McGill University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Demagnetization of Martian Crust by Large Impacts
- Magnetic Anomalies of Mars
- The Elastic Properties of the Lithosphere Beneath Scotian Basin
- The Strength of the Lunar Interior
- A Comparison of Historic Caldera-Forming Events
- The Nature of Sulfide Weathering in the Submarine Environment: Evidence From the Southern Explorer Ridge.
- Initial Field Trials for Development of RMDI, a Miniaturized UV/Visible Spectrometer Designed for Multi-gas Remote Sensing of Volcanic Plumes
- Retrograde Evolution of the Hemlo Gold Deposit, Ontario: Fractional Crystallization of a Sulfide Melt and Remobilization of Ore-Related Metals
- The Active Period of the Core Dynamo of Mars
- Carbon Mineralization Pathways and Early Diagenesis in Lake Erie Sediments
- Oxygen Isotope Fractionation between Synthetic Aragonite and Water: Influence of Solution Chemistry
- Resolving power of satellite magnetic data for lithospheric field characterization
- The formation of the lunar and Martian mascons
- Analogue Experiments Investigating Magma Degassing Under Submarine Conditions
- Assessing the Impact of Retreating Glaciers on Dry-Season Discharge in a Tropical Andean Watershed
- DOC Cycling in Ancient Tropical Lake Matano
- Earth Hazards Consortium: a Unique Approach to Student-Centered Learning
- Experimental Study of Bubble Growth in Stromboli Basalt Melts at 1 atmosphere
- Gas Hydrate Research Coring and Downhole Logging Operational Protocol
- Magma Interactions in Rhyolite Reservoirs Caused by Injection of New Rhyolitic Liquid: Results From Analogue Modeling
- Magma mixing during caldera forming eruptions
- Magnetic Properties of Sediments from IODP Expedition 311 - Cascadia Margin Gas Hydrates: Records of Fossil Sulphate Methane Interface?
- Nature of Magma Recharge at Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat, West Indies
- Punctuated Sediment Input into Small Subpolar Ocean Basins During Heinrich Events and Preservation in the Stratigraphic Record
- Sand, Syrup and Supervolcanoes
- Simulations of Bubble Size Distributions and the Formation of the Giant Bubble
- The 3D Skeleton Of Basaltic Vesiculating Magmas And Implications For Degassing Pathways And Shallow Conduit Dynamics
- The REE (+Y) And Major Element Chemistry Of An Anhydrite/Caminite Dominated Black Smoker Sample, EPR 9 50'N
- The fate of Pb during dissimilatory iron reduction
- The granular sea-ice model in spherical coordinates and its application to a global climate model
- Volatile Contents of Melt Inclusions From Andesite Pumice at Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat, West Indies
- F and Cl Diffusion in Phonolitic Melts
- Fine scale control of microbial communities in deep marine sediments that contain hydrates and high concentrations of methane
- Fluid/Melt Partition Coefficients Of Halogens In Basaltic Melt
- Individual magma batches related to the origin of Yellowstone 516-70 ka post-caldera rhyolitic lava flows : results from glass geochemistry.
- Magma Vesiculation and Infrasonic Activity in Open Conduit Volcanoes
- Magma chamber rejuvenation associated with Yellowstone 516-70 ka post-caldera rhyolitic lava flows : results from crystal geochemistry
- Nd Isotope Systematics for the 3.8 Ga Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt: Implications for the Degree of Depletion of Early Earth's Mantle
- Possible Eukaryotic Magnetite in the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary Clay, Ancora, New Jersey
- Seismic Reflection Blank Zones in Ulleung Basin, Offshore Korea, Associated With High Concentrations of Gas Hydrate
- Sulfur and oxygen isotope studies of sulfate reduction
- Testing the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum Magnetofossil Spike Hypothesis
- Anthropogenic Transformation of the Biomes, 1700 to 2000
- Metal Concentrations and Hydrochemical Dynamics in a Tropical-Glacier Watershed
- Pressure Effects in the Mass-Independent Fractionation Parameters of UV-Photolyte Sulfur from Broadband Irradiation of SO2
- Thermophiles as Candidate Iron-Reducing Bacteria For the Putative Biogenetic Magnetite in Banded Iron Formations
- An Appalachian Amazon? Magnetofossil evidence for the development of a tropical river-like system in the mid-Atlantic United States during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Ankaramitic Lavas and Clinopyroxene Megacrysts From the Tanganasoga Volcano, El Hierro Island (Canary Archipelago)
- Causes of supervolcano eruptions
- Compositional and thermal zoning within quartz ejected before, during and after a supervolcanic eruption at 1.256 Ma: Valles Caldera, New Mexico, USA
- Do the Columbia Hills of Gusev Crater Represent a Layered Igneous Intrusion on Mars?
- Groundwater Flow with Freeze-Thaw in Dynamic Permafrost Systems: Numerical Simulation
- Implications of the Nuvvuagittuq “faux-amphibolite” for the formation of Earth’s early crust
- Kimberlite degassing and paleoclimate
- Magma differentiation and volatile evolution at Fuego Volcano, Guatemala
- Minerals fractionate and modulate the dissolved organic carbon flux out of marine sediments
- Proglacial hydrology in the tropical Andes: lessons from the Cordillera Blanca, Peru (Invited)
- Spatial and temporal variations in subduction angle: a role for subduction erosion processes?
- Tectonics, climate and mountain building in the forearc of southern Peru recorded in the 10Be chronology of low-relief surface abandonment
- The future of volcanism at Yellowstone caldera
- The oxygen side of sulfate constrains global biospheric productivity in the mid-Phanerozoic
- Thermal History of the Bandelier Magmatic System: Evidence for Magmatic Injection and Recharge at 1.61 Ma as Revealed by Cathodoluminescence and Titanium Geothermometry
- Using global land cover data to assess regional food production potential
- An Analysis of Sulfur Content and Multiple Sulfur Isotope Fractionation of Tephra Deposits at Valles Caldera, New Mexico: Variations over the Course of Two Caldera-Forming Eruptions
- Application of the MultiGAS Sensor to Geothermal Exploration and Monitoring: Comparison of Plume and Fumarole Gas Compositions at Kawah Ijen Volcano, Indonesia
- Barium and Carbon fluxes in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
- Crustal Thickness Variations Across Eastern Canada and Maine From Receiver Function Analysis
- Distributed Temperature Sensing of hyporheic flux patterns in varied space and time around beaver dams
- Evolution of Early Paleoproterozoic Ocean Chemistry as Recorded by Black Shales
- Interdisciplinary graduate student symposium organized by students for students
- Modeling of permafrost dynamics and hydrological processes under seasonal and long term temperature variations
- Polyphase rifting within Rodinia as seen through multiple episodes of mafic volcanism within the Canadian Cordillera
- Proglacial hydrology in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Recently active contractile deformation in the forearc of southern Peru
- Steady-state behavior of the Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat
- Sulfur Isotopic Inferences of the Controls on Porewater Sulfate Profiles in the Northern Cascadia Margin Gas Hydrate System
- The Location and most Viable Magnetic Mineral of the Magnetic Layer of Mars Crust
- Trace element partitioning between minerals and aqueous fluid as a tool to unravel element release from the subducting slab
- A model for caldera resurgence
- Coseismic overpressure recorded in fault rocks
- Deglacial changes in the subarctic Pacific ecosystem: links to ocean circulation, deoxygenation and carbon storage
- Do faults stay cool under stress?
- Landscape modification in a glaciated tropical mountain range: Basin-averaged 10Be erosion rates from the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Late Cenozoic Exhumation in the Northern Peruvian Andes
- Mesozoic fault reactivation along the St. Lawrence Rift System as constrained by (U-Th/He) thermochronology
- Origins of apparent conglomerates of the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt (Nunavik, Québec): Sulfur and oxygen isotope evidence and chronological implications
- Past peak water in Peru's Cordillera Blanca: diagnosing the demise of glacier influence on stream discharge
- Rupture process of oceanic transform faults linked to material variability: local observations and models of the Gofar Fault, EPR
- Southern Ocean overturning, export production and climate variability over the past 1 Myr
- Synoptic global view of nitrogen isotopes in the modern and glacial oceans
- Textural evidence for jamming and dewatering of a sub-surface, fluid-saturated granular flow
- The Behaviour of Base Metals in Arc-Type Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems - Insights from Merapi Volcano, Indonesia
- The Role of Sulfur on Major Fluctuations in the Carbon Cycle During the Neoproterozoic Interglacial Interval
- The Rusty Sink: Iron Promotes the Preservation of Organic Matter in Sediments
- The importance of groundwater flow in thawing permafrost systems
- The regolith hypothesis for the Tonian-Cryogenian transition
- Thresholds of glacier hydrologic change and emergent vulnerabilities in a tropical Andean waterscape
- Using multiple natural and injected tracers to evaluate spatial and temporal patterns of hyporheic flux and biogeochemistry
- Volcanology and Geochemistry of the Taney Seamounts northeast Pacific Ocean
- What's Cooking? Evaluating frictional stress using extractable organic material in fault zones
- δ13C Degassing Dynamics of a Young Volcanic Center, Cerro Negro, Nicaragua
- "Gray Areas": Silica gels, amorphous silica and cryptocrystalline silica on fault surfaces
- A continuous transect through the lower seismogenic zone of a transform boundary: The Pofadder Shear Zone, Namibia and South Africa
- An old question revisited: the mechanics of shallow creep events on strike-slip faults and their triggering by nearby earthquakes
- Changing Hydrology in Glacier-fed High Altitude Andean Peatbogs
- Connecting multi-scale fault geometry with field observations: insights into fluid-fault rock relations
- Did the Moon have a dipolar field?
- Do volcanic gases represent equilibrium volatile concentrations? Some insights from a model of diffusive fractionation during rapid bubble growth
- Exhumation of the Western Cordillera of the Peruvian Andes (5-12°S)
- Groundwater-surface water interactions in a glacierized catchment and their influence on proglacial water supply
- Holocene denudation and landscape deformation in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Organic geochemical evidence for frictional heating of the NE Japan décollement in drillcores from Expedition 343: JFAST
- Processes governing transient responses of the deep ocean buoyancy budget to a doubling of CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- The Finlayson Lake Greenstone Belt, Superior Province, Canada: A Structural Perspective
- The Importance of Sulfur on Enriched Carbon Isotopes and Extreme Carbon Cycle Perturbations of the Cryogenian
- The NICOPP synthesis of the marine sedimentary nitrogen isotope record 0-30,000 years BP: Documenting deglacial changes in the marine N cycle
- The role of pegmatites and acid fluids for REE/HFSE mobilization in the Strange Lake peralkaline granitic pluton, Canada
- Towards inferring geodetic signatures of megathrust coseismic slip, afterslip and slow slip events in an earthquake cycle under the influence of dilatancy
- Applying time-reverse-imaging techniques to locate individual low-frequency earthquakes on the San Andreas fault near Cholame, California
- Characterizing changing stream water quality in a glacierized tropical watershed
- Detecting the frictional temperature rise during the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake using the thermal maturity of biomarkers
- Effects of Drake Passage widening during the Eocene-Oligocene Transition on Southern Ocean bulk sediment trace element geochemistry
- Groundwater, springs, and stream flow generation in an alpine meadow of a tropical glacierized catchment
- Hillslope runoff temperatures and their influence on winter stream temperature for a coastal forested catchment
- Hydrothermal REE and Zr mobilization in the Strange Lake peralkaline granitic system: a reaction path model linked to petrological and geochemical observations
- Internal structure of the shallow Japan Trench décollement: insights into the long-term evolution of the margin and coseismic slip processes
- Mechanism of spontaneous and triggered shallow creep events - Implications for shallow fault zone properties
- Numerical modeling on the source parameter scaling relations and synthetic surface deformation of episodic slow slip events in subduction zones
- Oceanic transform fault earthquake nucleation process and source scaling relations - A numerical modeling study with rate-state friction (Invited)
- Paleomagnetic records of core samples of the plate-boundary thrust drilled during the IODP Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST)
- Permafrost response to climate change: Linking field observation with numerical simulation
- Shrinking Arctic Lakes are Forming New Local Permafrost, but for How Long?
- Silica Lubrication in Faults (Invited)
- The Downstream Fate of Glacial Runoff and Groundwater in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- The behavior of sulfur, volatile species and metals in subduction zone, magmatic-hydrothermal systems: Insights from Merapi volcano, Indonesia (Invited)
- Using an Earthquake Simulator to Model Tremor Along a Strike Slip Fault
- Development of Mylonites and Pseudotachylites in Granitic Bodies: Brittle Deformation by Reactivation of Pre-existing Ductile Fabrics Defined by Mica
- Evolution of the Proterozoic Earth System: Insights from the Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O Record of Sedimentary Sulfate Minerals
- Modeling the Failure of Magmatic Foams and Application to Infrasonic Signals at Stromboli Volcano, Italy
- The Implications of the Moon-Forming Impact for Terrestrial Oxidation State and Surface Water Stability
- The Vanda Dike Swarm, Dry Valleys, Antarctica II: Geochemistry and Geochronology
- Cold seep carbonates along the Norwegian margin, insights into U-Th geochronology and S geochemistry
- Coseismic brecciation at fault stepovers and transient fluid pathways in a mid-crustal San Andreas analogue: The Pofadder Shear Zone, Namibia and South Africa
- Earthquake lubrication and healing explained by amorphous nanosilica
- Evolution of the fluid in the REE-rich pegmatites of the Strange Lake pluton
- Investigating sulfur partitioning between nominally volatile-free minerals and silicate melts
- Linking Deformation and Diffusion to Develop a Strain Speedometer in Plagioclase
- Multi-surface Earthquake Rupture Recorded in Pseudotachylyte Vein Geometries, Norumbega Shear Zone, southern Maine
- Rapid ductile afterslip from coseismic heating
- Refining the chemical composition of the inner core with multicomponent alloys: from first-principles to thermodynamics and seismology
- Relationship between amorphous silica and precious metal in quartz veins
- Sedimentary environments and preservation biases limit sulfur isotope fractionation observed in pyrite, despite large microbial fractionations
- Using Multiple Sulfur Isotope Signatures to Delineate Terrane Boundaries and Investigate Crustal Formation Mechanisms during the Paleoproterozoic
- Why Are Andesitic Eruptions Often More Violent Than Basaltic Ones? -- Insights from 4D X-ray Tomographic Microscopy
- A Comparison Between Modeling and Field Observations of Off-Fault Strain around Pseudotachylyte Fault Veins, Norumbega Shear Zone, southern Maine
- Assessing the impacts of 1.5°C of global warming - The Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) approach
- Computing phase relations involving ordered solid solutions ab initio: Three thermodynamic approaches to the Fe-Si binary
- Dipping Upper Mantle Boundary Beneath Southeastern Superior Province - a Trace of Archean Subduction?
- Fluid Flow, Reactions and Exhumation of Mantle Peridotite Along a Serpentinite Fault Zone.
- Geological Development of the Izu-Bonin Forearc Since the Eocene Based on Biostratigraphic, Rock Magnetic, and Sediment Provenance Observations from IODP Expedition 352 Drill Cores
- Heterogeneous bubble nucleation on pyroxene and plagioclase in andesite magmas
- Insights into Magmatic Degassing at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia from Uranium-Series Disequilibria in Recently Erupted Volcanic Rocks
- Insights into earthquake rupture and recovery from paleoseismic faults
- New Frontiers for Deep Fluids and Geobiology Research in the World's Oldest Rocks
- On the transport of physical and biogeochemical tracers into the North Pacific and North Atlantic subtropical gyre
- Opal-replaced "Phenocrysts" in Fresh Pumice from 1817 Phreatomagmatic Deposits from Kawah Ijen, East Java, Indonesia: Implications for Eruptive Timescales?
- Sliding history and energy budget recorded in a frozen mantle earthquake
- The Role of Microbial Iron Reduction in the Formation of Proterozoic Molar Tooth Structures
- Tracing Magmatic Degassing Timescales at Soufrière Hills Volcano using Short-Lived Uranium Series Isotopes
- Understanding Earthquake Slip Surface Distribution in a Lithologically Heterogeneous Shear Zone
- A Sulfur Trigger for the 2017 Phreatomagmatic Eruption of Poás Volcano, Costa Rica? Insights from MultiGAS and Drone-based Gas Monitoring
- Climate reconstruction from borehole temperatures influenced by groundwater flow
- Crustal Structure and Seismic Anisotropy in the St-Lawrence/Charlevoix Region, Eastern Canada
- Earthquake source parameter and focal mechanism estimates for the Western Quebec Seismic Zone in eastern Canada
- Groundwater controls on post-fire permafrost thaw
- How Might Draining Lake Campotosto Affect Stress and Seismicity on the Monte Gorzano Normal Fault, Central Italy?
- Interactions of ice sheet evolution, sea level and GIA in a region of complex Earth structure
- Isotopic composition of reduced and oxidized sulfur in the Canary Islands: implications for the mantle S cycle
- Mafic Spatter-Rich and Lava-Like Welded Ignimbrites Linked With Collapse of a Basaltic Caldera: The Halarauður Eruption, Krafla, Iceland
- Numerical simulation of dynamic triggering of aseismic slip events in Northern Chile and New Zealand
- Observation of ground deformation associated with hydraulic fracturing and seismicity in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin
- Processes of 21st Century Ice Sheet Melt and their Global Consequences
- Proglacial Hydrogeology of the Cordillera Blanca (Peru): Integrating Field Observations with Hydrogeophysical Inversions to Inform Groundwater Flow Simulations and Conceptual Models
- Smoothing of Fault Slip Surfaces by Scale Invariant Wear
- Stress Rotation Across the Cascadia Megathrust Requires a Weak Subduction Plate Boundary at Seismogenic Depths
- Subsurface flow recently triggered the development of taliks under a sub-Arctic road embankment: a prelude to the collapse of the Alaska Highway?
- Sulfur partitioning applied to LIP magmatism - A new approach for quantifying sulfur concentration in basaltic melts
- The influence of fluorine on phase relations and REE enrichment in alkaline magmas
- The permeability of fault zones in the upper continental crust: statistical analysis from 460 datasets, updated depth-trends, and permeability contrasts between fault damage zones and protoliths.
- Tourmaline's record of Alpine metamorphism and segregation formation in the Pfitsch Formation, Western Tauern Window
- Volcanic activity at Etna volcano, Sicily, Italy between June 2011 and March 2017 studied with TanDEM-X SAR interferometry
- Water and CO<SUB>2</SUB> content of melt inclusions from the high-silica rhyolite Bandelier Tuff super-eruptions, New Mexico, USA
- A simple box model of nutrient fluxes in the St. Lawrence Estuary
- Advances in submicron Raman spectroscopy mapping of serpentinite fault rocks
- Assessing Variability of Intraplate Crustal Stress Orientation and Seismic Hazard in the Charlevoix Seismic Zone, Eastern Canada
- Biogeochemical signatures in coralloid speleothems in basaltic lava tubes
- Characterizing the Microbial Community of Lava Tube Ice for Determining its Habitability on Mars
- Constraining Geological Structures and Temporal Variations in Fluid Accumulation near Hydraulic Fracturing Injection Sites in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
- Constraining fault-valve behavior at Val d'Or, Quebec.
- Controls on the dissolution rates of natural and synthetic calcites under seafloor-like conditions
- Cryohydrogeology - Is Groundwater a Catalyst for Arctic Change?
- Cyclic Compositionally Zoned Explosive Eruptions at an Arc Volcano (Cosigüina, Nicaragua): Implications for Magma Reservoir Processes
- Development of in situ analysis of δ<SUP>7</SUP>Li in garnets to decipher metamorphic processes
- Dynamic rupture simulation along the southern San Andreas Fault through the San Gorgonio Pass - Effects of fault geometry and 3D velocity model
- Evaluation of Climate Impacts on Andean Hydrology Using an Integrated Groundwater, Surface Water and Glacier Model.
- Geologic observations of fault healing
- Geometric complexity of earthquake rupture surfaces preserved in pseudotachylyte networks
- Heat Transfer Triggered by Mobile Subsurface Water Degrades Permafrost and Impacts Overlying Highways
- How permafrost thaw will affect the groundwater contribution to streams and lakes?
- Improving the Accuracy of Stream Temperatures Acquired through Ground-Based Time-Lapse Thermal Infrared Imagery
- Influence of Water-Rock Interaction on Cave Biogeochemistry
- Methane Radiocarbon and Clumped Isotope Measurements in Lakes from Permafrost Landscapes Link Methanogenesis Kinetics with the Age of Carbon Substrates
- Modeling Short-term Ice sheet - Sea level - Solid Earth Interactions within a Glacial-cycle Timescale Simulation
- Monitoring Gases via Drone during the 2017 Eruption Crisis at Poás Volcano, Costa Rica
- Near real-time isotopic measurements of CO<SUB>2</SUB> sampled by drone at Stromboli, Italy
- New Evidence of an Ancient Martian Ocean from the Global Distribution of Valley Networks
- Numerical modeling of dynamically triggered shallow slow slip events in New Zealand by the 2016 M w 7.8 Kaikoura earthquake
- Quantifying the uncertainty in GNSS-R sea level measurements
- Rupture to the trench? Frictional properties of incoming sediments at the Cascadia subduction zone
- Searching for a Seismic Signature in the Landscape of the Western Quebec Seismic Zone, Canada
- Seismicity from a dense hydraulic fracturing stimulation monitoring array favors a fluid diffusion mechanism in a low-permeability shale formation in the Montney Basin, British Columbia
- Spatter-Rich and Lava-Like Ignimbrites of the Halarauður Eruption, Krafla (Iceland): An Unusually Violent Eruption From a Basalt-Dominated Caldera
- Sulfur Systematics Record the Volatile-Rich, Oxidized, and Recycled Nature of the Canary Island Mantle Source
- The influence of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets on Antarctic ice dynamics during the Last Deglaciation
- Transecting the Cordillera Blanca of northern Peru: a glacial geochronology determined from <SUP>10</SUP>Be exposure ages of moraine crest boulders
- Tree rings as a volcanic gas proxy: carbon and sulfur isotopes in proximal trees linked to volcanic degassing fluctuations through time
- Triple sulfur isotope fractionation associated with sulfate reduction in modern marine sediments
- What Do GPS-derived 1-D Viscosity Models Represent Given Antarctica's Complex 3-D Structure?
- What does a tremorgenic rock look like?
- Conduit controls on the release of material at the onset of two caldera-forming eruptions: case study from the Bandelier Tuff
- Does Sporadic Permafrost Influence Catchment-scale Groundwater Processes?
- Earthquake lubrication and healing caused by amorphous silica powder - experimental wear products compared to natural fault rocks
- Earthquake triggering in the crystalline basement from hydraulic fracturing: two examples from the Montney Basin, BC, Canada.
- Evaluation of inter-annual to decadal changes in tropical Andean stream chemistry below debris-covered glaciers
- Examining possibilities for speleothem biosignatures in Mars lava tubes based on Californian lava tubes
- Fracture energy of Cascadia input sediments integrated into a global compilation
- Global patterns in the hydrogen isotope composition of methane from freshwater ecosystems with implications for source apportionment and methanogenesis pathways
- Investigating the Bias in GPS-derived 1-D Viscosity Models due to Antarctica's Complex 3-D Mantle Structure
- Late Permian cold subduction in the Yukon-Tanana Terrane, Yukon Territory, Canada: Progressive elcogitization in the lawsonite stability field recorded by lawsonite and garnet inclusions in garnet
- Mineralogical clues to the origin of the serpentinite mélange on Ring Mountain
- Modeling Northern Hemispheric ice sheet dynamics, sea level change and solid Earth deformation through the last glacial cycle.
- On-Ramps to More Effective Teaching: Quick-Start Guides to Strategies for Actively Engaging Students in The Classroom to Improve Learning
- Precise Ground-Based GNSS-Reflectometry Sea Level Measurements Using Low-Cost Antennas
- Quantifying Surface Roughness Development of Experimentally Sheared Fault Surfaces
- Quantitative Relationship Between Injection Operations and Induced Seismicity in the Southern Montney Play, British Columbia, Canada
- Radiocarbon Data from Permafrost Peatland Lakes Indicate Dissolved Methane is Dominantly Modern while Particulate Matter and Ebullition Methane Contain Older Carbon
- Revitalizing the classic "Streetcar to Subduction" Field Guide to the San Francisco Bay Area via Google Earth
- Role of hydrous minerals in the structure and rheology of the subduction plate interface
- Searching for Extant Life on Mars: What's Next?
- A bio-physically-based model of the human-Earth System applicable to long timescales
- A three-dimensional groundwater flow simulation of Granger Basin, Yukon, Canada
- Carbon Isotope Systematics of Poás Volcano, Costa Rica, from 2017 to 2019
- Chasing the Franciscan megathrust and its implications for Deep Subduction Zone Dynamics: Insights from Angel Island, Franciscan Complex.
- Deformation mechanisms of phyllosilicates and amphibole and the interdependence of deformation in polymineralic rocks
- Exhumation-related deformation in a developing thin-skinned nappe complex: Naukluft, Namibia
- Geological constraints on the mechanisms of slow earthquakes
- Groundwater in high mountains: Climate change impacts on a hidden water resource
- How waters feeding the eastern American continental slope affect oxygen concentrations in the St. Lawrence Estuary
- Linking Fault-Related Injection Veins to Paleoearthquake Cycles: Observation from the Muddy Mountain Thrust, NV, USA
- Metamorphic thermobarometry captures a rheology-controlled subduction depth limit in exhumed high-pressure/low-temperature rocks exposed on Syros, Greece
- Near-surface structure and mechanical properties of shallow seismogenic faults: Implications for ground-motion simulations
- Ocean Acidification: Insights from the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)
- Potential Uncertainties in Measuring Soil Moisture with Active Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing
- Reactive gossans in permafrost as indicators of ancient hydrothermal activity on Mars
- Structural petrology and petrochronology record subduction, underplating, and return flow in the Cycladic Blueschist Unit exposed on Syros Island, Greece
- Temperature rise, slip localization, and fault weakening as observed from the rock record
- The economic potential of granitic pegmatites in Sri Lanka: preliminary findings
- The potential for spatial resolution of freshwater methane emissions using hydrogen isotope measurements
- Trees as sensors of pre-eruptive change
- Tropical CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fertilization using Volcanic CO<SUB>2</SUB>: Results from a Recent CO<SUB>2</SUB> Mapping Field Campaign at Volcán Rincón de la Vieja in Costa Rica
- Walking the seismogenic zone: A field geology perspective on earthquakes
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Permafrost Peat Altered by Gradual Drying but Depends on Landscape Position and Peat Biogeochemistry
- How Does Climate Warming Affect the Mass Transport of a Nonreactive Solute in a Thawing Permafrost Environment?