Hiroshima University, Japan
flowchart I[Hiroshima University, Japan] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (3)"] AW["Affiliated Works (277)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (25)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Hiroshima University, Astrophysical Science Center
- Hiroshima University, Department of Earth and Planetary Science
- Hiroshima University, Department of Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Arc-Parallel Extension Responsible for the Exhumation of the Sambagawa Metamorphic Rocks, Japan in Late Cretaceous
- Carbon and Strontium Isotope Profile on Neoprotozoic III at Three Gorges, China, and Possible evidence for ¡<SUP>o</SUP>Post Marinoan¡{+/-} Ice age
- Geosliced Roots of Liquefaction Features from Great Cascadia Earthquakes
- Global Comparison of Superconducting Gravimeter Records of GGP and OHP Networks at Normal-mode Frequencies
- Late Quaternary Relative Sea-level Change and Glacial Melting History Around Lutzow-Holm Bay and Mt. Riiser-Larsen Regions, East Antarctica
- Numerical simulation of mantle convection with mobile lids using three-dimensional spherical shell model
- Paleoseismologic Findings on the Duzce Fault: North Anatolian Fault Zone, NW Turkey
- Production and Scavenging Mechanism of OH Radical in Atmospheric Water Droplets and Natural Water
- Rainfall, Stemflow and Throughfall Chemistry at Declined and Non-Declined Areas of Japanese Red Pine (Pinus Densiflora)
- Recurrence Interval of the Izmit-Type Earthquakes along the Western North Anatolian Fault
- Searching for Unidentified Events Using Earth's Free Oscillations From IRIS GSN and GEOSCOPE Records
- Euryhaline Halophilic Microorganisms From the Suiyo Seamount Hydrothermal Vents.
- Hydrothermal Plume Signals Along the Knipovich Ridge.
- Intercomparison between Individual Particles Scavenged as CCN and Those Collected at Ground-based Site on West Coast of Japan During Asian Dust Storm
- Physical and Chemical Properties of Asian Dust on the Coast of the Japan Sea (Tango peninsula) during Springtime
- Precise Holocene Relative Sea-level Change and Mid-Holocene Warm Period in Antarctica
- Re-evaluation of Fault Geometry and Slip Distribution of the 1944 Bolu-Gerede Earthquake Rupture, North Anatolian Fault System, Turkey
- Rupture History of the 1944 Bolu-Gerede Segment of the North Anatolian Fault: Gerede-Ardicli Trench Re-excavated
- Sea Level Variation in Seismic Normal Mode Band Observed With On-Ice GPS and On-Land SG at Syowa Station, Antarctica
- Stable creeping and distant triggered slips by the 1999 Izmit Earthquake along the Ismetpasa section, North Anatolian Fault Zone, Turkey
- Theoretical Calculation of Mars' Background Free Oscillations
- Evolution of Mustang Graven, Tibet Himalayas, due to Eastward Extrusion of Tibet Plateau in and After the Last Glacial Age
- High-Temperature Ultrahigh-Resolution Absorption Cross Section Measurements of O2 in the 91.1-91.8 nm Region
- Hydroxyl Radical Formation in Solutions of Fe(III) and Hydrogen Peroxide - Impact of Freezing and Thawing Process
- Melting history of the Enderby Land and the Dronning Maud Land of East Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Marine isotope stage 3 and Holocene.
- Microstructures of Olivine in the Weakly Shocked Divnoe Meteorite
- Paleoenvironmental Change in a Brackish-water Lake during the past 3000 years as recorded in the Sediment of Lake Nakaumi, Southwest Japan.
- Preliminary Report Of Paleoseismological Study On The Kuromatsunai Lowland Fault Zone, Southwest Hokkaido, Northern Japan.
- Refined Slip History of the North Anatolian Fault at Gerede on the 1944 rupture
- The Origins of Magnetic Minerals and Their Changes in the Sediments from Lake Nakaumi and Lake Shinnji, Western Japan: Effects of Ancient Iron Manufacture
- 2003 Bam Earthquake in Southeastern Iran: an Unexpected Event Associated With a Segmented Fault
- Implications of Seismic Waveforms: Complex Physical Properties Associated with Stagnant Slab
- The timing difference of Last Glacial Maximum between East Antarctic Ice Sheet and northern hemisphere ice sheets: geological evidence around the Lutzow-Holm Bay region, East Antarctica
- An MHD Simulation of the Magnetosphere Based on the HLLD Approximate Riemann Solver
- Automated Monitoring of Non-Volcanic Tremors in Southwest Japan Subduction Zone
- Does Karakorum Fault Cut Across the Great Himalaya? Findings of Strike Slip Active Fault Along the Humla-Karnali River in the Northwestern Part of Nepal
- Entropy Reduction and Regular Pattern Formation in a Nonlinear Non-equilibrium System: An Energetic Approach
- Feedback Excitation of Double Reconnection as a Mechanism of the Impulsive Onset of Solar Flares
- Long-term evaluation of seismic risks from sub-characteristic earthquakes with new insight from smaller surface faulting events on the North Anatolian fault and in Japan
- OSL Ages Of Quaternary Sediments In The Luzow-Holm Bay Region, East Antarctica, And Their Implications
- Rupture process of 2004 Sumatra mega quake by very broad band seismic analysis: Performance of real time Ocean Hemisphere Network
- Stratigraphic Sedimentary Environmental Change of the Mount Bruce Supergroup, Beasley River Area, Southern Pilbara, Western Australia
- Submarine groundwater discharge variation due to tidal change in Setouchi Inland Sea, Japan
- A Positivity-Preserving Projection Method for Multi-Dimensional MHD Solvers
- Holocene Glacial Fluctuation Reconstructed From Glacio-marine Sediments at Skallen in the Lüzow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica
- New Geologic Data on the Seismic Risks of the Most Dangerous Fault on Shore in Central Japan, the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line Active Fault System
- Short wave-length variation of seismic velocity anomalies associated with stagnant slab
- Tectonic Geomorphic Features in Urban District Revealed by LiDAR: A Case Study on the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line, Central Japan
- Tidal Synchronicity of the Low-Frequency Tremor in Eastern Shikoku, Japan
- Variation of temperature anomaly beneath stagnant slab: broadband waveform modeling and tomography images
- 14C-Dating and Paleoclimate Reconstruction Using the Holocene Tufa Developed in Ehime Prefecture, Southwestern Japan.
- A Robust MHD Scheme in Space Weather Modeling: A Carbuncle-Free HLL-type Solver
- An Automated Chamber Network for Evaluation the Long-term Response and Feedback of Soil Carbon Dynamics to Global Change
- An Empirical Wear Law for Rocks during High-velocity Fault Motion
- Non-Linear Force-Free Modeling of AR NOAA 10930 Based on Vector Magnetogram Observation with Hinode/SOT
- Occurrence Of Deep Low-frequency Tremors Synchronized To Earth Tides
- Sedimentary paleointensity records by the suspension method from Pacific deep-sea sediments
- Seismic Evidence of Subducting Slab for Whole Mantle Convection Versus Layered Convection
- Deformation of dry Wadsleyite up to 18 GPa and 2100 K Using a Rotational Drickamer Apparatus
- Evaluation of submarine groundwater discharge in coastal aquifers at Osaka Bay, Japan by numerical simulation
- Fast magnetic reconnection driven by intermittent resistive tearing modes
- Fault Heating and Lubrication During Earthquakes: Experimental Constraints
- Frictional Melting of Peridotite and Seismic Slip
- Launching Process of Coronal Mass Ejections
- Regional Paleoseismology Within Tectonic Complexity of Plate Interior and Island Arcs: the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line Active Fault System in Central Japan
- Slip Rate Estimates for the Ikeda Fault of the Median Tectonic Line Active Fault Zone, Southwest Japan
- Soil Moisture Observations by SOMS, GCOM-W1 and SMAP in Mongolia
- Sources of Nitrate Contamination in Groundwater Under Developing Asian Megacities
- Three-Dimensional Magnetic Topology in the AR10930 based on the Non-Linear Force- Free Modeling
- Timing of the last deglaciation in Skarvsnes, Lutzow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica
- Antimony isotope study in the Kamo-Ichinokawa river system near the Ichinokawa Sb mine in Southwest Japan
- Deep very low frequency seismic activity in low frequency tremor zone: Monitoring by broadband seismic array analysis in Western Japan
- Does velocity-strengthening to velocity-weakening transition really determine the updip limit of the seismogenic zone in subduction megathrusts?
- Dynamically Weak Faults During Earthquakes (Invited)
- Effect of land fill on the groundwater flow and nutrient supply in the coastal area
- Estimation of nutrient supply by groundwater in a tidal river, Seto Inland Sea region, Japan, using 222Rn
- Estimation of submarine groundwater discharge to Osaka Bay, Japan by numerical simulation
- Fluid transport properties and estimation of overpressure at the Lusi mud volcano, East Java Basin
- High-resolution MHD simulation of magnetic reconnection
- Nojima Fault Zone Revisited: High-Velocity Friction Experiments and BET Surface-Area Measurements of Fault Rocks
- Pulverized Fault Rocks and Damage Asymmetry along the Arima-Takatsuki Tectonic Line, Japan: Fault Structure, Damage Distribution and Textural Characteristics
- Slip History of the 1944 Rupture Segment on North Anatolia Fault Near Gerede, Turkey: Constraints on Earthquake Recurrence Models
- Spatial and temporal stress change due to short-term slow slip events inferred from observations of deep non-volcanic tremors in western Shikoku, southwest Japan
- The Maximum Seal Capacity Concept as Applied to Neogene Sedimentary Rocks in Horonobe, Hokkaido, Japan
- The process and potential of nitrate attenuation in the aquifers with different scale of flow system
- Trench-parallel anisotropy developed in the serpentinized forearc mantle: An example from the Ohmachi Seamount, Izu-Bonin frontal arc
- Two-dimensional particle simulation of a perpendicular shock with a shock rest frame model
- Characteristics of seasonal NO3--N discharge by groundwater in a coastal agricultural catchment
- Dynamics of secondary islands in collisional magnetic reconnection
- Earthquake mechanism studies by active-fault drilling: Chi-Chi Taiwan to Wenchuan earthquakes
- Effect of groundwater discharge and river topography on nutrient component of rivers in Southern Korea and Western Japan
- Evidence of Thermal Pressurization in High Velocity Friction Experiments on Smectite-Rich Gouges
- Intraplate Deformation of the Anatolian Micro Plate on the Amasya Branch Fault in Central Anatolia, Turkey
- Permeability anisotropy of serpentinite and fluid migration in subduction zones
- Rheological contrast between serpentines and olivine and weakening of a subducting plate interface
- Soil Moisture Measurement by TDR Coil Probe in the Surface Thin Soil Layer in the Cold Steppe of Mongolia
- The responses of Petunia to simulated pollutants in chamber conditions and its uses as bioindicator of pollution
- Water velocity inferred from tsunami boulders around Hashigui-iwa, Pacific side of central Japan
- Contradicting Estimates of Location, Geometry, and Rupture History of Highly Active Faults in Central Japan
- Energetic electron distribution in the solar flare
- Mid-Late Holocene Asian monsoon variations recorded in the Lake Rara sediment, western Nepal
- Paleoenvironmental changes of the Common Era in core sediments of Nakaumi Lagoon, Southwest Japan: Correlation with solar activity
- Photoformation Rate of OH radical in Water-Extract of Atmospheric Aerosol and Water-Soluble Gases Collected in Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
- Suzaku/WAM and RHESSI observation of non-thermal electrons in solar microflares
- Can fault slip affect vitrinite reflectance without heat?
- Chiral changes of simple amino acids in early Earth's ocean by meteorite impacts: Experimental simulations
- Detection of frictional heat in seismic faults by coal reflectance
- Eco-physiological Effects of Atmospheric Ozone and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) on Plants
- Effects of fluid pressures to the seismic velocity of crustal rocks
- Evaluation of redox condition by selenium speciation coprecipitated with barite
- High-Velocity Frictional Behavior of Incoming Pelagic Sediments to the Tohoku Subduction zone
- Long-term migration of iodine in sedimentary rocks based on iodine speciation and <SUP>129</SUP>I/<SUP>127</SUP>I ratio
- Pedogenically produced fine-grained ferrimagnetic inclusions within coarse silicate particles in Chinese paleosols cause magnetic enhancement
- The 2011 M=9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake, its seismic cycle, and postseismic hazard viewed from onshore geologic and geomorphic investigations
- Transfer of fallout radionuclides derived from Fukushima NPP accident: 1 year study on transfer of radionuclides through geomorphic processes
- Earthshine Polarimetry to Extract Signatures of Earth-like Atmosphere and Surface
- Estimation of water velocity and heat flux in horizontal bypaths of the alluvial fan, using waveforms of seasonal variations in spring water temperature
- Extensive Submarine Active Fault and the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake
- Extremely Intensive and Conservative Fault Capability Studies on Nuclear Facilities in Japan after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Fukushima Daiichi Incident
- Frictional Heating Recoded in Vitrinite Reflectance Within Coal Material Concentrated Layer: the Cretaceous Shimanto Belt
- Future earthquake source faults on deep sea-floor around the Boso triple plate junction revealed by tectonic geomorphology using 3D images produced from 150 meter grid DEM
- Garnet shapes within Kimberlite xenoliths record the tectonic evolution of a cratonic root
- Measurements of Elastic Constants of Chromian spinel Single-Crystal by Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy
- Nutrient dynamics and budget with the surface water-groundwater interaction in the tidal river in Japan
- Simulation study of magnetic reconnection in high magnetic Reynolds number plasmas
- Sound velocity and EOS of antigorite and its decomposition reaction
- Strengthening of synthetic quartz-rich sediments during time-dependent compaction due to pressure solution-precipitation compaction creep
- The alpha effectiveness for formation of SO3- in barite: an essential factor for ESR dating of submarine hydrothermal barite
- The effect of in-stream impoundments on nitrogen transport in a suburban watershed
- Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Asia-Pacific Ring of Fire
- A geological evidence of very low frequency earthquake inferred from vitrinite thermal records across a microfault within on-land accretionary complex.
- Can clay minerals account for the non-asperity on the subducting plate interface?
- Contribution of Submarine Groundwater on the Water-Food Nexus in Coastal Ecosystems: Effects on Biodiversity and Fishery Production
- Depth Limits of Slow Slip Events at the Japan Trench: Insights from Friction Experiments under In-Situ Conditions
- Dynamic degassing of serpentine by impact process
- Effect of subsurface flow on nutrient transport between a eutrophic coastal lake and agricultural reclamation land
- Effect of temperature on frictional behavior of smectite and illite: Implication for the updip limit of seismogenic zone along subduction thrust
- Evidence of Late Quaternary Fault Activity from Pollen Fossil Assemblages and Estimate of the Coseismic Events, Central Japan
- Frictional property of rocks in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Forearc under high temperature and pressure conditions
- Investigation of Slip Behavior Variation in the Shallow Part of Subduction Zone on the Basis of Vitrinite Reflectance.
- Microstructure and influence of slickenside on faulting behavior developed in limestone
- Microstructure of Finero phlogopite peridotite, indicating deformation history during exhuming from the upper mantle
- Nitrogen dynamics in a tidal river zone influenced by highly urbanization, western Japan
- Physical properties of the Nankai inner accretionary prism sediments at Site C0002, IODP Expedition 348.
- Rheological structure in Mars and its time evolution
- Roughness of fault surfaces over a length-scale range from nano- to milimeters
- Security of water, energy, and food nexus in the Asia-Pacific region
- Sound velocities and melting of Fe-Ni-Si system at high pressures under shock loading
- The Relationship between a Distribution of Submarine Groundwater Discharge and a Local-scale Coastal Geology and Topography in Northern Japan
- The impact of thermal energy and materials derived from the hot spring drainage on the fish community near the estuary
- Deformation microstructure of the chlorite dunite from the Åheim, Norway
- Detection of Remarkably Low Isotopic Ratio of Iron in Anthropogenic Aerosols and Evaluation of its Contribution to the Surface Ocean
- Field Reconnaissance Subsequent to the M7.8 April 25, 2015 Gorkha Earthquake and Implications to Past and Current Paleoseismic Investigations along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust
- Friction experiments of halite in brittle-ductile transition with high pore pressure
- Frictional Heat Generation and Slip Duration Estimated From Micro-fault in an Exhumed Accretionary Complex and Their Relations to the Scaling Law for Slow Earthquakes
- In situ XFEL measurement system for Earth and planetary materials under laser-induced ultrahigh-pressure conditions
- In-situ stress and strength in the Nankai inner accretionary prism at Site C0002, IODP NanTroSEIZE
- Long Pathways for Outgassing Generated by a Rapid and Large Shear Strain of Bubbly Fluids Reducing Effective Viscosity and Affecting Eruption Styles
- Long term observation of soil moisture by the in situ stations and AMSR/AMSR2 a 1.1º by 1.1º study area on the Mongolian Plateau since 2001
- Relationship between elemental distribution in soil and human impact in Majuro Atoll
- Shock compression experiment of forsterite: pulverization and frictional melting in a shear regime
- Simulating soil carbon accumulation in an upland black spruce ecosystem of interior Alaska: implications for permafrost carbon dynamics to climate change
- Spatial pattern of <SUP>137</SUP>Cs in soils in a mixed deciduous forest in Fukushima, Japan
- Continuous depth profile of mechanical properties in the Nankai accretionary prism based on drilling performance parameters
- Decaying shock studies of phase transitions in MgO-SiO<SUB>2</SUB> systems: implications for the Super-Earths' interiors
- Detecting Changes in Functional Traits of Forest after Extreme Climate Episode using Model Data Fusion
- Detection of photosynthetic responses of cool-temperate forests following extreme climate events using Bayesian inversion
- Dislocation mobility in ringwoodite and bridgmanite as functions of temperature and water content
- Distribution of surface rupture associated the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake and its significance
- Effect of groundwater recycle system on nitrate load distribution in an agricultural island, Japan
- Evaluation of the spatial relevance of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) and seagrass meadows in an island scale
- Evolution of Mechanical Properties and Microstructures in the Inner Accretionary Prism of the Nankai Subduction Zone
- Experimental simulation of marine meteorite impacts: Implications for astrobiology
- Fast magnetic reconnection supported by sporadic small-scale Petschek- type shocks
- Hydrogeology and geochemistry of the El Tatio geothermal basin, Atacama, Chile
- Iron and iron alloys under laser compression at XFEL for planetary science
- Lessons for active fault assessment learned from the destructive 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes in Japan
- Modeling the effect of abandonment process of cultivated land on water quantity and quality using SWAT in a hilly watersheds of western Japan
- Permeability of serpentinites and implication for the oceanic mantle hydration along the outer rise faults
- Preferred-rupture propagation to the hangingwall of the shallow part of the out-of-sequence thrust: Ishido Fault in Boso Peninsula, central Japan
- Quaternary Activity of the Erciyes Fault Southeast of the Kayseri Basin, Turkey
- Seismic attenuation structure associated with episodic tremors and slip zones, southwestern Japan, in the Nankai subduction zone
- Selective Determination of Lipid Hydroperoxides in Natural Waters Using a Fluorescent Probe
- Sewage-derived nutrient dynamics in highly urbanized coastal rivers, western Japan
- Strength and mechanical behavior of the inner Nankai accretionary prism sediments at Site C0002 from IODP NanTroSEIZE Expedition 348
- Water Recycling in Subduction Zones: The Role of Rehydration in the Generation of Intermediate-Depth Seismicity and the Nature of the Cold Fore-arc Mantle
- Water-rich Martian mantle can account for the elastic thickness in Amazonian era
- Characteristics and factors of groundwater contamination in Asian coastal megacities
- Estimation of water balance in two forests dominated, steep catchments of western Japan, using SWAT model
- Extremely Severe House Damage Confined to Narrow Zones along the Surface Fault Ruptures in Mashiki by 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, Japan.
- Geometry and Width of the Ringwoodite - Bridgmanite+Ferropericlase Binary Loop in the System (Mg,Fe)<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB>: Interpretation of the Sharpness of the 660-km Discontinuity
- In-Situ Sampling Analysis of a Jupiter Trojan Asteroid by High Resolution Mass Spectrometry in the Solar Power Sail Mission
- Initial report of the physical property measurement, ChikyuOman core description Phase I: sheeted dike and gabbro boundary from ICDP Holes GT1A, GT2A and GT3A
- Initial results on the physical property measurement of ChikyuOman cores: listvenite, serpentinite and the metamorphic sole from ICDP Hole BT1B
- Intensities of groundwater pollution and salinization in Asian coastal cities
- Measuring the accelerating effect of the planetary-scale waves on Venus observed with UVI/AKATSUKI and ground-based telescopes
- New results of the post-spinel transition pressure in Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> by means of in-situ X-ray diffraction in a multi-anvil press: complete agreement with the 660-km discontinuity depth
- Numerical simulations of water transport in subduction zone: Influences of serpentinized layer in oceanic slabs on subduction dynamics
- Physical and Chemical Properties of Individual Marine Aerosols Collected over the Arctic Ocean
- Shock pressure estimation in basement rocks of the Chicxulub impact crater using cathodoluminescence spectroscopy of quartz
- X-ray CT core imaging of Oman Drilling Project on D/V CHIKYU
- Acoustic Tomography Measurement of Internal Tides in Bali Strait
- Activation of [100](001) slip system by water incorporation in olivine
- An Origin and Evolution of Solar Eruptive Flux Ropes
- Compressional and shear wave velocities of mafic rocks collected from Oman Drilling Project
- Contrasting dilatant behaviors between mafic and ultramafic rocks based on triaxial deformation experiments
- Epsilon-Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB>, a new spinelloid in a shocked meteorite highlighting diffusionless phase transitions among olivine polymorphs
- Experimental study on relationship between permeability and transport pore radius of sandstones
- Formation of Al-bearing Bridgmanite in a Katol Meteorite
- Hayabusa2 Landing Site Selection: Scientific Evaluation on Asteroid Ryugu
- Hydrothermal Alteration of the Crust-Mantle Transition and Upper Mantle in the Samail Ophiolite: Insights from Holes CM1A and CM2B of the Oman Drilling Project
- Influence of Hydrothermal Alteration on Elastic Wave Velocity of Mafic Rocks from the Oeyama and Semail Ophiolites
- Influence of clay minerals on the slope angles and its implication for subsurface water in Mars
- Initial report of physical property measurements, ChikyuOman 2018: Crust-Mantle boundary and the mantle section from ICDP Oman Drilling Project Phase II
- Microstructural observations of quartz from the basement rocks of the Chicxulub impact structure and shock pressure estimation
- Near Field observation of 2018 Eruption of Kilauea volcano at Fissure 8 Lower East Rift Zone
- Numerical simulation for water transportation along subducting slabs
- One-station time-lapse seismic imaging: concept and preliminary applications
- Oscillatory Rheology Measurements of Particle- and Bubble-Bearing Fluids: Solid-Like Behavior of a Crystal-Rich Basaltic Magma
- Paleoseismology along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) of Nepal after the Mw7.8 2015 Gorkha earthquake
- Permeability profile across the crust-mantle sections in the Oman Drilling Project inferred from onboard measurements of dry and wet resistivity
- Physical property of the fossilized crust-mantle transition zone from ICDP Oman Drilling Project Hole CM1A and CM2B
- Quantification of the downhole degree of serpentinization estimated by X-ray CT core imaging (Oman Drilling Project Phase 2, D/V CHIKYU)
- Rheological evidences of water-rich stratification in Mars
- Sampling and Analysis of Ryugu Regolith
- Surface Geomorphology of Near Earth Asteroid (162173) Ryugu from in-situ Observations: First Results from the MASCOT Camera
- The Last Surface Rupture Event on the Himalayan Frontal Thrust in Central Nepal near Butwal
- Topographic Anaglyphs from Detailed Digital Elevation Models Covering Inland and Seafloor for the Tectonic Geomorphology Studies in and around Yoron Island, Ryukyu Arc, Japan
- An inhomogeneous conduit across slab controlled by spatial heterogeneity of intraslab stress in the Nankai subduction zone, southwestern Japan
- Deformation Mechanism of Muscovite from Frictional to Plastic Regimes
- Discovery of the Ulaanbaatar Fault in Mongolia
- Effect of episodic slow slip on oceanic slab stress state and seismicity near a subduction-zone megathrust, beneath Kii peninsula, southwestern Japan
- Experimental results of b-value for AE events of thermally cracked granite during triaxial compression test
- High Pressure Polymorphs in Katol L6 Chondrite: Deciphering Thermal History and Shock Conditions
- Impact of agriculture and brackish-fishpond to groundwater vulnerability in Indonesian rural coastal alluvial plain deduced from major ions, water isotope, and sulfate isotope
- Investigating spatio-temporal variation in submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) on an intertidal beach scale, temperate coastal area
- Iron-Mediated Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane in Freshwater Ferruginous Sediments
- Long term variations in the water balance controlled by land use changes in an urbanized catchment of western Japan
- Natural Occurrence of Aluminous Bridgmanite and its Formation in a Katol Meteorite
- Physical Properties of the MohoTZ: Implications from recent drilling projects
- Physical properties of the Nankai Trough at Sites C0002, C0024 and C0025, IODP Expedition 358
- Prospects for future analyses of the returned asteroid samples in light of the observation results obtained by Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx missions
- The Past and the Future of Large Earthquakes on the Himalayan Frontal Thrust in India and Nepal
- Topographic effects on groundwater contamination in Asian coastal cities
- An Experimental Model of Unconfined Bubbly Lava Flows
- Contrasting dilatant behavior between gabbro and peridotite during the triaxial deformation experiments
- Frequency characteristics of acoustic emission in thermally cracked granite
- Geographic distribution of marine bioaerosols and roles of biological gel particles over the Arctic Ocean
- Heterogeneity of subducting Indian oceanic plate and its implication to Sunda-arc magmas geochemical systematics
- IODP proposal for Bend-Fault Hydrology in the Old Incoming Plate (H-ODIN) using CHIKYU: Scientific objectives and drilling site & strategy
- Numerical Experiments on Tsunami-Tide Interaction over the East Asian Marginal Sea
- Plasmoid-dominated Turbulent Reconnection in a Low-beta Plasma
- Porosity and serpentinization inferred from laboratory experiments and geophysical data of incoming oceanic plate at the outer-rise region
- Refined Geologic Records of the Rupture History of the Himalayan Frontal Thrust in Central Nepal
- Dislocation creep of olivine and amphibole in amphibole peridotites from Aheim, Norway
- Earthquakes response analysis of CO2 storage site using hydraulic-mechanical coupled analysis by NMM
- Geomorphic study of tectonic landforms related to active faults along the Dang Dun valley, south of the Main Boundary Thrust, Western Nepal
- Immunity to slope failures from distribution of slope failures induced by the 1945 Makurazaki typhoon and the 2018 heavy rainfall occured in the southern part of Hiroshima Prefecture, southwestern Japan
- Investigation of adhesivity of organic enriched sea spray aerosols by atomic force microscopy
- Long-term trend of new particle formation events on the Noto peninsula, Japan
- Macromolecular Organic Matter from Asteroid Ryugu at the Micro- and Nano-Scale
- Preliminary results of 3D trench survey on the Naruto Minami fault, the Median Tectonic Line active fault system, southwest Japan
- Relationship of in-slab events with episodic tremor and slip and detection of updip slow slip near the locked megathrust in the Nankai subduction
- Shock-induced incongruent melting of olivine in Kamargaon L6 chondrite
- Time-lapse rock deformation monitoring using waveform inversion
- Coupling of Integrated Land Simulator to MIROC6's Atmosphere and Ocean Models
- Development of a Route Search System considering the Risk of being involved in Flooded areas
- Effects of Climate Change on the Return Periods of Water and Sediment Discharge
- Effects of style of subduction and hydration state in oceanic crust in global-scale mantle water cycling
- Elastic properties of thermally treated diabase and peridotite: Implications towards the elastic thickness and flexural rigidity of the trench outer rise systems
- Formation of steps near a knickpoint due to collisions of moving sediments
- Looking back into the history of floods in Japan using a newly developed long-term gridded precipitation dataset
- Metasomatic Transformation and Deformation at the Calc-silicate Granulite and Charnockite Interface in the Phulbani Area of the Eastern Ghats Province, India: Implications on the Fluid Movement and Strain Localization in the Lower Crust
- Rock-magnetic and paleointensity studies of returned samples from asteroid (162173) Ryugu
- Statistical analysis of flood damage characteristics in Japan using river basin averaged precipitation
- UV-Visible Reflectance Spectra of Grains Returned from 162173 Ryugu Unexposed to Earth's Atmosphere
- What is Required Toward Reliable Data-based Solar Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations?
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Amanda Hendrix
- Dai Yamazaki
- Eranga Gayanath Jayawickrama
- F. Vilas
- Haemyeong Jung
- Heidi Houston
- Hiroshi Naraoka
- Ikuo Katayama
- Janine Birnbaum
- K. N. Tiwari
- L. R. Nittler
- Luis Fabián Bonilla
- Masashi Kiguchi
- Moe Matsuoka
- Nobuaki Fuji
- S. Kita
- Satoshi Inoue
- Seiji Sugita
- Ssu-Ting Lai
- Steven Christe
- Suguru Yabe
- Sujoy Ghosh
- T. Vinci
- Takashi Nakagawa
- Thomas M. Mitchell