Rice University, Texas
flowchart I[Rice University, Texas] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1114)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (375)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Anorthite Weathering: Rates from Vertical Scanning Interferometry
- Barite Dissolution Rates Derived From Vertical Scanning Interferometry: A Comparison Between VSI and AFM
- Description of Along Strike Structural Styles and Implications of Deep Crustal Reflections in the Galicia Segment of the Offshore Iberia Margin
- Drilling the Newfoundland Margin in the Newfoundland-Iberia Rift
- Lithium Isotopic Compositions of South Sandwich Arc and Southwest Washington Cascades: A Comparative Study of Arc Processes
- Structure and Mechanisms of Extension at the Galicia Interior Basin, West of Iberia
- TRF Accuracy Improvement from Better Atmosphere Modeling for VLBI and GPS
- The Moho as a Dynamic Boundary: The Southern Rocky Mountain Region as an Example
- The Waianae Slump Southwest of Oahu Island, Hawaii
- Tomographic Imaging of Basement Structure and Active Faults in the San Fernando-Northridge Region, Southern California
- What Makes a Craton a Craton
- Analysis of Motor Vehicle Emissions in a Houston Tunnel during the Texas Air Quality Study 2000
- Characterization of Extractable Organic Fine Particulate Matter in the Atmosphere of Houston and Source Apportionment Calculations Using Organic Molecular Markers
- Lithium and Boron Isotopes in the Aleutian Islands: Contribution of Marine Sediments to Island Arc Magmas
- Radial diffusion simulation of relativistic electron transport by ULF waves in the September 1998 magnetic storm
- Reconstructing the Maximum Extent of Glacial Systems and the Nature of their Retreat in Marguerite Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, Since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Preliminary Results from Nathaniel B. Palmer Cruise 2002 (NBP0201)
- Search for Long-Period Traveling or Standing Waves in the Magnetosphere Using the BATS-R-US MHD Model
- Waveform Tomography Applied to the High Resolution HAFB Dataset
- Cluster Electron Cusp Dispersions and IMAGE Proton Auroras as Evidence for Continuous Merging at the Magnetosphere
- Derivation of a new 3x3 Relativistic Quasilinear Radiation Belt Diffusion Tensor
- Differential Semblance Velocity Analysis by Wave Equation Migration, Applications to High Resolution HAFB Dataset
- ESIP Federation Education and Outreach
- Estimation of two dimensional von Karman stochastic parameters from the seismic coda
- Forecasting the Radiation Belt Environment With Data Assimilation
- Grain Size Reduction and Deformation Mechanisms in Ultra-Fine-Grained Shear Zones From the Lherz Peridotite
- High Resolution Waveform Tomography at a Groundwater Contamination Site: Surface Reflection and VSP Datasets
- Immersive Earth: Teaching Earth and Space with inexpensive immersive technology
- Interaction of Magnesium and Inorganic Carbon Species with the Dissolving Calcite Surface
- Interaction of Strontium With the Calcite Cleavage Surface
- Monte Carlo Simulations of Feldspar Dissolution Kinetics
- Multipoint Observations of Ionic Structures in the Plasmasphere by CLUSTER-CIS and Comparisons With IMAGE-EUV Observations
- Radial diffusion simulation of relativistic electron transport by ULF waves in the September 1998 storm
- Rolling Hinge Formation of S and Overlying Crustal Blocks at the Galicia Rifted Margin
- Seismotectonics of the San Fernando Basin
- Self-consistent behavior of the ring current development
- Simulations of Steady Magnetospheric Convection
- Solar Week: Learning from Experience
- Stratigraphic imaging of sub-basalt sediments using waveform tomography of wide-angle seismic data
- Structural Evolution and Rift History Leading to Breakup at the Deep Galicia Margin .
- The Role of {Ca<SUP>2+</SUP> / CO<SUB>3<SUP>2-}</SUP></SUB> Ratio in Calcite Dissolution and Growth: Implications for Mechanistic Control of Biomineralization
- A New Approach to Reach Latino Populations in Rural and Urban Settings
- Cassini Observations of Co-rotating Heavy Ions Near Saturn's Rings
- Current Structure and Motion of a Northward IMF X-Line
- Determinism and Chaos: The Role and Importance of Nonlinear Interactions Involving Elementary Surface Mechanisms in the Dissolution Of Crystalline Materials
- Early Seafloor Ridge Jumps in the Central Atlantic Ocean
- Effects of magnetic field asymmetry and compressional magnetic perturbations on radial diffusion of radiation belt electrons
- Evidence for Alfven Wave Plasma Heating in the Middle Magnetosphere of Saturn
- Extended Models in Nonlinear Seismic Waveform Inversion
- Generation of Global Auroral Morphology at Earth and Jupiter
- Interchange Injection and Drift Dispersion of Hot Plasma in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Kp forecast models
- Preliminary Analysis of Ozonesonde Data from Houston, TX as Part of INTEX-A, July - August 2004
- Step Velocity Distributions, Step Spacing, and Stepwave Theory: Experimental Evidence and Modeling Results
- The Production and Redistribution of Oxygen in Saturn's Magnetosphere: CAPS Cassini Data
- The specific entropy of the plasma sheet as a controlling factor for the injection of a storm-time ring current
- Trace Element Evidence for a Hydrothermal/Magmatic Origin of Stratiform Magnetite Deposits in the Crystal Spring Formation
- Transport in Saturn's Outer Magnetosphere: Cassini Observations
- Use of Animation for the Visualization of Large-Scale ULF Waves in the Magnetosphere
- Waveform tomography at a ground water contamination site: comparison with depth migration
- A 3-d gas dynamical model of the neutral gas environment of Enceladus
- Arctic's hydrology during global warming at the Palaeocene-Eocene thermal maximum
- Continental Crust Formation at Arcs, The "Garnet Pyroxenite" Delamination Cycle, And The Origin of Fertile Melting Anomalies in the Mantle
- Crystalline Debris, Not Phenocrysts: Mineralogical Evidence for Partial Assimilative Recycling of the Mafic-Ultramafic Plutonic Roots of a Continental Arc
- Depth Variations in Redox State and Fluid Mobile Element Enrichments in the Mantle Wedge Beneath the Cascades
- Deriving a High-Resolution - Continuous Record of Climate Change for the Past 15,000 cal BP, Maxwell Bay Sediment Core, South Shetland Islands
- Developing a Methodology for Observing Stress-Induced Temporal Variations in Travel Time: A Progress Report
- Distribution of Trace Metals in a Tanzanian Andosol: A Combined Bulk and Leach Study
- Fast interval velocity estimation via NMO-based differential semblance
- Gas Hydrate Layer and Prominent Flares of Gas Plumes in Naoetsu Basin, Eastern Margin of Japan Sea.
- Grain boundaries, a possible water reservoir in the Earth's mantle?
- High Spectral Resolution Cryogenic Imaging Detectors for Solar Physics
- Imaging the SE Caribbean Accretionary Boundary: Results from the BOLIVAR Seismic Reflection and Refraction data at 65W
- Kirchhoff Migration of Synthetic Receiver Functions: Subducting Slabs and Mantle Discontinuities
- Magnetic Structure and Particle Flow at a Northward IMF Reconnection Line
- Plasma sheet parameters and their statistical relationship to ring current injections
- Preservation of primary structures and organic matter in Pleistocene spring carbonates, Western Desert, Egypt: Relationship to macroscopic texture and age.
- Rising Seas and Ice Sheet Destabilization; Timing and Patterns of the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet Retreat following the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM)
- Storm Time Effects on the Low- to Mid-Latitude Ionosphere
- The Nature of the Mars Pathfinder "Black Rock" Lithology: Comparisons with SNC Meteorites and OMEGA spectral images of Chryse Planitia
- Toward the Systematic Counting of Small Volcanic Seismic Events
- BOLIVAR: 3-D Seismic Structure of the Leeward Antilles Arc From Seismic Refraction and Reflection Tomography
- Constraints on seismic anisotropy of the innermost inner core from observations of antipode PKIIKP phases
- Continuous in-situ measurement of stress-induced travel time variation at Parkfield
- Effects of continental insulation and the partitioning of heat producing elements on the Earth's heat loss
- Enhancing Space Science Communication with Cross-Cultural Venues in Latino Communities
- Evolution and extensional history of the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet from the NW Weddell Sea continental shelf, Antarctica
- Flux-Tube Depletions During Substorms
- Global strike-slip faults: Bounds from plate tectonics
- Horizontal Thermal Contractional Strain of Oceanic Lithosphere: The Ultimate Limit to the Rigid Plate Hypothesis
- How is continental break-up recorded in magma-poor rifted margins?
- Insights Into Houston Air Quality From Rawinsonde and Ozonesonde Data
- Interchange Instability in a Plasma Connected to a Conducting Ionosphere
- Ionospheric Modeling: Coupling to the Inner and Outer Magnetosphere
- Magnetic Structure and Electromagnetic Waves at a Northward IMF Merging Site
- Mantle Structure at Tectonic Corners: an Investigation of Venezuela and SE Alaska Using Shear-wave Splitting Measurements
- Pre-stack depth migration imaging from the Seattle and Tacoma faults, Washington State
- Quantifying methane hydrate distribution in worldwide sediments: Comparison between observations and numerical simulations
- Simulations of Silica Phases Beyond the Generalized-Gradient Approximation
- South-directed mass wasting from the Galicia Bank: How might it affect interpretations of seismic and drilling results in the Iberia Abyssal Plain?
- The Strike-slip Systems in Northern Venezuela Review of Neotectonic, Paleoseismological and Seismic Investigations
- The evolution of the storm-time ring current in response to different characteristics of the plasma source
- Unraveling the Mechanisms Responsible for Radiation Belt Enhancements
- 3D Magnetic Modeling of Active Regions Using STEREO/EUVI
- Acoustical Surveys Of Methane Plumes Using The Quantitative Echo Sounder In Japan Sea
- BOLIVAR: Crustal Structure of the Caribbean-South America Plate Boundary at 65W
- Continuous Crosswell Seismic Measurement: Applications to Monitoring of Stress and CO2
- Direct sensitivity analysis of ozone formation and transport in California's San Joaquin Valley
- Effect of Natural Organic Matter (NOM) on Properties and Mobility of Aqueous Fullerene Nanoparticles (nC60)
- Effects of Seafloor Temperature on the Distribution of Methane Hydrate
- Enhanced NEXRAD Radar-based Flood Warning System with Hydraulic Prediction Feature: Floodplain Map Library (FPML)
- Geochemical and Paleoceanographic Examination of the Cenozoic Arctic Ocean: Results from IODP ACEX 302.
- Global Topology, Motion, and Convection of a Northward IMF Reconnection Event
- Holocene sediment accumulation rates in fjords and bays of Chilean Patagonia and the Antarctic Peninsula
- Ionospheric Modeling: Coupling to the Inner and Outer Magnetosphere
- On the Variability of Observations in the Inner Saturnian Magnetosphere: Exploring the Parameter Space
- Promoting an Integrated Science Approach in Teacher Training Programs
- Rebuilding the Mojave Mantle Lithosphere by Underplating of Farallon Slab
- Recycling of mafic lithologies during continent formation
- Sediment Flux from Source to Sink in the Brazos-Trinity Depositional System
- Shear Wave Splitting Observations on the Caribbean-South American Plate Boundary: Evidence for Vertically Coherent Deformation Induced by Trench Rollback
- Source mechanism of the 2006 M5.1 Wen'an Earthquake determined from a joint inversion of local and teleseismic broadband waveform data
- The Goldilocks problem of making cratons
- The Role of Microbes in the Precipitation of Microbialites in Cuatro Cienegas, Mexico: A Genomic and Stable Isotopic Perspective
- The geodynamics of super-sized Earths
- Transition Metal Systematics of Opx-Enriched Harzburgites From the Cascades Arc With Implications for the Origin of Cratonic Peridotites
- Assessing scales of variability for atmospheric composition field data relevant to future Decadal Survey satellite observations
- Compositional Effect on Hydrate/Free Gas Transition and BSR
- Constraints from Li isotope systematics on subduction recycling, arc magmatism, and continent growth: An overview
- Controls on landslides size-distribution: relationships between area and volume of landslides in homogeneous material from slope-stability and discrete element calculations
- Coupling the volcanic and atmospheric evolution of Earth and Venus to their long-term tectonic state
- Crustal Structure of the Northern Zagros Zone from Seismic Observations
- Effect of Lithologic Heterogeneities on Gas Hydrate Distribution
- Exploring Solute Transport and Streamline Connectivity Using Two-point and Multipoint Simulation Methods
- Geological record of severe storm impacts along the Texas Coast
- Geotechnical Characterization of Shallow Sediments from NanTroSEIZE Sites C0004, C0006, C0007, and C0008 (IODP Expedition 316)
- Global Topology and Convection of a Northward IMF Reconnection Event
- Initial model results of the inner magnetosphere obtained with OpenGGCM coupled with CRCM
- International Polar Year (IPY): Thinking Beyond Polar Bears and Penguins
- Modeling of Gas Production from Unconfined Hydrate Reservoirs
- NEXRAD Radar-based Hydraulic Flood Prediction System for a Major Evacuation Route in Houston
- Numerical modeling of radiation belt diffusion equations using layer methods
- One Dimensional versus Three-Dimensional Crustal Velocity Models for the Korean Peninsula
- Organic Components and Elemental Carbon in Soils and Ambient Particles near Phoenix, AZ
- Origin of Slope Failure in the Ursa Region, Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Phytotoxicity and Plant Productivity Analysis of Tar-Enriched Biochars
- Reassessing Melt Depletion Indices of Peridotites: Implications to the Origin of Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle
- Receiver function imaging in strongly laterally heterogeneous crust: Synthetic modeling of BOLIVAR data
- Secular changes in the style of mantle melting and mantle differentiation as constrained by the depths and temperatures of magma genesis
- Stresses and Strength of the Lithosphere: Implications of the Distribution of Lithospheric Deformation in the Equatorial Indian Ocean
- Substorm Dynamics: THEMIS Data and OpenGGCM Simulations
- Teaching Particle Dynamics by Fulldome Animations
- The Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure of China From Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- Using STEREO/EUVI to Study Active Region Magnetic Fields
- 3D Teleseismic Scattered Wave Imaging with the Generalized Radon Transform Inversion: Synthetic Tests and Applications
- A Xenolith Perspective on the Composition and Age of the Northern Tanzanian Lithosphere (Invited)
- Addressing Learning Strategies for the Next Generation
- Dual periodicities in the magnetospheres of Jupiter and Saturn
- Electrons at Enceladus: recent encounters
- GEODVEL vs. MORVEL: Comparison of plate motion determined from space geodesy with that determined from magnetic anomalies and transform azimuths (Invited)
- Initial results obtained with the coupled OpenGGCM-CRCM with pressure feedback: 27 March 2007 THEMIS substorm event
- Iterative Inverse Modeling for Reconciliation of Emission Inventories during the 2006 TexAQS Intensive Field Campaign
- Long-Term Submarine Groundwater Discharge: Model Constraints on Magnitudes and Driving Forces for Passive Margins
- Massive Methane Hydrate in Sediments to Cause the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Negative Ions in the Enceladus Plume (Invited)
- Net Oxidation Rates of Gaseous Elemental Mercury in Simulated Urban Smog
- Plasma convection with parallel electric field in the RCM
- Preliminary Geophysical Characterization of a CO2-Driven Geyser in the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Radar-based Flood Warning System for Houston, Texas and Its Performance Evaluation
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation in Urban Air: Temporal Variations and Possible Contributions from Unidentified Hydrocarbons
- Segmentation of the Cascades Volcanic Arc Revealed Through Ambient Noise Based Surface Wave Tomography
- Seismic Anisotropy beneath Cascadia and the Mendocino Triple Junction: Interaction of the Subducting Slab with Mantle Flow
- Statistical Analysis and water Quality Modeling for a Drinking Water Source Watershed for the City of Houston, Texas
- Stress analysis of slope failure using the Discrete Element Method: Mechanical controls on landslide sizes
- Sulfate, Methane, Alkalinity, Calcium and Carbon Isotope (δ13C) Profiles as an Indicator of Upward Methane Flux
- The Effects of Land-Use Change on Ecosystem Oxidative Ratio
- The Evolution of Prominence Mass and its Relation to CMEs
- A Wide-Angle Seismic Reflection Transect across the Moroccan Atlas (SIMA)
- Atmospheric ammonia measurements in Houston, TX using an external cavity-quantum cascade laser-based sensor
- Characterization of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in aerosols at a semi-rural New England location: Temporal variations and implications for sources
- Continental Evolution Involving Subduction Underplating and Synchronous Foreland Thrusting: Evidence from the Trans-Alaska Crustal Transect
- Continents, Super-Continents, Mantle Thermal Mixing, and Mantle Thermal Isolation
- Cuatro Ciénegas Basin an analog of precambrian Earth and possible early mars scenario. (Invited)
- Deep Water Cycle: its Role in Earth's Thermal Evolution and Plate Tectonics
- Effects of Solution Chemistry on Quantum Dot Transport and Retention in Porous Media
- Exploring the inertial effects of fast moving bubbles using the two-way coupled OpenGGCM and the Rice Convection Model
- Flow Zone Isolation in Sedimentary Inputs to the Nankai Trough Subduction Zone, IODP Expedition 322 (Invited)
- Focused Fluid Flow and Gas Hydrate Distribution in Heterogeneous Marine Sediments
- GEODVEL, MORVEL, and the velocity of Earth's center (Invited)
- Highly Siderophile Elements as Tracers for the Subcontinental Mantle Evolution Beneath the Southwestern USA: The San Carlos and Kilbourne Hole Peridotite Xenoliths Revisited
- Imaging Lithospheric Cascadia Structure with Ambient Noise Tomography
- Lithosphere/Asthenosphere Structure beneath the Mendocino Triple Junction from the Analysis of Surface Wave, Ambient Noise, and Receiver Functions
- Longitude and IMF By Effects on Stormtime Low-Latitude Prompt-Penetration Electric Fields
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling at Subauroral Latitudes (Invited)
- Mapped Submarine Landforms in Pine Island Bay, West Antarctica, Indicate Past Ice Shelf Disintegration and Grounding line Retreat
- Mathematical methods of ambient noise imaging and localization using cross correlations (Invited)
- Melts at the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary beneath the Basin and Range, US (Invited)
- NNR-MORVEL56: No-net-rotation model of geologically current plate motions
- Overview and Major Findings of the Study of Houston Atmospheric Radical Precursors (SHARP) Campaign
- Production and isotopic composition of black nitrogen following experimental charring of plant materials
- Radiation Belt Radial Diffusion Coefficients Derived From Ground-based and In-situ ULF Wave Measurements
- Receiver Function Analysis of the Lithospheric Structure Beneath the Western Great Plains
- Saturn's Global Magnetospheric Mode
- Simulation of Radiation Belt Wave-Particle Interactions Using MHD-SDE Methods
- Stopping the Palaeoproterozoic plate tectonic machine: effects on melt production from 3D mantle convection simulations (Invited)
- The role of fractures in controlling the size of landslides; Insights from Discrete Element Method computer simulations
- 3D anisotropic crustal structure beneath China estimated from receiver function data
- Bayesian probabilistic evaluation of emissions and pollutant sensitivities
- Changes in water, carbon, and nitrogen fluxes with the addition of biochar to soils: lessons learned from laboratory and greenhouse experiments
- Drilling below the salt in the Western Mediterranean Sea: the GOLD project
- Engaging Students in GeoPRISMS Science Planning: Preparing the Leaders of Tomorrow
- From Geo-Modelling to Lecture Demonstrations to Poster Carnivals to Science-Art Crossovers to Children's Museum Exhibits to Sports Science Education to some Skateboarding Experiments for good measure (plus some other stuff)
- Fun and Games: using Games and Immersive Exploration to Teach Earth and Space Science
- Inverse Modeling of Texas NOx Emissions using OMI NO2 Observations
- PICASSSO Ps Receiver Function Analysis of the Lithospheric Structure Beneath the Western Mediterranean
- Radar-based Flood Warning Indicator for the Upper Oyster Creek Watershed in Sugar Land, Texas
- Stress-enhanced magma ascent at the margins of large impact basins in the solar system
- The deformation structure of submarine landslide recorded in the incoming sediments on the Kashinosaki Knoll, in the Nankai Trough
- The effects of size, configuration and distribution of continents on the efficiency of heat transport
- Two-dimensional Ionospheric Flow Pattern Associated with Auroral Streamers
- Advancing Heliophysics Student Research and Public Outreach in an Urban Environment
- Are Charged Nanograins at Enceladus a Model for 67P/Cheryumov-Gerasimenko?
- Cassini Thermal Ion and Nanograin Observations During Enceladus Encounters E17 and E18
- Crustal structure and velocity model of the Moroccan Atlas from refraction/wide angle data. Implications for its tectonic evolution
- Distributed Hydrologic Modeling of LID in The Woodlands, Texas
- Evaluating the trend of ozone chemistry due to emission controls in Houston
- Flow Channels in the Magnetosphere:
- Kalman Filter Inversion of Regional NOx Emissions based on OMI NO2 Observations
- Linkage of Rainfall-Runoff and Hurricane Storm Surge in Galveston Bay
- Magmatism & lithospheric destruction along the Colorado Plateau margin
- Numerical model of the lowermost Mississippi River as an alluvial-bedrock reach: preliminary results
- Occurrence of Sustained Treatment Following Enhanced Anaerobic Bioremediation at Chlorinated Solvent Sites
- Performance Evaluation of a NEXRAD-Based Flood Warning during Recent Events in 2012
- Radar-based Flood Warning Indicator for the Upper Oyster Creek Watershed in Sugar Land, Texas
- Seismic and Gravity Investigations of the Caja del Rio Geothermal Area, New Mexico
- Sub auroral interaction between plasma flow and neutral wind
- Sub-urban OH response to isoprene chemistry: A case study in the Dallas-Ft Worth Area
- The Origin of Tholeiitic and Calc-Alkaline Trends in Arc Magmas
- The Reduction of HNO3 to HONO by Volatile Organic Compounds Associated with Rush Hour Traffic
- The asthenosphere and plate tectonics
- The effects of continental block configuration on the Earth's heat loss
- The whole earth effects of pangea assembly and dispersal
- Using NEXRAD Radar Rainfall to Calibrate a Development Impact Model in a Coastal Watershed
- Using Tropospheric Ozone Profiles and Surface Data (2004 - 2012) to Determine Background Ozone Levels in Houston, Texas
- Variations of bed conditions of West Antarctic paleo ice streams and potential impacts on ice flow
- Water in pumices: rehydration or incomplete degassing?
- A study of the charged ice grains in the Enceladus plume with a composite size distribution
- Assessing aromaticity and the degree of aromatic condensation of pyrogenic carbon
- Calculation of Magnetospheric Equilibria and Evolution of Plasma Bubbles with a New Finite-Volume MHD/Magnetofriction Code
- Carrington 2? Estimated response of the magnetosphere to a major outburst'
- Characterization of ambient aerosols during the Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS) in Centreville, AL with a high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer Basak Karakurt Cevik1, Yu Jun Leong1, Carlos Hernandez1, Robert Griffin1 1 Rice University, CEE Department, 6100 Main St., Houston, TX 77005, USA
- Cloud Nucleating Activity of Non-Spherical Particles: Applications of Wet CCN Measurement to Iodine Oxides
- Comparison of P-, SV- and SH-wave velocity models below Japan and northeast China
- Correlated Errors in Seismic Anisotropy Data and Implications for Current Absolute Plate Motion
- Effects of field-aligned potential drops on region-2 currents, shielding, and the decoupling of magnetospheric and ionospheric flows
- Ending a powerful explosive eruption: the case study of Novarupta 1912, Alaska
- Evaluating the 100 year floodplain as an indicator of flood risk in low-lying coastal watersheds
- Flood Improvement and LID Modeling of Rice University in Houston, Texas Using XP-SWMM
- Forty Years of E/PO: Can You Have it All? (Invited)
- Global magnetohydrodynamic simulations of resonant ultra-low frequency mode coupling in the inner magnetosphere and plasmasphere
- Horizontal Thermal Contraction of Oceanic Lithosphere and the Azimuths of Transform Faults
- How to make a craton
- IODP Expedition 338: Riser and Riserless Drilling Along the NanTroSEIZE Transect
- Influence of mobile shale on thrust faults: Insights from discrete element simulations
- Initial Look at 3d Seismic Data Acquired Over the Galicia Margin
- Linking Hawaiian and Strombolian explosive styles
- Modeling the Effectiveness of a Storm Surge Barrier System for the Houston Ship Channel during Hurricane Events
- Morphology and Sediment Transport Dynamics of the Selenga River Delta, Lake Baikal, Russia
- Multiple Tectonic Regimes and Diverging Geologic Histories of Terrestrial Planets: The Importance of the Early Years
- Near-surface seismic surveys at Rifle, Colorado for shallow groundwater contamination risk assessment
- Non-Orthogonality of Seafloor Spreading: A New Global Survey Building on the MORVEL Plate Motion Project
- Piecewise Delamination Drives Uplift in the Atlas Mountains Region of Morocco
- Porosity, Pore Size, and Permeability of Sediments from Site C0002, IODP Expedition 338
- Public Science with Real-Time Experiments
- RCM simulation of interchange transport in Saturn's inner magnetosphere
- Radial Transport, Local Acceleration, and Loss in the Radiation Belts: Integration of Theories and Observations (Invited)
- Role of Plasma Sheet Source Population in Ring Current Dynamics (Invited)
- Sand transport in the lower Mississippi River does not yield to dams: Applications for building deltaic land in Louisiana
- Scientists, Citizens, and the Uses of Science in the Anti-Fracking Movement in New York State
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation in the Captive Aerosol Growth and Evolution (CAGE) Chambers during the Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS) in Centreville, AL
- Sediment transport processes and their resulting stratigraphy: informing science and society
- Simulation of SOA formation and composition from oxidation of toluene and m-xylene in chamber experiments
- Test of Real-Time Space Weather Predictors
- The Lithosphere and Asthenosphere of the U.S. Great Plains
- The Role of Bubbles in the Transport of Particles From the Plasma Sheet to the Inner Magnetosphere (Invited)
- The cosmogenic iodine and stable chromium isotopic signal of Atacama's giant nitrate deposits (Invited)
- The effect of open-system degassing on magma permeability
- The impact of Enceladus' plasma environment on the dust plume
- The origin of andesites and continental crust driven by crystal fractionation: insights from global Zr and P systematics and mafic enclaves (Invited)
- The role of flux tube entropy on transport of plasma into the inner magnetosphere (Invited)
- Understanding the thermal and tectonic evolution of Marie Byrd Land from a reanalysis of airborne geophysical data in the West Antarctic Rift System
- Urban Flood Warning Systems using Radar Technologies
- Western US Seismic Observations Viewed Through Lead Isotope Maps
- 3D P-Wave Velocity Structure of the Deep Galicia Rifted Margin
- 3D Seismic Reflection Experiment over the Galicia Deep Basin
- A receiver function study of crustal properties in the Lesser Antilles Arc
- Absolute Plate Velocities from Seismic Anisotropy: Importance of Correlated Errors
- Anthropogenic emissions of highly reactive volatile organic compounds inferred from oversampling of OMI HCHO columns
- Ascent Rates from Melt Embayments: Insights into the Eruption Dynamics of Arc Volcanoes
- Auroral Arcs in a Rice Convection Model Context
- Basalt-Limestone and Andesite-Limestone Interaction in the Arc Crust - Implications for Volcanic Degassing of CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Biochar: from laboratory mechanisms through the greenhouse to field trials
- Calcite Solubility in H<SUB>2</SUB>O-KCl-NaCl-LiCl Solutions at 700 °C and 8 kbar: Experimental Determination and Modeling
- Carbon Dissolution in Reduced Silicate and Alloy Melts - a Frontier for Understanding Evolution of Terrestrial Planets
- Carbon Storage in the Mid- to Deep- Upper Mantle Constrained by Phase Relations in the Fe-Ni-Cu-C-S system
- Chemical and Isotopic Thresholds in Charring: Implications for the Interpretation of Charcoal Mass and Isotopic Data
- Consequences and Resolution of Lunar Lower Mantle Partial Melt
- Development of Mylonites and Pseudotachylites in Granitic Bodies: Brittle Deformation by Reactivation of Pre-existing Ductile Fabrics Defined by Mica
- Dynamics of large submarine landslide from analyzing the basal section of mass-transport deposits sampled by IODP Nankai Trough Submarine Landslide History (NanTroSLIDE)
- ENAM: A community seismic experiment targeting rifting processes and post-rift evolution of the Mid Atlantic US margin
- Early to middle Eocene magneto-biochronology of the southwest Pacific Ocean and climate influence on sedimentation: new data from the Mead Stream section (Marlborough, New Zealand)
- Effect of Bulk Water Concentration on Mantle Wedge Hybridization by Rhyolitic Sediment Melt - Implications for Generation of K-rich Basalts to Andesites in Subduction Zones
- Effect of variable Na/K ratio on CO<SUB>2</SUB> solubility in slab-derived rhyolitic melts - An experimental study
- Effects of Cyclotron-Drift and Bounce-Drift Cross Diffusion on Evolution of Radiation Belt Phase-Space Densites
- Effects of Stress on Failure Behavior of Shallow, Marine Muds from the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Efforts to Find, Recover and Restore "A National Treasure", The Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) Data Set
- Estimates for uncharged nanograins in Enceladus' plume
- Experimental Constraints on CO<SUB>2</SUB> Solubility in Rhyolitic Slab Melts - Implications for Carbon Flux in Subduction Zone
- Frequency dependent Lg attenuation in Northeast China and Korean Peninsula
- From pumice to obsidian: eruptive behaviors that produce tephra-flow dyads. I- The AD1100 Big Glass Mountain eruption at Medicine Lake Volcano (California).
- From pumice to obsidian: eruptive behaviors that produce tephra-flow dyads. II- The 114ka trachyte eruption at Pu'u Wa'awa'a (Hawai'i).
- Galicia Bank Ocean-Continent Transition Zone: New Seismic Reflection Constraints
- Generation of a global longitudinal asymmetry in Saturn's magnetosphere
- Grain-Size Effects on Field Capacity of Soil-Biochar Mixtures
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Santo Domingo Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- High-resolution Adjoint Tomography of the Eastern Venezuelan Crust using Empirical Green's Function Waveforms from Ambient Noise Interferometry
- High-resolution ambient noise adjoint tomography of the crust and upper mantle beneath the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau
- Imaging the Great Plains of the Central U.S. using Finite-Frequency Rayleigh Wave Tomography and Implications for Asthenosphere-Driven Uplift
- Immersive Theater - a Proven Way to Enhance Learning Retention
- Improved Biosensors for Soils
- Incorporating Cutting Edge Scientific Results from the MARGINS-GeoPRISMS Program into the Undergraduate Curriculum: An Overview
- Life with and Life without Plate Tectonics
- Linking Grain Size and Sedimentary Structure to Autogenic and Allogenic Processes Associated with Holocene Valley Infill and Evolution, Brazos River, TX
- Magnetospheric Consequences of Charged Ice Grains from the Enceladus Plume
- Mantle Driven Dynamic Uplift of Hangay Dome: New Seismological Constraints from Adjoint Tomography
- Mars Thermal History: Core, Atmosphere, Mantle, Phobos and Surface (MaTH CAMPS)
- Measuring the speed of magma ascent during explosive eruptions of Kilauea, Hawaii
- Modeling Explosive Eruptions at Kīlauea, Hawai'i
- Modeling Structural and Mechanical Responses to Localized Erosional Processes on a Bivergent Orogenic Wedge
- Monitoring of Atmospheric Hydrogen Peroxide in Houston Using Long Path-Length Laser-Based Absorption Spectroscopy
- Non-Orthogonality of Seafloor Spreading: A New Look at Fast Spreading Centers
- Non-refractory Submicron Aerosol Aging Processes in the Rural Southeastern United States
- Numerical Investingations into the Mechanics of Low-angle Normal Faults Using the Discrete Element Method (DEM); Effects of Fault Angle, Syn-kinematic Sedimentation and Relative Fault Strength
- Oceanic lavas sampling the high 3He/4He mantle reservoir: Primitive, depleted, or re-enriched?
- On the Contribution of Plasma Sheet Bubbles to the Storm-Time Ring Current Injection
- Orbital-Scale Cyclostratigraphy and Ice Volume Fluctuations from Arctic Ocean Sediments
- Paleo-Ice Sheet/Stream Flow Directions of the Northern Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet Based Upon New Synthesis of Multibeam Seabed Imagery
- PdS Receiver Function Evidence for Mafic Underplating in the Superior Craton: A Discussion About Cratonic Stabilization
- Reconstructing mantle volatile contents through the veil of degassing
- Relative Contributions of Ring Current Plasma Transport Mechanisms in the Magnetotail
- Role of Mesoscale Convection in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Scaling and Thermal Evolution of Internally Heated Planets: Yield Stress and Thermal History.
- Searching for the Onset of Seafloor Spreading West of Galicia: Wide-Angle Seismic Constraints
- Sediment transport dynamics linked to morphological evolution of the Selenga River delta, Lake Baikal, Russia
- Shear velocity model for the westernmost Mediterranean from ambient noise and ballistic finite-frequency Rayleigh wave tomography
- Signatures of Biomass Burning Aerosols during a Smoke Plume Event from a Saltmarsh Wildfire in South Texas
- Spatial trends in surface-based carbonaceous aerosol, including organic, water-soluble and elemental carbon, during DISCOVER-AQ in Houston, TX
- Subduction-Driven Recycling of Continental Margin Lithosphere
- Testing the estimated hypothetical response of the magnetosphere to a major space weather event
- The Dynamics of Prolonged Low Fountaining Behaviour at Halemaumau, Kilauea, in December 2013.
- The Fate of Sulfur during Decompression Melting of Peridotite and Crystallization of Basalts - Implications for Sulfur Geochemistry of MORB and the Earth's Upper Mantle
- The Global Contribution of Secondary Craters on the Icy Satellites
- The Spatial and Temporal Variability of Ozone in the Houston Metropolitan Area during DISCOVER-AQ and its' Relation to Meteorological Conditions
- The effect of microlite and permeability on the Plinian eruption of basaltic magma
- The effects of sulfur, silicon, water, and oxygen fugacity on solubility and metal-silicate partitioning of carbon at 3 GPa and 1600 °C - Implications for core-mantle differentiation and degassing of magma oceans and reduced planetary mantles
- The location and timing of magma degassing during Plinian eruptions
- The onset of the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum, including the K/X event, at Branch Stream, Clarence Valley, New Zealand
- Themis Measurements of Quasi-static Electric Fields in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Uplift of the Colorado Plateau via Lower Crustal Foundering
- Upper Mantle Tomography in the Northwestern Pacific Region Using Triplicated P Waveforms
- Upstream and downstream controls on sediment routing and deposition in a complete "source-to-sink" system
- Using Auroral Asymmetries to Test MHD Models
- Accurate Focal Depth Determination of Oceanic Earthquakes Using Water-column Reverberation and Some Implications for the Shrinking Plate Hypothesis
- Adjoint Tomography of 3-D Crustal Structure Beneath Northeast China Using Ambient Noise Derived Empirical Green's Functions
- Amazing Magnetism - Demos of Invisible Forces
- Assessing Flood Risk from Hurricane-induced Precipitation and Storm Surge: A Bayesian Network Approach
- Can Mantle Potential Temperatures be Used to Infer the Tectonic Evolution of Terrestrial Planets?
- Can slabs melt beneath forearcs in hot subduction zones?
- Characterization of D" Anisotropy beneath Western Pacific using SKS-SKKS Splitting
- Combined effect of permeability and crystallization on the explosive eruption of basaltic magma
- Complexities within the shallow conduit during Vulcanian explosions: Insights from Episode IV of the 1912 eruption of Novarupta, Alaska
- Compositional control on volcanic arc elevation and implications for magmatic differentiation
- Controls on Calcite Solubility in Metamorphic and Magmatic Fluids
- Current Absolute Plate Velocities Inferred from Hotspot Tracks, Comparison with Absolute Velocities Inferred from Seismic Anisotropy, and Bounds on Rates of Motion Between Groups of Hotspots
- Density Effects of Shallow Structures on the Crustal Shear Wavespeeds in Surface Wave Tomography
- Dynamic monitoring of horizontal gene transfer in soil
- Dynamic simulations of potential methane release from East Siberian continental slope sediments
- EARA2014 (East Asia Radially Anisotropic Model Based on Adjoint Tomography) and its Interpretations: Insights to the Formation of the Hangai Dome and the Tibetan Plateau
- Effect of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Grain Size of Biochar
- Effect of Mantle Wedge Hybridization by Sediment Melt on Geochemistry of Arc Magma and Arc Mantle Source - Insights from Laboratory Experiments at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Effects of Drift-Shell Splitting by Chorus Waves on Radiation Belt Electrons
- Empirical relationships of homogeneous bubble nucleation, growth and coalescence in rhyolitic melt
- Experimental Constraints on CO<SUB>2</SUB> Solubility in Terrestrial Magma Oceans
- Experimental Partitioning of Chalcophile Elements between Mantle Silicate Minerals and Basaltic Melt at High Pressures and Temperatures - Implications for Sulfur Geochemistry of Mantle and Crust
- Experimental determination of dissolved CO<SUB>2</SUB> content in nominally anhydrous andesitic melts at graphite/diamond saturation - Remobilization of deeply subducted reduced carbon via partial melts of MORB-like eclogite
- Exploring Submarine Mass Failures with Physical Experiments and Numerical Models
- Feedback between deglaciation and volcanism in arc settings: the example of the Mount Mazama volcanic system, Crater Lake, Oregon
- Formation Conditions of Basalts at Gale Crater, Mars from ChemCam Analyses
- GPU Accelerated Spectral Element Methods: 3D Euler equations
- Geochemical and Petrographic Characterization of Ash in the Cretaceous Eagle Ford Formation
- Geochemical constraints on magma formation and transport processes
- Geologic evidence of a leaky Antarctic Ice Sheet: Tracking meltwater influence on ice-sheet retreat in the Ross Sea, Antarctica since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Guiding Surge Reduction Strategies via Characterization of Coastal Surge Propagation and Internal Surge Generation within a Complex Bay/Estuary System, Galveston Bay, TX
- High-resolution Waveform Tomography of Mantle Transition Zone and Slab Structure beneath Northeast China
- How to draw down CO<SUB>2</SUB> from severe Hadean to habitable Archean?
- Hydraulic and Physical properties of modern sinter deposits: El Tatio, Atacama
- Improved Satellite-based Photosysnthetically Active Radiation (PAR) for Air Quality Studies
- Intraplate Deformation Due to Motion of Plates over a Nonspherical Earth
- Investigating storm-time magnetospheric electrodynamics: Multi-spacecraft observations of the June 22, 2015 magnetic storm
- Investigations of the origin and evolution of inner magnetospheric temperature anisotropies, and implications for radiation belt dynamics
- Isotopic (Re)ordering Signatures of Stratospheric and Tropospheric O<SUB>2</SUB>
- Low Methane Concentrations in Sediment Along the Siberian Slope: Inference From Pore Water Geochemistry
- Magma reservoirs from the upper crust to the Moho inferred from high-resolution Vp and Vs models beneath Mount St. Helens
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling During the June 22-24, 2015 Magnetic Storm
- Mantle Zone beneath the North China and Some Implication for the Origin of the Datong Volcano
- New Synthetic Biology Tools to Track Microbial Dynamics in the Earth System
- Non-Orthogonality of Seafloor Spreading: A New Look at Fast Spreading Centers
- Nonlinear Solver Approaches for the Diffusive Wave Approximation to the Shallow Water Equations
- OpenGGCM-RCM modeling of SAPS events
- Physical and Chemical Variations During Episodic Behavior of Mesozoic Cordilleran Arcs
- Plasma Transport in Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere: Transition from Small-scale to Large-scale Interchange Convection Cells
- Pointwise functions for flexible implementation of crustal deformation physics in PyLith
- Propagation of Buoyancy Waves Through the Magnetosphere
- RCM-E Simulation of the Storm-Time Inner Magnetosphere and Comparison with Van Allen Probes Observations
- Reconstructing Magma Degassing and Fragmentation: The 1060 CE Plinian Eruption of Medicine Lake Volcano, California
- Restricted Inter-ocean Exchange and Attenuated Biological Export Caused Enhanced Carbonate Preservation in the PETM Ocean
- Role of river bends for the formation and evolution of channel bedforms: Combined field studies and numerical modeling from the tidally influenced zones of the Yellow River, China, and Mississippi River, USA.
- Ross Sea Till Properties: Implications for Ice Sheet Bed Interaction
- Seafloor surface processes and subsurface paleo-channel unconformities mapped using multi-channel seismic and multi-beam sonar data from the Galicia 3D seismic experiment.
- Sedimentary Processes of Unstable Ice Sheet Grounding Zones: Comparing Polar and Temperate Grounding Zone Wedges Using Marine Geophysical Data and Outcrop Studies
- Shrinking of the Cocos and Nazca Plates due to Horizontal Thermal Contraction and Implications for Plate Non-rigidity and the Non-closure of the Pacific-Cocos-Nazca Plate Motion Circuit
- Solubility and Partitioning of Carbon and Sulfur in Fe-rich Alloy and Silicate Melt Systems at High Pressures and Temperatures: Implications for Earth's Heterogeneous Accretion
- The Effects of Varying Crustal Carbonate Composition on Assimilation and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Degassing at Arc Volcanoes
- The Fate of Sulfur during Mantle Melting - Implications for Sulfur Concentration of OIB versus MORB Sources
- The Glacial BuzzSaw, Isostasy, and Global Crustal Models
- The Role of ULF Waves in Ring Current and Radiation Belt Dynamics as Revealed by NASA's Van Allen Probes
- The role of continental arc magmatism in driving long-term climate change
- Thin filament simulations of oscillatory flow braking in a dipole-tilted magnetotail with ionospheric dissipation
- Towards a high resolution inventory of anthropogenic deformation in North America using InSAR
- Using carbon oxidation state and ecosystem oxidative ratio to understand terrestrial ecosystem response to elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- 3D imaging of the rifting and breakup west of Spain and the nature of the S detachment
- A Late-Stage Origin for Alkali Feldspar in Granitic Rocks
- A New Model to Predict the Total Suspended Sediment Load from a River to the Ocean Based on an End Member Example from the Lowermost Huanghe (Yellow River), China
- A Quasi-2D Delta-growth Model Accounting for Multiple Avulsion Events, Validated by Robust Data from the Yellow River Delta, China
- A Theoretical Picture of the Combined Effects of Drift-Shell Splitting and Chorus-Wave Interactions on Radiation Belt Electrons
- A role for charcoal's physical properties in its carbon cycle fluxes
- Acceleration of a Semi Implicit Non-hydrostatic Atmospheric Model on Many Core Architecture
- Ambient noise adjoint tomography of the crust beneath the eastern Tibetan plateau
- Arctic Ocean Cyclostratigraphy: An Alternative to Marine Oxygen Isotope curves as measures of Cryospheric and Sea-Level History
- Charcoal disrupts cell-cell communication through multiple mechanisms
- Constraining Magnetic Reconnection Characteristics with the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission
- Corrugations on the S Reflector West of Spain: Kinematic Implications
- Current Global Absolute Plate Velocities Inferred from the Trends of Hotspot Tracks: Implications for Motion between Groups of Hotspots and Comparison and Combination with Absolute Velocities Inferred from the Orientation of Seismic Anisotropy
- Density and Vs contrasts across mantle transition zone discontinuities beneath the Central Pacific
- Engineering Pseudomonas stutzeri as a biogeochemical biosensor
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Flood Control Strategies in Contrasting Urban Watersheds and Implications for Houston's Future Flood Vulnerability
- Evolution of South African Cratonic Peridotites Based on Micro-XRF Mapping and Reconstruction of Bulk Rock Compositions
- Experimental Constraints on Silicic Slab Melt and Depleted Mantle Reaction in the Presence of CO<SUB>2</SUB>-H<SUB>2</SUB>O: Implications for the Origin of Mid Lithospheric Discontinuity
- Extratropical blocking as a mechanism for triggering the onset of El Niño Events
- Extreme storms, sea level rise, and coastal change: implications for infrastructure reliability in the Gulf of Mexico
- Fault evolution in a hyperextended zone
- Faults control the flux of water into the Earth during continental breakup
- Flexible Implementation of Multiphysics and Discretizations in PyLith Crustal Deformation Modeling Software
- Geological constraints on continental arc activity since 720 Ma: implications for the link between long-term climate variability and episodicity of continental arcs
- Glaciomarine Sediment Facies: Using Geomorphic Contexts and Multi-Proxy Analysis to Build Ice-Sheet Retreat Models
- Global Plate Motions Relative to the Hotspots since 48 Ma B.P. from Simultaneous Inversion of Hotspot Tracks in the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic Oceans Constrained to Consistency with Known Relative Plate Motions
- Impact of iodine chemistry on coastal ozone levels at the Gulf of Mexico
- In-situ Monitoring of Plant-microbe Communication to Understand the Influence of Soil Properties on Symbiotic Biological Nitrogen Fixation
- Interpretation and attribute analysis of the S-reflector from Galicia Margin, offshore Spain
- Investigating the Spectral Dependence of Biomass Burning Aerosol Optical Properties
- Investigation of Fault Systems Controlling Breakup and Deposition in the Galicia Rift Margin
- Juvenile pumice and pyroclastic obsidian reveal the eruptive conditions necessary for the stability of Plinian eruption of rhyolitic magma
- Lithospheric foundering and underthrusting imaged beneath Tibet
- Low methane concentrations in sediment along the continental slope north of Siberia: Inference from pore water geochemistry
- Measurement of Rayleigh wave Z/H ratio and joint inversion for a high-resolution S wave velocity model beneath the Gulf of Mexico passive margin
- Modeling of Occurrence and Dynamics of Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) During Storm and Non-Storm Conditions
- Modulation of Chorus Intensity by ULF Waves Deep in the Inner Magnetosphere
- New Data Constraints on Past Antarctic Ice Sheet Extent and Retreat in the Weddell Sea Embayment
- New Evidence that the Emperor Seamount Chain Records Motion of the Pacific Plate Relative to the Deep Mantle
- Numerical Evaluation of Storm Surge Indices for Public Advisory Purposes
- Objective-function Hybridization in Adjoint Seismic Tomography
- Observations and Thermodynamic Models of Water in Silicic Melt Evolution: Implications for Quantifying Water Content in Hydrous and Anhydrous Granites
- On different regime relations between bed load transport and bed topography
- OpenGGCM-RCM Modeling and Data Comparisons for the 17 March, 2013 SAPS Event
- Optimization of Regional Geodynamic Models for Mantle Dynamics
- Pacific Plate Deformation due to Plate Motion Relative to the Spin Axis on a Nonspherical Earth
- Paleoclimatology Supports Physics: Our Energy Choices Will Have Large and Long-Lasting Consequences for Climate and Ecosystems
- Paleogene Carbonate Dissolution Events in the North Pacific Ocean
- Plume Flux, Spreading Rate, and Obliquity of Seafloor Spreading
- Predicting homogeneous bubble nucleation rates
- Pyrogenic Carbon as a Nonlinear Driver in the Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles
- Quantifying the Influence of Urbanization on a Coastal Floodplain
- RCM-E simulation of bubble injections and their effects on the aurora
- Recent Progress in Understanding the Origin of the Hawaiian-Emperor Bend
- Signatures of ice-marginal landforms formed at marine-based grounding lines
- Slow fault propagation under conditions of high pore fluid pressure
- Spatial Relationships between Deep-focus Earthquakes and Structural Heterogeneities within the Subducting Slabs of the Western Pacific Subduction Zones
- Stream Width Dynamics in a Small Headwater Catchment
- SubductionGenerator: A program to build three-dimensional plate configurations
- Sulfur concentration of mare basalts at sulfide saturation at high pressures and temperatures-Implications for S in the lunar mantle
- Tectonic and climatic controls on seafloor sedimentary processes from analysis of multi-beam sonar and multi-channel seismic data collected during the Galicia 3D seismic experiment.
- The Coastline Evolution of an Abandoned Deltaic Lobe and the Fate of its Relict Distributary Channel: A Case Study from the Huanghe (Yellow River) Delta, China.
- The Evolution of Black Carbon Physicochemical Properties in Soils
- The Influence of Monoterpene and Isoprene Nitrates on the Chemistry and Phase State of Secondary Organic Aerosol in a Low-NO<SUB>x</SUB> Mixed Deciduous/Coniferous Forest
- The Role of Proto-Thrusts in Frontal Accretion and Accommodation of Plate Convergence, Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand
- The role of inductive electric fields in the ring current enhancement during the March 17<SUP>th</SUP>, 2013 geomagnetic storm
- The role of the forearc mantle in the deep water cycle in cold subduction zones: importance of supra-slab sources of water in arc magmas
- The signature of bankfull hydraulic conditions reflected by properties of the channel bank: a case study from the Selenga River delta, Lake Baikal, Russia
- Tilt Current Meter Field Validation in the Surf Zone
- Towards a Global Assessment of Pyrogenic Carbon from Vegetation Fires
- Trace Elements and Oxygen Isotope Zoning of the Sidewinder Skarn
- Transitioning the Rice Realtime Forecast Models to DSCOVR
- UAS Photogrammetry for Rapid Response Characterization of Subaerial Coastal Change
- Using MHD Models for Context for Multispacecraft Missions
- Widespread collapse of the Ross Ice Shelf during the late Holocene reconstracted from compound specific C-14 and meteoric Be-10
- <p>Analysis of intermediate period correlations of coda from deep earthquakes
- 3-D Structure and Morphology of the S-reflector Detachment Fault, Offshore Galicia, Spain
- A Cost Framework for the Economic Feasibility of Wide-Scale Biochar Production
- A Discrete Element Method Approach to Progressive Localization of Damage in Granular Rocks and Associated Seismicity
- A penalty-based nodal discontinuous Galerkin method for spontaneous rupture dynamics
- A two-pronged approach to detecting ICB Stoneley modes
- Accessibility assessment of Houston's roadway network during Harvey through integration of observed flood impacts and hydrologic modeling
- Analysis of trends in isoprene and monoterpenes in a remote forest and an anthropogenic influenced forest
- Annular Mode Dynamics: Eddy Feedbacks and the Underlying Mechanisms
- Apparent Polar Wander of the Pacific Plate Since the Cretaeous and Implications for True Polar Wander and for the Plate Motion Circuit Through Antarctica
- Atmospheric Methane Enhancements Related with Natural Gas Usage in the Greater Houston Area
- Attribution of extreme rainfall from Hurricane Harvey, August 2017
- Below-Canopy Isoprene Nitrate Chemistry and Dynamics in a Mixed Coniferous/Deciduous Forest Canopy during the 2016 PROPHET-AMOS Summer Field Campaign.
- Bounds on geologically current rates of motion of groups of hotspots.
- CCMC Modeling of Magnetic Reconnection in Electron Diffusion Region Events
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> release from variable carbonate compositions via thermal breakdown and magmatic assimilation at mid-crustal depths
- Change in Frictional Behavior during Olivine Serpentinization
- Characterizing Drought Impacted Soils in the San Joaquin Valley of California Using Remote Sensing
- Characterizing the Sources and Processing of Submicron Aerosols at a Coastal Site near Houston, TX, with a Specific Focus on the Impact of Regional Shipping Emissions
- Characterizing urbanization impacts on floodplain through integrated land use, hydrologic, and hydraulic modeling: Applications to a watershed in northwest Houston, TX
- Composite and Component Plates, Plate Non-rigidity, and the Steadiness of Plate Motion From Marine Geophysical and Space Geodetic Data
- Continental Arcs as Both Carbon Source and Sink in Regulating Long Term Climate
- Coulomb Failure Stress Accumulation in Nepal After the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake: Testing Earthquake Triggering Hypothesis and Evaluating Seismic Hazards
- Designsafe-Ci a Cyberinfrastructure for Natural Hazard Simulation and Data
- Developing and using artificial soils to analyze soil microbial processes
- Diagnosing ice sheet grounding line stability from landform morphology
- Diffuse Extension of the Southern Mariana Margin: Implications for Subduction Zone Infancy and Plate Tectonics
- Effect of sulfate on the liquidus and sulfur concentration at anhydrite saturation (SCAS) of hydrous basalt at subduction zones
- Eocene tectonic compression in Northern Zealandia: Magneto-biostratigraphic constraints from the sedimentary records of New Caledonia (Southwest Pacific Ocean)
- Europium anomalies in plagioclase-free deep arc cumulates constrain the redox evolution of arc magmas
- Fast Eigensolver for Computing 3D Earth's Normal Modes
- Flood Inundation Mapping and Emergency Operations during Hurricane Harvey
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Northern Rio Grande Rift Area, New Mexico
- Hurricane Harvey rapid response: observations of infragravity wave dynamics and morphological change during inundation of a barrier island cut
- Impact of Prairie Cover on Hydraulic Conductivity and Storm Water Runoff
- Impacts of Storm Surge Mitigation Strategies on Aboveground Storage Tank Chemical Spill Transport
- Impacts of continental arcs on global carbon cycling and climate
- Insights into alluvial fan dynamics: Evolution of the Miocene Elephant Trees Formation, Anza Borrego Desert, CA
- Insights into crystal growth rates from a study of orbicular granitoids from western Australia
- Insights into the physico-chemical evolution of pyrogenic organic carbon emissions from biomass burning using coupled Lagrangian-Eulerian simulations
- Investigating the Effects of Underplating at Raukumara Peninsula, New Zealand: Insights from DEM Modeling
- LaRC Modeling of Ozone Formation in San Antonio, Texas
- Large Amplitude Electrostatic Waves and Anomalous Resistivity Near the Electron Diffusion Region
- Late Tertiary Motion of the Hawaiian Hot Spot Relative to the Spin Axis and Implications for True Polar Wander
- Length scale hierarchy and spatiotemporal change of alluvial morphologies over the Selenga River delta, Russia
- Magnetic Reconnection as Revealed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- Mantle to Surface Dynamics Across Subduction-Collision Transitions in Space and Time: Results from the CD-CAT Project in Anatolia
- Marine evidence of a deconvolving Antarctic Ice Sheet during post-LGM retreat of the Ross Sea sector
- Mechanistic modeling of reactive soil nitrogen emissions across agricultural management practices
- Meltwater drainage beneath ice sheets: What can we learn from uniting observations of paleo- and contemporary subglacial hydrology?
- Microbial Genetic Memory to Study Heterogeneous Soil Processes
- Modeling the dynamics of a storm-time acceleration event: combining MHD effects with wave-particle interactions
- Morphodynamics and Sediment Transport on the Huanghe (Yellow River) Delta: Work in Progress
- New Way of Characterizing the State of the Ring Current
- Numerical analysis on infiltration-driven decarbonation during skarnification
- Numerical simulations of forearc deformation and stress switching after the great 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
- Opportunities for wind and solar to displace coal and associated health impacts in Texas
- Performance of Oil Infrastructure during Hurricane Harvey
- Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Sources and Trapping within Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Pore fluid pressure and the seismic cycle
- Quantification of Interbasin Transfers into the Addicks Reservoir during Hurricane Harvey
- Robust Seismic Normal Modes Computation in Radial Earth Models and A Novel Classification Based on Intersection Points of Waveguides
- Sediment Dispersal on the Topset of a Tectonically Active Shelf-edge Delta: an Interplay Between Sediment Supply and Subsidence, as Demonstrated for the Selenga River, Lake Baikal, Russia
- Seismic anisotropy from cores of hydrated, deep crustal mafic shear zones: implications for the relationship between strain, deformation mechanisms, and anisotropy magnitude
- Separation of Electric Fields Into Potential and Inductive Parts, and Implications for Radial Diffusion
- Signature of Transpressional Tectonics in the Holocene Stratigraphy of Lake Azuei, Haiti: Preliminary Results From a High-Resolution Subbottom Profiling Survey
- Simulating subduction zone earthquakes using discrete element method: a window into elusive source processes
- Slab dehydration in Cascadia and its relationship to volcanism, seismicity, and non-volcanic tremor
- Small-Scale Dayside Magnetic Reconnection Analysis via MMS
- Sources and Characterization of Submicron Aerosols in a Rural Forest During the PROPHET-AMOS 2016 Campaign
- Spies and Bloggers: New Synthetic Biology Tools to Understand Microbial Processes in Soils and Sediments
- Sub-Auroral Polarization Stream (SAPS) Events Under Non-storm Conditions
- Subbottom seismic profiling survey of Lake Azuei, Haiti: Seismic signature of paleo-shorelines in a transpressional environment and possible tectonic implications
- Surface Complexation Modeling of Calcite Zeta Potential Measurement in Mixed Brines for Carbonate Wettability Characterization
- Teaching Using Immersion - Explaining Magnetism and Eclipses in a Planetarium Dome
- The Efforts of the American Geophysical Union Space Physics and Aeronomy Section Education and Public Outreach Committee to Use NASA Research in Education and Outreach
- The Final Continental Breakup and Onset of Oceanic Crust along the Galicia-Newfoundland Margins
- The Malpelo Plate Hypothesis and Implications for Non-closure of the Cocos-Nazca-Pacific Plate Motion Circuit
- The contribution of inductive electric fields to particle energization in the inner magnetosphere
- Triple Oxygen Isotope Constraints on Seawater δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and Temperature
- True Polar Wander and the Origin of the Hawaiian-Emperor Bend: New Evidence
- Understanding Extension in the Southern Marianas and the Challenger Deep: a 21ST Century Geoscientific Challenge
- Utilizing NASA Airborne Data to Investigate the Influence of Fuel Type on Biomass Burning Aerosol Properties
- Variations in the Crust-Mantle Transition Beneath the Andean Cordillera and Implications for Orogenic Processes.
- Where do arc magmas differentiate? A seismic and geochemical search for active, deep crustal MASH zones
- 3D Autocorrelation Reflectivity Imaging of the Magmatic Plumbing System of Mount St Helens
- A Biological Sensor for tracking Ferrous and Ferric Iron Bioavailability in Soil and Marine Sediments
- A Rayleigh-Ritz based approach to determining 3-D normal modes in the presence of an essential spectrum in planets
- Advanced Flood Warning System & Its Performance during Hurricane Harvey
- Alternative water supply from wastewater reuse, a case study for the City of Houston, TX
- Anatomy of exhumed river channel-belts
- Apparent Polar Wander of Pacific and Indo-Atlantic Hotspots During Cretaceous Time: Implications for Motion Between Hotspots and True Polar Wander
- Apparent Polar Wander of the Pacific Plate Over the Past 80 Ma: Implications for Motion Between Hotspots, Origin of the Hawaiian-Emperor Bend, True Polar Wander, and Global Climate Change
- Application of Dry Reservoir Simulations in a 2D Hydraulic Model (HEC-RAS)
- Assessing the Atmospheric Fate and Transport of Pesticides Used to Control Mosquito Populations Post-Hurricane Harvey
- Atmospheric <SUP>15</SUP>N<SUP>15</SUP>N as a tracer of nitrogen cycling from local to planetary scales
- Battle Royale: VLF-driven local acceleration vs. ULF-driven radial transport
- Brittle-Ductile Deformation and Fault Slip Behavior of a Shallow Subduction Thrust, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Calculating the forced response of high-dimensional geophysical turbulence using fluctuation-dissipation theorem
- Characterising magmatic domains from a synthesis of global satellite radar measurements
- Characterization of Compound Flooding in a Highly Urbanized Coastal Watershed During Hurricane Harvey
- Characterizing spatiotemporal trends in extreme precipitation across the southern Texas coast
- Chasing Carbon Cycle Perturbations Across the Paleogene and Their Effects on Deep-sea Biota: Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 371, Tasman Sea
- Compactive deformation in the incoming sedimentary section of the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand: Constraints from seismic reflection data and IODP cores
- Comparison of 1D, 2D, and 1D/2D Approaches for Flood Inundation Modeling in an Urban Watershed
- Constraining the deformation history of the frontal wedge of Hikurangi Subduction Margin with analog modeling and bedding trends from borehole logging of IODP Expedition 372
- Controls on forearc deformation and stress switching after the great 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake from discrete numerical simulations
- Coupling the Rice Convection Model-Equilibrium with the Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry Global Magnetohydrodynamic Model
- Crustal Structure of the Ecuadorian Forearc from the Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Ambient Noise Dispersion Data
- Data Challenge: Machine Learning for Earthquake Detection and Rupture Timing
- Dayside Reconnection Magnetic Field Topologies and Current Structures at the Electron Diffusion Region with Magnetospheric Multiscale
- Development and Evaluation of Flood Mitigation Strategies for Greens Bayou in Houston - Resilience Vs. Resistance Approach
- Discrete Element Analysis of Acoustic Emission activity during Progressive Failure in Berea Sandstone
- Discrete and continuous approaches to characterizing subannual urbanization dynamics from multi-scene, multi-decadal Landsat imagery
- Do supra-subduction zone ophiolites form by diffuse spreading of the forearc during subduction initiation? A Mariana - Troodos analogy
- Drilling Reveals Continental-scale Impacts of Eocene Tonga-Kermadec Subduction Initiation
- Dynamical Properties of He II EUV Surges that are Components of Solar Active Region Coronal Jets
- Effects of Fire Frequency on Soil Water Potential in the New Jersey Pine Barrens
- Electron Energization and Parallel Crescents Near the Electron Diffusion Region during Asymmetric Reconnection
- Emission plume signatures of combustion sources in Houston, Texas from Google Street View mobile measurements
- Evaluating Indices of Blocking Anticyclones in terms of their Relations with Surface Hot Extremes
- Evaluating delta lobe evolution from the tectonically active Selenga River delta: a case study of auto and allogenic controls on sedimentation patterns
- Evaluating the Environmental and Lithological Controls on Silicate Weathering in Iceland
- Evidence for dynamic relationship between faulting and Neogene-Quaternary volcanism in post-collisional Central Anatolia (Turkey): Implications for shallow slab subduction and rollback.
- Evolution of tropospheric O<SUB>3</SUB> from preindustrial to present inferred from <SUP>18</SUP>O<SUP>18</SUP>O in polar firn and ice
- Exploring alongshore-coupled barrier island evolution: How does overwash affect developed and undeveloped barrier evolution and stability?
- Exploring the Impact of Urban Development on Flood Risk from Compound Events: A Catchment Case Study in Southeast, Texas
- Fluid infiltration promotes both ductile and brittle deformation within the deep crust: Examples from Southwestern Montana and the Central Alps
- Frictional Behavior of Chlorite at In Situ Conditions Along Shallow Plate Boundary Faults
- Further Evidence for a Stationary Hawaiian Hotspot During Formation of the Emperor Seamount Chain: Skewness Analysis of Pacific Plate Magnetic Anomaly 24r
- Generalizing Global Simulations of the Radiation Belts: Addressing Advective and Diffusive Processes in a Common Simulation Framework
- Gulf of Mexico: A Summary of its Evolution and Insights from Southern Mexico
- Hindcasting May 2018 Kilauea summit explosions with remote sensing, geophysical monitoring, and eruption simulations. Part 2: Combining 3D Multiphase Eruptive Plume Modeling with Multiple Geophysical Datasets
- How did the 2018 Kilauea Eruption Affect the Volcano's Submarine South Flank? Preliminary Results From an Ocean Bottom Seismometer Deployment Offshore Kilauea.
- How will climate change affect the size of blocking events?
- Interplay between seismic and aseismic slip along subduction zone megathrusts: Insights from numerical modeling
- Investigating flood-induced cascading impacts to Houston's road network and emergency service accessibility during Hurricane Harvey
- Ionospheric Disturbances During the September 2017 Geomagnetic Storm
- Late Cretaceous Apparent Polar Wander of North America from the Paleomagnetism of the Fort Hays Limestone
- Lithification of Volcaniclastic Deposits in the Hikurangi Subduction Zone: Preliminary Characterization of Fluid Circulation in the Incoming Plate, and Volatiles Entering the Trench
- MMS Observations and CCMC Modeling of Field Line Stretching at Separator Lines
- Magnetic fabrics of deformed soft sediments at the deformation front of the Hikurangi subduction margin
- Major and Trace Element Zoning in Garnets of Unusual Size from Blocks Hosted by Ultramafic Mélange, Santa Catalina Island, California
- Measuring, Mapping and Managing Urban Flood Risk: A Pilot Program in Southeast Texas
- Nonlinear Constitutive Laws for Fault Dynamics
- Normal Mode Analysis of Magnetospheric Buoyancy Waves
- Oblique Seafloor Spreading Across Intermediate and Superfast Spreading Centers
- Offshore Surveys of the Active Ocean Entry of the 2018 Lower Puna Eruption of Kilauea Volcano: Tracking Lava Delta Development
- On the importance and origin of very low-frequency waves in the nearshore during Hurricane Harvey
- Pressure, temperature, and frequency dependent wave propagation in Orocopia schist.
- Probabilistic flood risk: quantifying uncertainty in flood hazard estimates and flood risk profiles for an urban watershed in Houston, TX
- Random Voronoi Cells Based Parsimonious Inversion: Methodology and Application to Global S wave Arrival Time Data
- Re-identifying Clustered Weather Patterns: A Test Case for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
- Record of Eocene carbon cycling in sediments from northern Zealandia
- Refined Chemical Transport Modeling Improves Predictions of Rapid Chemistry in Biomass Burning Plumes
- Regional Harvey flood analysis and mitigation planning for the Greater Houston area
- Rheology and strain partitioning at the base of the subduction seismogenic zone: A case study from the Alps
- Seafloor Overthrusting Creates Ductilely Deformed Fault Rocks in Marine Sediments at the Hikurangi Margin: Implications for Fault Zone Evolution and Mechanics at IODP Site U1518
- Self-Consistent Simulations of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling During a Substorm
- Signatures of Brittle Deformation in a Shallow Fault in the Hikurangi Subduction Margin
- Skewness analysis of Pacific Plate Magnetic Anomalies 22r-22n-21r and possible implications for the formation of the Hawaiian-Emperor Bend, True Polar Wander, and Cenozoic Global Climate change
- Sources and Ambient Concentration of VOCs in San Antonio, Texas
- Spatial Mapping of Potential Biochar Effects on Agricultural Water Use and Crop Yield and Associated Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Strengthening Effect of High Pore Pressure on the Frictional Behavior of Serpentine Gouge
- Subduction-Related Strain in a Calcareous-Pelagic Shear Zone: Insights on Deformation at the Hikurangi Margin Plate Interface from the Input Sequence at Site U1520 and the Llanddwyn Island Shear Zone, Anglesey, U.K
- Teaching Using Immersion - Explaining Magnetism, Eclipses and Gravity in a Planetarium Dome
- Thermochemical Evolution of Mantle Plumes Observed Spatially (TEMPOS)
- Three-billion-year Secular Evolution of Oxygen Isotopes in Seawater Inferred from Chert δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O
- Toward a Definitive Estimate of the Geologically Current Absolute Angular Velocities of the Plates from Hotspot Tracks and Seismic Anisotropy
- Toward laboratory earthquake prediction using unsupervised classification of acoustic emissions
- Tracing Tropospheric Temperatures at the Last Glacial Maximum with O2 Clumped Isotopes
- Understanding the Impacts of Human and Environmental Change on Catchment Response during Hurricane Harvey
- "Patchy" Magnetic Reconnection: Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations and Particle-in-Cell Simulations
- A Gas-Aerosol Model of the Chemical Degradation of Levoglucosan
- Accessibility for the Portable Planetarium
- An Alkenone and Leaf Wax Biomarker Record of West African Sea Surface Temperature and Vegetation Change Across the Plio-Pleistocene Boundary from ODP Site 659
- An Eddy-Feedback Model for Propagating Annular Modes
- An Encounter with the Electron Diffusion Region at a Flapping, Twisted Tail Current Sheet
- An Observational Test of a Moving Hotspot Reference Frame
- Analog forecasting of extreme-causing weather patterns using deep learning
- Analysis of the Flooding Effects of Potential Land Use Scenarios on an Undeveloped Watershed in Houston, Texas
- Anelasticity of the Orocopia schist under different effective pressures and temperatures.
- Autocorrelation Reflectivity of Mars
- Autonomous Detection and Mapping of Methane Cold Seeps: Ground-Truth Observations from the Costa Rican Active Margin
- Basal sediment accretion along the south central Chile margin and implications for megathrust processes and great earthquakes
- Capturing Uncertainty in Environmental Sequence Stratigraphy
- Changes in pelagic carbonate accumulation across the Eocene epoch: new insights from ODP Site 1209, Shatsky Rise, Central Pacific Ocean
- Characterizing Anisotropy of Natural Fractures in the Lab: Insights from Ultrasonics and Microtomography
- Characterizing elevated urban air pollution spatial patterns near sources with Google Street View mobile monitoring in Houston, Texas
- Characterizing high-order spatio-temporal urbanization dynamics from remotely-sensed time series
- Coupling Probabilistic Flood Inundation and Road Network Accessibility Modeling to Assess Flood Risk and Cascading Impacts from Severe Storms in Houston, TX
- Crossing the shoreline with DAS: Photonic seismology in Monterey Bay using the MARS cable
- DEM Simulations of Earthquake Cycles along Strike-Slip Faults: Controls on the Slow-Slip Nucleation of Earthquakes
- Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation for Climate Change Precipitation Analysis
- Deformation Experiments of the Etchegoin Sandstone
- Direct Observation of Co-seismic Deformation at 1.5km Depth: The EGS Collab Fracture Stimulation Test
- Direct evidence of pitch angle scattering of relativistic electrons induced by EMIC waves
- Effects of Evolving Fluid Pressure and Consolidation State on Shallow Megathrust Deformation
- Effects of contemporaneous orogenesis on sedimentation in the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Basin, northern Utah and southwestern Wyoming
- Effects of stochastic sedimentation on organic carbon diagenesis and preservation
- Electron-Scale Magnetic Islands from Adjacent Electron Diffusion Regions
- Elucidating Terrestrial Organic Carbon Burial Mechanisms - Insights from the Western Irish Namurian Basin, County Clare, Ireland
- Exploring the Role of Mafic Magmas and Their Volatile Content During the 2011-12 Puyehue-Cordon Caulle Eruption
- Explosive Volcanism on Early Mars: Explaining the Tridymite Layer in Gale Crater
- Extraction, Storage, and Eruptibility of Magmas that Fed the Paired Ohakuri-Mamaku Eruption, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Field evidence of the impact of increased channel mobility on sand body stacking density in an alluvial basin
- Geomagnetic Activity and Generation of TIDs
- Hydroacoustic Recordings of Lava-Water Interactions and Landslides During the 2018 Eruption of Kilauea Volcano
- ISS FPMU Observations of Ionospheric Plasma Variability
- Influence of Madden-Julian Oscillation on Extreme Rainfall in Indonesia
- Integrating Annual Landsat Imagery in a Hydrologic Impact Analysis of Localized Land Use Change for a Rapidly Developing Watershed in Houston, Texas
- Investigating Dynamic Triggering of Megathrust Earthquakes Using Discrete Element Simulations
- Investigating the impacts of power plants, oil and gas operations, and biogenic emissions on ozone production in San Antonio
- Ion-Scale Structure of the Outer Electron Diffusion Region
- K2: Towards a Comprehensive Simulation Framework of the Van Allen Radiation Belts
- Kinetic Simulations of Photoelectron Driven Instabilities Applied to 150 Km Echoes with Improved Collision Models
- Ladder of Seeps: Tool to Explore for and Define Cold Seeps with Application to the Costa Rican Active Margin
- Linking True Polar Wander, the Origin of the Hawaiian-Emperor Bend, the Paleolatitude of Ellesmere Island, and Cenozoic Climate Change
- Magma chamber and dike mechanics at mid-ocean ridges
- Magnetic Field Fluctuations Observed Adjacent to a Secondary Electron Diffusion Region at the Dayside Magnetopause
- Magnetospheric dynamics associated with STEVE
- Metagenomic signatures of microbial growth and trophic strategy in a whole-ecosystem nutrient enrichment experiment
- Modular machine learning systems for continuous hydrologic and hydraulic modeling in flood warning systems.
- Monitoring Aquifers Using Relative Seismic Velocity Changes Recorded with Fiber-optic DAS
- Neogene Burial of Organic Carbon in the Global Ocean
- New Insights into Geomorphic Processes along the Continental Shelf and Slope of Western Costa Rica
- Numerical Modeling of Down-Rift Pressure Surges From Episodic Caldera Collapse During the 2018 Kilauea Eruption
- Ocean properties and Antarctic cryosphere dynamics during the early and middle Miocene: results from the IODP Expedition 374 (Ross Sea)
- On the Nature of Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection at the Earth's Magnetopause
- On the Shedding of Jupiter's Red Flakes
- On the broadband instrument response of fiber-optic DAS
- Origin and Diagenetic Priming of a Potential Slow-slip Trigger Zone in Volcaniclastic Deposits Flanking a Seamount on the Subducting Plate, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Oxygen isotope values of biogenic silica: Diagenesis and utility as a paleoenvironmental proxy
- Partial Melting of a Depleted Peridotite Fluxed by a MORB-Derived Hydrous Silicate Melt - Implications for Subduction Zone Magmatism
- Partitioning of trace elements between anhydrite and sediment melts: Implications for subducting sediment redox and Ce/Mo at arcs
- Post-Eruptive Reinflation of Cordón Caulle, Chile, by Melt Extraction from a Crystalline Mush
- Practical framework for predicting water and sediment partitioning in a delta under varying discharge conditions
- Quantifying Low-Frequency DAS Response: Findings from a Laboratory Stretching Experiment
- Random Forrest Classification for Flood Hazard Mapping at Large Spatial Scales
- Recycling reduced iron at the base of magmatic orogens
- Refining the global P- and S-wavespeed models with Poisson Voronoi cells based parsimonious inversion
- Regime-Dependent S2S Forecast Skill Over the North America
- Relationships among Forearc Extension, Fault Slip, and Earthquake Magnitude: Numerical Simulations with Applications to the Central Chilean Margin.
- Repeatable, non-destructive, spatially resolved measurements of carbon-in-soil
- Seismic Observations of Processes in Collisional Continental Lithosphere: Rheological Changes, Phase Changes, and Deformation
- Seismic signals and noises clustering with unsupervised deep representation learning
- Seismicity of the Kilauea Submarine South Flank Following the 2018 Eruption and Mw 6.9 Earthquake
- Simultaneous ash venting and effusive magma extrusion modulated by fracture outgassing at the 2011-2012 Cordón Caulle eruption, Chile
- Size of the atmospheric blocking events: A scaling law and response to climate change
- Stimulation and Flow Tests in Deep Crystalline Rock - The EGS Collab Project
- Storm-time Ionospheric Electrodynamics During the September 2017 Geomagnetic Storm
- Tectonostratigraphy of the Frontier Formation during Sevier and Laramide orogenesis in the greater Green River Basin, Wyoming
- The Response of Natural and Anthropogenic Emissions in Houston to Hurricane Harvey: Impacts on Air Quality
- The Stability of the Earth Relative to its Spin Axis Across the K-Pg Boundary Tested by Skewness Analysis of Marine Magnetic Anomaly C27r
- The impacts of channel diversion characteristics on retreat rates of abandoned deltaic lobes, as informed by the Huanghe (Yellow River) delta of China
- The strength and consolidation state of sediments from Hikurangi expedition 375 and implications for plate boundary mechanics
- The upper limit on magma decompression rate from bubble number density
- Time-Lapse Seismic Imaging of Hydraulic Fracturing at Sanford Underground Research Facility Using Continuous Active Source Seismic Monitoring
- True Polar Wander and the Paleocene-Eocene Latitude of Ellesmere Island
- Unsupervised Classification of Acoustic Emissions from Catalogs and Fault Time-to-Failure Prediction
- Unsupervised representation learning for clustering SEIS data in continuous records with deep scattering network
- Using Mobile Monitoring and Source Apportionment to Elucidate Meaningful Pollution Differences Across Houston Neighborhoods
- Using Surface Orbital Vibrators (SOV) and Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) for monitoring of unconventional reservoirs: preliminary results from the Eagle Ford Shale
- Variations in magma decompression rate within and between eruptions
- Visualizing Tail Disconnection and Dipolarization Events with MMS
- Watch your language, or "Does grammmer and spelling matter in scientific publishing?"
- A Mission Concept for a Solar Observatory in a Highly-Inclined Heliocentric Orbit - Demystifying the Magnetic Nature and Activity of our Star
- A gaining and losing meltwater corridor in the subglacial environment
- A universal kinetic equation solver for radiation belts
- An eddy-zonal flow feedback model for propagating annular modes
- An improved earthquake catalog during the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano eruption from combined onshore and offshore seismic arrays
- Analog forecasting of heat waves and cold spells using deep learning
- Application of deep learning toward predicting the size and timing of simulated megathrust earthquakes
- Aquifer diffusivity estimation using joint inversion of fluctuating head amplitude ratios and time lags
- Autocorrelation Reflectivity of the Gulf Coast from USArray Data
- Bends in Pacific Hotspot Tracks and Eocene Global Climate Change: Are they Coeval?
- Bubble nucleation during explosive eruptions starts in the magma chamber
- CCMC Modeling of MMS Dayside Reconnection Events
- COVID-19 Policy Impacts on NO<SUB>2</SUB>, Ozone, and PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Levels in U.S. Cities
- Combining Ambient Noise and Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Deployed on Dark Fiber Networks for High-resolution Imaging at the Basin Scale
- Constraining the Extent of Groundwater Alteration of Martian Sedimentary Deposits: An Investigation of Mg-sulfate Formation Mechanisms
- Constraining the Timing and Magnitude of Orogenesis by Basin Response: Two Examples from North America
- Constraints on paleo-stress magnitude in Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand, at Site U1518, Expedition 375
- Continental Margins Revealed Through the MARGINS and GeoPRISMS Programs - A Recipe for Successful Community Science
- Cooperative Autonomous Mobile Marine Geophysical Sensing Using Robust Formation Control Theory
- Crystal-Mush Storage and Rhyolite Formation for the 2011-12 Puyehue-Cordón Caulle Eruption
- Data-driven Super-prameterization in Climate Modeling with Recurrent Neural Networks and Transfer-Learning
- Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) at the Plot to Basin Scale: Connecting Near-Surface Sensing and Seismology with a Common Observational Tool
- Distributed urban water system enhances system resilience to disruptive incidents
- Effect of temperature-dependent material properties on ice shell convection
- Equivariant Deep Spatial Transformers for Auto-regressiveData-driven Forecasting of Geophysical Turbulence
- Evaluating online calculations of oxygen clumped isotopes in a global chemistry-transport model for paleoatmospheric applications
- Examining the Effect of Olivine Addition on Olivine Liquid Equilibrium Temperatures: Implications for the Temperatures of the North Atlantic Igneous Province
- Fault Time-to-Failure Forecasting using LSTM and Unsupervised Classification
- Hot Air, Hot Lakes, or both? Exploring Holocene African Temperatures using Proxy System Modeling
- IODP Borehole Constraints on Timing of Eocene Compressional Plate Failure During Subduction Initiation, Northern Zealandia, Southwestern Pacific.
- Identifying the Transport and Evolution of Oxidized Organic Aerosol across the Urban Core of San Antonio
- Impacts of the Madden Julian Oscillation on Precipitation Extremes in Indonesia
- Improving Stoneley-mode constraints on the structures near the core-mantle boundary
- Insights into the Last Glacial Maximum free troposphere from oxygen clumped isotopes
- Instabilities Associated with Electron-Scale X-line Evolution
- Investigating the Underlying Drivers of Recent Extreme Flood Events in the Houston-Galveston Region
- Low Latitude Plasma Bubble Growth Rates During the September 2017 Geomagnetic Storm
- Melt expulsion from crystal-rich mushes via induced ephemeral anisotropic permeability
- Microearthquake Monitoring of the Sacramento Basin Using Dark Fiber and Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS)
- Microphysical controls on the elastic wave speeds of an exhumed greenschist and implications for the interpretation of conditions along the subduction interface.
- Mixed-Component Ambient Noise Cross-Correlations using Distributed Acoustic Sensing Arrays and Single Point Inertial Seismic Sensors
- On the acceleration of summit deformation during "magma surge" at Kilauea, 2003-2007
- Partitioning of chalcophile and Highly Siderophile Elements (HSEs) between sulfide and carbonated melts - Implications for HSE systematics of kimberlites and carbonatites
- Persistent Meltwater Discharge from Thwaites Glacier Recorded in Offshore Sediments.
- Reduced lower Mississippi River discharge during the Medieval era
- Responses of human activity and in-situ and satellite-observed air quality in U.S. cities to the COVID pandemic
- Sensitivity of Phase Space Density Evolution to Event-Specific Diffusion Coefficients
- Spectral Line Asymmetries of Hot Fe Lines in Multiloop Models
- Stability Analysis of Substorm Onset to Shear Flow-Interchange Modes and Nonlinear Evolution of Auroral Arcs
- State-Informed Background Removal (SIBaR): A Method for Detecting and Removing Background in Mobile Monitoring Campaigns
- The 3D Structure of Atmospheric Blocking: Climatology and Response to Climate Change
- The Dynamics of Cross-EOF Eddy Feedbacks in Propagating Annular Modes
- The EGS Collab Project: Stimulation and Flow at the 10-meter scale
- The Effect of Splay Faults on Earthquake Size and Rupture Behavior at Subduction Zones: Insights from Discrete Element Simulations
- The Effect of Variable CO<SUB>2</SUB>/H<SUB>2</SUB>O Ratio on Melting in the Mantle Wedge
- The birth of a hydraulic fracture: Evolution of strain, displacement, seismicity, and temperature as measured by a borehole monitoring network during fracture propagation
- The effect of bulk carbon on its core-mantle partitioning behavior
- The unequal distribution of natural resources: why geology matters
- Timing of Eocene True Polar Wander Inferred from Pacific Plate Marine Magnetic Anomalies
- Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Marine Chert through Earth history: Implications for <SUP>18</SUP>O/<SUP>16</SUP>O of Seawater
- Understanding global carbon cycle perturbations of early Paleogene using size-fraction-specific isotopic variations in open marine bulk carbonates
- Understanding sensitivity of distributed acoustic sensing integrated with velocity data
- Using biosensors to understand how microbes interact with their environment
- Walking the seismogenic zone: A field geology perspective on earthquakes
- Wave Activity in a Reconnection Current Sheet near an X-Line on the Dayside Magnetopause
- key controls and impacts of reaction-driven alteration of fracture-matrix interface
- Forarc dehydration in warm subduction zones provides ample fluids at the depths of episodic slip and tremor
- 2D HEC-RAS 6.0 Modularization Framework for Implementable Real Time Flood Alert with Surrogate ML
- 3-D sedimentary structures beneath southeastern Australia constrained by Passive seismic array data
- A New Model Explaining the Architecture and the Compositional Diversity of the Inner Solar System
- A New Way to Include Inertia in the Rice Convection Model
- A sharp change of crustal anisotropy across the eastern edge of the central Tanlu fault zone in North China
- Addressing the Lack of Diversity within a Geoscience Department in the Most Diverse City in America.
- Ambient noise tomography of the southern San Andreas fault using data recorded by dense fault zone array
- Ambient noise-based monitoring of seismic wave velocity modulations at the CarbFix reinjection site, SW-Iceland
- An Improved e-N2 Scattering Algorithm to Simulate 150 km Echoes
- An experimental study of fracture processes during dilatant hardening
- Antecedent channel bed elevation dictates stability of delta lobes after avulsions and diversions
- Assessing Land Use Change and Subsidence Impact on Inland Flooding
- Assessing the veracity of Citizen Science data as a method to build computational literacy and big data processing skills
- Automatic Segmentation of Geophysical Trackline Data Applied to Pacific-Rivera Motion
- Automating Model-Data Comparisons
- Carbon content of the Earths outer core
- Carbonate associated sulfate (CAS) 34S heterogeneity across the End-Permian Mass Extinction in South China suggests frequent oscillations in sedimentary redox
- Challenges to Establishing a Global Paleolatitude Framework: Paleomagnetic Inconsistencies in the Plate Circuit Through Antarctica
- Characterizing wave-dependent diffuse precipitation with the Multiscale Atmosphere-Geospace Environment model
- Climate Model-Coral Record Comparisons of El Nino-Southern Oscillation Variability During Abrupt Climate Events
- Clumped isotope constraints on free tropospheric temperature changes since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM)
- Comparison of health symptoms associated with flooding estimated using remotely sensed flood exposure to self-reported home flooding in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey
- Connecting Magma Chamber Mush Dynamics to Post Eruptive Reinflation at Cordon Caulle
- Consequences of ice-out timing variability for physical and biogeochemical structure of small, Arctic lakes in West Greenland
- Constraining Secondary Clay Formation with Ge/Si Ratios and Water Isotopes at Efri Haukadalsa River and Adjacent Catchments in Western Iceland
- Continuous Suprathermal Ion Acceleration Flanking Two Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossings During Parker Solar Probes Perihelion 7
- Contrasting Origins and Diagenesis of Volcaniclastic Deposits along Turanganui Knoll, a Seamount on the Subducting Plate at Hikurangi Margin: Implications for Slow Slip
- Controls of deformation path and fluid overpressure on shallow subduction faulting
- Could Uranus and Neptune Form by Collisions of Planetary Embryos?
- Coupled conduit-vent-plume models of hydromagmatic eruptions, with implications for stratospheric delivery of sulphur dioxide and volcano-climate feedback
- Crustal crystallization of magmas with C-H-O-S volatiles and its redox effects on atmospheric oxygenation
- Crystal Mush Storage Constraints for the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle Volcanic Complex
- Data-driven subgrid-scale parameterization of forced 2D turbulence in the small-data limit
- Deep learning-enhanced ensemble-based data assimilation for high-dimensional nonlinear dynamical systems
- Deep-Water Cycling, Planetary Self-Regulation, and the Persistence of Mantle Melting
- Distributed Water and Wastewater Infrastructure System for Climate Change Adaption: A Case Study in the City of Lumberton, NC
- Distribution of Rayleigh Wave Microseisms Constrained by Multiple Seismic Arrays
- ENSOs Impact on Hydroclimate Extremes over the Mississippi River Basin during the Last Millennium
- Early to middle Miocene ice-sheet dynamics in the Ross Sea: west to east regional correlations
- Effect of River-Seawater Mixing on Silica Concentrations in Almirante Bay, Panama
- Effects of Region 2 Field-Aligned Currents on Ionospheric Saturation and Resulting Impact on Auroral Radio Emission
- Enhancing Ammonia Rejection by Laminated Graphene Oxide in Membrane Distillation
- Evaluating the Role of Vegetative Macropores on Infiltration Capacity and Catchment Response in the Greater Houston Area
- Evidence for multiple middle Eocene warming events in the Lutetian-Bartonian chemostratigraphic record from the southwest Pacific
- Examination of the influence of shallow convective mixing on low-level clouds with observations of stable water isotopes
- Excess Volatiles During Plinian Eruptions
- Exploring the controls and consequences of frontal forearc deformation around the world: Implications for fault slip behavior with insights from numerical simulations
- Extreme Lithium Isotope Fractionation in Quartz from the Stewart Pegmatite
- Field and microstructural constraints on viscous rheology at the base of the subduction seismogenic zone
- Foraminifera as indicators of the effects of bottom-water circulation on marine sedimentary archives
- Forecasting the Leading Drivers of Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean Sea Coral Reef Ecosystem Vulnerability in a Warmer World
- From Ancient Venus to the Present-Day: What Place for Habitability?
- Hemispheric differences and Asymmetries Observed in High-Latitude Ionosphere with GNSS TEC and SuperDARN
- High Resolution Monitoring of Subsurface Processes Using Infrastructure Seismic Noise Recorded on Dark Fiber Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Arrays
- High resolution coupled modeling of the inner magnetosphere
- High-Frequency Seismic Interferometry and Monitoring of Stimulation Induced Velocity Changes in the EGS Collab Experiment 1
- Holocene Temperature: A Spatial and Temporal Reconstruction using Paleoclimate Data Assimilation
- Hot Takes on Hot Lakes: Refining Paleoclimate Reconstructions and Model Simulations of Past African Climate Change using Proxy System Modeling
- How unprecedented was the February 2021 Texas cold snap?
- Hurricane hazard assessment in a changing climate: A case study for New York State
- Identifying the Fingerprints of Early Pliocene-like Sea Surface Temperature Gradients with an Isotope-Enabled General Circulation Model
- Impacts of Carbonaceous Soil Amendments on Agricultural Nitrogen Emissions across U.S. Croplands
- Inferring the shape of volcanic conduits in Plinian eruptions from vesicles in pyroclasts
- Influence of fluid-controlled stress paths on the slip behavior of shallow subduction thrusts
- Interhemispheric Differences in Electron Precipitation Caused by Asymmetries in the Earths Magnetic Field
- Interpreting seismic tomography: Controls of microstructure and pore pressure on the elastic wave speeds of a metapelite
- Investigating the Response of the Mississippi River System to Climate Change Using Simulations and Observations of the Last Millennium
- Late Holocene Paleohurricane Reconstruction from the Central Texas Shelf, Western Gulf of Mexico, USA
- Learning the signature of slow-slip events and slow earthquakes from seismic and geodetic data
- Long-lived Pliocene to Present Lacustrine Hydroclimate Record from Clayton Valley, NV
- MAGE simulations of flux transfer events, poleward moving auroral forms, and polar cap patches
- Machine Learning Detection of P-Waves in Laboratory Acoustic Emission Events to Understand the Mechanics of Deep-Focus Earthquakes
- Magma diversity in Boring Volcanic Field, Cascades Arc
- Magnetospheric Source and Electric Current System associated with Intense SAIDs
- Micro-scale analyses of traditional geochemical proxies for organic matter preservation in mudstones
- Microbial Protein Sensor Abundance Changes with Biogeochemical Conditions in the Terrestrial Deep Subsurface
- Microearthquake Monitoring Using Dark Fiber and DAS in the Imperial Valley, CA
- Microfossil fingerprints of glacial stability: Using diatoms and foraminifera to reconstruct the history of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- Mineral Identification from SToichiometry (MIST) Model with Application to PIXL on Mars 2020 Perseverance
- Modeling effects of event specific chorus-wave diffusion coefficients on radiation belt dynamics
- Modeling the Evolution of the Storm Time Ring Current Energy Distribution
- Moment Tensor Inversion of Microearthquakes in Anisotropic Rocks of the EGS Collab Experiment 1 Testbed
- Multi-scale observation of magnetotail reconnection onset
- New Age for the Eocene Bends in Pacific Hotspot Tracks: Implications for Relative Timing of Global Eocene Tectonic and Paleoclimatic Events
- New Constraints on Grain Size of Eolian Sediments in the Stimson Sandstone, Gale Crater, Mars and Implications for Paleoclimate
- New detailed bathymetry data from Amundsen Sea continental shelf reveal more comprehensive paleo ice flow pattern
- Nitrogen depletion in rocky bodies of the inner Solar System linked to the rates of protoplanetary accretion and differentiation
- Non-perturbative computation of normal modes for rotating gas giant planets
- Nonlinear Coupling of Langmuir and Ion Acoustic Waves in 150 km Echoes
- Observations of Separating First P Arrivals as Induced by Mantle Wedge Fast Anomalies Beneath NE Taiwan
- On importance of mesoscale processes in storm-time geospace
- On the origin of negative deuterium excess observed in snow and ice samples from McMurdo Dry Valleys and Allan Hills Blue Ice Areas, East Antarctica
- Operationalizing Bayesian Model Checking for Robust Decision Making: Insights from House Elevation
- Organic Carbon Content in Mt. Bambouto Soils Across Gradients in Land Use and Topography
- Paleoclimatological Analysis of an 8500 Year-Long Sediment Core from Baie des Baraderes, Haiti
- Past, present, and future hydroclimate across the Mississippi River Basin and its tributaries: Insights from Integrated Paleoclimate Data Analysis
- Picking and associating seismic activity in regional and local networks using Deep Learning
- Piercing the Olivine Shroud; Possible Low Temperature Origins for LIPS
- Placing the Paleo-Pacific Plate in Paleolatitude and Paleo-Declination
- Plant Oxidative Ratio Values are Invariant Under Simulated Climate Change in a Boreal Peatland Ecosystem
- Plasma Sheet Thinning in the Wake of Bubble Injections
- Pore fluid controls on seismic attenuation in a greenschist facies metapelite
- Precise Estimation of Earthquake Source Parameters in the Imperial Valley Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing Applied to Dark Fiber
- Preferential Flowpaths Drive Solute Dynamics in Tropical Catchments: Unmixing Sources with Isotopic and Solute-based Approaches
- Preliminary Results from the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)
- Presentation and Applications of Mixing Elements ANd Dissolved Isotopes in Rivers (MEANDIR), a Customizable Model for Monte Carlo Inversion of Dissolved River Chemistry
- Propagating Annular Modes in Reanalysis and CMIP Models: Dynamics and Timescales
- Quantifying the water-to-melt mass ratio in explosive subglacial eruptions
- Rates of Neotectonic Lateral Hotspot Motion Determined From Monte Carlo Inversion
- Real-Time Urban Flood Mapping for Facilitating Emergency Response Situational Awareness
- Redox evolution of magma oceans and its influence on secondary atmosphere outgassing
- Regional and seasonal dependencies of the blocking 3D structure and its response to climate change
- Regional variation of tectonic tremor activity in the north western part of Caribbean coast
- Resolving long-term variations in North Atlantic hurricane activity over the past millennium using a pseudo proxy network approach
- Sedimentation rate scaling in the global ocean
- Seismic Imaging of Fault Zone Structure Using 3-D Full Waveform Inversion of Denoised Ambient Noise Cross-correlation (ANC) from 1-D Linear Arrays
- Seismic Imaging of the Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake Rupture Zone From Data Recorded by Dense Linear Arrays
- Seismic Radiation During Slip Along Bimaterial Faults: An Experimental Investigation
- Seismo-Geodetic Investigations of Subsurface Properties of the Southern San Andreas Fault
- Sequential Landfall of Tropical Cyclones in the United States
- Shallow crustal structure of Southern California by jointly inverting surface wave phase velocity, Rayleigh wave ellipticity, and Receiver Functions
- Simulating the X-ray and EUV Emission of Cool Exoplanet Host Stars
- Snapshot hyperspectral imaging of evapotranspiration dynamics
- Spatial Variation of Surface O3 Responses to Drought over the Contiguous United States During Summertime: Role of Precursor Emissions and Ozone Chemistry
- Stability Analysis of Interchange-Stable Plasma Sheet to ExB Shear Flow at Substorm Onset
- Stormtime Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in a Mesoscale-Resolving Global Geospace Model
- Study of Aerosols and Volatile Organic Compounds During a Long-range Transport Biomass Burning Event
- Subauroral polarization streams in magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupling
- Subduction Zone Carbon Cycle Constrained by the Effects of Dissolved CO2 in Slab-derived Aqueous Fluid on Partial Melt Compositions Generated at Mantle Wedge P-T Conditions
- Temporal Variations in the Composition of Cretaceous Cordilleran Arc Volcanism Through a High-Frequency Record of Bentonites
- Temporal changes of seismic velocities at depth in the San Andreas fault zone associated with the 2004 Mw6 Parkfield earthquake from repeating earthquakes
- Texas Nexus Eclipse 2023-24
- The EDR Inflow Region of a Reconnecting Current Sheet in the Geomagnetic Tail with MMS
- The EGS Collab Preparing for Experiment 2
- The Risks of Energy Shortfalls considering Temperature Extremes, Wind and Solar Energy for the Texas Energy Grid Using a Novel Space-Time Simulation Model
- The effect of carbon concentration on its core-mantle partitioning behavior in inner Solar System rocky bodies
- The effect of prompt penetration electric fields on plasma bubble occurrence
- The intrinsic ultra-long periodicity of the Southern Annular Mode
- The relationship between the ring current and geospace plume development: A geospace storm simulation by a magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupled model
- Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Coronal Plasma Properties from a Single Perspective
- Time dilation in the stratigraphic record driven by changes in fluvial morphodynamics
- Trace element and radiogenic isotope (Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb) geochemistry of diverse lava types in the southern Washington backarc.
- Two-Dimensional Mapping of Dynamic Watershed Response to Increasing Development in Fort Bend County, Texas
- Understanding and Deriving Land Use and Land Cover Variables as a Predictor of Debris from Coastal Storm Events
- Upstream Conditions and Cross-Scale Coupling at the Reconnecting Dayside Magnetopause
- Using allies to expand your network: The state of recruitment and retention of minoritized students in the geosciences and the role of allies
- Wastewater Disposal in the Raton Basin Reactivates Networks of Short Basement Faults
- Watching the Arctic Thaw: Seismic Monitoring of Permafrost Degradation Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing During a Controlled Heating Experiment
- Whither the Mantle Wind?
- A Magnetic and Geochemical Approach to the Changing Sedimentation Patterns in Response to Glacio-eustatic Changes at the Great Barrier Reef
- A New Tool for Modelling Scintillations Caused by Multi-scale Ionospheric Irregularities
- Advances in Solving the 3D Quasineutral Potential Equation
- An Orbital-Scale Reconstruction of North African Rainfall and Vegetation Changes, 3.3-2.5 Ma, Using Compound-Specific Leaf Wax Biomarker Stable Isotope Records from ODP Site 659
- Analyzing Changing Thermal Features at Puyehue-Cordon Caulle, Chile Using Satellite, Field, and Drone Observations
- Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) Formation History in the Ross Sea: Insights from the Pliocene-Pleistocene record at IODP Site U1524
- Antarctic Ice Sheet growth during the Miocene Climatic Optimum
- Autocorrelation Seismic Imaging of Northern Taiwan Using Ambient Noise Data
- Automatic Stationary-Phase Receiver Estimation (ASPRE) method used in the processing of Imperial Valley Dark Fiber continuous ambient-noise recordings: towards methodological approach for passive reflection imaging with DAS and nodal arrays
- Body-wave Tomography of the Imperial Valley, Southern California Using Earthquake Data Recorded by Distributed Acoustic Sensing on Dark Fiber
- Build-up of the Storm-Time Ring Current via Mesoscale Plasma Sheet Flows
- Changing Climate, Peak Demand and Load Factors across the contiguous United States
- Characterizing auroral precipitation and ionospheric conductance with the Multiscale Atmosphere-Geospace Environment model
- Climate Evolution of Earth and Earth-like (Exo)planets affected by Volcanic Outgassing: Insights from 3D Modelling.
- Closed-form Discovery of Subgrid-Scale Closures: Promises and Challenges
- Communicating Interhemispheric Asymmetry Science using the Capabilities Assessment Matrix (CAM)
- Continuous and Automated Seismic Monitoring using Fiber-Optics Sensing and Surface Orbital Vibrators during Hydraulic Stimulation of an Unconventional Reservoir
- Contribution to Solar Brightness of small-size magnetic elements
- Cross-Scale Magnetospheric Convection: from Individual Properties and Impacts to Systems Understanding
- Deep Learning Meets Data Assimilation: On Physically consistent Architectures and Hybrid Ensemble Kalman Filters for Weather Forecasting
- Detecting Bistability in Planetary Systems
- Drivers of the geospace plume: MAGE simulation of the March 31, 2001 Superstorm
- ENSO Modulation of the Asian Summer Monsoon in Last2k Paleoclimate Data Assimilation Reconstructions
- ENSO teleconnections over North America are non-stationary during the Common Era: Insights from data assimilation and reconstructions
- ENSO: Global Climate Models
- Efficient root exploration strategies support greater whole-tree water use during summer drought
- Electron Diffusion Region at Magnetic Dipolarization Event observed by MMS and CLUSTER
- Engaging underserved eclipse audiences for 2023/2024
- Evaluating uncertainties in latewood tree ring reconstructions of tropical cyclone precipitation using statistically/dynamically downscaled storms
- Evaluation of the Potential of Nature-Based Carbon Sequestration in Rangeland and Cropland Soils from A Data Mining Study
- Evolution of Mantle-Derived Magmas on Mars based on Water Loss from the Martian Mantle
- Experimental Constraints on the Macro-, Meso-, and Microscale Fracture Patterns That Develop During Dilatant Hardening
- Explainable transfer learning for generalizable subgrid-scale modeling
- Exploring kinetic plasma physics with radars
- Fairness and Explainability of Random Forest Regression in Predicting Social Media Rescue Requests with Socio-Environmental Features: Case of Hurricane Harvey
- Fiber-optics Sensing Monitoring of Caprock Fault Reactivation Processes: Observations from the Fault Slip Experiment in the Mont Terri Opalinus Clay
- Field Aligned Potential Drops in an Ionospheric Streamer
- Fine-Scale Sedimentary Architecture of the Jezero Western Delta Front
- Fine-scale element mobility and alteration styles recorded in Jezero Crater floor rocks by PIXL
- First light results from the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)
- Fracture Detection and Monitoring at the First EGS Collab Testbed Using DAS Ambient Noise
- GDGTs in the machine: Comparing Proxy Records of African Temperature Change to Holocene Climate Model Simulations via Proxy System Modeling
- Geophysics in the EGS Collab Project: Our Eyes and Ears
- Glaciation, Landscape, and Chemical Weathering: Interpreting Sedimentary Records from (Non-)Glacial Lakes in Iceland with a Multi-proxy Approach
- Global modeling of the mesoscale buildup of the ring current and its role in magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling
- Grounding-Zone Retreat and Marine Sediment Transport from Holocene to Present along Thwaites Glacier in the Eastern Amundsen Sea
- Hamiltonian Formulations of Quasilinear Theory for Nonuniform Magnetized Plasmas
- How do the internal dynamics of sedimentary systems affect organic carbon burial and environmental signal preservation?
- How does damming on fine-grained rivers counterintuitively raise the flood risk of downstream channels?
- Ice-dammed Lake Recorded by Basaltic Lava Deltas above Sandvatn, a Lake in Iceland
- Initial K2 Simulations for the Geomagnetic Storm of March 17, 2013
- Insights into the Sedimentary Record and Processes of the Western Delta of Jezero crater (Mars) as observed by the Mars 2020 rover Perseverance.
- Integrated assessment of U.S. agricultural emissions of reactive nitrogen and their mitigation potentials by carbon amendments
- Lack of change in the average duration of blocking events in a warming climate
- Long-term stability and generalization of observationally-constrained stochastic data-driven models for geophysical turbulence
- MIST: an Online Tool Automating Mineral Identification by SToichiometry in Geochemical Datasets
- Mechanical Evolution of Metabasaltic Fault Rock in a Shallow Subduction Thrust
- Mesoscale Processes in the Magnetosphere: The Elusive Mode of Plasma Transport and Energization and the Measurements Needed to Bring it to Light.
- Micro-Scale Geochemical Analysis of Molybdenum Distribution in Shales Deposited Under Different Redox Conditions
- Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Sediments from Basaltic Watershed of Lake Sandvatn, Iceland; Implications for Ancient Sedimentary Processes on Mars
- Monitoring Fracture Stimulations at the EGS Collab Testbeds Using Elastic-Waveform Inversion of CASSM Data
- Multi-point Observations of the Magnetopause Boundary Layer During the 2015 Winter Solstice Storm
- Multiscale Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling During Stormtime: A Case Study of the Dawnside Current Wedge
- Multivariate Flood Fragility Models for Homogeneous Earthen USACE Levees
- Near-Term Predictability Lowers Long-Term Adaptation Costs
- Nitrogen partitioning between solid and liquid Fe-rich metal alloy: Implications for the fate of N during differentiation of iron meteorite parent bodies and inner core crystallization of other rocky Solar System objects
- Nonstationary GEV with Hierarchical Spatial Pooling: A Spatiotemporal Bayesian Framework for Nonstationary Extreme Precipitation Frequency Analysis in the Gulf Coast
- North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Response to Diverse El Niño Sea Surface Temperature Patterns Over the Past Millennium
- Observation and modeling of standing and reflected propagating slow-mode waves in flaring coronal loops
- Origin of dawnside subauroral polarization streams during major geomagnetic storms
- Oxygen and silicon isotope variations during opal diagenesis: Implications for biogenic silica and chert proxies from marine sediment archives
- Oxygen fugacity range of subducting crust inferred from fractionation of trace elements during fluid-present slab melting in the presence of anhydrite versus sulfide
- Partitioning of Nitrogen in Reduced Magmatic Systems: Implications for early differentiation of rocky bodies in the Inner Solar System
- Past, Present, and Future Hydroclimate across the Mississippi River Basin and its Tributaries: Insights from Integrated Paleoclimate Data Analysis
- Permafrost Degradation in the Koyukuk River System and the Timescale Dependence of Sulfur-Carbon-Climate Feedbacks
- Perseverance's Delta-Front Campaign in Jezero Crater, Mars
- Physical Properties of Bishop Tuff (RORD REU Program)
- Plasma sheet thinning in the wake of a bubble injection
- RCM-I modeling of plasma sheet access to geosynchronous orbit
- Recent progress in self-consistent geospace modeling
- Reconstructing Flood and Tropical Cyclone Impacts Over the Late Holocene from the Central Texas Shelf, Western Gulf of Mexico, USA
- Reconstructing Holocene temperatures - Using data assimilation to explore Holocene climate in space and time
- Redox evolution of the terrestrial magma oceans and its influence on atmosphere outgassing
- Replaying the Tape of Academia: Alternative Systems for Earth Science
- Response of the Cold Plasma Composition to Multiple Energy Sources in the Energetic Coupling of the Magnetosphere, Plasmasphere, and Ionosphere
- Revisiting the Power-Law Function as a Model for Concentration-Discharge Relationships
- Scaling Relationships of Slow and Fast Earthquakes in a Granular Mechanics Model
- Searching for Synergies between Venus and Exoplanetary Worlds
- Seasonality of the QBO Impact on Equatorial Clouds
- Sedimentary Record of Pre-Satellite Retreat of Pine Island Glacier, Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
- Seismic Coda Correlation for Constraining Lunar Seismic Discontinuities
- Seismic and strain monitoring of the EGS Collab experiment #2 testbed: Dataset overview and initial results
- Silicate weathering intensity assessments obscured by congruent weathering of a mixed volcanic watershed: A case study of the Upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon, USA
- Simulations of photoelectron driven ionospheric waves predict many features of 150 km VHF radar echoes
- Stable Isotopes of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon as a Tracer of Chemical Weathering Sources
- Stoichiometric Mineral Identifications in Mars 2020 Perseverance PIXL Data using the Automated MIST Algorithm
- Storage Capacity of Sulfur in Eclogitic Clinopyroxene and Garnet and Partitioning of Sulfur during Eclogite Partial Melting
- Study of VOCs and Aerosols at Corpus Christi and San Antonio During Spring 2021
- Subglacial Processes Inferred from Grain-shape Alteration of Till and Meltwater Plume Deposits from Antarctica and Greenland
- Subseafloor Microbial Diversity of the Ross Sea, Antarctica (IODP 374), is Linked to Differences in Depositional Regimes
- The Effect of Prompt Penetration Electric Fields on Plasma Bubble Growth Rates
- The Implication of Seismic Attenuation in the Spectra of Slow Earthquakes
- The Magnitude of Neotectonic Hotspot Motion: Towards Better Absolute Reference Frames
- The Mississippi River's Hydrologic Response to Natural vs. Anthropogenic Forcing from the Last Millennium through the 21st Century
- The Plate Motion Circuit Relating the Motion of the Pacific Plate to the Continental Plates
- The Reconstruction of Arc Magma Volatiles Contents from Amphiboles in Arc Cumulates
- The Role of Tectonics in Regulating CO2 Release from Shale Weathering
- The generation of 150 km echoes through nonlinear wave mode coupling
- The role of mesoscale processes in stormtime geospace dynamics
- Thin Filament Oscillations: Pure Interchange In A Bubble
- Towards a nowcast model of Injections into Geosynchronous Orbit
- Transition from XUV Driven Ion Escape to Hydrodynamic Escape: Implications For Habitability of TRAPPIST1 b-h and TOI-700d Rocky Exoplanets
- Understanding the effects of post-depositional processes on foraminiferal paleotemperature proxies: Insights from X-Ray MicroCT Scanning
- Using POES/MetOp observations to infer plasma density and chorus intensity in the radiation belts
- Validation of Community Earth System Model Hydrologic Variables Over the Mississippi River System To Understand Long Term Hydrometerologic Changes
- Water Storage in the Shallow Martian Mantle Constrained by Experimental Phase Relations of Hydrous Peridotites
- Wave-dependent ring current electron loss and magnetospheric precipitation during a geospace storm
- Why are the data-driven digital twins for Earth long-term unstable?
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Allam
- A. A. Chan
- A. E. Lawman
- A. Ermakov
- A. Farrish
- A. Glocer
- A. Green
- A. J. Brown
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Halford
- A. Joshua West
- A. Lenardic
- A. Levander
- A. M. Keesee
- A. Y. Ukhorskiy
- Adam H. Sobel
- Adam Michael
- Adam S. Wymore
- Adriana Bailey
- Alastair G C Graham
- Alex J. Webster
- Alexandra A. Phillips
- Ali Rahmati
- Allison Jaynes
- Amy J. Williams
- Amy Jewell
- Ana‐Catalina Plesa
- Andrew Fazakerley
- André Izidoro
- Aodhan John Sweeney
- Arnaud Salvador
- Avantika Gori
- B. Horgan
- B. L. Giles
- B. M. Carpenter
- Benjamin F. Zaitchik
- Bradford J. Foley
- Brandee Carlson
- Brandon Burkholder
- Brian M. Walsh
- C. C. Bedford
- C. Ferradas
- C. Gillmann
- C. López-Lloreda
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. Morrill
- C. T. Russell
- Cailey Condit
- Caroline A. Masiello
- Charles J. Farrugia
- Chenguang Sun
- Chet Hopp
- Chia‐Ying Lee
- Christian Tate
- Christine Gabrielse
- Christine McCarthy
- Christine R. Rollinson
- Chuan–Chou Shen
- Colleen M. Iversen
- D. C. Templeton
- D. E. McKenzie
- D. F. Boutt
- D. G. Mitchell
- D. J. Gershman
- D. J. McComas
- D. L. Goldsby
- D. Malaspina
- D. T. Welling
- Daniel E. Ibarra
- Daniel L. Johnson
- Daniel R. Parsons
- Daniel S. Cohan
- David Farnham
- David Flannery
- Dedong Wang
- Denise K. Kulhanek
- Dennis Höning
- Donald M. Hassler
- Donato Giovannelli
- Dong Lin
- Dong Wei
- Dustin W. Kincaid
- E. B. Rampe
- E. D. Gutmann
- E. E. DeLuca
- E. G. Thomas
- E. J. Wallace
- E. Kiser
- E. L. Moreland
- E. V. Panov
- Ebrahim Nabizadeh
- Elizabeth Berg
- Emilio Herrero‐Bervera
- Eric Barefoot
- Evan J. Ramos
- Eviatar Bach
- F. C. Lin
- F. L. Vernon
- F. O. Nitsche
- F. Toffoletto
- Fenglin Niu
- Florian Soom
- Francesco S. R. Pausata
- Francisco Delgado
- G. A. Prieto
- G. V. Khazanov
- Gary Parker
- Harry P. Warren
- Hongrui Qiu
- Hsi-Pin Ma
- I. Dandouras
- I. J. Cohen
- I. M. Browne
- Irina Kitiashvili
- J. A. Hurowitz
- J. C. Hawthorne
- J. C. Kasper
- J. C. Rowland
- J. D. Huba
- J. D. Huba
- J. Dudík
- J. G. Lyon
- J. H. Westlake
- J. Jotautas Baronas
- J. L. Burch
- J. L. Verniero
- J. M. Bell
- J. P. Dodd
- J. R. Shuster
- J. T. Niehof
- J. W. Partin
- J. Webster
- Jacob S. Jordan
- James D. Kirkham
- James Doss‐Gollin
- James H. Gardner
- James L. Best
- Jan Erik Arndt
- Jason Derr
- Jeanine L. Ash
- Jeffrey A. Nittrouer
- Jian Yang
- Jiaxuan Li
- Joachim Stadel
- Jody M. Webster
- Joel S. Scheingross
- John P. Ross
- Johnny Seales
- Jonathan Ajo‐Franklin
- Jonathan R. Lamontagne
- Jordan L. Schnell
- Jorge Núñez
- Joshua C. Bregy
- Joshua Pettit
- Joyeeta Bhattacharya
- Julia Cisneros
- Julia S. Wellner
- Jun Hu
- Justin I. Simon
- Justin N. Maki
- K. A. Blasl
- K. D. Irwin
- K. J. Genestreti
- K. J. Trattner
- K. Kobayashi
- K. L. Siebach
- Karan Jakhar
- Kareem Sorathia
- Karsten Gohl
- Katherine Garcia‐Sage
- Kaustubh Thirumalai
- Kejin Wang
- Kelly Hogan
- Kennda Lynch
- Kerry Emanuel
- Kevin Gaastra
- Kevin Pham
- Klaus Keller
- Kristen L. Underwood
- Kristine L. DeLong
- L. A. Parsons
- L. Golub
- Lara F. Pérez
- Laura De Santis
- Laure Zanna
- Lauren Gregoire
- Lauren M. Simkins
- Laurence Y. Yeung
- Lee T. Murray
- Li‐Jen Chen
- Louis S. Hansen
- Luigi Jovane
- Léonard Seydoux
- M. B. Weller
- M. E. French
- M. E. Glasgow
- M. E. Hill
- M. E. Pritchard
- M. G. A. Lapôtre
- M. G. Henderson
- M. Gkioulidou
- M. H. Burger
- M. Hesse
- M. I. Desai
- M. J. Wiltberger
- M. Jellinek
- M. Luke McCormack
- M. M. Oppenheim
- M. Nachon
- M. R. Osburn
- M. Snow
- M. T. Thorpe
- M. Volwerk
- M.‐C. Fok
- Mainak Mookherjee
- Mark A. Richards
- Mark A. Torres
- Martin Hosner
- María Chapela Lara
- Matt O’Regan
- Matthew A. Young
- Matthew Garcia
- Matěj Peč
- Maxime Maurice
- Miao Zhang
- Michael K. Tippett
- Michael M. Tice
- Michael P. Erb
- Michael Person
- Michael Way
- Michał Chamarczuk
- Min Chen
- Moa Persson
- Muhammad Bin Hassan
- N. Ahmadi
- N. Buzulukova
- N. L. Bangs
- N. Mangold
- N. Varela
- Naomi Maruyama
- Natalie J. Burls
- Nathan J. Steiger
- Neala Creasy
- Nicholas P. McKay
- Nicolas B. Cowan
- Ning Lin
- Nori Nakata
- Owen Roberts
- P. H. Reiff
- P. J. Tackley
- P. M. Bremner
- P. S. Athiray
- Pak Wah Chan
- Paola Testa
- Patrick Dobson
- Paul J. Hanson
- Paul J. Valdes
- Pedram Hassanzadeh
- Pengcheng Fu
- Pilar Sánchez‐Pastor
- Preston C. Kemeny
- Q. Ma
- Qian Wu
- Qiushi Zhai
- R. A. Mewaldt
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- R. B. Torbert
- R. D. Catchings
- R. E. Arvidson
- R. E. Denton
- R. H. Levy
- R. J. Mellors
- R. J. Strangeway
- R. L. McNutt
- R. M. E. Williams
- R. M. Millan
- R. Mark Leckie
- R. Nakamura
- R. P. Barnes
- Rajdeep Dasgupta
- Rambod Mojgani
- Ramón López
- Rebecca J. Sheesley
- Rebecca Totten Minzoni
- René Steinmann
- Richard B. Horne
- Richard G. Gordon
- Robert D Larter
- Robert McKay
- Roger C. Wiens
- Romina Nikoukar
- Ruza Ivanovic
- S. A. Fuselier
- S. A. Glauert
- S. D. Bale
- S. F. Sholes
- S. K. Bajgain
- S. K. Vines
- S. L. Bilek
- S. M. Petrinec
- S. Ohtani
- S. R. Elkington
- S. Sazykin
- S. Wang
- Sabrina Savage
- Sahand Hajimirza
- Samantha Stevenson
- Sandro W. Lubis
- Sarah J. Feakins
- Scott Knapp
- Seán P. Blake
- Shanshan Bao
- Shantanab Debchoudhury
- Signe K. White
- Simon L. Pendleton
- Sina Sadeghzadeh
- Stéphane Le Mouélic
- Suzana J. Camargo
- Sylvia Dee
- T. D. Herbert
- T. Dylan Mikesell
- T. Leonard
- T. Taira
- Theodore M. Present
- Thomas J. Aubry
- Thomas Westerhold
- Tian Y. Dong
- Timothy J. Kneafsey
- Tongjiang Wang
- Travis Swanson
- Tripti Bhattacharya
- Upmanu Lall
- V. G. Merkin
- V. N. Coffey
- V. Payré
- V. Schulte-Pelkum
- V. Z. Sun
- Vassilis Angelopoulos
- Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos
- Vincent J. M. Salters
- Volodymyr V. Mihunov
- W. H. Matthaeus
- Weiqin Sun
- Wenbin Wang
- William C. Hockaday
- William H. McDowell
- William Longley
- Won Sang Lee
- Xiangnan Zhou
- Xin Tie
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- Yuri Fialko
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- Yuzhen Yan
- Yves Guglielmi
- Yūsuke Yokoyama
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- Zhigang Peng