Florida Institute of Technology
flowchart I[Florida Institute of Technology] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (293)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (93)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Determining propagation routes of Pc 3/4 pulsations to low latitudes with ground-based magnetometers.
- Long-Term Fluences of Energetic Particles in the Heliosphere
- Ulysses and IMP-8 Observations of Cosmic Rays and So-lar Energetic Particles from the South Pole to the North Pole of the Sun near Solar Maximum*
- A New Instrument for Measuring Energetic Radiation From Triggered Lightning
- Composition and Spectra of Solar Energetic Particles from ~0.1 to >100 MeV/nucleon during the April, 2002 Storms Period
- Observations of Energetic Radiation From Triggered Lightning
- Second Order Correction to the Gradient/Curvature Drift Term of Cosmic Ray Transport in Heliospheric Magnetic Fields
- Spectral Properties of Heavy Ions Accelerated by Interplanetary Shocks Near 1 AU
- Increased Concentrations of Dissolved Organic Carbon During the Spring Floods in the Sagavanirktok, Kuparuk and Colville Rivers in the Alaskan Arctic
- Modulation Near the Termination Shock: Stochastic Particle Studies using an MHD Heliosphere
- New instruments for measuring x-rays from rocket-triggered lightning
- New x-ray observations of triggered lightning
- A Multi-Tracer Analysis for the Study of the Movement and Mixing of Fresh Waters in a Shallow Arctic Estuarine System
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Energetic Heavy Ions Accelerated by Interplanetary Shocks Near Earth
- The Gradient/Curvature Drift of Cosmic Rays in the Heliospheric Magnetic Fields with Turbulence
- X-ray emission from natural and triggered lightning
- A Monte Carlo Model of Relativistic Runaway Breakdown in Realistic Thunderstorm Situations
- Correlating RHESSI Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes With Meteorological Data
- LFM Simulation of the AE Index
- Monte Carlo simulations of terrestrial gamma-ray flashes
- Overview of the Space Weather Weekend 2005: A Diversity Initiative
- The observation of x-ray bursts produced by 1.5 MV laboratory sparks in air
- X-ray observations of natural and rocket-triggered lightning by the Thunderstorm Energetic Radiation Array (TERA)
- A Meteorological Case Study of the Florida TGF Events of 18 June 2004 and 11 August 2005.
- ADELE: an Airborne Instrument to Detect Relativistic Runaway
- Climatological Aspects of RHESSI Observed Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flash Events
- How typical are the last 20,000 years of climatic and vegetation change in the tropical Andes?
- Lightning initiation and terrestrial gamma-ray flashes
- Pulse Width Analysis of x-ray bursts occurring in natural and triggered lightning
- River-Shelf Interactions During Spring Floods in the Coastal Beaufort Sea
- The Anomalous Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash of 17 January 2004
- The Relative Importance and Compositional Effects of Suspended Solids on Light Attenuation
- The Seed Population for Heavy Ions in Large Solar Energetic Particle Events
- The Temporal Scale of Holocene Climatic Variability: From the Galapagos to Amazonia
- The structure of the interplanetary magnetic field as revealed by solar flare particles
- Bulk and Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis of Long-Chain, n-alkanes From a 85-kyr Core From Lake Peten Itza, Guatemala
- Energetic electron beams injected into the magnetosphere by terrestrial gamma-ray flashes
- Energy Spectra and Composition of Low-Energy Ions during Solar Quiet Times
- Investigation of Convective Initiation Along a Dryline Using Observations and Numerical Weather Prediction Model
- Meteorological Context of RHESSI Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Return Periods of Anomalous Sea-Surface Temperature Events Inferred From Wavelet Analysis of Thermal Proxy Records in Corals: Implications for Coral Bleaching
- The Trapping of Low-Energy Particles by Interplanetary Shocks
- The Use of Color as a Third Dimension on Maps
- What could cause terrestrial gamma-ray flashes?
- Comparison of acceleration, expansion and brightness of sprite streamers obtained from modeling and high-speed video observations
- Composition and Spectral Properties of the 1 AU Quiet-Time Suprathermal Ion Population During Solar Cycle 23
- Impacts of Post-Breach Tidal Circulation within Pleasant Bay, Massachusetts via Numerical Simulation
- Stochastic and compression acceleration of energetic particles in the heliosheath
- The high-energy radiation dose received aboard aircraft exposed to a terrestrial gamma- ray flash
- The role of extensive cosmic-ray air showers in lightning initiation
- Thunderstorm top characteristics of RHESSI identified terrestrial gamma-ray flashes
- A Ground-Based Campaign in Search of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes Associated with Thunderclouds and Lightning
- Assessing the El Niño/Southern Oscillation proxy potential of the sediment record from Genovesa Crater Lake, Galápagos
- Comparison of thunderstorm systems that produce or lack RHESSI identified terrestrial gamma ray flashes
- First results from the Airborne Detector for Energetic Lightning Emissions (ADELE) (Invited)
- Holocene ITCZ and ENSO-driven climate variability from the Panama isthmus
- Modeling Observed Fermi Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Positron production during relativistic runaway processes associated with thunderstorms
- Determining the location of termination shock using signature of Galactic cosmic ray modulation by global merged interaction region in the heliosheath
- Earth: A Ringed Planet?
- Geometry and deformation history of the New Madrid seismic zone fault system, Central U.S. from high-resolution marine seismic reflection data, and implications for intraplate deformation
- Linearity or non-linearity: fire and clouds as factors in deglacial and future landscapes of the Andes
- Modulation of Galactic cosmic rays during the unusual solar minimum of cycle 24
- Paleotemperature Estimation by Tandem δ18O Measurement of Biogenic Carbonate and Gypsum Hydration Water
- Pervasive post-Eocene faulting and folding in unconsolidated sediments of the Mississippi River, Central U.S. as imaged by high-resolution CHIRP seismic data
- Stepped leaders observed in ground operations of ADELE
- Atlantic forcing of Amazonian climates in the last ice age
- Comparison between measurements of black carbon, charcoal and associated nutrients in western Amazonan soils
- Does Practice Make Perfect? Role of Training and Feedback in Improving Scientists' Presentation Skills
- Improving Holocene Climate Reconstructions from Galápagos Lake Sediments: New Insights From Long-Term Lake Monitoring
- Long duration gamma-ray glows observed from the tops of thunderstorms
- Predicting distributions of charcoal in Amazonian soils: approaches from earth and space
- Some of the ball lightning observations could be phosphenes induced by energetic radiation from thunderstorms and lightning
- Stabilizing the Early Martian Climate: Effects of Airborne Dust, CO<SUB>2</SUB> Ice Cap Albedo, and Orbital Obliquity on Atmospheric Collapse
- The influence of tropical North Atlantic SST on precipitation in the Peruvian Amazon over the past ~1500 years
- A Tale of Two Inlets: Tidal Currents at Two Adjacent Inlets in the Indian River Lagoon
- ADELE's Common Gamma-Ray Glows
- Advanced Regional and Decadal Predictions of Coastal Inundation for the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts
- Detection of Amazonian Black Earth Sites using Hyperspectral Satellite Imagery
- High Latitude Meridional Flow on the Sun May Explain North-South Polar Field Asymmetry
- Meridional Flow in Solar Cycle 24: The Impact on the Polar Magnetic Fields
- Nonlinear Tidal Distortion and Low Frequency Residual Effects in a Coastal Creek
- Predicting anthropogenic soils across the Amazonia
- Surface Water Quality Survey of Northern Indian River Lagoon from Sebastian Inlet to Mosquito Lagoon
- The longitudinal extent of 3He rich SEP events: A comparison of numerical calculation results and observations by STEREO and ACE spacecraft
- Using Infrasound and Machine Learning for Monitoring Plinian Volcanic Eruptions
- A global perspective on the full-range of western U.S. hydroclimatic variability (Invited)
- Advanced Regional and Decadal Predictions of Coastal Inundation for the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts (Invited)
- Continued Analysis and Restoration of Apollo DTREM Instrument Data
- Injection Efficiency of Low-energy Particles at Oblique Shocks with a Focused Transport Model
- Numerical Investigation of the 2007 cosmic ray transient decrease events observed by Voyager Spacecrafts
- Recovery and Restoration of Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) Data by the NSSDC and the PDS Lunar Data Node
- Relativistic Feedback Rates in the Presence of the Geomagnetic Field
- Results from the Third RHESSI Catalog of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Search for Neutrons Produced in Lightning Discharges
- Simulating Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes using SWORD (Invited)
- The effect of direct positron production on relativistic feedback rates
- Titan's 'blandlands': Are they massive sand sheets?
- A Statistical Survey of Sprite Streamer Splitting
- A Study of the King's Bowl Phreatic Explosion Crater as an Analog to Pits on Solar System Exploration Target Bodies
- Acoustic properties of triggered lightning
- Effects of Small Electrostatic Fields on the Ionospheric Density Profile
- Energy-Momentum Diffusion Effects on Energy Spectra of Relativistic Runaway Electron Avalanches in Air
- In-Situ observation of energetic electron fluxes inside thunderclouds using Balloon-borne instruments
- Initiation of Sprite Streamers from Natural Mesospheric Structures
- Model of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Modeling the Flushing Response to the Construction of a Low Crested Weir in the Banana River
- Performance Characterization of the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) CCD Cameras
- Reconstruction of a Phreatic Explosion from Block Dispersion Modeling at King's Bowl, Idaho
- Settlement Effects on Favia fragum (Scleractinia, Faviidae) Exposed to Different Sediment Sources from Puerto Rico
- Spatially-Explicit Holocene Drought Reconstructions in Amazonian Forests
- The Ocean 180 Video Challenge: An Innovative Broader Impacts Strategy for Helping Scientists Share Discoveries and Connect with Classrooms
- A Paleoecological View of the Anthropocene in Tropical South America
- A numerical study of negative sprites observed over two Florida storms
- Acoustic Properties of Return Strokes and M-components From Rocket-Triggered Lightning
- An Analysis of Two Thunderstorms Producing Five Negative Sprites on 12 September 2014
- An Intense Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash Observed at Ground Level
- Distribution of solar energetic particles in 3-dimensional coronal and interplanetary magnetic fields
- Dynamics of a Relative Long Positive Streamer from an Isolated Hydrometeor
- Ground Level Observations of a Possible Downward-Beamed TGF during a Rocket-Triggered Lightning Flash at Camp Blanding, Florida in August 2014
- Modeling the effect of Causeways on Circulation in the Banana River
- Nature, Distribution, and Origin of Titan's Undifferentiated Plains ("Blandlands")
- Overlapping Ballistic Ejecta Fields: Separating Distinct Blasts at Kings Bowl, Idaho
- Positron density enhancements recorded within a thunderstorm by ADELE
- Relativistic Runaway Electron Avalanches in the Presence of an External Magnetic Field
- The Heliotail
- The case for water ice in Titan's near subsurface
- Toward a System-Based Approach to Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in Earth's Magnetosphere
- Transport of cosmic rays across the heliopause
- Amplitudes and Anisotropies at Kinetic Scales in Reflection-Driven Turbulence
- Analysis of velocity and magnetic field fluctuations from simulated Solar Probe Plus measurements: Interpretation and predictions.
- Characteristics of propagating Madden-Julian and Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillations
- Connectivity Between Solar Energetic Particle Observations and Their Solar Sources: The Event on 14 August 2010
- Effects of Interplanetary Transport in the Event-integrated Spectra of Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Electrical Activity in Martian Dust Storms
- High Speed Video Observations of Natural Lightning and Their Implications to Fractal Description of Lightning
- Holocene Climate, Fire and Vegetation Change Inferred from Lacustrine Proxies in the Tropical Andes, Laguna Yanacocha, SE Peru
- Influence of topography and land-sea contrast on MJO propagation in the Maritime Continent
- Instabilities, Magnetic Reconnection, and Cosmic Rays near the Heliopause
- On the production of Gamma rays and Relativistic Runaway Electron Avalanches from Martian dust storms
- Propagation of solar energetic particles in coronal magnetic fields
- Scaling-laws and high-order statistics in strong Alfvenic turbulence
- Testing Formation of the Interstellar Boundary Explorer Ribbon in the Outer Heliosheath Using Voyager 1 Observations
- The Electrical Impact of Lightning Quasi-Electrostatic Fields on the Nighttime Lower Ionosphere: The Case of Negative Sprite Halos
- The Heliotail Observed in TeV Cosmic Ray Anisotropy
- Three Dimensional Modeling of Streamer Interaction
- X-ray emission from upward initiated lightning at Gaisberg tower
- A High-Speed Spectroscopy System for Observing Lightning and Transient Luminous Events
- A Population Synthesis Study of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- A continuous record of glacial-interglacial cycles spanning more than 500 kyr from Lake Junín, Perú
- Anisotropy of low-energy Galactic cosmic rays in the outer heliosheath
- Balloon Borne Instrumentation for Detection of Gamma Ray Glows
- Catching the Drift: Simulating Dark Spots and Bright Companions on the Ice Giants
- Characteristics of Currents and Electric Fields Associated with the Initial Stage of Upward Lightning
- Characteristics of NLDN-Reported Radio Frequency Emissions Associated with Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Comparing Shock geometry from MHD simulation to that from the Q/A-scaling analysis
- Designsafe-Ci a Cyberinfrastructure for Natural Hazard Simulation and Data
- Developing a High Fidelity Martian Soil Simulant Based on MSL Measurements: Applications for Habitability, Exploration, and In-Situ Resource Utilization
- Dynamic Processes of the Solar Wind: Small Scale Magnetic Flux Ropes and Energetic Particles
- Generation of EMIC Waves Observed by Van Allen Probes at Low L-shells of Earth's Magnetosphere
- Gigantic Jet Environments: A Meteorological Evaluation Using Reanalysis Data Sets
- Gigantic Jets and the Tropical Paradigm: A Satellite Perspective
- Gridded Calibration of Ensemble Wind Vector Forecasts Using Ensemble Model Output Statistics
- Initiation of Negative Streamers from Hydrometeors at Subbreakdown Field Conditions
- Investigating the limitations of Taylor's Hypothesis in Paker Solar Probe's measurements near the Alfven critical point
- Low-Energy Ions Injection and Acceleration at Oblique Shocks with Focused Transport Model
- On the radial evolution of reflection-driven turbulence in the inner solar wind in preparation for Parker Solar Probe
- On the statistics of increments in strong Alfvenic turbulence
- Radio Emissions from Electrical Activity in Martian Dust Storms
- Role of Topography on the MJO in the Maritime Continent: A Numerical Case Study
- The Structure of the Heliosphere as Seen from In Situ and Remote Observations
- A 2200 year view of human adaptation to climate change at the Lake of the Condors in the Peruvian Andes
- A Study of Consecutive Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes using the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor
- An Event Observed as a Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash (TGF) and a Terrestrial Electron Beam (TEB) by Fermi-GBM
- Balloon-Borne Instrumentation for Detection of Gamma-ray Glows from Lightning
- Bulk Properties of Pickup Ions at Ulysses
- Comparison of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR)-derived subsidence time series with ground-based estimates of sinkhole activity, west-central Florida, USA.
- Effects of Coronal Magnetic Field Structures on the Transport of Solar Energetic Particles
- Extra-tropical Influence on Hydrologic Balance in the High Elevation Andes: Physical Sedimentology Evidence from Lake Junín, Peru during the Last Glacial Period
- Heliopause Instability and Its Relation to Variations in the Galactic Cosmic Ray Flux at Voyager 1
- New High-Detail Observations of Positive Leaders with the LOFAR Radio Telescope
- On the evolution of reflection-driven Alfven turbulence from the photosphere to 40 solar radii: Simulations, theory and future Parker Solar Probe observations.
- Polarity of Current from Upward Lightning Initiated from the Gaisberg Tower
- Scaling of conventional breakdown threshold: Impact for predictions of lightning and TLEs on Earth, Venus, and Mars
- Simulating the Uranian Berg Feature as a Vortex-Driven Cloud
- Some Overlooked Land-Atmosphere Interaction Processes during ISO Propagation Across the Maritime Continent
- The Possibility of the Ground Based Detection of Gamma Rays from the Reverse Positron Beam of a TGF.
- Up Close and Personal on a Carbon-Rich Ocean World: Dragonfly's In Situ Investigation of Titan's Astrobiological Potential
- VULnerability of Populations under Extreme Scenarios (VULPES project)
- investigating the temporal decorrelation of the incompressible MHD turbulence
- A Modeling Study of the Spatial Structure of Electric Fields Near Tall Towers
- A Search for Potential Ground Based TGF Detection Sites
- A comparison of triggering conditions for planetary atmospheric electricity on Earth, Venus, and Mars
- Analysis of He+ Pickup Ions from Ulysses/SWICS Data
- Analysis of drought characteristics and their impact on biodiversity
- Characteristics of Upward Leader Currents Measured at the KSC Industrial Area Tower
- Characterization of Sprites and Their Parent Lightning Flashes Occurring in and Around Florida
- Charge Transferred to Ground during Different Stages of Upward Lightning Flashes from the Gaisberg Tower
- High-Speed Spectroscopy of Natural Lightning Leaders and Return Strokes
- High-speed Video Observation of a Lightning Flash Producing X-rays
- Improved Calculation of Interstellar Pickup Proton Properties from Ulysses/SWICS Data
- Instabilities and Magnetic Reconnection at the Heliopause Affect the Galactic Cosmic Ray Flux and Ion Acceleration
- Instrumentation and Methodology for Balloon-Based Detection of Gamma-Ray Glows in Central Florida Thunderstorms
- Investigating the Soil Moisture Feedback on Precipitation Over the CONUS
- Observatory- and UAS-based perspectives on the surface energy budget of the Arctic
- On Gamma-Ray and Radio-Frequency Radiation from Thunderstorms
- Reflection-driven MHD turbulence in the solar atmosphere and solar wind
- Seasonal forecasting in the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia for ensuring food and water security
- Simulation of Jovian moist convection with an active water and ammonia hydrological cycle using the EPIC GCM
- The Active MJO of 2019: Propagation from the Indian Ocean to the Western Pacific and Consequences for Subseasonal Prediction of Mid-latitude Extreme Weather Events
- Why do fast and wide CMEs not always produce observable solar energetic particles?
- A framework for predicting impact of wildfires validated based on 20-years of historical data in Australia
- Changes and uncertainty in future drought risk over Australia.
- Clustering future scenarios based on extremal properties of ecological outcomes
- Comparing Parker Solar Probe observations with theory and simulations of reflection-driven Alfven turbulence
- Flood Frequency Analyses with Metastatistical Extreme Value Distribution applied to Simulated River Flows
- Focus questions for Ice Giant atmospheric studies in the next decade
- How deregulation, drought, and increasing fire impact Amazonian biodiversity
- Identifying and forecasting biodiversity `tipping points'
- Impact of Antecedent Wetness and Rainfall Spatial Variability on Design Floods
- Impacts of cascading environmental hazards on Australian plant biodiversity
- Improving the accuracy of reanalysis-based hourly precipitation estimates over CONUS
- Investigating the impact of soil moisture on precipitation and runoff generation over the contiguous United States.
- Machine Learning for Flood Peak Prediction in Ungauged Basins
- Modeling the Transport Process of a Pair of Solar Energetic Particle Events Observed by Parker Solar Probe Near Perihelion
- Seasonal Forecasts for Food Security Applications in the Upper Blue Nile River Basin
- Structure of the Heliosheath and Physical Processes in the Heliospheric Boundary Layer
- Systematic Patterns in Land Precipitation over the Maritime Continent due to Land-Sea Contrast during MJO Propagation
- The Role of Pickup Ions in Global Simulations of the Heliosphere
- The impact of hurricane Dorian on freshwater resources of Grand Bahama island.
- Understanding the Impact of the Interactions between the Diurnal Cycle and Topography on the MJO in the Maritime Continent
- A CONUS-wide assessment of the climate change impact on low probability precipitation events: Combining information from the past and scaling arguments to estimate future trend
- A Data Driven Model for the Prediction of Solar Energetic Particles from Coronal Mass Ejection Shocks
- An Alternative Approach to Measuring Solar Velocities on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) Using the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI)
- Applicability of Taylor's Hypothesis during Parker Solar Probe perihelia
- Characteristics of Parent Lightning of Sprites Observed Using the Geostationary Lightning Mapper
- Characterization of Downward Leaders in Cloud-to-ground Lightning Using Correlated Electric Field, High-Speed Video Camera, and VHF Mapping Observations
- Deep Residual Downscaling of Remote Sensing Imagery for Flood Hazard Assessment
- Deriving Pickup Ion Properties from Ulysses SWICS Observations
- Downscaled Precipitation Forecasts for Advancing Prediction of Post-Fire Debris Flows
- ENSO modulates the frequency of low-latitudinal tropical cyclones over the Bay of Bengal
- Effects of ionospheric chemistry on atmospheric dynamo currents on Mars
- Electric discharges in air and CO2 in non-planar geometries
- Evaluation of Satellite and Reanalysis Data for Simulating Streamflow in Glacierized Catchments in the Himalayas
- Evaluation of multiple satellite-based atmospheric products across High Mountain Asia
- Investigation of scale-dependent dynamic alignment in the solar wind using WIND data
- Linking Changes in Storm Characteristics with Changes in Precipitation Extremes
- On the Estimation of Correlation Functions of Solar Wind Turbulence Signals
- On the scaling of the dynamic alignment angle in solar wind turbulence from 0.3 to 1 au
- On the statistical distribution of Elsasser increments in solar wind turbulence in the MHD range
- Predicting the Optimal Poynting Flux for Different Solar Activity Conditions for Realtime Solar Wind Prediction
- Prediction of solar energetic particles from measurements of coronal mass ejections
- Predictive understanding of flood impact based on climatic and geomorphologic information: a case study in Nepal
- Quantification of the Changes in Streamflow and its Components over the Last 70 years using Long-term Reanalysis Data in Glacierized Basins of Nepal
- Reconstruction of the Western Amazon Basin fire record: Insights from a method comparison
- Scale-dependent dynamic alignment in solar wind turbulence.
- The Lightning Attachment Process in a Negative Cloud-to-ground Stroke Observed on a Sub-microsecond Timescale
- The sensitivity of runoff to soil moisture initial conditions: A numerical experiment over CONUS
- Turbulence Characteristics of Switchback and Nonswitchback Intervals Observed by Parker Solar Probe
- Turbulent Energy Cascade in the Earth's Inner Magnetosphere and Seeding of EMIC Waves
- Upcycling food waste into microporous biosorbent for hydrogen storage
- Variable Ion Compositions of Solar Energetic Particle Events in the Inner Heliosphere: A Field-line Braiding Model with Compound Injections
- iLMA: A New Multispectral Index for Monitoring Leaf Traits Reveal a Widespread Climate-Related Decrease in Leaf Mass per Area (LMA) Over the Last 35 Years
- A Knowledge Graph Connecting Multiple NASA Science Mission Directorate Domains
- A Retrospective Outlook of Heavy Downpours over Pakistan
- A Stochastic Three-dimensional Focused Transport Simulation of Solar Energetic Particles Produced by a Data-driven Coronal Mass Ejection Shock
- A TGF from the 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcanic Eruption
- An Improved Ionospheric Conductance Calculation Method
- Characteristics of Current and Electric Field Signatures during the Initial Stage in Upward Lightning at the Gaisberg Tower
- Climate Resilience Assessment Framework for Soil and Groundwater Contamination and Waste Disposal Cells: Demonstration at the 118 Department of Energy's Legacy Sites Across the US
- Controls on celerity of drought propagation over the tropical country Thailand
- High Resolution Finite Volume Method for Kinetic Equations with Poisson BracketsHigh Resolution Finite Volume Method for Kinetic Equations with Poisson Brackets
- Hydroclimatic Risk in High Mountain Asia: a Novel Assessment of Impacts
- Impact of Climate Change on Streamflow Magnitude and Characteristics in High Mountain Asia
- Investigation on mechanisms in sprites leading to green emissions in the lower ionosphere
- Measurements of Current, Magnetic Field, and Video on a Sub-microsecond-scale at the Time of Downward Cloud-to-ground Lightning Attachment
- Modeling the Solar Wind During Different Phases of the Last Solar Cycle
- Observationally Weak TGFs in the Fermi-GBM Data
- Observations of Energetic Particles from Parker Solar Probe/IS☉IS During the Rising Phase of Solar Cycle 25
- On the Estimation of Correlation Functions of Discontiguous Solar Wind Turbulence Signals
- On the Statistics of Elsasser Increments in Solar Wind and Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
- Projected Drought Risk Among the World's Tall and High Biomass Forests
- Reconstructing the spatial field-perpendicular energy spectrum of magnetic fluctuations near and below the Alfven critical point
- Revisiting Global Temperature Calibrations for Lacustrine Branched GDGTs
- Role of Rocky Planetary Radius on Atmospheric Escape and Implications for Habitability
- Satellite-Based Flood Inundation Mapping: A Multi-Regional Evaluation of VIIRS and SAR Products
- Solar Jet Hunter: a citizen science investigation of coronal solar jets
- Solar Wind Stream and Corotating Interaction Regions versus Lightning Over Equatorial South America
- The 3rd Fermi-GBM Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash Catalog
- Unsupervised and Supervised Machine Learning of Energetic Lightning Radio Pulses for Ground Detection of TGFs
- Using Information Theory to Analyze Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Processes in ANGIE3D Magnetotail Hybrid Simulations
- Wave Energy Cascade in the Earth's Inner Magnetosphere During CMEs, HSSs, and Quiet Solar Wind and Seeding of EMIC Waves
- What drives the long-term change in a key leaf functional trait across the globe? Insights from multispectral remote sensing
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Nag
- A. W. Labrador
- Akshay Aravamudan
- Amy E. Frazier
- Andreas Langousis
- Andrew D. Gronewold
- Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo
- Antoine Lucas
- B. Mailyan
- Brian J. Enquist
- C. J. Gleason
- C. M. S. Cohen
- Chuanfei Dong
- Clare Stephens
- César Hinojo-Hinojo
- D. J. McComas
- D. Lario
- Dalia Kirschbaum
- Diogo Araujo
- Efthymios I. Nikolopoulos
- Elijah Orland
- Erica R. Siirila‐Woodburn
- Fanchao Lyu
- G. C. Ho
- Gábor Tóth
- Haruko M. Wainwright
- Hayley J. Fowler
- J. A. Riousset
- J. C. Kasper
- J. G. Mitchell
- J. S. Rankin
- Jean C. Perez
- Jonathan J. Gourley
- Julia Chacón‐Labella
- K. G. Klein
- K. Kobayashi
- K. L. Cummins
- K. V. Gamayunov
- Laura Duncanson
- Lisa Upton
- M. E. Hill
- M. Gedalin
- M. I. Desai
- M. J. Engebretson
- M. Martinović
- M. S. Briggs
- Manasvi Lingam
- Manuela Girotto
- Marika Koukoula
- Mark B. Bush
- Meredith C. Parish
- N. A. Schwadron
- N. E. Raouafi
- N. V. Pogorelov
- Naomi Maruyama
- Nicola Falco
- Ningyu Liu
- O. J. Roberts
- R. A. Mewaldt
- R. H. Holzworth
- R. L. McNutt
- R. S. Ajayamohan
- R. Said
- Ramanakumar Sankar
- Rijan Bhakta Kayastha
- S. A. Cummer
- S. D. Bale
- S. Lesage
- S. W. Kahler
- Samuel Birch
- Shinto Roose
- Simon Wing
- Sofiane Bourouaine
- Stergios Emmanouil
- Sujay V. Kumar
- Sungwook Wi
- Sébastien Célestin
- T. I. Gombosi
- Thomas Farges
- Thomas Stanley
- Victor C. Tsai
- Viviana Maggioni
- W. H. Matthaeus
- Witold F. Krajewski
- X. Zhang
- Xi Zhang
- Xiaohua Fang
- Yiwen Mei
- Yuan Xue
- Yunjiao Pu
- Zexuan Xu
- Zimeena Rasheed
- И. В. Соколов