Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University of Bonn, Germany
flowchart I[Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University of Bonn, Germany] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (7)"] AW["Affiliated Works (463)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (91)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- University of Bonn, Argelander Institute for Astronomy
- University of Bonn, Bethe Center for Physics
- University of Bonn, Department of Physics and Astronomy
- University of Bonn, Helmholtz Institute for Radiation and Nuclear Physics
- University of Bonn, Institute for Applied Physics
- University of Bonn, Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
- University of Bonn, Institute of Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Abrupt millennial climatic terrestrial changes from western European eolian records during the last glaciation?
- Effects of Interannual Climate Variability in Secondary Forests and Crops Under Traditional and Alternative Shifting Cultivation
- Geomorphological Dating Using an Improved Scarp Degradation Model: Is This a Reliable Approach Compared With Common Absolute Dating Methods?
- Long-Term Water Balance of the Volta River Basin in West Africa
- Observation and Interpretation of Mining Induced Subsidence With Permanent Scatterers
- Promotion of Graphite Formation by Tectonic Stress - A Laboratory Experiment
- Time Evolution Analysis of Volcanic Tremor Amplitude at Mt. Etna: Implications for Magma Dynamics
- Application of Permanent Scatterers on Mining Induced Subsidence
- Are foreshocks explained by cascades of triggered seismicity: empirical tests and comparison with the Olami-Feder-Christensen SOC model
- Irregularities in Pump-Induced Tilt Above Shallow Aquifers
- Short- and long-time behavior of aquifer drainage after sudden drawdown according to the linearized Laplace equation.
- Variable Seawater-Peridotite Interactions - First Insights From ODP Leg 209, MAR 15° N
- Detection of Interannual Climate Variability in Secondary Forests and Crops Under Traditional and Alternative Shifting Cultivation Using Ikonos Data
- Geochemical and Chronometric Data of Carbonate Veins Provide Insights Into Seawater-Ultramafic Rock Interactions
- Lithium and strontium isotope compositions of serpentinite-hosted carbonate veins from the MAR (ODP Leg 209): Records of different stages of seafloor metamorphism
- Micro Rain Radar data visualization tool
- Multiresolution Precipitation Visualization of Weather Radar Volume Scans
- Upper Mantle Geochemistry at Peridotites of Site 1274 (ODP Leg 209): Relation to Melt-Rock Reaction and Processes at the Base of the Lithosphere
- A Symmetric Solution for a Rift Paradox
- Fluid-driven Aftershocks and Omori's Law
- High-Resolution Simulations of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Surface-Atmosphere Interactions in the Arctic
- Impacts of Climate Change on Permafrost in Mid-Latitude Mountain Regions
- Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Land-use and Land-cover Change: A Multi-agent Simulation Model and Its Application to an Upland Watershed in Central Vietnam
- The Annual Freeze-/Thaw Cycle in the Caribou Poker Creek Research Watershed, Alaska: Combining RADAR With Model Results
- The Influence of Pore Pressure Variations in Fault Zones on Spatio-Temporal Seismicity Evolution
- The influence of ionic forces on the effective diffusion coefficient in fractured, porous chalk.
- Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphism Recorded in the Pohorje Mts., Eastern Alps, Slovenia
- Are Zebra Carbonates Formed During Seismic Events?
- Fluid-Controlled Aftershock Patterns from Different Tectonic Regimes
- GOCE before launch: a complementary mission to GRACE
- Modeling Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change the Case of the Transboundary San Pedro Basin
- A Small Geodesy Surface Package for Future Lunar Robotic Missions
- Beyond multi-fractals: surrogate time series and fields
- Coupled groundwater-atmosphere modeling: effects on atmospheric boundary layer development
- Diagnosing coupled watershed processes using a fully-coupled groundwater, land-surface, surface water and mesoscale atmospheric model
- Kalahari 009: One of the Oldest Lunar Mare Basalts - Chronology, Chemical and Petrological Composition, and Source Region
- Preparing for Galileo - New Results from Anechoic Chamber Absolute Antenna Calibrations
- Residence Times and Pathway Analysis Using a Coupled Three-Dimensional Variably Saturated Groundwater Flow and Land Surface Model
- Application of a Spectral Induced Polarization Data Error Model for Field Scale Biogeophysical Monitoring
- Attempts at Estimating the Hydraulic Conductivity With Induced Polarisation at the Field Scale
- Collision Versus Separation in Rollback: The Calabria Arc through the Apulia-Africa Narrow
- ERT of seasonal changes in steep permafrost rocks with laboratory-calibrated temperature-resistivity behavior, an incorporated resistance error model, and temperature validation (Zugspitze, German/Austrian Alps)
- Evaluation of irrigation efficiency at different spatial scales in a sub-unit of the Khorezm irrigation and drainage system located in the lower Amu Darya River basin
- HFSE Processing During Subduction and the Consequences for Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf Ratios in the Mantle
- How ubiquitous are aftershock sequences driven by high pressure fluids at depth?
- Pore-pressure variations: A possible explanation for strain-rate-dependent faulting with wet clay
- Relating the Spectral Induced Polarization Response of Saturated Sandy Materials to Hydrologically Relevant Parameters: Laboratory Measurements
- Report of Informal Working Group on Measuring and Monitoring Site Ties
- The Nestos shear zone in the southern Rhodopes (Northern Greece/Southern Bulgaria) - a late Eocene to Oligocene mid-crustal detachment
- Wind energy resource assessment using coupled groundwater-land-surface atmospheric models
- A paleothermometer based on abundances of 13C-18O bonds in bioapatite: Calibration and reconstruction of the body temperatures of extinct Cenozoic mammals and Mesozoic dinosaurs
- A priori prediction of discharge
- Catchment Scale Simulations at Hydrologic Resolution: Using Massively-Parallel Computing and Integrated Models in Hydrologic Discovery
- Characterization and calibration of seawater intrusion models using electrical resistivity tomography (Invited)
- Comparison of Interstellar Boundary Explorer Observations with 3-D Global Heliospheric Models
- Delineating subsurface zones of natural bioreduction using the complex resistivity method
- Global Structure of the Heliosphere in the Interstellar Magnetic Field
- High-resolution inter-basin chronology of Holocene paleoseismic events at the Dead Sea Basin
- Hillslope-channel coupling in a cuesta landscape (Swabian Alb, Germany)
- Human Transformation of the Terrestrial Biosphere: Form, Extent, Duration, and Intensity
- Identification of the high pressure fluid source driving the L’aquila earthquake sequence
- Natural and Accelerated in situ Bioremediation of Metals and Radionuclides: Progress in Mechanistic Understanding and Monitoring Methods (Invited)
- Reconstructing Middle Eocene Climate and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration: Application of a mechanistic theoretical approach to fossil plants from the Messel Pit (Germany)
- Regional and local controls on evaporation from a small reservoir in northern Ghana
- Synergetic use of microwave radiometer and multifilter rotating shadowband radiometer observations for the validation of satellite cloud retrievals
- The Aiguille du Midi (Mont Blanc massif, European Alps): a unique high-Alpine site to study bedrock permafrost
- Trends and control of Holocene floodplain sedimentation in the Rhine catchment (Central Europe)
- Tsunami Model of Cilacap-Indonesia: Inundation and Its Mitigation
- A Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Estimating Remediation-induced Biogeochemical Transformations Using Spectral Induced Polarization Data: Development and Application to the Contaminated DOE Rifle (CO) Site
- An interdisciplinary approach to climate and coastal systems changes on King George Island
- Carbon balances of freshwater ecosystems in summer and fall 2008 on Samoylov Island, Lena Delta, Siberia, Russia
- Combined Global Gravity Field Models from Space-Based and Ground-Based Data
- Contributions of reprocessed GPS observations to a joint inversion of surface displacements, ocean bottom pressure and GRACE global gravity models (Invited)
- Decoupling of Hf-Nd isotope ratios in early Archean rocks from southern West Greenland - primary or secondary disturbance?
- Earthquake Clusters - Slow Decay when Hot and Slippery at Depth?
- Estimating Uncertainty in Atmospheric Models - Application and new Approaches of Lyapunov Vector Estimations
- Global gravity field models from GOCE applying the time-wise method (Invited)
- NASA's integrated Instrument Simulator Suite for Atmospheric Remote Sensing from spaceborne platform (ISSARS) and its role for the GPM mission
- New insights in catchment processes via distributed soil moisture measurements and 3D hydrological modeling
- Numerical analysis of seismoelectromagnetic field conversion at confined geological units
- Recent advances in modeling the coupled hydrologic cycle: Connecting atmospheric processes, land energy fluxes and hydrology (Invited)
- Signal separation: the quest for independent mass flux patterns in geodetic observations
- Slow Slip Earthquakes Controlled by Solitary Porosity Waves
- Sustainable Development of Research Capacity in West Africa
- Using geostatistical constraints in electrical imaging for improved reservoir characterization
- A two-stage climate adaptation framework for improving irrigation planning in the Niger River Basin
- Analysis and Modeling of spatio-temporal Patterns of Carbon and Water Fluxes in Production Fields of Winter Wheat and Sugar Beet
- Delineation of subsurface hydrocarbon contamination at a former hydrogenation plant using spectral induced polarization imaging
- Estimating Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Sand-Clay Mixtures from Low-Frequency Electrical Spectra
- Glacier surface velocity fields in South Shetland Islands
- Global and regional sea level change caused by mass loss of the major ice sheets
- Greenland ice mass balance estimation from GRACE: a reexamination
- High fluid pressure and triggered earthquakes in the enhanced geothermal system in Basel, Switzerland
- Hydrological Conditions in Eastern Anatolia Over the Last CA. 500 KA - First Insights from Lake Van
- Imaging and characterizing root systems using electrical impedance tomography
- Implementing Downscaling Algorithm in External Coupler for the Coupled Modeling Platform ParFlow-CLM-COSMO
- Is soil respiration linked to spatial patterns of measurable soil organic carbon pools?
- Large-Scale Statistical Inverse Methods for Seismic Wave Propagation
- Linking soil organic carbon pools with measured fractions
- Metasomatic fault weakening processes in the Moresby Seamount detachment, Woodlark Basin (offshore Papua New Guinea)
- Modeling Fluid Pressure and Permeability Evolution in Enhanced Geothermal Systems
- Numerical simulation of current induced sediment transport and resulting bedforms
- Probabilistic precipitation forecasts based on a convection-permitting high-resolution NWP model
- Prospecting for natural attenuation: Coupled geophysical-biogeochemical studies at DOE's Rifle IFRC site
- Release 3 of the GOCE-only Gravity Field Model Applying the Time-wise Method
- Signal separation in the analysis of GRACE-FO data
- Studying the impact of climate change on flooding in 12 river basins using CCSM4 output
- The Influence of Tilt and Strain-Tilt Coupling on Full Moment Tensor Inversions of Seismic Recordings at Active Volcanoes: Theoretical Considerations and in Situ Measurements
- The Oxidation State of Terrestrial Basalts and its Link with the Mantle
- The equable climate problem during Interglacial warming
- Time-lapse capacitive resistivity imaging: a new technology concept for the monitoring of permafrost
- Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 32: Patterns in Soil-Vegetation
- Using GRACE data to improve global hydrological modeling
- Validation of attenuation, beam blockage, and calibration estimation methods using two dual polarization X band weather radars
- Wetland river flow interaction in a sedimentary formation of the white Volta basin, Ghana
- three-dimensional fog forecasting with COSMO-FOG
- A new Method for the Estimation of Initial Condition Uncertainty Structures in Mesoscale Models
- Aggregation and disaggregation of radar rainfall rates
- Assessment of diagenetic alteration of dinosaur eggshells through petrography and geochemical analysis
- Calibration/data assimilation approach for integrating GRACE data into the WaterGAP Global Hydrology Model (WGHM) using an ensemble Kalman filter
- Challenging Issues on fog forecast with a three-dimensional fog forecast model
- Characterising Complex Ice-Tephra Spatial Feedbacks of Post-Volcanic Eruption Glacial Ablation Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
- Columns of differential reflectivity: a precursor for storm evolution and convective rain
- Compositional variation of lavas from a young volcanic field on the Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 8°48'S
- Coupling groundwater, vegetation and atmosphere processes: a comparison of two integrated models
- Cryosphere water balance in the HKH-system: case study Batura Glacier (Upper Hunza, Karakoram)
- Development of a Scale-Consistent Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Modeling System Using COSMO, Community Land Model and ParFlow
- Effects of borehole design on complex electrical resistivity measurements: laboratory validation and numerical experiments
- Ensemble postprocessing for probabilistic quantitative precipitation forecasts
- Error quantification of polarimetry-based precipitation estimates from X-band radars
- Field Heterogeneity Patterns as a Crucial Factor for Improving Crop Growth Simulations
- Hydroclimatic changes recorded in Lake Van (eastern Anatolia, Turkey) during the last glacial/interglacial cycle
- Hypothesis and Mechanisms for Accelerated Volcanism Following Megathrust Earthquakes
- Imaging hydraulic conductivity of a sand-gravel aquifer by means of complex resistivity tomography: A feasibility study at the Krauthausen test site using calibrated electrical-hydraulic relationships
- Impact of a consistent realization of the ITRS and ICRS on source positions
- Improved initial conditions of soil moisture for mesoscale models using a new data assimilation approach
- Inclusion of CO2 fluxes in a coupled mesoscale land surface and atmospheric model
- Investigating preferential flow processes in soils using anisotropy in electrical resistivity
- Multivariate forecasting of water storage change for West-Africa using sea surface temperature and GRACE data
- Numerical analysis of one-dimensional temperature data for groundwater/surface-water exchange with 1DTempPro
- Numerical correction of the phase error due to electromagnetic coupling effects in 1D EIT borehole measurements
- Quantitative geophysics in permafrost rock walls and their explanatory power for geomechanics
- Spectral Properties of ENAs generated along Lines of Sight pointed to Voyager-1 and -2 and Implications for Plasma Flows in the Inner Heliosheath
- Surface energy balance and turbulence measurements on Warszawa Icefield, King George Island, West Antarctica
- The contribution of sea-level rise to flooding in large river catchments
- The polar atmosphere of Venus: Radio occultation measurements with Venus Express and Magellan
- The use of capacitive resistivity imaging (CRI) for monitoring laboratory experiments simulating permafrost growth, persistence and thaw in bedrock
- A Model Assessment of mid-Century Pressures on Water resources in West Africa Arising from Population Growth and Climate Change
- An Adaptation Dilemma Caused by Impacts-Modeling Uncertainty
- Atmospheric Downscaling using Genetic Programming
- Batura-Glacier - mass balance and 'Karakoram Anomaly' (Upper Hunza, Karakoram)
- Calibration/data assimilation approach for integrating GRACE data into the WaterGAP Global Hydrology Model (WGHM) using an ensemble Kalman filter
- Can we bridge the gap between GRACE and its follow-on mission with GPS derived surface loading?
- Chalcophile and Siderophile Element Abundances in Kilbourne Hole Lherzolites: Distinguishing the Signature of Melt Depleted Primitive Mantle from Metasomatic Overprints
- Comparison of two integrated numerical models for groundwater-land surface-atmosphere interactions
- Coupled Subsurface-Surface-Atmosphere Feedbacks: Comparison of Two Coupled Modelling Platforms Applied to a Real Catchment
- Coupling of hydrogeological models with hydrogeophysical data to characterize seawater intrusion and shallow geothermal systems
- Dynamic pulverization by rapid decompression
- Ecophysiological patterns in field crops
- Effects of leaf area index on the coupling between water table, land surface energy fluxes, and planetary boundary layer at the regional scale
- Ensemble Kalman Filter data assimilation for the TerrSysMP fully-coupled hydrologic - land surface - atmospheric modeling system
- FOGCAST: Probabilistic fog forecasting based on operational (high-resolution) NWP models
- Geophysical characterization of crude-oil contamination: the example of the Trecate site (Italy). (Invited)
- Log-Exponential Reservoir Operating Rules for Global And Regional Hydrological Modeling
- Modeling of Permafrost Dynamics in Northern Eurasia: Implications to Permafrost Carbon Pool
- Multi-model assessment of water scarcity under climate change
- Multi-model projections and uncertainties of irrigation water demand under climate change (Invited)
- New estimates of variations in atmospheric-terrestrial flux of water over Europe, based on regional reanalysis and multi-sensor observations
- Next Generation Satellite Gravimetry Mission Study (NGGM-D)
- Patterns in coupled water and energy cycle: Modeling, synthesis with observations, and assessing the subsurface-landsurface interactions
- Performance Analysis and Scaling Behavior of the Terrestrial Systems Modeling Platform TerrSysMP in Large-Scale Supercomputing Environments
- Probabilistic evaluation of decadal CMIP5 hindcasts with the VeCAP verification package
- Quantifying the effect of spatial scales and the inclusion of groundwater on simulated surface-energy fluxes
- Quantitative analysis of the direct effect of aerosols over decadal scale by using ECHAM6-standalone
- Search for a meteoritic component in impact-melt rocks from the Lonar crater, India - Evidence from osmium isotope systematics
- Secondary overprinting of S-Se-Te signatures in the Earth's mantle: Implications for the Late Veneer
- Seismic activity of the Nevados de Chillan volcanic complex after the 2010 M8.8 Maule, Chile, earthquake
- Seismic activity triggered at the Turrialba-Irazu volcanic complex, Costa Rica, by the M7.6 2012 Nicoya earthquake
- Self-Breeding: An Approach to the Estimation of Uncertainty Structures in Non-Lineaer Models
- The hidden regional costs of improving irrigation efficiency: a case study from India
- The influence of climate input uncertainties on the assimilation of GRACE data into the WaterGAP Global Hydrology Model
- Theoretical aspects of kappa-distributed protons on the downstream side of the termination shock
- Towards consolidated science requirements for a next generation gravity field mission
- Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 32: Patterns in Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere-Systems
- A 600,000 year long continental pollen record from Lake Van, eastern Turkey
- A Gaussian Random Field Approach for Merging Radar and Ground-Based Rainfall Data on Small Spatial and Temporal Scales
- A Quantitative review of relationships between Ecosystem services
- Advanced Land use Classification Considering Intra-annual Cropping patterns and Urbanization processes as a Contribution to Improve Knowledge base for Water Management.
- Advancing Water and Water-Energy-Food Cluster Activities within Future Earth
- Assessing the Influence of Spatially Correlated Errors on Assimilation of GRACE-derived Total Water Storage Anomalies into a Global Hydrological Model
- Changes in Ecosystem Services and related Livelihoods in the Mekong Delta: vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies
- Consistent rainy season changes predicted from Regional Climate Models ensembles indicate threats to crop production in West Africa
- Detection of 3D tree root systems using high resolution ground penetration radar
- Effects of soil water availability on water fluxes in winter wheat
- Evaluation of a High-Resolution Regional Reanalysis for Europe
- Evaluation of the Miklip Decadal Prediction System Using Satellite Based Cloud Products
- Event-based aquifer-to-atmosphere modeling over the European CORDEX domain
- Extreme Water Levels in Bangladesh: Past Trends, Future Projections and their Impact on Mortality
- Field Evaluation of Broadband Electrical Impedance Tomography Measurements
- Future Challenges of Modeling THMC Systems
- Future Water Resources Assessment for West African River Basins Under Climate Change, Population Growth and Irrigation Development
- Global Modeling of Withdrawal, Allocation and Consumptive Use of Surface Water and Groundwater Resources
- Hydrogeophysical Monitoring of Water Infiltration in the Context of Soil Aquifer Treatment at the Shafdan Site (Israel)
- Identification of a Pertinent Referential Period for Drought Definition in the West African Soudano-Sahelian Zone from Precipitation
- Impact of the Spatial Arrangement of Agricultural Land Use on Ecosystems Services and Peri-Urban Livelihoods at the Landscape Scale.
- Millennial to orbital-scale ice sheet effects on drought intensity in the Eastern Mediterranean
- New insights from old spherules: Os-W isotope and HSE evidence for Paleoarchean meteorite bombardment of the Earth
- PCR-GLOBWB version 2.0: A High Resolution Integrated Global Hydrology and Water Resources Model
- Partitioning Regional Sea Level in the Bay of Bengal from a Global Grace and Jason-1/-2 Joint Inversion
- Quantifying and Projecting Relative Sea-Level Rise At The Regional Scale: The Bangladesh Sea-Level Project (BanD-AID)
- Quantifying the Effect of Model Scales with the Inclusion of Groundwater on Simulated Surface-Energy Fluxes
- Simulating Spatial Growth Patterns in Developing Countries: A Case of Shama in the Western Region of Ghana.
- Synergies Between Grace and Regional Atmospheric Modeling Efforts
- The New Horizons Radio Science Experiment: Expected Performance in Measurements of Pluto's Atmospheric Structure, Surface Pressure, and Surface Temperature
- The influence of subsurface hydrodynamics on convective precipitation
- Time-scale bias in evidence for anthropogenic acceleration of soil erosion and floodplain accretion
- Updating Esa's Earth System Model of the Time-Variable Gravity Field for Future Mission Simulation Studies
- Wheat Transpiration Response to Soil Heterogeneity
- Amount, determining factors and spatial distribution of soil organic carbon storage in the Dano catchment (Southwest Burkina-Faso)
- Assessment of water availability and demand in Lake Guiers , Senegal.
- Bush Encroachment Mapping for Africa - Multi-Scale Analysis with Remote Sensing and GIS
- Cells, Agents, and Support Vectors in Interaction - Modeling Urban Sprawl based on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Techniques in a Post-Industrial Region
- Charge-exchange Induced Modulation of the Heliosheath Ion Distribution Downstream of the Termination Shock
- China's water resources vulnerability: A spatio-temporal analysis during 2003-2013
- Combined 2-D Electrical Resistivity and Self Potential Survey to Investigate the Pattern of the Watukosek Fault System Around the Lusi Eruption Site, Indonesia.
- Combined Whole-Rock to Nano-Scale Investigations Reveal Contrasting Response of Pt-Os and Re-Os Isotope Systematics During Magmatic and Post-Magmatic Processes
- Deformation Processes of Subduction and Exhumation in Alpine Eclogites with Focus on the Tauern Window
- Early Mantle Evolution and the Late Veneer - New Perspectives from Highly Siderophile Elements
- Estimating Time-varying Trends from Geodetic Time Series
- Extreme temperature trends in major cropping systems and their relation to agricultural land use change
- Geostatistical and Fractal Analysis of Soil Moisture Patterns in a Mesoscale Catchment Using Plot to Catchment Scale Datasets
- Groundwater Flow Modeling with Processing Modflow for Windows (pmwin) for Water Balance Assessment Under Climate Variability in the Klela Basin, Southern Mali.
- Impacts of Geomagnetic Storms on the Terrestrial H-Exosphere Using Twins-Lyman Stereo Data
- Improved Understanding of an Extreme Rainfall Event at the Himalayan Foothills
- Investigating GRACE Range-Rate Observations over West Africa with respect to Small-Scale Hydrological Signals
- Late Pleistocene valley fills source sediment flux of Tibetan Plateau margin rivers, Zanskar, India
- Linking GRACE-Derived Water Storage Accelerations to Changes in Hydro-Mteorological Fluxes over West Africa
- Modeling Land Use Change Impacts on Water Resources in a Tropical West African Catchment (dano, Burkina Faso)
- Monitoring the injection of microscale zero-valent iron particles for groundwater remediation by means of complex electrical conductivity imaging
- NIDWat: A Water Balance Model for the Niger Inland Delta (NID) Floodplain in Mali
- Plans for the Third Realization of the International Celestial Reference System and its Link to the ITRF
- Polarimetric Radar Observation of Evaporation and the Implications for Rainfall Precipitation Estimation
- Radio Occultation Measurements of Pluto's Atmosphere with New Horizons
- Requirements to Observational Systems for a Better Quantification and Understanding of Hydroclimate Extremes
- SMAP/SMOS Soil moisture brightness temperature virtual observations to study data assimilation scheme
- Simulation of mesoscale and diurnal variability of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentrations in a region including complex terrain and densely populated areas
- Surface Runoff Variability on two Slope Positions and Land Use in Koupendri Catchment, Benin, West Africa: Observation and Modeling using SCS_CN Approach
- The HyperHydro (H^2) experiment for comparing different large-scale models at various resolutions
- The International Surface Temperature Initiative
- The New Horizons Radio Science Experiment: Performance and Measurements of Pluto's Atmospheric Structure, Surface Pressure, and Surface Temperature
- The Potential of Time Series Based Earth Observation for the Monitoring of Large River Deltas
- The use and re-use of unsustainably mined groundwater: A global budget
- Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 32: Patterns in Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere-Systems
- A Comparison of Approaches to Merge GRACE Observations with Hydrological Models
- A New Unified Approach to Determine Geocenter Motion Using Space Geodesy and GRACE Gravity Data
- A Regional Reanalysis with a Coupled Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere-Transfer Model on the Convective Scale
- A long-lived extensional back-arc in Anatolia?
- Added value of convection-permitting reanalyses
- An integrated approach for estimating global glacio isostatic adjustment, land ice, hydrology and ocean mass trends within a complete coupled Earth system framework
- Bangladesh Delta: Assessment of the Causes of Sea-level Rise Hazards and Integrated Development of Predictive Modeling Towards Mitigation and Adaptation (BanD-AID)
- Coherent PV anomalies associated with deep moist convection
- Comparative Assessment of a New Hydrological Modelling Approach for Prediction of Runoff in Gauged and Ungauged Basins, and Climate Change Impacts Assessment: A Case Study from Benin.
- DART: A Community Facility Providing State-of-the-Art, Efficient Ensemble Data Assimilation for Large (Coupled) Geophysical Models
- Density variations in the H-geocorona as response to geomagnetic disturbances studied by TWINS Lyman-alpha data
- Desiccation by Foliar Deposition of Hygroscopic Aerosols may link Air Pollution to Forest Decline and Tree Mortality associated with Global-Change-Type Drought
- Determination of the System Mass and the Individual Masses of Pluto and Charon from New Horizons Radio Tracking
- Dual-polarization phase shift processing with the Python ARM Radar Toolkit
- Effects of Nitrogen Fixing Pre-Crops and Fertilizers on Physical and Chemical Properties Down the Soil Profile
- Estimating TCR using an integrated model-observation framework that accounts for spatio-temporal variability and pre-industrial radiative imbalances.
- Evaluating the performance of Sentinel-3 SRAL SAR Altimetry in the Coastal and Open Ocean, and developing improved retrieval methods - The ESA SCOOP Project.
- Evaluation of Hydrometeor Classification for Winter Mixed-Phase Precipitation Events
- Exploring the potential of the cosmic-ray neutron method to simultaneously predict soil water and vegetation dynamics
- Fire Ecology and Climate Change of the Past 600,000 Years (Lake Van, Turkey)
- Fuel regulation in inland navigation: reduced soil black carbon and PAH deposition in river valleys
- Global Hydrological Drought and Teleconnections from GRACE and Sea Surface Temperature Products
- Gravity Waves in the Atmosphere of Mars as seen by the Radio Science Experiment MaRS on Mars Express
- How can countries achieve sustainable food supply in 2050: current knowledge and way forward
- How do roots alter signals of molecular proxies in terrestrial archives?
- IVS: Current Status and Future Plans
- Improvement of Hail Detection and Nowcasting by Synergetic Combination of Information from Polarimetric Radar, Model Predictions and In-situ Observations
- Long-term Stabilization of Deep Soil Carbon revisited: The Meaning of Deep Roots
- Mapping probabilities of extreme continental water storage changes from space gravimetry
- Meltwater Contributions to Irrigation in High Mountain Asia Under a Changing Climate
- Monitoring and Characterizing Crop Root Systems Using Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT)
- Monitoring the Dynamics of Water Flow at a High-Mountain Permafrost Site Using Electrical Self-Potential Measurements
- Rapid and fundamental paleolimnological changes in Lake Iznik (NW Turkey) during the Holocene/Pleistocene transition: a multiproxy - multisite approach.
- Spatial impact of burning events - lake black carbon inputs from long-distance transport
- Structural and Thermal Controls on the Frequency and Magnitude of Small-size Rockfall Events (European Swiss Alps)
- Structure and builtup of the Middle Bengal Fan at 8°N from multichannel seismic surveys and the IODP Expedition 354 drilling transect
- TerrSysMP-DART Interface: An Integrated Data Assimilation Platform for Coupled Atmosphere, Land Surface and Groundwater Model.
- Terrestrial Monitoring from Aquifers into the Atmosphere: Merging Integrated Models with Observations
- The last glacial cycle documented on the Lower Bengal Fan - chronological and paleoclimate implications
- Towards near-real time daily GRACE gravity field solutions for global monitoring of hydrological extremes
- Tracer Sampling Frequency Influences Estimates of Young Water Fraction and Streamwater Transit Time Distribution
- Uncertainty in the ITRF2014 Origin and Comparison with Surface Mass Transport Models
- Vertical and Lateral Electron Content in the Martian Ionosphere
- Added value of regional reanalyses: Precipitation and wind
- Characterization of rainfall events and correlation with reported disasters: A case in Cali, Colombia
- Coastal Sea Level along the North Eastern Atlantic Shelf from Delay Doppler Altimetry
- Combining GRACE and Altimetry to solve for present day mass changes and GIA
- Complex landslides in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt - a case study in the State of Veracruz
- Core Facility of the Juelich Observatory for Cloud Evolution (JOYCE - CF)
- Empirical Corrections to Nutation Amplitudes and Precession Computed from a Global VLBI Solution
- Evaluating short-term hydro-meteorological fluxes using GRACE-derived water storage changes
- Evaluation of decadal hindcasts by application of a satellite simulator for SSM/I & SSMIS
- Evolution of a Coronal Mass Ejection from the Sun to Mercury, Venus, Earth and Beyond
- Fertilization effects on the electrical conductivity measured by EMI, ERT, and GPR
- From crustal protoliths to mantle garnet pyroxenites: a highly siderophile elements and Os isotope perspective from the Ligurian mantle section (N. Apennine, Italy)
- Generation of multi annual land use and crop rotation data for regional agro-ecosystem modeling
- Groundwater storage variations in the North China Plain using multiple space geodetic observations
- Groundwater temperature estimation and modeling using hydrogeophysics.
- Insights into Penultimate Interglacial-Glacial Climate Change on Vegetation History at Lake Van, Turkey
- Investigating the impact of land use changes on aerosol-cloud interactions using polarimetric radar retrievals
- Local and Non-local Impacts of Human Water Use on the Terrestrial Water and Energy Cycles in Groundwater-to-Atmosphere Simulations over the European Continent
- Lower crustal section of the Oman Ophiolite drilled in Hole GT1A, ICDP Oman Drilling Project
- Millennial-scale record of overwash deposits preserved within lagoon sediments from the Arabian Peninsula
- Modeling Convectively Induced Secondary Circulations (CISCs) in the Terra Incognita
- Multi-scale Food Energy and Water Dynamics in the Blue Nile Highlands
- Overview of Hole GT2A: Drilling middle gabbro in Wadi Tayin massif, Oman ophiolite
- Overview of Hole GT3A: The sheeted dike/gabbro transition
- Paleoclimate Reconstrcution on the Lower Bengal Fan for the last 200 ka - Implications for Monsoonal Development
- Quantifying and Projecting Relative Sea-Level Rise in The Deltaic Regions
- Re-evaluating the Glacial Vegetation of the Southern Levant and Early Signs of Human Impact on the Environment
- Reconciling ocean mass content change based on direct and inverse approaches by utilizing data from GRACE, altimetry and Swarm
- Reconstructing the Glacial Cycle of the Last 150 ka in the Southern Bay of Bengal
- Removal of Outliers and Electrode Effects from Spatial Self-Potential Monitoring Data to Elucidate Subsurface Process Dynamics
- Reproducible Hydrogeophysical Inversions through the Open-Source Library pyGIMLi
- Required Accuracy of Structural Constraints in the Inversion of Electrical Resistivity Data for Improved Water Content Estimation
- Self-Potential Monitoring of Landslides on Field and Laboratory Scale
- Sentinel-3 SAR Altimetry over Coastal and Open Ocean: performance assessment and improved retrieval methods in the ESA SCOOP Project.
- Soil organic phosphorus transformations during 2000 years of paddy-rice and non-paddy management in the Yangtze River Delta, China
- Structural Characterization of the Foliated-Layered Gabbro Transition in Wadi Tayin of the Samail Ophiolite, Oman; Oman Drilling Project Holes GT1A and GT2A
- Sulfuric Acid Vapor in the Atmosphere of Venus as observed by the Venus Express Radio Science Experiment VeRa.
- Toward a Probabilistic Phenological Model for Wheat Growing Degree Days (GDD)
- Use of Large-Scale Multi-Configuration EMI Measurements to Characterize Subsurface Structures of the Vadose Zone.
- Vertical land motion along the coast of Louisiana: Integrating satellite altimetry, tide gauge and GPS
- Water, climate change and society in Bangladesh
- X-ray CT core imaging of Oman Drilling Project on D/V CHIKYU
- A Water Storage Reanalysis over the European Continent: Assimilating GRACE Data into a High-Resolution Hydrological Model
- A community effort on global assessment of anthropogenic soil erosion and sediment transfers to the coastal zones
- A novel hybrid approach of combining GRACE and a hydrological model for modeling vertical deformation by hydrological loading
- Bengal Fan depositional history through Pleistocene climate, monsoon, and sea level transitions
- Bridging the GRACE/GRACE-FO Gap with Time-variable Gravity from the Swarm Satellites
- Combining a Pollen Synthesis and Climate Simulations for Spatial Reconstructions of European Climate Using Bayesian Modelling
- Crosslink Occultations for Probing the Planetary Atmosphere and Ionosphere of Mars
- Drilling of the crust - mantle boundary in the Wadi Tayin massif in the Samail ophiolite at Oman Drilling Project Sites CM1 and 2
- Dust source identification in the Amazon Basin combining chemical and isotopic approaches
- Early Last Interglacial ocean warming drove substantial ice mass loss from Antarctica
- Emergent properties of plant hydraulic architecture across scales: from root cells to cavitating stems and land surface models
- First geochemical and mineralogical results of Oman Crust-Mantle transition: holes CM1A and CM2B characterization aboard DV-Chikyu_ Oman Drilling Project, Phase 2 Leg3
- Global empirical GIA models based on GRACE data.
- Highly scalable adaptive mesh refinement for natural hazards modeling
- Improved Retrieval Methods for Sentinel-3 SAR Altimetry over Coastal and Open Ocean and recommendations for implementation: ESA SCOOP Project Results
- Improving the Coastal Mean Dynamic Topography by Combining the Geodetic Approach from GNSS at Tide Gauges and Satellite Altimetry
- In pursuit of an earlier CMIP initialisation date ...
- Joint State and Parameter Estimation for Non-Linear Stochastic Energy Balance Models
- Model based Estimation of Resource Use Efficiency in Maize Production Systems in Nigeria
- Modeling Effective Electrical Properties of Soil-Root Continuum to Discriminate Root Traits
- Non-linear evolution of vertical land motion as a key to improve sea-level estimates
- Ocean mass change from GRACE and Swarm
- Oceanographic conditions in the Southern Bay of Bengal from 0.8 to 1.3Ma
- Oman Drilling Project Phase 2 Slimline Borehole Geophysics : Rock Parameters
- Options for building resilience and food security in the highlands of Ethiopia
- Permafrost characterization near Teller, Alaska, using petrophysical joint inversion of seismic and geoelectrical data
- Phosphorus Supply by Deep Rock Weathering Sustains Temperate Forest Ecosystem Functioning
- Satellite gravimetry for observing and indicating large-scale flood events - a global-scale assessment
- Sea-Level Change Projections for the Dutch Wadden Sea During the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century
- Tests of common assumptions underlying canopy-air exchange models of heat and water vapour
- Textures and seismic anisotropy of slow-spreading oceanic crust and serpentinized mantle at Atlantis Massif (Atlantic Ocean)
- The Effect of Water on Olivine: An Atomisitic study of Diffusion and Peierls Stresses
- The influence of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets on Antarctic ice dynamics during the Last Deglaciation
- Understanding biopore-induced drought resilience in spring wheat using 3-Dimensional root growth simulation with an approximate biopore network.
- Understanding the electrical signature of root systems at different scales to improve agrogeophysical applications
- A phase-space consideration of changing climate-PDF
- Agricultural vulnerability to changing snowmelt
- Comparison of robot and chamber based receiver antenna pattern calibrations for TRF scale determination
- Contribution of present-day processes into GPS vertical rates in a seismogenic region of Pacific basin
- Current limitations of signal separation over ice sheets using satellite gravimetry, satellite altimetry, and firn-process modeling
- Early Pleistocene Multiproxy Record From Dove Basin, Scotia Sea: New Data to Evaluate the 41kyr World Problem
- Early Pleistocene Record of Antarctic Ice Discharge Events Quantified by Ice-Rafted Debris at Site U1537, IODP Expedition 382
- Early diagenetic processes in sub-Antarctic deep marine sediments and implications for deciphering primary palaeoceanographic records (IODP Expedition 382)
- Estimation of soil states and parameters of integrated subsurface-land surface models by data assimilation
- Evaluation of Germany's network radar composite rain producs with GPM near surface precipitation estimations
- Evaluation of ensemble TerrSysMP runs for convective precipitation events using polarimetric radar retrievals - impact of land use change and large scale aerosol perturbations.
- Fertilization effects on the long-term stability of crop yields
- Highly Scalable Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Flooding Scenarios Resulting from Dam Failures.
- IODP Expedition 382 (Iceberg Alley) - goals and first results
- Imaging Spatial and Temporal Subsurface Variability in a Discontinuous Permafrost Environment
- Improved Retrieval Methods for Sentinel-3 SAR Altimetry over Coastal and Open Ocean and recommendations for implementation: ESA SCOOP Project Results
- Improved estimation of drought impacts on irrigated crops by coupling a global hydrological model to a crop model at regional scale
- Methane Emissions and Isotopic Composition along a Peatland Gradient in the Amazon
- Plastic contamination of soil: is compost the source?
- Provenance of iceberg-rafted detritus during glacial terminations of the last 500 ka at Site U1537, IODP Expedition 382
- Representation of Climate Extremes in Reanalyses - An Intercomparison
- Rethinking the definitions of modes of decadal climate variability
- Reviewed stratigraphy of the southern Scotia Sea basins (Antarctica): preliminary results on core-log-seismic integration from IODP Expedition 382
- Sea level in the Mediterranean: tide gauges, GNSS and satellite radar altimetry
- Sounding of Planetary Atmospheres and Ionospheres by Crosslink Occultations
- The Impact of Grid Resolution on Fog and Low Stratus Modelling in Complex Terrain
- The Mid-Pleistocene Transition: The Inevitable Result of Long-term Evolution of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet?
- The Shock-ICME Complex Structure observed by Wind and Venus Express
- Water Surface Elevation in the Elbe Estuary
- What does it take to improve the numerical modeling of sub-monthly ocean mass variability?
- (Ba,Sr)SO<SUB>4</SUB> Oscillatory Zoning: a Microfluidic Experiment and Advanced Pore Scale Modelling to Unravel the Formation Process
- A Geodetic Approach to Mapping and Parametrization of Argo Temperature and Salinity Profiles
- A global framework for SWOT discharge
- An estimate of temporal variation of discharge and its accuracy for the River Rhine
- CloudRoots: Integration of advanced instrumental techniques and process modelling of sub-hourly and sub-kilometre land-atmosphere interactions
- Downscaling of far-red sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence from canopy to leaf scale using data from the airborne imaging spectrometer HyPlant
- Dust climate couplings in Iceberg Alley - first results from IODP Expedition 382
- Evaluation of hydrometeor types and properties in the ICON-LAM model with polarimetric radar observations
- Global scale analysis of drought impact on croplands: a remote sensing approach
- Ground- and satellite-based microphysical retrievals: reliability and benefit for process detection
- Heat Stress under Urbanization and the Mitigating Effect of Urban Greening - A Sensitivity Study for the 2019 European Heat Wave
- Improving SAR Altimeter processing over the coastal zone and inland water - the ESA HYDROCOASTAL project
- Interhemispheric Sea-Level Forcing of the Antarctic Ice Sheet During the Last Ice Age
- Radar-based ensemble nowcasting: predictability analysis
- Representation of Climate in Reanalyses - An Intercomparison for Europe and North America
- Terrestrial Total Water Storage Anomalies (TWSA) at 50 km resolution and below from assimilating GRACE/-FO mass change into models
- The Scotia Sea Magnetic Susceptibility Record: Coupling of the Deep Ocean and Atmosphere?
- Towards a multiscale crop modelling framework for climate change adaptation assessment
- Understanding Methane Production across Diverse Tropical Peatlands
- Using Copulas for the evaluation of multi-parameter dependencies in reanalyses
- Using multi-source satellite image series for a data-informed crop yield estimation at different management scales
- A surface temperature model of Arrokoth, a Kuiper Belt Object visited by New Horizons
- Antiphased dust deposition and productivity in the Antarctic Zone over the past 1.5 million years
- Assessing a 3.0 1.7 Ma Scotia Sea relative paleointensity record and its potential to constrain the chronology of Antarctic dynamics during the intensification of bipolar glaciation
- Clouds and Vegetation Modulate Shallow Groundwater Table Depth
- Implications for shallow vertical displacement from GNSS measurements during 2020 pandemic lockdown
- Improving SAR Altimeter processing over Inland Water - the ESA HYDROCOASTAL project
- Improving SAR Altimeter processing over the coastal zone - the ESA HYDROCOASTAL project
- Late Holocene relative sea-level changes in the tropical western Pacific Ocean: implications for geophysics and archaeology
- Mapping cropland management in Niger using remote sensing time series
- Microplastic time series from 2003-2015 at 2000 m depth of the subtropical northeast Atlantic
- Modelling biomass and plant diversity in grasslands across sites and time with deep learning and Sentinel-2 satellite images
- Raspberry Pi Reflector (RPR): a low-cost water-level monitoring system based on GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry
- SAR, SARin, RDSAR and FF-SAR Altimetry Processing on Demand for Cryosat-2 and Sentinel-3 at ESAs Altimetry Virtual Lab
- Seasonal and subseasonal hydroclimatic information for economic development in Ethiopia
- Title: Atmospheric Mass Loadings for Dry and Moist Air in COSMO-REA6 and ERA 5/ERA-INTERIM Reanalyses and the Effect on the Dealiasing of the Grace-Fo Mission Data
- Towards regional reanalysis at the kilometer-scale: Improved representation of urban areas
- Tungsten Abundance and Isotope Composition of the Upper Mantle
- Water Level Time-Series and Climate Change in Central Europe
- A global framework for SWOT discharge with examples from the Ohio River
- An Overview of Asian Mega-Deltas: Forcing Factors, Responses, and Evolutions
- Attribution of Climatic Disaster Mortality to Climatic and Socioeconomic Changes.
- Connecting River Water Level from Satellite Altimetry at the Full-Catchment Scale
- Delivery and Recycling of Iron on the Eurasian Arctic Continental Shelf through the Last Deglaciation and Early Holocene
- From Nadir to Swath Altimetry to Monitor Changes of Water Cycle in Discharge and Water Storage
- Geological investigations using 3D Deep ERT: The case of the E-Test project in Plombières, Belgium
- Global barotropic tide modeling using inline self-attraction and loading in MPAS-Ocean
- How to interface between Shallow Cumulus Modelling and Stereo Camera Observations
- Improving SAR Altimeter processing over Inland Water - the ESA HYDROCOASTAL project
- Improving SAR Altimeter processing over the coastal zone - the ESA HYDROCOASTAL project
- Interhemispheric ice-ocean-atmosphere coupling during the last glacial cycle
- Late Pleistocene Atmosphere-Ocean-Ice Sheet Coupling in the Scotia Sea: Unraveling the Magnetic Susceptibility-Ice Core Dust Correlation
- Open Radar Science in Action
- Provenance of Iceberg Rafted Detritus Peaks During Termination 1 at Antarctica's Iceberg Alley Site U1537
- Radio Sounding of the Solar Corona During the Solar Cycles 23 to 25 by Mars Express, Venus Express and Rosetta
- Roots Respond Fast and Remain Responsive to Multiple Water Pulses Applied in Different Soil Layers at Different Moments
- SAR, SARin, RDSAR and FF-SAR Altimetry Processing on Demand in the Coastal Zone for Cryosat-2 and Sentinel-3 at ESA's Altimetry Virtual Lab
- SAR, SARin, RDSAR and FF-SAR Altimetry Processing on Demand over Inland Water for Cryosat-2 and Sentinel-3 at ESA's Altimetry Virtual Lab
- The importance of understanding river temperatures in a human-dominated world
- Towards Earth System Reanalysis: The Impact of Temperature Assimilation at the Interface of Land and Atmosphere
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Verbiscer
- Andreas Kemna
- Andrew Roberts
- Angelica Tarpanelli
- Arianna Valmassoi
- Augusto Getirana
- Brian K. Arbic
- C. B. Olkin
- C. J. A. Howett
- C. J. Bierson
- C. J. Gleason
- Christian France‐Lanord
- Christine Hatté
- Craig Brinkerhoff
- Cédric H. David
- Daniel Pflugfelder
- Darren Engwirda
- Darren L. Ficklin
- David M. Hannah
- Dipesh Chapagain
- Elizabeth H. Altenau
- Felipe Geremia‐Nievinski
- G. B. Crew
- George H. Allen
- H. A. Weaver
- H. Fichtner
- He Yin
- Heidi Villadsen
- I. R. Linscott
- Ian Bailey
- J. R. Spencer
- J. S. Stoner
- J. T. Keane
- Javier Muro
- Joana Fernandes
- Jonas K. Limbrock
- Jonathan Lala
- Jonathan P. Warnock
- José M. Ferrándiz
- Julian Klaus
- K. N. Singer
- Kathy J. Licht
- Kristine M. Larson
- Kurt D. Retherford
- Lara F. Pérez
- Liangzhi You
- Lisa Tauxe
- Luciana Fenoglio-Marc
- M. Bzowski
- M. Hahn
- M. Pätzold
- Makan A. Karegar
- Mark Petersen
- Marta Marcos
- Maureen E Raymo
- Maxwell Grover
- Michael Durand
- Michael E Weber
- Michael Schindelegger
- Mikhaïl Karpytchev
- Mohammad J. Tourian
- Mélanie Becker
- Navneet Kumar
- Niko Wanders
- Ole Andersen
- Osamu Seki
- Paul Bates
- Philip J. Ward
- Prabhakar Shrestha
- R. A. Beyer
- Renato Prata de Moraes Frasson
- Richard J. Walker
- Robert G. Hatfield
- Robert Koller
- Robert W. Dudley
- Roel Neggers
- S. A. Margulis
- S. A. Stern
- S. P. Coss
- S. R. Hemming
- Safat Sikder
- Samuel Birch
- Sarwar Hossain
- Simon Williams
- Stanislaus J. Schymanski
- Stefano Vignudelli
- T. Pavelsky
- Thomas M. Mitchell
- Trevor Williams
- Yannick Rainer Burchart
- Yasmina M. Martos