University of Liverpool, School of Environmental Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Apparent Discrepancy Between Observed and Calculated Mass Excess of the Subducted Slab Under the Central Andes
- Computer Simulation of Grain Boundary Diffusion Creep
- Contribution of Subduction Dynamic Topography to the Formation of the Maturin Foreland Basin Eastern Venezuela
- Internal zone extension and external zone shortening in the Alps
- Numerical modeling of coupled pressure solution and fluid flow in quartz sandstones
- Petrological applications of misorientation analysis
- Stick-Slip Characteristics of Sheared Granular Layers
- The Uplift of Oceanic Core Complexes by Transform Parallel Extensional Faulting: Atlantis Bank SW Indian Ridge.
- A Reappraisal of Recrystallization Mechanisms
- An Inverse Method to Determine Fault Slip and Geometry From Seismically Observed Subsurface Vertical Stratigraphic Displacements Using Elastic Dislocation Theory
- Origin of Anomalous Uplift at Inside Corner Highs: the importance of transform parallel normal faulting and transverse ridge formation
- Stick-Slip Dynamics in Sheared Granular Material
- The Effect of Particle Dimensionality on Granular Friction: Comparison of Laboratory and Numerical Approaches
- 3-D Attenuation Structure of Mt. Etna Volcano
- A multidisciplinary approach to understanding the origin of peridotite cumulates
- Acoustic Emission Analysis of Stick Slip Behavior on Rough and Smooth Fractures in Westerly Granite
- Decadal variations in length of day: a probe of the CMB?
- Elastic Dislocation Models of Listric Normal Faults
- Garnet Deformation Microstructures: TEM vs. EBSD
- High-resolution Imaging of Subduction Zone Seismicity: Evidence for a Fluid-controlled Double-seismic Zone in the Nazca Plate
- Modelling Sea Floor Spreading Initiation and Depth Dependent Stretching at Rifted Continental Margins
- North Atlantic Rifted Margin Crustal Thickness and Crustal Thinning from Satellite Gravity Data
- Predicting Fractures Using an Elastic Dislocation Model of the 1980 El Asnam, Algeria, Earthquake
- Stress Accumulation and Dissipation in Subducting Lithosphere and the Origin of Double and Triple Seismic Zones
- Toward Modelling Topsoil Magnetic Susceptibility for Demining Activities
- A Kinematic Fluid-flow Model of Continental Lithosphere Deformation Leading to Continental Lithosphere Breakup and Rifted Continental Margin Formation
- An Analysis of Fault Nucleation and Rupture in Westerly Granite Using Continuous Acoustic Emission Monitoring
- Comparison of Pure-Shear and Upwelling-Divergent Flow Models of Breakup Continental Lithosphere Thinning for the N. Iberian, N. Newfoundland and N. Angolan Rifted Margins
- Fluid Overpressure and Earthquakes Triggering in the Natural Laboratory of the Northern Apennines: Integration of Field and Laboratory Data
- Late Palaeocene Mantle Plume Uplift on The Fugloy Ridge, NE Faroes
- Mantle Plume Temperature Variations Immediately Following Continental Breakup of the Northern North Atlantic
- Migration of SS precursor Data to Image Fine-scale Structure on the Upper Mantle Discontinuities Beneath Hawaii
- Paleomagnetic Reversal Frequency in the Lorne Lavas of Western Scotland and their Implications for Eruption Duration
- Post-Perovskite Double-Crossing, Partial Melting, and the Thermal Structure of Earth's D" Layer
- Small Scale Lower-Mantle Structure as Revealed by SPdKS Back-Azimuth and Slowness Deviations
- Discrete Scale Invariance in Geomagnetic Data
- Evidence for a Slow Spreading Ocean Ridge in the Southern Rockall Trough From Satellite Gravity Inversion and Seismic Data
- Mapping the Ocean-Continent Transition at Rifted Margins using Satellite Gravity Inversion Incorporating a Lithosphere Thermal Correction
- Modes of Continental Lithosphere Deformation and Thinning Leading to Continental Breakup and Sea-floor Spreading Initiation
- Palaeointensities From Hawaiian Surface Lava Flows: a Direct Comparison of Thermal and Microwave Techniques
- Potential and Pitfalls of Guided Waves at Subduction Zones
- Three-Dimensional Brittle Shear Fracturing by Tensile Crack Interaction
- A time-dependent model of the Earth's magnetic field and its temporal change of the period 1957 to 2005.
- Can AMS ellipsoid parameters be used to constrain Cenozoic uplift of the Tian Shan Range, Western China?
- On the Origin and Distribution of Fracture Damage Surrounding Strike-Slip Fault Zones
- On the Potential Role of Dissolved Organic Nutrients in Sustaining Export Production in the Subtropical Atlantic Ocean
- Slip on 'Weak' Faults by the Rotation of Regional Stress in the Fracture Damage Zone
- Slowness-Backazimuth Weighted Migration Method: A New Array Approach to a High-resolution Image
- Testing Plate Reconstructions For The High Arctic Using Crustal Thickness Mapping From Gravity Inversion
- A Seismically Sharp Lithospheric Base Persisting to the Lowermost Mantle Beneath the Caribbean
- Arctic Crustal Thickness and Ocean-Continent Transition from Gravity Inversion Incorporating a Lithosphere Thermal Correction
- Comparison of Pure-Shear and Upwelling-Divergent Flow Models of Breakup Continental Lithosphere Thinning for the N. Iberian, N. Newfoundland and N. Angolan Rifted Margins
- Crustal Thickness and Continental Lithosphere Thinning on the N. Angolan Rifted Margins Predicted Using Gravity Inversion
- Fault Zone Architecture and Deformation Processes Within Exhumed Evaporitic Rocks in The Upper Crust
- Fluid Overpressure and Earthquakes Triggering in the Natural Laboratory of the Northern Apennines: Integration of Field and Laboratory Data
- Localized Versus Distributed Deformation as a Control on the Evolution of Permeability in Anhydrite Rocks
- Structure of the Edge of the Pacific Low-Velocity Feature Investigated Using Philippine Source Array
- An active seismic experiment at Tenerife Island (Canary Island, Spain): Imaging an active volcano edifice
- Establishing a new Archaeomagnetic Record for the SW Pacific
- Experimental Measurement of Vertical and Horizontal Permeability of Caprocks from the Krechba Field, Algeria and the Controls on their Permeability
- Fault Damage Zone Permeability in Crystalline Rocks from Combined Field and Laboratory Measurements
- Field Analogues to Understand the Evolution of Hyper-Extended Ultra-Deep Water Passive Rifted Margins: the Examples of the Alpine Tethys
- Fluid Overpressure and Earthquake Triggering in Faulted Evaporitic Sequences
- How Long is the Trigger? Olivine Diffusion Profiles Constraining Pre-Eruptive Triggering Times, Nea Kameni, Santorini, Greece.
- Lithological and Mechanical Control on the Base of the Crustal Seismogenic Zone: a Case-Study from the Northern Apennines of Italy
- Quantifying Continental Overlap in Plate Reconstruction Models for the North Atlantic Using Continental Extension Estimates from Gravity Inversion
- Transient Deformation at the Seismic-Aseismic Transition in a Mature Plate Boundary Fault Zone - New Zealand's Alpine Fault
- Ignimbrite stratigraphy and reworking : analogue modelling of dense, polymict granular flow deposition and Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) instabilities
- Influence of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Controls on the Architecture of Basin Floor to Shelf Edge Stratigraphy, Laingsburg Karoo Basin, South Africa
- A lagoon sediment record of barrier dynamics: Pescadero, Central Coast California
- Crustal Thickness and Oceanic Lithosphere Distribution in the Eastern Mediterranean from Satellite Gravity Anomaly Inversion
- P-wave attenuation tomography of Mount St. Helens: preliminary results from coda-normalized spectra
- Postseismic investigation of the February 2010 Chile earthquake: relaxation processes and the relationship of seismic and aseismic activity
- Pulverized Fault Zone Rocks along the San Andres Fault: Investigating the damage pattern by seismic field measurements, laboratory experiments and quantitative microstructure analysis
- The Relationship between Secular Variation and Reversal Frequency in the Phanerozoic (Invited)
- The shallow velocity structure of the Carboneras fault zone from high-resolution seismic investigations
- 3-D Visualisation: Using Internet-based Activities to Enhance Student Understanding of 3-dimensional Spatial Relationships
- Antarctic and Southern Ocean regional crustal thickness, continental lithosphere thinning and ocean-continent transition location from gravity anomaly inversion
- Communication between multiple large earthquakes at different spatial scales across and beyond the Tibetan Plateau
- Comparative Study Of Focal Mechanisms In South Central Chile Before And After The 2010 Maule Earthquake
- Dependence of Relative Timing of Continental Crustal Rupture and Melt Generation on the Deformation Mode of Lithosphere Thinning and Stretching
- Early postseismic deformation following the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake from ALOS PALSAR and campaign GPS data
- Evidence From Pyrite Microstructure For Earlier Higher Temperature Deformation History In SAFOD
- Exploring the resolution capabilities of subduction zone guided waves: 2D visco-elastic and 3D wave simulations
- Improving our knowledge of the rapid geomagnetic field intensity variation observed in Europe around 800 AD
- Interpreting the palaeomagnetic record through geodynamo simulations
- Large extensional shallow crustal aftershocks on previously unknown faults triggered by the 2010 Maule earthquake, Chile
- Mapping Crustal Thickness Variation and Relative Plate-Hotspot Motion for the Pacific Ocean using Satellite Gravity Inversion
- Paleointensities From a Baked Contact: a Multi-Method Experiment
- Quantifying deformation in crystalline magma using EBSD
- Structure and Origin of the Crozet Plateau and Conrad Rise, SW Indian Ocean: Insights from Crustal Thickness Mapping Using 3-D Satellite Gravity Inversion
- Sub-slab mantle anisotropy beneath south-central Chile
- Temporal Changes in Seismic Attenuation associated with the 2004 M6.0 Parkfield Event
- The Depth Distribution of Mantle Serpentinisation at Magma Poor Rifted Margins: Geophysical Evidence from the Iberian, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia Margins
- The Kinematics of Levee Formation in Geophysical Mass Flows
- Using Particle Size Distribution Data for Quantitative Sea-level Reconstruction: Evidence from Recent Saltmarsh Sediments
- Characterising Complex Ice-Tephra Spatial Feedbacks of Post-Volcanic Eruption Glacial Ablation Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
- Damage structure, anisotropy and seismic velocity of pulverized rocks on the San Andreas Fault
- Drowning of a barrier coastline under rapid rates of relative sea-level rise during the 8.2 ka cooling event: Cause or coincidence?
- Earthquake Cycle Deformation and the Strength of Continental Lithosphere
- Improved Detection of Vulcanian Explosions from Mt. Cleveland, Alaska with Infrasound and Ground-Coupled Airwaves
- Improving Decision-Making Activities for Meningitis and Malaria
- Is There Evidence of 'Fingerprints' in North Atlantic Tide Gauge Records?
- Magnetic Diurnal Variation Using Satellites and Observatories
- Paleosecular variation during the Permo-Carboniferous Reversed Superchron: a comparison between the sedimentary and volcanic record
- Reactive fluid flow in stressed rocks - some fundamentals
- Rift inheritance in orogenes: a case study from the Western Pyrenees
- The Kinetics of the Reaction Perovskite Plus Ferropericlase to Ringwoodite, and the Effect of Al on The Grain Size of the Transition Zone
- Thermal and Acoustic Signals associated to Vulcanian Explosions at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat
- Water-mass Transformations in the Southern Ocean Diagnosed from Observations: Contrasting Effects of Surface Buoyancy Fluxes and Interior Mixing
- A high-resolution 3D seismic velocity model of the 2010 M<SUB>w </SUB>8.8 Maule, Chile earthquake rupture zone using land & OBS networks
- An Updated SW Pacific Palaeointensity Dataset and its Influence on Global Holocene Geomagnetic Field Models
- Base Aptian Salt Palaeo-bathymetry of the Angolan Rifted Margin from Reverse Post-Breakup Subsidence Modelling and Gravity Inversion
- Compaction and contraction: Densification timescales of porous magmas
- Comparing paleointensity methods: Importance of the cooling-rate effect on microwave estimates
- Constraining Holocene Uplift Rates For The Serrania Del Baudo, Northwestern Colombia, Using Luminescence Dating On A Raised Beach
- Delayed build-up of Arctic ice sheets during 400, 000-year minima in insolation variability confirmed by Chinese loess
- Dynamic sediment trapping and episodic sediment accretion in fluviodeltaic environments: Implications for coastal restoration
- Frictional control on eruptive style at Mt. Unzen (Japan) and Santiaguito volcano (Guatemala)
- How can fluid overpressures be developed and maintained in crustal fault zones ?
- Implications of dehydration reactions on the earthquake mechanics and faulting
- Insights into fracture development from microseismic attenuation anisotropy
- Intradecadal Variations in Length of Day (Invited)
- New palaeomagnetic results from outcrop and drill core samples of the 3.47 billion year old Komati Formation, Barberton Mountain Land, South Africa
- Physical and chemical changes during carbon dioxide injection and storage (Invited)
- Porosity and Textural Evolution of Bubbly Magma under High-Temperature Uniaxial Deformation
- Probing Geomagnetic Jerks combining Geomagnetic and Earth Rotation Observations (Invited)
- Repeating earthquakes on the Chile subduction zone following the Maule 2010 M 8.8 earthquake
- Seismogenic frictional melting in the magmatic column as the driving force of stick-slip motion
- Stranded pumice in the western Caribbean
- The Importance of Simulating Changes in Topography in Process-based Soil Erosion Modelling: Implications for Landscape-Evolution Modelling
- The Virtual Earthquake and seismology Research Community e-science environment in Europe (VERCE): a European Research Infrastructure project
- Unequivocal evidence for late-stage postseismic viscoelastic relaxation in the lower crust beneath Tibet
- Volcanic sintering and densification of glassy and crystalline ash: Kinetics, strength recovery and seismogenicity
- A New Method for Quantifying Compaction Rates and Their Spatial Variability in the Mississippi Delta
- Coupling fluid dynamics and host-rock deformation associated with magma intrusion in the crust: Insights from analogue experiments
- Frictional properties of Alpine Fault rocks of DFDP-1 under hydrothermal conditions and high shear strain
- Major Changes in East Asian Climate in the Mid-Pliocene: Triggered By the Uplift of the Tibetan Plateau or Global Cooling?
- Patterns and Rates of Deltaic Aggradation and Progradation: Insights from the Mississippi Delta
- Time-scale bias in evidence for anthropogenic acceleration of soil erosion and floodplain accretion
- BRITICE-CHRONO: The project and highlights so far
- Coastal evolution between two giant rivers: The Chan May embayment in central Vietnam
- Control of Transient Slip Weakening During Gypsum Dehydration
- Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Geochemical Characterisation of the Alpine Fault Zone from the DFDP Boreholes
- How can geological datasets help us to choose between rheological behaviours suggested by experimental measurements? Examples from the Alpine Fault and the Japan Trench.
- Low Frictional Strength of Alpine Fault Rocks of DFDP-1 at Elevated Temperature and Low Slip Rate
- New chronology for Pleistocene shoreline deposits on the central US Atlantic Coast: implication for relative sea level during MIS 5 and 7
- Nucleation and Grain Growth During Dehydration of Polycrystalline Gypsum Observed in Time-series Synchrotron X-ray Micro-tomography Experiments
- Nucleation processes occurring during dynamic recrystallization in ice
- Observations and Implications of Cyclical Slip in DFDP-1 Principal Slip Zone Gouges, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Opening the closed box: lattice diffusion in zircon?
- Preliminary Results on the Mechanics of the Active Mai'iu Low Angle Normal Fault (Dayman Dome), Woodlark Rift, SE Papua New Guinea
- Preserved Organic Matter in the Alpine Tethyan Ocean Continental Transition (Totalp unit, Eastern Swiss Alps)
- Thermoluminesence Properties and Ages along the Stony Creek, Hanging Wall of Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Change of Rainfall-runoff event hysteresis in suspended sediments due to surface decontamination in the area affected by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident
- Changes in long-term eruption dynamics at Santiaguito, Guatemala: Observations from seismic data
- Creep of Bridgmanite Analog, Neighborite (NaMgF<SUB>3</SUB>), and Implications for Viscous Flow in the Lower Mantle
- Development of Pore Pressures in Compacting Fault Gouge; Implications for the Strength and Stability of Faults
- Development of Pore-pressure Transients in Dehydrating Systems
- Drivers of the cyclic ice flow dynamics of a palaeo- marine-based grounded ice stream during rapid retreat.
- Earthquake rupture dynamics in shallow, poorly lithified sediments
- Ecosystem Disturbances in Central European Spruce Forests: a Multi-proxy Integration of Dendroecology and Sedimentary Records
- Effects of decontamination work on riverine radiocaesium activity concentrations in Fukushima affected area
- Evidence for cyclical fault zone sealing and strengthening, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Evolution of the yield curves of porous rock after permanent volumetric strain
- Grounding-Zone Wedges on the Porcupine Bank Offshore Western Ireland: Sedimentology, Age and Paleoglaciological Implications
- High-resolution record of the deglaciation of the British-Irish Ice Sheet from North Atlantic deep-sea sediments.
- How reaction and permeability develop in dehydrating systems
- International postseismic response after the Mw=7.8 April 16, 2016 Pedernales Earthquake in Ecuador
- Lake Sediments show the Frequency of 21st Century Extreme Flooding in the UK is Unprecedented
- LiCSAR: Tools for automated generation of Sentinel-1 frame interferograms
- Micromechanics of Friction in a Detailed Study of Mg-rich Phyllosilicates
- Observing changes at Santiaguito Volcano, Guatemala with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
- Overview of the Mechanics of the Active Mai'iu Low Angle Normal Fault (Dayman Dome), Southeastern Papua New Guinea
- Plate-scale measurement of interseismic strain from Sentinel-1
- Preliminary results from an integrated, multi-parameter, experiment at the Santiaguito lava dome complex, Guatemala
- Resolving Topographic Changes at Volcanoes Using Pleiades-1 Tri-stereo Imagery and Other Methods: the Example of Fogo Volcano.
- Seismicity in the Wake of the April 2016 Pedernales Earthquake
- Self-healing volcanoes: mechanical response of magma failure, sealing and healing on outgassing
- The Scales Of Chemical Transport During Dehydration Reactions: The Roles Of Diffusion And Fluid Expulsion
- Towards understanding earthquake nucleation on a severely misoriented plate boundary fault, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Unstable Slip Events at 600 °C in Simulated Fault Gouges from the Principal Slip Zone (PSZ) of the Alpine Fault.
- A new confined high pressure rotary shear apparatus: preliminary results
- Archaeomagnetic evidence for a continuous decrease of the geomagnetic axial dipole for the last millennium
- Biotite Comminution in Phyllosilicate Rich Mylonites: Microstructural and Nanostructural Observations
- COMET-LICSAR: Systematic Deformation Monitoring of Fault Zones and Volcanoes with the Sentinel-1 Constellation
- Deformation data modeling through numerical models: an efficient method for tracking magma transport
- Examining shear processes during magma ascent
- Ground-penetrating radar evidence of refrozen meltwater in the firn column of Larsen C Ice Shelf
- High-Precision <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar dating of the Deccan Traps
- High-resolution mapping of yield curve shape and evolution for high porosity sandstones
- Magma shearing and friction in the volcanic conduit: A crystal constraint
- Mineral Replacement Reactions as a Precursor to Strain Localisation: an (HR-)EBSD approach
- Modeling the Proterozoic Basement's Effective Stress Field, Assessing Fault Reactivation Potential Related to Increased Fluid Pressures, and Improved 3D Structural Interpretation of Faulting within Wellington and Anson-Bates Fields, Sumner County, Kansas
- Partitioning of water between point defects, dislocations, and grain boundaries in olivine
- Preserved organic matter in the Serpentinized Ocean-Continent Transition of Alpine Tethys
- Rapid advance and retreat over centennial/millennial timescales at Kangiata Nunaata Sermia, SW Greenland - implications for modelling, and behaviour of tidewater glaciers
- Reaction fronts: how do they work?
- The Capacity for Compaction Weakening in Fault Gouge in Nature and Experiment
- The Different Climatic Response of Pedogenic Hematite and Ferrimagnetic Minerals: Evidence from Particle-Sized Modern Soils over the Chinese Loess Plateau
- The Rapid Formation of Localized Compaction Bands Under Hydrostatic Load Leading to Pore-pressure Transients in Compacting Rocks
- The impact of high-resolution topography on landslide characterization using DInSAR
- Tortuous pathways: Fundamental characterisation of the anisotropic permeability through clay-rich shales from macro- to nano-scale.
- Trapping Efficiency of Fine Sediments in Reservoir Lake in Fukushima Rivers as Revealed by Radiocaesium attached in Suspended Sediment
- Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to Modeling Tornado Impacts
- Vegetation change and pollen geochronology from the Atlantic Coast of the United States during the last Millennium
- Winter in Antarctica: dark, cold, windy, and .... wet?? Measurements and modeling of extensive wintertime surface melt
- A stratigraphic investigation of the Celtic Sea megaridges based on seismic and core data from the Irish-UK sectors
- Anthropogenic alterations of the Raritan River, NJ from pre-European settlement through the present
- Do Grain Interfaces Store a Significant Amount of Water in Mantle Rocks?
- Frictional Behaviour and Comminution of Sintered Glass Samples as an Analogue of Volcanic Rocks
- HystLab: New Software for Processing and Analyzing Hysteresis Data
- Improving the Coastal Mean Dynamic Topography by Combining the Geodetic Approach from GNSS at Tide Gauges and Satellite Altimetry
- Insights into the 2018 eruption of Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala, from geophysical data and visual observations.
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo geomagnetic field models using paleomagnetic observations
- Mechanisms of late Holocene relative sea-level variability in the Chesapeake Bay
- Moment magnitude calculation of small-to moderate-size earthquakes in the Utah region from S<SUB>g</SUB>/L<SUB>g</SUB> spectra
- Rock magnetic controls on paleointensity data
- The dynamics of magma flow within dikes
- The evolution of the effective-pressure dependence of hydraulic properties of sandstone during deformation
- The inception of the Anthropocene as revealed by proxy sea-level records
- Tornadoes and Topography: an enhanced understanding of site dynamics using UASs
- Towards large-scale, InSAR-derived surface velocities and strain rates for the global tectonic belts
- Using novel, integrated approaches to measure volcanic rock properties
- Volcanic Flank Collapse and Debris Avalanches Resulting in Shear Localisation and Frictional Melting
- Volcanic ash surface chemistry modified by elemental diffusion during late-stage microlite crystallization
- Anisotropic hydrolytic weakening in olivine crystals
- Detrital Remanent Magnetization of Magnetic Mineral Inclusions: Implications for Relative Paleointensity Determinations
- Earthquake lubrication and healing caused by amorphous silica powder - experimental wear products compared to natural fault rocks
- Experimental Deformation of Unconsolidated Quartz Sands, Examining the Effects of Grain Sorting on Deformation Band Formation Within Mixed Aeolian-fluvial Reservoirs
- From sport to science: improving LGBT+ inclusivity within geoscience
- Improved DInSAR time series using high-resolution optical DEMs
- Improving the quality of anomalously low paleointensity estimates obtained from Carboniferous-age rocks
- Magnetostratigraphy of the Visean (Early Carboniferous): North-Western England, Cumbria
- Multipole Acoustic Waveform Inversion And Volume Flow Rate For Small Explosion At Mt. Etna Italy. 485869
- On the Spatial and Temporal Variations of Fault Damage and Related Properties
- Paleomagnetic Characterization of North American Clinker Deposits: Reliable Full Vector Recorders for the Quaternary
- Physical properties of the Nankai Trough at Sites C0002, C0024 and C0025, IODP Expedition 358
- Shallow magmatic processes at Santiaguito Dome Complex, Guatemala: New insights from plagioclase major and trace elements
- Spatial-Temporal Trends in Deccan Volcanism
- Supraglacial lake mapping of the entire Greenland Ice Sheet using Google Earth Engine
- The Effect of 'Dryness' on the Frictional Properties of Clay Fault Gouges
- The Inception of Modern Rates of Sea-Level Rise as Revealed by a Global Database of Sea-Level Records
- Uncertainties regarding ocean biogeochemical cycling exert significant influence on the response of the ocean carbon cycle to climate change at regional scales
- What's the damage? Multiscale analyses of attributes in fault damage zones - fracture length distributions, orientation scale transitions and network connectivity
- A Field and Experimental Study of Shear Localisation, Strain Partitioning and Frictional Melting in a Debris Avalanche generated by Volcanic Flank Collapse
- Age-Depth Stratigraphy of Pine Island Glacier Inferred from Airborne Radars and Ice-Core Chronology
- Assessing the Robustness of Long-term Field Variations in the Paleomagnetic Record
- Bayesian Inversion of Wrapped Satellite Interferometric Phase to Estimate Fault and Volcano Surface Ground Deformation Models
- Common Era Sea-level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast
- Continent-wide bimonthly mapping of Antarctic supraglacial lakes using Google Earth Engine
- Direct measurement of olivine grain boundary viscosity
- Divergence of Sediment Fluxes Triggered by Sea Level Rise Will Reshape Coastal Bays
- Experimental volcanology : from magma to rock by 2030.
- Extremely low geomagnetic field strength recorded in the Ediacaran Grenville Dykes.
- First Paleointensity Data from the Mid-Neoproterozoic 300Myr void. Implications for Inner Core Nucleation Age?
- IcePicks: a collaborative database and toolset for identifying Greenland outlet glacier termini
- Looking for Magma in Magma-Poor Rifted Margins
- Magma flow regimes within dikes
- Morphodynamics and modelling of salt marshes in a period of accelerated sea level rise.
- Numerical Geodynamo Simulations Can Capture the Long-Term Variability of the Paleomagnetic Field
- Strange fields: non-uniformitarian paleomagnetic records imply that the geodynamo process has been substantially perturbed on multiple occasions
- Sustained Long-lived Volcanic Subsidence at Timanfaya, Lanzarote, from InSAR Time Series
- The Composition and Flux of Seafloor Sediments in the Global Ocean
- The evolution of Greenland's supraglacial lakes, 2000-2019
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings