University of Akron, Ohio
flowchart I[University of Akron, Ohio] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (105)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (7)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Assessing the Effectiveness of Inquiry-based Learning Techniques Implemented in Large Classroom Settings
- Association for Women Geoscientists: enhancing gender diversity in the geosciences.
- Constraints on Transport Direction Along a Shallow Detachment in the Upper Precambrian of the Eastern Midcontinent
- Lakes, Lagerstaetten, and Evolution
- Late Holocene Tropical Atlantic Climate Variability: Records From the Cariaco Basin
- The Latest Holocene Sedimentary Environmental Magnetic Record From Lake Dood, Mongolia
- Lowstands in Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana Suggest Episodes of Late-Quaternary Lowland Tropical Aridity
- Magnetic record of Lake Baikal sediments (Baikal Drilling Project 1998)
- Temperature and Hydrologic Variability in the Tropical North Atlantic for the Last 2000 Years
- A Mathematical Formulation for the Effects of Nonlinear Chemical Reactions upon Taylor Dispersive Phenomena
- Atlantic Intertropical Convergence Zone Variability: a Clay Mineralogy Study of Cariaco Basin Sediments Over the Last 1000 Years
- Student Levels of Cognitive Development: Establishing Links between Logical Thinking Skills and Success in Earth Science
- Sedimentological Signatures of Transient Depositional Events in the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela
- Tropical Sea Surface Temperature Variability During Marine Isotope Stage 3: Mg/Ca results from the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela
- An 800-Year Record of Sediment-Derived, Instrumentally-Calibrated Foraminiferal Mg/Ca SST Estimates From the Tropical North Atlantic
- An assessment of the utility of optically-stimulated luminescence to date sediments from Lakes Malawi, Bosumtwi, and Tanganyika, Africa
- Paleoenvironmental changes in West Africa since the Last Glacial Maximum from a geochemical and modeling study of Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana
- Sediment Magnetic Hysteresis Measurements as a Paleoclimate Proxy From Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana
- The Lake Bosumtwi Drilling Project: A 1 Ma West African Paleoclimate Record
- Use of Paleomagnetic Secular Variation, Excursion, and Reversal Records to Correlate African Lake Climate Records
- Three millennia of variations in the West African monsoon: insights into tropical and global teleconnections from the varved sediments of Lake Bosumtwi
- Abrupt changes in hydrology and vegetation in the West African monsoon region since the Last Glacial Maximum
- The 1 Ma Lake Bosumtwi (West Africa) Paleoclimate Record: Comparisons to Marine and Polar Records
- West African monsoon variability along the Guinea coast during the Holocene
- Paleomagnetic and Mineral-Magnetic Results From the Lake Bosumtwi Drilling Project
- Regionally heterogeneous paleoenvironmental responses in the West African and South American monsoon systems on glacial to millennial timescales
- A scanning-XRF record of Lake Bosumtwi sediments: Implications for West African Monsoon variability over the past 500 kyr
- Sub-annual Variability of Indian Monsoon Rainfall
- Implications of Fault Curvature for Slip Distributions, Opening, and Damage
- Multi-year Assessment of the Removal of the Munroe Falls Dam on the Middle Cuyahoga River, Ohio
- Surface roughness of ancient seismic faults exhumed from 10 km depths (Gole Larghe Fault, Italian Alps) characterized over five orders of magnitude
- Biomolecule-Mineral Interactions in the Geochemical Environment on Early Earth and in the Human Body
- Extracellular Electron Transfer and Survival Strategies in Acid Mine Drainage Impacted Soils
- Fault roughness evolution with slip (Gole Larghe Fault Zone, Italian Alps)
- Interannual- to multicentiennial-scale variability in the West African Monsoon during the Eemian
- Multivariate stochastic analysis for Monthly hydrological time series at Cuyahoga River Basin
- Secondary fracture arrays provide insight into coseismic friction along faults in crystalline rocks
- Three-dimensional micro-roughness of a pseudotachylyte-bearing fault surface
- Ultra-low co-seismic stiffness of fault rocks at seismogenic (8-11 km) depth
- Was Mineral Surface Complexity and Toxicity an Impetus for Evolution of Microbial Extracellular Polymeric Substances?
- A 12,000-Year-Long, Annually-Resolved Varve Record Spanning the Last Interglacial from Lake Bosumtwi, Southern Ghana
- Bivariate Rainfall and Runoff Analysis Using Shannon Entropy Theory
- Developing a Geoscience Literacy Exam: Pushing Geoscience Literacy Assessment to New Levels
- InTeGrate: Transforming the Teaching of Geoscience and Sustainability
- Is the fault core-damage zone model representative of seismogenic faults? Pre-existing anisotropies and fault zone complexity
- Single Investigator or Group Projects? Which is the More Successful Model for a REU Site?
- The Work Budget of Rough Faults
- Depositional History of a Saline Blue Hole on Eleuthera Island, Bahamas: Implications for Sea Level History and Climate Change
- Elastic deformation due to polygonal dislocations in a transversely isotropic half-space
- Holocene Depositional History of Shad Pond, a Hypersaline Coastal Lagoon, Eleuthera, Bahamas and Its Influence on Lucayan Occupation
- InTeGrate's model for developing innovative, adaptable, interdisciplinary curricular materials that reach beyond the geosciences
- Piloting a Geoscience Literacy Exam for Assessing Students' Understanding of Earth, Climate, Atmospheric and Ocean Science Concepts
- Stable strontium mass dependent isotopic fractionation in authigenic continental barite
- Sulfur as a Matrix for the Development of Microbial Biofilm Communities
- Analysis of Inter- and Intra-individual Variation in Foraging Habits of the Endangered Hawaiian Petrel Using Stables Isotopes
- Copula-Based First-Order Markov Process for Forecasting and Analyzing Risk of Water Quality
- Germanium as a Critical Zone proxy: δ<SUP>74</SUP>Ge and Ge/Si in waters from the Peruvian Andes and Amazon
- Relative strengths of orthopyroxene and olivine at asthenospheric conditions
- The potential influence of sedimentary diagenetic processes on the ocean's ɛNd signature
- Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics in Cool Ridge-Flank Hydrothermal Springs: The Dorado Outcrop of the Eastern Pacific.
- Changes in Biological Production and Lake Chemistry in Lake Tanganyika over the Past 400 Years
- Creep of quartz by dislocation and grain boundary processes
- Deep diagenesis in tephra-rich sediments from the Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc
- Deformation of ⊥m single quartz crystals
- Effect of Iron Content on the High-Pressure Plasticity of Olivine
- Examining the Effect of Water on the Strength of Quartz Using Polycrystalline Quartz Aggregates
- How Diagenesis Determines the Deep Ocean's ɛNd Composition
- Plastic Deformation of O+ Oriented Quartz Single Crystals
- Spring Fluids from a Low-temperature Hydrothermal System at Dorado Outcrop: The First Samples of a Massive Global Flux
- Assessing Student Learning about the Earth through the InTeGrate Project
- Distributions of Mercury Within an Urban and Suburban Watershed in Northeast Ohio
- Effect of Fe Content on Olivine Viscosity at the P-T Conditions of Terrestrial-Planet Interiors
- Pore Water Constraints on the Competition Between Carbonate and Tephra Diagenesis in Sediments from the Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc: Implications for Carbon Preservation
- Supporting the Creation and Publication of Reviewed and Tested Teaching Modules through the InTeGrate Project
- The role of ilmenite content on the rheology of olivine aggregates
- Cyclic Stable-Unstable Slip Preserved along an Appalachian Fault
- Effects of grain size on the strength of magnesite aggregates deforming by low temperature plasticity
- Pressure Dependence of Magnesite Flow Strength
- Using InTeGrate materials to develop interdisciplinary thinking for a sustainable future
- Community-Based Research Teams: Examples from On the Cutting Edge and InTeGrate Projects
- Comparing in-situ and ex-situ stress measurements in polymineralic rocks
- Effect of a pre-existing lattice preferred orientation on the strength of foliated quartzite
- Geological storage of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in sub-seafloor basalt offshore Washington State and British Columbia (CarbonSAFE Cascadia project)
- Grain Growth Kinetics of Magnesian Carbonates
- Hydrogeology of Slow-Spreading Oceanic Crust: A Tracer Study in North Pond Borehole Observatories
- LPO development in fine-grained dolomite shear zones
- Lattice preferred orientation development in magnesite aggregates
- New Analysis of High Pressure Data for Olivine Deformation
- Proglacial and Subglacial Meltwater Ion Concentrations for the Llewellyn Glacier, B.C., summer 2018
- Column experiments show facilitation of Fe mass transport by rock-breathing microbes
- Coupling Microbial Iron Redox Reactions to Iron and Silicate Mobilization in Banded Iron Formations
- Localized Shear and Thermal Softening of Magnesian Carbonates in Downgoing Slabs: A New Model for Intraslab Earthquakes
- Pressure dependence of magnesite creep
- Transient Effects of a Pre-existing Lattice Preferred Orientation on the Strength of a Foliated Quartzite
- Effect of Foliation and Lattice Preferred Orientation on Viscous Anisotropy
- Effects of Melt Interconnectivity on Strength of a Fine-Grained Gneiss
- Evolution of Deformation Mechanisms during Strain Localization in the Scituate Granite, Rhode Island, USA
- Evolution of Porosity-Permeability Relationships in Biogeochemically Altered Porous Media: A Pore-Scale Study
- Influence of Foliation Orientation on Melt Interconnectivity and Rock Strength in a Natural Fine-Grained Gneiss
- An Investigation In Porosity-Permeability Relationships In Biogeochemically Clogged Porous Media: A Pore-Scale Study
- How strong does foliation have to be in order to affect the rheology of the continental crust?
- Leaf Venation-Inspired Flow Networks for Enhanced Flow performance and Damage Resilience
- Viscous anisotropy of a gneiss with interconnected micas
- Evolution of Strength Anisotropy and Microstructures of a Foliated Gneiss as a Function of Strain
- The Subsurface Structure Of Kilbourne Hole From An Active Source Seismic Survey In An Astronaut Training Ground.