University of Michigan, Department of Atmospheric Oceanic and Space Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Modified SVAT Model That Links the Geothermal Climate Signal to Land-Surface Processes
- A model describing CME reconnection by diffusion of open magnetic field lines
- ACE Observations of the Bastille Day 2000 Interplanetary Disturbances
- Acceleration of Fast and Slow Solar Wind due to Reconnection of Open Flux with Closed Loops
- Composition measurements as tracers for interacting CMEs
- Correlation Between Solar Wind Speed and Coronal Temperature: New Insight on the Acceleration of the Slow and Fast Solar Wind
- Effects of Interchange Instability on the Dynamics of the Ring Current During September 25, 1998 Magnetic Storm
- Temperatures and Temperature Anisotropies of Heavy Solar Wind Ions From Ulysses-SWICS
- The Role of Emerging Magnetic Flux in the Acceleration of the Solar Wind
- Ulysses/KET Cosmic Ray Variability in Polar Coronal Hole Flow
- Upstream Magnetospheric Ion Leakage: A Tool to Characterize Magnetic Reconnection
- 3D MHD Simulation of CME Propagation from Solar Corona to 1 AU
- 3D MHD description of the region beyond the termination shock: The behaviour of the Current Sheet
- Changes in Sulfate Aerosol Associated with Aqueous Chemistry, Heterogeneous Reactions on Aerosol and Nucleation
- Comparison Of The Genesis Solar Wind Regime Algorithm Results With Solar Wind Composition Observed By ACE
- Comparison of CME ejecta at 10 solar radii and 1 AU
- Coupled Michigan MHD - Rice Convection Model Results
- Data Assimilation into Global MHD Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Models: A New Challenge for Space Physics
- Designing and Evaluating a Climate Change Course for Upper-Division Engineers and Scientists
- Hydrocarbon Observations as a Function of Meteorological Regime
- Impact of Nitrate and Ammonium Aerosols on Global Concentrations, Size Distributions, and Radiative Forcing
- Jason Microwave Radiometer On Orbit Calibration, Validation and Performance
- Latitude Dependence of Element Abundances in the Slow Solar Wind
- Matador 2002 Field Test: A Pilot Experiment on Heat and Aerosol Transport by Dry Convection and Dust Devils
- Measurement and model results for gas phase OH and H2SO4 during PROPHET 2001.
- Measurements of Hydroperoxides during the PROPHET 2001 Summer Intensive in Pellston, MI
- Recommendations for Estimating Carbonaceous Aerosol Inventories
- Sensitivity of MPAN at the PROPHET Site
- Soot and Smoke Aerosol may not Warm Climate
- TIDI Preliminary Wind Results: Tidal Features and Validation Effort
- The Influence of Synoptic Meteorology on Convective Boundary Layer Characteristics and the Observed Chemical Response During PROPHET 2000 and 2001 Summer Intensives
- The Magnetospheric and Ionospheric Configuration During the 1859 Carrington Event Super-Storm
- Thermodynamic Efficiency of a General Circulation Model
- Understanding the Sunrise Peak in Rural NOX: Physical and Chemical Factors Observed during PROPHET Summer Intensives
- 3-D, MHD Studies of the Effects of the Crustal Magnetic Field and Corona on the Solar Wind Interaction with Mars.
- Ammonia Clouds of Jupiter and Saturn - Here Today, Gone Tomorrow?
- Atmospheres Produced by Magnetospheric Irradiation of Jupiter's Icy Galilean Moons
- Charge states and abundances of heavy ions as signatures of interplanetary coronal mass ejections
- Comparison of the Breakout Model With Flare-Loop and Ionic Composition Data
- Correlating Solar Wind Type as Determined by Genesis with Solar Wind Composition as Observed by ACE
- Data Assimilation in Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Models
- Doing It In The SWMF Way: From Separate Space Physics Simulation Programs To The Framework For Space Weather Simulation.
- Dual Spacecraft Observations of a Compression Event Within the Jovian Magnetosphere
- Electrical Discharges and Broadband Radio Emission by Martian Dust Devils and Dust Storms
- Inner Magnetosphere Results from Coupled MHD-RDM Modeling
- Inverse modeling of biomass smoke emissions using the TOMS AI
- MHD Simulations of the Magnetosphere of Uranus: Successful Comparison With Voyager 2
- Magnetospheric, Ionospheric, and Thermospheric Results for the May 1-4, 1998 CME Using a Coupled Sun to Earth Model
- Polar Experiment Network for Geospace Upper-atmosphere Investigations (PENGUIn): A Vision for Global Polar Studies and Education
- Polar Warming in the Mars Lower Thermosphere : Odyssey Accelerometer Data Interpretation Using Coupled General Circulation Models
- Sensitivity of 6.7 GHz Brightness to Snow Wetness
- Solar wind composition measurements during one entire solar cycle
- Storm-Time Plasma Behaviour at Geosynchronous Orbit
- The Response of the Jovian Magnetosphere to Rapid Changes in Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- The Three Modes of Magnetospheric Behavior Observed During Magnetic Storms
- Update on the Sun-Earth Connection Chains Observed during the Solar Storm Events of April 2002: New Science & Outreach Aspects
- Variability of N/O in the Solar Wind
- 3D Breakout: Preliminary Results
- 3D Density Structure and LOS Observations of a Model CME
- A statistical comparison of the AMIE derived and DMSP-IES particle drift velocities.
- An analysis of ionospheric data availability and quality
- Analysis of temperature and wind measurements from the TIMED Mission: Comparison with UARS data
- CME Shock and Sheath Structures Relevant to Particle Acceleration
- Clouds of Neptune and Uranus: Implications for Entry Probes
- Composition of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections at Very High Latitudes
- Energy Budget in Global Magnetosphere-Ionosphere simulations.
- Estimates of Black Carbon Emissions from Open Biomass Burning
- Inner magnetosphere results from April 2001 coupled model runs
- Mars Atmospheric Evolution : What Can Dynamical Simulations Tell Us?
- Methane on Mars- Origin, Loss, Implications for Extinct or Extant Life
- Modeling Interactions of Coronal Mass Ejections in the Lower Heliosphere
- Modeling Titan's Upper Atmosphere with 1-D and 3-D Models:
- Oxidant Enhancement in Martian Dust Devils and Storms II
- Oxidant Enhancement in Martian Dust Devils and Storms: I. Storm Electric Fields and Electron Dissociative Attachment
- Planetary Auroral Storms Trace a CME-driven Interplanetary Shock Throughout the Solar System, from the Sun to Saturn at 9 AU
- Radiative Equilibrium - Photochemical Model of Titan's Atmosphere
- Saturn's A-ring Ionosphere as Observed by the Cassini Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer
- Solar Energetic Particles Acceleration and Transport Model Coupled With a Realistic CME Model.
- Space Environment Forecasting for the Exploration Initiative with the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Space Weather Modeling Framework: An Overview and Application to the October 29, 2003 Storm
- Space Weather Modeling Framework: Modeling the Sun-Earth System Faster Than Real Time
- The GENESIS Solar-Wind Sample: Summary of In-Situ Spacecraft Measurements During the Sample Collection Period
- The Ring-dust Plasma Torus as Observed by Cassini RPWS
- Utilizing Wireless PocketPC's in Earth System Science Lectures to Expand Discourse
- Variability of the Nitrogen Abundance in the Solar Wind and Implications for Past Solar Activity
- A Soil Thermal Conductivity Model Based upon Component Conductivities and Fractions for use in Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Transfer Models
- A Study of the Global Heliospheric Magnetic Flux Using In-Situ Data and the SAIC MHD Model
- Aerosol Direct Radiative Effects Over the Northwest Atlantic, Northwest Pacific, and North Indian Oceans: Estimates Based on In-situ Chemical and Optical Measurements and Chemical Transport Modeling
- Aerosol-cloud Interactions During 1980-2000 With A Coupled Climate-aerosol Model
- An Endogenic Origin of Titan,s Methane
- An Integrated CME-SEP Numerical Investigation of the 1998 May 1-2 CME Events Part I: CME-Shock Models
- An Integrated CME-SEP Numerical Investigation of the 1998 May 1-2 CME Events Part II: SEP-Turbulence Model for the Shock Wave
- An Integrated CME-SEP Numerical Investigation of the 1998 May 1-2 CME Events Part III: SEP Abundance and Variability at 1AU
- Analysis of VOC Samples using a Comprehensive 2-Dimensional Gas Chromatograph Coupled to a Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
- Analysis of the October 3-7 2000 and April 15-24 2002 Geomagnetic Storms with the WINDMI model
- Analysis of the Octuber 3-7 2000 GEM Storm with the WINDMI Model
- Calculating Martian Auroral Emission including Strong Field Gradients and Accelerated Electron Spectra
- Cassini-Huygens Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer: Early Saturn and Titan Results
- Convective-Radiative Feedback Mechanisms By Dusty Convective Plumes And Vortices
- Electron energetics of Titan's ionosphere
- Examination of the aerosol first indirect effect during the 2003 Aerosol Intensive Operational Period (AIOP) at the Southern Great Plain (SGP)
- Global Modeling of Nitrate and Ammonium: Implications on Direct and Indirect Aerosol Forcing
- Impact of Extended Chemistry for Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds on Tropospheric Ozone and Implications for Radiative Forcing
- Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability and Turbulence Forming Behind a CME-driven Shock.
- Long term changes in the cross polar cap potential observed using an array of ground magnetometers.
- Magnetospheric Electrons as a Source of Titan's Ionosphere: Model Comparisons with Cassini Data
- Martian dust devil and storm electric fields: The formation of an O- plasma and new local chemistry
- Model Intercomparison of Aerosol Indirect Effect
- Multiple Scales in the Solar Wind Interaction with the Magnetosphere
- Numerical Simulation of Transport of Open Magnetic Flux on the Solar Surface
- Observational Implications of 3D Breakout
- Oxygen effects in the Rice Convection Model when coupled to the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF)
- Plasma Interactions with Titan
- Search for a Relationship Between the Solar Wind Conditions and the Activity of the Jovian Main Auroral Oval
- Sun-to-Thermosphere Simulation of the October 28, 2003 Event With the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- The Acceleration of Low-Energy Ions at the Termination Shock of the Solar Wind
- The Effect of Strong Electric Fields on Lifting of Soil Particles During Saltation
- The Exosphere of Titan and its Interaction With the Kronian Magnetosphere : MIMI Observations and Modeling
- The Genesis Mission: Solar Wind Conditions and the Application of ACE/SWICS in Situ Measurements to the Genesis Sample Analysis
- The Great Heliosphere Observatory: Enabling Breakthrough Science
- The Mesospheric Wind Field as Measured by TIMED/TIDI and UARS/HRDI from 2002 to 2005
- The Michigan Titan Thermospheric General Circulation Model (TTGCM)
- The near-equatorial terminator ionosphere of Saturn
- Thermal Properties of Heavy Ions throughout the Heliosphere: 39 Solar Wind Species from Ulysses-SWICS
- Titan: A Fiercely Frozen Echo of the Early Earth
- Towards a Realistic Model of Interacting CMEs in the Lower Heliosphere
- Typical and Atypical Magnetospheric SI and SSC Responses to Interplanetary Shocks
- Uncertainties in Global Aerosol Simulations: Assessment Using Three Meteorological Datasets
- Uncertainty Analysis for Estimates of the First Indirect Aerosol Effect
- Understanding Storm-time Ring Current Sources through Data-Model Comparisons of a Moderate Storm, an Intense Storm and a Super-storm
- Using wireless (Pocket)PCs in Large Introductory Courses to Expand Discourse and Interactivity
- Water-Ammonia Ionic Ocean on Uranus and Neptune-Clue from Tropospheric Hydrogen Sulfide Clouds
- 3D Global MHD Simulation of Titan's interaction with its surrounding plasma
- A triple-etalon imaging interferometer for Earth and planetary remote sensing
- AL and Dst Predictions with the Real-Time WINDMI Model
- Cassini Radio Occultation by Enceladus Plume
- Co-variability of tropical temperature and humidity: a comparison of model, reanalysis data and satellite observation
- Comparison between GITM simulation and JOULE rocket observation
- Connecting the Sun and the Heliosphere
- Constraining IMPACT Biomass-burning Source Model Predictions with Level 2 Satellite Data Using the AMAPS Distributed Science Network
- Constraining the Local Interstellar Magnetic Field Direction from Source Location of the Heliospheric 2-3kHz Radio Emissions
- Developing cyber-infrastructure for addressing grand challenge questions in Sun-Earth system science: First results of a testbed worldwide online conference series
- Earth's Magnetosphere Response to the 12 May, 2001 Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection
- Effect of Interplanetary Shocks on AL and Dst Indices
- Evidence for Likely Liquid Hydrocarbons on Titan's Surface from Cassini Radio Science Bistatic Scattering Observations
- Evidence of the interaction of multiple CMEs: what can we learn from simulations?
- Global Ionosphere Thermosphere Model results of the Halloween Storm
- Heliosphere Impact on Geospace - Solar-Terrestrial and Aeronomy Research During the IPY Years
- Implementing a Virtual Workshop for Interdiscplinary collaboration on Grand Challenge Issues: Lessons Learned
- Initial Mars Upper Atmospheric Structure Results from the Accelerometer Science Experiment aboard Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Investigating the state of the Sun-Earth system during extreme events: First science results of a worldwide online conference series
- Ionospheric Convection and Reconnection Signatures in a Global Circulation Model of the Earth Magnetosphere for Northward IMF and for IMF By
- MHD Models of the Ambient Solar Wind Constrained by the Wang-Sheeley-Arge and Fisk Models
- Modeling the enhancement of mineral dust aerosol emission by electric forces
- Models of Thermal and Superthermal Electrons in Titan's Ionosphere
- Probing the Mars-Solar Wind Interaction With Numerical Modeling of High-Altitude Photoelectrons
- Recent Results of the 2005 LWS TR&T Focus Team for Solar Energetic Particles
- Ring Current Decay of Moderate Storms at Solar Maximum: Global Modeling Using Superposed Epoch Upstream Conditions
- Saturation of the Polar Cap Potential: Inference from Alfvén Wing Arguments.
- Saturn Magnetospheric Interaction with Titan Ionisation Sources and Dynamics as Inferred from Cassini Observations
- Shock Wave Dynamics and the Particle Acceleration and Transport for 2002, April,21 Event
- The Eruption of Emerging Magnetic Flux Ropes by Shear Flows Driven by the Lorentz Force: An Initiation Mechanism for CMEs
- The Lunar Explorer for Elements and Hazards (LEEAH) Mission: Characterizing Lunar- Heliospheric Interactions for Both Science and Exploration
- The MLT Wind Field During the Declining Phase of Solar Cycles 22 and 23
- The Relationship Between Space Weather and Satellite Anomalies
- The Space Weather Concentration at the University of Michigan
- Ulysses Transition into the Newly Formed Southern Fast Stream Observed with Ulysses- SWICS
- Unraveling the Mechanisms Responsible for Radiation Belt Enhancements
- A Tool for Distributed Inquiry-Based Exploration of MHD Model Output
- A comparison of water uptake by aerosols using the thermodynamic models of Metzger and Jacobson
- A non Thermal Model for the Titan Extended Exosphere
- A simulation of a CME propagation and shock evolution in the lower solar corona
- A triple-etalon imaging interferometer for Earth and planetary remote sensing
- Alfven Profile in the Lower Corona: Implications for Shock Formation
- An improved ACE/SWICS efficiency model including uncertainty estimates
- Applying AIRS Hyperspectral Infra-Red Data to Cloud and Water Vapor Studies of Climate
- Assessment and Validation of MHD Models for the Solar Corona and Inner Heliosphere
- CME Initiation and Shock Formation in Complex Active Regions: Comparing the April 21 and August 24, 2002 CME Events
- Calculation of Synthetic Ground Magnetograms From Current Distributions Calculated by Large-Scale Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Codes
- Comparison of Heliospheric In-Situ Data with the Quasi-Steady Solar Wind Models
- Compositional variations in magnetic clouds with ACE/SWICS
- Do Clouds Follow Deforestation Over the Amazon?
- Electrical Processes on Mars: New Sources and Sinks for Atmospheric Chemistry?
- Electron Densities in the Upper Ionosphere of Mars from the Excitation of Local Electron Plasma Oscillations
- Geomagnetic Storm and Substorm Predictions with the Real-Time WINDMI Model
- Global inventory of precipitating populations during the 15-30 January 2005 long-duration flares and magnetic storms: Relative efficacy at ozone destruction
- Global, 4D Differential Emission Measure Analysis of EIT 17.1, 19.5 and 28.4 nm Images
- How well does aerosol index represent the number of cloud condensation nuclei in global models?
- Hydrogen and Oxygen Hot Ion Precipitation in the Martian Ionosphere
- Improving Estimation of Over-Lake Precipitation - An Application to Lake Erie
- Integration of the Radiation Belt Environment Model Into the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Intra-Annual Variability of the Mesosphere Wind Field as Observed by TIDI
- Investigating the periodicity of sawtooth events using the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF) - preliminary results
- Investigating the thermospheric response to solar flares
- Kelvin Waves in the Nonlinear Shallow Water Equations on the Sphere: Nonlinear Traveling Waves and the Corner Wave Bifurcation
- Land surface coupling in regional climate simulations of tropical monsoon systems
- LectureTools: An Open Source Technology to Promote Student Inquiry
- Lunar atmosphere and surface analysis through in situ pickup ions
- MESSENGER and Venus Express Observations of the Solar Wind Interaction with Venus: A Dual Spacecraft Study
- MESSENGER's Venus Flyby: An Overview of Early Results
- MRO Accelerometer Experiment: Thermospheric Features Interpreted Using GCM Simulations
- Martian Atmospheric Electricity and Global Circuit Driven By Dust Storms
- Modeled Ion Densities of Comet 1P/Halley: a Comparison With Giotto's Ion Mass Spectrometer
- Modeling of the Interaction Between the Induced Magnetosphere of Venus and the Solar Wind During the MESSENGER Flyby.
- Multi-year Measurements of Stomatal and Non-stomatal Fluxes of Ozone to a Northern Mixed Hardwood Forest
- Multiple Cusps under Northward IMF Conditions: Observations and MHD Simulations Compared
- Multipoint Validation of a Global 3D MHD Model for the Solar Corona and Inner Heliosphere
- New Operational Modes of Linear-Electric-Field Time of Flight Telescopes
- Numerical Simulation of a Coronal Mass Ejection in the Lower Corona: Comparison of Two Initiation Models
- Numerical Simulations of the Interaction of Enceladus' Interaction With Saturn's Magnetosphere Using a 3D Multi-Species, Hall MHD Model
- Observations of Suprathermal Power Law Tails with ACE, Ulysses, MESSENGER, and Voyager
- On the Global Distribution of Slow Solar Wind
- On the puzzle of heavy ion properties near the Sun
- Overview of TIMED CEDAR observations showing the MLTI system response to changing drivers from solar maximum to solar minimum
- Quantifying the Exospheric Component of Soft X-ray Emission
- Saturn's Magnetosphere During the Recent HST Observations
- Spectrally resolved fluxes and cloud radiative forcing from collocated AIRS and CERES measurements: derivation and application in climate studies
- Stereoscopic Results from NASA's STEREO Mission
- Substorm onset dynamics in the magnetotail: joint TC-1 and Cluster observation and SWMF simulation
- The Benefits of Peer-to-Peer Mentoring: Lessons from The Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN)
- The Orientation of the Local Interstellar Magnetic Field and Induced Asymmetries of the Heliosphere: Neutrals-MHD model
- The Space Weather Re-analysis Project
- Towards understanding the impact of TTL cirrus clouds on troposphere-to-stratosphere transport
- Transport of NOx and its reaction products in a global model and its impact on ozone
- Ulysses Transition into the Polar Coronal Holes
- Using Google Maps® and Google Earth® to Represent Weather Events
- Using Virtual Observatories for Data-Model Comparisons
- VEIL: A New Frontiers Class Mission Concept for Exploring Venus
- Validating SWMF Particle Density and Energy: Initial Results
- Venus Upper Atmosphere Winds Traced by Night Airglow Distributions: NCAR VTGCM Simulations
- 3D, Multi-fluid, MHD Calculations Of Plasma Escape From Mars
- A rotated version of the Jablonowski-Williamson baroclinic wave test case
- Aerosol Effects on Mixed-Phase Clouds
- An Intercomparison of 10 Atmospheric Model Dynamical Cores
- An Overview of Aerosol-Cloud Indirect Effects Estimated From Global Models
- Cassini observations of Saturn's polar cusp
- Characterizing Solar Wind and its Source Regions as Empirical Constraints for Investigating Solar Wind Formation
- Cirrus cloud occurrence and freezing mechanisms in a global model
- Comparative Formation of the Gas Giant Planets and their Atmospheres
- Comparison of Non-Linear Force-Free Field Extrapolation with Magnetohydrodynamics Simulations
- Comparison of TIDI Wind Observations and the HWM07 Model
- Compositional signatures in magnetic-cloud ICMEs
- Connecting the Sun and the Heliosphere: The Slow Solar Wind Problem
- Distortions of the Inner Magnetosphere Magnetic Field during storms, saw-tooth oscillations and Steady Magnetospheric Convection events
- Dynamic Instability Leading to Increased Interchange Reconnection Rates
- Erosion Dynamics during Phoenix Landing on Mars
- Evaluation of CRM-Simulated Cloud and Precipitation Structures Using Multi-sensor TRMM Retrievals: Implications for Model Development
- Extended Inner Heliospheric Source of Pickup Ions
- First Results of 3D, Global EUV Tomography from the STEREO Mission: Solar Minimum Results
- First steps towards a solar wind 13C/12C ratio
- Formaldehyde Concentrations in a Hardwood Forest, Measured by Laser Induced Fluorescence
- GECoRe: A New Geometrically Exact Remapping Scheme on the Sphere
- HONO Flux Measurement at a Forested Site in Northern Michigan
- Habitability of Enceladus: Planetary Conditions for Life
- Hydrogen and Oxygen Hot Ion Precipitation in the Martian Ionosphere
- Ice Nucleation in a Global Climate Model
- Impact of non-hydrostatic processes on the thermospheric density and winds
- Improvements in the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- In Situ Gas Phase Glyoxal Measurements Above a Forest Canopy at PROPHET 2008
- Influence of Anthropogenic Sulfate and Black Carbon on Upper Tropospheric Clouds in the NCAR CAM3 Model Coupled to the IMPACT Global Aerosol Model
- Inner magnetosphere--global MHD coupled code: initial results
- Insights into the Ion Composition and Plasma Environment of Planet Mercury from MESSENGER
- Investigating the Earth's magnetosphere response to IMF Bz magnitude using SWMF
- Ion Acceleration During Magnetic Reconnection
- Kinetic simulation of Mercury's magnetosphere compared with observations during MESSENGER's first Mercury flybys on 14 January and 6 October 2008
- Large Domain Cloud Resolving Simulations of Equatorial Tropical Convection: Influence of Sea Surface Temperature on Convective Organization
- MESSENGER Observations of Magnetic Reconnection and its Effects on Mercury's Magnetosphere
- MHD Study of the Variation of the Mass Loading Sources near Enceladus
- Martian Ionospheric and Atmospheric Interaction Under Extreme Solar Wind Conditions
- Modeled Neutral Densities of Comet 1P/Halley: a Comparison With Giotto's Neutral Mass Spectrometer
- New Metrics for Evaluation of Clouds Simulations in Climate Models
- Numerical Study of Interchange Reconnection Associated with CMEs
- On the Bimodal Distribution of the Jovian and Kronian Magnetopause and Bow Shock Locations
- Origin and Evolution of Titan's Nitrogen-Methane Atmosphere: A Cassini-Huygens Perspective
- Overview of magnetosphere and magnetic field observations from MESSENGER's second flyby of Mercury
- Oxygen Observations by STEREO/PLASTIC in the Slow Solar Wind
- Physical and Thermodynamical Evidence of Liquid Water on Mars
- Planetary Electrochemical Effects
- Real-Time WINDMI Predictions of Geomagnetic Storm and Substorms
- Reconnection-Driven Changes of the Open-Closed Coronal Magnetic Field Boundary
- SHOTPUT: A mission proposal to study composition and origins of small bodies in the outer solar system through fly-by and impactor science
- Signatures of Two Distinct Initiation Mechanisms in the Evolution of CMEs in the Lower Corona.
- Signatures of turbulent heating in heavy-ion velocity distribution functions
- Tall-tower observations of pollution from near-field sources in central Texas during the Texas Air Quality Study 2006
- The Aerosol Measurement and Processing System: New Capabilities and Results
- The Impact of ENSO on Surface Ozone Concentrations Over California
- The Influence of Experimental Approach and Design on the Quantification of Surface-to- Air Mercury Emissions
- The Space Environment of Mercury: Solar Wind and IMF Modeling of Upstream Conditions
- The Virtual Model Repository
- Trend and Variability Analysis of Six-year AIRS Radiances
- Unusually strong magnetic fields in Titan's ionosphere: T42 analysis
- Upstream Solar Wind Conditions at Mercury During the First two MESSENGER Flybys
- Utilizing Data Assimilation and Small Satellites to Better Understand the Thermospheric Density Structure
- 3D Differential Emission Measure of the 2008 Solar Minimum Corona with Dual-Spacecraft EUVI/STEREO Tomography
- 3D simulation of flux emergence from convective zone to corona with BATSRUS
- A 3D Multi-fluid MHD Study of the Interaction of the Solar Wind with the Ionosphere/Atmosphere System of Mars
- A statistical approach to iceberg calving: The role of disorder and the demise of deterministic predictability (Invited)
- Analysis of Photoelectron Observations on the Strong Crustal Field Lines at Mars
- Are Unusual Solar Wind Conditions in SC23-24 Triggering Changes in the Geospace Response to High Speed Streams? (Invited)
- BATSRUS with Hall MHD and anisotropic pressure
- Cassini’s Discoveries at Saturn and the Proposed Cassini Solstice Mission
- Cloud Structure of Uranus and Neptune
- Comparing Different Approaches of Modeling Magnetospheric Composition
- Coupling HEIDI into the SWMF
- Coupling RAM-SCB to a Magnetospheric GCM and Polar Wind Outflow Model
- Developing a Thermodynamic MHD Model of the Global Solar Corona with the SWMF
- Does the solar magnetic flux depends on boundary conditions?
- Effect of the geometry of earth’s magnetic field on the ionospheric electrodynamics
- Effects of cryospheric changes on Earth's solar energy budget
- Effects of tides on the upper atmosphere simulated by a non-hydrostatic general circulation model
- Enabling Science with the Virtual Modeling Repository
- Equatorial ionospheric electrodynamics observations in the African and American longitudinal sectors
- Evidence of a Global Magma Ocean in Io Revealed by Electromagnetic Induction
- Evidence of unusually cold material inside Coronal Mass Ejections
- First ACE Observations of Venus pickup ions near Earth
- Flux Emergence: Simulating Conditions That Produce Coronal Mass Ejections
- From Interstellar Pickup Ions in the Inner Heliosphere to Anomalous Cosmic Rays in the Heliosheath (Invited)
- Global modeling of SOA formation from different mechanisms
- Global modeling of nitrate and ammonium aerosols using EQSAM3
- Global simulations of dynamic magnetosphere response to steady southward IMF driving
- Go With the Flow: The Reductionist View of Geospace at the System Level (Invited)
- Goddard Satellite Data Simulation Unit: Multi-Sensor Satellite Simulators to Support Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Satellite Missions
- Hybrid simulation of interstellar wind interaction with solar wind plasma
- Integrating long-term science projects into K-12 curriculum: Fostering teacher-student engagement in urban environmental research through an NSF UCLA GK-12 program
- Interhemispheric and Seasonal Differences in Ionospheric Field-Aligned Currents, Horizontal Currents and Electric Fields (Invited)
- Ion Loss from Titan's Atmosphere versus Local Time: A two-fluid MHD Study
- Ionosphere Mesosphere Polar Aeronomy Campaign (IMPAC)
- Latest Measurements of the Enceladus Plume: MHD model of field and plasma
- LectureTools: A Clicker System for Large (or Small) Geosciences Courses
- Lower thermosphere molecular oxygen derived from the volume emission rate of the Atmospheric band
- MESSENGER Observations of the Plasma Environment near Mercury
- MHD modeling of the interaction of the magnetosphere of Mercury with the solar wind during the MESSENGER flybys
- Mapping Saturn's Magnetic Field Lines to the Ionosphere in the Presence of Field Aligned Currents and Comparison with Observations
- Mercury's magnetosphere-solar wind interaction under northward and southward interplanetary magnetic field during the MESSENGER flybys
- Mercury’s atmosphere and magnetosphere: MESSENGER third flyby observations (Invited)
- Methanol on Enceladus
- Modeled Ion and Neutral Particle Distributions around Jupiter’s Moon Europa
- New Operating Mode for the Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
- Observations of Night OH in the Mesosphere of Venus
- On the occurrence and properties of middle tropospheric stable layers over the tropical western Pacific
- Orientation and Magnitude of the Interstellar Magnetic Field from Heliosheath Flows
- Particle Transport and Acceleration in Mercury’s Magnetosphere during the MESSENGER Flybys
- Pc-5 wave power in the plasmasphere and trough: CRRES observations
- Polar Coronal Holes during the Past Solar Cycle: Ulysses Observations
- Primary heating mechanisms for the substantial neutral density enhancement in the cusp region
- Response of Saturn’s Magnetosphere to Changes in the Solar Wind: 3D Global MHD Simulations
- Retrievals of Mesospheric Atomic Oxygen From SABER Measurements
- Ring Current Electrons in HEIDI and Their Relative Total Energy Content
- Seasonal variations of land-atmosphere coupling strength in the continental United States
- Simultaneous entry of oxygen ions originating from the Sun and Earth into the inner magnetosphere during magnetic storms
- Sodium and magnesium neutral and ion species at Mercury: Simulations and comparison to MESSENGER observations
- Solar Cycle and Seasonal Variations of the Mars Thermosphere-Ionosphere and Associated Impacts upon Atmospheric Escape (Invited)
- Specifying the Earth's Plasmasphere With Data Assimilation of Ground-Based Field-Line Resonance Measurements
- Stochastic Modeling of Water Vapor in the Climate System
- Substorm Onset by New Plasma Intrusion 4: SuperDARN-THEMIS ASI-POES Observations
- Surface Alfven Wave Damping in a Solar Wind Simulation Driven by Alfven Waves
- Synergy Between AIRS and CERES on Aqua: Reflections on Additional Information Content of CLARREO IR measurements
- Temporal & Spatial Evolution of a Modeled CME Shock and Post-shock Compression
- The Effect of Black Carbon and Snow Grain Size on Snow Surface Albedo
- The Relationships of Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor with Atmospheric Temperature, SST and Clouds in Different Tropical Ocean Basins
- The link between pick-up ions and energetic neutral atoms
- Tomography with LASCO-C2 Total Brightness Images
- Turbulent Alfven Waves as a Solar Wind Driver: Results from a new 4D model for the Solar Corona and Solar Wind
- Uncertainty Quantification and Parameter Estimation Utilizing a Global Ionosphere Thermosphere Model
- Understanding the Variability of Nightside Temperatures and Airglow Emissions in Venus’ Middle and Upper Atmosphere: NCAR VTGCM Simulations
- Unique Science Needs: CAWSES-II and Virtual Observatories (Invited)
- Vertical Scan (V-SCAN) for 3-D Grid Adaptive Mesh Refinement for an atmospheric Model Dynamical Core
- 2-D Convection and Electrodynamic Features of Substorms Revealed by Multiple Radar Observations (Invited)
- 3D, multi-fluid, MHD calculations of Mars interaction with the solar wind
- A Collection of Synthetic TEC Comparisons with Data
- A refined model of Ganymede's internal magnetic field (Invited)
- A reflection on the nature of combustion and the search for short-lived climate warmers (Invited)
- An observational urban heat island study: A primary step in heat event mitigation planning in Detroit, MI
- Analysis of coherent structures during the 2009 CABINEX field campaign: Implications for atmospheric chemistry
- Atmospheric absorption: Can observations constrain the direct and indirect effect of organic and BC aerosols on climate
- Aurora and its Relations to Interplay of Large and Mesoscale Flow Structures of the Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System
- BATSRUS with Anisotropic Ion Pressure
- Causes of variability in plasmasphere rotation rate: IMAGE EUV observations (Invited)
- Changes in the tropical hydrologic cycle in a warming environment: influence on organized deep convection
- Comparing Magnetospheric Cross-Field Current Systems In ICME And CIR/HSS Driven Storms
- Comparing a Coupled Ionosphere-Plasmasphere Model to Observations with IMAGE/EUV
- Comparison of silicon nanoscale gratings to carbon foils for use in space plasma mass spectrometers
- Component Reconnexion at the Heliopause
- Constraints on CME evolution from in situ observations of ionic charge states
- Contributions of Individual Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds to Secondary Organic Aerosol and Organic Nitrate Formation above a Mixed Forest
- Delivering Climate Projections at Regional Scales to Support Decisionmakers: a new NOAA effort
- Differences between N-S arc sequences that do and do not lead to substorm expansion onset
- Differential Emission Tomography of AIA Images
- Dst index in the 2008 GEM Modeling Challenge - Model performance for Moderate and Strong Magnetic Storms
- Equatorial-PRIMO (Problems Related to Ionospheric Models and Observations)
- Exospheric Temperatures at Mars Derived from SPICAM Dayglow Measurements
- Explaining a Consistent Morning NOx Maximum in the Clean Air Forest Boundary Layer
- Exploring the influence of ionospheric O+ outflow on magnetospheric dynamics
- Fast Solar Wind Streams From the Sun to 1 AU During the Recent Solar Minimum
- Fostering K-12 Inquiry-based Lesson Development on Regional Water Resource Issues in Los Angeles Urban Schools through the NSF UCLA SEE-LA GK-12 program
- Global MHD simulations of the interaction between Saturn's magnetosphere and the solar wind (Invited)
- Global views of energetic particle precipitation and their sources: Combining large-scale models with observations during the 21-22 January 2005 magnetic storm (Invited)
- Ground to exobase modeling of the Martian atmosphere using M-GITM
- High Speed Stream Activity in an IMF-By magnetosphere (Invited)
- High-Order Finite-Volume Schemes for Simulating Atmospheric Flows
- Hydrogen deflection in the heliosphere and the effect of local interstellar magnetic field
- ICME interaction with the Martian ionosphere and atmosphere
- Ice Chemistry and Sea Floor Dynamics on the Earth: Possibilities for a Comparative Planetology Study of Enceladus
- Idealized Tropical Cyclone Simulations of Intermediate Complexity: A Test Case for Atmospheric GCMs
- Identification of substorm onset location and pre-onset sequence using Reimei, THEMIS GBO, PFISR and Geotail (Invited)
- Inner Heliosheath Size and Pressure
- Interpreting SDO/AIA observations of EUV waves, a comprehensive analysis with direct comparison to global MHD simulations
- Investigation of HOx radical chemistry under a forest canopy during CABINEX-2009
- Longwave band-by-band cloud radiative forcing over the tropical oceans from 2003 to 2007: observations vs. simulations
- Low latitude electrodynamics in Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model
- MESSENGER Plasma Wave Observations in Mercury's Magnetosphere
- Mapping the transport of air parcels in the thermosphere due to the background wind
- Modeling Enceladus and its torus in Saturn's magnetosphere (Invited)
- Modeling Ionospheric Outflows In Global Models (Invited)
- Modeling of Microwave Emissions from the Marie-Byrd Antarctic Region: A Stable Calibration Target in the L-band
- Modeling the Rapid Rebuilding of the Radiation Belts During High Speed Streams
- Modelling African aerosol using updated fossil fuel and biofuel emission inventories for 2005 and 2030
- Multi-Scale Modeling of Global Magnetosphere Structure and Dynamics
- Multi-point observations of the Poynting vector associated with field line resonance
- Multi-spacecraft Observations of Energetic Particle Events from 0.3 to 1.0 AU: Measurements by MESSENGER, STEREO, and ACE
- Networking Skills as a Career Development Practice: Lessons from the Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN)
- New Operational Mode of Space-borne Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers
- Northern Hemisphere cryosphere radiative forcing and albedo feedback during 1979-2008
- Numerical Simulation of Earth Directed CMEs with an Advanced Two-Temperature Coronal Model (Invited)
- Observed 20th Century Desert Dust Variability: Impact on Climate and Biogeochemistry (Invited)
- Observed suppression of ozone formation at extremely high temperatures (Invited)
- On the Origin of Coronal Mass Ejections: How Does the Emergence of a Magnetic Flux Rope Reorganize the Solar Corona?
- On the use of Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for model uncertainty estimation and evaluation of assimilation algorithms (Invited)
- Oxygen Flux in the Solar Wind: Ulysses Observations
- Pick-Up Oxygen Ion Loss at Mars
- Prominence Cavities from Differential Emission Measure Tomography
- Quantifying the Relationship between Dynamical Cores and Physical Parameterizations by Geostatistical Methods
- Quantifying the azimuthal plasmaspheric density structure and dynamics inferred from IMAGE EUV
- Remote sensing of the plasmasphere mass density using conjugate magnetometer chains SAMBA, MEASURE, and McMAC
- Scaling biogenic VOC emissions from canopy to region: One-dimensional canopy modeling and the influence of leaf temperature (Invited)
- Science in the Cloud: Experiences Building an International Cloud for Computational Science
- Seed Particle Populations in the Solar Wind and Solar Corona
- Self-Consistent Solar Wind Model Driven by a Turbulent Spectrum of Alfven Waves
- Simulated atmospheric bridge across tropical ocean basins and its sensitivity to seasonal evolution in current and future climate regimes
- Simulation of Flux Emergence in Solar Active Regions
- Spatially dependent heating and ionization: From CME to ICME
- Surface Irradiation of Jupiter's Moon Europa
- Temperature and water vapor variance scaling from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder, climate models, and aircraft data (Invited)
- Testing Nonuniform Heating RTV-Type Models of Coronal Loops with 3D Differential Emission Measure Tomography
- The Disproportionate and Potentially Negative Influence of Research Universities on the Quality of Geoscience Education
- The Longitudinal Variation of Equatorial Electrodynamics Observations
- The Methane Cycle on Titan: Surface-Atmosphere Thermochemical Coupling (Invited)
- The Recent Weakening Solar Wind as Observed by ACE and Wind
- The Statistical Physics of Iceberg Calving and the Emergence of Universal Calving Laws
- The Virtual Model Repository: Data/Model Visualization Benefits of Collaboration
- The effect of precipitation on the cloud concentration at Jupiter
- The effect of the magnetic field stretching on the development of the ring current
- The effects of hygroscopicity of fossil fuel BC on mixed-phase and cirrus ice clouds
- Two Way Coupling RAM-SCB to the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Understanding the dynamic ionospheric signature of the plasmapause (Invited)
- Understanding the geoeffective properties of rapid changes in the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (Invited)
- Uniform Access to Heliophysics Time Series Data
- Using MHD modeling to specify inner heliosphere conditions during the three MESSENGER Mercury flybys
- Vertical profiles of HOx chemistry within a mixed hardwood forest during the 2009 CABINEX field campaign: Evaluations with a one-dimensional canopy-chemistry model
- Whose murk is this?
- A 3D Self-consistent Solar Model from the Chromosphere to 1AU
- A Miniature Sensor for Measuring Soil Wetness and Searching for Brines on Mars and Beyond
- A continuum damage mechanics approach to simulation of creep and fracture in ice sheets
- A flexible, multi-faceted, multi-media approach to teaching climate change to non-STEM majors
- A global TEC model based on Empirical Orthogonal Function analysis
- A robust relation between interannual variations of ice water content and that of large-scale circulation over the tropical Pacific basin
- A solely radiance-based spectral anisotropic distribution model and its application in deriving clear-sky spectral fluxes
- ACE/SWICS observations of heavy ion dropouts near fast-slow stream interfaces
- An Atmospheric Vortex as the Driver of Saturn's Electromagnetic Periodicities. 2. Responses in Magnetosphere and Ionosphere
- An Atmospheric Vortex as the Driver of Saturn's Electromagnetic Periodicities: 1. Global Simulations
- Analysis of the Humidity Measurements at the Phoenix Landing Site: First Estimation from the TEGA Mass Spectrometer and Comparison with TECP
- Are the effects of hygroscopicity of soot on ice freezing important?
- Assessing the Accuracy of Tracer Transport Schemes in the Dynamical Cores of General Circulation Models
- CME Acceleration: A comparison Between Numerical Models and Observations
- Canadian Arctic Archipelago Glacier Contributions to Sea Level: 1950-2011
- Characterization of Slow Solar Wind Sources
- Citations for Data in Refereed Journals
- Comparison of bin and bulk microphysics in simulations of springtime Arctic mixed-phase stratocumulus clouds with a higher-order turbulence parameterization
- Comparison of clouds and precipitation in northern and southern ocean extratropical cyclones
- Conceptual models on spectral radiative forcing and spectral cloud radiative effect
- Contributions of individual biogenic VOC precursors to SOA production above a mixed forest
- Controlling Reconnection in Global Magnetospheric Simulations
- Coronal Electron Temperature from the Solar Wind Scaling Law throughout the Space Age
- Coupled MHD and Particle-In-Cell Model of Solar Eruptive Events in the Context of Global Space Weather Simulations
- Determining the Accuracy of the USGS Near Real-time Dst as a Driver to External Magnetic Field Models
- Differences in the transport of aerosols to the Arctic: Analysis of NCAR CAM5 & GFDL AM3 models and their prediction of snow and ice forcing and the aerosol direct and indirect effect
- Distribution of ~1 Hz ULF Waves in Mercury's Inner Magnetosphere
- Dorm Room Labs for Introductory Space Science Courses
- Downscaling the NOAA CarbonTracker Inversion for North America
- Dynamical effects of small-scale gravity waves of lower atmospheric origin on the equinoctial thermosphere
- EUV Tomography and Global Magnetic Modeling of the Solar Corona during the Solar Cycle 24 Rising Phase
- Effects of cloud optical thickness on net ecosystem exchange in a Northern U.S. temperate forest
- Electric Field Measurements in Terrestrial Dust Devils and Dust Storms, as an Analog to Mars
- Energy- and Activity-Dependent Loss Timescales for Inner Magnetospheric keV-Energy Electrons
- Enhanced solar energy absorption by internally-mixed black carbon in snow grains
- Extreme Space Weather on Close-in Planets
- Facilitating career advancement for women in the Geosciences through the Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN)
- First in-situ measurements of a highly fragmented comet: ACE SWICS and WIND STICS measurements
- GEM-CEDAR Challenge: Comparing Ionospheric Models with Poynting Flux from DMSP Observations
- Global Simulations of Mercury's Quasi-Trapped Particle Population
- Global Temperature Structures Determined from DEMT
- Global distribution of Na, Ca, and Mg in Mercury's exosphere from MESSENGER measurements
- Global modeling of SOA formation in the aqueous phase
- Heat flow along coronal loops during magnetic flux emergence
- IMPACT: Integrated Modeling of Perturbations in Atmospheres for Conjunction Tracking
- Idealized Simulations of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation With Different GCM Dynamical Cores: The Role of Parameterized Gravity Waves
- Idealized Tropical Cyclone Simulations of Intermediate Complexity: A Test Case for AGCMs
- Impact of an additional radiative CO2 cooling induced by subgrid-scale gravity waves in the middle and upper atmosphere
- Improving radiative transfer processes in snow-covered areas prone to dust loading using a regional climate model
- Incorporation of a Gravity Wave Momentum Deposition Parameterization into the VTGCM
- Inner-source Pickup Ions Observed in Conjunction with Coronal Mass Ejections
- Integrating Tomography and Global Simulation
- Investigation of the Cooling Behavior of Interstellar HE+ Pickup Ions in the Inner Heliosphere
- Ionospheric Data Assimilation with GPS data: Slant versus Vertical TEC
- Kinetic-Scale Magnetic Fluctuations in the Near-Mercury Space Environment
- Linking Upper and Lower Atmospheres Variability: Polar Night Ozone and Sudden Stratospheric Warming
- Long Term Variation of Driven and Unloading Effects on the Polar Cap Index
- MESSENGER Magnetometer Observations of the Plasma Distribution in Mercury's Magnetosphere
- MESSENGER Observations and Kinetic Simulations of Quasi-Trapped Ion and Electron Populations at Mercury
- MESSENGER Observations of Flux Transfer Events at Mercury
- MESSENGER Observations of Internal and External Magnetic Fields at Mercury
- MESSENGER Observations of the Distribution of Planetary Ions Near Mercury
- MESSENGER observations of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves at Mercury's magnetopause
- MESSENGER observations of magnetopause structure at Mercury
- MESSENGER observations of plasma ion composition at Mercury through the first 150 days of orbital observations
- Middle-Atmosphere Polar Warming at Mars
- Mission Assurance Versus Cost - Thinking in a Smaller Box
- Model comparison of oxygen ion loss at Mars
- Modeling Atmospheric Energy Deposition (by energetic ions)
- Modeling Solar Wind and Coronal Mass Ejection During Carrington Rotation 2107
- Modeling Tropical Cyclones in NCAR's General Circulation Model with Variable-Resolution Meshes
- Modeling the Interaction of Europa with the Jovian Magnetosphere
- Modeling the Response of the Martian Upper Atmosphere to Solar Flares
- Monte Carlo Model of High Energy Ion Precipitation in the Martian Atmosphere
- Multi-fluid MHD simulation of the solar wind interaction with Venus
- Multi-fluid MHD study of Ion Loss from Titan's Atmosphere
- Normalized superposed epoch analysis reveals two step main phase enhancement: evidence for potential and inductive convection during intense geomagnetic events
- Observations of ULF wave related equatorial electrojet and density fluctuations
- Observations of interstellar helium pickup ions in the inner heliosphere
- On the use of data assimilation methods to quantify uncertainty in model physics parameterizations
- Open data and Io's molten ocean: Scientists' tale of discovery
- OpenClimateGIS - A Web Service Providing Climate Model Data in Commonly Used Geospatial Formats
- Parallax correction for satellite-based study of convections: methods, statistics, and a case study with MJO development
- Predicting solar wind forcing at Mercury: WSA-ENLIL model results
- Predicting the Conditions in the Outer Heliosheath
- Quantification of Cloud Microphysical Parameterization Uncertainty using Radar Reflectivity
- Quantifying the Relationship between Dynamical Cores and Physical Parameterizations by Object-Based Methods
- Realistic MHD Modeling of EUV Waves: Insight From a Coupled Observational and Modeling Analysis
- Relationships between atmospheric state and scale-dependent cloud properties as a pathway for investigating the impact of aerosols on deep convective clouds
- Remote sensing of the plasmasphere mass density using ground magnetometers and the FLIP model
- Resistance to Snowball Earth Initiation in the CAM3.1 Slab Ocean Model
- Revisiting Seismicity Associated with the 'Loose Tooth' of the Amery
- Sensitivity of Active and Passive Microwave Observations to Soil Moisture during Growing Corn
- Sensitivity of Lake-Enhanced Snowfall to Lake Ice Cover in the Great Lakes Region
- Simulation of low radio frequency solar images using HART
- Simulations of mechanical failure in ice: Implications of terrestrial fracture models as applied to they icy satellites of the outer solar system
- Solar-Terrestrial Relations: An Undergraduate-Level Introduction to the Sun, Space Weather, and the Sun-Climate Connection
- Statistical comparison of the ionospheric energy deposition before and after sudden enhancements in solar wind dynamic pressure using AMIE output
- Statistical study of Subauroral Polarization Streams (SAPS): Solar wind, ionospheric control and its effect on the thermosphere
- Structure of Mercury's Global Magnetic Field Determined from MESSENGER Orbital Observations
- Structure of Mercury's magnetosphere during MESSENGER's first three months in orbit
- Study of Hot Atomic Oxygen in Mars' Upper Thermosphere and Exosphere Using Different Scattering Collision Approximations
- Substorm-time ionospheric trough dynamics: Its evolution and relationship with FACs and convection flows
- Synoptic-scale magnetometer observations of the open-closed field line boundary
- Systematic Climatology Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models during November 2007 to February 2008
- The Earth's Response to the Interplanetary Small-scale Magnetic Flux Ropes
- The Effect of Subsurface Flows during Flux Emergence
- The First EUVI Images Seen Without Stray Light
- The Importance of Large-Scale Wind Measurements
- The Physical Origins of Space Weather Impacts: Modeling Challenges
- The Role of Coronal Holes in CME Deflection in the Lower Corona
- The Validation of Climate Models: The Development of Essential Practice
- The climate impacts of absorbing aerosols on and within the Arctic
- The dusty plasma of Enceladus in Saturn's magnetosphere: a multi-fluid MHD study
- The effect of anthropogenic soot particles on cirrus and mixed phase clouds
- Time Variations of the Spectral Indices of the Suprathermal Distribution as observed by WIND/STICS
- Transient Bursts of Energetic Electrons in Mercury's Magnetosphere Observed by MESSENGER
- Two decades of MLT winds as measured by UARS/HRDI and TIMED/TIDI
- Understanding the assimilation of dual-polarimetric radar observations and their impact on convective weather forecasting in mesoscale models
- Using band-by-band cloud radiative effect to evaluate GCMs and study cloud feedback
- Using the Virtual Modeling Repository for Analysis of Numerical Models of the Magnetosphere
- Variability of the solar wind
- Variation of Pick-up Ion Pressure throughout the Heliosheath: 3-Dimensional Multi-ion, Multi-fluid Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of the Outer Heliosphere
- A Description of Local Time Asymmetries in the Kronian Current Sheet
- A Global, Three-Ion Approach to the Ionospheric Outflow Problem: Initial Results
- A Markov Chain Monte Carlo-Based Examination of the Interaction Between Model Physics Uncertainty and Model State
- A Study of the Thermodynamical Properties of Streamers and Pseudo-Streamers
- A numerical investigation of crevasse propagation and stability of calving glaciers using nonlocal continuum damage mechanics
- A physically based algorithm for non-blackbody correction of the cloud top temperature for the convective clouds
- A radiative-convective equilibrium perspective of the weakening of tropical Walker circulation in response to global warming
- AMISR in the Africa: Scientific and Societal Importance
- An Explanation for the Observed Frequency Drift of Coherent ~1 Hz waves in Mercury's Inner Magnetosphere
- Analysis of high-altitude planetary ion velocity space distributions detected by the Ion Mass Analyzer aboard Mars Express
- Assessing the Effects of Dust Loading of Snow on Regional Hydroclimatology Using an Improved Regional Climate Model
- CME Reconstruction from Three Viewpoints Via Simulation Morphing
- Characteristics of the Plasma Distribution in Mercury's Equatorial Magnetosphere Derived from MESSENGER Magnetic Field and Plasma Observations
- Clear-sky outgoing far-IR spectral flux inferred from satellite observations over near globe and their usage in evaluating state-of-the-art reanalyses
- Climate-Change Problem Solving: Structured Approaches Based on Real-World Experiences
- Comparison of Global Models for the Escape of Martian Atmospheric Plasma
- Consequences of Electron Precipitation at Mercury: X-ray Aurorae and Heavy Ion Production
- Coronal Streamers and Their Associated Solar Wind Streams
- Death of an Arctic Mixed Phase Cloud: How Changes in the Arctic Environment Influence Cloud Properties and Cloud Radiative Feedbacks
- Decadal variability of rift propagation on the Amery Ice Shelf
- Determination of the plasmapause boundary using ground magnetometer field line resonances, satellite observations, and modeling
- Diagnosing Snow and Sea Ice Radiative Forcing in the Community Earth System Model
- Diffusion and thermal escape of H2 from Titan's atmosphere: Monte Carlo Simulations
- Driving Saturn's Magnetospheric Periodicities from the Upper Atmosphere/Ionosphere: Magnetotail Response to Dual Sources
- Effect of Microwave Radiometer Inter-Calibration on Derived Products for the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission
- Electrical characteristics of simulated tornadoes
- Electrodynamics of the high-latitude trough: Its relationship with convection flows and field-aligned currents
- Energy cascade and phase-synchronization in the solar wind turbulence
- Evaluating temporal evolution of surface albedo feedback using the CESM1
- Evaluation of preindustrial to present-day black carbon and its albedo forcing from ACCMIP
- Evolution of the Global Temperature Structure of the Solar Corona Around the Last Solar Minimum
- Exploiting passive microwave radiometer data in coastal regions: demonstration of wind retrieval in the Great Lakes using SSM/I
- Exploring Small Spatial Scales in the Transition Region and Solar Corona with the Very High Angular Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (VERIS)
- Forces and Phases: An Investigation of Azimuthal Plasma and Field Periodicities in Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere
- Global Dynamics of Hot Atomic Oxygen in Mars' Upper Atmosphere and Comparison with Recent Observation
- Hall MHD Simulations of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Heavy Ion Heating from the Sun to 1AU
- Heavy Ion Measurements over Solar Cycle 23
- Identification of GCM Uncertainty of Dynamical Cores and Physical Parameterizations by Object-Based Methods
- In-situ Observations of springtime stratosphere-troposphere exchange events over California
- Initiation of Coronal Mass Ejections: A Comparison of AR11158 with a Simulation of Flux Cancellation
- Inner Magnetospheric keV-Energy Electrons and Their Influence on the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- Irreversible mass loss from Canadian Arctic glaciers
- Long-Term Variability of Precipitation of Charged Particles on Mercury's Surface
- MESSENGER Observations of Magnetopause Structure and Dynamics at Mercury
- MESSENGER Observations of Upstream Whistler Waves in Mercury's Foreshock Region
- MESSENGER observations of Mercury's magnetosphere under extreme solar wind conditions
- MESSENGER observations of plasma signatures in Mercury's northern magnetospheric cusp
- MESSENGER observations of the plasma depletion layer in Mercury's magnetosphere
- Martian thermospheric temperatures retrieved from CO<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>+</SUP> SPICAM dayglow measurements
- Mercury's Time-Averaged and Induced Magnetic Fields from MESSENGER Observations
- Mercury's high northern latitude magnetic signature: Limitations on an internal source
- Mercury's magnetopause and bow shock from MESSENGER observations
- Methods to determine the effective resolution of dynamical cores of GCMs
- Mid-latitude thermospheric dynamics as observed by the North American Thermosphere-Ionosphere Observing Network of imaging Fabry-Perot interferometers
- Modeling Atmospheric Energy Deposition (by energetic ions): New Results
- Modeling the Martian Upper Atmosphere Using the Mars Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model
- Modes of response of the ring current and radiation belts to interplanetary drivers
- Moving molecules from the surface layer to the atmosphere: BVOC exchange at the atmosphere-forest interface
- Multi-fluid MHD study of Titan's plasma interaction
- Multi-species analysis of ion distributions at Mars
- Multiscale Interactions Between Convection and the Environment
- New Adventures with the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- New discoveries in the Venusian Foreshock
- Numerical modeling of the energy balance and the englacial temperature of Greenland Ice Sheet
- Observational constraints for climate forcing by biomass burning aerosols
- Origin of the most strongly FIP-fractionated solar wind: Ulysses SWICS results
- Outreach and education in urban Los Angeles Schools: integration of research into middle and high school science curriculum through the NSF GK-12 SEE-LA program
- Polar Warming Drivers
- Predicting the time derivative of local magnetic perturbations with physics based models
- Quantification of Model Parameterization Uncertainty in Single ColumnClimate Models
- Reconciling estimates for the first aerosol indirect forcing from satellites and models
- Reconnection in Jupiter's Magnetotail: Examining the Influence of Solar Wind Driving
- Reoccurring Heavy Ion Dropouts in the Solar Wind: Rates, Locations, and Constraints on Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Corona
- Resolving Processes that Modulate the Properties of Clouds and Precipitation in Vertical Columns using Ground-Based Remote Sensing Measurements Collected by the ARM Program
- Satellite observations of energy-banded ions during large geomagnetic storms
- Sensitivity of Microwave Backscatter to Soil Moisture under Bare Soil Conditions
- Service-Oriented Approach to Coupling Earth System Models and Modeling Frameworks
- Similarities and differences in low-to-mid latitude geomagnetic indices during storms
- Simulate the Coronal Mass Ejection on 2011 March 7 from Chromosphere to 1 AU
- Solar Flare Response in the Topside, Equatorial Ionosphere
- Solar and Space Physics PhD Production and Job Availability: Implications for the Future of the Space Weather Research Workforce
- Solar wind interaction with Mars Upper atmosphere: Results from the one-way coupling between the Multi-fluid MHD model and the M-TGCM model
- Sources and Losses of Mg in Mercury's Exosphere Inferred from MESSENGER Observations
- Space Science with the SpacePy Toolkit
- Space Weather Model Validations Using dBH/dt at High and Mid-Latitude Magnetometer Locations
- Statistical study of global modes outside the plasmasphere
- Study of the Influences of the Ionospheric Responses to the Solar Flares by the Solar Flare Characteristics
- Testing a Two-temperature Model of the Solar Corona with Empirically-derived Plasma parameters
- The Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System: An 8-Satellite Constellation Mission
- The Diffusive Shock Acceleration Myth
- The NASA EV-2 CYGNSS Small Satellite Constellation Mission
- The NASA EV-2 Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) Mission
- The Role of Ionospheric Outflow Preconditioning in Determining Storm Geoeffectiveness
- The Smallest Magnetosphere as a Model for the Largest
- The dusty plasma at Enceladus as seen by Cassini and multi-fluid modeling
- The effects of ExB drifts on the equatorial ionosphere during extreme solar minimum
- The effects of marine primary biogenic organic aerosols as heterogeneous ice nuclei in mixed-phase clouds
- The influence of Arctic black carbon on local climate
- Thermospheric and Ionospheric Reaction to Small-Scale Drivers
- Topside-Ionosphere and Plasmaspheric Composition Changes During Storms
- Towards a Unified Test Case Suite for Global Atmospheric Models
- Tracking Solar Active Region Outflow Plasma from its Source to the near-Earth Environment
- Turbulence Transport and Dissipation in the Lower Solar Corona
- Two Years of Ozone Vertical Profiles Collected from Aircraft over California and the Pacific Ocean
- ULTIMA: Array of ground-based magnetometer arrays for monitoring magnetospheric and ionospheric perturbations on a global scale
- Understanding Inverted Temperature Loops in the Quiet Sun Corona With 3D, Global MHD Modeling
- Updated Monte Carlo Model of High Energy Ion Precipitation in the Martian Atmosphere
- Using the Low Freeze-in Height of Heavy Elements to Validate a Global 3D Solar Model with an Upper Chromospheric Boundary
- Using the Variable-Resolution General Circulation Model CAM-SE to Simulate Regional Tropical Cyclone Climatology
- Variability of the Tropical and Sub-tropical Tropopause Region as Simulated by Different Reanalysis Systems
- Viscosity in Global Magnetosphere Simulations
- Warm frontal cloud response to cloud-nucleating aerosol concentrations
- Why melange doesn't matter (and how it might)
- A Combined Quiet Time Topside Ionosphere Electron and Plasmasphere Mass Density Model
- A Moist Idealized Test Case for Atmospheric General Circulation Models
- A Rigorous Statistical Approach to Determine Solar Wind Composition from ACE/SWICS Data, and New Ne/O Ratios
- A Template for Describing Climate Projection Quality
- A global climatology of outgoing longwave spectral cloud radiative effective, IR-effective cloud top height, and IR-effective cloud amount
- Aeolian Abrasion at the Curiosity Landing Site: Clues to the Role of Wind in Landscape Modification
- Aerosol radiative forcing from the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruptions
- An empirical model to forecast solar wind velocity through statistical modeling
- An exploration of the key meteorological features which govern the transport and distribution of black carbon in the Arctic
- An extended study of the source, characteristics, and geoeffectiveness of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field Southward component at different distances from the Sun
- Analysis of Van Allen Probes Data Showing Nonlinear Electric Field Feedback During a Magnetic Storm
- Application of Atmosphere Transport Matrix in Constraining Historical Black Carbon Emissions Inventory
- Application of MineTool to Plasma Sheet Flux Rope Identification
- Assessing Ensemble Filter Estimates of the Analysis Error Distribution of the Day
- Assessing decadal-scale variability in surface albedo feedback across the CMIP5 simulations
- Assessment of Ionospheric and Thermospheric Drivers on Interhemispheric Transport
- Automated tracking of changes to terminus and mélange position in Greenland's marine outlet glaciers
- Breaking the ice: Widespread fracturing and fragmentation processes in Europa's ice shell
- Clouds, Hazards, and Aerosols Survey for Earth Researchers (Invited)
- Comparison of high altitude pick-up ions at Mars and Venus
- Contributions of carbonaceous aerosol emissions from different regions and sectors to Arctic temperature change
- Crowdsourcing Student Notes to Provide Real-Time Study Guides
- Current Sheet Properties and Dynamics During Sympathetic Breakout Eruptions
- Detecting and Attributing Climate Change in the Northern Michigan
- Determining the Coronal Origin of the Slow Solar Wind Using Remote Sensing and In Situ Observations
- Determining the Coronal Origin of the Slow Solar Wind Using Remote Sensing and In Situ Observations
- Diffusion and thermal escape of CH<SUB>4</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB> from Titan's upper atmosphere: Direct Monte Carlo simulations
- Effect of Electromagnetic Induction on the Magnetosphere of Mercury
- Enhanced Spatial & Temporal Sampling of Air/Sea Interaction with the NASA CYGNSS MicroSat Constellation
- Escape of Hot Oxygen Atoms from the Atmosphere of Mars
- Evaluating the Impact of Localized GCM Grid Refinement on Regional Tropical Cyclone Climatology and Synoptic Variability using Variable-Resolution CAM-SE
- Evaluating the Importance of Outflow Velocity at the MHD Inner Boundary
- Exploring the Sources of Acoustic and Gravity Waves in the Thermosphere (Invited)
- Field-aligned Currents at Mercury and Implications for Crustal Electrical Conductivity
- First application of proton reflection magnetometry with MESSENGER to estimate Mercury's surface magnetic field strength (Invited)
- Global MHD Simulation of the Coronal Mass Ejection on 2011 March 7: from Chromosphere to 1 AU
- High Resolution EUV spectroscopy: Design and Performance of VERIS
- High-latitude ionospheric drivers and their effects on wind patterns in the thermosphere
- Hot Oxygen Corona in Mars' Upper Thermosphere and Exosphere: A Comparison of Results Using the MGITM and MTGCM
- How Is the Energy From Diffuse Electron Precipitation Into the Atmosphere Redistributed in the Ionosphere-Magnetosphere System? (Invited)
- Identification of the Energetic Plume Ion Escape Channel at Mars
- Impact of Microwave Radiometer Inter-Calibration on Retrieved Rain Rates for the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission
- Impacts of dust and black carbon deposition in snow on surface energy balance and hydrology using a regional climate model over Western U.S
- In-Situ Exploration of Venus: Major Science Objectives, Investigations, and Mission Platform Options
- Initial Results From a Non-Hydrostatic Jupiter Ionosphere-Thermosphere Global Model
- Inverted Temperature Loops in The Quiet Corona: Properties and Physical Origin
- Investigation of Model Bias of Dynamical Cores and Physical Parameterizations by Object-Based Methods
- Ion composition and kinetics in Mercury's magnetotail (Invited)
- Low-latitude Ionospheric Heating during Solar Flares
- MESSENGER Observations of Induced Magnetic Fields at Mercury
- MESSENGER Observations of Magnetopause Reconnection at Mercury (Invited)
- MESSENGER Observations of Plasmoid-type Flux Ropes in Mercury's Magnetotail
- MESSENGER observations of dayside flux transfer events: Do they drive Mercury's substorm cycle? (Invited)
- MEx/SPICAM Dayside Exospheric Temperatures Derived from Airglow Emissions and Comparisons with Global Model Simulations: Do We Understand the Variations?
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Processes in the Ionospheric Trough Region During Substorms
- Magnetospheric ';magic' frequencies excited by subsolar magnetosheath jets
- Mercury's Dynamic Magnetosphere: End member or simply unique? (Invited)
- Methane Hotspots in the Los Angeles Megacity
- Modeling Flares/CMEs from their Solar Origins to their Interplanetary Impacts (Invited)
- Modeling the ionospheric UT effect during the August 2013 geomagnetic storm with a nonhydrostatic general circulation model
- Monte Carlo Model of High Energy Ion Precipitation in the Martian Atmosphere
- Multi-instrument Observations of Storm Enhanced Density (SED) During the Oct. 24-25 2011 Storm: Implications for SED Formation Processes (Invited)
- Multipoint Observations of Oval-aligned Transpolar Arc Formation
- Nowcast model for low energy electrons in the inner magnetosphere
- Observations of Field-Aligned Current Spatial and Temporal Variations by Space Technology 5
- Observations of ozone transport from the free troposphere to an exceedance area
- On the Use of Data Assimilation Methodologies for Examining Cloud System - Environment Interactions (Invited)
- One-dimensional energy and mass balance model for supraglacial of Greenland Ice Sheet
- Photochemistry in Saturn's Ring-Shadowed Atmosphere: Of Venetian Blinds, Atmospheric Molecules and Observations
- Plasma Depletion in a Low-Alfvénic-Mach-Number Magnetosheath: Observations at Mercury
- Plasma distribution in Mercury's magnetosphere inferred from MESSENGER Magnetometer and Fast Imaging Plasma Spectrometer observations
- Possible Modification of the Cooling Index of Helium Pickup Ions by Electron Impact Ionization in the Inner Heliosphere
- Radiative Forcing associated with Particulate Carbon Emissions resulting from the Use of Mercury Control Technology
- Revised method for calculating cloud densities in equilibrium models
- Saturn's periodicities: New results from an MHD simulation of magnetospheric response to rotating ionospheric vortices
- Scaling a Survey Course in Extreme Weather
- Seed Particles in the Solar Corona inferred from the Solar Wind Halo Component of the Proton Spectra measured at 1 AU with ACE
- Sensitivities of AGCM-Simulated Tropical Cyclones to Varying Initial Conditions
- Sensitivity Analysis of Physical Parameters in a Single-Column Climate Model
- Simulation of S-Web Corridor Dynamics
- Solar Wind Abundances From Ulysses-SWICS
- Solar wind dynamic pressure pulse driven magnetospheric vortices and waves
- Solar wind interaction with Mars' upper atmosphere: Results from 3-D studies using one-way coupling between the Multi-fluid MHD, the M-GITM and the AMPS models
- Space Technology 5 Multi-Point Field-Aligned Current Measurements (Invited)
- Spatially Resolved Differential Emission Measures from EUNIS
- Spinning, Breathing, and Flapping: Ion Periodicities in Saturn's Middle Magnetosphere
- Statistical Storm-Time Examination of MLT Dependent Plasmapause Location Derived from IMAGE EUV
- Sun-to-Earth Analysis of Heavy Ion Charge States and Solar Wind Properties in Pseudo Streamers
- Synoptic and Local Controls on Precipitation Patterns in the Great Lakes Region
- Termination Shock Transition in Multi-ion Multi-fluid MHD Models of the Heliosphere
- The Challenge of Incorporating Charged Dust in the Physics of Flowing Plasma Interactions
- The Impact of Diffuse Light on Terrestrial Carbon Uptake
- The Long, Bumpy Road to a Mars Aeronomy Mission (Invited)
- The Multi-thermal Plasma of Coronal Streamers as seen with SDO/AIA Tomography
- The dynamics of the plasmasphere boundary layer as determined by ground magnetometers, satellite observations, and modeling
- The role of pollution state on urban heat islands in the Midwestern United States
- Thermospheric Response to Solar Wind Electric Field Fluctuations
- Thermospheric winds around the cusp region
- Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There: Reconciling science and art through parallel language, physical attributes, and methods
- Towards resolving North America's methane mystery with atmospheric observations (Invited)
- Transport and Acceleration of 5-50 KEv Electrons From the Plasma Sheet to Geostationary Orbit
- ULF wave modeling in Mercury's magnetosphere: Field-line resonance structures at Mercury
- Understanding the Uncertainties in the Lower Thermosphere and Their Effects on the Structure of the Atmosphere (Invited)
- Venus Terminator Temperature Structure: Venus Express SOIR and VTGCM Comparisons
- WSA-ENLIL Cone Extension: Improving Solar Wind Forcing Parameter Estimates at Mercury
- What Happened to the High-Energy (> 100 keV) Particles at Mercury?
- Why and how to use atmospheric observations to study carbon emissions from LA and other Megacities (Invited)
- Coronal Hole Boundaries as Source Regions of a Steady Slow Solar Wind: Global Modeling of Charge State Composition and Sun-to-Earth Observations
- Counter-streaming alpha proton plasmas in an eroding magnetic cloud: new insights into space plasma evolution from Wind
- Ensemble Space Weather Forecasting with the SWMF
- Faraday Rotation (FR) and Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) Case Studies Using the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR)
- How Well Does the S-Web Theory Predict In-Situ Observations of the Slow Solar Wind?
- MESSENGER Observation on Reconnection and Structure of Mercury's Magnetotail Lobes and Plasma Sheet
- Measuring Snow Grain Size with the Near-Infrared Emitting Reflectance Dome (NERD)
- Mercury's Tail Current Sheet from MESSENGER Magnetic Field Measurements
- Modeling Oxygen Isotopes in the Nascent Solar Nebula for Material to be measured with Rosetta at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Sources of the Mid-Latitude Fast Solar Wind
- The Mars Magnetosphere in the Tail of Comet C/2013 A1(Siding Spring)
- The NASA Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS): A Constellation of Bi-static Ocean Scatterometer Microsatellites to Probe the Inner Core of Hurricanes
- The Response of Heavy Planetary Ions at Mars to Reversals of the IMF
- The Sensitivity of Simulated Tropical Cyclones to Tunable Physical Parameters in Community Atmosphere Model
- The Synergistic Relationship Between Networks of Instruments and Global Models
- The strengths of constellation missions when exploring our atmosphere
- A First Comparison between 3D Model Predictions of Mars' Oxygen Corona and Early MAVEN IUVS Observations
- A Unified Scenario for the Solar Wind Phenomenon
- A multifluid magnetohydrodynamic simulation of the interaction between Jupiter's magnetosphere and its moon Europa
- A study of the variation of physical conditions in the cometary coma based on a 3D multi-fluid model
- ADAPT/HMI Global Solar Magnetic Maps
- An Improved Wind Speed Retrieval Algorithm For The CYGNSS Mission
- An Inexpensive, Implantable Electronic Sensor for Autonomous Measurement of Snow Pack Parameters
- Anomalous Ion Charge State Behavior In Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections
- Bulk Velocity and Thermal Properties of the Solar Wind in the Inner Heliosphere
- Characteristics of satellite accelerometer measurements of thermospheric neutral winds at high latitudes
- Coronal plasma diagnostics from eclipse observations
- Dynamics of Polar Jets from the Chromosphere to the Corona: Mass, Momentum and Energy Transfer
- Dynamics of Subauroral Polarization Stream (SAPS) Structures
- Effect of electron ambient plasmas in reconnection jets and dipolarization fronts : MMS initial results
- Energization and Precipitation of Electrons in Mercury's Magnetosphere
- Energy Balance in Magnetic Loops of the Quiet Sun
- Ensemble Simulations of the Thermosphere to Quantify the Relationship between Uncertainties in the Space Environment Drivers and the Orbital Position of LEO Satellites.
- Examining the Release Mechanism of Intermittent Streamer Blobs
- Examining the exobase approximation: DSMC models of Titan's upper atmosphere
- Features of the Active Evening Plasma Sheet from MMS
- Field-aligned Transport and Acceleration of Solar Energetic Particles
- Four-fluid MHD Simulations of the Plasma and Neutral Gas Environment of Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko Near Perihelio
- Global Response of the Upper Thermosphere to Large Ion Drifts in the Jovian Ovals
- In Flight Calibration of the Magnetospheric Multisale Mission Fast Plasma Investigation: Initial Flight Result
- Intense energetic-electron flux enhancements in Mercury's magnetosphere: An integrated view with high-resolution observations from MESSENGER
- Investigating the response of the electron temperature to field-aligned currents using SWARM observations
- Kinetic Modeling of the Neutral Gas, Ions, and Charged Dust in Europa's Exosphere
- Longitudinal Hemispheric Differences During Geomagnetic Storm Times Examined with GITM
- MESSENGER Observation on Reconnection and Structure of Mercury's Magnetotail Lobes and Plasma Sheet
- MESSENGER Observations of Substorm Activity at Mercury
- MESSENGER Observations of the Dayside Low-Latitude Boundary Layer in Mercury's Magnetosphere
- MMS Observations of Kinetic Features in the Earth's Bursty Bulk Flow Braking Region
- Mapping Mercury's magnetic topology with solar energetic electrons
- Mapping Out the Diffusion Region in Magnetopause Reconnection: from CLUSTER to Magnetospheric Multiscale
- Modeling ionospheric electron precipitation due to wave particle scattering in the magnetosphere and the feedback effect on the magnetospheric dynamics
- Modeling of the Inner Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Constrained by VIRTIS and ROSINA Observations
- Multi-point, multi-scale observation of the near-Earth current sheet reconfiguration during storm-time multi-onset substorms
- NASA SMD/STMD Joint Study on Science Measurements and Technology Capability Potential of SmallSats
- New Publicly Available EEGGL Tool for Simulating Coronal Mass Ejections.
- Plasma precipitation on Mercury's nightside and its implications for magnetospheric convection and exosphere generation.
- Real Time Solar-Helio Simulation System Based on the SWMF and ENLIL Models at CCMC.
- Relative Heating of Heavy Ions Observed at 1 AU with ACE/SWICS
- Ring Current Influence on Ionospheric Morpology using HEIDI/GITM
- Satellite-based GNSS-R observations from TDS-1 for soil moisture studies in agricultural vegetation landscapes
- Simulation of Active-Region-Scale Flux Emergence
- Snow Pack and Lake Ice Pack Remote Sensing using Wideband Autocorrelation Radiometry
- Solar Minima Comparative Analysis Using EUV Tomography
- Space Weather Forecasts Driven by the ADAPT Model
- Spaceborne Radiometry Intercalibration Variability and Dependence on Geophysical Parameter
- Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems Technology Demonstration (TEMPEST-D): Risk Reduction for 6U-Class Nanosatellite Constellations
- The Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory
- The NASA Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS): Mission Status
- Thermospheric Wind Response to Geomagnetic Activity: Observations of the Doppler Shift of 630.0-nm Airglow
- CME Plasma Dynamics using Remote Sensing & In-situ Observations
- Constraining heating processes in the solar wind with kinetic properties of heavy ions
- Currents Within the Bursty Bulk Flow Braking Region as Observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- Currents and associated electron scattering and bouncing near the diffusion region at Earth's magnetopause
- Dayside and Cusp Plasma Dynamics at Mercury's Magnetosphere
- Differential Drag Analysis to Infer the Geometrical Configuration of a Cubesat
- Energetic electron acceleration during dipolarization events in Mercury's magnetotail
- Estimating Tropical Cyclone Surface Wind Field Parameters with the CYGNSS Constellation
- Forecasting CMEs at 1AU with a Flux Rope-Driven Model
- Global-scale Ionospheric Outflow: Major Processes and Unresolved Problems
- High latitude convection dynamics during Magnetospheric Multiscale magnetopause encounters and magnetic reconnection observations
- Hodographic Approach for Determining Spacecraft Trajectories through the Electron Diffusion Region
- Investigation of Analogues to Plasmoids and Jets in the Mercury Magnetosheath
- Longitudinal structure in the ionosphere due to UT onset time of a geomagnetic storm
- MESSENGER observations of Mercury's Plasma Mantle
- MESSENGER observations of flux ropes and reconnection fronts: locations of the near tail reconnection site at Mercury
- MHD modeling of global magneto tail dynamics and its dependence on the ionospheric conductance
- MMS Observations and Non-Force Free Modeling of a Flux Transfer Event Immersed in a Super-Alfvenic Flow
- MMS observations of large guide field symmetric reconnection between colliding reconnection jets at the center of a magnetic flux rope at the magnetopause
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Examination of Stress Balance in FTE-Type Flux Ropes at the Earth's Magnetopause
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Flux-Rope Interactions in the Turbulent Terrestrial Magnetosheath
- Mercury's Magnetosphere during Intervals of Intense Southward Interplanetary Magnetic Fields
- Multi-Resolution L-Band Microwave Observations for Growing Vegetation during SMAPVEX16-IA
- Multi-instrument observations and numerical modeling of intense ion upflows during stormtime polar cap expansion
- Plasma precipitation on Mercury's nightside and its implications for magnetospheric convection and exosphere generation.
- Real-time SWMF-Geospace at CCMC: assessing the quality of output from continuous operational simulations
- Reconstruction of the electron diffusion region observed by MMS: First results
- Shift of the Magnetopause Reconnection Line to the Winter Hemisphere under Southward IMF Conditions: Geotail and MMS Observations
- Sodium Ion Production, Acceleration and Transport in Mercury's Magnetosphere
- Statistical Survey of FTE Showers at Mercury
- Storm Surge Modeling with CYGNSS Winds
- Studying the thermodynamics of coronal jets through modeling- and observational diagnostics techniques
- The Dependencies of Annular Variations in the Nighttime Thermospheric Neutral Winds
- The NASA CYGNSS Satellite Constellation for Tropical Cyclone Observations
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE)
- The effect of ring current electron scattering rates on M-I coupling
- A New Global Multi-fluid MHD Model of the Solar Corona
- An improved estimate for the IMF direction upstream of Mars from April 1999-October 2006
- Asymmetry of the Martian Current Sheet in a Multi-fluid MHD Model
- Characterizing the effects of a plasma composed of solar wind H, ionospheric H, and O
- Data-Model Comparisons of Storm-Time Ion Dynamics Using TWINS ENA Images and the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Early Calibration Results of CYGNSS Mission
- First in-situ observations of exospheric response to CME impact at Mercury
- Importance of Ambipolar Electric Field in the Ion Loss from Mars- Results from a Multi-fluid MHD Model with the Electron Pressure Equation Included
- Investigating Whistler Mode Wave Diffusion Coefficients at Mars
- Investigating the Impact of Current Sheet Crossings on the Propagation of Solar Energetic Particles in the Inner Heliosphere
- Ionospheric Outflow in the Magnetosphere: Circulation and Consequences
- MAVEN observations of complex magnetic field configuration in the Martian magnetotail
- NASA CYGNSS Mission Overview
- NASA CYGNSS Ocean Wind Observations in the 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season
- Physics of Martian Ion Plume from Magnetosphere Simulations
- Predicting Ionization Rates from SEP and Solar Wind Proton Precipitation into the Martian Atmosphere
- Probing storm-time near-Earth magnetotail dynamics using 30 keV proton isotropic boundaries as tracers of precipitating and trapped populations
- Response of the coupled M-I-T system to the March 17, 2015 solar wind dynamic pressure enhancement event
- Role of electron physics in 3D two-fluid 10-moment simulations of the Ganymede's magnetosphere
- Solar Atmosphere to Earth's Surface: Long Lead Time dB/dt Predictions with the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Specification of electron radiation environment at GEO and MEO for surface charging estimates
- Statistical Analysis of Interchange Injection Events from Over a Decade of Cassini Data
- Structured Slow Solar Wind Variability: Streamer Blob Flux Ropes and Torsional Alfven Waves
- The NASA CYGNSS Small Satellite Constellation
- The contribution of inductive electric fields to particle energization in the inner magnetosphere
- The effect of the solar eclipse on the thermospheric and ionospheric state
- The effects of small-scale structures on the state of the thermosphere and ionosphere
- The influence of Mars' magnetic topology on atmospheric escape
- The role of nitrogen ions in the ring current dynamics
- Two-way Effects of an ICME Event at Mars
- VirtualSpace: A vision of a machine-learned virtual space environment
- 2018 Martian Global Dust Storm and Ionospheric Photoelectron Fluxes
- Applications of CYGNSS Remote Sensing Data Products for Hydrometeorology
- Broadening the Impact of Our Field Through Validation Efforts of the Geospace Environment Modeling Workshop
- Challenges in Space Weather Prediction: Estimation of Auroral Conductance
- Classifying Counterstreaming Suprathermal Electrons and Investigating their Correlation with Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections and their Observed In-Situ Substructure
- Dynamics of large scale injections at Saturn
- Edge effects: Insights gained from a decade of interdisciplinary modeling projects in Lake Erie
- Effects of the Solar Wind on Mercury's Exosphere: Hybrid Simulations
- Estimating canopy rainfall interception using the CYGNSS satellite constellation
- Geospace System Responses During the September 7, 2017 ICME-Driven Geomagnetic Storm
- Global dipole magnetic field: Boon or bane for the Martian atmospheric retention?
- Impact of Sudden Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Variations on the Geospace System
- Influence of Interchange on the Energetic Ion Distributions of Saturn
- Investigation of Ocean Surface Wind and Wave Coupling Using CYGNSS Observations
- Modulation of low-altitude ionospheric upflow by linear and nonlinear thermospheric gravity waves
- Photoelectron Pitch Angle Distributions at Mars
- Regional FDTD Modeling of GICs during the 2003 "Halloween" Solar Storm
- Remote Sensing of the Terrestrial Water Cycle with the NASA CYGNSS SmallSat Constellation
- Ring Current Error Analysis Using Curlometry
- Simulations of the first Parker Solar Probe encounter using the AWSoM model
- Solar Wind Effects on Ion Temperature and Density in Mercury's Central Plasma Sheet
- Specification and initial forecast of keV electrons at GEO and MEO related to surface charging
- Steady State Characteristics of the Terrestrial Geopause
- Storm-time Dynamics of Birkeland and Ionospheric Currents: Toward Diagnosing Proximal Physical Drivers of Geomagnetically Induced Currents
- Suprathermal heavy ion plasma composition from Wind: A new dataset from STICS
- The Global Impact of Martian Dust Storms on the Near-Planet Space Environment
- The NASA CYGNSS SmallSat Constellation
- The role of vegetation canopy structure in the variability of the terrestrial carbon sink
- Uncertainty quantification of urban flooding simulation by using a reduced order modeling framework
- Understanding an Observed Enhancement of Formaldehyde within Forest Canopies: Implications for Formaldehyde as an Oxidative Tracer of Gas-Phase Chemistry
- A Case Study of Field Line Resonance Event from Combined MMS and Ground-based Observations
- A Neural Network Model for Plasma Sheet Electrons from Solar Wind Observations
- A Statistical Study of the Force Balance and Structure in the Flux Ropes in Mercury's Magnetotail
- A Statistical Study on the Upstream Ultra-low Frequency Waves in Mercury's Foreshock seen by MESSENGER
- A gray-box model for a probabilistic estimate of regional ground magnetic perturbations: Enhancing the NOAA operational Geospace model with machine learning
- An explanation of the opposite dawn-dusk asymmetry at magnetotails of Earth vs. Mercury.?
- Assessing the global carbon cycle in CMIP5 and CMIP6 using ILAMB benchmarking
- Atmospheric Rivers in a Changing Climate: An Overview from the Second Phase of the Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP)
- Building a mission to an unknown body: Constraints on the composition and formation of (16) Psyche
- Changes in Atmospheric Rivers Shaped Mid-Latitude Hydroclimate Since the Mid-Holocene
- Characterizing Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections Using In Situ Observations of Solar Wind Heavy Ions
- Conductance in the Aurora: Influence of Magnetospheric Contributors
- Constituent parts of the Earth's ring current
- Correlation Radiometry to Remotely Measure the Freshwater Lake Icepack Thickness
- Detecting contributions of ocean fluxes to atmospheric CO2 variability
- Diagnosing Mercury's Magnetotail Asymmetries: Detecting Seasonal Effects of Mercury's Orbit Using MESSENGER Observations
- Effects of the Solar Wind Conditions on Mercury's Exosphere: Hybrid Simulations
- How small changes in the magnetopause current help trap the ring current population
- Imaging Ocean Microplastic Dynamics from Space
- Imaging the Solar Corona from Within: First Results from the Parker Solar Probe Telescope
- Improved AWSoM Modeling of the First Two PSP Encounters
- Investigating Wave Particle Interactions in the Martian Space Environment with MAVEN Observations
- Investigation of isoprene dynamics during the day-to-night transition period
- Jupiter with Jupyter: Lessons from Teaching Data Visualization and Statistics in Geosciences
- MESSENGER Observations of Flow Braking and Flux Pile-up in Mercury's Magnetotail: Evidence for Current Wedge Formation
- MESSENGER observations and global simulations of highly compressed magnetosphere events at Mercury
- Mercury's nightside magnetosphere in response to a Coronal Mass Ejection and a High Speed Stream: MESSENGER observations
- NASA Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System: From Characterization of GPS EIRP to Physical Oceanography
- New algorithm for the generation of global CYGNSS-based watermasks detects short-term flooding and lake dry-out
- Observations of Magnetic Island Formation by the Wide Field Imager on Parker Solar Probe (WISPR/PSP)
- On the origins of magnetic flux ropes in the ionosphere of Mars using observations from MAVEN
- Oxygen Ion Butterfly Distributions observed in a Magnetotail Dipolarizing Flux Bundle
- Parker Solar Probe observations of the first Venus flyby
- Photoionization as a loss process of the Sodium Exosphere at Mercury: A Seasonal dependence observed by MESSENGER
- Plasmasphere, Torus, and Cloak: An Initial View of the Typical Distribution of Cold-to-Warm Ions in the Inner Magnetosphere during the Van Allen Probes Era
- Predicting Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs): Meeting the Challenge with Improved Space Weather Services
- Probabilistic Sea Level Projections from Ice Sheet and Earth System Models (ProSPect)
- Quantifying land and ocean carbon cycle responses to climate variability using Earth system satellite observations
- Remote Sensing of Ocean Surface Winds and Waves Using NASA Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System
- Suprathermal O6+ behavior associated with interplanetary shocks
- Ten-Moment Multi-Fluid Model for Driven Terrestrial Magnetospheres: Application to Mercury
- Ten-Moment Multifluid Modeling of the Dynamic Magnetotails of Mercury, Earth, Uranus and Ganymede
- The Current State of Operational Geospace Modeling Efforts at NOAA SWPC
- The Importance of Self-Consistent Conductivity in Coupling Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Models
- The NASA CYGNSS Small Satellite Constellation
- The STONE Curve: A ROC-based model performance assessment tool
- The Zoo of Metrics: Teaching a Robust Set of Data-Model Comparison Techniques for Space Physics
- Trials and Tribulations of Supervised Learning for Computational Geosciences in Planetary Magnetospheres
- Using New Technologies for the Next Generation of NASA Missions
- Vlasiator Hybrid-Vlasov Simulations and MMS Observations of Flux Transfer Events: a Comparative Analysis
- What is the shortest possible x-line extent for 3D magnetic reconnection?
- Worst-Case Severe Environments for Surface Charging as Dependent on Solar Wind and Geomagnetic Conditions
- 2-Day Westward-Propagating Inertio-Gravity Waves during GOAmazon
- A Comparison of FDTD-Predicted Surface Magnetic Fields with SuperMAG, INTERMAGNET, and BATS-R-US and RIM Virtual Magnetometers during a Geomagnetic Storm
- A MAVEN Survey of Ionospheric Flux Ropes at Mars: Evidence for 3 Formation Mechanisms
- A New Approach to Determining Cold Plasma Ion Density and Composition From Particle Measurements.
- A Statistical Comparison of Global MHD Simulations and Geomagnetic Storm Indices
- A Statistical Study of Sudden Impulse Characteristics to Understand their Space Weather Importance
- A joint study of Solar Orbiter first data and PSP E5 through 3D MHD modeling
- A transient enhancement of Mercury's exosphere observed at extremely high altitudes in the solar wind
- An Initial Exploration of the 3-D Structure of Terrestrial-like Exoplanetary Atmospheres Orbiting Around Different Parent Star Types
- An in situ Type III radio burst observed by Parker Solar Probe
- An investigation into the necessary conditions for whistler wave particle interactions with high energy superthermal electrons on Mars crustal fields
- Analysis of SAPS using the Millstone Hill incoherent scatter radar data
- Breaking the Taboos of STEM Instruction: Remote Learning in the Sudden Pandemic
- Case study of a transpolar arc during high geomagnetic activity
- Cassini Data Analysis and Drift-Physics Modeling of Energetic Plasma Injections in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Characteristics of Geomagnetic Storms: Comparison of Community Storm Databases and Storm Statistical Properties
- Characterization of Transient Induced Current Events In Ground Magnetometer Data
- Characterization of Transient Induced Current Events Observed in Ground Magnetometer Data
- Characterizing the Performance of a Low-Cost Dual Frequency GNSS Receiver: Enabling Distributed Arrays of Small Instruments (DASI) and Citizen Science Observations
- Cloud Phase Classification in the Arctic using Far-Infrared Radiances
- Combined observations of the heliospheric current sheet with Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe
- Comparing the best ADAPT realizations from WSA, AWSoM and AWSoM-R
- Comparison of the Alfven Wave Solar atmosphere Model (AWSoM) with Parker Solar Probe Observations
- Concept for a Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Closure Experiment - Antarctica (FORCE-A)
- Direct influence of solar spectral irradiance on the high-latitude surface climate: a surface radiation budget perspective
- Does the Ionosphere and Plasmasphere Ever Vanish? : an Investigation of Topside Ionospheric Behavior During Geomagnetic Storms
- Double Layers: Kinetic Plasma Physics at the Venusian Bow Shock
- Electron Heat Flux in the Near-Sun Environment
- Energetic Particles near the Sun from Parker Solar Probe
- Enhanced Proton Parallel Temperature in `Patches' of Alfvénic Switchbacks
- Evaluation of Arctic Meteorological Fields in Reanalyses Using Satellite Observed Clear-sky Hyperspectral Radiances
- Evaluation of Terrestrial Water and Energy Budget Components over the St. Lawrence River Basin
- Evidence of Sub-proton-scale Magnetic Holes in the Venusian Magnetosheath
- Examining Ion-Scale Wave Properties in the Inner Heliosphere Observed by Parker Solar Probe
- Exploiting ABI/GOES multiband observations for ice cloud property retrievals
- FLEKS: A Flexible Particle-in-Cell code for Multi-Scale Space Plasma Simulations
- Fast Deep Learning-Based Stokes Vector Inversion with Confidence for SDO/HMI
- Flexible Kinetic Coupling Model with FLEKS for Simulating Ganymede's Magnetosphere
- Forecasting global ionospheric total electron content (TEC) using deep learning
- Freeze-Thaw Detection and Monitoring with the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS)
- Geomagnetic simulation using MHD with Adaptively Embedded PIC model
- Geosynchronous orbit access strategy for the NASA SunRISE Explorer Mission
- Global Capabilities of Modeling Auroral Precipitation - Characterizing Contributors and Drivers
- Ground Magnetic Perturbations Associated with Sawtooth Auroras.
- Heliospheric Images from Cassini INCA in Cruise During the Previous Solar Cycle (Cycle 23)
- Heliospheric Ly α Absorption in a Split Tail Heliosphere
- High-latitude surface-atmosphere radiative coupling in the far-IR: missing physics in climate models and opportunities in future observations
- How Pickup Ions Generate Turbulence in the Inner Heliosheath: A Multi-Fluid Approach
- How does planetary magnetic field impact on Ion escape rate?
- How to resolve decades-old mysteries regarding space-time structuring of the coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere system.
- Identification of potential primary biological particle emissions and rupture events at the Southern Great Plains ARM site
- Improved prediction of tropical wetland methane emissions using new CYGNSS-based inundation maps
- Insights into the formaldehyde (HCHO) budget at PROPHET Forest using leaf-level laboratory measurements and the FORCAsT model for biosphere-atmosphere exchange
- Interpretation of LSTM Prediction on Solar Flare Eruption
- Investigation of a prominent solar wind structure observed by PSP on June 13, 2020
- Ion-Scale Waves With Rising Frequency Tones Observed by Parker Solar Probe
- Lake Spray Aerosol Emissions alter thermodynamic equilibrium in the Great Lakes
- Local Time Dependant Hemispheric Asymmetry of the Ionosphere During the September 7-8 2017 Storm: Multi-Instrument Observations
- Localizing the Source of Type II Emission Around a CME with the Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE)
- MAVEN observations of variability in the twisted magnetotail configuration at Mars
- MESSENGER observations of flux transfer event showers and their influences on sodium ions in Mercury's dayside magnetosphere
- MMS Observations of Forward and Reverse Ion-scale Flux Ropes in the Plasma Sheet: Evidence for Turbulent Reconnection?
- MMS Survey of Dissipating Earthward Propagating Flux Rope Through Re-reconnection with Geomagnetic Field
- Machine Learning Forecast of Ionosphere Total Electron Content
- Magnetic Field Dropouts at near-Sun Switchback Boundaries: A Superposed Epoch Analysis
- Magnetic Field Measurement Suite for CubeSat Applications
- Magnetic switchbacks: on the sensitivity of the statistical results with the chosen methodology
- Magnetospheric Shielding of Energetic Particles at the Moon
- Metis - Solar Orbiter Topical Team on "Modelling of CME propagation/evolution in corona and solar wind in connection with Space Weather"
- Modeling Pollen Emission Variations over the Continental U.S. with Climate Change
- Modeling sources of magnetospheric plasma during storms and substorms
- Multi-fluid MHD Modeling of Europa's Plasma Interaction
- Multiscale Solar Wind Turbulence Properties inside and near Switchbacks measured by Parker Solar Probe
- New 2-way Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling within the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- New Plasma Physics Pushing Closer to the Sun with PSP/SWEAP
- NextGen Space Weather Modeling Framework Using Physics, Data Assimilation, Uncertainty Quantification and GPUs
- Nighttime Magnetic Perturbation Events Observed in Arctic Canada: Superposed Epoch Analysis
- Observations and Statistics of Secondary Alpha Populations in the Inner Heliosphere
- Observed Turbulent Properties of Spherically Polarized Alfvénic States
- On the location of the Solar Alfvén Point and the imminent crossing by Parker Solar Probe
- Opportunities for Science From Gateway With HERMES
- Orientation and discontinuity analyses of near-Sun magnetic field switchbacks
- Parker Solar Probe In-Situ Observations of Magnetic Reconnection in the Near-Sun Solar Wind
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Ion Velocity-Space Diffusion Associated with Ion-Scale Right-Hand Polarized Waves
- Parker Solar Probe observations of the first three Venus flybys: foreshocks, shocks and particle acceleration
- Predictions of Preferential Heating Zone Boundary using SPAN-I Data
- Processes Coupling Tropical Deep Convection to the Large-Scale Environment in a Plume Buoyancy-Based Framework
- Quantifying Useful Wrongness: The Crucial Role of Model Metrics and Validation in Bringing Heliophysics Models from Creation to Application
- Quantitative Investigation of the Effect on Ground Magnetic Perturbations of IMF Bx
- Radial Dependence of the Magnetic Turbulence at Transition and Kinetic Range in the Inner Heliosphere
- Radiation tolerance of the the low-cost PNI RM3100 magnetometer for a Europa lander mission
- Relating Imaged Streamer Flows to the Slow Solar Winds measured by Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe
- Relative heating of ions and electrons in the young solar wind due to turbulent dissipation mediated via Landau damping
- Remote Sensing of the Terrestrial Water Cycle with the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS)
- Retrieval of high latitude surface emissivity across the far and mid-infrared from a high-altitude aircraft flight
- Retrieval of surface spectral emissivity in the polar regions: an optimal-estimation approach
- Role of Inductive Electric Field on the Build-up of Storm Time Ring Current
- SOLSTICE: Space Weather Modeling Meets Machine Learning
- Satellite-Observed Changes of Surface Spectral Reflectances due to Solar Farming and the Implication for Radiation Budget
- Searching for Weak Stream Interactions in the Inner Heliosphere Using the Parker Solar Probe
- Secondary organic aerosol formation from isoprene organic nitrates in a temperate forest
- Simulating Solar Maximum Conditions with the Alfven Wave Solar Atmosphere Model (AWSoM)
- Small Electron Events Observed by Parker Solar Probe/ISʘIS During Encounter 2
- Small-scale Magnetic Flux Ropes in the First Two Parker Solar Probe Encounters
- Snowpack remote sensing using Ultra-Wideband Software-Defined Radiometer (UWBRAD) and the Wideband Autocorrelation Radiometer (WiBAR)
- Solar Wind Energy Flux Observations in the Inner Heliosphere: First Results from Parker Solar Probe
- Solar Wind Helium Abundance Heralds the Onset of Solar Cycle 25
- Statistical Analysis of Orientation, Shape and Size of Switchbacks
- Statistical Distribution of Magnetic Perturbations and Solar Wind Drivers Using SWARM Data and Machine Learning
- Statistical and event analysis of phase and amplitude scintillations associated with polar cap patches
- Storm-time Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere coupling processes revealed by distributed observations and numerical simulation
- SunRISE Mission Implementation
- Surface Alfven Wave Reflection as the Slow Wind Formation Mechanism in the Alfven Wave driven Solar Atmosphere Model
- Switchbacks: statistical properties and deviation from alfvenicity
- The Effect of Changing Solar Magnetic Field Intensity on ENA Maps
- The Polar Radiant Energy in the Far InfraRed Experiment (PREFIRE): Characterizing Far InfraRed Emission from Earth's Polar Regions
- The Shape and Motions of the Heliospheric Current Sheet Close to the Sun
- The Structure and Origin of Switchbacks: Parker Solar Probe Observations
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE) Mission
- The critical importance of multiple concurrent electron precipitation mechanisms and backscatter to understanding auroral precipitation, a study using FAST satellite data analysis and computer models
- The effect of F-layer zonal neutral wind on the monthly and longitudinal variability of equatorial ionosphere irregularity and drift velocity
- The lunar crustal magnetic anomalies were not produced by impact plasmas
- The magnetic flux transport along the -E<SUB>SW</SUB> direction in the magnetotails on Mars and Venus
- The role of timing and location knowledge in enabling the SunRISE mission
- Three-Dimensional Tomographic Reconstruction and MHD Modeling of the Solar Corona and Wind: WHPI Campaign Rotations CR-2219 and CR-2223
- Tracking preliminary impulse propagation using the Heliophysics System Observatory, SuperMag and Intermagnet ground-based magnetometer stations
- Turbulence Characteristics of Switchbacks and Non-switchbacks Intervals Observed by Parker Solar Probe
- Uncertainty in Current and Projected Atmospheric Rivers: A Call for Process-Oriented Constraints on AR Detection
- Understanding the Hydroclimatic Drivers of Harmful Algal Blooms in the Laurentian Great Lakes Region
- Understanding the Limitations of System Models for Geomagnetic Index Prediction
- Using Smartphone Sensors for Virtual Labs during COVID-19 era
- Venus Gravity Assist #3 as seen by the SPAN-Ion instrument on Parker Solar Probe.
- Wave-particle energy transfer directly observed in an ion cyclotron wave
- What good is a STONE curve: Feature set analysis of this new metric
- Whistler Waves in the Young Solar Wind: Properties, Origin, and Consequences for Particles
- Whistler wave properties and their occurrence during the Parker Solar Probe's 1st and 2nd encounter
- Whistler wave properties during PSP's encounter 1 - First results from SCM cross-spectral data
- A Predictive Geoelectric Field Model: Development, Results, and Challenges
- Comparing Solar Wind Data Collected by MESSENGER Spacecraft to Simulation Data by AWSoM Model
- Decrease in the Martian He Bulge during PEDE-2018 and Changes in Upper Atmospheric Circulation
- Developing the Michigan Sun-to-Earth Model with Data Assimilation and Quantified Uncertainty
- Global Sensitivity Analysis for Solar-Wind Simulations in the Space Weather Modelling Framework
- Investigating the Long-Term and Short-Term trends in the thermal structure of Titans upper atmosphere.
- Mars Hot Oxygen and Carbon Coronae and Photochemical Escape: Updated Model Parameters
- Martian nonmigrating atmospheric tides in the thermosphere and ionosphere
- Modeling of Observations of the OH Nightglow in the Venusian Mesosphere
- Modeling the Impact of Gravity Waves on the Thermosphere of Mars with a Non-orographic Whole Atmosphere Gravity Wave Scheme: M-GITM Application for Interpreting MAVEN NGIMS Measurements
- Predicting the Background Solar Wind for Solar Maximum Conditions with the Alfven Wave Solar atmosphere model (AWSoM)
- SOFIE (Solar-wind with Field-lines and Energetic-particles): A data-driven and self-consistent SEP modeling and forecasting tool
- Simulations of the Solar Wind Interaction with an Orbiting Venus
- The Effects of Solar Cycle Variability on D and H in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars
- The Venus Global Ionosphere Thermosphere Model (V-GITM)
- Thermal structure of Mars middle and upper atmosphere: Understanding the impacts of dynamics and solar forcing
- Venus as an Exoplanet: An Initial Exploration of the 3-D Structure of a CO2 Exoplanetary Atmosphere Around an M-Dwarf Star Type
- Ancient Energetic Particle Precipitation at an Unmagnetized Planet near a Young Sun
- Comparing solar wind data collected by MESSENGER spacecraft to simulation data by AWSoM model
- Connecting White Light Images with In-situ Observations of Solar Wind Quantities for CME Simulations in the SWMF
- High Resolution Finite Volume Method for Kinetic Equations with Poisson BracketsHigh Resolution Finite Volume Method for Kinetic Equations with Poisson Brackets
- Hybrid Simulations of the Solar Wind Interaction with Venus
- Levels 1 and 2 Overview of Spire's Ocean GNSS-R Observations
- Magnetic gradiometry techniques developed for the Psyche Magnetometry Investigation
- Modeling Venusian Atmospheric Losses over Time
- Multi-fluid MHD Simulations of Europa's Plasma Interaction: Effects of Variation in Europa's Atmosphere on Thermal Plasma Precipitation and Magnetic Fields
- Self-consistent Estimates of Glacier Thickness Based on the Perfect Plastic Approximation and a Handful of Digital Elevation Models
- Uncertainty Quantification and Global Sensitivity Analysis for CME simulations in the SWMF
- Upstream Mercury Solar Wind Conditions from MESSENGER Observations and Validation of the AWSoM Solar Wind Magnetic Field Model
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Berlicki
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Ridley
- A. Migliorini
- A. S. Brecht
- A. Springmann
- Alexander M. Hegedus
- Anders Eriksson
- Aniket Jivani
- Anna Kelbert
- B. L. Alterman
- B. M. Jakosky
- B. P. Weiss
- Baptiste Cecconi
- Brandon M. Ponder
- C. A. Raymond
- C. D. K. Harris
- C. D. Parkinson
- C. J. Henney
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. T. Russell
- Carolus J. Schrijver
- Chuanfei Dong
- Colby Haggerty
- D. Fischer
- D. M. Kass
- D. Spadaro
- D. V. Reames
- Daniel Iong
- Darren McKague
- E. Adamson
- E. J. Rigler
- E. Thiemann
- Emmaris Soto
- Enrico Camporeale
- Erdal Yiğit
- F. Capaccioni
- Franck Montmessin
- G. A. DiBraccio
- G. Filacchione
- G. Piccioni
- Gangkai Poh
- Gábor Tóth
- Haosheng Lin
- Howard J. Singer
- J. A. Klimchuk
- J. A. Slavin
- J. C. Kasper
- J. G. Luhmann
- J. M. Bell
- J. N. Bassis
- J. Scott Evans
- J. T. Clarke
- Jean‐Yves Chaufray
- José M.G. Merayo
- Justin Deighan
- K. E. Korreck
- L. Andersson
- L. D. Woodham
- M. A. Mischna
- M. Bzowski
- M. H. Burger
- M. K. Elrod
- M. Kretzschmar
- M. R. Combi
- M. Romoli
- M. Stangalini
- Majd Mayyasi
- Manasvi Lingam
- Marko Gacesa
- Martin Rubin
- Michael L. Stevens
- Michael W. Liemohn
- Moa Persson
- N. E. Raouafi
- N. Sergis
- Nicholas M. Schneider
- Ofer Cohen
- Paul Withers
- R. A. Frazin
- R. Bruno
- R. Ilie
- R. Jolitz
- R. M. Dewey
- Robert J. Lillis
- Rui Pinto
- Rungployphan Kieokaew
- S. A. Ledvina
- S. A. Thaller
- S. Erard
- S. Vance
- S. W. Bougher
- Salvatore Mancuso
- Shadia Rifai Habbal
- Shasha Zou
- Sonal Jain
- T. Dudok de Wit
- T. I. Gombosi
- Vinay Kashyap
- W. Sun
- Xianzhe Jia
- Xiaohua Fang
- Xun Huan
- Y. Ma
- Yang Chen
- Yuni Lee
- Yuxi Chen
- Z. Benkhaldoun
- И. В. Соколов