Florida Institute of Technology, Department of Physics and Space Science
flowchart I[Florida Institute of Technology, Department of Physics and Space Science] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (176)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (3)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- ACE Observations of the Bastille Day 2000 Interplanetary Disturbances
- The Seed Population for Energetic (>50 keV/nucleon) Ions Accelerated at Interplanetary Shocks
- Dynamics of the Plasmapause Location After SSC
- Heavy Ion Composition of Upstream Events: New Challenges for Old Models
- Identifying the Real Seed Population for Shock Accelerated Energetic Particles: Recent Observational Progress
- New 3D transport equations for solar energetic particles and cosmic ray propagation
- Perpendicular transport of solar energetic particles: Ulysses observations at high heliographic latitudes
- Upstream Events and Magnetospheric Disturbances
- Anisotropies of anomalous and galactic cosmic rays upstream and downstream of the termination shock
- Plasmaspheric plumes: CRRES observations
- Theoretical and Observational Aspects of Perpendicular Diffusion of Charged Particles in the Nonlinear Guiding Center Model
- Transport of solar energetic particles in non-uniform heliospheric magnetic fields: comparison between test particle simulations and the diffusion approximation
- Characteristics of Dayside Pi 2 Events During Magnetospheric Substorms
- Comparison of Geosynchronous Magnetic Field and Global MHD Simulation Results
- Effectiveness of GeoWall Visualization Technology for Conceptualization of the Sun-Earth-Moon System
- Elemental Abundance Variations of Gradual SEP Events at Low Energies as Measured by ACE/ULEIS and WIND/STEP Over the Last Solar Cycle
- Energetic <SUP>3</SUP>He in the Inner Heliosphere: 1997 to 2004
- Energy Deposition in Magnetic Cloud and High Speed Stream Driven Storms
- Large Storm Energy Deposition and Solar Wind Drivers: A Study of Geoeffectiveness
- MHD Simulation of Solar Wind Magnetosphere Coupling During the Halloween Magnetic Storm
- Sun-Earth Scientists and Native Americans Collaborate on Sun-Earth Day
- The Center for Integrated Space Weather Modeling Efforts to Increase Diversity in Space Science
- The effect of adiabatic energy loss on the parallel mean free path of solar energetic particles
- Uncertainties of Solar Wind Speed Determination Using Voyager Energetic Particle Anisotropy Measurements at 85 AU
- First or second order Fermi acceleration of energetic particles in the radiation belt?
- Galactic Cosmic Ray Modulation in a Fisk Type Heliosphere with a Stochastic Particle Solution
- Geoeffectiveness of Magnetic Storms Driven by Corotating Interaction Regions (CIRs) and Ejecta-Related Events
- MHD Simulations of Transpolar Potential Saturation With the LFM Code
- Ring Current Asymmetry as Observed by Ground Magnetometers, In Situ, and Space-based Remote Sensing Data
- The effects of adiabatic cooling on the rigidity-dependent mean free path of gradual SEP events
- Use and Evaluation of 3D GeoWall Visualizations in Undergraduate Space Science Classes
- Auroral Substrom Oscillations and Field Line Resonances
- Compressional acceleration of energetic particles during an enhancement of magnetospheric convection
- Energy Transfer and Geoeffectiveness in CIR-Driven and Ejecta-Driven Magnetic Storms
- Infrared Spectroscopy of an Extrasolar Planet
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of "Tassels" and "Dropouts": Features Associated With the Magnetic Flux Tube Structure of the Solar Wind
- Realt-time Prediction of Magnetospheric Activity using the Boyle Index
- Runaway breakdown in the Jovian atmospheres
- Spatial Reasoning and 3D Graphics: A Study of GeoWall-Enhanced Astronomy Instruction
- Spectral Analysis of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes from BATSE
- Status of RHESSI Observations of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- The Anomalous Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash of 17 January 2004
- A Reanalysis of the Time Evolution and Spectroscopy of the BATSE TGFs
- Cosmic Ray Observations from the COSPIN High Energy Telescope (HET) during Ulysses' Current Fast Latitude Scan
- Diffusive Compression Acceleration of Energetic Particles in the Magnetosphere
- Energetic particles' diffusion, numerical simulations in dynamical turbulence and the comparison with theories
- Magnetospheric Energy Coupling During CIR-Driven Storms
- Meteorological Context of RHESSI Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Modulation of galactic cosmic rays by global merged interaction region near the solar wind termination shock and in the heliosheath
- On the possibility of accelerating electrons to X-ray energies in the electric fields created during the meeting of positive and negative streamer fronts in laboratory electrical discharges
- Spatial distribution of X-ray bursts in triggered lightning experiments
- Studies of Magnetotail Dynamics and Energy Evolution During Substorms Using MHD Simulations
- Unusual RHESSI TGFs: Electron Beams and Others
- Diffusion of energetic particles in dynamical solar wind turbulence
- High Resolution Mapping of the Final Stepped leader Phase from dE/dt TOA Measurements
- Properties of the x-ray emission from rocket-triggered and natural lightning as measured by the Thunderstorm Energetic Radiation Array
- Ring Current asymmetry and ASY-H: an analysis using IMAGE/HENA data
- Spectroscopy of the BATSE TGFs with the LADs
- The spectral dependence of TGFs on source distance
- A Ground-Based Campaign in Search of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes Associated with Thunderclouds and Lightning
- A Possible Physical Mechanism for Luminosity in Sprite Streamer Trails
- An overview of the first RHESSI catalog of terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs) and the influence of the tropopause height on the detection efficiency of TGFs
- Characterization of X-ray Emission from Natural and Rocket-and-Wire Triggered Lightning
- Comparison of thunderstorm systems that produce or lack RHESSI identified terrestrial gamma ray flashes
- Diffusive compression acceleration of particles by plasma waves: Is it the source of p-5 spectrum?
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Wave Redistribution in the Earth’s Magnetosphere due to Ring Current H+ in the Wave Dispersion Relation
- Fermi GBM Observations of TGFs (Invited)
- First results from the Airborne Detector for Energetic Lightning Emissions (ADELE) (Invited)
- Modeling Observed Fermi Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Modeling RHESSI TGFs as a distribution in source altitude, distance, beaming direction and luminosity
- Positron production during relativistic runaway processes associated with thunderstorms
- The effects of source location on solar particle transport in 3-dimensional interplanetary magnetic fields
- A Modeling Study of Sprite Streamer Chemistry
- Competing X-lines During Magnetic Reconnection
- Constraints on the first terrestrial gamma-ray flash seen from an aircraft
- Continuous X-ray Emission from "Chaotic" Dart Leaders in Triggered Lightning
- Design and Construction of an X-ray Lightning Camera
- Effects of Interplanetary Particle Transport on the Event Integrated Spectra of Solar Energetic Particles Observed in the Inner Heliosphere
- Investigation of the Exponential Growth Rate of Sprite Streamer Characteristics
- Longitudinal distribution of solar energetic particles from large CME events (Invited)
- Rare TGFs and common glows: a systematic survey of data from the first flights of ADELE
- Stepped leaders observed in ground operations of ADELE
- X-ray Images of Rocket-Triggered Lightning (Invited)
- High time resolution luminosity profiles of Jellyfish (Super) Sprites
- Long duration gamma-ray glows observed from the tops of thunderstorms
- Modeling Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Multiple ion species fluid modeling of sprite halos and the role of electron detachment from O- in their dynamics
- Production, transport and acceleration of pickup ions in the heliosphere: implication to ENA observations by IBEX
- Self-consistent model of the pick protons, Alfvenic turbulence, and solar wind heating in the outer heliosphere
- Shock Acceleration with Focused Transport Equation: Power-Law Energy Spectrum and Injection Efficiency
- Spatial and temporal invariance in the spectra of solar energetic particles from gradual events
- Sprite Streamer Formation in Sub-Breakdown Conditions from an Ionospheric Disturbance
- Streamer Initiation from Hydrometeors in Weak Thundercloud Electric Fields
- The lightning-TGF relationship on microsecond timescales
- X-ray emissions associated with thunderstorms
- ADELE sensitivity to high-energy radiation from transient luminous events during the Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinels campaigns
- ADELE's Common Gamma-Ray Glows
- Automatic Detection of Coronal Loops from SDO-AIA Data
- Figure testing and characterization of dual 6'' aperture prototype Fabry-Perot etalons
- Modeling Gamma-Radiation from Thunderclouds and Lightning
- Modeling and observations of the radio frequency emissions from terrestrial gamma-ray flashes
- Modeling of Streamer Discharges from Dielectric Hydrometeors Inside Thunderclouds
- Multi-Dimensional Hybrid Simulations for Instabilities and the Evolution of Ion Distributions at the Termination Shock and Beyond
- Propagation of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Wave Energy in Earth's Magnetosphere
- Spectral and Temporal Analysis of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- The Angular Distribution of Electron and X-ray Emission from Triggered Lightning Leader Steps Using the Thunderstorm Energetic Radiation Array (TERA)
- The Energy Spectrum of X-Rays from Rocket-triggered Lightning
- The minimum density requirement for ionospheric ionization patches for sprite streamer formation at subbreakdown conditions
- Time-of-Arrival Measurements of X-ray Emission Associated with Dart-Stepped Leader Steps in Natural and Rocket-and-Wire Triggered Lightning
- Transport of ICME shock accelerated SEPs in 3-d heliospheric magnetic fields: A comparison of numerical calculation results with multi-spacecraft observations
- A Comprehensive Model of Dark Lightning and Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- A Theoretical Study of the Runaway Electron Energy Spectrum Inside the High Field Regions of Thunderclouds
- Adele Results from the HS3 Mission
- Altitude Measurements and Measurement-Driven Modeling of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Implications of the IBEX observation of ribbon in energetic neutral atom emissions to the transport of Galactic and anomalous cosmic rays near the heliopause
- In Situ Measurement of Energetic Electron Fluxes Inside Thunderclouds
- Luminosity characteristics of sprite streamers forming from large ionospheric patches at subbreakdown conditions
- Observations of Seven Blue/Gigantic Jets above One Storm over the Atlantic Ocean
- Results from the Third RHESSI Catalog of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Solar Cycle Effect of the IBEX and Ulysses Measurements (Invited)
- Testing the Compton Tail Hypothesis
- Theoretical Study of Streamer Emission From Thundercloud Hydrometeors
- Hybrid Simulations for the Turbulence and the Wave-Particle Interaction in the Inner and the Outer Heliopause.
- An Analysis of Two Thunderstorms Producing Five Negative Sprites on 12 September 2014
- Dynamics of a Relative Long Positive Streamer from an Isolated Hydrometeor
- Generation and effects of EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen Probes on 18 March 2013
- Particle Acceleration at Filamentary Structures Downstream of Collisionless Shocks in the Heliosphere.
- Properties of ENA Source Regions Outside the Heliopause
- Toward a System-Based Approach to Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in Earth's Magnetosphere
- <p>Interferometer study of Narrow Bipolar Events (NBEs) in Florida
- Estimation of NO<SUB>x</SUB> Production from Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- High Speed Video Observations of Natural Lightning and Their Implications to Fractal Description of Lightning
- Negative Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Parameters over Land and Ocean
- Neutral atom distributions in the direction of the ribbon from global simulations
- Testing Formation of the Interstellar Boundary Explorer Ribbon in the Outer Heliosheath Using Voyager 1 Observations
- The Electrical Impact of Lightning Quasi-Electrostatic Fields on the Nighttime Lower Ionosphere: The Case of Negative Sprite Halos
- Three Dimensional Modeling of Streamer Interaction
- Thunderstorm Charge Structures Producing Negative Gigantic Jets
- A High-Speed Spectroscopy System for Observing Lightning and Transient Luminous Events
- Balloon Borne Instrumentation for Detection of Gamma Ray Glows
- Generation of EMIC Waves Observed by Van Allen Probes at Low L-shells of Earth's Magnetosphere
- Balloon-Borne Instrumentation for Detection of Gamma-ray Glows from Lightning
- Combining MHD Simulation and in-situ observations to probe CME-driven shock geometry
- Effects of Coronal Magnetic Field Structures on the Transport of Solar Energetic Particles
- Effects of the He-band EMIC Waves on Heating and Trapping of O<SUP>+</SUP> in the Earth's Inner Magnetosphere
- GLD360-Reported Radio Emissions Associated with Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Polarity of Current from Upward Lightning Initiated from the Gaisberg Tower
- Scaling of conventional breakdown threshold: Impact for predictions of lightning and TLEs on Earth, Venus, and Mars
- Simulating the Uranian Berg Feature as a Vortex-Driven Cloud
- Streamer Discharge Initiation from an Isolated Hydrometeor Modeled as a Conducting Sphere with Rigid Surface
- A Modeling Study of the Spatial Structure of Electric Fields Near Tall Towers
- Characteristics of Upward Leader Currents Measured at the KSC Industrial Area Tower
- Characterization of Sprites and Their Parent Lightning Flashes Occurring in and Around Florida
- Charge Transferred to Ground during Different Stages of Upward Lightning Flashes from the Gaisberg Tower
- Comparison of the path length distributions and latitudinal and longitudinal displacement distribution of solar energetic electrons in a meandering magnetic field (IMF) with electron events observed by WIND.
- High-Speed Spectroscopy of Natural Lightning Leaders and Return Strokes
- High-speed Video Observation of a Lightning Flash Producing X-rays
- How Much Carbon is Stored in Ancient Amazonian Anthrosols?
- Instrumentation and Methodology for Balloon-Based Detection of Gamma-Ray Glows in Central Florida Thunderstorms
- Intermittency in inertial range MHD turbulence in simulations and observations
- On Gamma-Ray and Radio-Frequency Radiation from Thunderstorms
- On the Interpretation of Parker Solar Probe Turbulent Signals
- The spacetime Eulerian correlation of strong magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
- Why do fast and wide CMEs not always produce observable solar energetic particles?
- An Information-Theoretical Approach to Analyzing Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Processes in Hybrid Simulations
- Characteristics of Currents in Upward Flashes Transferring Negative Charge to Ground
- Characteristics of Unconnected Upward Leader Currents Measured at the KSC Industrial Area Tower
- Comparing Parker Solar Probe observations with theory and simulations of reflection-driven Alfven turbulence
- Disentangling space-time variations in Parker Solar Probe solar wind turbulence observations
- Effects of the Upstream Solar Wind Structures on EMIC Waves in the Earth's Inner Magnetosphere
- High-speed video observations of space stems and leaders in natural negative cloud-to-ground lightning
- Intermittency scaling laws in the fast solar wind and magnetohydrodynamic turbulence simulations.
- Modeling the Transport Process of a Pair of Solar Energetic Particle Events Observed by Parker Solar Probe Near Perihelion
- Turbulence Characteristics of Switchbacks and Non-switchbacks Intervals Observed by Parker Solar Probe
- Two distinct electron populations in the 2001 April 25 event