University of New Brunswick, Canada
flowchart I[University of New Brunswick, Canada] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (215)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (47)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- University of New Brunswick, Department of Physics
- University of New Brunswick, Planetary and Space Science Centre
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Fast Vegetational Responses to Late-Glacial Climate Change
- Earth-model discrimination via gravimetric terrestrial spectroscopy
- Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Aquifer Heterogeneity, Reaction Kinetics, and Treatment Solution Strength on Permanganate Remediation Efficiency
- Windows of Transient Creep and Rupture in Continental Lithosphere
- Australian Synthetic Earth Gravity Field Model (aussegm) ¡V a Rgional Earth Gravity Field Model
- Evidence for a Solar Cycle Variation in Nightglow and Atomic Oxygen in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere.
- In situ determination of Pb, Sr, Rb, Zr partitioning between hydrous melts and aqueous fluids at high pressure and temperature
- Late-Quaternary Climate Change Within the Beringian Buckle: Multidisciplinary Results From St. Michael Island
- Variability of Atomic Oxygen and its Effect on the Energy Budget Near the Mesopause
- Morphogenetic Mesoscale Analysis of the Northeastern Iberian Margin, NW Mediterranean
- Transient Creep and Mechanical Instabilities in the Lower Crust: the Long and the Short of It All
- Borehole Measurements of Interfacial and Co-seismic Seismoelectric Effects
- Kinematics of Orogenic Flow and Dynamic Plateau Support in the Paleoproterozoic
- Discrepancy in neutral atmospheric delay due to different models for ray path and atmosphere in raytracing
- Experimental Peridotite - melt reaction at one atmosphere: A textural and chemical study.
- Extreme grain size reduction in dolomite: microstructures and mechanisms.
- Heterogeneity and Shear Localization in Natural Systems With Emphasis on the Interplay of Inelastic and Plastic Processes
- Hydromagmatic and peperitic interactions: A new experimental approach.
- Oblique Propagation, Wave-Particle Interaction and Particle Distribution Functions in the Quasi-Perpendicular Bow Shock.
- The GPS Analysis and Positioning Software (GAPS): A Present and Future Tool for Processing GNSS Data
- A Network Enabled Platform for Canadian Space Science Data
- A New Atmospheric Neutral Analyzer Instrument for Thermospheric Composition, Density and Wind Velocity Measurements on the ISWEAT Micro-Satellite
- Fault Rock Hardening as a Precursor to Localized Rupture During Systemic Fault Zone Weakening
- Highlights of the CAWSES Global Tidal Campaigns
- Hydroclast and Peperite generation: Experimental Results produced using the Silicate Melt Injection Laboratory Experiment
- Impact of mapping functions based on spherical, ellipsoidal, gradient, and 3d atmospheric structures on GPS Precise Point Positioning
- Response of the Equatorward Boundary of the Ion Auroral Oval to the Southward turning of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Subaqueous non-vesicular to poorly-vesicular shards: hydroclastic fragmentation on seamounts and summit calderas
- The Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL) at Eureka, Nunavut
- 3D conductive cooling models of shock melts in meteorites: resolving the discrepancy between calculations and experiment (Invited)
- GPS Total Electron Content Variations Associated with a Polar Cap Arc
- Harmonic Analysis of IGS stations time series
- Regional groundwater flow and geochemical processes within an intercratonic sedimentary basin affected by long-term episodes of freshwater
- Repetitive Surface-Mounted Multibeam Water Column Imaging of Hydrothermal Vent Plumes over NW Rota 1
- Seismoelectric experiments in a natural laboratory: investigating the permeability/frequency dependence of co-seismic effects at the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site
- Sm-Nd isotopic compositions of LREE minerals for use as reference materials for in situ analysis by LA-MC-ICPMS
- The use of Micro-CT for the Determination of Diffusion Parameters: Strengths and Limitations
- Benchmarking ray-traced tropospheric delays
- Evaluation of P2-C2 bias estimation
- Evidence for Cyclic Brittle-Ductile Deformation from San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) Phase 3 Cores
- In search of periodic signatures in IGS REPRO1 solution
- Integrating Cutting-edge Approaches to Describe and Interpret the Timing of Physical and Biological events: A Leap Forward for Monitoring Global Change Across Scales
- Effect of Grid Definition and Data Distribution on Accuracy of Ionospheric Imaging
- "Gray Areas": Silica gels, amorphous silica and cryptocrystalline silica on fault surfaces
- Consistent height transformations between geodetic and meteorologic reference systems
- Development and Validation of UNB-VMF1
- Discrete Slip, Amorphous Silica and Pore Structure of Slickensided Gouge Layers in 2004-2006 Mt. St. Helens Lava Domes
- Employing GPS L5 Carrier-Frequency in Precise Point Positioning
- Evaluation of Polarimetric Radarsat-2 data for development of Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithms for Boreal Alaska
- Evaluation of pressure extracted from NCEP and CMC global numerical weather prediction models against in-situ and GPT pressure
- Monitoring the onset, propagation, associated bedform migration, and wake of active turbidity currents on the Squamish prodelta slope
- Reactive transport modeling of dissolved oxygen migration and consumption in a sedimentary basins affected by a deglaciation event
- Statistics of GPS TEC Variations in the Polar Cap Ionosphere
- Acoustic imaging of the passage of turbidity currents and associated hydraulic jumps on underlying cyclic step bedforms. Squamish, BC
- Characterization of the Ionospheric Scintillations at High Latitude using GPS Signal
- ChemCam investigation of resistant fracture-fill cements at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Detection of Natural Hazards Generated TEC Perturbations and Related New Applications
- Generation, dynamics, and decay of a polar cap patch
- High-Latitude Ionospheric Imaging using Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Network (CHAIN)
- Partitioning ecosystem respiration in a forest regrowing after clearcutting
- Silica Lubrication in Faults (Invited)
- Simultaneous observations of Pc5 magnetic field pulsations and associated GPS TEC variations in the auroral ionosphere
- Transient Creep and Mechanical Instabilities - Microstructural Records of Aseismic to Seismic Transitions
- A new method for characterization of porewater chemistry in low-permeability sedimentary rocks
- Aliasing Effects in the Diagnosis of Tides and Planetary Waves in Satellite Data
- Apxs Chemical Composition of the Kimberley Sandstone in Gale Crater
- Consequences of the Superposition of Tidal Components on the Dynamics of the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- CubeSat for Natural-Hazard Estimation With Ionospheric Sciences (CNEWS): A Concept Development to Aid Tsunami Early Warning Systems
- Diverse, Alkali-Rich Igneous and Volcaniclastic Rocks Reflect a Metasomatised Mantle Beneath Gale Crater
- Evaluating Wetland Mapping Techniques for New Brunswick Using Landsat-5 TM, ALOS-Palsar and Radarsat-2 Dual-Polarized Images
- Field evidence for a hybrid interfacial-coseismic seismoelectric effect
- General Adjustment of the Fundamental Gravity Network in Mexico, Preliminary Results.
- Intermediate scale plasma density irregularities in the polar ionosphere inferred from radio occultation
- MIN3P-Thcm Reactive Transport Modelling in Low Permeability Media - Mont Terri in-Situ Diffusion Experiments and EBS-TF-C Benchmarks
- Multivariate Statistical Analysis of MSL APXS Bulk Geochemical Data
- On the Effect of "Patchy" Aurora and Auroral Arcs on GPS Signals: Initial Investigations
- Quasi-monochromatic Foreshock ULF Waves: Comparison between Earth and Venus
- The Earth's ULF Wave Foreshock: Cluster Observations
- The Glacier Peak Tephra: A Continental-Scale Latest Pleistocene Time Horizon
- Thermal Response of Shallow Aquifers to Recent Climate Change
- Use of Natural Tracers for Understanding Porewater Residence Time and Solute Transport: Challenges Encountered in Paleozoic Rocks of the Michigan Basin
- Use of Radarsat-2 Polarimetric SAR Images for Fuel Moisture Mapping in Alaska Boreal Forests and South Africa Savannahs
- Validation of High Frequency (HF) Propagation Prediction Models in the Arctic region
- Analysis of Co-located IGS Network GPS Receiver DCBs Derived by CODE and a Single Station Estimation Method
- Characteristics of GPS Scintillation signals in the midst of "Patchy Pulsating" Aurora and Auroral Arcs
- Comparison of Mass-loading around Active Comets and Planetary Induced Magnetospheres
- Earthquake lubrication and healing explained by amorphous nanosilica
- Experimental study on cyclic steps formed by surge-type turbidity currents
- IRI Total Electron Content in the Canadian Sector: A comparison to GPS observations and recommendations
- Improving the representation of Arctic photosynthesis in Earth system models
- Influence of Diffuse and Discrete Groundwater Discharge on River Thermal Regimes in Present and Future Climates
- Recent Advances in Remote Sensing of Natural Hazards-Induced Atmospheric and Ionospheric Perturbations
- Recent Progress in Understanding Natural-Hazards-Generated TEC Perturbations: Measurements and Modeling Results
- Simultaneous Two-Station Observation of Polar Cap Thermospheric Winds
- Supercritical Submarine Channel Morphodynamics from Integrated Investigation of the Western North American Continental Margin
- The Quasi-Monochromatic ULF Wave Boundary in the Venusian Foreshock: VEX Observations
- Trends In Modelling Neutral-Atmospheric Electromagnetic Delays in a 'Big Data' World
- A comparison between large-scale irregularities and scintillations in the polar ionosphere
- Active Heat Injection to Investigate Seepage Conditions Along the Interface Between a Concrete Diversion Sluiceway and Earthen Embankment Dam
- An Overview of SWOT Related Research in Canada, with a Focus on the Peace-Athabasca Delta Region
- Elemental Gains/Losses Associated with Alteration Fractures in an Eolian Sandstone, Gale Crater, Mars
- Imaging Reservoir Siltation and Quaternary Stratigraphy Beneath the Mactaquac Headpond by Acoustic and Ground Penetrating Radar Sub-bottom Imaging
- Martian Electron Foreshock: New Results from MAVEN
- Monitoring and modeling of the correlation between surface self-potentials (SP) and drawdown during pumping of a heterogeneous confined aquifer
- Monitoring percolation of a conductive tracer, as a proxy for nitrate transport, through glacial till and fractured sandstone in the vadose zone underlying a potato field, using 3D cross-hole electrical resistivity imaging
- Natural polish in granitic rocks
- Plasma Number Density Profiles derived from radio occultation on the CASSIOPE spacecraft
- Possible Diagenetic Connection Between the Dark Fe-rich Rocks at Gale Crater, Mars, and the Felsic JakeM Class Rocks
- Seepage Reconnaissance in an Embankment Dam using Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS): Monitoring and Modelling of Seasonal Effects
- Similarities Across Mars: Acidic Fluids at Both Meridiani Planum and Gale Crater in the Formation of Magnesium-Nickel Sulfates
- Spectral Analysis of Sub-Daily GPS Positions in Volcanic Areas
- Wind and airglow variability in the mesopause region
- Comparisons of Unconsolidated Sediments Analyzed by APXS (MSL-Curiosity) within Gale Crater, Mars: Soils, Sands of the Barchan and Linear Dunes of the Active Bagnold Dune Field, and Ripple-field Sands.
- Disentangling factors that control the vulnerability of forests to catastrophic wind damage
- Elevated Zinc and Germanium Discovered by Curiosity's APXS in the Murray Formation of Gale Crater, Mars, Indicate Hydrothermal Enrichment and Possible Diagenetic Fractionation
- Foreshock ULF wave boundary at Venus
- Hydrothermal Signatures at Gale Crater, Mars, and Possible In-Situ Formation of Tridymite
- Impacts of Suspended Sediment and Estuarine - Shelf Exchange Pathways on Shelf Ecosystem Dynamics in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Mineral Fractionation during Sediment Comminution and Transport in Fluvio-Deltaic and Lacustrine Rocks of the Bradbury Group, Gale Crater, Mars
- Novel Methods for Measuring LiDAR
- Obtaining higher-accuracy estimates of water-rich rocks and water-poor sand dunes on Mars in active neutron experiments
- Particulate Matter Resuspension in Mississippi Bight Evaluated with CONCORDE's Synthesis Model
- Reactive Transport Modeling Investigation of High Dissolved Sulfide Concentrations in Sedimentary Basin Rocks
- Recent Compositional Trends within the Murray Formation, Gale Crater, Mars, as seen by APXS: Implications for Sedimentary, Diagenetic and Alteration History.
- SEPHYDRO: An Integrated Multi-Filter Web-Based Tool for Baseflow Separation
- Slip Zone versus Damage Zone Micromechanics, Arima-Takasuki Tectonic Line, Japan
- Surface Water Connectivity, Flow Pathways and Water Level Fluctuation in a Cold Region Deltaic Ecosystem
- The Empirical Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Model (E-CHAIM): Bottomside Parameterization
- The Sands of the Bagnold Dunes, Mars and Volatiles in Mars Soils
- The recent seismicity of Teide volcano, Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain)
- Trace elements quantified by the APXS on Mars
- Advances in a community watershed model to represent land management impacts on watershed hydrological and biogeochemical fluxes
- Alkalic Float on Lower Mt. Sharp Units in Gale Crater, Mars: Results from Curiosity's Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer
- Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer-Derived Compositional Characteristics of the Vera Rubin Ridge, Gale Crater, Mars and its Origin.
- Characterizing the subsurface distribution of high-silica features at Gale crater, Mars using active neutron experiments and LIBS geochemistry
- Code Interference in GPS Observables and Implications in GPS Accuracy, Precision, and Applications
- Curiosity at Vera Rubin Ridge: Major Findings and Implications for Habitability
- Development of the UNB Neutral Atmosphere Process-Noise Model
- Diagenetic Concretions in the Murray Formation, Gale Crater, Mars
- Diagenetic groundwater models and the distribution of salts observed at Gale crater, Mars
- Evidence for Alteration and Diagenesis at Gale Crater, Mars from the Curiosity Rover
- Global Characteristics of Sporadic E using GNSS Radio Occultation
- Introducing UNB's High-Resolution Global Laterally Varying Topographical Density Model
- Microstructural Character of Active Fault Zones, Southwest Honshu, Japan
- Modelling tropospheric delays in ground-based GNSS reflectometry - a sensitivity analysis
- Polar cap scintillation producing irregularities associated with patches and auroral forms
- Pushing the limits of the Empirical Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Model (E-CHAIM) - How far can empirical models get us?
- Recent Advances on GNSS Multipath Reflectometry (GNSS-MR) for Sea and Lake Level Studies
- Reworking and Diagenesis of Martian Soil: Pathway to Murray Formation Sediments?
- Rigorous orthometric heights: the best compatible height with the geoid
- Source to Sink History of Sedimentary Rocks Within the Study Area of the Curiosity Rover (from Yellowknife Bay to Marias Pass Localities) in Gale Crater, Mars
- Statistical Modeling of DW1 Tidal Variability in the MLT Region
- Swarm-E Radio Occultation Measurements of the Topside Ionosphere During the August 2017 Solar Eclipse
- The TEC Variations and Scintillations Associated with The Ionospheric Sporadic E Layers Over The Polar Region
- The quasigeoid as a vertical datum
- VMF3 and VMF1 Position Domain Evaluation: Preliminary Results
- Development of a GUVI/SSUSI-based model for E-region electron density enhancements at northern auroral latitudes
- Earthquake lubrication and healing caused by amorphous silica powder - experimental wear products compared to natural fault rocks
- Ecosystem Water Use Efficiency in A Young Plantation in Northern China and Its Relationship to Drought
- Evidence of a contracted North Water Polynya during Holocene warm intervals: implications for high Arctic polynyas in a changing climate
- GPS TEC and Phase Variations during Substorms and Auroral Breakups
- Glen Torridon: Chemical Relationship to Members of the Murray Formation (Gale Crater, Mars)
- Holocene paleoceanographic development of the eastern Baffin Bay
- Migrating knickpoints are primary morphodynamic agents in submarine channels that control deep-water stratigraphy
- Multi-Instrument Study of High Latitude Ionospheric Dynamics due to Enhanced Solar Wind Compression
- Near-Real-Time Data Assimilation to Improve Ionospheric Electron Density Models of the High Latitude Ionosphere During Geomagnetic Storms
- Pervasive water-rich, fracture-associated alteration halos in Gale crater, Mars
- Possible Physical Mechanisms for Quasi 23-day Oscillation in DW1 Tidal Variability in the MLT Region
- Results from the Curiosity Rover's Traverse Through the Clay-Bearing Glen Torridon Region in Gale Crater
- Simulation of geochemical interactions between bentonite, concrete and host rocks, and their influence on radionuclide migration
- The Mobility of Phosphorus and Potassium in Altered Hawaiian Volcanics: Constraints on Fluid Alteration on the Martian Surface
- Things to look forward to in Version 2.0 of the Empirical Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Model (E-CHAIM)
- Towards a holistic understanding of tree drought recovery: Leveraging greenhouse experiments, tree-ring records, and ecosystem fluxes to quantify the impacts of water stress on tree physiology and forest carbon cycling
- Understanding the Sources of the Mid-latitude Storm Positive Phase: A Case Study of 16 July 2017
- A decade of observations from the Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Network (CHAIN) Ionosondes
- APXS Chemistry of Recent Float Rocks and Their Possible Relation to Major Formations at Gale Crater
- APXS Compositional Investigation of the Greenheugh Pediment Capping Unit and Underlying Murray Formation: Déjà Vu
- Aliasing problems in variability of migrating and nonmigrating tides in the middle atmosphere obtained from satellites, models and reanalyses datasets.
- Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) (MSL) Analysis of the Glen Torridon Clay Rich Units, below the Greenheugh Pediment, Gale Crater, Mars
- Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) Investigation of Chlorine and Bromine Enrichment at Gale Crater, Mars.
- Balancing Vertical and Lateral Carbon Fluxes of Agroecosystems
- Evaluation of a New Global Electron Density Measurement Technique for D- and E-Region Ionosphere Using Ground-Based Observations and Models
- Gravity Wave Observations in the Polar Mesopause Region
- Mastcam Multispectral Results from Vera Rubin Ridge and Laboratory Studies to Support and Enhance the Interpretation of Multispectral Data from the Curiosity rover
- Monitoring High Altitude Aerosol Injections and Climate Impacts from a New Canadian Instrument Suite Concept (HAWC)
- Numerical modelling of seismoelectric wave fields stimulated by a ground surface source in layered porous media
- Survey of Ionospheric GPS TEC Signatures of Pc3-6 Geomagnetic Pulsations in the Auroral Region
- The role of traveling planetary waves in ionosphere-atmosphere coupling during sudden stratospheric warmings
- Working Towards an Environmental Water Needs Assessment and Monitoring Framework for a Cold Regions Deltaic Ecosystem
- An Updated Assimilative CHAIM for Near-Real-Time Ionospheric Specification: Assessing its Real-World Performance
- Applications of the end-to-end simulator of the Thin Ice Clouds and Far IR Emissions (TICFIRE) instrument to the cold regions of the globe and upper troposphere
- Case Studies on the Day-to-Day Variability in the Occurrence of Post-Sunset Equatorial Spread F
- Gravity Wave Observations and Ray Tracing in the Arctic MLT
- High-rate Precipitation Causing Floods Modulated by Solar Wind High-speed Streams
- Monitoring the development of magnetospheric storms and substorms with GNSS TEC, Scintillation, and All-sky cameras: A New Madrigal Product
- On the validation of the Bayesian inference-based empirical model for GNSS scintillation indices at high latitudes
- Solar Wind Alfven Waves Coupling to the M-I-T System Generating Polar Cap Patches and Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances during Geomagnetic Storms
- Statistical and event analysis of phase and amplitude scintillations associated with polar cap patches
- Survey of ionospheric GPS TEC signatures of Pc3-6 ULF waves
- The RADiation Impacts on Climate and Atmospheric Loss Satellite (RADICALS) Mission
- A Watershed-scale Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Crop Yields in Atlantic Canada
- A-CHAIM: Using a Particle Filter for Near-Real-Time Ionospheric Modelling
- Close to Home: Co-producing Research Questions and Solutions to Coastal Erosion in Nunatsiavut, Northern Labrador
- Influence of Solar Wind High-speed Streams on the Occurrence of Heavy Precipitation in Canada
- Information Content of the GNSS Scintillation Spectra for the Polar Regions
- Make your own OSSEs with the Advanced Ionospheric Data Assimilation (AIDA) Model
- New Features for the Empirical Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Model (E-CHAIM) v4.0.0
- Observations of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Generated by Sources in the Upper and Lower Atmosphere
- Relation between GPS scintillation and aurora in the nightside high-latitude ionosphere
- Signature of Tonga Volcanic Eruption in the Schumann Resonance Records
- Statistical and event analysis of phase and amplitude scintillations associated with polar cap patches
- The growth of ring current/SYM-H under northward IMF Bz conditions present during the 21-22 January 2005 geomagnetic storm
- Use of time-lapse ERT for monitoring dams in heterogeneous environments
- Utility of Open-Access Scintillation Data: Review of 2022 Space Weather Events in the NSF CEDAR Madrigal Database
- Watershed Scale Modeling of the Coupled Terrestrial and Aquatic Carbon Cycle
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Coster
- A. Kashcheyev
- A. Malakhov
- A. W. Yau
- Adam Bourassa
- Alan Dyer
- Alexandre Normandeau
- Benjamin Reid
- Chris Watson
- Claudia Stolle
- David R. Themens
- Diptiranjan Rout
- Donald Hampton
- E. G. Thomas
- Eric C. J. Oliver
- G. D. Reeves
- I. R. Mann
- J. L. Semeter
- J. M. Weygand
- J. Ruck
- Jaroslav Chum
- Jean‐Pierre Blanchet
- Jiaen Ren
- Jonathan Chambers
- K. A. McWilliams
- K. Meziane
- Kuldeep Pandey
- L. G. Ozeke
- Landon Rieger
- M. A. Mischna
- Martin Connors
- P. Prikryl
- R. A. D. Fiori
- R. G. Gillies
- R. Rankin
- Sandeep Kumar
- Sean Elvidge
- Sebastijan Mrak
- Shasha Zou
- Shibaji Chakraborty
- Susan E. Ziegler
- Tarique Adnan Siddiqui
- Thomas M. Mitchell
- Vassilis Angelopoulos
- W. E. Ward
- Y. Nishimura
- Zi Han Wang