University of Canterbury, New Zealand
flowchart I[University of Canterbury, New Zealand] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (341)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (43)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Characterizing Earthflow Surface Morphology Using Airborne Laser Altimetry
- Characterizing rates and mechanisms of soil transport using tephra as a tracer: Charwell River, South Island, New Zealand
- Conglomerate Provenance and Geochronology: Dating the Accretion of an Intra-Oceanic Arc, Bowers Terrane, Antarctica
- Long-Term Stability of Pyroclastic Dams Around Mount Pinatubo
- Low-Gradient Debris Slopes and Implications for Water-Driven Sediment Transport Processes on Mars
- Theoretical and Experimental Studies of O-CO<SUB>2</SUB> Collisions
- Variation of thrust-fault displacement and deformation style along segments of the Ostler fault zone, New Zealand.
- Application of Dense Array Analysis to Strong Motion Data Recorded at The SMART-1 Array
- Oblique Strike-Slip Faults and Structural Geomorphology: new Insights From the Plate Boundary Transfer Zone, NE South Island, New Zealand
- Relationships Between GIS-Based Erosion Indices and Relief Production in the Karakoram Himalaya
- Late Quaternary Large-Scale Rock-Mass Defect Controlled Landslides of Eastern North Island, New Zealand: Tectonic and Climatic Forcing in Landscape Evolution
- Structural Evolution of a Young Sedimentary Basin (Blythe River Basin) in a Subduction to Strike-Slip Setting, NE South Island, New Zealand.
- The 340-240 ka Ignimbrite Flare-up Event in Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Volatile contents of komatiite magmas and the Archaean mantle: Insights from melt inclusions in komatiites
- Dynamic Rock Fragmentation in Grain Flow: Application to Geophysical Shearing
- Landslide disaster avoidance: learning from Leyte
- Polar Contests for the IPY: a Youth Steering Committee Project
- Quantifying submarine landslide processes driven by active tectonic forcing: Cook Strait submarine canyon, New Zealand.
- Seafloor Structural Geomorphic Evolution in Response to Seamount Subduction, Poverty Bay Indentation, New Zealand
- Grain Fragmentation: Dynamic Implications
- High Resolution 3D Seismic Reflection Imaging Across the Northern Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- High Resolution Seismic Reflection Survey Across a Segmentation Transfer Zone in the Ostler Fault Zone, South Island, New Zealand
- Mercury biomagnification in polar bears ( Ursus maritimus)
- No Energy Loss to Surface Energy in Rock Fragmentation
- Oxygen Isotopes of Silicic Volcanic Deposits of NW Costa Rica: A Key to Understanding Crustal Evolution in Central America?
- - an IPY Education and Outreach Project of the German Youth Steering Committee
- The 280 ka Matahina Eruption, Okataina Volcanic Centre, New Zealand: A Protracted Rhyolite Magma Assembly by Fractional Crystallization, Melt Extraction, Rhyolite-Rhyolite Mixing, and Magmatic Stratification
- Mafic/Felsic Interaction Processes in Composite Plutons: An Example From Stewart Island, New Zealand
- Repeated remobilisation of submarine landslide debris on an active subduction margin interpreted from multibeam bathymetry and multichannel seismic data
- Seismic and GPR Imaging of the Springfield Fault System, Canterbury Plains, New Zealand
- Tectonic Variations Along the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand, and Relationships to Fluid Flow and Cold Seep Sites
- Volcanology and Petrology of Clasts and Tephra in the AND-2A core, ANDRILL Southern McMurdo Sound Project, Antarctica
- A new aquatic gastropod stable isotopic continental paleoclimate proxy for New Zealand systems
- Causes of supervolcano eruptions
- Construction of a calc-alkaline pluton by repeated injection of mafic sheets into an intermediate-felsic magma chamber - an example from New Zealand
- Continental arc dynamics: a plutonic-volcanic marriage in New Zealand
- Jay Melosh was right! Earthquake acoustics can trigger fault rupture
- Searching for the buried memory of past strong earthquakes on strike-slip faults
- Structures within two ancestral eruptive sites at Cotopaxi Volcano, Ecuador
- The upper lithostratigraphic unit of ANDRILL AND-2A core (Southern McMurdo Sound, Antarctica): local Pleistocene volcanic sources, paleoenvironmental implications and subsidence in the southern Victoria Land Basin
- Time, temperature and water pressure dependent reheating of volcanic plugs, conduits and domes
- Volcano in the basement, a new experimental rig for the development of volcanic textures
- Welding of Pyroclastic Deposits: Questions Arising from Experiments (Invited)
- A New Method of Obtaining High-Resolution Paleoclimate Records from Speleothem Fluid Inclusions
- Anatomy of a Plate Boundary at Shallow Crustal Levels: a Composite Section from the Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Carbon cycling in floodplain ecosystems: excess pCO2, extreme δ13C, and snail shell proxies
- Carbonate dissolution through the subdution gauntlet and its impact on the marine Sr isotope composition
- Catalysis of Methane Production in Serpentinization Systems
- Characteristics of Antarctic gravity waves in the lower atmosphere and their long-term variations at McMurdo and the South Pole
- Common Pool Water Markets and their Role in Facilitating Land Use Change in Drying Climates
- Coupled solar-magnetic orientation during leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias), arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea), and humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) long-distance migration
- Exhumation of eclogite in an extrusion wedge: Insights from geodynamical modeling
- First LiDAR images of the Alpine Fault, central South Island, New Zealand
- Floodplain Polygenesis: from Geomorphic Construction to Forest Pattern
- Geochemistry and Minerality of Wine
- Hydration of a Rhyolitic Magma by Spherulite Growth
- Influence of Hydrologic Regime and Biogeochemistry on Sediment Phosphorus Retention and Release Processes in Shallow Freshwater Ecosystems
- Internal ice layer architecture determined by automatic processing of Radar-Echo Sounding data: Rutford Ice Stream, Subglacial Lake Ellsworth and Fletcher Promontory
- Numerical Modelling of Fire-Atmosphere Interactions and the 2003 Canberra Bushfires
- Preliminary geophysical, geohazard, and geomorphic mapping of the Alpine Fault Deep Fault Drilling Project (DFDP), Gaunt Creek, New Zealand
- Provenance analysis of the SMS ANDRILL core: Trends in sandstone composition
- Rock Breakage Energy and Large-Scale Low-Friction Geodynamic Phenomena
- The `Daly Gap' and implications for magma differentiation in composite shield volcanoes: A case study from Akaroa Volcano, New Zealand
- The death of a Strombolian eruption: Evidence for dyke drainage from Red Crater, Tongariro volcano, New Zealand
- Understanding surface-groundwater interactions through combined physical and chemical data analysis: tracing shallow groundwater recharge in Christchurch, New Zealand
- 'Structure-from-Motion': a high resolution, low-cost photogrammetric tool for geoscience applications
- A model for caldera resurgence
- Assessing tsunami signatures in the geologic record for long-term risk evaluation, Samoan Islands
- Co-seismic displacements from differencing and sub-pixel correlation of multi-temporal LiDAR and cadastral surveys: application to the Greendale Fault, Canterbury, New Zealand
- Comminution and frictional melting in volcanic conduits
- Constrictional strain during oblique rifting: A record from transtensional basins in the Gulf Extensional Province
- Earthquake hydrology of the Avon-springs catchment, Christchurch, New Zealand: Stable isotopic tracing of surface water-groundwater interaction following a large near-field seismic event
- Experimental calibration of Phreatic and Hydrothermal Explosions: A case study on Lake Okaro, New Zealand
- Fault-Zone Trapped Waves from Aftershocks of the M7.2 Darfield and M6.3 Christchurch Earthquake Sequence for Document of Subsurface Damage Zones
- Inadequacy, Impurity and Infidelity; Modifying the Modified Brendel Alpha-Cellulose Extraction Method for Resinous Woods in Stable Isotope Dendroclimatology
- Meeting International Career Development Needs through Free Online Webinars
- Modes of range growth and faulting styles in the central Southern Alps, New Zealand
- Paleointensity determinations during the Akaroa polarity reversal, New Zealand: New input from the multispecimen parallel differential pTRM method
- Permeability development during compaction of pumiceous dome lavas: testing the permeable foam collapse model
- Preliminary Results From Combined Geomorphic LiDAR Mapping, Radiocarbon Dating, and Slip-rates Along The Central Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Rain- and meltwater induced basal melting in high-rainfall glaciers
- Sequence Stratigraphic Model of a Mid-Tertiary Cool-water Carbonate System using Palaeo-depth Indicators: An Example from the Waitaki Region, New Zealand
- Shining new light on braided rivers: capturing grain-to-reach scale morphodynamics with terrestrial laser scanning
- Significant along-strike variations in fault gouge thickness, friction coefficient and mineralogy, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Soft-sediment deformation in New Zealand: Structures resulting from the 2010/11 Christchurch earthquakes and comparison with Pleistocene sediments of the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ)
- Stable isotopic composition of extra-tropical meteoric waters in New Zealand
- The Migration Matrix: Marine Vertebrate Movements in Magnetic Coordinate Space
- The Volcanic Hazards Simulation: Students behaving expert-like when faced with challenging, authentic tasks during a simulated Volcanic Crisis
- The fusion of terrestrial laser scanning and optical bathymetric mapping to monitor braided river morphodynamics
- The rise and fall of an arc-continent collisional orogen: insights from synorogenic sediments in Timor Leste
- Tracing the source and fate of nitrate in contemporary mixed land-use surface water systems
- Using a semi-distributed physically-based hydrological model to explain diurnal to decadal scale ice velocity variations on Franz Josef Glacier (Ka Roimata o Hine Hukatere), New Zealand
- What is the Source? Post-glacial sediment flux from the Waipaoa Catchment, New Zealand
- Along strike applicability of results from the Deep Fault Drilling Project, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Alternating Authigenic and Carbonate Factory Production within a Cool-water Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphic Framework
- Analysis of uncertainty in the nitrous oxide flux values measured using a coupled eddy covariance - flux gradient technique
- Characterisation of modern and paleo-liquefaction features in Christchurch, New Zealand following the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence
- Characterising the magmatic heat source in the central Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand: new insights and discoveries
- Chemical characterization and metal abundance in Sri Lankan serpentine soils
- Creating High Quality DEMs of Large Scale Fluvial Environments Using Structure-from-Motion
- Determining the origin and flowpaths of hydrothermal fluids in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Dissolved, Exsolved and Re-dissolved H2O in Volcanology: Rheology, Glass Transition, and Thermodynamics
- Drilling reveals fluid control on architecture and rupture of the Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Examining vertical patterns in Arctic tundra shrub canopies: Implications for carbon cycling in a changing environment
- Floods, landslides and short-term meandering bedrock river dynamics
- Geochemical evidence of multiple isolated magma batches in the paired Mamaku and Ohakuri eruption, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Gravity waves from 30 to 160 km observed by an Fe lidar at McMurdo, Antarctica
- Hillslope response to climate-modulated river incision and the role of deep-seated landslides in post-glacial sediment flux: Waipaoa Sedimentary System, New Zealand
- Hydrological Connectivity and Science and Policy Integration Issues for Aquatic Resource Jurisdictional Determinations in a Semi-Arid Region of the Western U.S
- Knickpoint Propagation and Hillslope Response in the Mangataikapua Catchment, Waipaoa River, New Zealand
- LIDAR differencing applied to understanding debris flows and coastal evolution
- Large-scale internal structure in volcanogenic breakout flood deposits: Extensive GPR survey on volcaniclastic deposits
- Lithological Characteristics of the Alpine Fault Zone from DFDP-1 and Outcrop Observations
- Microfracture development and foam collapse during lava dome growth
- New insights into the rupture history of the Hope fault, New Zealand
- Petrophysical Characteristics of Fault rocks from the Central Alpine Fault — Results from Wireline Logging and Core Analysis in DFDP-1
- Preliminary dextral slip and slip repetition during recent central Alpine fault earthquakes, based on lidar and field mapping, South Island, New Zealand
- Pyroclastic Density Current Hazards in the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand
- Simulation of Spatial Distribution of Mineral Dust and its Direct Radiative Forcing over Australia
- Stable isotopes as a tool for quantifying sources and sinks of New Zealand's growing nitrate problem
- Subsurface Rock Damage Structure of the Mw7.1 Darfield and Mw6.3 Christchurch Earthquake Sequence Viewed with Fault-Zone Trapped Waves
- Surface and Subsurface Fault Displacements from the September 2010 Darfield (Canterbury) Earthquake
- Synchronous late Pleistocene extensional faulting and basaltic volcanism in pluvial Fort Rock basin, central Oregon
- The <SUP>13</SUP>C-excess: a new dual-element stable isotopic approach for detrending the effects of evaporation on lake carbonates
- The effect of glaciation on the intensity of seismic ground motions and associated rock slope damage
- Tracking landslides and landscape evolution using airborne lidar, InSAR, historical air photos, cosmogenic radionuclides, and numerical models
- Unravelling the deep fluid composition in the Taupo Volcanic Zone: insight into the magmatic-hydrothermal transition
- An Analysis of Historical Impacts of Water Resources Development on Water Levels of the Mekong River (Invited)
- Analog modeling of strike-slip surface ruptures: Implications for Greendale Fault (New Zealand) mechanics and paleoseismology
- Characterizing silicic rocks in the Parana Magmatic Province: an update in their origin and emplacement
- Christchurch field data for rockfall model calibration
- Compaction and contraction: Densification timescales of porous magmas
- Cosmogenic Exposure Dating of Paleo-Rockfall Deposits, Christchurch, New Zealand
- Debris avalanche deposits: emplacement dynamics, morphology and hazards (Invited)
- Development of a risk assessment tool for volcanic urban environments: RiskScape and the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand
- Floods, fish, and people: Connecting biogeochemical fluxes to aquatic ecosystem functions and people (Invited)
- Fluvial terrain models produced with Structure-from-Motion and optical bathymetric mapping: Fit for the purpose of numerical modelling
- From Source to Surface: Towards a Better Understanding of Heat and Mass Transfer in the Geothermal Systems at the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand (Invited)
- Geochemical variability of hydrothermal emissions between three Pacific volcanic arc systems: Alaskan-Aleutian and Cascadian, North America and Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Greigite-related complex magnetic polarity records unraveled through an integrated rock magnetic analysis: A case study on Neogene sections in East Timor
- Grounding Zone Ice Thickness from Satellite: Inverse Modelling of Tidal Bending
- High T-P frictional strength and stability of exhumed fault core gouges, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Impacts of Hydrological Alterations to the Tonle Sap Ecosystem of the Mekong River Basin
- Lidar reveals paleoseismic sites and recent strike-slip and thrust faulting along the central Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Metal roof corrosion related to volcanic ash deposition
- Modelling the impact of large dams on flows and hydropower production of the Sekong, Sesan and Srepok Rivers in the Mekong Basin
- New Discoveries Resulted from Lidar Investigation of Middle and Upper Atmosphere Temperature, Composition, Chemistry and Dynamics at McMurdo, Antarctica
- Paleoseismic evidence for long-term segmentation of a major range-bounding reverse fault, Southern Alps, New Zealand
- Paleoseismology of the 2010 Mw 7.1 Darfield (Canterbury) earthquake source, Greendale Fault, New Zealand
- Phase-equilibrium geobarometers for silicic rocks based on rhyolite-MELTS
- Reconstructing level changes and assessing evidence for tectonic and glacial-rebound induced tilting of the Lake Wakatipu basin, New Zealand using novel techniques for correlating and dating paleoshorelines
- Relative Humidity and Temperature Effects on the Viscosity of Secondary Organic Material from α-pinene Ozonolysis
- Rock avalanches: significance and progress (Invited)
- Textural evolution of a conduit margin witnessing the unusual explosivity of a basaltic Plinian eruption
- The <SUP>13</SUP>C-excess: a new dual element stable isotopic approach for de-trending the effects of evaporation on lake carbonates
- The Geothermal Stimulator: A Pathway To Understanding Geothermal Stimulation In The Laboratory
- The Imbalance between Nature and Management: Jurisdictional Evaluation of Headwaters in a Mountain Watershed (Invited)
- The Near-Earth Flyby of Asteroid 2012 DA14 (Invited)
- Timescales and conditions of crystallization in the Pokai and Chimpanzee Ignimbrites, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Timing and recurrence of late Holocene earthquakes on the Hope Fault, New Zealand, highlighting insights from LiDAR and paleoseismic studies
- What Does a Late-Interseismic Continental Plate-Bounding Fault Look Like Up Close? 0.1-100 m-Scale Structure of the Alpine Fault Revealed by DFDP-1 Wireline Logging Data and Core Samples (Invited)
- A Semi-empirical Model of the Stratosphere in the Climate System
- Application of Fuzzy Logic GIS to Modelling Coseismic Landslide Susceptibility in the Southern Alps, New Zealand, from a Potential Alpine Fault Earthquake
- Discovery of New Methane-bearing Hyperalkaline Springs in the Serpentinized Dun Mountain Ophiolite, New Zealand
- Draining mafic magma from conduits during Strombolian eruption
- Formation of rhyolite at the Okataina Volcanic Complex, New Zealand: New insights from analysis of quartz clusters in plutonic lithics
- High Altitude Landscape Evolution in the Himalaya - Creating the 9000ers?
- Hydrothermal Redox Dynamics in the Central Crater at White Island, New Zealand
- Insights into Proximal-Medial Pyroclastic Density Current Deposits at a High-Risk Glaciated Volcano: Mt Ruapehu, New Zealand
- Investigating Potential Earthquake Triggers for the Exceptionally Large Green Lake Rock Avalanche, New Zealand, through Fuzzy Logic GIS Based Landslide Susceptibility Modeling
- Melt inclusion shapes: Timekeepers of short-lived giant magma bodies
- Modelling climate change effects on spatial variability in subcatchment flows in a mountain basin, New Zealand.
- Mystery of Polar Inertia-gravity Waves: An Observational Study Combining Lidar, Radar and Airglow Imager at McMurdo/Scott Base (77.8°S, 166.7°E)
- New field evidence for silicic ignimbrites and proximal lavas and their distribution in the Parana Basin, Brazil
- Observations of the Summertime Boundary Layer over the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica Using SUMO UAVs
- Paleotopography, paleohydroclimate, or both? Unraveling terrestrial stable isotopic records through multi-proxy methods
- Plate boundary behaviour, recent uplift, and seismic hazard along the Central Alpine Fault near the Whataroa River, South Island, New Zealand
- Potential Influence of Perchlorate on Organic Carbon in Martian Regolith
- Reconstructing Flow Patterns from Tsunami Deposits with No Visible Sedimentary Structure
- Shallow velocity imaging of an active volcano
- Statistical Signature of Deep-seated Landslides
- The Role of Windbreaks in Reducing Water Resources Use in Irrigated Agriculture
- Uncertainty and variability in sediment loads in the largest tributary of the Mekong Basin using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool
- Using the Co-Production of Knowledge for Developing Realistic Natural Disaster Scenarios for Small-to-Medium Scale Emergency Management Exercises
- Cape Adare - A sentinel for change in Antarctica
- Characterizing Microbial Mat Morphology with Structure from Motion Techniques in Ice-Covered Lake Joyce, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Climate Change, Glacier Retreat and Sediment Waves: Evidences from Fans in the Fox Glacial valley (New Zealand) and Analogical Modeling
- Electromagnetic Mapping of the Thickness of the Sub-Ice Platelet Layer Under Landfast Sea Sce in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
- Global Patterns in Leaf Respiration and its Temperature Response
- Google [x] Project Loon Measurements of Stratospheric Temperature, Pressure and Wind as a Data Source for Reanalyses over Southern High Latitudes
- International Database of Volcanic Ash Impacts
- Modernization of the International Volcanic Ash Website - a global resource for ashfall preparedness and impact guidance.
- Occultation Evidence for Haze in Pluto's Atmosphere in 2015 at the New Horizons Encounter
- Platelet ice distribution in Antarctic sea ice and its implications for ocean - ice shelf interaction
- Potential Influence of Perchlorate on Heavy Metals and Organic Carbon in Serpentine Soil; Implications for Martian Regolith
- Priming Silicic Giant Magma Bodies: Finding Evidence for Internal Forcing Versus External Triggering of Supereruptions by Phase Equilibria Modeling.
- Pyroclastic density current dynamics and associated hazards at ice-covered volcanoes
- Rapid δ<SUP>13</SUP>C Analysis of Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux in H<SUB>2</SUB>S-rich Geothermal Areas
- Scientists' Perceptions of Communicating During Crises
- Simulation of Climate Change Effects on Hydropower Lake Inflows in a Mountain Basin, South Island, New Zealand
- Southern Ocean Blocking: A comparison of reanalyses
- Structure, stress, and fluid flow characterization of the Rotokawa Geothermal Field, NZ
- Student Perceptions of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Geologic Note-taking with iPads
- Tectonic Uplift and Fan Delta Incision along the Conway Coast, NZ
- Terrestrial Laser Scanning of Lava Flows to Constrain Fracture Models in Geothermal Reservoirs; a Case Study from the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- The Use of Intensity Scales In Exploiting Tsunami Historical Databases
- Under Pressure: New Geobarometer Developed to Determine Crystallization Conditions and Storage Depths of Intermediate Magmas
- Variability of recurrence interval for New Zealand surface-rupturing paleoearthquakes
- Volcanic hazards at distant critical infrastructure: A method for bespoke, multi-disciplinary assessment
- Zooming into the Paraná-Etendeka silicic volcanics, southern Brasil: a physical volcanological approach
- 3-D acoustic waveform simulation and inversion at Yasur Volcano, Vanuatu
- A Grid of Fine Wire Thermocouples to Study the Spatial Coherence of Turbulence within Katabatic Flow through a Vineyard Canopy
- Advent of Continents: A New Hypothesis and Evidence from Nishinoshima Volcano
- Assessing dam development, land use conversion, and climate change pressures on tributary river flows and water quality of the Mekong's Tonle Sap basin.
- Earthquake Clustering on Upper-plate Faults and the Subduction Thrust Controls Uplift Rate Transients and Long-term Forearc Topography along Subduction Margins
- Ecosystem Dynamics of the Microbial Mats in Lake Fryxell, Antarctica
- How to Avoid Errors in Error Propagation: Prediction Intervals and Confidence Intervals in Forest Biomass
- Informing Policy and Management in New Zealand Agricultural Regions Using Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopes to Quantify Hot Spots and Hot Moments of Nitrate Loss
- Measuring slip in paleoearthquakes using high-resolution aerial lidar data: Combined analysis of the Wairau, Awatere, Clarence, and Hope faults, South Island, New Zealand
- Multidirectional seismo-acoustic wavefield of strombolian explosions at Yasur, Vanuatu using a broadband seismo-acoustic network, infrasound arrays, and infrasonic sensors on tethered balloons
- Observing changes at Santiaguito Volcano, Guatemala with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
- Petrogenetic Processes Leading to Rare Earth Element Mineralization in the A-type French Creek Granite, West Coast, New Zealand
- ROMY: A 4-component large ring laser for geophysics
- Simultaneous in situ CO<SUB>2</SUB> soil flux and isotopic analysis in a high CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux environment at Mammoth Mountain, CA
- Stromatolites Record Changing Primary Productivity in Perennially Ice-Covered Lake Joyce, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- The 3D Distribution of Magma Bodies that Fed the Paraná Silicic Volcanics, Brazil: A Combination of Field Evidence, Textural Analysis, and Geothermobarometry
- The New Zealand Tsunami Database: historical and modern records
- The depths of magma extraction in the most productive silicic volcanic system on Earth, central Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Uncertainty in Flow and Sediment Projections in the Mekong River Basin Dominated by Land Use Conversions
- 3-D acoustic waveform simulation and inversion supplemented by infrasound sensors on a tethered weather balloon at Yasur Volcano, Vanuatu
- Comparing Three-Dimensional Geophysical Models of Mount St. Helens
- Crustal inheritance and arc magmatism: Magnetotelluric constraints from the Washington Cascades on top-down control
- Experimental Evidence of Volcanic Earthquakes Induced by Different Fluid Types
- Finite Element Simulations of Kaikoura, NZ Earthquake using DInSAR and High-Resolution DSMs
- Imaging the Magmatic System of Erebus Volcano, Antarctica using the Magnetotelluric Method
- Large-scale fault interactions at the termination of a subduction margin
- Losing ground in mega-deltas: basin-scale response to existential threats to the Mekong Delta
- On the physical properties of volcanic rock masses
- Production of Magmatic CO<SUB>2</SUB> at Mammoth Mountain, CA
- Reaction of Rhyolitic Magma to its Interception by the IDDP-1 Well, Krafla, 2009
- The role of complex site and basin response in Wellington city, New Zealand, during the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake and other recent earthquake sequences.
- Updating the New Zealand Glacier Inventory
- Variable modes of rifting in the eastern Basin and Range, USA from on-fault geological evidence
- A Semi-automated Method for Rapid, Bulk Fault Displacement Analysis
- A multi-scale modeling framework for targeted hydrologic observations
- Balancing hydropower generation and forest protection in Cambodia
- Breaking a Subduction-Termination from Top to Bottom: The Large 2016 Kaikōura Earthquake
- Building a Model of Collapse and Debris Flow Hazards at Mt. Ruapehu with Remote Sensing
- Characterization of Flank Eruptions using Paleo-stress Fields: Akaroa, New Zealand
- Conjugate Strike Slip Faulting Associated with Seamount Subduction at the Hikurangi Deformation Front, New Zealand
- Correlation of Sub-decadal River Channel Profile Behaviors with Geologic Structure and Gravel Extraction
- Distribution of vapour and condensate in a hydrothermal system: Insights from self-potential inversion at Mount Tongariro, New Zealand
- Dynamics of the Tongariro Magmatic System During the 2012 Eruptive Sequence: Insights from Magnetotellurics
- High- to Low-Frequency Gravity Waves Observed in Vertical Winds and Temperatures over McMurdo, Antarctica
- InSAR for tide modelling in Antarctic ice-shelf grounding zones
- Mixing and entrainment at the interface of lock-release gravity currents
- New technologies to measure temporal variations of magmatic helium and CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions at Mammoth Mountain California
- Niche Selection in the Benthic Microbial Communities of Lake Fryxell, Antarctica
- Nishinoshima Volcano in the Ogasawara (Bonin) Arc: New Continent from the Ocean?
- Preliminary Results of the Metal Earth Magnetotelluric Survey
- Simultaneous Observations of Thermosphere-Ionosphere Fe and Na (TIFe and TINa) Layers, Mesospheric Fe and Na Layers, and Gravity Waves with Na Doppler and Fe Boltzmann Lidars over McMurdo, Antarctica
- Structure and Fluid Flow in Andesitic Systems of the Taupo Volcanic Zone: a Framework to Unravel Subseafloor Hydrothermal Flow Pathways at Brothers Volcano, Kermadec Arc?
- Surface faulting associated with the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikoura earthquake: complexity of ruptures, 3D structure, geological history and fault source definition
- The 26th June 2018 eruption at Sierra Negra volcano, Galapagos archipelago: early results on seismic tremor and low frequency seismicity from a temporary network
- Tsunami Vulnerability of Critical Infrastructure: Development and Application of Functions for Infrastructure Impact Assessment
- Using In Situ Stable Water Isotope Fluxes to Understand Hydrologic Budget and Mixing Dynamics of the Antarctic Dry Valley Lakes
- Using novel, integrated approaches to measure volcanic rock properties
- What is this ice: geophysical investigations of a thick accreted basal ice layer at HWD-2, Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- 3D surface displacements during the 2016 M<SUB>W</SUB> 7.8 Kaikōura (New Zealand) earthquake from photogrammetry-derived point clouds
- An Overview of Investigations Into the Permeability of the Antarctic Vortex Using Loon Balloon Trajectory Data
- Assessing Watershed and Reservoir Level Sediment Management Options for Reducing Hydropower Production Loss Under LULC Uncertainty
- Characterizing deformation surrounding the Húsavík-Flatey fault in northern Iceland through statistical analysis of structural and paleomagnetic data
- Co-creation of the Alpine Fault M8 (AF8) Impact Scenario: Insights from the scientist-practitioner interface
- Extraction, Storage, and Eruptibility of Magmas that Fed the Paired Ohakuri-Mamaku Eruption, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Investigating Crustal and Mantle Contributions using Pb and Sr Isotopes in Okataina and Taupo Volcanic Centers, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Modeling the Cratonic- to Deposit-Scale Resistivity Structure of the Archean Superior Province, Canada Using a Sequential Inversion Workflow of Magnetotelluric Data
- Modelling Conductive and Convective Heat Extraction from Silicic Magma Bodies in the Central Taupō Volcanic Zone
- Oscillating Storage: The Conditions and Sequence of Magma Storage and Eruption Through the Protracted Whakamaru Supereruption, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Quantifying water surface-atmosphere energy and trace gas exchanges using small pontoon mounted eddy covariance systems
- Rhyolite Eruptions Triggered by Rapid Hydrothermal Cooling: Thermomechanical Models of the Taupo Volcanic Zone
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Patterns of Inundation within the Várzea Floodplain Forest of the Central Amazon
- The Earthquake Flat and Rotoiti Subsurface Relationship (Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand): A Cryptic Connection at Depth?
- The Southern Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault Zone, Chile: Preliminary Characterization of Recent Motions Using High Resolution Topography and Fieldwork
- The role of lithology in steam-driven eruptions and its effect on energy partitioning and crater morphology
- Tsunami Vulnerability of Critical Infrastructure: Development and Application of Functions for Infrastructure Impact Assessment
- Understanding the Thermal and Chemical State of a Silicic Magmatic System Prior to Caldera-Forming Eruptions: Taupo Volcanic Center, New Zealand
- Unraveling Diffuse Deformation in the Drum Mountains, Utah, with Paleoseismology, Modern Geodesy, and Historical Aerial Photography
- Variability of ice shelf-influenced fast ice and the sub-ice platelet layer
- Volcanica: a diamond open-access success story for volcano-based research
- Connecting to places near and far in virtual field trips: from Aotearoa New Zealand to Iceland
- Correlating physical and mechanical rock properties with reflectance spectroscopy: towards regional-scale mapping and modeling of volcanic environments and beyond
- Coseismic displacement from the 1987 Edgecumbe earthquake, New Zealand, using historical aerial photos and photogrammetry
- Early lichen colonization on earthquake induced rockfall: Implications for lichenometry and paleoseismology
- Electrofuels and curtailment of wind and solar power
- High Resolution Sagnac Interferometry for the Geosciences
- Ice sheet surface velocity determination from ICESat-2 repeat tracks
- Leaf and Wood Decomposition Across Tropical Lowland and Montane Forests: A Pantropical Study Across Climates
- Mobilizing high crystallinity magmas: Earthquake Flat eruption of the Okataina Volcanic Center, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- New insights into the construction of the 25.4 ka Oruanui, New Zealand, magma reservoir from a comparison of whole-rock and plagioclase-hosted zircon records
- Prospects for Trans-Neptunian Exploration with Interstellar Probe
- Rapid and Episodic Groundwater Erosion of Coastal Gullies Controlled by Rainfall Intensity and Substrate Variability: Insights from the Canterbury coast (New Zealand)
- Surface deformation of the Lake Heron fault, mid-Canterbury, New Zealand
- Thermal Regime, Legacy Structures, Upper Mantle Hydration and Lithospheric-Scale Magmatic Processes of the Antarctic Interior from Regional-Scale Electrical Properties
- Active Distributed Temperature Sensing and Electrical Resistivity Surveys to Assess Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction and River Loss in Braided River Systems
- Active faulting and rock uplift along the eastern Hellenic forearc in Greece: preliminary results from the islands of Crete, Kassos, Karpathos and Rhodes
- Assessing the potential for earthquake-triggered lava dome instability at Mount Unzen, Japan
- Direct radiative effects of airborne microplastics
- Does accumulation of large volumes of silicic magma require prolonged heating?
- Evaluation of a real-time automated system for probabilistic forecasts of phreatic eruptions
- Exporting sunshine: Planning South Americas energy transition with hydrogen exports
- Generalized forecasting model for volcano eruptions using transfer machine learning
- Ground Penetrating Radar for Crevasse Detection on Polar Ice Sheets
- Heat flux estimation from MT models and temperature logs: Application to the Wairakei-Tauhara geothermal field, New Zealand
- How Does Iceberg Shape Affect Melting?
- Paleomagnetic Estimations of the Duration and Age of the Taupo Eruption, New Zealand
- Quantifying Present and Near-Future Rocket Launch Impacts on the Stratosphere
- Theoretical models of magma ascent through a well and comparison to magma encounters during geothermal drilling
- A New Approach to Near-Field Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis in New Zealand, using a Physics-Based Synthetic Earthquake Catalogue.
- Comparing the Development of Decarbonized Electricity Systems under Different Environmental Co-Priorities: A California Case Study
- Conditions and Timescales of Magma Storage and Eruption Revealed by Crystal, Melt Inclusion, and Glass Compositions and Textures: A Comparison of Giant and Large Silicic Eruptions at the Taupō Volcanic Center (New Zealand)
- Development of a Decision Support Tool for Modelling Future Scenarios of Agricultural Profitability, Resilience, and Sustainability in New Zealand
- Development of uncertainty representations for socio-environmental integrated products: sampling, error, and validation
- Earthquake-Induced River Avulsion and Flooding Along Surface Rupturing Faults
- Empirically-Based Rupture Simulations of Multifault Earthquakes
- Evaluating eruption uniqueness within a large group of volcanoes using feature analysis of seismic data: implications for eruption forecasting and risk management
- First Results From the Rongowai Airborne GNSS-R mission
- Improving the Total CO2 Budget Estimate for an Active Stratovolcano in Costa Rica
- Integrated Energy Planning for Hydrogen and Hydrogen-based Fuels and Chemicals: State of Knowledge and Current Developments
- Leveraging Geothermal and Biomass Energy in Aotearoa New Zealand for Boosted Renewable Power and Negative Emissions
- Mass balance and stability of Western Ross Sea ice tongues by laser altimetry and SAR ice surface velocities.
- Monitoring New Zealand Glacier Change through In-Situ, Remote Sensing, and Modeling Efforts
- Probabilistic Modelling of Bathymetric Retrievals with a New Class of Small Format Shortwave lidar
- Seasonal Disaggregation of Virtual Water Transfers on the US Electric Grid
- Short term probabilistic eruption forecasting at Whakaari volcano, New Zealand
- Soil Moisture Estimation from CYGNSS using Machine Learning
- The Buildup to a Supereruption: Application of a Dual ID-TIMS and ID-ICPMS U-230Th-Pb Zircon Dating Technique to the 340 ka Whakamaru Supereruption, Central Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Using seismic ratios and amplitude decay times to identify short-term sealing and fluid release events beneath volcanic crater lakes
- Variable Polarity of Coastal Deformation Confirms Upper Plate Faulting as a Partial Driver of Large Magnitude Earthquakes on the Central Hikurangi Subduction Margin
- Watershed-scale Mapping of Braided River Substrate using Multimodal Airborne Remote Sensing and Machine Learning
- When it rains, it pours: An unexplored relationship between wet day frequency and precipitation intensity distributions
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alberto Ardid
- Ashlynn S. Stillwell
- Brian Tarroja
- Cameron McErlich
- Christopher M. Chini
- Christopher S. Ruf
- Claudia Cenedese
- Craig A. Miller
- David Dempsey
- Eddie W. Banks
- Emily Grubert
- Eric C. Le Ru
- G. A. Gualda
- Huw Horgan
- Iván Melchor
- Jackie E. Kendrick
- James Brasington
- James Renwick
- Jannik Haas
- Kari M. Cooper
- Kate Clark
- Laura E. Revell
- Lauren N. Schaefer
- Lauren Vargo
- Louis-Alexandre Couston
- M De Moor
- Martha K. Savage
- Michael Person
- Michele Bannister
- Ngoc Duc Nguyen
- Nicola Litchfield
- Noah McLean
- Oliver D. Lamb
- Onno Oncken
- Peter Kuma
- Rodrigo Gomez-Fell
- Sally Gaw
- Shane J. Cronin
- Shaun Eaves
- Thomas A. Cochrane
- Thomas M. Mitchell
- Walter R. C. Somerville
- Yan Lavallée