Birkbeck University of London, UK
flowchart I[Birkbeck University of London, UK] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (55)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (5)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Gross Thermodynamics of 2-component Core Convection
- Penetrators as planetary probes and MoonLITE a proposed UK-led lunar mission
- Quantifying Relationships Between Mid-Crustal Metamorphism and Exhumation-Erosion. A Case Study From the Greater Himalayan Sequence of the Everest-Makalu Massif, East Nepal
- Thermochronology applied to the Chiapas mountains, Mexico.
- Large-scale River Channel Shifts on the Western Indo-Gangetic Plains and their implications for the Bronze-age Harappan Civilisation Settlement Patterns
- Remotely sensed dune sand flux measurements in the dustiest place on Earth (Bodélé, Chad)
- A method for constructing time series of dune mobility by optical cross correlation, with application to the Bodélé Depression of northern Chad (Invited)
- Application of Terrestrial Wavefield Tomography in Helioseismology
- Large-scale River Channel Shifts on the Western Indo-Gangetic Plains and their implications for the Bronze-age Harappan Civilisation Settlement Patterns
- Pleistocene-Recent Drainage Evolution in the Western Himalayan Foreland Basin
- Location of South Georgia and potential impact on early Pacific-Atlantic through flow
- A 665 year record of Coulomb stress changes on active faults in the central Apennines, Italy.
- Drivers of Alongshore Variable Dune Erosion During a Storm Event: Observations and Modelling
- Linking Historical Earthquake Records to Long Term Fault Slip Rates Using Cosmogenic 36Cl: Evidence for Migrating Earthquake Activity on a Millenial Timescale Across the Central Italian Apennines
- Modelling 50,000 Years of Landscape Evolution in the Upper Thames Valley, UK: Preliminary Results from PARALLEM
- A Study of Meridional Flow Patterns and the Solar Minimum in Cycle 24
- A seismic anisotropy study of the Dragon Flag hydrothermal field (49°39'E ) on the Southwest Indian Ridge
- Cities and Sea Level Rise: A Roadmap for Flood Hazard Adaptation
- Controls on Quaternary Sediment Erosion and Provenance in the Himalayan Rain Shadow, Zanskar River, Northwest India
- Cyclic Explosivity in High Elevation Phreatomagmatic Eruptions at Ocean Island Volcanoes: Implications for Aquifer Pressurization and Volcano Flank Destabilization.
- Global Surface Temperatures of the Moon
- Memory in coastal systems: Post-tsunami beach recovery within a decade on the Thai coast.
- What the Spatial Correlation of He Isotope and Seimic Velocity Anomalies Implies for Rifting and Volatile Sources in Ethiopia and Afar
- Controls on Erosion in the Western Tarim Basin: Implications for the Uplift of Northwest Tibet and Pamirs
- Controls on Modern Erosion and the Development of the Pearl River Basin since the Eocene
- Coseismic and Interseismic Coulomb Stress Transfer on Strike-Variable Normal Faults Influencing Earthquake Cycles in the Italian Apennines
- Deglacial Meltwater Pulse Recorded in Last Interglacial Mollusk Shells from Bermuda
- Extreme precipitation statistics in regional climate models: Evaluation for the islands of Scotland
- Geochemical Evidence for Mantle Enrichment and Lower Crustal Assimilation in Orogenic Volcanics from Monte Arcuentu, Southern Sardinia: Implications for Geodynamics and Evolution of the Western Mediterranean
- Iron Oxide Minerals in Dust: New Insights from Magnetism, Spectroscopy, and Microscopy
- The geometry and volume of melt beneath Ethiopia
- Widespread Ice across the South Weddell Sea Region prior to the Late Eocene Transition
- Constant Fault Slip-Rates Over Hundreds of Millenia Constrained By Deformed Quaternary Palaeoshorelines: the Vibo and Capo D'Orlando Faults, Southern Italy.
- CubeX: The CubeSAT X-ray Telescope for Elemental Abundance Mapping of Airless Bodies and X-ray Pulsar Navigation
- Formation of an Oceanic Transform Fault During Continental Rifting
- Imaging rifting at the lithospheric scale in the northern East African Rift using S-to-P receiver functions
- Investigating Crustal Scale Fault Systems Controlling Volcanic and Hydrothermal Fluid Processes in the South-Central Andes, First Results from a Magnetotelluric Survey
- Long-term strain accommodation in the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Insights from 3D thermo-kinematic modelling
- Mineralogy of Nicobar Fan turbidites (IODP Leg 362): Himalayan provenance and diagenetic control.
- The Nicobar Fan and sediment provenance: preliminary results from IODP Expedition 362, NE Indian Ocean
- Coseismic Throw Variation Across Along-Strike Bends on Active Normal Faults: Implications for Displacement/Length Scaling of Earthquake Ruptures.
- Fate of carbon during the formation of Earth's core
- Resolving the Dichotomy Between Surface and Subsurface Structural Elements on Comet 67P Using CONSERT and OSIRIS Observations Onboard the Rosetta Mission
- Testing the upper-mantle seismic signature of plume-lithosphere interaction in the northern East-African Rift
- The Importance of Scientifically Selected Sample Suites to Achieving Mars Returned Sample Science Objectives
- Across-strike variations of fault slip-rates constrained using in-situ cosmogenic <SUP>36</SUP>Cl concentrations.
- Evidence for hydrothermal fluid and structural system interaction in the Southern Andes: A magnetotelluric and seismic study
- Evidence for magmatic-related induced seismicity along misoriented faults in the Southern Andes
- Transfer Learning for Automated Seismic Phase Arrival Detection on Local or Temporary Volcano-Seismic Networks with Limited Seismic Catalogue
- A little data goes a long way: automating phase arrival picking at Nabro volcano, Eritrea, using transfer learning and a limited seismic catalog
- Distribution of partial melt beneath Changbaishan/Paektu volcano, China/Democratic People's Republic of Korea
- Evidence for fluid control on faults in the Chilean Andes from seismicity and magnetotellurics
- Understanding Melt Distribution Beneath Volcanoes: An Experimental Approach
- Phase equilibria and melting in the Martian mantle and the formation of shergottites
- Meteoric 10Be/9Be: A Novel Soil Weathering Proxy in Speleothem