Jet Propulsion Laboratory
flowchart I[Jet Propulsion Laboratory] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (11839)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (2004)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 2001 Mars Odyssey Mission Science
- A Climatology Derived from GPS Radio-Occultations
- A New Model of the Galactic Cosmic Ray Radiation Environment at 1 AU based on ACE Measurements
- A Physically Consistent Practical Ocean Data Assimilation System
- A Satellite Radar Remote Sensing Measure of High Latitude Growing Seasons for Improved Regional Carbon Cycle Monitoring
- ACE-Asia Aerosol Optical Depth and Water Vapor Measured by Airborne Sunphotometers and Related to Other Measurements and Calculations
- Access to Mars Global Surveyor data through the Planetary Image Atlas.
- Accuracy of Sea Surface Topography with GPS Scattered Signals
- Advances in Thermal Infrared Mapping of Volcanic Sulfur Dioxide Plumes
- Aerosol Properties Over Dark Water From MISR Multi-angle Imaging
- Airborne Sunphotometry in Support of the Chesapeake Lighthouse and Aircraft Measurements for Satellites (CLAMS) Experiment, 2001
- Alfvén Wave Generation by Multifractal Solar Magnetic Fields
- An Aircraft Ocean Altimetry, Wind Speed and Wind Direction Measurement Using GPS Reflections
- An Overview of Galileo Plasma Wave Observations During the I31 and I32 Flybys of Io
- An Overview of Results from the Cluster Wideband Plasma Wave Investigation
- Anatomy of apparent seasonal variations from GPS derived site position time series
- Antarctic Ice Mass Change and Predictions of Crustal Seismicity and Lithospheric Stress
- Applications of an Ocean Model and its Addjoint for Global Data Assimilation and Senssitivity Study
- Aseismic moment release and triggered creep following the June 23 2001 Peru event.
- Atmospheric Forcing of a Barotropic Ocean Model to Dealias Altimetry and GRACE.
- BRF/LAI linkages for the Sua Pan and Skukuza sites, Safari 2000 Dry Season Campaign
- Benzene on Jupiter
- Bistatic Synthetic-Aperture Imaging Using GPS Reflections
- Bringing Tide Gauges Into the Terrestrial Reference Frame: GPS Results to Support Calibration of the Emerging Altimetric Sea-level Record.
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange coefficients from space-borne measurements of wind speed: SSM/I versus QuikSCAT in 2000
- Calibration and Validation of the New Gravity Missions
- Case study of Bastille Day storm effects on the ionosphere using DMSP ion density measurements and TEC maps
- Cassini RADAR Cruise Science and Calibration Results
- Cassini UVIS Observations of Jupiter's Auroral Variability
- Chemical Ozone Loss and Chlorine Activation Deduced From HALOE and OMS Measurements in Arctic Winter 1999-2000
- Comparison and Combination of Solutions From the Southern California Integrated GPS Network
- Comparison of ITRF2000 With a GPS Defined Reference Frame
- Comparison of MLS, HALOE, POAM-II, SAGE-II, and ILAS Measurements in October-November 1996 Using Traditional Correlative Analysis and Trajectory Hunting Technique
- Comparison of Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Backscatter to SNTHERM-Modeled Snow Properties in a Boreal Landscape
- Comparison of sea ice concentration derived from small-scale ice motion and interpretation of spaceborne passive microwave radiometry
- Constraining Polar Stratospheric Cloud Particle Sizes and Number Concentrations Required to Denitrify the 1999-2000 Arctic Vortex
- Contrasting Northern and Southern Branches of TIWs In the Pacific Using Satellite Observations and Coupled GCM Simulations
- Coordinated airborne, space borne, and ground based measurements of massive, thick haze layers during the SAFARI-2000 Dry Season Campaign
- Current Plate Motion Across the Southwest Indian Ridge: Implications for the Diffuse Oceanic Plate Boundary Between Nubia and Somalia
- Dawn/Dusk Auroras and Propagating Convection Disturbances: Ionospheric Effects of Increasing Solar Wind Ram Pressure
- Day-to-Day Fluctuations in Mars' Total Electron Content: Implications for Navigation and Position Fixing on Future Missions to Mars.
- Debris Avalanches and Debris Flows Transformed from Collapses in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, México.
- Demonstrating GPS Coastal Altimetry from the Harvest Oil Platform
- Dependence of Heavy Element Abundances on First Ionization Potential in Small Solar Particle Events
- Detection and Characterization of Surface Heterogeneity at the MISR/TERRA Subpixel Scale Resolution
- Detection of Bacterial Magnetofossils with Ferromagnetic Resonance and Rock Magnetic Techniques
- Developing Planetary Protection Technology: Microbial Diversity and Radiation Resistance of Microorganisms in a Spacecraft Assembly Facility.
- Developing Planetary Protection Technology: Microbial Diversity of the Mars Orbiter "Odyssey" and the Spacecraft Assembly and Encapsulation Facility II
- Developing Planetary Protection Technology: New Capabilities and Facilities at JPL
- Developing Planetary Protection Technology: Recurrence of Hydrogen Peroxide Resistant Microbes from Spacecraft Assembly Facilities
- Development of Planetary Protection Technology: Bacterial Spore Detection using Lanthanide Luminescence
- Effect of Magnetic Fields on Solar Irradiance Variations
- Effects of a Postive Density Anomaly at Depth on Predicted Admittance
- Effects of a Reduced Ozone Layer on the Lower Stratosphere and the Troposphere
- Enhancing NASA'S Contribution to Arctic Sea Ice and Ocean Studies
- Environmental Controls of Biological Manganese Oxidation
- Evidence for a topographically controlled sulfur dioxide deposit at Chaac caldera, Io
- Expanding Public Outreach: The Solar System Ambassadors Program
- FEATURED PRESENTATION: The Ongoing Adventure of the 2001 Mars Odyssey in Aerobraking at Mars
- FUV Intensities And Center-To-Limb Variations Of Active Regions and Quiet-Sun From UARS SOLSTICE Irradiance Measurements And Ground-Based Spectroheliograms
- Far-Reaching Effects of the Hawaiian Islands on the Pacific Ocean-Atmosphere System
- First Results from the Genesis Autonomous Solar Wind Regime Algorithm
- First Results of the Genesis Solar Wind Ion and Electron Spectrometers
- From Pinatubo to Hector Mine: how to use the atmosphere as a seismic sensor.
- Future Soil Moisture Satellite Missions and Research Needs
- GPS Measurement of Tectonic Deformation and Isostatic Rebound in Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica
- Galilean Satellite Surface Composition: New Cassini VIMS Observations and Comparison With Galileo NIMS Measurements
- Galileo SSI Images of Io During the I31 and I32 Flybys
- Geometry and kinematics of wrinkle ridges on Lunae and Solis Plana, Mars: implications for fault/fold growth history.
- Global TIE Observatories: Real Time Observational Astronomy Through a Robotic Telescope Network
- H<SUB>2</SUB>O Isotope Compositions in the Upper Troposphere and Inside the Polar Vortex
- HYDROS: The Hydrosphere State Exploratory Mission
- Heterogeneous Uptake of Gaseous N2O5 by Sulfate Aerosols
- Hybrid simulations of wave-particle interactions in the expanding solar wind: effects of the mirror force.
- Ice Borehole Video of Basal Domain of Ice Stream C in the 2000-2001 Field Season
- Identification of the Source of Methyl Nitrate Observed in the Upper Troposphere During the April 1999 ACCENT Mission: A Successful Test of the Convective Influence Technique
- Imaging Radar Interferometry for the Exploration of Mars
- Impact of Rain on QuikSCAT
- In Situ Measurements of Dust Devil Dynamics
- In-situ Ice Core Analysis of Longyearbreen Glacier Using a Cryobot: Preparation for the Northern Polar Cap of Mars
- InSAR Constraints on the January 26, 2001 Bhuj Earthquake
- Integer Ambiguity Resolution for Low Earth Orbiting Spacecraft
- Integrated GPS and SAR Interferometry to Measure Time-varying Surface Deformation Over a Giant Oilfield in California*
- Integrated Moisture Transport over oceans and its influence on the hydrologic balance over land
- Inter-annual to Intra-decadal Variability in the Ekman Heat Flux from Scatterometer Winds
- Interannual Variability of Biological Production in the Canary Current: a Remote Sensing and Modeling Perspective
- Intercomparison of AirMISR, CAR, and MISR Observations of Bidirectional Reflectance Factor, Mongu Tower, Zambia, During SAFARI 2000 Dry Season Campaign
- Intercomparison of water vapor measurements taken during the ACCENT mission
- Intercomparisons of Remotely Sensed Scatterometer Winds With Aircraft Hurricane Wind Observations Using a Mesoscale Model as a Baseline.
- Interseismic Strain Across the Altyn Tagh Fault System (Northern Tibet), Measured by SAR Interferometry.
- Investigations of Rocket Engine Combustion Emissions During ACCENT
- Io's Volcanic Activity: New Results from Galileo's Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer
- Isotopic enrichment of atmospheric carbonyl sulfide: constraining the contribution of carbonyl sulfide to the stratospheric aerosol layer
- JERS-1 SAR Observations of the Pantanal Wetland in South America
- Joint analysis of the MOLA radiometry data and TES Lambert Albedo.
- Links Between Intraseasonal and ENSO Timescales: Insights via Geodetic and Atmospheric Analysis
- Long-Term Fluences of Energetic Particles in the Heliosphere
- Loss of Water to Space from Mars: Processes and Implications
- MGS MAG/ER Observations of Compressive low Frequency Waves at the Martian Magnetic Pileup Boundary
- MISR_Plot - A New Tool for the Visualization of Multispectral Multiangle Image Data
- MODIS and TOMS Retrievals of Volcanic Sulfur and Ash Emissions from Nyamuragira Volcano
- MPACT: Architecture and Design of a COTS Science Co-Processor for Space Science Missions
- Magnetic Fluctuations and Wave-Ion Interactions in the Solar Wind
- Mars Rotation Modeling from the NEIGE Radiosciences Experiment
- MarsQuest Online: Using the Web to Extend the Power of a Museum Exhibit
- Martian Gullies: An Ecological Niche?
- Microbiology of Massive Gas Hydrates from the Gulf of Mexico
- Microorganisms From a Depth of 1350 m in Hawaii
- Miniature Ground Penetrating Radar for Planetary Subsurface Characterization: Preliminary Field Test Results
- Modeling of Atmospheric Radiative Transfer with Polarization and Its Application to the Remote Sensing of Tropospheric Ozone
- Modulation of ACR Oxygen at 1 AU and the Topology of the Heliospheric Current Sheet
- Modulation of the Annual Cycle in Axial Atmospheric Torque and the Length-of-Day
- Monitoring Ocean Surface Wind Vector from Space
- Multi-Decade Long Total Solar Irradiance Measurements
- Multi-Year Assessment of Seasonal Freeze-Thaw Dynamics in Boreal Landscapes With Spaceborne Ku-Band Scatterometers
- New Observations of Ganymede's Radio Emissions
- New Radar Observations of Terra Meridiani, Mars.
- Nonlinear wave structures as exact solutions of Vlasov-Maxwell equations.
- Numerical MHD Simulation of Flux-Rope Formed Ejecta Interaction with Bi-modal Solar Wind
- OH Column Abundance over JPL's Table Mountain Facility 1997-2000
- Observational Associations Between the Solar Corona and Solar Interior
- Observations of the global heliospheric magnetic field during the recent Ulysses fast latitude scan
- Observing Active Volcanism on Earth and Beyond With an Autonomous Science Investigation Capability
- Observing System Simulation Experiments for GPS Altimetry
- Oceans in Planetary Satellites: An Historical Overview
- On the Present-Day Mass Balance of the Antarctic Ice Sheet.
- On the Release of Energetic Electrons from the Jovian Magnetosphere: Evidence for a Low Latitude Cusp
- Overview of ACCENT Near Tropopause Measurements
- Overview of Geophysical and Biological Applications of SeaWinds Scatterometer on QuikSCAT Satellite
- Overview of the Deep Space One mission and the nature of the flyby of Comet Borrelly
- Phase Unwrapping for Large InSAR Data Sets Through Statistical-Cost Tiling
- Phytopia: Showcasing Tiny Ocean Life in a Multimedia Environment
- Pixel Tours
- Plate Motions from Space Geodesy
- Polarized Intensity Measurements of the Corona during the 21 June 2001 Total Solar Eclipse
- Poleward Propagation of Interannual and Decadal Fluctuations in Atmospheric Angular Momentum (AAM) and Sea Surface Temperature (SST): Links among the Solid Earth, Atmosphere and Ocean Subsystems
- Possible Abrupt Changes in Ocean Circulation and Climate Due to the Changing Behavior of Ross Ice Streams, West Antarctica
- Project ALERT: Three Years Of A Catalytic Partnership For Improving Pre-Service Teacher Education In Earth System Sciences
- Properties of the Auroral Zone Ionosphere Inferred Using Plasma Contactor Data From the International Space Station
- Recent Eruptive History of La Malinche Volcano, Mexico: Towards the Construction of a Hazards Map
- Recent Results from Galileo PPR at Io
- Remote Sensing of Ice with GPS Scattered Signals
- Resolution of the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Slip for Large Earthquakes Using Seismological and Geodetic Data: Application to the 1999 Izmit (Turkey) Earthquake
- Retention of Women in Geoscience Undergraduate and Graduate Education at Caltech
- Satellite Investigations during the ACE-Asia Field Program
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Volcanic Clouds Using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS).
- Saturn's Magnetic Field: Modeling and Predictions for Cassini
- Scatterometer Image Data for Global Ice and Land Climate Studies
- Scatterometry Products Distributed by JPL PO.DAAC
- Secular Gravity and Topography Variations of ice Sheets - the Case for Global Inverse Approach and Data Combination
- Sensitivity of Pine Island Glacier to Changes in Ice Shelf and Basal Conditions : Modelling and Experiments.
- Slip History of the 1999, October 16, Mw=7.1, Hector Mine Earthquake (California) Inferred From the Joint Inversion of InSAR and Teleseismic Data
- Soil Moisture Retrieval Techniques Using the Passive/Active L/S-Band Sensor
- Solar Wind Pressure Variations and Auroras
- Sources of the Solar Wind at Solar Activity Maximum
- Southern California Earthquake Center Crustal Motion Map Version 3.0
- Spatial Patterns of Long-Term Erosion Rates Beneath the Marine West Antarctic Ice Sheet: Insights into the Physics of Continental Scale Glacial Erosion from a Comparison with the Ice-Velocity Field
- Spectra of Energetic <SUP>3</SUP>He in the Inner Heliosphere from Solar Minimum to Solar Maximum
- State-of-the-art in Sea Surface Topography Measurements with GPS
- Sua Pan Surface Bidirectional Reflectance: A Validation Experiment of the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) During SAFARI 2000
- Surface Winds from Satellite Scatterometer Swath and Gridded data and an Atmospheric Mesoscale Model
- Systematic comparison of automated geological feature detection methods for impact craters
- TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason-1 Formation Flying; Applications of the Tandem Mission Data
- Tectonic Models for the Lake Vostok Region: Evidence for a major Suture Zone within East Antarctica
- Temperature Distribution Analysis of July 2001 Mount Etna Eruption: a Multi-Sensor Image Data Comparison
- The Chesapeake Lighthouse and Aircraft Measurements for Satellite (CLAMS) Campaign: Experiment Overview
- The Earth's Interaction With the Sun Over the Millennia From Analyses of Historical Sunspot, Auroral and Climate Records
- The Ellipsoidal Harmonic Expansion of the Gravity Field of Asteroid Eros 433 Estimated From the NEAR Doppler Tracking Data
- The Evolution of the Martian Hydrosphere.
- The Influence of Equatorial Waves on Scatterometer Winds
- The Ionospheres of Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto
- The JPL SCIGN-3.0.0 analysis - automation and results
- The Mars Exploration Program: Scientific Goals, Objectives, Investigations, and Priorities
- The Martian Surface at Human Scales: Using MOLA Data to Improve Earth-based Radar Scattering Model Retrievals
- The NetLander Atmospheric Instrument System (ATMIS): Technology and Performance assessment
- The Observed Eigenfrequency of the Chandler Wobble
- The Possible Role of Condensed Volatiles in Martian Gully Formation
- The Reliability of Earthquake Source Parameters Derived from SAR Interferometry
- The Role of Scientists in the Education Program of JPL's Astrobiology Institutes: A PI's Perspective.
- The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
- The Space Place: Adventures in Informal Education - and Lessons Learned
- The University of Bern Ion Model: Modeling the Mixed H<SUP>+</SUP>(H<SUB>2</SUB>O)<SUB>m(CH_3CN)_n</SUB> Clusters in the Stratosphere
- The Use of the Geocenter as a Kinematic Reference Point for Large Scale Geophysical Studies
- The solar wind's return to a simple three-dimensional structure: Ulysses' second fast-latitude scan
- Thermal Regime at the Base of the West-Antarctic Ice Stream Tributaries - is the Holocene Decay of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Coming to an End?
- Topographic Evidence for a Massive Ocean on Early Mars.
- Toward a Model for Detecting Life on Extrasolar Planets
- Trace Gas Observations in the Upper Troposphere During ACCENT
- Transport of Aerosols From Asia and Their Radiative Effects Over the Western Pacific: A 3-D Model Study for ACE-Asia Experiment During Spring 2001
- Two-Dimensional Modeling of the Fractionation of Nitrous Oxide Isotopomers in the Stratosphere
- Unambiguous 3.5 cm Reflectivity Images of Ganymede and Callisto From Bistatic Goldstone/VLA Radar Observations
- Upper Tropospheric-Lower Stratospheric In-Situ Measurements Over Hurricane Floyd: The Impact of Tropical Cyclones on Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange
- Use of Quickscat Data to Improve Our Understanding of the Role of Salinity-Rainfall in the Interannual Variability of the Indian Ocean-Atmosphere Climate
- Using Landsat 7 Images to Detect Co-Seismic Surface Displacements
- Validation of Aerosol Products from the Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer
- Variation in flow speed on Ice Stream B
- Variations in Total Solar and Spectral Irradiance During Solar Cycle 23
- Vector Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis of the Satellite Scatterometer Wind Data
- Visualizing Complexity
- Water Vapor Enhancements in an Athena II Rocket Plume
- Wind-forced Intraseasonal Sea Level Variability of the Extratropical Oceans
- 2001 Mars Odyssey: Science Mission Overview
- 3D MHD Simulation of CME Propagation from Solar Corona to 1 AU
- 3D MHD description of the region beyond the termination shock: The behaviour of the Current Sheet
- A Cold Jovian Arctic Polar Vortex: Evidence from Infrared Imaging
- A Global Comparison of Ekman Pumping From Satellite Scatterometers and Ocean Data Assimilation Estimates
- A High-Resolution Surface Vector Wind Product for Coastal Oceans: Blending Satellite Scatterometer Measurements with Regional Mesoscale Atmospheric Model Simulations
- A New Mode of Volcanic Dike-fault Interaction Observed With InSAR for the 2001 Eruption of Mt. Etna
- A Novel Technique For Characterizing The Thickness Of First-Year Sea Ice With The GPS Reflected Signal
- A Novel Technique to Determine Ionic Charge States in Large Solar Particle Events
- A Tale of Two Hot Spots: Charting Thermal Output Variations at Prometheus and Amirani from Galileo NIMS Data
- A new Method for Landslide Detection and Mapping Using Imaging SAR Polarimetry
- A physical model and inversion approach for remote measurement of snow properties.
- Active Region and Coronal Holes Sources of Solar Wind at Solar Activity Maximum
- Aerosol Size Distributions Measured in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere: Formation, Coagulation, Transport and Sedimentation of the Background Non-Volcanic Aerosols
- Amino Acid Racemization Measurements In Water Column of Ice Covered Antarctic Lakes (East And West Bonney Lakes)
- Amino Acids as a Source of Organic Nitrogen in Antarctic Endolithic Microbial Communities
- An Evaluation of Soil Moisture and Vegetation Estimation Using Passive/Active Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing
- An Investigation of Multi-Sensor Radar Backscatter Sensitivity to Spring Thaw Dynamics With Respect to Landscape Complexity
- An Investigation of Recent Observed Changes in the Earth's Oblateness
- An Open-Circuit and a Short-Circuit in the Pacific Ocean Subtropical-Tropical Exchange
- Application of Control Method on a West Antarctic Glacier
- Aqueous Seams in the Small Moons of Saturn and Uranus
- Are the Circular, Dark Features on Comet Borrelly Albedo Variations or Craters?
- Assessing Natural Disaster Impacts and Recovery Using Multifrequency, Fully-Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Optical Remote Sensing Techniques
- Assessing the Effect of Aquifers and Oil Fields on the Interseismic Velocity Field Across Metropolitan Los Angeles
- Assessment of the Sensitivity of Radar Backscatter to Seasonal Snow and Vegetation Thaw Dynamics in a Boreal Ecosystem
- Assessment of the first static gravity field from GRACE in terms of surface ocean circulation
- Autonomous Science Analysis with the New Millennium Program-Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment
- Barometric Pressure Variations Associated with Eastern Pacific Tropical Instability Waves
- Biological Iron Isotopic Fractionations in Antarctic Endolithic Microbial Communities
- Calibrating the Jason-1 Measurement System: Initial Results from the Corsica and Harvest Verification Experiments
- Characterization of Martian Rock Shape for MER Airbag Drop Tests
- Characterization of Tropospheric Aerosols: New Insights from MISR on Terra
- Characterization of slow faulting with subdaily GPS positioning
- Commanding Cassini Radar for the Imaging of Titan's Surface
- Comparison of Recent Total Irradiance Measurements
- Compatible Sea Surface Height Anomaly Records for TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason-1 Missions
- Consequences of proton and alpha anisotropies in the solar wind: Hybrid simulations
- Constructing and Evaluating Summary Data Sets for the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder
- Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) Induced Shock Formation and Properties
- Coupling Between Wind and Sea Surface Temperature
- Daily to Interannual Variability of Mars' Surface Pressure
- Dawn Discovery Mission: A Journey to the Beginning of the Solar System
- Deep Interior: Spacecraft Initiatives for Near-Earth Object Geophysical Exploration
- Detecting a liquid and solid H2O layer by geophysical methods
- Detection of Surface Structure and Heterogeneity using MISR/Terra observations
- Detection of the Conditions for Polar Stratospheric Cloud Formation During the Arctic Winter Using GPS Radio Occultations
- Development of a Power System for Cabled Ocean Observatories
- Direct observations of atmospheric boundary layer response to SST variations associated with tropical instability waves over the eastern equatorial Pacific
- Discriminating Cloud Over ice Using MISR Data
- Diurnal Angular Momentum Exchange in the Earth-Atmosphere System
- Earth Co-orbital Objects
- Emissivity Changes in Basalt Cooling After Eruption From PU'U O'O, Kilauea, Hawaii
- Environmental Mapping with Imaging Spectroscopy of the World Trade Center Area After the September 11, 2001 Attack
- Estimates of Aerosol Direct Effects on the Radiation Budget from MISR Retrievals
- Evaluation of GPS-based orbits for the Jason-1 Mission with Application to Near Real-Time Sea Surface Heights
- Examination of Temperature and Stability Behavior Near the Tropopause Using GPS, Global Analyses and CCM3
- Extreme Mass Fractionation Patterns in Solar Particle Events
- Field Observations Using the FIDO Infrared Point Spectrometer: Mineralogical Interpretation and Implications for In Situ Investigations on Mars
- Finite Larmor Radius Effects in Ponderomotive Force
- First Ground-Based Look at Compositional Differences in the Uranian Satellites
- Following the Polar Cap Magnetic Field and Heliospheric Current Sheet as Ulysses Descends in Latitude.
- Frequency, Wavenumber, and Spatial Decomposition of Sea-Surface-Height Estimates From an Ocean Reanalysis
- From Scientist to Educator: Oceanography in the Formal and Informal Classroom
- GPS Measurements of Tidally Induced Solid Earth Displacements
- GRACE Gravity Field Results from JPL
- GRACE Level-1 Data Processing
- Geodetic Constraints on Mantle Q at Periods from a Fortnight to 18.6 Years
- Gravity Field, Topography, and Interior Structure of Amalthea
- Ground Image Based High Precision Mars Rover Localization and Landing Site Mapping
- Imaging and Stereo Observations from HiRISE on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Improved Resolution and Accuracy of Temperature Retrievals from GPS Occultations
- Initial Results from the Cassini Solar Conjunction Faraday Rotation Experiment
- Interannual Variation of Mixed-layer Heat Balance Inferred From the ECCO Ocean Data Assimilation System
- Interannual-to-decadal Variation of Tropical-subtropical Exchange in the Pacific Ocean: Boundary Versus Interior Pathways
- Interferometric Mapping of the Velocity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Using ERS Tandem Phase Data
- Io's Heat Flow: A Model Including "Warm" Polar Regions
- JERS-1 SAR Mosaics of the North American Boreal Forests
- JPL Mars Gravity Fields: Recent Model Changes and Results
- Jason Microwave Radiometer On Orbit Calibration, Validation and Performance
- Jason-1 : Geophysical Performance Evaluation
- Jason-1 Science Data Distribution
- Joint IRIS/UNAVCO/NASA Remote Seismic/GPS/VSAT Installations
- Large-Scale Ionospheric Disturbances during the April 2002 Storms
- Lava Lakes in Io's Paterae: Surface Expressions of Subsurface Processes
- Lava Lakes on Io
- MISR_View and MISR_Plot: Software Tools for Accessing and Visualizing MISR's Multispectral, Multiangle Data
- Magnetic Field Draping Enhancement at Weakly Magnetized Bodies
- Magnetotail Behavior Associated With `Sawtooth Injections' During the Magnetic Storm in April 2002
- Making NASA Data Easier to Use: Data Product Standardization for NASA's EOS Aura Mission
- Mapping Wetlands of Alaska and Western Canada from Satellite Radar Imagery
- Mapping of High Energy Neutrons from Mars: Results from Odyssey
- Mars CryoScout: Subsurface Exploration of the North Polar Cap
- Mars Exploration Rover Landing Site Hectometer Slopes
- Mars Exploration Rovers as Virtual Instruments for Determination of Terrain Roughness and Physical Properties
- Mars Polar Gully Modification and Possible Formation from Condensed Volatiles
- Mars Rover Image Data Prioritization for Increased Mission Science Return
- Measurements of Ice Water Content in Tropopause Arctic Cirrus during SOLVE (SAGE III Ozone Loss and Validation Experiment)
- Measurements of the Near-Infrared Radiative Properties of Laboratory Generated Water Ice Clouds
- Melt Beneath the Siple Coast Ice Streams
- Microorganisms and Volcanic Glass
- Modeling Mars Rotation: the NEIGE Geodesy Experiment
- Modeling Study of Cross-Shore Exchange Processes in the Southern California Bight Using QuikSCAT Winds
- Modeling and forecast of the polar motion excitation functions for short-term polar motion prediction
- Monitoring Boreal Ecosystem Phenology with Integrated Active/Passive Microwave Remote Sensing
- Monitoring Cryospheric Processes in Canada With Spaceborne Scatterometer and Passive Microwave Data
- Monitoring Earthquake Liquefaction Processes Using MISR/Terra Satellite Data
- Morphological analysis of the Mars polar terrains based on the THEMIS data
- Multi-sensor Analysis of Arctic Polynyas: A New Look
- Multiple scattering in a dark material - an anomaly
- Near-real-time Jason-1 Images
- New Estimates of Tide Gauge Vertical Velocities Based on Nearby GPS Sites
- New Galileo and VLA Observations of Jupiter's Radiation Belts near the vicinty of Amalthea.
- Noise levels in Southern California Integrated GPS Network (SCIGN) data; Preliminary results
- Observation and Modelling of the Evolution of a Field of Rifts Near Hemmen Ice Rise, Ronne Iceshelf, Antarctica, Before the Rupture of Iceberg A38 on October 13th 1998.
- Observations of Exceptional Elemental and Isotopic Composition Patterns in <SUP>3</SUP>He-Rich Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Observed Weather Satellite Thermal IR Responses Prior to Earthquakes
- Ocean Observer Synthetic Aperture Radar User and Instrument Requirements and Configuration
- Offshore Ekman Transport and Ekman Pumping off Peru During the 1997-1998 El Nino
- On the sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Shelves to a Warming Ocean
- Optimal Estimation of Ice-Sheet Mass Balance: Application to Berkner Island, Antarctica.
- Overview of the Mars Exploration Rover Mission
- Overview of the Ocean Observer Satellite Study
- Planetary Interior Structure Revealed by Spin Dynamics
- Planetary Satellite Geodesy: Voyager to Galileo
- Preliminary Analysis of the Absolute Cartographic Accuracy of the Clementine UVVIS Mosaics
- Preseismic, Postseismic and Slow Faulting in Subduction Zones
- QuikSCAT/SeaWinds Monitoring of Large Seasonal Wetlands
- Radar Scattering Properties of Terra Meridiani, Mars
- Radiolysis and Chemical Weathering on the Galilean Satellites
- Recent Changes in Earth Oblateness: Causes and Implications
- Remote Robotic Geology: Learning from the MER-FIDO Field Test Site
- Rift formation and growth on the Ross Ice Shelf
- Robust Hidden Markov Models for Geophysical Data Analysis
- Satellite observations of air-sea interaction over the Kuroshio
- Seasonal Migration of Water Frost on Mars
- Selecting Landing Sites for the Mars Exploration Rovers
- Selection and Evaluation of Landing Sites for the Mars Exploration Rovers
- Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM): A Year 2000 Global Baseline for Measuring Topographic Change
- Simulating a MER Landing Site Remote Sensing Data Set for the 2002 FIDO Field Test
- Simulation of the Effect of Topography and Crustal Thickness on the Martian Seismograms by the Coupled Method.
- Simulations of wave particle interactions in the expanding solar wind in the presence of particle beams
- Snow and Ice in the Earth System Viewed by Space Scatterometer Observatory
- Solar Energetic Particles and Interacting CMEs: Cause or Coincidence?
- Solar Variability and Climate Change in the Last 2000 Years
- Sources, Transport, and Charicteristics of aerosols over the Asian Pacific Region: A Global Model Analysis of in-situ and Satellite data During ACE-Asia
- Spectral Properties of the Differences Between TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason-1 Altimeter Measurements
- Strongly Under-wound and Near-Radial Magnetic Fields in the Solar Wind
- Substorm Expansion Phases During Magnetic Storms in April 17-23, 2002: IMAGE FUV Observations
- Summer Moonshine and Beyond
- Surface and Bottom Morphology of Petermann Gletscher's Floating Tongue in Northwestern Greenland
- Techniques for Distant Scatterometry of Saturn Satellites using the Cassini RADAR
- Temporal Changes in Spatial Distribution of Basal Melting and Freezing in the Catchment Areas of Whillans Ice Stream and Ice Stream C, West Antarctica: Interplay of Climatic Changes and Ice Dynamics
- Terrestrial Analogs to Mars: NRC Community Panel Decadal Report
- The Athena Microscopic Imager on the Mars Exploration Rovers
- The Cold Land Process Experiment's (CLPX) Local Scale Observation Site
- The Cold Land Processes Field Experiment (CLPX): Airborne Remote Sensing Data Collection
- The Cold Land Processes Field Experiment (CLPX): Satellite Measurements
- The Conical Fit Approach to Modeling Ionospheric Total Electron Content
- The Dynamical Response to Heating Associated with Volcanic Aerosols in Two Different AGCMs
- The Far-Ultraviolet Emission From SO<SUB>2</SUB> by Electron Impact
- The Fertilisation of the Sea by a Tropical Cyclone
- The Hydrosphere State (HYDROS) Mission Approach to High Resolution and Frequent Revisit Data Products for Hydrometeorological and Hydroclimatological Applications
- The IERS Special Bureau for Tides
- The IERS Special Bureau for the Oceans
- The Impact of GPS TEC Data on the Global Assimilative Ionosphere Model (GAIM)
- The JASON-1 Mission
- The Lunar Crash of 1953: A Crater is Identified
- The Martian Surface As Seen by the 2001 Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System Experiment
- The NASA 2003 Mars Exploration Rover Panoramic Camera (Pancam) Investigation
- The Northwestern Slope Valleys Region, Mars: A Prime Target for the Future Exploration of Mars
- The Role of the Crust and Elastic Lithosphere in the Formation and Evolution of Venusian Type 2 Coronae
- The Satellite Altimetry Yellow Pages; A Guide for Users
- The Sensitivity of MISR Multi-angle Imaging Aerosol Retrievals Over Dark Water to Assumed Particle Properties, Based on ACE-Asia Field Observations
- The Size of Mars' Fluid Core From Mars k<SUB>2</SUB> Love Number Obtained From Analysis of MGS Doppler Tracking.
- The Solid Earth Research Virtual Observatory: A web-based system for modeling multi-scale earthquake processes
- The Space Place: Multifarious Merchandise for Omnifarious Folks
- The Statistical Characteristics of the Outgoing Spectra: Inter-Comparison Between Models and Comparison Between Models and Observations
- The Underlying Direction of the Heliospheric Magnetic Field at Solar Maximum
- The use of MISR Multiangle Image Data to Visualize Cloud Morphology and Motion
- Thermal Infrared Surface Mineral Mapping at Steamboat Springs, Nevada: Comparison of Airborne and Field Spectral Measurements
- Three Dimensional Landmark Templates
- Tidal Behavior of a Self-Gravitating, Viscoelastic Planet: Analytical Theory for a Multilayered Body
- Torsional oscillations in the Earth core: analysis of the core angular momentum by multi-channel Singular Spectrum Analysis
- Toward an ITRF2000 Combined Solution for the Southern California Integrated GPS Network
- Two Classes of Solar Energetic Particle Events: Time for a New Paradigm?
- Two-day Wave Observations of UARS-MLS Mesospheric Water Vapor and Temperature
- Ulysses GAS Measurements of the Solar Wind Mass Flux North-South Asymmetry
- Upper Oceanic Temperature Variations during 1950-1998 associated with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)
- Uptake of Ethyl Alcohol Vapor in Sulfuric Acid Solutions
- Urban Mapping Validation at Venice With Satelllite and Aircraft Data
- Use Of Amino Acid Racemization To Investigate The Metabolic Activity Of ?Dormant? Microorganisms In Siberian Permafrost
- Use of Aqua/AMSR-E and Synergistic Microwave Data to Study Soil Moisture Variability From Space
- Using MISR/Terra Products to Support Regional Climate Modeling
- VENDAVAL - Visual Environment For Data Validation
- Variations in the 3 μm bound water band on Mars from ground based high spectral resolution spectroscopy.
- Verification of Satellite Radar Remote Sensing Based Estimates of Boreal and Subalpine Growing Seasons Using an Ecosystem Process Model and Surface Biophysical Measurement Network Information
- WINVICAR - A Windows Based Image Analysis Software Package Suitable for Manipulating EOS Data
- Widespread thinning of the Amudsen Sea sector of West Antarctica
- cyclones, tides, and the origin of major dust storms on Mars
- "Recent" Mars Polar Resurfacing Event Suggested by Small Impact Cratering Record
- A Budget of Equatorial Kelvin Waves as Observed in AIRS Data
- A Data Grid Framework for Sharing Data Across Distributed Heterogeneous Repositories
- A Hybrid Global MISR Cloud Mask using Support Vector Machines and Active Learning
- A Mechanism for Alborz Support and Caspian Subsidence:an Elasto-visco-plastic Model for the Last 10 Ma of Strain Accumulation in Northern Iran
- A Multi-Sensor Approach to Estimation of Line of Sight Tropospheric Delays
- A Polar Orbiter to Probe Jupiter's Deep Atmosphere, Interior Structure and Polar Magnetosphere
- A Study to Determine the Feasibility of Extending the Search for NEOs to Smaller Limiting Diameters: Report of a NASA Science Definition Team
- A new concept for seismology on Venus using orbiting radar instead of landers
- A three-dimensional variational data assimilation system for coastal oceans
- Algorithm Refinement for Aqua/AMSR-E Soil Moisture Retrieval
- Amino Acid Enantiomeric Ratios in Biogeochemistry: Complications and Opportunities
- An Initial Assessment of SAGE III Polar Stratospheric Cloud Observations
- An Integrated Data Acquisition / User Request/ Processing / Delivery System for Airborne Remote Sensing Data
- An Observing System Simulation Experiment for HYDROS Soil Moisture Retrievals
- An Unexpected Finding Regarding the Opposition Effect in Planetary Regoliths
- An Updated Assessment of the Hazard Due to Earth Impacts
- Analysis of variability in the Jovian synchrotron emission
- Assessing Geologic Image Interpretation Errors Occurring in Extraterrestrial Robotic Exploration
- Assessing, understanding, and conveying the state of the Arctic sea ice cover
- Assimilation of Space-Based Ultraviolet Data Into a Recursive Global Ionospheric Model
- Atmospheres Produced by Magnetospheric Irradiation of Jupiter's Icy Galilean Moons
- Balanced crustal cross sections across wrinkle ridges on Solis Planum, Mars, from MOLA topography
- Biogeochemical Cycles and the Search for Life Beyond the Solar System.
- Building Successful Partnerships Between Scientists and Educators to Bridge Scientific Research to Education and Outreach Audiences at a National Research Laboratory
- Calibration and Characterization of the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer
- Calibration of the EOS Microwave Limb Sounder on the Aura Spacecraft
- Case Studies and Analyses of AIRS Retrievals over Ocean
- Case Study of ULF Waves in the Cusp Region
- Cassini UVIS Time-Series Observations of Interplanetary H Lyman-alpha Emissions
- Challenges to Life on Mars --- Ecological Perspective
- Channel-Like Bottom Features and High Bottom Melt Rates of Petermann Gletscher's Floating Tongue in Northwestern Greenland
- Characteristics of Saturn's Atmosphere from Ground-Based Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing
- Characteristics of Water Vapor Under Partially Cloudy Conditions: Observations by the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS)
- Characterization of Aura-TES (Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer) Nadir and Limb Retrievals
- Co-Seismic Energy Changes Induced by Earthquakes on A Rotating, Gravitating Earth
- Comparison of MISR and AERONET Aerosol Optical Depths Over Desert Sites
- Comparison of MISR and MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth.
- Comparison of Measured and Modeled Ozone Profiles Above McMurdo Station, Antarctica, During August-October, 1992-2000
- Computing and Visualizing the Complex Dynamics of Earthquake Fault Systems: Towards Ensemble Earthquake Forecasting
- Constraints on Mars Interior from k2 Love number, Moment of Inertia and Crustal Thickness
- Definitive Mineralogical Analysis of Martian Rocks and Soil Using the CheMin XRD/XRF Instrument
- Density Structure of the Solar Corona From Radio Occultation Measurements
- Detecting and Analyzing Trends in Freeze Thaw Cycles of High Northern Latitude Soils Using Passive Microwave Satellites Since 1988
- Detection of Temperature and Moisture Variability in the Planetary Boundary Layer From AIRS Observations
- Determination of the Galilean Icy Satellites Internal Structure From Geodetic Measurements by Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter
- Deuterated Methane and Ethane in the Atmosphere of Jupiter
- Development and Validation of Ocean Surface Wind Derived from the TRMM Precipitation Radar Measurements
- Dynamics of the Upper Reaches of the Polar Vortex, Using EOS MLS Data.
- EOS MLS, the Earth Observing System Microwave Limb Sounder
- EOS Microwave Limb Sounder Retrievals: New Approaches, Theory and Results From Simulations.
- Earth Tides, Mantle Anelasticity, and the Post-1998 Change in the Earth's Oblateness
- Eastern Sahara Paleohydrology from JERS-1 Radar Data: Potential Analog to Mars
- Elemental and Isotopic Composition in Impulsive Solar Energetic Particle Events: New Results from ACE
- Elnino and the variability of Global Precipitation
- Evaluation and Development of the Pattern Informatics Method of Earthquake Forecasting
- Evidence That Ambient Nitric Acid Increases Relative Humidity in Low-Temperature Cirrus Clouds
- Evidence of the Effect of Summertime Midlatitude Convection on the Subtropical Lower Stratosphere: An Analysis of Tracer Measurements From the CRYSTAL-FACE Mission
- Excitation of Non-Atmospheric Polar Motion by the Migration of the Pacific Warm Pool
- Extreme Space: Engaging and Educating the Public by Showcasing the Extremes of our Solar System
- Flooding Estimates from Aqua Microwave Observations
- Fluid Effects on Earth Rotation: What is Next?
- Forward modeling of volcanic aerosols transmissions at different latitudes; quantifying the effects of varying tropospheric water vapor on ash detection.
- GPS Lessons Learned
- GPS Occultation Sensor Observations of the Ionospheric E-Region
- GRACE Gravity Field Analysis Results from JPL
- GRACE Gravity Field Product Description and Mission Profile
- GRACE Level-1 Processing Status
- Galileo Measurements of the Jovian Electron Radiation Environment
- Geocenter Variability and its Excitation: Insight From Geodetic and Global Geophysical Fluid Model Comparisons
- Geodesy of Amalthea and the Galilean Satellites of Jupiter
- Geoscience Research in Developing Countries: Collaborative Efforts
- Global Survey of 6.9 GHz Radio Frequency Interference and Implications for Future Remote Sensing
- Gravitational and magma forced spreading of Mount Etna volcano revealed by InSAR data
- Gravity Waves in ER-2 Observations During CRYSTAL-FACE: Propagation Characteristics and Potential Role in Cirrus Cloud Formation
- Ground and Space-based Sensor Web System: Streamlining Spacecraft Observation Response to Flood Detection.
- Ground-based Mid-infrared Observations of Saturn's Rings: Pre-Cassini
- Ground-based measurements of NO3 column abundance over Table Mtn, California
- HNO<SUB>3</SUB> From MLS: Building on the UARS Legacy With Aura Measurements
- Horizontal Variability in the Upper Tropical Troposphere
- Ice Nucleation in Low-Temperature Aircraft Contrails During CRYSTAL-FACE
- Ice Shelf Front Readjustment in Response to Inflow Perturbations: Towards a new Model of Ice Shelf Disintegration
- Impact of Vertical Variability captured by GPS Occultation on the Microwave Sounding Unit Stratospheric Record
- Infrared Remote Sensing Through Clouds With the AIRS-AMSU-HSB Sounding System on Aqua
- Interannual Atmospheric Torque and ENSO: Where is the Polar Motion Signal?
- Interferometry with GPS Low Earth Orbiters Occultations
- Interplanetary Field Enhancements: Further evidence of an interaction between the solar wind and interplanetary dust
- Interplanetary-Ionospheric Coupling: The 6 November 2001 Magnetic Storm Event
- Inverse Estimates of Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide From Ocean Interior Carbon Measurements and Ocean General Circulation Models
- Investigation of Planets and Small Bodies Using Decameter Wavelength Radar Sounders
- Io Science Opportunities From the JIMO Mission
- Io in the Infrared - Science Opportunities with the JIMO Mission
- Jupiter Icy Moon Orbiter (JIMO) Remote Sensing: Geology and Geochemistry Science Goals and Objectives.
- Kirchhoff Reconstruction for Real-Time Fault Rupture Determination
- Layers with biomass burning signature observed at 15.8 km in the stratosphere
- Linked space physics models for operational ionospheric forecasting
- Localization of Oceanic Fronts and Feature Boundaries Using a Variational Technique
- Long-Term Total Irradiance Composites and Models
- Long-Wavelength Imaging Radar - A Window on Near-Surface Processes
- Long-term Rates of Mafic Magma Emplacement and Implications for Heat Advection
- Lunar Rotation, Orientation and Tides
- MISR-AERONET Aerosol Comparisons
- MSLT, Multi Surface Light Table, a Tool for Viewing Faults Under Their Terrain
- Magnetic Effects at the Edge of the Solar System: MHD Instabilities, the de Laval nozzle effect and an Extended Jet
- Magnetic Field and Long-Term Solar Irradiance Variations Over Solar Cycles 21 to 23
- Magnetic Tests For Magnetosome Chains In Martian Meteorite ALH84001
- Mapping Wetlands of the North American Boreal Zone from Satellite Radar Imagery
- Martian polar layered deposits: the latest from the THEMIS investigation.
- Mass Loads, Surface Deformation, and the Earth's Rotation
- Maximizing Rover Science Return Through Autonomous Onboard Data Analysis
- Measurement of Key Polar Climate Variables in IPY4 Through Deployment of an International Fleet of Robotic Vehicles
- Measurements of HNO<SUB>3</SUB> and NO<SUB>y</SUB> on Cirrus Ice Particles and in Solution Aerosols During CRYSTAL-FACE
- Measurements of Water Vapor and Total Water on the NASA WB-57: Validation and Determination of Cirrus Ice Water Content
- Measuring Water Content and Desorption Isotherms in Soil Simulants Under Martian Conditions
- Miniature Electrospray Ionization/Ion Mobility Spectrometer System for Detection of Organic Molecules on Mars
- Mixing Near the Subtropical Jet - a Case Study
- Modeling the electron and proton radiation belts of Saturn
- Modelling of the ice-shelf rifting around Hemmen Ice Rise, prior to the calving of iceberg A38.
- Monitoring Subsidence Changes over the Lost Hills Diatomite Oil Field, California*
- Multi-reference Evaluation of Uncertainty in Earth Orientation Parameter Measurements
- Multiparametric Airborne Radar observations of the melting layer during the Wakasa Bay Experiment and compairson to passive radiometric brightness temperatures
- NASA's New Millennium ST-9 Project
- Nature of the Plasma Sheet Between Same-Polarity Solar Wind Streams
- Nitric Acid Uptake on Subtropical Cirrus Cloud Particles
- Observation of the Antarctic Sudden Stratospheric Warming of September 2002 using GPS Radio Occultation Technique
- Observations of deep convective transport of reactive constituents to the tropical and mid-latitude tropopause region
- Observed Weather Satellite Thermal Responses Prior to and After Earthquakes
- Observing the Arctic From Space: Educational Opportunities for an International Polar Year
- One year of Monthly Images of Cloud-Filtered AIRS Data
- Passive Microwave Sounding of Jupiter's Atmosphere From an Orbiting Spacecraft
- Persistent Ice Supersaturation in Tropical Anvil Cirrus
- Photometric Evidence for Volatile Transport on Triton
- PlanetQuest: Engaging the Public and Students in NASA's Search for New Worlds
- Planetary Data in Education: Tool Development for Access to the Planetary Data System
- Plasmaspheric Dynamics: Solar-Wind/IMF and Sub-Auroral Coupling
- Polarization Study of the O2 A-Band and Its Application to the Retrieval of O2 Column Abundance
- Potential of Observations From the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer to Constrain Regional Sources of Carbon Monoxide
- Preservation of Digital Data From High Volume Data Repositories
- Probing the Microbe-Mineral Interface: Towards A Quantitative Treatment of Mineral-Surface Processes in the Context of Microbial Attachment
- Probing the Subsurface of Mars with MARSIS on Mars Express
- Pyrite Framboids: A Possible Biosignature For the Study of Ancient Sediments
- Quantifying Stratospheric Ozone in the Upper Troposphere Using in Situ Measurements of HCl
- Quantitative Constraints on Aerosol Optical Properties Over Dark Water from MISR Multi-angle Imaging
- Radio Science Concepts for Exploring the Interior Structures of Jupiter's Icy Moons
- Radio and Plasma Wave Science Opportunities Afforded by the Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter
- Real-time Upstream Monitoring System: Using ACE Data to Predict the Arrival of Interplanetary Shocks
- Recent Goldstone Solar System Radar Observations
- Recovering Height and Geodetic Scale with GPS
- Regularized Deterministic Annealing Hidden Markov Models for Identificationand Analysis of Seismic and Aseismic events.
- Remote Sensing of pan-Arctic Snowpack Thaw Using the Seawinds Scatterometer
- Retrieval of Oxygen A-Band Spectra from Airborne Measurements
- Retrieval of Soil Moisture From Passive and Active L/S Sensor Observations During the Soil Moisture Experiments in 2002
- Retrieving mineral dust composition, size and shape (CSS) properties from multi-angle remote sensing observations.
- SOHO Observations of the Perihelion Passage Comet C/2002 V1 NEAT
- SPECTRA Teachers' Workshops: A Collaboration Between a NASA Laboratory and a Small University
- Satellite Observations of Spatial Patterns and Interannual Variability in Spring Thaw and Terrestrial Net Primary Production for the Pan-Arctic
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Landscape Freeze/Thaw State Dynamics for Complex Topography and Fire Disturbance Areas Using Multi-Sensor Radar and SRTM Digital Elevation Models
- Seasonal Geodetic Signatures and Global Surface Mass Variations
- Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the Carbon Exchange Coefficient Between the Ocean and the Atmosphere
- Second Encounter of Ulysses With Jupiter
- Sensitive Amino Acid Composition and Chirality Analysis in the Martian Regolith with a Microfabricated in situ Analyzer
- Sensitivity analysis of cirrus clouds using high-resolution IR spectra: Simulations and observations
- Sensitivity to environmental properties in globally averaged synthetic spectra of Earth
- Signatures of Magnetic Storms Induced by Magnetic Clouds
- Simulated Sea Surface Salinity Variability in the Tropical Pacific
- Simulations of Wave Particle Interactions in the Expanding Solar Wind in 1 and 2 Dimensions.
- Solar Cycle Variation in the Ozone Distribution Simulated by a Two-dimensional Chemistry Transport Model
- Some Considerations about Inferring Coronal Magnetic Fields and Other Coronal Properties from Coronal Emission Line Polarization
- Spatial-Spectral EOF analysis of AIRS data: an exploratory study
- Spectral-Windows and Retrieval Characterization for Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer Nadir Retrievals
- Specular Reflection of Odyssey's UHF Beacon from the Northern Latitudes of Mars
- Stratospheric HOx Sensitivity and Accuracy From Aura MLS Instrument
- Streamlining Spacecraft Observation Response to Volcanic Activity Detection with a Ground and Space-based Sensor Web System.
- Studies of the HO<SUB>2</SUB> + C<SUB>2</SUB>H<SUB>5</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB> and C<SUB>2</SUB>H<SUB>5</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB> + C<SUB>2</SUB>H<SUB>5</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB> Reactions Using Near-IR Kinetic Spectroscopy
- Studying the connection between the ionosphere and plasmasphere using GPS observations
- Sub-Daily to Interannual Geocenter Motion - Direct and Inverse GPS Results
- Suborbital measurements of spectral aerosol optical depth and its variability at sub-satellite-grid scales in support of CLAMS, 2001
- Supply of trans-Europa Neutral Torus by the Surface-bounded Atmosphere of Europa
- Surface Water Applications of Satellite Scatterometry
- Survey of <SUP>3</SUP>He Abundances in Large, Gradual Solar Particle Events: 1997-2002
- Synergistic Observations between Cassini-Huygens and Earth-Orbital and Ground-Based Observatories and Relevant Laboratory Studies
- Temporal Evolution of Atmospheric and Oceanic Excitation of Earth Orientation Variations During the Past 50 Years
- Terrestrial Radar Observations of Gusev Crater, Mars
- The Angular Velocity of Nubia Relative to Somalia and the Location of the Nubia-Somalia-Antarctica Triple Junction
- The Aquarius/SAC-D salinity mapping satellite mission: Science and measurement objectives for studying the ocean freshwater budget
- The Averaging Kernel of CO2 column measurements by the Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO), Its Use in Inverse Modeling, and Comparisons to AIRS, SCIAMACHY, and ground-based FTIR
- The Biosignatures of Controlled Bbiomineralization of Pyrite From Fe<SUP>2+</SUP> and H<SUB>2</SUB>S by Thiomonas sp.
- The Coronal Magnetic Field, Signatures of Coronal Holes and Silicon Nanometer Dust Grains
- The EOS AURA Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES)
- The Effects of Microbial Surface Attachment on the Dissolution Kinetics of Plagioclase Feldspar
- The Hydrosphere State Mission (HYDROS) Soil Moisture and Freeze/Thaw Exploratory Mission
- The MECA payload on the 2007 Phoenix Mars Scout mission
- The Mars Odyssey Science Mission
- The Microphysical and Radiative Evolution of a Cirrus Anvil During CRYSTAL-FACE
- The New Polar Explorers of the 21st. Century: Autonomous Vehicles
- The Plasma Environments of Jupiter's Galilean Satellites - Galileo Radio Science Results
- The Solid Earth Research Virtual Observatory
- The Surface of Titan: Arecibo Radar Observations
- The Tropospheric Products of the International GPS Service
- The X-ray source region of <SUP>3</SUP>He-rich solar energetic particle events
- The effect of the second order GPS ionospheric correction on receiver positions
- The international Solid Earth Virtual Research Observatory (iSERVO) institute seed project
- Thinning of the Patagonian Icefields From Recent Laser Altimetry, SRTM and Earlier Cartographic Data
- Tidal deformation, Orbital Dynamics and JIMO
- Towards Land Structure Parameters from Multi-angular Remote Sensing Data
- Trends in Pan-Arctic Springtime Thaw Monitored With Spaceborne Microwave Radiometry
- Tropospheric Emissions Spectrometer (TES) One Day Test Objectives And Status
- Two Dimensional Characterization of Atmospheric Profile Retrievals From Limb Sounding Observations
- Ultraviolet Spectroscopy in the Jovian System
- Updated Measurements of the Isotopic Composition of Solar Energetic Particles
- Using SEP Elemental Abundance Measurements to Infer Coronal Composition
- Utilizing Site-Specific Antenna Phase Center Calibration Maps for Reducing the Noise in the GPS Vertical
- Validation of AIRS Column Ozone Retrievals
- Validation of Aura Data: Needs and Implementation
- Validation of satellite altimeter range measurements over salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
- Variability in the Atmosphere-Ocean System and Global Change: Insights via Sea Surface Temperature Analysis
- Velocity change and ice discharge from Antarctic Peninsula Glaciers
- Visualization of Multi-dimensional MISR Datasets Using Self-Organizing Map
- What are the best ways to look for extinct or extant life on mars? Thinking outside the box
- What do Measurements of Abundance Variations Tell us About the Origin and Evolution of the Solar Wind
- Witnessing a Revolution in Ionospheric Remote Sensing
- 3D Sun Loop Tracer: A Tool for Stereoscopy of Coronal Loops for NASA's STEREO Mission
- A First View of Polar Vortex Evolution and Breakup From the Microwave Limb Sounder on Aura
- A Low Frequency Radar for Direct Measurement of Sea Ice Thickness: Implications of Ice Surface Roughness
- A Multisensor Approach to the Remote Sensing of Volcanic Emissions
- A Neptune/Triton Vision Mission Using Nuclear Electric Propulsion
- A New Evaluation of the Galactic Cosmic Ray Radiation Dose In Interplanetary Space
- A New View of Polar Processing: First Results From the Microwave Limb Sounder on Aura
- A Quantitative Analysis of Extraction of Organic Molecules from Terrestrial Sedimentary Deposits
- A Revised Isotope Fractionation Model for Dissimilatory Sulfate Reduction in Sulfate Reducing Bacteria
- A Virtual Surface Water Satellite Mission: Identifying Key Science Issues
- AFIDS, a Precision Automatic Co-Registration Process for Spacecraft Sensors
- AGU Committee on Education and Human Resources Sub-Committee on Diversity Program for the term 2004-2006
- AIRS Data Product Size Reduction
- Aeolian Abrasion, a Dominant Erosion Agent in the Martian Environment
- Aeolian environments observed by the Mars Exploration Rovers
- Aerosol size distribution in the tropical/subtropical upper tropsophere: First observation of in-situ new particle formation in cirrus clouds
- An Early Assessment of Data Quality From the Aura Satellite's Microwave Limb Sounder Experiment: Ozone and Hydrogen Chloride
- An Innovative Approach to Data Access for a Diverse Group of Atmospheric Scientists
- An Internship Model for Culturally Relevant Success for Native American High School Students
- Analysis of the Variation of Energetic Electron Flux with Respect to Longitude and Distance Normal to the Magnetic Equatorial Plane for Galileo Energetic Particle Detector Data
- Application of GeoFEST With PYRAMID Mesh Refinement to Southern California Crustal Deformation
- Approaches for the Detection of Microseism Generating Regions from Space
- Baroclinic storms in the northern hemisphere of Mars
- Bayesian Approach to the Joint Inversion of Gravity and Magnetic Data, with Application to the Ismenius Area of Mars
- Bowie Lecture: Time Variable Gravity Measurements Come of Age
- Building an Integrated View of Antarctica Using Products from the Radarsat Antarctic Mapping Project
- Camera, Hand lens, And Microscope Probe (CHAMP): An Instrument Proposed for the 2009 MSL Rover Mission.
- Carbon Dioxide and Methane Column Abundances Retrieved from Ground-Based Near-Infrared Solar Spectra and Comparison with In Situ Aircraft Profiles
- Cassini CIRS: Preliminary Results on Saturn's Rings
- Cassini Imaging Observations of Titan
- Cassini Imaging Science: Orbits of Moons and Rings
- Cassini Magnetic Field Measurements and Saturn's Interior
- Cassini RADAR Observations of Phoebe
- Cassini UVIS Observations Show Active Saturn's Rings
- Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph Initial Observations of Saturn
- Cassini observations of ULF waves during the TA Titan flyby
- Cassini's First Distant and Close Encounters With Titan: Initial Analysis From CAPS
- Cassini-Huygens in Orbit about Saturn
- Chandra Observations of Soft X-ray Emissions from Earth and Jupiter
- Characteristics Of Titan's Clouds from VIMS T0 Observations
- Climate Change on Mars: From Wet in the Noachian at Meridiani to Dry and Desiccating in the Hesperian/Amazonian Plains of Gusev
- Coastal Ocean Topography and Low-Atmospheric Profiling from GPS Ground-Based Reflections
- Combination of GPS and DORIS Data for Troposphere and Local tie Studies
- Comet C/2002 V1 (NEAT): Behavior of a Cometary Dust Tail at 0.1 AU From the Sun
- Comparison of Global Continental Hydrology Models Using Low Degree Time Variable Gravity Measurements
- Comparison of TEC Measurements from Dual-Frequency Space Geodetic Techniques
- Comparison of the Ice Production and Thicknesses in the Chukchi Sea Polynyas Derived From AMSR-E and SSM/I, and its Implication for Other Regions
- Coronae Formation on Venus by Rayleigh-Taylor Instability
- Correlation of Regional and Global Scale Geology on Europa
- Coupling Immersive Experiences with the Use of Mission Data to Encourage Students' Interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math: Examples from the Mars Exploration Program
- Data Tools and Services at the NASA/JPL Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC)
- Decadal weakening of the shallow overturning circulation in the South Indian Ocean
- Deep Interior: Radio Reflection Tomographic Imaging of Earth-Crossing Asteroids
- Determination of Sea Ice Thickness from Angular and Frequency Correlation Functions and by Genetic Algorithm: A Theoretical Study of New Instrument Technology
- Developing Parallel Active Tectonics Simulations Using GeoFEST and the PYRAMID Adaptive Mesh Refinement Library
- Development of an Interferometric Laser Ranging System for a Follow-On Gravity Mission to GRACE
- Early Results at Titan with the Cassini RADAR Radiometer
- Earth and Space Sciences: The Need for Diversity in Global Science
- Earth-based Measurements of Planetary Rotational States
- Effect of Snow Cover on the Characterization of Seasonal Freeze-Thaw Processes From Spaceborne Radar
- Effects of a Tilted Heliospheric Current Sheet in the Heliosheath: 3D MHD Modeling
- Enabling Semantic Interoperability for Earth System Science
- Energetic <SUP>3</SUP>He in the Inner Heliosphere: 1997 to 2004
- Energetic Particles Associated with the Interplanetary Shock of 25 September 2001
- Energetic Proton and Electron Distributions in Saturn Magnetosphere as Revealed by Cassini / Voyager Observations and Proposed by Models
- Energy transport in water rich ices
- Enhancing Earth Rotation Studies by Combining Earth Rotation Measurements
- Estimating GPS Satellite Antenna Phase Center Variations Using Data from the Jason-1 and GRACE Missions
- Experimental and theoretical evaluation of magnetic field variations caused by ocean currents
- Extreme Solar Wind Conditions and Extreme Response of the Earth's Magnetosphere
- Finite Fault Modeling in Near-Real Time for Tsunami Warning Applications
- First Cassini RADAR Observations of Titan
- Fluctuations of Cloud, Humidity, and Thermal Structure Neare the Tropical Tropopause
- Fractal Mars: Global Equal-Area Mapping of 0.3 km to 1.2 km Slope Properties
- From Lewis and Clark to Valles Marineris: Using NASA data to fly virtual landscapes
- GENESIS SciFlo: Enabling Multi-Instrument Atmospheric Science Using Grid Workflows
- GPS Data Products for Solid Earth Science
- GPS Measurement of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Antarctica: Current Results and Future Prospects
- GPS Ocean Topography of Monterey Bay
- GRACE Data Processing and Distribution at JPL PO.DAAC
- Gender Diversity in Planetary Volcanology: Encouraging Equality
- Generation and Performance of Automated Jarosite Mineral Detectors for Mars Rovers.
- Getting Planetary Data into the Hands of Educators: Recommendations from a Community Discussion
- Global Cryospheric Impact on Satellite Gravity Measurements: 1980-2003
- Heating and Acceleration of Minor Ions in the Expanding Solar Wind
- Heavy Element Abundances in the Heliospheric Plasma Sheet
- Hematite at Meridiani Planum and Gusev Crater as identified by the Moessbauer Spectrometer MIMOS II
- Hidden Markov Models for Detecting Aseismic Events in Southern California
- High Latitude Magnetic Field Polarity Reversals: A Solar Source or In Situ Generation?
- How to Leverage Existing Spectral Knowledge when Clustering Hyperspectral Data
- Humidity Measurements in the Tropical Tropopause Layer from Pre-AVE
- ICESat: Thin ice and open water detection for validation of freeboard retrievals
- Identification and Characterization of Potential Ground Targets for Satellite Microwave Sensor Calibration Monitoring
- Impacts of Recent Warming on a Floating Ice Tongue in Northern Greenland
- Implications of Cassini UVIS Observations of Neutral Gas in the Saturn Magnetosphere
- Importance Of Recent Shifts In Soil Thermal Dynamics On Growing Season Length, Productivity, And Carbon Sequestration In Terrestrial High-Latitude Ecosystems
- Improved GPS time series in Southern California through the combination of SOPAC and JPL solutions
- In Situ Measurements Of Ionic Motion Directly In Planetary Soils
- In-Situ Mineralogical Analysis using a Miniaturized Onboard Petrograph
- Inconsistencies in Tropical Tropopause Temperatures Between Radiosonde and GPS Radio Occultation Measurements
- Initial Cassini Plasma Observations at Saturn
- Insights into Stratospheric Dehydration Using Isotopes of Water
- Interaction of Saturnian Dust Stream Particles Detected by the Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyser (CDA) With the Interplanetary Medium on Approach to Saturn
- Interannual Variability in Upper-Ocean Heat Content, Temperature and Thermosteric Expansion on Global Scales
- Interchange Injection and Drift Dispersion of Hot Plasma in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- International GPS Service - 10 Years History, New Directions for GNSS and Space Geodesy
- Investigating the subglacial environment and geology of Antarctica and Greenland by direct means
- Ku-band Radar Response to Terrestrial Snow Properties
- Large Scale Mapping of Disturbance and Recovery Using Fusion of Radar and Lidar: An Assessment
- Large topographic rises, coronae, large flow fields and large volcanoes on Venus: Evidence for mantle plumes?
- Laser-induced Native Fluorescence Detection of Organic Molecules in Hydrothermal Vent Rocks
- Lava Lakes on Jupiter's Moon Io
- Long-Term Sun Climate Connections, Revealed by the Analyses of Historical and Other Proxy Records
- Low-to-Middle Latitude Plasma Transport During Geomagnetic Storms Observed From Ground and Space-Borne GPS Receivers
- Lunar Rotation, Orientation and Science
- Making Existing Surface Albedo Products Compatible with the Needs of Land Surface Models
- Making Sense of Large, Complex Datasets: Using MISR's Multiangle and Multispectral Information to Detect Clouds and Aerosols
- Managing global satellite data: The GHRSST-PP
- Mapping Active Fault Zones in Southern California Using Master Multispectral Imagery Data
- Mars 2007 Phoenix Lander: Site Selection and Terrain Analysis
- Mars Aeronomy Science Themes and the NASA Exploration Initiative
- Mars Exploration Rover Field Observations of Impact Craters at Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum
- Mass Anomalies on Ganymede
- Measuring Non-spherical Airborne Dust with Space-based MISR Multi-angle Imaging.
- Measuring Surface Water From Space
- Measuring Vegetation Aerodynamic Roughness Over the Amazon Basin
- Mesoscale Circulations and Atmospheric CO2 Variations in the Tapajos Region, Para, Brazil
- Microwave Crosslink in the Active Limb Sounding of Atmospheric Water: A Simulation Study
- Modification of the Pattern Informatics Method for Forecasting Large Earthquake Events Using Complex Eigenvectors
- Monitoring Freeze-Thaw States in the Pan-Arctic: Application of Microwave Remote Sensing to Monitoring Hydrologic and Ecological Processes
- NASA's New Millennium ST-9 Project
- NASA's New Millennium ST6 Project
- New Measurements of Stratospheric HOx from Aura MLS and Balloon
- New Satellite Observations of Upper Tropospheric/Lower Stratospheric Aerosols: Case Studies over the U.S. and Canada
- Nonequilibrium melting of icy soil in confined geometries on Mars
- Numerical Modeling of Deformation in the Los Angeles Basin, Southern California
- Observation of Chlorine Activation near the Midlatitude Tropopause
- Observations of Bromine Monoxide from the Microwave Limb Sounder on Aura
- Observations of Gas- and Condensed-Phase Nitric Acid in the Tropical Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
- Observations of Midlatitude Ionospheric "Wall-Like" Features During Major Geomagnetic Storms
- Observing the Polar Regions from Space: Educational Opportunities for an International Polar Year and International Heliophysical Year
- Oceanic Influence on Continental Rainfall Observed From Space
- Olympus Mass Movement Study from Mars Global Surveyor and Comparison with Io's Volcanoes and Mountains from Galileo Mission
- On large outflows of Arctic sea ice into the Barents Sea
- On the Robustness of Air-Sea Flux Estimates of Carbon Dioxide from Ocean Inversions
- On-Board Cryospheric Change Detection By The Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment
- Outstanding Science at Neptune: Aerocapture Implementation of NASA's "Neptune Orbiter With Probes" Vision Mission
- PUMAS (Practical Uses of Math And Science) - Low Cost, High Impact
- Pancam Photometric Observations at the Mars Exploration Rover Landing Sites
- Phase Changes and State Estimation for Non-linear Systems
- Planetary Auroral Storms Trace a CME-driven Interplanetary Shock Throughout the Solar System, from the Sun to Saturn at 9 AU
- Plasma Boundaries and Low Frequency Waves at Saturn: Cassini Magnetometer Observations
- Pollution Processing by California Radiation Fogs
- Preliminary Interpretation of Titan Plasma Interaction as Observed by the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer: Comparisons With Voyager 1
- Properties of the Heliospheric Current and Plasma Sheets at 5 AU: Ulysses Observations
- QuakeTables: The Fault Database for QuakeSim
- Quantum Gravity Gradiometer Using Atom Interferometers for gravity Mapping
- Radial Diffusion Coefficients for the Transport of Radiation-Belt Particles: a Case Study for Protons and Electrons in Jupiter's Inner Magnetosphere
- Radiometric Characteristics of Cassini RADAR Imagery
- Recent Advances: Onboard Autonomous Science Investigation System
- Recent Changes in the Dynamic Oblateness (J2) of the Earth: Contributions from the Earth's Subsystems and Their Implications
- Recent results of open-loop tracking of GPS occultations in the lower troposphere and implications on measuring specific humidity
- Relation between satellite-derived vegetation indices, surface temperature and vegetation water content
- Remote Measurements of Atmospheric Carbon Column Densities: Error Analysis and Early Results
- Resolving Codependent Processes Within Natural Dust Devil Vortices
- Rheology of the Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica, inferred from satellite radar interferometry data using an inverse control method.
- Rock Rinds and Coatings: Indicators of Aqueous Processes
- RockIT: A Graphical Program for Labeling and Analyzing Rock S cenes
- SAR interferometry analysis of volcanoes in Kamchatka using ENVISAT and RADARSAT-1 data
- Satellite IR thermal measurements prior to the September 2004 earthquakes in central California
- Satellite radar interferometry time series analysis of surface deformation for the metropolitan Los Angeles and San Francisco, California, areas
- Saturn Temperatures, Winds, and Composition from Cassini CIRS
- Saturn's A Ring as Seen by the Voyager IRIS and Cassini CIRS Experiments
- Saturn's Icy Satellites: Observations From Cassini/Huygens
- Saturn's Internal Magnetic Field
- Searching for Biosignatures in Pyrite Framboids
- Sensitive Amino Acid Composition and Chirality Analysis with the Mars Organic Analyzer (MOA)
- Sensitivity of Ozone to Bromine in the Lower Stratosphere
- Sensor Webs in the Wild
- Simulation-Based Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment Using System-Level, Physics-Based Models: Assembling Virtual California
- Solar Coronal Magnetic Fields From Cassini Faraday Rotation
- Solar Polar Imager Vision Mission Study: Observing Solar Activity from a New Perspective
- Some Aspects of Dust-Plasma Interactions in the Solar System
- Spectral Imaging of Saturn by Cassini/VIMS: Early Science Results
- Stream Particles as Messengers from Saturn's Rings
- Streamlining Spacecraft Observation Response to Volcanic Activity Detection Using An Autonomous Sensor Web of Ground and Space-Based Assets.
- Study of Ice Sheet Basal Processes With Visible Light Images Acquired from a Borehole Probe
- Sub-glacier ocean properties and mass balance estimates of Petermann Gletscher's floating tongue in Northwestern Greenland
- Subarctic Bottom Pressure Oscillation observed by GRACE, linked to ENSO
- Subglacial Volcanism in West-Antarctica - A Geologic and Ice Dynamical Perspective
- Successful Detection of Floods in Real Time Onboard EO1 Through NASA's ST6 Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment (ASE)
- Surface Dust Redistribution on Mars as Observed by the Viking and Mars Global Surveyor Orbiters
- Surface Mass Variations From GPS/Ocean Bottom Pressure Model and GRACE
- Surface Water Frequency Distribution over the Continental Scale
- Surface displacements and source parameters of the 2003 Bam (Iran) earthquake from Envisat ASAR imagery
- Techniques for Calibrating the Cassini RADAR
- Testing Predictions of Along-strike Variations in the Shallow Seismogenic Behavior of Subduction Zones
- The 1997-99 abrupt change of the upper ocean temperature in the northcentral Pacific
- The ASTER emergency scheduling system: A new project linking near-real-time satellite monitoring of disasters to the acquisition of high-resolution remote sensing data
- The Detection of a Striking Increase in the Microwave Emission from Jupiter's Radiation Belts in June and July 2003.
- The EOS AURA Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (tes)
- The EOS Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (EOS MLS)
- The Extremes of Volcanic Activity: Earth and Jupiter's Moon Io
- The Goldstone-Apple Valley Radio Telescope (GAVRT) Science Education Partnership
- The International Solid Earth Research Virtual Observatory
- The Juno New Frontiers Jupiter Polar Orbiter Mission
- The Laser Dust Detector - a strategy for in-situ dust detection in planetary ice sheets
- The Long-Term Evolution of Transient Liquid Water on Mars
- The Mars SEIS Experiment : Development Status
- The NASA EOS User Services Offices: Supporting Earth Science Data
- The OCEANIDS Operational Data Management System
- The Opportunity Landing Site in Meridiani Planum: Lacustrine or Marine?
- The Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) Mission
- The Relationship Between Eddies and Zonal Flow on Jupiter: Results From the Cassini Flyby
- The Saturn Atmosphere: An Early Cassini ISS Perspective
- The Surface Composition of Saturn's Moon Phoebe As seen by the Cassini Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer
- The effect of the 2nd order ionosphere correction on GPS orbits and station positions
- The role of moisture transport in the arctic freshwater cycle
- The use of ocean microseisms for monitoring time-dependent stress-induced crustal properties changes
- Thermal structure of the TTL and its relation to stratospheric-tropospheric exchange of water.
- Titan's Surface Seen by VIMS/Cassini
- Topographic Signatures of Geomorphic Processes at Desert Piedmonts
- Topographic and Remote Sensing Analysis of Explosion Craters in the Nevada Test Site: Application to Mars Hazards
- Towards the development of Hyperspectral Images of trench walls. Robotrench: Automatic Data acquisition
- Tracing Geologic Formations in Hyperspectral Imagery using Support Vector Machines
- Tracking seasonal changes in the Martian polar regions.
- Transverse Waves in the Inner Saturn Magnetosphere
- USC/JPL GAIM: A Real-Time Global Ionospheric Data Assimilation Model
- Ultraviolet Observations of Icy Saturnian Satellites from Cassini
- VIMS Evidence for Palimpsests on Titan as a Constraint on Widespread Precipitation.
- Validation of GLAS range measurement over the salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
- Variations of Temperature-Salinity Relationship in the Pycnocline of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean Associated With El Niño
- Visual Data Mining for Remote Sensing Data Sets
- Volcanic Activity of Io Monitored with Keck-10m AO in 2003-2004
- Volumetric Fluxes From Volcanoes on Io and Earth: a Comparison.
- Water Vapor Diffusion Through Porous Regolith at Mars Environments
- Who Needs Isostasy? Non-Isostatic Support for Major Mountain Belts, an Example From the Northern Iran-South Caspian System
- Wind Patterns at the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Sites Inferred from Mars Express HRSC and MER Images
- 100 Years after the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906: Earthquake Forecasting and Forecast Verification - Status, Prospects and Promise
- 26Al in Iapetus - Consequences for the Formation of the Saturnian System
- 26Al in the Saturnian System - New Interior Models for the Saturnian satellites
- 3-Dimensional Modeling of Ionospheric Current
- A Comparative Study of Relative Humidity Distributions Inside and Outside of Clouds at Both the Middle and Tropical Latitudes
- A Decade-Long Record of Global Sea-Surface Height from Satellite Altimetry: Status and Outlook
- A Fast Thin Cirrus Radiative Transfer Model Applied to AIRS Spectra for Cloudy Data Assimilation
- A Follow-On Titan Orbiter Mission Enabled by Advanced Radioisotope Power Systems
- A Merged Atmospheric Water Data Set from the A-Train
- A New Antarctic glacial history approaching spatial and temporal resolution required for contemporary geodesy
- A New Look at the Upper Mesosphere From EOS MLS
- A New, Rapid, Precise and Sensitive Method for Chlorine Stable Isotope Analysis of Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
- A Probabilistic Approach to Mining Massive Earth Science Data Sets
- A Rover Concept for Exploring the Surface of Titan
- A Study of Stratospheric Chlorine Partitioning in the Winter Polar Vortices Based on New Satellite Measurements and Modeling
- A Venus Rover Capable of Long Life Surface Operations
- A comparison of high-resolution satellite-based temperature soundings: active microwave (GPS Limb) and hyperspectral infrared (AIRS)
- A new approach for daytime auroral observations
- Aerosol Extinction and Angstrom Exponent Retrieved From Ground-Based Near-Infrared Solar Absorption Spectra
- Aerosol Particle Property Comparisons Between MISR and AERONET Retrieved Values
- Aerosol Properties From Multi-angle Satellite Imaging
- Aerosol Properties Over the United Arab Emirates and Arabian Gulf from MISR Multi-angle Satellite Imaging
- Airborne in Situ Measurements of Aerosol Optical Properties and Particle Size Distributions on the East Coast of the U.S. and Their Comparison to MISR Aerosol Products
- Airborne submillimeter measurements in the Arctic mid-winter 2004/2005 - Evidence for chlorine activation and denitrification
- Amino Acids distribution in Atacama Desert soil. De novo Amino Acid Synthesis.
- An Approach for Retrieving Marine Boundary Layer Refractivity From GPS Occultation Data
- An Exploratory Study of the Impact of Pyro-cumulonimbus Injections of Aerosol on the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere Climate During Northern Hemisphere Summer
- An Overview of Saturn's Icy Satellites as Revealed by Cassini
- Analyzing the Seasonal Cycle of N2O
- Anomalous Nighttime Plasma Structure in the Recovery Phase of a Superstorm
- Application of HRSC Data to North Polar Layered Deposit Stratigraphy
- Assessing Infrared Emissions from Weather Satellites as Earthquake Precursors
- Assimilation of Remote Ionospheric Measurements: Towards a Global Ionospheric Monitor
- Automatic CME Detection from Coronagraph Image Pairs
- Bistatic UHF Radar Experiments at Mars Using the SRI 150-ft Dish and the Mars Odyssey Spacecraft
- Bringing Planetary Data into Learning Environments: A Community Effort
- Bromine monoxide from short lived halocarbons: implications for atmospheric composition
- CAFS ozone column data for validation of the AURA ozone products
- CIRS Observations of a Thermal Enhancement Near Zero Phase in Saturn's Rings
- Calibrating the Cassini RADAR: One Year Into Tour
- Calibration Corrections for Studying Land Hydrological Climate Trends Using Passive Microwave Satellite Observations
- Cassini RADAR Observations of Phoebe, Iapetus, Enceladus, and Rhea
- Cassini Radio Occultation Results for Saturn's Rings
- Cassini UltraViolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) Observations of Enceladus' Plume
- Cassini-Huygens at Saturn --- A Grand Exploration of the Saturnian System
- Cassini-VIMS Observations of Stellar Occultations by Saturn's Rings
- Chemical Loss of Polar Ozone: Present Understanding and Remaining Uncertainties
- Chemical and Isotopic Characterization of Waters in Rio Tinto, Spain, Shows Possible Origin of the Blueberry Haematite Nodules in Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Climatological Characteristics of the Tropopause Parameters Derived From the GPS/CHAMP and GPS/SAC-C Satellite Measurements
- Cold-Based Tropical Mountain Glaciers on Mars: Insights From the Antarctic Dry Valleys and Implications for Mars Amazonian Climate Change
- Cold-land Processes Pathfinder Mission (CLPP): Advanced Space-based Observation of Fresh Water Stored in Snow
- Comparing Water Vapor Trends Derived From Infrared and Microwave Radiometry
- Comparison of Airborne Sunphotometer and Near-Coincident In Situ and Remotely Sensed Water Vapor Measurements during INTEX-ITCT 2004
- Comparison of Arctic Ozone Loss Observations during the 2004-2005 Winter
- Comparison of Implementation Strategies of the 2nd-order Ionosphere Correction in GPS Data Processing
- Comparison of Measured and Modeled Ozone Above McMurdo Station, Antarctica, 1989-2003, During Austral Winter/Spring
- Comparison of TEC-Derived Plasmaspheric Electron Density with IMAGE EUV Brightness
- Compositional Mapping of Surfaces in the Saturn System with Cassini VIMS: the Role of Water, Cyanide Compounds and Carbon Dioxide
- Constraining Tropospheric CO and Ozone by Assimilating TES and MLS Tropospheric Retrievals Into a Global 3D CTM
- Constraints on Amazonian Climate from the Mars Exploration Rover Landing Sites
- Convective transport over the Tibetan Plateau - A short-circuit of water vapor and pollution to the global stratosphere
- Coseismic and Postseismic Slip of the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake from GPS and InSAR data
- Density Waves in Saturn's Rings from Cassini Radio Occultations
- Detecting Tropical Precipitation Change in Global Warming
- Detection of Non-spherical Particles - Cirrus and Dust - With MISR
- Determination of Atmospheric CO2 from AIRS Spectra by the Method of Vanishing Partial Derivatives
- Determination of Plume Heights of Emissions From Siberian Forest Fire in 2002 Using MISR Data
- Developing a Nighttime Cirrus Climatology Using AIRS Data and Understanding its Errors and Variability
- Development of Next Generation Segmented Thermoelectric Radioisotope Power Systems
- Discoveries From 'A-Train' (MLS, AIRS, MODIS) Simultaneous Measurements of Cloud Properties.
- Discoveries From the First Year of MLS OH and HO2 Measurements
- Discoveries in Correlations of Upper Tropospheric Temperature, Water Vapor and Cloud Ice From MLS.
- Discoveries on Atmospheric HCl Variations From MLS, and Studies of Data Continuity
- Discoveries on Upper-Tropospheric Cloud Ice From MLS: Comparisons With Analyses and GCMs
- Discovery of a ``Frozen-in" Anticyclone in the Spring and Summer Arctic Stratosphere in EOS MLS Data
- EOS Aura MLS Science Data Products
- EOS Aura Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer Science Standard Data Products
- EOS MLS Observations of Recent Two-Day Wave events
- EOS MLS Observations of Upper Stratospheric BrO, Implications for Total Bromine.
- EOS MLS and GEOS-CHEM: Observed and Modelled Carbon Monoxide and Ozone in the Upper Troposphere During the First Year of the Aura Mission.
- Early results from CloudSat I: Cloud and precipitation microphysics
- Earth Science Computational Architecture for Multi-disciplinary Investigations
- Effect of the Interstellar Magnetic Field on the Termination Shock: Explaining the Voyager Results
- Emission Cross Sections of the Lyman-Birge-Hopfield Band System in Molecular Nitrogen Induced by Electron Impact Excitation
- Empirical Constraints on the Inventory of Oxidants Produced on the Surface of Europa
- Enabling Solar System Exploration with Small Radioisotope Power Systems
- Enceladus' global geology as seen by Cassini ISS
- Endurance: The rewards and challenges of landing a spacecraft on Europa
- Energy Tranfer of Saltating Sand Onto Rock Surface on Earth and Mars: Implications for Rock Morphology and Abrasion Rates
- Enhancing Lunar Exploration with a Radioisotope Powered Dual Mode Lunar Rover
- Ensemble Smoothing and Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Data Assimilation in Highly Nonlinear Systems
- Estimates of surface emissions of atmospheric CO based on measurements from the TES instrument
- Estimating river discharge estimation through assimilation of remotely-sensed altimetry into a raster-based hydraulics model
- Estimation of Surface Parameters From MISR Data
- Europa Geophysical Explorer Mission Concept Studies
- Evaluation and Climate Change Projections of the Global Hydrological Cycle in IPCC AR4 Model Simulations
- Evaluation of Global Stratospheric Models with Aura Observations
- Evaluation of vertically resolved water winds from AIRS using Hurricane Katrina
- Evolution of the North Polar Cap of Mars
- Exploring the Surface of Titan with Cassini-Huygens
- Faraday Rotation Measurements Over Three Cassini Solar Conjunctions
- Field Imaging Spectroscopy. Applications in Earthquake Geology
- Field Testing the Mars Astrobiology Probe (MAP) Instrument Suite in the Atacama Desert
- First Science Results from MARSIS Subsurface Sounding
- Forecast, Modeling, And Satellite And Lidar Measurements, Of A Rare Polar Ozone Filament Event Over Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii
- Forecasting the Next Great San Francisco Earthquake
- GENESIS SciFlo: Scientific Knowledge Creation on the Grid Using a Semantically-Enabled Dataflow Execution Environment
- GPS Radio Occultation with CHAMP and SAC-C: Global and Seasonal Variations of Gravity Wave Activity
- GPS-based Ocean Altimetry Mission Concept for a Tsunami Early Warning System
- GRACE Harmonic and Mascon Solutions at JPL
- Geo-Ontology: Empowering new Discoveries in Earth Sciences
- GeoSTAR: Developing a Microwave Sounder for Geostationary Weather Satellites
- Geologic Features on Titan's Surface as Revealed by the Cassini Titan Radar Mapper
- Geomorphology of the 2007 Phoenix Mission Landing Sites in the Northern Plains of Mars
- Glacial isostatic rebound, ongoing glacial wastage, and geoid change in southern Alaska.
- Glaciers and Ice Sheets Mapping Orbiter
- Global Distribution of the Ozone-CO Correlation from TES and Comparison to the GEOS-CHEM Model
- Global Navigation Satellite Systems: A Perspective on Reference Frame Evolution Over the Next Decade With GPS, GLONASS and Galileo
- Global Surface Mass Variations From Geodetic Data Combination
- Global Tropospheric Ozone as Observed by TES
- Global characterization of atmospheric hydrology with HDO measurements from Aura
- HIRDLS Ozone Validation - Preliminary Results
- HST/ACS UV Imaging of Saturn's Southern Aurora in a Quiet State
- Heating of the Upper Atmosphere and the Expansion of the Corona of Titan
- Heavy-ion Composition of Solar Energetic Particles Observed During 3He-rich Periods
- High-resolution mapping of the Arctic sea ice cover with RADARSAT and ICESat for climate and process studies
- Huygens Exploration of Titan - Mission Overview
- Huygens Mission Overview
- Ice Grain Size Distribution: Differences Between Jovian and Saturnian Icy Satellites From Galileo and Cassini Measurements
- Imaging Enceladus' Exotic South Polar Regions: Imaging Science Team Results
- Impact of GPS Satellite Antenna Phase Center Variations and Modified Sidereal Filtering on Reference Frame Determination.
- Impact of GPS-Based Water-Vapor Data on Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts in Southern California
- Impacts of upper tropospheric clouds on GPS radio occultation profiles
- In-Situ Microphysical Measurements In Rocket Plumes With The Cloud And Aerosol Spectrometer (CAS)
- InSAR time series analysis of surface deformation for the San Francisco Bay Area and central San Andreas Fault, California
- InSAR water vapour correction models: GPS, MODIS, MERIS and InSAR integration
- Increasing Access and Usability of Remotely Sensed Data: The U.S. Geological Survey/NASA EarthLook Tool
- Indonesian Throughflow Response to the Madden Julian Oscillaion: Numerical Modeling Experiments
- Infrared measurements of the atmospheric of HCN and CH3CN
- Initial retrievals and characterization of nitric acid from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer limb viewing mode
- Integral Cross Sections for the Electron Impact Excitation of Molecular Nitrogen
- Interannual Differences in Cloud Albedo and Cloud Height Measured by MISR
- Interannual variability in North American grassland biomass/productivity detected by SeaWinds scatterometer backscatter
- Interannual-Decadal Changes in the Earth's Dynamic Oblateness: Isolation of the Cryospheric Contribution
- Ionospheric Current Systems Under Magnetic Cloud Condition
- Late Pleistocene sedimentation increase in the Gulf of Mexico and modeling of time-dependent long-wavelength flexural subsidence
- Latitudinal Variations of Saturn's Near-Infrared Spectrum
- Leakage of the Greenland Ice Sheet through accelerated ice flow
- Lithospheric structure along Mars' eastern dichotomy boundary
- Long-range transport of pollution as seen in EOS MLS upper tropospheric observations
- Looking Beyond the Lamppost: Finding Keys to Discovery in Off-Nadir and Multiangle Remote Sensing
- Low Frequency Waves in the Foreshock of Saturn
- Low-latitude Temperatures, Pressures, and Winds on Saturn from Cassini Radio Occultations
- MARSIS Radar Echo Ionospheric Correction and The Estimation of Mars Ionosphere's Total Electron Content
- MISR Dark-water Aerosol Retrievals of Mineral Dust Properties
- MRO's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE)
- Mars Exploration Program 2007 Phoenix Mission Landing Site Selection
- Measured and modelled chlorine partitioning in the Antarctic stratosphere, 1998 - 2004
- Measurements of Ultra-Heavy Elements in Solar Energetic Particle Events Above 10 MeV/nucleon
- Melt Rate and Melt-Water Flow Beneath Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden Glacier, Northeast Greenland
- Microscale Physics at Earth's Bow Shock: Cluster Observations of Electrostatic Solitary Waves
- Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (MOSS): A Mission for Global Observations of Deep Soil Moisture
- Mid-depth Circulation of the World's Oceans: A First Look at the Argo Array
- Missing Holes in the Hills? Studying the crater record of the Columbia Hills
- Modeling Gravity Waves in the Stratosphere with a High-Resolution Forecast Model (ARPS)
- Monitoring Renewed Volcanic Activity at Mount St. Helens with High-Resolution Thermal Infrared Data: ASTER, MASTER and FLIR
- Monitoring Volcanic Plumes and Clouds with the NASA Earth Observing System
- Monitoring of Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer Ozone Data by Assimilation of EOS-Aura Data
- Multi-sensor analysis of changing growing season dynamics across northwest North America since 1998
- NASA's New Millennium ST-8 Mission
- NASA's New Millennium ST-9 mission
- Nares Strait Ice Flux
- New Insights Into HOx Chemistry from Aura MLS, Balloon, and Ground Based Observations
- New Views of Saturn's Dynamic Atmosphere from Cassini ISS and VIMS
- New results from Aura MLS on the annual cycles of tropical UTLS humidity and cloud ice.
- Non-closure of the geologically instantaneous global plate motion circuit: Implications for plate non-rigidity
- Observations of Filamentary Structures in the Solar Corona and Evidence for Global Magnetic Reconnection
- Observations of Mesospheric OH and Ozone During the Intense Solar Energetic Particle Events of January 2005
- Observations of Saturn's Atmosphere and Auroras by Cassini UVIS and VIMS
- Observed Connections Between Arctic Stratosphere Temperature Fluctuations, Amounts of air Below the Threshold for PSC Formation, and Stratospheric Warmings.
- Observed Dust Devil Tracks in the North Polar Region of Mars
- Observing the Microseism Source Regions from Space
- Observing the surface of Venus with VIRTIS
- Ocean mass redistribution and its impact on non-tidal terrestrial and space geodetic observations over land
- On the role of ice shelves on ice sheet mass balance
- Onboard autonomous mineral detectors for Mars rovers
- One Martian Year of in Situ Chemistry by the APXS on Board the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity at Meridiani Planum
- One Martian Year of in Situ Chemistry by the APXS on Board the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit at Gusev Crater
- Optimizing Autonomous Underwater Vehicles' Survey for Reconstruction of an Ocean Field that Varies in Space and Time
- Orbitally-Driven Change in the Martian Atmosphere
- Overview and Motivation for the PUMA 2004 and 2005 Campaigns
- Pan-Arctic Freeze/Thaw Algorithm Development Using AMSR-E Data and Satellite Remote Sensing Technique
- Physical Properties of the Saturnian Ring System Inferred from Cassini VIMS Opposition Observations
- Physical, Chemical and Optical Properties of Aerosol over North America: Airborne Observations from INTEX-NA
- Polar Ozone Loss Rates: Comparison Of Match Observations With Simulations Of 3-D Chemical Transport Model And Box Model
- Possible impacts of upper-tropospheric clouds and pollution on precipitation over Asia
- Post-seismic deformation after the 2003 Bam, Iran earthquake
- Postglacial Rebound From Space Geodesy
- PreService Teacher Course in Physical Oceanography
- Preliminary Tropospheric Emissions Spectrometer Sea Surface Temperature Validation
- Progress in an Interferometric Laser Ranging System for a Follow-On Gravity Mission to GRACE
- Properties of Saturn's Magnetopause: I. Magnetic Structure and Geometry
- Properties of Saturn's Magnetopause: Time-Dependent Morphology and Dynamics
- Quantifying Aerosol Types and Their Impact on Trace Gas Retrievals From Satellite Measurements
- Quantifying variability in tropospheric ozone and carbon monoxide over the Southeastern United States in 2004-2005 using TES nadir measurements
- Rapid Sediment Erosion and Drumlin Formation Observed Beneath a Fast-Flowing Antarctic Ice Stream
- Re-determination of the UV Absorption Cross Sections of ClOOCl
- Recent Advances In Spaceborne Precipitation Radar Technology
- Recent Increases in the Productivity of Alaskan Boreal Forest and Tundra: Evidence of an Acceleration of the Northern Terrestrial Carbon Cycle
- Reflectance Spectra of Ammonia Ice
- Regional Characterization of Landscape Freeze/Thaw Transitions Using Spaceborne Microwave Remote Sensing
- Relationships among vegetation properties related to their interactions with atmosphere from the analysis of satellite derived data
- Relaxation of the Martian Dichotomy and Elastic Thickness Estimates as Constraints on the Thermal and Volatile Evolution of Mars
- Report of the Technical Tracks of the Winter 2005 ESIP Federation Meeting
- Results From a Model-Independent Method of Monitoring a Geodetic Network for Patterns of Transient Deformation
- Resurfacing of Titan by Ammonia-Water Cryomagma
- Retrieval of ozone profile from ground-based measurements with polarization
- Retrieving High Precision River Stages and Slopes from Space
- Revolutionising Science-Driven Deep Space Mission Operations Using Autonomously-Operating Spacecraft as Demonstrated with ASE on EO-1.
- Ring Dynamics Up Close With the Saturn Ring Observer
- Rising and Setting GPS Occultations by Use of Open Loop Tracking
- RockIT: A Graphical Program for Labeling and Analyzing Rock Scenes
- Rover Science on the Run: Autonomously Detecting and Reacting to Interesting Geologic Features
- SWEET- An Upper Level Ontology for Earth System Science
- Satellite TSI Observations, Scales and Traceability in the context of the NASA-NIST TSI Workshop Day2 Presentations and Discussion
- Saturn's E ring as seen by Cassini
- Saturn's Gravity Field and Interior Structure: First Results From the Cassini Mission
- Saturn's planetary magnetic field as observed by Cassini Saturn's planetary magnetic field as observed by Cassini
- Scattered Signal Observations During Cassini Radio Occultations by Saturn's Rings
- SciFlo: Semantically-Enabled Grid Workflow for Collaborative Science
- Search for Radio Emission from Extrasolar Planets with the GMRT: Some Results from the 2004 Data and a Preliminary Look at the 2005 Data
- Search for Radio Emissions From Extrasolar Planets at 150 MHz
- Searching for Seasonal Changes in Saturn's A Ring
- Seasonal variations of tropical Atlantic ozone as examined by TES observations and GEOS-Chem
- Sensitivity of Multiangle Imaging to Optical and Microphysical Properties of Biomass Burning Aerosols
- Sensor Web technology: implications for a network design in an alpine environment of the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California
- Ship-based Aerosol Optical Depth Measurements in the Atlantic Ocean, Comparison with Satellite Retrievals and GOCART Model
- Short Vertical Scale Waves in HIRDLS Radiances and Temperatures
- Simulation of Water Cycle With a Martian Weather Research and Forecast Model
- Simulation of the Inward Breaking Vortex Event Observed During the Polar Aura Validation Experiment
- Small-RPS Powered Mars Lander Concept
- Small-scale fluctuations and scintillations in high-resolution GPS/CHAMP SNR and phase data
- Smoking Pyrocumulonimbus: analysis of a major Canadian boreal fire blowup from satellite and ground measurements
- Solar Wind He and Ne - Implications of Surface Studies and Preliminary Data from Bulk Metallic Glass Flown on GENESIS
- Space-Borne Ku-Band Radar Observations of Extreme Surface Water Conditions
- Spatial Distribution of Carbon Stock in the Amazon Basin
- Spatial Ice Rigidity Distribution Of Larsen B Before Its Disintegration
- Spatial Patterns and Mechanisms of the Quasi-biennial Oscillation-Annual Beat of Ozone
- Statistical Analysis of Wave and Vorticity Fronts Observed in Altimeter and Ocean (ECCO) Model Data
- Stochastic modeling of Earth's rotation change and polar motion
- Stratospheric H2O from the first year of Aura MLS
- TES CO Data Validation and Application
- TES Observations of the Isotopic composition of Tropospheric Water Vapor
- TES Radiometric Assessment
- TES ozone profiles compared to ozonesondes
- Temperature Structure of Saturn from Spectral Mapping by Cassini CIRS and Joint High-Resolution Subaru COMICS and IRTF MIRSI Mid-Infrared Imaging
- Terrestrial Water Storage Changes from GRACE
- The Annual Freeze-/Thaw Cycle in the Caribou Poker Creek Research Watershed, Alaska: Combining RADAR With Model Results
- The Cassini VIMS Titan Photometric Control Network: Relevance to Understanding Titan's Surface and Atmosphere
- The Daedalus Mission Concept for Earth-Sun System Observations from L1
- The Dawn Science Database: A Data System for a Cost-Capped Mission
- The Dayside Superfountain Effect: October 30, 2003 (Halloween) Magnetic Storm
- The Depths of Saturn Revealed: Discrete Cloud Systems and Winds at the 2-Bar Level as Imaged by Cassini/VIMS
- The Effect of Convection and In-situ Dehydration on the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- The First Radar Sounding of the Ionosphere of Mars
- The First Year of Cassini RADAR Observations of Titan
- The Gravitational Signature of the December 26, 2004 Sumatran Earthquake
- The Icy Saturnian Satellites as seen by Cassini UVIS
- The Invariance of Open Solar Magnetic Flux
- The Jovian Synchrotron Emission's Time Variability and the Radiation-Belt Electrons Dynamics
- The Mars SEIS Experiment : First Tests
- The Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO): Regional scale carbon sink characterization from space-based XCO2 data
- The Phase Dependence of Temperatures Measured in Saturn's Main Rings Indicates Slowly Rotating Ring Particles
- The Properties and Ice Production of the Ross Sea Polynya during 1992-2002, and its Interaction with Large Icebergs in 2000-2002
- The Search for Earth-like Planets With TPF-C
- The Semantic SPASE
- The Synergistic Use of MISR and MODIS Observations from the Terra Satellite to Observe Thin Cirrus Clouds
- The Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON)
- The correlation between anticyclone frequency and midlatitude ozone variability
- The influence of loss saturation effects on the assessment of polar ozone changes
- The near-equatorial terminator ionosphere of Saturn
- The observation of nitric acid-containing particles in the tropical lower stratosphere
- The validation of in situ measurements of water isotopes on the NASA WB-57: scientific implications of the Harvard Hoxotope and ICOS observations.
- Thermal Evolution Models for Enceladus Defining the context for the formation of the South Pole thermal anomaly
- Three-Dimensional Climate Modeling of the Amazonian Environment and Glaciation
- Tidal Modulation of the Flow of Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Time Series Search Using Hidden Markov Models
- Titan's Surface as Seen From Combined Cassini RADAR Scatterometry and Radiometry
- Titan's surface from combined SAR and radiometry using the Cassini RADAR
- Topographic and Remote Sensing Analysis of Explosion Craters In the Nevada Test Site: Application to Mars Hazards
- Towards a Better Quantitative Understanding of Polar Stratospheric Ozone Loss
- Transport and Microphysics of Aerosols Released by Collapse and Fire of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 as Observed by AERONET and MISR
- Triton Explorer - Neptune Orbiter Mission Study
- Understanding Sun-Climate Connection by Analysis of Historical Sunspot, Auroral and Weather Records
- Understanding the Signatures of Life in Disk-averaged Planetary Spectra
- Unusual topside ionospheric density response to the November 2003 superstorm
- Upper tropospheric and lower stratospheric ozone retrievals from AIRS
- Use of JERS Satellite Imagery Mosaics for Boreal Wetlands Mapping
- Use of Nuclear Electric Power and Propulsion for a Neptune Mission
- Use of a Variety of Aerosols Transported off the US Northeast Coast in ICARTT 2004 for Multi-Grid-Box Validation of Satellite Optical Depth Retrievals
- Use of an MMRTG for the 2009 Mars Science Laboratory Mission
- Using MISR and MODIS Data For Detection and Analysis of Smoke Plume Injection Heights Over North America During Summer 2004
- Using SCIAMACHY and Ground-based FTS Measurements to Test the OCO XCO2 Retrieval and Validation Approach
- Validation of AMSR-derived soil moisture: Lessons from SMEX02, SMEX03 and SMEX04
- Variability in Seasonal Freeze-Thaw in the Terrestrial High Latitudes and Their Relationships with Land-Atmosphere CO2 Exchange: Characterization with Spaceborne Microwave Remote Sensing
- Variability of Water Vapor in the Middle and Upper Troposphere
- Variational Data Assimilation for Short-Term Dynamical Processes in Earth
- Venus Monitoring Camera for Venus Express
- Vertical distribution and attribution of ozone recovery
- Vertical wind shear on Jupiter from Cassini images
- Vertically Propagating Waves in the Upper Atmosphere of Saturn From Cassini Radio Occultations
- WatER: The proposed Water Elevation Recovery satellite mission
- Waves of the Future (for Mars): In-Situ Mid-infrared, Near-infrared, and Visible Spectroscopic Analysis of Antarctic Cryptoendolithic Communities.
- Web Interface for Customizing MISR Data Products
- Web-Based Services: Combined and Validated GPS Data Products for the Western US
- What are the slip rates of the major faults of Tibet?
- Zonal variability in tropical tropospheric ozone and carbon monoxide profiles derived from TES observations in 2004-2005
- A Comparative Evaluation of Automatic Rock Detection Methods
- A Comparison of Chemical Weathering Styles on Earth and Mars
- A Comparison of MODIS and DOAS Sulfur Dioxide Measurements of the April 24, 2004 Eruption of Anatahan Volcano, Mariana Islands
- A Fast and Accurate Retrieval Algorithm for Near-Infrared CO2 Observations
- A Fast and Accurate Two Orders of Scattering Model to Account for Polarization in Trace Gas Retrievals From Satellite Measurements
- A GPS System-of-Systems for Science
- A Geophysical View Of The Icy Satellites Of Saturn
- A Service Oriented Architecture to Enable Sensor Webs
- A Study of Dehydration, Low Temperatures and Supersaturations in the Tropical Tropopause Layer both Inside and Outside of Clouds and Possible Mechanisms for Air Parcel Drying.
- A Study of Variability in Tropical Tropospheric Water Vapor
- A Thick (>1500 m) Section of Clay-Bearing Clastic Rocks Near Mawrth Vallis: Evidence for Early Crustal Processing on Mars
- A Wetlands Map of Alaska Using L-Band Radar Satellite Imagery
- A combined view of CloudSat and AIRS cloud fields
- A net source of ocean mass from Antarctica
- A new sea ice model: pancakes to metrics
- A satellite remote sensing approach for mapping soil respiration and terrestrial carbon exchange for boreal and Arctic biomes using MODIS and AMSR-E
- AIRS total precipitable water over high latitudes
- ASTER Urgent Response to the 2006 Eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: Science and Decision Support Gained From Frequent High-resolution, Satellite Thermal Infrared Imaging of Volcanic Events
- AURA TES: 2 Years on Orbit
- Abiotic Oxygen Isotope Equilibrium Fractionation Between Sulfite and Water
- Abundances of Helium Isotopes at MeV Energies in the SEP Events of Solar Cycle 23
- Access to MISR Aerosol Data and Imagery for the GoMACCS Field Study
- Advanced Microfabricated Devices for Sensitive Biomarker Detection and Analysis on Mars
- Aerosol Particle Property Comparisons Between MISR and AERONET Retrieved Values
- An Investigation of Total Electron Content (TEC) Perturbations during Storm-Time Substorms and Non-Storm Substorms
- An Optimized Autonomous Space In-situ Sensorweb (OASIS) for Volcano Monitoring
- Analysis of the Enderby Land, East Antarctica anomaly in trend data obtained from GRACE: Is it caused by glacial isostasy or snow accumulation?
- Annual Release of Carbon to the Atmosphere from Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
- Application of GPS-PWV Retrievals to Regional QPF in Southern California
- Arctic Ozone Loss and Climate
- Asian continental outflow across the Pacific - 4 seasons of Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) observations
- Assessing Consistency between EOS MLS and ECMWF Analyzed and Forecast Estimates of Cloud Ice
- Assessing Mesoscale Volcanic Aviation Hazards using ASTER
- Assessing the ITRF2005 Earth Orientation Series with EOP Measurements and Global Geophysical Fluid Models
- Aura MLS Version 2 H2O and Relative Humidity Measurements
- Automatic Plume Detection for Planetary Bodies
- Bacterial Diversity within the Extreme Arid Atacama Desert Soils of the Yungay Region, Chile
- Bayesian Feature Recognition for Multidimensional NSO Imagery
- Biogenic bromine and atmospheric chemistry
- Calderas on Titan: Implications for Cryovolcanism
- Calibration of COSMIC Ionospheric Profiles Using Incoherent Scatter Radars
- Callisto: New insights from Galileo disk-resolved UV measurements
- Cassini Imaging of the Enceladus Plumes: Measurements and Models
- Cassini Radio Occultation by Enceladus Plume
- Ceres: Evoltion and Present State #2
- Challenges in Ocean Data Assimilation for the US West Coast
- Change in the Arctic Ocean as Observed with GRACE and In Situ Bottom Pressure Measurements
- Changes in the Growing Season Length at High Northern Latitudes From 1988 to 2005
- Characteristics of upper-tropospheric cloud ice as revealed by MLS, TRMM, CloudSat, and ECMWF analyses
- Characterization Of The Global Angstrom Exponent And Aerosol Optical Depth From MISR Observations And IMPACT Model Predictions
- Characterization of Polar Stratospheric Cloud-Producing Mountain Waves using Thermal Radiance Imagery from the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU-A)
- Characterization of mineral dust plume evolution over Atlantic by combining MISR dark- water aerosol retrievals and NAAPS transport model predictions.
- Chemical Composition by the APXS along the Downhill Traverse of the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit at Gusev Crater
- Chlorine Isotope Constraints on the Origin and Distribution of Earth's Chlorine
- Climate Variability, Melt-Flow Acceleration, and Ice Quakes at the Western Slope of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- CloudSat and A-train Observations of the Structure of Tropical Storms
- CloudSat: Mission Overview and Early Results
- Co-variability of tropical temperature and humidity: a comparison of model, reanalysis data and satellite observation
- Coastal Vulnerability and Load Induced Subsidence of the Modern Mississippi River Delta and Environs
- Collaborative Science Using Web Services and the SciFlo Grid Dataflow Engine
- Combined Datasets From GPS, Raised Shorelines, Tide Gauges and Glacier Volume Changes Used to Differentiate Between GIA, Elastic Rebound and Tectonics in Glacier Bay, Alaska.
- Comets, solar storms, and the Martian ionosphere: Past and predicted blackouts of MARSIS radar returns
- Comparison of Earth-Based Longitudinal Studies and Cassini CIRS Observations of Saturn's Temperature Field: Modifications of Seasonal Forcing Models and the Discovery of Nonseasonal Low-Latitude Thermal Oscillations
- Comparison of In Situ and Satellite Measurements of Cirrus Microphysical and Radiative Properties
- Comparison of Ionospheric Electron Density Structure on Earth and Mars
- Comparisons of Cloud Liquid Water Retrievals from MODIS and AMSR-E on the Aqua Spacecraft
- Compositional Mapping of Saturn's Satellite Dione with Cassini VIMS and Implications for Dark Material in the Saturn System
- Constraining IMPACT Biomass-burning Source Model Predictions with Level 2 Satellite Data Using the AMAPS Distributed Science Network
- Constraints on Enceladus' Interior from Cassini Observations - Requirements for Future Geophysical Investigations
- Constraints on Magnetic and Gravity Anomaly Source Depth and Thickness Along Mars' Eastern Dichotomy Boundary From Inversion of MGS Magnetic and Gravity Field Data
- Contrasts in Sea Ice Deformation and Production In the Arctic Seasonal and Perennial Ice Zones
- Correlation Structure of Tropospheric Water Vapor and Temperature in AIRS Observations and ECMWF Reanalyses
- Coupled Oxygen and Sulfur Isotope Investigations of Bacterial Sulfate Reduction Reveal Sulfur Cycling Processes in Deep Sea Sediments.
- Crustal Motion and Gravity Change Predicted from Scenarios of Ice Mass Change in Marie Byrd Land and the Eastern Ross Sea
- Cryosphere Sensor Webs With The Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment
- Crystalline and Amorphous ice as Markers for Activity on Satellites
- Current Capability and Possibilities for In-Situ Stable Isotope Analysis of Minerals Compared to Science Needs and Laboratory Measurements
- Data Assimilation With the Mars Climate Sounder
- Decomposition of Organic Compounds at the Martian Surface
- Deformation of Japan as measured by improved analysis of GEONET data
- Demonstration of a technique for stereoscopic tracking of CMEs for NASA's STEREO Mission
- Dependence of Magnetic Storm Intensity on Interplanetary Electric Field Variability
- Derivation of Daily Global Distribution of Mid-Tropospheric C02 from AIRS Spectra
- Deriving Coronal Elemental Composition from Large SEP Event Composition
- Design and Performance Optimization of GeoFEST for Adaptive Geophysical Modeling on High Performance Computers
- Detection of Tropical Thin Cirrus Clouds Over Dark Water From MISR With Comparisons to Ground-based Lidar
- Detection of Widespread Aromatic and Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Deposits on Titan's Surface Observed by Cassini VIMS
- Determination of the UV Absorption Cross Sections of Chlorine Peroxide (ClOOCl)
- Development and Characterization of a Horizontal Thermal Gradient Cloud Condensation Nuclei Spectrometer (CCNS)
- Development of a Ground-based 2-Micron DIAL System to Profile Tropospheric CO2 and Aerosol Distributions for Atmospheric Studies
- Development of a UAV-based Global Ozone Lidar Demonstrator (GOLD)
- Development of an Interferometric Laser Ranging System for a Follow-On Gravity Mission to GRACE
- Development of an Ultra-Violet Digital Camera for Volcanic Sulfur Dioxide Imaging
- Dust and Pollution Aerosol Air Mass Mapping from Satellite Multi-angle Imaging
- EOS Aura MLS Science Data Products Version 2
- Earth Science Community IT Resources through a Unified Data and Analysis Portal
- Earth's Energy Imbalance and Ocean Heat Storage
- Elastic Thickness Estimates for the Martian Northern Lowlands
- Electron Impact Induced VUV Emissions from Atmospheric Gases
- Enceladus: Cassini Observations and Implications for the Search for Life
- End-of-day Science with the OASIS System
- Energy Transport and Crystal Growth in Frost Surfaces
- Estimates of Freshwater Discharge from GRACE
- Estimates of effusion profile, areal coverage rate and thermal emission during the 1997 eruption of Pillan (Io): implications for massive basaltic flow emplacement on Earth and Mars.
- Estimating continental hydrology parameters from existing space missions: the need for a dedicated surface water mission
- Evaluating a Satellite-derived Time Series of Inundation Dynamics
- Evaluation of GMI simulations with TES ozone data: the effects of different transport fields.
- Evaluation of Moisture Retrievals Based on Open-Loop Radio Occultation Data from COSMIC and SAC-C
- Evaluation of SRTM and ICESat for Geologic Hazard and Ice Elevation Change Studies in Southern Alaska
- Evidence for Likely Liquid Hydrocarbons on Titan's Surface from Cassini Radio Science Bistatic Scattering Observations
- Evidence for kinks in structural and thermodynamic properties across the forsterite-fayalite binary from IR spectra
- Experimental chlorine stable isotope fractionation of perchlorate respiring bacteria
- Exploiting MLS and CloudSat Data to Support Weather and Climate Model Development and Validation: Applications to Upper Tropospheric Cloud Processes
- Fast, Interactive Analysis of Remote Sensing Data with the HARVIST System
- Fine-Scale Structure in Titan's High Haze
- First CRISM Observations of Mars
- First Retrieval of Surface Lambert Albedos From Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM Data
- First trends from four years of AIRS data in the middle and upper troposphere
- Forest Profiling with Multiple Observation Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
- From Global Composition to Regional Air Quality: The Influence of Near-Real-Time Satellite Observations on Chemical Forecasts during the 2006 INTEX-B and TEXAQS Campaigns
- Full-disk observations of the saturnian moons in the VIS-NIR spectral range by Cassini- VIMS
- GEODVEL: Plate Motions From Space Geodesy
- GPS Sensor Web Time Series Analysis Using SensorGrid Technology
- GRACE Results and Their Impact: Climate Change in Siberia and Northern Canada and the Freshening of the Arctic Ocean
- GRACE's spatial aliasing error
- Galileo Heavy Ion Radiation Model
- Gaussian and locality assumptions in ensemble-based Kalman filter
- Generating Climate Benchmark Atmospheric Soundings Using GPS Occultation Data And Early Results From Formosat-3/COSMIC
- Global Characterization of XCO2 as Observed by the OCO (Orbiting Carbon Observatory) Instrument
- Global Maps of the Thermal Microwave Emission from Titan's Surface
- Global Surface Mass Variation Estimates From Multi-Satellite Data Combination
- Global Wetland Monitoring with AMSR-E Passive Microwave Radiometry
- Global modes of variability and propagation in ocean bottom pressure from GRACE and ECCO
- Global strike-slip faults: Bounds from plate tectonics
- Grain Sizes and Surface Areas of H2O Ices Used to Simulate Surfaces of Icy Moons
- HiRISE Over the MSL Landing Sites
- High Resolution VUV Spectroscopy of Electron Impact Induced Emissions from Molecular Nitrogen
- High-Altitude Cassini Radar Imaging of Titan
- High-Spatial-Resolution Thermal Infrared Satellite Images for Lake Studies
- Horizontal Motions of Faulting Dictate the 26 December 2004 Tsunami Genesis
- How well is the upper ocean sampled?
- Hydrocarbon Radiolysis on Europa and the Production of Clathrates
- Impact of Microphysics on Hurricane Track and Intensity Forecasts: Simulations and Observational Verification
- Implications for Particle Rotation and Vertical Mixing from Cassini CIRS Thermal Measurements of Saturn's Main Rings
- Improved constraints on processes controlling tropospheric O3 and NOx through assimilation of observations from the TES, SCIAMACHY, and MOPITT satellite instruments
- InSAR Accuracy: Uncertainty in Range Change and Rate
- InSAR Mission Concepts for Solid Earth and Other Science Applications
- InSAR mission constraints for volcano deformation processes
- Increasing Mission Science Return Through Use of Spacecraft Autonomy and Sensor Webs: A Volcanology Example
- Inferring Solar Isotopic Composition Using Solar Energetic Particles
- Inferring the State of Tidally-heated Satellite Ice Shells from Global Shape Measurements
- Influence of lightning NOx on the summertime upper tropospheric ozone enhancement above eastern North America
- Information on Titan's Surface From Cassini Radar Altimeter Waveforms
- Infrared Observations of the Al-Mishraq Sulfur Plant Fire Using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Radiometer (MODIS)
- Initial Mars Upper Atmospheric Structure Results from the Accelerometer Science Experiment aboard Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Integral Cross Sections for the Electron Impact Excitation of Molecular Nitrogen
- Integration of MGS Observations of the 2001 Global Dust Storm on Mars
- Interactions of Icy Satellites with Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Interannual Changes in Earth's Dynamic Oblateness (J2): A Metric for Non-Steric Sea Level Rise?
- Intercomparisons of the Harvard Lyman Alpha Water Vapor Instrument with the Crogenic Frostpoint Hygrometer (CFH) and Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) Instrument: Implications of Recent Results
- Interferometric radar mapping of ice velocity in Antarctica and Greenland
- Interplanetary Structure Inferred from Solar Wind Phase Plane Orientation
- Intraseasonal variations of the tropical total O3 and its connection to the MJO
- Investigation of Organic Chemical Evolution on Enceladus
- Investigation of the Sinlap Crater on Titan Using VIMS and RADAR Data
- Ionian Paterae: New Insights from Observations, Numerical Modeling and Laboratory Simulations
- JPL/USC GAIM: Using COSMIC Occultations in a Real-Time Global Ionospheric Data Assimilation Model
- KaRIN: an Instrument for Measuring High-Resolution Sea-Surface Topography and Fresh Water Extent, Stage, and Slope
- Landing on Enceladus: Mission Design Parameters and Techniques
- Landscape Scale Height, Biomass and Carbon Estimation of Mangrove Forests with SRTM Elevation Data
- Large-Scale Atmospheric Variability in AIRS CO2 and O3
- Laser Spectroscopic Measurements of Carbon, Oxygen, and Hydrogen Isotope Ratios for Earth and Mars
- Layer Trends in Earth's Cloud Cover
- Loading effects in Siberia and Northern Canada determined from a combination of hydrological model data and GRACE gravity field observations
- Longitudinal Dunes on Titan as Indicators of Regional and Local Winds
- MARSIS Subsurface Sounding Observations of the Polar Deposits of Mars
- MJO in EOS MLS Cloud Ice and Water Vapor
- Magnetically Controlled Structures in the Ionosphere of Mars
- Mapping Boreal Wetlands Using Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Mars Climate Sounder on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Mars Mineralogy from OMEGA Visible-Near Infrared Measurements
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: An Overview of Early Results and Plans for Further Observation
- Mars SEIS Experiment : Development Status
- Mars Surface Hydration Seen by MEx/OMEGA Through the 3 μm Feature.
- Martian Sulfates as Observed by the Mars Exploration Rover Mössbauer and Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometers
- Measurements of SO2 profiles in volcanic plumes using high-resolution infrared observations from satellite
- Measuring Surface Water From Space
- Mission Design Concept for in Situ Characterization of Saturnian Atmospheric Composition
- Model for Volatile Incorporation into Soils and Dust on Mars
- Modeling Lunar Radar Scattering at S-Band (13 cm) Wavelength
- Modeling of the Titan Atmosphere to Obtain Surface Albedos From Cassini-VIMS Infrared Spectra
- Modulation of Aerosol by Atmospheric Intraseasonal Variability
- Modulation of Diurnal Cycle of Tropical Convective Clouds by the MJO
- Monitoring CO2 Sources and Sinks from Space with the Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO)
- Moving beyond NUVEL-1A: The MORVEL estimates of geologically recent global plate motions
- Multi-Sensor Hurricane Web Site Featuring Ultra Hi-Res QuikSCAT Wind Data
- Multi-platform Analysis of Cloud Height Over Antarctica With Application Toward High Resolution Observation of Type II Polar Stratospheric Clouds
- Multi-sensor Mapping of Volcanic Plumes and Clouds
- Multi-sensor Observations of Hurricanes During 2003: Collocated Retrievals of Rain and Rain-Corrected Near-Surface Wind from the SeaWinds Scatterometer and AMSR
- Multi-sensor Satellite Analysis of Upper Ocean Response Before and After Coastally Trapped Disturbances
- NASA's New Millennium ST-8 Project
- NASA's New Millennium ST-9 Mission
- New Concepts In Retrieving Aerosol Properties Using MISR
- New observations of hurricanes from the CloudSat radar
- Next Generation Gravity Analyses from GRACE: Implications for Polar Ice Mass Balance
- Nonlinear mechanisms of interdecadal climate modes: Atmospheric and oceanic observations, and coupled models
- Northern Eurasian Wetlands and the Carbon Cycle: Model Estimates of Carbon Storage and Methane Emissions
- Numerical Models of Post-Seismic Deformation Following the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
- Object Shape Reconstruction with MER Navcam and Pancam: Testing Science Impacts of Known Stereo Algorithm Constraints
- Observations of Ozone and Carbon Monoxide in the Troposphere over the Southern United States Measured by TES
- Observations of condensed-phase nitric acid in a tropical subvisual cirrus cloud
- Observations of deep convective influence on stratospheric water vapor and its isotopic composition
- Observations of sudden changes in aerosol properties along the coast: Separating artifact from physics in the littoral zone
- Observations of the layering structure in the Martian Polar Layered Deposits with the MARSIS instrument
- Olivine and pyroxene-rich deposits in Holden Crater, Mars
- On-Board Cryosphere Change Detection With The Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment
- Opposition surge and the physical nature of C ring particles
- Optimal InSAR Revisit Times for Estimating Postseismic Deformation Mechanisms
- Origin of Prometheus Eccentricity
- Ozone from Version 5 AIRS retrievals
- Ozone loss by the HOCl catalytic cycle: do models have it right?
- Parameterizing Arctic sea-ice melt pond characteristics for radiation budgets and climate modeling
- Periodicities of Solar Activity from Atmospheric Hydroxyl Radicals
- Photochemical Evolution of Continental Outflow to the N. Atlantic Lower Free Troposphere During Spring and Summer
- Physical Analysis of the Jovian Synchrotron Radio Emission
- Postseismic deformation after the 2003 Bam, Iran earthquake from InSAR time series
- Precipitation response by Qom Playa, Iran
- Preliminary investigation on Titan's northern terrains using SAR and high resolution radiometry
- Preliminary results from the first aircraft flight of the JPL Carbon Dioxide Laser Absorption Spectrometer
- Quantifying the trans-Pacific transport of Asian pollution in the upper troposphere with Aura-MLS 2004-2006 observations
- Quasi-Periodicities, Magnetic Clusters and Solar Activity
- Quasi-periodicities and Empirical Modes of the Heliospheric Magnetic Field
- Radio Observatory for Lunar Sortie Science (ROLSS)
- Radio Sounding of the Solar Corona with Rosetta and Mars Express
- Real-Time, In-Situ Detection of Dust Devils using Pressure Sensors
- Recent Cooling of the Earth's Climate System
- Recent Improvements in Particle Property Characterizations, Spatial Coverage, and Cloud Discrimination in the MISR Operational Aerosol Product
- Reconciling Electrical Properties of Titan's Surface Derived from Cassini RADAR Scatterometer and Radiometer Measurements
- Regional and interannual variability of sea ice mass balance
- Remote sensing of the aerosol-cloud boundary
- Report of a Pre-Service Education Planetary Geology course using NASA Planetary Data
- Ridge and Trough Terrains on Outer Planet Satellites
- Robotic Drilling Technology and Applications to Future Space Missions
- Rock Populations Along the Spirit Rover Traverse: Implications for the Timing and Amount of Gradation in Gusev Crater, Mars
- SCREAM (Subsurface Characterization Rover for Exobiology Assessment on Mars)
- Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment SAMUM 2006: Airborne observations of dust particle properties and vertical dust profiles
- Satellite remote sensing of daily surface soil temperature and moisture in boreal and Arctic biomes using the AMSR-E microwave radiometer
- Saturn's Auroras and Polar Atmosphere from Cassini UVIS
- Saturn's Titan: Evidence for Surface Reflectance Change: Implications for Atmospheric and Volcanic Activity
- Science Operations for Onboard Autonomous Rover Science
- Sea Ice Thickness Measurements by a Wideband Penetrating Radar
- Sea Level Variability of the Argentine Basin From 25 to 5000 Days
- Seasonal Effects of the Land Surface on the Amazonian Water Cycle Using Stable Isotope Data From TES Aboard NASA's AURA Spacecraft
- Seasonal Variability of Arctic Ozone and CO as observed by TES
- Selecting Landing Sites for the 2009 Mars Science Laboratory
- Self-Organization and Correlations of the San Andreas Fault System through Interactions: Forecasting based on Recreating Great Earthquakes in the Computer
- Semantically-Enabled Science Data Integration: Current Progres
- Sensitivity of inversions for fault slip and geometry to lateral variations in elastic structure
- Separating slow deformation signals from water vapour and orbital errors using a single InSAR interferogram
- Significant Reduction in Arctic Perennial Sea Ice
- Simulating the San Andreas Plate Boundary System: Progress and Prospects
- Simulation of Martian Cloud Formation Associated With Topography by the Planetary Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- Simulation of northern Eurasian wetland dynamics using the Variable Infiltration Capacity Model
- Simulation of upper troposphere CO2 from two-dimensional and three-dimensional models
- Simulations of Sea-Ice Dynamics Using the Material-Point Method
- Site Characterization Using Satellite Imagery
- Solar Polar Imager Vision Mission Study: Advantages of High Latitude In-Situ and Coronagraphic Observations of the Corona and Solar Wind
- Spaceborne Thermal Infrared Measurements of Volcanic Thermal Features
- Spatial Ice Rigidity Distribution of Larsen B Before its Disintegration
- Spatially Resolved Thermal Infrared Observations of Uranus and Neptune from the ESO Very Large Telescope in September, 2006: Unexpected Meridional Distribution and Possible Zonal Variability of Upper Tropospheric and Stratospheric
- Spectral affinities in the icy moons of Saturn investigated through the G-mode multivariate classification method
- Spectropolarimetric Imaging of Aerosols Using Tandem Photoelastic Modulators
- Spectroscopy in Integrated In-Situ Microfluidic Devices for Planetary Exploration
- Stardust (Comet) Samples and the Meteorite Record
- Statistical Modeling and Characterization of Microstructure in Saturn's Rings
- Strategies for In situ and Sample Return Analyses
- Structural Model of Endurance Crater for Rover-Based Exploration of Crater Rims
- Studies of Alternative Mission Architectures for Future Satellite Gravity Missions
- Studies of Titan's 5-Micron-Bright Regions Using Combined VIMS and ISS Observations
- Studying the upper tropospheric ozone enhancements over North America: Initial analysis with TES observations and FLEXPART
- Sub-millimeter Rock Surface Texture as a Measure of Aeolian Abrasion Maturity
- Subcritical Water Extraction of Trace Organic Molecules from Arid Atacama Desert Soils: Laboratory Study in Support of in situ Urey Instrument Suite
- Surface Characterization for Land-Atmosphere Studies of CLASIC
- Surface Exchange of CO2 Observed by Column Measurements
- Survey of Electron Density Profiles From MARSIS Active Ionospheric Sounding
- TES Atmospheric Chemistry Data Available from the NASA Langley Atmospheric Science Data Center
- TES observations of the North American pollution outflow in summer 2006
- TES observations of the tropical lower troposphere in January 2005 and 2006
- TES validation results from the Lake Tahoe special observations.
- TIR Anomalies Associated with some of the Major Earthquakes in 1999-2003
- Testing the Marine Hypothesis for The Opportunity Landing Site at Victoria Crater
- The 40K-40Ca Isotopic Systematics of Marine Carbonates: A Record of Continental Crust Evolution Since 3.5 Gyr.
- The ALOS Kyoto &Carbon Initiative Wetlands Products: New Datasets for Wetlands Mapping and Monitoring
- The Advanced Remote-sensing Imaging Earth-science Spectrometer (ARIES): A Combined Hyperspectral MODIS and High Spatial Resolution AIRS Instrument Concept
- The Grace Mission: Status and Progress
- The Gravity Fields and Interior Structure of the Saturnian Satellites
- The Height of Lofted Biomass Burning Plumes over Alaska During the 2004 ICARTT Period
- The Hemisphere-scale Stratospheric Impact of the Chisholm (Alberta) PyroCumulonimbus Eruption
- The High Resolution Tropospheric Ozone Residual
- The Hydration State of the Martian Surface as Seen by Mars Express OMEGA
- The Hydrothermal Vent Biosampler (HVB) Developed to Collect `Pristine' Samples (<6.5km depth, 400C, 0.2u pore) for Microbial Analyses. It's use in Eyjafjordur Fjord, Iceland & Myojin Knoll & Planned deployment on the Myojin Knoll & Suiyo Seamount.
- The Influence of a Subducting slab on the Prediction of the Gravitational-Viscoelastic Earth Responce Induced by Glacial Changes in Patagonia
- The Interaction of Rhea with Saturn's Magnetosphere
- The Lakes of Titan
- The NASA DAACs Support Earth Science Users' Data Needs
- The Need &Utility of Creating a Global Lunar Seismic Network
- The New JPL Interplanetary Solar High-Energy Particle Environment Model
- The New Microwave Limb Sounder Web User Interface
- The Origin of Ocean Microseisms
- The Recovery of Earth's Ozone Layer
- The Spaceborne Advanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SAVII) next-generation land imager instrument concept.
- The Technology Behind Data Integration with Semantics
- The Vertical Structure and Phosphine Distribution on Saturn as Determined by Cassini/VIMS
- The Vertical Structure of Water Vapor in Mid-latitude as Seen by AIRS, AMSU and ECMWF
- The accuracy of remotely-sensed IWC: An assessment from MLS, TRMM and CloudSat statistics
- The alteration of icy samples during sample acquisition
- The iEarth Adaptive Virtual Earth Observatory: Probing the Performance of Spaceborne Climate Sensors
- The role of Asian monsoon/Tibet convection in stratosphere hydration and creating tape recorder signal
- The unusual structure of Debby observed during NAMMA 2006
- Thermal Structure of Titan's Atmosphere from Cassini Radio Occultations and Thermal- Infrared Spectra
- Thermophysical, Rheological and Mechanical Measurements on Icy Compositions with Application to Solar System Ices
- Tidal control of ice stream flow at annual and semi-annual frequencies
- Time-dependent flexural subsidence caused by Holocene and Late Pleistocene sedimentation in the Gulf of Mexico: New inversion modeling of vertical motion data
- Titan's Thermal Emission: Analysis of Near-Surface Temperatures via Mid-Infrared Measurements
- Topographic Roughness of Hawaiian Volcanic Terrains: A Scale-Dependent Analysis of a Potential Mars Landing Site Analog
- Towards a new model of tumuli growth: Incorporating bending models and observations of active lava flows
- Transpacific transport of pollution during INTEX-B: a synthesis approach using TES observations and RAQMS model
- Tropical and subtropical precipitation changes under global warming
- Tropical distributions of thin cirrus observed by the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder
- Tropospheric Ozone and CO monthly mean fields from TES and GEOS-CHEM model
- Two Martian Winters at Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum: New Results From the MER Moessbauer Spectrometers
- Ulysses Recent Ascent to the South Polar Cap: Magnetic Field Observations
- Upper Limits of Inorganic Gaseous Iodine in the Tropical UT/LS
- Upper Tropospheric Nitric Acid from the Microwave Limb Sounder on Aura: First Results
- Use of tracers to examine variability in column CO2 measurements at Park Falls, Wisconsin
- Using Cloudsat and MLS Data to Study Convective Effects on the Upper Troposphere
- Using GRACE as an Orbiting Fiducial Laboratory for GPS
- Using MASTER Multispectral and LiDAR to Detect CO2 and Methane Above a Virtual pipeline.
- Using Simulation to Evaluate Scientific Impact of Autonomous Robotic Capabilities for Mars
- VIMS Observations of Titan's Surface
- Validation Of A New Parametric Radiative Transfer Model For Atmospheric Correction Of Thermal Infrared Channels
- Validation of Quasi-Static methods for Southern California Deformation
- Validation of TES Tropospheric Ozone Profiles with Airborne LIDAR Observations
- Validation of Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) nadir ozone profiles
- Variability in frozen and thawed seasons in the terrestrial high latitudes and relationships with land-atmosphere CO2 exchange: Characterization with spaceborne microwave remote sensing
- Variability of the Satellite Drag Environments of Earth, Mars and Venus due to Rotation of the Sun
- Ventifact orientations at the MER Spirit landing site: Correlations with local topography
- Viscoelastic Relaxation of Tidally Induced Stresses in the Ice Shells of Outer Solar System Satellites
- Volcanism on Titan and Comparisons with Earth
- WAVES (Water Vapor Variability Satellite/Sondes) - An Aura Satellite Validation Field Campaign Hosted at the Howard University Research Campus in Beltsville, MD
- Water Balance over Ocean and South America
- Water Vapor and Ice Clouds in the UT/LS: New Observations From Aura MLS
- None
- A 2006-2007 Update on Oceanographic Conditions in the Central Arctic Ocean
- A Future "Global Atmospheric Composition Mission" (GACM) Concept.
- A Merged Satellite Atmospheric Data Set for Hydrology and Climate Studies
- A Mid-latitude Cloud Eruption on Titan Observed by the Cassini Visual Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) in July 2007
- A Practical Method to Autonomously Obtain Vertical Profiles of Biomarkers in Ice Sheets on Earth and Mars
- A Prototype for a Distributed and Automatic Visualization Pipeline for Oceanographic Datasets.
- A Rapid, Easy, and Precise Method for Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Analysis of Water of Crystallization in Hydrated Minerals
- A Study of Dehydration, Low Temperatures and Supersaturations in the Tropical Tropopause Layer both Inside and Outside of Clouds.
- A Study of Surface Directional Reflectance Properties To Enhance Aerosol Retrieval Capability Over Land Using MISR Data
- A Test for Past Ice Flow in the Martian North Polar Layered Deposits Based on Observed Radar Stratigraphy
- A Thermal Infrared View of Altered Noachian Martian Crust
- A UAV System for Observing Volcanoes and Natural Hazards
- A global climatology of clean and polluted clouds
- A high-resolution global ocean model of ROMS and its application to GRACE
- A-Train Observations of Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange During 2006
- A-Train Tropospheric Chemistry Observations on 30 August 2006 over the 2006 TexAQS/GoMACCS Study Area
- AIRS CO2 in the Upper Troposphere
- AIRS Pre-flight Calibration and In Orbit Validation
- AIRS Version 5 Trace Gas Retrievals
- ASTER Observations of Recent Thermal Activity and Explosive Eruption at Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania
- Adaptive Sky: Observing Clouds Using Multi-Instrument, Multi-Platform Sensor Webs
- Adjoint Inversion of Global NOx Emissions with SCIAMACHY NO2
- Advances in Sensor Webs for NASA Earth Science Missions
- Aerosol Optical Depth, Climate Sensitivity and Global Warming
- Aerosol Particle Property Comparisons Between MISR and AERONET Retrieved Values
- Alfven Profile in the Lower Corona: Implications for Shock Formation
- An In-Situ Deep-UV Optical Probe for Examining Biochemical Presence in Deep Glaciers and Sub-Glacial Lakes
- An Overview of MARSIS and SHARAD Radar Sounding Observations of the Polar Deposits of Mars
- An Overview of the Exploration History of Europa
- An Overview of the Validation Plans for OCO Observations
- Analysis of injection heights of boreal forest fire plumes determined from MISR data
- Annual variability of Tropospheric Water Vapour Isotopes as observed by TES
- Application of Infrared Hyperspectral Sounder Data to Climate Research: Interannual Variability and climate trend evaluation.
- Application of Persistent Scatterer Radar Interferometry to the New Orleans delta region
- Application of Statistical Image Segmentation to Recognition of Solar Magnetic Network
- Applying AIRS Hyperspectral Infra-Red Data to Cloud and Water Vapor Studies of Climate
- Aqueous Solution Chemistry on Mars
- Arctic Sea Ice Conditions Leading to Record Reduction in Summer 2007
- Arctic Sea-Ice Freeboard Heights and Estimated Ice Thicknesses from ICESat: Seasonal and Interannual Variations (2003-2007)
- Arctic Warming, Greenland Melt and Moulins
- Arctic sea ice Freeboard From ICESat and Envisat Altimetry
- Assessment of a Near-Global 30-meter Resolution DEM Derived from the Publicly Available SRTM Data Set for Use in Orthorectification of Satellite SAR Imagery
- Assimilative Modeling of Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Plasma Plumes during the October 2003 Storm
- At What Exact Velocity is Earth's Center Moving?
- Auroral Charging at Jupiter
- Auroral Movies and Spectroscopy from Cassini UVIS
- Autonomous Triggering of in situ Sensors on Kilauea Volcano, HI, from Eruption Detection by the EO-1 Spacecraft: Design and Operational Scenario.
- Biodiversity of Rock Varnish at Yungay, Atacama Desert, Chile
- Biogeochemical Reactions Under Simulated Europa Ocean Conditions
- Biogeochemistry and nitrogen cycling in an Arctic, volcanic ecosystem
- CIR Structures and Their Shocks at ~5AU: Ulysses Fast Latitude Scans
- CO2 Retrievals Using Solar-Absorption Measurements by the OCO Spectrometer and an FTS
- CRISM Retrieval of Surface Lambert Albedos for Multispectral Mapping of Mars with DISORT- based Radiative Transfer Modeling: Phase 1 -- Using Historical Climatology for Temperatures, Aerosol Optical Depths, and Atmospheric Pressures
- Can Ionospheric Sounding Help Tsunami Warning Systems ?
- Carbon dioxide segregation in mixed carbon dioxide/water ices
- Cassini CIRS Measurements of Thermal Phase Curves in Saturn's Main Rings
- Cassini RADAR Icy Satellite Observation Designs and Results
- Characteristics of 3He-rich Solar Energetic Particle Events Derived from in situ Observations
- Characterization of Enigmatic Saturn's Ring B by Cassini Radio Occultations
- Characterization of Sulfate Minerals in Juventae Chasma from CRISM images
- Characterizing Tropospheric Winds by Combining MISR Cloud-Track and QuikSCAT Surface Wind Vectors
- Characterizing the Triboelectric Charging Effect on Sample Transfer for the 2009 Mars Science Laboratory Rover Mission
- CheMin: A Definitive Mineralogy Instrument on the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL '09) Rover
- Closing the Globally Averaged Sea Level Budget on Seasonal to Interannual Time Scales
- Cloud Ice: A Climate Model Challenge With Signs and Expectations of Progress
- Combining TES Ozone with GOES Water Vapor to Discern Dynamically Driven Stratospheric Enhancements in the Upper Troposphere
- Comparative Hydrology Over Monsoonal Regions Using Seasonal Distributions of Stable Water Isotopes.
- Comparing MISR and MODIS Data to Output from the IMPACT Aerosol Transport Model Using the Aerosol Measurement and Processing System
- Comparison of Airborne Sunphotometer to MODIS and MISR Retrievals of Aerosol Optical Depth during MILAGRO/INTEX-B
- Competition Between the Mirror- and L-mode Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Instabilities in the Earth's magnetosheath: Comparison Between 2-D and 3-D Simulations
- Compositional Mapping of Saturn's Satellite Iapetus with Cassini VIMS and Implications of Dark Material in the Saturn System
- Computational Study of Particle Cross-Field Diffusion Caused by Interaction With Interplanetary Magnetic Decreases
- Consequence of Electron Mobility in Icy Grains on Solar System Objects
- Construction and analysis of an ozone profile climateology over Houston, Texas
- Coronae on Venus: Relationship of Geology to Gravity
- County-Level Crop Yield Prediction Using Remote Sensing Data
- Coupled HOx, NOx and Halogen chemistry in the Antarctic Boundary Layer
- Current and Past Aeolian Processes as Seen by the HiRISE Camera
- Degradation of Victoria Crater, Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Density of Mars' South Polar Layered Deposits
- Detecting Tsunami Genesis and Scales Directly from Coastal GPS Stations
- Detecting Water/Ice in Simulated Martian Regoliths using Impedance Spectroscopy
- Detection of Novel Features and Collection of Opportunistic Science Data with an Onboard Autonomous Rover Science System
- Detection of regional events using streaming GPS
- Determining Deformed Sea Ice Properties Using Multisensor Observations
- Determining the influence of various OAM models on EOP
- Developing packages and integrating ontologies for Volcanoes, Plate Tectonics and Atmospheric Science Data Integration
- Development of a Transportable Gravity Gradiometer Based on Atom Interferometry
- Discovery of Very large Amplitude Whistler-mode Waves in the Outer Radiation Belt and Their Effects on Relativistic Particles
- Does the Madden-Julian Oscillation Influence Aerosol Variability?
- Eddies, Convection, and Maintenance of the Saturn General Circulation: Results from Cassini Imaging
- Electron Densities in the Upper Ionosphere of Mars from the Excitation of Local Electron Plasma Oscillations
- Electron Impact Excitation of Molecular Nitrogen
- Endogenic Origin of Titan's N2
- Energetic Particles from Corotating Interaction Regions as Observed by STEREO and ACE
- Energy Spectra and Composition of Low-Energy Ions during Solar Quiet Times
- Enhanced MISR stereoscopic observation of polar stratospheric clouds and smoke plumes
- Ensemble-Based Data Assimilation With a Martian GCM
- Eruptions on A Virtual Globe: The Aster Volcano Archive
- Estimate of interplate coupling along the Nankai Trough, Southwest Japan using GEONET data
- Estimating Titan Surface Topography from Cassini Synthetic Aperture RADAR Data
- Estimation of Tree Height, Biomass, and Standing Carbon in Miombo Woodlands Using Radar Interferometry
- Estimation of the OH column abundance in the lower atmosphere from space- and ground- based measurements.
- Europa Explorer: A Mission to Explore Europa and Investigate Its Habitability
- Europa's surface composition: What we know, what we would like to know, and how we can find out
- Evaluating CloudSat Ice Water Retrievals Using a Cloud Resolving Model: Sensitivities to Frozen Particle Properties and Implications for Model-Data Comparisons
- Evaluation of OMI Column Retrievals of HCHO, BrO and OClO Using Ground-Based DOAS and FTS Measurements, SCIAMACHY and GOME Satellite Observations, and GEOS-Chem Modeling
- Evaluation of Radiation Belt Space Environments for Internal Charging Analyses
- Evaluation of the New HOxotope Total Water Isotopologues Instrument Performance During TC4 Through Instrument Intercomparison
- Evaluations of global land-to-oceans fresh water discharge and evapotranspiration
- Evidence for Siliceous Deposits Formed by Acid-Sulfate Alteration at Home Plate in Gusev Crater, Mars
- Evidence for a recurring eastern North America upper tropospheric ozone maximum during summer
- Evidence of Tectonic Fractures as Magma Conduits in the Prometheus Area on Io
- Features and Futures of Scientific GIS
- Fire and Ice: Lavas on Io, Cryolavas on Titan
- Fusing measurements statistically: combining aerosol data from MISR and MODIS
- GENESIS SciFlo: Choreographing Interoperable Web Services on the Grid using a Semantically-Enabled Dataflow Execution Environment
- GPS data exploration for seismologists and geodesists
- GRACE Applications to Ocean Circulation: a review of the first 5 years.
- GRACE-Based Estimates of GPS Satellite Antenna Phase Variations: Impact on Determining the Scale of the Terrestrial Reference Frame
- Geodetic Constraints on Steric Sea Level Rise: Using Earth Oblateness as a Metric for Land Ice Ablation
- Geologically agnostic approaches to constraining the ice shell thickness of Europa.
- Geophysical Site Characterization Using Space-Based Imagery and Integrated Imaging Analysis Methods: AN Overview
- Geosynchronous Weather Satellite Nightly TIR Cooling Curves and Earthquakes
- Global Climate Models of Titan, Uranus, and Neptune
- Global Mapping of the Surface of Titan Using VIMS Infrared Images - Geodynamical Implications
- Global Surface Mass Variations From GRACE, GPS, and Geophysical Models
- Global assimilative ionospheric modeling and the Tiny Ionospheric Photometer on the COSMIC constellation
- Global scale water isotope observations and the impact of the terrestrial biosphere on atmospheric hydrology
- Great Dust Storms on Mars: What Have We Learned?
- Ground-based Observations of the Total CO2 Column: Method, Validation, and First Results
- HDO:H2O ratios in the tropical UTLS from the ACE-FTS
- HiRISE Images of the Sublimation of the Southern Seasonal Polar Cap of Mars
- HiRISE observations of potential MSL landing sites
- Hot Spot of Enceladus: Role of Thermal Convection and Tidal Internal Heating in the Ice Shell
- Hydrated Iron Sulfate Minerals by FT-IR, ESEM and XRD: Effects of Hydration, Metal Ions, and Oxidative State
- ICESat: Sea ice freeboard, snow depth, and thickness
- IPS observations of the inner-heliosphere and their comparison with multi-point in-situ measurements
- Iapetus as Seen Through the Multispectral Eyes of Cassini VIMS
- Iapetus: Ultraviolet Measurements from Cassini
- Ice sheet studies with DESDynI
- Identifying Convective Transport of Carbon Monoxide Through the Intercomparison of Remote Sensing Observations and Cloud Modeling Simulations
- Identifying Modes of Temperature Variability Using AIRS Data.
- Impact of Solar Variability on the Earth's Annular Modes
- Impacts of large-scale oscillations on northern high-latitude terrestrial net primary production
- Implications of Viscous Relaxation in Europa's Icy Shell for Interpreting Global Tectonic Features
- Implications of contemporaneous observations of glacier changes on the sensitivity of ice sheets to climate change.
- Improved GRACE Measurements of Climate Change: Alternative and Advanced Processing Techniques
- Improved Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide Profiles Using AIRS and TES Measurements
- Improved Version of the Roldan et al's Non-Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium Model for the Infrared Emissions in the Atmosphere of Venus
- Improved temporal constraints on and vertical injections of biomass burning emissions: Implications on global aerosol simulation
- Improving the EOS MLS Science Data Processing
- In situ measurements of nitric acid and ozone in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere
- In-Situ Examination of Ice Stratrigraphy and Organic Material in the Lake Vostok Borehole
- Influence of cloud top properties on liquid water retrievals from MODIS and AMSR- E
- Influence of the solar cycle on the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation period
- Infrared Observations Of Saturn's Rings : Azimuthal Variations And Thermal Modeling
- Inner-heliosphere SMEI observations and their comparison with multi-point in-situ measurements
- Integration of MGS Observations of the 2001 Global Dust Storm on Mars: Implications for Atmospheric Modeling
- Intergration of MGS observations of 2001 global dust storm on Mars
- Interiors of the Four Giant Planets
- Internal Structure of the North Polar Layered Deposits on Mars From SHARAD Observations
- Interpreting a Weathered Mars: Investigating the Effects of Weathering on Spectroscopic Observations Through Laboratory Study
- Investigating In-cloud Relative Humidity and Thin Cirrus in the Upper Tropical Atmosphere Using AIRS, CALIPSO, and MLS
- Investigating the Composition of Saturn's Rings Using Cassini CIRS Data
- Iodine: The missing halogen of polar tropospheric chemistry
- Ionospheric Error Contribution To GPS Radio Occultation Temperature Retrievals
- Joint distributions of ice clouds and relative humidity: What can we learn from A-train measurements?
- Laboratory Measurement of the Gas-Phase Rate Constant for Formation of Nitric Acid from the Reaction of OH and NO2
- Laboratory Measurements of Oxygen Gas Release from Basaltic Minerals Exposed to UV- Radiation: Implications for the Viking Gas Exchange Experiments
- Lake and wetland variability in regions of seasonal and permanent soil frost
- Large scale modeling of Antarctica ice flow using inverse control methods on ice rheology and basal drag.
- Large-Scale Variability of Middle and Upper Tropospheric CO2
- Large-scale deformation of Tibet measured with Envisat ScanSAR interferometry
- Latitudinal Variation In Mangrove Height And Biomass in East Africa Using SRTM Elevation Data
- Lava Flow Emplacement at Pillan, Io in 1997: Implications for Massive Basaltic Flow Emplacement on Earth and Mars.
- Layering of Al- and Fe/Mg-phyllosilicates in Western Mawrth Vallis, Mars, and Implications for Aqueous Processes During the Noachian Period
- Local CO enhancements in the upper troposphere: examining data from TES, MLS and MOPITT
- Long-term global comparisons of aerosol optical depth from MISR, MODIS and AERONET using AMAPS (the Aerosol Measurement and Processing System)
- Long-term temperature observations from the troposphere to upper mesosphere over Mauna Loa, HI (19.5N, 155.6W) and Table Mountain, CA (34.4N, 117.7W) by JPL Lidars and nearby Radiosondes
- Los Angeles Heat Waves Are They Becoming More Frequent and Longer in Duration?
- Low-Frequency Ocean Bottom Pressure Signals in the North Pacific
- Low-Uncertainty Measurements of O2 A-Band Line Positions
- Lunar Laser Ranging Science: Recent Progress and Future Plans
- MARSIS and SHARAD radar reflections within Promethei Lingula, South Polar Layered Deposits, Mars
- MLS measurements of polar BrO
- MRO Observations of Light-toned Layered Deposits along the Plains Adjacent to Valles Marineris
- Major Rifts on Venus: Lithospheric Properties and Formation of Parga and Hecate Chasmata
- Mapping Mangrove Canopy Structure Using Lidar, inSAR and Field Data
- Mapping and Characterization of the Eastern Elysium Planitia Deposits
- Marsis Data Inversion Approach: Preliminary Results on Mars South Polar Region
- Mass- radius relationships for Super-Earths and Water-rich planets: an estimate of the uncertainties.
- Measurements of Fast ice Flow of the Malaspina Glacier to Explore Connections Between Glacial Erosion and Crustal Deformation in the St. Elias Mountains, Alaska
- Measurements of Solar Proton Event Generated HO2 and OH
- Measuring vertical deformation in the Seattle, WA urban corridor with satellite radar interferometry time series analysis
- Mesospheric CO Intrusion in the Arctic Stratosphere
- Methane Emissions From Western Siberian Wetlands: Heterogeneity and Sensitivity to Climate Change
- Mineral dust transport characterization from combined MISR/MODIS aerosol retrievals for NAAPS transport model validation
- Mineralogic Diversity and Geomorphology of CRISM-detected Phyllosilicate Bearing Materials in Nili Fossae, Mars: Implications for Aqueous Alteration
- Modeling Hydrocarbons in the Atmosphere of Neptune and Comparison with Spitzer Observations
- Modeling Lunar Radar Scattering From Icy Regoliths
- Modeling transport, fate, and lifetime of riverine DOC in the Arctic Ocean
- Models of Postseismic Deformation Following the 2003 Tokachi-oki Earthquake and Interseismic Deformation in Northern Japan
- Monitoring Io volcanism with AO telescopes during and after the NH flyby
- Monitoring Snow on ice as Critical Habitat for Ringed Seals
- Multi-disciplinary Applications of the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE)
- Multi-spacecraft Observations of 3He-rich Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Multi-sulfate and Iron Oxide Assemblages Within the Valles Marineris Interior Layered Deposits
- Multiphase Modeling of Nitrate Photochemistry in the Quasi-Liquid Layer: Implications for NOx Release from the Arctic and coastal Antarctic Snowpack
- Multipoint Analysis by STEREO and WIND of the Magnetic Cloud on May 21-23, 2007
- NASA's DESDynI InSAR and Multibeam LIDAR Mission
- NASA's New Millennium ST-9 TRGS Mission
- NASA's New Millennium ST8 Project
- NQRY Coaching: Scientists and Science Educators Energizing the Next Generation
- Near-Infrared Spectral Analysis of 2007 Jovian North Temperate Belt Disturbance
- Near-Real-Time Processing Plans for Aura MLS Data for Use in Data Assimilation
- New Cassini RADAR Results for Iapetus and Saturn's Other Icy Satellites
- New Horizons at Jupiter: From Polar Lightning to Equatorial Waves
- New Insights into Gemina Lingula of the Northern Polar Layered Deposits, Mars from SHARAD Observations
- New Views of 2 Pallas From the Hubble Space Telescope
- Nexrad-In-Space - A Geostationary Satellite Doppler Weather Radar for Hurricane Studies
- Nonlinear Dynamics of the Parker Scenario for Coronal Heating
- Nonlinear Electrostatic Solitary Waves Observed in Connection with the 24 August 2005 Super-Substorm
- North American Tropospheric Ozone Profiles from IONS (INTEX Ozonesonde Network Study, 2004, 2006): Ozone Budgets, Polution Statistics, Satellite Retrievals
- Numerical Simulations for Earthquake Physics (Virtual California): Recent Results and Current Plans
- Observation of the water cycle from space with the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS)
- Observational and Theoretical Constraints on Plume Activity at Europa
- Observations of Europa's Tenuous Atmosphere
- Observations of Jupiter Supporting the New Horizons Encounter and During a Period of "Global Upheaval"
- Observations of local and regional ozone and carbon monoxide over Asia from the Tropospheric Ozone Spectrometer
- Observing Ocean Surface Wind-stress With Spacebased Scatterometers
- Occurrence and Stratigraphy of Phyllosilicate and Hydrated Silicate Minerals on Mars from OMEGA and CRISM
- Ontology-based Information Management in QuakeSim
- Optimally combining ozone from Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) and Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) data
- Optimized Autonomous Space - In-situ Sensorweb: A new Tool for Monitoring Restless Volcanoes
- Photochemical Origin of Nitrogen on Titan and Enceladus
- Photoclinometry, Morphometry, and Spectroscopy of Titan's Sand Dunes from Cassini/VIMS
- Phyllosilicate identification in Mawrth Vallis: an analysis of CRISM multispectral data and targeted images FRT4ECA and HRS307A
- Postseismic Deformation and Stress Evolution Following the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
- Preliminary Analysis of Arctic Ocean Tides using GRACE Spacecraft Acceleration Data.
- Preliminary analysis of an ozonesonde data from Panama as part of TC-4
- Production of Earth orientation parameter series by Kalman filter-based combination
- Progress in Developing a Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (MSPI) for Aerosol Remote Sensing from Space
- Properties of L-band interferograms derived from ALOS/PALSAR radar observations
- Prototype of an Integrated Hurricane Information System for Research: Description and Illustration of its Use in Evaluating WRF Model Simulations
- Prototype of an Integrated Hurricane Information System for Research: Design and Implementation of the Database and Web Portal
- Quantifying INSAR Temporal Decorrelation and its impact on estimation of vegetation structure
- Quantifying the deep convective flux of CO into tropical upper troposphere: A modeling analysis of Aura-MLS CO Measurements
- Quantifying the lightning Nox emissions over the US using TES, NLDN, IONS data and the GEOS-Chem model
- RAQMS chemical data assimilation studies of trans-pacific pollution transport during the 2006 INTEX-B field mission
- Radar Observations of Snowpack Changes from the Second Cold Land Processes Experiment
- Radar Sounding at Decameter Wavelengths: Applying the lessons learned at Mars to the investigation of icy bodies
- Radar Spectrometry for the Europa Explorer
- Radar Stratigraphy of Ice on Earth and Mars: What are we Missing? An Evaluation of Multiple Radars and Processing Techniques.
- Radar Subsurface Sounding Over the Putative Frozen Sea in Cerberus Palus, Mars
- Radiative Impacts of Misclassification of Cloud Thermodynamic Phase
- Range-Doppler processing of Saturn's Icy Satellites using the Cassini RADAR Scatterometer
- Rapid Changes in Sediment Transport and the Potential for Interplate Earthquake Generation: The Cases of the Mississippi and Modern Yangtze
- Recent Advances in Low-Power, Low-Cost, Real Time, Global, Sensor Communication: Using New Irdium's Data Capabilities
- Recent Developments in the Processing of Global GPS Data at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Recent Measurements of Ice Flux From Outlet Glaciers of the South Shetlands and Antarctic Peninsula
- Recent Results From the JPL Carbon Dioxide Laser Absorption Spectrometer
- Recent Ulysses Fast latitude Scan: Magnetic Field Observations
- Recent increases in Asian emissions and consequences for transpacific ozone pollution in the United States: INTEX-B and Aura observations
- Recent measurements of water vapor in the TTL by the JPL Laser Hygrometer
- Recent results from GRACE in Antarctica and Greenland: comparison with Insar mass balance estimates.
- Reflectance microspectroscopy of natural rock samples in the visible and short-wave infrared
- Relationship Between Fault Creep and Shallow Stress Accumulation Rate
- Relationships of Dione's physical and chemical surface properties to geological and morphological surface features
- Remote Sensing of Open Water in Northern High Latitudes for use in Hydrologic Modeling
- Remote sensing of changes in near surface freeze and thaw timing from 1988 to 2006
- Report on the Special JGE issue on Strengthening Diversity in the Geosciences.
- Representing Satellite Swath Data in ArcGIS
- Results From the SHARAD Sounding Radar Experiment at Mars
- Results from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory First Light Tests
- Retrieval of Mars atmospheric temperature and dust profiles from Mars Climate Sounder measurements
- Revisiting "the Tropospheric Middle Eastern Ozone Maximum" With Satellite Observations of Tropospheric Ozone
- Rhea's interaction with Saturn's magnetosphere
- Rheology of the Brunt Ice Shelf Inferred by Data Assimilation The Role of Marine Ice
- SAR, InSAR and Lidar studies for measuring vegetation structure over the Harvard Forest
- SHADOZ in the Aura Era
- SI Traceable Laboratory Determinations of O2 A-Band Line Parameters for Space-Based Measurements of CO2 and Global Surface Pressure
- Satellite Estimation of Daily Land Surface Water Vapor Pressure Deficit from AMSR- E
- Satellite Interferometry and Antarctic Ice Thickness Estimation
- Satellite and In Situ Observations of Regional Sea Level Change: What can they tell us about future changes?
- Saturn's Rings Observed with Cassini-VIMS
- Saturn's Titan: Searching for Surface Change
- Scenarios for Estimating Vegetation Structure and Biomass from InSAR with DESDynI
- Science and Measurement of Global Ionospheric Storms
- Search for Persistent Quasi-Periodicities in the Solar and Interplanetary Magnetic Fields
- Seasonal Modulation of Atmospheric Parameters From AIRS and Correlations With the GISS and CCSM Climate Models
- Seasonal Variability of Mass in the Arctic Ocean Using GRACE and In Situ Bottom Pressure Measurements
- Seasonal Variation of Nitrogen Oxides in the Central North Atlantic Lower Free Troposphere: Influence of Boreal Wildfires and North American Urban Pollution
- Semantic Mediation and Integration of Volcanic and Atmospheric Data:In Search of Statistical Signatures
- Semi-Empirical Models of Polar Stratospheric Ozone Depletion and Their Applications
- Sensitive Broadband Receivers for Microwave Limb Sounding
- Sensitivity of ENSO events to the decadal salinity changes and wind bursts of the SouthWest Pacific
- Silica Deposits Within Gusev Crater: Clear Evidence for Martian Water
- Simulating Arctic bromine explosion and surface ozone depletion with the GEM-AQ model
- Simulation-based impact of DESDynI mission duration and repeat time for postseismic processes
- Simulations of sea ice lead formation and evolution
- Simultaneous Observation of Gravity Waves in Temperature by Using Rayleigh LIDAR and Sodium LIDAR
- Slip Rates and Rheology of the Southern San Andreas-San Jacinto Fault System From Earthquake Cycle Models Constrained by GPS and InSAR Observations
- Slow Solar Wind Formation Beyond the Cusp of an Helmet Streamer
- Solar Origin of 3He-rich Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Solar control of the Martian Ionosphere as Detected by MARSIS Active Ionospheric Sounder
- Solar-cycle response in global climate models assessed by IPCC AR4
- Some Coolness on Martian Global Warming and Reflections on the Role of Surface Dust
- Spectral Evidence for Aqueous Alteration of the Plains Surrounding Valles Marineris, Mars
- Spectral Mapping of Interior Layered Deposits of Western Candor Chasma by CRISM
- State of the Venus Atmosphere from Venus Express at the time of MESSENGER FLy- By
- Stereoscopic Analysis of CME-related Coronal Activity using STEREO/SECCHI Observations
- Stereoscopic Results from NASA's STEREO Mission
- Stratigraphy of the South Polar Layered Deposits in SHARAD Radar and Images
- Strengths and Limitations of MISR Aerosol Products for Large-Scale, Long-Term Climate Studies
- Studying the upper tropospheric ozone enhancements over North America: Analysis with TES observations and FLEXPART
- Sub-micron Aerosol Size Distributions in the Tropics: Implications for Stratospheric Aerosol Abundance
- Substrates and the growth of crystals on for icy planetary surfaces
- Surface Change Detection From Mars Orbital Imagery
- Surface-Atmospheric Separation Models for Titan: Plane Parallel vs. Spherical Shell Radiative Transfer Solutions for Cassini VIMS Data
- Survey of Teachers' Use of Planetary Data for Authentic Research in K-12 Classrooms
- System Design and Technology Development for an Azimuth Scanning Microwave Limb Sounder
- TES Observations of Enhanced Ammonia & Methanol Over Northeast Asia
- TES observations of tropospheric ozone as a greenhouse gas
- Technical and Organizational Lessons Learned From More Than One Decade of the International GNSS Service Global Tracking Network
- Temperature and dust profiles of Mars' atmosphere derived from Mars Climate Sounder (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter)
- Terrestrial Diapirs as Analogs to Europa's Lenticulae and Chaos, and Implications for Europa Exploration
- The Conditions at Europa's Silicate-Water Interface
- The Darwin TCCON Site - CO2 Calibration and First Data
- The Distribution of Great Earthquakes in Time
- The Formation of Magnetic Decreases \(MDs\) in Interplanetary Space: Ulysses
- The Galileo Heavy Ion Environment--Update to the HIC Model
- The Glacier and Ice Sheet Topography Interferometer: An Update on a Unique Sensor for High Accuracy Swath Mapping of Land Ice
- The Gravity Science Analysis of Cassini Flybys T11 and T22 and Future Work
- The Hydrological Cycle of the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- The Impact on EOP Predictions of AAM Forecasts From the ECMWF and NCEP
- The Influence of Atmospheric and Surficial Processes on Titan Organics
- The JIFRESSE Regional Earth System Model and its application to air quality in California
- The Jovian Radiation-Belt Emission: Features and Time Variability.
- The Jupiter System Observer Mission Concept: Scientific Investigation of the Jovian System
- The Jupiter System Observer: Probing the Foundations of Planetary Systems
- The Magnetic Field Induced by the Solar Wind on the Dayside of Mars
- The Meridional and Vertical Structure of Titan's Atmosphere from Cassini Radio Occultations
- The Mesospheric Polar Vortices in GEOS, WACCM, SABER, and EOS-MLS
- The NASA Orbiting Carbon Observatory: Development Status
- The NEAT database photometry and constraints on the rotation of 5535 AnneFrank.
- The Origin of Low Energy 3He
- The PHOIBOS Mission : Probing Heliospheric Origins with an Inner Boundary Observing Spacecraft
- The QuakeSim GeoFEST modeling system - new features inspired by San Andreas Fault motion
- The Relative Surface Roughness of the two Sides of Iapetus
- The Role of Arctic Cold Lows in Generating Thin Ice Clouds: A Comparison between CloudSat-CALIPSO and NARCM Simulations
- The Science Goal and Objectives of Europa Explorer
- The Soil Moisture Active/Passive Mission (SMAP)
- The Structure of Saturn's South Polar Vortex Determined by Cassini VIMS: Constraints on Winds and Horizontal and Vertical Cloud Distributions
- The Translation and Rotation With Which to Define the North American plate
- The Utility of a Geostationary Doppler radar applied to the hurricane analysis and prediction problem: A Report on the 1st Nexrad in Space Workshop
- The Vertical Temperature Distribution Across Saturn's Rings as Observed by Cassini CIRS
- The determination of the aerosol optical thickness over land using different satellite instruments and algorithms
- The electron density structure of the Titan ionosphere
- The evolution of the solar wind proton temperature anisotropy from 0.3 to 2.5 AU
- The extent of phyllosilicates in the northern highlands around Mawrth Vallis: CRISM observations of Western Arabia Terra
- The impact of large-scale dynamics on the variability of total column CO2
- The north polar lakes of Titan as observed by Cassini Radar
- The origin of deep ocean microseisms in the North Atlantic Ocean
- Thermal Conductivity Control of Heat Flow and Effects on Crustal and Surface Compositions and Aqueous Extrusions in Thick Evaporites: Earth and Mars
- Thermal Studies of Saturn's Rings
- Thermal Wind Forcing, Atmospheric Angular Momentum and Earth Rotation: Origin of the Earth's Delayed Response to ENSO
- Tidally Driven Stress Accumulation and Fault Displacements of Enceladus's Tiger Stripes
- Titan Airglow Spectra from Cassini UVIS
- Titan Surface Temperatures from Cassini RADAR Radiometry
- Titan Topography: A Comparison Between Cassini Altimeter and SAR Imaging from Two Titan Flybys
- Titan's Lake Distribution and Classification from the Cassini RADAR
- Titan's Nitrogen Emissions: Spatial, Temporal, and Hemispherical Distribution and Variability as Measured by Cassini-UVIS.
- Titan's Spin State from Cassini SAR Data: Evidence for an Internal Ocean
- Titan's sand seas of longitudinal dunes as indicators of winds and sediment transport
- Topographic Roughness of Hawaiian Volcanic Terrains: Analysis of Multiple Datasets Indicates Length Scales are Critical
- Topography of Titan from Cassini RADAR Stereo Data
- Towards understanding the impact of TTL cirrus clouds on troposphere-to-stratosphere transport
- Transformation of GPS Time Series to ITRF2005
- Transient crustal deformation modeled from Japanese GEONET GPS time series
- Tropical Forest Vegetation Profiles and Biomass from Multibaseline Interferometric SAR at C- band
- Tropospheric and total NO2 column comparison between ground-based MFDOAS and Aura/OMI retrievals in rural and polluted airsheds.
- US CLIVAR MJO Working Group: Efforts to Establish and Improve Subseasonal Predictions
- Updated Model of Saturn's Magnetic Field Based on All Available Data
- Use of TES, AIRS and other satellite data for evaluation of air quality modeling efforts by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
- Using GOES Water Vapor to Define the Tropopause Break and Detect Stratospheric Ozone in the Upper Troposphere
- VEIL: A New Frontiers Class Mission Concept for Exploring Venus
- VIS-NIR Spectrophotometric Study of the Saturnian icy Satellites by Cassini-VIMS
- Variability of sea ice production in the Weddell and Ross Seas polynyas from AMSR-E observations, 2003-2007
- Variations of Ionospheric Convection Electric Field: Under Steady and Non-steady Conditions
- Virtual California: Interplay Between Fault System Complexity, Dynamics, and Numerical Stability
- Virtual Mission First Results Supporting the WATER HM Satellite Concept
- Waves/Turbulence in the Heliospheric Plasma Sheet: Ulysses Observations
- Wind-Driven Particle Mobility on Mars: Insights from MER Observations
- Zero Obliquity Studies of Heat Transport in the Martian Paleo-climate
- A Feasibility Study of Medium-term Earthquake Forecasting Using Numerical Earthquake Simulators: Comparison to the WGCEP
- A Forest Fire Sensor Web Concept with UAVSAR
- A General Radiative Seasonal Climate Model Applied to Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
- A Geostatistical Data Fusion Technique for Merging MISR and MODIS Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) Retrievals With AERONET AOT Measurements
- A Kalman filter and 3dVAR inter-comparison with NCEP's new operational forecasting system
- A Model Web Interoperability Experiment Using The Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System and OpenModeller
- A New Capability for Automated Target Selection and Sampling for use with Remote Sensing Instruments on the MER Rovers
- A Possible Impact Basin on Pallas
- A Simulation of Gravity Waves over Antarctica
- A Smart Sensor Web for Ocean Observation: Integrated Acoustics, Satellite Networking, and Predictive Modeling
- A Three-Dimensional View of Titan's Surface Features from Cassini RADAR Stereogrammetry
- A Venus Flagship Mission: Exploring a World of Contrasts
- Absolute quality of the Ozone Monitoring Instrument ozone columns and ozone profiles
- Accurate Calculations of Global and Local Radiative Forcing due to Tropospheric Ozone and Nitrogen Dioxide
- Active Early Chemistry Proposed for Mawrth Vallis, Mars, Based on Changing Redox Processes in Ancient Phyllosilicate Rocks
- Active sensing at 2 microns for ASCENDS
- Aerosol Particle Property Comparisons Between MISR and AERONET Retrieved Values
- Aircraft Observations of Seasonal Variability in Black Carbon in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- Albedo changes of the Arctic sea ice cover
- Algorithm Development for the Soil Moisture Active and Passive (SMAP) Mission Using PALS Radar-Radiometer Observations During the SMEX02 and CLASIC07 Field Campaigns
- Amino acid preservation in saline halite core samples: Analogs for Martian dry evaporitic regions
- An Earth System Data Record for Land Surface Freeze/Thaw State: Quantifying Terrestrial Water Mobility Constraints to Global Ecosystem Processes
- An Empirical Numerical Simulation on Wind-SST Coupling in Coastal Upwelling
- An Experimental Approach to Improve the International Terrestrial Reference Frame
- An Inundated Wetlands Earth System Data Record: Global Monitoring of Wetland Extent and Dynamics
- Analysis of Basin-Scale Mass Exchange between the Atlantic/Indian Oceans and the Pacific
- Analysis of GRACE Solutions: Implications for Large Scale Global Change Results
- Analysis of High Rate GPS Data From the 2007 Mw 7.7 Tocopilla Earthquake in Northern Chile
- Analysis of High Temporal Resolution Satellite Data for Sub-Tropical Boundary Layer Clouds Along a Pacific Ocean Crossection
- Analysis of Precipitation Characteristics Within an African Easterly Wave: A Multi-Platform Perspective
- Application of PCA using hyperspectral infrared sounder data to climate research
- Applications of Remote Sensing in Detecting Mesoscale Features in the Gulf of Alaska
- Aquarius - A Compact and Lightweight Ice and Liquid Water Isotope Analyzer
- Assembling Large, Multi-Sensor Climate Datasets Using the SciFlo Grid Workflow System
- Assessment of the ECCO2 regional optimized solution in the Arctic
- Atmospheric Precipitable Water and its association with Surface Air Temperatures over Different Climate Regims
- Automated Historical and Real-Time Cyclone Discovery With Multimodal Remote Satellite Measurements
- Automatic Landmark Identification in Mars Orbital Imagery
- Autonomous Mission Design and Data Fusion: Laying the groundwork for Decadal Mission swath altimetry and ocean vector winds.
- Basal drag evolution of Pine Island Glacier in the wake of its retreat
- Benchmarking Collaborative Inter and Intra-agency Enhancements to a Decision Support System for Global Crop Production Assessments
- Blueberries on Earth and Mars: Correlations Between Concretions in Navajo Sandstone and Terra Meridiani on Mars.
- CGPS detected hydrological and anthropogenic signals in California and Nevada from NASA REASoN project
- CO2 Vertical Profile Constraints from OCO and Thermal IR Measurements
- CORSAIR-Calibrated Observations of Radiance Spectra from the Atmosphere in the Far- Infrared
- Ca and Mg Incorporation in Siderite at Low Temperatures (< 50° C): Results from Laboratory Experiments
- Can Interseismic Geodetic Observations Resolve Persistent Rupture Asperities? A study of the Japan trench off Tohoku.
- Carbon dioxide from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) - analysis and preliminary results
- Cassini CIRS: Lessons Learned from the Prime Mission and Plans for Rings Observations in the Extended Mission
- Cassini Imaging Observations of Lakes and Clouds at Titan's High Latitudes and the Implications of the Changes Therein
- Cassini Radar: Extended Mission Plans and Expected Results
- Cassini/VIMS observations of Saturn's infrared aurora
- Challenges in Modernizing Legacy Scientific Software
- Change and Anomaly Detection in Real-Time GPS Data
- Changes in Sea Ice Freeboard and Thickness Derived From ICESat Laser Altimeter Measurements
- Characterization of ICESat-I tree height estimates in North America: a multiscale approach
- Characterization of Vertical Transport of Fire Emissions over North America: Analysis of MISR Observations with a 1-D Plume-resolving Model
- Characterization of the Greenland Ice Sheet Basal and Surface Layer Microwave Angular Scattering Characteristics
- Characterizing Freeze-Thaw Transitions Using L-Band Interferometric SAR over a Boreal Forest in Alaska
- Characterizing Vegetation 3D structure Globally using Spaceborne Lidar and Radar.
- Characterizing error distributions for MISR and MODIS optical depth data
- Chemical, Physical and Biological Influences on Trace Gases in the Tropics: First Two Years of Results From the Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory
- Clays and Sulfates in a Potential Lacustrine Evaporite Sequence at Columbus Crater, Mars
- Climate Change and Human Occupation of the Sahara
- Climate Modeling of the Terrestrial Planets (and one Moon)
- Climatologies of cloud water content distributions using CloudSat data
- Cloud Particle Size and Water/Ice Ratio Estimation using the DMSP SSMIS Sounder
- Cloud Thermodynamic Phase Determination Using Hyperspectral Infrared and Lidar Satellite Observations
- CloudSat Tropical Cyclone Database
- Coarse-scale Convective Transport of CO and O3 Over 36 Hours Above Southern United States
- Combining Data Sets to Generate the Optimum Global Digital Elevation Model
- Comparison between Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) observations and the NCAR CAM isotope model
- Comparison of AIRS and IASI Surface Observations of DomeC in Antarctica with Surface Temperatures Reported by AWS8989
- Comparison of CloudSat 2B-CLDCLASS observations to trained student surface observations from the CloudSat Education Network.
- Comparison of Navier-Stokes, Pattyn's higher-order, and McAyeal's vertically-integrated finite element models on Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica.
- Comparisons of Aura TES V004 Temperature Retrievals With Sonde Measurements
- Comparisons of Cloud Structure from Satellite Estimates to ECMWF and GMAO Analyses, 20th Century IPCC AR4 Climate Simulations, and GCM Simulations
- Complex Permittivity Model of Venus Atmosphere and Implications for Design of Imaging Altimeter and INSAR Orbiters
- Considerations for Future IGS Receivers
- Constraining Models of Postglacial Rebound Using Space Geodesy
- Constraints on Accumulation and Postglacial Rebound from GRACE and InSAR
- Constraints on Aeolian Degradation Rates on Mars from Erasure of Rover Tracks
- Constraints on the Location, Magnitude, and Dimensions of Ganymede's Mass Anomalies
- Coordinating CRISM Observations of Sulfates near Valles Marineris with the Subsurface Bright Salty Soils Exposed in Gusev Crater via Lab Experiments
- Cornonal Mass Ejections and Their Role in Solar Energetic Particle Acceleration and Transport
- Correlative Analysis of the Interaction of a Large Red Oval with the Great Red Spot and Oval BA in May - August 2008: Local Meteorology
- Cryovolcanism on Titan
- Cryovolcanism on Titan and Enceladus
- Cryovolcanism on Titan: Interpretations from Cassini RADAR data
- Current Status of the EJSM Jupiter Europa Orbiter Flagship Mission Design
- Current Status of the Jupiter Europa Orbiter (JEO): Science and Science Implementation
- Daily Land Surface Air Temperature and Vapor Pressure Deficit Derived from AMSR-E: Comparison with AIRS and Northern Hemisphere Meteorological Stations
- Data Interoperability and Standards Within A Large International Remote Sensing Project
- Daytime low- and middle-latitude spread-F driven by Rayleigh-Taylor instability during the PPEF events
- Decadal Change in Northern Wetlands Based on Analysis of ALOS/PALSAR and JERS SAR Data
- Defining the Terrestrial Reference Frame from GPS: Results from a JPL Reanalysis
- Degradation of Victoria Crater, Mars
- Density Variations within the South Polar Layered Deposits of Mars
- Determination of Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo Using Coincident MISR and AERONET Data
- Determination of CME 3D Trajectories From Stereoscopic Analysis of STEREO Coronagraph Data
- Deuterium in the Outer Planets: New Constraints and New Questions from Infrared Spectroscopy
- Developing a Domain Ontology: the Case of Water Cycle and Hydrology
- Development Status of Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (MSPI) Prototype Cameras
- Dielectric Constant of Titan's South Polar Region from Cassini Radio Science Bistatic Scattering Observations
- Different appearance of Titan's dunes
- Direct Sun Measurements of NO2 Column Abundances With FTUVS From Table Mountain, California: Retrieval Method, Instrument Intercomparison, and Results
- Discovery of Perchlorate at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Discovery of lake-effect clouds on Titan
- Discovery of the Acid-Sulfate Mineral Alunite in Terra Sirenum, Mars, Using MRO CRISM: Possible Evidence for Acid-Saline Lacustrine Deposits?
- Diverse Habitable Environments Characterized with Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and Mars Express Data
- Diversity of Mineralogy and Occurrences of Phyllosilicates on Mars
- Diversity of Soil Textures Along Spirit's Traverse in Gusev Crater
- ECCO2: High Resolution Global Ocean and Sea Ice Data Synthesis
- EUV Emission from Electron Impact of Molecular Oxygen
- Earth Oblateness (J2) Variations on Interannual-Decadal Time Scales: Constraints on Anelastic Effects
- Effects of a Changing Arctic Sea-Ice Cover Upon On-Ice Snow Depths
- Effects of deliquescent salts in soils of polar Mars on the flow of the Northern Ice Cap
- El Nino-Southern Oscillation : A New Atmospheric Perspective via GPS Radio Occultation
- Enceladus South Polar Terrain Geology: New Details From Cassini ISS High Resolution Imaging
- Erosion Dynamics during Phoenix Landing on Mars
- Estimates of the Basal-Strength Torques and Tractions That Drive the Plates From Below
- Estimating Soil Moisture, Inundation, and Methane Emissions from Siberian Wetlands Using Models and Remote Sensing
- Estimation of CIRS Sensitivity to Trace Constituents in Saturn's Main Rings
- Estimation of summertime tropospheric ozone distribution over North America: comparison of the Four-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation to sequential sub-optimal Kalman filtering
- Eurasia terrestrial water storage changes and boreal drought from multi-sensor satellite observations, in-situ data
- Evaluating parameterized variables in CAM forecasts against satellite data along the GCSS Pacific cross-section
- Evaluation of MISR and MODIS IR arctic wind retrievals relative to rawinsondes
- Evidence for High and Low Temperature Alteration across Home Plate, Gusev Crater
- Exploring ENSO-like Interannual SST Variation in the Equatorial Central Pacific using GECCO assimilation
- Exploring the Martian Subsurface of Athabasca Valles Using MARSIS Radar Data: Testing the Volcanic and Fluvial Hypotheses for the Origin of the Rafted-Plate Terrain
- Exploring the Rheology of Tibet from Postseismic Deformation Following Recent Large Earthquakes
- Fault Interactions in a Four-year Sequence of Large Normal-fault Earthquakes in Southwest Tibet*
- Fault Trace and Slip in the 2008 Mw 7.9 Sichuan, China Earthquake From InSAR Observations
- Fine-Structured Plasma Flows in Prominences
- First Results on Kr and Xe Abundances in the Bulk Solar Wind Measured in Silicon Targets exposed on GENESIS
- Flow changes, rheology and stability of the Larsen C Ice Shelf
- Flow-front Morphology at Martian Ocean "Shoreline" Locations.
- From Galileo's telescope to the Galileo spacecraft: our changing views of the Jupiter system
- Fusion of High-Rate GPS and Seismic Data: Applications to Early Warning Systems for Mitigation of Geological Hazards
- Future Monitoring of Northern Carbon Cycle Dynamics from SMAP
- Future Prospects and Plans for Improved GRACE Data Products
- GCSS/WGNE Pacific Cross-section Intercomparison: Tropical and Subtropical Cloud Transitions
- GOZCARDS: Global Ozone Chemistry and Related Trace gas Data Records for the Stratosphere
- GRSPI, Demonstrating a Prototype for an Optimal Orbiting GNSS Science Instrument
- General circulation model response to production-limited fossil fuel emission estimates.
- Geologic Slip Rates and Interseismic Deformation in the Ventura Region, Southern California
- Geomorphology From Earth Orbit - Can it be Done?
- Global Distribution of Dunes on Titan With VIMS
- Global Ice Sheet Mapping Observatory Concept
- Global Mapping of Minerals on Mars With OMEGA Hyperspectral Data Using a Linear Unmixing Algorithm
- Global Methyl Chloride Distribution from ACE-FTS Solar Occultation Measurements
- Global Wetland and Snow Dynamics derived from Multiple Satellite Records
- Ground-based measurement of tropospheric ozone by polarization measurements in the Huggins bands
- HiRISE Images of the Sublimation of Mars Northern Seasonal Polar Cap
- High Resolution FTIR Measurements of Voigt Half-Widths of 12CO2 Broadened by H2O at 4.3 μm
- High rate GPS solutions from 2007 Mw7.7 Tocopilla, Chile Earthquake
- High resolution VIMS images of Titan's surface: implications for its composition, internal structure and dynamics
- High-resolution simulations of shallow and deep convection over land
- How Surface-Atmospheric Separation Radiative Transfer Models Compare to Cassini VIMS Data for Titan
- How accurately will SWOT measurements be able to characterize river discharge?
- Hurricane impacts on tree mortality and carbon cycling in coastal forest ecosystems
- Hydrothermal fluid flow models of Campi Flegrei caldera, Italy constrained by InSAR surface deformation time series observations
- Ice Penetrating Radar Sounding Over Glaciers in Alaska and Greenland
- Identification, Mapping, and Measurement of Titan Fluvial Features
- Imaging the Ionosphere Using Polarimetric SAR and GPS
- Impact of InSAR Sampling Interval on Discrimination of Postseismic Processes
- Impacts of East Asian summer monsoon on air quality over China
- Improved Spatial Distribution and Trends of Clouds Observed with the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder
- Improving the Forecast Accuracy of an Ocean Observation and Prediction System by Adaptive Control of the Sensor Network
- Increase in the Frequency of Severe Storms with Global Warming
- Indian Weather Events inducing Climate Changes in the Tropics
- Inferred Ionic Charge States in 3He-rich Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Insight Into Lunar Crustal Magnetization by Joint Analysis of Gravity and Magnetic Field Data
- Integrated Multi-Mission Altimeter Data for Climate Research
- Integrating plate coupling and transient slip events along the subduction zone interface in Nankai Trough, SW Japan using GEONET GPS time series
- Interannual and Seasonal Variability in the Arctic Ocean as Observed with GRACE and In Situ Bottom Pressure Measurements
- Intercomparison and Validation of AIRS, MODIS, and ASTER Land Surface Emissivity Products over the Namib and Kalahari Deserts in Southern Africa
- Interior Models of Jupiter and Saturn with Density Discontinuities
- Interplanetary Discontinuities: What They Are and What Effects They Have on the Magnetosphere?
- Intraseasonal and Interannual Variability of AIRS CO2
- Investigation of Pickering Crater (Mars) by Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS)
- Investigation of the Aerosol Indirect Effect on Ice Clouds and its Climatic Impact Using A- Train Satellite Data and a GCM
- Is There a Link Between Tropical Sea Surface Temperature and Low Stratospheric Temperature?
- Isotopic Variations of Water Vapor in Regions of Deep Convection
- Isotopic Zonation Within Sulfate Evaporite Mineral Crystals Reveal Quantitative Paleoenvironment Details
- JPL/USC GAIM: Validating COSMIC and Ground-Based GPS Assimilation Results to Estimate Ionospheric Electron Densities
- Jupiter's Rotation Period Derived From its Winds
- Ka-band SAR interferometry studies for the SWOT mission
- Kinematic Coseismic Slip Model for the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan-Beichuan Mw 7.9 Earthquake in Sichuan, China from Joint Inversion of ALOS, Envisat and Teleseismic Data*
- Large-scale modeling of the Antarctic ice sheet using a massively-parallelized finite element model (CIELO).
- Lightning and anthropogenic NOx sources over the U.S. and the western North Atlantic Ocean: Impact on radiative forcing and OLR from space-borne observations
- Lightning and anthropogenic NOx sources over the U.S. and the western North Atlantic Ocean: Impact on tropospheric O3 from space-borne observations
- Liquid Water and Thermal Activity of Enceladus' South Polar Terrain
- Lithospheric Structure and Patera Formation on Io: Implications for Future Observations
- Local Sulfate-rich Layered Deposits in Noctis Labyrinthus, Mars, and Their Chronological Consequences
- MISR Stereo-heights of Grassland Fire Smoke Plumes in Australia
- MISR and MODIS Aerosol Product Attributes That Matter for Aerosol Radiative Forcing Calculations
- MJO in four years of EOS MLS UT/LS Temperature and Composition
- MJO-Related Variability over the Indian Ocean: Ocean Responses and AGCM/AOGCM Simulation Fidelity
- MORVEL: A new estimate for geologically recent plate motions
- MRO Imaging of the Candidate Landing Sites for the Mars Science Laboratory
- Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Streamer Belt as a Source of the Slow Solar Wind
- Making Judicious Use of Satellite-Derived Cloud Ice and Liquid Water for Model Evaluation
- Mapping Global CO2: Geostatistical Gap Filling and Uncertainty Assessment for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory
- Mapping the Global Ocean Eddy Field Using a Wide Swath Altimeter
- Mars Analog Tunable Laser Spectroscopy at a Site of Active Serpentinization
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Integrating Results From the Primary Science Phase
- Mars Tectonics
- MarsVac: Pneumatic Sampling System for Planetary Exploration
- Martian Airborne Dust during the Clear Season: The View from Mars Climate Sounder
- Martian Surface Reflectivity seen by MARSIS
- Mass transfer and global sea-level change during the last 100 years: GIA and cryospheric sources incorporating GRACE
- Mean and Variability of Vertical Structure of Cloud Liquid and Ice Water: Observations from CloudSat and Comparisons with GCMs
- Measurements of stratospheric ClO, HO2, BrO and O3 with a balloon-borne submillimeterwave heterodyne radiometer
- Measuring the vertical structure of tropical convection with microwave sounders
- Mechanisms Controlling Seasonal Mixed Layer Temperature of the Indonesian Seas in an ECCO Assimilation Product
- Medium-term Earthquake Forecasting with Numerical Earthquake Simulators: A Feasibility Study with a Comparison to the WGCEP
- Mega-city pollution over East Asia: Satellite Perspective
- Meridional heat transports in the ocean from an ECCO2 data synthesis
- Microscopic Investigation of Martian Soil Samples at the Phoenix Site
- Mid-IR solar occultation spectrometry from balloons
- Minding the clocks in GPS radio occultation soundings: single versus double differencing
- Mineral dust characterization over the North Atlantic/ Saharan desert regions from combined satellite aerosol retrievals and AERONET observations for transport model applications.
- Mirror-Mode Instability versus L-Mode Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Instability: Comparison of 2-D and 3-D Simulations
- Modeling Saturn Ring Temperature Variations as Solar Elevation Decreases
- Modeling variability in the night side ionosphere of Mars
- Monitoring Global Sea Level Change: What do we Need From a Geodetic Observing System?
- Monitoring Seasonal Landscape Freeze/Thaw Processes with SMAP
- Monitoring The Dynamics Of Hyper-Saline Environments With Polarimetric SAR: Death Valley, California Example
- Monitoring and Imaging Ionospheric Total Electron Content Without the Thin-Shell Approximation
- Multi-Resolution Motion-Compensated Analysis of Sea Surface Temperature
- Multi-satellite Observations of Aerosol Effect on Ice Clouds
- NASA Remote Sensing Observations for Water Resource and Infrastructure Management
- New Evidence for the Origin of Layered Deposits in Valles Marineris
- New Laboratory-Based Attenuation Measurements on Ice to Support Tidal Heating Models
- New Measurements of the Evolving Flow in Jupiter's Oval BA
- New Metrics for Evaluation of Clouds Simulations in Climate Models
- New Space Weather Systems Under Development and Their Contribution to Space Weather Management
- New Thermospheric Infrared Radiative Flux and Power Results From the SABER Experiment
- Nuclear Polar VALOR: An ASRG-Enabled Venus Balloon Mission Concept
- Numerical and Theoretical Investigations of North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water With Implications to Pacific Climate Variability
- OASIS - Optimized Autonomous Space - In-situ Sensorweb
- Observations of Dust, Ice Water Clouds, and Precipitation in the Atmosphere of Mars
- Observations of Height Resolved Tropospheric Winds from MISR Using Cloud Motion Vectors: Data and Model Intercomparisons and Applications
- Observing Outlet Glacier Motion Using High Rate GPS
- Ocean Loading Effects on Predictions of Uplift and Gravity Changes due to Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Antarctica
- On the Low-level Moisture Preconditioning of the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- On the impact of energetic solar particles on Noctilucent Clouds
- On the influence of terrestrial DOC on the Arctic Ocean Carbon Cycle
- One Martian Year of Atmospheric Observations by the Mars Climate Sounder
- Opportunities and Challenges in Scientific Exploration of Both Titan and Enceladus by a Single Mission
- Optimal Estimates of Regional Moisture Exchange Using Isotopic Ratios of Water Vapor From the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer
- Overview Of NASA Participation In The International Year Of Astronomy 2009
- Overview of Molecular Line Parameters for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory
- Ozone and Temperature Trends in the Upper Stratosphere at Five Stations of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change
- POLENET Seismic and GPS Network in West Antarctica
- Paleo ice-cap surfaces and extents
- Panchromatic Fourier Transform Spectrometer (PanFTS) for the Geostationary Coastal and Air Pollution Events (GEO-CAPE)Mission
- Paving the way Toward a QuikSCAT Stress Model Function
- Perspectives of Future Satellite Observations for Studying Aerosol-Cloud Interactions
- Phoenix Magnetic Properties Experiments Using the Surface Stereo Imager and the MECA Microscopy Station
- Phoenix Mars Lander: Vortices and Dust Devils at the Landing Site
- Phoenix and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Coordinated Atmospheric Science
- Phoenix landing site and sample context images from the Surface Stereo Imager
- Photochemistry of CO Along Parcel Trajectories in the Southern Polar Stratosphere During Late Winter
- Photochemistry of Methane-water Ices
- Phyllosilicates in Mawrth Vallis: Implications for a Past Aqueous Environment
- Physical Properties of the Icy Soil at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Physical and Thermodynamical Evidence of Liquid Water on Mars
- Physical-Socio-Economic Modeling of Climate Change
- Polar Phenomena in Outer Planet Atmospheres
- Polar Sunrise 2008 Comparison of Lidar Water Vapor Measurements from the IASOA PEARL Observatory in Eureka, Canada and ACE Satellite
- Possible Segregated Ice at the Phoenix Landing Site: Was Liquid Water Involved?
- Possible recent volcanoes and coronae on Venus: Emissivity anomalies, lithospheric thickness, and resurfacing
- Prediction of Saturn's rings temperatures during the 2009 Equinox
- Preliminary Measurements on the Mechanical Properties of Clathrate Hydrates with Implications for the Internal Dynamics of Icy Satellites
- Preliminary Validation of AIM SOFIE Water Vapor Observations and Seasonal Evolution During the PMC season
- Preliminary identification of minerals at the Mars Phoenix Landing Site
- Profiler: An Interactive Tool for the Visualization of Data Products From Atmospheric Sounding Instruments
- Properties of the Dayside Outer Zone (DOZ) chorus relevant to wave-particle interactions
- Quantifying the impact of model errors on river discharge retrievals through assimilation of SWOT-observed water surface elevations
- Radar Detection of a Subsurface Horizon at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Radar Sounding of Phobos by MARSIS
- Radar evidence for ice in lobate debris aprons in the mid- latitudes of Mars
- Rapid assessment of Cascadia tsunamis from real-time PANGA GPS crustal deformation measurements
- Recent State of Arctic Sea Ice
- Recent changes in the circulation pattern of Arctic sea ice
- Recent measurements by laser hygrometers in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere.
- Regional Comparison and Study of Water Vapor as Measured by AIRS and GPS, Using ECMWF Surface Parameters
- Regolith-Atmosphere H2O Exchange and Surface Energy Balances at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Relating A-Train Water Vapor Observations to Cloud Classes from CloudSat
- Relationships among MISR, OMI and CALIOP Cloud Occurrence Frequency Observations
- Remarkable Opposition Surges on the Satellites of Saturn Revealed by the Cassini Spacecraft
- Remote Sensing Methods for Monitoring the Climates of Venus, Earth and Mars
- Report of Informal Working Group on Measuring and Monitoring Site Ties
- Requirements for a Global Greenhouse Gas Information System
- Results from the Autonomous Triggering of in situ Sensors on Kilauea Volcano, HI, from Eruption Detection by Spacecraft
- Retrieval of Atmospheric Temperature, Dust, and Water Ice Profiles from one Mars Year of MCS Measurements
- Rock Abundances at MSL Candidate Landing Sites using HRSC Stereo and HiRISE Images
- Role of Field Experiments in the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Satellite Project
- Rotation and internal dynamics of Mars from the LaRa experiment in ExoMars
- SAR Image Coregistration Based on Topography and Deformation
- SHOTPUT: A mission proposal to study composition and origins of small bodies in the outer solar system through fly-by and impactor science
- SI Traceable Laboratory Determinations of A-Band Line Parameters for O2 Isotopologues With Remote Sensing Implications
- STEREO Observations of Energetic Neutral Atoms during the 5 December 2006 Solar Event
- SWEET 2.0: Moving Toward Community-Based Ontologies
- Satellite Measurements of Vertically-Resolved Instantaneous Radiative Forcing from Tropospheric Ozone
- Satellite Observations of Aerosol Indirect Effects
- Satellite Observations of Tropospheric Ammonia
- Satellite Observations of Tropospheric Composition: 4+ years of Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) Retrievals
- Satellite Remote Sounding of AIRS Mid-Tropospheric CO2
- Satellite observations of megacity air pollution, biomass burning emissions, and their long- range transport
- Satellite observations of ozone and carbon monoxide from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer over Beijing and China between 2005-2008
- Satellite-based Estimates of Global Freshwater Discharge
- Saturn Auroral Movies from Cassini UVIS
- Saturn and Jupiter: Surprising Similarities and Stark Differences in Dynamics and Chemistry in the Gas Giants as Revealed by Galileo, Cassini, and New Horizons
- Saturn's Magnetic Field Periodicity: Spectral Sidebands, their Origin and Significance
- Saturn's South Polar Vortex Compared to Other Large Vortices in the Solar System
- Saturn's Thermal Emission at 2-cm Wavelength and Implications for Atmospheric Composition and Dynamics
- Saturn's Titan and Maxwell Ringlets from Cassini RSS Observations
- Sea State Bias in Satellite Radar Altimetry - Revisited
- Sea Surface Temperature and Heat Budget Variability in ECCO2
- Semantics of data and service registration to advance interdisciplinary information and data access.
- Semantics-Based Interoperability Framework for the Geosciences
- Sensing methane from space - Results from SCIAMACHY onboard ENVISAT
- Sensitivity of WRF-modeled Hurricanes to the Parameterization of Microphysical Processes: Can Satellite Observations Help Determine Which Parameterizations Produce the Most Realistic Storms?
- Sensor-web Operations Explorer (SOX)
- Shifts in Seasonal Hydrology Across Northern Eurasia: Emerging Trends and Water Cycle Linkages
- Signs of aqueous activity in Gale Crater, Mars as viewed by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Simulation and Classification of Arctic Sea Ice Data for Change Detection and Kinematic Analysis (SAR, ICESat-1/2)
- Size-Frequency Distribution of Rock Clasts at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Small Radar-Bright Crater Populations as a Guide to Mega-Regolith Thickness in the Southern Lunar Highlands
- Soil Moisture Active Passive Validation Experiment 2008 (SMAPVEX08)
- Soil Properties Analysis of the Phoenix Landing Site Based on Trench Characteristics and Robotic Arm Forces
- Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Energy Coupling: Directly Drive or Loading- Unloading
- Solar wind - high speed stream effects in the equatorial ionosphere/thermosphere system
- Source Process of the 2007 Mw 7.7 Tocopilla, Chile Earthquake
- Sources and Contributions of Oxygen During Microbial Pyrite Oxidation: the Triple Oxygen Isotopes of Sulfate
- Spacebased Observation of Water Balance Over Global Oceans
- Spaceborne Measurements of the Column Averaged Methane Dry Air Mole Fraction
- Spatial, Seasonal, and Interannual Variability of Snow Accumulation Control Mechanisms in two Neighboring Alpine and Sub-alpine Catchments in California's Seasonally Snow- covered Southern Sierra Nevada
- Spatio-temporal Error on the Discharge Estimates for the SWOT Mission
- Spectral Irradiance Variations and Magnetic Field Changes During Solar Cycle 23.
- Spectral Modeling of Ground Ices Exposed by Trenching at the Phoenix Mars Landing Site
- Spectral and Geomorphic Evidence for a Past Inland Sea in Eridania Basin, Mars
- Statistical analysis of earthquake event correlations in Virtual California
- Studies of GRACE Gravity Field Inversion Techniques
- Sublacustrine Depositional Fans in Melas Chasma
- Subsurface Materials Exposed at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Subsurface Structure of Planum Boreum on Mars from Shallow Radar (SHARAD) Soundings
- Sulfates and Other Hydrated Minerals in Ius Chasma, Valles Marineris and Implications for Water Geochemistry
- Sulfates, Ferric Oxides and Al-OH Bearing Minerals in Aram Chaos
- Supporting EarthScope Cyber-Infrastructure with a Modern GPS Science Data System
- Surface Parameters of Titan Feature Classes From Cassini RADAR Backscatter Measurements
- Surface Properties and Characteristics of Mars Landing Sites from Remote Sensing Data and Ground Truth
- TES Observations of Global Tropospheric Ozone and CO: Characteristics of Their Seasonal and Vertical Distributions
- Temperature Dependences for Air-broadened Widths and Shift Coefficients in the 30013 - 00001 and 30012 - 00001 Bands of Carbon Dioxide near 1600 nm
- Temperature variation of Saturn's Rings with Solar Elevation
- Temporal Decorrelation and Topographic Layover Impact on Ka-band Swath Altimetry for Surface Water Hydrology
- The 2007 Mentawai earthquake sequence on the Sumatra megathrust
- The Aerosol Measurement and Processing System: New Capabilities and Results
- The Application of Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery for Studying the Archaeology of the Mayan Biosphere.
- The Aqueous Chemistry of the Soils at the Phoenix Landing Site
- The Challenges of Interpreting Microwave-Sounded Height- Registered Water near Tropical Cyclones
- The Changing Cryosphere in Alaska: Results and Implications
- The Changing Surface of Saturn's Titan: Cassini Observations Suggest Active Cryovolcanism
- The Composition of Saturn's Rings
- The Dunes of Shangri-La : New Cassini RADAR results on patterns of aeolian features and the influence of topography
- The EJSM Jupiter-Europa Orbiter: Planning Payload
- The First Two Years of Stratospheric Trace Gas Measurements With a New Fourier Transform Spectrometer at Eureka, Nunavut
- The GRACE Mission: Status and Future Prospects
- The Geoeffectiveness of High Speed Solar Wind Streams: Ionospheric Effects
- The Gravity Field of Titan From Four Cassini Flybys
- The Impact of the Oceans on Global Geodetic Properties of the Earth
- The Influence of Laterally Varying Mantle Viscosity on Glacially Induced Surface Motion and Mass Redistribution
- The JPL Tropical Cyclone Information System: Data and Tools for Researchers
- The Juno Synchrotron Emission Investigation
- The Moulin Explorer: A Novel Instrument to Study Greenland Ice Sheet Melt-Water Flow.
- The NASA Space Place: A Plethora of Games, Projects, and Fun Facts for Celebrating Astronomy
- The Role of Ice Shelf Ocean Interaction in the ECCO2 Data Synthesis
- The SMAP Algorithm Development Testbed: A Simulation Environment for Algorithm Development and Mission Design Studies
- The Spectral Classes of the Saturnian System Ices: Rings and Satellites Observations by Cassini-VIMS
- The Stream Particle Observation During Cassini's Saturn Tour
- The Titan Saturn System Mission
- The UAVSAR Instrument: Description and First Results
- The application of Gaussian Mixture and Histogram-based Bayesian methods to NSO/Kitt Peak VT data.
- The rheology of water-methanol slurries: Implications for cryovolcanism on Titan
- The solar cycle, solar wind and heliospheric magnetic field: Ulysses latitude scans at two solar minima
- Thermal Tides in the Martian Middle Atmosphere
- Thunderstorm-Related Clouds of Saturn Observed by Cassini/VIMS
- Time-Dependent SSI Multispectral Properties for Rock, Soil, Ice, and Sublimation Lags at the Phoenix Landing Site on Mars
- Titan after Cassini Huygens
- Titan's Shape from Cassini Radar Altimeter and SAR Monopulse Observations
- Titan's dunes and interdunes: new insights from Cassini Radar observations
- Titan's global lake distribution and implied hydrocarbon hydrology from Cassini SAR imagery and topography
- Titan: Callisto With Weather?
- Tools and Services at PO.DAAC
- Toward OCO validation at ARM-SGP
- Trace Gas Measurements at the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL) at Eureka, Canada during International Polar Year
- Tracking the origin of Equatorial 13°C Water using a simulated passive tracer and its adjoint
- Transient sensitivities of sea ice export through the Canadian Arctic Archipelago inferred from a coupled ocean/sea-ice adjoint model
- Triboelectric Charging of Fine Particles: Understanding Sample Transport Under Simulated Martian Conditions for the Mars Science Laboratory
- Tropical fire emissions injection heights and their impact on climate
- Troposphere penetration of Deep Convective Clouds using AIRS data
- Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer Ozone Observations over India and the Tibetan Plateau
- Tropospheric ozone surface depletion (spring) and pollution (summer) in 2008 from the ARCTAS Intensive Ozonesonde Network Study (ARC-IONS) soundings
- Tsunami Genesis Theory and GPS Detection Methodology
- Tunable Laser Spectrometer (TLS) for Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) Suite on the 2009 Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Mission
- Tung, K
- Turbulence and reconnection in coronal heating field line tangling models.
- Two new ESSEA Modules: (1) Pacific Influences on Climatic Change and Variability and (2) Assessment of Tsunami Hazards
- ULF Pulsations, Air Conductivity Changes, and Infrared (IR) Radiation Signatures Observed Prior to the 2008 Alum Rock (California) M5.4 Earthquake
- Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Surfaces of the Inner Icy Saturnian Satellites
- Understanding the Differences Between AIRS, MODIS and ASTER Land Surface Emissivity Products
- Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere Water Vapor Measurements Using Optimized Raman Lidar and Balloon-borne Sensors
- Upper Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere (UTLS) Trace Gas Evolution in Recent Satellite Datasets: Relationships to Stratospheric and Upper Tropospheric Jets
- Upper Tropospheric Humidity and Clouds as seen from the AIRS and MLS
- Uranian Equinoctial Observations
- Use and ground validation of MISR satellite data to constrain injection heights of emissions from forest fires in the northwestern United States
- Using Australian Acidic Playa Lakes as Analogs for Phyllosilicate and Sulfate Depositional Environments on Mars
- Using GRACE Satellite Acceleration Data to Recover Arctic Ocean Tides
- Using Lava Tube Skylight Thermal Emission Spectra to Determine Lava Composition on Io: Quantitative Constraints for Observations by Future Missions to the Jovian System.
- Using MISR data to estimate TOA albedo change by aerosols based on land surface types
- Using SHARAD radar soundings to evaluate the origin of martian gullies and pingos
- Using satellite data for evaluating the coupled WRF-CMAQ modeling system for use in studying the impact of climate change on air quality in the Western United States
- Validating Habitability Assessment of Mars Soils: Life at the Soil-Ice Boundary in the Antarctic Dry Valleys
- Validation of AIRS Retrievals of CO2 via Comparison to In Situ Measurements
- Validation of AIRS Version 5 ozone
- Variability of Meridional Overturning Circulation and Heat Transport in the 1992-2007 ECCO2 Synthesis
- Variance Scaling of Temperature and Water Vapor from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder
- Vegetation Canopy Structure from NASA EOS Multiangle Imaging
- Vegetation Structure and Radar Remote Sensing in Models Predicting Global Change
- Verification of Atmospheric Signals Associated with Major Seismicity by Space and Terrestrial Observations
- Visible Phase Curves and Internal Heat Flow for Uranus
- Visualizing the Operations of the Phoenix Mars Lander
- Voltammetric and Chronopotentiometric Soil Analysis at the Phoenix Landing Site
- WRF-Chem Regional Modeling of the Mid-Atlantic: Comparison with Aura and Ground Based Measurements
- Water vapor isotopes measurements at Mauna Loa, Hawaii: Comparison of laser spectroscopy and remote sensing with traditional methods, and the need for ongoing monitoring
- Wet Chemical Analysis of Antarctica Dry Valley Soils
- What Climate Information Do Water Managers Need to Make Robust, Long-Term Plans?
- What Will SWOT Measurements and Products Look Like?
- What's Up? Look Up and Discover the Universe Using NASA Missions and the Night Sky to Inspire the Public
- Year of Tropical Convection (YOTC): A Joint WWRP and WCRP Activity to Address the Challenges of Multi-Scale Organized Convection
- 10 Years of Height Resolved, Cloud-Track, Vector Winds from MISR
- 10 years of Terra Outreach over the Internet
- 1996-2007 Interannual Spatio-Temporal Variability in Snowmelt in Two Montane Watersheds
- 3D Visualization of near real-time remote-sensing observation for hurricanes field campaign using Google Earth API
- 40K-40Ca isotopic constraints on the oceanic Calcium cycle
- A Calibration for the Total Carbon Column Observing Network using HIPPO Aircraft Profiles
- A Collaborative Environment for Knowledge Base Development
- A Combined A-Train Perspective on Upper-Tropospheric Humidity and Radiative Heating
- A Detailed Comparison of Europa's Global Lineaments to Non-synchronous Rotation Stresses
- A GPS Real Time Earthquake and Tsunami (GREAT) Alert System (Invited)
- A Geostatistical Data Fusion Technique for Merging Remote Sensing and Ground-based Observations of Aerosol Optical Thickness (Invited)
- A Neural Network Approach for Improving QuikSCAT Winds in Rain and Retrieving Liquid Water Estimates from QuikSCAT Data
- A New Tour Design Technique to Enable an Enceladus Orbiter
- A Next Model of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation History: ICE-6G (VM5a)
- A Search for Plumes on Mimas, Tethys, and Dione
- A Simple Physical Model for Deep Moonquakes
- A Year at the Moon on Chandrayaan-1: Moon Mineralogy Mapper Data in a Global Perspective
- A comparative evaluation of MODIS/ASTER airborne simulator (MASTER) data and burn indices for mapping southern California fires
- A strategy to improve projections of Arctic climate change (Invited)
- AIRS Mid-Tropospheric CO2 for Application to Chemistry Transport Models
- Accelerated particles and hydromagnetic waves at co-rotating shocks
- Acetate: A better astrobiological indicator of life than methane?
- Advanced Component Development to Enable Low-Mass, Low-Power High-Frequency Microwave Radiometers for Coastal Wet-Tropospheric Correction on SWOT
- Airborne Geodetic Imaging Using the L-band UAVSAR Instrument (Invited)
- An Architecture and Analysis Environment for Model to Observational Data Intercomparisons
- An analysis of entrainment mixing processes in warm cumulus
- An application of Global Positioning System data from the Plate Boundary Observatory for deformation monitoring purposes (Invited)
- Analysis of CME Trajectories using STEREO Heliospheric Imager Data
- Analysis of the Arctic System for Freshwater Cycle Intensification: Observations and Expectations
- Anhydrous Ammonia Frost on Titan
- Application of a Bayesian snow water equivalent reconstruction technique to a mountainous basin in the Sierra Nevada
- Application of a Passive Microwave Thin Ice Algorithm to a Circumpolar Distribution of Antarctic Polynyas for 1992-2008, and Their Relation to Large-Scale Atmospheric Modes (Invited)
- Applying CloudSat/A-Train and ECMWF analyses to constrain and evaluate cloud, convection and radiation parameterizations in climate models
- Approaching 8 Years On Orbit: Status and Outlook for GRACE (Invited)
- Archival and Analysis of Sea Ice Thickness in the Arctic Ocean Based on On-Ice In Situ Historical Measurements
- Arctic Ocean Tides from GRACE Satellite Accelerations
- Assessment and Mitigation of Ionospheric Residual Errors in GPS Radio Occultation Retrievals
- Assimilation of AIRS and conventional CO2 observations with an EnKF
- Atmospheric Inversion Strength over Polar Oceans in Winter Regulated by Sea Ice
- Atmospheric River Impacts on the Precipitation and Snowpack in California during the 2008-09 Cold Season
- Atmospheric Rivers and Snow Accumulation in the Sierra Nevada Connected by Surface Air Temperature
- Atomic Oxygen, Atomic Hydrogen, and Chemical Energy Deposition Rates Derived from SABER Measured Hydroxyl Airglow in the Mesosphere Region
- Aura Microwave Limb Sounder Observations of the Middle Atmosphere: Dynamics and Tracer gases
- Automated Aqueous Sample Concentration Methods for in situ Astrobiological Instrumentation
- Bayesian kinematic earthquake source models
- Bias and Random Error Estimates of SMAP Radiometric Soil Moisture Measurements
- Binary and Multiple Systems Binary and Multiple Systems
- Brightness of the Main Rings of Saturn from High Solar Elevation angles to Equinox
- Bringing Terra Science to the People: 10 years of education and public outreach
- Building the Next Generation Data Management and Archive System
- CIRS-CASSINI Prime mission on Saturn’s B ring : infrared optical depths and energy balance
- Canopy Vertical Spatial Scales which Constrain Biomass in a Tropical Forest at the Plot Level: Unifying Lidar and InSAR for Biomass Estimation
- Case Study in Summertime North America UTLS Ozone Budget
- Case study of the 2008 Northern California wildfires and their effect on local air quality
- Cassini ISS observations of seasonal changes in Titan's meteorology and surface features (Invited)
- Cassini Imaging of Titan’s North Polar Cloud With the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer
- Cassini’s Discoveries at Saturn and the Proposed Cassini Solstice Mission
- Changes in Plate Motion During Quaternary and Neogene Time (Invited)
- Channel Selection for CO2 Retrieval Using Near Infrared Measurements
- Characterization of Cloud Liquid Water Content Distributions With CloudSat
- Characterization of Indonesian smoke plumes during El Niño and La Niña
- Characterization of Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) CO2 for carbon cycle science
- Characterizing Cloud Effects on Temperature, Water Vapor, and Radiation Using the Collocated AIRS/CloudSat/MODIS Data Records
- Characterizing the Ionosphere at Sub-mesoscale Resolution using NASA’s SMAP Mission
- Climate Dynamics of Atmospheric Collapse on Ancient Mars
- Climate Signal Detection from Multiple Satellite Measurements
- Climatic Effects of Contrail Cirrus over the Western United States: A Regional Climate Model Investigation
- Closing the Earth’s Axial Angular Momentum Budget on Subseasonal Time Scales: No Need to Invoke Core Effects
- Clustering of Tropopause Penetrating Clouds: A Potential Test of Large-scale Convection in Climate Models
- CoReH2O - A Satellite Mission Dedicated to the Monitoring of Snow and Ice Properties
- Coarse-Resolution Daily Inundation Dynamics over the Alaska-Yukon Region: Comparison with High-Resolution Inundation Products and Influences from Atmospheric Drivers
- Coincident retrievals of CO and CO2 from high resolution solar absorption spectrometry
- Column Averaged CO2, CH4, and CO Mixing Ratios at ARM-SGP
- Community Based Informatics Education: Geographical Information Systems, Remote Sensing and Ontology collaboration
- Community Based Informatics: Geographical Information Systems, Remote Sensing and Ontology collaboration - A technical hands-on approach
- Comparing Arctic Sea Ice Kinematics from Satellite Remote Sensing Data to Coupled Sea Ice-Ocean Model Results
- Comparison of Satellite based measurements of the Tropospheric HDO/H2O ratio from TES with in situ measurements at Mauna Loa Observatory
- Comparison of The Christiansen Feature Position and Lunar Iron: Evidence for Space Weathering Effects
- Comparison of satellite-based instantaneous radiative forcing of tropospheric ozone to four global chemistry climate models
- Comparisons Between MISR and AERONET Retrieved Aerosol Particle Properties
- Completing the gaps in Kilauea's Father's Day InSAR displacement signature with ScanSAR
- Composition and Mineralogy of Low Albedo Northern Circumpolar Deposits on Mars Using MGS/TES Data
- Composition of air and its seasonality within the tropical tropopause layer TTL: Impact of the Asian monsoon
- Compositional Mapping Saturn's Icy satellites with Cassin VIMS (Invited)
- Connecting Science and Literacy in the Classroom: Using Space and Earth Science to Support Language Arts
- Constraining Enceladus’s ice shell thickness using tidally driven Coulomb failure models of the tiger stripe fractures
- Constraints on time-dependent volcanic dynamics at Long Valley Caldera from InSAR and geodetic measurements
- Core-Envelope Interior Models of the Outer Planets
- Coronal Radio Sounding with MEX, VEX and Rosetta
- Correlations between Eurasia terrestrial water cycle and boreal drought derived from multi-sensor satellite observations and in-situ data
- Coseismic Kinematic Slip Model for the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan-Beichuan Mw 7.9 Earthquake in Sichuan, China from Joint Inversion of ALOS, Envisat, GPS and Teleseismic Data and Preliminary Postseismic InSAR
- Current plate motions relative to the hotspots consistent with the MORVEL global set of plate relative angular velocities
- Data assimilation of rheology on ice shelves in the Antarctic peninsula, using a new finite element formulation of rifting and faulting processes
- Dayside Outer Zone (DOZ) Chorus at High Latitudes: Properties and Possible Role of Minimum B Pockets (Invited)
- De-Hazing of Multi-Spectral Images with Evolutionary Computing
- Debris Field of the July 19, 2009, Impact in Jupiter and Its Long-term Evolution
- Decadal Change Characterization in Northern Wetlands Based on Analysis of L-band SAR Satellite Data
- Decadal Observations of Cloud Cover and Cloud Top Altitude from MISR
- Deformation of Sedimentary Rocks in Valles Marineris
- Detailed imaging of the 2007 Pisco co-seismic and post-seismic deformation - implications on the seismogenic behavior of subduction megathrusts
- Detection and Characterization of Transient Deformations in GPS Data
- Detection of Low Temperature Volcanogenic Thermal Anomalies with ASTER
- Determination of Tropospheric Volume Mixing Ratios of CH4 and N2O from TCCON Column Measurements
- Developing a Coherent Observation and Analysis Network
- Developing and applying a CloudSat-centric A-Train and ECMWF analysis data set to better characterize clouds and convection
- Development of Earthquake Early Warning System in Southern California Using Real Time GPS and Seismic Data
- Development of Global High Resolution Soil Moisture Product from the SMAP mission
- Development of InSAR tropospheric correction maps using continuous GPS data and weather models
- Development of NASA’s integrated Instrument Simulator Suite for Atmospheric Remote Sensing from Spaceborne Platforms (ISSARS)
- Development of the ACE-FTS Climatological Data Set for the period of 2004-2009
- Different characteristics of two wildfires over Indonesia and Africa for October-December 2006: Upper and lower tropospheric CO enhancements from Aura TES and MLS
- Digital Moon: A three-dimensional framework for lunar modeling
- Distribution of Aboveground Biomass and Productivity of US Forests from Fusion of Multi-scale Remote Sensing
- Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment: Initial global mapping results (Invited)
- Diviner observations of crystalline plagioclase-rich regions on the Moon as observed by the Spectral Profiler and Moon Mineralogy Mapper
- Do transform faults parallel plate motion?
- Does Titan have an Active Surface?
- Doppler and Multiple Scattering simulations for spaceborne cloud profiling radars
- Dual-Frequency Bistatic Radar Probing of Mars: Potential and Pitfalls for Depth Sounding at Centimeter Wavelengths
- Dynamics of Rifting in two Active Rift Segments in Afar - Geodetic and Structural Studies - DoRA Project
- Earth System Science Education Centered on Natural Climate Variability
- Electron-impact induced excitation of Lyman-Birge-Hopfield emissions for N2
- Emergent Science: Solving complex science problems via collaborations
- Emission Measurements of Lunar Analogues Measured in a Simulated Lunar Environment for Interpretation of Data Returned from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer on NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Emitted Power of Saturn Based on Cassini/CIRS Observations
- Enabling Interoperability - Supporting a Diversity of Search Paradigms Using Shared Ontologies and Federated Registries
- Energetic Heavy Ion Depletion Observations Near Europa
- Entry Probe Missions to the Giant Planets
- Establishing a long-term, global stratospheric HNO3 data record combining UARS MLS with Aura MLS data by means of ground-based measurements
- Europa Geology from Global to Local Scales and Implications for Future Exploration
- Europa: Perspectives on an Ocean World
- Evaporites in Martian Paleolakes: Observations and Implications
- Excursions into the strong precipitation regime; long tails in water vapor and other tracers (Invited)
- ExploreNEOs: The Warm Spitzer NEO survey
- Exploring Variability in Acidic Saline Playa Lakes in WA with HyMAP Hyperspectral Data
- Exploring the Moon at the Microscale: Analysis of Apollo Samples with the Multispectral Microscopic Imager (MMI)
- Exploring the surface of Venus
- Fast forward modeling of Titan’s infrared spectra to invert VIMS/CASSINI hyperspectral images
- Federated Space-Time Query for Earth Science Data Using OpenSearch Conventions
- Fine-grained impact ejecta on the Moon: Views from Earth-based radar and the LRO Diviner thermal mapper
- Five-year Climatology of Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor and Cloud Ice from Aura MLS and GEOS-5
- Future Io Exploration for 2013-2022 and Beyond: A White Paper submitted for the 2011 Planetary Science Decadal Survey
- GEODVEL vs. MORVEL: Comparison of plate motion determined from space geodesy with that determined from magnetic anomalies and transform azimuths (Invited)
- GNSS Receiver Calibration (Invited)
- GPS Carrier Range: A New Geodetic Data Type from Ambizap3 for Improved High-Rate Global Positioning and Seismo-Tectonic Applications
- Galactic Cosmic Ray Intensities Reach Record Levels in 2009
- Galilean Satellites Gravity Investigations and Interior Structure with Future Missions
- Geological mapping and hazards monitoring using ASTER data (Invited)
- Geostatistical Data Fusion for Remote Sensing Applications
- Getting the Spin Right: The Importance of Knowing Saturn’s Rate of Rotation for Assessing Global Circulation and Dynamics
- Global Climate Change for Kids: Making Difficult Ideas Accessible and Exciting
- Global Mapping of Landscape Freeze-Thaw Status Using Spaceborne Microwave Remote Sensing
- Global OZone Chemistry And Related trace gas Data records for the Stratosphere (GOZCARDS)
- Global Observations of the Madden-Julian Oscillations from Multi-Satellite Data
- Global Simultaneous Estimation of Present-Day Surface Mass Trend and GIA Using Multi-Sensor Geodetic Data Combination
- Global correlation patterns of ozone and CO concentrations from TES observations and model calculations
- Ground-Based Microwave ClO Measurements from Mauna Kea and Comparisons with UARS and Aura MLS Measurements
- Ground-based Total Column and in situ measurements of CO2 and CH4 in the Southern Hemisphere, and an update to GOSAT/ground-based FTS comparisons
- HST Observations of the July 2009 Impact on Jupiter
- HST UV Observations of the New Jupiter Impact Site
- Hazards of Gulf Coast Subsidence: Crustal Loading, Geodesy, InSAR and UAVSAR Observations
- Hidden in Plain Sight: Spinel-Rich Deposits on the Central Nearside of the Moon
- High Frequency Variations of Arctic Ocean Bottom Pressure and Their Relation to Atmospheric Pressure
- How Low Can We Go? Characterizations of Ozone Profiles Using Panchromatic Spectral Coverage and Implications for Air Pollution Science from a Geostationary View
- How completely do A-Train satellite instruments observe tropical upper tropospheric water vapor?
- How well could satellite measurements constrain country-scale carbon emissions?
- Hydrothermal Exploration of the Mid-Cayman Spreading Center: Isolated Evolution on Earth’s Deepest Mid-Ocean Ridge?
- ICESat Observations of Ocean Swells and Possible Long-Period Ocean Waves Propagating Through Antarctic Sea Ice
- Ice Velocity Mapping of the Great Ice Sheets: Antarctica
- Imaging Ionospheric Perturbations Using L-band Space-Borne Radar
- Impact of Atmospheric Pressure on Oceanic Angular Momentum
- Impact of Diurnal Variations of Precursors on the Prediction of Ozone
- Impact of modeled versus satellite measured tropical precipitation on regional smoke optical thickness in an aerosol transport model
- Impacts of Asian Summer Monsoon on Seasonal and Interannual Variations of tropical upper tropospheric pollution over South Asia
- Implications of Arctic Sea Ice Reduction on Arctic Tropospheric Chemical Change (Invited)
- Improved estimates of the North American atmospheric reactive nitrogen budget using chemical transport models, surface measurements, and space-based observations of NH3 and NO2
- Improving Weather and Climate Prediction with AIRS on Aqua
- Improving a modelling of the Ob river, in western Siberia, by assimilating wide swath altimetry data
- InSAR Scientific Computing Environment (Invited)
- InSAR analysis of ALOS, Envisat, and TerraSAR-X observations of Kilauea volcano
- Influence of turbulent parameterization on high resolution numerical modeling of observed tropical convection during NASA TC4 field campaign
- Injection Heights from MISR of Grassland Fire Smoke Plumes in Australia, and Possible Role of Pyroconvection
- Integrated Analysis of Sources and Long-Range Transport Pathways of Ozone to the Arctic Troposphere
- Integrated Mars Sample Acquisition and Handling
- Integrated Multi-Mission Altimeter Data for Climate Research
- Interdecadal Ice Loss Rates Adjacent to the Drake Passage Inferred from GRACE Measurement
- Interpretation of Aura Satellite Observations of CO and Aerosol Index related to the December 2006 Australia Fires
- Is Titan Partially Differentiated?
- Is the hydrological cycle in the pan-Arctic accelerating? Historical analysis and contemporary status. (Invited)
- Isotopic constraints on sources of methane in Los Angeles, California, USA (Invited)
- Issues That Drive Near-Earth Object Mitigation Responses
- Joule Heating of the South Polar Terrain on Enceladus
- Jovian magnetospheric plasma effects at Europa and Ganymede (Invited)
- Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune: Rotation Periods and Shapes
- Kinetics of the Solar Wind Expansion: Wave-Particle Interactions and Ion Distribution Functions
- LRO Diviner Lunar Radiometer: Compositional Investigation Coverage and Early Results
- LRO Diviner Radiometer and the Apollo 15 Heat Flow Experiment
- LRO Diviner: First Look at Lunar Global Temperatures and Thermophysical Properties
- LUNETTE - A Discovery Class Mission to the Moon to Establish a Geophysical Network
- Lab-on-a-Chip Instrument Development for Titan Exploration
- Laboratory experiments on the interaction between ice and hydrocarbons: implications for the formation of lakes on Titan (Invited)
- Language Preservation: the Language of Science as a bridge to the Native American Community
- Larsen C Ice Shelf rheology inferred by combining InSAR observations and numerical modeling
- Laser Absorption Biosignatures On Mars And Earth
- Leading Modes of Torsional Oscillations within the Earth’s Core
- Leveraging A-Train Satellite Observations To Develop New Insights, Diagnostics And Constraints For Model Representations Of Clouds And Convection
- Limitations of Strain Estimation Techniques from Continuous GPS Networks
- Local Scale Emissivity Variations on the Moon from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment
- Long-term evolution of Saturn's E ring particles (Invited)
- Low-Pressure Testing of the Mars Science Laboratory’s Solid Sampling System: Test Methods and Preliminary Results
- Low-frequency radar sounder over Glaciers in Alaska, Greenland and Antarctica
- Lunar Magma Ocean Bedrock Anorthosites Detected at Orientale Basin by M3
- Lunar Radar Scattering from Near-Surface Buried Crater Ejecta
- Lunar South Polar Hydrogen Concentrations in the Context of LRO/Diviner Results and Modeling
- Lunar obliquity during a Cassini-state transition
- Lyman Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP) Observations of the LCROSS Impact
- MISR at 10: Looking back, ahead, and in between
- MISR observations of hurricane inner core dynamics
- MLS observations of emissions from the Australian bush fires of February 2009 (Invited)
- Mantle convection and plate tectonics on Earth-like exoplanets
- Mapping Central Amazon Wetlands Dynamics with Seasonal ALOS PALSAR SCANSAR Imagery
- Mapping and Monitoring Boreal Wetlands within the NEESPI Domain Using Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar for Assessing Carbon Release
- Mars Science Laboratory Sample Acquisition, Sample Processing and Handling Subsystem: A Description of the Sampling Functionality
- Mars surface materials from MARSIS radar reflectivity
- Mars’ South Polar Hood as Observed by the Mars Climate Sounder
- Martian surface radar reflectivity from MARSIS soundings
- Measuring Column Averaged Methane Dry Air Mole Fraction from Space
- Measuring sap flow, and other plant physiological conditions across a soil salinity gradient in the lower Colorado River at Cibola National Wildlife Refuge: Vegetation and soil physiology linkages with microwave dielectric constant
- Measuring the Surface Motion of Fast-Moving Glaciers with Expendable, Low-Cost GPS (Invited)
- Mechanisms for the Production of Energetic Atomic Hydrogen from Dissociation of Molecular Hydrogen on Saturn
- Methanol on Enceladus
- Mineralogical Capabilities of the CheMin XRD/XRF instrument on Mars Science Laboratory (MSL ’11)
- Modeling Specular Reflections from Hydrocarbon Lakes on the Surface of Titan
- Modeling Study of Thunderstorm Effects on the Composition and Chemistry of the Upper Troposphere during the Early Stages of the 2006 North America Monsoon
- Modeling and Observing Ocean Microseisms
- Modeling of Natural Hazards Related to the Los Angeles Basin, Southern California
- Modeling of Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden glacier ice flow (79 North) using inverse control methods and higher order formulations
- Modeling of Polar Precipitation with CloudSat, AIRS and High Frequency Microwave Radiometers
- Moisture Sources and Sinks Derived from Water Isotopic Ratios from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer
- Monitoring Greenland ice sheet’s climate and exploring Moulins (Invited)
- Monitoring Levees and Subsidence in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Monthly climatology of the equatorial hydrological cycle as observed from satellite and its connection to major equatorial climate indices
- Multi-Wavelength Photometry of the Icy Saturnian Satellites
- Multi-sensor time series of remote sensing data indicate rapid warming trend for lakes in California and Nevada
- Multispectral Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing of Volcanic SO2 Plumes with NASA’s Earth Observing System
- NASA Goddard Giovanni Support for YOTC
- Near Real Time GLONASS Orbit and Clock Determination (Invited)
- Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging of the 2009 Jupiter impact debris field: Constraints on particle composition, size and vertical distribution
- New Mg-Spinel Rock-Type on the Lunar Farside and Implications for Lunar Crustal Evolution (Invited)
- New Model for Europa's Tidal Response Based after Laboratory Measurements
- Next Steps in Mars Polar Science: In Situ Subsurface Exploration of the North Polar Layered Deposits
- Non-LTE analysis of Uranus Observations from Spitzer
- Observation of Jupiter's Electron Radiation Belts Dynamics on Time-Scales of Days
- Observation of Low-Frequency Waves due to Interstellar Pickup He+
- Observation of solid precipitation using satellite gravity
- Observations and Modeling of Transient Lacustrine Features in Titan's South Polar Region (Invited)
- Observations of Night OH in the Mesosphere of Venus
- Observations of Volcanic SO2 and HCl from Aura MLS
- Observations of mesospheric semi-annual oscillation and quasi-biennial oscillation over Hawaii
- Observed Strong Enhancements of N2 and Ar Test New Theories of the Dynamics of Mars Polar Atmosphere
- Observing Odd Hydrogen Species from Space- and Ground-based Instruments - 5-year Aura/MLS HOx Measurements and 12-year FTUVS OH Column Measurements (Invited)
- Observing system simulation experiments (OSSE) in support of the GEO-CAPE mission: impact of panspectral retrievals on boundary layer ozone prediction
- On infragravity motions of the 2009 Samoa tsunami at Penrhyn Island
- On the Lifetime and Extent of Methane Plumes on Mars
- On the representation of Southern Ocean mass variability in GRACE-derived ocean bottom pressure anomalies
- Ontology-aided Data Fusion (Invited)
- Optimal Estimation Retrievals of CO2 from AIRS spectra
- Optimized Autonomous Space In-situ Sensorweb
- Optimized Global Digital Elevation Data Records (Invited)
- Outreach for Outreach: Targeting social media audiences to promote a NASA kids’ web site
- Panchromatic Fourier Transform Spectrometer (PanFTS) for the Geostationary Coastal and Air Pollution Events (GEO-CAPE) Mission
- Parameterization of Momentum Transport for the Convective Boundary Layer
- Past, present, and future of the MISR height-resolved, cloud-track wind retrieval
- Pedestal crater deposits as seen by SHARAD
- Preliminary Measurements of the Attenuation Properties of Polycrystalline Water Ice and CO2 Clathrate Hydrates at the Tidal Frequencies of Europa and Enceladus
- Profiling Stratocumulus-topped Boundary Layers with GPS Radio Occultation
- Properties and transport of Asian dust from 10 years of MISR data
- Properties of Gendrin Mode and Whistler Mode Chorus: Theory and Observations
- Proposed Demonstration of GNSS Surface Reflections on DESDynI
- Proposed Space Geodetic Project
- Public Engagement for the U.S. Rosetta Project using Interactive Multimedia
- Pyrite oxidation and sulfate-oxygen isotopes - what are the missing pieces?
- QuakeSim: Increasing Utility of Spacebourne and Ground-based Earthquake Fault Data
- Quantitative Analysis of Arctic Ozone Loss Using EOS MLS and SD-WACCM
- Radar Probing of Isidis and Amazonis Planetias: Exploring the Origin and the Bulk Composition of the Large Equatorial basins fills Using MARSIS and SHARAD data
- Radar Sounding of Mars with MARSIS
- Radio Occultation Capability on Decadal Survey Missions
- Reanalysis of Global and Western North American Continuous GPS Time Series
- Recent Results From, and Future Plans for the JPL Carbon Dioxide Laser Absorption Spectrometer
- Recent measurements by laser hygrometers in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere
- Recommended Exploration Strategy for the Outer Planets 2013-2022: Goals and Priorities
- Reconstructing ozone chemistry during transport of boreal fire plumes over Northern Pacific with satellite, aircraft measurement, and modeling
- Reconstruction of inundation and greenhouse gas emissions from Siberian wetlands over the last half-century
- Redox on Early Mars and the Origin of Surface Acidity
- Reduced Surface Weathering and Recent Activity at Hotspots on Venus from VIRTIS Data
- Relating Precipitation Phenomena with MODIS Detected Hot Spots in the Maritime Continent
- Relating ocean clouds to moist processes using water vapor isotope measurements over tropics and subtropics
- Relative Role of Convection and Large-Scale Flow in Controlling Upper Tropospheric Humidity
- Remote Sensing and GIS for Water Resource Decision Making
- Remote Sensing of Anthropogenic CO2 Emissions from Space
- Remote Sensing of Compact Three-Dimensional Clouds from Oblique Views, with Illustrations Using MISR Data
- Response of Saturn's Rings to Thermal Forcing Observed with Cassini CIRS
- Retrieval of Cirrus Cloud Properties from AIRS Data Using SARTA with Delta-Four Stream Approximation Steve S. C. Ou1, Brian Kahn2, K. N. Liou1, Y. Takano1, and Q. Yue2 1Joint Institute for Regional Earth System Science and Engineering University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 2Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California
- Review of the Jovian Trapped Particle Environment Models: Past, Present, and Future (Invited)
- Role of the Internet in Anticipating and Mitigating Earthquake Catastrophes, and the Emergence of Personal Risk Management (Invited)
- Rotation Rates of the Giant Planets (Invited)
- Rotation of Saturn and Jupiter and their Magnetized Envelopes
- SWIFTER - Space Weather Informatics, Forecasting, and Technology through Enabling Research - and Research to Operations
- SWOT, The Surface Water and Ocean Topography Satellite Mission (Invited)
- Satellite Constellation for Ocean Wind and Stress
- Satellite Observations Defying the Long-Held Tsunami Genesis Theory
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Global Vegetation Phenology: Comparison of Optical-Infrared and Microwave Sensors
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange Using Optical-IR and Microwave Sensors: Algorithm Development for the SMAP Decadal Survey Mission
- Saturn Auroral Movies from Cassini UVIS
- Saturn Ring Temperatures at Equinox with Cassini CIRS
- Saturn rings thermal phase curves measured by CASSINI-CIRS: a modeling attempt (Invited)
- Saturn’s Rotation Rate as Determined from its Nonaxisymmetric Magnetic Field
- Scavenging of nitrates by frozen precipitation: Impacts on upper tropospheric NOx and O3
- Science Objectives and Measurement Requirements for ASCENDS Mission (Invited)
- Scientific Advances from Paul Silver's Inspirational Leadership of the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory
- Sea ice surface elevation distributions from ICESat (Invited)
- Search for Evidence of the 29 September 2009 Tsunami in Altimeter Data
- Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Mid-tropospheric CO2 from Atmospheric Infrared Sounder
- Seasonal variability of trans-Pacific transport of air pollution in the lower and upper troposphere
- Second Greenhouse Gas Information System Workshop
- Seven Year Climatologies derived from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS)
- Shallow Radar Soundings of the Southern Highlands of Mars
- Shallow fault-zone dilatancy recovery after the 2003 Bam earthquake in Iran (Invited)
- Shell to Shell Energy Fluxes versus Force-free Magnetic Field Configurations in Coronal Heating Field-lines Tangling Models
- Shock-Auroras: The Manifestation of Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Interactions
- Silica Deposits in the Nili Patera Volcanic Caldera, Syrtis Major, Mars
- Solar Changes and Climate Changes. (Invited)
- Solid Earth Science Data System for Exploration of Lithospheric Deformation in the Western US
- Space Weathering Impact on Solar System Surfaces and Planetary Mission Science
- Spacecraft Exploration of Titan and Enceladus
- Spatial patterns of basal drag inferred using control methods from three ice flow models for Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica
- Spectropolarimetric Measurements of Scattered Sunlight in the Huggins Bands: Retrieval of Tropospheric Ozone Profiles
- Spectroscopic Character and Spatial Distribution of Hydroxyl and Water Absorption Features Measured on the Lunar Surface by the Moon Mineralogy Mapper Imaging Spectrometer on Chandrayaan-1
- Specular Scattering on Titan observed by Cassini VIMS: Liquids in the North Polar Region
- Springtime Atmospheric Ozone, NO2 and BrO at 80N from 2007-2009, Measured by Ground-Based UV-Visible Spectrometers and Compared with ACE, OMI, and OSIRIS Satellite Data
- Stability domains of water ices in the NH3 - H2O system: experimental results and thermodynamic modelling
- Stable water isotopologues applied to detection of biospheric influences on CO2 and other gases at Mauna Loa
- Stalled eruption or dike intrusion at Harrat Lunayyir, Saudi Arabia?
- Strategies for Defining the Terrestrial Reference Frame from GPS Alone
- Studying the Near-Surface Geology of Mars with Imaging Radar
- Sulfur in Hydrothermal Deposits at Gusev Crater, Mars
- Superpixel Segmentation for Endmember Detection in Hyperspectral Images
- Surface Texture Analysis of Enceladus' South Polar Region
- Swath Measurements of Ice Sheet Bottom Topography and Radar Reflectivity
- Synergetic use of MODIS and AIRS by using spectral and spatial characterization: Possibilities and errors under varying conditions of cloudiness
- TES Observations of Tropospheric Ammonia
- Talkoot Portals: Discover, Tag, Share, and Reuse Collaborative Science Workflows (Invited)
- Techniques for integrating the animations, multimedia, and interactive features of NASA’s climate change website, Climate Change: NASA’s Eyes on the Earth, into the classroom to advance climate literacy and encourage interest in STEM disciplines
- Technologies for Outer Planet Missions: A Companion to the OPAG Exploration Strategy
- Temperature Contrasts across Saturn's Rings through Equinox with Cassini CIRS
- Temperature Variability in the Low Stratosphere from AIRS
- Temperature dependence of 13CH4 line shapes broadened by N2
- Testing the Origin of Hybrid Solar Energetic Particle Events
- The 2009 Samoa Tsunami and Its Formation Mechanism Replicated from Satellite Altimeters and Tide Gauges
- The ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) -for societal benefit -
- The ASTER Global Topographic Data Set
- The Case for Ceres: Report to the Planetary Science Decadal Survey Committee
- The CloudSat Education Network: Significant Collaborative Research Between Students and Scientists
- The Comparison of AIRS and MODIS Effective Cloud Fraction, Cloud Top Temperature, and Radiative Consistency
- The Earth’s mantle before convection: Effects of magma oceans and the Moon (Invited)
- The Galileo Heavy Ion Environment as Modeled by the HIC Experiment
- The Geology and Astrobiology of Europa (Invited)
- The Glacier and Land Ice Surface Topography Interferometer: An Airborne Proof-of-concept Mapping Sensor
- The JPL IGS Analysis Center: Results from the reanalysis of the global GPS network
- The Lava Morphology Database (LAMDA)
- The Lower and Middle Atmosphere of Mars as Observed by the Mars Climate Sounder
- The Microwave Limb Sounder Website: Improved Design and New Tools
- The Moon Mineralogy Mapper Imaging Spectrometer: Instrument Description, Calibration, and On-Orbit Validation of the Spectral, Radiometric, Spatial and Uniformity Characteristics (Invited)
- The North American ASTER Land Surface Emissivity Database (NAALSED) V2.0
- The OCO “full-physics” CO2 retrieval algorithm: expected performance based on full-orbit simulations
- The Occurrence Rate of 3He-rich Solar Energetic Particle Events at Solar Minimum
- The Optimization of Spatial, Spectral, and Temporal Resolution for Constraining Eruption Style on Earth and Io with Thermal Remote Sensing
- The Origin and Fate of Clay Minerals on Mars
- The Pelagics Habitat Analysis Module (PHAM): Decision Support Tools for Pelagic Fisheries
- The Photochemistry of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Water Ice
- The Planetary Data System (PDS) and Cassini's Historic Data Set
- The Rationale for a New High-resolution Imaging Radar Mission to Venus
- The Relationships of Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor with Atmospheric Temperature, SST and Clouds in Different Tropical Ocean Basins
- The Role of Electrodynamics In The Storm-Time Electron Density Response Of The Earth’s Ionosphere
- The Role of Uncertainty in Spatial Statistical Modeling of Geophysical Processes (Invited)
- The Role of the Global Energy and Water Cycle EXperiment (GEWEX) in Advancing Hydrologic Sciences
- The SHARAD Sounding Radar Explores Mars (Invited)
- The Seasonal Response of Temperatures in Titan's Troposphere and Stratosphere
- The hydrological budget over Pan-Arctic river basins from GRACE and re-analysis: variability, trends and uncertainties from 2003-2009
- The role of clouds in the water vapor budget in the Tropical Tropopause Layer (TTL) from CALIPSO/CloudSat and MLS
- The thermal evolution of large water-rich asteroids
- Theory and Observation of Postglacial Sediment - Ocean Loading and Geoid Variability: Application to Subsidence in the Gulf of Mexico and other River Delta Systems and Enclosed Basins (Invited)
- Thermal Evolution and Composition of the July 2009 Jupiter Impact Site from 7-25 Micron Imaging and Spectroscopy
- Thermal Weathering on Airless Planetary Surfaces
- Thermal and Near-Infrared Structural Evolution of the 2009 Wesley Jupiter Impact from 1.5-24.5 Micron Imaging
- Thermal-mechanical constraining of large scale ice flow models in Antarctica. (Invited)
- Thermodynamical Structure of Protoplanetary Disks
- Three-dimensional finite element analysis of post-seismic deformation following the 1992 M7.3 Landers and 1999 M7.1 Hector Mine, California earthquakes inferred from InSAR and GPS observations
- Time Series, Velocity, Transient Deformation, and Strain Data Products from the PBO and Other Geophysical Networks in Western North America
- Toward a Space Weather Virtual Organization (Invited)
- Toward the Modularization of Decision Support Systems
- Towards Observing Tsunamis in the Ionosphere Using GPS TEC Measurements
- Towards a comprehensive geophysical coverage of a test Glacier; example from various surveys during field campaigns over the Astrolabe outlet Glacier, East Antarctica
- Towards an integrated framework for characterizing mineral dust aerosol from multi-satellite, multi-sensor observations and regional transport model data (Invited)
- Transient volcanic events need more frequent InSAR measurements
- Transport Analysis of Ozone Enhancement in Southern Ontario during BAQS-Met
- Transport Pathways of Fire Generated Tracers to the Upper Troposphere over South America and Africa: Analyses using A-Train satellite measurements
- Transport of emissions from the 2009 Australian forest fires through the stratosphere: a comparison of MLS observations with FLEXPART model calculations
- Trends in River Basin, Groundwater and Global Water Storage from GRACE (Invited)
- Turbulence in the Sub-Alfvénic Solar Wind Driven by Reflection of Low-Frequency Alfvén Waves (Invited)
- UAVSAR's first campaign over temperate and boreal forests
- UTLS Signatures in MLS Fields during the YOTC May-July 2008 Large-Scale Convective Event
- Uncertainty in SMAP Soil Moisture Measurements Caused by Dew
- Understanding Satellite BrO Measurements during ARCTAS and ARCPAC
- Understanding cross sample talk as a result of triboelectric charging on future mars missions
- Understanding the Boundary Layer and Cloud Structure and Dynamic and Stability Controls on Low Cloud Cover in the Tropics and Subtropics Using A-Train Satellite Data and ECMWF Analyses
- Universal RF-Powered Aqueous Extractor-on-a-Chip Instrument for Identification of Chemical Signatures of Life on Mars
- Upper-tropospheric water contents as observed by the A-Train MLS, CALIPSO and CloudSat
- Use of a data assimilating WRF-Chem model for Improving Prediction of Particulate Pollution in the LA Basin
- Using AIRS data to Quantify Upper Tropospheric and Lower Stratospheric Water Vapor Enhancement by Deep Convective Clouds
- Using Coincident MISR and AERONET data To Determine Aerosol Absorption Properties
- Using Instrument Simulators and a Satellite Database to Evaluate Microphysical Assumptions in High-Resolution Simulations of Hurricane Rita
- Using Lidar and Radar measurements to constrain predictions of forest ecosystem structure and function
- Using Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) CO2 observations to improve inverse modeling estimates of carbon fluxes
- Using a database of multi-frequency radar reflectivity profiles to quantify the benefits of 35GHz+94GHz retrievals of rain characteristics
- Using the Global Chemical Transport Model GEOS-Chem to Constrain Australian Methane Sources
- Validating Earth Orientation Series with Models of Atmospheric and Oceanic Angular Momentum (Invited)
- Validation of High-Resolution, Multi-Satellite Sea Surface Temperature
- Validation of northern latitude Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer stare ozone profiles with ARC-IONS sondes during ARCTAS
- Variance scaling and moist conserved variables from AIRS/CloudSat and comparisons to ECMWF
- Vegetation effects on sub-pixel roughness measurements from NASA’s Terra/ASTER stereo images
- Version 3 Products from EOS MLS
- Vertical Structure of the Madden-Julian Oscillation from AIRS and CloudSat
- Vertical cloud water structures of the boreal summer intraseasonal variability based on CloudSat observations and ERA-Interim reanalysis
- Warming or Melting? Dissecting the Causes of Sea Level Rise over the Past 16 Years (Invited)
- Water vapor and OLR feedbacks over the recent ENSO cycle
- Water, Hydroxyl, and the Search for Alteration and Oxidation on the Moon (Invited)
- Wave vector directions of whistler-mode chorus (Invited)
- Weak Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence and Coronal Heating and Acceleration (Invited)
- Web Tools and Services For Subsetting and Visualizing Swath Data
- What is a Volcano? How planetary volcanism has changed our definition
- Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (WISSARD): Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability and Subglacial Life Habitats (Invited)
- Year of Tropical Convection (YOTC): Status and Research Agenda
- Year of Tropical Convection (YOTC): Status and Research Agenda (Invited)
- Precipitation trends in California: Rainfall is becoming wetter with heavier rain events
- 1996-2007 Interannual Spatio-Temporal Variability in Snowmelt in Two Montane Watersheds
- 3-D Aerosol Plume Tomography from MISR Observations
- 3D Cloud Tomography, Followed by Mean Optical and Microphysical Properties, with Multi-Angle/Multi-Pixel Data
- A Bayesian Approach to Evaluating Consistency between Climate Model Output and Observations
- A Changing Arctic Sea Ice Cover and the Partitioning of Solar Radiation
- A Comparison of Observed Antarctic Uplift Rates with Postglacial Rebound Model Predictions
- A Comparison of the Fractional MODIS and LANDSAT Thematic Mapper with Ground-Based Snow Surveys in the Sierra Nevada
- A Data-Assimilative Modeling System for the Gulf of Alaska based on the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)
- A Distributed, Cross-Agency Software Architecture for Sharing Climate Models and Observational Data Sets (Invited)
- A Lunar Broad Band Seismometer on SELENE-2 / LUNETTE missions: Focus on VBB technical improvements
- A Multi-Scale Three-Dimensional Data Assimilation Scheme for Improving Regional PM Air Quality Prediction
- A Multi-Scale Three-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation System and Its Application to Cloud Resolving Models
- A Multi-Sensor Perspective on the Tropical Interannual Variability of Humidity and Clouds
- A Preliminary Validation of the ACOS/GOSAT Xco2 Product Using TCCON Data
- A Proposed Framework for Synthesis Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- A Regional Climate Model Evaluation System based on Satellite and other Observations
- A Science Data System Approach for the DESDynI Mission
- A Study of Venus Surface Elemental Composition From 14-MeV Neutron Induced Gamma Ray Spectroscopy: Activation Analysis
- A Virtual Ocean Observatory for Climate and Ocean Science: Synergistic Applications for SWOT and XOVWM
- A climatological stratocumulus-to-cumulus transition model derived from the surface energy budget
- A comparison of Ground-Based LiDAR, contact spectroscopy, FMCW radar, and manual snow pit profiles of a mountain snowpack
- A comparison of field methods for grain size characterization in the context of passive microwave modeling of snow
- A forest-fire model with natural fire resistance
- A new approach proposed to Fourier transform spectroscopy using a broad-band laser source
- A new look at spatial gradients in Xco2 from satellite and ground-based observations
- A numerically optimized, computationally efficient method to couple Full-Stokes and simpler models of ice sheet flow
- A projection of the impact of climate change on California's major watersheds during the mid-21st century period
- A record-high ocean bottom pressure signal in the South Pacific observed by GRACE
- A review of recent and planned remote column integrated Carbon Dioxide measurements; technique improvements and campaign results conducted at JPL to further the development of the ASCENDS mission
- A second look at the CloudSat/TRMM intersect data
- A study of storm tracks and the cold season precipitation characteristics in California using trajectory model
- ACE-FTS Version 3.0 Initial Validation using Correlative Datasets
- ACOS Glint-mode Total Column CO2 Retrievals from GOSAT
- ASSERT for Mascot / Hayabusa 2 mission: A radar tomography of 1999 JU3
- Abrupt Atmospheric Torque Changes and Their Role in the 1976-77 Climate Regime Shift
- Advanced Component Development to Enable Low-Mass, Low-Power High-Frequency Microwave Radiometers for Coastal Wet-Tropospheric Correction on SWOT
- Aerosol Retrievals Without Lookup Tables: Potential Application to MISR
- Aerosol Size Distribution Modification by Interaction with Fog or Clouds Observed by AERONET
- Aerosol, Clouds and Water Vapor Transport across the Tropopause: Observations and Model Results
- Air temperature and man-made forcing: Insights from the solid Earth
- AirSWOT: An Airborne Platform for Surface Water Monitoring
- Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging of Supraglacial Lakes in Greenland's Ablation Zone
- Airborne-Radar Images of the Bed of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- An Algorithm for Automatically Detecting Offsets in Geodetic Time Series
- An Algorithm for Estimating Precipitation Using Combined Radar-Radiometer Observations from GPM
- An integrated TKE based eddy-diffusivity/mass-flux boundary layer scheme for the dry convective boundary layer
- Analogs from LEO: Mapping Earth Observations to Planetary Science & Astrobiology. (Invited)
- Angular Spread of Solar Energetic Electrons: Multipoint Observations by STEREO, ACE and SOHO (Invited)
- Apollo 11 and 16 Soil Bi-directional Solar Reflectance Measurements, Models and LRO Diviner Observations
- Application of GRACE, Vertical GPS Station Motion and ICESat Altimeter Data for Generating Simultaneous Constrains on Ice Mass Balance and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in the Antarctic Peninsula
- Application of MODIS BRDF to AOD retrieval from Single Visible Channel of MTSAT-1R
- Application of the stretched-vortex subgrid-scale model to large-eddy simulation of the cloud-topped atmospheric boundary layer
- Arctic Ocean Tides from GRACE Satellite Accelerations
- Arctic Sea Ice Deformation in Satellite Remote Sensing Data and in a Coupled Sea Ice-Ocean Model
- Arctic sea ice processes: a perspective (Invited)
- Are general circulation models representing processes controlling tropical and subtropical free tropospheric relative humidity properly? The added value of water vapor isotope measurements
- Assessing Surface Textural Variations on the Piton de la Fournaise Volcano Using L-Band Insar and LIDAR Fusion Study
- Assessing the Accuracy of Earth Orientation Measurements (Invited)
- Assessment of Decadal Change in North American Wetlands Based on JERS and PALSAR Space-Based L-band SAR Data
- Atmospheric Wind Relaxations and the Oceanic Response in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem
- Atmospheric methane observed from space over the Asian monsoon: implications for emission from Asian rice paddies
- Atomic carbon chemistry in photolyzed Triton-like ices
- Aura Microwave Limb Sounder Upper Stratospheric/Lower Mesospheric (USLM) Carbon Monoxide Observations in Arctic Winter 2009-2010: Analysis of An Anomalous Mixing Event
- Automated sensor networks to advance ocean science
- Automatic Detection and Characterization of Subsurface Features from Mars Radar Sounder Data
- Balloon-borne observations of HO2 in the lower stratosphere: Comparison with photochemical model
- Basin-Wide Amazon Forest Tree Mortality From a Large 2005 Storm
- Biomass burning aerosol effects on clouds and precipitation: a numerical study in the dry season of South America
- Bodélé dust plume height/wind climatology derived from 10 years of MISR stereo data
- Boreal Forest Biomass Estimation using Radar Derived Vertical and Morphological Forest Structure Indicators
- Bouguer anomalies over medium-size Martian impact basins
- Boundary layer remote sensing with combined active and passive techniques: GPS radio occultation and high-resolution stereo imaging (WindCam) small satellite concept
- Bringing a Chemical Laboratory Named Sam to Mars on the 2011 Curiosity Rover
- CARVE: The Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment
- CEDAR Electrodynamics Thermosphere Ionosphere (ETI) Challenge for Systematic Assessment of Ionospheric Models
- CO and CO2 Diurnal Cycles during CalNex-LA, 15 May -16 June, 2010
- CO2 Vertical Profile Retrieval from TCCON Measurements
- Campaign GPS Measurements from 2000-2010 in the Sierra Block South of Long Valley Caldera, CA, USA
- Carbon and 3D structure estimates of Neotropical mangrove forests from Lidar, InSAR and field data
- Case Study in Detection of Transient Crustal Deformation
- Cassini Scientist for a Day: Encouraging Science Research and Writing for Students on National and International Scales
- Cassini/VIMS Discovery of Organic Evaporite Deposits in Titan's Dry Lakebeds
- Causes of variability in plasmasphere rotation rate: IMAGE EUV observations (Invited)
- Changes in the moistening properties of convection associated with variations in the ENSO and IOD from 2005 and 2006
- Characteristics of AIRS observed inertial gravity waves: Implications for cirrus formation near the tropical tropopause
- Characteristics of atmospheric boundary layer structures over subtropical stratocumulus regions
- Characteristics of ionospheric scintillation measured using GPS receivers onboard the COSMIC satellites
- Characterizing Land Surface Change in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Using L-band UAVSAR Polarimetric and Differential Interferometric Radar Imagery
- Climate Response to US Aerosol Sources: 1950-2050
- Cloud Top Properties of AIRS V6
- Cloud-climate feedbacks and climate models: using satellite observations to probe the boundary layer and improve parameterizations (Invited)
- Combined Analysis of CGPS-Derived Velocity and Deformation Fields in the Western U.S
- Combining ICESat Altimetry, GRACE Ocean Bottom Pressure, and In Situ Observations to Understand Recent Changes in Arctic Ocean Circulation
- Compact Probe for In-Situ Optical Snow Grain Size Stratigraphy (Invited)
- Comparing Water Vapor Estimates From AIRS and a Preliminary NVAP Reprocessed Data Set
- Comparison between model and satellite observations using Geos-CHEM and TES carbon monoxide and ozone products
- Comparisons of Aura TES V005 Water Vapor and Temperature Retrievals with Radiosonde Measurements
- Complex rupture source of the 12 January 2010 Léogâne, Haiti earthquake derived from geologic, geodetic, and seismologic observations
- Components of uncertainty in spatial statistical modeling of geophysical processes (Invited)
- Compositional radial variability in the Saturn's system observed by Cassini-VIMS (INVITED) (Invited)
- Condensates from stellar protoplanetary nebulae: Implications for heavy element and volatile enrichment in extrasolar planets
- Constraining the Equatorial Basins Sedimentation Chronology from MARSIS Tomographic Data Analysis
- Constraints on Lunar Heat Flow Rates from Diviner Lunar Radiometer Polar Observations
- Constructing high-resolution, consistent and seamless ice thicknesses using a new data assimilation technique based on mass conservation
- Contribution of present-day ice-mass change and GIA to present-day relative sea-level change constrained by GRACE (Invited)
- Contributions to GOSAT Data Analysis by the NASA Atmospheric Carbon Observations from Space (ACOS) Team (Invited)
- Controls on Synoptic Scale Variability in Atmospheric Water Vapor Stable Isotopologues from Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii (Invited)
- Convection, thin cirrus, and dehydration in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL) observed by MLS and CALIPSO
- Coronal Loops Dynamics and Photospheric Forcing Patterns
- Correlating High Resolution Radar Reflectors with Visible Layering of the Polar Layered Deposits, Mars
- Correlations between VIMS and RADAR data over the surface of Titan: Implications for Titan's surface properties
- Cross-Product Comparison of Multiple Resolution Microwave Remote Sensing Data Sets Supporting Global Mapping of Inundated Wetlands
- Current Plate Motion Relative to the Hotspots and to the Mantle
- Current Sheet Formation and Reconnection Dynamics in the Closed Corona Due to Intragranular Flow Lanes
- Current progress in using multiple electromagnetic indicators to determine location, time, and magnitude of earthquakes in California and Peru (Invited)
- Damage Assessment Map from Interferometric Coherence
- Data-Driven Oceanographic Web Portal
- Datacasting: Integration of Earth Science Data and Information using RSS
- Dawn mission to constrain interior structure and thermal evolution of protoplanet Vesta
- Dawn: Testing Paradigms by Exploring Dichotomies
- Dayside Outer Zone Chorus Properties During the Declining Phase of the Solar Cycle: Polar
- Detectability of biological activity in frozen Alaskan lakes using in-situ spectral probe
- Detection of Anomalous Strain Transients Using Principal Component Analysis and Covariance Descriptor Analysis Methods (Invited)
- Developing Software Product Lines for Science Data Systems (Invited)
- Developing the capability to monitor and predict California coastal upwelling using an ocean circulation model
- Development and Evaluation of Global Wetlands Mappings from Coarse-Resolution Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing
- Development of Boundary Layer Parameterization for Simulating Moist Convective Boundary Layers
- Development of a 1.65 μm pulsed laser DIAL System to map atmospheric CH4 distributions
- Development of a Micro Subglacial Lake Exploration Device
- Development of a Physically Based Land Surface Emissivity for TMI
- Diffuse Shock-Aurora: the Characteristics, Evolution and Cause (Invited)
- Discovery and New Frontiers: Science Missions Seeking New Answers to Timeless Questions (Invited)
- Discovery of Carbonate-Rich Outcrops in the Gusev Crater Columbia Hills by the MER Rover Spirit
- Distributed fault rupture in the Yuha Desert, California, associated with the El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake, and the contribution of InSAR imagery to its documentation
- Distribution and Clustering of Fast Coronal Mass Ejections
- Diverse styles of submarine venting on the ultra-slow spreading Mid-Cayman Rise (Invited)
- Does the Madden-Julian Oscillation influence the frequency and precipitation of wintertime atmospheric rivers in California?
- Dust Accumulation and Cleaning of the MER Solar Arrays
- ESA's Cold Regions Hydrology High-resolution Observatory (CoReH2O): Overview and Progress (Invited)
- East Asian dust climatology as seen by MISR, MODIS, and OMI: multi-year mean spatial patterns, seasonal cycle, and inter-annual variability
- Effects of Fluvial Morphology On Orbital Remote Sensing Measurements of River Discharge
- Effects of Orbital Evolution on Lunar Ice Stability
- Eight Year Climatology from observational (AIRS) and model (MERRA) data
- Empirical Approaches To Reduce The Atmospheric Component In VIMS Surface Images Of Titan
- Empirical Modeling of Solar Radiation Pressure Forces Affecting GPS Satellites
- Energetic Electrons Near Jupiter's Current Sheet
- Energetic electron precipitation caused by wave particle interactions
- Error Decomposition in Satellite-Derived Precipitation Estimates
- Estimating geoid changes and over North America: past, present and future
- Estimating snow accumulation in the percolation zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet using satellite radar scatterometry
- Estimating, Validating and Conveying Measurement Differences in the Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Products from ASTER, MODIS and AIRS
- Evaluating Tropical Cyclone Forecasts from High-Resolution Regional Models and Lower Resolution Global Models Using the JPL Grip/predict/ifex Database of Satellite and Airborne Observations during the Period August 15TH - September 30TH 2010
- Evaluating the Surface Conditions of Temperate Ice Cap Hofsjḋ {{o}}kull, Central Iceland, using H/A/barh {α } Decomposition of Fully-Polarimetric UAVSAR Data
- Evaluation of GEOS-5 analyses using six-year (2004-2010) observations of upper tropospheric water vapor and cloud ice from Aura MLS
- Evaluation of Improved Spacecraft Models for GLONASS Orbit Determination
- Evaluation of MERRA land surface estimates in preparation for the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission
- Evaluation of Tropospheric Zenith Delays Estimated from GPS Data and Derived from Weather Model Water Vapor Data, in the Context of InSAR Tropospheric Correction
- Evaluation of the Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission (SMAP) merged radar-radiometer soil moisture algorithm
- Evaluation of the total energy mass flux boundary layer scheme in the WRF model using DYCOMS2 data
- Exploring Dielectric Signature of Martian Mid-Latitude Ice Using Earth Analog Study
- Exploring Lithospheric Deformation of Western US with Large GPS Networks
- Exploring the Chemical Reach of the Madden-Julian Oscillation using the A-Train data
- Explosive Volcanism in Io's Lava Lakes - The Key To Constraining Eruption Temperature?
- External ionospheric and thermospheric forcing during solar minimum
- Facilitating the Use of Satellite Observations for Evaluating CMIP5/IPCC Simulations
- Fault slip associated with the Mw 8.8 Chilean Earthquake of 27 February 2010 (Invited)
- Field Collection Efforts of Snowpack Properties in Support of Remote Sensing Applications
- Following cloud activity in Titan's atmosphere around the equinox with VIMS/Cassini
- Forced and Traveling Waves in MRO MCS Atmospheric Temperature Retrievals
- Formation and variability of North Atlantic sea surface salinity maximum in a global OGCM
- From Aircraft to GEO: Using Microwave Sounders to Observe the Atmosphere
- GEODVEL, MORVEL, and the velocity of Earth's center (Invited)
- Geographic Variability of Global Sea Level Change
- Geological mapping and temporal survey of Ontario Lacus on Titan from 2005 to 2009, using VIMS, ISS and Radar data
- Geophysical Monitoring Station (GEMS): A Discovery-Class Mission to Explore the Interior of Mars
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Signatures From a Global Joint Inversion of Multi-Satellite Geodetic Data (Invited)
- Global Nutrient Limitation in Terrestrial Vegetation from Remote Sensing
- Global Simultaneous Estimation of Present-Day Surface Mass Transport and GIA From Data Combination: Methodology, Results and Perspectives (Invited)
- Global Trends in Lake Surface Temperatures Estimated from Multi-sensor Thermal Infrared Imagery
- Global interoperability in the oceanographic sea surface temperature community
- Global mapping of Titan at 2-cm wavelength
- Global oceanic microseism sources as seen by seismic arrays and predicted by wave action models
- Global remote sensing of chlorophyll fluorescence using high-resolution spectra recorded by the Japanese GOSAT satellite
- Gulf of Mexico Ecological Forecasting - Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Population Assessment and Management using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data
- High Speed Stream Activity in an IMF-By magnetosphere (Invited)
- High resolution diagnosis and monitoring of extreme precipitation events using multi-sensor multi-platform remotely sensed data
- High-Latitude Inversion Layers from GPS Radio Occultation Observations
- High-precision Ice Surface Topography Mapping Using Radar Interferometry
- High-resolution WRF/Chem-VPRM simulations of CO2 in the Los Angeles Basin
- I-T influences on ionospheric outflow during magnetic storms. (Invited)
- Impact of atmospheric composition on climate: perspective from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (Invited)
- Impact of clouds on thermodynamic variables in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL)
- Implementing a Terrestrial Carbon Flux Model in Preparation for the Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission
- Importance of secondary sources in the atmospheric budgets of formic and acetic acids
- Improved Models of the GPS Satellite Antenna Phase- and Group-Delay Variations Using Data from Low-Earth Orbiters (Invited)
- Improved carbon dioxide characterization and estimates from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES)
- Improved global atmospheric HDO/H2O retrievals with SCIAMACHY
- Improvements in the determination of ice sheet mass fluxes and freshwater fluxes using Icebridge data. (Invited)
- Improving Atmospheric Corrections to InSAR Path Delays Using Operational Weather Forecasts
- Improving Carbon Flux Estimates with Diurnal Profiling of Greenhouse Gases from Geostationary Orbit
- Improving the lightning NOx source using satellite observations: a 4D-var analysis approach
- InSAR Scientific Computing Environment
- InSAR time series analysis of crustal deformation in southern California from 1992-2010
- InSAR time series analysis of the 2006 slow slip event on the Guerrero Subduction Zone, Mexico
- Increasing October low-cloud cover in the Arctic as observed by MISR during 2000-2009
- Increasing intensity of El Niño in the central equatorial Pacific
- Indicators of Water Cycle Acceleration from GRACE and NASA NEWS Datasets (Invited)
- Inferring global change from CHAMP and COSMIC occultation data
- Influence of Titan's climate-driven surface mass redistribution on spin pole precession
- Influence of Tropical Biennial Oscillation on Carbon Dioxide
- Initial Results from the UAVSAR Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Campaign
- Innovative Approaches for Seismic Studies of Mars (Invited)
- Insights from Assimilation of Mars Climate Sounder Retrievals into a Mars Global Circulation Model
- Intensification of hydrological process in permafrost regions and correlation with ecological processes from multi-sensor satellite observations and in-situ measurements
- Inter-annual variability of the middle atmospheric temperature observed by Rayleigh lidars and comparisons with ECMWF and TIMED/SABER results
- Interannual Variability in Radiative Forcing and Snowmelt Rates by Desert Dust in Snowcover in the Colorado River Basin
- Interannual Variability of Mid-tropospheric CO2 from Atmospheric Infrared Sounder
- Interannual Variations of Clouds Observed by A-Train Satellites
- Interannual Variations of MISR Cloud and Aerosol: Responses to ENSO
- Intercalibration of Mars Express Subsurface and Ionospheric Radar Total Electron Content
- Intercomparison of MODIS snow cover retrievals and their utility in hydrologic applications (Invited)
- Interpreting LRO Diviner surface temperatures: Modeling three-dimensional lunar regolith thermophysical properties
- Intra-seasonal Mixed Layer Process Variability from the ECCO Ocean Data Assimilation Product: Preliminary Analysis Relevant to DYNAMO
- Inverse modeling of CO2 sources and sinks using a combination of satellite and flask observations
- Inverse modeling of the recent trend and inter-annual variation of CH4 emissions using in situ measurements and SCIAMACHY
- Investigating water quality response to wind-driven upwelling events in the Salton Sea, CA using multi-temporal MODIS satellite imagery
- Investigation of the 2006 Drought and 2007 Flood Extremes at the Southern Great Plains Through an Integrative Analysis of Observations (Invited)
- Investigation of the Dust Indirect Effect on Clouds and Regional Climate Based on A-Train Satellite Data and the UCLA AGCM
- JET: a Journey to Enceladus and Titan
- Jupiter Observation Campaign: Citizen Science at the Outer Planets
- Kilauea volcano source models constrained by InSAR and GPS observations
- Kinematic fault slip model from joint inversion of teleseismic, GPS, InSAR and subpixel-correlation measurements of the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake and postseismic deformation (Invited)
- La Sotra y las otras: Topographic evidence for (and against) cryovolcanism on Titan (Invited)
- Language of Science as a Bridge to Native American Educators and Students
- Large scale inversion of basal stress in Greenland, using higher order and full-Stokes models
- Large-scale Estimation of River Discharge from SWOT Satellite Observations: A Fraternal Twin Data Assimilation Experiment
- Large-scale coronal disturbances and angular spread of SEP events
- Larsen C Ice Shelf acceleration, surface elevation change, rheology and ice-ocean interaction
- Life detection at an Arctic analog to Europa
- Lightning Impact on Tropospheric Ozone over the Tropical Southern Indian Ocean
- Lightweight Advertising and Scalable Discovery of Services, Datasets, and Events Using Feedcasts
- Linking Remote Sensing with a State-of-the-Art Terrestrial Biosphere Model to Better Predict Ecosystem Dynamics
- Linking tree size distribution to active remote sensing parameters: consequences for observation strategies and impacts on biomass retrieval (Invited)
- Low Cloud Structure, Variability, and Patterns in the Primary Subtropical Stratocumulus Regimes Using MODIS and ECMWF Analysis/Re-Analysis Data
- Lunette: A Dual Lander Mission to the Moon to Explore Early Planetary Differentiation
- MISR Global Aerosol Product Assessment by Comparison with AERONET
- MLS and ACE-FTS measurements of UTLS Trace Gases in the Presence of Multiple Tropopauses
- Magnetic Structure of Twin Filaments Inside Pseudostreamers
- Mapping Oil-Water Emulsions from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Using Imaging Spectroscopy
- Mapping Upper Amazon Palm Swamps with Spaceborne L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar
- MarsTwin: an M-mission to Mars with two geophysical laboratories
- Measurement Requirements for Greenhouse Gas Concentrations in Support of Treaty Monitoring and Verification (Invited)
- Measurement of the disk-integrated polarization of the Moon in the ultraviolet
- Measurements of pollutants and their spatial distributions over the Los Angeles Basin
- Measuring Heat Flow on the Moon and Mars- The Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package HP-cubed
- Measuring ammonia from space: limits and possibilities
- Mechanisms controls of terrestrial water budget changes over Siberian river basins from GRACE
- Mesospheric Hydroxyl Response to Electron Precipitation From the Radiation Belts
- Metadata Evolution for NASA's Earth Science Data Systems
- Methanol Measurements From TES: A Top-Down Constraint on Biogenic Emissions
- Microbial Perchlorate Reduction in the Unsaturated Zone of an Israeli Mars Analog Site
- Microwave Radar Retrieval of Snow Water Equivalent
- Mimas at Many Wavelengths and Many Angles
- Model - Measurement Comparison of Coherent Variability in Tropospheric and Stratospheric Ozone
- Modeling Events in the Lower Imperial Valley Basin
- Modeling GNSS Radio Occultation coverage from various satellite constellation configurations
- Modeling Impacts of Mesoscale Eddies on Iron Cycle and Biogeochemical Processes in the Gulf of Alaska
- Modeling Lunar Radar Scatter from Icy Regoliths
- Modeling microseism generation off Southern California with a numerical wave model: Coastal wave reflection and open ocean interactions
- Modeling of Microwave Emissions from the Marie-Byrd Antarctic Region: A Stable Calibration Target in the L-band
- Modeling of submarine melting of Greenland tidewater glaciers using an ocean general circulation model
- Modeling the Internal Structure of Mars Using Normal Mode Relaxation Theory
- Modeling the Observed Atmospheric OH Response to the Solar Cycle
- Moisture Sources and Sinks Derived From Water Isotopic Ratios From the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer
- Multi-Resolution Variational Analysis of Sea Surface Temperature and Uncertainty Estimation
- Multi-sensor Oceanographic Correlations for Pacific Hake Acoustic Survey Improvement
- Multi-spacecraft Observations of Solar Cycle 24 Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Multiangle Spectropolarimetric Imager (MSPI) On-Board Processing Technology Development and In-Flight Validation for the ACE Decadel Survey Mission
- NASA Giovanni Tool for Visualization and Analysis Support for the YOTC Program
- NASA Nationwide and the Year of the Solar System (Invited)
- NASA Planetary Science Summer School: Preparing the Next Generation of Planetary Mission Leaders
- NASA's What's Up Astronomy and Mission video series celebrates the Year of the Solar System: Fall 2010 - late summer 2012
- NASA's integrated Instrument Simulator Suite for Atmospheric Remote Sensing from spaceborne platform (ISSARS) and its role for the GPM mission
- NNR-MORVEL56: No-net-rotation model of geologically current plate motions
- Near Earth Asteroids Accessible to Human and Robotic Exploration
- Near-field tephra dispersal monitoring by satellites
- New Chemistry in the Atmosphere of Mars
- New TES profile retrievals of Tropospheric Methane
- New generation of micro-scale sample-processing instruments for future exploration of Mars and Near Earth Objects (NEO)
- Next Generation of Spaceborne GNSS Receiver for Radio Occultation Science and Precision Orbit Determination
- OSCAR: Online Service for Correcting Atmosphere in Radar
- Observations and Modeling of the Mw 7.2 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake with Real-Time High-Rate GPS and Accelerometer Data: Implications for Earthquake Early Warning and Rapid Response (Invited)
- Observations and modelling of inflation in the Lazufre volcanic region, South America
- Observing Atmospheric OH Response to the Solar Cycle - Over 5-year Aura MLS OH Measurements in Combination With the 13-year Ground-based FTUVS OH Measurements (Invited)
- Observing the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland, Eruptions with NASA's Earth Observing-1 Spacecraft - Improving Data Flow In a Volcanic Crisis Through Use of Autonomy
- Observing the Ionospheric Signature of Ocean Tsunamis Using GPS Total Electron Content
- Observing the surface of Venus after VIRTIS on VEX
- Ocean Surface Carbon Dioxide Fugacity and Flux From Space
- On the Origin of the Broad Spread in Heliolongitude over which some Impulsive Solar Energetic Particle Events are Observed
- On the competition between radial expansion and Coulomb collisions in shaping the electron velocity distribution function: Kinetic simulations
- On the reported ionospheric precursor of the 1999 Hector Mine, CA earthquake
- Ontology Driven Development and Science Information System Interoperability
- Packaging Software Assets for Reuse
- Panchromatic Fourier Transform Spectrometer (PanFTS) for the Geostationary Coastal and Air Pollution Events (GEO-CAPE) Mission
- Partitioning CloudSat Ice Water Content for Comparison with Upper-Tropospheric Ice in Global Atmospheric Models
- Passive multiangle imaging of clouds, aerosols, and atmospheric dynamics: Broadening our vision from MISR to WindCam and MSPI
- Performance Improvements To the MISR Global Aerosol Product Algorithm
- Phase behavior and thermodynamic modeling of ices - implications for the geophysics of icy satellites. (Invited)
- Planetary Space Radiation Environments
- Plasma IMS Composition Measurements for Europa and Ganymede
- Plasma erosion of moons in the outer solar system (Invited)
- Playing Around in the Solar System: Mini-games for Many Missions
- Polar ClO Photochemistry: The Impact of Recent Laboratory Measurements
- Polar Ozone Loss in a Changing Climate
- Potential Spacecraft-to-Spacecraft Radio Observations with EJSM: Wave of the Future? (Invited)
- Potential scientific objectives for a 2018 2-rover mission to Mars and implications for the landing site and landed operations
- Preparation for GPM: Development of a New Near Real-time High Resolution Multi-sensor Precipitation Estimation Product Based on Analyzing the Existing Precipitation Estimation Techniques
- Producing Science-Ready radar datasets for the retrieval of forest 3D structure: Correcting for terrain topography and temporal changes
- Proposed Mission for Climate Quality Scatterometer Intercalibration and Measurement of Ocean Surface CO2 Fluxes
- QuakeSim Computational Infrastructure for Integrating DESDynI and UAVSAR Data into Earthquake Models (Invited)
- QuakeTables: A Federated Ontology-Based Database System for Geoscience
- Quantifying Anthropogenic and Biospheric Fluxes of CO2 Using Satellite Observations of CO, CO2, and Methanol
- Quantifying HCHO, NO2 and SO2 Emissions from Industrial Point Sources with Imaging DOAS
- Quantifying spatial and temporal variability in atmospheric ammonia with in situ and space-based observations
- Quantifying the Magnitude and Uncertainty of Wetland CH4 Emissions Through the 21st Century Using Satellite Data and Climate Model Analyses
- Quantifying the azimuthal plasmaspheric density structure and dynamics inferred from IMAGE EUV
- Quantitative Mapping of Surface Texture on the Northern Polar Residual Cap of Mars
- Radar surveys of snow depth over Arctic sea ice during Operation IceBridge (Invited)
- Radiative Impacts of Precipitating Hydrometeors on Atmosphere Circulation Features, Convection, Clouds and Precipitation in Weather and Climate models
- Radiometric Calibration of High Resolution UAVSAR Data Using Low Resolution SRTM DEMs
- Rapid Assessment of Earthquakes with Radar and Optical Geodetic Imaging and Finite Fault Models (Invited)
- Re-Evaluation of Event Correlations in Virtual California Using Statistical Analysis
- Real-Time In-Situ Measurements for Earthquake Early Warning and Space-Borne Deformation Measurement Mission Support
- Recent Results from GNSS-Reflections Remote Sensing (Invited)
- Reconstructing Late Quaternary Sea Levels in the Antarctic Peninsula (Invited)
- Reconstruction of inundation and greenhouse gas emissions from Siberian wetlands over the last half-century
- Record warming in the South Pacific and western Antarctica associated with the 2009-10 El Niño: atmospheric and oceanic processes and coupling
- Regional differences in aerosol effects on cloud properties and precipitation using historical long-term satellite records
- Regional differences in tropical congestus populations as viewed by AIRS/CloudSat coincident scans (Invited)
- Rejuvenation of Arctic Sea Ice and Tropospheric Chemical Change
- Relational analysis of remote sensing structure derived from lidar and SAR measurements compared to ground measurements at the Harvard Forest
- Relationship between oceanic boundary layer clouds and lower tropospheric stability observed by AIRS, CloudSat and CALIOP
- Remote Raman - Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Geochemical Investigation under Venus Atmospheric Conditions
- Remote Sensing of Spatial Distributions of Greenhouse Gases in the Los Angles Basin
- Remote sensing of CO2 from GOSAT: recent findings and preliminary validation
- Remote sensing of the hydrologic history of the eastern Sahara
- Requirement and technique for the application of satellite observations for multi-model evaluations
- Response of Colorado River runoff to dust radiative forcing in snow (Invited)
- Response of Jupiter's Electron Belt to a Comet-like Impact
- Retrievability of the Physical Parameters for Frozen Precipitation
- SAR and INSAR Possibilities for the Remote Sensing of Forest Structure (Invited)
- SATPLOT - A New Tool for Analysis of SECCHI Heliospheric Imager Data
- SHARAD Finds Voluminous CO2 Ice Sequestered in the Martian South Polar Layered Deposits
- SWEET 2.1 Ontologies
- Satellite Monitoring and Characterization of the 2010 Rockslide-Dammed Lake Gojal, North Pakistan
- Satellite Monitoring for REDD: Radar vs. Optical
- Satellite derived 30-year trends in terrestrial frozen and non-frozen seasons and associated impacts to vegetation and atmospheric CO2
- Satellite observational constraints on ozone radiative forcing in chemistry-climate models
- Saturn Ring Equinox Temperature Variations Retrieved by Cassini CIRS
- Saturn's Equatorial Oscillation: Evidence of Descending Thermal Structure from Cassini Radio Occultations
- Saturn's Icy satellites: The Role of Sub-Micron Ice Particles and Nano-sized Contaminants (Invited)
- Scale and sensor dependency of measurements of dust radiative forcing in snow
- Science Results from the MARSIS and SHARAD Subsurface Sounding Radars on Mars and their Relevance to Radar Sounding of icy Moons in the Jovian System
- Scientific Integrity and Executive National Security Proclamations: A Conflict of the Modern Age
- Searching for and retrieving swath data using virtual tiles
- Seasonal Changes in Titan's Meteorology Documented by Cassini's Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS)
- Seasonal Variability of Trans-Pacific Transport of Carbon Monoxide in the Upper Troposphere: Observations and simulations
- Seasonal variations in convection and extratropical mixing in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- Seismotectonics of the 2010 El Mayor Cucapah - Indiviso Earthquake and its Relation to Seismic Hazard in Southern California
- Shape and Topography of Saturn's Satellites from Imaging Data
- Shapes and Gravitational Fields of Two-Layer Maclaurin Spheroids: Application to Planets and Satellites
- Shorter time intervals, better insights? Global CO2 distributions inferred from GOSAT observations for three-day intervals
- Silicate Mineralogy of SPA: A New View from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer
- Simultaneous lidar observations of the water vapor and ozone signatures of a stratospheric intrusion during the MOHAVE-2009 campaign
- Snowpack Estimates Improve Water Resources Climate-Change Adaptation Strategies
- Sound Velocities and Density of (Mg0.65, Fe0.35)O ferropericlase up to 1.4 Mbar
- Space-borne remote sensing of atmospheric methane using near-infrared spectra: Current status and future perspectives. (Invited)
- Spatial interpolation of carbon dioxide using Fixed Rank Kriging
- Spatial patterns and time variability of CO2 from AIRS
- Spatial-Temporal Evolution of Kelvin Waves and the Vertical Structure of Associated Heating-Rates
- Spatio-temporal Statistical Inference and Data Fusion and their Applications to Decadal Survey Missions (Invited)
- Spectra Handling from AIRS and IRIS for Climate Change Research
- Spectral Analyses of the Interactions of Giant Vortices on Jupiter
- Spectral Properties of Soil Grains as Inferred from Images of the Optical Microscope onboard the Phoenix Mars Lander
- Spectrally Dominant Aromatic Hydrocarbon Compounds on Titan (Invited)
- Spectrometric searching for the trace constituents in the atmospheric clouds on Venus
- Spectrophotometric Modeling of Enceladus Surface Properties and Composition from Vims Data
- Statistics of Cloud properties over four oceanic stratocumulus regions as a function of cloud fraction, cloud type and sea surface temperature: Large-scale signatures of turbulent cloud mixing
- Status of the GRACE Follow-On Mission (Invited)
- Steady-state large-eddy simulations of the stratocumulus to trade cumulus transition
- Stereoscopic Analysis of 31 August 2007 Erupting Prominence
- Strain history effects on the plastic and anelastic properties of planetary ice
- Stratospheric ClO at Scott Base, Antarctica, March-November 2009
- Sub-corotating region of Saturn's magnetosphere: Cassini observations of the azimuthal field and implications for the ionospheric Pederesen Current (Invited)
- Submarine melting at the grounding line of Greenland's tidewater glaciers: Observations and Implications. (Invited)
- Tectonized Terrains of Enceladus: The Same but Different
- Telesupervision of Environmental Water Science Sensor Robots
- Temperature Effects on Triboelectric Charging in the Martian Environment
- Temperature and water vapor variance scaling from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder, climate models, and aircraft data (Invited)
- Temporal variations in soil moisture content and its influence on biomass estimates, observed by UAVSAR, ALOS PALSAR, and in-situ field data
- Terrain Classification of Aster gDEM for Seismic Microzonation of Port-Au Haiti, Using - and - Based Analytic Methods
- Testing the sensitivity of terrestrial carbon models using remotely sensed biomass estimates
- The Antarctic POLENET Project: Status, Initial Results, Future Challenges
- The Arctic Ocean from ICESat altimetry: Sea ice freeboard, thickness, and ocean dynamic topography (Invited)
- The Composition and Structure of Enceladus' Plume from a Cassini UVIS Observation of a Solar Occultation
- The Europa Jupiter System Mission: Synergistic Science Enabled by JEO and JGO
- The Field and Particle Environment at Mimas (Invited)
- The Ganymede Interior, Surface, and Magnetosphere Observer (GISMO) Mission Concept
- The Gravity Field of Enceladus
- The History of Dirt at the Phoenix Site
- The ICSU World Data System: From Concept to Reality
- The Impact of Precipitating Ice and Snow on the Radiation Balance in Global Climate Models
- The Integrated Science Investigation of the Sun (ISIS): Energetic Particle Measurements for the Solar Probe Plus Mission
- The JPL GRIP Portal - Serving Near Real-time Observation and Model Forecast for Hurricane Study
- The MISR Cloud Motion Vector Product: 10 years of height resolved, cloud-track winds
- The MISR Wildfire Smoke Plume Height Project
- The Nature of the Enceladus Plasma Cloud From the Cassini Plume Radio Occultation
- The Parametrization of Momentum Transport in the Boundary Layer
- The Properties and Distribution of Eyjafjallajökull Volcanic Ash, as Observed with MISR Space-based Multi-angle Imaging, April-May 2010 (Invited)
- The QuakeSim System for GPS Time Series Analysis
- The Response of Martian Ground Ice to Burial by a Volatile-Poor Mantle: Potential Implications for the Volatile Evolution of the Medusae Fossae Formation
- The Saturn Ring Observer: In situ studies of planetary rings
- The Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission (SMAP) Science Data Products: Results of Testing With Field Experiment and Algorithm Testbed Simulation Environment Data
- The Soil Moisture Active/Passive (SMAP) Freeze/Thaw Product: Providing a Crucial Linkage between Earth's Water and Carbon Cycles
- The Surface Composition of Mimas: Ultraviolet Constraints
- The Swirls at SPA
- The Ups and Downs of Geodetically-Derived Deformation Rates in the Western Transverse Ranges Region, CA
- The Wide Field Imager for Solar PRobe (WISPR)
- The ``Perrier Oceans'' Of Europa And Enceladus (Invited)
- The impact of atmospheric rivers on the cold season hydrology in California
- The observing requirements for the prediction of ozone
- Thermal Modeling of Rosetta Flyby Asteroid 21 Lutetia
- Thermal infrared emissivity measurements in a simulated lunar environment of major silicate minerals on the Moon
- Time series analysis of ERS and ENVISAT InSAR data in Northern Mojave, California
- Time-of-day variations of atmospheric temperature and water ice opacity observed by Mars Climate Sounder
- Tips 'n' Tricks for Teachers: Using the latest interactive multimedia from NASA's Climate Change website in the classroom
- Total Electron Content in the Mars Ionosphere: temporal studies and dependence on solar inputs and crustal magnetic fields
- Towards Simpler Custom and OpenSearch Services for Voluminous NEWS Merged A-Train Data (Invited)
- Towards community consensus clear-sky ocean radiances and SSTs from AVHRR
- Traceability of Satellite TSI observations and their significance for the TSI database
- Transient deformation detection utilizing results from time-dependent inversion of Global Positioning System data
- Triggered Fault Slip in Southern California Associated with the 2010 Sierra El Mayor-Cucapah, Baja California, Mexico, Earthquake
- Tropical Forest Biomass Estimation from Vertical Fourier Transforms of Lidar and InSAR Profiles
- Tropical Mid-Tropospheric CO2 Variability driven by the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- UAVSAR and GPS Observations of Crustal Deformation in Southern California and Implications for Earthquake Risk
- ULF Modulation of Relativistic Electron Precipitation during the Geomagnetic Storm of 21 Dec 2005
- Ultraprecise laboratory reference data to support remote sensing
- Understanding Global Hydrological and Thermodynamical Processes Using Water Vapor and Temperature Retrievals from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS)
- Understanding climate with merged water vapor, temperature and cloud observations from the A-Train (Invited)
- Understanding heliospheric origins with Solar Probe Plus
- Understanding the Formation Mechanism of the 2010 Chile Tsunami
- Understanding the dynamics of a geyser from temporal monitoring of seismic source
- Uptake of Gas-Phase CO2 by Polycrystalline Ices or Aqueous Solutions
- Using Impactors for Active Seismic Investigation of the Interior of Mars with a Single Seismic Station
- Using Participatory Exploration to Engage Classrooms in STEM Learning: A Case Study Using NASA's Mars Student Imaging Project
- Using Remote Sensing for Water Resource Management (Invited)
- Using large Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Sites as Analogs to Study the Mechanical Behavior of Large CO2 Storage Sites
- Utilizing Ecosystem Information to Improve Decision Support Systems for Marine Fisheries (Invited)
- VHF Observations of Small-scale Ionosphere TEC Fluctuations with an Astronomical Interferometer
- Validating MISR and MODIS Aerosol Products: Assessing the Strengths & Limitations of the Way We Assess Strengths & Limitations (Invited)
- Validation of AIRS Version 6 Retrievals
- Validation of zonal averaged XCO2 and XCH4 derived from SWIR of GOSAT TANSO-FTS using ground-based high-resolution FTS and aircraft measurement data
- Variability of AIRS Infrared Spectra in the Presence of Clouds Observed by MODIS
- Variations in Ring Particle Cooling across Saturn's Rings with Cassini CIRS
- Vegetation structure estimation from SRTM coherence data: correction of systematic artifacts
- Version 3.3 Data Products from EOS MLS
- Vertical Structure of Diabatic Heating of Convectively-Coupled Kelvin Waves from TRMM Satellite Products
- Very low sound velocities in iron-rich (Mg,Fe)O: Implications for the core-mantle boundary region
- Virtual Synchrotron Experiments for Deep Earth Studies
- Vision for an Open, Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (GHGIS)
- Visualizing the Evolution of Eyjafjallajökull Ash Clouds
- Water Ice Clouds and Thermal Structure in the Martian Tropics as Revealed by Mars Climate Sounder
- Water Mass Formation in an eddy-resolving state estimate ECCO2
- Water consumption information and other hydrologic retrievals from the proposed NASA HyspIRI mission
- Web-based Altimeter Service
- Webification of Earth Science Data
- XBTs and the Earth's Energy Balance: Computing Ocean Heat Content during the Satellite Era
- Yungay Atacama, Chile, and University Valley, Antarctica, as Mars analogs, based on aridity as indicated by soil salt profiles and other characteristics
- 15 Years of Middle Atmospheric Water Vapor Measurements over Mauna Loa
- 4 Vesta in Color: High Resolution Mapping from Dawn Framing Camera Images
- 4 Vesta in Color: Lithologic heterogeneity from Dawn Framing Camera Images
- A Bayesian Analysis of the Post-seismic Deformation of the Great 11 March 2011 Tohoku-Oki (Mw 9.0) Earthquake: Implications for Future Earthquake Occurrence
- A Bayesian Exploration of Kinematic Rupture Parameters for the Great 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
- A Bayesian algorithm for estimation of river depth, roughness and discharge from SWOT measurements of height and inundated area
- A Digital Martian Soil based on In-Situ Data
- A GPS-Based Terrestrial Reference Frame from a Combination of Terrestrial and Orbiter Data
- A Geodetic Response to Rapid Fluctuations of Oceanic Angular Momentum
- A Global Record of Daily Landscape Freeze-Thaw Status from Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing
- A Model for the Self-Heating of Asteroid Surfaces: Application to the Interpretation of Combined MIRO-VIRTIS Data During the Rosetta Fly-by of 21 Lutetia
- A Model-Driven, Science Data Product Registration Service
- A Modeling Study of Aerosol Effects on the Water Vapor near the Tropopause
- A New Design for Digital Elevation Models of Bedrock Underlying Ice Sheets
- A New High-pressure System to Investigate Clathrate Hydrates Stability and Role in Volatile Outgassing on Titan and Enceladus
- A Pragmatic Path to Investigating Europa's Habitability
- A Regional Climate Model Evaluation System based on contemporary Satellite and other Observations for Assessing Regional Climate Model Fidelity
- A Reusable Framework for Regional Climate Model Evaluation
- A Sensitive Search for Traces of Stratospheric NH3, PH3, C2H5D, and CH2C2H2 within Saturn's Beacon
- A Stochastic-entropic Approach to Detect Persistent Low-temperature Volcanogenic Thermal Anomalies
- A Virtual Science Data Environment for Carbon Dioxide Observations
- A geodetic view of the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki, Japan earthquake
- A likelihood-based comparison of CMIP5 decadal experiment runs with observations from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder
- A mass conservation approach for mapping glacier ice thickness
- A new model of equilibrium subsurface hydration on Mars
- A preliminary global geologic map of Vesta based on Dawn Survey orbit data
- A study of supercritical shocks and energetic particle acceleration
- A-Train Observational Metrics for CMIP5 Model Evaluations and Diagnoses
- A-Train Observations of Atmospheric Water Vapor and Temperature within Cloud Classes
- A-train satellite observations of very little cloud invigoration by aerosols
- AIRS and Climate
- Accuracy of biomass estimates from radar and lidar over temperate forests
- Active Plumes on Venus and Constraints on Mantle Viscosity and Volatile History
- Adding Semantics and OPM Ontology for the Provenance of Multi-sensor Merged Climate Data Records. Now What About Reproducibility?
- Advection-based Short-Term Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting Algorithms Using Radar and Satellite Information
- Aerosol-Precipitation Responses Deduced from Ship tracks as Observed by CloudSat
- Afm Measrurements of Martian Soil Particles Using Mems Technology - Results from the PHOENIX Mission
- Air-sea CO2 flux estimates from two data-constrained ocean models for the NASA Carbon Monitoring Study Flux Pilot Project and their impact on atmospheric CO2 concentration variability
- Airs Cloud Properties Used in Radiative Consistency Check to Verify Trends
- Algorithms for computing Arctic ice thickness from space and airborne lidars and radars
- An Empirically Derived Method for Remotely-Sensed Estimation of River Depth
- An IR Analysis of Cryovolcanism at Sotra Facula on Titan
- An Integrated Approach for Accessing Multiple Datasets through LANCE
- An Observing Architecture for Synthesis of Multi-platform Observations of Carbon Dioxide over Railroad Valley, NV
- An RF-powered micro-extractor (μEX) for the detection of astrobiological target molecules on Mars
- An eddy-diffusivity/mass-flux approach to the vertical transport of turbulent kinetic energy in convective boundary layers
- An iPhone Game with GOES-R Insight
- Analyses and Classifications of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances from the 2011 Japan Tohoku Earthquake/Tsunami Event
- Analyzing of Tropical Expansion from Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) Measurements
- Antarctic hydrology during mid-Miocene warmth
- Application of AIRS Stratospheric CO2 to Investigate Stratospheric Transport and Troposphere-Stratosphere Exchange
- Application of Graph-Cut Theory to the MISR Aerosol Retrieval Process
- Application of InSAR and in-situ geodetic data to constrain a variety of source processes at Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i
- Application of NASA's modern era retrospective-analysis in Global Wetlands Mappings Derived from Coarse-Resolution Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing
- Application of Open Source Software by the Lunar Mapping and Modeling Project
- Application of Satellite and Ozonesonde Data to the Study of Nighttime Tropospheric Ozone Impacts and Relationship to Air Quality
- Applying an ISO 19115-2 metadata model to products from the Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature
- Aqua Education and Public Outreach
- Aquarius Satellite Salinity Measurements; Preliminary Results Of The First 2-3 Months
- Aquarius Scatterometer Winds
- Archaea in Arctic Thermokarst Lake Sediments
- Arctic Sea Ice Dynamics For Climate Models: GlobICE Project Results and Products
- Arctic Sea Level Since 1950
- Are 27-Day Variations in Jovian Electrons at 1 AU Due to Interplanetary Transport Effects or Changes at the Source?
- Assessment and Review of GIA Models for Antarctica and Greenland
- Assessment of methods for mapping snow cover from MODIS
- Assessment of the Cloud, Convection, Radiation and Energy budget for 20th Century IPCC AR 4th and 5th Simulations and their Satellite Sensor Simulator Outputs
- Assimilation of Tower and Satellite-Based Observations for Improved Estimation of Methane Fluxes over Northern Eurasia
- Atmospheric Composition Retrievals Using Simulated Panchromatic Fourier Transform Spectrometer (panfts) Measurements
- Audit and Certification Process for Science Data Digital Repositories
- Auroral counterpart of magnetic field dipolarizations in Saturn's tail
- Australian water mass variations from GRACE data linked to Indo-Pacific climate variability
- Automated network at Railroad Valley, Nevada, for providing radiometric calibrations of OCO2
- Bacterial activity in methane-rich, icy habitats
- Basal drag pattern and grounding line sensitivity of the ice flow of Totten Glacier, East Antarctica
- Biomass burning aerosol effects on cloud fraction over Australia
- Boundary Layer Measurements from Aura TES v005 water vapor retrievals
- Building a Snow Data System on the Apache OODT Open Technology Stack
- CARVE-FTS Observations of Arctic CO2, CH4, and CO - Overview of Retrieval Methodology
- CO2 Mixing Ratio Retrievals from JPL Airborne Laser Absorption Spectrometer Flight Campaigns in 2010-11
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions from the Los Angeles Basin During Spring of 2010 - Measurements vs. Model
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Inversion Error Analyses for Future Active Space CO<SUB>2</SUB> Missions like ASCENDS
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> retrievals from GOSAT glint spectra
- CalSimHydro Tool - A Web-based interactive tool for the CalSim 3.0 Hydrology Prepropessor
- Can We Estimate Surface Carbon Fluxes With a 6-hour Data Assimilation System?
- Carbon monoxide (CO) vertical profiles derived from joined TES and MLS measurements
- Cassini RADAR's first SAR observations of Enceladus
- Cassini UVIS Observations of Titan Ultraviolet Airglow Spectra with Laboratory Modeling from Electron- and Proton-Excited N2 Emission Studies
- Challenges in the Determination of Cloud Feedback
- Characteristics of tropical clouds using A-train information and their relationships with sea surface temperature
- Characterization and correction of non-linearity effect on oxygen spectra of TANSO-FTS onboard GOSAT
- Characterization of the Greenland Ice Sheet evolution in a changing climate using a multi-model approach
- Characterizing Extreme Ionospheric Storms
- ChemCam Targeted Science at Gale Crater
- Choice of satellite-based CO2 product (XCO¬2, vertical profile) alters surface CO2 flux estimate
- Clear Evidence for Hydrothermal Deposits within Gusev Crater Established by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit
- Climate Literacy for Kids: Finding Medium, Message, and Stance
- Climate change: a very cloudy picture
- Cloud Information Content Analysis for EPIC's Oxygen A- and B-band Channels
- Cloud thermodynamic phase, cirrus cloud optical thickness and effective diameter in the Version 6 Atmospheric Infrared Sounder data release
- Combined A-Train CALIOP and MLS Observations of Polar Stratospheric Clouds and Atmospheric Composition
- Comparative analysis of aerosol retrievals from MODIS, OMI and MISR over Sahara Region
- Comparing Rover and Orbiter based observations at Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Comparison Between Satellite CO2 Retrievals With In-situ Measurements
- Comparison of Aura TES Methane Profiles to Model Estimates Constrained by SCIAMACHY Total Column Measurements
- Comparison of STEREO's Farside Observations of Solar Activity and Predictions from the Global Oscillations Network Group (GONG)
- Comparison of an isotopic AGCM with new quasi global satellite measurements of water vapor isotopologues
- Comparison of free tropospheric CO2 from TCCON profile retrievals to those from TES and AIRS
- Comparison of warm rain detection and quantification from spaceborne passive microwave and radar sensors
- Complex Ruptures of Large Earthquakes Imaged by ALOS L-band SAR with Other Geodetic and Seismic Data
- Compositional and Microtextural Analysis of Basaltic Feedstock Materials Used for the 2010 ISRU Field Tests, Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Compositional anomalies in Moscoviense Basin: Constraints from integrated Diviner, Moon Mineralogy Mapper and Spectral Profiler analyses
- Compositional maps and VIS-IR spectral indicators of Vesta's surface retrieved from VIR hyperspectral data
- Computational Modeling of Probe Dynamics to Improve Ocean heat Content Measurements
- Concept study for a Venus Lander Mission to Analyze Atmospheric and Surface Composition
- Constraining basal hydrology with model inversions of basal friction using new InSAR surface velocities.
- Constraining the Assimilation of SWOT Satellite Observations Using Hydraulic Geometry Relationships
- Constraining the Location and Dimensions of Mass Anomalies on Mercury from Mariner 10 Doppler Data
- Constraints on High-Latitude Regional Methane Fluxes Through Integration of Satellite, Aircraft and Ground-Based Observations with Models
- Constraints on near surface and free Troposphere CO2 concentrations using the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) CO2 data and the GEOS-Chem model
- Constraints on the photolysis and the equilibrium constant of ClO-dimer from airborne and balloon-borne measurements of chlorine compounds
- Constraints on the size of Martian water ice particles from Mars Climate Sounder Observations
- Contribution of aboveground biomass uncertainty to bias in modeled global net ecosystem exchange
- Coronal Holes and Filaments: Life in Symbiosis
- County-Scale Carbon Estimation in NASA's Carbon Monitoring System
- Cyclonic eddies formed at the Tropical Instability Wave fronts
- Damage Proxy Map from InSAR Coherence Applied to February 2011 M6.3 Christchurch Earthquake, 2011 M9.0 Tohoku-oki Earthquake, and 2011 Kirishima Volcano Eruption
- Dawn Arrives at Vesta: The Smallest Terrestrial Planet
- Deep Drilling and Sampling via the Wireline Rotary-Hammer Auto-Gopher
- Defining an Open Source Strategy for NASA
- Derivation and Validation of Snow Depth over Arctic Sea Ice by Integrating Snow Radar, Airborne Topographic Mapper, and In-Situ Measurement Data from the Greenland 2009 IceBridge Campaign
- Design and Development of the Compositional InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer (CIRIS) for Outer Planet and Primitive Body Missions
- Detecting Tides at Europa from Multiple Close Flybys
- Determination of vegetation canopy structure and biomass using a fully polarimetric repeat-pass L-band radar
- Determining Oxygen Isotopic Fractionation between the ferrous sulfate, melanterite, and aqueous sulfate
- Development and assessment of analysis methods for MATMOS trace gas retrievals
- Development of Low-Mass, Low-Power High-Frequency Microwave Radiometers to Improve Coastal and Enable Over-Land Wet-Tropospheric Correction for SWOT
- Diagnosis of the warm rain process in cloud-resolving models using joint CloudSat and MODIS observations
- Diagnostic Evaluation of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Heights in Global Analyses and Reanalyses over Subtropical Eastern Oceans with COSMIC Radio Occultation and Radiosonde Sounding Measurements
- Dielectric Modeling of Comet Nuclei and Asteroids: Implications for Rosetta and Dawn Radar Studies
- Dielectric and Hardness Measurements of Martian Analog Rocks in Support of the WISDOM Radar on ExoMars
- Distribution of Io's Volcanic Thermal Emission From Galileo and Ground-Based Data
- Does Vesta Have Moons? Dawn's Search for Satellites
- E-DECIDER: Earthquake Disaster Decision Support and Response Tools - Development and Experiences
- Electron Microburst Energy Dispersion Derived by Test Particle Simulation Code
- Endogenic Origin of Ceres' Surface as an Outcome of Mobile-Lid Convection
- Enhanced inverse method for ice-sheet model calibration
- Episodic Dust Events along Utah's Wasatch Front
- Estimating a High-Resolution Lunar Gravity Field and Time-Varying Core Signature
- Estimating forest biomass using repeat-pass polarimetric radar interferometry
- Estimating, Validating and Conveying Measurement Differences in the Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Products from ASTER, MODIS and AIRS
- Estimation of Aboveground Biomass at a High Spatial Resolution Using an Extensive Data Record of Satellite Derived Metrics: A Case Study with California
- Estimation of Surface Carbon Fluxes with an Advanced Data Assimilation Methodology
- Estimation of tropospheric column BrO and free tropospheric BrO concentrations using satellite measurements of total column BrO and cloud pressure from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on NASA's Aura satellite
- Evaluating CMIP/IPCC Simulations using Contemporary Satellite Observations
- Evaluating emissions of HCHO, HONO, NO2, and SO2 from point sources using portable Imaging DOAS
- Evaluation of Remote Sensing Data Sets for Improving Prediction of Biodiversity in South America
- Evaluation of Simultaneous GPS/LEO Orbit Estimation for Improved GPS Orbit Accuracy
- Evaluation of postglacial rebound models combining GRACE, InSAR, regional atmospheric climate modeling and radar altimetry data
- Evaluation of the ACOS/GOSAT XCO2 Product Using TCCON Data
- Evaluation of the multi-model CORDEX-Africa hindcast using RCMES
- Evaluation of transient deformation from two decades of continuous GPS time series analysis in Western North America
- Evidence of Space Weathering Processes Across the Surface of Vesta
- Evolved Gas Measurements Planned for the Lower Layers of the Gale Crater Mound with the Sample Analysis at Mars Instrument Suite
- Examining linkages between decadal changes in regional climate, land-cover and land-use, and dust emission in drylands in Central and East Asia
- Expected Improvements in Determining Continental Hydrology, Ice Mass Variations, Ocean Bottom Pressure Signals, and Earthquakes using Two Pairs of GRACE-type Satellites
- Explaining Variations in Microwave Surface Emissivity from Passive Microwave Observations
- Exploiting ALOS observations as a guide to what will be possible with DESDynI
- Exploring Deep Icy World Oceans through New Experimental Equations of State for Aqueous MgSO<SUB>4</SUB> and NH<SUB>3</SUB>
- Exploring the topography and structure of Saharan linear dunes: Implications for characterizing dunes on Titan
- Extended Data Records of Mass Flux From Satellite Tracking Measurements
- FT-IR measurements of NH3 in the 1.5 μm region: line positions, intensities and their quantum assignments
- Fast Tsunami Predictions with the All-Source Green's Functions and the GPS-Aided Source Functions --- Illustrated by the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami
- Feasibility of Monitoring Freeze-Thaw State of Soil Underlying Snowpack Using Multifrequency Active/Passive Microwave Measurements
- Fire hotspot activity and smoke optical depth in the Maritime Continent: Relationships to deep convection
- First-Order Theory of Figures for Synchronous Rotation and Tides: Application to Rhea and Titan
- Flow Transition Region in the Heliosheath
- Forward Modeling of Vesta's Gravity Field: Studying the South Polar Structure
- Fostering Civic Science Literacy with NASA's Global Climate Change Website
- GPS Earthquake Early Warning in Cascadia
- GPS Radio Occultation Sampling Pattern and Bayesian Interpolation
- Ganymede: The Ultraviolet Albedo and Weathering Effects
- General Circulation and Transport in Saturn's Stratosphere
- Geocenter motion due to degree-one mass transport - 40 years of progress in geophysical geodesy
- Geochemical mapping of 4 Vesta begins
- Geodetic Imaging with Interferometric Airborne Radar
- Geophysical Constraints On Enceladus' Hydrothermal Activity
- Geophysical Monitoring Station (GEMS)
- Geophysics of Titan from gravity, topography and spin state
- Geophysics of Vesta from Dawn
- Global Hawk Dropsonde Observations of the Arctic Atmosphere from March 9-10, 2011
- Global Ocean Tides from GRACE Satellite Accelerations
- Greenhouse Gas CCI Project (GHG-CCI): Overview and current status
- Greenland ice sheet mass balance; past, present, and future
- Ground Track Selection for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 Mission
- Gulf Coast Subsidence: Crustal Loading, Geodesy, and Recent InSAR and UAVSAR Observations
- High Angular Resolution Imaging of Solar Radio Bursts from the Lunar Surface
- High Resolution Vesta Survey Atlas derived from Dawn-FC images
- High accuracy laboratory spectroscopy to support active greenhouse gas sensing
- Holographic microscopy for in situ studies of microorganism motility
- How well do you know The Earth, Asteroids, Comets?
- Hydrologic response to dust radiative forcing of snow in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- ISIS Cartographic Tools for the Dawn Framing Camera and Visual and Infrared Spectrometer
- Iapetus as seen by the Cassini microwave radiometer
- Identifying Communities of Vulnerability: Using NASA's Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer to Enhance Public Health Tracking of Particle Exposure in Los Angeles - An Empirical Approach to Examining L1 MISR Radiance Measurements and PM2.5 Relationships
- Images of coseismic and postseismic deformation from the 2011 M9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake
- Imaging fault slip variation along the central San Andreas fault from satellite, airborne InSAR and GPS
- Impact of Ambiguity Resolution and Orbit Reprocessing on the Global Reference Frame
- Impact of Dust Aerosols on Regional Climate Using GCM Simulations: Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation Interactions
- Impact of Existing and Planned GNSS Observation Systems on Global Ionospheric Modeling: Observation System Simulation Experiments
- Impact of Rossby wave breakings on the Precipitation over Pacific - North America during YOTC
- Impact of heterogeneity in aerosol distributions within one GCM-resolved grid on the area-averaged value
- Impacts of current and future dust deposition on Colorado River basin hydrology
- Implications of the Deep Cycle 23/24 Minimum for our Understanding of the Solar Dynamo
- Improved OMI BrO and OClO algorithms and BrO validation
- Improving GNSS Radio Occultation Stratospheric Retrievals for Climate Benchmarking
- Improving Sub-Daily GPS Strain Estimates
- Improving of Aura Microwave Limb Sounder Data Products
- Improving radiative transfer processes in snow-covered areas prone to dust loading using a regional climate model
- In-Situ Greenhouse Gas Measurement Comparisons in Railroad Valley, NV to Identify Local Point Sources and Quantify their Influences on Observed Background Concentrations
- InSAR Scientific Computing Environment - The Home Stretch
- InSAR Tropospheric Correction Maps Generated From GPS and Weather Model Data: Application to Envisat and ALOS Interferograms in Southern California
- Incorporating Density Properties of MgSO4 Brines Into Icy World Ocean Simulations
- Inferred Ionic Charge States for Solar Energetic Particle Events of January 2005 and December 2006
- Inferring Compositional Variations from Titan's Ultraviolet Airglow
- Informing Aerosol Transport Models With Satellite Multi-angle Aerosol Measurements
- Initial Results of the Dawn Gravity Investigation at Vesta
- Insights on formation mechanism of colorful silica coatings on Kilauean basalts from field observations and silicon isotopes
- Instrument Simulator Suite for Atmospheric Remote Sensing (ISSARS) as a benchmarking tool for model development
- Integration of ALOS/PALSAR backscatter with a LiDAR-derived canopy height map to quantify forest fragmentation
- Inter-annual Variability of High-Resolution Infrared Spectra, Cloud Properties and Thermodynamic Profiles Sorted by Cloud Regime using Aqua AIRS and MODIS
- Interannual Variability in Dust Deposition, Radiative Forcing, and Snowmelt Rates in the Colorado River Basin
- Intercomparisons of satellite CO2 observations with models - a probabilistic approach
- Interoperability Using Lightweight Metadata Standards: Service & Data Casting, OpenSearch, OPM Provenance, and Shared SciFlo Workflows
- Interplanetary origin of intense geomagnetic storms
- Interpreting Titan's surface geology from Cassini RADAR observations
- Intra-annual variations and trends of HO<SUB>x</SUB> and the ratio of HO<SUB>2</SUB>/OH
- Inversion of multiple geodetic data sets for geophysical processes and global geodesy
- Investigation of the Photochemistry in Saturn's Ring Shadowed Atmosphere: Production Rates of Key Atmospheric Molecules
- Investigation of the severe spring 2011 ozone depletion with measurements of ozone, NO2, and OClO at 80°N from 1999 to 2011
- Ion distributions in the fast solar wind and associated kinetic instabilities: Ulysses observations
- Ion flux at Ganymede
- Ionospheric Data Assimilation with GPS data: Slant versus Vertical TEC
- Ionospheric Signatures of Tohoku-Oki Tsunami in GPS TEC: Comparisons with Models Near the Epicenter and Far Afield
- Ionospheric total electron content, thermospheric emission and and stratospheric temperature dynamics during the SC23 deep solar minimum: 2008-2009
- Iron Oxide Minerals in Atmospheric Dust and Source Sediments-Studies of Types and Properties to Assess Environmental Effects
- Is the Antarctic Ice Sheet melting?
- Issues with HCHO retrieval for GEMS instruments on GEO-KOMPSAT
- Joint Assimilation of Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer and Microwave Limb Sounder Ozone Measurements and Implications for Constraints on the Tropospheric Ozone Budget
- Jupiter: Internal Dynamics and Shape
- LRO Diviner's Contributions to Understanding Lunar Polar Volatiles
- LRO/LAMP Maps of the Lunar Poles: Survey of Nightside and Dayside Far-UV Albedos
- Land Cover Classification Method using Combined Signatures of L-band Radar and Radiometer
- Large Non-Seasonal Fluctuations of Steric and Mass-induced Sea Level in the Mediterranean Sea in 2009 and 2010
- Largescale climate signal in the GRACE models
- Lava flow dynamics driven by temperature-dependent viscosity variations
- Leveraging Open Source Technologies to Build Scientific Data Systems
- Limits on the Abundance and Burial Depth of Lunar Polar Ice
- Linearizing the MISR Inverse Problem using the Matrix Operator Method for Radiative Transfer Calculations: Synthetic Studies and Retrievals using Real Data
- Linking Climate Information, Remote Sensing and Crop Models for Crop Yield Forecasting and Food Security Assessment
- Linking Groundwater Quality and Quantity: An Assessment of Satellite-Based Groundwater Storage Anomalies From GRACE Against Ground Measurements of Contaminants in California
- Long-term trends in global trace gas emissions: CH4, ethane, propane, ethyne, C2Cl4, CHCl3
- Looking for Thermal Anomalies on Titan's Surface
- Low Latency Sensor Web Integration of Seismic Tomography, InSAR, and Deformation Models
- Low-Radiation Europa Lander Mission Concept
- Lowering the Barriers to Integrative Aquatic Ecosystem Science: Semantic Provenance, Open Linked Data, and Workflows
- Lunar Riometry
- MAX-DOAS measurements of pollutants and their spatial distribution over the Los Angeles Basin
- MISR decadal observations of mineral dust: property characterization, and climate applications
- MJO-related Atlantic Marine, Dust, and Smoke Aerosol Variability
- MLS and ACE-FTS measurements of UTLS Trace Gases in Relation to Multiple Tropopauses and Upper-Tropospheric Jets
- Macro vs. Micro: relating the Spectral Properties of Vesta and the HED Meteorite
- Magnetospheric Plasma Effects on the Icy Satellites
- Mapping Global Forest Carbon Stock
- Mapping Northern Vesta Quadrangle V-5NW: Investigating Crater Degradation and Ancient Structures
- Mapping Variations in Ring Shadow Cooling with Cassini CIRS
- Mapping Vesta Equatorial Quadrangle V-10EW: Identification of Dark (Volcanic?) Features
- Mapping Vesta Equatorial Quadrangle V-6EE: Identification of Pit Crater Chains
- Mapping Vesta Equatorial Quadrangle V-7EFE: Identification of anomalous crater ejecta
- Mapping Vesta Equatorial Quadrangle V-8EDL: Various Craters and Giant Grooves
- Mapping Vesta Mid-Latitude Quadrangle V-11SE: Analysis of Dark "Ribbons" and Bright Rayed Craters
- Mapping Vesta Mid-Latitude Quadrangle V-12EW: Mapping the Edge of the South Polar Structure
- Mapping Vesta Northern Quadrangle V-2NE: Exploring troughs, craters and linear features
- Mapping Vesta South Polar Quadrangle V-15SP: A Complex Geological Structure Dominates Vesta
- Mapping Vesta Southern Quadrangle V-13SFW: Investigating Craters, Grooves and Plains
- Mapping Vesta Southern Quadrangle V-14SW: Identification of Dark and Bright Features
- Mapping Vesta's Equatorial Quadrangle V-9EFW: Compositional variation and Surface maturity
- Mapping Vesta's Northern Quadrangle V-4NFW: Local and Regional Stratigraphy
- Mapping Vesta: A Geological Overview
- Mapping and Modeling Web Portal to Advance Global Monitoring and Climate Research
- Mapping boreal wetlands using ALOS SCANSAR data from the USGRC Datapool at ASF
- Mars Science Laboratory: An Integrated Platform for Exploration and Sampling
- Mars gravity and climate
- Martian dune-gully seasonal activity and formation
- Mass Transport Separation via Grace: Anthropogenic and Natural Change
- Maule MW 8.8 Gravity and Deformation Signature in GRACE Range Data
- Measurements of Atmospheric Composition from Geostationary Platforms Using the Panchromatic Fourier Transform Spectrometer (PanFTS)
- Measurements of iodine monoxide from GOME-2 over Antarctica
- Measuring Mangrove Type, Structure And Carbon Storage With UAVSAR And ALOS/PALSAR Data
- Megacity Carbon: Initial network design for Los Angeles
- Mentoring in Native American Communities using STEM Concepts
- Mercury and Vesta - Preliminary shape and topography
- Merging Tsunamis of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake Observed from Space
- Metadata improvements driving new tools and services at a NASA data center
- Metadata-Centric Discovery Service
- Methane and Other Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Aircraft in Alaska: 2009 - 2011
- Methane-ethane substitution in subsurface clathrate hydrates as a source of Titan's atmospheric methane
- Microwave absorptivity in the Saturn atmosphere from Cassini Radio Science
- Middle-Atmosphere Polar Warming at Mars
- Millimeter-Wave Airborne Interferometry for High-accuracy Topography Mapping
- Mitigating fundamental biases in CO<SUB>2</SUB> retrievals from space-based measurements
- Modeling Hydrothermal Vents on Europa
- Modeling Radar Scatter from Icy and Young Rough Lunar Craters
- Modeling equinox temperature variations in Saturn's rings
- Modeling gravity and magnetic field anomalies at Tyrrhenus Mons and Syrtis Major, Mars: Evidence for polar wander, magnetic reversals, and the death of the dynamo
- Modeling of comet thermal emissions and cometary gas spectral lines for MIRO observations of Comet 67P
- Modeling of subaqueous melting of Greenland tidewater glaciers using an ocean general circulation model
- Modulation of Hurricane Activity by the Tropical Intraseasonal Variability over the Eastern Pacific in a High Resolution GCM: Implications for Subseasonal Hurricane Prediction
- Monitoring of Geoengineering Effects and their Natural and Anthropogenic Analogues
- Morphology, Structure, and Origin of Island Paterae on Io
- Multi-spacecraft observations of energetic particles by STEREO
- Multiangle Spectropolarimetric Imager (MSPI) Onboard Processing: In-flight Algorithm Validation and Data Reduction
- Multispectral Microscopic Imager (MMI): Multispectral Imaging of Geological Materials at a Handlens Scale
- NASA Integrated Instrument Simulator Suite for Atmospheric Remote Sensing from Spaceborne Platform (issars) and its Role for the Ace and Gpm Missions
- NASA Planetary Science Summer School: Preparing the Next Generation of Planetary Mission Leaders
- NASA's ESDS Reference Architecture
- NASA/JPL Solar System Educators Program: Twelve Years of Success and Looking Forward
- NH<SUB>3</SUB> inverse modeling using TES NH<SUB>3</SUB> observations and surface measurements
- Natural impacts on the Moon and Mars: seismic constrains on the impact shock wave and perspectives in term of crustal and upper mantle imaging.
- New Carbon Source From Microbial Degradation of Pre-Production Resin Pellets from the North Pacific Gyre
- New Views of the Longitudinal Spread of Solar Energetic Particle Events
- New global observations of the terrestrial carbon cycle from GOSAT: Patterns of vegetation fluorescence with gross primary productivity
- Next-Generation Geodetic Station for Natural Hazards Research and Applications
- Non-LTE Modeling of the Stratosphere of Jupiter
- Obliquity-Controlled Water Vapor/Trace Gas Feedback in the Martian Greenhouse Cycle
- Observational Sensitivity to Climate Variability using AIRS/Aqua and MERRA
- Observational Tests of the Surface Reflectance Boundary Condition for Aerosol Retrievals using Multiangle Spectropolarimetric Imagery
- Observational constraints on ozone radiative forcing
- Observations and Modeling of 3-Dimensional Cloud and Aerosol Fields from the Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (MSPI)
- Observations of Tropospheric Ozone Profiles Using Simultaneously Measured UV and IR Radiances from OMI and TES
- Observations of the White Light Corona from Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus
- Observing Tropical Cyclones from the Global Hawk: HAMSR Results from GRIP
- Observing atmospheric rivers from the Global Hawk: HAMSR results from WISPAR11
- Ocean Eddies From Satellite Altimetry: Progress and Outlook
- Ocean Surface Carbon Dioxide Fugacity from Space
- On the Annual Cycle, Variability, and Correlations of Oceanic Low-Topped Clouds With Large-Scale Circulation Using Aqua MODIS and ECMWF-Interim
- On the Seasonal Variations Of Stable Water Isotopic Composition Over The Asian Monsoon Region
- On the permeability of the extratropical tropopause
- On the reported ionospheric precursors of the 1999 Hector Mine, CA earthquake and the 2011 Tohoku, Japan earthquake
- Onboard Data Processors for Planetary Ice-Penetrating Sounding Radars
- One Year of AEGIS Onboard Science on the way to Endeavour Crater
- Ongoing land use change exacerbates tropical South American drought by sea surface temperature variability
- Overview of NASA's Carbon Monitoring System Flux-Pilot Project
- Oxygen A-band Spectroscopy: An Overlooked Resource for Ground-Based Inference of Physical and Radiative Properties of Clouds
- Palm Swamp Wetland Ecosystems of the Upper Amazon: Characterizing their Distribution and Inundation State Using Multiple Resolution Microwave Remote Sensing
- Parabolic Structures Observed in the Mars Express Subsurface Radar Sounding Data: An Explanation Based on Ionospheric Refraction
- Particle Property Data Quality Flags for the MISR Aerosol Product
- Photometric properties of Vesta from Dawn
- Planetary Rings: Circular and Non-circular
- Planetary Surface Analysis Using Fast Laser Spectroscopic Techniques: Combined Microscopic Raman, LIBS, and Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- Plume Tracker: A New Toolkit for the Mapping of Volcanic Plumes with Multispectral Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing
- Possible Activity on Dione: Synergistic Observations from Cassini
- Possible cloud structure of Uranus and Jupiter from thermochemical models and observations
- Pre-launch Research to Integrate NASA SMAP Soil Moisture and Freeze/Thaw State Products in Applications
- Preliminary Fluid Drag Calculations for Expendable Bathythermograph Devices
- Preliminary Results from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer's NEOWISE Search for Minor Planets
- Preliminary estimates of carbon emissions constrained by GOSAT from the NASA Carbon Monitoring Study Flux Pilot Project
- Probing Shallow Aquifers in Northern Kuwait Using Airborne Sounding Radars
- Probing in the Dark: Preliminary Results from the Dark Energy Biosphere Investigative Tool (DEBI-T), IODP 336
- Profiling of Lowermost Tropospheric Ozone from Simulated Geostationary Coastal and Air Pollution Events (GEO-CAPE) Measurements
- Progress With The Atmospheric Carbon Observations From Space Project In Preparation For The Orbiting Carbon Observatory
- Progress on SAR-Based Mapping and Change Detection for Boreal Wetlands of North America
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation and UV/irradiation exposure change surface and chemical structures of Pre-Production Resin Pellets
- QuakeSim: a Web Service Environment for Productive Investigations with Earth Surface Sensor Data
- Quantification of Global Sea Surface Water Exchange in the TRMM-era and the Importance of A-Train Observation of Light Rainfall
- Quantification of L-band InSAR decorrelation in volcanic terrains using airborne LiDAR data
- Quantifying Recent Changes in Earth's Radiation Budget
- Quantifying Smog Ozone Pollution and Its Formation from Space: DISCOVER-AQ Measurements Connect the Retrievable to the Relevant
- Quantifying Sources and Sinks of Atmospheric CO2 Using GOSAT and Surface Flask Observations
- Quantifying the impact of model biases in convective transport on inferred CO source estimates using multi-spectral CO retrievals from MOPITT
- Quantitative Analysis of 2010/11 Arctic Ozone Loss Using EOS MLS and WACCM4
- Quantitative monitoring of subsurface CO2 emplacement and leakage using muon tomography
- Radar Investigations at Apollinaris Mons, Mars: a non-Volcanic composition for the Fan Deposits and the Potential for a Caldera Paleolake
- Radiative impacts of upper tropospheric clouds on water vapor in the tropical tropopause layer
- Radio Occultation Climate Records Since GPS/MET
- Radio Occultation Measurements of the Lower Troposphere: A Simulation Study
- Rapid Warming of the World's Lakes: A Global Assessment of Recent Lake Temperature Trends Using In Situ and Satellite-Based Records
- Rapid and Effective Construction of Science Data Archives and Repositories using the OODT Process Control System
- Recent STEREO Observations of Solar Energetic Particles
- Recent decadal shifts in the statistics of tropical land region rainfall: A signature of tropospheric warming?
- Reconciling Observations of Global Sea Level Rise with Changes in the Earth's Energy Balance
- Reconnection-Driven Alfven (RDA) Waves in the Solar Corona
- Record Arctic Ozone Loss in Spring 2011 compared with Antarctic Ozone Hole Conditions
- Record low O3 total column measurements at Eureka, Canada during spring 2011
- Record-breaking Ozone Loss during Arctic Winter 2010/2011: Comparison with Arctic Winter 1996/1997
- Reexamination of the Spectra of Error Sources in SWOT Data
- Reflectance Spectra and Optical Constants of Kieserite and Sulfate Mixtures For Mars
- Relating Ocean Rain to Surface Wind Convergence
- Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Water Storage with GRACE and Future Satellite Gravimetry Missions
- Remote sensing for assessing post-fire effects
- Remote sensing of snow cover and radiative forcing by dust in snow from MODIS toward distributed snowmelt modeling and water management
- Repeated deflation-inflation events at Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i: What's up (and down) with that?
- Representation of Uncertainty in GPS data product Earth System Data Records
- Results from the Reanalysis of Global GPS Data in the IGS08 Reference Frame
- Retrieving Ice Basal Motion Using the Hydrologically Coupled JPL/UCI Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM)
- Revised mass budget of hot spots in Greenland and Antarctica using IceBridge and other data
- Rise of the Ellsworth mountains and parts of the East Antarctic coast observed with GPS
- SHARAD Investigation of the Interaction Between Volcanism and Deep Water Release in Elysium Planitia, Mars
- SHARPs - A New Space Weather Data Product from SDO/HMI
- SMAP Radar Processing and Expected Performance
- SMILES cloud ice measurements: Diurnal variability
- Satellite Observations for Evaluating CMIP5/IPCC Simulations
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Inundated Wetlands: Global Data Record Assembly and Planned Uncertainty Analysis
- Satellite detection of Northern Hemisphere Non-Frozen season changes and associated impacts to vegetation growing seasons
- Saturn's Great White Storm (2010): Correlations between Clouds and Thermal Fields?
- Saturn's Internal Structure - What Can be Learned from Cassini's Proximal Orbits
- Saturn's aurora as viewed by Cassini VIMS
- Scalable Data Mining and Archiving for the Square Kilometre Array
- Science Of & On the Moon with the Lunar University Network for Astrophysics Research (LUNAR)
- Science is Cool with NASA's "Space School Musical"
- Seasonal Changes in Leaf Area of Amazon Forests from Leaf Flushing and Abscission
- Seasonal and inter-annual variability of aerosol optical properties during 2005-2010 over Red Mountain Pass and Impact on the Snow Cover of the San Juan Mountains
- Seasonal variability and trends in OLR sensitivity to tropospheric ozone
- Sensitivity analysis of Pine Island Glacier ice flow to increased melting rates,computed from the ECCO2 project and new IceBridge bathymetry data.
- Sensitivity of aerosol retrieval over snow surfaces
- Sensitivity of multiangle photo-polarimetry to absorbing aerosol vertical layering and properties: Quantifying measurement uncertainties for ACE requirements
- Sensitivity of the Ice Sheet System Model to direct surface mass balance forcing over the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Shallow Fault-zone Dilatancy Recovery after the 2003 Bam, Iran Earthquake from Eight Years of InSAR
- Shape And Size Of (90) Antiope Derived From An Exceptional Stellar Occultation On July 19 2011
- Significant Science from a Saturn Atmospheric Entry Probe Mission
- Simple, Accurate, Low-cost RO Science with the Iridium-NEXT Satellite Constellation
- Simulation of realistic EarthCARE spaceborne Doppler products from ARM ground-based, SPIDER airborne and CRM data
- Six Centuries Old Spiral of Vertical Corrugations in Saturn's C-Ring
- Small Crater Analysis of the Mars Science Laboratory Landing Site
- Small and Low-Cost GNSS Radio Occultation Receivers
- Small-scale Surface Deformation of Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i, from TerraSAR-X Interferometry
- Snow accumulation rate retrieval across the Greenland ice facies using SeaWinds on QuikSCAT
- Soil moisture retrieval using the time-series L-band radar observation over pasture fields through the inversion of radar scattering models
- Solar Energetic Particle Events At the Start of Solar Cycle 24
- Solar Probe Plus exploration of the solar corona and inner heliosphere
- Solar Wind Energy Input during Prolonged, Intense Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Fields: A New Coupling Function
- Solar and Interplanetary Causes of the Last Solar Cycle Deep Minimum in Geomagnetic Activity
- Some Speculations Concerning The Abitibi Greenstone Belt As A Possible Analog To The Early Martian Crust
- Source models for the March 5-9, 2011 Kamoamoa fissure eruption, Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i, constrained by InSAR and in-situ observations
- Space-borne measurements of atmospheric CH4 by high-resolution near infrared spectrometry of reflected sunlight
- Spatial and Seasonal Variations in Black Carbon Concentrations in Snow and Ice in the Solu-Khumbu, Nepal
- Spatial and temporal variability in atmospheric CO2 and CH4 at Railroad Valley playa, a mid-latitude desert site
- Spatio-Temporal Variability of Ozone in the Boundary Layer and Free Troposphere
- Spatio-temporal data fusion for remote sensing applications
- Stability of Shallow Cumulus Cloud Topped Boundary Layers Observed by A-Train Satellites and Comparison with Numerical Model Studies
- Standards for Semantic Interoperability
- State of the Oceans: A Satellite Data Processing System for Visualizing Near Real-Time Imagery on Google Earth
- Statistical Analysis of GPS Timeseries from the Tohoku-Oki Earthquake at Multiple Time Resolutions
- Status of the GRACE Follow-On Mission
- Strategies for Infusing ISO 19115 Metadata in Earth Science Data Systems
- Stratospheric Methane Derived from Aura MLS Measurements
- Structural Biomass Estimation from L-band Interferometric SAR and Lidar
- Structural features on 4Vesta: Observations and analysis
- Structure-based biomass estimation in an Amazon forest from ICESat/GLAS observations: the performance of Fourier transforms of profiles
- Surface Characteristics and Traversability of the Gale Crater Mars Science Laboratory Landing Site
- Surface Elevation and Flow Velocity Changes of Shackleton, West and Totten ice shelves, East Antarctica, and their Ice-Ocean Interaction
- Surface Velocity Field of Temperate Ice Cap Hofsjökull Using UAVSAR Repeat Pass Interferometry
- Synergies between Visible/Near-Infrared imaging spectrometry and the Thermal Infrared in an urban environment: An evaluation of the Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI) mission
- Systematic Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models during the 2006 AGU Storm
- TASTER: Trojan ASteroid Tour, Exploration and Rendezvous, a NASA Planetary Science Summer School Mission Design Exercise
- Teachers Touch the Sky: A Workshop in Astronomy for Teachers in Grades 3-9
- Teaching Earth System Science Using Climate Educational Modules Based on NASA and NOAA Resources
- Tectonic, Seasonal, and Anthropogenic Deformation Rates in the Western Transverse Ranges, California from the San Andreas to the Santa Barbara Channel
- Temporal and spatial variations in the atmospheric column inventory of CO<SUB>2</SUB> due to air-sea gas exchange: estimates from an eddying ocean model
- Ten Years of Science Findings and Operational Forecast Impact from the AIRS/AMSU System
- The 2010 decline in global mean sea level and its relation to ENSO
- The ARIA-EQ project: Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis for Earthquakes
- The ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model version 2.0 - Early Validation Results
- The Anticorrelation of Northern Hemisphere Seasonal Cycle Amplitudes in Column-Averaged CO<SUB>2</SUB> with High Latitude Surface Temperature
- The Application of a Vestoid-Derived Photometric Model to the Surface of (4) Vesta
- The BRomine, Ozone, and Mercury EXperiment (BROMEX)
- The Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment (CARVE): Results from 2011 Engineering Test Flights
- The Case for Cooler Anvil Temperatures in the Tropics
- The Case for an Intra-Pacific Real Time GNSS Warning Network
- The Causes of Changes in Hydrogen Distribution
- The Composition of Saturn's Rings and Satellites from Cassini VIMS and UVIS
- The Dependence of Solar Energetic Particle Event Characteristics on Heliographic Longitude
- The Determination of Jupiter's Angular Momentum from the Lense-Thirring Precession of the Juno Spacecraft
- The Development of a Sea Surface Height Climate Data Record from Multi-mission Altimeter Data
- The Earth's Albedo - The other side to Tyndall's contributions to climate
- The Ecological Model Web Concept: A Consultative Infrastructure for Decision Makers and Researchers
- The Effect of Temperature on Fatty Acid Vesicle Formation in Simulated Deep-ocean Conditions
- The Enabling Use of Ion Propulsion on Dawn
- The Enhanced SMAP Global Simulation Testbed (GloSim2)
- The Evolution of Saturn's Northern Storm of 2010-2011 and Environs as Viewed by Cassini/VIMS
- The GEMS-2 SEIS Experiment
- The Geodetic Reference Antenna in Space (GRASP) - A Mission to Enhance the Terrestrial Reference Frame
- The Impact on UT1 Predictions of AAM, OAM, and HAM Forecasts
- The Ionosphere and Atmosphere During an 1859-Type Magnetic Storm
- The JPL GRIP Portal: A comprehensive depiction of the 2010 hurricane season with satellite and model Near-Real-Time data
- The MAG experiment for the Dynamo rocket and first results
- The Madden-Julian Oscillation of Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide
- The Manannan Impact Crater on Europa: Determination of Surface Compositions of Key Stratigraphic Units
- The Moon's Extremely Insulating Near-Surface: Diviner Infrared Observations of a Total Lunar Eclipse
- The Moon's Permanently Shadowed Regions as Observed by LRO's Lyman Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP) Instrument
- The Nitrile Deficit: What does Enceladus' lack of significant nitrile chemistry tell us about surface processes and subsurface chemistry?
- The PO.DAAC Portal and its use of the Drupal Framework
- The QuakeTables UAVSAR Repository - Delivering RPI Products to Geo-Science Applications
- The Relationship Between Coseismic and Postseismic Deformation Associated with the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule, Chile Earthquake
- The Role of Shared Information Models for Software Reuse in Cross-Disciplinary Data Systems
- The Rotation and Interior Structure Experiment (RISE) on the Mars Geophysical Monitoring and Sounding (GEMS) Mission
- The South Polar Structure on Vesta from Dawn: Using Geologic, Topographic and Compositional Mapping and Planetary Analogs to Test Origin Models
- The Status and Prospects of GRACE Mission
- The Structure of Enceladus' Plume from Cassini Occultation Observations
- The Surface Composition of Titan
- The Thermal Inertia of Vesta's Surface
- The Transitions of Tropical Convection Characterized by a CloudSat-Centric Co-located A-Train and ECMWF Analysis Data Set During the Year of Tropical Convection
- The Ultraviolet Albedo Patterns of Mimas and Tethys
- The Unique Capabilities of the Aqua Sensors to Characterize the Planetary Boundary Layer
- The Use of LANCE Imagery Products to Investigate Hazards and Disasters
- The Variability of Sea Level in the Nordic Seas
- The measurement of bromine monoxide from Fairbanks, AK and comparison with OMI/AURA
- The response of the MLS mesospheric daytime hydroxyl radical and water vapor to the short-term solar irradiance variability
- The rotation of Titan by latest Cassini data*
- The shape of Mercury's south-polar region
- The solubility of <SUP>40</SUP>Ar in liquid hydrocarbons: implications for Titan's chemistry and evolution
- The surface composition and photometric properties of 21 Lutetia as observed by VIRTIS onboard ROSETTA
- Thermal Evolution of Saturn's 2010-2011 Disturbance
- Time Series of Imaging Spectroscopy of Dust Radiative Forcing in Snow
- Time-scale of changes in Antarctic and Greenland ice sheet mass balance.
- Titan's Detached Haze as a Test of Circulation and Microphysical Models
- Titan's Eccentricity Tides
- Topography of asteroid (4) Vesta from DAWN-FC Survey stereo-images
- Toward accurate CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> observations from GOSAT
- Toward quantifying aerosol effects on warm cloud radiation and water budgets
- Towards Better Understanding of GPS-based Ionospheric TEC Perturbations Caused by Natural Hazards
- Towards Earth System Data Records from GPS Radio Occultation: Assessing Structural Uncertainty
- Towards a Multi-Mission, Airborne Science Data System Environment
- Towards combined modeling of planetary accretion and differentiation
- Trends in Arctic sea ice drift and role of wind forcing: 1992-2009
- Triple oxygen isotope data characterize oxidation processes that produce sulfate on Earth (and Mars?)
- Tropical Pacific spatial trend patterns in observed sea level: internal variability and/or external forcing signature ?
- Tropospheric Temperature Trends on Decadal Scale from Measurements on Aqua
- UAVSAR Indication of Right-Lateral Faults in Southern California
- Uncertainty Estimation for High-Resolution Multi-Sensor Sea Surface Temperature Records
- Understanding the Spatial and Temporal Histories of Faulting for the Terra Sirenum Region, Mars
- Unprecedented Arctic Ozone Loss in 2011: An Echo of the Antarctic
- Untangling Uncertainties of Cloud and Precipitation Processes in a Cloud Resolving Model Using Data Assimilation
- Use of Integrated MASTER Multispectral Imagery and LiDAR DEM for Active Fault Detection and Evaluation
- Use of Open Standards and Technologies at the Lunar Mapping and Modeling Project
- Using GEOS-5 Atmospheric Transport Simulations to Test the Consistency of Land- and Ocean- Carbon Fluxes with CO2 Observations
- Using a semi-automated filtering process to improve large footprint lidar sub-canopy elevation models and forest structure metrics
- Using the Abitibi Greenstone Belt to understand Martian hydrothermal systems and the potential for biosignature preservation in high temperature aqueous environments
- VIR: first hyperspectral images of 4 Vesta's surface
- Variability in Polar Processing and Ozone Loss Based on Seven Years of Aura Microwave Limb Sounder Measurements
- Variation of Polar CO2 and O3 During Sudden Stratospheric Warming
- Vertical moist thermodynamic structure of the Madden-Julian Oscillation from the Global Positioning System radio occultation measurements
- Vesta Phase Reddening from Dawn Observations
- Vesta surface mineralogy: Global and regional properties
- Vesta's temperature: First results from Dawn's Survey Orbits
- Vicarious calibration and validation campaign of the GOSAT sensors at Railroad Valley
- View-angle dependent AIRS cloud radiances and fluctuations: Implications of organized cloud structures for tropical circulations
- View-angle dependent cloud radiance variances: evidences of coupling between gravity waves and cloud formations
- Virtual synchrotron experiments for deep Earth studies
- Volcanism on Io: The Galileo NIMS Io Thermal Emission Database (NITED)
- Water Vapor Isotope Measurements over the Alaskan Boreal Forest with Aircraft and Satellite Remote Sensing
- Water and other Volatiles on Vesta after the Lunar Case
- Web Service Infrastructure for Correcting InSAR Imaging
- A GCM Investigation of Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation Interactions Using A-Train Satellite Data
- A Hybrid Method for Modeling Polarized Radiative Transfer in a Spherical-shell Planetary Atmosphere
- A Hybrid-Cloud Science Data System Enabling Advanced Rapid Imaging & Analysis for Monitoring Hazards
- A Metadata Management Framework for Collaborative Review of Science Data Products
- A Multiwavelength Investigation of Sungrazing Comet Lovejoy (C/2011 W3)
- A Novel Analytical Solution of Surface Energy Balance based on MODIS LST: Validation over All Semi-Arid FLUXNET Sites
- A Reconciled Estimate of Ice Sheet Mass Balance
- A Self-Powered Fast-Sampling Profiling Float in support of a Mesoscale Ocean Observing System in the Western North Pacific
- A Space Weather Mission to the Earth's 5th Lagrangian Point (L5)
- A Three Corner Hat-based analysis of station position time series for the assessment of inter-technique precision at ITRF co-located sites
- A Tour of Big Data, Open Source Data Management Technologies from the Apache Software Foundation
- A comparative analysis of retrieval algorithms for GOSAT SWIR data processing: comparison against TCCON and transport model, cross-comparison, and effects of atmospheric light scattering
- A global analysis of tropospheric water vapor obtained from GPS refractivities
- A ground-based trace gas observing system for detection of Arctic and Boreal change
- A group intercomparison of GRACE Antarctic and Greenland ice loss estimates, as part of the Ice Mass Balance Inter-comparison Exercise (IMBIE)
- A modeling study of the oceanic mesoscale to submesoscale predictability with potential application to future wide-swath altimetry observations
- A new method to extract forest height from repeat-pass polarimetric and interferometric radar data
- A regime-by-regime analysis of the microphysical properties and warm rain characteristics of marine-boundary-layer clouds using collocated CloudSat and MODIS data
- A revised estimate of glacial-isostatic adjustment based on GPS uplift rates and its impact on Antarctic ice-mass trends from GRACE
- A robust Observation Operator to assimilate rain microwave radiances into HWRF
- A simple Parametric Estimation of Live Forest Aboveground Biomass in California Using Satellite Derived Metrics of Canopy Height and Leaf Area Index
- A stromatolite exhibiting both biogenic and abiogenic growth phases from the Eocene Green River Formation
- A unified MODIS Land Surface Temperature (LST) Earth System Data Record (ESDR) using an uncertainty analysis approach
- Accounting for the MMRTG Background in MSL/RAD Data
- Accuracy and Stability of a Terrestrial Reference Frame Realized from GPS Data
- Active Sensing of CO2 Emissions over Nights, Days and Seasons (ASCENDS) Mission Studies
- Aerosol Composition and Variability in Baltimore Measured during DISCOVER-AQ
- Aerosol Effects on the Stratospheric Water Vapor
- Aerosol characterization over the past decade in the Southeastern U.S. with implications to air quality policies
- Aerosol information content analysis of multi-angle high spectral resolution measurements and its benefit for high accuracy greenhouse gas retrievals
- Air-broadened line parameters with temperature dependence for <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>16</SUP>O, <SUP>13</SUP>C<SUP>16</SUP>O, and <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>18</SUP>O at 2.3 μm
- Airborne Active and Passive L-Band Observations in Soil Moisture Active Passive Validation Experiment 2012 (SMAPVEX12)
- Aircraft and Satellite Observations of Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Interactions in the Remote Pacific
- Airglow on Titan During Eclipse
- Albedo and Christiansen Feature Relationships among Remotely Sensed Extreme Lunar Compositions: Olivine and Silica Rich Locations
- An Automated Method to Identify Mesoscale Convective Complexes in the Regional Climate Model Evaluation System
- An Observation-Based Evaluation of Cloud Liquid Water in CMIP5 Models
- An Overview of the Mars Science Laboratory Sample Acquisition, Sample Processing and Handling System
- An active microwave sounding of atmospheric composition
- An analysis of convectively sourced water vapor in the overworld stratosphere at northern mid-latitudes
- Analyses of outcrop and sediment grains observed and collected from the Sirena Deep and Middle Pond of the Mariana Trench
- Analysis and Historical Perspective of the Extensive Surface Melting on Greenland in July 2012
- Analysis of 2-cm Thermal Emission from Saturn: Distribution of Ammonia Gas in the Cloud Layer
- Analysis of long time series of GPS precipitable water vapour from IGS reprocessing
- Analysis of low latitude Noctilucent Cloud occurrences using satellite data and modeling
- Analyzing Slip Events Along The Cascadia Margin Using An Improved Sub-Daily GPS Analysis Strategy
- Analyzing of the Die Away Curve of the Msl Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (dan) Instrument
- Antarctic Glacial Isostatic Adjustment and Ice Sheet Mass Balance using GRACE: A Report from the Ice-sheet Mass Balance Exercise (IMBIE)
- Antarctic tides from GRACE satellite accelerations
- Anticipated SWOT Observations of Human Impacts on the Water Cycle
- Application of ALOS PALSAR ScanSAR Data for Determining the Freeze/Thaw Surface State over Alaska
- Application of Cryogenic Infrared Spectra of Hydrated Chlorine Salts to Remote Sensing of Mars and Europa
- Application of blind source separation to gamma ray spectra acquired by GRaND around Vesta
- Aquarius Wind and SSS Retrieved Using the Combined Active-Passive Algorithm under All Weather Conditions
- Aquarius reveals salinity structure of tropical instability waves
- As ensemble-based data assimilation framework for characterizing snowpack and the freeze-thaw state of underlying soil from multifrequency passive/active microwave data
- Asian monsoon hydrometeorology from water isotopes: implications for speleothem climate record interpretation
- Assessing Radiometric Calibration, Retrieved Atmospheric Temperature Profiles Quality and Radiative Transfer Model Accuracy Using GPS-RO temperature Profiles in the Summer Stratospheric Hemisphere
- Assessing the Effects of Dust Loading of Snow on Regional Hydroclimatology Using an Improved Regional Climate Model
- Assessing the effects of deforestation on agricultural drought over Southwest China
- Assessing the potential of chlorophyll fluorescence retrievals from GOSAT space measurements to indicate gross primary production on a global scale
- Assessment of UTLS water vapour measurements from limb-sounders within the SPARC Data Initiative
- Assessment of variations in taxonomic diversity, forest structure, and aboveground biomass using remote sensing along an altitudinal gradient in tropical montane forest of Costa Rica
- Automated Detection and Modeling of Slow Slip: Case Study of the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Bed topography under Greenland outlet glaciers revealed by Operation IceBridge data and mass conservation
- Biases and Bias Trends of AIRS Version 6 Temperature Profile Retrievals vs Operational Radiosondes
- Bimodal craters on Vesta
- Bouguer Gravity Anomalies Associated with Lunar Craters: Initial Results from the GRAIL Mission
- Breaking a turbulence parameterization: a comparison of a stochastic eddy diffusivity mass flux scheme to scale dependent statistics from coarse graining of a large eddy simulation
- Building a Snow Data Management System using Open Source Software (and IDL)
- Buoyant Rover for Under-Ice Exploration
- Buried Treasure: Using Distributed Ground Temperature Sensors to Test Remote Sensing of Fractional Snow Cover
- CO profile retrieved from combined TES and MLS measurements on Aura satellite
- CO2 Measurements from Space: Lessons Learned from the Collaboration between the ACOS/OCO-2 and GOSAT Teams
- CO2 flux estimation accuracy evaluation of Global and Regional atmospheric CO2 mission concepts
- COVE, MARINA, and the Future of On-Board Processing (OBP) Platforms for CubeSat Science Missions
- Calibration Plans for the SMAP Radar
- Calibration and Validation of Third Stokes Parameter Measurements of SMOS Zero-Baseline Radiometers
- California's Methane Budget derived from CalNex P-3 Aircraft Observations and the WRF-STILT Lagrangian Transport Model
- Can we detect long-term, global change from sparse, 135-year-old ocean data?
- Case studies of aerosol remote sensing with the Airborne Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (AirMSPI)
- Cassini microwave radiometry observations of Enceladus' South Pole: Detection of a warm subsurface?
- Characteristics of Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves in Observations and High-resolution GCM Simulations
- Characteristics of Double Tropopause Layers Observed During TORERO
- Characterization of Ionospheric Irregularities under Space Weather Conditions Using GNSS Networks
- Characterization of Multi-scale Variability of Atmospheric Dust Using the Regional Fully-coupled Dust Modeling System WRF-Chem-DuMo and Observations
- Characterization of the microbial community in a legacy borehole in the igneous ocean crust
- Characterizing Single-Scattering Properties of Snow Aggregate Particles Integrated over Size Distributions in the Microwave Spectrum
- Characterizing and Understanding Radiation Budget Biases in CMIP3/CMIP5 GCMs, Contemporary GCMs and Reanalyses
- Chemical Diversity Along the Traverse of the Mer Rover Opportunity at Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Chemical Mapping of Vesta and Ceres
- Climatology Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models in Low Solar Flux Conditions for the CCMC CEDAR Challenge
- Cloud Water Content and Radiation Budget Evaluation of 20th Century Simulations in CMIP3/CMIP5: From Aura MLS to CloudSat/CALIPSO
- Cloud-Induced Sampling Uncertainties in AIRS Water Vapor Retrievals
- CloudSat & A-Train Observations of Tropical Cyclones
- Combined InSAR, Pixel Tracking, GPS, and Seismic Waveform Analysis for Fault Slip Evolution Model of the 2011 M7.1 Van Earthquake in Turkey and InSAR Time-series Analysis for Postseismic Deformation
- Comparative analysis of aerosol retrievals from MODIS, OMI and MISR over Sahara Region
- Comparison of observed and simulated tropical cumuliform clouds by CloudSat and NICAM
- Compiling ASCAT Scatterometer Data for Continuing Global Vegetation State Monitoring: An initial comparison with SeaWinds-on-QuikSCAT Scatterometer Data
- Composition of Dust Deposited on Snow Cover in the Wasatch Range (Utah, USA): Controls on Radiative Properties of Snow Cover and Comparison to Some Dust-Source Sediments
- Consistent validation of CO2 satellite measurements and the CarbonTracker model using the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON)
- Constraining Middle Atmospheric Moisture in GEOS-5 Using EOS-MLS Observations
- Constraining Simulated Photosynthesis with Fluorescence Observations
- Constraints on Permeability Resulting from Secondary Porosity in the Burns Formation, Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Constraints on Titan's rotation from Cassini radar data
- Constraints on the recent rate of lunar regolith accumulation from Diviner observations
- Constraints on tropospheric CO2 from TES and ACOS-GOSAT assessed with TCCON and HIPPO measurements
- Convection-driven compaction as the source of Enceladus' enigmatic long wavelength topography
- Coordinated Observations of Energetic Particles from <SUP>3</SUP>He-rich Events by STEREO and ACE
- Dark Material on Vesta from Infall of Carbonaceous Volatile-Rich Materials
- Data Analysis of Tropical Cyclone Size
- Dawn Completes its Mapping of Vesta: An Introduction to Dawn's Findings
- Dawn at Vesta: surface mineralogy after the mapping phases
- Decadal Record of Satellite Carbon Monoxide Observations
- Decadal-Scale Crustal Deformation Transients in Japan Prior to the March 11, 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
- Decadal-scale sensitivity of Northeast Greenland ice flow to errors in surface mass balance using ISSM
- Decomposition of Polarimetric SAR Images Based on Second- and Third-order Statics Analysis
- Decorrelation analysis of L-band interferometry over the Piton de la Fournaise volcano (France) using airborne LiDAR data and in situ measurements
- Deep Ocean Warming and Its Sensitivity to Surface Heat Flux and Greenland Melting Waters
- Deep Rotary-Ultrasonic Core Drill for Exploration of Europa and Enceladus
- Deep water trends and variability at the BATS site in the Subtropical North Atlantic and consequences on local sea level budget
- Deformation precursory to the March 2011 Kamoamoa fissure eruption, Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i
- Demonstrating Single Seismic Station Approaches to Modeling Martian Interior Using Earth Data
- Depth-dependent temperature change contributions to global mean thermosteric sea level rise from 1960 to 2010
- Deriving the Structure and Composition of Enceladus' Plume from Cassini Occultation Observations
- Designing Scatterometer Constellations for Sampling Global Ocean Vector Winds
- Detecting policy-relevant greenhouse gas emission changes with atmospheric observations
- Detection and Analyses of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances from two Successive Earthquakes and Tsunami Waves
- Detection and Monitoring of Changing Natural Methane Emissions in the Arctic
- Developing a GIS for CO2 analysis using lightweight, open source components
- Development of Mid-Infrared Lasers for the Measurement of Trace Atmospheric Gases
- Development of NASA Earth Observing System Simulator Suite (NEOS3)
- Development of Wide-Band Airborne Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Radiometers to Provide High-Resolution Wet-Tropospheric Path Delay Measurements for Coastal and Inland Water Altimetry
- Development of a System to Generate Near Real Time Tropospheric Delay and Precipitable Water Vapor in situ at Geodetic GPS Stations, to Improve Forecasting of Severe Weather Events
- Development of the Smap Radiometer Soil Moisture Algorithm Using Smos Data
- Diagnosis of Regime-dependent Cloud Simulation Errors in CMIP5 Models Using "A-Train" Satellite Observations and Reanalysis Data
- Diagnosis of the Marine Low Cloud Simulation in the NCAR Community Earth System Model (CESM) and the NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS)
- Direct Electron Impact Excitation of Rydberg-Valence States of Molecular Nitrogen
- Direct and remotely-sensed observations of water vapor isotopes in the North American Monsoon domain
- Disparate Data Stream Synthesis for the Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment (CARVE)
- Distinguishing Neutrons and Gammas with MSL's Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD)
- Distribution and Support of Aquarius/SAC-D Data through the Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center
- Dual Frequency Radar Observations of Snow and Ice Properties: Esa's COREH2O Candidate Satellite Mission
- Dust Accumulation and Cleaning of the MER Spirit Solar Array
- Dust in Snow in the Colorado River Basin: Spatial Variability in Dust Concentrations, Radiative Forcing, and Snowmelt Rates
- Dynamics, Patterns, and Migration in Earthquake Fault Systems
- E-DECIDER: Using Earth Science Data and Modeling Tools to Develop Decision Support for Earthquake Disaster Response
- ESGF: Wrangling Big Science Data with an Elastic Federation
- Eccentric rings in debris disks as a result of linear and nonlinear thermocentrifugal drag instability
- Effects of Snowfall on the Thickness and Stability of Mars' Seasonal Ice Caps
- Effects of high-latitude drivers on Ionosphere/Thermosphere parameters
- Effects of the June 2011 CME Observed by Mars Express Ionospheric Sounding
- Elevation-dependent controls on snowmelt partitioning and vegetation response inferred from satellite observations
- Emissions of Methane, Nitrous Oxide, and Ammonia from California's San Joaquin Valley
- Ensemble Modeling with Data Assimilation Models: A New Strategy for Space Weather Science, Specifications and Forecasts
- Equatorial Periglacial Terrains, Lacustrine Environments, and Fluvial Networks at the Hesperian-Amazonian Age Boundary on Mars
- Equinoctial Activity Over Titan Dune Fields Revealed by Cassini/vims
- Error Budget for Cloud Properties Retrieval Based on High Resolution Multispectral Measurements
- Estimating the Period and Q of the Chandler Wobble from Observations and Models of its Excitation
- Estimating the impact of SWOT observations on the predictability of large-scale hydraulic models
- Estimation of Forest Structure from SRTM correlation data
- Evaluating aerosol indirect effects in three global climate models using COSP and satellite measurements
- Evaluating the Information from Minor Trace Gas Measurements by the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES)
- Evaluation of Day and Nighttime Lower Tropospheric Ozone from Air Quality Models using TES and Ozonesondes
- Evaluation of Microphysics Parameterization for Convective Clouds in the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model CAM5
- Evaluation of bi-directional ammonia exchange with the GEOS-Chem model
- Evaluation of recent updates to the spectroscopy of CO2 and CH4 in the thermal infrared using observations from IASI
- Evaluation of spatially distributed snow models for streamflow forecasting
- Evaluation of the added value provided by ozone measurements from an instrument onboard a Geostationary satellite: The thermal infrared and visible contribution
- Evaluation of the warm cloud microphysical processes in global models using the CloudSat/A-Train multi-sensor satellite observations
- Evidence of Temporal Variation of Titan Atmosphere Density Estimated Using Cassini Thruster Telemetry Data
- Evidence of the recent decade change in global fresh water discharge and evapotranspiration revealed by reanalysis and satellite observations
- Examination of a Model Driven Technical Implementation by the Planetary Data System
- Examination of the Tropical Tropopause Layer during HIPPO
- Examining the Range of Cometary Dust Characteristics with the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer
- Examining the ability of snow and sea ice to maintain halogen activation
- Experimental investigation and planetary implications of the stability of clathrate hydrates in aqueous solution at icy satellite conditions
- Exploration of coincidence criteria for ACOS/TCCON
- Exploring Europa's Habitability: Science achieved from the Europa Orbiter and Clipper Mission Concepts
- Exploring New Worlds: Dawn at Vesta
- Exploring SWOT discharge algorithm accuracy on the Sacramento River
- Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopy and Photochemistry of Sulfur Dioxide/Water Ice Mixtures
- Far-ultraviolet photometric characteristics of Tethys and Dione
- Felsic Volcanics on the Moon
- First results of the AIRS Version 6 cloud top microphysical properties
- Flux-tube analysis of ionospheric L-band scintillation
- Flyby of Io with Repeat Encounters (FIRE): Designing a New Frontiers mission to study the most volcanic body in the solar system
- Forecasting coronal mass ejections at 1 AU using Heliospheric Imagers
- Foreshocks of Parkfield and Landers (revisited)
- Formation of salinity maximum water and its contribution to the overturning circulation in the North Atlantic as revealed by a global GCM
- Formic acid measurements from space: Retrieval strategy, evaluation, and initial constraints on primary and secondary sources
- Freeze/Thaw Detection Using Aquarius' L-band Passive/Active Data
- From Muons to the Moon; the Role of Particle Physics and Lunar Tides in Monitoring Geostorage of Carbon Dioxide
- Fun with Mission Control: Learning Science and Technology by Sitting in the Driver's Seat
- Fusing Hyperspectral and LiDAR data from CAO-VSWIR for Increased Data Dimensionality
- Fusion of Hurricane Models and Observations: Developing the Technology to Improve the Forecasts
- GLIMPSE: A decision support tool for simultaneously achieving our air quality management and climate change mitigation goals
- GRACE II: Possible improvements in hydrology applications using two pairs of dedicated satellites
- GRIFEX Payload Data System Architecture for On-Orbit Focal Plane Array Evaluation
- Gemini near-infrared observations of Europa's Hydrated Surface Materials
- General Circulation and Variability of Close-In Exoplanet Atmospheres
- Geological Layer Detection and Candidate Science Target Identification
- Geophysical Event Casting: Assembling & Broadcasting Data Relevant to Events and Disasters
- Geostationary Fourier Transform Spectrometer (GeoFTS)
- Global Coherent Meridional Propagation of Interannual Fluctuations in Atmospheric Angular Momentum: A Focused Study OF High-Latitude and Polar Region Variability Using GRACE and Multidisciplinary Observations and Models
- Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) - Rapidly Serving NASA Imagery for Applications and Science Users
- Global Sea Level Rise and the Earth's Energy Balance
- Global Surface Thermal Inertia Derived from Dawn VIR Observations
- Global Tropical Cyclone Winds from the QuikSCAT and OceanSAT-2 Scatterometers
- Global distributions of CO2, trace gases and potential temperature in HIPPO: lessons about global rates of tracer transport and inverse modeling.
- Global upper tropospheric/lower stratospheric water vapor from satellites
- Got a Minute? Tune Your iPad to NASA's Best
- Grain size analysis of the Bright Materials on 4 Vesta
- Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) Primary Mission Overview
- Greenhouse gas measurements from aircraft during CARVE
- Greenland supraglacial rivers and the extreme 2012 melt season
- Ground-based assessment of retrieved aerosol properties from GOSAT observations in multiple carbon dioxide retrieval algorithms
- Groundbreaking constraints on emissions from GEO-CAPE: case studies of CH4, NH3, SO2 and NO2
- Gulf Coast Subsidence: Integration of Geodesy, Geophysical Modeling, and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Observations
- HARPs: Tracked Active Region Patch Data Product from SDO/HMI
- Headlines: Planet Earth: Improving Climate Literacy with Short Format News Videos
- HiTIDE: An Extensible Service-Based Web Interface for the Search, Imaging, and Extraction of Swath-based Geophysical Parameters
- High Resolution 3D Radar Imaging of Comet Interiors
- High Resolution Vesta Atlas derived from Dawn-Framing Camera images from the Low Altitude Mapping Orbit
- High fidelity remote sensing of snow properties from MODIS and the Airborne Snow Observatory: Snowflakes to Terabytes
- High spatial resolution (275 m) land surface ECVs from the MISR-HR package
- High-Resolution Plume Heights and Winds from More Than 12 Years of MISR Data
- High-resolution inversion of methane emissions in North America using satellite observations (SCIAMACHY, TES, GOSAT)
- Highlights of the First 15 Months of Aquarius Salinity Measurements
- Histogramming of the Charged Particle Measurements with MSL/RAD - Comparison of Histogram Data with Simulations
- Horizontal gradients of bromine monoxide (BrO) across the lead and young sea ice features, from surface based instruments near Barrow, AK during the BRomine, Ozone, Mercury EXperiment (BROMEX), Spring 2012
- Hotspots on Venus: Possible recent activity at Themis Regio
- How well do CMIP3 and CMIP5 models reproduce satellite observations of ocean surface wind?
- Hybrid Expanding Box Description of the Accelerating Solar Wind: Mirror Force Effects
- Hydraulic geometry of Greenland Ice Sheet supraglacial streams
- Hydrological and ecological implications of radiative forcing by dust in snow
- IMBIE - Ice sheet Mass Balance Inter-comparison Exercise. Investigating the Uncertainty of the Antarctic Peninsula and East Antarctic Ice Sheet Mass Balance Estimates
- Ice Sheet Mass Transport in the Earth System
- Imaging of a Newly Forming Polar Hood Over The South Pole of Titan By VIMS/Cassini
- Imaging transient slip events in southwest Japan using reanalyzed Japanese GEONET GPS time series
- Impact of High-Latitude Processes on Closure of the J<SUB>2</SUB> Annual Cycle
- Impact of Southern California anthropogenic emissions on air quality in the Western US
- Impacts of distinct observations during the 2009 Prince William Sound field experiment: A data assimilation study
- Implementation of bin scheme into sulfate aerosol module in aerosol climate model
- Implications for generating an ERS1/2-ICESat-Cryosat-ICESat-2 time series of sea ice thickness change
- Improved Hydrometeor Simulations Using Cloud Resolving WRF and Multi-Scale Data Assimilation and Applications to Climate Model Evaluation
- Improving Decision-Making Activities for Meningitis and Malaria
- Improving accuracy of glacial isostatic adjustment models and ice mass balance using GRACE, InSAR, altimetry, and regional atmospheric climate model output
- Improving the resolution of over-sampled radiometer and radar measurements for rain retrieval algorithms
- In Situ Techniques for Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Small Bodies
- In situ measurements of root exudation in three hardwood species in southern Indiana
- In-Situ Detection of SO2 Plumes in Costa Rica from Turrialba Volcano using Balloon-borne Sondes
- InSAR Scientific Computing Environment on the Cloud
- Indian Ocean Cross-equatorial Heat Transport Associated with the MJO
- Inferring Regional Sources and Sinks of Atmospheric CO2 from GOSAT XCO2 data
- Inferring an analytical model from Cassini-CIRS data to predict Saturn's Rings temperature
- Influence of rain on microwave land surface emissivities over the continental United States and its implications to precipitation retrieval
- Influence of surface meltwater on the velocity of temperate glaciers in the early melt season inferred from collocated airborne InSAR, GPS, and in situ meteorological measurements
- Initial results on the variability of sea surface salinity from Aquarius/SAC-D in the Gulf of Mexico
- Integration and Evaluation of Microscope Adapter for the Ultra-Compact Imaging Spectrometer
- Integration of ground-based and airborne lidar data for improved terrain model generation
- Interactive Discovery of New Phenomena in Martian Point Spectra and Hyperspectral Data Sets
- Interactive Radiative Transfer Modeling Tools to Map Volcanic Emissions with Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing
- Interannual Variability of the Mars Atmosphere at Aphelion
- Intercalibration of 183 GHz sounding channels
- Interchange Reconnection in a Turbulent Corona
- Intercomparison Of Approaches For Modeling Second Order Ionospheric Corrections Using Gnss Measurements
- Intercomparison of tropical-to-high latitude teleconnection effects on Antarctic precipitation on multiple timescales in several atmospheric re-analyses
- Intercomparisons of AIRS Observations with MERRA Reanalysis and Climate Models
- Internal Structure of 4179 Toutatis
- Internal structure and mineralogy of differentiated asteroids assuming chondritic bulk composition: The case of Vesta
- Interplay between seasonal frost and aeolian processes on Matara crater dunes (Mars)
- Interpretation of tropospheric ozone variability in data with different vertical and temporal resolution
- Interseismic Strain Accumulation Across Metropolitan Los Angeles: Puente Hills Thrust
- Investigation of the MBL cloud feedback mechanism with a hierarchy of models
- JPL Laser Hygrometer Measurements of Water Vapor in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
- Joint Correction of Ionospheric Artifact and Orbital Error in L-band SAR Interferometry
- Jupiter Observation Campaign - Citizen Science At The Outer Planets: A Progress Report
- KALREF - A Kalman filter approach to the International Terrestrial Reference Frame realization
- Laboratory Simulations of Martian Meteorite Impacts and Their Seismic Signatures
- Laboratory experiments on Mars-relevant clay and phosphate minerals yield insights into the aqueous history and potential for habitability on Mars.
- Laboratory measurements of cross sections of propane in the 7 - 15 μm using FT-IR at cold temperatures
- Lada Terra: A 'new' hotspot on Venus
- Land surface temperature and emissivity uncertainty analysis over nine pseudo-invariant sand dune sites in the US southwest
- Large-Scale, Parallel, Multi-Sensor Data Fusion in the Cloud
- Levee Health Monitoring With Radar Remote Sensing
- Leveraging the Cloud to Deliver Scalable Capabilities to Earth Science Community
- Lidar Estimation of Aboveground Biomass in a Tropical Coastal Forest of Gabon
- Likelihood-based Quantification of Agreement between Climate Model Output and NASA Data Records
- Linking Lidar, SAR and ED: How lidar and SAR fusion can influence the predictions and modeling of future forest states
- Linking models for glacier and ice sheet dynamics with optimal solution strategies: a modeling study applied to the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Lithospheric Flexure in the Sichuan Basin and Longmen Shan at the Eastern Edge of Tibet Estimated from Gravity
- Local Balance of Heat Budget in the Atmosphere over the Oceans
- Long-term ozone trends at rural ozone monitoring sites across the United States, 1990-2010
- Longitudinal Variation in GPS -TEC and Topside Electron Density Associated with the Wave Number Four Structures over South American Sector
- Low Cost, Low Power, Passive Muon Telescope For Interrogating Martian Sub-Surface
- Low Latitude Free Tropospheric Water Vapor from GPS RO
- Low-latitude ethane rain on Titan
- Lower Cloud Albedo in Ship Tracks
- Lunar Heat Flow: A Global Prospective
- Lunar Mapping and Modeling On-the-Go: A mobile framework for viewing and interacting with large geospatial datasets
- Lunar Riometry: Proof-of-Concept Instrument Package
- MISR Dark Water Aerosol Nonsphericity Product: Operational Algorithm Sensitivity to Dust Optical Models
- MISR perspective on dust spatial and temporal variability in major desert sources
- Magic - Marine Arm Gpci Investigation of Clouds
- Magnetic dynamos in accreting planetary bodies
- Magnetic reconnection, shear flow and the axial filament channel magnetic field
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling as Observed in Total Electron Content Data
- Mapping Palm Swamp Wetland Ecosystems in the Peruvian Amazon: a Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Approach
- Mapping Stand Age of global primary forests Using Remote Sensing Data
- Mapping geopotential height and geostrophic wind in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere using COSMIC and CHAMP GPS RO data
- Mapping greenhouse gas emissions in the Los Angeles basin by remote sensing using a Fourier Transform Spectrometer on Mt. Wilson
- Mapping the Ice Depth of Europa with Ultrahigh Energy Particles
- Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer Observations from GPS Occultation and CALIPSO over Subtropical Eastern Oceans
- Mars Climate Sounder observations in support of the Mars Science Laboratory Landing
- Mars Climate Sounder observations of the semi-diurnal tide in the Martian atmosphere
- Mars Water Cycle Simulations - Sensitivity to Model Physics and Dynamics, and Local Behaviour
- Mass Wasting Processes in Vesta's South Polar Region
- Massive Data Set Analysis in Climate Science
- Measurements of Vertical Profiles of Turbulence, Temperature, Ozone, Aerosols, and BrO over Sea Ice and Tundra Snowpack during BROMEX
- Measurements of peroxy radicals using dual-channel chemical amplification-cavity ringdown spectroscopy
- Measurements of the Composition of Anomalous Cosmic Rays and Implications for the Local Interstellar Medium
- Measuring Total Atmospheric Density from and for the Precise Orbit Determination of Low-Earth Orbiting Satellites
- Meridional Transport of Energy during Atmospheric Collapse on Ancient Mars
- Metadata in Multiple Dialects and the Rosetta Stone
- Meteoric Dust as Condensation Nuclei of Small-Mode Particles in the Upper Haze of Venus
- Methane and Ethane Measurements from a New TCCON Station in Los Angeles
- Micro-mapping Meteorite Surfaces on Mars using Microscopic Imager Mosaics — A Tool for Unraveling Weathering History at Meridiani Planum
- Microbial geochemistry in rising plumes of two hydrothermal vents at the Mid-Cayman Rise
- Missions to Near-Earth Asteroids: Implications for Exploration, Science, Resource Utilization, and Planetary Defense
- Model Errors in Simulating Precipitation and Radiation fields in the NARCCAP Hindcast Experiment
- Modeled Differential Muon Flux Measurements for Monitoring Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide
- Modeling and Retrieval of Cometary Gas Spectral Lines for Rosetta-MIRO Observations of Comet 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Modeling of Giant Impact into a Differentiated Asteroid and Implications for the Large-Scale Troughs on Vesta
- Modeling of Vesta's interior structure using gravity and shape models from the Dawn mission and hydrodynamic impact simulations
- Modeling of stress-triggered faulting and displacement magnitude along Agenor Linea, Europa
- Modeling the Nascent Solar Nebula for Material to be Measured with Rosetta at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Modeling the response of Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica, to external forcings for the next 50 years
- Modeling tides around Pine Island, Antarctic
- Models of Ceres' Surface as a Function of Origin and Evolution Scenarios
- Modes of Arctic Ocean Change from GRACE, ICESat and the PIOMAS and ECCO2 Models of the Arctic Ocean
- Modification of the Parker magnetic field spiral inside CRRs: Validity of the Schwadron model
- Monitoring Gully Activity in Martian Winter
- Monitoring Io's Volcanic Activity in the Visible and Infrared from JUICE - It's All About (Eruption) Style
- Monitoring the Hydrologic Cycle With the PATH Mission
- Multi-Resolution Variational Analysis (MRVA): High-resolution data fusion over global surface
- Multi-Sensor Diagnostics of the Large-Scale Factors Influencing the Onset of Precipitation in Warm Clouds
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of the Longitudinal Properties of Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Multi-Standard Metadata Retrieval Framework at the Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center
- Multi-beam survey of ice-ocean interactions in West Greenland
- Multi-mission Observation Operator (M2O2) service for mission-independent data assimilation process
- Multi-mission, Decade-long Tropopause Data Record from GPS Radio Occultation
- Multi-sensor observations of warm water clouds for surveying vertical inhomogeneity and droplet growth in clouds
- Multiple Scattering of Terrestrial Snow in X-band and Ku band Radar Remote Sensing
- Multiscale hydrologic impacts of dust deposition and climate warming in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- NASA Climate Days: Promoting Climate Literacy One Ambassador and One Event at a Time
- NASA's Meteorologist Center: Online Resources to Promote Climate Literacy
- Nano-Iron on Outer Solar System Satellites, Implications for Space Weathering
- Natural Variability of CO2 From Satellite Retrievals and Model Simulations
- Near Decade Long Tropospheric Air Temperature and Specific Humidity Records from AIRS for CMIP5 Model Evaluation
- Near-real time, pole-to-pole, fine resolution wind observations from MISR: challenges and applications
- Net Incident Radiation and Cloud Feedback from 10 Years of Airs Data
- New Applications for Detecting Natural Hazards Using Ground and Space-Based GNSS-Derived Ionospheric Measurements
- New Estimates of Inferred Ionic Charge States for Solar Energetic Particle Events with ACE and STEREO
- Next Generation NASA Initiative for Space Geodesy
- Next-Generation Real-Time Geodetic Station Sensor Web for Natural Hazards Research and Applications
- Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Emissions from California based on 2010 CalNex Airborne Measurements
- Nonlinear Dynamics of Turbulent Coronal Heating Mechanisms: Thermodynamics, Energy Storage and Release
- Nonresonant cross-field diffusion of 100 keV to 2 MeV protons in low and high heliospherical latitude regions
- Numerical Simulation of the MSL Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) Instrument
- Numerical models of thermal convection in Venus interior: implications for its atmospheric composition
- OH and H2O on Vesta and on the Moon: A comparative analysis
- Observational constraints on ozone radiative forcing from the Atmospheric Chemistry Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ACCMIP)
- Observational constraints on the sub-grid variability of cloud and rain: Implications for microphysical parameterization
- Observing megacity greenhouse gas emissions from space
- Ocean Origin of Asian Rainfall
- On Precipitation in the Southeastern Pacific Marine Subsidence Region
- On Radiative Factors in Planetary Rings: New Insight Derived from Cassini CIRS Observations at Saturn Equinox
- On the effects of evaluation decisions in model-data intercomparisons: An example using CMIP5 evapotranspiration
- Onset Times of Solar Particle Events Observed by MSL/RAD - Constraints on Particle Transport
- Ontological System for Context Artifacts and Resources
- Open Source Software Reuse in the Airborne Cloud Computing Environment
- Operational Soil Moisture Retrieval Techniques: Theoretical Comparisons in the Context of Improving the NASA Standard Approach
- Optimizing Decadal and Precursor Science on Small Solar System Bodies with Spacecraft/Rover Hybrids
- Orbiting Carbon Observatory - 2 (OCO-2) Status and Plans
- Overview of the Atmosphere and Environment within Gale Crater on Mars
- Overview of the Coastal Marine Discovery Service: data discovery, visualization, and understanding
- Oxygen isotope fractionation between hydration water and free water in the MgSO4 and FeSO4 systems
- PMC brightness zonal variability and its correlation with temperature and water vapor
- Panoramic Imaging Spectroscopy with the Ultra Compact Imaging Spectrometer (UCIS)
- Parametric Dielectric Model of Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Particle Property Data Quality Flags for the MISR Aerosol Product
- Petrology of Asteroid Vesta: Synergy of Dawn Remote-Sensing and HED Meteorites
- Photochemistry in Saturn's Ring Shadowed Atmosphere: Production Rates of Key Atmospheric Molecules and Preliminary Analysis of Observations
- Physical Parameters of Asteroids Estimated from the WISE 3 Band Data and NEOWISE Post-Cryogenic Survey
- Play, Make, Know, Keep up, Watch, Dream, and Teach: A Kids-eye View of Climate Change
- Polar Cap Potential Saturation and Ionospheric Convection Patterns during Superstorms
- Polar Warming Drivers
- Polarimetry of Saturn and Titan from Pioneer, Voyager and Cassini/Huygens
- Portable Remote Imaging Spectrometer (PRISM): Laboratory and Field Calibration Results
- Pre-launch Assessment of the GPM DPR-GMI Combined Algorithm
- Preliminary estimates of carbon emissions constrained by GOSAT from the NASA Carbon Monitoring System Flux Pilot Project.
- Present-Day Surface Changes on Mars: Implications for Recent Climate Variability and Habitability
- Profiling Tropospheric CO2 using the Aura TES and TCCON instruments
- Progress Toward an Enceladus Amino Acid Sampler Astrobiology Instrument
- Properties of Slowly Moving Thermal Waves in Saturn from Cassini CIRS Observations from 2004 to 2009
- Proton Energetics in the Solar Wind: Helios Reloaded
- Proton Events at >~ 25 MeV in 2009 -2012 Observed by the STEREO High Energy Telescopes and/or near Earth
- Proxy methane retrievals from the ACOS project: Initial validation with TCCON and retrieval intercomparison
- QuakeSim Project Networking
- Quantifying surface emissions of methanol using observations from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer
- Quantifying the microphysical impacts of fire aerosols on clouds in Indonesia using remote sensing observations
- Quantifying the non-linearity of the response of Malagasy watersheds to precipitation anomalies
- Radar Backscatter Saturation with Forest Biomass: Facts and Myths
- Radar sounder performances for ESA JUICE mission
- Radiative Impacts of Free-Tropospheric Clouds on the Properties of Marine Stratocumulus
- Radiative forcing by light absorbing impurities in snow in the Upper Colorado River Basin using MODIS surface reflectance data
- Radiometric calibration of GOSAT TANSO-FTS SWIR bands: comparison of vicarious to on-orbit results
- Rain effect on Aquarius L-band Emissivity and Backscatter Model Functions
- Rapid and Robust Damage Detection using Radar Remote Sensing
- Real Time Mash-Up of Earth Data and Information Through RSS Feed Correlation
- Real-time GPS monitoring throughout Cascadia
- Recent Hydrologic Developments in the SWOT Mission
- Recent Polar Instrumentation Developments Using Low Cost, New Access Methods via Iridium Short Burst Data (SBD)
- Recovery of Global Mean Sea Level after the 2011 La Niña
- Reflectance Spectra and Optical Constants of Iron Sulfates For Mars
- Regulation of Ignition and Fire Spread by Climate and Landscape Variables in Boreal Forest Ecosystems Using Satellite Observations
- Relating aggregated surface water flux with Aquarius salinity measurement
- Relationship of Environmental Relative Humidity with North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Intensification Rate
- Relative Humidity and Supersaturation in the Upper Troposphere with AIRS
- Reliable Classification of Geologic Surfaces Using Texture Analysis
- RemoTeC version 2.0: XCO<SUB>2</SUB> and XCH<SUB>4</SUB> retrievals from GOSAT
- Representation, Visualization, and Metadata for Surface Deformation ESDRs derived from GPS Time Series
- Resolving the Ambiguity of Volatile Content in the Vestan Regolith through Dielectric Inversion
- Resources and Opportunities to Help Scientists Engage Learners in Solar System Exploration
- Results from the Mars Climate Sounder and Intercomparison of Data with Radio Science
- Retrievals of Dust and Black Carbon Radiative Forcing in Snow using Imaging Spectroscopy
- Returning Samples from Enceladus
- Rock Sample Destruction Limits for the Mars Sample Return Mission
- Role of Root Water Transport in Multi-Species Vegetation Composition on Below-Ground Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics
- Role of kinetic instabilities driven by temperature anisotropy in the evolution of current sheets and magnetic reconnection
- Role of large scale forcing, parameterizations and 'hot/cold' starts on the modeling of Hurricane Karl genesis
- SHARAD Constrains on Lava Flow Properties at Southeastern Utopia Planitia
- SHARPs - A Near-Real-Time Space Weather Data Product from HMI
- SMAP Science Data System
- STEM Summer Academy on the Navajo Reservation
- SUDA: A Dust Mass Spectrometer for compositional surface mapping for the JUICE mission to the Galilean moons
- Salton Trough Post-seismic Afterslip, Viscoelastic Response, and Contribution to Regional Hazard
- Sampling and Analysis of Organic Molecules in the Plumes of Enceladus
- Sampling design and optimal sensor placement strategies for basin-scale SWE estimation
- Satellite Observations of Arctic and Antarctic Polar Stratospheric Clouds and Atmospheric Composition
- Satellite Observations of Mid-upper Tropospheric Methane Using Infrared Sounders AIRS, IASI, and CrIS
- Satellite based estimates of reduced CO and CO2 emissions due to traffic restrictions during the 2008 Beijing Olympics
- Scatterometer Ocean Surface Winds Provide Observational Evidence for Changes in the Hadley Cell
- Science from a Saturn Entry Probe Mission
- Science-Driven NanoSats Design for Deep Space
- Sea Surface Salinity's Response to Hurricanes as Revealed by Aquarius
- Sea ice thickness and volume from CryoSat-2
- Sea level and heat content changes in the western North Pacific from altimeters, GRACE, and a non-Boussinesq OGCM
- Seamless Synthetic Aperture Radar Archive for Interferometry Analysis
- Search for active lava flows with VIRTIS on Venus Express
- Seasonal Variations in Fossil Fuel Emissions in the Los Angeles Megacity
- Seasonal and Diurnal Variation of Aerosol Extinction Profile and Type Distribution from CALIPSO 5-year Observations
- Seasonal changes in Titan's weather patterns and the evolution and implications of accompanying surface changes
- Seasonal evolution of Titan's polar caps: interaction between atmospheric and subsurface processes
- Seeing the Snow through the Trees: Towards a Validated Canopy Adjustment for Fractional Snow Covered Area
- Semi-supervised Active Exploration of Ionospheric TEC Maps from combined GPS Orbit and Terrestrial Receiver Networks
- Serpentinization of Ocean Core Complex in the Central Indian Ridge: Reactions and Hydrogen Production
- Serpentinization: the engine that drove the onset of methanotrophic acetogenesis at the emergence of life
- Setting Upper Bounds for Bias in Radio Occultation Climate Data Records
- Shear failure of icy satellites: Present-day implications along Enceladus's Tiger Stripes and indications of past strike-slip faulting on Ganymede's Dardanus Sulcus
- Short Temporal Scale Variability of Low Cloud Regimes/Vertical Structures and Large-Scale Thermodynamics and Dynamics over the Southeastern Pacific Using MODIS and ERA-Reanalysis Data
- Simulated Atmospheric Composition Retrievals for the Panchromatic Fourier Transform Spectrometer (PanFTS)
- Simulating Hydrocarbon Distribution in the Jovian Stratosphere in a Chemistry-Transport Model
- Simulation of atmospheric aerosols around Tokyo in summer using a new-type seamless model from global to regional scales
- Simulations of the Eastern North Pacific Intraseasonal Variability in CMIP5 GCMs
- Simulations of the Jovian Stratosphere with diabatic heating and mechanical forcing terms
- Simultaneous assimilation of AIRS and GOSAT CO2 observations with Ensemble Kalman filter
- Simultaneous data assimilation of CO2 and meteorological variables using LETKF and the NCAR CAM model
- Simultaneous data assimilation of CO2 and meteorological variables within LETKF coupled with NCAR CAM model
- Snow Conditions Near Barrow in Spring 2012
- Snow Radar Derived Surface Elevations and Snow Depths Multi-Year Time Series over Greenland Sea-Ice During IceBridge Campaigns
- Snowfall-driven Mass Change in the East Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Software infrastructure and algorithms to facilitate co-location of observation and model data
- Soil moisture retrieval using L-band time-series radar observations over shrub lands
- Source contributions to seasonal vegetative exposure to ozone in the US
- Southern Ocean aerosol optical depth maximum: perspectives from Multiangle Imaging SpectroRadiometer retrievals and in-situ observations
- Space Based Observations of Amazon Carbon Cycle
- Space and Terrestrial Collocation of Geodetic Techniques with the Geodetic Reference Antenna in Space (GRASP) Mission
- Space borne retrievals of atmospheric water vapor isotopologues, the view from TES, SCIAMACHY and GOSAT
- Space borne retrievals of chlorophyll fluorescence from the GOSAT satellite
- Spatial and Temporal Variations in Strain Rates in the Western Transverse Ranges, California
- Spatial variability and hydrologic response to dust radiative forcing of snow in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Spatiotemporal resolution enhancement of SWOT based on the optimal interpolation
- Squeezing the Existing, Global, Multi-angle Imaging Data For Constraints on Aerosol Type
- State of volatiles in Jupiter Family Comets, and implications for outgassing and measurements by the MIRO instrument onboard Rosetta
- Status of the Validation of the ACOS XCO2 Product
- Stereo-photogrammetrically derived topography of asteroid (4) Vesta
- Stochastic eddy-diffusivity/mass-flux parameterization for moist convective boundary layers
- Stratospheric Flight of Three Mars Surface Instrument Prototypes
- Studies of Saturn's rings from UV to far IR: Constraints on ring particle properties and ring structure
- Study of Impacts of Arctic Sea Ice Reduction on Atmospheric Chemical Processes - The BROMEX 2012 Field Campaign
- Study of subaqueous melting of Store Glacier, West Greenland using ocean observations and numerical simulations
- Sulfur "Bergs" and Sulfur Pools: Loki and Tupan Patera on Io
- Sun-plunging Comets and Cometary Flares
- Superrotation in a Venus GCM with Realistic Topography and Radiative Forcing
- Surface Changes Observed at Greeley Haven during Opportunity's Fifth Martian Winter
- Surface Composition Near the Trailing Hemisphere Apex on Europa: The Manannán Impact Crater and Neighboring Terrain
- Surface ozone observation from Aura satellite using multispectral (TIR and UV) retrievals
- TCCON, OCO-2, and GOSAT - Observations of the LA Basin during OCO-2 Pre-Launch Thermo-Vacuum Testing
- Temporal and zonal variability and of mid-tropospheric carbon dioxide from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder compared to surface measurements
- Terrestrial Storage Changes over the Congo Basin from GRACE and Hillslope River Routing (HRR) model
- The 2009 All-Time Minimum in AP was not during "solar Sunspot Minimum": why Not?
- The 27-day solar cycle modulation in hydroxyl radicals over the Table Mountain Facilities, California (34.4°)
- The ARIA project: Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis for Natural Hazard Monitoring and Response
- The Apache OODT Project: An Introduction
- The Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment (CARVE) FTS: Preliminary Results From 2012 Ground-Based, Test Flights, and Science Operations
- The Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment (CARVE): Examining the complex Arctic biological-climatologic-hydrologic system
- The Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment (CARVE): Results from the 2012 Science Flights
- The Changing Impacts of El Niño on US Winter Climate
- The Drivers of the CH4 Seasonal Cycle in the Arctic and What Long-Term Observations of CH4 Imply About Trends in Arctic CH4 Fluxes
- The ESGF Software Stack: a Configurable and Extensible Framework for Enabling Access to Geospatial Data
- The Earth System CoG Collaboration Environment: Connecting Resources in the Earth Sciences
- The Earth's Geocorona and Geotail as Observed by LRO's Lyman Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP) Instrument
- The GPS Analysis Package for Exploration and Understanding of Geodetic Sensor Web Time Series Data
- The Geological Context of Vesta's Dark Material
- The Geology of the Marcia Quadrangle of Asteroid Vesta: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- The Glacier and Ice Surface Topography Interferometer: UAVSAR's Single-pass Ka-Band Interferometer
- The Goldstone Solar System Radar: Opportunities and Challenges
- The Gravity and Rotation Models of Vesta from the Dawn Mission
- The High Resolution Gravitational Field of the Moon from GRAIL and Implications for Interior Structure
- The INSIGHT SEIS VBB Experiment
- The Influence of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on the Equatorial Tropospheric Ozone
- The Initial Release of the Core PDS4 Data Standards
- The JPL Benchmarking Suite for Scalar and Vector 1D Radiative Transfer in Scattering Atmospheres
- The Lunar Mapping and Modeling Portal: Capabilities and Lunar Data Products to support Return to the Moon
- The March 7-18 2012 CAWSES-SCOSTEP Interplanetary Events and Their Magnetospheric and Ionospheric Effects
- The Mars Science Laboratory Mission: Early Results from Gale Crater Landing Site
- The Megacities Carbon Project: measuring urban carbon emissions
- The Metadata Cloud: The Last Piece of a Distributed Data System Model
- The NASA Carbon Monitoring System (CMS) Flux Pilot Project as a Means to Evaluate Global Land Surface Models
- The NCEP-NCAR Stratocumulus-to-Cumulus Transition Climate Process Team
- The Potential of Potential Evapotranspiration
- The Precipitation Susceptibility of Marine Low Clouds Derived from Measurements Collected by Cloudsat and MODIS
- The Remote Measurement of Carbon Dioxide by the CO2LAS Instrument during the 2011 ASCENDS Field Campaign
- The Role of Fractional Inundation and Saturation in the Carbon Cycle of West Siberian Peatlands
- The SPURS Data Management System: Real-time Situational Awareness at Sea
- The Scientific Contributions Expected from the OCO-3 Mission of Opportunity
- The Slumgullion Natural Laboratory: Landslide-wide kinematics revealed by combining satellite and airborne interferometric synthetic aperture radar with continuous GPS observations
- The Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission: Geophysical Products and Algorithm Development
- The Solar Wind From Pseudostreamers And Their Immediate Environment
- The Source Of CO2 Ice On Enceladus' Surface
- The Southern Oscillation, Hypoxia, and the Eastern Pacific Tuna Fishery
- The State of Land Surface Model Uncertainty for the Alaskan Arctic
- The Status of GRACE After the First Decade
- The Tides of Titan
- The U.S. National Climate Assessment: The Science of Climate Change
- The crust of the Moon as seen by GRAIL
- The geologic setting of the Mars north polar cap's Basal Unit from the three dimensional analysis of MARSIS planetary radar sounder data
- The gravity field of the Saturnian satellites Enceladus and Dione
- The ice flow sensitivity to geothermal heat flux of Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica.
- The influence of large-magnitude earthquakes and fault zone damage on the spatial distribution of slow-moving landslides
- The investigation of CO2 and CH4 variability During Monsoon Season
- The pattern of sea level pressure to effectively identify anomalous wintertime temperatures in the U.S
- The relation between atmospheric humidity and temperature trends for stratospheric water
- The role of climate in the global patterns of ecosystem carbon turnover rates - contrasts between data and models
- The role of the mass balance - elevation feedback for Greenland ice sheet scenarios in the next century
- The solubility of <SUP>40</SUP>Ar and Kr in liquid hydrocarbons: implications for Titan's chemistry and evolution
- The spatial distribution and speciation of iron in buoyant hydrothermal plumes of the Mid-Cayman Rise
- The status of over ocean rainfall measurements from current space borne sensors
- The subtropical cloud regime transition: A 10-year view from AIRS, MODIS and ERA-Interim
- The supergreenhouse effect
- The trophic structure of fauna and photosynthetic influence at two distinct hydrothermal vent fields on the Mid-Cayman Rise
- Thickness Changes and Ice-Ocean Interactions of the Totten and Moscow University Glaciers, East Antarctica
- Titan's Figure Fatter, Flatter Than Its Gravity Field
- Titan's Hydrostatic Figure and a Possible Dynamic Tidal Variation
- Titan's Plains: Global Distribution and Possible Origin
- Tool for Constructing Data Albums for Significant Weather Events
- Top-down and bottom up estimates of methane emissions from the 2006 Indonesian peat fires using Aura TES satellite observations of CH4 and CO and GEOS-Chem"
- Top-down and bottom-up constraints on ammonia: implications for air quality control strategies
- Toward a calving law based on continuum damage mechanics
- Towards Quantifying Recent Glacial Retreat around Greenland: Insights from a High Resolution Coupled Ocean-Sea Ice Model
- Towards an International Planetary Community Built on Open Source Software: the Evolution of the Planetary Data System
- Towards fully predictive large-eddy simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer
- Tracing water ice and chromophores across Saturn's moons and rings
- Tracking Seasonal Volatile Transport on Triton and Pluto through the Decades
- Tropospheric Ozone Lidar Network (TOLNet) - Long-term Tropospheric Ozone and Aerosol Profiling for Satellite Continuity and Process Studies
- Tropospheric Ozone Variations Governed by Changes in the Stratospheric Circulation
- Turbulence Parameterizations and the Scaling Problem in Climate Models
- Turbulence in a solar wind like plasma: Kinetic simulations and observations
- Turbulence, Clouds and Climate Models: Towards Unified and Scale-Aware Parameterizations
- Two year (2011-2012) observations of atmospheric CO2 and CH4 and comparison with GOSAT measurements at Railroad Valley playa, Nevada
- UAVSAR Ocean Observations: Small Eddies, Oil Spills, and Someday Sea Ice
- Uncertainty Analysis of High Resolution Ocean Surface Wind Vector Earth System Data Records, Phase 1: Time Series Homogeneity with Derivative Fields
- Understanding Slip on Triggered Faults in the Presence of a Large Regional Deformation
- Understanding the temporal characteristics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Unique frequency distribution of ice and dust cloud observations over Gale Crater on Mars
- United States Naval Academy Polar Science Program's Visual Arctic Observing Buoys; The IceGoat
- Unmanned Airborne Platforms for Validation of Volcanic Emission Composition and Transport Models
- Urban sources and emissions of nitrous oxide and methane in southern California, USA
- Using A-Train satellite observations to diagnosis and improve cloud and water vapor simulations in post-CMIP5 climate models
- Using Apollo sites and soils to compositionally ground truth Diviner Lunar Radiometer observations
- Using HIPPO observations to constrain the atmospheric budgets of black carbon and methane
- Using Long-Distance Scientist Involvement to Enhance NASA Volunteer Network Educational Activities
- Using MODIS to Map Changes in Earth's Annual Minimum Exposed Snow and Ice
- Using UAVSAR to Estimate Creep Along the Superstition Hills Fault, Southern California
- Utilizing Radar Remote Sensing to Assess the Water Extent along River Levees
- VERITAS: A Mission Concept for the High Resolution Topographic Mapping and Imaging of Venus
- VIR looking at Vesta: the north hemisphere
- Validating a Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing Based Global Record of Daily Landscape Freeze-Thaw Dynamics
- Validating the simulation of optical reflectance by a vertically resolved canopy biophysics model with MODIS daily observations
- Validation and application of MODIS-derived clean snow albedo and dust radiative forcing
- Validation of SMAP Radar Vegetation Data Cubes from Agricultural Field Measurements
- Validation of the ACE-FTS Dataset
- Variations in stratospheric HCl and ClO
- Vertical Profile of the Solar Cycle Induced Variability in Atmospheric OH and the Implications on Ozone
- Vertical Structure and Diabatic Processes of the MJO: A Global Model Evaluation Project
- Water Vapor Variations over Mauna Loa and Table Mountain since 2010
- Web-Based Real Time Earthquake Forecasting and Personal Risk Management
- What's New for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2? A Summary of Changes between the Original and Re-flight Missions
- Why do we have such difficulty assessing aerosol impacts in Southeast Asia? Examining the representativeness of regional in situ, remote sensing, and modeling data using examples from a recent field trial
- Why is Enceladus' surface so radar-bright?
- Will Global Warming modify the Madden-Julian Oscillation activity: A CCSM4 study ?
- Wind-Induced Biophysical Responses to Central and Eastern Pacific EL NIÑO
- Wind-driven trends in Antarctic sea ice drift
- 1/f and the Earthquake Problem: Scaling constraints to facilitate operational earthquake forecasting
- 2013 - JPL's Snow Data System Year in Review
- 3 years of GOSAT target mode observations of volcanic CO<SUB>2</SUB> from space
- 3D Thermal Modeling for Planetary Heat Flow Measurements
- 3D surface flow kinematics derived from airborne UAVSAR interferometric synthetic aperture radar to constrain the physical mechanisms controlling landslide motion
- A 10-year global gridded Aerosol Optical Thickness Reanalysis for climate and applied applications
- A 2.0 and 4.7 Heterodyne Spectrometer for Lower Thermospheric Wind, Temperature, and Atomic Oxygen Density Sensing
- A Bayesian exploration of the distribution of aseismic slip along the creeping section of the San Andreas Fault, California
- A Case study of AIRS Level 2 Temperature and Water Vapor Products using different Cloud Clearing Methods
- A Cloud-Precipitation Mission Concept for Studying Cloud and Precipitation Processes with Application to Climate Models (Invited)
- A Compute Perspective: Delivering Decision Support Products in 24 Hours from the Airborne Snow Observatory
- A Cubesat Mission to Venus: A Low-Cost Approach to the Investigation of Venus Lightning
- A Joint Seismic and Geodetic Rupture Model for the 2013 Khash Intraplate Earthquake
- A Long-Lived Tracer Perspective on the Origin of Air in the Tropical Tropopause Layer during ATTREX
- A Lower Size Limit for Near-Earth Asteroid Satellites
- A Machine Learning Approach to Mapping Agricultural Fields Across Sub-Saharan Africa
- A Multimodel Ensemble Prediction System to Specify Ionospheric Storms
- A New Approach to Measuring Precipitation over Snow Cover
- A New GPU-Enabled MODTRAN Thermal Model for the PLUME TRACKER Volcanic Emission Analysis Toolkit
- A New Method for Measurement of Photosynthesis from Space
- A Radiolytic Salt Cycle on Europa?
- A Satellite Observation Information Service for Data Assimilation Applications
- A Survey of Airborne Observations of Biological Aerosol over the Continental United States during NASA SEAC4RS
- A Survey of Inferred Ionic Charge States for Solar Energetic Particle Events with Data from the ACE and STEREO Missions
- A case study of reliability ensemble averaging for terrestrial biosphere simulators
- A global urban carbon monitoring system
- A satellite and model based flood inundation climatology of Australia
- A simulated magnetic induction investigation of Europa
- A wavelet-based multi-scale spatiotemporal filtering approach for monitoring Earth surface deformation using space geodesy
- AEGIS Automated Targeting for the MSL ChemCam Instrument
- AIRS Tropospheric CO2 Development
- ASCAT MetOp-A Backscatter Observations over the Global Land Surface: Application to Monitoring Recent Trends in Lake and Wetland Extent and to Monitoring Crop Growth over the United States
- Accentuation of Subtle Rock-density Differences by Aeolian Erosion
- Accuracy assessment of Terra/ASTER standard land-surface temperature and spectral emissivity products
- Advances in the Validation of Satellite-Based Maps of Volcanic Sulfur Dioxide Plumes
- Aeolian Abrasion at the Curiosity Landing Site: Clues to the Role of Wind in Landscape Modification
- African tropical rainforest net CO2 fluxes in the 20th century
- AirMSPI Observations, Retrieval Sensitivity, and GroundMSPI Comparisons
- AirSWOT: A New Airborne Instrument for Hydrology
- Airborne Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (AirMSPI) observations during several 2013 NASA field campaigns
- Airborne Snow Observatory: measuring basin-wide seasonal snowpack with LiDAR and an imaging spectrometer to improve runoff forecasting and reservoir operation (Invited)
- Allometric Scaling and Resource Limitations Model of Total Aboveground Biomass in Forest Stands: Site-scale Test of Model
- Ammonia Measurements by the NASA Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) and the NPP Suomi Cross-Track Infrared Sounder (CrIS)
- An Analysis of Saturn's Non-Axisymmetric Planetary Magnetic Field
- An Automated Method to Identify Mesoscale Convective Complexes (MCCs) Implementing Graph Theory
- An Examination of Low Cloud Properties Against Large-Scale Meteorological Variables from Multisensor Satellite Data for an Evaluation of CLUBB in CAM5 and AM3
- An Improved Atmospheric Lifetime of Nitrous Oxide Based on Measurement and Constrained Models
- An Observationally-Based Evaluation of Cloud Ice and Liquid Water in CMIP3 and CMIP5 GCMs and Contemporary Reanalyses Using Contemporary Satellite Data (Invited)
- An Overview of the Chelyabinsk Impact Event (Invited)
- An atmospheric inversion approach for quantifying the value of satellite CO2 measurements (Invited)
- Analogue Experiments Identify Possible Precursor Compounds for Chlorohydrocarbons Detected in SAM
- Analysis of Aerosol Spatial Variability from AERONET-DRAGON and MISR High-Resolution Data during DISCOVER-AQ
- Analysis of CO2/CO correlations from GOSAT/MOPITT observations using the GEOS-chem model
- Analysis of Satellite Remote Sensing Observations of Low Ozone Events in the Tropical Upper Troposphere and Links with Convection
- Analysis of Snow Albedo, Grain Size and Radiative Forcing based on the Airborne Snow Observatory (ASO) Imaging Spectroscopy Data
- Analysis of four years of GOSAT data through the ACOS B3.4 Retrieval Algorithm
- Antarctic Peninsula mass balance at present-day and over the past 150 years employing constraints from GRACE, GPS and other data
- Antipodal Acoustic Thermometry: 1960, 2004
- Applications of Information Theory for Ecohydrology Model Diagnostics
- Applications of Static and Time-Variable Gravity in Oceanography (Invited)
- Arctic Sea Ice Thickness from Satellite Observations, Aircraft Field Campaign Measurements, and Numerical Model Simulations
- Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Changes and Impacts (Invited)
- Assessing the Global Extent of Rivers Observable by SWOT
- Assessing the Impacts of Global Ocean Warming on Climate over Brazil with the OLAM Model
- Assessment of NASA GISS E2 CMIP5 and Post-CMIP5 Simulated Clouds and TOA Radiation Budgets Using Satellite Observations: Cloud fraction and properties
- Assimilating remote sensing observations across the terrestrial water cycle in a drought forecasting system
- Assimilation of surface altimetry data on 79 North glacier using automatic differentiation and ISSM. (Invited)
- Asteroid thermophysical models: harnessing the NEOWISE dataset
- Atmospheric Water-Cycle Regimes and Cloud Regimes
- Australia: The Little Continent that Can Influence Global Sea Level (Invited)
- Automated tracking of changes to terminus and mélange position in Greenland's marine outlet glaciers
- Autonomous Segmentation of Outcrop Images Using Computer Vision and Machine Learning
- Bayesian model averaging to evaluate regional temperature and precipitation in the United States
- Bed topography under the Greenland Ice Sheet based on mass conservation
- Benchmarking terrestrial biospheric models against CO2 observations from GOSAT
- Best Practices for International Collaboration and Applications of Interoperability within a NASA Data Center
- Biotic and abiotic controls on the distribution of tropical forest aboveground biomass
- Bistatic Radar Detectability of Comet 67 P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Blue Carbon distribution in mangrove forests of the Americas
- Breaking the Oceanic Lithosphere of a Subducting Slab: The Mw7.7 2013 Khash, Iran Earthquake (Invited)
- Building the GPM-GV Column from the GPM Cold season Precipitation Experiment (Invited)
- CALWATER-2 An Experiment Exploring the Roles of Atmospheric Rivers and Aerosols in Modulating U.S. West Coast Precipitation in a Changing Climate
- CARVE Measurements of Atmospheric Methane Concentrations and Emissions in Arctic and Boreal Alaska
- CMIP5 Simulations of US Winter Responses to El Niño Diversity
- CO2, CH4, CO and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Retrievals for the Geostationary Carbon Process Investigation
- Calcium Sulfate Vein Observations at Yellowknife Bay using ChemCam on the Curiosity Rover
- Can we measure remotely Surface Pressure, Water Vapor and Temperature profiles in Cloudy/Rainy Conditions?
- Carbon and snow in the mountains (Invited)
- Cassini Observations During the Saturn Auroral Campaign of Spring 2013 (Invited)
- Change in the <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/N of the Mars Atmosphere from Viking to MSL: A possible indication of climate change on Mars
- Characterization and Down-Selection of Prospective InSight Landing Site Ellipses in Elysium Planitia, Mars
- Characterization of Apollo Bulk Soil Samples Under Simulated Lunar Conditions
- Characterization of Eurasian Wetlands Using Microwave Remote Sensing for Ecosystem Carbon Flux Models
- Characterizing 3D Structure of Convective Momentum Transport Associated with the MJO Based on Contemporary Reanalyses
- Characterizing information content in a high dimensional variational inversion system of trace gas fluxes
- Characterizing the Phyllosilicates and Amorphous Phases Found by MSL Using Laboratory XRD and EGA Measurements of Natural and Synthetic Materials (Invited)
- Charged Particle Measurements on Mars and during Cruise with the Radiation Assessment Detector (MSL/RAD)
- ChemCam Compositional Results from the Shaler Outcrop in Gale Crater, Mars (Invited)
- ChemCam Passive Reflectance Spectroscopy at Gale Crater, Mars
- ChemCam Passive Spectroscopy of the Martian Atmosphere
- ChemCam investigation of resistant fracture-fill cements at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Climate Change, Pacific Ocean and Land Use Influences on Los Angeles' Urban Heat Islands
- Climate Model Diagnostic Analyzer Web Service System
- Climatology of the Martian Polar Vortices
- Climbing Mt. Sharp: Maximizing Curiosity's Science Over Traversable Terrains
- Closed Field Coronal Heating Models Inspired by Wave Turbulence
- Coastal Geomorphology at Endeavour Crater: Observations by the Opportunity Rover
- Comparing Pre-, Co- and Post-Seismic Offsets Measured by Continuous GPS for the September 5, 2012 Costa Rica Earthquake (Invited)
- Comparing the Chemistry for the Pathfinder, MER and MSL Martian Landing Sites with APXS
- Comparison of Ionospheric and Thermospheric Effects During Two High Speed Stream Events
- Complementary information from TRMM and CloudSat to improve our global estimate of precipitation
- Compositions of Sub-Millimeter-Size Clasts seen by ChemCam in Martian Soils at Gale : A Window Into the Production processes of Soils
- Comprehensive seismic monitoring of the Cascadia megathrust with real-time GPS
- Connecting white light to in situ observations of 22 coronal mass ejections from the Sun to 1 AU
- Considering the Impact of Atmospheric Rivers on Groundwater using In-Situ Well Data and GPS-Derived Surface Subsidence
- Constrain Carbonyl Sulfide Ocean flux using free tropospheric observations from Aura Tropospheric Emissions Spectrometer
- Constraining canopy biophysical simulations with daily MODIS reflectance data ensuring pixel-target adequacy
- Constraining estimates of methane emissions from Arctic permafrost regions with CARVE
- Constraining sub-grid GCM processes with retrievals of water isotopic composition from Aura TES
- Constraints on the Evolution of Titan's Lake Basins as Revealed by Stereo Photogrammetry and Bathymetry (Invited)
- Constructing Flexible, Configurable, ETL Pipelines for the Analysis of "Big Data" with Apache OODT
- Controlling mechanisms of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- Coordinated in situ and orbital observations of ground temperature by the Mars Science Laboratory Ground Temperature Sensor and Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System: Implications for thermal modeling of the Martian surface
- Coronal heating, solar wind acceleration and fast reconnection. (Invited)
- Curvilinear, interconnecting gullies and associated flow features as evidence for transient water flow on Vesta
- D/H in Volatiles Evolved from Scooped and Drilled Samples in Rocknest and Yellowknife Bay
- DAN Active Parameters and Mastcam Hydration Survey Imaging: Comparisons Across Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Data Albums: A synthesis engine to support case study and climatology analysis
- Data Preservation and Curation for the Planetary Science Community
- Dataset Lifecycle Policy Development & Implementation at the PO.DAAC
- Decadal Variability in AIRS Version 6 Retrievals
- Decision Support and Robust Estimation of Uncertainty in Carbon Stocks and Fluxes
- Demonstration of Technologies for Remote and in Situ Sensing of Atmospheric Methane Abundances - a Controlled Release Experiment
- Densified GPS Estimates of Integrated Precipitable Water Vapor Improve Weather Forecasting during the North American Monsoon
- Dependence of the drizzle growth process on the cloud top height and its relevance to the aerosol vertical profile
- Depositional architecture of fan deposits and preserved bedforms on the southwest margin of Mt. Sharp from HiRISE imagery
- Detailed Study of Ozone Response to Large SEP Events
- Detecting Complex Organic Compounds Using the SAM Wet Chemistry Experiment on Mars
- Detecting Faults in Southern California using Computer-Vision Techniques and Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR) Interferometry
- Detecting Forest Disturbance Events from MODIS and Landsat Time Series for the Conterminous United States
- Detecting Hidden Faults and Other Lineations with UAVSAR
- Detection and Quantification of Nitrogen Compounds in Martian Solid Samples by the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) Instrument Suite
- Detection of Natural Hazards Generated TEC Perturbations and Related New Applications
- Determination of the Light Element Fraction in MSL APXS Spectra
- Developing an ice cloud fraction parameterization using A-Train satellite datasets
- Development and Implementation of Flood Risk Mapping, Water Bodies Monitoring and Climate Information for Human Health
- Development and field-testing of the BENTO box: A new satellite-linked data collection system for volcano monitoring
- Development of a Tunable Laser Spectroscopic Method for Determining Multiple Sulfur Isotope Composition of Nanomoles of SO2
- Development of a multi-scale data assimilation system for model-observation integration and climate model evaluation (Invited)
- Differences in Properties of 3He-rich SEP Events between Solar Cycle 24 and Earlier Cycles
- Direct and indirect effects of fires on the carbon balance of tropical forest ecosystems (Invited)
- Direct determination of geocenter motion by combining SLR, VLBI, GNSS, and DORIS time series
- Discharge estimates on a small braided river based on synthetic SWOT measurements
- Discovery of Ahrensite γ-Fe<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> and Tissintite (Ca,Na,[])AlSi<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>6</SUB>, Two New Shock-induced Minerals from the Tissint Martian Meteorite: a Nanomineralogy Investigation
- Diversity of Rock Compositions at Gale Crater Observed by ChemCam and APXS on Curiosity, and Comparison to Meteorite and Orbital Observations
- Downscaling Climate Data from Distributed Archives
- Drift-corrected Trends and Periodic Variations in MIPAS Ozone Measurements
- Drivers of column CO2 (XCO2) variability and implications for flux estimation
- E-DECIDER Decision Support Gateway For Earthquake Disaster Response
- Early Detection of Tsunami Scales using GPS
- Earth's Radiation Belts: The View from Juno's Cameras
- EcoSIS
- Effect of ammonia on the stability of clathrate hydrates: experimental study and implications for Titan
- Effects of Exoplanet Planetesimal Carbon Chemistry on Habitability
- Effects of aerosols versus meteorology on cloud microphysical properties: a statistical investigation using global climate models and satellite observations
- Effects of non-tidal atmospheric loading on a Kalman filter-based terrestrial reference frame
- El Nino, The 2006 Indonesian Peat Fires, And The Distribution Of Atmospheric Methane
- Emissivity and Anisothermality Studies at the Lunar Poles with Diviner's Far Infrared Channels
- Empirical correction of Titan surface photometry and atmospheric scattering from Cassini/VIMS data
- Environmental Dynamics and the Habitability Potential at Gale Crater, Mars (Invited)
- Environmental Monitoring and Investigations in Gale Crater. (Invited)
- Estimates of carbon cycle surface fluxes from the NASA Carbon Monitoring System Flux Pilot Project
- Estimating Soil Moisture Profiles with P-band Low-frequency Radar Measurements Using Regularization
- Estimating forest snow accumulation with LiDAR derived canopy metrics, southern Sierra Nevada, California
- Estimating maritime snow density from seasonal climate variables
- Estimating tropical forest structure using LIDAR AND X-BAND INSAR
- Europa from SOFIA: first 5-8 μm spectra
- Evaluating CMIP5 Model Seasonal Cycle using AIRS Tropospheric Air Temperature and Specific Humidity Obs4MIPs Data
- Evaluating Heating and Moisture Variability Associated with MJO Events in a Low-Dimension Dynamic Model with Observations and Reanalyses
- Evaluating Surface Mass Balance spatiotemporal variability in a regional climate model over Greenland using an ice sheet model and GRACE
- Evaluating cloud tuning in a climate model with satellite observations
- Evaluating the diurnal cycle of upper tropospheric clouds and humidity in climate models using SMILES observations
- Evaluation and future projections of surface temperature distributions over South America
- Evaluation of CMIP5 Simulated Clouds and TOA Radiation Budgets Using NASA Satellite Observations
- Evaluation of CMIP5 Upper Troposphere Geopotential Height with GPS Radio Occultation Observations
- Evaluation of Climate Model Data using the Regional Climate Model Evaluation System (RCMES): Application to Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Hydrology
- Evaluation of Model Representations of Cloud-Aerosol Interactions in Biomass Burning Regions
- Evaluation of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions over California in Spring 2010
- Evaluation of terrestrial primary production using biosphere models and space-based measurements of fluorescence
- Evidence for Smectite Clays from MSL SAM Analyses of Mudstone at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Evidence for a Glaciation Aerosol Indirect Effect from Ship Tracks
- Evolution of Shallow Aseismic Slip Around the MW 7.6 September 5th 2012 Nicoya Megathrust Earthquake
- Evolution of Titan's Lakes and Seas: Insights from Recent Infrared Observations
- Evolution of Titan's outer icy shell: Role of ocean crystallization and surface weathering
- Evolution of data stewardship over two decades at a NASA data center
- Expanded Large-Scale Forcing Properties Derived from the Multiscale Data Assimilation System and Its Application to Single-Column Models
- Expanding Access and Usage of NASA Near Real-Time Imagery and Data
- Experience with Data Science as an Intern with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Experimental investigation of the H<SUB>2</SUB>O-CO<SUB>2</SUB> system between 250-330 K and 0-1.7 GPa and modeling of the sI clathrate hydrate of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> at high pressures
- Exploring Earth as an Exoplanet (Invited)
- Exploring inner structure of Titan's dunes from Cassini Radar observations
- Extending ESGF Data Publication at the NASA Center for Climate Simulation
- Extending Interfield Analysis of Tumuli on Terrestrial Inflated Lava Flows to Mars
- Extensible, Open Source Solutions for Scientific Data Discovery (Invited)
- Extracting Regional Ionospheric TEC Measurements from Dense GPS (GNSS) Networks in Areas of High Seismic Risk
- Extrapolating From Pits: Quantifying spatial variability of snow for remote sensing calibration/validation (Invited)
- Extremely Intense ELF Magnetosonic Waves and a Possible New Source for Plasmaspheric Hiss: Polar Observations
- Extremely Shallow Extensional Faulting Near Geothermal Fields
- Facilitating Real-time Triage of Astronomical Data with Open Source Software
- Fast and Accurate Shortwave Radiative Flux Calculations for Climate Models Using Principal Component Analysis
- Federated query services provided by the Seamless SAR Archive project
- Field Observations of Methane Emissions from Unconventional and Conventional Fossil Fuel Exploration
- Finite Element Modelling of the Apollo Heat Flow Experiments
- Fracture and Damage Mechanics of Marginal Weakening and Rifting in Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf
- Fram Strait Sea Ice Volume Export 1992-2012 from Combined ULS and Satellite Data
- Fugitive Methane Source Detection and Discrimination with the Picarro Mobile Methane Investigator
- Future Evolution of Antarctic Bed Topography and Its Implications for Ice Sheet Dynamics
- GEROS-ISS: Innovative GNSS reflectometry/occultation payload onboard the International Space Station for the Global Geodetic Observing System
- GPS as a high resolution technique for evaluating water resources available to California
- GRACE Hydrology: Applications of Current and Future GRACE Missions
- Geomorphic constraints on the geologic history of Gale Crater (Invited)
- Geophysical Implications of Enceladus' CO<SUB>2</SUB> Frost
- Getting Open Source Right for Big Data Analytics: Software Sharing, Governance, Collaboration and Most of All, Fun!
- Global Characterization of Tropospheric Noise for InSAR Analysis Using MODIS Data
- Global High Resolution Soil Moisture Product from the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission
- Global Mineral Mapping of Diviner Data from 8-50 Microns
- Global Monitoring of Mountain Glaciers Using High-Resolution Spotlight Imaging from the International Space Station
- Global Near-IR Maps of Io from Gemini-N and Keck Observations in 2010, with a Specific Emphasis on Kanehekili Fluctus, Janus Patera, and Loki Patera
- Global Sea Level Rise: Analyses and Implications
- Global carbon cycle impact from improved plant nitrogen cycle in CLM
- Global characterization of Titan's dune fields by RADAR and VIMS observations
- Global ionospheric dynamics and electrodynamics during geomagnetic storms (Invited)
- Global satellite retrievals of Peroxy Acetyl Nitrate (PAN) in the troposphere
- Global sea level record from satellite altimetry: accomplishments and challenges
- Gravity constraints on origin and evolution of Vesta
- Ground and Space-Based Natural Hazard Remote Sensing of Thermosphere-Ionosphere Perturbations Using Gnss Measuremnents
- Ground-Based Observations of the Aftermath of the 2010-2011 Great Northern Springtime Storm in Saturn (Invited)
- Ground-atmosphere interactions at Gale
- HSI-Find: A Visualization and Search Service for Terascale Spectral Image Catalogs
- Heating and cooling of wakes in Saturn's A ring (Invited)
- Hemispheric and Interannual Comparisons of Polar Winter CO2 Clouds on Mars
- Hemispheric symmetry of the Earth's Energy Balance as a fundamental constraint on the Earth's climate
- High Climate Sensitivity Suggested by Multi-satellite Observations: the Role of Circulation and Cloud Feedback
- High Resolution Laboratory Spectroscopy of the A-Band of O<SUB>2</SUB> and the 2060 nm Band of CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- How NASA is building and sustaining a community of scientist-communicators through virtual technology, graphic facilitation and other community-building tools
- How do cloud-types affect inter-satellite biases?
- Hurricane Observations with HAMSR in the GRIP and HS3 Field Campaigns
- Hydrated Minerals at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars: Observations from Mastcam's Science Filters
- Hydrogen and chlorine content in Gale crater along the first 1 km of Curiosity's traverse, estimated from DAN/MSL data (Invited)
- ISS observations of Titan's northern lakes and evidence for a north-polar surface unit
- ITRF2008G Terrestrial Frame Computed with GIPSY Software
- Ice Mass Changes in West Antarctica from Satellite Gravimetry: GOCE Adds Spatial Resolution to GRACE
- Ice Sheet System Model as Educational Entertainment
- Identifying Fossil Biosignatures and Minerals in Mars Analog Materials Using Time-Resolved Raman Spectroscopy
- Imaging irregular magma reservoirs with InSAR and GPS observations: Application to Kilauea and Copahue volcanoes
- Imaging the seismic cycle in North-East Japan from GEONET cGPS network data
- Impact of Model Resolution in ACOS-xCO2 Observation Assimilation
- Impact of the 2012 US drought on ecosystem carbon and water fluxes (Invited)
- Impacts of Fire Emissions and Transport Pathways on the Interannual Variation of CO in the Tropical Upper Troposphere
- Impacts of Model Errors on Global Estimates of CO and CH4 inferred from MOPITT and TES datasets
- Impacts of Recent Perennial Sea Ice Reduction on BrO Observations at Barrow, Alaska
- Impacts of dust and black carbon deposition in snow on surface energy balance and hydrology using a regional climate model over Western U.S
- Impacts of updated spectroscopy on retrievals of CO2 and CH4 from TES observations evaluated with HIPPO observations
- Implementing DOIs for Oceanographic Satellite Data at PO.DAAC
- Improved Ozone Profile Retrievals Using Multispectral Measurements from NASA 'A Train' Satellites
- Improvement of MISR aerosol optical properties over the contiguous United States using GOCART Data
- Improvement of Operational Streamflow Prediction with MODIS-derived Fractional Snow Covered Area Observations
- Improvements in AIRS Temperature and Water Vapor Retrievals Above Clouds
- Improving Climate Literacy Using The Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM): A Prototype Virtual Ice Sheet Laboratory For Use In K-12 Classrooms
- Improving the instantaneous vertical profiling of precipitation for passive-microwave retrievals
- In situ Volcanic Plume Monitoring with small Unmanned Aerial Systems for Cal/Val of Satellite Remote Sensing Data: CARTA-UAV 2013 Mission (Invited)
- In situ, spatially resolved biosignature detection at the microbial scale
- In-Situ Exploration of Venus: Major Science Objectives, Investigations, and Mission Platform Options
- InSAR Observation of Ground Surface Deformations Associated to Aquifer Storage and Recovery: A Case study for Future CO2 sequestration
- Information about vertical heating structure in AIRS Quantized Level-3
- Insights into magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupling revealed in GPS total electron content observations from ground and space (Invited)
- Integrating Remote Sensing Data, Hybrid-Cloud Computing, and Event Notifications for Advanced Rapid Imaging & Analysis (Invited)
- Integrating nitrogen dynamics into the Noah-MP land surface model for environmental prediction
- Integration of ground-based and airborne lidar data for improved terrain modeling and snow mapping (Invited)
- Integration of multiple land surface models into NASA's Carbon Monitoring System
- Intelligent Controller for a Compact Wide-Band Compositional Infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometer
- Inter-Annual Repeatability of Regional Dust Storms During the Martian Dusty Season (Invited)
- Inter-Sensor Comparison of Microwave Land Surface Emissivity Products to Improve Precipitation Retrievals
- Interactions between fire weather and biomass burning during Santa Ana events in southern California
- Interannual Variations of Tropical Water Vapor from 'A-Train' Satellite Observations and IPCC AR5 Model Simulations
- Interpreting Ground Temperature Measurements for Thermophysical Properties on Complex Surfaces of the Moon and Mars
- Investigating ancient microbial biosignatures with Micro-XRF in situ elemental analysis
- Investigating the origin of emissivity features in airless body spectra
- Investigation of High Latitude CO2 Variability From Satellite Data
- Investigation of the Importance of Atmospheric Dust Content on Particle Spectra on the Surface of Mars
- Iron isotope compositions and origins of pyrites from the Turee Creek Group, Western Australia: the contribution of high-resolution femtosecond Laser Ablation -MC-ICP-MS
- Irreducible 3D Radiative Transfer Effects in Multi-angle/Multi-spectral Radio-Polarimetric Signals (Not Noise!) from a Mixture of Clouds and Aerosol in a Single Large-Footprint Pixel
- Iterative modeling of hydrogen in multiple subsurface layers with MSL/DAN exit traverse data from Yellowknife Bay, Gale crater, Mars
- Joint M3 and Diviner analysis of the mineralogy, glass composition, and country rock content of pyroclastic deposits in Oppenheimer Crater
- Journey to a metal world: Concept for a Discovery mission to Psyche
- Juno Earth Flyby as a Sensitive Detector of Anomalous Orbital-Energy Changes
- Juno Magnetometer Observations in the Earth's Magnetosphere
- Key findings from the first 360 sols of the Curiosity rover mission in Gale crater, Mars (Invited)
- Kinetics and product yields of the acetyl peroxy + HO<SUB>2</SUB> radical reaction studied by photoionization mass spectrometry
- Kinetics of hydroperoxy radical reactions with acetone/HO2 adduct and with acetonylperoxy radical
- LST&E Products and their Validation (Invited)
- Laboratory Reference Spectroscopy of Icy Satellite Candidate Surface Materials (Invited)
- Land and Cryosphere Products from Suomi NPP VIIRS: Overview and Status
- Landing Site Selection and Surface Traverse Planning using the Lunar Mapping & Modeling Portal
- Landscape Temperature and Frozen/Thawed Condition over Alaska with Infrared and Active/Passive Microwave Remote Sensing: Determination of Thermal Controls on Land-Atmosphere Carbon Flux in Support of CARVE
- Large eddy simulations of the sensitivity of polar boundary layer clouds to changes in sea ice
- Large tree species richness is associated with topography, forest structure and spectral heterogeneity in a neotropical rainforest
- Large-Eddy Simulations of the Stratocumulus to Shallow Cumulus Cloud Transition
- Large-Scale, Parallel, Multi-Sensor Atmospheric Data Fusion Using Cloud Computing
- Learning from Massive Distributed Data Sets (Invited)
- Leveraging Crowdsourcing and Linked Open Data for Geoscience Data Sharing and Discovery
- Leveraging On-premise and Public Cloud Computing to Enable Advanced Rapid Imaging & Analysis for Monitoring Hazards (Invited)
- Lidar and Ground Assessment of Diversity, Wood Density, and Aboveground Biomass Along an Elevation Gradient in Tropical Montane Forest of Costa Rica
- Light Absorbing Impurities in Snow in the Western US: Partitioning Radiative Impacts from Mineral Dust and Black Carbon
- Linking evapotranspiration, boundary-layer processes and atmospheric moisture using isotope tracer modeling and data
- Links between river incision, landslide activity, organic material erosion, and plant species diversity in an Andean Valley
- Local variations of bulk hydrogen and chlorine content measured at the contact between the Sheepbed and Gillespie Lake units in Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, using the DAN instrument onboard Curiosity
- Long Range Kelvin Wave Propagation of Transport Variations in the Pacific Ocean Equatorial Currents: Part II
- Long-Duration Altitude-Controlled Balloons for Venus: A Feasibility Study Informed by Balloon Flights in Remote Environments on Earth
- Lunar Atmosphere Probe Station: A Proof-of-Concept Instrument Package for Monitoring the Lunar Atmosphere
- Mapping cropland GPP in the north temperate region with space measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence
- Mapping of subaqueous glacier topography in Greenland with multibeam sonars to document ice-ocean interactions
- Mapping, Characterizing, and Interpreting Mineral Fabrics in Mafic and Ultramafic Rock Samples from Mars Analog Sites in Samail, Oman Using the Ultra-Compact Imaging Spectrometer (UCIS)
- Markov Chain Method for Radiative Transfer Modeling: A Case Study of Aerosol/Surface Retrieval using AirMSPI Measurements
- Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover initial Mastcam geomorphologic and multispectral characterization of the Gale crater field site
- Mars nighttime water-ice clouds
- Mars: Cold, windy and occasionally unstable (Invited)
- Mass Concentration Technique for GRACE and GRAIL Gravity Recovery (Invited)
- Massive Dataset Analysis for Geoscience Data (Invited)
- Measurement of Sinkhole Formation and Progression with InSAR
- Measurements and Simulations of Methane Concentration During a Controlled Release Experiment for Top-down Emission Quantification by In Situ and Remote Sensing
- Measuring Rate Constants for Reactions of the Simplest Criegee Intermediate (CH2OO) by Monitoring the OH Radical
- Measuring methane concentrations from anthropogenic and natural sources using airborne imaging spectroscopy
- Measuring the Emissivity of Samples in an Airless-Body Environment: Improvements, Results and Error Analysis
- Metastable Oxygen Production by Electron-Impact of Oxygen
- Microbial community development in deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the Earth and the Enceladus (Invited)
- Microphysical simulations of polar stratospheric clouds during the 2010-2011 Arctic Winter
- Microwave radiometry over Titan's seas and lakes
- Modeling Anisothermality in LRO Diviner Observations to Assess Surface Roughness and Rock Abundance
- Modeling Snowcover Sensitivity to Warming Temperature Across a Climatic Gradient in the Oregon Cascades
- Modeling of hydrologically induced glacier velocity variations and data needs for a proper parameterization
- Modeling on the Steady State of Thwaites Glacier
- Modeling the Nascent Solar Nebula for Material to be Measured with Rosetta at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Modeling the dependence on viewing and illumination geometries of Land Surface Temperature retrieved from space borne sensors
- Models for Temperature and Composition in Uranus from Spitzer, Herschel and Ground-Based Infrared through Millimeter Observations
- Modulation of the Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves by the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Monitoring Earthquake Fault Slip from Space: Model Implications for a High Precision, High Resolution Dedicated Gravity Mission (Invited)
- Monitoring snow melt characteristics on the Greenland ice sheet using a new MODIS land surface temperature and emissivity product (MOD21)
- Monitoring the Snowpack in Remote, Ungauged Mountains
- Multilayer Bicontinuous DMRT Model for Terrestrial Snowpack
- Multivariate Spatial Data Fusion for Global Remote Sensing Data Sets
- Multiwavelength studies of Saturn's rings
- Mycorrhizal fungi and global land surface models?
- NASA Polar Imagery: Have It Your Way or Have It Our Way
- NASA and U.S. Geological Survey Long-Term Archive for the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER)
- NASA's Space Geodesy Project
- Nature and Origin of CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Enceladus
- Near Threshold Excitation of Molecular Nitrogen: Benchmarking Cross Sections for Upper Atmospheres
- Near field 3D displacement of El Mayor-Cupapah Earthquake: A hybrid approach. (Invited)
- Near-vent measurements of volcanic gases and aerosols with multiple small unmanned aerial vehicles
- Neptune and Triton: A Study in Future Exploration
- Neutron Background Measurements by the the MSL Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) Instrument during the First 360 sols of the Surface Operation at Mars
- New insights into the diurnal variability of animal NH3 emissions using in-situ, satellite and aloft observations
- Ninety Degrees South! Geology of the South Pole of Venus
- Non-seasonal fluctuations of the Arctic Ocean mass observed by GRACE
- North Polar Temperatures on Mercury: Thermal Models Derived from the Latest MESSENGER Topography
- Numerical simulation of sea salt aerosol over the Southern Ocean and validation against surface-based and satellite observations
- OMI BrO measurements: Operational data analysis algorithm and initial validation
- Obliquity-Controlled Water Vapor/Trace Gas Feedback in the Martian Greenhouse Cycle
- Observation of Comet ISON by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) on Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter (MRO)
- Observational Boundary Layer Moisture and Energy Budgets of the Marine Stratocumulus-to-Cumulus Transition
- Observational Constraint of Aerosol Effects on the CMIP5 Inter-model Spread of Adjusted Forcings
- Observational constraints on carbon-climate sensitivity (Invited)
- Observational tests of the tropical precipitation and relative humidity relationship
- Observations of the interaction between the ring ionodisk and Saturn's ionosphere: ring rain (Invited)
- Observing Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) With the Spitzer Space Telescope
- Observing System Simulations for ASCENDS: Synthesizing Science Measurement Requirements (Invited)
- Oceans and Internal Structures of the Large Icy Satellites
- Of the gradient accuracy in Full-Stokes ice flow models: basal slipperiness inference
- On the Character and Mitigation of Atmospheric Noise in InSAR Time Series Analysis (Invited)
- On-board Processing to Advance the PanFTS Imaging System for GEO-CAPE
- On-orbit lunar calibration compared with vicarious calibration for GOSAT
- OnEarth: An Open Source Solution for Efficiently Serving High-Resolution Mapped Image Products
- Operational multi-sensor design for forest carbon monitoring to support REDD+ in Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Optimal estimation of North American methane emissions using GOSAT data: A contribution to the NASA Carbon Monitoring System
- Organic carbon compounds detected by the SAM instrument suite on Curiosity: results of the first year of exploration at Gale Crater (Invited)
- Origins of Heat and Freshwater Anomalies Underlying Regional Decadal Sea Level Trends (Invited)
- Orographic forcing of dune forming winds on Titan
- Pacific sea-surface temperature, convective intensity, and atmospheric water vapor ?D over tropical Andean glaciers
- Parallelization of the Ensemble Empirical Model Decomposition (PEEMD) Method on Multi- and Many-core Processors
- Particle Property Data Quality Flags for the MISR Aerosol Product
- Particle Sizes in Saturn's Rings from Cassini Radio Occultations
- Passive bookshelf faulting driven by gravitational spreading as the cause of the tiger-stripe-fracture formation and development in the South Polar Terrain of Enceladus
- Phase and coherence of longitudinally separated equatorial ionospheric scintillation
- Photochemical Processes in the Condensed Haze of Titan's Atmosphere
- Photochemistry in Saturn's Ring-Shadowed Atmosphere: Of Venetian Blinds, Atmospheric Molecules and Observations
- Photochemistry of Ozone-Water Ices Relevant to Outer Solar System Satellites
- Phyllosilicates and Cometary Impacts on the Surface of Europa
- Planetary surface exploration using Raman spectroscopy for minerals and organics
- Plate-scale Seismic Studies of Anatolia: Implications on Tectonic Interpretations (Invited)
- Polar Region Interhemispheric Magnetic Observatories (PRIMO)
- Portals for Real-Time Earthquake Data and Forecasting: Challenge and Promise (Invited)
- Position Corrections due to Uncalibrated GNSS Antenna Radomes at IGS Co-located Geodetic Observing Stations
- Post-processing methods with applications to JPL RL05M GRACE mascon solutions
- Pre-Launch Phase 1 Calibration and Validation Rehearsal of Geophysical Data Products of Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission
- Precipitation decrease correlates with accelerated ice mass loss in Antarctica
- Precipitation sorted cloud variability over Indian region- Observational, satellite and model approach
- Predictability of the Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) in the Intraseasonal Variability Hindcast Experiment (ISVHE)
- Preliminary Results from MCS and MSL Atmospheric Joint Observations
- Preliminary assessment of the state of CO<SUB>2</SUB> soil degassing on the flanks of Gede volcano (West Java, Indonesia)
- Priorities for Venus Exploration
- Profiling the Cloudy Boundary Layer from GPS Radio Occultation and MODIS
- Progress in mapping bed topography with OIB and other data in Greenland and Antarctica (Invited)
- Progress on Antarctic Glacial Isostatic Adjustment and GRACE constraints on ice loss (Invited)
- Prospects for chlorophyll fluorescence and vegetation remote sensing from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2
- Provenance and Diagenesis of the Yellowknife Bay Formation, Gale Crater, Mars (Invited)
- Provenance of the Fluvial-deltaic Sedimentary Deposits Within the Eberswalde Crater Catchment, Mars
- Publishing NASA Metadata as Linked Open Data for Semantic Mashups
- Quantification of fossil fuel CO2 at the building/street level for the LA Megacity
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Wetland Change Mapping for Alaska: Part I - Uncertainty in Input SAR Data
- Quantifying the effects of different post-processing quality filters on regionally and temporally averaged ACOS XCO2
- Quantifying the importance of plant functional diversity for ecosystem functioning and resilience under scenarios of climate change (Invited)
- Quantifying the radiative and microphysical impacts of fire aerosols on cloud dynamics in the tropics using temporally offset satellite observations
- Quantifying the respective contribution of wind stress and diabatic forcing to decadal temperature changes and regional sea level trends over 1993-2010 based on ECCO solutions
- Radar Characteristics of Vesta's Polar Regions using Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer and Bistatic Radar Observations by the Dawn Mission
- Radar Subsurface Exploration of Icy Moons: Understanding Radar Wave Propagation Through Europa, Ganymede and Callisto
- Radar and Geomorphic Evidence Regarding the Occurrence of Massive Ground Ice in the Martian Northern Plains
- Radar-guided radiometer downscaling for combined soil moisture retrieval
- Radiation Measurements in Cruise and on Mars by the MSL Radiation Assessment Detector
- Radiative Transfer on Titan: Towards a Massive Inversion of Atmospheric and Surface Properties From VIMS/Cassini Observations of Titan
- Raised Ridges in the Sheepbed Member as Evidence for Early Subaqueous Diagenesis at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Rapid Global Imagery Management and Generation In Action
- Rapid, reliable geodetic data analysis for hazard response: Results from the Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) project
- Recent Advances in Realizing the Terrestrial Reference System from GPS
- Recent Opportunity Microscopic Imager Results
- Recent Polar Instrumentation Developments Using Low Cost, New Access Methods via Iridium Short Burst Data (SBD)
- Recent measurement results from the Carbon Dioxide Laser Absorption Spectrometer for the ASCENDS Mission
- Recovering Seasat SAR Data
- Regime and scale dependent comparisons of temperature and water vapor between AIRS pixel scale retrievals and climate model and reanalysis snapshots
- Relating health and climate impacts to grid-scale emissions using adjoint sensitivity modeling for the Climate and Clean Air Coalition
- Relationships Among Precipitation, Precipitable Water, and Surface Air Temperature over Northern Eurasia
- Remote Chemical Analysis at Enceladus: An Astrobiology Science Instrument Concept
- Remote Under-Ice Roving in Alaska with the Buoyant Rover for Under-Ice Exploration
- Remote sensing of trend and seasonal variability of greenhouse gas emissions from the Los Angeles basin using an FTS on Mount Wilson
- Restarting NEOWISE
- Retrieval of Atmospheric Concentrations for Ecosystem Studies
- Retrieval of Greenhouse Gas in the LA Basin Using High-Resolution CLARS Measurements
- Retrieval of Martian dust properties by surface observations and radiative transfer models
- Retrieval of soil moisture using airborne synthetic- and real- aperture radar data at different spatial scales
- River-ice and sea-ice velocity fields from near-simultaneous satellite imagery
- Robustness of Turbulence-Mediated Feedbacks in Large Eddy Simulations of Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds
- Role of velocity shears in turbulent dissipation
- Rotational and dissipative behavior of Phobos and constraints on its origin (Invited)
- SMAP Global Model Calibration Using SMOS Multi-angle Time-series Observations
- SMAP Mission Multiresolution Soil Moisture data for Understanding Geophysical Process Dynamics at Different Scales (Invited)
- SMAP RADAR Processing and Calibration
- Saturn's auroral dynamics during the 2013 observing campaign: in situ and remote observations (Invited)
- Saturn's northern auroras as observed using the Hubble Space Telescope
- Saturn's satellites temperatures inferred from Cassini-VIMS reflectance spectra
- Saturn's shape from Cassini radio occultations
- Scale Dependence of Statistics in Large Eddy Simulations of Boundary Layer Clouds Subject to Time-Varying Forcing
- Science Preparations for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory - 2 (OCO-2) Launch
- Science and Reconnaissance from the Europa Clipper Mission
- Sea Surface Salinity and Barrier Layer Variability in the Equatorial Pacific
- Sea Surface Temperature for Climate Applications: A New Dataset from the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative
- Seasonal and interannual variation of the subaqueous melt rate of Store Glacier, West Greenland
- Secular Climate Change on Mars: An Update Using MSL Pressure Data
- Sedimentary Petrography and Facies Analysis at the Shaler Outcrop, Gale Crater, Mars
- Sedimentary architecture of the Shaler outcrop, Gale Crater, Mars: paleoenvironmental and sediment transport implications
- Seismic Event Detection and Localization Using Ionospheric Disturbances in TEC Measurements
- Semantically optiMize the dAta seRvice operaTion (SMART) system for better data discovery and access
- Sensitivity of Ionosphere/Thermosphere to different high-latitude drivers
- Sensitivity of ice flow in Greenland to errors in model forcing, using the Ice Sheet System Model
- Sequential Estimation of Terrestrial Reference Frame using Information Filter for a Singular System
- Shaping a dune with wind and frost in Matara crater, Mars
- Simultaneous infrared and ultraviolet observations of Saturn's aurora using Cassini VIMS and UVIS during the 2013 auroral campaign (Invited)
- Simultaneously Estimating EOPs and a TRF with KALREF
- Snow and Ice Climatology of the Western United States and Alaska from MODIS
- Soil Moisture Estimate under Forest using a Semi-empirical Model at P-Band
- Solar Cycle Induced Variability in the Abundances and Partitioning of Atmospheric HOx
- Solar Energetic Particle Events in the STEREO Era
- Solar Energetic Particle Pitch Angle Distributions Observed by STEREO/LET
- Solar Polar Imager: Observing Coronal Transients from a New Perspective (Invited)
- Solar Probe Plus: A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun
- Solid Earth Science ESDR System
- Sources of uncertainties in satellite-based cloud droplet size retrieval: An integrated modeling and observational study
- Spatial Representativeness of Flux Tower Sites: A Comparison Between Tower and Aircraft Eddy-Covariance Fluxes
- Spatial Structure of a Braided River: Metric Resolution Hydrodynamic Modeling Reveals What SWOT Might See
- Spatial and Temporal Analysis of inundation and Freeze /Thaw states in Alaska Using High Resolution ALOS PALSAR Observations
- Spatial and Temporal Biases in ACOS-GOSAT and BESD-SCIAMACHY Carbon Dioxide and Effects on Flux Estimates
- Spatial and temporal variability of radiative forcing by dust in snow in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Spatio-Temporal Evolution and Scaling Properties of Human Settlements (Invited)
- Spring Snow Depth on Arctic Sea Ice using the IceBridge Snow Depth Product (Invited)
- Spring Snow Depth on Arctic Sea Ice using the IceBridge Snow Depth Product (Invited)
- Stacking global GPS verticals and horizontals to solve for the fortnightly body tide
- State-of-the-art satellite vegetation fluorescence retrievals and comparisons with reflectance-based bio-spectral indicators over Russian drought regions in 2010
- Statistical Analysis of Sensor Network Time Series at Multiple Time Scales
- Stereo-Derived Magellan Topography, VIRTIS Emissivity Estimates, and Tesserae on Venus
- Stochastic Convection Parameterizations: The Eddy-Diffusivity/Mass-Flux (EDMF) Approach (Invited)
- Strike-slip Fault Structure in the Salton Trough and Deformation During and After the 2010 M7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake from Geodetic and Seismic Data
- Study on Landscape Freeze/Thaw Classification and its Spatial Scale Effects using Satellite L-band radar observations over Alaska
- Studying the effects of reduced order models on basal processes using state-of-the-art numerical solvers in the Ice Sheet System Model
- Studying the surface composition of Venus from orbit
- Successful demonstration of a compact laser-pumped vector helium magnetometer on the Daytime Dynamo sounding rockets
- Supraglacial meltwater runoff from the Greenland ice sheet
- Surface Composition of the Non-Ice Component on Icy Satellites and Ring Particles in the Saturn System
- Surface Temperature Probability Distributions and Extremes in the NARCCAP Hindcast Experiment: Evaluation Methodology and Metrics, Results, and Associated Atmospheric Mechanisms
- Surface of Ligeia Mare, Titan, from Cassini Altimeter and Radiometer Analysis
- TARPs: Tracked Active Region Patches from SoHO/MDI
- Temperature Inversions and Nighttime Convection in the Martian Tropics
- Temperature and dust profiles in Martian dust storm conditions retrieved from Mars Climate Sounder measurements
- Temporal variation of basal stress in temperate Icelandic glaciers during the early melt season
- Terrestrial Analogs for Clay Minerals at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Testing and quantifying the consensus model of Saturn's magnetosphere using Cassini observations
- Testing metrics for describing the effects of cloud horizontal heterogeneity on satellite cloud property retrievals
- Testing the Reliability of Far-side Active Region Predictions from Helioseismology using STEREO Far-side Observations
- Testing the ability of the INSIGHT-SEIS experiment to model Mars deep interior
- TextureCam Field Test Results from the Mojave Desert, California: Autonomous Instrument Classification of Sediment and Rock Surfaces
- The 'Vertical Structure and Diabatic Processes of the Madden-Julian Oscillation' model evaluation project: Overview and key results (Invited)
- The Airborne Snow Observatory: fusion of imaging spectrometer and scanning lidar for studies of mountain snow cover (Invited)
- The Atlas of Vesta Spectral Parameters derived from the mapping spectrometer VIR onboard NASA/Dawn
- The Atlases of Vesta derived from Dawn Framing Camera images
- The Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment (CARVE) FTS: Results From the 2012/13 Alaska Campaigns
- The Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment (CARVE): Comparison of 2012 and 2013 Results
- The Cassini Radio Science Observations of the Enceladus Plasma Cloud
- The ChemCam Remote Micro-Imager on MSL: Observations From the First Year on Mars
- The Compositional InfraRed Interferometric Spectrometer (CIRIS) for Assessing the Habitability of Europa
- The Earth System CoG Collaboration Environment
- The Earths' Energy Balance - progress, surprises and challenges (Invited)
- The Expected Performance from the NASA OCO-2 Mission
- The First X-ray Diffraction Patterns of Clay Minerals from Gale Crater
- The GGOS Global Space Geodesy Network and its Evolution
- The Glacier and Ice Surface Topography Interferometer: UAVSAR's Single-pass Ka-Band Interferometer
- The Gravity Field of Enceladus from the three Cassini Flybys
- The Hohmann-Parker Effect and its Consequences Measured by the Mars Science Laboratory on the Transfer from Earth to Mars
- The IAU/IAG Joint Working Group on Theory of Earth Rotation: scope and initial acivities (Invited)
- The ID-KArD technique: In-situ dating on Mars
- The Imagery Exchange (TIE): Open Source Imagery Management System
- The Impact of Amazonia Droughts on Carbon Dynamics as Simulated by an Ensemble of Community Earth System Models
- The Influence of Climate on Sustainable North American Bioenergy Potential
- The Interpretation of Enceladus Gravity (Invited)
- The JPL Tropical Cyclone Information System: Methods for Creating Near Real-Time Science Data Portals
- The Joy of Playing with Oceanographic Data
- The Lassell Massif - a Silicic Lunar Volcano
- The Martian geomorphology as mapped by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC): Implications for Geological Processes and Climate Conditions
- The NASA ISS-RapidScat Mission (Invited)
- The OCO-3 MIssion
- The Porosity of Lunar Soil and Its Effects on Surface Temperature
- The Radial Dependence of Tidal Deformation in Europa's Ice
- The Rosetta Mission: an update (Invited)
- The SEIS InSight VBB Experiment
- The Search for Methane on Mars
- The Slow and Fast Solar Wind Boundary, Corotating Interaction Regions, and Coronal Mass Ejection observations with Solar Probe Plus and Solar Orbiter (Invited)
- The Solar Orbiter Mission: Orbital Characteristics and Opportunities for Multi-Point Observations
- The Solar Wind From Pseudostreamers: Observations and Modeling
- The Status and Future Prospect for GRACE After the First Decade
- The XRD Amorphous Component in John Klein Drill Fines at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- The case for a deep-atmospheric in situ mission to address the highest priority Decadal Survey questions for Venus (Invited)
- The case of Titan's mysterious new island: An analysis of an anomalously bright feature observed in the T92 SAR pass over Ligeia Mare
- The covariation of Northern Hemisphere summertime CO<SUB>2</SUB> with surface temperature in boreal regions
- The discovery and dynamical evolution of 'Peggy', an object at the outer edge of Saturn's A ring (Invited)
- The effect of assimilating AIRS-XCO2 on global CO2 surface fluxes
- The impacts of Cloud-Radiation Bias on Circulations and Temperatures Simulations in CMIP5 and NCAR CESM Sensitivity Experiments
- The planetary hydraulics analysis based on a multi-resolution stereo DTMs and LISFLOOD-FP model: Case study in Mars
- The rotational motion of Vesta
- The runaway Greenhouse revisited: it's "theoretically possible for an Earth-like planet at 1 AU", plus implications for more diverse planets
- The solubility of argon in liquid ethane and methane: implications for Titan
- The two El-Nino types and the Length-of-day changes
- Thermal Remote Sensing of Lava Lakes on Io and Earth (Invited)
- Thermal Tide Observations with the Mars Climate Sounder
- Thermophysical properties of radar-dark ejecta haloes on the Moon: Constraints from Diviner thermal observations and modeling
- Thick subsurface water ice in Arcadia Planitia, Mars
- Tidally Driven Failure Along Europa's Rhadamanthys Linea
- Time variability of GRACE data using JPL mascons
- Time-Domain Simulation of the Wave Propagation through the 67P Cometary Nucleus: Understanding Dust-Fraction and Porosity Variation From CONSERT Radar Tomography
- Titan's 'blandlands': Are they massive sand sheets?
- Titan's Gravitational Field
- Topographic Analyses of the Vestalia Terra plateau, Vesta (Invited)
- Total water storage in Washington, Oregon, and California inferred from GPS observation of surface mass loading
- Toward improving hurricane forecasts using the JPL Tropical Cyclone Information System (TCIS): A framework to address the issues of Big Data
- Towards Estimate of Present Day Ice Melting in Polar Regions From Altimetry, Gravity, Ocean Bottom Pressure and GPS Observations
- Towards improving the NASA standard soil moisture retrieval algorithm and product
- Towards resolving North America's methane mystery with atmospheric observations (Invited)
- Tracking the seasonal caps of Mars over eight Mars years
- Training a Data Scientist: A Multi-year, Multi-Project View from the Trenches of the Regional Climate Model Evaluation System at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Transitions of Cloud-Topped Marine Boundary Layers Characterized by AIRS, MODIS, and a Large Eddy Simulation Model
- Trapping of methane and ethane in Titan surface materials
- Tree-fall gaps and carbon cycling in the Brazilian Amazon: results from two large forest plots
- Tropospheric and Boundary-Layer Water Vapor Isotopes over the Boreal Forest and Mediterranean Sea: Validation of Aura Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer Retrievals of HDO and H2O
- Two Small Planets: Vesta Revealed and Ceres Anticipated
- Uncertainty estimation in integrated LiDAR- and radar-derived biomass maps at key national-level map scales
- Understanding Solar Induced Fluorescence: Building up from Leaf Scale Measurements (Invited)
- Understanding chemical trends in rock surface compositions as measured by ChemCam at Gale crater, Mars: The signatures of rock coatings and rinds in LIBS laboratory data
- Upper Tropospheric and Lower Stratospheric Measurements of Water Vapor by the JPL Laser Hygrometers
- Using Airborne Microwave Remotely Sensed Root-Zone Soil Moisture and Flux Measurements to Improve Regional Predictions of Carbon Fluxes in a Terrestrial Biosphere Model
- Using Limb Profiles and Stereo Imagery for Ridge Comparisons on Icy Satellites
- Using a Multimodel Ensemble Prediction System (MEPS) to Study the Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Electrodynamics System
- Using active spaceborne sensors to quantify bias in passive remote sensing of the cloud liquid water path
- Using ground truth-validated, large-scale airborne Lidar to assess the accuracy of the SNODAS hydrological model in complex terrain
- Validation of Artemis Mobility Simulations for the Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiosity Mars Rovers
- Validation of Aura Microwave Limb Sounder stratospheric water vapor measurements by the NOAA frost point hygrometer
- Validation of Land Surface Temperature products in arid climate regions with permanent in-situ measurements
- Validation of satellite Land Surface Temperature products using ground-based measurements and heritage satellite data - Protocol, limitations and results
- Varying likelihood of Megafire across space and time in the western contiguous United States
- Venus as a laboratory for studying planetary surface, interior, and atmospheric evolution
- Verification and Validation of the GNSS Stations at the Prototype Core Site for NASA's Next Generation Space Geodesy Network
- Vesta's interior structure, despinning and reorientation from Dawn
- Volatile Transport on Pluto: First Results from the 2013 Observing Season
- Was the 19th Century end of the Little Ice Age in the Alps forced by industrial black carbon?
- Watershed Scale Analyses of Mangrove Ecosystems in the Americas and the Contributing Upland Area Land Cover Change Over Time
- Weekly LiDAR snow depth mapping for operational snow hydrology - the NASA JPL Airborne Snow Observatory (Invited)
- Wet tropospheric delay spatial variability over terrestrial water bodies
- Wetlands Maps of Central Canada based on L-band SAR Imagery
- What can be learned about the lunar mantle from the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL)?
- Whipple: A Discovery mission concept to probe the outer solar system
- Why and how to use atmospheric observations to study carbon emissions from LA and other Megacities (Invited)
- Why the Diurnal Pressure Variation at Curiosity is so Large
- Windows into Deep Subsurface Chemistry Near and Far (Invited)
- Winds from GNSS Radio Occultation
- Workshops without Walls: Sharing Scientific Research through Educator Professional Development
- examining the role of black carbon and microbial abundance in Greenland ice sheet albedo feedback (Invited)
- obs4MIPS: Satellite Datasets for Model Evaluation
- 10 Years of Cloud Cover Monitoring on Titan with Vims on Board Cassini
- 15 Years of Terra, 14 Years of Application Usage
- 16 Year Ice Velocity Record of the Larsen-B and -C Ice Shelves Based on Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Data.
- 3D Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging of the Interior of the Cometary Nucleus
- A Comparison of Aerosol Parameterizations in the ACOS X<SUB>CO2</SUB> Retrieval Algorithm
- A Comparison of Arctic Ozone Depletion Event Characteristics from Coastal- and Ocean-based Observations
- A Comparison of Fe-Rich Solar Energetic Particle Events from Cycle 24 to Those of Cycle 23
- A Comparison of Satellite and Aircraft-Mounted Thermal Observations of Freeze/Thaw Cycling of the Alaska Tundra and Boreal Forests during the Carbon in the Arctic Vulnerability Experiment (CARVE)
- A Decade of Cassini Radio Science so Far, and Three Spectacular Years Ahead
- A Detailed Geomorphological Sketch Map of Titan's Afekan Crater Region
- A Disciplined Architectural Approach to Scaling Data Analysis for Massive, Scientific Data
- A Distributed, Open Source based Data Infrastructure for the Megacities Carbon Project
- A First Look at Target Mode Retrievals of CO<SUB>2</SUB> from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2)
- A First Look at Terrestrial Reference Frame ITRF2013G Computed with Gipsy Software
- A Long Term Satellite Record of Mesospheric and Upper Stratospheric Temperature and Related Datasets, the MUSTARD Project.
- A Mach-Zender Holographic Microscope for Quantifying Bacterial Motility
- A Method to Retrieve the Complex Refractive Index and Single Scattering Optical Properties of Dust Deposited in Mountain Snow Cover
- A Micromechanical Damage Mechanics Model for the Seismic Coupling of Underground Nuclear Explosions
- A Mission-Generic Observation Information Service for Multi-Mission Data Assimilation
- A Multi-Model Analysis of the Cloud Phase Transition in 16 GCMs Using Satellite Observations (CALIPSO/GPCP) and Reanalysis Data (ECMWF/MERRA).
- A Multimodel Ensemble Data Assimilation Approach to Specify Ionospheric Weather
- A New Stochastic Multiple-Plume Eddy-Diffusivity/Mass-Flux model: A Step Towards a Unified Parameterization
- A Novel Bistatic Radar and Radiometer to Investigate Shallow Planetary Subsurfaces
- A Novel Method making direct use of AIRS and IASI Calibrated Radiances for Measuring Trends in Surface Temperatures
- A Passive Probe for Subsurface Oceans and Liquid Water in Jupiter's Icy Moons
- A Preliminary Assessment of Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) Measurements Using TCCON Data
- A Preliminary Validation Analysis of Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) Measurements Using TCCON Data
- A Semi-Automated Machine Learning Algorithm for Tree Cover Delineation from 1-m Naip Imagery Using a High Performance Computing Architecture
- A Unified and Coherent Land Surface Emissivity Earth System Data Record
- A Unified and Coherent Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity (LST&E) Earth System Data Record (ESDR) for Earth Science Research
- A case-study analysis of convectively sourced water vapor plumes in the overworld stratosphere over the continental U.S. observed in situ during the SEAC4RS mission
- A high-resolution spherical harmonic degree 1200 lunar gravity field from the GRAIL mission
- A new paradigm for constraining PM2.5 speciation by combining multiangular and polarimetric remote sensing with chemical transport model information
- A quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer for in-situ UHV analyses on Earth and other planetary environments
- A search for transient water frost at the lunar poles using LOLA
- A tiered observational system for anthropogenic methane emissions
- ACE-FTS, MLS and Mipas Inter-Comparisons of Atmospheric Trace Species
- Abundances of C<SUB>3</SUB>H<SUB>x</SUB> Hydrocarbons in Titan's Stratosphere from Cassini CIRS
- Accretionary Complexes: Recorders of Plate Tectonism and Environmental Conditions Through Time on Earth and Possibly Those Early Noachian (Hadean-equivalent) in Age on Mars
- Activation of Fault Structures South of the La Habra Earthquake Rupture As Evidenced By UAVSAR Imaging
- Adaptive Controller for Compact Fourier Transform Spectrometer with Space Applications
- Addressing the Challenges of Satellite and in-Situ Oceanographic Dataset Interoperability at the PO.Daac
- Advances in the Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer (HyTES) and Application to the Remote Sensing of Fires and Trace Gases
- Aerosol Impacts on Sea Breeze over Houston Area
- Aerosol Indirect Forcing Dictated by Warm Low-Cloud
- Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in Ship Tracks Using Terra MODIS/MISR
- Airborne LiDAR and hyperspectral mapping of snow depth and albedo in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Colorado, USA by the NASA JPL Airborne Snow Observatory
- Airborne Multiangle SpectroPolarimeteric Imager (AirMSPI): Calibration and Comparison with Collocated Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) Data
- An Analysis of Interannual Variabilities in High Cloud Cover from AIRS Data: Imprints of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and Comparison to Models
- An Analysis of Precipitation Associated With the ITCZ in the CMIP5 AMIP and Historical-Coupled GCM Simulations: A Quantitative Assessment of Magnitude and Position
- An Assessment of Upper Tropospheric and Lower Stratospheric Moisture Simulations in Analysis and Reanalysis Models Using 10-Year Aura MLS Observations
- An Eddy-Diffusivity Mass-flux (EDMF) closure for the unified representation of cloud and convective processes
- An Eddy-Diffusivity/Mass-Flux Turbulence Parameterization: Application to Dust Convection on Mars
- An Examination of the Sea Surface Salinity - Fresh Water Flux Relationship Using Satellite Observations
- An Improved Instrument for Angular Scattering Measurements of Candidate Planetary Surface Regolith Materials at Extremely Small Phase Angles: Relevance to the Outer Solar System
- An OSSE Experiment for a Cubesat Humidity Sounders Concept
- An Overview of Plume Tracker: Mapping Volcanic Emissions with Interactive Radiative Transfer Modeling
- An Uncertainty Quantification Framework for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 Mission
- An overview of NASA's ASCENDS Mission's Lidar Measurement Requirements
- Analysis of Dose Rate Variations Observed By MSL/RAD
- Analysis of Environmental Forcing and Melange Fluctuation in Asynchronous Retreat of Ocean Terminating Glaciers in Greenland's Sermilik Fjord
- Analysis of Scale Dependent Statistics of Quasi-Steady-State Large Eddy Simulations in the Time Domain
- Analysis of Solar Wind Plasma Properties of Co-Rotating Interaction Regions at Mars with MSL/RAD
- Analysis of very-high-resolution Galileo images of Europa: Implications for small-scale structure and surface evolution
- Anatomy of A Local Scale Drought
- Antarctic Ice Mass Balance from GRACE
- Antarctic surface temperature and sea ice biases in coupled climate models linked with cloud and land surface properties
- Anthropogenic and Volcanic Contributions to the Decadal Variations of Aerosols in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
- Apache Open Climate Workbench: Building Open Source Climate Science Tools and Community at the Apache Software Foundation
- Application of GRACE to the Evaluation of an Ice Flow Model of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Application of Ontologies for Big Earth Data
- Apxs Chemical Composition of the Kimberley Sandstone in Gale Crater
- Aqueous Alteration of Endeavour Crater Rim Apron Rocks
- Arctic (and Antarctic) Observing Experiment - an Assessment of Methods to Measure Temperature over Polar Environments
- Arctic Observing Experiment - An Assessment of Instruments Used to Monitor the Polar Environments
- Arctic Outflow West Of Greenland: Nine Years Of Volume And Freshwater Transports From Observations In Davis Strait
- Assessing Links Between Water and Carbon Storage in Indonesian Peatlands Using Data from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment
- Assessing mining impacts from dust and black carbon on Arctic snow in Svalbard, Norway
- Assessing the impacts of water management on evapotranspiration in the Colorado River Basin
- Assessing the influence of sea ice conditions on outlet glacier retreat in Disko and Uummannaq Bays, West Greenland
- Assessment of Modeling Capability for Reproducing Storm Impacts on TEC
- Assessment of Oco-2 Target Mode Vulnerability Against Horizontal Variability of Surface Reflectivity Neglected in the Operational Forward Model
- Assessment of Systematic Differences Between the SPC and SPG Vesta Shape Models Derived from the Dawn Mission
- Astronomy and Geology Vocabulary, I.e. "NASA Words" in Native American Languages
- Atmospheric River Model Simulation Diagnostics and Performance Metrics
- Bacterial Motility As a Biosignature: Tests at Icy Moon Analogue Sites
- Banding in Mount Sharp, Gale Crater: Stratigraphy, Strandlines, or Buttress Unconformities?
- Benchmarking Climate Model Top-of-Atmosphere Radiance in the 9.6 Micron Ozone Band Compared to TES and IASI Observations
- Benzene-Ethane Co-Crystals on the Surface of Titan
- Beyond Radar Backscatter: Estimating Forest Structure and Biomass with Radar Interferometry and Lidar Remote Sensing
- Building Cyberinfrastructure to Support a Real-time National Flood Model
- Building a 15-Year Cloud Climatology using Lidar in Space Observations: CALIOP and CloudSat now, EarthCARE next.
- Building a Science Communication Culture: One Agency's Approach
- CO2 Virtual Science Data Environment: Providing Streamlined Access to CO2 Data
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Annual and Semiannual Cycles from Satellite Retrievals and Models
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Observation from Space from Two Complementary Spectrometers; Oco-2 and Gosat
- CalWater 2 - Precipitation, Aerosols, and Pacific Atmospheric Rivers Experiment
- Calculations for chlorophyll fluorescence incorporated into the Community Land Model
- Calibration Performance and Capabilities of the New Compact Ocean Wind Vector Radiometer System
- Can atmospheric reanalysis datasets be used to reproduce flood characteristics?
- Can terrestrial biosphere models capture the response of atmospheric CO2 growth rate to ENSO?
- Carbon Reservoir History of Mars Constrained by Atmospheric Isotope Signatures
- Case studies of aerosol and ocean color retrieval using a Markov chain radiative transfer model and AirMSPI measurements
- Categorizing Ice Crystals Using Airborne APR-2 and HVPS Observations during GCPEx
- Challenges and Successes Managing Airborne Science Data for CARVE
- Change in Total Water in California's Mountains and Groundwater in Central Valley During the 2011-2014 Drought From GPS, GRACE, and InSAR
- Change in the Extent of Baffin Island's Penny Ice Cap in Response to Regional Warming, 1969 - 2014
- Changes in Soil Water Storage under Global Warming in CMIP5 models
- Changes in long term CH<SUB>4</SUB> fluxes from the Alaskan North Slope based on a sector analysis of Barrow CH<SUB>4</SUB> mole fraction measurements
- Changes in the Spatial Distribution of Jupiter's Synchrotron Radiation in Response to External Influences during the Cassini Flyby of Jupiter
- Channelised Subglacial Hydrology Modulates West Antarctic Ice Stream Basal Conditions and Flow
- Characteristics and Origin of a Cratered Unit near the MSL Bradbury Landing Site (Gale Crater, Mars) Based on Analyses of Surface Data and Orbital Images
- Characterization of Pollution Transport into Texas Using OMI and TES Satellite and In Situ data, and HYSPLIT Back Trajectory Analyses: implications for TCEQ State Implementation Plans and High School/Undergraduate STEM Education
- Characterization of Water Vapor in the North American Monsoon with JLH Mark2 and Aura MLS
- Characterization of surface wind and stress in tropical cyclone with scatterometer
- Characterizing Englacial Attenuation and Grounding Zone Geometry Using Airborne Radar Sounding
- Characterizing Open Water Bodies and Their Color Properties Through Optical Remote Sensing to Identify Areas of Vector-Borne Disease Risk
- Characterizing the carbon emissions of megacities
- Charged Particle Measurements with the Mars Science Laboratory's Radiation Assessment Detector (MSL/RAD)
- ChemCam Depth Profiles at Gale Crater to Assess Coating and Alteration Distribution and Chemistry
- Classification of atmospheric river events on the U.S. west coast using a trajectory model
- Climate Model Diagnostic Analyzer Web Service System
- Climate Model Evaluation Using Cloud Observations and Implications for Climate Sensitivity
- Climate and Edaphic Controls on Humid Tropical Forest Tree Height
- Climate and Physical Disturbance Effects on the Spectral Signatures of Biological Soil Crusts: Implications for Future Dryland Energy Balance
- Climate and Population Health Vulnerabilities to Vector-Borne Diseases: Increasing Resilience Under Climate Change Conditions in Africa
- Cloud Computing Test Bed for NASA Earth Observation
- Cloud Radiative Effect by Cloud Types Based on Radiative Transfer Model Calculations and Collocated A-Train Data
- Cloud-Dependent Surface Energy Budgets over the Ocean: Observation-Based and Reanalysis Estimates
- CloudSat & A-Train Observations of Tropical Cyclones: Examining Effects of Wind Shear on Storm Structure
- CloudSat and Aura MLS Constrain upon Ice Cloud Particle Size Distribution
- Cloudbursting - Solving the 3-body problem
- Combined UAVSAR and GPS Estimates of Fault Slip for the M 6.0 South Napa Earthquake
- Combining ESGF Data node with its complementary data services at the NASA Center for Climate Simulation
- Communicating climate science to a suspicious public: How best to explain what we know?
- Comparative Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Emissions across Large Urban Areas in the U.S.
- Comparative Performance of the Photomultiplier Tube and the Silicon Avalanche Photodiode When Used as Detectors in Angular Scattering Measurements
- Comparing daily multi-resolution SST analysis to satellite track data using varying time windows — Sub-daily analysis may be needed to map the kilometer-scale features
- Comparing sources of variability in cloud-characterized HIRS radiances
- Comparison of Antarctic Basin Scale Mass Change from GRACE/GOCE and CryoSat-2
- Comparison of Microphysics Schemes for Simulation of Snow Cover Fraction in the Sierra Nevada
- Comparison of Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) joint aerosol product with high-resolution model output
- Comparisons of GPS Troposphere Parameters Estimated at Rates from 1 to 1800 Seconds and Implications for Meteorological Applications
- Composition and bathymetry of Ligeia Mare, Titan, derived from its 2.2-cm wavelength thermal microwave emission
- Composition of Rheasilvia Basin on Asteroid Vesta.
- Compressive Strength of Cometary Surfaces Derived from Radar Observations
- Confronting Climate Model Simulations with Satellite-Based Evaluation of Warm Rain Formation: Can We Reconcile "Bottom-up" Process-Based Constraints with the "Top-Down" Temperature Trend Constraints?
- Conjugate Magnetic Observations in the Polar Environments by PRIMO and AUTUMNX
- Connecting Returned Apollo Soils and Remote Sensing: Application to the Diviner Lunar Radiometer
- Connecting Science and Stakeholders for Improved Drought and Crop Productivity Assessments in East Africa: Early Lessons
- Constraining CO Emissions Using MOPITT, TES, and OMI Satellite Retrievals
- Constraints on Titan rotation from Cassini radar
- Constraints on a priori assumptions and microphysical properties in precipitation from in situ measurements in GPM-GV field campaigns: regime dependence and impact on retrievals
- Constraints on methane emissions from future geostationary remote sensing measurements
- Continued Rapid Uplift at Laguna del Maule Volcanic Field (Chile) from 2007 through 2014
- Convection During SEAC4RS: Comparing Aircraft Observations to WRF Large-Eddy Simulations
- Convective Mixing, Lower Tropospheric Stability and Low Cloud Feedback
- Convective Momentum Transport Associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation Based on Reanalysis Dataset
- Convective Transport of Trace Gases from Near the Surface to the Upper Troposphere - a Case Study
- Corona Formation on Venus Via Extension and Lithospheric Instability
- Coseismic and Postseismic Deformation from the August 2014 Mw 6.0 South Napa Earthquake Measured with InSAR Time Series
- Coseismic and early postseismic slip of the 2014 South Napa earthquake from ABIC-based modeling of campaign GPS and InSAR data
- Coupled ice-flow/ocean circulation modeling in the Amundsen Sea Embayment using ISSM and MITgcm.
- Coupling Tsunamis with the Ionosphere: A New Modeling Approach
- Crossroads of Tropical Meteorology and Atmospheric Composition in the Maritime Continent: Recent Field Results from the 7SEAS Program
- Crowd-Sourced Global Earthquake Early Warning
- Cryogenic Dielectric Property Measurements Applied to Constraining the Composition of Titan's Seas: Implications for the hydrocarbon cycle
- CubeSat for Natural-Hazard Estimation With Ionospheric Sciences (CNEWS): A Concept Development to Aid Tsunami Early Warning Systems
- Dawn: A Simulation Model for Evaluating Costs and Tradeoffs of Big Data Science Architectures
- Decadal Variability of Clouds and Comparison with Climate Model Simulations
- Deep Ocean Contribution to Sea Level and Energy Budget Not Detectable over the Past Decade
- Degradation of Endeavour crater, Mars
- Design of Airborne Surface Water Elevation Observation Campaigns for Improved Hydrodynamic Modeling of Deltas
- Design of Scalable and Effective Earth Science Collaboration Tool
- Destabilization of marine-based Zachariæ Isstrøm, northeast Greenland since 2012 from a combination of interferometry data and Operation IceBridge observations.
- Detection and Monitoring of Inundation with Polarimetric L-Band SAR
- Detection and Spatial Mapping of Anthropogenic Methane Plumes with the Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer (HyTES)
- Determination of the Temperature Dependence of the Rate Constants for HO<SUB>2</SUB>/Acetonylperoxy Reaction and Acetonylperoxy Self-Reaction
- Determining Charged Particle Flux Direction in MSL/RAD
- Developing an Error Model for Ionospheric Phase Distortions in L-Band SAR and InSAR Data
- Development and Applications of a New, High-Resolution, Operational MISR Aerosol Product
- Development and Validation of Remote Sensing-Based Surface Inundation Products for Vector-Borne Disease Risk in East Africa
- Diagnosing the Transport of Pollution to the Upper Troposphere / Lower Stratosphere using Aura Microwave Limb Sounder Measurements of Methyl Chloride and Other Trace Gases
- Different styles of postseismic deformation after the 2013 M7.7 Balochistan earthquake in Pakistan and the 2010 M7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake in Mexico
- Disaster Response and Decision Support in Partnership with the California Earthquake Clearinghouse
- Distinguishing Ice from Snow for Melt Modeling Using Daily Observations from MODIS
- Does the Maritime Continent region affect sea level change of the eastern Indian Ocean?
- E-DECIDER Disaster Response and Decision Support Cyberinfrastructure: Technology and Challenges
- E-DECIDER Rapid Response to the M 6.0 South Napa Earthquake
- Earth Analog Seismic Deployment for InSight's Mars seismic installation
- Earth System Data Records of Mass Transport from Time-Variable Gravity Data
- Earthbound Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles (UAVS) As Planetary Science Testbeds
- Effective global soil profile depth and water holding capacity inferred from GRACE time-variable gravity
- Effects of Two Large Solar Energetic Particle Events on Middle Atmosphere Nighttime Odd Hydrogen and Ozone Content
- Enabling Automated Graph-based Search for the Identification and Characterization of Mesoscale Convective Complexes in Satellite Datasets through Integration with the Apache Open Climate Workbench
- Energetic Particle Anisotropies Observed By Stereo/LET in the 23 July 2012 Solar Particle Event
- Energetic Particle Measurements on Mars and in Lunar Orbit
- Engineering a robotic approach to mapping exposed volcanic fissures
- Environmental Change in Icy Moons
- Environmental modeling in data-sparse regions: Mozambique demonstrator case
- Estimating Groundwater Quality Changes Using Remotely Sensed Groundwater Storage and Multivariate Regression
- Estimating Top-down Emissions (2011-2014) of CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> From Los Angeles by an FTS Atop Mount Wilson
- Estimating forest structure at five tropical forested sites using lidar point cloud data
- Estimating the Period and Q of the Chandler Wobble from Observations and Models of its Excitation
- Estimating time-dependent magma source properties at the Long Valley caldera using InSAR and GPS time series
- Estimation of canopy height using lidar and radar interferometry: an assessment of combination methods and sensitivity to instrument, terrain and canopy height profile
- Estuary Tides Using Satellite Altimetry And SAR/InSAR Data
- Evaluating AIRS Radiometric Error in Non-uniform Scenes using MODIS
- Evaluating Cloud and Precipitation Processes in Numerical Models using Current and Potential Future Satellite Missions
- Evaluating ET and Its Components from the CMIP5 Models with New, Global Remote Sensing-Based Estimates
- Evaluating simulated functional trait patterns and quantifying modelled trait diversity effects on simulated ecosystem fluxes
- Evaluating the Vertical Distribution of Ozone and its Relationship to Pollution Events in Air Quality Models using Satellite Data
- Evaluation of Boreal Summer Monsoon Intraseasonal Variability in the GASS-YOTC Multi-Model Physical Processes Experiment
- Evaluation of Cloud and Aerosol Screening of Early Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 Observations with Collocated MODIS Measurements
- Evaluation of Land-Surface Models with GOSAT Carbon Dioxide Measurements
- Evaluation of NASA's Mars Public Engagement Program
- Evaluation of Sedimentary and Terrain Parameters from MARDI Camera Imaging and Stereogrammetry at Gale Crater
- Evaluation of Water Vapor Isotopologues and Humidity Bias from ECHAM4 Using TES and SCIAMACHY Satellite Observations
- Evaluation of a global internal-tide resolving and submesoscale admitting ocean simulation
- Evapotranspiration from Airborne Simulators as a Proxy Datasets for NASA's ECOSTRESS mission - A new Thermal Infrared Instrument on the International Space Station
- Evolution of Titan's Seas and Lakes during Northern Spring
- Experiments with Orbit-Spin Coupling Accelerations in a Mars General Circulation Model
- Exploring New Challenges of High-Resolution SWOT Satellite Altimetry with a Regional Model of the Solomon Sea
- Exploring Vesta's Surface Roughness and Dielectric Properties Using VIR Spectrometer and Bistatic Radar Observations by the Dawn Mission
- Extending the Satellite Data Record of Tropospheric Ozone Profiles from Aura-TES to MetOp-IASI
- Fast Horizontal Contraction without Vertical Strain: Puzzling Interseismic Geodetic Measurements in the Ventura Basin, CA
- Fast and Accurate Radiative Transfer Calculations Using Principal Component Analysis for Climate Modeling
- Fault Formation and Evolution on Icy Satellites as a Result of Bidirectional Cyclical Shear: Insights from Physical Analog Experiments
- Federated Giovanni: A Distributed Web Service for Analysis and Visualization of Remote Sensing Data
- Field Comparisons of Three Biomarker Detection Methods in Icelandic Mars Analogue Environments
- Fifteen Years of ASTER Data on NASA's Terra Platform
- Filling Gaps in Global Data Sets: The Role of New Vegetation Remote Sensing Data Products
- Finding the Unusual, Unexpected, Expected, or Otherwise Interesting Patterns in Large Earth Science Datasets
- First Airswot Interferometric Radar Water Surface Elevations and Flooded Inundation Extent from the Sacramento River and Edwards AFB Wetland Complex, California
- First Airswot Ka-Band Radar Backscatter Returns over a Complex California Wetland
- First Cassini Radio Science Bistatic Scattering Observation of Titan's Northern Seas
- First Results at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko With the Rosetta Plasma Consortium
- First Results from the RPC Magnetometer Experiment during the Approach Phase to 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- First Rosetta Observations of the Cometary Plasma at Churyumov-Gerasimenko with the Mutual Impedance Probe (RPC-MIP)
- First glimpse of solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2.
- First laboratory high-temperature emissivity measurements of Venus analog measurements in the near-infrared atmospheric windows
- Fog Induced Aerosol Modification Observed by AERONET, Including Occurrences During Major Air Pollution Events
- Forecasting Ionospheric Space Weather Due To High Speed Streams
- Forecasting in Complex Systems
- Forecasting the Depletion of Transboundary Groundwater Resources in Hyper-Arid Environments
- Fostering Outreach, Education and Exploration of the Moon Using the Lunar Mapping & Modeling Portal
- Fresh Insights into the Sources and Distribution of Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (PAN) from New In Situ and Satellite Observations
- Freshening in the South China Sea during 2012 Revealed By Aquarius and in-Situ Data
- From Observation to Impacts: Provenance for Earth Science Resources
- From roots to globe: How the terrestrial nitrogen cycle alters the global carbon cycle?
- GIADA On-Board Rosetta: Early Dust Grain Detections and Dust Coma Characterization of Comet 67P/C-G
- GISCube, an Open Source Web-based GIS Application
- GPS-based Real-Time and High-Rate Estimation of Earth Orientation Parameters
- Geography of Global Forest Carbon Stocks & Dynamics
- Geologic Framework for Aeolis Palus Bedrock, and Its Relationship to Mt. Sharp, Mars
- Geomorphic Units on Titan
- Gibs: A Rich Visual Interface to NASA's Earth Science Data Holdings
- Glen's Law++: Transition to a Rate-Weakening Flow Law As a New Framework for Damage Evolution
- Global Changes in Stratospheric Composition: Aura MLS and Past Measurements versus Models
- Global Mapping of CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Enceladus
- Global Morphological Mapping of Strike-Slip Structures on Ganymede
- Global River Discharge Variability Revealed by Aquarius and SMOS Sea Surface Salinity
- Global Surface Mass Variations From Multiple Geodetic Techniques - Comparison and Assessment
- Global Tropospheric Noise Maps for InSAR Observations
- Global patterns in lake surface temperature trends
- Goldstone and Arecibo Radar Imaging of Near-Earth Asteroid 2014 HQ124
- Goldstone radar evidence for short-axis mode non-principal axis rotation of near-Earth asteroid (214869) 2007 PA8
- Greenhouse Gas Sensing Using Small Unmanned Aerial Systems - Field Experiment Results and Future Directions
- Ground Displacement Measurement of the 2013 Balochistan Earthquake with interferometric TerraSAR-X ScanSAR data
- Ground-based observations of Saturn's H3+ aurora and ring rain from Keck in 2013
- Groundwater changes in evaporating basins using gypsum crystals' isotopic compositions
- Gullies and Lobate Deposits as Geomorphological Evidence for Impact-induced Transient Water Flow and Localized, Buried Ice-bearing Deposits on Vesta.
- Handling the Diversity in the Coming Flood of InSAR Data with the InSAR Scientific Computing Environment
- Heterogeneity of CH<SUB>4</SUB> and net CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes Using Nested Chamber, Tower, Aircraft, Remote Sensing, and Modeling Approaches in Arctic Alaska for Regional Flux Estimation
- High-Resolution Bistatic Radar Imaging With The Deep-Space Network
- High-resolution greenhouse gas modeling for the Los Angeles megacity
- Horizon: The Portable, Scalable, and Reusable Framework for Developing Automated Data Management and Product Generation Systems
- Horizontal Structure of Dynamical Instability at Marine Stratocumulus Cloud Top Revealed in Polarized Light
- How Does Knowing Snowpack Distribution Help Model Calibration and Reservoir Management?
- How Much Water is in That Snowpack? Improving Basin-wide Snow Water Equivalent Estimates from the Airborne Snow Observatory
- How Often and Why MODIS Cloud Property Retrievals Fail for Liquid-Phase Clouds over Ocean? a Comprehensive Analysis Based on a-Train Observations
- How to Snowboard on Mars
- How well will the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission observe global reservoirs?
- Hydrologic Assessment of Remotely Sensed High Resolution Precipitation Products over Cold-Mountainous Regions, and Analysis of the GPM Impact
- Hydrology Applications of the GRACE missions
- ICESat-2 volume scattering bias
- Imaging of comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) from the Martian surface
- Imaging transient slip events and their interaction with slow earthquakes in southwest Japan using reanalyzed GEONET GPS time series
- Impact of Dust Aerosols on the Sahel Climate: A GCM Investigation of Aerosol-Radiation-Cloud-Precipitation Interactions
- Impact of Local and Non-local Sources of Pollution on Background US ozone: Potential Role of the Atmospheric Composition Constellation of Geostationary Sounders
- Implications of Special Regions to Conducting Human Activities on Mars
- Improved GIA correction yields larger Antarctic mass loss.
- Improved Ozone Profile Retrievals Using Multispectral Measurements from S-NPP and NASA "A Train" Satellites
- Improved Remote Sensing Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature in the Thermal Infrared (TIR) Using Visible/Short Wave Infrared (VSWIR) Imaging Spectrometer Estimated Water Vapor
- Improving Atmospheric Correction for Visible/Short Wave Infrared (VSWIR) Imaging Spectrometers with Iterative Fitting of Absorption By Three Phases of Water
- Improving Metadata Compliance for Earth Science Data Records
- Improving Running Times for the Determination of Fractional Snow-Covered Area from Landsat TM/ETM+ via Utilization of the CUDA® Programming Paradigm
- Improving application of data quality information in accessing and using satellite data
- Improving early drought detection using satellite-based relative humidity data
- InSAR Assessment of Ground Deformations in Shoreline Urban Areas Associated to Hydraulic Head Variations
- Incorporating the Role of Nitrogen in the Noah-MP Land Surface Model for Climate and Environmental Studies
- Increasing Anthropogenic Emissions in China Offset Air Quality Policy Efforts in Western United States: A Satellite and Modelling Perspective
- Increasing precipitation intensity under a warming climate over Northern Eurasia
- Inference of GHG Emissions at Regional Scales: A Critical Review of Progress to Date
- Inferring basal plasticity in a temperate ice cap from observationally constrained ice-flow models
- Inferring the Properties of Ices on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from the Microwave Instrument on the Rosetta Orbiter (MIRO) Measurements
- Inferring the Thermal and Electrical Properties of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from the Continuum Measurements of the Microwave Instrument on the Rosetta Orbiter (MIRO)
- Inferring unknow boundary conditions of the Greenland Ice Sheet by assimilating ICESat-1 and IceBridge altimetry intothe Ice Sheet System Model.
- Inferring upper ocean dynamics from horizontal wavenumber spectra: Insights from Drake Passage
- Influence of Large-scale Climate Modes on Atmospheric Rivers That Drive Regional Precipitation Extremes
- Information Content Analysis for the Multi-Viewing, Multi-Channel, Multi-Polarization Imaging (3MI) Instrument : Toward Retrieval of Vertically Resolved Cloud Properties from Passive Only Measurements.
- Informing urban carbon emissions with atmospheric observations: motivation, methods, and reducing uncertainties.
- Ingesting Land Surface Temperature differences to improve Downwelling Solar Radiation using Artificial Neural Network: A Case Study
- Initial Inflight Calibration Status of the OCO-2 Mission
- Injection of Lightning-Produced NOx, Water Vapor, Wildfire Emissions, and Stratospheric Air to the UT/LS as Observed from DC3 Measurements
- Inland Water Temperature: An Ideal Indicator for the National Climate Assessment
- Innovative Seismological Techniques for Investigating the Interior Structure of Venus
- Insights on Arctic Sea Ice Processes from New Seafloor and Coastline Mapping
- Integrating Actionable User-defined Faceted Rules into the Hybrid Science Data System for Advanced Rapid Imaging & Analysis
- Integrating new satellite observations from SMAP and OCO-2 for analyzing terrestrial water and carbon connections
- Integration of Snow Data from Remote Sensing into Operational Streamflow Forecasting in the Western United States
- Inter-Comparison of In-Situ Sensors for Land Surface Temperature Measurements
- Inter-Comparison of WRF Model Simulated Winds and MISR Stereoscopic Winds Embedded within Mesoscale von Kármán Wake Vortices
- Interannual Mass Variation: Links to Modes of Climate Variability
- Intercalibration of the GPM Constellation Using the GPM Microwave Imager (GMI)
- Interdisciplinary Study of Urbanization and Impacts - the Poplex 2014 Field Campaign
- Intermediate scale plasma density irregularities in the polar ionosphere inferred from radio occultation
- Intraseasonal variability of the Indian Monsoon: A test bed to study dynamical conditions and the transition from shallow to deep convection
- Introducing and Validating the New Aura CO Product Derived from Joined TES and MLS Measurements
- Inverse theory resolution analysis in planning radio science gravity investigations of icy moons
- Investigating Basal Friction Under the Antarctic Ice Sheet Using a New Generation Subglacial Hydrology Model.
- Investigating Earthquake Cycle Deformation in the Canterbury Region, New Zealand, Using Multi-sensor Satellite Radar Interferometry Observations
- Investigating Stress Seources and Fault Parameters Along Major Strike-Slip Lineae on Europa
- Investigating Warm Marine Boundary Layer Cloud Organization By Thermodynamic and Dynamic States with NASA a-Train and MERRA Reanalysis Data
- Investigating the Climatic Impacts of Globally Shifted Anthropogenic Emissions
- Investigation of Marine Stratocumulus Cloud-top Droplet Size Retrievals from Observations of Supernumerary Bows and Glories in Polarized Light
- Io's Volcanic Activity from Near-Infrared Observations during the EXCEED Mission
- Ionospheric Effects Prior to the Napa Earthquake of August 24, 2014
- Ionospheric Signatures of North Korean Nuclear Test on 12 February 2013
- Is (1) Ceres a Small Planet or a Large Comet?
- Isotopic evidence for complex microbial ecosystems in the phosphate-rich interval of the Miocene Monterey Formation
- JPL Earth Science Center Visualization Multitouch Table
- JPL's Reanalysis of Historical GPS Data for the Second IGS Reanalysis Campaign
- JTRF2013: Plans, Progress, and Results
- Joint Analysis of Bulk Water/Chlorine Distribution in the Martian Subsurface along MSL Curiosity Traverse from Comparison between DAN/MSL and other instruments observations onboard Curiosity Rover
- Laboratory Simulations of Permeability Pertaining to Biosignature Development and Preservation Potential for Martian Subsurface Habitability
- Landscape and forest structural controls on wood density and aboveground biomass along a tropical elevation gradient in Costa Rica
- Large-Amplitude Electromagnetic Proton Cyclotron Waves throughout the Earth's Magnetosheath: Cassini and Wind Observations
- Large-Eddy Simulations of the Sensitivity of Polar Clouds to Climate Change and Sea Ice
- Large-Scale Mapping and Monitoring of Terrestrial Ecosystems with the NISAR Mission
- Let's Get into Some Scijinks! Lessons from Modernizing a Classic NOAA/NASA Kids' Weather Website
- Link Between Enhanced Arctic Tropospheric BrO Observed By Aura OMI and Meteorological Conditions
- Linkages Between Terrestrial Carbon Uptake and Interannual Climate Variability over the Texas-northern Mexico High Plains
- Linking Seasonal Foliar Chemistry to VSWIR-TIR Spectroscopy Across California Ecosystems
- Localized High-Latitude Ionosphere-Thermosphere Ionization Events during the High Speed Stream Interval of 29 April - 5 May 2011
- Long-Term Time Variability of Temperature, Gas Abundance and Cloud Fields in Jupiter from Thermal Emission Observations
- Long-Term Variability of Satellite Lake Surface Water Temperatures in the Great Lakes
- Long-term Passive Mode Data Measured by the Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) Instrument onboard Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) and Comparison to REMS Surface Pressure and Temperature Measurements
- Lower Tropospheric CO2 from OCO-2
- MAGIC Assessment of a Stochastic Edmf Boundary Layer Parameterization
- MISR at 15: Multiple Perspectives on Our Changing Earth
- MODIS Microphysical Regimes for Examining Apparent Aerosol Effects on Clouds and Precipitation
- MRO HiRISE Observations of the Nucleus of Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring)
- MSL DAN Passive Data and Interpretations
- MSL/RAD Measurements of the Neutron Spectrum in Transit to Mars and on the Martian Surface
- Maintaining the Accuracy of a Sea Surface Height Climate Data Record from Multi-mission Altimeter Data
- Manganese in Endeavour Crater Rim Materials, Mars, and Implications for Habitability
- Mangrove Canopy Height and Biomass Estimations by means of Pol-InSAR Techniques
- Mapping Agricultural Fields in Sub-Saharan Africa with a Computer Vision Approach
- Mapping extent changes of the Barnes Ice Cap since the Little Ice Age
- Mapping methane concentrations from a controlled release experiment using the next generation Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRISng)
- Mars Atmospheric Composition, Isotope Ratios and Seasonal Variations: Overview and Updates of the SAM Measurements at Gale Crater
- Mars Climate Sounder Retrievals with Two-dimensional Radiative Transfer: Implications for the Temperature Structure in the Winter Polar Region
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter observation of Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring)
- Mars Rover Curiosity Traverses of Sand Ripples
- Mars Science Laboratory Sample Acquisition, Sample Processing and Handling Subsystem: A Description of the Sampling Functionality of the System after being on the Surface for Two Years.
- Martian Ambient Seismic Noise: from the first modeling to the future data of the InSight Seismic experiment.
- Mashup of Geo and Space Science Data Provided via Relational Databases in the Semantic Web
- Mass balance of Graham Land at present-day and over the past 150 years using GRACE and GNSS station data
- Measurement of Along-track Displacements due to the M6.0 August 24, 2014 South Napa Earthquake Using X-band Multiple-Aperture SAR Interferometry
- Measurement of Subsidence Across the Sacramento Delta: Applying InSAR to a Coherence-challenged Area
- Metastable Oxygen Production by Electron-Impact of Oxygen
- Microphysical Simulations of Polar Stratospheric Clouds Compared with Calipso and MLS Observations
- Microwave Atmospheric Sounder on CubeSat
- Mid-depth Subtropical Water Circulation and Distribution Near Tidewater Glaciers in Uummannaq Fjord, West Greenland
- Mineralogy of Fluvio-Lacustrine Sediments Investigated by Curiosity during the Prime Mission: Implications for Diagenesis
- Mission Applications Support at NASA: Coastal Applications of SWOT Mission Data
- Moball-Buoy Network: A Near-Real-Time Ground-Truth Distributed Monitoring System to Map Ice, Weather, Chemical Species, and Radiations, in the Arctic
- Model and Inventory Perspectives on the Role of Forests in the Global Carbon Cycle: Results from the Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- Modeling Europa's Ice-Ocean Interface
- Modeling Impacts On and Feedbacks Among Surface Energy and Water Budgets Due to Aerosols-In-Snow Across North America
- Modeling Oxygen Isotopes in the Nascent Solar Nebula for Material to be measured with Rosetta at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Modeling Radar Wave Propagation Through Comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Modeling Skin-Layer Salinity: Focus on Seasonal Variability and Global Means
- Modeling Tidal Stresses on Planetary Bodies Using an Enhanced SatStress GUI
- Modeling the grounding line dynamics of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica using full Stokes and lower order models
- Monitoring Atlantic Overturning Variability with Satellite Gravimetry
- Monitoring of the Canadian Oil Sands from the Aura Satellite
- Monitoring the Seasonal Evolution of the North and South Polar Vortex on Titan during 10 Years with Cassini/Vims
- Multi-Frequency Radar and Microwave Radiometer Simulations of Surface Snowfall Events from GCPEx: Synergistic Application of In-Situ Microphysics Observations with Modeled Ice Scattering Properties
- Multi-Year Estimates of Regional Alaskan Net CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange: Constraining a Remote-Sensing Based Model with Aircraft Observations
- Multidecadal Consistent Ocean Vector Winds: from QuikSCAT to RapidScat and Beyond
- Multifractal Analysis of Large Eddy Simulations of Marine Stratocumulus
- Multimodel Ensemble Prediction System (MEPS) for the Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Electrodynamics System
- NASA Data Evaluation: Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies
- NASA Earth Observing System Simulator Suite (NEOS<SUP>3</SUP>): A Forward Simulation Framework for Observing System Simulation Experiments
- NASA and Earth Science Week: a Model for Engaging Scientists and Engineers in Education and Outreach
- NASA's "Images of Change" App and the Power of Interactive Visuals
- NASA's Global Imagery Management System: TIE
- NASA's NI-SAR Observing Strategy and Data Availability for Agricultural Monitoring and Assessment
- NASA's Open Source Software for Serving and Viewing Global Imagery
- NASA's Planetary Science Summer School: Training Future Mission Leaders in a Concurrent Engineering Environment
- NOx in the atmospheres of aquaplanets as electron acceptors for life
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Indian Space Research Organisation Synthetic Aperture Radar Mission Concept
- Near Real Time Data Products from the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder
- Near Real Time MISR Wind Observations for Numerical Weather Prediction
- New Insights into Convective Dynamics and Convective Cloud Vertical Structures from Synergistic Measurements by CloudSat, CALIPSO and MODIS.
- New Map of Io's Volcanic Heat Flow
- New Measurements of CH<SUB>3</SUB>OH from the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder
- New Method for the Detection of Organosulfur Biosignatures in Mars-Analog Terrestrial Sedimentary Facies
- New Statistical Methods for the Analysis of the Cratering on Venus
- No Pixel Left Behind - Peeling Away NASA's Satellite Swaths
- Novel Measurements and Techniques for Outlet Glacier Fjord Ice/Ocean Interactions
- OMI Global Tropospheric Bromine Oxide (BrO) Column Densities: Algorithm, Retrieval and Initial Validation
- Obs4MIPS: Satellite Observations for CMIP6 Model Evaluation
- Observational Constraints of Humidity Climatology From GPS Radio Occultation measurements
- Observational Evidence of Cloud Fraction Reduction and Convective Inhibition Attributed to Fire-Emitted Aerosols in Tropical Africa
- Observations and Observability of Magnetic Waves due to Newborn Interstellar Pickup Ions
- Observations of Atmospheric Temperature Structure from an Airborne Microwave Temperature Profiler
- Observations of Near-Sun Turbulent Density Fluctuations with the Wide Field Imager for Solar Probe Plus (WISPR)
- Observed evidence of the atmospheric response to the shift in the sea surface temperature front of the Oyashio Extension
- Observing Sea Surface Height By a Wide-Swath Altimeter and Its Challenges
- Ocean Compositions on Europa and Ganymede
- Offset: A Global Carbon Cycle and Climate Change Mobile Game from NASA
- On Variability in Satellite Terrestrial Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measurements: Relationships with Phenology and Ecosystem-Atmosphere Carbon Exchange, Vegetation Structure, Clouds, and Sun-Satellite Geometry
- On the Dependence of Solar Wind Speed on Local Magnetic Field Orientation in Highly Alfvénic Streams
- On the Joint Use of High Resolution Tracer Image and Altimetric Field for the Control of Ocean Circulations
- On the Spatial Homogeneity of the H2O Coma of 67P/C.-G. at 3.9-3.5 AU as Seen from MIRO
- On the Synergy Between Space-Borne Remote Sensing and Large-Eddy Simulation: Structure of Shallow Marine Convection
- Optimal Estimation of the Carbonyl Sulfide Surface Flux Through Inverse Modeling of TES Observations
- Optimizing EDMF parameterization for stratocumulus-topped boundary layer
- Outreach/education interface for Cryosphere models using the Virtual Ice Sheet Laboratory
- PALS (Passive Active L-band System) Radiometer-Based Soil Moisture Retrieval for the SMAP Validation Experiment 2012 (SMAPVEX12)
- PANDORA - Exploring the Early Solar System, by way of the Moons of Mars
- PDS4: Meeting Big Data Challenges Via a Model-Driven Planetary Science Data Architecture and System
- Pacific Sea Level Rise Pattern and Global Warming Hiatus
- Performance and Uncertainty Analysis of Precipitation Retrievals Derived from Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar and Microwave Imager onboard GPM over CONUS
- Periodically Launched, Dedicated CubeSats/SmallSats for Space Situational Awareness Through NASA Communications Networks
- Personal, Informal and Relatable: Engaging Wide Audiences in Climate Science with Nasa's Earth Right Now Blog
- Philae's landing site
- Phosphates at the Surface of Mars: Primary Deposits and Alteration Products
- Photochemistry in Saturn's Ring-Shadowed Atmosphere: Modeling of Key Molecules and Observations of Dust Content
- Photometric Correction for the Thermal Channels of the Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment
- Planetary Doppler Imaging
- Planetary Period Oscillations at Saturn: Auroral Observations
- Point source detection and validation using GOSAT and OCO-2 data: Volcanoes and Power Plants
- Postglacial Rebound Model ICE-6G_C (VM5a) Constrained by Geodetic and Geologic Observations
- Pre-, Co-, and Post-Seismic Fault Slip in the Northern Chile Seismic Gap Associated with the April 1, 2014 (Mw 8.2) Pisagua Earthquake.
- Precipitation Data from Space for Hydrology: TRMM Era to GPM
- Precipitation Estimation Using Combined Radar and Microwave Radiometer Observations from GPM- Initial Studies
- Precision FT-IR laboratory measurements of atmospheric molecule
- Precursor Environmental Conditions Associated with the Termination of Madden-Julian Oscillation Events
- Predictability of Hydraulic Head Changes and Characterization of Aquifer-System and Fault Properties from InSAR-Derived Ground Deformation
- Preliminary Results from the NASA Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2)
- Preliminary Results of the 2013 - 2014 Sabancaya, Peru Earthquakes from COSMO-Skymed Satellite Constellation InSAR Time-Series
- Pressure oscillations on the surface of Gale Crater and coincident observations of global circulation patterns.
- Probing the sensitivity of polarimetric O<SUB>2</SUB> A-band measurements to clouds with emphasis on potential OCO-2 and GOSAT retrievals
- Progress Report on the ASCII for Science Data, Airborne and Geospatial Working Groups of the 2014 ESDSWG for MEaSUREs
- Progress in using real-time GPS for seismic monitoring of the Cascadia megathrust
- Provenance for Earth Science Data Systems
- Pseudo-data Inversions of California CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes Combining Tower Measurements of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and <SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> with OCO2 Column CO<SUB>2</SUB> Retrievals
- Quality and Availability of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Measurements from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory -2 (OCO-2)
- Quantifying Regional Sources and Sinks of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Using Data From GOSAT and TES
- Quantifying the Resilience of Vegetation and Soil Moisture During Dry Spells Using Satellite Remote Sensing
- Quantifying the Sampling Bias in OCO-2 Observation Modes
- Quantitative Analysis of the Variability in Spectral Characteristics of MgSO<SUB>4</SUB> and Na<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB> Brine Solutions for Europa Surface Comparative Analysis
- Quantitative topographic analysis as a guide to rover-based research on Mars
- RaInCube: a proposed constellation of precipitation profiling Radars In Cubesat
- Radar Interferometric Possibilities for Determining Sea Ice Thickness
- Radar remote sensing for levee health assessment in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Radiation Chemistry of Potential Europa Plumes
- Radio-Occultation and Heavy Precipitation aboard the PAZ orbiter (ROHP-PAZ) and its Ground-Based campaign
- Radiometric trend of lunar calibration compared with vicarious calibration for GOSAT
- Rapid Response Products of The ARIA Project for the M6.0 August 24, 2014 South Napa Earthquake
- Rapid warming of the world's lakes: Interdecadal variability and long-term trends from 1910-2009 using in situ and remotely sensed data
- Recent Pacific sea level trends: internally or externally forced?
- Recent microwave sounder observations from aircraft during the HS3 field campaign
- Recommended values and correlations of thermophysical properties for comet modelling
- Reducing Uncertainty in Terrestrial Biosphere Models with Satellite Observations of Atmospheric CO2: Comparing MsTMIP with GOSAT
- Relating river discharges to salinity changes
- Remote Sensing of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB>, CO, and H<SUB>2</SUB>o from Geostationary Orbit
- Remote Sensing of Mycorrhizae? Detection of Mycorrhizal Association from Canopy Spectral Properties.
- Remote sensing of vegetation ecophysiological function for improved hydrologic prediction
- Remote sensing of water quality and contaminants in the California Bay-Delta
- Requirements analysis for remote sensing of carbon-climate feedbacks
- Rescuing Seasat-A from 1980
- Resolving Multiscale Processes in Tropical Cyclogenesis Using Parallel EEMD
- Response of High Latitude Wetland Fluxes of Methane to Changes in Temperature and Water
- Response of Middle Atmospheric Hydroxyl Radical to the 27-Day Solar Forcing
- Results from the NASA-ISRO SAR Mission Applications Workshop: Linking Mission Goals to Societal Benefit
- Retreiving Stratopause Height From COSMIC Radio Occultations
- Retrieval of CO2 Mixing Ratios from CLARS Measurements: Correcting Aerosol Induced Biases
- Revisiting Runoff Model Calibration: Airborne Snow Observatory Results Allow Improved Modeling Results
- River Network Modeling Beyond Discharge at Gauges
- Role of Stratospheric Water Vapor in Global Warming from GCM Simulations Constrained by MLS Observation
- Rosetta Mission Status Update
- SHERLOC: Scanning Habitable Environments With Raman & Luminescence for Organics & Chemicals, an Investigation for 2020
- SMAP Global Model Calibration Using SMOS Time-Series Observations
- SMAP RADAR Calibration and Validation
- SWOT Hydrology in the classroom
- Sample Return Science
- Satellite Altimeters and Gravimeters as Proxy of the Indonesian Throughflow
- Satellite Observations of the Epic California Drought
- Satellite Remote Sensing Detection of Wastewater Plumes in Southern California
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Inundated Wetlands: Data Record Assembly and Cross-Product Comparison
- Satellite Retrievals of Vegetation Optical Depth Using Time-Series of Dual-Polarized and Single Look-Angle Global Microwave Observations
- Saturn's Internal Magnetic Field: Expectations for Cassini's Upcoming Proximal Orbits
- Scale-Dependence of the Response of Tropopause Height to Deep Cumulus Convection
- SciSpark: Highly Interactive and Scalable Model Evaluation and Climate Metrics
- Science and Reconnaissance from the Europa Clipper Mission Concept: Exploring Europa's Habitability
- Scientific Overview of Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems (TEMPEST) Program
- Scientific Resource EXplorer
- Sea Surface Salinity Variability in Response to the Congo River Discharge
- Sea surface salinity variability in the East China Sea observed by the Aquarius instrument
- Search for Radio Emission from HD80606b: a Highly Eccentric Exoplanet
- Searching for Atmospheric Pressure Errors over Antarctica with GRACE Accelerations
- Seasonal Transpacific Transport of Asian Ozone and PAN Using Aura TES PAN Retrievals
- Seasonal and Diurnal Variations in Anthropogenic Sources of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Los Angeles Megacity
- Seasonal and Elevational Variations of Black Carbon and Dust in Snow and Ice in the Solu-Khumbu, Nepal and Estimated Radiative Forcings
- Seasonal decoupling between vegetation greenness and function over northern high latitude forests
- Seasonal variations of marine boundary layer clouds and climate warming sensitivity
- Secular Climate Change on Mars: An Update Using One Mars Year of MSL Pressure Data
- Seeking Ancient Microbial Biosignatures With PIXL on Mars 2020
- Sensitivity of Forward Radiative Transfer Model on Spectroscopic Assumptions and Input Geophysical Parameters at 23.8 GHz and 183 GHz Channels and its Impact on Inter-calibration of Microwave Radiometers
- Shear Weakening due to Drainge from Water-Filled Crevasses Along the Margins of Jakobshavn ISBRÆ
- Short-tailed Temperature Distributions over North America and Implications for Future Changes in Extremes
- Shortening rates in the Nepalese Himalaya derived from quantitative geomorphic analysis
- Simulations of Solar Induced Fluorescence compared to observations from GOSAT and GOME-2 Satellites
- Simultaneous Improvement in Water Use, Productivity and Albedo Through Crop Structural Modification
- Simultaneous Mapping of Titan's Atmospheric and Surface Properties Through the Massive Inversion of Cassini/VIMS Data
- Simultaneous multi-scale and multi-instrument observations of Saturn's aurorae during the 2013 observing campaign
- Single-Footprint Retrievals from AIRS
- Single-pass Airborne InSAR for Wide-swath, High-Resolution Cryospheric Surface Topography Mapping
- Small Eddies in Lake Superior and Their Relation to the Seasonal Thermal Front
- Smarter Instruments, Smarter Archives: Machine Learning for Tactical Science
- Snow Depth from Lidar: Challenges and New Technology for Measurements in Extreme Terrain
- Snow distribution on Antarctic sea ice: precipitation, accumulation, and connections to sea ice thickness from in situ and NASA IceBridge observations.
- Snow surface temperature, radiative forcing and snow depth as determinants of snow density
- Solar Cycle Induced Variability in Middle Atmospheric HO<SUB>x</SUB> — Abundances and Partitioning
- Solar Probe Plus: A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun
- Source Attribution of Near-surface Ozone in the Western US: Improved Estimates by TF HTAP2 Multi-model Experiment and Multi-scale Chemical Data Assimilation
- Sources and sinks of methane beneath polar ice
- Southern Greenland water vapour isotopic composition at the crossroads of Atlantic and Arctic moisture
- Spaceborne precipitation radar simulation from a global cloud resolving model
- Spatial Inference for Distributed Remote Sensing Data
- Spatial Patterns of Carbon Exchange Seasonality in Amazonian Forest
- Spatially Resolved Chemical Imaging for Biosignature Analysis: Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Examples
- Spatio-temporal Estimates of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions in the Los Angeles Basin from On-road and Airport Traffic
- Spectral Characterization of Phobos Analogues Under Simulated Environmental Conditions
- Spectral Evidence for Talc on Mars and Implications for Astrobiology
- Spectral analysis of GPS precise point positioning time series
- Strategic Science to Address Current and Future Space Weather Needs
- Stratospheric contribution to surface ozone in the desert Southwest during the 2013 Las Vegas Ozone Study
- Structure and Dynamics of the Sub-corotating Region of Saturn's Magnetosphere: Cassini Magnetic Field Observations.
- Structure of the Moon's Orientale Basin from Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) Observations
- Study of Ionospheric Storms Using Global Assimilative Ionospheric Models
- Study of Potential Sub-Micrometer-Thick Frost Events and Soil Water Content at Gale Crater
- Studying Titan's surface photometry in the 5 microns atmospheric window with the Cassini/VIMS instrument
- Subseasonal Vertical Correlations with MBL Cloud Top Heights over the Southeastern Pacific and Cloud Top Height/Vertical Velocity Relationships in a Baroclinic Atmosphere Using Satellite and Re-Analysis Data
- Subtropical Low Cloud Responses to Central and Eastern Pacific El Nino Events
- Surface Composition and Physical Mixture State of the Regoliths of Outer Solar System Satellites: The Role of Scattering and Absorption by the non-Ice Components and Implications for Rayleigh Absorption and Rayleigh Scattering
- Surprises in the Saturn System: 10 Years of Cassini Discoveries and More Excitement to Come
- Synthetic White-light Imagery for the Wide-field Imager for Solar Probe Plus (WISPR)
- Systematic observations of Volcán Turrialba, Costa Rica, with small unmanned aircraft and aerostats (UAVs): the Costa Rican Airborne Research and Technology Applications (CARTA) missions
- Temperature Extremes and Associated Large-Scale Meteorological Patterns in NARCCAP Regional Climate Models: Towards a framework for generalized model evaluation
- Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems (TEMPEST) CubeSat Constellation
- Temporal and Spatial Variation in Surface Velocity and Basal Friction at Upernavik Isstrøm, Northwest Greenland
- Testing a Simple Recipe for Estimating Thermal Hydrodynamic Escape Rates in Primitive Terrestrial Atmospheres
- Testing the Interstellar Wind Helium Flow Direction with Galileo Euvs Data
- The 2014 ASCENDS Field Campaign - a Carbon Dioxide Laser Absorption Spectrometer Perspective
- The 2014 Mw6.1 South Napa Valley earthquake, an energetic event with shallow asperities and rapid postseismic slip
- The AIRS Applications Pipeline, from Identification to Visualization to Distribution
- The AUTUMNX Magnetometer Network in Quebec and its Antarctic Conjugate Network PRIMO
- The BENTO Box: Development and field-testing of a new satellite-linked data collection system for multiparameter volcano monitoring
- The Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment (CARVE) Measurements of Seasonal to Interannual Variability in Alaskan CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH4 Fluxes
- The D/H Ratio of the Martian Water That Formed the Yellowknife Bay Mudstone Rocks Measured By the MSL-SAM Instrument
- The Detectability of Heat Flow Signatures on Europa
- The Effects of Surface and Subsurface Structural Anomalies on the Detectability of Shallow Aquifers on Europa by Sounding Radar
- The Federal Oil Spill Team for Emergency Response Remote Sensing (FOSTERRS)
- The Geodesy of the Outer Solar System Bodies from Precise Spacecraft Tracking
- The Grace Mission Status and Future Activities
- The H<SUB>2</SUB>O-MgSO<SUB>4</SUB> system up to 1 GPa: implications for deep oceans in Ganymede and Titan.
- The Impacts of Cloud Snow Radiative Effects on Pacific Oceans Surface Heat Fluxes, Surface Wind Stress, and Ocean Temperatures in Coupled GCM Simulations
- The JPL ASTER Volcano Archive: the development and capabilities of a 15 year global high resolution archive of volcano data.
- The JPL Tropical Cyclone Information System - a new paradigm for integration of models and observations to enhance the use of remote sensing data for hurricane research and forecast improvements
- The LRO Diviner Foundation Dataset: A Comprehensive Temperature Record of the Moon
- The Mars Oxygen ISRU Experiment (MOXIE) on the yet-to-be-named Mars 2020 Lander
- The Martian O<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O cycles observed with ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy
- The Multi-Dimensional Challenge of Validating Remote-Sensing Aerosol-Type Retrievals
- The Mw=8.1 Pisagua Earthquake of 1 April 2014
- The NASA Airborne Snow Observatory: Demonstration Mission 2
- The NASA Applied Science Program Disasters Area: Disaster Applications Research and Response
- The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Status
- The Past, Present, and Future of Tidal Deformation at Europa
- The Planetary Data System—An Accumulating Archive developed by Scientists for Scientists
- The Pools, Fluxes and Residence Time of Water Across the Amazon Basin
- The Propagation of Solar Energetic Particles as Observed by the Stereo Spacecraft and Near Earth
- The Radiometer Atmospheric Cubesat Experiment
- The Seamless SAR Archive (SSARA) Project and Other SAR Activities at UNAVCO
- The Seasonal Water Cycle over the India Subcontinent Indicated in the Correlated Analysis of Aquarius, GRACE and River Discharge Data
- The Snow Data System at NASA JPL
- The Stratospheric Contribution to Tropospheric Ozone Variability and Trends
- The Transpolar Drift in the Central Arctic Ocean as Measured by AON Observations
- The Water Regime of Ceres and its Potential Habitability
- The Whipple Mission: Exploring the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud
- The a <SUP>3</SUP>Σ<SUB>g</SUB><SUP>+</SUP> - b <SUP>3</SUP>Σ<SUB>u</SUB><SUP>+</SUP> Continuum Emission from Electron Impact of Molecular Hydrogen in Saturn's Atmosphere
- The carbon cycle response of the Amazon forest during the 2010 drought in dynamic global vegetation models
- The cloudy nature of southern ocean preciptation
- The global warming 'hiatus' and its implications on future sea level rise
- The role of ocean salinity in the water cycle associated with Indian monsoon
- The spectrum of natural forest disturbances and the Amazon forest carbon balance
- The unfolding instability of the remnant Larsen B Ice Shelf and its tributary glaciers
- The use of GRACE satellite data to validate the global hydrological cycle as simulated by a global climate mode
- Thermal Inertia Mapping Using Mars Climate Sounder Measurements.
- Thermodynamic Equations of State for Aqueous Solutions Applied to Deep Icy Satellite and Exoplanet Oceans
- Thermodynamics of Water and Aqueous Solutions under Mantle Conditions
- Three Years of CARVE-FTS Observations of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB>, and CO in the Alaskan Arctic: Status Quo and Comparison with Satellite Measurements
- Time series analysis of thermal variation on Italian volcanic active areas by using IR satellite data
- Titan's Magic Island: Transient features in a Titan sea
- Titan's Surface at 2.2-Cm Wavelength: Results and Interpretations through the First Ten Years of Observation By Cassini
- Top-Down Estimates of SO<SUB>2</SUB> Degassing Emissions from the Turrialba Volcano Using in Situ Measurements from Unmanned Aerial Systems and the WRF-Stilt Model
- Top-down Constraints on Combustion Characteristics During the 2010 South America Drought Fires.
- Top-down constraints on disturbance dynamics in the terrestrial carbon cycle: effects at global and regional scales
- Total Water Vapor Transport Observed in Twelve Atmospheric Rivers over the Northeastern Pacific Ocean Using Dropsondes
- Toward Automated Feature Detection in UAVSAR Images
- Towards Disentangling Natural and Anthropogenic GHG Fluxes from Space - The CarbonSat Earth Explorer 8 Candidate Mission
- Towards New Constraints on the Tropical Ozone Budget: Interannual Variability in Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (PAN) Observations from the Aura Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer
- Towards a Next Generation Gravity Field Mission
- Towards an Understanding of Thermal Throughput across Saturn's Rings with Cassini CIRS
- Towards the Implementation of GPS-based Tsunami Early Warning System Using Ionospheric Measurements
- Trace gas constraints on vertical transport in models: a case study of Indonesian biomass burning emissions in 2006
- Tracing arctic hydrology with observations of water vapor isotopes from in situ, airborne, and satellite platforms
- Transient Source Processes Prior to the March 2011 Kamoamoa Fissure Eruption, Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaíi
- Transport of Air to the Stratosphere: Perspectives From the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) Instrument.
- Trends in Surface Temperature from AIRS.
- Trends in the Global Net Land Sink and Their Sensitivity to Environmental Forcing Factors: Results From the Multi-Scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- Tropical Controls on the CO2 Atmospheric Growth Rate 2010-2011 from the NASA Carbon Monitoring System Flux (CMS-Flux) Project
- Tropical forest response to elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>: Model-experiment integration at the AmazonFACE site.
- Tunable Laser Spectrometers- from Earth Polar Ozone and Climate Studies to Mars Evolution and Planetary Chemistry
- Twenty-Two Years of Combined GPS Daily Coordinate Time Series and Derived Parameters: Implications for ITRF
- Two-Look Polarimetric (2LP) Microwave Radiometers for Ocean Vector Wind Retrieval
- UAVSAR and TerraSAR-X Based InSAR Detection of Localized Subsidence in the New Orleans Area
- UAVSAR for the Management of Natural Disasters
- UAVSAR: InSAR and PolSAR Test Bed for the Proposed NI-SAR Mission
- Uncertainty quantification of Greenland Ice Sheet mass balance via assessment of GRACE mascon solutions and variability of high-resolution surface mass balance forcing of an ice flow model
- Understanding the mechanisms that control the diurnal phase of tropical convection using a hierarchy of models.
- Unveiling Titan's Mid-Latitude Surface Regions
- Updates to the contribution of VSL species to stratospheric Br<SUB>y</SUB>
- Updating our understanding of "Special Regions" on Mars: The second MEPAG Special Regions Science Analysis Group (SR-SAG2)
- Upper Air Temperature and Circulation Climatologies from GPS Radio Occultation Measurements for Climate Process Studies and Model Evaluation
- Upwelling Scales off the Coast of Peru: Comparison of Observation and Model
- Urban Heat Island Studies: Los Angeles Changing Climate
- Using Daily Ocean Wind Vector and Speed Measurements to Estimate the Diurnal Cycle Modes
- Using Enabling Technologies to Advance Data Intensive Analysis Tools in the JPL Tropical Cyclone Information System
- Using Enabling Technologies to Facilitate the Comparison of Satellite Observations with the Model Forecasts for Hurricane Study
- Using LiDAR, RADAR, and Optical data to improve a NFMS in Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Using Machine Learning to Enable Big Data Analysis within Human Review Time Budgets
- Using Ocean Tidal Load Response to Explore the Elastic Structure of the Amazonian Craton
- Using SAR and GPS for Hazard Management and Response: Progress and Examples from the Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) Project
- Using a multi-scale approach to identify and quantify oil and gas emissions: a case study for GHG emissions verification
- Using aircraft eddy-covariance measurements to examine the spatial heterogeneity of CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange above three temperate forests
- Using an Ablation Gradient Model to Characterize Annual Glacial Melt Contribution to Major Rivers in High Asia
- Using project life-cycles as guide for timing the archival of scientific data and supporting documentation
- Using regional-scale LiDAR surveys to validate operational snow models
- VERITAS: A mission to study the highest priority Decadal Survey questions for Venus
- VIRTIS-Rosetta Observations of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Nucleus and Coma During the Mission Pre-Landing Phase.
- VISL: A Virtual Ice Sheet Laboratory For Outreach and K-12 Education
- Validation of AIRS V6 Near Surface Air Temperature Over Ocean and Corresponding Sea Surface Temperature
- Validation of Satellite-Derived Land Surface Temperature Products - Methods and Good Practice
- Vertical Distributions of Cloud Water Content Associated with Different Cloud Types as Observed by A-Train Satellites
- Vertical Structure and Physical Processes of the Madden-Julian Oscillation: A Model Evaluation Project
- Vertical variations in the influence of the amount effect: South American Summer Monsoon Region
- Virtual California, ETAS, and OpenHazards web services: Responding to earthquakes in the age of Big Data
- Virtual California: Earthquake Statistics, Surface Deformation Patterns, Surface Gravity Changes and InSAR Interferograms for Arbitrary Fault Geometries
- Vision for the Future of Lws TR&T
- WISSARD at Subglacial Lake Whillans, West Antarctica:scientific operations and initial observations
- Warm Spring Reduced Impact of Summer Drought on Carbon Cycling
- Was all that Los Angeles River flood control concrete necessary?
- Water storage variations in Washington, Oregon and California inferred from GPS observation of loading deformation
- Whipple Mission Design - Fields, Orbit, Schedule
- Will modeling demographic differences in xylem vulnerability and stomatal closure in tropical trees improve drought response predictions of tropical forests?
- "Newer, bigger, older" with NASA GIBS
- 62129 - HyspIRI and ECOSTRESS
- A Carbon Monitoring System Approach to US Coastal Wetland Carbon Fluxes: Progress Towards a Tier II Accounting Method with Uncertainty Quantification
- A Case for Data and Service Fusions
- A Cloud-Resolving Modeling Intercomparison Study on Properties of Cloud Microphysics, Convection, and Precipitation for a Squall Line Cas
- A Comprehensive Analysis of AIRS Near Surface Air Temperature and Water Vapor Over Land and Tropical Ocean
- A Decade of Elevation and Mass Changes of the North Atlantic Glaciers and Ice Caps
- A Global Assessment of Accelerations in Mass Transport of Surface Geophysical Fluid
- A Holographic Microscope for Detection of Microorganisms on Icy Worlds
- A Humidity-Driven Prediction System for Influenza Outbreaks
- A Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer (HyTES) for High Altitude Applications
- A Look Under the Hood: How the JPL Tropical Cyclone Information System Uses Database Technologies to Present Big Data to Users
- A Mesoscale Modeling Framework for Assessing Inversion Uncertainty Due to Atmospheric Transport in XCO2 Atmospheric Inversions
- A Method to Validate Posterior CO2 Fluxes from Atmospheric Inversion
- A Monte Carlo Investigation of the Impact of Aerosol and Albedo Uncertainty on X<SUB>CO2</SUB> Retrieval Errors
- A New Advanced GRACE Analyis Product - JPLRL05M: Improving Terrestrial Water Storage Estimates
- A Reevaluation of the Contribution of Very Short Lived Bromocarbons to Stratospheric Bromine Loading
- A Sensitivity Study of Mesospheric and Stratospheric HOx Chemistry
- A Simple Drought Product and Indicator Derived from Temperature and Relative Humidity Observed by the Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder (AIRS)
- A Sparse Hierarchical Map Representation for Mars Science Laboratory Science Operations
- A Statistical Model for Determining the Probability of Observing Exoplanetary Radio Emissions
- A Stormy Forecast for the Upcoming Dust Storm Season on Mars
- A Unified and Coherent Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity (LST&E) Earth System Data Record (ESDR) for Earth Science Research
- A combined geodetic and seismic model for the Mw 8.3 2015 Illapel (Chile) earthquake
- A comparison of measured radiances from AIRS and HIRS across different cloud types
- A global remote sensing mission to detect and predict plant functional biodiversity change
- A gridded version of the US EPA inventory of methane emissions for use as a priori and reference in methane source inversions
- A high-resolution spherical harmonic degree 1500 lunar gravity field from the GRAIL mission
- A new conceptual framework for unifying the heterogeneity of plant-microbe interactions in forests by linking belowground measurements with large-scale modeling and remote sensing
- A satellite observation test bed for cloud parameterization development
- A synthesis of the thermal state of the bed of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- A widespread low-latitude diurnal CO<SUB>2</SUB> frost cycle on Mars revealed by Mars Climate Sounder observations
- AIRS and Full-Resolution CrIS: Comparison Using Tropical Simultaneous Nadir Observations
- AIRS, IASI, and CrIS Comparisons at Dome Concordia in Antarctica
- Accuracy of Real-Time Tsunami Forecast Based on Real-time Data
- Achieving Forecasts in the Thermosphere and Ionosphere with Lead Times of a Few Days
- Addressing the Polarization Signature of the Ocean Scattering at Ku band in Presence of Both Non-homogenous Winds and Rain
- Advances in Mineral Dust Source Composition Measurement with Imaging Spectroscopy at the Salton Sea, CA
- Advances in Raman spectroscopy for In Situ Identification of Minerals and Organics on Diverse Planetary Surfaces: from Mars to Titan
- Advancing Partnerships Towards an Integrated Approach to Oil Spill Response
- Airborne Deployment and Calibration of Microwave Atmospheric Sounder on 6U CubeSat
- Airborne Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (AirMOSS) Earth Venture Suborbital Mission Overview
- Albedo and Spectral Variability on Ceres from Four Decades of Observations
- Alfven Wave Kinetic Dissipation
- Alluvial Fans on Titan Reveal Atmosphere and Surface Interactions and Material Transport
- Amazon Column CO<SUB>2</SUB> & CO Observations to Elucidate Tropical Ecosystem Processes
- Ammonia Bearing Species on Ceres: Implication on Origin and Evolution
- An All-Source Green's Function (ASGF) Database for Fast Predictions of Tsunamis Sourced anywhere in the India and Pacific Oceans
- An Assessment of Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor in the MERRA-2 Reanalysis: Comparisons with MLS and In Situ Water Vapor Measurements
- An Ice Shell Impact Penetrator (IceShIP) for Organic Analysis on Europa
- An Overview of the Auroras of Jupiter and Saturn from the Cassini Perspective
- An Updated Model Of Saturn's Internal Planetary Magnetic Field Based on All Available Data
- An integrated and accessible sample data library for Mars sample return science
- Analysis of likely Frost Events and day-to-night Variability in near-surface Water Vapor at Gale
- Analysis of the Phoenix Mission's Thermal and Electrical Conductivity Probe (TECP) Relative Humidity Data
- Analytical volcano deformation modelling: A new and fast generalized point-source approach with application to the 2015 Calbuco eruption
- Anelastic and Compressible Simulation of Moist Dynamics at Planetary Scales
- Anthropogenic Methane Emissions in California's San Joaquin Valley: Characterizing Large Point Source Emitters
- Anticipating the Role of SWOT in Hydrologic and Hydrodynamic Modeling
- Application of Open Source Technologies for Oceanographic Data Analysis
- Applications Using AIRS Data
- Applications of Solar Induced Fluorescence (SIF) to Constrain Global Photosynthesis
- Appraisal of Weather Research and Forecasting Model Downscaling of Hydro-meteorological Variables and their Applicability for Discharge Prediction: Prognostic Approach for Ungauged Basin
- Aquifer recharge from infiltration basins in a highly urbanized area: the river Po Plain (Italy)
- Architectural Lessons: Look Back In Order To Move Forward
- Arctic Ozone and Bromine Chemistry: Relationships with Snow Composition and Open Lead Presence
- Are high-resolution NASA Unified WRF simulations credible tools for predicting extreme precipitation over the Great Plains?
- Assessing Hydro-Ecological Vulnerability from Space
- Assessing Model Treatment of Drought Legacy Effects in the Amazon
- Assessing Surface BRDF-related Biases Using Target Mode Retrievals from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2)
- Assessment of GPS Reflectometry from TechDemoSat-1 for Scatterometry and Altimetry Applications
- Assessment of capabilities of multiangle imaging photo-polarimetry for atmospheric correction in presence of absorbing aerosols
- Assessment of the Sources, Distribution and Interanual Variability of PAN over North America using New Observations from TES.
- Assimilating multi-sensor satellite observations for initializing hydrologic and agricultural forecasts
- Assimilation and implications of AE-9/AP-9 in the design process of JPL missions
- Assimilation of Airborne Snow Observatory Snow Water Equivalent to Improve Runoff Forecasting Model Performance and Reservoir Management During Warm and Dry Winters
- Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture and Vegetation with a Crop Simulation Model
- Atmospheric River Observations with the HAMSR Aircraft Microwave Sounder
- Attributing Methane and Ozone Radiative Forcing to Changes in Precursor Emissions: Constraints on Atmospheric Oxidation from Multiple Satellite Instruments and Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis
- Basal Conditions in Marie Byrd Land in the Presence of a Deep Mantle Plume
- Bed topography under Antarctic outlet glaciers revealed by mass conservation and radar data
- Behavior and Stability of Ground Ice on Ceres: Initial Clues from Dawn
- Benchmarking Climate Model Top-of-atmosphere Radiance in the 9.6 Micron Ozone Band Using TES and IASI Observations
- Big Bang! An Evaluation of NASA's Space School Musical Program for Elementary and Middle School Learners
- Black-backed woodpecker habitat suitability mapping using conifer snag basal area estimated from airborne laser scanning
- CalWater 2015 — Atmospheric Rivers and Aerosol Impacts on Precipitation
- California Earthquake Clearinghouse: Advocating for, and Advancing, Collaboration and Technology Interoperability, Between the Scientific and Emergency Response Communities, to Produce Actionable Intelligence for Situational Awareness, and Decision Support
- Can ASCII data files be standardized for Earth Science?
- Can I Get a Second Opinion? - Translating Hazard Understanding to Disaster Response
- Can Significant Trends in Surface Temperature and Precipitation be Detected over South America?
- Can isotopic variations in structural water of gypsum reveal paleoclimatic changes?
- Capacity Building in NASA Remote Sensing Data for Meteorological and Agricultural Communities in East Africa
- Carbon Dioxide Chemistry on Titan's Surface
- Carbon Reservoir History of Mars Constrained by Atmospheric Isotopic Measurements and Carbonate Remote Sensing
- Carbon cycle relevant measurements with the TROPOMI instrument on the Sentinel 5 Precursor mission
- Cassini RADAR Observations of Saturn's Largest Moon, Titan
- Ceres Evolution: From Thermodynamic Modeling and Now Dawn Observation
- Changes on Titan's surface
- Characteristics of Earthquakes Induced by Shallow and Deep Crustal Dike Intrusions
- Characterization of Inundated Wetlands with Microwave Remote Sensing: Cross-Product Comparison for Uncertainty Assessment in Tropical Wetlands
- Characterizing Englacial and Subglacial Temperature Structure Using Airborne Radar Sounding
- Characterizing Open Water Bodies and Wetland Ecosystems Using Optical and Microwave Remote Sensing
- Characterizing Variability in the Spatial Distribution of Bromine Explosion Events in the Vicinity of Barrow, Alaska
- Charged Particle Environment on Mars - One Mars Year of MSL/RAD Measurements
- ChemCam First Discovery of High Silica Sediments in Gale Crater
- ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy at Gale Crater: Diurnal and Seasonal cycles of O<SUB>2</SUB>, H<SUB>2</SUB>O, and aerosols
- Chemical Alteration Pathways Resulting in High-Silica Deposits on Mars
- Chemical Composition of Diagenetic Features at Lower Aeolis Mons, Mars as Measured by Curiosity's APXS
- Chemical Composition of lower Mount Sharp at Gale Crater, Mars, as measured by the APXS
- Chemistry of Frozen NaCl and MgSO<SUB>4 </SUB>Brines - Implications for Surface Expression of Europa's Ocean Composition
- Chemistry of the Materials Above and Below an Unconformity Between the Murray and Stimson Formations in Gale Crater, Mars
- Chemo-stratigraphy in the Murray Formation Using ChemCam
- Climate Change Intensification of Horizontal Water Vapor Transport in CMIP5
- Climate Model Diagnostic Analyzer Web Service System
- Cloud Effects on Atmospheric Solar Absorption in Light of Most Recent Surface, Satellite, and GCM Datasets
- Coastal Surging Seas by Natural Decadal Variability
- Combining Heat and Mass Flux Methods for Estimating Real-Time Evaporation from a Water Surface
- Communicating the rigor behind science results
- Comparative tectonic features on Ceres and other planetary bodies
- Comparing observations of fossil fuel-derived CO<SUB>2</SUB> in California with predictions from bottom-up inventories
- Comparison of Methane Data Products from the TES and AIRS Infrared Sounders
- Comparison of the Cratering Records of Ceres and Rhea
- Complex Explosive Volcanic Activity on the Moon in Oppenheimer Crater
- Composition, seasonal change and bathymetry of Ligeia Mare, Titan, derived from its 2.2-cm thermal emission
- Compositional Mapping of Europa's Surface with SUDA
- Comprehensive Mapping of Ice Flow From Landsat 8: Two Years of Surging and Seasonal Change for Alaska's Glaciers, and Counting…
- Computing Global Mosaics of Titan With the VIMS Imaging Spectrometer
- Connecting Io's volcanic activity to the Io plasma torus: comparison of Galileo/NIMS volcanic and ground-based torus observations
- Constraining Aerosol Properties Using H2O Retrievals from the California Laboratory for Atmospheric Remote Sensing (CLARS)
- Constraining Annual Water Balance Estimates with Basin-Scale Observations from the Airborne Snow Observatory during the Current Californian Drought
- Constraining Atmospheric Particle Size in Gale Crater Using REMS UV Measurements and Mastcam Observations at 440 and 880 nm
- Constraining the 2012-2014 growing season Alaskan methane budget using CARVE aircraft measurements
- Constraints on Ceres internal strcuture from the Dawn gravity and shape data
- Contribution of Fire Emissions to the Global Methane Budget
- Converting Snow Depth to SWE: The Fusion of Simulated Data with Remote Sensing Retrievals and the Airborne Snow Observatory
- Coupling iSnobal and ASO: Towards an Integrated Water Supply Toolbox for Water Resource Managers
- Creep Parameterization for the 3-D Mantle: Implications for Geodetic Interpretations of GIA
- Crosslink Radio Occultation for the Remote Sensing of Planetary Atmospheres
- CryoSat-2 Processing and Model Interpretation of Greenland Ice Sheet Volume Changes
- Cryosphere Science Outreach using the Ice Sheet System Model and a Virtual Ice Sheet Laboratory
- Curating Virtual Data Collections
- DOGO Warn Levels: An Upgrade to Quality Flags for the OCO-2 Data Products
- Data Management System Reuse for Visualization of JPL's SMAP Project
- Deep source model for Nevado del Ruiz Volcano, Colombia, constrained by interferometric synthetic aperture radar observations
- Deriving Kinematic Properties of Non-Radial, Asymmetric and Deflecting CMEs: Methods and Implications
- Deriving Lava Eruption Temperatures on Io Using Lava Tube Skylights
- Detecting CO2 and CH4 Urban Emissions using Column-Integrated Dry Air mole Fractions, In-Situ Tower Dry Air Mole Fractions, and WRF Modeling
- Detecting Methane Emission Sources in California: a Case-Study of Scientist/Decision-Maker Interactions
- Detecting Patterns of Changing Carbon Uptake in Alaska Using Sustained In Situ and Remote Sensing CO2 Observations
- Detecting changes in reflected Global Navigation Satellite System signals over land using a spaceborne receiver: Results from the TechDemoSat Mission
- Detection and Quantification of Urban CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions over Several Megacities using In-situ and Remote-sensing Measurements: Inversion Framework and Methodology
- Detection of Atmospheric Rivers: An Algorithm for Global Climatology and Model Evaluation Studies
- Detection of negative pickup ions at Saturn's moon Dione
- Determining Distances for Active Galactic Nuclei using an Optical and Near-Infrared Color-Magnitude Diagram
- Determining Shock 3D-Structure Using ARTEMIS High-Resolution Solar Wind Observations
- Developing NASA's VIIRS LST and Emissivity EDRs using a physics based Temperature Emissivity Separation (TES) algorithm
- Developing a U.S. Research Agenda to Advance Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasting
- Development and Initial Assessment of the SMAP Passive Soil Moisture Product
- Development of a GNSS-Enhanced Tsunami Early Warning System
- Development of the Tropospheric Water Vapor and Cloud ICE (TWICE) Millimeter- and Sub-millimeter Wave Radiometer Instrument for 6U-Class Nanosatellites
- Direct Observations of Rapid Basal Melting and Bed Topography in the Grounding Zones of the Dotson and Crosson Ice Shelves, West Antarctica
- Directly attributing methane emissions to point source locations using the next generation Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS-NG)
- Disaster Response Tools for Decision Support and Data Discovery - E-DECIDER and GeoGateway
- Discovering New Compounds on Icy Moon Surfaces with Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy
- Discriminating Canopy Structural Types from Optical Properties using AVIRIS Data in the Sierra National Forest in Central California
- Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends
- Distinct Impacts of Aerosols on an Evolving Continental Cloud System during the RACORO Field Campaign
- Do CMIP5 Climate Models Reproduce Observed Historical Trends in Temperature and Precipitation over the Continental United States?
- Document Exploration and Automatic Knowledge Extraction for Unstructured Biomedical Text
- Dry and moist atmospheric thermodynamics of clouds from GNSS radio occultation profiles
- Ducting and Boundary Layer Refractivity Bias Correction in GPS Radio Occultation Soundings with MODIS over the Subtropical Eastern Pacific Ocean
- Dust on Snow Processes and Impacts in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Dynamics of Carbon Dioxide Exchange and Transport: The First Year of OCO-2 Observations
- ECOSTRESS: NASA'S Next-Generation Mission to Measure Evapotranspiration from the International Space Station
- Early 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Area and Mass Change of Alpine Glaciers in Western Northern America
- Early results of the Soil Moisture Active Passive Validation Experiment (SMAPVEX15)
- Early season lightning storms followed by vapor pressure deficit anomalies contributed to an extreme wildfire season near the high latitude treeline in Northwest Canada in 2014
- Earth's Colorado Plateau and Loess Plateau (Ordos Basin) Comparing with Mars' Thaumasia Plateau: Evidence of Ancient Martian Lithospheric Mobility
- EarthCube Integration and Test Environment (ECITE) : An environment to verify, validate, integrate and demonstrate EarthCube technology components
- Effects of Interplanetary Structures on the Earth's Outer Radiation Belt Dynamics Observed During September 12-26, 2014: I) Coronal Mass Ejection
- Effects of Regional Topography and Spacecraft Observation Geometry on Surface Soil Moisture Estimation Accuracies
- Effects of resolution and spectral nudging in simulating the effects of wintertime atmospheric river landfalls in the Western US
- Efficient removal of meltwater runoff through supraglacial streams and rivers on the southwestern Greenland Ice Sheet
- Emissions, Topography, and Variation in XCO2 above the Southern California megacity
- Empirically constrained estimates of Alaskan regional Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, 2012-2014
- Enabling Planetary Geodesy With the Deep Space Network
- Enabling Virtual Observatory Access to Planetary Resources through PDS4
- Enabling the Usability of Earth Science Data Products and Services by Evaluating, Describing, and Improving Data Quality throughout the Data Lifecycle
- Enceladus Life Finder: Search for Life in a Habitable Moon.
- Enceladus's Long-Term and Diverse Geologic History
- Energetically consistent large-eddy simulations of subtropical cloud-topped boundary layers under idealized climate change
- Environmental Factors Influencing Arctic Halogen Chemistry During Late Spring
- Estimating Amazonian methane emissions through 4D-Var inverse modelling with satellite observations from GOSAT and IASI
- Estimating Aquifer Properties in the San Joaquin Basin, California, through the Analysis of InSAR Data
- Estimating HUC 2-digit sustainable water use over the continental United States using GRACE
- Estimating Size-Resolved Surface Particulate Matter Concentrations Using MISR High-Resolution Size-Fractionated Aerosol Optical Depth
- Estimating Surface Orientation in Imaging Polarimetry of Solar Illuminated Outdoor Scenes
- Estimating forest biomass from LiDAR data: A comparison of the raster-based and point-cloud data approach
- Estimating methane emissions from dairies in the Los Angeles Basin
- Estimating transient climate response using consistent temperature reconstruction methods in models and observations
- Estimation of IT energy budget during the St. Patrick's Day storm 2015: observations, modeling and challenges.
- Europa Tide Inversion from REASON Altimetry
- Evaluating Cloud and Precipitation Processes in Numerical Models using Current and Potential Future Satellite Missions
- Evaluating MJO Event Initiation and Decay in the Skeleton Model using an RMM-like Index
- Evaluating the Global Precipitation Measurement mission with NOAA/NSSL Multi-Radar Multisensor: current status and future directions.
- Evaluating winter snowfall event distribution in a mountain watershed using differential airborne laser scanning
- Evaluation of Aerosol Properties in GCMs using Satellite Measurements
- Evaluation of Big Data Containers for Popular Storage, Retrieval, and Computation Primitives in Earth Science Analysis
- Evaluation of CO Distribution and Variation in the UTLS from GMI and GEOS-Chem Simulations by Using Aura MLS Observations
- Evaluation of Cloud and Aerosol Screening of Early Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) Observations with Collocated MODIS Cloud Mask
- Evaluation of Cloud and Heating Rate Profiles in Eight GCMs Using A-train Satellite Observations
- Evaluation of Ground Radar Snowfall Products Using SNOTEL Measurements over Mountainous Regions in Western United States
- Evaluation of Northeast United States Winter Storm Impacts in a Suite of High Resolution Downscaled Climate Model Hindcasts
- Evaluation of interregional variability in MODIS cloud regimes
- Evaluation of the SMAP Level 4 Surface and Root-Zone Soil Moisture Product
- Evidence for Acid-Sulfate Alteration in the Pahrump Hills Region, Gale Crater, Mars
- Evoluton of the Tharsis Region of Mars
- Examining Differences in Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Change
- Explanation of Europa's Unusual Polarization Properties: The Regolith is Sub-micron, Fine-Grained, High Porosity Material
- Exploiting Representation of the Aerosol-Radiation interactions in Climate Systems: Observation-based Analyses and Global Climate Modeling
- Exploring Formation Models for Ceres Tholi and Montes
- Exploring New Multi-Instrument Approaches To Observing Terrestrial Ecosystems And The Carbon Cycle From Space
- Exploring Relationships in Big Data
- Extending the Lunar Mapping and Modeling Portal - New Capabilities and New Worlds
- Extensive subglacial hydrological network and basal temperate layer in Southwest Greenland: an integrated approach of radar analysis and ice sheet modeling
- Extreme Magnetic Storms: Their Characteristics and Possible Consequences for Humanity
- Facilitating Centralized Access to Earth Science Imagery & Metadata with NASA GIBS
- Fast and Accurate Radiative Transfer Calculations Using Principal Component Analysis for (Exo-)Planetary Retrieval Models
- Feature Detection in SAR Interferograms With Missing Data Displays Fault Slip Near El Mayor-Cucapah and South Napa Earthquakes
- Federated Giovanni: multi-sensor data sharing and visualization
- Field Reconnaissance Subsequent to the M7.8 April 25, 2015 Gorkha Earthquake and Implications to Past and Current Paleoseismic Investigations along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust
- Filling a capability and decision support gap between weather and seasonal forecasts: The role of USCLIVAR and initiating efforts of its MJO Working Group
- Finite-Source Modeling to Constrain Complex Fault Geometry of the South Napa Earthquake
- Fire impacts on the cryosphere
- First Detection of a Diamagnetic Cavity at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- First Evidence of Middle Atmospheric HO<SUB>2</SUB> Response to UV variability during 27-day Solar Cycles From Satellite Observations
- First use of SAM onboard calibration gas cell
- Fog Induced Aerosol Modification Observed by AERONET, Including Occurrences During Major Air Pollution Events
- Forbush Effects on the Martian Surface and Earth's Poles
- Forecasting Juno Microwave Radiometer Observations of Jupiter's Synchrotron Emission from Data Reconstruction Methods and Theoretical Model
- Forest and Shrub Canopy Structure from Multiangle and High Resolution Passive Remote Sensing
- Forming Enceladus' Near-Surface CO<SUB>2</SUB> Units
- Four Years of CARVE-FTS Observations of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB>, and CO in the Alaskan Arctic: Status Quo and Comparison with Satellite Measurements
- Fusing enhanced radar precipitation, in-situ hydrometeorological measurements and airborne LIDAR snowpack estimates in a hyper-resolution hydrologic model to improve seasonal water supply forecasts
- GIBS Server-side Software for Visualizing Diverse Geospatial Data Products
- GNSS-based Observations and Simulations of Spectral Scintillation Indices in the Arctic Ionosphere
- GOSAT CO2 and CH4 validation activity with a portable FTS at Pasadena, Chino, and Railroad Valley
- GOSAT-OCO-2 synergetic CO<SUB>2</SUB> observations over calibration & validation sites and large emission sources
- GPS-Aided Tsunami Early Detection System
- GRACE satellite gravimetry to monitor AMOC variability and coherence in the Atlantic Ocean
- GRACE-assisted Budyko Hypothesis for Improved Estimates of Long-term Water Partitioning
- Garden City Vein Complex, Gale Crater, Mars: Implications for Late Diagenetic Fluid Flow
- Geodesy-based estimates of loading rates on faults beneath the Los Angeles basin with a new, computationally efficient method to model dislocations in 3D heterogeneous media
- Geodetic Imaging of the Coseismic and Postseismic deformation from the 2015 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake and M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.3 Aftershock in Nepal with SAR and GPS
- Geological, Geophysical, and Stochastic Factors in Nepal's Gorkha Earthquake-Triggered Landslide Distribution
- Geomagnetic avtivity triggered by interplanetary shocks: The shock impact angle as a controlling factor
- Geomorphological Evidence for Pervasive Ground Ice on Ceres from Dawn Observations of Craters and Flows.
- Getting Under Mars' Skin: The InSight Mission to the Deep Interior of Mars
- Glacier Contributions to Sea Level Rise
- Global Climate Models Intercomparison of Anthropogenic Aerosols Effects on Regional Climate over North Pacific
- Global Monitoring of Terrestrial Chlorophyll Fluorescence from Space: Status and Potential for Carbon Cycle Research
- Global Patterns of Drought Recovery
- Global Uncertainty Accounting for Forest Carbon
- Global Warming 'Pause' - Oceans Reshuffle Heat
- Global trends and vulnerabilities of mangrove forests
- Ground Heat Flux Estimation: What's the Best Approach?
- Growing importance of atmospheric water demands on the hydrologcial condition of East Asia
- Growth of a Structure Connecting the 2010 M 7.2 El Mayor - Cucapah Rupture with the Elsinore Faul
- HST and ground-based observations of bright storms on Uranus during 2014-2015.
- Hera - an ESA M-class Saturn Entry Probe Mission Proposal
- Heterogeneous Earth Structure, Deformation, and Slip During the 2010 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake from Geodetic Data
- High North American Monsoon Lowermost Stratospheric Water Vapor: Signatures of Convective Injection from MLS and Other Satellite Measurements
- High Resolution Geodetic Measurements of Interseismic Deformation Across the Ventura Basin, CA
- High Resolution Photoacoustic Spectroscopy of the Oxygen A-Band to Support the OCO Missions
- High angular resolution at LBT
- High-Resiliency and Auto-Scaling of Large-Scale Cloud Computing for OCO-2 L2 Full Physics Processing
- High-Resolution Bistatic Radar Imaging of Near-Earth Asteroids in 2015 using New Capabilities of Goldstone and Green Bank Telescopes
- High-Resolution Topography and its Implications for the Formation of Europa's Ridged Plains
- High-precision square-root filter/smoother for near-singular system in estimation of terrestrial reference frame
- High-resolution Ceres HAMO Atlas derived from Dawn FC Images
- High-resolution remote sensing and coupled fire-weather simulation modeling offer unprecedented insight to megafire behavior: The 2014 California King Megafire case study
- Homogeneous spectral units on Ceres as inferred from Dawn/VIR
- How certain are we of the uncertainties in recent ozone profile trend assessments of merged limb/occultation records? Challenges and possible ways forward.
- How well can interannual to decadal-scale variability in stratospheric ozone and water vapor be quantified using limb-based satellite measurements?
- Hyperspectral and Polarimetric Signatures of Vegetation from AirMSPI and AVIRIS Measurements
- Hypotheses for a Near-Surface Reservoir of Methane and Its Release on Mars
- ICESat2 subsurface-scattering biases estimated based on the 2015 SIMPL/AVRIS campaign
- Ice Attenuation Properties at Low Frequencies and Low Stresses Relevant to Planetary Bodies
- Ice Giant Exploration
- Identification and Estimation of Postseismic Deformation: Implications for Plate Motion Models, Models of the Earthquake Cycle, and Terrestrial Reference Frame Definition
- Impact of drought on the CO2 atmospheric growth rate 2010-2012 from the NASA Carbon Monitoring System Flux (CMS-Flux) Project
- Impact of local and non-local sources of pollution on background US Ozone: synergy of a low-earth orbiting and geostationary sounder constellation
- Impacts of Climate Changes on the Future Groundwater Storage in the High Plains Aquifer
- Impacts of Lateral-Boundary-Condition Errors on Regional Climate Downscaling: Lessons Learned from the NASA Downscaling Project
- Impacts of Sample Design on Estimation of Aboveground Biomass: Implications for the Assimilation of Lidar and Forest Inventory Data
- Implications of marginal weakening for grounding line migration and marine ice sheet (in)stability
- Improved Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Profile Retrievals Using Multispectral Measurements from NASA "A Train", NPP, and TROPOMI Satellites
- Improved Uncertainty Quantification in Groundwater Flux Estimation Using GRACE
- Improvements in dark water, low light-level AOD retrievals in MISR operational algorithm
- Improving Information Quality for Earth Science Data and Products - An Overview
- In-depth Analysis of Land Surface Emissivity using Microwave Polarization Difference Index to Improve Satellite QPE
- InSAR Remote Sensing of Localized Surface Layer Subsidence in New Orleans, LA
- InSight Mission Education and Communication: Powerhouse partners leverage global networks to put authentic planetary science into the hands and minds of students of all ages
- InSight/SEIS@Mars Educational program : Sharing the InSight NASA mission and the Seismic Discovery of Mars with a International Network of classes
- Inferred Rheology and Petrology of Southern California and Northwest Mexico Mantle from Postseismic Deformation following the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake
- Initial Results from an Atmospheric Validation of Urban Greenhouse Gas Budget Estimates for the US Northeast Corridor
- Initial Results from the Los Angeles Megacity Carbon Project: Exploring Spatial and Temporal Variability of the In Situ CO<SUB>2</SUB> Observations
- Injection of Lightning-Produced NOx, Water Vapor, Wildfire Emissions, and Stratospheric Air to the UT/LS as Observed from DC3 Measurements
- Inland Water Temperature and the recent Global Warming Hiatus
- Insights Into the Dynamics of Planetary Interiors Obtained Through the Study of Global Distribution of Volcanoes III: Lessons From Io.
- Integrating snow albedo from the Airborne Snow Observatory into the distributed energy balance snowmelt model iSnobal
- Integrating thematic web portal capabilities into the NASA Earthdata Web Infrastructure
- Intense Auroral Activity (HILDCAAs) Observation as a Predictor of Radiation Belt Relativistic Electrons
- Interannual Variabilities in High Cloud Cover from AIRS Data and Comparison to Climate Models
- Intercomparison of SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture with Synergistic Satellite Products
- Interior Characterization of Europa using Magnetometry (ICEMAG): Probing the Europan Ocean and Exosphere
- Interior Evolution of Ceres and Vesta Revealed by Dawn
- Interpretation of MODIS Cloud Images by CloudSat/CALIPSO Cloud Vertical Profiles
- Interseismic Strain Accumulation in Metropolitan Los Angeles Distinguished from Oil and Water management using InSAR and GPS
- Investigate the Spatiotemporal Relationship Between Slow Slip Transients and Tremor in Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Investigating Links Between Convective Precipitation, Detrainment, and the Large Scale Water Budget
- Investigating Titan Airglow's Sources, Using the Imaging Capability of the Cassini-UVIS Instrument
- Investigation of Controls on Ice Dynamics in Northeast Greenland from Ice-Thickness Change Record Using Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM)
- Ionosphere-Plasmasphere-Electrodynamics (IPE) model and its coupling to terrestrial weather toward transitioning to operation
- Ionospheric Cubeswarm Concept Study: using low-resource instrumentation for truly multipoint in situ ionospheric observations
- Ionospheric Signatures of the Earthquake in South Korea on 31 March 2014
- Is the seasonal forest more vulnerable to drought effects in tropical Amazonia
- Joint aerosol and water-leaving radiance retrieval from Airborne Multi-angle SpectroPolarimeter Imager
- Jovian Proton and Heavy Ion Models for Spacecraft Design
- JunoCam: Science and Outreach Opportunities with Juno
- Kinematic Rupture Process of the 2015 Gorkha (Nepal) Earthquake Sequence from Joint Inversion of Teleseismic, hr-GPS, Strong-Ground Motion, InSAR interferograms and pixel offsets
- Kinematic model of Titan's rotation from Cassini radar data
- LA Megacity: An Integrated Land-Atmosphere System for Urban CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions
- Laboratory Measurements of Micrometeoroid Impacts into Solid Ice and Gas Ablation Targets
- Land-Ocean Difference of the Warm Rain Formation Process in Satellite Observations, Ground-Based Observations, and Model Simulations
- Landscape freeze/thaw retrievals from soil moisture active passive (SMAP) L-band radar measurements
- Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Patterns Associated with Temperature Extremes as a Basis for Model Evaluation: Methodological Overview and Results
- Large-Scale, Multi-Sensor Atmospheric Data Fusion Using Hybrid Cloud Computing
- Lessons Learned from a Decade of Serving Data to Students and the Public
- Leveraging Cloud Technology to Provide a Responsive, Reliable and Scalable Backend for the Virtual Ice Sheet Laboratory Using the Ice Sheet System Model and Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud
- Leveraging Realtime Data in Airborne Campaigns: From COMEX to Disaster Response
- Link between Enhanced Arctic tropospheric BrO observed by Aura OMI and meteorological conditions
- Linking Interseismic Crustal Deformation to Long-Term Rock Denudation and Surface Processing in Taiwan
- Long-term stability of an subsurface ocean in Ganymede and its effect to tidal response, toward future altimetry measurement
- Lower-Tropospheric CO2 from ACOS-GOSAT
- Lunar Flashlight: Exploration and Science at the Moon with a 6U Cubesat
- MISR Satellite Observations of Aerosol Types Affecting Human Health
- MISTiC Winds, a Micro-Satellite Constellation Approach to High Resolution Observations of the Atmosphere using Infrared Sounding and 3D Winds Measurements
- MODIS and VIIRS Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity: A Consistent and High Quality Continuity Data Record
- Magnitude and Uncertainty of Carbon Pools and Fluxes in the US Forests
- Major-Element Compositional Diversity Observed by ChemCam Along the MSL Traverse: The First Three Years
- Mangrove Blue Carbon stocks and change estimation from PolInSAR, Lidar and High Resolution Stereo Imagery combined with Forest Cover change mapping
- Mapping of the cometary plasma density around comet CG/67P at perihelion.
- Mapping pan-Arctic CH<SUB>4</SUB> emissions using an adjoint method by integrating process-based wetland and lake biogeochemical models and atmospheric CH<SUB>4</SUB> concentrations
- Mapping the spatial variations of the hydrographic properties of warm subtropical-origin waters penetrating the previously unmapped glacial fjords of Northwest Greenland
- Mars Methane Detection and Variability at Gale Crater Measured by the TLS instrument in SAM on the Curiosity Rover
- Mars-Moons Exploration, Reconnaissance and Landed Investigation (MERLIN)
- Measurement of the Depth of Penetration of UV Photons into Mars Relevant Rock Samples to Constrain Habitability and Limits of Detection for the SHERLOC Mars 2020 Instrument
- Measuring Stress in Tropical Cyclones
- Mechanisms of Propidium Monoazide Inhibition of Polymerase Chain Reaction and implications for Propidium Monoazide Applications
- MememxGATE: Unearthing Latent Content Features for Improved Search and Relevancy Ranking Across Scientific Literature
- Mercury's Crustal Magnetic Field from Low-Altitude Measurements by MESSENGER.
- Mineralogy of evaporite deposits on Mars: Constraints from laboratory, field, and remote measurements of analog terrestrial acid saline lakes
- MiniCOR: A miniature coronagraph for an interplanetary CUBESAT
- Model-Observation "Data Cubes" for the DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program's LES ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO) Workflow
- Modeling Tidal Stresses on Satellites Using an Enhanced SatStressGUI
- Modeling Workflow for the DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program's LES ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO) Workflow
- Modeling ice front Dynamics of Greenland outlet glaciers using ISSM
- Modeling the Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Electrodynamics System for Space Weather Specifications, Forecasts and Applications
- Molecular and Isotopic Signs of Life and Climate in the Hyperarid Atacama Desert
- Momentum Budget Analysis of Westerly Wind Events Associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation during DYNAMO
- Monitoring and Characterizing Seasonal Drought, Water Supply Pattern and Their Impact on Vegetation Growth Using Satellite Soil Moisture Data, GRACE Water Storage and In-situ Observations.
- Monitoring of anomalous water distribution by DAN/MSL during first U-turn observational campaign at Marias Pass area in Gale Crater
- Monitoring the Biophysical Properties along Lagrangian Advection Pathways in the Amazon River Plume
- More frequent showers and thunderstorms under a warming climate: evidence observed in Northern Eurasia
- Multi-Frequency Measured and Modeled Microwave Backscatter from a Highly Saline Snow Cover on Smooth First-Year Sea Ice
- Multi-Scale Ionospheric Responses to the St. Patrick's Day Storm (2015) Studied Using a Multimodel Ensemble Prediction System and GPS Data
- Multi-scale Evidence of Large CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Emissions from Permafrost During Spring Thaw in Northern Alaska
- Multi-year Estimates of Methane Fluxes in Alaska from an Atmospheric Inverse Model
- Multiple Magma Batches Recorded in Tephra Deposits from the Toba Complex, Sumatra.
- Multiple Sensitivity Testing for Regional Air Quality Model in summer 2014
- Multiyear Multiseasonal Changes in Leaf and Canopy Traits Measured by AVIRIS over Ecosystems with Different Functional Type Characteristics Through the Progressive California Drought 2013-2015
- Muon Tomography for Geological Repositories.
- Mycorrhizal Controls on Nitrogen Uptake Drive Carbon Cycling at the Global Scale
- NASA Airborne Snow Observatory: Measuring Spatial Distribution of Snow Water Equivalent and Snow Albedo
- NASA Data Evaluation (2015): Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies
- NASA Response to Nepal Quake
- NASA SIMPL and AVIRIS-NG Coordinated Campaign in Support of ICESat-2; July-August, 2015, Thule, Greenland
- NASA SMD/STMD Joint Study on Science Measurements and Technology Capability Potential of SmallSats
- NASA's Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) Program support to Cyberinfrastructure from on-orbit to data exploitation
- NASADEM Overview and First Results: Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Reprocessing and Improvements
- NOx in the Atmosphere of Early Earth as Electron Acceptors for Life
- Nature, Distribution, and Origin of Titan's Undifferentiated Plains ("Blandlands")
- New Constraints on the Rock Size Distribution on the Moon from Diviner Infrared Measurements
- New Horizons approach photometry of Pluto and Charon: light curves and Solar phase curves
- New Positioning Products and Pilot Service for Natural Hazard Monitorin
- New Tools for New Missions - Unmanned Aircraft Systems Offer Exciting Capabilities
- Nitrogen Dynamics are a Key Factor in Explaining Global Land Carbon Sink
- No Widespread Dust in the Middle Atmosphere of Mars from Mars Climate Sounder Observations
- Nonlinear response of canopy developmental rate to temperature in temperate and boreal forest in the Northern Hemisphere
- North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation variations from GRACE ocean bottom pressure anomalie
- Numerical Modelling and Ejecta Distribution Analysis of a Martian Fresh Crater
- OCO-2 Observation and Validation Overview: Observations Data Modes and Target Observations, Taken During the First 15 Months of Operations
- OCO-2 Target-mode measurements and their comparisons to TCCON
- OCO-2 observations of Africa fire CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions
- OMI observations of bromine monoxide emissions from salt lakes
- Objectives for Mars Orbital Missions in the 2020s: Report from a MEPAG Science Analysis Group
- Obs4MIPS: Satellite Observations for Model Evaluation
- Observation of Very High Passive Mode Thermal Neutron Counts by the MSL DAN Instrument at Marias Pass in Gale Crater
- Observation of Wetland Dynamics with Global Navigation Satellite Signals Reflectometry
- Observations of El Niño impacts using in situ GLOBE protocols and satellite data
- Observations of Lower Stratospheric Water Vapor Injected by Overshooting Convection During SEAC4RS
- Observations of Secondary Waves Generated from Interaction Between the 2-Day Wave and the Migrating Diurnal Tide.
- Observing the Water Vapor Feedback With GPS Radio Occultation Measurements
- Ocean Melting Greenland (OMG) bathymetric survey of northwest Greenland and implications for the recent evolution of its glaciers
- Oceans Melting Greenland (OMG): Early Results from NASA's Latest Airborne Mission
- Oil Slick Characterization Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
- On Deriving Requirements for the Surface Mass Balance forcing of a Greenland Ice Sheet Model using Uncertainty Analyses
- On The Suitability of Air Temperature as a Predictive Tool for Lake Surface Temperature in a Changing Climate: A Case Study for Lake Tahoe, USA
- On the Faceting and Linking of PROV for Earth Science Data Systems
- On the response of the Black Sea elevation to the Mediterranean Sea level
- On-board Polarimetric Calibration of Airborne Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (AirMSPI) Measurements
- Online Detection of Mixed Layer Depth for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
- Open Data and Open Science for better Research in the Geo and Space Domain
- Operational Snow Modeling: A Look at the Current State and Future Challenges
- Operational System for Estimating Compaction of Arctic Glacial Firn and Surface Mass Balance
- Orbit-Spin Coupling Accelerations and Global Dust Storm Intermittency on Mars
- Outcrop-Scale Hyperspectral Studies of a Lacustrine-Volcanic Mars Analog: Examination with a Mars 2020-like Instrument Suite
- Overview of the diagenetic features analyzed by ChemCam onboard Curiosity
- PBO H<SUB>2</SUB>O: Monitoring the Terrestrial Water Cycle with reflected GPS signals recorded by the Plate Boundary Observatory Network
- PDS4 - Some Principles for Agile Data Curation
- Pacific Sea Level Rise Pattern and Global Warming Hiatus
- Paleo-reconstruction of the Jakobshavn Glacier during the late Holocene using ISSM and Paleo-data of Margin Migration
- Paleoseismic assessment of the Hat Creek fault using cosmogenic He-3 surface exposure dating in basalt, northeastern California: A proof of concept study
- Pandora - Discovering the origin of the moons of Mars (a proposed Discovery mission)
- Passive/Active Microwave Soil Moisture Disaggregation Using SMAPVEX12 Data
- Patterns of Seismicity Characterizing the Earthquake Cycle
- Performance of the Goddard Multiscale Modeling Framework with Goddard Ice Microphysical Schemes
- Phase-Angle Dependence of Determinations of Diameter, Albedo, and Taxonomy: A case study of NEO 3691 Bede
- PhotoSpec - Ground-based Remote Sensing of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
- Photochemistry in Saturn's Ring-Shadowed Atmosphere: Modulation of Hydrocarbons and Observations of Dust Content
- Photometric Properties of Pluto and Charon: Comparison to Other Bodies
- Physical-based validation of unified parameterization based on satellite observation of cloud and precipitation properties
- Physics-based Modeling of Ionospheric Signatures Induced by Surface Disturbances
- Plans for the Third Realization of the International Celestial Reference System and its Link to the ITRF
- Plasma Waves Associated with Mass-Loaded Comets
- Plume-induced subduction: from laboratory experiments to Venus large coronae
- Polarization Ray Tracing Calculation of Polarized Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (pBRDF) of Microfaceted Surfaces to Investigate Multiple Reflection Effects
- Pollution over Megacity Regions from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES)
- Post-CMIP5 Model Improvements in Clouds and Water Vapor
- Potential Persistence of Ground Ice at Gale Crater, Mars Constrained Using Curiosity Rover REMS Data
- Pre-Launch Assessment of User Needs for SWOT Mission Data Products
- Precipitation Estimation Using Combined Radar and Microwave Radiometer Observations from - Improvements and Initial Validation
- Precipitation trends in the High Sierra of California inferred from streamflow and snowpack observations
- Prediction of rock falls properties thanks to emitted seismic signal.
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-1 Asari Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data.
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-11 Sintana Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-12 Toharu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-13 Urvara Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-14 Yalode Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-2 Coniraya Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-3 Dantu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-4 Ezinu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-5 Fejokoo Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-6 Haulani Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-7 Kerwan Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-8 Nawish Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-9 Occator Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Results from the First Year of Operations of the NASA Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2)
- Pressure and temperature dependence of OH and HO<SUB>2</SUB> detection sensitivities for an LIF based FAGE instrument - a comparison of calibration methods.
- Progress in Photoelastic Modulator-Based Spectropolarimetric Imaging of Aerosols and Clouds
- Proof of the Post-drought Effect of Amazonian Forests from Space
- Properties of Discrete and Axisymmetric Features in Jupiter's Atmosphere from Observations of Thermal Emission: Recent Updates on the Eve of the Juno Mission Arrival at Jupiter
- Prospecting for Diverse Igneous Rock Types on Mars: Pixl on "black Beauty" Nwa 7533
- Provenance of Earth Science Datasets - How Deep Should One Go?
- Provenance-Powered Automatic Workflow Generation and Composition
- Quantifying Boundary Layer Water Vapor with Near-Infrared and Microwave Imagery
- Quantifying Total Electron Content Forecasts during Ionospheric Storms
- REASON for Europa
- REMS Wind Sensor Preliminary Results
- Radiometric Accuracy and Stability of the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) on Aqua
- Rapid Damage Mapping for the 2015 M7.8 Gorkha Earthquake using Synthetic Aperture Radar Data from COSMO-SkyMed and ALOS-2 Satellites
- Rapid Ice-Sheet Changes and Mechanical Coupling to Solid-Earth/Sea-Level and Space Geodetic Observation
- Rapid and direct screening of H:C ratio in Archean kerogen via microRaman Spectroscopy
- Rapid increases in tropospheric ozone production and export from China: A view from AURA and TM5
- Realizing the full potential of Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) Products
- Recent Advances in Remote Sensing of Natural Hazards-Induced Atmospheric and Ionospheric Perturbations
- Recent Divergences Between Stratospheric Water Vapor Measurements by Aura MLS and Frost Point Hygrometers
- Recent Mastcam and MAHLI Visible/Near-Infrared Spectrophotometric Observations: Pahrump Hills to Marias Pass
- Recent Progress in Understanding Natural-Hazards-Generated TEC Perturbations: Measurements and Modeling Results
- Recent Trends Of The Tropospheric Vapor Deuterium To Hydrogen Ratio And Their Climatological Significance
- Recommendations and Ongoing Efforts within the NASA Data Quality Working Group
- Reconciling biases and uncertainties of AIRS and MODIS ice cloud properties
- Reconstruction of 3D Shapes of Opaque Cumulus Clouds from Airborne Multiangle Imaging: A Proof-of-Concept
- Refining atmospheric correction for aquatic remote spectroscopy
- Reflection on the Process of Open Sourcing Software Based on Ten Years of Development of RAPID
- Regional and Local Temperature Maps of Dwarf Planet Ceres from Dawn/VIR
- Regional climate effects of aerosols on precipitation and snowpack in California
- Regolith Formation Rates and Evolution from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer
- Remote Sensing of Tropospheric Turbulence Using GPS Radio Occultation
- Remote Sensing of Urban Mixed Layer Structure in Los Angeles, with Applications to Greenhouse Gas Emissions Quantification
- Remote Sensing-based Methodologies for Snow Model Adjustments in Operational Streamflow Prediction
- Resolution and Content Improvements to MISR Aerosol and Land Surface Products
- Responses of Cloud Distributions to the Large-Scale Dynamical Circulation: Water Budget-Related Dynamical Phase Space and Dynamical Regimes
- Retrieval of Sea Ice Freeboard from ICESat-2 Multi-beam Altimetry
- Retrieval of Sea Surface Salinity and Wind from The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission Data
- Revisiting the Sheepbed Mudstone of Gale Crater, Mars - A comprehensive reappraisal of its depositional, diagenetic, and burial history
- SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Product Validation using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
- SMAP RADAR Calibration and Validation
- SMAP Validation Experiment 2015 (SMAPVEX15)
- Salinity Effect on Ocean Surface Carbon Dioxide Fugacity
- Satellite Observations of Groundwater Storage Variations and Their Application for Water Security Monitoring
- Satellite Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Reveals Drought Onset Mechanisms: Insights from Two Contrasting Extreme Events
- Satellite observations of ethylene
- Saturn Ring Mass and Zonal Gravitational Harmonics Estimate at the End of the Cassini "Grand Finale"
- Scaling an in situ network for high resolution modeling during SMAPVEX15
- SciSpark's SRDD : A Scientific Resilient Distributed Dataset for Multidimensional Data
- SciSpark: Highly Interactive and Scalable Model Evaluation and Climate Metrics
- Science Measurements for the <em>Io Volcano Observer (IVO)</em>
- Science Objectives and Site Selection Criteria for a Human Mission to Mars
- Scientific Synergies from the Europa Multiple-Flyby Mission
- Scoping Requirements for a Drag-free System for Next Generation Gravity Field Missions
- Sea Level Rise: Analysis Results, and Variability within the Water Column
- Searching for Indigenous Noble Gases in the Moon: Vacuum Crushing of Vesicular Basalt 15016 and Stepwise Heating of Anorthosites 60025, 60215 and 65315 Aliquots
- Seasonal and Inter-Annual Patterns of Phytoplankton Community Structure in Monterey Bay, CA Derived from AVIRIS Data During the 2013-2015 HyspIRI Airborne Campaign
- Seasonal and interannual variations in boreal Alaskan methane and carbon dioxide fluxes using atmospheric measurements from the CARVE tower
- Sedimentary Facies as Indicators of Changing Lake Levels in Gale Crater, Mars
- Sedimentary structures and stratal geometries at the foothills of Mount Sharp: their role in paleoenvironmental interpretation
- Seismic generated infrasounds on Telluric Planets: Modeling and comparisons between Earth, Venus and Mars
- Sensitivity Analysis for the Remote Sensing of Methane using the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS)
- Sensitivity of Low-Elevation Coherent GNSS Reflections to the Planetary Boundary Layer Refractivity
- Sensitivity of Northern Hemispheric Tropospheric Ozone To Anthropogenic Emissions as Observed by Satellite Observations
- Sensitivity of Ocean Processes to Changes and Uncertainties in Global River Discharge
- Sensitivity of the remote sensing reflectance of ocean and coastal waters to uncertainties in aerosol characteristics
- Shallow Subsurface Structures of Volcanic Fissures
- Sharing Low Frequency Radio Emissions in the Virtual Observatory: Application for JUNO-Ground-Radio Observations Support.
- Shifting from Stewardship to Analytics of Massive Science Data
- Signature of Europa's Ocean Density on Gravity Data
- Significance of Near-Surface Ice Fracture for Radio Sounding of Europa's Ice
- Simulating the Black Saturday 2009 UTLS Smoke Plume with an Interactive Composition-Climate Model
- Simultaneous Cartography of Aerosol Opacity and Surface Albedo of Titan by the Massive Inversion of the Cassini/VIMS Dataset
- Simultaneous Determination of Structure and Event Location Using Body and Surface Wave Measurements at a Single Station: Preparation for Mars Data from the InSight Mission
- Simultaneous Measurements of Neutron Environment at Mars from Orbit (Mars Odyssey HEND) and from the Surface (MSL DAN)
- Simultaneous Observations of Electric Fields, Current Density, Plasma Density, and Neutral Winds During Two Sounding Rocket Experiments Launched from Wallops Island into Strong Daytime Dynamo Currents
- Slip kinematics and ground motions of the 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake imaged with 5Hz GPS data and ALOS-2 InSAR constraints
- Slip pulse characteristics, Kathmandu basin resonance and high-frequency waves radiation during unzipping of locked MHT by the 2015, Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal.
- Slow and Steady Drop of the Atacama Water Table from ~15 Ma Constrained by (U-Th)/He Dating of Hematite
- Small Scale Carbon Dioxide Variability Observed during ASCENDS Flight Campaigns in the vicinity of Potential Surface Anthropogenic Sources
- Snowmelt and Surface Freeze/Thaw Timings over Alaska derived from Passive Microwave Observations using a Wavelet Classifier
- Snowpack Microstructure Characterization and Partial Coherent and Fully Coherent Forward Scattering Models in Microwave Remote Sensing
- Software architecture and design of the web services facilitating climate model diagnostic analysis
- Soil Shear Properties Assessment, Resistance, Thermal, and Triboelectric Analysis (SPARTTA) Tool: A New Multitool Instrument for Identifying the Physical Properties of In-situ Soils on Planetary Surfaces.
- Solar wind driving of ionosphere-thermosphere responses during three storms on St. Patrick's Day.
- Space Physics Instruments for Nano-Spacecraft
- Space-borne detection of small scale CO<SUB>2 </SUB>emission structures with OCO-2
- Spatial Statistical Estimation for Massive Sea Surface Temperature Data
- Spatial and temporal variability of column-integrated CO<SUB>2</SUB>: identifying drivers and variations from high-resolution model simulations and OCO-2 observations
- Spatially Distributed Fossil Fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions in Two U.S. Cities Using Activity Data: Applicability for Global Cities and High-resolution Atmospheric Inversion Modeling
- Spectral Diversity of Ceres' Surface as Measured by VIR
- Speed of Sound in Aqueous Solutions at sub-GPa Pressures: a New Experiment to Unveil the Properties of Extra-Terrestrial Oceans
- Spring Land Temperature Anomalies in Northwestern U.S. and Southern Plains Summer Extreme: Texas Droughts and Floods
- Stability of Barnes Ice Cap, Baffin Island, Canada
- Stable Isotope Systematics of Martian Perchlorate
- Standardised Embedded Data framework for Drones [SEDD]
- Status of High Latitude Precipitation Estimates: The Role of GPM in Advancing our Current Understanding
- Stress controlled magma-earthquake interaction during unrest at Chiles-Cerro Negro Volcanoes (Ecuador-Colombian border)
- Strike-Slip Faulting Processes on Ganymede: Global Morphological Mapping and Structural Interpretation of Grooved and Transitional Terrains
- Studies of Grounding Line Migration Over Rutofrd Ice Stream Using 3D Short Repeat-Time Series From Multi-Track InSAR Acquisitions.
- Studies of Saturn's Main Rings at Multiple Wavelengths
- Study by Mars Express of the Response of the Martian Ionosphere to a Strong CME Directly Detected by MAVEN on March 8<SUP>th</SUP>, 2015
- Subaqueous melting in Zachariae Isstrom, Northeast Greenland combining observations and an ocean general circulation model
- Subsidence in the Central Valley, California 2007 - present measured by InSAR
- Sunlight Mediated Seasonality in Canopy Structure and Photosynthetic Activity of Amazonian Rainforests
- Surface Mass Balance Contributions to Acceleration of Antarctic Ice Mass Loss during 2003- 2013
- Surface Reflectometry and Ionosphere Sounding from the Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-surface (REASON)
- Surface Temperature variability from AIRS.
- Surface and Basal Roughness in Radar Sounding Data: Obstacle and Opportunity
- Surface and Tropospheric Ozone Profile Variability (1999-2014) at the TOLNet Site of Table Mountain, California
- Surface classification of summer sea-ice using MABEL and SIMPL Multi-beam Altimetry
- Sustained Water Changes in California during Drought and Heavy Precipitation Inferred from GPS, InSAR, and GRACE
- Synthetic White-light Imagery for the Wide-field Imager for Solar Probe Plus (WISPR)
- Systematic Search of the Nearest Stars for Exoplanetary Radio Emission: Preliminary Results from LOFAR
- TOPDOWN 2015: A Multi-aircraft Assessment of Methane Emissions in the Four Corners Region
- Temporal Characteristics of OCO-2 XCO2 and its Diagnostics
- Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems Technology Demonstration (TEMPEST-D): Risk Reduction for 6U-Class Nanosatellite Constellations
- Terahertz Limb Sounder for Lower Thermosphere Wind, Temperature, and Atomic Oxygen Density Measurements
- Terrestrial Reference Frames Built with Modernized GIPSY Software
- The 2014 JPL Realization of the ITRS: JTRF2014
- The 4-Corners methane hotspot: Mapping CH<SUB>4</SUB> plumes at 60km through 1m resolution using space- and airborne spectrometers
- The Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) Project's Response to the April 25, 2015 M7.8 Nepal Earthquake: Rapid Measurements and Models for Science and Situational Awareness
- The Carbon Balance of Semi-Arid Ecosystems: Why Southern Africa Carbon-Climate Dynamics are uniquely different
- The Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging Spectrometer (CFIS): A New Airborne Instrument for Quantifying Solar-Induced Fluorescence
- The Coupling of Convection, Large-Scale Atmospheric Dynamics, Surface Radiation, and Sea-Surface Temperature Hot Spots as Characterized by MODIS, TRMM, CERES, and ECMWF-Interim Reanalysis Data
- The Cubesat mission to study Solar Particles (CuSP), an interplanetary cubesat
- The DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program's LES ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO) Workflow: Initialization, Forcing and Multiscale Data Assimilation
- The Difficult and The Cryptic: Next Questions For Antarctic Earth Science from a Remote Sensing Perspective
- The Early-1990s Climate Shift in the Pacific: Evidence in ENSO Diversity and Its Linkage to the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation
- The First Year of OCO-2 XCO2 Observations: Bias Correction and Comparison to Models.
- The Geology of Ceres: an Overview
- The Hurricane Problem - The Three Faces of the Big Data Challenges
- The HyperHydro (H^2) experiment for comparing different large-scale models at various resolutions
- The Ice Sheet Mass Balance Inter-comparison Exercise
- The Impacts of Precipitating Hydrometeors Radiative Effects on Land Surface Temperature in Contemporary GCMs using Satellite Observations
- The InSAR Scientific Computing Environment (ISCE): A Python Framework for Earth Science
- The InSight Mission's Martian Atmospheric Science Goals, Capabilities and Instrumentation
- The Influence of Atmospheric Modeling Errors on GRACE Estimates of Mass Loss in Greenland and Antarctica
- The Influence of the Terrestrial Reference Frame on Studies of Sea Level Change
- The Magnetic Response to Sudden Mass-loading of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's Induced Magnetosphere
- The Mapping Imaging Spectrometer for Europa (MISE) Investigation
- The Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA): A Suite of Environmental Sensors for the Mars 2020 Rover
- The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Level 4 Carbon Product calibration and validation using eddy covariance observations across North America, Australia and Finland
- The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Status and Early Results
- The NOAA Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS): Recent Science Improvements and Validation Results
- The Nucleus and Coma of Comet 67P/C-G at Millimeter and Submillimeter Wavelengths as seen by MIRO
- The OCO-3 Mission : Overview of Science Objectives and Status
- The Planetary Data System — Renewing Our Science Nodes in Order to Better Serve Our Science Community
- The ROHP-PAZ mission and the polarimetric and non-polarimetric effects of rain and other fozen hydrometeors on GNSS Radio-Occultation signals.
- The Radar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME) on the JUICE Mission
- The Radiometer Atmospheric Cubesat Experiment Post-Launch Results
- The Relationship Between Fossil and Dairy Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Complex Urban Land-Use Patterns by In Situ and Remote Sensing Data from Surface Mobile, Airborne, and Satellite Instruments
- The Snow Data System at NASA JPL
- The Status and Future Directions for the GRACE Mission
- The Stress Shadowing Effect of the Tiger-stripe Fractures on Saturn's Moon Enceladus
- The SuperCam Remote-Sensing Instrument Suite for the Mars 2020 Rover Mission
- The Synthetic Aperture Radar Science Data Processing Foundry Concept for Earth Science
- The View from a Few Hundred Feet : A New Transparent and Integrated Workflow for UAV-collected Data
- The Virtual Quake Earthquake Simulator: Earthquake Probability Statistics for the El Mayor-Cucapah Region and Evidence of Predictability in Simulated Earthquake Sequences
- The case for water ice in Titan's near subsurface
- The collisional history of dwarf planet Ceres revealed by Dawn
- The development of a color-magnitude diagram for active galactic nuclei (AGN): hope for a new standard candle
- The first long-term and continuous measurements of firn mass-balance and compaction on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The impacts of the 2014 eruption of Holuhraun in Iceland: the tropospheric equivalent of Mount Pinatubo
- The influence of synoptic-scale climate variability on boreal forest fire emissions and trace gas variability in Alaska
- The topography of Ceres and implications for the formation of linear surface structures
- The tropospheric moisture and temperature biases in climate models
- Thermodynamics and Interior Structure Measurements of Ocean Worlds
- Third-Order Development of Shape, Gravity, and Moment of Inertia of Ceres
- Tidal Currents between Titan's Seas Detected by Solar Glints
- Tidal Heating at Pluto and Charon as a Result of Non-Zero Obliquity
- Tidal Variability during the Current Peak in the El-Nino Southern Oscillation
- Time-Dependent characteristics of Slow Slip Events beneath the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Time-variability of Polar Winter Snow Clouds on Mars
- Top-Down Evaluation of Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Los Angeles Basin
- Topographic Constraints on the Evolution and Connectivity of Titan's Lacustrine Basins
- Toward Improving Ice Water Content and Snow Rate Retrievals from Spaceborne Radars, Emphasizing Ku and Ka-Bands
- Toward a Merged Temperature and Water vapor Record from AIRS/AMSU and CrIMSS
- Towards Environmental Microbial Analysis with Deep UV fluorescence and Raman Spectroscopy
- Towards Improved Satellite-In Situ Oceanographic Data Interoperability and Associated Value Added Services at the Podaac
- Towards New Constraints on Ozone Production from Lightning NO<SUB>x</SUB> via Satellite Measurements of Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (PAN)
- Towards TCCON Tropics: Assessment and Measurements of Carbon and its Climate Impacts in Southeast Asia (T<SUP>3</SUP>AM C<SUP>2</SUP>lImA)
- Towards an Understanding of Thermal Throughput across Saturn's Rings with Cassini CIRS
- Towards better simulations of ice/ocean coupling in the Amundsen Sea Sector, West Antarctica, using a coupled ice-sheet ocean model
- Towards inferring elastic structural variations from Earth's response to surface mass loading
- Trend analysis of carbon monoxide distributions for changes in fire vs. anthropogenic sources in diverse African regions
- Trends in Monthly Methane Emissions in Los Angeles Inferred by Mountaintop Remote Sensing Measurements
- Trojan Tour and Rendezvous (TTR): A New Frontiers Mission to Explore the Origin and Evolution of the Early Solar System
- Tropical forest structure characterization using airborne lidar data: an individual tree level approach
- Tropical-Forest Biomass Dynamics from X-Band, TanDEM-X DATA
- Tropical-Forest Profiles and Biomass from TanDEM-X, Single-Baseline Interferometric SAR: InSAR Performance at Higher Frequencies and Bandwidths
- Two Bears Walk Into a Bar…. A Quest to Communicate Climate Change Ends in Puppets and Sketches and Songs
- Two Decades (almost) of Keck Observations of Io
- Two-phase convection in the high-pressure ice layer of the large icy moons: geodynamical implications
- UV Opacity at Gale Crater from MSL/REMS Measurements
- Uncertainty Quantification for the OCO-2 Mission: A Monte Carlo Framework Using a Surrogate Model
- Understanding Europa's Ice Shell and Subsurface Water Through Terestrial Analogs for Flyby Radar Sounding
- Understanding Kaula's Rule for Small Bodies
- Understanding Tropical Forest Response to Seasonal and Interannual Variability: The Goldilocks Problem
- Understanding the Interaction between Convection and Large-scale Circulation Using Cloud Resolving Model Simulations
- Understanding the Tropospheric Ozone Response to Changes in the Stratospheric Circulation
- Understanding user needs for carbon monitoring information
- Unforced surface air temperature anomalies and their opposite relationship with the TOA energy imbalance at local and global scales
- Unmanned Airborne System Deployment at Turrialba Volcano for Real Time Eruptive Cloud Measurements
- Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor and Cloud Variations with Sea Surface Temperature in Observations and Models
- Urban Change: Understanding how expansion and densification relate to demographic change and their implications for climate change.
- Urban Sprawl and Wildfire Danger along the Wildland-Urban Interface
- Urban expansion of major cities in the US Great Plains from 2000 to 2009 using scatterometer data
- Urbanization and the Carbon Cycle: Synthesis of Ongoing Research
- User-Driven Workflow for Modeling, Monitoring, Product Development, and Flood Map Delivery Using Satellites for Daily Coverage Over Texas May-June 2015
- Using Airborne Snow Observatory distributed snow water equivalent to predict seasonal inflow volumes and inform management decisions at the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir
- Using Existing Arctic Atmospheric Mercury Measurements to Refine Global and Regional Scale Atmospheric Transport Models
- Using GRACE-Derived Water and Moisture Products as a Predictive Tool for Fire Response in the Contiguous United States
- Using High Resolution Simulations with WRF/SSiB Regional Climate Model Constrained by In Situ Observations to Assess the Impacts of Dust in Snow in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Using ISSM to Simulate the LIA to Present Ice Margin Change at Upernavik Glacier, Greenland
- Using New Observations from TES to Evaluate the Contribution of Fires to Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (PAN) over North America and Asia
- Using Observations and Climate Models to Investigate Recent Variability in Upper Ocean Warming
- Using Reflected GPS Signals for Environmental Research
- Using Regional GPS Network Atmospheric Models for Mitigating Errors in Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) Images
- Using SMAP data to improve drought early warning over the US Great Plains
- Using a multi-scale approach to identify and quantify oil and gas emissions: a case study for GHG emissions verification
- Using the Hestia bottom-up FFCO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions estimation to identify drivers and hotspots in urban areas
- Utilizing In-Situ Static Chamber Measurements and UAV Imagery for Integrated Greenhouse Gas Emissions Estimations: Assessing Environmental and Management Impacts on Agricultural Emissions for Two Paired-Watershed Sites in Vermont
- VIRTIS/Rosetta Observes Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Nucleus and Coma Derived Composition and Physical Properties.
- VISL: A Virtual Ice Sheet Laboratory For Outreach and K-12 Education
- Validating SMAP L2/3 Products
- Validating crustal velocities derived from the IDS contribution to ITRF201
- Validation and Assessment of Heritage and New MODIS Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Products for the Creation of Unified Earth System Data Records
- Validation and attribution of solar induced fluorescence (SIF) from OCO-2: first results
- Validation of AIRS Cloud Cleared Radiances Using MODIS and its Affect on QualityControl
- Validation of the Soil Moisture Active Passive mission using USDA-ARS experimental watersheds
- Variability in deep ocean circulation from GRACE
- Variation of Geochemical Signatures and Correlation of Biomarkers in Icelandic Mars Analogue Environments
- Variation of Ground GPS Integrated Precipitable Water Vapor Estimates among GPS Processing Packages and Strategies in the Context of Forecaster Situational Awareness
- Variations in Cenozoic seawater uranium reconstructed from well preserved aragonitic fossil corals
- Vesta and Ceres as Seen by Dawn
- Virtual Quake and Tsunami Squares: Scenario Earthquake and Tsunami Simulations for a Pacific Rim GNSS Tsunami Early Warning System
- Volcanic sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide measurements using small unmanned aerial systems
- WDAC Task Team on Observations for Model Evaluation: Facilitating the use of observations for CMIP
- Wall-to-wall assessment of carbon stock and flux consequences of forest disturbances in the Pacific Northwest United States using remote sensing and forest inventory data
- What Can We Learn About Glaciers and Ice Sheets From 30 Years of Landsat Imagery?
- What causes an icy fault to slip? Investigating strike-slip failure conditions on Ganymede at Dardanus and Tiamat Sulcus.
- What is the value of biomass remote sensing data for blue carbon inventories?
- Why did the Nepal Gorkha Earthquake Have so few Effects on Glacial Lakes?
- Wilting Point is the Key Link between the Water and Carbon Cycles in a Remote Sensing-Constrained Global Terrestrial Biosphere Model
- X-ray photochemical alteration of planetary samples during in situ micro-XRF analysis
- 2015 Indonesian fire activity and smoke pollution show persistent non-linear sensitivity to El Niño-induced drought
- 3D full-Stokes modeling of the grounding line dynamics of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- A 1D Forward Model of Solar Wind Conditions Using JADE-I
- A Case Study on Uruk Sulcus, Ganymede: How Variations in Fault Strike and Stress Distribution can Affect Shear Failure
- A Citizen Science Soil Moisture Sensor to Support SMAP Calibration/Validation
- A Cloud Top Pressure Algorithm for DSCOVR-EPIC
- A Comparison of Several of the Latest High-Resolution Spaceborne, Airborne, and in situ Landslide Kinematic Measurement Techniques Utilizing the Slumgullion Earthflow Natural Laboratory in Southwest Colorado
- A Comparison of Three Radiative Transfer Algorithms
- A Constellation of CubeSat InSAR Sensors for Rapid-Revisit Surface Deformation Studies
- A Hydrologically-based Method for Calculating Sustainable Yield under California's Sustainable Groundwater Management Act
- A MAGIC Error Budget of CloudSat Warm Marine Rain
- A Methane-Rich Early Mars: Implications for Habitability and the Emergence of Life
- A Multi-Sensor Water Vapor, Temperature and Cloud Climate Data Record from the A-Train
- A Network Inversion Filter combining GNSS and InSAR for tectonic slip modeling
- A New Unified Approach to Determine Geocenter Motion Using Space Geodesy and GRACE Gravity Data
- A Pilot Study to Evaluate California's Fossil Fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions Using Atmospheric Observations
- A Quick-Look Method for the Analysis of Juno Microwave Radiometer Data
- A Scale-Adaptive Turbulent Kinetic Energy Closure for the Dry Convective Boundary Layer
- A Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Heatwave Climatology in Three Major US Cities
- A Stochastic Eddy-Diffusivity/Mass-Flux Boundary Layer and Shallow Convection Parameterization in 1-D NCEP GFS: Implementation and Initial Results
- A Study on Airborne Radio Occultations and their Impact on Hurricane Karl (2010)
- A Texas Flood from Land to Ocean Observed by SMAP
- A Unified EDMF Boundary Layer and Shallow Convection Parameterization in GEOS5
- A climate model diagnostic metric for the Madden-Julian oscillation
- A comparison of OCO-2 XCO<SUB>2</SUB> Observations to GOSAT and Models
- A data-driven and physics-based single-pass retrieval of active-passive microwave covariation and vegetation parameters for the SMAP mission
- A global database of smoke injection heights from landscape fires: an analysis of 2009-2010
- A global wetland CH<SUB>4 </SUB>dataset and process-based uncertainty structure for atmospheric CH<SUB>4</SUB> inverse modeling applications.
- A global, space-based stratospheric aerosol climatology: 1979 to 2014
- A national-scale remote sensing-based methodology for quantifying tidal marsh biomass to support "Blue Carbon" accounting
- A new bed topography dataset for Greenland out to the continental shelf
- A new combined nanoSIMS and continuous-flow IRMS approach to measure hydrogen isotopes from water in hydrated rhyolitic glass
- A reassessment of Antarctic Volume Change from satellite altimetry: 2003-2015
- A satellite view of the sources and interannual variability of free tropospheric PAN over the eastern Pacific Ocean during summer and its timeline for trend detection
- A service for the application of data quality information to NASA earth science satellite records
- A trait-based framework for understanding how and why litter decay and resource stoichiometry promote biogeochemical syndromes in arbuscular- and ectomycorrhizal-dominated forests
- A vastly improved method for in situ stable isotope analysis of very small water samples.
- ARIA: Delivering state-of-the-art InSAR products to end users
- Accelerated Flows at Jupiter's Magnetopause: Evidence for Magnetic Reconnection Along the Dawn Flank
- Accessibility and Analysis to NASA's New Large Volume Missions
- Acoustic and Gravity Waves in the Mesosphere and Thermosphere-Ionosphere Above Tropospheric Sources: Primary and Secondary Resonant Responses
- Active phases of the Indian summer monsoon intraseasonal oscillation: Are they all connected to the deep tropical oceanic convection?
- Advances in Measuring Soil Moisture using Global Navigation Satellite Systems Interferometric Reflectometry (GNSS-IR)
- Advances in Solid Earth and Basal Water Dynamics and their Relation to GIA in Antarctica
- Advances in the use of airborne remote sensing to estimate blue carbon stocks and transport
- Airborne Multi-Band SAR in the Arctic
- Airborne Observations of Reactive Bromine Transport in the Arctic
- Amundsen Sea simulation with optimized ocean, sea ice, and thermodynamic ice shelf model parameters
- An Analysis of the Relationship Between Atmospheric Heat Transport and the Position of the ITCZ in NASA NEWS products, CMIP5 GCMs, and Multiple Reanalyses
- An Approach to Computing Discrete Adjoints for MPI-Parallelized Models Applied to the Ice Sheet System Model}
- An Assessment of a Science Discipline Archive Against ISO 16363
- An Improved Ozone Profile Algorithm for the Airborne GeoTASO Sensor
- An Innovative Open Data-driven Approach for Improved Interpretation of Coverage Data at NASA JPL's PO.DAA
- An Investigation of Geographical and Seasonal Patterns in X<SUB>CO2</SUB> Retrieval Errors Based on Monte Carlo Experiments
- An Iterative Inversion Technique to Compute Structural Martian Models for Refining Event Locations
- An Overview of the 2017 Airborne Campaign for NASA's Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE)
- An Overview of the Juno JIRAM Results from the First Perijove Pass.
- An Update on NASA's Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment
- An Update on Validation of OCO-2 XCO2 Observations
- An Updated Model of Saturn's Internal Magnetic Field
- An update on observations of Io's Active Volcanoes from IRTF: results from 2013-2016
- Analysis of Cloud Radiative Feedback over Multi-time Scales
- Analysis of High-Latitude Ionospheric Processes During the Nov 2015 HSS and CME-Induced Geomagnetic Storm: A Multi-Instrument Observational Approach
- Analysis of Sea Level Rise in Action
- Analysis of in situ resources for the Soil Moisture Active Passive Validation Experiments in 2015 and 2016
- Analysis of optical imagery reveals regionally coherent slowdown in High Mountain Asia in response to glacier thinning
- Analyzer for Thermospheric Mixing on Space Station (ATMoSS)
- Analyzing mass balance estimates of global continental discharge from remote sensing and reanalysis
- Antarctic Ice Sheet Grounding line migration monitoring using COSMO-SkyMed very short repeat-time SAR Interferometry.
- Antarctic-wide changes in ice sheet surface velocities and glacier discharge
- Application of Humidity Data for Predictions of Influenza Outbreaks.
- Applications and Lessons Learned using Data from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder
- Applying ECOSTRESS Diurnal Cycle Land Surface Temperature and Evapotranspiration to Agricultural Soil and Water Management
- Applying Unmanned Airborne Sampling Technology to Active Volcanoes: Successes, Challenges, and Plans
- Archival of Amateur Observations in Support to ESA/Rosetta Mission
- Arctic Sea Ice Classification and Mapping for Surface Albedo Parameterization in Sea Ice Modeling
- Ascent Rates of Rhyolitic Magma During the Opening Stages of Explosive Caldera-Forming Eruptions
- Assessing Anthropogenic Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds using Satellite Retrievals of Formaldehyde
- Assessing Climate Change in Early Warm Season and Impacts on Wildfire Potential in the Southwestern United States
- Assessing Drought Impacts on Water Storage Changes from New GRACE Mascons Solutions and Regional Groundwater Modeling in the Central Valley of California
- Assessing Recent Warming Using Instrumentally-Homogeneous Sea Surface Temperature Records
- Assessing the mineralogy and hydration of rocky cores of satellites: insights from experiments and thermodynamics
- Assessing the spatial variability of mountain precipitation in California's Sierra Nevada using the Airborne Snow Observatory
- Assessment of SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Products using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
- Assessment of earthen levee stability for management and response: A NASA-DHS-California Dept. Water Resources collaboration
- Association of Impulsive Solar Energetic Particle Events With Large-Scale Coronal Waves
- Asteroid Redirect Mission: Update on Planetary Defense Demonstration and Small Bodies Benefits and Community Interaction
- Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Distributions Across Weather Systems: Results from the Summer 2016 ACT-America Field Campaign
- Atmospheric River Impacts on Global Near Surface Wind Extremes
- Atmospheric Rivers in Climate Simulations: A Multi-model, Global Evaluation
- Attributing Methane and Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Anthropogenic and Natural Sources Using AVIRIS-NG
- Attribution of Net Carbon Change by Disturbance Type across Forest Lands of the Continental United States
- Augmenting a Large-Scale Hydrology Model to Reproduce Groundwater Variability
- Aura CO and Ozone profiles retrieved from combined TES and MLS measurements: algorithm, data and applications
- Automated Grouping of Opportunity Rover Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer Compositional Data
- Background Air Mass Can Impact U.S. Northeastern Corridor Urban GHG Emission Analysis: A Study to Isolate Incoming CO<SUB>2</SUB> Air Mass with Tower Measurements in the Washington DC/Baltimore Area
- Behavior and Stability of Ground Ice on Ceres: Modeling Water Vapor Production
- Benchmark Comparison of Cloud Analytics Methods Applied to Earth Observations
- Bombardment of Cryogenic Targets with Simulated Hypervelocity Micrometeoroids in the Lab
- Bridging the Global Precipitation and Soil Moisture Active Passive Missions: Variability of Microwave Surface Emissivity from In situ and Remote Sensing Perspectives
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Ice Formation and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Gas Depletion in the Polar Winter Atmosphere of Mars from Mars Climate Sounder Measurements
- CYGNSS Observations of Surface Wind Speeds in Oceanic Tropical and Extratropical Cyclones
- Calibration and Performance of the Juno Microwave Radiometer during the First Science Orbits
- Calibration of Airborne Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (AirMSPI) polarization measurements, and in-flight comparisons with the Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP) and the Spectropolarimeter for Planetary EXploration (SPEX)
- Can GRACE Explain Some of the Main Interannual Polar Motion Signatures?
- Canopy Height and Vertical Structure from Multibaseline Polarimetric InSAR: First Results of the 2016 NASA/ESA AfriSAR Campaign
- Capacity Building to Support Governmental Meteorological and Agricultural Communities in East Africa
- Carbon Cycle Science in Support of Decision-Making
- Cassini ISS and VIMS observations of Titan's north polar region during the T120 and T121 flybys: The Curious Case of the Clouds
- Cassini RADAR Backscatter Measurements of Saturn Rings
- Cassini's Grand Finale
- Catch the A-Train from the NASA GIBS/Worldview Platform
- Ceres' Evolution Before and After Dawn: Where are We Now?
- Ceres' darkest secret and its putative exosphere
- Ceres' obliquity history: implications for permanently shadowed regions
- Changes in CO<SUB>2</SUB> Composition in the Air of the Los Angeles Megacity Coinciding with the Prolonged Drought
- Changes of the Hadley Circulation Under Global Warming and Their Linkage with Climate Sensitivity and Hydrologial Sensitivity
- Changing Convective Precipitation, Extremes, and Daily Intensity over Northern Eurasia
- Characteristics and performance of L-band radar-based soil moisture retrievals using Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) synthetic aperture radar observations
- Characterization of surface properties over permafrost soils using a high resolution mid-infrared camera as part of the Carbon in the Arctic Vulnerability Experiment (CARVE)
- Characterizing AirSWOT water elevation accuracy on the Willamette River
- Characterizing Seasonal Drought, Water Supply Pattern and Their Impact on Vegetation Growth Using Satellite Soil Moisture Data, GRACE Water Storage and Precipitation Observations
- ChemCam passive reflectance spectroscopy of the Lubango, Okoruso, and Oudam drill targets in Gale Crater, Mars
- Chemistry and Spectroscopy of Frozen Chloride Salts on Icy Bodies
- Chemostratigraphy of Lower Mount Sharp, Gale Crater
- Clarify the role of evapotranspiration in improving the predictability of summer droughts over US Great Plains
- Climate Data Analytics Workflow Management
- Cloud Properties Of The Daytime Earth As Observed By DSCOVR-EPIC: A First Look
- Cloud properties retrieved from the OCO-2 A-band spectrometer
- Cloud-related physical parameterizations for Taiwan Earth System Model
- Cloudy Planetary Boundary Layer Study with Satellite, Climate Model, and ERA-I Reanalysis Data over the Subtropical Eastern Pacific
- Coherent EMIC Waves and Pitch Angle Scattering of Energetic Electrons in the Magnetosphere
- Collaborative Demonstration for GNSS-augmented Tsunami Early Warnings
- Combining Human and Machine Learning to Map Cropland in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century's Major Agricultural Frontier
- Combining Remote Sensing Data, Airborne Snow Observations and High Resolution Hydrologic Modeling to Improve SWE Simulation and Validation over Mountainous Terrain in Western US
- Comparative Analysis of the Methane Data Products from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer and the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder.
- Comparative Cloud Representation in three Dimensions
- Comparing Aerosol Retrievals from Ground-Based Instruments at the Impact-Pm Field Campaign
- Comparing Column Water Vapor Retrievals from AVIRIS imagery and their Uncertainties over Varying Surfaces
- Comparison of Far-side Helioseismic Predictions of Active Regions from SDO/HMI with Far-side Observations of Solar Activity from STEREO/EUVI
- Comparison of HiRISE and Long-Distance Remote Micro Imager Observations of Slopes on Aeolis Mons, Gale Crater, Mars
- Comparison of Model and Observations of Middle Atmospheric HO<SUB>x</SUB> Response to Solar 27-day Cycles: Quantifying Model Uncertainties due to Photochemistry
- Comparison of PALSAR-2 Interferometric Estimates of Snow Water Equivalent, Airborne Snow Observatory Snow Depths, and Results from a Distributed Energy Balance Snow Model (iSnobal)
- Complex Plate Tectonic Features on Planetary Bodies: Analogs from Earth
- Connecting Swath Satellite Data With Imagery in Mapping Applications
- Connecting observed trends in precursor emissions to methane and ozone radiative forcing
- Constraining Earth System Models in the Tropics with Multiple Satellite Observations
- Constraining Hesperian martian P<SUB>CO2</SUB> from mineral analysis at Gale crater
- Constraining Lunar Cold Spot Properties Using Eclipse and Twilight Temperature Behavior
- Constraining Planetary Boundary Layer Retrievals with Surface Reflections from GNSS Radio Occultation Measurements
- Constraining regional energy and hydrologic modeling of the cryosphere with quantitative retrievals from imaging spectroscopy
- Contemporary Model Fidelity over the Maritime Continent: Examination of the Diurnal Cycle, Synoptic, Intraseasonal and Seasonal Variability
- Continuous measurements of surface mass balance, firn compaction, and meltwater retention in Greenland for altimetry validation.
- Contribution of Lower Troposphere Dynamics to Uncertainty of Satellite-Derived Surface CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes
- Contribution of ionospheric monitoring to tsunami warning: results from a benchmark exercise
- Convective Influence on Short-lived Species in the Tropical Upper Troposphere
- Correcting negatively-biased radio occultation refractivity retrieval under ducting layer using an optimal estimation method
- Coseismic Fault Slip and Triggered Landslides of the 2016 Mw 6.2 Amatrice Earthquake in Italy
- Coseismic slip solution and preliminary postseismic results for the 7 December 2015 Mw 7.2 Sarez Lake, Tajikistan earthquake from joint inversion of Sentinel-1A and ALOS-2 InSAR data
- Cosmic-ray Heavy-element Spectra Over an Extended Energy Range from the Advanced Composition Explorer
- CosmoQuest: Creative Engagement & Citizen Science Ignite Authentic Science
- Coupled Retrieval of Aerosol Properties and Surface Reflection Using the Airborne Multi-angle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (AirMSPI)
- Coupling between marine boundary layer clouds and summer-to-summer SST variability over the North Atlantic and Pacific
- Coupling of Cloud Processes with the Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation in Extratropical Cyclonic Systems
- Crater-related flow features on Ceres - Implications for cryovolcanism
- Creating an Eight-Member Ocean Reanalysis Ensemble for use by the Climate Modeling Community.
- Cryosphere Science Outreach using the NASA/JPL Virtual Earth System Laboratory
- Current Status of the GRACE Follow-On Mission
- Decadal changes in global surface NOx emissions from multi-constituent satellite data assimilation
- Designing an in-situ observing system for the CalVal of the SWOT sea-surface height meausrement
- Detecting Changes in Southern Ocean Cloud Properties Using Legacy Satellites
- Detecting Stratospheric Trace Gas Injections from Volcanic Eruptions by Solar Occultation Spectrometry
- Detecting Tsunami Source Energy and Scales from GNSS & Laboratory Experiments
- Detecting regional carbon-climate feedbacks in the Arctic
- Detection of Seasonal Changes in the Cryosphere Using Reflected GNSS Signals
- Developing Methods for Fraction Cover Estimation Toward Global Mapping of Ecosystem Composition
- Developing a New Thermophysical Model for Lunar Regolith Soil at Low Temperatures
- Development And Testing Unmanned Aerial Systems To Study And Monitoring Volcanoes: INGV Experience Since 2004
- Development of Long Term Evapotranspiration Products Using the Triangle Model over India
- Development of SMAP Resolution-Enhanced Passive Soil Moisture Product
- Development of the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) radiometer derived landscape freeze/thaw product
- Development of the Vista Methane Emissions Inventory for Southern California: A GIS-Based Approach for Mapping Methane Emissions
- Dielectric Breakdown Weathering by Solar Energetic Particles Charging Airless Bodies in the Inner Solar System
- Discussion of vicarious calibration of GOSAT/TANSO-CAI UV-band (380nm) and aerosol retrieval in wildfire region in the OCO-2 and GOSAT observation campaign at Railroad Valley in 2016
- Distinct Subglacial Drainage Patterns Revealed in High-Resolution Mapping of Basal Radar Reflectivity across Greenland
- Distribution of iron oxides in lower Mt. Sharp from Curiosity and orbital datasets, and implications for their formation
- Distribution of the Ammoniated Species on the Surface of Ceres
- Diver Down: Remote Sensing of Carbon Climate Feedbacks
- Drivers and implications of recent large fire years in boreal North America
- Drought Response and Recovery: How Good Are Terrestrial Biosphere Models?
- Dust Impact on Circulation Patterns and Regional Climate of Monsoon Regions
- Dust Storm Forecasts for Mars Year 33: An Update
- ECITE: A Testbed for Assessment of Technology Interoperability and Integration wiht Architecture Components
- ENSO Signature detected in the Earth's Geocenter
- EPIC/DSCOVR's Oxygen Absorption Channels: A Cloud Profiling Information Content Analysis
- Early Results from the Juno Gravity Science Experiment
- Early Science Results From The Juno Mission
- Educational and Scientific Applications of Climate Model Diagnostic Analyzer
- Effects of wintertime atmospheric river landfalls on surface air temperatures in the Western US: Analyses and model evaluation
- Electrical Activity in Martian Dust Storms
- Electron measurements by the Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment-Electrons (JADE-E) on the Juno Mission to Jupiter
- Elemental Gains/Losses Associated with Alteration Fractures in an Eolian Sandstone, Gale Crater, Mars
- Elemental composition of Ceres
- Empirical Modeling of Jovian Electron Distributions Using Juno's MWR Synchrotron Radiation Observations
- Empirical analysis of the stress-strain relationship between hydraulic head and subsidence in the San Joaquin Valley Aquifer
- Enabling Research Tools for Sustained Climate Assessment
- Enceladus' Geysers and Small-scale Thermal Hot Spots: Spatial Correlations and Implications
- Energetic charged particle interactions at icy satellites
- Environmental Transitions Recorded by Fluvial Fan Stratigraphy at Dingo Gap and Moonlight Valley, Gale Crater, Mars
- Estimates of Tsunami Energy from GPS and Dart Data
- Estimating Achievable Accuracy for Global Imaging Spectroscopy Measurement of Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation Cover
- Estimating Fault Slip From Radar Interferograms
- Estimating Ionosphere-Thermosphere Energy Budget: the ICME Storm of 16-19 March 2013
- Estimating Tropical Aboveground Biomass from Fourier Transforms of Vegetation Profiles from TanDEM-X Phase Heights
- Estimating particle speciation concentrations using MISR retrieved aerosol properties in southern California
- Estimating the impact of 2015 El Niño and 2011 La Niña on terrestrial biosphere flux variability with multiple satellite observations
- Estimation of precipitation over the OLYMPEX domain during winter 2015-2016 using radar, gauge precipitation and ASO snow estimates
- Evaluating the Effects of Surface Properties on Methane Detection with the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer Next Generation (AVIRIS-NG)
- Evaluating the Global Precipitation Measurement mission with NOAA/NSSL Multi-Radar Multisensor: current status and future directions.
- Evaluating uncertainty in a multi-decadal microwave data record of cloud liquid water
- Evaluation and Uncertainty Estimation of Radar and Satellite Precipitation Products over Western United States
- Evaluation and application of an algorithm for atmospheric profiling continuity from Aqua to Suomi-NPP
- Evaluation and time series analysis of mountain snow from MODIS and VIIRS fractional snow cover products
- Evaluation of Climate Model Output Against Observations in a Hypothesis Testing Framework
- Evaluation of Historical CMIP5 Temperature and Precipitation Trends for NCA Climate Regions
- Evaluation of SMAP downscaled brightness temperature observations using airborne data in Australia
- Evaluation of VLBI terrestrial reference frame solutions in the style of ITRF2014, JTRF2014, and DTRF2014
- Evaluation of a Simple Theoretical Expression for Hadley Cell Width
- Evaluation of seasonal simulations over Central California in the WRF-Chem
- Evolution of Titan's High-Pressure Ice layer
- Examination of global correlations in ground deformation for terrestrial reference frame estimation
- Examining the Roles of Deep Convective Detrainment in a Warming Environment
- Expanded science and management utllity of SWE and albedo data from the NASA/JPL Airborne Snow Observatory
- Experimental Investigation of River Avulsion and Land-Loss on a Backwater-Influenced Delta Undergoing Sea Level Rise
- Explorer of Enceladus and Titan (E<SUP>2</SUP>T): Investigating Ocean Worlds' Evolution and Habitability in the Saturn System
- Exploring Data Combination of GRACE, Altimetry, and GNSS Vertical Motion for Improved Estimates of Antarctic Mass Balance
- Exploring the interior of Venus with seismic and infrasonic techniques
- Extinction measurements of dust aerosol from Mars Science Laboratory solar images
- Factors influencing the skill of synthesised satellite wind products in the tropical Pacific
- Feasibility Study of Space-based CO<SUB>2</SUB> Remote Sensing Using Pulsed 2-micron Integrated Path Differential Absorption Lidar
- Finding geospatial pattern of unstructured data by clustering routes
- First Gravity Traverse on the Martian Surface from the Curiosity Rover
- First Hubble Space Telescope Movies of Jupiter's Ultraviolet Aurora During the NASA Juno Prime Mission
- First Observations Near Jupiter by the Juno Waves Investigation
- First Results at Jupiter from the Microwave Radiometer Investigation
- First Results from the Jupiter Energetic Particle Detector Instrument (JEDI) Investigation Within the Magnetosphere and Over the Poles of Jupiter
- First Results of the Juno Magnetometer Investigation in Jupiter's Magnetosphere
- First observations of Jupiter Aurorae by JIRAM on board Juno.
- First observations of Jupiter's polar magnetosphere from the Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment (JADE)
- First results of the SPEX airborne multi-angle spectropolarimeter - aerosol retrievals over ocean and intercomparison with AirMSPI
- First steps toward data assimilation of Jupiter's radiation belts using Juno and radio observations and physics-based models
- Floor-Fractured Craters on Ceres and Implications for Internal Composition and Processes
- Forecasting Space Weather in the Upper Atmosphere: From Science to Prediction
- Fraction of the global water cycle observed by SMAP
- Frequency-Based Precursory Acoustic Emission Failure Sequences In Sedimentary And Igneous Rocks Under Uniaxial Compression
- From measuring land subsidence to characterizing aquifer properties with InSAR
- Fusion of multi-temporal Airborne Snow Observatory (ASO) lidar data for mountainous vegetation ecosystems studies.
- GHG Emission Source Observations of Western U.S. using the GOSAT Agile Pointing System
- GNSS Polarimetric Radio Occultations: Thermodynamical Structure of pecipitating clouds
- GOSAT and OCO-2 Inter-comparison on Measured Spectral Radiance and Retrieved Carbon Dioxide
- GOSAT field experiments with a new portable mid-IR FTS in the western US
- Geocenter Motion Derived from the JTRF2014 Combination
- Geologic Maps of the Clarias Rise, Mars
- Geological and Structural Patterns on Titan Enhanced Through Cassini's SAR PCA and High-Resolution Radiometry
- Getting the temperature right: Understanding thermal emission from airless bodies
- Global Assessment of New GRACE Mascons Solutions for Hydrologic Applications
- Global Surface Dust Distribution Changes on Mars (MY24-33)
- Global Terrestrial Water Cycle Mapping and Science Results from the NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Satellite Mission
- Global glacier and ice sheet surface velocities derived from 31 years of Landsat imagery
- Global models of internal tides and waves for the SWOT mission
- Global, high-resolution sensitivity study of local sea-level rise to regional ice thickness change inAntarctica and Greenland.
- Go_LIVE! - Global Near-real-time Land Ice Velocity data from Landsat 8 at NSIDC
- Gravitational Wakes Sizes from Multiple Cassini Radio Occultations of Saturn's Rings
- Groundwater withdrawal in the Central Valley, California: implications for San Andreas Fault stressing and lithosphere rheology
- HabEx: Finding and characterizing Habitable Exoplanets with a potential future flagship astrophysics mission
- Heliospheric Plasma Sheet (HPS) Impingement onto the Magnetosphere Causing Relativistic Electron Dropouts (REDs): Possible Consequences for Atmospheric Vorticity
- Hemispheric energy balance from an ocean perspective
- High Accuracy Near-Real-Time Sea Surface Height Observations from the Jason-2, Jason-3, and SARAL Missions
- High Resolution Ecosystem Structure, Biomass and Blue Carbon stocks in Mangrove Ecosystems- Methods and Applications of Lidar, radar Interferometry and High Resolution imagery
- High-Elevation Evapotranspiration Estimates during Drought: Using Streamflow and LiDAR Snow Observations to Close the Upper Tuolumne River Basin Water Balance
- High-Resolution Ceres HAMO Color Mosaics derived from Dawn FC Images
- High-Resolution Enhanced Product based on SMAP Active-Passive Approach and Sentinel 1A Radar Data
- High-Resolution Soil Moisture Retrieval using SMAP-L Band Radiometer and RISAT-C band Radar Data for the Indian Subcontinent
- High-resolution Ceres LAMO atlas derived from Dawn FC images
- Highly accurate modeling of hyperspectral infrared spectra in clear and cloudy atmospheres
- Horizontal distribution of mixed cloud type scene
- How Clouds Affect The Vertical Structure Of Radiative Heating Rates: A Multi-model Evaluation Using A-train Observations
- How do carbon-nutrient-water feedbacks regulate the pantropical carbon balance?
- How does the 2010 El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake Rupture Connect to the Southern California Plate Boundary Fault System
- How to constrain snow particle scattering models? A novel approach using triple-frequency radar Doppler spectra.
- How well does your model capture the terrestrial ecosystem dynamics of the Arctic-Boreal Region?
- Hydrocarbon and HCN Condensation in the Atmosphere of Pluto
- Hydrologic Response to Changes in the Timing and Rate of Snowmelt: Implications for Water Resource Management in the Western U.S.
- Hydrological control on Ozone greenhouse gas effect
- ICESat-2 Oceanic & Sea Ice Responses to Atmospheric Forcing
- ISCE: A Modular, Reusable Library for Scalable SAR/InSAR Processing
- ISIS/EPI-Lo: A New Instrument for Measuring keV to MeV Ions and Electrons with Simultaneous Half-Sky Coverage on NASA's Solar Probe Plus Mission
- Ice under cover: Using bulk spatial and physical properties of probable ground ice driven mass wasting features on Ceres to better understand its surface
- Identification of Elemental Composition of the Venus Surface using Active 14-MeV Neutron Source and Gamma Ray Spectrometer
- Identifying meaningful trends in Atlantic water temperature from sparse in situ hydrographic observations from the periphery of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Imaging Complex Fault Slip of the 2016 MeiNong and Kumamoto Earthquakes with Sentinel-1 InSAR and Other Geodetic and Seismic Data
- Imaging slow slip events and their relationship to seismic slow earthquakes in southwest Japan
- Imaging spectroscopy calibration and applications for coastal wetland species composition and biomass mapping in the Mississippi Delta
- Impact crater morphology and the Central Pit/Dome of Occator: Ceres as an Ice-rich Body
- Impact of El Niño and La Niña on SeaWiFS, MODIS-A and VIIRS Chlorophyll-a Measurements Along the Equator During 1997 to 2016
- Impact of Spatial Resolution of SMAP Soil Moisture Product on Hydrologic Modeling of Soil Moisture
- Impact of Tropopause Structures on Deep Convective Transport Observed during MACPEX
- Impact of the 2015 El Niño on the Indonesian carbon balance: implications for carbon mitigation
- Impact of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on summertime surface temperatures of inland water bodies in Alaska (USA) and northwest Canada
- Impacts of Different Aerosol Types on Convective Cloud as Observed by CALIPSO/CloudSat Satellites
- Impacts of Ocean Surface Boundary Layer Observations on Ocean State Estimation
- Impacts of Species Interactions on Atmospheric Processes
- Improved Precision of Early (1992-1995) GPS Orbit and Clock Solutions
- Improved Sensitivity of Spectroscopic Quantification of Stable Isotope Content Using Capillary Absorption Spectroscopy
- Improved WP-GITM Simulations of Natural Hazards-Induced Atmospheric Disturbance
- Improved estimate of accelerated Antarctica ice mass loses from GRACE, Altimetry and surface mass balance from regional climate model output
- Improvements and Additions to NASA Near Real-Time Earth Imagery
- Improving the detection of tectonic transients in Japan by accounting for Earth's deformation response to surface mass loading
- In Situ Carbon Dioxide and Methane Measurements from a Tower Network in Los Angeles
- InSAR grounding line update for Antarctica based on Post IPY data acquisition
- InSAR observations of focused interseismic strain along the entire North Anatolian Fault: implications for seismic hazard assessment and the rheology of the lower crust
- Including stage-dependent roughness coefficient in algorithms to estimate river discharge from remotely sensed water elevation, width, and slope
- Influence of Droughts on CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Influence of El Nino on atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>: Findings from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) Mission
- Influence of Extreme Magnetic Storms on the Upper Atmosphere
- Influence of initial temperature perturbations on precipitation using WRF modelling system over the Southern Peninsular India
- Influence of the airborne lidar pulse density on biomass change prediction in tropical forest
- Information Product Development: Data product life cycle links engineering, science, and applications
- Infrared Cloudy Radiative Transfer Validation Using Coincident AIRS and MODIS Observations
- Infrasound as a Geophysical Probe Using Earth as a Venus Analog
- Initial observations of Jupiter's aurora from Juno's Ultraviolet Spectrograph (Juno-UVS)
- Inland Water Temperature Trends
- Insights Into Ice-Ocean Interactions on Earth and Europa
- Integrated sUAS Greenhouse Gas Measurements and Imagery for Land Use Emissions Monitoring
- Integrating lateral contributions along river reaches to improve SWOT discharge estimates
- Integration of GPS and InSAR Data for Optimal 3-Dimensional Crustal Deformation Map
- Inter-Comparison of SMAP, SMOS and GCOM-W Soil Moisture Products
- Interaction of Jovian energetic particles with moons and gas tori based on recent Juno/JEDI data
- Interactions Between Energetic Electrons and Realistic Whistler Mode Waves in the Jovian Magnetosphere
- Interannual Variability in Global Dust Storm Initiation on Mars from a GCM with Orbit-Spin Coupling and Active Dust Lifting
- Interior Structure and Habitability of Ocean Worlds
- Internal charging analysis tools, NUMIT 2.0 and 3D NUMIT, and those applications on Europa Clipper and Juno missions
- Interpreting Inferred High Energy Ionic Charge States for Solar Energetic Particle Events from 2007-2016 with ACE and STEREO
- Intraseasonal to interannual Sea Surface Salinity Variations in the Tropical Pacific Ocean
- Introducing a Web API for Dataset Submission into a NASA Earth Science Data Center
- Investigating Wavelength-Dependent Aerosol Optical Properties Using Water Vapor Slant Column Retrievals from CLARS over the Los Angeles Basin
- Investigating warming trends and spatial patterns of Land Surface Temperatures over the Greater Los Angeles Area using new MODIS and VIIRS LST products
- Investigation of Co-rotation Lag in Saturn's Dayside Magnetosphere and Comparison with the Nightside
- Investigation of Precipitation, Circulation, and Cloud Variability Over the Past Two Decades
- Ionospheric Storm Reconstruction with a Multimodel Ensemble Prediction System (MEPS) of Data Assimilation Models: High Latitude Dynamics
- Ionospheric Storm Reconstructions with a Multimodel Ensemble Prdiction System (MEPS) of Data Assimilation Models: Mid and Low Latitude Dynamics
- Is Ceres' deep interior ice-rich? Constraints from crater morphology
- Is Ozone Going Up Now?
- Isentropic transport and the seasonal cycle amplitude of CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Isotopic and Trace Species Measurements of Planetary Atmospheres by a Quadrupole Ion Trap
- JEDI observations of energetic ions in the Jovian polar regions
- Jovian bow shock and magnetopause encounters by the Juno spacecraft
- Juno-JIRAM: Overview of Preliminary Results in the Study of Jupiter Hot-Spots
- JunoCam's Images of Jupiter
- Jupiter's auroras during the Juno approach phase as observed by the Hubble Space Telescope
- Jupiter's distant magnetic equator region in energetic charged particle data
- Kinematic Rupture Process of the 2016 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.1 Kumamoto Earthquake Sequence from Joint Inversion of Strong Motion, Teleseismic and Geodetic Observations
- Kinetics of Ethane Clathrate Hydrate Formation under Titan-Like Conditions
- Laboratory Investigations of Bidirectional Reflectance using the Photomultiplier Tube
- Large-eddy simulation of the very stable boundary layer
- Large-scale time-series InSAR analysis of the Sacramento-San Joaquin delta subsidence using UAVSAR
- Level of Neutral Buoyancy, Deep Convective Outflow, and Hot Tower: New Perspectives Based on the A-Train Observations
- Leveraging Available Technologies for Improved Interoperability and Visualization of Remote Sensing and In-situ Oceanographic data at the PO.DAAC
- Leveraging field and remotely sensed data to reduce uncertainty in national inventories of coastal wetland carbon fluxes: Year 2 findings from the NASA "Blue" Carbon Monitoring System
- Leveraging this Golden Age of Remote Sensing and Modeling of Terrestrial Hydrology to Understand Water Cycling in the Water Availability Grand Challenge for North America
- Life in the Universe - Astronomy and Planetary Science Research Experience for Undergraduates at the SETI Institute
- Lithospheric Structure and Active Deformation in the Salton Trough from Coseismic and Postseismic Models of the 2010 Mw 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake
- Low Background Levels of Mars Methane at Gale Crater Indicate Seasonal Cycle: Updated Results from TLS-SAM on Curiosity
- Low Temperature (<100K) Regolith Thermal Conductivity - Preliminary Laboratory Data
- Low-latitude variability of ice cloud properties and cloud thermodynamic phase observed by the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS)
- Lower-tropospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> from near-infrared ACOS-GOSAT observations
- MAIA pathfinder: Imaging Polarimetric Assessment and Characterization of Tropospheric Particulate Matter (ImPACT-PM) field campaign
- MMS-Mission Diagnosis of Species-Dependent Leakage of Energetic Particles across Earth's Magnetopause and Implications for Juno at Jupiter
- MSL/Mastcam Multispectral Observations of Lower Mt. Sharp Units: Spectral Evidence of Distinct Alteration Environments
- Mapping Live Fuel Moisture and the relation to drought and post fire events for Southern California region
- Mapping Snow Depth From Ka-Band Interferometry: Proof Of Concept And Comparison With Scanning Lidar Retrievals
- Mapping Tropical Forest Mosaics with C- and L-band SAR: First Results from Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Mapping of the surface rupture induced by the M 7.3 Kumamoto Earthquake along the Eastern segment of Futagawa fault using image correlation techniques
- Maps of the Martian Landing Sites and Rover Traverses: Viking 1 and 2, Mars Pathfinder, and Phoenix Landers, and the Mars Exploration Rovers.
- Mars Internal Structure: Seismic Predictions for Core Phase Arrivals in Anticipation of the InSight Mission
- Measurements of the Dawn-side Jovian Magnetosheath by Juno/JADE
- Measuring Azimuth Deformation of April 25, 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha (Nepal) Earthquake With L-band ALOS-2 ScanSAR Interferometry
- Measuring and Modeling the Effects of Meltwater Changes at Glaciers
- Measuring atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO<SUB>2</SUB>) from space: Results from the first two years of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) Mission
- Measuring large scale Earth system change: a process-oriented approach to satellite data
- Measuring short term velocity changes of Kangilerngata Sermia, west Greenland using a Gamma Portable Radar Interferometer
- Merging altimeter data with Argo profiles to improve observation of tropical Pacific thermocline circulation and ENSO
- Methane emissions from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
- Method to observe O<SUP>+</SUP> and S<SUP>2+</SUP> by the JADE-I instrument on NASA's Juno mission to Jupiter
- Microscopic Mapping of Minerals and Organics: A Modular Pulsed Raman Spectrometer Adaptable to Both Small and Large Landed Planetary Missions
- Middle-Latitude Ionospheric Irregularities and Their Relationships with the Ring Current and Auroral Oval Expansion during Geomagnetic Storms
- Mineralogy of the Northwestern Slopes of Mt Sharp, Gale Crater, as Observed Using Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) Along-track Oversampled observations
- Mining and Utilizing Dataset Relevancy from Oceanographic Dataset (MUDROD) Metadata, Usage Metrics, and User Feedback to Improve Data Discovery and Access
- Modeling In-Channel Debris Flow Initiation Pre- and Post-Fire within the San Gabriel Mountains, California
- Modeling ice front Dynamics of Northwest Greenland in response to ocean thermal forcing, using ISSM and OMG data
- Modeling of the seismic signals generated by dust devils on Mars
- Modeling the role of subsurface soil spring temperature anomalies feedback in the development of summer drought in the U.S. Southern Great Plains: Added value of regional climate modeling
- Modeling the sensitivity of the Greenland Ice Sheet to Holocene climate variability using the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM).
- Modelling Solar Energetic Particle Events Using the iPATH Model
- Modelling Thermal Emission to Constrain Io's Largest Eruptions
- Models and Measurements of the Rotation of Mars
- Moisture Limitations Dominate the Seasonality of Heterotrophic Respiration in the Southern Hemisphere
- Monitoring Subsidence in California with InSAR
- Monitoring the Phenology of Global Agroecosystems Using SMAP Multi-temporal Vegetation Optical Depth Retrievals
- Multi-Resolution L-Band Microwave Observations for Growing Vegetation during SMAPVEX16-IA
- NASA Airborne Snow Observatory: Measuring Spatial Distribution of Snow Water Equivalent and Snow Albedo
- NASA Earth Science Education Collaborative
- NASA GIBS & Worldview - Lesson Ready Visualizations
- NASA Lunar and Planetary Mapping and Modeling
- NASA MEaSUREs Combined ASTER and MODIS Emissivity over Land (CAMEL)
- NASA MEaSUREs Combined ASTER and MODIS Emissivity over Land (CAMEL) Uncertainty Estimation
- NASA's Earth Imagery Service as Open Source Software
- NASA's Global Imagery Browse Services: Past, Present and Future
- NASA's Lunar and Planetary Mapping and Modeling Program
- NASA's Oceans Melting Greenland (OMG) mission: Year 2 Mission Update
- NASA's Support to Flood Response
- NASA's Universe of Learning: Engaging Learners in Discovery
- NASADEM Global Elevation Model of Earth: Methods for the Refinement and Merger of SRTM and ASTER GDEM
- NASADEM Initial Production Processing Results: Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Reprocessing with Improvements
- Navigating the "Research-to-Operations" Bridge of Death: Collaborative Transition of Remotely-Sensed Snow Data from Research into Operational Water Resources Forecasting
- Near Real-Time Monitoring of Global Evapotranspiration and its Application to Water Resource Management
- Need for denser geodetic network to get real constrain on the fault behavior along the Main Marmara Sea segments of the NAF, toward an optimized GPS network.
- Neptune's New Dark Vortex: Imaging with HST/WFC3
- New Horizons Results at Charon
- Next Generation Forest Structure Measurements from Space: Synergism of NASA's NISAR and GEDI Observations
- Nowcasting Earthquakes
- O<SUB>3</SUB> OSSEs on a Regional Scale for the GEO-CAPE Mission
- OCO-2 Solar-induced Fluorescence Data Portal and Applications to Crop Yield Estimation
- OMI Observations of Bromine Monoxide Emissions from Volcanoes
- Observational Constraints on the Water Vapor Feedback Using GPS Radio Occultations
- Observational Estimation of Radiative Feedback to Surface Air Temperature over Northern High Latitudes
- Observations and Characterization of Binary Near-Earth Asteroid 65803 Didymos, the Target of the AIDA Mission
- Observations from 1 to 6 AU of Low-Frequency Magnetic Waves due to Newborn Interstellar Pickup Ions Using Ulysses, Voyager and ACE Data
- Observations from Juno's Radiation Monitoring Investigation during Juno's First Look at Jupiter's Inner Radiation Belts: Perijove 1
- Observations of Jupiter's Low-Frequency Radio Emissions from the Juno Waves Instrument in Collaboration with the Earth-Based Radio Telescopes
- Observations of Solar Energetic Particle Anisotropies at MeV Energies from STEREO/LET
- Observing fire danger globally: applying a VPD indicator globally independent of region specific fire danger models
- Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling in SST Hot Spot Regimes as a Function of ENSO: Local SST and Deep Convection Relationships, Larger-Scale Interactions With and Modulations on El Nino, and Remote Tropical and Extratropical Connections Using Multi-Satellite Observations and ERA-Interim Reanalysis
- OceanXtremes: Scalable Anomaly Detection in Oceanographic Time-Series
- Oceanography from the SWOT Mission: Opportunities and Challenges
- On the Utilization of Ice Flow Models and Uncertainty Quantification to Interpret the Impact of Surface Radiation Budget Errors on Estimates of Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Balance and Regional Estimates of Mass Balance
- On the impact of ice-ocean interaction on Greenland glaciers versus calving speed.
- On the production of Gamma rays and Relativistic Runaway Electron Avalanches from Martian dust storms
- On the response of northwest Greenland glaciers to ocean thermal forcing
- On the roburtness of GNSS-based tsunami early warning systems
- On thin ice/in hot water: Rapid drawdown of Wordie Ice Shelf glaciers in the decades after collapse in response to a changing ocean
- Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) Cloud Screening Validation: Analysis of the First Two Years in Space
- Orbiting carbon observatory (OCO-2) tracks increase of carbon release to the atmosphere during the 2014-2016 El Niño
- Organic gas abundances in the plumes of Enceladus as seen by Cassini UVIS
- Origin of the anomalously rocky appearance of Tsiolkovskiy crater
- Origin of the two scales of wind ripples on Mars
- Outcrop-scale imaging spectroscopy of the Haughton impact structure, Canada
- Outlet Glacier Response to Ice Shelf Thinning in the Bellingshausen Sea Sector, West Antarctica
- Overview of California's Efforts to Understand and Reduce Methane Sources
- Overview of the Joint NASA ISRO Imaging Spectroscopy Science Campaign in India
- Oxychlorine species on Mars: Implications from Gale Crater Samples
- Pacific Sea Level Rise Patterns and Global Surface Temperature Variability
- Patterns and Mechanisms of Interseismic, Coseismic, Late Quaternary and Pliocene Deformation in the Foothills of Southwestern Taiwan Mountain Belt
- Performance Comparison of Big Data Analytics With NEXUS and Giovanni
- Performing mineral hydration experiments in the CheMin diffractometer on Mars
- Phase Diagram of the System Water-Tetrahydrofuran-Ammonia at Titan's Crust Conditions
- PhotoSpec - Ground-based Remote Sensing of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence: First Results
- Photochemistry in Saturn's Ring-Shadowed Atmosphere: Modulation of Hydrocarbons and Observations of Dust Content
- Pitted Terrain on Dwarf Planet Ceres: Morphological Evidence for Shallow Volatiles at Low and Mid Latitudes
- Planning for the Paleomagnetic Investigations of Returned Samples from Mars
- Plasma Number Density Profiles derived from radio occultation on the CASSIOPE spacecraft
- Plasma environment at the dawn flank of Jupiter's magnetosphere: Juno arrives at Jupiter
- Plasma response to a cometary outburst: Rosetta Plasma Consortium observations during comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko outburst event on 19 February 2016
- Plume-induced roll back subduction around Venus large coronae
- Polar Processing During the 2015/2016 Arctic Winter in a GEOS Analysis with Stratospheric Chemistry
- Polar Stratospheric Cloud evolution and chlorine activation measured by CALIPSO and MLS, and modelled by ATLAS
- Porosity and water ice content of the sub-surface material in the Imhotep region of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko constrained with the Microwave Instrument on the Rosetta Orbiter (MIRO) observations
- Possible Diagenetic Connection Between the Dark Fe-rich Rocks at Gale Crater, Mars, and the Felsic JakeM Class Rocks
- Precipitation and Diabatic Heating Distributions from TRMM/GPM
- Precise coregistration, stationary and non-stationary azimuth offsets and challenges for TOPS time-series analysis
- Predictability of Tropical Cyclqgenesis in Different Synoptic-Scale Flow Regimes
- Preparing for InSight - using the continuous seismic data flow to investigate the deep interior of Mars
- Preparing for the ingestion of SWOT data into continental-scale river models
- Present-day Mars' Seismicity Predicted from 3-D Thermal Evolution Models of Interior Dynamics
- Pressure and Temperature Dependences of Rate Coefficients for the Reaction OH + NO<SUB>2</SUB> + M → products
- Pressure- and Temperature-Dependent Branching Ratios of the OH + NO2 Reaction
- Probing Sub-Resolution Stratigraphic Information in Radar Sounder Data
- Process Contributions to Cool Java SST Anomalies at the Onset of Positive Indian Ocean Dipole Events
- Process-oriented Observational Metrics for CMIP6 Climate Model Assessments
- Producing a long-term baseline snow depth distribution from 45 snow-on lidar surveys over a large mountain basin
- Progress on measurement of temperature-dependent H<SUB>2</SUB>-broadening of CH<SUB>4 </SUB>in the near infrared and N<SUB>2</SUB>-N<SUB>2</SUB> collision-induced absorption in the far-infrared.
- Progress toward an Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG<SUP>3</SUP>IS)
- Projections of Climate Change Effects on Global Atmospheric River Landfalls
- Prototyping Dynamic Earth Science Data Visualization on the Web
- Putting User Stories First: Experiences Adapting the Legacy Data Models and Information Architecture at NASA JPL's PO.DAAC to Accommodate the New Information Lifecycle Required by SWOT
- Quantification of Tropical Forest Biomass and its Changes through Using InSAR Phase Measurements
- Quantifying Terrestrial Productivity Through Airborne Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence: Overview of Recent Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging Spectrometer (CFIS) Experiments
- Quantifying emissions of CO and NOx using observations from MOPITT, OMI, TES, and OSIRIS
- Quantifying large scale deformation and aquifer properties over Central Valley, California using a combination of InSAR, GPS and hydraulic head level data
- Quantifying the Impact of the 2015-2016 El Niño Event on California's Historic Drought to Improve Water Resource Management
- Quantifying the Loss of Processed Natural Gas Within California's South Coast Air Basin Using Long-term Measurements of Ethane and Methane
- Quantifying the individual contributions of snow and glaciers in High Mountain Asia River basins: Amu Darya, Syr Darya, Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra.
- Radiation Science Enabled by the Radiation Monitoring Subsystem (RMS) for the Planned Europa Mission
- Radiation enviroment at Mars based on the past 4 years of MSL/RAD measurements on Mars
- Rapid Flood Map Generation from Spaceborne SAR Observations
- Rapid SAR and GPS Measurements and Models for Hazard Science and Situational Awareness
- Rate coefficient for the OH radical reaction with HONO<SUB>2</SUB> under UT/LS conditions
- Ray-tracing Thermal Modeling of Saturn's Main Rings
- Reactivity of Amines with CO<SUB>2</SUB> on the Surface of Titan
- Real-Time Mapping Spectroscopy on the Ground, in the Air, and in Space
- Real-time Monitoring of Hurricanes with the HAMSR Microwave Sounder
- Reassessment of Seismic Hazards on High Strain Accumulation in SW Taiwan: Insight from Multiple Fault Slip Triggered by 2016 Meinong Earthquake
- Recent Radar Observations of Potentially Hazardous Near-Earth Asteroids With the Arecibo Observatory and the Deep Space Network
- Recent reductions in aerosol burden have contributed to accelerated summertime warming in the southeast United States
- Reconciling temporal trends in water-use efficiency from tree rings to continents
- Reconstructing the Aliso Canyon natural gas leak incident
- Reconstructing the spatio-temporal variability of the southwestern Pacific salinity front from coral d<SUP>18</SUP>O records
- Refining interseismic fault slip and shallow creep on the Hayward and Calaveras Faults, California, using UAVSAR, satellite InSAR and GPS data
- Regional Climate Model Evaluation of the Mesoamerican Rainy Season and Mid-Summer Drought
- Relationships Between Radiation, Clouds, and Convection During DYNAMO
- Remote Sensing of Atmospheric and Ionospheric Disturbances using Radio Science Techniques
- Remote Sensing of Groundwater with GRACE and GRACE Follow On
- Remote Sensing of Precipitation from 6U-Class Small Satellite Constellations: Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems Technology Demonstration (TEMPEST-D)
- Research to Support California Greenhouse Gas Reduction Programs
- Resolving Io's Volcanoes from a Mutual Event Observation at the Large Binocular Telescope
- Results from ISOMIP+ and MISOMIP1, two interrelated marine ice sheet and ocean model intercomparison projects
- Results from Joint Observations of Jupiter's Atmosphere by Juno and a Network of Earth-Based Observing Stations
- Results of the Greenland Ice Sheet Model Initialisation Experiments ISMIP6 - initMIP-Greenland
- Retreat and stagnation of Little Ice Age glaciers in Yosemite National Park
- Retrieval of Cirrus Clouds Properties Using Limb-Scanning Near-IR Spectroscopy in the Tropical Tropopause Layer During the NASA Attrex Mission
- Retrieval of Sea Surface Salinity from The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive and Aquarius Mission Data
- Retrievals of atmospheric parameters from radiances obtained by the Juno Microwave Radiometer
- Robustness to Atmospheric Transport Error in Urban Greenhouse Gas Flux Inversion: a Los Angeles Case Study
- Rock fall generated seismic signal at the laboratory scale: impact of the nature of the substrate
- Role Of Fires On The Global Methane Budget And Atmospheric Methane Increase Since 2006
- SMAP Soil Moisture Data To Improve Remotely Sensed Global Estimates of Evapotranspiration
- SMAP soil moisture drying more rapid than observed in situ following rainfall events
- SOCCR2: North America within the context of the global carbon cycle
- SPRITE - The Saturn PRobe Interior and aTmosphere Explorer Mission.
- Sampling Singular and Aggregate Point Sources of Carbon Dioxide from Space Using OCO-2
- Satellite Analysis of Sea Ice and Ocean Conditions in the Beaufort/Chukchi Seas in Fall 2015
- Satellite observations of atmospheric methane and their value for quantifying methane emissions
- Scale dependency of forest functional diversity assessed using imaging spectroscopy and airborne laser scanning
- SciSpark: In-Memory Map-Reduce for Earth Science Algorithms
- Science Systems Engineering and Uncertainty Quantification for Sea Level Rise Projections and Implications for Prioritizing Measurements
- Sea Level Rise Data Discovery
- Sea-Ice Deformation in a Coupled Ocean-Sea Ice Model and in Satellite Remote Sensing Data
- Search Analytics: Automated Learning, Analysis, and Search with Open Source
- Search for low-latitude atmospheric hydrocarbon variations on Jupiter from Juno-UVS measurements
- Searching for noble gases with X-ray computed tomography: New microanalytical methods for isotopic characterization of ocean island basalts
- Seasonal & Daily Amazon Column CO<SUB>2</SUB> & CO Observations from Ground & Space Used to Evaluate Tropical Ecosystem Models
- Seasonal Creep on Longitudinal Valley Fault, Taiwan: Fault Hydrology before and after the 2003 Chengkung Earthquake
- Seasonal Seismicity Variations in the Southcentral Alaska Subduction Zone and Its Relationship With Surface Hydrological Mass Changes
- Seasonal slow-moving landslide and hazard in Aizawl, India revealed from InSAR
- Seasonality and intermittency of the ocean dynamics at scales smaller than 100 km in the world ocean: A scientific challenge for SWOT
- Secular Orbit and Spin Variations of Asteroid (16) Psyche
- Serendipity: Global Detection and Quantification of Plant Stress
- Seven Plus Years of GOSAT XCO2 from the OCO-2 Algorithm
- Shallow Subsurface transport and eruption of basaltic foam
- Shallow structure of the InSight 2018 landing site in Elysium Planitia, Mars, from ambient vibration Rayleigh wave ellipticity: A modeling study
- Shapes and rotational properties of the Select Hilda and Jovian Trojan Asteroids
- Short-term Cloud Radiative Feedback from A-Train Using the Observation-based Cloud Radiative Kernel Method
- Signals of Opportunity Earth Reflectometry (SoOp-ER): Enabling new microwave observations from small satellites
- Similarities Across Mars: Acidic Fluids at Both Meridiani Planum and Gale Crater in the Formation of Magnesium-Nickel Sulfates
- Simulating 3D Spacecraft Constellations for Low Frequency Radio Imaging
- Simulating Tidal Stresses on Satellites Using SatStressGUI: Now with Polar Wander
- Simulating the Evolution of Thwaites Glacier with a Coupled Ice-Ocean Model
- Simulation of Antenna Brightness Temperatures for the Juno Microwave Radiometer
- Simulator for Large-scale Planetary and Terrestrial Radar Sounding
- Single-footprint retrievals from cloudy AIRS spectra
- Six Years of Airborne Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (AirMSPI): An Overview
- Snow Water Equivalent and Root Zone Soil Moisture Retrieval using P-band Passive Bistatic Radar
- Solar Energetic Particle Events Observed on Mars with MSL/RAD
- Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence from the leaf through the global scale
- Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2: Overview of the retrieval and biophysical performance
- Source Rupture Models for the 2016 Mw6.2 Central Italy Earthquake from Joint Inversions of GPS and Teleseismic and strong motion data
- Space and Time Scales of Sea Surface Salinity and Freshwater Forcing Variability in the Global Ocean (60°S-60°N)
- Space-borne Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Greenness, Vegetation Models and Interannual Variability of Photosynthetic Activity: Spatio-temporal Patterns, Mechanisms, and Environmental Sensitivities
- Space/time explicit Hestia version 2.0 fossil fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions for the Los Angeles Basin: comparison to atmospheric monitoring, emission drivers, and policy implications
- Spatio-Temporal Variations in Methane Fluxes in Los Angeles Basin in 2015-2016
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Saturn's Zonal Winds from Cassini Multi-Instrument Observations
- Spectral dependence of SIF: assessing the relationships among photosynthesis, active, and passive fluorescence at the leaf-scale
- Spectral emissivity features of plants: Prospects for the Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer (HyTES) sensor
- Spectroscopy for Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gases: Recent Advances and Outstanding Issues
- Sporadic-E Studies by Ionospheric Scintillation Using Ground-Based GPS and Radio Occultation Measurements
- Stability of Precise Point Positioning with Different Techniques for Applying the IGb08 and IGS14 Reference Frames
- State of the Carbon Cycle Report 2 (SOCCR2): Highlights from the Urban Systems chapter
- Statistical Distribution Analysis of Lineated Bands on Europa
- Statistical Inter-comparison Analysis of MODIS, MISR, and AERONET Over the Middle East and North Africa
- Stochastic energetic electron bursts observed by Juno-JEDI: a signature of structured auroral activity?
- Stormwater Runoff Plumes in Southern California Detected with Satellite SAR and MODIS Imagery - Areas of Increased Contamination Risk
- Strain accumulation on faults beneath Los Angeles: a geodesy-based picture accounting for the effects of sedimentary basins and anthropogenic surface deformation
- Structure and dynamics of the umagnetized plasma around comet 67P/CG
- Study of aerosol hygroscopicity by combination of lidar and microwave radiometer
- Subaqueous melting in Zachariae Isstrom, Northeast Greenland combining observations and an ocean general circulation model
- Sublimating Paradigms on Venus: Volatiles, Episodic Tectonics, and Subduction
- Submesoscale currents and coastal wave impacts: example of the North Carolina Outer Banks and possible investigation with future satellites
- Sulfur and Sulfuric Acid Microphysics in the Venus Atmosphere: Implications for the Unknown UV Absorber
- Surface deformation of north-central Oklahoma before, during and after the 2016 Mw 5.8 Pawnee Earthquake from SAR interferometry time series
- Surface water hydrology and the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Surveying Greenland's marine terminating glaciers with an airborne radar altimeter
- Sustained Changes in Water Storage in the Western U.S: Toward a Determination Integrating GPS, GRACE, (and InSAR)
- Systematic Search of the Nearest Stars for Exoplanetary Radio Emission: VLA observations in L and S Bands
- TCCON Philippines: Towards Quantifying Atmospheric Carbon in Southeast Asia
- TCCON and Extension of Measurement Capabilities into the Mid-IR
- TEMPEST-D MM-Wave Radiometer
- Tackling the Four V's with NEXUS
- Tearing the terroir: Details and implications of surface rupture and deformation from the 24 August 2014 M6.0 South Napa earthquake, California
- The 2015-16 El Niño - Birth, Evolution and Teleconnections from Scatterometer Observations of the Ocean Surface Winds
- The Absence of Large Craters on Ceres Is Consistent with an Early Phase of Tectonic Activity
- The Aliso Canyon Natural Gas Leak : Large Eddy Simulations for Modeling Atmospheric Dynamics and Interpretation of Observations.
- The Aliso Canyon Super-Emitter: Initial Results of observations by AVIRIS-C and the Hyperion spacecraft, with Implications for Global Spectroscopic CH<SUB>4</SUB> Monitoring
- The Brave New World of Real-time GPS for Hazards Mitigation
- The Bright Spots in Occator Crater on Ceres: Geologic and Stratigraphic Context
- The Caribbean Rossby Whistle: Mesoscale Influence on Coastal Sea Level.
- The Cubesat Radiometer Radio Frequency Interference Technology Validation (CubeRRT) Mission
- The Distribution of Fault Slip Rates in the Western Transverse Ranges, CA: Evidence from Mechanical Models and Geodesy
- The Earth's Climate at Minima of the Centennial Gleissberg Cycles
- The Effects of Perchlorate and its Precursors on Organic Molecules under Simulated Mars Conditions
- The Electric Wind of Venus: A global and persistent "polar wind" like ambipolar electric field sufficient for the direct escape of heavy ionospheric ions
- The Evolution of an Imagery Data System
- The GRACE Mission in the Final Stage
- The Geoscience Paper of the Future: Best Practices for Documenting and Sharing Research from Data to Software to Provenance
- The Goldstone Apple Valley Radio Telescope (GAVRT) Jupiter Radio Data: Online Access and Analysis Tools
- The Habitability of Enceladus from Cassini and Enceladus Life Finder as the Next Step
- The High Arctic's Only Great Lake Is Succumbing To Climate Warming
- The ICE-6G_C (VM5a) Global Model of the GIA Process: Antarctica at High Spatial Resolution
- The IMBIE assessment of sea level rise due to Antarctica and Greenland
- The InSAR Scientific Computing Environment (ISCE): An Earth Science SAR Processing Framework, Toolbox, and Foundry
- The Influence of Anthropogenic Aerosols On the Arctic Sea Ice
- The Influence of Ice-Ocean Interactions on Europa's Overturning Circulation
- The Interaction between Very Deep Convection and Biomass Burning Plumes during DC3 and the Impact on the UTLS Region over The North Atlantic
- The Interior Structure of Ceres as Revealed by Surface Topography and Gravity
- The International Space Station as a Key Platform to Synergize Observations of Fundamental Ecosystem Properties
- The JPL RL05M GRACE Mascon Solution: Status, Updates, and Future Prospects
- The Long-Standing Antarctic Mantle Plume Hypothesis and Modeling Ongoing Glacial Isostatic Adjustment
- The Low Albedo of Comets
- The Lunar Rock Size Frequency Distribution from Diviner Infrared Measurements
- The MUlti-SpEctral, MUlti-SpEcies, MUlti-SEnsors (MUSES) Retrievals from the EOS to the Suomi-NPP Era
- The Mapping X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (mapx)
- The New Microwave Temperature and Humidity Profiler (MTHP) Airborne Instrument
- The OCO-3 Mission : Updated Overview of Science Objectives and Status
- The RIMFAX GPR on Mars 2020 - Bringing a New Dimension to Rover Science.
- The Radiative Impacts of Precipitating Ice on Arctic and Southern Ocean Sea Ice Simulations in GCMs
- The Radiative Impacts of Precipitating Ice on Tropical Pacific Ocean in a Present and Warmer Climate
- The Reduction of Lidar Ground Surface Returns Due to Vegetation and the Impact on Snow Depth Uncertainty from NASA's Airborne Snow Observatory
- The Role of Overshooting Convection in Elevated Stratospheric Water Vapor over the Summertime Continental United States
- The Role of Public Interaction with the Juno Mission: Contextual Information about the Atmosphere and Target Selection for the JunoCam
- The SPEX-airborne multi-angle spectropolarimeter on NASA's ER-2 research aircraft: capabilities, data processing and data products
- The Snow Data System at NASA JPL
- The Spatial and Temporal Variability of Particulate Aerosols in the San Joaquin Valley of California from Ground-Based Sensors and the MISR Satellite Instrument
- The State of Building a Consistent Framework for Curation and Presentation of Earth Science Data Quality
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE)
- The Surface and Interior Evolution of Ceres Revealed by Analysis of Fractures and Secondary Crater Chains Using Dawn Data
- The Venera-D Mission Concept: Evaluation by a Joint Science Definition Team of a Means for the Comprehensive Scientific Exploration of Venus
- The Water Content of Martian Recurring Slope Lineae: Insights from THEMIS Thermal Infrared Data
- The Western Noachis Terra Chloride Deposits: An Improved Characterization of the Proposed Human Exploration Zone
- The complex behavior of the satellite footprints at Jupiter: the result of universal processes?
- The effects of meteorology and air mass history on ozone depletion events in the Arctic Ocean boundary layer
- The feasibility of water vapor sounding inside clouds or precipitation using a differential absorption radartechnique
- The formation of Gullies by Dry Ice
- The hazard map of M<SUB>L</SUB>6.6 0206 Meinong earthquake near Guanmiao and its Neotectonic implication
- The impact of calving front retreat on Jakobshavn Isbræ, West Greenland , using a 3D thermodynamically coupled numerical model
- The impact of deforestation on the hydrological cycle in Amazonia as observed from remote sensing
- The nature of Ceres' bluish material.
- The origin of strike-slip tectonics in continental rifts
- The physics underpinning the emergent constraints of climate sensitivity
- The strength and evolution of stratospheric-auroral processes on Jupiter, as observed by IRTF-TEXES
- The three-dimensional distribution of cloud liquid water observed by the A-Train
- The utility of space-based CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission mapping for monitoring emissions from cities
- Thermodynamic potentials of NaCl(aq) between 0 - 0.7 GPa and 250 - 340 K.
- Thermophysical behavior of the uppermost lunar surface from Diviner high time-resolution, post-sunset observations
- Thermophysical properties along Curiosity's traverse in Gale crater, Mars, derived from the REMS Ground Temperature Sensor
- Thermophysical properties of lunar impact ejecta and their evolution through time
- Titan's gravity: An update
- Titan's mid-latitude surface regions with Cassini VIMS and SAR
- Toward a Multi-Decadal Record of Satellite CO from MOPITT to Suomi NPP/CrIS: Overview and Initial Results
- Toward coordinated space-based air quality, carbon cycle, and ecosystem measurements to quantify air quality-ecosystem interactions
- Towards Decadal Hindcasts of Pine Island and Thwaites Glaciers, West Antarctica
- Towards Developing a Regional Drought Information System for Lower Mekong
- Towards Improved Agreement Between Measurements of UTLS Water Vapor from Balloons, Aircraft and Satellites
- Towards Improved Radiative Transfer Simulations of Hyperspectral Measurements for Cloudy Atmospheres
- Towards an Event Based Indicator for Monitoring Change in Extreme Precipitation in Support of the US National Climate Assessment
- Towards data-driven regional sea level projections
- Towards improving searches on the NASA's Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs)
- Trace Gas Distributions and Correlations Observed In The Southern Ocean Atmosphere During the ORCAS Mission
- Transient Go: A Mobile App for Transient Astronomy Outreach
- Transient Science from Diverse Surveys
- Transient deformation from daily GPS displacement time series: postseismic deformation, ETS and evolving strain rates
- Tropospheric Ozone Source Attribution in Southern California during Summer 2014 Based on Lidar Measurements and Model Simulations
- Trusted Data Sharing and Imagery Workflow for Disaster Response in Partnership with the State of California
- UAVSAR derived 3-D surface deformation from repeat-pass interferometry and pixel tracking at the Slumgullion Landslide
- Uncertainty Quantification for the OCO-2 Mission: Biases and Standard Errors from Monte Carlo Simulation and Their Impact on Flux Inversions
- Uncertainty estimation of continuous in-situ greenhouse gas observation
- Understanding changes in ice dynamics of southeast Greenland glaciers from high resolution gravimetry data and satellite remote sensing observations
- Understanding the recent changes in the Southern Ocean carbon cycle: A multidisciplinary approach
- Unlocking the secrets of Venus surface mineralogy from orbit
- Update of JPSS VIIRS Pre-launch Testing and Performance Assessment
- Updates to the global sea level budget: assessing trends and biases in ocean mass
- Upper Ocean Meso-Submesoscale Eddy Variability in the Northwestern Pacific from Repeat ADCP Measurements and 1/48-deg MITgcm Simulation
- Upper-Ocean Contribution to Coastal Sea Level.
- Uptake of OCS in Alaska North-America Land Region
- Using In-Situ Airborne Measurements to Evaluate Three Cloud Phase Products Derived from CALIPSO
- Using InSAR time series to identify geologic hazards associated with the Hayward and Calaveras faults along the South Bay Aqueduct
- Using Remote Sensing Data to Constrain Models of Fault Interactions and Plate Boundary Deformation
- Using TES retrievals of HCN to determine fire influence of Aura-TES footprints
- Using new observations to improve high latitude and high altitude precipitation estimates in support of water and energy budget calculations and prediction of future changes
- Using the Galileo Solid State Imager as a Sensor of Jovian Energetic Electrons
- Utilizing Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) Special Observations to Study Air Quality Over Megacities: A Case Study of Mexico City
- VESL: The Virtual Earth Sheet Laboratory for Ice Sheet Modeling and Visualization
- VT0005 In Action: National Forest Biomass Inventory Using Airborne Lidar Sampling
- Vector-Based Data Services for NASA Earth Science
- Virtual Earth System Laboratory (VESL): Effective Visualization of Earth System Data and Process Simulations
- Vital Signs: Seismology of Europa and Other Ocean World
- WES feedback and the Atlantic Meridional Mode: observations and CMIP5 comparisons
- Water Balance in Summer Monsoon over India
- Water Management Effects on the Water Cycle
- Web Map Apps using NASA's Earth Observing Fleet
- What will Europa sound like? Modeling seismic background noise due to tidal cracking events
- Year-round Regional CO2 Fluxes from Boreal and Tundra Ecosystems in Alaska
- Young Lunar Volcanic Features: Thermophysical Properties and Formation
- initMIP-Antarctica: An ice sheet model initialization experiment of ISMIP6
- obs4MIPS: Satellite Observations for Model Evaluation
- (Over-)Reaction of the Cometary Plasma to Extreme Solar Wind Conditions
- 2010-2015 methane trends over Canada, the United States, and Mexico observed by the GOSAT satellite: contributions from different source sectors
- 2017 Rapid Retreat Of Thwaites Glacier
- 3D modeling of continuous retreat of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica, under enhanced basal melting
- A Bayesian analysis of the 2016 Pedernales (Ecuador) earthquake rupture process
- A Centaur Reconnaissance Mission: a NASA JPL Planetary Science Summer Seminar mission design experience
- A Climate Benchmark of Upper Air Temperature Observations from GNSS Radio Occultation
- A Cloud Top Pressure Algorithm for DSCOVR-EPIC
- A Comprehensive Snow Density Model for Integrating Lidar-Derived Snow Depth Data into Spatial Snow Modeling
- A Fine-Grained API Link Prediction Approach Supporting CMDA Mashup Recommendation
- A Full Wave Solution of Combined Volume and Surface Scattering for Snow and Sea Ice at X-, Ku-, and Ka- Bands
- A Geospatial Data Recommender System based on Metadata and User Behaviour
- A Global Survey of Cloud Thermodynamic Phase using High Spatial Resolution VSWIR Spectroscopy, 2005-2015
- A Marine Boundary Layer Water Vapor Climatology Derived from Microwave and Near-Infrared Imagery
- A Modeling Approach for Earthquake-Ionosphere Coupling
- A River Model Intercomparison Project in Preparation for SWOT
- A SHERLOC Study: Detection of Organics in Simulated Martian Soil using Deep UV Raman Spectroscopy
- A SmallSat Approach for Global Imaging Spectroscopy of the Earth SYSTEM Enabled by Advanced Technology
- A Study of Local Time Variations of Jupiter's Ultraviolet Aurora using Juno-UVS
- A Summary of Rainfall and Stratocumulus Cloud Properties During the 2016 ORACLES Deployment
- A System Engineering Approach to Strategic Partnership Development: A pilot study with NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) and the National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment (NLAE)
- A Unified Moisture Mode Framework for Seasonality of the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- A comparative examination of auroral acceleration processes at Jupiter and Earth as enabled by the Juno mission to Jupiter
- A dusty road connecting Saturn and its rings - preliminary results from Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyser during the Grand Finale Mission
- A forward-looking, national-scale remote sensing-based model of tidal marsh aboveground carbon stocks
- A multi-year Record of Total Column and Lower-Tropospheric Methane
- A new moonquake catalog from Apollo 17 seismic data I: Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment: Thermal moonquakes and implications for surface processes
- A portable FTS measurements during GOSAT and OCO-2 joint campaign in Western US 2017
- A prototype data assimilation framework for generating spatiotemporally continuous SWOT data products
- A synthesis of growing-season, non-growing season, and annual methane emission measurements among temperate, boreal, and tundra wetlands and uplands
- A synthetic dataset for spatio-temporal scaling studies in microwave remote sensing
- A two-level approach to VLBI terrestrial and celestial reference frames using both least-squares adjustment and Kalman filter algorithms
- A window into the future of the Earth, hidden in the jungles of Costa Rica's volcanoes
- ASTERIA: Arcsecond Space Telescope Enabling Research in Astrophysics
- Accessing Earth Science Data Visualizations through NASA GIBS & Worldview
- Advances in Satellite Remote Sensing of Particulate Air Pollution: From MISR to MAIA
- Advances in Understanding the Role of Frozen Precipitation in High Latitude Hydrology
- Advancing Venus Geophysics with the NF4 VOX Gravity Investigation.
- Aeolian Landscapes of Titan from Cassini RADAR Reveal Winds, Elevation Constraints and Sediment Characteristics
- Aerosol Retrievals from EPIC Measurements
- Agile Data Curation Case Studies Leading to the Identification and Development of Data Curation Design Patterns
- AirSWOT flights and field campaigns for the 2017 Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE)
- Airborne Characterization of Local CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions and Variability over CONUS during ACT-America
- Ammonia in Jupiter's troposphere: a comparison of ground-based 5-μm high-resolution spectroscopy and Juno MWR observations
- Ammonium on Ceres
- An Arduino Based Citizen Science Soil Moisture Sensor in Support of SMAP and GLOBE
- An Assessment of Aerocapture and Applications to Future Missions to Uranus and Neptune
- An Inter-comparison Between Reanalysis and Dropsonde Observations of the Total Water Vapor Transport in Individual Atmospheric Rivers
- An Iterative Learning Algorithm to Map Oil Palm Plantations from Synthetic Aperture Radar and Crowdsourcing
- An Observation-based Assessment of Instrument Requirements for a Future Precipitation Process Observing System
- An Overview of OCTAV-UTLS (Observed Composition Trends and Variability in the UTLS), a SPARC Emerging Activity
- An Overview of Tools for Creating, Validating and Using PDS Metadata
- An Uncertainty Quantification Framework for Remote Sensing Retrievals
- An assessment of tropospheric water vapor feedback using radiative kernels
- An overview of the first year of observations of Jupiter's auroras by Juno-UVS with multi-wavelength comparisons
- Analysis and Modeling of Influenza Outbreaks as Driven by Weather
- Analysis of Remote Sensing Data Reveals the Correlation of Anomalies between Aerosol Optical Depth and Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in the Red Sea Area
- Analyzing surface features on icy satellites using a new two-layer analogue model
- Anomalous and Galactic Cosmic Ray Intensities at 1 AU During the Approach to the Cycle 24/25 Solar Minimum and Throughout the Last 20 Years
- Anomalously Strong and Rapid Drying of the Tropical Lower Stratosphere in 2016: Connections to Both the QBO and ENSO
- Antarctic surface elevation and slope from multi-mission lidar mapping
- Application of High Resolution Air-Borne Remote Sensing Observations for Monitoring NOx Emissions
- Application of Regional Drought and Crop Yield Information System to enhance drought monitoring and forecasting in Lower Mekong region
- Application of SMAP Data for Ocean Surface Remote Sensing
- Application of multi-constituent satellite data assimilation for KORUS-AQ
- Applying the recurrence quantification analysis method for analyzing the recurrence of simulated multiple African easterly waves in 2006
- Architectural Strategies for Enabling Data-Driven Science at Scale
- Are Titan's radial Labyrinth terrains surface expressions of large laccoliths?
- Are ship tracks useful analogs for studying the aerosol indirect effect?
- Aseismic Slip Throughout the Earthquake Cycle in Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Assessing aerosol indirect effect on ice and liquid clouds, and East/Southeast Asia and West African regional climate using NCEP GFS
- Assessing change in the overturning behaviors of the Laurentian Great Lakes using remote sensing.
- Assessing variability in Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) XCO<SUB>2</SUB> using high spatial resolution color slices and other retrieval parameters
- Assessment of Changes in Cloud Microphysical Properties and Rainfall in the Southeast Atlantic During the ORACLES 2016 Deployment
- Assessment of Observational Uncertainty in Extreme Precipitation Events over the Continental United States
- Assessment of Wildfire Risk in Southern California with Live Fuel Moisture Measurement and Remotely Sensed Vegetation Water Content Proxies
- Atmospheric Infrared Sounder on NASA's Aqua Satellite: Applications for Volcano Rapid Response, Influenza Outbreak Prediction, and Drought Onset Prediction
- Atmospheric River Importance to Extratropical Climate and Hydrology
- Aura CO and Ozone profiles retrieved from combined TES and MLS measurements
- Basic state lower-tropospheric humidity distribution: key to successful simulation and prediction of the Madden-Julian oscillation
- Bathymetry and retreat of Southeast Greenland glaciers from Operation IceBridge and Ocean Melting Greenland data
- Bathymetry of Torssukatak fjord and one century of glacier stability
- Benchmarking CCMI models' top-of-atmosphere flux in the 9.6-µm ozone band using AURA TES Instantaneous Radiative Kernel
- Between Two Lakes: Opportunities for the Inception of Life in Gale Crater, Mars
- Black Carbon, Dust and Organic Matter at South Cascade Glacier in Washington State, USA: A Comprehensive Characterization of Temporal (1865-2014) and Spatial Variability
- Building Bridges Between Geoscience and Data Science through Benchmark Data Sets
- Building Virtual Mars
- Building a better search engine for earth science data
- CE-ACCE: The Cloud Enabled Advanced sCience Compute Environment
- CEOS Ocean Variables Enabling Research and Applications for Geo (COVERAGE)
- CIRS High-Resolution Thermal Scans and the Structure of Saturn's B Ring
- CYGNSS Surface Wind Observations and Surface Flux Estimates within Low-Latitude Extratropical Cyclones
- CYGNSS Surface Wind Validation and Characteristics in the Maritime Continent
- Calculating Tidal Stresses on Satellites Using SatStressGUI
- Calibration and Validation of the GLISTIN-A Instrument: Results From the First Two Years of NASA's Oceans Melting Greenland Mission
- Can We Untangle the Weather? Stable Water Isotope Controls on the Juneau Icefield
- Capacity Building in Using NASA Remote Sensing for Water Resources and Disasters Management
- Capturing Postseismic Processes of the 2016 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.1 Kumamoto Earthquake, Japan, Using Dense, Continuous GPS and Short-repeat Time ALOS-2 InSAR Data: Implications for the Shallow Slip Deficit Problem
- Case Studies of Forecasting Ionospheric Total Electron Content
- Cassini ISS observations of clouds (or lack thereof) during Titan's northern summer and implications for atmospheric circulation patterns
- Cassini RADAR End of Mission Calibration and Preliminary Ring Results
- Cassini UVIS Observations of Saturn during the Grand Finale Orbits
- Cassini radar and radiometry observations of Saturn's airless icy satellites
- Catchment Integration of Sensor Array Observations to Understand Hydrologic Connectivity
- Ceres' Global Cryosphere
- Ceres' intriguing Occator crater and its faculae: formation and evolution
- Challenges for Validating Large Scale Maps of Aboveground Biomass of Humid Tropical Forests
- Challenges in Specifying and Predicting Space Weather
- Changes in Arctic and Boreal ecosystems of North America: Integrating Recent Results from the Field, Remote Sensing and Ecosystem Models
- Characterization and predictability of basin scale SWE distributions using ASO snow depth and SWE retrievals
- Characterization and removal of shadow bias from Optical Image Correlation; application to the 2013 Balouchistan earthquake
- Characterization of Jupiter's Atmosphere from Observation of Thermal Emission by Juno and Ground-Based Supporting Observations
- Characterizing Global Flood Wave Travel Times to Optimize the Utility of Near Real-Time Satellite Remote Sensing Products
- Characterizing Temperature Variability and Associated Large Scale Meteorological Patterns Across South America
- Characterizing ecosystem response to water supply changes inferred from GRACE drought severity index and surface soil moisture anomalies from ESA CCI and SMAP
- Characterizing the Diurnal Cycle of Land Surface Temperature and Evapotranspiration at High Spatial Resolution Using Thermal Observations from sUAS.
- Characterizing the Io Plasma Torus with Juno radio science experiment
- Characterizing the Trade Space Between Capability and Complexity in Next Generation Cloud and Precipitation Observing Systems Using Markov Chain Monte Carlos Techniques
- Characterizing the temporal variability of L-band backscatter using dense UAVSAR time-series in preparation for the NISAR mission
- ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy at Gale Crater, Mars: Interannual Variability in Dust Aerosol Particle Size, Missing Water Vapor, and the Molecular Oxygen Problem
- Climate Implications of an Ancient Lake Basin in Gale Crater, Mars
- Co-crystal formation between two organic solids on the surface of Titan
- Coal and Open-pit surface mining impacts on American Lands (COAL)
- Coastal Application of Altimetric Measurement using Wideband Signals of Opportunity Reflectometry
- Coherent, Intense Duskside Plasmaspheric Hiss
- Cold blobs of protons in Jupiter's outer magnetosphere as observed by Juno's JADE
- Collaboration During the NASA ABoVE Airborne SAR Campaign: Sampling Strategies Used by NGEE Arctic and Other Partners in Alaska and Western Canada
- Combining geophysical techniques to measure soil moisture in permafrost regions
- Compact Ultra High Hyperspectral Imaging Of Planetary Targets From Small Space Platforms
- Comparison of Decadal Water Storage Trends from Global Hydrological Models and GRACE Satellite Data
- Comparison of MERRA-2 and ECCO-v4 ocean surface heat fluxes: Consequences of different forcing feedbacks on ocean circulation and implications for climate data assimilation.
- Comparison of atmospheric CO2 columns at high latitudes from ground-based and satellite-based methods
- Comparison of several satellite-derived Sun-Induced Fluorescence products
- Comparison of two spatially-resolved fossil fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions inventories at the urban scale in four US cities
- Comparisons of Level 2 Temperature and Water Vapor from AIRS and CrIMSS
- Complete Mapping of Titan's South Polar Regions
- Composite and Component Plates, Plate Non-rigidity, and the Steadiness of Plate Motion From Marine Geophysical and Space Geodetic Data
- Constraining Basal Conditions across the Amundsen Sea Embayment of West Antarctica using a Synthesis of the PASIN and HiCARS Radar Sounding Data
- Constraining Greenland basal water extent and drainage morphology from radar reflectivity and specularity analysis
- Constraining magma physical properties and its temporal evolution from InSAR and topographic data only: a physics-based eruption model for the effusive phase of the Cordon Caulle 2011-2012 rhyodacitic eruption
- Constraining precipitation amount and distribution over cold regions using GRACE
- Constraining the Dynamical Formation and the Size of the Primordial Building Blocks for Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Using the CONSERT Observations
- Constraining the models' response of tropical low clouds to SST forcings using CALIPSO observations
- Constraints on Aqueous Environments for Hematite Formation in Gale Crater from Mastcam and CRISM Spectra
- Constraints on Europa's Ocean Composition Imposed by Its Surface Composition
- Constraints on the perturbed mutual motion in Didymos due to impact-induced deformation of its primary after the DART impact
- Contribution of tropical wetland and biomass burning emissions to the methane growth rate: new insights from lower tropospheric partial column retrievals
- Contributions of groundwater pumping to global sea level rise: Continental-scale and interannual analysis
- Correlation Properties of Delay/Doppler Radar Altimeter Waveforms over the Ice-Covered Ocean
- Coupled retrieval of water cloud and above-cloud aerosol properties using the Airborne Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (AirMSPI)
- Coupling of Clouds and Moisture Transport in Extratropical Cyclonic Systems and the Associated Atmospheric Heating (Q1) and Moisture Sink (Q2)
- Coupling of microphysics and dynamics in the EDMF framework
- Cratered cones in Southern Cerberus Palus, Mars: Evidence for phreatovolcanism associated with interactions between Amazonian aged lavas and the Medusae Fossae Formation
- Creating Weather System Ensembles Through Synergistic Process Modeling and Machine Learning
- Crenulated "Brain Terrain" in Arcadia Planitia, Mars
- Cryogenic Irradiation of Bacillus Atrophaeus spores to understand microbial survival on Icy Bodies
- Curiosity and the Four Seasons: In Situ Measurements of the Atmospheric Composition over Three Mars Years
- Curiosity at Gale Crater's Hematite Ridge: High Mn and P Near the Ridge Show Chemical Evidence for Generation by an Oxidation Front
- Curiosity at Vera Rubin Ridge: Testable Hypotheses, First Results, and Implications for Habitability
- D/H in Water Evolved from Martian Rocks in Gale Crater
- Daily GRACE storage anomaly data for characterization of dynamic storage-discharge relationships of natural drainage basins
- Data Assimilation of AirSWOT and Synthetically Derived SWOT Observations of Water Surface Elevation in a Multichannel River
- Dedicated Low Latitude Diurnal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Frost Observation Campaigns by the Mars Climate Sounder
- Deep Learning of Post-Wildfire Vegetation Loss using Bitemporal Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
- Deep slip distribution and rupture directivity enhance shaking during the 2017 Mw 8.2 Chiapas earthquake
- Design Patterns to Achieve 300x Speedup for Oceanographic Analytics in the Cloud
- Detecting Recent Changes in the Arctic-Boreal Carbon Sink Using Satellite Remote Sensing, Flux Tower Data and Biophysical Models
- Detecting Seismic Infrasound Signals on Balloon Platforms
- Detecting tree-fall gap disturbances in tropical rain forests with airborne lidar
- Detection of Organic Matter in Greenland Ice Cores by Deep-UV Fluorescence
- Detection of non-natural springtime precipitation change over northern South America
- Determining Crust and Upper Mantle Structure by Bayesian Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Dispersion at a Single Station: Preparation for Data from the InSight Mission
- Developing a Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructure for Evaluating Landing Sites and Performing Surface Operations for the Mars 2020 Lander
- Development Of A Data Assimilation Capability For RAPID
- Development and Release of a GRACE-FO "Grand Simulation" Data Set by JPL
- Development of Simultaneous in situ Analysis of Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Ratios in the Organic Matter by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
- Development of a low-cost soil moisture sensor for in-situ data collection by citizen scientists
- Differential Absorption Radar: An Emerging Technology for Remote Sounding of Water Vapor Within Clouds
- Digital Repositories and the Question of Data Usefulness
- Discovery of a Significant Acetone•Hydroperoxy Adduct Chaperone Effect and Its Impact on the Determination of Room Temperature Rate Constants for Acetonylperoxy/Hydroperoxy Self-Reactions and Cross Reaction Via Infrared Kinetic Spectroscopy.
- Divergent Geophysical Evolution of Vesta and Ceres
- Do state-of-the-art CMIP5 ESMs accurately represent observed vegetation-rainfall feedbacks? Focus on the Sahel
- Does Your Terrestrial Model Capture Key Arctic-Boreal Relationships?: Functional Benchmarks in the ABoVE Model Benchmarking System
- Domain size sensitivities of landfalling eastern Pacific atmospheric rivers
- Doppler Data and Density Profile from Cassini Saturn Atmospheric Entry
- Drivers and variability of the Chl fluorescence emission spectrum from the leaf through the canopy
- Dynamic ocean topography from CryoSat-2: examining recent changes in ice-ocean stress and advancing a theory for Beaufort Gyre stabilization
- Dynamical and Chemical Tracers in Jupiter's Troposphere and Stratosphere from the Earth-Based Infrared Juno Support Campaign
- ESIP's Earth Science Knowledge Graph (ESKG) Testbed Project: An Automatic Approach to Building Interdisciplinary Earth Science Knowledge Graphs to Improve Data Discovery
- Earlier Snowmelt Changes the Ratio Between Early and Late Season Forest Productivity
- Earthquake Triggering in the September 2017 Mexican Earthquake Sequence
- Effects of Fire on the Plant-Soil Interactions in Northern Chihuahuan Desert
- Effects of Recent Regional Soil Moisture Variability on Global Net Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange
- Efficient Approaches for Propagating Hydrologic Forcing Uncertainty: High-Resolution Applications Over the Western United States
- Electrochemistry of Prebiotic Early Earth Hydrothermal Chimney Systems
- Electron Pitch Angle Distributions Along Field Lines Connected to the Auroral Region from 25 to 1.2 RJ Measured by the Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment-Electrons (JADE-E) on Juno
- Elevated Zinc and Germanium Discovered by Curiosity's APXS in the Murray Formation of Gale Crater, Mars, Indicate Hydrothermal Enrichment and Possible Diagenetic Fractionation
- Empirical Soil Moisture Estimation with Spaceborne L-band Polarimetric Radars: Aquarius, SMAP, and PALSAR-2
- Enabling Data-Driven Methodologies Across the Data Lifecycle and Ecosystem
- Enabling Global Observations of Clouds and Precipitation on Fine Spatio-Temporal Scales from CubeSat Constellations: Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems Technology Demonstration (TEMPEST-D)
- Enabling Higher Data Rates for Planetary Science Missions
- Energy balance in Saturn's upper atmosphere: Joint Lyman-α airglow observations with HST and Cassini
- Engaging diverse community college students in the geosciences through a year-round career mentoring and research workforce program
- Enhanced vegetation growth peak and its key mechanisms
- Enhancement and evaluation of an algorithm for atmospheric profiling continuity from Aqua to Suomi-NPP
- Enhancing GIS Capabilities for High Resolution Earth Science Grids
- Essential Biodiversity Variables: A framework for communication between the biodiversity community and space agencies
- Estimates of Soil Moisture Using the Land Information System for Land Surface Water Storage: Case Study for the Western States Water Mission
- Estimating Snow Depth over Arctic Sea Ice using Dual Altimetry
- Estimating Transient Water Storage from Hurricane Harvey Using GPS Observations of Vertical Land Motion
- Estimating the Grain Size Distribution of Mars based on Fragmentation Theory and Observations
- Estimation of Methane Emissions in the Los Angeles Basin using CLARS-FTS Observations
- Estimation of basin-scale ice sheet surface mass balance from space
- Europa's Compositional Evolution and Ocean Salinity
- Europa's surface radiation environment and considerations for in-situ sampling and biosignature detection
- Evaluating a Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter snow cover data assimilation method to estimate SWE within a high-resolution hydrologic modeling framework across Western US mountainous regions
- Evaluating the Global Precipitation Measurement mission with NOAA/NSSL Multi-Radar Multisensor: current status and future directions.
- Evaluation of AirMSPI photopolarimetric retrievals of smoke properties with in-situ observations collected during the ImPACT-PM field campaign
- Evaluation of Arctic Clouds And Their Response to External Forcing in Climate Models
- Evaluation of CMIP5 Ability to Reproduce 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century Regional Trends in Surface Air Temperature and Precipitation over CONUS
- Evaluation of Evapotranspiration Partitioning in Remote Sensing Models
- Evaporation Using Planet Cubesats and the PT-JPL Model: A Precision Agriculture Application
- Evidence for Alfvén Waves in Source Flares of Impulsive Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Evidence for ground-ice occurrence on asteroid Vesta using Dawn bistatic radar observations
- Evidence of field-aligned currents in Jupiter's polar magnetosphere
- Evolution of ocean-induced ice melt beneath Zachariæ Isstrøm, Northeast Greenland combining observations and an ocean general circulation model from 1978 to present
- Examining Convection/Large-Scale Feedbacks and Precipitation Intensification in the Tropics
- Expected Performance of the Upcoming Surface Water and Ocean Topography Mission Measurements of River Height, Width, and Slope
- Experimental Thermodynamics of [Na-Mg-Cl-SO<SUB>4</SUB>] Aqueous Solutions at GPa Pressure With Application to Icy Worlds.
- Experiments with Analytic Centers: A confluence of data, tools and help in using them.
- Exploiting Synthetic Aperture Radar data to map and observe landslides
- Exploring Groundwater origin for theater-headed valleys on the walls of Ius Chasma based on geomorphological analogy to the Saharan Plateaus
- Exploring Ocean-World Habitability within the Planned Europa Clipper Mission
- Exploring Tectonic Activity on Vesta and Ceres
- Exploring The Relation Between Upper Tropospheric (UT) Clouds and Convection
- Exploring spectral emissivity features of plants from leaf to canopy levels
- Exposing NASA's Earth Observations to the Applications Community and Public
- Extended Late-Cretaceous Magnetostratigraphy of the James Ross Basin Island, Antarctica
- Extension of short-term variation study of Kangilerngata Sermia, Greenland
- Extensional terrain formation on Europa and Ganymede: Implications for ocean-surface interaction
- Extracting Hydrologic Understanding from the Unique Space-time Sampling of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Mission
- Extratropical trends in cloud amount, thermodynamic phase, liquid and ice water path
- Fault zone structure and kinematics from lidar, radar, and imagery: revealing new details along the creeping San Andreas Fault
- Field Exploration and Life Detection Sampling for Planetary Analogue Research (FELDSPAR)
- Field-scale surface soil moisture retrieval using L-band synthetic aperture radar data: shrublands examples
- Filtering observations without the initial guess
- Final Cassini RADAR Observation of Titan's Magic Island Region and Ligeia Mare
- Finding Multi-scale Connectivity in Our Geospace Observational System: A New Perspective for Total Electron Content Data Through Network Analysis
- Finite Element Simulations of Kaikoura, NZ Earthquake using DInSAR and High-Resolution DSMs
- First Application of the Zeeman Technique to Remotely Measure Auroral Electrojet Intensity from Space
- First Results of AirMSPI Imaging Polarimetry at ORACLES 2016: Aerosol and Water Cloud Retrievals
- First in situ measurements of the Jovian Ionospheric ion population by the Juno JADE instrument
- Five Fabulous Flybys of the Small Inner Moons of Saturn by the Cassini Spacecraft
- Five Years of Analyses of Volatiles, Isotopes and Organics in Gale Crater Materials
- Fluorescence Across Space and Time (2017 FAST Campaign): Investigating the multiscale links between fluorescence and photosynthesis
- Flying Fast and High: Operational Flight Planning for Maximum Data Return for Airborne Snow Observatory Mountain Surveys
- Frequency of Tropical Ocean Deep Convection and Global Warming
- From Aeolis Palus to the Bagnold Dunes field: Overview of martian soil analyses performed by ChemCam in Gale Crater
- From Drought to Flood: An Analysis of the Water Balance of the Tuolumne River Basin During Extreme Conditions (2015 - 2017)
- From Drought to Recovery: a GRACE-Based Assessment of Groundwater Storage Variations in California
- From LIMS to OMPS-LP: limb ozone observations for future reanalyses
- From lakes to sand seas: a record of early Mars climate change explored in northern Gale crater, Mars
- Full Life Cycle of Data Analysis with Climate Model Diagnostic Analyzer (CMDA)
- Fusion of GEDI, ICESAT2 & NISAR data for above ground biomass mapping in Sonoma County, California
- GCM Evaluations of Radiative Heating Profile Anomalies Associated with the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation (BSISO)
- GCM studies on Jovian polar dynamics
- GRACE Accelerometer data transplant
- GRACE Observations of Terrestrial Water Storage from River Basin to Global Scales
- GRACE Status at Mission End
- Ganymede's Stresses Past and Present: How Evolving Eccentricity Effects Tidally-Driven Coulomb Failure
- Generalized Radiative Transfer as an Efficient Computational Tool for Spatial and/or Spectral Integration over Unresolved Variability in Multi-Angle Observations
- Generation of large-scale forest height and disturbance maps through the fusion of NISAR and GEDI along with TanDEM-X/L
- Geobiological Comparisons of Preservation Potential within Hypersaline Mineral-Microbe Systems
- Geologic Mapping Results for Ceres from NASA's Dawn Mission
- Geomorphological Map of the South Belet Region of Titan: An Exploration of Mid-Latitude-to-Pole Transition Zones
- Geophysical Investigations of Hypersaline Subglacial Water Systems in the Canadian Arctic: A Planetary Analog
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Derived Boundary Conditions for Paleoclimate Simulation: the Refined ICE-6G_D (VM5a) Model and the Dansgaard-Oeschger Oscillation
- Global Analysis of Climate Change Projection Effects on Atmospheric Rivers
- Global CO emission estimates inferred from assimilation of MOPITT and IASI CO data, together with observations of O<SUB>3</SUB>, NO<SUB>2</SUB>, HNO<SUB>3</SUB>, and HCHO.
- Global Operational Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration System for Water Resources Management: Case Study for the State of New Mexico
- Global Rapid Flood Mapping System with Spaceborne SAR Data
- Global Validation of MODIS Atmospheric Profile-Derived Near-Surface Air Temperature and Dew Point Estimates
- Global distribution of methane emissions, emission trends, and OH trends inferred from an inversion of GOSAT data for 2010-2015
- Global ice sheet/RSL simulations using the higher-order Ice Sheet System Model.
- Goldstone radar imaging of near-Earth asteroids (469896) 2007 WV4, 2014 JO25, 2017 BQ6, and 2017 CS
- Great Red Spot's detection with the Juno gravity experiment
- Greenland's 20th Century retreat illuminated - great spatial variability with strong connections to subglacial topography and fjord bathymetry
- Groundwater Dynamics in Fossil Fractured Carbonate Aquifers in Eastern Arabian Peninsula
- Guiding Users to Sea Level Change Data Through Content
- H<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>+</SUP> Measurements in the Jovian Atmosphere with JIRAM/Juno
- Halting Land Subsidence in Tucson, Arizona: Examining the Poroelastic Response to Artificial Recharge
- High Accuracy Ground-based near-Earth-asteroid Astrometry using Synthetic Tracking
- High spatial and spectral resolution measurements of Jupiter's auroral regions using Gemini-North-TEXES
- High-Resolution Assimilation of GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage Observations to Represent Local-Scale Water Table Depths
- High-Resolution Enhanced Product based on SMAP Active-Passive Approach using Sentinel 1A and 1B SAR Data
- High-resolution mapping of wetland vegetation biomass and distribution with L-band radar in southeastern coastal Louisiana
- High-resolution three-dimensional mapping of forest structure and aboveground biomass stocks in blue carbon ecosystems with airborne Lidar, TanDEM-X and WorldView Stereo
- How Well the Early 2017 California Atmospheric River Precipitation Events Were Captured by Satellite Products and Ground-based Radars?
- How deep is Jupiter's Great Red Spot?
- How well can we measure Earth's Energy Imbalance?
- Hurricanes Harvey and Irma - High-Resolution Flood Mapping and Monitoring from Sentinel SAR with the Depolarization Reduction Algorithm for Global Observations of InundatioN (DRAGON)
- Hydrothermal Signatures at Gale Crater, Mars, and Possible In-Situ Formation of Tridymite
- ICARUS Mission, Next Step of Coronal Exploration after Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus
- Ice shelf melt rates in Greenland and Antarctica using time-tagged digital imagery from World View and TanDEM-X
- Ice sintering timescales at the surface of Europa and implications for surface properties
- Ice velocity and SAR backscatter record for the Antarctic Peninsula
- Identification of dust source regions and dust emission trends across North Africa and the Middle East using MISR satellite observations
- Identifying Fault Connections of the Southern Pacific-North American Plate Boundary Using Triggered Slip and Crustal Velocities
- Identifying and Tracing User Needs
- Imaging Spectroscopy Enables Novel Applications and Continuity with the Landsat Record to Sustain Legacy Applications: An Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) and Landsat 8 OLI Case Study
- Immersive Interaction, Manipulation and Analysis of Large 3D Datasets for Planetary and Earth Sciences
- Impact of Multi-GNSS Observations on Precise Orbit Determination and Precise Point Positioning Solutions
- Impact of calving and ocean regime on the speed of Kangilerngata Sermia, Greenland
- Impact of drought on the North America carbon balance: implications for global carbon mitigation.
- Impact of the CubeSat Radiometer Radio Frequency Interference Technology Validation (CubeRRT) mission on future resource-constrained science missions
- Impacts of Aerosols on Seasonal Precipitation and Snowpack in California Based on Convection-Permitting WRF-Chem Simulations
- Implications of Surface Morphologies for the Distribution of Shallow Subsurface Ice in Arcadia Planitia, Mars
- Implications of Water Budget Deficits on Socio-Economic Stability and Food Security in the Arabian Peninsula and in North Africa
- Implications on the composition of Titan's mid-latitude surface region from Cassini/VIMS data.
- Importance of Positive Cloud Feedback for Tropical Atlantic Variability
- Improved Atmospheric Correction Over the Indian Subcontinent Using Fast Radiative Transfer and Optimal Estimation
- Improved planetary boundary layer retrievals using a combination of direct and reflected bending angles from radio occultations
- Improved regional sea-level estimates from Ice Sheets, Glaciers and land water storage using GRACE time series and other data
- Improvements to the JPL EDMF Cloud Parameterization by a Suite of Global A-Train Satellite Observations
- Improving Altimetry Height-change Retrieval on the Fringes of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Improving Polar Motion Predictions Using AAM χ<SUB>1</SUB> and χ<SUB>2</SUB> Forecasts
- Improving Understanding of Spatial Heterogeneity in Mountain Ecohydrology with Multispectral Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS).
- Improving over Land Precipitation Retrieval with Brightness Temperature Temporal Variation
- In-situ Microbarom from Ocean to Stratosphere
- In-situ Planetary Subsurface Imaging System
- InSAR time series analysis of ALOS-2 ScanSAR data and its implications for NISAR
- Increased ocean-induced melting triggers glacier retreat in northwest and southeast Greenland
- Inference of Time-Dependent Deep Fault Slip in California and Japan via a New Approach for Joint Inversion of Geodetic and Seismicity Data
- Influence of the biosphere and circulation on atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Information Quality as a Foundation for User Trustworthiness of Earth Science Data.
- Initial Efforts in Characterizing Radiation and Plasma Effects on Space Assets: Bridging the Space Environment, Engineering and User Community
- Innovative Technique for Noise Reduction in Spacecraft Doppler Tracking for Planetary Interior Studies
- Insert Tidal Here: Finding Stability of Galilean Satellite Interiors
- Insight into the nature and formation of the organic matter observed on Ceres
- Insights into Vesta and Ceres internal structures from their topography
- Instantaneous Variance Scaling and Atmospheric Variability in AIRS Data: a Circular Area Monte Carlo Approach
- Integrated Visualization of Multi-sensor Ocean Data across the Web
- Integration of sUAS Imagery and Atmospheric Data Collection for Improved Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions Monitoring
- Interactive and Approachable Web-Based Tools for Exploring Global Geophysical Data Records
- Interannual Variability of Water Ice Clouds at Gale Crater
- Interannual Variation in Offshore Advection of Amazon-Orinoco Plume Waters: Observations, Forcing Mechanisms, and Impacts
- Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar to capture spatial variability of local land-based subsidence
- Intermittency Statistics in the Expanding Solar Wind
- Interplanetary dust profile observed on Juno's cruise from Earth to Jupiter
- Interpreting OCO-2 Constrained CO2 Surface Flux Estimates Through the Lens of Atmospheric Transport Uncertainty.
- Interseismic Coupling, Co- and Post-seismic Slip: a Stochastic View on the Northern Chilean Subduction Zone
- Introducing MISR Version 23: Resolution and Content Improvements to MISR Aerosol and Land Surface Product
- Inverted edge effects on carbon stocks in human-dominated landscapes
- Investigating Bidirectional Reflectance in the Los Angeles Megacity Using CLARS Multiangle and Hyperspectral Measurements
- Investigating Groundwater Depletion and Aquifer Degradation in Central Valley California from Space
- Investigating Methods for Serving Visualizations of Vertical Profiles
- Investigations of Ceres's Craters with Straightened Rim
- Investigations of greenhouse gas variability across frontal structures in the lower troposphere during winter: Findings from the ACT - America Winter 2017 Campaign
- Iron Hydroxide Minerals Drive Organic and Phosphorus Chemistry in Subsurface Redox / pH Gradients
- Is deciduousness a key to climate resilience among iconic California savanna oak species? Relating phenological habits to seasonal indicators of tree physiological and water stress across field, hyperspectral, drone (UAS)-based multispectral and thermal image data
- Is the Amazon Rainforest Drying Out?
- Isotopic and elemental chemistry of sedimentary pyrite: A combined analytical and statistical approach to a novel planetary biosignature
- It Takes Two: NASA and NOAA's Shared Path of Hurricane Science Flights with the Global Hawk. Time for the Research To Operations (R2O) Transition?
- Joint Sentinel-1 and SMAP data assimilation to improve soil moisture estimates
- Joint observations of Titan's North Pole by Cassini/VIMS and Keck/NIRSPEC
- Juno Perijove 1 radio occultation of the Io plasma torus
- Juno Radio Science Observations and Gravity Science Calibrations of Plasma Electron Content in Io Plasma Torus
- Juno observations in the sources of hectometric radiation: role of electron conics
- Juno-UVS observation of the Io footprint: Influence of Io's local environment and passage into eclipse on the strength of the interaction
- Juno/JEDI observations of energetic particles in Jupiter's polar magnetosphere
- JunoCam Images of Jupiter: Science from an Outreach Experiment
- Jupiter's Great Red Spot upper cloud morphology and dynamics from JunoCam images
- Jupiter's Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere after Juno's First 8 Orbits
- Jupiter's gravity field from Ka-band Doppler tracking of Juno
- Kinetic Effect on the Freezing of Ammonium-Sodium-Carbonate-Chloride Brines and Implications for Origin of Ceres' Bright Spots
- Landslide and Tsunami in Karrat Fjord, Greenland, 2017; the Event, the Response and the Future
- Large Scale Morphological Changes in the Hapi Region on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Large-Scale Sentinel-1 Processing for Solid Earth Science and Urgent Response using Cloud Computing and Machine Learning
- Lateral Viscosity Variations in the Both Local and Global and Viscoelastic Load Response and it's Uncertainty
- Latitudinal distribution of the Jovian plasma sheet ions observed by Juno JADE-I
- Layered/Pancake-like Ejecta on Ceres: Inferring the Composition and Mechanical Properties of the Cerean Surface through Modeling of Ejecta Emplacement
- Legacy Effect of Amazonian Drought Delays the Season Transition from Dry to Wet
- Levee Seepage Detection in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Using Polarimetric SAR
- Leveraging Subsidence in Permafrost with Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) Products
- Lidar-based multinomial classification algorithms for tropical forest degradation status: Implications for biomass estimation
- Linking THEMIS Orbital Data to MSL GTS Measurements: The Thermophysical Properties of the Bagnold Dunes, Mars
- Linking water and carbon cycles through salinity observed from space
- Liquid Elevations and Topographic Constraints of Titan's Lacustrine Basins at the end of Cassini: Hydrology and Formation
- Lit and unlit side temperatures of the Main Rings of Saturn.
- Longitudinal Variations of Low-Latitude Ionospheric Irregularities during the 2015 St. Patrick's Day Storm
- Low cloud feedback from A-Train sensors using the observation-based cloud radiative kernels
- Low-wave number analysis of observations and ensemble forecasts to develop metrics for the selection of most realistic members to study multi-scale interactions between the environment and the convective organization of hurricanes: Focus on Rapid Intensification
- MCS and THEMIS Mars Atmospheric Dust Column Opacity Comparisons
- MEaSUReS Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity data records
- MISTiC Winds, a Micro-Satellite Constellation Approach to High Resolution Observations of the Atmosphere using Infrared Sounding and 3D Winds Measurements
- Magnetic induction constraints on electrical conductivity within Europa
- Mapping Evapotranspiration in the Sacramento San Joaquin Delta using simulated ECOSTRESS Thermal Data: Validation and Inter-comparison
- Mapping Forest Height in Gabon Using UAVSAR Multi-Baseline Polarimetric SAR Interferometry and Lidar Fusion
- Mapping GRACE Accelerometer Error
- Mapping Snow Depth From Ka-band Interferometry
- Mapping Variability in the Medusae Fossae Formation: Yardang Morphologies, Fluvial Reworking, and Crater Depth to Diameter Ratios
- Mapping coastal sea level at high resolution with radar interferometry: the SWOT Mission
- Mapping global surface water inundation dynamics using synergistic information from SMAP, AMSR2 and Landsat
- Mapping methane emissions using the airborne imaging spectrometer AVIRIS-NG
- Mapping tectonic and anthropogenic processes in central California using satellite and airborne InSAR
- Mars Environmental Analyzer, an environmental station for Mars 2020
- Mars Methane at Gale Crater Shows Strong Seasonal Cycle: Updated Results from TLS-SAM on Curiosity
- Mars, Venus, Earth and Titan UV Laboratory Aeronomy by Electron Impact
- Martian Chemical and Isotopic Reference Standards in Earth-based Laboratories — An Invitation for Geochemical, Astrobiological, and Engineering Dialog on Considering a Weathered Chondrite for Mars Sample Return.
- Mass Balance of Novaya Zemlya Archipelago from 2002 to Present
- Measurement of Mars Analog Soil Dielectric Properties for Mars 2020 Radar Science Applications
- Measurements of Forbush decreases at Mars: both by MSL on ground and by MAVEN in orbit
- Measurements of Short Lived Gas Phase Pollutants during AN Anthropogenic Biomass Burning Event during Winter in Manchester, UK Using a Tof-Cims
- Measuring tropospheric wind with microwave sounders
- Methane Flux Estimation from Point Sources using GOSAT Target Observation: Detection Limit and Improvements with Next Generation Instruments
- Methane loss during the early 21st century: Observational constraints on hydroxyl abundance
- Methane outgassing scenarios from subsurface clathrates and atmospheric transport
- Methods for Combination of GRACE Gravimetry and ICESat Altimetry over Antarctica on Monthly Timescales
- Microwave Observations of Snow-Covered Freshwater Lake Ice obtained during the Great Lakes Winter EXperiment (GLAWEX), 2017
- Migrating the Dawn Data Archive to the PDS4 Standard
- Minearl associated microbial communities from The Cedars, associate with specific geological features
- Model-based approaches to quantify groundwater flows from land to sea
- Modeling GIA at the Gulf of Mexico and environs: a Bayesian approach
- Modeling Geomagnetic Variations using a Machine Learning Framework
- Modeling Surface Water Flow in the Atchafalaya Basin
- Modeling challenges and approaches in simulating the Jovian synchrotron radiation belts from an in-situ perspective
- Modeling magnetic field and TEC signatures of large-amplitude acoustic and gravity waves generated by natural hazard events
- Modeling of Mastcam Visible/Near-Infrared Spectrophotometric Observations at Yellowknife Bay
- Modeling of hyperspectral infrared spectra in cloudy atmospheres
- Modeling river discharge and sediment transport in the Wax Lake-Atchafalaya basin with remote sensing parametrization.
- Modeling the Behaviour of Inertial Modes in MHD Turbulence
- Modeling the response of Northwest Greenland to enhanced ocean thermal forcing and subglacial discharge
- Modeling the sensitivity of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) over the last deglaciation using improved climate reconstructions of temperature and precipitation in the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM)
- Models of Jupiter's Interior that match Juno's Gravity Measurements
- Modifying Earth's Insolation with Aerosols: Reflectance and Polarization Properties of Candidate Particulate Materials
- Moving Towards a Science-Driven Workbench for Earth Science Solutions
- Multi-Sourced Satellite Observations of Land Cover and Land Use Change in South and Southeast Asia with Challenging Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts
- Multi-angle polarimeter inter-comparison: the PODEX and ACEPOL field campaigns
- Multi-spacecraft observations of ICMEs propagating beyond Earth orbit during MSL/RAD flight and surface phases
- Multi-species constraint of anthropogenic and biogenic processes over North America during ACT-America summer 2016 and winter 2017 aircraft campaigns
- Multiscale Data Assimilation for Large-Eddy Simulations
- NASA Airborne Snow Observatory: Measuring Spatial Distribution of Snow Water Equivalent and Snow Albedo
- NASA Applied Sciences Disasters Program Support for the September 2017 Mexico Earthquakes
- NASA CYGNSS Satellite Measurements and Applications
- NASA Earth Science Disasters Program Response Activities During Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria in 2017
- NASA Sea Level Change Portal - It not just another portal site
- NASA's Carbon Cycle OSSE Initiative - Informing future space-based observing strategies through advanced modeling and data assimilation
- NASA's Global Imagery Browse Services - Technologies for Visualizing Earth Science Data
- NASA's High Mountain Asia Team (HiMAT): collaborative research to study changes of the High Asia region
- NASA's MODIS/VIIRS Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Products: Asssessment of Accuracy, Continuity and Science Uses
- NASA's Solar System Treks: Online Portals for Planetary Mapping and Modeling
- Near Infrared Multispectral Mapping of Venus Supports the Hypothesis that Tessera Plateau Material was Formed in the Presence of Surface Water
- New 4.4 km-resolution aerosol product from NASA's Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer: A user's guide
- New Approach to the Retrieval of AOD and its Uncertainty from MISR Observations Over Dark Water
- New Horizons High-Phase Observations of Distant Kuiper Belt Objects
- New Insights on Tsunami Genesis and Energy Source
- New Style of Volcanic Eruption Activity Identified in Galileo NIMS data at Marduk Fluctus, Io
- New Techniques for Radar Altimetry of Sea Ice and the Polar Oceans
- New era of satellite chlorophyll fluorescence and soil moisture observations leads to advances in the predictive understanding of global terrestrial coupled carbon-water cycles
- Next Generation Cloud-based Science Data Systems and Their Implications on Data and Software Stewardship, Preservation, and Provenance
- Numerical modeling of the 2017 active seismic infrasound balloon experiment
- OCO-2 Detection of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Variability over Natural and Anthropogenic Point-Sources
- OCO-2 advances photosynthesis observation from space via solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence
- OCO-2 and GOSAT observations of anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide.
- OCO-2 target-mode observations and comparison to TCCON
- OCO-2 v8 Data Overview
- OCO-2's A-band cloud product and the geometric thickness of marine boundary layer clouds
- OMI observations of bromine monoxide emissions from Kasatochi
- Obs4MIPS: Satellite Observations for Model Evaluation
- Observational Evidence of the "Tightening of Hadley Ascent"
- Observational evidence for the aerosol impact on ice cloud properties regulated by cloud/aerosol types
- Observations by Juno's Radiation Monitoring Investigation During the First Year at Jupiter
- Observations by the Juno Waves Investigation at Jupiter
- Observations of Galilean Moons by JIRAM on board Juno.
- Observations of Inland Snowpack-driven Bromine Chemistry near the Brooks Range, Alaska
- Observations of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Processes in Jupiter's Downward Auroral Current Region
- Observations of magnetic field and TEC fluctuations caused by ionospheric responses to acoustic and gravity waves from ground-level, natural hazard sources
- Obtaining higher-accuracy estimates of water-rich rocks and water-poor sand dunes on Mars in active neutron experiments
- Ocean acidification and the δ<SUP>15</SUP>N record of Paleozoic epeiric seas
- Oceans Melting Greenland (OMG): 2017 Observations and the First Look at Yearly Ocean/Ice Changes
- Oil Slick Characterization with UAVSAR
- On the Impact of Sea Level Fingerprints on the Estimation of the Meridional Geostrophic Transport in the Atlantic Basin
- On the Long-term Stability of Satellite and Ground-based Ozone Profile Records
- On the Multi-Modal Object Tracking and Image Fusion Using Unsupervised Deep Learning Methodologies
- OnSight: Multi-platform Visualization of the Surface of Mars
- One-Year Observations of Jupiter by the Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper on Juno
- Optimizing Earth Data Search Ranking using Deep Learning and Real-time User Behaviour
- Organic Adsorption Capacity of Aluminum for Potential Mars Sample Return Contamination Analysis
- Organic matter on Ceres: spectral analysis of the organic-rich area
- Overview of HST observvations of Jupiter's ultraviolet aurora during Juno orbits 03 to 07
- Overview of Lidar Contributions to the Atmospheric Carbon and Transport - America (ACT-America) Program
- PDS4: Current Status and Future Vision
- Paleo-environmental Setting of the Murray Formation of Aeolis Mons, Gale Crater, Mars, as Explored by the Curiosity Rover
- Parameterization of L-, C- and X-band Radiometer-based Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm Using In-situ Validation Sites
- Performance assessment of CRTM and RTTOV by Cloud Type
- Phase correction and error estimation in InSAR time series analysis
- Phenotyping Drought Tolerance and Yield Potential of Warm-Season Legumes Through Field- and Airborne-Based Hyperspectral VSWIR Sensing
- Photoacoustic Spectroscopy of the O2 A-Band in Support of Remote Sensing
- Pitch Angle Scattering of Up-going Electron Beams in Jupiter's Polar Regions by Whistler-mode Waves
- Planetary Wind Determination by Doppler Tracking of a Small Entry Probe Network
- Planning for the Collection and Analysis of Samples of Martian Granular Materials Potentially to be Returned by Mars Sample Return
- Plasma sheet properties observed by Juno at Jupiter
- Plume-induced subduction and accretion on present-day Venus and Archean Earth
- Pluto's Haze Properties from Disk-integrated New Horizons MVIC observations
- Polar Domain Discovery with Sparkler
- Positional and angular dependence of Jupiter's thermal emission from the Juno Microwave Radiometer
- Power laws for gravity and topography of Solar System bodies
- Precipitation information from GNSS Polarimetric Radio Occultation observations
- Preliminary Data Pipeline for SunRISE: Assessing the Performance of Space Based Radio Arrays
- Preliminary Field Demonstration of Passive Radio Sounding Using the Sun as a Signal for Echo Detection
- Preliminary Results from Powell Research Group on Integrating GRACE Satellite and Ground-based Estimates of Groundwater Storage Changes
- Present-day distribution and trends of global tropospheric ozone from satellite observations: Results from the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR)
- Probabilistic Evaluation of Competing Climate Models
- Probing Jupiter's Radiation Environment with Juno-UVS
- Probing Small Lakes on Titan Using the Cassini RADAR Altimeter
- Probing the Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Temporal Aliasing Errors and their Impact on Satellite Gravity Retrievals
- Production and Uses of Multi-Decade Geodetic Earth Science Data Records
- Progress and analyses on single-footprint retrievals from cloudy AIRS spectra
- Progress toward improving regional atmospheric inversions using airborne measurements: Results from ACT-America
- Psyche Mission: Scientific Models and Instrument Selection
- Qualitative Comparative Analysis of MODIS, MISR and AERONET over the Middle East and North Africa
- Quantifying Arctic Cloud Biases in Global Models Using Active Satellite Observations
- Quantifying CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions from Individual Power Plants using OCO-2 Observations
- Quantifying Variability and Correlation in Biomarker and Mineralogical Measurements: Lessons from Five Astrobiological Mars Analogue Expeditions in Iceland
- Quantifying global fossil-fuel CO2 emissions: from OCO-2 to optimal observing designs
- Quantifying point source emissions with atmospheric inversions and aircraft measurements: the Aliso Canyon natural gas leak as a tracer experiment
- Quantifying the Significance of Heterogeneity in Supraglacial Reflectance Characteristics for Meltwater Production in Southwest Greenland
- Quantifying the imprint of mesoscale and synoptic-scale atmospheric transport on total column carbon dioxide measurements
- Quantifying the short- and long-term controls exerted by the basal and lateral boundaries of the Slumgullion Landslide from creepmeters and 3-D surface deformation
- Quantitative Chemical Analysis of Enceladus' Plume Composition.
- Radar Observations of Asteroid 101955 Bennu and the OSIRIS-REx Sample Return Mission
- Radar observations of Saturn's rings during the Cassini Grand Finale
- Radiation processing of organics and biological materials exposed to ocean world surface conditions.
- Radiative effects of light-absorbing particles deposited in snow over Himalayas using WRF-Chem simulations
- Radio Emissions from Electrical Activity in Martian Dust Storms
- Rapid kinematic finite source inversion for Tsunamic Early Warning using high rate GNSS data
- Rapid-response flood mapping during Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria by the Global Flood Partnership (GFP)
- Rate Coefficient for the OH + HONO<SUB>2</SUB> reaction as a function of temperature and pressure
- Re-assessing Present Day Global Mass Transport and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment From a Data Driven Approach
- Reanalyzing Inferred High Energy Ionic Charge States for Solar Energetic Particle Events with ACE and STEREO
- Recent Compositional Trends within the Murray Formation, Gale Crater, Mars, as seen by APXS: Implications for Sedimentary, Diagenetic and Alteration History.
- Reconstructing Heat Fluxes Over Lake Erie During the Lake Effect Snow Event of November 2014
- Reconstruction of Jakobshavn Isbrae's calving dynamics from 1985 to 2017 and sensitivity to future ocean forcing
- Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL) Observations Suggest Widespread Occurrence and Complex Behavior
- Red and Far-Red Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Observations in the Tropical Rain Forest of Costa Rica
- Regional Exploratory Analysis Between Atomospheric Aerosols and Precipitable Water in the Lower Troposhere via Inferential Statistics
- Regional mapping of aerosol population and surface albedo of Titan by the massive inversion of the Cassini/VIMS dataset
- Regionally Optimized GRACE Processing and Inter-comparison on the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Relationship between Climate Variability, Wildfire Risk, and Wildfire Occurrence in Wildland-Urban Interface of the Southwestern United States
- Relationships between Convective Strength and Anvil Development based on AIRS-CloudSat Joint Dataset
- Remote Sensing of Surface Soil Moisture using Semi-Concurrent Radar and Radiometer Observations
- Remote Sensing the Thermal and Humidity Structure of the Earth's Atmosphere Using the GPS Radio Occultation Technique: Applications in Climate Studies
- Remote sensing of Essential Biodiversity Variables: new measurements linking ecosystem structure, function and composition
- Report on the survey for electrostatic discharges on Mars using NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN)
- Research to Operations: From Point Positions, Earthquake and Tsunami Modeling to GNSS-augmented Tsunami Early Warning
- Responses of tropical terrestrial biosphere carbon cycle to the 2015-2016 El Niño
- Results from Field Testing the RIMFAX GPR on Svalbard.
- Results from Radio Tracking the Rosetta Spacecraft: Gravity, Internal Structure and Nucleus Composition of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Results from SMAP Validation Experiments 2015 and 2016
- Results from the JPL IGS Analysis Center IGS14 Reprocessing Campaign
- Results of Software and Services Citations Review at ESIP
- Results on Jupiter's Atmosphere from the Juno Microwave Radiometer
- Retrieval of aerosol properties and water leaving radiance from multi-angle spectro-polarimetric measurement over coastal waters
- Revised Chinese CO2 Fluxes Inferred From Newly Available Chinese In-situ Data Consistent with OCO-2 and GOSAT
- SAR Tomography for Terrestrial Snow Stratigraphy
- SHERLOC on Mars 2020
- SNAP: Small Next-generation Atmospheric Probe Concept
- SPEX airborne On-ground and In-flight Performance During the ImPACT-PM and ACEPOL Field Campaigns
- Satellite Data Analysis of Impact of Anthropogenic Air Pollution on Ice Clouds
- Satellite Observations of Declining Aerosol Burden in The Twenty-First Century in the Southeast United States
- Satellite Observations of Tropospheric BrO over Salt Lakes and Northern High Latitudes from EOS/OMI and SNPP/OMPS
- Satellite Soil Moisture and Water Storage Observations Identify Early and Late Season Water Supply Influencing Plant Growth in the Missouri Watershed
- Satellites observed widespread greening of Earth and increase of woody biomass
- Saturn's Internal Magnetic Field Revealed by Cassini Grand Finale
- Saturn's Magnetic Field from the Cassini Grand Finale orbits
- Science informed water resources decision-making: Examples using remote sensing observations in East Africa, the Lower Mekong Basin and the western United States
- Sea Ice Mass Reconciliation Exercise (SIMRE) for altimetry derived sea ice thickness data sets
- Sea Ice as a Sink for CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Biogeochemical Material: a Novel Sampling Method and Astrobiological Applications
- Seasonal Evolution of the North and South Polar Vortex on Titan From 2004 to 2017 as Seen by Cassini/VIMS
- Seasonality of photosynthesis of a Rocky Mountain subalpine forest: implications for SIF as a metric for GPP
- Seeking the Tricorder: Report on Workshops on Advanced Technologies for Life Detection
- Seismic and aseismic fault slip during the 2016 Central Apennines earthquake sequence in Italy
- Seismic signal and noise on Europa and how to use it
- Sensitivity of Shallow Convection in Large-Eddy Simulations to Forcing Datasets Across a Range of Days: Examining Results from the DOE LASSO Projec
- Sentinel-1 TOPS Multitemporal Interferometry for Monitoring Slow Ground Motions Associated with Tectonic and Hydrological Processes
- Shallow Geological Structures Triggered During the M<SUB>w</SUB>6.4 Meinong Earthquake and Their Significance in Accommodating Long-term Shortening Across the Foothills of Southwestern Taiwan
- Sideways Views of the Moon: Mapping Directional Thermal Emission with Diviner
- Simulating Electrochemistry of Hydrothermal Vents on Enceladus and Other Ocean Worlds
- Simulating Extraterrestrial Ices in the Laboratory
- Simulating Ice Dynamics in the Amundsen Sea Sector
- Simulating ice thickness and velocity evolution of Upernavik Isstrøm 1849-2017 with ISSM
- Simulating the evolution of the Amundsen Sea Sector with a coupled ice-ocean model
- Simulations of cloudy hyperspectral infrared radiances using the HT-FRTC, a fast PC-based multipurpose radiative transfer code
- Simulations of the Impact of aerosol misspecification on OCO-2 Retrievals of XCO2
- Slow, fast, and post-collapse displacements of the Mud Creek landslide in California from UAVSAR and satellite SAR analysis
- Small Bodies in the Kuiper Belt : Lessons from Pluto's Small Satellites
- Small Spacecraft Constellation Concept for Mars Atmospheric Radio Occultations
- Smoothing and Predicting Celestial Pole Offsets using a Kalman Filter and Smoother
- Snow Storms and Sand Avalanches sculpt Mars' North Polar Erg
- Snow measurement Using P-Band Signals of Opportunity Reflectometry
- Soil Carbon Residence Time in the Arctic - Potential Drivers of Past and Future Change
- Solar Cycle Variations as Observed by MLS Carbon Monoxide
- Solar System Treks: Interactive Web Portals or STEM, Exploration and Beyond
- Solitary Waves of Ice Loss Detected in Greenland Crustal Motion
- Source model for the Copahue volcano magmaplumbing system constrained by InSARsurface deformation observations
- Space-Based Observations of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence from fhe NASA Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 Mission
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Southern Auroral Emissions in the IR from JIRAM/Juno Data
- Spatially Extensive Ground-Penetrating Radar Observations during NASA's 2017 SnowEx campaign
- Spatiotemporal Variability in Topographic and Vegetative Controls on Basin-Wide Snow Distribution in the Tuolumne River Basin
- Specific Heat Capacities of Martian Sedimentary Analogs at Low Temperatures
- Spectrophotometric Modeling of MAHLI Goniometer Observations
- Statistical Relationship between the Atmospheric River and Extratropical Cyclone
- Statistical distribution of EMIC waves and dependence on geomagnetic activity: Van Allen Probe 2013-2015 observations
- Strategic Approaches to Trading Science Objectives Against Measurements and Mission Design: Mission Architecture and Concept Maturation at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Stratigraphic distribution of veins in the Murray and Stimson formations, Gale crater, Mars: Implications for ancient groundwater circulation
- Stratigraphy and Surface Ages of Dwarf Planet (1) Ceres: Results from Geologic and Topographic Mapping in Survey, HAMO and LAMO Data of the Dawn Framing Camera Images
- Strike-slip tectonics during rift linkage
- Strong constraints on aerosol-cloud interactions from volcanic eruptions
- Study of Plasma Waves Observed onboard Rosetta in the 67P/ChuryumovGerasimenko Comet Environment Using High Time Resolution Density Data Inferred from RPC-MIP and RPC-LAP Cross-calibration
- Studying and Understanding the Jovian Aurora Based on Measurements from the Juno MWR Taken during Perijove 5
- Studying emissions of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Baltimore/Washington area using airborne measurements: source attribution, flux quantification, and model comparison
- Subduction on Venus and Implications for Volatile Cycling, Early Earth and Exoplanets
- Subsidence and Rebound in California's Central Valley: Effects of Pumping, Geology, and Precipitation
- Sulfur Geochemical Analysis and Interpretation with ChemCam on the Curiosity Rover
- SunRISE Mission Concept Step 2 Study Status
- Superstorms of November 2003 and 2004: the role of solar wind driving in the ionosphere-thermosphere dynamics
- Surface Modification and Surface - Subsurface Exchange Processes on Europa
- Surface morphologies and oddities for ices under temperature and pressure conditions extending from Earth to ocean worlds of the outer solar system: Do penitentes and suncups form on Europa and Enceladus?
- Surface temperature monitoring by integrating satellite data and ground thermal camera network on Solfatara Crater in Campi Flegrei volcanic area (Italy)
- Surface-atmospheric water cycle at Gale crater through multi-year MSL/REMS observations
- Sustained changes in water storage across the western U.S. inferred from elastic land displacements observed with GPS: Parching of the ground during the summer of drought years and seeping of snow melt into the ground during the spring of heavy-precipitation years
- Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing and Modeling for the Chlorophyll-a Concentration Anomalies during summer 2015 at South Central Red Sea
- Synergistic Use of Spacecraft Telecom Links for Collection of Planetary Radar Science Data
- Synthesis of a quarter-century of satellite and airborne altimetry records to resolve long-term ice sheet elevation change
- Systematic capture of MeV electron beams by MWR
- Terrestrial Water Storage and Vegetation Resilience to Drought
- The 2015-2016 El Niño and the response of the carbon cycle: Findings from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) mission
- The 2017 Mw = 8.2 Tehuantepec earthquake: a slab bending or slab pull rupture?
- The ASTER Volcano Archive (AVA): High Spatial Resolution Global Monitoring of Volcanic Eruptions
- The Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) Project: Providing Standard and On-Demand SAR products for Hazard Science and Hazard Response
- The Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) Project: Status of SAR products for Earthquakes, Floods, Volcanoes and Groundwater-related Subsidence
- The Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) 2017 Airborne Campaign
- The Bagnold Dunes in Southern Summer: Active Sediment Transport on Mars Observed by the Curiosity rover
- The Bright Side of Saturn's Gravity
- The COWVR Mission: Demonstrating Small Satellite Capability to Fill the Looming Gap in Microwave Radiometer Coverage
- The CPEX Data Portal: Bringing Together Different Types of Data for Different Types of Users
- The California Baseline Methane Survey
- The Charged Particle Environment on the Surface of Mars induced by Solar Energetic Particles - Five Years of Measurements with the MSL/RAD instrument
- The Composition and Chemistry of the Deep Tropospheres of Saturn and Uranus from Ground-Based Radio Observations
- The Contribution to High Asia Runoff from Ice and Snow (CHARIS): Understanding the source and trends of cryospheric contributions to the water balance
- The Cordón Caulle rhyolite lava flow: an exceptional case study
- The Dark Side of Saturn's Gravity
- The Depositional and Erosional History of Northwestern Aeolis Mons, Gale Crater, Mars: Insights from Detailed 1:2K Geologic Mapping
- The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART)
- The Effects of Core-Mantle Interactions on Earth Rotation, Surface Deformation, and Gravity Changes
- The Effects of Surface Properties and Albedo on Methane Retrievals with the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer Next Generation (AVIRIS-NG)
- The Effects of Surface Roughness on the Apparent Thermal and Optical Properties of the Moon
- The First Interstellar Explorer: What should it do when it Arrives at its Destination?
- The First USGS Global Geologic Map of Europa
- The International Planetary Data Alliance
- The JPL Neptune Radiation Model (NMOD)
- The JPL Release-06 Data Products
- The Jovian rings as observed from Jupiter.
- The Jupiter gravity field from the first year of Juno science operations
- The MIND PALACE: A Multi-Spectral Imaging and Spectroscopy Database for Planetary Science
- The NASA Planetary Data System Roadmap Study for 2017 - 2026
- The Nasa-Isro SAR Mission Science Data Products and Processing Workflows
- The OCO-2 Level 4 Flux Product: Regional Flux Estimates and Uncertainties for the 2015-2016 El Nino
- The OCO-2 Version 8 X<SUB>CO2</SUB> Data Product Fall 2017 Release: Description and Preliminary Validation
- The OCO-3 Mission: Science Objectives and Instrument Performance
- The PDS4 Data Dictionary Tool - Metadata Design for Data Preparers
- The PDS4 Information Model and its Role in Agile Science Data Curation
- The Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS) on The Europa Clipper Mission
- The Potential Impact of Mars' Atmospheric Dust on Future Human Exploration of the Red Planet
- The Powell Volcano Remote Sensing Working Group Overview
- The Regional Climate Model Evaluation System: A Systematic Evaluation Of CORDEX Simulations Using Obs4MIPs
- The Role of Atmospheric Pressure on Surface Thermal Inertia for Early Mars Climate Modeling
- The Sands of the Bagnold Dunes, Mars and Volatiles in Mars Soils
- The Snow Data System at NASA JPL
- The Solar Orbiter Heliospheric Imager (SoloHI) for the Solar Orbiter Mission
- The Status of the NASA MEaSUREs Combined ASTER and MODIS Emissivity Over Land (CAMEL) Products
- The Structure and Properties of 0.1 - 100 keV Electron Distributions Over Jupiter's Polar Aurora Region and their Contribution to Polar Aurora Emissions
- The Sun Radio Imaging Space Experiment (SunRISE) Mission
- The Venus Emissivity Mapper - Investigating the Atmospheric Structure and Dynamics of Venus' Polar Region
- The Vertical Dust Profile over Gale Crater
- The Western States Water Mission: A Hyper-Resolution Hydrological Model and Data Integration Platform for the Western United States
- The Wide-Field Imager for the Parker Solar Probe Mission (WISPR)
- The absent magnetospheric cushion near Jupiter's dawn terminator?
- The depth and structure of the atmospheric flows on Jupiter: results from the Juno gravity measurements
- The development of a Planetary Broadband Seismometer (PBBS) for the Lunar Geophysical Network and the Ocean World
- The first year of observations of Jupiter's magnetosphere from Juno's Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment (JADE)
- The influence of meridional ice transport on Europa's ocean stratification and heat content
- The interaction of the flux errors and transport errors in modeled atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations
- The mid-IR spectral effects of darkening agents and porosity on the silicate surface features of airless bodies
- The potential of SMAP soil moisture data for analyzing droughts
- The relation between Arctic Ocean circulation and the Arctic Oscillation as revealed by satellite altimetry and gravimetry
- The role of ecosystem memory in predicting inter-annual variations of the tropical carbon balance.
- The sleeping giant wakes its neighbors?: Observations of unexpected glacier change around Law Dome, East Antarctica in response to the changing ocean
- The value of high-resolution and spatiotemporally continuous snow information to California streamflow estimates
- Through the Looking Glass: Droughtorama to Snowpocalypse in the Sierra Nevada as studied with the NASA Airborne Snow Observatory
- Time Delay Mechanical-noise Cancellation (TDMC) to Provide Order of Magnitude Improvements in Radio Science Observations
- Time Series of Tropical-Forest Structure from TanDEM-X, Transformed to Time Series of Biomass by MODIS
- Time to quit my day job? My not-so-quiet crusade to become the funniest climate scientist at NASA
- Timescales of Conduit Development and Magma Ascent in Rhyolitic Caldera-Forming Eruptions
- Tools, Services & Support of NASA Salinity Mission Data Archival Distribution through PO.DAAC
- Toward a Multi-City Framework for Urban GHG Estimation in the United States: Methods, Uncertainties, and Future Goals
- Towards More Frequent Terrestrial Reference Frame Updates
- Towards PACE Atmospheric Correction, Aerosol and Cloud Products: Making Use of Expanded Spectral, Angular and Polarimetric Information.
- Towards a better understanding of flood generation and surface water inundation mechanisms using NASA remote sensing data products
- Towards a unified estimate of arctic glaciers contribution to sea level rise since 1972.
- Towards an integrated model of floodplain hydrology representing feedbacks and anthropogenic effects
- Towards new constraints on the impacts of fires on air quality and the nitrogen cycle: Extending the nadir satellite record of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) with CrIS
- Trace elements quantified by the APXS on Mars
- Trends in Regional Sea Level Rise in the 20th Century
- Trends in ice sheet mass balance, 1992 to 2017
- Triple-frequency radar retrievals of snowfall properties from the OLYMPEX field campaign
- Tropical cloud and precipitation structures and regimes from multiple space-borne active sensors: New insights
- Tropospheric ozone observations - How well can we assess tropospheric ozone changes?
- Tsunami Early Warning via a Physics-Based Simulation Pipeline
- Typhoon Doksuri Flooding in 2017 - High-Resolution Inundation Mapping and Monitoring from Sentinel Satellite SAR Data
- UAVSAR Tomography of African Rain Forest
- Uncertainties in the Antarctic Ice Sheet Contribution to Sea Level Rise: Exploration of Model Response to Errors in Climate Forcing, Boundary Conditions, and Internal Parameters
- Uncertainty Quantification for Ice Sheet Science and Sea Level Projections
- Uncertainty Source of Modeled Ecosystem Productivity in East Asian Monsoon Region: A Traceability Analysis
- Understanding Regolith Physical Properties of Atmosphereless Solar System Bodies Based on Remote Sensing Photopolarimetric Observations: Evidence for Europa's Porous Surface
- Understanding the Cryosphere of Europa Using Imaging Spectroscopy
- Uniting Satellite Data With Health Records to Address the Societal Impacts of Particulate Air Pollution: NASA's Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols
- Unmanned Aerial Technologies for Observations at Active Volcanoes: Advances and Prospects
- Update to the conventional model for rotational deformation
- Updated Estimates of Glacier Mass Change for Western North America
- Updating representation of land surface-atmosphere feedbacks in airborne campaign modeling analysis
- Uranus and Neptune: internal heat flow
- Use of Time-Series L-band Data for Estimating Forest Biomass and Landcover Change
- Using Deep Space Climate Observatory Measurements to Study the Earth as An Exoplanet
- Using Deep UV Raman Spectroscopy to Identify In Situ Microbial Activity
- Using Digital Cameras to Detect Warning Signs of Volcanic Eruptions
- Using GNSS-R techniques to investigate the near sub-surface of Mars with the Deep Space Network
- Using Global Total Electron Content to Understand Interminimum Changes in Solar EUV Irradiance and Thermospheric Composition
- Using NASA Satellite Observations to Map Wildfire Risk in the United States for Allocation of Fire Management Resources
- Using NASA's GRACE and SMAP satellites to measure human impacts on the water cycle
- Using Small UAS for Mission Simulation, Science Validation, and Definition
- Using UAVSAR Interferometry to Quantify the Geometry and Sediment Flux of Slow-moving Landslides in the Eel River Catchment, Northern California
- Using extragalactic radio source observations at OVRO-LWA to estimate ionospheric TEC gradients and scintillation
- Using high resolution Lidar data from SnowEx to characterize the sensitivity of snow depth retrievals to point-cloud density and vegetation
- Utilizing GNSS Reflectometry to Assess Surface Inundation Dynamics in Tropical Wetlands
- Utilizing a suite of satellite missions to address poorly constrained hydrological fluxes
- VESL: The Virtual Earth Sheet Laboratory for Ice Sheet Modeling and Visualization
- Vegetation Water Content Mapping for Agricultural Regions in SMAPVEX16
- Venus surface peeking through the atmosphere - gaining a global perspective on the surface composition through near infrared observations
- Very High Resolution Tree Cover Mapping for Continental United States using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
- Virtual Earth System Laboratory (VESL): A Virtual Research Environment for The Visualization of Earth System Data and Process Simulations
- Visualization and Enabling Science at PO.DAAC
- Volume changes of marine-terminating glaciers along Greenland's entire periphery from wide-swath, high-resolution airborne radar altimetry
- WATSON: Detecting organic material in subsurface ice using deep-UV fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy
- Water and Ammonia Abundances in Jupiter's South Equatorial Belt and Equatorial Zone at the time of Juno Perijoves 4 to 6
- Water vs. carbon: An evaluation of SMAP soil moisture and OCO-2 solar-induced fluorescence to characterize global plant stress
- Web-Based Tools for Data Visualization and Decision Support for South Asia
- What color should snow algae be and what does it mean for glacier melt?
- What happened to Larsen C?
- What is missing between model and Aura MLS observations in mesospheric OH?
- What's Cooler Than Being Cool? Icefin: Robotic Exploration Beneath Antarctic Ice Shelves
- When Models and Observations Collide: Journeying towards an Integrated Snow Depth Product
- `Dem DEMs: Comparing Methods of Digital Elevation Model Creation
- initMIP-Antarctica: An ice sheet model initialization experiment of ISMIP6
- 2018 Mars Global Dust Storm - Effects of Airborne Dust and Particle Deposition on Mars Science Laboratory SAM (Sample Analysis at Mars) Instrument Inlet Cover Actuator Temperatures
- 27-Day Modulation in Cosmic Ray Intensities at Two Successive Solar Minima
- 3He-rich Solar Energetic Particles from Sunspot Jets
- A Bayesian Image of the 2017 Kermanshah Seismic Sequence in the Northwestern Zagros
- A Dedicated Ultraviolet CubeSat for Astrophysics, SPARCS (Star Planet Activity Research CubeSat)
- A Demonstration of the Time-Delay Mechanical Noise Cancellation (TDMC) Technique with Cassini Doppler Data
- A Fast Radiative Transfer Model for Simulating High-Resolution Oxygen B-band and its application to DSCOVR EPIC observations
- A Global Gridded Inventory of Methane Emissions from Fuel Exploitation including Oil, Gas, and Coal
- A Global Imaging Spectroscopy Data System: Big Data Access, Distribution and Utility Challenges and Solutions for Facilitating Science and Applications
- A Greatly Improved 25-year Record of Ice Shelf Elevation at High Temporal and Spatial Resolution
- A Hierarchical Statistical Framework for Emergent Constraints in the Earth System: Application to Snow-albedo Feedback
- A Hybrid Unwrapping Error Correction Method based on Phase Closure and Bridging for a Network of Interferograms
- A Lacustrine Environment Recorded at Vera Rubin Ridge: Overview of the Sedimentology and Stratigraphy observed by the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover
- A Multi-decadal Time Series of Vegetation Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Derived Gross Primary Production for NASA MEaSUREs
- A Near-Uniform Sea Level and Ocean Bottom Pressure Fluctuation and its Associated Change in Ocean Temperature over the Antarctic Continental Shelf
- A New Approach to the Retrieval of AOD and its Uncertainty from MISR Observations Over Dark Water
- A New Class of Algorithms for Aerosol Retrievals from Geostationary Satellites - Lessons from the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) and the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET)
- A New Harmonized Multi-City Greenhouse Gas Data Product and its Applications
- A Next Generation Microwave Instrument for Cold Water Salinity Measurement
- A Passive SAR Approach Using the Sun for Echo Detection
- A Quantitative Framework to Inform Data System Architecture and Services On the Cloud Based on User Needs and Expected Demand
- A Research Agenda for Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration: a focus on direct air capture, carbon mineralization, and carbon sequestration
- A Research Agenda for Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration: a focus on terrestrial technologies
- A Soil Moisture Network Developed in a Boreal Forest Environment For Evaluation of SMAP Soil Moisture Retrievals
- A Stakeholder-Driven Land Data Assimilation System for Water Resources Applications in the Western United States
- A Statistical Study of CME Kinematics and its Relationship to the Magnetic Reconnection Flux
- A conceptual framework to support GIS analytics using remote sensing datasets in the cloud
- A decadal atmosphere-based estimate on North American terrestrial uptake
- A modeling study of differing impacts of black carbon and sulfate aerosols on global and tropical precipitation
- A new approach of monitoring Martian trace gasses in future missions
- A new approach to benchmark present-day's TOA flux in 9.6-μm ozone band from model ensemble
- A new generation of miniature high sensitive spectrometers for future planetary missions
- A pan-arctic synthesis of nongrowing season respiration: Key drivers and responses to a changing climate
- A process-oriented synthesis of cloud, precipitation, and wind observations from satellite and reanalysis data sets
- A science-driven system for multi-variate analyses and interactive visualization: uncovering signals for hurricane rapid intensification and motivating machine-learning discoveries
- A view of the MY34 global dust storm from the perspective of the Ensemble Mars Atmosphere Reanalysis System (EMARS)
- AIRS Obs4MIPs V2 Dataset
- ARRHENIUS: a Geostationary Carbon Process Explorer for Africa, Europe and the Middle-East
- ARTMIP-Early Start Comparison of Atmospheric River Detection Tools:How Many Atmospheric Rivers Hit Northern California's Russian River Watershed?
- AVIRIS-NG and APEX Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Campaigns in Support of ESA Satellite CAL/VAL and Simulation
- Absence of the West Antarctic ice sheet during the last interglaciation
- Accelerated heterogeneous retreat of Thwaites glacier, West Antarctica, fueled by high subaqueous melting at the grounding line.
- Accelerating rates of Arctic carbon cycling revealed by long-term atmospheric CO2 measurements
- Accessing Cassini Titan Data Made Easier
- Active Volcanism on Io: Implications for Terrestrial Planets and Ocean Worlds
- Adding the datasets to the long-term satellite-based Solar-Induced Fluorescence (SIF) record
- Addressing the Challenges of Ground-Based Monitoring of SO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions from the Lower East Rift Zone Eruption of Kilauea Volcano with Satellite-Based Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing
- Addressing the massive CMIP6 data science challenge through the ESGF global federation
- Advanced Capabilities and Payloads Specific to UAS for Scientific Observations
- Advanced Ranging Instrumentation
- Advances in Operational Monitoring of Snow in the Alps using Airborne LiDAR Data
- Aerial Platforms for Scientific Investigation of Venus
- Aerosol retrievals from the ACEPOL campaign
- Aerosol sources, processes and effects on the urban boundary layer: highlights from the Air Pollution and Human health programme
- Afterslip and Viscoelastic Processes and Their Relation with Seismic Activity: An Example from the Study of the Mw 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake (Mexico)
- Agile mapping of SIF and xCO2 from the upcoming OCO-3 mission will enable new carbon cycle science
- Air-sea Interactions in a High-Resolution Ocean-atmosphere Simulation
- Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy of Coral Reef Condition
- Airborne Preparatory Activities for Decadal Survey Designated Foundational Observations
- Airborne Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Characterize Arctic Boreal Zone Productivity
- Alkalic Float on Lower Mt. Sharp Units in Gale Crater, Mars: Results from Curiosity's Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer
- Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer-Derived Compositional Characteristics of the Vera Rubin Ridge, Gale Crater, Mars and its Origin.
- Amazon Rainforest Drying Trend from Climate Warming and Extreme Anomalies
- Ammonia, water vapor, and clouds in Jupiter's Equatorial Zone
- An Assessment of Martian Atmospheric Wind Measurement Techniques: A Workshop Report
- An Assessment of Sentinel-3A Measurements and Fully-Focused SAR Processing over Arctic Sea Ice
- An Inclusive Workplace for all Scientists
- An Investigation of a Terrestrial Lava Tube with an Instrument Payload Integrated with the LEMUR Rock-Climbing Robot
- An Updated Shape Model for Jupiter from Juno Gravity Science Measurements
- An X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer for the Europa Lander
- An assessment of the impacts of cloud vertical heterogeneity on global ice cloud records from passive satellite retrievals
- An examination of atmospheric water vapor as a potential source for recurring slope lineae on Mars
- An information technology foundation for fostering interdisciplinary oceanographic research and analysis
- An integrated data platform for retrieval, analytics, and visualization of MODIS & VIIRS land products
- An inter-comparison of five snow water equivalent estimation methods in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California
- Analysis of Atmospheric Transport Uncertainty for Different Weather Regimes over Los Angeles Basin and its Impact on Greenhouse Gases Mixing Ratios
- Analysis of Crevasse Patterns and Melt Pond Evolution on Four Greenland Tidewater Glaciers
- Analysis of Terminus Position and Large Calving Events on 4 Greenland Tidewater Glaciers from 2001-2017
- Analysis of the surface thermal anomaly of Solfatara volcano by comparison of satellite and ground thermal infrared images
- Application of Airborne SAR to Extreme Flooding: A Case Study of the Southeast Texas Rivers During Hurricane Harvey Emergency Response
- Application of GIS-related and Statistical Techniques to Jovian Atmosphere
- Application of Regional Drought and Crop Yield Information System to enhance drought monitoring and forecasting in Ninh Thuan Province in Vietnam
- Applications of satellite remote sensing to identify the interannual variability of Chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature in the California coasts
- Applications of the Multi-angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA) for Air Quality and Health: Optimization of Epidemiological Study Areas for Societal Benefit
- Applying Conceptual Models to Multi-Parameter Remotely Detected Observations of Volcanic Unrest Over Multiple Decades in Latin America
- Approaches to estimation of electromagnetic energy input into the ionosphere-thermosphere with modeling and observation.
- Architectures for Deep Drilling on Mars
- Arctic MISST: Multi-sensor Improved Sea Surface Temperature: Continuing the GHRSST Partnership and Improving Arctic data
- Artifact Reduction Strategies in Complex Environments for Trace Gas Retrievals Using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy
- Artificial Impacts and Meteoroid Strikes on the Moon: observations from seismic data with insights from synthetic models
- Assessing Shoreline Retreat in the Western Mediterranean Basin and its Environmental Implications in Coastal Urban Areas
- Assessing aerosol indirect effect on clouds and regional climate of East/South Asia and West Africa using NCEP GFS
- Assessing possible mutual orbit period change by shape deformation of Didymos after a kinetic impact in the NASA-led Double Asteroid Redirection Test
- Assessing regional drought impacts on vegetation and evapotranspiration: a case study in Guanacaste, Costa Rica
- Assessing the role of ocean warming in the widespread retreat of Greenland's marine-terminating glaciers over the past three decades
- Assessing the sensitivity of chlorophyll fluorescence to complex canopy structure at the forest-tundra ecotone of North America: toward remotely sensing light use efficiency dynamics
- Assessment of surface mass balance uncertainties using a surface energy balance model and the Ice Sheet System Model framework
- Assimilating All-Sky Infrared Radiances from GOES-16 ABI using an Ensemble Kalman Filter for Convection-Allowing Severe Thunderstorms Prediction
- Associating Speciated Fine Particulate Matter with Adverse Health Outcomes in the Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA) Investigation
- Astrobiological Assay Validation across Gradients in Mars Analogue Sites: Lessons from the FELDSPAR Project
- Asymmetry in the Polar Radiation Budget of Mars driven by Seasonal Snowfall
- Atmospheric Carbon and Transport (ACT) - America: A multi-year airborne mission to study fluxes and transport of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> across the eastern United States
- Atmospheric correction for coastal waters based on multi-angle polarimetric observations
- Atmospheric observations inform roles of climatic drivers in controlling NEE variations at seasonal and sub-seasonal scales
- Automated Machine Learning as a Service for the Earth Sciences
- Automatic finite earthquake source inversion using real-time GNSS and teleseismic data for tsunami early warning
- BASCOE Reanalysis of Aura MLS (BRAM), 2<SUP>nd</SUP> Release
- Balloon-Borne Instrumentation for Detection of Gamma-ray Glows from Lightning
- Band-by-band contributions to the longwave cloud radiative feedbacks in the Arctic
- Barrier effect of the Maritime Continent on the MJO: Perspectives from the large-scale control and local topographic effect
- Bathymetry Mapping in SouthEast Greenland Using OMG High-Resolution Airborne Gravity Data
- BedMachine Antarctica v1: a new subglacial bed topography and ocean bathymetry dataset of Antarctica combining mass conservation, gravity inversion and streamline diffusion
- Bi-sat Observations of the Lunar environment Above Swirls (BOLAS): Tethered Microsat Investigation Of Space Weathering and the Water Cycle at the Moon
- Boundary-Layer Water Vapor Profiling Inside of Clouds Using Differential Absorption Radar
- Brinicles and the Fates of Trapped Salts in the Ices of Ocean Worlds
- Broad-scale Geospatial Analysis of CH<SUB>4</SUB> Emissions Using High-Resolution Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery Across Alaska and Western Canada
- Building Earth Sciences Capacity and Addressing International Development Objectives through NASA's participation in the USAID Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) program
- Building rich and interactive web applications with CoverageJSON
- CEOS Ocean Variables Enabling Research & Applications for GEO (COVERAGE): An International Initiative focusing on Integrated Access to Interagency Satellite Data in Support of Marine Applications
- CYGNSS Surface Heat Flux Product Development
- Calibration of global scale gross primary productivity simulated with the ORCHIDEE model by assimilating OCO-2 SIF products
- California Baseline Methane Survey
- Calving Front Machine (CALFIN): A calving front mask dataset for West Greenland, 1972-2018
- Calving and ocean impact on short-term velocity of Western Greenland glaciers
- Can a drone equipped with a miniature methane sensor determine methane fluxes from an Alaskan wetland?
- Capturing Cassini's Legacy: Cassini Magnetospheric Discipline Science Data Products
- Carbon Balance Observatory (CARBO) instrument overview
- Carbon Cycle Science Data and Services at the Goddard Earth Sciences Data Information and Services Center (GES DISC)
- Carbon on Vesta and Ceres: Constraints from nuclear spectroscopy
- Cassini Project's Strategy to Organizing Science Data Now and in the Future
- Cassini's Grand Finale: Discoveries and Highlights One Year Later
- Cassini's Legacy: Preserving History While Making Data Accessible
- Causes of unusually high dB/dt variations at magnetic equatorial regions
- Change of Vegetation Health inside Fire Perimeters in Southern California: An Analysis of Drought and Fire Interactions since 2000
- Chapter 4: Urban Systems
- Characterization of dust and smoke optical properties with AirMSPI Multiangle and Polarimetric Observations
- Characterization of slow-moving, deep-seated landslides using geodetic InSAR observations
- Characterizing Potential Pingo Morphology on Ceres
- Characterizing Snow Water Equivalent uncertainty in vegetated regions for the Airborne Snow Observatory
- Characterizing Uncertainties in CH<SUB>4</SUB> Leakage Flux Retrieval Using an Idealized Large Eddy Simulation (LES).
- Characterizing X-ray Amorphous Phases through Diffraction Profile Modeling: Understanding Weathering and Diagenesis in Gale Crater
- Characterizing the Meteorological Conditions Associated with Lightning Outbreaks in the Western United States
- Characterizing the Modern-Day Aeolian Environment at Gale Crater, Mars
- Characterizing the subsurface distribution of high-silica features at Gale crater, Mars using active neutron experiments and LIBS geochemistry
- Characterizing the vertical structure of the cloudy boundary layer with GPS radio occultation observations
- Chasing a "Magma Gopher": Insights on Intricate Subsurface Magma Pathways at Sierra Negra Volcano, Galápagos
- Climate Model Diagnostic Analyzer Services on NASA Earth Exchange Platform OpenNEX
- Climate-driven bedrock displacements in Greenland and Antarctica
- Climatology in Asian dust activation and transport based on MISR satellite observations and trajectory analysis
- Climatology of Short-period Planetary Waves in the Upper Atmosphere
- Cloud Morphology Associated with Jovian Lightning
- Collaborative Data Curation to Support the Multi-Mission Analysis Platform (MAP)
- Combination Service for Time-variable Gravity Field Solutions (COST-G) - current status
- Combination of ICESat and GRACE to Obtain High Resolution Mass Variation in the Antarctic Ice Sheet at Monthly Timescales
- Combined Active/Passvie Ka-band sensor for Microwave Remote Sensing
- Combining NISAR and SWOT Spaceborne Missions to Study Coastal Wetlands
- Combining Sentinel-1 and Ground-based SAR to retrieve landslide 3D displacement: application to Pas de l'Ours landslide, France
- Combining Sentinel-1 and Landsat imagery with an adjusted Priestley Taylor model for estimating crop water use
- Cometary Science with the NEOWISE Mission
- Compact Ultraviolet Spectrometers for Solar System Missions
- Comparative Terrestrial Exoplanetology in an Era of Space-Based Infrared Spectroscopy
- Comparison of downscaled vertical GPS observations to independent measures of hydrologic loading
- Composition of Frozen Brines in the Aqueous Na-Mg-SO<SUB>4</SUB> and Na-Mg-Cl Systems
- Conduits from the Depths Below? Models of Cryovolcanic Fracture Propagation on Icy Worlds
- Connecting Libraries to NASA with a Spectrum of Technologies
- Considerations and recommendations for working towards global and automated tropospheric corrections in InSAR
- Consistency between the NASS Soil Moisture Condition Table and the SMAP L4SM Product
- Consistent Adaptation to Surface and Environmental Conditions Amongst the Passive MW Imagers and Sounders in the TRMM/GPM Precipitation Constellation Data Record
- Constraining Canopy Carbon Simulations in Terrestrial Biosphere Models by Using the Soil Moisture Active Passive Observations
- Constraining future precipitation projections over the contiguous United States using a multi-objective model evaluation framework
- Constraining physically-based climate modeling with snow spectroscopic measurements from the Surface Biology and Geology concept
- Constraining the Carbon Content of Dwarf Planet Ceres
- Constraints on elemental composition of fine and coarse aerosols
- Constructing Metrics of Consistency from EOP combined series: An Example Applied to ITRF2014, JTRF2014, and DTRF2014
- Contemporaneous VLA and ALMA observations of Jupiter during the Juno mission
- Continued mass loss of Jakobshavn Isbræ, West Greenland, controlled by fjord water temperature
- Contributions to Jupiter's gravity field from dynamics in the deep dynamo, semiconducting layer, and nonconducting atmosphere
- Convection Initiation and Large-Scale Moisture Transport: A Process Study of Tropical Storm Cindy by the NASA CPEX Field Campaign
- Convective Detrainment Levels and Convective Dilution during El Niño and La Niña
- Correlating Mastcam Multispectral Data and Rock Morphology to Understand Potential Links Between Ferric Spectral Features Along Vera Rubin Ridge in Gale Crater, Mars
- Coulomb Stress Changes by Long-term Slow Slip Events in the Southcentral Alaska Subduction Zone
- Coupled chemistry-climate model simulations of a massive 2017 smoke plume
- Criegee Intermediate-Carboxylic Acid Reactions, A Potential Source for Secondary Organic Aerosols in the Atmosphere
- Crosslink Occultations for Probing the Planetary Atmosphere and Ionosphere of Mars
- Crustal rheology of southern Tibet constrained from lake-induced viscoelastic deformation
- Curiosity at Vera Rubin Ridge: Major Findings and Implications for Habitability
- Cyclone-related lightning near Juno's 6th orbit
- DART Impact Ejecta Simulation and Visualization for Fly-Along CubeSat Operational Planning
- Data Quality Recommendations for Data Producers and Distributors: Outcomes from the NASA ESDSWG Data Quality Working Group
- Dawn's second extended mission at Ceres: The final harvest
- Daytime Global Cloud Variability as Observed by DSCOVR-EPIC
- Decadal-Scale Variations in Stratospheric Circulation Driven by Seasonal Timing of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation
- Decisive Role of Warm Rain Formation Process in Modulating Aerosol Indirect Effect in a Global Climate Model
- Decline of the Amazon Carbon Sink from Recent Climate Extremes
- Decomposition of the Venus time-variable gravity due to the atmospheric mass motion as inferred from global circulation models
- Deep Convective Activity in the Mars Planet-Encircling Dust Event 2018a: Observations by the Mars Climate Sounder
- Deep convection in the tropics across scales: observations and directions toward improved parameterization
- Deep learning for satellite data-driven assessment and forecasting of particulate pollution over South Korea
- Deep-UV fluorescence and Raman instrumentation for organic detection in subsurface environments
- Deformation Observed in the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano Eruption and Earthquake Sequence Using Differential Airborne Lidar Topographic Data
- Dehydration kinetics of hydrohalite under photolytic and radiolytic environments
- Dependence of Cloud and Precipitation Properties on Aerosol Concentrations Above and Below Clouds: Results from ORACLES
- Deploying ESGF Node as Docker containers on Google Cloud: A GFDL experience
- Design Concepts and Architecture of the Joint NASA-ESA Multi-Mission Analysis Platform
- Design and Installation of a Very Broad Band Seismometer on Mars
- Designing Drought Indicators
- Designing Topic Specific Crawls: Comparing Algorithm Performance
- Designing a GRACE-type satellite constellation for hydrologic science
- Detection & Instrument Characterization Using Spatial Statistical Models
- Detection and Interactive Exploration of Telemetry Anomalies
- Detection of Gravity Anomalies on Europa using Line-of-sight Gravity Profiles
- Determining Snow Line Elevation in the Hindu Kush Himalaya from 2000 to 2017 using MODSCAG
- Developing a Regional-scale Photosynthetic Carbon Flux Estimation Framework using Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide Measurements and a Geostatistical Inverse Modeling Approach
- Developing a modelling framework to characterize sensitivity of soil freezing processes to snow cover changes and active layer dynamics in Arctic Alaska
- Developing cloud-free MODIS images to improve flood modeling
- Developing the Capability to Inversely Constrain the Estimates of Time-Varying River Discharge Using Ocean Observation
- Development of Standardized Interferometric Products and Online Processing Capabilities
- Development of a Long-term Consistent Satellite Record of Soil Moisture
- Diagenetic Concretions in the Murray Formation, Gale Crater, Mars
- Distribution of fault creep along northern California faults from Sentinel-1
- Diurnal Variations of Dust from Mars Climate Sounder Observations during the 2018a Global Dust Event
- Diurnal variability of surface temperature over lakes: Case study for Lake Huron
- Documenting the Legacy of Cassini's Instrument Teams in NASA's Planetary Data System
- Does sea ice drive the Antarctic Slope Current?
- Downward oxidant transport through Europa's ice shell in porosity waves
- Drone based monitoring instruments for volcanic plume observation and comparison with ground data: Solfatara (Naples, Italy) and Vulcano island (Sicily, Italy) deployments
- Drought and Crop Nowcast and Forecast in NASA SERVIR Hubs
- Drought monitoring and forecasting for Lower Mekong Countries via the Regional Hydrological Extremes Assimilation System (RHEAS)
- Drought tipping points: Can remote sensing provide improved early warning drought signals for food security?
- Dry Ice and Granular Flows on Mars
- Dynamical Forcing of Cap Edge Dust Lifting During the Onset of the 2018 Mars Global Dust Event
- ECOSTRESS radiometric validation
- ECOSTRESS, HyTES and HyspIRI/SBG - Imaging in the Thermal Infrared
- Early and persistent supershear rupture of the 2018 Mw 7.5 Palu earthquake
- Eco-hydrological modeling using field-based and Earth Observations to assess water use efficiency and support agricultural water resources management
- Effects of Dynamic Electric Fields Derived from Incoherent Scatter Radar on High-latitude Ionosphere
- Effects of Greenland ice sheet surface melt on radar backscatter and elevation change from CryoSat-2
- Effects of Methane and Hydroxyl Radical Chemistry on Decadal Methane Emissions Estimates
- Effects of the MY34/2018 Global Dust Storm in the Gale Crater Environment as Measured by REMS
- Elevated Aerosol Pollution in a Warmer World: The Role of the Land/Sea Warming Contrast and Enhanced Continental Aridity
- Emergent Patterns in Global Forest Carbon Dynamics
- Enabling a Threshold-Selection Algorithm for Excising Cloud-Contaminated Data Onboard Orbital Imaging Spectrometers
- Energetic charged particle characteristics of Jupiter's middle-to-outer magnetosphere: Observations from Juno/JEDI
- Enhancing Discharge Interpolation for SWOT
- Enhancing Drought Resilience and Crop Yield Security in Vietnam
- Enhancing Planetary Protection for the Europa Lander Mission Concept with Molecular Biology
- Enhancing the Spatial Resolution of Monthly GRACE Solutions in Antarctica with ICESat and other Geodetic Observations
- Estimates of vegetation carbon uptake by solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) are modulated by photosynthetic pathway (C3 vs. C4)
- Estimating Hydrological Connectivity in Coastal Wetlands using UAVSAR and Numerical Modeling
- Estimating vegetation water content and soil surface roughness using physical models of L-band radar scattering for soil moisture retrieval
- Europa's surface radiation environment
- Evaluating Marine Boundary Layer Cloudiness in an Eddy-Diffusivity/Mass-Flux Turbulence Parameterization
- Evaluating XCO2 bias and quality control methods for OCO-2 soundings in the Boreal Forests
- Evaluation and Attribution of Global CO Emissions and Trends to Natural and Anthropogenic Sources
- Evaluation of Coherence Properties of Signals of Opportunity for Snow Measurement
- Evaluation of Precipitation Flag for SMAP Soil Moisture Accuracy using IMERG and GOES-5
- Evaluation of Techniques for the Estimation of Pixel-Level AOD Uncertainties in Satellite Aerosol Remote Sensing
- Evaluation of satellite-derived water quality variables using satellite remote sensing and in situ data in San Luis Reservoir
- Evaluation of the Ice Nucleating Abilities of Various Aerosol Types Through a Combination of Satellite Data and Cloud-resolving Modeling
- Evidence for Alteration and Diagenesis at Gale Crater, Mars from the Curiosity Rover
- Evidence for a larger contribution of smoldering combustion to boreal forest fire emission factors from tower observations in Alaska
- Evolution of ocean-induced ice melt beneath Zachariæ Isstrøm, Northeast Greenland combining observations and an ocean general circulation model from 1978 to present
- Evolution of the Polar Clouds and Global Mapping of the Surface Derived From the VIMS Archive of Titan
- Evolved Climates and Observational Discriminants for the TRAPPIST-1 Planetary System
- Experimental Subseasonal Forecasting of Atmospheric Rivers over the Western U.S. During Winter 2017-2018 and 2018-2019
- Exploration of the Martian polar atmosphere using the Mars Climate Sounder (MCS) and the Ensemble Mars Atmosphere Reanalysis System (EMARS)
- Exploring Martian subsurface through a new approach of monitoring Martian trace gases in future missions
- Exploring Previous and Novel Tropical Cloud-SST Interactions with Multi-Sensor MISR, MODIS, CERES, and NASA Precipitation Datasets
- Exploring Underwater Vent Systems: New Technologies and Strategies to Advance Life Detection and Scientific Understanding of Ocean Worlds
- Exploring possibilities in measurement of surface deformation from high resolution topographic data: Earthquakes, landslides, and fault creep in California
- Exploring the Ice Giant Systems
- Exploring variability in CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CO measurements due to episodic emissions in the Los Angeles Megacity
- Extending for Science Data Discovery
- FRAGMENT: FRontiers in dust minerAloGical coMposition and its Effects upoN climaTe
- Facilitating Rapid Analysis of Remotely Sensed Cascading Disasters using Science Gateways
- Far-field GIA contribution to space-gravimetric mass trends in Antarctica
- Fault Location, Slip Distribution and Earthquake-induced Geological Effects Associated with 12 December 2017 Mw 6.2 Hojedk and 12 November 2017 Mw 7.3 Sarpol-e Zahab Iran Earthquakes
- Feasibility of estimating large-scale sea surface height from surface current velocity streamfunction fields
- Feature Augmentation using Tubular Image Filtration for Autonomous On-board Classification of Mars Dust Devil Tracks
- Feeling the heat - determining eruption temperatures of Io's lavas using remote sensing
- Field aligned currents associated with Jupiter's auroras
- Fifty Years of Inland Water Remote Sensing: Moving from Methods to Applications
- First Investigations of Drizzling Boundary Layer Cloud Properties with OCO-2 A-band Retrievals
- First report of electron measurements at Europa and Ganymede auroral footprint tail crossings
- Fish versus tomatoes and other tales of using remote sensing to meet California's co-equal goals of providing water supplies and protecting ecosystems.
- Floor Fractures in Ezinu Crater: Evidence of Solid State Flow on Ceres?
- Fluvial boulder transport, jamming and valley blocking by earthflows
- Flux towers in the sky: how can uncertain measures of NEE, GPP and respiration reduce global carbon cycle process uncertainty?
- Flying through a Dawn Storm : an analysis of Juno-UVS images during PJ11
- Food Grows where Groundwater Flows: California Grapples with Chronic Water Scarcity
- Forming Ridges on Icy Satellites: Insights from Physical Analogue Modeling
- Forward Scattering 'Radar of Opportunity' aboard the PAZ Satellite: Sensing of Heavy Precipitation and Synergies with GPM and other Precipitation Radars
- Fragments from the Origins of our Solar System (FOSSIL): Exploring the Chemical Diversity of Comets, Asteroids, and Interstellar Dust at 1 AU.
- Freezing Water Spheres: Connecting Dynamics and Surface Features of Icy Moons
- From high-latitude auroral beams to equatorial radiation belts: Results from the JEDI instrument at Jupiter
- From how far away can we hear waves on Titan? - Maria microseismicity on Titan
- Further Plans for the GRACE Mission
- Fused and Assimilated Satellite Carbon Dioxide Observations and Fluxes from Multiple Instruments
- Fusing GEDI, ICESat-2 and NISAR data for aboveground biomass mapping in Sonoma County, California, USA
- Future mass change observing scenarios
- Future surface deformation and change observing scenarios
- GPS Signal Reflections from Wetlands: Simulation Results
- GRACE Follow-On: data processing strategies, first products and continuity
- GRACE Follow-On: mission status, first results, and plans
- GRACE and GRACE-FO Mascon Solutions for Hydrology Applications
- GRASP Algorithm - Unified Platform for Retrieval of Aerosol and Surface Properties from Satellite and Ground-based Observations
- Gaining Insight into Surface Geologic Processes on Europa through Geologic mapping at Global and Regional Scales
- Generating Drainage Basins On Hydraulic Potentiometric Surface of Greenland On High Resolution
- Geochemical evidence from the ChemCam instrument highlighting the role of diagenesis at Vera Rubin Ridge in Gale crater, Mars
- Global High-Resolution Soil Moisture Product based on SMAP and Copernius Sentinel SAR Data
- Global Observations of XCO<SUB>2</SUB> and Solar-Induced Fluorescence from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory 3 on the International Space Station - a Preview of Exciting New Data Soon Coming to a DAAC Near You
- Global estimates of submarine groundwater discharge reveal heightened threat of saltwater intrusion to mid-latitude aquifers
- Global measurements of isoprene from the Cross-track Infrared Sounder
- Global retrievals of solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence with TROPOMI: first results and inter-sensor comparison to OCO-2
- Global trends in mangrove canopy height, biomass and carbon stocks
- Global, Data-Driven Observations of Heterotrophic Respiration
- Gravitational Signatures of Atmospheric Mass Transport by Thermal Tides on Venus
- Grounding line migration, ice speed-up, and mass loss of Denman glacier, East Antarctica.
- Habitability of Hydrocarbon Worlds: Titan and Beyond
- Hanging out on Ceres is stressful: overhanging cliffs reveal strong crust
- Heterogenous System for in situ Measurements from within Ice Shelf Cavities to Improve Predictions of Sea Level Rise.
- HiCIBaS: A precursor mission for high contrast imaging balloon systems
- High Resolution Arctic Coastline from Satellite Imagery
- High energy radiation profile of Jupiter as observed by the Juno ASC
- High resolution spatial measurement of snow properties in a mountain environment: A multi-instrument snow properties assessment experiment
- High spatial resolution measurements of Ceres' elemental composition
- High-Resolution Near-Infrared Mapping of Jupiter's Clouds in Support of the Juno Mission
- High-frequency and high-wavenumber variability in the California Current: Evaluating model requirements for SWOT assimilation
- High-latitude Oceanography from Space Using ICESat, CryoSat-2, and GRACE with Implications for Future Use of ICESat-2 and GRACE-FO
- High-resolution modeling of southwestern Greenland during the Holocene using the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM): Comparison with geologic proxies and sensitivity to climate forcing
- Highest resolution mosaic of Ceres derived from Dawn Framing Camera
- Highlights of Scientific Research Over Oceans Using Microwave Radiometers
- Historical reconstruction and near-term forecasts of surface water in South Asia
- Horizontal winds, potential vorticity, and stratopause characteristics from a mesospheric and upper stratospheric unified dataset
- How Can GRACE and GRACE-FO Global Hydrology Inform Land Surface Model Development and Evaluation?
- How Deep is the Great Red Spot? Determining the Depth of the GRS with the Juno Gravity Measurements
- How Well Can We Model Seasonal Variations in Land Water Storage Globally?
- How Well Will the Surface Water and Ocean Topography Mission Measure Water Surface Heights and Slopes in Complex Terrain?
- How accurately can we predict the rate of marine ice sheet collapse?
- How do planetary bodies respond to periodic tidal forcing and how does that influence heat flow and orbital evolution?- Report from the KISS Workshop entitled "Tidal Heating-Lessons from Io and the Jovian System"
- How long is the time record needed to reveal climate change signals?
- ICESat-2 Over Antarctica and Greenland: First Evaluation of Land-Ice Elevation Products
- ITS_LIVE: A new NASA MEaSUReS initiative to track the movement of the world's ice
- Ice Production Rate in Precipitating Ice Cloud: A Comparison between Synergic Satellite Observations and GCM Outputs
- Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM) studies of controls on stability of Thwaites and Pine Island Glaciers, West Antarctica
- IceWorm: Ice Climbing Robots for Glaciology and Beyond
- Idealized climate change of polar clouds under consistent large-scale forcing
- Identification and Extraction of Seasonal Geodetic Signals Due to Surface Load Variations
- Images of Jupiter: Science and Art
- Imaging Spectroscopy Applications for Assessing Wetland Vegetation Distributions and Coastal Resiliency in Louisiana
- Immersive and Collaborative Data Visualization and Analytics Using Virtual Reality
- Impact of Calving on the Retreat of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- Impact of High-Pressure Chemistry on Planetary Habitable Zones
- Impacts of Air Pollution Changes in East Asia and Europe on Arctic Warming
- Impacts of Saharan Dust on the Genesis and Intensification of hurricanes Earl (2010) and Danielle (2010)
- Impacts of meso- and small-scale forcing on the ionosphere-thermosphere system: from above and below
- Implications of Forecasting Thermosphere-Ionosphere Conditions After Initiation of an Eruptive Solar Event
- Implications of jet stream and monsoon flow patterns on regional atmospheric inversions of CO<SUB>2 </SUB>fluxes over North America
- Improve Earth Data Discovery through Deep Query Understanding
- Improved surface reconstruction of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream and application to modeling ice dynamics
- Improving AIRS NRT Imagery for the Enhancement of Visualization Services in LANCE
- Improving Characterization of Anthropogenic Methane Emissions in the United States
- Improving Streamflow Estimates Of The RAPID River Routing Model With Data Assimilation
- Improving satellite-based sub-hourly surface rain estimates using vertical rain profile information
- In-line Water Vapor Radiometer for Precision Deep Space Doppler Tracking
- InSight Fluxgate Magnetometer: First Magnetic Measurements on the Mars Surface
- InSight on the Surface of Mars: Status and Plans
- Incorporating ocean impurities into Europa's ice shell: Salty tree-rings?
- Increasing our understanding of perchlorate salts during thermal decomposition and their implications for life detection on Mars
- Inferring human- and climate-driven changes in freshwater availability using remote sensing and data assimilation
- Inferring the Partition of Ocean Motions into Balanced Motions and Internal Gravity Waves using Satellite Altimeters
- Information content analysis of multi-angle, polarimetric instruments for Ocean Color remote sensing atmospheric correction
- Infrasound Observations Using High Altitude Balloons
- Initial global dispersion and microphysical variation of the 1991 Mount Pinatubo cloud: A ground-based lidar and interactive modelling analysis.
- Integrating GNSS Reflectometry and Imaging Radar to Assess Surface Inundation Dynamics in Tropical Wetlands
- Integrating diverse geodetic data to understand processes in the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano eruption and earthquake sequence.
- Integrating lateral inflows into Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Mission river discharges algorithms
- Integrating multiple top-down and bottom-up approaches to evaluate the tropical land sink response to El-Niño in 2015/16
- Integration of Surface Monitor Particulate Matter Measurements with Satellite Observations in the Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA) Investigation
- Integration of nearly 30 years of disparate satellite altimetry observations of the Antarctic ice sheet, 1985-2018
- Intercomparison of biomass burning aerosol properties from in-situ and remote-sensing instruments in ORACLES-2016
- Interior Models that Explain the Gravity Fields of Saturn and Jupiter
- Interior Structures of Enceladus and Titan with Respect to Oceanic Equations of State
- International Planetary Data Alliance: Current and Future Plans
- Introducing a Gridded Wildfire Risk Model in the United States for Allocation of Fire Management Resources Using NASA Satellite Observations
- Inverse Optimal Estimation of Ecosystem Parameters Using Constraining Flux and Remote Sensing Observations
- Inversion Strategies to Retrieve Snow Albedo and Temperature from Spectrometers and Multispectral Sensors
- Inversion of meteor Rayleigh waves on Earth and modeling of air coupled Rayleigh waves on Mars.
- Investigate episodic tremor and slow slip variability due to stress variation
- Investigating the Clay-Bearing Unit in Gale Crater with the Curiosity Rover
- Investigating the Interaction Between the Upper and Lower Atmosphere on Mars During Times of Increased Dust Activity
- Investigating the sensitivity of deep convection to small environmental changes
- Ionospheric Correction of InSAR Time Series Analysis of C-band Sentinel-1 TOPS Data
- Ionospheric Plasma Density Depletions Following Rocket Launches As Observed by Geostationary Satellites
- Iris Transponder for Radio Science
- Jakobshavn's 20 years of Acceleration and Thinning Interrupted by Regional Ocean Cooling
- Joint Inversion of Satellite Gravimetry and Altimetry: Towards High Accuracy and Resolution Estimates of Ice Sheet Mass Flux
- Joint analysis of seismic, geologic, resistivity and topographic data collected within the San Jacinto fault zone trifurcation area near Anza, California
- Joint determination of terrestrial and celestial reference frames using a square-root information filter
- Juno ASC observations of low light phenomena on the Jovian night side
- Juno Magnetometer Observations of Jupiter's Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere
- Juno Plasma Wave Observations Associated with the Io Footprint Tail
- Juno Radio Science Observations and Gravity Science Calibrations of Io Plasma Torus and Its Impact on Telecommunications Links for Future Missions
- Juno Ultraviolet Spectrograph (Juno-UVS) Observations of Jupiter's Auroral Ovals
- Juno's Surprising Results and the Impact to Future Exploration
- Juno-UVS observation of the Io footprint during eclipse
- Jupiter's High-Altitude Hazes as Observed by JunoCam
- Jupiter's magnetic field morphology and implications for its interior
- Jupiter's surprising space environments as revealed by the Juno mission
- Key role of substorm injections in triggering EMIC waves in the Earth's magnetosphere
- L-Band Radiometry for Assessing Water Cycle: Recent Advances and Way Forward
- L-band InSAR and PolSAR Over Coastal Wetlands in Louisiana
- Laboratory work on thermal properties of rocky and icy regolith analogs
- Lander Radioscience in the twenties - Rotation of Mars and Positioning of the Surface Platform.
- Large Eddy Simulations of the Dusty Martian Boundary Layer and Dust Devils with MarsWRF
- Lasers vs. Lasers: An intercomparison between lidar datasets, GNSS, and snow-probe transects from NASA's SnowEx campaign.
- Latitudinal and Radial Dependence of Plasma Sheet Ion Properties at Jupiter: Juno JADE-I Observations
- Lessons Learned and Looking Ahead: Supporting Operational Water Resources Decision-Making with NASA Airborne Snow Observatory
- Lessons Learned from Getting Ready For NISAR: Large-Scale Science Data Systems with Machine Learning and Disasters Response from the Cloud
- Lessons Learned from the 10-year joint campaign for GOSAT and OCO-2 vicarious calibrations
- Lessons and Challenges for New User Development for NASA Earth Observation Data
- Life Under Ice: Antarctic Ocean World Analogs with HROV Icefin and RISE UP
- Limited Prospect for Geological Activity at the Seafloors of Europa, Titan, and Ganymede; Enceladus OK
- Link between tremor and the processes leading to volcanic eruptions: the dynamics of gas pockets trapped beneath permeable media
- Linkage between SIF and GPP in a seasonally-dormant high-elevation subalpine forest
- Linkage between anthropogenic aerosols and winter extremes on the decadal time scale
- Linking Seismicity and Fault Surface Properties
- Linking oceanic and terrestrial water balances during Indian summer monsoon
- Linking the atmosphere and ice dynamics in Greenland
- Live Fuel Moisture and Large Wildfire Trends in Southern California
- Localized and mesoscale effects in energy deposition in the magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere system
- Localizing putative methane sources on Mars from spacecraft observations and back-trajectory modeling techniques
- Long-term evolution of circumpolar cyclones on Jupiter's poles
- Long-term portable FTS measurements with GOSAT and OCO-2 preparatory for GOSAT-2
- Looking for the ice in the Imhotep and Anhur regions with MIRO/Rosetta
- MISR and AirMSPI Observations of Speciated Airborne Particulate Matter
- MISTiC Winds, a Micro-Satellite Constellation Approach to High Resolution Observations of the Atmosphere using Infrared Sounding and 3D Winds Measurements-Airborne Demonstration Observations
- MODIS-based gross primary productivity and GPP phenology for Arctic and boreal ecosystems
- Machine Learning for Data Validation and Natural Event Detection using NASA GIBS Earth Satellite Imagery
- Manganese Hydroxides and Their Role in Phosphorus Nutrient Cycling on Mars
- Mapping Global Wetlands Using Smap Radar Data
- Mapping Internal Tides using Synthetic SWOT Measurements
- Mapping Snow Depth From Ka-band Interferometry
- Mapping land-atmosphere feedbacks using FLUXNET information flows
- Mapping methane plumes in AVIRIS-NG India campaign data and potential for global point source emissions monitoring using imaging spectroscopy
- MarCO: Flight Status and Lessons Learned
- Maritime Continent Water Cycle Regulates Low-latitude Chokepoint of Global Ocean Circulation
- Mars Climate Sounder Observations during the 2018a Global Dust Event
- Mars Sample Return: The Time is Now (A Big Idea Whose Time Has Come)
- Mars Science Laboratory Observations of the 2018/Mars Year 34 Global Dust Storm
- Martian Atmospheric Dust Column Opacities Retrieved from MRO-MCS Observations During the 2018 Global-Scale Dust Storm
- Mass Determination of (101955) Bennu and Related OSIRIS-REx Gravity Science
- Mean High Energy Ionic Charge States of the September 2017 Solar Energetic Particle Events in ACE and STEREO Data
- Measuring Surface Water Topography in the Mississippi Delta, Louisiana, Using Airborne Ka-Band Radar Interferometry
- Mechanical properties of benzene at cryogenic temperatures
- Mercury's extended sodium exosphere: pickup ion observations in the solar wind by MESSENGER
- Methane source apportionment in the Los Angeles basin using airborne imaging spectroscopy and a geospatial infrastructure dataset
- Microwave Sounding of Saturn and Uranus: Comparing Gas- and Ice-Giant Planets
- Microwave observations of Jupiter's atmosphere from 1 bar to 200 bars
- Mid-infrared spectra and images of Jupiter's auroral regions during perijoves 11 - 15
- Migrating Scarps in the Hapi Region on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione: contrasting geological paths for Saturn's inner icy moons
- Modeling of atmosphere-ionosphere responses to 2015 Nepal Mw 7.8 earthquake
- Modeling the Impacts of Thinning Ice Shelves on Upstream-Flow of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Modeling the response of Northwest Greenland to enhanced ocean thermal forcing and subglacial discharge
- Monitoring Global Tropospheric OH Concentrations using Satellite Observations of Atmospheric Methane
- Monitoring Seasonal Soil Frost Dynamics in Boreal-Alaska Ecosystems with Multi-Frequency Radiometer Observations
- Moon Diver: A Discovery Mission Concept for Understanding Planetary Flood Basalts through the Exploration of a Lunar Mare Cross-Section
- Moonquake-triggered Mass Wasting Processes on Icy Worlds
- Moving Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg: What We Can Learn from Subsurface Imagery
- Multi-Instrument Synthesis of Radar Sounding Observations of the Thwaites Glacier and Pine Island Glacier Catchments, West Antarctica
- Multi-model comparisons of multi-constituent satellite data assimilation for tropospheric chemistry analysis using ensemble Kalman filter
- Multi-temporal analysis of the Oroville dam spillway collapse: natural and technological hazard mitigation strategies and our capability of detecting precursory phenomena
- Multi-temporal and spatial resolution water use retrievals over dryland irrigated fields
- Multispectrum Analysis of the Oxygen A-Band
- NASA Airborne Snow Observatory: Analysis of Snow Algae in the Sierra Nevada Snowpack
- NASA Airborne Snow Observatory: Measuring Spatial Distribution of Snow Water Equivalent and Snow Albedo
- NASA Airborne Snow Observatory: Near Real-Time Snow Data for Water Resources Decision-Making
- NASA Earth Science Activities Supporting Analysis and Response to the 2018 Hurricane Season
- NASA Earth eXchange (NEX) App Store
- NASA GIBS and Worldview: Leveraging Visualizations to Improve Data Discovery
- NASA GIBS and Worldview: Visualizing NASA's Earth Science Data for All to Explore
- NASA's Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation
- NASA's Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA) Earth Venture Instrument Investigation
- NASA's Solar System Treks - New Capabilities and New Worlds
- NASA's Universe of Learning: A NASA Astrophysics Learning and Literacy Program
- NASA's Universe of Learning: Providing a Direct Connection to NASA Science with ViewSpace
- NASA/IRTF Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging of Jupiter in Support of the Juno Mission
- NEX-AI: A Cloud and HPC Agnostic Framework for Scaling Deep Learning and Machine Learning Applications for Earth Science
- Nature, distribution and origin of CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Enceladus.
- Near Real-Time Data Portals for Aircraft Field Campaigns
- Near-Real Time Population Movement during an Emergency: A Case Study on the Mendocino Complex Fire with Disaster Maps by Facebook
- Net Biosphere Exchange in Recent Past: Uncertainty Comparison Between Model-Data Fusion and Earth System Models
- Neural Network Radiative Transfer for Imaging Spectroscopy
- Neutron passive counts from DAN used to infer galactic cosmic ray environment at the surface of Mars
- New Capabilities, Products, and Usage of NASA Earth Imagery for Near Real Time Applications
- New metrics for greenhouse gas satellite performance
- New understanding of multiscale field-aligned currents and scientific and technological impact on the magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere system
- Not so Solid: The Effects of Multiphase Reactive Transport Processes on the Spatiotemporal and Physicochemical Properties of Europa's Ice Shell
- Novel model-data comparison reveals Amazon forest responses to water stress across spatio-temporal scales
- Novelty Detection for Multispectral Planetary Images
- Numerical Simulations of Atmospheric Infrasound Generated by Surface Vibrations (Ground Impact, Earthquake, Microbaroms), Comparison with Experimental Data
- OCO-2 v9 Data Overview
- OMG: Broad-scale ocean cooling across the continental shelf in Northwest: Does it reach Greenland's glaciers through the fjords?
- OSIRIS-REx Approach Phase Astronomical Observations of Asteroid Bennu: Searches for Hazards and Lightcurve, Color and Phase Function Photometry
- Obs4MIPS: An International Collection of Gridded Observations for Model Evaluation
- Observational Constraints on Plume-Induced Subduction on Venus
- Observations of Jupiter lightning-induced electromagnetic waves from the Juno Waves investigation
- Observations of Lightning on Jupiter by the Juno Stellar Reference Unit
- Observations of Submesoscale Surface Currents and Winds with a Doppler Scatterometer
- Observations of satellite footprints in Jupiter's Aurorae
- Observing System Simulation Experiments with a Multiscale Data Assimilation Methodology for Validation of Sea Surface Heights from the SWOT Satellite
- Observing a Wide Range of Fault Creep Behavior in California using Geodetic Imaging
- Observing the tropical carbon balance sensitivity to memory and climate extremes.
- Occator Crater at 35 km Altitude: Dawn XM2 Mapping of a Pristine Impact Basin on a Hydrous Dwarf Planet
- Ocean mass change from GRACE and Swarm
- OceanWorks: Enabling Interactive Oceanographic Analysis in the Cloud with Multivariate Data
- On Developing an Electrochemistry-Based Geochemical Framework in Planetary Minerals Using in-situ Electrical Spectroscopy
- On The Need For InSAR Satellite Constellations
- On the Possibility of Asteroid Magnetospheres
- On the Predictability of Short-term Climate Simulations of African Easterly Waves within a Global Mesoscale Model: A View with a Generalized Lorenz Model
- On the interannual breathing of the tropical troposphere
- On the joint use of solar-induced fluorescence (SIF) and spectrally resolved reflectance to track light use efficiency at a subalpine evergreen forest
- On the spatial resolution of the future SWOT SSH measurements
- OpenET: Filling the Biggest Gap in Water Data for the Western United States
- Operationalizing GNSS as a Fourth Observation for Local Tsunami Warning
- Opportunistic Bistatic Radar for Mars Helicopter
- Orbital considerations for submillimeter limb sounding of Martian winds.
- Orographic Precipitation Response to Microphysical and Environmental Perturbations for Idealized Moist Nearly Neutral Flow
- Overview and experimental design for the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project for CMIP6 (ISMIP6)
- Overview of Recent Results from Opportunity's Investigation of Endeavour Crater and Perseverance Valley
- Overview of the 2018a Global Dust Event from Mars Climate Sounder Observations
- Oxychlorine detection in Gale Crater, Mars and implications for past environmental conditions
- Pairing NASA Capabilities and Western US Water Resource Stakeholders with Data Mining and Machine Learning
- Parallelized Regional Climate Model Evaluation System to facilitate server-side processing of NASA-NEX data on Amazon Cloud
- Particulate Sodium Chloride - AN Outstanding Candidate for Solar Radiation Management
- Per-pixel uncertainty for the Airborne Snow Observatory's SWE products
- Periodic outgassing preceding volcanic eruptions: preliminary results on Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica
- PhotoSpec - A New Instrument to Measure Spatially Distributed Red and Far-Red Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence: An Overview of First-Year Experience
- Photochemistry in Saturn's Atmosphere: Ring Shadow and Ring Reflection
- Photodesorption and photochemistry of ices in Titan lower atmosphere
- Physical simulations of melting snowflakes with smoothed particle hydrodynamics
- Physics-Based Analysis of Cloud Information Content in EPIC/DSCOVR's O<SUB>2</SUB> A- and B-Band Channels
- Planetary Imaging Concept Testbed Using a Recoverable Experiment - Coronagraph (PICTURE-C): A high altitude balloon experiment to directly image and characterize debris disks around nearby stars
- Planning Radio Technologies for Future Exploration of Planetary Environments and Interiors
- Planning for the Exploration of the Martian Subsurface
- Plume-induced subduction and continents formation on the Archean Earth and Venus
- Point positioning with modern GPS signals with GipsyX
- Polarimetric Aerosol Retrievals using AirMSPI: Algorithm Development and Validation
- Polarimetric and interferometric analysis of L-Band airborne data over Western United States during the NASA SnowEx 2017 field campaign
- Polygonal Ridge Networks in Arabia Terra, Nili Fossae and Nilosyrtis: Potential Implications for Mars 2020 Landing Site Selection
- Potential Antarctic contribution to sea level due to uncertainties in ice sheet model forcing and dynamic feedbacks
- Potential Impacts of Remotely-Sensed Ocean Surface Boundary Layer LiDAR Profiler Observations on Ocean State Estimation
- Potential exoplanetary system science with the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope Coronagraph Instrument
- Precipitation-buoyancy relationships and dependence on free-tropospheric moisture: reverse-engineering and forward estimates of deep-inflow influence functions
- Predicting Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Signal Disruptions Using Machine Learning Techniques
- Predicting Grunion Migration Patterns and Spawning Areas in Response to Changes in California's Oceans by Coupling Satellite and In Situ Data
- Predicting Multi-Component Mineral Compositions in Gale crater, Mars with Label Distribution Learning
- Predicting Source Water Quality from Satellite Remote Sensing Data for Water Resource Managers
- Preliminary Observations and Results from the WISPR Instrument on the PSP
- Preparation for the Planetary Decadal Survey: The 2018 MEPAG Goals Document and Plans for 2019 Updates
- Principal Components-based error analysis for California's Los Angeles Basin GNSS and InSAR-based Greens Function Inversion with the Geophysical Finite Element Simulation Tool (GeoFEST)
- Probabilistic drought recovery analysis using GRACE and precipitation data
- Probing Ion Precipitation at Jupiter's Poles Through Dynamic X-ray Spectra
- Probing the Outer Planets with Cross-link Radio Observations Enabled by Small Satellites
- Probing the interior of Icy Ocean Worlds - Full waveform modeling of Enceladus and Titan
- Processing Bistatic Radar Observations of Comet 67P/C-G by the RSI Experiment aboard Rosetta
- Processing of Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C (SIR-C) Data at Full Resolution
- Profile representation of permafrost active layer properties in support of radar retrievals
- Progress towards Venus Seismology through Balloon-based Infrasound Remote Sensing
- Quantification of modeled atmospheric CO<SUB>2 </SUB>uncertainty from various sources using ACT-America aircraft data
- Quantified DUV Raman Analysis for Identifying Aromatic Molecules and Other Biosignatures
- Quantifying the Information Content of Global Imaging Spectroscopy
- Quantifying the influence area of log decks in selectively logged areas in the Amazon with airborne lidar data
- Radar properties of the Dorsa Argentea Formation, Mars determined from SHARAD and MARSIS data
- Radiative Transfer Analysis of Hyperspectral Image Cubes of Jupiter Acquired During Juno's 13th Perijove Pass
- Radiative environment and dust deposition and lifting at Gale Crater during the 2018 Global Dust Storm
- Radiative forcing by dust in the cryosphere and remaining challenges for constraining global impacts
- Radiometric Calibration of AIRS and Possible Contamination of the scan mirror
- Radiometric and Polarimetric Calibration of AirMSPI for ACEPOL, and Level 1 Data Comparisons with AirHARP, RSP, and SPEX Airborne
- Range of Influence of Solar Wind Turbulence: Estimating a Causality Threshold and its Effects on Observation
- Rate-and-state modeling of recurrent slow slip pattern change and response to stress perturbation
- ReFRACtor: Reusable Software Framework for Retrieval of Satellite Atmospheric Composition
- ReFRACtor: Towards a Re-Usable Multi-Instrument Atmospheric Composition Retrieval Framework
- Ready for Their Close-up: Insights about Occator's Bright Faculae Derived from New, Highest Resolution Observations of Ceres
- Recent JPL Advances in Modeling and Observing Natural-Hazards-Generated Ionospheric Perturbations Using GNSS Measurements
- Recent improvements and remaining challenges in the retrieval of X<SUB>CO2 </SUB>from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2
- Recommendations on Software and Service Citations from ESIP
- Reconstructing 3-Dimensional Upper Ocean Circulation based on SWOT high-resolution SSH measurements
- Redesigning for Research: Accessible Data Interaction with MISR Fire Plumes
- Reducing Uncertainty in Global Carbon Fluxes from the Community Land Model Through Assimilating Remotely-Sensed Land Surface Properties
- Reduction of Topography related Biases in OCO-2 V9 Data
- Regime-Dependent Biases in Active Satellite Rainfall Products
- Regional mapping of aerosol population and surface albedo of Titan by the massive inversion of the Cassini/VIMS dataset
- Regions of Enhanced Tidal Heating in Icy Satellites
- Reimagining AGU's Diversity and Inclusion Policies and Practices
- Relating Runoff Error Covariance to Streamflow Errors in a Large-Scale River System
- Relationships between Southern Hemisphere ion upflow, "DC" and "AC" Poynting fluxes, and "DC" and "AC" field variations
- Remote Sensing of Venus's Atmosphere Using Dual-frequency Cross-link Communications Among CubeSats
- Remote sensing of methane and carbon dioxide point sources from space: lessons-learned and future prospects
- Remote sensing of plant functional traits as a basis for mapping biodiversity patterns and predicting ecosystem functioning
- Reprocessing of GPS Products in the IGS14 Frame
- Resolving the Dichotomy Between Surface and Subsurface Structural Elements on Comet 67P Using CONSERT and OSIRIS Observations Onboard the Rosetta Mission
- Resolving the information in large-scale inversions: application to CMS-Flux
- Results From The Juno MWR Instrument
- Reveal the Role of Butterfly Effects and Multiscale Processes in Predictability using Advanced Concurrent Visualization and Multiscale Analysis (PEEMD) Methods
- Revisiting the role of elastic deformation on GNSS observations of vertical land motion at tide-gauge locations
- Reworking and Diagenesis of Martian Soil: Pathway to Murray Formation Sediments?
- Rider on the Storm: Juno-UVS Radiation Measurements of an Auroral Dawn Storm
- Rifting and the Elevation of Bands on Europa
- Ring-mold craters within Occator Crater, Ceres: Evidence for subsurface ice reservoirs
- Robust Changes of Tropical Circulation in a Warming Climate
- SAR, InSAR, and Pol-InSAR for Rapid Disaster Response
- SAR-CBC: A Capacity Building Center for the Use of SAR in Decision Making
- SIF Comparisons of TROPOMI Data with GOME-2 over Tropical Regions
- SNAP: Small Next-generation Atmospheric Probe Concept
- Sampling Venus' atmosphere to measure noble gases and their isotope ratios
- Satellite Observations of Isoprene from the Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectrometer: from Cross-track Infrared Sounder towards the Next Generation of Global Observing System
- Satellite Scatterometer Estimation of Urban Built-up Volume:Validation with Airborne Lidar Data
- Saturn's Global Zonal Winds Explored by Cassini/VIMS 5-μm Images
- Saturn's Normal Modes: Forcing the Slowest Density Waves in the C Ring with Inertial and Rotational Modes
- Science Results from the NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Satellite Prime-Phase Mission and Extended-Phase Plans
- Scientific Ballooning for Imaging Earth's Aurora under the Sun
- Scientific rationale for Uranus and Neptune in situ explorations
- Seafloor expression of oceanic detachment faulting reflects gradients in mid-ocean ridge magma supply
- Seasonal Variation of Mars Methane Background Indicates that Gale Crater May Be a Containment Region for Local Microseepage
- Seasonal carbon and water dynamics in corn-soybean rotation systems in Central Iowa
- Seasonal response of river plume to freshwater discharge in river-dominated ocean margins: a multi-salinity products analysis and inter-regional comparison
- Seasonal variations of the Mars Hadley cell and methane release may drive the seasonal methane cycle at Gale Crater
- Seasonality of global land and ocean mass as a metric of global water cycle variability
- Sensitivity of Hadley circulation changes under warming to physical parameters in CESM
- Sensitivity of OCO-2 and In Situ Inversions to Transport, Prior Mean, and Prior Uncertainty: Results from the OCO-2 Model Inter-comparison Project and Beyond
- Sensitivity of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream to uncertainties in geothermal heat flux
- Sequence of Events During and After Emplacement of Cerealia Facula Deposits on Ceres
- Shallow Fault Slip and Near-fault Deformation on the Creeping Section of the San Andreas Fault
- Shallow slow slip event on the Southern San AndreasFault triggered by the 2017 Chiapas (Mexico) earthquake
- Shallow-to-deep transition of continental moist convection: cold pools, surface fluxes, and mesoscale organization
- Shannon Information Content of Earthquake Sequences:Application to Nowcasting and Forecasting
- Shearing in a Warmer Climate: Insights from Observations and Modeling on Hydrologic Perturbations of an Outlet Glacier
- Signatures of Lava Tubes in Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Shallow Radar (SHARAD) Sounder Data
- Simulating the retreat of Upernavik glacier, Greenland, since 1900 applying the von Mises calving law
- Simulation of temperature anisotropy instabilities in the solar wind with the semi-implicit fully kinetic expanding box code EB-iPic3D
- Simulation-Based Uncertainty Quantification for Atmospheric Remote Sensing Retrievals
- Simulations of the Impact of OCO-2 Retrieval Bias on the Determination of the Inter-hemispheric Gradient of XCO2
- Simulations of the Pre- and Post-impact System Dynamics of the DART Mission Target Binary Asteroid 65803 Didymos
- Simultaneous Juno-UVS and Chandra Observations of Jupiter's Auroras
- Simultaneous Retrievals of Aerosol Composition and Vertical Distribution Using Multiangle and Hyperspectral Measurements
- Sintering of Fine-Grained Porous Water Ice: Microstructure and Strength Evolution
- Slow Slip Events in Cascadia: Evidence of Chaotic Behavior from Geodetic Position Time Series
- Slow slip and potential earthquake triggering near Guerrero, Mexico from geodetic remote sensing
- Slowdown in Antarctica Mass Loss from Solid-Earth and Sea-Level Feedbacks
- SnowEx 2019 - A time series airborne and field experiment in multiple snow climates
- Snowmelt-dominated basins exhibit strong relationships between snow water equivalent and seasonally accumulated streamflow in the Sierra Nevada of California
- Soil Carbon Response to Climate Warming - Using Functional Benchmarks to Evaluate Model Projections of Soil Carbon Dynamics in a Changing World
- Solar 11-Year Cycle Signal in Stratospheric Nitrogen Dioxide based on Observations from the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change
- Solar-induced fluorescence tracks the seasonal and inter-annual variability of gross primary production at a temperate deciduous forest site
- Some of what we learned from phase-1 of the Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE)
- Sounding the vertical thermodynamic structure of precipitation using standard and polarimetric Radio Occultations
- Source to Sink History of Sedimentary Rocks Within the Study Area of the Curiosity Rover (from Yellowknife Bay to Marias Pass Localities) in Gale Crater, Mars
- Source-specific air pollution derived from speciated ground- and space-based observations, and its role on adverse birth outcomes in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
- Spatial Integration of Modeled, Remotely-sensed, and Field Surveyed Building Damage Data to Support Post-Earthquake Response and Recovery Decisions
- Spatial Patterns and Time Variability of CO<SUB>2</SUB>From AIRS.
- Spatial inhomogeneity of SIF in natural and agricultural canopies and its impact on the interpretation of spatially averaged ground observations
- Spin-up of Southern Hemisphere Super Gyre
- Stability of Water Ice within Occator Crater on Ceres
- Statewide Water Management in the 21st Century: NASA and the State of New Mexico
- Strain Analysis of Graben in Claritas Fossae, Mars
- Stratospheric Temperature Trends and Anomalies in Modern Satellite Data
- Subsidence along the Gulf and Atlantic coast of the United States exacerbates ocean inundation of the land produced by sea level rise
- Surface Water and Ocean Topography mission retrievals in the ice-covered polar oceans
- Surveying the Approaches and Advances in Earth Science Data Uncertainty Quantification, Characterization, Communication, and Utilization
- Sustained Non-Photochemical Quenching Shapes the Seasonal Pattern of Solar-Induced Fluorescence at a High-Elevation Evergreen Forest
- Synergistic multifrequency constraints on terrestrial carbon and water processes through present-day and anticipated spaceborne measurement platforms
- Synthesis of Amino Acids via Reductive Amination Mediated by Iron Oxyhydroxides
- Synthetic White-light Imagery for the Wide-field Imager (WISPR) on Parker Solar Probe
- Technology in Agroecosystems: Integrative Land-Atmosphere Monitoring with Unmanned Aerial Systems
- Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems Technology Demonstration (TEMPEST-D) Mission: Early Results and Potential Science Capabilities
- The 2018 Planet-Encircling Dust Storm: Effects on the Mars Upper Atmosphere as seen in MAVEN Accelerometer Data
- The 28 September 2018 Mw 7.5 Sulawesi (Indonesia) earthquake and its implication for tsunami early warning
- The Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) Airborne Campaign
- The Beginning of Mars Subsurface Hydrology in 4D
- The Benefits of Combined Interpretation of Sounders and Imagers
- The Cirrus Cloud Greenhouse on Early Mars: An Explanation, The Explanation, or No Explanation for Rivers and Lakes?
- The Community Code Verification Exercise for Simulating Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): Initial Benchmarks and Future Directions
- The Construction and Validation of a Citizen Science Derived Global River Obstruction Database (GROD)
- The Distinct and Surprisingly Diverse Populations and Properties of Mars Mesospheric Aerosols
- The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART): The First Planetary Defense Mitigation Demonstration Mission
- The Europa Clipper Mission: Science Objectives and Mission Status Update
- The Europa Lander Mission Concept
- The Exoplanet Yield Landscape for Future Space Telescopes
- The February 2018 Mw 7.2 Pinotepa Earthquake in Mexico Ruptured a Small Patch of the Oaxaca Megathrust
- The First Space-based Radio Interferometer for Solar and Space Physics: The SunRISE Mission Concept
- The Flow of Earth's Outer Core Constrained by Surface Deformation and Its Application to Earth's Subdecadal Angular Momentum Balance
- The Impact of Prior Biospheric Models on Global CO<SUB>2 </SUB>Flux Estimates when Assimilating OCO-2 Retrievals
- The Impending Flood of Imaging Spectroscopy Data: Is Ecosystem Science Ready?
- The Importance of Scientifically Selected Sample Suites to Achieving Mars Returned Sample Science Objectives
- The InSight Marsquake service: Procedures and results of Operational Readiness Test
- The Interaction Between Grain- and Boulder-Scale Effects on Thermally Induced Rock Breakdown
- The Interannual and Decadal Variability of Mesoscale Eddies: Atmospheric Forcing and Sea Level Impacts
- The JPL Release-06/07 Data Products
- The Joint ESA-NASA Multi-Mission Analysis Platform: helping to enable international collaboration in the terrestrial biomass scientific community
- The Jovian Magnetodisc Azimuthal and Radial Fields Mapped by the Juno Spacecraft
- The Kilauea 2018 eruption: Insight from surface deformation and topography change observations
- The Long-Lived Plume of the Pacific Northwest PyroCb Event: Composition Evolution from MLS Observations
- The Long-Lived Plume of the Pacific Northwest PyroCb Event: Diabatic Lofting and Radiative Effects of Aerosol and Water Vapor
- The Mid-Infrared Search for Life on Nearby Transiting Exoplanets Using The Origins Space Telescope
- The Mineralogical Record of Redox at Gale Crater
- The Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA): From Aerosol Optical Depth from Space to Near-Surface Particulate Matter
- The NASA Space Geodesy Network
- The Near-Earth Object Camera
- The Next Generation of NASA Rapid Response: Worldview Snapshots
- The OCO-3 Mission: Science Objectives and Instrument Performance
- The Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent in 1850-2149 With and Without Emissions of Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases
- The Plausibility of Silicate Volcanism on Europa's Seafloor
- The Role of Black Carbon and Dust in Albedo Reduction and Radiative Forcing on the Juneau Icefield, Southeast Alaska
- The S2 XT, a Purpose Built UAS for Volcanic Observation
- The Science of Mars Sample Return
- The Simplified Parallelized InSAR Scientific Computing Environment (SPISCE)
- The Size-Frequency Distribution of Boulders >10 m on Asteroid 101955 Bennu: landing safety and scientific return.
- The Snow Data System at NASA JPL
- The Snow on Ice Project: A data-model collaboration for assessing Greenland Ice Sheet change during periods of Arctic warmth
- The Spectral Dimension of Arctic Greenhouse Efficiency Changes during the Aqua Observation Period
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE) Mission Concept
- The Thermophysical Variability of the Vera Rubin Ridge as Explored by the Mars Science Laboratory
- The Top Meter: The Balance of Surface Processes Affecting Regolith Development on Icy Surfaces Such as Europa
- The Unusual Surface Roughness of Pluto's Moon Charon from New Horizons Data
- The Use and Users of SWOT Mission Information Products
- The aftermath of the 2015 El Nino: how have carbon fluxes changed?
- The canary in Wilkes Land: Observations of unexpected marine-terminating glacier change in East Antarctica in response to the changing ocean
- The cell and the sum of its parts: patterns of complexity in biosignatures as revealed by deep UV Raman spectroscopy
- The diurnal cycle of stratospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB>
- The gravity field of Jupiter after two years of Juno mission
- The impact of vapor pressure deficit in the development of droughts over South America
- The observed relationship between dynamic ocean topography and ocean bottom pressure: characterizing Arctic Ocean circulation with complementary satellite tools
- The possible role of water and ice in the geology of Ceres' Occator crater
- The potential role of Criegee Intermediate + ROOH reactions on secondary organic aerosol formation
- The relationship between environmental variables and springtime boundary layer ozone over the Arctic Ocean
- The role of cyclones in snow accumulation on sea ice
- The role of sea ice in atmosphere-ocean energy and momentum transfer: Insights from remote sensing
- Thermal Infrared Science and Applications from HyTES and ECOSTRESS in Support of Surface Biology and Geology Science
- Thermal footprints preceding volcanic eruptions
- Thermal-Compositional Evolution of Europa's Interior and Ocean Since Accretion
- Thermophysical Properties of (101955) Bennu from OSIRIS-REx Approach Phase Data
- Tools & Services for Integrated Oceanographic Data Access: The Oceanographic In situ data Interoperability project (OIIP)
- Towards Long-term Grounding Line Monitoring in Antarctica
- Towards a Unified and Coherent Land Surface Temperature Earth System Data Record from Geostationary Satellites
- Towards an operational network for continuous measurements of Surface Mass Balance and related firn processes over the interior of Greenland and Antarctica
- Towards improved simulations of the Jovian synchrotron radiation belts as seen by Juno's MWR
- Tracking Atmospheric Rivers Globally: Spatial Distributions and Life Cycle Evolutions
- Tracking Solar Type II Bursts with the Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE)
- Tracking the Weight of Hurricane Harvey's Stormwaters Using GPS data
- Tracking the pulse of a North American megacity through city-scale top-down mapping of atmospheric carbon monoxide
- Tracking the storage and dissipation of storm snow and water in the Rocky Mountains using GPS observations of solid-Earth deformation and GRACE gravity measurements
- Transformative Tuna: How Electronic Animal Tags Improved Rosetta for Everyone.
- Trends in Standards for Digital Repositories - Data Usefulness
- Triggering of the 4<SUP>th</SUP> May 2018 Mw 7.0 Hawaii earthquake by dike intrusion
- Tropical forest structure modulates flammability and response to extreme droughts in the Amazon
- Tropical soil fertility increases leaf turnover, not greenness
- Tropical-Forest Biomass Dynamics from Comparison and Combination ofInterferomeric SAR and MODIS Observations
- Twenty-first Century Glacier Slowdown Driven By Mass Loss In High Mountain Asia
- UAS based in-situ volcanic plume characterization for airborne and satellite retrieval validation: VEREX mission results at Kilauea Volcano
- Uncertainty Quantification for Remote Sensing Data: Statistical Inference on Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2
- Uncertainty Quantification of Global Net Methane Emissions from Land Ecosystems Using Mechanistically-Based Biogeochemistry Models
- Uncertainty of the Reference Pixel Average Soil Moisture Observed at SMAP Core Validation
- Uncovering Long-term Regional Trends in the Satellite Altimeter Record
- Understanding Factors Contributing to Biospheric CO<SUB>2 </SUB>Fluxes in Los Angeles, CA
- Understanding Titan and Titan-like Exoplanets around Different Stellar Types
- Understanding different characteristics of multiple LEO and GEO satellite aerosol data over East Asia during 2016 KORUS-AQ campaign
- Understanding methane emissions from refineries in California through the comparison of bottom-up and top-down data
- Understanding the NEO population through thermal infrared imaging with NEOWISE
- Unexpected and significant biospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in the Los Angeles Basin indicated by atmospheric radiocarbon (<SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB>)
- Unexpected slowdown of US pollutant emission reduction in the past decade
- Unified Representation of Boundary Layer, Convection and Clouds in Climate and Weather Prediction Models
- Unprecedented (1851 - 2016) atmospheric conditions drive recent record surface and ice dynamic mass losses over the Greenland ice sheet
- Unraveling the Mystery of the Stark Contrast between Bouvet and Heard Islands in the Subantarctic - Implications for Seasonal Sea Ice Modeling and Forecasting
- Up Close and Personal on a Carbon-Rich Ocean World: Dragonfly's In Situ Investigation of Titan's Astrobiological Potential
- Update on Powell Research Group Study Integrating GRACE Satellite Data, Regional Groundwater Models, and In-Situ Data to Assess Water Storage Changes in Major Aquifers in the U.S.
- Update on Using Satellite Data to Aid Quantification and Attribution of Background Ozone Changes in the Western US
- Updates to the NASA Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 Data Products
- Use of satellite remote sensing to understand land surface hydrology - human systems interactions over data sparse and unresolved hydrology regions: the Zambezi River Basin case study.
- Ushering in a new frontier in geospace through Data Science
- Using CALIOP Data to Determine MISR's Lower Plume Detection Threshold
- Using GOSAT satellite data to test inventories of 2010-2015 North American methane emissions and their trends
- Using Hyper-resolution Land Surface Modeling to Downscale SMAP Soil Moisture to 30 Meters
- Using Joint Satellite and Isotopic CH<SUB>4</SUB> Measurements to Constrain Uncertainty on the Evolution of the Global CH<SUB>4</SUB> Budget.
- Using MODIS imagery to map coastal floods from Hurricane Irene
- Using Remote Sensing Data to Assess the Influence of Environmental Conditions on Seasonal Influenza Across the US
- Using SMAP to study land-ocean fluxes in the Gulf of Mexico
- Using SatStressGUI to Calculate Tidal Stresses on Moons: Applications to Europa
- Using Solar Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence to Understand Carbon Dynamics and Plant Phenology of Global Major Ecosystems
- Utilizing AIRS Near Real-Time Data for Volcanic Plume Detection Rapid Response
- Validation of AirHARP calibration with coincident observations by SPEX Airborne, AirMSPI, and RSP polarimeters during the ACEPOL field campaign
- Validation of SMAP L-band global daily freeze-thaw data products
- Variability in the Io Plasma Torus Seen by Juno Radio Occultations
- Variability of Mars' turbopause
- Variations of Solar-Induced Fluorescence, Carbon Dioxide, and Water Cycle
- Verification of ATMS Pointing by Analysis of Coastline Crossings
- Visible/Shortwave and Thermal Infrared Measurements at Cuprite, Nevada: Complementary or Corroborating?
- Volcano-tectonic interactions at Sabancaya volcano, Peru (2013-2018): Eruptions, magmatic inflation, moderate earthquakes, and aseismic slip
- WFIRST Coronagraph Instrument: progress toward direct imaging of cool planets in near-by solar systems
- Was the MY 34 Equinoctial Global Dust Event Predictable? A Study Using MACDA and EMARS Reanalyses
- Water Supply Constraint on Grassland Productivity at Different Seasonal Timing
- Water Trek: Interactive Hydrology Visualization and Analytics
- What Can Surface Observations Tell Us About Ceres' Interior?
- What Will SWOT Measure in World's Deltas and Estuaries?
- What drives 20th century polar motion?
- Where Are Things Shaking? A Seismological Perspective for Potential Landing Sites on Europa
- Widespread increase and acceleration of slow-moving landslides in response to extreme rainfall
- Will it bend? Insights into the mechanical properties and thermal evolution of Ceres' Nar Sulcus
- Worldview AR: An Interactive Augmented Reality Prototype for NASA Earth Observing Satellite Imagery
- YAML encoding promotes human and machine readability for satellite ASCII data
- Your Guide To 15 Minute InSAR. No Experience Needed.*
- Zoom in on Martian Seasonal Frost Extent and Timing: Preliminary Results from a High Resolution, Mid Latitude Frost Survey
- initMIP-Antarctica: An ice sheet model initialization experiment of ISMIP6
- "Periglacial" Planet? Ground Ice on Ceres Expressed by Surface Flows
- 100-meter Resolution Characterization of Structure in Saturn's Rings with Cassini Radio Occultations
- 2019 CF Conventions for netCDF Workshop
- 3D Cloud Tomography using Satellite Observations: Defining the "Veiled" Core
- A "Classic" Z-Rich Solar Energetic Particle Event Observed by Parker Solar Probe at 0.2AU (April 2-3, 2019)
- A Cassini VIMS data portal for Titan and Saturn's icy satellites
- A Climatology of Atmospheric Rivers and Associated Precipitation for the Seven US National Climate Assessment Regions
- A Climatology of Large-scale Meteorological Conditions Associated with Lightning Days in the Western United States
- A Cryobot for Melting, Cutting and Water-jetting through the Icy Crust of Ocean Worlds
- A Deep Learning Approach for Mapping Distribution of Forest Canopy Height Across Africa from Radar Imagery
- A Deep Learning Framework for Precipitation Estimation from GOES-16 multispectral satellite imagery - Application of the conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGANs)
- A Double Peak in the Timing of California's Photosynthesis as Observed from Space
- A Framework for Biospheric CO2 Flux Quantification in Mixed Urban Landscapes
- A Global Modeling Approach for "Subsurface-Driven" Landing Site Selection
- A Google Earth Engine Dashboard for Assessing Coastal Water Quality in Belize's Coral Reef System to Identify Sustainable Development Goals for Achieving Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
- A Google Earth Engine Wetland Extent Mapping Tool using Open Source Optical and Radar Satellite Sensors
- A Keogram Analysis of Local Time Variations of Jupiter's Ultraviolet Aurora using Juno UVS Observations
- A Linear Relationship Between Microphysical Process Rates and Vertical Motion in Convective Storm Systems
- A Markov chain solution to polarized radiative transfer: formalism and application
- A Mission to the Lunar Permanently Shadowed Regions: Polar Ice Prospecting Explorer for Lunar No-light Environments (PIPELiNE)
- A Multi-Spectral Analysis of Recent Perturbations to Jupiter's Great Red Spot in 2019
- A Multidecadal Satellite Record of Water Vapor, Temperature and Clouds
- A New Method for Plant Flammability Estimation Using SMAP Soil Moisture
- A New Method for Spaceborne Remote Sensing of RZSM and SWE: SigNals Of Opportunity P-band Investigation
- A Notional Mission Architecture for Enabling Near-Term Scientific Ocean Access Missions on Icy Worlds
- A Novel Hierarchical Learning Method for Remote Sensing Data with Applications of Greenland Ice Sheet Changes from Laser Altimetry
- A Review of Inferred Mean Ionic Charge States of SEP Events Detected by ACE and STEREO
- A SMAP validation sudy in the Canadian boreal forest
- A Satellite-based Assessment of Long-term Trends in Extreme Smog and Haze and Their Radiative Impacts over the Indo-Gangetic Plains
- A Sensitivity Study of Microwave Spectra to Water Vapor Variability in the Extratropical Marine Planetary Boundary Layer
- A Space Computer Named In Sight Landed on the Red World Last Year and Here is What We Found So Far
- A Summary of Early Surface Area Map Observations from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-3
- A Theoretical Study of the Applicability of Open-path FTIR for Benzene Fenceline Air Monitoring
- A case study on gaseous HNO<SUB>3</SUB> and HCN in the Asian Summer Monsoon Anticyclone based on airborne measurements and Lagrangian model simulations
- A combined satellite remote sensing and modeling approach to monitor vineyard stress and growth conditions.
- A correlated radiative transfer model for aerosol remote sensing
- A data driven approach towards addressing satellite geometry dependent variations in solar-induced fluorescence (SIF)
- A framework for quantifying uncertainties in remote sensing retrievals
- A new era of anchoring water cycle science and water resource management with paradigm-shifting snow remote sensing
- A new method for isolating elastic from inelastic deformation in aquifer systems: application to the San Joaquin Valley, CA
- A new sampling system tailored to experimentally-derived mechanical properties of icy analogs for evolved Enceladus surface plume deposits
- A pathway to assess chemistry-climate models' tropospheric ozone radiative forcing from satellites
- A seismic signal and noise budget for Titan: Preparation for Dragonfly
- A suite of high-resolution atmospheric carbon dioxide simulations in support of the OCO-3 SAM map-mode observation - how should we use the OCO-3 SAM mode observation? What do we expect from the data?
- AIRS Radiometric Accuracy and Stability and Level 1 Product Updates
- ARIA Standardized InSAR Product Toolbox: Accessible Management and Manipulation of open-access ARIA Standardized InSAR Products with an Application over the Afar Depression in Eastern Africa
- ASTER's Emergency Data Acquisition System: Twenty Years of Contributions for Natural Hazard Monitoring and Mitigation
- Above-canopy mapping of elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> gradients from volcanic gas seeps in a Costa Rican rainforest using fixed-wing sUAS
- Acceleration of Multi MeV Particles on Open Field Lines as Observed From Juno.
- Accelerometer Modeling and Calibrations for GRACE-FO
- Acetonylperoxy and HO<SUB>2</SUB> radical reaction kinetics from the perspective of the product hydroxyl radical
- Advanced validation of TROPOMI satellite observations of NO<SUB>2</SUB> column densities using co-located direct and scattered sunlight measuring spectrometers (Pandora and MAX-DOAS) at Yokosuka, Japan
- Advances in Development of a Near Real-time Tsunami Early Warning System Using GNSS Ionospheric Measurements
- Advancing Access to Global Flood Modeling and Alerting using the PDC DisasterAWARE Platform and Remote Sensing Technologies
- Advancing remote sensing methods to constrain physical understanding of accelerated mountain snowmelt
- Aerosol Impacts on TC rainfall area and intensity over western Pacific
- Aerosol profiling using radiometric and polarimetric spectral measurements in the O<SUB>2</SUB> A-band
- Agile mapping of SIF and xCO2 from the recently-launched OCO-3 mission: Early Results
- Agricultural Application of the SMAP-Sentinel High-Resolution Soil Moisture Product.
- Air Quality Impact of Record-Breaking Southern California Wildfires in December 2017: A Modeling Study
- Airborne Monitoring of Arctic Ecosystem Change
- Airborne Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Characterize Arctic Boreal Zone Productivity
- Airborne snow accumulation estimates from L-Band InSAR during the NASA SnowEx 2017 campaign and validation with airborne LiDAR and in-situ observations
- Aircraft Observations of a Novel Marine Sulphur Species over the North Atlantic Using a HR-ToF-CIMS
- Albedo Reduction by Light Absorbing Impurities and the Associated Radiative Forcing over High Mountain Asia: GFDL Global Climate Model and MODIS Observations
- Aliens and Habitable Planets: Engaging the public in scientific practices characterizing exoplanet orbits
- An Assessment of the Capabilities of GNSS Reflectometry for Dynamic Monitoring of Wetlands and Inundations
- An Extreme Coronal Mass Ejection and Consequences for the Magnetosphere and Earth
- An Improved Quality Flag for QuikSCAT coastal winds
- An Initial Survey of Juno-UVS Auroral Emission Spectra
- An early look at SIF from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-3
- An efficient model development framework for an Eddy-Diffusivity/Mass-Flux cloud and precipitation parameterization with 20 free parameters
- An overview of NASA JPL's remotely sensed evapotranspiration data
- Analysis Ready Data in Analytics Optimized Data Stores for Analysis of Big Earth Data in the Cloud
- Analysis of Convective Structure from APR-2 Radar and the DAWN Wind Lidar During the 2017 Convective Processes Experiment (CPEX)
- Analysis of Perceived Differences in the Monitoring of the Diurnal Cycle of Fair Weather Clouds in the Western Pacific
- Analysis of Recent Anthropogenic Surface Emissions from Inventories and Inverse Modelling Estimates: Are Future Emission Scenarios Valid for the Recent Past?
- Analysis of Warm Nighttime Surface Temperature Anomalies in Gale Crater as a Potential Signature of Nighttime Clouds
- Analyzing Enceladus' Plume Constituents: First Steps to Experimentally Simulating Hypervelocity Impacts
- Anomalously High Water Vapor in the Northern Hemisphere Middle Stratosphere During Early 2019
- Antarctica slowdown from solid-Earth and sea-level negative feedbacks.
- Antidisciplinary: Tackling the technical and social challenges to data science-driven discovery
- App Store at OpenNEX: A Gateway to Help Find Apps Over Big Data on the Cloud
- Application of SMAP Data for Ocean Surface Remote Sensing
- Architecture Studies for NASA's Surface Biology and Geology Targeted Observable
- Arctic salinity from space: Monitoring the freshwater system.
- Assessing Climatic Influence of Cloud Ice Particle Size
- Assessing the Reliability of GRACE-derived Groundwater Storage using Ground-based Monitoring and Regional and Global Modeling in Major U.S. Aquifers
- Assessing the effects of anthropogenic aerosols on Hurricane Harvey
- Assessing the impact of uncertainty in Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 estimates of CO2 concentration.
- Assessing the sensitivity of shoot-level chlorophyll fluorescence to scalable proxies of absorbed radiation in an evergreen needleleaf forest
- Assessment of SAGE III-ISS solar ozone data and sampling biases in merged ozone datasets
- Assessment of Spatiotemporal Variability in Arctic-boreal Carbon Flux Budgets
- Assessment of Water Flow Operations Impacts on Turbidity Using Satellite Remote Sensing
- Assimilating Satellite Ozone Data into Global Photochemical Models: Evaluating how the Models Simulate Lower Troposphere and Surface Ozone
- Assimilation of GRACE Data into the CARbon DAta-MOdel fraMework (CARDAMOM)
- Astrobiology and Landscape Ecology: Never the twain shall meet? Lessons learned from FELDSPAR's Iceland volcanic analog sites
- Asymmetric Coupling between the Dust and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Cycles in the Polar Regions of Mars
- Atmospheric Evolution and Persistence of Martian Habitability from Isotope Ratios Measured by MSL and MAVEN
- Atmospheric radiative forcing at the MSL landing site during the 2018/Mars Year 34 global dust storm
- Attribution and Predictability of Ice Sheet Change under Variable Climate Forcing
- Attribution of Historical Terrestrial Carbon Uptake due to Climate Change
- Attribution of the 2010-2017 trend in atmospheric methane by improved inverse analysis of GOSAT satellite observations
- Augmenting GNSS and teleseismic networks for improved tsunami early warning
- Autonomous Missions for Venus Science
- Autonomous Scheduling of Agile Spacecraft Constellations with Delay Tolerant Networking for Monitoring Transient Precipitation and Urban Floods
- Autonomous Technologies and a Mars Exploration Campaign
- Autonomy for Ocean Worlds Exploration
- Basin-scale and regional sea level budgets from GRACE and GRACE Follow-On, Sea Surface Height observations, and Argo
- Bathymetry along the periphery of the Greenland Ice Sheet using "Oceans Melting Greenland" (OMG) data
- Bathymetry of Northeast Greenland from Oceans Melting Greenland (OMG) High-Resolution Airborne Gravity and Magnetometer Data
- Bedding Orientations of the Vera Rubin Ridge, Gale Crater, Mars and Implications for Regional Stratigraphy
- Bedrock topography requirements for reducing uncertainties in ice sheet model projections of century-scale Antarctic sea level contribution
- Bias Correction of Snow Water Equivalent Estimates in near real-time over the California Sierra Nevada
- Biome Type Affects the Seasonal Temperature Responses of Alaskan Ecosystem Carbon Balance: A Geostatistical Inversion Study
- Boundary Layer Clouds and Climate: From LES to Simple Models
- Boundary Layer Moisture Structure and Deep Convection Initiation during the Indian Summer Monsoon Onset
- Broad-scale airborne mapping detects widespread methane emission hotspots associated with thermokarst
- Building Capacity to Use NASA Remote Sensing Data Through Multilingual Trainings
- Building a Bridge: AN Example of Linking Global-Scale CO2 Fluxes to High-Resolution Urban CO2 Emissions
- Building a mission to an unknown body: Constraints on the composition and formation of (16) Psyche
- Bulk characterization of the planetary boundary layer column water vapor
- CALFIN: A Calving Front Mask Dataset for East/West Greenland, 1972-2019
- CARBO Instrument for the wide-FOV Remote Sensing of CO, CO2, CH4 and SIF from Space
- COVERAGE: A Platform Enabling Research and Applications for GEO
- CYGNSS Surface Heat Flux Product and Low-Latitude Extratropical Cyclone Analysis
- Calibration Stability of the Juno Microwave Radiometer
- Can Mars Seismic Events be Successfully Modeled as Fluid Flow Induced Seismicity?
- Can mycorrhizal association be detected remotely with hyperspectral measurements?
- Capturing multi-resolution water use within olive orchards using Sentinel-2, Planet and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) data
- Carbon Density Dynamics from MODIS, Landsat, and TanDEM-X
- Carbon Loss and Gain of Global Forest in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century
- Case studies of the high aerosol scene for East Asia region using AHI YAER algorithm
- Case studies on using earth observations addressing key environmental challenges along the sustainable development goals
- Cassini Science Highlights and Legacy of Cassini's Mission Archive
- Cassini UVIS Observations of the Enceladus Auroral Footprint on Saturn in 2017
- Ceres' interior from Dawn's second extended mission gravity mapping
- Challenges in the Analysis of Images from the Wide-field Imager (WISPR) on Parker Solar Probe
- Channels on Titan: an Examination of Data Effects and a Comparison with Earth Analogs
- Characteristics of total column CO<SUB>2</SUB> retrievals from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory missions: biases, information content and implications for flux inversions
- Characterization of the InSight Landing Site Near Surface Properties Using the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Probe (HP<SUP>3</SUP>) Mole as a Seismic Source
- Characterizing Speciated Particulate Matter over the California Central Valley with AERONET and MISR Aerosol Products
- Characterizing ecohydrological wildfire feedbacks with satellite-derived evapotranspiration
- Characterizing the Variability of Jupiter's Polar Regions
- Characterizing the Vertical Stratification of the Planetary Boundary Layer from Space with GNSS Radio Occultation
- ChemCam Visible/Near-infrared Spectra of Drill Tailings and Nontronite-bearing Rocks in the Northern Glen Torridon area, Gale Crater, Mars
- Citizen Science Astronomy with the Unistellar Network: From Planetary Defense to Exoplanet Transits
- A Dynamic Platform for Communicating Objective Science
- Climatology and Dynamics of Disruptive Springtime Temperature Sequences
- Cloud vertical structure and OCO-2 A-band retrievals of droplet number concentration in marine boundary layer clouds
- Color Properties Measurements at the Mars InSight Landing Site
- Combined Precise Orbit Determination for GPS, Jason and GRACE: A Unified Solution for the Terrestrial Reference Frame and Geopotential
- Combining paleo records, tide gauges, and process estimates to constrain 20th-century sea level rise in the South Atlantic Ocean
- Comodulation Analysis of Atmospheric Energy Injection into the Ground Motion at InSight Part 1: The Site Dynamics on Elysium Planitia
- Comodulation Analysis of Atmospheric Energy Injection into the Ground Motion at InSight Part 2: Environmental Sensitivity of SEIS and Quake Detection
- Comparing Electron Radiation Belts and New Lessons from Jupiter
- Comparison of 3He-rich SEP Event Observations at the Parker Solar Probe and the Advanced Composition Explorer
- Comparison of C- and L-band downscaling of SMAP
- Comparison of InSight Homestead hollow to Spirit Laguna hollow
- Comparison of Titan and Earth UV Dayglow: Cascade UV Spectrum of the Lyman-Birge-Hopfield Band System Excited from N<SUB>2</SUB> by Electron Impact
- Comparison of surface temperature estimations by means of ECOSTRESS, ASTER and Landsat 8 thermal data: preliminary analyses on Italian geothermal areas and active volcanoes
- Comparisons between InSight IFG Surface Magnetic Field Measurements and MAVEN Observations
- Complex systems science: a framework for understanding Earth system models
- Connecting Lower Mount Sharp Strata: how does the Clay-bearing Unit in Glen Torridon Relate to the Murray Formation, Gale Crater, Mars
- Considering carbon costs of plant phosphorus acquisition in Earth System Models
- Constraining Mars Crust and Mantle Structure From Multi-mode Surface Wave Measurements: Blind Test Results
- Constraining aerosol vertical structure in coastal regions using hyperspectral O<SUB>2</SUB> absorption measurements from space
- Constraining spread of uncertainty in future climate projections with Bayesian Model Averaging
- Constraining the composition of salts exposed on Europa's surface using VIS-NIR spectra derived from Europa Clipper EIS and MISE data
- Constraint of terrestrial model parameters from ensemble forward simulations
- Constraints for the Martian meteoroid impact seismic signals through modeling based on comparison of Terrestrial, Lunar and Martian data
- Content-based Classification of Mars Imagery for the PDS Image Atlas
- Contribution of hyperspectral and polarimetric remote sensing for fire emission characterization from the NASA ER-2 aircraft
- Convective transport of water vapor and air pollutants in the southeastern US: a multiscale modeling study including soil moisture and multispecies chemical data assimilation
- Coseismic Rupture Behaviors of The 2019 M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquakes Inferred From Back-Projections And Satellite Geodesy
- Coulomb Stress Changes on the Southern San Andreas Fault Induced by Water Load Variations from Salton Sea, California
- Coupled, physics-based modeling reveals earthquake displacements are critical in generating the 2018 Palu, Sulawesi tsunami
- Coupling Irrigation Demand With Drought Conditions
- Crater Retention Ages at the InSight and Spirit Landing Sites
- Creating Data-Driven Vector Visualizations of Satellite Orbit Tracks using NASA GIBS and Worldview
- Cross-Calibration of the PSP/ISʘIS Hi and Lo Energetic Particle Instruments Using Observations of Medium-Energy Energetic Particle Events
- Current and Future Earth Science Impact of Global Measurements from Microwave Atmospheric Sounders on Closely-Spaced CubeSats: The Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems (TEMPEST) Mission
- DAS on Ice: Insights gained from deploying several kilometers of fiber optic cable on Taku Glacier, Alaska
- DSCOVR/EPIC observations as a baseline for reconstructing the surface features of Earth-like exoplanets
- Damage Mapping Techniques using Synthetic Aperture Radar for Rapid Response : A Case Study for Hokkaido Landslide
- Data assimilation of CrIS and TROPOMI satellite carbon monoxide concentrations and its potential for constraining global OH concentrations
- Decadal and Interannual ENSO Impacts on Terrestrial Water Storage
- December 18, 2018 Bering Sea Bolide: NASA Multi-Angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) Observations and Hydrocode Simulations
- Declined Decrease of Tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Past Decade
- Deep Convective Evolution from Shallow Clouds over the Congo and Amazon Rainforests
- Deep Learning-based Damage Mapping with InSAR Coherence Time Series
- Deep Learning-based Flood Extent Mapping with Optical Imagery
- Deep glacial troughs and stabilizing ridges hidden beneath the ice around the coast of Antarctica
- Deflection of magnetodisk and the inner drift shells
- Design Reference Missions (DRMs) for Advancing Autonomy in Exploration of Small Bodies
- Detecting Signatures of Ancient Life on Mars: Analysis of SHERLOC with microbes and organics in Martian soil matrix
- Detecting and Quantifying Methane Emissions from Oil Refineries in California
- Detection of Prebiotic Molecules in Titan Analog Materials in support of the Dragonfly Mass Spectrometer Investigation
- Determining the Impact of Precipitation Biases on the Surface Mass Balance Over Greenland
- Developing a method adjusting bias of long-term and multivariate outputs from ensemble experiments by Earth system models for the projection of hydrology under climate change
- Development of a Deep Drilling Probe with Integrated Deep-UV Fluorescence & Raman Spectrometer for Mars
- Development of a Long-term Consistent Satellite Record of Soil Moisture
- Development of a Low-Cost Citizen Science Soil Moisture Sensor
- Development of observation system for constraining uncertainties in physical parameterization
- Development of open-access Standardized InSAR Displacement Products by the Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) Project for Natural Hazards
- Diffuse heating of volcanoes prior to eruption
- Directly testing the distribution of surficial hydroxyl/water on the Moon with the Lunar Trailblazer mission
- Disentangling the Drivers of Interannual Variability in Trace Gases in the Upper Troposphere / Lower Stratosphere Using the Community Earth System Model and Measurements from the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder
- Disproving the Bodélé depression as the primary source of dust fertilizing the Amazon Rainforest
- Disseminating Science with NASA's Solar System Treks
- Distribution of Storms and Moist Convection on Jupiter derived from Juno MWR data
- Do Earth's auroral substorms and Jupiter's dawn storms arise from the same processes?
- Downscaling GPS observations for watershed-scale hydrologic loading
- Drought and food insecurity tipping points: can remote sensing be used for detection of tipping points?
- Dust activity in the Southern Hemisphere: Satellite perspective and unanswered questions
- Dust devils' signature around the InSight landing site (Mars): analysis of HiRISE satellite images and SEIS seismic data
- Dynamics of caldera collapse during effusive eruptions constrained by geodetic data
- Dynamics of unrest at a large silicic system: Domuyo volcano, Argentina
- ECOSTRESS status and plans
- ECOSTRESS: calibration and validation during the first-year in orbit
- Earthquake and Tsunami Nowcasting and Forecasting Using Shannon Information Theory
- Earthquakes Forecasting, some recent advances and pending challenges
- Effects of dynamic ionospheric convection on structuring the ionospheric density distribution
- Electrochemical Characterization of Planetary Regoliths Using in-situ Electrical Spectroscopy
- Electron moments over Jupiter's main auroral emission
- Energetic Particle Increases Associated with Stream Interaction Regions
- Energetic particle observations in Jupiter's polar magnetosphere: new discoveries by Juno
- Enhanced Land-Sea Warming Contrast Elevates Aerosol Pollution in a Warmer World
- Enhanced Planetary Science with the Iris Radio for Smallsat Radio Science
- Enhancing Augmented Reality Applications with Real-Time GPS Geo-Localization for Location-Specific Data Visualization
- Enhancing the Spatial Resolution of Diurnal LST from Geostationary Satellites
- Environmental Drivers of Arctic Methane Emissions Hot Spots Determined from Remote Sensing Datasets
- Estimating ice shell thickness of icy moons from flexural and Crary waves using 3D seismic simulations
- Estimation of Surface Reflectance and Mineral Composition by Combining In Situ and Remote Spectroscopic Measurements
- Europa's nvisible Meters: Impact gardening, Sputtering, Sintering, and Radiolysis.
- Evaluating Contributions of Biogenic and Anthropogenic Emissions to Trace Gas and Secondary Organic Aerosol Composition in Beijing
- Evaluating nighttime lights and population distribution as proxies for mapping anthropogenic CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos
- Evaluating the potential of chemical reanalysis products for air pollution exposure assessment
- Evaluation and Integration of Potential Instruments for Subsurface Ocean Worlds Missions
- Evaluation of AIRS Arctic Cloud Phase Classification against Combined CloudSat-CALIPSO Observations
- Evaluation of Basin Scale Evapotranspiration in the Contiguous United States using GRACE with potential for observing human activity
- Evaluation of Carotenoid Pigment Indices from High Resolution Satellites to Track the Photosynthetic Seasonality in Evergreen Forests
- Evaluation of Coherence Properties of Signals of Opportunity for Snow Measurement
- Evaluation of OCO-3 Cloud Screening
- Evaluation of Precipitation Flag for SMAP Soil Moisture Accuracy using IMERG and GEOS-5
- Evaluation of the relationship between vegetation optical depth (VOD) and canopy water content (CWC) in the tropics with a hydraulics-enabled terrestrial biosphere model ED2-hydro
- Evaluation of total electron content forecasting using three ionosphere-thermosphere models
- Evidence of correlation between surface winds and methane abundance in Gale Crater, Mars
- Exceptionally high Geothermal heat flux needed to sustain the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream
- Exobiology Extant Life Surveyor (EELS)
- Expecting Unprecedented Interest When Planning to Return Samples from Mars
- Exploring Fundamental Processes Governing the Proton Radiation Belts of Jupiter with the Physical Model Salammbô and In-situ Measurements
- Exploring GPU Acceleration for Rapid Visualization and Analysis of NASA Earth Science Data
- Exploring the Environmental Drivers of Global Terrestrial CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes Inferred from OCO-2 and a Geostatistical Inverse Model
- Exploring the Interior of Venus with the VERITAS Gravity Science Investigation
- Exploring the Radiant Energy Budgets of Planets and Moons With Future Missions
- Extension of Satellite-Measured Terrestrial Water Storage for Longer-Term Water Cycle Studies
- Extrapolating Satellite Data Records for Short-Term Regional Sea Level Projections: Understanding the contributions of forcing agents
- FIREBall-2: Delta-doped EMCCDs for UV space based observations
- FRInGE; Full-Resolution InSAR timeseries using Generalized Eigenvectors
- Fault Interaction in the Northern Mojave Desert Area, Insight From InSAR Geodesy and Simple Analog Models
- Feasibility of a Mission to Enceladus' Subsurface Ocean for the Next Planetary Science Decadal Survey
- Feb 11: Girls InSpace at Arecibo Observatory
- Field-Scale Soil Moisture Retrieval using PALS Airborne Microwave Radiometer during SMAPVEX16
- Field-scale surface soil moisture from satellites for hydrology, water resources, agriculture, and disaster prevention
- Finally: Realizing/Approaching/Enjoying "InSAR everywhere, all the time"
- Fine Scale Temperature Mapping of Saturn's Rings at the Shadow Boundary with Cassini CIRS
- Fine-Scale Waves inJupiter's Atmosphere Detected by JunoCam
- Finite element method approach for quantifying the conditions for shape deformation of the primary of binary asteroid Didymos after the DART impact
- First Comparison of OCO-3 XCO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements with TCCON
- First Direct Kinetic Measurements of an Isoprene-Derived Four-Carbon Criegee Intermediate
- First Direct Wind Measurements in the Stratosphere of Jupiter
- First Observation of SEP Electrons at MeV Energies from the Parker Solar Probe
- First Results from the Rotation and Interior Structure Experiment on the InSight Mission to Mars
- First Results from the Spire GNSS-R Payload CubeSat Missions
- First Steps to Geoscience Additions to Based on an Assessment of Neon for Dataset Discovery.
- First estimate of Mars precession rate and moment of inertia from data of the Rotation and Interior Structure Experiment (RISE) on the InSight Mission to Mars
- First evapotranspiration results from NASA's ECOSTRESS mission
- First results from cruise tests of the Mercury Orbiter Radio science Experiment (MORE) of ESA's BepiColombo mission
- First retrievals of XCO<SUB>2</SUB> and SIF from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-3
- First steps in the creation of a Joint MISR/MODIS Ocean Color Atmospheric Correction algorithm
- Flood and heatwave in Japan 2018 and future increase of consecutive compound risk in a warmer world
- Fluvial Regimes, Age and Duration of Jezero Crater Paleolake and its Significance for the 2020 Rover Mission Landing Site
- Formation of akaganeite in Gale crater, Mars
- Four Years of Progress in Analytic Center Frameworks: Lessons Learned
- Fractals, Multifractals and Scaling Laws in the Past and Future of Cloud Remote Sensing: From the Edge-of-Space to Far-Far Beyond
- Fragments from the Origins of the Solar System and our Interstellar Locale (FOSSIL): A Discovery Mission Concept
- From MISR to MAIA: Applications of NASA Satellite Data to Airborne Particulate Matter Exposure and Human Health
- From Plot to Pixel: Scaling up Vegetation Spectral and Biophysical Properties using Ecotypes in Western Alaska
- From Surface to Ground Water: Water Availability Control on African Forests' Productivity during Severe Meteorological Conditions
- From concentrations requirements to emission commitments: prospects and challenges for the Global Stocktake
- From mapping to monitoring - InSAR monitoring of the wider Seattle area
- From the deep …: Recharge of the impact-induced cryomagma beneath Occator crater by the upwelling of deep mantle brines
- Frontiers for Biogeophysics: How to Look for Life in Earth's Subsurface and Possible Subsurface Habitats on Mars
- Frost Degree-Day Mapping over Permafrost Soils in the Arctic Boreal Zone from Multifrequency Passive Microwave Radiometry
- Fusing NASA ECOSTRESS and NOAA GOES-16 datasets for study of thermal regimes and water stress in terrestrial systems.
- Future of Rapid Disaster Mapping with SAR Observations
- GAVRT: A Radio Astronomy Project Bringing STEAM to Students Worldwide
- GGOS Focus Area on Geodetic Space Weather Research - Observation Techniques and Modeling Approaches
- GNSS radio occultation retrieval enhancement within the planetary boundary layer using reflected grazing signals
- GRACE Follow-On - Level-1 Data Processing Status
- GRACE Follow-On fast steering mirror data analysis
- GRACE-FO Gravity Field Results from JPL to Date, and Their Continuity with GRACE Results
- Gauging the boundary layer vs free tropospheric thermodynamic contributions to convective onset in GCMs using GNSS satellite radio occultation (RO) retrievals
- Generation and Comparison of Upper Troposphere - Lower Stratosphere O<SUB>3</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O Climatologies
- Geocenter Motion from a Combination of GRACE Data and JTRF-like Solutions
- Geodetic Earth Science Data Records: Consideration of the effects of the 2019 M 6.4 and M 7.1 Ridgecrest, California Earthquake Sequence on Plate Boundary Deformation
- Geodetic Imaging of the Coseismic and Early Postseismic Deformation from the 2019 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.1 and M<SUB>w</SUB> 6.4 Ridgecrest Earthquakes in California with SAR
- Geodetic Imaging with Large SAR Data Sets using NASA High End Computing
- Geodetic remote sensing constrains moment release from 2017/18 combined SSE and earthquakes near Guerrero, Mexico
- Geologic history of the Claritas Rise, Tharsis, Mars
- Geological and Astrobiological Considerations for Narrowband Science Filters on a Landed Multispectral Imaging System on Europa
- Geology of the InSight Landing Site, Mars
- Geomorphological map of the Soi crater region on Titan
- Getting closer to Landsat: Advances from the GRAPEX Project in the Application of UAVs for High-Resolution Evapotranspiration
- Glen Torridon: Chemical Relationship to Members of the Murray Formation (Gale Crater, Mars)
- Global Measurements of Annual Gain and Loss (2003-2016) in Aboveground Carbon Density
- Global Retrievals of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence With TROPOMI
- Global carbon and biomass implications of mangrove land use change 2000-2016
- Global imaging spectroscopy for biodiversity and biogeochemistry
- Global measurements of isoprene from space: Constraints on emissions and atmospheric oxidation
- Greenland Ice Sheet mass loss rate will exceed Holocene values this century
- Half a Mars Year of Atmospheric Results from InSight
- Helicopters on Mars: Science Benefits and Potential Instrument Payloads of Aerial Vehicles
- Heterogenous system for in situ measurements from within ice shelf cavities to improve predictions of sea level rise
- High Fidelity Imaging Spectrometer Science with New Measurements on Five Continents
- High Performance Modular and Compact Camera for Ultraviolet Instrumentation
- High energy particle interactions with the Jovian satellites as observed from Juno
- High spatial resolution thermal infrared measurements from ECOSTRESS in support of Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) targeted observable science and applications
- High temperature beneath Marie Byrd Land is not compatible with very low mantle viscosity and rapid crustal motion
- High-Resolution Urban Vegetation Classification for Biospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Quantification in Los Angeles, California
- How Adequate the Frequency of Spaceborne Water Elevation Sampling is for Accurate Global Surface Water Assessment?
- How Stratospheric Chemistry and Transport Drive Surface Variability of N<SUB>2</SUB>O
- How can i BE a Part of Mars Sample Return?: Opportunities for the International Scientific Community.
- How does forest structure control temperature and water fluxes in the Amazon?
- How to Quickly Search Rocky Exoplanets for Signs of Atmospheres
- How well do passive microwave algorithms estimate vertical profiles of precipitation?
- How well will ICESat-2 do in measuring glacier mass change in western North America?
- Hydrological predictors of fire danger: using satellite observations for monthly to seasonal forecasting
- Hydrothermal Activity in the Solar System's Ocean Worlds
- Hyperspectral Imaging of Coral Reef Condition: COral Reef Airborne Laboratory
- ICESat-2 validation efforts for early mission data quality of the geolocated photons
- ICESat-2: Next generation estimates of glacier mass change
- IRTF-TEXES observations of stratospheric CH<SUB>3</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> emission at Jupiter's high latitudes
- Ice Giant Missions Enabled by New Technologies—or—Not Your Parent's Ice Giant Mission
- Ice sheet wide comparison of coincident laser and radar observations from ICESat-2 and CryoSat-2 for Greenland and Antarctica
- Iceberg, right ahead!: The surprising and ongoing collapse of an East Antarctic ice shelf in response to changes in the ocean environment
- Identifying coral refugia from observationally weighted climate model ensembles
- Identifying vertical and horizontal components of surface displacement along the Maacama and Rodgers Creek faults using InSAR
- Imaging Slow-slip Events in Costa Rica
- Imaging the Solar Corona from Within: First Results from the Parker Solar Probe Telescope
- Impact of Deforestation and Peatland Drainage on Borneo on Carbon and Water Resources using Remote Sensing Products
- Impact of Precipitation on Retrieved Warm Cloud Properties Using Visible and Near-infrared Reflectances Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Techniques
- Impact of the Advanced Water Vapor Radiometer on the Juno Gravity Science Investigation
- Impact-Driven Mobilization of Deep Crustal Brines on Dwarf Planet Ceres
- Impacts of 2015-2016 El Nino on Seasonal and Diurnal Canopy Water Content of the Amazon Rainforest
- Impacts of China's Anthropogenic Aerosol Emission Changes on Global Climate using Full-coupled CESM2 Model
- Impacts of Particle Composition and NO<SUB>x</SUB> on the Vertical Distribution of Reactive Bromine in the Arctic Troposphere
- Impacts of climate versus human intervention on water storage changes based on GRACE satellites in major U.S. aquifers
- Implementation of the Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE) Mission Concept
- Implementing a Virtual Constellation for Space-based Greenhouse Gas Measurements: Lessons learned from OCO-2, OCO-3, GOSAT, and GOSAT-2
- Importance of retrieval frequency and spatial resolution in crop water use management
- Improved GPS position time series spanning up to 25 years for over 18,000 stations resulting from IGS Repro3 products, JPL's GipsyX software, and more advanced modeling techniques
- Improved Global Estimates of Fine Particulate Matter Concentrations and Trends Derived from Updated Satellite Retrievals, Modeling Advances, and Additional Ground-Based Monitors
- Improved Global Nonlinear Surface Mass Variation Estimates from Geodetic Displacements and Reconciliation with GRACE Data
- Improved Regional CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Estimates from OCO-2 v9 Retrievals
- Improved understanding of Arctic land ice loss by integrating observations and models
- Improvements and evaluation of methods for reducing tropospheric effects in InSAR
- Improvements in Access to ASTER Data: Increasing the User Community
- Improvements to the Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform (CCMP) Vector Wind Dataset for Tropical Studies
- Improving Water Quality Retrievals from Imaging Spectroscopy Datasets using ISOFIT Atmospheric Correction: a Case Study in Grizzly Bay, California
- In situ observations of the jovian ionosphere by the Juno JADE-I instrument
- In-Situ Alteration of Organic Biosignatures in Perchlorate-Spiked Martian Regolith Analog
- In-situ investigation of periodic bedrock ridges in the Glen Torridon area with the MSL Curiosity rover, Gale crater, Mars
- InSight Observations of Magnetic Pulsations on Martian Surface: Morphology and Wave Sources
- Incorporating Microbes Into Synthetic Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vents
- Increasing Discoverability Across Planetary Science Data Archives
- Inferring the thickness of non-catastrophic deep-seated landslides from airborne synthetic aperture radar interferometry
- Influence of Non-seasonal Discharge on Global Ocean State
- Infrared Instrument Radiance Modeling from Large Eddy Simulations to Access Sensitivity to Marine Planetary Boundary Layer Processes
- Infrasound from coastally-reflected ocean waves recorded on a stratospheric balloon
- Infrasound on Mars: Numerical Modelling and Application to InSight's APSS/SEIS Data
- Inherent Properties of Clouds in the PBL Derived from Multi-angle Spectro-Polarimetric Imaging at the "Edge of Space:" New Capabilities of JPL's AirMSPI Sensor on NASA's Airborne ER-2 Platform
- Initial Results of Juno's Microwave Imaging of Jupiter's Atmosphere at Multiple Depths
- Insights into Europa's Frozen Brines Via Chemical Divide Modeling and Experiments
- Insights into the ISO16363 Audit of a Digital Repository System
- Instrumental, Lander, and Geophysical Resonances from the InSight Seismometer on Mars
- Integrated Support of NASA Satellite and In-situ Oceanographic Data via the PO.DAAC
- Integrating imaging spectrometer and synthetic aperture radar data for estimating wetland vegetation aboveground biomass in coastal Louisiana
- Integration of Ground-Based Particulate Matter Measurements with Satellite Observations in the Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA) Investigation
- Integration of MAIA Satellite-derived Aerosol Properties, Geospatial and Meteorological Data, and Surface-based Pollution Measurements to Map Speciated Airborne Particulate Matter
- Integrative sUAS Data Collection for Food-Energy-Water Governance
- Intense and long-duration geomagnetically induced current events: solar cycle and geomagnetic dependences
- Interannual variability in the terrestrial carbon cycle informed by atmospheric CO2 measurements
- Internal variabilities and climate change signals, an analysis of climate model and observational data
- Interstellar Probe Observations of the Solar System's Debris Disks
- Investigate depth-dependent tremor variability in Cascadia subduction zone
- Investigating Elastic Heterogeneity and Topography Effects on 2010 Mw 7.2 El-Mayor Cucapah Earthquake Coseismic and Postseismic Deformation Using Finite Element Modelling and Space Geodetic Data
- Investigating Spatial and Temporal Variability of Nitrous Oxide (N<SUB>2</SUB>O) Emissions in the Los Angeles Megacity using Ground-based Remote Sensing
- Investigating fault creep variability along the southern San Andreas fault through numerical modeling and space geodetic observations
- Investigating the Impact of Plasma Interaction on the Retrieval of Europa's Induced Magnetic Field
- Investigating the Surface Composition of Europa with the Europa Clipper
- Investigating the Venusian surface-atmosphere dynamic coupling
- Investigating the role climate reconstructions play in the simulated retreat history of southwestern Greenland during the Holocene using the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM).
- Investigation of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions under Different Absorptive Aerosol Regimes using ARM SGP Ground-Based Measurements
- Investigation of the Jovian radiation belts using the Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment (JADE) background noise data
- Investigation of the high energy tail of Jovian radiation belts using Juno background data
- Io Plasma Torus Variability During the Juno Mission
- Is the Sequence of Quakes on Mars Poissonian?
- Is there an Optimal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Partial Column for Flux Inversions?
- Joint assimilation of socio-economic and atmospheric measurements to constrain greenhouse gas emissions across urban landscapes
- Jovian magnetospheric injections observed from Juno at high latitudes
- Juno Radio Science Observations and Gravity Science Calibrations of Io Plasma Torus: IPT Impacts to Europa Gravity Science
- Juno observations of Jupiter's moons
- JunoCam Images of Castellanus Clouds on Jupiter
- Jupiter As Seen By The Juno Microwave Radiometer: A Progress Report
- Jupiter's Lightning-Associated Clouds: Correlations of Juno Microwave Radiometer Lightning Observations with Cloud Properties Derived from Contemporaneous NASA/IRTFSPeX Camera Images
- Jupiter's tides with Juno: a mid-mission update
- Key Differences in OCO-2 and OCO-3 Calibration
- Kinematic Reference Frame for the Crustal Deformation Cycle: Transients and Model Discrepancies
- Laboratory Aeronomy by Electron Impact of CO and CO<SUB>2</SUB> for Analysis of UV Observations of the Martian Upper Atmosphere
- Laboratory tests on Europa's surface simulants to infer the crustal material behavior down to the cm scale
- Land/Ocean Water Exchange - Impacts on the Global Hydrologic and Sea Level Budget
- Large contribution of hematite and goethite to uncertainty in dust direct radiative forcing
- Large fraction of insoluble organic matter inside Ganymede and Titan
- Latest on Validation of OCO-2 XCO<SUB>2</SUB> Observations and an Update on the Upcoming Reprocessing
- Lava effusion rates and channel dynamics during the 2018 Kilauea lower East Rift Zone eruption
- Learning from the past: what paleo ice extents can tell us about the future
- Lessons Learned in Simulation-Based Uncertainty Quantification for Satellite Retrievals
- Lidar tree crown detection reveals new patterns of tree density, height and volume in the Brazilian Amazon
- Lightning Characteristics Associated with Atmospheric Rivers Affecting the Continental US Using the GOES-16/17 Geostationary Lightning Mappers
- Linking Short-term Cloud Feedback Spatiotemporal Characteristics with Large-Scale Water Vapor Transport from A-Train Observations and Reanalysis Data
- Localization and Quantification of Production Site Methane Emissions using sUAS Mounted Sensors
- Localizing Putative Methane Sources on Mars from Back-Trajectory Modeling Techniques
- Long-term trends in annual and seasonal aerosol loading and composition in China
- Longitudinal Variations in the Stratosphere of Uranus from the Spitzer Infrared Spectrometer
- Low Frequency Wave Evolutions at Mars from MAVEN Observations
- Low-cost Mars surface exploration using the SHIELD lander concept
- Lunar Trailblazer: A Pioneering SmallSat for Lunar Water and Lunar Geology
- MAGIC, A Discovery Proposal to the Icy Moon Callisto
- MCS Observations of the Initiation and Development of Large Regional Dust Events on Mars
- MHD-Scale Energy Transfer in the Inner Heliosphere from PSP observations
- MSR Science Planning Group (MSPG) Workshop Reports: "The Relationship of Mars Sample Return Science and Containment" & "Science-Driven Contamination Control Issues Associated with the Receiving and Initial Processing of the MSR Samples"
- Machine learning tools to produce 3D shape models of asteroids from radar observations
- Making MODIS data accessible: ORNL DAAC's experience in providing data tools and services for MODIS land products
- Mapping Europa at the Regional Scale: Comparing Chaos Morphologies in Moytura Regio and Conamara Chaos
- Mapping Mangrove Extent and Canopy Height in Gabon Using Interferometric Coherence and Freeman-Durden Decomposition from L-band ALOS/PALSAR-2
- Mapping Volcanic Plume Composition with Imaging Spectroscopy: A Case Study from Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Mapping of ultraviolet reflected sunlight from Jupiter using Juno/UVS observations
- Mars 2020 as the First Step in a Potential Mars Sample Return Campaign
- Mars Atmospheric Loss is Enhanced by Lower Atmospheric Dynamics, Including Regional Dust Storms
- Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA) an environmental suite of sensors for the Mars 2020 rover
- Mars Helicopter on 2020 Rover Mission
- Mars Low Altitude Orbiter Mission
- Martian Middle Atmospheric Water Vapor and its Influence on Hydrogen Production by Photolysis during the Global Dust Storm of 2018
- Mass Change Mission Applications - Assessing user needs for the next NASA Mass Change Designated Observable (MCDO) mission
- Maximum Southwest Greenland Ice Sheet Recession in the Early Holocene
- Measured Elevation of Lightning and Aurora in the Jovian Atmosphere
- Measurements of atmospheric dynamics and composition from radiometric tracking of an ice giant entry probe
- Measurements of floe size from ICESat-2 laser altimetry
- Measuring Effects of Jupiter's Aurorae using the Juno Microwave Radiometer
- Measuring the Extragalactic Background Light With an Interstellar Probe
- Melt Pond Detection and Surface Type Classification Over Arctic Summer Sea Ice from ICESat-2
- Methane Point Source Emissions from California Dairy Farms
- Methane Source Finder: A web-based data portal for exploring methane data
- Methane emissions from underground gas storage in California
- Microtopography of Mars at the InSight Landing Site: Trends over Time from Structure-from-Motion Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Time Series Analysis
- Microwave Radiometry for Remote Sensing of Plant Water Status Dynamics: Stand-Scale Evaluation in a Temperate Deciduous Forest
- Migrating Scarps as a Significant Driver for Cometary Mass Loss
- Mineralogical evidence for water-rock interactions in ancient Gale crater, Mars from the CheMin instrument on the Curiosity rover
- Misleading interpretations of weathered surfaces - using chemical and structural analysis of 3.7 billion year old proposed stromatolites to support an abiotic origin
- Mobile Instruments for Mars Exploration (MIMEs) (Characterizing Recurring Slope Linea)
- Modeling analysis on climatic impact of subgrid cloud inhomogeneity through precipitation and radiation processes
- Modeling of ionospheric plasma and mesopause airglow responses to infrasonic acoustic waves generated by strong inland earthquake
- Modeling satellite orbital drag during extreme magnetic storms
- Modeling seismically-induced acoustic waves on Venus
- Modeling spatial correlations in surface mass variations for terrestrial reference frame estimation
- Modelling Voluminous, Rapid, Lava Flow Emplacement on Io
- Modelling the effects of 3D shallow scatterers and atmospheric sources on Martian seismic signals at high frequencies
- Moisture Controls on the Behavior of Simulated Tropical Deep Convection
- Monitor aftershocks of the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes with DAS arrays
- Monitoring Changes in Aboveground Biomass Across US Forestlands Using Satellite Observations and Forest Inventory Data
- Monitoring Changes in Forest Area in Panama Using Remote Sensing Observations
- Monitoring urban greenhouse gas emissions: Lessons from the NIST greenhouse gas measurements test-bed program
- Multi-Mission Geographic Information System (MMGIS): an Open Source Spatial Data Infrastructure for Spacecraft Science Operations
- Multi-Source Coastal Observation: InSAR, Lidar, and In-Situ Water Level Integration for Hydrodynamic Model Calibration
- Multi-Wavelength Quantification of Io's Volcanic Heat Flow from Galileo NIMS Data
- Multi-platform, multi-sensor snow surface properties for energy balance and model validation
- Multi-source Remote Sensing of Arctic-Boreal Surface Water
- Multiparameter Study of Eruptive Behavior at Steamboat Geyser, Yellowstone
- Multiple-Time-Scale Dynamics of Tropical Forest Vegetation and Projections for Decision Support
- NASA Carbon Monitoring System Phase 2 Synthesis: Scope, Findings, Gaps, and Recommended Next Steps
- NASA DEVELOP Feasibility Studies in Support of the NASA-SICA Partnership
- NASA GIBS and Worldview: Bringing 20 years of Terra data into view
- NASA GIBS and Worldview: Leveraging FOSS for NASA Earth Science Data Visualizations
- NASA GIBS and Worldview: Visualizing NASA's Earth Science Data for All to Explore
- NASA TomoSAR and Lidar Experiments over Tropical and Boreal Forests: Extraction of Surface topography and Vegetation Structure from Multi-frequency Radar Tomograms
- NASA evapotranspiration data significantly improve water management for the State of New Mexico
- NASA's Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE): Transitioning from Phase 1 to Phase 2 (2015-2022)
- NASA's Solar System Treks - Tools for Science and Exploration
- NASA's WDS Trusted Physical Oceanography Repository for Big Earth Science Data and Services
- NEXUS Hyper Grid: Analytics Engine Scalable for Climate Model Evaluation on Cloud and High-Performance Computing Platforms
- Nacreous clouds on Mars: imaging cloud formation with the Curiosity rover
- Natural hazards monitoring and disaster response for South and Southeast Asia using Synthetic Aperture Radar data
- Near Real-Time Data Portals for Aircraft Field Campaigns: Lessons Learned from the NASA CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex Campaign
- Near-field Inelastic Strain Measurements of the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence using High-res Geodetic Imaging Data: Implications for Development of a Geodetic-based Probabilistic Fault Displacement Hazard Analysis.
- Near-real-time tracking of volcanic systems using ground deformation data
- Net Carbon Change: Emissions and Attribution for US Forests in 2005-2016
- New AIRS Level-1C products
- New Insights into Thermal Tides from Mars Climate Sounder Data
- New methods for linking science objectives to mission architectures: A case study comparing single and dual-pair satellite gravimetry mission architectures
- Next Generation Estimates of Antarctic Ice Shelf Melt Rates
- Next Generation Venus Lander Missions for the Coming Planetary Science Decadal Survey
- No Pixel Left Behind: Interactively Visualizing "Everything" from NASA's Earth Observations
- Non-linear phase inversion package for time series analysis
- Nonradial Oscillations of Saturn: Forcing of the Slowest Spiral Density Waves in the C Ring by I-modes and R-modes and the Implications for the Internal Structure
- Normalized Difference Scattering Index For Flood Mapping
- Numerical Modeling of Impact Seismic Signals on Mars Regolith
- OCO-3 Snapshot Area Mapping Mode: Early Results
- Objectives, Measurements and Data Products of the NASA Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation
- Observability of Venus' torque balance
- Observation constrained carbon cycle dynamics over tropical south America and its implications for future carbon-climate feedbacks
- Observational Evidence of Tropical Cyclone Intensification Driven by Vortex Stretching
- Observations of Auroral "Raindrops" in Jupiter's Polar Region by Juno-UVS
- Observations of Magnetic Island Formation by the Wide Field Imager on Parker Solar Probe (WISPR/PSP)
- Observations of Marine Stratocumulus Cloud and Precipitation Properties from ORACLES: Comparison of multi-frequency radar and in-situ instrumentation
- Observations of Short- and Long-Term Temporal Variability, Data Product Improvements, and Some Unexpected Applications of MISR's 20-Year Data Record
- Observations of atmospheric composition in fire plumes over the Western United States in summertime from the Cross-Track Infrared Sounder
- Observing & Modeling Evergreen Needleleaf Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes
- Ocean Thermodynamics and Hydrodynamics Related to Summer Monsoon Onset
- Ocean World rifting: Geomechanical inferences from normal fault populations on icy bodies
- Oceanic aerosol loading derived from MISR's 4.4 km (V23) Aerosol Product
- On the Variability of Ozone in the Tropopause Region: First Results From OCTAV-UTLS
- On the added value of chemical reanalyses in the middle atmosphere: lessons learned from the BASCOE Reanalysis of Aura MLS.
- On the parameterization of convective downdrafts to represent marine stratocumulus clouds
- On the role of ice-ocean interaction on tidewater glacier and ice shelf evolutions.
- Opportunities for Increased Data Return through Coordinated Instrument Observations on Europa Clipper
- Optimal Estimation of Spectral Surface Reflectance in Challenging Atmospheres
- Optimizing Downlink for Imaging Spectrometers
- Overturning Ocean Circulations in Ocean Worlds
- Overview of Early Results from the OCO-3 Mission
- Overview of observed seismic signals on Mars
- Oxygen Sources on Europa
- PARGEO: Cloud-Ready Pervasively Parallel Analytics and Climate Science
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Solar Energetic Particles Associated with a Slow Coronal Mass Ejection at 0.25AU
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of the 4 April 2019 Solar Energetic Particle Event Near Perihelion
- Partial dissociation of clathrate hydrates in the presence of ammonia: a potential mechanism for replenishing Titan's atmospheric methane
- Particle Acceleration by Io's Alfvénic Interaction
- Passive radio sounding with ambient signals of opportunity to monitor cryospheric subsurface conditions
- Performance of the FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Tri-GNSS Radio Occultation System (TGRS) Instrument During Early Orbit Operations for Space Weather Applications
- Phenological control on the high Arctic ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange
- Phobos Eclipse Observations with the HP<SUP>3</SUP> Radiometer on Insight
- Photoionization as a loss process of the Sodium Exosphere at Mercury: A Seasonal dependence observed by MESSENGER
- Photometric Properties of Dwarf Planets and Other Kuiper Belt Objects Determined from New Horizons
- Photopolymerization of HCN/HC<SUB>3</SUB>N mixed ice to produce tholins that incorporate HCN
- Planetary Protection for accessing the oceans of icy satellites
- Planetary and Earth seismology with space geodesy: seismic requirements on performances for Earth, Europa, the Moon and Jupiter.
- Plant responses to volcanically elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> in two Costa Rican forests
- Pluto and Charon Fully Illuminated
- Pluto's Surface Properties from the New Horizons Uplink Bistatic Radar Experiment
- Point Source Methane Mapping with Future Satellite Imaging Spectrometers
- Polar Topside TEC Enhancement
- Post-Seismic Deformation from Deep Earthquakes—Insights into Mantle Rheology and Existence of Afterslip
- Potential Impact of RainCube-like radars in CubeSats for Cloud and Precipitation Space Missions
- Potential applications of SMAP brightness temperature to improve permafrost monitoring in Arctic tundra area
- Potential for operationalizing a hydro-agricultural modeling and information system: Lessons from Mekong and Eastern Africa regional applications
- Potential of next-generation imaging spectrometers to detect and quantify methane point sources from space
- Potential of time-series InSAR analysis for measuring localized ground motion at Tide gauges for improved sea level change observations
- Potential ozone loss in mid-latitude lowermost stratosphere during summer today and in future
- Precipitation Characteristics related to Atmospheric Rivers in East Asia
- Precision agriculture using Planet satellites: capturing daily water use and crop behavior over a growing season
- Predictability of atmospheric moist convection revealed by all-sky infrared satellite radiance assimilation
- Predicting celestial pole offsets using a Kalman filter and smoother
- Pressure Deficit in Gale Crater and a Larger Northern Polar Cap after the Mars Year 34 Global Dust Storm
- Pressure effects on SEIS-INSIGHT instrument, improvement of seismic records and characterization of gravity waves from ground displacements
- Projections of Antarctic ice sheet evolution over the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century from the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison for CMIP6 (ISMIP6)
- Putative Pingos may Populate Portions of Occator Crater, Ceres
- Quantifying Precipitation Susceptibility in Marine Stratocumulus with Varying Aerosol Concentrations Above Clouds: Results from ORACLES
- Quantifying drought induced water cycle changes in the isotope-enabled Community Atmosphere Model
- Quantifying localized anthropogenic CO<SUB>2</SUB> sources from space: Current capabilities and requirements for a policy-relevant monitoring system
- Quantifying the Effect of Neglecting Variable Methane LIfetime on Methane Emissions Estimates
- Quantifying the Stratospheric Circulation from Satellite Measurements
- Quantifying the effect of aerosol scattering on OCO-2 XCO2 retrieval over urban emission plume
- Quantifying the impact of aerosol scattering on retrievals of methane from atmospheric remote sensing measurements
- Quantifying the uncertainty in estimates of the dust radiative forcing based on the NASA Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source InvesTigation data products
- Radar Remote Sensing for Monitoring Vegetation Cover in Panama in Support of Sustainable Development Goal 15.2.1
- Radiation Environment Analysis of Jupiter from Juno/JADE-E, UVS and JEDI-E Penetrating Radiation Datasets
- Radiation bombardment at Europa by magnetospheric particles and cosmic rays
- Radio Occultation Results from MarCO, The First Interplanetary Cubesat Mission
- Radio-Holographic Methods for Inversion of Radio Occultation Experiments of Past Venus' Spacecraft
- Raincube Mission: Results After One Year in Space
- Rapid characterization of 2019 M<SUB>w</SUB>7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake using 3D Finite Element Modeling and geodetic data
- Rapid-response GPS following the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Re-accelerating deformation at Laguna del Maule volcanic field, Southern Andes
- Reacting CO<SUB>2</SUB> and limestone to alkalize the ocean and sequester Anthropogenic CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Recent Advancements in obs4MIPs
- Recent acceleration of methane growth rate: leading contributions from tropical wetlands and China
- Recent global decline in endorheic basin water storage and its implications for the water cycle
- Reconciling shallow and deep fault slip associated with the July 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
- Reconstructing 10 Years of Spatio-Temporal Aseismic Slip History Along the San Andreas Fault
- Reconstruction of 36-Year Measurement-Based Sea Level Fingerprints from Land-Ice Mass Changes
- Recurrent U-net: Deep learning to predict summertime ozone over the United States
- Reducing Regional Biases from OCO-2 Observations
- Reducing Uncertainty in Net Ecosystem Exchange by Running the CABLE Land Surface Model for MsTMIP and Developing Low-Cost GHG Sensors for Deployment in the ABR
- Reduction of Chinese anthropogenic NOx emissions in the past decade
- Regional Observations of Methane Emissions from California's Dairies using Ground and Space-based Remote Sensing
- Regional fluctuations in hydrological mass inferred from GNSS and GRACE observations
- Regional trends in CO column variability using MOPITT
- Relating Jovian Lightning Rates and Water Abundance: a One-Dimensional Model
- Relating conceptual models of volcanic processes to multi-parameter satellite data in Latin America
- Relationship between AIRS and SSM/I Water Vapor and TRMM Precipitation
- Remote Sensing Analysis and Classification of Stormwater and Sewage Runoff in the Tijuana River
- Remote Sensing Observations of the First CME Seen by WISPR
- Remote Sensing of Diurnal CO Enhancements from Wildfire Emissions in Los Angeles
- Remote Sensing of the hydrological processes in the Mississippi River Delta with the SWOT and Delta-X Missions
- Remote sensing of plant functional diversity from space - the potential of GEDI and SBG over California
- Remotely sensed open water reservoir and lake evaporation
- Replenishment of Near-Surface Ice by Impacts: Ceres Observations and Lunar Prospects
- Residual Study: Testing Jupiter Atmosphere Models Against Juno MWR Observations
- Resolving global discontinuity structure from the Moho to the mantle transition zone using SS precursors
- Resolving the evolution of organic carbon stocks from joint assimilation of satellite-informed biomass and CMS-Flux CO2 flux estimates.
- Response of Greenland outlet glaciers to temporal variability in terminus motion over centennial time scales
- Results from Juno's Stellar Reference Unit Survey of Jovian Lightning
- Results from a new approach to meso-scale driving of the I-T system
- Results from the Curiosity Rover's Traverse Through the Clay-Bearing Glen Torridon Region in Gale Crater
- Results from the Development and Deployment of a UAS for Volcanic Plume and Surface Observation
- Results from the Juno's investigation of Jupiter's atmosphere with JIRAM
- Results of the ISMIP6 Standalone Greenland Ice Sheet Projections
- Revealing the Varied Sources of Faculae-Forming Brines in Occator Crater via Surface and Sub-Surface Analyses
- Revisiting the contemporary sea level budget in light of land mass changes and ocean heat uptake.
- Ridgecrest Deformation as Probe of Advanced Geodetic Techniques
- Ridging associated with drought across the Western United States: S2S predictability sources and model skill
- River Gauging with SMAP, SMOS, AMSR-2, and Jason-2 Satellite Data
- Robotic Exploration of Planetary Subsurface Voids in Search for Life
- Routine monitoring of subsidence in California's Central Valley using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR)
- Rupture of Pre-existing Conjugate Faults During the M7.1 Earthquake Near Ridgecrest, CA
- SEIS first year: nm/s^2 (and less) broadband seismology on Mars and first steps in Mars-Earth-Moon comparative seismology.
- SHARAD Altimetry on Mars: Towards an improved, global digital terrain model
- SHERLOC: Spatially-Resolved Detection of Organic and Minerals on Mars
- SLUSH: Search for Life Using Submersible Heated Drill
- SMAP Mission Status and Recent Science Products Enhancements
- SMOS-IC L-VOD observed tropical aboveground carbon dynamics
- STARE for scalable unification of diverse data within Earth, Space, and Planetary Science
- Satellite Perspectives on Western US Wildfires in 2019: Comparison of Aerosol Retrievals from GOES and MISR, with Ground-Based Validation
- Satellite Sensing the Horizontal Inhomogeneity of the Cloudy Planetary Boundary Layer over the Subtropical Eastern Pacific Ocean
- Satellite observations of Antarctic ice velocity variability
- Satellite observations of environmental controls on vegetation greening and browning trends over Alaska and Northwest Canada domains
- Satellite sea surface salinity in response to freshwater processes in the Hudson Bay
- Satellite-based dry-season SIF, greenness, and GPP of moist Amazonian forests during ENSO events using GOME-2, TROPOMI, OCO-2, and MODIS
- Satellite-based monitoring of groundwater depletion in California's Central Valley
- Satellite-derived PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Composition and Its Differential Effects on Children's Respiratory Health
- Saturn's Rings: Atmsopheric Effects of Ring Shadow, Ring Shine, and Thermal Emission
- Science Data Processing for NISAR Using Hybrid Cloud Computing
- Scientific Community Engagement for the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) to Facilitate Research Collaboration
- Sea ice thickness of the Arctic Ocean from ICESat-2
- Sea-ice floe length distribution from high resolution SAR altimetry
- Searching for Extant Life on Mars: What's Next?
- Searching for Liquid Water in the Martian Deep with TH2OR
- Searching for seismic sources around the InSight landing site: focus on the sol 173 and sol 235 events
- Seasonal Pigment Changes Allow Detection of Activity and Dormancy of Evergreen Photosynthesis in Cold-Climate Conifer Forests
- Seasonal Variations of Titan's Brightness
- Seasonal and Annual Changes of The Regional Tropical Belt in GPS-RO Measurements and Reanalysis Datasets
- Seasonal and Interannual variability of freshwater transport at River-Dominated Ocean Margin Systems from 1992-2018: Results from the global ECCO2 with real-time discharge
- Seasonal dependence of stratospheric ozone trends in 2000-2018 derived from several merged datasets
- Seasonal variations of the Hadley cell and differential hemispheric methane release could drive the seasonal methane cycle on Mars
- Secular Variations in the Orbit and Spin of Asteroid (16) Psyche
- Seeing Plant Stress From the Sky: Integration of a Terrestrial Biosphere Model with Thermal Remote Sensing
- Seismic activity level of Mars estimated from 300 Sols of InSight data
- Seismicity of Mars
- Sensing small-scale structures in the lower Martian atmosphere with tomographic principles
- Sensing the Endgame for Callisto's Ocean
- Sensitivity of Infrared Radiances to Changes in Planetary Boundary Layer Water Vapor
- Sensitivity of Regional Land-Atmosphere Coupling to Human Activity
- Sensitivity study of ice cloud radiative property for future spaceborne far-infrared remote sensing applications
- Separating the Rupture Kinematics of the 2019 M<SUB>w</SUB> 6.4 Searles Valley and M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquakes by Geodetic and Seismic Observations
- Serendipitous Geodesy from Bennu's Short-Lived Moonlets
- Short-term velocity and variability of West Greenland Glaciers
- Simulated anthropogenic methane and carbon dioxide enhancements for planning target mode satellite observations
- Simulation of Magnesium Silicate Hydrothermal Chimney System
- Simulation-Based Error Assessment for AIRS Near-Surface Temperature Retrievals: A Machine Learning Approach
- Simultaneous parameter and state estimation by derivative-free optimization of ensemble Kalman filter residuals
- Sinking of the Upper Midwest, rise of the Great Lakes, and collapse of the Laurentide Ice Sheet forebulge
- Smelt Habitat Suitability and Thermal Refugia in the San Francisco Bay Delta as Seen by Landsat and ECOSTRESS with Comparison to CDEC
- Snow depth on Arctic sea ice from ICESat-2 and CryoSat-2
- Soil CO2 flux in the permafrost zone: New insight from a year-round chamber network in Alaska and Canada
- Solar System Treks VR & AR: Immersive visualization and interaction of geospatial science data
- Solar wind streams and corotating interaction regions observed by Parker Solar Probe with corresponding observations at one AU
- Sounding Heavy Precipitating Vertical Cloud Structures using Polarimetric Radio Occultations: Validation with Cloudsat, TRMM and GPM products
- Sounding of Planetary Atmospheres and Ionospheres by Crosslink Occultations
- Spatial distribution of englacial layer slope as a constraint on ice sheet basal conditions
- Spatio-Temporal Structure of Titan's Atmosphere from Radio Occultations over the Cassini Mission
- Spatiotemporal characterization of seasonal crustal deformation due to hydrological processes
- Spectral Properties and Heavy Ion Abundances of Energetic Particles in SEP and CIR events observed during the first two Parker Solar Probe Orbits
- Stability and Evolution of the Jovian Circumpolar Cyclones
- Standing on Apollo's shoulders: MEMS seismometers for the Lunar Geophysical Network
- Static and Time-Varying Magnetic Fields Recorded at the InSight Landing Sight
- Statistical mapping of freshwater origin and fate signatures as land/ocean 'regions of influence' in the Gulf of Mexico
- Statistics of Energetic Particles in the first Parker Solar Probe Orbit: Correlations and Association with Magnetic Structures
- Steepening of Magnetosonic Waves in the Inner Coma of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Stormwater Runoff Remote Sensing Analysis in Southern California
- Stratospheric Radar Observations of Convection and Precipitation
- Stratospheric ozone recovery: Summary of the SPARC/WMO/IO3C LOTUS analyses
- Strike-slip faulting on Titan? Modeling shear failure conditions due to pore fluid interactions
- Study of OH + NO/NO<SUB>2</SUB> under upper troposphere/lower stratosphere conditions
- Studying the Tropical Atmosphere with GNSS-RO: Thermodynamics of the Saharan Air Layer
- Subduction and accretion in a soft Venus without surface water.
- Subglacial Antarctic Lakes: What they tell us about the exploration of Ocean Worlds Beyond Earth
- Subglacial sediment flux will increase under retreating glacier scenarios
- Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) Prediction of Atmospheric Rivers and Precipitation over the Western United States
- Sulfur dioxide emissions associated with Kīlauea Volcano's 2018 fissure eruption
- Superstorms (Dst <-250 nT) During the Space Age
- Surface Biology & Geology Pathfinder Data Analysis Pipeline
- Surface and subsurface dynamics of the Slumgullion landslide, CO from Sentinel-1 and UAVSAR radar images and in-situ observations
- Surface rupture associated with the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence: Comparison of field-based and remotely sensed observations
- Synchrotron radiation belts at Jupiter - Juno's MWR observations versus modeling results
- Synergistic use of Remote Sensing and Modeling for Estimating Net Primary Productivity in the Red Sea with Models Intercomparison
- Synthesis of Methane Observations Across Scales: Strategies for Deploying a Multi-Tiered Observing Network
- Synthesizing Metal Hydroxides to Examine a Pathway of Prebiotic Phosphorus Cycling on Mars
- Synthetic Spectra of Potential Exo-Earths: Quantifying Biotic Signatures with AROC
- TROPOMI solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence improves the monitoring of crop productivity
- Tangible use of Airborne Snow Observatory SWE Products for enhanced runoff forecasting
- Targeted Postseismic Observations of the M6.4 and M7.1 Ruptures of the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Tectonic Deformation and Surface Processes Across the Tibetan Plateau: Insights from Time Series Analysis of Sentinel-1 InSAR Data
- Temperature-anisotropy-driven instabilities and electron and ion energy budget in the expanding solar wind: fully-kinetic Expanding Box Model simulations with EB-iPic3D
- Terrestrial CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage in plant biomass and soil: a negative relationship
- Terrestrial Planets Comparative Climatology Mission Concept
- Terrestrial laser scanning improves LiDAR and radar biomass calibration in tallest mangrove forest on Earth
- Testing and improving a UAV-based system designed for wetland methane source measurements
- Testing the separation of diurnal and seasonal variation in XCO<SUB>2</SUB> measured by OCO-3 with TCCON data
- Thalassa: A Mission Concept to Follow the Water on Venus
- The Application of Deep Learning to Estimate Flood Extents for Urban Areas using SAR Amplitude and Coherence Time-Series Data: Challenges and Recommendations
- The Behavior of Volatiles on Vesta and Ceres Investigated via Laboratory Experiments and Geomorphological Analyses
- The Big Climate Data Pipeline (BCDP): A tool to facilitate server-side processing of NASA-NEX data on Amazon Cloud
- The CO<SUB>2</SUB> Urban Synthesis and Analysis ("CO<SUB>2</SUB>-USA") Project: Results and Deliverables
- The Cassini Mission Archive at the Planetary Data System
- The Clay Minerals of Glen Torridon
- The Climate of the Cloudy Boundary Layer from Space
- The Cloud, Aerosol, and Monsoon Processes, Philippines Experiment (CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex): Planning, performance, and early outcomes
- The Co-Evolution of Mars' Atmosphere and Massive South Polar CO2 Deposit
- The Community Code Verification Exercise for Simulating Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS)
- The Contrasting Evolutions of Steensby, Ryder, Ostenfeld and Hagen Brae Ice Shelves in Northern Greenland
- The Cryobot Descent Simulator
- The Decadal Survey Testbed: Demonstrating Technology for Imaging Earth-like Exoplanets with Future Space Telescopes
- The Development of A New Sensor for Global Thermospheric Wind Measurements From Space
- The Effects of Hydrologically-Related Processes on Long Valley Caldera and Adjacent Sierra Nevada at Different Temporal and Spatial Scales
- The Europa Clipper: Science and Mission
- The Forming Slow Solar Wind Imaged along Streamer Rays by the Wide-Angle Imager on Parker Solar Probe
- The Freezing and Fracture of Icy Satellites: Experimental Analog and Stress Analysis
- The Future of Evapotranspiration: Global requirements for ecosystem functioning, carbon and climate feedbacks, agricultural management, and water resources
- The Future of Oaks in the Santa Monica Mountains: A Case Study in Using Remote Sensing Data for Species Distributions Models
- The GUSTO balloon mission
- The Habitable Exoplanet Observatory (HabEx)
- The Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package HP<SUP>3</SUP> on InSight: Status and First Results
- The Holistic Role of GNSS in Local Tsunami Warning
- The Impacts of Bias in Cloud-Radiation-Dynamics Interactions on Central-Pacific Seasonal, Interannual and El Nino Simulations in Contemporary GCMs
- The Induced Libration of Didymos B Resulting from the DART Impact
- The Interdisciplinary Consortium for Evaluating Volatile Origins (ICE Five-O)
- The JPL Tropical Cyclone Information System: A Wealth of Data for Quickly Advancing the Physical Understanding and Forecasting of Hurricanes.
- The Joint ESA-NASA Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform: Next-Generation Collaboration Tool for Scientific Algorithms and Datasets
- The Juno STEAM Camera For Education, Art and Public Inspiration
- The Long-Lived Plume of the Pacific Northwest PyroCb Event: MLS Observations and Modeling of Composition Evolution
- The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- The Lunar Polar Hydrogen Mapper (LunaH-Map) Mission: Revealing Hydrogen Enrichments at the Moon's South Pole
- The Lunar Volatiles Orbiter: A Discovery mission proposal to determine the history and dynamics of solar system volatiles through observations of the Moon
- The Mapping Imaging Spectrometer for Europa (MISE): Science and Instrument Critical Design.
- The Mars Structure Service for InSight:Single-Station Marsquake Inversions for Structure
- The Marsquake Service for InSight: the first year of operations
- The NASA ABoVE Database: Uncovering Functional Responses Among the Hundreds of In Situ, Airborne, and Satellite Datasets
- The NASA Decadal Survey Observing-System Study for Aerosols and Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP)
- The Near-Surface Gravity of Bennu from Osiris-Rex Data
- The Next-Generation Planetary Aeolian and Meteorological Investigation (PAMI) mission concept
- The OCO-3 Mission: Performance of the Snapshot Area Map and Target Mode Observations and Coincident Measurements with the OMPS and TROPOMI Air Quality Sensors
- The Origin of Surface Cracks from the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence M6.4 and M7.1 Fault Zones: Primary Faulting, Triggered Slip or Shaking Related; Can we tell the difference ?
- The Potential of Combined TES and OMI Satellite Data to Infer Global Surface Ozone
- The ROASTT-2019 training exercise for the Mars 2020 Science Team
- The Response of Sun-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Remotely Sensed Surface Soil Moisture and Terrestrial Water Storage
- The Road Towards Scalable Cloud-Based Data Access, Usability and Interoperability - a DAAC's tale
- The SAR-CBC Project: Experiences and Lessons Learned from Recent SAR Capacity Building Activities
- The SUfarce Dust Analyzer (SUDA ): Compositional Mapping of Europa's Surface.
- The Sampling Biases of the AIRS Obs4MIPs V2 Dataset
- The Scientific Importance of Mars Sample Return
- The Shape of Saturn's B Ring Edge from Voyager, Earth-based, and Cassini VIMS, UVIS, and RSS Occultations
- The Solar Orbiter Heliospheric Imager (SoloHI) for the Solar Orbiter Mission: Science and Instrument Status
- The Study of Venus' Interior using Balloons in its Atmosphere
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE) Mission Concept
- The Surface Biology and Geology Applications Working Group: updates and how to get involved
- The VALKYRIE Payload for Probing the Martian Subsurface
- The cosmic-ray induced ionization, radiation dose, and habitability of Venus(-like planets)
- The feasibility study on radio occultation measurements of the Venus atmosphere among small satellites
- The first three days of the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
- The future of snow science: Spatial data assimilation and modeling in mountain regions
- The gravity signature of Jupiter's small-scale atmospheric features from the Juno mission
- The interior structure and thermal state of Venus: what we can learn from future missions
- The origin of Triton's plumes: Hypotheses and tests
- The potential of Multi-Peak Retracking CryoSat-2 SARIn Waveforms over Arctic Sea Ice
- The presence of hematite at high latitudes of the Moon
- The promise of ensemble forecasts to improve tracking of emissions from the Hawaiian Kilauea Volcano
- The raised ramparts around Titan's northern lakes: Spectral and emissivity analysis
- The role of Large-Eddy Simulation in PBL Observing System Simulation Experiments
- The role of groundwater in modulating the global mean sea level variations during ENSO events
- The role of ocean warming in the widespread retreat of Greenland's marine-terminating glaciers
- The spiderweb structure of stratocumulus clouds
- The thermo-chemical evolution of Mars with a compositionally stratified mantle
- The μPanFTS: a Geostationary IR Hyperspectral Sounder
- Thermal Properties of the Mojave Mars Regolith Simulant and Their Sensitivity to Ambient CO<SUB>2</SUB> Gas Pressure and Temperature
- Thermal fertilization of the boreal forest contributes about half to the increase of CO2 seasonal amplitude over the northern hemisphere since 1960s
- Tidally influenced, short term grounding line variations measured with Sentinel-1, RADARSAT-2, and Cosmo Skymed
- Titan Molecular Minerals: Latest Results on Characterization of a Potential Acetylene-Butane Co-Crystal
- Titan's atmosphere viewed by Cassini's ISS polarization filters
- Tohoku-Oki Tsunami Revisit: Improved Tsunami-Ionosphere Coupling Model WP-GITM
- Too Smooth Operators: Limitations of Bulk Microphysics in Reproducing the Observed Spatial Structure of Precipitation
- Toward Generalized Change Detection on Planetary Surfaces with Deep Learning
- Toward a Baseline GIA Correction for Antarctica and Implications for East Antarctic Ice Mass Balance
- Toward an Unclouded Day in Cloud Computing: Opportunities and Challenges with NISAR Science Data Products, Processing, and Distribution
- Towards Explaining the Causes of GPS-derived Crustal Uplift Rates in Greenland
- Towards Ultra High-Resolution Plant Water Use Mapping: Synergizing ECOSTRESS with Planet CubeSats
- Towards Unified Error Reporting (TUNER)
- Towards a Global Imaging Open Market and A Distributed Approach for SBG
- Towards a cost-effective approach for Vertical Land Motion mapping integrating InSAR and GNSS : An Application in Hampton Roads, Virginia
- Towards a harmonized, long term time series of vegetation chlorophyll fluorescence
- Towards operational monitoring of facility-scale methane emissions with aircraft and satellites
- Transcending Science: Can artists and designers help scientists solve the climate crisis?
- Transient creep on the Concord Fault, Eastern Bay Area, revealed by InSAR time series
- Trends and patterns of functional diversity and disturbances in semi-arid environments: opportunities for airborne and global lidar observations
- Trends in Upper Tropospheric Tropical Ozone and Carbon Monoxide: Microwave Limb Sounder and Model Results
- Tropical Deep Convective Morphology in the Different Thermodynamic and Aerosol Environments of CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex and PISTON
- Tropical Forest Carbon Dynamics Explain Interannual Variability of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>Growth Rate
- Tropical deep convection and its relation to cloud and moisture vertical structures in A-Train observations and CMIP6
- Tropospheric HDO/H<SUB>2</SUB>O Distribution over the Southeast Atlantic Ocean from Satellite, Aircraft and Model
- Tsunami Squares: Validation by Comparison to the Regional Ocean Modeling System Tsunami Simulator and Earthquake Driven Inundation Mapping
- Twenty Years of ASTER Contributions to Earth Science
- Uncertainty Quantification for ECOSTRESS Evapotranspiration
- Uncertainty Quantification for NASA's Microwave Limb Sounder
- Uncertainty Quantification for a Global Imaging Spectroscopy Surface Composition Investigation
- Uncertainty quantification in aerosol properties retrieved by optimal estimation: a testbed using General Retrieval of Aerosol and Surface Properties (GRASP)
- Underground explosion and bolide airburst detection using balloon-borne infrasound sensors
- Understanding Diurnal Cloud Cover Response using Satellite observations and Climate Simulations
- Understanding Urban Carbon Enhancement at the Megacity Using Satellite XCO<SUB>2</SUB> Data: A Case Study of Seoul, South Korea
- Understanding Venus' Interior Processes as a Control Case for the Evolution of Earth and Earth-sized Exoplanets
- Understanding the Regional Implications of Drought on Rice Yields over the Lower Mekong Region
- Understanding the Vertical Structure of Ice Cloud Particle Size Distribution by Combining Field Campaign and Satellite Observations
- Understanding the social drivers of satellite-observed changes in freshwater availability
- Unified estimation of spectral coastal land and water reflectances with uncertainties
- Update on High Resolution Searches for KBO Binaries using New Horizons LORRI
- Urban Flood Detection in a Bayesian Framework with Sentinel-1 Multi-Temporal Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Observations
- Use of geodetic observations for regional monitoring of vertical land motion along Eastern Seaboard United States
- Using GRACE in a Streamflow Recession to Determine Drainable Water Storage in the Mississippi River Basin
- Using ICESat-2 and Operation IceBridge Altimetry for Supraglacial Lake Depth Retrievals
- Using OCO-2 and AIRS to quantify water vapor in the Planetary Boundary Layer
- Using Satellite-based Observations to Investigate the Soil Moisture - Precipitation Relationship
- Using Synthetic Aperture Radar to Map Oil Palm Plantations in San Martin, Peru
- Using Unsupervised Deep Learning for Multi-Modal Object Detection and Tracking
- Using a Climate-based Historical Reconstruction of GRACE Data to Separate Human- and Climate- driven Groundwater Trends
- Utilizing recent advances in technology and science for monitoring biodiversity and ecosystems.
- VERITAS: Discovering the Secrets of a Lost Habitable World
- Validation of Boundary Layer Winds in Reanalysis Products Over Ocean Using Cloud Motion Vectors (CMVs) Retrieved From the Multiangle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR)
- Validation of CMS carbon flux and stock datasets across the FLUXNET eddy covariance flux tower network
- Validation of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Topographic Maps In Alaska and Greenland
- Validation of the Vapor In-cloud Profiling Radar (VIPR): A G-Band Differential Absorption Cloud Radar for Boundary Layer Humidity Remote Sensing
- Variabilities in Middle Atmospheric HO<SUB>2</SUB> and OH During Solar Cycles 23 and 24
- Variability of Concretions on Earth and Mars: Complexities and New Explorations of Diagenetic Histories
- Variational Bayesian Independent Component Analysis for InSAR displacement time series with application to Central Valley, California
- Vector spherical harmonics as a tool to compare terrestrial reference frames
- Venus Climate Sounder - A Limb Infrared Radiometer for the Middle Atmosphere of Venus
- Vicarious calibration of GOSAT and OCO series satellites
- Visualizing NASA Earth Science Imagery at Scale Using Recent Cloud Technologies
- Voyager 1 observations of Uranus and Neptune at intermediate phase angles
- WATSON: In-situ Analysis of Microbial and Organic Analysis in Subsurface Ice Boreholes
- Warming-induced spring net carbon uptake contributes to enhanced carbon sink activity in the northern high latitudes
- Water Use Efficiency from ECOSTRESS: First Look
- Wetland monitoring in high northern latitudes for carbon and habitat assessment using synthetic aperture radar
- What can sea level change tell us about Earth's energy imbalance?
- What does Europa Smell Like?
- What record will the Greenheugh pediment and associated landforms in Gale crater reveal about Martian climate history?
- What we still don't know about Jupiter's gravity field after Juno
- When Will Spaceborne Cloud Radar Detect Upward Shifts in Cloud Heights?
- Why Should Water Vapor Near-UV Absorption Be Included in the Modeling of Atmospheric Radiation?
- Widespread Shallow Water Ice on Mars at High and Mid Latitudes
- Wildfire Trends over 30+ years and its relation to climate indices in the Western United States
- μPanFTS - a Miniature Panchromatic imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer for the Giant Planet Atmospheric Composition, Vertical Profiling, Transports, Atmosphere and Surface Interaction, and Chemical Isotope Measurements
- 10-year global evaluation of tropospheric noise corrections derived from routinely leveraged weather models
- 1<SUP>st</SUP> Adiabatic Invariants and Phase Space Densities for the Jovian Electron and Proton Radiation Belts—Galileo and GIRE3 Estimates
- 2020 WHIPPLE AWARD LECTURE, "ADVENTURES IN PLANETARY SCIENCE,1960-2020", a personal retrospective summary of sixty years of research in the Planetary Sciences
- 3D cloud tomography during EUREC<SUP>4</SUP>A: Synergy of MISR multi-angle satellite imaging and airborne remote sensing onboard HALO
- 4 years of global carbon cycle observed from OCO-2 v9 and in situ data
- <SUB>Characterizing ponded craters on Vesta </SUB>
- A Baseline Antarctic GIA Correction for Space Gravimetry
- A Benchmark Dataset for Retrieval of Point Source CH4 and CO2 Plumes from Imaging Spectrometer Data
- A Close Encounter with an Interstellar Visitor
- A Comparative Morphological and Geospatial Analysis of Terrestrial Pingos and Anomalous Hills on Ceres
- A Continuity Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) instrument to augment the record from Aura MLS.
- A Data Driven Approach using the SMAP-Sentinel High-Resolution Soil Moisture Product for Agricultural Application
- A Deep Dive into Planetary Abysses: Effects of Pressure, Phase Equilibria and Chemistry on the Structure and Habitability of Icy-Ocean Worlds.
- A Deep Learning Approach for Natural Catastrophe Loss Assessment through Remote Sensing
- A First Comparison Between Ionospheric and Surface Level Magnetic Fields at Mars
- A How-To Guide to Spectral-Imaging from Interstellar Probe
- A Journey of Exploration to the Polar Regions of a Star: Probing the Solar Poles and the Heliosphere from High Helio-Latitude
- A Laser Nephelometer for detection of in-situ particles in planetary atmospheres
- A Mission Concept for a Solar Observatory in a Highly-Inclined Heliocentric Orbit - Demystifying the Magnetic Nature and Activity of our Star
- A Modular SAR/InSAR Imaging Geodesy Training Course for Capacity Building
- A Multiple Scattering Model of Brightness Temperatures for Soil Moisture Retrieval in Forests and Comparison with SMAPVEX12 Data
- A Necessary Step Toward Cloud Tomography from Space using MISR and MODIS: Understanding the Physics of Opaque 3D Cloud Image Formation
- A New CAM6+DART 80-Member Ensemble Reanalysis for 2011-2019: Initial Conditions for CAM, CLM and CICE Forecasts and Forcing for POP, CLM and CICE
- A Nitrogen-Rich Atmosphere on Ancient Mars Indicated by Isotopic Evolution.
- A Prototype Data Analysis Pipeline for NASA's Surface Biology and Geology Directed Observables Mission
- A Python-Implemented Deep Earth Water Model to Aid in Determining the Composition of Icy Ocean World Interiors
- A Review of Climate Events as seen by ECOSTRESS
- A SAR and Optical Based Land Cover Classification Methodology to Support Informing on Sustainable Development Goal 15.2.1
- A Submersible Digital Holographic Microscope for In Situ Microbial Imaging
- A User Needs and Value-Based Assessment of EO Applications to Inform SBG Architectures
- A WISER Software Toolkit for Imaging Spectroscopy Visualization and Analysis
- A Web-Based Interface for Geodetic Imaging with Large SAR Data Sets using NASA High End Computing
- A comparison of the environmental responses of canopy SIF and GPP in a subalpine conifer forest in Colorado, USA.
- A depletion of ammonia and water by storms in the deep atmosphere of Jupiter
- A direct mapping between shallow cumulus cloud field properties and three-dimensional surface solar irradiance
- A global framework for SWOT discharge
- A kinematic formalism for tracking ice-ocean mass exchange on the Earth's surface and estimating sea-level change
- A long-lived planetesimal dynamo powered by core crystallization
- A look at the Antarctic sea ice cover from combined measurements of ICESat-2 and CryoSat-2
- A new Fused L3 OCO-2/GOSAT product performs equally well in Data Assimilation as the pooled L2 products
- A new framework for meso-scale driving of the high-latitude I-T system
- A rate-and-state model for episodic tremor and slow-slip events with megathrust earthquake cycles in Cascadia
- A review of salinity perspective on the intensification of the ocean water cycle
- A spectrally-resolved, seasonally-varying energy budget for the Martian atmosphere, based on observational reanalyses.
- A survey of global water temperature datasets and their applicability to passive remote sensing of soil moisture near inland/coastal water bodies
- A transient enhancement of Mercury's exosphere observed at extremely high altitudes in the solar wind
- A typology of compound weather and climate events
- ACE Measures Record-Breaking Cosmic Ray Intensities in 2020
- APXS Chemistry of Recent Float Rocks and Their Possible Relation to Major Formations at Gale Crater
- APXS Compositional Investigation of the Greenheugh Pediment Capping Unit and Underlying Murray Formation: Déjà Vu
- AVIRIS aerosol retrievals for fires observed during the 2019 FIREX-AQ campaign
- Absolute geolocation of SAR Big-Data: The first step for operational InSAR time-series analysis
- Accelerated Bayesian computation for global imaging spectroscopy
- Accumulation and Dissipation of Water Associated with Flooding in the Missouri River Basin
- Adaptable Autonomous Ocean Access Through Erupting Conduits
- Adapting the Compact Integrated Raman Spectrometer(CIRS) for the Europa Lander Mission Concept
- Adaptive, Model-driven Observation for Earth Science
- Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Analysis to Understand Spatial Distribution of Terrestrial Biosignature's in Brine Pools as an Analog for Planetary Extant and Relic Oceans
- Advances in global NOx emission estimates using assimilation of TROPOMI NO<SUB>2</SUB> data
- Advances towards Balloon-based Seismic Studies on Venus
- Aerosols and tides in the tropical martian atmosphere from Mars Climate Sounder data
- Air quality response in China linked to the 2019 novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) mitigation
- Airborne Observations of Ka-band Radar Backscatter from AirSWOT Enable Vegetation and Water Detection
- Airborne differential absorption radar measurements with the 167-174.8 GHz Vapor In-cloud Profiling Radar (VIPR)
- Airborne observations of a previously unidentified DMS oxidation product (HPMTF) across the North Atlantic during ACSIS
- Altimetry from Planetary Radar Sounders
- Amazon forest structure mediates drought impacts on carbon uptake and evapotranspiration
- An Investigation into Jupiter's 2019 Equatorial Zone Disturbance: Modifying the Crème Brûlée Model
- An Overview of Little Ice Age and Holocene Glacial Isostasy of the Patagonian Icefields
- An Overview of the First Half of the OCO-3 Mission
- An Update on the NASA Western Water Applications Office
- An Update on the Seismicity on Mars as seen from InSight
- An assessment of the data assimilation system developed for the SWOT satellite mission
- An automated approach to flood detection through a threshold based method and machine learning using Sentinel-1A/B SAR data
- An intercomparison of ground-based land surface temperature measurements
- An overview of Jovian auroral acceleration processes: emphasis on energetic charged particle observations from NASA's Juno mission
- Analysis Ready SST Data for the Oceans
- Analysis of GRACE Follow-On laser ranging interferometer measurements for time-variable (sub-monthly) and static gravity signals
- Analysis of Methane Emissions from San Francisco Bay Area Refineries
- Analysis of Solar Wind Ejecta Observed by the Wide-field Imager (WISPR) on Parker Solar Probe
- Analysis of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) over the Seward Peninsula using Machine Learning Techniques
- Analytical Instrumentation Techniques for the Icy Moon Penetrator Organic Analyzer(IMPOA)
- Antipodal Deposits on Europa from the Pwyll Impact?
- Application of SERVIR - Mekong's RDCYIS to Enhance Drought Forecast and Warning Generation in Ninh Thuan Province, Vietnam
- Applications of atom interferometry in the solar system
- Architecting an end-to-end observing system for understanding water dynamics
- Assessing closure phase statistics and its impact on InSAR time-series
- Assessing the Textural Properties of Hyper-Arid Areas in the VHF Range in Support of Radar Probing of Shallow Aquifers
- Assessing the Utility of Historic NASA Imaging Spectroscopy Data to Detect Plant Disease in California Vineyards
- Assessing the role of ICESat-2 in understanding Coastal Sea-Level
- Assessing use of Vegetation Attribute from SAR to Improve Performance of the SMAP-Sentinel Active-passive High Resolution Soil Moisture Product
- Assessment of Penetration Bias of ICESat-2 over Snow and Ice-covered Terrain, Western Canada
- Assessment of Potential Landing and Sampling Sites for a Future In-Situ Mission to Ceres
- Assessment of the Contribution of Native-, African-, and Brown American Dryland Agriculture to US Carbon Dynamics
- Atmospheric Aerosol Rivers: Climate and Air Quality Impacts
- Atmospheric Implications Derived from the Small Crater Record from the Curiosity Rover, Gale Crater, Mars.
- Atmospheric nucleation and its effect on cloud condensation nuclei abundance at the US DOE Southern Great Plains field site
- Atmospheric pressure loading in GPS positions: A comparison of data products and processing methods for the contiguous U.S. and Alaska
- Aurora to Magnetodisk Mapping: Connecting UV Emissions to Events in Jupiter's Magnetosphere
- Automated BRDF Correction of Multiple Adjacent Imaging Spectroscopy Flightlines in Complex Landscapes
- Automated Detection and Mapping of Volcanic Plumes for ASTER, MODIS, VIIRS, and SBG
- Average Ultraviolet and X-ray Auroras at Jupiter from Juno-UVS and Chandra-HRCI Data
- BEAST: Big Europa Assessment & Sampling Tool
- Balloon-Based Geophysical Investigations at Venus
- Balloon-based Atmospheric Investigations of Venus
- Bayesian Integration of Multiple Satellite Observations and Model Simulations to Develop a Long-term High-resolution Groundwater Storage Data Record
- Bedrock topography requirements for reducing uncertainties in ice sheet model projections of century-scale Thwaites Glacier sea level contribution
- Biogeochemical risks and impacts of Arctic permafrost degradation
- Bridge to the stars: A mission concept to an interstellar object
- Brines on Ceres: Origins and Transport Processes
- Building a lunar network using a flexible, long-lived Lunar Geophysical Package (LGP)
- CALFIN: A Calving Front Mask Dataset for Greenland, 1972-2020
- CEOS Ocean Variable Enabling Research & Applications for GEO (COVERAGE): A Platform to Simplify and Expand the Accessibility and Usage of Inter-agency Satellite and in-situ Oceanographic Data
- COSPAR International Space Weather Action Teams: Addressing Challenges Across the Field of Space Weather.
- Carbon Mapper: global tracking of methane and CO<SUB>2</SUB> point-sources
- Carbon Stock Changes of African Forests in the 21st Century
- Carbon exchange in tropical land, as seen from both bottom-up and top-down perspectives
- Cassini's Chronicle of Carbon in the Saturn System
- Centaur Environment and Surface Activity Measurement Experiment (Cesame)
- Ceres Planetary Mission Concept Study - Exploration of Ceres' Habitability
- Change of recurrent slow slip event behaviors along the Nankai trough, Southwest Japan
- Channels on Titan and the Earth: Lessons from Planform Images in Low-Resolution SAR
- Chaos Blocks on Europa: An Analysis of Orientation and Size Distributions
- Chaos formation by porous compaction on Europa
- Characterization of Jupiter's auroral expanding concentric emissions observed in Jupiter's polar auroral regions
- Characterization of the High Velocity Impact Phenomena of Small Water-Ice Particles
- Characterizing Jupiter's Polar Vortices at Mid-Infrared Wavelengths
- Characterizing extreme thermokarst methane emissions in interior Alaska with implications for pan-Arctic source attribution
- Characterizing the Variable Land Surface Emissivity for Passive Microwave-Based Precipitation Estimation during the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Era
- Climate Model Evaluation of Atmospheric Rivers over the Continental United States
- Cloud and Precipitation Measurements Within NASA's Decadal Survey Observing-System Study for Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP)
- Clumped isotope analysis of methane revolutionizes petroleum geochemistry
- Coherence Analysis of CYGNSS Land Reflections and Potential Application to Inland Water and Wetlands Remote Sensing
- Combining satellite data from MODIS, and TROPOMI to observe wildfire smoke allows the observation of particle formation processes that were unobservable with one satellites alone.
- Comparing and validating measures of water-use efficiency from NASA's ECOSTRESS mission
- Comparing total inorganic chlorine climatologies from CMAM39 and ACE-FTS
- Comparison of Co-Incident MISR, Terra MODIS and ISS-CATS Cloud Top Heights
- Comparison of Ground-based and Space-based Surface Rupture Mapping of the May 15, 2020 M6.5 Monte Cristo Range Earthquake, Nevada
- Comparison of InSAR Processing Techniques Applied to Cultivated Areas within California's Central Valley
- Comparison of Saildrone observations with satellite- and model-derived sea surface salinity and temperature in the Bering Strait
- Comprehensive InSAR deformation analysis using ARIA standard products captures interseismic and shallow aseismic slip processes across California
- Considering the effects of canopy structure on hyperspectral radiative transfer and terrestrial photosynthesis
- Consistent terrestrial water storage record from GRACE and GRACE-FO using cyclostationary empirical orthogonal functions (2002-present)
- Constrained retrievals of aerosol optical properties using combined lidar and imager measurements during the FIREX-AQ campaign
- Constraining a generalized glacier slip relationship using high spatiotemporal resolution data of a surging glacier
- Constraining carbon cycle dynamics over the ABoVE domain using in situ and space-based CO<SUB>2</SUB> observations
- Constraining marsquake focal mechanisms and martian crustal structure using InSight's seismic data
- Constraint of terrestrial model parameters from ensemble forward simulations
- Constraints on the height of the CH<SUB>4</SUB> homopause from an analysis of IRTF-TEXES spectra
- Continuous Underway Shipboard Measurements of Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Surface Salinity: Lessons From IMECOCAL
- Contrasting sensitivities and vulnerabilities of terrestrial biosphere carbon cycle to climate anomalies across tropical south America
- Controlling Factors of Global Heat-Humidity Extremes
- Corotating Interaction Regions observed between Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe
- Could Some Mars Seismic Events be Generated by Fluid Flow?
- Cropland carbon uptake delayed and reduced by 2019 Midwest floods
- Crowdsourced Data Assisting Disaster Relief Practices in the Era of Social Sensing
- Current day Vertical Land Motion in Metropolitan Hot-spots of Southeast United States
- DART Determination of Momentum Transfer from Kinetic Impact: Ejecta Plume observations and Modeling
- DAVINCI+ Answers Long-Standing and Emerging Questions About the Venus Atmosphere
- DAVINCI+: Opening the History Book of Venus and Connecting Analog Exoplanets
- Dashboards to explore effects of COVID19 using Earth observations
- Data Assimilation Development in Support of the SWOT Satellite Mission
- Data sampling from the space and urban fossil-fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions: do we measure often enough?
- Day-Night Monitoring of Volcanic SO<SUB>2</SUB> for Aviation Avoidance at Northern Polar Latitudes
- Decreases in 2020 carbon dioxide growth due to the Coronavirus pandemic observed from space
- Deep Atmosphere of Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging Plus (DAVINCI+): Discovering a New Venus via a Flyby, Probe, Orbiter Mission
- Deep-UV Raman Spectroscopy for Planetary Science: Searching for Signs of Life on Mars
- Delineating the phases of the crustal deformation cycle for the Western U.S. from geodetic data, 1995-2020
- Dense Glacial Termini Time Series Analysis: Insights from Calving Front Machine (CALFIN)
- Denudation of Forested Mountainsides Detected by Satellite Observations
- Deployable Mesh Network for Enabling Reliable Communication from within Subsurface Voids to the Planetary Surface
- Design of future Earth observing mass change constellations using small satellites.
- Designing a Disruption Tolerant Network for Reactive Spacecraft Constellations
- Designing ocean field campaigns for the SWOT fast-sampling phase
- Designing the NASA Air Quality Data System of the Future: User Responsiveness and Data Accessibility for the Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA) Project
- Detecting Soil Moisture under Temperate Forest Canopies: SMAP Validation Experiment 2019-2021 (SMAPVEX19-21)
- Detecting and characterizing enhanced methane emissions from coastal wetland vegetation with airborne imaging spectroscopy in Louisiana's Terrebonne Basin
- Detecting the Impact of COVID-19 Shutdowns on Anthropogenic Emissions in the Los Angeles and Baltimore/Washington Urban Regions
- Detecting the Mantle Transition Zone of Mars From Seismic Triplicated and Reflected Waves
- Detection Limits for Supercam's Transmission Spectrometer Aboard the Perseverance Rover: Capabilities and Implications for Raman Spectroscopy on Mars
- Detection and Tracking of Convective Storms Based on Globally Gridded Precipitation Measurements
- Detection of small-magnitude Earthquakes using balloon-borne infrasound sensors
- Determining the Global Water Abundance in Jupiter from Juno MWR
- Development and Evaluation of Nitrogen Cycling in the Noah-MP-CN Land Surface Model
- Development of a Geodetic-based Probabilistic Fault Displacement Hazard Analysis Using Near-field Geodetic Imaging Data
- Development of a Mangrove Monitoring & Evaluation System in Guyana
- Development, Implementation and Process-Based Evaluation of a New Unified Boundary Layer and Convection Parameterization in Climate Models: The EDMF Approach
- Did the COVID-19 lockdown allow for the first identification of NH3 transportation emissions using satellite-based observations?
- Disentangle the drivers of spatio-temporal variations in vegetation optical depth over tropical forests with ecosystem hydrodynamics modeling
- Distance to River Controls Riparian Ecosystem Water Use and Stress in a Semi-arid Watershed
- Distributed Machine Learning and Data Fusion for Flood Detection and Monitoring
- Diurnal variability of total column NO<SUB>2</SUB> measured using direct solar and lunar spectra over Table Mountain, California (34.38° N)
- Divergence in Quantifying Terrestrial Fluxes of Carbon in Global Carbon Budgets
- Doomed to Zoom? Reimagining collaboration in the age of emergency
- Drivers of Coastal United States Relative Sea-Level Trends During the Satellite Altimeter-Era
- Driving factors affecting rising trends in heatwave activity across Southern California
- Droplet Size Tomography Using Multi-View Polarimetric Measurements
- Drought Cascades in the Hydrologic Cycle: A Set of Case Studies from Remote Sensing
- Drought Characteristics and the Impact of Land Cover/Land Use Change in the Lower Mekong Basin
- Dynamic Allocation of Cloud Resources to Parallelize Mars 2020 Flight Software Simulations for Sampling Operations and an Interactive Visualization Interface for Reviewing Results
- Dynamical models of large volume effusive eruptions and controls on caldera collapse
- Dynamics of Mangrove Carbon Stocks in the Niger Delta - linking remote sensing timeseries of vegetation structure, loss drivers and in situ measurements
- ECOSTRESS and CIMIS: A Comparison of Potential and Reference Evapotranspiration in Riverside County, California
- ENTICE: Earth's NexT generation ICE mission
- Early Implications of the COVID-19 Shelter-in-Place Restrictions on Urban Air Quality in the Los Angeles Basin
- Earth Observation (EO) based critical infrastructure exposure models and flood forecasting techniques for risk monitoring and management for the city of Vadodara, India
- Earth as a Proxy Exoplanet: Decomposing and Recomposing Spectral Images
- Earth-like Habitable Environments in the Subsurface of Mars
- Effects of Europa's Moon-Plasma Interaction on Europa Clipper's Magnetic Induction Investigation
- Effects of Organics on Chemical Garden Structures Relevant to Planetary Environments.
- Electrical Conductivity and Magnetic Induction on Europa
- Emergent constraints on global carbon-climate feedbacks from regional atmospheric aridity
- Empirical model for estimating hydraulic properties of the organic-rich arctic permafrost soils
- Enabling and Empowering Citizen Science in Astronomy With a Network of Small Digital & Smart Telescopes
- Enceladus Orbilander: A Flagship Mission Concept for the Planetary Decadal Survey
- Energetic Particles Observations Near the Sun from the Integrated Science Investigation of the Sun (ISʘIS) Instrument Suite on Parker Solar Probe
- Energetic Particles and Acceleration Regions over Jupiter's Polar Cap and Main Aurora; a Broad Overview
- Energetic Particles near the Sun from Parker Solar Probe
- Energy Imbalance On Titan
- Enhancement of Venus Balloon Science Return through Multi-Agent Autonomy
- Episodes of micro-rifting contribute to distributed extension in Afar: A case-study of a 2002 event
- Error Analysis of Empirical Sea State Bias Models for Pulse-limited and SAR Altimetry
- Errors in Retrieved Gases and Inferred Fluxes Arising from Non-uniform Scene Illumination: A Case Study for the GeoCarb Mission
- Estimating discharge from Landsat based on water occurrence derived rating curves.
- Estimating permafrost thickness in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta using LIDAR
- Estimating the evolution of CMS-Flux fossil fuel emissions from air quality measurements
- Europan Molecular Indicators of Life Investigation (EMILI) Technology Development
- Evaluating New Visualization Services for Browsing Spatiotemporal Earth Observation Satellite Data
- Evaluating a UAV-based mobile sensing system designed to quantify ecosystem-based methane
- Evaluating the Strengths and Limitations of Fluorescence to Constrain Photosynthetic Processes: A New Statistical Inference Framework
- Evaluating the applicability of SWOT discharge inversion algorithms in multichannel rivers using satellite imagery-derived timeseries of water surface height, slope, and river width
- Evaluating the effects of plant biodiversity on surface temperature in forest restoration projects using UAV, Landsat, and ECOSTRESS data
- Evaluation of Machine Learning Methodologies for Novelty-based Target Selection in Planetary Imaging Data Sets: Examples from the Mars Science Laboratory Mission
- Evaluation of inundation dynamics at Yucatan Lake, Louisiana during the NISAR UAVSAR AMPM campaign.
- Evaluation of sensor characteristics on the retrieval of vegetation surface reflectance in high-latitude ecosystems
- Evidence for Extensive Diagenesis in Gale Crater, Mars from X-ray Amorphous Component Compositions
- Evidence for Fe-Ti Oxide Enrichment in the Lunar Subsurface from the LRO Mini-RF Observations
- Evidence for a recent increase in global land evapotranspiration from the mass-balance perspective
- Evidence for ammonia-bearing species on the Uranian satellite Ariel supports recent geologic activity
- Evidence of Global Mean Increases in the Frequency of Daily and Sub-daily Heavy Precipitation
- Evidence of Ionospheric Perturbations from a Buried Chemical Explosion Captured Using High-Rate GNSS Measurements
- Evolution of PAN in wildfire smoke plumes detected by the Cross-Track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) over the western US during summer 2018.
- Examining Fire Radiative Power (FRP) Retrievals using Shortwave and Mid-Infrared Radiance from FIREX-AQ
- Examining the Martian Water Cycle Using the Mars Climate Sounder (MCS) and Ensemble Mars Atmosphere Reanalysis System (EMARS)
- Examining the auroral ionosphere in three dimensions using reconstructed 2D maps of auroral data to drive the 3D GEMINI model
- Experiment of Dust Mitigation for Lunar Surface Exploration
- Exploration and Meteorological Data Collection Of Venusian Atmosphere using CubeSat-based Solar Balloons
- Exploration of the Permanently Shadowed Regions of the Southern Polar Terrains of Ceres using NASA/Dawn data
- Exploring Geometry and Aerosol Effects of OCO Target and Small Area Map Measurements via Simulation Studies
- Exploring Uncertainty in Bayesian Retrievals of Cloud and Precipitation Properties
- Exploring iron asteroid magnetospheres
- Exploring the Relationship of Groundwater Exploitation and Variability in Chemical Composition in Bristol, Cadiz, and Danby Dry Lakes, California
- Extreme enhancements in lower stratospheric water vapor over North America observed by MLS: Relation to overshooting convection diagnosed from colocated Aqua-MODIS data
- Extreme ice sheet melting over Antarctica during the 2019-2020 austral melt season observed by the SMAP L-band Microwave Radiometer
- Facility- and Subfacility-scale Assessment of Methane Emissions Inventory in the San Francisco Bay Area of California using Airborne Mass Balance
- Far-IR Water Vapor Spectroscopy from Analysis of Field Campaign Measurements
- Faults network on Enceladus North Pole
- Filling Temporal Gaps Within and Between GRACE and GRACE-FO Records: Advances, Challenges, and Future Opportunities
- First Results from Parker Solar Probe
- Fleeting and resilient environmental impacts of SARS-CoV-2
- Forcings and kinematics of slow-moving landslides revealed by airborne and spaceborne SAR data
- Forest Aboveground Biomass in the Southwestern U.S. from a MISR Multi-Angle Index, 2000 - 2015
- Forest Cover Classification in Panama Using Multi-Satellite Optical Images
- Formation and Alteration History of the Olivine-Carbonate Lithology at Jezero Crater
- Formic Acid Catalyzed Isomerization and Adduct Formation of an Isoprene-Derived Criegee Intermediate: Experiment and Theory
- From Playas to Peaks: Developing Infrastructure and Methods to Constrain Dust Dynamics and Monitor Impacts on Snow Water Resources in the Intermountain West
- From leaf to landscape: multi-scale measurements of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in a tundra ecosystem
- Fusion of high spatial and high temporal snow surface properties from satellite observations for estimating snow water equivalent
- GGOS Bureau of Networks and Observations: Network Infrastructure and Related Activities
- GGOS Coordinating Office - Recent Achievements and Activities
- GRACE-FO Laser Ranging Interferometer (LRI) Data Processing Improvements and Resulting Gravity Fields
- GRACE-FO Science Results and Mission Status
- General Design of Mobile Tsunami Warning System—Performance since 2017 and Future Development
- Geochemical Processes Along and Above the Glen Torridon/Greenheugh Pediment, Unconformity, Gale Crater, Mars: Results from the Sample Analysis at Mars Instrument.
- Geochemistry as a Tool for Magnetic Induction, Gravity, and Seismology in Icy Ocean Worlds
- Geodetic slip inversion for the 2017/18 SSE and associated earthquakes near Guerrero, Mexico
- Geologic map of Terra Cimmeria, Mars: potential implications for regional paleomagnetism, planetwide primordial tectonic geomorphology, and the structural history of the Tharsis Rise
- Geomorphological map of the South Belet Region of Titan
- Geosynchronous orbit access strategy for the NASA SunRISE Explorer Mission
- Ghub: A new community-driven data-model resource for ice-sheet scientists
- Global Changes in Surface Dust Coverage using Mars Climate Sounder
- Global Contributions of Mesoscale Ocean Dynamics to Meridional Heat Transport
- Global NOx emission reductions and tropospheric chemistry response linked to the world-wide COVID-19 lockdowns
- Global Reach-level River Flood Reanalysis (1980-2019)
- Global Reanalysis Intercomparison of Potential Vorticity
- Global Relationships Among Solar-Induced Fluorescence (SIF), Reflectance-Based Vegetation Indicators (NDVI), and Soil Moisture Variability on Weekly Timescales
- Global Retrievals of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence With TROPOMI
- Global Trends in Evapotranspiration Dominated by Increases Across Cropland Regions: Insights Into Sustainability in Food Production
- Global air quality responses to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Global distribution of methane emissions: an inverse analysis of 2019 observations from TROPOMI
- Global methane budget and trend, 2010-2017: complementarity of inverse analyses using in situ (GLOBALVIEWplus CH<SUB>4</SUB> ObsPack) and satellite (GOSAT) observations
- Global satellite isoprene retrievals constrain emissions and atmospheric oxidation
- Global trends in carbon monoxide abundance and emissions
- Gravity Wave Observations by the Mars Science Laboratory REMS Pressure Sensor and Comparison with Mesoscale Atmospheric Modeling with MarsWRF
- Greater tropical ascent area reduction linked to higher equilibrium climate sensitivity in CMIP6
- Ground deformations due to atmospheric forcing at InSight landing site: effect of lateral variation of sub-surface properties and response to various atmospheric waves
- Growing Beyond: Extending the NASA Authentic Science Mission Design Post-Graduate and Early Career Experience
- Habitability of Hydrocarbon Worlds: Titan and Beyond
- Hematite-Bearing Materials on Mars Identified and Characterized Using MRO CRISM, Opportunity, and Curiosity Data
- Hemispheric Planetary Albedo Symmetry and Climate Sensitivity
- High Resolution Broadband Photoacoustic Spectroscopy of the Oxygen A-band as a Key to Characterizing the Concentration of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere
- High-resolution Magellan stereo topography at Salme Dorsa
- How Consistent Are Satellite Retrievals of Smoke From the 2019-2020 Australian Fires?
- How Rough are Comets?
- How Well Does SMOS Depicts Decadal Trends of Sea Surface Salinity in the Global Ocean?
- How has the Covid-19 pandemic response impacted methane emissions in California?
- How will future satellite missions inform our understanding of the processes controlling atmospheric carbon?
- HyTI: high spectral resolution thermal imaging from a 6U CubeSat
- Hybrid Serverless Cloud and Supercomputing Workflow to Support Methane Plume Detection and Regional Analysis
- Hybrid architectures with quantum gravity gradiometry and satellite-to-satellite tracking for spaceborne mass change measurements - A sensitivity and performance analysis
- Hydrologic limitations on tropical terrestrial carbon fluxes in a model-data fusion framework
- Hypervelocity Sampling of the Enceladus Plume: Implications for Astrobiology Investigations
- Identification and Tracking of Wildfires and Wildfire-Induced Smoke Plumes During FIREX-AQ 2019 using Orbital and Suborbital Instruments.
- Identification of Mars Mesospheric Clouds in Mars Climate Sounder Data Using a Machine-learning Algorithm
- Identification of earthquakes and anthropogenic events around the southern Great Lakes
- Identifying coral refugia from observationally weighted climate model ensembles
- Imaging Spectroscopy Processing Environment on the Cloud (ImgSPEC)
- Impact of basal friction law on the dynamics of Greenland outlet glaciers
- Impacts of COVID-19 Control Measures on Tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> over China, South Korea and Italy
- Impacts of Long-range Transport of Aerosols on Marine Boundary Layer Clouds in the Eastern North Atlantic
- Impacts of liana infestation on tropical forest demography and functioning: lessons learned from the implementation of a lianescent growth form in a vegetation model
- Impacts of the Novel Corona virus shutdowns on CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions, concentrations and distribution.
- Impacts of the QBO and Stratospheric Loss on N<SUB>2</SUB>O
- Implementation of GRACE and GRACE-FO observation covariance estimates at JPL
- Improved calibration of absolute InSAR deformation estimates in support of permafrost active layer retrievals
- Improved polar ocean surface wave height and surface elevation data from CryoSat-2 using a semi-analytical physical retracker
- Improved prediction of tropical wetland methane emissions using new CYGNSS-based inundation maps
- Improvements and Enhancements to the International GNSS Service (IGS) Central Bureau Information Systems
- Improvements in GRACE-FO Accelerometer Modeling and Calibrations
- Improvements in XCO<SUB>2</SUB> accuracy from OCO-2 with the latest ACOS v10 product
- Improving Arctic-Boreal Ecosystem Processes in Earth System Models with NASA ABoVE Data
- Improving Retrievals of Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulphide (OCS) from Ground-based Remote Sensing Spectrometers
- Improving the Temperature Dependence of Modeled Isoprene Emissions in MEGAN with Remote Sensing Constraints
- Improving the Uncertainty Estimation Performance of Retrieving Surface Reflectances from Remote Sensing Imaging Spectroscopy Data
- Improving the simulation of the leaf-to-canopy scaling of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in Community Land Model version 5
- In Situ Field Demonstration of a Drill-instrument Combination for the Detection of Microbes and Organics in the Icy Crusts of the Ocean Worlds
- InSAR Phase Unwrapping Error Correction for Rapid Repeat Wetland Water-Level Change Measurements
- InSAR uncertainty due to phase unwrapping errors
- InSight seismic data from Mars: Effect and treatment of transient data disturbances
- Increasing atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> seasonal amplitude caused by amplified cropland productivity
- Influence of the MJO on Stratospheric Equatorial Waves During Different QBO regimes
- Information Content Analysis of Aerosol Layer Height from Multi-angle Polarized Measurements in Oxygen A and B Bands
- Initiative to explore uncertainty in Earth's Energy Imbalance calculations
- Insight Low Frequency Seismological Measurements: Environmental Noise Decorrelation And Applicability To Mars Internal Structure Refinement
- Integrating Point-Source Methane Emissions from Imaging Spectroscopy Data into the Multi-scale Methane Analytic Framework (M2AF) Information System
- Integrating a multitude of data to study the complex meteorology of the Maritime Continent and Indo-Pacifc tropical warm pool: the JPL CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex portal in support of the science objectives
- Intense surface melting and firn saturation on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the 2019-2020 austral melt season mapped from space using satellite C-band radar scatterometry
- Inter-Comparison of Forest Cover Areas in Panama Based on Optical and SAR Observations
- Interpretable Machine Learning applied to Seasonal Forecasting of Western US Precipitation
- Interstellar Probe Measurements of Dust in Our Heliosphere
- Intraseasonal Variability in the Persian Gulf Revealed by GRACE and Altimetry
- Intrepid: Traversing 4 Billion Years of Lunar History
- Introducing the MISR Level 2 Near Real-Time Aerosol Product
- Inverting ionospheric electron density perturbations to tsunami wave height
- Investigating Basal Thaw as a Mechanism of Ice Mass Loss in Antarctica
- Investigating Prebiotic Reductive Amination in a Fe / NO<SUB>x</SUB> Redox System
- Investigating present-day dune formation on Mars
- Investigating the Role of Subglacial Discharges and Changes in Cavity Geometry on Submarine Melting on Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- Investigation of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Processes at Erebus Volcano, Antarctica
- Investigation of cirrus clouds properties in the Tropical Tropopause Layer using high-altitude limb scanning near-IR spectroscopy during the NASA-ATTREX Experiment
- Investigation of isotopic fractionation of water vapor in greater Los Angeles basin using HDO retrievals from a mountaintop remote sensing observatory
- Investigation of the unknown UV absorber(s) in the atmosphere of Venus using a chemistry-transport model in combination with a radiative transfer model
- Investigations of Magnetic Field Signals During Pressure Vortices at InSight
- Isoprene secondary organic aerosol in summertime Beijing: the effect of anthropogenic emissions on organosulfate and nitrooxy organosulfate formation
- Janus: A NASA SIMPLEx mission to explore two NEO Binary Asteroids
- Joint retrieval of greenhouse gases and aerosols in a polluted urban atmosphere: Development of a full physics algorithm for CLARS-FTS in the Los Angeles megacity
- Jupiter's Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Mapped by the Juno Spacecraft
- Jupiter's North Polar Lightning Distribution
- Jupiter's Polar Magnetosphere and Aurora: An Overview of New Results from Juno
- Kerogen H:C ratio calculation based on chemometric analysis of Raman spectroscopic results
- Landing on Europa: Science-driven Preparations for Touching an Unknown Surface
- Large-Scale HiRISE Survey Demonstrates a Genetic Relationship Between Martian Periodic Bedrock Ridges and Transverse Aeolian Ridges
- Libera - Understanding Earth's Energy Budget
- Libera and Continuity of the ERB Climate Data Record
- Line positions and intensities of CO<SUB>2</SUB> for the HITRAN2020 database: updates and validation tests
- Linking ECOSTRESS, MODIS and Eddy-covariance for high-resolution daily evapotranspiration
- Listening for a Landing: the seismic detectability of Mars 2020's arrival by the InSight lander
- Lithospheric Thickness and Heat Flow on Venus: Results from a Global Survey of Flexure at Steep-Sided Domes
- Lithospheric Thickness: A Lens on Understanding the Evolution of Earth's Twin
- Localizing Methane Emission Sites on Mars from Inverse Modeling
- Localizing the Source of Type II Emission Around a CME with the Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE)
- Long-range transport patterns into the tropical northwest Pacific during the CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex aircraft campaign: chemical composition, size distributions, and the impact of convection
- Long-term Cycles of Variability of Jupiter's Atmosphere from Ground-based Infrared Observations
- Long-term Stability of Glycine, Alanine, and Phenylalanine on Titan's Surface Subject to Cosmic Ray Flux
- Lunar Trailblazer: A Pioneering Small Satellite for Lunar Water and Lunar Geology
- MACIE: Mars Astrobiological Caves and Internal Habitability Explorer (a New Frontiers Mission Concept) for the next decade
- MAIA: An Integrated Satellite, Surface Monitor, and Chemical Transport Model-Based System for Mapping Speciated Airborne Particulate Matter
- MICA: Microfluidic Icy-World Chemistry Analyzer
- MLS observations of exceptional ozone loss and unusual trace gas evolution in the 2019/2020 stratospheric polar vortex and comparisons with previous extreme winters
- Magnetic Fields Induced from an Asymmetric Ocean, with Application to Europa
- Making the Connection between Water Management Needs and Earth Observations
- Mapping Heterogeneous Fuel Characteristics and Fuel Consumption Using AVIRIS, LiDAR, and Field Data for Fire Emissions Modeling
- Mapping High-Conservation-Value Forests in Agricultural Zones: An Example from Ucayali, Peru
- Mapping Martian ice availability in the mid-latitudes of Mars
- Mapping Methane Point Sources in an Urban Airshed Using Imaging Spectroscopy
- Mapping Wetland Hydrological Connectivity in the Wax Lake Delta Using Rapid Repeat SAR Images
- Maps of Active Layer Thickness in Northern Alaska via Upscaling of P-band SAR Retrievals
- Mars 3 Ga had river-forming climates at low average pCO<SUB>2</SUB>, raising the likelihood of false negatives in the search for habitable exoplanets
- Mars Dogs: Biomimetic Robots for the Exploration of Mars, from its Rugged Surface to its Hidden Caves
- Mars Orbiters for Surface-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Connections (MOSAIC)
- Mars Sample Return Science Planning Group 2 (MSPG-2): Initial Report
- Martian Middle Atmospheric Water Vapor and its Influence on Hydrogen Escape during the Global and Regional Dust Storms of Mars Year 34
- Martian Seasonal Frost and Snowfall in the Northern Mid-Latitudes - Growing the Seasonal Frost Cap and Contributing Environmental Factors
- Mass sensitivity of GRACE-like geodesy missions
- Matrix MIP to trace uncertainty in predicting land carbon dynamics
- Mechanistic drivers of canopy-scale spatial patterns in solar induced fluorescence from boreal forests
- Mesoscale macrophysical and plume-scale microphysical properties of the boundary layer as observed and simulated during MAGIC and ACE-ENA
- MethaNet: an AI-powered approach to quantifying methane point-source emission from high-resolution 2-D plume imagery.
- Methane Emission From Barents And Kara Seas In Winter: Satellite Evidence.
- Methane point-source emissions from oil, gas, and coal operations
- Mid-latitude rainfall biases between spaceborne radars and the role of drop size distribution assumptions
- Midwest US croplands determine model divergence in North American carbon fluxes
- Mineralogy of the Glen Torridon Region as detailed by the Mars Science Laboratory CheMin Instrument
- Mineralogy of the Greenheugh Pediment and Underlying Murray Formation from the Mars Science Laboratory CheMin Instrument
- Mission Design for a Solar System Fast Escape to Interstellar Medium, Solar-gravity Lens Focus, and Beyond
- Mission Development Status and Algorithm Testing of the NASA Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation
- Model-tested reconstruction reveals large-scale ocean circulation control on coastal sea level
- Modeling Subsurface Origins and Transport of Methane on Mars
- Modeling and Analysis of GNSS-R Measurements in Wetland Areas
- Modeling and Simulation of Planetary Porous Ice Analogs
- Modeling and Validation of a Cryobot Architecture for Accessing the Subsurface of Ocean Worlds
- Modeling ice-ocean dynamics in ice-shelf rifts.
- Modeling of seismically-induced infrasonic acoustic wave signals in Earth's electromagnetic field
- Modeling the Magnitude and Direction of SIF and GPP in Response to Light Conditions Across Evergreen Forests
- Modeling to Support End-to-End Traceability of Reflectance to Algorithms for the Surface Biology and Geology Designated Observable (MEET-SBG)
- Modelling forest vertical structure by SAR-LiDAR data fusion in the arctic-boreal zone
- Molecular Solids on Titan: New Insights into Hydrogen Cyanide and Butadiene
- Monitoring Global Lake and Reservoir Dynamics from Space
- Monitoring turbidity in San Francisco Estuary and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta using satellite remote sensing
- MoonShake: a Future Lunar Seismic Network delivered by Penetrators
- Moving the Global Imagery Browse Services to the Cloud. Developing Earth Data Tools and Services that Scale.
- Multi-depth multi-focusing SAR algorithm
- Multi-model ensemble projections of sea-level using the Ice-Sheet and Sea-Level System Model probabilisticframework and CMIP5/CMIP6 outputs.
- Multi-satellite imaging of a gas well blowout provides new insights for methane monitoring
- MultiGNSS Reference Frame Consistency As Realized Through PPP
- NASA evapotranspiration data significantly improve operational water management for the State of New Mexico
- NASA's NextGen Remote Sensing Instruments Have Arrived: Data Products For Studying Disease Vectors
- NH<SUB>3 </SUB>emission trends from 2013 to 2018 over Europe constrained using CrIS remote sensing measurements of NH<SUB>3</SUB>
- Natural and anthropogenic size-frequency disturbance from crown damage, tree fall and tree removal in the Brazilian Amazon using airborne lidar
- Natural and human contributions to pre-monsoon snow and stream chemistry in the Khumbu/Mt. Everest region, Nepal
- Neptune's NDS-2018: The Dark Vortex That Would Not Die
- New Observations Show the Earliest Stages of Titan's Radial Labyrinth Terrain Evolution
- New advanced ALOS-2 InSAR processors in ISCE2 and some large-scale processing results
- New and upcoming developments of standardized InSAR Products by the Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) Project for Natural Hazards
- New evidence for climate and erosion history in Gale crater, Mars, from Curiosity's ascent onto the Greenheugh pediment
- New seismological constraints on the crustal structure of Mars and the Moon
- Nonlocal Carbon-Water Interactions in Australia: Going with the Flow
- Novel Chemometric Analysis Elucidates Elemental and Mineralogical Gradients within Hydrothermal Vent Precipitates using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS): An Investigation of Analytical Techniques to Facilitate the Search for Life on Ocean Worlds
- Novelty and Discovery Content Analysis Methods for the Planetary Data System Image Atlas
- Nowcasting earthquakes with Machine Learning:How Aftershocks and swarms may signal regional tectonic stress
- OCO-3 SAM mode: Spatiotemporal Variability of XCO<SUB>2</SUB> over the Los Angeles Megacity
- OLI-DRFS: Retrievals of Dust Radiative in Snow from Landsat-8
- Observations from inside a Wildfire-Driven Thunderstorm:The 2019 FIREX-AQ Field Experiment
- Observations of Jovian electrical storms by Juno's SRU
- Observations of Low-Frequency Waves Excited by Newborn Interstellar Pickup He+ as Seen by the Ulysses Spacecraft
- Observations of the Mars Year 35 E (Early) Large-Scale Regional Dust Event
- Observing Rivers with Varying Spatial Scales
- Observing greenhouse gases and aerosols in Los Angeles using CLARS-FTS and OCO-3
- Observing the Carbon Cycle with the Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (GOSAT) and the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2)
- Observing, resolving and predicting the terrestrial carbon cycle and its sensitivity to climate.
- On the Quasi-Three Dimensional Configuration of Magnetic Clouds
- On the Single-Station Measurement of Ground-Coupled Airwaves: Discrimination of Martian Infrasound and Assessment of Terrestrial Setups
- On the use of different function bases for the determination of Jupiter's gravity field
- One Martian Year of Dust Devil Tracks Around the InSight Landing Site, Mars: analysis of HiRISE images and Comparison with in-situ Atmospheric Data.
- One Operator to Rule Them All: Human-Robot Interaction for Real-World and Analog Subsurface Exploration
- Ongoing Shallow Water Ice Mapping Campaign by the Mars Climate Sounder
- OpenET: Enabling Science-Based Water Management through Open Data Services and User-Driven Design
- OpenET: Filling a Critical Gap in Water Data for the Western U.S.
- Optimal Estimation of Snow and Ice Surface Parameters from Imaging Spectroscopy Measurements
- Optimal model complexity for terrestrial carbon cycle prediction using model-data fusion
- Orbit-spin coupling torques and Martian dust storm activity in MY 34 and MY 35
- Organic Content of Titan's Sub-Surface Ocean: Constraints from Chondrites
- Overview of the SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP) during 2013-2020
- Oxidant delivery to Europa's ocean by brine drainage from chaotic terrains
- PARMAP: Cloud-Ready Pervasively Parallel Analytics and Climate Science
- PBL water vapour spatial statistics from VSWIR reflectance
- Parameterizing tropical forest diversity: integrating a terrestrial biosphere model with remotely sensed trait measurements
- Passive radar investigations of Io using Jupiter's radio emissions as a source for echo detection
- Pathways Linking Deep Convection, Circulation and Low Cloud Feedback
- Performance and Capabilities of Juno's Dual-Frequency Radio Science Telecommunications Links
- Performance of Carbon Flux Models Across the ABoVE Domain Using Eddy Covariance Measurements
- Perseverance's SuperCam-Raman: a Quality Assurance of Analytical Spectral Variables
- Perspectives of using physics-based models for forecasting of total electron content of the ionosphere
- Perspectives on Antarctic Polar Chemical Processing and Ozone Loss from the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder: Placing the 2019 and 2020 Ozone Holes in Context
- Planetary Scale Seasonal and Tidal Atmospheric Mass Transport: Role of Gradiometry Measurements
- Plays, Leads, Prospects and Discoveries: Identification and Classification of Water Ice Resource Targets on Mars
- Polarized ambient noise on Mars
- Polygonal fractures in the Siccar Point group: evidence for late, near-surface fluid cycling in Gale crater, Mars
- Possible Forms of Phosphorus in the Venus Cloud Deck
- Post-fire recovery of ecosystem productivity in Arctic and boreal forests of Alaska
- Potential of full-polarimetric P-band SAR in characterizing subsurface soil profile in Arctic tundra
- Pre-Tharsis tectonics and the geological and structural history of Bathys Planum, Mars
- Precipitation convective-stratiform partition in relationship to the thermodynamic environment: dependence on moisture convergence for CMIP6 model diagnostics
- Precipitation modulates Greenland Ice Sheet size during the Holocene
- Preparing For A Flagship: Lessons Learned From The Venus Flagship Mission Planetary Decadal Survey Study
- Probing Europa's Subsurface Ocean Composition from Surface Salt Minerals Using in-situ Techniques
- Probing the atmosphere-driven ground motion through comodulation at InSight, Mars
- Process identification preceding and during a glacier surge in the Karakorum Mountains enabled by high-temporal resolution image processing
- Pumped-Helium Aerobots for Venus: Technology Progress and Mission Concepts
- Quality-preserved Ambient Noise Imaging in Distributed Sensor Networks with Limited Bandwidth
- Quantification of Io's Volcanic Heat Flow from Galileo NIMS Data to Inform a Return to Io
- Quantifying CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions from World Megacities with Emerging Dense Urban CO<SUB>2</SUB> Satellite Data: Using Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Modeling in a Los Angeles Case Study
- Quantifying Changes in NOx Emissions in China during the COVID-19 Pandemic Using a Neural Network Approach
- Quantifying Power Plant CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions with OCO-3
- Quantifying Uncertainty and Kinematics of Earth Systems (QUAKES) Analytic Center Framework and Imager
- Quantifying Useful Wrongness: The Crucial Role of Model Metrics and Validation in Bringing Heliophysics Models from Creation to Application
- Quantifying and partitioning uncertainties in retrievals of plant traits from imaging spectroscopy data
- Quantifying contributions of external drivers to Global Ionospheric Map variability
- Quantifying the Effects of Radar Resolution on a Warm Rain Retrieval
- Quantifying the Role of Hydroxyl-Driven Loss in Recent Methane Trends
- Quantifying uncertainties in compositional mapping with imaging spectroscopy
- Quantum Sensing for the Direct Detection of Dark Energy in the Solar System
- Radiation tolerance of the the low-cost PNI RM3100 magnetometer for a Europa lander mission
- Radiative Transfer Model for Cross-Polarization of X-&C-band Radar Observations on Remote Sensing of SWE of Mountainous Snow
- Radio Holographic Methods for the Inversion of Radio Occultation Measurements from Past and Current Venus Missions
- Rainforest-like Atmospheric Chemistry in a Polluted Megacity
- Rapid Flood Severity Classification and Alerting for the Spring 2020 Africa Floods: A Case Study
- Rapid methanogenesis as a significant control on carbon capture and storage
- Rapid reconfiguration of the Greenland ice sheet margin
- Re-opening the case of the Great 2011 Thailand flood: pluvial of fluvial?
- Recent Science Results on Jupiter's Atmosphere from the JunoCam Instrument
- Recent advances in the Io Plasma Torus Calibrations for Galileo, Juno, and Europa Clipper Radio Science Measurements
- Reconstructing Martian environmental change across a major unconformity at Gale crater: sedimentology of the Stimson formation at the Greenheugh pediment
- Reconstructing subgrid cloud variability guided by CloudSat/CALIPSO observations
- Reduced European aerosol emissions suppress winter extremes over northern Eurasia
- Reducing Error in Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Retrieval of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Due to Geometric and Atmospheric Effects
- Reducing Uncertainty in Future Projections of CO2 and Net Ecosystem Exchange
- Refocusing the Lens: A New Approach to Biodiversity Mapping from SBG-Like Data
- Regional Geologic Mapping of Europa: Insights on Chaos Terrains and Relationship to the Global Units
- Regional Implications of Drought on Rice Yields over the Lower Mekong Region
- Regional Respiration Responses to Historical CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fertilization in a Data Assimilation Framework
- Regional bias exploration in OCO-2/3 retrieved XCO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Relationships between Upper Tropospheric Jet and Asian Summer Monsoon Anticyclone Variability and Trends: Links to natural Modes of Variability
- Relativistic Electron Phase Space Density Distribution in Jovian Plasma Sheet Observed by Juno
- Remote Imaging Spectroscopy of Earth's Surface in UV to Thermal Wavelengths
- Response of Humid Tropical Forests to Emerging Stressors
- Results From The Juno Microwave Radiometer at Jupiter
- Results from the contribution of the JPL IGS Analysis Center to the 3<SUP>rd</SUP> IGS reprocessing campaign
- Revealing the internal structure of Europa with a Bayesian approach to magnetic induction studies
- Robotic Localization and Multi-Sensor, Semantic 3D Mapping for Exploration of Subsurface Voids
- S-coda wave analysis of InSight seismic data to determine the scattering and intrinsic attenuation in the crust of Mars
- SISTER: SBG Space-based Imaging Spectroscopy and Thermal PathfindER
- SLUSH: Search for Life Using Submersible Heated drill
- SMART Subsea Cables for Observing the Ocean and Earth: Update
- SWOT Sea Surface Height Calibration and Validation
- Satellite Deuterium Observations Quantify Spatio-Temporal Variability of Amazon Water Balance
- Satellite observations constrain ratio of tropical and high-latitude wetland methane emissions and their climate sensitivity
- Satellite-based monitoring of fluid fluxes within the Earth: The importance of regularization and source constraints
- Scene Invariants for Imaging Spectrometer Uncertainty Quantification
- Science Drivers and Design of a Wide Swath Imaging Spectrometer Compatible with the Earth Decadal Survey Surface Biology and Geology Designated Observable
- Scientific goals for the Venus Flagship Mission's aerobot
- Sea-Surface Temperature and Deep Convection as a Paired Predator-Prey System in the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico Prior to and During Tropical Storm Cindy in June 2017 Using GHRSST MUR Level 4 Global Foundation SST Analysis, A-Train and Geostationary Satellite, and ECMWF-Interim Reanalysis Data
- Searching for landslides in California with open-access InSAR data processed by the Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) Project for Natural Hazards
- Searching for life at Enceladus with the Orbilander mission concept
- Seasonal and interannual variability of SMOS, SMAP and Argo sea surface salinity at the top 10 river mouths worldwide
- Seasonal dynamics of Petermann Glacier, Greenland
- Sector-based inversion of CO emissions during the COVID-19 lockdown
- Seismic structure and the extent of the slab window beneath the Northern and Southern Patagonia Icefields
- Sensitivity of water stressed population to natural variability in available blue water and demographic changes
- Sentinel 5p "Tropomi" Perspectives on FIREX-AQ and WE-CAN: Tracing Emissions over Hours and Days of Development
- Simulating the Effects of Functional Types of Trees in Individual-Based Simulations on the "Fundamental Response" of Forested Mosaics
- Simulating the evolution of the Amundsen Sea Sector with a coupled ice-ocean model
- Simulationed Retrievals from the Cubesat Infrared Atmospheric Sounder
- Simulations of Potential Radio Occultation Studies of Jupiter's Atmosphere using the Juno Spacecraft
- Situating a STEM Education Enhancement Program in Place and Identity: NASA SEES Mosquito Mappers Virtual Summer High School Research Internship
- Six years of OCO-2 XCO<SUB>2</SUB> and SIF observations: Still going and going ...
- Small Electron Events Observed by Parker Solar Probe/ISʘIS During Encounter 2
- Small Spacecraft Technologies for the Next Decade of Radio Science Planetary Investigations
- SmallSat Aerocapture: Enabling ESPA-class Science Orbiters Using Rideshare Launch Opportunities
- Soil moisture controls on evapotranspiration, photosynthesis, and ozone dry deposition during ACT-America 2016
- Solar 11-Year Cycle Signal in Nitrogen Dioxide - Similarities and Discrepancies between Model and Observations from NDACC stations
- Solid Earth response of the Patagonian Andes to post-Little Ice Age glacial retreat: a multi-pronged approach
- Space Ground Sensor Webs for Volcano Monitoring
- Space-borne and Ground-based Instrument Synergies in Air-Quality Observations
- Spatial and Seasonal Variations of Aerosol Loading and Aerosol Types over South Asia Using Several Satellite-based Datasets
- Spectral Characterization of Lava Fields and Glaciovolcanic Sand Seas of Iceland: Implications for Mars
- Spectrometer Open File Format
- Story / Telling - Skills to Translate your Data into Story form and Skills to Help You Present
- Strain accumulation along various faults in the Kashmir Himalaya from InSAR
- Strategies for Safely Landing on Venus Tesserae
- Strength evolution of ice plume deposit analogs of Enceladus and Europa
- Strike-slip tectonism on Titan? Investigating Coulomb failure due to pore fluid interactions on a global scale
- Structural predictors of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) at intact and degraded forests in the Brazilian Amazon
- Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) Atmospheric River and Precipitation Research and Experimental Forecast Product Development at CW3E/NASA JPL
- Subsidence-Derived Aquifer Volume Strain Models for the San Joaquin Valley, California and Central Arizona
- Subsurface Gravity Signatures of Subduction on Venus
- SunRISE Mission Implementation
- Surface Investigations of Aeolian Activity on Mars: Recent Advances and Outstanding Questions
- Surface densities and boulders size-frequency distribution on binary asteroid (65803) Didymos-Dimorphos
- Surface temperature and the compositional effects of electron bombardment on Dione
- Synchrotron emission model at Jupiter, updated from Juno's MWR observations
- Synergistic use of SMAP and OCO-2 data in assessing the responses of ecosystem productivity to the 2018 U.S. drought
- Synthesizing subsidence, sea-level rise, and storm surge scenarios for Houston-Galveston, Texas
- Tectonic Deformation and Surface Processes of the Tibetan Plateau Constrained by Time Series Analysis of ARIA Sentinel-1 InSAR Products
- Temperature-Dependent Kinetics, Mechanisms, and Chaperone Enhancements for the Acetonyl Peroxy and Hydro Peroxy Self- and Cross- Reactions
- Tesserae on Venus Feature Layered, Folded, and Eroded Rocks
- The "space weathering" of Europa
- The 2020 Taal volcanic eruption in the Philippines: The role of satellite synthetic aperture radar data and source modeling during the crisis
- The Acetonitrile-Acetylene Co-Crystal: A New Mineral for Titan's Surface
- The Adaptable, Deployable, Entry and Placement Technology (ADEPT) enabling advanced entry, descent, and landing capabilities for SmallSat missions
- The Aerosol Component of the ACCP Designated Observable Study
- The Big Climate Data Pipeline (BCDP): An Open-Source Python Library to Analyze High-Resolution Climate Models and Satellite Observations in Amazon Cloud environments
- The COVID-19 Atmospheric Ancillary Data Portal
- The Cloud Structure and Ammonia Abundance in Jupiter's Equatorial Zone Derived from 5-µm Spectra
- The Cold Pools of CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex
- The Comet Astrobiology Exploration SAmple Return (CAESAR) Mission
- The ECCO-Darwin Data-assimilative Global-ocean Biogeochemistry Model: A New Modeling Framework for Ocean Carbon Cycle and Ecosystem Studies
- The ECOSTRESS Science and Applications Team: Synergies Across Land, Air, and Sea
- The Effects of Wind Speed, Flux Rate, and Spatial Resolution on Methane Point Source Mapping with Imaging Spectrometers
- The Europa Lander Mission Concept: In Situ Exploration of an Ocean World
- The Europa Seismic Package
- The Future of CubeSat Constellations of Microwave Atmospheric Sounders: Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems (TEMPEST) Mission
- The Future of Planetary Surface Gravimetry
- The GGG2020 TCCON Data Product
- The Gravity and Geophysical Properties of (101955) Bennu
- The Influence and Detectability of Methane Clathrates on Seismic Velocity Structure: Applications to Titan and Icy Ocean Worlds
- The Influence of Arctic Tundra Fires on Methane Hotspot Distribution in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- The Insulating Effect of Methane Clathrate Crust on Titan's Thermal Evolution
- The June 2020 Mw 7.4 La Crucecita, March 2012 Mw 7.4 Ometepec and February 2018 Mw 7.2 Pinotepa Earthquakes in Mexico Ruptured Small Patches of the Cocos Megathrust
- The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- The Lunar Polar Hydrogen Mapper (LunaH-Map) Mission: Low-Altitude Hydrogen Mapping of the Lunar South Pole With a Very Small Spacecraft
- The Lunar Seismic Package
- The Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer: Pressure and Humidity Sensors and Science
- The Mars Orbiter for Resources, Ices, and Environments (MORIE) Mission Concept Study
- The Mid- and Long-wave Infrared Point Spectrometer (MLPS): A Miniature Planetary Science Instrument for Small Spacecraft
- The NASA Mass Change Designated Observable Study: Status Update
- The Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) informs process-based estimates of inter-annual variability in the global carbon cycle
- The Organic Capillary Electrophoresis Analysis System (OCEANS) subsystem of the Europan Molecular Indicators of Life Investigation (EMILI) Instrument Suite
- The Polar Radiant Energy in the Far InfraRed Experiment (PREFIRE): Characterizing Far InfraRed Emission from Earth's Polar Regions
- The Quasi-Biennial Oscillation and Tracer Transport Across Multiple Timescales
- The Rock Matrix Around CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex's Gemstones: The Value of the Apparently Mundane in Shaping Earth System Observation
- The Science Case for a Titan Flagship-class Orbiter with Probes
- The Spectral Radiance Of Indirectly Illuminated Surfaces In Regions Of Permanent Shadow On The Moon
- The Subsurface Ocean Dynamics of Europa
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE) Mission
- The Surface Energy Budget during the first 4 Martian Years of the Mars Science Laboratory mission
- The Venus Atmospheric Dynamics and Infrasound Seismology (VADIS) Instrument
- The Virtual Earth System Laboratory (VESL): An Interactive Tool for Communicating Earth Science to Scientists, Planners, and the Public
- The Viscosity of the Top 500 km of the Lower Mantle estimated using GPS, GRACE, and Relative Sea Level measurements of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment
- The Voyager Interstellar Mission
- The X-ray Amorphous Composition of Rocks Sampled from the Greenheugh Pediment and Underlying Murray Formation
- The anomalous 2019 ozone hole: dynamics and chemistry
- The carbon cycle of southeast Australia during 2019/2020: Drought, fires and subsequent recovery
- The causes of sea-level rise since 1900
- The determination of the rotational state and interior structure of Venus using VERITAS radar tie points
- The development of East Antarctic ocean simulation with a focus on the Totten Glacier.
- The impact of spatial and temporal aggregation on the relationships among SIF, GPP, and hyperspectral reflectance using airborne data
- The impact of the deformation description on the flow regime of Thwaites Glacier
- The internal structure of Jupiter's Great Red Spot
- The intriguing dynamics of Domuyo volcano, Argentina, as inferred from satellite remote sensing observations
- The lower East Rift Zone intrusion at Kīlauea Volcano, 2018 from GPS, InSAR and tilt
- The next steps towards realizing planetary ocean access in the coming two decades
- The potential for bioactivity and biological preservation in fumaroles at Holuhraun, a fissure eruption Mars analog site in the Icelandic Highlands
- The prevalence and settings of sedimentary iron oxides on Mars
- The resilience and vulnerability of the regional carbon sink in Alaska and Canada
- The role of timing and location knowledge in enabling the SunRISE mission
- The strong impact of weak horizontal convergence on continental shallow convection
- The use of satellite observations to assess multiple airborne exposures experienced by military personnel deployed in Southwest Asia
- Thermal Forcing of Near-Surface Temperatures by Martian Water Ice Clouds
- Thermal Tides at Mars: Observations of Thermospheric Densities by the MAVEN Accelerometer During Aerobraking
- Thermomechanical Properties of the Shallow Martian Regolith
- Tidally-induced magmatic pulses on the oceanic floor of Jupiter's moon Europa
- To impermeable, and beyond: Expanding conceptual models for the hidden hydrogeosphere
- Topographic Controls on Yardang Morphology Revealed with High-Resolution Digital Elevation Models of Yardangs in the Altiplano-Puna, Argentina and the Medusae Fossae Formation, Mars
- Toward understanding precipitation effects on cellular organization transitions using ground-based rain evaporation rate retrievals constrained by aircraft measurements
- Towards Developing Community Guidelines for Sharing and Reuse of Digital Data Quality Information
- Towards Multi-Spectral, Multi-Sensor Satellite Retrievals of Air Quality Relevant Gases Using the Reusable Framework for Atmospheric Composition
- Towards an improved model-data fusion framework to track and forecast the volcanic system state at arc volcanoes in [near] real-time
- Towards global-scale estimates of fresh submarine groundwater discharge
- Towards improved understanding and predictability of Tropical Pacific variability through a redesigned Tropical Pacific Ocean System: the role of new observational platforms
- Towards magnetic sounding of Mars using diurnal variations
- Tracking 2020 decreases in carbon dioxide due to the COVID19 pandemic in NASA's GEOS modeling system: implications for space-based carbon monitoring
- Tracking Changes in Chemistry of Diagenetic Features in Glen Torridon, Gale Crater, Mars with ChemCam
- Trajectory Options and Feasible Entry Latitudes for an Ice Giant Entry Probe Flagship Mission Proposal
- Transient Luminous Events observed in Jupiter's upper atmosphere
- Trees as sensors of pre-eruptive change
- Tropical CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fertilization using Volcanic CO<SUB>2</SUB>: Results from a Recent CO<SUB>2</SUB> Mapping Field Campaign at Volcán Rincón de la Vieja in Costa Rica
- Tropospheric Temperature and Humidity Biases in CMIP6 Models Based on AIRS Data
- Two-Stage Artificial Intelligence Algorithm for Calculating Atmospheric Motion Vectors
- Ultra-Long Wavelength Radio Astronomy using the Lunar Crater Radio Telescope (LCRT) on the Farside of the Moon
- Uncertainty Quantification of the Antarctic Ice-Sheet Retreat using a Multifidelity Quantile-Based Approach for Confidence Sets of Random Excursion Sets.
- Uncertainty estimation of basal friction using a game theoretical approach
- Understanding Aircraft Contrail Radiative forcing Using Satellite observations
- Understanding and mitigating methane emissions: examples from California agencies and operators
- Understanding hypervelocity sampling of ice-borne biosignatures in space missions
- Update on Validation of OCO-2 Version 10, OCO-3 vEarly and ACOS Version 9 Data Products
- Updates on Jupiter's gravity from the latest Juno data
- Urban Irrigated Vegetation Mapping in Los Angeles, California with ECOSTRESS Imagery
- Urban greenhouse gas emission response to COVID-19 shutdowns
- Usage-Based Discovery of Earth Observations
- Using Cloud and On-Premise PO.DAAC and ESDIS Data and Services for Ocean and Hydrology Studies.
- Using GNSS Reflectometry Measurements Over the Everglades to Identify Variations in Wetland Inundation Extent Beneath Vegetation
- Using ICESat-2 to characterize coastal ecosystems
- Using Landsat and ECOSTRESS Thermal Remote Sensing to Examine Habitat Conditions for the Endangered Delta Smelt
- Using MAIA Data to Investigate PM Health Effects in Selected Urban Areas Around the World
- Using Reanalysis Data to Estimate the Sampling Biases of the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) Obs4MIPs V2 Dataset for Climate Model Intercomparisons
- Using Satellite Remote Sensing To Quantify The Impact Of Groundwater On Global Dryland Ecosystems' Resilience
- Using a Model-Data Fusion Approach to Better Understand the Fate of Terrestrial Carbon in the Southern Sierras.
- Utilizing AIRS Near Real-Time Data for Volcanic Plume Detection Rapid Response
- Validation and Error Estimation of AIRS MUSES CO Profiles with HIPPO, ATom and NOAA ESRL Aircraft Observations
- Validation of SAGE III - ISS Ozone with NOAA OMPS and Ground -based Instruments in the Context of Prior Satellites
- Variability of Amazon water balance determined by atmospheric isotopic water vapor measurements
- Venus Flagship Mission Planetary Decadal Survey Study
- Venus, Earth's Divergent Twin?: Testing Evolutionary Models For Venus with the DAVINCI+ Mission
- Vertical Distribution of Water Vapor Using the Recalibrated TECP Relative Humidity Measurements and Coordinated MRO Observations at the Mars Phoenix Lander Site
- Very High Fluorine Abundances below the Siccar Point Unconformity: Implications for Fluid Circulation in Gale Crater
- Viability of bacterial spores under icy-world surface conditions
- Visualizing Our Planet: Accessing Earth Science Data Visualizations Through NASA's Worldview and Global Imagery Browse Services
- Visualizing Our Planet: Advancements in NASA's Worldview and Global Imagery Browse Services Earth Science Data Visualizations
- Volcanic Caves as Priority Sites for Astrobiology Science: An Overview
- Water Vapor Profiles from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2
- Water Vapour Retrieval Development for a Portable Spectrometer in the Canadian High Arctic
- Weathering of ice on the Jovian and Saturnian satellites
- Weighting climate change in the cryosphere from space
- What Are "Essential Services" for Marine Shallow Clouds? Physics-denial Simulations Evaluated by Observations during ACE-ENA
- What Knowledge of Satellite Gravimetry and Altimetry can Reveal about the Continental-scale Evolution of Antarctic Firn
- When water meets fire: The Effects of Hydrologically-Related Processes in Long Valley Caldera at Multiple Temporal and Spatial Scales
- Where Does Moisture Come From for Rainfall over the Congo Basin?
- Why Robust Software Engineering Matters for Atmospheric Composition Retrievals
- Wildfire Dynamics with ECOSTRESS, Sentinel, and MODIS: The Case of Australia's Black Summer
- Wildfire risk and emissions predictions for SE Asia peatlands based on mechanistic modeling
- icepyx: Developing Community and Software Around ICESat-2 Data
- 21st-century variability in tropical terrestrial water-carbon cycling observed from satellite measurements of gravity, chlorophyll fluorescence, and atmospheric CO2
- 3D cloud effects on OCO XCO2 retrievals over the ocean and land
- A 10% increase in global land evapotranspiration from 2003 to 2019
- A Close Relationship between Atmospheric Rivers and Heat Stress in the Northern US
- A Data-Model Integration Framework to Study Carbon Uptake Phenology in Tropical and Boreal Forests
- A Deep Learning Approach to GNSS-R: An Application in Soil Moisture Estimation and its Generalizability to Estimating Other Surface Parameters
- A Direct Signal Suppression Approach for Passive Radar Sounding
- A Global Geological Map of Pluto at 1:7M Scale
- A Modeling Study of Energy Deposition by Meso-scale High-latitude Drivers into the Ionosphere and Thermosphere
- A Multi-Constellation Real-Time SSR Service for PPP-AR Based on GDGPS Orbit Determination
- A New Approach to Data Visualization Using Virtual Reality to Improve Mission Planning Workflows
- A New Look at Stealth Coronae on Venus
- A New Methodology to Detect Changes in Displacement Rates of Slow-Moving Landslides Using InSAR Time Series
- A New Model of Jupiters Magnetic Field Based Upon Junos Thirty-Three Prime Mission Orbits
- A Performance Analysis on Soil Dielectric Models over Organic Soils for Use in Satellite Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture
- A Physiological Signal Derived from Sun-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Quantifies Crop Physiological Response to Environmental Stresses in the U.S. Corn Belt
- A Proposal for Continuous Monitoring of Glacier Discharge from the Measurement of Earth-Ice Interactions
- A Review of Global Monitoring and Data Assimilation of Aerosol Vertical Structure: Past, Present and Future
- A Single-Peak-Structured Solar Cycle Signal in Stratospheric Ozone based on Microwave Limb Sounder Observations and Model Simulations
- A Study of Twenty Years of Advanced Water Vapor Radiometer Data at Goldstone, California
- A Survey of Hazes in the Atmosphere of Jupiter from JunoCam Imaging
- A Unified Model for Transient Subglacial Water Pressure and Basal Sliding
- A comparison of the GGG2014 and GGG2020 TCCON data products
- A compositional map for Titans surface
- A high temporal resolution integrated water vapor dataset from more than 10,000 global ground-based GPS stations in 2020
- A new bathymetry surrounding and beneath the West Ice Shelf in East Antarctica
- A new generation of miniature ultra-sensitive UV spectrometers for future planetary missions
- A photometric peek on Plutos Penitentes
- A recent increase in global land evapotranspiration from the mass-balance perspective & the role of human activity on the water cycle
- A snowpack data fusion system for water resource management applications: addressing decision-making needs under extreme climatic conditions
- A two-parameter non-exponential parameterization for frozen clouds and precipitation reflecting recurring observations in diverse cloud conditions.
- A unified model coupling of the land, river, and ocean models in E3SM to simulate coastal processes
- AQACF: A Platform for Air Quality Analysis, Visualization, and Prediction
- Absolute Tectonic Displacement Mapping from SAR Offset Time Series: Noise Reduction and Uncertainty Quantification
- Accounting for model error, spatial resolution, and prior uncertainty structure in estimating sectoral emissions at arbitrary spatial resolution from top-down fluxes
- Active Layer Thickness as a Function of Soil Water Content in Alaska and Canada
- Advances in Understanding Wave Coupling Between Meteorological Tsunamis and Atmosphere Using GNSS Measurements
- Advancing Solar System Dynamics Investigations with Calibrated Precision Doppler Tracking
- Advancing greenup and snowmelt: Their implications on the carbon cycle of Alaskan tundra ecosystems
- Aeolian sediment transport on Io from lava-frost interactions
- Aerosol Atmospheric Rivers: Climatology, Seasonality, and Major Transport Pathways.
- Aerosol Remote Sensing Inversion: Improvement of Retrieval Efficiency
- Aerosol Vertical Transport, Exchange, and Transformation in Maritime Southeast Asia: Observations and Implications from CAMP2Ex and PISTON
- Aerosol profile and column retrievals from Mars Climate Sounder using far-infrared limb measurements
- Algae blooms on the Greenland Ice Sheet detected through solar induced fluorescence
- Alkali metals in Jupiters atmosphere
- An Assessment of Ozone Representation in Reanalyses using Multiple Satellite Datasets
- An Open Science Approach to 2020 Boreal-wide Biomass Mapping with ICESat-2 and Landsat
- An Overview of the New and Improved OCO-3 ACOS v10 XCO2 Data Product
- An Update of the Noise Model of the SEIS Seismometer of the InSight Mission To Mars
- An Update on NASA's Western Water Applications Office
- An analytical understanding of model uncertainty using matrix approach
- An initial assessment of SBG retrieval uncertainties
- An introduction to ICESat-2s gridded land-ice products
- An overview of PIXL results obtained during the Perseverance rovers exploration of crater floor lithologies at Jezero Crater, Mars
- An overview of SHERLOC Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy results obtained during Perseverances Green Zone Campaign at Jezero crater, Mars
- Anabranching prevalence and intensity along the world's 20 largest rivers
- Analogue Experiments for the Identification of Organics in Ice Grains from Europa Using Mass Spectrometry
- Analysis of Coronal Mass Ejections Observed by Multiple Spacecraft, including by WISPR on Parker Solar Probe
- Analysis of Grace-Fo Lri Based Attitude Data and its Combination with Other Attitude Sensors
- Analysis of SH and SV-to-P reflections on Mars
- Analysis of Sodium Ions in the Solar Wind at Mercurys high-altitude Exosphere: MESSENGER Spacecraft Measurements
- Analysis of native and non-native plant recovery in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area after the 2018 Woolsey Fire.
- Analysis of water ice volume from 3D radar imaging of lobate debris aprons on Mars
- Analyzing Europa's Global Geology
- Analyzing the multipath of GNSS time series to study snow properties
- Antarcticas grounded ice response to observed calving
- Aphelion Equatorial Mesospheric Clouds Observed by MCS: Local time variability and evidence for wave-induced cold pockets
- Applying Lessons Learned from Landing on, and/or Sampling, Planetary Bodies with No or Thin Atmospheres to the Europa Lander Mission Concept
- Arctic Tundra Fires Promote Greater Methane Hotspot Occurrence in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, USA
- Arctic salinity processes and NASAs upcoming SASSIE experiment
- Assessing Arctic Atmospheric Methane Monitoring by Comparing Satellite Missions to In Situ Observations.
- Assessing Soil Moisture Active Passive Retrievals in the Boreal Forest
- Assessing global changes in extents and trends in river deltas with the Landsat catalog
- Assessing meteorological and hydrological drought in the western US using geodesy
- Assessing the Interannual Variability in the Chemical and Isotopic Composition of the Martian Atmosphere with MSL/SAM
- Assessing the use of vegetation attribute from Sentinel-1A/1B C-band SAR to improve performance of the SMAP-Sentinel active-passive high-resolution soil moisture product
- Assessment of Projected Climate Change Effects on Atmospheric Rivers and Associated Precipitation in CMIP6 Models for the Seven US National Climate Assessment Regions
- Assessment of algorithms for detecting high temperature phenomena and thermal anomalies for the NASA Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) mission
- Assessment of geologic mapping capability of the Italian PRISMA hyperspectral data as a precursor to NASAs Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) mission
- Astrobiology Implications of Environmental Dynamics Observations in Jezero Crater, Mars
- At the Cutting Wedge: Producing Geomorphologic Maps in the Argadnel Regio Region of Europa
- Atmospheric Assessment in Support of Ingenuity Helicopter Flights
- Atmospheric Impacts of Volatile Chemical Products (VCP) Emissions on Air Quality in Major U.S. Cities
- Atmospheric Trace Gas Emissions and Transformations Through the Lenses of Laboratory Kinetics and Remote Sensing
- Atmospheric processes affecting methane on Mars
- Augmenting the double-Gaussian representation of atmospheric turbulence and convection via a coupled stochastic multi-plume mass flux scheme
- Auroral stratospheric jets in Jupiter
- Average variability in Ios volcanic activity as inferred by Juno/JIRAM
- Benefits of a SmallSat Radio Occultation Constellation for Mars Science and Exploration
- Beyond Flood Extent: Augmenting (Remote Sensing) Flood Maps with the new Floodwater Depth Estimation Tool (FwDET v2.0)
- Bistatic Radar: A New Path To The Detection And Monitoring Of Phytoplankton Blooms
- Broad-scale controls on large river anabranching from remote sensing
- Broadening Access to High School Science Research Enrichment Experiences Using Cloud-Based Data Tools, Handheld Mobile Devices and Virtual Communication Technologies
- CEOS Ocean Variable Enabling Research & Applications for GEO (COVERAGE): A Platform to Simplify and Expand the Accessibility and Usage of Inter-agency Satellite and in-situ Oceanographic Data
- COVID-19 impacts on California methane point source emissions
- Calibration / Validation Design for Mapping Perennial Crops in the Amazon
- Calibration and Validation for the Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) Mission Concept: Challenges of a Multi-Sensor System for Imaging Spectroscopy and Thermal Imagery
- Calibration and validation of the SHERLOC instrument operating in Jezero crater, Mars
- Can Liquid Reservoirs Erupt on Europa?
- Can a Seismometer Detect Events from Europas Silicate Interior? Yes, if ...
- Can accounting for carbon allocation shifts due to drought improve tropical land C sink prediction?
- Can multi-angular polarimetric measurements in the oxygen-A and B bands improve the derivation of aerosol vertical distribution from space?
- Candidate cryovolcanic regions on Ganymede: a target priority for JUICE
- Capturing River Dynamics with Observations from SMASH
- Carbon Mapper: A New Public-Private Hyperspectral Constellation
- Carbon Mapper: on-orbit performance predictions and airborne prototyping
- Carbon Monitoring System in Mountains (CMS-Mountains): Leveraging Satellite-Based Solar-Induced Fluorescence to Understand Forest Drought and Mortality in the Western U.S.
- Cascading weather events amplify the coastal thermal conditions prior to the shelf transit of Hurricane Sally (2020)
- Characterization of Macrophysical Characteristics of Clouds and Precipitation during the CAMP2Ex Field Campaign
- Characterization of forest degradation from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico using optical and SAR imagery
- Characterization of the Martian subsurface with RIMFAX.
- Characterizing AirSWOT Ka-band SAR Backscatter to Support SWOT Surface Water Extent Retrievals
- Characterizing Seasonal Variation in Foliar Biochemistry with Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy
- Chemical composition of the first rocks sampled by the Perseverance rover in Jezero crater, Mars
- Circulation cells in the meridional plane of Jupiter: Breaking waves produce upside-down analogs of the Brewer Dobson circulation in Earths stratosphere
- Clathrate blankets as (in)surmountable barriers for hydrothermal systems in Europa
- Climate Driven Diagenetic Processes in Gale Crater, Mars.
- Climatology and trend of aerosol optical depth and associated changes in radiative budget over Middle-East
- Climbing the FAIR Data Mountain: Librarians as Knowledge Sharing Mountaineers
- Cloud and aerosol plume dynamics inferred by the Tandem Stereographic Camera concept as part of NASAs future Atmosphere Observing System: Aerosol, Cloud, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP) satellite mission.
- Cloud-Optimized Data Service for Multispectral and Hyperspectral Observations
- Co-developing a SAR for Disasters Reference Guide for the International Applications Community
- Coastal land change due to tectonic processes and implications for relative sea-Level rise in the Samoan Islands
- Collaborative Sea-Level Science on NASAs Science Managed Cloud Environment: Toward an Earth Information System
- Combined Effects of High Temperature and Light Reveal Novel Interactions Between Photosynthesis and Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
- Combined Sun Glint and Vegetation BRDF Correction over Heterogeneous Wetland Land Cover
- Combining GIS and UAVSAR Polarimetric Radar Products to Monitor Southern CA Wildfires
- Combining Multi-Satellite Optical Images for Improved Land Cover Mapping Using a Random Forest Classifier
- Combining VERITAS Doppler Tracking and Radar Tie Points to Determine the Rotational State and Interior Structure of Venus
- Community Engagement in Measuring Extreme Flow Events
- Comparing Firn Densification Layers Simulated through Regional Climate Models and those Tracked through Radargrams
- Comparing the Nourishment Areas and Dynamics of Different Fluvially-Transported Materials in River Deltas
- Comparison of GPS Observations of Crustal Deformation and Hydrologic Storage Estimates
- Comparison of different radio tracking system configurations for planetary geodesy and fundamental physics
- Comparison of tectonic setting, focal mechanisms, aftershocks, and coseismic displacement patterns of the 2010 and 2021 Haiti earthquakes
- Comparison of the Cyclical Nature of OSNAP Stream Function to the Calculated Lunar Maximum Distance from 2014-2018 to Ascertain Possible Lunar Influence on the MOC Strength
- Comprehensive high-latitude dust field campaign in the desert of Dyngjunsandur, Iceland
- Compressible Extended Burgers Material Model: Application to Island Subsidence During Melt Water Pulse Events and Sea-level Records
- Connecting Students and Citizen Scientists to Deep Space through the Goldstone Apple Valley Radio Telescope (GAVRT) Program
- Connecting bioacoustics and remote sensing to study habitat-animal diversity relationships in Sonoma County, CA
- Constraining Plant Hydraulics with Microwave Radiometry in a Land Surface Model: Impacts of Temporal Resolution and Wavelength of Observations
- Constraining the CO2 Thickness and the Dust Content of Layers within the South Polar Layered Deposits of Mars from Radar Forward Modeling
- Constraining uncertainty in Earths Energy Imbalance estimates
- Constraints on the Latitudinal Profile of Jupiter's Deep Jets
- Continuous Suprathermal Ion Acceleration Flanking Two Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossings During Parker Solar Probes Perihelion 7
- Convection: Connections to Weather, Air Quality and Climate
- Convective vortices and dust devils on Jezero observed by Mars 2020
- Convolutional Neural Networks for Detection of Point Source Methane Plumes in Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Data
- Coordinated Science Support for Sea-Level Data and Services in the United States
- Coronal Mass Ejection Distortion at 0.1 au Observed by WISPR
- Correlation of RIMFAX Soundings and Surface Materials along the M2020 Perseverance Traverse
- Coupling Ice-Ocean Dynamics: Can Convection in Europa's Ocean Drive Non-synchronous Rotation of the Ice Shell?
- Creating a climatology of gravity wave activity throughout Mars's lower and middle atmosphere from Mars Climate Sounder limb observations
- DART Impact Ejecta Plume Imaging by LICIACUBE
- DORIS IGN/IPGP AC status : Using Gipsy-X for DORIS technique
- Degradation at the InSight Landing Site, Homestead Hollow, Mars: Constraints from Rock Heights and Shapes
- Degradation, stabilization, and initial aggradation of permafrost following an arctic tundra fire
- Delta-X: Resolving Hydrological and Ecological Processes in the Mississippi River Delta
- Deploying Data Visualization Tools and Workspaces as Key Pathways Connecting Science and Society
- Deployment and Recovery of an Ice-Melt Probe at the Greenland Summit Using an Anti-Freeze Borehole Fluid
- Deriving bedrock topography measurement requirements for the reduction of uncertainty in century-scale ice sheet model projections of Thwaites Glacier
- Destructive Interference: Future Long-term Greenhouse Gas Monitoring with Dual-Comb Spectroscopy Needs More Accurate Spectroscopic Parameters
- Detecting Tsunami-related Gravity Waves in Earth's Ionosphere with Convolutional Neural Networks
- Detecting the Fundamental Chiral Building Blocks of Life
- Detection Potential of Urban CO2 Emissions from Space: a Review of Global Megacities
- Detection and Sourcing of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) in Urban Coastal Waters with UV-Visible Imaging Spectroscopy
- Detection of Crop Attributes Using Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1A/B Observation Over a Large Agricultural Domain
- Detection, Mapping and Tracking Monsoon Dynamics Using CYGNSS Level-1 Coherence Detections
- Determination of Coronal Streamer Coordinates using Images from WISPR on Parker Solar Probe
- Development Status of the Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA) Surface-Based Particulate Matter Measurement Network
- Development of UI-WRF-Chem for MAIA Satellite Mission: Case Demonstration
- Development of a Cloud-based Data Match-Up Service (CDMS) in Support of Ocean Science and ApplicationsDevelopment of a Cloud-based Data Match-Up Service (CDMS) in Support of Ocean Science and Applications
- Did Global Warming Accelerate 19802020?
- Divergence among spaceborne observations of photosynthetic phenology across the pan-boreal domain
- Diversity and Inclusion in the Geosciences (DIG): a student-led initiative empowering trainees to make institutional change
- Do global inversion systems systematically underestimate the seasonal amplitude of net ecosystem CO2 flux?
- Does Air Quality Really Impact COVID-19 Clinical Severity: Coupling NASA Satellite Datasets with Geometric Deep Learning
- Domain-agnostic Outlier Ranking Algorithms (DORA): A Configurable Pipeline for Outlier Detection in Scientific Datasets
- Dust Devil Heartbeat Detection on Infrasound Sensors
- Dust lifting detection and characterization at Jezero using MEDA radiance observations
- Dynamical properties of marine boundary layer clouds derived from ground-based observations in the Eastern North Atlantic
- ECOSTRESS detects a 20% increase in evapotranspiration over agricultural lands in California
- ECOSTRESS estimates gross primary production with fine spatial resolution for different times of day from the International Space Station
- EPIC/DSCOVR: A Trailblazer in using Oxygen Absorption Spectroscopy for Cloud Remote Sensing
- EZIE: A Three-CubeSat Constellation Mission to Study Ionospheric Electrojets
- Earth as a Proxy Exoplanet: Simulating DSCOVR EPIC Observations Using the Earth Spectrum Simulator (ESS)
- Earths Energy Imbalance from the geodetic ocean perspective
- Ecosystem collapse or recovery? A model-data fusion framework for assessing drought-induced tipping points in a Californian forest.
- Effects of COVID-19 Lockdowns on Fine Particulate Matter Concentrations
- Effects of PFT and Environmental Filtering Parameterization Approaches on Global NBE Prediction Errors
- Effects of martian explosive volcanic deposition on regionally variable bulk regolith hydration
- Efficacy and Retrieval Boundaries of Spectral Unmixing Algorithms in the EMIT Science Data System
- Elevation-Dependent Projections of Extreme Heat Stress Changes in the Contiguous United States
- Emerging satellite observations for diurnal cycling of ecosystem processes
- Enabling Citations of Large Numbers of Diverse Datasets
- Enabling Cloud-based InSAR Science
- Energetic Particles Associated with Sub- and Super-Parker Spirals - Signatures of the Dynamic History of Stretched and Switched-Back Magnetic Fields
- Enhanced CO2 Clouds and Precipitation over the Martian Poles following the 2007 Global Dust Storm observed by Mars Climate Sounder
- Enhancement of planetary ions at Mercurys cusp during flux transfer event showers: MESSENGER observations
- Estimating 3-D winds in high resolution using a dense distribution of GNSS radio occultations
- Estimating Antarctic Grounding Zone Ice Flexure with ICESat-2 Data
- Estimating CO2 emissions for the Greater Toronto Area using Orbiting Carbon Observatory 3 (OCO-3) observations and high resolution modeling
- Estimating Vertical Mass Flux in Convective Storms from Low-Earth-Orbit Convoys of Miniaturized Microwave Instruments
- Estimating the Atmospheric Loss of Exoplanets by Stellar Wind
- Estimating the Number of GEDI-footprints required for an Accurate Representation of Canopy Heights in the Amazon
- Estimation of CCN concentrations from Spaceborne Lidar measurements
- Estimation of L-Band Emission Depth from a Layered Soil Medium Based on Incoherent Radiative Transfer
- Europa Clipper: Mission Status and Update
- Europa Seismic Package (ESP): Development of a seismometer for the exploration of Europas interior
- Evaluating Northwestern Pacific Tropical Cyclone Forecast in the Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction Project Database
- Evaluating the Impact of NISAR Resolution on Critical Infrastructure Monitoring in Californias Central Valley
- Evaluating the MISR Plume Height Project dataset: A comparison of MISR-derived landscape fire plume heights with remote sensing lidar data
- Evaluation of OCO-3 Versus OCO-2 v10 XCO2 Using Near-simultaneous Overpasses
- Evaluation of Surface Fractional Water Impacts on SMAP Soil Moisture Retrieval
- Evidence That Abundant Aerosols Promote Tropical Cyclone Formation
- Evolution of the Atmosphere of Small Exo-Worlds
- Evolution of the CEOS Analysis Ready Data Framework
- Evolution of the temperature conditions during the rapid intensification of Hurricane Sally (2020) over the Alabama shelf
- Evolving the Design and CONOPS of a Volcanic Monitoring UAS Over Several Flight Campaigns
- Examination of the influence of shallow convective mixing on low-level clouds with observations of stable water isotopes
- Examining Soil Surface Processes at Jezero crater, Mars
- Examining Urban Built-up Volume using High Spatial Resolution SAR and Lidar Data: A Case Study in Detroit, Michigan, USA
- Examining the Impact of Geostationary Microwave Observations in a Regional Hurricane OSSE
- Examining the auroral ionosphere in three dimensions using reconstructed 2D maps of auroral data to drive the 3D GEMINI model
- Explainable AI models for precipitation retrievals: a case study based on atmospheric sounding systems
- Explaining Nitrate Formation at Paleo-Mars by Investigating Diurnal and Heterogeneous Nitrogen Chemistry
- Exploring rock-regolith interfaces in Jezero crater with Mars 2020 SHERLOC
- Extracting and separating different sources of hydrology-induced deformation in geodetic datasets
- Extracting streaklines from remotely sensed suspended sediment concentration to infer deltaic accretion/erosion rates
- FAIR and the Planetary Data System
- FETCH Concept: Investigating Quiescent and Transient Magnetic Structures in the Inner Heliosphere using Faraday Rotation of Spacecraft Radio Signals
- Farside Seismic Suite (FSS): First seismic data from the farside of the Moon delivered by a commercial lander
- Fast out, Slow In-Which Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes Explain the Interannual Variability of Atmospheric CO2 Growth Rate?
- Fault Zone Processes Revealed by UAVSAR: Distributed San Andreas Fault Deformation Above a Shallow Locking Depth
- Feasibility of Nighttime Near-IR Imaging of Venus' Surface Features from a Sub-Cloud Platform: A Radiative Transfer Investigation
- Field-scale surface soil moisture mapping with airborne radars for agriculture, forestry, and landslide applications
- Filling in the Discontinuous Global River Gauge Record Using Satellite Observations.
- Filling the gap: Estimation of soil composition using InSAR, groundwater depth, and precipitation data in Californias Central Valley
- Firn Aquifer-Induced Disintegration of Antarctic Ice Shelves
- First Ground Performance Measurements and On Orbit Plans for the NASA Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT)
- First Results of the Surface Energy Budget, Thermal Inertia and Albedo at Jezero Crater, Mars, as obtained from the Mars 2020 MEDA Instrument
- First Solar Orbiter Observations of Energetic Heavy Ion Properties in a Widespread SEP Event
- First observations of gas-phase urea in the atmosphere
- First results of the Perseverance environmental stations (MEDAs) Relative Humidity Sensor
- Flux tubes and energetic particles in Parker Solar Probe orbit 5: magnetic helicity-PVI method and ISoIS observations
- Footprints in the tundra: Considerations for linking remote sensing observations with flux tower data in the Arctic-Boreal Zone
- Forest classification using airborne SAR and Lidar data in interior Alaska
- Formation of Europas chaotic terrains by porosity compaction without the presence of liquid water
- Fractional cover composition as proxy for essential variables mapping with multi-sensor remote sensing
- From COVID-19 to future electrification: Assessing traffic impacts on air quality by a machine-learning model
- From Imaging Spectroscopy to Earth System Science: The Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation Science Data System
- Functionalized Hydroperoxide Formation from the Reaction of Isoprene-Derived Criegee Intermediates with Formic Acid: Experiment and Theory
- GOES-16 Analysis of the Evolution of Pockets of Open Cells and the Surrounding Environment
- GRACE Follow-On: Science Results, Mission Status and Plans
- Ganymede as observed by Juno/JIRAM in PJ34 and PJ35 (June and July 2021)
- Ganymede in Jupiter-shine
- Gaussian Processes for Prediction and Uncertainty Quantification of Global Vegetation Structure from Active Satellite Sensors
- Geant4 Modeling of the Parker Solar Probe EPI-Hi Instrument Response to Solar Energetic Electrons
- GeoGateway GIS for Learning about Geodynamics, Data Analysis and Applications to Natural Hazards
- Geodynamically-constrained inversions of Mars seismic structure with a compositional stratification in the deep mantle.
- Geologic and Textural Variability of Surface Materials in Jezero Crater as Observed by the NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Mastcam-Z Instruments
- Geophysical descriptors of the vertical structure of convective storms retrieved from satellite passive microwave observations with different a-priori constraints
- Getting ready for L-band wide-swath InSAR era: Practices and experiences from JAXA ALOS-2 satellite
- Glacier Ice Surface Properties from PRISMA hyperspectral Data: first Results for the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Global Application of the Atmospheric River Scale
- Global GOSAT, OCO-2 and OCO-3 Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Datasets
- Global Surface Area Variations of Large Lakes and Reservoirs From SAR Observations
- Global methane emissions derived from two years of TROPOMI observations: Sensitivity to OH and missing sources
- Global tropospheric ozone responses to reduced NOx emissions linked to the COVID-19 worldwide lockdowns
- Global-Scale Consistency of Spaceborne Vegetation Indices, Chlorophyll Fluorescence, and Photosynthesis
- Goldstone Apple Valley Radio Telescope (GAVRT) Solar Patrol as a New Citizen Scientist Program in the Era of the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) and a Gateway to NASA Heliophysics Missions
- Grapevine Variety Discrimination Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery
- Greenhouse Gas Flux Trends for Africa, 1985-2019
- Gridded Fossil fuel CO2 emissions in support of the UNFCCC inventory reporting framework
- HAMSR on the Global Hawk: Unmanned Observations of Tropical Storms across Several Years
- HST observations of Ganymede for Junos PJ34 flyby
- Hierarchical emergent constraints on regional drivers of global carbon-climate feedbacks
- High Fidelity Numerical Modeling of the Thermal/Hydrodynamics of a Descending Ice Probe
- High Resolution Radar Clutter Analysis Of The Selene (Kaguya) Lunar Radar Sounder Data.
- High horizontal resolution PBL water vapor from the synergistic combination of VSWIR and IR measurements
- High resolution hydrodynamic modelling of the Congo River combining field data, remote sensing and partnership
- High-Resolution 2019 North American Methane Emissions Inferred from TROPOMI Satellite Observations of Atmospheric Methane
- High-Tide Flooding and Storm Surge During Atmospheric Rivers on the US West Coast
- History and Applications of Giga Large-Eddy Simulations
- How Land Surface Models Are Taking Advantage of Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
- How Mission Autonomy Can Enable a Europa Lander Mission
- How can reanalyses contribute to atmospheric model parameterization development and validation?
- How deep is Jupiters Great Red Spot? Results from the Juno gravity experiment
- How to identify and understand large-scale structuring in global ionospheric maps?
- HyTI: High spatial and spectral resolution thermal remote sensing from a cube satellite
- Hybrid SST and QGG configuration for Mitigation of Aliasing Error and Gravity Field Improvements A Simulation and Technical Trade Study
- Hydrodynamics of global deltas and estuaries: an open-source set of models
- Hydrogen Cyanide and Butadiene as Cryominerals on the Surface of Titan
- Hydrologic Signals in GNSS Geodesy and Their Implications for Future Hydrology
- Hydrology Remote Sensing using P-band Signals of Opportunity (SoOp), the SNOOPI Demonstration Mission
- Identification of Io hot spots by JUNO/JIRAM data
- Identification of Overlapping Wave Structures Induced by Earthquakes and Tsunamis Using GNSS Ionospheric Measurements and Numerical Models
- Identification of wildfires and smoke plumes using multi-sensor input and unsupervised and supervised machine learning for improved spatiotemporal coverage and facilitation of automated tracking
- Identifying the Sources of Precursors in a High-ozone Event over Europe Analyzed with Multispectral Satellite Measurements and Models
- Imaging Spectroscopy Processing Environment on the Cloud (ImgSPEC): A Prototype of an Open Science, Scalable Processing Environment
- Impact Gardening on Europa and Repercussions for Possible Biosignatures
- Impact of the COVID-19 economic downturn on tropospheric ozone trends: an uncertainty weighted data synthesis for quantifying regional anomalies above western North America and Europe
- Implications of InSight Results on the Thermal and Dynamic Evolution of Mars
- Improvements to ECOSTRESS Algorithms and Products in Collection 2
- Improving Imaging Spectrometer Methane Plume Detection with Large Eddy Simulations
- Improving Shallow Convection in the Simple Cloud-Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model with the Stochastic Multi-Plume Mass-Flux Parameterization
- Improving and assessing luminescence chronological approaches for the determination of slip rate and in paleoseismology
- Improving channel hydrological connectivity in coastal hydrodynamic models with remote-sensed channel networks
- Improving on the representation of subtropical clouds in the Community Atmosphere Model using CLUBB+MF
- Improving the Accessibility of the Apollo Passive Seismic Data: Archiving at the PDS and IRIS
- Improving the Resolution of ECOSTRESS Evapotranspiration Retrievals with Spatiotemporal Data Fusion of Land Surface Inputs
- In Situ Mineralogy of a Clay-Sulfate Transition in Gale Crater.
- In situ analysis of the Venus atmosphere with the DAVINCI probe
- In-situ methane isotope analyzer for coastal and deep-ocean environments
- InSAR Phase Unwrapping Error Correction for Rapid Repeat Measurements of Water Level Change in Wetlands.
- InSight Observations of ULF Waves and Magnetic Impulses on Martian Surface
- Increasing Vulnerability of water and carbon cycling of Humid Tropical Forests to Coupled Land Use and Climate Stressors 826137
- Inference for the Carbon Cycle from Records of Fused and Assimilated Satellite Observations
- Inferring Iron Oxides Species Content in Atmospheric Mineral Dust from DSCOVR EPIC Observations
- Influence of Alpha Particle Radiolysis on the Formation and Microbial Metabolic Composition of a Deep Subsurface Hypersaline Brine in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
- Influence of Nonseasonal River Discharge on Sea Surface Salinity and Height
- Influence of Sedimentology and Mineralogy on the Potential for Organics Detection in the Rock Record at Jezero Crater, Mars
- Information Content of CO2 sensors: a multiresolution approach to CMS-Flux
- Infrared Iris Effect Leads to Strong Positive Low Cloud Feedback
- Infusion of AI/ML Technology into Operational NASA Data Systems
- Initial Geophysical characterization of crustal deformation following the May 2021 Nyiragongo eruption and GPS network design for continued study
- Innovative Learning for Earth Science Applications Competition: A Pilot Study For Game-Based Learning Using A Design Thinking Approach
- Integrated Approach for Filling Temporal Gaps Within and Between GRACE and GRACE-FO Terrestrial Water Storage Records
- Integrated Digital Earth Analysis System (IDEAS)
- Integrated perspectives on Noachian martian crust
- Integrating Science and Applications in a Surface Topography and Vegetation Mission Maturation Strategy
- Intense development of Dragon Fruit agriculture detected by nighttime light in Southern Vietnam
- Interactions between carbon uptake potential and ecosystem response to drought across degraded forests in the Amazon
- Interannual Forest Cover Change Derived from Combined Multi-satellite Optical and SAR Imagery over Panama
- Intercomparing Global Foliar Trait and Canopy Height Maps: Upscaling Approaches and Spatial Patterns
- Interiors of the midsized moons of Uranus, Degree-Two Gravity Fields, and Electromagnetic Properties from Coupled Physical and Chemical Modeling
- Internal Structure and Circulation of Giant Planet Atmospheric Vortices
- International Community Guidelines for Sharing and Reusing Quality Information of Individual Earth Science Datasets
- Interstellar Probe Measurements of Dust in the Heliosphere and Nearby Galaxy
- Introducing SWAMP-E: Shallow-Water Atmospheric Model in Python for Exoplanets.
- Introducing the OPERA Project for Systematic Surface Water, Surface Deformation, and Surface Disturbance Data Products from Satellite Observations
- Investigate the evolution of slow earthquakes and interaction with earthquake ruptures in Cascadia subduction zone
- Investigating Aliso Canyon and Abnormally High Methane Days Using CLARS-FTS Measurements in the Los Angeles Basin
- Investigating Dwarf Planet Ceres Rich Carbon Chemistry
- Investigating the impact of carbon cycle processes on low anomalies in atmospheric carbon monoxide and potential feedbacks in atmospheric chemistry
- JTRF2020: A Sequentially Estimated Terrestrial Reference Frame
- Joint Analysis of JUICE and Europa Clipper Tracking Data to Study the Jovian System Ephemerides
- Joint NASA and ESA Imaging Spectrometer Airborne Campaign to Support SBG and CHIME
- Joint analysis of geodetic and gas emission datasets to monitor and understand restless volcanoes: Case of Taal volcano, Philippines
- Joint retrieval of PBL temperature and water vapor structure from GNSS-RO and microwave sounder measurements
- Jovian Clouds, Hazes, and Zonal Winds as Seen by PMODE (Planetary Multilevel Oscillations & Dynamics Experiment)
- Juno MWR Revealed Points-of-interest from Error Analysis
- Juno Microwave Radiometer Observations of Ganymedes Ice Shell
- Juno Prime Mission Discoveries about Jupiters Aurora and Polar Space Environments
- Juno UVS Observations of the Local Time Dependence of Jupiters Polar Auroral Emissions
- Juno's Insights on the Origin and Evolution of Jupiter
- Juno-UVS Observations of High-Energy Radiation on Magnetic Field Lines near the Galilean Satellites
- Jupiter's Deep Meridional Circulation as Inferred From Juno's MWR
- Kernel flows to infer the structure of convective storms from satellite passive microwave observations
- Kinematic rupture history of the 2021 M7.3 Madoi earthquake in Qinghai
- Laboratory sediment column simulations of chemical and redox gradients in the martian groundwater environment
- Land Cover and Land Use Transformations and Impacts in Southern Vietnam
- Large early cold season heterotrophic respiration signal across northern Eurasia
- Learning how to surf ocean data in the cloud: PO.DAAC explorations of science data access and formats
- Leveraging Time Series Imaging Spectrometer Data and Deep Learning for Methane Plume Detection and Delineation
- Limits on Excitation Mechanisms for Global Modes of Jupiter as Seen by PMODE (Planetary Multilevel Oscillations & Dynamics Experiment)
- Linkage between tropical deep convection and low cloud feedback in GFDL perturbed physics experiments
- Linking Thermal Properties of Terrestrial Sedimentary Environments to Mars
- Localizing methane sources in Gale crater using a multi-detector strategy
- Long Period Non-Synchronous Rotation of Io
- Looking for water in Jupiters atmosphere: Adam Showmans legacy and Juno measurements
- Loss of water in the ground in the southwest U.S.during drought in 2020 and 2021
- Low-Level Organic Detection using the Compact Integrated Raman Spectrometer (CIRS)
- Lucina: A Compact Active-Reflectance Infrared System for In-Situ Exploration of Diverse Planetary Surfaces.
- Lunar Trailblazer: A Pioneering Smallsat for Lunar Water and Lunar Geology
- Lunar Volcanic Gases and Condensates: Chemical Equilibria in the H-C-O-S-F-Cl-Na-K System
- MEaSUREs Ice Velocity and Grounding Line for Antarctica - an update
- MSR Science Planning Group 2 (MSPG2): Major Mission Milestones and Key Decision Points Timeline
- MSR Science Planning Group 2 (MSPG2): Overview of the Report
- MSR Science Planning Group 2 (MSPG2): Planning Implications Related to Sterilization-Sensitive Science Investigations Associated with Mars Sample Return (MSR)
- MSR Science Planning Group 2 (MSPG2): Planning for the curation of MSR samples in a Sample Receiving Facility
- MSR Science Planning Group 2 (MSPG2): Science & Curation Considerations for Time Sensitive Measurements That Should be Performed in Containment
- MSR Science Planning Group 2 (MSPG2): Science & Curation Considerations for a Mars Sample Return (MSR) Sample Receiving Facility
- Machine learning-based aerosol characterization from OCO-2 satellite observations
- Mafic Chemistry and Mineralogy (including olivine) of the Coarse-Grained Regolith Analyzed by SuperCam at Jezero Crater, Mars
- Magma storage and transport along volcanic rift zones constrained by geodetic data and dynamical models
- Magnetization of carbonaceous asteroids by nebular fields and the origin of CM chondrites
- Mapping "Brain Coral" Regions on Mars using Deep Learning
- Mapping Flow-obstructing Structures on Global Rivers
- Mapping Suspended Sediment Properties in the Louisiana Delta Using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy for Modeling of Sediment Dynamics
- Mapping Vertical Ice Sheet Melt Profiles using Spaceborne Multi-frequency Microwave Radiometry
- Mapping the Severity of Ice Sheet Melt by applying a Geophysical Model Based Algorithm using SMAP L-band Microwave Radiometry
- Mars 2020 MEDA ATS Measurements of Near Surface Atmospheric Temperatures at Jezero
- Mars 2020s First Sample: The Fractured Rough Rock Unit on the Floor of Jezero Crater
- Mars Atmospheric Methane Investigation Using a Distributed Network of Rough Landers
- Mars Emitted Energy Using MGS/TES Observations
- Mars and Venus Dayglow Studies Based Upon Laboratory Aeronomy from Electron Impact of CO2 for analysis of UV Observations by MAVEN, EMM, MEx, and VEx
- Marsquakes location and 1-D seismic models of Mars from InSight data
- Martian Dunes: A Critical Analog for Understanding Wind and Sediment Interactions on Planetary Surfaces
- Martian dust properties and cloud detection by Perseverance MEDA-RDS: analysis for the first 150 sols
- Mass spectral characterization of Enceladus ice grain analogues after hypervelocity impact
- Measured charged particle fluxes relevant to Ganymede weathering
- Measuring the Degree of Strain localization along Coseismic Surface Ruptures Using Optical Image Correlation: Implications for Understanding Fault Mechanics and Displacement Hazard
- Merging Analytic Collaborative Frameworks with New Observing Strategies Toward a Digital Twin: Earth Episodic Pulse Event Impacts on the Ocean Carbon Cycle as an Example
- Methane Plume Detection with Future Orbital Imaging Spectrometers
- Methane Plume Mapping Over Offshore Oil and Gas platforms Using Sun Glint
- Methane emissions in the United States, Canada, and Mexico: Evaluation of national methane emission inventories and sectoral trends by inverse analysis of in situ (GLOBALVIEWplus CH4 ObsPack) and satellite (GOSAT) atmospheric observations
- Mineralogical and chemical trends in a 100 m drill core from Lake Towuti, Indonesia reflect catchment, water column, and diagenetic conditions
- Modeling Effusive Cryolava Flows: Reevaluating Emplacement & Feasibility of Tubes
- Modeling and observations of ionospheric dynamics driven by thunderstorm-generated acoustic and gravity waves
- Modeling cement volumes within ancient lithified bedforms on Mars
- Modeling of postseismic deformation following the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
- Modeling surface topography during atmospheric correction improves reflectance retrievals in imaging spectroscopy
- Modeling the 3-D Radiance Spectra of Volcanic Ash Clouds
- Modeling the Composition and Structure of Jupiters Northern Aurora based on Junos MWR Maps
- Modeling the dynamic response of Northwest Greenland to different friction laws
- Modelling of the I-T System with the High-latitude Input for Meso-scale Electrodynamics (HIME) Framework
- Modelling the emplacement of voluminous lava flows on Io to interpret observations of outburst eruptions.
- Modifying the Creme Brulee model: Implications for the recent Equatorial Zone disturbance
- Monitoring Coastal Subsidence along the US Gulf Coast Using Satellite Remote Sensing
- Monitoring Thermal Plumes from Power Plants Using ECOSTRESS and Landsat
- Monitoring Vegetation Optical Depth and Canopy Water Content with GPS Signals: First Results
- Monitoring changes in water quality in the Belize Barrier Reef Coastal Lagoon during COVID-19
- Morphology of crater ice deposits on Mars reveals Earth-like Milankovitch climate forcing
- Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA): instrument status and calibration
- Multi-Faceted Science Enabled by the Airborne Glaciological and Oceanographic Observations during NASAs 5-year Oceans Melting Greenland Mission
- Multi-constellation GNSS Determination of Integrated Water Vapor in North American Monsoon Events
- Multi-scale Data Framework for the Monitoring of Carbon Stock Changes in the 21st Century
- Multi-spacecraft Observations of Gradual Solar Energetic Particle Events with Enhanced 3He Abundance
- Multi-zonal Parametric Model of the Jovian Synchrotron Radiation Belt Updated from the Juno Mission Observations
- NASA Earth Science Technology for Earth System Digital Twins (ESDT)
- NASA Earthdata Access in the Cloud Using Open-source Libraries
- Naltsos, First Rock Examined by the M2020 PIXL Instrument: Rock Components and Dust Characteristics
- Near Infrared Spectra of Frozen Titan Ocean Materials
- Near Real-Time Tsunami Early Warning System Using GNSS Ionospheric Measurements
- Near Surface properties of the InSight Mars landing site
- Neptune and Uranus through the Eyes of the Palomar High Angular Resolution Observer (PHARO)
- Neptunes pole-on magnetosphere-solar wind coupling observations by Voyager 2
- New Approach for a Combined Active/Passive Greenhouse Gas Mission
- New Developments in an Automated Capillary Electrophoresis System Compatible with Multiple Detectors for Potential In Situ Spaceflight Missions
- New Past Radio Occultation Results of Venus Atmosphere
- New Ways to Explore Mars with Small Spacecraft
- New insights into urban heat islands and societal vulnerability from ECOSTRESS thermal infrared imagery
- New observations of the gravity field of Ganymede from Junos G34 flyby
- Next generation isoprene retrieval from the Cross-track Infrared Sounder
- Novel Magnetic Field and Electron Density Measurements of CMEs (within AU) with the Proposed Multiview Observatory for Solar Terrestrial Science (MOST) Mission
- Novel along-track processing of GRACE Follow-On laser ranging measurements found abrupt water storage increase and land subsidence during the 2021 March Australian flooding
- Nowcasting Earthquakes by Visualizing the Earthquake Cycle with Machine Learning:A Comparison of Two Methods
- Nowcasting Earthquakes in Southern California with Machine Learning: Correlations with Regional Tectonic Stress
- OCO-3 Mission Status, Scientific Findings, and Plans for the Final Year
- OCO-3 SAMs: Scheduling Performance and Site statistics during the first two years
- Observations From Multi-City Greenhouse Gas Networks Detect the Abrupt Changes in Emissions During the COVID-19 Lockdown
- Observations and modeling of ionospheric acoustic-gravity waves as diagnostics of earthquake evolutions
- Observations of Ganymedes Ionosphere from a Dual-Frequency Radio Occultation with Juno
- Observations of the Jezero Crater Delta Front by Perseverance Cameras
- Observed Links Between Atmospheric Cloud Radiative Effects and Mesoscale Organization of Deep Convection
- Observing Dynamic Flooding on Short Timescales by Combining GNSS-R and Height Above Nearest Drainage
- Observing Earths Surface Topography and Vegetation Structure in the Next Decade: Science Objectives and Needs
- Observing transient, rapid mass changes in the Earth system with GRACE Follow-On laser ranging measurements
- Ocean Carbon Cycle Observatory: An Architectural Pilot for Smart Data
- Ocean circulation and climate effects on US East Coast sea-level trends since 1900
- Ocean detection and characterization at Enceladus and Mimas using magnetic induction
- On Shallow Cloud Top Height and Planetary Boundary Layer Height Variability over the Northeast Pacific and Relationships with Internal Climate Fluctuations Using MISR and GPS-RO Satellite Observations and ERA5 Reanalysis Data
- On closure phase errors and systematic bias in multi-looked SAR interferometry
- On the brink of change: Observations reveal coastal oceanographic impacts and inland glacier response associated with the ongoing collapse of West Ice Shelf, East Antarctica
- Onboard Autonomous Summarization and Prioritization of CE-ESI MS Data for the Ocean Worlds Life Surveyor
- Onboard Autonomous Summarization and Prioritization of Digital Holographic Microscopy Data for the Ocean Worlds Life Surveyor
- Onboard Science Autonomy for the Ocean Worlds Life Surveyor (OWLS) Instrument Suite
- Ongoing Shallow Water Ice Mapping Campaign by the Mars Climate Sounder
- OpenET Satellite-based ET Intercomparisons with Ground-based Measurements: Phase II Results
- OpenET: Operational Evapotranspiration Data for Water Management in the Western United States
- Operating Autonomous Space Missions: NASA Study Outcomes
- Orbital Context and In Situ Observations of Nili Fossae Olivine-Carbonate
- Orbital and Experimental Insights into the Formation Mechanisms of Martian Periodic Bedrock Ridges
- Outgassing and Ingassing of Na in Lunar 74220 Orange Glass Beads
- Overview of MEDA results aboard Perseverance over the first sols on Mars
- PDS Search API: Enabling Discovery and Dissemination of PDS Data
- ParOSSE: A Flexible Parallel Bayesian Framework for Quantifying Uncertainty in Measurements and Retrievals of Clouds and Precipitation
- Parker Solar Probe Measurements of Cosmic Rays in to 0.1 AU
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of the January 2021 3He-Rich Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Particle Entrainment and Rotating Convection in Enceladus' Ocean
- Passive Subsurface Radio Probes of Airless Bodies using High-Energy Cosmic Ray Showers via the Askaryan Effect
- Past the Precipice? Coral Loss and Projected Refugia Under Global Warming
- Pathfinder Atom Interferometer Studies in Space for Future Earth and Planetary Sciences using CAL: NASAs Cold Atom Lab Operating Onboard the ISS
- Performance and First Measurements of the MEDA Wind Sensor of NASAs Mars 2020 Mission at Jezero Crater, Mars
- Perseverance/Mars2020 measurements of the daily pressure cycle at Jezero
- Photoionization of sodium-group atoms at Mercurys exosphere
- Physical and ecophysiological controls on the relationship between solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and gross primary productivity across diurnal and seasonal scales in the boreal forest
- Physiological Linkages between Conifer Leaf Temperatures and Daily Tree Wood Growth: Implications for Thermal Remote Sensing Products
- Planetary Boundary Layer Profiling from COSMIC-2: Effects of SNR and New Retrieval Developments
- Plasma Observations in Ganymedes Magnetosphere during the PJ34 Juno Flyby
- Plot-scale Forest Structural Models from Terrestrial Laser Scanning
- Polarimetric Sensitivity of Light-Absorbing Carbonaceous Aerosols Over Ocean: A Theoretical Assessment
- Post-seismic deformation model for sequential estimation of terrestrial reference frame
- Potential Satellite Monitoring of Surface Organic Soil Properties in Arctic Tundra from SMAP
- Predicting Lightning Depth Distributions of Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
- Predicting Venus Seismicity from Surface Faulting
- Prediction of Atmospheric Noise Temperature at the Deep Space Network with Machine Learning
- Prediction of Climate Patterns
- Preliminary Analysis of Ocean Heat Transport with SOHI, an Eddy-resolving Ocean Model
- Preliminary Analysis of the Diurnal Cycle of Air Temperature Fluctuations in Jezero Crater
- Preliminary assessment of the micro-topographic impacts of ice-wedge systems using remote sensing and field observations
- Preparing for X/Ka Band radio occultations of Venus with VERITAS and EnVision: Retrieving Sulfur Species Abundances
- Preparing the global CMS Flux system for application to carbon flux inventories via regional-scale, observation-based evaluations
- Probing the structure and dynamics of NEO binary asteroids using targeted flybys: The Janus Mission
- Process-oriented evaluation of warm rain in multiple global models: Early results from GEWEX PROES-WR
- Processing the Cassini Radar Ring Observations
- Progress Towards Balloon-Based Seismic Studies on Venus
- Progress in Developing a Prototype Science Pipeline and Full-Volume, Global Hyperspectral Synthetic Data Sets for NASAs Earth System Observatorys Upcoming Surface, Biology and Geology Mission
- Properties of the top Forty Centimeters of the Martian soil From HP3 Mole Penetration and Thermal Conductivity Measurements
- Prototype global forest aboveground carbon monitoring system with process-based model and spaceborne lidar and optical observations
- Proxima Centauri b: A Strong Case for Including Cosmic-Ray-induced Chemistry in Atmospheric Biosignature Studies
- QUEST: A New Frontiers Uranus Orbiter Mission Concept Study
- Quantification and Reduction of Bias in Multi-layered Cloud-Top Heights from Terra MISR and MODIS
- Quantifying ET Over the Congo Basin Using a Combination of Remotely-sensed and Surface Measurements
- Quantifying Land Subsidence in the Mississippi Delta Region Through InSAR Time-Series Analysis
- Quantifying Power Plant CO2 Emissions with OCO-2 and OCO-3
- Quantifying the Effects of Radar Resolution on a Warm Rain Retrieval
- RAiDER: Raytracing Atmospheric Delay Estimation for RADAR
- Radiance Comparison from OCO-3 and OCO-2 Simultaneous Nadir and Ocean Glint Overpasses
- Radiative transfer and viewing geometry considerations for remote sensing as a proxy for carbon uptake in boreal ecosystems
- Radiative transfer emulation for hyperspectral imaging retrievals with advanced Kernel Flows-based Gaussian Process emulation
- Radiative transfer emulation for imaging spectroscopy retrievals
- Radiative transfer speed-up combining optimal spectral sampling with a machine learning approach
- RadiativeTransfer.jl: an Open-Source Julia Package for Atmospheric Remote Sensing Tools
- Radio Detection of Subsurface Lunar Ice via the Askaryan Effect with the Cosmic Ray Lunar Sounder (CoRaLS)
- Rapid analysis of gravity changes after the Mw 8.2 Chignik earthquake from GRACE Follow-On intersatellite laser ranging measurements
- Rapid increases and extreme months in projections of United States high-tide flooding
- Recent Changes and Long-Term Variability of Neptune in the Mid-Infrared
- Recent pollution mitigation masks the negative impacts of climate change on crop yields in China
- Reconnection at Saturns Dayside Magnetopause: Cusp and Flux Rope observations by Cassini
- Recovering Seismic Signals with Different Reference Frame Realization Methods
- Regional drivers of the CO2 growth rate in the last decade: implications for the Global Stocktake
- Regional mapping of aerosol population and surface albedo of Titan by the massive inversion of the Cassini/VIMS dataset
- Remote Imaging Spectroscopy for the Sub-Mesoscale Ocean Dynamics Experiment
- Remote Sensing Surface Mineralogy and Foliar Metal Content to Discern Contaminant Sources Across Heterogeneous Landscapes
- Remote sensing of water quality in coastal Belize: Implications for coastal zone management and informing Sustainable Development Goals
- Resolution Enhancement and Interpolation of Europas Surface Images using Generative Adversarial Networks
- Resolve the continuous diurnal cycle of high-resolution ECOSTRESS Evapotranspiration (ET) and Land Surface Temperature (LST)
- Resolved Microwave Observations of Ganymedes Ice Shell
- Resolving the carbon-climate feedback potential of high latitude wetland CO2 and CH4 exchanges
- Response of Arctic ecosystems to climate trends in the last two decades
- Retrieval of surface spectral emissivity in the polar regions using different a priori constraints
- Revisiting the 2015 Mw=8.3 Illapel Earthquake. From Kinematic Rupture Inversion to Rupture Dynamics.
- Revisiting the Entrainment Relationship of Convective Plumes: A Perspective From Global Observations
- Rheological Investigation of Cryolavas: Viscosity of Liquid Brines
- Robustness and Uncertainties in the New CMIP6 Carbon Cycle Projections in Artic-Boreal Ecosystems
- Rock Texture and Structure at Sub-Millimeter Scales in Jezero Crater, Mars, Using the SHERLOC WATSON Camera
- Rockstar: A Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Imager for Meter Scale Data Collection from Orbit
- SFMIS - A Landcover Mapping Tool to Inform on Sustainable Development Goal 15.2.1
- SLUSH: Search for Life Using Submersible Heated Drill
- SMAP Retrievals of Soil Moisture and Vegetation Optical Depth: A Global Inter-comparison of Multiple Dual Channel Algorithms
- SNICAR-ADv4: A Novel Physically Based Radiative Transfer Model for Glacier Snow, Firn, and Ice
- STARFM-ML: A novel machine learning driven approach to fuse remote sensing data
- SWE Retrieval Using Sentinel-1 and SnowEx UAVSAR data
- Sampling accuracy and data filtering of GEDI data in the tropical rainforest regions
- Sampling deltaic rocks and their source terranes at Jezero crater to understand early Martian history
- Satellite Formation Flying for Surface Topography and Vegetation (STV) Mapping: The Distributed Aperture Radar Tomographic Sensors (DARTS)
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Global River Delta Shoreline Mobility and their Relationship to Fluvial Sediment Fluxes
- Satellite derived NEE estimates capture changes in atmospheric CO2 seasonal cycle
- Satellite soil moisture data assimilation impacts on ozone dry deposition modeling: sensitivity to dry deposition parameterizations
- Saturn's Equatorial Jet Through Reanalysis of Voyager Data Using a Modern Wind Measurement Method
- Scalable grapevine viral disease detection with AVIRIS imaging spectroscopy
- Science Objectives of the Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation Millimeter- and Submillimeter-wave Radiometers
- Search for infrasound signals in InSight data using coupled pressure/ground deformation methods
- Seasonal assessment of SMAP Level 3 and Level 4 soil moisture data products using ground-based measurements at agricultural sites
- Seasonal variations of sub-surface seismic velocities observed by the SEIS-InSight seismometer on Mars
- Seasonality in Mars Atmospheric Methane Driven by Microseepage, Barometric Pumping, Adsorption, and Proximity of the Source to Curiosity
- Seeking Presently Active Dune Evolution on Mars
- Seeking guidance from active cloud observations to improve climate model subcolumn generators
- Seismic scattering in the Martian lithosphere: an analytical approach using InSight data
- Service delivery by SERVIR-Mekong for addressing drought and food security issues in the Lower Mekong region: contributions, challenges and planned impacts
- ShaRad data in the area of Oxia Planum paving the way for WISDOM radar on the ExoMars2022 rover
- Simplified Gravitational Reference Sensors for Future Earth Geodesy Missions
- Simulated Multispectral Temperature and Atmospheric Composition Retrievals for the GEO-IR Sounder
- Simulated and observed vertical velocity statistics of marine shallow convection and implications for downdraft parameterizations
- Simulating the Holocene Deglaciation Across a Marine Terminating Portion of Southwestern Greenland in Response to Marine and Atmospheric Forcings
- Sizing up Chaos: An Investigation of Chaos Block Size Distributions on Europa, Pluto, and Mars at the Regional Scale
- Small Satellite Constellations: TEMPEST-D Demonstration of the Potential to Enable Temporal Observations of Cloud and Precipitation Processes
- SnowPEx+: The International Snow Products Intercomparison and Evaluation Exercise 2015-2020
- Software Architecture and Components of the Multi-Scale Methane Analytic Framework Spanning Cloud-Computing and Supercomputing Platforms
- Soilborne plant pathogen dispersal and assessment: Building a remote sensing-based global surveillance system for plant disease
- Solid Earth science needs from surface topography and vegetation structure observations
- Sonification of global mean sea-level rise
- Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of the Submesoscale Energetics in the Gulf of Mexico
- Spatial and temporal variations in the CH4 homopause altitude at Jupiters mid-to-high latitudes
- Spatio-temporal Gaussian Process Modeling of Land Subsidence with Well Water Level and InSAR Data
- Spatio-temporal models for uncertainty quantification in ice-sheet models using Gaussian random fields
- Spatiotemporal variations of stress and strain in the crust near 2019 Ridgecrest Sequence Earthquakes
- Spectral Albedo of Dusty Martian H2O Snow and Ice
- Spectral Fidelity of Earths Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems
- Spectral Properties of Diagenetic Features Near the Clay-Sulfate Transition In Mt. Sharp
- Speeding up probabilistic imaging spectroscopy retrievals with Accelerated Optimal Estimation
- Stability of Clathrate Hydrates in the Presence of Ammonia: Experimental and Modelling Perspectives
- Statistical Emulator for Efficient Uncertainty Quantification of Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 Retrieval
- Statistical and thermodynamic constraints on the numbers and sizes of tropical clouds and their response to a changing climate
- Status of the Radio Occultations through Heavy Precipitation (ROHP) experiment after three years in orbit
- Stratospheric Water Inventory, Tomography of Convective Hydration (SWITCH): A retrieval simulator study to capture stratospheric humidity enhancements associated with deep convection
- Strong Conformer-Dependence in the Reaction of Criegee Intermediates with Amines: Experiment and Theory
- Studies of Gulf Stream front air-sea dynamics using the global GEOS-ECCO coupled digital twin system
- Studies of Molecular Fragmentation of Ice-Entrained Organics After Hypervelocity Impact
- Sub-monthly gravity signals mapped in GRACE-FO along-track gravity solutions
- Submersed Capillary Electrophoresis: Technical and Procedural Development
- Subsurface Ocean Detection and Characterization at Triton using Single- and Multi-Pass Magnetometric Measurements
- Subsurface geology of the Jezero crater floor as characterized with the ground penetrating radar RIMFAX.
- Subtraction of Rough Soil Surface Scattering in X and Ku Band Radar Remote Sensing of Snow Water Equivalent
- Success Stories of Satellite Radar Altimeter Applications
- Sulfate quantification on Ocean Worlds from frozen sodium sulfate brines examined by Raman spectroscopy
- Sulfur in Titan's Ocean
- Supporting Open Science through Cloud-Based and Interoperable APIs for Data Access and Visualization: The Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform (MAAP) Data System
- Suprathermal Ion Intensity Enhancements in the vicinity of the Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossing near Parker Solar Probes Perihelion 7
- Surface Topography Observations Needed to Advance Cryosphere Science in the Coming Decades
- Synchrotron Observations From The Juno Microwave Radiometer At Jupiter
- Synergies between the Aerosols, Clouds, Convection and Precipitation and the Surface Biology and Geology: science, applications, societal benefits, models, algorithms and measurements
- Synergies between the Surface Biology and Geology and the Aerosols, Clouds, Convection and Precipitation: science, applications, societal benefits, models, algorithms and measurements
- Synergistic Science from the VERITAS, DAVINCI, and EnVision Missions to Venus
- Systematic Earth Observations Supporting the Global Stocktake
- Tectonic Deformation and Surface Processes of the Tibetan Plateau Constrained by Time Series Analysis of ARIA Sentinel-1 InSAR Standard Products
- Ten months of Perseverance on Mars
- Tensile strength of meteorites from contraction cracks and implications for the efficacy of thermal fatigue on asteroids
- Terrain specification: Science-driven preparations for landing on Europa
- Testing the Hypothesis that Short-Lived, Debris-Flow-Like Processes Occurred on Vesta and Ceres, Using Laboratory Experiments and Geomorphological Analyses
- The ASTER Volcano Archive (AVA): Twenty-one Years of Global Monitoring of Active Volcanoes
- The Atmosphere Observing System (AOS): Synergistic Aerosol, Cloud, Convection and Precipitation Measurement and Modeling Systems
- The Atmospheric Structures of Uranus and Neptune from the Spitzer Infrared Spectrometer and Looking Ahead to the James Webb Space Telescope
- The Basal Interface of Mars' South Polar Layered Deposits
- The DAVINCI Mission to Venus Atmosphere and Tesserae
- The Effect of Aerosol Loading on Shallow Convective Precipitation Inferred from Co-occurring Cloud and Precipitation within the Warm-topped Maritime Clouds Observed during CAMP2Ex
- The Effects of Solar Cycle Variability on D and H in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars
- The Geophysical Investigation of Mars by InSight: From Dust to Core
- The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) - infrastructure underpinning science and society -
- The Impact of Surface Radiation Budget Errors on Estimates of Greenland Ice Surface Energy Balance and Mass Balance
- The Impacts of a Climate-Sensitive Leaf Phenology Model on Predicting the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle using the CARDAMOM Framework
- The Mars Climate Sounder Dust and Water Ice Column Dataset
- The Mars Sample Return Campaign: Current Architecture and the Proposed Future History of the Samples
- The Multiview Observatory for Solar Terrestrial Science (MOST)
- The NASA Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP) Observing System
- The NASA MEaSUREs ITS_LIVE project: Accelerating glacier science through satellite data synthesis
- The NASA Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA): Enhancing Societal Impact through Early Community Engagement
- The NISAR ASF Partnership: Thick as Thieves and Tied at the Hip for Open Science
- The Notional Plan for Sample Collections by the Perseverance Rover for Mars Sample Return
- The OCO-3 Snapshot Area Map (SAM) Website: Connecting Users to Mission Data
- The Organic Capillary Electrophoresis Analysis System (OCEANS) a liquid chemical analyzer suite for searching for agnostic biosignatures on ocean worlds
- The PARMAP Python Library: Fast, Scalable, Cheap and Easy Serverless Computing for Every Scientist
- The Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS) on Europa Clipper Progressing Towards Flight
- The Science Case for a Return to Enceladus
- The Science Data Processing of SunRISE: A Distributed Eye in the Sky for Radio Burst & SEP Sourcing
- The Search for Active Tectonics on Venus in the NASA VERITAS Mission
- The Seismicity on Mars as recorded by InSights' Marsquake Service
- The Structure of the Martian Core Revealed by RISE
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE) - Project Overview
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE) Mission Overview
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE): Science Measurements
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE)The SunRISE Spacecraft
- The VERITAS Gravity Science Investigation
- The VERITAS mission investigation of Venus interior structure and thermal state
- The Venus surface emissivity mapper on the NASA VERITAS and ESA EnVision missions
- The Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) Mission: Measurement Goals and Traverse Planning
- The Winds of Jezero Crater, Mars.
- The acoustic properties of the Mars atmosphere at Jezero crater
- The detectability of asteroid magnetospheres
- The dual personality of Southern California heatwaves: Case study of Los Angeles during Aug/Sep 2020.
- The ebb of rivers the paleo-river elevation transition due to the decline of greenhouse effect on early Mars
- The effect of salts in the hypervelocity-induced fragmentation of amino acids embedded in icy clusters
- The global water cycle from a land perspective: Progress in space-based measurement
- The interior of Mars as seen by InSight
- The internal structure of vortices on Jupiter as observed by the Juno Microwave Radiometer
- The potential of GEDI to monitor forest structural diversity from space
- The stop-and-go mechanism: Towards an integrated approach to model seismicity, outgassing, deformation, and thermal unrest at active volcanoes
- The thermodynamics of ammonia rich planetary oceans: Equation of State for water-ammonia and water-ammonia-salt solutions from surface to abyssal conditions.
- Thermal Environments and Volatile-trapping Potential of Lunar Pits and Caves
- Thermal erosion of the lithosphere in the Patagonian slab window and implications for glacial isostatic adjustment
- Thermophysical Properties of Lunar Irregular Mare Patches
- Three Years of Snow Depth and Ice Thickness from ICESat-2 and CryoSat-2
- Tiered methane observing systems across multiple basins to quantify regional budgets, strong point sources, and differentiate sector contributions
- Time evolution of hemispheric albedo asymmetry
- Time-Varying Mantle Viscosity as an Explanation for the High Modern Crustal Uplift Rates in Greenland
- Titan Cryomineralogy: What Discoveries in the Laboratory Can Tell Us About Titans Surface
- Top-down North American CO2 fluxes with a Nested Version of CMS-Flux
- Top-down estimate of carbon stock changes in support of the Global Stocktake
- Toward Analysis of Fatty Acids in Ocean World Samples
- Towards Mapping Perennial Crops and Agroforestry Systems with Synthetic Aperture Radar: Case Studies in Para, Brazil and Ucayali, Peru
- Tracking the storage and dissipation of atmospheric river storm water in the Russian River watershed using GPS elastic displacements
- Translational Tomography with WISPR: Basis of Method and Current Progress
- Tree Effects on Microwave Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture Using Numerical Solutions of 3D Maxwell Equations
- Trends in Ice Sheet Mass Balance from 1992 to 2021 from the Ice Sheet Mass Balance Inter-Comparison Exercise (IMBIE)
- Triton's Variable Interaction with Neptune's Magnetosphere
- Tropospheric ozone through joint retrievals of Suomi NPP CrIS and TROPOMI radiances
- UVS Observations of Ganymede During Juno Orbits 34 and 35
- Ultracold Chemistry with Quantum Gas Mixtures Aboard the International Space Station
- Uncertainty Quantification for Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2: Assessing the Impact of Model Choices on Observing System Uncertainty Experiment
- Uncertainty Quantification in Remote Sensing
- Underground Ice on Mars: Characterization Activities, Potential as an In Situ Resource, and Possible Destination for Human Explorers
- Understanding Initial Terrestrial Planet Differentiation: The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- Unrest dynamics of Domuyo volcano, Argentina, constrained by InSAR and thermal time series
- Updating global fossil fuel CO2 flux inventories using top-down NOx emissions
- Using ECOSTRESS to Observe Diurnal Variability in Water Temperature Conditions in the San Francisco Estuary
- Using ECOSTRESS to inform pre-burn vegetation conditions for Southern California Wildfires
- Using ECOSTRESS to model composite diurnal ET
- Using Folktale Characters to Tell Stories about Earth Science Satellites
- Using Simulations to Evaluate Geometry and Aerosol Effects in Target and Snapshot Area Map Measurements from OCO
- Using a Digital Twin Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model for Machine Learning of Deep Convective Ice Storms
- Using genetic algorithms to design satellite constellations for recovering daily Earth system mass change.
- Using the Favorable Magnetic Geometry of Uranus to Search for Subsurface Oceans within its Moons
- VERITAS (Venus Emissivity, Radio science, InSAR, Topography, And Spectroscopy): Discovering the Secrets of a Lost Habitable World
- VERITAS: Change Detection and Community Involvement in Target Selection
- VISAR: Bring Radar Interferometry to Venus
- Validation of MODIS Bi-spectral Retrieved Liquid Cloud Droplet Effective Radius over the Philippines with CAMP2Ex Airborne Remote Sensing and In-Situ Measurements
- Validation of Remotely Sensed Turbidity and CDOM in the San Francisco Bay Delta
- Validation of the TROPESS ozone data products and examining their utility in ozone trend analysis
- Variable Ion Compositions of Solar Energetic Particle Events in the Inner Heliosphere: A Field-line Braiding Model with Compound Injections
- Variations in the He/H Abundance Ratio Measured in Solar Energetic Particle Events by Parker Solar Probe
- Vegetation Structure product needs for future science and applications.
- Vegetation promotes water retention in deltaic wetlands
- Venus Atmospheric Structure Investigation (VASI) on the DAVINCI Probe
- Venus Cloud Explorer: A New Frontiers Class Mission to Explore the Habitability of Venus
- Venus Lithospheric Thickness and Geodynamic Regime
- Venus Surface and Deep Atmosphere Temperature from Near Infrared Imaging
- Vertical Distributions of Aerosols and Their Effects on Clouds Based on long-term ASR/ARM Observations
- Vertical cloud and velocity structure of convectively coupled equatorial waves and the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Viability of bacterial spores under icy-world surface conditions
- Visible to Short Wavelength Infrared (VSWIR) Wide Swath Instrument Concept to Support the NASA Earth System Observatory, Surface Biology and Geology Element
- Visualizing Enceladus: Designing a Scene for an Immersive Planetarium Show
- Volcanic Plume Detection Alert System utilizing data from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder
- Volcanic SO2 Masses and Fluxes Cross-comparison using SEVIRI, MODIS, VIIRS, IASI, TROPOMI and AIRS. Test case: Etna December 2018 Eruption
- WISER - A Customizable, Extendable Visualization and Analysis Tool for Imaging Spectroscopy Data
- Wanderlust on Pluto: Forming Sputnik Planitia with a Coupled True Polar Wander - Climate Model
- Washload or bed sediment entrainment? Predicting mud concentrations in Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana.
- Water Vapor Adsorption and Desorption at the Mars Phoenix Landing Site
- Water and Aerosol Atmospheric Rivers: Connections to Weather, Air Quality and Climate
- What If We Had a Geostationary Microwave Sounder?
- What can the sound of earthquakes tell us about a planets interior structure?
- What is the Satellite Altimetry Record Telling Us About Future Sea Level Change?
- Where the Fault Meets the Road: Structure, Deformation and Rheology of the Urban Hayward Fault
- Why predicting California winter precipitation is challenging?
- Widespread decrease in temperature control of northern plant productivity
- Wind-eroded Landscapes in the Argentinian Puna Reveal the Relationship Between Wind and Bedrock
- Zero Pressure Solar Balloons for Infrasound Detection on Earth and Beyond
- Zero Pressure Solar Balloons for Observing Gravity Wave Detection
- "Hot spots" of Ocean Heat Transport toward Antarctic Glaciers
- 2022 Hunga-Tonga eruption: stratospheric aerosol evolution in a water-rich plume
- 3He-rich Solar Energetic Particle Event Observed by Parker Solar Probe During Encounter 12 Perihelion
- 6-meter resolution surface soil moisture using L-band airborne SAR data
- A Basal Mantle Layer at the Top of Mars' Core Inferred from Geodynamically-constrained Inversions of InSight Seismic Data
- A Cluster of Vigorous Eruptions on Io in 2001 Revealed in Galileo Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer Data
- A Comprehensive Map of Martian South Polar Region Araneiform Locations and Morphological Analysis
- A Decade of Mineralogical Discoveries in Gale Crater, Mars from the CheMin XRD Instrument.
- A Fractal Toy Model of Opaque Cumulus Clouds for Information Content Analysis in Optical Tomography, and Two Complementary Random Walk Processes Therein
- A High Pressure Microbial Culturing Chamber for Titan and Ocean World Experimentation
- A Lagrangian View Of The Liquid Water Path Response To Aerosols Using Bias-corrected GOES-16 Observations
- A Linked Magmatic-Tectonic Formation Model of Corona Formation on Venus
- A Markov chain model for polarized radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and application in dust particle inversion
- A Multi-pronged Effort to Evaluate OCO-2 XCO2 and Tie Retrievals to Surface Observing Networks using AirCore
- A Multiannual Record Of Gravity Wave Breaking In The Middle Atmosphere From The Mars Climate Sounder
- A New Terrestrial Reference Frame: Combining SLR and GPS at the Observation Level Using Space Ties on the GRACE and Jason Missions
- A Novel Integrated In-Situ Instrument for Analysis of Organic Biosignatures
- A Performance Analysis on Soil Dielectric Models Over Organic Soils in Alaska for Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture
- A Portable, Ground-Based FTS for Reflected Sunlight: Performance Evaluation for Mapping CO2 and CH4 above Los Angeles
- A Retrieval Algorithm of Vegetation Water Content and Soil Surface Emissivity - Theory and Application of Maximum Entropy Production (MEP) Method
- A Sequential Estimation Approach to Determining and Updating Terrestrial Reference Frames
- A Statistical Study of Equatorial Ionosphere Anomaly Features Extracted from Global Total Electron Content Maps
- A Study of Tearing Instability Onset with Particle In Cell Simulations
- A Toolkit for Water Quality Monitoring from 2002-2022 in Support of Sustainable Development Goal 14 and Coral Health in Marine Protected Areas in Belize
- A constraint on the carbon-climate feedback factor over the northern high latitude forests
- A declining trend of methane emissions in the Los Angeles Basin from 2015 to 2020
- A first look at the OPERA Dynamic Surface Water eXtent and Land Surface Disturbance products and their applications
- A global framework for SWOT discharge with examples from the Ohio River
- A leaf-level instrument bridging the light and dark reactions of photosynthesis: benchmarking spectral signals for scaling purposes
- A machine learning approach targeting parameter estimate for modeling plant coexistence using ELM-FATES
- A miniature ultra-sensitive UV spectrometer for future lunar and planetary missions
- A more transparent infrared window
- A multi-satellite approach to assess urban emissions
- A sensitivity analysis of the SMAP SCA algorithm for soil moisture retrieval over the Amazon
- A-priori statistics for AOS cloud retrievals: A case study in cloud drop size dispersion
- Abundance of Organic Matter in Ceres' Crust
- Accelerating Atmospheric Correction with Spatial Smoothness
- Accelerating TEMPO Air Quality Science Through STAQS
- Acceleration of U.S. Southeast and Gulf Coast Sea-Level Amplified by Internal Climate Variability
- Acoustic Measurements of Saltation on Mars made by Perseverance
- Addressing Underestimation in Global Forest Structure Mapping
- Advances in Remote Sensing of the eEarth's Surface: Past, Present, and Future
- Advances in imaging spectrometer atmospheric correction with the open source ISOFIT codebase
- Advancing Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Robotics for Full-Ocean Depth Exploration and Research
- Aeolian Activity Over Two Martian Years at the InSight Landing Site
- Aeolian Activity at Jezero Crater during the Mars 2020 Mission: A Multi-instrument Analysis
- Airborne GNSS Radio Occultation Sounding from Commercial Off-the-Shelf Receiver onboard the Airplane and Balloon Platforms
- Amazon forest structural diversity estimated using field inventory plots, airborne lidar and GEDI spaceborne lidar
- An Evaluation of the Southern Ocean high-resolution simulation(SOhi)
- An Inter-Resolution Framework for Evaluating Regionally Refined Climate Models: The Significance of High Resolution
- An OSSE Framework for STV Multi-Mission Design and Performance Evaluation
- An analysis of near-simultaneous visible, infrared and microwave observations of Saturn's clouds
- An eye in a blue face: Using new satellite measurements to understand surface-atmosphere exchange
- An improved plant hydraulics model for the land component of the CliMA Earth System Model
- An integrated Remote Sensing model in the in the Cần Giờ Mangrove Biosphere Reserve (Vietnam) to estimate Ecosystem Services
- An interactive web interface to compare the LOcalized Constructed Analogs 2 (LOCA2) with its precursor and CMIP6
- Analysis of iron-oxide species content in atmospheric mineral dust from DSCOVR EPIC MAIAC algorithm
- Analyzing the influence of climate and environmental factors on growth rates of secondary tropical forests using NASA GEDI spaceborne LiDAR
- Angular Momentum Transfer Events in Titan's Stratosphere
- Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheet and Glacier and Ice Caps Mass Balance from GRACE/GRACE Follow-On missions and other data
- Anticipating the effect of post-harvest soil respiration from agricultural fields using high resolution remote sensing and in situ observations
- Application of Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll-a Concentration in the Gulf Stream & off the Georgia Coast
- Application of Topological Data Analysis to Detect Extreme Cold and Heat Waves
- Applications of Oxygen A- and B-band Observations in EPIC Cloud Retrievals
- Applied Science User Communities of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Mission
- Arecibo S-band Radar Characterization of Local-Scale Heterogeneities within Mercury's North Polar Deposits
- Assessing Altimetry and Optical Remote Sensing Products to Study Global Sediment Transport Dynamics in Earth's Inland Water Bodies
- Assessing Spatial Coherence Constraints on Passive Radar Experiments Using Radio-Astronomical Sources for Echo Detection
- Assessing Surface Topography Change Towards the Study of Earthquakes
- Assessing Tree Growth and Biomass Dynamics in the Laurentides Wildlife Reserve Using GEDI and Airborne LiDAR Data
- Assessing the meteotsunami-atmosphere dynamic coupling using GNSS measurements
- Asynchrony among satellite metrics of photosynthetic phenology across the boreal domain
- Asynchrony of Spaceborne Chlorophyll Fluorescence and the Near Infrared Reflectance of Vegetation in Tropical Forests
- Atmospheric GHG Data Assimilation To Support US and International Climate Mitigation Efforts: Transitioning Research Systems to Sustained Operations
- Atmospheric Retrievals of Water Vapor, Clouds and Precipitation over Convective Storms from the TEMPEST Instrument on the ISS
- Atmospheric flows imprint the high-degree gravity field of Jupiter
- Attribution of the increase of global methane during 2010-2021 using inverse analysis of GOSAT observations
- Automated Functional Group Analysis of Mass Spectrometry via Machine Learning
- Azimuth Geolocation of Sentinel-1 and Its Implications for Stack Coregistration and Intra-Burst Phase Discontinuity
- BALBOA Thermal Analysis – TVAC Experiment and Flight Test
- BC and BrC light-absorbing smoke aerosol components inferred from DSCOVR EPIC measurements
- Basal Melt rate regime in narrow ice shelf cavities of the Petermann Glacier
- Bedrock Ridges in Gale Crater, Mars
- Benchmarking land surface models in the Arctic-Boreal region
- Bi-directional Reflectance Modeling and Single-Scattering Albedo Mapping of the Didymos System through LICIACube and DART Imaging
- BioCube: Mapping and integrating remote-sensing and in-situ dimensions of biodiversity at large scales
- Biodiversity and Woody Cover Change in East Africa: Integrating Field and Remote Data Collection to Monitor Change in a Savanna Ecosystem
- Boulders on Bennu: Exploring the Structure of Low Thermal Inertia Rock through Thermal Modeling
- Bridging Atmospheric Chemistry and Environmental Justice Through Coursework
- Butterfly: A Satellite Mission to Transform Our Understanding of the Contribution of Air-Sea Fluxes to Weather and Climate
- C2H2 in Jupiter's atmosphere from Juno UVS observations: latitudinal distribution and localized enhancement within the auroral ovals
- CARDAMOM 3.0: A versatile data assimilation framework to infer carbon, water, and energy cycling using diverse Earth observations
- CHEEREIO: A Generalized, Open-source Ensemble-based Chemical Data Assimilation and Emissions Inversion Platform for the GEOS-Chem Chemical Transport Model
- COBRA – A Compact Next-Generation Radiometer for Determining Atmospheric Structure and Radiative Balance of Ice Giants, and for Thermophysical Measurements of Ice Giant Satellites
- COVERAGE: A Reusable, Cloud-enabled Platform to Expand Accessibility and Usage of Inter-agency Satellite and in-situ Oceanographic Data in Support of Interdisciplinary Open Science and Marine Applications
- Calibration and Performance of BepiColombo Radio Science Data During a Solar Conjunction Experiment
- Carbon Losses from Southeast Asian Peatlands
- Carbon Mapper Observational Modes, Sampling Strategies, and Performance Analysis
- Cascading delays in the monsoon rice growing season and post-monsoon agricultural fires likely exacerbate air pollution in North India
- Cassini RSS Bistatic Observations of Titan's seas: new insights into their composition and roughness
- Cataloging Jovian Vortices: A Crowd-Sourced Deep Learning approach
- Centimeter-Level Ranging Results from the 2022 BepiColombo Solar Conjunction
- Challenges in Characterizing Geospatial Relationships of Topography in the Arctic
- Characterizing Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) using Naval Radio-Occultation approach
- Characterizing Precursory Volcanic Activity Using Geostationary Thermal Infrared Data
- Characterizing Wildfires using Collocated Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder and Narrow-band Imager Observations
- Characterizing the Impact of Cooking and VCP Emissions on Urban VOCs in Las Vegas and Los Angeles in Preparation for AEROMMA 2023
- Classifying Forest Degradation Using Within-Pixel Lidar Return Distributions
- Climate Impacts on Regional Boreal Forest Productivity Inferred from Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
- Climate and Environmental Predictors of Vector Mosquito Abundance
- Cloudspotting on Mars: Mapping Mesospheric Clouds through Citizen Science
- Coastal Wetland Disturbance and Recovery From Hurricanes in Coastal Louisiana
- Combining Geostationary and Polar-Orbiting Observations of Volcanic SO2 Plumes: A Case Study from the June 2019 Eruption of Raikoke Volcano
- Combining Mars 2020/MEDA, MRO/MCS, and EMARS Reanalysis Datasets to Produce Temperature Profiles in Jezero Crater, Mars
- Combining UAVSAR Observations from Multiple Incidence Angles for Retrieval of Surface Soil Moisture Over Corn and Soybean Fields
- Community Code for Magnetic Field Modelling of Jupiter
- Comparable Trends in Retrieved Surface Melting of Ice Sheets using SMAP L-band Microwave Radiometry and a Surface Mass Balance Model of Glaciers
- Comparison of MISR's and MAIA's Observing Strategies for Mapping Speciated Particulate Matter Air Pollution
- Connecting communities with the coastal zone, from land to sea
- Constraining Seismic Anisotropy on Mars: New Challenges and First Detection
- Constraining the Physical and Spectral Properties of Martian Polar Clouds with Mars Climate Sounder Observations
- Content-based Search of Large Image Archives at PDS Imaging Node
- Continuous weekly monitoring of methane emissions from the Permian Basin by inversion of TROPOMI satellite observations
- Contributions of the InSight Mission to Mars and Planetary Science
- Correlation of Surface and Subsurface Properties when Choosing a Sampling Site: Applications from Mars and the Moon to Sampling Locations on Europa and Other Ocean Worlds
- Coseismic deformation of the October 7, 2021 Harnai earthquake in Pakistan using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and field measurements
- Coupling CYGNSS and Digital Elevation Data for High Spatio-temporal Mapping of Inundation
- Crop Variety Discrimination With Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy: A Case Study of Winegrape Variety Mapping in Central California
- Crustal Structure Constraints from the Detection of the SsPp Phase on Mars
- Crustal structure of Mars from the first observation of surface waves
- Curating information to guide NASA Earthdata users into the cloud
- Current and Future Air Quality Impacts from Wildfires on Facilities and Employees at NASA Centers Estimated using NEX-GDDP Downscaled Climate Projections
- DART Determination of Momentum Transfer from Kinetic Impact: initial results
- DART Mission Ejecta Plume: Modeling Reflectance Images through Radiative Transfer and Geometric Optics in Support to LICIACube Observations
- DART's Planetary Defense Investigation and Achieving the Mission's Level 1 Requirements: Current Status and Ongoing Activities
- DSWx-HLS: Analysis Ready Data for Monitoring Surface Water Extent Dynamics with Near-Global Scope through Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2
- Data Applications Notebooks with Synthetic Aperture Radar, UAVSAR Data Exploration in Google Colab
- Deciphering the Spectra of Flowers to Map Landscape-scale Blooming Dynamics
- Deep Learning for Direct Exoplanet Detection
- Delta-X, SWOT and NISAR to Revolutionize our Understanding of Coastal Hydrodynamics
- Demonstration of a Cloud-based Data Match-Up Service (CDMS) in Support of Ocean Science Applications
- Deploying and Assessing Dynamic Tile Servers on AWS for Global Imagery Browse Services
- Detailed Polar Structure in Microwave Images of Uranus
- Detectability of Frozen Ocean Materials on Titan's Surface
- Detection and Analysis of Coral Stressors in Belize Barrier Reef using Remote Sensing Imagery
- Detection and Quantification of Methane Super-Emitters by Combining Multiple Satellite Instruments
- Detection of Convective Vortices on Infrasound Sensors through Cross-Correlation and Template Matching
- Detection of Crustal Deformation Utilizing InSAR Analysis and Machine Learning Algorithms
- Detection of forest degradation by selective logging and fires in the Brazilian Amazon Arc of Deforestation based on Sentinel-2 data
- Determination of the Interior Structure of Europa through Joint Inversion of Gravity and Magnetic Induction Data
- Determining the Electrical Conductivity at Ocean World Conditions Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Experimental Measurements
- Developing High Spatiotemporal Resolution Inundation Maps to Detect Rapid Changes in Surface Hydrology and Methane Emissions across Ecosystem Gradients in Alaska
- Developing a detection and monitoring framework for wildfire regimes with L-Band Polarimetric SAR
- Development and Evolution of Large-Scale Regional Dust Storms in Space and Time
- Development of Low-Cost Handheld Soil Moisture Measurement Device for Farmers and Citizen Scientists
- Development of Non-Data Driven Reservoir Routing in the Routing Application for Parallel computatIon of Discharge (RAPID) Model
- Development of UI-WRF-Chem for MAIA Satellite Mission and Its Implication in Studying the Impacts of a Dust Storm on Beijing Air Quality
- Development of the Joint ESA-NASA Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform (MAAP): Best Practices and Challenges in Keeping Collaborative Development on Track
- Diagnosing Diverse SIF Products for Studying Global Terrestrial Ecology
- Did Clathrate Layers Insulate Primordial Oceans in the Outer Solar System?
- Diffuse Deformation and Surface Faulting Distribution From Optical Image Correlation and Relation With the Rupture Process
- Digitizing and Automating Near-Earth Object discovery: a brief history
- Direct experimental investigation of the unimolecular and self- reactions of β-hydroxy-functionalized peroxy radicals from the OH-initiated reactions of alkenes
- Directionality of the Martian Surface Radiation and Derivation of the Upward Albedo Radiation
- Disentangling habitable terrestrial planet surfaces and condensates with polarimetry
- Dispersed Seismo-Acoustic Signals Following Martian Meteorite Impacts: Modeling and Inversion.
- Diverse biosphere influence on carbon and heat in mixed urban landscapes
- Dust release from low temperature surfaces exposed to electron beam
- Dust, Sand, and Winds within an Active Martian Storm in Jezero Crater
- ECOSTRESS Identifies Critical Temperature Thresholds of Loggerhead Sea Turtle Nesting Habitats
- Early Warning Signals of the Amazon Forest Declining Resilience
- Earthquake Nowcasting with Machine Learning: Analyzing the Information Content of Earthquake Catalogs for Scenario Earthquakes
- EcoPro: Ecological Projection Analytic Collaborative Framework
- Effect of Spectral Variability of Aerosol Optical Properties on Direct Aerosol Radiative Effect
- Effects of 3D Canopy Structure on Seed Dispersal by Hornbills in Cameroon
- Effects of Global Dust Storms on Water Vapor in the South Polar Region
- Elevation Dependent Meteorology in Gale Crater
- Emissions from forest edges offset half of Brazilian Amazon REDD+ results
- Emplacement History of Lava Flows of the Máaz Formation on the Jezero Crater Floor: Geochronological Significance and Relationship with the Delta
- EnVision: a Nominal Science Phase Spanning Six Venus Sidereal Days (Four Earth Years)
- Enabling New Research with MISR Wildfire Plume Height Project Data: The MISR Enhanced Research and Lookup INterface (MERLIN)
- Energetic Electron Spectra Observed by the PSP EPI-Hi HET Instrument for SEP Events of July 2022
- Enhancing Direct Readout Capabilities for Day-Night Monitoring of Volcanic SO2 and Ash for Aviation Avoidance at Northern Polar Latitudes
- Enhancing the Interoperability and Reusability of In Situ Oceanographic Data Through the Cloud-based Data Match-Up Service (CDMS)
- Entering the third decade of global mass change satellite observations with GRACE-FO: science mission status and plans
- Entrainment/Core/Anvil Relationships in Cloud Resolving Simulations of Deep Convection
- Episodic Aqueous Conditions Punctuated dominantly Aeolian Deposition within the Layered Sulphate-bearing Unit, Gale crater (Mars)
- Establishing the American Geophysical Union Biogeosciences Section's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
- Estimating Evapotranspiration in the Congo Basin Using Remotely-Sensed Measurements to Constrain a Terrestrial Ecosystem Model
- Estimating Forest Above Ground Biomass from Inventory Plots and Airborne Lidar: Addressing Plot Size and Uncertainty Quantification
- Estimating Phytoplankton Diversity with Intrinsic Dimensionality
- Estimating agricultural water consumption and irrigation efficiency in California using machine learning and remote sensing
- Estimating the Change in the Mutual Orbit of Dimorphos Due to the DART Impact Using Lightcurve and Radar Observations
- Estimation of the change in velocity experienced by Dimorphos in response to the DART spacecraft impact
- Evaluating Atmospheric and Surface Drivers for O2 Variations at Gale Crater as Observed by MSL SAM
- Evaluating JAXA/GOSAT two-layer XCO2 with aircraft measurements and OCO-2 MIP simulations
- Evaluating Petermann Gletscher ice-shelf basal melt and ice-stream dynamics from high-resolution InSAR data.
- Evaluating Recent Changes in Surface Elevation Models and Their Implications for the OCO-2 Bias Correction Over Northern High Latitude Regions
- Evaluating Thermal Habitat and Tidal Wetland Restoration using ECOSTRESS Surface Temperature Products in the San Francisco Estuary
- Evaluating the Application of Remote Sensing in Coastal Water Quality Monitoring Around SoCal
- Evaluating the Representations of Atmospheric Rivers and Associated Precipitation in Reanalyses with Satellite Observations
- Evaluating the Sensitivity of Spectral and Synthetic Aperture Radar-based Forest Degradation Products in the Peruvian Amazon Forest
- Evaluating the Temporal Robustness of NISAR's Cropland Mapping over a Stable and a Planting-Prevented Agricultural Region
- Evaluating the impact of absorbing aerosol on space-based NO2 retrievals using AERONET and Pandora in California
- Evaluating the potential of remote sensing-based fire fuel mapping methods across multiple fires for emissions modeling
- Evaluating the use of Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) Midwave and Thermal Infrared Band Specifications for the Detection and Retrieval of High Temperature Phenomena
- Evaluation of GNSS Radio Occultation Observations in Tropical Cyclone Environments
- Evaluation of OCO-2 XCO2 from the ACOS Version 11 Algorithm
- Evaluation of the OCO-2 and OCO-3 ACOS Data Products against TCCON
- Evaluation of the Potential of Multi-sensor Fusion for Global Flood Observation
- Expanding the time dimension of hyperspectral infrared sounding observations: designing the NUCAPS-Forecast system
- Expected particle radiation around magnetized small bodies and implications to mission design
- Experimental Study on the Phase Behavior of the H2O-THF-NH3 System at Cryogenic Temperatures: Implications for the Destabilization of Methane Clathrate Hydrates on Titan
- Exploration of the Martian subsurface by the RIMFAX Ground Penetrating Radar on the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover.
- Exploring different ITRF2020 seasonals for a reprocessing campaign
- Exploring the Interaction of Rotation Rate and Stellar Irradiation on Synchronously Rotating Sub-Neptunes
- Explosion monitoring on planetary surface with atmosphere: comparison between Mars and Earth.
- Extreme seismic challenges on the Moon: requirements for targeting the faintest seismic signals from Moon interior and those of gravitational waves.
- Farside Seismic Suite (FSS): Lunar Seismology in the Artemis Era
- Fault creep behavior on the southern San Andreas fault inferred from multi-sensor SAR observations
- Federated Digital Twins for Flood Prediction and Analysis
- Find your SWOT data at NASA PO.DAAC: Rivers, Lakes, Estuaries, and Oceans, Oh My!
- Finding Order in Chaos: Quantitative Predictors of Chaos Terrain Morphology on Europa
- Fine-Scale Sedimentary Architecture of the Jezero Western Delta Front
- First Assessment of the Dynamical State of the Didymos Binary Asteroid System Before and After the DART Impact
- First Imaging Spectroscopy Observations and Early Science from the NASA Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation
- First Light and Calibration of the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer 3 (AVIRIS-3)
- First Observations of Titan with the James Webb Space Telescope
- First Results from NASA's Salinity and Stratification at the Sea Ice Edge (SASSIE) Mission
- First Steps in Developing an Ontology of Targeting for the Planetary Data System (PDS) Archives
- First USGS Global Geologic Map of Titan
- First look at the Martian Water Ice Clouds observed by the NavCam instrument on board Mars2020 Rover, Perseverance
- First observations of seismic waves travelling through the Martian core
- Fluctuation in subsurface water inferred from GPS elastic displacements: Insight on water cycle processesand the critical zone
- Foliar trait variation in the North American Arctic-Boreal region from ABoVE imaging spectroscopy
- Forecasting Glacier Terminus Retreat Using Machine Learning
- Forest above-ground biomass retrieval from L-band full polarimetric SAR and LIDAR data using Gaussian process regression.
- Forest degradation rates and carbon changes in the Brazilian Arc of Deforestation using repeated airborne lidar
- Forward Model Emulator for Computationally Expensive UQ in Atmospheric Remote Sensing
- From Biology to Physics to Earth-System Science: Making Sense of Optical Signals for Tracking the Seasonality of Photosynthesis in Evergreen Forests
- From an Analytic Collaborative Framework to an Earth System Digital Twin for Air Quality Analysis
- Frost Detection Campaigns by the Mars Science Laboratory Mission: Results and Lessons for the Mars 2020 mission
- GGOS's Geodetic Information Portal: Linking Geodesy and Society
- GLOBE Observer's Earth System Explorers: A Scalable Virtual Internship Model to Engage Emerging Scientists in Open-Source Science
- GRACE and GRACE-FO Level 2 RL07 data processing at JPL
- Game-Based Learning for Earth Science Applications Training
- Ganymede During a Cassini State Transition
- Ganymede's interior after Juno and before JUICE
- Gently Ionizing Electrospray TOF-MS Analysis of High-Mass Organics for Icy Ocean World Studies
- Geological context and the role of methane clathrate hydrates in replenishing Titan's atmospheric CH4 – a review of recent developments
- Get Ready for SWOT: the Status of the SWOT Oceanography Calibration and Validation Campaigns
- Getting the MOST from UAVSAR: Near-Real-Time Products for Oil Spill Response
- Global 3D Climatology of Cloud Condensation Nuclei Concentrations Retrieved from Spaceborne Lidar - CALIOP/CALIPSO
- Global Distributions of Fractional Cover in Arid Lands: Early Analyses from NASA's Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation
- Global Patterns in Plant Phenolics Revealed with Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy
- Global Spatiotemporally Seamless Estimates of Mean River Discharge Extrapolated from In-Situ Observations
- Global VOC measurements from the Cross-track Infrared Sounder
- Global Volcanic Flux of Io from JIRAM-Observed Hotspots and Comparisons with Tidal Heating Models
- Global analysis of storm risk to mangroves
- Global ionospheric maps as an important tool to study large-scale ionospheric dynamics
- Global ocean, sea-ice, and ocean biogeochemistry state estimates from the Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) Consortium
- Ground-Validation and Error Attribution of Near-Surface Air Temperature from AIRS in North America
- Grounding Zone Measurements from Spaceborne Interferometric SAR as a Crucial Descriptor of the Ice Ocean Interface of Glaciers
- He/H Ratio in Solar Energetic Particle Events
- High-Latitude Observations of Dissipation-Range Turbulence By The Ulysses Spacecraft During The Solar Minimum of 1993-96
- High-Resolution Soil Moisture for the Northern Latitude Regions to Monitor Permafrost Critical for Climate Change Studies
- High-resolution Topography and Orthoimagery along the Creeping Section of the San Andreas Fault, California: Structure-from-motion Results from the QUAKES Imager
- Highly Differentiated Lavas Examined by PIXL in Jezero Crater
- How Does Gross Primary Production in Peatlands Depend on Water Table Depth? Insights Based on Satellite Retrievals of Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
- How can we use comprehensive ensembles to improve regional carbon flux estimation?
- How well can we detect plant water stress from space?
- Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the DART Impact
- Hydrologic Signals in GNSS Geodesy and Their Implications for Advancing Hydrologic Models
- Hyperspectral Soil Albedo in Earth System Models Significantly Impacts Climate Simulations
- Hypotheses for Triton's Plumes: New Analyses and Future Remote Sensing Tests
- ICESat-2 time series improve the accuracy of Greenland's subglacial bed topography mapping
- Ice flow sensitivity to high temporal resolution rifts and calving fronts at Larsen B
- Ice model initialization using time-dependent inversions and observations
- Ice to Meet You: Machine Learning Classification of Ice Blocks in Europa's Chaos Regions
- Impact of convective organization and meso-scale properties of convective systems on the water vapor isotopic composition : observations and modeling
- Impact of second order ionosphere corrections on precise orbit determination network solutions
- Impacts of snow water storage on alpine plant productivity determined from high-resolution models and drone-based measurements
- Implementation and Validation of L-Band SAR Fuel Products for the Wildfire Cycle in Conjunction with FASMEE Prescribed Burn Campaigns
- Improvement on Model Simulation of Air Quality in East Africa for NASA's MAIA Satellite Investigation
- Improving Spatial Resolution of Earth System Mass Change: A Joint Inversion of Gravimetry, Altimetry, and GNSS
- Improving gridded maps of methane emissions using plume detections as top-down constraint.
- Improving the operational coverage of MISR aerosol optical depth measurements through the implementation of a retrieval algorithm for shallow, turbid, oligotrophic, and eutrophic waters
- In-Situ Air Quality Monitoring in Ethiopia for the Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA) Investigation: Spatial and Temporal Trends in Levels and Composition of Ambient PM2.5
- In-gassing of Na, K and Cu in Lunar 15366 Green Glass Beads
- Increasing spatiotemporal proximity of heat and precipitation extremes in a warming world quantified by a large model ensemble
- Increasing the accuracy of MISR AOD retrievals over land at high aerosol loading
- Informing Science and Management of Boreal Wetland Ecosystems with Hybrid Remote Sensing of Habitat Type and Dynamics
- Informing Terrestrial Passive Radar Experimental Design Using Jupiter's Radio Emissions for Echo Detection
- Informing intra-city emission characteristics using satellite observations of CO2 and co-emitted species
- Insights into 3D cloud radiative transfer for OCO-2
- Insights into Global Aerosol Trends from 22+ Years of MISR Observations from NASA's Terra Satellite
- Insights into the Sedimentary Record and Processes of the Western Delta of Jezero crater (Mars) as observed by the Mars 2020 rover Perseverance.
- Interactions and impacts of air pollution over mega-regions and forests in the Northeastern US and East Asia
- Intercalibration of Microwave Radiometer Brightness Temperatures for the Compact Ocean Wind Vector Radiometer (COWVR) Mission
- Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) Applications for Permafrost Disturbance Studies
- Internal Tides on Europa and Implications for Surface Deformation
- International Mars Ice Mapper: Mission Concept Outline and Traceability to Decadal Survey Priorities
- Interpreting Snowmelt Events from Passive Microwave Observations
- Introducing the PDS Radio Science Sub-Node
- Investigating Long Period Seismology on Titan-In the Presence of Clathrates
- Investigating Magnetic Structure in the Inner Heliosphere using Faraday Rotation, the FETCH instrument on the MOST mission
- Investigating Projected Greenland Ice Surface Energy Balance and Surface Mass Balance this Century: Identification and Quantification of Key Model Uncertainties
- Investigating Small Area XCO2 Biases Related to Albedo Heterogeneity in OCO-3 Snapshot Area Mapping Mode
- Investigating load-induced elastic Earth deformation using a homogeneous, non-gravitating half-space method and a homogeneous, gravitating, spherical method
- Investigating the DART Impact Event with the Lucy LOng Range Reconnaissance Imager
- Investigating the Effect of Wildfires Using Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
- Investigating the Relationship Between GPS Elastic Displacements and Hydrologic Storage in Rain and Snow Dominated Watersheds
- Investigation of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from a cluster of Power Plants using OCO-3 SAM data.
- Io's Tidal Dissipation and Rotation Rate
- Ionosphere of Europa from an X-band Radio Occultation with the Juno Spacecraft
- Ionospheric Total Electron Content Perturbations Driven by Magnetospheric Ultra Low Frequency Waves
- Is True Polar Wander Recorded in Pluto's Geology?
- Is the Processing of DORIS Measurements Improved by Using the New ITRF2020-specific Station Position Modeling?
- Joint Observation of Planetary Waves from the Curiosity and Perseverance Rovers
- Juno 3-Dimensional Views of Cyclonic Features in Jupiter's Mid- to High-Northern Latitudes
- Juno Microwave Radiometer Observations of Europa's Ice Shell
- Juno Stellar Reference Unit Observations of the Jovian Satellites and Rings
- Juno-UVS Background Measurements of the High-Energy Particle Population and Morphology of the Io Plasma Torus
- Juno-UVS Observations of Europa during the PJ45 Flyby
- Jupiter's Magnetic Field and Secular Variation During Juno's First 6 Years in Orbit
- Jupiter's Thunderstorms and Environs in the North Equatorial Belt: Results from JIRAM, JunoCam, MWR and Earth-Based Observations during Perijove 38.
- Jupiter's tropospheric temperature and composition
- Ka-Band Active Radar and Passive Microwave Radiometer Smallsat Constellation Enabling Weather Intelligence Applications
- Kivu Rift Dike Intrusions: a comparison of the 2002 and 2021 Nyiragongo eruptions and associated ground deformation using InSAR data
- LICIACube "The Light Italian Cubesat for Imaging of Asteroids" in support to DART: Scientific Objectives
- LRO Diviner Observations of Lunar Red Spots: Implications for Thermophysical Properties
- LROCNet: Detecting Impact Ejecta and Older Craters on the Lunar Surface
- Laboratory Analog Experiments to Support Detection of Organics by the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover
- Lake Stars as an Analog for Europa's Manannán Crater Spider Feature
- Large-scale vegetation physiological responses to drought from multiple satellite-based observations
- Lateral Variations of the Martian Crustal Thickness from Seismological, Gravity, and Topography Data
- Latest Developments on JPL's GUARDIAN System: Stabilisation of the Near Real-Time GNSS-Based TEC Measurement Stream
- Lessons Learned from SnowEx 2022 Hackweek for Fostering Open Science Communities
- Libera's Split-shortwave Measurements and Their Application in Climate Research
- Lifting and Transport of Martian Dust by the Ingenuity Helicopter Rotor Downwash as Observed by High-Speed Imaging from the Perseverance Rove
- Lightning Characteristics of Atmospheric Rivers over the Americas Observed by GOES Geostationary Lightning Mappers
- Localization of Methane Signals in Gale Crater
- Locating the largest event observed on Mars with multi-orbit surface waves
- Location of Meteoroid Impacts on Mars Using Seismic and Acoustic Waves Data From InSight
- Long-term Observations of Smog Intensification over Northern India Associated with Aerosol-Radiation-Meteorological Feedbacks
- Looking for Acoustic Precursor Signals of Solar Eruptive Events with a new Helium D3 Instrument
- Low-temperature geothermal anomalies on La Palma Island (Spain) before the 2021 Cumbre Vieja eruption
- Lower Stratospheric Ozone Trends from Satellite Observations and GMI Chemistry Transport Model Simulations
- Lower atmospheric sounding capability from Spire and operational GNSS RO products for Arctic PBL studies
- Lunar Polar Hydrogen Mapper (LunaH-Map) Mission, Launch and Early Operations
- M2020/Perseverance Study of Atmospheric Tides and Waves at Jezero, Mars
- MODIS Data Products help to explain Environmental Conditions Leading to Desiccation of Terminal Lakes in the Great Basin of the Western United States
- Machine Learning for Predicting Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensity Changes from Passive Microwave Satellite Observations and Model Forecast
- Machine Learning is its Own Language: a Common Tool for the ML Community
- Magma Storage and Transport along Volcanic Rift Zones Constrained by Geodetic Data and Dynamical Models.
- Magnetic gradiometry techniques developed for the Psyche Magnetometry Investigation
- Making Dataset Quality Information FAIR - Supporting Open-Source Science and Enhancing (re)Use and Trustworthiness of Scientific Data
- Mapping Albedo Variations to Constrain the History of the Didymos System with Imaging from DART and LICIACube
- Mapping Major Plant Functional Types using AVIRIS-NG Image at Various Spatial Scales to Aid Wildfire Management in Boreal Alaska.
- Mapping Organic-Mineral Associations in Jezero crater
- Mapping Tropical Forest Degradation using High-Resolution Planet NICFI Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning
- Mapping Tropical Forest Tree Cover and Deforestation with NICFI Planet Imagery and Deep Learning
- Mapping Variations of Forest Structure across California using Lidar Observations from GEDI Mission and Deep-learning Model Predictions.
- Mapping tectonic and anthropogenic processes in California using ALOS-2 InSAR
- Mars 2020 MEDA Measurements of Near Surface Atmospheric Temperatures at Jezero
- Mars Perseverance RIMFAX Ground Penetrating Radar Stratigraphy of the Jezero Crater Delta / Crater Floor Contact
- Mars Sample Return Campaign Science Management Overview
- Mass Balance of Antarctica and Greenland from 1992 to 2020/2021
- Methane Emissions Decline From Reduced Oil, Natural Gas, and Refinery Production During COVID-19
- Methane Plume Mapping Over Shallow Water Offshore Oil and Natural Gas Platforms in the Gulf of Mexico
- Methane emissions show exponential inverse relationship with electrical resistivity from discontinuous permafrost wetlands in Alaska
- Methyl Detections in the Spitzer Spectra of Neptune and Uranus
- Microphysical Properties of Arctic Cold Air Outbreak Clouds
- Microwave Emission Signals Tracking the Collapse of Conger Ice Shelf
- Minerals and Other Materials Identification and Mapping with EMIT
- Minor Minerals Analyzed by PIXL – Major Insights into the Petrogenesis of Igneous Rocks in Jezero Crater from Phosphate and Fe-Ti-Cr Oxide Minerals
- Model vertical resolution determines its ability to represent the subtropical marine boundary layer
- Modeling Gas Giant Lightning in Non-Aqueous Clouds
- Modeling and Data Assimilation for the Atmosphere Observing System Mission
- Modeling and observations of OH UV-emissions in the Lunar exosphere
- Modeling earthquake-generated infrasound wavefields on Venus
- Modeling soil moisture with cumulated closure phase of interferometric SAR measurements
- Modeling the Topography of Jupiter's Moon Europa
- Modeling the effect of a regional dust storm in Jezero crater using MarsWRF mesoscale and large eddy simulations.
- Modelling of Effects of Rough Surface and Forests on P Band Reflectometry for Snow Remote Sensing
- Modelling the Spatiotemporal Dependence of Diurnal Tidal Deformation Patterns on Regional Crustal Structure at Enceladus
- Molecular Observation Networks for Enhancing Ecosystem Modeling
- Molecular Signatures of Shewanella oneidensis at Titan-like Pressures
- Monitoring Soil Moisture Changes Using Multi-band SAR Over Landslide Regions in California
- Monitoring and modeling of the Sacramento Valley aquifer (California) using geodetic and piezometric measurements
- Monitoring urban CO2 emissions from space: insights from NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory-3 (OCO-3) mission
- Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA) Level-2 Aerosol Inversion Algorithm Testing Using AirMSPI and POLDER Measurements
- Multi-Injection Event observed by Parker Solar Probe/IS☉IS in March 2022
- Multi-Instrument Uncertainty Quantification for Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Retrievals
- Multi-point and Multi-source Observations of the Electrojets by the EZIE (Electrojet Zeeman Imaging Explorer) Mission
- Multi-resolution investigation of smoke observations from the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR): the value added by MISR V23 AOD at a high spatial resolution
- Multi-scale Controls on Marine Stratocumulus: Modeling Implications
- Multisensor observations of peroxyacyl nitrates (PANs) over megacities
- NAIRAS Model Updates and Improvements to the Prediction of the Ionizing Radiation Environment from the Earth's Surface to Geospace
- NASA's DART Impact: Reshaping-induced Mutual Orbit Perturbation on (65803) Didymos
- NASA's Earth System Observatory - The Atmosphere Observation System (AOS) Polar Project
- NASA's Prototype Spectral Water Inversion Processor and Emulator (SWIPE): Towards Global Coastal and Inland Water Quality and Algal Biodiversity Monitoring
- NASA's Surface Topography and Vegetation Study and the QUAKES-I/SAR-Fusion instruments: Mapping our Changing Earth in 3D
- NEOWISE Observations of Low Production Comets Near Perihelion
- Narrowing the Latency Gap for Disaster Response and Open Science: ARIA's Analysis-Ready Displacement Data for Everyone
- Near-Simultaneous Observations of XCO2, NO2, and SO2 Over Megacities and Volcanoes From OCO-3 and GEMS
- New Constraints on the Martian Crustal Structure and Seismic Anisotropy near the Dichotomy Revealed by the Largest Marsquake Ever Recorded
- New Non-Invasive Technique for Monitoring Canopy-Scale Water Content Offers Additional Constraint on the Hysteresis of Vegetation Stress
- New Retrieval Methods and Observing Techniques for Planetary Radio Occultation Experiments
- New sea-level projections accounting for tight spatio-temporal covariances in the barystatic contributors.
- Nighttime Near-IR Imaging of Venus' Surface From Space and From Below Its Clouds
- Non-steady-state Stomatal Conductance Modeling and Its Implications: From Leaf to Ecosystem
- Numerical studies on polysulfur in Venus' atmosphere and sensitivity to poorly constrained reaction kinetics
- OCO-3 SAMs: Scheduling Performance Statistics During the Mission and Lessons Learned
- OPERA Coregistered Single Look Complex products from Sentinel-1 data
- OPERA RTC Product, Algorithm, and Validation Approach
- Observation of Algal Blooms on the Gulf of Mexico at the Mississippi River Delta with Bistatic Radar
- Observational Constraints on the Effect of Drought-Induced Allocation Shifts on Carbon Flux Recovery Time and Magnitude at Two Tropical Sites
- Observational Constraints on the Submesoscale Sea Surface Height Variance of Balanced Motion
- Observational evidence of a changing aerosol radiative forcing trend
- Observations of Energetic Particles from Parker Solar Probe/IS☉IS During the Rising Phase of Solar Cycle 25
- Observations of the DART Impact by JWST
- Observations of the Mars Year 35 E (Early) Large-Scale Regional Dust Event
- Observations of the climate near the surface of Jezero over a half Mars year
- Observed Global Photosynthesis Response to Changing Rainfall Frequency and Intensity: Contrasting Dryland and Humid Ecosystem Responses
- Observed Links Between Mesoscale Organization of Deep Convection and Variations in Tropical Clouds and the Related Radiative Heating
- On the Importance of Whistler-Mode Wave Ducting in Relativistic Electron Precipitation
- On the use of far-IR radiances in satellite retrievals: how can the observations collected half century ago help us preparing for the upcoming missions
- One million GUNW products from ARIA and counting: Enabling open-science and disaster management for everyone
- Open Innovation Invites Multidisciplinary Expertise to Address Air Quality Challenges and Inform Future NASA Missions
- Operational GRACE-FO Accelerometer Transplant Strategies
- Opportunities and Challenges using Observations and Simulated Data for Machine-Learning-Based Retrievals of Water Quality
- Opportunities and challenges in evaluating photosynthetic activity across Arctic-Boreal land cover types using solar-induced fluorescence
- Opportunities of Remote Sensing in Landslide Research
- Optical Properties of Smoke Aging from AirMSPI FIREX-AQ
- Optical Scattering in the DART Impact Plume: Preliminary Estimates of Line-of-Sight Optical Depth and Mass
- Optimal estimation of snow biophysical properties from spaceborne imaging spectrometers based on a coupled atmosphere and surface radiative transfer model
- Optimizing the Isoprene Emission Model MEGAN with Satellite and Ground-based Observational Constraints
- Orbit Period Variations of Dimorphos After the DART Impact
- Orienting Rock Cores on Mars Drilled by the Perseverance Rover for Martian Paleomagnetism Studies
- PIXL's augmented capability of detecting perchlorates and Fe-Ti-oxides using multispectral measurements
- PIXL's multispectral observations in Jezero Crater.
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Extremely 3He-Rich Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Solar Energetic Particle Event on July 9th 2022
- Particle Entrainment and Rotating Convection in Enceladus' Ocean
- Patterns and Variability of the Antarctic Sea Ice Cover Preceding the 2022 Record Minimum Extent
- Perseverance's Delta-Front Campaign in Jezero Crater, Mars
- Phantom: An Aerobot Mission to the Skies of Venus
- Photochemical modeling of seasonal and dust storm driven hydrogen escape on Mars
- Physical properties of the solar corona derived from radio scintillation observations with the Akatsuki spacecraft
- Planetary Boundary Layer Height and Profiling Characteristics from Spire GNSS-RO Data
- Post-impact Prediction of Changes to the Heliocentric Orbit of the (65803) Didymos System due to the DART Mission
- Potential Biomarkers for Titan Exploration: Lipid Analyses of Piezotolerant Microbes
- Potential and limitations of remote sensing metrics for tracking ecosystem photosynthesis: Insights from a network of tower spectrometers and aircraft data
- Powering Fire and Ice with Iron: Strong Metallic Core Dissipation Within the Galilean Satellites
- Pre and Post-Impact Observations of Didymos in Support of NASA's DART Mission
- Precipitation Microphysics in Tropical Cyclones: A Global Perspective
- Predicting methane and chlorine nitrate: Using machine learning to enhance the observational capabilities of the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS)
- Predicting seismicity using fault scaling relationships: from Mars to Venus
- Preliminary Analysis of Brightness Profiles Derived from Telescopic Observations of DART Impact Ejecta
- Preliminary Assessment of Satellite Soil Moisture and SIF Observations and Exploring their Applications in Understanding Interactions between Terrestrial Water and Carbon Cycles
- Preparing the global CMS Flux system for application to carbon flux inventories via regional-scale, observation-based evaluations
- Probing the Atmosphere and Interior Structure of Uranus with Gravity Sounding
- Progress Towards Balloon-Based Seismic Studies on Venus
- Projected future warming in high climate sensitivity models is potentially overestimated based on an emergent constraint by seasonal evolution of extratropical low clouds
- Projecting Interaction of Mineral Dust with Radiation and Its Impact on Climate
- Projections of Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Patterns and Associated Temperature and Precipitation Over the Pacific Northwest Using CMIP6 Models
- Projections of extreme humid heat for global cities at 10 km resolution
- Prolonged and Pervasive Perturbations in the Composition of the Southern Hemisphere Midlatitude Lower Stratosphere From the Australian New Year's Fires
- Pseudo-Invariant Targets for Imaging Spectroscopy Validation
- QUAKES-I Airborne Spatial and Temporal Topography and Analysis for Achieving Surface Topography and Vegetation (STV) Goals
- Quantifying Facility-Scale CO2 Emissions using OCO-2 and OCO-3
- Quantifying Land Subsidence in the Mississippi Delta Region Through Sentinel-1 InSAR Time-Series Analysis.
- Quantifying Methane Emissions Across a Diverse Set of Large Landfills in the United States and Canada
- Quantifying Methane Emissions from Land and Aquatic Ecosystems in Western Siberia from 2000 to 2021
- Quantifying Relationships Between Surface-Water Connectivity, Suspended Sediment, and Land Change in Coastal Louisiana
- Quantifying Snow Covered Area and Snow Depth in a Prairie Environment Using UAVSAR Data
- Quantifying Subsurface Water Loss During the Present Southwest U.S. Drought, 2020-2022
- Quantifying methane emissions from the global scale down to point sources using satellite observations of atmospheric methane
- Quantifying terminus ablation for 58 tidewater glaciers in Greenland over the last century
- Quantifying the Impact of Time-Dependent VSWIR Spectroscopy: Early Analyses from the SBG High-Frequency Time Series
- Quantifying the Nonstationarity of the Vertical Mass Transport at Convective Time Scales
- Quantifying the efficacy and retrieval boundaries of spectral unmixing algorithms using various endmember reduction techniques in the EMIT Science Data System
- Quantifying the impact of terrestrial carbon and nutrient discharge on the global-ocean carbon cycle over seasonal-to-interannual timescales
- Quantifying the potential influence of Arctic permafrost thawing on atmospheric CO2
- Quantifying the uncertainty and error retrievals between field methods for deriving fractional ground cover in arid lands
- RAGMAC & GLAMBIE - Initiatives for inter-comparisons exercise of regional and global glacier mass changes
- Radar Attenuation in Enceladus' Ice Shell: Obstacles and Opportunities for Constraining Shell Thickness, Chemistry, and Thermal Structure
- Radiation-Formed Color Centers of Sodium Chloride on Inner Solar System Bodies
- Radiative Transfer Modeling of Biomass Burning Plumes
- Radiative Transfer Simulations of the DART Ejecta Brightness Distribution
- Radio Crosslinks Mission Concept for Venus Atmospheric Structure with High Spatial and Temporal Resolutions
- Radio Occultation Studies of Jupiter's Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and Aurorae using the Juno Spacecraft
- Radio Occultations of the Io Plasma Torus and Gravity Science Calibrations for the Juno Prime Mission's 35 Orbits of Jupiter
- Rapid Changes in Tropical Cyclone Intensities over the Coastal Oceans: A Global Perspective
- Reanalysis Biases Limit Single Column Model Ability to Simulate Low Clouds and Turbulence
- Recent insights into dust lifting and sand motion at the surface of Mars.
- Reconcile seasonal discrepancies of net ecosystem exchange estimates between bottom-up and top-down approaches
- Refining the Science and Technology Case for an Astrophysical Imaging Spectrometer on the Interstellar Probe
- Regional scale patterns of remotely sensed methane hotspots with respect to Arctic lake change and thermokarst geomorphology
- Remote Sensing of Canopy Vegetation Water Content Vertical Structure
- Remote Sensing of Fault Slip, Fault Creep, and Landscape Change: Implications for Surface Topography and Vegetation Measurement Needs.
- Remotely Sensed Retrievals for Fractional Abundance of Quartz and Feldspar to Assess the Influence on Radiative Forcing in Earth System Models
- Resilience Assessment of Urban Road Network with Flood Damage using Remote Sensing Data
- Resilience of California's Woody Ecosystems to Precipitation Variability
- Results from the 2022 ABoVE Airborne Campaign
- Retrieving Ice Sheet Melt Water Profile Using Multi Frequency Microwave Radiometry
- Revealing the Depth and Sub-surface Structure of Ganymede's Ice Shell from Juno Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Revisiting Constraints on Ganymede's Dynamo from Spacecraft Magnetic Field Data
- Revisiting the Land-Ocean Contrasts in Deep Convective Cloud Intensity Using Global Satellite Observations
- Robust Characterization and Categorization of GNSS Stations to Enhance Utility For Earth Science
- Robust Multi-Campaign Imaging Spectrometer Methane Plume Detection using Deep Learning
- SHERLOC Raman Mineral Detections of the Mars 2020 Crater Floor Campaign
- SHERLOC investigations of the Jezero delta reveals preservation of organic compounds
- SHIFTing into an imaging spectroscopy future: SBG High-Frequency Time Series Campaign Overview
- SLICE: Self-Supervised Learning for Images of a Changing Earth
- SMAP Soil Moisture Estimation Based on Deep Neural Networks
- SWOT Science and Applications in Deltas and Estuaries: Dealing with Tides.
- San Andreas fault stress change due to groundwater withdrawal in California's Central Valley, 1860-2010
- Satellite data reveal a larger seasonal amplitude of the global carbon cycle compared to most bottom-up models
- Saturn Lyman-alpha airglow: re-assessment of the calibration of ultraviolet instruments since 1980
- Scalable Hyperspectral Inversion with Uncertainty Quantification
- Scattering of Ice Components in Pluto's Haze
- Science Expectations for the Interstellar Dust Experiment (IDEX) onboard the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP) Mission
- Science returns from a spaceborne quantum gravity gradiometer in either hybrid or standalone configuration - Results from a joint NASA/DLR study.
- Science-driven Preparations for Europa Surface Operations
- Sea Ice Characterization using Polarimetric GNSS-R from the SMAP-R Dataset
- Sea Level Observations, Science, and Applications in Support of Coastal Resilience
- Searching for Biosignatures in the Plume of Enceladus at Hypervelocity: Experimental and Theoretical Validation
- Seasonal and Daily Evolution of Fast Pressure Fluctuations at Jezero
- Seasonal changes in species specific ecophysiology within a flux tower footprint in the rainforest in Costa Rica
- Second Seismic Anchor Point of the Martian Crustal Structure Away from the InSight Landing Site
- Sedimentary Facies and Stratigraphy of the Enchanted Lake Outcrop Explored by the Perseverance Rover, Jezero Crater, Mars
- Seismic detection of a deep mantle discontinuity within Mars by InSight
- Seismo-Tectonic Context of Cerberus Fossae, Mars.
- Sensitivity of L band Vegetation Optical Depth to Canopy Height and Biomass of Global Forest Ecosystems.
- Shallow Water Ice on Mars in the Northern Mid-to-High Latitudes
- Shape from Spectra: Optimization Based Approach to Estimate Surface Geometry and Texture from Radiance
- Simulating A Context-aware Heterogeneous Sensor System for Monitoring Inland Waters and Ecosystems with 3D-CHESS
- Simulating global dynamic surface reflectances for imaging spectroscopy spaceborne missions - LPJ-PROSAIL
- Simultaneous Winds and Surface Currents from Space: ODYSEA (Ocean Dynamics and Surface Exchange with the Atmosphere)
- Soil Moisture Retrieval using Polarimetric GNSS-R from the SMAP-R Dataset
- Soil nitrogen cycling potential at watershed scales inferred from soil metagenomes and aboveground proxies detected by remote sensing
- Solar Balloon Trajectory Performance Prediction and Evaluation
- Solving Forward and Inverse Problems for Hyperspectral Satellite Remote Sensors using Principal Component Analysis
- Spatial and temporal variations in the CH4 homopause altitude at Jupiter's mid-to-high latitudes
- Spatial- and Temporal- Variations in Jupiter's Atmosphere
- Spatio-temporal Variation in Biomass of Herbaceous Wetlands across Distinct Hydrogeomorphic Zones in the Atchafalaya and Terrebonne Basins, LA, USA
- Spatiotemporal patterns of biomass mortality in Amazon rainforest in the last two decades
- Spectral Diversity in the Western Delta Fan in Jezero Crater, Mars, as Seen with Mastcam-Z on the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover
- Spectral Unmixing in the Middle- and Thermal-Infrared Can Retrieve Separate Temperatures of Vegetation and Soil or Snow in Mixed Pixels
- Spectral Variability and Mineral Abundance Modeling of Arid Dust Source Regions in Spain, Morocco, and the Southwestern US
- Spectrophotometric Properties of Materials from the Mars Science Laboratory at Gale Crater: Bradbury Landing to Cooperstown
- Spectroscopic and Kinetic Studies of the ClSO radical from Cl2SO Photolysis
- Statistical properties of internal climate variabilities for studying climate changes and potential emergent constraints
- Stoichiometric Mineral Identifications in Mars 2020 Perseverance PIXL Data using the Automated MIST Algorithm
- Strain Accumulation and Release in the Himalayas from ALOS-2 InSAR Analysis
- Submarine Melting of Antarctic Ice Shelves on Sub-annual Time Scales from CryoSat-2 and ICESat-2 Altimetry
- Suprathermal Ion Observations Associated with the Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossings by Parker Solar Probe During Encounters 7-11
- Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval and Validation Using PALSAR-2 Data Over Corn, Soybean, and Cotton Fields Through Inversion of Physical-Models
- Surface flux changes explain why oceanic air warms more than water
- Synchrotron Observations From The Juno Microwave Radiometer at Jupiter
- Synergizing P/L/C-band SAR to monitor landslides along the U.S. west coast
- Synthesizing Sinks: How Mars' Evolution Influenced the Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate
- Synthetic Dust Impact Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectra for Ongoing and Future Heliophysics Missions
- TRIDENT (The Regolith and Ice Drill for Exploring New Terrain) for the Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) and Polar Resources Ice Mining Experiment (PRIME-1)
- Temperature Trend for Clouds and Hazes in Exoplanets Atmospheres
- The 2023 PI Launchpad Workshop: Developing new PIs for NASA missions
- The 2Stream-Exact Single Scattering (2S-ESS) Radiative Transfer Model
- The Application of Remote Sensing Data, Analytical Models, and a Decision Support System to Monitor, Alert and Respond to Flood, Landslide and Wildfire Hazards Around the Globe
- The Atmospheric Dynamo at Triton
- The CPEX-AW/CV Data Portal: Challenges Making Campaign Data and Services FAIR
- The Continuity Microwave Limb Sounder (C-MLS) - Capitalizing on New Technology to Continue the MLS Record of Daily Global Middle Atmosphere Composition Observations.
- The Contribution of Satellite Measurements to CMS and a Look Forward
- The Earth Mineral dust source InvesTigation (EMIT): Instrument Performance and Initial Results
- The Effects of Instrument Noise, Forward Model Uncertainties, and Footprint Overlap on Simulated Measurements from INCUS
- The Effects of the Arctic Oscillation on Snow on Sea Ice in a Warming Arctic
- The Europa Clipper Mission: Preparing to Launch, and Onward to an Ocean World
- The First Kinetic Simulation of Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Moon Coupling. Study of Lunar Wake and Migration of Oxygen and Hydrogen from Ionosphere to the Lunar Surface
- The Geologic History of Miranda's Inverness Corona
- The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) - infrastructure for sustainable earth observation -
- The Greenhouse Gas Budget of North America 2010-2019: Results from the Second Regional Carbon Cycle and Processes study (RECCAP2)
- The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai hydration of the stratosphere
- The HyTI CubeSat mission: high spatial and spectral thermal imaging from a 6U platform
- The Impact of Plate Motions on Long-Wavelength InSAR-Derived Velocity Fields
- The Inner Edge of the Habitable Zone for Eccentric Exoplanets
- The International GNSS Service: CBIS Developments
- The International GNSS Service: Overview and Update
- The Mesoscale Contribution to Mixed Layer Temperature Budgets and Its Variation Globally
- The MethaneSAT Mission: Progress and Future Plans
- The Multi-scale Inner Structure of Coronal Streamers Imaged by WISPR/Parker Solar Probe
- The NASA INCUS Mission
- The Prospects of the SWOT Mission on Studying the Small-scale Ocean Circulation in Both the Open and Coastal Oceans
- The Psyche Magnetometry Investigation
- The Role of Planetary Magnetic Fields During the Formation of Ice Giants
- The Science Discovery Engine: An Open Science Success Story
- The Seasonal Cycle of Arctic Snow Depth: Linkages to ICESat-2 Summer Freeboards and Albedo
- The Sensitivity of Mesoscale Convective System Tracking Algorithms to Detection Thresholds and Data Resolution
- The Solenoid-based Actuator Assembly for Impact Penetrators (SIP): A Miniature Microfluidic Sample Router for Impact Penetrators
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE)
- The Three-Dimensional Stratigraphic Architecture of the Jezero Delta Front
- The Ultraviolet-Visible Spectra of Iapetus: Unique Insights into the Composition of the Dark Material
- The critical role of plant hydraulics in mediating the response of a temperate forest to water stress
- The effects of ice and precipitating clouds on Polarimetric Radio Occultation profiles
- The future of NASA Earth Science in the commercial cloud: Challenges and opportunities
- The impact of climate change on fire danger over the contiguous United States
- The physics of ITCZ narrowing under global warming captured by a simple process model
- The role of non-water-ice hydration in Ceres' near-surface regolith
- The role(s) of remote sensing in reducing methane emissions from the oil and gas supply chain
- The spectral species concept: lights and shadows of a challenging idea
- The state of global carbon cycle in 2020 and 2021
- The structure of tropospheric hazes during Jupiter's most recent Equatorial Zone disturbance
- Theory-Backed Training as a Necessary Piece to Successful Technology Transition: A Case Study of Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration and the State of New Mexico
- Thermal infrared spectroscopy of volcanic ash: From laboratory to orbital scale
- Tidal and River Discharge Seasonality Controls on Sediment Transport in Delta Islands: Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana
- Title: Forests for Forests: Combining vegetation indices and solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in random forest models improves gross primary production prediction in the Boreal Forest
- Toward a Global Surveillance System for Fusarium Wilt in a Changing Climate by integrating Remote Sensing and Aerosol Transport Modeling
- Towards Accurate Flood Forecasting in the Samoan Islands: Constraining Patterns of Vertical Land Motion using GNSS, Tide Gauge, and InSAR Time-Series Analysis
- Towards Continental Vertical Land Maps from InSAR - in anticipation of the OPERA Project Displacement Products
- Towards Predicting Diurnal Stem Radial Variations Across Ecosystems: What Role can Thermal Remote Sensing Play?
- Towards Scalable Grapevine Leafroll Virus Detection in Cabernet Sauvignon Winegrapes with Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy
- Towards a GDGPS High Accuracy Service (GDGPS HAS) for Real-Time GNSS Applications
- Towards a Machine Learning Retrieval of XCO2 from OCO-2 Radiances with Uncertainty Quantification.
- Towards a U.S. Continuity Framework for Satellite Observations of Earth's Climate and to Support Societal Resilience
- Towards an end-to-end data assimilation system for atmospheric composition with the JEDI framework.
- Towards consistent imaging spectroscopy-based global aboveground biomass retrievals in coastal wetlands across atmospheric states
- Towards operational surface water extent estimation from C-band sentinel-1 SAR imagery
- Tracking dynamic wetland vegetation communities after a flood event with airborne AVIRIS-NG, UAVSAR, UAV LiDAR, and PlanetScope data in Peace-Athabasca Delta
- Trade-offs in Functional Investments Influence Tree Mortality During 2012-2016 California Drought
- Transient, Brine-Mobilized Flows on Vesta and Ceres
- Turbocharging Convection: Moisture in the Lower Free troposphere and the Need for Observing Closely Spaced Vertical Profiles In and Near Convection
- UV Detectors and Instrumentation for Exoplanet Studies
- UVS Observations of Jupiter's Brightest Aurora of the Juno Mission: Perijove 43
- Uncertainty Reduction in Fluvial Flood Re-analysis by Assimilating SAR-derived Flood Extent Maps
- Uncovering a High-Resolution Climate Record in the Martian North Polar Layered Deposits
- Understanding Urban Heat Islands by Combining High Resolution Land Surface Temperature Observations with in-situ Air Temperature Measurements
- Understanding the Origin and Evolution Iron-Rich Worlds from Spacecraft Exploration of Asteroid (16) Psyche
- Understanding the microphysical control and spatial-temporal variability of warm rain probability using CloudSat and MODIS observations
- Unequal exposure to heatwaves as seen from space: a case study in Los Angeles
- Unraveling Regional Patterns of Sea Level Change over the Altimeter Era
- Unrest Dynamics of Domuyo Volcano, Argentina: Multiphysics Models Constrained by InSAR and Thermal Time Series
- Updates in Developing a Prototype Science Pipeline and Full-Volume, Global Hyperspectral Synthetic Data Sets for NASA's Earth System Observatory's Upcoming Surface, Biology and Geology Mission
- Updating TCCON GGG2020 data to the WMO X2019 CO2 scale and application to satellite validation
- Upscaling Mechanisms of Soil Carbon Storage and Persistence: How Many Soil Pits Does It Take to Characterize a Landscape?
- Uranus and Neptune Albedos May Need Revision
- Uranus from JWST: First Results and Comparison to Ground-Based Thermal Imaging
- Use of ATMS and COSMIC-2 to Examine Sensitivity to Lower Free Troposphere Moisture under Precipitating Conditions
- Using Atmospheric Observations to Improve the Representation of Wetland Methane Emissions in the Pantanal
- Using Bayesian Model Averaging to Develop an Observationally Constrained Ensemble of Downscaled Earth System Models to Support the Fifth U.S. National Climate Assessment
- Using Crater Statistics to Place Constraints on Resurfacing and Historic Heat Flux of Uranian Satellites Ariel and Miranda
- Using Hydrodynamic Models to Simulate SWOT Data in Coastal Areas
- Using Machine Learning to Accelerate MCMC for the CARbon DAta-MOdel fraMework
- Using Multiple-year ARM Observations to Evaluate the Impacts of Aerosol Vertical Distributions on Warm Clouds
- Using NDVI Timeseries to Infer Soil Vertical Accretion Contribution from Marsh Vegetation
- Using Planetary Radar Sounders as Solar Observatories: Characterisation of type-III bursts with SHARAD and MARSIS
- Using Satellite-based Isoprene and Formaldehyde Measurements to Assess Atmospheric Oxidation Over Biogenic Source Regions
- Using a High-Resolution Ocean Model to Determine the Best Method of Matching Satellite and In-Situ Sea Surface Salinity Data
- Using craters to explore the ages and surface properties of asteroids (65803) Didymos and Dimorphos
- Using new lightning-derived vertical total electron content data to calibrate GNSS absolute TEC
- Using remote sensing and in situ datasets to distinguish coastal from ocean sea surface temperature forcing over the last 18 years.
- Validating SMAP Soil Moisture and Vegetation Optical Depth in Forests: Summary of Activities in 2022
- Validation and Application of Satellite Derived Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) and Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Gradients in Coastal Regions: Use of the Saildrone Uncrewed Vehicle
- Validation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Hyperspectral Inversion of Common Water Quality Indicators
- Validation of NASA Satellite Sea Surface Temperature Products Using Saildrone Data
- Validation of the TROPOMI ozone profile product in the troposphere with TOLNet ground-based lidar observations
- Variable Altitude Aerobots for Venus: A Terrestrial Test Flight Demonstration
- Vegetation and Forests Effects at L Band Based on Numerical Solutions of Maxwell Equations for SMAP Applications
- Vertical cloud and velocity structure of convectively-coupled equatorial waves and the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Vulcan: Exploring Tidal Heating & Extreme Volcanism at Io
- WISER - A Customizable, Extendable Visualization and Analysis Tool for Imaging Spectroscopy Data
- Water and Temperature SVD Estimates to Improve OCO-2 XCO2 Errors
- Water status and ecosystem function of California native oaks vary with topography and microclimate
- Water vapor at Jezero Crater, Mars
- Water-group ions from Europa and Ganymede: A window into surface ice evolution
- Weaker Marine Low Cloud Response to Ascent Area Sea Surface Temperature in Long-term Warming among CMIP6 Models
- Wet carbon monitoring with remote sensing: a review of the knowledge and needs
- What else can the VERITAS gravity investigation tell us about Venus (besides gravity itself)?
- Wind Tunnel Experiments as an Analog for Sediment Motion in Planetary Systems
- Windows into Europa's Subsurface: Geologic Mapping of Key Impact Craters
- Woolsey Fire Impacts on Coastal Water Quality in Southern California
- X and Ka band Radio Occultation Sounding of Planetary Atmospheric Composition with Future Spacecraft Missions
- quantitative chemical analysis of arid and semi arid soil soils using hyperspectral longwave infrared (LWIR) ground-based data
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A Geruo
- A. A. Arendt
- A. A. Borsa
- A. A. Fraeman
- A. Adriani
- A. Anthony Bloom
- A. Bryant
- A. C. McAdam
- A. Cheng
- A. Coustenis
- A. E. Andrews
- A. E. Schuh
- A. Eldering
- A. Ermakov
- A. G. Davies
- A. G. Whittington
- A. Greco
- A. H. D. Koeppel
- A. H. Sulaiman
- A. J. Brown
- A. J. Coster
- A. Joshua West
- A. K. Diefenbach
- A. Karion
- A. Kavner
- A. Komjáthy
- A. Korpi-Lagg
- A. Longobardo
- A. Luspay‐Kuti
- A. Lyapustin
- A. M. Bramson
- A. M. Michalak
- A. M. Rymer
- A. M. Sayer
- A. M. Stickle
- A. Malakhov
- A. Masters
- A. Migliorini
- A. Mittelholz
- A. Mura
- A. O. Langford
- A. P. Barrett
- A. P. Marston
- A. Pańta
- A. R. Poppe
- A. R. Vasavada
- A. Raponi
- A. Rius
- A. Rotundi
- A. Rożek
- A. S. Brecht
- A. S. McEwen
- A. S. Reimer
- A. S. Rivkin
- A. Shepherd
- A. Springmann
- A. Steele
- A. Sánchez‐Lavega
- A. T. Russell
- A. T. Tokunaga
- A. V. Rocha
- A. Verbiscer
- A. Vourlidas
- A. W. Case
- A. W. Labrador
- A. W. Rollins
- Aaron Berg
- Aaron C. Noell
- Abdullah A. Fahad
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Abigail A. Fraeman
- Abigail Enders
- Adam Herrington
- Adam J. Burgasser
- Adam J. Mathews
- Adam Terando
- Adriana Bailey
- Adriana Parra
- Adrienne Wootten
- Agustín Sánchez‐Lavega
- Ahmad A. Tavakoly
- Akihiko Kuze
- Alain Plattner
- Alan M. Gorchov Negron
- Albert Y. Shih
- Alejandro Bodas‐Salcedo
- Alek Petty
- Alessandro Frigeri
- Alessandro Maturilli
- Alessandro Rossi
- Alex Chang
- Alex Gardner
- Alex Guenther
- Alex Mandel
- Alexander J. Turner
- Alexander L. Handwerger
- Alexander M. Hegedus
- Alexander Marshak
- Alexander Norton
- Alexandra G. Konings
- Alexandra Urgilez Vinueza
- Alexey A. Pankine
- Alexey Shiklomanov
- Ali Behrangi
- Ali Rahmati
- Alice Lucchetti
- Alicia Vaughan
- Allan H. Treiman
- Allison B. Marquardt Collow
- Allison McComiskey
- Amanda Hendrix
- Amir H. Souri
- Amir Salaree
- Amorée Hodges
- Amy E. Hofmann
- Amy J. Williams
- Anamika Shreevastava
- Ananyo Bhattacharya
- Anastasia Yanchilina
- Ana‐Catalina Plesa
- Anders Eriksson
- Anderson Luís Ruhoff
- Andrea Corpolongo
- Andrea Donnellan
- Andrea Molod
- Andrea Piacentini
- Andrea Taramelli
- Andreas Colliander
- Andreas Hueni
- Andrew Annex
- Andrew D. Parsekian
- Andrew Delman
- Andrew Gettelman
- Andrew J. Lucas
- Andrew J. Maguire
- Andrew J. Skemer
- Andrew L. Stewart
- Andrew Mullen
- Andrew P. Ingersoll
- Andrew T. Hudak
- Andrew V. Newman
- Andrey Y. Shcherbina
- André Scarlate Rovai
- Andrés Jaramillo-Botero
- Andy Dinh
- Anezina Solomonidou
- Angela G. Marusiak
- Angelica Tarpanelli
- Anirudh Prabhu
- Anna Horleston
- Anna M. Wilson
- Anthony B. Davis
- Anthony J. Mannucci
- Anthony J. Stewart
- Antoine Lucas
- Antonio J. Ricco
- António Ferraz
- Ardeshir M. Ebtehaj
- Ariel D. Anbar
- Arka Mitra
- Arlindo da Silva
- Armin Sorooshian
- Armin Wisthaler
- Aronne Merrelli
- Arya Udry
- Ashlesha Khatiwada
- Ashley P. Ballantyne
- Ashley Schoenfeld
- Ashraf Rateb
- Asier Munguira
- Astrid Maute
- Athina Peidou
- Atsushi Yamazaki
- Attilio Rivoldini
- Augusto Getirana
- Aurélien Stolzenbach
- B. Banerdt
- B. Carry
- B. D. Hamlington
- B. D. Loomis
- B. E. Smith
- B. G. Bills
- B. G. Downey
- B. H. Mauk
- B. Horgan
- B. J. Buratti
- B. J. Butler
- B. K. Meinke
- B. L. Ehlmann
- B. L. Lefer
- B. M. Jakosky
- B. McLean
- B. P. Weiss
- B. Scheuchl
- B. Toon
- Bandana Kar
- Baojian Fan
- Baptiste Cecconi
- Baptiste Chide
- Baptiste Dafflon
- Barbara Cavalazzi
- Bastiaan van Diedenhoven
- Batiste Rousseau
- Benedikt Hemmer
- Benjamin Dechant
- Benjamin Fernando
- Benjamin Gaubert
- Benjamin Hmiel
- Benjamin Holt
- Benjamin M. Jones
- Benjamin Poulter
- Benjamin R. Lintner
- Benjamín Idini
- Benoît Meyssignac
- Benoît Seignovert
- Benoît Tauzin
- Bent Ehresmann
- Bernard J. Vasquez
- Bernard Marty
- Bernd Heber
- Bert Wouters
- Bertrand Bonfond
- Bianca C. Baier
- Bin Guan
- Bin Zhao
- Binayak P. Mohanty
- Bo Wang
- Brad Weir
- Brandi Carrier
- Brandi Downs
- Brandon Rotavera
- Brendan Byrne
- Brendan J. Orenstein
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brett Buzzanga
- Brian Dzwonkowski
- Brian E. Wood
- Brian H. Kahn
- Brian J. Drouin
- Brian J. Enquist
- Brian Jackson
- Brian L. Thomas
- Brian McDonald
- Brian R. Elbing
- Brigitte Knapmeyer‐Endrun
- Brooke Medley
- Bruce Chapman
- Bruno L. De Faria
- Bryce Currey
- C. A. Nixon
- C. A. Raymond
- C. A. Thomas
- C. B. Phillips
- C. Briois
- C. C. Walker
- C. D. Parkinson
- C. Elder
- C. G. Piecuch
- C. Hain
- C. Hardgrove
- C. I. Honniball
- C. J. A. Howett
- C. J. Bierson
- C. J. Ebinger
- C. J. Gleason
- C. J. Heale
- C. J. Mertens
- C. Keegan
- C. Kreemer
- C. M. Dundas
- C. M. Elder
- C. M. Ernst
- C. M. Hartzell
- C. M. Lisse
- C. M. Oaida
- C. M. Pieters
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. M. Weitz
- C. O. Ao
- C. Paranicas
- C. Perrin
- C. R. Lawrence
- C. R. Neal
- C. R. Nowlan
- C. S. Edwards
- C. S. Paty
- C. Sotin
- C. T. Russell
- C. W. D. Milliner
- C. Warneke
- C. Wauthier
- Cameron G. MacDonald
- Camille Risi
- Can Li
- Carl C. Trettin
- Carlos Augusto Bauer Aquino
- Carlos Pérez García‐Pando
- Carol Anne Clayson
- Carolina Martin-Rubio
- Caroline A. Famiglietti
- Caroline Beghein
- Caroline Coward
- Carène Larmat
- Cassandra Nickles
- Catherine Mitchell
- Cathleen E. Jones
- Cathy Quantin‐Nataf
- Cecilia Durán
- Celso Silva
- Chad A. Greene
- Changkun Li
- Chao Liu
- Chao Wang
- Chaowei Yang
- Charles E. Miller
- Charles G. Bardeen
- Charles S. Zender
- Charles W. Smith
- Charlotte Mason
- Charuleka Varadharajan
- Chelsea E. Stockwell
- Chen Bin
- Chen Ji
- Cheng Dang
- Cheng Li
- Cherie Achilles
- Chet Ruszczyk
- Chloe A. Whicker
- Chloé Michaut
- Chris Hill
- Chris O’Dell
- Christa D. Peters‐Lidard
- Christian Möstl
- Christian Tate
- Christina M. Aragon
- Christina Schädel
- Christine F. Waigl
- Christoph Baranec
- Christoph Kern
- Christopher A. Shuman
- Christopher D. K. Herd
- Christopher Erdmann
- Christopher Gerekos
- Christopher R. German
- Christopher R. Glein
- Christopher S. Lowry
- Christopher Spence
- Christopher Y. S. Wong
- Christos Matsoukas
- Christy Swann
- Chuanfei Dong
- Cibele Hummel do Amaral
- Cinzia Zuffada
- Claudia Cenedese
- Colin Raymond
- Colin Wilson
- Colleen Mortimer
- Colm Sweeney
- Constantinos Charalambous
- Corentin Caudron
- Corey J. Cochrane
- Courtney Schumacher
- Craig A. Taatjes
- Craig Brinkerhoff
- Cristina González-Flórez
- Cristina Re
- Cristina Reche
- Cynthia Gerlein‐Safdi
- Cynthia Rosenzweig
- Cédric G. Fichot
- Cédric H. David
- Cédric Schmelzbach
- Cédric Twardzik
- D. A. Williams
- D. Agarwal
- D. Breuer
- D. C. Nunes
- D. C. Richardson
- D. D. Blankenship
- D. E. Lalich
- D. F. Blake
- D. F. Strobel
- D. Feldman
- D. G. Mitchell
- D. H. Crider
- D. J. Gershman
- D. J. Lawrence
- D. J. McComas
- D. J. Stevenson
- D. K. Henze
- D. L. Hysell
- D. Lario
- D. M. Kass
- D. M. Ricciuto
- D. N. Huntzinger
- D. N. Wiese
- D. P. Edwards
- D. P. Winebrenner
- D. R. Ardila
- D. Ruffolo
- D. Spadaro
- D. Turrini
- D. W. Ming
- D. W. Tarasick
- Dai Yamazaki
- Daisuke Goto
- Dalia Kirschbaum
- Danica Adams
- Daniel B. Seaton
- Daniel B. Williams
- Daniel Bowman
- Daniel Cheng
- Daniel H. Cusworth
- Daniel J. Scheeres
- Daniel J. Varon
- Daniel Jensen
- Daniel Lo
- Daniel P. Glavin
- Daniel Pacheco
- Daniel Sousa
- Daniel T. Trugman
- Daniel Wesloh
- Daniel Zimmerle
- Daniele Antonangeli
- Daniele Durante
- Dar A. Roberts
- Dara Entekhabi
- David A. Randall
- David A. Sutherland
- David Arge Klevang Pedersen
- David B. Wexler
- David Bekaert
- David Butman
- David C. Catling
- David Crisp
- David D. Turner
- David Dralle
- David Flannery
- David L. Osborn
- David Lagomasino
- David M. Rubin
- David M. Winker
- David Mechem
- David Mimoun
- David R. Bowling
- David R. Ciardi
- David R. Thompson
- David Saah
- David Shean
- Debra Wunch
- Deepti Singh
- Denis Felikson
- Denis Grodent
- Dennis Baldocchi
- Derek J. Posselt
- Devanarayana Rao Mohan Rao
- Devin S. Chu
- Diego G. Miralles
- Dien Wu
- Dimitris Menemenlis
- Dirk Plettemeier
- Dominik Fahrner
- Donald F. Argus
- Donald Hampton
- Donald M. Hassler
- Donald Slater
- Dong L. Wu
- Donglei Fu
- Dongmin Lee
- Dongyu Feng
- Dorian S. Abbot
- Dorina Murgulet
- Dorothy K. Hall
- Douglas A. Caldwell
- Douglas A. Wiens
- Doyeon Kim
- Doğacan Öztürk
- Drew C. Pendergrass
- Duane E. Waliser
- Dustin Buccino
- Dustin Carroll
- Dustin M. Schroeder
- Dustin Roten
- Dylan B. A. Jones
- Dylan B. Millet
- E. A. Cherrington
- E. A. Cloutis
- E. A. Jensen
- E. A. Kort
- E. A. Silber
- E. A. Sproles
- E. B. Rampe
- E. Bertin
- E. C. Pavlis
- E. Cardarelli
- E. Ciracì
- E. D. Kyzivat
- E. Dehouck
- E. Dotto
- E. E. DeLuca
- E. E. Palmer
- E. G. Rivera-Valentín
- E. H. Lay
- E. Heggy
- E. J. Bunce
- E. J. Fielding
- E. J. Hyer
- E. J. L. Larson
- E. J. Mlawer
- E. Klein
- E. L. Moreland
- E. Marteau
- E. Mazarico
- E. Mazzotta Epifani
- E. N. Jack Brookshire
- E. Natasha Stavros
- E. P. Nowottnick
- E. P. Turtle
- E. R. Ivins
- E. R. Jawin
- E. Roussos
- E. S. Shoemaker
- Ed Rhodes
- Edward A. G. Schuur
- Edward Castañeda‐Moya
- Edward H. Bair
- Edward Kim
- Edward Molter
- Edwin S. Kite
- Efrén López‐Blanco
- Ehsan Jalilvand
- Ehud Strobach
- Ekaterina Landgren
- Ekena Rangel Pinagé
- Elena Scire
- Eli Galanti
- Elias Massoud
- Elias N. Mansbach
- Elias Odelstad
- Elise Clavé
- Elizabeth B. Wiggins
- Elizabeth Berg
- Elizabeth E. Westbrook
- Elizabeth H. Altenau
- Elizabeth Hoy
- Elizabeth Hunke
- Elizabeth K. Williams
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Elizabeth Weatherhead
- Elizabeth Wig
- Ella Sciamma-O’Brien
- Ellen Knappe
- Ellyn M. Enderlin
- Elsa M. Ordway
- Elvira Astafyeva
- Emanuele Simioni
- Emily Berndt
- Emily V. Fischer
- Emre Havazlı
- Enqing Hou
- Eoin L. Brodie
- Eric A. D’Asaro
- Eric Anderson
- Eric G. Cosio
- Eric J. Fetzer
- Eric Rignot
- Eric Villard
- Erica McCormick
- Erika Hamden
- Erin E. McDuffie
- Erin L. Hestir
- Erin Leonard
- Erin Robinson
- Ernesto Rodríguez
- Eryn Cangi
- Esra Bulbul
- Ethan E. Butler
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- Eunjee Lee
- Eunsang Cho
- Eva L. Scheller
- F. Allegrini
- F. Altieri
- F. Bagenal
- F. C. Seidel
- F. Capaccioni
- F. Chevallier
- F. G. Carrozzo
- F. Joseph Turk
- F. Nimmo
- F. Tosi
- F. Vachier
- F. W. Landerer
- F. Zambon
- Fabian Klenner
- Fabian Wunderlich
- Fabiano Oyafuso
- Fabien Kenig
- Fabien Wagner
- Fabienne Maignan
- Fabrice Ardhuin
- Fabrizio De Marchi
- Faisal Hossain
- Fan Mei
- Farrukh Chishtie
- Feiqin Xie
- Felix Vogel
- Fenix Garcia‐Tigreros
- Fernando Aristizabal
- Fernando Romero Galvan
- Flavio Petricca
- Florian Pappenberger
- Foivos Karakostas
- Francesco Pecora
- Francisco Ochoa
- Franck Montmessin
- Frank Flechtner
- Frank Werner
- Franklin P. Mills
- François‐Marie Bréon
- Frederick M. Bingham
- G. A. Catania
- G. A. Grubbs
- G. A. Morgan
- G. Bellucci
- G. Blewitt
- G. Bryden
- G. C. Ho
- G. Clark
- G. Cremonese
- G. Di Achille
- G. Filacchione
- G. H. Halverson
- G. Keppel‐Aleks
- G. L. Manney
- G. M. Holsclaw
- G. M. Mason
- G. Martínez
- G. Martı́nez
- G. Peltzer
- G. Piccioni
- G. R. Gladstone
- G. R. Tremblay
- G. Ricker
- G. Rinaldi
- G. S. Diskin
- Gabriel B. Senay
- Gabriele Arnold
- Gael Cascioli
- Gang Chen
- Ganna Portyankina
- Gary N. Geller
- Ge Peng
- Geir Moholdt
- Gen K. Li
- George C. Hurtt
- George H. Allen
- Georgina M. Sanchez
- Gerald G. Mace
- Gerard Salter
- Ghassan Taha
- Gilberto Pastorello
- Glenn S. Orton
- Glynn Hulley
- Go Iwahana
- Go Murakami
- Gonzalo González Abad
- Graeme L. Stephens
- Grant M. Domke
- Greg M. McFarquhar
- Greg Michael
- Gregory H. Jones
- Gregory R. Goldsmith
- Gregory R. Quetin
- Gregory S. Okin
- Guanyu Huang
- Guido Grosse
- Guillaume Gronoff
- Guofang Miao
- Guosheng Wu
- Gurjeet Singh
- Gustavo H. X. Shiroma
- Géraldine Zenhäusern
- H. A. Chandanpurkar
- H. A. Weaver
- H. C. F. C. Hay
- H. E. Gillespie
- H. F. Mark
- H. Fuqua Haviland
- H. G. Sizemore
- H. K. Ramapriyan
- H. Korth
- H. M. Worden
- H. R. Dietterich
- H. Rauer
- H. Sana
- H. T. Intema
- H. T. Smith
- H. Takahashi
- Hamid Sana
- Hannah Clark
- Hannah Kerner
- Hannah Nesser
- Hanqin Tian
- Hans‐Peter Marshall
- Harald Stark
- Haruko M. Wainwright
- Hasan Shareef Ahmed
- Heather Fischer
- Heather Meyer
- Heidi N. Becker
- Heikki Vanhamäki
- Helga do Rosário Gomes
- Henri Samuel
- Henrik Melin
- Henryk Dobslaw
- Hideki Kobayashi
- Hideo Aochi
- Hilary R. Martens
- Himanshu Save
- Hirofumi Ohyama
- Hiroki Ando
- Hisham Eldardiry
- Holly Croft
- Housen Chu
- Hugh Coe
- Hui Su
- Huikyo Lee
- Huilin Gao
- Huiqun Wang
- Hyodae Seo
- Hyungsuk Kimm
- Hélène Brogniez
- Hélène Seroussi
- I. B. Glenn
- I. B. Smith
- I. J. Daubar
- I. Jun
- I. Matsuyama
- I. N. Razlivanov
- Ian Baker
- Ian Fenty
- Ian T. Baker
- Ibrahim Nourein Mohammed
- Ichiro Fukumori
- Ignacio Gatti
- Imke de Pater
- Inès Otosaka
- Irina Petropavlovskikh
- Isabelle De Smedt
- Isamu Morino
- Isla H. Myers‐Smith
- Itziar Irakulis-Loitxate
- Ivan di Stefano
- J. A. Grant
- J. A. Hurowitz
- J. A. Rodriguez-Manfredi
- J. A. Slavin
- J. A. de Gouw
- J. B. Garvin
- J. B. Gilman
- J. B. Miller
- J. B. Snively
- J. Bapst
- J. Berthier
- J. Blake Clark
- J. C. E. Irving
- J. C. Kasper
- J. D. Stopar
- J. D. Tarnas
- J. David Neelin
- J. E. C. Scully
- J. E. P. Connerney
- J. F. Drake
- J. G. Mitchell
- J. G. O’Rourke
- J. H. Crawford
- J. H. Waite
- J. H. Westlake
- J. Helbert
- J. I. Moses
- J. J. Kavelaars
- J. J. Plaut
- J. Jiménez-Martín
- J. L. Eigenbrode
- J. L. Freiherr von Forstner
- J. L. Hora
- J. L. Molaro
- J. L. Semeter
- J. L. Verniero
- J. L. Whitten
- J. M. Ajello
- J. M. Bauer
- J. M. Nevitt
- J. M. Raines
- J. M. Stock
- J. M. Sunshine
- J. M. Trigo-Rodríguez
- J. Masiero
- J. Maurer
- J. Michael Battalio
- J. N. H. Abrahams
- J. N. McElwaine
- J. P. DiGangi
- J. P. Morgenthaler
- J. P. Walsh
- J. P. Williams
- J. Peischl
- J. R. Brucato
- J. R. Johnson
- J. R. Spencer
- J. R. Szalay
- J. R. Whetstone
- J. S. Rankin
- J. Schools
- J. Scott Evans
- J. Stansberry
- J. Stutz
- J. T. Clarke
- J. T. Keane
- J. T. Niehof
- J. T. Reager
- J. Tamminen
- J. Thomas Farrar
- J. W. Gjerloev
- J. W. Head
- J. W. Holt
- J. de León
- J.A. Caggiano
- Jack Elston
- Jack Tarricone
- Jack Willard
- Jacob Bortnik
- Jake Lee
- James Badro
- James Campbell
- James Hall
- James L. Garrison
- James McDuffie
- James R. Holmquist
- James Sinclair
- James T. Haber
- James T. Randerson
- Jamie M. Jasinski
- Jamin S. Greenbaum
- Jared Espley
- Jason D. Hofgartner
- Jason Kooi
- Jason M. Soderblom
- Jason P. Briner
- Jasper F. Kok
- Jay Parker
- Jayaram Hariharan
- Jean Pierre Ometto
- Jean Pierre Paul de Vera
- Jeanne Sauber
- Jeannine Cavender‐Bares
- Jean‐Baptiste Vincent
- Jean‐Claude Gérard
- Jean‐Pierre Wigneron
- Jean‐Yves Chaufray
- Jean–Paul Montagner
- Jeff Dozier
- Jeffery D. Tippmann
- Jeffrey B. Basara
- Jeffrey M. Moore
- Jeffrey S. Reid
- Jeng‐Hwa Yee
- Jennifer E. Johnson
- Jennifer M. Jackson
- Jennifer Wei
- Jens Redemann
- Jeremy Bloxham
- Jesse Loveridge
- Jessica M. Weber
- Jessica V. Fayne
- Jesús Yus-Díez
- Ji Hoon Kim
- JiHyun Kim
- Jiaming Wen
- Jianglong Zhang
- Jianping Mao
- Jian‐Yang Li
- Jiaqi Li
- Jiazheng Li
- Jie Gong
- Jim J. Lin
- Jim Thomson
- Jingfeng Xiao
- Jingnan Guo
- Joachim Meyer
- Joachim Saur
- Joan E. Ball-Damerow
- Joan Francesc Muñoz-Martín
- Joanna Joiner
- Joannes D. Maasakkers
- Joaquim I. Goés
- Jocelyn M. Lavallee
- Jocelyn Turnbull
- Joel A. Thornton
- John B. Rundle
- John C. Lin
- John D. Wilding
- John E. Yorks
- John Leif Jørgensen
- John M. Klinck
- John Rayner
- John S. Kimball
- John T. Fasullo
- John T. Sullivan
- John Volk
- Johnathan Hair
- Jon M. Jenkins
- Jon M. Wells
- Jonathan D. Slavin
- Jonathan H. Jiang
- Jonathan I. Lunine
- Jonathan J. Fortney
- Jonathan Wang
- Jong‐Hoon Jeong
- Jooil Kim
- Jordan A. Caraballo‐Vega
- Jordan M. Bretzfelder
- Jorge Núñez
- Jorge Pla‐García
- Jorge Vázquez-Cuervo
- Jose Gómez-Valdés
- Josef Dufek
- Joseph A. Berry
- Joseph A. Santanello
- Joseph Galewsky
- Joseph H. Kennedy
- Josh Willis
- Joshua A. Kammer
- Joshua B. Fisher
- Joshua D. Shutter
- Joshua L. Laughner
- Joshua N. Winn
- Josipa Majstorović
- José M. Ferrándiz
- José M.G. Merayo
- Juan Cuesta
- Juan Manuel Madariaga
- Judit González-Santana
- Julia C. Yang
- Julia Marshall
- Julia Sushkova
- Julianne Davis
- Julianne J. Miller
- Julie Castillo‐Rogez
- Jun Hu
- Jun Wang
- Junjie Liu
- Junle Jiang
- Justin Buck
- Justin Deighan
- Justin I. Simon
- Justin N. Maki
- Justin Nghiem
- Justin Quinn
- Jérémy Dargent
- K. A. Bennett
- K. C. Cushman
- K. Chance
- K. F. Tiampo
- K. H. Williford
- K. Herbst
- K. K. Khurana
- K. L. Siebach
- K. M. Soderlund
- K. Mandt
- K. Moore
- K. N. Singer
- K. P. Hand
- K. R. Verhulst
- K. Reath
- K. Stephan
- K. W. Bowman
- K.‐M. Aye
- Kai Kornhuber
- Kaiyu Guan
- Kai‐Lan Chang
- Kang Wang
- Kareem Sorathia
- Karen H. Rosenlof
- Karen Yuen
- Karina Jimenez
- Karthik Venkataramani
- Kate Maher
- Katherine R. Travis
- Kathleen L. Craft
- Kathryn McKain
- Katia Lamer
- Katja Großmann
- Kaylin Bugbee
- Kazumasa Iwai
- Kazuyuki Miyazaki
- Kelley C. Wells
- Kelly Devlin
- Kelly Luis
- Kelly O'Neill
- Kennedy O. Doro
- Kenneth Hurst
- Kenneth J. Davis
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kentaroh Suzuki
- Kerry Cawse‐Nicholson
- Kerstin Schepanski
- Kevin Bulthuis
- Kevin C. Cossel
- Kevin J. Nelson
- Kevin L. Griffin
- Kevin M. Smalley
- Kevin R. Turpie
- Kevin Schaefer
- Kevin Shionalyn
- Khosro Ghobadi‐Far
- Kimberley A. Corwin
- Kimberley Miner
- Kimberly A. Casey
- Kimberly P. Wickland
- Kimberly Strong
- King Fai Li
- Kiri L. Wagstaff
- Kirk Knobelspiesse
- Kirk Ullmann
- Klára Kalousová
- Konstantinos M. Andreadis
- Krishna M. Jain
- Kristel Chanard
- Kristi Chadwick
- Kristian K. Kjeldsen
- Kristina J. Anderson‐Teixeira
- Kristopher B. Karnauskas
- Kunio M. Sayanagi
- Kuo-Nung Wang
- Kurt D. Retherford
- Kurt D. Retherford
- Kyla Drushka
- Kyle A. Arndt
- Kyle R. Kovach
- Kyle Wright
- Kyongsik Yun
- Kyra H. Adams
- L. A. Balmaceda
- L. C. Quick
- L. C. Smith
- L. E. Bonnefoy
- L. Golub
- L. H. Pitcher
- L. Iess
- L. K. Emmons
- L. K. Jian
- L. K. Tamppari
- L. Kepko
- L. L. Bourgeau-Chavez
- L. M. Burkhard
- L. M. Carter
- L. Montabone
- L. Ruby Leung
- L. T. Berner
- L. T. Iraci
- L. W. Beegle
- Larry Di Girolamo
- Laura Blackstone
- Laura Duncanson
- Laura Piedelobo
- Laura Suárez-Gutiérrez
- Lauren A. Edgar
- Lauren Abrahams
- Lauren C. Andrews
- Laurent Longuevergne
- Laurie Padman
- Lawrence Mudryk
- Lazaros Oreopoulos
- Leah D. Grant
- Leanne Lestak
- Lee‐Lueng Fu
- Lei Huang
- Lei Ma
- Leigh N. Fletcher
- Leo J. Donner
- Leonardo Regoli
- Leonidas A. Moustakas
- Lesley Wyborn
- Levan Lomidze
- Li Zhang
- Liam Bindle
- Liang Xu
- Lifen Jiang
- Lin Gu
- Lin Meng
- Linette N. Boisvert
- Lingcheng Li
- Lionel Wilson
- Lisa Grant Ludwig
- Lisamarie Windham‐Myers
- Liuwei Xu
- Lola Fatoyinbo
- Lorenz Roth
- Lotfi Ben‐Jaffel
- Lu Pan
- Lu Shen
- Luca Cortese
- Lucas Liuzzo
- Luciana Fenoglio-Marc
- Lucy J. Carpenter
- Luis Gomez Casajus
- Luke D. Ziemba
- Luke Tremblay
- Lun Gao
- Lunjin Chen
- Léo Martire
- M. A. Fenn
- M. A. Friedl
- M. A. Janssen
- M. A. Merrifield
- M. A. Mischna
- M. A. Parsons
- M. A. Ravine
- M. B. Magnani
- M. Burleigh
- M. Bzowski
- M. Běhounková
- M. C. De Sanctis
- M. C. Malin
- M. C. Nolan
- M. Ciarniello
- M. D. Dyar
- M. D. Lebsock
- M. D. Smith
- M. Delcroix
- M. Drilleau
- M. E. Banks
- M. E. Cameron
- M. E. Hill
- M. E. Landis
- M. E. Litvak
- M. E. Schmidt
- M. Femke de Jong
- M. Ferrari
- M. Flanner
- M. Formisano
- M. Francesca Cotrufo
- M. Froment
- M. Fulle
- M. G. Kivelson
- M. G. Trainer
- M. Giuranna
- M. Golombek
- M. Grott
- M. H. Hecht
- M. Hartinger
- M. Horányi
- M. I. Desai
- M. J. Brodzik
- M. J. Croteau
- M. J. Garay
- M. J. Newchurch
- M. L. Rilee
- M. L. Santee
- M. Lessard
- M. N. Hughes
- M. Nachon
- M. O. Fillingim
- M. P. Panning
- M. Pajola
- M. Park
- M. Piquette
- M. Pulupa
- M. Pätzold
- M. R. Argall
- M. Ralph
- M. Romoli
- M. S. Bramble
- M. S. Gilmore
- M. S. Ramsey
- M. Samara
- M. Shirzaei
- M. Simons
- M. Syndonia Bret‐Harte
- M. T. Lemmon
- M. T. Thorpe
- M. T. Zuber
- Mackenzie Day
- Madeleine Pascolini‐Campbell
- Maggie Bowman
- Maisie F. Rashman
- Majd Mayyasi
- Maksym Petrenko
- Mallory L. Barnes
- Manil Maskey
- Manisha Ganeshan
- Manuel de la Torre Juárez
- Marc L. DeRosa
- Marc Neveu
- Marc Simard
- Marcin Witek
- Marco Mastrogiuseppe
- Marco Zannoni
- Marcos Longo
- Margaux Winter
- Maria Elena Innocenti
- Maria J. Chinita
- Maria J. Santos
- Maria Rugenstein
- Maria Womack
- Maria Z. Hakuba
- Mariah Baker
- Marie Wingyee Lau
- Mario D'Amore
- Mario Damiano
- Marissa F. Vogt
- Mark A. Sephton
- Mark A. Trigg
- Mark Bakker
- Mark Perry
- Mark R. Drinkwater
- Mark Richardson
- Mark Smalley
- Mark Weber
- Markus Bill
- Markus D. Foote
- Markus Reichstein
- Markus Scheucher
- Marshall J. Styczinski
- Martha C. Anderson
- Martijn Pallandt
- Martin A. Reiss
- Martin Knapmeyer
- Martin Rubin
- Martin Sehnal
- Martin van Driel
- Martina Klose
- Martina Stockhause
- Mary Whelan
- Mary-Grace Bato
- Maryam Abdi‐Oskouei
- María Paz Zorzano
- Masatoshi Hirabayashi
- Mason Perry
- Mathias Benn
- Mathias Goeckede
- Mathieu Choukroun
- Mathieu Morlighem
- Mathilde Kervazo
- Matija Herceg
- Matthew Bonnema
- Matthew Bromley
- Matthew J. Oliver
- Matthew J. West
- Matthew Laffin
- Matthew M. Coggon
- Matthew R. Mazloff
- Matthew R. Siegfried
- Matthew Rodell
- Matthew Route
- Matthew S. Johnson
- Matthew S. Tiscareno
- Matthew Sylvest
- Matthieu Plasman
- Mauro Sérgio Ferreira Santos
- Max Collinet
- Maya Garcı́a-Comas
- Mayumi C. M. Hirye
- Maël Es-Sayeh
- Mead A. Allison
- Meghan T. Hayden
- Melanie Engram
- Melanie R. Fewings
- Melinda Webster
- Melissa K. Ward Jones
- Melissa L. Wrzesien
- Melody Avery
- Mengxi Wu
- Mengze Li
- Merritt E. Harlan
- Mian Chin
- Michael A. Shook
- Michael Durand
- Michael F. Vansco
- Michael H. Cosh
- Michael H. Wong
- Michael J. Malaska
- Michael J. Mills
- Michael Keller
- Michael L. Eastwood
- Michael L. Stevens
- Michael M. Sori
- Michael M. Tice
- Michael N. Weintraub
- Michael O’Sullivan
- Michael P. Lamb
- Michael Steele
- Michael T. Roman
- Michael W. Davis
- Michael W. Liemohn
- Michael Wolff
- Michaela I. Hegglin
- Michel Bechtold
- Midhun Mohan
- Miguel Ramos
- Miguel Ricardo A. Hilario
- Mikael Witte
- Min Chen
- Min Huang
- Ming Pan
- Ming Zhao
- Minghuai Wang
- Mingjie Shi
- Mitchell M. Shen
- Mitchio Okumura
- Mohamed Ahmed
- Mohammad J. Tourian
- Mohammad Mousavi
- Mohit Melwani Daswani
- Morgan L. Cable
- Mukund Palat Rao
- Myungje Choi
- N. A. Ritchey
- N. A. Schwadron
- N. C. Schmerr
- N. E. Petro
- N. E. Raouafi
- N. G. Heavens
- N. Gopalswamy
- N. J. Livesey
- N. Krupp
- N. L. Chabot
- N. Lanza
- N. M. Mahowald
- N. M. Viall
- N. Mangold
- N. Nitta
- N. P. Molotch
- N. R. Izenberg
- N. Stein
- Nancy H. F. French
- Naomi Rowe-Gurney
- Natalia Wójcicka
- Natalie A. Griffiths
- Natalie S. Wolfenbarger
- Nathan Dadap
- Nathan Thomas
- Nayeong Cho
- Neal J. Turner
- Ni Dai
- Nicholas C. Parazoo
- Nicholas D. Ward
- Nicholas Holschuh
- Nicholas J. Tosca
- Nicholas LaHaye
- Nicholas Lau
- Nicholas M. Schneider
- Nickolay A. Krotkov
- Nicola Falco
- Nicolas Delbart
- Nicoleta Cristea
- Nicole‐Jeanne Schlegel
- Nienke Brinkman
- Nikolaj Dahmen
- Niloufar Abolfathian
- Nils Müller
- Nima Madani
- Nimrod Gavriel
- Ning Zeng
- Nishan Kumar Biswas
- Noah S. Brauer
- Nobuaki Fuji
- Norma Salinas
- Noël Gourmelen
- O. F. Jonah
- O. Forni
- O. Malandraki
- O. P. Verkhoglyadova
- Oliver King
- Oliver L. Stephenson
- Oliver Warr
- Olivier S. Barnouin
- Oscar Schofield
- Otto Lamminpää
- P. A. Delamere
- P. C. Griffith
- P. Corlies
- P. E. J. Nulsen
- P. Elósegui
- P. H. Phipps
- P. J.
- P. J. Espy
- P. J. Rayner
- P. K. Byrne
- P. Kollmann
- P. Lognonné
- P. Lundgren
- P. M. Chadwick
- P. O. Hayne
- P. O. Wennberg
- P. Palumbo
- P. R. Mahaffy
- P. R. Moorcroft
- P. R. Thompson
- P. R. Veres
- P. Racioppa
- P. V. Johnson
- P. W. Valek
- P. Y. Meslin
- Pamela Cambianica
- Panagiotis Vergados
- Paola Passalacqua
- Pascal Matte
- Patrick A. Taylor
- Patrick Alken
- Patrick Heimbach
- Patrick Michel
- Paul A. Levine
- Paul Bates
- Paul C. Loikith
- Paul G. Steffes
- Paul Ginoux
- Paul I. Palmer
- Paul J. Hanson
- Paul Rosen
- Paul Sánchez
- Paul W. Stackhouse
- Paul W. Staten
- Paul Withers
- Paulett C. Liewer
- Pavel Inchin
- Pavlos Kollias
- Peng Xian
- Pengfei Yu
- Perianne Johnson
- Perry A. Gerakines
- Peter Addison
- Peter Gaube
- Peter Kettig
- Petra Šímová
- Philip Brunner
- Philip G. Brodrick
- Philip Marsh
- Philip Stier
- Philipp Köhler
- Philippa M. Molyneux
- Philippe Lognonné
- Phillip Hess
- Pierre Beck
- Pierre Gentine
- Pierre Henri
- Pierre‐Emmanuel Kirstetter
- Pietro Milillo
- Ping Yang
- Piyushkumar N. Patel
- Priyaben Patel
- Q. Nénon
- Q. Zong
- Qi Tang
- Qian Gong
- Qianlai Zhuang
- Qing Yue
- Qiqi Cao
- Quancheng Huang
- Quentin Brissaud
- R. A. Ferrare
- R. A. Howard
- R. A. Mewaldt
- R. A. Yingst
- R. Arrowsmith
- R. B. Anderson
- R. Bandyopadhyay
- R. Bučík
- R. C. Allen
- R. C. Ghail
- R. C. Weber
- R. D. Strauss
- R. E. Arvidson
- R. E. Grimm
- R. E. Milliken
- R. G. French
- R. G. West
- R. Gellert
- R. Gens
- R. H. Varney
- R. Hueso
- R. Ilie
- R. J. Michaelides
- R. K. Achterberg
- R. L. Klima
- R. L. McNutt
- R. L. Storer
- R. Lolachi
- R. Lopes-Gautier
- R. M. Candey
- R. M. Dewey
- R. M. E. Williams
- R. Michell
- R. N. Greenberger
- R. Noschese
- R. Orosei
- R. P. Barnes
- R. Pappalardo
- R. Paul Lawson
- R. Politi
- R. R. Ghent
- R. Rankin
- R. S. Nerem
- R. Srama
- R. T. Daly
- R. W. Ebert
- R. W. Portmann
- R. Wilson
- R.L. Kleinberg
- Rachel L. Lamb
- Rachel Woods‐Robinson
- Rahil Makadia
- Ralph A. Kahn
- Ralph D. Lorenz
- Ralph F. Keeling
- Ramanakumar Sankar
- Ramon Padullés
- Randall V. Martin
- Randi R. Jandt
- Raphael M. Kudela
- Raphael M. Tshimanga
- Raphael Marschall
- Raphaël Garcia
- Rashmi Shah
- Ray F. Weiss
- Ray Nassar
- Ray Wang
- Rebecca Bendick
- Rebecca L. Caravan
- Rebecca R. Buchholz
- Reetam Majumder
- Regine Hock
- Renato K. Braghiere
- Renato Prata de Moraes Frasson
- Renyu Hu
- René Orth
- René Stübi
- Ricardo Dalagnol
- Richard H. Chen
- Richard I. Cullather
- Riley Culberg
- Riley Duren
- Robert B. Jackson
- Robert C. Levy
- Robert D. Field
- Robert E. Continetti
- Robert F. Wimmer‐Schweingruber
- Robert Fofrich
- Robert G. M. Spencer
- Robert G. Striegl
- Robert Green
- Robert Hodyss
- Robert Holder
- Robert J. Lillis
- Robert M. Hazen
- Robert Pincus
- Robert R. Downs
- Robert R. Nelson
- Robert Spero
- Robert Sullivan
- Robert W. Dudley
- Robert Wood
- Robert Zinke
- Robinson I. Negrón‐Juárez
- Rocío Calderón
- Rodrigo Vargas
- Roeland Van Malderen
- Roger Bilham
- Roger C. Wiens
- Roger Marchand
- Roger Seco
- Rohini Giles
- Roland Bürgmann
- Rolf Dach
- Rolf H. Reichle
- Romain Jolivet
- Ron Miller
- Ronak N. Patel
- Ronald-Louis Ballouz
- Rong Fu
- Ross K. Meentemeyer
- Ross Maguire
- Rudolf Widmer‐Schnidrig
- Rui Cheng
- Rui Pinto
- Ruixue Lei
- Russell Doughty
- Ryan D. Gold
- Ryan M. Riggs
- Ryan Park
- Ryunosuke Akiba
- S. A. Carn
- S. A. Fagents
- S. A. Margulis
- S. C. Tripathy
- S. D. Bale
- S. Diniega
- S. E. McDonald
- S. E. Mikaloff Fletcher
- S. E. Minson
- S. E. Smrekar
- S. E. Strahan
- S. E. Tuttle
- S. Erard
- S. F. Fung
- S. F. Sholes
- S. Fonte
- S. Giuppi
- S. Ieva
- S. J. Bolton
- S. J. Tingay
- S. Joseph Munchak
- S. Karunatillake
- S. Kempf
- S. Livi
- S. M. Clegg
- S. M. Howell
- S. M. Hristova-Veleva
- S. M. Levin
- S. M. Morrison
- S. M. Perl
- S. Marchi
- S. Nagihara
- S. Nahmani
- S. Nerozzi
- S. P. Burton
- S. P. Coss
- S. P. Joy
- S. P. Moschou
- S. Piqueux
- S. R. Kaeppler
- S. Rodríguez
- S. Schmidt
- S. Stefani
- S. T. Henderson
- S. Tharimena
- S. V. Nghiem
- S. Vance
- S. W. Asmar
- S. W. Bougher
- S. W. Cooley
- S. W. Kahler
- S. Y. Fu
- S. Yashiro
- S. Zurita‐Zurita
- Sabine Stanley
- Sabrina Ménina
- Sabrina Savage
- Sachiko Okamoto
- Safat Sikder
- Sahra Kacimi
- Saif Aati
- Saiprasanth Bhalachandran
- Sally F. McGill
- Salman Khaksarighiri
- Samantha R. Weintraub
- Samuel Birch
- Samuel R. Hall
- Sandip Dhomse
- Sandra M. Durán
- Sang Seom Jeong
- Santosh K. Panda
- Sara Navarro
- Sarah T. Gille
- Scot M. Miller
- Scott D. Guzewich
- Scott D. King
- Scott J. Goetz
- Scott M. McLennan
- Scott Paine
- Scott Staniewicz
- Sean Crowell
- Sean Marshall
- Sean W. Freeman
- Sebastijan Mrak
- Sebastián Carrasco
- Seiji Kato
- Sergio Fagherazzi
- Seth A. Jacobson
- Seth Zippel
- Seung Hee Kim
- Seung-bum Kim
- Seung‐Hee Ham
- Sha Feng
- Shadia Rifai Habbal
- Shamil Maksyutov
- Shane Byrne
- Shang Gao
- Shannon MacKenzie
- Sharon A. Wilson
- Shawn Brueshaber
- Shawn J. Marshall
- Shawn P. Serbin
- Shea N. Thorne
- Shelley Stall
- Shersingh Joseph Tumber‐Dávila
- Shfaqat Abbas Khan
- Shi Kuang
- Shin‐Chan Han
- Shivani Ehrenfeucht
- Shruti Khanna
- Shuai Zhang
- Shuang Ma
- Shujie Wang
- Siddharth Krishnamoorthy
- Sidharth Misra
- Siegfried Eggl
- Sierra Ferguson
- Sigurd Eide
- Sijie Yu
- Simon C. Stähler
- Simon Kraatz
- Simon Yueh
- Simon Zwieback
- Simone De Angelis
- Simone Tilmes
- Simran Sangha
- Siraput Jongaramrungruang
- Siteng Fan
- Slava G. Turyshev
- Sloan Coats
- Sonal Jain
- Sophie Cravatte
- Sophie Godin‐Beekmann
- Sophie Ricci
- Sourish Basu
- Srinivas Bettadpur
- Stacy Larochelle
- Stanley P. Sander
- Stavro Ivanovski
- Stavros Kotsiaros
- Steffen Mauceri
- Stephanie Dutkiewicz
- Stephanie Schollaert Uz
- Stephen B. DeLong
- Stephen G. Warren
- Stephen M. Ogle
- Stephen R. Kane
- Stephen W. Nesbitt
- Steven E. Lohrenz
- Steven G. Banham
- Steven K. Krueger
- Steven Pestana
- Steven S. Brown
- Stuart Jenkins
- Stuart R. Phinn
- Stéphane Le Mouélic
- Sudip Chakraborty
- Sujay V. Kumar
- Sujung Go
- Suleiman Baraka
- Sunanda Sharma
- Supriya Chakrabarti
- Surendra Adhikari
- Susan Benecchi
- Susan C. van den Heever
- Susan M. Natali
- Susanna Werth
- Susheel Adusumilli
- Suzanne E. Tank
- Sven Simon
- Swarnendu Sekhar Ghosh
- Sylvain Biancamaria
- Sylvia Dee
- Sébastien Lebonnois
- Séverine Fournier
- Sönke Dangendorf
- T. A. Herring
- T. A. Kucera
- T. A. Scambos
- T. Appourchaux
- T. C. Sutterley
- T. Cornet
- T. D. Glotch
- T. Dudok de Wit
- T. F. Bristow
- T. F. Hanisco
- T. G. Schwerin
- T. Guillot
- T. H. Painter
- T. H. Prettyman
- T. Horváth
- T. Munsat
- T. N. Woods
- T. Neumann
- T. Oda
- T. Pavelsky
- T. Prusti
- T. R. Watters
- T. S. J. Gabriel
- T. S. Peretyazhko
- T. Taylor
- Taejin Park
- Takashi Sekiya
- Takeshi Imamura
- Takuro Michibata
- Tal Ezer
- Tamma Carleton
- Tanguy Bertrand
- Tanja Amerstorfer
- Tao Che
- Tatiana Bocanegra-Bahamón
- Taylor Shingler
- Ted R. Feldpausch
- Teresa Fornaro
- Teresa Nieves‐Chinchilla
- Thanh Huy Nguyen
- Theodore Langhorst
- Thom Bogaard
- Thomas Cram
- Thomas Frederikse
- Thomas Greathouse
- Thomas J. Ballinger
- Thomas J. Bannan
- Thomas Lauvaux
- Thomas M. Roberts
- Thomas Nägler
- Thomas Stanley
- Thomas Wagner
- Thomas Wahl
- Thomas Widemann
- Tian Zhou
- Tianhao Le
- Tianhao Zhang
- Tianjia Liu
- Tibebu Getachew
- Tien-Hao Liao
- Tilman Spohn
- Tim Van Hoolst
- Timbo Stillinger
- Timothy J. Garrett
- Timothy J. Lang
- Titus M. Casademont
- Tobias Borsdorff
- Todd A. Ely
- Tom Pike
- Tong Lee
- Torbern Tagesson
- Torbjörn E. Tornqvist
- Tori M. Hoehler
- Troy S. Magney
- Tsuneo Matsunaga
- Tuan Vu
- Tyler J. Thorsen
- Uma S. Bhatt
- V. Andretta
- V. Apéstigue
- V. G. Merkin
- V. Hue
- V. J. Bray
- V. Lakshmi
- V. Martínez Pillet
- V. Mennella
- V. R. Eke
- V. Z. Sun
- Valeria Barra
- Valerio Poggiali
- Vanessa C. Monteiro
- Vanessa P. Bailey
- Vardis Tsontos
- Vassilis Angelopoulos
- Victor Abrahamsson
- Victor C. Tsai
- Vijay Natraj
- Vikalp Mishra
- Vincent Humphrey
- Vincenzo Della Corte
- Vineet Yadav
- Virginie Pinel
- Vivienne H. Payne
- Voltaire A. Velazco
- Vratislav Krupař
- W. B. Sparks
- W. C. Hammond
- W. H. Matthaeus
- W. H. Swartz
- W. Jesse Hahm
- W. M. Calvin
- W. Payton Gardner
- W. R. Simpson
- W. Reed Espinosa
- W. S. Kiefer
- W. S. Kurth
- W. Sun
- W. T. Reach
- Walid A. Majid
- Walid Mansour
- Wantong Li
- Wei Wei
- Weijia Zhan
- Weile Wang
- Wenbin Wang
- Wendi Ma
- Wenqing Tang
- William A. White
- William J. Riley
- William L. Quinton
- Wuhu Feng
- X. Wang
- Xi Yang
- Xianan Jiang
- Xiangde Xu
- Xiangming Xiao
- Xiangtao Xu
- Xianwen Jing
- Xianzhe Jia
- Xiao Lu
- Xiao Yang
- Xiaochun Wang
- Xiaohe Zhang
- Xiaohua Xu
- Xiaojia Zhang
- Xiaoli Sun
- Xie Hu
- Xing Meng
- Xingyuan Chen
- Xinxiang Zhu
- Xu Liu
- Xuan Ji
- Xubin Zeng
- Xueliang Liu
- Xueling Shi
- Xueying Yu
- Xun Jiang
- Y. Ma
- Y. Saito
- Y. Zhan
- Yadvinder Malhi
- Yamila Miguel
- Yang Liu
- Yangcheng Luo
- Yanlei Feng
- Yann Klinger
- Yaping Zhou
- Yara Mohajerani
- Yash Sarkango
- Yasumasa Kasaba
- Yeonjoo Kim
- Yi Yin
- Yidongfang Si
- Yihua Zheng
- Yilin Fang
- Yingdi Luo
- Yiqi Luo
- Yohai Kaspi
- Yolanda Shea
- Yolandi Ernst
- Yonggang Liu
- Yongjun Huang
- Yongkang Xue
- Yongyun Hu
- Yoseline Angel
- Yoshihiro Kaneko
- Yoshizumi Miyoshi
- Youngmin Choi
- Yu Gu
- Yu Zhou
- Yuan Wang
- Yuankun Xu
- Yuanwei Qin
- Yuan‐Kai Liu
- Yuekui Yang
- Yueyang Jiang
- Yuhang Wang
- Yujie Zheng
- Yun Zhang
- Yuning Fu
- Yunjun Zhang
- Yunling Lou
- Yunqian Zhu
- Yuri Corilo
- Yuxin Wu
- Yuzhong Zhang
- Z. Barkley
- Z. H. Hoylman
- Z. Sternovsky
- Zacharie Duputel
- Zachary E. Ross
- Zbyněk Malenovský
- Zeli Tan
- Zhen Qu
- Zhengzhao Johnny Luo
- Zhi Hua Liu
- Zhi Li
- Zhi Qiang Chen
- Zhibo Zhang
- Zhihong Tan
- Zhong Lü
- Zhongwen Zhan
- Ziad S. Haddad
- Zigong Xu
- Zoe Pierrat
- Zongbo Xu
- Á. Vicente‐Retortillo
- Álvaro Moreno-Martínez
- É. Beucler
- É. Buchlin
- É. Stutzmann
- А. V. Artemyev
- К. J. Meech
- О. В. Калашникова
- Оleg Dubovik