University of Liverpool, UK
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- University of Liverpool, Department of Earth, Ocean and Ecological Sciences
- University of Liverpool, Department of Physics
- University of Liverpool, School of Environmental Sciences
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Computer Simulation of Grain Boundary Diffusion Creep
- Differential Travel Times of PKP Waves - How Reliable are They? An Array Analysis of Slowness and Back-azimuth Deviations
- Seismic and Micromechanical Studies of In situ Compressive Failure
- Geomagnetic Intensity Variation in Hawaii Over the Past 30ky, Using the Microwave Technique
- Microwave Palaeointensity Study of two Geomagnetic Reversals Recorded in Lava Sequences From the Waianae Volcano, Hawaii
- iSIMM (Integrated Seismic Imaging and Modelling of Margins): Seismic Acquisition on the Faroes Shelf, Hatton Bank and adjacent Continental Margins
- Absolute Paleointensity Determinations of Oceanic Basalts Using the Thellier-Coe and Microwave Techniques
- Extreme Short Scale Variations in D" Topography Beneath the Pacific Ocean Just West of Central America
- Lower-Mantle Seismic Discontinuities and the Thermal Structure of Subducted Slabs.
- Rapid Eolian Events Within The Last Glacial Loess Series of Europe (EOLE project)
- Rifting, Insertial Magmatism And Continental Arc Construction, Peru
- Seismic attenuation and electrical resistivity beneath the southern Altiplano plateau
- The Origin of Geomagnetic Jerks, Revisited
- Using Array Seismology to Probe the Deep Earth With Core Seismic Phases
- An Excess <SUP>226</SUP>Ra Geochronology for Saanich Inlet
- Deformation Kinematics of Rifted Continental Margin Lithosphere From Measured Bathymetry, Gravity and Upper Crustal Extension Using a New Model of Sea Floor Spreading Initiation
- Estimating Magnetic Susceptibility and Frequency Dependent Susceptibility in Soils to aid Landmine Clearance
- Estuarine Ecohydrology: The Importance of Wetlands in Estuary Robustness
- Experimental Measurements of Permeability Evolution During Brittle Deformation of Crystalline Rocks and Implications for Fluid Flow in Fault Zones
- Intermediate depth seismicity - a reflection seismic approach
- Investigating active faulting in the south-central Chilean forearc by local seismicity and moment tensor inversions
- Investigating topography of transition zone discontinuities in the Southwest Pacific using a migration method
- Magnetic Measurements as Indicators of Soil Development in a Chronosequence in Southeast Spain
- Mantle Exhumation at Magma-Poor Rifted Margins due to Melt Suppression During Continental Break-up and Seafloor Spreading Initiation.
- Microwave Palaeointensity Study of Jorullo Volcano (Central Mexico)
- New Constraints on the Fault Plane Structure of the Mw=6.9 Cariaco, North Eastern Venezuela Earthquake
- Palaeointensity study of the R3/N3 reversal recorded in Icelandic lavas using the microwave technique.
- Preliminary Microwave Palaeointensity Results From the Tatara-San Pedro Volcanic Complex, Chile - Intensity Variation Through the Matuyama-Brunhes Transition?
- The Effect of Temperature Dependent Rheology on a Kinematic Model of Continental Breakup and Rifted Continental Margin Formation
- The Seismogenic Zone in Southern Chile: Insights from high resolution receiver function analysis and seismic Tomography
- Towards a High Resolution Cellular Model for Coastal Simulation (CEMCOS)
- Elastic Property Development in Variably Fractured Crystalline Rock
- Fault Damage Zone Characteristics and the Evolution of Fluid Flow Properties
- Lateral Variation of Velocity Discontinuities in the Lowermost Mantle Under the Cocos Plate
- Quantifying rates of soil erosion in a disequilibrium landscape
- Sensitivity of Predicted Upper Mantle Seismic Anisotropy to LPO and Finite Strain Modelling Techniques
- Testing exhumation models using PTt paths: an Alpine perspective based on deformation ages
- The TIPTEQ seismological network in Southern Chile - Studying the Seismogenic Coupling Zone
- Vegetation Coverage Mapping and Soil Effect Correction in Estimating Vegetation Water Content and Dry Biomass from Satellites
- A tear in the subducting Nazca slab at 21 S revealed from accurate locations of intermediate depth seismicity
- Absoulte Paleointensities From the Unzen Volcano, Japan - Paleointensity Variation During the Last 500 Kyr
- Accurate Location of Synthetic Acoustic Emissions and Location Sensitivity to Relocation Methods, Velocity Perturbations, and Seismic Anisotropy
- Applying Satellite Geomagnetism to Probe Ocean Flow
- Complexity of Seismic Inversions due to the Proximity of the Source to an Extensive Void or Excavation
- Evidence for Thin Oceanic Crust on the Extinct Aegir Ridge, Norwegian Basin, N.E. Atlantic Derived from Satellite Gravity Inversion
- Mapping Crustal Thickness, Ocean-Continent Transition and Micro-Continents in the Indian Ocean Using Satellite Gravity Inversion
- Palaeointensity During the Matuyama-Brunhes Field Reversal Recorded in Lavas From La Palma, Canary Islands.
- Paleomagnetism of the Middle Cretaceous Iritono Granite in the Abukuma Region, Northeast Japan: Implications for the CNS Geomagnetic Field Intensity
- Parallel differential pTRM palaeointensity method: Modifications for use with microwave demagnetisation
- Record of the Dansgaard-Oechger events in European eolian deposits.
- Regulatory Controls on the Scandinavian Fire Regime as Evidenced Through a Spatially Extensive Network of Soil Charcoal
- Seismogenic Zone High Permeability in the Central Andes Inferred From Relocations of Micro-earthquakes
- Terrestrial Responses to Holocene Climatic Change on the Eastern Seaboard of Newfoundland
- The Acquisition of Source, Path and Site Effects from Micro-earthquake Recordings; Application to the UK.
- The Formation of Asymmetric Conjugate Rifted Continental Margins
- Assessing the Effects of Mineral Alteration on Palaeointensity Determinations
- Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Canary Islands From Teleseismic Receiver Functions.
- Determining Archaeointensity From Anisotropic Ceramics
- Dusty Gusts and Rusty Dust: The Role of Iron in the Contrast in Physical Properties of Surface Soil between Sahara and Sahel
- Experimental Measurements of Permeability Evolution During Brittle Deformation of Crystalline Rocks and Implications for Fluid Flow in Fault Zones
- Mantle Exhumation at Magma-Poor Rifted Margins due to Melt Suppression During Continental Break-up and Seafloor Spreading Initiation.
- Microstructural evolution of garnet in a greenschist facies transpression zone
- Predicting OCT Location and Continental Extension for North Atlantic Rifted Margins Using Gravity Inversion
- Probing two low velocity regions with PKP b-caustic amplitudes and scattering
- The Seismogenic Zone in Southern Chile: Insights from high resolution receiver function analysis and seismic Tomography
- The Southern Chilean Subduction Zone: Local Earthquake Tomography and State of Stress
- Trained automatic pickers used to extract the full-recorded seismicity of the ANCORP network
- Unraveling the Interaction Between Mantle Processes and the Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution During Final Rifting Based on the Study of Remnants of the Alpine Tethys Rifted Margins Exposed in the Alps
- Along-Strike Variation in Subducting Plate Seismicity, Related to Fluid Release and Attenuation
- Crustal Thickness and Continental Lithosphere Thinning Factors for the Woodlark Basin From Gravity Inversions
- Dependence of Mantle Exhumation at Rifted Continental Margins on the Deformation Mode of Breakup Lithosphere Thinning
- Modelling dehydration reactions and deformation: theory and tests
- Simulated geomagnetic reversals: How realistic are they and what can we learn?
- Stratigraphy of the Anthropocene
- Testing exhumation models - the roles of field data and of dating structures
- The Archaeomagnetic Field and the Historical Field: Never the Twain Shall Meet?
- The Frictional Properties of Phyllosilicates at Earthquake Slip Speeds
- The Implications of Varying Oxidation Parameters on Microwave Derived Palaeointensity Estimates.
- The Latitudinal Gradient of Rainfall, Mineralogy, Albedo and Magnetic Susceptibility in West Africa
- A quantitative high-resolution summer temperature reconstruction back to AD 850 based on sedimentary pigments from Laguna Aculeo, Central Chile
- Archaeomagnetic Dating in Europe Using a Global Geomagnetic Field Model
- Depth Dependent Lithosphere Thinning at the Rifting to Spreading Transition in the Woodlark Ocean Basin, Western Pacific
- Geomagnetic field strength variations derived from SW Pacific ceramics
- Geophysical Insights from Archaeomagnetic Dating
- Imaging the Carboneras fault zone at depth: preliminary results from reflection/refraction seismic tomography
- Lithospheric scale density heterogeneity across the ocean-continent transition of the Iberia and Newfoundland conjugate rifted margins
- Modelling stress accumulation and dissipation in subducting lithosphere and the origins of double and triple seismic zones
- Morphodynamics of Bar Formation in Meandering Rivers
- Rapid Climatic Variability in the Western Mediterranean during the Last 25,000 Years from the High Resolution Pollen Record ODP Site 976
- Reconstructing the Geomagnetic Field of the Past 10 kyrs
- Seismicity Within the West Sumatra Subduction Zone
- Structure and Lateral Variation of the West Sumatran Subduction Zone as Revealed by Local Seismicity
- Stuck in the Mud? Earthquake Propagation Through Clay-rich Fault Zones (Invited)
- The Deformation Mode of Continental Lithosphere Thinning Leading to Continental Breakup
- The Relation of the 30 September 2009 Mw 7.6 Earthquake to the Structure of the West Sumatran Subduction Zone
- The Updip Seismic/Aseismic Transition of the Sumatra Megathrust
- The role of Grain Boundary Sliding in the evolution of Lattice Preferred Orientation (Invited)
- Tpd, a damped predominant period function with improvements for magnitude estimation
- - and Post-Seismic Surface Deformation Produced by the Maule Earthquake as Observed by a Dense Network of Continuous GPS Stations
- Aftershock Seismicity of the 27 February 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule Earthquake Rupture Zone
- Aftershock Seismicity of the Mw 8.8 Maule Earthquake of 27 February 2010 Using a 2D Velocity Model
- Alpha Ridge: Oceanic or Continental Crust? Constraints from Crustal Thickness Mapping using Gravity Inversion
- Crust and mantle structure of Ascension Island from receiver function analysis
- Decoupling of Pacific subduction zone guided waves
- EQUIP: end-to-end quantification of uncertainty for impacts prediction
- IRIS Community Response to the Great Chile Earthquake of 2010
- Interphase Misorientation - A Technique for Identifying Mimetic Lattice Preferred Orientation
- Jovimagnetic Secular Variation
- Metamorphic Controls on Relative Strength of Mafic and Felsic Rocks
- Northern Red Sea Crustal Thickness and Oceanic Lithosphere Distribution from Satellite Gravity Anomaly Inversion
- Quantification of hematite from the visible diffuse reflectance spectrum: effects of aluminum substitution and grain morphology
- Sea-level Controls on the Sediment Architecture of the US New Jersey Passive Margin During Oligocene and Miocene Times: IODP Expedition 313 Preliminary Results
- Strain partioning in Sumatra: the Sumatra fault revealed by local seismicity
- Temperature - Fluid Pressure controls on the mechanical evolution of shale-carbonate composite gouge: Implications for natural faults
- The Geomagnetic Field in the Archaean (Invited)
- The Structure of the Mentawai segment of the Sumatra subduction zone revealed by local earthquake travel time tomography
- U-series constraints on the Holocene human presence in the Cuatro Cienegas basin, Mexico
- 3D Seismic Velocity Structure in the Rupture Area of the 2010 Maule Mw=8.8 Earthquake
- Anomalous Subsidence of the Ocean Continent Transition at Rifted Continental Margins: Observations from the Gulf of Aden
- Borehole and Caprock integrity - Pre-Failure Permeability Response to Stress Change of Storage Domain Rocks (Caprocks, Barriers to Fluid Flow, and Reservoir) Caused by CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection: an Experimental and Analytical Approach
- Characterizing Fault Damage Zones in the Field and Laboratory; Scaling and Physical Properties
- Detection of highly correlated seismic waveforms following the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule, Chile, earthquake
- Differences in argon and water permeability of phyllosilicate powders
- Dynamic Permeability Increase During Flow of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Saturated Water Through a Siliciclastic Caprock: an Experimental and Analytical Approach into the Geochemical Impact of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection
- Experimental Microfracture Permeability Development in Crystalline Rocks Under Different Tectonic Stress Regimes
- Fault Zone Architecture and Permeability-Structure Evolution in Basalts: the Generation of Fluid-Flow Pathways in low Permeability Rocks
- Magnetostratigraphic and geochronological age constraints on the lowermost Beaufort Group, Karoo Basin, South Africa
- Paleointensity: Where we stand and where the MagIC database can take us
- Quantifying late Pleistocene lithospheric flexure and fault movements in the Mississippi Delta
- Seismic Anisotropy Beneath the Sumatra Subduction Zone
- The Evolution of Static and Dynamic Elastic Properties Under Triaxial Conditions
- The effect of varying damage history in crystalline rocks on the P and S wave velocities under hydrostatic confining pressure
- The role of experimental noise in paleointensity data selection
- A Lost Continent in the Indian Ocean
- Anomalous Subsidence at Rifted Continental Margins: Distinguishing Mantle Dynamic Topography from Anomalous Oceanic Crustal Thickness
- Characterising Antarctic and Southern Ocean Lithosphere with Magnetic and Gravity Imaging of East Antarctic Rift Systems
- Combining relative and absolute paleointensity methods to obtain high-resolution geomagnetic field intensity records: a case study of the Big Island, Hawaii (USA)
- Constraining sediment supply controls on stratigraphy: Case studies from Sicily, Calabria and Abruzzo, Italy
- Dependency of continental crustal rupture, decompression melt initiation and OCT architecture on lithosphere deformation modes during continental breakup: Numerical experiments
- Drilling reveals fluid control on architecture and rupture of the Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Feedback between dehydration reaction and permeability: when do sharp reaction fronts develop?
- Frictional processes in volcanic conduits
- Laboratory measurements of the permeability and P and S wave velocity and anisotropy of rocks from DFDP-1A, Alpine fault zone, New Zealand
- Lithological Characteristics of the Alpine Fault Zone from DFDP-1 and Outcrop Observations
- Long Term Geomagnetic Variations and Whole-Mantle Convection Processes
- Low velocity normal fault structures associated with intermediate depth seismicity - insights from body wave dispersion
- New Tooth Enamel Isotopic Data from the West Coast of South Africa and a Comparison of Terrestrial and Marine Records of Plio-Pleistocene Climate Change
- On the relation between postseismic afterslip and aftershock seismicity of the 27 February 2010 Mw=8.8 Maule earthquake, central Chile
- PINT and the Path to the Perfect Palaeointensity
- Reconstruction of historical sea-level trends for the Croatian coast of the Adriatic using saltmarsh foraminifera
- Record of AN Extraterrestrial Impact in Lacustrine Basins of North, South and Central Mexico in the Younger Dryas Boundary Layer (ydb)
- Vulcanian explosions: precursory and eruptive signatures from a multiparameteric perspective
- A high-resolution, time-variable afterslip model for the 2010 Maule Mw=8.8, Chile megathrust earthquake
- Antarctic Crustal Thickness from Gravity Inversion
- Arctic Crustal Thickness and Oceanic Lithosphere Distribution from Gravity Inversion: Constraining Plate Reconstructions
- Can the Comprehensive Model (CM4) Predicts the Geomagnetic Diurnal Field When it's not Sq?
- Characterizing and identifying structural domains at rifted continental margins: application to the Bay of Biscay margins and its Western Pyrenean fossil remnants
- Correlation of palaeomagnetic directions constrains eruption rate of large igneous provinces
- Do volcanic earthquake swarms relate to their volcanic setting?
- Exploratory IRSL thermochronology of the Yucaipa Ridge block, San Bernardino Mountains, southern California
- Frictional melting dynamics in the upper conduit: A chemical answer to a complex physical question
- High-frequency seismic radiation during Maule earthquake (Chile, 27/02/2010, Mw 8.8) inferred by backprojection of P waves: evidence of activation of two distinct zones at the downdip part of the plate interface
- High-resolution records of non-dipole variations derived from volcanic edifices
- Magnetic evidence of anthropogenic dust deposition in urban soils of Shanghai, China
- New airborne-gravity and satellite gravity views of crustal structure in Antarctica (Invited)
- New geomagnetic field models for the past 9 kyrs and their implications
- OCT structure, COB location and magmatic type of the SE Brazilian & S Angolan margins from integrated quantitative analysis of deep seismic reflection and gravity anomaly data
- Relative velocity changes using ambient seismic noise at Okmok and Redoubt volcanoes, Alaska
- Source Characterization of African Dust Using CCSEM Analysis
- Strain partitioning in hyper-extended, strongly segmented rift systems: insights from the Cretaceous Bay of Biscay- Pyrenean rift system and comparison with present-day mature rift-transform margins
- Subduction zone guided waves: 3D modelling and attenuation effects
- The effect of stress and stress path on the permeability of Westerly granite (Invited)
- The influence of fracture density and burial depth on the static and dynamic elastic properties of crystalline rocks
- Towards an effective record of dipole moment variations since the Precambrian using new reliability criteria and outputs from numerical dynamo simulations
- Using crustal thickness, subsidence and P-T-t history on the Iberia-Newfoundland & Alpine Tethys margins to constrain lithosphere deformation modes during continental breakup
- Volumetric Displacement Effects In Euler-Lagrange Simulations of Sediment-Laden Oscillatory Flows
- What the FRAC? How can we improve paleointensity data selection?
- A Theory for How Global Warming Mechanistically Depends on Cumulative Carbon Emissions Over Time
- Aftershock mechanisms from the 2010 M<SUB>w </SUB>8.8 Maule, Chile earthquake: detailed analysis using full waveform inversion
- Columnar jointing - the mechanics of thermal contraction in cooling lavas
- Comparison of PIV measurement and direct numerical simulation of low Reynolds number flow in porous media
- Constraining Lithosphere Deformation Modes during Continental Breakup for the Iberia-Newfoundland Conjugate Margins
- Coupling fluid dynamics and host-rock deformation associated with magma intrusion in the crust: Insights from analogue experiments
- Deep Postseismic Viscoelastic Relaxation Excited By an Intra-Slab Normal Faulting Earthquake in the Chile Subduction Zone
- Deformation and stress changes before, during and after the 2014 Pisagua earthquake inferred from RADARSAT-2 data
- Determining the dynamics of magma flow within intrusions: Insights from field and petrographic studies of dikes and sills of the Inner Hebrides, Scotland.
- Draining mafic magma from conduits during Strombolian eruption
- Evidence for Stable Stratification at the Top of the Core from Core Surface Flows
- Full waveform modelling of aftershock seismicity in the Chilean subduction zone using the VERCE platform
- Heterogeneity: The key to forecasting material failure?
- How Warming and Steric Sea Level Rise Relate to Cumulative Carbon Emissions After Many Centuries
- Imaging, Mapping and Monitoring Environmental Radionuclide Transport Using Compton-Geometry Gamma Camera
- Impact of Gyre-Specific Overturning Changes on North Atlantic Heat Content
- Indirect Wind-Forcing of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Magma Dynamics in Dome-Building Volcanoes
- Magma mixing enhanced by bubble segregation
- New Archaeointensity Data from the SW Pacific: towards better constrained global geomagnetic field models
- Nucleation of the 2014 Pisagua, N. Chile earthquake : seismic analysis of the foreshock sequence.
- Palaeomagnetic secular variation from Holocene lava flows of the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ), New Zealand
- Paleofluid Flow in the Upper Crust: A Study Case from the Atacama Fault System
- Picking, choosing and re-evaluating: Developing a deglacial palaeomagnetic secular variation (PSV) master curve for Fennoscandia.
- Seismic constraints on the hydration of subducting oceanic crust and mantle
- Sintering of Glass in Hydrous Atmospheres and its Implications for Welding of Volcanic Deposits
- Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Rift Systems: Implication for the Nature, Kinematics and Timing of the Iberian-European Plate Boundary
- Stress heterogeneities in anisotropic materials - their effect on dislocation fields and post-deformational recrystallization: Insights from combined experiments and numerical simulations of polycrystalline ice
- The 2014 Pisagua-Iquique (Chile) earthquake sequence : geodetic constraints on space-time slip behaviour of a megathrust segment
- The Carboneras Fault Zone (SE Spain): Constraints on Fault Zone Properties and Geometry from Controlled-Source-Generated Guided Seismic Waves
- The lowdown on postseismic deformation: Integrated studies from Tibet
- The role of fire during the Eocene-Oligocene transition in southern South America
- Thellier-Type Paleointensity Data from Multidomain Specimens
- Towards an Optimal Multi-Method Paleointensity Approach
- Understanding the Uncertainties in Consequences of Climate Change for the United States Power Sector Infrastructure when Considering a Realistic Mitigation Pace and Adaptation Needs.
- Unlocking the Secrets of the Geodynamo: the Southwest Pacific Key
- Viscous sintering of volcanic ash
- Was the Earth's Magnetic Field Weak in the Late Devonian?
- Are Deep Seismic Reflections at Volcanic Margins from the Petrological Moho or from within the Mantle?
- Back Down to Earth: Reconstructing the Timescale of a Catastrophically-formed Fan from Sedimentary Data
- Combining High Resolution Measurements and Simulations of Near-Bed Sediment Transport Processes Under Large-Scale Breaking Waves
- Contrasting frictional behaviour of fault gouges containing Mg-rich phyllosilicates
- Control of Transient Slip Weakening During Gypsum Dehydration
- Deformation and Crystallographic Preferred Orientation of Two-phase Lower Mantle Mineral Analogs: Implications for Seismic Anisotropy in the Lower Mantle
- Drought Characterisation and the Application of Indices in UK Water Resource Management
- Evidence for MAC waves in the core and implications for the thermal state
- Exploring controls on ice stream destabilisation during the LGM/Holocene transition in West Greenland
- Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Flooding Risk for Coastal Infrastructure: a Stakeholder-Oriented Approach
- Forecasting the failure of heterogeneous magmas
- Geomagnetic field behaviour preceding a Superchron: new evidence for a weak Devonian geomagnetic field
- How does the Textural Character of Alpine Fault Rocks Influence their Elasticity and Anisotropy
- Investigating the non-Quiet Time Magnetic Diurnal Variation Field - Using Observatory Data, CM4 and the RC Index as Tools.
- Laboratory Permeability and Seismic velocity anisotropy measurements across the Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Magmatic and fragmentation controls on ash surface chemistry
- Multi-surface Earthquake Rupture Recorded in Pseudotachylyte Vein Geometries, Norumbega Shear Zone, southern Maine
- Novel Techniques for Examining Detailed Microstructure of Two-phase Lower Mantle Mineral Analogs with SEM and EBSD
- Nucleation and Grain Growth During Dehydration of Polycrystalline Gypsum Observed in Time-series Synchrotron X-ray Micro-tomography Experiments
- Observations and Implications of Cyclical Slip in DFDP-1 Principal Slip Zone Gouges, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Opening the closed box: lattice diffusion in zircon?
- Palaeomagnetic field strength variations suggest a Mesoproterozoic age of inner core nucleation
- Preserved Organic Matter in the Alpine Tethyan Ocean Continental Transition (Totalp unit, Eastern Swiss Alps)
- Universal scaling of permeability through the granular-to-continuum transition
- VERCE: a productive e-Infrastructure and e-Science environment for data-intensive seismology research
- Volcanic ash vs. sand and dust - "to stick or not to stick" in jet engines
- A Microphysical Model for Phyllosilicate Friction
- A preliminary study of the fabrics in the Skaergaard Layered Series and implications for the significance of compaction
- An experimental investigation of earthquake rupture in granite at hydrothermal temperatures (20-160<SUP>o</SUP>C)
- Automatic analysis of the 2015 Gorkha earthquake aftershock sequence.
- Changes in long-term eruption dynamics at Santiaguito, Guatemala: Observations from seismic data
- Characterisation and Implications of an Exceptionally Weak Time-averaged Geomagnetic field in the Devonian (360-420 Ma)
- Combining archeomagnetic and volcanic data with historical geomagnetic observations to reconstruct global field evolution over the past 1000 years, including new paleomagnetic data from historical lava flows on Fogo, Cape Verde
- Creep of Bridgmanite Analog, Neighborite (NaMgF<SUB>3</SUB>), and Implications for Viscous Flow in the Lower Mantle
- Critical Coulomb Wedge Theory Applied to Hyper-Extended Rifted Margins: A New Perspective
- Deep-Water Resedimented Carbonate Exploration Play Types: Controls and Models
- Ecosystem Disturbances in Central European Spruce Forests: a Multi-proxy Integration of Dendroecology and Sedimentary Records
- Effect of hurricanes and violent storms on salt marsh
- Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Classification of Primary Biological Aerosol using a new UV-LIF spectrometer
- Evidence for cyclical fault zone sealing and strengthening, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Evolution of the yield curves of porous rock after permanent volumetric strain
- Fault Geometry Evolution and the Flexural Isostatic Response to Faulting in the Ocean-Continent Transition of Magma-Poor Rifted Margins
- Guided wave constraints on the hydrated low velocity structure of subducting slabs from around the Pacific
- High-resolution age modelling of peat bog profiles using pre and post-bomb <SUP>14</SUP>C, <SUP>210</SUP>Pb and cryptotephra data from six Albertan peat bogs
- How reaction and permeability develop in dehydrating systems
- Influence of hydrogen on the strength of olivine slip systems
- International postseismic response after the Mw=7.8 April 16, 2016 Pedernales Earthquake in Ecuador
- Lake Sediments show the Frequency of 21st Century Extreme Flooding in the UK is Unprecedented
- Mechanical Anisotropies and Mechanisms of Mafic Magma Ascent in Middle Continental Crust: The Sondalo Gabbroic Complex (N Italy)
- Micromechanics of Friction in a Detailed Study of Mg-rich Phyllosilicates
- Numerical Investigation of Sediment Suspension Above Plane Bed Under Skewed Grouping Waves
- Observing changes at Santiaguito Volcano, Guatemala with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
- Probing the rheology of continental faults: Decade postseismic InSAR time series following the 1997 Manyi (Tibet) earthquake
- Radial Progradation of Channel-Proximal Mouth Bar Sands in a River-Dominated Subdelta
- Radiometric age dating of peat cores from ombrotrophic bogs: challenges and opportunities presented by the Industrial Period
- Rapid advance and retreat of a major Greenland tidewater glacier: demonstrating extreme sensitivity of terminus stability to climate change
- Revised self-noise estimates for Güralp broadband seismometers concerning ambient noise levels of the UK mainland: implications for detectability of induced seismic events
- Seismic and experimental insights into relative velocity changes at Volcán de Colima in 1998
- Seismically invisible fault zones: imaging faults in anisotropic rocks
- Self-healing volcanoes: mechanical response of magma failure, sealing and healing on outgassing
- Stratal Control Volumes and Stratal Control Trajectories: A New Method to Constrain, Understand and Reconcile Results from Stratigraphic Outcrop Analysis, Subsurface Analysis and Analogue and Numerical Modelling
- Stratigraphic Transfer Thresholds of Sediment Supply Signals in Channelized Systems
- The Caribbean Rossby Whistle: Mesoscale Influence on Coastal Sea Level.
- The Scales Of Chemical Transport During Dehydration Reactions: The Roles Of Diffusion And Fluid Expulsion
- The Seismic Sequence of the 2016 Mw 7.8 Pedernales, Ecuador Sarthquake
- The potential of high-rate GPS for hazard and risk assessment
- Topological Methods for Pattern Detection in Climate Data
- Towards full waveform simulation using SPECFEM3D for earthquakes in the Lesser Antilles subduction zone
- Towards understanding earthquake nucleation on a severely misoriented plate boundary fault, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- A New Paradigm for New Oceans
- Aftershock Analysis of the 2016 Mw7.8 Pedernales (Ecuador) Earthquake: Seismotectonics, Seismicity Distribution and Relationship with Coseismic Slip Distribution
- Aftershock Distribution of the M<SUB>w</SUB>=7.8 April 16, 2016 Pedernales Ecuador Subduction Earthquake: Constraints from 3D Earthquake Locations
- Ambient noise tomography of Ecuador: Fore- and back-arc velocity structure and radial anisotropy
- Archaeomagnetic evidence for a continuous decrease of the geomagnetic axial dipole for the last millennium
- Assessment of eruption intensity using infrasound waveform inversion at Mt. Etna, Italy.
- Biotite Comminution in Phyllosilicate Rich Mylonites: Microstructural and Nanostructural Observations
- Bridging the mantle: A comparison of geomagnetic polarity reversal rate, global subduction flux, and true polar wander records
- Brittle fracture damage around the Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Comparison of Antarctic Crustal Thickness from Gravity Inversion and Seismology: Evidence for Mantle Dynamic Uplift under Marie Byrd Land
- Comparison of thermal and microwave paleointensity estimates in specimens that violate Thellier's laws
- Continuous forearc extension following the 2010 Maule megathrust earthquake: InSAR and seismic observations and modelling
- Drilling Magma for Science, Volcano Monitoring, and Energy
- Examining shear processes during magma ascent
- Experimental ductile reactivation of pseudotachylyte-bearing faults.
- Explosion localization and characterization via infrasound using numerical modeling
- Extensional Fault Evolution and its Flexural Isostatic Response During Iberia-Newfoundland Rifted Margin Formation
- Extreme Mesozoic crustal thinning in the Eastern Iberia margin: The example of the Columbrets Basin (Valencia Trough)
- How reliable is the sharp increase in field strength at the start of the Permo-Carboniferous Reversed Superchron?
- Influence of Topographic Unloading on Magma Intrusions: Modelling Dike Propagation Under Calderas
- Intereruptive deformation at Three Sisters volcano, Oregon, USA: a strategy for traking volume changes through coupled hydraulic-viscoelastic modeling
- Links between the distribution of intermediate depth seismicity and structure of the incoming plate in the Lesser Antilles arc
- Long-term Self-noise Estimates of Seismic Sensors From a High-noise Vault
- Magma shearing and friction in the volcanic conduit: A crystal constraint
- Neotectonic Reactivation of Pre-Cenozoic Structures in the Coastal Margin of Central Chile
- New insights on co- and post-seismic deformation and slip behavior associated with the Mw7.8 2016 Pedernales, Ecuador earthquake and its aftershock sequence
- Origin, Composition and Relative Timing of Seaward Dipping Reflectors on the Pelotas Rifted Margin, South Atlantic
- Partitioning of water between point defects, dislocations, and grain boundaries in olivine
- Preserved organic matter in the Serpentinized Ocean-Continent Transition of Alpine Tethys
- Re-appraisal of the Magma-rich versus Magma-poor Paradigm at Rifted Margins: consequences for breakup processes
- Reaction fronts: how do they work?
- Rift systems in the southern North Atlantic: why did some fail and others not?
- Seismic Imaging of the Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone Using S-to-P Receiver Functions: Insights From VoiLA
- The 2016 Mw 7.8 Pedernales, Ecuador earthquake: Minimum 1D Velocity Model and Regional Moment Tensors Based on the Aftershock Sequence
- The Capacity for Compaction Weakening in Fault Gouge in Nature and Experiment
- The Iquique 2014 sequence: understanding its nucleation and propagation from the seismicity evolution
- The Rapid Formation of Localized Compaction Bands Under Hydrostatic Load Leading to Pore-pressure Transients in Compacting Rocks
- The VoiLA ocean bottom seismic array: First insights into the intermediate depth seismicity distribution in the Lesser Antilles
- There and back again: The life and death of magma permeability in volcanic conduits
- Understanding the rheology of two and three-phase magmas
- Velocity Structure of the Subducted Yakutat Terrane, Alaska: Insights from Guided Waves
- VoiLA: A multidisciplinary study of Volatile recycling in the Lesser Antilles Arc
- Why Is There an Abrupt Transition from Solid Rock to Low Crystallinity Magma in Drilled Magma Bodies?
- A Prototype Three-Axis, Continuously Heating Superconducting Magnetometer
- An End-to-End System for Automatic Segmentation and Classification of Volcano-Seismic Waveforms.
- Anatomy of dynamic slip in laboratory earthquakes at crustal conditions
- Creative disturbance: sedimentary perturbations as paleoenvironmental proxies
- Crustal Structure of the Ecuadorian Forearc from the Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Ambient Noise Dispersion Data
- Crystal-plastic fabrics within serpentinized peridotites of Hole BA1B, BA3A and BA4A drilled by the Oman Drilling Project Phase 2 on D/V Chikyu
- Do Grain Interfaces Store a Significant Amount of Water in Mantle Rocks?
- Dynamic Coastal Systems Under Changing Environment
- Fate of cohesive sediments in a marsh-dominated estuary
- Fault creep as a frictional or viscous-creep process: An experimental study of the deformation of clay-rich fault gouges
- Frictional Behaviour and Comminution of Sintered Glass Samples as an Analogue of Volcanic Rocks
- Global and Local variations in the hydration of subducting lithospheric mantle
- Hotspot and LLSVP Motion
- Imaging the Lesser Antilles subduction zone from a new regional seismic velocity model and relocated seismicity
- Imaging the subduction of slow spread oceanic lithosphere in the Lesser Antilles subduction zone from P- and S-wave seismic attenuation tomography
- Impact of seasonal in-stream vegetation growth on river conveyance and flood inundation under climate change
- Infrasound Observations Using High Altitude Balloons
- Insights into the 2018 eruption of Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala, from geophysical data and visual observations.
- Magnetic mineral characterization of clinker deposits from the Powder River Basin: A new candidate material for paleointensity experiments?
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo geomagnetic field models using paleomagnetic observations
- Microconglomerate tests establish magnetic fidelity of Hadean zircons
- P and S-wave Velocity Structure Beneath the Equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge from the Joint Inversion of Teleseismic and Local Data, Collected with the PI-LAB OBS Experiment.
- Qualitative Paleomagnetic Geodynamo Modelling (Q<SUB>PM</SUB>) criteria: How well do numerical geodynamo models reproduce the long-term paleomagnetic field?
- Rayleigh Wave Imaging of the Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone
- Reducing the latitudinal-dependence of VGP dispersion using outputs from dynamo models
- Seagrass impact on sediment exchange between tidal flats and salt marsh and the sediment budget of shallow bays
- Secondary pyrite deformation and calcite veins in SAFOD damage zone; Implications for aseismic creep deformation mechanism at depths >3km
- Seismic imaging of the Lesser Antilles subduction zone using S-to-P receiver functions and P-to-S delay times: Insights from VoiLA
- Spatial Patterns in Ocean Warming and Deoxygenation During the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum
- Subduction flux modulates the geomagnetic polarity reversal rate
- Sustainable Software and a Satellite Data Hackathon- Outcomes from a UK Polar Network Workshop for Early Career Polar Scientists
- The dynamics of magma flow within dikes
- Towards Topological Pattern Detection Methods in Climate Data: Application to Atmospheric Blocking Events
- Transferring Periodic Sediment Supply Signals to the Stratigraphic Record
- Unraveling Archean magnetic histories by a comparison of whole rock and single crystal analyses of granites from Western Australia
- Using novel, integrated approaches to measure volcanic rock properties
- Variable Slip Modes in Postseismic Deformation North of the April 16, 2016 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.8 Pedernales, Ecuador Megathrust Earthquake
- Volcanic Flank Collapse and Debris Avalanches Resulting in Shear Localisation and Frictional Melting
- 3D seismic tomography in the rupture area of the 2016 Mw 7.8 Pedernales, Ecuador, earthquake: Imaging seismic properties along the subduction zone interface
- A dynamic lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary dictated by variations in melt generation and migration: Results from the PI-LAB Experiment in the Equatorial Mid Atlantic
- A framework for improved infrasound back-projection on local and regional scales
- A global view on mantle melt dynamics from the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary the transition zone, insights from the PI-LAB experiment
- An Investigation into Tornado Abiotic Tree Stress using an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)
- Architecture and Flow Behavior of June, July, and August 1980 Pyroclastic-flow Deposits at Mount St. Helens
- Buffered, incomplete, and shredded: Quantifying impediments for storage of environmental signals in channelized strata
- Evidence for a Late Lunar Dynamo Revisited
- Experimental Deformation of Unconsolidated Quartz Sands, Examining the Effects of Grain Sorting on Deformation Band Formation Within Mixed Aeolian-fluvial Reservoirs
- Field and experimental evidence of frictional melting in fluid-rich faults
- Fracture energy of Cascadia input sediments integrated into a global compilation
- From emissions to exposures: using field measurements and survey data to validate model-based estimates of exposure to household air pollution in Kenya
- From sport to science: improving LGBT+ inclusivity within geoscience
- Geodynamo origin to inner core growth: Core chemical evolution traced by paleomagnetism
- In-situ synchrotron X-ray tomography of fluid injection experiments
- Induced Seismicity at the Preston New Road Shale Gas Site in Lancashire, UK - Site Characterisation and impact on the TLS
- Integration of palaeomagnetic data and numerical dynamo simulations support a moderately dipolar geomagnetic field throughout Earth history
- Is there a persistently recurring anomaly of Earth's magnetic field in the South Atlantic? A palaeomagnetic study of Saint Helena.
- Magnetostratigraphy of the Visean (Early Carboniferous): North-Western England, Cumbria
- Modelling changing in-stream vegetation-flow response to future climate change
- Multipole Acoustic Waveform Inversion And Volume Flow Rate For Small Explosion At Mt. Etna Italy. 485869
- On the capabilities of networked infrasound arrays for investigating rapid gravity-driven mass movements: lahars and snow avalanches
- PICOSS: Python Interface for the Classification of Seismic Signals
- Paleomagnetic Characterization of North American Clinker Deposits: Reliable Full Vector Recorders for the Quaternary
- Peering beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet with recent aerogeophysical imaging: the hidden secrets of the Pensacola Pole Basin and its basement disclosed
- Rhyolites from the Mantle, Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica
- Seafloor Sediment Thickness Beneath the VoiLA Broadband Ocean-Bottom Seismometer Deployment in the Lesser Antilles from P-to-S Delay Times
- Seismic Imaging of the Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone Using S-to-P Receiver Functions
- Shallow magmatic processes at Santiaguito Dome Complex, Guatemala: New insights from plagioclase major and trace elements
- Stress distribution across laterally heterogeneous laboratory fault gouge layers
- Stress state at the toe of the Nankai accretionary margin, with implications for characterization of the decollement
- Structural observations across the Nankai accretionary prism, IODP Expedition 358 (NanTroSEIZE)
- Testing the potential of statistical field models to characterize time-dependent behavior for the past 2 million years
- The Effect of 'Dryness' on the Frictional Properties of Clay Fault Gouges
- The Effect of Grain Size Distribution on Compaction Band Formation in Reservoir Sandstones
- The Greenland-Iceland Ridge is Continental
- The evolution of Alpine-type orogens with respect to its pre-orogenic rift history: the Western Pyrenees case-study
- The impact of ENSO 2015-16 on vector-borne diseases: from Zika virus transmission in Latin America to malaria vectors in Tanzania.
- Topological Data Analysis and Machine Learning methods for pattern detection in spatiotemporal climate data
- Tornado Damage Detection Utilizing Unpiloted Autonomous Systems, Structure from Motion, and Deep Neural Networks
- Volcanica: a diamond open-access success story for volcano-based research
- Assessing the Robustness of Long-term Field Variations in the Paleomagnetic Record
- Calcite-sealed microbreccias and fracture networks in SAFOD gouge outside the active creep zones: A CL study
- Divergence of Sediment Fluxes Triggered by Sea Level Rise Will Reshape Coastal Bays
- Evidence for a Listric Wasatch Fault From the 2020 Magna, Utah, Earthquake Sequence
- Extremely low geomagnetic field strength recorded in the Ediacaran Grenville Dykes.
- Impact of an accelerated melting on Malaria distribution over Africa.
- Magma flow regimes within dikes
- Paroxysmal Events at Volcán de Fuego: Understanding the Signals
- Pathogen-specific Climatic Drivers and their Interactions with Landscape Processes Control Disease Transmission Patterns in Time and Space
- Strange fields: non-uniformitarian paleomagnetic records imply that the geodynamo process has been substantially perturbed on multiple occasions
- The Stochastic Area Metric for the Selection and Ranking of Ground-Motion Models.
- The role of inland freshwaters in summer CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions from north-eastern Siberian Arctic tundra
- Tracking secondary lahar flow paths and characterizing pulses and surges using infrasound array networks at Volcán Fuego, Guatemala.
- Why does magnetostratigraphy not work in the Devonian?
- 300 years on: long-lived lava flow subsidence at Timanfaya, Lanzarote, from InSAR time series analysis
- A Comparison of Machine Learning-based Methods for Supervised Multi-class Classification of Volcano-seismic Signals at Santiaguito
- A geochemical and Cathodoluminescence study of fluid overpressure microstructures in damage zone and the actively creeping core of the San Andreas Fault Zone
- An Electron Backscatter Diffraction and Cathode-Luminescence Study of Microstructures in the Damage Zone and the Actively Creeping Core of the San Andreas Fault Zone
- An experimental constraint of cyclic hydraulic stimulation of granites
- AntArchitecture: towards the widespread linking of Antarctic ice-core records using radiostratigraphy
- Assessing the potential for earthquake-triggered lava dome instability at Mount Unzen, Japan
- Automated iceberg detection using Google Earth Engine and ArcticDEM
- Closing the Antarctic Void: Tighter Constraints on Biogeographic Affinities of Modern Dinoflagellate Cysts in the Southern Ocean with Implications for Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Reconstructions
- Complementing Chemical Elemental Maps with Cathodoluminescence Imagery using Remote Sensing Techniques: A San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth Case Study
- Constraining the Behavior of -Fe2O3 During Paleointensity Experimentation
- Design useful tools that do one thing well and work together: rediscovering the UNIX philosophy while building the Fatiando a Terra project
- Dynamo constraints on the long-term evolution of Earth's magnetic field strength
- Effects Of Dynamic Pressure And Stress On The Positions Of Mantle Discontinuities
- Effects Of Stress on Metamorphic Reaction
- Evaluating the Central Hikurangi Subduction Margin Stress State from Geophysical Logging
- Friend or foe: the impact of fire smoke on GeoHealth and the Earth System
- Global Climate, Environmental, and Health Benefits of Replacing Traditional Solid Fuels with Liquified Petroleum Gas
- Induced Seismicity Due to Hydraulic Fracturing Near Blackpool, UK: Source Modeling and Event Detection
- Lessons learned from TermPicks: A century of Greenland glacier terminus data
- Mixed dislocations control the development of intragranular boundaries during mineral deformation: a case study on the subgrain structure of experimentally deformed ice
- Persistent compliance drives localization of deformation on a major plate boundary fault
- Predation of termites by ants indirectly controls decomposition
- Preliminary Paleomagnetic Results from Pleistocene Volcanic Rocks in Southern Colombia
- PyGMT: An open-source Python library for geospatial processing, analysis, and visualization
- Python-based workflows for small-to-medium sized data: what works, what doesn't, and what can be improved
- Repeating earthquakes cluster at the edges of the afterslip in the aftermath of the 16th April 2016 M7.8 Pedernales earthquake in Ecuador
- Scale dependence of earthquake rupture prestress in models with enhanced weakening: Implications for event statistics and inferences of fault stress
- Seasonal evolution of Narsap Sermia, SW Greenland, using time lapse imagery and high-resolution satellite radar data.
- Source properties of lab-generated earthquakes: a comparison between experimental and seismological analysis
- Temperature-Dependence of Frictional Properties for Hydrothermally-Altered Granitic Rocks: Implications for Geothermal Applications
- The Devonian magnetic field: weak and poorly understood
- The Drivers and Agents of Decomposition along a Rainfall Gradient in South African Savannas
- The Influence of Clay Content on Dilation and Friction of Fault Gouges with Increasing Slip Velocity
- The effect of grain size and porosity on the nature of compaction localization in high-porosity sandstone
- The relationship between earthquake size distributions and laboratory measured frictional stability parameters from induced seismicity on faults during fluid injection
- The stabilizing effect of high pore-fluid pressure on clay-bearing faults: Evidence from friction experiments on Nankai Trough sediments
- Understanding the resilience of salt marshes to changes in external forcings
- Updating the PINT and QPI databases: Four billion years of paleointensity
- Vegetation Dynamics vs. Sediment Supply During the Late Quaternary: Paradigm of Sea Level Change and Two Distinct Time-Bound Stages of the Niger Delta Coastal Evolution
- A Micromagnetic Approach To Determining The FORC Response Of Single-Vortex Signals.
- A Monte Carlo Axial Dipole Average: Modeling variations in dipole field strength on million-to-billion year timescales
- Assessing the impact of climate change on patterns of disease outbreaks, livestock health, and antibiotic use in India
- Atmospheric-Solid Earth Coupling Excites Global Vibrations from the Upper Crust to the Upper Mantle Following the 2022 Hunga Eruption, Tonga.
- Can Paleomagnetism Be Used to Distinguish Between Changes in Core Structure and Mantle Convection?
- Changing Patterns in Core-Mantle Boundary Heat Flux Throughout the Past Billion Years of Earth's History
- Chasing tails: Insights for thermomagnetic recording in non-uniform magnetic structures from micromagnetic modeling
- Communicating and operationalising fjord ice-cover measurements within Nuup Kangerlua (Nuuk Fjord), SW Greenland
- Energy Spectra and Cascades in the Global Ocean: Planetary Scales to Mesoscales
- Energy budget diagnosis of changing climate feedback
- Establishing a Robust Framework of Signal Shredding and Signal Detection Using a Physical Avalanching Rice Pile
- From Night to Day: Shedding Light on Vortex Behavior in the Day Diagram
- Ice-marginal proglacial lakes across Greenland: present status and a possible future
- Impacts of SARS-CoV-2 variants on mobility and air pollution in the United Kingdom
- Increased volcanic activity during periods of glacier recession in Southern Patagonia
- Increasing Temperatures Reduces the Frictional Stability of Clay-Bearing Fault Gouges
- Internal-stress superplasticity: A new mechanism for inner-core dissipation?
- Investigating Glacier Mass Loss in the South Shetland Islands Using Open-source Data Loggers and Off-the-shelf Sensors
- Late Holocene Fluctuations of Upsala Glacier, Southern Patagonia
- Mapping the seasonal and multiannual crevasse signal of tidewater glacier retreat
- Marine Biomass Regeneration: Modelling Large-Scale Carbon Dioxide Removal
- Metamorphic Fabrics Produced By Stress Not Strain
- Microstructural and Geochemical Indications of Potential for Seismic Events in the Creeping Segment of the San Andreas Fault in Central California
- Numerical and field investigations unveil the response of salt marshes to storm sediment input
- Quantifying the Influence of Mantle Convection on Extreme Anomalies in long-term Geomagnetic Field Behavior
- Radiated Wavefields Emitted from Lab-Generated Stick-Slip and Acoustic Emissions in Simulated Faults
- Reconstructing Upper Ocean Carbon with Optimal Interpolation, CMIP6 Models, and Synthetic Argo Observations
- Self-consistently simulating transient and steady-state river-channel width
- Taenite in Fast-Cooled Meteorites Thermally Stable Over Billion-years Timescale
- The Effect of Cement Type on the Occurrence and Nature of Compaction Localization in Three High-porosity Sandstones
- The Influence of Caribbean Current Eddies on the Panama-Colombia Gyre
- To Zig or to Zag; That is the Question: Quantifying Zig-Zag in IZZI Experiments
- Using Crystal Lattice Distortion Data For Geological Investigations: The Weighted Burgers Vector Method
- Variation of In-Situ Stresses Along the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand
- Wildfires as a source of aerosol nutrients and impacts on marine biogeochemical cycles
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Galvé
- Adam T. Ringler
- Adrian Hornby
- Adrian R. Muxworthy
- Akinori Ito
- Alessandro Tagliabue
- Andrea E. Gaughan
- Andrew D. Wickert
- Andrew R. Bowie
- Andrew Walker
- Annique van der Boon
- B. B. Cael
- B. Shiro
- Benjamin A. Storer
- C. J. Davies
- Caroline Chalumeau
- Carolyn Boulton
- Christine Hatté
- Christopher Horvat
- Christopher J. Smith
- D. L. Goldsby
- Daniel R. Faulkner
- Daniele Thallner
- David C. Wilson
- David J. Prior
- Dominik Fahrner
- Doug Smith
- Douglas S. Hamilton
- Emi Ito
- F. Rolandone
- G. A. Catania
- Gelvam A. Hartmann
- Geno Pawlak
- Greig A. Paterson
- Hans Agurto‐Detzel
- Hervé Claustre
- Hussein Aluie
- Iacopo Carnacina
- J. Michael Grappone
- J.‐M. Kendall
- Jabari C. Jones
- Jackie E. Kendrick
- Jairo Francisco Savian
- Jean‐Mathieu Nocquet
- Jiayuan Yao
- John Bedford
- John R. Elliott
- John Townend
- John Wheeler
- Jonah Bloch‐Johnson
- Jonathan M. Gregory
- Joseph A. MacGregor
- José A. P. M. Devienne
- Julien Bodart
- Katherine R. Barnhart
- Kevin R. Arrigo
- Kimberly L. Turner
- Lauren N. Schaefer
- Leonardo Uieda
- Lesleis Nagy
- Lisa Tauxe
- Louis De Barros
- Lu Li
- Ludmila Adam
- M. Rempe
- Mario Ruiz
- Matthew M. Haney
- Matías Romero
- Maurício Parra
- Michael Grund
- Michael J. Allen
- Morgane M. G. Perron
- N. Lapusta
- N. M. Mahowald
- Nasim Karamzadeh
- Nicoletta Leonardi
- O. O. Blake
- O. T. Lord
- Olaf Eisen
- Oliver D. Lamb
- Peter Hess
- Philip Goodwin
- Phillip H. Larson
- Phædra Upton
- R. C. Aster
- R. I. Trindade
- Rachel Smedley
- Richard G. Williams
- Richard K. Bono
- Robert E. Anthony
- Robert G. Bingham
- Robin S. Matoza
- Rémi Laxenaire
- S. K. Ebmeier
- Sagar Rathod
- Sandra Piazolo
- Santiago R. Soler
- Shaun A. Marcott
- Shreya Kanakiya
- Simon A. Hunt
- Suhua Fan
- T. Taira
- Takehiro Hirose
- Taryn Black
- Thomas Berndt
- Thomas M. Mitchell
- Toshiro Tanimoto
- Valère Lambert
- Wei Ji Leong
- Wellington Paulo de Oliveira
- Wyn Williams
- Yan Lavallée
- Yu Morishita