University of New Brunswick, Department of Physics
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Cluster-CIS observations of bow shock-reflected ions
- UARS measurements and their Relationship to the understanding of Dynamics in the Mesosphere and Thermosphere
- Bow Shock Specular Reflected Ions in Presence of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves: a Case Study
- Gyrophase-Restricted 70~keV--1~MeV Ion Beams Near the Foreshock Boundary
- Observations of Two-Component Upstream Ions by Cluster
- Observations of a sharp boundary between field-aligned beams and gyrating ions in the foreshock
- A Prototype Near-IR Mesospheric Imaging Michelson Interferometer (MIMI) for Atmospheric Wind Measurement
- Characterization of Upstream Field-Aligned Beams by Cluster
- Global Occurrence Statistics of Mesospheric Inversion Layers Obtained From SABER Temperature Profiles
- Observations of Earth's Bow Shock Structure from the First Chinese scientific Satellite, Double Star
- Statistical Survey of the Properties of Gyrating Ions in the Earth's Foreshock
- Field-aligned and Gyrophase-bunched Ion Beams in the Earth's Foreshock: "Pitch-angle" Wave Trapping
- Initial Survey of Very Energetic Upstream Ions
- Mesosphere/Lower Thermosphere Signatures of a Sudden Stratospheric Warming in the Extended Candian Middle Atmosphere Model
- Detailed Examination of Ion Kinetics For Foreshock Density Holes
- Detailed properties of gyrating ion distributions produced by wave-particle interaction in the Earth's foreshock
- Larmor radius size density holes in the solar wind upstream of the bow shock
- New Cluster results on foreshock field-aligned beams
- Consistent Satellite and Ground Based Observations and Model Simulations of Tides - CAWSES Global Tidal Campaign Results
- Evidence of quasi perpendicular shock front nonstationarity from CLUSTER data: comparative approach with numerical simulation results
- What Isolated Foreshock Density Holes Tell Us
- Evidence of the self-reformation of the quasi-perpendicular terrestrial shock front from CLUSTER data
- Polar Tidal Signatures in the Extended Canadian Middle Atmosphere Model
- GPS Total Electron Content Variations Associated with a Polar Cap Arc
- New Observations of Earth's Bow Shock
- Sources for Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
- Inter-Hemispheric Comparison of GPS Phase Scintillation at High Latitudes during the Magnetic-Cloud-Induced Geomagnetic Storm of April 5-7, 2010
- Nonstationarity of quasi-perpendicular shocks: magnetic structure, ion properties and micro-turbulence
- GPS phase scintillation caused by conjugate auroras
- SuperDARN Cross Polar Cap Potential: Correlation with the IMF and solar wind parameters
- The Manicouagan impact crater: Shallow and deep structure considerations
- Towards Forecasting of GPS Phase Scintillation in the High-Latitude Ionosphere
- Longitudinal Structure of the 135.6 NM Ionospheric Emission as Modeled by the Cmam-Uam Model System
- Nonstationary dynamics of collisionless shock front: Influence on particle reflection and acceleration
- Probabilistic Forecasting of Ionospheric Scintillation and GNSS Receiver Signal Tracking Performance at High Latitudes
- Wave Signatures in the Polar Mesopause Region during the January, 2009 Sudden Stratospheric Warming
- A Top to Bottom Evaluation of IRI-2007 within the Polar Cap
- Comparative Experimental and Modeling Study of Fluid Velocities in Heterogeneous Rocks
- GPS Amplitude and Phase Scintillation Associated with Poleward Moving Sun Aligned Arcs
- Monitoring and Forecasting Ionospheric Scintillation at High Latitudes (Invited)
- The ULF wave foreshock boundary: Cluster observations
- Proton Cyclotron Waves Occurrence Rate Upstream From the Martian Bow Shock: Related Properties of the Planetary Proton Population and Dynamics of the Upper Atmosphere of Mars
- A Fast-Fermi Acceleration at Mars Bow Shock
- Evidence for Neutrals - Foreshock Electrons Impact Ionization at Mars
- An attempt to predict scintillations across the polar cap using in-situ electron density measurements and GNSS receivers.
- Backstreaming electrons upstream of the nearly perpendicular Martian bow shock: Origin and production mechanism
- Characteristics Of A Combined Plasma Impedance Probe - Plasma Wave Receiver System using Particle In Cell Simulations
- Code Interference in GPS Observables and Implications in GPS Accuracy, Precision, and Applications
- Foreshock Electron Impact Ionization at Mars: Consequence on Neutral Exosphere
- Infrared absorption cross-sections of fluorinated molecules for improved global warming potential calculations
- Polar cap scintillation producing irregularities associated with patches and auroral forms
- Temporal and Spatial Development of vTEC Enhancements During Substorms
- Validation of NeQuick 2 model topside ionosphere and plasmasphere electron content using COSMIC POD TEC data
- A Statistical Study on the Upstream Ultra-low Frequency Waves in Mercury's Foreshock seen by MESSENGER
- Collisionless Electron Dynamics in the Magnetosheath of Mars}
- Comprehensive Observations of Multi-scale Polar Ionosphere Structuring Processes During October 13, 2016 Geomagnetic Storm
- Development of a GUVI/SSUSI-based model for E-region electron density enhancements at northern auroral latitudes
- Extreme Weather in the Context of Solar Wind Coupling to the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Atmosphere System
- Foreshock electron impact ionization effect on the amplitude of pickup protons generated waves at Mars
- GPS TEC and Phase Variations during Substorms and Auroral Breakups
- Global Tracing of Large-scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances from their Origination at Auroral Zones
- High Latitude Climatology of the Phase and Amplitude Fluctuations in GPS Signals
- Near-Real-Time Data Assimilation to Improve Ionospheric Electron Density Models of the High Latitude Ionosphere During Geomagnetic Storms
- Nonuniform Bow Shock Boundary at Mars
- The Structure of the Martian Bow Shock as Seen by the MAVEN Spacecraft
- The response time of the ionosphere to solar wind driving from the scintillation perspective.
- Things to look forward to in Version 2.0 of the Empirical Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Model (E-CHAIM)
- Gravity Wave Observations in the Polar Mesopause Region
- Heavy Rainfall and Flash Floods Triggered by Aurorally Generated Atmospheric Gravity Waves?
- Survey of Ionospheric GPS TEC Signatures of Pc3-6 Geomagnetic Pulsations in the Auroral Region