University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
flowchart I[University of Buenos Aires, Argentina] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (108)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (41)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Department of Geological Sciences
- University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Department of Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Paleomagnetism of Late Paleozoic series in Morocco and Argentina: implications for GAD Hypothesis and Pangea reconstruction
- High-Resolution Record of Hydrological Variability From Semiarid Southern Patagonia
- Modeling of land surface processes in La Plata Basin
- The conversion of grasslands to forests in Southern South America: Shifting evapotranspiration, stream flow and groundwater dynamics
- Depression of Nonlinearity in the Isotropic MHD Turbulence
- Energy spectra stemming from interactions of Alfvén waves and turbulent eddies
- LATINMAG: A Latin-American Collaborative Network in Paleo, Geo, Rock and Environmental Magnetism
- Above and belowground controls on litter decomposition in semiarid ecosystems: effects of solar radiation, water availability and litter quality
- New SHRIMP U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar constraints on the crustal stabilization of southern South America, from the margin of the Rio de Plata (Sierra de Ventana) craton to northern Patagonia
- Permafrost and Active Layer Monitoring in the Maritime Antarctic: A Contribution to TSP and ANTPAS projects
- A Late Quaternary shortening rate for the frontal thrust of the Andean Precordillera north of Mendoza
- A Satellite-based Approach to Evaluate the Impact of Land Use Change on Recharge Rates in the Southern High Plains
- Land-atmosphere interactions during a Northwestern Argentina Low event
- The Pangea Problem: Insights from New Permo-Triassic Paleomagnetic Data from Gondwana
- Using Ecosystem Functional Types in land-surface modeling to characterize and monitor the spatial and inter-annual variability of vegetation dynamics
- A dynamical system view of rainfall-pulse propagation through biogeochemical cycles (Invited)
- A note of caution on the use of boulders for exposure dating of depositional surfaces
- Late Quaternary slip rates of two active thrust faults at the front of the Andean Precordillera, Mendoza, Argentina
- Local seismicity observed by a temporal network in the Villarrica-Valdivia region, South-Central Chile
- Megacity and country emissions from combustion sources-Buenos Aires-Argentina
- Space-time statistics of isotropic MHD turbulence: the role of the sweeping effect
- Statistics of magnetic reconnection in two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
- The Effect of Megathrust Earthquakes on the Southern Andean Backarc
- The Yukon Windy McKINLEY Terrane Highly Depleted Peridotites, Analogous to the Mid Atlantic Ridge?
- Three and two-dimensional electrical conductivity of the mantle near the Chile-Argentina Nazca Flat Slab: insights into slab behavior
- Wavelet decomposition of Taylor-Green forced-turbulence: sensitivity of the incoherent component statistics to threshold value
- Andean Backarc Deformation and the Plate Boundary Earthquake Cycle
- Drought severity-duration relationships in Northern Argentina during the last 50 years
- IPCC Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation
- Particle Accumulation in Stratified Ocean
- Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) and remote sensing of plant CO2 uptake
- Statistical Analysis of Solar Wind Discontinuities: Inhomogeneous Heating, Intermittency, and Non-Gaussian Statistics
- Electromagnetic Induction and Electrical Resistivity Tomography Applied to evaluate contamination at a site of disposal of animal wastes from a feedlot
- Magnetic flux surfaces in anisotropic three dimensional complex fields
- Neotectonics on Mars?
- Representation of drought frequency in Southern South America performed by 14 CMIP5 models. Drought risk implications and perspectives towards future projections
- Sedimentology and Mangetic Properties of the Late Eocene - Early Oligocene Vera Member, Sarmiento Formation at Gran Barranca, Argentina
- Shortening rates at the mountain front of the Andean Precordillera (Argentina) on timescales of millions, thousands and a few years
- Chemical mechanisms of photocatalytic de-soiling and de-polluting processes in indoor environments and urban surfaces
- An Empirical Approach to Modeling Ion Production Rates in Titan's Nightside Ionosphere
- Inter-hemispheric eco-climatic connections in the Americas: A possible influence of a longer dry season over the Amazon forests on the North American monsoon
- Magnetic Flux Erosion and Redistribution during CME Propagation
- Observed MOC Variability at 26.5°N and 34.5°S: Structure and Time Scale Similarities and Differences in the North and South Atlantic
- Quasi-monochromatic Foreshock ULF Waves: Comparison between Earth and Venus
- Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Water after Large Rainfall Events in a Dry Forest: Interacting Canopy, Surface and Soil Effects
- The Structure of Titan's Ionosphere from 10 Years of Cassini Measurements: Solar Cycle and Saturn Local Time Dependence
- Time-dependent MHD modeling of Titan's plasma interaction during T32, T85 and T96 and comparison to Cassini data
- Titan interaction with the supersonic solar wind: Cassini T96 observations
- An overview on the Space Weather in Latin America: from Space Research to Space Weather and its Forecast
- Comparison of Mass-loading around Active Comets and Planetary Induced Magnetospheres
- Crop Production Risk in the Pampas: A Bayesian Weather Generator for Climate Change and Land Use Impact Studies
- Energy Balance in Magnetic Loops of the Quiet Sun
- Energy dissipation in coronal loops: statistical analysis of intermittent structures in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
- Full Two-Fluid Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection Simulations
- Insights from gas and water chemistry on the geothermal system of the Domuyo volcanic complex (Patagonia, Argentina)
- Nitrogen Cycling In Latin America and : Drivers, Impacts And Vulnerabilities
- Solar Minima Comparative Analysis Using EUV Tomography
- Solar radiation uncorks the lignin bottleneck on plant litter decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems
- Southward Ejection of Subcontinental Lithosphere and large-scale Asthenospheric Enrichment beneath central Chile resulting from Flat Subduction
- Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Model and Satellite Based Soil Moisture Estimations for Assessing Coupling Hot Spots in the Southern La Plata Basin
- Uplift Sequence of the Main Morphoestructural Units of the South Central Andes at 30°S: Insights from a Multidisciplinary Approach
- An outline of the review on space weather in Latin America: space science, research networks and space weather center
- Fun in the Sun: Effects of Solar Radiation on Carbon Cycling in Semiarid Ecosystems of South America
- Functional Biogeography: exploring biogeographic patterns based on ecosystem functioning
- Remote sensing of essential ecosystem functional variables
- Temporal variability of exospheric-related plasma phenomena at Mars: lessons from Mars Global Surveyor
- Tracing the Evolution of ICMEs from Sun to Earth
- Analogue modeling of rotational orogenic wedges: implications for the Neogene structural evolution of the Southern Central Andes (33°-35°S)
- A spatially distributed framework to quantify nature's contribution to mitigating basin-scale flood hazards
- Characterizing and Detecting the Influence of Anthropogenic Climate Change on Global Crop Yields
- Probabilistic Flood Hazard Mapping for Urban Risk Analysis
- The Young Earth System Scientists (YESS) community
- CCN Source Regions During RELAMPAGO-CACTI Field Campaign
- Concomitant Heat Waves in Central Chile and Southeastern South America: Synoptic Environment, Impacts, and Predictability
- Drop-Size Distribution Variability over Central Argentina during RELAMPAGO-CACTI
- GDAS and ECMWF: Sensitivity of initial conditions on the initiation of an intense thunderstorm in Córdoba, Argentina.
- One-Km of Subduction-Induced Subsidence in the Southern Andes at 10 Ma, as Measured Using Hydrogen Isotopes in Hydrated Volcanic Glass
- Study of the Processes leading to the genesis of drylines in Argentina
- Topological study of the Lorenz convection model's random attractor (LORA)
- Validating the Alfven Wave Solar Atmosphere (AWSoM) Model from the Low Corona to 1 AU
- Water isotope evidence for steady Cenozoic topography in the southern Andes ( 50 to 35°S)
- A View into Mesoscale Convective Systems from High-Frequency Soundings in the PECAN and RELAMPAGO Field Campaigns
- Hail Storm Risk Assessment Using Space-Borne Remote Sensing Observations and Reanalyses
- Relative Impact of GHG Forcing and Ozone Depletion/Recovery in Southern Hemisphere Atmospheric Circulation and Regional Precipitation Changes.
- Solar Flares Forecasting: the incidence of the waiting time definition in avalanche models
- von Karman Correlation Similarity in Solar Wind Magnetic Turbulence: Comparison of near-Sun (below 0.17 AU) observations from Parker Solar Probe with ACE measurements at 1 AU
- A Link between Large- and Small-scale Intermittency in Stratified Turbulent Flows
- Chapter 10: Linking global to regional climate change
- Classification models for supercell detection based on machine learning
- Climate change in South America: new insights from the most recent IPCC assessment report
- Convection-Permitting Regional Climate Simulations over South America
- Detecting soil moisture drydowns in remote sensed products and exploring their potential for land surface model parameter estimation studies
- Dynamical evolution of solar ejecta during their interplanetary journey. Multi-spacecraft approaches
- East Asian summer monsoon and Westerly Jet driven climatic and surface conditions changes in NE China drylands since the Late Pleistocene
- Forces, Electric Fields and Currents at the Martian MPB: MAVEN Observations and Multifluid MHD Simulation Results.
- How well are RCMs representing extreme indices in the SAM region?
- New insights into global decomposition: Wood decay by termites show high sensitivity to warming
- Participation of Early Career Researchers in Group Reviews of the IPCC Reports: Outcomes and Lessons Learned.
- Quantification of soybean expansion in South America using satellite observations and field survey
- Turbulence generation by large-scale extreme vertical drafts in stratified geophysical flows
- Uses of Meteorological, Hydrological and Hydraulic Models for Reservoir Management in Cordoba Province, Argentina
- Verification of von Karman Similarity in Solar Wind Turbulence using Elsasser Correlation Functions from ACE Data
- Assessment of plausible changes in Climate Impact-drivers relevant for the viticulture sector: a storyline approach with a climate service perspective
- Buoyancy Flux and Helicity Trends in Stably Stratified Turbulence
- Crowdsourced research plan for regional climate information for society
- Extreme vertical drafts and the modulation of local energy dissipation in stratified geophysical flows
- Investigating Glacier Mass Loss in the South Shetland Islands Using Open-source Data Loggers and Off-the-shelf Sensors
- Urban Landscapes and Transmission Dynamics of Vector-borne Infections: Climate Drivers in Time and Space
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Pouquet
- Alain Pumir
- Andreas F. Prein
- Andrew D. Wickert
- Andrew G. Turner
- C. J. Henney
- C. M. De Nardin
- C. M. Fowler
- Chuanfei Dong
- D. Ruffolo
- Daniel Ruiz Carrascal
- Fabio Feraco
- Fei Chen
- Francina Domínguez
- Franco M. Piscitelli
- G. Boscoboinik
- Harikrishnan Charuvil Asokan
- Helena Bergstedt
- J. S. Halekas
- Jared Espley
- Jorge L. Chau
- Kyoko Ikeda
- L. Andersson
- L. Fita
- Leonardo Regoli
- Lucia Scaff
- Maisa Rojas
- Mathieu Casado
- Matías Romero
- N. Sergis
- Paola A. Arias
- R. A. Frazin
- R. Chhiber
- Raffaello Foldes
- Reindert J. Haarsma
- S. Dasso
- Sara C. Pryor
- Stephen W. Nesbitt
- Theodore G. Shepherd
- W. H. Matthaeus
- William J. Gutowski