University of Munich, Department of Geosciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Geophysical Signature of the Lake Bosumtwi Impact Crater, Ghana
- Source Time Functions and Directivity of the 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake
- Convection Models With Emergent Anisotropy
- High-Temperature Density of Lanthanide-Bearing Silicate Melts
- Observations and simulations of rotational motions recorded by a ring laser
- Partial Self-Reversal of the TRM in Basalts: A Combined Rock Magnetic and Microscopic Approach
- Viscosity and Density of Fe-Rich Silicate Melts Relevant to Mars
- Investigating the Core-Mantle Boundary and ULVZ Topography with Synthetic FD Seismograms for 3-D Axi-Symmetric Geometries: Predictions and Data
- Length and Time Scales in Continental Drift
- Martian Mantle Analogues - Properties of Fe-Rich Silicate Melts
- Molar Volume of Lanthanide-Bearing Silicate Melts
- Origin and Evolution of a Thermally Stratified Layer at the Top of the Core
- Probing the nature of 410- and 660-km discontinuities beneath hotspots using the SS-precursors
- 3-D seismic imaging of the D" region beneath the Cocos Plate
- A global coupled model of the lithosphere and mantle dynamics
- Do Sm/Nd- and Sr-Isotopic Signals in Lake Baikal Sediments Reflect Shifts in Atmospheric Flow Patterns of Central Eurasia During Termination I ?
- Interseismic crustal deformation of Taiwan: A new insight with constraints of block model on 7-year GPS results
- Modeling Supercontinent Cycles in 3D Spherical Convection Simulations With Multiple Continents
- Paleomagnetism of Silurian and Devonian rocks from Central and Northern Kazakhstan - comparison with South Kazakhstan directions.
- Rotational Motions from Teleseismic Events - Modelling and Observations
- The Intensity of the Earth's Magnetic Field in the Earliest Triassic: Results from the East Siberian Trap Basalts in the Maimecha-Kotuy Region, Russia.
- Variations in magnetic properties over a thin lava flow profile: implications for palaeo-direction and palaeo-intensity recordings
- A Non-Arrhenian Viscosity Model for Natural Silicate Melts with Applications to Volcanology
- An Inverse Model of Lithosphere Global Dynamics
- Automated Detection of Pi2 Pulsations by Wavelet Analysis and its Application to Real-time Data From Longitudinal Network of Geomagnetic Observatories
- Early Cenozoic Southern Hemisphere Cooling and Establishment of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
- Geochemistry Meets Anthropology: the use of Sr Isotopes as Tracers for Ancient Human Migration.
- In-situ determination of the oxidation state of iron in Fe-bearing silicate melts
- Is Baja California part of the Pacific Plate?
- Lithospheric-scale plate boundary response to changes in plate motion
- Magentic Properties of Magnetites Produced by Magnetotactic Bacteria
- Magnetostatic interactions in a natural magnetite-ulvospinel intergrowth system
- Paleomagnetism of Late Paleozoic Dyke Swarms from Sardinia
- Paleomagnetism of Middle and Upper Paleozoic rocks from West and Central Kazakhstan.
- Paleomagnetism of Permian sediments and volcanic rocks from Sardinia
- Rheology of Crystal- and Bubble-Bearing Lava in Uniaxial Compressional Tests
- Simulation of 3D Global Wave Propagation Through Geodynamic Models
- Towards driving mantle convection by mineral physics
- A High Order Discontinuous Galerkin Method with Local Time Stepping for Strongly Varying Tetrahedral Mesh Spacing
- Applying Full Waveform Inversion to Wide-Angle Seismic Surveys
- Automating pattern quantification: new tools for analysing anisotropy and inhomogeneity of 2d patterns
- Fully Resolved Global Mantle Convection mMdels
- Geophysical Signature of the Lake Bosumtwi Impact Crater from Pre-drilling Site Surveys
- Implications of Baja California microplate kinematics
- Measurements of Wavenumber Spectra in the Solar Wind Using Four-Point Data from Cluster
- The Role of Forward Modeling of Seismic Waveforms for Interpretation of Mantle Structure, Physics and Composition
- Volcanic Hazard Assessment Through Analysis of Physical Characteristics and Distribution of Volcanic Projectiles
- Acoustic emissions accompanying the compressive ductile-brittle transition in highly- crystalline lavas.
- Analysis of Pdiff coda using the axi-symmetric finite difference method
- Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (ASM) as a powerful tool to study sedimentary process in continental basin
- Earth Sciences' Capacity Building In Developing Countries through International Programmes
- How rigid is a rigid plate? Geodetic constraint from the Kalahari craton, South Africa.
- Implications of the Baja California Microplate Motion on the Deformation Within the Western North America Plate Boundary Zone
- Influence of the Earth's Magnetic Field on Ellipsoidal Particle Alignment in Viscous Media
- Interseismic crustal deformation of Taiwan: A new insight with constraints of block model on 7-year GPS results
- Late Miocene Washhouse Climate due to Temporary Closure of Panama Seaway
- Non-Newtonian rheology of Unzen : crystallinity as a shear-thinning factor.
- Preliminary Results of Modeling of Strong Ground Motion due to the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake
- Rock Magnetic Detection of Two Coercivity Components of Magnetosomes in Lake Ely Sediments
- Seismic wave propagation in complex geological media: The hexahedral grid generation problem
- Self-consistent Synthetic Mantle Discontinuities From Joint Modeling of Geodynamics and Mineral Physics and Their Effects on the 3D Global Wave Field
- The Rheological Behaviour of Vesuvius Magmas
- Toward a Revised Middle Jurassic Reconstruction of the Eurasian Landmass
- Wave Number Spectra in the Solar Wind as Seen by CLUSTER Spacecraft
- Application of the Raman Spectroscopy to Identification of Titanomagnetites
- Baja transfer by partial coupling with the Pacific plate
- Broadband SPdKS waveforms reveal ULVZ ridge in the central Pacific
- Crustal Strain Rate Tensors From Dense GPS Networks
- Deep structure of Taiwan Based on Integrating Crustal Seismic Tomography, Seismicity and Crustal-Scale Balanced Cross Sections
- Deep-earth diffracted-wave tomography: A multiple-frequency high-resolution approach
- Fault strength in a strike-slip setting from finite element models: California, USA
- High Resolution Magnetostratigraphy from Plio-Pleistocene Sediments, Armenia
- High and Ultra High Resolution Neutron Computed Tomography as a new Method for Analyzing Rock Textures
- Hydroclast and Peperite generation: Experimental Results produced using the Silicate Melt Injection Laboratory Experiment
- Kinematic signature of India/Australia plates break-up
- Neotectonics across an active oblique-divergent plate margin, SW Gulf of California
- Quantitative comparison of 3D numerical predictions of ground motion in the alpine valley of Grenoble, France.
- Requirements for an L-band InSAR Mission to Monitor Global Tectonic Activities
- Rotational Motions of Seismic Surface Waves in a Laterally Heterogeneous Earth: Theory and Application to Data
- Study of rotational ground motion in the near field region
- The GRD Model for Silicate Melt Viscosity: Volcanological Applications
- Was there a Greater Asia before India-Asia collision?
- 3-D Velocity Structure in and around the Source Area of the 2004 Mid Niigata, Japan, Earthquake: Improvement using Seismic Waveform Modeling
- A Seismological Portrait of the Anomalous 1996 Bardarbunga Volcano, Iceland, Earthquake (Invited)
- A new software for the measurement of magnetic moments using a SQUID magnetometer
- Advances in 3D imaging of the geometry of the Chi-Chi earthquake thrust system in western Taiwan
- Deformation in the Central Gulf of California from Geodetic data (Invited)
- Did Magma Degassing Trigger Exceptionally Violent Phreatomagmatic Fragmentation During The 181 AD Taupo Eruption?
- Different Discretization Approaches for Complicated 3D Models and Their Effect on Synthetic Seismograms
- Effects of the Representation of the Crustal Structure on Seismic Wave Propagation Modeling on the Continental Scale
- Explosive subaqueous pyroclastic deposits associated with a mafic summit caldera: an Archean analogue
- High temperature SO2 adsorption by volcanic glasses: implications for in-plume processes
- How Does Temperature Influence the Physical and Chemical Properties of the Deep Carbonate Basement and Shallow Lava Flows at Mt. Etna Volcano?
- How explosive are volcanic eruptions?
- Micro-seismic Signals Recorded During Fast Depressurization of Natural Volcanic Samples in a Shock Tube Apparatus
- New paleomagnetic data from Jurassic Sediments from Sardinia
- Paleomagnetic Quantification of Neogene Block Rotations within an Active Transtensional Plate Boundary, Baja California, Mexico
- Preliminary insights into an integrated geophysical approach for a better understanding of Strombolian activity at Yasur volcano, Vanuatu
- Rheology of the 2006 Eruption at Tungurahua Volcano, Ecuador
- Single-site estimation of phase velocities and deformation monitoring at the SAFOD borehole using an optical fiber, interferometric strainmeter
- Spatiotemporal climatic, hydrological, and environmental variations based on records of annually laminated lake sediments from northern Poland
- Structure of the U.S. Mantle Constrained by Simultaneous Inversion of Multiple-Frequency SH Waves and Love Waves
- The 3D evolution of crack space under uniaxial deformation
- The Neogene Xiyu Formation, a diachronous prograding gravel wedge at front of the Tianshan: climatic and tectonic implications
- Thermal History of the Bandelier Magmatic System: Evidence for Magmatic Injection and Recharge at 1.61 Ma as Revealed by Cathodoluminescence and Titanium Geothermometry
- Time-Scales of Recent Phlegrean Fields Eruptions Inferred from the Application of a Diffusive Fractionation model of Trace Elements
- Towards Automated Seismic Moment Tensor Inversion in Australia Using 3D Structural Model
- A critical review of recent paleomagnetic studies in the Lhasa block, Tibetan plateau: implications for the initial collision age between India and Asia and the amount of crustal shortening
- A new inclination shallowing correction of the Mauch Chunk Formation of Pennsylvania, based on high field-AIR results: Implications for the Carboniferous North American APW path and Pangea reconstructions
- An automated system to measure ARM anisotropy, pARM spectra and high resolution AF demagnetization curves
- Analysis of Micro-Seismic Signals and Source Parameters of Eruptions Generated by Rapid Decompression of Volcanic Rocks
- Assimilation of rhyolitic magma by basaltic recharge in the Bruneau-Jarbidge eruptive center, Snake River Plain (USA)
- Deformation in the central Gulf of California from the August 2009 M 6.9 event
- Detection of present-day slab-driven mantle flow (Invited)
- Diffuse plate boundary and microplate motion: is the Sierra Nevada an independent block?
- Diffusive Fractionation of Trace Elements During Mixing of Magmas: a New Petrological Clock for Measuring Time-Scales of Volcanic Eruptions
- Effect of Iron on Rheological Properties of HPG8
- Emulating Spherical Shell Convection in a Plane-layer Geometry High Rayleigh Number Calculation
- Enhancement of Magma Mixing Efficiency by Chaotic Dynamics: an Experimental Study
- Improved seismic velocity structure in southwestern Japan using pronounced sP phase
- Influence of organic ligands on the crystal growth of magnesite (MgCO3) : Mechanistic aspects and implications for the mineral sequestration of CO2
- Magnetic Properties of Obsidians from the Southwestern U.S
- Major arc-forearc detachment system in the active Taiwan arc-continent collision, eastern Taiwan
- Numerical representation of crustal structure for realistic synthetic seismograms
- Paleointensities of silicic volcanic glass: Influence of emplacement rotations and devitrivication (Invited)
- Settling dynamics of ash aggregates from the Eyjafjallajökull (Iceland) eruption plume illuminated by high-speed video analysis
- Shock-generated magnetite in the Vredefort impact crater basement rocks
- Strong Thermal Anomalies in the Lowermost Mantle Explain a Large Fraction of Deep Earth Seismic Structure (Invited)
- Testing Absolute Plate Reference Frames and the Implications for the Generation of Geodynamic Mantle Heterogeneity Structure
- The Last Days of the 2010 Eruption at Eyjafjallajökull Volcano
- The effect of lithology and grainsize on the ablation of glaciers
- The physical and chemical properties of tuffs from Campi Flegrei (Italy): the influence of thermal and stress-induced microcracking
- The upper and lower mantle under Yellowstone: Lots of slab, but where is the plume?
- Understanding magnetic remanence acquisition through synthetic sediment deposition experiments
- Volcanic Monitoring Techniques Applied to Controlled Fragmentation Experiments
- A Monte Carlo approach applied to ultrasonic non-destructive testing
- Comparison of spherical shell and plane-layer mantle convection in viscously stratified models
- Evolution of the southern segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt using Paleomagnetic data
- Experimental magma mixing between rhyolitic and basaltic melts: implications for the Bruneau-Jarbidge magmatism, Snake River Plain (USA)
- Factors controlling permeability and fluid flow within the 2004-2008 Mount St Helens lava dome complex
- Induced Microseismic Activity in non Pressure Stimulated Geothermal System - an Example From Southern Germany
- L1-norm model constraint for large sparse tomographic system inversion
- Magnetite-Based Magnetoreceptor Cells in the Olfactory Organ of Rainbow Trout and Zebrafish
- Modeling "secular" flank motion at Kilauea Volcano (Hawai'i) during 2000-2003
- ObsPy: A Python Toolbox for Seismology/Seismological Observatories
- Paleomagnetism of the Rochechouart meteorite impact crater: Field reversal or self reversal?
- Quantifying deformation in crystalline magma using EBSD
- Reconciling Dynamic and Seismic Mantle Models: The Role of Chemical Heterogeneity
- Rheology of Icelandic lava flows as analogs for Mars: comparison between morphometry and experimental determinations
- The influence of thermal stressing on the strength of andesites: implications for the stability of volcanic edifices during magma ascent
- Application of the discontinuous Galerkin method to study the source mechanisms for Love waves in ambient noise
- Block Rotation Linked to Southward Right-Stepping Propagation and Overlap of the Red Sea Rift Segments Afar Depression, Ethiopia
- Comparison of spherical shell and plane-layer mantle convection thermal structure in viscously stratified models with mixed-mode heating: implications for the incorporation of temperature-dependent parameters
- Early-middle Eocene chronology of the Southern Ocean: magnetostratigraphic data from the South Island of New Zealand
- Exploring the Influence of Ice Temperature in Alpine Glaciers on the Evolution of Longitudinal Valley Profiles
- Impacts of alpine glacial erosion on the shapes of glacial valleys, heights of mountains, and sediment delivery to the foreland
- Implication of the Central Gulf of California (MX) Earthquake cycle in understanding continental plate boundary rheology
- Influence of meteorite impacts on the geomagnetic field from the Manicouagan and Rochechouart craters
- Magma mixing enhanced by bubble ascent
- Microfracture development and foam collapse during lava dome growth
- On the visibility of airborne volcanic ash and mineral dust
- Paleomagnetism and anhysteretic remanent magnetization as a tool for time correlation and tectonic studies
- Paleomagnetism of Paleozoic Glacial Sediments of Northern Ethiopia; A Contribution Towards African Permian Paleogeography
- Quartz microfabrics in ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks as indicators of low stress during uplift
- RHUM-RUM investigates La Réunion mantle plume from crust to core
- Space Weather in Magnetic Observatory Noise
- Terrane Stations: intra-oceanic subduction assembled western North America
- The 3D lithospheric structure and plate tectonics of the on-going Taiwan arc-continent collision and delamination: a context for understanding patterns of geomorphic uplift and contemporary stress and geodetic displacement fields.
- Viscosity of Iron-rich Martian Basaltic Melts
- Eruptive dynamics during magma decompression: a laboratory approach
- Fake ballistics and real explosions: field-scale experiments on the ejection and emplacement of volcanic bombs during vent-clearing explosive activity
- Hydraulic jumps within pyroclastic density currents and their sedimentary record
- Hysteresis properties of ordinary chondrites and implications for their thermal history
- Impact of archeointensity data quality on geomagnetic field modeling
- Impulsive Wave Propagation within Magmatic Conduits with Axial Symmetry
- Is La Reunion island volcanic complex a perfect cone? If so, what it implies
- Kinematics of subduction and plate convergence under Taiwan and its geomorphic, geodetic and seismic expressions
- Magnetic Properties of High Ti Titanomagnetite Under Pressure
- Melting Behavior of Volcanic Ash relevant to Aviation Ash Hazard
- Mode cross coupling observations with a rotation sensor
- ObsPy - A Bridge to Utilize Python's Big Data Capabilities for Seismology
- Parameterizations for mean temperature in spherical shell and plane-layer convection models
- Porosity and Textural Evolution of Bubbly Magma under High-Temperature Uniaxial Deformation
- Quantifying paleosecular variation: Insights from numerical dynamo simulations
- Strath terraces on the western High Plains indicate climatically-driven variations in sediment supply from source basins in the Colorado Front Range
- Testing atmospheric and tidal earthquake triggering
- The Virtual Earthquake and seismology Research Community e-science environment in Europe (VERCE): a European Research Infrastructure project
- Volcanic sintering and densification of glassy and crystalline ash: Kinetics, strength recovery and seismogenicity
- Pressure Dependence on the Remanent Magnetization of Fe-Ni Alloys
- Hydrothermal activity at Campi Flegrei caldera: rock mechanical properties and implications for outgassing and possible phreatic eruptions
- Investigating pyroclast ejection dynamics using shock-tube experiments: temperature, grain size and vent geometry effects.
- Maps of Secondary Slip Structures within Fault Steps & Mechanical Models of their Development and Influence on Multifault Earthquake Ruptures
- Climate oscillations reflected in the microbiome of Arabian Sea sediments
- Dynamic rupture scenarios from Sumatra to Iceland - High-resolution earthquake source physics on natural fault systems
- Dynamic ruptures on faults of complex geometry: insights from numerical simulations, from large-scale curvature to small-scale fractal roughness
- Hydrothermal Alteration of the Mt Unzen Conduit (Shimabara/Japan)
- Low temperature magnetic properties of monoclinic pyrrhotite with particular relevance to the Besnus transition
- Pressure demagnetization - a potential approach to improve successfulabsolute paleointensity experiments
- Transport Properties of Earth's Core
- A Multicomponent Large Ringlaser for Seismology: First Observations
- Apollo Passive Seismic Experiments: lunar data in SEED format
- Benefits of rotational ground motions for planetary seismology
- Dynamic rupture models of subduction zone earthquakes with off-fault plasticity
- Dynamic rupture simulations of the 2016 Mw7.8 Kaikōura earthquake: a cascading multi-fault event
- Extreme scale multi-physics simulations of the tsunamigenic 2004 Sumatra megathrust earthquake
- How Deep is Deep Percolation? Upward-looking Radar for Continuous Monitoring of Melt and Accumulation within the Deep Percolation Zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet.
- Meltwater-induced changes in the structure and behavior of Greenland's firn
- Thermal Expansivity Between 150 and 800°C of Hydrothermally Altered Conduit Dyke Samples from USDP-4 Drill Core (Mt Unzen, Shimabara, Japan)
- 3D Dynamic Rupture on Fractally Rough Faults in Random Heterogeneous Media
- A Coupled Method Using Longterm Subduction Models to Provide Realistic Conditions for Dynamic Earthquake Models
- Can Volcanic Domes act as Gas Filters? An experimental Approach to SO<SUB>2 </SUB>scavenging by rhyolitic Glass.
- Coupled Seismic Cycle - Earthquake Dynamic Rupture - Tsunami Models
- Facies Characterization of the 2014-2015 Holuhraun Lava Flow Field from Remote Sensing Data and Field Observations
- Importance of Crystallinity in the Ice Nucleating Effectiveness of Volcanic Ash
- Influence of volcanic ash composition on the interaction with thermal barrier coatings of jet engines
- Interdisciplinary Earthquake Hazard Research in Gulf of Aqaba and Strait of Tiran (GAST)
- Melt topology from quantitative interpretation of multi-parameter geophysical inversion at active volcanoes
- More stable yet bimodal geodynamo during the Cretaceous superchron?
- Physics-based Coupled Models of the 2018 Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami
- Plume Charging and Volcanic Lightning Generation: a Quantitative Lab Analysis.
- Surface Wettability of Volcanic ash on APS and EB-PVD Thermal Barrier Coatings
- The ExaHyPE Hyperbolic PDE-Engine: Novel DG Methods for Seismic Wave Propagation in Alpine Regional Areas.
- The Great 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake: Insights from dynamic rupture modeling
- The Many Faces of Disequilibrium Magma / Lava Rheology
- The Relationships Between Plume Dynamics and Volcanic Electrification as Measured by a Lightning Mapping Array: a Case Study of Sakurajima Volcano, 2015
- The role of strike-slip fault geometry and damage on segmented fault slip
- Thermal conductivity of iron in Earth's core is low enough to support thermal convection
- Understanding the Impact of In-Plume Ash-Gas Interactions Upon the Respiratory Hazard of Volcanic Ash
- Unraveling earthquake dynamics through large-scale multi-physics simulations
- Unsteadiness Timescales of Volcanic Explosions Through Electrical Monitoring of Ash Plumes.
- Using coupled models of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and Indian Ocean tsunami to examine the impact of fluid pressure and megathrust geometry
- 3D dynamic rupture earthquake and slow slip cycle modeling constrained by the slab geometry of the Guerrero seismic gap, Mexico
- Applications of 6DoF sensors in seismology - from building monitoring to dynamic tilt correction
- Beyond empiricism: Quantitative models for the permeability of heterogeneous magmas
- Disequilibrium Rheology of Basalts from Campi Flegrei and Derivation of Empirical Solidification Criteria.
- Elasto-acoustic frequency characteristics of gas particle flows triggered by rapid decompression
- Experimental and Sedimentological Insights into Hydrothermal Explosions in the Central North Island of New Zealand
- Fire and ice: Anak Krakatau triggers volcanic freezer in the upper troposphere
- Geological Hiatus Surfaces Across Africa In The Cenozoic: Implications For The timescales Of Convectively-maintained Topography
- Greigite synthesis and its magnetic recording in sediments
- How 1000 years of earthquakes have shaped the stress distribution in the Eastern California Shear Zone: seismic hazards before and after the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
- Insights Into the Electrification of Volcanic Plumes from Lightning and Infrasound
- Insights from Disequilibrium and Equilibrium Crystallization Rheological Experiments on the 2018 Kilauea LERZ Eruptive Sequence
- Lithospheric-scale and Upper-crustal-scale Geometry and Kinematics of the Taiwan Arc-continent Collision
- Medium energy electron fluxes in Earth's outer radiation belt: a machine learning model
- Multi-fault rupture dynamics of the Norcia, Mw 6.5, 30 October 2016, Central Italy earthquake, linked to composite kinematic models
- Paleomagnetism of ca. 3-5 Ma Lavas from Western Iceland
- Performance and Laboratory Tests with a Prototype of FARO, a One-component, High-resolution Fibre Optic Rotational Seismometer
- SO<SUB>2</SUB> scavenging potential of fractured permeable rhyolitic domes
- Tectonic influence on eruption size and style at the Tongariro Volcanic Complex, Central North Island, New Zealand
- The Effect of Particles on Standing Shock Waves Regulating Discharges in Volcanic Eruptions
- The role of lithology in steam-driven eruptions and its effect on energy partitioning and crater morphology
- VT fault-plane solution orientations as a precursory indicator of lava bulk viscosity during the May 2018 Leilani Estates eruption at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai'i
- Vent Geometry and Clogging Effects on Volcanic Jets
- What Are LLSVPs? Geodynamic Insights into Lower Mantle Chemistry and Structure
- Anisotropic Elastic Tensor Estimation from Joint Analysis of Translation and Rotation
- Coupled dynamic earthquake rupture-tsunami modeling for the Hellenic Arc - towards physics-based tsunami hazard assessment in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
- Diffuse earthquake rupture dynamics in nonlinear visco-elasto-plastic materials
- Dynamic earthquake rupture scenarios and physics-based seismic hazard assessment for the segmented Húsavík-Flatey fault zone, North Iceland
- Earthquakes indicated lava viscosity during the 2018 eruption of Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai`i
- Influence of the Kilauea 2018 Fissure 8 Geometry and Eruption Dynamics on Acoustic Jet Noise
- Methods for simulating earthquake sequences and rupture dynamics in diffuse fault zones
- Rupture and traffic tracking with six degree-of-freedom ground motion observations: a proof of concept
- Standing Shock Regulates Sparks in Explosive Flows
- Timing and correlation of glacial and glaciofluvial sediments in the German Alpine Foreland
- Towards Multi-Component Observations of Seismic Rotation, Strain and Translation
- Tracking the Movement and Spatial Patterns of High-elevation Crevasses in the Interior of the Greenland Ice Sheet.
- What controls the along-strike segmentation of shallow slow slip events? Insights from 3D numerical modeling of slow slip events along the Hikurangi margin, New Zealand