Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
flowchart I[Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (261)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (47)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Hysteresis Model of a Nonstationary Shock
- Spectral Analysis of Reconstructed Summer Temperature Variations
- Dynamic Shock Modelling: MHD With Hysteresis Resistivity and Viscosity
- Experimental Drainage Basins in Israel
- Experimental Observations of Fluid Transport Across an Unsaturated Fracture-Intersection
- The Isotopic Composition of Precipitation and of Groundwater Recharge in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea Area Under a Changing Climate: Considerations for the Evaluation of Paleo-Climate Conditions
- Bursty Electron Heating in Nonstationary Shocks
- Salinization Sources Along the Lower Jordan River Under Draught Conditions
- Salt Precipitation and Dissolution in an Unsaturated Porous Media Under Non-Isothermal Conditions
- Niklas - a Hitherto Unknown Deep Magmatic Massif in the Eastern Mediterranean
- On the Hydrological Setup of a Complex Basin Through its Hydrochemical Puzzle
- On the interaction between the Lower Jordan River and the shallow aquifer system of the Jordan Valley
- Sustainable Exploitation of the Coastal Aquifer in Israel: Search for Water Quality Stratification in the Saturated Zone
- Tracing the Origin of Radioactivity in Groundwater from the Negev, Israel
- Avalanching Systems and SOC in Space: Models and Observations
- Chemical and Isotopic Variations with Depth: a Detailed Saturated Zone Profile of a 140m Thick Coastal Aquifer
- Downstream turbulence and polarization of radio emissions from SNR.
- Fault-related Oceanic Serpentinization in a Fossil Ridge-Transform Intersection: the Troodos Ophiolite
- Fine structure and particle dynamics in non-relativistic and relativistic quasi-perpendicular shocks
- Influence of Strong Disturbances on the Behavior of Avalanching System
- Megafloods in Marginal Basins: New Data from the Black Sea
- On the Role of Multiple Interactions in Remote Aftershock Triggering
- Reconnections of Marginal Basins to the World Ocean: New Data from the Marmara Sea
- Ground Water Chemistry Evolution Under Unsaturated Zone Sulfate Salt Dissolution in a Great Basin Lacustrine Aquifer, Western United States
- Hydro-Chemical Characterization and Microbiology Monitoring to Determine Optimal Restoration Strategies for the Ephemeral Hebron-Besor Transboundary Streams
- Subsurface Water Distribution Described by Moment Analyses
- Subsurface imaging of the eastern Ramon fault, Wadi Neqarot, south Israel
- The Role Of Large Floods In Maintaining Hyperarid Floodplains And Riparian Vegetation
- The Seismic Cycle and the Difference Between Foreshocks and Aftershocks
- Bioremediation Potential of Perchlorate Contaminated Deep Vadose Zone
- Seismic history of the Southeastern Sea of Galilee margins, Dead Sea Rift, Israel
- Transient Synchronicity and Coupling of Lightning Flashes
- Interannual variability and short-term trends in the MODIS aerosol record
- Nonlinear Waves in Zonostrophic Turbulence
- A line source tracer test - a better method for assessing high groundwater velocity
- Energy Redistribution at Shocks: Known and Unknown (Invited)
- Impact of atmospheric boundary layer temperature variations on moisture venting from fractures and cracks
- Monitoring microseismicity in the Northern Dead Sea basin using sparse seismic mini-arrays
- On the infiltration process in treated effluents spreading basins
- A multi-isotope (radium, boron,strontium, sulfur, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen) investigation of fossil groundwater from the Disi Aquifer in southern Jordan: tracing water sources, water-rock interactions, and residence time (Invited)
- Determination of Paleoseismic Ground Motions from Inversion of Block Failures in Masonry Structures
- Dynamic dissolution of halite rock during flow of diluted saline solutions
- Inference of Co-Seismic Slip Distribution Via a Joint Inversion of GPS and Aftershock Data Sets: The 2004 Parkfield Example
- Microbial Perchlorate Reduction in the Unsaturated Zone of an Israeli Mars Analog Site
- Modeling Perchlorate Contamination In Coastal Aquifer of Israel
- Monitoring microseismicity in the northern Dead Sea basin using portable small-aperture seismic mini-arrays
- Numerical simulation of geomorphic, climatic and anthropogenic drivers of soil distribution on semi-arid hillslopes
- Optimization of Remediation Conditions using Vadose Zone Monitoring Technology
- Problems of Collsionless Shocks Physics: Theory and Multipoint Measurements Versus PIC Simulations
- Saline Evaporation from Porous Media: Characteristics of Salt Precipitation and Its Effect on Evaporation
- The effect of surface sealing on soil moisture dynamics in a semiarid hillslope
- Water Flow and Solute Transport Processes in Deep Sandy Vadose Zone
- A systematic test of surface velocity radar (SVR) to improve flood discharge prediction
- Application of real-time GPS to earthquake early warning
- Augmenting an observation network to facilitate flow and transport model discrimination
- Crustal Deformation along the Dead Sea Transform and Carmel Fault Inferred from 12 years of GPS Measurements in Israel
- Differential exhumation rates in the High Himalaya perpendicular to the orogenic convergence: from Mt. Everest to the Arun River gorge
- Fracture ventilation by surface winds
- Mechanisms controlling evaporation of a saline film
- Rossby Waves and Solitary Waves (zonons) in Beta-Plane Turbulence
- Runoff modelling and palaeoflood hydrology applied to reconstruct centennial scale records of flooding and aquifer recharge in ungauged ephemeral rivers
- Simulation of Seismic Wave Propagation Through Geometrically Complex Basins - The Dead Sea Basin
- Surface sealing as a modulating mechanism of water content variability: Physically based modeling and field observations at the hillslope scale
- The Effect of Thermal Convection on Earth-Atmosphere CO<SUB>2</SUB> Gas Exchange in Aggregated Soil
- The roles of bacterial biofilm and oxidizing enzymes in the biodegradation of plastic by the bacterium Rhodococcus ruber (C208)
- Transport of Colloid-Size Oil Droplets in Saturated and Unsaturated Sand Columns
- Combined Evaporation and Salt Precipitation in Porous Media
- Controlling factors on methanogenesis in the deep sediment of Lake Kinneret
- Detailed Cretaceous reconstruction model for the South Atlantic
- Estimating the age of arid-zone alluvial fan surfaces using roughness measurements from spaceborne radar backscatter
- Feedback between surface sealing and regional evaporation fluxes: new insights and implications for desertification processes
- Fractures as Advective Conduits at the Earth Atmosphere Interface
- Leaf area index estimation in different crops: Case study for wheat, maize, soybean, and potato
- Particle-Size Fractionation of Eolian Sand Along the Sinai-Negev Erg of Egypt and Israel
- Root Induced Heterogeneity In Agricultural Soils
- Sulfate-oxygen isotope insight into anaerobic methane oxidation in estuarine sediments
- The roles of soil surface sealing, microtopography and vegetation in rainfall-runoff processes in semi-arid areas
- Utilizing terrestrial laser scanning to evaluate the relative rates of erosional processes in small semi-arid gullied catchments, the Northern Negev, Israel
- A review of marine magnetic constraints on the behavior of the geomagnetic field during the Cretaceous normal superchron (Invited)
- Constraining ground motion parameters and determining the historic earthquake that damaged the vaults underneath the Old City of Jerusalem
- Differential denudation across the Judea Range, Israel, suggests the persistence of a rain-shadow since mid Miocene
- Early India-Australia Spreading History Revealed by Newly Detected Magnetic Anomalies
- Eco-hydrological feedbacks between surface sealing and woody vegetation in dry climates
- Effect of soil surface sealing on the hydrological response and the vegetation cover of semi-arid areas (Invited)
- Effects of fluid-flow on the strength of gouge-filled fault zones: liquefaction and dilatant hardening
- Formation mechanisms and near-surface stress orientations derived from fractographic markings on exfoliation joints in the Alps
- Fractures as Carriers for Colloid and Nano-Particles
- From ocean depths to mountain tops: uplift of the Troodos Massif (Cyprus) constrained by (U-Th)/He thermochronology and geomorphic analysis
- Hyporheic exchange and oxygen consumption under losing and gaining flow conditions
- Numerical models of fluid-filled fault zones: the effect of fluid flow on shear localization
- Plate kinematics beyond geomagnetic reversals: the South Atlantic Ocean during the Cretaceous superchron (Invited)
- Scaling and Pedotransfer in Numerical Simulations of Flow and Transport in Soils
- Scaling effect of hydrological responses in vegetated semi-arid areas with surface sealing
- Theoretical and hybrid modeling studies of quasi-perpendicular shocks in the heliosphere
- A new approach to study rotational deformation near plate boundaries by combining paleomagnetism and geodetic observations
- A unique isotopic fingerprint during sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane
- Colloid Transport in Porous Media: A Continuing Survey of Conceptual Model Developmen
- Continuous Dilution of the Ca-Chloride Dead Sea Bottom Brine during the Last Glacial - Evidence from Porewater from the ICDP Core
- Controls on Carbonate Hillslope Morphology in sub-Humid Climate
- Distributed and Localized Deformation Along the Lebanese Restraining Bend from Geomorphic Observations and Modeling
- Effects of Damage Zone Permeability on Fluid Flow Within Gouge Zones During Earthquakes: Observations From Grain-Scale Numerical Models
- Environmental Changes and Dust Emission in the Dried Bottom of the Aral Sea
- Freshening of the Dead Sea during the Last Glacial Revealed By Porewater Composition in ICDP Dead Sea Deep-Drill
- Genesis of Microfracture Evolution in Epikarst
- Hydrogeophysical Monitoring of Water Infiltration in the Context of Soil Aquifer Treatment at the Shafdan Site (Israel)
- Insights into Paleogene biogeochemistry from coupled carbon and sulfur isotopes in foraminiferal calcite.
- Investigating the Role of Fluid Flow Within Gouge-filled Fault Zones Using Numerical Simulations of Earthquakes
- Modeling and characterization of flow processes in the carbonate aquifer vadose zone
- Multifunctional Dryland Forestry: Accumulating Experience From the East-Mediterranean
- Organic Proxy Disturbance in the Dead Sea Basin at the Beginning of the Holocene
- Sinkhole Precursors and Formation Mechanism along the Dead Sea Shorelines, Israel, Analyzed by InSAR, Field Mapping, Water Analysis and Elastic Modeling
- Tectonics from Fluvial Topography Using Formal Linear Inversion: Theory and Applications to the Inyo Mountains, California
- Distribution of Groundwater Recharge in Fractured/Karst Aquifers
- Free and Forced Convection in High Permeability Porous Media: Impact on Gas Flux at the Earth-atmosphere Interface
- Hyporheic exchange in heterogeneous streambeds under losing and gaining flow conditions
- Influences of vegetationand rainfall patterns on scaling in Hortonian rainfall-runoff processes
- Intrinsic and Carrier Colloid-facilitated transport of lanthanides through discrete fractures in chalk
- On the impact of entrapped air in infiltration under ponding conditions: Part a: Preferential air flow path effects on infiltration
- The Influence of Climate and Micro-climate (aspect) on Soil Creep Efficiency
- 3D modeling of seismic waves propagation in the Israeli continental shelf: soft sediments, buried canyons and their effects.
- Design of runoff water harvesting systems and its role in minimizing water losses
- Drag Coefficient and Foam in Hurricane Conditions.
- Fluvial response time during continuous climate change: A new formulation and applications to climatically and tectonically modulated bedrock fluvial channels
- Impact of Aerodynamic Resistance Formulations used in Two-Source Modeling of Energy Exchange from the Soil and Vegetation Using Land Surface Temperature
- Ion transmission and reflection in low-Mach number shocks
- Modeling Raw Sewage Leakage and Transport in the Unsaturated Zone of Carbonate Aquifer Using Carbamazepine as an Indicator
- New constraints on the Neogene plate kinematics of West and East Antarctica
- Oceanic Spreading and Continental Rifting in Ross Sea, West Antarctica
- Reconciling Recession Rates of Vertical vs. Non-vertical Knickpoints, and a Potential Link to Bedrock Channel Concavity
- Spatially variable till deformation and water transport in ice-stream shear margins from numerical simulations
- Taking advantage of the predictive potential of process-based models for ice exploration
- The effects of post-accretion sedimentation on the magnetization of oceanic crust
- A Broad Continuum of Aeolian Impact Ripple Sizes on Mars is Allowed by Low Dynamic Wind Pressures
- Contemporaneous migmitization and granite emplacement during regional metamorphism: Evidence for mid-crustal contribution to the batholiths of the Arabian-Nubian Shield
- Effects of Low-Permeability Layers in the Hyporheic Zone on Oxygen Consumption Under Losing and Gaining Groundwater Flow Conditions
- Estimating the proportion of groundwater recharge from flood events in relation to total annual recharge in a karst aquifer
- Formation of Intermediate Plutonic Rocks by Magma Mixing: the Shoshonite Suite of Timna, Southern Israel.
- Geochemical processes during managed aquifer recharge with desalinated seawater
- Hydraulic Evolution of Karst Microfracture
- Intraplate Crustal Deformation Within the Northern Sinai Microplate: Evidence from Paleomagnetic Directions and Mechanical Modeling
- Investigating the Equatorial Gaps in Snowball Earth Sea Glaciers
- On the Formation of Rifts in Ice Shelves
- Origin of Longitudinal Ridges and Furrows in Long Runout Landslides: the Case Study of a Martian Landslide.
- Particle Tracking Model for Suspended Sediment Transport and Streambed Clogging Under Losing and Gaining Conditions
- Remote Sensing Combined with Field Spectroscopy for the Detection and Monitoring of Heavy Metal Contamination from Informal E-waste Recycling
- Revisiting the Cretaceous Normal Superchron in the SW Indian Ocean
- Seismo-acoustic analysis of the DRPK nuclear tests
- Soil Surface Sealing Reverse or Promote Desertification?
- The Effect of Non-Steady Overlying Water Velocity on Oxygen Consumption Under Losing and Gaining Flow Conditions
- The Effect of Suspended Sediment Transport and Deposition on Streambed Clogging Under Losing and Gaining Flow Conditions
- Turbulence effect on coagulatioinal growth of cloud droplets
- Understanding Flash Flood Generation in the Arid Region of the Dead Sea
- Uranium and Cesium sorption to bentonite colloids in high salinity and carbonate-rich environments: Implications for radionuclide transport
- A Mobile Sensor Package for Real-time Greenhouse Monitoring Using Open-source Hardware.
- A new mechanism for flow reversal across topographic escarpments: a general model and field examples.
- Comparison of seven different bedload monitoring technologies in a flood-driven ephemeral channel
- Criticality of Low-Mach-NumberInterplanetary Shocks
- Cross-Shelf Redistribution of Coarse Gravel and Fluvial Incision Following Shelf Exposure: Observations from the Dead Sea
- Effect of Fine Particle Deposition On Hyporheic Exchange Flux Under Mobile-Bedform Conditions
- Estimation of Foam-Bubble Size From Drag Coefficient in Hurricane Conditions
- Factors controlling bedform morphodynamics and hyporheic exchange rates in mixed clay-sand beds
- Hyperspectral measurements identify contrasting physiological effects of different pathogens in crops
- Multi-method Mapping of Intra-urban Microclimate Variability in a Desert City
- Observations of kinematic relaxation at very-low Mach number inner planet bow shocks during ICMEs
- Process-based models for ice-stream shear margins
- Source depth and characteristics of the DPRK's nuclear tests (2006, 2009, 2013, 2016J, 2016S and 2017) using regional and teleseismic waveform data
- Spectroscopic Differentiation of Ash Containing Technology Critical Elements (TCEs): Toward Remote Monitoring of Informal Electronic Waste (E-Waste) Processing Sites
- Subglacial Channelization Through Till Deformation and Failure at the Shear Margin
- The effect of soil type and crust cover on non-rainfall water inputs - laboratory and field experiments revealing contradicting results
- The effects of hillslope gradient and environmental disturbances on sediment flux along soil-mantled hillslopes: A granular dynamics approach
- The surface as a window into the subsurface: Lessons from Antarctica
- 3D HyperSense: 1-100 meter, Low-Cost Programmable Gantry and Sensor Suites
- A new continuum model for till consistent with granular mechanics
- Abandoned boreholes - additional source for CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions?
- Are fractured carbonate rocks an appropriate geological medium for nuclear waste disposal? Lessons from a field-scale transport experiment
- Biofertilization of wheat with algal biomass reducing soil nitrous oxide emission without yield penalty in desert agroecosystems
- Characterizing shallow subsurface seismic attenuation at the Arroyo de los Piños bedload monitoring site, central New Mexico
- Crustal heterogeneity along the Dead Sea Transform - implications to ground motions in Northern Israel
- Direct Evidence of Nonstationary Collisionless Shocks in Space Plasmas
- Discrete Characterization of Abyssal Hills: Unraveling Temporal Variations in Crustal Accretion Processes at the 10º30'N Segment, East Pacific Rise
- Escaping Back-Streaming Ions at Interplanetary Shocks
- Fresh-saline water interface response to pumping saline groundwater for desalination; evidence from desalination plant in Almeria (Spain)
- Holocene Paleo-Environmental Changes Inferred from Microbially Mediated Iron-Sulfide Formation in the Dead Sea, Israel
- How sand travels - first field measurements from a sand-rich gravel bedded ephemeral channel
- Impact of Clay Addition Size on Hyporheic Exchange During Bedform Migration
- Impact of wind speed, air temperature, and soil permeability on gas transport in the upper vadose zone
- Influence of migrating streambed and stream-groundwater interactions on organic matter breakdown and oxygen consumption
- Interplay between hyporheic exchange and bedform morphodynamics in mobile clay-sand beds
- Long Runout Landslides: Morphological Features and Internal Structures of the Final Deposit as Keys to Understand Mechanisms Involved During Emplacement.
- Motion between Africa and Eurasia plates during the past 156 million years
- Novel plate kinematic constraints show Africa-Eurasia convergence acceleration due to Neotethyan double subduction during the Cretaceous Normal Superchron
- Physical and biochemical processes in soil aquifer treatment
- Preferential Divide Migration as a New Mechanism for Drainage Reversal Toward Cliffs
- Prioritizing Diurnal Variation in Aerosol Concentrations for Temporal Satellite AOD and Health Studies
- Quantifying Predictive Uncertainty as a Function of Calibration Data Quantity and Model Resolution Using an Adjoint State Monte Carlo Technique
- Radiokrypton unveils dual moisture sources of a deep desert aquifer
- Rainfall-runoff relationships at the Arroyo de los Piños, Socorro, New Mexico
- Rn and CO<SUB>2</SUB> in Depth, as a Proxy for Pre-Seismic Activity
- She Space International - an Educational Project to Advance and Empower Female Students in STEM Focusing on Space Science.
- Statistics and Patterns of Large Boulders along a Steep Bedrock River in Taiwan
- Subglacial sediment beds resist fast ice flow by facilitating meltwater drainage
- The Hydraulics and Bedload Dynamics of Flash Flood Bores
- The dynamics of laboratory thrust earthquakes near the free surface
- Activity and distribution of aggregate-associated bacteria along the Jordan River, Israel
- Basin Plan-view Geometry is Dynamic but Reflects No Age
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> and O<SUB>2</SUB> dynamics in moving sandy sediments as a response to natural and regulated flow regimes in streams
- Compilation and evaluation of bedload transport rates made in ephemeral dryland channels around the world
- Drainage Reorganization Affects Valley Width-Drainage Area Scaling
- Feedbacks between Knickpoint and Divide Migration as Reflected in Paired Reverse and Truncated Channels
- Fine particle filtration in riverbeds and its impact in hyporheic exchanges.
- Following Individual Ruptures: A New approach for Measuring Dynamic Friction in the Lab
- Impact of surface heterogeneity on colloid transport over a natural fractured rock
- Interplay between suspended particles, hyporheic exchange and bed sediments suppresses bedload transport and produces heterogenous deposits
- Longitudinal Ridges in Long Runout Landslides: Are High-Speed Granular Flow Mechanisms Applicable?
- Probing coupled processes in the laboratory from pore scale to whole core scale
- Redox regulated potential phosphorus limitation on soil biogeochemical cycling along a tropical rainfall gradient
- Rheology of Talc at High P-T Conditions with Implications for Subduction-zone Interface
- Simulating Accumulation of Low-Conductivity Layer in Streambeds Under Moving-Bedform Conditions
- Structure of the Heliosheath and Physical Processes in the Heliospheric Boundary Layer
- The Answer is Blowin' in the Wind: Novel Mechanism of Foliar Phosphorus Uptake from Atmopsherically Deposted Desert Dust
- The SANDEE campaign in the Negev desert, Israel: Experimental evaluation of electrical effects during aeolian processes with Earth and Mars-like soils
- The influence of tributaries and their avulsions on the tempo and extent of valley-confined divide migration
- Assessing Rates of Divide Migration in Reversed Drainages Based on Dating of Abandoned Terraces in the Negev Desert
- Combined multi-year seismic, sedimentological, and hydrologic data collection and analysis from a state-of-the art sediment research station in an ephemeral tributary of Rio Grande, central New Mexico, USA
- Deriving Pickup Ion Properties from Ulysses SWICS Observations
- Disentangling Volcanic Edifice Degradation History using Landscape Evolution Modeling
- Effects of Heterogeneous Permeability and Background Flow on Supercritical CO2 Behaviour in the Deep Subsurface
- Evaluating methods for remote measurement of stream flow velocity in ephemeral flash flood environments
- Flow Connectivity and Sediment Transport Modeling in Flashy Ephemeral Channel Networks
- Incorporating Stochastic Models of Small-Scale Heterogeneity into Deterministic Field-Scale Reactive Contaminant Transport Simulations
- Invasive mesquite (Prosopis juliflora) reducing soil nitrogen and carbon oxides emissions during rewetting in the Dead Sea valley, Israel.
- Kinetic Processes Leading to Generation of Waves in Instabilities in the VLISM
- Predicting aqueous-phase reactant island growth dynamics under heterogeneous flow conditions with large-scale Monte Carlo simulation and machine learning
- Quantifying the Contribution of Heterotrophic Diazotrophs Associated with Aggregates to Total N2 Fixation in Freshwater Ecosystems
- Rapid deformation and annealing events recorded in a mantle xenolith from the Wyoming craton; A pathway for understanding microstructure evolution in the mantle
- Seismic monitoring of bedload in monsoon floods in gravel bed arroyos in central New Mexico
- Small scale magnetic structures: Cluster observations
- Sustained Embayment of Shoulder Type Escarpments through a Feedback between Knickpoint and Divide Migration
- Tectonic gradients and geologic structures control planform geometrical changes in drainage basins: Simulations, experiments, and field observations
- The rate and extent of wind-gap migration regulated by tributary confluences and avulsions
- Towards Accurate Modeling of the Solar Wind-Local Interstellar Medium Interaction with Pickup Ions
- Turbulence Drives Hyporheic Exchange and Fine Particle Deposition across the Entire Riverbed Surface.
- Two-stage bedload transport framework informed by thalweg-bar morphosedimentary character in gravel-bed rivers
- A New Theory of Turbulence in Tropical Cyclones and its Implementation for an Analysis of Hurricane Ian (2022)
- Biogeochemical Cycling Driven by Dryland Mechanisms of Ecosystem Functioning in a Warmer and Drier Climate
- Can soil aquifer treatment be used in parallel for solar energy generation?
- Discovery of Hydrodynamic Ripples in Wind Tunnel Experiments
- Estimating Daily Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) Concentrations with a Hybrid Modeling Approach in the Northeastern United States
- Evolution of Fault Surface Topography and Structure: Field Measurements, Experimental Results and Model Predictions
- Hydrodynamic Origin of Terrestrial ''Impact'' Ripples
- Improving Biological Fidelity of Arctic Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Permafrost
- Improving soil aquifer treatment efficiency using air injection into the subsurface
- Microplastic Deposition in Sandy Streams with Moving Bedforms
- Modeling Unsaturated Flow and Bioclogging to Optimize SAT Operation Strategies.
- Predicting crop yields using satellite solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence without ground calibration
- Quantifying Head and Hyporheic Fluxes in Moving Bedforms with variable size and shape
- Quasiparallel Shocks at Venus: VEX Observations Versus Theory.
- Repeatability of ground penetrating radar measurements of sedimentary layers in dry streambeds
- Solar Cycle Effect on the Solar Wind-Local Interstellar Medium Interaction with Pickup Ions
- The Seismic Signature of Small Flash Flood Events in a Sand-rich Gravel-bed Arroyo
- The effect of initial roughness on slip dynamics: experimental study
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Aaron I. Packman
- Abhimanyu Sharma
- Alex Furman
- Alex Rinehart
- Alexander K. Nickerson
- Amir Sagy
- Benjamin Campforts
- Carl Phillips
- Daniel O’Hara
- David Helman
- Doron Morad
- Edwin Saavedra Cifuentes
- Eitan Shelef
- Emily E. Brodsky
- Federico Fraternale
- Gregory J. Wagner
- Ilya Gelfand
- Isabel Morris
- Ittai Kurzon
- J. A. Gochenour
- Jiaming Wen
- Jimei Han
- Jonathan B. Laronne
- Jun A. Zhang
- K. H. Yearby
- Lianhong Gu
- Liran Goren
- M. Gedalin
- Maria J. Santos
- N. Badt
- N. V. Pogorelov
- Nathan J. Lyons
- Noam Weisbrod
- O. Duran Vinent
- R. Schumer
- S. L. Bilek
- S. N. Walker
- Scott K. Hansen
- Sean F. Gallen
- Shai Arnon
- Thomas M. Mitchell
- Thomas Pähtz
- Tyler R. Jones
- V. Roytershteyn
- Vladimir Lyakhovsky
- Y. Boneh
- Yichen Tao