Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Development of Ground and Remotely Based Evaporation Measurements at the Salar de Atacama, Northern Chile
- Photochemical Modeling at Santiago, Chile (33.5° S, 70.6° W)
- Combined physical and biogeochemical processes control the mobility of arsenic in rivers of the Atacama desert, Northern Chile
- Soil Heat Flow Model
- Source apportionment of PM10 and PM2.5 near a large mining zone in Northern Chile
- Use Of Mesoscale Model (MM5) Forecasts As Proxy Of Surface Meteorological Data To Estimate Reference Evapotranspiration
- Determining the concentration and distribution of arsenic deposits in rock matrices and porous media by X-ray difference microtomography
- Linking economic and integrated hydrologic models to investigate the effects of reduced surface water deliveries on the aquifers of California’s Central Valley
- Projected Changes In The Water Cycle Of The Extratropical Western Andes Under Climate Change Scenarios
- Representation of urbanized terrain and its use in quantifying hydrologic response with a morpho-climatic instantaneous unit hydrograph model
- Geologic Evidence of Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Mexican Subduction zone - Guerrero
- Geological Evidence of Predecessors to the 2010 Earthquake and Tsunami in South-Central Chile
- Interseismic and Coseismic Deformation and the role of the Upper Plate in the Maule Segment
- Observations and Modeling of the 27 February 2010 Tsunami in Chile
- Reverse Faulting as a Crucial Mechanism for Magma Ascent in Compressional Volcanic Arcs: Field Examples from the Central Andes
- Tsunami risk zoning in south-central Chile
- Vulnerability of a municipal water supply system in Central Chile to climate change impacts
- A Lagrangian description of nearshore hydrodynamics and rip currents forced by a random wave field
- An organic geochemical investigation into lipid distribution at Imperial Geyser, Yellowstone National Park
- Connecting the dots: Water as a key variable of climate change vulnerability in Mediterranean locations of Central Chile.
- Evidence from ALOS PALSAR data for diking in the rapid onset of the 2008 eruption of Chaitén volcano, Chile
- Extreme Wave Deposits On The Pacific Coast Of Mexico: Tsunamis Or Storms? - A Multi-Proxy Approach
- Geomorphological characterization of endorheic basins in northern Chile
- Magnitude and impact from the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami in the coast of Chile
- Morphology and spatial distribution of mafic microgranular enclaves in a calc-alkaline pluton: understanding the interactions between mafic and felsic magmas during emplacement
- Natural Post-Tsunami Recovery of the Mataquito River Mouth, after the 2010 Chilean Tsunami
- Reconstructing the kinematics of magmatic flow during pluton emplacement in the Coastal Batholith, central Chile
- The Chile tsunami of 27 February 2010: Field survey and modeling
- When hydrologic extremes are not driven by climatic extremes: exploring a climate change hydrologic extreme attribution example in South Central Chile
- Advances in Tsunami Hazard Mitigation in Chile
- Catchment morphology and drainage network influences on runoff hydrographs
- Characterisation of dispersion mechanisms in an urban catchment using a deterministic spatially distributed direct hydrograph travel time model
- Geochemistry and fluid inclusions across a crustal strike-slip Mesozoic fault: insights of fluid-flow / rock interaction in the Atacama Fault System
- Impact of groundwater levels on evaporation and water-vapor fluxes in highly saline soils
- Infrastructure development and agricultural exposure to climate variability and change: lessons from the Limarí basin in Central Chile
- Mediterranean savanna of Acacia caven (Mol) is still a sink of CO2 in spite of severe hydrological drought conditions
- Modelling stomatal conductance in Acacia caven: A two way approach to understand vapor fluxes
- Optimizing irrigation management using CropSyst: Solving water allocation problems under Climate Change scenarios
- Structural Geology of the Active Forearc above the Maule Megathrust: Traces of a Long-lived Subduction Segment
- The Last Glacial Maximum and Termination in the Torres del Paine Region, Southern South America
- The fate of arsenic in sediments formed at a river confluence affected by acid mine drainage
- The feedback between active tectonics, fluid flow and mineralization in an Andean geotermal reservoir
- Transport of simazine in undisturbed soils from the Casablanca valley, Chile
- Using A Gridded Global Data Set To Characterize Regional Hydroclimate In Central Chile
- An integrated framework to assess adaptation options to climate change impacts in an irrigated basin in Central North Chile
- Crustal Faults in the Chilean Andes: Tectonic significance and implications for geologic hazard
- Cyprinodon diabolis: prospects for an endangered desert pupfish in a changing climate
- Detecting drought trends with expanded meteorological records based on Reanalysis data
- Energy-Water Integrated Assessment of the Sacramento Area and a Demonstration of WEAP-LEAP Capability
- Equilibrium-line altitude during the Antarctic Cold Reversal at Río Tranquilo glacier (47°S), Central Patagonia
- Fluid inclusion evidence of post-seismic fluid flow induced by dynamic rupture
- Geomorphical and Geochronological Constrains of the Last Glacial Period in Southern Patagonia, Southern South America
- Hydrologic Response Differences Between Drainage Network Classifications
- Hydrothermal alteration in an exhumed crustal fault zone: geochemical mobility in the Caleta Coloso Fault, Atacama Fault System, Northern Chile
- Large wood storage, longitudinal distribution and mobility in channel segments of four mountain rivers, Chile
- Little Ice Age events (or not) in the middle to high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere?
- Mechanisms of solute transport and dispersion in open channels with surface storage zones
- Modeling groundwater flow in highly saline aquifers considering geochemical processes that modify the aquifer's physical properties
- Oblique-to-the-orogen fault systems and it causal relationship with volcanism and geothermal activity in Central Southern Chile: Insights on ENE and NW regional lineaments
- Spatial estimation of daily precipitation in complex relief with scarce data using terrain orientation
- Stochastic streamflow dynamics in urbanizing basins
- The Damage and Geochemical Signature of a Crustal Scale Strike-Slip Fault Zone
- Tsunami Rapid Assessment Using High Resolution Images and Field Surveys: the 2010 , Central Chile, and the 2011, Tohoku Tsunamis
- A New TDR-Waveform Approach Capable to Measure Soil Moisture Contents at Large Electrical Conductivity Ranges
- An Integrated Approach to Identification, Assessment and Management of Watershed-Scale Risk for Sustainable Water Use Through Reuse and Recycling
- Assessment of a fiber-optic distributed-temperature-sensing system to monitor the thermal dynamics of vegetated roof
- Characterization of the intermittent behavior of sediment transport from numerical simulations on a flat bed channel
- Collaborative Adaptation Planning for Water Security: Preliminary Lessons, Challenges, and the Way Forward for Maipo Basin Adaptation Plan, Chile
- Comparing Background and Recent Erosion Rates in Degraded Areas of Southeastern Brazil
- Determination of soil evaporation fluxes using distributed temperature sensing methods
- Diurnal cycles control the fate of contaminants at an Andean river confluence impacted by legacy mining
- Effects of substrate properties on the hydraulic and thermal behavior of a green roof
- Enhancing the natural removal of As in a reactive fluvial confluence receiving acid drainage
- Field survey of the 1 April 2014 Iquique tsunami along the coasts of Chile and Peru
- Generating future climate time series in semi-arid regions for hydrologic modeling
- Glacial Geomorphology at Río Tranquilo Valley (47°S): Reconstruction of the Sequence of Glacial Events Since the Late-Glacial Through the Holocene
- Glacial history of Tranquilo glacier (Central Patagonia) since the Last Glacial Maximum through to the present.
- Hysteretic patterns of suspended sediment discharge in a glacierized Andean catchment
- Impacts of Salinity on Soil Hydraulic Properties and Evaporation Fluxes
- Metal fluxing in a large-scale intra-arc fault: insights from the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault System (LOFS) and associated geothermal fields in southern Chile
- Methodologies for Analyzing the Water Footprint of Cities
- Reservoir and contaminated sediments impacts in high-Andean environments: Morphodynamic interactions with biogeochemical processes
- Seismic Amplifications due to Topographic Effects in the North of Chile Coastal Scarp
- Statistical complexity in the hydrological information from urbanizing basins
- Temporal evolution of flow regimes in urbanizing basins
- The Link between Fluid Flow, Structure and Hydrothermal Inputs in Central Chile: An Interdisciplinary Approach for Low-Enthalpy Andean Hydrogeothermal Modeling
- The effects of antecedent flows on sediment entrainment in a mountain stream
- Unrevealing the History of Earthquakes and Tsunamis of the Mexican Subduction Zone
- Use of fiber-optic DTS to investigate physical processes in thermohaline environments
- A Study of the 24-26 March 2015 Rainfall Event over the Atacama Desert (Chile) using WRF Simulations
- Advantages of a Vertical High-Resolution Distributed-Temperature-Sensing System Used to Evaluate the Thermal Behavior of Green Roofs
- Analyses of Phase Scintillation Observations Made by a Static Triple Frequency GPS-based Monitor Located Near the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly Peak
- Analysis of Future Streamflow Regimes under Global Change Scenarios in Central Chile for Ecosystem Sustainability
- Bias correction of daily precipitation in south-central Chile using NCEP CFSv2
- Characterizing the impact of spatiotemporal variations in stormwater infrastructure on hydrologic conditions
- Climate change adaptation in a highly urbanized snowmelt dominated basin in Central Chile
- Clumped Isotope Thermometry Reveals Variations in Soil Carbonate Seasonal Biases Over >4 km of Relief in the Semi-Arid Andes of Central Chile
- Decoding Metal Associations in an Arid Urban Environment with Active and Legacy Mining: the Case of Copiapó, Chile
- Determination of Soil Evaporation Fluxes Using Distributed Temperature Sensing Methods
- Deterministic Seismic Hazard Assessment for the Southern Peru and Northern Chile Segment of the Andean Subduction Zone
- Development and Application of an Integrated Model for Representing Hydrologic Processes and Irrigation at Residential Scale in Semiarid and Mediterranean Regions
- Finite Element Stress Model of a Strike-Slip Duplex: A Case Study from Southern Chile
- Fitting Emptying Rates of Conservative Contaminants in a Two-Storage Model of a Lateral Cavity in a Stream
- Geo-PUMMA: Urban and Peri-urban Landscape Representation Toolbox for Hydrological Distributed Modeling
- Geochemical and Hydrologic Controls of Copper-Rich Surface Waters in the Yerba Loca-Mapocho System
- Geoelectrical behavior of a Fault Zone: the meaning of the electrical resistivity of metric-scale segments of the Liquiñe-Ofqui and the Arc-oblique Long-lived Fault Systems, Southern Andes
- Geophysical Survey in Iquique and Alto Hospicio, northern Chile Cities: Tectonic and Geologic Implications.
- Historical Records of Combustion Practices Using Molecular and Isotopic Markers in Sediment Profiles Around Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Hydrodynamic Characterization of a Surface Storage Zone in a Natural Stream
- Hydrodynamic Modeling of Flash Floods in an Andean Stream: Challenges for Assessing Flood Hazards in Mountain Rivers
- Hysteresis of bedload transport during glaciermelting floods in a small Andean stream
- Interactions of Marine Hydrokinetic Devices in Complex Bathymetries: Numerical Simulations in the Chacao Channel in Southern Chile.
- Linking the Modern and Recent Record of Cabo Frio Upwelling with Local Climate and Biogeochemical Processes in Hypersaline Coastal Lagoons, Região dos Lagos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Natural Attenuation of Metals from Acid Drainage in Surface Waters: Effects of Organic Matter in the Association of Arsenic to Hydrous Al and Fe Oxyhydroxides and Their Particle Size Distribution
- Oblique Subduction and Strain Partitioning: Tectonic Role of Margin-Parallel and Margin-Transverse Structures at the Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes
- Physical Thresholds as Ecological Proxies in Aquatic Ecosystems
- Revision of the Applicability of the NGA's in South America, Chile - Argentina.
- Statistical Characterization of the Intermittency of Bedload Transport in Conditions Near the Threshold of Motion
- The 2-D Ion Chromatography Development and Application: Determination of Sulfate in Formation Water at Pre-Salt Region
- The Effects of Salinity and Sodium Adsorption Ratio on the Water Retention and Hydraulic Conductivity Curves of Soils From The Pampa del Tamarugal, Chile
- The influence of initial damage on microcrack healing at hydrothermal conditions
- Use of morphometric soil aggregates parameters to evaluate the reclamation process in mined areas located at amazon forest - Brazil
- Vertical Microbial Community Variability of Carbonate-based Cones may Provide Insight into Formation in the Rock Record
- A Glacial Chronology of the Strait of Magellan
- A Multidisciplinary Approach for Monitoring Flood and Landslide Hazards: Application to The Quebrada de Ramón Watershed in Central Chile.
- Adaptation Measures Evaliation on Agriculture Under Future Climate and Land Use Scenarios in Central Chile
- Coherent Structure Dynamics and Turbulent Effects of Horizontal Axis Marine Energy Devices
- Concerns about irrigation efficiency as an adaptation measure to cope with droughts and climate change in semi-arid basins
- Contribution of General Circulation Models and climate change scenarios to the uncertainty in Reservoir Operation. The case of the Limarí Basin reservoir, Chile.
- Geophysics in Mejillones Basin, Chile: Dynamic analysis and associatedseismic hazard
- Holocene glacial fluctuations in southern South America
- Late-glacial and Holocene fluctuations at Monte Fitz Roy (49°S), Southern Patagonia
- Medium-term hydrologic forecasting in mountain basins using forecasting of a mesoscale numerical weather model
- Numerical investigation of topographic effects in seismic wave amplification: Northern Chile Coastal Cliff as study case.
- Paleomagnetism of Hadean and Archean Detrital Zircons from the Jack Hills, Western Australia
- Persistence of Metal-rich Particles Downstream Zones of Acid Drainage Mixing in Andean Rivers
- Reconstruction of the 2015 Atacama Floods: Influence of Legacy Mining Deposits in the Salado River Mouth
- Statistics of Widths and Separations of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Detected by the C/NOFS Planar Langmuir Probe
- Structural Controls on Helium, Nitrogen and Carbon Isotope Signatures in Geothermal Fluids Along the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault System, Southern Chile.
- TEM prospection on quaternary faults: the case of San Ramón Fault (SRF), Central Chile
- The Effects of GPS Signal Propagation Paths Alignment with Low-Latitude Ionospheric Field-Aligned Plasma Bubble Structures on Scintillation
- Two-dimensional modeling of water and heat fluxes in green roof substrates
- A modeling tool to support decision making in future hydropower development in Chile
- Characterization of the Spatio-temporal Evolution of the Energy of Recent Tsunamis in Chile and its Connection with the Seismic Source and Geomorphological Conditions
- Classification of channel network geometry using the width function and classification trees
- Climate change adaptation in regulated water utilities
- Crossing Scales and Disciplines to Understand Challenges for Climate Change Adaptation and Water Resources Management in Chile and Californi
- Dendritic Connectivity, Heterogeneity, and Scaling in Urban Stormwater Networks: Implications for Socio-Hydrology
- Evaluating groundwater recharge variations under climate change in an endorheic basin of the Andean plateau
- Experimental thermomechanical damage as first approach to understand the petrophysical behavior of the granitic host-rocks from an active fractured-geothermal system (Liquiñe, Chile - 39º S)
- Fault-controlled development of shallow hydrothermal systems: Structural and mineralogical insights from the Southern Andes
- Fault-controlled permeability and fluid flow in low-porosity crystalline rocks: an example from naturally fractured geothermal systems in the Southern Andes
- Floating Forests: Validation of a Citizen Science Effort to Answer Global Ecological Questions
- Geothermal modelling and geoneutrino flux prediction at JUNO with local heat production data
- Glacier-Climate Change in Southern South America over Multiple Glacial Cycles and Implications for Glacial to Interglacial Shifts in the Westerly Winds
- How climate change will affect the perennial ice covers of Antarctic lakes?
- How does the architecture of a fault system controls magma upward migration through the crust?
- Hydro-geomorphological characterization and classification of Chilean river networks using horizontal, vertical and climatological properties
- Regional contributions of ocean iron fertilization to atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> changes during the last glacial termination
- Seismicity preliminary results in a geothermal and volcano activity area: study case Liquiñe-Ofqui fault system in Southern Andes, Chile
- Slip model and Synthetic Broad-band Strong Motions for the 2015 M<SUB>w</SUB> 8.3 Illapel (Chile) Earthquake.
- Southern westerly winds: a pacemaker of Holocene glacial fluctuations in Patagonia?
- Stress field disruption from fault interaction and its control on magma and fluid migration
- Structural and numerical modeling of fluid flow and evolving stress fields at a transtensional stepover: A Miocene Andean porphyry copper system as a case study.
- Tectonic meaning of anomalous fault-slip strain solutions in the Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes: insights to assess the structural permeability of the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault System and the Andean Transverse Faults (39°-40°S)
- The Springhill Formation (Jurassic-Cretaceous) as a potential low enthalpy geothermal reservoir in the Cerro Sombrero area, Magallanes Basin, Chile.
- Updated Reference Model for Heat Generation in the Lithosphere
- Using Online Citizen Science to Assess Giant Kelp Abundances Across the Globe with Satellite Imagery
- 1-cm Resolution Seafloor Surveys Combining Wide Swath Lidar, Multibeam Sonar, Stereo Cameras, and INS on an Articulating ROV Toolsled
- A New Approach to Identifying MHD Wave Modes in Sunspots and Pores
- A coupled DES - Actuator Lines Model to represent the interaction between tidal flows and Marine Hydrokinetic Turbines
- Advances in Neutrino Geophysics
- Anatomy of glacial fluctuations during the Last Glacial Termination in Northwestern Patagonia
- Antecedent floods influencing sediment transport and bed microforms evolution. Preliminary results from a flume experiment
- Archaeological shell middens from the coastal Atacama Desert as regional proxies for Holocene upwelling and environmental history
- Constraining the Boundary Layer Atmospheric Conditions and Circulation During Recent Fog Events in the Coastal Atacama Desert in Northern Chile
- Culmination and demise of the Northern Patagonian Ice Sheet (43°S) during the last glacial-interglacial transition
- Daily and Seasonal Variation of the Temperature Lapse Rate and Freezing Level Location in the Andes Mountains
- Distributions of Ion Density Irregularities and Their Gradients Inside Low-Latitude Ionospheric Plasma Bubbles Based on C/NOFS Planar Langmuir Probe Data
- Early deglaciation and paleolake history of the Río Cisnes Glacier, Patagonian Ice Sheet 44°S
- Effects of Early Cretaceous Plutonism along the Atacama Fault System, northern Chile: The Relationship between Magmatism and Deformation
- Experimental and numerical analysis of a six-blade tidal turbine
- Fog water yields in the hyper arid Atacama coastal desert - a spatiotemporal analysis of natural water resources In the Tarapacá Region, Chile
- Geologic Mapping of the Atacama and Taltal Fault Systems, Northern Chile
- Insolation and Southern Annular Mode-like Climate Variability as Modulator and Pacemaker of Patagonian Glacier Variability During the Holocene
- Mechanical interaction and localized fluid flow at a transtensional stepover as evidenced by a Miocene Andean porphyry copper system as a case study.
- Metal enrichment and human exposure in an arid city with current and legacy mining: the Andacollo case, Chile
- Modeling Rapid Flood Propagation in Andean Rivers: High-Resolution Simulations and Surrogate Models for Early Warning Systems
- Numerical simulations of marine hydrokinetic devices for improving their representation in ocean circulation models
- Probabilistic Characterization of the Impending Tsunami Hazard along Valparaíso, Chile
- Relationship between Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and marine advective fog at the coastal Atacama Desert, Chile.
- Semi-analytical solution for residence time distribution in trapezoidal aquifers receiving a linearly-variable recharge
- Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Ocean Iron Fertilization and CO<SUB>2</SUB> drawdown during the Last Glacial Termination
- Stage 4 Glacier Extents in the Middle Latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere
- The ENSO connection with the fog low-cloud spatiotemporal variability in the hyper-arid coastal Atacama Desert
- The role of topography in the spatial distribution of the low stratocumulus cloud and fog in the Peruvian coastal desert
- Using a Statistical Pre-Analysis Approach as an Ensemble Technique for the Unbiased Mapping of GCM Changes to Local Stations
- Using an ensemble technique in the estimation of the local time of emergence for planning adaptation decisions
- An Spatial Analysis of Dispersion Mechanisms in the Hydrological Response of Natural Basins Using a Distributed Travel Time Model
- Analysis and Characterization of the Energy and Amplitude Evolution of Tsunami Records of Recent Near-field Events in Chile and its Link with Characteristics of Seismic Source and Topobathymetry
- Analysis of the Effects from Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Detected by the C/NOFS Planar Langmuir Probe on the Propagation of Transionospheric Wideband Signals
- Bias Correction for the Unbiased Mapping of GCM Changes to Local Stations, Preserving the Changes in Variability from Raw GCMs
- Designing Collective Sustainable Groundwater Abstraction Rules: A Participatory Approach to Enhance Groundwater User's Acceptance and Compliance
- Discovering Small Scale Controls on Bedload Flux through Lagrangian Simulations
- ET-DATA: an extensive field campaign to investigate evapotranspiration enhanced by advection in the hyper-arid Andean plateau
- Effects of Exotic Invasive Vegetation on Channel Stabilization in Chilean Rivers: Field and Experimental Observations
- Efficient Bayesian model selection strategy for tsunami source inversion
- Evidence for hydrothermal fluid and structural system interaction in the Southern Andes: A magnetotelluric and seismic study
- Evidence for magmatic-related induced seismicity along misoriented faults in the Southern Andes
- Field and experimental evidence of frictional melting in fluid-rich faults
- Forecasting future global biodiversity: Predicting current and future global plant distributions, community structure, and ecosystem function
- Geologic Record of the Great San Sixto 1787 Tsunami, Oaxaca-Guerrero, Mexico: Implications for Tsunami Hazard in Mexico
- Geomagnetic Disturbances Driven by Solar Activity Enhance Total and Cardiovascular Mortality Risk in 263 U.S. Cities
- How snow accumulation influence coarse sediment transport dynamics in a glacierized Andean basin: Interpretations from continuous bedload monitoring in Estero Morales, Chile.
- Hydroclimatic variability in central Chile since the 13<SUP>th</SUP> century
- Maximum sustainable fluid pressure within a strike-slip tectonic setting: preliminary results from the Andean Transverse Faults, Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes (39ºS)
- Modeling present and future ice covers in two Antarctic lakes: west lobe of Lake Bonney and Crooked Lake
- Monitoring Advection-Enhanced Evapotranspiration in a Semiarid Region Irrigated Field Using Eddy Covariance and Optical/microwave Scintillometers
- Monthly Actual Evapotranspiration Estimations with Remote Sensing and In Situ Data in Arid Regions of the Andean Plateau
- New Elliptical Flux Tube Model to Explain Sunspot Oscillations
- Origin and residence times of groundwater in pre-mountainous hard-rock systems, The example of the Rio Clarillo hydrosystem (Pirque, Santiago, Chile)
- Pseudotachylytes from the Atacama Desert (Northern Chile)
- Snow depth variability and storm events of high mountain central Chile
- Surface Temperature Lapse Rate and 0 °C Isotherm in the Central Chilean Andes Mountains, Under Wet Weather Conditions
- Tectonic constraints leading to hydrothermal fluid flow: insights from the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault System and the Andean Transverse Faults, Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes (39ºS)
- The Effect of Earthquake Source Complexities on the Variability of Tsunami Inundation Parameters
- The hunt for a universal friction law: a bristle-based rate and state dependent constitutive relation simulates high velocity rupture experiments, connecting fault friction across loading conditions
- Trace elements distribution in magnetite: the relationship between tectonics and hydrothermal fluid flow in the Dominga Fe-Cu deposit, Coastal Cordillera, Northern Chile
- Using a Socio-Hydrology Stance to Address the Paradox Between Global Decarbonisation, Lithium Fever, and Sustainability in the Atacama Salt Deposit
- Broadband Ground Motion Simulations with Sediment Nonlinearity: A Case Study at Garner Valley, California
- Determining Fog Frequency and Stratocumulus Cloud Vertical Structure Combining a Ground Optical Fog Observation System (GOFOS) with a Thermodynamic Characterization of the Marine Boundary Layer
- Evidence for fluid control on faults in the Chilean Andes from seismicity and magnetotellurics
- Linking Landscape Ecology with Hydrology: Evaluation of Landscape Metrics Influence on Streamflow
- Modeling the sources of the 2018 Palu Tsunami, Indonesia, with the help of social media videos.
- Recent temperature change on the Juneau Icefield, Alaska.
- Regional Patterns and Temporal Evolution of Ocean Iron Fertilization and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Drawdown during the Last Glacial Termination
- Reprocessing scintillometer data to describe evapotranspiration fluxes in a semi-arid region: analysis of the effectiveness of different theoretical methods
- The potential of glacial cirques as a paleoclimatic proxy in northern Patagonia
- Assessing potential impacts of climate change on the Western New York aquifer under two CMIP6 scenarios
- Bayesian joint inversion methodology of EM/DC geophysical data and groundwater flow modeling to estimate deep aquifer hydrogeological properties
- Bias Correction and the Importance of Preserving the Changes in Variability: Unbiased Quantile Mapping (UQM) a Novel Bias Correction
- Bridging Earthquakes and Mountain Building in the Santa Cruz Mountains, CA
- ClimAG-Krigger: A New (Paleo)Climatology-Oriented Toolbox for Anisotropic Global Kriging Interpolation
- ClimQMBC a new Package to Bias Correct Climatic Variables While Preserving raw GCM Changes in the Mean and Standard Deviation for R, Python and MATLAB
- Complementary High-Resolution Geophysical Techniques for Shallow Root Zone Exploration at Iluga Tumulos Archeological Site in the Pampa del Tamarugal (Atacama Desert, Northern Chile).
- Cooling and exhumation patterns in a strike-slip tectonic setting: preliminary thermochronologic results from the Southern Andes (39S)
- Coupling EPA-SWMM and MODFLOW towards a Model Integration Scheme for Urban Settings with Wetlands and Shallow Groundwater
- Current Challenges and Recent Advances in Understanding the Paleoclimatic Dust Cycle
- Fluid Flow and Deformation Regimes Within a Geothermal System due to the Presence of a Crustal Fault from a 3D Poromechanical Model Approach
- Geodynamic implications of the subduction of an active spreading ridge: the Chile Triple Junction case study
- High-frequency Strong Motion Generation Areas Revealed from Inversion of Strong Motion Data of the 2014 Mw8.2 Iquique, Chile Earthquake using Empirical Greens Functions
- Hydrodynamics of Mixing and Transport in Transient Storage Zones
- Improving calibration of numerical groundwater models in arid zones using Earth Engine Evapotranspiration Flux and PEST
- Inlet Dynamics under Mega-drought, Climate Change, and Water Overexploitation in a Central Chilean Estuary
- Locked asperities and seismic hazard after recent great earthquakes in Chile
- Magma Chamber Rupture Considered Using Elastic Thermo-Mechanical Deformation Models to Probe the Influence of Temperature on Local Stress Fields
- Magma sheet fold interactions in the Central Andes: local stress field perturbations during magma emplacement in folded crustal segments.
- Microstructural Controls on Thermally-Induced Crack Damage in Rocks
- Numerical Simulations of Antidune Migration and Bed Morphodynamics in Supercritical Flows
- Past Atmospheric Particulate Matter Reconstruction based on Dendrochemistry
- Plate-Locking, Uncertainty Estimation and Spatial Correlations Revealed by a Bayesian Positivity Constrained Method with Model Selection: Application on Central Chile
- Seismic cycle segmentation in Central Chile subduction zone due to fault geometry anomalies
- The Chile Ridge Subduction and its influence on the faulting architecture and fluid migration patterns in Patagonia
- The Mechanical Interaction and Potential Mutual Trigger of a Fault Zone and a Volcanic Reservoir from 3D Elasto-Plastic Models Based on a Field Case from the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone
- The effect of spatial frictional heterogeneities on the dynamic rupture process on faults.
- Water Security and the Hydric Potential of Andean Cryosphere.
- Comparison between the surface air temperature and free atmosphere temperature in the Western Subtropical Andes
- Estimating correlation lengths of megathrust events: A Bayesian model selection approach.
- Fractal Fracturing of a Geothermal System in Patagonia: Insights into fluid migration mechanism
- Incorporating Seismic Source Uncertainties Into Early Tsunami Hazard Estimates
- Multi-scale Fracturing Patterns and their Role on Fluid Migration Dynamics of the Patagonian Geothermal Systems in Aysén, southernmost Chile
- Present-day high resolution locking distribution in the 1730 Central Chile seismic gap from GNSS and Sentinel-1 InSAR data
- The Geodynamic Evolution of the Subducting Chile Ridge, thermal and geodynamic consequences constrained by geophysical and geological data.
- The Time of Emergence of SPEI Drought Index and Seasonal Total Precipitation over Central Chile (30-42°S)
- The impact of heat waves and urban heat islands on criminal activity and delinquency in a large urban area.
- Timing and Size of Great and Giant Chilean Earthquakes Controlled by Lithological Changes Along the Subduction Megathrust
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alexandre Gauvain
- Axel Osses
- Catalina Morales‐Yáñez
- Christian Sippl
- Christopher S. Lowry
- Cristián Chadwick
- Cristián Escauriaza
- Daniel F. Stöckli
- Daniel Melnick
- Denis‐Didier Rousseau
- Eugenio E. Veloso
- Fabrice Lambert
- Felipe Aron
- Felipe Sáez-Leiva
- Francisco Ortega‐Culaciati
- Francisco Suárez
- Frederik Tilmann
- G. E. Hilley
- Gisela Winckler
- Gonzalo Yáñez
- Joaquín Julve
- John Browning
- Jorge Gironás
- Jorge Sanhueza
- Juan Carlos Báez
- Laura Gallardo
- M. A. Ibañez
- M. Moreno
- M. Stangalini
- Matías Clunes
- Megan E. Williams
- N. J. Cosentino
- Nikki M. Seymour
- P. G. Meredith
- Patricio A. Catalán
- Pauli Kehayias
- Ralph J. Archuleta
- Rayana Santos Araújo Palharini
- René D. Garreaud
- Rodrigo Cienfuegos
- Roland Bürgmann
- Sebastián Pereira
- Sylvain Barbot
- Thomas M. Mitchell