Rice University, Department of Earth Science
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Source to Sink Explanation for Clastic Sediment Around Islands on the Middle Shelf of the Great Barrier Reef Platform
- Along-Strike Variation in the Ocean-Continent Transition off Iberia From Seismic Reflection Profiles
- Balanced Profiles across the Iberia Rifted Margin
- Comparative Thermal Structures of Circum-Pacific Subduction Zones
- Constraints on the 3D Velocity Structure of Kilauea Volcano: Analysis of Onshore-Offshore Traveltime Data Through Forward Modeling
- Constraints on the Character of Plate Tectonics From the Study of Diffuse Plate Boundaries
- Current Plate Motion Across the Southwest Indian Ridge: Implications for the Diffuse Oceanic Plate Boundary Between Nubia and Somalia
- Displacement Partitioning, Boundary-Parallel Terrane Migration, and Arc-Parallel Extension in the Aleutian Islands Based on Structural Analysis and GPS Geodesy
- Emplacement Mechanisms of the Olympus Mons aureole deposits (OMAD)
- Environmental Change at the Time of the Paleocene-Eocene Biotic Turnover; a Palynological Perspective
- Geophysical diffraction tomography and waveform inversion: Applications to high resolution seismic data
- High Resolution 3-D Seismic Reflection and Tomography Experiments at a Groundwater Contamination Site
- Incorporating Continents into a Theory of the Earth's Heat Loss
- Massive Off-Shelf Siliciclastic Fluxes on the Northeast Australian Margin During Transgression
- Mineralogy of the Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers: Implications for River Switching and Late Quaternary Climate Change
- Modeling the Potential Volume of Gas Hydrates Over Time and During Transient Climate Events
- Petrological Constraints on the Thermal Structure of the Southern Washington Cascades
- Plate Motions from Space Geodesy
- Seismic Characterization of a Gas Hydrate System in the Gulf of Mexico.
- Seismic Structure of the Jemez Lineament, New Mexico: Evidence for Heterogenous Accretion and Extension in Proterozoic Time, and Modern Volcanism
- Some Recent Results for Geologically Instantaneous Plate Motions
- Stable Isotopic Composition of Interstitial Waters and Authigenic Carbonates, New Jersey Shelf: Origin of Carbonates and Implication for Methane Flux
- Submarine Structure and Stratigraphy of the South Kona Slump, Hawaii: Results from the MBARI 2001 Hawaii Expedition
- Sulfate Profiles and Barium Fronts in Sediment on the Blake Ridge: Present and Past Depths of Anaerobic Methane Oxidation Above a Large Gas Hydrate Reservoir
- The ABYSS Mission: Satellite Altimetry Optimized for Seafloor Geophysics
- The influence of subduction zone thermal structure on arc magma chemistry: B and fluid-mobile elements
- 3-D Seismic Tomography Survey at a Groundwater Contamination Site
- 3-D, Near-Surface Seismic Reflection Investigation at a Groundwater Contamination Site
- Ancient to Modern History of the Jemez Lineament of North Central New Mexico
- Breakup at the West Galicia Rifted Margin: Waveform Inversion, Depth Imaging and Structural Reconstructions
- Changes in Clay Mineral Preferred Orientations During Progressive Sediment Accretion in the Nankai Accretionary Prism
- Crustal Growth in the Rocky Mountains Based on Seismic Refraction/Wide-Angle Reflection Data
- Density and elastic properties of peridotite: implications for the structure of the deep lithospheric mantle
- Discovering Plate Boundaries, a data rich classroom exercise
- Etch Pit Formation and Metal Release During Siderophore-Promoted Dissolution of Iron-Silicate Surfaces
- Heat Flow Scaling for Mantle Convection with Continents and Preliminary Application to Continental Growth
- Influence of Grain Fracture and Shape Evolution on Fault Gouge Strength in Particle Dynamics Simulations
- Microbial Activity in the Subseafloor Sediments of ODP Leg 201
- One Model for Scientist Involvement in K-12 Education: Teachers Experiencing Antarctica and the Arctic Program
- Particle Dynamics Simulations of Rate and State Dependent Frictional Sliding of Granular Fault Gouge
- Seismic velocity and attenuation structures at the top 400 km of the inner core
- Stereochemical recognition revisited: A step-specific model for shape control
- Strong seismic reflectors at mid-mantle depth beneath the Mariana and Indonesia subduction zones
- The Longevity and Stability of Cratonic Lithosphere: Insights From Numerical Simulations of Coupled Mantle Convection and Continental Tectonics
- The Role of Mg<SUP>+2</SUP> in the Dissolution of Pure Calcite: Insights from AFM and Vertical Scanning Interferometry
- The Thermal Structure of Stable Continental Lithosphere Within a Dynamic Mantle
- Total Tectonic Subsidence Analysis Provides Constraint on Basement Composition Near the Peridotite Ridge on the West Iberia Continental Margin
- Transpressional Strain Partitioning and the Compatibility of GPS Velocities and Earthquakes Focal Mechanisms in the Aleutian Arc
- Youthful Belize Barrier Reef: Strengthening the Model for a Mid-Brunhes Global Establishment of Modern Barrier Reefs
- 3D Onshore-Offshore Seismic Investigation of Kilauea Volcano, HI
- A Tropical View of Quaternary Sequence Stratigraphy and a Dynamic View of the Sink Along the Northeast Australian Margin: The Accumulation of Riverine Material on Slopes Since the Last Glacial Maximum
- An explanation for the surface area of continents versus oceans
- Anomalous top layer in the inner core beneath the eastern hemisphere
- Can we achieve consistent inner-core models from ISC travel-time data and waveform data?
- Carbon Cycling in Gas Hydrate Systems and Consideration of the Time Domain
- Characterization and Timing of Siliciclastic Sediment Fluxes to Continental Slopes of the Coral Sea During the Late Quaternary
- Composition and Structure of Mauna Loa's Submarine West Flank, Hawaii
- Connecting the Molecular- With the Macro-scale: Evidence for the Stepwave Dissolution Model
- Developing a methodology for imaging stress transients at seismogenic depth
- Diffuse Oceanic Plate Boundaries: Mapping the Relationship Between Angular Velocity and Torque as a Function of Assumed Rheology
- Effects of lateral heterogeneities on receiver-function imaging: the case of subducting slab
- Emplacement of the Peridotite Ridge Within the Ocean-Continent Transition on the West Iberia Continental Margin
- Estimation of two dimensional von Karman stochastic parameters from the seismic coda
- Evaluating an Introductory Geoscience Classroom Exercise using Pre- and Post-Exercise Assessments
- Expulsion of Barium and Methane at Mud Volcanoes in the Gulf of Mexico
- Glacioeustatic Changes in the Early and Middle Eocene (51-42 Ma) Greenhouse World Based on Shallow-Water Stratigraphy from ODP Leg 189 Site 1171 and Oxygen Isotope Records
- Influence of Grain Shape and Wall Roughness on Rock Friction in DEM Simulations
- Iodine-129 and Chlorine-36 as Tracers of Hydrodynamic Processes in Coalbed Methane Systems: Environmental Implications
- Lithospheric Structure from the Jemez Lineament to the Cheyenne Belt, Southern Rocky Mountains
- Mineral Dissolution Rates as a Function of Distance From Equilibrium
- Mineral Surfaces and Their Implications for Microbial Attachment: Results from Monte Carlo Simulations and Direct Surface Observations
- Model for the Establishment of Modern Atolls during the Mid Brunhes MIS 12 to MIS 11 Sea Level Transgression in the Maldive Archipelago (Equatorial Indian Ocean)
- ODP Hole 1000A, Northern Nicaragua Rise, Caribbean Sea: Further Evidence of Globally Synchronous Intervals of Carbonate Preservation and Dissolution During the Quaternary?
- Overpressures and Lithification State of Underthrust Sediments Along the Nankai Accretionary Margin: Implications for Décollement Evolution
- Past Ice Flow in Pine Island Bay, West Antarctica, From Marine Geophysical Evidence
- Physical property of a chemical heterogeneity in the mid-mantle: seismic evidence for an oceanic crust in the mid-mantle
- Possible Temperature-Related Slope and Surface Roughness Differences Between the North and South Walls of Coprates Chasma, Mars
- Probing the Microbe-Mineral Interface: Towards A Quantitative Treatment of Mineral-Surface Processes in the Context of Microbial Attachment
- Receiver-function imaging of the crustal and mantle structure beneath South Africa: a comparison of stacking and migration
- Revised Estimate of the Cenozoic Motion Between the Tristan da Cunha Hotspot and Pacific Hotspots
- Solid and Dissolved Barium Profiles in Gas Hydrate Systems at Blake Ridge (ODP 164) and Peru Margin (ODP 201): Implications for Long-Term Carbon-Cycling in the Deep Biosphere.
- Sources of gas hydrates: <SUP>129</SUP>I results from Blake Ridge, Nankai Trough, Peru Margin and Hydrate Ridge
- Stability of a Chemical Boundary Layer Within a Convecting Mantle
- The Angular Velocity of Nubia Relative to Somalia and the Location of the Nubia-Somalia-Antarctica Triple Junction
- The Boring Volcanic Field of the Portland Basin: Diverse Primitive Mafic Magmas Erupted in a Frontal Arc Setting
- The Effects of Microbial Surface Attachment on the Dissolution Kinetics of Plagioclase Feldspar
- The Hilina Slump: Consequences of Slope Failure and Volcanic Spreading Along the Submarine South Flank of Kilauea Volcano, HI
- The Intrinsic Mass Balance Problem With Using Biogenic Barite Accumulation to Record Past Productivity
- The Origin of Continental Crust by Intracrustal Differentiation of Basalt in Magmatic Arcs: Trace and Major Element Evidence From Lower Crustal Eclogites Beneath the Sierra Nevada Batholith
- The feedback between planetary evolution, melt production and tectonic regimes
- Towards a Physical Understanding of the Effects of Depth-dependent Rheology on Mantle Convection
- Trace-Element Evidence for an Aqueous Atmospheric Origin of Desert Varnish: implications for the aqueous atmospheric input flux into the ocean
- Unexpected Temperature-Fluid Composition Paths in Kinetic Models of Contact Metamorphism of Siliceous Dolomites
- <SUP>14</SUP>C and <SUP>13</SUP>C Constraints on CO<SUB>2</SUB> Cycling in Pristine and Deforested Lowland Amazonian Rivers
- A search for temporal variations in the scattered wavefield associated with the 1993 Parkfield aseismic transient event: a calibration between borehole and surface instruments
- A synthesis on lower mantle reflectors/scatterers and discontinuities beneath the western Pacific subduction zones
- Acoustical Surveys Of Methane Plumes By Using The Quantitative Echo Sounder In The Eastern Margin Of The Sea of Japan
- Brunhes Evolution of the Belize Mixed Siliciclastic Carbonate Margin: Source to Sink Dynamics Relative to Glacial-Interglacial Sea Level Fluctuations
- Comparative Laboratory and Numerical Simulations of Shearing Granular Fault Gouge: Micromechanical Processes
- Cratons are from Earth, Planum are from Venus
- Cycling of Halogens Through the Cascadia Subduction Zone and the Cascade Volcanic arc: Insights From Thermal Springs in Central Oregon, USA
- Depth Migration Comparison to Waveform Tomography from a high Resolution 3D Seismic Dataset
- Detection of Subsurface Stress/Strain Changes with Active Source Monitoring at the Parkfield SAFOD Drill Site
- Developing a Methodology for Measuring Stress Transients at Seismogenic Depth
- Dissolved barium and authigenic barite above gas hydrates: Microbially mediated reactions at the Sea of Japan UT04 Ridge and Seep Area.
- Distribution of Post-Rift Sills on the Newfoundland Nonvolcanic Margin Around the ODP Leg 210 Transect From Waveform Inversions and Synthetic Seismograms
- Dynamic Weakening of the San Andreas Fault by the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake
- Effects of a Low Viscosity Zone on Plate Tectonics and Mantle Convection in the Terrestrial Planets: A Physical Theory and Numerical Experiments
- Effects of gouge zone evolution on frictional and mechanical behavior of fault zones: insights from Distinct Element simulations
- Emplacement and Growth of Serpentinite Seamounts on the Mariana Forearc
- Extreme Acidification of the Deep Sea at the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary: New Constraints From Ocean Drilling Program Leg 208
- Fear not the tectosphere (and other -spheres)
- Fifty Million Years of Fixed Hotspots: A New Self-Consistent Global Set of Plate Rotations
- Fluid Flow in the Main and Fore Arc of Central America: <SUP>129</SUP>I as Tracer of Subduction Processes
- Formation of carbonate concretions in deep-sea sediment below the CCD and above an active gas hydrate system
- Has the Classical Thermodynamic Concept of Solubility Lost Its Meaning for Carbonate Minerals in Complex Solutions
- How Were Southwest Pacific Pelagic Ecosystems Affected by Extreme Global Warming During the Initial Eocene Thermal Maximum?
- Initial Chronostratigraphic and Paleoclimatic Framework for Sediment Cores From the Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate System of the Gulf of Papua New Guinea
- Integrated Approach for Understanding Impurity Adsorption on Calcite: Mechanisms for Micro-scale Surface Phenomena
- Investigating an Inverted Soil Column in Northern Tanzania: Could Intense Groundwater Weathering be the Culprit?
- Latitudinal Shift of the Hawaiian Hotspot: Motion Relative to Other Hotspots or True Polar Wander?
- Lithospheric thickness, preservation of recycled oceanic lithosphere and the importance of water
- Mantle Discontinuities Beneath Japan Determined from CCP Stacking of Receiver Functions
- Massive Siliciclastic Accumulation on Slopes off Northeast Australia During the Last Sea Level Transgression: Response of an Intensified Monsoon at 10 ka?
- Methane Plumes over a Marine Gas Hydrate System in the Eastern Margin of the Sea of Japan: a Proposed Mechanism for the Transport of Significant Subsurface Methane to Shallow Waters
- Multi-Band Images from CD-ROM: Paleo-Subduction and Modern Basalt Extraction Structures in the Southern Rocky Mountains
- Neogene Evolution of the Mixed Carbonate/Siliciclastic Margin of the Gulf of Papua: Preliminary Results of Spring 2004 PANASH Cruise on the R/V Melville
- P to S scattered-wave imaging of the subducting slabs beneath Japan
- Paleomagnetic Tests of Global Plate Reconstructions with Fixed and Moving Hotspots
- Petrology and Provenance of Turbidite Sands From the Pandora and Moresby Troughs, Source to Sink Papua New Guinea Focus Area
- Pulling People into your Poster with a Little Provocation: Examples Using The Cooling Efficiency of Thermal Convection
- Quaternary Turbidite Sedimentation in the Moresby Trough, Preliminary Observations from the Papua New Guinea S2S Study Area
- Recycling the lid: The influence of subduction and stirring on convection in a fluid with a temperature-dependent viscosity with applications to planetary mantle convection
- Repeated Cycles of Flank Growth and Collapse on Olympus Mons, Mars: Comparisons to Hawaiian Volcanoes
- Scattered Wavefield Within the San Andreas Fault System, California
- Sediment Flux to the Gulf of Papua Continental Slope Using Pb-210 Geochronology, Source to Sink Papua New Guinea Focus Area
- Seismic and Sediment Data From Herbert Sound, Northwestern Weddell Sea, Indicate a Long-Lived Holocene Ice Canopy
- Seismic anisotropy in the lower mantle: a comparison of waveform splitting of SKS and SKKS
- Similar oxygen fugacities in arc and MORB mantle source regions: evidence from V/Sc systematics
- The Composition and Flux of Terrigenous Material from the late Paleocene to the early Eocene in the Indian Ocean
- Thrust Stacking and the Creation and Preservation of Cratonic Lithosphere
- Uppermost Pleistocene Sea-Level Transgression across a Last Glacial Maximum Mixed Carbonate/Siliciclastic Coastline, Modern Gulf of Papua Shelf Break in the Northern Ashmore Trough
- A Giant Arctic Freshwater Pond at the end of the Early Eocene; Implications for Ocean Heat Transport and Carbon Cycling
- A Potential Strong Connection Between Climate Change and the Solid Body Dynamics of Terrestrial Planets
- A Simultaneous Imaging Method of Multiple Scattering Modes for Detecting a Fault-Zone Heterogeneous Structure of the San Andreas Fault, Parkfield, California
- Accuracy and precision in measurements of biomass oxidative ratios
- An Arc Origin for Archean High MgO "Eclogite" Xenoliths?
- Anomalous High Seismic Velocity Zones Along Major Strike-Slip Faults in the Collision Belt of Coastal Venezuela: Results of the BOLIVAR Project
- Authigenic Mineral Fronts as Recorders of Past and Present Methane Fluxes: Offshore Concepcion, Chile
- BOLIVAR: Crustal Structure Across the Caribbean-South American Plate Boundary at 70W: Results from Refraction and Reflection Data.
- BOLIVAR: Seismic Structure of the Leeward Antilles Arc and Growth of the South American continent
- Buried Rift Zones and Seamounts in Hawaii: Implications for Volcano Tectonics
- Computer Simulation Investigations Of Plagioclase Dissolution
- Correlated Oxygen Fugacity and Slab-Derived Fluid Flux Linked to Oceanic Fracture Zone Subduction at Nevado de Longavi Volcano, Southern Andes.
- Craton Formation Via Thrust Stacking: Constraints on Proto-Cratonic Lithosphere From Geodynamics, Seismology, and Geochemistry
- Crustal Structure Beneath China Inferred from Receiver Function and Apparent SS wave Splitting
- Crustal Structure of the Caribbean-South American Diffuse Plate Boundary: Subduction Zone Migration and Polarity Reversal Along BOLIVAR Profile 64W
- Deformation Analyses and Lithologic Characterization in Overpressured Basins Based on Logging While Drilling and Wireline Results from the Gulf of Mexico
- Deformational History and Rotation of the Leeward Antilles Island Arc: Results of the BOLIVAR Project
- Diffuse Oceanic Plate Boundaries, Thin Viscous Sheets of Oceanic Lithosphere, and Late Miocene Changes in Plate Motion and Tectonic Regime
- Discovering Plate Boundaries, A Data-Rich Inquiry-Based Classroom Exercise for Teaching Plate Tectonic Boundary Processes
- Episodic Precambrian subduction
- Experimental Investigation of High-Temperature Iron Isotope Fractionation in the Iron-Iron Sulfide System
- Extent of West Antarctic Ice Sheet During the LGM, Timing of Retreat and Potential Contribution to MWP Ia
- Extremely High Late Paleocene - Early Eocene Sea Surface Temperatures On The North Pole
- Formation of gas Hydrate and Carbonate Nodules Around Active Seeps of Thermogenic Methane at Eastern Margin of Japan Sea
- Geochemical Investigation of Serpentinized Oceanic Lithospheric Mantle in the Feather River Ophiolite, California: Implications for the Recycling Flux of Water by Subduction
- Geological Consequences of Unequal Loading of Sedimentary Units, at Passive, Transform, and Convergent Margins
- Granular Friction and Interparticle Force Networks; Effects of Particle Size, Size Distribution, and Strain Rate
- Horizontal Thermal Contraction of Oceanic Lithosphere and Implications for the Rigid Plate Approximation
- Hydrogeology of the Ursa Region, Northern Gulf of Mexico, IODP Expedition 308 Sites U1322 and U1324
- Imaging the Subducting Pacific Slab Beneath Southwestern Japan
- In-situ pressure measurements in the Ursa Basin, Northeast Gulf of Mexico
- Increased Oxygenation of the Oceans Since the Mid-Cenozoic as Constrained by Cr/Co and Os/Ir Ratios in Oxic Pelagic Sediments
- Large scale mass wasting as a possible mechanism of formation of highly thinned continental crust and the S reflector on the Galicia rifted margin
- Nevado de Longavi Dacites: Adakite Genesis by Intra-Crustal Fractional Crystallization in a Cold Subduction Zone
- Non-closure of the geologically instantaneous global plate motion circuit: Implications for plate non-rigidity
- Paleomagnetic Poles From the Skewness of Marine Magnetic Anomalies
- Particle Dynamics Simulations of Gravitational Volcanic Deformation
- Pressure, Temperature and Flow in the Ursa Basin Ssediment Ccover, Northeast Gulf of Mexico
- Repeat microearthquakes observed in western Nagano, Japan and implications to rupture dynamics
- Rifting and Breakup Between Newfoundland and Iberia
- Search for mid-mantle discontinuities at approximately 1000 km depth in South America using S to P conversions and SS precursors
- Shallow Structure Characterization at a Groundwater Contamination Site: Seismic Processing and Tomographic Inversion
- The Asthenosphere and the Horizontal Length-Scale of Mantle Convection
- The Kitchen Sink and the Professors Drawer
- The Surface Area of Continents and Oceans and the Cooling of the Earth
- The conditions for plate tectonics: what went wrong everywhere else
- Towards a comprehensive and internally consistent database for partition coefficients of REEs in ultramafic minerals
- A Holocene Paleoclimatic history from Neny Fjord, Antarctic Peninsula.
- A Mechanism of Slab Stagnation in The Mantle Transition Zone
- Acoustical Surveys of Methane Plumes by Using the Quantitative Echo Sounder in Japan Sea
- BOLIVAR & GEODINOS: Investigations of the Southern Caribbean Plate Boundary
- Bolivar: Crustal Structure of the Caribbean-South America plate boundary at 70W
- Calcite Growth in Nonstoichiometric Solutions: The Role of Ca2+/CO32- Ratio in Biomineralization
- Continuous in-situ measurement of stress-induced travel time variation with coda interferometry
- Crustal Thickness Variations Along the Southeastern Caribbean Plate Boundary From Teleseismic and Active Source Seismic Data
- Direct Detection of Temporal Variations in Seismic Scatterers at Seismogenic Depth Attributed to the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake
- Excess 210Pb Inventories and Fluxes Along the Continental Slope and Basins of the Gulf of Papua
- Exhumation of high-pressure Metamorphic rocks along the coast of Venezuela: Insights from BOLIVAR Seismic Reflection and Refraction Data
- Finite-Frequency Traveltime Tomography for Active-Source Seismic Data
- Fluid Flow in Subduction Zones: Comparison of I-129 Results From the Main and Fore Arc of Central America
- GEODVEL: Plate Motions From Space Geodesy
- Geometrical effects of fault bends on fault frictional and mechanical behavior: insights from Distinct Element simulations
- Geophysical implications of reduction in thermal conductivity due to hydration
- Halogen and ^{129}I Distributions in Pore Waters From Actively Venting Gas Hydrate Fields Near Sado Island, Eastern Japan Sea
- Halogens in the Dry Valleys Lakes, Antarctica: dynamic cycling between water, sediment, and cryogenic evaporites
- High-temperature measurements of olivine thermal diffusivity
- Holocene Climate Variability and Glacial History in a Southern Patagonia Tidewater Glacier System, Marinelli Fjord, Chile
- Horizontal Thermal Contractional Strain of Oceanic Lithosphere: The Ultimate Limit to the Rigid Plate Hypothesis
- Imaging mid-mantle structure beneath South America using S to P converted waveforms
- Insights into the deep continental lithosphere from xenolith studies
- Late Quaternary Variations in Carbonate and Siliciclastic Sedimentation From the Gulf of Papua New Guinea Based on Elemental Records
- Linking Variations at Millennial Time Scale of Sediment Nature and Accumulation to Sea- Level Fluctuations, Since Last Glacial Maximum, Along a Core Transect Across Central Pandora Trough (Gulf of Papua)
- Mapping the D" Discontinuity Beneath Northern Pacific and Aleutians With USArray and California Seismic Networks
- Moving beyond NUVEL-1A: The MORVEL estimates of geologically recent global plate motions
- New evidence for deep magma migration in Hawaii: Seismic tomography of Kilauea and Loihi volcanoes
- Oblique Collision of the Leeward Antilles, Offshore Venezuela: Linking Onshore and Offshore Data from BOLIVAR
- Overpressure in shallow sediment at the Ursa Basin, Gulf of Mexico
- Particle Dynamics Simulations of Deep-Water Fold and Thrust Belts: Coupled Extensional and Contractional Deformation along Passive Continental Margins
- Physical Properties of Stacked Slumps in the Ursa Region, Northern Gulf of Mexico (IODP Expedition 308) Determined from Log, Core, and Seismic Data
- Pore Water Composition at Gas Seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Understanding Flow Regime and Chemical Processes
- Quantifying Mixing and Scales of Heterogeneity in 2-D Numerical Models of Chaotic Mantle Mixing
- Quantifying methane hydrate distribution in worldwide sediments: Comparison between observations and numerical simulations
- Resolving the Refractory-Labile Black Carbon Paradox
- SHALDRIL II: Record of Climate, Cryosphere and Ecological Changes in the Antarctic Peninsula Region During the Late Paleogene and Neogene
- Spreading-rate-dependent anomalous skewness and the estimate of the chron 32 palaeomagnetic pole for the Pacific plate
- Tearing the lithosphere: Diachronous slab detachment along the Venezuelan margin from BOLIVAR seismic data
- Terrigenous Eolian Grain-Size through the Initial Eocene Thermal Maximum: Results from the South Atlantic (ODP Site 1263) and North Pacific (ODP Site 1209)
- The Art and Science of Demonstrating Deep Time
- The Effect of Continental Growth On The Thermal Evolution of The Earth
- The Effects of Decomposition on the Oxidative Ratio and Carbon Oxidation State of Organic Matter
- The Potential of a Climate Change Induced Transition in the Global Tectonic Style of a Terrestrial Planet
- The Relationship Between Free Energy, Lattice Ion Ratio, and Dissolution Rate
- Using Elastic Wave Seismic Data to Image an Ultra-shallow Buried Paleo- channel
- Waveform Inversion of the Teleseismic Wavefield
- Accuracy and Precision in Measurements of Biomass Oxidative Ratio and Carbon Oxidation State
- Analysis of Changes in Biochemical Composition Under Free-Air CO2 enrichment by 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Leaf Litter, Roots, and Soils From Oak Ridge
- BOLIVAR: Crustal structure of the Caribbean-South America plate boundary between 60W and 70W from wide-angle seismic data
- BOLIVAR: the Caribbean-South America plate boundary between 60W and 71W as imaged by seismic reflection data
- Boron in mid-Ocean Ridge Mantle Rocks
- Calcite Growth and Dissolution in Nonstoichiometric Solutions: A Site-Specific Role for Carbonate Control in Biomineralization
- Continental Arc subduction Zone Processes: Insights from Quartz-Bearing High Mg# Metasomatic Selvages in Mantle Xenoliths
- Continental Growth and the Thermal History of the Earth
- Detection of Subsurface Stress/Strain Changes with Active Source Monitoring at the Parkfield SAFOD Drill Site
- Distribution and geometry of magma bodies within Hawaiian volcanic edifices inferred from 3-D seismic velocity and density models
- Distribution of boron and lithium in serpentinites using laser ablation ICP-MS
- Dynamic Weakening of the San Andreas Fault by the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake
- Effect of Urbanization on River CO2 Emissons
- Effects of Seafloor Temperature on the Distribution of Methane Hydrate
- Evidence for True Polar Wander since mid-Cenozoic time: A Paleomagnetic Investigation of the Skewness of Magnetic Anomaly 12r (32 Ma) Between the Galapagos and Clarion Fracture Zones on the Pacific Plate
- Evidence for organized subglacial meltwater drainage beneath the Pine Island and Marguerite paleo-ice streams, Antarctica following the Last Glacial Maximum
- Geophysical Investigation of an Abandoned Cemetery: Teachers Discover Evidence of Unmarked Graves in Prairie View, TX
- High resolution record of glacial retreat in an Antarctic fjord, Maxwell Bay, South Shetland Islands
- Influence of Rheology on the Lengthscale of Mantle Convection
- Investigation of the Effects of H2O on Melting of a Primitive Martian Mantle Composition
- Joint inversion of receiver functions and Rayleigh wave dispersion for crustal and upper mantle structures: a comparison of a nonlinear genetic approach and a linear inversion
- Lithium Isotopic Composition of Mantle Xenoliths From the Western U.S. - Implications for Metasomatic and Delamination Events of the North American Lithosphere
- Mantle Anisotropy in Northern Alaska: Analysis of ARCTIC Seismic Data Using Shear Wave Splitting
- Mapping The Variations Of Moho Depth And Poisson's Ratio In China With Receiver Function Analyses
- Mineral-Water Reaction Kinetics: From Molecules to Mountains
- Natural Variation in the Carbon Oxidation State and Oxidative Ratio of a Deciduous Forest
- Origin and evolution of the interstitial waters of gas hydrate-bearing sediments, eastern margin of Japan Sea
- Redox controls on solute transfer between shallow sediments and bottom-waters: Chemical and isotopic evidence from two Antarctic Dry Valley Lakes
- Rejuvenation and aging of carbon in rivers: Sources, exports and interactions among fractions in the Amazon and other systems
- Searching for Seismic Signatures of a Plume Source at the Base of the Mantle Below the Galapagos Island Hotspot
- Seismic Evidence for a Distinctly Anisotropic Innermost Inner Core
- Seismic Evidence for a Vertical Tear in the South American Lithosphere Offshore Venezuela
- Seismic imaging of scatterer migration using waveform data of repeating earthquakes
- Spatial Clustering and Repeating of Seismic Events Observed Along the 1976 Tangshan Fault, North China
- Temperature-Dependent Thermal Diffusivity of Crustal Minerals, Rocks and Melts: Implications for Positive Thermal Feedback During Crustal Anatexis
- The Comparison of Earthquake Rupture Processes along Sumatra-Andaman Subduction Zone Revealed by CNDSN
- The Effects of Volatile Cycyling on Planetary Thermal Evolution
- The Galicia Bank Influence on the Southern Iberia Abyssal Plain Drilling Transect
- The Role of Ca2+/CO32- Ratio in Calcite Growth: An Underestimated Factor in Calcium Carbonate Biomineralization
- The Translation and Rotation With Which to Define the North American plate
- Thermal diffusivity of pyroxene, feldspar, and silica melts, glasses, and single-crystals at high temperature
- Topography of the 660-km discontinuity beneath northeast China: Implications for a retrograde motion of the subducting Pacific slab
- USArray Receiver Function Images of the Lithosphere in the Western U.S.
- Updated Pacific Plate Paleomagnetic Pole for Chron 32 (72 Ma), Uncertainties in Pacific- Hotspot Rotations, and Updated Pacific-Hotspot Plate Reconstructions
- Upper mantle structure beneath the Caribbean - South American plate boundary from surface wave tomography
- Water contents in mantle xenoliths from the Colorado Plateau and vicinity: Implications for the rheology and hydration-induced thinning of continental lithosphere
- A Mantle Xenolith Window Into the Grenville Orogeny of Southern Laurentia
- Application of compound-specific radiocarbon dating for Antarctic margin sediments
- Compositional Effect on Hydrate/Free Gas Transition and BSR
- Compositions of HIMU, EM1, and EM2 from Global Trends between Radiogenic Isotopes and Major Elements in Ocean Island Basalts
- Constraints from Magmas on the Upper Mantle beneath the Western US
- Contrasting geochemical trends in the fertile and refractory parts of the NE Atlantic mantle source
- Controls on the Origin and Cycling of Riverine Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Brazos River, Texas
- Crustal and Mantle Structure of the Jalisco Block of western Mexico from Surface Wave Tomography
- Depositional Facies Recovered in Cores from the Northwestern Weddell Sea, Antarctica, from the Pre-Glacial Eocene through the Glacial Pliocene
- Development a Novel Method to Isolate Fatty Acids for Compound-specific Radiocarbon Dating to Reconstruct West Antarctic Ice Sheet Melting History
- Discrete Element Simulations of Density-Driven Volcanic Deformation: Applications to Martian and Terrestrial Volcanoes
- Do transform faults parallel plate motion?
- Effect of Lithologic Heterogeneities on Gas Hydrate Distribution
- Evidence for a low velocity zone at the core-mantle boundary beneath the Gulf of Mexico
- Extending Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Data for Permeability Estimation in Fine-Grained Sediments
- Geophysical Characterization by the SAGE Program of Intrabasin Fault-Influenced Stratigraphic Variations in the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico, USA
- Geophysical Field Work for Educators: Teachers Use Ground-Penetrating Radar to Study San Jacinto Battlefield Park
- Global systematics of major elements in OIBs - the relative contribution of source heterogeneity and conditions of melting
- Helium in a convecting mantle
- High Resolution Transition Zone Structures Beneath Western USA
- Kumano Forearc Basin Uplift and Megasplay Fault Development: 3D Seismic Images of Nankai Margin off Kii Peninsula, Japan
- Late Quaternary Paleoceanography, Productivity, and Sedimentation in the Western Tropical Pacific, Gulf of Papua
- Liquid water in small solar system bodies, and the possibilities for evolution of life
- Low Viscosity Channels and the Stability of Long Wavelength Convection
- MORVEL: A new estimate for geologically recent plate motions
- Mantle Convection, Plate Tectonics, and the Asthenosphere: A Bootstrap Model of the Earth's Internal Dynamics
- Mantle Episodicity From Within and From Above
- Oceanic hypoxia and mass extinction at the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary triggered by a flare-up of arc volcanism
- Particle Dynamics Simulations of Fault Slip From the Micro- to the Macro-scale
- Phytotoxicity and Plant Productivity Analysis of Tar-Enriched Biochars
- Pleistocene Submarine Groundwater Discharge Along the Atlantic Continental Shelf, New England: The Role of Ice Sheets
- Poiseuille-Couette flow in Low-Viscosity Asthenosphere
- Porosity vs. Permeability Behavior of Shallow Mudstones in the Ursa Basin, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
- Ridges and Hot Spots: Reconciling Isotopes and Major Elements
- Scientific Ocean Drilling to Assess Submarine Geohazards along European Margins
- SdP receiver function images of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary beneath the Western U.S using USArray data
- Seismic Attribute and Logging Data Correlation at IODP NanTroSEIZE Sites C0001, C0002, and C0004
- Seismic Evidence for Remote Triggering of Fault-Strength Changes on the San Andreas Fault at Parkfield
- Seismic Imaging of Stress Transient
- Seismic Waveform Tomography Using Multi-component Data at a Shallow Groundwater Contamination Site
- Sub Moho boundary beneath island arc, Japan
- Subduction Geometry at the Southeastern Caribbean Plate Boundary Inferred from BOLIVAR Receiver-function Images
- The Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization of a Corn Ecosystem's Oxidative Ratio and Its Carbon Cycle Implications
- The Moho and the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary under the western U.S. from USArray PdS Receiver Functions
- Thin Viscous Sheet Models for Deformation of Indo-Australian Oceanic Lithosphere
- Three-Dimensional Particle Dynamics Simulations of Oblique Plate Convergence Using Bonded Particle Assemblages
- Tidally Influenced Iceberg Furrows on the Ross Sea Continental Shelf Indicate Rapid Flow and Likely Collapse of Ice Sheet
- Towards Soil and Sediment Inventories of Black Carbon
- Tracing groundwater input into Lake Vanda, Wright Valley, Antarctica using major ions, stable isotopes and noble gas
- Updated test of fixity of the Iceland hotspot relative to Pacific hotspots
- Volatile Cycling and Planetary Evolution
- A Search of Rigid Zone at the Top of the Outer Core with Underside Reflection of PKKP waves Recorded by the USArray
- A broad 660-km discontinuity beneath northeast China revealed by dense regional seismic networks in China
- Assessing the role of fluids in episodic tremor and slip events using active seismic sources: results from a prototype experiment in Cascadia (Invited)
- Carbonate-fluxed Melting of Silica-excess, MORB-like Pyroxenite and Genesis of Alkalic Ocean Island Basalts
- Changes in Plate Motion During Quaternary and Neogene Time (Invited)
- Coastal response to accelerated sea-level rise (>4 mm/yr) based on early-mid Holocene coastal evolution in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico
- Compositional Heterogeneities in the Oceanic Mantle Lithosphere: the Role of Melt-Rock Reactions
- Crosswell CASSM(Continuous Active-Source Seismic Monitoring): Recent Developments (Invited)
- Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath Northeast China Revealed from Receiver Function Analysis of Regional Seismic Networks
- Current plate motions relative to the hotspots consistent with the MORVEL global set of plate relative angular velocities
- Deep Onset of Carbonated Silicate Melting in the Earth’s Upper Mantle and Degassing of C-O-H Volatiles to the Exosphere (Invited)
- Discovering Plate Boundaries Update: Builds Content Knowledge and Models Inquiry-based Learning
- Discrete Element Simulations of Density-Driven Volcanic Deformation: Applications to Martian Caldera Complexes
- Do transform faults parallel plate motion?
- Effects of Land Use and Lithology on the Origin and Cycling of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Brazos River, Texas
- Engineering Biochar Hydrophobicity to Mitigate Risk of Top-Soil Erosion
- Eruption dynamics and vesiculation within Hawaiian fountains: The 1959 Kilauea Iki eruption
- Finite-Frequency Tomographic Images of Subducting Slabs in the Southeast Caribbean
- Fracture Genesis and Fracture Filling In Hydrate Systems
- Frequency-Dependent Traveltime Tomography For Controlled-Source, Near-Surface Seismic Data
- Geophysical Profiling of the New England Continental Shelf: Insights to Depositional History, Glaciations, and Subseafloor Freshwater
- Geophysical Survey of an Abandoned Cemetery in Prairie View, Texas: Unmarked Burials from Slave Era Discovered on College Campus
- Geophysics and Texas History: Teachers Utilize GPS and GPR Technology to Help Restore an Abandoned Cemetery
- Imaging lithosphere structure beneath the Colorado Plateau using Rayleigh wave tomography
- Inner Core Hemisphericity and Anisotropy: New Observations from Large Seismic Arrays (Invited)
- Interannual Variations in Ecosystem Oxidative Ratio in Croplands, Deciduous Forest, Coniferous Forest, and Early Successional Forest Ecosystems
- Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Phase Velocities Using USArray Data for the Colorado Plateau
- Lithospheric structure beneath the Colorado Plateau determined by receiver functions
- Major elements heterogeneities in the Earth’s mantle: perspectives from mantle outcrops and transition metal systematic of basalts
- Massive Methane Hydrate in Sediments to Cause the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Melting Phase Relation of Nominally Anhydrous, Carbonated Pelite at Sub-arc Depths and Cycling of Sedimentary Carbon in Subduction Zones
- Modeling Magma Decompression During the 1912 Plinian Eruption at Novarupta, Alaska
- Multi-scale seismic heterogeneity, complex subduction, and small-scale convection beneath the western U.S
- Numerical modeling of fold-and-thrust belts: Applications to Kuqa foreland fold belt, China
- Ocean Drilling in Service to Understanding Oceanic Geohazards (Invited)
- PdS and SdP Receiver Functions Image of the Lithosphere underneath the Southern African Regions
- Relationship Between Low-Velocity S-wave Anomalies, Asthenospheric Dynamics and Basaltic Volcanism in the Intraplate Setting of the Basin and Range, USA
- Remote Triggering of Fault-Strength Changes on the San Andreas Fault at Parkfield (Invited)
- Rift Zone Abandonment and Reconfiguration in Hawaii: Evidence from Mauna Loa’s Ninole Rift Zone
- Seismic anisotropy and mantle flow beneath northeast China inferred from regional seismic networks
- Seismic anisotropy and mantle flow beneath western Venezuela
- Shear-wave splitting observations of mantle anisotropy beneath Alaska
- Sulfate, Methane, Alkalinity, Calcium and Carbon Isotope (δ13C) Profiles as an Indicator of Upward Methane Flux
- The Antillean-South American Collision Zone as Imaged by BOLIVAR Seismic Data
- The Crust, the Slab Gap, the LAB, and the Mantle Wedge in the Mendocino Triple Junction Region
- The Displacement Rate Across the Pacific Plate due to Horizontal Thermal Contraction
- The Potential Impacts of Nutrient and CO2 Variations on Ecosystem Oxidative Ratio
- The role of lithosphere-asthenosphere interactions in global mantle dynamics (Invited)
- Timescale dependence of erosion rates, a case of study: Marinelli Glacier, Cordillera Darwin, southern Patagonia
- Towards high-resolution mantle convection simulations
- Water content of the Tanzanian cratonic mantle
- An Analytic Parameterized Thermal Convection Model Predicting Multiple Convective Regimes and Transition Behavior
- Anatomy of a Metamorphic Core Complex: Preliminary Results of Ruby Mountains Seismic Experiment, Northeastern Nevada
- Biochemical Disincentives to Fertilizing Cellulosic Ethanol Crops
- Climate Change and Biogeochemical Cycling in Green Lakes Valley, Colorado Front Range, USA
- Combined Investigation of Vs and Density Structure Beneath the Colorado Plateau Based on Gravity, Receiver Function and Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity Data
- Copper systematics during mantle melting and crustal differentiation in arcs: implications for S and Pb budgets of the continental crust
- Core-mantle partitioning of oxygen on Earth and Mars (Invited)
- Crust and Upper mantle heterogeneity in the Mendocino Triple Junction from teleseismic P-to-S scattered waves
- Current Plate Motion Relative to the Hotspots and to the Mantle
- Effect of Fluorine on Near-Liquidus Phase Equilibria of Basalts
- Effect of water on mantle melting and magma differentiation, as modeled using Adiabat_1ph 3.0
- Evidence for more extensive ice shelves along the Western Antarctic Peninsula during the Little Ice Age: observations from the LARISSA project in Barilari Bay, Graham Land
- Exploring Transient Fault Slip Behaviors and ``Earthquake'' Distributions Using Discrete Element Models
- Flux rates and sulfur isotopic composition of pore fluids from three mud volcanoes in the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Focused Fluid Flow and Gas Hydrate Distribution in Heterogeneous Marine Sediments
- Free gas in the regional hydrate stability zone: Implications for hydrate distribution and fracturing behavior
- Frequency Domain Full-Waveform Inversion in Imaging Thrust Related Features
- Global Carbon Reservoir Oxidative Ratios
- Heat Flow Partitioning Between Continents and Oceans - from 2D to 3D
- Influence of sea level and monsoon variability on sedimentation in the Western Tropical Pacific, Gulf of Papua
- Influence of the global LVZ on the tectonic style of a terrestrial planet
- Large amplitude variations in global carbon cycling and terrestrial weathering from the late Paleocene through the early Eocene: carbon isotope and terrigenous accumulation records at Mead Stream, New Zealand
- Large contrast observed in crustal composition and structure between the Ordos plateau and the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Linking Glaciation and Groundwater on Greenland: Implications for Subsurface Porefluid Chemistry and Sea-Level Rise
- Lithospheric structure beneath the Caribbean- South American plate boundary from S receiver functions
- Mantle differentiation and chemical cycling in the Archean (Invited)
- Mantle transition zone beneath eastern China and its tectonic implication (Invited)
- Mechanical Controls on Fault Vergence and Fold and Thrust Belt Kinematics Based on Discrete Element Simulations
- Mobilization and Metabolism of Deposited N in High Montane Forests of the Colorado Front Range, U.S
- Modeling magma flow in the plume source beneath Hawai'i
- New insights on methane cycling from analyses of carbonate samples from the Cascadia Margin
- Observation of a mid-mantle discontinuity beneath northeast China from S to P converted waves recorded by the USArray stations
- Onset of a small but significant regional climate change documented in high-resolution late Holocene sediment cores from the maritime western Antarctic Peninsula
- Optimization of Biofuel and Biochar Production from the Slow Pyrolysis of Biomass
- Petrology of Deep Storage, Ingassing, and Outgassing of Terrestrial Carbon (Invited)
- Pore water geochemistry of active methane venting sites, Umitaka Spur and Joetsu Knoll, eastern margin of the Japan Sea
- Post- Cretaceous stability and lithospheric architecture of the Colorado Plateau (CP): multiple working hypotheses for complex Moho structure. (Invited)
- Rapid Grounding Line Retreat Followed by Collapse of the Ross Ice Shelf : Response to Meltwater Pulse 1A
- Rapid and massive carbon injections of the Early Paleogene: The carbonate and planktonic foraminifera records at ODP Site 1215 (Equatorial Pacific Ocean)
- Reaction between MORB-Pyroxenite-derived Partial Melts and Subsolidus Peridotite at 3 GPa and Generation of Alkalic Ocean Island Basalts
- Receiver Function Imaging of Dipping Structures - Technique and Applications
- Refertilization of deep continental arc lithosphere: constraints from major element and trace element systematics in mantle xenoliths from the Sierra Nevada, California
- Rheological effects of microlites on the Plinian eruption of basaltic magma
- Seismic Evidence for Thermochemical Delamination and Convective Downwelling under the Western Colorado Plateau
- Slope failure of continental frontal ridges offshore Vancouver Island, British Columbia
- Study of Trailing Conduits in High Bond Number Metal-Silicate Plumes during Core Formation
- Subduction Cycling of C-O-H Volatiles Constrained by Near-Solidus Phase Relations of Water-undersaturated, Carbonated Pelite at 3 GPa
- The Holocene Sedimentary Record of Climate Change from Gualas Glacier, Golfo Elefantes, Northern Patagonia (46.5°S)
- The Importance of Mantle Composition in Controlling Magma Production Rates on Mars and Venus
- The Marine Record of Holocene Deglaciation and Paleoclimate Change, Antarctic Peninsula
- The Oceanic Lithosphere as Reactive Filter: Implications for MORB and Abyssal Peridotite Compositions
- The Response of Soil Carbon Stocks to Changing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentrations are Soil-Type-Dependent
- The extent of the Cratonic keel underneath the Southern African region: A 3D image using Finite-Frequency Tomography
- The response of the Gangdese magmatism to the India-Asia convergence
- Thermal and trace-element evolution of subducted sediments: insight from Pamir eclogitic and granulitic xenoliths (Invited)
- Toward Quantifying the Spreading-Rate Dependence of Anomalous Skewness of Marine Magnetic Anomalies due to Seafloor Spreading
- True Polar Wander and Hotspot Fixity: A Paleomagnetic Investigation of the Skewness of Magnetic Anomaly 12r (32 Ma B.P.) on the Pacific Plate
- 3-D Teleseismic Imaging of Scattered Wavefields Using Both Kirchhoff and Born Approximations
- A new model for bubble growth, deformation and coalescence for conduit dynamics
- An ikaite record of late Holocene climate at the Antarctic Peninsula
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Solubility in Natural Rhyolitic Melts at High Pressures - Implications for Carbon Flux in Subduction Zones by Sediment Partial Melts
- Changes in water, carbon, and nitrogen fluxes with the addition of biochar to soils: lessons learned from laboratory and greenhouse experiments
- Characterization of pumice textures to calculate bubble growth rate using Capillary number
- Combined teleseismic imaging of the structure of southern African cratons using P-receiver functions and P- and S- finite-frequency tomography
- Crustal structure of Northeast China from Ambient noise tomography using the NECESSArray
- Distal Impact Ejecta from the Gulf of Carpentaria: Have We Found Cometary Fragments as Part of the Ejecta Suite?
- Early Paleogene variations in the carbonate compensation depth of the Indian Ocean: New constraints using old boreholes (DSDP Leg 22)
- Eastern Olympus Mons Basal Scarp: Potential for active slope mobilization?
- Effects of syntectonic sedimentation on Cordilleran triangle zones: Insights from DEM simulations
- Estimating Crustal Seismic Anisotropy with a Joint Analysis of Radial and Transverse Receiver Function Data
- Evidence of accelerated erosion along the upper Texas coast
- Experimental characterization of bubble coalescence
- Experimental investigation of the transport of sulfur from the subducting crust to the mantle wedge
- Frequency-Dependent Traveltime Tomography for Near-Surface Seismic Data: Sensitivity Kernels and Synthetic and Real Data Examples
- Generation of Alkalic Intraplate Basalts via Partial Melting of a Carbonated Mantle
- Generation of mantle heterogeneity via reaction between MORB-pyroxenite derived partial melts and peridotite
- Geochemistry and petrology of mafic enclaves of metasedimentary origin: case study from the Peninsular Ranges Batholith, California
- Global Plate Reconstructions, Pacific Plate Apparent Polar Wander, and the Origin of the Bend in the Hawaiian-Emperor Chain
- How the interior viscosity structure of a terrestrial planet controls plate driving forces and plate tectonics
- Large Lateral Variations of Seismic Anisotropy Observed along the North South Gravity Lineament in China
- Magma Intrusions and Surface Deformation; A Perspective from Discrete Element Models
- Mapping lithosphere thickness beneath China with ScS reverberation data: what controls the intraplate seismicity in Mainland China
- Maximizing the science return from 3.3 g of martian meteorite: A consortium study of olivine-phyric shergottite NorthWest Africa 6234
- Non-buoyancy driven liquid segregation in magma mush systems: implications for the origin of high silica liquids, reversely zoned plutons, and episodic eruption
- Numerical investigations of the spreading-rate dependence of anomalous skewness of marine magnetic anomalies due to seafloor spreading
- Organized Subglacial Meltwater Flow in Inner Pine Island Bay, West Antarctica
- P-wave Velocity Structure in the Lowermost 600 km of the Mantle beneath Western Pacific Inferred from Travel Times and Amplitudes Observed with NECESSArray
- P-wave tomography of Northeastern China observed with NECESSArray
- PICASSO Rayleigh wave tomography of the western Mediterranean
- Pacific large-low-shear-velocity province bounded by an extensive high-velocity anomaly observed with NECESSArray
- Pacific plate apparent polar wander between 67 Ma and 44 Ma determined from the analysis of the skewness of both vector and scalar magnetic anomalies due to seafloor spreading
- Paleocene-Eocene δ13C of marine and terrestrial organic matter: implications for the magnitude of total organic carbon hyperthermal isotope excursions
- Partial melting of carbonated pelite at 3-7 GPa and deep cycling of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O in subduction zones
- Rapid retreat of Ross Sea Ice Shelf during the last deglaciation evidenced from coupled measurements of compound specific radiocarbon dating and cosmogenic radionuclide in marine sediments
- Receiver Function Study of the Upper Mantle Discontinuities beneath Northeast China: Evidence for Local Mantle Upwelling Beneath the Songliao Basin
- Receiver Functions Imaging of the Moho and LAB in the Southern Caribbean plate boundary and Venezuela
- Recent Results from Crosswell CASSM (Continuous Active-Source Seismic Monitoring)
- Scientific Research on a Barrier Island: A Rice University In-service K-12 Summer Course
- Seismic Imaging across the Moroccan Atlas (SIMA): An effort to constrain the crustal thickness of the Atlas Mountains
- Seismic evidence for upwelling of asthenosphere beneath Northeast China from S wave tomography
- Separating seawater and basalt: When do sediments isolate the basement from the seafloor?
- Solubility, Partitioning, and Speciation of Carbon in Shallow Magma Oceans of Terrestrial Planets Constrained by High P-T Experiments
- Spatially-controlled carbonate U-Pb geochronology using LA-ICP-MS
- Swath bathymetry images of subglacial meltwater features in the Amundsen Sea Embayment
- Swath-bathymetric Mapping of Glacial Landforms in the Central Pine Island Trough, West Antarctica
- The Depth and Extent of Volatile-fluxed Mantle Melting Beneath Ridges and Plates
- The Seismic Structure of the Mantle Wedge under Cascade Volcanoes
- The depth profiling of attenuation structure of the western hemisphere of the inner core by analyzing NECESSArray data
- The effect of CO<SUB>2</SUB> on magma vesiculation during explosive volcanic eruptions
- Thin Viscous Sheet Models for Distributed Deformation of Oceanic Lithosphere Accommodating Motion Between the India, Capricorn, and Australia Plates
- Toward developing a 3D anisotropic seismic velocity model beneath the SE Tibetan and surrounding regions with receiver function data
- Underthrusting of passive margin strata into deep crustal hot zones associated with Cretaceous arc magmatism in North America: links and timescales of magmatic vs. tectonic thickening
- Upper Mantle Structure and the 660-km Discontinuity beneath Japan Sea and its adjacent Areas Determined from Waveform Triplication data
- Upper-mantle Tomography with Array Analysis of Triplicated P-arrivals Observed by NECESSArray
- Vertically Integrated Rheology of Deforming Oceanic Lithosphere
- A Rare Seaward Expression of Oblique Subduction: The Mw 8.6 Sumatran Earthquake of April 11, 2012
- Attenuation Structure of the Pacific Large-Low-Shear-Velocity Province Estimated from Relative Dispersion between the P and PKKP Waves
- Calibration of Wavelength-Dependent Velocity Smoothing for Calculating a Frequency-Dependent traveltime
- Carbon Solution in Core-Forming Magma Ocean Conditions: Implications for the Origin and Distribution of Terrestrial Carbon
- Carbon and Sulfur Stable Isotope Records of the Early Paleogene
- Composition of silicate partial melts of carbonated pelite at 3-5 GPa and genesis of arc magma
- Crustal and Lithospheric Structure of the Western Mediterranean: Pds Receiver Function Results from the PICASSO Experiment
- Crustal structure beneath NE China from ambient noise tomography of NECESSArray
- Crustal structure beneath NE China imaged by NECESSArray receiver function data
- Crustal thickening drives arc front migration
- Delamination and Drip-like Secondary Convection under the Western U.S.
- Dissolved and particulate organic carbon exports from 4 Venezuelan rivers: effects of developing world urbanization on coastal carbon delivery
- Eastern Olympus Mons Basal Scarp and Aureole lobe: Recent Structural Evidence for Formation and Development
- Flow dynamics in lowland rivers and influence on fluvial-deltaic stratigraphy: Comparing the modern Mississippi River system to the Campanian Castlegate Sandstone
- Fore reef upper slope mixed sedimentation response to penultimate glacial interglacial sea level fluctuations: IODP Hole 325-M0058A , Great Barrier Reef, Australia
- Full waveform tomography of the lithosphere and mantle beneath China
- Glacially Generated Overpressure Offshore Massachusetts, USA: Integration of Full Seismic Waveform Inversion and Overpressure Modeling
- Hiding earthquakes from scrupulous monitoring eyes of dense local seismic networks
- High-resolution imaging of the Kaapvaal Craton using P and S wave receiver functions and P- and S- finite frequency tomography
- Horizontal Contraction of Oceanic Lithosphere Tested Using Azimuths of Transform Faults
- How hot is red? Thermal structure of the melting mantle from seismic tomography and thermobarometry
- Integrated experiments and modeling of H<SUB>2</SUB>O-CO<SUB>2</SUB> degassing during magma ascent.
- Latitudinal variation of sedimentation and erosion rates from Patagonia and Antarctic Peninsula tidewater glaciers (46°-65° S)
- Lithospheric drips beneath the SE edge of the Tibetan Plateau Imaged by finite frequency tomography
- Major strike-slip fault systems in China revealed by crustal seismic anisotropy map
- Mantle convection with strong plates and the tectonic mode of a terrestrial planet
- Mapping lithosphere thickness beneath the Southern Caribbean and Venezuela using body wave reflectivity and surface wave tomography
- Mapping the Crustal Thickness and Poisson's Ratio across China Using Receiver Function Data of the Densely Distributed Broadband CEArray
- NanoSIMS results from olivine-hosted melt embayments: Modeling ascent rate in explosive basaltic eruptions
- PICASSO: Shear velocities in the Western Mediterranean from Rayleigh Wave tomography
- Paleomagnetism, Geochronology, and Geochemistry of the Type Section of the Stanislaus Group: Reference Parameters from the Stable Sierra Nevada Microplate, CA
- PdS Receiver Function Imaging of the U.S. West of the Mississippi
- Petrogenesis of Franciscan Complex and Coast Range Ophiolite Serpentinites in northern California
- Receiver function images of the mantle transition zone beneath NE China: new constraints on intraplate volcanism, deep subduction and their potential link
- Seismic evidence for possible lithospheric drips beneath the Greater Xiang'an Range by NECESSArray
- Seismic evidence for upwelling of a mantle plume beneath Northeast China from S wave tomography
- Sensitivity analysis as a proxy for estimating uncertainty in Slab1.0 3D subduction zone models
- Shear-wave anisotropy beneath Northeast China observed by the NECESSArray
- Solubility and Speciation of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in Natural Rhyolitic Melts at 1.5-3.0 GPa - Implications for Carbon Flux in Subduction Zones via Sediment Partial Melts
- Spatial variation and azimuthal anisotropy of the Rayleigh phase velocity beneath Northeast China revealed by ambient noise eikonal tomography: results and implications
- Statistical Analysis of Depth Connectivity within Single Thread Meandering Riverine Systems
- Subduction and Plate Edge Tectonics in the Southern Caribbean
- Sulfur Concentration of Martian Magmas at Sulfide Saturation at High Pressures and Temperatures - Implications for Martian Magma Ocean and Magmatic Differentiation
- Supercontinental Cycles and the Tectonic Modulation of Earth's Climate
- The 2010 Maule, Chile Co-Seismic Gap and its Relationship to the Mw 7.1 March 25, 2012 Earthquake
- The Effect of CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Partial Reactive Crystallization of MORB-Eclogite-derived Basaltic Andesite in Peridotite and Generation of Silica-Undersaturated Basalts
- The effect of anhydrite saturation on the fate of sulfur during fluid-present melting of subducting basaltic crust
- The timing of magma degassing during explosive eruptions
- Toward An Empirical Scaling For Bubble Coalescence Rates
- Transmission of magmatic pressure changes at Kilauea volcano
- Unprecedented coastal response to Global Change: A case study of the upper Texas Coast
- Variations of the Crustal Structure in the Rif Cordillera, N-Morocco from Wide-Angle Seismic Data
- Yield stress and jamming in concentrated suspensions of particles in viscous liquids
- A new P wave velocity model beneath East Asia: insights on the relationship between intraplate volcanism and Pacific subduction
- Adjoint tomography of crust and upper-mantle structure beneath Continental China
- An Alternative Estimate of the Motion of the Capricorn Plate
- Beyond classical nucleation theory of bubble nucleation during explosive volcanic eruptions (Invited)
- Booting Up Plate Tectonics: Feedbacks Between Mantle Viscosity, The Wavelength of Mantle Convection, and the Mode of Planetary Tectonics
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Solubility in Rhyolitic Melts as a Function of P, T, and fO<SUB>2</SUB> - Implications for Carbon Flux in Subduction Zones
- Comparing eruptions of varying intensity at Kilauea via melt inclusion analysis
- Comprehensive Analysis of Broadband Data of Densely Distributed Broadband CNDSN for Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure in China
- Constraints on the Velocity Structure and Accommodation of Shortening in the Atlas Mountains (Morocco) from Travel-Time Inversion of Refraction/Wide Angle Reflection Seismic Data
- Convective Removal of Continental Margin Lithosphere at the Edges of Subducting Oceanic Plates
- Correlation and analysis of Miocene paleochannels in the central Sierra Nevada, California, as displayed by the Stanislaus Group
- Crustal and upper mantle shear velocities of Iberia, the Alboran Sea, and North Africa from ambient noise and ballistic finite-frequency Rayleigh wave tomography
- Crustal transects across the Rif domains in North Morocco, from the RIFSIS seismic survey
- Discriminating secondary from primary water in volcanic glass using thermogravimetric analysis
- Do Trenches Advance?
- Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Harvesting Frequency on Soil Organic Matter Pools Under Switchgrass Agriculture
- Extending the global coverage of Slab1.0 3D subduction zone models
- Frequency-Dependent Traveltime Tomography for 2D and 3D, P- and SH-Wave Near-Surface Seismic Data
- Integrating South Pacific carbon cycling and climate history from Late Paleocene to Middle Eocene: an upper slope transect from eastern New Zealand
- Interpretation of a leak-off test conducted near the bottom of the Kumano Forearc Basin strata at IODP Site C0002 in the Nankai accretionary complex, SW Japan
- Magnetic studies of archaeological obsidian: Variability of eruptive conditions within obsidian flows is key to high-resolution artifact sourcing (Invited)
- Multi-phases of coral reef development in the past 3.5 My along the Gulf of Papua Shelf Edge: Detailed late Pliocene-Quaternary archive of distinct high amplitude sea level transgressions linked to main deglacial intervals
- Mw 8.6 Strike-Slip Earthquake off Sumatra and Slip Partitioning
- New Bulk Sulfur Measurements of Martian Meteorites - Implications for Sulfur Cycle on Mars
- Paleomagnetism and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of Eocene and Miocene sediments in the Qaidam Basin, Northwest China: Implication for the Cenozoic tectonic transition and development of the northern Tibetan Plateau
- Partial reactive crystallization of variable CO<SUB>2</SUB>-bearing siliceous MORB-eclogite-derived melt in fertile peridotite and genesis of alkalic basalts with signatures of crustal recycling
- Plumes and Drips Beneath Northeast China and the Western United States (Invited)
- Post-middle Miocene Tuffs of Bodie Hills and Mono Basin, California: Paleomagnetic Reference Directions and Vertical Axis Rotation
- Rayleigh Wave Azimuthal Anisotropy Beneath Hawaii Using PLUME Ocean-Bottom Seismometers
- Reaction between Metapelite-derived Hydrous Partial Melt and Subsolidus Fertile Peridotite at 2-3 GPa - Generation of High-K Magmas in Subduction Zones
- Seismic anisotropy of the innermost inner core
- Seismic structure of the crust and lithospheric mantle of the southern African cratonic region
- Sulfur Concentration of High-FeO* Basalts at Sulfide Saturation at High Pressures and Temperatures - Implications for Deep Sulfur Cycle on Mars (Invited)
- Testing causes for long-term changes in carbon cycling and climate during the early Paleogene
- Theoretical and practical considerations for the design of the iMUSH active-source seismic experiment
- Uppermost Pleistocene drowned coralgal bank detailed bathymetry along the South Texas shelf edge: record of episodic rapid sea-level rise during last deglaciation between Meltwater Pulses IA and IB
- Centennial and Extreme Climate Variability in the Last 1500 Year from the Belize Central Shelf Lagoon (Central America): Successive Droughts and Floods Linked to the Demise of the Mayan Civilization
- Deep long-period earthquakes under Mount St. Helens captured with dense recordings by iMUSH
- Deglacial Shelf Edge Coralgal Reef 19 ky Establishment, Successive 14.5 and 11.5 ky Partial Drowning and Back-stepping along the Papua New Guinea Peninsula Outer Shelf (Gulf of Papua)
- Field Report on the iMUSH Active Source Seismic Experiment
- Geochemical-Seismological Imaging of Volatile-Assisted Melting at the Southern Margin of the Colorado Plateau, USA
- High-resolution Adjoint Tomography of the Eastern Venezuelan Crust using Empirical Green's Function Waveforms from Ambient Noise Interferometry
- Imaging Magma Under St. Helens (iMUSH): Details of passive-source seismic deployment and preliminary 3-D velocity structure
- Imaging the Great Plains of the Central U.S. using Finite-Frequency Rayleigh Wave Tomography and Implications for Asthenosphere-Driven Uplift
- Large-N Nodal Seismic Deployment at Mount St Helens
- Life with and Life without Plate Tectonics
- Mantle Driven Dynamic Uplift of Hangay Dome: New Seismological Constraints from Adjoint Tomography
- Mapping Lateral Variations of Crustal Structure across China with Pds Receiver Function Data
- Modeling Explosive Eruptions at Kīlauea, Hawai'i
- Monitoring hydraulic fracturing with seismic emission volume
- New insights on the crustal thickness and its lateral variations beneath the Rif Cordillera
- PdS Receiver Function Evidence for Mafic Underplating in the Superior Craton: A Discussion About Cratonic Stabilization
- Scaling and Thermal Evolution of Internally Heated Planets: Yield Stress and Thermal History.
- Shear velocity model for the westernmost Mediterranean from ambient noise and ballistic finite-frequency Rayleigh wave tomography
- Subduction-Driven Recycling of Continental Margin Lithosphere
- Thermal Evolution of Terrestrial Planets: Earth, Mars, Size, Temperature, Tectonics, and Deep Volatile Cycling
- Thermal Expansion of Fluorapatite-Chlorapatite Solid Solutions
- Volatile content of Hawaiian magmas and volcanic vigor
- Accurate Focal Depth Determination of Oceanic Earthquakes Using Water-column Reverberation and Some Implications for the Shrinking Plate Hypothesis
- Can Mantle Potential Temperatures be Used to Infer the Tectonic Evolution of Terrestrial Planets?
- How do Early Impacts Modulate the Tectonic, Magnetic and Climatic Evolutions of Terrestrial Planets?
- Investigating microseismicity and crustal structure beneath Mount St. Helens with a 900-geophone array
- Magma reservoirs from the upper crust to the Moho inferred from high-resolution Vp and Vs models beneath Mount St. Helens
- On the Evolution of Terrestrial Planets: Implications of Evolutionary Paths and Evolving Lid-States
- Subsurface Imaging at Mount St. Helens with a Large-N Geophone Array
- The Glacial BuzzSaw, Isostasy, and Global Crustal Models
- The Two Subduction Zones of the Southern Caribbean: Lithosphere Tearing and Continental Margin Recycling in the East, Flat Slab Subduction and Laramide-Style Uplifts in the West
- Tomographic Imaging of the Magmatic System at Mount St. Helens with the iMUSH Broadband Array
- 3D Traveltime Tomography and 1D Wavefield Inversion of Dense 3D Seismic Refraction Data From a Shallow Groundwater Contamination Site
- 3D Vp travel time tomography of the iMUSH active source seismic data
- A controlled source seismic attenuation study of the crust beneath Mount St. Helens with a dense array
- An iterative matching and locating technique for borehole microseismic monitoring
- Chronostratigraphy of a salt marsh sediment core from North Cinder Island in the Town of Hempstead, Long Island, NY, using radiocarbon and pollen
- Coupled Tectonic and Climatic Shifts in Planetary Evolution
- Friis Hills glacial history: an international collaboration to examine Miocene climate in Antarctica
- Holocene reconfiguration and readvance of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Inverting noble gas and carbon measurements for the mid-ocean ridge carbon flux
- Investigation of Mount St. Helens seismicity and volcanic arc structure with a hybrid passive and active source survey
- Lithospheric foundering and underthrusting imaged beneath Tibet
- Local Earthquake P-wave Tomography at Mount St. Helens with the iMUSH Broadband Array
- Lower Crustal and Moho Reflections Beneath Mount St. Helens
- Measurement of Rayleigh wave Z/H ratio and joint inversion for a high-resolution S wave velocity model beneath the Gulf of Mexico passive margin
- Measurement of Rayleigh wave ellipticity and its application to the joint inversion of high-resolution S wave velocity structure beneath northeast China
- Modeling the meander morphodynamics with internal boundary conditions given by a localized variation in the flow field
- Oceanographic Influences on Ice Shelves and Drainage in the Amundsen Sea
- Paleogene Carbonate Dissolution Events in the North Pacific Ocean
- Post-LGM Retreat History in Ross Sea Reflects Changing Controls on Marine Ice Sheet Behavior
- Predicting homogeneous bubble nucleation rates
- Sedimentological fingerprint of modern and ancient meltwater outbursts across Antarctic continental shelves and slopes
- Shear Velocity Structure of the Mount St. Helens Region from the iMUSH array
- Slowness based CCP stacking technique in suppressing crustal multiples
- Source Analysis of Bucaramanga Nest Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes
- Spatial Relationships between Deep-focus Earthquakes and Structural Heterogeneities within the Subducting Slabs of the Western Pacific Subduction Zones
- Stress-induced traveltime variations at SAFOD revealed by continuous cross-well active source monitoring
- Subsurface Density Structure of Taurus Littrow Valley Using Apollo 17 Gravity Data
- The energetics of mixed-mode heating in convective systems: Internal heating rates, plate speeds, and implications for the Earth's thermal evolution.
- What Causes the Relationship Between Large Impact Basin Rims and Volcanism on Mars?
- A Cost Framework for the Economic Feasibility of Wide-Scale Biochar Production
- A New Framework For The Evolution of Terrestrial Planets: Bi-stability, Stochastic Effects, and the Non-Uniqueness of Tectonic States
- A two-pronged approach to detecting ICB Stoneley modes
- Age-based morphodynamic formulation for streamwise and vertical advection and dispersion of tracer particles in rivers
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> release from variable carbonate compositions via thermal breakdown and magmatic assimilation at mid-crustal depths
- Change in Frictional Behavior during Olivine Serpentinization
- Comparing Three-Dimensional Geophysical Models of Mount St. Helens
- Constraints on the Chemistry and Abundance of Hydrous Phases in Sub Continental Lithospheric Mantle: Implications for Mid-Lithospheric Discontinuities
- Coulomb Failure Stress Accumulation in Nepal After the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake: Testing Earthquake Triggering Hypothesis and Evaluating Seismic Hazards
- Crustal and Moho Reflections Beneath Mount St. Helens from the iMUSH Experiment
- Crustal and Upper Mantle Velocity Structure beneath Northwestern South America revealed by the CARMArray
- Developing and using artificial soils to analyze soil microbial processes
- Diagnosing ice sheet grounding line stability from landform morphology
- Effect of sulfate on the liquidus and sulfur concentration at anhydrite saturation (SCAS) of hydrous basalt at subduction zones
- Fast Eigensolver for Computing 3D Earth's Normal Modes
- Geoelectrical Monitoring of Ammonium Sorption Processes in a Biochar Filtration System
- How did Earth not End up like Venus?
- Hunting for shallow slow-slip events at Cascadia
- Imaging Crustal Structure of East Central United States using receiver function and implications for the accretion of juvenile crust
- Imaging Seismic Zones and Magma beneath Mount St. Helens with the iMUSH Broadband Array
- Imaging Stress Transients and Fault Zone Processes with Crosswell Continuous Active-Source Seismic Monitoring at the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth
- Impacts of continental arcs on global carbon cycling and climate
- Impacts of variable channel hydraulics on the stratigraphic record: an example provided from the Tullig Sandstone, Western Irish Namurian Basin
- Insights into the physico-chemical evolution of pyrogenic organic carbon emissions from biomass burning using coupled Lagrangian-Eulerian simulations
- Joint inversion of high resolution S-wave velocity structure underneath North China Basin
- Length scale hierarchy and spatiotemporal change of alluvial morphologies over the Selenga River delta, Russia
- Marine evidence of a deconvolving Antarctic Ice Sheet during post-LGM retreat of the Ross Sea sector
- Measuring Density Stratification and Understanding its Impact on Sediment Transport in Fine-grained Rivers, Based on Observations from the Lower Yellow River, China
- Mechanisms of Sediment Transport to an Abandoned Distributary Channel on the Huanghe (Yellow River) Delta, China
- Microbial Genetic Memory to Study Heterogeneous Soil Processes
- Morphodynamic Modeling of the Lower Yellow River, China: Flux (Equilibrium) Form or Entrainment (Nonequilibrium) Form of Sediment Mass Conservation?
- Morphodynamics and Sediment Transport on the Huanghe (Yellow River) Delta: Work in Progress
- Numerical analysis on infiltration-driven decarbonation during skarnification
- Phase transition behavior of sediment transport at the sand-mud interface, across scales from flumes to the large rivers
- Plug Flow in the Earth's Asthenosphere
- Radiocarbon constraints on the coupled growth of sediment and organic carbon reservoirs in fluvial systems
- Reactive Transport of Slab-Derived Carbonatitic Melts in the Deep Upper Mantle and Generation of Kimberlites
- Redox state of recycled crustal lithologies in the convective upper mantle constrained using oceanic basalt CO<SUB>2</SUB>-trace element systematics
- Ridge Outgassing and Melt Production from 4Ga to Present
- Robust Seismic Normal Modes Computation in Radial Earth Models and A Novel Classification Based on Intersection Points of Waveguides
- Science and Software
- Sediment Dispersal on the Topset of a Tectonically Active Shelf-edge Delta: an Interplay Between Sediment Supply and Subsidence, as Demonstrated for the Selenga River, Lake Baikal, Russia
- Shear Wave Structure of Mount St. Helens, WA Region From Ambient Noise, Earthquake Surface Waves and Receiver Functions
- Simultaneous alloy-silicate fractionation of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur at high pressures and temperatures: Implications for establishing the volatile budget of the Earth
- Slab dehydration in Cascadia and its relationship to volcanism, seismicity, and non-volcanic tremor
- Spies and Bloggers: New Synthetic Biology Tools to Understand Microbial Processes in Soils and Sediments
- Sulfur in ocean island basalt source regions constrained by modeling the fate of sulfide during decompression melting of a heterogeneous mantle
- The Rise of Oxygen in the Earth's Atmosphere Controlled by the Efficient Subduction of Organic Carbon
- The constitutive behavior of antigorite gouge under fluid-saturated undrained conditions
- The effects of sulfur on carbon partitioning and solubility in high pressure-temperature alloy-silicate systems: Implications for fractionation of carbon and sulfur during accretion and core formation of Earth and Mars
- The formation of low-angle eolian stratification through the migration of protodunes
- Three-dimensional velocity models of the Mount St. Helens magmatic system using the iMUSH active-source data set
- Tie Channels on Deltas: A Case Study from the Huanghe (Yellow River) Delta, China
- Time-frequency domain phase weighted stacking and its application to phase velocity extraction from ambient noise's empirical Green's functions
- Towards a mechanistic understanding of the linkages between PETM climate modulation and stratigraphy, as discerned from the Piceance Basin, CO, USA
- Upper mantle low velocity heterogeneities beneath NE China revealed by source- and receiver-side converted waves
- 3D Autocorrelation Reflectivity Imaging of the Magmatic Plumbing System of Mount St Helens
- A Biological Sensor for tracking Ferrous and Ferric Iron Bioavailability in Soil and Marine Sediments
- A Rayleigh-Ritz based approach to determining 3-D normal modes in the presence of an essential spectrum in planets
- A new forward model of leaf wax hydrogen isotope ratios to bridge proxy and model estimates of past climate
- An approach to diagnose the structure of lithospheric keel beneath eastern North China Craton
- Analyzing sulfur and chlorine behavior in the 2006 eruption of Augustine volcano
- Application of Machine Learning on Predicting Earthquake Compression Wave Arrival Time
- Assessing the Hydroclimate History and Climate Dynamics of Eastern Equatorial Africa since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Assessing the Structure of the Lunar Deep Interior: a Seismological and Selenophysical Perspective
- Carbon/Nitrogen ratio of Bulk Silicate Earth as a probe to understand planetary accretion and differentiation
- Change in downstream bedform type, bed material sediment transport regime and flood potential in response to sediment blockage by a dam: can bed degradation increase flooding risk?
- Climate models can correctly simulate the continuum of temperature variability
- Constraining the crustal velocity structure of the conterminous United States using receiver functions and the autocorrelation of earthquake-generated body-waves
- Crustal and Upper Mantle Velocity Structure of the Northwestern South American-Caribbean Subduction Zone Revealed by the CARMArray
- Data Challenge: Machine Learning for Earthquake Detection and Rupture Timing
- Dune morphodynamics and forward models of set-scale architecture within the backwater zone of the Mississippi River, USA
- Duration of the maximum extent of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet grounding line in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, and subsequent complex retreat
- Effects of Fire Frequency on Soil Water Potential in the New Jersey Pine Barrens
- Evaluating delta lobe evolution from the tectonically active Selenga River delta: a case study of auto and allogenic controls on sedimentation patterns
- Evolution of tropospheric O<SUB>3</SUB> from preindustrial to present inferred from <SUP>18</SUP>O<SUP>18</SUP>O in polar firn and ice
- Exploring the influence of bay morphology during coastal barrier retreat
- Genetic Link for Great Oxidation and Lomagundi Events: Tectonically Driven Increase of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions and Drawdown and Deep Recycling of Organic C
- High Pressure Phase Relations of a Depleted Peridotite Fluxed by a CO<SUB>2</SUB>-H<SUB>2</SUB>O bearing fluid and Stability of Partial Melts in the Cratonic Mantle
- Homogeneous Bubble Nucleation in Rhyolitic Melt: Experimental Confirmation of Predictions from Nucleation Theory
- Hydraulic Injection Induced Velocity Changes Revealed by Coda Wave Interferometry and Polarization Data
- Imaging Structure beneath East Central United States Using CCP Stacking and Scattering Kernel Analysis of Ps and Sp Receiver Functions
- Improving ENSO-driven rainfall prediction in North America with Paleoclimate Data Assimilation reconstructions spanning the Last2k
- Laboratory Experiments to Unravel Inner Secrets of Continents
- Modeling the Filling Processes of an Abandoned Fluvial-deltaic Distributary Channel: an Example From the Yellow River Delta of China
- Origin of Life-Essential Volatile Elements on Earth
- PRYSM: open code for PRoxY System Modeling
- Paleohydraulic estimates from alluvial strata during the PETM: an example from the Piceance Basin, Colorado
- Record of Eocene carbon cycling in sediments from northern Zealandia
- Refined Chemical Transport Modeling Improves Predictions of Rapid Chemistry in Biomass Burning Plumes
- Riverine evidence for isotopic mass balance in the Earth's early sulfur cycle
- Seasonal sediment delivery to an abandoned deltaic distributary channel
- SedEdu: developing and testing a suite of computer-based interactive educational activities for introductory sedimentology and stratigraphy courses
- Seismic Investigation of the Cascadia forearc in Central Oregon through the deployment of nodal seismometers
- Seismicity of the Incoming Plate and Forearc at the Mariana Trench Recorded by Ocean Bottom Seismographs
- Seismogenic Zone of Deep Intraslab Earthquakes beneath Japan Constrained by Adjoint Tomography
- Slab Behavior beneath Eastern Asia from Full Waveform Inversion
- Spatial Mapping of Potential Biochar Effects on Agricultural Water Use and Crop Yield and Associated Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Sulfur extraction via carbonated melts from sulfide-bearing mantle lithologies - Implications for deep sulfur cycle
- Suspended sediment loads across the gravel-sand transition linked to channel dynamics
- Suspended-sediment induced stratification inferred from concentration and velocity profile measurements in the flooding lower Yellow River, China
- The Cathles Parameter (Ct): A Geodynamic Definition of the Asthenosphere and Implications for the Nature of Plate Tectonics
- The Effects of Asthenosphere Thickness and Non-Newtonian Viscosity on Mantle Convection and Plate Tectonics.
- The Global Extent of Rivers and Streams: From Static to Dynamic
- The Minutes and Hours Before Eruption: Decompression Rate Scales to Explosivity
- The rapid ascent of low-viscosity magmas: evidence from the crystal cargo
- Toward laboratory earthquake prediction using unsupervised classification of acoustic emissions
- Turbidity currents in Xiaolangdi reservoir, Yellow River, China: dynamics and geomorphic expression
- 3D shear velocity structure of the northwestern South American-Caribbean Subduction Zone from ambient noise Rayleigh wave tomography
- A 3D shear-wave velocity model for the Gulf of Mexico and its continental margins from ambient noise Rayleigh wave tomography
- A Gas-Aerosol Model of the Chemical Degradation of Levoglucosan
- Anomalous SmKS induced by postcritical reflection and refraction at the core-mantle boundary
- Autocorrelation Reflectivity of Mars
- Canyons Evolve by Incision into Bedrock: What Does Rainbow Canyon Tell Us?
- Changes in pelagic carbonate accumulation across the Eocene epoch: new insights from ODP Site 1209, Shatsky Rise, Central Pacific Ocean
- Chaotic barrier island behavior driven by steady sea-level rise and variable bay accommodation
- Clays and X-ray amorphous material in fine-grained basaltic sediments, Implications for the weathering history of Gale Crater, Mars.
- Controls on Hydroclimate and Hydrogen Isotopes in High-Elevation Regions of Eastern Equatorial Africa Since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Crustal Thickness Variation Beneath the United States Using Teleseismic Body Wave Autocorrelations and Receiver Functions.
- Deep Water Cycling and the Multi-Stage Cooling of the Earth
- Density stratification in open-channel flow due to high sediment concentration in the flooding Lower Yellow River
- Effects of stochastic sedimentation on organic carbon diagenesis and preservation
- Elucidating Terrestrial Organic Carbon Burial Mechanisms - Insights from the Western Irish Namurian Basin, County Clare, Ireland
- Enhanced North American ENSO teleconnection during the Little Ice Age revealed by Paleoclimate Data Assimilation
- Experimental investigation of a model ophicarbonate at deep subduction zone conditions - Implications for cycling of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O
- Explosive Volcanism on Early Mars: Explaining the Tridymite Layer in Gale Crater
- Feedbacks Between Asthenosphere Thickness, Asthenosphere Viscosity, and Mantle Dynamics
- Field constraints from the Amazon basin reveal a rapid rate constant for oxidation of rock-derived organic carbon
- Field evidence of the impact of increased channel mobility on sand body stacking density in an alluvial basin
- First Interactions with the Hydrologic Cycle Determine Charcoal's Fate in the Earth System
- Generation of Kimberlitic Melts - Experimental and Natural Thermobarometric Constraints and Insights into Materials Transfer across Mantle Transition Zone
- Grain Size-Specific Engelund-Hansen Type Relation for Bed Material Load in Sand-bed Rivers, with Application to the Mississippi River
- Joint Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity, Particle Motion, and Teleseismic Body Wave Data for Sedimentary Structures
- Layered Uncertainty in Planetary Thermal History Models: Implications for Hypothesis Discrimination and Habitability Modeling
- Learning from the past: what paleo ice extents can tell us about the future
- Leveraging the Future: Best Practices from Transdisciplinary Collaborations
- Mapping silicic plutons from the surface to 10-km depth in the vicinity of Mount St. Helens using joint active- and passive-source tomography
- Measuring and managing energy in soil organic matter
- Microbial Sediment Community Changes from the Last Glacial Maximum to Modern beneath the Ross Sea
- Monitoring Stress-Induced Seismic Velocity Changes At SAFOD Using Crosswell Continuous Active-Source Seismic Monitoring (CASSM)
- Morphology of a tidal river subject to uplift: introducing the Kapuas (East Kalimantan, Indonesia)
- Multiparameter Study of Eruptive Behavior at Steamboat Geyser, Yellowstone
- Navigating the Drake Passage during the Eocene greenhouse to icehouse climate transition: a paleoecological and geochemical perspective based on sand tiger shark Striatolamia macrota teeth
- Observations of self-accelerating turbidity currents in the Xiaolangdi reservoir, Yellow River, China
- Partial Melting of a Depleted Peridotite Fluxed by a MORB-Derived Hydrous Silicate Melt - Implications for Subduction Zone Magmatism
- Partitioning of trace elements between anhydrite and sediment melts: Implications for subducting sediment redox and Ce/Mo at arcs
- Practical framework for predicting water and sediment partitioning in a delta under varying discharge conditions
- Recycling reduced iron at the base of magmatic orogens
- Shallow sedimentary structure across northeast China and its implication for estimating ground-motion amplification
- Slab Tear and Fold of the Caribbean Plate beneath Northwestern South America
- The Magma Plumbing System under Mount St Helens from iMUSH Active Seismic and Autocorrelation Reflectivity Imaging
- The Seismic Signature of Pressure Driven Flow in the Earth's Asthenosphere
- The World's Deepest Canyon on a Carbonate Slope
- The break-up of low viscosity melts
- The core-mantle partitioning of carbon and nitrogen in carbon-undersaturated ultramafic systems
- The impacts of channel diversion characteristics on retreat rates of abandoned deltaic lobes, as informed by the Huanghe (Yellow River) delta of China
- The role of isotope-enabled GCM complexity in simulating circulation changes in high-CO<SUB>2</SUB> scenarios
- The seismic expression of hydration in the crust and mantle of the Cascadia margin
- The upper limit on magma decompression rate from bubble number density
- Thermobarometry of silica-poor intraplate magmas as a probe into the melting depth and thermal vigor of the Earth's mantle
- Towards a Geodynamically-Consistent Understanding of the Asthenosphere: Introducing the Cathles Parameter
- Uncovering relationships between ground shaking and coseismic landsliding during the April 25, 2015 Gorkha Earthquake through full wavefield simulations using SPECFEM3D
- Unsupervised Classification of Acoustic Emissions from Catalogs and Fault Time-to-Failure Prediction
- Variations in magma decompression rate within and between eruptions
- Was there a Meghalayan outside of Meghalaya? Insights from a speleothem coherency analysis.
- 3D Seismic Reflection Images of the Mount St Helens Magma Plumbing System
- Assimilation-Fractional Crystallization Modeling Using Known Martian Compositions
- Autocorrelation Reflectivity of the Gulf Coast from USArray Data
- Autogenic signals in sedimentary organic carbon records
- Bubble nucleation during explosive eruptions starts in the magma chamber
- Characterization of In-Situ Floc Sizes Over the Vertical Within the Mississippi River and its Distributaries
- Characterizing Multiple Episodes of Fluid Alteration within Stimson Fracture Halos, Gale Crater, Mars
- Coherent, Millennial-Scale Trends in δ<SUP>18</SUP>O: A Fingerprint of Pacific Walker Circulation Changes?
- Constraining the Extent of Groundwater Alteration of Martian Sedimentary Deposits: An Investigation of Mg-sulfate Formation Mechanisms
- Crustal and lithospheric architecture of the Gulf of Mexico and its continental margins from ambient noise Rayleigh wave tomography
- Deep Water Cycling and the Multi-Stage Cooling of The Earth
- Detailed Seismic Imaging of the Mw7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake Rupture Zone from Data Recorded by Dense Linear Arrays
- Effects of Salinity and Turbulent Shear Variations on Floc Size in the Lower Mississippi River
- Evidence for Extensive Diagenesis in Gale Crater, Mars from X-ray Amorphous Component Compositions
- Fault Time-to-Failure Forecasting using LSTM and Unsupervised Classification
- Field Investigation of Cohesive Sediment Flocculation and Sedimentation Across the Fluvial to Marine Transition
- Grand Canyon Paleoclimate and the Deglacial Activation of the North American Monsoon
- Habitability: A Process Variable Framework with Implications and Tests
- Hydrochemical monitoring of rivers in the Bocas del Toro region of Panama: insights into impacts on coastal environments
- Improving Stoneley-mode constraints on the structures near the core-mantle boundary
- Integrated analytical techniques applied to trace elements in carbonates: a case study from the late Miocene
- Inverting temporal velocity changes at SAFOD from cross-well active source seismic data using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach
- Linking Induced Earthquakes With Preexisting Faults Imaged By 3-D Active Source Seismic Data
- Magma Ocean Differentiation Regime in the Earliest Formed Rocky Bodies Inferred from Volatile Abundances in Iron Meteorites
- Mineralogy of the Glen Torridon Region as detailed by the Mars Science Laboratory CheMin Instrument
- Near-annually resolved records of northern Bahamian hurricane activity during the Common Era: Emerging patterns and implications
- No consistent ENSO response to volcanic forcing over the last millennium
- Non-monotonic surface process response to increased flooding intensity
- Partitioning of chalcophile and Highly Siderophile Elements (HSEs) between sulfide and carbonated melts - Implications for HSE systematics of kimberlites and carbonatites
- Post-fire erosion: implications for persistence of pyrogenic carbon in soil
- Provenance and Groundwater Lithification of the Stimson Sandstone, Gale crater, Mars
- Reconciling simulated and coral-inferred changes in El Niño-Southern Oscillation variability during the Holocene
- Regional shifts in paleohurricane activity over the past 1500 years reconstructed from blue hole sediment records in the Bahama Archipelago
- Revisiting Solute Dynamics in the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory Using Young Water Fractions
- Sedimentary and crustal structure of the US Gulf Coastal Plain revealed by Rayleigh wave and receiver function data: Implications for continental rifting
- Sedimentary record of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) outflow in the Ross Sea since 3.3 Ma (IODP Sites U1524 and U1525)
- Seismic Evidence for Lateral Heterogeneity in the Basal Layer of the Outer Core
- Seismic Signature of Pressure Driven Asthenosphere Flow in Mantle Convection Models With Plate-Like Behavior
- Semi-supervised Data-driven Surface Wave Tomography using Wasserstein Cycle-consistent GAN: Application on Southern California Plate Boundary Region
- Signal detection and enhancement for seismic crosscorrelation using the wavelet-domain Kalman filter
- Slab morphology at the source region of the 2015 Mw 7.9 Bonin earthquake imaged by full waveform inversion
- Spatial Heterogeneity in ENSO Sea Surface Temperatures over the Last Millennium: new insights from paleoclimate data assimilation
- Spatial Variability in River Sinuosity across the Backwater Regime
- Stratigraphy of abandoned deltaic distributary channels and implications for assessing avulsion style
- The Effect of Variable CO<SUB>2</SUB>/H<SUB>2</SUB>O Ratio on Melting in the Mantle Wedge
- The Environmental Impacts of COVID-19 in Texas: an Integrative, Multivariate Geospatial Analysis and Mapping Software
- The Fate of Nitrogen in Highly Reducing Magmatic Systems: Implications for Storage of Nitrogen during Meteorite Parent Body Processing and Magma Ocean Crystallization
- The Origin of Modern Atolls: Challenging Darwin's Deeply Ingrained Theory
- The effect of bulk carbon on its core-mantle partitioning behavior
- Tracking shallow convective mixing and its influence on low-level clouds with stable water isotopes
- Tridymite in Gale Crater: a Witness of Explosive Volcanism on Early Mars?
- Understanding global carbon cycle perturbations of early Paleogene using size-fraction-specific isotopic variations in open marine bulk carbonates
- Upper Slope 3D Morphologies along the Lighthouse Reef Margin (Belize): Punctuated Global Record of Last Deglacial Sea Level Fluctuations?
- Using biosensors to understand how microbes interact with their environment