Royal Holloway University of London
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Along-axis steps in Ethiopian rift Bouguer gravity anomalies: Implications for crustal thinning and melt emplacement prior to breakup
- Concordance of Oxygen Isotope Palaeotemperature Proxies Using Fossil Phosphate and Carbonate: Implications for Tracking Palaeoclimate Change in Eocene-Oligocene Fluvio-lacustrine Sediments.
- EAGLE - Design of 2003 Controlled Source Seismic Profile Across the Ethiopian Rift
- Early Cretaceous Icehouse-Greenhouse Periods Caused by Continental Ice Sheets and Methane Gas-Hydrate Events
- Hangingwall Deformation Above Inverted 3D Listric Fault Systems - Insights From Experiments and Section-Balancing Techniques -
- Insights Into Baikal Rift Lithospheric Structures From Joint Gravity and Tomography Study
- Large Transition-Metal Isotope Fractionations Associated with Archaean Microbial Communities
- Neodymium Isotope data for Foraminifera Indicates Increased Nile Outflow During Mediterranean Anoxic Events
- Phosphate \delta<SUP>18</SUP>O Determination of Modern and Paleogene Rodent Teeth by Direct Laser Fluorination: an Appraisal of Methodology and Application to Palaeoclimate Reconstruction.
- Pre-existing discontinuities and oblique rifting in the Kenya Rift: Comparisons with analogue models.
- Rapid Isotope Profiling of Speleothem by He Flow-through Laser Ablation: Insight Into Abrupt Climate Fluctuations From A new Exceptionally High Resolution Holocene \delta<SUP>18</SUP>O Record From SW Ireland
- Rates of Fluvial Sediment Storage and Release in a High-Latitude Glacierised Catchment
- Segmentation of Volcanic Passive Margins: a Record of the Transition From Mechanical Extension of the Lithosphere to Plate Divergence by Magmatic Accretion
- Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Study of Ice-rafted detritus in Heinrich Layer 4 at DSDP site 609 Suggests no Europe-derived Precursor
- Wavelet transform mapping of effective elastic thickness and plate loading
- a Model of the Kinematics of the Danakil Microplate
- A Western Pacific Hotspot?
- Dike Intrusion Inferred From the Morphology of Induced Faults in the Quaternary Magmatic Segments, Ethiopia.
- On the Paleomagnetism and Paleogeography of the Philippine Sea Plate.
- Re-examining the Petrogenesis of the Tschicoma Dacite, Jemez Volcanic Field, NM: Geochemical and Geochronologic Evidence for Distinct Pulses of Volcanism
- The Afar Depression: Was There a Triple Junction Above the Mantle Plume?
- The EAGLE Broadband Seismic Experiment - A Study of Continental Rifting in the Ethiopia
- Timing of HP Metamorphism and Rates of Exhumation in the Franciscan Complex, California: Evidence from Lu-Hf and Sm/Nd Garnet Dating
- Along-Axis Segmentation of the Main Ethiopian rift from Tomographic Inversion of Local Earthquakes and Controlled Sources: EAGLEII
- Atypical Normal Faults Morphology in the Main Ethiopian Rift
- Climate Change and Planktic Foraminiferal size Evolution
- Deformation Distribution and Type in the Main Ethiopian Rift
- Initiation and Along-Axis Segmentation of Seaward-Dipping Volcanic Sequences Captured in Afar
- Isotope Dilution and LA ICPMS Study of Trace Elements in Garnets: Implications for Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf Dating.
- Melt migration and mantle anisotropy beneath the Ethiopian rift
- Seismicity of the Northern Main Ethiopian and Southern Red Sea Rifts: EAGLEII
- Temporal compositional variation of early syn-rift rhyolites along the western margin of the southern Red Sea and northern Main Ethiopian rift
- Tomographic Imaging of the Northern Ethiopian Rift - a Transition From Continental to Oceanic Rifting
- Transient Stages of Suppression for Total Strike-Slip Partitioning Induced by Pre-existing Variable Topography and Overload.
- A High-Resolution Climate Record for the Last Millennium From a Scottish Stalagmite
- Arctic Methane and the 8.2 kyr BP Event: Past Warning of Future Danger?
- Assessing the Evidence for Extensive Wildfires at the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary
- Combined Seismic and Geodetic Observations of Dike Injection in the Dabbahu Rift Segment, Afar, Ethiopia
- Coupled Fe and S Isotope Evidence for Archaean Microbial Fe(III) and Sulphate Reduction
- DHOFAR Seismic Experiment: First results to understand the breakup processes in a passive margin context
- Extensional Strain Accommodation by Diking in the Transitional Main Ethiopian Rift
- Fluxes of Nitrous Acid from Snow Surfaces in Antarctica
- High Precision Stable Isotope Analysis of Methane and Carbon Dioxide using Trace Gas CF-IRMS: Instrumentation Development, London Diurnal Studies and Measurements of Emissions from Irish Wetlands
- How Would a Switch to a Future Hydrogen Economy Influence the Atmosphere?
- ISOMAP-UK: A Combined Data - Modelling Investigation of Water Isotopes and Their Interpretation During Rapid Climate-Change Events
- Insight Into West Siberian Gas and Wetland Methane Emissions From δ <SUP>13</SUP>C Studies of Ambient Air
- Joint analysis of seismic, gravity, magnetism and seismological data for passive margin structure imaging
- Marine Plankton Revolution and the Closure of the Circum-Tropical Seaways
- Methanotrophy in London, UK, Landfill Topsoil: Microbiology, Stable Carbon Isotopes, Seasonal Variation and Laboratory Model Study
- Middle Pleistocene glaciation of Britain; new evidence and links with the ocean record
- New constraints on the present-day kinematics of the East African Rift from GPS and earthquake slip vector data
- Physical properties of rocks from the Trans-Hudson orogen, Canada
- Rifting to spreading processes in the eastern Gulf of Aden, the ENCENS project
- Summer Temperatures of Late Eocene to Early Oligocene Freshwaters: a Multi-proxy Approach
- Testing the Molecular Clock Using the Best Fossil Record: Case Studies from the Planktic Foraminifera
- The Separation and Isotopic Analysis Seawater Cu and Zn
- Upper Mantle Seismic Structure of the Northern Ethiopian Rift - a Region of Incipient Continental Breakup
- Using high-resolution radiocarbon and trace-element variation in speleothems to investigate the climate-system during the last deglaciation
- A 1000 Year Multiproxy Holocene Climate Record for Northwest Scotland
- A Giant Arctic Freshwater Pond at the end of the Early Eocene; Implications for Ocean Heat Transport and Carbon Cycling
- Along-axis Segmentation of the Main Ethiopian Rift from Tomographic Inversion of Local Earthquakes
- Central volcanoes: insights to volcanic plumbing networks from surface geology
- Direct Correlation of Terrestrial and Marine Records of MIS 7 Using High Precision U-series Dating
- Extensional Strain Accommodation by Diking in the Transitional Main Ethiopian Rift
- Extreme Geochemical Heterogeneity in Afro-Arabian Oligocene Tephras
- High resolution measurement of water drip rates in caves using an accoustic drip counter
- High-resolution approaches to understanding short- and long-term trends in speleothem geochemical records
- Incipient seafloor spreading in the Ethiopian rifts: Analogue for crustal formation at slow-spreading ridges?
- Millennial Climate Variability in Tropical South America
- Multi-Decadal to Millennial Scale Holocene Hydrologic Variation in the Southern Hemisphere Tropics of South America
- Production Rate of Hydroxyl Radicals in First-Year sea ice: A Modelling and Measurement Study.
- Seasonal and inter-annual climate responses revealed in an ultra-high resolution isotope record in a speleothem from Gibraltar
- Surprisingly Small HONO Emissions Fluxes From Snow Surfaces at Browning Pass, Antarctica
- Upper Mantle Seismic Structure of the Northern Ethiopian Rift - a Region of Incipient Continental Breakup
- Anisotropy Orientation from SKS Shear Wave Splitting, along the Southeastern Margin of Arabia, Dhofar Region, Oman
- Continued seismic and magmatic activity following the September 2005 rupture of the Dabbahu magmatic segment, Afar
- Crustal Structure of the Northern Continental Passive Margin of the Eastern Gulf of Aden (Dhofar, Southern Oman) Inferred From Teleseismic Receiver Function Analysis
- Fault Growth at a Nascent Spreading Ridge: 2005 Dabbahu Episode, Afar
- Fingerprints of the September 2005 Da'Ure Volcanic Eruption in the Afar Depression as Recorded on the FURI Broadband Seismic Station
- June 2006 dike intrusion in the Dabbahu magmatic segment, Afar, Ethiopia
- The 2005 Dabbahu (Afar, Ethiopia) Rifting Episode: A Review of Latest Results and Current Research Activity
- Carbon 13 Enrichment in Atmospheric Methane at Mace Head, Ireland: are Boreal Forest Fires the Source?
- Combined Seismic and Geodetic Observations of Dike Injection in the Dabbahu Rift Segment, Afar, Ethiopia
- Diurnal Studies of Methane in the London Region: the use of Mixing Ratio and Automated Stable Isotope Measurements From a Fixed Site to Evaluate Sources
- Effects of A Weak Crustal Layer in a Transtensional Pull-Apart Basin: Results from a Scaled Physical Modeling Study
- Quantifying strain beneath glaciers: fabric analyses at macro and micro-scales
- Rubisco and Atmospheric Oxygen: the Archean Record.
- Segment linkage in Afar via magma intrusion: the birth of a transform fault?
- Triggering the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum: the Kilda Capacitor Hypothesis
- Active gas Venting at the Landward Limit of Hydrate Stability Offshore Svalbard
- Changing our View of Aggradational Fluvial Systems - The Distributary Fluvial System (DFS) Paradigm
- Do Secular Trends in the Nickel Content of Banded Iron Formation Record a Methanogen Famine?
- Evolution of the Great Australian Bight: Implications for Australia-Antarctica Breakup
- Forward solutions giving displacement and stress fields around irregularly opened rock fracture, and their extension to inverse modeling
- Glacial Chronology over the Past 450 kyr Around the Margins of the Southern North Sea (UK and Netherlands) From Quartz Luminescence Dating
- Microplates in the Greater Indonesian Region
- Palaeohydrology of the Fazzan Basin, Libyan Sahara: Evidence for multiple phases of North African humidity.
- The End of Tethys: Opening and Closing of Oceans between Australia, India and SE Asia
- The Mount Kinabalu Granite of North Borneo: Result and Cause of Orogenic Deformation
- Ups and Downs of Palaeolake Megachad
- Uptake of Amines on Acidic Particles: Using Laser Raman Tweezers to Monitor Size and Composition
- Effective elastic thickness of Africa and its relationship to other proxies for lithospheric structure and surface tectonics
- Formation of rifted conjugate margins by faulting of cold lithosphere
- Hydroxyl radical oxidation of glucose in aqueous aerosol studied in single levitated droplets by laser Raman tweezers
- Ignimbrite stratigraphy and reworking : analogue modelling of dense, polymict granular flow deposition and Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) instabilities
- Investigation of short-term photochemical processes in surface snow
- Methane release from the terrestrial ecosystems of greenhouse climates: Challenges and potential (Invited)
- Numerical Modeling of Flat Slab Formation in Central Chile
- Optical Properties of Snow and Sea-ice, Barrow Alaska
- Tephro- and chemo-stratigraphy of the Vulcanello Peninsula (Vulcano, Aeolian Islands)
- The Campanian Ignimbrite and its precursor eruptions - implications for tephrochronology
- The application of LA-ICP-MS to tephrochronology: advantages and methodology
- The kinetics of hydroxyl radical oxidation of a stearic acid monolayer as a proxy for a cloud droplet organic film. A neutron reflectivity study
- Tsunami scenarios for submarine landslides in the Fram Strait (North Atlantic)
- A role for crustal silica in mountain-building and rifting
- A tectonic model for sequential faulting, crustal thinning, and the development of asymmetric rifted margins
- Carbon Isotopic Constraints on Arctic Methane Sources, 2008-2010
- Continuous Greenhouse Gas Monitoring on South Atlantic Islands
- Evidence for more extensive ice shelves along the Western Antarctic Peninsula during the Little Ice Age: observations from the LARISSA project in Barilari Bay, Graham Land
- Large rivers in sedimentary basins: Morphology and form observed from satellite imagery
- Multiple sulfur and carbon isotope composition of the Mesoarchean Manjeri and Cheshire Formations (Belingwe Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe): a window on the sulfur and carbon Mesoarchean biogeochemistry
- Simple Andersonian faulting explains extension paradox and formation of asymmetry of conjugate non-volcanic margins (Invited)
- The Impact of Elevated Temperatures on Continental Carbon Cycling in the Paleogene
- The intensity of interglacial warmth in northwest Europe over the last 800,000 yrs: An absence of the MBE in Europe?
- Understanding the timing and environmental significance of loess fluctuations in the Western Mediterranean: examples from Southern Spain
- Usefulness of Long-term Urban Greenhouse Gas monitoring: the London record
- Xenocrysts and antecrysts and their effect on the precision of 40Ar/39Ar dates of explosive volcanic eruption
- A 33,000 year multi-proxy speleothem record from Flores, Indonesia
- Carbon Isotopes of Methane in the Atlantic Realm: Links Between Background Station Data and Emission Source Regions
- Climate Versus Local Cave Environment Controls on Trace Element and Stable Isotopic Cycles in Annual Laminae in Speleothem
- Gas-Phase Photochemistry During the 2009 OASIS Barrow Field Intensive
- High-Resolution Elemental Proxies in Speleothems: what do they Mean?
- Hypothesis-testing proposed control of strain weakening by crustal quartz abundance
- Improvement in Regional Air Quality in SE England as Shown by 1996-2011 CO Record at Royal Holloway, University of London
- Late-stage magmatic processes at Albano Maar, Colli Albani, Italy: insights from FTIR analysis of leucites
- Modern Landform Distribution of the Gilbert River Distributive Fluvial System (DFS) and Predictions Regarding Ancient Coastal Plain Progradational Successions
- Predicted Progradational Signatures of Distributive Fluvial Systems (DFS)
- Runoff modelling and palaeoflood hydrology applied to reconstruct centennial scale records of flooding and aquifer recharge in ungauged ephemeral rivers
- Satellite Imagery Evaluation of Soil Moisture Variability in the Ganges Basin, India
- The Nature of the Medieval Warm Period - Little Ice Ace Transition in an Annually Resolved Speleothem Record from Voli Voli Cave, Fiji
- The use of atmospheric measurements to constrain Arctic methane emissions and to locate and identify major sources.
- Atmospheric Methane Growth Anomalies, 2007 - Present
- Characterization of the BRDF (HDRF) of snow surfaces at Dome C, Antarctica, for the inter-calibration and validation of satellite remote sensing products
- Continental crustal history in SE Asia: Insights from zircon geochronology
- Cretaceous crust beneath SW Borneo: U-Pb dating of zircons from metamorphic and granitic rocks
- Dynamic topography over the Antarctic continent
- Energies and stresses associated with collapse-caldera formation
- Extension Within The Australia-Eurasia Collision: The Metamorphic Rocks Of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Habitable Zone Evolution
- High Resolution Synchronisation Of Climate Archives Shows Evidence For A Time-Transgressive Abrupt Climate Change During The Younger Dryas
- Isotopic Characterisation of Methane Emissions: use of Keeling-plot Methods to Identify Source Signatures in Boreal Wetlands and Other Settings
- MAMM (Methane and other greenhouse gases in the Arctic - Measurements, process studies and Modelling) progress report
- Pliocene Mantle Exhumation, Granulite-Facies Metamorphism, and Anatexis driven by Banda Arc Slab Rollback beneath Seram, Eastern Indonesia
- Quantification and source identification of the Total Elgin gas leak, UK - North Sea, by aircraft sampling
- Tectonic History and Mantle Structure of the Sundaland and Indonesian Region
- Tephrochronology and the chronology of past climate change in the Gulf of California
- The Effects of Black Carbon on Arctic Sea Ice Surface Albedo with Sea Ice Type and Snow Cover
- Timing and Mechanisms of Exhumation in West Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Tracking abrupt climate shifts with stable isotopes: geochemical evidence for dynamic temperature, precipitation and seasonality regimes during the last deglaciation (8 to 15ka BP)
- Aerosols and past environments: A global investigation into cave aerosol identification, distribution, and contribution to speleothem geochemistry
- Airborne observations of greenhouse gas emissions from the European Arctic wetlands during the MAMM field project
- Atmospheric methane in the 21st century: what does the future hold? (Invited)
- Characterisation of coated aerosols using optical tweezers and neutron reflectometry
- Characterising Arctic Wetland Methane Emissions - Isotope studies from the ground to tropopause
- Considering the optical properties of snow (and sea ice) as a function of snowpack (and sea ice) chemistry and considering photochemistry of snow (and sea ice) as a function of optical properties of the snow and sea ice -what can we learn? (Invited)
- Constraining the timing of turbidity current driven sediment transport down Monterey Canyon, offshore California
- Glacial And Holocene Reconstructions Of ENSO Variability Using Fossil Giant Clams From The Huon Peninsula
- Ground measurements of the hemispherical-directional reflectance of Arctic snow covered tundra for the validation of satellite remote sensing products
- Hybrid on-axis plus ridge-perpendicular circulation reconciles hydrothermal flow observations at fast spreading ridges
- Identifying Sources of Long-Distance Transported Pollution to the Arctic using δ13C in CH4 and Particle Dispersion Modelling
- In-Situ Lithospheric Rheology Measurement Using Isostatic Response and Geophysical State
- Initial Melting and wall-rock flux-melting of a wet multi-component mantle and its implications for the formation of MORB
- Interrelation between rifting, faulting, sedimentation, and mantle serpentinization during continental margin formation
- Late Pleistocene and Holocene Fire History of the California Islands
- Long-term decline of the CO mixing ratio in SW London from 2000 to 2011: An example of policy success in improving air quality
- Methane Emissions from the Arctic OCean to the Atmosphere: Present and Future Climate Effects (MOCA)
- Methane and Other Greenhouse Gases in the Arctic - Measurements, Process Studies and Modelling (MAMM)
- Preliminary results on horizontal stress orientation and stress magnitude off Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Provenance of the upper Miocene-Pliocene red clay deposits of the Chinese Loess Plateau
- Quantifying how sensitive different types of snow and snow ice are to black carbon and other types of light absorbing aerosol
- Quantitative Pleistocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy: preliminary results from the IODP Site U1385 (Exp 339), the Shackleton Site
- Quaternary dust sources on the Chinese Loess Plateau: a view from single zircon grains, heavy minerals and quartz luminescence
- Regional Scale Variability in Background and Source δ13C of Methane in the Atlantic, Europe and the Arctic: Cautionary Tales for Isotopic Modeling
- Sr stable isotope variations in an evolved rhyolitic volcanic system investigated using an <SUP>84</SUP>Sr-<SUP>87</SUP>Sr double spike
- Steady-state rift migration explains origin and asymmetry of highly thinned continental crust
- Structure and Variability of Mediterranean Outflow Water Flow Recorded in Contourite Sedimentation in the Gulf of Cadiz and west of Portugal
- Subduction erosion: the cause of sediment-starved trenches and the birth of new forearc above the seismogenic interface?
- Vegetation and Fire Activity Changes in Southwestern Europe during Contrasting Interglacials Before and after the Middle Pleistocene Transition (mpt)
- Water cycling beneath subduction zones in 2D and 3D numerical models (Invited)
- A Thick, Deformed Sedimentary Wedge in an Erosional Subduction Zone, Southern Costa Rica
- Caldera ring-fault intrusion through repeated sheet capture
- Carbon Burn-Down in a Greenhouse World: Wildfires and Soil Carbon Loss across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)
- Constructing a Neoproterozoic Seawater Strontium Isotope Curve
- Does Crustal Rheology Impact Melt Composition during Continental Break-up?
- Feedbacks Between Surface Processes and Tectonics at Rifted Margins: a Numerical Approach
- Influence of lower crustal rheology on onset and distribution of melting and serpentinisation during rifting: comparison with the Brazilian/African conjugate margins
- Mantle Water Fugacity is the Dominant Factor in Total Strength and Stability/Mobility of Continental Lithosphere
- Methane Emissions in the London Region: Deciphering Regional Sources with Mobile Measurements
- Neogene Extension and Exhumation in NW Sulawesi
- Neogene Extension of the Central North Arm of Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Neogene Structural History of Biak and the Biak Basin, Eastern Indonesia
- Pliocene Core Complex Exhumation on Land and Rapid Subsidence in Gorontalo Bay, Sulawesi (Indonesia)
- Provenance of Mesozoic Sandstones in the Banda Arc, Indonesia
- Tracing the Source of Borneo's Cempaka Diamond Deposit
- U-Pb Detrital Zircon Ages from Sarawak: Changes in Provenance Reflecting the Tectonic Evolution of Southeast Asia
- Using Seismic Discontinuities to Image Melt and Dynamics in the Sub-Continental Upper Mantle
- What geological data can be used to define the timing of plate collision?
- What really causes flat slab subduction?
- A Two-year Record of Daily Rainfall Isotopes from Fiji: Implications for Reconstructing Precipitation from Speleothem δ<SUP>18</SUP>O
- A contourite depositional system along the Uruguayan continental margin
- Asymmetry of Non-Volcanic Passive Margins Induced by the Proximity of a Craton
- Back Down to Earth: Reconstructing the Timescale of a Catastrophically-formed Fan from Sedimentary Data
- Complex Bedforms and Complex Water Masses: A Case Study from the Tertiary to Present-day, Pelotas Basin, Offshore Uruguay
- Development of anisotropic contiguity during deformation and implications for the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary
- Enhanced Volcanic Degassing Decoupled Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Temperature During the Last Interglacial-Glacial Transition
- Flat Slab Formation and Evolution below Cratonic Lithosphere: Insights from 3D Time-Dependent Modeling
- Fluid inclusion and stable isotopes studies of epithermal gold-bearing veins in the SE Afar Rift (Djibouti)
- Frictional properties of the biogenic oozes from the CRISP drilling project: possible evidence of past slip-to-the-trench
- High Temporal Resolution Measurements and Modeling of the Isotopic Composition of Methane in Europe
- Inter-annual precipitation variabiity inferred from late Holocene speleothem records from Fiji: implications for SPCZ localisation and ENSO behaviour
- Isotope and methane dynamics above and below the Trade Wind Inversion at Ascension Island using UAVs
- Isotopic constraints on the rise in atmospheric methane.
- Migration, Storage and Seismic Signatures of Melting at the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary
- Mobile measurement of methane: plumes, isotopes and inventory verification
- Modes of Extension and Oceanization at Magma-Poor Margins: An Example from the Brazilian-African Margins
- Multichannel Seismic Investigations of Sediment Drifts off West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula: Preliminary Results from Research Cruise JR298
- Phase Change Related Mechanical Instabilities During Two-Phase Flow in the Mantle.
- Real-time analysis of δ<SUP>13</SUP>C- and δD-CH<SUB>4</SUB> in ambient air with laser spectroscopy: Method development and intercomparison
- Scheduling whole-air samples above the Trade Wind Inversion from SUAS using real-time sensors
- Testing How Depletion, Dehydration and Melt Affect Seismic Expressions of the Asthenosphere
- The Effect of Crustal Strength on Volcanism During Continental Breakup
- The Effects of Far-Field Boundary Conditions on 2D Numerical Solutions for Continental Rifting: Tests and Recipes for Improved Treatment of Asthenosphere Flow and Melting
- The Impact of Parameterising Light Penetration Into Snow on the Photochemical Production of NO<SUB>x</SUB> and OH Radicals in Snow
- The Interplay of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Convection: Insights From Numerical Modelling
- Utilising Geological Field Measurements and Historic Eruption Volumes to Estimate the Volume of Santorini's Magma Chamber
- Water Tectonics: Evidence That Hydration Plays a Role in Tectonism
- What atmospheric measurements tell us about methane emissions in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
- Wide-angle seismic survey in the trench-outer rise region of the central Japan Trench
- Abrupt Climate Events in Britain and the North Atlantic during Marine Isotope Stage 11
- Compaction and Melt Redistribution within UltraLow Velocity Zones (ULVZs)
- Continental temperatures through the early Eocene in western central Europe
- Depositionary Margins: The Destruction and Renovation of Subduction Forearcs
- Evidence of pervasive upper mantle melting beneath the Western US
- Exploring contrasts between fast and slow rifting
- Has Earth's Plate Tectonics Led to Rapid Core Cooling?
- Methane - quick fix or tough target? New methods to reduce emissions.
- Modeling of multi-phase interactions of reactive nitrogen between snow and air in Antarctica
- Nitrogen cycling in 2.7 Ga oceans
- Numerical Modelling of the Destruction of the Eastern North China Craton
- Recent Progress in Understanding the Origin of the Hawaiian-Emperor Bend
- Relating modes of extension to the spatial and temporal distribution of major sediment unconformities at passive margins
- Rifting processes along the northern margin of the South China Sea
- Sismostratigraphy of the Ceará Plateau to decipher the Cenozoic evolution of Brazilian Equatorial Margin
- Spatial variations in the nature of the oceanic plate in the northwestern Pacific margin
- Variability in the Oceanization Style of the South Atlantic: Effect of Crustal Rheology and Extension Rate on Melting and Serpentinization
- Approaching the meaning of regional unconformities of tectonic origin present in passive margins from a numerical-modelling perspective
- CH4 emissions from European Major Population Centers: Results from aircraft-borne CH4 in-situ observations during EMeRGe-Europe campaign 2017
- Digital Rock Physics analysis of the Berea sandstone from synchrotron-based X-ray tomography
- Exploring the traces of fault-related microstructural damage at the Santorini caldera
- Fracture propagation through a layered shale and limestone sequence at Nash Point, South Wales: Implications on the development of fracture networks in layered sequences
- Heterogeneity in the Fault Damage Zone: a Field Study on the Borrego Fault, B.C., Mexico
- Isotopes, Inventories and Seasonality: Unraveling Methane Source Distribution in the Complex Landscapes of the United Kingdom.
- Low Pressure-High Temperature Metamorphism and the Advection of Heat to the Continental Crust: A Case Study from Northwest New Guinea
- Lower crustal strength controls on melting and type of oceanization at magma-poor margins
- Multiple tectonic mode switches indicate short-duration heat pulses in a Mio-Pliocene metamorphic core complex, West Papua, Indonesia
- Neo-Archaean Palaeo-Environmental Changes Determined by Microbial Activities Using Stable Isotopic Compositions.
- Numerical and Statistical Analysis of Fractures in Mechanically Dissimilar Rocks of Limestone Interbedded with Shale from Nash Point in Bristol Channel, South Wales, UK.
- Oligocene Fluvio-Deltaic Depositional Environments Salin Sub-Basin, Central Myanmar
- Organic Carbon Mobilisation Mechanisms: Evidence from Globally Distributed Stalagmite Records
- Provenance of sediments from Sumatra, Indonesia - Insights from detrital U-Pb zircon geochronology, heavy mineral analyses and Raman spectroscopy
- SE Vietnam U-Pb zircon ages and provenance: Correlating the Da Lat Zone on land with the Cuu Long Basin offshore
- Stretching of Hot Lithosphe: A Significant Mode of Crustal Stretching in Southeast Asia
- Strong Matrix & Weak Blocks: Evolutionary Inversion of Mélange Rheological Relationships During Subduction and Its Implications for Seismogenesis
- Synchronizing Greenland ice-core records and the Meerfelder maar sediment record via the global cosmogenic radionuclide signature and insights on climate around 11,230 years BP
- The Rajang Unconformity: Major provenance change between the Eocene and Miocene sequences in NW Borneo
- The Sorong Fault Zone, Indonesia: Mapping a Fault Zone Offshore
- The Stratigraphic Incompleteness of Submarine Channels
- The development and validation of an unmanned aerial system (UAS) for the measurement of methane flux
- The origin of pallasites. A combined experimental and numerical approach.
- BedMachine Antarctica v1: a new subglacial bed topography and ocean bathymetry dataset of Antarctica combining mass conservation, gravity inversion and streamline diffusion
- Can the methane burden be brought back to Paris targets?- options for reduction and removal.
- Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal palaeoecology inferred from isotopic and trace element geochemical signals
- Crustal architecture of the composite East Antarctic craton between the Shackleton Range and Dronning Maud Land
- Depositional environments and routing pathways of the Oligocene fluvio-deltaic formations of the Salin sub-basin, Myanmar
- Early Last Interglacial ocean warming drove substantial ice mass loss from Antarctica
- Global methane budget by inversion modelling utilising δ<SUP>13</SUP>C-CH<SUB>4</SUB> observations in CarbonTracker Europe - CH<SUB>4</SUB>
- Integrated approach to study shoreline evolution in a dune system, Southern Sicily (Italy)
- Internal Structure and Stability of Carbonate-rich Melts atop the Mantle Transition Zone
- Perturbation to the nitrogen cycle during rapid Early Eocene global warming
- Proxy Evidence for Enhanced Methane Cycling during Greenhouse Climates
- Recent Increases in the Burden of Atmospheric CH<SUB>4</SUB>: Implications for the Paris Agreement
- Revisiting the Seismic Structure of Atlantic Oceanic Crust
- Siderophile Element Systematics of the Early Archean Mantle: Evidence from 3.3 Ga Ruth Well Komatiites, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
- The Influence of Microporosity on the Effective Permeability of Reservoir Rocks
- The Phasing and Spatial Pattern of Subpolar North Atlantic Circulation Changes During the Younger Drays and its Impact on the Cryosphere and Atmosphere Circulation
- The Sorong Fault Zone, Indonesia: A Reconstruction from 12-0 My
- The impact of shallow rheological transition along the subduction plate interface on tremor and earthquake nucleation
- Transform Fault and Fracture Zone Relief Revisited: Evidence for Active Fracture Zone Tectonics
- 3D Grain Size Analysis from Microtomographic Images of the Brae Formation Sandstone, North Sea
- Aircraft, UAV and Fixed-Site Monitoring of Fugitive and Vented Methane from UK Fracking and North Sea Infrastructure
- Characteristics of Urban Methane Emissions in London: The Determination of Small Leaks in a Large City
- Controlling factors on the shallow co-seismic slip at the Sumatra subduction zone megathrust
- Determination of environmental changes in the Archaean by defining microbial activities using carbon isotopes.
- Digital Rock Physics Analysis of Core Integrity using Deep Neural Networks and Computer Vision
- Dynamics of Africa 75 Ma: from plate kinematic reconstructions to intraplate paleo-stresses
- Evaluating the temporal range of <SUP>230</SUP>Th/U burial dating of ostrich eggshell, a new chronometer for Pleistocene terrestrial strata
- Fugitive methane emissions from UK onshore gas distribution: geochemical characterization and inventory verification
- Geological Significance of Preserved Interior Structures in Venus Tessera Units
- Global Methane, Project MOYA, and the UK's Net Zero target.
- Investigating the contribution of different CH<SUB>4</SUB> sources to global CH<SUB>4</SUB> budget utilising CH<SUB>4</SUB> and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C-CH<SUB>4</SUB> observations in atmospheric inverse modelling
- Kinedyn: Thermo-Mechanical Method for Validation of Seismic Interpretations with Forward Models
- MOYA Aircraft Campaigns: Highlights from the Methane Observations and Yearly Assessment Project Aircraft Campaigns in Africa and the Arctic
- Melting above the mantle transition zone beneath the Pacific margins
- Modelling Tectonic Deformation of the Çınarcık Basin (Sea of Marmara) along the North Anatolian System
- Pore Scale Modelling of Carbon Capture and Sequestration
- Reconstruction of Western Mediterranean precipitation δ18O through the Last Glacial: methodology using speleothem from monitored caves in Gibraltar
- Statistics of Energetic Particles in the first Parker Solar Probe Orbit: Correlations and Association with Magnetic Structures
- Tectonic and atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> controls on sea-surface temperature variations during the Late Cretaceous
- The Greenhouse Gas Methane Emissions from Waste Sources in the UK
- The Influence of Melt Trapping and Redox Condition on the Evolution of a Martian Magma Ocean and Protoatmosphere
- The strength inversion origin of non-volcanic tremor: observations and models
- Volatile organic compounds signatures from oil and gas offshore installations and their spatial distribution over the North Sea
- <SUP>Quantification of methane emissions from oil & gas platforms in the Norwegian Sea & North Sea</SUP>
- Airborne measurements of trace gas emissions from African biomass burning and from Arctic wetlands as part of the MOYA project.
- East African Climate Variability Through a Major Faunal Transition at 550 to 250 ka: Preliminary Evidence from Organic Geochemical Proxies
- How much and where? Exploring Excess Density within the LLSVPs by reconciling Stoneley Mode and Earth Tide Observations.
- Low-cost Lidar Sensor Network for River Stage Monitoring and Discharge Estimation
- Mapping the macroseismic effects of the M<SUB>W</SUB> 6.8 Thabeikkyin earthquake in 2012, upper Myanmar
- Methane Fluxes from Zambian Tropical Wetlands
- New Normal Mode Constraints on the Ratio Between Shear- and Compressional-Wave Velocity Heterogeneity in Earth's Mantle
- Quantification of methane emissions from UK biogas plants
- Tesserae on Venus Feature Layered, Folded, and Eroded Rocks
- Tesserae on Venus may preserve evidence of fluvial erosion
- The importance of utilizing multiple methane source tracers when measuring European cities.
- Unveiling basement provinces hidden beneath the Pensacola Pole Basin region in East Antarctica
- Volcanic history of the Derceto Corona, Astkhik Planum, Venus
- We Will Rock You: Noisy and Quiet Times Around the Michigan Stadium
- Analogue modelling of strike-slip tectonics from basin to structural-scale: the impact of the model resolution on the geological investigation
- Dike-Segment Propagation, Arrest, and Eruption at Fagradalsfjall, Iceland
- Dramatic perturbations in wetland methane cycling during transient warming events
- Effects of subduction termination processes on continental lithosphere
- Extracting streaklines from remotely sensed suspended sediment concentration to infer deltaic accretion/erosion rates
- Forearc evolution in complex subduction settings Mesozoic and Cenozoic examples from SE Asia
- Geodynamic, Geodetic, and Seismic Constraints Favour Deflated and Dense-Cored LLVPs
- Ground motion behavior and rupture directivity of the Mw 6.8 Thabeikkyin earthquake of 2012 in upper Myanmar
- Imaging Mantle Structure Using SOLA Applied to Normal Modes
- Influence of bottom currents on morpho-sedimentary features along the northern Argentine margin shows the erosive power of the Malvinas Current
- Large Databases as a Measure of Regional Provenance in Southeast Asia
- Low-cost, Non-contact Sensor Network for River Stage Monitoring and Dynamic Discharge Estimation
- Magma sheet fold interactions in the Central Andes: local stress field perturbations during magma emplacement in folded crustal segments.
- Methane emission fluxes from Zambian tropical wetlands
- Net methane and carbon dioxide exchange from European Arctic wetlands in Summer 2019: Airborne quantification and bottom-up intercomparison
- Normal Mode Constraints on Elastic Structures in the Earth's Mantle
- Normal Mode Studies of Seismic Anisotropy in the Earths Mantle
- Outer Solar System Carbon in the Laboratory
- Quantification of Flaring Efficiencies and NO2 Emission Factors for Offshore Oil & Gas Facilities in the North Sea
- Refining the age model for 1.3 Ma Lake Malawi drill core using luminescence dating
- Urban Methane Emissions of Greater London, U.K.
- Using Seismicity and Tomographic Imaging to Infer the Location and Rupture of the Reservoir that Supplies magma to the 2021 Eruption at Fagradalsfjall, Iceland
- What do we know about the global methane budget? Results from four decades of atmospheric methane observations and the way forward
- Assessing the impact of climate change on patterns of disease outbreaks, livestock health, and antibiotic use in India
- Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopic Fingerprints of Methane from Canadian Boreal Forest Wetlands.
- Cooling the London Underground: Evaluating the use of groundwater and subterranean river water
- The 2012 MW 6.8 Thabeikkyin earthquake in central Myanmar: A widely felt strong event with unilateral rupture through the Singu basalt on the Sagaing fault
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. E. Andrews
- A. J. Meltzner
- Alec Paschalis
- Amy Gilligan
- Ana M. G. Ferreira
- Anita L. Ganesan
- B. David A. Naafs
- D. Ruffolo
- David Lowry
- E. G. Nisbet
- E. J. Dlugokencky
- Felix Vogel
- Fred Richards
- Gerard Salter
- H. C. P. Lau
- Jacob Shaw
- John Browning
- Joseph Pitt
- Julianne M. Fernandez
- Kyle Wright
- Luigi Massaro
- Lujia Feng
- M. C. Daly
- Marc Simard
- Mark Hoggard
- Matías Clunes
- Michelle Cain
- Mohsen Bazargan
- N. E. Raouafi
- N. K. Sah
- Nicholas Rawlinson
- Pamela Dominutti
- Paola Passalacqua
- Pieter P. Tans
- R. Bandyopadhyay
- R. M. Purvis
- Rhodri Davies
- Shengji Wei
- Shona Wilde
- Siavash Ghelichkhan
- Simone Pilia
- Sourish Basu
- Stefan Metzger
- Stefan Schwietzke
- T. Dudok de Wit
- Thomas M. Mitchell
- Tilmann Schwenk
- Tobias Borsdorff
- V. Spieß
- Wardah Fadil
- Wouter Buytaert