U.S. Geological Survey, Colorado
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Application of Surface-Water Microlayer Sampler in the Hydrologic Assessment of Frog Malformations in Minnesota
- Application of a Distributed, Physically Based, Hydrologic Model to Improve Streamflow Forecasts in the Upper Rio Grande Basin
- Biogeochemical Process Comparison of the Five USGS Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Budget (WEBB) Sites
- Calculating Hillslope Contributions to River Basin Sediment Yield Using Observations in Small Watersheds and an Index-based Model
- Calibrating Virus Transport Simulations: Numerical Issues, Weighting, and Results
- Carbon Isotopes in Unsaturated-Zone Gases and Ground Water Near a Radioactive-Waste Disposal Area, Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada
- Climate Record in a 240 kyr Sediment Core From Bear Lake, Utah/Idaho
- Climate Variability, Dissolved Organic Carbon, UV Exposure, and Amphibian Decline
- Conceptual Design for the Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative (ARMI)
- Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating of Pluvial Shorelines in the Western Great Basin
- Cross-Borehole Flowmeter Testing to Define Fracture-Flow Parameters
- Development of Operational Hydrologic Forecasting Capabilities
- Diamictite From the Chukchi Sea: Evidence of Northern Glaciation During the Late Miocene and Early Pliocene
- Did eruption of the volcanic Sinuous Ridge underlying the present divide of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet force its advance?
- Distribution of Minor Elements in Calcite From the Unsaturated Zone at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
- Effect of Crustal Stresses on Preferential Flow Paths Within Fractured-Rock Aquifers of the Newark Basin, Northeast USA
- Eolian Dust in Colorado Plateau Soils: Linking Landscape and Ecosystem Evolution
- Estimating Nocturnal Respiration from Profile Measurements in a Subalpine Forest
- Evaluation of Local Grid Refinement Methods for Block-Centered Finite-Difference Groundwater Models
- Evaluation of Residence Time for Rock Gas-Atmospheric Exchange for a Fractured Tuff at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
- Factors Influencing the Mobility of Microorganisms in a Small-Scale Injection and Recovery Test Performed in a Sandy Aquifer
- Floodplain Stabilization by Woody Riparian Vegetation During an Extreme Flood Along Headwater Tributaries of East Plum Creek, Colorado.
- Galilean Satellite Surface Composition: New Cassini VIMS Observations and Comparison With Galileo NIMS Measurements
- Gas Hydrate Distribution and Amounts on the South Shetland Continental Margin, Antarctic Peninsula
- Geochemical and Tectonic Effects of the Interaction of the Cobb Hotspot and the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Geology of the Continental Margin Beneath Santa Monica Bay, Southern California, from Small-Airgun, Seismic-Reflection Data
- Geomorphic Controls on Riparian Vegetation Along the San Miguel River, Colorado
- High-Resolution Seismic Imaging of Quaternary Faults and Deformation in the Los Angeles Region
- How much numerical precision do we really need in ground-water modeling?
- Hydraulic Processes in Channels of Water-Lain Alluvial Piedmonts in Arid Lands
- Inferences of Ice Processes From Properties
- Influence of Soils, Riparian Zones, and Hydrology on Nutrients, Herbicides, and Biological Relations in Midwestern Agricultural Streams
- Integrated Geophysical and Geologic Mapping of the Death Valley Region, California and Nevada
- Long-term Changes in Lake Nutrient and Trophic Status in the Sierra Nevada: Results From Synoptic Surveys and Intensive Monitoring of Emerald Lake, California
- Magmatic He-3 in Ferrar Dolerite: Implications for Cosmogenic He-3 Surface Exposure Dating in the Dry Valleys of East Antarctica
- Mercury Contamination and Bioaccumulation Associated with Historical Gold Mining in the Bear and Yuba River Watersheds, Sierra Nevada, California
- New D-H and <SUP>18</SUP>O-<SUP>16</SUP>O Fractionation Factors for Serpentine and Talc From 250 to 450° C
- Paleomagnetic Chronology and Mineral Magnetic Proxies of Lake Level for Bear Lake, Utah/Idaho
- Patch-scale controls on denitrification in stream bed sediments
- Performance and Applications of an Automated Ice Fabric Analyzer.
- Persistent asymmetry in the paleomagnetic vector field
- Phosphorus in Soils of a Cool-desert Ecosystem: Dust Inputs and Land-use Effects on Erosion, Colorado Plateau, USA.
- Plant and Microbial Dynamics Along Gradients in Soil Texture and Eolian Dust Accumulation in the Colorado Plateau.
- Potential of InSAR for routine earthquake analysis
- Precise Dating of Flood-Plain Stratigraphy Using Changes in Tree-Ring Anatomy Following Burial
- Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Model for Sumatra and the Malaysian Peninsula
- Process-Based Model for Computation of Erosion and Deposition on Shrub-Protected Banks
- Process-Based Modeling of Floods Through Shrub Carrs of Varying Densities
- Quaternary Tectonic Evolution of the Coastal Belt Southwest of Los Angeles Basin
- Rare Earth Element Mapping of Garnet by Laser Ablation ICP-MS
- Regional Stress Field Changes and Earthquake Triggering on the San Andreas Fault System
- Regional and Teleseismic Estimates of Radiated Seismic Energy for the February 28, 2001, Nisqually Earthquake
- Relationship Between Landscape Character, UV Exposure, and Amphibian Decline
- Relict Stream Channels in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: Ecological Legacies Controlling Response to Climate
- Rock Magnetic Properties, Magnetic Anomalies, and Intrabasin Faulting: Santa Fe Group Basin Fill, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Seismic Hazard Analysis of Tashkent, Uzbekistan, and Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
- Seismic Hazard Maps of Central and South America
- Simulation of Broadband Ground Motion Including Nonlinear Soil Effects for a Magnitude 6.5 Earthquake on the Seattle Fault, Seattle, Washington
- Slow Differential Inner-core Rotation Inferred From Changes In Scattering Over Time
- Some Proposed Modifications to the 1996 California Probabilistic Hazard Model
- Spatial Relationships Between Patterns of Woody-Plant Taxonomic Richness and Environmental and Bioclimatic Variables in North America
- Spatially-Averaged Stresses and Velocities Over Three-Dimensional Dunes
- The Canby-Molalla Fault, Oregon
- The Mineralogy of the Martian Surface: Results from the MGS Thermal Emission Spectrometer
- Three-dimensional P and S wave velocity structure of the Alaskan subduction zone
- Trace Element Enrichments in Dusts in Southwestern U.S. -- Greater Than Pre-Anthropogenic, or Can't we Tell?
- Unusual Modern and Holocene Carbonate sedimentation in Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho
- Use of Regional Climate Model Output for Hydrologic Simulations
- Use of a Simple Genetic Algorithm to Design a Hydraulic-Head Observation Network That Minimizes Ground-Water Flow Model Prediction Uncertainty
- Using Flow Logging Experiments to Bridge the Scale Gap in Borehole Geophysics
- Using Multiple Tracers to Verify Model Simulations of Solute Transport at the Five USGS Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Budget (WEBB) Sites
- A Modular Approach to Coupling Surface Water and Ground Water Models
- A new Automatic Phase Picker for the National Earthquake Information Center
- Advances in Streamflow Forecasting capabilities on Intra-seasonal Timescales
- An Overview and Preliminary Data of a Five-year Water Quality Study of the Yukon River
- Assessment of Longitudinal Variability in Channel Geometry and Bed Gradient Over an 81-km Reach of the Rio Puerco, New Mexico
- Biodegradation of PAHs and PCBs in Soils and Sludges
- Comparison of Two Methods for Determination of Strontium Isotopes in Pore Water at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
- Comparison of the November 2002 Denali and November 2001 Kunlun Earthquakes
- Coupled Heat and Fluid Flow Modeling of the Earth's Largest Zinc Ore Deposit at Red Dog, Alaska: Implications for Structurally-Focused, Free Convection in Submarine Sedimentary Basins
- Cross-slope Movement Patterns in Landslides
- Definition of the Silver Creek Fault and Evergreen Basin Sediments From Seismic Reflection Data, San Jose, California
- Denitrification in a Sand and Gravel Aquifer: An Overview of a Long-Term Study
- Deposition and Loss of Cations and Anions in a Lowland Forest on Highly Weathered Soils in the Amazon
- Detecting Ocean Climate Change in Seismic Noise: the Need for Directional Information
- Effects of projected climate change on ecosystem and hydrologic properties in the Big Thompson Watershed, Colorado: Model results from the Regional HydroEcological Simulation System (RHESSys)
- Environmental Mapping with Imaging Spectroscopy of the World Trade Center Area After the September 11, 2001 Attack
- Estimate of Plio-Pleistocene Dip-Slip Rates Using Offset Flood Basalts in the Northern Panamint Range and Darwin Plateau, California
- Export of Carbon From the Yukon River and Some of its Major Tributaries
- From multi-year observations to millennial inferences: Uncertainties in paleohydrologic reconstructions of deep unsaturated zones in the desert southwest, U.S.A.
- Holocene Migrations of Creosote Bush and Pinyon Pines in the Western United States: Implications for the Next Century.
- Hydrothermal Tar Mounds in Escanaba Trough, Southern Gorda Ridge
- Hydrothermal Vents in Yellowstone Lake: Chemical Fluxes, Siliceous Deposits, and Collapse Structures
- Importance and Use of Plants in Evaluating Water Flow and Contaminant Transport in Arid Environments
- Influence of ENSO on Flood Frequency Along the California Coast
- Instrumentation of the Weeks Creek Landslide for Improved Landslide Monitoring
- Interactions Between Dissolved Organic Matter and Mercury in the Florida Everglades
- Large Permafrost Warming in Northern Alaska During the 1990's Determined from GTN-P Borehole Temperature Measurements
- Long-Term Behavior of a Slow-Moving Landslide Inferred From Ground-Based Surveys and Analysis of Digital Terrain Models
- Long-Term Distribution and Transport of Nitrate and Ammonium Within a Groundwater Sewage Plume, Cape Cod, MA, After Removal of the Contaminant Source.
- Magnetic Signature of Glacial Flour in Sediments From Bear Lake, Utah/Idaho
- Modeling the Global Short-Period Wavefield with a Monte Carlo Seismic Photon Method
- Multiple sources for late Holocene tsunamis at Discovery Bay, Washington State.
- Mush Zone Xenolith Reveals Complex Magmatic Processes in the Crust Beneath the East Pacific Rise Axis
- Near-real-time Earthquake Notification and Response in the Classroom: Exploiting the Teachable Moment
- Observations of Large-Scale Decadal Variations in Stress Along the San Andreas Fault System
- Possible earthquake-generated wave deposits near Yellowstone Lake: Clues into triggering mechanisms of a large hydrothermal explosion crater
- Preferential Transport of Coarse Sediment in Steep Channels
- Quantifying Ground-Water Recharge Using a Coupled Water-Heat-Solute Transport Model: Optimal Nonlinear Parameter Estimation, Nonuniqueness, and Predictive Uncertainty
- Recent developments on intraslab earthquakes in warm-slab environments that are relevant to seismic hazard appraisal with applications to the Cascadia system
- Respiration and Dissolved Organic Carbon Dynamics in an Area Undergoing Permafrost Degradation
- Response of alpine streams and groundwater to climatic variability and changes in atmospheric deposition of sulfur and nitrogen
- Rupture Process of the M7.9 Denali Fault, Alaska, Earthquake Determined from Strong-Motion Recordings
- SAR Interferometry in Landslide Monitoring
- Shallow Source Volcanic Aeromagnetic Anomalies over the WAIS Compared with Coincident Bedrock Topography
- Sources of groundwater in an alpine catchment, Rocky Mountains, USA
- Surface Rupture on the Susitna Glacier Fault Associated with the M 7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake
- Tectonism in the Wake of the Mendocino Triple Junction (Revisited): The Link Between Crustal Deformation and Mantle Flow in the Northern California Coast Ranges
- The Cobb Hotspot: A Fixed Mantle Plume With MORB Geochemical Characteristics
- The Denali Fault Earthquake of November 3, 2002, and the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Map of Alaska
- The Impact of Disturbance on Carbon Source and Sinks in Colorado Ecosystems
- The Impact of a Prominent Rain Shadow on Flooding in California's Santa Cruz Mountains: A CALJET Case Study
- The Northwestern Slope Valleys Region, Mars: A Prime Target for the Future Exploration of Mars
- The Relationship Between Lake-Filling Cycles in the Western Great Basin and Pleistocene Epoch Climate Changes
- Trace metals in corals--hind casting environmental chemical changes in the tropical Atlantic waters
- Tracing Atmospheric Sulfate Through a Subalpine Ecosystem Using <SUP>17</SUP>O and <SUP>35</SUP>S, Loch Vale Watershed, Colorado
- Uncertainty Inherent in Geologic Data, Interpretations and Conceptual Models Used in Groundwater Flow Modeling
- Use of Naturally Occurring Noble Gas Tracers to Evaluate the Freshwater/Saline Water Interface of the Edwards Aquifer, South-Central Texas.
- Use of Satellite and Ground-based Digital Images to Detect and Monitor Dust Storms in the Mojave Desert
- Verification of Imaging Spectroscopy Materials Maps
- Wildland Fire, Fire Suppression, and the US Carbon Budget: a Colorado Case Study
- A 2000-Year Preliminary Record of Large Earthquakes on the Southern Hayward Fault
- A Cenozoic Alkaline Magmatic Province in the SW Pacific Without Rift or Plume Origin
- A Comparison of Multiple-Event Location Methods
- A Paired Basin Study for Hydrologic Prediction in Ungauged Basins
- A Perspective on Simulations of Environmental Systems and Prediction Uncertainty
- Aeromagnetic and satellite magnetic data guide reconstructions of parts of Rodinia
- Assessing the effect of natural attenuation on oxygen consumption processes in a sewage-contaminated aquifer by use of a natural-gradient tracer test
- Assessment of Modern Climate Baselines for Paleoclimatic Reconstructions and Model Testing in North America
- Atmospheric Deposition and Fate of Mercury in High-altitude Watersheds of the Rocky Mountains.
- Azimuthal Variability in Gas Hydrate Concentration using LWD Resistivity and Density Images
- Bedrock Nitrogen and Hydrothermal Ammonium in Yellowstone National Park, WY, USA
- Building A Collaborative And Distributed E&O Program For EarthScope
- Challenges in Seismic Hazard Mapping of the Great Basin
- Characterizing Hydrologic Properties of Coal Beds From the Powder River Basin, Southeastern Montana, by Analysis of Geophysical Well Logs
- Clay Mineralogy of the Meade Peak Member of the Phosphoria Shale Formation, Idaho
- Comparison of Three-Dimensional Local Grid Refinement Methods For Simulating Stream-Aquifer Interactions
- Critical bifurcations among viscous boundary layers of the geodynamo
- Denitrification in Streams Impacted by Acid Mine Drainage: Effects of Iron, pH, and Potential Electron Donors
- Determination of Flood Discharges in Rivers as a Prerequisite for Calculating Rates of Geomorphic Change in Drainage Basins During Extreme Events
- Development of Modern Analogue and Mutual Overlap Techniques for Paleoclimatic Reconstructions and Model Validation from Plant Macrofossil Assemblages in North America
- Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Cycling in the Yukon River
- Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Yukon River Basin
- Distribution of Aeolian Dust Determined From Magnetic and Chemical Properties in Surficial Substrates of Grassland and Shrubland, Central Colorado Plateau (Utah)
- Downhole Log Assessment of Gas Hydrate and Free-Gas Concentrations on Hydrate Ridge
- Drought Cycles in Northern New Mexico, Isotopic Evidence of Forest Stress
- Earthquake Source and Ground Motion Characteristics of Great Kanto Earthquakes
- Ecotonal Control on Vadose-Zone Fluxes in Arid Regions Over Very Long Time Scales
- Effects of Surface Sealing, Soil Moisture Evolution, and Rainfall Intensity on Runoff From Hillslope Plots Burned by Wildfire
- Enhanced Remediation of Toluene in the Vadose Zone via a Nitrate-Rich Nutrient Solution: Field Study
- Estimating Paleoflood Magnitude From Tree-Ring Anatomy and the Height of Abrasion Scars
- Estimating System Impact of Earthquakes on a Major Metropolitan Roadway Network
- Five Years of Citizen Science: Macroseismic Data Collection with the USGS Community Internet Intensity Maps (``Did You Feel It?'')
- Flood Plain Aggradation Rates Based on Tree-Ring Growth-Suppression Dates
- Focused subsurface flow in the Amargosa Desert characterized by direct-current resistivity profiling
- Gas Hydrate Distribution From Acoustic Waveform and Electrical Image Logs in Accretionary Complexes, ODP Legs 201 and 204
- Geochemical Composition of Volcanic Rocks from the May 2003 Eruption of Anatahan Volcano, Mariana Islands
- Global Travel Time Tomography Using ANSS Real Time Data
- Helicopter electromagnetic and glaciers: example from Mt. Adams, Washington.
- High Resolution Aeromagnetic Survey of the Big Bend National Park Region, Texas
- High-Altitude Magnetic Survey Over the United States
- Intensity Distribution and Isoseismal Maps for the Denali, Alaska, Earthquake of 2002 November 3
- Issues in Evaluating Seismic Hazards in the Basin and Range Province: An Example From Yucca Mountain
- JUPITER Project - Joint Universal Parameter IdenTification and Evaluation of Reliability
- Late Quaternary Surface Rupture and Associated Transpressive Uplift on a Section of the State Line Fault in the south-central Amargosa Desert Basin, Southwestern Nevada
- Lava-seawater vapor interaction at the mid-ocean ridge crest: an important volcanic process to explain lava transport and flow morphology on the deep sea floor
- MOPEX Workshop Results Revisited
- MORB Petrogenesis and Crustal Development of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) at the R2K ISS (9° -10° N)
- Martian Magnetization Vectors Estimated from Helbig Analysis Support a Reversing Core Dynamo
- Modeling CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Carbon-Isotope Dynamics in a Deep Unsaturated Zone Near Beatty, Nevada
- Organic Compounds in Produced Waters From Coalbed Methane Wells in the Powder River Basin, WY
- Organic Sulfur Associated with Aquatic Humic Substances
- Organic and Inorganic Species in CBM Produced Water: Implications for Water Management Strategies
- Overland Flow Generation and Soil Hydraulic Properties in Two Catchments in Central Panama
- Physical Evidence for Deep Ebullition Fluxes in Northern Peatlands
- Polar Science and Fast Ice Sheet Drilling - the FASTDRILL Perspective
- Predicting the Surface Redistribution of Possibly Contaminated Tephra Deposits at the Yucca Mountain Repository Using Cesium-137
- Preliminary structural analysis of the newly discovered Anaconda metamorphic core complex, western Montana, USA
- Quantifying Flow Resistance in Rivers and on Floodplains During Large Floods
- Quaternary Extensional Tectonics of the Basin and Range Province
- Quaternary Fault Database for the Basin and Range Province of Nevada and Utah: Fodder for PBO's Gristmill
- Quick Finite-Fault Inversion and Strong Motion Prediction: Feasibility, Process, and Developments
- Rapid Assessment of Shaking Impact Following Global Earthquakes
- Rupture Parameters For The Pre-historic Seattle Fault Earthquake From Modeling Shoreline Uplift
- Saturated Zone Anisotropy Near the C-Wells Complex
- Source Process of the M7.9 Denali Fault, Alaska, Earthquake: Sub-Events, Directivity, and Scaling of High-Frequency Ground Motion
- Spatial Variability of Peak Strong Ground Motions: Implications for ShakeMap Interpolations
- Study of Ground-Water Recharge Rates in the Northern Powder River Basin
- Study of the texture and fabric in the Taylor Dome ice core.
- Surface-wave Derived Focal Mechanisms in Mid-America
- The 780 Gunbarrel Magmatic Event: U-Pb Documentation of Widespread Mafic Magmatism Along the Neoproterozoic Western of Laurentia
- The Effect of Biogeochemical and Hydrologic Processes on Nitrogen in Stream Water Originating From Coal-Bed Methane Supply Wells
- The Surface Composition of Europa: Mixed Water, Hydronium, and Hydrogen Peroxide Ice
- The Susitna Glacier Thrust Fault-Characteristics of Ruptures That Initiated the Denali Fault Earthquake
- The Toxicological Geochemistry of Dusts, Soils, and Other Earth Materials: Insights From In Vitro Physiologically-based Geochemical Leach Tests
- The U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Hazards Program Website: Summary of Recent and Ongoing Developments
- The U.S. Geological Survey's Earthquake Summary Posters: A GIS-based Education and Communication Product for Presenting Consolidated Post-Earthquake Information
- Trace Metal Concentrations in Snow From the Yukon River Basin, Alaska and Canada.
- Uncertainty Analysis For Seismic Hazard In Northern And Central Italy
- Use of the Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Model (WEBMOD) to Simulate Water Quality at Five U.S. Geological Survey Research Watersheds
- Vadose-Zone Fluid and Solute Flux in Deep Arid Systems at the Nevada Test Site: Modeling the Effects of Climate Change, Plant-Soil Interactions, and Material Heterogeneity
- Variability of Reference Shear Stress in Gravel-Bed Streams
- Visualizing and Analyzing Geologic and Hydrologic Models of the Death Valley Regional Ground-water Flow System, Nevada and California
- Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Elevated Concentrations of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in Unsaturated-Zone Vapors Near a Chemical and Low-Level Radioactivity Waste-Disposal Facility, Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada
- What can Δ <SUP>15</SUP>N and Δ <SUP>18</SUP>O isotopes tell us about sources, transport, and fate of nitrate in the Mississippi River Basin?
- When Good Tracers Go Bad: Tracer-dilution Sausage Recipes Revealed
- A Field Investigation to Assess the Effects of Riparian Vegetation Management on Alluvial Channel Morphology
- A Modelling Framework to Simulate the Dynamics of the Groundwater, Hydrologic, and Ecologic System in an Alpine floodplain
- A Preliminary Evaluation of Carbon Sources and Ages Exported By Major Arctic Rivers
- A Time\-Dependent Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Model For The Central Apennines (Italy)
- AS1 Seismographs in the Classroom
- Abundance of Woody Riparian Species in the Western USA in Relation to Phenology, Climate, and Flow Regime
- Aeromagnetic and Gravity Data Reveal Crustal Structure and Tectonic History of the Central Transantarctic Mountains Region
- Age Models for a Continous 250-kyr Quaternary Lacustrine Record from Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho
- An Approach for Assessing Post-Wildfire Debris-Flow Hazards Applied to Basins Burned by the 2003 Old and Grand Prix Wildfires in Southern California
- Analysis of Sonic Velocity in an Active Gas Hydrate System, Hydrate Ridge, Offshore Oregon
- Biogeochemistry of mercury in soils and sediments in a mining-impacted watershed, California
- Cassini-VIMS Observations of Saturn's Rings at SOI.
- Changes in Solar Irradiance as a Possible Mechanism for Century-Scale Droughts Reconstructed From a Holocene Pollen Record, Pyramid Lake, Nevada, USA
- Channel Flow Modeling Incorporating Effects of Bank Friction and Woody Bank Vegetation in an 81-km Reach of the Rio Puerco, New Mexico
- Characteristics Of Titan's Clouds from VIMS T0 Observations
- Combining Paleoenvironmental Data with Model Simulations to Understand Long-term Environmental Changes in the Upper Colorado Basin
- Continuous calibration of ground-based magnetic-observatory fluxgate magnetometers
- Correlated Moisture Content, Pressure and Temperature Data for Development of Hysteretic Moisture Retention Curves.
- Coulomb Stress Distribution Along the Fairweather and Queen Charlotte Transform Fault System
- DOC Export from a Small Permafrost Watershed
- Decadal-Scale Variations in Eastern Pacific Thermocline Structure from Soledad Basin, Baja California
- Decoupled, localized deformation in the SE crater of Mount St. Helens associated with the 2004 eruption
- Detailed investigation of the overlapping spreading center and 9 degrees north on the East Pacific Rise: overview of the Medusa 2007 cruise activities
- Detrital Zircon U-Pb Ages From Northern Alaska and Northern Canada: Implications for Opening of the Canada Basin
- Dissolved Organic Matter in the Yukon River Basin
- Do the Volcanic Rocks Erupted in the West Antarctic Rift System Beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS), Interpreted From Aeromagnetic Surveys, Define a Large Igneous Province?
- Dust and Nutrients in Modern and Late Quaternary Ecosystems of Central Colorado Plateau Drylands
- ENSO-Influenced Upwelling off of Southern Baja California Since the Last Glaciation
- Ecohydrological Linkage Between Surface-Derived Dissolved Organic Matter and Subsurface Carrying Capacity for Unattached Subsurface Bacterial Populations: Implications for Biodegradation in Contaminated Groundwater Environments
- Effects of Coal-Bed Methane Discharge Waters on Soils and Vegetation Diversity
- Evidence for a plum pudding mantle from deep seismic scattering
- Examining Advection Effects on Eddy Flux Measurements at the Niwot Ridge AmeriFlux Site in the Colorado Rocky Mountains
- Experimental investigation of the turbulent structures that initiate bedload motion
- Flow Resistance Partitioning in Step-Pool Channels
- Flow and sediment-transport modeling of Kootenai River White Sturgeon Spawning Habitat.
- GAMBIT--Gamburtsev Aerogeophysical Mapping of Bedrock and Ice Targets During IPY
- Geochemical Modeling of Soils: A Soil-Component Approach
- High Performance Geostatistical Modeling of Biospheric Resources
- High resolution paleoceanography of the central Gulf of California during the past 15,000 years
- How good are hydraulic-conductivity data?
- Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Connections between Uplands and Streams in Contrasting Landscapes
- Hydrologic and Ecologic Responses to Diminished Spring Discharge; Surface-Water/Groundwater and Vegetation Modeling, Grand Canyon, Arizona
- Ice core indicates explosive volcanic debris not a potent source of trace metals to environments of deposition
- Improving the usefulness of paleoenvironmental data: moving from archival to research data bases
- In Situ Production Of CO<SUB>2</SUB> In The Antarctic Siple Dome Ice Core Record
- Late-Quaternary Climate Change Within the Beringian Buckle: Multidisciplinary Results From St. Michael Island
- Linked Sea Level and Climate Change at the Scale of Third-Order Stratigraphic Sequences During the Late Paleozoic
- Locating Ocean Microseism Sources With Seismic Directional Information
- Long-term Effects of Clearcutting on N Availability and Soil Solution Chemistry in the Fraser Experimental Forest, CO
- Magmatism in the Siqueiros Transform: Major and Trace Element Evidence for Mixing and Multiple Sources.
- Magnetic Depth Estimates and Their Potential for Constraining Crustal Composition and Heat Flow in Antarctica
- Microplate rotation leads to rapid exhumation of a subduction complex in eastern Papua New Guinea
- Middle to Late Holocene Earthquake Chronologies for the Cascadia Subduction Zone From Two Estuaries in Southern Oregon
- Mineral Dust Elemental Composition Over the Last 220 Kyr from the EPICA-Dome C ice core (East Antarctica)
- Modeling the Geochemistry of Red Mountain Creek, Colorado, With Implications for Premining conditions
- Monitoring Climate Variability and Change in Northern Alaska: Updates to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Climate and Permafrost Monitoring Network
- Off-Axis Lava Transport at the East Pacific Rise 9-10\deg N: Channelized Lava Flows
- Predicting nitrate contamination in recently recharged groundwater: High Plains regional aquifer
- Progress Toward Quantifying CISN ShakeMap Uncertainty
- Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response (PAGER): An Automated System to Estimate Impact Following Significant Earthquakes Worldwide
- Quantifying Urban-Ecosystem Atmosphere Fluxes of N<SUB>2</SUB>O, CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> over Denver, Colorado.
- Rainfall-Runoff Modeling to Compare Hydrological Processes Governing Solute Transport in Five Different Agricultural Watersheds
- Record of Holocene Lake Levels in Bear Lake Utah/Idaho
- Response of River Bars to Discharge Variations
- Seasonality of Diel Cycles of Dissolved Trace-Metal Concentrations in a Rocky Mountain Stream
- Seismic-Reflection Profiling Across the Urban Area of Santa Clara Valley, California: Images of the Northeastern Margin of the Cupertino Basin
- Sensitivity Analysis of a Reactive Transient Storage Model With Streambed Sorption Applied to Experimental Field Data
- Sensitivity of Alpine and Subalpine Lakes to Atmospheric Deposition in Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
- ShakeMap Implementation for the Upper Mississippi Embayment
- Shallow Seismic Reflection Survey at Garner Valley Digital Array
- Shear-Wave Velocities to 100 m Depth From Seismic Reflection/Refraction, ReMi, and MASW Techniques Compared With Borehole Velocities: Implications for Earthquake Ground Motion Assessment
- Slip rate of the Calico fault: Implications for anomalous geodetic strain accumulation across the Eastern California shear zone
- Soledad Basin, Baja California: a Twin to Cariaco Basin for Monitoring the Eastern Tropical Pacific Today and the Past?
- Spatial variability of induced ground-water recharge beneath the Russian River, California
- Spectral Imaging of Saturn by Cassini/VIMS: Early Science Results
- State of Stress and Structure of Volcanic Shield Penetrated by the HSDP Deep Core Hole
- Streamflow Estimation from Hydrologic Model Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Snow Information in Snowmelt Dominated Basins
- Successful Strategies for Earth Science Research in Native Communities
- Tephrochronology of North Pacific Volcanic Arcs - data from ODP Leg 145
- Terrestrial-marine Correlation of the 24 kyr BP Dawson Tephra: Implications for Dispersal and Preservation of Alaskan Tephra Deposits
- The Aquatic Systems Continuum
- The Influence of Subsurface Processes on the Concentration and Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter
- The Invasive Species Forecasting System: A Space-Based Decision Support Infrastructure for Managing Biological Invasions
- The Peru Margin as an Authigenic Mineral Factory, Evidence From Surface Sediments and Oceanography
- The Role of Fire History in Northern Latitude Organic Matter: Spatial and Temporal Patterns of C and Hg
- The Surface Composition of Saturn's Moon Phoebe As seen by the Cassini Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer
- The Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Model (WEBMOD): A TOPMODEL application developed within the Modular Modeling System
- The Watershed and River Systems Management Program: Decision Support for Water- and Environmental-Resource Management
- The hydrologic and biogeochemical response of undisturbed mountain ecosystems in the Western United States to multiple stressors: Interactions between climate variability and atmospheric deposition of contaminants
- Three-dimensional Modeling of Flow Over Two- and Three-dimensional Dunes
- Titan's Surface Seen by VIMS/Cassini
- Tomographic Imaging of Active Hawaiian Volcanoes
- Topographic Slope as a Proxy for Seismic Site Amplification Correction
- Tracing the Holocene variations in sea ice/icebergs along the North Iceland shelf
- US-TEC: A new Data Assimilation Product from the Space Environment Center Characterizing the Ionospheric Total Electron Content
- Uncertainties in Site Amplification Estimation
- Uncertainty in Ensemble Streamflow Forecasting
- Use of Continuous Resistivity Profiling to Detect Low-Salinity Ground Water Beneath the Upper Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina
- Using Airborne and Ground Electromagnetic Surveys and DC Resistivity Surveys to Delineate a Plume of Conductive Water at an In-Channel Coalbed Methane Produced Water Impoundment Near the Powder River, Wyoming
- VIMS Evidence for Palimpsests on Titan as a Constraint on Widespread Precipitation.
- Aggradation of Leveed Channels and Their Flood Plains in Arroyo Bottoms
- Antimony Speciation and Transport in Streams and Sediments in Mine Tailings and Waste-rock Environments, Alaska and the Yukon
- Apparent mid-Holocene change in types of degassing volcanoes, using indium in Antarctic ice as a tracer of volcanic source type
- Aqueous Geochemistry of the Pueblo Colorado Wash Aquifer
- Coal Bed Aquifer Tests: a Case Study
- Complex P-T History of Amphiboles From the 2004-2005 Eruption of Mount St. Helens
- Compositional Mapping of Surfaces in the Saturn System with Cassini VIMS: the Role of Water, Cyanide Compounds and Carbon Dioxide
- Deposition Changes in the Past And The Future
- Digital Imaging of Ice Cores: Early Results
- Direct Comparison of Monazite Ages Obtained By in situ Techniques: Ion-Probe Isotopic Ages Versus Electron Microprobe Chemical Ages
- Discriminating Lava Flows From the EPR ISS (9 25'-9 55' N) Using Lava Morphology, Petrography, and Geochemistry
- Dissolved Organic Carbon Export From the Penobscot River Basin to the Gulf of Maine
- Dissolved Organic Carbon Export by the Yukon River
- Dynamic Processes of Fault Creep along the Chihshang Fault, Taiwan
- Effects of Desert Dust on Nutrient Cycling in the San Juan Mountains, Colorado
- Eolian Additions to Late Quaternary Alpine Soils, Indian Peaks Wilderness Area, Colorado Front Range
- Estimation of Evapotranspiration From a Domestic Leach-Field and Surrounding Lawn Using a Combined Measurement and Modeling Approach
- Evolution of the Craters of the Moon Lavas from primitive Snake River Plain basalts: inferences from plagioclase-melt thermobarometers and whole rock compositions
- Export of Nitrogen From the Yukon River Basin to the Bering Sea
- Extending Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis to Portfolio and Regional Loss Estimation: A San Francisco Bay Area Example
- Field Investigation of the Drift Shadow
- Focused flow near irrigation wells as a possible mechanism of regionally enhanced chemical migration in the High Plains, Central U.S.
- Fracture Partitioning and its Controls on the Distribution of Transmissivity in Sedimentary-Rock Aquifers, Chateauguay River Basin, Province of Quebec
- Great Earthquakes of Variable Magnitude at the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Hydrocarbon
- Hydrogeology of a Transboundary Sandstone Aquifer, Quebec - New York
- Hyporheic Exchange and Humic Redox Reactions in an Alpine Stream/Wetland Ecosystem
- Ice Grain Size Distribution: Differences Between Jovian and Saturnian Icy Satellites From Galileo and Cassini Measurements
- Incorporation of seawater into mid-ocean ridge lava flows during emplacement
- Influence of Glen Canyon Dam on Fine-Sediment Storage in the Colorado River in Marble Canyon, Arizona
- Integrated Analysis of Permafrost Features, Gas Seeps, Gas Hydrate and Geologic Structures Southwest of Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
- Interpretation of Geophysical Anomalies over the Pine Canyon Caldera, Big Bend National Park, Texas
- Land-Use Change in Arid Regions Can Mobilize Millennial Accumulations of Unsaturated-Zone Salts
- Late Glacial to Early Holocene Climate Oscillations in the American Southwest
- Late Quaternary Biogeographic and Climatic Changes in Western North America: Evidence From Mapped Arrays of Packrat Midden Data.
- Measuring the Dome Growth of the 2004-2005 Eruption of Mount St. Helens
- Microbial Methanogenesis In Laboratory Incubations Of Coal: Implications For A Sustainable Energy Resource In Subsurface Coalbeds
- Modeling englacial attenuation using ice-core data for radar sounding of basal conditions
- Modeling of Wait Times Between Storm-Level Kp Occurrences
- Negative Magnetic Anomalies Observed in the Central West Antarctica (CWA) Aerogeophysical Survey Over the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS), Whose Sources are Volcanic Centers (e.g. Mt Resnik) at the Base of the ice >780 Ka
- New Programming Environments for Uncertainty Analysis
- Nitrous Oxide and Methane Fluxes from Urban Lawns to the Atmosphere in Denver, Colorado
- North Pacific Atmospheric Circulation Change and Effective Moisture Variability in the Yukon Territory, Canada
- Occurrences of Intrapermafrost Gas Hydrates and Shallow Gas in the Mackenzie Delta area, N.W.T., Canada
- Paleoflood Hydrology and its Contribution in Interpreting the Effects of Climate Change on the Magnitude of Flooding in Mountain Ecosystems
- Paleomagnetic and 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Tertiary Intrusive and Volcanic Rocks in the Espanola Basin, New Mexico: Further Evidence for Counterclockwise Vertical-Axis Block Rotations in the Rio Grande Rift
- Petrogenesis of Andesites and Dacites From the Southern Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Physical Properties of the Saturnian Ring System Inferred from Cassini VIMS Opposition Observations
- Potential Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Municipal Drinking Water
- Preliminary Analysis of the Downhole Well Logs from the Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate JIP Cruise
- Pumping Test Analyses Based on Gravity Measurements
- Radiated Seismic Energy and Mean Square S-Wave Spectral Comparisons for Large Earthquakes
- Rapid Determination of Mineral Abundance by X-ray Microfluorescence Mapping and Multispectral Image Analysis
- Reassessment of the Role of Magmatism in the Evolution of the Catalina MCC: Evidence for a Felsic-Intermediate Pluton at Shallow Depths
- Reconstruction of Ancestral Hydrothermal Systems on Mount Rainier Using Hydrothermally Altered Rocks in Holocene Debris Flows and Tephras
- Regional Assessment of the Relationship Between Landscape Attributes and Water Quality in Five National Parks of the Rocky Mountains
- Relative Abundances of Calcite and Silica in Fracture Coatings as a Possible Indicator of Evaporation in a Thick Unsaturated Zone, Yucca Mountain, Nevada
- Response of deep percolation in the vadose zone to climate variability
- River Mixing in the Mississippi River Below the Confluence with the Ohio River
- Scaling Relations Between Laboratory and Field Scale Hysteretic Measurements for a Coarse Sandy Loam Soil
- Source and Fate of Sediments in the Bahia de Anasco, Puerto Rico
- Source of High-Chloride Water to Deep Wells in a Coastal California Aquifer
- Structural Implications of new Geologic Mapping and a Detailed Gravity Traverse in the Brooks Range Foothills, Chandler Lake Quadrangle, Northern Alaska
- Tectonic Discrimination with Classification Trees
- The Cassini VIMS Titan Photometric Control Network: Relevance to Understanding Titan's Surface and Atmosphere
- The Depths of Saturn Revealed: Discrete Cloud Systems and Winds at the 2-Bar Level as Imaged by Cassini/VIMS
- The Occurrence of Chlorothalonil, its Transformation Products, and Selected Other Pesticides in Texas and Oklahoma Streams, 2003-2004
- Time-dependent Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Maps for Alaska
- Time-dependent mapping of storm-time magnetospheric ring-current structure
- Trace Elements in Rivers of Central Alaska and Their Potential Response to Climate Change
- Trace Gas Transport Over Complex Terrain
- Unraveling the Earthquake History of the Denali Fault System, Alaska: Filling a Blank Canvas With Paleoearthquakes
- Use of Remotely-Sensed Snow Covered Area in Watershed Model Calibration for the Sprague River in the Upper Klamath Basin
- Variation in erosion/deposition rates over the last 50 years on alluvial fan surfaces of L. Pleistocene- Mid Holocene age, estimations using 137Cs soil profile data, Amargosa Valley, Nevada.
- A Century of Earthquakes: A New Global Seismicity Map
- A New Ghost-Node Method for Linking Different Ground-Water Models and Initial Investigation of Heterogeneity and Nonmatching Grids
- A Reservoir of Natural Perchlorate in Unsaturated Zones of Arid and Semi-Arid Regions, Southwestern USA
- A deep crustal fluid channel into the San Andreas Fault system imaged with magnetotellurics
- ANSS Backbone Station Quality Assessment
- Analysis of Near Surface Hydrocarbon Distribution Pattern Around the Eileen Fault zone, Alaska North Slope
- Applications of the seismoelectric method: Insights from field experiments and numerical studies
- Applying Distributed, Coupled Hydrological Slope-Stability Models for Landslide Hazard Assessments
- Blazing a trail in Rocky Mountain National Park: Application of monitoring and research on nitrogen deposition to air and water quality policy.
- Carbon Isotope Composition as an Indicator of DOC Sources to a Stream During Events in a Temperate Forested Catchment
- Carbon and Nitrogen Export from the Yukon River Basin
- Comparison of Metolachlor Leaching Predicted by Upscaled One-dimensional Point Models With That Predicted by a Semi-distributed Watershed Model
- Compositional Mapping of Saturn's Satellite Dione with Cassini VIMS and Implications for Dark Material in the Saturn System
- Creating a Research Experience in an Undergraduate Geophysics Course: Integrated Geophysical Study of the Silver Creek Fault, Santa Clara Valley, California
- Crystalline and Amorphous ice as Markers for Activity on Satellites
- DOC composition at spring snowmelt and summer baseflow in boreal forest streams of interior Alaska
- Detection of Widespread Aromatic and Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Deposits on Titan's Surface Observed by Cassini VIMS
- Dissolved Organic Carbon in Boreal Black Spruce Forest: Sources, Chemistry, and Biodegradability
- Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Yukon, Tanana and Porcupine Rivers, Alaska
- Dissolved and colloidal trace elements in the Yukon River system: possible responses to climate change
- Empirical and Theoretical Evidence for the Role of MgSO4 Contact Ion-Pairs in Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction
- Environmental Controls on the Stable Isotopic Composition of Forest Respired Carbon Dioxide Across a Vertical Canopy Profile in a Subalpine Coniferous Forest
- Estimate of the Deviatoric Stresses Acting Before and After the 2002 Denali Fault Earthquake
- Estuarine science and decision-support tools to restore Puget Sound delta and estuarine ecosystems: The Skagit River Delta
- Evidence for Seismogenic Segmentation of the Cascadia Subduction Zone From Coastal Paleoseismology
- Evolution of Background Noise and Development of Station Noise Models for GSN Stations ANMO and TUC
- Examples of Models Fit to Magnetic Anomalies Observed Over Subaerial, Submarine, and Subglacial Volcanoes in the West Antarctic Rift System
- Exploring the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains with aerogeophysical surveys during the IPY
- Fault-Bounded Late Neogene Sedimentary Deposits in the Santa Rosa Mountains, Southern CA: Constraints on the Evolution of the San Jacinto Fault
- Fossil Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems in Pleistocene Brokeoff Volcano, Lassen Volcanic National Park, California
- Fragmented Landscapes in the San Gorgonio Pass Region: Insights into Quaternary Strain History of the Southern San Andreas Fault System
- Full-disk observations of the saturnian moons in the VIS-NIR spectral range by Cassini- VIMS
- Gas Hydrate Research Coring and Downhole Logging Operational Protocol
- Geochemical and oxygen isotope studies of high-silica rhyolitic ignimbrites from the Eastern and Central Snake River Plain and Yellowstone
- Geochemical proxies of North American freshwater routing during the Younger Dryas
- Global ocean wave intensity changes observed across decadal-scale time intervals using seismic background noise
- High-Precision Isotope Analysis of Uranium and Thorium by TIMS
- Historical Influence of Soil and Water Management on Sediment and Carbon Erosion and Burial in the United States
- Holocene Paleoclimate From Stable Isotope Geochemistry Of Squanga Lake, Southern Yukon Territory, Canada
- Hydrologic scenarios for floodplain building in a vertically accreting, suspended sediment river
- IODP Expedition 311 A review of gas hydrate research on the Northern Cascadia Margin
- Increased Groundwater Contribution to Streamflow in the Yukon River Basin in Response to Climate Warming and Potential Impacts on Carbon and Nitrogen Export
- Inorganic Nitrogen Cycling in an Extreme Acid Mine Drainage Site
- Interaction of Mercury and Organic Matter in the Yukon River Basin
- Intermagnet and the Global Community of Magnetic Observatories
- Investigation of the Sinlap Crater on Titan Using VIMS and RADAR Data
- Kinematic Fault Model of Crustal Deformation in California Constrained by GPS Observations
- Late Quaternary Extreme Hydroclimatic Events Recorded in Ugandan Dambo Wetland Sediments
- Long-Term Controls on Solute and Sediment Fluxes From a Rapidly Weathering Tropical Watershed
- Mapping Weak, Altered Zones and Perched Water With Aerogeophysical Measurements at Mount Adams, Washington: Implications for Volcanic Instability
- Mapping and Monitoring Stream Aquatic Habitat With a Narrow-Beam Green Lidar
- Microbial Diversity in Soil Cores From the Yukon River Basin, Alaska
- Microbial sulfate reduction in upper oceanic basement, ODP Site 1256
- Modeling Bedform Morphodynamics Under Unsteady Flow
- New Cosmogenic Beryllium-10 Exposure-Age Limits on Terminal Moraines of the Last Glaciation in the Bear River Drainage, Uinta Mountains, Utah
- Numerical models of carbonate hosted gold mineralization, Great Basin Nevada
- Observation errors and highly parameterized models
- PKKP scattering in the lower mantle resolved by small aperture arrays
- Production and Consumption of Nitric Oxide in a Nitrogen-Impacted Sand and Gravel Aquifer
- Quality Control of the USGS Broadband Seismic Networks
- Quality Control on Climate Data Using Machine Learning
- Quantifying nutrient sources in an upland catchment using multiple chemical and isotopic tracers
- Rapid Prototyping of Hyperspectral Image Analysis Algorithms for Improved Invasive Species Decision Support Tools
- Rates and Effects of Climate Warming and Permafrost Thawing in the Yukon River Basin: The Yukon Climate Effects Assessment and Monitoring Network
- Relocations and Rupture Processes of Large Plate Boundary Earthquakes in Fiordland, South Island, New Zealand
- Reservoirs Dampen Seasonal Variation in Riverine Dissolved Organic Carbon Flux in Maine
- Rethinking the Meaning of "REV" in Modeling Fractured Rock Aquifers
- Saturn's Titan: Evidence for Surface Reflectance Change: Implications for Atmospheric and Volcanic Activity
- Scaling Relations Between Laboratory Scale Hysteretic Measurements for a Silty Loam Soil
- Seasonal Flood Deposits in Hanalei Bay, Kaua'i, Hawaii—Implications of Fluvial Sedimentation for Coral-Reef Ecosystems
- Spectral affinities in the icy moons of Saturn investigated through the G-mode multivariate classification method
- Step-pool spacing in a travertine system, Fossil Creek, Arizona
- Stress Changes in Northern Sumatra due to the December 2004 (M 9) and March 2005 (M 8.7) Subduction Zone Earthquakes
- Studies of Titan's 5-Micron-Bright Regions Using Combined VIMS and ISS Observations
- Super eruption environments make for "super" hydrothermal explosions: Extreme hydrothermal explosions in Yellowstone National Park
- Techniques for Measuring Lava Dome Growth During the 2004 2006 Eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington
- The Influence of Dissolved Organic Matter on the Photochemical Cycling of Mercury
- The NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar A Cross-environment Lidar
- The Transport of Free-Phase Methane in Hydraulically Confined and Unconfined Peat Strata Analyzed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- The flux and 14C age of riverine organic carbon exported to the Arctic Ocean
- Thirty Years Later: Reflections of the Big Thompson Flood, Colorado, 1976 to 2006
- Tritium Concentrations in the Yukon River Basin and their Implications
- Unsaturated Zone Effects in Predicting Landslide and Debris-Flow Initiation
- Use of Reactive Transport Modeling to Evaluate Remedial Options for an Acid Mine Drainage Stream, With Emphasis on Prediction Uncertainty
- Variability of Near-stream, Sub-surface Major-ion and Tracer Concentrations in an Acid Mine Drainage Environment
- Volcanoes - the Ultimate Source of Trace Metal Enrichment of Atmospheric Dust
- Wilderness Stream Gauging: the application of new technology and techniques in Yosemite National Park
- A 30 year study of carbon, groundwater, and climate coupling in a large boreal peat basin
- A Microfossil-Based Approach to Constraining Megathrust-Induced Coseismic Land Displacement of the 1700 Event in the Pacific Northwest
- A Mid-latitude Cloud Eruption on Titan Observed by the Cassini Visual Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) in July 2007
- A framework of field observations and spatial data for understanding dust emissions in the Mojave Desert
- A large-scale integrated aerogeophysical survey of Afghanistan
- Advances in Modeling Aeromagnetic Anomalies Related to Faults in Sedimentary Basins-- Lessons Learned From High-Resolution Surveys in the Central Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Airborne Magnetic and Electromagnetic Data map Rock Alteration and Water Content at Mount Adams, Mount Baker and Mount Rainier, Washington: Implications for Lahar Hazards and Hydrothermal Systems
- An Episode 56 Perspective on Post-2001 Comagmatic Mixing Along Kilauea's East Rift Zone
- Basin Structure Beneath the Santa Rosa Plain, Northern California: Implications for Damage Caused by the 1969 Santa Rosa and 1906 San Francisco Earthquakes
- Biogeochemical Controls on Mercury Methylation: A compilation of Data Across Fresh and Saltwater Wetlands
- Calculation of flow, sediment transport, and channel erosion in burned watersheds prone to debris flows
- Changes in the timing of snowmelt and associated runoff in the Colorado Rocky Mountains
- Characterizing Fault Zone Permeability Through Integrated Geophysical and Hydrological Data, Elkhorn Fault, Park County, Colorado
- Chemical Character and Biodegradability of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Streams and Rivers of Interior Alaska
- Circum-Arctic Magnetic Anomalies - Challenges of Compilation and the Value of Regional Interpretation in a Frontier Area
- Comparison of Seismic Methods for Fault Characterization at the Nevada Test Site, Nevada
- Competitive binding between mercury and copper for reduced sulfur binding sites on dissolved organic matter from the Florida Everglades
- Compositional Mapping of Saturn's Satellite Iapetus with Cassini VIMS and Implications of Dark Material in the Saturn System
- Continuous real-time monitoring of chloride in geothermal areas in Yellowstone National Park: initial results from newly developed long-term in-situ chloride analyzers.
- Controlled Floods, Geomorphic Processes, and Riparian Vegetation Mortality in a Sand-Bed Desert River
- Creating Geospatial RSS and ATOM Feeds for Map-based Interfaces
- Current-Use Pesticides and Organochlorine Compounds in Precipitation and Lake Sediment from Two High-Elevation National Parks
- Debris-Covered Glaciers in Antarctica: Analogs for Viscous-Flow Features on Mars
- Denitrification-Coupled Iron(II) Oxidation: A Key Process Regulating the Fate and Transport of Nitrate, Phosphate, and Arsenic in a Wastewater-Contaminated Aquifer
- Detailed investigation of the overlapping spreading center and 9 degrees north on the East Pacific Rise: overview of the Medusa 2007 cruise activities
- Developing Methods to Test the Influence of Critical Zone Development on Watershed Hydrology and Biogeochemistry
- Differential Energy Radiation from Two Earthquakes in Japan with Identical MW
- Evaluation of Negatively Correlated Porosity and Permeability on Chemical Migration Through Glacial Outwash Deposits
- Evidence From Detrital Zircon U-Pb Analysis for Suturing of Pre-Mississippian Terranes in Arctic Alaska
- Foraminiferal Assemblage Zones of Oregon Salt-Marshes: Implications for Studies of Relative Sea-Level Change
- Gas Hydrate Investigations at the 2007 Mount Elbert Test Site, Milne Point Area, Alaska North Slope
- Geophysical Characterization of Yucca Fault in Yucca Flat, Nevada Test Site, Nevada
- Global Mapping of the Surface of Titan Using VIMS Infrared Images - Geodynamical Implications
- Global Seismic Monitoring: Past, Present, and Future
- High Resolution Mapping and Interpretation of Channel and Floodplain Topography With a Narrow-Beam Terrestrial-Aquatic Lidar
- How to Display Hazards and other Scientific Data Using Google Maps
- Hydrated Iron Sulfate Minerals by FT-IR, ESEM and XRD: Effects of Hydration, Metal Ions, and Oxidative State
- Iapetus as Seen Through the Multispectral Eyes of Cassini VIMS
- Increased Permafrost Thaw and Groundwater Contribution to Streamflow Affect DOM, DIC and DIN Export and Chemistry in the Yukon River Basin
- Interoperable Geoprocessing for Rapid Prototyping of Landuse/Landcover, Topographical and Meteorological Datasets for Hydrological Simulation
- Isotopes of Dissolved Copper and Zinc in Stream Waters
- Laboratory Studies of Organic Compounds With Reflectance Spectroscopy
- Mapping Pollution Plumes in Areas Impacted by Hurricane Katrina With Imaging Spectroscopy
- Measurement of Landscape-scale Fluxes in the Complex Terrain of a Rocky Mountain Subalpine Forest
- Mercury Cycling in Agricultural and Non-agricultural Wetlands in the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area, California: Water Column Processes
- Mercury Release from Soils and Sediments in the Sacramento River Watershed
- Microbial decomposer communities in Alaskan permafrost soils and their response to thaw
- Mineralogic Diversity and Geomorphology of CRISM-detected Phyllosilicate Bearing Materials in Nili Fossae, Mars: Implications for Aqueous Alteration
- Modern Earthquake Hazard Assessments in Afghanistan: A USGS Training Course
- Monitoring: a vital component of science at USGS WEBB sites
- Natural Terrestrial Sequestration Potential of Highplains Prairie to Subalpine Forest and Mined-Lands Soils Derived from Weathering of Tertiary Volcanics
- Naturally Occurring Cr and Ni in the Sacramento Valley: I. Geologic and Geomorphic Controls on the Spatial Distribution of Ultramafic Source Elements
- Naturally Occurring Cr and Ni in the Sacramento Valley: II. Mn Oxides and the Mobility of Cr(VI) and Ni
- Net Organic Carbon Export From Two Temperate Mesotrophic Lakes With Contrasting Hydrologic Characteristics
- New Mechanisms of Mercury Binding to Peat
- Occurrence of Marine Gas Hydrates in the Indian Continental Margin: Results of the Indian National Gas Hydrate Program (NGHP) Expedition 01
- Organic-Carbon Burial and Oxygen Depletion Along the Margin of Western North America During the Past 60,000 Years: Teleconnections With Greenland Ice and the Cariaco Basin
- Petrography of Lava Flows from the 9 North Overlapping Spreading Center, East Pacific Rise
- Polar Organic Compounds in Surface Waters Collected Near Lead-Zinc Mine and Milling Operations in Missouri
- Possible Non-volcanic Tremor Discovered in the Reelfoot Fault Zone, Northern Tennessee
- Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Maps for Seattle, Washington, Based on 3D Ground-Motion Simulations
- Progress in developing an Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System (IOTWS)
- Quantifying Groundwater Model Uncertainty
- Quantifying and Qualifying USGS ShakeMap Uncertainty
- Question of Ages of Cenozoic Volcanic Centers Inferred Beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) in the West Antarctic Rift System (WR) from Coincident Aeromagnetic and Radar Ice Sounding Surveys
- Re-analysis of the largest 24 instrumentally recorded earthquakes since the beginning of the 20th Century
- Recharge response to natural climate variability on interannual to multidecadal timescales
- Redox Processes and Water Quality of Selected Principal Aquifer Systems
- Relationships of Dione's physical and chemical surface properties to geological and morphological surface features
- Relocating and Characterizing the 10 Feb 2006 "Green Canyon" Gulf of Mexico Earthquake Using Oil-Industry Data
- Rock Magnetic and Geologic Characteristics of Faulted Sediments With Associated Aeromagnetic Anomalies in the Albuquerque Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Runoff Response at Three Spatial Scale from a Burned Watershed
- Salmon and Wetland Influences on Streamwater Mercury Fluxes in Southeastern Alaska
- Saturn's Rings Observed with Cassini-VIMS
- Saturn's Titan: Searching for Surface Change
- Seasonal Variability in Dissolved Organic Matter Quantity and Composition from the Yukon River Basin
- Sediment Fluxes from California Coastal Rivers: The Influences of Climate, Geology and Topography
- ShakeCast: Automating and Improving the Use of ShakeMap for Post-Earthquake Decision- Making and Response
- ShakeMap at the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network
- Simulating advective transport through locally refined grids
- Small Degree of Trace Element Enrichment in Soils not Surprising, in View of Measured Deposition by Dusts
- Spectral Evidence for Aqueous Alteration of the Plains Surrounding Valles Marineris, Mars
- Statistical modeling of storm-level Kp occurrences: Solar-cycle modulation
- Storm Rainfall Conditions for Floods and Debris Flows from Recently Burned Basins in Southwestern Colorado and Southern California
- Structure classification methods applied to independent post-inversion physical-property models
- Surface-Atmospheric Separation Models for Titan: Plane Parallel vs. Spherical Shell Radiative Transfer Solutions for Cassini VIMS Data
- Synthesis of Post-wildland Fire Sediment Yields in Different Rainfall Regimes in the western United States
- Systematics of Natural Perchlorate in Precipitation, Soils, and Plants at the Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada
- Tectonic Setting of the Gravity Fault and Implications for Ground-Water Resources in the Death Valley Region, Nevada and California
- Terrace ages, timing of colluvial hollow denudation, and sediment routing in Pancho Rico Valley, Coast Ranges of central California (Monterey County), USA
- The 1989 Ms 7.1 Loma Prieta, California, Magnetic Earthquake Precursor Revisited
- The Agua Salud Project, Central Panama
- The Complex Effects of Simplifying Network Structure: A Modeling Evaluation of Chemical Migration in Fracture-Controlled Aquifers
- The Contribution of Robert F. Corwin to Self-Potential and Geotechnical Geophysics
- The Effects of Gravity-Induced Stresses on Hydrogeologic Properties Near Ridges: Examples From two Rift Basins
- The Influence of Wetland Cover and Dissolved Organic Carbon on Mercury Export in Forest Landscapes, Northeastern USA
- The Influences of Dissolved Organic Matter on Mercury Biogeochemistry in Mesocosm Experiments in the Florida Everglades
- The Role of Dissolved Organic Matter in Environmental Mercury Methylation by Sulfate- Reducing Bacteria
- The Structure of Saturn's South Polar Vortex Determined by Cassini VIMS: Constraints on Winds and Horizontal and Vertical Cloud Distributions
- The changing role of dust in biogeochemical cycling
- The dynamics of bedrock channel adjustment: Modeling the influence of sediment supply, weathering, and lithology on channel cross-sectional and longitudinal shape
- Trace Element Analyses of Quartz-Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right
- USGS ShakeMap Developments, Implementation, and Derivative Tools
- VIS-NIR Spectrophotometric Study of the Saturnian icy Satellites by Cassini-VIMS
- Velocity Structure Near the Site of the Northern 2002 Embayment Seismic Excitation Experiment Explosion From Reflection, Refraction, and Strong Motion Measurements
- Vs30 from site response and local magnitude corrections
- Weathering of Glacial Moraines in the French Alps
- Zircon U-Pb Ages Chronicle 3 Myr of Episodic Crystallization in the Composite Miocene Tatoosh Pluton, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington Cascades
- A Paleoenvironmental Record of Atmospheric Mercury Deposition in a Permafrost Core from Northern Alaska
- A Preliminary Full Spectrum Magnetic Anomaly Database of the United States With Improved Long Wavelengths for Studying Continental Dynamics
- A tale of TWO excursions (Mono Lake and Laschamp) recorded in sediments of Pyramid Lake, Nevada
- ANDRILL Borehole AND-1B: Well Log Analysis of Lithofacies and Glacimarine Cycles.
- Airborne and Ground Electrical Surveys for Subsurface Mapping of the Arbuckle Aquifer, Central Oklahoma
- An emerging view of the crust and mantle of tectonic North America from EMScope: a mid- term progress review of Earthscope's magnetotelluric program
- Annual-scale Variations in Runoff and Streamwater Chemistry
- Application of Phospholipid Fatty Acids in the Evaluation of Post-Katrina Wetland Soils
- Application of a Joint Inversion Strategy to Improve Electromagnetic Imaging of Hydrogeologic Structures in Northeastern Brazil
- Assessing Impacts of the 2008 Drought on Winter Wheat Production in Afghanistan Using MODIS 250m NDVI Time Series
- Assessment of Gas Hydrate Resources on the North Slope, Alaska, 2008
- Bioaccessibility and Speciation of Potential Toxicants in Some Geogenic Sources of Atmospheric Particulate Matter
- Breakthrough of Contaminant Plumes in Saturated Volcanic Rock: Implications from the Yucca Mountain Site
- But the fit is so good! A perspective on uncertainty and highly parameterized groundwater models
- Calcium Isotope Geochemistry: Research Horizons and Nanoscale Fractionation Processes
- Calibration and testing of a distributed, physically based hydrological model using an error-weighted objective function
- Cassini/VIMS observations of Saturn's infrared aurora
- Circum-Arctic Mapping Project: New Magnetic Anomaly map Linked to the Geology of the Arctic
- Clays and Sulfates in a Potential Lacustrine Evaporite Sequence at Columbus Crater, Mars
- Climate Change Effects on Source Waters and Flowpaths in Headwater Catchments of the Colorado Front Range, 1993-2006
- Comparison of Vegetation Phenology estimated from MODIS and AVHRR over North America
- Contrasting Sr isotope ratios in plagioclase from different formations of the mid-Miocene Columbia River Basalt Group
- Coordinating CRISM Observations of Sulfates near Valles Marineris with the Subsurface Bright Salty Soils Exposed in Gusev Crater via Lab Experiments
- Coseismic Rupture Distribution of the 2008 Wenchuan, China Earthquake Inferred Using GPS and InSAR Measurements
- Coupled Modeling of Self Potential and Groundwater Flow to Estimate Permeability Structure of the Elkhorn Fault, South Park, Colorado
- Design And Implementation Of A Water-Quality Monitoring Program In Support Of Establishing User Capacities In Yosemite National Park
- Determining effects of woody vegetation on flood flow and sediment transport
- Developing a Framework for Assessing Climate-Change Impacts on Common Loon Habitat Suitability in Northern Wisconsin
- Discovery of lake-effect clouds on Titan
- Discovery of the Acid-Sulfate Mineral Alunite in Terra Sirenum, Mars, Using MRO CRISM: Possible Evidence for Acid-Saline Lacustrine Deposits?
- Dissolved Organic Matter, Organic Matter Optical Properties and Mercury in Rivers and Streams
- Dissolved and Colloidal Trace Elements in Glacial Watersheds of the Yukon River Basin
- Dissolved and colloidal oxyanion trace elements in the Yukon River system
- Distribution of Ground Motions for the 2008 Mw5.4 Chino Hills Earthquake
- Diverse Habitable Environments Characterized with Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and Mars Express Data
- Diversity of Mineralogy and Occurrences of Phyllosilicates on Mars
- Dst and a map of average equivalent ring current: 1958-2007
- Eastern Denali Fault Slip Rate and Paleoseismic History, Kluane Lake Area, Yukon Territory, Canada
- Ejecta of Multiple Impacts Found Across the K/T Boundary in Deep-Sea Cores LL44- GPC3 and DSDP 91-596 from the Northern and Southern Pacific Ocean
- Electrical Conductivity and Non-volcanic Tremors: Implications for the Structure and Dynamics of the San Andreas Fault System
- Evaporite-mineral Dusts From a Dry Saline Playa in the Mojave Desert and Bioaccessibility of Their Trace Metals
- Evidence for Anaerobic Methane Oxidation Under Iron-Reducing Conditions in a Crude-Oil Contaminated Aquifer
- Evidence for Pliocene to present thrust faulting on the south side of the Alaska Range in the vicinity of the Peters Hills piggyback basin
- Evidence for the Presence of Colloidal Metacinnabar in Mercury-DOM-Sulfide Systems as Determined by a Chromatographic-EXAFS Method
- Evidence of Dilatant Strengthening as a Mechanism Controlling Landslide Velocity
- Examination of magnetic resonance soundings in the Central Platter River Basin for ground water model enhancements
- Examining the Role of Topological Factors in Controlling the Hydraulic Conductivity of Granular Deposits Through the Analysis of Geophysical Well Logs: Results From the USGS Toxic Substances Hydrology Site
- Finite-Fault Source Study of the 2008 Wells, Nevada Earthquake Using Regional Broadband Empirical Green's Functions
- Forecasting Changes in Real-Time Landslide Monitoring Data
- Geochemical controls on microbial community composition from varied hot spring environments
- Geochemistry of the 2005-2006 East Pacific Rise Eruption: Chemical Changes and Possible Petrogenetic Relationships to the 1991-1992 Eruption
- Geophysical Characterization by the SAGE Program of Intrabasin Fault-Influenced Stratigraphic Variations in the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico, USA
- Geophysical Investigation of the San Juan Mountains Batholith, Southwestern Colorado
- Geophysical and Geologic Training of the Afghan Geological Survey, May, 2008
- Global Distribution of Dunes on Titan With VIMS
- Global Earthquake Characterization on irregular fault surfaces
- Ground-Water Availability Responses to Climate Variability on Interannual to Multidecadal Timescales, Mississippi Embayment Regional Aquifer System, USA
- Groundwater Hydrology within the crater of Mount St. Helens from Geophysical Constraints
- Helicopter Electromagnetic Surveys for Hydrological Framework Studies in Nebraska
- High resolution VIMS images of Titan's surface: implications for its composition, internal structure and dynamics
- High-Resolution Records of Mid-Holocene Paleoceanographic Change From the Subarctic Northeast Pacific Ocean
- High-Resolution Seismic Imaging of Stratigraphic Boundaries for Urban Seismic Hazards Investigations
- Historical Nautical Charts and Hydrographic Surveys as Recorders of Vertical Displacement Above Shallow Portions of Subduction Zones
- Hydrogeophysical investigations of the earthen Martis Creek Dam, Truckee, CA
- Identification of Wetland Source Waters Using Strontium and Uranium Isotopes, Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada,USA
- Identifying Recharge Location Using Noble Gas Recharge Temperatures, Pajarito Plateau, New Mexico
- Imaging the Wenchuan Earthquake and its aftershocks using back-projection of Teleseismic P-Waves and Point-Spread Function Deconvolution
- Insights From the Kilgore Tuff: Surprising Homogeneity of Supervolcanic Magmas in Yellowstone Hotspot Calderas
- Inversion of Electromagnetic Data to Obtain Ice Thicknesses at Mts. Adams, Baker and Rainier, Washington
- Island Freeboard Reconstructions for the Cape Verde Archipelago Using the Geological Record
- Late Holocene Coseismic Deformation at the Cascadia Subduction Zone, Oregon, USA
- Linking Hydrologic Flow Paths and Nutrient Cycling in a Subalpine Catchment, Front Range, CO
- Linking self-potential and geochemical signatures over a large porphyry mineral deposit in Alaska
- Magmatism at the 9o 03'N Overlapping Spreading Center, East Pacific Rise: The Xenolith Story
- Mass-Independent Fractionation of Mercury in Hydrothermal Systems
- Massive gas hydrate occurrences in fractured systems: Combined observations from deep drilling campaigns at the Cascadia margin, Krishna-Godhavari Basin, and Ulleung Basin
- Mineralogic and morphologic signatures of Noachian water in the Argyre impact basin
- Modeling Fractional Bedload Transport Rates: The Importance of the Coarsest Bedload Fractions
- Modeling and Interpretation of Localized P-wave and S-wave Reflectivity in D"
- Monitoring coastal erosion on the Beaufort Sea coast: Erosion process and the relative roles of thermal and wave energy
- Multidisciplinary Studies of the Fate and Transport of Contaminants in Ground Water at the U.S. Geological Survey Cape Cod Toxic Substances Hydrology Program Research Site, Massachusetts
- New Data Bases and Standards for Gravity Anomalies
- On the Magnetic Precursor of the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake
- Origin of Dacites on Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Paleohydrology of the Yukon River Basin during the last 2 millennia; century-scale groundwater flux variations in a closed-basin lake
- Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetic Properties from Quaternary Lavas and Tuffs of the Yellowstone Plateau Volcanic Field
- Peat Deposits of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California: An Archive for Anthropogenic Contamination of Mercury, Lead, and Other Trace Metals
- Phenocryst Abundances and Compositions at the 9deg 03'N Overlapping Spreading Center: Implications for Magma Source Composition
- Phospholipid Evidence for Methanogenic Archaea and Sulfate-reducing Bacteria in Coalbed Methane Wells in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming
- Plio-Pleistocene Evolution of Concealed Basins Separated by a Bedrock Ridge West of the Rodgers Creek and Healdsburg Faults, Northern California
- Potential-Field Data Provide Insights into the Development of Extensional Basins, Aquifer Compartmentalization, and Geothermal Reservoirs--Examples from the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico and Colorado, and Dixie Valley, Nevada
- Potential-Field Forward Modeling and Inversion Using 3D Fast Fourier Transforms
- Rates of Chemical Weathering in Glacial Moraines of the French Alps
- Recent airborne magnetic data prefer SWEAT reconstruction of Laurentia with Antarctica and Australia to others
- Reconstruction of Past Climatic Changes in Polar Regions using Borehole Paleothermometry
- Remarkable Opposition Surges on the Satellites of Saturn Revealed by the Cassini Spacecraft
- Resolving the Geometry of Global Subduction Zone Interfaces a Priori - Working Towards Improved Earthquake Source Modeling
- Rupture history of 2008 May 12 Mw 8.0 Wen-Chuan earthquake: Evidence of slip interaction
- Science and Strategic - Climate Implications
- Seismic Reflection Profiles Image the Rodgers Creek Fault and Cotati Basin Beneath Urban Santa Rosa, California
- Self-similarity in Channel Network Topology as a Necessary Condition for the existence of Power Laws in Flood Magnitudes
- Sensitivity of Probabilistic Ground Motion and its Deaggregation to Different Values of Aperiodicity Parameters in Time Dependent Occurrence in the Central Apennines, Italy
- Soil and saprolite geochemistry along an eroding to depositional hillslope transect
- Strong Binding Environments for Mercury in Peat
- Structural interpretation of large-scale faulting in the Krishna-Godhavari Basin offshore India to define the deep-plumbing system and gas migration pathways for gas hydrate formation
- Success in Outreach and Education Through a Partnership Approach Between Government and Grass Roots: The Yukon River Basin Water Quality Monitoring Program
- The Composition of Saturn's Rings
- The Recent Prehistoric Geochemical Evolution of Summit Lavas From Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- The Spectral Classes of the Saturnian System Ices: Rings and Satellites Observations by Cassini-VIMS
- The Temporal and Spatial Association of Faulting and Volcanism in the Cerros del Rio Volcanic Field - Rio Grande Rift, USA
- The USGS National Earthquake Information Center's Response to the Wenchuan, China Earthquake
- The Utility of Hypespectral Data in the Rejuvenation of the Natural Resources Sector of Afghanistan
- The base of the mantle beneath the Pacific: noLVZ, LVZ and ULVZ
- Thinking Along 2 Axes: Lakeshore Erosion and Subsurface Effects of Thaw Lakes Along Alaska's Arctic Coastal Plain
- Three-Dimensional EarthVision Modeling for Ground-Water Resource Applications: Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer, Southern Oklahoma
- Thunderstorm-Related Clouds of Saturn Observed by Cassini/VIMS
- Toward Effective Application of Potential Field Studies to Resource Appraisal: Case Studies From Alaska and the Circum-Arctic
- Towards a global catalog of instrumental seismicity: current status
- Tracing mineral weathering reactions in the critical zone using Mg, Ca, and Sr isotopes, Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico
- USGS GSD-1G: A Geological Reference Glass for in situ Elemental and Isotopic Analysis
- Use of Underwater Resistivity to Map Chloride in Lakebed Sediments Beneath Mirror Lake, NH
- Using Gravity Data to Constrain the Nature of the Crust Beneath Baffin Bay
- Water Resources Availability in Kabul, Afghanistan
- Widespread Effects on Aviation of the 2008 Eruption of Chaiten Volcano, Chile
- Zircon Trace Element Contents and Refined U-Pb Crystallization Ages for the Tatoosh Pluton, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington Cascades
- A Cross-Gradient Constrained Inversion of Seismic and Magnetotelluric Data in the Parkfield Region of California
- A National Disturbance Modeling System to Support Ecological Carbon Sequestration Assessments
- A New Interpretation on the Scattering Origin of Seismic Coda
- A Search for Plumes on Mimas, Tethys, and Dione
- A Year at the Moon on Chandrayaan-1: Moon Mineralogy Mapper Data in a Global Perspective
- A comparison of in situ and laboratory optical measurements of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the Yukon River, Alaska
- A coral-based reconstruction of Atlantic sea surface temperature trends and variability since 1552 (Invited)
- A framework for spatial and temporal prediction of shallow landslides induced by rainfall (Invited)
- A global outer-rise/outer-trench-slope (OR/OTS) earthquake study
- AGAP: Exploring the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains with Aerogeophysical Surveys during the IPY
- ARkStorm: A West Coast Storm Scenario
- Advances in Quantitative Analyses and Reference Materials Related to Laser Ablation ICP-MS: A Look at Methods and New Directions
- Aeromagnetic surveying in remote, unexplored terrain: the Gamburtsev Mountains, East Antarctica
- Ambient air quality effects of the 2008-2009 Halema`uma`u eruption on the Island of Hawai`i
- An Entropic Explanation for Gutenberg-Richter Scaling
- Assessment of climate change effects on water and carbon cycling and habitat change in the Yukon River Basin: Piloting a National Strategy (Invited)
- Biodegradation of 17β-Estradiol, Estrone and Testosterone in Stream Sediments
- Biotic Responses of Headwater Streams to Geophysical Alteration and Disturbance Related to Climate Change
- Broadband Geoelectrical Signatures of Water-Ethanol Solutions in Ottawa Sand
- Calibrating thermal erosion models along an Arctic coastline
- Cascading consequences of climate change and expanding population on the threat of wildfire and post fire debris-flow hazards, Western U.S. (Invited)
- Cassini Imaging of Titan’s North Polar Cloud With the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer
- Central United States Velocity Model Version 1: Description and Validation
- Characterization of Size Fractionated Dissolved Organic Matter From the Lower Mississippi River
- Chemical, mineralogical, and isotopic characteristics of mud from the LUSI mud volcano, Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia: implications for the environment, public health, and eruption processes
- Chino Hills --- A highly computationally efficient 2 Hz validation exercise
- Climate change and increased zinc concentrations in a Rocky Mountain acid rock drainage stream
- Combined Sewer Overflows as a Source of Hormones to Surface Water
- Comparison of Physical Properties of Marine and Arctic Gas-Hydrate-Bearing Deposits
- Compositional Changes In Atmospheric Dust In Western United States During The Past 150 Years
- Compositional Mapping Saturn's Icy satellites with Cassin VIMS (Invited)
- Comprehensive Seismic Monitoring for Emergency Response and Hazards Assessment: Recent Developments at the USGS National Earthquake Information Center
- Computational modeling of river flow using bathymetry collected with an experimental, water-penetrating, green LiDAR
- Constraining Fault-Zone Hydrogeology through Integrated Hydrological and Geoelectrical Analysis
- Deducing mineral weathering reactions from solute profiles in highly leached regolith, Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico
- Design of Reconnaissance Helicopter Electromagnetic and Magnetic Geophysical Surveys of the North Platte River and Lodgepole Creek, Nebraska
- Determining Spatial and Temporal Variation in Sources of Nitrogen Deposition in the Rocky Mountains using Nitrogen Isotopes
- Deterministic scattering imaging in the lowermost mantle in a slab graveyard (Invited)
- Development of an Earthquake Impact Scale
- Diplomacy Through Earth Sciences: An Overview of US Geological Survey Technical Assistance Regarding the Ongoing LUSI Mud Eruption, East Java, Indonesia
- Disclosing Precambrian Secrets of the East Antarctic Shield: An Aeromagnetic Perspective from the International Polar Year
- Dissolved Organic Carbon and Natural Terrestrial Sequestration Potential in Volcanic Terrain, San Juan Mountains, Colorado
- Dissolved organic matter as an indicator of changing watersheds in northern rivers
- Dust in the western U.S.: how biological, physical and human activities at the local scale interact to affect hydrologic function at the landscape scale (Invited)
- Dynamic modeling of stress evolution and crustal deformation associated with the seismogenic process of the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan, China earthquake
- Earthquake Geology of the Bulnay Fault, Mongolia
- Effects of Dual-Pump Recovery on Crude-Oil Contamination of Groundwater, Bemidji, Minnesota
- Effects of Kinematic Constraints on Teleseismic Finite-Source Rupture Inversions: Great Peruvian Earthquakes of 23 June 2001 and 15 August 2007
- Estimates of Biogenic Greenhouse Gas Flux Components in the Denver Urban Ecosystem
- Evaluation of recharge in selected aquifer systems of the United States using tracers of groundwater age (Invited)
- Evaporites in Martian Paleolakes: Observations and Implications
- Evapotranspiration from Upper Klamath Lake: Reducing Uncertainty in the Water Balance
- Factors Controlling Streamwater Mercury-DOC Relations Across Watersheds
- Fast forward modeling of Titan’s infrared spectra to invert VIMS/CASSINI hyperspectral images
- Fate of Carbon in Sediments of a Drying High Latitude Lake, Interior Alaska
- Gas Hydrate Research Site Selection and Operational Research Plans
- Geochemical Evidence for Crustal Assimilation at Mid-Ocean Ridges Using Major and Trace Elements, Volatiles and Oxygen Isotopes
- Geochemical characterization of lavas from the 2005-06 eruption along the East Pacific Rise (9° 46-56’ N): Implications for decadal-scale magmagenesis along fast spreading centers
- Geomorphic connectivity in a recently burned watershed
- Getting the Spin Right: The Importance of Knowing Saturn’s Rate of Rotation for Assessing Global Circulation and Dynamics
- Ground Motions from the 29 September 2009 Samoa M8.0 Earthquake and Aftershocks
- Groundwater Flow with Freeze-Thaw in Dynamic Permafrost Systems: Numerical Simulation
- Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Joint Industry Project Leg II: Results from the Alaminos Canyon 21 Site
- Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Joint Industry Project Leg II: Results from the Walker Ridge 313 Site
- Hazard Science in Support of Community Resiliency: The Response of the Multi Hazards Demonstration Project to the 2009 Station Fire in Los Angeles County
- Helicopter Electromagnetic and Magnetic Surveys of the Upper and Middle Zones of the Trinity Aquifer, Uvalde and Bexar Counties, Texas
- Hidden in Plain Sight: Spinel-Rich Deposits on the Central Nearside of the Moon
- High-Resolution Simulations of Paleoclimate over North America and Comparisons with Paleoclimatic Data (Invited)
- Hydrogeologic inferences from geophysical and geologic investigation of the Standard Mine site, Elk Basin, Colorado
- Hydrologic Reorganization of Degrading Permafrost Landscapes at Multiple Spatial Scales
- Imaging the ruptures of the 2009 Samoan and Sumatran earthquakes using broadband network back-projections: Results and limitations
- Impact of One Hundred Years of Owens Lake Playa Dust on Nearby Alluvial Soils
- Improving Spatial Prediction of Shallow Rainfall-induced Landslides
- Influence of Complex Terrain on Wind Fields in the Mojave Desert, Southwestern US
- Influence of windblown dust on snowmelt timing in the Rocky Mountains, USA
- Initial Results of Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Joint Industry Program Leg II Logging-While-Drilling Operations
- Initial Results of Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Joint Industry Program Leg II Logging-While-Drilling Operations in Green Canyon Block 955
- Interpretations of OH/HOH IR Absorptions on the Moon from Chandrayaan-1 Moon Mineralogy Mapper (Invited)
- Investigating subglacial landscapes and crustal structure of the Gamburtsev Province in East Antarctica with the aid of new airborne gravity data
- Isotopic Tracers to Identify Far-traveled Pollutant and Mineral Aerosols in Northern California (Invited)
- Issues of model accuracy and uncertainty evaluation in the context of multi-model analysis
- Land Change Trends in the Great Plains: Linkages to Climate Variability and Socioeconomic Drivers
- Latest Subsidence Pattern At Lusi And Implications For Mitigation
- Linking Carbon Quality to In-stream Nitrogen Processing, Boulder Creek, Colorado
- Long-Period Cultural Noise: The Panama Canal Seiche
- Lunar Magma Ocean Bedrock Anorthosites Detected at Orientale Basin by M3
- Magnetic Properties from the East Rift Zone of Kilauea: Implications for the Sources of Aeromagnetic Anomalies over Hawaiian Volcanoes
- Magnetic modeling of the Bushveld Igneous Complex
- Magnetic, Electromagnetic, and Bathymetric Survey of the Lake of the Arbuckles, South-Central Oklahoma
- Mammoth Mountain Magmatic Gas Emissions Persist 20 Years after the 1989 Geologic Unrest
- Microseisms and Globally Widespread Changes in Extreme Storm Frequency (Invited)
- Millennial-Scale Oscillations in Climate and Water Character Recorded in Marine Sediment Geochemistry of Santa Barbara Basin, California at ~300ka and ~ 700ka
- Modeling subduction zone geometries in 3D: incorporation of local and regional seismic data and uncertainty analyses
- Modern Distribution of Arctic Ocean Ostracodes: Implications for Applications to Paleoceanographic Reconstructions
- Movie-maps of low-latitude storm-time magnetic disturbance
- NOAA Climate Users Engagement Using Training Activities
- Nature and timing of the latest Wisconsin advance of the James River lobe, South Dakota
- New Aerogeophysical exploration of the Gamburtsev Province (East Antarctica)
- New Hafnium Isotope and Trace Element Constraints on the Role of a Plume in Genesis of the Eastern Snake River Plain Basalts, Idaho
- New Mg-Spinel Rock-Type on the Lunar Farside and Implications for Lunar Crustal Evolution (Invited)
- Nitrate in groundwater in the United States
- Not all Surface Waters show a Strong Relation between DOC and Hg Species: Results from an Adirondack Mountain Watershed
- OMG Earthquake! Can Twitter improve earthquake response?
- Occurrence, fate, and ecosystem implications of endocrine active compounds in select rivers of Minnesota
- On the quest for power laws in flood events: implications for flood frequency and rainfall-runoff modeling (Invited)
- On the reported magnetic precursor of the 1993 Guam earthquake
- Permafrost thaw in upland catchments of central Alaska: groundwater connection and landscape evolution as discerned from U isotopes and dissolved organic carbon
- Postseismic deformation monitoring and modeling of the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan, China earthquake, constrained using GPS and InSAR measurements
- Predicting burn severity and patterns of biomass consumption in support of national-scale carbon assessment
- Preliminary Analysis of High-Resolution Seismic Imaging Profiles Acquired Through Reno, Nevada, for Earthquake Hazard Assessment
- Projecting Future Changes in Sagebrush Distribution in the Great Basin
- Quantifying Sea-Ice Loss as a Driver of Arctic Coastal Erosion
- Quantitative Hydrogeological Framework Interpretations from Modeling Helicopter Electromagnetic Survey Data, Nebraska Panhandle
- Rapid coastal erosion on the Beaufort Sea coast: A triple whammy induced by climate change (Invited)
- Regional and Climatic Controls on Dust Flux in the Southwestern U.S
- Relative relocations of the 2006 and 2009 North Korean nuclear tests using Hi-net data
- Remote Compositional Analyses of Lunar Olivine-Bearing Lithologies
- Results of the 2008 dissolved organic matter fluorescence intercalibration study
- Rock magnetic characteristics of faulted sediments with magnetic anomalies: A case study from the Albuquerque Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico (Invited)
- Science Diplomacy: U.S. Response to the LUSI Disaster, Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia
- Scientific Challenges in Developing the Next Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF3)
- Seeing the light: Applications of in situ optical measurements for understanding DOM dynamics in river systems (Invited)
- Seismic signatures of advancing and retreating tidewater glaciers
- Sidoarjo mudflow phenomenon and its mitigation efforts
- Simulating the Effects of Climate Change on Lakes in a Small Headwater Watershed using a Coupled Groundwater/Surface-Water Model
- Soil collapse and dilation as modifier of hillslope morphology (Invited)
- Spectroscopic Character and Spatial Distribution of Hydroxyl and Water Absorption Features Measured on the Lunar Surface by the Moon Mineralogy Mapper Imaging Spectrometer on Chandrayaan-1
- Specular Scattering on Titan observed by Cassini VIMS: Liquids in the North Polar Region
- Structure of the Tahoe and Truckee Basins, California, from Geophysical Constraints
- Tectonic development of the SW Arabian Plate margin within the central Arabian flank of the Red Sea rift system
- The 29 September Mw8+ Samoa Earthquake: Tectonic drivers and reactivated detachment faults?
- The Creation and Applications of a Three-Dimensional Model of Global Subduction Zone Geometries
- The East Antarctic Ice Sheet and the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains (Invited)
- The Effect of Rock Tensile Strength on Shallow Aquifer Properties Near Ridges Associated With Rift Basins
- The Genetic Contribution to Phenological Variation
- The Global Invasive Species Information Network: contributing to GEO Task BI-07-01b
- The Influence of Precipitation-Driven Annual Plant Growth on Dust Emission in the Mojave Desert, USA
- The International River Interface Cooperative: Public Domain Software for River Flow and Morphodynamics (Invited)
- The Red Lake Peatland Observatory (RLPO): A multi-sensor instrument array for monitoring carbon-water dynamics in a large northern peatland
- The Slumgullion Natural Laboratory for Observing Slip Phenomena
- The Slumgullion Natural Laboratory: Landsliding Mechanisms Inferred from Seismic and Geodetic Observations
- The Slumgullion Natural Laboratory: Overview of the 2009 Multidisciplinary Reconnaissance
- The USA National Phenology Network Land Surface Phenology/Remote Sensing Phenology Program
- The USGS Earthquake Scenario Project
- The relationship between climate and satellite-derived vegetation phenology
- The role of ground-water recharge processes in the formation of natural acid-rock drainage in mineralized mountain watersheds
- The use of isotopes and major ions in a watershed model to better understand the fluxes of water through the Rio Blanco Watershed, Puerto Rico
- The “geotoxicology” of airborne particulate matter: implications for public health, public policy, and environmental security (Invited)
- Tracing meteoric fluid flow in extensional detachment systems (Invited)
- Transient Events and Landscape Response in Boulder Creek, Colorado Front Range (Invited)
- USGS One-Minute Dst -- Definitive and Real-time
- Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy to Trace Seasonal DOM Dynamics, Hurricane Effects, and Hydrologic Transport in the Everglades
- Using GSFLOW and Hydrologic Tracers to Assess Surface and Groundwater Interactions, Residence Times, and Flowpaths in Two Lake Tahoe Watersheds
- Using spectral approaches to magnetic field survey analyses to characterize marine sedimentary environments
- VIS-IR spectrophotometric indicators for Saturn's rings and spokes
- Water, Hydroxyl, and the Search for Alteration and Oxidation on the Moon (Invited)
- Weathering, Water, and Slope Aspect
- A Collaborative Program for Earthquake Fault Hazard Characterization and Community Outreach for the Reno, Nevada Area
- A Comparison of Climate Change in the Lahontan and Bonneville Basins with the GISP2 δ18O Record for the Period 45-11 cal ka (Invited)
- A Comparison of Regional 3-D Subduction Models in the Western Pacific to Subduction Models from Slab1.0
- A Controlled Experiment for Investigating Uncertainty Measures in Groundwater Flow Modeling
- A CyberShake-Based System for Operational Forecasting of Earthquake Ground Motions
- A Kinematic Fault Network Model of Crustal Deformation for California and Its Application to the Seismic Hazard Analysis
- A Numerical Investigation of Cross-Hole Seismoelectric Conversion
- A comparison of transpressional boundaries: what New Zealand can tell us about tectonics in New Guinea
- Airborne Electromagnetic Surveys for Baseline Permafrost Mapping and Potential Long-Term Monitoring
- Airborne electromagnetic surveys in support of groundwater models in western Nebraska
- Ambient seismic noise applications for Titan
- An Eco-hydrologic Assessment of Small Experimental Catchments with Various Land Uses within the Panama Canal Watershed: Agua Salud Project
- An investigation of carbon dynamics in Beaver Creek, Alaska, using in-situ sensors
- Analysis of Three Real-Time Dst Indices
- Analysis of U-Pb, O, Hf, and trace elements of horizontally oriented outer and inner zones of zircons from the Boulder batholith, Montana
- Anticipating and Communicating Plausible Environmental and Health Concerns Associated with Future Disasters: The ShakeOut and ARkStorm Scenarios as Examples
- Application of Helicopter Electromagnetics as Part of an Integrated Program to Map Permafrost, Fairbanks, Alaska
- Application of Microbeam Techniques to Identifying and Assessing Comagmatic Mixing Between Summit and Rift Eruptions at Kilauea Volcano (Invited)
- Application of a Nested Modeling Approach Using the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin in the Southeastern USA
- Applications of in situ optical measurements in ecological and biogeochemical studies - a framework for a user-driven national network
- Assessing Hydraulic Connections Across Structural Blocks, Pahute Mesa, Nevada—Detecting Distant Drawdowns
- Assessing Hydraulic Connections Across Structural Blocks, Pahute Mesa, Nevada—Interpreting Hydraulic Properties
- Assessing Nitrogen Cycling Processes in Stream Sediments from the Yukon River Basin Repert, Deborah A., and Smith, Richard L
- Assessing earthquake hazards with fault trench and LiDAR maps in the Puget Lowland, Washington, USA (Invited)
- Assimilation of rhyolitic magma by basaltic recharge in the Bruneau-Jarbidge eruptive center, Snake River Plain (USA)
- Benefits of multidisciplinary collaboration for earthquake casualty estimation models: recent case studies
- Carbon Burial in Inland Waters
- Carbon Dioxide and Methane Flux During Spring Thaw in the Yukon River System (Invited)
- Carbon Sequestration Rates and the Energy Balance of Turf in the Denver Urban Ecosystem and in an Adjacent Native Grassland Under Contrasting Management Practices
- Cassini/VIMS Discovery of Organic Evaporite Deposits in Titan's Dry Lakebeds
- Changes in Marsh Vegetation, Stability and Dissolved Organic Carbon in Barataria Bay Marshes Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Characterizing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Marshland Vegetation, Gulf Coast Louisiana, Using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy
- Climatically driven changes in erosion rates recorded in alluvial fan sediments, Providence Mountains, eastern Mojave Desert, California
- Collaborative processes, research, and applications to improve drought-sensitive decision making in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Comparison of empirical and data driven hydrometeorological hazard models on coastal cities of São Paulo, Brazil
- Complex rupture source of the 12 January 2010 Léogâne, Haiti earthquake derived from geologic, geodetic, and seismologic observations
- Compositional radial variability in the Saturn's system observed by Cassini-VIMS (INVITED) (Invited)
- Constraints on Microseism Generation and Sea Ice Mechanical Strength from Observations of Alaskan Microseism Variability
- Continental Evolution Involving Subduction Underplating and Synchronous Foreland Thrusting: Evidence from the Trans-Alaska Crustal Transect
- Current Challenges for Laser Ablation ICP-MS: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
- Decadal Variation in Stable Isotopes (δ2H and δ18O) of Water in the Yukon River System during an Extended Period of Warming Air Temperatures
- Determination of Groundwater Flow Paths in a Coastal Southern California Aquifer
- Direct measurements of bed sediment entrainment and basal stress from the headwaters of a natural debris-flow basin
- Distribution of Atmospheric Mineral Dust across Dryland Ecosystems (Invited)
- Do Strong Ground Motions in Subduction Zones Show Regional Dependence?
- Downhole logs of natural gamma radiation and magnetic susceptibility and their use in interpreting lithostratigraphy in AND-1B, Antarctica
- Earthquake behavior of the Enriquillo fault zone, Haiti revealed by interactive terrain visualization
- Earthquake simulations in the Salt Lake Basin for the validation of the Wasatch CVM: long period (T>1.0-s) seismic response
- Earthworm - reusing a single (open source) software system to study the earth from its core to its magnetosphere
- Effect of Short-Circuit Pathways on Water Quality in Selected Confined Aquifers (Invited)
- Effects of Composition, Melt, and Fluids on Electrical Resistivity With Application to Magnetotelluric Investigations
- Effects of Varying Shrub Density on Erosion and Deposition During a Large Flood, Rio Puerco, New Mexico
- Effects of climate variability and change on infiltration and recharge beneath natural grasslands in semiarid regions of the High Plains, USA
- Effects of elevated CO2 on a methanogenic microbial enrichment from coal of the Powder River Basin, WY
- Empirical Approaches To Reduce The Atmospheric Component In VIMS Surface Images Of Titan
- Energy—Water Interdependence
- Enhancements to the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System for simulating in-stream water temperature
- Estimating Pole/Zero Errors in GSN-IU Network Calibration Metadata
- Evaluation of In-Situ Arsenic Mitigation with Fe(II) Using Push-Pull Tests in the Ogallala Aquifer
- Evidence for Mesozoic Reactivation of Faults in the Northern Appalachians: K/Ar Dating of Fault Gouge from the Champlain Thrust, Vermont
- Examining Controls on Dissolved Organic Carbon Quantity and Quality in Large North American Rivers
- Exploring Interface Coupling Variability Using New Models of Three-Dimensional Subduction Zone Geometries
- Field Experiment Provides Ground Truth for Surface NMR Measurement
- Following cloud activity in Titan's atmosphere around the equinox with VIMS/Cassini
- Geochemical Differences between two adjacent streams in the Tenaya Lake region of Yosemite National Park
- Geological Evidence of Predecessors to the 2010 Earthquake and Tsunami in South-Central Chile
- Geological mapping and temporal survey of Ontario Lacus on Titan from 2005 to 2009, using VIMS, ISS and Radar data
- Geomicrobiology of Hydrothermal Vents in Yellowstone Lake: Phylogenetic and Functional Analysis suggest Importance of Geochemistry (Invited)
- Geophysical and Geochemical Characterization of Subsurface Drip Irrigation Sites, Powder River Basin, Wyoming
- Glacial flour in lacustrine sediments: Records of alpine glaciation in the western U.S.A. during the last glacial interval
- Gravity and magnetic anomalies of the western Arctic ocean and its margins provide an imperfect window to a complex, multi-stage tectonic history (Invited)
- Guiding the Search for Surface Rupture and Paleoseismic Sites using Low-Level Aerial Surveys, Geodetic Imaging, Remote Sensing and Field Mapping (Invited)
- Hillslope Effects on the Character of the Geomorphic Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph for a Burned Landscape (Invited)
- Hindcasting 2000 years of Pacific sea and land surface temperature changes
- History and Vulnerability of Permafrost in Upland and Lowland Boreal Landscapes (Invited)
- Horizontal strain rate estimation using discrete geodetic data and its application to Southern California (Invited)
- Hydrologic regime shifts from perennial to intermittent stream flow under climate change in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Improved geophysical model assessment using Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling
- Improving Slab 1.0 Subduction Zone Models Using Regional Constraints from the Eastern Pacific
- In situ CDOM fluorescence measurements: A continuous proxy for dissolved organic carbon concentration in rivers and streams?
- Incorporating Real-time Earthquake Information into Large Enrollment Natural Disaster Course Learning
- Integrating Cutting-edge Approaches to Describe and Interpret the Timing of Physical and Biological events: A Leap Forward for Monitoring Global Change Across Scales
- Inter-annual variation in the foraging ecology of a brown bear population in southwest Alaska
- Investigating variation in the nutritional ecology and genetics of White-tailed Ptarmigan: implications for climate change
- Investigation of biogeophysical signatures at a mature crude-oil contaminated site, Bemidji, Minnesota
- Is geomagnetic activity increasing?
- Joint Inversion of Vp, Vs, and Resistivity at SAFOD
- Landscape controls on total and methyl mercury in the upper Hudson River basin of New York State
- Lessons learned from an emergency release of a post-fire debris-flow hazard assessment for the 2009 Station fire, San Gabriel Mountains, southern California
- Local Sensitivity Analysis for Inverse Problems Solved by Singular Value Decomposition
- Long-term Groundwater Contamination after Source Removal: Role of Sorbed Carbon and Nitrogen at Cape Cod, MA
- Mapping Critical Loads of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition in the Rocky Mountains, USA
- Mapping Oil-Water Emulsions from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Using Imaging Spectroscopy
- Mapping the bathymetry of a turbid, sand-bed river using ground-based reflectance measurements and hyperspectral image data
- Mercury Export from the Yukon River Basin: a unique opportunity to assess global atmospheric sources at large scales and potential future response to climate change
- Mid Holocene earthquake cluster along the central Altyn Tagh Fault, NW China resolved through integration of morphochronologic datasets
- Mimas at Many Wavelengths and Many Angles
- Mineral dust in the mid-Holocene: towards a global database
- Modeling Hydrological Services in Shade Grown Coffee Systems: Case Study of the Pico Duarte Region of the Dominican Republic
- Modeling rating curves using remotely-sensed LiDAR data
- Modeling the rate and style of Arctic coastal retreat along the Beaufort Sea, Alaska
- Molecular and Stable Isotope Investigation of Nitrite Respiring Bacterial Communities Capable of Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation (ANAMMOX) and Denitrifying Anaerobic Methane Oxidation (DAMO) in Nitrogen Contaminated Groundwater
- Monitoring debris flow induced channel morphodynamics with terrestrial laser scanning, Chalk Cliffs, CO (Invited)
- Multipoint Observations of the Large Substorm Associated with the Galaxy 15 Anomaly
- New Aerogeophysical Insights Into the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains Enigma
- New insights from improved temporal resolution of groundwater-surface-water exchange (Invited)
- Ocean-bottom cable seismic data calibration using median filters for waveform separation
- On the reported ionospheric precursor of the 1999 Hector Mine, CA earthquake
- One-Station Seismology Without Traditional Seismic Sources (Invited)
- Open Source Tools for Seismicity Analysis
- Oxygen isotopes and hydroclimatic change in the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge, northeast Alaska (Invited)
- Post-200-ka Pyroclastic Eruptions of the Yellowstone Plateau
- Potential dissolved organic matter release from permafrost soils upon thaw
- Predicting Event-Scale Floodplain Change with Coupled Hydrodynamic (ANUGA) and Landscape Evolution (CHILD) Models: a Case Study of the Rio Puerco Arroyo, NM
- Predicting regime shifts in flow of the Colorado River
- Preliminary Results from SCEC Earthquake Simulator Comparison Project
- Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Maps of Seattle, Washington, Including 3D Sedimentary Basin Effects and Rupture Directivity: Implications of 3D Random Velocity Variations (Invited)
- Processing and evaluation of riverine waveforms acquired by an experimental bathymetric LiDAR
- Public Release of Estimated Impact-Based Earthquake Alerts - An Update to the U.S. Geological Survey PAGER System
- Quantitative paleoclimatic reconstructions for the past 25,000 years in the western USA based on vegetation assemblages from packrat middens
- Radiogenic argon loss in experimentally deformed muscovite and biotite determined by in situ ultraviolet laser ablation 40Ar/39Ar geochronology (Invited)
- Randomness and Self-similarity in the Topology of River Networks and its Implications for predicting scaling in floods (Invited)
- Ranking the Potential Yield of Salinity and Selenium from Subbasins in the Lower Gunnison River Basin Using Seasonal, Multi-parameter Regression Models
- Rapid Estimates of the Source-Time Function and Mw using Empirical Green's Function Deconvolution
- Rapid Meltwater Transport to Ice Sheet Beds with Impacts on Subglacial Hydraulics and Overall Motion (Invited)
- Real Time Teleseismic Source Inversion of the Maule Earthquake (Invited)
- Recent developments in the use of hydroacoustics for monitoring suspended-sediment transport in rivers (Invited)
- Reconstructing paleosalinity in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta of California using major elements in peat
- Reducing Error Bars through the Intercalibration of Radioisotopic and Astrochronologic Time Scales for the Cenomanian/Turonian Boundary Interval, Western Interior Basin, USA
- Remote Sensing Assessment of Soil Moisture, Soil Mineralogy and other Environmental Factors Influencing Mosquito-borne Infection Risks in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, U.S. - Mexico Border (Invited)
- Repeated Surveys and Historical Nautical Charts Support Elastic Rebound Model on Megathrust at Santa MARÍA Island, Chile, (37°S) Through One and One-Half Seismic Cycles
- Rock property measurements guide interpretation of electromagnetic, magnetic and gravity models at Mts. Adams, Baker, Rainier and St. Helens (Invited)
- Role of dissolved organic carbon upon re-entrainment and surface properties of aquifer bacteria and bacteria-sized microspheres during subsurface transport (Invited)
- SAGE 2010 Magnetotelluric Soundings Provide New Constraints on Rio Grande Rift Mid-Crustal Conductor
- Saturn's Icy satellites: The Role of Sub-Micron Ice Particles and Nano-sized Contaminants (Invited)
- Scaling of Peak Flows with Constant Flow Velocity in Random Self-Similar Networks
- Scientific Studies in Support of Shutting In the Macondo Well (Deepwater Horizon) Blowout, Gulf of Mexico (Invited)
- Seasonality in water, carbon, and nitrogen fluxes from an upland boreal catchment underlain by continuous permafrost
- Secular Variation in Slip (Invited)
- Seismic Data QC in Support of Earthquake Source Parameter Determination
- Seismic Monitoring and Post-Seismic Investigations following the 12 January 2010 Mw 7.0 Haiti Earthquake (Invited)
- Shipboard magnetic field data trace magnetic sources in marine sediments: Geophysical studies of the Stono and North Edisto Inlets near Charleston, South Carolina
- Short and Long-term Effects of High-severity Fires
- Solving for Earthquake Rupture Rates on a Complex Fault Network
- Spatial variability in soil CO2 production and CO2 efflux from a topographically complex mature black spruce forest, interior Alaska
- Spectrally Dominant Aromatic Hydrocarbon Compounds on Titan (Invited)
- Spectrophotometric Modeling of Enceladus Surface Properties and Composition from Vims Data
- Spherical-earth Finite Element Models of Coseismic and Postseismic Deformation of the M 8.8 Maule Earthquake of 27 February 2010
- Strontium isotopes in peat deposits of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: Records of variable sediment sources and salinity over the past ~6,700 years
- Structural Controls on Quaternary Andean Arc Volcanism, a Geologic Map-based and 3D Model Approach—Tatara-San Pedro Volcanic Complex, 36°S, Chile
- Structure of the Aftershock Zone of the Mw 7.0 Haiti Earthquake from the USGS-BME Portable Instrument Deployment
- Study of the relation between turbulent activity in the quasi-parallel foreshock and the ULF band pulsations of the geomagnetic field
- Surficial Geologic Mapping Using Digital Techniques Reveals Late-Phase Basin Evolution and Role of Paleoclimate, Death Valley Junction 30' × 60' Quadrangle, California and Nevada
- The Effect of Spatial Scale on Paleovegetation Data-Model Comparisons for 6 ka and 21 ka in the Western United States
- The Effects of Ferric and Ferrous Iron on the Optical Properties of Dissolved Organic Matter
- The Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault in Haiti: Holocene Offsets and Seismic Hazard
- The Impact of Sea Ice Loss on Wave Dynamics and Coastal Erosion Along the Arctic Coast
- The Influence of Canal Water Releases on the Distribution of Methylmercury in Everglades National Park: Implications for Ecosystem Restoration
- The Next Generation Cretaceous Time Scale: How to integrate 40Ar/39Ar, U-Pb and Astrochronologic ages? (Invited)
- The Relationship Between Dissolved Organic Matter Composition and Organic Matter Optical Properties in Freshwaters
- The Role of Summertime Storms in Thermoabrasion of a Permafrost Coast
- The Swirls at SPA
- The USGS ``Did You Feel It?'' Internet-based Macroseismic Intensity Maps: Lessons Learned from a Decade of Online Data Collection (Invited)
- The fate of carbon in a thawing world (Invited)
- The fractal nature of climate change - 2000 years in retrospect
- The future of volcanic ash-aircraft interactions from technical and policy perspectives
- The magnitude, source, and implication of DIC flux from major pan-arctic rivers to the Arctic Ocean
- The paradox of algal blooms in oligotrophic waters
- The relationship of near-surface active faulting to megathrust splay fault geometry in Prince William Sound, Alaska
- Time-lapse 3D inversion of spectral induced polarization measurements
- Tracking Radio-Tagged Bedload in an Alpine Stream
- True Polar Wobbles: Cretaceous Magnetostratigraphy Provides Continuous Age-Calibration and Paleogeography
- USGS One-minute Dst
- Uranium isotopes in Pleistocene permafrost: evaluating the age of ancient ice
- Use of regression-based models to map sensitivity of aquatic resources to atmospheric deposition in Yosemite National Park, USA
- Use of rhodamine WT to quantify stream transport and hyporheic exchange: Is there a price to pay for the easy way out? (Invited)
- Using Back-Projection of Surface Waves for Near Real-Time Determination of Global Earthquake Locations, Magnitudes and Mechanisms
- Water Security - National and Global Issues
- What can coastal wetland stratigraphy tell us about megathrust segmentation at Cascadia? (Invited)
- Whole-sediment speciation of U(IV) in acetate-bioreduced aquifer sediments at the Rifle, CO, IFRC site
- Why we need to validate land surface phenology products: an update from the CEOS Land Product Validation subgroup
- Wildfire Impacts on Infiltration and Hillslope-Scale Hydrologic Response
- Wildfire, Land Management, and Aeolian Processes in Dryland Ecosystems - Lessons from the Milford Flat Fire
- Yellowstone Lake: A Large Volcanic Lake Influenced by the Yellowstone Magmatic System
- A GIS framework for the stochastic distributed modelling of rainfall induced shallow landslides
- A New Strategy for Developing Vs30 Maps
- A Parallel Simulated Annealing Approach to Solve for Earthquake Rupture Rates
- A Web-Based Decision Support System for Assessing Regional Water-Quality Conditions and Management Actions
- Aftershock Statistics Constitute the Strongest Evidence for Elastic Rebound in Large Earthquakes?
- Airborne Electromagnetic Mapping of Subsurface Permafrost
- An Analysis of Post-Fire Debris Flow Occurrence at Two Temporal Scales
- An Earthquake Rupture Forecast Inversion Applied to Fault Systems in California
- Applications of soft computing in Mining Undiscovered Global Porphyry Copper Deposits
- Approaches for identifying change in the abundance and historical distribution of a freshwater diatom
- Assessing and Monitoring Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Ecosystem Carbon Storage and Changes in the United States
- Basin-scale Controls on the Flux of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Across Diverse Circumpolar Watersheds
- Bathymetry and geology of Greenlandic fjords from Operation IceBridge airborne gravimetry
- Capturing the Initiation and Spatial Variability of Runoff on Soils Affected by Wildfire
- Cascadia tidal marshes archive repeated episodes of coseimic subsidence from late Holocene great megathrust earthquakes
- Chemical vs. Physical Contributions to Grainsize Distributions in Hillslope Soils along a Denudation Gradient in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Comparing flowmeter, aquifer test, and surface nuclear magnetic resonance data in Central Nebraska
- Comparison of Carbon Sequestration Rates and Energy Balance of Turf in the Denver Urban Ecosystem and an Adjacent Native Grassland
- Consideration of Experimental Approaches in the Physical and Biological Sciences in Designing Long-Term Watershed Studies in Forested Landscapes
- Constraining Fault-Zone Permeability
- Constraining models for C Exchange in Permafrost and Peatland Soils: Soil radiocarbon and its utility for C turnover
- Correlations between Spectra and Structures in Saturn's Rings
- DOC quantity and quality in northeastern USA catchments
- Deep Percolation in Devegetated Hillslopes
- Degrading permafrost and gas hydrate under the Beaufort Shelf and marine gas hydrate on the adjacent continental slope
- Depth-dependent erodibility: representing burnt soils as a two-layered cohesive/non-cohesive system
- Desert dust in rural western US; the influence of dust storms, large particles, and land-use change on aerosol loads
- Detailed mapping of perchlorate distributions with Phoenix and CRISM and evidence of modern aqueous redistribution
- Determining the Accuracy of the USGS Near Real-time Dst as a Driver to External Magnetic Field Models
- Developing Drought Outlook Forums in Support of a Regional Drought Early Warning Information System
- Developing methods for probabilistic assessment of water requirements for oil and gas extraction, applied to the Bakken Formation of North Dakota and Montana
- Directivity-Basin Coupling in the Los Angeles Region from the CyberShake Hazard Model
- Disappearing Twelvemile Lake in Alaska's Discontinuous Permafrost: Scoping Analysis of Water Budget
- Dissolved Organic Matter Characteristics Control Filtered Total Mercury Concentrations in an Adirondack River Basin
- Dissolved organic matter composition of winter stream flow in the Yukon River basin
- Do small surface strains in the New Madrid seismic zone reflect a physical process?
- Earthquake Scenarios Based Upon the Data and Methodologies of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project
- Ecohydrology across Scales in an Arid, Human-dominated Landscape: Implications for Ecosystems, Water Availability and Human Interactions
- Effects of Backpackers and Stock Use on Wilderness Water Quality in Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks
- Empirical critical loads of atmospheric nitrogen deposition for nutrient enrichment and acidification of sensitive US lakes
- Epicenter Location of Regional Seismic Events Using Love Wave and Rayleigh Wave Ambient Seismic Noise Green's Functions
- Estimation of Mercury Storage in Permafrost and Potential Release to the Environment by Thaw
- Evaluating natural gas development impacts on stream ecosystems in an Upper Colorado River watershed
- Evaluation of SNODAS snow depth and snow water equivalent estimates for the Colorado Rocky Mountains
- Evidence for hydrothermal alteration in the Hellas ejecta
- Evidence for metasomatic enrichment in the oceanic lithosphere and implication for the generation of intraplate basalts
- Examination of event magnitude, contributing drainage basin area, channel gradient, and rainfall influences on channel yield rates of post-fire debris flows
- Experimental magma mixing between rhyolitic and basaltic melts: implications for the Bruneau-Jarbidge magmatism, Snake River Plain (USA)
- Faulting and Groundwater in Arid Environments: Ground and Airborne Geophysics in Support of Framework Hydrology
- Faulting, volcanism, and basin development along the western margin of the southern San Luis Basin segment of the Rio Grande rift, New Mexico and Colorado
- Feedbacks between climate, fire severity, and differential permafrost degradation in Alaskan black spruce forests - implications for carbon cycling
- Field Geophysics at SAGE: Strategies for Effective Education
- Fluxes and Stable Isotopic Composition of Particulate Organic Matter in the Six Largest Rivers Draining the Pan-Arctic Watershed: Insights from Seasonally-Explicit Sampling Efforts
- Geochemistry and Flux of Terrigenous Dissolved Organic Matter to the Arctic Ocean
- Geologic Frameworks and Faulty Hydrology
- Geologic Map of the Bodie Hills Volcanic Field, California and Nevada: Anatomy of Miocene Cascade Arc Magmatism in the Western Great Basin
- Geophysical Characterization by the SAGE Program of a Newly Proposed, Low Temperature-EGS Prospect in the Central Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Geophysical models incorporating gravity, magnetotelluric, and magnetic data reveal subsurface geology related to early arc magmatism in southwestern Alaska
- Global survey of frequency dependent attenuation
- Groundwater-carbon interactions within the Red Lake Peatland of northern Minnesota
- Heterogeneous Rupture in the Great Cascadia Earthquake of 1700 Inferred from Coastal Subsidence Estimates
- High emissions of carbon gases from a boreal headwater stream network of Interior Alaska
- High-resolution measurements of sediment entrainment by a natural debris flow
- Holocene Paleoclimate of the North American Central Rocky Mountains from Lake-calcite Oxygen Isotopes: Seasonality of Precipitation and Sub-tropical Teleconnections
- Holocene deposition and megathrust splay fault geometries within Prince William Sound, Alaska
- Hydrogeologic Framework of the Upper Santa Cruz Basin (Arizona and Sonora) using Well Logs, Geologic Mapping, Gravity, Magnetics, and Electromagnetics
- Hydrogeophysics at the watershed-scale using airborne electromagnetics
- Hydrologic Impact of Straw Mulch On Runoff from a Burned Area for Various Soil Water Content
- Hydrologic States and Fluxes Following Wildfire
- IGSN e.V.: Registration and Identification Services for Physical Samples in the Digital Universe
- Impacts of Disturbances, Management and Climate Change on Carbon Dynamics and N<SUB>2</SUB>O and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Emissions from 1992 to 2050 in the US Great Plains
- Improving the resolution of the 2010 Haiti earthquake fault geometry using temporary seismometer deployments
- Independent Effects of Temperature and Precipitation on Modeled Runoff in the Conterminous United States
- Infiltration Control of Shallow Landslides and Debris Flows
- Influence of Permafrost Distribution on Regional Groundwater Flow in the Yukon Flats Basin, Alaska
- Interactive effects of reactive nitrogen and climate change on US water resources
- Introducing ShakeMap Atlas 2.0: An Improved Suite of Recent Historical Earthquake ShakeMaps for Global Hazard Analyses
- Investigating Variations in Strain Rate of the San Andreas Fault System due to Dipping Fault Geometry Resolved by Geodetic and Seismicity Data
- Iron Oxide Minerals in Atmospheric Dust and Source Sediments-Studies of Types and Properties to Assess Environmental Effects
- Kinetics of S and Fe Isotopic Exchange Between Pyrite and Hydrothermal Fluid
- Landscape Discrimination in Brazil Using Hyperion Data and Self-Organizing Map Approach
- Late Holocene Paleo-Uplift Events at the Tapion Restraining Bend in Haiti: Implications for Earthquake Recurrence in the Vicinity of the 2010 Rupture Zone
- LiDAR as a Fault-Mapping Tool in an Urban Setting: The Location of the Rodgers Creek Fault Through Santa Rosa, California
- Linking rare earth element zoning in major and accessory minerals to better understand metasedimentary migmatites
- Magnetic Properties of Iron Oxide Minerals in Atmospheric Dust and Source Sediments from Western US
- Magnitude Uncertainty and Ground Motion Simulations of the 1811-1812 New Madrid Earthquake Sequence
- Magnitude-Based Postfire Debris Flow Rainfall Accumulation-Duration Thresholds for Emergency-Response Planning
- Mapping the Earth's Small-Scale Seismic Heterogeneities
- Mapping wetland species and the impact of oil from the Deep Horizon using the Airborne/Visible Imaging Spectrometer and Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis
- Melts and crystal mushes in a mid-Tertiary epizonal magmatic system, Never Summer Mountains, north-central Colorado
- Mississippi River Flood of 2011 and the Activation of the Birds Point-New Madrid Floodway: Observations and Modeling of a Levee Breach
- Modeling and inversion Matlab algorithms for resistivity, induced polarization and seismic data
- Modeling major element variation in primary melts from a two-component mantle: application to the E-MORB and N-MORB relationship at the EPR
- Modeling the rate and style of Arctic coastal retreat along the Beaufort Sea, Alaska
- Monitoring Atmospheric Deposition of Nitrogen in Alpine Environments in Rocky Mountain and Yosemite National Parks, USA
- Morphodynamic Response of the Unregulated Yampa River at Deerlodge to the 2011 Flood
- Morphotectonics and geodetic evidences for a constant slip-rate along the Tabriz Fault(Iran) during the past 45 kyr
- Mountain Building in interior East Antarctica caused by Continental Rifting around a Stalled Precambrian Orogen
- Multi-geochronology analyses of Pamirs river detritus: Insights into Pamir-Tibet connections
- Multi-proxy records of regional climate variability during the past 2,000 years in North America and the adjacent oceans
- National streamflow trends and development of hydrologic change indicators for surface-water resources of the United States
- Neogene alkalic volcanism in northwestern Colorado: implications for the northern extension of the Rio Grande Rift
- New Perspectives of Permafrost Distribution and its Influence on Groundwater Flow and Ecosystem Performance for the Yukon Flats Area, Northern Alaska
- Observations of Heavy Rainfall in a Post Wildland Fire Area Using X-Band Polarimetric Radar
- On the reported ionospheric precursors of the 1999 Hector Mine, CA earthquake and the 2011 Tohoku, Japan earthquake
- On the similarity in shape between debris-flow channels and high-gradient flood channels: Initial insight from continuum models for granular and water flow
- OpenSHA and the USGS National Seismic Hazard Maps
- Organic Carbon Quality and Watershed Characteristics Separate the Contribution of Δ14C of DOC to Coastal Systems from the Conterminous United States
- Origin of volcanogenic-epithermal beryllium deposits: Modeling hydrothermal leaching of topaz rhyolite at Spor Mountain, Utah
- Paleomagnetic evidence for an episodic eruptive history of the Cerros del Rio volcanic field, New Mexico
- Pleistocene ice-rich yedoma in Interior Alaska
- Pliocene volcanism of the Taos Plateau, Rio Grande Rift-New constraints on eruptive cycles, compositional trends and links to rift tectonism
- Pore Characteristics and their Evolution of Shale and Coal during Petroleum Generation
- Possible Activity on Dione: Synergistic Observations from Cassini
- Progress in understanding U(IV) products of biological uranium reduction in the Old Rifle, CO aquifer
- Progress in understanding uranium(IV) speciation and dynamics in biologically reduced sediments: Research at molecular to centimeter scales by the SLAC SFA program
- Quantitative rock-fall hazard and risk assessment for Yosemite Valley, California
- Recent regional lateral carbon fluxes in the conterminous United States
- SCEC Earthquake Simulator Comparison Results for California
- Science applications in the Colorado River basin to improve drought management
- Seasonal Response of Surface Movement and Hydraulic Head in the Glacial Lake Agassiz Peatlands, Northern Minnesota
- Seasonal Trends in the Molecular Signatures of Yukon River Dissolved Organic Matter
- Seasonal influences on firn layering and bubble trapping, WAIS Divide, West Antarctica
- Secular variation of recurrent geomagnetic disturbance
- Selenium Speciation and Mobilization in a Controlled Wetland System: Pariette Wetlands, Utah
- Sensitivity of long-period ground motion simulations to seismic velocity perturbations in the Wasatch Front community velocity model
- Shifting ice regimes of Arctic thermokarst lakes and implications for permafrost and surface-water dynamics
- Short-Term Biogeochemical Consequences of Long-Term Permafrost Degradation in a Northern Peatland
- Slip Rate and Past Earthquakes Along the Astaneh Fault (iran)
- Slip history of the Dead Sea fault system for the last 100 ka
- Slow NE-SW to NNE-SSW extension in the Pasto Ventura region of the southern Puna Plateau
- Snow Water Equivalent in the Sierra Nevada: Blending Snow Sensor Observations with Snowmelt Model Simulations
- Snowmelt and the geological and ecological filters modulating climate variability and streamflow response
- Soft computing and hydrogeologic characterization of the Serra Geral-Guarani aquifer system, Parana state, Brazil
- Soil Chemical Weathering and Nutrient Budgets along an Earthworm Invasion Chronosequence in a Northern Minnesota Forest
- Soil Water Cycling Links to Carbon Content between Ecosystems in the Colorado Front Range
- Spatial Variation in the Determinants of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Supersaturation in Inland Waters
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Fugitive Dust Flux from Colorado Plateau Landscapes
- Spring Indices (SI): National (and Global) Indicators of Climate Impacts on Ecosystems and Society
- Stress Conditions at the Subduction Zone Inferred from Differential Earthquake Magnitudes
- Subsurface Evolution: Weathering and Mechanical Strength Reduction in Bedrock of Lower Gordon Gulch, Colorado Front Range
- Sulfur and Methylmercury in the Florida Everglades - the Biogeochemical Connection
- Suppressed post-15.8 ka slip rate along the Warm Springs Valley fault, northern Walker Lane, California-Nevada border
- Synthesizing diverse stakeholder needs for a drought early warning information system in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin
- Systematically Analyzing Relationships Between Three-Dimensional Subduction Zone Geometry and Slip During Great Earthquakes of the 21st Century
- Temperature sensitivity of boreal soil respiration across a soil moisture gradient
- The 3 Coastal Margins of Alaska - Stepping Offshore Geophysically
- The ANSS response to the Mw 5.8 Central Virginia Seismic Zone earthquake of August 23, 2011
- The Composition of Saturn's Rings and Satellites from Cassini VIMS and UVIS
- The Evolution of Saturn's Northern Storm of 2010-2011 and Environs as Viewed by Cassini/VIMS
- The Impressive 1811-1812 New Madrid Earthquake Sequence and the Geologic Record of at Least Two Other Sequences in the Last 1000 Years
- The Isotopic Record of Elevation Thresholds in Continental Plateaus to Atmospheric Circulation
- The Mw=8.8 Maule earthquake aftershock sequence, event catalog and locations
- The Surface Composition of Titan
- The USGS Geomagnetism Program Observatory Network
- The USGS-NEIC Response to the 2011-03-11 Mw 9.0 Tohoku Earthquake
- The coupling of runoff and dissolved organic matter transport: Insights from in situ fluorescence measurements in small streams and large rivers
- The role of DOM in the methylation of mercury by sulfate-reducing bacteria
- Thin Section Analysis of the WAIS Divide Deep Ice Core
- Three Dimensional Simulations of Strong Motions for Great Earthquakes on the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Tidal flux of dissolved organic carbon, total mercury, and methylmercury from a mangrove marsh
- Toward a Geologically Consistent Seismogenic-Source Model For Graben-Bounding Faults
- Twitter Seismology: Earthquake Monitoring and Response in a Social World
- USGS Geomagnetism Program Real-time Product Summary
- USGS National Seismic Hazard Maps - Key Science Issues for the 2014 Update
- Understanding controls on dissolved organic carbon flux and lability in United States watersheds
- Unraveling the Complex Response of Post-wildfire Flashfloods to Variable Rainfall
- Use of U-Series Isotopic Disequilibrium to Investigate the Nature and Distribution of Actively Flowing Fractures
- Using Regional Moment Tensors to Constrain Earthquake Processes following the 2010 Darfield and 2011 Canterbury New Zealand Earthquake Sequences
- Using remote sensing and ancillary data to extend airborne electromagnetic resistivity surveys for regional permafrost interpretation
- Variations in organic carbon chemistry in the Gulf Coast and coastal marshes following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
- Wetland Vegetation Monitoring within Barataria Basin, Louisiana Following Exposure to Oil
- "Gray Areas": Silica gels, amorphous silica and cryptocrystalline silica on fault surfaces
- A Decade Remote Sensing River Bathymetry with the Experimental Advanced Airborne Research LiDAR
- A Fault-based Crustal Deformation Model for UCERF3 and Its Implication to Seismic Hazard Analysis
- A hacker's guide to catching a debris flow: Lessons learned from four years of chasing mud in Colorado and southern California
- A multi-scale permafrost investigation along the Alaska Highway Corridor based on airborne electromagnetic and auxiliary geophysical data
- AEM and NMR: Tools for the Future of Groundwater Management
- Accumulation-rate history at Siple Dome, West Antarctica, using bubble number-density
- Airborne Geophysical Surveys Illuminate the Geologic and Hydrothermal Framework of the Pilgrim Springs Geothermal Area, Alaska
- Airborne geophysical surveys used to delineate geological features associated with the M5.8 August 23, 2011 earthquake in Louisa County, Virginia
- Alluvial Fan Records of Climatically Driven Changes in Hillslope Eerosion Rates: Successes, Limitations, and Future Directions
- An Atlas of ShakeMaps for Landslide and Liquefaction Modeling
- An automated system for access to derived climate indices in support of ecological impacts assessments and resource management
- Application of machine-learning to characterize an alluvial aquifer in western Nebraska
- Assessing the Accuracy of Alaska National Hydrography Data for Mapping and Science
- Assessing the Carbon Sequestration Potential within the San Joaquin Basin, California
- Assessing the value of Landsat imagery: Results from a 2012 comprehensive user survey
- Atmospheric Dust in the Upper Colorado River Basin: Integrated Analysis of Digital Imagery, Total Suspended Particulate, and Meteorological Data
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Building remote sensing capacity in the North Central Climate Science Center's Resource for Vulnerability Assessment, Adaptation and Mitigation Planning
- Carbon Dynamics in the Western United States from 1992 to 2050
- Carbon Sequestration and Energy Balance of Turf in the Denver Urban Ecosystem and Adjacent Tallgrass Prairie
- Carbon Storage and Sequestration in Ecosystems of the Western United States: Finings of a Recent Resource Assessment
- Carbon burial in lakes and reservoirs of the western U.S
- Carbon gas emissions from small streams in a lake-rich landscape: the importance of groundwater and methane
- Characterization of Arctic Highly Magnetic Domains - the Geophysical Expression of Inferred Large Igneous Province(s)
- Characterization of Gas-Hydrate Reservoirs in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, by Integration of Core-Log Data
- Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter Export from U.S. Rivers
- Cinder Pool's Sulfur Chemistry: Implications for the Origin of Life in Hydrothermal Environments
- Climatic Indices and their teleconnections with hydroclimatic variability in the conterminous USA
- Comparison of NLDAS Weather Forcing Data with Ground-based Measurements in Irrigated Areas of Utah
- Complex age and internal structure of zircon in the Boulder batholith, MT: petrography, CL and BSE imaging, and SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology
- Composition of Dust Deposited on Snow Cover in the Wasatch Range (Utah, USA): Controls on Radiative Properties of Snow Cover and Comparison to Some Dust-Source Sediments
- Constraining Quaternary offset of the Cady fault, eastern California shear zone, southern California, with geologic mapping, luminescence dating, and geophysics
- Cottonwood Tree Rings and Climate in Western North America
- Creating a Global Fiducials Program (GFP) Site: Lago Cachet Dos example in Chile
- Credible occurrence probabilities for extreme geophysical events
- Cyclostratigraphy of Uppermost Carboniferous-to-Lower Triassic Terrestrial Deposits in Bogda Mountains, NW China - A Potential Astrostratigraphic Proxy Section
- Declustering observations to prevent computational bias
- Deep Hydrology of the Midcontinent of the United States
- Deformation of the Pasto Ventura Basin of the Southern Puna Plateau (NW Argentina) since the mid-Miocene
- Deglacial Accumulation Rate and Temperature Change in Central West Antarctica
- Delineating the P-T-t History of Blueschist Rocks in the Ruby Terrane, Alaska using <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar UV laser ablation and Lu-Hf
- Discriminating streambed groundwater influx from bank groundwater seeps as a control on endangered mussel habitat
- Dissolved Organic Matter Composition and Export from U.S. Rivers
- Documenting deformation patterns and exhumation across Gianbul Dome, NW India
- Earthquake Nonconcordancies in the Aceh-Nias and Mentawai Forearcs: Implications for the Energetics of Earthquakes and Tsunamis
- Effects of Riparian Vegetation on Topographic Change During a Large Flood Event, Rio Puerco, New Mexico
- Effects of river hydrology and fluvial processes on riparian vegetation establishment, growth, and survival
- Elwha River Riparian Vegetation Response to Dams and Dam Removal
- Emerging and Legacy Contaminants in The Foodweb in The Lower Columbia River: USGS ConHab Project
- Enhanced Drought Monitoring in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Equinoctial Activity Over Titan Dune Fields Revealed by Cassini/vims
- Estimation of Resolution of Shallow Layers by Frequency Domain Airborne Electromagnetic Measurements
- Evidence for the influence of the North American Monsoon on Colorado precipitation during the past 7000 years from lake calcite oxygen isotopes
- Evidence of multiple, prehistoric, ground-rupturing earthquakes along the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault system near Port-au-Prince, Haiti
- Evolving drainage networks and nutrient fluxes in continuous permafrost zones of interior and arctic Alaska
- Forearc structure from legacy multichannel seismic data linked to mechanical variability and rupture segmentation on the central Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone
- Formation and Retention of Hydroxyl and Water on the Lunar Surface
- From Collision to Escape: Cenozoic Surface to Mantle Dynamics of Central Anatolia
- Gas Hydrate Petroleum System Analysis
- Geochemical Monitoring Of The Gas Hydrate Production By CO2/CH4 Exchange In The Ignik Sikumi Gas Hydrate Production Test Well, Alaska North Slope
- Geologic evidence for a tsunami source along the trench northeast of Puerto Rico
- Global CO2 emissions from inland waters
- Global Fiducials Library Support for Essential Climate Variables Thomas P. DiNardo, US Geological Survey, Denver Co. 80225
- Global Fiducials Program - Arctic Buoy Sea Ice Studies
- Granular Mechanics of Debris-Flow Incision: Measuring and Modeling Grain-Scale Impact Forces
- High Heat-Flow Beneath the Central Portion of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Hydraulics of embankment-dam breaching
- Hydrocarbons on Phoebe, Iapetus, and Hyperion: Quantitative Analysis
- Hydrogeology and potential water-resource targets in Mauritania, Africa
- Hydrologic characterization of a permafrost-affected headwaters catchment using a coupled groundwater-surface water model and field measurements of active layer characteristics
- Hydrological and Biogeochemical Trajectories Change in Response to Permafrost Thaw in Arctic and Subarctic Regions
- Imaging of a Newly Forming Polar Hood Over The South Pole of Titan By VIMS/Cassini
- Impact of large storms on runoff from leeward and windward watersheds, eastern Puerto Rico
- Impacts of Deepwater Horizon Oil on Marsh Sediment Biogeochemistry in Barataria Bay, LA, USA
- Improving the resolution of the 2010 Haiti earthquake fault geometry using temporary seismometer deployments
- Integrating advanced 3D Mapping into Improved Hydrogeologic Frameworks, a Future path for Groundwater Modeling? Results from Western Nebraska
- Interactions of sinistral and dextral faults in the Eastern California Shear Zone: the Manix and Calico faults
- Interpreting irregularity in small-scale, cyclical precipitation of halite-anhydrite couplets within the Pennsylvanian Paradox Formation, Paradox Basin, Utah
- Joint Applications Pilot of the National Climate Predictions and Projections Platform and the North Central Climate Science Center: Delivering climate projections on regional scales to support adaptation planning
- Joint inversion of receiver function, surface wave dispersion, and magnetotelluric data for 2D crustal modeling
- Joint variability of global sea-surface temperatures and runoff in the conterminous United States
- Landscape controls on the timing of spring, autumn, and growing season length in mid-Atlantic forests
- Late Cenozoic Magmatic and Tectonic Evolution of the Ancestral Cascade Arc in the Bodie Hills, California and Nevada: Insights from Integrated Geologic, Geophysical, Geochemical and Geochronologic Studies
- Late Cenozoic sedimentation in Pilot Knob Valley, California
- Late Cretaceous Middle Fork caldera and its resurgent granite porphyry intrusion, east-central Alaska
- Late Holocene coastal stratigraphy of Sitkinak Island reveals Aleutian-Alaska megathrust earthquakes and tsunamis southwest of Kodiak Island
- Late Quaternary Blind Thrust Faults along the Southern Margin of the Cul-de-Sac Plain, Haiti: A Newly Recognized Seismic Source?
- Linking headwaters to the coast: Modeling DOC export at the large watershed scale
- Logistic Regression for Seismically Induced Landslide Predictions: Using Uniform Hazard and Geophysical Layers as Predictor Variables
- Low-latitude ethane rain on Titan
- Magnetic, gravity, radiometric, LiDAR, and seismic data to characterize the region of the M5.8 August 23, 2011 earthquake near Mineral, Virginia
- Magnetotelluric Phase Tensor Applications to Geothermal Assessment in New Zealand and New Mexico
- Magnetotelluric pilot study in the Rio Grande Rift, southwest USA
- Mapping the edge of the Cerros del Rio volcanic field, New Mexico: a piece of the puzzle to understanding a potential geothermal resource
- Microsphere transport in a fractured soil during intermittent flow: effect of microsphere sizes and soil physical heterogeneity
- Monitoring and modeling conditions for regional shallow landslide initiation in the San Francisco Bay area, California
- Multi-stage uplift of the Colorado Plateau and the age of Grand Canyon and precursor canyons
- Multicomponent, 3-D, and High-Resolution 2-D Seismic Characterization of Gas Hydrate Study Sites in the Gulf of Mexico
- Nano-Iron on Outer Solar System Satellites, Implications for Space Weathering
- Natural bank filtration: What non-engineered, natural-gradient systems can tell us about removal of microorganisms.
- Numerical Modeling of Regional Groundwater Flow in a Structurally Complex Intermountain Basin: South Park, Colorado
- Numerical analysis of one-dimensional temperature data for groundwater/surface-water exchange with 1DTempPro
- Paleobotanical evidence of the history of summer precipitation in the American Southwest since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Peat Accumulation in the Everglades (USA) during the Past 4000 Years: Rates, Drivers, and Sources of Error
- Pliocene Volcanic Evolution of the Taos Plateau, New Mexico
- Preliminary Holocene History of Fault Slip for the Mojave Section of the San Andreas Fault
- Providing Seismotectonic Information to the Public Through Continuously Updated National Earthquake Information Center Products
- Quantifying Factors That Impact Riverbed Dynamic Permeability at a Riverbank Filtration Facility
- Quantifying Power Grid Risk from Geomagnetic Storms
- Quantifying post-wildfire erosion patterns using terrestrial LiDAR
- Reassessing Geophysical Models of the Bushveld Complex in 3D
- Reconstructed Stratigraphic and Structural Controls on the Eruptive History of the Tatara-San Pedro Volcanic Complex in the Southern Volcanic Zone of the Chilean Andes
- Reconstructing the magnitude for Earth's greatest earthquakes with microfossil measures of sudden coastal subsidence
- Red Dawn: Characterizing Iron Oxide Minerals in Atmospheric Dust
- Relationship between environmental conditions and rates of coastal erosion in Arctic Alaska
- Relationships between dissolved organic matter and discharge: New insights from in-situ measurements in a northern forested watershed
- Reported geomagnetic and ionospheric precursors to earthquakes: Summary, reanalysis, and implications for short-term prediction
- Rock strength reductions during incipient weathering
- Seismic Hazard in Haiti: A Geologic Perspective
- Seismological Analyses of the March 11, 2010, Pichilemu, Chile Mw 7.0 and Mw 6.9 Earthquakes
- Seismotectonic Framework of the Feb 27, 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule, Chile Earthquake Sequence
- Sensitivity analysis as a proxy for estimating uncertainty in Slab1.0 3D subduction zone models
- Sensitivity of spring phenology to warming across temporal and spatial climate gradients in two independent databases
- Shallow Geology and Permafrost Characterization using Ground-Penetrating Radar to infer Hydrological Controls and Landscape Evolution of Interior Alaska
- Simulation of recharge for the Death Valley regional groundwater flow system using an integrated hydrologic model
- Soil-column distribution of perchlorate at the Phoenix landing site from SSI, CRISM, and laboratory mixing experiments
- Sorting out the Magmatic from the Hydrothermal: An example from Yellowstone
- Spatial and temporal patterns in conterminous United States streamflow characteristics
- Stable isotopes as tracers of the subsurface biosphere in oceanic basement
- Statistical Maps of Geomagnetic Disturbance and Climatological Validation of Geospace Models
- Stream and river CO2 and CH4 fluxes from the Southeastern US
- Structure and Tectonics of the Pacific Northwest from EarthScope Magnetotelluric Data
- Subsurface imaging across the 2001 Spokane, Washington earthquake swarm
- Surface and Subsurface Fault Displacements from the September 2010 Darfield (Canterbury) Earthquake
- Tectonic and climatic influences on the deposition and preservation of Quaternary units along the range-front of the Manastash Anticline, Yakima Fold Belt, Washington
- Temperature sensitivity of DOC production and transformation in organic soils of the Yukon River Basin, Alaska
- Textural changes of FER-A peridotite in time series piston-cylinder experiments at 1.0 GPa, 1300°C
- The Denali Fault and Interior Alaska Tectonics in Mid- to Late-Cenozoic Time
- The Relative Influence of Aquatic and Terrestrial Processes on Methylmercury Transport in River Basins
- The Role of Serpentinites in Cycling of Carbon and Sulfur: Seafloor Serpentinization and Subduction Metamorphism
- The Slumgullion Natural Laboratory: Landslide-wide kinematics revealed by combining satellite and airborne interferometric synthetic aperture radar with continuous GPS observations
- The Soil Chemical Response to Decreases in Atmospheric Sulfate deposition Across the Northeastern United States
- The USGS "Did You Feel It?" Macroseismic Intensity Maps: Lessons Learned from a Decade of Citizen-Empowered Seismology
- The Ups And Downs Of The Santa Rosa Island Fault, Northern Channel Islands, California: More Than Simple Strike Slip
- The application of micropaleontology to recognize coseismic uplift and characterize tsunami deposits on the central Chilean coast
- The diverse utility of ground-based magnetometer data
- The effect of variable discharge on the inorganic chemistry downstream of a waste water treatment plant, Boulder Creek, Colorado
- The effects of flood sequencing and channel morphology on the mobility of coarse gravel in an alpine stream
- The fate of mercury at two small co-located headwater watersheds in interior Alaska
- The tool of microbial genomics research for interpreting the lability of permafrost carbon and potential greenhouse gas feedbacks at different scales of resolution.
- Thermal regimes of Arctic thermokarst lakes and streams and implications for continued permafrost degradation
- Thirty years of interpreting stream tracer data: A look back, a look sideways, and a look forward
- Time-independent earthquake forecasts for the central and eastern United States
- Tracing water ice and chromophores across Saturn's moons and rings
- Training, Validation and Assessment of the GOES-R SUVI Thematic Maps Using Proxy Data
- Transparency and Refutability: Why and How Demonstrated using a Synthetic, Highly Nonlinear Groundwater Transport Problem
- Tremors in the Bayou: The Events on the Napoleonville Salt Dome, Louisiana
- Two Examples of Integrated Aquifer Characterization at Local and Regional Scales
- USGS NEIC Earthquake Monitoring, Response and Research in the Northern Pacific Region
- USGS Tweet Earthquake Dispatch (@USGSted): Using Twitter for Earthquake Detection and Characterization
- UV-IR Spectra of the Icy Saturnian Satellites
- Understanding Changes to Interrelated Hydrologic and Trace Metal Cycles in Mountain Pine Beetle Infested Watersheds
- Use of terrestrial laser scanning to characterize rock glacier surface morphology and deformation, Handcart Gulch, Colorado
- Using Global Fiducials Program Imagery to Document 50 Years of North American Glacier Change
- Using Regional Moment Tensors to Constrain the Kinematics and Stress Evolution During the 2010-2012 Canterbury, New Zealand, Earthquake Sequence
- Using Vertical Fourier Transforms to Invert Potential-Field Data to Magnetization or Density Models in the Presence of Topography
- Using ground magnetometer arrays to reconstruct surface electric fields during historical geomagnetic storms
- Vegetal Encroachment on Point Bar Deposits as a Control on Width Variation in Meandering Rivers
- Volcanic rocks and subglacial volcanism beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet in the West Antarctic Rift System, (WAIS) from aeromagnetic and radar ice sounding - Thiel Subglacial Volcano as possible source of the ash layer in the WAISCORE
- Water quality impacts of hydraulic-fracturing chemicals observed in a permeable, quartz-sand aquifer
- 3D surface flow kinematics derived from airborne UAVSAR interferometric synthetic aperture radar to constrain the physical mechanisms controlling landslide motion
- A 40-Year Time Series for Climate-Driven Flow Systems and their Relation to the Methane Production Capacity of the Glacial Lake Agassiz Peatlands (GLAP) In Northern Minnesota
- A Fault-Based Model for Crustal Deformation in the Western United States and Its Application to Seismic Hazard Analysis
- A GIS Flood Tool for Rapid Inundation Mapping
- A New Computationally Frugal Method For Sensitivity Analysis Of Environmental Models
- A Possible Tohoku-Magnitude Tsunami Along The Alaska Peninsula, The 1946 Scotch Cap Tsunami
- A Synthesis of Freshwater Carbon Cycling for the Conterminous US: does it matter for terrestrial carbon budgets?
- A hydro-mechanical framework for early warning of rainfall-induced landslides (Invited)
- A new macroseismic intensity prediction equation and magnitude estimates of the 1811-1812 New Madrid and 1886 Charleston, South Carolina, earthquakes
- A potential link between magmatic volatiles and mantle source lithology in the Hawaiian Plume: a view from olivine-hosted melt inclusions and osmium isotopes
- An Ecosystem Assessment of Carbon Storage and Fluxes Over Space and Time in the Conterminous United States
- Anomalies in Trace Metal and Rare-Earth Loads below a Waste-Water Treatment Plant
- Applying downscaled climate data to wildlife areas in Washington State, USA
- Aquatic carbon fluxes in HD: using in-situ sensors to obtain a high definition picture of carbon cycling in streams (Invited)
- Beyond annual streamflow reconstructions for the Upper Colorado River Basin: A paleo-water-balance approach (Invited)
- Biogeochemistry of glacier and rock glacier outflow in the western United States
- Breaking the Oceanic Lithosphere of a Subducting Slab: The Mw7.7 2013 Khash, Iran Earthquake (Invited)
- Bringing New Tools and Techniques to Bear on Earthquake Hazard Analysis and Mitigation
- Broadband Analysis of the Energetics of Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Sunda Forearc from 1987-2012
- Can increased biomass offset carbon release from permafrost region soils, streams, and wildfire: an expert elicitation?
- Carbon Consequences of Land Management in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystems (GYE) over the Past Three Decades
- Carbon Gas Emissions from a Stream Network along Elevation and Vegetation Gradients in a Remote Northern Boreal Watershed (Invited)
- Changing forest water yields in response to climate warming: Results from long-term experimental watershed sites across North America
- Characteristics of High Frequency Ground Motions in the Maule Region (chile), Obtained from Aftershocks of the 2010 Mw 8.8 Earthquake
- Characterizing Variation of Isotopic Markers in Northern Alaskan Caribou Forages
- Circum-arctic biodegradability of fluvial dissolved organic carbon: A meta-analysis
- Climate change and dissolved organic carbon dynamics in high latitude streams and rivers (Invited)
- Comparing runoff pathways from burned and unburned slopes of a boreal catchment
- Comparison of smoothing methods for the development of a smoothed seismicity model for Alaska and the implications for seismic hazard
- Conflicting Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd ages in the garnet gneisses of the Central Appalachians, Eastern U.S.: Implications for the timing and duration of Grenville Orogeny and a case for using coupled Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd geochronology
- Connecting Increased Groundwater Contributions to Transpiration Losses in Bark Beetle-Infested Watersheds
- Considerations of erosion and storage of carbon, focusing on tropical landscapes in Puerto Rico and Panama (Invited)
- Constraining deformation history and recent activity along the Tuz Gölü fault zone, Central Anatolia, Turkey
- Constraining the Static Deformation Process of the Great 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Using High Rate GPS
- Continuing Development of GOES-R SUVI Automated Solar Image Processing
- Crustal structure and tectonic framework of the Canadian Arctic margin: New insights on the development of the Amerasia Basin
- Deep electrical conductivity structure of the Rio Grande Rift in Colorado and New Mexico: Early results from a two-year magnetotelluric study
- Detecting weathered oil from the Deepwater Horizon incident in the wetlands of Barataria Bay, Louisiana, using a time series of AVIRIS imaging spectrometer data (Invited)
- Detrital Geochemical Fingerprints Of Rivers Along The Yalu Suture Zone In Tibet: Implications For Drainage Evolution, Timing Of Arc Development And Erosion
- Development of a 3-D Variable-Direction Anisotropy program, VDA-3D, to represent normal and tangential fluxes, in 3-D groundwater flow modeling
- Developments in real-time monitoring for geologic hazard warnings (Invited)
- Diatoms confirm coseismic uplift and subsidence along the eastern Alaska-Aleutian megathrust
- Dissolved Organic Matter: a Master Variable for Predicting and Modeling the Effects of Climatic and Environmental Change on Mercury Transport and Reactivity
- Earth-Science Research for Addressing the Water-Energy Nexus
- Effects of Arabia-Eurasia Collision on Strike-slip Faults in Central Anatolia?
- Effects of bark beetle infestation on hydrology and land-energy feedbacks in mountain headwaters
- Effects of experimental floods on riparian and aquatic ecosystems: Bill Williams River, Arizona
- Empirical correction of Titan surface photometry and atmospheric scattering from Cassini/VIMS data
- Environmental and Environmental-Health Implications of the USGS SAFRR California Tsunami Scenario
- Erosional nitrogen losses in a geomorphologically dynamic wet tropical watershed
- Evaluating North America Paleoclimate Simulations using Simulated and Observed Paleovegetation Data for 6 ka and 21 ka
- Evaluating Processes, Parameters and Observations Using Cross Validation and Computationally Frugal Sensitivity Analysis Methods
- Evolution of Titan's Lakes and Seas: Insights from Recent Infrared Observations
- Examples of Communicating Uncertainty Applied to Earthquake Hazard and Risk Products
- Exploring uncertainty in the Earth Sciences - the potential field perspective
- Extending the global coverage of Slab1.0 3D subduction zone models
- Facing the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains: What other ranges do they look like?
- Fe and S Isotope Exchange During Pyrite Precipitation and Recrystallization: An Experimental Study Under Hydrothermal Conditions
- Flights of older, elevated marine wave-cut platforms on Santa Rosa Island, CA
- Fluid geochemistry monitoring at three California volcanoes (Invited)
- Fluid-Rock Interaction at the Slab-Mantle Interface: Insights from the High Pressure Rocks of the Sivrihisar Massif, Turkey
- Food and water security scenarios for East Africa over next 20 years
- Fundamental Vibration Frequency and Damping Estimation: A Comparison Using the Random Decrement Method, the Empirical Mode Decomposition, and the HV Spectral Ratio Method for Local Site Characterization
- Geophysical signatures and modeling results from a buried impact structure in Decorah, Iowa, USA
- Gravity and magnetic anomalies used to delineate geologic features associated with earthquakes and aftershocks in the central Virginia seismic zone
- Helium isotope data from the Goldfield epithermal system, Nevada: Evidence for volatile input from a primitive mantle source during ore formation
- High Precision <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Geochronology of Servilleta basalt flows in the Rio Grande Gorge, New Mexico
- High-precision Pb Isotopes Reveal Two Small Magma Bodies Beneath the Summit of Kilauea Volcano
- Identifying Seismogenic Deposits in Cascadia Inland Lake Sediments: A Natural Experiment Recorded in the Sedimentary Records at Squaw Lakes, Oregon, USA
- Impacts of climate on shrubland fuels and fire behavior in the Owyhee Basin, Idaho
- Improving open access to the results of USGS research (Invited)
- Interpreting Organic Carbon Cycling from High-Frequency Stream FDOM, Turbidity, and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements at the USGS WEBB Watersheds
- Intertidal land-level changes during the most recent megathrust earthquake at the Cascadia subduction zone
- Isotopes in Western North American snowpack 1993 - 2013
- Just the facts, please: Quantifying and conveying uncertainty when assessing the impact of energy and mineral development (Invited)
- Last Glacial to Holocene history of the Indian Monsoon recorded in Andaman Sea sediments
- Last-glacial dustiness and enhanced gustiness: deciphering the record of Peoria Loess deposition at Loveland, western Iowa
- LiDAR Data Reveal New Details on Seismically Triggered Landslides in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Linear diffusion model dating of cinder cones in Central Anatolia, Turkey
- Linkages Between Changes in Lake Extent and the Distribution of Permafrost, Yukon Flats Basin, Interior Alaska, USA
- Links between soil water availability and soil respiration in semi-arid ecosystems along the Colorado Front Range
- Magnetotelluric Investigation of Structures Related to a Geothermal Anomaly in the Buckman Well field in the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Magnetotelluric apparent conductivity and seismic p-wave tomography comparison, Rio Grande Rift, Southwestern USA
- Melting Conditions of Basaltic Volcanism from Collision to Escape in the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province
- Methane Ebullition from Contrasting Stream Sediments in a Wetland Catchment
- New Constraints on Baja California-North America Relative Plate Motion Since 11 Ma
- New Inversion and Interpretation of Public-Domain Electromagnetic Survey Data from Selected Areas in Alaska
- Numerical Modeling of the Snowmass Creek Paleoglacier, Colorado: Implications for Middle and Late Pleistocene climate in the Rocky Mountains
- On the Character and Mitigation of Atmospheric Noise in InSAR Time Series Analysis (Invited)
- On- and off-axis magma transport in dikes at axial discontinuities: 9N OSC EPR
- Operational specification and forecasting advances for Dst, LEO thermospheric densities, and aviation radiation dose and dose rate
- Overview of the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast Version 3 (UCERF3) Time-Independent Model
- Oxygen Isotopes for Lavas from Kilauea's Ongoing, 30-year old Puu Oo Eruption: Evidence for the Nature of the Mantle Source and Crustal Contamination
- Paleoclimatic Reconstructions From Plant Macrofossils For The Last Glacial Maximum, Middle Holocene, And Latest Holocene In The American Southwest
- Paleoseismic Investigations of Subduction Zone Earthquakes on the Southeastern Coast of the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
- Patterns of wildfires and emissions under future climate conditions across the conterminous United States
- Perspectives on Meeting the Worldwide Observational Needs of Climate Services (Invited)
- Petrogenesis and metal budget of Pelagatos volcano in the Chichinautzin monogenetic field, Mexico: A Melt Inclusion Study
- Petrophysical Properties of Cody, Mowry, Shell Creek, and Thermopolis Shales, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
- Pliocene to late Pleistocene magmatism in the Aurora Volcanic Field, Nevada and California, USA
- Predicting the geophysical response to changes in permafrost associated with lake talik evolution
- Quantifying Soil Carbon Change from Wildfires in Peatland Ecosystems of the Eastern United States Using Repeat LiDAR
- Quantifying phosphorus mobilization in soil using a pedogenic colloid redistribution model
- Quantifying the Seismic Hazard From Natural and Induced Earthquakes (Invited)
- Regional United States electric field and GIC hazard impacts (Invited)
- Regional comparisons of Vs30 and Spectral Ratio Methods
- Reject the ridiculous and explore the plausible: A Bayesian McMC approach to model assessment and uncertainty analysis for airborne electromagnetic surveys (Invited)
- Riverine export of dissolved organic carbon to the Gulf of Maine
- Root Cohesion Controls on Shallow Landslide Size, Shape and Location
- Saturn's satellites temperatures inferred from Cassini-VIMS reflectance spectra
- Science Diplomacy in the Geosciences (Invited)
- Seasonal variation in diel carbon dynamics, Beaver Creek, Alaska
- Seasonality and long term trends in dissolved carbon export from large rivers to the Arctic Ocean, and potential effects on coastal ocean acidification (Invited)
- Seismic Site Characterization through Joint Modeling of Complementary Data Functionals, with Applications to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
- Seismic investigation of gas hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico: Results from 2013 high-resolution 2D and multicomponent seismic surveys
- Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of a physically-based landslide model
- Short-period Rayleigh wave group and phase velocities of the Reno-Truckee Meadows basin from ambient seismic noise
- Shrinking Arctic Lakes are Forming New Local Permafrost, but for How Long?
- Simulating the Hydrologic Effects of Climate Change in 5 Research Watersheds using a Distributed-Parameter Watershed Model
- Six large tsunamis in the past ~1700 years at Stardust Bay, Sedanka Island, Alaska
- Spatial and temporal variability in faulting along a Quaternary fault transect across the Northern Walker Lane, California-Nevada
- Spatial modeling of small stream hydrology in a North American river basin and implications under a warmer, drier future climate
- Spectroscopic Methods of Remote Sensing for Vegetation Characterization
- Stable Isotopes of Tilted Ignimbrite Calderas in Nevada
- Stage-Discharge Hysteresis and Bedforms (Invited)
- Subsurface Transport and Mobilization of Pathogenic Microbes and Microspheres: Effect of Microbe Size, Soil Physical Heterogeneity, and Intermittent Flow
- Surface Composition of the Non-Ice Component on Icy Satellites and Ring Particles in the Saturn System
- Systematic Global Multiple-Event Relocation: A Case Study of Alaska Earthquakes from 1900-present
- Temporal and spatial constraints on the evolution of a Rio Grande rift sub-basin, Guadalupe Mountain area, northern New Mexico
- Temporal changes in the isotope composition of Sierra spring water: Implications for recent climatic changes and carbon cycling (Invited)
- The 2014 Update of the United States National Seismic Hazard Maps
- The Climate Hazards group InfraRed Precipitation (CHIRP) with Stations (CHIRPS): Development and Validation
- The Gürün Curl, SE Turkey: a potential link from crustal tectonics to mantle dynamics in the Arabia-Eurasia collision-escape zone
- The Importance of Fault System Connectivity for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (Invited)
- The Interactive Effects of Atmospheric N Deposition and Climate Change on a Subalpine Lake
- The SAFRR Tsunami Scenario: Improving Resilience for California from a Plausible M9 Earthquake near the Alaska Peninsula
- The Terminology of Fault Zones in the Brittle Regime: Making Field Observations More Useful to the End User
- The magnetic tides of Honolulu
- The potential for retreating alpine glaciers to alter alpine ecosystems in the Colorado Front Range
- The pursuit of enhanced discoverability, accessibility, and usability of scientific data in the earth sciences (Invited)
- The use of multi-dimensional flow and morphodynamic models for restoration design analysis
- To homogenize, or not to homogenize, that is the question: Quartz-hosted melt inclusion analysis avenues
- Toward a Global Model for Predicting Earthquake-Induced Landslides in Near-Real Time
- Transferrable Lessons about Non-Point-Source Gas Transport from the Amargosa Desert
- Triggered Aseismic Slip Adjacent to the 6 February 2013 Mw 8.0 Santa Cruz Islands Megathrust Earthquake
- Turbulence- and particle-resolving model of sediment transport and the formation of bedforms under waves and unidirectional currents
- USGS Geospatial Fabric and Geo Data Portal for Continental Scale Hydrology Simulations
- UV-IR Spectra of the Icy Saturnian Satellites
- Understanding response times and groundwater flow dynamics of thaw zone (talik) evolution below lakes in the Yukon Flats, Alaska, USA
- Use of high-resolution imagery acquired from an unmanned aircraft system for fluvial mapping and estimating water-surface velocity in rivers
- Use of passive UAS imaging to measure biophysical parameters in a southern Rocky Mountain subalpine forest
- Using dissolved organic matter (DOM) composition to detect permafrost thaw in arctic and boreal watersheds
- Validation Framework for USGS Landsat-derived Essential Climate Variables: the Burned Area Product Example
- Variability Common to First Leaf Dates and Snowpack in the Western Conterminous United States (Invited)
- Variable land-level changes at a non-persistent megathrust rupture boundary, Sitkinak Island, Alaska
- Vegetation controls on weathering intensity during the last deglacial transition in southeast Africa
- What can decision makers achieve from computer simulations of environmental systems?
- Widespread positive bias in calculated carbon dioxide concentration: causes and implications for large-scale estimates of carbon dioxide efflux from freshwater ecosystems
- Wyoming Basin Rapid Ecoregional Assessment: A Science-Management Partnership to Inform Public Land Management under Changing Climate Conditions
- a Relative Sea Level Database for the Pacific Coast of North America
- 10 Years of Cloud Cover Monitoring on Titan with Vims on Board Cassini
- 2D Ball-and-Socket Tectonic Rotation in a Heterogeneous Strain Field: The 2013 Mw7.7 Balochistan, Pakistan Earthquake
- 3D Observations of Dispersion, Mixing and Reaction in Heterogeneous Rocks
- A Bayesian Approach to Real-Time Earthquake Phase Association
- A Detailed Study of Debris Flow Source Areas in the Northern Colorado Front Range.
- A Geospatial Fabric (GF) for National Hydrological Modeling
- A Historic and Citizen Science Observation-Based Seismic Hazard Map of the United States (1900—2012)
- A New Object-Oriented MODFLOW Framework for Coupling Multiple Hydrologic Models
- A prototype for automation of land-cover products from Landsat Surface Reflectance Data Records
- A rapid estimation of tsunami run-up based on finite fault models
- A sequential hydrogeophysical approach to quantify model structural uncertainty
- Advances in Using Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing to Identify the Mixing of Waters
- Airborne Geophysical Surveys Applied to Hydrocarbon Resource Development Environmental Studies
- An Updated Decision Support Interface: A Tool for Remote Monitoring of Crop Growing Conditions
- Apparent Anisotropic Diffusion of SF<SUB>6</SUB> in a Deep Arid Unsaturated Zone
- Applications of Subspace Seismicity Detection in Antarctica
- Assessing the Nation's Brackish Groundwater Resources
- Assessing the Utility of Strong Motion Data to Determine Static Ground Displacements During Great Megathrust Earthquakes: Tohoku and Iquique
- Building Capacity for Production of Gridded Precipitation Products in the East Africa Community
- Can Stream Rating Curves be Modeled from Large-Scale, Low-Resolution Airborne Laser Scanning Data?
- Can the flow dynamics of debris flows be identified from seismic data?
- Carbon burial in lakes and reservoirs of the conterminous United States
- Carbon evasion from surface waters in Alaska
- Challenges in Modeling Debris-Flow Initiation during the Exceptional September 2013 Northern Colorado Front Range Rainstorm
- Characterization of REE-Bearing Minerals and Synthetic Materials Using High Resolution Ultraviolet to Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy
- Characterizing Earthquake Clusters in Oklahoma Using Subspace Detectors
- Climate Change-Related Hydrologic Variation Affects Dissolved Organic Carbon Export to the Gulf of Maine
- Climate and flow variation revealed in tree rings of riparian cottonwood, western North Dakota, USA
- Comparative Seismotectonic Conditions Along the Sunda and Aleutian Arcs from Broadband Analysis of Earthquake Energetics
- Compounding disturbance interactions in a Southern Rocky Mountain subalpine forest
- Computer Modeling of Hydrology, Weathering, and Isotopic Fractionation in Andrews Creek, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado for Water Years 1992 through 2012
- Connections Among Terrestrial Sources of Organic and Inorganic Carbon and Surface Waters in a Permafrost- and Wildfire-Impacted Headwater Catchment, Alaska
- Constraints on recent earthquake source parameters, fault geometry and aftershock characteristics in Oklahoma
- Continuing Megathrust Earthquake Potential in northern Chile after the 2014 Iquique Earthquake Sequence
- Contrasting Pesticide Occurrence in Urban and Agricultural Streams in the Midwestern United States
- Critical Zone Science and Global Societal Challenges
- Critical Zone Weathering and Your Smartphone: Understanding How Mineral Decomposition and Colloid Redistribution Can Generate Rare Earth Element Deposits
- Design of Epidemia - an Ecohealth Informatics System for Integrated Forecasting of Malaria Epidemics
- Determining rates of Quaternary uplift across the Santa Rosa Island Fault, Channel Islands National Park, Southern California
- Development of a Coordinated National Soil Moisture Network: A Pilot Study
- Development of the LinZI Method for Merging MODIS and Landsat-based Evapotranspiration Maps
- Dimensionality and geological implications of a sparse magnetotelluric dataset
- Diverse Approaches USED to Characterize the Earthquake and Tsunami Hazards Along the Southern Alaska Continental Margin
- Documenting 35 Years of Land Cover Change: Lago Cachet Dos Drainage, Chile
- Dynamic Geomagnetic Hazard Maps in Space Weather Operations
- Earthquake Hazard When the Rate Is Non-Stationary: The Challenge of the U. S. Midcontinent
- Ecosystem Processes at the Watershed Scale: Stability and Resilience of Catchment Spatial Structure and Function to Disturbance
- Effects of Land Use and Climate on Ecosystem Carbon Balance from a Recent National Assessment
- Estimation of Observatory Geoelectric Fields Induced during Great Magnetic Storms
- Evaluating the Influence of Precipitation, Temperature, and Soil Moisture on Upper Colorado River Basin Streamflow and Drought
- Evaluation of Potential Evapotranspiration from a Hydrologic Model on a National Scale
- Evaluation of the Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) air temperature data products
- Evidence for Long-Time Scale ( > 10<SUP>3</SUP> years) Changes in Hydrothermal Activity Induced By Seismic Events
- Exploring Pacific Climate Variability and Its Impacts on East African Water Resources and Food Security
- Exploring the Use of Historic Earthquake Information to Differentiate Between Deposit Triggers for the High-resolution Stratigraphy from Squaw Lakes, Oregon, USA
- Exploring the relationship between malaria, rainfall intermittency, and spatial variation in rainfall seasonality
- Exploring the use of physically based evaporative demand anomalies to improve seasonal drought prediction
- Extreme Geoelectric Fields Induced By Magnetic Storm Sudden Impulses
- Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) Contributions to Strengthening Resilience and Sustainability for the East African Community
- Fate and Transport of Mercury in a Watershed-Reservoir System Burned During the 2012 Hewlett Gulch Fire, Ft. Collins, Colorado
- Feasibility of Twitter Based Earthquake Characterization From Analysis of 32 Million Tweets: There's Got to be a Pony in Here Somewhere!
- Forecasting Inundation from Debris Flows That Grow By Entraining Sediment
- Forest age, channel morphology, and biogeochemical processes in mountain rivers
- Formation and Evolution of the San Cristobal Trough Transform Fault Linking the Southern Solomon Islands and Northern New Hebrides Trenches
- From Purgatory to Paradise: The Volatile Life of Hawaiian Magma
- Geological Hypothesis Testing and Investigations of Coupling with Transient Electromagnetics (TEM)
- Geomorphic response in the Limitrophe reach of the Colorado River to the 2014 delta pulse flow, United States and Mexico
- Geophysical expression of a buried niobium and rare earth element deposit: the Elk Creek carbonatite, Nebraska, USA
- Ground Motion Site Effects from Multi-Method Shear-Wave Velocity Characterization at Seismograph Stations Deployed for Aftershocks of the August 2011 Mineral, Virginia, Earthquake
- Helium As a Tracer for Fluids Released from Juan De Fuca Lithosphere Beneath the Cascadia Forearc
- High Precision <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Geochronology of Servilleta Basalts of the Rio Grande Gorge, New Mexico
- High δ<SUP>56</SUP>Fe values in Samoan basalts
- Holocene climate at Siple Dome, West Antarctica, using bubble number-density.
- How Much Do We Know about the Storage Changes in the Major River Basins of the World? Analysis of Storage Change from GRACE
- Hydrogeologic Controls on Water Dynamics in a Discontinuous Permafrost, Lake-Rich Landscape
- Identifying hydrologic vulnerabilities to permafrost change and the effects on carbon transport to aquatic systems
- Implications of Prospective Climate Change for Groundwater Recharge in the Western United States
- Improved Bathymetry Resolution in the Ross Sea from Aerogravity and Magnetics: Examples from Operation IceBridge.
- Improved Rainfall Estimates and Predictions for 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Drought Early Warning
- Improved image of a large Moho step in the continental lithosphere: the Taranaki-Ruapehu Line, New Zealand.
- Including Faults Detected By Near-Surface Seismic Methods in the USGS National Seismic Hazard Maps - Some Restrictions Apply
- Incorporating Hydroepidemiology into the Epidemia Malaria Early Warning System
- Increased Earthquake Rates in the Central and Eastern US Portend Higher Earthquake Hazards
- Increasing Northern Hemisphere Water Deficit
- Indium Sorption to Iron Oxides
- Inferring relative tsunami magnitudes from inverse and forward sediment transport modeling of tsunami deposits in the Eastern Aleutian Islands.
- Insights into Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Study Sites GC955 and WR313 from New Multicomponent and High-Resolution 2D Seismic Data
- Integrating the science and socio-economics of resilience along the Northeastern coast
- Interactions of Flow, Sediment Transport, and Vegetation in the Long-Term Evolution of Arroyos
- Interagency collaboration in the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains: Federal-university climate service networks for producing actionable information for climate change adaptation
- Intercomparison of Remote Sensing Models for Estimating Actual Daily and Seasonal Evapotranspiration
- Interdisciplinary Environmental-health Science Throughout Disaster Lifecycles
- Inversion of Airborne Electromagnetic Survey Data, Styx River Area, Alaska
- Judicious use of custom development in an open source component architecture
- Lack of Evidence for Pervasive DOC Concentration Increases in the Mississippi River Basin
- Land-Use Impacts on the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle: An Integrative Tool for Resource Assessment and Planning
- Landslide Mobility and Hazards: A Geophysical Overview of the Oso Disaster
- Large-Scale Dam Removal on the Elwha River, Washington, USA: River Channel and Floodplain Geomorphic Change
- Long-Term Stability of the 2014 Iquique, Chile Earthquake Rupture Zone: Evidence from Forearc Deformation
- Magnetotelluric Investigations of Convergent Margins and of Incipient Rifting: Preliminary Results from the EarthScope MT Transportable Array and MT FlexArray Deployments in Cascadia and in the North American Mid-Continent Region
- Making Sense of Sensors: Stream Carbon Flux Determination at the Five USGS WEBB Watersheds
- Mapping Drought Impacts on Agricultural Production in California's Central Valley
- Mapping Fuel Load and Its Dynamics in Shrubland and Grassland Using eMODIS Data
- Mapping permafrost with airborne electromagnetics
- Mapping the Extent of the Lovejoy Basalt Beneath the Sacramento Valley, CA, Using Aeromagnetic Data
- Methane pools within the Glacial Lake Agassiz Peatlands (GLAP) and their response to climatic change.
- Methods Development for In Situ Laser-Ablation Pb and Sr Isotopic Analyses Using a Double-Focusing Single-Collector ICPMS
- Monitoring the Seasonal Evolution of the North and South Polar Vortex on Titan during 10 Years with Cassini/Vims
- Monthly Water Balance Model Portal for the United States
- Near-field Oblique Remote Sensing of Stream Water-surface Elevation, Slope, and Surface Velocity
- New insights into hydrologic sources and sinks in the Nile Basin: A multi-source satellite data analysis
- Nitrate dynamics within a stream-lake network through time and space
- OBIS-USA: Enhancing Ocean Science Outcomes through Data Interoperability and Usability
- Old data, New tricks: New insights into the Stillwater Complex
- On the Accuracy of Vs30-Based Site Response Amplifications in California
- On- and off-fault coseismic surface deformation associated with the September 2013 M7.7 Balochistan, Pakistan earthquake measured from mapping and automated pixel correlation
- Online, On Demand Access to Coastal Digital Elevation Models
- Operational earthquake forecasting in California: A prototype system combining UCERF3 and CyberShake
- Paleo Channel Reconstruction and Grain Size Variability in Fluvial Deposits in the Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Utah
- Paleoseismic Records of Multiple Great Earthquakes from the Subduction Zones of Sumatra, Chile, and Alaska
- Paonia Reservoir Sediment Management
- Pleistocene Indian Monsoon Rainfall Variability
- Post-Fire Debris-Flow Hazard Assessments at the U.S. Geological Survey - Recent Advances and Future Directions
- Predicting watershed sediment yields after wildland fire with the InVEST sediment retention model at large geographic extent in the western USA: accuracy and uncertainties
- Quantifying 10 years of Improvements in Earthquake and Tsunami Monitoring in the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions
- Rapid Response Products of The ARIA Project for the M6.0 August 24, 2014 South Napa Earthquake
- Rates of burial and exhumation of lawsonite blueschist/eclogite in subduction zones from in situ UV laser ablation <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar phengite geochronology
- Recent Fault Activity in the 1886 Charleston, South Carolina Earthquake Epicentral Area and its Relation to Buried Structures
- Recent and Late Holocene Alaskan Lake Changes Identified from Water Isotopes
- Roles of the Mendocino Transform, Vizcaino Block, and Onshore King Range Terrane in Evolution of the Northern San Andreas Fault System and Its Associated Slab Windows
- Seasonal Prediction of Hydro-Climatic Extremes in the Greater Horn of Africa Under Evolving Climate Conditions to Support Adaptation Strategies
- Seasonal Variations in CO<SUB>2</SUB> Efflux, Vadose Zone Gas Concentrations, and Natural Attenuation Rates at a Crude Oil Spill Site
- Sediment dynamics through space and time in the lower Rio Puerco arroyo, New Mexico
- Seismic Monitoring at the Decatur, IL, Geologic Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Site
- Similar Seismic Ruptures and Interseismic Strain Rate Variations on the Nias-Simeulue Patch of the Sunda Megathrust
- Strain partitioning and timing of strike-slip faulting in the central Mojave Desert, CA, indicated by newly dated Pliocene and lower Pleistocene deposits
- Successes and Challenges in the SAGE (Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience) REU Program
- Surface Rupture and Slip Distribution Resulting from the 2013 M7.7 Balochistan, Pakistan Earthquake
- Surface-Water to Groundwater Transport of Pharmaceuticals in a Wastewater-Impacted Stream in the U.S.
- Testing the hydrologic utility of geologic frameworks for extrapolating hydraulic properties across large scales
- Testing the limits of high-resolution whole-rock δ<SUP>13</SUP>C<SUB>carb </SUB>stratigraphy
- The Central and Eastern U.S. Seismic Network: Legacy of USArray
- The Climate Hazards Group Infrared Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS) Dataset: Quasi-Global Precipitation Estimates for Drought Monitoring and Trend Analysis
- The Evaporative Demand Drought Index: The Physical Basis.
- The Origin of Chemical Heterogeneity in the Mantle Source of Kilauea Lavas
- The Role of Altered Landscapes in the Disaster Lifecycle
- The SAFRR Tsunami Scenario: from Publication to Implementation
- The U.S. Geological Survey's Sediment-bound Contaminant Resiliency and Response Strategy: A Tiered Multi-metric Approach to Environmental Health and Hazards in the Northeastern USA
- The Utility of CDOM for Improving the Resolution of Riverine DOM Fluxes and Biogeochemical Function
- The emergence and evolution of Santa Maria Island (Azores) - the conundrum of uplifting islands revisited
- Uncertainties Associated with Climatic Estimates from Plant Macrofossil Assemblages in the Southwestern United States: Evaluations Based on Comparisons of Modern Observed and Estimated Values for Climatic Variables, and Application to Late Quaternary Assemblages
- Uncertainty Analysis on an Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance algorithm for Estimation of Evapotranspiration at Multiple Flux Tower Sites
- Using Cottonwood Dendrochronology to Reconstruct River Discharge and Floodplain Dynamics, Yellowstone River, Montana
- Using Gridded Snow Covered Area and Snow-Water Equivalence Spatial Data Sets to Improve Snow-Pack Depletion Simulation in a Continental Scale Hydrologic Model
- Using Halogens (Cl, Br, F, I) and Stable Isotopes of Water (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, δ<SUP>2</SUP>H) to Trace Hydrological and Biogeochemical Processes in Prairie Wetlands
- Using Paleoseismic Trenching and LiDAR Analysis to Evaluate Rupture Propagation Through Segment Boundaries of the Central Wasatch Fault Zone, Utah
- Using a Three-Dimensional Hydrogeologic Framework to Investigate Potential Sources of Water Springs in the Death Valley Regional Groundwater Flow System
- Using tsunami deposits to validate inundation modeling at Sedanka Island: Revealing clues about great earthquakes in the Unalaska seismic gap.
- Validation of the 2008 Landsat Burned Area Ecv Product for North America Using Stratified Random Sampling
- Volcano-Tectonic Evolution of the Central Death Valley Volcanic Field - Insights Derived from the Geologic Map of the Death Valley Junction 30' x 60' Quadrangle
- <em>An Amphibious Magnetotelluric Investigation of the Cascadian Seismogenic and ETS zones.</em>
- 2015 USGS Seismic Hazard Model for Induced Seismicity
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Geochronology and Chemical and Isotopic Compositions of Basaltic Rocks Near the Iskenderun Gulf, Turkey
- A Millennial-Scale Record of Mercury and Lead Contamination in Peatlands of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta of California
- A Riparian Approach to Dendrochronological Flow Reconstruction, Yellowstone River, Montana
- A comparison of thermal infrared to fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing for evaluation of groundwater discharge to surface water
- A numerical investigation of the impacts of river and floodplain restoration on the process of floodwave attenuation
- Absolute Dating of Strath Terraces along the Western High Plains Reveals Complicated History of Occupation and Incision
- Advances in Mineral Dust Source Composition Measurement with Imaging Spectroscopy at the Salton Sea, CA
- Africa-Wide Monitoring of Small Surface Water Bodies Using Multisource Satellite Data: A Monitoring System for FEWS NET
- Age Dating Fluvial Sediment Storage Reservoirs to Construct Sediment Waiting Time Distributions
- Ages, Distribution, and Evolution of Miocene Basalts, East-Central Anatolia
- Along-Strike Electrical Conductivity Variations in the Incoming Plate and Shallow Forearc of the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Amphibious Magnetotelluric Investigation of the Aleutian Arc: Mantle Melt Generation and Migration beneath Okmok Caldera
- An Agro-Climatological Early Warning Tool Based on the Google Earth Engine to Support Regional Food Security Analysis
- An Automated Algorithm for Producing Land Cover Information from Landsat Surface Reflectance Data Acquired Between 1984 and Present
- Annual regression-based estimates of evapotranspiration for the contiguous United States based on climate, remote sensing, and stream gage data
- Application of Subspace Detection to the 6 November 2011 M5.6 Prague, Oklahoma Aftershock Sequence
- Application of a "Semi-Structured" Approach with MODFLOW-USG to Inform Metamodels of Stream Depletion for Decision-Support
- Aquatic carbon fluxes from the conterminous US and Alaska
- Assessing Landslide Mobility Using GIS: Application to Kosrae, Micronesia
- Atmospheric effects on variability and seasonality of groundwater levels in the Eastern U.S.
- Biodegradability of dissolved and particulate organic matter in tributaries of contrasting land-use in the Upper Mississippi River
- Calibrated Multiple Event Relocations of the Central and Eastern United States
- Cessation of the 2004-2008 Dome-Building Eruption at Mount St. Helens, Washington
- Challenges to natural process restoration: common dam removal management concerns
- Characterizing Geology and Mineralization at High Latitudes in Alaska Using Airborne and Field-Based Imaging Spectrometer Data
- Comparing Stream DOC Fluxes from Sensor- and Sample-Based Approaches
- Comparison of Four Different Energy Balance Models for Estimating Evapotranspiration in the Midwest United States
- Comparison of airborne and spaceborne TIR data for studying volcanic geothermal areas
- Comparison of methods for quantifying surface sublimation over seasonal snow covered terrain
- Computing Real-time Streamflow Using Emerging Technologies: Non-contact Radars and the Probability Concept
- Constraining the Thermal History of the Midcontinent Rift System with Clumped Isotopes and Organic Thermal Maturity Indices
- Continuous Ship-borne Methane Measurements on the Upper Mississippi River and Selected Tributaries
- Contrasting rainfall declines in northern and southern Tanzania: Potential differential impacts of west Pacific warming and east Pacific cooling
- Controls on the Breach Geometry and Flood Hydrograph During Overtopping of Non-cohesive Earthen Dams
- Coupling airborne laser scanning and acoustic Doppler current profiler data to model stream rating curves
- Crustal-scale perspective on the rapid development of Oligocene silicic calderas and related underlying plutonic systems, western Nevada USA
- Deep-sea coral record of human impact on watershed quality in the Mississippi River Basin
- Determining the climatic drivers of speleothem proxy variability: coupling modern cave monitoring with a multicomponent reactive transport model
- Development of a Coordinated National Soil Moisture Network: A Pilot Study
- Differences in dissolved organic matter lability between alpine glaciers and alpine rock glaciers of the American West
- Dissolved Organic Carbon Dynamics Along Terrestrial-aquatic Flowpaths in a Catchment Dominated by Sandy Soils
- Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes in Rivers of the Conterminous United States: Influence of Terrestrial - Aquatic Linkages
- Dissolved Organic Matter Composition of Arctic Rivers: Linking Permafrost, Parent Material, and Groundwater to Riverine Carbon
- Double Point Source W-phase Inversion: Real-time Implementation and Automated Model Selection
- Drought Impact on Fumarole Gas Composition at Lassen Volcanic National Park, CA.
- Drought Impacts on Agricultural Production and Land Fallowing in California's Central Valley in 2015
- Early 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Area and Mass Change of Alpine Glaciers in Western Northern America
- Effect of Geospace Model Resolution on Predictions of Ground Magnetic Perturbations
- Effectively Communicating Information about Dynamically Changing Arctic Sea Ice to the Public through the Global Fiducials Program
- Effects of variable regolith depth, hydraulic properties, and rainfall on debris-flow initiation during the September 2013 northern Colorado Front Range rainstorm
- Efforts Toward an Early Warning Crop Monitor for Countries at Risk
- Estimating Ecosystem Carbon Stock Change in the Conterminous United States from 1971 to 2010
- Evaluating Field Spectrometer Performance with Transmission Standards: Examples from the USGS Spectral Library and Research Databases
- Evaluating Landsat 8 Evapotranspiration for Water Use Mapping in the Colorado River Basin
- Evaluation and inter-comparison of modern day reanalysis datasets over Africa and the Middle East
- Evolution of an Interbasin Mountain-Block Extensional Accommodation Zone Within the Central Colorado Rio Grande Rift, USA
- Evolving hydrologic connectivity in discontinuous permafrost lowlands: what it means for lake systems
- Factors Affecting Source-Water Quality after Disturbance of Forests by Wildfire
- Factors influencing water transit times in snowmelt-dominated, headwater catchments of the western U.S.
- Field-Based and Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging for Applied Research in the State of Alaska
- Field-based assessment of landslide hazards resulting from the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake sequence
- Fire impacts on the cryosphere
- Fish Lake, Utah - a promising long core site straddling the Great Basin to Colorado Plateau transition zone
- Fish Lake, Utah - shallow seismic investigation of a lake-filled high-altitude graben
- Forensic Analysis of the May 2014 West Salt Creek Rock Avalanche in Western Colorado
- Foreshock (and slow slip?) triggering of the 1 April 2014 Mw 8.2 Iquique, Chile earthquake
- GLASS 2.0: An Operational, Multimodal, Bayesian Earthquake Data Association Engine
- Geochemical and Geochronologic Investigations of Zircon-hosted Melt Inclusions in Rhyolites from the Mesoproterozoic Pea Ridge IOA-REE Deposit, St. Francois Mountains, Missouri
- Geochemical and Isotopic Data for Oligocene Ignimbrites, Calderas, and Granitic Plutons, Southern Stillwater Range and Clan Alpine Mountains: Insights into the Volcanic-Plutonic Connection and Crustal Evolution in Western Nevada
- Geoelectrical Analyses of Sulfurous Wetland Sediments and Weathered Glacial Till in the Prairie Pothole Region
- Geological, Geophysical, and Stochastic Factors in Nepal's Gorkha Earthquake-Triggered Landslide Distribution
- Geomagnetic Observatory Data for Real-Time Applications
- Geophysical Imaging of the Stillwater and Bushveld Complexes and Relation to Platinum-group Element Exploration
- Geophysical evidence for non-uniform permafrost degradation after fire across boreal landscapes
- Ground Motions during the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake: An Expected Event that Defied Expectations
- Groundwater - The Disregarded Component in Lake Water and Nutrient Budgets
- High concentrations of regional dust from deserts to plains across the central Rocky Mountains, USA
- High-Precision 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Deccan Traps
- High-resolution modeling of overland flow and sediment transport following wildfire: Insights into initiation mechanisms and sediment sources for runoff-generated debris flows
- High-resolution seismic imaging of the gas and gas hydrate system at Green Canyon 955 in the Gulf of Mexico
- Holocene primary productivity and the atmosphere/ocean linkage in the Gulf of Alaska
- Holocene to Neogene tectonics in central Washington: assessing seismic hazards from the geomorphic, geologic, and paleoseismic record of the Yakima Folds
- Hydrologic and Geomorphic Changes Resulting from the Onset of Episodic Glacial Lake Outburst Floods: Colonia River, Chile
- Hydrologic modeling for monitoring water availability in Africa and the Middle East
- Identifying Water on Mt. Baker and Mt. St. Helens, WA with Geophysics: Implications for Volcanic Landslide Hazards
- Impact of Climate Variability on the Hydrogeochemistry of Ecologically Important Prairie Wetlands and Lakes
- Improving Streamflow Simulation in Gaged and Ungaged Areas Using a Multi-Model Synthesis Combined with Remotely-Sensed Data and Estimates of Uncertainty
- Incorporating Medium-Range Weather Forecasts in Seasonal Crop Scenarios over the Greater Horn of Africa to Support National/Regional/Local Decision Makers
- Incorporating Orographic Effects on Precipitation into Downscaled GCM Output
- Integrated Geophysical Characteristics of the 2015 Illapel, Chile, Earthquake
- Integrating Near-Real Time Hydrologic-Response Monitoring and Modeling for Improved Assessments of Slope Stability Along the Coastal Bluffs of the Puget Sound Rail Corridor, Washington State
- International Aftershock Forecasting: Lessons from the Gorkha Earthquake
- Isotopes in Rocky Mountain Snowpack 1993-2014
- Joint interpretation of seismic tomography and new magnetotelluric results provide evidence for support of high topography in the Southern Rocky Mountains and High Plains of eastern Colorado, USA
- Land Surface Modeling Applications for Famine Early Warning
- Landscape Soil Respiration Fluxes are Related to Leaf Area Index, Stand Height and Density, and Soil Nitrogen in Rocky Mountain Subalpine Forests
- Landslide distribution resulting from the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake sequence
- Late Holocene Paleoseismic History and Segmentation of the Central Wasatch Fault Zone, Utah, USA
- Lessons from geothermal gases at Yellowstone
- Listening to debris flows: What can ground vibrations tell us about debris-flow entrainment and flow density?
- Magnetic Fabric Associated with Faulting of Poorly Consolidated Basin Sediments of the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico, USA
- Magnetic subdomains of the High Arctic Magnetic High - Speculations and implications for understanding of the High Arctic Large Igneous Province and related tectonics.
- Magnetotelluric Investigation of Melt Storage Beneath Okmok Caldera, Alaska
- Magnetotelluric imaging of the subducting slab in Cascadia with constraints from seismology
- Major, Trace, and Volatile (CO<SUB>2</SUB>, H<SUB>2</SUB>O, S, F, and Cl) Elements from 1000+ Hawaiian Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusions Reveal the Dynamics of Crustal Recycling
- Mapping the Influence of Prior Tectonism on Seismicity in the Central and Eastern US
- Mars Surface Mineralogic Diversity and Mineral Mixtures Mapping Using CRISM Data and the Tetracorder Spectral Mapping System
- Megathrust Slip Varied During Past Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquakes at Siletz Bay, Central Oregon
- Mercury Methylation in Alaskan Peatlands Spanning a Large Range of Trophic Structure
- Messinian Onset of Central Anatolian Plateau and Tauride Mountain Uplift as Evidenced by the Formation of an Orographic Barrier
- Metrologically-Calibrated <SUP>40</SUP>Ar Concentrations and Ages of Mineral Standards Used in <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Geochronology
- Misbheaving Faults: The Expanding Role of Geodetic Imaging in Unraveling Unexpected Fault Slip Behavior
- Mobilization of Aquatic Carbon from Permafrost: Tracking the Ancient Carbon Signal.
- Model structural uncertainty quantification and hydrogeophysical data integration using airborne electromagnetic data
- Modeling Regional Climate Responses to 17<SUP>th</SUP>-20<SUP>th</SUP> Century Land Use Change over the Southeastern United States
- Multi-channel Linear Array Seismic Interferometry: Insights on Passive Seismic Imaging of the Upper 1 km in an Urban Area
- New Methods for Gas Hydrate Energy and Climate Studies
- New Views of East Antarctica- from Columbia to Gondwana
- North American Rocky Mountain Hydroclimate: Holocene patterns and variability at multi-decadal to millennial time scales
- Observations and Impacts of Permafrost Thaw in the Lower Yukon River Basin and Yukon Delta Region: the Importance of Local Knowledge
- On the Log-Normality of Historical Magnetic-Storm Intensity Statistics: Implications for Extreme-Event Probabilities
- Organic Characteristics of High Sierra Nevada Snowfall during the Winter of 2014
- Oxidation of naturally reduced uranium in aquifer sediments by dissolved oxygen and its potential significance to uranium plume persistence
- Physical Thresholds as Ecological Proxies in Aquatic Ecosystems
- Pleistocene Indian Monsoon rainfall variability dominated by obliquity
- Predicting Strong Ground-Motion Seismograms for Magnitude 9 Cascadia Earthquakes Using 3D Simulations with High Stress Drop Sub-Events
- Predicting future, post-fire erosion and sedimentation with watershed models in the western USA
- Prediction of regional flow duration curves: geostatistical techniques versus multivariate regression
- Preferential and diffuse high-volume flow through an interbedded fractured-rock unsaturated zone
- Preliminary Shear Velocity Tomography of Mt St Helens, Washington from iMUSH Array
- Quantifying Amount and Variability of Cloud Water Inputs Using Active-Strand Collector, Ceilometer, Dewpoint, and Photographic Measurements
- Quantifying Uncertainties of Seasonal and Regional Evapotranspiration Estimates from Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance Model in the Contiguous USA
- Quantifying uranium transport rates and storage of fluvially eroded mine tailings from a historic mine site in the Grand Canyon Region
- Removal of terrestrial dissolved organic carbon in aquatic ecosystems of a temperate river network.
- River Suspended Sediment and Particulate Organic Carbon Transport in Two Montane Catchments in the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory of Puerto Rico over 25 years: 1989 to 2014
- Role of the bottom sediments immediately beneath the lake water-groundwater interface in the transport and removal of cyanobacteria, cyanophage, and dissolved organic carbon during natural lake-bank filtration at a kettle pond subject to harmful algal blooms
- S-wave tomographic model of the Sierra Nevada, California: Constraining thermal and compositional effects through Vp/Vs, anisotropy, and attenuation
- Secular Variation in the Storage and Dissipation of Elastic Strain Energy Along the Central Altyn Tagh Fault (86-88.5°E), NW China
- Sediment Dynamics Affecting the Threatened Santa Ana Sucker in the Highly-modified Santa Ana River and Inset Channel, Southern California, USA
- Seismicity-based rate forecast for induced earthquakes in the central U.S.
- Sensitivity analysis of channel-bend hydraulics influenced by vegetation
- Sensitivity of streamflow to climate change in California
- Slab2 - Providing updated subduction zone geometries and modeling tools to the community
- Soil respiration patterns in root gaps 27 years after small scale experimental disturbance in Pinus contorta forests
- Source Mechanism of Tiny Long-Period Events at Mount St. Helens in July 2005
- Source Modeling of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Nepal (Gorkha) Earthquake Sequence and Geodynamic Implications
- Spatial Disaggregation of the 0.25-degree GLDAS Air Temperature Dataset to 30-arcsec Resolution
- Spatial Variation of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition and Estimated Critical Loads for Aquatic Ecosystems in the Greater Yellowstone Area
- Stalled Orogen Linked to East Antarctic Craton Assembly
- Subsurface Imaging at Mount St. Helens with a Large-N Geophone Array
- Surface Deformation Associated with the 1983 Borah Peak Earthquake Measured from Digital Surface Model Differencing
- Synchrony and Divergence in Stream Metabolism across the Continental United States
- The Alaska Land Carbon Assessment: Baseline and Projected Future Carbon Storage and Greenhouse-gas Fluxes in Ecosystems of Alaska
- The Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS) v2.0 Dataset: 35 year Quasi-Global Precipitation Estimates for Drought Monitoring
- The Effects of Long Term Nitrogen Fertilization on Soil Respiration in Rocky Mountain National Park
- The Role of Middle and Late Holocene North Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures on Precipitation Patterns in the Western United States
- The Spokane fault, Washington, Imaged with High-Resolution Airborne Magnetic Data—Implications for the 2001 Spokane Earthquake Sequence
- The current California drought through EDDI's eyes: early warning and monitoring of agricultural and hydrologic drought with the new Evaporative Demand Drought Index.
- The effect of organic and inorganic aqueous uranium speciation on U(VI) bioavailability to an aquatic invertebrate
- The last interglacial period at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and an estimate of late Quaternary tectonic uplift rate in a strike-slip regime
- Towards a better understanding of the sensitivity of permafrost and soil carbon to climate and disturbance-induced change in Alaska
- Traveling at the Speed of Light: Using Luminescence to Estimate Sediment Transport Rates
- Trends and Natural Variability of Spring Onset in the Coterminous United States as Evaluated by a New Gridded Dataset of Spring Indices
- U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earthquake Web Applications
- U.S. Seismic Design Maps Web Application
- Unsaturated zone carbon dioxide flux, mixing, and isotopic composition at the USGS Amargosa Desert Research Site
- Updating Hawaii Seismicity Catalogs with Systematic Relocations and Subspace Detectors
- Upland Reticulate Mottling Reveals Soil Biophysical Processes across Scales: Development of Structured Heterogeneity in a Marine Terrace Chronosequence
- Using Rapid-Response Scenario-Building Methodology for Climate Change Adaptation Planning
- Using the SPEI to Estimate Food Production in East Africa
- Utilizing hydrologic, statistical, and geochemical tools to assess uranium mobility in surface and near-surface environments
- Validation of the SOILWAT Hydrological Model for Ecosystems in the Central and Western United States
- Visual Display of Scientific Studies, Methods, and Results
- Volcano dome dynamics at Mount St. Helens: Deformation and intermittent subsidence monitored by seismicity and camera imagery pixel offsets
- Why did the Nepal Gorkha Earthquake Have so few Effects on Glacial Lakes?
- XML Storage for Magnetotelluric Transfer Functions: Towards a Comprehensive Online Reference Database
- <p>Putting everything together: rocks, trees, animals, and stuff to keep the lights on
- <p>Quantifying potential future impacts of energy resource development
- 2013 Flood Waters "Flush" Pharmaceuticals and other Contaminants of Emerging Concern into the Water and Sediment of the South Platte River, Colorado
- A Community Assessment Tool for Education Resources
- A Global Catalog of Calibrated Earthquake Locations
- A Long-term Forest Fertilization Experiment to Understand Ecosystem Responses to Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition
- A Molecular Investigation of Soil Organic Carbon Composition, Variability, and Spatial Distribution Across an Alpine Catchment
- A Revised Stress Map of the Conterminous United States and Causal Links Between 3-D Density Structure and Intraplate Seismicity
- A Spatiotemporal Clustering Model for the Third Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF3-ETAS) - Toward an Operational Earthquake Forecast
- A first look at the turnover dynamics of low molecular weight organic carbon in shallow and deep soils of coastal prairie grassland ecosystem.
- A framework for high-resolution global forecasts of the impacts of climatic and land use changes on Earth surface processes
- Advances and Limitations of Modern Macroseismic Data Gathering
- Advancing Integrated African Early Warning Science and Climate Services
- Aftershock Forecasting: Recent Developments and Lessons from the 2016 M5.8 Pawnee, Oklahoma, Earthquake
- An Isotopic Perspective into the Magmatic Evolution and Architecture of the Rift Zones of Kīlauea Volcano
- Annual Variation of Carbon Stable Isotope Ratio in Tree Rings of Riparian Cottonwood Over the Last 225 Years.
- Apparently spontaneous fracture of a granitic exfoliation dome: observations and monitoring
- Application of Earthquake Subspace Detectors at Kilauea and Mauna Loa Volcanoes, Hawai`i
- Assessing the Ecological and Geomorphic Context of Dam Removals in the United States
- Beyond clay - using selective extractions to improve predictions of soil carbon content
- Building Partnerships to Address Community Geoscience Priorities: A Brief History of the Thriving Earth Exchange (TEX) Model and its Evolution
- Burned areas for the conterminous U.S. from 1984 through 2015, an automated approach using dense time-series of Landsat data
- Calibration of Deterministic Streamflow Models in Ungaged Basins Using Statistically-Derived At-Site Streamflow Simulations
- Characterizing AirSWOT water elevation accuracy on the Willamette River
- Characterizing Variability in Long Period Horizontal Tilt Noise Through Coherence Analysis
- Climate change will restrict ponderosa pine forest regeneration in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century in absence of disturbance
- Climatic Events and Historical Disturbances Control Acute and Chronic Water-Quality Impairment After Wildfire
- Combining slope stability and groundwater flow models to assess stratovolcano collapse hazard
- Components of Complex Non-crystalline Mineralogy Contribute Differently to Soil Carbon Storage and Turnover
- Concepts and Challenges in Disturbance Hydrology
- Correlation between Strain Rate and Seismicity and Its Implication for Earthquake Rupture Potential in California and Nevada
- Critical Loads of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition for Aquatic Ecosystems in Yosemite and Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
- Cross-Linkage of Multiple Criteria to Enhance the Selection, Applicability, and Use of Biogeographic Occurrence Data
- Data and software release in the USGS, assessing research output and impact
- Defining Drought Characteristics for Natural Resource Management
- Depositional and Structural Controls on the Evolution of the Gas Hydrate Petroleum System in Green Canyon 955, Gulf of Mexico
- Deterministic estimate of hypocentral pore fluid pressure of the M5.8 Pawnee, Oklahoma earthquake: Lower pre-injection pressure requires lower resultant pressure for slip
- Developing Benchmarks for Solar Radio Bursts
- Developing Methods for Fraction Cover Estimation Toward Global Mapping of Ecosystem Composition
- Developing a Survey Instrument for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Data Management Training Materials
- Development of Monthly Water Budget Estimates for the CONUS and Application to the Mississippi Alluvial Plain
- Development of regional spherical coordinate electromagnetic forward modeling with non-uniform sources
- Dissolved Organic Matter Composition in Waters Draining Permafrost Landscapes - a Circumpolar Synthesis
- Do Downscaled General Circulation Models Reliably Simulate Current Climatic Conditions?
- Drought-induced recharge promotes long-term storage of salinity beneath a prairie wetland
- Dust contributes an important flux of iron to Gulf of Alaska surface waters beyond the shelf break, while shelf sediments and glacial meltwater drive Fe supply over the northern Gulf of Alaska shelf
- Early Afterslip of the 2015 M<SUB>w</SUB>8.2 Illapel, Chile Megathrust Earthquake: Overlapping Slip Regions Challenge the Fixed Asperity Model
- Early Warning of El Nino Impacts on Food Security
- Earth Observations for Early Detection of Agricultural Drought: Contributions of the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET)
- Earthcasting the Evolution of Riparian Landscapes
- Effective Collaboration Between Scientists and Local Governments to Improve Scientific Communication for Public Safety in Dallas and Irving, Texas
- Effects of Climate Phasing, Soil-Moisture Storage Capacity, and Snow Accumulation on Budyko Diagram Relations
- Effects of Packstock Use and Backpackers on Water Quality in Yosemite National Park, California
- Effects of weather on the abundance and distribution on populations of 103 breeding bird species across the United States
- Electrical conductivity of the Cascadia subduction zone and implications for the plate interface
- Electromagnetic signals due to ocean tides: Multiscale Forward Modelling in Spherical Coordinates
- Electromagnetically Inferred Structure of the Caja del Rio Plateau, New Mexico
- Ensembles of 21st Century Colorado River Flow Projections Exhibit Substantial Diversity in Response to Seasonal Hydroclimatic Scenarios
- Eruption History and Geochemical Evolution of Servilleta Basalt Along the Rio Grande Gorge, Colorado and New Mexico
- Estimating Achievable Accuracy for Global Imaging Spectroscopy Measurement of Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation Cover
- Estimating pothole wetland connectivity to Pipestem Creek, North Dakota: an isotopic approach
- Evaluating Luminescence as a Means to Understand Controls on Sediment Transport
- Evaluating Snow-depletion Curve Refinements in Selected Watersheds Across the Continental United States
- Examining the impact of landslide disturbances on hydrologic response dynamics using a paired hillslope approach: Implications for landslide hazard persistence
- Extensional Volcanism of the Taos Plateau Volcanic Field, Northern Rio Grande Rift, USA: New Insights from Geologic Mapping, <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Geochronology, Geochemistry and Geophysical Modeling
- Field Study to Assess the Effects of Trace Concentrations of the Common Antibiotic Sulfamethoxazole on the Attached Bacterial Community Inhabiting a Sandy, Drinking-Water Aquifer in Cape Cod, Massachusetts USA.
- Frequency-area distribution of earthquake-induced landslides
- Generating Southern Africa Precipitation Forecast Using the FEWS Engine, a New Application for the Google Earth Engine
- Geophysical Observations Indicating Mechanisms that Caused the 1946 Unimak Tsunamis
- Geophysical imaging of a vapor dominated hydrothermal system in Yellowstone National Park, USA
- Get People Talking: Sharing Tsunami Science Beyond the Web
- Ground motions from induced earthquakes in Oklahoma and Kansas and the implications for seismic hazard
- Helium as a Tracer for Fluids Released from Juan de Fuca Lithosphere Beneath the Cascadia Forearc
- High Temporal Resolution Data Illuminates Seasonal Controls on Dissolved Organic Matter Export from a Large Watershed
- History of Recent Surface-Rupturing Earthquakes on the Burbank fault, Yakima Folds, Central Washington
- Holocene Earthquakes of Magnitude 7 During Westward Escape of the Olympic Mountains, Washington
- Hydrologic Systems in Transition - Historical Observations and Modeling of Subsurface Flow in Discontinuous Permafrost Basins
- Identifying Alteration and Water on MT. Baker, WA with Geophysics: Implications for Volcanic Landslide Hazards
- Improved Lg attenuations maps in the central U.S.-Rocky Mountain transition zone: New insight from induced seismicity in Oklahoma, Kansas, and the Raton Basin
- In Situ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Response of Permafrost and Active Layer in Boreal and Tundra Ecosystems
- Increasing aeolian dust deposition to snowpacks in the Rocky Mountains inferred from snowpack, wet deposition, and aerosol chemistry
- Independent validation of the USGS Landsat Burned Area Essential Climate Variable (1984-2015) across the conterminous U.S.
- Inland Waters and the North American Carbon Cycle
- Integrating Statistical and Expert Knowledge to Develop Phenoregions for the Continental United States
- Integrating wetland connectivity into models for watershed-scale analyses: Current and future approaches
- Inter-annual Variability in Snow Accumulation using Ground-Penetrating Radar on Wolverine and Gulkana glaciers, Alaska: Implications for Glacier Mass Balance Modeling
- Interactive modeling of permafrost in Alaska
- Iron Oxide Minerals in Dust: New Insights from Magnetism, Spectroscopy, and Microscopy
- Irregular Layering at mid-depths in two Antarctic Ice Cores
- Landsat based historical (1984-2014) crop water use estimates and trends in the Southwestern United States
- Levee Presence and Wetland Areas within the 100-Year Floodplain of the Wabash Basin
- Limiting the Effects of Earthquake Shaking on Gravitational-Wave Interferometers
- Locating complex geological source positions using eigenvector analysis on gravity gradient full-tensor data
- Long-Period Power Spectral Density Technique Comparisons
- Long-Term Increases in Yukon River Water Chemistry as Indicators of Changing Flowpaths, Groundwater, and Permafrost
- Magmatic plumbing system of Kilauea Volcano: Insights from Petrologic and Geochemical Monitoring
- Magnetotelluric imaging of lithospheric modification due to late Cenozoic extension in the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico, USA
- Making USGS Science Data more Open, Accessible, and Usable: Leveraging ScienceBase for Success
- Mapping Fuel Loads and Dynamics in Rangelands Using Multi-Sensor Data in the Great Basin, USA
- Mapping deep aquifer salinity trends in the southern San Joaquin Valley using borehole geophysical data constrained by chemical analyses
- Mapping process and age of Quaternary deposits on Santa Rosa Island, Channel Islands National Park, California
- Measuring the impact of an API-first mentality with ScienceBase after 4.5 years
- Melting under Central Anatolia, Turkey: Hot, Young, Shallow
- Metal cycling within mountain pine beetle impacted watersheds of Keystone Gulch, Colorado
- Methodology for Time-Domain Estimation of Storm-Time Electric Fields Using the 3D Earth Impedance
- Modeling the Variability and Importance of Snow Sublimation in the North-Central Colorado Rocky Mountains
- Monitoring and Forecasting Reference Evapotranspiration for Food Security Assessments
- Normal Faulting, Fluid Upflow Pathways, and Alteration in the Subsurface of a Seafloor Ultramafic-Hosted Hydrothermal System, northern Apennines, Italy
- Novel views of the lithospheric magnetic field for hazard mitigation, tectonics, and geology
- Optimization of a Thermodynamic Model Using a Dakota Toolbox Interface
- Patterns and controls of methane fluxes across permafrost and ice-wedge degradation wetland chronosequences in Arctic and boreal Alaska
- Permafrost in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska: a case for a holistic and integrated view of permafrost degradation
- Populating the Advanced National Seismic System Comprehensive Earthquake Catalog
- Quantifying exchange between groundwater and surface water in rarely measured organic sediments
- Radiocarbon and uranium isotopes in surface waters reveal enhanced hydrologic connection with permafrost thaw
- Raman microspectroscopy for in situ examination of carbon-microbe-mineral interactions
- Rapid Field Response to the 3 September 2016 M5.8 Earthquake Near Pawnee, Oklahoma: Summary of Structural Damage and Liquefaction Observations
- Rapid Late Miocene surface uplift of the southern Anatolian plateau margin (Tauride Mountains, Turkey)
- Rapid changes in biogeochemical cycling across multiple scales in stream and river networks of the western Canadian Arctic
- Refined modeling of Seattle basin amplification
- Regional Analysis of the Effects of Oil and Gas Development on Groundwater Resources in California
- Regional-scale Controls on Dissolved Nitrous Oxide in the Upper Mississippi River
- Representation of diffusion controlled carbon stabilization in reactive transport models
- Reproducibility and Repeatability of Site-noise and Instrument Self-noise from Multiple Installations of Broadband Seismometers
- Residence time revisited: The role of radiocarbon in reactive transport modeling
- Revealing the crustal architecture of the least understood composite craton on Earth: East Antarctica
- Role of structural and functional connectivity in wetland ecogeomorphic feedbacks
- Rupture process of the Milan, Kansas Earthquake of November 12, 2014 (M4.9) and Its Relationship to Fluid Injection
- Science Resulting from U.S. Geological Survey's "Did You Feel It?" Citizen Science Portal
- Seasonal trends with depth for inorganic constituents within the Hells Canyon Complex of Reservoirs, Idaho
- Sedimentary and diatom evidence of the 2015 tsunami on the north-central coast of Chile in the absence of significant coastal deformation
- Seismic Hazard in a Hybrid Thin-skinned/Thick-skinned Orogenic Wedge: Insight from the Puli Topographic Embayment, Western Taiwan.
- Seismic interferometry of the Bighorn Mountains: Using virtual source gathers to increase fold in sparse-source, dense-receiver data
- Seven years of dynamic snowpack CO<SUB>2 </SUB>profiles, fluxes, and winter soil respiration in a mortality-impacted subalpine forest
- Shifts in Geochemical Parameters and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes following Insect-Induced Tree Mortality
- Simulated responses of ecosystem net primary productivity to climate and atmospheric changes in recent decades for the conterminous U.S.
- Simulation of Theoretical Most-Extreme Geomagnetic Sudden Commencements
- Slab2 - Updated subduction zone geometries and modeling tools
- Slope stability in the critical zone: The relative influence of long vs. short-time scale soil and vegetation properties on debris-flow initiation during a catastrophic rainfall.
- Smoothed Seismicity Models for the 2016 Italian Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Map
- Source characteristics of the Fairview, OK, earthquake sequence and its relationship to industrial activities
- Source characteristics of the September 3<SUP>rd</SUP>, 2016, Pawnee earthquake as compared to other moderate Oklahoma events
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil Respiration Fluxes from Alpine and Subalpine Soils in the East River Watershed, Colorado
- Statistical Maps of Ground Magnetic Disturbance Derived from Global Geospace Models
- Stochastic post-processing of a regionalized monthly water balance model for the conterminous United States
- Strengthening Agricultural Decisions in Countries at Risk of Food Insecurity: The GEOGLAM Crop Monitor for Early Warning
- Structure of high latitude currents in magnetosphere-ionosphere models
- Summary of Paleotsunami Investigations in Aliomanu, Anahola, Kauai
- Surface NMR imaging with simultaneously energized transmission loops
- Surface-Air Mercury Fluxes Across Western North America: A Synthesis of Spatial Trends and Controlling Variables.
- Tectonic Implications of Changes in the Paleogene Paleodrainage Network in the West-Central Part of the San Luis Basin, Northern Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico and Colorado, USA
- The 2008 Wells, Nevada Earthquake Sequence: Application of Subspace Detection and Multiple Event Relocation Techniques
- The Central Anatolian Volcanic Province: Geochronological Constraints on the Spatiotemporal Evolution of Volcanism and Links to Tectonic Processes
- The Everglades flow release experiments: A field test of multi-scale ecogeomorphic feedbacks
- The Role of Alpine Wetlands as Hot Spots of Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes in the East River, Colorado
- The Role of Climatic Conditions in Controlling Observed Variability of Timing and Peak Discharge of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods: Lago Cachet Dos, Chile
- The Soil Carbon Paradigm Shift: Triangulating Theories, Measurements, and Models
- The Southern Washington Cascades magmatic system imaged with magnetotellurics
- The ecophysiological response to interglacial warming in the Rocky Mountains
- The effects of dust on Colorado mountain snow cover albedo and compositional links to dust-source areas
- The hydrologic interface between soil carbon and subsurface weathering: Insights from the East River Scientific Focus Area and Eel River Critical Zone Observatory
- The solar eruptive event in July 2012: Examining extreme space weather scenarios
- Three-dimensional magnetotelluric imaging of Cascadia subduction zone from an amphibious array
- Towards an Analytical Model for the Seismic Signal Generated by Debris Flows
- U.S. Geological Survey Science at the Intersection of Health and Environment
- USGS Science Data Life Cycle Tools - Lessons Learned in moving to the Cloud
- Uncertainty in Flow and Sediment Projections in the Mekong River Basin Dominated by Land Use Conversions
- Update of the USGS 2016 One-year Seismic Hazard Forecast for the Central and Eastern United States From Induced and Natural Earthquakes
- Using FOSM-Based Data Worth Analyses to Design Geophysical Surveys to Reduce Uncertainty in a Regional Groundwater Model Update
- Using Imaging Spectroscopy to Map Changing Distributions of Dominant Species in Oil-Contaminated Salt Marshes of Louisiana
- Using Spatial Subsidies to Account for Telecoupling in the Ecosystem Services of Transboundary Migratory Species in North America
- Using Structure-from-Motion to Quantify Sediment Accumulation and Bedrock Erosion in a Debris-Flow Dominated Channel
- Using ambient seismic-noise to identify shallow interfaces important for assessing ecological groundwater flow dynamics
- Variability in lateral carbon export from four major tributaries in the Upper Mississippi River Basin
- Variation in river-floodplain connectivity along hydrogeomorphic and hydroclimatic gradients at the continental scale
- Variation in the Apparent Biosynthetic Fractionation for N-alkane δD Among Terrestrial Plants: Patterns, Mechanisms, and Implications
- Wetlands sediment record from the upper Yarlung Tsangpo valley, southwest Tibetan Plateau, reveals mid-Holocene Epipaleolithic human occupation coincident with increased early and mid-Holocene wetness driven by enhanced Indian Monsoon rainfall
- What role does evaporative demand play in driving drought in Africa?
- 3-D Simulation of Earthquakes on the Cascadia Megathrust: Key Parameters and Constraints from Offshore Structure and Seismicity
- 3D Dynamic Rupture Simulations along Dipping Faults, with a focus on the Wasatch Fault Zone, Utah
- 3D Ground-Motion Simulations for Magnitude 9 Earthquakes on the Cascadia Megathrust: Sedimentary Basin Amplification, Rupture Directivity, and Ground-Motion Variability
- A "high severity" spruce beetle outbreak in Wyoming causes moderate-severity carbon cycle perturbations
- A numerical modeling investigation of erosion and debris flows following the 2016 Fish Fire in the San Gabriel Mountains, CA, USA
- ADMAP-2: The second generation Antarctic crustal magnetic anomaly map.
- Active Layer and Water Geochemistry Dynamics throughout the Yukon River Basin
- Alluvial Mountain Meadow Source-Sink Dynamics: Land-Cover Effects on Water and Fluvial Carbon Export
- An Introspective Critique of Past, Present, and Future USGS Decision Support
- Assessing Variability and Errors in Historical Runoff Forecasting with Physical Models and Alternative Data Sources
- Assessing the Influence of Copper-Nickel-Bearing Bedrock on Baseline Water Quality in Filson Creek Watershed, Northeast Minnesota
- Building a USGS National Crustal Model: Theoretical foundation, inputs, and calibration for the Western United States
- Calculating realistic voltages across the US power grid utilizing measured impedances and magnetic fields
- Carbon Fluxes and Transport Along the Terrestrial Aquatic Continuum
- Carbonate clumped isotopes and in situ temperature monitoring for Holocene soils in the San Luis Valley, USA indicate springtime carbonate formation
- Changes in the relation between snow station observations and basin scale snow water resources
- Characterizing the Surface Connectivity of Depressional Wetlands: Linking Remote Sensing and Hydrologic Modeling Approaches
- Climate Change Transforms Fire Regimes but Does not Eliminate Forest Carbon Sequestration in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
- Climate controls on streamflow variability in the Missouri River Basin
- Comparing Three-Dimensional Geophysical Models of Mount St. Helens
- Concentration and age of DOC transported from thawing permafrost soils into Arctic headwater streams
- Crustal inheritance and arc magmatism: Magnetotelluric constraints from the Washington Cascades on top-down control
- Cycling of modern autochthonous organic matter dominates carbon flow in lakes of north central Alaska
- Designing and Implementing a Retrospective Earthquake Detection Framework at the U.S. Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center
- Detecting Isotopic Signatures and Measuring Isotopic Ratios on Solid Icy Surfaces:Implications for Origin and Evolution
- Determining timing of Alaska Range exhumation and glaciation through cosmogenic nuclide burial dating.
- Detrital zircon U-Pb Geochronology of the Boleo Formation of Santa RosalÍa Basin, Baja California Sur, México
- Development of new geomagnetic storm ground response scaling factors for utilization in hazard assessments
- Distributions of high-velocity lower crust and seismic anisotropy across the continental U.S.: Integration of seismic, xenolith, and surface geologic data to address lithospheric dynamics and history
- Do I Really Sound Like That? Communicating Earthquake Science Following Significant Earthquakes at the NEIC
- Does Geology Matter? Post-Hurricane Maria Landslide Distribution Across the Mountainous Regions of Puerto Rico, USA
- EarthCube Data Discovery Hub: Enhancing, Curating and Finding Data across Multiple Geoscience Data Sources.
- Earthquake Potential in California-Nevada Implied by Correlation of Strain Rate and Seismicity
- Effect of Mineralogy on Dissolution and Speciation of Iron Containing Mineral Oxides in Atmospheric Aerosol Dust
- Effects of Thermal Variability on Broadband Seismometers: Controlled Experiments, Observations, and Implications
- Effects of the Atmosphere-Ocean Climate Oscillations on Missouri River Basin River Flows
- Electrical Resistivity Structure of the Valles Caldera, New Mexico, USA: Results From 3D Inversion of Modern and Legacy Magnetotelluric Data Collected by Industry and the Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE).
- Evaluating permafrost thaw vulnerabilities and hydrologic impacts in boreal Alaska (USA) watersheds using field data and cryohydrogeologic modeling
- Evaluation of W Phase CMT Based PTWC Real-Time Tsunami Forecast Model Using DART Observations: Events of the Last Decade
- Evidence That Recent Warming Is Reducing Upper Colorado River Streamflow
- Exploring the utility of real-time hydrologic data for landslide early warning
- Expression of Aleutian Low variations by a proxy record of precipitation oxygen isotopes in the Matanuska-Susitna region on Cook Inlet, south central Alaska
- Expression of Geochemical Controls on Water Quality in Loch Vale, Rocky Mountain National Park
- Extreme-event geoelectric hazard maps
- Fire, Climate, and Human Activity: A Combustive Combination
- Geoelectric field estimation and power-line integration using a 3D electrical conductivity model of the United States
- Geophysical mapping of deep permafrost change after disturbance
- Grenvillian vs Pan-African tectonic evolution in the Gamburtsev Province of East Antarctica
- Ground motions from induced earthquakes in Oklahoma and Kansas: influence of local crustal structure
- High-resolution Insights into Carbon Cycling in the Upper Mississippi and Lower Columbia River
- Hydrothermal Upflow, Serpentinization and Talc Alteration Associated with a High Angle Normal Fault Cutting an Oceanic Detachment, Northern Apennines, Italy
- Identification of Error Terms in Regional Water Budgets
- Imaging basement faults in north-central Oklahoma with new airborne magnetic and ground gravity data, and implications for induced seismicity
- Imaging the Magmatic System of Erebus Volcano, Antarctica using the Magnetotelluric Method
- Improved Management of Water and Natural Resources Requires Open, Cognizant, Adaptive Science and Policy
- India National Gas Hydrate Program Expedition 02 Technical Contributions
- Induction Hazard Assessment: The Variability of Geoelectric Responses During Geomagnetic Storms Within Common Hazard Zones
- Inferring rupture characteristics using new databases for 3D slab geometry and earthquake rupture models
- Integrating understanding of biophysical processes governing larval fish dispersal with basin-scale management decisions: lessons from the Missouri River, USA
- Interannual variability of dust-mass loading and composition of dust deposited on snow cover in the San Juan Mountains, CO, USA: Insights into effects on snow melt
- Late Quaternary Surface Displacement Across a Normal-Fault Structural Boundary on the Northern Lost River Fault Zone (Idaho, USA)
- Lateral carbon export in the Mississippi River Basin, integrating fluxes from the headwaters to the Gulf of Mexico
- Long-term effects of fire and harvest on carbon stocks of boreal forests in northeastern China
- Mantle to Surface Dynamics Across Subduction-Collision Transitions in Space and Time: Results from the CD-CAT Project in Anatolia
- Mapping Earth's electromagnetic dimensionality
- Measuring Dust Emission from the Mojave Desert (USA) by Daily Remote-Camera Observations and Wind-Erosion Measurements: Bearing on "Unseen" Sources and Global Dust Abundance
- Merging Methods to Manage Uncertainty: Combining Simulation Modeling and Scenario Planning to Inform Resource Management Under Climate Change
- Methane Emissions from the Inland Waters of Alaska
- Monitoring burned and unburned hillslopes from North Carolina to southern California: insights into hydrologic and geomorphic controls on disturbance-recovery cycles
- Multi-scale, multi-method geophysical investigations of the Valles Caldera
- National Earthquake Information Center Seismic Event Detections on Multiple Scales
- New insights on co- and post-seismic deformation and slip behavior associated with the Mw7.8 2016 Pedernales, Ecuador earthquake and its aftershock sequence
- Nitrogen Assessment in the Nooksack-Abbotsford-Sumas Transboundary Watershed
- Noble Gas Isotope Evidence for Mantle Volatiles in the Cu-Mo Porphyry and Main Stage Polymetallic Veins at Butte, Montana
- Off-Axis Seamount Lavas at 8°20' N Span the Entire Range of East Pacific Rise MORB Compositions
- Optical Remote Sensing Algorithm Validation using High-Frequency Underway Biogeochemical Measurements in Three Large Global River Systems
- Performance of USGS one-year earthquake hazard map for natural and induced seismicity in the central and eastern United States
- Permafrost stores a globally significant amount of mercury
- Physical and Hydraulic Properties at Recently Burned and Long-Unburned Boreal Forest Areas in Interior Alaska, USA
- Plumbing the depths of Yellowstone's hydrothermal system from helicopter magnetic and electromagnetic data
- Post-fire Water Quality Response and Associated Physical Drivers
- Preliminary Results from an Integrated Airborne EM and Aeromagnetic Survey in Yellowstone National Park
- Preliminary three-dimensional geohydrologic framework of the San Antonio Creek Groundwater Basin, Santa Barbara County, California
- Preservation Benefits Geoscientific Investigations Across the Nation
- Progress and limitations on quantifying nutrient and carbon loading to coastal waters
- Rainfall influence on styles of mass movement
- Reciprocal interactions between fluvial processes and riparian plants at multiple scales: ecogeomorphic feedbacks drive coevolution of floodplain morphology and vegetation communities
- Revealing buried craters in the Martian polar layered deposits using three-dimensional radar imaging
- Runoff sensitivity to snowmelt process representation for the conterminous United States
- Seasonal, Spatial, and Long-term Variability of Fine Mineral Dust in the United States
- Seismic Characterization of the Terrebonne Mini-basin, a Hydrate Rich Depositional System in the Gulf of Mexico
- Seismic Hazard Analysis on a Complex, Interconnected Fault Network
- Slab2 - Updated Subduction Zone Geometries and Modeling Tools
- Snow Melt Chemistry: Major and Trace Cation Contributions to Downstream Systems from the Llewellyn and Matthes Glaciers, Juneau Icefield
- Space Weather Action Plan Solar Radio Burst Phase 1 Benchmarks and the Steps to Phase 2
- Spatial relationships of levees and wetland systems within floodplains of the Wabash Basin, USA
- Spatial variability in the response of surface-water extent to climate extremes across the Prairie Pothole Region and adjacent Northern Prairie, United States
- Spatiotemporal Analysis of the Foreshock-Mainshock-Aftershock Sequence of the 6 July 2017 M5.8 Lincoln, Montana Earthquake
- Statistical Maps of Ground Magnetic Disturbance Derived from Global Geospace Models
- Storm Runoff and Seasonal Dissolved Carbon Flow Dynamics Across Watershed Scales in the Discontinuous Permafrost Zone, Alaska
- Structural Mapping Along the Central San Andreas Fault-zone Using Airborne Electromagnetics
- Surface Water Geochemistry, Sediment, and Field Parameters During Snowmelt and Monsoons in the New Mexico Reach of the Animas and San Juan Rivers, 2016
- Systematic Observations of the Slip-pulse Properties of Large Earthquake Ruptures
- Tethyan Anhydrite Preserved in the Lower Ocean Crust of the Samail Ophiolite? Evidence from Oman Drilling Project Holes GT1A and 2A
- The 2015 Gorkha Earthquake and the Structure of a Himalayan Intracontinental Subduction Channel From Geodesy, Seismicity, and Seismic Imaging
- The Indigenous Observation Network: Collaborative, Community-Based Monitoring in the Yukon River Basin
- The Indigenous Phenology Network: Engage, Observe, and Adapt to Change
- The Influence of Geography and Geology on Seismic Background Noise Levels Across the United States as Revealed by the Transportable Array
- The Recent History of the Composition of Fine Particulate Matter in the Rural United States
- The Spatial and Seasonal Variability of Coarse Aerosol Mass at Remote Sites across the United States
- The Value of Long-Term Research at the Five USGS WEBB Catchments
- The importance of groundwater to the seasonal variation in nutrients and eulittoral periphyton biomass in the ultra-oligotrophic Lake Tahoe
- The role of mountain precipitation as a drought buffer in Puerto Rico: Assessing natural systems' resilience to change
- Theoretical Relationships between Luminescence and Hillslope Soil Vertical Diffusivity: a Numerical Modeling Approach
- Three decades of landscape change in Alaska documented using spatiotemporal analyses of remote sensing imagery
- Three-Dimensional Magnetotelluric Imaging of the Cascadia Subduction Zone with an Amphibious Array
- Using LIDAR to Monitor Post-Wildfire Hillslope Erosion
- Using Landsat-based evapotranspiration data to assess the linkages between water right transfers and economic transactions in southern California
- Using Network Analysis to Characterize Biogeographic Data in a Community Archive
- Vs30 From Multi-Method Site Characterization Approach at Seismograph Locations in the Fairview, Oklahoma Region
- Water and Proppant Requirements and Water Production Associated with Undiscovered Petroleum in the Bakken and Three Forks Formations, North Dakota and Montana, USA
- Water resources management: Hydrologic characterization through hydrograph simulation may bias streamflow statistics
- Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Berry Outlook: Co-Producing Knowledge to Better Understand Changing Resources.
- "Hey Alexa, Open USGS Did You Feel It?" — Exploring voice-enabled technologies to improve the citizen-science earthquake reporting experience
- 'A tale of two cities': Nitrogen inventories in the Nooksack-Fraser Transboundary Watershed
- 2018 Update of the National Seismic Hazard Models for the United States
- A "Typical" Landslide Distribution from Above-Average Winter Storms in the San Francisco Bay Area: a New Landslide Inventory from the East Bay Region
- A New Approach for Collecting Groundwater Age Data from Stream-Side Bedrock Discharge
- A Voyage into Central Colorado Crust: Linking Seismic Anisotropy and Surface Geology
- A high carbon content of the Hawaiian mantle from olivine-hosted melt inclusions
- A multi-source approach to characterize inundation and connectivity across forested wetlands
- A new methodology for conducting a geoenvironmental assessment of undiscovered uranium resources in the United States
- A physically-based approach for estimating post-wildfire debris flow initiation thresholds
- A probabilistic physical interpretation of luminescence in soils with applications to sediment tracing and soil mixing.
- A stratigraphic and microfossil record of tsunami deposits and coseismic land-level changes from Old Harbor, central Kodiak Island, Alaska
- AIMBAT: A Python3 Tool for Measuring Absolute and Relative Timing of Similar Waveforms
- Achieving High Quality Data in Community-Based Water Quality Monitoring: Fulfilling Community & Scientific Objectives
- Active tectonics of the NW Zagros reevaluated in light of the 2017 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.3 Ezgeleh-Sarpolzahab earthquake
- Advanced Ground Motion Characterization in ShakeMap Modeling Energy-Related Ground Motion Parameters
- Advanced Simulation Capabilities to Explore Pre-and-Post Fire Surface water-Groundwater Interactions after the 2017 California Wine-Country Fires
- Advances in SSEBop Evapotranspiration Modeling within a Cloud Computing Environment for Large Area Water Use Mapping
- Airborne and ground geophysical data used to image rare earth element bearing iron-oxide apatite deposits in the eastern Adirondacks, New York
- Airborne geophysical characterization of critical zone structure in a mountain headwater system, upper East River, Colorado
- An Efficient Bayesian Framework for Updating PAGER Loss Estimates
- An assessment of array types and processing algorithms for microtremor observations, via the COSMOS Blind Trials
- Analysis of the Magnetotelluric Profile Data from the Española Basin, New Mexico
- Antibacterial clays: From ancient uses to modern medicine
- Assessing Accuracy and Tradeoffs from Several Power Spectral Density Estimate Algorithms
- Biogeochemical Effects of Rising Atmospheric CO2 on Terrestrial and Ocean Systems
- Broadband Ground Motion and Variability from 3D Dynamic Rupture Simulations along the Wasatch Fault, Utah, incorporating both Stochastic Fault Roughness and Deterministic Long-wavelength Geometry
- CHARGED: Understanding the Physics of Extreme Geomagnetically Induced Currents
- Changes in Lake Water Chemistry During Transport Through Sediments and Recharge to Groundwater
- Characterizing Wind Noise and Spatial Variability on Near-Surface Broadband Seismometers
- Co-seismic Vertical Offset Retrieval From High-Resolution, Stereogrammetric DEMs: Examples from the 2013 Baluchistan, Pakistan Earthquake
- Comparisons of Urban and Remote Coarse Aerosol Mass across the United States
- Connecting volcanic and plutonic activity at the Platoro caldera complex, Southern Rocky Mountains Volcanic Field, Colorado
- Constraining Magma Storage at Okmok Volcano via Joint Interpretation of the Local Velocity and Resistivity Structure
- Coupling Groundwater Flow Modeling with Geophysical Mapping and Hydrologic Monitoring to Assess Water Availability in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain
- Cryohydrogeology - Is Groundwater a Catalyst for Arctic Change?
- Deriving a proxie for soil carbon turnover using field descriptions of soil development
- Developing Hydro-Meteorological Thresholds for Shallow Landslide Initiation and Early Warning
- Development of a Tightly Coupled Numerical Model for Arctic Coastal Erosion, Infrastructure Risk, and Evaluation of Associated Coastal Hazards
- Devising a framework to Couple Electromagnetic Geophysical Measurements with Reservoir Simulations to Monitor CO<SUB>2</SUB> Plume Movement
- Dilution and propagation of provenance trends recorded in detrital geochronology and geochemistry from central California (U.S.A.)
- Disaster Diplomacy Can Effectively Reduce International Natural Disaster Risk: A US Government Partnership Success Story
- Early Miocene Mafic Arc Volcanism of the Patagonian Andes Revealed with Detrital Multi-Chronometer and Trace Element Geochemistry from the Magallanes Basin 50-52°S
- Efficient and comprehensive hydrogeological characterization of remote stream corridors using drones
- Evaluating the hydrologic impact of an irrigation curtailment program using Landsat satellite data in the Upper Klamath Basin
- Evaluation of W Phase CMT based PTWC Real-Time Tsunami Forecast Model using DART observations: Events of the last Decade
- Evidence for dynamic relationship between faulting and Neogene-Quaternary volcanism in post-collisional Central Anatolia (Turkey): Implications for shallow slab subduction and rollback.
- Evolution of the Gamburtsev Province from arc accretion and collision to intraplate tectonics
- Evolution of the Polar Clouds and Global Mapping of the Surface Derived From the VIMS Archive of Titan
- Expanding the Stratigraphic Record of Tsunami Inundation Along the Semi-arid, Siliciclastic Coast of North-central Chile
- Extreme Fault Connectivity and What It Means for Seismic Hazard Models
- Field Camp for Astronauts: NASA's Geoscience Training Program for Planetary Exploration
- Fluvial Seismology: Using Seismograms to Infer Discharge, Bedload, and Other River Processes
- Forecasts of Induced Seismicity and its Hazard from a Hydromechanical Earthquake Nucleation Model
- Fostering Resource Integration: The EarthCube Resource Registry
- GeoBIPy - Geophysical Bayesian Inference in Python
- Geologic map of the Stillwater Range and Clan Alpine Mountains, Nevada: Voluminous Oligocene silicic calderas and plutons of the ignimbrite flareup in the western US Cordillera
- Geologic map of the southern Stillwater Range, western Nevada: Insights into the development of silicic calderas and plutons
- Geological Controls on Hydrothermal Systems: 3D Images of Yellowstone's Subsurface Plumbing from Airborne Electromagnetic Measurements
- Geometrical and frictional effects on incomplete rupture and shallow slip deficit in ramp-flat structures
- Geomorphic evidence of spatial and temporal changes of slip sense along a reverse fault: the Hoshab Fault of the Makran accretionary prism, southern Pakistan
- Global Seismographic Network Data Quality from Signal to Noise Measurements at Tidal Frequencies
- Greenhouse Gases from Intact Permafrost Nearing Collapse: A Result of Increased Microbial Activity?
- Hazard Analysis of Geomagnetically Induced Voltages Throughout the US Power Grid
- Hydroclimatology of the Mississippi River Basin
- Hydrologic and biogeochemical significance of perennial thaw zones in degrading permafrost
- Hydrological interactions of biogeochemical and active layer dynamics within a large-scale heterogeneous permafrost environment, the Yukon River Basin.
- Identifying physics-based thresholds for rainfall-induced landsliding
- Improvement of reduced reactive nitrogen simulation over the western United State with implementation of bidirectional NH3 flux scheme into CAMx regional air-quality model
- Improving the resolution of very long-period seismic data for normal mode seismology
- Imputation of geomagnetic disturbance fields with non-linear regression based on synthetic data
- In search of a microbial indicator for "groundwater under the direct influence of surface water" (GWUDI): Results from studies of flow-through groundwater lakes (kettle ponds) in Cape Cod, Massachusetts
- Incorporating added value event detection data in the NEIC's real-time associator
- Insights into the collapse of Kīlauea caldera using seismicity and infrasound
- Integrating Satellite Evapotranspiration and Land Cover Distribution Maps to Assess the Spatiotemporal Impacts of Drought in Southwestern Colorado
- Interactive presentation of global volcanology and tectonic data sets for diverse audiences
- Interannual Variability of Dust-Mass Loading and Composition of Dust Deposited on Snow Cover in the San Juan Mountains, CO, USA: Insights into Effects on Snow Melt
- International collaboration for magnetotelluric data and model sharing and interoperability
- Investigating Lake-Area Dynamics across a Permafrost-Thaw Spectrum Using Airborne Electromagnetic Surveys and Remote Sensing Time-series Data
- Landslide Recurrence: Geomorphic and Hydrologic Feedback Cycles
- Lava flow hazard modeling and the assessment of effusion rates and topographic change with UAS and lidar during the 2018 Kīlauea lower East Rift Zone eruption
- Linking water transit times to catchment sensitivity to atmospheric deposition of nitrogen and acidity in mountains of the western United States
- Long-term Trends in Vadose Zone Gas Concentrations and Fluxes as Indicators of Changing Crude Oil Composition and Degradation Rates
- Longitudinal Patterns in Stream Stable Isotope Chemistry along a Snowmelt Driven Headwater Suggest Seasonally Dynamic Connectivity between Proximal Streamflow Generation Sources
- Magnetic-storm geoelectric hazard maps and the induction of voltages on power-grids
- Mapping REE-mineralogy using AVIRIS-NG hyperspectral data at the Mountain Pass Mine, California USA
- Mapping the hydrogeology of Smoke Jumper Hot Spring, Yellowstone Caldera with airborne geophysical data: Implications for understanding factors that control microbial biodiversity
- Measurement and interpretation of bubble number-density evolution through the upper 1200 meters of the SPC14 South Pole Ice Core (SPICEcore)
- Mineralogy, Abundance and Grain Sizes of Dust Source Regions Measured with Imaging Spectrometers
- Minimal destabilization of microbial necromass through a soil profile with wetting and drying
- Modeling post-wildfire hydrology and debris flow timing using a regionally generalizable approach
- Modified algorithm for GIC estimation using 3D Earth conductivity
- Monitoring Water and Ice Dynamics in Degrading Permafrost Using Ambient Seismic Noise
- NASA's Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation
- NOAA's Regional Geoelectric Field Modeling Capability: Progress toward providing a near real-time map and forecasting capability to improve operational decision making of the U.S. Electrical Power Grid in response to geomagnetic storms
- New fossil foraminiferal estimates of coseismic vertical deformation during the AD 1700 Cascadia earthquake: Washington and northern California, USA
- New technologies to measure temporal variations of magmatic helium and CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions at Mammoth Mountain California
- Numerical modeling of the seismic reflection response from gas hydrate reservoirs at Walker Ridge 313, Terrebonne Basin, Gulf of Mexico
- Nutrient cycling in a warming alpine environment: investigating the provenance and persistence of atmospheric nitrate and ammonium deposition using isotopes
- Off-Axis Seamount Chain Lavas at 8°20' N Reveal a Spatially Complex, Heterogeneous Mantle Near the East Pacific Rise
- Oiling accelerates loss of salt marshes, southeastern Louisiana
- OpenET: Filling the Biggest Gap in Water Data for the Western United States
- Optical properties of high latitude lakes and implications for airborne and satellite remote sensing
- Outcomes of the first meeting of the Powell Center Working Group for Earthquake Monitoring
- Plant phenologic controls on soil respiration response to pulse wetting events in an alpine meadow, East River, CO, USA
- Plinian or Vulcanian? Using melt inclusions to characterize the volatile contents and eruption dynamics over time in Popocatepetl Volcano
- Professional Societies Role in Moving the Needle
- Quantifying atmospheric dust deposition to the Colorado Front Range
- Quantifying spatial variations in the environmental effects of oil and gas activity using remote sensing
- Quantifying the role of bedrock in the functioning of a mountainous watershed through integration of geophysical and other data sets
- Re-examining the Role of Lakes in Carbon Cycling Across High Latitudes - Results from ABoVE
- Reactive transport of nitrogen species near the groundwater-lake water interface
- Recent Paleoseismic and Tectonic Geomorphic Studies of the Meers Fault, Oklahoma Reveal Longer Rupture Lengths and More Surface Deforming Earthquakes in the Last 6,000 years
- Recent trends in nutrient and sediment loading to coastal areas of the conterminous U.S. (2002-2012): Insights and global context
- Reconstructing the Magmatic and Tectonic History of Continental Rifts: An Example from the Northern Rio Grande Rift, USA
- Remote sensing based estimation of actual Evapotranspiration time series for rainfall-runoff modeling at an agricultural river basin of the Brazilian Central Plateau region.
- Respired Radiocarbon: Insights into decadal soil carbon cycling
- Rising Arsenic Concentrations in an Intensively Pumped Aquifer, Independence Basin, Central Mexico
- Routine Speciated Particulate Monitoring in the United States: the CSN and IMPROVE Networks
- Runoff Sensitivity to Snowmelt Representation Within a Continental-Scale Hydrologic Model
- Rupture Model of the 2016 M5.8 Pawnee Earthquake
- Sedimentary and Microfossil Differences Between Sediments Deposited by Hurricane Irma and the 1755 Lisbon Tsunami
- Solar Radio Burst Phase 1 Benchmarks and Progress Towards Phase 2
- Space-time trends of PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>constituents in the United States estimated by machine learning models, 2005-2015
- Spatial and Temporal Trends in Manganese, Phosphorus, and Iron in Brownlee Reservoir, Idaho/Oregon, are controlled by Reservoir Stratification
- Spatial patterns of Hydroclimate in the Alaska-Yukon region from late Holocene proxy evidence that includes elevation gradients
- State of the Carbon Cycle in Terrestrial Wetlands of North America
- Storm-time Dynamics of Birkeland and Ionospheric Currents: Toward Diagnosing Proximal Physical Drivers of Geomagnetically Induced Currents
- Stronger peak ground motion, beyond the threshold to initiate a response, does not lead to larger stream discharge responses to earthquakes
- Strontium and uranium isotopes from lacustrine carbonates as a paleohydrologic tracer in arid wetlands: An example from the Pahranagat Valley, Nevada
- Structure and geochemistry of the noble gases krypton and xenon at Earth's lower mantle conditions.
- Subsurface Framework and Results for the U.S. Geological Survey Assessment of Potential Carbon Dioxide Storage Resources of the U.S. Atlantic Coastal Plain and Eastern Mesozoic Rift Basins
- Temporal and spatial scales of sediment transport processes for watershed management
- The 2018 U.S. Geological Survey-Department of Interior UAS Kīlauea Eruption Response
- The 2018 summit eruption and caldera collapse at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- The East River, Colorado Community Watershed: Hydrobiogeochemical Studies Spanning Scales and Disciplines
- The Full spectrum of the response of Low Frequency Earthquakes to periodic stresses near Parkfield, California
- The Impact of Ground Control Points on Drone-Based Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry
- The International Soil Radiocarbon Database (ISRaD): A new resource for the synthesis of soil radiocarbon data across scales.
- The Myanmar National Seismic Network: Performance, monitoring, and ground motions from 2.5 years of real-time seismic data
- The National Park Service Air Quality Monitoring Program
- The Performance of the USGS's 2017 One-Year Seismic Hazard Forecast for the Central and Eastern United States
- The Pothole Hydrology-Linked Systems Simulator (PHyLiSS): Development and Application of a Systems Model for Prairie-Pothole Wetlands
- The SCEC Software Ecosystem for Earthquake System Science Research
- The Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen: New Insights from Aeromagnetic, Seismic Reflection and Magnetotelluric Data Analyses
- The USGS National Digital Catalog: the registry for federal and state geoscience resources
- The USGS National Earthquake Information Center's Future Research and Operational Developments
- The Weak Determinism of Large Earthquakes
- The potential and dynamics of soil carbon storage during soil development: a global synthesis of chronosequence studies
- Time-lapse Charged Wellbore Casing Controlled Source Electromagnetic Surveys for Monitoring Injected Carbon Dioxide
- Time-lapse imaging of a controlled permafrost thaw experiment with strongly non-stationary vehicle noise and a 4,000 component distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) array
- USGS Progress toward Operational Remote Sensing of River Discharge
- Uncertainties in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis for a Poisson Earthquake Occurrence Model
- Undulations of shear surfaces control strength of fault gouge and may aid catastrophic landslide motion
- Unsaturated Zone CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB>, and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C-CO<SUB>2</SUB> at an Arid Region Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site
- Updating USGS ShakeMap Shaking, Ground Failure, and PAGER Loss Models with Ground Truth Observations
- Using Communication Science to Communicate About Science: A Case Study for Aftershock Forecasts
- Using Essential Biodiversity Variables and Essential Ocean Variables, FAIR Guiding Principles, and the Principles of Action Ecology to Inform Our Understanding of Changing Marine Ecosystems
- Using Network Theory and Ontology-Based Decision Support to Bridge Disconnects Between Science and Decision Making
- Using a concentration-discharge framework to improve post-wildfire water quality interpretation and prediction
- Validation and development of multiphase reservoir simulations with controlled source electromagnetics
- Validation of seven gridded rainfall products for the Jordan, Palestine, and Lebanon region using in situ observations
- Variability of Hurricane Maria debris-flow source areas in Puerto Rico—Implications for hazard assessment
- Variations on Variability: Contrasting Changes in Absolute and Relative Variability of Daily Streamflow
- Visible/Shortwave and Thermal Infrared Measurements at Cuprite, Nevada: Complementary or Corroborating?
- Vulnerability of Subsistence Systems in the Face of Social and Environmental Change: A Case Study in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Water Footprint Benchmarks for the United States
- Water: Fourth U.S. National Climate Assessment (NCA4) Volume 2, Chapter 3
- Watershed Functioning Zonation: Advanced Watershed Characterization across Scales
- What lurks below: plumbing the depths of the hydrothermal system at Yellowstone
- A Cassini VIMS data portal for Titan and Saturn's icy satellites
- A Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) Pole-to-Pole of the Americas in support of conservation and sustainable use of living resources in the sea
- A Mineralogic Identification and Abundance System for Global and Regional Mapping, Applications For EMIT and Other Imaging Spectrometers
- A Physical Model of the High-Frequency Seismic Signal Generated by Debris Flows
- A Tale of Two Very Large Avalanches: Probing the Limits of Seismoacoustic Avalanche Characterization on Iliamna Volcano, Alaska
- A constant slip rate for the western Qilian Shan frontal thrust during the last 200 ka consistent with GPS-derived and geological shortening rates
- Addressing "the magnitude problem" for small earthquakes: exploring the coda envelope technique for moment magnitude estimation in Oklahoma
- Aftershock Forecasts Following the M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquakes of July 2019
- Airborne electromagnetic and magnetic imaging of weak zones on Iliamna Volcano, Alaska
- Akvo: A surface nuclear magnetic resonance workbench
- Alaska North Slope 2018 Hydrate 01 Stratigraphic Test Well: Design and Operations
- Along-Strike Changes in Foreland Basin Responses to Tectonics and Eustasy in the Magallanes-Austral Basin, Patagonia Revealed from Basin Modeling and Geothermochronology
- Amplification of ground motions by Cook Inlet Basin from intermediate-depth earthquakes: Variations in scaling with basin depth and repeatable spatial effects from different source regions
- An emerging international network focused on permafrost coastal systems in transition
- An observationally-based spatial SWE model for the western United States and Alaska
- Aquatic Carbon Exports from Alpine and Boreal Wetlands to Headwater Streams
- Arsenic concentrations and fluxes in major rivers of Yellowstone National Park
- Artificial intelligence/machine learning and remote sensing reveals over six decades of surface-water dynamics in Alaska with connections to climate change.
- Assessing Decadal-Scale Change at the Shingobee Headwaters, North-Central Minnesota
- Assessing gas and fluid migration into aquifers near the Elk Hills, North Coles Levee, Orcutt, and Oxnard oil fields, California
- Assessing the Distribution of Mapped Faults and Surface Ruptures Related to the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence: What We Knew and What We Could Have Known
- Assessment of the Functionality of Sediment Retention Ponds in the Colorado River Basin using Geophysical Surveys and Soil Profile Sampling
- Atmospheric N Deposition Drives Biodegradation of Subsurface Crude-Oil Contamination
- Baseflow Age Distributions in a Snow-Dominated Headwater Stream as a Function of Climate and Watershed Structure
- Between States: The Microbial Ecology of Biogeochemical Processes Near the Freezing Point.
- Biogeochemical-Hydrological Mobilization of Zinc in Montane Floodplains
- Bluff geometry and material variability influence stress states relevant to coastal permafrost bluff failure
- Boreal Wetland Mapping by UAV to Upscale Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Carbon Cycling in Tidal Wetlands in the Mississippi River Alluvial Plain: a Test Case for Dynamic Modeling of Wetlands across the USA.
- Cesium removal from water system by using the nitric acid treated bamboo charcoal in polysulfone carrier
- Challenges and Future Directions for Moment Tensor Determination
- Challenges in Human and Built Environment Exposure Modeling for Catastrophic Risk Assessment: How Can We Get it Right?
- Characterization of hydrological model calibration using information theory
- Combining Unsupervised and Supervised Machine Learning for Quantifying Watershed Organization and Functions Based on High-resolution Airborne Remote Sensing Data
- Combining fault geometry and paleoearthquake timing data to model prehistoric earthquake rupture lengths along the Wasatch fault zone, Utah
- Combining satellite and field observations to detect changes in primary productivity in high-latitude lakes across the Landsat archive
- Connecting the dots with airborne geophysics: Mapping aquifer structure at new scales in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain
- Contrasting wildfire impacts on hydrologic properties and processes in boreal forest in Alaska and coniferous forest in the Southern Rocky Mountains, USA
- Cryospheric process representation in local to national-extent hydrologic models
- Current Status of the Mount Rainier (Washington) Lahar Detection System
- Daily Stream Carbon Concentration as a Proxy for Whole Wetland Carbon Exchange in Fens
- Damage and stress-induced seismic velocity changes during the progressive collapse of Kīlauea's summit
- Deep Learning as a Tool for Rapidly Assessing Pore-Water Pressure Conditions in Hillslopes
- Deep Structure of the Main Himalayan Thrust and Indian Mantle From Structural Imaging, Geodetic Modeling, and Seismicity
- Deriving a proxie for soil carbon turnover using field descriptions of soil development
- Deriving discharge thresholds for runoff-generated debris flow initiation using process-based modelling and machine learning methods
- Destination Unknown? The Weak Determinism of Large Earthquakes
- Determination of perfluoralkyl substances in drinking and surface waters by LC/MS/MS with online solid-phase extraction
- Determining Sources and Fate of Atmospheric Nitrate in an Alpine Watershed Using Triple Nitrate Isotopes
- Developing capacity for applied ecological forecasting across the federal research and natural resource management community
- Development of a Tightly Coupled Multi-Physics Numerical Model for an Event-Based Understanding of Arctic Coastal Erosion
- Drought Monitoring in East Africa using Integrated Satellite Passive Microwave Drought Indices
- Dust deposited on snow cover in the San Juan Mountains, Colorado, 2011-2016: Compositional variability bearing on snow-melt effects
- Earthquake Hazards in Hawaii: Challenges in Assessing Earthquake Probabilities in a Volcanic Environment
- Effects of contemporary and legacy agricultural phosphorus on U.S. river water quality
- Electromagnetic Induction Forward Modeling with Non-Uniform Ionospheric Sources to Explore Spatial Patterns in Three-Dimensional MT Arrays
- Engaging Geophysics Students in the Field — the Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE)
- Estimating the aerosol scattering coefficient in near-pristine locations with a low-cost sensor
- Estimating the annual probability of post-fire debris flow in southern California
- Evaluating near-real time models for estimating road network susceptibility to earthquake-triggered landslides
- Evaluation of ground motion models for USGS seismic hazard models using near-source instrumental recordings of the Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
- Evidence of Rapid Landslide Volume Changes that may Regulate Velocity—An Example From the Slumgullion Landslide in Southwestern Colorado
- Evolving thresholds for mass-movement following disturbance by wildfire
- Expanding the stratigraphic record of tsunami inundation along the semi-arid, siliciclastic coast of north-central Chile
- Factors contributing to hurricane-induced landslides in Puerto Rico: Implications for hazards and sediment mobilization
- Fault-normal rupture displacement gradients and the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence of 2019
- Field Scale Crop Water Use Trends and Spatial Variability over the Upper Rio Grande Basin of United States and Mexico using Landsat-Based Evapotranspiration
- Fine-Scale Spatial Variability in Seasonal Snowpack Trends
- Focal Mechanisms of LFEs in Parkfield by the amplitude inversion using synthetic waveforms
- Gas hydrate saturation estimation from acoustic log data in the 2018 Alaska North Slope Hydrate-01 stratigraphic test well
- Geochemically diverse hydrothermal vents in Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming.
- Geochemistry of Hydrothermally Altered Sediments, Pore Fluids, and Hydrothermal Explosion Deposits from Yellowstone Lake
- Geologic Evidence of the Largest Historical Tsunami of Metropolitan Chile Constrains Future Tsunami Hazard in the Countrýs Most Populated Coast
- Geologic observations from the floor of Yellowstone Lake using high-resolution video
- Geological evidence of 5000-year old tsunamis in the region of the giant 1960 Chile earthquake
- Geometric Controls on Megathrust Earthquakes
- Geomorphic evidence of late Quaternary faulting along the M7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake rupture
- Geophysics at multiple scales to address groundwater depletion in the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer
- Global Operational Earthquake Response with Imaging Geodesy
- Goldstream Valley Permafrost Map
- Groundwater Connection and DOC Transport in the Yukon River Basin Inferred from Uranium and Strontium Isotopes in Permafrost Catchments
- Helicopter electromagnetic informed learning to estimate uncertainty in subsurface models
- Helium Isotope and Gas Chemistry Variations at Sulphur Banks, Kīlauea Volcano, HI
- High-resolution water isotope records from recent Greenland and Antarctic ice core projects
- Hydro-climatic drought in the Delaware River Basin
- Hydrologic Impacts of Linked Disturbances in Boreal Alaska, USA
- Hydrologic monitoring and morphometric analysis to characterize debris flow initiation at multiple temporal scales in Southeast Alaska
- Hydrological Response of High Elevation Watersheds in the Conterminous United States to Climate Change under the Representative Concentration Pathway Scenarios
- Hydrological changes in Yellowstone Lake (USA) during the Holocene based on the analysis of oxygen isotopes in diatoms
- Hydrothermal Activity in Southwestern Yellowstone National Park
- Implications of Model Selection: Inter-Comparison of Publicly-Available CONUS Extent Hydrologic Component Estimates
- Improving estimates of the likelihood of seismically induced landslides in near real-time
- Incorporating machine learning to aid global earthquake monitoring at the USGS National Earthquake Information Center
- Initial field observations of surface displacement along the 2019 Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest, California earthquake rupture
- Inter-source interferometry for body waves
- Interplay Between Fault Creep, Locking, and Earthquakes Along the Chaman Plate Boundary
- Interpretation of Logging Data from the Hydrate-01 Stratigraphic Test Well drilled in the Prudhoe Bay Unit, Alaska North Slope
- Interpreting Temporal Changes in OMC/OC Ratios - An Alternative to OC-LAC Thermal Evolution Measurements
- Investigating floodplain geomorphic and geochemical functions as a tool for mitigating and adapting to climate change in the Midwestern United States
- Investigation of the Hydrothermal System of Northern Yellowstone Lake Using Multi-Scale Magnetic Surveys
- Long-Term Trends of Wet Inorganic Nitrogen Deposition in Rocky Mountain National Park: Influence of Missing Data Imputation Methods and Associated Uncertainty
- Long-tailed Sediment Storage Time Distribution from the Meandering Powder River, Montana
- Magma supply rate beneath Mammoth Mountain, California estimated from helium isotopes and CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions
- Measurement and Modeling of Perennial Thaw Zone Development in Boreal Alaska
- Measuring Basal Force Fluctuations of Debris Flows Using Seismic Recordings and Empirical Green's Functions
- Megathrust Earthquake Supercycles and Seismotectonic Segmentation Along the South-Central Chile Margin
- Model-parameter fitting using simulations from independent remotely-sensed evapotranspiration algorithms applied in different hydrologic conditions
- Modeling Seismic Network Detection Thresholds using Production Picking Algorithms
- Multi-scale Integrated Modeling in the USGS Water Mission Area
- Multi-scale characterization of geological controls on groundwater flow in a mineralized mountain headwater system: Redwell Basin and upper East River, Colorado
- Near-Field Ground Motions from the 2019 M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquakes: Subdued Shaking due to Pervasive Non-Linear Site Response?
- Near-surface Fault Slip Data for the M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake from Curved Coseismic Striations
- Near-surface Hydrologic Investigations of Pleistocene lakes within the Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- New Geochronology and Paleoseismic Data for the Cheraw fault at the Old Ranch Site, SE Colorado
- New airborne magnetic and radiometric data over the Charleston, South Carolina, area reveal subsurface structures and variations in Quaternary sedimentary processes
- Next Generation Seismic Hazard Models in California
- Next Steps for Induced Geo-Electric Fields Benchmarks
- Nitrogen budget of a forest-urban-agricultural Canada-USA transboundary watershed
- Objectives, Measurements and Data Products of the NASA Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation
- Offset channels are incomplete records of strike-slip fault displacement
- Operational earthquake forecasting during the M6.4 Searles Valley and M7.1 Ridgecrest sequence using the UCERF3-ETAS model—evaluation and lessons learned
- Opportunities for Advancing Scientific Foundations for Societal Decision-Making: Examples from the John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis
- Oscillations of ductile to brittle deformation during exhumation of a late Paleozoic terrane boundary from lower crustal anatectic to shallow seismic crustal conditions.
- Parameter Sensitivity of the National Hydrologic Model Alaska Domain
- Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in the United States: Occurrence, Fate, Transport, and Exposure
- Permanent Co-seismic Deformation of the 2013 M<SUB>w</SUB>7.7 Baluchistan, Pakistan Earthquake From High-resolution Surface Strain Tensors
- Petrophysical and geomechanical properties of gas hydrate-bearing sediments recovered by a side-wall pressure corer
- Phased Approach to Modelling of the Eel River Valley, Humboldt County, California
- PhenoSynth: A User Interface to Integrate PhenoCam and MODIS Data
- Physics based modeling of the Holocene earthquake sequence on the Wasatch fault (Utah)
- Planktonic respiration and organic matter cycling using short-term in situ measurements
- Potential Aeolian Sediment Transport Pathways, Provenance, and Landscape Evolution in the Chuckwalla Valley, Southeastern California.
- Potential impacts of mercury released from thawing permafrost
- Preferential flow mechanisms and implications for carbon transport and cycling in permafrost systems
- Progress toward the establishment of an extended-duration gas hydrate reservoir response test on the Alaska North Slope
- Pseudo-prospective Evaluation of Aftershock Forecasts during the Ridgecrest sequence
- Quantifying the Intensity of the Terrestrial Water Cycle
- Rare earth element (REE) metasomatism in iron-oxide-apatite mineral deposits: stability of hydrothermal monazite and xenotime
- Recent Experiences in Dissemination of Geophysics by means of Music: the EMusic Project Crosses 3 Continents
- Reconciling Off-Axis Mantle Melting Systematics and Heterogeneity: Geochemistry of Lavas From the 8˚20' N Seamount Chain
- Reconciling detrital zircon and fish faunal evidence for Miocene-Pliocene drainage reorganization and basin integration of the Snake and Columbia Rivers
- Remobilization of historical mine waste to water supplies after wildfire
- Remote Detection of Focused Groundwater Discharge into Rivers using Waterborne Self-Potential Logging: Laboratory and Field Experiments
- Resolution Matters: Numerical Analysis of the Effect of Subgrid Heterogeneities on Soil Moisture Distribution with a Physically Based Hydrological Model
- Resolving the plumbing system in Norris Basin with helicopter electromagnetic, magnetic and geochemical data
- Responses of ecosystem productivity to natural and anthropogenic environmental changes in the conterminous U.S. from 1971 to 2015
- Revealing the Underpinnings of Vapor-Dominated Systems in Yellowstone Thermal Areas
- Revised map of landslide occurrence across the United States
- Rupture of Pre-existing Conjugate Faults During the M7.1 Earthquake Near Ridgecrest, CA
- Scientific Working Collections - a Case Study in the new USGS Collections Policy
- Sedimentary and Modeling Evidence of Distant-source Tsunamis in the Hawaiian Islands
- Sensitivity of Mountain Lakes to Increasing Algal Growth
- Shifting bottom-up controls on food webs in streams draining permafrost landscapes of the Arctic
- Source, site and path characterization of the July 2019 M7.1 and M6.4 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
- Sources of predictive skill, and how to use them to support effective drought early warning
- Spatial and Temporal Detection of Co-Seismic Surface Deformation in InSAR using Artificial Neural Networks
- Spatiotemporal Evolution Pattern of Seismicity across California-Nevada and Its Implication to Future Large Earthquakes
- Station Validation using Regional Amplitude Comparisons of Teleseismic Events
- Stop the Presses: Aftershock Forecasts in the Media from Bombay Beach to Anchorage to Ridgecrest
- Surface and subsurface dynamics of the Slumgullion landslide, CO from Sentinel-1 and UAVSAR radar images and in-situ observations
- Surface rupture associated with the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence: Comparison of field-based and remotely sensed observations
- Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Applications for Rangeland Famine Early Warning Systems
- THE DYNAMIC FLOOR OF YELLOWSTONE LAKE: A Geologic Record Over the Past 14 ka of Hydrothermal Explosions, Doming, and Faulting
- Tectonic controls on the magmatic system of Erebus volcano, Antarctica, the role of the Discovery accommodation zone and termination of the Terror Rift
- Temporal Evaluation of Simplified Surface Energy Balance Model Estimates of Pastureland Evapotranspiration in Central Kentucky
- The 1989-90 Eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: A Catalyst for Innovation in Aircraft - Ash Hazard Mitigation, Hazard Communications, Real-Time Data Analysis, and Eruption Forecasting
- The Future of Earthquake Monitoring at the USGS NEIC
- The HD-YLAKE project: or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Smell of Hydrogen Sulfide
- The Production/Erosion Cycle of Landslide-Prone Material in Tropical Environments, Puerto Rico, USA
- The correlation lengths and hypocentral positions of great earthquake ruptures
- The factors regulating soil respiration in response to wetting events: A three-parameter model analysis of existing incubation studies
- The impact of sediment supply on rainfall intensity-duration thresholds and debris flow surge properties
- The reactive nitrogen landscape in the high Colorado alpine: quantifying atmospheric inputs
- The relationship between water depth and multiple longitudinal grooves formed in a mix bedrock - alluvial channel
- Thirty Years of Explosive Volcanism and Aviation: Redoubt, Pinatubo, Eyjafjallajökull and beyond
- Thirty-Six Years in the Subalpine: Long-Term Ecosystem and Biogeochemical Research in Loch Vale Watershed, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
- Toward maximizing utility of geophysical approaches for groundwater management
- Towards validating Cascadia great earthquake rupture models using tsunami deposits: Detailed mapping and tsunami sediment transport modeling of the A.D. 1700 tsunami deposit in the Salmon River Estuary, OR
- Trends in Remote PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Residual Mass across the United States: Implications for Aerosol Mass Reconstruction in the IMPROVE network
- Triggering of deep tremor and slow earthquakes along the Parkfield-Cholame section of the San Andreas Fault by the 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake and other large regional earthquakes
- Trusted Digital Repositories Promote Public Access to U.S. Geological Survey Digital Assets
- USGS Expanding Access to Geospatial Publications
- Understanding Drivers of Mountain Lake Phytoplankton Across Space and Time
- Understanding the importance of water and ice dynamics at a thermokarst site with novel geophysical observations
- Unique observations and forecasts of flash floods and debris flows on the Spring Creek burn scar, Colorado, USA
- Using Coastal, Lacustrine Vibracore Data to Constrain Prehistoric Tsunami Events and Rupture Recurrence Intervals Along the Cascadia Subduction Zone, Floras Lake, Oregon
- Using field data to parameterize post-wildfire flow models
- Using time-series satellite vegetation indices to assess fractional plant cover changes and ecological recovery for riparian restoration sites on the Colorado Plateau
- Validation of Broadband Ground Motion from Dynamic Rupture Simulations: towards better characterizing seismic hazard for engineering applications
- Variation in Tree Growth Rate Over Space and Time on a Semi-Arid Floodplain.
- Volatile Organic Compounds in Produced Water from Four Oil Fields in California
- Water, water everywhere, but every drop unique: The future of managing low levels of complex contaminant mixtures in drinking water and the implications for human health
- When Wyoming became Superior: Geophysical imaging of the Trans-Hudson Orogen
- 2021 U.S. National Seismic Hazard Model for Hawaii
- 3D data sensitivities of seismic phases to the upper-most outer core and D'' region
- A 100-year Geoelectric Hazard Analysis for the U.S. High-Voltage Power Grid
- A Conceptual Cryohydrogeological Model of a Degrading Permafrost Mound Near Umiujaq (Nunavik, Canada)
- A Framework for Engaging with Stakeholders to Conduct Actionable Climate Adaptation Research
- A Ground Motion Model from GNSS Peak Ground Displacement
- A Machine Learning Approach to Estimating Evapotranspiration and Applications for Prediction Under Future Climate Scenarios
- A National Assessment of Tidal Wetland Carbon Sequestration and GHG emissions with Implications for Land Management in the United States
- A Paradigm Shift in Sulfate-Nitrate-Ammonium Aerosol Formation in the United States and its Implications for Reactive Nitrogen Deposition
- A Reconstruction of Southcentral Alaska Late Holocene Hydroclimate from Peatland Cellulose Oxygen Isotopes
- A high-resolution globally applicable model for near-real-time estimation of earthquake-induced landslides
- A parsimonious process-based regionalization of hydrologic response across Alaska
- A science-based approach for selecting legacy mine sites for low-cost remediation efforts
- An Automated Procedure for Producing USGS ShakeMap Parametric Input from Non-Traditional Seismic Networks with Application to the Community Seismic Network
- Application of hydraulic insight obtained from the HYDRoSWOT data set to the estimation of high flows in large rivers
- Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition along an Urban-Remote Elevation Gradient in the Colorado Front Range, USA
- Autogenerated metrics to measure the scientific impact of models
- Basin and Site Effects in the U.S. Pacific Northwest Estimated from Small-Magnitude Earthquakes
- Can hillslopes keep pace with landslide frequency in the humid tropics of Puerto Rico (USA)?
- Changing Hydrologic Conditions in the Rio Grande Headwaters and Implications for Water Resource Management
- Clays are not created equal: How clay mineral type affects soil parameterization
- Climate, land cover, and parent material drive global patterns of soil C partitioning and persistence
- Cloud-based Web Application for Updating USGS 3D Subduction Zone Geometry Models
- Collaborative Risk Communication for Landslides in Puerto Rico
- Comparison of Ground-based and Space-based Surface Rupture Mapping of the May 15, 2020 M6.5 Monte Cristo Range Earthquake, Nevada
- Connecting the dots: building a sediment-ecological connectivity framework to link tributary erosion to downstream floodplain forest establishment in a large river network
- Constraints on Fluid Transport and Sequestration in the Cascadia Subduction Zone from 3D inversion of an Amphibious Magnetotelluric Array
- Constructing Geological Models in Mountainous Watersheds by Integrating Airborne Geophysics and Geological Maps for Improved Hydrological Understanding
- Continuity Between Surface and Deep Lithospheric Deformational Grain for the Northern Cordillera Using Transportable Array Receiver Functions
- Converging science and policy-based greenhouse gas budgets for North America for the Second Regional Carbon Cycle and Processes Study (RECCAP-2)
- Correlating physical and mechanical rock properties with reflectance spectroscopy: towards regional-scale mapping and modeling of volcanic environments and beyond
- Coupling Hydrologic Models with Data Services in an Interoperable Modeling Framework
- Cross model sensitivity analysis of the 9 January 2018 debris-flow inundation event in Montecito, CA
- Decomposing the Performance of Streamflow Prediction into Errors of Timing and Distribution
- Determining the transit time of carbon in shale-rich soils
- Development and Incorporation of Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Site Response Models in Seismic Hazard Analyses
- Development of an Operational Remote-Sensing Streamgaging System in Alaska to Support Water Resources Management
- Effect of Cinder Cone Lithology on Erosional Morphology in a Post-Fire Setting
- Estimating carbon emissions from a historic megafire using Landsat imagery and field inventory data
- Estimating the Influence of Hydrological Connectivity on Carbon Dynamics Across Arctic-Boreal Lakes
- Evaluating the sensitivity of debris flow inundation patterns to initiation and upstream flow characteristics
- Evaluation and combination of monthly evapotranspiration equations for the conterminous U.S. from 1895
- Evidence for a Listric Wasatch Fault From the 2020 Magna, Utah, Earthquake Sequence
- Exploring the Coda Envelope Technique for Moment Magnitude Estimation of Small Earthquakes in Southern Kansas
- Extreme precipitation reveals impacts of a low severity wildfire on debris-flow processes
- Forearc Mantle Helium as a Constraint on Location of the Seismogenic Zone along the Cascadia Subduction Interface
- Forecasting stream temperature using data assimilation in support of water management decisions
- Foreshock Cascades to Failure
- Generating Digital Earthquake-Triggered Ground Failure Inventories for Historical Earthquakes
- Generation of Broadband Ground Motion from Dynamic Rupture Simulations: A Group Modeling Approach towards better Characterizing Seismic Hazard for Engineering Applications
- Geoelectric Fields Driven by Ultra Low Frequency Waves: A Missing Link in our Understanding of Geomagnetically Induced Currents
- Geological constraints on the mechanisms of slow earthquakes
- Geophysical mapping of Yellowstone's Plumbing System—from Sources to Surface
- Groundwater affects geomorphic and hydrologic properties of coevolved landscapes
- Hillslopes in Humid-tropical Climates Aren't Always Wet: Implications for Hydrologic Response and Landslide Initiation in Puerto Rico
- How Alaska's Barry Arm Can Help Us Prepare for Climate Change Hazards
- How Do Near-Surface Strength Characteristics Vary Over Landscape Scales? A Case Study Using Geotechnical Field Methods and a Back-Analysis of Earthquake Triggered Landslides.
- Hydro-climatic drought in the Delaware River Basin
- Including Three-dimensional Finite Fault and Distributed Slip Models in Ground Motion Forecasting for Earthquake Early Warning
- Investigating the thermal effects of Cordilleran processes on a retroarc foreland basin using thermochronometry, vitrinite reflectance, and carbonate clumped isotopes
- Late Cretaceous to Eocene exhumation history of the Sierra Nevada Range from low-temperature thermochronology
- Lessons and challenges in reproducible computational research from the development and application of landscape evolution models to waste site remediation
- Lithium Budget and Isotopic Fractionation of Pre- and Post-Eruptive Rhyolites at Clayton Valley, Nevada: Melt Inclusion, Pumice Glass, and Mineral Insights on Economic Lithium Enrichment
- Long-term Trends in Reconstructed Haze at Remote Sites across the United States (1990 - 2018).
- Mapping REE-minerals at the Mountain Pass Mine, California USA, using DESIS imaging spectroscopy data
- Mapping the 3D extent of the Duluth Layered Mafic Complex from geophysical data
- Mapping the Wildland-Urban Interface in the United States Using Building Point Locations
- Mid-Ocean Ridge Mantle Heterogeneity: Insights from the 8°20' N Near-Axis Seamount Chain
- Mission Development Status and Algorithm Testing of the NASA Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation
- Modelling post-wildfire debris-flow inundation in the Southwestern United States
- National accounts for wild crop pollination: tracking long-term changes in the U.S. agricultural landscape and their consequences for society
- Objective Optimization of Hydrometeorological Thresholds for Landslide Initiation using HydroMet
- Ocean-aquifer exchange in a warmer Arctic
- Old Data - Old Tricks - Modern Interpretations; Unlocking the Secrets of the Stillwater Complex, MT
- Opportunities for an Interdisciplinary Seismic Observatory at the South Pole, Antarctica
- Organizing Science Enterprises to Support Production and Delivery of Actionable Information on the Current and Future State of Earth Systems
- Oxygen Isotopes in Tree Cellulose Reveal Ecohydrological Relationships in the Colorado Rocky Mountains
- Parameter Estimation for Multiple Post-Wildfire Hydrologic Models in Southern CA, USA
- Permanent Deformation in Large Strike-Slip Earthquakes - How Do Single Earthquakes Build the Geologic Record of Faulting?
- Physics-based Simulation Can Facilitate Hypothesis Testing for Increasingly Dynamic Coastal Permafrost Systems
- Post-fire Runoff Response in Northern California: Testing current models used to predict post-fire runoff magnitude and debris flow triggering thresholds.
- Predicting Mechanisms of Microbial Community Assembly and Soil Biogeochemistry Patterns from Watershed Scale Gradients in Hydrology, Vegetation, and Topographic Features.
- Preferential elution of ionic solutes in melting snowpacks: Improving process understanding through field observations and modelling in the Rocky Mountains
- Progress and Challenges in Validation of Simulated Earthquake Ground Motions for Engineering Practice
- Quantifying vertical fluxes of water, uranium, and metals-mixtures in the unsaturated zone at various mine life-cycle stages
- Quantitative Near-real-time Estimates of Earthquake-triggered Ground Failure Hazards and Impacts
- Rayleigh Wave Amplitude Uncertainty Across the Global Seismographic Network and Potential Implications for Global Tomography
- Reducing subjectivity in hydrometeorological thresholds for landslide early warning systems
- Remote Mapping of Earthquake-Triggered Ground Failure in a Subarctic Region: Case Study of the November 2018 Anchorage, Alaska M 7.1 Earthquake
- Respiration in a shale rhizosphere dominated by deep root respiration, not oxidation of petrogenic organic carbon
- Seeing the forest for the trees: Regional and national-scale magnetotelluric models and their application to mineral systems exploration
- Seismic Risk Assessment of Critical Infrastructure: A case study of Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines in the Conterminous United States
- Seismic Site Response in Central Oklahoma: Low-frequency Resonances from the Great Unconformity
- Selection of CyberShake Simulated Ground Motion Time Series for Engineering Analysis
- Sensitivity of lake and wetland methane emissions upscaling to littoral zone area using airborne synthetic aperture radar
- Simulation of the Effects of the 13-14 March 1989 Severe Geomagnetic Storm on Today's Electrical Power Grid using Contemporary Geoelectric Field Estimation Techniques
- Soil Functional Mapping: Using Data-Model Integration to Improve Regional-Scale SOC Forecasts
- Spatial Variation in Littoral Zone Benthic Algal Productivity in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Stairways to hazard: relating geologic observations to future fault behavior
- State of stress in areas of induced seismicity across North America
- Stratigraphic and microfossil evidence of repeated late Holocene tsunami inundation at Sitkalidak Island, AK
- Surface Slip Variations And Off-Fault Deformation Patterns In Complex Cross-Fault Systems Revealed From 3D High-Resolution Satellite Optical Image Correlation: The 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquakes
- Temporal Variations in Seismic Velocity via Ambient Noise Interferometry: Applications to Wastewater Injection and Induced Seismicity in Greeley, Colorado
- The Effect of Magnetotelluric Spatial Data Sampling in Geoelectric Hazard Estimation
- The National Earthquake Information Center's Next Steps in Leveraging Machine Learning for Global Earthquake Detection
- The effect of shrinking boreal lakes on plants, soils, and microbial communities in nearshore habitats: Implications for C cycling and storage
- The effects of climate and land use on streamflow trends in the Upper Mississippi River Basin (USA)
- The role of water and ice beneath the surface: insights into the Cryosphere from Near-Surface Geophysical observations
- Trends in volcano response and capacity building by the Volcano Disaster Assistance Program (VDAP): Looking back at 2010 and forward to 2030
- U.S. Critical Minerals for the Energy Transition
- Understanding the Impact of the North American Crustal Stress Field on Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA)
- Usage-Based Discovery of Earth Observations
- Using an artificial neural network approach to develop a nonergodic ground motion model: Incorporating systematic spatial variations for Southern California
- Value at Induced Risk: Injection-Induced Seismic Risk From Low-Probability, High-Impact Events
- Variation in Post-Wildfire Perturbations to Soil Hydraulic Properties Across a Climatic Gradient
- Airborne Geophysical Imaging of Subsurface Alteration and Fluids and their Implications for Slope Stability with Applications to Stratovolcanoes in Alaska and the Cascades
- Evaluating ecohydraulic model sensitivity to remotely-sensed river bathymetry
- Geophysical imaging of the extents and layering of the Stillwater, Duluth and Bushveld Complexes and relation to platinum group element exploration
- Modeling wild pollinator abundance and pollinator contributions to crop yields in the United States
- Spectral Mixture Analysis for Surveillance of Harmful Algal Blooms (SMASH): A Hybrid Laboratory- and Satellite-Based Approach to Identify Algal Taxa in Inland Waterbodies via Remote Sensing
- A New Framework for Convergent Research: Actionable and Strategic Integrated Science and Technology (ASIST)
- Characterizing and Predicting Hydrological Drought for Improved Early Warning of Drought Onset, Duration, and Severity in the Colorado River Basin
- Enhancing Science Integration in the Colorado River Basin by Leveraging a Stakeholder Engagement Process
- Mapping Shallow Fluids in Volcanic Terrain with Electromagnetic data
- Maximizing Stakeholder Voices at the Convergence Research Table
- Steepland Morphology Predicts Erosion Rate: Comparison of Debris-Flow Metrics with Established Hillslope and Fluvial Counterparts in the Oregon Coast Range
- Wide-ranging wetland-mediated water quality improvements revealed through watershed-scale simulations
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Adnan Rajib
- Adrian P. Monroe
- Alicia Torregrosa
- Batiste Rousseau
- Benoît Seignovert
- Carl J. Legleiter
- Carol A. Finn
- Charles R. Lane
- Christine Hatté
- D. E. Peterson
- D. Turrini
- Daniel K. Jones
- E. D’Aversa
- Elena Argiriadis
- F. Capaccioni
- G. Bellucci
- G. Filacchione
- Heather E. Golden
- Jessica E. Shyvers
- Jessica M. Driscoll
- John C. Hammond
- Kristine Zellman
- Lyndsay B. Ball
- M. Ciarniello
- Marc L. Buursink
- Miles E. Daniels
- Paul A. Bedrosian
- Phillip J. Goodling
- S. Vance
- S. W. McCoy
- Scott D. Hamshaw
- T. Cornet
- T. Dylan Mikesell
- V. Mennella
- Vamsi K. Sridharan
- William Struble