National Taiwan University
flowchart I[National Taiwan University] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (3)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1271)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (129)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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- National Taiwan University, Department of Geosciences
- National Taiwan University, Department of Physics
- National Taiwan University, Institute of Astrophysics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Active Continental Growth Under Transpressional Tectonics ¡V Example from Southeastern Taiwan
- Analysis of the groundwater level changes in wells by seasonal decomposition method of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquark in Taiwan.
- Aquifer Parameter Identification Using Bayesian Approach
- Diffraction Tomography of Shear Velocity Heterogeneity in the Lowermost Mantle
- Effect of Well Bore Mixing Volume on Nonaxisymmetrical Transport in a Convergent Radial Tracer Test
- Erosion-Induced Backstepping and Reactivation of the Chelungpu Thrust: Implications for patterns of modern strain release in west-central Taiwan.
- Evidence for Prehistoric Coeseismic Folding Along the Tsaotun and Chushan Segments of the Chelungpu Fault Near Nan-Tou, Taiwan
- Linking Observations and Physics of Fluvial Bedrock Erosion in an Active Mountain Belt, East Central Taiwan
- Tomographic Model for the AAD Region From Waveform Inversion of Rayleigh Waves and Multiscale Parameterization
- Climate Change Impacts on Hydrology in Taiwan
- Continental Growth and Deformation in Taiwan -Insight from GPS data and Sandbox Experiments
- Development of Optimal Groundwater Management Model for a Multi-Layered Aquifer
- Finite-Frequency Seismic Traveltime Tomography of the Iceland Mantle Plume
- Geomorphic Constraints on Patterns of Shortening and Erosion in the Puli Basin: Hinterland of the Central Taiwan Thrust Belt
- Holocene Bedrock Channel Incision in Taiwan
- Holocene Rock Uplift and Subsidence in the Coastal area of Taiwan
- Late-Quaternary Fluvial Aggradation and Incision in the Yuchi Basin, Central Taiwan
- Lead Isotopic Source Signatures for Rains and River Waters in Taiwan
- Modern Strain and Structural Architecture of the Central Taiwanese Orogen - Evidence for Active Backstepping in Response to Erosion?
- Near-Surface Seasonal Creeping and Subsurface Repeated Seismicity on the Plate-Suture Thrust Fault in Chihshang, Eastern Taiwan
- New MAXimum Intersection Method (MAXIM) Applied to the Determination of Earthquake Hypocenters in a Structurally Complex Area, Offshore Eastern Taiwan
- Predicting CO2 and Heat Sources-Sinks and Fluxes Within a Forest Canopy Using a Lagrangian Dispersion Model
- Regional Ground-based Aerosol Characterization From AERONET During ACE-Asia- Comparison to Long Term Observations
- Silica Heat Flow and Thermal Structure of Southern Taiwan
- Superadiabatic Temperature Increase in the Lowermost Mantle Beneath Asia and the Western Pacific
- Temporal Dynamic Distributions of Coccolithophorids in Water Column on Continental Shelf Break of the Southern East China Sea
- The Effect of 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake on the Groundwater Flows of Choshuichi Alluvial Fan, Taiwan
- The Systematics of Strontium and Chlorine Isotopes in Hot Springs and Mud Volcano Fluids in Taiwan Accretionary Wedge
- The Uncertainties of Asian Dust Forecasting over Taiwan During Spring 2002
- Tracing coastal waster masses with Sr/Ca ratio and salinity in Nanwan Bay, Taiwan
- Tropospheric Ozone Over the North Pacific From Ozonesonde Observations
- 3-D kinematics analysis of surface ruptures on an active creeping fault at Chihshang, Eastern Taiwan
- A New Look for the Cause of the 1906 Meishan Earthquake in Southwestern Taiwan From Shallow Seismic Reflection Images
- Characteristics of Gas Hydrate and Free Gas Offshore Southwestern Taiwan: A Combined Seismic Reflection/Refraction Analysis
- Control of Bedload Sediment Supply Upon Bedrock Incision and River Longitudinal Profile in the Eastern Central Range, Taiwan
- Distribution and Seismic Characteristics of Gas Hydrate Offshore Southwestern Taiwan
- Drainage Development in a Submarine Setting, Offshore Eastern Taiwan
- Links between erosion, runoff variability, and seismicity in the Taiwan orogen
- Miocene Gaolingong faulting and its implications for extrusion tectonics in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis
- Multiresolution Interpolation and Detiding of the ADCP data
- Natural Occurrences of Surface Melting in the Slickensides of the Fault Zone in Miaoli Area, Western Taiwan
- Optimization Of Fuzzy Programming For Reservoir Operation
- Seasonal Variations of Water Mass Mixing off Southwest Coast of Taiwan
- Teleseismic imaging of upper mantle structures around the Taiwan area
- Two-Stage Parameter Estimation in Confined Costal Aquifers
- A Multiproxy Record of Marine Isotope Stage 11 (MIS 11) in the South China Sea (IMAGES-Core MD972142)
- A Slow Slide in central Taiwan Induced by Chi-Chi Earthquake revealed by PIV Analysis
- Acoustic Velocity Of The Sediments Offshore Southwestern Taiwan
- Array analysis of Taiwan short-period data and the transition zone morphology in the Fiji-Tonga region
- Deformation Pattern of an Accretionary Wedge in the Transition Zone From Subduction to Collision Offshore Southwestern Taiwan
- Determination of principal orientations of in-situ stress from anelastic strain recovery measurements of drilling cores close to a fault zone in TCDP Hole-A
- Determination of tectonic shortening rates from progressively deformed flights of terraces above the Chelungpu and Changhua thrust ramps, Taiwan
- Detrital zircon study along the Tsangpo River, SE Tibet
- Dynamics of Chi-Chi earthquake rupture: Discovery from Seismological Modeling and Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project (TCDP)
- Effect of Well Bore Mixing on Formation Decontamination by Pumping
- Effects of Future Climate Shifts on CO2 Exchange of a Grassland Ecosystem
- Finite-Frequency Tomography of D'' Shear Velocity Heterogeneity beneath the Caribbean
- Generation of high-Mg andesites in the Kueishantao volcano, the southernmost part of the Okinawa Trough
- Holocene Pulleniatina Minimum Event: A Paleoecological Enigma in the Western Pacific
- Inversion of Coseimic Deformation of Chengkung Earthquake in Eastern Taiwan Revealed by Strong Motion and Continuous GPS Data
- Mountain river meanders and typhoon strike frequency in the western Pacific
- Nano-particle Analysis of Fault Gouge in the Chelungpu Fault of Taiwan
- Preliminary Summary Of Current Fault Zones In The Hole-A Of TCDP
- Ridge-like upwelling in the uppermost lower mantle beneath eastern Africa from finite-frequency seismic tomography
- Seasonal Variation Of C/N and Delta 13C Of Particulate Organic Matters From Three Lakes in Taiwan
- Seismogenic Structures in Hualien Region, eastern Taiwan
- Structure of the Ryukyu Subduction Zone at its Western end: Slab Buckling, Double Seismic Layer, and the Effect of Dehydration
- The Relationship Between Groundwater Monitoring Networks and the Chi-Chi Earthquake in Taiwan
- The application of InSAR for crustal deformation and land subsidence in Taiwan
- Traditional Aquifer Tests: Comparing Apples to Oranges?
- An Investigation of the Impact from Different Rainfall Sources on Flash Flood Prediction using Artificial Neural Networks
- An alternative Born normal mode method to compute synthetic seismograms in the 3D Earth
- Array analysis of ScP : D'' velocity anomalies and the tilt of CMB
- Characteristics of Clay Minerals in the Fault Zone of TCDP and its Implications
- Characterization of Unfractured Wall Rocks of TCDP Hole-B by Combination of Thermal-Property and TDR Measurements in Laboratory
- Characterization of Vertical Distribution of Hydraulic Conductivity in a Heterogeneous Aquifer
- Correlations Among Various Physical Properties of Fault Zone Cores Retrieved From TCDP Hole-B
- Distribution of Deformation Features and Clay Mineral Characteristics Around the Chelung-pu Fault, Taiwan
- Estimation of methane hydrate quantities from marine seismic data and physical modeling (time-average method)
- Frictional Properties and Permeability of Fault Rocks from Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project and Their Implications for High-Velocity Slip Weakening
- Geological Characteristics of Active Methane Expulsion In Accretionary Prism Kaoping Slope Off SW Taiwan
- Isotopic Evidence of Fluid Processes in Fault-related Rocks From TCDP Drill Cores in Taiwan
- Mechanical strengths of fault and its surrounding rocks on an active creeping fault at Chihshang, Eastern Taiwan: an approach of numerical modeling
- N2O Emissions From a Fertilized Grassland: Modeling and Measurements
- New geochronological constraints on the movement of Jiali and Gaoligong shear zones in SE Tibet, and its tectonic implication
- No Anomaly Appearance in Pre-Earthquake Phenomena Center
- Orbital-Scale Variability of Deep-Water Circulation in the South China Sea
- Pressurization effect on bulk properties and pore connection of sedimentary rock specimens from TCDP cores
- Shear Velocity Structure of the Lowermost Mantle as Revealed by Multiscale Finite-Frequency Differential Traveltime Tomography
- Soil Morphological Variations on Pleistocene Multi-step Terraces in the Taoyuan-Chungli Area, Northwestern Taiwan
- Structural Controls on the BSR Distribution Offshore Southwestern Taiwan from a 2.5-D Seismic Reflection Survey
- The Taiwan-Ryukyu subduction-collision complex, II: Tomographic imaging of seismic velocity structure beneath the southernmost Ryukyu Arc and its implications for slab buckling, dehydration, and melting
- The relationship between pore-pressure and the elastic-wave velocities of TCDP-cores
- Verification of Heat-Pulse Flowmeter Measurement in the Laboratory
- Vertical Variations of Microbial Community Structures Along the TCDP Drill Cores
- A Study on Superensemble Simulation of East Asia Summer Climate Projection
- Adjoint State Method and Tabu Search for Distributed Parameter Identification in Groundwater Modeling
- Anomalous hydrographic and biological conditions in the northern South China Sea during the 1997-98 El Niño
- BSR Distribution and Gas Plum in the China Continental Slope Offshore Southwestern Taiwan
- BSRs Distribution and Their Relationship to Structural and Topographic Features Offshore Southwest Taiwan
- Comparing the hydraulic properties under different flow direction in a heterogeneous field
- Dissolved Methane Gases in Water Column and Bottom Water from Offshore SW Taiwan
- Distribution of gassy sediments and mud volcanoes offshore southwestern Taiwan
- Elastic and viscoelastic parameters of the Philippine Sea plate under the Ryukyu trench near Taiwan
- Gas Geochemistry Study in Gas Hydrate Potential Area Offshore SW Taiwan
- Gas hydrate and spatial venting variations in the continental margin offshore Southwestern Taiwan
- Generation Of Nonlinear Internal Wave Packet In Luzon Strait
- Historical development of landforms and behavior and structure of the frontal thrust system (Changhua fault) in Tatushan, western Taiwan
- Imaging Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalaya by Multiscale Finite-Frequency Tomography
- Improvement on Vp/Vs structures and earthquake location using a dense strong motion array in Taiwan
- Improvements in mode-based waveform modeling and application to Eurasian velocity structure
- Influence of Growth Strata on the Evolution of Faulted-related Folds by 2-D Distinct-element Models: Case Studies for Coseismic Deformation of the Chi-Chi Earthquake
- Isolation and Characterization of Arsenite-Oxidation Bacteria From Arsenic-contaminated Groundwater in Blackfoot Disease Region in Taiwan
- Isolation and Molecular Characterization of As(V) Respiration / As Resistance Bacteria From Arsenic-Contaminated Groundwater in Blackfoot Disease Region in Taiwan
- Mechanical strengths of an active creeping fault at Chihshang, Eastern Taiwan
- Modern Sedimentation off the Kaoping River, SW Taiwan: A Comparison with Eel River's S2S System
- Modulation of K1 Barotropic Tide by Vigorous Baroclinic Tide in South China Sea
- Multi-scale upper mantle tomography of the Eurasia using surface waveform data
- Neotectonics Of The Hengchun Peninsula, southern Taiwan
- Observations of Shoaling Nonlinear Internal Waves: Formation of Trapped Cores
- Orientation determination of in-situ horizontal principal stresses by using drilling-induced breakouts and tensile fractures in an active fault drilling hole
- Ozone Production and Control Strategies for Southern Taiwan
- Paleostress Analysis of Retrieved Cores from the Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project (TCDP) Hole-A
- Possible eastern edge of the Meso-Tethyan slab in the lower mantle beneath southern Tibet
- Sampling strategy for transient hydraulic tomography
- Scheduling Optimization of a Multiple Source Water Supply System
- Slip plane identification associated with the 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake: X-ray CT image analyses of fault-related samples recovered from Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project
- Slope Analysis of the Taiwan Accretionary Prism and its Adjacent South China Sea Continental Slope
- Source And Release Mechanism Of Arsenic In Shallow Groundwater In The Southwestern Taiwan
- Structural Controls on the Formation of BSR Over a Buried Anticline From a 2.5-D Seismic Reflection Survey Offshore Southwestern Taiwan
- Supertyphoon Boosters in the Western North Pacific Ocean
- Tectonic Features of Gas Hydrate-Bearing Sediments off Southwest Taiwan
- Temporal and spatial structural characteristics in the Taiwan Slate Belt
- The Active Shanchiao Fault in the Metropolitan Taipei Area, Northern Taiwan: Geomorphic and Geodetic Analyses
- The Establishment of Seasonal Eco-warning System for Formosan Landlocked Salmon
- The extent of the western Pacific warm pool varied with the Antarctica ice extent during the past 350 kyrs
- Transport and frictional properties of core samples from Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project and its association with the heat generation due to frictional heating
- True Triaxial Strength and Deformability of the Sandstone Overlying the Chelungpu-Fault (Chi-Chi Earthquake), Taiwan
- Upper Mantle Seismic Anisotropy around the Plate Edge beneath Northern Taiwan
- Using Distinct-Element Method (DEM) to Investigate Tsaoling Landslide Induced by Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taiwan.
- What Determines the Distance of Asian Dust Transport?
- A Magmatic Perspective and Zircon Hf Isotope Constraints on Tibetan Orogenesis
- A Sustainable Early Warning System for Climate Change Impacts on Water Quality Management
- A Velocity Field for the North American Plate Interior
- A seismic reflectivity study of the methane hydrate layer in the offshore area, southwestern Taiwan
- Characteristics of Sensible Heat, Water Vapor, and CO2 Fluxes Over a Rice Paddy
- Construction of Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks and its Application to Streamflow Forecasting
- Deposition and Burial Efficiency of Terrestrial Organic Carbon Exported from Small Mountainous Rivers to the Continental Margin, Southwest of Taiwan
- Determination of earthquake early warning parameters, τc and Pd
- Determination of tectonic shortening rates from progressively deformed flights of terraces above the Chelungpu and Changhua thrust ramps, Taiwan
- Detrital zircon evidence from Burma for reorganization of the eastern Himalayan river system
- Development of a Statistical Downscaling Model for Projecting Monthly Rainfall over East Asia from a General Circulation Model Output
- Discovery of "Hydrothermal" Chemosynthetic Community in a Cold Seep Environment, Formosa Ridge: Seafloor Observation Results from First ROV Cruise, off Southwestern Taiwan
- Evidence of a slab of subducted lithosphere beneath central Taiwan from teleseismic S waves
- Fluorescences Of Inclusion Oils With Respect To Their Maturities And Sources:Simulation In Diamond Anvil Cell
- Geochemical constraints on the origin of high-Mg andesites in the southernmost Okinawa Trough
- Hydrological and chemical monitoring during Fluid Injection Test in Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project
- Imaging the Chihshang Fault in the Longitudinal Valley of Eastern Taiwan by using the Shallow Seismic Reflection Method
- Implications of Groundwater Level Changes Induced by Earthquakes
- Isotopic Measurement of Lead in Nanogram Quantities on Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
- Long-Term Estimation of Soil Heat Flux Using Single Layer Time Series Data of Soil Temperature
- Modes of Planetary Reshaping During Core Formation: Numerical Study
- Multi-scale Tomography Of The Pacific Upper Mantle Using Surface Waveform Data
- Nano-particle Analysis of Fault Gouge in the Chelungpu Fault of Taiwan
- Near Sea Floor Gas Hydrate Formation and Influence on Pore Water Chemistry and Authigenic Carbonate at the Formosa Ridge, South China Sea
- Ozone Profiles Over the Industrial Coast of Southern Taiwan
- Pore-Fluid Pressures and Crustal Strength
- Quaternary volcanic rocks from Central Burma: Geochemical characteristics and petrogenesis
- Shallow Seismic Reflection Images of the Active Chingshui and Tachia Faults in Central Taiwan
- Structural Variations of an Accretionary Wedge in the Transition Zone from Subduction to Collision Offshore Southern Taiwan
- The Comparison among different cloud classification schemes using Satellite Imagery
- The Effective Factors in the Deformation of Accretionary Wedges: Insight from Sandbox Experiments
- The Impact of the Climate Change on Taipei Groundwater Resources
- Variable discharge controls on channel width and sinuosity in mixed bedrock-alluvial river channels: a combined field, remote-sensing, and modeling study
- A Study of Pd attenuation for Earthquake Early Warning System in Taiwan
- A Study of the Seismotomography in Tatun Volcano Region, Taiwan
- A generalized flow path model for water distribution optimization
- A rapid creeping reverse fault at the plate suture: the Chihshang fault in eastern Taiwan
- Accuracy Assessment in rainfall upscaling in multiple time scales
- An Investigation of Water Level Prediction in Urban Drainage System Using Artificial Neural Networks
- An abnormal episode of 1991 mass coral mortality: Clues from anomalies of coral skeletal rare earth elements (REEs)
- Annual-to-decadal resolution speleothem records from Zhijin Cave in the central western Guizhou of China: Changes in climate, environment and human activity during the past 1200 years
- Bicentennial Earthquake Supercycles Inferred from Relative Sealevel Changes in Corals off West Sumatra
- Changes in vertical hydrological profile at the southern margin of the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) during the past 168,000 years
- Characteristics of Heat, Water Vapor, and CO2 Fluxes above a Mountainous Cypress Forest in Taiwan
- Clay mineral reactions caused by frictional heating during an earthquake: An example from the Taiwan Chelungpu fault
- Climate Change Impact on Groundwater Recharge: A Case Study in Taiwan
- Comparison of Sedimentary Processes on Adjacent Passive and Active Continental Margins Offshore of Southwest Taiwan Based on Echo Character Studies
- Complex geological interactions in the mantle beneath western USA
- Continental Margin as A Small River Organic Carbon Sink
- Dependence of bedrock river meandering on typhoon rainfall, flood magnitude and rock strength
- Development Of An Open System For Integration Of Heterogeneous Models For Flood Forecasting And Hazard Mitigation
- Distribution and Chemical Reactivity of Dissolved Iron in Surface Waters of Northwestern Pacific Marginal Seas
- Effects of Earth Surface Albedo on Orbital Forcing in Quaternary Glacial Cycles
- Estimation of Methane Concentration by Kinetic Modeling and Its Implication for the Top of Gas Hydrate Depth
- Evolution of the Li-Yu Lake at Eastern Taiwan: Evidences from Magnetic Proxies and Pollen Analysis
- Geodynamic Evolution of the Northeastern South China Sea
- Halogen Profiles in Gas Hydrate Potential Area Offshore SW Taiwan
- How to exhume an arc-continent collision ophiolitic mélange: An Example from Taiwan
- Huge Erratic Boulders in Tonga Deposited by a Prehistoric Tsunami
- Identification of Ecological Flow Regime Related to Fish Community: A Quantitative Ecology Approach
- Improved seismic tomography in Taiwan region and its implications for subduction and collision processes
- Influence of Soft Cover on the Evolution of Faulted-related Folds by 2-D Distinct-element Models: Case Studies for Coseismic Deformation of the Chi-Chi Earthquake
- Influence of typhoon-rainfall on denudation rate in subalpine Yuenyang Lake catchment, subtropical northern Taiwan
- Integrating Hydrometeorological Information for Precipitation and Streamflow Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Networks
- Integrating Logged Borehole Breakouts With Hydraulic Fracturing to Constrain the State of Stress Across the Chelungpu Fault, Taiwan, Post-Chi-Chi Earthquake
- Inversion of explosive and teleseismic data for two-dimensional velocity structure beneath southern Taiwan
- Investigating the Nature of Short-Period Ambient Seismic Noise in Taiwan
- Limitation of secondary electron multiplier non-linearity on accurate U-Th isotopic determination by MC-ICP-MS
- Linking land-use conversion and landscape-scale energy balance to explore the impact of the urban heat island (UHI) on the regional micrometeorological pattern
- Methane flux and sulfate reduction variations in the continental margin offshore southwestern Taiwan
- NSGA-II for optimizing water supply and hydroelectric power generation of Two-Reservoir System
- Neotectonics in the southernmost part of Longitudinal Valley, eastern Taiwan and it's implications to the activity of Lichi Fault and Luyeh Fault
- Ocean Bottom Gamma-Ray Anomaly Around Methane Seeps Related to Gas Hydrate- Bearing Zone in The Eastern Margin of Japan Sea and Off Southwest Taiwan
- Seasonal interactions between deep aquifers and sea water in the Pingtung coastal zone of southern Taiwan
- Sedimentary erosive processes and sediment dispersal in the Gaoping Submarine Canyon in the southwestern Taiwan margin
- Sedimentation and transportation of mud rock material
- Seismotectonics of northeastern Taiwan: Structural characteristics of a transitional area from waning collision to subduction and post-collisional extension
- Size and Chemical Affinity Fractionated Dissolved Cadmium, Copper and Nickel in Gulf of Mexico Surface Waters
- Solubility of Metals in Aerosols Over the East China Sea: correlation Between Co and Fe
- Subsurface Structure of the Suspicious Hsiaokangshan Fault in Southern Taiwan From Seismic Reflection Images and Core Borings
- TLEs, ITCZ, Storm Tracks and Their Correlation
- Temporal and Spatial variations of small river dissolved loads in Taiwan
- The Heterogeneous Oxidation of Organic Droplets -Temperature and Physical Phase Effects
- The carbon isotopes of DIC and methane gas from gas hydrate potential area offshore SW Taiwan
- Three-Dimensional Seismic Velocity Structure of the Crust and Upper Mantle beneath Western Tibet from Multiscale, Finite-Frequency Travel-Time Tomography
- Turbulent Transport Simulation of Water Vapor over Non-homogeneous Terrain
- Using finite-frequency methods to improve regional models
- Vertical Crustal Motion of Taiwan Determined from Tide Gauge and Altimeter Data
- A Modeling Tool for Evaluating Climate Change Impacts on Water Supply System
- A decadal-resolution stalagmite record of Asian summer monsoon during 28- 30 thousand years in Northwestern Vietnam
- A slow-slipping active fold and thrust system at the SE corner of the Atacama basin, northern Chile
- An application of artificial neural networks to the prediction of agricultural losses during typhoon periods
- Analysis of Groundwater level Changes in Wells Sensitive to Earthquakes
- Application of strong-motion building array records in earthquake early warning system
- Calibrating the parameters of landform evolution models using LiDAR-dervied DTM in Linkou Tableland, Taiwan
- Cenozoic Plume-Slab Interaction Beneath the Pacific Northwest
- Changes of Carbon and Nitrogen Storages across a Fire Induced Forest/Grassland Boundary
- Characteristics and origins of hot springs in the Tatun Volcano Group, northern Taiwan
- Chronology of magmatism and Eurekean deformation in the High-Arctic Large Igneous Province: 40Ar-39Ar age of the Kap Washington Volcanics, North Greenland
- Climate and human impacts on vegetation changes in central Guizhou, China: Carbon and oxygen isotopic records in a stalagmite from Yelang Cave
- Coseismic growth of the Tungshih anticline during the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taiwan
- Crustal Structure of Taiwan Revealed by Seismic Traveltimes from TAIGER Active-Source Experiments
- Crustal structure of the pre-collision passive margin from seismic reflection imaging offshore southwest Taiwan
- Cultivable diversity of thermophilic arsenite/ferrous-oxidizing microorganisms in hot springs of Taiwan
- Developing a yearly warning index to assess the climatic impact on the water resources of Taiwan, a complex-terrain island
- Development of an Optimization model for Conjunctive use of Surface Water and Groundwater
- Distribution and Development of Mud Diapirs Offshore Southwestern Taiwan
- Emission Flux of Soil Carbon Dioxide in Hydrothermal Area of the Tatun Volcano Group, Northern Taiwan
- Enargy taken up by co-seismic chemical reactions during a large earthquake : An example from the 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi earth quake
- Estimate of thermal history within clayey characteristics from Hole-A of Taiwan Chelungpu fault Drilling Project (TCDP)
- Estimated hydrogeological parameters by artificial neurons network
- Estimating Antarctica land topography from GRACE gravity and ICESat altimetry data
- Evaluating the Risk of Nucleation of a M8 Earthquake East of Hualien (Taiwan) : Preliminary Results from the ACTS Project
- Evolution of Luzon Arc Forearc Basin Offshore Southern Taiwan
- Fault Geometry based on Coseismic Ground Displacements from Satellite Images for the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, Sichuan, China
- First results from OBS modelling of the ACTS wide-angle seismic profile offshore Taiwan
- Focal Mechanisms of Earthquakes in the Taiwan Strait
- Geochemical and sulfur isotope signatures of microbial activity in acidic and sulfuric hot springs, northern Taiwan
- Groundwater Level Changes Associated with the Wenchuan Earthquake of May 12, 2008
- Holocene paleoearthquake activity along the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake ruptures of the Beichuan and Pengguan faults, eastern Sichuan, China
- Imaging of Crustal Structures in the Northernmost South China Sea Based on TAIGER-OBS Data
- Improvement of Stream Temperature Model for Continuous Simulation and Application to Formosan Landlocked Salmon’s Habitat
- Integrating geologic and geodetic estimates of slip rate in southwestern Taiwan: implications of 2-D elastic dislocation modeling for seismogenic zones of fold-and-thrust belts
- Integration of Large-Scale Optimization and Game Theory for Sustainable Water Quality Management
- Joint Inversion for Crustal and Pn Velocities and Moho Depth for Red River fault, northern Vietnam
- Laboratory controls of precursor and temperature on the kinetics and isotopic fractionations of microbial methane for deep subsurface environments
- Local Climate Reconstruction and Significant but Non-Stable Teleconnections on the Asian Continent and in the Pacific and Indian Oceans as Indicated by the Analysis of a 1000 Year Tree Ring Chronology from Taiwan
- Long record of shortening rates in the south Tianshan and evidence for a late Quaternary order-of-magnitude acceleration, Kuqa basin, China (Invited)
- Longterm slip rate of the Pengguan Fault, deduced from river terraces along the Jinghe River
- Mechanism of Sustained Coseismic Groundwater-level Changes
- Metamorphism in Taiwan : state of the art and some geodynamic interpretation
- Methane and sulfur cycling in terrestrial hydrocarbon seeps
- Methane-related microbial processes and metabolic stratification in a terrestrial mud volcano, southwestern Taiwan
- Microbial Metabolic Diversity Study of the Kuantzuling Mud Hot Spring in the Southwestern Taiwan
- Microbial and fluid processes in terrestrial mud volcanoes of eastern Taiwan
- Modeling Air-Land-Sea Interaction using Regional Climate System Model for Monterey Bay, CA
- Moment Tensor Inversions of 20 October 1999 Taiwan earthquake sequence
- Multiscale Waveform Tomography with Two-step Model Parameterization
- Neotectonic Patterns of Taiwan Based on Recent Multi-Source Data
- New insights into accretionary prism development and deformation in the pre-arc-continent-collision transition zone offshore Taiwan
- New paleointensity and Ar-Ar geochronologic results from the Columbia River Basalts
- New topographic and geophysical maps in the southwesternmost Ryukyu area give the key to understanding the role of the Ryukyu trench-arc-backarc system towards the Taiwan orogeny
- OSL-thermochronology: introduction, application and limitations
- On Short Period Ambient Noise of Taiwan (1) Ambient Noise Tomography (2) Probing Source of Ambient Noise
- Optimization of European Call Options Considering Physical Delivery Network and Reservoir Operation Rules
- Overview and early highlights of the TAIGER project marine, active-source seismic program (Invited)
- Paleomagnetic Study of Marine Sediment Core OR715-21 from Eastern Offshore of Taiwan
- Precise Sediment Yield and Riverbed Change Detected by using LiDAR DTMs before and after a Typhoon Season
- Radon and Helium as productive tools for earthquake precursory and fault delineation studies in NW Himalayas, India: An overview
- Reconstruction of Volcanoes in the Coastal Range, Eastern Taiwan and its Evolution during Arc-Continent Collision
- Regional silica heat flow variation in active tectonic area: Taiwan and its implication
- Risk Analysis of Extreme Rainfall Effects on the Shihmen Reservoir
- Rupture Plane Determination of Small to Moderate Earthquakes by Finite Moment Tensor Inversion
- Sediment dispersal and tectonic accommodation in the Gaoping Slope, Southwestern Taiwan
- Seismic velocity analysis for gas hydrate bearing sediments offshore southwestern Taiwan
- Seismic velocity structure of the Eurasian margin of the southern Taiwan Strait
- Serpentinization of the forearc mantle beneath NE Taiwan and the westernmost Ryukyu subduction zone
- Single-layer 230Th dating with precision of one year on laminated stalagmites
- Spatial variation of radon and helium in soil gas vis-à-vis geology of area, NW Himalayas, India
- Spatiotemporal distribution on swarm earthquakes and induced crustal deformation in Hualien, Taiwan
- Stalagmite-inferred late Holocene precipitation evolution in the tropical western Pacific from Tine cave, Negros Occidental, Philippines
- Stand-scale soil respiration estimates based on chamber methods in a Bornean tropical rainforest
- Structure and process beneath the western US: Integrating disparate geophysical datasets (Invited)
- Study on Challenges to Reservoir Operations Under Changing Climate
- Surface-wave Tomography of Taiwan Region using Ambient Noise Analysis
- The Lagrangian stochastic model for estimating footprint and surface fluxes over inhomogeneous surfaces
- The Methane Sources and Flux in Offshore SW Taiwan
- The formation of a permanent temperature SST gradient at the Plio-Pleistocene boundary: Highlights from the Western Pacific Warm Pool periphery area
- The influences of hydrological dynamics on Porites coral skeletal Sr/Ca thermometry
- The intelligent operation of an urban drainage system using artificial neural networks
- The late Quaternary vegetation and climate changes inferred from the pollen record in Dongyuan Lake, southern Taiwan
- Thermal and hydrological variability in the southern South China Sea over the past 11,600 years
- Three Recipes to Decipher Late Pleistocene Slip Rates of the Chelungpu Thrust (Central Taiwan), based on OSL-dated Folded Terraces
- Time Dependant BSR Occurrence Offshore Taiwan After an Earthquake
- U-Th isotopic systematics and ages of carbonate chimneys at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
- Variation in deformational mechanisms in the Banda Arc: Uplift and tectonic implications of Kisar, Indonesia
- Variations of attenuation along backarc axis of the SW Okinawa trough: effect of the Eurasian plate
- 10-year evapotranspiration estimates in a Bornean tropical rainforest
- 10Be, OSL/IRSL Luminescence and 14C Cross-Dating of a Series of Abandoned Alluvial Surfaces Laterally Offset by the Dead Sea Fault, Jordan
- 3D crustal stress inversion for Taiwan region
- A Millennial-length Reconstruction of the Western Pacific Pattern with Associated Paleoclimate
- A New Cluster Event Method for Accurate Determination of Attenuation and the Scaling Law between Corner Frequency and Seismic Moment
- A Snapshot of Climate Variability at Tahiti 9.5 ka using a Fossil Coral from IODP Expedition 310
- A seismological constraint on the age of a subducting slab: the Huatung basin offshore Taiwan
- A study of artificial neural networks for estimating riverine biodiversity
- Active tectonic features and seismogenic structures in Taiwan submarine arc-continent collision zone (Invited)
- Aerosol Mixture State Simulated with a Physically-based Three-moment Multi-modal Aerosol Parameterization Scheme
- An approach to luminescence thermochronometer applied on Quartz from different rock types
- An enhanced two-step-ahead recurrent neural network for prediction of inflow in reservoir
- An investigation on the estimation of evaporation by combining artificial neural network and dynamic factor analysis
- An investigation on the estimation of sediment concentration by artificial neural networks
- Basement Imaging Using Sp Converted Phases in Chia-Nan, Taiwan
- Carbon accumulation and allocation in a primary Bornean tropical rainforest
- Characterization of Highway Traffic Plumes in New York City with a High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
- Characterizing the Impacts of Historical Land-use Conversions on the Micro-climate of a Subtropical Metropolitan Area
- Characterizing the air quality in the vicinity of a fast-growing Asian airport
- Chemistry and metamorphic evolution of Kulet eclogite from the Kokchetav Massif, Kazakhstan
- Comparison of carbon chemistry data in the East China Sea between the 1990s and 2000s: implications for the impact of eutrophication from the Changjiang River (Invited)
- Crustal structure and fluid migration studies in the southwestern Taiwan convergent zone using seismic tomography
- Cyclic strain rate variation and earthquake occurrence in northern Hualien, Taiwan
- Deep structure and deformation history of the rapidly growing Tainan anticline, southwestern Taiwan
- Deriving Parameters of Topographic Diffusion and Incision Models by Simulating Space-Time Equivalent Valley Evolution with LiDAR DTM
- Detection of deformation front by SAR interferometry in Tainan area, southwestern Taiwan
- Earthquake Monitoring and Early Warning Systems in Taiwan (Invited)
- Earthquake magnitudes based on Coda-Derived Moment-Rate Spectra in Taiwan
- Effect of Cyclonal Precipitations on the Long-term dissolved and particulate fluxes of river in Taiwan (Invited)
- Estimating the carbon loss under the influence of typhoons at a subtropical mountain forest
- Evaluation of Tomographic Inverse Models Resolved from Various Travel- time Theories and Parameterizations
- Fault linkages and activities in a transition zone of compression to transpression in Hsinchu area, northwestern Taiwan based on 3-D structural geometry
- Flexural subsidence, structural style and sedimentation in the northeastern South China Sea near Taiwan (Invited)
- Gas Composition of Cored Sediments from Gas Hydrate Potential Area Offshore SW Taiwan
- In-Situ Pumping Test for Multilayer Hydrogeological Site in Taiwan
- Integrating Geophysical Data for the Investigation of the Chingshui Geothermal Field in Northeastern Taiwan
- Investigating the Flux Patterns within the Forest Subcanopy over a Hilly Terrain
- Investigating the evolution of gravel bar at river confluence during flood events using a 2D many-fraction river morphodynamic model
- Island-wide crustal seismic anisotropy observed beneath BATS and TAIGER broadband stations in Taiwan
- Linking weather generators and hydrological models for streamflow assessments with seasonal climate outlooks
- Magma evolutions in the northern Luzon Arc
- Major arc-forearc detachment system in the active Taiwan arc-continent collision, eastern Taiwan
- Measurement of hyporheic flow within the granular bed using the MIR flow and PIV methods
- Moment Tensor Inversions Using Waveforms from Taiwan Strong-Motion Instrumentation Program (TSMIP): A Case Study of 22 October 1999 Taiwan Earthquake Sequence
- Multidisciplinary Approach for Earthquake Atmospheric Precursors Validation by Joint Satellite and Ground Based Observations
- New Tomographic Images of the Yellowstone Plume and its Interaction with the Farallon Plate From the Integrated Analysis of Body and Surface Waves
- New geomorphic evidence probably provided by recent activities of the Gyaring Co Fault, Central Tibet
- Numerical study of sources of baroclinic tides in Gaoping Submarine Canyon, southwestern Taiwan
- Observation of 2009 Typhoon Morakot induced excess freshwater pulse in Taiwan surrounding seas
- Observation, Analysis and Application of First-arrival Times from Active-source Experiments in Taiwan
- On the correlation between microseisms and ocean waves
- Paleoseismology study of Luyeh fault, the west branch of southern-most Longitudinal Valley fault
- Precise prediction of glacial cycle with its rhythm
- Program on Promoting Climate Change Adaptation Technologies Bridging Policy Making and Science Research in Taiwan
- Quantitative precipitation estimation by merging multiple precipitation products using artificial neural networks
- Rainfall Variability under the South Pacific Convergence Zone as Reconstructed from a Speleothem Record (1670-2005) from Vanuatu
- Regional estimation of litterfall in a subtropical forest
- Rheology of Impure Quartzite under Geologic Conditions
- Sea surface temperature changes over the past 3 Terminations at the Southern Margin of the Western Pacific Warm Pool
- Spatial Variation of Surface Fluxes Measured in the Canopy Sublayer of a Mountainous Cryptomeria Forest
- TI: Geohazards in Related to Neotectonic Patterns of Taiwan Based on Recent Multi-Source Data
- Temperature estimates of coseismic heating in clay-rich fault gouges, the Chelungpu-fault zones, Taiwan
- The Holocene Asian Monsoon discrepancies between Southwest China and Northern Vietnam
- The Impact of Hsueh-Shan Tunnel Construction on the Hydrogeological Environment in Northern Taiwan
- The characteristic of the Younger Dryas Event in Bilut Lake, Inner Mongolia, China
- The consequences of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake on bedrock river processes in central Taiwan (Invited)
- The response of the Gangdese magmatism to the India-Asia convergence
- Thermal structure of southern Taiwan by the regional heat flow and fission track thermochronometry
- Towards OSL-thermochronology, a new thermochrometer of very low closure temperature (Invited)
- Wavelet-Based Measurements of Surface Wave Phase Velocity Beneath Southern Taiwan
- Zircon U-Pb geochronology and whole-rock geochemistry of Chimei Igneous Complex, Central Coastal Range, eastern Taiwan
- 3-D velocity model beneath Taal Volcano, Luzon Island Philippines
- Assessment Framework for Sustainable Reservoir Planning
- Biogeochemical Responses of the Northern South China Sea to Climate Oscillation Revealed from Observations at and Modeling for the SEATS Station
- Creeping Deformation by the Precise Leveling Survey at the central part of the Longitudinal valley fault, Southeast Taiwan
- Crustal characteristics and structures in the northeastern South China Sea from marine TAIGER multichannel seismic data
- Cyclic upper crustal collision and relaxation at the junction of collision to subduction in northern Hualien, Taiwan
- Damming of a mighty river weakens CO2 uptake capacity of the East China Sea
- Data Processing and Analysis of Borehole Strainmeters: A case study in southwestern Taiwan
- Decadal and Centennial Variability of Wet and Dry in China since Medieval Warm Period Detected from High Resolution Speleothem Data
- Dynamics of dissolved, colloidal and particulate phosphorous: A case study in Danshuei tributary-Estuary, northern Taiwan
- Experimental Evidence of melt-brake at seismic rates in sedimentary rocks
- Flood hazard, vulnerability, and risk assessment for human life
- Focal mechanism determination in North Vietnam and its tectonic implication
- Gas composition and soil CO2 flux at Changbaishan intra-plate volcano, NE China
- Geological Structures of the South Okinawa Trough based on Seismic Reflection Data
- Geological Visualization System with GPU-Based Interpolation
- Geomorphic responses to large check-dam removal on a mountain river in Taiwan
- Growth of the deposit wedge in the mountain reservoir
- Heat Flow Anomalies and Variations of Gas Hydrate Stability Zone in the Yung-An Ridge Area Offshore Southwestern Taiwan
- Imaging the Rupture Front and Slip Distribution by the Back-projection of P-wave Amplitude from Strong-motion Records: A Case Study for the 2010 Jiasian, Taiwan, Earthquake
- Investigation the optical and radiative properties of aerosol vertical profile of boundary layer by lidar and ground based measurements
- Late Holocene Paleo-Uplift Events at the Tapion Restraining Bend in Haiti: Implications for Earthquake Recurrence in the Vicinity of the 2010 Rupture Zone
- Linking between the pre-existing normal faults system with the active faults underneath the Chianan coastal plain, SW Taiwan
- Lithosphere-asthenosphere structure beneath the United States from joint inversion of body waves, surface waves, and receiver functions
- Lithospheric Structure Of Taiwan From Tomography And Seismicity
- Mapping Climate Change Vulnerability Distribution of Water Resources in a Regional Water Supply System
- Moment Tensor Inversions using Strong Motion Waveforms of the Taiwan TSMIP Data, 1993-2009
- Monthly-resolved coral skeletal lead isotopic determination in picogram quantities by MC-ICP-MS
- Multi-Decadal Rainfall Variability under the South Pacific Convergence Zone from 1570-2005
- Multi-dimensional Conjunctive Operation Rule for the Water Supply System
- NOx, VOCs, and meteorological conditions influencing ozone variation in Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Optimal Pumping Strategy with Conjunctive Operation Rule for the Water Supply System
- Origin and tectonic implication of Triassic eclogite from the Song Ma suture zone between the Indochina and South China blocks
- Radon Anomalies in Soil Gas as a Precursor Related to the 2010 Jiasian Earthquake in Southwestern Taiwan
- Records of the Past Sedimentation and Climatic Variations in the Northeastern South China Sea
- Sediment Distribution and Volcanic Activities in the Northern South China Sea Continental Margin
- Seismic tomography of Taiwan orogeny from joint inversion of local and teleseismic data
- Seismic tomography of the US and China using joint-inversion of body- and surface-wave constraints
- Sensible heat and CO2 fluxes in the urban canyon of Taipei city, Taiwan
- Sorption of diuron, atrazine, and copper ion on chars with long-term natural oxidation in soils
- Spatial Asian Monsoon variability at MIS 6.2 inferred from oxygen isotope records of stalagmites from Yangkou Cave, Chongqing, China
- Stochastic Modeling Of Bedload Transport By The Continuous-Time Markov Chain Process
- Stress triggering of earthquakes along the Longitudinal Valley fault, eastern Taiwan: The 2003 M6.4 Chengkung earthquake
- Subducted lithosphere, slab tearing and continental delamination under Taiwan: arc-continent collision at the junction of quasi-orthogonal subduction systems
- Taper Angle Evolution in Taiwan Accretionary Wedge
- The End Of Chi-Shan Fault:Tectonic of Transtensional Fault
- The Evolution of the Hydrogeologic System in the Taipei Basin, Northern Taiwan
- The Influence of Dust-radiation-microphysics Processes on Tropical Cyclone Development
- The source scaling between corner frequency and seismic moment for intermediate-depth subduction zone events
- The structure and kinematics of the central Taiwan mountain belt derived from geological, GPS, and seismicity data
- The transition from a marginal sea basin to a foreland basin related to oblique arc-continent collision in the northernmost South China Sea
- The unique 2009-2010 El Niño event: A fast phase transition of warm pool El Niño to La Niña
- Toward broadband simulation for predicting ground motion
- Two-Dimensional Heat Transfer Modeling of the Formosa Ridge Offshore SW Taiwan: Implication for Fluid Migrating Paths of a Cold Seep Site
- Variations In the Seismic Cycle of the Mentawai Segment of the Sunda Megathrust
- Waveform modeling of shear wave splitting in Iceland
- A Research on Deformation Front at Tainan offshore
- A modeling of regional climate and rainfall changes in tropical western Pacific
- A seismological constraint on the age and geometry of the Ryukyu Subduction Zone in the Vicinity of Taiwan
- Accelerate Double-difference Seismic Tomography with GPU Architecture
- An Ocean-Based Potential Intensity Index for Tropical Cyclones
- An analytical solution for one-dimensional advective-dispersive transport problem in semi-infinite domain with flexible initial condition, inlet boundary condition, and inner source
- Apply low-cost acceleration sensors to the Earthquake Early Warning Systems in Taiwan
- Assimilating chemical compound with a regional chemical model
- Biogeochemical characteristic of arsenic distribution and mobilization in the Guandu wetland of northern, Taiwan
- CO2 and Sensible heat fluxes over an urban grass land in Taipei, Taiwan
- Canopy transpiration for two Japanese cypress forests with contrasting structures
- Charactering the Eurasian lithosphere at the western end of the Ryukyu subduction
- Characterization of the Yung-An Ridge Gas Hydrate System Offshore Southwestern Taiwan - An Integrated Approach
- Constraining the origin of the Yellowstone-Snake River Plain volcanic province using seismic imaging
- Constraints on Crustal Shear Wave Velocity Structure beneath Central Tibet from 3-D Multi-scale Finite-frequency Rayleigh Wave Travel-time Tomography
- Cooling and warming of SST in the wake of typhoon Fanapi (2010)
- Coral record of paleoseismic uplifts at Ranongga Island, Western Solomon Islands megathrust: Was the 2007 Mw 8.1 event smaller than usual?
- Crustal and Fault Strengths from Critical Taper Measurements: Insights into the behavior of Accretionary Wedges using Distinct-Element Models
- Crustal deformation in the Western Solomon Islands revealed by GPS observation during 2009 - 2012
- Currents on the Continental Shelf of Northern South China Sea
- Data Fusion for System Identification of Ming-Chu Basin in Taiwan
- Decadal-Scale Rainfall Variability in Guam over the Common Era
- Deformation of oceanic lithosphere before subduction, a case study at the northern Manila trench
- Dust transport from non-East Asian sources to the North Pacific
- Dynamic connectivity in the Southern California Bight and Georges Bank: Identifying ecosystem interactions using chaotic time series analysis
- Effects of Amazon River Discharge on the Oceanic Physics and Surrounding Circulation System
- Estimating mobilization and transport of arsenic using Hydrogeochemical modelling in Guandu geothermal spring area, Taiwan
- Evaluating the relationships between aboveground biomass, LAI and NDVI using field and remotely sensed data at subtropical Cryptomeria japonica D. Don plantation site of Central Taiwan
- Evolution of upper ocean thermal variation response to Typhoon Lupit
- Finding Parameters by Tabu Search Algorithm to Construct a Coupled Heat and Mass Transfer Model for Green Roof
- Fluid Flow Patterns Derived from Bottom Simulating Reflections Offshore Southwestern Taiwan
- Full-Wave Sensitivity of Splitting Measurements to Anisotropic Structures
- Gas hydrate potential in the Frontal Ridge Offshore SW Taiwan from 3D seismic investigation
- Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Cenozoic Potassic Volcanic Rock in the Ashikule Basin, West Kunlun Mountain Belt
- High Frequency Monitoring System of Groundwater Level in Sheliao
- High-resolution seismic array imaging based on numerical seismic wave simulations
- Hydrological Modelling and Parameter Identification for Green Roof
- Imaging the complex Farallon subduction system with USArray derived joint inversion of body waves and surface waves
- Increasing zooplankton size diversity enhances the strength of top-down control on phytoplankton in the East China Sea
- Insolation and Abrupt Climate Change Effects on the Western Pacific Maritime Monsoon
- Lithospheric Structure and Tectonics of Taiwan From Tomography, Relocated Seismicity and Geology
- Low coseismic strength of the Longmenshan fault gouge from the WFSD project (Wenchuan Mw 8.0 2008 earthquake)
- Marine Magnetic Data Processing and Interpretation: Detection and Positioning of the Power Cables on Seabed Offshore of Kaohsiung
- Moving Beyond Environmental-Recruitment Relationships For Ecosystem Based Management
- Natural and Human Impacts on the Coastal Environment of Taiwan Recorded in Marine Sediments During the last century
- New Refined VP, VS, and VP/VS Seismic Tomography of Taiwan Orogen with Near-surface Correction (PS logging data)
- Observations of New Particle Growth and Shrinkage in Subtropical Ambient Air
- Prediction, Coupling, and Causation
- Reanalysis of Atmospheric Dataset Based on EnKF Data Assimilation during ITOP
- Recognition of Sediments from Marine High Resolution Seismic Reflection (Chirp) Data
- Repeated fires effects on net primary production and soil respiration along a fire induced forest/grassland gradient
- Salinity and Temperature Constraints on Microbial Methanogenesis in the Lei-Gong-Huo Mud Volcano of Eastern Taiwan
- Seismic Images of the Southwestern Tip of the Okinawa Trough - the Ilan Plain, Taiwan
- Seismic Noise recorded along Chishan River in a typhoon event, southern Taiwan
- Seismic Wave Velocity Heterogeneity and Discontinuity Topography of the D" Region beneath the Caribbean and Central America
- Should Levee Goes Up or Down? A Risk Model for Flood Protection Standards
- Signal Analysis on Pumping Source Identification in Groundwater Modeling
- Signatures and Stages of AOM in the Tectonic Active and Passive Margin, southwest of Taiwan
- Simulating reservoir operations in California for use in a coupled land-surface and human impacts model (CLM-HUM)
- Slab-controlled Tectonomagmatism of the Pacific Northwest: A Holistic view of Columbia River, High Lava Plains, and Snake River Plain/Yellowstone Volcanism
- Source contamination and magma evolution of northern Luzon Arc
- Structural Features and Gas Hydrate Distribution Across the Boundary of the Submarine Taiwan Accretionary Wedge and Passive China Continental Margin Offshore Southwestern Taiwan
- Structure Characteristics and Sediment Distribution of the Passive Continental Margin in Northeastern South China Sea
- Temperature effects on the fractionation of multiple sulfur isotopes by Thermodesulfobacterium and Desulfovibrio strains
- The Climatic Intensification Rate of Tropical Cyclones over the Western North Pacific
- The Tracing of Offshore Extension of the Jinshan Active Fault of North Taiwan
- The characteristic slip along the northern Gyaring Fault in central Tibet and its Neotectonic implication
- The precipitation intensity distribution in the GFDL 25-km global model
- The provenance of extreme flood induced submarine gravity flow deposits off Southwestern Taiwan
- The sea bottom temperature offshore southwestern Taiwan
- The trajectory of India towards Eurasia recorded by subducted slabs: implications for the fate of NeoTethys
- Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Sediment Suspension in San Francisco Bay
- Transport of typhoon-induced submarine sediment-laden flows off southwestern Taiwan
- Travel-Time Inversion of MCS and OBS Data for Imaging Sedimentary and Crustal Structures, Northern South China Sea, passive Continental Margin
- Upper Ocean Thermal Structure in the Western North Pacific from Satellite Altimetry
- Validation of Sonde Moisture Corrections using GPS and MWR Precipitable Water Retrievals during DYNAMO-CINDY2011-AMIE
- Variations in community structure and diversity associated with methane-rich sediments offshore southwestern Taiwan
- AUV Surveys Reveal Seafloor Linear Cracks Along a Fault Zone Offshore Southwest Taiwan
- An evaluation of applying the 'Critical thinking model' to teaching global warming to junior high school students
- Application of Gambler's Ruin Model to Sediment Transport Problems
- Application of Image Technique to Water Depth measurement of Dam-Break Flow
- Application of Water Resources System Dynamics Modeling to Climate Change Impact Assessment for Sustainable Rural Community
- Application of inverse dispersion model for estimating volatile organic compounds emitted from the offshore industrial park
- Applying Hilbert-Huang Transform to Develop a Novel Rainfall Generator
- Asymmetric Architecture of an Active Rift Zone in the East Volcanic Zone, Iceland
- Characteristics and Variability of the Melting Stable Layer during DYNAMO
- Circulation and Mixing of Water Masses in the Taiwan Strait Elucidated from Radium Isotopes
- Constraints of subducted slab geometries on trench migration and subduction velocities: flat slabs and slab curtains in the mantle under Asia
- Constraints on current crustal deformation of the Taiwan plate boundary from CGPS strain rate field and focal mechanism stress inversions
- Continuous Monitoring of Soil Gas Geochemistry for Seismic Precursory Study in Taiwan
- Copula-based regional frequency analysis of multisite spatial-temporal rainfall in I-Lan area (Taiwan)
- Coral Paleo-Uplift History Overlying a Very Shallow AD 2007 Megathrust Rupture of the Western Solomons Forearc: Deficit of Interseismic Subsidence Results in Net Long-Term Uplift
- Determination of sulfur isotopic composition of S-32, S-33, and S-34 by MC-ICP-MS in picomole quantities
- Development of A Real-Time Shaking Map System Using Low Cost Acceleration Sensors and Its Application for Earthquake Early Warning
- Diagnostic Boundary Layer Moistening Process for Three MJO Events During DYNAMO IOP
- Distribution of Earthquake-triggered Groundwater-level Changes in the Vicinity of Seismogenic Fault
- Distribution of Gas Hydrates Imaged from Four-Component OBS Data at Jiulong Methane Reef in the Northernmost SCS
- Distribution of Groundwater Contaminants at the RCA Taoyuan Plant
- Effective research method and problems of the Paleotsunami in Taiwan
- Emerging Soil and Groundwater Storage Trends from GRACE with Contributions to Global Mean Sea Level Rise (Invited)
- Error Evaluation of Near-shore Bathymetry Using the Single Beam Echo Sounder
- Evolution of overburden soil deformation by oblique-slip faulting: insights from analogue and numerical models
- Exhumation of the Less Caucasus and its Implication to Uplift of Eastern Anatolia Plateau
- Fault mirrors of seismically active faults: A fossil of small earthquakes at shallow depths
- Full-Wave Inversion of Shear-Wave Splitting for 3D Azimuthal Anisotropy
- Gas Hydrate at the Formosa Ridge in the Northernmost SCS Imaged from OBS Data
- High-resolution seismic array imaging using teleseismic scattered waves
- Impact of soil moisture on land-atmosphere interaction - a study on stemflow
- Implementing a warm cloud microphysics parameterization for convective clouds in NCAR CESM
- Insolation and Abrupt Climate Change Effects on the Western Pacific Maritime Monsoon
- Kinematics of subduction and plate convergence under Taiwan and its geomorphic, geodetic and seismic expressions
- Kuroshio variation near Taiwan during the past 6,000 years
- Large Scale Overturned Structures and Frontal Thrusts Structures in Taiwan: Insight from Sandbox Models
- Measuring and modeling the temporal dynamics of nitrogen balance in an experimental-scale paddy field
- Megacity-Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions in East Asia
- Non-volcanic tremor in Taiwan orogenic zone
- Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Rayleigh-Taylor Instability Induced by Suspended Fine Sediments
- On the Near-surface Seismic Anisotropy of Taiwan
- On the growth-speed of the ambient noise cross-correlation function and its application
- Optimal Spatial Design of Capacity and Quantity of Rainwater Catchment Systems for Urban Flood Mitigation
- Optimizing farm landscape by two decision-support tools for present and future: A case study in a mountainous farm of Taiwan
- Plate tectonic reconstruction of South and East Asia since 43 Ma using seismic tomographic constraints: role of the subducted ';East Asia Sea' (Invited)
- Potential for SGD induced submarine geohazard off southwestern Taiwan
- Prediction of Flood Warning in Taiwan Using Nonlinear SVM with Simulated Annealing Algorithm
- Preliminary Test Results of Heshe Hydrogeological Experimental Well Station in Taiwan
- Preliminary study on the relationships between aboveground storage and remotely sensed data at Pingdong plain afforestation land in Southern Taiwan
- Pseudospectral method for hydropower optimal control problem
- Reevaluation on the fault geometry and segmentation of the Longmen Shan fault zone by the co-seismic horizontal displacements given by the SPOT imagery for 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
- Resolving the crustal seismic anisotropy of Taiwan using ambient seismic noises
- Retrieving lithospheric velocity structures beneath Taiwan region by nonlinear joint inversion of local and teleseismic P-wave data: Slab continuity and deflection
- Scaling up debris-flow experiments on a centrifuge
- Seismic Imaging of Sediment Dispersal Systems in the Huatung Basin off the East Taiwan
- Shear-wave splitting unmasks deformation properties in the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis and Namcha Barwa region
- Spatial variation of dissolved organic matter composition and characteristics in an urbanized watershed
- Stochastically established resolution analysis helps to determine empirical tuning parameters in general interpolation schemes
- Subslab seismic anisotropy and mantle flow at the SW edge of the Ryukyu subduction zone
- T-wave observations on ocean-bottom seismometers offshore eastern Taiwan: effects of ocean sound speed perturbations and seafloor topography
- Teleconnection among Asian Summer Monsoon, ENSO and PDO revealed by instrumental and historic records as well as an annual resolution stalagmite record from Lianhua Cave, northwestern Hunan, China
- The Dynamics of Energy and CO2 Transport above a Subtropical Rice Paddy
- The Impact of Future Climate Change on Surface Ozone
- The Moho discontinuity beneath Taiwan orogenic zone inferred from receiver function analysis
- The effect of wind velocity on transpiration in a mixed broadleaved deciduous forest
- The flow path of geothermal fluid and water-rock interaction in the geothermal field, Taiwan
- The intracrustal structure beneath the Owyhee Plateau, Oregon, from receiver function analysis
- Use seismic data by chirp sonar to estimate physical parameters of the seabed sediments
- Wide-zone Closure, a Thermochronological Phenomenon, in Initial Stage of Orogeny: Example from Mid-Hsuehshan Range, Taiwan
- A Multi-Moment Bulkwater Ice Microphysics Scheme with Consideration of the Adaptive Growth Habit and Apparent Density for Pristine Ice in the WRF Model
- A Preliminary Study on the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary beneath the South China Sea
- A Southwest Pacific Coral Perspective on ENSO Variability: Precessional Forcing vs. Internal Variability
- A Stealth Thermal Control by El Niño on Intense Tropical Cyclones in the Central and Eastern Pacific
- A simulation-optimization approach to retrieve reservoir releasing strategies under the trade-off objectives considering flooding, sedimentation, turbidity and water supply during typhoons
- A tale of two arcs? Plate tectonics of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) arc using subducted slab constraints
- Air-Sea Exchange and Atmospheric Cycling of Mercury in South China Sea
- An updated active structure database of Taiwan for seismic hazard assessments
- Analysis of Ground Displacements in Taipei Area by Using High Resolution X-band SAR Interferometry
- Application of The Stochastic Particle Tracking Model To Evaluate Particle Movement Uncertainty in Extreme Flows
- Application of waveform stacking to the Tainan and Ilan low-cost local early warning (EEW) arrays in Taiwan
- Application of τ<SUB>c</SUB>*Pd for identifying damaging earthquakes for earthquake early warning
- Architecture and Kinematics of the Taiwan Arc-Continent Collision
- Assessing the impacts of water management on evapotranspiration in the Colorado River Basin
- Asymmetric Responses of Precipitation over the Maritime Continent in the ENSO events
- Bedrock erosion by sliding wear in channelized granular flow
- CAUSES: Clouds Above the United States and Errors at the Surface
- Changes in Soil Water Storage under Global Warming in CMIP5 models
- Changes in Terrestrial Water Availability under Global Warming
- Characterizing the Variability of Supercycles on the Mentawai Segment of the Sunda Megathrust and Implications for Global Fault Behavior
- Constraining the Velocity Structure at the Top of the Earth's Outer Core by SKKS and S3KS Differential Traveltimes
- Detrital zircon geochronology of the Tananao Metamorphic Complex, Taiwan
- Distinct Impacts of the Two Types of El Niño on the Strength of Great Plains Low-Level Jet
- Earthquake Parameters Inferred from the Hoping River Pseudotachylyte, Taiwan
- Effect of Overpressure Caused By Clay Dehydration on the Triggering of Fault Slip
- Effective global soil profile depth and water holding capacity inferred from GRACE time-variable gravity
- Effective research method and problems of the Paleotsunami studies in Taiwan
- Evaluating Vulnerability and Resilience between Urban and Rural Area in a Regional Water Resources System under Climate Change
- Evaluation of Fog Simulation Capability by Several Cloud Microphysical Schemes in the WRF Model
- Evaluation of Potential Climate Change Impacts on Particle Movement in Open Channel Flow
- Evaluation of cloud microphysical schemes on aerosol indirect effects from different scale models
- Fast analysis of radionuclide decay chain migration
- Fault Plane Determination for Small Earthquakes: Case Study in Taiwan
- First Tritium-Helium Dating Results of Groundwater in Eastern Taiwan and Further Implications
- Fluid flow pathways study from the 3D seismic data offshore southwestern Taiwan
- Full-Wave Anisotropic Tomography in Southern California
- Geological Processes Affecting the Shallow Seafloor Temperature Fields: Results from 2D and 3D Seismic Reflection Data Offshore SW Taiwan
- Geological records of paleotsunamis/extreme wave events in the Pacific Coast of Taiwan
- Grain Size Variability and Sea Ice in Middle to Late Quaternary Sediments along the Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean
- Hydrological shifts in seawater δ<SUP>18</SUP>O in southwest tropical Pacific since 1649 CE
- Impact of Rice Paddy Areas Decrease on Local Climate over Taiwan
- Inferring Earthquake Physics from Deep Drilling Projects of Active Faults
- Interaction of chemical dissolution fronts during transport in an anisotropic porous medium with initial small non-uniformity
- Late Permian Melt Percolation through the Crust of North-Central Africa and Its Possible Relationship to the African Large Low Shear Velocity Province
- Metal fluxing in a large-scale intra-arc fault: insights from the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault System (LOFS) and associated geothermal fields in southern Chile
- Moistening Processes for Madden-Julian Oscillations During DYNAMO
- Morphological impact of river below dam due to reservoir desiltation operation in Taiwan
- Morphology, structures and seismic characters of the Chimei Canyon-Fan system offshore eastern Taiwan
- Numerical Earthquake Model of the 31 October 2013 Ruisui, Taiwan, Earthquake: Source Rupture Process and Seismic Wave Propagation
- Numerical Simulation Study of Potential Megathrust Event Along the Southernmost Ryukyu Trench
- Numerical Study for Baroclinic Tides Modified By an Oblique Current
- Observations of Aerosol Optical Properties over 15 AERONET Sites in Southeast Asia
- Offshore searching for the deformation front extended from onland Tainan, Taiwan
- On the Noise Level of the Ambient Noise Cross-Correlation Function and Its Application
- Optical stimulated Luminescence Signal on Modern Fluvial Deposit in Taiwan
- Potential Impacts of Wintertime Agricultural Irrigation at Low Latitudes on Global Climate
- Potential Negative Effects of Groundwater Dynamics on Dry Season Convection in the Amazon River Basin
- Precursory seismicity change of the 2013 Nantou, Taiwan earthquake sequence revealed by ETAS, PI, and Z-value methods
- Resolution-dependent behavior of subgrid-scale vertical transport in the Zhang-McFarlane convection parameterization
- River Terraces along the Hsinwulu River and their Implications for Recent Tectonic Uplift of the Southern Central Range in Taiwan
- Rupture Processes of the Mw8.3 Sea of Okhotsk Earthquake and Aftershock Sequences from 3-D Back Projection Imaging
- Satellite Observations of the Epic California Drought
- Seismic Investigation of the Pointer Ridge offshore southwestern Taiwan: Detection of fluid migration pathways and fault seal analysis
- Seismic Structure Beneath Taal Volcano, Philippines
- Sensitivity Studies of 3D Reservoir Simulation at the I-Lan Geothermal Area in Taiwan Using TOUGH2
- Similar Seismic Ruptures and Interseismic Strain Rate Variations on the Nias-Simeulue Patch of the Sunda Megathrust
- Simulating the Mineral Scale by High Pressure Thermal Vessel
- Spatial Characteristics of Geothermal Spring Temperatures and Discharge Rates in the Tatun Volcanic Area, Taiwan
- Stalagmite Survival: 500kyr of Cyclical Growth and Natural Attrition of Stalagmites in Sulawesi
- Subslab seismic anisotropy and mantle flow in the western Pacific subduction zones
- Summertime central U.S. warm bias examined in the short-term hindcasts
- Surface Processes Can Influence the seismicity of Active Faults
- Synorogenic Extension and Normal Faulting in Southern Taiwan
- Synthetic normal-mode spectra: a full-coupling perspective
- T-waves Excited by 60 Mw>3.3 Earthquakes in the Taiwan Region During 2006 and 2007: Implications of Their Ray Paths, Amplitudes, and Conversion Efficiency
- Tectonic Escape and Present-Day Crustal Deformation in Northernmost Longitudinal Valley, Hualien Taiwan
- Tectonic Evolution of Chingshui Geothermal Field Inferred from Evidence of Quartz and Calcite Veins
- The Efficiency Analysis of Low Impact Development Applied in Taiwan: A Case Study of Porous Pavement
- The Geometric Characteristics and Initiation Mechanisms of the Earthquake- Triggered Daguangbao Landslide
- The Impact of Orbital Insolation Changes on East Asian Climate
- The Initiation of Submarine Debris Flow after 2006 Pingtung Earthquake Offshore Southwestern Taiwan
- The Mechanics Study of Accretionary Wedge Offshore Southern Taiwan
- The Western Solomons Forearc: Independent Inner and Outer Forearc Paleo-Uplift Histories and Relationship to Megathrust Rupture
- Tibetan Apples and Oranges: Surficial Sutures and Overlapping Lithospheres
- Tidal Tomography: Constraining Long-Wavelength Deep Mantle Structure Using Earth's Body Tide Signal
- Time-dependent probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Taiwan: Development of a time-dependent approach and implementation of the Taiwan Earthquake Model parameters
- Topography Effects on Frequency-dependent Traveltimes and Amplitudes from Regional Earthquakes
- Tsunami Recurrences in the Ryukyu Arc-trench System: Geological Records in the Jinshan Coastal Plain of North Taiwan
- Using High Pressure Thermal Vessel For Mineral Solubility Experiments in Geothermal System
- Variation of depositional environment during the evolution of deepwater fold-and-thrust belt in the Frontal Ridge area offshore SW Taiwan
- Violent Gas Venting on the Heng-Chun Mud Volcano, South China Sea Active Continental Margin offshore SW Taiwan
- 3D Chirp Sonar Images on Fluid Migration Pathways and Their Implications on Seafloor Stability East of the Fangliao Submarine Canyon Offshore SW Taiwan
- 3D Geometry and Kinematics of the Taiwan Arc-continent Collision
- A GRACE-Streamflow Land Surface Model Calibration Approach for Improved Baseflow and Water Table Simulations over the Highly Managed Upper-Nile Basin of East Africa
- A Parsimonious Analytical Model for Simulating Multispecies Plume Migration
- A Stochastic Framework For Sediment Concentration Estimation By Accounting Random Arrival Processes Of Incoming Particles Into Receiving Waters
- AMS Carbon-14 Dating of Microbial Carbonates of Shallow-Water Holocene Coral Reefs in the Philippines
- Active tectonic characteristics of river terraces along the Tianquan River, Sichuan, China
- Age and depositional environment of authigenic carbonate in the gas hydrate field offshore southwestern Taiwan
- An Euler-Lagrange Model for Suspension of Fine Particles and Its Application to Investigate Convective Sedimentation
- Assessing Impact of Climate Change on the Runoffs of Gilgel Abbay Watershed, the upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
- Basin-scale Distributed Denudation Patterns Revealed by Multiple Thermo-chronological Results: Example from Lhasa River, Southern Tibet
- CAUSES: Clouds Above the United States and Errors at the Surface
- Calculation of Individual Tree Water Use in a Bornean Tropical Rain Forest Using Individual-Based Dynamic Vegetation Model SEIB-DGVM
- Carbon isotopes of benthic foraminifera associated with methane seeps in Four-Way Closure Ridge, offshore southwestern Taiwan
- Cause Resolving of Typhoon Precipitation Using Principle Component Analysis under Complex Interactive Effect of Terrain, Monsoon and Typhoon Vortex
- Coastal Tectonics and Paleo-sea Level of Northwest Luzon, Philippines Constrained from Raised Coral Terraces
- Combined obliquity and precession pacing of western Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone over the past 282,000 years
- Correlation of Coseismic Velocity and Static Volumetric Strain Changes Induced by the 2010 Mw6.3 Jiasian Earthquake under the Southern Taiwan Orogenic Belt
- Critical taper wedge strength varies with structural style: results from distinct-element models
- Data-Driven Techniques for Regional Groundwater Level Forecasts
- Developing an Intelligent Reservoir Flood Control Decision Support System through Integrating Artificial Neural Networks
- Development of arc-continent collision mélanges: Linking onshore geological and offshore geophysical observations of the Pliocene Lichi Mélange, southern Taiwan and northern Luzon arc, western Pacific
- Dispatches from the Trench: Insights into the Complex Relationship Between the Short-Term Elastic Earthquake Cycle and Longer-Term Permanent Tectonic Deformation from the Coral Record at Ranongga, Western Solomons
- Disproportionately Magnified Sediment Export in Response to Increased Event Runoff: Analysis of Long-term Data from Mountainous Rivers in Taiwan
- Dynamic landscape evolution of the western Taiwan orogen
- Emerged Coral Terraces in West Luzon, Philippines and Their Implications for Sea Level Changes and Coastal Uplift
- Erosion by sliding wear in granular flows: Experiments with realistic contact forces
- Explore the Impacts of River Flow and Water Quality on Fish Communities
- Extrusional Tectonics at Plate Corner: an Example in Northern Taiwan
- Fast Deposition of Small River Particles on the NE South China Sea Slope Basin Since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Flux Footprint Estimation for Vertical Source Distribution
- Geometry analysis on the distribution of seismicities recorded in the Nantou double earthquake sequences in 2013, central Taiwan
- Geomorphic Indices and Differential Uplift Patterns in the Southern Central Range, Taiwan
- Granular flow in a rotating drum: Experiments and theory
- Helium Isotopes and Noble Gas Abundances of Cave Dripping Water in Three Caves in East Asia
- High Resolution δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C Records of AMS <SUP>14</SUP>C Dated Stalagmites From Jinlun and Yilingyan Caves in Guangxi, China: Climate Variability and Controlling Factors in the Monsoonal Region During the Past 2300 Years
- Identifying Hotspots of Tropical Deforestation to Induce Teleconnection Patterns
- Impact of Extreme Climate Events on Terrestrial Water Storage from GRACE over China
- Impact of Submarine Geohazards on Organic Carbon Burial Offshore Southwestern Taiwan
- Impacts of Climate Changes on the Future Groundwater Storage in the High Plains Aquifer
- Impacts of land use change and climate change on hydrological services- a case study in Taiwan
- Infrared images of core sediments offshore southwestern Taiwan
- Large-scale thrusting along the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau and the southwest Tarim basin: 230 km long active Hotian thrust sheet
- Linking Anomalously Low Topographic Relief in the Taiwan Arc-Continent Collision to a Submarine Plateau South of the Collision.
- Linking Interseismic Crustal Deformation to Long-Term Rock Denudation and Surface Processing in Taiwan
- Magmatic Fluid Source of the Chingshui Geothermal Field: Evidence of Carbonate Isotope data
- Mapping the Locations of Asymmetric and Symmetric Discharge Responses in Global Rivers to the Two Types of El Niño
- Microbial community in the potential gas hydrate area Kaoping Canyon bearing sediment at offshore SW Taiwan
- Moistening Processes for Madden-Julian Oscillation over Indian Ocean and Maritime Continent
- Mud Volcanoes from the Beaufort Sea to the South China Sea
- Multiscale 2D Inversions of Active-source First-arrival Times in Taiwan
- Multiscale Finite-frequency Seismic Imaging of the Southern Alaska Subduction Zone
- Nano-iron Tracer Test for Characterizing Preferential Flow Path in Fractured Rock
- Oblique Convergence Tectonics in Northern Taiwan-Ryukyu Area:Insights from Sandbox Modeling
- Oceanic Density Fronts Steering Bottom-Current Induced Sedimentation Deduced from a 50 ka Contourite-Drift Record and Numerical Modeling (off NW Spain)
- Offshore Deformation Front in Miaoli Area
- Paleotsunamis in Taiwan
- Pleistocene onset of Simultaneous and Rapid Exhumation in the Eastern Central Range of the Taiwan Orogenic Belt
- Preliminarily Assessment of Long-term Cloud Top Heights in Central Taiwan
- Radon and gamma rays anomalies observed in northern Taiwan: a possible connection with the seismicity near the subduction zone
- Research of Earthquake Potential from Active Fault Observation in Taiwan
- Seismic Migration Imaging of the Lithosphere beneath the Afar Rift System, East Africa
- Seismic Stratigraphy around Continent-Ocean Boundary in the NW Sub-basin, Northern South China Sea
- Sensitivity Studies of 3D Geothermal Reservoir Simulation: A Case Study in I-Lan Plain, Taiwan
- Simulation of fluid migration in a mud volcano offshore SW Taiwan
- Source inversion and strong ground motion simulation for 1951 Longitudinal Valley earthquake sequence in eastern Taiwan
- Spatial Variability of Soil Moisture after Rainfall Events and Its Role in Triggering Convection in Semi-arid Regions
- Splay Faults and Associated Mass Transport Deposits in the Manila Accretionary Wedge near Taiwan: Implications for Geohazards
- Stalagmite-inferred abrupt hydroclimate changes in the central Mediterranean over the past 6500 years
- Structural Evolution of a Fold-And-Thrust Belt in Hsinchu-Miaoli area, Taiwan
- Study Of The Rupture Process Of The 2015 Mw7.8 Izu-Bonin Earthquake And Its Implication To Deep-Focus Earthquake Genesis.
- Study of Relationship between In-Situ Stress and Fluid Conduits in Hongchailin of Ilan Plain, NE Taiwan
- Tectonic Controls on Gas Hydrate Distribution off SW Taiwan
- Temporal Changes in Land-Surface Coupling Strength: an Example in a Semi-Arid Region of Australia
- The 3D Visualization of Slope Terrain in Sun Moon Lake.
- The Canopy Conductance of a Humid Grassland
- The Climatology of Taiwan extreme rainfall events and the attributions
- The Glacial-Interglacial Monsoon Recorded by Speleothems from Sulawesi, Indonesia
- The Mantle Seismic Heterogeneities Inferred by USArray Data
- To select better adaption plan for water resources management while facing to the uncertainty of the global climate change: A case from Hualien, eastern Taiwan
- Toward a 530,000-year Hydroclimate History for the Southern Half of the Australasian Monsoon
- Tracing source, mixing and uptaking processes of carbon in an epikarst spring-pond system in southeastern Guizhou of China by carbon isotopes (<SUP>13</SUP>C-<SUP>14</SUP>C)
- Two-day Convective Disturbances in the Equatorial Indian Ocean
- Ultrafine Spherical Quartz Formation during Seismic Fault Slip: Natural and Experimental Evidence and Its Implications
- Using mutiproxy approach to reconstruct 1991 coral mortality episode in the South China Sea
- Weakly Coupled Lithospheric Extension in Southern Tibet
- A 2000-yr High-resolution Stalagmite Record From Zhenzhu Cave in Hebei, North China: Interpretations of AMS <SUP>14</SUP>C, <SUP>230</SUP>Th/U, <SUP>210</SUP>Pb Dating, and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, δ<SUP>13</SUP>C Results
- A Comparative Object-Based Sugarcane Classification from Sentinel-2 Data Using Random Forests and Support Vector Machines
- A Micromodel study of fluid entrapment in pore doublet during drainage and imbibition
- A regional seismic stress field in Taiwan inferred from damped inversion of earthquake focal mechanisms
- A study of morphological change of seabed around Bali marine outfall pipe
- Abrupt Climate Change in the Southern Great Plains during the Last Glacial Interval
- Adaptation Pathway of Low Impact Development Planning under Climate Change for a Sustainable Rural Community
- An Euler-Lagrange model for simulating suspended sediment transport and its comparison with the traditional continuum model
- Analysis of Geothermal Pathway in the Metamorphic Area, Northeastern Taiwan
- Arctic and Western North Atlantic shallow marine diversity patterns: A comparison of controlling factors
- Are recycled carbonates essential to explain light Mg isotopes in magmatic rocks? Insights from Late Cenozoic mantle-derived magmas in Iran
- Assessing Spatio-temporal Variability of Karst Water Storage over Southwest China from GRACE and Reservoir Storage
- Buoy observation for typhoon in southeast of Taiwan during summers of 2015 and 2016
- Characteristics on the fault behavior of the Longmen Shan fault zone by the co-seismic horizontal displacements given by the SPOT imagery for 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
- Cloud-related physical parameterizations for Taiwan Earth System Model
- Coral-inferred Variability of Upstream Kuroshio Current from 1953-2004 AD
- Correcting reanalysis atmospheric vapor convergence data based on GRACE water stroage and observed streamflow data
- Coseismic deformation and tectonic implications of the 2016 M6.6 Meinong earthquake, Taiwan
- Coupling Precipitation with Groundwater Level Using Two Self-Organizing Maps
- Crustal seismic structure of Tohoku region, Japan constrained by ambient noises
- Decadal Variation of Precipitation in Saudi Arabia induced by Agricultural Irrigation
- Decreases in net primary production and net ecosystem production along a repeated-fires induced forest/grassland gradient
- Depositional Architecture of Late Pleistocene-Holocene Coastal Alluvial-fan System in the Coastal Range, Taiwan
- Detrital zircon study of river sands from the Luzon Island and its tectonic implications
- Developing Intelligent System Dynamic Management Instruments on Water-Food-Energy Nexus in Response to Urbanization
- Discovery of siderite in marine sediment: Source and effect of violent gas venting at the Tsanyao Mud Volcano, offshore SW Taiwan
- Dramatic mica porphyroblast development history revealed by joint metamorphic and chronological constraints, and implications on kinematics of the active Taiwan orogen
- Environmental Data Science: Discovering Hidden System of Spatiotemporal Groundwater
- Episodic uplifting, erosion and sedimentation of Taiwan, a possible target of scientific ocean drilling
- Estimating the Exceedance Probability of the Reservoir Inflow Based on the Long-Term Weather Outlooks
- Evaluating the subseasonal impacts of the MJO and BSISO in the East Asian extended summer
- Explore the Spatial-Temporal Interrelation between Groundwater and Surface Water by Self-Organizing Map
- Explore the interrelationships of the WFE Nexus by relational topological mapping techniques - a case in northern Taiwan
- Frictional Properties of Hoping Granitic Gneiss, Northeast Taiwan, and Its Implication
- Gas Migration Processes through the Gas Hydrate Stability Zone at Four-Way Closure Ridge Offshore SW Taiwan
- Gas expulsions and biological activity recorded offshore Molene Island, Brittany (France): video supervised recording of OBS data and analogue modelling
- Groundwater Level Changes Induced by the 2016 Meinong Earthquake
- Heavy metal distribution in sediment profiles of Tuul River, Mongolia
- High-resolution geological mapping at 3D Environments: A case study from the fold-and-thrust belt in northern Taiwan
- Hydro-climatic dominated on long-term input-output nutrient budget of subtropical forest ecosystem
- Identification of extreme sedimentary event deposits in Yilan coastal area, Taiwan, and the western coast of Myanmar
- Imaging Complex Fault Slip of the 2016 MeiNong and Kumamoto Earthquakes with Sentinel-1 InSAR and Other Geodetic and Seismic Data
- Impacts of Spatial Variation in Land Use on Land-Atmosphere Interactions and on Local/Regional Climate
- Indirect quantification of fine root production in a near tropical wet mountainous region
- Influences of Human-induced Habitat Modifications on Basin-wide Fish Species Richness in the Danshuei River Watershed of Taiwan
- Interaction Behavior between Thrust Faulting and the National Highway No. 3 - Tianliao III bridge as Determined using Numerical Simulation
- Interaction between Thrust Faulting and Pile Foundations in Cohesionless Overburden Soil and "The Piles of National Freeway No.3-Minchien Elevated Viaducts" by Numical Simulation
- Kelvin-Helmholtz Billows Observed in the Kuroshio off Taiwan with Moored Temperature and Current Measurements
- Local and Remote Climate Response to Deforestation in Maritime Continent
- Mathematical and field analysis of longitudinal reservoir infill
- Measuring the uncertainty of the Noise-derived CCF and its implications to CCF source
- Microstructural and Magnetic Investigations of Pseudotachylyte and Ultracataclasite in the Hoping River, Tananao Complex, Eastern Taiwan
- Morphology, structures and sedimentary processes of the Southern Longitudinal Trough, offshore southeastern Taiwan
- Multi-objective evolutionary optimization for the joint operation of reservoirs of water supply under water-food-energy nexus management
- Near-shore Deformation Front in Hsinchu Area, Taiwan
- New insights on a metamorphosed middle-late Miocene mélange of the Yuli Belt in eastern Taiwan: Evidence from Zircon U-Pb dating
- Numerical Elasto-Plastic Models on the Faulting development in Southwest Taiwan
- Ocean waves monitor system by inland microseisms
- On the Superficial Geological Processes in South Offshore Taiwan in Lights of the High-Resolution Shipborne Gravity and Numerical Modelling
- Patterns and Mechanisms of Interseismic, Coseismic, Late Quaternary and Pliocene Deformation in the Foothills of Southwestern Taiwan Mountain Belt
- Reactivation of Inherited Oblique Continental Margin Structures During the Development of the South-Central Taiwan Fold and Thrust Belt
- Reassessment of Seismic Hazards on High Strain Accumulation in SW Taiwan: Insight from Multiple Fault Slip Triggered by 2016 Meinong Earthquake
- Reinvestigation of the Intraseasonal Oscillation (40-50 day) signals revealed in early studies
- Relation between the Deep Crustal Structure and Fluid Escape Structures at the Lesser Antilles Island arc.
- Sea ice variations in the central Okhotsk Sea during the last two glacial-interglacial cycles
- Sedimentary records of Typhoon Haiyan in the South China Sea
- Seismogenic structural framework and tectonics: two cases from Taiwan orogeny
- Strong hydrological control on nutrient cycling of subtropical rainforests
- Structural Evolution and Fracture Development of Chinshui Anticline in a Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Taiwan
- Structural Kinematics of Two Regional Transects Across the Manila Trench Offshore Southern Taiwan: Untangling Thick from Thin Skin Deformation
- Subslab Anisotropy Beneath the Western Pacific and Central American Subduction Zones
- Suprasubduction Zone Characteristics of the Guleman Ophiolite, SE Turkey: Evidence from Peridotite Geochemistry
- Systematic Correlations of the Earthquake Frequency-Magnitude Distribution with the Deformation and Mechanical Regimes in the Taiwan Orogen
- Temporal and spatial variations of sea surface pCO<SUB>2</SUB> in the East China Sea from spring to summer
- Terrestrial Water Flux Responses to Global Warming in Tropical Rainforest Area
- Testing the eBEAR System in Japan
- The 2012 Strike-slip Earthquake Sequence in Black Sea and its Link to the Caucasus Collision Zone
- The Analysis of Gas Emissions at the Seabed offshore SW Taiwan from the Records of Ocean Bottom Seismometers
- The Assessment of Grid Resolution for Real-time Flood Warning in Urban area
- The Glacial-Interglacial summer monsoon recorded in southwest Sulawesi speleothems: Evidence for sea level thresholds driving tropical monsoon strength
- The Influence of Upward Groundwater between Joints on the Stability and the Behavior of Dip Slope Failures
- The Role of WISHE in Secondary Eyewall Formation
- The ShakeAlert: Generating real-time predicted shaking map based on the attenuation relationship of peak ground acceleration.
- Tidal Tomography: New Insights into Long Wavelength Deep Mantle Buoyancy Structure
- Upper Crustal Structure of Taiwan Constrained by the Ellipticity of the Noise-derived Rayleigh Waves
- Use of Numerical Groundwater Model and Analytical Empirical Orthogonal Function for Calibrating Spatiotemporal pattern of Pumpage, Recharge and Parameter
- Using IGDT method to find better adaption plan for water management when facing challenge of water deficiency in response to global climate change
- Using PSInSAR to Investigate the Surface Deformation Induced by Ground Water Variation in Taipei Basin
- Verification of Scaling Relationship Between Litter Production and Biomass in a Near Tropical Montane Cloud Forest
- Waveform Inversions for the Slip Distributions of the April 25, 2015, Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake and Its Large Aftershocks
- Western North Pacific Monsoon Variability since the Last Glacial Maximum
- 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Rise in Anthropogenic Nitrogen Deposition on a Remote Coral Reef
- A First Layered Crustal Velocity Model for the Western Solomon Islands: Inversion of Measured Group Velocity of Surface Waves using Ambient Noise Cross-Correlation
- A Heuristic Probabilistic Approach to Estimating Size-Dependent Mobility of Nonuniform Sediment
- A hidden Late Cretaceous arc and subsequent magmatic events in the Caucasus-Iran-Anatolia (CIA) orogenic belt: Detrital zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopic constraints
- A novel approach to water polution monitoring by combining ion exchange resin and XRF-scanning technique
- A web-based Tamsui River flood early-warning system with correction of real-time water stage using monitoring data
- AMS <SUP>14</SUP>C and <SUP>230</SUP>Th/U dating on stalagmites from North Altai Mountain, Siberia, Russia
- Active tectonics around an ongoing rapid surface deformation area in southern Taiwan
- Age of Sulfate Methane Transition Zone Determined by Modelling Barium Sulfate Growth
- Amplification Factors for Spectral Acceleration Using Borehole Seismic Array in Taiwan
- An improvement of the Earthworm Based Earthquake Alarm Reporting system in Taiwan
- Building regional early flood warning systems by AI techniques
- Carbon isotopic patterns of amino acids associated with various microbial metabolic pathways and physiological conditions
- Characteristics of Postseismic Deformation Associated with the 2016 Meinong Earthquake
- Characterization of Joint Sets Through UAV Photogrammetry on Sedimentary Rock Sea Cliffs and Abrasion Platforms in Northern Taiwan
- Characterizing Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Thermal Environment and Air Quality in Taipei Metropolitan Area
- Combination Use of Water Quality Modelling and Cost-Effective Analysis to Assess Environmental Benefit of a Watershed - A Case Study of Various Engineering and Management Strategy Arrangements in Taiwan
- Comparison with Offshore and Onshore Mud Volcanoes in the Southwestern Taiwan
- Constraining LLSVP Buoyancy With Tidal Tomography
- Constraints of lithium isotopes on petrogenesis of the Northern Luzon arc in Eastern Taiwan
- Contributions of groundwater pumping to global sea level rise: Continental-scale and interannual analysis
- Crustal Seismic Vs and Vs anisotropy of Northeast Japan Revealed by Ambient Noise Tomography
- Dating paleo-seismic faulting in the Taiwan Mountain Belt
- Decadal Variation of Precipitation in Saudi Arabia induced by Agricultural Irrigation
- Development of Probabilistic Flood Inundation Mapping For Flooding Induced by Dam Failure
- Development of an Assessment Procedure for Seawater Intrusion Mitigation
- Distinct Interleaving of South China Sea Water and North Pacific Water During Impingements of Mesoscale Eddies on the Kuroshio
- Distribution and Characteristics of Seafloor Seepage Features in the Active Margin Offshore of SW Taiwan
- Effect of Floodplain Inundation on River Pollution in Taiwan's Strong Monsoonal Climate
- Estimating background denudation rates and delivery of landslide sediment from a time series of <SUP>10</SUP>Be concentrations in landslide dominated basins in the southern Central Range of Taiwan
- Estimation of canopy water interception of a near-tropical montane cloud forest in Taiwan
- Experimental investigations on vibratory mobilization of trapped NAPL blobs in a pore doublet model
- Exploring the Appropriate Drought Index in a Humid Tropical Area with Complex Terrain
- Exploring the Hg pollution in global marginal seas by trophic biomagnification in demersal fishes
- Focused Fluid Flow along Convergent Plate Boundaries - Deriving Flow Rates along Faults from Local Upwarping of the Base of the Gas Hydrate Stability Zone
- Growth of a Hydrate Mound in the Sea of Japan over 300 ka as Revealed by U-Th Ages of MDAC and by H<SUB>2</SUB>S Concentrations of Massive Hydrates
- High tsunami risk at northern tip of Sumatra as a result of the activity of the Sumatra Fault Zone (SFZ) combined with coastal landslides
- High-Resolution Seafloor Observations of an Active Mud Volcano Offshore SW Taiwan - Results of a Repeated Survey after Four Years
- Impacts of Groundwater on the Atmospheric Convection in Amazon using Multi-GCM Simulations from I-GEM project
- Impacts of Irrigation on Land-Atmosphere Coupling Strength Under Different Evapotranspiration Characteristics
- Irrigation Induced Land-Atmosphere Feedbacks and Their Impacts on Indian Summer Monsoon
- Lithospheric Structure of Anatolia Revealed by High-resolution Rayleigh-wave Phase-velocity Maps
- Matching Deep Tow Camera study and Sea Floor geochemical characterization of gas migration at the Tainan Ridge, South China Sea
- Methane fluxes and inventories in the accretionary prism of southwestern Taiwan
- Multiple nitrogen isotope recorders for surface ocean nitrate utilization in the Subarctic North Pacific and the Bering Sea
- Multiscale Characterization of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> in Southern Taiwan based on Noise-assisted Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition and Time-dependent Intrinsic Correlation
- Observations of fluid and gas geochemistry for earthquake precursor in Taiwan: Past, recent status and future scenarios
- Post-rift Stage Fault Analysis Around Nansha Block, Southern South China Sea
- Predicting seed dispersal using a Lagrangian Stochastic Model
- Probing aerobic methanotrophs associated with seepages in offshore southwestern Taiwan
- Probing dynamic hydrologic system of slowly-creeping landslides with passive seismic imaging: A comprehensive landslide monitoring site at Lantai, Ilan area in Taiwan
- Responses of Mean and Extreme Precipitation to Deforestation in the Maritime Continent
- Rupture behaviors of the 2010 Jiashian and 2016 Meinong Earthquakes: Implication for interaction of two asperities on the Chishan Transfer Fault Zone in SW Taiwan.
- Seismic response of a taïwanese hill: toe and top ground motion amplification
- Shallow Geological Structures Triggered During the M<SUB>w</SUB>6.4 Meinong Earthquake and Their Significance in Accommodating Long-term Shortening Across the Foothills of Southwestern Taiwan
- Simulation of Lightning with Region-Labeling Discharging Method
- Structural Features Offshore West Hengchun Peninsula in Southern Taiwan
- Structural Features of the Western Taiwan Foreland Basin in the Eastern Taiwan Strait since Late Miocene
- Sulfur Isotope Fractionation in Marine Pore waters from the Offshore Southwestern Taiwan
- Temporal variation of aerobic methane oxidation over a tidal cycle in a wetland of northern Taiwan.
- The 2006 Pingtung Earthquake Doublet Triggered Seafloor Liquefaction: Revisiting the Evidence with Ultra-High-Resolution Seafloor Mapping
- The Influence of Control Factors on History of Pore Pressure Within Preferential Flow Path on Rock Slope Stability
- The Influence of Turbulent Coherent Structure on Suspended Sediment Transport
- The effect of initial resident fluid saturation on the interaction between resident and infiltrating fluids in porous media
- The interaction of prehistoric human settlement, sea level change and tectonic uplift of the Coastal Range, eastern Taiwan
- The nuclear bomb carbon curve recorded in tree-rings and lake sediments near Taal Volcano, Central Philippines
- Thinning Mechanism of the South China Sea Crust: New Insight from the Deep Crustal Images
- Trace element determination of zircons from adakites and granitoids: implications for petrogenetic processes
- Tropical Pacific forcing on decadal-to-centennial NAO-dominated precipitation variability in northern Mediterranean over the past 6500 years
- Uncertainty Quantification of Water Quality in Tamsui River in Taiwan
- Use of Multi-class Empirical Orthogonal Function for Identification of Hydrogeological Parameters and Spatiotemporal Pattern of Multiple Recharges in Groundwater Modeling
- Using the Signal Tools and Statistical Tools to Redefine the 24 Solar Terms in Peasant Calendar by Analyzing Surface Temperature and Precipitation
- WEF nexus indicators: A study on the development of indicators for urban areas
- When did the Penglai orogeny begin on Taiwan?: Geochronological and petrographic constraints on the exhumed mountain belts and foreland-basin sequences
- A Continuous 100 Thousand-year Stalagmite δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Record from the Yucatan Peninsula: Implications for Caribbean Hydroclimate on Orbital and Millennial Timescales.
- A Field and Numerical Study on the Occurrence of Hyperpycnal Turbidity Currents
- A Simulation Study of Aerosol Effect on Wintertime Stratocumulus Clouds over the East China Sea
- A Study on the Processes Driving the Formation of Abnormally Cold Water in Winter in the Southern Taiwan Strait
- A quantitative reconstruction of rainfall from stalagmite δ<SUP>18</SUP>O during the last glacial interval: implications for paleo-rainfall reconstruction and Caribbean hydroclimate
- A tracer study to reveal pathways and ocean influences of global riverine freshwater
- Abrupt fluctuation of northern Mediterranean hydroclimate and North Atlantic Oscillation since the middle Holocene
- Active Retro-wedge Thrusting in the Philippine Sea Plate in the Taiwan Arc-Continent Collision: Evidence from Retro-deformation of Offshore Depth-migrated Seismic Reflection Profiles
- Age and geochemical constraints on Cenozoic magmatic evolution in Southern Sulawesi
- An open-path eddy covariance methane flux measurement over a larch forest in eastern Siberia
- Assessment of carbon sources and microbial activities by carbon isotopic compositions of amino acids in sediments
- Calibration of thermal dissipation sap flow probes for Japanese cedar trees
- Carbonaceous materials in the fault zone of the Longmenshan fault belt: Records of seismic slip from trench and implications for faulting mechanism
- Characterization of submarine landslides offshore of southern Taiwan from swath bathymetry and multi-channel seismic reflection data
- Characterize and Quantify Effect of Land Cover Change on Human Thermal Comfort and Street-Level Air Quality in Urban Areas
- Combining Seismic Attributes and Thermal Modeling to Study Fluid Flow Processes and Gas Hydrate Prospectivity beneath Anticlinal Ridges Off SW Taiwan
- Common-Mode Error in GPS Displacement Field of Taiwan in Relation to Atmospheric Mass Loading
- Complex multifault geometry of the 2018 M<SUB>w</SUB> 6.4 Hualien, Taiwan, offshore earthquake and its implications for seismic hazard and subduction boundary
- Configuration of the South China Sea Oceanic Domain at the End of Seafloor Spreading
- Continental and Local-Scale Responses of Tropical Rainfall to Precessional Forcing
- Crustal Magmatism and Deformation Fabrics in Northeastern Japan Constrained by Ambient Seismic Noise
- Determination of a local magnitude scale using earthquake data recorded by the borehole seismic network in Taiwan
- Developing a Regional Model for Nowcasting Assessment of Seismically Induced Landslides
- Development of a cross-scale and cross-sector adaptation assessment model integrating agriculture and water resources fields: A case study of regional to local scale
- Distributary Channel Networks Modeled Using Non-linear Viscous Fingering
- Distribution of environmental agents and the ecological risk assessment model for Prionailurus bengalensis in Taiwan
- Enhanced Zonal Asymmetry in the Equatorial Pacific During the Last Deglaciation Based on Foraminifera-bound Nitrogen Isotopes
- Estimating the Sustainability of Rural and Urban Areas by Using Sustainable FWE Index
- Evaluation of Monitoring Water Quality Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data of FORMOSAT-2 in Taiwan
- Evaluation of the predictors and skill for subseasonal statistical temperature forecasts over East Asia
- Evolution of the South Pacific Gyre`s thermocline during the las 600Kyr
- Exploring the Growing Degree-Day of Tea under the Influence of Climate Change in Taiwan
- Fenton process adjusted with different reaction temperature and river Humic Acid in degradation of Phenol
- Hydrologic components description-strengthened dynamic global vegetation model (S-TEDy): model-data comparisons
- Identification of Landslide Prone Areas in the Dahan River Watershed in a Geotemporal Context
- Impact of agricultural activities on ecological habitat conservation in the rural environment- a case study of Prionailurus bengalensis in Taiwan
- Instant GPS analysis platform established for GPS data processing and observation results sharing
- Investigating the Feasibility of Water Market in Water Reallocation by Virtual Gaming Simulation during Drought Periods: A Case Study of the Taoyuan Area, Taiwan
- Is small-hydropower implementation a good solution to boosting synergistic benefits of Water-Food-Energy Nexus?
- Joint zircon thermochronology modeling on the uplift history of the Middle Hsuehshan Range in Taiwan
- Last Glacial Maximum and Deglacial Corals Drilled at Huon Peninsula, Vanuatu, and Solomon Islands: Comparison and Implications for Paleosea-Level Records
- Massive subduction channels adjacent to Taiwan arc-continent collision
- Modern Ocean Ground-truthing of Planktic Foraminifera-bound Nitrogen Isotopes
- Moho Depth and Crustal Velocity Structure beneath Taiwan from the H-V Stacking of P and S Receiver Functions
- Morphology and Sand Wave Migration in the Taiwan Strait from Seismic and Bathymetric Data Analyses.
- Multi-scale seasonal temperature variability and asynchronous regional hydrodynamics in Mediterranean since the middle Holocene
- Near real-time estimates on earthquake rupture directivity using near-field ground motion data from a dense low-cost seismic network
- Near-Field Rotational Ground Motions Observed during the 2018 M<SUB>L </SUB>6.2 Hualien (Taiwan) Earthquake Sequence
- Neodymium isotopic composition distributions in the southwestern Indian Ocean and the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean
- Nourishment Area Asymmetry Relates A Distributary Channel Network's Structure and Dynamics
- Observations of island wake at high Rossby number: evolutions of submesoscale vortices and free shear layer
- Post- and Inter-seismic Megathrust Coupling along the Subduction Zone in Solomon Islands: A Reevaluation Based on Newly Collected GPS Observation Data
- Preservation and transportation of landslide deposits under multiple timescales in the Taiwan orogenic belt
- Prioritizing the Developments for Geothermal Energy in Taiwan Using Play Fairway Analysis
- Quantify the energy budget under different canopy structure in various management strategies in tea fields
- Quantifying active deformation within the Southwestern Foothills of Taiwan, from incised fluvial terraces and sedimentary data.
- Quaternary Diatom and Palynomorph Stratigraphies and Palaeoenvironments of the Koora Graben and Lake Magadi Basin, Kenya Rift Valley
- Radiocarbon in Vent Gas, DIC and POC to Evaluate the Carbon Cycle in Shallow Water Hydrothermal Vents near Kueishantao, Offshore Northeastern Taiwan
- Rapid Exhumation of the Eastern Central Range of Taiwan: Constraints from Brittle Deformation Patterns.
- Rapid present-day knickpoint migrations of the Taiwan orogenic belt following the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake
- Reassess Coseismic and Postseismic Slip on Triggered Shallow Slip of 2016 Mw 6.4 Meinong Earthquake by High-rate CGPS, Campaign GPS, InSAR and Strong Motion Observation
- Redistribution of Material in Saturn's Magnetosphere via Charge Exchange: Posst Cassini Perspective
- Seismic imaging of hydrothermal vent systems in central rifting zone of the western Southern Okinawa Trough
- Stalagmite-based Paleomagnetic Record of Multidecadally-resolved post-Blake Geomagnetic Excursion
- Study on Rainfall Forecasting Using New Generation Himawari-8 Meteorological Satellite Imagery in Central Taiwan
- Submesoscale eddy formation in the Kuroshio front interacting with a cape south of Taiwan
- The 2018 Mw6.4 Hualien earthquake: Complex rupture process of a moderate event
- The 40 years local hydrological changes in the Chingshui geothermal field
- The Effect of Natural Organic Matter addition to Fenton and Fe(II)-activated persulfate processes for the degradation of Acetaminophen
- The Influence of Intersection Angle between Fault Rupture Line and Embedded Shallow Foundation Subject to Reverse Oblique-slip Faulting in Sandy Soil by Distinct Element Simulation
- The Influence of irrigation water quality on the pollution of conventional and organic farmlands- A case study in central Taiwan.
- The characteristics of low evapotranspiration in Chi-Lan montane cloud forest in Taiwan
- The effects of pore depth and edge variation on the non-wetting phase entrapment in multilayer micromodels
- Timing Methane Migration in a Tectonic Active Margin
- Topography-induced shear instabilities in the Kuroshio
- Triggering relationship between earthquakes and the 2009 Typhoon Morakot in southern Taiwan
- Use of Principal Components for Identification of Hydrogeological Parameters and Spatiotemporal Pattern of Recharges in Groundwater Modeling
- Use of UAV and photogrammetry in discontinuity investigation for wedge failure of rock slope
- Using Digital Photogrammetry Method to Monitor Surface Deformation of Active Creep Fault: A Case Study of the Chihshang Fault in Eastern Taiwan
- Wooden-building Life Cycle Carbon Footprint and Forestry Carbon Sink Assessment
- 3D Fracture Model Construction in Northeast Taiwan
- A Promising Solution of the Urban Water-Food-Energy Nexus: Actuating Rooftop Farming in Northern Taiwan Cities
- A Real-Time Urban Building Energy Model to Address the Data Needs of Water-Energy-Food Nexus Research
- A Robust Declustering Earthquake Catalog of Taiwan Based on Nearest Neighbor Approach and Its Applications to Earthquake Cluster Analysis
- A Study of Climate Change Impact on Groundwater Recharge by SWAT Simulation Model
- Active Volcanism Revealed from a Seismicity Conduit in the Long-resting Tatun Volcano Group of Northern Taiwan
- Age of Thrust Development in the Northern and Central Western Foothills of Taiwan: Insight from Apatite Fission Track.
- Application of Integrated SOM- and MOGA-SVM-Based Algorithms to Forecast Groundwater level in Choushui River Alluvial fan, Taiwan.
- Application of geochemical model in interaction simulation between aqueous radionuclides and minerals in subsurface system
- Application of terrestrial LiDAR on mudstone slope erosion caused by typhoon event
- Applying measured unsaturated hydraulic conductivity to estimate pore-size distribution of porous media
- Assessing Capturing Efficiency of Different Tree Species on Fine Particulate Matter (PM) for Mitigation Strategies in Urban Areas
- Assessment of water shortage risk by a Bayesian network approach
- Badland hillslope morphology response to spatio-temporal tectonic uplift
- Building AI-based prediction models of storm sewer systems to estimate the flooded area of the ground surface
- Buoys observation results from the PISTON field campaigns in 2018 and 2019
- Burning mismatches in firescapes of the mid-Atlantic
- Canopy Resistance and Estimation of Evapotranspiration above a Humid Cypress Forest
- Chemical Weathering Rate and Its Relationship with Physical Erosion in Small Mountainous Rivers, Taiwan
- Decadal modulation of slow slip events after a Mw 7.1 earthquake
- Deciphering the lower mantle heterogeneities using asymptotic method
- Deformation Pattern in Gravel Layer Embedded with Sand Layer Induced by Thrust Faulting: Investigations Based on Sandbox Experiments and Numerical Model
- Detection of the Crustal Discontinuity and Ambient Noise Sources beneath Dongsha Atoll from Buried OBS Array
- Develop AI Early flood warning systems for smart cities flood defense with IoT flood sensors
- Dissecting chemical weathering pathways and CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in a mountainous catchment with rapid uplifting rate
- Distribution of Secondary Circulation and Warm Core of Typhoon Fanapi (2010): Results from Idealized Axisymmetric Model and Full-Physics WRF Model
- Diurnal Forcing Causes Dipole-type Modification on Summer Salinity in the East China Sea and Its Formation Mechanism
- Early onset of rapid exhumation of the Hsuehshan Range, Taiwan revealed by zircon thermochronological modeling
- Effect of the effective saturation and ceramic cup properties on the response time of tensiometer
- Effects of Potassium and Dissolved Organic Matter on Comparative Toxicities of Thallium and Heavy Metals to Freshwater Algae
- Effects of Reservoir Sediment Flushing on Morphological Changes of Tamsui River Estuary (Taiwan)
- Enhancing seismic hazard with declining annual water load in southwest Taiwan
- Enhancing the ENSO Predictability beyond the Spring Barrier
- Evaporation effect on pore-scale concentration changes and interplay between the resident and invading liquids in micromodels
- Evolution of Air Temperature and Multiscale Characterization of Greenhouse Gases in Taiwan based on Multi-dimensional Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Noise-assisted Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition
- Experimental study on the residual saturation of multiphase flow in porous media by using X-Ray image inspired Micromodel
- Extreme events recorded in sediment cores of the Hateruma forearc basin, southern Ryukyus (MD214 EAGER Oceanographic Cruise)
- Extreme flood events recorded in coral skeletons off southwestern Taiwan
- Fault zone imaging of the Longitudinal Valley fault system in eastern Taiwan using double difference tomography
- Finding of overprinted granulites from the Da Nang-P Rao shear zone in the Truong Son Belt, central Vietnam
- Finite-Frequency Body-Wave Tomography in Scandinavia
- Fluid-rock interaction and carbonaceous materials in the Longmenshan fault belt zone: records of seismic slip and implications for faulting mechanisms
- Formation of shallow free gas and gas hydrate accumulations in the continental margin off SW Taiwan
- Geological Condition Based on Sediment Thickness (H) and Vulnerability Index (Kg) Value For Landslide Early Warning In Tanjung Heran District Bengkulu Indonesia
- High-Resolution Upper Crustal Structure of Northern Taiwan revealed by Ambient Noise Tomography
- Imaging crustal melt beneath northeast Japan with Ps receiver functions
- Implementation of a Two-Moment Warm-Cloud Microphysics Parameterization for Convective Clouds of GCMs: Impacts on MJO Simulations
- Implications of Crystal Zoning for Magma Reservoir Processes at the Tatun Volcanic Group, Taiwan
- Improvement of Suspended Sediment Transport Analysis Considering the Spatial Influence of Turbulence Ejection and Sweep Events
- Influence of clogging layer on the surface water discharge and the groundwater flow patterns beneath stream bed
- Integration of SAR and optical images to measure the 3D coseismic deformation in hanging wall of Chelungpu Fault during 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake
- Interior granular flow structure in microscale morphodynamic experiments with multi-phase refractive-index-matched (RIM) materials
- Investigating the 3D velocity structure beneath the northern Taiwan by joint inversion of local and teleseismic P-wave data
- Landslide Time-Series Analysis Using SAR Amplitude Images and PS-InSAR: Case Study of Sinwulyu River Watershed
- Lithospheric-scale and Upper-crustal-scale Geometry and Kinematics of the Taiwan Arc-continent Collision
- Managing Water-Energy-Food Nexus from a Perspective of Food Self-Sufficiency
- Mapping of Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Fog Daily Duration in a Tropical Montane Cloud Forest
- MeBo200 Methane Hydrate Drillings Southwest of Taiwan - First Results from the R/V Sonne Cruise SO266
- Measuring NCF dispersion without the long interstation distance limitation - a new method based on hybrid peak time matching
- Mechanism of gully and rill erosion of mudstone, south-western Taiwan
- Meteorological Causes to Fish Kills in the Danshuei River of Taiwan
- Modeling Soil Moisture Dynamics in the Yufeng Watershed of Taiwan
- Modeling of ecohydrological processes in a Japanese cedar forest in Xitou, Taiwan
- New strategies for multi-scale unfolding and restoration of the subducting South China Sea passive margin under the Taiwan collision
- Northern Mediterranean precipitation variation and orbital forcing on westerlies over the past 250-400 thousand years ago
- Numerical investigation of aerosol-cloud interactions over mountain areas in Central Taiwan
- On the Memory Effect of Sediment Particles in Turbulence Structures
- Performance Evaluation of Nutrient Removal from Stormwater Runoff by Grey and Green Infrastructure
- Potential Role of Strike-slip Faults in Opening up the South China Sea
- Potential triggering relationship between the 2009 Typhoon Morakot and earthquakes in Taiwan
- Precise <SUP>236</SUP>U/<SUP>238</SUP>U determination for natural geological materials by MC-ICPM
- Preliminary Study on Causal Modeling from Text: A Case of Water-Food-Energy Nexus
- Preliminary study on the establishment of a transferable evaluation framework of Water-Food-Energy nexus
- Prograde Zr zonation in rutile: a new timescale indicator of eclogite facies metamorphism
- Quantification of the mesh quality in terms of pore media geometry projection on the saturation conductivity estimation uncertainty based on X-ray CT images
- Quantification of the sediment and recovery periods after large earthquake
- Rapid Intensification of Typhoon Hato (2017) over Shallow Water
- Rapid Shift of Organic Carbon Deposition During Climatic Change in A Pristine Freshwater Lake, Lake Hovsgol, Mongolia
- Record of past extreme events in marine sediments offshore Eastern Taiwan: Preliminary results of the MD214 EAGER Oceanographic Cruise
- Revisiting the Data Reduction of Seafloor Heat-Flow Measurement: the Example of Mapping Hydrothermal Venting Site around Yonaguni Knoll IV in the South Okinawa Trough
- Sedimentary perspectives of Pleistocene ocean circulation and climate change from the southernmost Chilean continental margin
- Seismic Behavior of the Ryukyu Megathrust : Insights from Coral Microatolls
- Seismic velocity structure in the Western Solomon Islands from joint inversion of receiver functions and surface-wave dispersion
- Shear-Wave Velocity of Shallow Seabed Derived From Large-Offset Seismic Streamer Data
- Source Analysis for the 2018 M7.5 Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami
- Speleothem-inferred paleoclimate records at 620-450 thousand years ago from northern Mediterranean
- Speleothem-inferred sea-level rise during marine isotope stage 11
- Stability Analysis of Jointed Rock Masses with Different Persistence in Wedge Failure Influenced by Groundwater
- Storm Deposit Corals From Little Cayman Reveal Shifts in Sea Surface Temperature and Upwelling in the Central Caribbean During the Holocene
- Strong Variation and Simple Classification of Near-surface Seismic Anisotropy of Taiwan Revealed by Coda Interferometry
- Structural Characteristics of Mud Diapir/Mud Volcano in an Accretionary Wedge Under Mountain Building: Connection Between Offshore and Onshore in Southwestern Taiwan
- Synorogenic extension: gravitational collapse or extrusion in southern Taiwan
- Tectonic uplift and subsidence inferred from coral microatoll archives of relative sea level in La Union province, northwestern Luzon, Philippines
- The Role of WISHE in the Rapid Intensification of Tropical Cyclones
- The Variability of Indian Summer Monsoon Through Early to Mid-Holocene
- The diurnal surface fluxes-atmosphere relations in Taiwan's montane cloud forests
- The effect of evaporation on the interactions between the trapped and invading wetting phase fluids in the pore doublet micromodel
- The relationship between aerosol optical depth and synoptic weather systems over East Asia
- The synergies of water-food-energy nexus in vegetable production and small-hydropower generation in urban areas
- Thermal and Seismic Studies of Gas Hydrate Systems at the Active and Passive Continental Margin off SW Taiwan
- Thermal pressurized gouges record stress states of faults after earthquakes
- Tight Coupling of Tropical Indo-Pacific Climate Variability through the Last Millennium
- Topological analysis of drainage, evaporation, and mixing in porous media flow
- Topological analysis of water-food-energy network systems
- Upstream-migrating bedforms in the southern overbank area of the lower Taiwan Canyon, northeastern continental slope of the South China Sea
- Using Cluster Analysis of GPS Velocities to Explore Active Tectonics in Taiwan
- Using EFDC hydrodynamic and water quality model for eutrophication prediction in Xindian River in Taiwan
- Utilize High-resolution Distributed Temperature Sensing with Energy Balance Modeling to Evaluate River Restoration on the First-order Alpine Stream in Taiwan
- Water isotope evidence for steady Cenozoic topography in the southern Andes ( 50 to 35°S)
- "Net result": using individual foraminifera from plankton tows to investigate the environmental variability recorded by different geochemical proxies
- A stalagmite-inferred hydroclimate record over the past 1200 years in a western Pacific island
- Attributing Radiative Feedback Evolution to Regional Ocean Heat Uptake
- Beach Washed and Modern Corals (Siderastrea siderea) Reveal Shifts in Sea Surface Temperature and Trade Winds in the Central Caribbean Sea for the Common Era
- Characteristics of the Prolonged El Niño EventsDuring 1960-2020
- Constructing sustainable and resilient cities to adapt to climate change and urbanization with the water-energy-food nexus approach
- Could the North Pacific Oscillation Be Modified by the Initiation of the East Asian Winter Monsoon?
- Detecting Fluid at The Subsurface Using S-wave Disappearance
- Direct Wave Measurements Captured by Subsurface EM-APEX Floats in Tropical Ocean
- Euler Characteristic of Fluid in Porous Media during Drying Process
- Evaluation of Effectiveness of Waves on Air-Sea Heat Fluxes
- Impact of mineral dust on summertime precipitation over the Taiwan region
- Influence of Watershed Landscape Structure on Nitrate and Phosphate Exports: An Island-wide Scale Assessment in Subtropical Mountainous Taiwan
- Influence of flow composition and flow regime on fan morphodynamics
- Inner-core Tangential Winds in an Inner Eyewall Dissipation of Typhoon Trami (2018): A Quantitative Estimation based on the Himawari-8 Satellite
- Inventory of woody plants at landslide-prone areas in the Yufeng watershed of Taiwan
- Kinetics and Reactivity Trend of Criegee Intermediates
- Measurements of evapotranspiration processes in a Japanese cedar forest in Xitou, Taiwan
- Mesoscale convective system precipitation characteristics over East Asia: Regional differences and seasonal variations
- Mixing Enhancement Modulated by Unsteady Shear Flow in the Kuroshio above A System of Seamount
- Monitor the temporal and spatial evolution of clogging in a meso-scale lysimeter with tensiometers
- Non-stationary response of South Indian hydroclimate to orbital forcing during Marine Isotope Stage 9
- Relative Roles of Energy and Momentum Fluxes in the Tropical Response to Extratropical Thermal Forcing
- Seasonal Sensitivity of the Cross-Equatorial Hadley Cell Response to Extratropical Thermal Forcings
- The Impacts of Changes in Cloud Radiative Effects on Poleward Atmospheric and Oceanic Energy Transport in a Warmer Climate
- The discontinuity of diurnal temperature range along the elevation: the role of fog
- The flowering in the retrowedge of a mountain belt: a case study of the exhumation deformation on the Miocene subducted mélange/turbidite of the Yuli belt and its sedimentary covers in eastern Central Range of Taiwan
- Unraveling the Slip Behavior and Evolution of the Mai'iu-Goodenough Detachment Fault System by Integrating Multi-timescale Datasets with Novel Coral Paleoseismological Evidence
- Upper Mantle P-wave Velocity Structure beneath the Oldest Pacific Ocean Basin from Finite-frequency P-wave Traveltime Tomography
- A Framework to Evaluate the Transition to Aggregated Convection in a Cloud-Resolving Model
- A Strategy to More Reliably Date Coral Microatolls in the Philippines
- After the Storm: Increased Flood Hazard Persists for Decades Following the 2009 Typhoon Morakot in Southern Taiwan
- Ages for the Basaltic Lava Flows in Penghu
- Amplified seasonal cycle in hydroclimate over the Amazon river basin and its plume region
- Application of machine learning to quantify CaCO3 and TOC from XRF spectrum
- Applying a Machine Learning Approach to Sediment-Facies Classification of Coastal Sediments from Northern Germany
- Arctic Amplification and its Seasonal Migration Over a Wide Range of CO2 Forcing
- Assessment of controlling factors on seasonal variations of crustal seismic velocity in Taiwan using ambient noise single-station cross-component analysis
- Assessment of sulfur and nitrogen depositions on precipitation acidity across global forests over last two decades
- Bluefin Tuna Reveal Global Patterns of Mercury Pollution and Bioavailability in the World's Oceans
- Characteristics of eddy covariance fluxes in a Japanese cedar forest in Xitou, Taiwan
- Constraining S-wave velocity structure of a complex large-scale deep-seated landslide at Chulin, southern Taiwan using Rayleigh wave ellipticity inversion
- Contrasting responses of surface heat fluxes to the tropical deforestation
- Coral Evidence for Mid-Holocene Sea-Level Rise and an Abrupt Uplift Event at Badoc, Ilocos Norte, Philippines
- Dynamics of Euler characteristic in Drying Porous Media
- ENSO Temporal Diversity and Associated Coupled Processes over Northwestern Pacific and Indian Ocean
- ENSO and Local Deforestation Jointly Affect the Maritime Continents Climate
- Early Holocene permafrost retreat in West Siberia amplified by reorganization of westerly circulation
- Effects of Microphysical Processes on the Precipitation Spectrum in a Strongly Forced Environment
- Effects of convection-SST interactions on the South China Sea Summer Monsoon Onset in a Multiscale Modeling Framework Model
- Effects of pore-fluid pressure on crustal stress in western Taiwan
- Estimation of Open Channel Bathymetry and Discharge with Large-Scale Particle Image Velocimetry
- Fast and Slow Responses of Tropical Pacific SST to High Latitude Forcing
- Flux Partitioning of Evapotranspiration in Taiwan Montane Cloud Forests
- From the foreland and backarc thrust belts to the mantle transition zone: Multi-scale retrodeformable transect of the active 90mm/y Taiwan arc-continent collision
- Hybrid Machine Learning models with Principal Component Analysis for Multi-Step-Ahead Urban Flood Inundation
- Imprint of The Three Gorges Dam on the Sediment Characteristics Along the Seaward Portion of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Delivery System in the East China Sea and northern Taiwan Strait
- Improvement of Precipitation Detection Algorithm for Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar on the GPM Core Observatory over Mountainous Areas
- Learning the Rainfall Patterns using Computational Topology
- Modeling the Lafourche Distributary Channel Network in the Mississippi Delta Complex
- New Insight into Tectonics of Taiwan Strait from Earthquake Focal Mechanisms and Geophysical Data
- Observations of Diffracted Body Waves Used to Estimate Global D Velocity Structure
- Ocean Interaction and the Intensity Evolution of Two High-Impact Super Typhoons: Hagibis (2019) and Haiyan (2013)
- Organic Tea Field Preserves More Latent Heat Flux but Loss More Soil Moisture in Hilly Terrain
- Overview of scientific drilling to active backarc basin, Okinawa Trough: ongoing rifting of Eurasian continental margin
- P-wave first-motion polarity determination using deep learning
- Relative Sea-Level and Tectonic Histories Inferred from Fossil Corals at Cabugao, Ilocos Sur, Philippines
- Revisiting glacial-interglacial changes in pelagic denitrification in the South Pacific
- Rock or roll?: Disentangling the impacts of local rock-uplift and upstream sediment supply on controlling river channel morphology in rapidly uplifting southern Taiwan.
- Role of Low Impact Development on Urban Flood Resilience Index
- Seismic Attenuation Structure Beneath the Northeastern Japan
- Seismic Velocity Structure of Upper Mantle Beneath the Oldest Pacific Ocean Basin: Insights from Finite-frequency Tomography
- Simulated Pacific Decadal Variability in an Ocean-Atmosphere Coupled Model
- Subdecadal Variability in Tropical Paleoclimate: Proxy Insights from Individual Foraminifera Analysis (IFA) in Core Tops and Plankton Tow
- The Discontinuity of Diurnal Temperature Range along Elevation
- The Effects of the Unified Parameterization in the CWBGFS: the Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation over Land in the Maritime Continent
- The Nestedness of Metacommunities Among Parks in Urban Areas
- The Particulate Pollutants Distribution over the Lee Side of Mountains in Taiwan under Consecutive Cold-season Weak Synoptic Days
- The Role of Cloud Radiative Feedback in Modulating the Circulation and SST Responses in the Tropical Pacific to High-latitude North Atlantic Forcing
- The annual cycle of terrestrial water storage anomalies in CMIP6 models evaluated against GRACE data
- The effect of channel aspect ratio on air entrapment during imbibition in soil-on-a-chip micromodels with 2D and 2.5D pore structures
- The effects of deforestation on coincident El Nino and pIOD events.
- The mechanisms of the increased precipitation seasonality in Amazon
- Tracking the Influence of Cloud Condensation Nuclei on Summer Diurnal Precipitating Systems Over Complex Topography in Taiwan
- Zircon geochronology and geochemistry of Cenozoic volcanic rocks in Pacitan, East Java, Indonesia
- A 3-D Probabilistic Shallow Velocity Model in Myanmar and Its Implication for Subduction Tectonics
- A New Approach for Saint-Venant Simulation in Large-Scale River Network: Comparing an Open-Source Parallel Computing Numerical Model with Conventional Saint-Venant Models in Texas River Basins
- A Siderastrea siderea Coral from Flower Garden Banks Records Human Impacts as a Candidate for the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point for the Anthropocene
- A study on spatiotemporal groundwater level forecasting by a hybridization of machine learning and physically-based models
- Aerosol-induced Effects on the Evolution of Indian Summer Monsoon from Onset to Withdrawal
- Assessing the resilience of Taiwan longan agriculture in a changing climate
- Catchment lithology, grain size distributions, and debris flow deposits: field measurements and laboratory experiments
- Changing characteristics of dry season terrestrial precipitation from 1979-2021
- Characteristics of eddy covariance fluxes on the forest floor of a Japanese cedar stand in Xitou, Taiwan
- Characterize eddy-covariance fluxes patterns by using artificial neural network and long short-term memory techniques over different landscapes
- Characterize subsurface heterogeneity using the temporal moment triggered lightning tomography
- Comparing the Characteristics on Soil-Atmosphere Interaction Between Two Tea Fields Managed by Different Strategies
- Coral Evidence for Centennial Changes of the Western Boundary Transport in the Tropical South Pacific
- Deep learning of detecting ionospheric precursors associated with M ≥ 6.0 earthquakes in Taiwan
- Deglacial Evolution of N2 Fixation in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre
- Developing a Two-Layer Conceptual Model for Monthly DIC and DOC Concentrations Considering Interannual Typhoon Responses in a Small Subtropical Lake in Taiwan.
- Development Landslide Susceptibilty Mapping with Multivariance Statistical method for Landslide Early Warning, Study Case Kepahiang Bengkulu, Indonesia.
- Does Moment of Microphysics Parameterization Schemes Have Any Impact In Simulating The Lightning Events?
- Early Results from the MJO-SST Sensitivity Model Intercomparison Project (MSMIP)
- Effects of elevated fluid pressure on absolute strength, brittle-ductile transition, and depth-dependent seismicity in the western Taiwan plate boundary
- Evident de Vries ( 200-year) Solar cycle on Hydroclimate Variation: Record from Indochina Peninsula and Its Regional Climate Implication
- Explore machine learning-based models to predict regional groundwater levels and assess groundwater vulnerability in the Zhuoshui River basin of Taiwan
- Extratropical-Tropical Interaction via the Propagation of Subsurface Spiciness Anomalies in the North Pacific
- Gap-Filling of Surface Fluxes by Machine Learning Approaches
- High-Resolution Ambient Noise Tomography across Central Taiwan via Multi Mode Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity Inversion
- Holocene Marine Radiocarbon Reservoir Age Variations in the Taiwan Strait
- How Local Processes Related to Deforestation in the Maritime Continent Influence the MJO
- Imaging upper crust faults of the suture, the Longitudinal Valley, Taiwan, by five M5.8+ mainshock-aftershock sequences recorded by dense seismic nodal arrays
- Influence of flow composition and boundary conditions on alluvial fan morphodynamics built by debris flows.
- Investigating Caribbean hydroclimate variability on orbital and millennial timescales using a 100 thousand-year stalagmite δ18O record from the Yucatan Peninsula
- Investigating Interannual Variations of Flux Patterns at Subtropical Montane cloud forest Ecosystem
- Investigation into the correlations of meteorological factors, acid rain compositions, and GHGs by EMD-based algorithm
- Large climate-driven changes in nutrient consumption in the eastern equatorial Pacific over the past 200,000 years: Evidence from a new foraminifera-bound nitrogen isotope record
- Learning the Representation of Lee Vortices over Complex Topography in Taiwan
- Local Variations in Seismic Azimuthal Anisotropy Beneath the Lesser Caucasus and Armenian Plateau
- Low-cost High-Speed Photogrammetry for Dynamic Experimental Measurements
- Mean State AMOC Affects AMOC Weakening through Subsurface Warming in the Labrador Sea
- Modeling Watershed-scale Stream Metabolism in Subtropical Small Mountainous Rivers, Taiwan
- New Generation of Altimetry-derived Ocean Thermal Structure for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecasting and Research
- Origin and Evolution of Flat Slab Subduction: Insights From Numerical Modeling of Thermo-Mechanical Behavior
- Probing an active fault zone through fibers: The Milun fault Drilling and All-inclusive Sensing (MiDAS) project
- Real-time prediction and correction of regional flooding by combining artificial intelligence and IoT sensors.
- River Response to the 2009 Typhoon Morakot Dictated by Tectonic History, Landscape Steepness
- Seasonal Dependency of Hadley Circulation Responses to High-Latitude Forcing
- Segmentation Characteristics of Tectonic Tremors in Shikoku, Japan, Using Machine Learning Approaches
- Slow slip events following the afterslip of the 2002 Mw 7.1 Hualien offshore earthquake, Taiwan
- Soil moisture modulates land-use change impact under global warming
- Spatial-temporal deformation variations in coastal land subsidence area applying InSAR and principal component analysis (PCA)
- Spatiotemporal Analysis of the Influential Factors and Potential Harms of Wildfire in Taiwan
- Stochastic Modeling of Sediment Particle Transport under the Influence of Turbulent Coherent Structures
- Stoichiometry-discharge relationships reveal the balance of energy and nutrient availability across watersheds
- Structural Evolution in the Central Longitudinal Valley, Eastern Taiwan, From the Distribution and Properties of Quaternary Conglomerates
- Surface and Subsurface Ocean Adjustment and Tropical Pattern Formation Responses to Extratropical Radiative Forcing
- The Effect of Forest in Dampening the Diurnal Cycle on Land-atmosphere Interaction
- The Influence of Boreal Winter Cold Surges on the Planetary Boundary Layer over the South China Sea
- The Influence of SO2 on α-pinene Ozonolysis-derived Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation
- The Kuroshio Radiocesium Stream
- The Role of Sustainable Soil Management Practices on Improving Ecosystem Services Towards Carbon Neutrality: A Conceptual Framework and Case Study
- The Role of Tropical Forests in Moderating the ET's Variabilities.
- Tracking the Precipitation Changes in the Indo-Australian Monsoon Realm Over the Last 600-kyr
- Transition of Carbon-Nitrogen Coupling along an Anthropogenic Disturbance Gradient in Subtropical Small Mountainous Rivers
- Understanding Arctic Climate Change Seasonality and Uncertainty using SMILEs
- Using CFD to Optimize the Configuration of Negative Pressure Tunnel Ventilation Environment-Controlled Poultry House equipped with Cooling Pads in Taiwan
- Utilize Convolutional Neural Networks to Forecast Regional Groundwater Levels - A Case Study in the Jhuoshuei River Basin of Taiwan
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Meltzner
- Adam S. Wymore
- Alfredo Martínez‐García
- An-Sheng Lee
- Anupam Hazra
- Ayumu Miyakawa
- Bernd Zolitschka
- Bor‐Shouh Huang
- Brian E. J. Rose
- Brian J. Yanites
- Bridget R. Scanlon
- C. G. Piecuch
- Caroline C. Ummenhofer
- Chao‐An Chen
- Charlotte A. DeMott
- Char‐Shine Liu
- Chau Ron Wu
- Cheng-Yuan Ku
- Cheng‐Hsun Wu
- Cheng‐Nan Liu
- Chen‐Tung Arthur Chen
- Chih‐Yu Chiu
- Chiu-Yueh Hung
- Christina M. Patricola
- Christina W. Tsai
- Christine Regalla
- Chuan–Chou Shen
- Chung‐Wei Lee
- Chun‐Yian Su
- Ci-Jian Yang
- Clarke DeLisle
- David McGee
- E. L. Chamberlain
- En Chao Yeh
- Eric M. Parker
- F. C. Lin
- Fi-John Chang
- Flavio Lehner
- H. K. Jhuang
- Hajime Shiobara
- Hao‐Chi Lin
- He‐Ming Xiao
- Hiroko Sugioka
- Hitoshi Kawakatsu
- Hsin‐Hua Huang
- Hyodae Seo
- I. I. Lin
- Iam-Fei Pun
- Ian Eisenman
- Ivan Mitevski
- Jeng‐Wei Tsai
- Jennifer S. Fehrenbacher
- Jen‐Ping Chen
- Jesse Farmer
- Jiayuan Yao
- Jin‐Yi Yu
- John B. Shaw
- John R. Reinfelder
- Jonathan Jung
- Jr‐Chuan Huang
- Jun A. Zhang
- Junki Komori
- Jyr Ching Hu
- K. M. Hill
- K. M. Johnson
- Kate Huihsuan Chen
- Kazushige Obara
- Keisuke Nakayama
- Kristine L. DeLong
- Krzysztof Lamorski
- L. Vetter
- Lena Chang
- Lester Lembke‐Jene
- Li Wei Kuo
- Liang Chen
- Lorenzo M. Polvani
- Markus Hilpert
- Michael Previdi
- Ming Lo
- Ming Zhao
- Nozomu Takeuchi
- P. Lawrence
- Pei‐Ru Jian
- Pei‐Ying Patty Lin
- Qiushi Zhai
- Qiuzhen Yin
- Richard Neale
- Robert F. Rogers
- Ryuta Arai
- S. Hung
- S. Rondenay
- Sanjiv Kumar
- Sean Kuanhsiang Chen
- Sen Jan
- Shang‐Ping Xie
- Shaohua Chang
- Shengji Wei
- Siang-Heng Wang
- Stephen Yeager
- Steven R. Jayne
- Su Ming Hsu
- Subodh Kumar Saha
- T. Nakai
- Takehi Isse
- Tamaki Suematsu
- Thomas M. Mitchell
- Tian‐Chyi Jim Yeh
- Tomohiro Toki
- Ushnanshu Dutta
- Wan‐Ling Tseng
- Wei‐Fang Sun
- Wei‐Jen Huang
- Wei‐Ting Chen
- Weng-si Chao
- William H. McDowell
- Xiangfeng Wang
- Xingchen Wang
- Xinnan Li
- Ya‐Ju Hsu
- Yih‐Min Wu
- Yiing Jang Yang
- Yi‐Shin Jang
- Yoshimi Kubota
- Young Hee Kim
- Yu Wang
- Yue‐Gau Chen
- Yuichi Onda
- Yôko Ôta
- Zhigang Peng