High Resolution FTIR Measurements of Voigt Half-Widths of 12CO2 Broadened by H2O at 4.3 μm

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Listed Authors
Sung, K.
Brown, L. R.
Toth, R. A.
Crawford, T. J.
Listed Institutions
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 4800 Oak Grove Dr. M/S 183-301, Pasadena, CA 91109, United States
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 4800 Oak Grove Dr. M/S 183-301, Pasadena, CA 91109, United States
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 4800 Oak Grove Dr. M/S 183-301, Pasadena, CA 91109, United States
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 4800 Oak Grove Dr. M/S 183-301, Pasadena, CA 91109, United States

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