Middle East Technical University, Turkey
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Extensional folding: examples from western Turkey
- Surface Wave Investigation and Analysis Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction Sites in Asia
- Field Survey of the 30 December 2002 Stromboli Tsunami
- The Preliminary Estimates of Tsunami Risk Zones for the Coast of Marmara Sea
- The global dispersion of microorganisms and pollutants in clouds of desert dust
- Evaluation of Digital Elevation Model Uncertainty in Flood Inundation Modeling
- Inundation Modeling for Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment
- Neotectonics and Evolution of the Yenicaga Basin, Bolu - Turkey
- Quantifying Tsunami Impact on Structures
- The Amorgos, Greece earthquake and tsunami of 09 July 1956: Focal mechanism and field survey
- A comparative study on the probable effects of future tsunamis for Maldivian Islands
- Optimal Containment of Stored Freshwater in Saline Aquifers
- Cenozoic Extension of the Southern Menderes Massif along the Kayabuku Shear Zone, Western Anatolia Extended Terrane, Turkey
- Kinematics of Post-Collisional Extensional Tectonics and Exhumation of the Menderes Massif in the Western Anatolia Extended Terrane, Turkey
- Standards and Guidelines for Numerical Models for Tsunami Hazard Mitigation
- Ambient Noise Tomography Around the Central North Anatolian Fault, Turkey
- Comparing The Results Of ANSA Blended And MODIS Derived Snow Depletion Curves In Hydrological Modeling
- E-MORB- And OIB-Type Metabasalts From The Karakaya Complex: Trace Element Evidence For Melting Across The Spinel-Garnet Transition
- Full Anelastic Waveform Tomography Including Model Uncertainty
- Human perturbation to atmospheric phosphorus
- Mapping Surface Soil Moisture With Synthetic Aperture Radar Data and Basin Indexes
- NAF Experiment: Lithospheric Structure of the Central North Anatolia From S-wave Receiver Function Analysis
- NAF Experiment: Seismic Anisotropy Beneath Northern Anatolia From Shear-Wave Splitting
- Stochastic Strong Ground Motion Simulation of the 12 November 1999 Duzce (Turkey) Earthquake: Correlation Between Observed Damage and Ground Motion Distribution
- Tsunami Modeling: Development of Benchmarked Models
- Eastern Termination of the Subducting African Lithosphere Beneath Anatolia Imaged by Teleseismic P-Wave Tomography
- Evaluating the Contribution of Image Fusion into the Snow Mapping in Mountainous Terrain Using Euclidean Distance
- Exhumation with a twist: paleomagnetic constraints on the evolution of the Menderes metamorphic core complex (western Turkey)
- Future River Flow Estimations of Gerede-Ulusu River, Ankara, Turkey
- Geochemical Evolution of Miocene Volcanism in Western Anatolia, Turkey Related to Orogenic Collapse
- Geochemical Features of Extensional Mafic Lavas from Sivas, Central Anatolia (Turkey) Reflect Subduction-Related Source Modification
- Methodology for Estimating Tsunami Induced Hazard for Ports Along California Coastline
- Regional Geochemical Trends in Young Basalts Along the Central Anatolian Fault Zone, Turkey
- Tsunami Forecast Progress Five Years After Indonesian Disaster
- Validating the EUMETSAT HSAF Snow Recognition Product over Mountainous Areas of Turkey
- A Hybrid Seismic Loss Estimation Methodology based on Simulated Ground Motions in Urban Regions
- Assessing the source of the 2010 Chilean tsunami using DART data
- Assessment of Groundwater Supply Impacts for a Mine Site in Western Turkey
- Factors Controlling the Evolution of Anatolia: Clues from Teleseismic Finite-Frequency Tomography
- First Analysis of Quasi-Periodic Whistler Mode Emissions in Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere
- Nd-Sr-Hf-Pb Isotopic Evidence for a Mantle Plume Origin for the Mafic Rocks from the Palaeotethyan Karakaya Complex, Turkey
- Neogene Topography And Precipitation Patterns Of The Central Anatolian Plateau
- Nonlinear analytical solution for landslide generated tsunamis
- Reconciling the geological history of western Turkey with plate circuits and mantle tomography
- Stochastic Strong Ground Motion Simulations on Eastern North Anatolian Fault Zone: A Sensitivity Study
- Tsunami focusing
- A comparison of SRM and HBV models for real time runoff forecasting in the Upper Euphrates Basin, Turkey
- A stable isotopic perspective on orographic precipitation and continental evaporation in Turkey
- Developing an orographic adjustment for the SCaMPR algorithm
- Development of Electricity Generation from Renewable Energy Sources in Turkey
- Environmentally Friendly Geopolymeric Binders Made with Perlite
- Evaluation of TMPA and CMORPH Rainfall Products over a Complex Terrain in Turkey
- Extrapolating Offshore Tsunami Model Results to the Coast
- Field Survey on The Coastal Impacts of March 11, 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami
- Hybrid-Empirical Ground Motion Models for Georgia
- Identifying generation mechanisms in U.S. east coast non-seismic tsunami events
- Modeling of Tsunami Propagation and Inundation in the Aegean Sea
- Modelling of Tsunami Flow and Impact in Inundation Zone, Case Study for 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami
- New Edition of the UNESCO-IOC International Tsunami Survey Team (ITST) Post-Tsunami Survey Field Guide
- Present-day Stress Pattern of Turkey from Inversion of Updated Earthquake Focal Mechanism Catalogue
- Uncertainty analysis of the hydro-estimator and the self-calibrating multivariate precipitation retrieval over a mountainous region
- A Multidisciplinary Approach for Estimation of Seismic Losses: A Case Study in Turkey
- Evaluating the potential of MSG-SEVIRI snow cover images for hydrological modeling
- From Collision to Escape: Cenozoic Surface to Mantle Dynamics of Central Anatolia
- Importance of Grid Center Arrangement
- Linked uplift of the Central and Eastern Anatolian plateaus through slab break-off and upper mantle flow
- Seismic Hazard Assessment of Middle East Region: Based on the Example to Georgia (Preliminary results)
- Stable isotope studies on geothermal gases from the eastern part of Büyük Menderes Graben (Turkey)
- Temporal Analysis of Snow Cover Depletion in the Eastern Part of Turkey Based on MODIS-Terra and Temperature Data
- Tsunami Amplification due to Focusing
- Tsunami Propagation Database for the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas
- Advancement of Satellite-based Rainfall Applications for Hydrologic Modeling in Topographically Complex Regions
- An Application of USLE and SEDD Models to Estimate the Remaining Service Life of Kartalkaya Dam
- An Integrated Approach for Understanding Anthropogenic and Climatic Impacts on Lakes: A Case study from Lake Iznik, Turkey
- BOOST H2O - Field Training Activities for Hydrologic Science near Lake Iznik, Turkey
- Calibration of a conceptual hydrological model using EUMETSAT snow covered area product
- Constraining the cause of the end-Guadalupian extinction with coupled records of carbon and calcium isotopes
- Effects of Arabia-Eurasia Collision on Strike-slip Faults in Central Anatolia?
- Environmentally-Friendly Geopolymeric Binders Made with Silica
- Evaluation of Assumptions in Soil Moisture Triple Collocation Studies
- Evolution of Long Waves with Finite-Crest over a Sloping Beach
- Geodynamic Evolution of the Banda Sea Region
- Identifying generation mechanisms in U.S. east coast non-seismic tsunami events
- Impact of Different Time Series Streamflow Data on Energy Generation of a Run-of-River Hydropower Plant
- Magnetostratigraphy and stable isotope geochemistry of upper Paleogene-Neogene basin sediments as tools for reconstructing the paleotopography and paleoenvironment of the Anatolian Plateau
- Satellite-based water balance of the Nile River basin: a multisensor approach
- Seismic Intensity Maps for North Anatolian Fault Zone (Turkey) Based on Local Correlations between Instrumental Ground Motion Parameters and Felt Intensity
- Structure and Dynamics of the Eastern Mediterranean Upper Mantle: Results from Shear-wave Splitting and Seismic Tomography (Invited)
- The Gürün Curl, SE Turkey: a potential link from crustal tectonics to mantle dynamics in the Arabia-Eurasia collision-escape zone
- Water Utility Management Strategies in Turkey: The current situation and the challenges
- ASTARTE: Assessment Strategy and Risk Reduction for Tsunamis in Europe
- Combined Helium and CO2 Isotope Systematics of Turkish Geothermal Systems: Relation to Volcanism and Active Tectonics
- Diagnosing Soil Moisture Anomalies and Neglected Soil Moisture Source/Sink Processes via a Thermal Infrared-based Two-Source Energy Balance Model
- Earthquake Detection Near the Central Anatolian Fault Zone Using Continuous Data from the CD-CAT Experiment
- Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation in The Marmara Region and Disaster Education in Turkey. (SATREPS Project: Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development by JICA-JST)
- Ground Motion Simulations for Bursa Region (Turkey) Using Input Parameters derived from the Regional Seismic Network
- Ground Motion Suite Selection for the Prediction of the Seismic Response of Concrete Gravity Dams
- High Resolution Tsunami Vulnerability Assessment for Coastal Utilities; Case Studies in the Sea of Marmara
- Impact of Rescaling Anomaly and Seasonal Components of Soil Moisture on Hydrologic Data Assimilation
- Improving Remotely-sensed Precipitation Estimates Over Mountainous Regions For Use In Hydrological Models
- Initial-Boundary Value Problem Solution of the Nonlinear Shallow-water Wave Equations
- Large Vertical Axis Rotations along Neotethyan Sutures in TURKEY
- Lessons Learned and Unlearned from the 2004 Great Sumatran Tsunami.
- Oblique Deformation in Central Turkey: Fault Interaction and River Incision at the Intersection of the Tuz Gölü and Central Anatolian Fault Zones
- Prediction of Water Quality Parameters Using Statistical Methods: A Case Study in a Specially Protected Area, Ankara, Turkey
- Sensitivity Analysis of a Conceptual HBV Raınfall-Runoff MODEL Using Eumetsat Snow Covered Area Product
- Simulations of Future Drought Conditions in Central Asia CORDEX Region 8 by Using RegCM4.3.5
- Crustal Structure of the Western Anatolian Extensional Province: Evidence for a ductile lower crust through the joint inversion of Receiver Functions and Dispersion Data
- Accuracy assessment of TRMM 3B42 V6 and V7 products using station data over various topographical regions in Turkey
- Acoustic Investigations of Gas and Gas Hydrate Formations, Offshore Southwestern Black Sea*
- Assessment of Performance for Alternative Cover Systems on a Waste Rock Storage Area
- Benchmarking on Tsunami Currents with ComMIT
- Crust and Upper Mantle Structure beneath Isparta Angle in SW Turkey from P and S Receiver Functions
- Drainage Evolution during the Uplift of the Central Anatolia Plateau
- Dynamics of intra-oceanic subduction initiation, part 2: supra-subduction zone ophiolite formation and metamorphic sole exhumation in context of absolute plate motions
- Early Late Triassic Subduction in the Northern Branch of Neotethys?: Petrological and Paleontological Constraints from the middle Carnian basalts in the Lycian Nappes
- Estimation of Flow Duration Curve for Ungauged Catchments using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System and Map Correlation Method: A Case Study from Turkey
- Flash Floods Simulation Using a Physical based hydrological Model at the Eastern Nile Basin: Case studies; Wadi Assiut, Egypt and Wadi Gumara, Lake Tana, Ethiopia.
- Generation and Propagation of Long Waves due to Spatial and Temporal Pressure Distributions
- Groundwater Impact Assessment of Tailings Storage Facility, Western Turkey
- Investigation of lithospheric deformation and mantle anisotropy beneath Central Anatolia from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis
- Multicomponent seismic loss estimation on the North Anatolian Fault Zone (Turkey)
- Nanoparticulate, sub-micron and micron sized particles emanating from hydrothermal vents
- Quality control of station-based soil moisture observations in Turkey
- Re-evaluation of Tsunami Hazard in Marmara Sea Generated from the Combined Earthquake and Landslide Sources Focusing on Istanbul, Turkey
- Regional Kappa Models on North Anatolian Fault Zone (Turkey) and Their Use in Ground Motion Simulations
- Subduction Zone Configuration of Central and Eastern Anatolia since the Late Cretaceous: Insights from Sedimentary Basins in the Neotethyan Suture Zone
- The Added Utility Of Nonlinear Techniques In Rescaling Soil Moisture Time Series
- The First Orogen-scale Cross Section of the Western Taurides Fold-thrust Belt, Southern Turkey
- Tsunami Induced Sedimentation in Ports; A Case Study in Haydarpasa Harbor, Marmara Sea
- Upstream Structural Management Measures for an Urban Area Flooding in Turkey and their Consequences on Flood Risk Management
- Validation and Performance Comparison of Numerical Codes for Tsunami Inundation
- Determination of Optimum Cross-section for Oran Highway Revetment
- Determination of the Spatial Distribution in Hydraulic Conductivity Using Genetic Algorithm Optimization
- Developing an Orographic Adjustment for the SCaMPR Algorithm
- Do changes in climate and land use pose a risk to the future water availability of Mediterranean Lakes?
- Effect of Temporal Downscaling of Wind Data on Hindcasting Extreme Wave Events and Wind Power Density Studies over the Black Sea
- Energy-Based Response of Simple Structural Systems by using Simulated Ground Motions
- Evaluating the use of different precipitation datasets in simulating a flood event
- Evaluation of GRACE-based groundwater storage change information at Konya Closed Basin, Turkey, using remote sensing and in-situ measurements
- Exploring the added value of machine learning methods in predicting flow duration curves: a comparative analysis for ungauged catchments
- Field Investigations and a Tsunami Modeling for the 1766 Marmara Sea Earthquake, Turkey
- Ground Motion Selection and Scaling for the Seismic Investigation of the Concrete Gravity Dams for Near Fault Earthquakes
- Impacts of Climate Nonstationarities on Hydroclimatological Extremes
- Numerical Modeling of Medium Term Morphological Changes at Manavgat River Mouth Due to Combined Action of Waves and River Discharges
- Numerical Modelling of Solitary Wave Experiments on Rubble Mound Breakwaters
- Paleomagnetic reconstruction of the Neotethyan Suture in Central Anatolia (Turkey)
- Probabilistic TSUnami Hazard MAPS for the NEAM Region: The TSUMAPS-NEAM Project
- Subpixel Snow Cover Mapping from MODIS Data by Nonparametric Regression Splines
- The Global Tsunami Model (GTM)
- The Nature of Central Anatolian Crust and Uppermost Mantle from Teleseismic Receiver Functions: The Role of Slab Dynamics on Rapid Uplift
- UAV Applications in Hydrology: A Case Study in Gökova Basin, Muğla, Turkey
- Understanding Groundwater and Surface Water Exchange Processes Along a Controlled Stream Using Thermal Remote Sensing and In-Situ Measurements
- Validation of Wavewatch III Model in BlackSea Using Different Re-Analysis Wind Data
- Validation of the 2D+1D Runup Estimation with Field Data of the 2010 Maule Tsunami
- New Finite-Frequency Teleseismic P-wave Tomography of the Anatolian Sub-continent and the Fate of the Subducted Cyprean Slab
- Assessment of Environmental Flows under Human Intervention and Climate Change Conditions in a Mediterranean Watershed
- Coastal Tsunami and Risk Assessment for Eastern Mediterranean Countries
- Comparison of Energy-based Seismic Structural Response Estimated Based on Simulated Ground Motions with Empirical Relationships
- Comparison of Human Response against Earthquake and Tsunami
- Comparison of Real and Simulated Records Through Selected Seismic Intensity Measures
- Comparison of maximum runup through analytical and numerical approaches for different fault parameters estimates
- Effect of Using Extreme Years in Hydrologic Model Calibration Performance
- Effects of Climate Change on Diffuse Pollution in Lake Mogan Watershed
- Estimation of Groundwater Storage Change via GRACE over a Small Watershed - A Case Study over Konya Closed Basin
- Evaluation of Remote Sensing and Hydrological Model Based Soil Moisture Datasets in Drought Perspective
- Evaluation of Satellite and Model Precipitation Products Over Turkey
- Evaluation of the Variability of the Precipitation under Orographic Conditions
- Extensional Tectonics of SW Anatolia In relation to Slab Edge Processes in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Impacts of Present and Future Climate Variability on Forest Ecosystem in Mediterranean Region
- Investigation of the Relation Between Global Teleconnection Patterns and the Decadal Precipitation Variability over Turkey
- Mantle to Surface Dynamics Across Subduction-Collision Transitions in Space and Time: Results from the CD-CAT Project in Anatolia
- New formulations for tsunami runup estimation
- Numerical Modeling of Scour at the Head of a Vertical-Wall Breakwater in Waves
- Prediction of Chl-a concentrations in an eutrophic lake using ANN models with hybrid inputs
- Preliminary Hazard Assessment for Tectonic Tsunamis in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Sensitivity analysis of the Commonly Used Drought Indices on the different land use Types - Case Study over Turkey
- The ASTARTE Paleotsunami Deposits data base - web-based references for tsunami research in the NEAM region
- The Added Utility of Hydrological Model and Satellite Based Datasets in Agricultural Drought Analysis over Turkey
- The Young Hydrologic Society: an outlook to the next five years
- Use of Ground Motion Simulations of a Historical Earthquake for the Assessment of Past and Future Urban Risks
- Water content estimated from point scale to plot scale
- Continuous Validation of EUMETSAT-HSAF Fractional Snow Cover Product (H12) by using Sentinel-2A Data
- Evidence for dynamic relationship between faulting and Neogene-Quaternary volcanism in post-collisional Central Anatolia (Turkey): Implications for shallow slab subduction and rollback.
- Field Survey on the Coastal Impacts of the September 28, 2018 Palu, Indonesia Tsunami
- Gulf of Aqaba: A new structural model from high resolution multibeam bathymetric data.
- Interdisciplinary Earthquake Hazard Research in Gulf of Aqaba and Strait of Tiran (GAST)
- International Post-Tsunami Survey for Tsunami Palu-Donggala (ITST-Palu)
- Phytoplankton Biomass, Primary Production and Chemoautotrophic Production of the Western Black Sea in April 2003
- Post-Collisional Deformation of the Anatolian Orogeny, Turkey: Insights from Geochronology and Sedimentology of the Saricakaya Basin, Western Anatolia
- Production and Transport of Fe- and Mg-bearing Silicate Nanoparticles in Hydrothermal Fluids at the East Pacific Rise (9° 50' N)
- Utilizing Flow Signatures and Catchment Similarity Indices for Catchment Classification in Yesilirmak Basin, Turkey
- Young Hydrologic Society (YHS): vision, mission, and strategy
- a New Numerical Solver for Simulating Porous Media Flow Based on Immersed Boundary Method
- A GIS-Based Model for Screening of Suitable Lands for Land Application of Biosolids
- A Multi-Technique Approach to Determine Temporal and Spatial Variability of Groundwater-Stream Water Exchange
- Least Cost Optimization in Middle Sakarya River Basin with the focus on Water-Energy Nexus
- Multi-model analysis of bias corrected and non-bias corrected RCM simulations for the assessment of uncertainties and representation of orographic impacts in Mediterranean Region
- N-wave Maximum Runup with Fault Plane Parameters
- Tectonic geomorphology of the Tuz Gölü fault zone: combining morphometrics and structural geology to assess changes in deformation rate and pattern over time
- The capabilities of MARS as an intelligent machine learning method to map fractional snow cover and to discriminate snow/cloud in snow mapping
- User-Friendly R-Code for Data Extraction from CMIP6 outputs
- Investigation of Low Impact Development Potential for a Densely Populated Area in a Semi-arid Climate
- Quantification of Water Savings Using Intelligent Irrigation Systems: Application of CROPWAT Model in a Semi-arid Watershed
- Use of alternative site amplification models in simulations and uncertainty analysis
- Early Triassic Weathering Intensity and Climate Recovery After the end-Permian Extinction
- Finite-crested Long Waves Over a Plane Beach
- Long-Term Assembly of Complex Marine Ecosystems in Tropical Reefs Following the Worst Extinction of Animal Life
- Magma Chamber Rupture Considered Using Elastic Thermo-Mechanical Deformation Models to Probe the Influence of Temperature on Local Stress Fields
- Microstructural Controls on Thermally-Induced Crack Damage in Rocks
- The IPCC WGI Atlas Chapter - A Major Innovation
- Did Microbial Carbonate Flourish When Skeletal Metazoans and Algae were in Low Abundance in the Aftermath of the End-Permian Extinction?
- Greater Rate of Köppen-Geiger Climate Zone Change in CMIP6 Earth System Models
- Structural Analysis of Çameli Basin in the context of Fethiye Burdur Shear Zone (FBFZ), SW Anatolia.