Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich, Germany
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- University of Munich, Department of Geosciences
- University of Munich, Department of Physics
- University of Munich, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Modification of Thellier-type Experiments for the Detection of Multidomain Remanence and Magnetostatic Interaction
- Libyan Desert (Impact) Glass: Sr and Nd Isotopic Systematics and new Evidence for Target Material
- Low Absolute Paleointensities Determined on Permo-Triassic Siberian Trap Basalts
- Measuring Stress-Induced Change in Saturation Remanence to Estimate Saturation Magnetostriction of Single-Domain Titanomaghemite in Oceanic Basalts
- Melt Viscosity at the Glass Transition During Volcanic Processes: Predictions From Calorimetric Studies
- New VSP to 8.5 km Depth at the KTB Super-deep Drillhole - Seismic In Situ Investigation of Deformed Crystalline Crust
- Particle Characterization of European and Indo-Asian Pollution Plumes With Six-Wavelength Lidar
- Some magnetic hysteresis properties of multidomain magnetite
- Thermal Expansion of Supercooled Haplobasaltic Liquids Obtained via Container-based Dilatometry
- A Multicomponent Model for the Non-Arrhenian Temperature Dependence of Viscosity of Anhydrous Melts.
- Fragmentation Speed and Permeability of hot Volcanic Rocks
- Nano-Diamonds in melt inclusions in ortho- and clinopyropxene from mantle xenoliths, Salt Lake Crater, Hawaii.
- Paleomagnetic Paleolatitude of Early Cretaceous Ontong Java Plateau Basalts: Implications for Pacific Apparent and True Polar Wander
- Simultaneous Refraction and Reflection Seismic Tomography Based on SIMUL With Applications to the TRANSALP Wide-Angle Data.
- The Glassy Rocks: Quantifying Petrogenesis Via Melt Physics
- Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Simulations of Strong Ground Motions in the Beijing Metropolitan Area
- A Physical-Experimental Model for Small-Scale Basaltic Vulcanian Eruptions
- A Trigger Mechanism for Volcanic Low-Frequency Seismic Events on Montserrat
- A fragmentation threshold for the initiation and cessation of explosive eruptions
- An Experimental Contribution to the Dynamics of Explosive Volcanism. A Case Study of Unzen Volcano and Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat.
- An Experimental View on the Vesiculation-Driven Fragmentation of Viscoelastic Media and its Implications for Plinian-Style Eruptions
- Climate Controlled Changes in Deep Ocean Flow: Examples From the Riiser Larsen Sea (Antarctica) and the Fram Strait (Arctic Ocean)
- Effects of Uncertainties of Input Data on FD Ground Motion Simulations in the Cologne Basin, Germany
- Examining tendencies of in-plane rupture to migrate to material interfaces
- Excess Temperature and Heat Transport in Mantle Plumes: a reassessment
- Fault textures in a volcanic conduit
- Fragmentation Efficiency via Fine Particle Analysis of Experimental Pyroclasts
- Influence of halogens (F, Cl, Br, I) on lava rheology.
- Neodymium Isotopic Composition of Terrigeneous Sediment as a Monitor of Bottom- and Surface Currents: an Example From the Fram Strait
- Non-Arrhenian Multicomponent Melts Viscosity: Extension of the Model.
- Rheological Cut-Off Temperatures in Nyiragongo lavas: Dynamic crystallisation experiments.
- The Distributed Application of an Enhanced Temperature-Index Melt Model Including Albedo and Global Radiation
- The Effects of 3D Structure and Finite Sources on Ground Motion in the Yanhuai Basin
- The Permeability of Volcanic Rocks: Experimental Data, Modelling and Textural Influence
- Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Simulations of Strong Ground Motions during the 1720 Shacheng Earthquake(M<SUB>w</SUB>7.0) of Yanhuai Area, Beijing, China using a Stochastic Finite-Fault Model
- Viscosity of a molten mantle: experimental data for liquid peridotite.
- A Model For the Viscosity of Melts in the System Ab-An-Dp
- A partial molar volume for ZnO in silicate melts.
- Changing Dynamics of Forest Clearing in Mato Grosso: Implications for Ecosystem Processes
- Comparison of ring laser rotational measurements with rotations derived from seismic array data: the M6.4 Morocco earthquake of February 24, 2004
- Decompression Profiles During Magma Fragmentation.
- Experimental Study of Trace Element Partitioning Between Immiscible Magmatic Brine and Granitic Melt
- Fragmentation efficiency of explosive volcanic eruptions: a study of experimentally generated pyroclasts
- Halogen Chemical Diffusivities in Silicate Melts
- Models for silicate melt viscosity
- Monitoring and Studies on High Risk Volcanoes in the Java Region/Indonesia
- Numerical Simulations of 2D In-Plane Ruptures in a Multi-Fault Tri-Material System.
- Partial Molar Volumes for Lanthanide Sesquioxides in Sodium Silicate Melts
- Permeability and Degassing of Porous Volcanic Rocks Undergoing Rapid Decompression: an Experimental Determination.
- Petrologic and Dynamic Importance of Flow Banding in Obsidian Lavas
- Project CMICMR: Long Period Magnetotellurics on Iceland
- Redox Viscosity of Iron Rich Silicate Melts - Martian Mantle Analogues.
- Rheological properties of explosively erupted magmas at the Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) through experimental studies.
- Temperature Dependent Thermal Expansivities for Volcanic Melts
- Temperature Independent Thermal Expansivities of Silicate Melts in the System Anorthite-Wollastonite-Gehlenite (CAS) system
- The Anatomy of a Geomagnetic Excursion: The Iceland Basin Excursion (188 ka)
- The Influence of Volatiles on the Glass Transition
- The carriers of magnetic fabric in volcanic rocks
- Titanomaghemite inversion and associated changes of remanence in oceanic basalts
- A Relationship Between Fragmentation Energy and Fragmentation Speed: Evidence for two Mechanisms of Magma Failure?
- Accretionary Growth in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt of Southern Siberia, Mongolia and Kasakhsthan
- Comparing Vesicularity in Pyroclastic Deposits
- Compositional Dependence of the Solubility of Ni, W, and Mo in Silicate Melts: the effects of alkalies
- Current Vertical Crustal Movements in Northern Baja California, Mexico
- Dependence of Glass Transition Temperature on the Oxidation State of Ferrosilicate Melts
- Experimental Volcanology: Fragmentation and Permeability
- Fall-experiments on Merapi basaltic andesite and constraints on the generation of pyroclastic surges.
- Fossil DNA as a Recorder of Ancient Microbial Communities and Palaeoenvironments
- Fractal Distribution of Experimentally Generated Pyroclasts
- Incorporation of Viscoelasticity in ADER-DG Schemes for Seismic Wave Propagation
- Non-Newtonian Rheology of Calc-Alkaline Obsidian at High Stresses and Strain Rates
- Rain-Triggered Earthquake Activity at Mt. Hochstaufen, SE-Germany.
- Rheology of Obsidian Flow: Emplacement Controlled by Final Water Degassing?
- Selecting samples for paleointensity measurements with FORC diagrams
- Simulation of Seismic Wave Propagation due to Finite Source Rupture Models Using an Arbitrarily High Order Discontinuous Galerkin Method on Tetrahedral Meshes
- Slip Energy Budgets of the Mount St. Helens Earthquakes
- Strain Patterns Across the Eastern California Shear Zone
- The Adjoint Method in Seismology: Theory and Application to Waveform Inversion
- The Effect of Degassing Efficiency on the Fragmentation Behavior of Volcanic Rocks
- The Effect of Fe on the Viscosity of Silicate Melts
- The European Network SPICE Code Validation
- Thermal Calibration of a High-Load, High-Temperature Uni-axial Press for Volcanological Studies
- Viscosity and chemical diffusion of halogens in silicate melts: implications for volcanic degassing
- 3-D Geometry of Active Deformation East of the San Andreas Fault Near Parkfield, California
- A closer look at magmatic fragmentation
- Analysis of the potential of millimeter wave observations for ice cloud estimates: use of simulated brightness temperatures derived from a meso-scale cloud model
- Arctic Expedition of the Frozen Five: an Alternative way of Education and Outreach During the International Polar Year
- Characterization of Seismic Wave Fields in Europe and the Mediterranean
- Complex Rheological Modelling with the ADER-DG Method: Anisotropy, Viscoelasticity and Poroelasticity.
- Der Weg ist Das Ziel: Enthalpy Relaxation Geospeedometry in Volcanic Facies
- Experimenting with mixing and layered convection in phono-trachytic magmas: Implications on reservoir dynamics
- Factors Controlling the Fragmentation Behavior of Magma
- Fault maturity and geodetic interpretations: how the `spin up' cycle affects the interpretation of lithospheric viscosity and fault slip deficit
- High Performance and Capacity Computation Through Topical Compute Clusters in Geophysical Modeling
- How does a lithospheric plate boundary adapt to changes in plate motion? An example from South Island of New Zealand
- Linking mineral physics and geodynamic mantle models
- Modelling Studies With a Coupled Canopy Atmospheric Chemistry Emission Model on Trace Gas Exchange and Gas Phase Chemistry in a Norway Spruce Forest
- Non-Newtonian Crystal- and Bubble-Rich Lava Rheology in Compression
- Non-Newtonian rheology of Mt. Unzen: application to magma ascent
- SRP Rhyolites in deep source regions: physico-chemical characterization and interaction processes
- Sagnac Interferometry for the Determination of Rotations in Seismology
- Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment (SAMUM 2006): First Results
- Seismic Velocity Gradients Across the Transition Zone
- Tectonic interpretation of a 3D seismic model of the Eastern Alps
- The Da'ure' Eruption at the Boyna Volcanic Complex During the September 2005 Afar Extension Episode: Petrophysical Characterisation and Eruptive Implications
- The Da'ure' Eruption at the Boyna Volcanic Complex During the September 2005 Afar Extension Episode: Volcanology
- The Effect of Mechanical Boundary Conditions on the Secular Cooling of Planetary Mantles.
- The Ejection Speed of Experimental Pyroclasts
- The Rheological Behavior of Multiphase Liquids Characterized by an Advanced Dilatometric Method
- The influence of pore textures on the permeability of volcanic rocks
- Viscous heating effects in silicate melts: an experimental determination.
- ADER-DG Seismic Wave Propagation on Unstructured Quadrilateral Meshes
- Chaotic Mixing in Magmatic Systems: a new experiment
- Dynamic ruptures along bimaterial interfaces in 3D
- Early Silicate Liquid Immiscibility in the Skaergaard Intrusion: Evidence from high Temperature Centrifugation Experiments
- Experimental Peridotite - melt reaction at one atmosphere: A textural and chemical study.
- Fragmenting magma: experimental investigations of explosive eruptions
- Global mantle circulation models with thermodynamically self consistent mineralogy: bridging the geodynamic/seismic gap
- Halogens and melt viscosity: an overview.
- Hydromagmatic and peperitic interactions: A new experimental approach.
- Kinematic Evolution of the North-Tehran Fault (NTF), Alborz Mountains, Iran
- Magnetostratigraphy of Plio-Pleistocene Lake Sediments from Armenia
- Mechanically assisted equilibration of Siderophile elements in silicate melts
- Models of Viscosity: Strengths, Weaknesses and the Challenges
- Role of Erosion on Closely-Spaced Fault Scarps: High-resolution Laser Scanning Data and Scarp Diffusion Modelling of the Rex Hills Flower Structure, Nevada
- Seismic waveform tomography in the time-frequency domain with applications to the Australian upper mantle
- Silicate melt viscosity: from low to high pressure and the need for metastable state data.
- Size Distributions and Morphologies of Synthetic and Biogenic Magnetite Nanoparticles
- Strain pattern in Southern California from geodetic measurements
- Strong plate coupling along the Nazca/South America convergent margin
- Structural and drainage pattern evolution of the Alborz Mountains (N Iran) inferred from provenance data and magnetostratigraphy
- The Rheology of Phlegrean Field Magmas
- Using Earthquake Data to map Faults in 3-D: Applications and Results
- Using the Longitudinal Structure in Ozone Trends to Differentiate Between Chemical and Dynamical Forcing of Ozone
- Absolute healing of pyroclasts during welding of a rheomorphic ignimbrite
- Brittleness and shear thinning: the explosive-effusive transition of lava dome experimentally investigated.
- Chaotic Mixing of Granitic and Basaltic Liquids
- Comparison of two Different Methods for Recording Rotational Motions: a Commercial Eentec R1 versus Array Derived Rotation
- Detecting Magnetosomes in Freshwater Lakes and Lake Sediments: A comparison of techniques
- Experimental Determination of the Energy Consumed by Magmatic Fragmentation and Implication for Conduit Dynamics
- Full waveform inversion for upper-mantle structure in the Australasian region
- Hidden Semi-Markov Models and Their Application
- High Resolution Neutron Computed Tomography of Vesicular Pyroclasts: Interplay of Vesicles and Crystalline Phases
- High Temperature Strain-Rate Dependent Rheology of Strombolian Magmas
- High paleosecular variation during the Cretaceous Normal Superchron
- Identification of Robust Models for co2 xcEhange at Canopy Scale
- Magnetism - a key to understanding evolutionary aspects of magnetotactic microorganisms
- Melt Viscosity at High Pressures: A complementary strategy.
- Observations And Modeling Of Rotational Signals In The P-Coda: Constraints On Crustal Scattering
- Oxidation State Dependence of Viscosity in Peralkaline Lavas: Phonolite and Pantellerite.
- Parsimonious LAI-model development from long term MODIS data
- Pedogenic Magnetic Minerals in Soils: Some Tests of Current Models
- Permeable Gas Flow Influences Magma Fragmentation Speed.
- Quantitative fabric analysis of experimentally deformed volcanic rocks
- Rhyolite magma storage and ascent at Chaiten volcano: clues from pyroclast textures, mineralogy, and composition
- Structure of the Periadriatic Fault in the Eastern Alps from reflection seismic imaging
- Subaqueous non-vesicular to poorly-vesicular shards: hydroclastic fragmentation on seamounts and summit calderas
- Thermal vs. Elastic Heterogeneity in High-Resolution Mantle Circulation Models with Pyrolite Composition: High Plume Excess Temperatures in the Lowermost Mantle
- Understanding the Superparmagnetism of Random Assemblages of Fine Particles: a Journey Between Insufficient Order and Insufficient Disorder
- Using Crust-Mantle Coupling to Study the Behavior of Faults Near the Earth's Surface
- Using wind fields from a high resolution atmospheric model for simulating snow dynamics in mountainous terrain
- Volcanic Glass - an Ideal Recording Material?
- 2500 pyroclast puzzle: probing eruptive scenarios at Volcán de Colima, Mexico
- A Study of Frequency-Dependent Seismic Wave Amplifications due to Topography Effects
- Acoustic emission during experimental fragmentation of volcanic rocks
- Building Vulnerability Assessment Using Hybrid Assessment Approaches: Object-Based Image Analysis and In-Situ Survey
- Causes of supervolcano eruptions
- Climatically driven variations in glacier extent as documented by the laminated proglacial sediment record from Lago del Desierto (Southern Patagonia, Argentina)
- Climatically induced depositional dynamics - Results of an areal sediment survey at Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina
- Cooling history of water-rich tube pumice: a calorimetric determination
- Earthquake cycle on the Ballenas Fault, Central Gulf of California, MX
- Examining the concept of “Geoparks” and “Geoheritage” in the Americas as a potential legacy for IYPE
- Experimental investigation of the volatility of elements in respect to temperature and fO2
- Full Waveform Tomography for radially anisotropic structure: New insights into present and past states of the Australasian upper mantle
- Hyperquenched hyaloclastites from Axial Seamount
- Impregnating unconsolidated pyroclastic sequences: A tool for detailed facies analysis
- Influence of the Fragmentation Process on the Eruptive Dynamics of Vulcanian Eruptions: an Experimental Approach
- Insights into magmatic fragmentation: a revised fragmentation model based on high-speed video analysis of rapid decompression of magma
- Integration of a snow slide routine into a 3 dimensional snow model (SnowTran-3D)
- Interfacial tension between immiscible melts in the system K2O - FeO - Fe2O3 - Al2O3 - SiO2
- Magma Mixing by Chaotic Dynamics: Results from a New Experimental Device
- Magma ascent and lava dome evolution at Volcán de Colima, Mexico
- Magma mixing in the Campi Flegrei caldera, Italy: insights from new experiments with natural samples
- On the characteristics of Terra and Aqua MODIS LAI subsets at six FLUXNET sites
- Optimization of Apparent Polar Wander Paths: An Example from the South China Plate
- Relating rapid plate-motion variations to plate-boundary forces in global coupled models of the mantle/lithosphere system: Effects of topography and friction (Invited)
- Scale dependent uncertainties in deriving plant physiological variables from inversion of a canopy reflectance model
- Sedimentological features of the surge emitted during the August, 2006 pyroclastic eruption at Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador)
- Stark temperature contrasts in the lowermost mantle (Invited)
- Strain Memory of the Verwey Transition and its Application for Estimating Pressures in Meteorite Impact Craters
- Structures within two ancestral eruptive sites at Cotopaxi Volcano, Ecuador
- Surface subsidence induced by the Crandall Mine (Utah) collapse: InSAR observations and anelastic modeling
- Synthetic Geoids from Mantle Circulation Models
- Temperature induced phase transformations at Mt. Etna (Italy) volcano: implications for the mechanical weakening of the volcanic edifice under magmatic stresses
- The brittle and ductile strength of the San Andreas fault system, California
- The brittle onset of crystal bearing magmas
- Timescale of ignimbrite eruptions in the Snake River Plain (USA)
- Tube pumice kinematics using non-destructive neutron tomography
- Uncertainty estimation of the velocity model for the TrigNet GPS network
- Variation of Seismic Velocity Structure and Topical Low Velocity Anomalies near the 660 km Discontinuity: Inference and Observational Uncertainties
- Vertically integrated approaches to large scale CO2 storage: Evaluating long-term storage security of CO2 injection in saline aquifers
- A pressure-induced, magnetic transition in pyrrhotite: Implications for the formation pressure of meteorites and diamonds
- Can tuffisite veins help dictate eruption styles?
- Cooling rate dependence of synthetic SD,PSD,MD magnetite
- Deep dehydration and physical and chemical nature of the mantle above the stagnant slab (Invited)
- Dynamic Rupture Modeling in Three Dimensions on Unstructured Meshes Using a Discontinuous Galerkin Method
- Dynamics of pseudotachylytes in volcanic structures
- Experimental Volcanology: 2010 and 2020
- Experimental particle acceleration by water evaporation induced by shock waves
- Explosive Fragmentation Criteria and Velocities for Vesicular Magma
- High-temperature Brillouin scattering study of haplogranitic glasses and liquids: Effects of F, K, Na and Li on Tg and elastic properties
- Mantle Provinces under Eastern North America
- Mapping the ductile-brittle transition of magma
- Measurements of translation, rotation and strain: New approaches to seismic processing and inversion
- Mechanical Evolution of the 2004-2008 Mount St Helens Lava Dome Mechanics with Time and Temperature
- Microseismic Activity in Low-Hazard Geothermal Settings in Southern Germany
- Mixing Experiments with Natural Shoshonitic and Trachytic Melts
- Monsoon speeds up Indian plate motion
- Object-Based Probabilistic Full Waveform Tomography. - Methodology and Application to the Australian Continental Lithosphere
- Observations of Long-Period Rotational Ground Motions: From Ambient Noise to Earth's Free Oscillations
- Phreatic and Hydrothermal Explosions: A Laboratory Approach
- Plate and Plume Flux: Constraints for paleomagnetic reference frames and interpretation of deep mantle seismic heterogeneity. (Invited)
- Plate coupling strength inferred from aftershock area expansion patterns and associated plate age
- Potential of the upcoming German EnMAP hyperspectral mission for the assimilation of agricultural remote sensing products into biophysical land surface models
- Predictability and predictive ability of severe rainfall events over Italy
- Radon and thoron emission from high and low porosity rocks under increasing deformation: An experimental study
- Rheology of Magma at Tungurahua, from the Magma Chamber to the Eruption
- Rheology of Pure Glasses and Crystal Bearing Melts: from the Newtonian Field to the Brittle Onset
- Strong mechanical coupling along the central Andes: implications for trench curvature, shortening, and topography
- Temperature- and fO2-Dependence of the Volatility and Condensation Behavior of Volatile Elements: Experimental Results
- The Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method and its Application to Global Wave Propagation
- The European Geoscience Union (EGU) Geoscience Information For Teachers (GIFT) Workshops
- The influences of modeled snow cover heterogeneity on the timing and intensity of melt water generation within an alpine catchment. (Invited)
- Thermal Stability of Volcanic Ash versus Turbine Ingestion Test Sands: an Experimental Investigation
- Two-Phase Flow Characteristics of the Ejection of Experimentally Generated Pyroclasts
- Uncertainty estimation of the velocity model for stations of the TrigNet GPS network
- Using Acoustic Emission Monitoring in the Laboratory to Help Understand Volcano Seismicity
- Variation of paleosecular variation: calculating a S-value from the geomagnetic equator
- Volcanic Ash Layers of the Eyjafjalla over Europe in April/May 2010 - Characterized by the DLR-Falcon Aircraft and by Ground-based Lidars (Invited)
- Volcaniclastic dunes from the 2006 deposits of Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador
- Wavelet Regularization Per Nullspace Shuttle
- 3D imaging of vesicles in hyaloclastic fragments - clues to syn-eruptive shear conditions
- A New 3D Seismic Velocity Model Derived from Waveform Modeling with Tomography Inversion in Southwestern Japan
- Antipodal focusing of seismic waves after larger meteorite impacts
- Aspects of a Discontinuous Galerkin Approach for 3D Dynamic Rupture Modeling in the Case of a Complex Fault System
- Broadband Approach To Quantification Of Lithospheric Deformation On Scales Ranging From Earthquakes To Fault Systems
- Comminution and frictional melting in volcanic conduits
- Crust-mantle boundaries in the Taiwan - Luzon arc-continent collision system determined from local earthquake tomography and layered Vp models
- Crystallinity-vesicularity interrelation in silicic pyroclasts - Implications for permeability as inferred from Neutron and X-Ray Computed Tomography
- Determination of the velocity structure and source parameters of explosive events at Mt. Yasur volcano, Vanuatu
- Dilatancy, compaction, and failure mode in andesite: the transition from brittle faulting to shear-enhanced compaction in volcanic edifices
- Do variations of the ambient noise wavefield reflect on measured seismic velocity changes?
- Erosive events in dilute pyroclastic density currents
- Experimental Insights into the Mechanisms of Particle Acceleration by Shock Waves
- Experimental calibration of Phreatic and Hydrothermal Explosions: A case study on Lake Okaro, New Zealand
- Experimental determination of the magnetic dipole moment of candidate magnetoreceptor cells in trout
- Experimentally constraining the boundary conditions for volcanic ash aggregation
- Floating basaltic lava balloons - constrains on the eruptive process based on morphologic parameters
- Fragmentation Speed at Magmatic Temperatures: an Experimental Determination
- Fragmentation mechanism transition of multiphase magma analogues
- Influence of petrophysical parameters on eruption dynamics: a rheological study of the erupted products of Mt. Yasur, Vanuatu
- Influence of water saturation on rock failure - Implications for volcanic environments
- Investigating Fault and Crust Strength With Thin-Shell Tectonic Modeling
- Is bigger really better? Comparison of rapid decompression experiments using varying sample sizes
- Laboratory simulations of tensile (hydro) fracture via cyclical fluid pressurisation
- Lithospheric Structure Of Taiwan From Tomography And Seismicity
- Magnetostratigraphy and Reversal Pattern of Pleistocene Lake Sediments from Armenia
- Modelling Of Hindered Crystal Settling-Floating Process In A Magma Chamber
- Observation of vertical motion above a subduction zone using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Wide Area Product, SW Crete
- Paleoseismic evidence for dynamic surface rupturing in an intraplate setting (Lower Rhine Embayment, central Europe)
- Permeability development during compaction of pumiceous dome lavas: testing the permeable foam collapse model
- Physical properties of tuffisite-bearing andesite and their implications for volcanology
- Quantification of magma ascent rates from collapsing domes: image, thermal and seismic monitoring at Volcán de Colima, Mexico
- Return Stroke-Like Upward Illumination Occurring Immediately After Lightning Return Strokes
- Simulation of Seismic Wave Propagation In Media With Complex Geometries
- Spin states of FeOOH at high pressure using x-ray emission spectroscopy and DFT calculations
- Subducted lithosphere, slab tearing and continental delamination under Taiwan: arc-continent collision at the junction of quasi-orthogonal subduction systems
- The Influence of Tilt and Strain-Tilt Coupling on Full Moment Tensor Inversions of Seismic Recordings at Active Volcanoes: Theoretical Considerations and in Situ Measurements
- The geomagnetic secular variation S parameter: A mathematical artifact
- The volcano in a gravel pit: Volcano monitoring meets experimental volcanology
- Time Correlated Noise and Transients in GPS Time Series
- Towards a failure criterion for magmas
- Twin Selection at the Verwey Transition Using Uniaxial Stress
- Understanding Volcanic Conduit Dynamics: from Experimental Fragmentation to Volcanic Eruptions
- Variation of Seismic Velocity Structure around the Mantle Transition Zone and Conjecture of Deep Water Transport by Subducted Slabs
- Viscosity of Synthetic Martian Basaltic Melts
- A stochastic parametrization scheme for deep convection and its scale adaptivity
- Are hydrological model ensembles needed to assess the impact of climate change on water resources?
- Combining Ground Penetrating Radar and Terrestrial Laser Scanning techniques to non-destructively image the 2006 cross-stratified overbank deposits of Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador)
- DRIHM: Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology
- Deciphering seismic signatures of physical processes in dynamic complex systems: an experimental approach
- Dynamic Rupture Benchmarking of the ADER-DG Method
- Eruptive temperature versus fragmentation efficiency
- Experimental Insights on Natural Lava-Ice/Snow Interactions and Their Implications for Glaciovolcanic and Submarine Eruptions
- Experimental investigation of magneto-aerotaxis on wild-type magnetotactic bacteria in sediment
- Experimental study of volcanic lightning in the gas-thrust region
- Explosive activity at Santiaguito volcano: insights from Fast MoUltiparametric Setup
- Frictional processes in volcanic conduits
- Generation of early Archean felsic volcanics and TTG gneisses through crustal melting, eastern Kaapvaal craton, southern Africa
- Height-resolved Scaling Properties of Water Vapor in the Mesoscale using Airborne Lidar Observations
- Identification of Catchment Functional Units by Time Series of Multi-Spectral and Thermal Remote Sensing Images
- Lithospheric Structure and Tectonics of Taiwan From Tomography, Relocated Seismicity and Geology
- Magnetic anisotropy and thermal stability of magnetite particle assemblies in magnetotactic bacteria
- Magnetization of iron under pressure up to 21 GPa
- Microseismic Signature of Magma Failure: Testing Failure Forecast in Heterogeneous Material
- Modelling the Impact of Human Actors on Groundwater Resources under Conditions of Climate Change
- Monitoring soil-vegetation interactions using non-invasive geophysical techniques
- New Evidence does not Support Extraordinarily Rapid Field Change at Steens Mountain
- Numerical models of the Scotia Sea with globally consistent boundary and initial conditions
- On the visibility of airborne volcanic ash and mineral dust
- Pseudotachylyte formation in volcanic conduits: Montserrat vs. Mount St. Helens
- Ring Laser Observations Near Christchurch, New Zealand, of Rotational Ground Motions Induced by Teleseismic and Regional Earthquakes
- Subducting-plate Topography Along the South America Trench
- The Magnetic Signature of Iintact and Altered Magnetofossils: Experimental and Theoretical Results
- The complex rheology of crystallizing magmas
- The significance of the opening angle of pyroclast ejection during explosive volcanic eruptions
- Volcanic lightning in the lab: observations from rapid decompression experiments with natural volcanic samples
- A physico-chemical path through the development of experimental volcanology
- Advanced snow cover classification by combining terrestrial photography and satellite imagery
- An Adaptable Seismic Data Format for Modern Scientific Workflows
- An End-to-end Workflow for Full Seismic Waveform Inversions
- An experimental approach to constrain steam explosions at Solfatara volcano, Campi Flegrei
- Assessing the Seismic Potential Hazard of the Makran Subduction Zone
- Big Data Challenges in Global Seismic 'Adjoint Tomography' (Invited)
- Biomass burning layers measured with an airborne Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2) during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) experiment
- Bistatic Radar Detectability of Comet 67 P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Compaction and contraction: Densification timescales of porous magmas
- Damage and damage healing in the upper plastosphere during coseismic loading and postseismic relaxation - nature and experiment
- Experimental Study on Mixtures of Superparamgnetic and Single-Domain Magnetite with Respect to Day-Dunlop Plots
- From permeable network to cracks: mapping fragmentation mechanism transition with multiphase magma analogues. (Invited)
- Hydraulic jumps within pyroclastic density currents and their sedimentary record
- Impact of Southern Hemispheric Westerlies on hydrological variations in southern Patagonia, Argentina
- Impacts of Saharan Dust on the Atmospheric Radiative Balance in the Caribbean during SALTRACE 2013
- Improving scaling methods to estimate eruption energies from volcanic crater structures using blast experiments
- Influence of magma fragmentation on the plume dynamics of Vulcanian explosions
- Integrated observations of processes and products of large scale cratering experiments
- Investigation of the (g10, g11, h11) phase-space diagram in numerical dynamos and implications for the geodynamo (Invited)
- Irreducible 3D Radiative Transfer Effects in Multi-angle/Multi-spectral Radio-Polarimetric Signals (Not Noise!) from a Mixture of Clouds and Aerosol in a Single Large-Footprint Pixel
- ObsPy: A Python Toolbox for Seismology
- Probabilistic inversion of a kinematic source scenario including rotational ground motion measurements
- Seismogenic frictional melting in the magmatic column as the driving force of stick-slip motion
- Short-term variations in South Atlantic spreading rates from kinematic and tomographic models
- Sr Isotopes and human skeletal remains, improving a methodological approach in migration studies
- Textural evolution of a conduit margin witnessing the unusual explosivity of a basaltic Plinian eruption
- The Saharan Aerosol Long-range Transport and Aerosol-Cloud-Interaction Experiment SALTRACE 2013 - Overview and Early Results (Invited)
- The grain-size distribution of pyroclasts: Primary fragmentation, conduit sorting or abrasion?
- Transport and transformation of Eyjafjallajökull volcanic ash layers (Invited)
- 150 Years of Coulomb Stress History Along the California-Nevada Border, USA.
- 3D Morphochemistry of Basaltic/Rhyolitic Mixed Eruptions revealed via Microanalysis and X-ray microtomography.
- ASDF: A New Adaptable Data Format for Seismology Suitable for Large-Scale Workflows
- Architecture and Kinematics of the Taiwan Arc-Continent Collision
- Automated and Reproducible Full Waveform Inversion with Multiple Data Sets
- Bayesian estimation of moment tensors and slip history based on prior knowledge from deterministic source inversion
- Bike Helmets and Black Riders: Experiential Approaches to Helping Students Understand Natural Hazard Assessment and Mitigation Issues
- Challenges in Assessing Seismic Hazard in Intraplate Europe
- Characterization of long-range transported Saharan dust by means of ground-based Raman and depolarization lidar measurements at Barbados
- Columnar jointing - the mechanics of thermal contraction in cooling lavas
- Critical Parameters of the Initiation Zone for Spontaneous Dynamic Rupture Propagation
- Current challenges with understanding greigite (Fe<SUB>3</SUB>S<SUB>4</SUB>) magnetism
- Density Variations in Quartz As a Key for Deciphering Impact-Related Ultrasonic Sounding (Rajlich's Hypothesis)?
- Development of a Single Station 6C-Approach for Array Analysis and Microzonation: Using Vertical Rotation Rate to Estimate Love-Wave Disperion Curves and Direction Finding
- Draining mafic magma from conduits during Strombolian eruption
- Early to middle Eocene magneto-biochronology of the southwest Pacific Ocean and climate influence on sedimentation: new data from the Mead Stream section (Marlborough, New Zealand)
- Effects of State and Decompression Rate on the Decompressive Response of Volatile- and Crystal-Bearing Analogue Magmas.
- Estimation of Regional Inter-Annual Variability in a 40-Member Ensemble of the CCSM3 and Three Observation Grids over Québec.
- Experimental Constraints on the Ejection of Ballistics During the 6 August 2012 Hydrothermal Eruption of Upper Te Maari (Tongariro), New Zealand.
- Experimental insights into transient volcanic eruption
- Finite Frequency Measurements of Conventional and Core-diffracted P-waves (P and Pdiff)
- Geospatial and statistical analysis of volcanic ash leachate data from Mt. St. Helens
- Global S-Wave Tomography Using Receiver Pairs: An Alternative to Get Rid of Earthquake Mislocation
- HCl uptake by volcanic ash in the high temperature eruption plume: mechanistic insights
- Heterogeneity: The key to forecasting material failure?
- Horizontal Structure of Dynamical Instability at Marine Stratocumulus Cloud Top Revealed in Polarized Light
- Influence of 3D Effects on 1D Aerosol Retrievals in Synthetic, Partially Clouded Scenes
- Influence of hydrothermal alteration on phreatic eruption processes in Solfatara (Campi Flegrei)
- Inside the Vent of the 2011-2012 Cordón Caulle Eruption, Chile: The Nature of a Rhyolitic Ash Plume Source
- Insight into the mechanism of natural remanent magnetization of magnetotactic-bacteria-bearing freshwater sediments
- Instantaneous generation of broadband global-scale waveforms
- Laboratory and numerical decompression experiments: an insight into the nucleation and growth of bubbles
- Magma mixing enhanced by bubble segregation
- Magnetic detection and characterization of biogenic magnetic minerals: A comparison of ferromagnetic resonance and first-order reversal curve diagrams
- Marine Mesocosm Bacterial Colonisation of Volcanic Ash
- Multi-parametric Observation of Volcanic Lightning at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan.
- ObsPy: A Python Toolbox for Seismology - Recent Developments and Applications
- Observation of Dust Aging Processes During Transport from Africa into the Caribbean - A Lagrangian Case Study
- Paleomagnetism of Jurassic Carbonates from Germany
- Paleomagnetism of Jurassic dolerites from Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica - Onset of rapid Jurassic pole shift?
- Pressure Changes before and after Explosive Rhyolitic Bomb Ejection at Chaiten, Chile Recorded By Water Diffusion Profiles Around Tuffisite Veins
- Provenance for Runtime Workflow Steering and Validation in Computational Seismology
- Radiative Impacts of Elevated Aerosol Layers from Different Origins
- Raman investigation of magma mingling experiments as a tool for tracking the chemical and structural evolution of melt.
- Recent and Hazardous Volcanic Activity Along the NW Rift Zone of Piton De La Fournaise Volcano, La Réunion Island
- Reducing Climate Information Complexity through the Production of a Standard Scenarios Ensemble for Vulnerability, Impact and Adaptation Applications
- Reducing Nonuniqueness in Finite Source Inversion Using Rotational Ground Motions
- Remote Sensing and Earth System Dynamics: The Helmholtz Alliance
- Sensitivity of Alpine Snow and Streamflow Regimes to Climate Changes
- Settling dynamics of basaltic (Etna) and trachytic (Laacher See) ash particles: insight from laboratory high speed imaging
- Sintering of Glass in Hydrous Atmospheres and its Implications for Welding of Volcanic Deposits
- Some Ideas to Improve Pyroclast Density and Vesicularity Data Analysis
- Steam-driven explosions at Gengissig lake (Kverkfjöll volcano, Iceland): constraints from field and experimental data
- Syn-eruptive laccolith growth at Cordón Caulle, Chile
- The 2014 Broadband Acquisition and Imaging Operation (BAcIO) at Stromboli Volcano (Italy)
- The Impact of Oil and Natural Gas Activity on Ozone Formation in the Colorado Front Range
- The VERCE Science Gateway: Enabling User Friendly HPC Seismic Wave Simulations.
- The information content of terrestial LIDAR images with respect to different snow cover processes
- The onset of the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum, including the K/X event, at Branch Stream, Clarence Valley, New Zealand
- Tomographic-Geodynamic Model Comparisons and the Presence of Post-Perovskite and Chemical Heterogeneity in Earth's Lowermost Mantle
- Traveltime Dispersion in an Isotropic Elastic Mantle: Dominance of the Lower Mantle Signal in Differential-frequency Time Residuals
- Viscosities of Highly Fluid Melts: Carbonatites and Analogues
- Viscous sintering of volcanic ash
- What can cross-bedding tell us?
- 3D Geometry and Kinematics of the Taiwan Arc-continent Collision
- ASDF: An Adaptable Seismic Data Format with Full Provenance
- Accessing the dynamic evolution of terrestrial magma plumbing systems by linking kinetic and thermodynamic modelling
- Advances in Global Adjoint Tomography -- Massive Data Assimilation
- Aerosol Enhancements in the Upper Troposphere Over The Amazon Forest: Do Amazonian Clouds Produce Aerosols?
- Airborne Coarse Mode Aerosol Measurements with the CAS-DPOL Instrument: Effects of Particle Shape and Refractive Index and Implications for Radiative Transfer Estimate
- Airborne Observations of Mercury Emissions from the Chicago/Gary Urban/Industrial Area during the 2013 NOMADSS Campaign
- An Experimental Study of Cyclic Foam Oscillation: Unveiling the Time-Scale of Foam Collapse
- AxiSEM and instaseis: Fast simulation of global wavefields across the frequency band
- Broadband Waveform Sensitivity Kernels for Large-Scale Seismic Tomography
- Can earthquake source inversion benefit from rotational ground motion observations?
- Characteristics of Love and Rayleigh waves in ambient noise: wavetype ratio, source location and seasonal behavior
- Characterizing Explosive Eruptions at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan, Using Seismic, Infrasound, Lightning and Video Data
- Concentration variance decay during magma mixing: a volcanic chronometer
- Coupled High Speed Imaging and Seismo-Acoustic Recordings of Strombolian Explosions at Etna, July 2014: Implications for Source Processes and Signal Inversions.
- Earthquake Interactions at Different Scales: an Example from Eastern California and Western Nevada, USA.
- Effect of Static Pressure on Absolute Paleointesity Determinations with Implications for Meteorites
- Effect of particle volume fraction on the settling velocity of volcanic ash particles: implications for ash dispersion models
- Estimating the Buoyancy Field for Earth's Mantle Using Seismic and Mineralogical Models
- Estimation of Fe<SUP>3+</SUP>/Fe<SUB>tot.</SUB> ratio in natural silicate glasses and analogues for extra-terrestrial basalt using Raman spectroscopy
- Evaluating the Influence of Entrainment on Surface Ozone in the Colorado Front Range
- Experimental Observations of Multiscale Dynamics of Viscous Fluid Behavior: Implications in Volcanic Systems
- Experimental aggregation of volcanic ash: the role of liquid bonding
- Forecasting the failure of heterogeneous magmas
- From Magnetotactic Bacteria to Sediment Magnetizations: new insights
- Game of thrown bombs in 3D: using high speed cameras and photogrammetry techniques to reconstruct bomb trajectories at Stromboli (Italy)
- Gas-driven filter pressing in magmas: insights into in-situ melt segregation from crystal mushes
- Hydrothermal activity at Campi Flegrei caldera: rock mechanical properties and implications for outgassing and possible phreatic eruptions
- Imaging changes at depth: coda wave depth sensitivity in 3D heterogeneous media
- Impacts of alternative fuels in aviation on microphysical aerosol properties and predicted ice nuclei concentration at aircraft cruise altitude
- In Situ Thermal Characterization of Cooling/Crystallising Lavas During Rheology Measurement.
- Incorporating Detailed Chemical Characterization of Biomass Burning Emissions into Air Quality Models
- Induced Seismicity Related to Hydrothermal Operation of Geothermal Projects in Southern Germany - Observations and Future Directions
- Inferring the unobserved chemical state of the atmosphere: idealized data assimilation experiments
- Investigating pyroclast ejection dynamics using shock-tube experiments: temperature, grain size and vent geometry effects.
- Lightning During the Eruptions at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
- Longitudinal variability of black carbon vertical profiles
- Magmatic and fragmentation controls on ash surface chemistry
- Mantle Convection on Modern Supercomputers
- Multi-Scale Performance Assessment of State-of-the-Art Reference Grids for Precipitation over an Alpine Catchment in Northern Italy.
- ObsPy: A Python toolbox for seismology - Current state, applications, and ecosystem around it
- Observations of electrical discharges during eruptions of Sakurajima volcano
- On-Demand Synthetic Seismograms and Other Data Products at the IRIS DMC
- Phreatic activity on Dominica (Lesser Antilles) - constraints from field investigations and experimental volcanology
- Rapid Plate Motion Variations and Continental Uplift as Surface Expressions of Asthenospheric Flow
- SEIS-PROV: Practical Provenance for Seismological Data
- San Andreas fault zone monitoring near Parkfield: 9 cross-correlation components and lapse-time dependent seismic wave speed changes
- Seasonal variation in Rayleigh-to-Love wave ratio in the secondary microseism
- Secular Variation in the Storage and Dissipation of Elastic Strain Energy Along the Central Altyn Tagh Fault (86-88.5°E), NW China
- The Effect of Bioturbation on Relative Paleointenstiy Records
- The Evolution of Grain Size Distribution in Explosive Rock Fragmentation - Sequential Fragmentation Theory Revisited
- The Impact of Oil and Natural Gas Activity on Ozone Formation in the Colorado Front Range
- Universal scaling of permeability through the granular-to-continuum transition
- Unravelling magmatic deformation histories: unravelling complex kinematic indicators in tube pumices using X-ray tomography
- Using a combined population-based and kinetic modelling approach to assess timescales and durations of magma migration activities prior to the 1669 flank eruption of Mt. Etna
- VERCE: a productive e-Infrastructure and e-Science environment for data-intensive seismology research
- Volcanic ash vs. sand and dust - "to stick or not to stick" in jet engines
- What can Pyroclastic Deposits really tell us?
- What is the contribution of scattering to the Love-to-Rayleigh ratio in ambient microseismic noise?
- When do Volcanic Eruptions make Lightning? Observations from Sakurajima, Japan
- 3D Micro-tomography on Aggregates from the 2014- 2015 Eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcano
- A 3D NO2 DOAS System to Capture Urban Concentrations
- A branched magma feeder system during the 1669 eruption of Mt. Etna: evidence from a time-integrated study of zoned olivine populations
- A multi-parametric approach to studying volcanic lightning utilizing LMA observations, ash characteristics, plume dynamics, seismic, and infrasound data at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
- Aerosol Production and Growth in the Upper Troposphere over the Amazon Forest Observed during ACRIDICON-CHUVA
- Automated Full Waveform Inversion for North America and the Northern Atlantic
- Automation of Global Adjoint Tomography Based on ASDF and Workflow Management Tools
- Cenozoic Spatio-temporal Variations of Tian Shan Deformation
- Cessation of large-scale convergence within the Tibetan plateau by 23 Ma
- Comparison of Gas Analyzers for Eddy Covariance: Effects of Analyzer Type and Spectral Corrections on Fluxes
- Contortionist bubbles in andesitic enclaves: implications for gas migration and phase segregation in crystal-rich magmas.
- Cooling rates of lunar volcanic glass beads
- Derivation of phase velocity from joint analysis between translation and rotation/strain
- Developing an Autonomous Unmanned Aerial System to Estimate Field Terrain Corrections for Gravity Measurements
- Dynamic rupture scenarios from Sumatra to Iceland - High-resolution earthquake source physics on natural fault systems
- Dynamic ruptures on faults of complex geometry: insights from numerical simulations, from large-scale curvature to small-scale fractal roughness
- Effects of 1D and 3D Thermal Radiation on Cloud Dynamics and Microphysics
- Effects of particles size, componentry and conduit geometry on fragmentation processes.
- Estimate of Rayleigh-to-Love Wave Energy Ratio based on Array-derived Rotation and Vertical Component Seismograms
- Estimation of full moment tensors, including uncertainties,for earthquakes, volcanic events, and nuclear tests
- Feasibility study to identify deep Earth signals in current and future gravity field missions
- Hydrothermal Alteration of the Mt Unzen Conduit (Shimabara/Japan)
- Insights into the presence of post-perovskite in Earth's lowermost mantle from tomographic-geodynamic model comparisons
- Interior Structure and Habitability of Ocean Worlds
- Krafla Magma Testbed: An International Project Crossing The Scientific Frontier From Geothermal System Into Magma
- Low temperature magnetic properties of monoclinic pyrrhotite with particular relevance to the Besnus transition
- Lunar Structure from Ambient Noise and Coda Wave Interferometry
- Magmas on the Move: in situ 4D Experimental Investigation into the Rheology and Mobility of Three-Phase Magmas Using Ultra Fast X-ray Tomography
- Mapping the Active Vents of Stromboli Volcano with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- Megathrust vs splay fault: rupture path selection in subduction zones
- Microscopic Investigation of Electrochemical Gradients and Directed Transport in a Simulated Alkaline Hydrothermal Vent
- Model error analyses of photochemistry mechanisms using the BEATBOX/BOXMOX data assimilation toy model
- New evidence of a fast secular variation of the geomagnetic field 1000 BCE: archaeomagnetic study of Bavarian potteries
- ObsPy: A Python toolbox for seismology - Sustainability, New Features, and Applications
- Occurrence of Vertical Mixing in the Saharan Air Layer Studied with an Integrated Model, Lidar, and Insitu Approach in the Frame of the SALTRACE Campaign
- On the ratio of dynamic topography and gravity anomalies in a dynamic Earth
- Pressure demagnetization - a potential approach to improve successfulabsolute paleointensity experiments
- ROMY: A 4-component large ring laser for geophysics
- Realistic Physics for Dynamic Rupture Scenarios: The Example of the 1992 Landers Earthquake
- Restoration of the evolution of a plume, Numerical assessment of the compressible adjoint equations in geodynamics
- Salvus: A flexible open-source package for waveform modelling and inversion from laboratory to global scales
- Self-healing volcanoes: mechanical response of magma failure, sealing and healing on outgassing
- Solar Cycle Variations in Ground-Based Geomagnetic Records
- Solving constrained inverse problems for waveform tomography with Salvus
- Spattering activity at Halemáumáu in 2015 and the transition between Hawaiian and Strombolian eruptions
- The fiber optic gyroscope - a portable rotational ground motion sensor
- The origin of life in alkaline hydrothermal vents
- The past is the key: the potential of geodynamic retrodictions for testing our understanding of deep Earth dynamics
- Thermodynamic and Structural Properties of C-bearing Supercritical Aqueous Fluids
- Unraveling the complex magma dynamics during the Eyjafjallajökull 2010 eruption by high-resolution geochemistry of volcanic ash
- Using New Constraints on Stress and Strength in Dynamic Rupture Models of the M 9.1-9.3 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake
- VHF Radiation Observed During Eruptions of Sakurajima Volcano, Japan, Part I: Overview and Characteristics of Continuous RF
- VHF Radiation Observed During Eruptions of Sakurajima Volcano, Japan, Part II: Continuous RF Discharge Mechanisms
- Visualization of NO2 emission sources using temporal and spatial pattern analysis in Asia
- Vital Signs: Seismology of Europa and Other Ocean World
- What will Europa sound like? Modeling seismic background noise due to tidal cracking events
- seismo-live: Training in Computational Seismology using Jupyter Notebooks
- A Multicomponent Large Ringlaser for Seismology: First Observations
- A glass transition in carbonate melts and the temperature-dependence of viscosity.
- A hydro-meteorological model chain to assess the influence of natural variability and impacts of climate change on extreme events and propose optimal water management
- A study of the Ljubljansko polje aquifer system behaviour and its simulations using multi-tools
- Atmospheric Observations of Carbon Dioxide and Quantification of Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide and Emission Inventories using Radiocarbon in the Korean Peninsula during the KORUS-AQ Field Campaign
- Benefits of rotational ground motions for planetary seismology
- BlueSeis3A - performance, laboratory tests and applications
- Compressive strength evolution of thermally-stressed Saint Maximin limestone.
- Dynamic rupture simulations of the 2016 Mw7.8 Kaikōura earthquake: a cascading multi-fault event
- Emissions from residential energy use dominate exposure to ambient fine particulate matter in India
- Eocene tectonic compression in Northern Zealandia: Magneto-biostratigraphic constraints from the sedimentary records of New Caledonia (Southwest Pacific Ocean)
- Estimating Shallow Vs-Profiles Using 6C Recordings of Ground Motion
- Estimating Soil and Vegetation Parameters using Synergies between Optical and Microwave Observations
- Evaluating the ClimEx Single Model Large Ensemble in Comparison with EURO-CORDEX Results of Seasonal Means and Extreme Precipitation Indicators
- Evaluating the ClimEx Single Model large ensemble in comparison with EURO-CORDEX results of heatwave and drought indicators
- Evolution of Precipitation Extremes in Three Large Ensembles of Climate Simulations - Impact of Spatial and Temporal Resolutions
- Exploring the Impact of ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> on the Tropospheric Oxidation Capacity in South East Asia during KORUS-AQ 2016
- Extreme Value Analysis of hydro meteorological extremes in the ClimEx Large-Ensemble
- Extreme scale multi-physics simulations of the tsunamigenic 2004 Sumatra megathrust earthquake
- Fast geomagnetic Field Intensity Variations between 1400 and 400 BCE: New Archaeointensity Data from Germany
- Geological and edaphic constraints on early hominin landscape exploitation in the Kenya Rift
- Impact of the choice of the precipitation reference data set on climate model selection and the resulting climate change signal
- Improved source inversion from joint measurements of translational and rotational ground motions
- Jupyter Notebooks for Earth Sciences: An Interactive Training Platform for Seismology
- Love waves trains observed after the MW 8.1 Tehuantepec earthquake by an underground ring laser gyroscope
- Markers for Chinese and Korean Air Masses: Halocarbons and Other Trace Gases Measured During KORUS-AQ
- Monitoring the development of volcanic eruptions through volcanic lightning - Using a lightning mapping array, seismic and infrasound array, and visual plume analysis
- ObsPy - A Python Toolbox for Seismology - and Applications
- ObsPy: Establishing and maintaining an open-source community package
- Paleomagnetism of Cretaceous limestones from western Tarim basin suggests negligible latitudinal offset yet significant clockwise rotation
- Prebiotic Synthesis in Volcanic Discharges: Exposing Ash to Volcanic/Primordial Gas Atmospheres
- Reconciling Long-Wavelength Dynamic Topography, Geoid Anomalies and Mass Distribution on Earth
- Retrodictions of Mid Paleogene mantle flow and dynamic topography in the Atlantic region from compressible high resolution adjoint mantle convection models: Sensitivity to deep mantle viscosity and tomographic input model
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Production over Seoul, South Korea, during KORUS-AQ
- Single-station 6C beamforming
- Six components observations of local earthquakes during the 2016 Central Italy seismic sequence
- Stratocumulus Cloud Top Radiative Cooling and Cloud Base Updraft Speeds
- Study of Rayleigh-Love coupling from Spatial Gradient Observation
- Synergistic Measurement of Ice Cloud Microphysics using C- and Ka-Band Radars
- The effect of mixing and residual transport on Mean Age of Air in CCMVal-2 and CCMI model simulations
- The permeability evolution of tuffisites and outgassing from dense rhyolitic magma
- There and back again: The life and death of magma permeability in volcanic conduits
- Thermal Expansivity Between 150 and 800°C of Hydrothermally Altered Conduit Dyke Samples from USDP-4 Drill Core (Mt Unzen, Shimabara, Japan)
- Universal Viscous-Brittle Transition in Magmatic Liquids
- Urban and Industrial VOC Emissions in the Seoul Metropolitan Area and Surrounding Region during the KORUS-AQ Field Study
- Winter Distribution of On-road NO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentration in Hong Kong
- 3D Dynamic Rupture on Fractally Rough Faults in Random Heterogeneous Media
- A Coupled Method Using Longterm Subduction Models to Provide Realistic Conditions for Dynamic Earthquake Models
- Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Urban Street Level NO<SUB>2</SUB> Using a Combination of Stationary Long Path and Mobile Cavity Enhanced DOAS Measurements.
- Artificial Impacts and Meteoroid Strikes on the Moon: observations from seismic data with insights from synthetic models
- Assessing the impacts of climate change and natural variability on hydrological extreme events over Eastern North America and Europe
- Assessing the occurrence of extreme heat waves using the ClimEx large ensemble
- Can Volcanic Domes act as Gas Filters? An experimental Approach to SO<SUB>2 </SUB>scavenging by rhyolitic Glass.
- Changing Arctic Sea-ice Thickness observed by Radar Altimetry
- Comparison of Multiple Single Model Large Ensembles Over Europe
- Coupled Seismic Cycle - Earthquake Dynamic Rupture - Tsunami Models
- Deep Learning to Represent Sub-grid Processes in Climate Models
- Deformation of feldspar at greenschist facies conditions - the record of mylonitic pegmatites from the Pfunderer Mountains, Eastern Alps
- Droplet Size Profiles in Cumulus Clouds Derived from Observations by the Research Scanning Polarimeter:Tests on Simulated Data
- Evidence of Simultaneous Effusive and Explosive Activity During the 1993 Submarine Eruption West of Socorro Island, Mexico
- Exploring the Impacts of Different Emission Sectors on PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and Human Health in China and Mainland Southeast Asia
- Global and Regional Trends of Land Sink Efficiency in the Last Twenty Years
- Global and regional CO<SUB>2</SUB> budget comparison between top-down and bottom-up approaches
- How do transport processes affect inter-annual variability and trends in lower stratospheric ozone over the recent decade?
- How subduction megathrust structural variability impacts earthquakes
- Importance of Crystallinity in the Ice Nucleating Effectiveness of Volcanic Ash
- Increased global land carbon sink due to aerosol-caused cooling
- Inferring compressible fluid dynamics from vent discharges during volcanic eruption
- Influence of volcanic ash composition on the interaction with thermal barrier coatings of jet engines
- Integrating multiple top-down and bottom-up approaches to evaluate the tropical land sink response to El-Niño in 2015/16
- Linking compositional properties and epeirogenic movement in mantle flow models
- Lower Land Use Emissions Increased Net Land Carbon Sink During the Slow Warming Period
- Monitoring insect outbreaks following a drought event in southwest USA
- More stable yet bimodal geodynamo during the Cretaceous superchron?
- NASA/DLR Measurements from the DC8 of Aircraft Emissions and Contrails at Cruise
- Neoglacial Climate Anomalies and the Indus Civilization's Metamorphosis
- New SMAP data Brightness Temperature approaches for water dampening removal
- ObsPy - A Python Library for Seismology
- Paleomagnetism and geochronology of Oligocene and Miocene volcanic sections from Ethiopia: geomagnetic variability in the Afro-Arabian region over the past 30 Myr
- Primary microseisms: global-scale modeling and the importance of distant sources
- Quantifying Methane Emissions Using Mobile FTIR Spectrometry and WRF Modelling during CoMeT
- Reconstructing past mantle flow with the adjoint method in the presence of a mismatched model
- Self-consistent mapping of 3D lithospheric and asthenospheric viscoelastic structure using seismic tomography & anelasticity parameterisations
- Spectral Sizing and Sensitivity Studies of a Proposed Space-Borne CO2 Monitoring Mission at High Spatial Resolution
- Stress History During Exhumation from HP-LT Metamorphic Conditions - Transient Deformation at Low and High Stress-Loading Rates in a Ductile Extensional Shear Zone, Central Crete
- Surface Wettability of Volcanic ash on APS and EB-PVD Thermal Barrier Coatings
- The ExaHyPE Hyperbolic PDE-Engine: Novel DG Methods for Seismic Wave Propagation in Alpine Regional Areas.
- The Many Faces of Disequilibrium Magma / Lava Rheology
- The Relationships Between Plume Dynamics and Volcanic Electrification as Measured by a Lightning Mapping Array: a Case Study of Sakurajima Volcano, 2015
- The application of Doppler lidar systems for atmospheric monitoring in Iceland
- The role of precipitation observational uncertainty in the typical hydro-climatic modeling chain over an alpine catchment
- Tomographic proxies for the presence of post-perovskite in the lowermost mantle
- Using coupled models of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and Indian Ocean tsunami to examine the impact of fluid pressure and megathrust geometry
- Volcanic ash surface chemistry modified by elemental diffusion during late-stage microlite crystallization
- 3D Cloud Tomography using Satellite Observations: Defining the "Veiled" Core
- 3D dynamic rupture earthquake and slow slip cycle modeling constrained by the slab geometry of the Guerrero seismic gap, Mexico
- 6C Recordings at Active Volcanoes
- A New Class of Submarine Explosive Volcanic Events: Nautilian Eruptions.
- A regional nuclear conflict has global implications for food security
- A rich variation of earthquake behavior and their interplay in the Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone
- Applications of 6DoF sensors in seismology - from building monitoring to dynamic tilt correction
- Are multi-fault rupture and fault roughness compatible? Dynamic rupture modeling of the 2016 Mw7.8 Kaikōura, New Zealand, rupture cascade with geometric fault complexity across scales
- Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change and Natural Variability on Hydrological Extreme Events over Europe
- Back-projection Analysis of Synthetic Earthquakes: Effects of Rupture Heterogeneity, Dynamic Rupture Process, and Array Configuration
- Beyond empiricism: Quantitative models for the permeability of heterogeneous magmas
- Building a Hierarchy of Hybrid, Neural-network Parametrizations of Convection
- Can magnetic fabric indicate overthrust directions? Insights from West Spitsbergen Fold-and-Thrust Belt
- Coarse and Giant Particles are Ubiquitous in Saharan Dust Export Regions and are Radiatively Significant over the Sahara
- Combining Crowd-sourcing and Deep Learning to Understand Meso-scale Organization of Shallow Convection
- Comparative analysis of insect outbreak impact detection over forests in northwestern USA from MODIS and SENTINEL-2 sensors
- Comparing Internal Variabilities in Three Regional Single Model Initial-condition Large Ensembles (SMILE) over Europe
- Correcting Wavefield Gradients for the Effects of Local Small-Scale Heterogeneities
- Coupled, physics-based modeling reveals earthquake displacements are critical in generating the 2018 Palu, Sulawesi tsunami
- Cross-stratifications in deposits of pyroclastic density currents reveal the frozen dynamics of particulate currents
- Dynamic earthquake rupture across complex 3D fracture networks
- Dynamic rupture modeling for the largest induced event linked to an Enhanced Geothermal System: the 2017 Mw 5.5 Pohang earthquake
- Elastic-Acoustic Coupling for 3D Tsunamigenic Earthquake Simulations with ADER-DG on Unstructured Tetrahedral Meshes
- Elasto-acoustic frequency characteristics of gas particle flows triggered by rapid decompression
- Electric Field Characteristics of the Current Pulses measured at the Peissenberg Tower
- Evaluation of a High Resolution Soil Property Aware Soil Moisture Proxy based on Weather Radar and Satellite Precipitation Estimates
- Evaluation of two blended microwave soil moisture products with in-situ measurements and reanalysis data
- ExaSeis: A dynamically adaptive discontinuous Galerkin framework for the simulation of earthquakes with mesh generation avoiding schemes.
- Fractals, Multifractals and Scaling Laws in the Past and Future of Cloud Remote Sensing: From the Edge-of-Space to Far-Far Beyond
- Geological Hiatus Surfaces Across Africa In The Cenozoic: Implications For The timescales Of Convectively-maintained Topography
- Global Mantle Structure from Multi-frequency Tomography using P, PP and P-diffracted Waves
- Greigite synthesis and its magnetic recording in sediments
- H2020 PIONEERS Study : Planetary Instruments based on Optical technologies for an iNnovative European Exploration Using Rotational Seismology
- High-resolution integrated dynamic rupture modeling of the 2019 M6.4 Searles Valley and M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquakes
- How 1000 years of earthquakes have shaped the stress distribution in the Eastern California Shear Zone: seismic hazards before and after the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
- Impacts of the 2018 drought in Europe: a multi-scale perspective from in-situ, remote-sensing and modelling datasets
- Influences on Late-Spring and Summertime Tropospheric Ozone in Western Siberia and the Russian Arctic
- Joint inversion of receiver function and surface wave dispersion using 6C point measurement
- Landers 1992 "Reloaded": Integrative Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Modeling
- Large-scale observational and modelling-based constraints of the CO<SUB>2</SUB> fertilization effect
- Magnetic Mapping of the Human Brain
- Medium energy electron fluxes in Earth's outer radiation belt: a machine learning model
- Methanogenesis dominates organic matter mineralization in ferruginous sediments
- Microphysical properties of low level clouds in West Africa and the tropical Atlantic and their sensitivity to aerosol and updraft distributions
- Mind the gap: refined acoustic characterisation of explosions at Stromboli volcano using drone-deployed sensors and near-field arrays
- Model intercomparison of climatic effects of idealized global deforestation experiments
- Monitoring Insect Outbreaks Using MODIS Tasseled Cap Transformation Indices
- Multi-fault rupture dynamics of the Norcia, Mw 6.5, 30 October 2016, Central Italy earthquake, linked to composite kinematic models
- ObsPy - A Python Library for Seismology
- On GPS-based determination of snow cover properties
- Particulate emissions from Indonesian peat fires between 2004 and 2015 and the impact on human health
- Perturbation of natural cirrus due to contrail formation within cirrus
- Plastic deformation, slip segmentation, geodynamic constraints and seafloor uplift in dynamic earthquake rupture models of the Great 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake
- Quantifying nitrous oxide emissions from agriculture in the Midwest of the U.S.
- Quantitative Interpretation of Biogenic Magnetite Signals and Their Use as a Sensitive Environmental Tracer
- Relative paleointensity estimates from magnetic anisotropy
- Representation of model error in convective scale data assimilation
- Resolution and Covariance of the LLNL-G3D-JPS Global Seismic Tomography Model: Applications to Travel Time Uncertainty and Tomographic Filtering of Geodynamic Models
- Rotational Ground Motion Instrumentation: Characterization and Improvements
- Rotational Motions in Anisotropic Media
- SMOS-IC L-VOD observed tropical aboveground carbon dynamics
- SO<SUB>2</SUB> scavenging potential of fractured permeable rhyolitic domes
- Secondary Ice Production in Arctic Stratocumulus: a Process Neglected in Large-Scale Models
- Shallow magmatic processes at Santiaguito Dome Complex, Guatemala: New insights from plagioclase major and trace elements
- Soil moisture estimation on point and field scale from Sentinel-1 backscatter and optical derived vegetation parameters
- Solar Cycle Variations of the Ionospheres of Venus and Mars
- Sounding of Planetary Atmospheres and Ionospheres by Crosslink Occultations
- Source of planetary wave activity at the tropopause and its impact on two-way troposphere-stratosphere coupling
- Spectral Element Discretizations with Implicit Time Integrators on Unstructured Simplex Meshes for Computational Seismology
- Splay fault rupture dynamics and off-fault deformation constrained by geodynamic subduction modelling
- Tectonic influence on eruption size and style at the Tongariro Volcanic Complex, Central North Island, New Zealand
- The BB-FLUX project: How much fuel goes up in smoke?
- The Explosivity of Intraplate Basaltic Volcanoes: New Insights from Fragmentation Experiments
- The Mars Structure Service for InSight:Single-Station Marsquake Inversions for Structure
- The gravity field and internal structure of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- The impact of tomographic filtering on reconstructions of past mantle flow
- The terrestrial carbon allocation and turnover times in tropical regions
- The total grain size distribution of tephra from Strombolian explosions: in the air
- Using supercomputers to unravel multi-physics and multi-scale earthquake dynamics and seismic wave propagation: targeting exascale high-performance computing
- Vent Geometry and Clogging Effects on Volcanic Jets
- Verification of a 3D Fully-Coupled Earthquake and Tsunami Model
- Volcanica: a diamond open-access success story for volcano-based research
- Vortex rings and acoustic signatures illuminate vent diameter and jet velocity of Strombolian explosions
- Warming-induced spring net carbon uptake contributes to enhanced carbon sink activity in the northern high latitudes
- The Jupyter Notebook Library for Seismology
- 10-year return levels of sub-daily precipitation over Europe and their internal variability
- 3D cloud tomography during EUREC<SUP>4</SUP>A: Synergy of MISR multi-angle satellite imaging and airborne remote sensing onboard HALO
- <SUP>How Does a Tropical Cyclone Intensify?</SUP>
- A Huddle Test with Multiple 6C Rotational and Translational Instruments in Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany
- A Mid-Latitude Tasman Sea Perspective of the Miocene Climate Optimum, International Ocean Discovery Program Hole U1510A
- A Necessary Step Toward Cloud Tomography from Space using MISR and MODIS: Understanding the Physics of Opaque 3D Cloud Image Formation
- A dynamic view on key regional factors governing megathrust earthquakes, subduction mechanics and tsunami genesis
- Abrupt changes in the extratropical circulation of the atmosphere: Dynamic vs. thermodynamic regimes
- Ambient seismic noise interferometry using rotational ground motion
- An Improved Theoretical Model for identifying the Drift Kinetic Alfven waves in Observations and quantifying the role of Heavy ions on their properties
- Analyses of Seismicity at Etna Volcano, Italy, using Rotational Sensor Data
- Anisotropic Elastic Tensor Estimation from Joint Analysis of Translation and Rotation
- Application of Radon Transform to Multi-angle Measurements Made by the Research Scanning Polarimeter: Test of a Cloud Tomography Concept
- Asymmetry in the sensitivity of gross primary productivity to soil moisture and vapor pressure deficit
- CRI-HOM: A novel chemical mechanism for simulating Highly Oxygenated Organic Molecules (HOMs) in global chemistry-aerosol-climate models.
- Cloud Droplet Size Distributions from Observations of Glory and Cloudbow during the EUREC<SUP>4</SUP>A Campaign
- Cold pool driven convective initiation: How can we improve its representation in km-scale models?
- Comparing Single-station 6C Measurements and Array Measurements for Seismic Microzonation
- Comparison of techniques for coupled earthquake and tsunami modeling
- Connections between climate sensitivity and the extratropical circulation
- Copula-based Statistical Modelling of Compound Flooding and the Effect of Climate Variability: A Case Study in the Netherlands
- Coupled dynamic earthquake rupture-tsunami modeling for the Hellenic Arc - towards physics-based tsunami hazard assessment in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
- Diffuse earthquake rupture dynamics in nonlinear visco-elasto-plastic materials
- Dynamic earthquake rupture scenarios and physics-based seismic hazard assessment for the segmented Húsavík-Flatey fault zone, North Iceland
- Earthquake rupture and ground motion modeling of the 2016 Mw 6.2 Amatrice and Mw 6.5 Norcia, Central Italy earthquakes constrained by Bayesian dynamic finite-fault inversion
- Earthquakes indicated lava viscosity during the 2018 eruption of Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai`i
- Eddy-mediated Hadley cell expansion caused by zonally-symmetric angular momentum adjustment
- Estimating Upper Silesian coal mine methane emissions from airborne in situ observations
- Evaluating effects of fluid pressure on megathrust mechanics and earthquake dynamics with numerical models of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake
- Evaluation of Wildfire Emission Inventories Using Airborne Flux Measurements
- Experimental volcanology : from magma to rock by 2030.
- Exploring the dynamics of the Dead-Sea Transform fault using data-integrated numerical models
- Extremely Low Frequency Electrical Monitoring of Persistent Explosive Activity of Minamidake Crater (Sakurajima Volcano, Japan)
- From Strain to Rotation: Connecting Waveform Gradients
- Generation of Broadband Ground Motion from Dynamic Rupture Simulations: A Group Modeling Approach towards better Characterizing Seismic Hazard for Engineering Applications
- Global Agriculture: Variety Adaptation Potentials and Limitations
- Global and Regional Drivers of Land-Use Emissions
- High Resolution Sagnac Interferometry for the Geosciences
- Improving the Resolution of the Isotropic Moment Tensor Component using Rotational Ground Motions
- Influence of the Kilauea 2018 Fissure 8 Geometry and Eruption Dynamics on Acoustic Jet Noise
- L-VOD vegetation index capabilities for monitoring the dynamics of above-ground biomass: results and perspectives
- Little poleward shift of peak agricultural regions under warming
- Local impact of the stochastic shallow convection scheme on clouds and precipitation in the tropical Atlantic
- Methods for simulating earthquake sequences and rupture dynamics in diffuse fault zones
- Modelling splay fault rupture and tsunamis with self-consistent initial conditions from a geodynamic seismic cycle model of subduction
- Natural history is not at its end - bridging past and presence of meteorite impacts at the museum using online observation tools
- Novel Representation of Leaf Phenology Improves Simulation of Amazonian Evergreen Forest Photosynthesis in ORCHIDEE Model
- On the impact of the extratropical tropopause inversion layer on coupled troposphere-stratosphere dynamics
- Overview of the SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP) during 2013-2020
- Performance Testing of Rotation Sensors in Seismology With an Active Source Experiment
- Potential links between stratospheric and tropospheric extremes in the winter of 2019/20
- Prediction of Soft Proton Contamination in XMM-Newton: a Machine Learning Approach
- Preparing Earth Sciences to Upcoming Infrastructures. The Center of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth (ChEESE)
- Quantification of Distributed Acoustic Sensing Data Fidelity
- Quantifying nitrous oxide emissions in the U.S. Midwest - A top-down study
- Quantifying the relationship between CO mass fluxes and satellite fire radiative power from wildfires
- ROMY: Data Analysis
- Revised and extended benchmark results for Rayleigh scattering of sunlight in spherical atmospheres
- Rupture and traffic tracking with six degree-of-freedom ground motion observations: a proof of concept
- Rupture dynamics and arrest of 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake
- Seismological evidence for the earliest global subduction network at 2 Ga ago
- Standing Shock Regulates Sparks in Explosive Flows
- Statistical Analysis of Stratospheric-Tropospheric Coupling in Extended Range Ensemble Forecasts
- Stratospheric Influence during Tropical Upper-Tropospheric Warming in a Simple General Circulation Model
- Subsea Permafrost Carbon Stocks and Climate Change Sensitivity Estimated by Expert Assessment
- Testing of a Six Degree of Freedom Sensor for Seismic Building Monitoring.
- The bioanalytical screening of deleterious organic compounds on volcanic ash: a pilot study using the AhR-CALUX assay
- The health impact and economic cost of Indonesian fires and potential benefits of peatland restoration
- The return of the Eastern European carbon sink
- Towards Global Emission Fluxes from Wildfires: An Error Assessment of Aerosol Optical Properties on Inert and Reactive Trace Gas Retrievals in Optically Thick Plumes
- Towards Multi-Component Observations of Seismic Rotation, Strain and Translation
- Tropospheric eddy feedback to different stratospheric conditions in idealised baroclinic life cycles
- Using Dynamic Rupture Simulations to Assess Megathrust Earthquake Behaviors in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Vulnerability of ski tourism towards internal climate variability and climate change
- What can Possibly go Wrong? Cloud Microphysical Implications for Marine Cloud Brightening
- "High strain rate damage in porous andesite : how a volcanic edifice could be weakened by a violent eruption
- 3D Acoustic-Elastic Coupling with Gravity: The Dynamics of the2018 Palu, Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami
- 3D Modeling of the Kathmandu Basin Effects on Ground Motions for the 2015 Gorkha earthquake
- 3D dynamic earthquake rupture modeling for the Hellenic Arc and implications for tsunami generation
- A comparison of methods for modeling the complete seismic, ocean acoustic, and tsunami wavefield from offshore earthquakes
- A rigorous approach to magma permeability
- A seismo-acoustic investigation of a localized crater terrace collapse at Stromboli volcano
- A unified first order hyperbolic model for nonlinear dynamic rupture processes in diffuse fracture zones
- Activation of Aerosols in Shallow Cumulus Clouds Simulated by a Lagrangian Cloud Model
- Advancing Knowledge on Microphysical and Radiative Cirrus Properties and Aviation Impact by Airborne Measurements of Cirrus Clouds
- Applying the Adjoint Method to Reconstruct Earths Mantle in Space and Time
- Are all crystal-bearing magmas actually Newtonian?
- Bottom-up Identification of Key Elements of Compound Events
- Broadband (up to 5 Hz) dynamic rupture modeling with fractal fault roughness and topography: the 2016 Mw 6.2 Amatrice, Italy earthquake
- Can biased cloud retrievals due to 3-D effects provide reasonable radiative energy estimates? A closure study based on satellite observations and radiative transfer simulations.
- Cascading Earthquake Rupture in A Multi-Scale Fracture Network
- Characterizing the seismogenic potential of active faults in the Woodlark rift with integrated multi-timescale observations and models
- Climate change signal in global agriculture emerges earlier in new generation of climate and crop models
- Cloud Microphysical Implications for Marine Cloud Brightening: The Importance of the Seeded Particle Size Distribution
- Collaborative Seismic Earth Model: Generation 2
- Community Code Verication Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): 3D Effects, Fully Dynamic Ruptures, and Dipping Fault Geometries
- Constrained Inversion of Gravity Data with Seismic Velocity Perturbations: Implications for the Density Structure Beneath the Rungwe Volcanic Province, East Africa
- Constraining families of dynamic models using geological, geodetic and strong ground motion data.
- Diagnosing and evaluating the dynamics of terrestrial carbon cycle models
- Diversity of responses to parameterized orographic gravity wave drag hotspots in a chemistry-climate model.
- Effects of Pore Fluid Thermal Pressurization on the Earthquake Rupture Process
- Electrical Monitoring of Basaltic Explosions at Stromboli Volcano, Italy
- Emerging approaches to assessing aerosol-cloud interactions in warm marine boundary layer clouds
- Evaluating machine learning methods applied to physics-based ground motion modeling via proper orthogonal decomposition
- Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Solid Particles on Volcano Acoustics
- Experimentally Generated Silicate Fulgurites: Morphology
- Exploring Complex Normal Faulting Systems Through Physics-based Dynamic Rupture Modeling
- From active subduction zone to reactivated near surface faults: using stress drop estimates to infer the relative influence of geological conditions and observational constraints
- Greenlands Lithospheric Structure Based on Integrated Modelling with Multiple Geophysical Datasets
- How Student Teachers of Geography Think About the Geosciences
- How wet is the lower crust?
- Idealized Lagrangian Cloud Model Approach to Investigate Early Collisional Growth of Cloud Droplet: Effect of Giant Aerosol and Turbulence
- Illuminating Traces of an Achaemenids Paradise in the south Caucasus by Electrical Resistivity Tomography
- Impact of 3D radiative transfer on NO2 remote sensing over built-up areas
- Increased Drought Impact on Northern Ecosystem Productivity over the Past Decades
- Insights on Physics-based Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis in South Iceland using CyberShake
- Interparticle Forces Between Suspended Platinum Group Element Particles in Silicate Melts
- Joint Inversion Based on Mutual Information for Crustal Structure in East Antarctica
- Long-base seismic interferometry reveals a hidden slow slip near the Anza seismic gap, CA
- Mesh-independent diffuse fault modelling in 2D SEM for dynamic rupture simulations
- MicroCT as a tool to improve the accuracy of cosmogenic 3He exposure dating in magnetite
- Modeling P waves in seismic noise correlations: Application to fault monitoring using train traffic sources
- Monitoring fault zones using freight trains, a case study in southern California
- Numerical Simulations of Induced Seismicity at a Geothermal Power Plant near Munich, Germany
- On the initiation of the 2014, Mw7.3 Guerrero, Mexico earthquake: Linked 3D modeling of long-term slow slip cycles and megathrust dynamic earthquake rupture
- On the magnitude and sensitivity of the QBO response to a tropical volcanic eruption
- Physics-based rupture models and ground shaking simulations in the HusavikFlatey fault zone, Northern Iceland
- Potential Biogeophysical Effects from idealized Land Cover and Land Management Changes
- Preliminary 3D Dynamic Rupture Modeling of the 2021 M8.2 Chignik, Alaska megathrust earthquake accounting for pore fluid pressurisation
- Resolving Discrepancies of Models and Observations around Land-use Effects
- Rheological monitoring of the ongoing 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption, Iceland.
- Rupture heterogeneity and directivity effects in back-projection analysis: applied to the 2019 M7.6 New Ireland earthquake
- SANS: Publicly available daily seismic ambient noise source maps on a regional to global scale
- Scale dependence of fault fracture energy and multi-scale rupture cascades
- Seismic Microzonation of Munich, Germany, and Implications for Site Amplification in Case of Induced Seismicity
- Seismica: a community-led Diamond Open-Access journal for seismology and earthquake science
- Seperating Intrinsic and Scattering Attenuation using Rotational Sensor Recordings of Vibroseis Sweeps
- Shallow Inclination in Archaeological Magnetometer Prospection - Theory and Case Examples of the two Ethio-Sabaean Sites Yeha and Melazo (Ethiopia) at an inclination of 15
- Statistical Survey of Ion Acceleration in Plasmoids in the Jovian Magnetotail with JUNO Data
- Stress, rigidity and sediment strength are key factors governing megathrust earthquake and tsunami dynamics
- Structural complexity controls 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha rupture
- Supercomputing of earthquakes: exploiting high-performance computing to unravel the multi-physics and multi-scale dynamics of powerful multi-fault rupture cascades, tsunami earthquakes and induced seismicity
- The Effect of Europas Perturbed Electromagnetic Fields and Induced Dipole on Energetic Proton Depletions in the Alfven Wing
- The Influence of Grainsize Distribution on Experimental Volcanic Lightning
- The Maturity and Properties of Silica Sinters in Active Hydrothermal Systems VS. The Degree of Structural Disorder in Opaline-Ct
- The influence of crystallinity on hightemperature syneruptive gas uptake by volcanic ash
- Thermal history, volatile content and compositions of Mayotte's recent basaltic submarine lavas revealed by Simultaneous Thermal and Evolved Gas Analyses
- Towards localized full waveform inversion with seismic translation, rotation and strain measurements
- Travel-time tomography imaging a SSE area, along the Ecuadorian subduction
- Using the Atmospheric CO2 Growth Rate to Constrain the Estimated CO2 Flux from Land Use and Land Cover Change Since 1900
- Vehicular source tracking and near-surface characterization with six degree-of-freedom point measurements
- What Roles do Microlites and Phenocrysts Play During Degassing of Silicic Magma?
- 3D Dynamic Rupture Scenarios for the Hellenic Arc - Implications on Tsunami Generation
- 3D Dynamic Rupture Simulation of the 2016 Mw 6.5 Norcia Earthquake Constrained by Multi-Data Geodetic Analysis
- An Investigation of the Density Structure Beneath the Rungwe Volcanic Province Through Constrained Inversion of Gravity Data With Seismic Velocity Perturbations
- Assessing the lateral refraction of lower mantle heterogeneities from multi-component ring laser observations
- Characteristics of Rotational Motions of Surface Waves in Weakly Anisotropic Media: Theory
- Community Code Verification Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): From 3D, Full Elastodynamics and Dipping Faults to Fluids and Fault Friction Evolution
- Considerations for Optimizing Magnetic Surveys with Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS)
- Effects of Entrainment and Mixing Scenarios on the Droplet Size Distribution: Spatiotemporal Variability and Cloud-Lifecycle Dependence
- Electrical Activity of Basaltic Explosive Eruptions at Stromboli, Etna and Cumbre Vieja.
- Evaluation of Cirrus Cloud Properties in Storm-Resolving Simulations
- Exploring the importance of haze particles and their interactions with cloud droplets in a convection cloud chamber using large-eddy simulations with bin and Lagrangian microphysics schemes
- Global Warming Level of Emergence and Related Exposure to Climate Extremes
- Hot volcanic ash filters eruptive SO2 within 100 seconds of transport: A predictive model with implications for the climate impacts of volcanic eruptions
- How Magma Breaks: The Record from Broken Crystals
- How off-fault damage and splay faulting modulate shallow deformation in extensional detachment systems: new insights from 3D dynamic rupture simulations
- Impact of Aerosol Perturbation on Marine Stratocumulus Clouds
- Land-Use Harmonization: Past, Present, and Future
- Land-use emissions embodied in international trade
- Lava Fountain Jet Noise during the Eruption of Fissure 8, Kīlauea Volcano
- Linking Flood Hazard Susceptibility and Social Profiles through Bayesian Networks and Urban Structure Type Analysis
- Linking electrical activity to explosive eruption styles during the 2021 Cumbre Vieja eruption
- Locating Explosions in Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany, using 8 rotational sensors.
- Magnetometer prospecting of hydraulic constructions in southern Iraq: Case studies from Mesopotamian cities Uruk, Ur and Fara-Šuruppak
- Microstructural records of the mechanism of transient creep of olivine in the continental lithospheric mantle
- Monitoring a prestressed bridge using six-degree-of-freedom measurement
- Numerical simulations and observations of seismically-excited acoustic-gravity wave impacts on the upper layers of the atmosphere
- Optimum Network Design for Microseismic Monitoring in an Urban Area
- Origin of the Ring-shaped Magnetic Anomaly in the Sedimentary Strata of the Vredefort Impact Structure, South Africa
- Permafrost Monitoring on Mt. Zugspitze (Germany): Can We Derive Rock Temperatures in Space and Time with Passive Seismic Monitoring?
- Physics-based Constraints on the Moment Magnitudes for Induced Seismicity in the Groningen Gas Field through 3D Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Modelling
- Probing the state of pore fluid pressure and 3D megathrust earthquake dynamics using numerical models of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake
- Reduced-order Modeling for Physics-based Ground Motion Simulation
- Role of the Andean structure in the Post-Seismic Deformation Following the 2014 Mw 8.1 Iquique Earthquake in Chile: New insights from a Finite Element Model Constrained by GNSS and InSAR Data
- Rupture complexity in a data-integrated numerical model for the 2021 M8.2 Chignik earthquake: implications for rupture asperities and tsunami hazards
- Seismic Full-waveform Inversion of the Crust-mantle Structure beneath China and Adjacent Regions
- Simulating the Martian Middle and Upper Atmosphere with the NASA Ames Mars GCM
- The Role of Aerosol in Stratocumulus Small-Scale Cloud-Environment Mixing: Consequences for Cloud Optical Properties
- Three-dimensional waveform model of seismic speed for uppermost lithosphere of the Arabian-Eurasian collision zone using full waveform inversion
- Towards a Digital Twin on Geophysical Extremes
- Unraveling the Dynamic Complexity of the 2021 Mw7.4 Maduo Earthquake
- Variability in finite-fault slip models of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake and implications for observationally constrained dynamic rupture simulations
- What prevented the Instantaneous Dynamic Triggering of the 2019 Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest Mainshock by the Mw 5.4 Foreshock?
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Galvé
- A. Joshua West
- A. S. Brecht
- Abhijit Ghosh
- Adrian Hornby
- Ahmed Elbanna
- Alessandro Verdecchia
- Alexander C. Ruane
- Alexandre M. Ramos
- Alexis Berne
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Aljona Blöcker
- Andreas Fichtner
- Andrew M. Vogelmann
- Andréa Di Muro
- Anja Schmidt
- Anne Socquet
- Armin Schwartzman
- Baptiste Rousset
- Beata Orlecka‐Sikora
- Benchun Duan
- Benjamin Birner
- Benjamin D. Stocker
- Bettina Scheu
- Bo Li
- C. Bouligand
- C. Cimarelli
- C. D. Rowe
- Camilla Cattania
- Carl‐Friedrich Schleussner
- Carolyn Boulton
- Cheryl Porter
- Chester E. Harman
- Christiane Voigt
- Christoph Müller
- Cynthia Rosenzweig
- Céline Hadziioannou
- D. C. Bowden
- D. D. Oglesby
- D. S. Stamps
- D. Vergani
- Daniel S. Goll
- David A. May
- David Fee
- David M. Lawrence
- David Wallis
- Dmitry I. Garagash
- Donald B. Dingwell
- Duo Li
- E. Roussos
- E. S. Cochran
- Elena A. Kronberg
- Elisa Tinti
- Elizabeth H. Madden
- Emanuele Bevacqua
- Emily H. G. Cooperdock
- Emmanuel A. Njinju
- Eva P. S. Eibl
- F. L. Vernon
- Fabian B. Wadsworth
- Fan Yang
- Fei Luo
- Felix Bernauer
- Finn Løvholt
- Florent Brenguier
- Florian Lhuillier
- Florian Zabel
- Francisco Cáceres
- Franziska Hoffmann
- Frederik Tilmann
- G. Clark
- Gareth J. Funning
- George C. Hurtt
- Gizem Izgi
- Graham Feingold
- Grégory Duveiller
- H. R. Dietterich
- Hans Huybrighs
- Hans‐Peter Bunge
- Haynes Stephens
- Heiner Igel
- Honn Kao
- Hugo Sánchez-Reyes
- Ian Foster
- Inne Vanderkelen
- J. B. Johnson
- J. B. Snively
- J. J. Lyons
- Jacopo Taddeucci
- Jakob Zscheischler
- James Biemiller
- James Hollingsworth
- Jean‐Pierre Wigneron
- Jean–Paul Montagner
- Jeena Yun
- Jincheng Ma
- Joachim Wassermann
- Joaquim G. Pinto
- Joep F. Schyns
- Johannes Winckler
- John K. Hillier
- John Onwuemeka
- Jonas Igel
- Jonas Jägermeyr
- Jonathan M.G. Glen
- Jorge Macías
- Jorge N. Hayek
- Joseph K. Wong
- Julia E. Gestrich
- Julia M. Schneider
- Julia Pongratz
- Junle Jiang
- Jérémie Vasseur
- Jörg W. E. Fassbinder
- Jörn Behrens
- Kang Wang
- Karin van der Wiel
- Kilian B. Kemna
- Korbinian Sager
- L. P. Chini
- Lauren Abrahams
- Loes Buijze
- Luca Dal Zilio
- Luca D’Auria
- Lucia Gurioli
- Lucile Bruhat
- Lukas van de Wiel
- Léa Pousse‐Beltran
- M. Krämer
- M. Moreno
- Mai‐Linh Doan
- Manfred Wendisch
- Manuel Mendoza
- Marc Schwaerzel
- Marcel Mizera
- Mareen Lösing
- Marisol Monterrubio-Velasco
- Marissa F. Vogt
- Markus Reichstein
- Martin van Driel
- Mathilde Radiguet
- Max Moorkamp
- Meng Li
- Michael Afanasiev
- Michael Heap
- Michael Manga
- Michael O’Sullivan
- Mikhail Ovchinnikov
- Mohamed Abdelmeguid
- N. Lapusta
- Oona Scotti
- P. Lawrence
- P. Martin
- P. Segall
- Pauline Rivoire
- Pavel Inchin
- Petr Pišoft
- Petr Šácha
- Piergiorgio Scarlato
- Pierre Boué
- Pierre Romanet
- Prasanth Prabhakaran
- Prithvi Thakur
- R. Anthony Shaw
- R. J. Wilson
- R. M. Harrington
- Ralph F. Keeling
- Ramón Carbonell
- Rhodri Davies
- Ritvik Sahajpal
- Robert B. Jackson
- Robin S. Matoza
- Roland Bürgmann
- Rolando R. García
- Ryosuke Ando
- S. P. Hicks
- S. Platnick
- S. Vance
- Sam Rabin
- Sanne Cottaar
- Sascha Brune
- Sebastian Noe
- Shane J. Cronin
- Shihao Yuan
- Shinobu Ozawa
- Siavash Ghelichkhan
- Simon Schneider
- Sonia I. Seneviratne
- Stefano Lorito
- Steven J. Davis
- Stuart Gilder
- Sung‐Joon Chang
- Sylvain Barbot
- Sébastien Hok
- Sölvi Thrastarson
- T. Liu
- T. Ricci
- Tatsuhiko Saito
- Teresa Scolamacchia
- Thomas Lecocq
- Thomas M. Mitchell
- Toshichika Iizumi
- Ulrike Burkhardt
- Valère Lambert
- Victor C. Tsai
- Vincent van der Heiden
- Wenfeng Liu
- Wenyuan Fan
- William K. Smith
- Wim Thiery
- Yajing Liu
- Yehuda Ben‐Zion
- Yihe Huang
- Yijian Zhou
- Yixiao Sheng
- Ylona van Dinther
- Yoshifumi Futaana
- Yoshihiro Kaneko
- Yue Qin
- Yuri Fialko
- Yuyun Yang
- Zhibo Zhang
- Е. Е. Григоренко