U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A New Approach for Mapping Minerals on Mars With TES Data
- Acceleration of Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf
- Characterization of Sand Dunes in Proctor Crater on Mars by Application of a Mesoscale Model (the Mars MM5) and by Development of a Graphical Information System (GIS)
- Comet Borrelly Imaging science results
- Glacier Monitoring From ASTER Imagery: Accuracy and Applications
- Late Mafic Volcanism in Valles Marineris, Mars
- Long-lived Hydrovolcanism of Elysium
- Martian Polar Caps: Folding, Faulting, Flowing Glaciers of Multiple Interbedded Ices
- Modeling Aqueous Iron Chemistry at Low Temperatures, with Application to Mars
- Putative Large and Small Volcanic Edifices in Valles Marineris, Mars, and Evidence of Ground Water/Ice
- Remotely Measuring Glacial Features using ASTER and Landsat ETM+
- Resurfacing History of Vastitas Borealis, Mars: Early Amazonian Climate Implications
- Source Vents for Cerberus Lavas and Water
- Visible/Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Dust Deposition on Mars
- Are the Circular, Dark Features on Comet Borrelly Albedo Variations or Craters?
- Challenges in Assessing the Effects of Experimental Flow Regimes from Glen Canyon Dam on Fine Sediment Storage and Native Fish Populations in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Comet 19P/Borrelly in Three Dimensions: Coma and Nucleus
- Exploring Gusev with MER A
- Exposed Water ice Discovered Near the South Pole of Mars.
- Field Observations Using the FIDO Infrared Point Spectrometer: Mineralogical Interpretation and Implications for In Situ Investigations on Mars
- Geologic Analysis of a Possible Oasis and Environs in the Valles Marineris, Mars
- Geology of the "Elysium" Mars Exploration Rover Candidate Landing Site in Southeastern Utopia Planitia
- Geology of the Isidis MER Target Area, Southern Rim of Isidis Planitia, Mars
- Imaging and Stereo Observations from HiRISE on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Mars, the Meridian, and Mert: The Quest for Martian Longitude
- Mars: Fluvial Erosion Driven by Magmatism
- Morphological analysis of the Mars polar terrains based on the THEMIS data
- Morphology of Small-Scale Patterned Ground in Utopia Planitia, Mars: A Comparison With Terrestrial Polygonal Terrain
- Observations and Modeling of Dust Deposition and Disturbed Surfaces on Mars and Earth
- Recent (Late Amazonian) Fluvial Features in Southeastern Elysium, Mars
- Recent Innovations in Monitoring Suspended-Sediment Mass Balance of the Colorado River Ecosystem Below Glen Canyon Dam: A laser-Based Approach
- The Athena Microscopic Imager on the Mars Exploration Rovers
- The Effect of Pressure on Complex Chemical Equilibria at Low Temperatures.
- The Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center's Role in Colorado River Ecosystem Science Below Glen Canyon Dam: An Overview on Science-Based River Management
- The Martian Surface As Seen by the 2001 Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System Experiment
- The NASA 2003 Mars Exploration Rover Panoramic Camera (Pancam) Investigation
- The Northwestern Slope Valleys Region, Mars: A Prime Target for the Future Exploration of Mars
- The Pressure Factor in Europa's Aqueous Evolution
- The significance of discharge in the replenishment of sand bar deposits along the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon
- Thermal Infrared Spectra of Experimentally Shocked Albitite
- Topographic Mapping of Mars: Approaching the Human Scale
- Use of Satellite and Ground-based Digital Images to Detect and Monitor Dust Storms in the Mojave Desert
- Water, water everywhere ...: Observations of Solid Water on Mars
- Earthly and Otherworldly Glaciers on Mars: Expressed Subsurface Subpolar Ice and "Plate Tectonic" South Polar Ices
- Evaluation of a Laser-Acoustic System for Continuously Monitoring Suspended-Sediment Concentration and Grain Size in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Gas Hydrate Stability at Low Temperatures and High Pressures
- Geologic Evidence for Late-Stage Equatorial Surface and Ground Ice on Mars
- Potential Ground Ice and Small-Scale Polygons on Mars
- Preservation of Digital Data From High Volume Data Repositories
- Rubbly Pahoehoe Lavas: An Important Component of Icelandic Basaltic Lava Flows
- Seasonal Variations of Albedo and Temperature of the North Polar Cap of Mars.
- The Orocopia-Pelona Schist Terrane, southern California and southwest Arizona: A Calibrated Target for Crustal Seismic Anisotropy Studies
- Thermal Infrared Spectra of Experimentally Shocked Basalt
- Wavelet analysis of the hydrologic effects of Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River at Lees Ferry, Arizona
- AGU Committee on Education and Human Resources Sub-Committee on Diversity Program for the term 2004-2006
- Aeolian Processes at Meridiani Planum
- Aeolian environments observed by the Mars Exploration Rovers
- Areal estimates of dune deposits in Kaiser Crater on Mars
- Cassini RADAR Observations of Phoebe
- Climate-Related Flood and Sediment Transport From the Paria River to Grand Canyon: The Role of Multiple Time Scales
- Correlation of Regional and Global Scale Geology on Europa
- Drilling an Active Pahoehoe Lava Flow
- Erosion characteristics of fine-grained, beach-building sediment along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Events at the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary as Recorded in Shelf Sediments From the Californian Margin
- Field Experiments on Active Kilauea Lava Flows to Improve Cooling Models for Pahoehoe Lava Flows
- First Cassini RADAR Observations of Titan
- Galileo SSI Observations of High Temperature Lavas on Io: Improved Error Analysis and Implications for the Interior
- High-Resolution Textures of Soils and Rocks at Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum From the Mars Exploration Rover Microscopic Imagers
- History of Major Degradational Events in the Ancient Highlands of Mars: Preliminary Results From Crater Depth and Diameter Measurements
- Hydrated Salts: Dehydration, Dissolution, and Incongruent Melting In Terrestrial Evaporites and at Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Mars Digital Dune Database
- Mars Exploration Rover Pancam Photometric Data QUBs: Definition and Example Uses.
- Modeling of Seawater Geochemistry in Snowball Earth-Hothouse Earth Environments
- Native Americans and the Geosciences: Problems With Societally Driven Research, Cultural and Racial Divisions
- Pancam Photometric Observations at the Mars Exploration Rover Landing Sites
- Pitting within the Martian South Polar Swiss Cheese Terrain
- Populating a Control Point Database: A cooperative effort between the USGS, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center and the Grand Canyon Youth Organization
- Predictive Tools for Evaluating Aeolian Sediment Redistribution After Experimental Floods: Monitoring Studies in the Colorado River Corridor, Grand Canyon, Arizona
- Reconstructing Watershed History from Reservoir Stratigraphy: Englebright Lake, Yuba River, Northern California
- Removing the Shock from the Thermal Emission Spectra of Shocked Terrestrial and Martian Basalts
- Sediment Studies Refute EIS Hypothesis, While Most Fundamental Process Questions Remain Unanswered: An Update on Experiments in Grand Canyon
- Some Mars South Polar Swiss CheeseTerrain has Warm Walls
- Successful Strategies for Earth Science Research in Native Communities
- Suspended-Sediment Transport Where Rivers Become an Estuary: Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, Water Years 1999-2002
- Three Decades of Martian Surface Changes
- Use of Stable-isotope and Radioisotope Data to Assess Ground-water Leakage Between the D and N Aquifers in the Black Mesa Area, Arizona
- Using high-resolution suspended-sediment measurements to infer changes in the topographic distribution and grain size of bed sediment in the Colorado River downstream from Glen Canyon Dam
- Volumetric Fluxes From Volcanoes on Io and Earth: a Comparison.
- Young (late Amazonian), near surface, ground ice features near the equator, Athabasca Valles, Mars
- A New Method for Identification of Tributary Sediment Sources using Hydroacoustics
- Aqueous Geochemistry of the Pueblo Colorado Wash Aquifer
- Challenges for Characterizing Land Surface Phenology
- Characterization of Primary, Eroded, and Mantled Volcanic Surfaces Using Data Fusion
- Comparison of Sediment-Transport and Bar-Response Results From the 1996 and 2004 Controlled-Flood Experiments on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Coordinated Analysis of Mars Express OMEGA Hyperspectral Imaging and Mars Exploration Rover Traverse Data for Meridiani Planum
- Distributary Systems in Basaltic Flow Fields: Insights from Mauna Ulu, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Evaluation of the SHOALS 1000T Bathymetric LIDAR System for Monitoring Channel Sediment Within the Colorado River in Arizona
- Exploring the Surface of Titan with Cassini-Huygens
- Geologic Features on Titan's Surface as Revealed by the Cassini Titan Radar Mapper
- High Releases From Glen Canyon Dam Cause Short-term Eddy-bar Aggradation if Timed to Coincide With Significant Input of Sediment From Tributaries
- Hydraulically-distinct, Stratigraphic Horizons in the Southern Margin of the Utopia Impact Basin, Mars.
- Ice Grain Size Distribution: Differences Between Jovian and Saturnian Icy Satellites From Galileo and Cassini Measurements
- Infrared and Visible Observations of South Polar Spots and Fans
- MRO's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE)
- Mars Exploration Program 2007 Phoenix Mission Landing Site Selection
- Martian and Ionian Analogs of Permafrost-Volcano Interactions in Alaskan Permafrost
- Physical Characteristics and Processes of 100-m-scale raised-rim depressions (RRD's) on Earth: application to Mars
- Pitting within the Martian South Polar Residual Cap: Evidence for Pressurized Subsurface Carbon Dioxide
- Results from the Microscopic Imagers on the Mars Exploration Rovers
- Spectrophotometric Modeling of Geologic Materials at Gusev Crater, Mars
- Summer Season Variability of the North Residual Cap of Mars
- THEMIS-VIS Measurements of the Altitude and Velocity of Clouds in the Martian Mesosphere
- The Character of the Surface of Titan as viewed from the Cassini Orbiter and the Huygens Probe
- The Role of Preflow Topography on the Surface Morphology and Thermal Evolution of Actively Inflating Basaltic Lava Flows
- The Size-Frequency Distribution of Martian Dust-Devils
- Thermal Characterization of proposed Phoenix Landing Sites
- Titan's surface from combined SAR and radiometry using the Cassini RADAR
- Unified Lunar Control Network 2005 - A Global 3-D Photogrammetric Network
- Update on Plans to Establish a National Phenology Network in the U.S.A.
- Using an Integrated, Remote-Sensing Methodology to Evaluate the Effects of Dam Operations on Fine-Grained Sediment Storage and Sand Bar Restoration in Marble Canyon
- VNIR spectral classes of rocks in the Columbia Hills, Gusev Crater, Mars as observed by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit's Pancam
- Volcanism and Fluvio-Glacial Processes on the Interior Layered Deposits of Valles Marineris, Mars?
- Assessment of the Composition and Distribution of Silicic Volcanic Glasses on Mars
- Calderas on Titan: Implications for Cryovolcanism
- Chronostratigraphy of the Fish Creek-Vallecito Basin, SW Salton Trough: A High-Fidelity Record of Slip on the West Salton Detachment Fault and Subsidence in its Upper Plate
- Coordinated Analyses of Orbital and Spirit Rover Data to Characterize the Nature of Surface Materials in Gusev Crater, Mars
- Estimates of effusion profile, areal coverage rate and thermal emission during the 1997 eruption of Pillan (Io): implications for massive basaltic flow emplacement on Earth and Mars.
- First Retrieval of Surface Lambert Albedos From Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM Data
- Global Maps of the Thermal Microwave Emission from Titan's Surface
- Global Warming on Mars
- Incorporating Bed-Sediment Grain Size in Predictions of Suspended-Sediment Concentration: Three Approaches Tested Using 20,000 Bed-Sediment Grain-Size Measurements From the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Investigation of the Sinlap Crater on Titan Using VIMS and RADAR Data
- Lidar return data vs. ground-based topographic and vegetation structure surveys in riparian habitats of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon.
- Lineaments in Northern Martian Polar Layered Deposits: Recent Faulting?
- Longitudinal Dunes on Titan as Indicators of Regional and Local Winds
- Multi-sensor Translation of Remotely Sensed Spectral Vegetation Indices for Long-term Monitoring
- Optical Photometry of the Martian Surface at Microscopic Scales
- Rapid Polar Wander in North America During the Early Cambrian: Paleomagnetic and Magnetostratigraphic Constraints from the Peurto Blanco Volcanics from Caborca, and the Tapeats Sandstone of the Grand Canyon.
- Recent Results From the Microscopic Imagers on the Mars Exploration Rovers
- Response of the Colorado River to a late Pleistocene pulse of fine-grained sediment
- Shocked Feldspar Distributions From Global Thermal Emission Spectrometer Data
- Spectral Diversity of Rock Fragments at the Meridiani Planum Landing Site
- Structural Model of Endurance Crater for Rover-Based Exploration of Crater Rims
- The Lakes of Titan
- VIMS Observations of Titan's Surface
- Volcanism on Titan and Comparisons with Earth
- A Closer Look at Gully Morphology and Formation on Mars with HiRISE
- A MODIS-Based Protocol for Monitoring Seasonal Processes in Southwest Alaska
- A framework of field observations and spatial data for understanding dust emissions in the Mojave Desert
- AVHRR to MODIS Transition for Characterizing Land Surface Phenology
- Bright Fans in Mars Cryptic Region Caused by Adiabatic Cooling of CO2 Gas Jets.
- CRISM Retrieval of Surface Lambert Albedos for Multispectral Mapping of Mars with DISORT- based Radiative Transfer Modeling: Phase 1 -- Using Historical Climatology for Temperatures, Aerosol Optical Depths, and Atmospheric Pressures
- Cessation of Slip on the Pilarcitos Fault and Initiation of the San Francisco Peninsula Segment of the (Modern) San Andreas Fault, California
- Current and Past Aeolian Processes as Seen by the HiRISE Camera
- Degradation of Victoria Crater, Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Dominance of Changes in Bed-Sand Grain Size Over Bed-Sand Area in Regulating Suspended-Sand Concentration: Examples From the Colorado River
- Estimating Titan Surface Topography from Cassini Synthetic Aperture RADAR Data
- Evidence for a Possible Siliceous Sinter Deposit at Home Plate in Gusev Crater
- Evidence of Tectonic Fractures as Magma Conduits in the Prometheus Area on Io
- Evidence of multiple flooding events or pulses from erosional features in Martian outflow channels
- From detachment to transtensional faulting: A model for the Lake Mead extensional domain based on new ages and correlation of subbasins
- Global Geology and Stratigraphy of Europa
- Global Mapping of the Surface of Titan Using VIMS Infrared Images - Geodynamical Implications
- Ground-Water Sources, Flow-Paths, and Residence Times in the Middle Verde River Watershed, Northern Arizona
- HiRISE Images of the Sublimation of the Southern Seasonal Polar Cap of Mars
- HiRISE Observations of Martian Mid-Latitude Fractured Mounds
- HiRISE Observations of the Mars North Polar Layered Deposits
- High-Resolution Imaging of Lava Flow Terrains on Mars by MRO HiRISE
- High-resolution structural mapping in Southwest Candor Chasma
- Lava Flow Emplacement at Pillan, Io in 1997: Implications for Massive Basaltic Flow Emplacement on Earth and Mars.
- MRO CRISM Investigation of Hydrated Materials Associated with the North Polar Residual Cap on Mars
- Modeling Water Temperatures in the Colorado River Below Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona to Assess the Influence of Operational and Environmental Factors on Downstream Thermal Dynamics
- Modified Sediment Rating Curve Approach for Supply-dependent Conditions
- New Instrumentation for Characterizing the Moon as a Radiometric Standard for Space-based Radiometry
- Persistent summertime water ice deposits in the northern plains of Mars: Observations from MRO CRISM
- Photoclinometry, Morphometry, and Spectroscopy of Titan's Sand Dunes from Cassini/VIMS
- Possible Glacial Erosion of Interior Layered Deposit Mounds in Central Candor Chasma
- Recent bright gully deposits on Mars: Wet or dry flow?
- Stratigraphy and Tectonics of Arabia Terra Layered Deposits from HiRISE Imagery and Derived Meter Scale Topography
- The north polar lakes of Titan as observed by Cassini Radar
- Thermal Infrared Spectroscopy of Experimentally Shocked Plagioclase and Basalt and Applications to Mars
- Titan Surface Temperatures from Cassini RADAR Radiometry
- Titan's Spin State from Cassini SAR Data: Evidence for an Internal Ocean
- Titan's sand seas of longitudinal dunes as indicators of winds and sediment transport
- Topography of Titan from Cassini RADAR Stereo Data
- Using Combined THEMIS Visible and Infrared Images to map Martian Topography and Slope- corrected Surface Thermal Properties
- Wind-Driven Particle Mobility on Mars: Insights from MER Observations
- A New Global Mosaic of Mercury
- A Three-Dimensional View of Titan's Surface Features from Cassini RADAR Stereogrammetry
- Cassini Radar: Extended Mission Plans and Expected Results
- Comparison of Martian Dust Devil Track Morphologies in Gusev and Russell Craters
- Constraints on Aeolian Degradation Rates on Mars from Erasure of Rover Tracks
- Constraints on Deep Moonquake Focal Mechanisms Through Analyses of Tidal Stress
- Cryovolcanism on Titan: Interpretations from Cassini RADAR data
- Current Results From High-Resolution Structural Mapping in Southwest Candor Chasma
- Degradation of Victoria Crater, Mars
- Different appearance of Titan's dunes
- Diversity of Soil Textures Along Spirit's Traverse in Gusev Crater
- Downscaled Climate Change Projections for the Southern Colorado Plateau: Variability and Implications for Vegetation Changes
- Enhanced PAR Irradiance Under Broken Cloud Fields and its Significance for Tropical Forest Photosynthesis
- Episodicity in the Geological Evolution of Mars: Analysis of Ages from Crater Counts on Image Data and Correlation with Radiometric Ages of Martian Meteorites.
- Eruption and emplacement rates of flood basalt lava flows
- Evaporite-mineral Dusts From a Dry Saline Playa in the Mojave Desert and Bioaccessibility of Their Trace Metals
- Evidence for High and Low Temperature Alteration across Home Plate, Gusev Crater
- Formation and Tectonic Evolution of Sedimentary Sequences on Mars from HiRISE Stereo Topography
- Global Distribution of Dunes on Titan With VIMS
- HiRISE Images of the Sublimation of Mars Northern Seasonal Polar Cap
- HiRISE Observations of Glacial Morphologies in Argyre Planitia, Mars
- HiRISE Observations of the Polar Regions of Mars
- High resolution VIMS images of Titan's surface: implications for its composition, internal structure and dynamics
- High thermal inertia surfaces and the physical nature of the upper martian crust
- Highly Comminuted Impact Ejecta on Mars: Constraints on Ballistic Emplacement
- Internet Mapping Services Facilitate Distribution and Analysis of Sediment Movement and Storage Changes of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Lava Fountains on Io: Implications for the Interior and Future Observations
- Lithospheric Structure and Patera Formation on Io: Implications for Future Observations
- Mars Aeolian Features and Processes Observed Concurrently From Orbit and the Ground
- Origin of Theater-Headed Tributaries to Escalante and Glen Canyons, Utah: Analogs to Martian Valley Networks
- Pancam Spectral Variations Across Home Plate: Bonestell Panorama, Gusev Crater, Mars
- Physical Diversity of Phyllosilicate Deposits at the MSL Candidate Landing Sites
- Process-based reference conditions: An alternative approach for managed river systems
- Ranking GCM Estimates of Twentieth Century Precipitation Seasonality in the Western U.S. and its Influence on Floristic Provinces.
- Spatial and Temporal Vegetation Changes of Pinyon and Juniper Woodlands on the Coconino Plateau Natural Reserve Lands in Northern Arizona
- Surface Properties and Characteristics of Mars Landing Sites from Remote Sensing Data and Ground Truth
- The Dunes of Shangri-La : New Cassini RADAR results on patterns of aeolian features and the influence of topography
- The MOON micro-seismic noise : first estimates from meteorites flux simulations
- Titan's Shape from Cassini Radar Altimeter and SAR Monopulse Observations
- Titan's global lake distribution and implied hydrocarbon hydrology from Cassini SAR imagery and topography
- Using spatial and temporal changes in bed-sediment grain size to trace sand transport: results of 30,000 bed-sediment grain-size measurements from Grand Canyon between 2000 and 2008
- Volcanism on Io: Insights from Global Geologic Mapping
- A GEO Global Agricultural Water Productivity Mapping System
- A Simple Physical Model for Deep Moonquakes
- Comparing Past and Future Elevational vs. Latitudinal Migrations in Mountains of the Western U.S
- Deformation of Sedimentary Rocks in Valles Marineris
- Deteriorating food security in India
- Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment: Initial global mapping results (Invited)
- Examining cemented inverted channel deposits in Green River, Utah as an analog for inverted terrain on Mars
- Future Io Exploration for 2013-2022 and Beyond: A White Paper submitted for the 2011 Planetary Science Decadal Survey
- History of Martian Surface Changes Observed by Mars Global Surveyor
- Influence of Complex Terrain on Wind Fields in the Mojave Desert, Southwestern US
- Initial Results of 3D Topographic Mapping Using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) Stereo Imagery
- Insights into Pyroclastic Volcanism on the Moon with LROC Data
- LRO Camera Imaging of Constellation Sites
- Martian Weathering Environments of the Amazonian Indicated by Correlated Morphologic and Spectral Observation in Acidalia Planitia
- Modeling Specular Reflections from Hydrocarbon Lakes on the Surface of Titan
- Near Global Mosaic of Mercury
- Next Steps in Mars Polar Science: In Situ Subsurface Exploration of the North Polar Layered Deposits
- Orbital and Ground Observations of Martian Dust Devils
- Pancam Multispectral Observations of the Block Island meteorite, Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Postdam evolution of aeolian landscapes in the Colorado River corridor through Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA
- Recent results from the Microscopic Imagers on the Mars Exploration Rovers
- Representative Image Subsets in Soil Analysis Using the Mars Exploration Rover Microscopic Imager
- Secondary Craters as Stratigraphic Markers: GIS-Based Program Development and Performance Testing Using the Secondaries of Zunil Crater, Mars
- Spectral and Textural Changes Observed in Sulfate Soil Deposits at Gusev Crater, Mars
- Specular Scattering on Titan observed by Cassini VIMS: Liquids in the North Polar Region
- The Optimization of Spatial, Spectral, and Temporal Resolution for Constraining Eruption Style on Earth and Io with Thermal Remote Sensing
- Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing of the Yellowstone Geothermal System
- Titan Mare Explorer (TiME): A Discovery Mission to Titan’s Hydrocarbon Lakes
- Acquisition, calibration, and performance of airborne high-resolution ADS40 SH52 sensor data for monitoring the Colorado River below Glen Canyon Dam
- Apollo 11 and 16 Soil Bi-directional Solar Reflectance Measurements, Models and LRO Diviner Observations
- Application of High Dynamic Range (HDR) Imaging for Improved Quantitative Environmental Monitoring
- Argon Diffusion in Shocked Pyroxene, Feldspar, and Olivine
- Cassini/VIMS Discovery of Organic Evaporite Deposits in Titan's Dry Lakebeds
- Contrasting Flow Events in Chryse and Acidalia Planitiae, Mars, as Determined Through Landform Mapping and Spatial Analyses
- Detecting Bedform Migration on Mars: A Review of Current Results and Plans for Sub-Pixel Detection Techniques (Invited)
- Detection and Extent of Ancient, Buried Mare Deposits in South Pole-Aitken Basin (SPA):Implications for Robotic Sampling
- Digital Geologic Map Database of Medicine Lake Volcano, Northern California
- Effect of Increasing Vegetated Area on Sediment Storage in a Supply-limited Reach of the Colorado River
- Evidence for the evacuation of fine sediment and fine gravel of the Colorado River below Glen Canyon Dam
- Explosive Volcanism in Io's Lava Lakes - The Key To Constraining Eruption Temperature?
- Impact seismology on terrestrial planets and Small bodies (Invited)
- Implications of the Distinctive Mafic Mound in Central SPA (Invited)
- Intimate Views of Cretaceous Plutons, the Colorado River Extensional Corridor, and Colorado River Stratigraphy in and near Topock Gorge, Southwest USA
- Investigating the Cause of Moving Albedo Boundaries in the Oxia Palus Region of Mars
- La Sotra y las otras: Topographic evidence for (and against) cryovolcanism on Titan (Invited)
- Lunette: A Dual Lander Mission to the Moon to Explore Early Planetary Differentiation
- Permeability variation around faults in the Joe Lott Tuff Member of the Mount Belknap Volcanics, southwestern Utah
- Planum Boreum Basal Unit Topography and its Influence on Surface Structures
- Plugs or Flood-makers? The Unstable Landslide Dams of Eastern Oregon
- Radargrammetry on three planets: Mapping the Solar System's hidden corners
- Recent Surface Changes on Mars
- Recent developments in the use of hydroacoustics for monitoring suspended-sediment transport in rivers (Invited)
- Reconciling Differences in Global Iron Estimates Using Gamma-ray/Neutron and Reflectance Spectroscopy
- SHARAD Finds Voluminous CO2 Ice Sequestered in the Martian South Polar Layered Deposits
- Seismic detection of the layers of the lunar core (Invited)
- Spectrally Dominant Aromatic Hydrocarbon Compounds on Titan (Invited)
- Spectrogoniometric Measurements and Modeling of Apollo 16 Soil 68810
- The GIS-based geologic investigation of the South Pole-Aitken basin region of the Moon using SELENE elemental information
- The Role of Trans Tensional Structures and Lake Mead Reservoir in Groundwater Flow in Black Canyon, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, NV-AZ
- The use of deep moonquakes for constraining the internal structure of the Moon
- Topographic Analyses of Reaches of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon Reveal Focused Locations of Fine-Sediment Accumulation and Evacuation
- A Dryland River Transformed: The Little Colorado
- Accurate sediment-load calculations in rivers require high-resolution discharge-independent measurements of suspended-sediment concentration
- Active Mass Wasting of Ices in the North Polar Region of Mars
- Active aeolian processes on Mars: A regional study in Arabia and Meridiani Terrae
- An Investigation of Regolith Cover on Ejecta Blocks: Implications for Regolith Development
- CRISM/HiRISE Correlative Spectroscopy
- Characterization of Previously Unidentified Lunar Pyroclastic Deposits using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) Data
- Characterizing Geometric Distortion of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Wide Angle Camera
- ChemCam Targeted Science at Gale Crater
- Comparison of Mars Northern Cap Edge Advance and Recession Rates over the Last 6 Mars Years
- Compositional maps and VIS-IR spectral indicators of Vesta's surface retrieved from VIR hyperspectral data
- Enhanced Processing and Analysis of Cassini SAR Images of Titan
- Evaluation of Intake Efficiencies and Associated Sediment-Concentration Errors in US D-77 Bag-Type and US D-96-Type Depth-Integrating Suspended-Sediment Samplers
- Evidence for widespread effusive volcanism near the Noachian-Hesperian transition in circum-Hellas cratered uplands of Mars
- Field Test of a High Dynamic Range All-Sky Imaging System
- GIS Plate Tectonic Reconstruction of the Gulf of California-Salton Trough Oblique Rift
- Geochemical mapping of 4 Vesta begins
- Global Controlled Mosaic of Mercury from MESSENGER Orbital Images
- HiRISE Wind Measurements of Martian Dust Devils
- ISIS Cartographic Tools for the Dawn Framing Camera and Visual and Infrared Spectrometer
- Increasing Vulnerability to Drought and Climate Change on the Navajo Nation, southwestern United States
- Interpreting Titan's surface geology from Cassini RADAR observations
- Iron Oxide Minerals in Atmospheric Dust and Source Sediments-Studies of Types and Properties to Assess Environmental Effects
- KREEPy Bullialdus Crater: Probing the Links Between Mineralogy, Thorium, and Lunar Volatiles
- Linking Morphodynamic Response with Sediment Mass Balance: Issues of Scale, Geomorphic Setting, and Sampling Design
- Macro vs. Micro: relating the Spectral Properties of Vesta and the HED Meteorite
- Martian dune-gully seasonal activity and formation
- Measuring and Monitoring Heat Flow and Hydrothermal Changes in the Yellowstone Geothermal System using ASTER and MODIS Thermal Infrared Data
- Modeling Cooling Rates of Martian Flood Basalt Columns
- Morphometry and Morphology of Fresh Craters on Titan
- Mountain Height Distribution and Tectonic Structural Mapping on Titan from Cassini RADAR: Implications for the Origin of Mountains
- Near-continuous suspended sediment monitoring of the Rio Grande using multi-frequency acoustic instrumentation in Big Bend National Park, USA
- Observations of ice-exposing impacts in the Martian mid-latitudes
- Photometric properties of Vesta from Dawn
- Recent Observations of Recurring Slope Lineae on Mars
- SHARAD Investigation of the Interaction Between Volcanism and Deep Water Release in Elysium Planitia, Mars
- Spatial variability of damage around faults in the Joe Lott Tuff Member of the Mount Belknap Volcanics, southwestern Utah: An analog to faulting in tuff on Mars
- Surface Characteristics and Traversability of the Gale Crater Mars Science Laboratory Landing Site
- The Circum-Hellas Volcanic Province, Mars.
- The Salton Seismic Imaging Project: Investigating Earthquake Hazards in the Salton Trough, Southern California
- The Surface Composition of Titan
- The Thermal Inertia of Vesta's Surface
- Untangling Geomorphic Processes in the Grand Canyon with Topographic Time Series from Hybrid Surveys
- Using the Earth as a guide to martian mass movement processes: From form to process
- Vesta's temperature: First results from Dawn's Survey Orbits
- A Survey of Sinuous Ridges and Inferred Fluvial Discharge Rates in Northwest Hellas, Mars
- Bedform Migration on Mars: Current Results, Implications, and Future Plans
- Chicken or Egg? Resolving the Relative Roles of Non-Native Vegetation Invasion and Changing Flow Regime in Channel Narrowing and Planform Simplification of Large Rivers of the American Southwest
- Combining MESSENGER Data in Production and Analysis of Digital Elevation Models
- Constraints on Titan's rotation from Cassini radar data
- Error and Uncertainty in High-resolution Quantitative Sediment Budgets
- Framework for Assessing Dynamism and Persistence of Eddy-Sandbar Complexes in the Grand Canyon
- Global Surface Thermal Inertia Derived from Dawn VIR Observations
- Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Vegetation:Knowledge Gain and Knowledge Gap after 40 years of research
- Improvements in agricultural water decision support using remote sensing
- Landscape level influence: aquatic primary production in the Colorado River of Glen and Grand canyons
- Mars' Active Surface: Observing Changes with Orthorectified HiRISE Images
- Measuring and Monitoring Volcanic Crater Lake Temperature and Heat Flux using Spaceborne Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing
- Micro-mapping Meteorite Surfaces on Mars using Microscopic Imager Mosaics — A Tool for Unraveling Weathering History at Meridiani Planum
- Modeling Floods in Athabasca Valles, Mars, Using CTX Stereo Topography
- Monitoring Gully Activity in Martian Winter
- Monitoring Io's Volcanic Activity in the Visible and Infrared from JUICE - It's All About (Eruption) Style
- Orbital detectability of thermal signatures associated with active formation of 'chaos terrain' on Europa
- Persistence of the North American Monsoon over the last 50,000 years in Arizona, USA
- Pervasive aeolian activity along Curiosity's traverse in Gale Crater on Mars
- Post-disturbance dust emissions in dry lands: the role of anthropogenic and climatic factors
- Potential Impacts of Legacy and Current Uranium Mining in the Grand Canyon Region of Northern Arizona
- Present-Day Surface Changes on Mars: Implications for Recent Climate Variability and Habitability
- Recurring Slope Lineae in Valles Marineris, Mars
- Remote Monitoring of Persistent Thermal Features at Volcanoes: A Survey of Alaskan Volcanoes Using Satellite and Airborne Thermal Infrared
- Repeat Observations of New Impact Sites on Mars: Changes in Blast Zones
- Spatial variability of damage around faults in the Joe Lott Tuff Member of the Mount Belknap Volcanics, southwestern Utah
- Three Mars Years of Surface Albedo Changes Observed by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter MARCI Investigation
- Titan North Polar Lake Hydrology from SAR Stereo Topography
- Titan's Plains: Global Distribution and Possible Origin
- Titan's topography as a clue to geologic processes and landscape evolution
- Use of VNIR Camera System to Estimate Lava Temperature
- Accurate sediment budgets in rivers require high-resolution discharge-independent measurements of suspended-sediment concentration
- Acoustic Scattering by an Heterogeneous River Bed: Relationship to Bathymetry and Implications for Sediment Classification using Multibeam Echosounder Data
- Adaptive Flow Management in Regulated Rivers: Successes and Challenges (Invited)
- Aeolian Abrasion at the Curiosity Landing Site: Clues to the Role of Wind in Landscape Modification
- Application of Geologic Mapping Techniques and Autonomous Feature Detection to Future Exploration of Europa
- Calcium Sulfate Vein Observations at Yellowknife Bay using ChemCam on the Curiosity Rover
- Cassini RADAR Observes Titan's Kraken Mare, The Largest Extraterrestrial Sea
- ChemCam Compositional Results from the Shaler Outcrop in Gale Crater, Mars (Invited)
- ChemCam investigation of resistant fracture-fill cements at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Colorado River Vegetation, and Climate: Five Decades of Spatio-Temporal Dynamics in the Grand Canyon in Response to River Regulation
- Comparison of four methods of aerodynamic roughness length parameterization in semi-arid shrublands with airborne LiDAR, hyperspectral, and meteorological data
- Constraints on the Evolution of Titan's Lake Basins as Revealed by Stereo Photogrammetry and Bathymetry (Invited)
- Constructing a morphologic sediment budget, with uncertainties, for a 50-km segment of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Constructing a near-continuous suspended-sediment budget using acoustic instrumentation on the Rio Grande in Big Bend National Park, USA
- Correlation of Dune Field Stabilization with Mineralogy in the Southern Hemisphere of Mars
- Diversity of Rock Compositions at Gale Crater Observed by ChemCam and APXS on Curiosity, and Comparison to Meteorite and Orbital Observations
- Evaluating Unsupervised Methods to Size and Classify Suspended Particles Using Digital Holography
- Evolution of a meander in a constricted reach of a dryland alluvial channel: Little Colorado River, Arizona
- Extensive Sampling of Forest Carbon using High Density Power Line Lidar
- Geologic Structure at the Curiosity Field Site from Stereo Topography (Invited)
- Global Food Security-support data at 30 m (GFSAD30)
- Global Monitoring of Martian Surface Albedo Changes from Orbital Observations
- Global evapotranspiration data sets: An evaluation of vegetation and energy-based methods for irrigated areas (Invited)
- Harvesting natural forests for biomass in the Lake States: Using a landscape disturbance and succession model to evaluate long-term carbon, nitrogen and species composition change
- Mapping secondary crater fields in Arcadia Plantia, Mars: Implications for subsurface ice
- Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover initial Mastcam geomorphologic and multispectral characterization of the Gale crater field site
- Mars: Cold, windy and occasionally unstable (Invited)
- Measurements of sediments loads in small, ungaged, basins may be required to accurately close sediment budgets: An example from a monitoring network on the southern Colorado Plateau
- Mechanics of brittle deformation and slope failure at the North Menan Butte tuff cone, Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho
- Modeling Seasonal Thermal Radiance Cycles for Change Detection at Volcanic / Geothermal Areas
- Observations of Ice-Exposing Impacts on Mars over Three Mars Years
- Recent Opportunity Microscopic Imager Results
- Reconciliation of Flux-based and Morphologic-based Sediment Budgets
- Reconciling historical and contemporary evidence of aeolian-based, gully annealing processes in Glen, Marble, and Grand Canyon, USA
- Recurring Slope Lineae in Mid-Latitude and Equatorial Mars
- Sedimentary Petrography and Facies Analysis at the Shaler Outcrop, Gale Crater, Mars
- Sedimentary architecture of the Shaler outcrop, Gale Crater, Mars: paleoenvironmental and sediment transport implications
- Shear Stress Drives Local Variation in Invertebrate Drift in a Large River
- Study of Megabreccia in Ritchey Crater Central Uplift, Mars
- Surprise and Opportunity for Learning in Grand Canyon: the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program
- The ChemCam Remote Micro-Imager on MSL: Observations From the First Year on Mars
- The Impact Environment of the Hadean Earth at the Dawn of Life
- The case of Titan's mysterious new island: An analysis of an anomalously bright feature observed in the T92 SAR pass over Ligeia Mare
- The effect of controlled floods on decadal-scale changes in channel morphology and fine sediment storage in a debris-fan affected river canyon
- Thermal Remote Sensing of Lava Lakes on Io and Earth (Invited)
- Titan's 'blandlands': Are they massive sand sheets?
- Understanding seasonal variations in thermal inertia on Mars
- Using remotely sensed indices of primary productivity to evaluate large mammal abundance and movement in the arid Southwestern United States
- Warm Season Storms, Floods, and Tributary Sand Inputs below Glen Canyon Dam: Investigating Salience to Adaptive Management in the Context of a 10-Year Long Controlled Flooding Experiment in Grand Canyon National Park, AZ, USA
- Characteristics and Origin of a Cratered Unit near the MSL Bradbury Landing Site (Gale Crater, Mars) Based on Analyses of Surface Data and Orbital Images
- Constraints on Enceladus' Internal Structure from Cassini Gravity: Beyond Hydrostatic Cores and Uniformly Compensated Shells
- Constraints on Titan rotation from Cassini radar
- Deciphering Paria and Little Colorado River flood regimes and their significance in multi-objective adaptive management strategies for Colorado River resources in Grand Canyon
- Deciphering the evolution and origin of the lower Colorado River and uplift of the Colorado Plateau: Preliminary U-Pb carbonate dating results and future directions
- Determining the Location and Magnitude of Basin and Range and Laramide Faulting, Southern Nevada
- Dryland Precipitation Variability and Desertification Processes: An Assessment of Spatial and Temporal Rain Variability within the Grand Canyon, Arizona
- Eolian Soft-Sediment Deformation Records on Earth and Mars
- Geomorphic response in the Limitrophe reach of the Colorado River to the 2014 delta pulse flow, United States and Mexico
- Geomorphology of Titan's Polar Regions
- Hypotheses on the Source of Potassium Enrichment in Some Gale Crater Rocks
- Manganese in Endeavour Crater Rim Materials, Mars, and Implications for Habitability
- Mapping and Measuring Thermal Areas in Yellowstone using ASTER and Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Data
- Measurement of Bedding Geometry of Upper Aeolis Mons, Gale Crater, Mars
- Observations of high manganese layers by the Curiosity rover at the Kimberley, Gale crater, Mars
- Opportunities for Scientists to Engage the Public & Inspire Students in Science
- Partitioning the climatic and biological controls on photosynthetic fluxes in Amazonian tropical evergreen forests
- Predicting watershed sediment yields after wildland fire with the InVEST sediment retention model at large geographic extent in the western USA: accuracy and uncertainties
- Regional and global crustal context of soil and rock chemistry from ChemCam and APXS at Gale crater
- Satellite Image-based Estimates of Snow Water Equivalence in Restored Ponderosa Pine Forests in Northern Arizona
- Spectroscopic Observations of Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) from Mars using ChemCam, OMEGA and SPICAM.
- The Effect of Incidence Angle on Stereo DTM Quality: Simulations in Support of Europa Clipper
- The Europa Imaging System (EIS): High-Resolution, 3-D Insight into Europa's Geology, Ice Shell, and Potential for Current Activity
- The Impact Environment of Ancient Mars: Implications for Habitability
- The Mars Diurnal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Cycle as Observed in the Tharsis Region.
- The Role of Sediment Budgets in the Implementation and Evaluation of Controlled Floods to Restore Sandbars along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona
- Titan's Magic Island: Transient features in a Titan sea
- Topographic and Acoustic Estimates of Grain-Scale Roughness from High-Resolution Multibeam Echo-Sounder: Examples from the Colorado River in Marble and Grand Canyons.
- A Model of Turbulence, Sediment Transport and Morphodynamics of Lateral Separation Zones in Canyon Rivers using Detached Eddy Simulation Technique
- Addressing scale dependence in roughness and morphometric statistics derived from point cloud data.
- Alluvial Fans on Titan Reveal Atmosphere and Surface Interactions and Material Transport
- Carbon Sequestration on Mars: Constraints from the Nili Fossae Carbonate Plains
- Cassini RADAR Observations of Saturn's Largest Moon, Titan
- Cataloging Common Sedimentary and Deformation Features in Valles Marineris
- ChemCam First Discovery of High Silica Sediments in Gale Crater
- Chemo-stratigraphy in the Murray Formation Using ChemCam
- Comparison of airborne and spaceborne TIR data for studying volcanic geothermal areas
- Complex Explosive Volcanic Activity on the Moon in Oppenheimer Crater
- Deriving Lava Eruption Temperatures on Io Using Lava Tube Skylights
- Drought Impacts on Agricultural Production and Land Fallowing in California's Central Valley in 2015
- Early Results of Large-Scale Geologic Mapping in East Candor Chasma
- Estimating Riverine Air-Water Gas Exchange and Metabolism from Long Oxygen Time Series
- Examining the Relationship Between Suspended Sand Load and Bedload on the Colorado River Using Concurrent Measurements of Suspended Sand and Observations of Sand Dune Migration.
- Exogenous carbonaceous matter in ancient martian sediments
- Flash Floods, Sediment Transport, and the Geomorphic Transformation of Moenkopi Wash, AZ
- From Hype to an Operational Tool: Efforts to Establish a Long-Term Monitoring Protocol of Alluvial Sandbars using 'Structure-from-Motion' Photogrammetry
- Geologic Investigations Spurred by Analog Testing at the 7504 Cone-Sp Mountain Area of the San Francisco Volcanic Field
- Geomorphology of Titan's polar terrains: Using the landscape's topographic form to constrain surface processes
- Geothermal Heat Flux Assessment Using Remote Sensing Land Surface Temperature and Simulated Data. Case Studies at the Kenyan Rift and Yellowstone Geothermal Areas
- High concentrations of regional dust from deserts to plains across the central Rocky Mountains, USA
- Integrated Economic Modeling of Water Supply-Quality Tradeoffs: An Application to the Central Valley, California
- Interpreting Hydraulic Conditions from Morphology, Sedimentology, and Grain Size of Sand Bars in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Key Recent Scientific Results from the Opportunity Rover's Exploration of Cape Tribulation, Endeavour Crater, Mars
- Leaf ontogeny and demography explain photosynthetic seasonality in Amazon evergreen forests
- Linkages between controlled floods, eddy sandbar dynamics, and riparian vegetation along the Colorado River in Marble Canyon, Arizona
- Major-Element Compositional Diversity Observed by ChemCam Along the MSL Traverse: The First Three Years
- Measurement of sediment loads during flash flood events: 14 years of results from a six stream monitoring network on the southern Colorado Plateau
- Nature, Distribution, and Origin of Titan's Undifferentiated Plains ("Blandlands")
- Observations of Sand Dune Migration on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon using High-Resolution Multibeam Bathymetry
- Oceans Abound? Tectonic Tests of Global Ocean Models for Enceladus and Mimas
- Opportunity Microscopic Imager Results from the Western Rim of Endeavour Crater, Mars
- Patterns of Channel and Sandbar Morphologic Response to Sediment Evacuation on the Colorado River in Marble Canyon, Arizona
- Predicting future, post-fire erosion and sedimentation with watershed models in the western USA
- Progress of Interoperability in Planetary Research for Geospatial Data Analysis
- Prospects for the Moon as an SI-Traceable Absolute Spectroradiometric Standard for Satellite Remote Sensing
- Quantitative reconstruction of paleo-Colorado-River profiles to test river integration and uplift models
- RIS<SUP>4</SUP>E at Kilauea's December 1974 Flow: Assessing the Integration of Portable Infrared Multispectral Imaging into Planetary Surface Exploration
- Remote sensing approach to map riparian vegetation of the Colorado River Ecosystem, Grand Canyon area, Arizona
- Science Measurements for the <em>Io Volcano Observer (IVO)</em>
- Sediment Supply Versus Local Hydraulic Controls on Sediment Transport and Storage in the Rio Grande in the Big Bend Region
- Sedimentary Facies as Indicators of Changing Lake Levels in Gale Crater, Mars
- Sub-Model Partial Least Squares for Improved Accuracy in Quantitative Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
- Synchrony and Divergence in Stream Metabolism across the Continental United States
- The Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) on ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO): Building on orbital imaging from MRO and Mars Express
- The Composition of the Lunar Crust as Revealed by the Study of Impact Basin Rings using the Kaguya Multiband Imager
- The Effect of Incidence Angle on Stereo DTM Quality: Simulations in Support of Europa Exploration
- The Europa Imaging System (EIS): High-Resolution, 3-D Insight into Europa's Geology, Ice Shell, and Potential for Current Activity
- The Flagstaff Festival of Science: Over 25 years of connecting research professionals with the people of Northern Arizona
- The SuperCam Remote-Sensing Instrument Suite for the Mars 2020 Rover Mission
- Three-dimensional estimates of tree canopies: Scaling from high-resolution UAV data to satellite observations
- Thrust Faults, Folds, Both, or Neither? Accommodating Lithospheric Shortening on Icy Worlds.
- TopCAT and PySESA: Open-source software tools for point cloud decimation, roughness analyses, and quantitative description of terrestrial surfaces
- Topographic Constraints on the Evolution and Connectivity of Titan's Lacustrine Basins
- Understanding Io's Interior Structure from Electromagnetic Induction
- Use of Composite Fingerprinting Technique to Determine Contribution of Paria River Sediments to Dam-Release Flood Deposits in Marble Canyon, Grand Canyon, Az
- Using high-dynamic-range digital repeat photography to measure plant phenology in a subarctic mire.
- Vent 7504 of the San Francisco Volcanic Field (SFVF), Arizona: Sample Geochemistry and Implications for Cone Formation
- ALMA observation of Ceres' Surface Temperature.
- Aeolian Sediment Trapping Efficiencies of Sparse Vegetation and its Ecohydrological Consequences in Drylands
- Changes in the Spatial Nature of Heat Waves Over North America
- Channel Narrowing and the Relationship Between Geomorphic Change and Native Fish Habitat on the Colorado River in Canyonlands National Park, Utah
- Classifying Historic Images to Quantify Spatial and Temporal Changes in Tree Mortality at Horseshoe Lake (Mammoth Mountain, California)
- Comparison of HiRISE and Long-Distance Remote Micro Imager Observations of Slopes on Aeolis Mons, Gale Crater, Mars
- Environmental Transitions Recorded by Fluvial Fan Stratigraphy at Dingo Gap and Moonlight Valley, Gale Crater, Mars
- Evidence for Paleo-Dune Fields in the Upper Formation of Aeolis Mons, Gale Crater, Mars
- Experimental Demonstration of 3-Dimensional Flow Structures and Depositional Features in a Lateral Recirculation Zone
- From Hype to an Operational Tool: Efforts to Establish a Long-Term Monitoring Protocol of Alluvial Sandbars using `Structure-from-Motion' Photogrammetry
- Geological and Structural Patterns on Titan Enhanced Through Cassini's SAR PCA and High-Resolution Radiometry
- Geomorphic Process from Topographic Form: Automating the Interpretation of Repeat Survey Data to Understand Sediment Connectivity for Source-Bordering Aeolian Dunefields in River Valleys
- Global High Resolution Mineral Maps Of The Moon Using Data From the Kaguya Multiband Imager and LRO Diviner Lunar Radiometer
- Global Surface Dust Distribution Changes on Mars (MY24-33)
- Grain-Scale Analyses of Curiosity Data at Marias Pass, Gale Crater, Mars: Methods Comparison and Depositional Interpretation
- Hydraulic Strategies and Response to El Niño Drought in Amazon Rainforest
- Investigating the relationship between peat biogeochemistry and above-ground plant phenology with remote sensing along a gradient of permafrost thaw.
- Is Ceres' deep interior ice-rich? Constraints from crater morphology
- Landscape Evolution Associated with Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL) on Mars
- Phenology of Succession: Tracking the Recovery of Dryland Forests after Wildfire Events
- Physical Drivers Vs. Effects of the Wolf-Elk Trophic Cascade on Fluvial Channel Planform, Olympic National Park, Washington
- Planetary Exploration Education: As Seen From the Point of View of Subject Matter Experts
- Post-Wildfire Potential for Carbon and Nitrogen Sequestration in the Southwestern United States in Restored Ephemeral and Intermittent Stream Channels
- Post-fire soil nutrient redistribution in northern Chihuahuan Desert
- Quantifying Post-Fire Aeolian Sediment Transport Using Rare Earth Element Tracers.
- Recent Opportunity Microscopic Imager Results from the Western Rim of Endeavour Crater
- Recreational-Grade Sidescan Sonar: Transforming a Low-Cost Leisure Gadget into a High Resolution Riverbed Remote Sensing Tool
- Remote Geochemical and Mineralogical Analyses under Venus Atmospheric Conditions by Raman - Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
- Remote Sensing of Tamarisk Biomass, Insect Herbivory, and Defoliation: Novel Lidar and Multispectral Methods in the Grand Canyon Region, Arizona
- Seafloor Dunes: Viability as an Analog to Venusian Dunes
- The Individual and Additive Effects of Vegetation Encroachment and Hydrologic Alteration on Sediment Connectivity in Grand Canyon
- Unusual Metasomatic Rocks Associated With Subducted Mantle Peridotite in the Orocopia Schist at Cemetery Ridge, Southwest Arizona
- A "high severity" spruce beetle outbreak in Wyoming causes moderate-severity carbon cycle perturbations
- A Subject Matter Expert View of Curriculum Development.
- ARCSTONE: Accurate Calibration of Lunar Spectral Reflectance from space
- Biogeomorphic feedbacks in the Southwestern USA: exploring the mechanisms of geomorphic change and the effectiveness of mitigation measures
- Ceres' Global Cryosphere
- Circuitous to single thread: post-dam geomorphic transformation of the Colorado River in its delta
- Constraints on Aqueous Environments for Hematite Formation in Gale Crater from Mastcam and CRISM Spectra
- Deposition of Boron in Possible Evaporite Deposits in Gale Crate
- Developing a Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructure for Evaluating Landing Sites and Performing Surface Operations for the Mars 2020 Lander
- Do Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL) Shape their Local Landscapes?
- Effects of Fire on the Plant-Soil Interactions in Northern Chihuahuan Desert
- Evolution of Meltwater on the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica During Two Summer Melt Seasons
- Foundational Data Products for Europa: A Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructure Example
- From Aeolis Palus to the Bagnold Dunes field: Overview of martian soil analyses performed by ChemCam in Gale Crater
- Geologic Tests for Snowmelt Runoff on Early Mars
- Hazards in the Solar System: Out-of-School Time Student Activities Focused on Engineering Protective Space Gloves
- Ice exposures and landscape evolution in the Martian mid-latitudes
- Identification of discontinuous sand pulses on the bed of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Improved Atlases of Mimas and Enceladus derived from Cassini-ISS images
- Linking THEMIS Orbital Data to MSL GTS Measurements: The Thermophysical Properties of the Bagnold Dunes, Mars
- Liquid Elevations and Topographic Constraints of Titan's Lacustrine Basins at the end of Cassini: Hydrology and Formation
- Numerical model of turbulence, sediment transport, and morphodynamics tested in the Colorado River at Grand Canyon
- Plant responses, climate pivot points, and trade-offs in water-limited ecosystems
- Predicting Tree Mortality Die-off Events Associated with Hotter Drought and Assessing Their Global Consequences via Ecoclimate Teleconnections.
- Quantifying Dynamic Changes on Surface of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Using High-Resolution Photoclinometry DTMs
- Regional Stratigraphy from Stereo Imaging near the Hypanis Fan Deposit: Marking the Extent of the Largest Delta on Mars?
- Remote Sensing Mars Landing Sites: An Out-of-School Time Planetary Science Education Activity for Middle School Students
- Remotely Characterizing the Topographic and Thermal Evolution of Kīlauea's Lava Flow Field
- SIIOS in Alaska - Testing an `In-Vault' Option for a Europa Lander Seismometer.
- Sulfur Geochemical Analysis and Interpretation with ChemCam on the Curiosity Rover
- Sustainability of utility-scale solar energy: Critical environmental concepts
- The Cryospheres of Mars and Ceres - What thermal observations tell us about near surface ice.
- The Depositional and Erosional History of Northwestern Aeolis Mons, Gale Crater, Mars: Insights from Detailed 1:2K Geologic Mapping
- The NASA Planetary Data System Roadmap Study for 2017 - 2026
- The Powell Volcano Remote Sensing Working Group Overview
- The Python Spectral Analysis Tool (PySAT): A Powerful, Flexible, Preprocessing and Machine Learning Library and Interface
- The Role of Geologic Mapping in NASA PDSI Planning
- The Role of NASA's Planetary Data System in the Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructure Initiative
- The Sands of the Bagnold Dunes, Mars and Volatiles in Mars Soils
- Using Lunar Observations for Calibration Stability and Data Continuity for SNPP VIIRS and MODIS Reflected Solar Bands
- Utilizing Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry with Airborne Visual and Thermal Images to Monitor Thermal Areas in Yellowstone National Park
- Water in the Solar System: The Development of Science Education Curriculum Focused on Planetary Exploration
- Clastic Pipes on Mars: Evidence for a Near Surface Groundwater System
- A Lacustrine Environment Recorded at Vera Rubin Ridge: Overview of the Sedimentology and Stratigraphy observed by the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover
- A User-driven Approach for Meeting the Nation's Land Imaging Needs
- Active Volcanism on Io: Implications for Terrestrial Planets and Ocean Worlds
- Analysis of thermal emission from Kīlauea's 2018 Lower East Rift Zone eruption, using satellite remote sensing assets
- Ancient Bedforms within Valles Marineris, Mars
- Application of Machine Learning to Landform Classification and Surface Change Detection on Large Rivers
- Ballistic Emplacement Model for Pyroclastic Deposits in Lunar Alphonsus Crater
- Comprehensive Sediment-Transport Measurements on a Large Sand-Bedded River: Bedform Tracking, Acoustical Suspended-Sediment Measurements, and Physical Sampling on the Lower Chippewa River, WI
- Controls on fluvial morphology in Olympic National Park, Washington, USA: physical factors or wolf-driven trophic cascades?
- Curiosity at Vera Rubin Ridge: Major Findings and Implications for Habitability
- Depth-profile laser-ablation split-stream ICP-MS analysis of metamorphic zircon rims from the Orocopia Schist: Implications for the chronology of erosion and underplating during flat-slab subduction.
- Dry Ice and Granular Flows on Mars
- Environmental Controls on Methane Dynamics in Icelandic Lakes
- Estimating Riverbed Sand Thickness Using CHIRP Sonar: Case Study from the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Estimating bedload from suspended load measurements on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park
- Feeling the heat - determining eruption temperatures of Io's lavas using remote sensing
- Field Camp for Astronauts: NASA's Geoscience Training Program for Planetary Exploration
- Fire changes micro-scale stable isotopes of soil nitrogen (N) spatial heterogeneity in a grassand-shrubland transition system
- First Resolved Images of Asteroid (101955) Bennu
- Flow Alteration, River Valley Morphology, and the Influence of Glen Canyon Dam on Sediment Availability along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Fluvial geomorphic evolution under sediment-starved vs. sediment-rich conditions: Response to the world's largest dam removal, Elwha River, Washington, USA
- Formation and evolution of crater rim alcoves and alluvial fans on Mars
- Grain-size controls on sand storage in rivers
- Integrating LiDAR and SfM data from ground-based, unmanned (UAV) and manned aerial platforms to estimate sediment budgets for aeolian dunefields
- Investigating the Clay-Bearing Unit in Gale Crater with the Curiosity Rover
- Investigating the Diversity of Lunar Pyroclastic Constructs Using the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera
- Linking high temporal resolution flux-based sediment budgets with channel change: Establishing morphological meaning to measurements of sediment flux
- Migrating Scarps in the Hapi Region on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Moon Diver: A Discovery Mission Concept for Understanding Planetary Flood Basalts through the Exploration of a Lunar Mare Cross-Section
- Pedestaled, relict lakes on the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica: formation and effects on ice-shelf stability
- Peer-to-Peer Bystander Intervention Training for Employees in Science and Science-Support Roles: Best Practices and Lessons Learned
- Planetary Cards: An Interactive Card Game for Learning about Water in the Solar System
- Plant Production Responses to Water Balance Differ Across Dryland Ecosystems and are Enhanced Under Extremes
- Remote Sensing of Volcanic Deposits of the Apollo 17 Landing Site Region
- Renovating and Updating the Geologic Maps of the Apollo Landing Sites
- SOCCR2 Chapter 7: Indigenous Traditional Knowledge Role in Carbon Cycling on Tribal Lands
- Spatial Analysis of Post-Fire Sediment Redistribution Using Rare Earth Element Tracers
- Sustainable Land Imaging Landsat 10 User Needs
- The Effect of Lake Temperature on Rates of Methane Production and Oxidation in two Sub-Arctic Lakes
- The Effects of DOC Quantity and Quality on Methane Production, Oxidation, and Emission in Icelandic Lakes
- The Plausibility of Silicate Volcanism on Europa's Seafloor
- The Role of the Next Generation Lunar Scientists and Engineers (NextGen) Group in Lunar Science and Exploration
- The rapid emplacement of lava flows in the Lower East Rift Zone of Kīlauea, May 2018
- Thermal physical properties of Ceres derived from ALMA observations.
- Transpiration of Dryland Vegetation under a Geoengineered Future
- Using Terrestrial Analogs to Distinguishing Eolian, Fluvial, and Volcanic Deposits on Mars
- Vertical and Lateral Changes in Sand-Wave Facies From Dilute Pyroclastic Density Currents
- Was fluvial backwasting common on early Mars?
- Water in the Solar System: A Science Education Activity Focused on Planetary Exploration
- A mixed scaling model for migrating bedform velocities in sand bedded rivers
- Advancements in an Ecological Drought Framework to Span Plant Stress to Regional Ecosystem Transformation
- Bedding Orientations of the Vera Rubin Ridge, Gale Crater, Mars and Implications for Regional Stratigraphy
- Connecting Lower Mount Sharp Strata: how does the Clay-bearing Unit in Glen Torridon Relate to the Murray Formation, Gale Crater, Mars
- Curiosity's Climb in Global Context: Evolution of Major Sedimentary Mounds on Mars
- Developing capacity for applied ecological forecasting across the federal research and natural resource management community
- Dynamic fluids under pressure on Earth and Mars: Records of soft-sediment deformation
- Formation of Surface Meltwater Ponds on Sea Ice from Ice-Shelf Runoff, Adjacent to the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Fostering cross disciplinary research and development, in a tribal college, using Vertically Integrated Projects for Research, Outreach, Student Education in STEM ( VIP ROSE STEM)
- Geochemical Composition and Alteration History of the Clay-Bearing Sedimentary Rocks of Glen Torridon (Gale Crater, Mars) Analyzed by the ChemCam Instrument
- Geologic Mapping in South-Western Melas Chasma, Mars
- Hydrothermal Activity in Southwestern Yellowstone National Park
- Magnetic susceptibility-based tracer for quantifying aeolian transport-vegetation interactions
- Methane Emissions across Aquatic Ecosystems - From Headwater Streams to the Open Ocean
- Partitioning a mass-balance sediment budget by sand-size classes to understand where, when, and why channel change occurs
- Planetary Analogs: Future Needs Defined By Community Survey
- Relating conceptual models of volcanic processes to multi-parameter satellite data in Latin America
- Remote Geochemical and Mineralogical Analyses under Venus Surface Conditions
- Results from the Curiosity Rover's Traverse Through the Clay-Bearing Glen Torridon Region in Gale Crater
- Space Hazards! A PLANETS Science Series Activity for Out of School Time
- The Effects of Light Availability and Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration on Methane Dynamics in Icelandic Lakes
- The Emergence of a New Thermal Area in Yellowstone
- The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- The role of unregulated floods in maintaining channel complexity in regulated rivers: Case study from the Green River in Canyonlands National Park, Utah
- Unique Properties of Bedforms Formed from Dilute Pyroclastic Density Currents: Implications for Formation
- What are the current and future properties of coinciding aboveground, surface and belowground extreme high temperature pulses, and are these events meaningful?
- A cooperative pivot into virtual and at home STEM education by a scientist-educator partnership
- A simple morphodynamic model to evaluate decadal-scale sandbar dynamics downstream from a large dam
- An open-source scoping model to generate adaptive policies to manage the Colorado River for uncertain future hydrologic, demand, and ecosystem conditions
- Aquatic Ecosystems are the Most Uncertain but Potentially Largest Source of Methane on Earth
- Assessing COVID-19 environmental impacts through remote sensing
- Enigmas of the Ionian Rock Cycle
- Linking Thermophysics from Earth to Mars
- Longer intervals between rainfall and increasing interannual variability compound soil moisture drought across the western United States
- Magmatism and the emergence of lithological structure in Io - Model predictions
- Reconstructing Martian environmental change across a major unconformity at Gale crater: sedimentology of the Stimson formation at the Greenheugh pediment
- Shallow Ice Detection on Mars: Integration of Thermal and Neutron Datasets into the Mars Subsurface Water Ice Mapping (SWIM) Project
- Subsurface Water Ice Mapping (SWIM) on Mars to Characterize In Situ Resources
- Subsurface Water Ice Mapping (Swim) Project: Characterizing the Inventory of Nonpolar Ice on Mars
- The Comet Astrobiology Exploration SAmple Return (CAESAR) Mission
- The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- Thermophysical and Compositional Trends of Lithified Bedforms on Mars
- A Mastcam-Z View of Regolith at Jezero Crater: Textural and Spectral Properties
- Analysis of Observational Sampling and Geometry Effects on Dayside Measured Winds during Venus Express
- Analysis of potential surface coatings in Jezero crater by SuperCam on the Perseverance rover
- Characterizing Potential Rock Coatings at the Perseverance Rover Landing Site: A Multispectral Analysis with Mastcam-Z
- Commercial Satellite Data: Helping to Characterize Yellowstones Thermal Areas
- Extending the spectral range of the RObotic Lunar Observatory(ROLO) model to climate science-relevant wavelengths
- Fine-grained regolith on Mars: Comparison between Gale and Jezero craters using ChemCam and SuperCam LIBS data
- Future Exploration of Io
- Geologic and Textural Variability of Surface Materials in Jezero Crater as Observed by the NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Mastcam-Z Instruments
- Initial Major Element Quantification Using SuperCam Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
- Linking Thermal Properties of Terrestrial Sedimentary Environments to Mars
- Mafic Chemistry and Mineralogy (including olivine) of the Coarse-Grained Regolith Analyzed by SuperCam at Jezero Crater, Mars
- Modeling cement volumes within ancient lithified bedforms on Mars
- Saturn's Equatorial Jet Through Reanalysis of Voyager Data Using a Modern Wind Measurement Method
- Spatiotemporal Methane Emissions from Global Lakes and Reservoirs
- Spectral diversity in the Western Delta Fan exposures in Jezero crater, Mars, as seen with Mastcam-Z on the Perseverance rover mission
- Understanding the Chemistry of the Rocks at Jezero crater, Mars, through the Combined Use of SuperCam Spectroscopic and Optical Techniques
- Volcano Remote Sensing Cheat Sheet: A Resource for Discovering and Using Data
- A Multi-Instrument Study of Regolith at Jezero Crater
- Emplacement History of Lava Flows of the Máaz Formation on the Jezero Crater Floor: Geochronological Significance and Relationship with the Delta
- Episodic Aqueous Conditions Punctuated dominantly Aeolian Deposition within the Layered Sulphate-bearing Unit, Gale crater (Mars)
- Exploring Past Aqueous Alteration in Jezero crater Samples Using Reactive Transport Modeling
- Global Topography of Enceladus: Additional Evidence for a Thin shell, and New Evidence for Regional Shell Density Variations
- Jezero Crater Floor and Delta Chemistry and Mineralogy Observed by SuperCam in the First 1.5 Years of the Perseverance Rover Mission
- Measuring surface topography and vegetation changes in complex terrain with lidar and photogrammetry
- Rock Coatings at Jezero Crater: Recent Observations from the Perseverance Rover
- Spectral Diversity in the Western Delta Fan in Jezero Crater, Mars, as Seen with Mastcam-Z on the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover
- Timing is of the essence: multiple-day release patterns downstream of large dams affect river corridor sediment connectivity
- UAV and Lidar-based Estimate of Forest Fire and Flood Impacts in Wildland-Urban Interface
- Verifying method to determine surficial heterogeneity of sedimentary deposits with thermal infrared observations of the Curiosity rover
- Wetting Experiments of Mars-Analogous Surfaces in the Southwestern United States
- Hindcasting spatial and temporal patterns in post-wildfire erosion across California
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Fraeman
- A. Cousin
- A. H. D. Koeppel
- A. J. Brown
- A. M. Rutledge
- A. R. Vasavada
- A. R. Weintraub
- A. S. McEwen
- Abigail A. Fraeman
- Alan Kasprak
- Alicia Vaughan
- Amy E. East
- Andrew Annex
- Antoine Lucas
- Arya Udry
- B. Horgan
- B. L. Ehlmann
- Baptiste Chide
- C. Pilorget
- C. S. Edwards
- Carey Legett
- Carène Larmat
- Cathy Quantin‐Nataf
- Christian Tate
- Christopher D. K. Herd
- David Bastviken
- David M. Rubin
- Dmitry Savransky
- E. A. Cloutis
- E. Cardarelli
- E. Dehouck
- E. Mazarico
- Elise Clavé
- Eva L. Scheller
- F. Capaccioni
- G. Bellucci
- G. Cremonese
- G. Filacchione
- Greg Michael
- Helen W. Beeson
- J. D. Stopar
- J. Frydenvang
- J. P. Williams
- J. R. Johnson
- Javier Peralta
- Joel B. Sankey
- Jonathan A. Warrick
- Jorge Núñez
- Juan Manuel Madariaga
- Justin I. Simon
- Justin N. Maki
- K. A. Bennett
- K. Mandt
- K. Reath
- Kathleen C. Benison
- Kevin McGouldrick
- Kunio M. Sayanagi
- Lauren A. Edgar
- M. C. De Sanctis
- M. C. Nolan
- M. E. Pritchard
- M. Nachon
- M. Pajola
- M. Snow
- M. T. Lemmon
- Mark A. Sephton
- María Paz Zorzano
- Matthew S. Johnson
- Matthew Sylvest
- Michael Wolff
- N. Lanza
- N. Mangold
- N. Stein
- Nicholas J. Tosca
- O. Forni
- P. Corlies
- P. J. Gasda
- P. Y. Meslin
- Perry A. Gerakines
- Pierre Beck
- R. A. Yingst
- R. B. Anderson
- R. E. Arvidson
- R. M. E. Williams
- R. Orosei
- Raphael Marschall
- Robert Sullivan
- Roger C. Wiens
- S. A. Fagents
- S. F. Sholes
- S. Fonte
- S. M. Clegg
- S. Piqueux
- S. Silvestro
- S. Vance
- Samuel Birch
- Shawn Brueshaber
- Shigeto Watanabe
- Shiv K. Sharma
- Slava G. Turyshev
- Steven G. Banham
- Stéphane Le Mouélic
- T. M. Lopez
- T. S. J. Gabriel
- Temuulen Tsagaan Sankey
- V. J. Bray
- V. Mennella
- Valerio Poggiali
- Yeon Joo Lee