Hiroshima University, Department of Earth and Planetary Science
flowchart I[Hiroshima University, Department of Earth and Planetary Science] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (91)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Ion Microprobe U-Pb Dating of Calcium Phosphates in Martian Meteorites
- The kinetics of crack healing in Sioux quartzite
- Calibration for Coda Derived Moment Magnitude Using Berkeley Complete Waveform Moment-Tensor Solutions
- Possibility of an existence of small-scale convection under the back arc
- Possible Isotopic Evidences of Post Marinoan of Neoproterozoic III in Three Gorges Area, China
- Cenozoic and Mesozoic metamorphism in the Longmenshan orogen: Implications for geodynamic models of eastern Tibet
- Deep Seismic Reflection Profiling Across the Northern Fossa Magna: the ERI 1997 and the JNOC 1996 Seismic Lines, Active Faults and Geological Structure
- Microstructures of Olivine in the Weakly Shocked Divnoe Meteorite
- Deformation of a Partially Molten D'' Layer by Small-Scale Convection and the Resulting Seismic Anisotropy and Ultralow Velocity
- Effects of the Lithospheric Strength on the Generation, Longevity, and Structure of the Subduction
- Numerical simulation for spontaneous generation of one-sided subduction with hysterisis-dependent rheology
- Oxidized As (V) in fore-arc mantle serpentinites: Transfer of fluid-soluble elements from slabs to arc magmas
- Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 307, Porcupine Basin Carbonate Mounds
- U-Pb Zircon Geochronology of Early Jurassic Daedong Supergroup, South Korea: Tectonic implications
- A Mechanism of Slab Stagnation in The Mantle Transition Zone
- Origin of seismic anisotropy in the D" layer inferred from shear deformation experiments on CaIrO3 as an analogue of post-perovskite phase
- Physico-chemical Changes and Dramatic Fault Weakening Induced by Thermal Decomposition in Carbonate Fault Zones: Results from Friction Tests at Seismic Slip Rates
- Frictional Behavior and Slip Localization in Simulated Faults of Halite at Sub-seismic to Seismic Slip Rates
- Frictional Melting of Syenite in High-velocity Rotary Shear Experiments: `Mingling' of Molten Layers and Slip Localization
- High magnetic susceptibility produced in high velocity frictional tests and heating tests on core samples from the Chelungpu fault in Taiwan
- High velocity frictional properties of clay-bearing fault gouges : experiments and modelling
- Hydraulic and frictional properties of natural clay-rich sediments from ODP Leg190 Nankai Trough and IODP Expedition 311 Cascadia Margin
- Shock Metamorphism of L6 Chondrites Sahara 98222 and Yamato 74445: the P-T Conditions and the Shock age
- Bridging the Gap Between Seismic Observations and Mineral Physics Interpretations: a Hypothesis for Hydrous Majorite Associated With a Stagnant Slab Near the 660 km Discontinuity
- Deformation Experiment of Antigorite Serpentinite with a Solid Medium Deformation Apparatus
- Fault Damage Zone Permeability in Crystalline Rocks from Combined Field and Laboratory Measurements
- Frictional Melt: Fault Lubrication or Brake?
- High Velocity Frictional Properties of a Clay-Bearing Fault Gouge and Implications for Earthquake Mechanics
- Hydration induced strain softening in the fore-arc side of the mantle wedge: an example from Higashi-akaishi peridotites, the southwest Japan
- Plastic and dehydration instabilities of antigorite serpentinite
- Pyrometamorphism of Fault Zone Rocks Induced by Frictional Heating in High-velocity Friction Tests: Reliable Records of Seismic Slip?
- Seismic Faulting of Dolomite Rocks: Textures and Possible Slip Weakening Mechanisms
- Strong Velocity-Weakening of Nanograins at High Slip-Rates
- The Frictional Properties of Phyllosilicates at Earthquake Slip Speeds
- Thermal Pressurization Induced by Coseismic Shear Heating Within Thermally Unstable Rocks
- Thin anisotropic layer in the mantle wedge beneath Northeast Japan
- Characterization of frictional heating, mechanical behavior, and microstructure evolution of Punchbowl Fault ultracataclasite sheared at seismic slip rates: Implications for dynamic weakening mechanism
- Elasticity of serpentine: first principles investigation
- Experimental investigation of asymmetric pulverization along the Arima-Takatsuki fault
- Heterogeneous distribution of Fe in olivine grains generated by serpentinization
- High-Velocity Friction Experiments on the Longmenshan Fault Gouge towards the Understanding of Dynamic Rupture Propagation of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
- Immobilization of iodine in soil-water systems and its relation to iodine species
- Mechanics of the 1963 Vaiont landslide (Northern Italy) from low- and high-velocity friction experiments
- Microstructural observation of naturally deformed antigorite serpentinite
- Provenancial correlation between Kanmon Group and Tetori Group, SW Japan and Gyeongsan Supergroup, Korea by age distributions of detrital zircon
- Self-Lubrication Effect of Fault Caused by Structural Change of Carbon Mineral by Faulting
- Serpentinite-eclogite complex in the Ohmachi Seamount, Izu-Bonin arc: a fossil subduction channel in the Philippine Sea plate
- Shear Deformation of Wadsleyite in the Rotational Drickamer Apparatus
- Stalagmite-inferred late Holocene precipitation evolution in the tropical western Pacific from Tine cave, Negros Occidental, Philippines
- Strong trench-parallel anisotropy produced by serpentine preferred orientation in the mantle wedge
- The Geounri Shear Zone in the Paleozoic Taebaeksan Basin of Korea and Its Tectonic Implication
- Time variation in amplitude-frequency distribution of deep non-volcanic tremors in the Bungo Channel region, southwest Japan
- Variation of Seismic Velocity Structure and Topical Low Velocity Anomalies near the 660 km Discontinuity: Inference and Observational Uncertainties
- Deformation experiments of serpentinite under high pore pressure and hydrothermal conditions
- Effect of metal complex formation on the potential of organic aerosols as cloud condensation nuclei
- Electrical conductivity anisotropy of natural deformed talc rocks and serpentinite at 3 GPa
- Serpentine preferred orientation and variation in subduction zone anisotropy
- An Effect of pore pressure on slip strength of serpentinite
- Development of a rotational Drickamer apparatus: A progress report
- Fabric analyses of a lawsonite blueschist from Diablo Range, California: Implications for seismic anisotropy of the subducting oceanic crust
- Lattice preferred orientations of olivine in the schistosed antigorite serpentinite
- Mixing of rocks of differing metamorphic histories within a subduction channel of upper mantle depth exposed on the Ohmachi Seamount, Izu-Bonin Arc
- Permeability anisotropy of serpentinite and fluid pathways in a subduction zone
- Seismic slip propagation along a fault in the Shimanto accretionary prism detected by vitrinite reflectance studies
- Serpentine rheology and its significance on subduction zone processes
- Weakening of the slab-mantle interface induced by metasomatic growth of talc in serpentinite
- Comparison of solid-water distributions of molybdenum and tungsten under various redox conditions near hydrothermal fields in Okinawa using XAFS spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations
- Fabric analyses of experimentally deformed blueschists: Implications for deformational behaviors of sodic amphibole
- Geochemistry and fluid inclusions across a crustal strike-slip Mesozoic fault: insights of fluid-flow / rock interaction in the Atacama Fault System
- Missing plate tectonics in Venus caused by rheological contrast at Moho
- Reactivity of chromate, molybdate, and tungstate on ferrihydrite by XAFS and molecular orbital calculation
- Shear-induced permeability anisotropy of simulated serpentinite gouge
- Shock-induced incongruent crystallization from forsterite melt at extreme pressure and temperature conditions
- Water accumulation and pore pressure build-up in mantle wedge due to permeability barrier
- Absence of plate tectonics in Venus is supported from deformation experiments and numerical simulation
- Cathodoluminescence of radiation-induced zircon
- Fluid inclusion evidence of post-seismic fluid flow induced by dynamic rupture
- Formation of simple biomolecules from alanine in ocean by impacts
- Formation process and mechanical property of slickenside
- Hydrothermal alteration in an exhumed crustal fault zone: geochemical mobility in the Caleta Coloso Fault, Atacama Fault System, Northern Chile
- Microstructural characteristics of slickenside developed in different kinds of rocks
- Ultra-low strain rate effect in the upper mantle: constraint from microstructural observation on naturally deformed olivine
- Zircon and monazite geochronology of the granulites and associated gneisses from the Rengali Province, India: Growth of the southern margin of the Singhbhum Craton
- Effect of humidity and interlayer cation on frictional strength of montmorillonite
- Elastic wave velocity of granite during triaxial compression under controlled pore pressure
- Experimental simulation of marine meteorite impacts: Implications for astrobiology
- Friction behavior for clay minerals during dehydration process: implication for unstable friction at shallow portion along subducting plate
- Permeability of serpentinites and implication for the oceanic mantle hydration along the outer rise faults
- Water-rich Martian mantle can account for the elastic thickness in Amazonian era
- Influence of clay minerals on the slope angles and its implication for subsurface water in Mars
- Rheological evidences of water-rich stratification in Mars