating the Impact of Soil Moisture on Agricultural Soil NOx Emissions and Air Quality
- Evaluating the connections between carbon abundance and persistence across a continental climate gradient
- Evaluation of PMW Precipitation and Implications for Algorithms and Future Satellite Missions
- Examining the Sensitivity of Ice Sheet Models to Updates in Rheology (n=4)
- Exploring performance of an upgraded bathymetry dataset in 1-D lake models
- Exploring the Cascadia slab structure coupling 3D thermomechanical and CPO modeling.
- Exploring the role of water in Jupiter's weather layer: Implication to the evolution and interior of gas giants
- Fe Ion Heating Across a Shock Observed by Solar Orbiter's Heavy Ion Sensor
- Fine Structure of Geoeffective Solar Wind Transients Complicating Space Weather Predictions
- First Observations of Mercury's Plasma Sheet Horn: Characterization and Contribution to Proton Precipitation
- First Results From the Rongowai Airborne GNSS-R mission
- Flare Ribbon Signatures of Reconnection Plasmoids
- Flood Hazard Assessment for Urbanized Areas with an Indicator of Potential Impact on Humans
- Following a prominence eruption from the Sun to Parker Solar Probe with multi-spacecraft observations
- Forecast Global Ionospheric TEC Using Modified U-Net and VISTA TEC Dataset
- From Snowflake to Snowpack: Examining the Consequences of Cloud Microphysical Representations for Hydrologic Uncertainty
- Frost Detection Campaigns by the Mars Science Laboratory Mission: Results and Lessons for the Mars 2020 mission
- Galápagos Corals Reveal Unusually Strong Modern ENSO Compared to the Last Millennium
- Generation of Geochemical Gradients in the Pre-caldera Glass Mountain High-SiO2 Rhyolites of Long Valley, CA: Clues to the Origin and Preservation of Rb/Sr Isochrons
- Geochronology of Ardipithecus Ramidus Fossil Sites at Gona, Afar Depression, Ethiopia
- Global MHD with Embedded Particle-in-Cell (MHD-EPIC) Simulations of Jupiter's Magnetosphere: Initial applications to Jupiter's magnetotail reconnection
- Global Mappings of Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Wave Driven Diffuse Electron Aurora and Ionospheric Conductance
- Global Prediction of Auroral Electrodynamics - Source Balance and Hemispheric Asymmetries
- Global Simulations of Ganymede's Magnetosphere during Juno's Close Flyby
- Global barotropic tide modeling using inline self-attraction and loading in MPAS-Ocean
- Gone with the rock wind: A boundary layer model of close-in, rocky exoplanets with condensable-rich atmospheres
- Greenhouse gas emissions from the Prudhoe Bay Oil Field and comparison to previous reported emissions
- Ground Magnetic Perturbations due to Neutral-wind Driven Ionospheric Currents
- He/H Ratio in Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Heliophysics With HERMES From Gateway in Lunar Orbit
- Hemispheric Asymmetry in the Thermosphere Revealed by GOLD Observations
- High Resolution Finite Volume Method for Kinetic Equations with Poisson BracketsHigh Resolution Finite Volume Method for Kinetic Equations with Poisson Brackets
- High-Resolution Clumped Isotope (∆47) Sclerochronology in Modern and Fossil Bivalves Reveals Subannual Variability in Past δ18Owater and Accurate Estimates of Temperature Seasonality
- High-Resolution EUV Spectroscopy of CME Onset and Early Evolution
- High-Resolution Seasonal Climate Variation in Equatorial Africa Revealed by Modern and Fossil Primate Teeth
- High-Temperature Granulite Metamorphism in the Ivanpah and Southern McCullough Mountain Ranges
- High-latitude ionospheric electrodynamics specification using the machine-learning based ionosphere models
- High-precision triple oxygen isotope analysis of diverse materials using high temperature conversion-methanation-fluorination isotope ratio mass spectrometry
- High-resolution analytical techniques in the development of a novel paleoclimate archive; Laminated soil carbonate rinds as a tool for investigating late Quaternary climate-vegetation links
- Higher Education Efforts on Promoting Well-Being: The Okanagan Charter and the United States Health Promoting Campuses Network
- Highlighting Complex Systems Phenomena For Soil Modeling In The Anthropocene
- How well do geomagnetic indices predict storm evolution in observations and simulations?
- Hydrodynamical and Thermochemical Modeling of Jupiter's Atmosphere - Constraining the Vertical Mass Transport
- Ice-Nucleating Agents in Sea Spray Aerosol Imaged by X-ray Microscopy and their Immersion and Deposition Ice Nucleation Kinetics
- Identifying Robust Energy Decarbonization Pathways under Climate Uncertainty
- Impact of Low Mantle Viscosity and Thin Lithosphere on Retreat of Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica, Over the Next 500 Years
- Impact of Vegetation Change on Surface Energy Budget during Growing Seasons in the Arctic
- Impact of mixing regime shift on phytoplankton, and invasive mussel in Lake Michigan under a warming climate: a biophysical modeling study
- Impacts of Anomalous Integrated Water Vapor Transport Events on the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Impacts of Warming on Carbon Fluxes from Individuals to Ecosystems
- Improved Estimates of Crustal Magmatic Storage in the Alaska-Aleutian Arc Through Seismic Receiver Functions
- In situ composition measurements of ICME prominence material with Solar Orbiter
- In-gassing of Na, K and Cu in Lunar 15366 Green Glass Beads
- InSAR Estimates and In-situ Observations of Supra-permafrost Water Storage in Undisturbed and Burned Areas in the Arctic Foothills
- Incorporating Physically Based Bare Ice Albedo over Greenland within the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM)
- Inferring flowering phenology of wind-pollinated plants with high spatiotemporal resolution imagery
- Influence of the Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent on Galápagos Seawater δ18O Values
- Informing intra-city emission characteristics using satellite observations of CO2 and co-emitted species
- Initial Observations of Pickup Ions by the HIS Sensor on Solar Orbiter
- Initial Observations with the Upgraded Coronal Multi-channel Polarimeter (UCoMP)
- Insights into 3D cloud radiative transfer for OCO-2
- Insights into Fault Scaling from Small Faults, Upper Gaylor Lake, CA, USA
- Insights on fault damage zone structures from the azimuthal variation in the stacked spectra of earthquake clusters
- Integrated and Interpretable Solar Flare Forecast with AIA and HMI Imaging Data: Application of the Spatial Transformer and Bayesian Neural Network
- Integrating Student Involvement to the GEM Workshop and Its Implications to the Advancement of DEI
- Integrating kinetic physics in global magnetosphere models: recent progress
- Inter-Hemispheric Asymmetry (IHA) in the High-Latitude Forcing and Its Impacts on the Mid- and Low-Latitude Ionosphere-Thermosphere During the 2015 St. Patrick's Day Storm
- Interchange Reconnection within Coronal Holes Powers the Fast Solar Wind: Connecting Parker Solar Probe Observations and Simulations to Coronal Reconnection Dynamics
- Interchange reconnection within coronal holes powers the fast solarwind: Suprathermal ion flows and bursty magnetic fields modulated by the network magnetic field.
- Interhemispheric Asymmetries in Large Magnetic Field Residuals Between Swarm Observations and Earth Magnetic Field Models during Non-storm Times
- Interhemispheric Observations of High Latitude ULF Waves Under Various Solar Wind Conditions
- Interhemispheric ULF wave propagation caused by foreshock transient events under quiet solar wind condition
- Interplanetary Mesoscale Observatory (InterMeso): A mission to untangle dynamic mesoscale structures throughout the heliosphere
- Interpreting the Effects of Non-Equilibrium Ionization on Remote Sensing and In-Situ Observations Using Synthetic Data
- Interrogating the Record of Archean Tectonics from Metamorphism in the Minnesota River Valley, USA
- Introducing the Level 1 Data Product of Rongowai - A New Airborne GNSS-R Mission
- Investigating Magnetic Structure in the Inner Heliosphere using Faraday Rotation, the FETCH instrument on the MOST mission
- Investigating the Impacts of Urban Road Network Topology on Street Flooding in New York City
- Investigating the Occurrence of Kelvin-Helmholtz Instabilities at Jupiter's Dawn Magnetopause
- Investigation of the Alfven Wave Turbulence Effect on the Dynamics of a SEP Event Decay Phase
- Investigation of the Effect of Solar Wind Data Simplifications on Ground Magnetic Perturbations Prediction Performance of Geospace Physics-Based Models
- Ion-scale wave events and extreme ion beams in the sub-alfvenic solar wind
- Juno 3-Dimensional Views of Cyclonic Features in Jupiter's Mid- to High-Northern Latitudes
- Jupiter's tropospheric temperature and composition
- Laboratory Study of Mechanical and Transport Properties of Bishop Tuff
- Levels 1 and 2 Overview of Spire's Ocean GNSS-R Observations
- Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Pellet Fuels as Replacements for Charcoal Cooking: Household Energy Transitions Observed in Urban Rwanda
- Localized Influence of Tributaries on Coastal Hydrodynamics in a High-Resolution Linked Hydrologic-Hydrodynamic Model
- Locating the precise sources of high-frequency microseisms using distributed acoustic sensing
- Logistic Regression as an Alternative to Neural Networks or ARMAX for Predicting GOES-13 40-150 keV Electron Flux
- Long-term Effects of Disturbance on Mycorrhizal Nitrogen Transfer to Red Oaks
- Longwave spectral radiative feedbacks as revealed from models, two decades of satellite observations, and reanalysis
- MAVEN Observations of Shocklets in the Upstream Martian Foreshock Region
- Magnetic Field Reconnection as the Source of the Solar wind
- Magnetic Switchbacks Heat the Solar Corona
- Magnetic Topology of Transpolar Auroral Arcs as seen by Global MHD Simulations
- Map of Incoherent Internal Tides in the World's Oceans
- Mapping Freezing and Thawing Surface State Periods with the CYGNSS Based F/T Seasonal Threshold Algorithm
- Mapping the Changing Landscape of Fitness for Large Mammals in the American West
- Mapping the mantle transition zone using the coda correlation wavefield
- Martian Dayside Temperature Maps Derived from MAVEN IUVS Observations of O I 297.2 nm Emission
- Matrix Auto-regressive Model for Forecasting Total Electron Content Maps with Applications to the VISTA TEC Database
- Measuring Pickup Ion Distributions with the Solar Orbiter Heavy Ion Sensor
- Mechanisms of Adaptation to Climate Change by Indigenous Nenets Reindeer herders in Northern Siberia
- Methane Emissions Decline From Reduced Oil, Natural Gas, and Refinery Production During COVID-19
- Methane Plume Mapping Over Shallow Water Offshore Oil and Natural Gas Platforms in the Gulf of Mexico
- Microwave Emission Signals Tracking the Collapse of Conger Ice Shelf
- Mission Ready - Global Snow Water Equivalent from Space
- Modeling Extreme Space Weather Events with MHD-AEPIC
- Modeling Gas Giant Lightning in Non-Aqueous Clouds
- Modeling and Predicting the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) Crest
- Modeling the Solar Wind During Different Phases of the Last Solar Cycle
- Modelling of Effects of Rough Surface and Forests on P Band Reflectometry for Snow Remote Sensing
- Multi-Injection Event observed by Parker Solar Probe/IS☉IS in March 2022
- Multi-Spacecraft Observation of the Merging of two Coronal Mass Ejections during Propagation
- Multi-fluid MHD Simulations of Europa's Plasma Interaction: Effects of Variation in Europa's Atmosphere on Thermal Plasma Precipitation and Magnetic Fields
- Multi-point Scale Length Analysis of the Solar Wind
- Multi-scale Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere dynamic coupling near the nightside Harang reversal region
- Multicomponent Diffusion in Basaltic Melt: a Universal Eigenvector Matrix
- Multiple ocean equilibria cause decoupling of the atmospheric pCO2 and regional temperatures
- Multiproxy records from Eastern Pacific corals suggest no weakening of ENSO at 4,000 years BP
- Nitrogen Isotope Signatures in Lake Huron's Middle Island Sinkhole Sediments
- Nonthermal Velocities and Other Properties of a Quiescent Active Region Observed by EUNIS and EIS: Implications for Coronal Heating
- Novel Experiments to Measure the Viscosity of MgO at Lower Mantle Pressures and Temperatures
- Nutrient Availability in Long-Range Transported Mineral Dust and Smoke Aerosols from Africa
- Observation and Modeling of Gravity Waves in the Martian Whole Atmosphere under Varying Atmospheric Conditions and Implications for Atmospheric Loss
- Observationally Constrained 1-Dimensional Modeling of Wintertime Inland ClNO2 Over Urban Snowpack
- Observations of Energetic Particles from Parker Solar Probe/IS☉IS During the Rising Phase of Solar Cycle 25
- Observations of Suprathermal Ions (5-75 keV/e) in Association with Shocks
- Observations of the climate near the surface of Jezero over a half Mars year
- Observations show that methane emissions elevate the carbon intensity of oil and gas production in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
- Observing 2-D ionospheric outflow: a comprehensive view of satellite constellation configuration informed by reconstruction accuracy
- Occurrence Distributions and Morphology of Large Geomagnetic Disturbances Observed in Arctic Canada
- Ocean Flow Monitoring Offshore the Oregon Coast with Distributed Acoustic Sensing
- Olivine-melt thermometry and hygrometry applied to calk-alkaline mafic lavas from the Cascade arc: agreement with volatile analyses of olivine-hosted melt inclusions
- On Ganymede's Energetic Ion Environment
- On the Relationship Between Discrete Aurora and Magnetic Reconnection at Mars from MAVEN Observations
- On the use of far-IR radiances in satellite retrievals: how can the observations collected half century ago help us preparing for the upcoming missions
- Optimizing Surface Water Representation for Lakes in the Unified Forecast System (UFS)
- Organosulfate Formation in Proxies for Aged Sea Spray Aerosol: Reactive Uptake of Isoprene Epoxydiols to Acidic Sodium Sulfate
- Overcoming the disconnect between energy system and climate modelling
- Overview of the CHemistry in the Arctic: Clouds, Halogens, and Aerosols (CHACHA) Campaign Conducted Along the Coastal Alaskan North Slope
- Oxidative Aging of Isoprene Epoxydiol-Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol Under Varying Relative Humidity Conditions
- Parker Solar Probe Crossing the Leg of a Coronal Mass Ejection at 14 Solar Radii
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Energized Protons Upstream of the Venusian Bowshock
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Extremely 3He-Rich Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Solar Energetic Particle Event on July 9th 2022
- Petronet: a Petrology and High-Temperature Geochemistry Community Built Within AN Antiracist and Inclusive Framework
- Physical Properties of Bishop Tuff (RORD REU Program)
- Physics of the Solar Transition Region
- Picturing global magnetotail reconnection by data-mining a multi-mission archive of magnetometer data
- Plasmoids, flows, and Jets During Magnetic Reconnection in a Failed Filament Eruption
- Polar Firn Properties : Models, Measurements and Effects on Microwave Brightness Temperatures
- Preliminary Regional Engineering Geological assessment and Rock Mass Strength parameterization for Landslide Hazard: A case study in southwestern Puerto Rico
- Progressing Towards Faraday Rotation Tomography of Coronal Mass Ejections
- Quantifying Uncertainties in Time-Distance Far-Side Helioseismology AR Detections
- Quantifying the Impact of Participant Override Behavior on a Summer Demand Response Program
- Quantifying the potential influence of Arctic permafrost thawing on atmospheric CO2
- Radial Evolution and Acceleration of the Solar Wind
- Raman Microspectroscopy of Individual IEPOX-derived Secondary Organic Aerosol Particles After OH Oxidation
- Rapid Auroral Wandering During the Laschamp Event
- Rapid characterization of novel uranyl complex redox behavior at the mineral-fluid interface via quantum mechanical models and electrochemistry
- Recently amplified interannual variability of the winter severity and ice cover over the North American Great Lakes in response to changing teleconnections
- Reconciling and improving formulations for thermodynamics and conservation principles in Earth System Models (ESMs)
- Reconstructing Last Interglacial Paleoclimate and Mercenaria sp. Paleophysiology Through Stable and Clumped Isotope Analysis
- Reconstructing Remote and In-Situ Observations of CMEs via MHD Modeling
- Reconstruction of Sparse Stream Flow and Concentration Time-series Through Compressed Sensing
- Relating Remote and in situ Observations of Periodic Mesoscale Solar Wind Structures
- Remote Sensing by CYGNSS for Terrestrial Hydrology and Ecosystems
- Response of Surface Climate to the Variation of Solar Spectral Irradiance: a Sensitivity Study
- Retrieving Ice Sheet Melt Water Profile Using Multi Frequency Microwave Radiometry
- Revisiting the Bastille Day Coronal Mass Ejection: Learning About the Eruption Through 3D MHD Time-Dependent Ionization Modeling of Heavy Ions
- River Width and Streamflow Monitoring with CYGNSS Remote Sensing Data
- SPICAV/SOIR observations of Venus indicate CO2 saturation below homopause
- SWE Retrieval Analysis Using SnowEx 2017 Airborne SnowSAR Data
- Scenario Planning as a Tool for Climate Change Adaptation and Uncertainty Management in the Great Lakes Region
- Scientific Approaches and Challenges in Developing Benchmark Scenarios for Geoelectric Hazard
- Searching for New Horizons Targets in the Distant Kuiper Belt
- SelenITA: A dual-spacecraft lunar CubeSat mission to characterize the near-surface electromagnetic plasma environment
- Self-consistent Estimates of Glacier Thickness Based on the Perfect Plastic Approximation and a Handful of Digital Elevation Models
- Sensitivity of Atmospheric Heating to Solar Spectral Albedo Over Cryospheric Surfaces
- Seven years of repeated mobile OGI surveys for tracking long-term trends in methane emissions from oil and gas facilities
- Simulating the Impacts of Pollen on Ice Cloud Formation
- Simulating the Interaction of Magnetic Flux Ropes using Magnetohydrodynamics with Adaptively Embedded Particle-In-Cell (MHD-AEPIC) Model
- Single Particle Measurements and Machine Learning Approaches to Study Vertical Distribution of Biological Particles
- Smoke and Healthy Aging: Using Wildland Fire Smoke Modeling Data in Gerontological Health Research in California
- Soil Moisture Estimation from CYGNSS using Machine Learning
- Solar Wind Alpha Composition Using SPC on Parker Solar Probe
- Solar Wind Protons and Alphas Properties inside the Sub-Alfvenic Regions
- Solar Wind protons: Gaussian and Inverse-Gaussian components
- Solar Wind- Mars Interaction Under Different Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) Orientations
- Sources, Formation, and Composition of Atmospheric Aerosols within the North Slope of Alaska Oil Fields
- Space Weather Faraday Cup - Development of a Second Ion Optic Integrated into a Single Instrument to Meet Operational Solar Wind Requirements
- Space Weather Simulations Summer School
- Spatial metabolism modeling of sustainability, resilience, and justice tradeoffs: The case of urban agriculture
- Spatial- and Temporal- Variations in Jupiter's Atmosphere
- Spectroscopic observations of the corona in the visible and extreme ultraviolet during the 2017 August 21 total solar eclipse
- Statistical and event analysis of phase and amplitude scintillations associated with polar cap patches
- Statistically Representing the Water Balance of Large Lakes: A Framework for Forecasting the Impacts of Climate Change on Water Levels
- Stream-Aligned Magnetohydrodynamics for Solar Wind Simulations and Its effects on Tracing Magnetic Field Connectivity in Modeling SEPs
- Summation of Sources of Total Ionospheric Conductivity
- Supra-permafrost groundwater's contribution to stream flow and organic matter chemistry in the Arctic: estimation using combined mechanistic and statistical approaches
- Suprathermal Ion Observations Associated with the Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossings by Parker Solar Probe During Encounters 7-11
- Surfaces of Neptune Trojans as Revealed by JWST
- Surfacing Specimen Citations: Machine Learning, Manual Annotation, and Impact Metrics for Natural History Collections
- Switchbacks Boundaries Observed by Parker Solar Probe: Statistical Analysis to Reveal their Dynamical Evolution in the Solar Wind
- Switchbacks in the Young Solar Wind: Electron Evolution Observed inside Switchbacks between 0.125 AU and 0.25 AU.
- Switchbacks, microstreams and broadband turbulence in the solar wind
- TID Simulations using SAM3 Seeded with GITM and Comparison With GPS and Satellite Measurements
- Tapping an expansive museum fossil bivalve collection to reconstruct paleoenvironmental conditions in the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway
- Temperature-Anisotropy-driven instabilities with the AWSoM solar wind model
- Testing an upgraded bathymetric dataset in 1-D lake models in a two-way coupled land-atmosphere model
- The 2023 PI Launchpad Workshop: Developing new PIs for NASA missions
- The Comprehensive Auroral Precipitation Experiment for NASA's Geospace Dynamics Constellation
- The Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory: Overview and Recent Progress
- The Effect of Recirculated Plasmasphere Material: Its signatures and how it interacts with the Ring Current.
- The Firefly Constellation: Exploring the Heliosphere from the Solar Interior to the Solar Wind
- The Geospace Dynamics Constellation (GDC) mission: NASA's next Living With a Star mission to explore the Ionosphere/Thermosphere
- The Heliospheric Current Sheet Observed by Parker Solar Probe
- The Impact of Atmospheric Rivers on Precipitation Processes over the North Atlantic Ocean As Observed By GPM
- The Impact of Small-Scale Solar Wind Structure on Geomagnetic Disturbance Prediction Using the SWMF
- The Modular Spectrometer for Atmosphere and Ionosphere Characterization (MoSAIC) for the Geospace Dynamics Constellation (GDC) mission.
- The NASA INCUS Mission
- The Radial Evolution of Solar Wind Plasma in the Inner Heliosphere: PSP, Helios and Wind Observations
- The Role of Severe Thunderstorm Jetstreaks over North America on the Intensification of Atmospheric Rivers in the Euro-Atlantic
- The Role of b-Value Variations in Induced Seismic Hazard Estimation Using Coda-Envelope Derived Relative Magnitudes
- The Search for Magnetotail Twisting at Mercury: Comparing MESSENGER Observations with the Terrestrial Case
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE)
- The Suppression of Ocean Surface Roughness by Algal Blooms and Surfactants Acting as Microplastic Tracers
- The role of extreme events on tectonic and climate coupling in mountain belts
- The role of plasma sheet heavy ion composition in plasmasphere refilling
- Tracing Pliocene ocean circulation using seawater δ18Ow reconstructed from Δ47 of marine mollusk fossils
- Tracking an ongoing river avulsion with satellite remote sensing and field measurements
- Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Pedogenic Carbonates Reveal the Varied Role of Evaporation in Western US Drylands
- Turning Instrument Background Into Science Data for Structural Features of Radiation Belts
- Uncertainties in Simulation of Ground Magnetometer Records Arising From Solar Wind Input Errors
- Uncertainty Quantification and Global Sensitivity Analysis for CME simulations in the SWMF
- Uncertainty in Atmospheric River Detection and Atmospheric River Induced Precipitation due to Reanalysis Selection
- Upgrades and Improvements to the Operational Great Lakes Wave Modeling System
- Upstream Mercury Solar Wind Conditions from MESSENGER Observations and Validation of the AWSoM Solar Wind Magnetic Field Model
- Urban CO2 Emissions from Cities around the World and their Scaling Relationships with Socioeconomic Variables, determined with Orbiting Carbon Observatory - 2
- Urbanization and Morphological Response in the Greater Detroit Area
- Use Machine Learning Method to Improve Biological Aerosol Classification from Real-time Bioaerosol Sensing Measurements
- Using Atmospheric Observations to Improve the Representation of Wetland Methane Emissions in the Pantanal
- Using Isotope-Enabled Climate Simulations to Investigate CO2- and Orbitally- Driven Oxygen Isotope Variability in the Early Eocene
- Using Topological Analysis of XCT Scans of Limestone Cores to Predict Driving Features of Permeability Increase During Dissolution
- Validation of Ionospheric Specifications During Geomagnetic Storms: TEC and foF2 during the 2013 March Storm Event-II
- Vegetation and Forests Effects at L Band Based on Numerical Solutions of Maxwell Equations for SMAP Applications
- Water vapor at Jezero Crater, Mars
- Wildfire Regime across the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary
- Wintertime Sources and Sinks of Volatile Organic Compounds in Fairbanks, Alaska
- Phase transitions of Fe-9wt%Si at high pressure-temperature conditions
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Pevtsov
- A. Anthony Bloom
- A. B. Galvin
- A. C. G. Hughes
- A. D. Shane
- A. Eldering
- A. G. de Wijn
- A. Glocer
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Gerrard
- A. J. Halford
- A. J. Ridley
- A. J. Rogers
- A. Joshua West
- A. K. Higginson
- A. Koval
- A. Longobardo
- A. Luspay‐Kuti
- A. M. Keesee
- A. M. Rymer
- A. Masters
- A. Migliorini
- A. Milillo
- A. Mura
- A. P. Rouillard
- A. Pulkkinen
- A. R. Vasavada
- A. Raponi
- A. Rotundi
- A. S. Afshari
- A. S. Brecht
- A. S. Sharma
- A. Springmann
- A. Steele
- A. Sánchez‐Lavega
- A. V. Rocha
- A. V. Usmanov
- A. Verbiscer
- A. Vourlidas
- A. W. Case
- A. W. Labrador
- A. W. Merkel
- Aaron Bukowski
- Aaron S. Donahue
- Abigail Azari
- Abigail L. S. Swann
- Adam Michael
- Agnit Mukhopadhyay
- Agustín Sánchez‐Lavega
- Ahmed Elbanna
- Alan M. Gorchov Negron
- Alan M. Rhoades
- Alan P. Jackson
- Albert Y. Shih
- Alejandro Bodas‐Salcedo
- Alejandro N. Flores
- Aleksey Y. Sheshukov
- Alessandro Retinò
- Alex Gardner
- Alex Paul Hoffmann
- Alex T. Chartier
- Alexander J. Thompson
- Alexander Laskin
- Alexander Lojko
- Alexander M. Hegedus
- Alexander Volkovitskiy
- Alexandros Chasapis
- Alexey Shiklomanov
- Ali Abdolali
- Ali Rahmati
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Alison Bressler
- Alistair Adcroft
- Allegra N. LeGrande
- Allen Husker
- Allison B. Marquardt Collow
- Allison L. Steiner
- Amanda R. Fay
- Amir Salaree
- Amorée Hodges
- Ana P. Barros
- Ananyo Bhattacharya
- Anders Eriksson
- Andrea F. Corral
- Andrea K. Thomer
- Andreas Colliander
- Andrew D. Gronewold
- Andrew P. Ault
- Andrew P. Dimmock
- Andrew P. Ingersoll
- Andrew Roberts
- Andy Ridgwell
- Aniket Jivani
- Aniruddh Mohan
- Anna Crawford
- Anna Kelbert
- Anthony J. Parolari
- Arash Sharifi
- Armin Sorooshian
- Arnaud Beth
- Aronne Merrelli
- Ashley E. Payne
- Asier Munguira
- Astrid Maute
- Atsuhiro Muto
- Austin Brenner
- Ayris Narock
- Ayumi Fujisaki‐Manome
- B. A. Buffett
- B. H. Mauk
- B. J. Anderson
- B. J. Butler
- B. J. Lynch
- B. J. Thompson
- B. Kunduri
- B. L. Alterman
- B. Lavraud
- B. M. Jakosky
- B. M. Swiger
- Baojian Fan
- Baptiste Cecconi
- Bastiaan van Diedenhoven
- Beatriz Gaite
- Behzad Ghanbarian
- Ben Bond‐Lamberty
- Benchun Duan
- Benjamin Goldstein
- Bennett A. Maruca
- Bernard J. Vasquez
- Bethany T. Neilson
- Bette L. Otto‐Bliesner
- Bin Chen
- Bingbing Wang
- Blake Wetherton
- Bo Wang
- Bradford J. Foley
- Brandon M. Ponder
- Branko Kerkez
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brent Minchew
- Brett A. McCuen
- Brian E. Wood
- Brian J. Drouin
- Brian J. Harding
- Brian K. Arbic
- Brian L. Thomas
- Brian M. Walsh
- Brian T. Huber
- Brooke Medley
- Bruce M. Howe
- Bryce E. Harrop
- Burcu Kosar
- Byron C. Crump
- C. A. Madsen
- C. A. Rowe
- C. Briois
- C. C. Chaston
- C. D. K. Harris
- C. D. Parkinson
- C. E. Valladares
- C. Ferradas
- C. Forsyth
- C. Froment
- C. J. Gleason
- C. J. Henney
- C. J. Owen
- C. M. Fowler
- C. M. Gough
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. O. Ao
- C. Plainaki
- C. S. Paty
- C. S. Reynolds
- C. T. Russell
- Cailey Condit
- Camilla Cattania
- Carlos Alberto Moreno Chaves
- Carolina Martin-Rubio
- Cassandra J. Gaston
- Catherine M. Naud
- Cecilia Norgren
- Celia Trunz
- Cenlin He
- Changkun Li
- Charles E. Miller
- Charles S. Zender
- Charles W. Smith
- Charlotte L O'Brien
- Charlotte M. Krawczyk
- Chen Shi
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- Chenfeng Yuan
- Cheng Dang
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- Cheng Sheng
- Cheryl Weyant
- Chloe A. Whicker
- Chongxing Fan
- Christian Tate
- Christiane Jablonowski
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- Christine Gabrielse
- Christine McCarthy
- Christopher A. Shuman
- Christopher Bard
- Christopher Moore
- Christopher S. Ruf
- Chuanfei Dong
- Claire E. Moffett
- Claire Pettersen
- Clare Stephens
- Claudie Beaulieu
- Colin Wilson
- Cooper Downs
- Corentin Caudron
- Courtney Schumacher
- Cynthia Gerlein‐Safdi
- D. A. Okaya
- D. E. Portner
- D. E. Wendel
- D. Feldman
- D. Fischer
- D. G. Mitchell
- D. J. Gershman
- D. J. Knudsen
- D. J. McComas
- D. J. Stevenson
- D. L. Goldsby
- D. L. Turner
- D. Lario
- D. M. Kass
- D. M. Rabin
- D. Malaspina
- D. N. Baker
- D. N. Wiese
- D. R. Shelly
- D. Ruffolo
- D. T. Welling
- D. Turrini
- Daisuke Goto
- Dalia Kirschbaum
- Dandan Wei
- Daniel A. Knopf
- Daniel B. Seaton
- Daniel E. Huber
- Daniel Heyner
- Daniel Iong
- Daniel J. Peppe
- Daniel Katz
- Daniel Lo
- Daniel Martín
- Daniel R. Green
- Daniel R. Obenour
- Daniel Verscharen
- Daniel Zuleta
- Daniele Durante
- Dany Waller
- Dario Bilardello
- Darren Engwirda
- Darren L. De Zeeuw
- Darren McKague
- Daun Jeong
- David B. Wexler
- David M. Lawrence
- David M. Miles
- David Paynter
- David R. Thompson
- David Stansby
- Dedong Wang
- Dennis Baldocchi
- Derek J. Posselt
- Diana C. Roman
- Diane M. McKnight
- Dien Wu
- Dimitrios Gounaridis
- Dominique Fontaine
- Donald M. Hassler
- Dong L. Wu
- Dongdong Yao
- Dongzhou Zhang
- Dorothy K. Hall
- Douglas A. Edmonds
- Douglas I. Benn
- Douglas S. Luther
- Doğacan Öztürk
- Duo Li
- Dustin Buccino
- Dustin M. Schroeder
- Dustin Roten
- E. A. Jensen
- E. A. Johnson
- E. A. Kort
- E. Adamson
- E. D. Kyzivat
- E. E. DeLuca
- E. J. Rigler
- E. K. Sutton
- E. P. Thompson
- E. Roussos
- E. Thiemann
- E. Zesta
- Edward Kim
- Edwin S. Kite
- Efstratios Karantanellis
- Eli Galanti
- Elizabeth Hunke
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Elliot Johnson
- Elsa M. Ordway
- Emiliya Yordanova
- Emily Eidam
- Emily Lichko
- Emily Rauscher
- Emmaris Soto
- Enrico Camporeale
- Erdal Yiğit
- Eric J. Anderson
- Eric James
- Eric Kirby
- Erica A. H. Smithwick
- Erica R. Siirila‐Woodburn
- Erika Hamden
- Erika Palmerio
- Erika Rader
- Erin C. Pettit
- Esa Kallio
- Esteban Gazel
- Esther C. Brady
- Ettore Biondi
- Eun Young Lee
- Evan L. Sneed
- F. Allegrini
- F. Altieri
- F. Bagenal
- F. Capaccioni
- F. D. Wilder
- F. Lazzarotto
- F. S. Mozer
- Fabiano Oyafuso
- Fan Mei
- Flavio Lehner
- Forrest M. Hoffman
- Francesco Pecora
- Francis K. Rengers
- Franck Montmessin
- Frank N. Keutsch
- Frederik Dhooghe
- Frederik Tilmann
- G. A. DiBraccio
- G. B. Crew
- G. B. Hospodarsky
- G. C. Ho
- G. Cauzzi
- G. Clark
- G. D. Egbert
- G. D. Reeves
- G. Filacchione
- G. G. Howes
- G. K. Stephens
- G. Keppel‐Aleks
- G. Le
- G. M. Mason
- G. Martínez
- G. Martı́nez
- G. P. Zank
- G. Piccioni
- G. Rinaldi
- G. S. Diskin
- G. V. Khazanov
- Gabriel J. Kooperman
- Galen A. McKinley
- Gang Li
- Gang Zhao
- Gangkai Poh
- Geoffrey Jenkins
- George J. Huffman
- George W. Kling
- Gerald G. Mace
- Glenn S. Orton
- Gloria Jimenez
- Gordon Moore
- Graeme L. Stephens
- Grant M. Domke
- Greg Lucas
- Gregory J. Hakim
- Guiping Liu
- Gábor Tóth
- H. A. Elliott
- H. A. Gutiérrez-Jurado
- H. A. Janiszewski
- H. A. Weaver
- H. Akbari
- H. Fichtner
- H. Fuqua Haviland
- H. K. Connor
- H. L. Nguyen
- H. T. Smith
- H. Takahashi
- H. U. Frey
- H. Y. Wei
- H. Zhang
- Hadi Madanian
- Hailong Wang
- Han Xiao
- Hang Su
- Hans‐Peter Marshall
- Haosheng Lin
- Harlan E. Spence
- Harriet George
- Heidi N. Becker
- Helene C. Muller‐Landau
- Heli Hietala
- Henrik Melin
- Henry Han
- Henryk Dobslaw
- Hidetaka Kuniyoshi
- Hieu Phung
- Holly Kyeore Han
- Howard J. Singer
- Howard W. Reeves
- Huazhi Ge
- Hui Wan
- Hunter Brown
- Hyomin Kim
- I. Dandouras
- I. L. Hendy
- I. Tsagouri
- I. Zouganelis
- Ian Baker
- Ian S. Williams
- Ignacio Pisso
- Ignacio Ugarte-Urra
- In Sun Song
- Insun Song
- Isabel P. Montañez
- J. A. Klimchuk
- J. A. Rodriguez-Manfredi
- J. A. Slavin
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- J. E. P. Connerney
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- J. G. Mitchell
- J. Gruesbeck
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- J. Jahn
- J. Jiménez-Martín
- J. K. Wicks
- J. Klenzing
- J. L. Burch
- J. L. Verniero
- J. L. Ward
- J. M. Ajello
- J. M. Bell
- J. M. Raines
- J. M. Warren
- J. M. Weygand
- J. Mao
- J. Michael Battalio
- J. Montgomery
- J. N. Bassis
- J. P. DiGangi
- J. P. Eastwood
- J. P. McNamara
- J. P. Thayer
- J. R. Kuhn
- J. R. Shuster
- J. R. Spencer
- J. Raeder
- J. S. Byrnes
- J. S. Halekas
- J. S. Rankin
- J. Scott Evans
- J. T. Hoeksema
- J. T. Niehof
- J. T. Steinberg
- J. Tibbetts
- J. Tomás Ovalle
- J. W. Bonnell
- J. W. Gjerloev
- J. W. Parker
- J. Z. Mejia
- J. Zhang
- Jackson Tan
- Jade Z. Zhang
- James L. Garrison
- James T. Randerson
- Jamie M. Jasinski
- Jamy Y. Lee
- Jared Espley
- Jason A. Gilbert
- Jason K. Hawes
- Jason Kooi
- Jean C. Perez
- Jeanne Sauber
- Jean‐Philippe Nicot
- Jeffrey M. Bielicki
- Jeffrey Newmark
- Jeffrey S. Reid
- Jenan J. Kharbush
- Jeroen Ritsema
- Jessica E. Tierney
- Jessica L. Conroy
- Jessica V. Fayne
- Jessie M. Creamean
- Jia Huang
- Jia Wang
- Jia Yue
- Jiaen Ren
- Jiang Liu
- Jiang Zhu
- Jiaxuan Li
- Jie Li
- Jing Liao
- Jingyi Chen
- Jiuxun Yin
- Joachim Saur
- Joel Dahlin
- John C. Aragon
- John C. Lin
- John D. Haiducek
- John Naliboff
- John P. Ziker
- Jon D. Richey
- Jonas Sousasantos
- Jonas Suni
- Jonathan I. Lunine
- Jonathan J. Rutz
- Jorge Alberto Castellanos
- Jorge Pla‐García
- Joseph E. Borovsky
- Joseph K. Ansong
- Joseph M. Prospero
- Joseph McInerney
- Josephine Y. Aller
- Joshua D. Shutter
- Joshua J. Roering
- Joshua Pettit
- Joyce E. Penner
- Julia E. Cole
- Julia R. Kelson
- Juliane Mai
- Julianne Davis
- Julianne J. Miller
- Julie K. Lundquist
- Julio Sepúlveda
- Julián D. Alvarado‐Gómez
- Jun Liu
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- Junjie Liu
- Junjun Deng
- Junle Jiang
- Justin Deighan
- K. Dialynas
- K. E. Korreck
- K. G. Klein
- K. Goetz
- K. Greer
- K. J. Genestreti
- K. J. Mayer
- K. J. Trattner
- K. K. Khurana
- K. Mandt
- K. N. Singer
- K. Nykyri
- K. Ogasawara
- K. Sigsbee
- K. Stephen Hughes
- K. W. Paulson
- Karin van der Wiel
- Karine Issautier
- Katherine Garcia‐Sage
- Kathleen A. Lohse
- Kelsey A. Dyez
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kentaroh Suzuki
- Kerri A. Pratt
- Khachik Sargsyan
- Khosro Ghobadi‐Far
- Kimberly A. Novick
- Kimberly A. Prather
- Kimihiro Mochizuki
- Kirk F. Townsend
- Kiwamu Nishida
- Knute J. Nadelhoffer
- Krishna M. Jain
- Kristian D. Hajny
- Kristina J. Anderson‐Teixeira
- Kristine M. Larson
- Kun Zhang
- Kyle S. Mattingly
- L. A. Avanov
- L. A. Stearns
- L. Andersson
- L. C. Smith
- L. D. Woodham
- L. F. Guedes dos Santos
- L. Golub
- L. Iess
- L. K. Jian
- L. K. Tamppari
- L. Kepko
- L. L. Hood
- L. M. Burkhard
- L. M. Kistler
- L. P. Chitta
- L. R. Welp
- L. Rastäetter
- L. Ruby Leung
- L. S. Wagner
- L.B. White
- Larry Di Girolamo
- Laura Berčič
- Laura E. Simms
- Laura Schaefer
- Lauren M. Fry
- Lauren M. Simkins
- Laurent Lamy
- Leah D. Grant
- Lee R. Kump
- Leigh N. Fletcher
- Levan Lomidze
- Li Hu
- Liang Liu
- Liang Wang
- Lisa Upton
- Liying Qian
- Lizz Ultee
- Li‐Jen Chen
- Louis S. Hansen
- Loïc Viens
- Lubomír Přech
- Luca Dal Zilio
- Lucile Turc
- Luis Fabián Bonilla
- Luke D. Ziemba
- Lydia M. Staisch
- Lía Corrales
- M. A. Fenn
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- M. A. Mischna
- M. A. Shay
- M. B. Moldwin
- M. Bayani Cardenas
- M. Benna
- M. Burleigh
- M. Bzowski
- M. C. De Sanctis
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- M. Codrescu
- M. Conde
- M. D. Lebsock
- M. D. Smith
- M. E. French
- M. E. Hill
- M. El‐Alaoui
- M. Fedrizzi
- M. Flanner
- M. Formisano
- M. G. Henderson
- M. G. Kivelson
- M. G. Trainer
- M. Giuranna
- M. Gkioulidou
- M. Guêdel
- M. H. Stevens
- M. Hartinger
- M. Hesse
- M. I. Billen
- M. I. Desai
- M. I. Sitnov
- M. J. Brodzik
- M. J. Engebretson
- M. K. Elrod
- M. Kretzschmar
- M. L. Goldstein
- M. L. Mays
- M. Laurenza
- M. Li
- M. M. Hirschmann
- M. Martinović
- M. Moncuquet
- M. Myers
- M. Opher
- M. P. Panning
- M. Pulupa
- M. R. Argall
- M. R. Combi
- M. R. Hairston
- M. S. Raleigh
- M. S. Seyfried
- M. Samara
- M. Shirzaei
- M. Swisdak
- M. Syndonia Bret‐Harte
- M. T. Lemmon
- M. Volwerk
- M. W. Buie
- M. Øieroset
- M.‐C. Fok
- Maarten C. Buijsman
- Maggie Bowman
- Majd Mayyasi
- Maksym Petrenko
- Manabu Shiraiwa
- Manolis K. Georgoulis
- Manuel de la Torre Juárez
- Marc Kornbleuth
- Marc L. DeRosa
- Marc Macias‐Fauria
- Margaret Smith
- Maria Luisa G. Tejada
- Mariah Baker
- Marika M. Holland
- Marina E. Vance
- Mark D. Rowe
- Mark Petersen
- Mark R. Drinkwater
- Marko Gacesa
- Marlon Ramos
- Martin Connors
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- Martin Truffer
- Martina Leveni
- María Paz Zorzano
- Masanori Saito
- Mathieu Morlighem
- Matteo Crismani
- Matthew Bartos
- Matthew Huber
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- Matthew J. West
- Matthew M. Jones
- Matthew Route
- Matthew Sturm
- Matti Ala‐Lahti
- Matěj Peč
- Maureen D. Long
- Maxime Grandin
- Maximiliano Bezada
- Meeta Cesler‐Maloney
- Meichen Liu
- Meinrat O. Andreae
- Meng Jin
- Meng Li
- Mengze Li
- Merritt E. Harlan
- Meryem Berrada
- Michael A. Goldstein
- Michael Chaffin
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- Michael Durand
- Michael H. Wong
- Michael L. Stevens
- Michael Schindelegger
- Michael W. Liemohn
- Michael Wehner
- Michael Wolff
- Michael Y. Hu
- Michal Ben‐Israel
- Miguel Ramos
- Miguel Ricardo A. Hilario
- Ming-Ju Lin
- Minghuai Wang
- Mingxuan Wu
- Mingzhe Liu
- Minna Palmroth
- Min‐Yang Chou
- Mitchell M. Shen
- Modi ZHU
- Mohamed Abdelmeguid
- Mohammad Mousavi
- Mojtaba Akhavan‐Tafti
- Morgan Whitcomb
- Muhammad Sahimi
- Mumin Oladipo
- N. A. Murphy
- N. A. Schwadron
- N. E. Raouafi
- N. Fargette
- N. Gopalswamy
- N. Krupp
- N. Lanza
- N. Lapusta
- N. M. Mahowald
- N. M. Viall
- N. Sergis
- N. V. S. Rao
- Nancy H. F. French
- Naomi E. Levin
- Naomi Maruyama
- Natalia Ganushkina
- Natalie M. Staudacher
- Natasha Dacic
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- Nathan Collier
- Nathan D. Sheldon
- Nathan J. Sanders
- Nawapat Kaweeyanun
- Neelarun Mukherjee
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- Nicholas M. Schneider
- Nicholas Medina
- Nicolas André
- Nikolaos Paschalidis
- Nimrod Gavriel
- Nina Bizien
- Nishan Kumar Biswas
- Nishu Karna
- Norah Kaggwa Kwagala
- Norberto Romanelli
- Norman G. Loeb
- Noé Lugaz
- O. Coddington
- O. Malandraki
- O. Santolı́k
- Ofer Cohen
- Oleksiy Agapitov
- Olga Alexandrova
- Omar Leon
- Orlando Romeo
- P. B. Shepson
- P. C. Anderson
- P. F. DeCarlo
- P. H. Lauritzen
- P. H. Reiff
- P. H. Scherrer
- P. J.
- P. Lognonné
- P. Louarn
- P. R. Mahaffy
- P. Segall
- P. Swaczyna
- P. Tenfjord
- P. Y. Meslin
- Paige E. Martin
- Panagiotis Vergados
- Parisa Mostafavi
- Patricia D. Koman
- Patricia K. Quinn
- Paul A. Newman
- Paul G. Steffes
- Paul I. Palmer
- Paul J. DeMott
- Paul Withers
- Pavlos Kollias
- Peng Mun Siew
- Peng Xian
- Pengfei Xue
- Pete Riley
- Peter A. Alpert
- Peter K. Peterson
- Peter Macniece
- Philip J. Rasch
- Philipp Köhler
- Phillip Hess
- Pierre Romanet
- Pincelli M. Hull
- Ping Yang
- Piyushkumar N. Patel
- Prayash Sharma Pyakurel
- Prithvi Thakur
- Q. Ma
- Q. Zong
- Qi Zhang
- Qian Gong
- Qianqian Liu
- Qing Liang
- Qusai Al Shidi
- R. A. Ferrare
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- R. A. Qudsi
- R. B. Torbert
- R. Bandyopadhyay
- R. Bruno
- R. Bučík
- R. C. Allen
- R. C. Weber
- R. Chhiber
- R. D’Amicis
- R. Hueso
- R. Ilie
- R. J. MacDowall
- R. J. Weber
- R. Jolitz
- R. Järvinen
- R. L. McNutt
- R. L. Storer
- R. Livi
- R. M. Dewey
- R. M. Skoug
- R. Michell
- R. Noschese
- R. P. Acosta
- R. P. Sawyer
- R. S. Weigel
- R. Watkins
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- Rachel Lupien
- Rajeswari Balasubramaniam
- Rakesh K. Yadav
- Ralph F. Keeling
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- Rebecca Logsdon Muenich
- Rebecca Ringuette
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- Richard P. Phillips
- Riley Culberg
- Ritabrata Thakur
- Robert Evans
- Robert F. Wimmer‐Schweingruber
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- Robert Holder
- Robert J. Lillis
- Robert Nazarian
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- Rungployphan Kieokaew
- Ryan McGranaghan
- Ryosuke Ando
- Rémi Tailleux
- S. A. Glauert
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- S. A. Thaller
- S. B. Malevich
- S. Biraud
- S. C. Hill
- S. C. Tripathy
- S. D. Bale
- S. E. Gibson
- S. England
- S. Erard
- S. F. Fung
- S. F. Wampfler
- S. Fatemi
- S. I. Jones
- S. J. Bolton
- S. J. Schwartz
- S. K. Antiochos
- S. K. Vines
- S. Livi
- S. M. Hristova-Veleva
- S. M. Levin
- S. Morley
- S. P. Burton
- S. P. Moschou
- S. Perri
- S. Ruhunusiri
- S. Schmidt
- S. Stefani
- S. T. Badman
- S. T. Lepri
- S. Tomczyk
- S. Vance
- S. W. Bougher
- S. Y. Fu
- S. Yashiro
- S. Zurita‐Zurita
- Sabrina Savage
- Saiprasanth Bhalachandran
- Samar Minallah
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- Samuel Kachuck
- Sanja Panovska
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- Sara Navarro
- Sara R. Rivera
- Sarah A. Katz
- Satoshi Ide
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- Savvas Raptis
- Scott D. Guzewich
- Scott D. King
- Scott J. Goetz
- Scott Sewell
- Sean W. Freeman
- Sebastijan Mrak
- Seiji Kato
- Sergio Toledo‐Redondo
- Shadia Rifai Habbal
- Shangxin Liu
- Shaosui Xu
- Shasha Zou
- Shawn Brueshaber
- Shawn J. Marshall
- Shea Hess Webber
- Shelley A. Wright
- Shinobu Ozawa
- Shin‐Chan Han
- Shujie Wang
- Shun‐Rong Zhang
- Si-Cheol Noh
- Sidharth Misra
- Siegfried Eggl
- Sierra V. Petersen
- Simon Good
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- Simon Yueh
- Simone Di Matteo
- Simone Servadio
- Siyao Yue
- Siyuan Wang
- Sofiane Bourouaine
- Sonal Jain
- Sonya Legg
- Sophia Macarewich
- Stanley C. Solomon
- Stanley P. Sander
- Stavro Ivanovski
- Stefan Schwietzke
- Steffen Mauceri
- Stephanie C. Pennington
- Stephen B. DeLong
- Stephen B. Ferencz
- Stephen Price
- Sujay V. Kumar
- Sumedha Gupta
- Susan Benecchi
- Susan C. van den Heever
- Susanna Werth
- Susannah M. Dorfman
- Susanne Flø Spinnangr
- Sven Simon
- Swarup China
- Sylvain Barbot
- T. A. Kucera
- T. A. O’Brien
- T. A. Scambos
- T. D. Phan
- T. Dudok de Wit
- T. Dylan Mikesell
- T. Guillot
- T. I. Gombosi
- T. L. Weiglein
- T. Moretto
- T. N. Parashar
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- T. Neumann
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- T. P. O’Brien
- T. Pavelsky
- T. Woolley
- Takeshi Akuhara
- Takuro Michibata
- Tamanna Subba
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- Teresa Nieves‐Chinchilla
- Tereza Ďurovcová
- Theodore C. Moore
- Theodore Langhorst
- Thomas A. Deetjen
- Thomas A. Schad
- Thomas Berger
- Thomas C. J. Hill
- Thomas Shea
- Thomas Stanley
- Tianjia Liu
- Tianqi Zhang
- Tim Lichtenberg
- Timothy B Keebler
- Timothy J. Bralower
- Timothy J. Lang
- Tom Pike
- Toshiro Tanimoto
- Tristan Weber
- Tsige Yared Atilaw
- Tuija Pulkkinen
- Tushar Mittal
- Tyeen Taylor
- Tyler E. Huth
- Urs Ganse
- V. Apéstigue
- V. J. Bray
- V. K. Jordanova
- V. Krasnoselskikh
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- V. Ramaswamy
- V. Sai Gowtam
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- Valère Lambert
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- Vinay Kashyap
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- Vladislav Izmodenov
- W. H. Matthaeus
- W. R. Simpson
- W. S. Kurth
- W. Sun
- Weichao Tu
- Wenyuan Fan
- William A. Argiroff
- William Lipscomb
- William S. Currie
- William S. D. Wilcock
- X. Wang
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- Xi Zhang
- Xiangfeng Wang
- Xiantong Wang
- Xianwen Jing
- Xianzhe Jia
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- Xiaohua Fang
- Xiaojia Zhang
- Xiaojing Lai
- Xiaole Pan
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- Xun Huan
- Xylar Asay‐Davis
- Y. D. Jia
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- Y. Y. Shprits
- Yafang Cheng
- Yajing Liu
- Yamila Miguel
- Yang Chen
- Yang Yang
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- Yash Sarkango
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- Yihe Huang
- Yihua Zheng
- Yining Shi
- Yiwen Mei
- Yi‐Hsuan Chen
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- Yuyun Yang
- Zachary Fair
- Zack Spica
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- Zhaoxia Pu
- Zhengzhao Johnny Luo
- Zhonghua Xu
- Zhongwen Zhan
- Zi Han Wang
- Ziad S. Haddad
- Zihua Zhu
- Zixu Liu
- Ziying Lei
- Á. Vicente‐Retortillo
- Ángel F. Adames
- И. В. Соколов
- Л. П. Гончаренко