University of Louisville
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Comminution, Strain, and Fractal Dimension in Experimental Cataclastic Flow
- Forest Canopy Uptake of Atmospheric Nitrogen at a Midwestern U.S. Mixed Hardwood Site: Implications for Carbon Storage
- Estimating Strain Due to Comminution in Simulated Gouge
- Synchrotron infrared spectroscopy of OH-chondrodite and OH-clinohumite at high pressure
- Differing Comminution Characteristics of Quartz and Feldspar in Westerly Granite Simulated Gouge
- Long-term Trends in Soil CH<SUB>4</SUB> Consumption at the Harvard Forest Chronic Nitrogen Addition Experiment: Implications for the Future Growth in Atmospheric CH<SUB>4</SUB>.
- A Microstructural Study of Small-Displacement Faults in Aztec Sandstone
- High pressure neutron powder diffraction study of OD-chondrodite
- High-temperature single-crystal neutron diffraction study of natural chondrodite
- Neutron powder diffraction studies of small-volume samples synthesized at high P-T
- Some Mechanical Implications of the Development and Evolution of Y shears in Simulated Granite Gouge
- Partitioning Between Surface Energy and Heat During an Earthquake
- Jupiter Stratospheric Jet Simulations
- Venus Wind Spin-up Experiments with Topography; Sensitivity to Model Resolution
- A General Radiative Seasonal Climate Model Applied to Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
- Evolution of the Nitrogen Cycle, an ~Omics Perspective
- SAFOD Brittle Microstructure and Mechanics Knowledge Base (SAFOD BM2KB)
- Saturn's North Polar Hexagon Numerical Modeling Results
- Saturn's Northern Hemisphere Ribbon; Characterizing the Wave Mode Composition
- A microstructural study of SAFOD gouge from actively creeping San Andreas Fault zone; Implications for shear localization models
- Carbon and Air Quality Emissions from Crop Residue Burning in the Contiguous United States
- Evidences of transient increase of fluid pressure in isolated patches of the active San Andreas Fault in SAFOD phase III cores
- Luminescence Studies of Age and Thermometric Properties of a SAFOD Phase III Core Sample: Initial Findings
- Pressure solution as a mechanism of creep and sealing in active faults: evidence from the SAFOD samples
- Role of coupled cataclasis-pressure solution deformation in microearthquake activity along the creeping segment of the SAF: Inferences from studies of the SAFOD core samples
- Simulations of Uranian Circulation with the EPIC GCM
- A remote sensing study of regional variation in sinkhole morphology-Florida karst vs. Minnesota karst
- Evidence of transient increases of fluid pressure in SAFOD phase III cores
- Implications of Microstructural Studies of the SAFOD Gouge for the Strength and Deformation Mechanisms in the Creeping Segment of the San Andreas Fault
- Louisiana Air Quality - Using ASTER, Landsat 5, and MODIS to Assess the Impact of Sugarcane and Marsh Burning Practices on Local Air Quality
- Luminescence Studies of Age and Thermometric Properties in an Active Earthquake Zone: SAFOD Phase III Core Samples and Resetting Experiments
- Pressure solution creep as a mechanism of aseismic sliding in active faults: evidence from the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD)
- Representation and Management of the Knowledge of Brittle Deformation in Shear Zones Using Microstructural Data From the SAFOD Core Samples
- Sources of Error in Remote Sensing-Based Bottom-Up Emission Estimates of Carbon and Air Quality Emissions from Crop Residue Burning in the Contiguous United States and the Russian Federation
- Evidence From Pyrite Microstructure For Earlier Higher Temperature Deformation History In SAFOD
- Reclassified Cropland Active Fire and Burned Area Detections by the MODIS 1 km Sensor in Canadian Provinces by land cover type, 2001 - 2010
- Roughness of Grain-scale Frictional Sliding Surfaces in the Actively Creeping Clay Gouge of the San Andreas Fault
- Biodegradation of Hydrocarbons within the Water Column and Marsh Sediments following the Deepwater Horizon Accident
- Modeling Urban Hydrology: A Comparison Of New Urbanist And Traditional Neighborhood Design Surface Runoff
- Roughness of Frictional Sliding Surfaces in Actively Creeping Gouge of the San Andreas Fault
- Seasonal Streamflow Variability at Global Time-Space Scales under Natural Climate Extremes
- Simulations of the Jovian Stratosphere with diabatic heating and mechanical forcing terms
- Assessing the Impact of Land Cover and Storm Activity on the Basic Water Quality of Urban Streams in Louisville, Kentucky
- Long-term performance of filtration layer
- Luminescence Chronology Studies of a SAFOD Phase III Core Sample
- Mechanistic Generation of Atmospheric Oscillations in Gas Giant Planets
- Microstructures of reconstituted SAFOD gouge deformed in room temperature friction experiments at 14 μm/s to 6 m/s sliding velocities
- Numerical Simulations of a Jovian Ribbon-like Feature
- The relationship between Ertel PV and Bernoulli Streamfunction in Earth's Atmosphere during SSW as seen in eCMAM30
- Aliasing Effects in the Diagnosis of Tides and Planetary Waves in Satellite Data
- Consequences of the Superposition of Tidal Components on the Dynamics of the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- Gravity Wave Effects On Short-Term Tidal Variability In WACCM/eCMAM
- Identifying Water Insecurity Hotspots in the Lake Victoria Basin of Eastern Africa
- Inferring Earthquake Physics from Deep Drilling Projects of Active Faults
- Short-Term Tidal Variability in the Mesosphere/Lower Thermosphere from SABER
- Spatial Analysis and GIS Applications for Estimating Monthly Rainfall Totals on Mauritius
- A simulation study of seasonal variations in upward propagation of the thermospheric migrating terdiurnal tides
- Beyond the NAO: Dynamics and Precipitation Implications of the Azores High Since AD 800
- New sciences enabled by the new SABER CO2 data
- Multi-Sourced Satellite Observations of Land Cover and Land Use Change in South and Southeast Asia with Challenging Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts
- People in Pixels: Gridding the World's Population
- The Dynamics of Population, Built-up Areas and their Evolving Associations in Gridded Population across Time and Space
- Secondary pyrite deformation and calcite veins in SAFOD damage zone; Implications for aseismic creep deformation mechanism at depths >3km
- Statistical Modeling of DW1 Tidal Variability in the MLT Region
- Addressing integration challenges of transdisciplinary research in complex social-ecological systems
- Community-level Mapping of Ambient Air Pollution in Louisville, KY
- Digital Modeling of Core Billets for GIS-based Analysis of Deformation Microstructures in SAFOD Samples
- Evaluating nighttime lights and population distribution as proxies for mapping anthropogenic CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos
- Mapping the Human Planet: Utilizing Earth Observations to Operationalize the Fundamental Geospatial Data Themes
- Population Data Models for Settlement Extents
- Possible Physical Mechanisms for Quasi 23-day Oscillation in DW1 Tidal Variability in the MLT Region
- Unsymmetrical Expansion of Bright Clouds from Saturn's 2010 Great White Storm
- A Comparison of Gridded Population Data Products in Disaster Response
- Calcite-sealed microbreccias and fracture networks in SAFOD gouge outside the active creep zones: A CL study
- Can Cities Modify Organized Thunderstorms? An Idealized Numerical Investigation.
- Fabrication and Verification of a Glass-Silicon-Glass Micro-/Nanofluidic Model for Investigating Multi-phase Flow in Shale-like Unconventional Dual-porosity Tight Porous Media
- Green Heart Louisville: Community-Level Assessment of Exposure to Air Pollution
- Why People Matter: Better Data on Population and Infrastructure to Assess SDG Progress
- A geochemical and Cathodoluminescence study of fluid overpressure microstructures in damage zone and the actively creeping core of the San Andreas Fault Zone
- An Electron Backscatter Diffraction and Cathode-Luminescence Study of Microstructures in the Damage Zone and the Actively Creeping Core of the San Andreas Fault Zone
- Complementing Chemical Elemental Maps with Cathodoluminescence Imagery using Remote Sensing Techniques: A San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth Case Study
- Green Heart Louisville: Hyperlocal Characterization and Modeling of Intra-urban Oxides of Nitrogen
- Intense development of Dragon Fruit agriculture detected by nighttime light in Southern Vietnam
- Sample Site Selection of Urban Wastewater Networks for Public Health Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2
- Structural watershed controls on headwater streamflow permanence: a process-based modeling approach
- The Role of Atmospheric Demand and Internal Heat Sources Embedded in the Vadose Zone on the Thermal and Moisture Fluctuations in the Shallow Subsurface soil
- Whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) and Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) Blue Intensity and Quantitative Wood Anatomy Proxies Provide New Temperature Information for the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
- Accuracy of Modelled Gridded Population Estimates in "Slums" and Suitability for SDG 11 Monitoring
- Flexible non-perennial streamflow simulation approach reveals structural controls on flow permanence
- Frequency-specific Noise Reduction by an Installed Vegetation Belt along a Roadway
- Household Vulnerability and Food Security Modeled Across a Southern African, Semiarid Land System
- Microstructural and Geochemical Indications of Potential for Seismic Events in the Creeping Segment of the San Andreas Fault in Central California
- Random forest modeling and Shapley values reveal controls of sediment transport and hysteresis patterns in a low-gradient watershed
- Within-Neighborhood Spatiotemporal Variability in Environmental Noise