U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Probabilistic Model for Predicting Attenuation of Viruses During Percolation in Unsaturated Natural Barriers
- Accumulation Rate of Microbial Biomass at Two Permeable Reactive Barrier Sites
- Analysis of Tradeoffs between Optimal Source and Dissolved Plume Remediation
- Analytical Land Atmosphere Radiometer Model Applied to Widely Differing Field Sites
- Climate Variability, Dissolved Organic Carbon, UV Exposure, and Amphibian Decline
- Decision-Making, Science and Gasoline Additives
- Deconvolution of Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> Efflux from Root, Litter, and SOM Components in a Ponderosa Pine Mesocosm Experiment Exposed to Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> and O<SUB>3</SUB>
- Ground Water Quality Surrounding Lake Texoma during Drought Conditions
- Improvement of HSPF watershed model in plant uptake and DIN export from forest
- Potential Controls of Nitrate Losses From Forested Basins in the Oregon Coast Range
- Processes Affecting Mercury Dynamics in Lahontan Reservoir, Nevada
- Relationship Between Landscape Character, UV Exposure, and Amphibian Decline
- Role of Red Alder in Nitrogen Losses From Forested Watersheds in the Oregon Coast Range
- Use of a Lumped Model (MAGIC) to Bound the Estimation of Potential Future Effects of Sulfur and Nitrogen Deposition on Lake Chemistry in the Adirondack Mountains
- Using Environmental Isotopes to Discern Sources and Processes Controlling Environmental Mercury Transport in Groundwaters at the Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine, California
- Water-Rock Interactions Influencing Mercury Fate and Transport from an Abandoned Mine Site to an Aquatic Ecosystem
- A regional model for PCDD/F's based on a photochemical model for air quality and particulate matter.
- AIRPACT Air Quality Forecasting for August 2001
- Analysis of Motor Vehicle Emissions in a Houston Tunnel during the Texas Air Quality Study 2000
- Assessing Stream Bed Stability and Excess Sedimentation in Mountain Streams
- Compound-Specific Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Analysis - Field Evidence of MTBE Bioremediation
- Environmental Mapping with Imaging Spectroscopy of the World Trade Center Area After the September 11, 2001 Attack
- Factors Influencing Surface Emissions of CO and NOx From a Brazilian Savanna
- Plant Functional Traits as a New Tool for Reconstructing Past Climate from Vegetation Data at a Global Scale
- Relating Weight and Count Distributions of Stream Bed Gravel
- Routing Washload Through Channel Networks: A Numerical Approach
- Surface Wave Investigation and Analysis Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction Sites in Asia
- Water Level Fluctuations in the Plata Basin (South America) From Topex/Poseidon Satellite Altimetry
- Watershed nutrient inputs, phytoplankton accumulation, and C stocks in Chesapeake Bay
- A Biogenic Role in Exposure to Two Toxic Compounds.
- Airborne Laser Swath Mapping (ALSM) for Enhanced Riparian Water Use Estimates, Basin Sediment Budgets, and Terrain Characterization
- An Ultrasonic Frequency Sweep Interferometer For Sound Speed Measurements On Liquids At High Temperature And Pressure
- An overview of the 2003 Chemical Emission, Loss, Transformation and Interactions within Canopies (CELTIC) study
- Assessing Cumulative Impacts of Coal Bed Methane Development on Surface Water Quality and its Suitability for Irrigation in the Powder River Basin
- Assessing the Health Impacts of Air Pollution Regulations Using BenMAP, the Environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program
- Carbon and Nitrogen Pools in Oregon Cascades Forests Over a Successional Gradient
- Characterization of Acid Mine Drainage Sources Using Stable and Radiogenic Isotopes, Chalk Creek, Colorado
- Characterizing Ground-Water Flow Paths in High-Altitude Fractured Rock Settings Impacted by Mining Activities
- Electrical Resistance Tomography to Monitor Mitigation of Metal-Toxic Acid-Leachates Ruby Gulch Waste Rock Repository Gilt Edge Mine Superfund Site, South Dakota USA
- Geoelectrical Evidence of Microbial Degradation of Diesel Contaminated Sediments
- JUPITER Project - Joint Universal Parameter IdenTification and Evaluation of Reliability
- Monitoing PM2.5 from Space
- PTR-MS and GC-MS Analyses of Sesquiterpenes
- Regional, Basin, and Local Factors Influencing the use of Synoptic Survey Data to Assess Anthropogenic Changes in Streambed Stability and Fine Sediment
- Regression Models That Relate Streams to Watersheds: Coping With Numerous, Collinear Predictors
- Review of PIXE Mercury Detection Research at the Louisiana Accelerator Center
- Sedimentation in Pacific Northwest Coastal Streams -- Evidence from Regional Surveys of Bed Substrate Size and Stability
- Soil N and C Geography of the Salmon River Watershed and the Oregon Coast
- The role of Peclet number on the alteration of variable aperture fractures by dissolution: A comparison of physical experiments with computational simulations
- The δ <SUP>18</SUP>O of Dissolved O<SUB>2</SUB>: Implications for Ocean Respiration and Circulation
- Tree-ring Indices and Isotope Signatures of Pinus ponderosa Related to Historic Ozone Changes Outside Los Angeles
- A Modeling Framework for Water Quality Management in the Tongue River Watershed in Montana and Wyoming
- A multi-isotope approach to characterize acid mine drainage in a hardrock alpine mine, Chaffe Co,Colorado.
- Fate of Arsenic at a Landfill Plume Discharge Point Into Surface Water, Central Massachusetts
- Field Measurements of Contaminant Flux by Integrated Pump Tests
- Hierarchical Controls of Fire Weather and Fire Climate in the Western United States
- Intercontinental and Regional Modeling of Multiple Pollutants (Particulate Matter, Ozone, and Mercury) over the Pacific Regions
- Modeling Dispersion in Tidal Channels
- Next Generation Scientists, Next Opportunities: EPA's Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Program
- Online and classroom tools for Climate Change Education
- Regional/Urban Air Quality Modeling Assessment over China Using the Models-3/CMAQ System
- Runoff Variability in Field-scale Catchments and the Implications for Rainffall-Runoff Modeling
- Saturation Measurements of Immiscible Fluids in 2-D Static Systems: Validation by Light Transmission Visualization
- Streambed Particle Size From Pebble Counts Using Visually Estimated Size Classes: Junk or Useful Data?
- The Effect of Central American Smoke Aerosols on the Air Quality and Climate over the Southeastern United States: First Results from RAMS-AROMA
- Vegetation Phenology and MODIS Leaf Area Index in the Albemarle-Pamlico Basin, North Carolina and Virginia, U.S.A.
- Water Quality In The Dnipro-Buh Estuary: Assessment And Management Support Tools
- An Operational Evaluation of the Eta-CMAQ Air Quality Forecast Model over the Continental US Domain during Summer 2005
- Are Site-Based Sampling Protocols Useful for Characterizing Watersheds and Fish Distribution Patterns Necessary for Successful Restoration?
- Detectability and Uncertaintites in the Interpretation of the Impacts Land Disturbances on Catchment Runoff
- Evaluation of WRF/Chem-MADRID with Satellite and Surface Measurements: Chemical and Optical Properties of Aerosols
- Global Scale DAYCENT Model Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Strategies for Cropped Soils
- Linking stormflow hydrology and biota in suburban streams
- Modeling the fate and transport of naphthalene emissions over a continental and urban scales
- Sackung and Rockslide Denudation In Baltoro, Braldu, and Shigar Areas, Karakoram Himalaya
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from the Photooxidation of Complex Hydrocarbon Mixtures: Composition, effect of SO2, and Relevance to Ambient Aerosol
- Spatial and Temporal Variation in Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes in Tree Rings: a Comparison of Riparian and Non-riparian Trees
- Sub-pixel rainfall variability and the implications for uncertainties in radar rainfall estimates
- Temperature effects on the synthesis of Si-Ferrihydrite nanoparticles of variable sizes identified by magnetic measurements
- The Role of Sample Survey Designs in Understanding Flowing Waters
- UV Attenuation Near Coral Reefs in the Florida Keys: Light Absorption by CDOM and Particles
- A Simple Hydrologic Model for Watershed Characterization
- Coupled geophysical-hydrological modeling of controlled NAPL spill
- Development of a Remote Sensing Program to Monitor for Resistance Development in Transgenic Crops
- Factors Influencing TCE Anaerobic Dechlorination Investigated via Simulations of Microcosm Experiments
- Linking Water Pathways and Sources of Dissolved Organic Matter at the Hillslope Scale: A 24-Day Sprinkling Experiment
- Model analysis of riparian buffer effectiveness for reducing nutrient inputs to streams in agricultural landscapes
- Opening the Black Box: Hillslope Ecohydrological Responses to Simulated Summer Rainfall in Western Oregon
- Predicting the fate and transport of toxic metal emissions over the United States.
- Producing Science to Inform Policy on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution
- Regional Assessment of Land Use Impacts on Stream Channel Habitat in the Middle Columbia River Basin
- The Biological Response of a Small Catchment to Clear-Cutting
- The Downslope Propagation of a Disturbance in a Forested Catchment: An Eco-Hydrologic Simulation Study
- The Hydrologic Response of a Small Catchment to Clear Cutting
- Using RAQMS Chemical Transport Model, Aircraft In-situ and Satellite Data to Verify Ground-based Biomass Burning Emissions from the Extreme Fire Event in Boreal Alaska 2004
- What Role Should Black Carbon Play in Climate Change Mitigation Strategies?
- A Modified Light Transmission Visualization Method for DNAPL Saturation Measurements in 2-D Models
- An Open-source Community Web Site To Support Ground-Water Model Testing
- An assessment of the performance of NAM-CMAQ air quality forecast with measurements from surface networks and specialized field campaigns
- Evidence for a recurring eastern North America upper tropospheric ozone maximum during summer
- Evolving Interface between Air Pollution Assessments and Atmospheric Characterizations
- Exceptional Air Pollution Events: Regional and Intercontinental Dust and Smoke
- Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollutants: Issues, Progress, and Implications
- Intercomparison of transpacific transport of Asian pollution between global and coupled global-regional model simulations
- Linking Soil Moisture, Micro-climate, and Transpiration in a Headwater Catchment
- Natural Terrestrial Sequestration Potential of Highplains Prairie to Subalpine Forest and Mined-Lands Soils Derived from Weathering of Tertiary Volcanics
- Perchlorate in the Hydrologic Cycle - An Overview of Sources and Occurrence
- Radioactive Dispersive Device (RDD) Bomb Modeling in Cities for Emergency Response Using the QUIC Model
- Regional Variation in Landscape Controls on the Width of Wadeable Streams Across the Conterminous United States
- Validation of OMI NO2 Data to Enhance EPA Ground Network Data: An RPC Experiment
- Who Needs Environmental Monitoring?
- A New Hydrogeological Research Site in the Willamette River Floodplain
- Aquatic Ecosystem Exposure Associated with Atmospheric Mercury Deposition: Importance of Watershed and Water Body Hot Spots and Hot Moments
- Arsenic Speciation in Groundwater: Role of Thioanions
- Assessment of the uncertainties in regional chemical transport modeling of atmospheric mercury
- Biogeochemical Barriers: Redox Behavior of Metals and Metalloids
- Black Carbon and Sorption of PAHs in Natural Fire-Impacted Sediments From Oriole Lake (CA)
- CO2 Dynamics and Community Metabolism in the Mississippi River Plume
- Characterization of Ambient Coarse Particulate Matter in Birmingham, AL Using a Network of Passive Samplers
- Climatic Effects of 30 Years of Landscape Change Over the Greater Phoenix, AZ, Region
- Complex Conductivity Response to Nanomaterials in a Sand Matrix
- Correlation of Arsenic and Other Metals in Natural and Anthropogenic Environments in Massachusetts, USA
- Establishing Reference Condition for Streambed Mobility: Quantifying the Effect of Form Roughness From Stream Habitat Survey Data
- Examining the Effect of Future Sulfate Emissions Controls in the U.S. on Photolysis Rates
- Examining the Role of Topography and Climate on Forest Water-use Efficiency
- How Much Atmospheric Deposition Across the US: Comparison of N and S Deposition Estimates
- Importance of Solid Phase Characterization to MNA Assessment
- In-Situ Measurement of pH of Hydrothermal Vent Fluids at EPR 9 N EPR: Implications for Acidity in Subseafloor Reaction Zones
- Measurements of Capillary Pressure-Saturation Relationships for Silica Sands Using Light Transmission Visualization and a Rapid Pseudo Static Method
- Modeling Watershed Mercury Response to Atmospheric Loadings: Response Times and Simulation Challenges
- Morphotectonics of LANF-controlled Plio-Quaternary grabens (Lunigiana-Garfagnana, Italy)
- Numerical Modeling of One-Dimensional Steady-State Flow and Contaminant Transport in a Horizontally Heterogeneous Unconfined Aquifer with an Uneven Base
- Probabilistic Estimates of Surface Ozone Concentration Derived Using an Ensemble of Model Configurations, Direct Sensitivity Calculations, and Bayesian Model Averaging
- Regional modeling of natural dust in the United State: Source emission, transport, and photochemical impact
- Semi-analytical models of CO2 Injection into Deep Saline Aquifers: evaluation of the area of review and leakage through abandoned wells
- Soil Drying Effects on the Carbon Isotope Composition of Soil Respiration
- Source Attribution of Mercury Exposure for U.S. Seafood Consumers: Implications for Policy
- Spectral Induced Polarization Response of Unconsolidated Saturated Sand and Surfactant Solutions
- Structure of the Ninetyeast Ridge North of the Equator, Eastern Indian Ocean.
- The Leadville Mine Drainage Tunnel Catastrophe: A Case Study of How Isotope Geochemistry Provided Forensic Evidence to Inform Policy Decisions
- The Three-Dimensional Air Quality System (3D-AQS) as a Data Synthesis Toolbox
- Two water worlds: Isotope evidence shows that trees and streams return different pools of water to the hydrosphere
- Uncertainty in Mass Discharge Measurements Based on Integrating Pumping Methods
- Using Critical Loads to Look at Improvements in Acidic Surface Water Conditions since the 1990 Amendments to the Clear Air Act: Case Study Adirondack, NY
- Using a Relative Bed Stability Index to Define Reference Conditions for Assessing Anthropogenic Sedimentation
- A Comparison of Mathematical Models of Fish Mercury Concentration as a Function of Atmospheric Mercury Deposition Rate and Watershed Characteristics
- A Methylmercury Prediction Too For Surface Waters Across The Contiguous United States (Invited)
- Anion-Dependent Aggregate Formation and Charge Behavior of Colloidal Fullerenes (n-C60)
- Atmospheric Variability Metrics for GEO-CAPE Measurement Definition
- Biomass Burning Emissions - The Importance of Reducing Uncertainties for Improved Regulatory Decisions; an EPA Perspective (Invited)
- Broadband Geoelectrical Signatures of Water-Ethanol Solutions in Ottawa Sand
- Catchment Hydro-biogeochemical Responses to Forest Harvest Intensity and Spatial Pattern
- Characterization of Carbon Onion Nanomaterials for Environmental Remediation
- Comparing (semi-) analytic solutions used to model the impact of deep carbon injection on the displacement and pressurization of the resident brine
- EPA Remote Sensing Information Gateway
- Ecoregional linkages between DOM optical properties, landscape-watershed attributes and climatology in Florida Gulf Coast Rivers
- Enabling the environmental information enterprise: data standards and interoperability at the US EPA (Invited)
- GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot-II: Integrating Technologies and Expertise to Build GEOSS
- Improved estimates of the North American atmospheric reactive nitrogen budget using chemical transport models, surface measurements, and space-based observations of NH3 and NO2
- Molecular aspects of aromatic C additions to soils: Implications of char quality for ecosystem functionality
- Nitrogen biogeochemistry in urban wetlands and bioretention systems: The evolving roles of urban stormwater management practices (Invited)
- Oxygenated VOCs as indicators of regional-scale photochemistry: comparison of CMAQ model results with measurements from the UC Blodgett Forest Station, California
- Prospects for an Environmental Data Fusion Center (Invited)
- Relative contributions of uncertainty in anthropogenic emissions and climate system response to the uncertainty of projected 21st century climate
- Semi-Automated Ensemble Analysis Methods to Evaluate Performance of Pump-and-Treat Systems
- Simulated Response of Mercury and Nitrogen to Land Management and Land Use Change in a Large River Basin
- Simulating the reactive transport of organic solutes and zero valent iron nano particles in 1-D column experiments
- Spatial & Temporal Geophysical Monitoring of Microbial Growth and Biofilm Formation
- Spatial and Temporal Influences on Hydrologic Connectivity: A Mathematical Formalization
- Testing the Two Water Worlds Hypothesis: column experiments and 1D transport modeling
- The Effect of FeS Mineral Transformation on TCE Degradation
- The Role of Science and Technology in the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)
- The role of chemistry in under-predictions of NO2 in the upper troposphere
- Two Approaches for Estimating Discharge on Ungauged Basins in Oregon, USA
- Understanding the transport pathways of pollutants to the Arctic during the 2008 ARCTAS/CARB campaign: A regional scale modeling study
- A Comparison of Symmetric and Asymmetric Warming Regimes on the Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics of Grassland Ecosystems
- Alternative Methods for Assessing Contaminant Transport from the Vadose Zone to Indoor Air
- An Accelerated Path to Assisting At-Risk Communities Adapt to Climate Change
- Analysis of the Effect of Interior Nudging on Temperature and Precipitation Distributions of Multi-year Regional Climate Simulations
- Aquitard contaminant diffusion resulting from DNAPL source zone dissolution
- Assessing Local-scale Air Quality Modeling for PM2.5 for Exposure Modeling Applications
- Automated Time-lapse GPR Imaging of an Ethanol Release
- Catchment Hydro-biogeochemical Response to Climate Change and Future Land-use
- Characterization of the extent of Mercury Contamination in the Androscoggin River from a former Chlor-alkali Facility, Berlin, New Hampshire
- Collaboration Web Spaces for the Community Initiative for Emissions Research and Applications (CIERA)
- Comparison of ground-based and satellite-based NO2 column measurements: First steps to correlating in-situ and remote measurements
- Contributions of biogenic volatile organic compounds to net ecosystem carbon flux
- Developing metrics to account for climate change impacts on ozone air quality (Invited)
- Effect of Landscape-Watershed Attributes on CDOM in Florida's Gulf Coast Rivers
- Enhanced ocean acidification in the northern Gulf of Mexico hypoxic bottom waters
- Estimating Evapotranspiration Based on MODIS and Meteorology Data over the Colorado River Basin
- Examining the linkages between forest water use, hydrology, and climate using dual-isotope approaches: insights and challenges in headwater catchments (Invited)
- Fluorescence characteristics of oil during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
- Growth rate characteristics of acidophilic heterotrophic organisms from mine waste rock piles
- How does complex terrain influence responses of carbon and water cycle processes to climate variability and climate change? (Invited)
- Intercomparison of Nitrous Acid (HONO) Measurement Techniques during SHARP
- Interpreting δD and δ18O isotopic signals of ambient water vapor in PNW coniferous forest using a high frequency CRDS analyzer
- Investigation of Carbon, Nutrients, and Groundwater Inputs in Coastal Florida Using Colored Dissolved Organic Matter
- Investigation of biogeophysical signatures at a mature crude-oil contaminated site, Bemidji, Minnesota
- Local-Scale Exposure Assessment of Air Pollutants in Source-Impacted Neighborhoods in Detroit, MI (Invited)
- MERGANSER - A Predictive Model of Mercury in Fish and Loons in New England Lakes
- Measuring ammonia from space: limits and possibilities
- NOx Chemical Sinks in the Upper Troposphere
- New Particle Formation Events at Duke Forest, North Carolina: Relation to Meteorological and Chemical Conditions
- Parameterization of the cloud-mediated radiative forcing of climate due to aerosols in the two-way coupled WRF-CMAQ over the continental United States
- Patterns in plankton community respiration in the NGOM: linkage between oxygen and carbon cycles. (Invited)
- Problem formulation, metrics, open government, and on-line collaboration
- Quantifying spatial and temporal variability in atmospheric ammonia with in situ and space-based observations
- Response of DOC in Acid-Sensitive Maine Lakes to Decreasing Sulfur Deposition (1993 - 2009)
- Scaling Issues and Spatio-Temporal Variability in Ecohydrological Modeling on Mountain Topography: Methods and Future of the VELMA Model
- Spectral induced polarization signatures from a crude-oil contaminated site undergoing biodegradation, Bemidji, MN
- Subsurface Thermal and Hydrological Changes Between Forest and Clear-cut Sites in the Oregon Cascades
- The Community Initiative for Emissions Research and Applications
- The U.S. Federal Government's Efforts to Estimate an Economic Value for Reduced Carbon Emissions (Invited)
- Time-Lapse Geoelectrical Imaging of a Controlled Ethanol Release in Ottawa Sand
- Time-lapse 3D inversion of spectral induced polarization measurements
- Using Hyperspectral Aircraft Remote Sensing to Support Ecosystems Services Research in New England Lakes and Ponds
- Water Velocity and Bioturbation Alter Sediment Resuspension and Biogeochemistry in an Experimental Freshwater Mesocosm System
- A modeling study of uncertainties in isoprene nitrates and OH reformation
- A novel approach to quantifying algal contributions to suspended organic matter from elemental composition
- Achieving Multi-Dicsciplinary Interoperability Across Scientific Disciplines
- Addressing Science and Policy Needs with Community Emissions Efforts
- An assessment of the performance of the Monitor for AeRosols and GAses in ambient air (MARGA): a semi-continuous method for soluble compounds
- Analysis of US emissions from two mobile source emissions models: magnitude, spatial and temporal patterns, and effects on photochemical modeling outputs
- Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change on Stream Discharge and Water Quality in an Arid, Urbanized Watershed
- Characterization of cookstove emissions from various stoves, fuels, and cycles; intervention pathways and implications for climate
- Choosing and Using Climate Scenarios for Climate Impacts Assessment and Adaptation Planning
- Climate Change Impacts of US Reactive Nitrogen Emissions
- Co-benefits of Global Greenhouse Gas Mitigation for Air Quality and Human Health via Two Mechanisms
- Comparison Between Elemental Carbon Measured Using Thermal-Optical Analysis and Black Carbon Measurements Using A Novel Cellphone-Based System
- Comparison of varied precipitation and soil data types for use in watershed modeling
- Consequences of climate change, eutrophication, and other anthropogenic impacts to coastal salt marshes: multiple stressors reduce resiliency and sustainability
- Differences in model sensitivities to ammonia air-surface exchange parameters in unmanaged and agricultural ecosystems in a regional air-quality model coupled to an agro-ecosystem model
- Diffusion of Chlorinated Organic Contaminants into Aquitards: Enhanced by the Flocculation of Clay?
- Ecosystem services altered by human changes in the nitrogen cycle: A new perspective for assessment
- Effects of stormwater management and stream engineering on nitrogen uptake and denitrification in streams
- Empirical critical loads of atmospheric nitrogen deposition for nutrient enrichment and acidification of sensitive US lakes
- Examining the impact of nitryl chloride chemistry on summertime air quality
- Formation of Bromine from Deliquesced Sodium Bromide Aerosol in the Presence of Ozone and UV Light
- Health co-benefits of mitigating short-lived climate forcers
- High-resolution simulation of Hydroclimatic conditions for the conterminous U.S. over the past 30 years
- How Computational Modeling of Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide will be used in the Underground Injection Control program
- Hydrogeologic Modeling for Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of Geologic Sequestration
- Hydrologic controls on nitrogen and phosphorous dynamics in incidental oxbow wetlands adjacent to an urban restored stream
- Hydrologic responses to forest thinning in Japanese headwater catchments
- Impacts of intercontinental transport of aerosols on human mortality
- Implications of Nitrogen-Climate Interactions for Ambient Air Pollution and Human Health
- Influence of Natural Organic Matter on Aggregation, Deposition, and Transport of Fullerene Colloids in Aqueous Systems
- Interactive Effects of Nitrogen and Climate Change on Biodiversity
- Investigating the Sensitivity of Streamflow and Water Quality to Climate Change and Urbanization in 20 U.S. Watersheds
- Investigating the role of particle shape on colloid transport and retention in saturated porous media (Invited)
- Isotopic composition of water from a mine drainage site in Creede County in south central Colorado
- Issues and progress in determining background ozone and particle concentrations
- Land Use and Climate Alter Carbon Dynamics in Watersheds of Chesapeake Bay
- Magnetic Susceptibility Measurements as a Proxy for Hydrocarbon Biodegradation
- Mapping Modern and Historical Geological Changes to the Upper Elkhorn Slough Estuary, Moss Landing, California
- Measurement and modeling of nitrogen biogeochemistry and impacts in an ecosystem services framework
- Mercury dynamics in a Coastal Plain watershed: Insights from multiple models and empirical data
- Modeling and inversion Matlab algorithms for resistivity, induced polarization and seismic data
- Modeling the Impact of Cracking in Low Permeability Layers in a Groundwater Contamination Source Zone on Dissolved Contaminant Fate and Transport
- Multiple likelihood estimation for calibration: tradeoffs in goodness-of-fit metrics for watershed hydrologic modeling
- NH<SUB>3</SUB> inverse modeling using TES NH<SUB>3</SUB> observations and surface measurements
- New Directions and Opportunities for Federal Earth Science Data -- a Perspective
- Nitrogen use efficiency in the US economy: Towards mitigation of climate change impacts
- Nutrient Overland Flow and Nitrous Oxide Losses from Residential Landscapes
- Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty in Scaling KINEROS2 Runoff Parameters
- Projecting Ammonia Dry Deposition Using Passive Samplers and a Bi-Directional Exchange Model
- Quantitative observation of boundary-layer NO2/SO2 from total-column measurements. New possibilities for space-based observations?
- Reactive Nitrogen in the United States: How Certain are We about Sources and Fluxes?
- Riparian forest effects on nitrogen export to an agricultural stream inferred from experimental data and a model
- SOA Formation form the NO3 radicals Chemistry of Isoprene, Monoterpenes, Sesquiterpenes, Biogenic Oxygenated Compounds, and Aromatics
- Screening Method for calculating Global Warming Potential through computational and experimental investigations of radiative forcing and atmospheric lifetime
- Spatio-Temporal Mechanistic Watershed Modeling of Mercury, Carbon, and Nitrogen Fate and Transport in a Coastal Plain Watershed (McTier Creek watershed, SC, USA)
- Spatiotemporal differences in nitrogen fate and transport with application of NCDC and WRF precipitation data in the SWAT watershed model
- The Effects of Wet Canopy Evaporation on the Isotopic Composition of Throughfall
- The Inverse Modeling of NH3 Bidirectional Fluxes in CMAQ for NH3 Emission Estimates in the East United States
- Tradeoffs among carbon, biodiversity, and economic returns for future land-use scenarios in the conterminous United States
- Using Bayesian Belief Networks to Explore the Effects of Nitrogen Inputs on Wetland Ecosystem Services
- Using Model Comparisons to Understand Sources of Nitrogen Delivered to US Coastal Areas
- Using Radiocarbon to Assess Soil Organic Matter Stabilization in a Transect of Mature Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA
- Variation in watershed nitrogen input and export across the Willamette River Basin
- What can we learn from observations about the trend in reactive nitrogen emissions?
- A Dualistic Stream Classification System for Oregon: In Support of a Stream Compensatory Mitigation Framework
- A Hybrid Regional Approach to Model Discharge at Multiple Sub-Basins within the Calapooia Watershed, Oregon, USA
- A Stochastic Multi-Media Model of Microbial Transport in Watersheds
- Air Quality uFIND: User-oriented Tool Set for Air Quality Data Discovery and Access
- An eco-hydrological modeling framework for assessing trade-offs among ecosystem services in response to alternative land use scenarios
- Analysis and Comparison of Raw and Weather-corrected July Mean Ozone, Satellite-derived Tropospheric NO2 and Ozone, and Indicator Ratios from Space for the Colorado Front Range
- Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Variability of Terrestrial Water Storage and Snowpack in the Pacific Northwestern United States
- Applications of Satellite Observations to Aerosol Analyses and Forecasting using the NAAPS Model and the DataFed Distributed Data System
- Assessing hydrologic impacts of future Land Change scenarios in the San Pedro River (U.S./Mexico)
- Basic Hydrology in Earth System Models
- Climate change mitigation in the agricultural sector- an analysis of marginal abatement costs of climate mitigation in global paddy rice agriculture based on DNDC simulations
- Co-benefits of Global Greenhouse Gas Mitigation for Future Air Quality and Human Health via Two Mechanisms
- Comparison of Spatial and Temporal Rainfall Characteristics of WRF-Simulated Precipitation to gauge and radar observations
- Convergence of the effect of root hydraulic functioning and root hydraulic redistribution on ecosystem water and carbon balance across divergent forest ecosystems
- Cooling Along Hyporheic Pathlines in a Large River Riparian Zone
- Correlation Analysis of Column-Density Data with Surface Mixing Ratios for o3 and NO2 during Discover-Aq
- Cracking of Clay Due to Contact with Waste Chlorinated Solvents
- Developing Oxidized Nitrogen Atmospheric Deposition Source Attribution from CMAQ for Air-Water Trading for Chesapeake Bay
- Diagnosis of streamflow prediction skills in Oregon using Hydrologic Landscape Classification
- Distribution of Gaseous and Particulate Products from the Oxidation of Isoprene
- EPA AirNow Satellite Data Processor (ASDP) for Improving Air Quality Information
- Effects of integrated stormwater management and stream engineering on nitrogen uptake and denitrification in streams
- Emission contributions to ambient PM in California
- Enhanced Diffusion of Chlorinated Organic Compounds into Aquitards due to Cracking
- Estimating Dispersivity, Mass Recovery, and Water Hold Up in Field-Scale Leaching Studies by Use of a Capacity Model
- Examining the Role of Throughfall during Hydrologic Transition at the Catchment Scale
- Expanding the Estimation of Surface PM2.5 from Aqua and Terra MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth in the EPA's AirNow Satellite Data Processor to Suomi NPP VIIRS
- Field-scale evidence for biogeophysical signatures resulting from natural attenuation of a well characterized crude oil spill
- Forecasting Stratospheric Intrusion Events over the Western US for Exceptional Event Demonstration
- GLIMPSE: A decision support tool for simultaneously achieving our air quality management and climate change mitigation goals
- Headwater management alters sources, flowpaths, and fluxes of water, carbon, and nitrogen in urban watersheds
- How will climate change affect watershed mercury export in a representative Coastal Plain watershed?
- Impact of Clean Air Act Regulations on Nitrogen Fate and Transport in the Neuse River Basin
- Impact of DNAPL Storage in Cracked Low Permeability Layers on Dissolved Contaminant Plume Persistence
- Impact of Technology and Feedstock Choice on the Environmental Footprint of Biofuels
- Improving the Accuracy of Daily Satellite-Derived Ground-Level Fine Aerosol Concentration Estimates for North America
- Integrating Climate Change into Great Lakes Protection
- Investigation of Multi-decadal Trends in Aerosol Direct Radiative Effects over North America using a Coupled Meteorology-Chemistry Model
- Leveraging simulated source contributions to improve understanding of atmospheric ozone
- Linking Watershed Nitrogen Sources with Nitrogen Dynamics in Rivers of Western Oregon, USA
- Long-term autonomous resistivity monitoring of oil-contaminated sediments from the Deepwater Horizon spill
- Mapping freshwater deltaic wetlands and aquatic habitats at multiple scales with high-resolution multispectral WorldView-2 imagery and Indicator Species Analysis
- Methane Emissions From Global Paddy Rice Agriculture - a New Estimate Based on DNDC Model Simulations
- Navigating the Clean Water Act: Connectivity and Legal Protection of Aquatic Resources
- Nitrate removal in two relict oxbow urban wetlands: a 15N mass-balance approach
- Nitrogen fluxes in response to changing NOx emissions and deposition at EPA's Mid-Atlantic Long Term Monitoring (LTM) stream sites, 1990-2009
- Nitrogen, Ecosystem Services and Environmental Justice: how can a Spatial Valuation Approach Inform Responsible Nutrient Management?
- Numerical analysis of one-dimensional temperature data for groundwater/surface-water exchange with 1DTempPro
- Oregon Hydrologic Landscapes: An Approach for Broadscale Hydrologic Classification
- Quantifying and Valuing Potential Climate Change Impacts on Coral Reefs in the United States
- Refusing The Choice: Balancing Life and Work
- Revisiting the Fully Automated Double-ring Infiltrometer using Open-source Electronics
- Role of Reactive Mn Complexes in a Litter Decomposition Model System
- Satellite-Observed Trend in Particle Sulfate Concentrations in the Continental U.S. and its Surrounding Regions
- Sensitivity of streamflow, nutrient and sediment loads to potential climate change and urban development in 20 U.S. watersheds
- Simulating Multi-Scale Mercury Fate and Transport in a Coastal Plain Watershed
- Snow Cover Contributes to Post-fire Vegetation Regeneration in Mediterranean Climate Regions
- Spatial and Temporal Variations in Greenhouse Gas Emissions from an Agricultural Reservoir
- Stable Isotope Analysis of stream organisms - a potential tool for monitoring changes in catchment conditions and effects on stream ecosystems
- Stormwater management impacts on urban stream water quality and quantity during and after development in Clarksburg, MD
- The Urban Watershed Continuum: Biogeochemistry of Carbon
- The burial of headwater streams in drainage pipes reduces in-stream nitrate retention: results from two US metropolitan areas
- Tropospheric Ozone Lidar Network (TOLNet) - Long-term Tropospheric Ozone and Aerosol Profiling for Satellite Continuity and Process Studies
- Use of the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) for Geological Studies in Glacier Bay, Alaska
- Using water stable isotopes to assess evaporation and water residence time of lakes in EPA's National Lakes Assessment
- What Can Nature Teach Us About Improving Earth Science Data Access?
- A Conceptual Model for Evaluating Hydrologic Connectivity in Geographically Isolated Wetlands (Invited)
- A Framework for Estimating Groundwater Concentrations of VOCs Emanating from a Vadose Zone Source (Invited)
- A Linear Systems Approach to Segmented Watershed Contaminant Transport
- A Systems Approach to the Estimation of Ecosystem and Human Health Stressors in Air, Land and Water
- A multi-scale analysis of streamflow response to changes in evapotranspiration and soil hydrology in the Blue Ridge Mountains (Invited)
- Adaptive management of urban watersheds
- Aging of Soot Particles: Remote Marine Free-tropospheric Aerosol at the Pico Mountain Observatory, Azores
- Algorithmic identification of limnological features in vertical profiles from the Great Lakes
- An Integrated Modeling Framework Forecasting Ecosystem Exposure-- A Systems Approach to the Cumulative Impacts of Multiple Stressors
- Are Urban Heat Island Adaptation Strategies Created Equal? Hydroclimatic Impact Assessment for U.S. 2100 Urban Expansion (Invited)
- Biomat flow: fluorescent dye field experiments, pore-scale modeling of flow and transport properties, and field-scale flow models
- Climate Adaptation Capacity for Conventional Drinking Water Treatment Facilities
- Connectivity of preferential pathways for flow and transport in soils (Invited)
- Contributions of carbonaceous aerosol emissions from different regions and sectors to Arctic temperature change
- Development of Standardized Mobile Tracer Correlation Approach for Large Area Emission Measurements (DRAFT UNDER EPA REVIEW)
- Ecological Processes of Isolated Wetlands: Ecosystem Services and the Significant Nexus (Invited)
- Ecosystem and human health impacts from increased corn production: vulnerability assessment of exposure to high nitrate concentrations in groundwater and blue baby syndrome
- Factors Influencing Export Of Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen By Major Rivers: A New, Seasonal, Spatially Explicit, Global Model
- Forecasting Stratospheric Intrusion Events over the Western US for Exceptional Event Demonstration
- Gamification - Environmental and Sustainable Development Organizations Could Do More
- Gravity for floods: Applications of NASA's GRACE mission to detect, understand, and aid in prediction of large-scale flood events
- High rates of soil respiration suggest large fluxes of labile C in a turfgrass system
- Hydrocarbon Development from Shale: A Set of Important, Unsolved Problems
- Hydrologic classification of Bristol Bay, Alaska using hydrologic landscapes
- Hydrologic, Social, and Economic Efficacy of Green Infrastructure Credit Programs: Toward Citizen Stormwater Management
- Impacts of Precipitation on Pathogens and a Fecal Indicator in a Tributary and Near-Coastal Area of Lake Michigan
- Influence of manure age and sunlight on the community structure of cattle fecal bacteria as revealed by Illumina sequencing
- Investigating the role of particle shape on colloid transport and retention in saturated porous media (Invited)
- Investigating the sensitivity of crystal number to aerosol and meteorological fields in CAM 5.1 using the adjoint of a physically based cirrus formation parameterization
- Land-use/land-cover drives variation in the specific inherent optical properties of estuaries
- Modeling Snowcover Sensitivity to Warming Temperature Across a Climatic Gradient in the Oregon Cascades
- Modeling Trends in Aerosol Direct Radiative Effects over the Northern Hemisphere using a Coupled Meteorology-Chemistry Model
- Multi-scale Analysis of the Fluxes Between Terrestrial Water Storage, Groundwater, and Stream Discharge in the Columbia River Basin
- New Metrics for Characterizing Snowpacks in a Warming Climate
- New insights into the diurnal variability of animal NH3 emissions using in-situ, satellite and aloft observations
- Nitrous Acid: Intercomparison of techniques and Implications of measurements for photochemistry
- Oil Droplet Size Distribution and Optical Properties During Wave Tank Simulated Oil Spills
- On the Sensitivity of SIP to the Presence and Transport of Nanoparticles in Saturated Porous Media
- Placing ecosystem sustainability within the context of dynamic earth systems
- Process scales in catchment science: a new synthesis
- Reducing surface water total and methyl mercury concentrations and bioavailability using a coagulation-wetland system
- Relating health and climate impacts to grid-scale emissions using adjoint sensitivity modeling for the Climate and Clean Air Coalition
- Relative sensitivity of simulated nitrogen discharge to projected changes in climate and land cover for two watersheds in North Carolina, USA
- Remote Sensing Applications to Water Quality Management in Florida
- Scaling considerations related to interactions of hydrologic, pedologic and geomorphic processes (Invited)
- Spatial and temporal patterns of air concentrations of mercury in Western North America 1998-present
- Stepglue, AN Effective Method for Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty Analysis of Geochemical Models with Wide Parameter Dimensionality
- Streamlining the discovery, evaluation, and integration of data, models, and decision support systems: a big picture view (Invited)
- Surface Water Quality Trends from EPA's LTM Network
- The National Ecosystem Services Classification System: A Framework for Identifying and Reducing Relevant Uncertainties
- The Potential Importance of Conservation, Restoration and Altered Management Practices for Water Quality in the Wabash River Watershed
- The interconnection of wet and dry deposition and the alteration of deposition budgets due to incorporation of new process understanding in regional models
- The magnitude of lost ecosystem structure and function in urban streams and the effectiveness of watershed-based management (Invited)
- The relationship between land management, fecal indicator bacteria, and the occurrence of Campylobacter and Listeria spp. in water and sediments during synoptic sampling in the S. Fork Broad River Watershed, N.E. Georgia, U.S.A
- Watershed Mercury Export and Environmental Change: Projecting the Effects of Variations in Atmospheric Deposition, Land Cover, and Climate (Invited)
- What, Where, When, Who and How: Accounting for Biogenic CO2 Emissions Fluxes
- A Consideration of the Health and Environmental Risks/Effects of Geoengineering
- A Multi-Model Framework to Achieve Consistent Evaluation of Climate Change Impacts in the United States
- A Poisson Random Field Framework Bridges Micro- To Macroscopic Scales In Microbial Transport
- Abandoned Channel Fill Sequences in Tidal Estuaries
- Aerosol Phosphorus Composition: New Insights from Synchrotron X-ray Spectroscopy
- An Overview of Ozone and Precursor Temporal and Spatial Variability in DISCOVER-AQ Study Regions
- Assessing the Influence of Mineral Surface Chemistry on Soil Organic Matter Stability in the US in Response to Climate Change
- Atmosphere-derived National Emissions of Ozone Depleting Substances and Substitutes for the United States
- Biosphere-Atmosphere Fluxes in Complex Terrain: Challenges and Opportunities
- Black carbon and particulate matter optical properties from agricultural residue burning in the Pacific Northwest United States
- CALIOP-derived Smoke Plume Injection Height
- Capturing the externalities: National and watershed scale damages from release of reactive nitrogen beyond the farm, factory, tailpipe and table
- Challenges and opportunities for remote sensing of air quality: Insights from DISCOVER-AQ
- Comparing Data Input Requirements of Statistical vs. Process-based Watershed Models Applied for Prediction of Fecal Indicator and Pathogen Levels in Recreational Beaches
- Comparison of Pandora spectrometer NO<SUB>2</SUB> measurements to aircraft, satellite, and ground measurements during the DISCOVER-AQ Texas campaign
- Contribution of Oil and Gas Production to Atmospheric CH<SUB>4</SUB> in the South-Central United States: Reconciling Bottom-up and Top-down Estimates
- Controls on Flow Permanence in Temporary Rivers: A Framework of Hydrogeomorphic Processes Across Space and Time.
- Couple land surface model with climate model in the Mississippi River Basin
- Data Management Solutions for Tracking Restoration Progress in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Decreased Atmospheric Sulfur Deposition Across the Southeastern U.S.: When Will Watersheds Release Stored Sulfate?
- Developing a Pilot Indicator System for U.S. Climate Changes, Impacts, Vulnerabilities, and Responses
- Developing a large-scale model to predict the effects of land use and climatic variation on the biological condition of USA streams and rivers
- Development and Evaluation of the Biogenic Emissions Inventory System (BEIS) Model v3.5
- Development of a Watershed Management Model for the Chesapeake Using Multiple Model
- Economic and Environmental Evaluation of Flexible Integrated Gasification Polygeneration Facilities Equipped with Carbon Capture and Storage
- Effects of Timber Harvest on Mercury Cycling in the Pacific Northwest, USA
- Electron Microanalysis of Aerosols Collected at Mauna Loa Observatory During an Asian Dust Storm Event
- Emergency Response and Long Term Planning: Two sides of the Coin for Managing Water Resources
- EnviroAtlas: A Spatially Explicit Tool Combining Climate Change Scenarios with Ecosystem Services Indicators
- Estimating Carbon Storage in Eelgrass Meadows in the Gulf of Maine
- Estimating Top-down Emissions (2011-2014) of CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> From Los Angeles by an FTS Atop Mount Wilson
- Evaluating NO<SUB>2</SUB> Variability of In-Situ and Remote Sensing Observations from Aircraft and Ground Sites During DISCOVER-AQ
- Evaluating changes in water quality with respect to nonpoint source nutrient management strategies in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Evaluating the Vertical Distribution of Ozone and its Relationship to Pollution Events in Air Quality Models using Satellite Data
- Evolving Human Alteration of the Carbon Cycle: the Watershed Continuum
- Fate of Uranium in Wetlands: Impact of Drought Followed by Re-flooding
- From all Sides: Water Resource Management in an Era of Extreme Variability
- Geographically Isolated Wetlands and Catchment Hydrology: A Modified Model Analyses
- Geographically Isolated Wetlands and Hydrologic Connectivity: Quantifying Seasonal and Annual Downstream Effects using a Hybrid Modeling Approach
- Hydrologic Classification of Bristol Bay, Alaska Using Hydrologic Landscapes
- Hydrologic Network Fault Trees Help Understand Patterns of Water Contamination
- Improving the understanding and diagnosis of Earth system changes in cold regions
- Influence of Conowingo Reservoir Infill on Chesapeake Bay Deep Water Hypoxia
- Inland Flooding Damages in the United States: Historical Trends and Climate Change Implications
- Isoprene Epoxydiols Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol (IEPOX-SOA): Insights from Aerosol Mass Spectrometer Field Measurements
- Large Eddy Simulation of Wind Turbine Wake Dynamics in the Stable Boundary Layer Using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- Managing Expectations: Results from Case Studies of US Water Utilities on Preparing for, Coping with, and Adapting to Extreme Events
- Mapping of Geographically Isolated Wetlands of Western Siberia Using High Resolution Space Images
- Mining Environmental Data from a Coupled Modelling System to Examine the Impact of Agricultural Management Practices on Groundwater and Air Quality
- Multidimensional and Multiscale Pattern of Western U.S. Ozone.
- National Air Quality Forecast Capability: Status and Research Needs
- National Geospatial Data Asset Lifecycle Baseline Maturity Assessment for the Federal Geographic Data Committee
- Ozone Transport and Mixing Processes in the Boundary Layer Observed with Lidar during Discover-AQ
- Paper 5643 - Role of Maintenance in the Performance of Stormwater Control Measures
- Photochemical Air Quality Modeling for California By U.S. EPA and Carb
- Rapid, Real-time Methane Detection in Ground Water Using a New Gas-Water Equilibrator Design
- Response of Forest Phenology, Evapotranspiration, and Net Ecosystem Exchange to Climatic Drivers in a Southern Appalachian Forest
- Response of the Summertime Ground-level Ozone Trend in the Chicago Area to Emission Controls and Temperature Changes 2005-2013
- Scale- and Aerosol-Aware Kain-Fritsch Convection Parameterization: Formulations and Tests
- Seasonal Variation of Methane Emissions in California's Urban and Rural Regions Using Multi-site Observations
- Seasonal and Diurnal Variations in Anthropogenic Sources of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Los Angeles Megacity
- Sediment and Fecal Indicator Bacterial Loading in a Mixed Land Use Watershed: Contributions from Suspended and Bed Load Transport
- Seeking Energy System Pathways to Reduce Ozone Damage to Ecosystems through Adjoint-based Sensitivity Analysis
- Sensitivity of regional meteorology and atmospheric composition during the DISCOVER-AQ period to subgrid-scale cloud-radiation interactions
- Settlement Effects on Favia fragum (Scleractinia, Faviidae) Exposed to Different Sediment Sources from Puerto Rico
- Shaping Future Phosphorus Management Pathways by Understanding the Past and Present
- Simulating Changes in Tropospheric Aerosol Burden and its Radiative Effects across the Northern Hemisphere: Contrasting Multi-Decadal Trends between Asia and North America
- Sources, properties, aging, and anthropogenic influences on OA and SOA over the Southeast US and the Amazon during SOAS, DC3, SEAC4RS, and GoAmazon
- Spatial Pattern of Great Lakes Estuary Processes from Water Quality Sensing and Geostatistical Methods
- Spatial Variability in Ozone and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux during the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Experiment
- Spatial trends in surface-based carbonaceous aerosol, including organic, water-soluble and elemental carbon, during DISCOVER-AQ in Houston, TX
- Spatially and Temporally Detailed Modeling of Water Quality in Narragansett Bay
- Sustainability in urban water resources management - some notes from the field
- Testing two potential fates for coastal marshes: Greenhouse gas emissions from native, Phragmites australis-invaded, and permanently inundated zones
- The U.S. EPA's Climate Change Adaptation Plans and the Nation Climate Assessment
- The triple oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation in the western United States
- Towards "open applied" Earth sciences
- Tracking evolution of urban biogeochemical cycles: salinization of fresh water
- Tropical and Extratropical Cyclone Damages under Climate Change
- USDA Biochar Research: Land Application Advances to Reap Its Multifunctional Abilities
- Updating Sea Spray Aerosol Emissions in the Community Multiscale Air Quality Model
- Urban, Suburban, and Rural Ozone Trends Across the United States over a Period of Decreasing NOx Emissions
- Usepa Development and Use of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Information
- Using EPA Tools and Data Services to Inform Changes to Design Storm Definitions for Wastewater Utilities based on Climate Model Projections
- Using Satellite Imagery to Improve the Characterization of Crop Residue Burning Emissions in the U.S. National Emission Inventory
- Using δ<SUP>15</SUP>N of Chironomidae as an index of nitrogen sources and processing within watersheds as part of EPA's National Aquatic Resource Surveys
- Validation of Pacific Northwest Hydrologic Landscapes at the Catchment Scale
- Validation of the WRF-CMAQ Two-way Model with High Resolution MODIS Data in the CA 2008 Wildfire Case
- Vulnerability of Northeastern U.S. Salt Marshes to Climatic and Anthropogenic Stressors
- Wind Turbine Wake Variability in a Large Wind Farm, Observed by Scanning Lidar
- A County Level Assessment of Water Withdrawals for Hydraulic Fracturing: Where are Impacts Most Likely?
- A National Assessment of the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing Activities on Drinking Water Resources
- A comparison of black carbon measurement methods for combustion sources
- A gridded version of the US EPA inventory of methane emissions for use as a priori and reference in methane source inversions
- An Analysis of Historic and Projected Climate Scenarios in the Western United States Using Hydrologic Landscape Classification
- Asian Dust at Mauna Loa Observatory: Analysis and Modeling of Individual Atmospheric Particles
- Baseline Carbon Monoxide and Ozone in the Northeast U.S. Over 2001 - 2010
- Building a Probabilistic Denitrification Model for an Oregon Salt Marsh
- Can dynamically downscaled climate model outputs improve projections of extreme precipitation events?
- Climate and Vegetation Effects on Temperate Mountain Forest Evapotranspiration
- Comparing observations of fossil fuel-derived CO<SUB>2</SUB> in California with predictions from bottom-up inventories
- Comparison of CALIPSO-derived Biomass Burning Smoke Plume Injection Height and CMAQ Modeled Injection, for the Tripod fire of 2006
- Comparison of Mercury Mass Loading in Streams to Wet and Dry Atmospheric Deposition in Watersheds of the Western US: Evidence for Non-Atmospheric Mercury Sources
- Deriving Surface NO<SUB>2</SUB> Mixing Ratios from DISCOVER-AQ ACAM Observations: A Method to Assess Surface NO<SUB>2</SUB> Spatial Variability
- Diurnal and Seasonal Attribution of Anthropogenic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions over Two Years in the Los Angeles Megacity
- Effective Climate Refugia for Cold-water Fishes
- Effects of Nitrogen Inputs and Watershed Characteristics on Summer Stream Nitrogen Concentrations: A National-Scale Analysis
- Environmental Quality Assessment of Built Areas with High Vacancy
- Establishing sustainable GHG inventory systems in African countries for Agriculture and Land Use, Land-use Change and Forestry (LULUCF)
- Estimating methane and nitrous oxide emissions in California using multi-tower observations and hierarchical Bayesian inversion
- Estimating sources, sinks and fluxes of reactive atmospheric compounds within a forest canopy
- Evaluation of the Community Multiscale Air Quality Model for Simulating Winter Ozone Formation in the Uinta Basin with Intensive Oil and Gas Production
- Expanding the performance curve of different weather data sources for hydrologic modeling in central Texas: a comparison of ground observations and the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis as watershed model inputs
- Floodplain Mapping and Wetland Connectivity to Lotic Aquatic Systems of Indiana and North Dakota, USA
- Geophysical Monitoring of Soil Stabilization Processes
- Improving the spatial representation of soil properties and hydrology using topographically derived watershed model initialization processes
- Integrated Modeling to Assess the Ecological and Air Quality Trade-offs of Agricultural Burning in the Flint Hills of Eastern Kansas
- Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: an overview of planned improvements to the methodologies and activity data used to develop the carbon estimates in the Land Use, Land-use Change, and Forestry (LULUCF) sector
- Linking Biological Responses of Terrestrial N Eutrophication to the Final Ecosystem Goods and Services Classification System
- Modeling the formation and aging of secondary organic aerosols in the Los Angeles metropolitan region during the CalNex 2010 field campaign
- Multiple Landscape Factors Affect the Resilience of a Mixed Land Cover Watershed
- Multiscale modeling of multi-decadal trends in air pollutant concentrations and their radiative properties: the role of models in an integrated observing system
- Naturally Occurring Asbestos in the Southern Nevada Region: Potential for Human Exposure
- Numerical Modeling to Investigate the Uncertainty of Mass Discharge Measurements from Point and Pumping Based Methods under Heterogeneous Conditions
- On the Usefulness of Hydrologic Landscapes for Hydrologic Model Calibration and Selection
- Ongoing analysis of DISCOVER-AQ observations and their implications for remote sensing of air quality
- Photochemical dissolution of organic matter from resuspended sediments: Impact of source and diagenetic state on photorelease
- Polyploidy in aspen alters plant physiology and drought sensitivity
- Potential Impacts of Spilled Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Chemicals on Water Resources: Types, Volumes, and Physical-chemical Properties of Chemicals
- Potential precipitation reductions in the northwest U.S. in response to the large-scale deforestation of the Amazon
- Predicting SOA from organic nitrates in the southeastern United States
- Quantification of physical and economic impacts of climate change on public infrastructure in Alaska and benefits of global greenhouse gas mitigation
- Reduced mass absorption cross section of black carbon under an extremely polluted condition in southern suburb of Beijing, China
- Relating watershed nutrient loads to satellite derived estuarine water quality
- Shaping Future Phosphorus Management Pathways by Understanding the Past and Present
- Simulated Benefits of Green Infrastructure for Urban Stormwater Management under Climate Change in Different Hydroclimatic and Archetypal Urban Settings
- Stable Isotopes Indicate Within-Canopy Processes During Interception of Rainfall
- Stressor-Response Models Relating Nutrient Enrichment to Algal Communities in Pacific Northwest Streams and Rivers
- Synthesis of recent advances in critical loads research on impacts from atmospheric nitrogen deposition on terrestrial plant communities.
- Temporal and Spatial Variation of Surface Water Stable Isotopes in the Marys River Basin, Oregon
- Testing wetland axioms at a watershed scale: Case studies of the aggregate hydrologic effects of non-adjacent wetlands
- The impact of snowpack decline on high elevation surface-water flow in the Willamette River: a stable isotope perspective
- US EPA Digital Science: An Evolution
- Understanding user needs for carbon monitoring information
- Use of Air Quality Observations by the National Air Quality Forecast Capability
- Use of Satellite Remote Sensing Measurements to Improve Hypoxia Prediction on the Louisiana Continental Shelf
- Variability and Sources of Tropospheric Aerosols Over the North Atlantic in Fall: A Model Analysis in Support of the NASA NAAMES Earth-Venture Suborbital-2 Mission
- Verification of CMAQ modeling with Discover-AQ campaigns against measurements and efficacy of emission inversion modeling
- A Five-Year CMAQ PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Model Performance for Wildfires and Prescribed Fires
- A Pilot Study to Evaluate California's Fossil Fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions Using Atmospheric Observations
- A new look at the Effect of NO<SUB>x</SUB> on Biogenic SOA Yields
- Accouting for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Reservoirs
- An assessment of streamflow vulnerability to climate using Hydrologic Landscape classification
- Assessing Hydrologic Impacts of Future Land Cover Change Scenarios in the South Platte River Basin (CO, WY, & NE) and the San Pedro River Basin (U.S./Mexico).
- Chemical characterization of sesquiterpene emissions and oxidation in the Amazon using SV-TAG
- Climate Change and Food Safety: Beyond Production
- Coupling simultaneous dissolved nitrate measurements with quantum cascade laser based nitrous oxide flux and isotopocule analysis to investigate the biogeochemical processes occurring in a denitrifying bioreactor.
- Delineation of Nested Wetland Catchments and Modeling of Hydrologic Connectivity Using LiDAR Data and Aerial Imagery
- Effects of Algal-Derived Carbon on Sediment Methane Production in a Eutrophic Ohio Reservoir
- Enhanced Carbon Uptake from Nitrogen Deposition in North American Forests is a Species Dependent Phenomenon
- Estimating Regional and National-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU) Sector using the `Agricultural and Land Use (ALU) Tool'
- Estimating pothole wetland connectivity to Pipestem Creek, North Dakota: an isotopic approach
- Evaluating a space-based indicator of surface ozone sensitivity to emissions of NO<SUB>x</SUB> vs. NMVOC over major northern mid-latitude source regions
- Exceedance of Combined Total (Wet + Dry) Nitrogen and Sulfur Depositions at Forest Soil over Conterminous US in a Changing Climate
- Field data collection, analysis, and adaptive management of green infrastructure in the urban water cycle in Cleveland and Columbus, OH
- Fragmentation by Dams Threatens Diadromous Fauna in Upstream Protected Areas - the Case of the La Amistad World Heritage Site (Costa Rica and Panama)
- Identifying the hydrologic center of watersheds for different weather data sources
- Impacts of episodic storms on coastal wetland processes in the Northeastern U.S.
- Inclusion of Coastal Wetlands within the Inventory of United States Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks
- Integrating wetland connectivity into models for watershed-scale analyses: Current and future approaches
- Investigating Physical Controls on Methane and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes over Reservoirs Using the Eddy Covariance Method
- Is it working? A look at the changing nutrient practices in Oregon's Southern Willamette Valley Groundwater Management Area
- Isotopic Insights Into the Degassing and Secondary Hydration Rates of Volcanic Glass From the 1980 Eruptions of Mount St. Helens
- Long Term Monitoring of Microbial Induced Soil Strengthening Processes
- Meter-Scale Urban Land Cover in EPA EnviroAtlas: Data, Methods and Applications for Assessing Ecosystem Services in Urban Landscapes
- Model Analysis of Tropospheric Aerosol Variability and Sources over the North Atlantic during NAAMES 2015-2016
- Model inter-comparison and evaluation of seasonal ozone vertical profile over North America using the AQMEII group of air quality models
- Model-simulated and Satellite-derived Leaf Area Index (LAI) Comparisons Across Multiple Spatial Scales
- Modeling Green Infrastructure Land Use Changes on Future Air Quality—Case Study in Kansas City
- Modeling prescribed burning experiments and assessing the fire impacts on local to regional air quality
- One multi-media environmental system with linkage between meteorology/ hydrology/ air quality models and water quality model
- Optimal implementation of green infrastructure practices to reduce adverse impacts of urban areas on hydrology and water quality
- Organic Compounds, WSOC, and OC in summer aerosol during SOAS 2013 from RTP, NC and Centerville, AL
- Participatory Systems Modeling to Explore Sustainable Solutions: Triple-Value Simulation Modeling Cases Tackle Nutrient and Watershed Management from a Socio-Ecological Systems (ses) Perspective
- Quality of Mass Flux Measurements under Heterogeneous Aquifer Conditions
- Quantification of Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Wastewater Collection Systems (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA)
- Quantifying co-benefits of source-specific CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission reductions in Canada and the US: An adjoint sensitivity analysis
- Quantifying the Impact of geographically isolated wetlands on the downstream hydrology of a Canadian Prairie watershed
- Reducing Stormwater Runoff through Biochar Addition to Roadway Soils
- Regional and National Use of Semi-Natural and Natural Depressional Wetlands in Green Infrastructure
- Relating Pandora and OMI column-density observations to surface mixing ratio: A statistical analysis of NO<SUB>2</SUB> measurements during the DISCOVER-AQ campaigns
- SOA Formation from a/b-farnesene mixture
- Scale-dependency of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions using Scale-Aware Cloud Microphysics in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- Simulating PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Concentrations Resulting from Compliance with National Ambient Air Quality Standards in Urban Areas
- Simulating the Fate and Transport of an Acid Mine Drainage Release Using the WASP model
- Simultaneous Semi-Distributed Model Calibration Guided by Hydrologic Landscapes in the Pacific Northwest, USA
- Spatial Patterns in Water Temperature in Pacific Northwest Rivers: Diversity at Multiple Scales and Potential Influence of Climate Change
- Surface-Air Mercury Fluxes Across Western North America: A Synthesis of Spatial Trends and Controlling Variables.
- Sustained Reduction of Total CO<SUB>2</SUB>-equivalent Emissions of Chlorofluorocarbons and Their Substitutes from the US
- The GCRP Climate Health Assessment: From Scientific Literature to Climate Health Literacy
- The USA Nr Inventory: Dominant Sources and Primary Transport Pathways
- The future of the North American carbon cycle - projections and associated climate change
- The hydrologic implications of alternative prioritizations of landscape-scale geographically isolated wetlands conservation
- Trace Gas Measurements from the GeoTASO and GCAS Airborne Instruments: An Instrument and Algorithm Test-Bed for Air Quality Observations from Geostationary Orbit
- U.S. Forest Greenhouse Gas Impacts of a continued Expansion of E.U. Wood Pellet Demand
- Understanding the Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Denitrification in an Oregon Salt Marsh
- Urban Soil Hydrology: bridging the data gap with a nationwide field study
- Urgent and Compelling Need for Coastal and Inland Aquatic Ecosystem Research Using Space-Based Sensors
- Using Molecular Tracers to Understand BVOC Interactions with Anthropogenic Pollutants in the Southeast U.S. and Amazonia
- Variation in wetland connectivity across contrasting landscapes
- Watershed Scale Impacts of Stormwater Green Infrastructure on Hydrology, Nitrogen Fluxes, and Combined Sewer Overflows in the Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC area
- "Application, evaluation and sensitivity analysis of the coupled WRF-CMAQ system from regional to urban scales"
- A Continental-scale River Corridor Model to Synthesize Understanding and Prioritize Management of Water Purification Functions and Ecological Services in Large Basins
- A Multi-Sector Assessment of the Effects of Climate Change at the Energy-Water-Land Nexus in the US
- A New Cyber-enabled Platform for Scale-independent Interoperability of Earth Observations with Hydrologic Models
- A Physically-based Model for Predicting Soil Moisture Dynamics in Wetlands
- An initial validation of Landsat 5 and 7 derived surface water temperature in US lakes and estuaries
- An isotopic view of water and nitrate transport through the vadose zone in Oregon's southern Willamette Valley's Groundwater Management Area
- Are changing emission patterns across the Northern Hemisphere influencing long-range transport contributions to background air pollution?
- Assessing Factors Contributing to Cyanobacteria Harmful Algal Blooms in U.S. Lakes
- Assessing the Energy and Emissions Implications of Alternative Population Scenarios Using a State-Level Integrated Assessment Model
- CALIOP-based Biomass Burning Smoke Plume Injection Height
- Challenges and Opportunities for Integrating Social Science Perspectives into Climate and Global Change Assessments
- Characterizing boundary layer height using surface and column measurements of NO<SUB>2</SUB> and formaldehyde
- Characterizing the Surface Connectivity of Depressional Wetlands: Linking Remote Sensing and Hydrologic Modeling Approaches
- Comparisons of MOVES Light-duty Gasoline NOx Emission Rates with Real-world Measurements
- Connecting Digital Repeat Photography to Ecosystem Fluxes in Inland Pacific Northwest, US Cropping Systems
- Coordinated Development and Deployment of Scenarios for Sustained Assessment
- Coupling Meteorological, Land Surface and Water Temperature Models in the Mississippi River Basin
- Direct Measurements of the Ozone Production Rate: Methods, Measurements, and Implications for Air Quality Monitoring
- Estimates of Present and Future Flood Risk in the Conterminous United States
- Evaluation of NOx Emissions and Modeling
- Evidence of Sulfate-Dependent Anaerobic Methane Oxidation within an Area Impacted by Coalbed Methane-Related Gas Migration
- Exploring drivers of wetland hydrologic fluxes across parameters and space
- Factors Controlling Nitrogen Loadings in Major River Basins Across the United States
- Fluorescence Sensors for Early Detection of Nitrification in Drinking Water Distribution Systems - Interference Corrections and Feasibility Assessment
- Forecasting land cover change impacts on drinking water treatment costs in Minneapolis, Minnesota
- From Scientists to the Public: Communicating Science through Blogs on oceanbites.org and envirobites.org
- Global Empowerment of Women in the Water Sector: A Mentoring Program through the Women-Water Nexus
- Green Infrastructure and Watershed-Scale Hydrology in a Mixed Land Cover System
- High resolution mapping of NO<SUB>2</SUB> column densities along the western shore of Lake Michigan and the Los Angeles Basin during May/June 2017
- Hydrologic vulnerability of tribal reservation lands across the U.S.
- Impacts of Four SO<SUB>2</SUB> Oxidation Pathways on Wintertime Sulfate Concentrations
- Implementation of marine halogen chemistry into the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model
- Improving the process understanding of methane emissions from a mid-latitude reservoir by combining eddy covariance monitoring with measurements of ebullition and underwater mixing
- Incorporating Green Infrastructure into Water Resources Management Plans to Address Water Quality Impairments
- Incorporating Lightning Flash Data into the WRF-CMAQ Modeling System: Algorithms and Evaluations
- Increased Hydrologic Connectivity: Consequences of Reduced Water Storage Capacity in the Delmarva Peninsula (U.S.)
- Increases to Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosols from SO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>x</SUB> in the Southeastern US
- Induced polarization for characterizing and monitoring soil stabilization processes
- Inferring the source of evaporated waters using stable H and O isotopes
- Informing the NCA: EPA's Climate Change Impact and Risk Analysis Framework
- Linking the Scales of Scientific inquiry and Watershed Management: A Focus on Green Infrastructure
- Mechanistic modeling of reactive soil nitrogen emissions across agricultural management practices
- Modeled changes in 100 year Flood Risk and Asset Damages within Mapped Floodplains of the Contiguous United States
- Modeling Emissions and Vertical Plume Transport of Crop Residue Burning Experiments in the Pacific Northwest
- Modeling the Environmental Fate of Graphene Oxide and Its Phototransformation Products in Brier Creek Watershed Using the Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program 8 (WASP8)
- MoisturEC: an R application for geostatistical estimation of moisture content from electrical conductivity data
- Nitrogen Assessment in the Nooksack-Abbotsford-Sumas Transboundary Watershed
- Optimal implementation of best management practices to improve agricultural hydrology and water quality
- Overview of the Ozone Water-Land Environmental Transition Study: Summary of Observations and Initial Results
- Patterning between urban soil color and carbon stocks
- Planning for Sea Level Rise: An AGU Talk in the Form of a Co-Production Experiment Exploring Recent Science
- Prescribed Grassland Burning Smoke Emission Measurements in the Northern Flint Hills Region
- Quantifying Spatially Integrated Floodplain and Wetland Systems for the Conterminous US
- Sediment Budgets and Sources Inform a Novel Valley Bottom Restoration Practice Impacted by Legacy Sediment: The Big Spring Run, PA, Restoration Experiment
- Sensitivity of an Integrated Mesoscale Atmosphere and Agriculture Land Modeling System (WRF/CMAQ-EPIC) to MODIS Vegetation and Lightning Assimilation
- Simulating Exposure Concentrations of Engineered Nanomaterials in Surface Water Systems: Release of WASP8
- Spatial variability in the response of surface-water extent to climate extremes across the Prairie Pothole Region and adjacent Northern Prairie, United States
- Spatially Distributed Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Leaf Area Index and Potential Evapotranspiration for Hydrologic Modeling in Wetland Landscapes
- Species- to continental-scale influences of nitrogen and sulfur deposition on tree growth and mortality across the conterminous United States
- Study of circulation in the Tillamook Bay and the surrounding wetland applying triple-nested models downscaling from global ocean to estuary
- The Effect of Mitigation Policy on Regional Climate Impacts on the U.S. Electric Sector
- The Hydrologic Implications Of Unique Urban Soil Horizon Sequencing On The Functions Of Passive Green Infrastructure
- The Vertical Structure of Urban Soils and Their Convergence Across Cities
- The sinking Mekong delta; modeling 25 years of groundwater extraction and subsidence
- Transforming SWAT for continental-scale high-resolution modeling of floodplain dynamics: opportunities and challenges
- Trends in simulated chemical composition of global and regional population-weighted fine particulate matter over the recent 25 years
- US surface ozone extremes and trends over 1980-2015: Quantifying the roles of rising Asian emissions, wildfires, biosphere-atmosphere couplings, and climate
- Urbanization accelerates long-term salinization and alkalinization of fresh water
- Using Multi-media Modeling to Investigate Conditions Leading to Harmful Algal Blooms
- Wetland Hydrologic Connectivity to Downstream Waters: A Classification Approach and National Assessment
- 'A tale of two cities': Nitrogen inventories in the Nooksack-Fraser Transboundary Watershed
- A Physical Approach to Constraining Chemical Transport PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Modeling Outputs Using Surface-Monitor Measurements and Satellite Retrievals
- A SWAT-based optimization tool for obtaining cost-effective strategies for agricultural conservation practice implementation at watershed scales
- A Six Year Field Test of Emulsified Zerovalent Iron to Treat Source Zone Chlorinated Solvents at a Superfund Site
- A database of nitrate isotopes in waters of the Northern Forest region in the USA and Canada
- A multi-source approach to characterize inundation and connectivity across forested wetlands
- Acidification and Climate Linkages to Increased Dissolved Organic Carbon in High Elevation Lakes
- Ad-Hoc Ceilometer Evaluation Study (ACES): Lidar/Ceilometer Mixing Layer Heights and Network
- Addressing SST Uncertainty for Future Precipitation Extremes within the Southeast and Caribbean US at Convective Permitting Scales
- Aerosol measurements during the Lake Michigan Ozone Study (LMOS 2017)
- Airborne Measurements and Air Quality Impacts of the 2016 California Soberanes Megafire
- Application of the Quasi-Analytical Algorithm and Contrast Threshold Theory to Retrieve Secchi Depth from Optically Complex Lakes and Reservoirs of the Continental US using Landsat 8
- Application of watershed nitrogen budgets to inform management
- Assessing the Impact of Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms on Drinking Water Intakes Across the United States
- Assessment of important SPECIATE profiles in EPA's emissions modeling platform and current data gaps
- Bridging the gap between remotely sensed big data and watershed hydrologic models
- Bringing citizen science efforts into coastal acidification monitoring
- Built Environment, Urban Systems, and Cities
- CALIPSO-derived Biomass Burning Smoke Plume Height: 2006 Tripod Fire, WA and 2013 RIM Fire, CA
- Cesium Emissions from Fires in Contaminated Forest
- Chesapeake Legacies: Implications of Groundwater N Accumulation for Water Quality Improvements in the Chesapeake Bay
- Community Air Quality Projects at the Intersection of Citizen Science, the Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics
- Comparing Post-Harvest Soil Nitrogen and Carbon Cycling and Content in Tall Fescue Fields Under Conventional and Enhanced Efficiency Fertilization
- Connecting Environmental Futures with Environmental Decision-making
- Continued Phosphorus Accumulation in Agricultural Soils Counteracts Progress in Decreasing Nutrient Loss from Urban Areas in the United States
- Declining nitrogen availability in temperate forests: Implications for watershed nitrogen export and coastal receiving waters
- Developing and Adapting Data Management Services Across Multiple Virtual Observatories
- Economic and technical assessment of rooftop solar photovoltaics: A study of Brownsville, Texas, U.S.A
- Endangered Fish Species Distribution in Relation to Historic and Contemporary Water Quality and Quantity
- EnviroAtlas EO-based Indicators for SDG Reporting at National and Subnational Extents
- Environmental Data, Model Projections and Risk Assessment Frameworks Translated for the Water Sector: Examples from Collaborations between Utilities and EPA's Creating Resilient Water Utilities
- Environmental trade-offs of stream restoration for managing stormwater and nutrients in urban ecosystems
- Estimates of present and future asthma emergency department visits associated with exposure to oak, birch, and grass pollen in the United States
- Estimating PV soiling effects with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model
- Evaluation of Continuous Formaldehyde Measurements in Ambient Air
- Evaluation of ozone horizontal gradients at the land/water interface from the 2017 Ozone Water-Land Environmental Transition Study (OWLETS)
- Expanding the EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM5) API for Tracking Contamination in Urban Environments
- Exploring the Use of a Meta-Analytic Framework to Synthesize Published Literature Addressing Future Water Quality Change
- Exploring the Vertical Distribution of Wildland Fire Smoke in CMAQ
- Formaldehyde Observations from Space: Temporal Patterns, Model Evaluation, and Estimates of Near-Surface Amounts to Support Health Risk Assessment
- From Research/Campaign Mode to Long-Term Air Quality Monitoring: The Evolution of the Pandonia Global Network (PGN)
- High Spatial Resolution Aircraft-based NO<SUB>2</SUB> Mapping Near New York City: TROPOMI Validation Efforts and Preparatory Work for Geostationary Observations
- Highlights from Recent EPA STAR Results on Urban and Regional Air Quality
- How Does Natural Infrastructure Mediate Water Quality and Quantity Across Large River Basins? Insights from "Big" Data and Modeling
- How Hydrologic Connectivity Regulates Water Quality in River Corridors
- How landscape source, sink, and transport interactions mediate nitrogen and phosphorus across a large river basin
- Identification and Quantification of Domestic Wells at Risk of Impact from Migrating Methane Relating to the Non-Conventional Extraction of Shale Gas (Hydraulic Fracturing) in the United States.
- Identifying cost-effective strategies for Chesapeake Bay restoration through optimization analysis of a watershed-estuary model
- Impact of cumulus parameterization options on clouds, ozone, and PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> in regional- to urban-scale WRF-CMAQ simulations
- Impact of halogen chemistry on tropospheric ozone in China
- Impacts of sub-grid scale land cover composition in the Model for Prediction Across Scales-Atmosphere (MPAS-A)
- Improving the National Emissions Inventory for Fires: The Impact of Industrial Sources in the MODIS Active Fire Product
- Influence of Climate Change on Chesapeake Bay Water Quality
- Influences of Meteorology and Deposition on Agricultural Land Nitrogen Budget and Nitrogen Use Efficiency over the Conterminous United States
- Informing stream protection and restoration to maintain watershed resilience
- Insights from geochemical simulations of experimental and environmental datasets: Testing and verification of the Thermochemical Database Project's Electronic Database
- Integrating Multi-Media Models to Assess Nitrogen Losses from the Mississippi River Basin to the Gulf of Mexico
- Integration of satellite observations with low-cost air quality monitors: A data science approach to monitor air quality
- Land cover and land-use change are important drivers of global climate change and can have both positive and negative feedbacks on the climate system
- Landforms of Urban Watersheds
- Landscape-river corridor storage affects watershed hydrologic dynamics: inferences from a large-scale model
- Lessons Learned from High Spatiotemporal Airborne NO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements in Urban Coastal Regions
- Leveraging ancillary benefits with stormwater management from urban greenspace
- Linkages between drought and dust in the US Southwest: Implications for air quality and public health under future climate change
- Linking air quality, meteorology, land surface and water quality models in the Mississippi River Basin
- Linking global-scale and urban-scale integrated assessment tools
- Linking spatial patterns with processes in river networks using stable isotopes: Evaporation in Mississippi River watershed
- Linking the budget to the footprint: Assessing phosphorus flows in United States agriculture from different perspectives
- Long-term atmospheric chemistry measurements for research and satellite validation in the Southeastern US.
- Meteorological and Emission Sensitivity of Hemispheric Ozone and Particulate Matter
- Methodology for Assessing Community Vulnerability to Pollutant Releases from Waste Management Facilities Due to Extreme Events: Case Studies from Waterbury, CT and Phoenix, AZ
- Modeling Drinking Water Nitrate Violations across the Conterminous United States
- Modeling NH<SUB>4</SUB>NO<SUB>3</SUB> in California during the CalNex-2010 and DISCOVER-AQ-2013 Field Campaigns
- Modeling assessment of climate change impacts on water quality in Chesapeake Bay
- Modeling potential future changes in microbial water quality and the effectiveness of management responses
- Modeling the Impacts of Remediation Decisions on Groundwater Plume Persistence due to Back Diffusion
- Modeling the Transport of the 'New-Horizon' Reduced Graphene Oxide—Metal Oxide Nanohybrids in Saturated Porous Media
- Modeling the response of nutrient loads to management actions in the Chesapeake Bay watershed through participatory modeling
- Nitrate Decrease in Surface and Groundwater After Legacy Sediment Removal Restoration in a Floodplain Stream, Big Spring Run, PA USA.
- Overview of the 2017 Lake Michigan Ozone Study
- Potential Local to Regional Scale Impacts from Wildfire Re-emission of Hypothetical Radiological Contamination Incidents
- Projecting Changes in Air Quality and Health Impacts Across the U.S. at 2050 and 2090 Using Multiple Scenarios
- Providing High Resolution Ecosystem Goods and Services Assessment with the EnviroAtlas Community Dataset
- Re-Framing Future Risks of Extreme Heat in the United States
- Recent advances in critical loads research and understanding vulnerability to N and S deposition across the contiguous U.S.
- Reducing Risks Through Emissions Mitigation: National Climate Assessment NCA4 Vol 2, Chapter 29
- Rendering Hydrologic Ecosystem Services From Urban Soils: A Combined Field and Simulation Study
- Runtime NH<SUB>3</SUB> Emission Estimates using the Surface Tiled Aerosol and Gaseous Exchange (STAGE) Dry Deposition Option in the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model v5.3
- Shorecasts: a novel approach to shoreline prediction and modelling
- Simulating the Fate and Transport of Carbon-based Nanomaterials Across Different Aquatic Ecosystems
- Simulating the Fate, Transport, and Transformations of Organic Nanoparticles and their Daughter Products in Surface Waters and Sediments: Combining Laboratory Studies with Process Modeling
- Simulating the hydrologic impacts of green roofs in four urban watersheds in Seattle, Washington, using VELMA, a spatially explicit watershed model
- Smart Mapping: Automated 4-Dimensional Visualization of Water Quality in Chesapeake Bay
- Smoke, Heatwaves and Ozone: A Historic Air Pollution Episode in the San Francisco Bay Area Captured by a Prototype of the Re-designed EPA Photochemical Assessment Monitoring System
- Soluble reactive phosphorus stream loads decrease following legacy sediment removal in a restored floodplain, Big Spring Run, PA
- Synthesizing and communicating ecosystem responses to air pollution for federal resource management
- The Chesapeake Bay TMDL 2017 Midpoint Assessment
- The Fourth National Climate Assessment: Air Quality Impacts
- The Fourth National Climate Assessment: Human Health
- The Fourth National Climate Assessment: Summary Findings and Overview
- The TEMPO Green Paper: Applications in Air Quality and Health, Agriculture, Forestry, and Economics
- The contribution of wildland fire activity to nutrient deposition in the contiguous U.S.: Implications for vulnerable ecosystems
- The relationship between sediment temperature and methane ebullition in a small eutrophic reservoir: insights from two years of intensive monitoring
- Tidal Pumping as a Driver of Diagenetic Processes in Coastal Systems of Puerto Rico and Saudi Arabia.
- TropOMI Validation at Existing Air Quality Monitoring Sites: Scientific Results, Operational Advantages and Implications for Measurements from Geostationary Orbit
- U.S. EPA Greenhouse Gas Data on Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems
- U.S. EPA's AirNow International Air Sensor Applications and Initiatives in Accra, Ghana
- U.S. EPA's Scientific Integrity Policy: Successes and Challenges
- Understanding Precipitation Partitioning, Biases, and Role of Adjustment Timescale in Multi-scale Atmospheric Simulations
- Unexpected air quality feedback chains from implementation of green infrastructure in urban environments: a Kansas City case study
- Unseen Impacts of Organic Sulfur from Lower Sulfur Dioxide on Air Quality and Aerosol Properties
- Using GOSAT satellite data to test inventories of 2010-2015 North American methane emissions and their trends
- Water quality status and trends in Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries in 1985-2016: Temporal and spatial patterns uncovered through criteria attainment assessments
- Water: Fourth U.S. National Climate Assessment (NCA4) Volume 2, Chapter 3
- Wintertime ammonium nitrate aerosol pollution in urban areas: NO<SUB>x</SUB> and VOC control as mitigation strategies
- δ<SUP>15</SUP>N of Chironomidae: an index of nitrogen sources and processing within watersheds as part of EPA's National Aquatic Resource Surveys
- A four-dimensional approach for restoring thermal diversity in regulated rivers
- Air quality and health impacts of an operational prescribed burning program
- An assessment and synthesis of microbe-actinide bioassociation values in the literature and their effects on groundwater radionuclide mobility in geologic radioactive waste repositories
- Assessment of Environmental Variables that Affect Harmful Algal Blooms and Hypoxia in Lake Erie Using Multi-media Modeling and Machine Learning
- Building a Bridge: AN Example of Linking Global-Scale CO2 Fluxes to High-Resolution Urban CO2 Emissions
- Cesium removal from water system by using the nitric acid treated bamboo charcoal in polysulfone carrier
- Changes in ozone production chemistry across the U.S. between 2007 and 2016: An integrated modeling assessment
- Changes in stream water and sediment flow regime following wildland fires in western USA
- Changes in the magnitude and spatial pattern of reduced nitrogen deposition due to SOx and NOx reductions in the U.S.
- Cold Water and Salmon in the Columbia River: Challenges in Translating Uncertainty to Inform Decision-making
- Comprehensive Bottom-up Analysis of the Onroad Mobile Emission Sector in the US: from Emission Rates to Air Quality Impacts
- Connecting near surface in-situ measurements to ground based total column measurements from Pandora
- Curve Number Development using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index for the Contiguous United States in Hydrologic Micro Services
- Developing a Coupled Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Model to Simulate Flood Induced Fate and Transport of Contaminants in Sediments and Soils
- EPAMS Profiler and Ceilometer Network
- Ecohydrological and biogeochemical dynamics of urban stormwater in arid central Arizona
- Effects of an Experimental Ice Storm on Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in a Northern Hardwood Forest
- Enhanced Efficiency Nitrogen Fertilizer: Potential Impacts on Crop Yield and Groundwater in Tall Fescue Fields of the Southern Willamette Groundwater Management Area, Oregon, USA.
- Evaluating top-down NMVOCs emissions in Northeast Asia and their impacts on simulated O<SUB>3</SUB> concentrations in South Korea using OMI retrievals and aircraft observations during the KORUS-AQ campaign
- Evaluation of CMAQ Estimated NO<SUB>x</SUB> from 2002 to 2016
- Exploring Factors Affecting the Inference of Surface-Level NO<SUB>2</SUB> from Orbital and Suborbital Tropospheric Column Observations
- Exploring the regional-scale atmospheric fate and transport of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
- Flood Inundation Mapping using Hydrologic Models and Remote Sensing in Support of the National Water Model
- Geospatial analysis of environmental risks for isolation prevalence of pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacteria in a population cohort
- Global Sensitivity Analysis for an Integrated Modeling System of Agriculture, Atmosphere, Hydrology and Water Quality for Ecosystem Assessment
- Ground-based measurements of HCHO during the LISTOS (2018) campaign
- Groundwater Recharge and Microbial Water Quality From Drywells
- Health Effects Associated with Remotely Sensed Cyanobacteria Blooms in a Drinking Water Reservoir
- Helium abundance and non-equilibrium in the inner heliosphere
- How Do Non-Floodplain Wetlands Affect Nonpoint Source Watershed Nutrient Fluxes?
- HydroGlobe - a platform enabling the integration of earth observations in hydrologic models
- Improving Wetland Restoration Outcomes for Resilience Using an Ecosystem Services Gradient Framework
- Incorporation of Coastal Wetlands into the United States National Greenhouse Gas Inventory
- Influence of groundwater residence time on biogeochemical transformation after legacy sediment removal from a headwater stream in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA
- Informing Adaptations to Riverine Flood Risk Under Climate Change
- Integrating thermal infrared stream temperature data and spatial stream network models to understand the natural spatial variability in stream temperatures
- Inverse Modeling Constraints on Sources of NH3 using CrIS Remote Sensing Measurements
- Investigating the impacts of power plants, oil and gas operations, and biogenic emissions on ozone production in San Antonio
- Isotopic and Hydrochemical Investigation of Surface-Spring Water Dynamics in Urbanized Catchment, Portland, Oregon, USA
- Kinetic physics everywhere in the inner heliosphere: Evidence from the FIELDS instrument on Parker Solar Probe
- Leveraging Wetland Soil Carbon Data Sets to Address Spatial Representation of Wetland Carbon Stocks
- Long-Term Trends of Wet Inorganic Nitrogen Deposition in Rocky Mountain National Park: Influence of Missing Data Imputation Methods and Associated Uncertainty
- Long-term Ozone and Gaseous Pollutant Monitoring by the Clean Air Status and Trends Network
- Long-term trends in hydrology and biogeochemistry in a geomorphically restored urban stream
- Low-cost Sensor Applications for Improved Control of Fugitive Industrial Emissions
- Mapping Modeled Exposure of Wildland Fire Smoke for Human Health Studies in California
- Model-Measurement Comparison of Ozone and Precursors Along Land-Water Interfaces during the 2017 LMOS and 2018 LISTOS Field Campaigns
- Multi-scale Analysis of Ozone Source Apportionment Using CMAQ-ISAM during 2018 LISTOS Field Campaign
- Need, Potential Value and Feasibility of a Ground-based Continuous Aloft Air Pollution Monitoring Network: A Modeling Perspective
- New insights on young black carbon in pelagic Atlantic sediments
- Nitrogen budget of a forest-urban-agricultural Canada-USA transboundary watershed
- Nitrogen pollution indicators in groundwater: The role for the dual-isotope analysis of water and nitrate
- Opportunities of Next-Generation Multifunctional Carbon-Metal Nanohybrids for Newly-Emerging Contaminant Removal from Water
- PFAS Contaminants Mapping and Assessment Research at the USEPA
- Parker Solar Probe observations of proton beams simultaneous with ion-cyclotron waves
- Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in the United States: Occurrence, Fate, Transport, and Exposure
- Preliminary Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Dissolved Organic and Inorganic Carbon Delivery to Tillamook Estuary, Oregon (USA).
- Promise and problems of real-time nitrate monitoring for watershed N budgets
- Quantifying Past and Future Nitrogen Sources to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Quantifying Red Maple Tree Transpiration across Different Urban Forest Management Contexts in Maryland
- Radial Evolution of MHD-Scale Solar Wind Turbulence from 35 Rs to 1 AU
- Re-envisioning upgradient urban landscapes: the impact of vacant lots on urban runoff
- Reliability of a Low-Complexity Tool for Large-Scale Flood Inundation Mapping
- Removal of Mixed Heavy Metals Cd<SUP>2+</SUP>, Pb<SUP>2+</SUP>, and Zn<SUP>2+</SUP> from Aqueous Solutions by Dairy Manure- and Douglas Fir- Derived Biochar
- Resilient and sustainable infrastructure decision-making through consideration of persistent and long-term uncertainties imposed by extreme weather events
- Revised Principles for Conducting Research in the Arctic and Improving Collaborations in Science
- Solar wind proton core and beam distributions as seen by the SPAN-Ion instrument on Parker Solar Probe.
- Stable Isotopes in Tree Rings: Inferring Physiological, Climatic and Environmental Responses
- Strombolian Eruption Detection Using an Onsite-Ready Convolutional Neural Network on Mount Erebus, Antarctica
- Surface depression water storage improves continental scale modeling for watershed management
- Sustainable Urban Systems: Managing the Urban Multiplex and its Hydrologic Challenges
- The Benefits of Using High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperatures for Simulating Historical and Future Climate Extremes
- The Estimated Impacts of Volatile Chemical Products on Particulate Matter and Ozone Criteria Pollutants in an Urban Atmosphere
- The National Atmospheric Deposition Program - Evolving Priorities for Nitrogen Deposition Measurements and Strategies to Address Stakeholders Network Monitoring Needs
- The Runoff Model-Intercomparison Project Over Lake Erie and the Great Lakes
- The State of Acidity in the Atmosphere: Particles and Clouds
- The impact of future wildfire emissions in the western U.S. on PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> concentrations
- The nature of land-cover changes to aquatic buffers in the Midwestern USA: 25 years of Landsat analyses (1993-2017)
- The role of snow in the spatial and temporal dynamics of water sources in the Snoqualmie River, WA
- Tracking Land-Based Nutrient and Bacteria Inputs to Tillamook Estuary, Oregon (USA)
- Transforming student projects into publishable research: a case study with 6 undergraduates and the EPA's national assessment of water quality
- US Environmental Protection Agency EnviroAtlas Meter-Scale Urban Land Cover (MULC) data, machine learning and ecosystem goods and services (EGS): information for healthy communities
- Update on the progress and operations of the Pandonia Global Network (PGN)
- Using Airborne High-resolution NO<SUB>2</SUB> Columns to Evaluate S5P TROPOMI Tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> Product During LISTOS
- VAriable Response In Aircraft nvPM Testing (VARIAnT)
- Water, water everywhere, but every drop unique: The future of managing low levels of complex contaminant mixtures in drinking water and the implications for human health
- Watershed 'Chemical Cocktails' - Evolving Urban Biogeochemical Processes
- Watershed vulnerability assessment for drinking water intakes in freshwater systems impacted by wildland fire in western and southeastern United States
- Web-based Spatio-temporal Visualization of Water Quality and Habitat Status and Change in Chesapeake Bay
- What is driving nitrogen concentration changes over time in US streams? Results from the U.S. EPA National Rivers and Streams Assessments (2000-2014)
- Wildfires in subarctic Canada have no impact on downstream mercury transport but cause decreased delivery of dissolved carbon and nutrients
- A Trend Analysis of Nitrate in the Southern Willamette Valley Groundwater Management Area (GWMA)
- A Geospatial Analysis of Wildland and Agricultural Burning PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Air Pollution for Human Health Studies in California
- A Paradigm Shift in Sulfate-Nitrate-Ammonium Aerosol Formation in the United States and its Implications for Reactive Nitrogen Deposition
- A chemical data assimilation framework for utilizing data products from multiple platforms to optimize NMVOCs emissions in Northeast Asia: a case study during the KORUS-AQ
- Advanced Phosphorus Recovery from Municipal Wastewater using Anoxic/Aerobic Membrane Bioreactors and Magnesium-based Pellets
- Analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> using Pandora observations across North America
- Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: A History of Change
- Causes of model biases in simulating inorganic aerosol composition during KORUS-AQ and implications for the estimate of transboundary pollution
- Characterizing infiltration and indoor contribution of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> based on volunteer-generated monitoring data at large spatial and temporal scales
- Chesapeake Bay Watershed County-Wide Nutrient Inventory: Assessing Spatial Patterns and Trends to Inform Management Decisions
- Clean air act policies reduced stream nitrogen concentrations over time in deposition dominated watersheds of the conterminous US (2000-2014)
- Climate Indicators in NCA5
- Comparison of Bioeffect Screening Results for Hydrocarbons and Hydrocarbon Oxidation Products: Implications for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Analyses
- Coupling the dual-isotope indicators of water and nitrate indicates legacy groundwater pollution
- Determining the Importance of Sediment Methylation to Methylmercury Concentrations in the Nacimiento Reservoir, California
- Ecohydrologic Nutrient Dynamics Associated with Biomass Changes Due to Wildfires
- Effect of Remotely Sensed Vegetation in Hydrology and Water Quality Predictions: New Evidence from Large-scale Watershed Modeling
- Forestry and mercury: Site specific factors that influence the catchment sensitivity to forest harvest
- Formaldehyde as a Proxy for Hydroxyl Radical Variability in the Remote Troposphere
- Global Fiducials imagery for observing long-term forest dynamics in the North Carolina mountains under a changing climate and atmosphere
- Global Hunger and Climate Change Adaptation through International Trade
- Ground-based networks in support of air quality satellite missions
- Highly variable lead (Pb) air concentrations associated with fire events in California
- Hydrological Influence of Wetland and Depression Water Storage in the World's Major River Basins: The Upper Mississippi River Basin Modeling Experiment
- Improving Surface PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Forecasts in the U.S. Using an Ensemble of Chemical Transport Model Outputs, Multi Satellite-based AOD Products, and Surface Observations
- Improving Watershed Modeling via Big Data: Insights from Multiple Cases Studies
- Improving tools and methods to understand the implications of volatile chemical product usage on public health
- Investigating boron isotopes for identifying nitrogen sources supplied by submarine groundwater discharge to the Long Island Sound
- Is our finger on the pulse? Assessing placement bias of the global river gauge network
- Locations and Magnitudes of Nitrate Reductions from Wetland Restoration across the Upper Mississippi River Basin
- Making `Chemical Cocktails' in Streams across the Periodic Table of Elements
- Methane emissions from coal mining are growing
- Mixing layer height estimation using Pandora MAX-DOAS measurements from the LISTOS (2018) campaign.
- Modeling Kinetically-Limited IEPOX-SOA Uptake via Volatility based and Compositionally defined Glass Transition Temperatures
- Nationwide Trends of Reactive Organic Carbon Emissions from Volatile Chemical Products
- Next-Generation Intelligent Nanopesticides: Challenges and Opportunities Toward Achieving Sustainable Agriculture
- O3-related marginal damages to crop revenues driven by methane pulses
- Real-Time Detection of Strombolian Eruptions through Convolution Neural Network Identification in Infrared Images
- Remotely Sensed Cyanobacterial Intensity Predicts Risk for Lake Blooms and Toxins across the Contiguous U.S.
- Simulating Flood-Induced Contaminated Soil and Sediment Transport with a Coupled HEC-RAS 2D and WASP Model
- Space-borne and Ground-based Instrument Synergies in Air-Quality Observations
- Testing the incorporation of ecohydrological separation into Hydrus-1D using isotopic tagging
- The air quality trade-offs of wildfire and prescribed burning
- The effects of wildfire on water quality: summary and implications for water quality management
- Towards Actionable Science: Integrating Social Sciences Into the National Climate Assessment
- Tracking `chemical cocktails' in the Chesapeake Bay watershed using routine monitoring and high-frequency measurements
- Urban-scale Measurements and Modeling Fate & Transport of PFAS Across Media
- Venus Gravity Assist #3 as seen by the SPAN-Ion instrument on Parker Solar Probe.
- Vulnerable waters confer watershed resilience
- A solar source of Alfvenic magnetic field switchbacks: in situ remnants of magnetic funnels on supergranulation scales
- An Evaluation of Biomass Burning Plumes on the Vertical Distribution of Tropospheric Ozone Over the Midwestern United States
- Applying the Reactive Organic Carbon Framework to Understand Regulatory VOC and PM Emissions
- As Seen on Parker Solar Probe: Waves Generated by Proton Beams Produced by Magnetic Reconnection
- Atmosphere-based US emission estimates of sulfur hexafluoride
- Decadal Impact of Clean Air Act policies on US stream nitrogen concentrations
- Design of an Air Sensor Loan Program with Public Libraries
- EPAs Air QUAlity TimE Series Project (EQUATES): 2002-2017 meteorology, emissions, and air quality modeling for the Northern Hemisphere and conterminous United States
- Evaluating and Improving Urban VOC Chemistry in Los Angeles using WRF-chem
- Exploring differences in sector wise FFCO2 emissions from the Vulcan product and the EPA GHG inventory in the U.S.
- Green stormwater infrastructure as socio-ecological systems: Uncovering the scale-dependence of benefit distribution
- Introducing Turbulence Kinetic Energy to Dry Deposition Modeling
- Investigating Formaldehyde to Nitrogen Dioxide Ratios Using TROPOMI Satellite Retrievals, U.S. EPA PAMS Surface Measurements, and High-Resolution Lake Michigan Ozone Study 2017 Field Campaign In Situ and Air Quality Modeling Data
- LANDIS-VELMA Model Linkage to Assess the Effects of Wildfire on Water Quality and Potential Benefits of Management Action to Protect Drinking Water Supply
- Major sources of point and nonpoint source nutrient pollution to surface water have declined throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of the Presence and Absence of Magnetic Reconnection in the Near-Sun Solar Wind Current Sheets
- Prevalence of Magnetic Reconnection in the near-Sun Heliospheric Current Sheet
- Proton-Alpha Differential Flow of the Young Solar Wind: Parker Solar Probe Observations
- Quantifying Nitrogen Budgets and Analysis of Water Quality Trends in the Mississippi River
- Regional Trends and Sources of Nitrogen Deposition in the United States from 2002-2017
- Regional patterns and drivers of nitrogen trends in a human-impacted watershed and management implications
- Statistical Measures of Inequality in Disadvantaged Communities to Underground Storage Tanks
- Strategic placement of wetlands mitigate surplus nutrient losses in tile-drained agricultural landscapes
- The Influence of Climate Change on Vibriosis in the United States: Projected Health and Economic Impacts for the 21st Century
- Unified Ceilometer Network: Aerosol Profiling for Air Quality and Meteorological Applications
- Venus Ionospheric Measurements by the SWEAP-SPAN-Ai Sensor on Parker Solar Probe.
- Are emerging Earth Observations inconsistent in mapping Global Surface Water Extents?
- Clean Air Status & Trends Network: Monitoring Air Quality and Atmospheric Deposition in Rural Communities across the U.S. 1051271
- Comprehensive Evidence Implies a Higher Social Cost of CO2
- Estimating Impacts from Climate Change to the United States Using the Framework for Evaluating Damages and Impacts (FrEDI)
- Evaluating and improving aerosol effective radiative forcing in E3SM
- Evaluation of An Advanced Ozone Dry Deposition Model
- Field sampling procedures to quantify riverine plastic pollution in the U.S.
- Flexible non-perennial streamflow simulation approach reveals structural controls on flow permanence
- Ground-Based and Airborne Spectroscopic Measurements for Rapid Characterization and Remediation of Metal(loid) Contaminated Soil
- Mapping Non-perennial Streams and Inland Wetlands: Status and Future Directions
- Non-Perennial Surface Waters Play Outsized Watershed-Scale Roles
- Quantifying Burned Area and Smoke from Prescribed and Smaller Fires: Flint Hills, Kansas 2022
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Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. E. Andrews
- A. J. Soja
- A. Koval
- A. W. Case
- A. W. Rollins
- Adnan Rajib
- Ali Rahmati
- Andrew B. Gray
- B. C. Sive
- B. L. Alterman
- B. L. Lefer
- B. Lavraud
- B. de Foy
- Barron H. Henderson
- Benjamin N. Murphy
- Bonne Ford
- Brian McDonald
- C. D. Nevison
- C. R. Nowlan
- C. Warneke
- Charles R. Lane
- Christopher J. Smith
- Colette L. Heald
- Colm Sweeney
- Corinne Hartin
- Delavane B. Diaz
- E. C. Apel
- E. J. Dlugokencky
- E. J. Hyer
- Emily M. Gargulinski
- Erin E. McDuffie
- G. C. Ho
- G. J. Frost
- George Pouliot
- Georgios I. Gkatzelis
- Guang J. Zhang
- Hailong Wang
- Havala O. T. Pye
- Heather E. Golden
- Huiqun Wang
- Isaac Vimont
- J. B. Gilman
- J. C. Kasper
- J. F. Drake
- J. L. McCarty
- J. L. Verniero
- J. P. Eastwood
- J. Peischl
- J. Renée Brooks
- J. S. Halekas
- J. W. Bonnell
- Jacqueline Willwerth
- James A. Falcone
- James E. Neumann
- Jay R. Christensen
- Jeffrey R. Pierce
- Jesse H. Kroll
- Jesse O. Bash
- Jiajia Lin
- Jiwen Fan
- Juan Carlos Antuña Marrero
- Jung‐Hun Woo
- K. R. Gurney
- K. W. Paulson
- Kai Zhang
- Karl M. Seltzer
- Kiran Alapaty
- L. Bruhwiler
- L. D. Woodham
- M. A. Shay
- M. I. Desai
- M. Pulupa
- M. Øieroset
- Manish Shrivastava
- Marcus C. Sarofim
- Matthew M. Coggon
- Michael Kolian
- N. E. Raouafi
- Nancy H. F. French
- Orlando Romeo
- Parisa Mostafavi
- Patricia D. Koman
- Phil DeCola
- Prayash Sharma Pyakurel
- Qian Zhang
- Qiusheng Wu
- R. C. Allen
- R. C. Cohen
- R. Livi
- R. S. Hornbrook
- Robert A. Crain
- Robert D. Sabo
- Rubén Delgado
- Ruth Branch
- S. A. Montzka
- S. D. Bale
- S. T. Badman
- S. Vance
- Saravanan Arunachalam
- Scot M. Miller
- Sergio Ibarra
- Shannon N. Koplitz
- Shaocheng Xie
- Steve Smith
- T. D. Phan
- T. Dudok de Wit
- T. Woolley
- Tony E. Wong
- Xiaohong Liu
- Zhaoqing Yang