Harvard University Center for Earth and Planetary Physics
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Aftershocks can Significantly Alter Stress Change Patterns Produced by Their Mainshock
- Application of Geochronology and Geochemistry of Speleothems to Hydrologic Change
- Atmospheric Constraints on Terrestrial Exchanges at the Regional to Continental Scales
- Biological control on Sr partitioning during calcification of Emiliania huxleyi
- Biometric and Eddy-covariance Based Estimates of Ecosystem Carbon Storage in Five Eastern North American Deciduous Forests.
- Carbon Balance in the Amazon Basin: Factors Influencing the Accuracy of Eddy Covariance Measurements
- Changes in Deep Ocean Circulation During the Last Glacial Maximum Deduced from Deep Sea Pore Fluids
- Complexity of the Inner Core Anisotropy
- Constraints on the Motions and Organization of Plates
- Deposition of Nitric Acid to a Northeastern U.S. Forest and its Contribution to Total Reactive Nitrogen Flux
- Determination of a Holocene Slip Rate on the Puente Hills Blind-Thrust Fault, Los Angeles Basin, California
- Eddy Covariance Fluxes of NO and NO<SUB>2</SUB> above a Northeastern U.S. Forest
- Effects of Pre-Stress State and Propagation Velocity on Dynamic Fault Branching
- Evidence for a Regional Nature of the Lehmann Discontinuity
- Fault Branching
- Flux expulsion, secular variation and reversals
- Geometry and kinematics of blind-thrust earthquake segmentation in the Coalinga - Kettleman Hills - Lost Hills fault system
- High-Resolution Seismic Imaging of Quaternary Faults and Deformation in the Los Angeles Region
- Irregularities in Early Seismic Rupture Propagation for Large Events in a Crustal Earthquake Model
- Large-scale Ecological Processes: the View from the Air
- Lithospheric stresses caused by mantle convection: the role of plate rheology
- Long-period source characteristics of the June 23, 2001 Peru earthquake
- Mapping Azimuthal Anisotropy of Intermediate-Period Surface Waves
- Measuring Carbon Balance in the Amazon Basin: Woody Vegetation Dynamics in an Old-Growth Tropical Rainforest
- New Measurements of Radial Mode Eigenfrequencies
- On the Relation Between Transition Zone Velocities and Topography of Discontinuities
- On the Relative Variations of P and S Velocity in the Mantle
- Satellite Instrumentation and Orbits for High Accuracy Spectrally Resolved Radiometry for Climate Monitoring
- Seismic Tomography and Mantle Dynamics
- Small Earthquake Scaling Revisited: Can it Constrain Slip Weakening?
- Source Rupture Process of the 26 January, 2001 Bhuj, India, Earthquake (M 7.6)
- Spherical wavelet transform: linking global seismic tomography and imaging
- Surface Water Variations During Late Pleistocene Sapropel Formation in the Mediteranean Sea: Results of Isotope and Geochemical Analyses
- Three-dimensional structure of the greater Los Angeles basin: Insights from transects and models that integrate industry seismic reflection profiles, well logs, surface geology, and relocated earthquake catalogs
- Tomography of the Mediterranean Basin, 1: Phase and Group Velocities of Surface Waves.
- Tomography of the Mediterranean Basin, 2: Compressional Velocity from ISC Travel Times.
- Universal Nucleation Length for Slip-Weakening Instability Under Heterogeneous Fault Loading
- A Common Origin for Aftershocks, Foreshocks, and Mutliplets
- A Comparison of Several Chemical Transport Models With Aircraft Derived Plumes of CO From East Asia During the Spring 2001 NASA/TRACE-P Mission
- A New Type of Model for Understanding Lead Isotopic Heterogeneity in the Earth's Mantle
- Aerosol Size Distributions Measured in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere: Formation, Coagulation, Transport and Sedimentation of the Background Non-Volcanic Aerosols
- An Alternative Hypothesis for the Origin of the High 226Ra excess in MORBs
- Analyses of Air Samples Before they Stream into the Amazon Region and Comparison with a Santarem Site
- Application of Benthic Foraminiferal Mg/Ca Ratios to Questions of Cenozoic Climate Change
- Carbon balance and response to seasonal and long- term forcing at Tapaj¢s Forest old- growth site, Km 67
- Carbon exchange and quantum efficiency of ecosystem carbon storage in mature deciduous and old-growth coniferous forest in central New England in 2001
- Connecting genomics and biogeochemistry via the carbon-isotopic composition of ribosomal RNA
- Constraints on Asian Carbon Fluxes Using CO2/CO Correlations from TRACE-P Aircraft Data
- Continental-Scale Trace Gas Measurements During COBRA and the Case for Airborne Flask Measurements in the NACP
- Control of Atmospheric CO2 and Climate over the Phanerozoic
- Coral Evidence Indicating More Spatially Coherent South Pacific Interdecadal Climate Variability Since ~1880 A.D.
- Detection and location of slow seismic sources using surface waves
- Distribution of CO2 and other tracers in convective and non-convective regions during CRYSTAL-FACE.
- Effects of Pre-Stress State and Rupture Velocity on Dynamic Fault Branching
- Fault Branching and Rupture Directivity
- Global azimuthal anisotropy from Rayleigh waves and circulation-derived finite strain
- Hotspot Motion and Shape of Plume Conduits as Inferred From Global Mantle Flow Models
- Inner Core 50 Years Later
- Inner-Most Inner Core: Distinct Region at the Center of the Earth
- Integrated Studies of Seismic Q and Velocity Structure in the Tethysides Belt of Southern Eurasia
- Large-Scale Ozone and Aerosol Distributions, Air Mass Characteristics, and Ozone Fluxes Observed Over Springtime Western Pacific Ocean During TRACE-P
- Mantle Phases, Core Phases, and Earth Structure in the D'' Region
- New Challenges in Sample-Based Data Implementation
- New perspectives on the fault geometry and segmentation of the Coalinga - Kettleman Hills blind-thrust system
- Numerical Dynamo Modelling and the Magnetic Fields of Uranus and Neptune
- Off-Plane Secondary Faulting and Damage Induced by a Dynamic Slip-Pulse
- Partial Melting and Liquefaction of Granular Fault Gouge During Earthquake Slip
- Radial Anisotropy of the Mantle Shear Wave Velocities
- Receptor-oriented tracer modeling: applying assimilated meteorological products in a quantitative framework to derive surface fluxes from atmospheric measurements of CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Slip Development and Instability on a Heterogeneously Loaded Fault with Power-Law Slip-Weakening
- Surface-wave constraints on the shear-velocity structure of the North American upper mantle
- The Origin of Geomagnetic Jerks
- The Role of Mantle Flow in the Late Miocene Evolution of the New Hebrides Subduction Boundary
- The Value of Intensive Aircraft Sampling: Lessons From the CO2 Budget and Rectification Airborne (COBRA) Study
- Towards a Composite δ <SUP>13</SUP>C reference section for the Neoproterozoic
- Tracking ENSO with tropical trees: Progress in stable isotope dendroclimatology
- Transient Postseismic Relaxation With Burger's Body Viscoelasticity
- Understanding the Trends of Atmospheric Methane in the Past Decade
- Using biometry to elucidate eddy flux observations of net ecosystem carbon exchange: evidence for episodic disturbance as the cause of net carbon loss from an old-growth Amazonian rainforest
- Vapor Undersaturation in Primitive MORBs and the Volatile Content of the Earth's Upper Mantle
- Variation in forest structure and carbon dynamics in tropical rain forests of Amazonia
- Variations in the Earth's Gravitational Potential Caused by Pressure Changes at the Core-Mantle Boundary
- 20 years of seismic tomography
- 3-D Numerical Modeling of Rupture Sequences of Large Shallow Subduction Earthquakes
- 3D mantle P-velocity model based on uniform tetrahedronization of the Earth and the natural-neighbour interpolation method
- A New Late Neoproterozoic and Early Cambrian Paleogeography in the True Polar Wander Paradigm
- A Quantitative Method to Incorporate Atmospheric Transport Errors in Inverse Modeling Studies
- A major regional air pollution event in the northeastern U.S. caused by extensive forest fires in Quebec, Canada
- Airborne Measurements of Halocarbons During the 2003 COBRA - North America Study
- An Upward Revision of Current Estimates for the Atmospheric Lifetimes of Methane and Other Pollutants Removed by OH
- Anaerobic Methane Oxidation and the Formation of Dolomite
- Applications of Tropical Isotope Dendroclimatology in Thailand
- Asian emissions of CO: constraints from aircraft and Chinese station data
- Can Mercury's Weak Surface Magnetic Field be Generated by a Dynamo?
- Chondritic Meteoritic Fragments Associated With the Permian-Triassic (P-T) Boundary in Antarctica: Evidence for an end-Permian Bolide Impact.
- Comparing Summer 2002 to the Decade-Long Air Quality Record at Harvard Forest: Patterns, Trends, and Anomalies.
- Constraints on Asian and European Sources of Methane from CH4 - C2H6 - CO Correlations in Asian Outflow
- Constraints on the Sources of Tropospheric Ozone From <SUP>210</SUP>Pb-<SUP>7</SUP>Be-O<SUB>3</SUB> Correlations
- Contribution of Climatic variables to Seasonal and Interannual Variability in Net Ecosystem Exchange at Eight AmeriFlux Forest Sites
- Dipole Decay, Secular Variation and Reversals
- Disequilibrium of <SUP>13</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes between photosynthesis and respiration in North American temperate forest biomes
- Earthquake Fracture Energies and Weakening of Faults by Thermal Pressurization of Pore Fluid
- Evidence That Ambient Nitric Acid Increases Relative Humidity in Low-Temperature Cirrus Clouds
- Geochemical constraints on melting proccess in the GLIMPSE region
- Glacial earthquakes
- Global Dispersal of Dust Following Impact Cratering Events on Mars
- Global similarity in oxygen-isotope composition of MORB
- Inner Core Tilt and Polar Motion: Probing the Dynamics Deep Inside the Earth
- Integrating MOPITT and Aircraft Observations to Estimate Asian CO Emission Sources
- Intercomparison of in situ ice water measurements on the WB-57 with radar measurements from the ER-2 during CRYSTAL-FACE
- Local fluid flow and borehole strain in the South Iceland Seismic Zone
- Low-Heat and Low-Stress Fault Operation in Earthquake Models of Statically Strong but Dynamically Weak Faults
- Magnetic Fe,Si,Al-rich Spherules From the P-T Boundary Layer at Graphite Peak, Antarctica
- Oases on Snowball Earth: Confluence of Ice Dynamics Modeling and Geological Observations
- Oxygen Isotopes in Marine Sulfate: Reassessing the Sulfur Cycle Over the Past 10 Million Years
- PGEs, Re, Mo, W and Au in Meteoritic Fe-Ni Metal and the Differentiation of Metal-rich Meteoritic Parent Bodies
- Progress Towards Understanding the Geodynamo from Observations and Numerical Models
- Regional Air Quality Forecasts during NEAQS-2K2: Comparisons with Observations
- Rupture Characteristics and Aftershocks of the July 15, 2003 Carlsberg `H' (Indian Ocean) M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.6 Earthquake
- Seismic tomography and mineral physics
- Shallow mantle and crustal structure beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (35° N): melt supply and crustal construction
- Spatial Coherence of NEE Response of Different Ecosystems to the Same Climate Anomaly
- Spatio-Temporal Variations of Post-Seismic Deformation after the June 2000 Earthquake Sequence in SW Iceland
- Stratigraphic Transition into and out of a Snowball Glacial: Evidence from the Otavi Platform and Fransfontein Slope, Namibia
- Summertime Dynamics of the Middleworld Revealed by Aircraft Missions During the Last Decade
- Tangent Cylinder within the Outer Core and the Constraints from Normal-Mode Data
- The Origin of Sterol Biosynthesis: A Time-Point for the Evolution of Eukaryotes and the Presence of O2
- The Sedimentary, Isotopic, and Magnetostratigraphic Signature of a Pair of Pre-Sturtian ( ∼850 Ma) Rapid True Polar Wander (TPW) Events in the Akademikerbreen Group, NE Svalbard
- Three-dimensional Geometry of Buried Fold Scarps Associated With Ancient Earthquakes on the Puente Hills Blind Thrust Fault
- Tomographic modeling of the North American upper mantle
- Towards Constraining Regional Carbon Exchange In The Southern Great Plains With DOE ARM and COBRA Data And Tools
- Transpiration: A Test of Optimality Hypothesis
- Variations in Solar Activity: Can it Induce Apparent Variations in the Extraterrestrial <SUP>3</SUP>He Flux to the Oceans?
- When is the strain in the meter the same as that in the rock?
- Are Emissions of Restricted Halocarbons in the USA and Canada Still Globally Significant?
- Azimuthal flows in the Earth's core and changes in length of day at millennial timescales
- Carbon Dioxide and Methane Column Abundances Retrieved from Ground-Based Near-Infrared Solar Spectra and Comparison with In Situ Aircraft Profiles
- Carbon Exchange of Central New England Deciduous Forests: Variability Related to Age and Topography
- Characterizing Deep (> 500 km) Earthquake Regions to Investigate the Fate of Subducting Slabs
- Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG)
- Constraining Global Isoprene Emissions With GOME Formaldehyde Column Measurements
- Coupling Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approaches to Understanding the Carbon Cycle: An Analysis of Data from the NOAA/CMDL WLEF-TV Tall Tower Monitoring Site in Northern Wisconsin
- Deep Ocean Temperature and Salinity at the Last Glacial Maximum
- Earthquake Sequences on Rate and State Faults With Strong Dynamic Weakening
- Evidence for Dehydrated Slab Melt Components in the Sources of the Izu Bonin Arc and the Mexican Volcanic Belt
- Evidence of Early Holocene Glacial Advances in Southern South America from Cosmogenic Surface Exposure Dating
- Evidence of Shifted Soil Moisture Sensitivity of Soil Respiration Under Warming in a Tallgrass Prairie
- Hydrothermal Prospecting and Petrological Sampling in the Lau Basin: Background Data for the Integrated Study Site
- Inferring Martian Surface Properties from Impact Crater Morphologies
- Integrating global and regional datasets for tomography in North America
- Internal Structure and Scaling laws of Massive Terrestrial Planets
- Laboratory earthquakes in bimaterial systems: on the directionality of the Parkfield earthquakes
- New Techniques for Hydrothermal Exploration: In Situ Chemical Sensors on AUVs - Preliminary Results From the Lau Basin
- Non-normal Amplification of the Thermohaline Circulation
- On the Resolution of the Magnetic Field at the Core-Mantle Boundary
- Petrology and Geochemistry of the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
- Plume mapping and shipboard chemical data used to locate new vent sites in the Lau Basin
- Promise of Climate Benchmarking Using Radio Occultation
- Radiative Forcing of Climate: Expanding the Concept
- Recycling and Mantle Stirring Determined by <SUP>142</SUP>Nd/144Nd Isotopic Ratios
- Revised Models of Global Plate Motions and Mantle Flow Successfully Predict the Emperor-Hawaii and Other Hotspot-related Seamount Chains
- Shock-Induced Demagnetization of Pyrrhotite and Implications for the Martian Crust
- Slab Devolatilization and Os and Pb Mobility in the Mantle Wedge of the Kamchatka Arc
- Slip rate of the Calico fault: Implications for anomalous geodetic strain accumulation across the Eastern California shear zone
- Spatial Localization of Moment Deficits in Southern California
- Structural Inversion of the Palos Verdes Fault, Southern California, and its Implications for Seismic Hazards Assessment
- Studying global seismicity and other phenomena with the Global Seismographic Network
- Targeted genomic discovery of biosynthetic pathways: Anaerobic synthesis of hopanoids by Geobacter sulfurreducens
- The Boundary Between the Upper and Lower Mantle
- The Carbon and Sulfur Cycles through the Cenozoic: Insight from Oxygen Isotopes in Marine Sulfate
- The Eastern Lau Basin Integrated Studies Site (ISS): Recent Progress and Future Plans
- The Evolution of Sterol Biosynthesis in Bacteria: In Situ Fluorescence Localization of Sterols in the Nucleoid Bacterium Gemmata obscuriglobus
- Theoretical Constraints on True Polar Wander
- Thin Spherical Shell Model of Global Asthenosphere Flow: Applications to Geochemical Segmentation of MORs and Seismic Anisotropy
- Thin shell dynamo models consistent with Mercury's weak observed magnetic field
- Three-Dimensional Rupture Instability of a Slip-Weakening Fault Under Heterogeneous Loading
- Three-dimensional Liquefaction Susceptibility Using Geostatistics
- Transition from Frictional Weakening to Shear Heating Induced Thermal Pressurization
- Two-way Feedback Interaction Between the Thermohaline and Wind-driven Circulations
- 10Be and 36Cl Surface Exposure age of the Puerto Banderas Moraine, Lago Argentino, Argentina, 50°S
- 13 C-18 O bonds in carbonate minerals: A new kind of paleothermometer
- 3-D critical taper wedge mechanics of two low-taper wedges: a comparison of modeled wedge strength and structural styles
- 4He in Modern Cape Verde Corals: A High-Resolution Proxy Record of N. African Climate
- A Six Year Oscillation in Length-of-Day: Signature of an Inner Core Normal Mode
- An Analysis of Glacial Earthquakes
- Annual Proxy Records from Tropical Cloud Forest Trees in the Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica
- Are There Primitive Reservoirs in a Geochemically Heterogenous Mantle?
- Atmosphere-Biosphere Carbon Exchange in New England and Quebec During Summer 2004 From a Receptor Oriented Modeling Framework
- Attributing Climate Change Using GPS Occultation Data
- Barium and Neodymium Isotope Heterogeneities in Early Solar System Materials: Applications to Planetary Reservoir Models
- Boulder, Pavement, Pit; Sample Selection for Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating on Alluvial Fans
- Calibration of a land surface carbon flux model against data from two nearby sites in Amazonia: what explains results so different?
- Climate, Tree Rings, and CO2 fluxes in a Canadian Boreal Forest
- Comparison of Archaeal Tetraethers From hot Springs in China, Russia, and the United States
- Crystalline Debris, Not Phenocrysts: Mineralogical Evidence for Partial Assimilative Recycling of the Mafic-Ultramafic Plutonic Roots of a Continental Arc
- Determination of in Situ Rates of Methane Production and Oxidation From Terrestrial Wetlands
- Determining Core Properties From a Planet's Magnetic Field Morphology
- Development of Geomagnetic Data Assimilation Framework: the Challenges and Progress
- Distribution of Formaldehyde Over North America: Implications for Satellite Retrievals and Mapping of Precursor Emissions
- Effective Normal Stress Alteration During Earthquakes Due to Pore Pressure Induced by Contrasting Properties Bounding the Rupture Plane
- Effects of land use and climate seasonality on carbon fluxes in the Amazon: scaling from landscape to region using data from MODIS satellites and from a network of flux towers
- Examining Models of Melt Transport at Subduction Zones
- Extensional Subduction Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip Transients at Guerrero, Mexico, Observations and Numerical Study by a 2D Rate and State Model
- Formaldehyde and Formic Acid Measurements using Quantum Cascade Laser based Tunable IR Absorption Spectroscopy
- Geochemistry of Seamounts Between the East Lau Spreading Center and Tonga Arc
- Glacial Geology of the Ohio Range, Antarctica: Constraints on Ice Sheet Elevation During the Last Glaciation
- Global Budget of C2H6 and Constraints on North American Sources From ICARTT Aircraft Data
- Global Simulation of Air-Sea Exchange of Mercury
- Ground Truth Accuracy Tests of GPS Seismology
- Hf Isotope Evidence for Subducted Basalt and Sediment Contributions to the Eastern Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
- Inference of upper-mantle density structure from seismic velocities
- Investigating the distribution, phylogeny, and evolution of polycyclic triterpenoids
- Laboratory Experiments Concerning Upwellings From the Slab-Graveyard: Implications For Geochemical and Seismic Models
- Lagrangian Model of the Sacramento Urban Plume
- Mantle petrogenesis of the Eastern Lau Spreading Center basalts and andesites and the role of subduction-related fluids
- Measurements of Mercury Speciation in the Free Troposphere at the Mount Bachelor Observatory
- Mechanical Role of Fluids in Earthquakes and Faulting
- Modeling Large-Scale Biosphere NEE by Integrating Satellite Images and Climate Data - Vegetation Photosynthesis and Respiration Model (VPRM)
- Modeling the Sources of Organic Carbon Aerosol in the Free Troposphere
- Modulation of Westerly Wind Burst Occurrence by Sea Surface Temperature as an Intrinsic Part of ENSO Dynamics
- Molecular study of a squalene cyclase homolog gene in Bacillus subtilis
- Multiphase Deformational History, Kinematics, and Segmentation of the Palos Verdes Fault, Offshore Southern California
- Nevado de Longavi Dacites: Adakite Genesis by Intra-Crustal Fractional Crystallization in a Cold Subduction Zone
- New Extra-Solar Planet - thermal state and structure
- Nonequilibrium Magma Degassing: Results From Modeling of the ca. 1340 A.D. Eruption of Mono Craters, California
- Origins of Enriched and Depleted Mantle Reservoirs
- Orogen Evolution in Response to Oscillating Climate
- Permanent Carbon Dioxide Storage in Deep Sea Carbonate Sediments
- Pore Pressure Evolution in Shallow Subduction Earthquake Sequences and Effects on Aseismic Slip Transients -- Numerical Modeling With Rate and State Friction
- Probability Distribution Function Of Cosmogenic 3He In Olivine From Hawaiian River Sediments: New Insights Into Erosional Processes
- Progress in tropical isotope dendroclimatology
- Radiation from jumps in rupture speed
- Reactive Nitrogen Distribution and Budgets in the North American Troposphere and Lowermost Stratosphere
- Seismic Tomography and the Scale of Mantle Convection
- Seismic-wave Attenuation in the Asthenosphere
- Shear Brecciation of Magma and Obsidian Formation During the ca. 1340 A.D. Sub-Plinian Eruption of Mono Craters, California
- Shear Localization in Fluid-Saturated Fault Gouge by Instability of Spatially Uniform, Adiabatic, Undrained Shear
- Short-Period (3-5 Year) Signals in Magnetic Observatory Data: Internal or External
- Speciated Organic Aerosol Composition at Chebogue Point, Nova Scotia during ICARTT 2004 using Thermal Desorption Aerosol GC/MS-FID (TAG)
- Statistical representation of heterogeneous oceanic convection
- Trace element variations along the Central Indian Ridge: deciphering Indian mantle heterogeneities
- What are the instrumentation requirements for measuring isotopic composition of net ecosystem exchange of CO2 via eddy covariance methods?
- Zonal variability in tropical tropospheric ozone and carbon monoxide profiles derived from TES observations in 2004-2005
- A "DUPAL" Geochemical Signature in Gakkel Ridge MORB and Relationship to Cenozoic Arctic Tectonics
- A Fast and Accurate Retrieval Algorithm for Near-Infrared CO2 Observations
- A New Infrared Benchmark for Testing the Predictive Capability of Models
- An Exploration of Relative Humidity Heterogeneity Within Cirrus
- An analysis of the spatial mean and dispersion of surface temperatures over the last 1200 years
- Borehole and High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Evidence for Holocene Activity on the Compton Blind-Thrust Fault, Los Angeles Basin, California
- CO Column Variability Based on MOZAIC and NASA Airborne In Situ Observations: Implications for Future Satellite Development
- Carbon Isotopic Analysis of Individual Pollen Grains From C3 and C4 Grasses Using a Moving-Wire Combustion Interface
- Changes in the Annual Cycle in the Earth's Temperature
- Chemical Variation and MORB Generation on the Ultraslow-Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge (9°-25° E)
- Comparative Radiocarbon Analysis of Sedimentary Alkenones and GDGTs
- Constraints on ocean ridge basalt generation from Gakkel Ridge basalts
- Continental Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation in SiB-RAMS
- Deep Earthquake Mechanics and Deformation in the Tonga and Middle America Subduction Zones
- Degassing of Noble Gases in Mid-Ocean Ridge and Ocean-Island Basalts: A Self- Consistent Model
- Determining Dynamo Region Properties from Observations of a Planet's Magnetic Field
- Effects of gas Hydrates on Archaeal Community Structure and Carbon Cycle in the Gulf of Mexico
- Evidence from Volatiles and Trace Elements for Continental Mantle in the Source of Gakkel Ridge MORB
- Experimental Study of High-Energy Processing of Protoplanetary Materials
- Extracting Information on GIA from GRACE Data
- Fire and biofuel annual contributions to aerosol mass concentrations in the United States
- Frictional Stability Conditions and Aseismic Deformation Transients Based on Two-State- Variable Friction Laws
- Future climate change drives increases in forest fires and summertime OC concentrations in the Western U.S.
- Geologic fault slip rates support transitory, elevated geodetic strain accumulation across the Mojave Desert, Eastern California shear zone
- Global Distribution of Crenarchaeol in Terrestrial Hot Springs: Temperature Control or Biogeography?
- Global Mercury Science and Policy: Assessing the Salience, Credibility and Legitimacy of the Global Mercury Assessment
- Global and Seasonal Distributions of CHOCHO and HCHO Observed by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument on EOS Aura
- High Precision Xenon Measurements Reveal the Presence of Solar Xenon in the Mantle Source of Mid Ocean Ridge Basalts
- Hydro-Thermo-Mechanical Processes Along Faults During Seismic Slip
- Hydrothermal Exploration by AUV: ABE in the Lau Basin and South Atlantic
- Impact Crater Formation in Icy Layered Terrains on Mars
- Improving ENSO Predictions by Modeling the Modulation of Westerly Wind Bursts by Sea Surface Temperature
- Insights Into the Geometries and Mechanics of Active Folding Above Blind-Thrust Faults From Discrete Element Models
- Insights into Fault Related Folding Provided by 3D Structural Restorations Using Mechanical Constraints
- Inverse Modeling of the Glacial Ocean: A Progress Report
- Isotopic constraints on mantle source heterogeneity and subduction-related components along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
- Isotopic water measurements in the tropical near-tropopause region and implications for control of UT/LS water vapor
- Joint Interpretation of Global Attenuation and Velocity Models
- Laser Simulation of High P-T Planetary Processes
- Mantle flow under the western United States from shear wave splitting
- Measuring in situ rates of methane production and oxidation in a New Hampshire wetland
- Meridional Circulation During the Last Glacial Maximum Explored Through a Combination of South Atlantic Delta-18-O Observations and a Geostrophic Inverse Model
- Modeling Crustal Deformation Due to the Landers, Hector Mine Earthquakes Using the SCEC Community Fault Model
- New Constraints on the HIMU Source from Helium and Neon Isotopic Compositions of Basalts from the Cook-Austral Islands
- New results from shock experiments on pyrrhotite and implications for the magnetization of the Martian crust and meteorites
- Nonmethane Hydrocarbons in Mexico City Outflow during INTEX-B
- Paleomagnetism of Lonar Crater Impact Glass
- Patterns of volcanism and tectonism at a slow-spreading segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Lucky Strike, 37N): preliminary results from near-bottom geological and geophysical surveys
- Poroelastic Bimaterial Effects in Rupture Dynamics
- Possible Mechanisms for Glacial Earthquakes
- Post shock temperatures and free surface velocity measurements of basalt
- Preliminary Validations of the OMI NO2 Product
- Present-Day Deformation at the India-Asia Collision Zone
- Quantifying Archaeal Community Autotrophy in the Mesopelagic Ocean Using Natural Radiocarbon
- Recent Results From the NOAA/ESRL GMD Tall Tower Network
- Recurrence interval and magnitude of aseismic deformation transients: an investigation using rate- and state-dependent friction
- Scaling of Convection and Plate Tectonics in Super-Earths
- Seismic Constraints on Slab Interaction With the Transition Zone
- Self-healing vs. Crack-like Rupture Propagation in Presence of Thermal Weakening Processes Based on Realistic Physical Properties
- Spatial Variability Of Erosion Rates From Frequency Distribution Of Cosmogenic 3He In Olivine From Hawaiian River Sediments.
- Structure and Spacing of Jets in Barotropic Turbulence
- Surface Excitation of the Thermohaline Circulation
- The influence of convection and midlatitude air on the water vapor and isotopic composition of the upper TTL and tropical stratosphere
- Three Dimensional Geometry and Segmentation of the Palos Verdes Fault, San Pedro Bay Region, Offshore Southern California
- Transition Zone as a Boundary Layer
- Using Helium-4 in Red Sea Corals to Document Dust Generation from Sahara and sub- Saharan Africa
- Validation of Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) nadir ozone profiles
- Validation of the OMI Tropospheric NO2 Standard Product Using Measurements From INTEX-B
- Water Storage Variations Within the Congo and Amazon Basins Inferred From GRACE Satellite Gravity Data
- 5Ma Record of extraterrestrial 3He flux, sediment provenance, and detrital fluxes at IODP Site 1313 in western North Atlantic
- A Bayesian Algorithm for Reconstructing Spatially Averaged Temperature
- A New Derivation of Noise Correlation and Implications for Seismic Noise Tomography
- A Study of Water Uptake by a Mature Amazonian Rainforest.
- A Sulfur Dioxide Climate Feedback on Early Mars
- Application of Slepian Basis Functions to Magnetic Field Analysis of Saturn
- Application of the Back-Projection Technique to Large Earthquakes Using the Hi-net Data
- Attenuation of Radiated Ground Motion and Stresses from Three-Dimensional Supershear Ruptures
- Chemo- and litho-stratigraphy of the Neoproterozoic Katakturuk Dolomite, northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska, and implications for the origin of the Arctic Alaska-Chukotka Plate
- Constraining Modern and Historic Mercury Emissions From Gold Mining
- Deliquescence Measurements of Potassium Salts
- Development of Miniaturized Difference Frequency Generation, Fiber Optic, and Quantum Cascade Laser Systems in Conjunction With Integrated Electronics for Global Studies of Atmospheric Tracers Using UAVs.
- Diversity of squalene-hopene cyclases in a tropical carbonate-rich environment
- Do geostable polycyclic isoprenoids record the rise of oxygen in the ancient atmosphere?
- Do tropospheric OH measurements agree with models?
- Dust Generation From the Sahara-Sahel Region: New Insights From Helium-4 in a Red Sea Coral
- Ecological Investigations of the Subglacial Biome: Challenges and Potential
- Effects of Initial Stress State on Splay Fault Activation During Dynamic Rupture Propagation
- Evaluating the Capacity of Global CO2 Flux and Atmospheric Transport Models to Incorporate New Satellite Observations
- Evaluation of OMI Column Retrievals of HCHO, BrO and OClO Using Ground-Based DOAS and FTS Measurements, SCIAMACHY and GOME Satellite Observations, and GEOS-Chem Modeling
- Evolution of Super-Earths
- Explaining postseismic and aseismic transient deformation in subduction zones with rate and state friction modeling constrained by lab and geodetic observations
- Exploring the Source of Sedimentary Archaeal Lipids by Comparative Radiocarbon Analysis of Alkenones and GDGTs.
- Geodetic and Geologic Constraints on the Distribution of Fault Slip-Rates in Southern California
- Global Attenuation Tomography and Implications for Upper-Mantle Thermal Structure
- Global Budgets of Atmospheric Glyoxal and Methylglyoxal, and Implications for Formation of Secondary Organic Aerosols
- Heating and Weakening of Major Faults During Seismic Rupture
- Hg(II) Sources, Sinks, and Reactions with Halogens in the Remote Atmospheric Marine Boundary Layer
- Identifying the climatic drivers of Southern Hemisphere Ice Ages from glacier modelling in New Zealand
- Imaging of the 2007 Pagai Earthquake with Back-Projection of the Hi-net Data
- Imprints of an "Arc" Signature onto Subduction Zone Eclogites from Central Guatemala
- Improving the resolution of the mantle picture
- Incorporating Undrained Pore Fuid Pressurization Into Analyses of Off-Fault Plasticity During Dynamic Rupture
- Influence of Rupture Speed on Effective Normal Stress Changes During Slip Between Dissimilar Poroelastic Materials
- Inter-annual Variations in CO as Seen at the Mt. Bachelor Observatory by Satellites, GEOS- Chem and Other Regional Surface Sites
- Isotopic Heterogeneity and Mantle Stirring: Importance of Early Versus Late Processes
- Lateral Variations in Attenuation Beneath Japan
- Localization of Deformation in Elastic-Plastic Analysis of Dynamic Shear Rupture Propagation
- Mantle Reservoirs From a Noble Gas Perspective
- Measuring 226Ra/228Ra in Oceanic Lavas by MC-ICPMS
- Mechanistic model for light-controlled leaf phenology in the Amazon rainforests
- Microbial Energetics Beneath the Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
- Models of Plate Motion, Mantle Flow, Mantle Plumes and Reference Frames
- Non-normal dynamics in an idealized ocean GCM
- Observational Constraints on the Global Budget of Ethanol
- Observations of Processed Asian Pollution with a High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) from the C-130 Aircraft During the INTEX-B Field Campaign
- Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions: Record of High-Pressure or Late-Stage Processes?
- Oxygen isotope geochemistry of back-arc lavas
- Oxygen isotopes in MORB revisited: insights into the nature of the Indian MORB source and implications for crustal recycling
- Plumes, Superplumes, and Dupal
- Pore Fluid Records of the Salinity and Temperature of the LGM Deep Pacific
- Preservation of Fertile Mantle Components at Mid-Ocean Ridge
- Radial seismic anisotropy as a constraint for upper mantle rheology
- Recent increases in Asian emissions and consequences for transpacific ozone pollution in the United States: INTEX-B and Aura observations
- Role of Splay Faulting and Dispersion in Tsunami Waveforms
- Scalar Prediction in Climate Forecasting Using Satellite Data
- Seismic Tomography and Mantle Flow
- Seismic Tomography and Structure of the Transition Zone
- Simulations of Madden-Julian Oscillations with the Reduce Acceleration in the VErtical (RAVE) approach
- Spectral Analysis for Characterizing Landslide-Prone Terrain Using High Resolution Topographic Data
- Spontaneous generation of pure ice-streams via flow instability: Role of longitudinal shear stresses and subglacial till
- Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios of Individual Pollen Grains as a Proxy for C3- Versus C4-Grass Abundance in Paleorecords: A Validation Study
- Structural Geology of the Western Sichuan Basin, China: Implications for the Growth of the Tibetan Plateau
- Synchrony between the hemispheres from an opposite response to orbital variations.
- The Expanding NOAA Tall Tower Network for Monitoring Carbon Dioxide and Related Gases
- Tidal Heating Susceptibility in Short Period Terrestrial Exoplanets
- Trace element and isotopic constraints on mantle source heterogeneity and subduction- related fluids along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
- Trace element constraints on the origin of subduction components in the Eastern Lau Back- arc Spreading Center
- Transition to Pulse-Like Rupture, With and Without Inclusion of Evolving Temperature and Pore Pressure, When Accounting for Extreme Weakening at High Slip Rates
- Vertical Mixing and Air-Sea 14CO2 Exchange in the Subtropics
- Water Vapor in the Tropical Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere over Costa Rica: Insights from In Situ Measurements from the TC4 and CWVCS Summertime Missions
- A Comparison of Spherical Harmonics and Slepian Basis Functions in Magnetic Field Analysis
- A Convective Cloud Feedback and Spring Arctic Sea Ice Forecasting at High CO2
- A Modern Analogue for Proterozoic Inverse Carbon Isotope Signatures
- A Study of Deep Earthquakes using Back-Projection of Multiple Seismic Phases
- A new Model of Saturn's Magnetic Field
- An objective statistical test for eccentricity forcing of Oligo-Miocene climate
- Analysis of seismic waveforms generated during iceberg calving events, Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland
- Andean growth and the deceleration of South American subduction: Time evolution of a coupled orogen-subduction system
- Automated Landslide Mapping Using Spectral Analysis and High-Resolution Topographic Data: Puget Lowlands, Washington, and Portland Hills, Oregon
- Baja transfer by partial coupling with the Pacific plate
- Biogenic Aerosols Over the Amazon Basin: Optical Properties and Relationship With Elemental and Ionic Composition
- Body Tides on a Three-Dimensional Elastic Earth: Toward a Joint Tidal and Seismological Tomography
- Calcium Isotope Systematics of Diagenetically Altered Carbonates: Example from the Proterozoic Carbonates of Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa
- Central role of detachment faults in accretion of slow-spreading oceanic lithosphere
- Chemical Variations Along the EPR Identify Melt Flow and Influence Segmentation
- Chemistry and Structure of Super-Earths
- Closing the Peroxy Acetyl (PA) Radical Budget: Observations of Acyl Peroxy Nitrates (PAN, PPN, and MPAN) During BEARPEX 2007
- Comparison of Airborne Lidar Measurements of Ozone to Model Analyses During the INTEX-B Field Experiment.
- Constraining Climate Forcing, Sensitivity, and Feedbacks Using Trends in Satellite Data
- Criteria for Seismic Splay Fault Activation During Subduction Earthquakes
- Dilatancy Stabilization vs Thermal Pressurization as a Mechanism for Controlling Slow vs Fast Slip
- Droughts in North Africa - New Insights From a 200 Year Record of Helium-4, a Proxy for Dust, in a Red Sea Coral
- Dynamic Rupture on Rough Faults and Production of High-Frequency Radiation
- Earthquake Ruptures with Thermal Weakening and the Operation of Faults at Low Overall Stress Levels
- Effects of the Yellowstone hotspot and plume on the western U.S.
- Emergence of Jets From Turbulence
- Evolution of Mantle Reservoirs and Heterogeneity
- Feedback Between Volcanism and Milankovitch Cycles
- Frequency and wavenumber spectra of global sea surface height variability from satellite and in situ data
- Future Sulfate-Nitrate-Ammonium Aerosol Levels in the United States
- Generalized Scalar Prediction: Predicting Trends in Arbitrary Climate Variables with Arbitrary Data Timeseries
- Geochemical Stratigraphy of Core from the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project: The Final Hurrah.
- Heat balance and isotopic composition in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL) of a mock- walker circulation
- Helium in a convecting mantle
- Hydraulic Fracture Along Glacier Beds by Turbulent Flow of Meltwater
- Hydrodynamic Controls on Archaeal Tetraether Lipid Compositions in Washington Margin Sediments: Insights From Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Measurements
- Ice elevation and erosion rates over the past 10 million years from the interior of West Antarctica.
- Inferring the Composition of a super-Earth
- Interpreting the Marine Calcium Isotope Record: Influence of Reef Builders
- Introduction and Overview of the AMazonian Aerosol characteriZation Experiment (AMAZE-08)
- Iron, Sulfur, Arsenic and Water: Geochemical Implications of Facultative Anoxygenic Photosynthesis in Cyanobacteria and the Slow Rise of Oxygen
- Isotopic analysis of small Pb samples using MC-ICPMS: The limits of precision and comparison to TIMS
- Kinematic signature of India/Australia plates break-up
- Koolau Revisited: Vertical, Short-Scale Heterogeneities in the Hawaiian Plume
- Large base-level and glacioeustatic changes during the pan-glacial episode ending in 635 Ma
- Late Ordovician land plant spore 13C fractionation records atmospheric CO2 and climate change
- Magma Ocean Lifetimes
- Mass flux across the 670 km discontinuity as constrained by the Earth's Argon-40 budget
- Mean Ages and Age Spectra for the Tropical Tropopause Layer From Observations of CO2: Implications for Air Transport and Distributions of Short-Lived Chemical Species
- Measurement of Nitrous Acid in Blodgett Forest during BEARPEX 2007
- Measurements of atmospheric CO2, CH4, CO and N2O from the HIAPER GV aircraft in April-June 2008
- Mercury Deposition to the Gulf Coast Region from Deep Convection and Long-range Atmospheric Transport
- Mesh Generation for Short-Period Seismic Wave Propagation Based Upon the Spectral- Element Method: Southern California.
- Molecular Signatures of Microbial Metabolism in an Actively Growing, Silicified, Microbial Structure from Yellowstone National Park
- Molybdenum Storage in Cyanobacteria: "Mopping" Up Excess Mo
- Nonnormal Thermohaline Circulation Dynamics in an Idealized Ocean GCM
- Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Hillslope Transport Laws
- Ocean-atmosphere redox, pCO2, and the global CaCO3 cycle
- Parameterized Thermal Convection With a Multi-Layered Fluid and Plates
- Plate Boundary Forces at Subduction Zones: Effects of Plate Bending and Back-Arc Orogeny on Global Plate Motions
- Plate motion, slip rates, and partitioning of deformation in Japan
- Preparing Climate Engineering Responses to Climate Emergencies I: Aerosol Particle Design and Stratospheric Delivery Options
- Preparing Climate Engineering Responses to Climate Emergencies II: Impact Detection/Attribution and Field Testing
- Primitive Melt Inclusions from Multiple Samples from the FAMOUS Zone: Insights into the Mantle Melting Column and the Fractionation Processes
- Re-Os Isotope Systematics and PGE Abundances in Garnet Pyroxenite xenoliths from Oahu, Hawaii: Implications on Melt-Peridotite Reaction in the Oceanic mantle.
- Regional CO2 fluxes for eastern Amazonia derived from aircraft vertical profiles
- Role of Fault Dilatancy in Subduction Zone Aseismic Deformation Transients and Thrust Earthquakes
- Searching For The Optimal Landslide Size
- Shocking H2O Ice: The Role of Phase Changes during Impact Crater Formation
- Simulation of Supershear Ruptures on Interfaces With Strong Velocity-Weakening Friction
- Slab and Mantle controls of Nb and Ta: Evidence from the central Mexican Volcanic Belt
- Slow Slip Predictions Based on Gabbro Dehydration and Friction Data Compared to GPS Measurements in Northern Cascadia
- Structural and Paleoseismologic Characterization of Shallow, Subsurface Folding Above Segmented Blind-Thrust Systems Beneath Los Angeles, California
- Structure of the imbricate thrust system that sourced the 2008 M7.9 Wenchuan earthquake
- Subduction erosion and Quaternary lamprophyres in western Mexico
- Subsurface Creep and Geometry of the Hayward-Calaveras Stepover
- Tall-tower observations of pollution from near-field sources in central Texas during the Texas Air Quality Study 2006
- The CLARREO Climate Benchmark Mission: Key New Paradigms and Requirements
- The Earth's outer core: reconciling geodynamics, travel-time modeling, and normal-mode eigenfrequency splitting.
- The Isotopic Evolution of the Cryogenian Ocean: a Record from Southwest Mongolia.
- The Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary: Clues From Joint Interpretation of Global Seismic Attenuation and Velocity Models
- The third climate state: Proterozoic pan-glacial events
- The timing of late Pleistocene glacial cycles: a testable orbital-tuning algorithm, the pacing of glacial terminations, and the combined influence of obliquity and precession
- Trends, seasonal cycles, and interannual variability in the isotopic composition of nitrous oxide between 1940 and 2005
- Unraveling the Shock History of Magnetic Materials
- Using Helium Isotopes in marine sediments as tracers of continental inputs, provenance, and accumulation over the last 7Ma
- Were carbon isotopic gradients in post-snowball oceans inverted?
- 238U-230Th-226Ra-210Pb disequilibria study of the Nyiragongo volcanics from the East African Rift: implications for timescales of magmatic processes and eruption ages
- A Eulogy for Eustasy (Invited)
- A Hypothesis on the Link Between Outer-Rise Faults, Water, and Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes
- A Kinematic Model of the Surface Velocity of Helheim Glacier, Greenland
- A New Mantle Convection Model with Depth-Dependent Viscosity and its Implications for the Thermal and Chemical Evolution of the Earth
- A consideration of the effects of dust aerosol and surface dust on Snowball Earth deglaciation
- A multi geochemical proxy approach to deciphering the Toarcian OAE
- A new dimension to the Sr isotope system - (88/86)Sr record of marine carbonates in the Phanerozoic
- A possible mechanism to produce the 'Loa' and 'Kea' trends at Hawaii
- Adjoint Tomography of the Southern California Crust (Invited) (Invited)
- Bifurcations and hysteresis in simple and complex models of a convective cloud feedback mechanism for warm climates (Invited)
- CO2 and its correlation with CO at a rural site near Beijing: implications for combustion efficiency in China
- Ca Isotopic Ratios in Igneous Rocks: Some Preliminary Results
- Calibrating the Cryogenian
- Comparative Effects of Plateau Heating and Orographic Insulation on South Asian Monsoon Strength
- Compensation between model feedbacks and curtailment of climate sensitivity
- Constraints on the Rheology of the Lithosphere From Geodetic Observations Before and After the 1999 Izmit Earthquake
- Correlations Between Helium Isotopes and Major Elements Along the Southwest Indian Ridge
- Deep Earth Geopoetry: a Permanent Megastructure Above the Core-Mantle Boundary?
- Deep Earthquake Mechanics and Slab Deformation in the Tonga, Middle America, and South America Subduction Zones
- Deep-seated mantle anomalies and the dynamic impact on the African continent (Invited)
- Direct measurements of HONO and NO2 by tunable infrared differential absorption spectroscopy; Results from two field campaigns sampling aircraft exhaust and ambient urban air
- Do aircraft-based atmospheric observations indicate that anthropogenic methane emissions in the United States are larger than reported?
- Documenting and describing the redox evolution of the Neoproterozoic ocean: lessons from the Canadian Cordillera (Invited)
- Droughts In The Sahara-Sahel Region: Lessons From Dust Records Of The Past 300 Years
- Earth's Decelerating Tectonic Plates (Invited)
- Estimates of ice sheet and glacier mass losses and their contributions to sea level from a fingerprinting analysis
- Estimation of Power-Law Scaling in Time-Uncertain Series of Data With Application to GISP2
- Experimental Inhibition of Carbonate Mineral Precipitation by Sulfur Dioxide: Implications for Early Mars
- Explaining a perpetual Pliocene El Nino with enhanced MJO-like momentum forcing
- Food Crops Response to Climate Change
- Foraminifera size evolution through the Phanerozoic (Invited)
- Formation, Deformation, Evolution and Destruction of Mantle Hetrogeneities
- Generation of Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes and the Role of Water from the Subducting Plate (Invited)
- Generation of incompatible element depleted high-Al melts: Constraints from melt inclusions from the FAMOUS zone, mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Geodetic constraints on fault interaction and stressing rates in southern California
- Geodynamics of the Yellowstone Hotspot and Mantle Plume: Seismic and GPS Imaging, Kinematics, and Mantle Flow
- Geologically and geodetically constrained slip rates: Implications for earthquake cycle dynamics and slip partitioning (Invited)
- Global source-receptor relationships for mercury under present and year 2050 anthropogenic emissions scenarios
- Heavy Noble Gases from the Southwest Indian Ridge: Insights into the Nature and Distribution of Mantle Heterogeneities
- Helium Isotope Variations in Basalts Along Gakkel Ridge and Heterogeneity of the Arctic Upper Mantle
- High northern latitude temperature extremes, 1400-1999
- How Can Uncertainties in Simulating Biospheric Carbon Fluxes Be Attributed to Different Factors? An Illustration using the Vegetation Photosynthesis and Respiration Model (VPRM) in Central Canada
- Impingement of Deep Mantle-Derived Upwelling Beneath Northern, Subducted Extension of the East Pacific Rise and Palinspastically Restored Cenozoic Mafic Magmatism in Western North America
- Incompatible Trace Element Abundances in Hawaiian Olivines
- Investigating fault coupling: Creep and microseismicity on the Hayward fault
- Labile Organic Carbon in Recharge and its Impact on Groundwater Arsenic Concentrations in Bangladesh
- Linking Eruptive Dynamics and Frequency to Petrologic and Geochemical Constraints at a Hyperactive Andean Arc Volcano
- Loading the dice: Climate change and recent Northwest droughts
- Long-Term Changes in Calcium (Ca) Sources in Base-Poor Forest Ecosystem: Insight from Stable Ca-Isotopes in Tree Rings
- Long-term trends and dynamical modulation of atmospheric carbon dioxide seasonality
- Looking for non-axisymmetry in Saturn’s magnetic field and the implications for its rotation rate
- Magnesium isotopic composition of the mantle
- Mantle Heterogeneity in the Source of Ninetyeast Ridge Basalt: Implications From The Compositions of Submarine Glasses
- Mantle mixing and mantle flow from an isotopic perspective (Invited)
- Mantle temperature: a 2009 perspective
- Mapping and Deciphering Mantle Source Heterogeneity and Subduction Input in the Lau Basin
- Modeling Outburst Flooding as a Turbulent Hydraulic Fracture Parallel to a Nearby Free Surface
- New Time-dependent Geomagnetic Field Model based on CHAMP and Oersted data
- Phanerozoic size history of the foraminifera: Implications for environmental and biological controls on macroevolutionary trends
- Quantifying on- and off-fault deformation in Tibet with geometric moment rates (Invited)
- Reconstructing African topography over the past 30 Myrs with high-resolution tomography-based convection modelling
- Relating rapid plate-motion variations to plate-boundary forces in global coupled models of the mantle/lithosphere system: Effects of topography and friction (Invited)
- Shock and Post-Shock Temperatures in an Ice-Quartz Mixture: Implications for Melting During Planetary Impact Events
- Source attribution and interannual variability of Arctic pollution in spring constrained by aircraft (ARCTAS, ARCPAC) and satellite (AIRS) observations of carbon monoxide
- Structural setting of the 2008 M7.9 Wenchuan earthquake and implications for regional earthquake hazards
- The Basal Ediacaran Noonday Formation, Eastern California, and implications for Laurentian equivalents
- The Origin of ‘OIB-Type’ Magmas in the Central Mexican Volcanic Belt
- The Role of Dust in Abrupt Glacial Climate Transitions
- The Sensitivity of Sea-Level Fingerprints to the Geometry of Ice Sheet Mass Balance
- The bathymetric fabric flanking the East Pacific Rise carries the signature of glacial/interglacial changes in sea level (Invited)
- The impacts of dynamics on tropical tropospheric CO inferred from the Aura Satellite data and GEOS-Chem model
- The low-latitude Rapitan glaciation (Invited)
- To branch or not to branch: Numerical modeling of dynamically branching faults
- Using GRACE Gravity Data to Constrain Continental Dynamics and Structure over Laurentia (Invited)
- Variability in the oxygen isotope composition of sulfate in the modern open ocean (Invited)
- Volatile control of trace element distributions at convergent margin, ocean ridge and intraplate settings (Invited)
- When did C4 Photosynthesis originate: New evidence from δ13C analysis of single grass-pollen grains
- A Detection of Milankovitch Periodocity in Records of Global Arc Volcanism
- A high resolution, one million year record of extraterrestrial 3Helium from the Shatsky Rise (site 1209) following the K/T impact
- A stratified layer of light elements at the top of the outer core
- A transilient matrix for steady-state convection (Invited)
- Abrupt transition to strong superrotation and hysteresis in an idealized GCM with MJO-like heat forcing
- Aircraft observations of refractory black carbon during CalNex 2010
- An Analytic Parameterized Thermal Convection Model Predicting Multiple Convective Regimes and Transition Behavior
- Combined finite-discrete element modeling of the India-Asia collision zone
- Combined obliquity and precession pacing of glacial cycles (Invited)
- Combining Seismic Arrays to Image Detailed Rupture Properties of Large Earthquakes: Evidence for Frequent Triggering of Multiple Faults
- Comparing Global Atmospheric CO2 Flux and Transport Models with Remote Sensing (and Other) Observations (Invited)
- Constraining Ice Sheet Histories with the Devil's Hole Isotopic Record
- Constraints from Satellite Ocean Altimetry and Wave Dynamics on Splay Faulting in the 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake
- Crustal overprint on mantle-derived U-series disequilibria in arc magmas: A warning signal from Volcán Llaima, Chile
- Denudation rates across a steep rainfall gradient on Kauai, constrained by cosmogenic nuclides and landslide mapping (Invited)
- Detecting the Sea-Level Fingerprint of Polar Ice Mass Changes
- Developing Regional Seismological Reference Models for Mineral Physics Interpretations
- Development of a Herriot Cell for CO2, 13CO2, and 18CO2 Flux Measurement In Situ from an Aircraft
- Development of a spectrometer for simultaneous measurement of δ13CH4 and δDCH4 at ambient concentrations
- Development of an off-axis integrated cavity output spectrometer (OA-ICOS) for high frequency aircraft flux measurements of methane, nitrous oxide, and water vapor
- Digitization Procedures of Analogue Seismograms from the Adam Dziewonski Observatory (HRV) at Harvard, MA
- Distinguishing mantle and crustal contributions in a continental arc volcano: Tatara-San Pedro, Chilean Andes
- Dynamic and static equilibrium sea level effects of Greenland Ice Sheet melt: An assessment of partially-coupled idealized water hosing experiments (Invited)
- Eddy Covariance and Autochamber Measurements of Methane Isotopologues Using a Novel 13CH4 and 12CH4 Quantum Cascade Laser Spectrometer
- Estimating mantle temperature from a global comparison of seismic models and the petrology of mid-ocean-ridge basalts
- Evaluating Hypotheses for the Origin of the Geologic/geodetic Rate Discrepancy Along the North Anatolian Fault
- Evidence for more extensive ice shelves along the Western Antarctic Peninsula during the Little Ice Age: observations from the LARISSA project in Barilari Bay, Graham Land
- Evolution of modern eukaryotes in the context of Cryogenian geochemical, tectonic and climatic changes (Invited)
- Extreme Drought Events Revealed in Amazon Tree Ring Records
- Forecasting changes in the Earth's magnetic field using core-surface flows and torsional oscillations
- Fossil evidence for life in post-Sturtian cap carbonates of the Rasthof Formation, northern Namibia
- From geodesy to geological, similar slip rates at different time scales: The Dead Sea Fault example (Invited)
- Geological Evidence for Dynamic Topographic Differential Uplift and Subsidence Along the US Coastal Plain and Atlantic Margin
- Global Flux Balance in the Terrestrial H2O Cycle: Reconsidering the Post-Arc Subducted H2O Flux
- Global distributions of nitrous oxide and implications for emissions: Measurements from the HIPPO (HIaper Pole to Pole Observations) campaign and comparisons to a global model
- High-resolution modelling and error analysis of late-Cenozoic African topography driven by mantle convection
- Historical Weather Conditions and Maize Yields
- Impact demagnetization at the moon and Mars: new results from hydrocode simulations and multiple altitude magnetic field data
- Implications of long timescale feedbacks for the range of plausible future temperature fluctuations. (Invited)
- Improved carbon dioxide characterization and estimates from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES)
- Insights into Earth's Accretion and Mantle Structure from Neon and Xenon in Icelandic Basalt (Invited)
- Interseismic interactions in geometrically complex fault systems: Implications for San Francisco Bay Area fault creep and tectonics
- Investigating Vaporization of Silica through Laser Driven Shock Wave Experiments
- Isotopic Fractionations in the Tropical Tropopause Layer in cloud-resolving simulations of an idealized tropical circulation (Invited)
- Large-scale tropical transients in aquaplanet simulations with zonally symmetric sea surface temperature distributions (Invited)
- Laser ICP-MS study of trace element partitioning between olivine, plagioclase, orthopyroxene and melt
- Lunar Paleomagnetism: The Case for an Ancient Lunar Dynamo. (Invited)
- Mass size distributions and mixing state of individual black-carbon containing aerosol particles observed in situ from 65S to 85N
- Models of Thermal Evolution of the Earth with Layered Viscosity and Plates
- Nested-grid Modeling of Mercury Wet Deposition over the Southeast U.S
- New Insights into the Basin and Swell Dynamics of Africa Driven by Whole-Mantle Convection (Invited)
- Observed 20th Century Desert Dust Variability: Impact on Climate and Biogeochemistry (Invited)
- Orbital Forcing at Monthly-to-Multidecadal Timescales
- Partitioning of localized and diffuse deformation in the Tibetan Plateau region from inversion of geologic and geodetic observations (Invited)
- Physiological, evolutionary, and genetic experiments with hopanoids in Methylobacterium: probing the function of geologically stable molecules
- Pole-to-Pole Observations of Long-Range Transport of Black Carbon Aerosol
- Polyphase rifting within Rodinia as seen through multiple episodes of mafic volcanism within the Canadian Cordillera
- Rapid Modal Analysis and Whole-Rock Geochemistry of the 1956-Present Eruptive Products of Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia
- Recalibrating the concentration of Precambrian seawater sulfate
- Regional-scale NEE estimates over 4 flux towers in the US
- Response of tropical precipitation to global warming
- Revisiting mid-Paleozoic ocean chemistry with the combined measurement of 87Sr/86Sr and δ88/86Sr on Silurian brachiopods
- SCEC CVM-Toolkit (CVM-T) -- High Performance Meshing Tools for SCEC Community Velocity Models
- Sea Level As A Stabilizing Factor For Marine Ice Sheets
- Sedimentary talc in Neoproterozoic carbonate successions
- Silicic Enclaves in Products of 2009-2010 Eruptions of Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka: Implications for Magma Processes
- Survival of the primitive mantle reservoir?
- Temporal-spatial-geochemical characteristics of the Tarim Permian large igneous province: evidence for mantle plume and lithospheric mantle interaction
- The 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake: A case study for determining stress states and modeling rupture propagation through branch geometries
- The Mechanics of Impact Basin Formation: Comparisons between Modeling and Geophysical Observations
- The Potential of Carbonyl Sulfide as a Tracer for Gross Primary Productivity at Flux Tower Sites
- The Search for Dark Ice on Snowball Earth
- The fate of the South Pole-Aitken impactor: constraints from orbital magnetic field data and impact simulations (Invited)
- Time Scale Dependence of Climate Sensitivity in Models and Observations
- Trace element constraints on the origin of magma diversity at Bezymianny volcano, Kamchatka
- Trace gas distributions and relationships in the remote atmosphere: Results from the HIAPER Pole to Pole Observations (HIPPO) flights
- Transport of North African Dust from the Bodélé Depression to the Amazon Basin: a case study
- Tubular microfossils from the Sturtian cap carbonates of the Rasthof Formation
- Understanding Emergence of Coherent Structures from Turbulence Using Stochastic Structural Stability Theory
- Where's the glass? Biomarkers, molecular clocks, and microRNAs suggest a 200-Myr missing Precambrian fossil record of siliceous sponge spicules
- A Discrete Element Modeling Approach to Exploring the Transition Between Fault-related Folding Styles
- A Multi-Frequency Back-Projection Analysis of the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake
- A Physical Model for Oscillatory True Polar Wander in the Neoproterozoic
- A Spatial Gradient in Helium, Neon, and Argon Isotopes Along the Southwest Indian Ridge
- Active blind-thrust faulting and growth folding in the southern Longmen Shan, eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Assessment of Ground-based Atmospheric Observations for Tracking Changes in Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Urban Areas
- Bayesian-inversion adjusted methane fluxes in Colombia and Panama
- Biomass Burning Impact on Surface Ozone in the Western United States
- Characterizing Shallow Seismicity at the Western End of the Middle America Trench
- Characterizing the recent behavior and earthquake potential of the blind western San Cayetano and Ventura fault systems
- Chloropigment nitrogen isotopes: new insights on export production during oceanic anoxic events
- Climate-Driven Hypotheses for the Tree Ring Divergence Problem
- Coherent Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopy for Contrasting Organic Aerosol Particles from Boreal and Tropical Forests during HUMPPA-COPEC-2010 and AMAZE-08
- Comparing and evaluating model estimates of background ozone in surface air over North America
- Comparison of Two Methods for Improving the Resolution of On-Road CO2 Emissions at a Regional Scale
- Contrasting Mantle Sources and Intra-Crustal Evolution Paths at Lonquimay and Llaima Volcanoes (Andean Southern Volcanic Zone: SVZ)
- Deformation of "stable" continental interiors by mantle convection: Implications for intraplate stress in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Detecting the Sea-Level Fingerprint of Polar Ice Mass Changes: Testing a New Method for Estimating the Sources of Global Sea Level Change
- Diffusion of Helium in the mantle: an explanation for MORB-OIB patterns of 3He/4He ratios
- Diverse Impact Outcomes and Compositional Changes during the End Stage of Terrestrial Planet Formation
- Does Methanogenesis Require Oxygen?
- Dynamic Drainage Networks and Discharge Histories in North America over the Last Glacial Cycle: Implications for Geomorphic Change and Early Human Settlement Patterns
- Dynamic modeling of fault system evolution at the India-Asia boundary
- Dynamic models of fault slip rates in geometrically evolving fault systems
- Ediacaran ocean chemistry: Insights from multiple sulfur isotope measurements of paired sulfate- pyrite in the Huqf Supergroup, Oman
- Erosion rates across a steep rainfall gradient on Kauai over 5 year to 5 million year timescales
- Estimates of dynamic ellipticity from stratigraphic paleoclimate records: A geophysical paradox?
- Evidence from Xenon isotopes for limited mixing between MORB sources and plume sources since 4.45 Ga
- Evolution of a Coupled Marine Ice Sheet - Sea Level Model
- Fire and Ice Revisited
- Flux Partitioning by Isotopic Eddy Covariance
- Fluxes of H<SUB>2</SUB>, COS, and CO<SUB>2</SUB> across a temperate forest snowpack driven by below snow soil microbial processes
- GPS Radio Occultation Sampling Pattern and Bayesian Interpolation
- HIMU-type Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts Incorporate a Primitive Component
- Hafnium isotope compositions of abyssal peridotites from the Southwest Indian Ridge
- High Mg basalts and basaltic andesites from pyroxenite melts(?) in a continental arc: Tatara-San Pedro, Chilean Andes
- Holocene History of δ18O and Grayscale from a Stalagmite in NE India, with Implications for Monsoon and ENSO Variability
- Ice Age Sea Level Change: Lessons From Studies of the Mid-Pliocene Climate Optimum, the Last Glacial Maximum and the 20th Century.
- Incorporating fault-slip constraints in 3D geomechanical restoration with application to restraining bend systems in the deep-water Niger Delta
- Influence Of Subsurface Biosphere On Geochemical Fluxes From Diffuse Hydrothermal Fluids: Direct Measurement Of Subsurface Hydrogen Oxidation
- Influence of Plastic Deformation on Bimaterial Fault Rupture Directivity
- Influence of material contrast on fault branching behavior
- Investigating the 2010 Moro Gulf deep earthquake sequence using the continuous back-projection technique
- Large-scale environmental drivers of North American methane emissions
- Lipid and <SUP>13</SUP>C signatures of picoplankton in marine organic matter export
- Magnesium isotope fractionation in co-existing clino-pyroxene and garnet: implications for geothermometry and mantle source characterization
- Mantle Convection with Strong Plates and the Thermal Evolution of the Earth
- Mantle convection-driven variable uplift of the eastern US: A mechanism for late-Cenozoic rejuvenation of topography.
- Melting and refertilization of the Arctic mantle from the ultra-slow spreading Gakkel Ridge
- Mg isotopes in pleagic carbonates and associated pore-fluids: insights into diagenesis of low-Mg biogenic carbonates
- Recent Aircraft Observations of High Aerosol Loadings in the Northern Hemisphere Pacific
- Recurving Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclones as Precursors to High-Latitude Blocking
- Recycled Carbonate-Rich Sediments in the Hawaiian Plume: Evidence from Ca Isotopes
- Root Niche Separation Can Explain Avoidance of Seasonal Drought Stress and Vulnerability of Overstory Trees to Extended Drought
- Seismological Constraints on Deep Mantle Processes
- Sharpened images of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake from sparsity based methods
- Silicified tests of Cryogenian eukaryotes from the Tayshir Formation, Mongolia
- Simulating nitrogen fluxes and isotopes in the Cretaceous ocean
- Slab Penetration vs. Slab Stagnation: Mantle Reflectors as an Indicator
- Spatial and Temporal Sensitivity of US Maize Yields to Climate Variability
- Spatial correlation of interseismic coupling and coseismic rupture extent of the 2011 M<SUB>W</SUB>=9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake
- Structure and seismic hazard of the Ventura Avenue anticline and Ventura fault, California
- Temperature anomalies, reference intervals, and the spatial variance of paleoclimatic reconstructions
- The 2011 Tohoku-Oki, Japan Earthquake from Earth's Free Oscillations Point of View
- The Nature of Plume-Ridge Interaction on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Azores
- The Not-so-Dry Valleys? : Cosmogenic Nuclides and Complex Exposure in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica
- The Rotational Stability of a Convecting Earth: New Theory and Applications to Paleomagnetically-Inferred TPW Over the Past 100 Myr
- The Xenon record of Earth's early differentiaiton
- Topology of the Mantle Abyssal Layer; Superplumes Big and Small
- Toward a unifying model for the late Neoproterozoic sulfur cycle
- Understanding Mid-Cryogenian Biogeochemical Cycles using Biomarkers from a Mongolian Carbonate
- Understanding the Impact of 3-D Earth Structure on the Interpretation of Relative sea Level Change at the Time of Meltwater Pulse IA
- Urban emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants: Quantifying fluxes for the "urban dome", and impacts at the scale of the neighborhood.
- Using Transfer Functions to Understand Dynamics of Climate Variability in ENSO and AMOC
- Using the Back-Projection Method for Event Detection
- <SUP>10</SUP>Be concentration in sediment indicates exposure, erosion, and transportation along the Greenland Ice Sheet Margin
- A 3-D coupled ice sheet - sea level model applied to Antarctica through the last 40,000 years
- A Community Fault Model (CFM) for the Sichuan basin and Longmen Shan
- A Community Velocity Model (CVM) for the Sichuan basin and Longmen Shan, China
- A Large Hydrologic Shift Associated with the Last Deglaciation in the Tropics
- A New Model for the Origin of the Moon
- A Rare Seaward Expression of Oblique Subduction: The Mw 8.6 Sumatran Earthquake of April 11, 2012
- A multi-proxy approach to local and regional variations in magma chemistry between 36.5 and 41°S in the Chilean Volcanic Zone
- A superchondritic Sm/Nd ratio for Earth requires unrealistically young continents
- Aircraft and Satellite Observations of Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Interactions in the Remote Pacific
- Alkyl nitrate distributions and seasonal variation over the Pacific Ocean during HIPPO
- An analysis of black carbon in the northern Pacific
- An improved understanding of the biosphere-atmosphere exchange of H2: tower-based H2 fluxes in a mid-latitude forest
- Analysis of feedbacks responsible for differences in CMIP5 models' ENSO simulations
- Antarctic Microseism: Relationship with Sea Ice Extent and the Southern Annular Mode
- Authigenic Carbonate and the History of the Global Carbon Cycle
- Beyond bulk entrainment and detrainment rates: a new framework for diagnosing mixing in cumulus convection
- Bias in GRACE Estimates of Ice Mass Change due to Accompanying Sea-Level Change
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Black carbon observations during the HIPPO campaign
- California's Methane Budget derived from CalNex P-3 Aircraft Observations and the WRF-STILT Lagrangian Transport Model
- Characterization of urban methane emissions in Boston, Massachusetts using an observational network and inverse modeling framework
- Climate sensitivity as a continuous function of frequency inferred from instrumental and Late Holocene paleoclimate records
- Cloud-resolving simulation of convective ensemble during TOGA-COARE using imposed and parameterized large-scale dynamics
- Comparing inversion techniques for constraining CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in the Brazilian Amazon Basin with aircraft observations
- Compound-specific clues to nitrogen cycling in anoxic systems
- Constraining mass accumulation rates across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary clay layer using extraterrestrial helium-3
- Constraints on ship NO<SUB>x</SUB> emissions in Europe using OMI NO<SUB>2</SUB> observations
- Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles driven by ice-shelf break-up and regrowth
- Deformation-induced melting in the margin of Whillans ice stream (B2), Siple Coast, Antarctica, and implications for ice-stream dynamics
- Directly Correcting for Source and Seasonality in Greenland δ-18O Paleothermometry
- Earthquake cycle deformation in the Tibetan plateau with a weak mid-crustal layer
- Ecological and isotopic insights to the origin of archaeal tetraethers in marine sediments
- Effects of sediment transport and deposition on crustal loading, Earth's gravitational field, and sea level
- Enstatite Chondrites, their Origin and the Composition of the Earth
- Evaluating China's black carbon emissions using surface observations: sensitivity to observation representativeness and transport model error
- Excess volcanic cooling as recorded by tree ring densities
- Fingerprint-based estimates of polar ice sheet mass change: The application of a Kalman smoother to identify ice melt contributions to 20th century sea level change
- First-principles calculation for silicon isotope fractionation among mantle minerals
- Geochemical controls on phosphatic carbonate deposition: A case study of the Cambrian Thorntonia Limestone, southern Georgina Basin, Australia
- Geochemistry of lavas from the Australian-Antarctic Ridge, easternmost Southeast Indian Ridge
- Glacial cycles drive variations in the production of oceanic crust
- Glacial meltdowns and origins of Neoproterozoic 'cap dolostones'
- Global Patterns of Sea Level Change from the SeaRISE Ice Sheet Model Simulations
- Groundbreaking constraints on emissions from GEO-CAPE: case studies of CH4, NH3, SO2 and NO2
- Has climate change shifted US maize planting times?
- Helium isotopes in marine sediments as tracers of continental input, accumulation and provenance over the last 6 Ma
- Hiding earthquakes from scrupulous monitoring eyes of dense local seismic networks
- High-resolution inversion of methane emissions in North America using satellite observations (SCIAMACHY, TES, GOSAT)
- Hugoniot Measurements on Dry and Water-Saturated Soils
- Hysteresis and Temporal Scales of Ice Stream Variability
- Ice Age Geomorphology of North America
- Identifying Signatures of Climatic Influence on Forest Net Carbon Exchange From 20 years of Observations at Harvard Forest
- Improved assimilation of surface ozone air quality from a geostationary satellite using ozone-CO error correlations
- Improving the Accuracy of Daily Satellite-Derived Ground-Level Fine Aerosol Concentration Estimates for North America
- Increasing carbon sequestration in the northeastern US over the past two decades
- Inference of multiple earthquake cycle relaxation time scales from irregular geodetic sampling of interseismic deformation
- Influence of Precipitation Rates on Bedrock River Incision Rates on the Hawaiian Island of Kaua'i
- Leveraging simulated source contributions to improve understanding of atmospheric ozone
- Lipid Biomarkers in a Mongolian Carbonate: a Window Into Mid-Cryogenian Biogeochemical Cycles
- Lowermost mantle anisotropy variation as revealed by PKS waves and their depth phases
- Major Element Variations in Hawaiian Shield Lavas: Source Features and Perspectives from global Ocean Island Basalt (OIB) Systematics
- Mantle Temperature, Mantle Composition, Mantle Heterogeneity, and the Composition of the Upper Mantle: The View from a Global Synthesis of MORB
- Mantle convection with strong plates and the tectonic mode of a terrestrial planet
- Mean Flow Generation by Two-Dimensional Roll Convection
- New constraints on the early Paleozoic history of Arctic Alaska and its bearing on Arctic tectonic reconstructions
- Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Emissions from California based on 2010 CalNex Airborne Measurements
- Origin and mixing timescale of Earth's late veneer
- Orographic insulation in the South Asian summer monsoon: mean state and model bias
- Paleomagnetism of the Neoproterozoic Mount Harper Volcanic Complex, Canada
- Persistent Volcanic Forcing of Severe Cold Winters in Ireland, 430-1650 CE
- Probing the Isotopic Composition of Surface Waters Across Isotopic Extremes of Cryogenian Carbonates
- Protein Stable Isotope Fingerprinting (P-SIF): Multidimensional Protein Chromatography Coupled to Stable Isotope-Ratio Mass Spectrometry
- Regulation of Atmospheric Oxygen During the Proterozoic
- Shock-Induced Melting and Vaporization of MgO by Multi-Mbar Shock and Release Experiments
- Space-based constraints on lightning NOx production in the GEOS-Chem model over Southwest U.S. during North American summer monsoon
- Stressing, Hydraulic and Locking Processes at Ice Stream Margins
- Structural Analog from the 1967 Mogod Earthquake: an examination of the southern Bulgan Province, Mongolia
- Testing Stochastic Structural Stability Theory predictions for turbulent jet formation and equilibration in barotropic beta-plane turbulence using nonlinear and quasi-linear simulations
- The 2010 Maule, Chile Co-Seismic Gap and its Relationship to the Mw 7.1 March 25, 2012 Earthquake
- The Bright Side of Tree-Ring Divergence
- The Drivers of the CH4 Seasonal Cycle in the Arctic and What Long-Term Observations of CH4 Imply About Trends in Arctic CH4 Fluxes
- The Impact of Reduced SST Gradients and MJO-like Tropical Variability on Surface Winds at Midlatitude Upwelling Sites
- The groundwater nitrate isotope quandary: Is the dual isotopic composition of groundwater nitrate a recorder of interactions between N and Fe in the subsurface?
- The recycling efficiency of water and noble gases to the mantle
- The role of organization in tropical large-scale, convective interactions
- The spatial pattern of warming: separating heat capacity and local feedback effects
- The value of explicitly bivariate climate reconstructions from tree-ring width
- Thermal Controls on the South Asian Monsoon through Boundary Layer Equivalent Potential Temperature
- Total variation denoising of interseismic deformation in western North America
- Using U-series and beryllium isotopes to reveal the occurrence and relative timing of crustal and mantle processes in the Southern Volcanic Zone of Chile
- Weathering the Snowball
- A Theory for Emergence of Equatorial Deep Jets from Turbulence based on Statistical Mean State Dynamics
- A detection of Milankovitch frequencies in tephra records of arc volcanism: Shedding light on a feedback loop between climate and volcanism. (Invited)
- Abrupt Climate Events Recorded in Chinese and Central Asian Loess Sequences
- Aerosol Optical Thickness Patterns and their Trend in the Southeastern United States
- Ages and Accumulation Rates of the Martian Polar Layered Deposits Estimated from Orbital Tuning
- An assessment of global correlations in major and trace element compositions of mafic arc lavas
- Analysis of CO2/CO correlations from GOSAT/MOPITT observations using the GEOS-chem model
- Arctic temperature extremes over the last 600 years (Invited)
- Biogeochemistry of Stinking Springs, Utah. Part II: Microbial Diversity and Photo- and Chemo-Autotrophic Growth Rates in a Layered Microbial Mat
- Calculating Subsurface Nucleonic Production of Noble Gas Nuclides: Implications on Crustal and Mantle K, Th, U Abundances
- Changes in the mean and tails of US daily summer temperatures, 1979-2012
- Characterizing the Thermal History of Shock-Compressed Phyllosilicates
- Climate of the Eocene Greenhouse Intervals from TEX<SUB>86</SUB> and Other Proxies: Evidence for a More Energetic Hydrologic Cycle? (Invited)
- Conditions Necessary for a Mantle Plume to Initiate Large Rapid True Polar Wander
- Consistent Coupling of Canopy Structure with Stem Diameter Distributions and Demography Reveals Organizing Principles of Amazonian Forest Architecture
- Constraining Deep Earth Structure Using Tidal Tomography
- Constraints on Crustal Azimuthal Anisotropy from P-to-S Converted Waves
- Diel and Seasonal Behavior of Canopy Photosynthesis Revealed by Novel Isotopic Flux Partitioning in a Temperate Forest
- Do ridge segments with asymmetric and symmetric spreading have distinctive geochemical signatures? (Invited)
- Does atmospheric scattering increase or decrease terrestrial photosynthesis? Strong constraints from sunlight observations
- Efficient Numerical Solution of Global Dynamic and Quasistatic Problems Using a Spectral-Element Method Coupled with an Infinite-Element Approach
- Estimation of earthquake source parameters from GRACE observations of changes in Earth's gravitational potential field using normal modes
- Evidence for climatic control of bedrock river incision on the Hawaiian island of Kaua';i (Invited)
- Evidence for large-magnitude paleo-earthquakes on the Ventura fault: Implications for earthquake recurrence, fault slip rate, and seismic hazard assessment in southern California
- Evidence for multiple magma ocean outgassing and atmospheric loss episodes from mantle noble gases
- Evolution of the Puente Hills Thrust Fault
- Feedback strengths estimated from observations at seasonal and decadal timescales
- Flux Of Carbon from an Airborne Laboratory (FOCAL): Synergy of airborne and surface measures of carbon emission and isotopologue content from tundra landscape in Alaska
- Glacial cycles drive variations in the production of oceanic crust
- Hf isotope compositions and chronology of magmatic zircons from Tarim continental flood basalts: implications for magmatic evolution of the Early Permian Tarim Large Igneous Province in NW China
- Interseismic modulation of stress orientations in southern California predicted by geodetically constrained block models
- Inversion for Rupture Properties Based Upon Three-Dimensional Directivity Effect
- Long-term increase in forest water-use efficiency observed across ecosystem carbon flux networks (Invited)
- Mapping, Characterizing, and Interpreting Mineral Fabrics in Mafic and Ultramafic Rock Samples from Mars Analog Sites in Samail, Oman Using the Ultra-Compact Imaging Spectrometer (UCIS)
- Methane Emission Resolving Power of the Proposed GEO-CAPE Satellite
- Mid Pliocene sea levels: A combined analysis of field data, models of glacial isostasy and dynamic topography, and eustasy. (Invited)
- Mw 8.6 Strike-Slip Earthquake off Sumatra and Slip Partitioning
- Planet Within a Planet: Implications of Principal Component Analysis of Global Tomographic Models
- Pleistocene sediment fluxes at 29<SUP>ο</SUP>N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Quantifying uncertainty in the level, rates, and sources of interglacial sea-level change (Invited)
- Rapid grounding line migration induced by internal variability of a marine-terminating ice stream
- Reassessing the Ancient Martian Ocean Hypothesis Using the Global Distribution of Valley Networks
- Regional measurements of methane fluxes and methane isotopologues in the North Slope of Alaska
- Root Niche Separation as Strategy of Avoidance of Seasonal Drought Stress in a Mature Amazonian Forest (Invited)
- Sculpting the Volatile Content of the Earth through Giant Impact-induced Atmospheric Loss and Magma Oceans
- Sea-level variability in tide-gauge and geological records: An empirical Bayesian analysis (Invited)
- Silicate sulfidation and chemical differences between enstatite chondrites and Earth
- Sparse imaging of postseismic afterslip following the Tohoku earthquake
- Sr and Mg Isotopes of post-glacial limestones: implications for the chemical evolution of the Neoproterozoic Ocean after snowball earth
- Subduction-derived solute-rich fluid contributions to lavas of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
- Synthesis and Analysis of Putative Terpene Oxidation Products and the Secondary Organic Aerosol Particles that Form from Them
- The Emerging Portrait of an Ancient, Heterogeneous and Continuously Evolving Plume Source (Invited)
- The Impact of Gravitationally Self-Consistent Ice Age Sea-Level Variations on the Evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet (Invited)
- The Sea-Level Fingerprints of Ice-Sheet Collapse During Interglacial Periods (Invited)
- The effects of artificially impounded water on tide gauge measurements of sea level over the last century
- The global record of local iron geochemical data from Proterozoic through Paleozoic basins
- The impact of deforestation in the Amazon on precipitation in other regions of Brazil: a challenge for sustainable development?
- Using statistical mean state dynamics to understand jet and zonon formation in beta-plane turbulence
- Wavelet-based automatic determination of the P- and S-wave arrivals
- A Revised Estimate of 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century Global Mean Sea Level
- A case-study analysis of convectively sourced water vapor plumes in the overworld stratosphere over the continental U.S. observed in situ during the SEAC4RS mission
- Apparent Eruptive Response of Cascades and Alaska-Aleutian Arc Volcanoes to Major Deglaciations
- Assessing the primary nature of the Ediacaran δ<SUP>13</SUP>C record
- Constraining depth-dependent anisotropy: A new approach
- Factors Controlling O<SUB>3 </SUB>in the Southeastern United States during Summer as Constrained by the SEAC<SUP><SUB>4</SUB></SUP>RS Campaign
- Geochemical and Isotopic Variations of Three Basalt Groups in the Early Permian Tarim Large Igneous Province (NW China): Implications for Plume-Lithosphere Interaction
- Impact of Grid Resolution on Chemical Transport Modeling in the Southeast US: GEOS-Chem Model Constrained with Observations from SEAC4RS Aircraft Campaign
- Incision of the Mississippi River through the Laurentide Ice Sheet Forebulge
- Interpreting Aerosol Sources and Seasonality over the Southeast United States with the GEOS-Chem Model: Lessons from the SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>rs Campaign
- Inverse Analysis of North American Methane Emissions Using the CarbonTracker-Lagrange Modeling Framework
- Measuring the speed of magma ascent during explosive eruptions of Kilauea, Hawaii
- Modeling Explosive Eruptions at Kīlauea, Hawai'i
- Multiple High-Frequency Carbon Isotope Excursions Across the Precambrian-Cambrian Boundary: Implications for Correlations and Environmental Change
- Platinum Concentrations and Tungsten Isotope Ratios of Earth's Mantle as Tracers for Late Veneer Mixing into the Early Mantle
- Quantizing the Complexity of the Western United States Fault System with Geodetically and Geologically Constrained Block Models
- SEA Semester Undergraduates Research the Ocean's Role in Climate Systems in the Pacific Ocean
- Sea-level change following the Marinoan Snowball Earth deglaciation
- Stable Isotope Systematics of Abiotic Nitrite Reduction Coupled with Anaerobic Iron Oxidation: The Role of Reduced Clays and Fe-bearing Minerals
- The Influence of True Polar Wander on Climate and Glacial Inception in North America
- The Sea Level Fingerprints of Global Change
- The ecophysiology of sulfur isotope fractionation by sulfate reducing bacteria in response to variable environmental conditions
- Tidal Tomography: Constraining Long-Wavelength Deep Mantle Structure Using Earth's Body Tide Signal
- Two Probabilistic Methods for Attributing the Sources of Sea-Level Rise from Sparse Tide Gauge Records
- Volatile content of Hawaiian magmas and volcanic vigor
- A Global Record of Surface Earth Oxygenation from Sedimentary V/Sc
- A New Approach to Study the Upper-Mantle Seismic Discontinuities Based on Triplication Data: Application to the Kuril Subduction Zone Using Hi-net Array
- A Reassessment of 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century Global Sea-Level Change
- A long-term record of magma compositions at the Juan de Fuca ridge from analysis of sediment hosted volcanic glass: tests of the effects of sea level on melt production
- Climate Chemistry Coupling: Ozone Loss Linked to the Unique Dynamical Structure of the Summertime Stratosphere Over the U.S. Using In Situ Aircraft, Satellite and NEXRAD Radar Observations
- Condensing the Moon from a MAD Earth
- D/H and Water Concentrations of Submarine MORB Glass Around the World: Analytical Aspects, Standardization, and (re)defining Mantle D/H Ranges
- Does a Superswell Exist Between Antarctica and Australia?
- Early and long-term mantle processing rates derived from xenon isotopes
- Effects of Local and Non-Local Processes on the Aging of the Tropopause Layer and the Lower Stratosphere
- Exploiting sedimentation datasets to model the impact of sediment loading on sea level at the Yellow River Delta
- Geochemical "Moats" around Near-ridge Hot Spots
- Helium isotopes reveal a ubiquitous recycled component in the MORB mantle
- High-resolution (SIMS) versus bulk sulfur isotope patterns of pyrite in Proterozoic microbialites with diverse mat textures
- Hydrothermal venting on the Juan de Fuca Ridge over the last 600,000 years
- Incorporating Sediment Compaction Into a Gravitationally Self-consistent Model for Global Sea-level Change
- Integrating diverse observations of North American CH4 into flux inversions in CarbonTrackerLagrange-CH4
- Key Factors Influencing Rates of Heterotrophic Sulfate Reduction in Hydrothermal Massive Sulfide Deposits
- Large Igneous Provinces, Sulfur Aerosols, and Initiation of Snowball Earth
- Metal-silicate partitioning during core formation on super-Earths
- Microbe-mediated transformations of marine dissolved organic matter during 2,100 years of natural incubation in the cold, oxic crust of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
- Microbial cycling, oxidative weathering, and the triple oxygen isotope consequences for marine sulfate
- Mid-Ocean Ridge Magma Supply and Glacial Cycles: Long Time Series Studies of Crustal Thickness and Seafloor Topography
- Modeling Extremely Deep Convection over North America as a Source of Stratospheric Water Vapor
- Oxygen and sulfur isotopes in sulfate in modern euxinic systems with implications for evaluating the extent of euxinia in ancient oceans
- Preservation Potential of Life in Little Hot Creek, California: Implications for the use of Hot Spring Systems as Astrobiological Targets
- Primary Ediacaran Ooid Formation Texture Changes as an Indicator of Shifts in Local Shallow-Sea Chemistry: Exploring Diagenetic Effects on Preservation of Carbonate Associated Nitrate in the Johnnie Formation, Death Valley, California
- Probabilistic Estimates of Global Mean Sea Level and its Underlying Processes
- Reassessing the Ancient Martian Ocean Hypothesis using Global Distribution of Valley Networks
- Refining the alkenone-pCO<SUB>2</SUB> method: The role of algal growth conditions
- Revisiting Tectonic Corrections Applied to Pleistocene Sea-Level Highstands
- Sea Level During Past Warm Periods - Unraveling Interactions Between Climate, Ice, Crust, and Mantle
- SeaVOICE: Sea-going Experiments to Test Potential Linkages among Sea Level Change, Ocean Ridge Volcanism, and Hydrothermal Activity.
- Testing Models for the Origin of the Earth-Moon System with <SUP>142</SUP>Nd/<SUP>144</SUP>Nd Measurements
- The Development of a High-Power, Pulsed Mid-Infrared Laser for a Two-Photon LIF Detection of Tropospheric OH
- The evolution of Phanerozoic seawater - Isotope paleothermometry finds consensus on Early Paleozoic warmth and constant seawater δ<SUP>18</SUP>O
- The impact of dynamic topography change on Antarctic Ice Sheet stability during the Mid-Pliocene Warm Period
- Tomographic Stratigraphy: a Possible New Framework for Mantle Dynamics
- Towards the First Global Block Model
- Uncertainties in Isoprene Photochemistry and Emissions: Implications for the Oxidative Capacity of Past and Present Atmospheres and for Climate Forcing Agents
- Uncovering the Chemistry of Earth-like Planets
- Variations in mid-ocean ridge magmatism and carbon emissions driven by glacial cycles
- 4D source analysis of the 2015 Illapel, Chile Mw8.3 Earthquake
- <SUP>142</SUP>Nd/<SUP>144</SUP>Nd Heterogeneity in the Proterozoic to Phanerozoic Mantle and Implications for Mantle Mixing
- A Eukaryotic green alga, Picocystis, dominates Mono Lake, California in an algal bloom - Hints at cryptic oxygen cycle in euxinic waters
- A global synthesis of Holocene sea-level data to determine its rates, mechanisms and geographic variability
- A methane budget from the North Slope of the Alaskan Brooks Range including arctic tundra and proximate oil and gas operations
- Accretion of the Moon after a High-Energy, High-Angular Momentum Giant Impact
- Ambient Noise Monitoring of the Santa Clara and San Gabriel Aquifers
- Anthropogenic Emissions Shift Pathways of Organic PM<SUB>1</SUB> Production in Amazonia
- Assessing the statistical robustness of inter- and intra-basinal carbon isotope chemostratigraphic correlation
- Biogeochemical Cycling of Methane in the Proterozoic and Its Role in the Carbon Isotope Budget
- Changes in the physico-chemical properties of Amazonian aerosols from background conditions due to urban impacts in Central Amazonia.
- Constant Flux Proxies and Pleistocene Sediment Accumulation Rates on the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the Northeast Pacific
- Contributions to summertime CO<SUB>2</SUB> measured at a site in Northern China (2005-2009)
- Convolutional Neural Networks for Earthquake Detection and Location of Seismicity in Central Oklahoma
- Diffusion Rates of Organic Molecules in Secondary Organic Aerosol Particle
- Double-corner-frequency source models: new perspectives in earthquake self-similarity
- Earthquake Source Properties from P-wave Spectra
- Effects of Convective Transport on the Budget of Amazonian Aerosol under Background Conditions
- How Does Aerosol Optical Properties Change With The Aging of The Manaus' Pollution Plume?
- Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Controls on Hyporheic N<SUB>2</SUB>O Emissions
- Incomplete Sulfate Aerosol Neutralization Despite Excess Ammonia in the Eastern US: A Possible Role of Organic Aerosol
- Inverting noble gas and carbon measurements for the mid-ocean ridge carbon flux
- Isotopic constraints on the formation of carbonates during low-temperature hydrothermal oceanic crust alteration
- Known and Newly Identified Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds from Biomass Burning in Amazonia: Variability and Relationship to Aerosol Physical Properties
- Long-Term Wind Patterns Derived from Regional Mapping of Sand Dune Fields on Mars
- Multi-scale Top-down Closure of CH<SUB>4</SUB> & CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sources in Indianapolis using Distributed Column and in situ Airborne and Tower Measurements
- New K Isotopes Support the Moon Formed by a High Energy Giant Impact
- Observations of liquid-liquid phase separation in several types of secondary organic materials free of inorganic salts
- Obtaining Reliable Green's Function Amplitudes from the Recorded Ambient Seismic Field
- Oxygen Dynamics Before, After, and During the Great Oxidation Event
- Particle growth kinetics over the Amazon rainforest
- Potassium Isotopes as a New Tracer of Seafloor Hydrothermal Alteration: The Bay of Islands Ophiolite
- Recent advances in measurement-based insights of secondary organic aerosols and their impact on global climate sensitivity
- Relationship between Tectonics and Geochemistry at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from Kane to Atlantis.
- Sea-Level Fingerprints in a Region of Complex Earth Structure: the Case of WAIS
- Shock Temperatures of Major Silicates in Rocky Planets
- Shock and Release Data on Forsterite (Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO4) Single Crystals
- Spaceborne Remote Sensing of Aerosol Type: Global Distribution, Model Evaluation and Translation into Chemical Speciation
- Stable carbon isotope ratios of archaeal GDGTs in the marine water column and surface sediments
- Teleconnection mechanisms between the Madden-Julian Oscillation and Stratospheric Polar Vortex Activity
- The Importance of Sulfate Adenylyl Transferase in S and O Fractionation by Sulfate Reducing Bacteria
- The Nitrogen Isotope Composition of Geoporphyrins: New Results from the Paleozoic and Mesoproterozoic
- The Pacific Ventilated Thermocline and its Impact on Global Temperatures
- The Seismic Potential of Planet Earth: Results from the First Global Block Model
- The alkenone method for pCO<SUB>2</SUB> reconstructions: challenges and strategies
- The construction of sparse models of Mars' crustal magnetic field
- The long-term rotational stability of terrestrial planets with viscoelastic lithospheres: A new theory with application to Mars
- The place of drama in science
- Towards Better Green's Functions for Ground Motion Prediction: A Case Study on the June 10<SUP>th</SUP> Borrego Springs earthquake
- Two Centuries of Climate Variability From a Gulf of Papua Coral Confirms a Coherent, Widespread Multidecadal Signal
- Understanding and modelling extreme El Nino events
- Using Molecular Tracers to Understand BVOC Interactions with Anthropogenic Pollutants in the Southeast U.S. and Amazonia
- Variations in Textural Banding of Oӧids Across the Johnnie Oӧlite: Valuable Petrographic Indicators of Depositional Conditions or Vestiges of Diagenetic Activity?
- 600 kyr of Hydrothermal Activity on the Cleft Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Adjoint-Based Sensitivity Kernels for Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in a Laterally Varying Earth
- Analysis of Juno magnetometer data: Use of an elastic net to probe small-scale dynamo structure
- Assessing ExxonMobil's Climate Change Communications (1977-2014)
- Automated X-ray Flare Detection with GOES, 2003-2017: The Where of the Flare Catalog and Early Statistical Analysis
- Benefits of Applying Hierarchical Models to the Empirical Green's Function Approach
- Changing Groundwater and Lake Storage in the Americas from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Present Day
- Coccolith calcite time capsules preserve a molecule-specific record of pCO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Constraining LLSVP Buoyancy With Tidal Tomography
- Context, Biogeochemistry, and Morphology of Diverse and Spatially Extensive Microbial Mats, Little Ambergris Cay, Turks and Caicos Islands, B.W.I.
- ConvNetQuake: Convolutional Neural Network for Earthquake Detection and Location
- Dynamic Rupture Models of the 2015 MW7.8 Nepal Earthquake
- Elucidating Microbial Species-Specific Effects on Organic Matter Transformation in Marine Sediments
- Elucidating Particle Acidity during North China Winter Haze Events
- Enhancement and suppression of Sudden Stratospheric Warming events due to enhanced MJO-like forcing
- Evaluation and Optimization of China's Anthropogenic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions using Observations from Northern China (2005-2009).
- Fault reactivation by fluid injection considering permeability evolution in fault-bordering damage zones
- Fe-Mg partitioning in Al-bridgmanite and ferropericlase and deviations from exchange equilibrium
- Forsterite Shock Temperatures and Entropy: New Scaling Laws for Impact Melting and Vaporization
- How many M9 Earthquakes are possible? Interseismic coupling and rupture patch magnitudes along 15 of the world's subduction zones
- Hydroxymethane sulfonate as a possible explanation for observed high levels of particulate sulfur during severe winter haze episodes in Beijing, China.
- Impacts of 2000-2050 Climate Change on Fine Particulate Matter (PM<SUB>2.5</SUB>) Air Quality in China Based on Statistical Projections Using an Ensemble of Global Climate Models
- Influences of sediment redistribution on sea-level changes along the U.S. Atlantic margin since the mid-Pliocene
- Jupiter's Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere after Juno's First 8 Orbits
- Late Neogene Orbitally-Forced Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific as Measured by U<SUP>k'</SUP><SUB>37</SUB> and TEX<SUB>86 </SUB>
- Modeling the evolution of the Laurentide Ice Sheet from MIS 3 to the Last Glacial Maximum: an approach using sea level modeling and ice flow dynamics
- Models of Jupiter's Interior that match Juno's Gravity Measurements
- Multiple geophysical observations indicate possible splay fault activation during the 2006 Java Tsunami earthquake
- Non-linear and plastic soil response from strong ground motion detected using the ambient seismic field
- Observational Study of Deep Tropopause-Penetrating Convection and its Impact on Lower Stratospheric Composition Over the US in Summer
- Observing Drought-Induced Groundwater Depletion in California with Seismic Noise
- Ozone deposition and stomatal uptake at flux tower sites
- Potassium isotope variations in forearc boninite-series volcanics from Chichijima
- Primordial domains in the depleted upper mantle identified by noble gases in MORBs
- Rapid Swings between Greenhouse and Icehouse Climate States near the Oligocene - Miocene Boundary
- Relating backprojection images to kinematics and dynamic source models
- Ridge Outgassing and Melt Production from 4Ga to Present
- Sea-level variability in the Common Era along the Atlantic coast of North America
- Sulfur cycling in plays an important role in the development of Ocean Anoxic Events
- The Impacts of 3-D Earth Structure on GIA-Induced Crustal Deformation and Future Sea-Level Change in the Antarctic
- The depth and structure of the atmospheric flows on Jupiter: results from the Juno gravity measurements
- The principal Hugoniot of Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> to 950 GPa
- Tracking dust deposition around the North Pacific Gyre over the past 500kyr
- Ultra-high precision <SUP>142</SUP>Nd/<SUP>144</SUP>Nd measurements of the Proterozoic and implications for mixing in the Earth's mantle through time
- Urban Methane Source Attribution Using In-Situ Airborne Measurements and Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Modeling
- Using Stable Water Isotopes to investigate the Structure of Vertical Motions in the Tropics.
- Vertical land motion controls regional sea level rise patterns on the United States east coast since 1900
- What controls springtime fine dust variability in the western United States? Implications for air quality and public health risks under future climate change.
- A Core Formation Model with Implications for the Properties of the Martian Interior
- A Magnetic Perspective on the Interior of Saturn
- A high-fidelity 165 Ma paleomagnetic pole from Northern Chile with implications for Late Jurassic true polar wander
- A hybrid reconstruction of 20<SUP>th</SUP> century regional and global sea level change
- A new paleomagnetic constraint on Mesoarchean plate motion from the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
- A precarious water balance for U.S. maize yield?
- Ancient landscapes along the U.S. mid-Atlantic coast record glacial isostatic adjustment
- Anelasticity from Seismic to Tidal Timescales: Theory and Observations
- Assessing the Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Natural Gas Fired Power Plants
- Atmospheric Evolution on Low-Gravity Waterworlds
- Attribution of Surface Energy Balance Changes Induced by Springtime Phenology
- Can a subducted sedimentary layer survive into the deep mantle? Maybe, if it is strong or thin.
- Characterizing errors in AIRS retrievals of near-surface air temperature and specific humidity, and implications for remote sensing of ET
- Characterizing the 3D Geometry of the Ventura-Pitas Point Fault System in Southern California and its Potential for Large, Multi-Segment Earthquakes
- Characterizing the Modern-Day Aeolian Environment at Gale Crater, Mars
- Combined CO2 and orbital forcing of Pleistocene glacial cycles is stronger than the sum of its parts
- Complex Earth Structure and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in the Red Sea
- Comprehensive Study of Oxidation of Aromatic Compounds in the Urban Atmosphere
- Connecting source time function and heterogeneous fault properties
- Consequences for regional air quality from temporal shifts in post-monsoon agricultural burning associated with the double-crop cycle of Punjab, India
- Constraining Long-wavelength Elastic and Density Structures of the Earth's Mantle by GPS Body Tide Displacement Measurements
- Contributions to Jupiter's gravity field from dynamics in the deep dynamo, semiconducting layer, and nonconducting atmosphere
- Correlated soil moisture and temperature extremes and potential biases in climate impact projections
- Dynamics of Explosive PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Growth Events in Beijing
- Earthquake Sub-event Scaling : New Perspective for Rupture Determinism
- Evolution of Return-Flow Channels Cut Into San Jose Island, Texas, Caused by Hurricane Harvey
- Evolution of the Ancient Martian Dynamo as Recorded by the ALH 84001 Meteorite
- Excess Urban Methane Emissions from Northeast Corridor Washington, DC/Baltimore Metropolitan Region
- Exploring the Nonlinearities in Drought Reconstructions using Tree Rings and Neural Networks
- FAST: a data mining approach to large-scale earthquake detection
- Flow driven fracture: controls on the location, timing, and rate of ice shelf rift propagation
- Fluid-assisted healing of micro-cracks in fault damage zones
- Fractional methane emissions from natural gas infrastructure in urban domains in the Eastern United States using airborne measurements and Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Modeling
- Global OH Reactivity in the Remote Marine Boundary Layer and the Potential of Missing Reactivity
- Global sea-level forcing of abyssal hills
- Growth Model Interpretation of Planet Size Distribution
- Hadley cell and atmospheric eddy dynamics in high-obliquity planets
- Harassment prevention and redress through academic union contracts
- Homogeneous early 20th century sea surface warming after correcting for historical artifacts
- How relic fault zone structure guides transmission of elevated pore pressures from nearby fluid injection sites
- Hydro-seismology: Monitoring groundwater with changes in seismic velocity
- Identifying and Characterizing Trends in Precipitation Patterns and Related Climatic Influences across Equatorial Africa
- If rain falls in India and no one measures it, does it bias trends in monsoon extremes?
- Impact of Forest Structure on Net Ecosystem Productivity Using Airborne Eddy Covariance and LiDAR Canopy Height
- Inferring Centennial Solar Variability Jointly from Instrumental and Paleoclimate Records
- Insights into the sulfur disproportionation metabolism via the structural comparison of the enzyme adenylylsulfate reductase
- Interpreting Complex Mass Spectrometric Measurements from Laboratory Chamber Experiments
- Investigating ice peripheral bulge dynamics in the western US using paleo lake shorelines
- Juno Magnetometer Observations of Jupiter's Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere
- Jupiter's magnetic field morphology and implications for its interior
- Long-term Seismic Monitoring of an Urban Sedimentary Basin
- Mapping groundwater with the ambient seismic wavefield
- Molecularly Detailed Measurement of Condensed Phase Atmospheric Aerosol Processes in Single Levitated Particles
- More frequent Sudden Stratospheric Warming events due to a stronger Madden-Julian expected in a warmer climate: role of mid-latitude tropospheric jet.
- Neogene to present changes in CO2 sources and sinks due to the growth and tectonic evolution of Indonesia
- New Evidence of an Ancient Martian Ocean from the Global Distribution of Valley Networks
- New cyclostatigraphy-based estimates of tidal dissipation and dynamic ellipticity over the Cenozoic: Implications for astrochronology and global scale geophysical processes
- No measurable calcium isotopic fractionation during crystallization of Kilauea Iki lava lake, Hawaii, and its implication to calcium isotopic fractionation during mantle partial melting
- Orders-of-Magnitude Speedup in Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling through Neural Network-Based Emulation
- Origin of spatial variation in United States East Coast sea level trends during 1900-2017
- Predicting yield outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa using satellite observations to infer temperature, soil moisture, and yield
- Profiles of reactive trace gases over remote oceans during ATom
- Quantifying Isopycnal Heave Using Dynamic Depth Warping
- Quantifying Relationships Between Magmatism, Asthenospheric Temperature and Dynamic Support: An African Case Study
- Quantifying regional-scale carbon fluxes from arctic and boreal ecosystems: insights from recent campaigns and long term trends
- Reassessing the Thermal Evolution of Oceanic Lithosphere Using Updated Basement Depth and Heat Flow Measurements
- Reconstructing Past Nitrogen Cycling: Insights From Bacteriohopanepolyol <SUP>13</SUP>C Compositions
- Resolvability of linear backprojection method for earthquake kinematics
- Revisiting how well 20thcentury temperature trends constrain aerosol radiative forcing
- Revisiting the Classical Earthquake Experiment in the Rangely Oil Field, Colorado, 1970: Insights from Coupled Flow and Geomechanical Modeling
- Revisiting the Evidence for a Hadean-Eoarchean Dynamo
- Satellite and Surface Observations Confirm Steady Decline in US NO<SUB>x</SUB> Emissions over the 2004-2017 Period
- Seasonal and spatial variation in atmospheric hydroxyl and hydroperoxyl: comparison to a photochemical box model.
- Secular variation of Jupiter's magnetic field
- Self-consistent mapping of 3D lithospheric and asthenospheric viscoelastic structure using seismic tomography & anelasticity parameterisations
- Sensitivity kernels for geodynamic surface observables based on adjoint methods
- Short courses and workshops as a path into data science
- Spatial and temporal evolution of seismicity, seismic velocity, and pore pressure in the Guy-Greenbrier, Arkansas, earthquake sequence
- Spontaneous generation of westward magnetic drift in a simple geodynamo model
- Stratified crustal shortening under the Longmenshan thrust belt, eastern Tibetan plateau
- Sulfate Formation via Cloud Processing from Multifunctional Organic Hydroperoxides
- Temporal coupling of crustal and continental lithospheric mantle growth with implications for the spatial distribution of giant mineral deposits
- The Effect of Geophysical Feedbacks on Sea Level During the Messinian Salinity Crisis
- The Role of Dynamic Topography on Glacial Inception in North America
- The meandering-river paradox(es) of Earth and Mars: Are plants really needed to make rivers meander?
- The ocean as a three-dimensional borehole: Inverting subsurface temperature observations for the Common Era surface history
- The role of rivers in setting the marine sulfate <SUP>17</SUP>O
- Thermochemical Evolution of Mantle Plumes Observed Spatially (TEMPOS)
- Total variation regularization of geodetically constrained block models in southwestern Taiwan
- Two-phase flooding of the Bering Strait reflects the sea-level fingerprint of an expanding ice-free corridor
- Understanding an Observed Enhancement of Formaldehyde within Forest Canopies: Implications for Formaldehyde as an Oxidative Tracer of Gas-Phase Chemistry
- Unexpected slowdown of US pollutant emission reduction in the past decade
- Using satellite-derived surface concentrations to estimate the mortality associated with ambient air pollution in cities worldwide
- Vaporizing Forsterite: Implications for Planetary Accretion and Distribution of the Moderately Volatile Elements
- What Do GPS-derived 1-D Viscosity Models Represent Given Antarctica's Complex 3-D Structure?
- Leveraging Preservation Bias in Last Interglacial Coral Sea-Level Records to Refine Global Ice Volumes Over the Ice Age
- 1,2-ISOPOOH Deposition on Leaf Surfaces as a Source of HCHO and MVK in Pristine Conditions
- A Comprehensive Biological Oceanographic Expedition to Determine the True Ecological Change at the Cretaceous-Paleogene Mass Extinction
- A Revised Estimate of Sulfur Cycling in the Neogene
- Abyssal hill faults paced by late-Pleistocene variations in sea level
- Air Parcel Trajectory Analysis to Identify the Effects of Low Cloud Formation on High-Latitude Cold Air Outbreaks in Warm Climates
- An End to Southern California Drought? Monitoring Groundwater Recovery with Seismic Noise
- An Overview of the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx) Concept of Operations
- An ice-age lever for hydroclimate? Recent constraints on MIS 3 sea level support shelf exposure as major control on Indo-Pacific Warm Pool over the last ice age
- Application of a new mental health surveying method for graduate student populations with implications for the Earth and Space Science community.
- Application of spin trapping techniques to detect reactive intermediates and radical species in the gas phase
- Assessing ExxonMobil's climate change communications
- Assessing the Accuracy and Precision of the Airborne Mass Balance Technique
- Atmospheric Blocking as an Evolution of Rossby Wave Packets
- Basin structure under the Metropolitan Tokyo from ambient seismic field analysis
- Breakdown of the Link Between the Arctic and North Atlantic Oscillations in a Warm Climate.
- Carbon Isotope Distributions in E. huxleyi: Identifying Complementary Signatures of Growth Conditions
- Cenozoic thrust systems and its control on hydrocarbon accumulation in the Qaidam basin, China
- Ceres' interior from Dawn's second extended mission gravity mapping
- Characterize the Propagation of Seismic Waves along the Cascadia Subduction Zone through Seismic Interferometry
- Classifying tree-ring stress regimes to improve climate reconstruction.
- Climate on High Obliquity Planets
- Cloudy with a Chance of . . . ? Rain outside the Modern-Earth Regime
- Cobalamin-dependent biosynthesis of 2-methylhopanoids in nitrite-oxidizing bacteria: Implications for the geologic record of hopanoids
- Comparing approaches to measuring time- and frequency-dependent seismic phase variations for coda wave interferometry
- Connecting Jupiter's atmosphere and magnetic field
- Connecting land use management, fires, and public health: Demonstration of an online decision support tool for Equatorial Asia
- Connecting the deep Earth volatile cycles
- Constraining Continental Dynamic Topography
- Constraining Earth's Multi-scale Topographic Response to Global Mantle Flow
- Contributions to Jupiter's Gravity Field from Dynamics in the Dynamo Region and Deep Atmosphere
- Deep Learning Emulation and Compression of an Atmospheric Chemical System using a Chained Training Regime
- Denoising OBS Data for Noise-correlation Studies: An Exploration of Denoising Strategies
- Detecting urban emissions using commercial aircraft measurements
- Distinguishing local stresses affecting trees using internal statistics from tree ring chronologies
- Dynamics of Westerly Wind Bursts and Connections to ENSO Past and Present.
- Effect of Permeability Evolution in Fault Damage Zones on Earthquake Cycle
- Evaluating the Degree to Which Sunspots Are an Accurate and Stationary Predictor of Total Solar Irradiance
- Exploring for the Future in Australia: Characterizing and Assessing the Lithosphere for Resource Discovery
- Extending the Ice-Age Sea-Level Equation: Water Flux Across Sills
- First evapotranspiration results from NASA's ECOSTRESS mission
- Grain-Trapping by Microbial Mats—A Key Mechanism of Sediment Accumulation in Mangroves?
- High pelagic fish production explained by increased primary production in the warm Early Eocene
- How much does hydrothermal scavenging influence thorium-derived sediment fluxes?
- Icequakes Triggered by Tidal and Thermal Stresses along a Major Ross Ice Shelf Rift
- Identification of substantial precession variability in early-Pleistocene glacial cycles supports a continuous Milankovitch-type response to insolation forcing
- Imaging Stress and Magnetism at High Pressures Using Spin Defects in Diamond
- Influence of fluvial sediment abrasion on carbonate, silicate, and sulfide weathering
- Integrative Approaches to Building Planet Earth: New Wide-Ranging Equations of State
- Interactions of Urban Plumes with Biomass Burning Emissions During the 2018 WE-CAN Field Campaign
- Interpreting triple oxygen isotope signals from geologically preserved sulfate: Insights from modern Himalayan rivers
- Investigating the Bias in GPS-derived 1-D Viscosity Models due to Antarctica's Complex 3-D Mantle Structure
- Investigating the Early Martian Magnetic Field Using Chromite in the ALH 84001 Meteorite
- Leveraging Elevation Distributions in Last Interglacial Coral Sea-Level Records to Refine Global Ice Volumes
- Leveraging Julia and the Cloud for Scalable High Throughput Computing in Seismology
- Leveraging the rapid retreat of the Amundsen Ice Stream 13,000 yrs ago to constrain large-scale North American deglaciation
- Measurements of α-Pinene Ozonolysis Products Uptake to Submicron Aerosols at A Broad Range of Tropospheric Temperatures
- Mechanisms for Dynamic Support in Northeast Brazil and Southwest Africa
- Microwave Retrievals Of Soil Moisture And Vegetation Water Content As A Means For Improved Wildfire Prediction
- Modeling dynamic earthquake ruptures with coseismic off-fault damage to build seismic observables
- NO<SUB>x</SUB> in the remote troposphere during ATom: Reconciling measurements and models
- New Capabilities of the SCEC Unified Community Velocity Model (UCVM) Software Framework
- Nitrogen loss and carbon cycle feedbacks during past marine anoxia
- Ozone Production in Western U.S. Wildfire Plumes sampled by the Western Wildfire Experiment for Cloud Chemistry, Aerosol Absorption and Nitrogen (WE-CAN)
- Paleocurrents in a Least-Cost Pathway Model of Human Dispersal from Sunda to Sahul, 65 - 45,000 Years Ago
- Paleomagnetic evidence for modern plate motion velocities at 3.2 Ga
- Precession pacing of 100-ky glacial variability over the past 2.6 Ma
- Pressure Remanent Magnetization: Can a crustal PRM overprint a rock's NRM?
- Prospects for an archaeal lipid pCO<SUB>2</SUB> paleobarometer
- Quantifying ancient precipitation with annual resolution records of speleothem magnetism
- Quantifying the Bidirectional Exchange and Compensation Point of Formaldehyde (HCHO) with Isoprene-Emitting Red Oak (Quercus rubra) at Realistic Ambient Levels
- Re-evaluating how well tropical cyclone activity can be predicted over the 20th century from sea-surface temperatures
- Reactivity of riverine organic carbon from chemical fractionation and ramped pyrolysis oxidation
- Reconciliation of Seismic and Mineral Physics Constraints
- Resolution improvement of co-seismic velocity change monitoring in the 2004 Parkfield earthquake using the ambient seismic field
- Revised estimates of agricultural fire emissions for Punjab, India: bridging gaps in satellite observations using household survey data
- Secular variation of Jupiter's magnetic field
- Seismic Site Characterization Using Body-Wave Polarization
- Seismic signatures of trench rupturing megathrust earthquakes: effects of accretionary-wedge structures
- Seismicity Generated by Rifting and Calving at Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf
- Sensitivity of Evapotranspiration to Soil Moisture over the United States Obtained from Weather Data
- Simulation of Soil Iron Oxide Production via Alteration of Ferrihydrite Confirms Direct Formation of Goethite, Maghemite and Hematite: Implication for Magnetic Enhancement Models
- Stable hydrogen isotope fractionation in archaeal glycerol tetraether lipids is largely independent from metabolism and culture conditions
- Standardization and interpretation of fossil coral records of Last Interglacial sea-level change
- Statistical and Machine Learning Models as a Tool for Forecasting Extreme Summer Precipitation Driven by ENSO in the Northern Coast of Peru (1981-2018)
- Testing the Role of Authigenic Carbonate in Neoproterozoic Carbon Isotope Excursions
- Testing the origin of remanent magnetization in the Allende CV3 chondrite using high spatial resolution
- The Bridging Role of Eurasian Winter Snow in the Relationship between East Asian Winter and Summer Monsoons
- The Effect of Dynamic Topography on Pliocene Sea-Level Reconstructions Around Australia
- The Effect of the North American Monsoon Anticyclone on Cross-tropopause Convective Outflow
- The Influence of Lateral Earth Structure on Inferring Global Ice Volume During the Last Glacial Maximum
- The Role of Dynamic Topography on Glacial Inception in North America
- The Role of Formaldehyde in Particulate Matter Formation
- The Role of Positive Feedbacks in Abrupt Arctic Winter Sea Ice Loss in Future Warming Scenarios
- The changing Arctic carbon budget: interactions between vegetation, hydrology, and soil temperature
- The effect of lateral viscosity variations on sea level during the Last Interglacial
- The influence of deep water cycling on plate tectonic transitions and the thermal histories of the Earth and rocky planets
- The information encoded in the isotopic composition of sedimentary sulfide
- The landscape of Saturn's magnetic field from the Cassini Grand Finale
- Tropospheric temperature control and its effect on precipitation on the northern coast of Peru
- Unsupervised Learning Reveals Geography of Global Ocean Dynamical Regions
- Using triple oxygen isotopes to test Cretaceous/Cenozoic LIP activity as a driver of the marine sulfur cycle
- Variations in Moderately Volatile Elements in Planetary Bodies from Impact Vaporization
- Virtual Propagation of Seismic Waves in the Seattle Basin
- Volcanic controls on seawater sulfate over the past 120 million years
- Wildfire-driven Changes in the Abundance of Gas Phase Pollutants in the City of Boise, ID during summer 2018
- A Comprehensive 0-D Chemical Model Simulation of Wildfire Plume Composition Evolution: Insights into Radical Oxidant Sources, NO<SUB>x</SUB> Lifetime, and the Formation of Secondary Products
- A Mechanism for the Formation of Shallowing-Upward Sequences in Hothouse Periods
- A record of plate tectonic motion and block rotation at 3.25 Ga
- Accelerating Large-N Ambient Noise Cross-Correlation with the Julia language and GPUs
- Air Parcel Trajectory Analysis to Identify the Effects of Low Clouds on High-latitude Cold Air Formation in Warm Climates
- Annual resolution rainfall proxy for central-eastern Brazil from high resolution speleothem magnetism
- Asymmetrical Response of the Continental Water Cycle to Cold and Warm Climates
- Bed topographic control on outlet glacier retreat and stability in Greenland.
- Brines on Ceres: Origins and Transport Processes
- Can Linear Optimization Methods be used for Regional Risk Mitigation with Solar Geoengineering?
- Combining Remote Sensing Observations of Stratospheric Water Vapor with Lagrangian Transport Modelling and Measurements of Tropopause Overshooting Convection to Understand Stratospheric Water Injection Processes
- Comparing Results from Comprehensive Chamber Studies and Explicit Chemical Mechanisms Provides Mutual Benefits
- Comparison of Multiple Approaches for Quantifying Winter Greenhouse Gas Emissions in New York City Based on Aircraft Measurements
- Composition dependence of stratospheric aerosol radiative forcing
- Comprehensive California-wide large-scale noise cross correlations
- Constraining the Secular Variation of Saturn's Magnetic Field.
- Constraints on glacial isostatic adjustment models and evidence of a melt event at 3 ka from late Holocene relative sea level data in the western Mediterranean
- Convective Storms over an Idealized Synoptic Scale Soil Moisture Gradient with Horizontal Mean Wind
- Developing Map-Based Web Interfaces to Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Community Models
- Dynamics of Deep Ocean Eastern Boundary Current
- Elucidating a Biogenic HCHO Source from 1,2-ISOPOOH Decomposition on Red Oak Leaves
- Emergent Climatological Coupling of the Terrestrial Carbon Sink with Water and Energy Availability
- Emergent Simplicity of Continental Evapotranspiration Across Multi-Scale Observations and Climate Models
- Estimating anthropogenic CO2 emissions from New York City using aircraft measurements and dispersion modelling
- Estimating geodetic locking depth and long-term slip rate along the central San Andreas Fault using Neural Networks
- Evaluation of a flux-gradient method for determining O<SUB>3 </SUB>deposition velocities over a mixed hardwood forest
- Examining the Influence of Reactive Oxygen Species on "Respiration" Isotope Effects
- Exploring the effects of cloud-precipitation microphysics on simulations of moist climates on tidally-locked terrestrial exoplanets
- Extremely Wrong: When Limited Data Leads to Biases in General Extreme Values Distribution Estimates
- Fault opening related to free surface interaction on reverse faults: insights from numerical modeling
- Formaldehyde Emissions Variability from Agricultural Burning
- Formaldehyde Evolution In Wildfire Plumes During FIREX-AQ
- GDGTs in Canadian Arctic lakes: insight into the methane cycle and climatic changes
- General circulation under reversed merdional temperature gradient
- Generating net moment inversions and demagnetization spectra at micro-meter resolution using the quantum diamond microscope (QDM)
- Geographic extent and drivers of Pliocene Oxygen Minimum Zones
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment of the Pacific Coast of North America: The Influence of Lateral Earth Structure
- Global Modeling of Cloudwater Acidity, Rainwater Acidity, and Acid Inputs to Ecosystems
- Global importance of hydroxymethanesulfonate in ambient particulate matter: Implications for air quality
- Ground Motions along the Cascadia Margin Revealed by Virtual Earthquakes
- Harmonizing Miocene alkenone- and boron-based carbonate chemistry reconstructions
- Higher education teaching resources on imperialism and scientific racism in the geosciences, from past to present
- Holocene Regional Ice History of Southwest Greenland: Driver of Viking Out-Migration?
- How Large-Scale Atmospheric Dynamics Shape Observed Midlatitude Temperature Probability Distributions
- Human-driven temporal shifts in fire activity: southwest Russia and north Australia as case study regions
- Identifying and correcting the World War II warm anomaly in sea surface temperature measurements
- Illuminating seismic waveguides using noise cross correlations and numerical simulations
- Impact of Dynamic Topography on Late Cenozoic Sea-Level Records: Examples from Australia
- Incremental slip rates of the Puente-Hills blind-thrust fault based on analysis of back-limb folding: Implications for seismic hazards in the Los Angeles region and structural evolution of fault-related folds
- Inferring Modern Ice Mass Flux from Satellite Geodetic Constraints on Long Wavelength Gravity: Contending with a Suite of Confounding Geophysical Signals
- Influence of Grid Resolution on GIA modelling in Amundsen Sea Embayment over modern and future ice loss
- Informing decision-making to mitigate the air quality and health impacts of agricultural residue burning in India using an adjoint modeling approach
- Insights into the formaldehyde (HCHO) budget at PROPHET Forest using leaf-level laboratory measurements and the FORCAsT model for biosphere-atmosphere exchange
- Interhemispheric Sea-Level Forcing of the Antarctic Ice Sheet During the Last Ice Age
- Jupiter's Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Mapped by the Juno Spacecraft
- Low molecular weight oxygenated volatile organic compound (OVOC) emissions during FIREX-AQ: Distributions, reactivity, chemical evolution, and comparison with other measurements
- Modeling Wildfire Plume Chemistry using the GECKO-A Box Model
- New Insights into Dynamics of Coastal Low-level Jets
- New York City greenhouse gas emissions estimated with inverse modelling of aircraft measurements
- New insight into the frequency-dependent megathrust rupture from dynamic simulations
- New techniques for broadband cavity enhanced spectroscopy retrieval algorithms
- Non-methane organic and nitrogen emissions from wildfire plumes during FIREX-AQ
- Nonlinear sensitivity of ice sheets to glacial-interglacial variations in pCO2 over the past 2 Ma
- Obliquity Drives 100-ky Glacial Cycles Since the Appearance of Major Northern Hemisphere Ice Sheets
- Ozone Production from Wildfires during FIREX-AQ
- PIRE and Ice - Multiscale Modeling of Cirrus in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- Pal(a)eo PERCS: A virtual, international seminar featuring Early Career Researchers in Palaeo-sciences
- Paleointensity and Rock magnetism of Martian nakhlite meteorite MIL03346: Small Scale Magnetization of the Martian Crust
- Paleomagnetism of 3.5-4.0 Ga zircons from the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
- Precipitation Efficiency's Abstraction Art: Evaluating How Abstractions of Precipitation Efficiency in Microphysics Parameterizations Shape GCM Precipitation Outputs
- Predicting crop yields using remotely sensed observations
- Quasi-resonant Rossby waves and the dynamics of extremes: an idealized modeling perspective
- Recovery of net magnetic moments from complex magnetic field maps using convolutional neural networks
- Riftquakes: Recording and Modeling Seismic Signals of Rifting at Pine Island Glacier
- Scale-invariant Analysis of Instrumental and Proxy Data Using Bernoulli Variables Demonstrates a Globally Coherent Little Ice Age
- Sediment-hosted metal deposits and the billion-year stability of cratonic lithosphere
- Signature of supershear transition in natural earthquakes
- Simulating vortices and jets in deep atmospheres of gas giant planets
- Soil moisture control of large-scale precipitation efficiency over a heterogeneous land surface
- Tectonic origins of seismic velocity changes inferred from ambient seismic noise in 18 years at Parkfield
- The Dynamics of Ice Age Megafloods: Insights from an Extended Sea-Level Equation
- The Quasi-Biennial Oscillation and Tracer Transport Across Multiple Timescales
- The Three Dimensional Stratospheric Circulation in Isentropic Coordinates
- The changing extreme values of summer relative humidity in Tarim basin
- The resolving power of Antarctic GNSS observations
- The sensitivity of convective overshoots in the tropical tropopause layer in idealized simulations
- Toward stable, general machine-learned models of the atmospheric chemical system
- Towards 4D mapping velocity changes with coda wave interferometry: methodology and applications
- Towards an Antarctic Rift Catalog (ARC)
- Tracing material transport in subduction zones: Insights from K isotopes in Izu arc lavas
- Two-Point Mixing, Buoyancy Sorting and Updraft Dilution Observed in the RACORO Campaign
- Understanding the Role of Positive Feedbacks in Abrupt Winter Arctic Sea Ice Loss using CMIP and a Conceptual Model
- Using Bayesian hierarchical modeling of total solar irradiance to estimate uncertainty in solar forcing since the pre-industrial
- Using deep learning and multi-source satellite data to refine wildland fire progression estimates with boreal fire drivers
- Utilizing urban noise to monitor the changing site response of the Mexico City basin
- Validation of satellite measurements in wildfire plumes: A first look using aircraft in situ and remote sensing instruments
- What Controls Sedimentary Pyrite δ<SUP>34</SUP>S Values? Insight From Theoretical Models and Modern Sediment Profiles.
- What Ice Age Data Can - and Cannot - Tell Us About the Deep Mantle
- What Jupiter's magnetic field reveals about the planet's interior
- Zinc on the edge: lithospheric controls on the distribution of basin-hosted zinc deposits
- Long-term Observations of Smog Intensification over Northern India Associated with Aerosol-Radiation-Meteorological Feedbacks