Wesleyan University, Connecticut
flowchart I[Wesleyan University, Connecticut] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (159)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (37)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Association for Women Geoscientists: enhancing gender diversity in the geosciences.
- Glacial and Deglacial Rates of Thermohaline Circulation
- New Constraints on the timing and magnitude of the Paleocene-Eocene boundary Carbon Isotope Excursion in Marine Environments
- Reconstructing Long Island Sound Environmental Changes and Thier Influence on the Biota
- Trickle Down Theories: A Comparison of Gullies in Three Regions on Mars
- Urban Town and Gown: Increasing Minority Participation in the Geosciences Through a College-High School Partnership in Hartford, CT
- Fate and Impact of Contaminants in Sediments of the NE United States
- Gender Diversity in the Geosciences: Current Status and Future Trends
- Martian aquicludes required for gully formation
- Paleoenvironmental History of Long Island Sound, CT, USA
- Sea Level Rise in Long Island Sound Over the Last Millennium
- Carbon Cycling in Long Island Sound Over the Last 1000 Years
- Characteristics of Saturn's Atmosphere from Ground-Based Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing
- Element fluxes from Copahue Volcano, Argentina
- Focus Groups Reveal Differences in Career Experiences Between Male and Female Geoscientists
- Ground-based Mid-infrared Observations of Saturn's Rings: Pre-Cassini
- Maximizing Rover Science Return Through Autonomous Onboard Data Analysis
- Morphology and Depth of Mars Northern Hemisphere Gullies
- Regime Shifts in Productivity off Baja California During the Late Pleistocene?
- An early Eocene transient warming ( ∼ 53 Ma): Implications for astronomically-paced early Eocene hyperthermal events.
- Connecting With the River: Introducing Urban Students from Hartford, CT to Earth Science
- Depth Dependant Variations in Benthic Foraminiferal Assemblages and Stable Isotopes Across the P-E Boundary, Walvis Ridge (ODP Leg 208)
- Extreme Acidification of the Deep Sea at the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary: New Constraints From Ocean Drilling Program Leg 208
- Generation and Performance of Automated Jarosite Mineral Detectors for Mars Rovers.
- Hiring and Retention: Key Factors in Increasing Gender Diversity in the Geosciences
- Multiple Early Eocene Thermal Maximums
- Evidence for an acidic ocean from phosphorus geochemistry of Martian soils
- Onboard autonomous mineral detectors for Mars rovers
- Remote sensing of Mercury-contaminated soils through plant reflection spectra
- The Early Geological History of Long Island Sound
- Venus Express is a step toward the surface of the planet
- Volcanic Rocks with Adakitic Affinity on the Island of Agios Efstratios, Northeastern Aegean Sea, Greece
- Characterizing Geometry, Kinematics, and Fracturing of a Wavy Fault Surface, Arkitsa, Greece
- Plagioclase-free Back-Arc Basalts from Caviahue, Argentina
- Back arc basalts from Patagonia: sediment input in a distal subduction domain
- Ecological Impact of Climate Change on Leaf Economic Strategies Across the Paleocene- Eocene Thermal Maximum, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
- Geologic Constraints on Climate Sensitivity
- History of Contamination and Coastal Hazards in Western Long Island Sound, N.Y.
- Hyperacid volcano-hydrothermal fluids from Copahue volcano, Argentina: Analogs for "subduction zone fluids"?
- The Flooding of Long Island Sound
- Compositional Trends in Acid Fluids of Copahue Volcano, Argentina: Evidence for a failed eruption in 2004?
- Crater Lake Evolution During Volcanic Unrest: Case Study of the 2005 Phreatic Eruption of Santa Ana Volcano, El Salvador.
- Gypsum, jarosite, and hydrous iron-phosphate in Martian meteorite Roberts Massif 04262: Implications for sulfate geochemistry on Mars.
- Integration of multi-temporal spectral and structural information to map wetland vegetation in a brackish Connecticut marsh
- Mercury and Iodine systematics of volcanic arc fluids
- Digital Leaf Physiognomy: Using Leaf Size and Shape to Reconstruct Early and Middle Paleocene Climate Change in the Western Interior of North America
- Ectoenzyme activity in coastal marine waters: response to temperature and metal ion availability
- Gypsum and Associated Sulfates in Iani Chaos, Mars
- Paleoaltimetry from Fossil Leaves: Errors Bigger than Mountains
- Slip Heterogeneity on a Corrugated Fault
- Superpixel Segmentation for Endmember Detection in Hyperspectral Images
- The Geochemical Record of Cultural Eutrophication and Remediation Efforts in Three Connecticut Lakes
- The Rationale for a New High-resolution Imaging Radar Mission to Venus
- A Step Into Service Learning Is A Step Into Higher Order Thinking
- Acid fluids from Copahue Volcano, Argentina, and their environmental effects
- America's Climate Choices: Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change (Invited)
- An Analog Earth Climate Model
- Long Island Sound Water Temperatures During the Last Two Thousand Years
- Mercury speciation, fluxes, and fate in the volcanically acidified fluids of Copahue volcano, Argentina
- Teaching Environmental Geochemistry as a Service-Learning Course (Invited)
- Bedform formation in the Glastonbury meanders of the Connecticut River
- Convergent Cenozoic CO<SUB>2</SUB> history
- Geological constraints on Earth system sensitivity to CO<SUB>2</SUB> during glacial and non-glacial times
- Integrated Field Analyses of Thermal Springs
- Mafic Inclusions in Silicic Volcanic Deposits of Nisyros Volcano, Aegean Arc, Greece
- Proto-Typing Research Aimed for Secondary School Students and Teachers
- Sea-Level Variability during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age
- Three-dimensional micro-roughness of a pseudotachylyte-bearing fault surface
- Using fold geometry to constrain the formation of tessera terrain on Ovda Regio, Venus
- We Can Recruit Minorities Into The Geosciences
- Writing Retreat Increases Productivity And Community For Women Geoscientists
- Characterizing Changes in Drought Risk for the United States from Climate Change
- Developing a curricular module for introductory geophysics or structural geology courses to quantify crustal strain using EarthScope PBO GPS velocities
- Mercury Contamination in Costa Rica
- Paleoclimatic and paleoecological reconstruction of early Miocene terrestrial equatorial deposits, Rusinga and Mfangano Islands, Lake Victoria, Kenya
- Evolution of Microroughness with Increasing Slip Magnitude on Pseudotachylyte-Bearing Fault Surfaces
- High Arctic Forests During the Middle Eocene Supported by ~400 ppm Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Innovations in making EarthScope science and data accessible (Invited)
- Novel application of physiological theory and statistical modelling to the reconstruction of Phanerozoic atmospheric CO2 concentration
- Observations of the Interstellar Medium Along the Historical Solar Trajectory: Temporal Evolution of the Heliosphere Over the Last 40 Million Years
- The Oldest Rocks on Venus: the Importance of Tessera Terrain for Venus Exploration (Invited)
- The case for a deep-atmospheric in situ mission to address the highest priority Decadal Survey questions for Venus (Invited)
- Yellowstone Attenuation Tomography from Ambient Seismic Noise
- A Teachable Moment in Earth Deformation: An Undergraduate Strain Module Incorporating GPS Measurement of the August 24, 2014 M6.0 South Napa Earthquake
- Benthic Epiphytic Diatoms in Deep-sea Southern Ocean Sediments as a New Tool for Reconstructing Antarctic Paleoclimatic and Paleoceanographic History: Implications of Floating 'Macroalgal Biotic Oases'
- Foram Farming in the Mid-Continent: Culturing Low-Mg Benthic Foraminifera to Calibrate the Mg/Ca Paleothermometer
- Microroughness Variation with Inferred Changes in Fault-Normal Stress Along a Pseudotachylyte-Bearing Fault
- VERITAS: A mission to study the highest priority Decadal Survey questions for Venus
- When a Refuge is No More: Higher than Expected Wildfire Severity in Historical Forest Refugia
- Challenges Of Interpreting Antarctic Pliocene Climate From The Sediment Record At ODP Sites 693 And 697 In The Weddell Sea
- Determination of the amount of Peroxy in granite rock using the Seebeck Effect
- Modeling Releasing Steps of Strike-Slip Fault Systems: Implications for Conflicting Estimates of Long-Term Slip Rates
- The 2012 Copahue eruption: magnitude of gas fluxes and time scale of degassing
- Coupled Mechanical and Thermal Modeling of Frictional Melt Injection to Constrain Physical Conditions of the Earthquake Source Region
- MAVEN Observations of Current Sheet Dynamics in the Martian Magnetotail
- MAVEN Observations of the Thickness and Asymmetry of the Martian Induced Magnetospheric Boundar
- Multi-proxy Paleoclimate and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Reconstruction from the Latest Middle Eocene Sedimentary Fill of a Subarctic Kimberlitic Maar Crater
- Multiple Proxy Estimates of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> from an Early Paleocene Rainforest
- Phanerozoic pCO<SUB>2</SUB> recorded by the plants that used it: refinement, independent validation and multi-proxy comparison of a physiological model.
- Post-graduation survey of the impact of geoscience service-learning courses at Wesleyan University
- Societal challenges-oriented data-rich undergraduate teaching resources for geoscience classrooms and field courses
- An Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Record Across the End-Cretaceous Extinction
- Benthic foraminiferal Cibicidoides species from oxygen-depleted Pacific waters: morphology, I/Ca and implications for understanding the glacial ocean
- Coal ball formation and a soil extinction near the P-Tr boundary
- Enhancing Effective Stakeholder Participation in Local Groundwater Sustainability Planning through Technical Assistance in California
- Evaluating the Physical Properties of the Local Interstellar Medium Along Trajectories Toward the Nearest Stars
- How Does Temperature Impact Leaf Size and Shape in Four Woody Dicot Species? Testing the Assumptions of Leaf Physiognomy-Climate Models
- Insights on the Origin of Volatiles from the Geochemical Investigation of Hydrothermal Gas Discharges from Dominica, Lesser Antilles.
- Marine Export Production and Remineralization During Early Eocene Hyperthermal Events at ODP Site 1263, Walvis Ridge, ODP Site 1209, Shatsky Rise and ODP Site 1215, Equatorial Pacific Ocean
- Convergent Tectonics in a Hot? Dry? Mafic? Lithosphere: Mapping and Modeling of Folding in Venus Tessera Terrain
- Environmental Interpretation of Marine Isotope Stage M2 (3.12-3.264 Ma) through the use of Antarctic diatoms in the Weddell Sea
- How to make the invisible visible: the challenges of public engagement with microfossils
- Imprint of Heliosphere Geometry on Starlight that is Linearly Polarized by MagneticallyAligned Interstellar Dust Grains
- Rise from the Benthos into the Plankton: Biserial Foraminifera
- The carbon cycle in Long Island Sound
- The chemical evolution of Paulina Lake (Newberry volcano OR) waters over the last 3000 years
- Value of Natural History Collections in Liberal Arts Education
- Volcanic Mercury and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Venting Through East Lake, Newberry Volcano, OR
- What Happened in the Jane Basin, NE Antarctic Peninsula, ODP Site 697, 3.34 my ago?
- Configuration of the Interstellar Magnetic Field Near the Heliosphere from Polarized Starlight
- Evidence for higher Earth-system sensitivity from long-term carbon-cycle observations
- Geological Significance of Preserved Interior Structures in Venus Tessera Units
- Living Spaces: Quantifying Morphological Differences in Acropora spp. Corals Using 3D Photogrammetry
- Mapping the Local Interstellar Medium: Using Hubble to Look Back at the ISM Along the Sun's Historical Trajectory
- On-Ramps to More Effective Teaching: Quick-Start Guides to Strategies for Actively Engaging Students in The Classroom to Improve Learning
- Provenance of iceberg-rafted detritus during glacial terminations of the last 500 ka at Site U1537, IODP Expedition 382
- The Ancient Environments of Venus as Recorded by Tessera Terrain
- A Look at the Local Interstellar Medium that Encompassed the Sun in Our Recent Past in order to Understand Our Current and Future Interstellar Surroundings
- A tighter constraint on Earth-system sensitivity from long-term temperature and carbon-cycle observations
- DAVINCI+ Answers Long-Standing and Emerging Questions About the Venus Atmosphere
- DAVINCI+: Opening the History Book of Venus and Connecting Analog Exoplanets
- Deep Atmosphere of Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging Plus (DAVINCI+): Discovering a New Venus via a Flyby, Probe, Orbiter Mission
- Emerging Constraints of Carbon and Influence of Water in Regional Blue Carbon Tropical Estuarine/Coastal Hot Spots:Policies, Climate Mitigation Planning
- Experimental Evaporation and Spectral Analysis of Martian Analogue Brines
- Identifying Best Practices for an Impactful Twitter Platform: Examples from the International Ocean Discovery Program
- Laboratory Testing Of Mineral Detection And Abundance Algorithms With Visible-Short Wave Infrared Imaging Spectrometer Data
- Mapping the Distribution and Global Budget of Impact-Derived Sediment on Venus
- Preparing For A Flagship: Lessons Learned From The Venus Flagship Mission Planetary Decadal Survey Study
- Scientific goals for the Venus Flagship Mission's aerobot
- Strategies for Safely Landing on Venus Tesserae
- Tesserae on Venus Feature Layered, Folded, and Eroded Rocks
- The ECOSTRESS Science and Applications Team: Synergies Across Land, Air, and Sea
- The Scotia Sea Magnetic Susceptibility Record: Coupling of the Deep Ocean and Atmosphere?
- The View From Out Here: the Solar System Planets as Exoplanet Analogs
- Venus Flagship Mission Planetary Decadal Survey Study
- Venus, Earth's Divergent Twin?: Testing Evolutionary Models For Venus with the DAVINCI+ Mission
- Long distance observations of Jezero craters geological units by the SuperCam instrument onboard Perseverance/Mars2020
- Microscale imaging of pseudotachylyte-bearing fault surface topography
- Sampling deltaic rocks and their source terranes at Jezero crater to understand early Martian history
- Synergistic Science from the VERITAS, DAVINCI, and EnVision Missions to Venus
- A Novel Approach to Quantify Bedrock Fracture Density in Glaciated Environments and Improve Glacial Erosion Models Using Drone Imagery
- An Updated Map of the DAVINCI Probe Descent Imaging Corridor and Touchdown Zone: Alpha Regio, Venus
- Atmospheric CO2 During the Last 540 Million Years
- Charting Interstellar Medium near the Heliosphere
- Exploring the History of Interstellar Dust Grains around the Heliosphere
- Kilometer-Scale Topography of Alpha Regio, Venus with DAVINCI Mission Entry Corridor Science Implications
- Library reflectance spectra of igneous rocks resampled to DAVINCI bands
- Quantifying Density and Orientation of Recently Exposed Fractures Across Glacial Valley Profiles, Adamello Massif, Italy, and Jostedalsbreen, Norway
- Sharing geoscience's distinct legacy of broadening participation at the Second National Conference
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Brown
- A. T. Russell
- B. A. Keisling
- B. Horgan
- B. P. Weiss
- Brian E. Wood
- Cathy Quantin‐Nataf
- Colin Wilson
- D. C. Nunes
- D. J. McComas
- Dana L. Royer
- Daniel V. Cotton
- E. Dehouck
- E. Möbius
- Franck Montmessin
- J. B. Garvin
- J. D. Tarnas
- J. L. Whitten
- J. R. Johnson
- Jonathan D. Slavin
- Justin I. Simon
- M. D. Dyar
- M. S. Gilmore
- María Paz Zorzano
- N. A. Schwadron
- N. Mangold
- O. Forni
- P. Swaczyna
- Phillip G Resor
- Pierre Beck
- R. C. Ghail
- R. M. Winslow
- Roger C. Wiens
- Seth Redfield
- Stéphane Le Mouélic
- Thomas Widemann
- W. S. Kiefer