Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
flowchart I[Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (2130)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (649)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Technique for Determining Methane Hydrate Stability Limits Based on Raman Analysis of Synthetic Fluid Inclusions
- An Atomic Scale Look at the Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Mineralization
- Controls on Erosion and the Long-term Evolution of Mountain Belts: Constraints from a Comparison Between the San Bernardino and San Gabriel Mountains, Southern California
- Controls on the Form and Function of Headwater Channels in Humid, Moderate-Relief Drainage Basins
- Deciphering the Physical Basis of Biomineralization through Investigations of Nanoscale Growth Processes
- Future Prospects for High-Pressure Structure Determination
- Gigahertz Ultrasonic Interferometry and its Potential Application in Geosciences
- Investigating Complex Fault Behavior at the Intersection of the Transverse Ranges and the Eastern California Shear Zone, Southern California
- Molecular-Scale Structural Controls on Nanoscale Growth Processes: Step-Specific Regulation of Biomineral Morphology
- Origin of an Eastern North America Great Escarpment, Based on (U-Th)/He Dating and Geomorphic Analysis
- Plasma Processes due to Spatial Variability in the Field-Aligned Flows: Signatures in the Auroral Region
- Steep-Dip Seismic Imaging of the Shallow San Andreas Fault at the SAFOD Drill Site
- Stishovite Equation of State to Megabar Pressures
- The Role of Boundary Layers During Entrapment of Melt Inclusions: Evidence From Melt Inclusions in Plagioclase, Allanite and Zircon From the Toba Tuffs, Sumatra, Indonesia
- Total Dissolved Copper Determinations: Production by Natural Microbial Populations of Copper-complexing Ligands in a Major Harbor (Elizabeth River, VA)
- Toward Explaining Scale-dependent Velocity Structure Across an Exposed Brittle Fault Zone
- Understanding the Molecular-Scale Processes of Biomineralization: Resolving the Physical Mechanism by which Mg2+ Modifies Calcite Morphology
- Understanding the Molecular-Scale Processes of Biomineralization: The Role of Mg2+ and Sr2+ in Calcite Growth
- Using Rising Limb Analysis to Estimate Uptake of Reactive Solutes in Advective and Transient Storage Sub-compartments of Stream Ecosystems
- Development, support, evaluation, and productivity of community-based Earth science research facilities: The NSF-EAR/IF model and why it has been so successful
- Dynamism or Disorder at High Pressures?
- Experimentally Derived Collision Efficiencies of Microparticles Using Atomic Force Microscopy: Toward a Better Understanding of Particle Transport in Porous Media
- Glacial Erosion as a Primary Control on Landscape Evolution of the Active Chugach/St. Elias Range of Southern Alaska
- Measuring crustal convergence using rock exhumation along the complex glaciated Chugach Mountains, southeast Alaska
- Probing the biomolecule-mineral interface: Molecular biogeochemical techniques in force microscopy
- Stategy for Locating Potential Sites for Hydrogen in Minerals
- Stereochemical recognition revisited: A step-specific model for shape control
- Synchrotron infrared spectroscopy of OH-chondrodite and OH-clinohumite at high pressure
- The Temperature Dependence of Calcite Growth Rates: An Essential Step Toward Robust Biogenic Carbonate Paleothermometry
- Ultra-Rapid Landscape Response and Sediment Yield Following Glacier Retreat, Icy Bay, Southern Alaska
- "Intelligent design" of a 3D reflection survey for the SAFOD drill-hole site
- Aquifer Deformation in the Virgin River Valley, Nevada: GPS Sensitivity to Deformation Over Various Time and Distance Scales
- Comparison of S-Wave Velocity Structure Beneath the Kaapvaal Craton From Surface-Wave Inversion With Predictions From Mantle Xenoliths
- GEON: Cyberinfrastructure for the Geosciences
- Impacts of Forest Management, Climate, and Productivity on Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> Efflux from Loblolly Pine (Pinus Taeda L.) Stands Located on the Virginia piedmont and the South Carolina coastal plain
- Putative Mineral-Specific Proteins Synthesized by the Metal Reducing Bacterium Shewanella oneidensis
- Sr-Pb isotopic studies of primitive and near-primitive basaltic magmas, Garibaldi volcanic belt, northern Cascadia subduction system
- The Effect of Iron Content on the High-Pressure Elasticity of Olivine: Implications for Chemical Heterogeneities in the Upper Mantle
- The MicroMAPS Project: A NASA - Virginia Space Grant Consortium Initiative
- Using GPS to Quantify Three Dimensional Storage and Aquifer Deformation in the Virgin River Valley, Nevada
- Advance of Trees and Krummholz Into Alpine Tundra
- Aerosol Ions and Their Gaseous Precursors over North America and their Sensitivity to Nitrogen Emissions
- Geoengineering Research for a Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory in Sedimentary Rock
- Geophysical and Geological Evidence of Neotectonic Deformation Along the Hovey Lake Fault, Lower Wabash Valley Fault System, Central United States
- Global Inverse Modeling of Aerosols Using the Adjoint Method
- Mobile Laboratory Measurements of Black Carbon and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emissions in Mexico City: A New Method for Motor Vehicle Emission Inventory Calculations
- Nesting High-resolution Multi-layer Photosynthesis Approaches in Current Forest Productivity Models: A Cost-Benefit Analysis in the Time-Frequency Domain
- New Methods For Hydrologic Data Retrieval, Analysis And Visualization
- Overview of Measurements of Particle Emissions and Ambient Concentrations in Mexico City during the MCMA-2003 Field Campaign
- Seismic and Magnetotelluric Interpretation Near Parkfield, California: Testing a Joint Inversion of Independent Data Sets.
- Stream Discharge Measurement Using A Large-Scale Particle Image Velocimetry Prototype
- The variation of the crystal structure of magnesium silicate perovskite with chemical composition
- Weekly and Decadal Changes in NO<SUB>x</SUB> Emissions and Tropospheric Ozone
- Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis of Ozone Over Continental United States
- Chemical Data Assimilation in Support of Air Quality Forecasts
- Multi-scale Model Inter-comparisons of CO2 and H2O Exchange Rates in a Maturing Southeastern U.S. Pine Forest
- New Developments in Chemical Data Assimilation: Computational Tools
- Riparian Vegetation Effects on Near-Bank Turbulence During Overbank Flows: A Flume Experiment
- The Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (CARE)
- Uncertainty Analysis of STEM-2K1 Air Quality Forecasts for ICARTT
- Electron Density Distributions for Millerite, Vaesite , Heazlewoodite and Ni metal: A Case for the Importance of NiNi Bond Paths for Electron Transport
- Fe-S Bonded Interactions Involving High and Low Spin State Divalent Fe Atoms
- Mesospheric Ice particle sizes derived from two-color SME (1982-1986) and SNOE (1998- 2002) UV satellite measurements
- Model uncertainty study and its application in chemical data assimilation using STEM
- New Developments on Automated Data Analysis System (CEAD)
- Pristine Rhyolite Glass Melt Inclusions in Quartz Phenocrysts From the 1.1 Ga Midcontinent Rift System, Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan
- Reconsidering the Significance of Subaerial Processes in Streambank Retreat
- S-Wave Velocity Structure of the High Lava Plains, Oregon, from Rayleigh-Wave Inversion
- Seasonal variability of Polar Mesospheric Cloud altitude, particle size and observation frequency in relation to the frost point temperature.
- Studies on cyanobacterial extracellular polymeric substances: functional groups, calcite biomineralization and formation of capsular polymeric substances
- The Response of Nitric Oxide at 150 km to Periods of Heightened Geomagnetic Activity
- The Short-term Relationship of Ionospheric Electron Density With Solar Irradiance and Geomagnetic Activity in Daily Observations
- The Technology Behind Data Integration with Semantics
- Thermospheric Nitric Oxide Density Enhancement due to Solar Flares
- Variations in Suspended Sediment Yield and Nitrogen Export in Three Small Oregon Coast Range Streams
- AIM Receiver/Communication Lock Analysis; When Bad Space Weather is Good
- Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere Mission Overview and Collaborative Studies Using the AIM and TIMED Data Sets
- Antarctic Ground-based Observations During Selected THEMIS Satellite Event Studies
- Applying Waveform Tomography to Refraction Seismic Data - Inversion Strategies and Resolving Power
- Bacterial Physiology and Viability in the Presence of Quantum Dot Nanoparticles: Towards an Environmental Perspective
- Boundary Shear Stress Along Vegetated Streambanks
- Carbon Cycling in Soils of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Carbonaceous Aerosol Processing in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area
- Common Volume Measurements of Polar Mesospheric Clouds from AIM: Characterization of particle size distribution from CIPS and SOFIE experiments
- Comparison of PMC measurements from AIM and SBUV/2
- Conditions of Fissuring in a Pumped-Faulted Aquifer System
- Correlations between Ozone and Secondary Organic Aerosol observed in Urban Locations
- Developing packages and integrating ontologies for Volcanoes, Plate Tectonics and Atmospheric Science Data Integration
- Evaluation of Multi-Sensor Semi-Arid Crop Season Parameters Based on NDVI and Rainfall
- Exploring the Consequences of Changing Land Surface Phenology on Regional Hydrometeorology in the Eurasian Semi-Arid Grain Belt
- High Latitude Dynamics Measured by the Cloud Imaging and Particle Size (CIPS) Experiment on the AIM Spacecraft
- Identifying Temporal Patterns in Light use Efficiency for two Loblolly Pine Plantations in a Drained Lower Coastal Plain Region of North Carolina, U.S.A.
- Initial results of global imaging of PMCs from the CIPS experiment on the AIM satellite
- Inonospheric Convecton During Very Weak IMF and Solar Wind Driving
- Interannual variability in the effects of energetic particle precipitation (EPP) on the stratosphere
- Investigating the periodicity of sawtooth events using the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF) - preliminary results
- Investigation of Dust Charging Effects on Low-Frequency Ion Waves in Magnetized Dusty Plasmas
- Lidar Observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds in Conjunction with an AIM Overflight
- Martian Stepped Fans: Analysis of the apron and associated channel
- Mesospheric Ice Mass determined from the AIM CIPS imaging experiment
- Mesospheric Simulations with the NOGAPS-ALPHA model: Applications to the Summer Polar Mesosphere and AIM data
- Mesospheric planetary wave activity inferred from AIM-CIPS and TIMED-SABER for the northern summer 2007 PMC season
- New Approaches for Estimating Motor Vehicle Emissions in Megacities
- Observation of Ozone Column Densities by the Cloud Imaging and Particle Size Experiment on the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere Explorer
- Observing Nitric Oxide in the Polar Night by Stellar Occultation
- Ozone Gravitywave Observations from the AIM Satellite
- PENGUIn Observations of the THEMIS March 23, 2007 Substorm Event
- Relating Productivity Events to Holocene Bivalve Shell Growth Rates
- Retrieval of PMC Scattering Phase Functions from Observations by the Cloud Imaging and Particle Size Experiment on the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere Explorer
- Reverse Convection Potential Behavior During Northward IMF
- Semantic Mediation and Integration of Volcanic and Atmospheric Data:In Search of Statistical Signatures
- Spatio-Temporal Statistical Methods for Monitoring of Land Surface Phenology
- The Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere Mission: Overview and Early Results
- A Practical Modeling Approach for NAPL Dissolution Kinetics, Microbially-Mediated Redox Reactions and Aquifer-Aquitard Diffusion to Assess Remedial Options
- AIM receiver/communication lock analysis: Space weather relationships
- Advancing the Quality of Solar Occultation Retrievals through Solar Imaging
- An Analysis of PMC Detection Sensitivity for the CIPS Instrument
- An Antarctic Incoherent Scatter Radar - The Next Big Step in Ground-based Solar-Terrestrial Research
- Azimuthal Anisotropy From Surface Waves in the Great Basin
- Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) Habitat Preferences and In-stream Habitat Diversity Indices
- Characterizing the Land Surface Phenology of Mountain Environments Using a Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
- Chemical Transport Models on Accelerator Architectures
- Demonstration of a Mobile Flux Laboratory for the Atmospheric Measurement of Emissions (FLAME) to Assess Emission Inventories
- Drivers for the Formation and Variability of Ice Layers in the Mesopause Region
- Establishing a Baseline for Influence of Salinity on Mg Contents in Calcite
- Estimation Leaf Area using Imaging Lidar Data in Intensively and Extensively Managed Temperate Forests
- Estimation of summertime tropospheric ozone distribution over North America: comparison of the Four-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation to sequential sub-optimal Kalman filtering
- Faulting at the Epicenter of the 1886 Charleston, South Carolina Earthquake Imaged by Seismic Reflection Profiling
- First results from the Blackstone HF radar in support of THEMIS
- Food Security Through the Eyes of AVHRR: Changes and Variability of African Food Production
- Global Mapping of Magnetic Field Variations During Typical and Atypical Sudden Magnetospheric Compressions
- High resolution Polar Mesospheric Cloud images from the Cloud Imaging and Particle Size Experiment: Implications for cloud appearance and ice particle growth
- How Much Variability in Soil Respiration can Remotely Sensed Forest Structure Explain?
- Hyporheic Restoration in Streams and Rivers
- Ice content of polar mesospheric clouds from the AIM mission: Comparison with the WACCM general circulation model
- In Flight Calibration Monitoring of the CIPS UV Imager Using Atmospheric Rayleigh Scattered Radiance
- Integration of Lidar and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing to Examine the Influence of Tree Species Arrangements on Site Estimates of Biophysical Variables, LAI, fPAR, and GPP
- Intercomparison, interpretation, and assessment of spring phenology in North America estimated from remote sensing for 1982 to 2006
- Investigating Gravity Waves Measured by CIPS/AIM in the Northern/Southern Summer Polar Mesosphere
- Investigating the Earth's magnetosphere response to IMF Bz magnitude using SWMF
- Longitudinal variability of Polar Mesospheric Cloud (PMC) albedo and frequency from the Cloud Imaging and Particle Size Experiment: Comparison of the 2007 and 2008 Northern Hemisphere cloud seasons
- Modeling Pine Plantation NEP Using Landsat
- Multisatellite Observations of Interplanetary Field Enhancements
- New Constraints on Fault-Zone Structure from Seismic Guided Waves
- Nitric Oxide in the Lower Thermosphere
- Observations of Equatorward Propagating Backscatter Enhancements on the Nightside with the Wallops SuperDARN Radar
- PMC Morphology and its Dependence on Water Vapor and Temperature: Highlights From the AIM Mission
- Photolysis and Fluorescence in the /delta and /epsilon Bands of Thermospheric NO
- Physics-based approach for the monitoring of Land Surface Phenology
- Polar Rain Gradients and Field-Aligned Polar Cap Potentials
- Predicting Biomass in Temperate Hardwood and Mixed Forests Using VHF Radar, Interferometric SAR and Discrete-Return Lidar Data
- Preliminary Validation of AIM SOFIE Water Vapor Observations and Seasonal Evolution During the PMC season
- Results from a Comprehensive Rocket Investigation of Mid-Latitude Spread F
- SOFIE Measurements of PMCs, Water Vapor, and Temperature
- Scattering Phase Functions and Particle Sizes for Polar Mesospheric Clouds from the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM) Explorer
- Semantics of data and service registration to advance interdisciplinary information and data access.
- Semantics-Based Interoperability Framework for the Geosciences
- Sensor-web Operations Explorer (SOX)
- Simultaneous Observations of NLC From Space and From Ground.
- Solar wind and IMF drivers during different modes of energy transfer
- Spatial and Temporal Changes in Bank Retreat Rates in a Small Headwater Stream
- Spatial and Temporal Response of Auroral and Subauroral Plasma Convection to High- Latitude Drivers of Geomagnetic Activity
- SuperDARN Observations of Pi2 Electric Field Pulsations during THEMIS Substorms
- The Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere Mission: Science Results After Three PMC Seasons
- The influence of the winter hemisphere on polar mesospheric clouds
- The magnetotail total pressure and lobe magnetic field at substorm onsets and their relation with the solar wind during storm-time sawtooth events
- The relationship between solar wind driving of ionospheric convection and the open flux
- The role of directed van der Waals bonded interactions in the determination of the structures of molecular arsenate solids
- The sub-auroral electric field as observed by DMSP and the new SuperDARN mid-latitude radars
- Trends in Land Surface Phenologies Across Central Asia and the Central Eurasian Grain Belt as Viewed From MODIS Collection 5 NBAR
- Turbidity Dynamics in an Urbanized Headwater Stream
- Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Southeastern United States from Receiver Functions: Evidence for Small-scale Mantle Convection?
- Vegetation Impacts on Near Bank Flows
- Vegetation-Induced Roughness in Low-Reynold's Number Flows
- A Broader Spatial Context for Remote Sensing of Soil Resources
- A New Empirical Model For Geomagnetic Perturbations
- AIM CIPS Observations of the Last Five PMC Seasons using an SBUV-type analysis
- AIM/CIPS Measurements of PMCs in relation to Temperature and Water Vapor
- Active Modification of VHF and HF PMSE during the 2009 EISCAT Campaign
- An Analysis of the PMC Particle Size Information Content of a CIPS Scattering Profile
- An Integrated Geochemical and Isotopic Model for Late Proterozoic to Recent Super-Continent Dispersal Associated with Large Igneous Provinces (LIPS) of Eastern North America
- Application of a boundary shear stress model along vegetated streambanks
- Assessing arsenic bioavailability through the use of bioassays
- Azimuthal Anisotropy Signature in the Great Basin Lithosphere from Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity Maps
- Calibration Shots Recorded for the Salton Seismic Imaging Project, Salton Trough, California
- Carboxylated biomolecules control Mg/Ca of amorphous calcium carbonate by predictable relationship: Implications for calcified biominerals
- Challenges and Opportunities for Hydrology Education - The Blue Book, Now and the Future
- Characterization of Nightside Mid-latitude Irregularities Observed with the Blackstone SuperDARN Radar
- Comparison of dayside and nightside ionospheric convection changes following sudden enhancements in solar wind dynamic pressure
- Contemporary Trends in Land Surface Phenologies from the Aral Basin Suggest Weather- or Irrigation-Driven Changes in GPP not Land Cover Change
- Correlation between the Summer Mesopause and Polar Mesospheric Cloud Heights
- Direct Measurements of Hydrothermal Heat Output at Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Dissolved organic matter export in glacial and non-glacial streams along the Gulf of Alaska
- Dual Scale Trend Analysis To Evaluate Climatic and Anthropogenic Effects on the Vegetated Land Surface in Agricultural Russia
- Effects of Periodic Replenishment, Initial Magma Sill Thickness, and Bulk Composition on Heat Transfer from Magma Chambers
- Factors controlling differences in nitrate release during hydrologic events in a forested watershed in western New York
- Fluid flow along North American Cordillera detachments determined from stable isotope and high resolution chemical analyses
- Habitat Modeling in Complex Streams: Comparison of Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Traditional Surveying Techniques for Topographic Surface Generation
- High pressure phase transitions in NiS2 by LDA studies
- Hydrologic Retention in Supraglacial Streams: Results from an in-stream injection experiment
- Impact of Diurnal Variations of Precursors on the Prediction of Ozone
- Impact of Thermal Perturbations from Urban Runoff During Summer Storms on Stream and Wetland Temperatures
- Influence of light & algae on nutrient transformations at the sediment-water interface in an agricultural stream
- Inter-hemispheric coupling in PMC observations and in models
- Interhemispheric Comparisons of SuperDARN Statistical High-latitude Convection Patterns
- Investigating monochromatic wave events in the summer polar mesosphere
- Irregularities Associated with Artificially Created Dusty Plasmas in the near Earth Space Environment
- Landforms, soil development, and shallow water table dynamics: implications for hydrological connectivity at the catchment scale
- Measurements of black carbon particles’ chemical, physical, and optical properties (Invited)
- Modeling of Plasma Irregularities in Expanding Ionospheric Dust Clouds
- Modeling surface water flow through emergent vegetation in a small floodplain wetland
- Nadir and Limb Viewing Observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds from the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM) Explorer
- Observation of Split Crescent Cells During IMF BY-Dominated Periods
- Observations of Lower Thermospheric Nitric Oxide During the Current Solar Minimum
- Observations of Noctilucent Clouds by Odin/OSIRIS and AIM/CIPS
- Observations of Penetration Electric Fields and Sub-Auroral Ion Drifts With Mid-Latitude SuperDARN Radars
- On the Identification of Lagrangian Coherent Structures in the Arctic
- Parameterization of and Brine Storage in MOR Hydrothermal Systems
- Patterns in the Spring Phenology of High Elevation Western United States National Parks from 2000 to 2009
- Polar Cap Electric Field Saturation During IMF Bz North and South Conditions
- Polar Mesospheric Cloud properties derived from the Cloud Imaging and Particle Size Experiment on the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere Mission
- Prediction of Foliar Nitrogen to Phosphorus Ratio Using Remote Sensing
- Raman Spectroscopy Research of Perovskites Lead Free Ferroelectrics
- Reach-Scale Influence of Riparian Vegetation on Fluvial Erosion (Invited)
- Relationship between the sawtooth period and solar wind drivers
- Relationships between PMC and PMSE from SOFIE and radar observations in both hemispheres (Invited)
- Results from the SOFIE instrument on AIM
- Retrieval of PMC Properties From CIPS: Algorithm Description, Error Analysis and Cloud Detection Sensitivity
- Soil Organic C and N Destabilization and Decline Following a Decade of Free-air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) in an Aridland Ecosystem
- Structural Evolution of a Large Extensional Basin Near Charleston, SC, Illuminated By Seismic-Reflection Profiling
- Structure of the U.S. Mantle Constrained by Simultaneous Inversion of Multiple-Frequency SH Waves and Love Waves
- The MgSiO3 majorite-perovskite-ilmenite triple point and the problem of the Mg/Si disorder in majorite
- The magnetotail parameters and polar cap magnetic flux during sawtooth events, isolated substorms, and steady magnetospheric convection events
- Tidally Induced Variations of PMC Ice Water Content Using a Data Assimilation System
- Toward Design Guidelines for Stream Restoration Structures: Measuring and Modeling Unsteady Turbulent Flows in Natural Streams with Complex Hydraulic Structures
- Toward an Online Community of Educators: The Modular Curriculum for Hydrologic Advancement (MOCHA)
- Towards imaging thermal and compositional structure in the global upper mantle
- Trends in Agricultural Growing Seasons Due to Climatic Shifts in Africa: Implications for Food Security
- ULF Wave Characteristics Associated with Electron Acceleration to Relativistic Energies
- Uncertainties in EUV and XUV ionospheric heating over solar cycle 23
- Why are High Mg# Andesites Dominantly Erupted in the Western Aleutians?; A Numerical Model Approach
- A Controllable Earthquake Rupture Experiment on the Homestake Fault
- A statistical study of EMIC waves as seen by the GOES satellites at geostationary orbit
- An Evaluation of Data Fusion Products for the Analysis of Dryland Forest Phenology
- Atmospheric Coupling via Energetic Particle Precipitation
- Aurora and its Relations to Interplay of Large and Mesoscale Flow Structures of the Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System
- CIPS/AIM Observation of Polar Mesospheric Cloud Structures and NOGAPS-ALPHA Analysis of the Environment in Which These Structures Form
- Characteristics of gravity waves in the summer polar mesosphere and their dynamical effects on polar mesospheric clouds (Invited)
- Combined studies of noctilucent clouds by Odin and AIM (Invited)
- Determination of the excitation threshold for Magnetized Stimulated Brillouin Scatter (MSBS) using HAARP facilities
- Determining surface water sources using spatial and temporal variation in stream chemistry in a headwater catchment
- Effect of Instream Geomorphic Structures and Hydraulic Conductivity on Stream Temperature Dynamics
- Effect of solar wind dynamic pressure enhancements on dayside and nightside ionospheric convection and the polar cap boundary location
- Estimating boundary shear stress along vegetated streambanks with turbulent kinetic energy
- Evolution of Strength and Permeability in Heat-treated Rocks from DUSEL - Implications for a THMCB Experiment at the 4850 Level
- First Reconnected Flux Tubes in the Near-Earth Tail
- First determination of the fractal perimeter dimension of noctilucent clouds/polar mesospheric clouds (Invited)
- Fractional crystallization and replenishment of the magma chamber at the East Pacific Rise 9°50' N
- Fractional diffusion analysis of the electromagnetic fields generated by a transient straight current source over a porous geological media
- Good Morning from Barrow, Alaska! Helping K-12 students understand the importance of research
- Heater Beam Angle Effect on Simulated Brillouin Scatter in Magnetized Ionospheric Plasma
- Identifying the crystallinity, phase, and arsenic uptake of the nanomineral schwertmannite using analytical high resolution transmission electron microscopy
- Improving the lightning NOx source using satellite observations: a 4D-var analysis approach
- In-stream net ecosystem metabolism differences across a glacial coverage gradient in southeast Alaska
- Inverse Modeling of Urban and Regional Emissions of CO in China using Observations from the MOPITT Instrument
- Investigation of Ion Gyroharmonic Structuring in the Simulated Electromagnetic Emission Spectra
- Investigation of surface wave amplitudes in 3-D velocity and 3-D Q models
- Long Wave Inundation in Discontinuous Macro-Roughness with Application to Tsunamis in Forested Regions
- Mesospheric Transport in WACCM
- Neutral Density and Wind Enhancements in the Polar Cap
- New Measurements of Thermospheric Nitric Oxide from the Remote Atmospheric and Ionospheric Detection System (RAIDS)
- New Retrievals from AIM/CIPS
- New SuperDARN Radar Capabilities for Observing Ionospheric Plasma Convection and ITM Coupling in the Mid-Latitude Ionosphere
- Observations of Nitric Oxide by the Remote Atmospheric Ionospheric Detection System (RAIDS)
- Organic matter and nutrient cycling in linked glacier-stream ecosystems along the Gulf of Alaska
- Origin and radiative forcing of black carbon transported to the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau
- Precise Solar Radiation Pressure Modeling for GRACE with Atmospheric Refraction
- Predicting Peak Discharge Uncertainty from Standard Methods Due To Variability in Hydrologic Characteristics
- Predicting the Global Average Temperature of the Thermosphere From an Empirical Model of the Polar Poynting Flux
- Quality of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in watershed compartments for a forested mid-Atlantic watershed
- Relationship between chemical transformations and optical properties of aerosols
- SOFIE observations of PMCs and meteoric smoke
- Scour and deposition patterns in complex flow around stream restoration structures in a meandering stream channel
- Snow Dynamics in a Polar Desert, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Soft X-ray Energy Detection from Broadband Images by the Solar Aspect Monitor (SAM) on Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO)
- Superposed Epoch Analysis of Magnetotail Flux Transport During Substorms, Observed by THEMIS
- Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Quantifying Habitat and Hydraulic Complexity Measures: A Comparison with Traditional Surveying Techniques
- The Response of African Land Surface Phenology to Large Scale Climate Oscillations
- The Role of Precipitating Energetic Particles in Coupling Atmospheric Regions
- The Saturation Regime of the Polar Cap Potential Under Southward IMF - A Statistical View
- The relationship of GIMMS AVHRR NDVI, MODIS NDVI, SPOT NDVI and SeaWiFS NDVI for phenological analysis
- The roles of the saturation vapor pressure and water vapor partial pressure in controlling different stages of the polar mesospheric cloud season
- The scale dependence of finite-frequency effects in traveltimes and amplitudes
- Transient Convection in the Nightside Subauroral Ionosphere: Occurrence Statistics and Driving Influences
- Turbulent structures and scour development produced during small-scale stream restoration structure experiments
- Understanding Metal Sources and Transport Processes in Watersheds: a Hydropedologic Approach (Invited)
- Understanding the Global Response of Large-Scale Ionospheric Convection to Storms and Substorms
- Variation of Hyporheic Exchange Metrics along an Urbanization Gradient
- Water Quality and Quantity Implications of Biofuel Intercropping at a Regional Scale (Invited)
- 2.5D Fractional Diffusion Analysis of The Electromagnetic Field Generated By A Transient Loop Source In Fractured Mediums
- A Hydropedological View of Critical Zone Structure and Function at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, USA
- A New Mass Spectrometer for Upper Atmospheric Measurements in the Auroral Region
- A New Zonation Algorithm with Parameter Estimation Using Hydraulic Head and Subsidence Measurements
- A comparison of SO<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>2-</SUP> drought response in streams across southeastern Canada and northeastern USA
- An Assessment of the Stationarity of Climate and Streamflow in Watersheds of the Colorado River Basin
- Automated Extraction of Gravity Wave Signatures from the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) Database Using Spatio-Temporal Process Discovery Algorithms
- Capturing global magnetospheric dynamics using the location of region 1 currents
- Characterizing the Hydrologic Impacts of Mountaintop Mining Using Stable Isotopes
- Coastal Impacts of the March 11th Tsunami in the Galapagos Islands
- Conservative and reactive tracers of floodplain hydrology and ecosystem processes in the floodplain of the Atchafalaya River, Louisiana
- Cross-Regional Assessment Of Coupling And Variability In Precipitation-Runoff Relationships
- Deconvolution Techniques in Receiver Function Imaging of Mantle Discontinuities Beneath the Western United States
- Determining Solute Sources and Water Flowpaths in a Forested Headwater Catchment: Advances With the Ca-Sr-Ba Multi-tracer
- Disturbance and decoupling of belowground carbon and nitrogen cycles in a northern temperate forest
- Earth's Ground-Based Magnetic Perturbations in Response to Substorms
- Estimating Nitrogen Loss across Varying Flow Regimes in a Southeastern Floodplain Using a Multidimensional Ecohydraulic Model
- Evaluation of the Swat Model in a Small Watershed Representative of the Atlantic Forest Biome in Southern Brazil
- F-region Plasma Drifts at Middle Latitudes Observed by SuperDARN
- Fine scale variations of surface and ground water chemistry in an ephemeral to perennial drainage network in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH, USA
- First Reconnected Flux Tubes
- GEM-CEDAR Challenge: Comparing Ionospheric Models with Poynting Flux from DMSP Observations
- Geoelectrical Monitoring of Shallow Vadose Zone Moisture Dynamics over Three Annual Cycles: Electrical Resistivity Tomography Results
- Global Observations from a Constellation of Small Satellites
- Greenhouse gases emission and carbon sequestration in agro-ecosystems under long-term no-till: implications for global warming mitigation
- Ground magnetometer responses to solar wind pressure impulses using a global magnetogram technique - case studies
- Heater Beam Angle Effect on Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission in a Magnetized Ionospheric Plasma using the HAARP transmitter
- Hydrologic and biogeochemical controls on nitrogen exports from catchments: Contrasting responses and models for two forested sites
- Hydropedology at Hubbard Brook: Differentiating soil functional units with shallow ground water response data
- Impact of Recent Aeronomically Relevant Laboratory Data to Our Understanding of Thermospheric Nitric Oxide (NO)
- Impact of Sea Level Rise on the Attenuation of Hurricane Storm Surge by Wetlands in Corpus Christi, TX
- In-Stream Metabolism Differences Between Glacial and Non-Glacial Streams in Southeast Alaska
- Interhemispheric Geomagnetic Field Response to Sudden Change in Solar Wind Pressure and IMF Orientation
- Investigating Polar Ionospheric Irregularities using GPS Scintillation Model and Observations
- Investigating radial models of anelasticity (Q) using normal mode and surface wave measurements
- Investigating the Threshold and Strength of Emission Lines Generated by Magnetized Stimulated Brillouin Scatter (MSBS) using HAARP facilities
- Investigation of Upshifted Emission Lines in the SEE Spectra near Second Gyro-harmonic
- Large-Scale SuperDARN Observations of a Sub-Auroral Polarization Stream at Mid-Latitudes
- Macropore Effects on Stream Hydrology at Multiple Scales
- Magnetospheric Sawtooth Events During Solar Cycle 23
- Mid-latitude SuperDARN Measurements of the Extended Local Time Structure and Dynamics of Sub-Auroral Plasma Streams
- Non-Newtonian convection modeling and the possibility of present day internal activity on Ceres
- Non-enzymatic U(VI) interactions with biogenic mackinawite
- Nutrient Retention within the Atchafalaya Basin Floodway System in the 2011 flood
- Observations and theory of ion gyro-harmonic structures in the Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission (SEE) spectrum excited during second electron gyro-harmonic heating
- Observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds from Space: A SME Legacy
- Observations of gravity waves and ozone structures near the stratopause from the CIPS instrument
- Observations of the Tongue of Ionization with GPS TEC and SuperDARN in the Antarctic
- Patterns in the Land Surface Phenology of North American Mountain Systems from 2000 to 2011
- Polar Cap Convection Structures: Relations to High Speed Streams and Plasma Sheet Dynamics
- Prediction of Pigment Concentration in a Boreal Mixedwood Forest Canopy with Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Data
- Quantifying Sources and Sinks of Atmospheric CO2 Using GOSAT and Surface Flask Observations
- Quantifying the impact of model biases in convective transport on inferred CO source estimates using multi-spectral CO retrievals from MOPITT
- Rare Earth Elements as Tracers for Quantifying Reach-scale Sediment Dynamics in a Second-order Stream in Southwestern Virginia
- Required distribution of noise sources for Green's function recovery in diffusive fields
- Runoff response for a peri-urban watershed in the Atlantic Forest Biome, southern Brazil, using the Kineros2 model
- Seasonal Comparison of Snow Distribution and Aerial Ablation within the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Seasonal patterns of stream water DOM composition - Hydrologic and biogeochemical controls
- Soil morphology as an indicator for spatial patterns of runoff generation thresholds
- Solar Energy and Nitric Oxide in the Lower Thermosphere: Observations by the Remote Atmospheric Ionospheric Detection System (RAIDS) and the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO)
- Solar Radiation Influence on Ground-Level Geomagnetic Perturbations
- Statistical Study of SuperDARN Observed ULF Pulsations and Their Relationship to Solar Wind Transients
- Streamflow Responses and Ecological Implications of Climate Change in New York City Water Supply Watershed
- Synthesizing in-stream structure design guidelines from small-scale and field-scale physical experiments
- Systematic Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models during the 2006 AGU Storm
- The ANSS response to the Mw 5.8 Central Virginia Seismic Zone earthquake of August 23, 2011
- The Chile tsunami of 27 February 2010: Field survey and modeling
- The GLO Instrument
- The Storm Time Energy and Dynamics Explorers
- The Use of Data Fusion Products for the Analysis of Dryland Forest Phenology
- The effect of temperate forest structure on NPP estimates from a Landsat-driven ecosystem process model
- The impact of stream and hillslope interactions on sediment transport in Garnet Canyon, Teton Range, Wyoming
- Theoretical Infrared Frequencies of the trans-HOCO Radical
- Treatment of climate change and sea-level rise in hurricane flood statistics
- Two-dimensional Ionospheric Flow Pattern Associated with Auroral Streamers
- Water Resources Implications of Cellulosic Biofuel Production at a Regional Scale
- Water and Energy Balance in Response to the Removal of Invasive Phragmites Australis in a Riparian Wetland
- A Probabilistic Assessment of Threats to Surface Water Resources in Watersheds of the Lower Colorado River Basin
- A comparison of SMCs to global sawtooth oscillations
- A forward propagation model of GPS scintillations to characterize high latitude ionospheric irregularities
- A new powerful parameterization tool for managing groundwater resources and predicting land subsidence in Las Vegas Valley
- A unique opportunity to reconstruct the volcanic history of the island of Nevis, Lesser Antilles
- An interdisciplinary, outcome-based approach to astmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> mitigation with planted southern pine forests
- Analysis of low latitude Noctilucent Cloud occurrences using satellite data and modeling
- Antarctic Observations of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) Waves
- Characterization of Magma-Driven Hydrothermal Systems at Oceanic Spreading Centers
- Climatology Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models in Low Solar Flux Conditions for the CCMC CEDAR Challenge
- Comparison of Aspect Angle Effect on Stimulated Electromagnetic Emissions using HAARP and EISCAT facilities
- Constraints on Crustal Shear Wave Velocity Structure beneath Central Tibet from 3-D Multi-scale Finite-frequency Rayleigh Wave Travel-time Tomography
- Controlled-Source Seismic Survey to Constrain Evolution of the Continental Cratonic Margin in Idaho and Eastern Oregon
- Coordinated SuperDARN-THEMIS ASI Observations of Mesoscale Flow Bursts Associated with Auroral Streamers
- Description of Non-Darcy Flow in Anisotropic Porous Media
- Designing stream restoration structures using 3D hydro-morphodynamic numerical modeling
- Do transient storage parameters directly scale in longer, combined stream reaches? Reach length dependence of transient storage interpretations
- Dynamics of the AMPERE Region 1 Birkeland current oval during storms, substorms and steady magnetospheric convection
- Earth Cube Data Community Roadmap for Mining Services
- Effect of Hyporheic Exchange Induced by Riverbed Dunes on Mixing of Contaminants Daylighting from Aquifers to Rivers
- Effect of Water Temperature on Cohesive Streambank Erosion
- Equatorial Thermospheric Responses to Geomagnetic Storms
- Estimation of transit time in catchments using stable isotopes: approaches and limitations
- Evolution of Storm-time Subauroral Electric Fields: RCM Event Simulations
- Excitation threshold of Stimulated Electromagnetic Emissions SEEs generated at pump frequency near the third electron gyroharmonic
- Experimental investigation of the ionospheric hysteresis effect on the threshold excitation level of the Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission (SEE) during heating at the second electron gyro-harmonic frequency
- Extended observations of two-dimensional SAPS velocities
- Floodplain denitrification within contrasting hydrologic environments
- High-Latitude Poynting Flux from SuperDARN and AMPERE
- High-Resolution Seismic Tomography from Dense Array Recordings of the August 23, 2011 Central Virginia Earthquake Aftershock Sequence
- How microtopography and soil morphology can help decipher flow paths and processes in headwater catchments
- IMF By associated interhemispheric asymmetries in ionospheric convection and field-aligned currents
- Insights into physical and biological controls on the export of organic matter and nutrients from glacier ecosystems
- Integrated Landscape Responses to Climate in Northern Catchments
- Interhemispheric Geomagnetic Field Response to Sudden Change in Solar Wind Pressure
- Investigating Earthquake Hazards in the Northern Salton Trough, Southern California, Using Data From the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP)
- Investigating asymmetries in mesospheric gravity wave propagation at high-latitudes
- Ion-neutral Coupling During the August 2011 Magnetic Storm
- Ionospheric Irregularities at High Latitudes During Geomagnetic Storms and Substorms: Simultaneous Observations of Magnetic Field Perturbations and GPS Scintillations
- Landscape Metrics to Predict Soil Spatial Patterns
- Large Eddy Simulation of the Quasi-Geostrophic Equations of Oceanic Flows
- Lobe dynamics and homoclinic tangles in atmospheric flows
- Mapping Tillage Practices Using Landsat Imagery: What's Next Before Operational Implementation?
- Multi-Scale Observations of Plasma Conditions and Features in the Coupled Mid-Latitude Ionosphere and Plasmasphere
- Multi-Technique Measurements and Modeling of Storm-Enhanced Densities during a Moderate Magnetic Storm on 3-4 August 2010: Connections to Low and High Latitudes
- Nadir and Limb Viewing Observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds from the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM) Explorer
- Nano-Fabrication Methods for Micro-Miniature Optical Thermometers Suited to High Temperatures and Harsh Environments
- New views of the Sub-Auroral Polarization Stream using multi-instrument observations
- Nitrate as a Mobile Anion: The Relevance of Abiotic Retention to Soil Solution Fluxes
- Observations of Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Density Structures Over North America
- Occurrence and Characteristics of Large-Scale SAPS Over North America
- PMC brightness zonal variability and its correlation with temperature and water vapor
- Photoelectron determination of the EUV and XUV energy input variability to the Mars ionosphere/thermosphere during the 2005 Mars-Earth-Sun alignment
- Physical attributes of hurricane surges and their role in surge warning
- Polar Electrodynamics During the 14-16 July 2012 Geomagnetic Storm
- Pore-scale Analysis of Capillary Pressure at Equilibrium in a Two-Fluid-Phase Porous Medium System
- Potential Effects of SLR and Land-Cover Changes on Hurricane Surge and Damage
- Precise Solar Radiation Pressure Modeling for GRACE with Atmospheric Effects
- Predicting friction factor in herbaceous emergent wetlands
- Rayleigh lidar studies of mesospheric inversion layers at Chatanika, Alaska
- Reflection imaging using RVSP processing of aftershock recordings from the August 23, 2011 central Virginia earthquake
- Role of Equatorial Thermospheric Winds on the Pre-Reversal Enhancement
- Runoff and Sediment Delivery from Bare and Graveled Forest Road Approaches to Stream Crossings
- SWIM - A Scientific CubeSat from Puerto Rico
- Soil Inorganic Nitrogen Cycling during Successional Change in a Northern Temperate Forest
- Solar Cycle Variations in the Response of the Magnetosphere to the Solar Wind
- Solar Storm Effects in Antarctica: Observations from Solar Cycle 24
- Space Weather Predictions Using Real Time Solar Wind Measurements In Empirical Models
- Space-based imaging of mesospheric gravity waves from the cloud imaging and particle size instrument
- Stable isotope paleoaltimetry of the Mount Everest region
- Statistical Analysis of Ground Magnetometer Response to Sudden Solar Wind Pressure Increases Using a Global Magnetogram Technique
- Statistical Study of O+ in the Magnetotail during Sawtooth Events
- Statistical features of the high-latitude ionospheric convection structure associated with enhanced solar wind fluctuations
- Statistical study of the relationship between enhanced polar cap flows and PBIs
- Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission Indicator of Glow Plasma Discharges from Ionospheric HF Wave Transmissions with HAARP
- Stream temperature response to variable glacier coverage in coastal watersheds of northern southeast Alaska
- Structuring of the ionospheric convection flows associated with enhanced solar wind ULF fluctuations
- The Influence of Hurricane Parameters on Hurricane Surge and Waves in Complex Coastal Zones
- The effect of cellulosic biofuel production on water resources at a regional scale
- Transport and mixing of microbial population by atmospheric coherent structures
- Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by Midlatitude SuperDARN Radars
- Ultraviolet Remote Sensing of Nitric Oxide in the Thermosphere Using the TIMED/GUVI Instrument
- Using small-footprint, discrete return LiDAR to obtain stand level age of loblolly pine in central Virginia, USA
- 2013 Geomagnetic Storm Observations in the Arctic and Antarctic
- A Superplume at the Heart of Pangaea
- A gravity wave case study for an observation over Antarctica using the cloud imaging and particle size experiment
- A new open-source Python-based Space Weather data access, visualization, and analysis toolkit
- A refined look at the sulfur and iron cycles during the Toarcian OAE (Invited)
- Aftershock source imaging using reverse time migration of data from the dense AIDA array deployed after the 2011 Virginia earthquake
- Analysis of Capillary Pressure in a Two-Fluid-Phase Porous Medium System Using Micro-model Experiments and Pore-Scale Modeling
- Annual Corn Yield Estimation through Multi-temporal MODIS Data
- Body and Surface-wave ambient noise seismic interferometry in the Salton Sea Geothermal Field, California
- Building a Bridge to Deep Time: Sedimentary Systems Across Timescales
- Capillary Pressure Dynamics in a Two-Fluid-Phase Porous Medium System
- Cenozoic Variations in the Deep Western Boundary Current as Recorded in the Seismic Stratigraphy of Contourite Drifts: IODP Expedition 342, Newfoundland Ridge, Offshore Canada
- Comparison of EMIC wave observation and modeling under different geomagnetic activities
- Comparison of methods for determining the hydrologic recovery time after forest disturbance
- Comparisons of DC Electric Field Measurements in the Ionosphere and Inner Magnetosphere Using Measurements from the SuperDARN Radars and the Van Allen Probes EFW Instrument
- Conjugate Event Study of Geomagnetic ULF Pulsations with Wavelet-based Indices
- Conjugate observations of traveling convection vortices (TCVs) and electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves associated with transient events at the magnetopause
- Constellations and Networks
- Controls on Mixing-Dependent Denitrification in Hyporheic Zones
- Crustal anisotropy near the Wilzetta fault during the 2011 Prague, Oklahoma earthquake sequence
- Crustal structure during active rifting in the central Salton Trough, California, constrained by the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP)
- Cuticular Biominerals of the Terrestrial Crustacean Oniscus asellus (Isopoda, Linnaeus 1758)
- Data de- and redimensioning for optimized brokering access
- Deposit characteristics of suspended sediments in storms and tsunamis
- Development of Dimensionless Surge Response Functions for Hazard Assessment at Panama City, Florida
- Development of Physics-Based Hurricane Wave Response Functions: Application to Selected Sites on the U.S. Gulf Coast
- Direct Observations of the Evolution of Polar Cap Ionization Patches
- Dissolved organic matter processing within the Atchafalaya basin: from river to backwater swamps
- End of the trend: Cold desert ecosystem responses to climate variability
- Energy coupling during the August 2011 magnetic storm
- Experimental study on controls on fluid chemistry and permeability evolution during serpentinization reactions
- Field-Aligned Current Reconfiguration and Magnetospheric Response to an Impulse in the Interplanetary Magnetic Field BY Component
- Finite-Frequency Imaging of Transition Zone Discontinuities
- From LIP to OIB: A view from the Galapagos
- Geomagnetic Dependence of Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (MSTIDs) Observed by Mid- and High- Latitude SuperDARN Radars
- Geometry Of The San Andreas Fault In The Salton Trough And Its Effect On Simulated Shaking For A Rupture Similar To That Of The Great California Shakeout Of 2008
- Global Ionospheric and Thermospheric Response to the April 2010 Geomagnetic Storm
- Highly Physical Penumbra Solar Radiation Pressure Modeling for GRACE and GOCE and Comparisons to Accelerometer Data
- Hyporheic Zone Denitrification: Flow Path Controls and Scaling Consequences for N budgets for the Whole Stream
- Identifying Global Sawtooth Oscillation Events with Ground Magnetometer Networks
- Imaging Resolution of 410-km and 660-km Discontinuities
- Improved Mapping of SuperDARN Observations Using Elevation Angle Measurements
- Investigating the San Andreas Fault System in the Northern Salton Trough by a Combination of Seismic Tomography and Pre-stack Depth Migration: Results from the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP)
- Kinematic history of the southern Santa Rosa Mountains using U-Th/He thermochronometry of apatite: an uplifted and tilted block in a dominantly transpressional tectonic regime
- Linkages between Land Surface Phenology Metrics and Natural and Anthropogenic Events in Drylands (Invited)
- Liquid water sill emplacement on Europa?
- Low-latitude Ionospheric Heating during Solar Flares
- MEMEX: Mechanisms of Energetic Mass Ejection Explorer
- Mantle dynamics and seafloor subsidence
- Mantle dynamics, lithospheric structure, and topographic evolution of the Mid-Atlantic continental margin and central Appalachian orogen
- Mass Spectrometer Sounding of the Turbopause Region on Commercial Vehicles
- Methods for interfacing IPCC climate change scenarios with higher resolution watershed management models in the Ethiopian Blue Nile Basin
- Modeling of Perturbations in Mid-Ocean Hydrothermal Systems
- Monitoring Agriculture in the Snake River Plain from Space
- Multi-instrument Observations of Storm Enhanced Density (SED) During the Oct. 24-25 2011 Storm: Implications for SED Formation Processes (Invited)
- Multi-instrument, high-resolution imaging of polar cap plasma transportation
- Multi-point Observations of Subauroral Electric Field Signatures in the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere
- New views of the ionosphere provided by GNSS sensing (Invited)
- Nitrogen fate across topographic gradients, from headwaters to riparian zones
- Observations of erosion and damage along barrier islands following Hurricane Sandy
- Physicochemical effects of temperature and water chemistry on cohesive channel erosion
- Potential of Coastal Vegetation in Damping Tsunami Inundation on a Sloping Beach
- Properties of Polar cap flow channels and their association with polar cap arcs, airglow patches and nightside auroral activity
- Pushing the Limits on Quantitative Analysis and WDS/EDS Compositional Imaging with EPMA: Characterizing Apparent Microstructures in UHP Garnet
- Review of Ionospheric Scintillation Models and proposing a Novel Model for Characterizing High Latitude Irregularities
- Role of Westward Traveling Surges in the Substorm Expansion Phase
- Shallow velocity structure in the Imperial Valley region of Southern California
- Solar Cycle comparison of Nitric Oxide in the lower thermosphere
- Spectacular ionospheric flow structures associated with substorm auroral onset
- Statistical characterization of the Sub-Auroral Polarization Stream (SAPS) using large scale observations from mid-latitude SuperDARN radars
- Storm-Time Meridional Wind Perturbations in the Equatorial Thermosphere
- Storm-Time and Quiescent Variations in the Thermosphere Exhibited in Maps of Exospheric Temperatures
- Teaching Heliophysics Science to Undergraduates in an Engineering Context
- Testing the Expanding-Contracting Polar Cap Paradigm
- The Impact of Changing Snowmelt Timing on Non-Irrigated Crop Yield in Idaho
- The combined effect of plate motions and small-scale convection on mantle stirring efficiency
- The inextricable link between hillslope scale hydrologic flow paths and soil morphology
- Three-dimensional simulations of boulder transport by storm and tsunami waves
- Transport of polar winter lower-thermospheric Nitric Oxide to the Stratosphere
- TsuSpeedv0.5: Inversion of flow depth and flow speed along a cross section
- Using observational and experimental data of ecosystem response to N addition to improve predictions of coupled carbon and nitrogen cycling in Earth System models. (Invited)
- Wavefront Healing and Tomographic Resolution of Superplumes
- 2.69-2.68 Ga granulite facies metamorphism in the Wyoming Craton revealed by Sm-Nd garnet geochronology and trace element zoning, eastern Beartooth Mountains, Montana and Wyoming, USA
- 3-D Velocity Model of the Coachella Valley, Southern California Based on Explosive Shots from the Salton Seismic Imaging Project
- 3D Lithospheric Structure in an Arc-Continent Collisional Setting: Results from the EarthScope IDOR Passive Seismic Receiver Functions
- 3D Spherical Convection Modeling of Venusian Resurfacing Mechanisms
- A Bayesian approach to linear inverse problems in seismic tomography
- A Continuum of Connectivity: Geographically Isolated Wetlands and the Conservation of Landscape Functions
- A Hydraulic Nexus between Geographically Isolated Wetlands and Downstream Water Bodies
- A Reanalysis of Forest Disturbance Impacts on Streamflow
- A Two-Dimensional Lattice Boltzmann Scheme for Analyzing Equilibrium States in a Two-Fluid-Phase Porous Medium System
- A complicated evolution of a newly created Polar Cap Ionization Patch
- A model of depressional wetland formation in low-relief karst landscapes
- A model using marginal efficiency of investment to analyse carbon and nitrogen interactions in forested ecosystems
- A new meso-scale discrete element model to study deposit differences in tsunamis and storms
- A new non-parametric framework to determine time-variant catchment transit times and their distributions
- A simple method for assessing available weather data quality for site specific nutrient management
- Analysis of Crop Phenology Using Time-Series MODIS Data and Climate Data
- Analysis of EMIC waves in relation to magnetospheric heavy ion density
- Anomalous Doppler Shift in the Storm-time Midlatitude Red-line Emission
- Are Catchment Denudation Signals Stored in Alluvial-Fan Stratigraphy? Measuring Paleodenudation Rates Using Cosmogenic Radionuclides in the Pleistocene Pleasant Canyon Complex, Panamint Mountains, California
- Boulder Dislodgment Reloaded: New insights from boulder transport and dislodgement by tsunamis and storms from three-dimensional numerical simulations with GPUSPH
- Cd Mobility in Anoxic Fe-Mineral-Rich Environments - Potential Use of Fe(III)-Reducing Bacteria in Soil Remediation
- Cenozoic Circulation History of the North Atlantic Ocean From Seismic Stratigraphy of the Newfoundland Ridge Drift Complex
- Cips (Cloud Imaging and Particle Size Experiment) Observations of a Newly Discovered Population of Very Large Ice Particles in Polar Mesospheric Clouds
- Connecting Pore-Scale Dynamics to Macroscopic Models for Multiphase Flow
- Contrasting Crustal Structure Across a Steep Accretionary Margin in Idaho-Oregon, Illuminated by EarthScope IDOR Controlled-Source Seismic Data
- Contributions of the Higher Vibrational Levels of Nitric Oxide to the Radiative Cooling of the Thermosphere
- Coordinated Swarm in Situ and THEMIS All Sky Imager (ASI) Observations of the Motion of Patchy Pulsating Aurora
- Day-night coupling by a localized flow channel visualized by polar cap patch propagation
- Dayside High Latitude Ground Magnetic Pulsations Produced by Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves at the Convection Shear Boundary: Conjugate Northern and Southern Observations
- Development of an Operational L1 to Earth Delay Time Product
- Disturbance Effects Seen in the Midlatitude Ionosphere with SuperDARN
- Diurnal and Inter-day Variation in Atmospheric Microbial Community Diversity and Composition at Mt. Bachelor Observatory
- Dual Heuristics for Assessment of Hydrologic Sensitivities to Climate Change in Watersheds of the Lower Colorado Basin
- Earth's polar cap ionization patches lead to ion upflow
- Effects of Climate Change on Stormwater Capture Depths in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region
- Evolution of Geochemical Variations Along the Central American Volcanic Front
- Evolution of fracture permeability of ultramafic rocks at hydrothermal conditions: An experimental study on serpentinization reactions
- Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Change Detection Around the Country (and the World)
- FTIR Maps and Spatial Distributions of OH in Caledonide and Himalayan Shear Zones: Implications for Dislocation Creep and Water Weakening
- Generation of continental crust in intra-oceanic arcs
- Geometry of the San Andreas Fault and Sedimentary Basin in the Northern Salton Trough
- Global Simulation of EMIC waves at Earth: Generation and Application of Linearly Polarized EMIC waves
- Ground Fire Effects on Hydrology and Habitat: Implications for Fire Management in Areas with Organic Soil
- Heat Source for Active Venting at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
- Heat flux analyses for the Mackenzie, Yukon, and Lena rivers
- Hemispheric Effects in Ionospheric Plasma Convection and Irregularity Occurrence
- High-Latitude Ionospheric Structuring at Kilometer Scales
- Highly Physical Penumbra Solar Radiation Pressure Modeling for GRACE and GOCE
- Hydrological Modeling and Repeatability with Brokering
- Imaging Resolution of the 410-km and 660-km Discontinuities
- Imagining Future Forests: What Models Can Learn from Field Data.
- Infiltration of Highway Stormwater Runoff into Vegetated Filter Strips under Wet Climate in Western Oregon
- Influence of auroral streamers on rapid evolution of SAPS flows
- Interannual Variability in PMCs from AIM/CIPS
- Interhemispheric Coupling in AIM/CIPS in Dec 2013/Jan 2014: A Connection to Cold Air Outbreaks?
- Inverse Modeling Using a Novel Scintillation Model Sigma to Characterize High Latitude Irregularities During a Storm and a Substorm
- Inversion of tsunami characteristics:Estimation of transient flow depth and speed with quantified uncertainties
- Investigating Seasonal Gravity Wave Activity in the Summer Polar Mesosphere
- Ionospheric Poynting Flux and Joule Heating Modeling Challenge: Latest Results and New Models.
- Is a Cretaceous Superplume in Pacific Ocean Necessary?
- Laboratory Experiments of Tsunami Inundation in Patchy Coastal Forest on a Steep Beach
- Laboratory Techniques in Geology: Embedding Analytical Methods into the Undergraduate Curriculum
- Large-Scale Deformation and Uplift Associated with Serpentinization
- Linking Watershed Drivers and Stream Responses at Various Scales Using Emerging Instream Sensors
- Linking tracers and travel time distributions: the emergence of age mixing patterns
- Local-time Variation of Nitric Oxide: Modeling and Observations
- Microbial mat structures in the basal Ediacaran Doushantuo cap dolostone from the Yangtze Gorges area of South China and their environmental implications
- Middle Atmosphere Sounder and Thermal Emission Radiometer - Master
- Mixing between hyporheic flow cells and upwelling groundwater: laboratory simulations and implications for mixing-dependent reactions
- Multi-instrument Observations of the Formation and Evolution of Polar Cap Plasma Structures
- Multi-phase submarine channel-fill history recorded by stratigraphic architectures in outcropping slope-channel deposits, Tres Pasos Formation, southern Chile
- National Assessment of Floodplain Connectivity
- Neighborhood functions alter unbalanced facilitation on a stress gradient in an alpine treeline simulation
- New Observations of Storm Enhanced Density, Tongues of Ionization and Polar Cap Patches in Antarctica
- New results on the midnight temperature maximum with the NATION Fabry-Perot network for the central eastern continental US
- Nonthermal Electrostatic Plasma Modes in the Ionosphere
- On the Generation Mechanism of Externally Driven EMIC Waves
- Properties of localized polar cap flow enhancements and their connection to nightside poleward boundary intensifications and substorms
- Quantification of Distinguishing Features of Tsunami versus Hurricane Sediment Overwash Events
- Quantifying the Distribution and Influence of Non-Uniform Bed Properties on Spatial Patterns of Turbidity in Shallow Coastal Bays
- Rapid Heating at Subduction Interfaces: A Special Case or the Norm?
- Recent Fault Activity in the 1886 Charleston, South Carolina Earthquake Epicentral Area and its Relation to Buried Structures
- Recent Observations and Modeling of Narrowband Stimulated Electromagnetic Emissions SEEs at HAARP and EISCAT
- Reconstructing CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentrations in basaltic melt inclusions from Cascade cinder cones using Raman analysis of vapor bubbles
- Response of High Latitude Birkeland Currents and Ionospheric Convection to Transitions in Solar Wind Forcing
- Scientific Progress in Understanding Thermosphere-Ionosphere Dynamics Enabled by Ground-based Networks of Instrumentation
- Seabed Spectra Predictions Using a Time-Dependent Seafloor Boundary Layer Model
- Seafloor Subsidence, Effective Thermal Conductivity, and Mantle Dynamics
- Searching for hot spots and hot moments of soil denitrification in northern hardwood forests
- Sector-Scanning Sonar Imagery of Laboratory Bedforms
- Sediment Flux from Stratigraphy: Insights from <1 Ma to >300 Ma Sedimentary Archives
- Short Time-Scale Enhancements to the Global Thermosphere Temperature and Nitric Oxide Content Resulting From Ionospheric Joule Heating
- Si-Metasomatism During Serpentinization of Jurassic Ultramafic Sea-floor: a Comparative Study
- Simply active, or contributing too? Investigating the hydrologic connectivity of shallow water tables in a headwater catchment.
- Simulation of Two-Phase Flow Based on a Thermodynamically Constrained Averaging Theory Flow Model
- Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions across a Riparian-Upland Transect: How Will Soils Respond to Anticipated Changes in Rainfall Magnitude and Frequency?
- Soil-water interactions in shrink-swell clays: measurements and models across scales
- Solar Occultation Constellation for Retrieving Aerosols and Trace Element Species (SOCRATES) Mission Concept
- Somma-Vesuvius Plinian Eruptions fed by mafic magma: insights from bubbles in melt inclusions
- Sources and Characteristics of Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by a Longitudinally Distributed Chain of SuperDARN Radars Across the United States
- Spectral Characteristics of Wave Breaking and Dissipation in Combined Tsunami - Swell Wave Conditions
- Strategic Science to Address Current and Future Space Weather Needs
- Sub-biome variability in the biophysical influence of forests on climate using the Community Earth System Model
- Superposed Epoch Analysis of GPS Total Electron Content Variations Driven by Geomagnetic Storms
- Temporospatial Patterns of Manganese Concentrations in a Hydropower Dam Watershed
- Testing the Addition of Topographic Features for Field Scale Infiltration Excess Water Quality Modeling in SWAT
- The Impact of Changing Snowmelt Timing on Non-Irrigated Crop Yield: A Parametric and Non-Parametric Approach
- The LIP-OIB transitional phase in the Galapagos mantle plume
- The McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems responding to climatic events that enhance hydrologic transport acress the landscape
- The Roles of Greenhouse Gas and Solar Cycle Forcing on the Interannual Variability of Temperature and Ice Layers near the Mesopause Region
- The Sensitivity of the Cloud Imaging and Particle Size Experiment to Gravity Wave Density Perturbations near the Stratopause
- The Stratigraphic Expression of Formative Processes in Channels
- The Thermal Response of Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Systems to Perturbations
- The use of high-frequency data to engage students in quantitative reasoning and scientific discourse
- The youngest magmatic event in Eastern North America: A window in the post rift evolution of continents
- Transequatorial Propagation and Depletion Precursors
- Typical and Atypical Magnetospheric Response to Sudden Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Changes
- Unraveling burial heating and sediment recycling in retroarc foreland basins: Detrital thermochronologic insights from the northern Magallanes Basin, Patagonian Andes
- Updated Chemical, Radiative, and Transport Properties of Thermospheric Odd Nitrogen
- Urban Land Use Change Effects on Below and Aboveground Carbon Stocks—a Global Perspective and Future Research Needs
- Variable Water Concentrations in the Asthenospheric and Lithospheric Mantle Underneath the Eastern United States
- Vein Formation and Element Mobility During Serpentinization of Peridotites: Mineralogy and Thermodynamic Modeling
- Vision for the Future of Lws TR&T
- 2013 March 17 Storm: Synergy of Observations Related to Mid-Latitude Electric Field Drivers and their Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Effects
- A Dynamic Flood Inundation Model Framework to Assess Coastal Flood Risk in a Changing Climate
- A Model for Interpreting <SUP>10</SUP>Be Basin-Wide Erosion Rates in Post-Glacial Environments, Northwest Scotland
- A review of biogeophysical impacts of bioenergy-induced LULCC and associated climate metrics
- Active Stream Length Dynamics in Headwater Catchments Spanning Physiographic Provinces in the Appalachian Highlands
- An Ecological Drill: Biogeomorphic Pattern Evolution in a Low-Relief Carbonate Landscape
- An experimental study on evolution of fracture permeability and rate of water-rock reactions in ultramafic rocks at hydrothermal conditions
- Anisotropic 3-D Crustal Velocity Structure of Idaho/ Oregon from a Joint Inversion of Group and Phase Velocities of Love and Rayleigh Waves from Ambient Seismic Noise: Results from the IDOR Project
- Assessing Climate Vulnerability and Resilience of a Major Water Resource System - Inverting the Paradigm for Specific Risk Quantification at Decision Making Points of Impact
- Assessing groundwater recharge mechanisms in the Pampa del Tamarugal Basin of northern Chile's Atacama Desert
- Assessing potential diagenetic alteration of primary iodine-to-calcium ratios in carbonate rocks
- Assessing the effectiveness of manure application timing options to minimize P loss from fields
- Biogeochemical Hotspots in Shallow to Bedrock Zones: Sources of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) in the Appalachian Mountain Region of the Eastern USA.
- Boulder Dislodgement by Tsunamis and Storms: Version 2.0
- Chasing Perfection: Should We Reduce Model Uncertainty in Carbon Cycle-Climate Feedbacks
- Connecting Pore Scale Dynamics to Macroscopic Models for Two-Fluid Phase Flow
- Connecting small-scale turbulence to large-scale dynamics in the mesosphere using the Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere Turbulence Experiment (MTeX)
- Constraints on Shallow Crustal Structure across the San Andreas Fault Zone, Coachella Valley, Southern California: Results from the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP)
- Continental Deformation in Madagascar from GNSS Observations
- Coupled Porosity and Chemical Evolution of Hydrothermal Circulation: Implications for the Morphology of Vents and Recharge Zones at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Coupling SLEUTH model and population projection to simulate urban growth of the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area
- Crustal structure of the Mid-Atlantic Margin from the MAGIC seismic array
- DCShake: Measuring Variations in Earthquake Ground Motions in Washington, DC
- Deciphering the Chemical and Physical Basis for the CaCO<SUB>3 </SUB>Polymorphs that Form by an Amorphous Pathway
- Deep Magma Accumulation at Nyamulagira Volcano in 2011 Detected by GNSS Observations
- Deformation of Polar Cap Patches During Substorms
- Developing a Near-Continuous Estimation of Volumetric Fluctuations in Tropical Lakes and Reservoirs Using Satellite Remote Sensing
- Development, Application, and Validation of Thermodynamically Constrained Averaging Theory Models of Porous Medium Systems
- Diffractional Imaging of Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities Using SdS-SS Traveltimes
- Dynamics of Subauroral Polarization Stream (SAPS) Structures
- Effect of Gravity Waves Generated in the Monsoon Region on Polar Mesospheric Clouds
- Efficacy of Biostimulation for Uranium Sequestration: Coupled Effects Sediment/Groundwater Geochemistry and Microbiology
- Electrodynamic Context of Magnetotail and Magnetopause Dynamics Observed by Magnetospheric Multiscal
- Environmental Controls on New Particle Formation Over a Forested Region in the Southeastern U.S.A. During One Year
- Estimation of Channel-Forming Discharge and Large-Event Geomorphic Response Using HEC-RAS
- Evaluation of Radiative Kernels for Albedo Radiative Forcing Calculations Using CERES Satellite Observations: Applications for the LULCC Community
- Evidence for Global Biogeochemical Changes During the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
- Evidence for a Moho-penetrating steep accretionary margin from the EarthScope Idaho-Oregon controlled-source seismic survey
- Expanding the performance curve of different weather data sources for hydrologic modeling in central Texas: a comparison of ground observations and the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis as watershed model inputs
- Experiment Design to Assess Ionospheric Perturbations During the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
- Extreme Driving of Reverse Convection During Strongly Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Fine Scale Structure observed in the Total Electron Content above the Sub-Auroral, Auroral, and Polar Ionosphere
- Forearc Morphotectonics and Megathrust Earthquakes Along the Middle America Convergent Margin, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Freshly brewed continental crust
- GeoClawSed: A Model with Finite Volume and Adaptive Refinement Method for Tsunami Sediment Transport
- Geology, Geochronology, and EarthScope: The EarthScope AGeS Program and a new idea for a 4D Earth Initiative
- Greenhouse Gas Analysis by GC/MS
- Heavy Ion Effects on Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability: Hybrid Study
- Historical and potential future impacts of extreme hydrological events on the Amazonian floodplain hydrology and inundation dynamics
- Implications of Using USDA-NCSS Bulk Density to Estimate Carbon Stocks in Forest Soils Across the Southeastern United States
- Improving the spatial representation of soil properties and hydrology using topographically derived watershed model initialization processes
- Inclusion of floc-driven settling velocity in a simple river mouth plume model and the effect on plume concentration and rate of deposition
- Incorporating Ecosystem Experiments and Observations into Process Models of Forest Carbon and Water Cycles: Challenges and Solutions
- Influence of auroral streamers on rapid evolution of SAPS flows
- Initial Modeling of Hydrothermal Circulation at the Mid-Cayman Spreading Center
- Inorganic Biominerals in Crustaceans are Structurally Independent of Organic Framework
- Inter-hemispheric comparisons of the ground magnetic response to a solar wind transient: the role of ionospheric conductivity
- Investigation of Solar Wind Coupling to the High-Latitude Ionospheric Reverse Convection Electric Field during Large Positive IMF Bz
- Ionospheric Cubeswarm Concept Study: using low-resource instrumentation for truly multipoint in situ ionospheric observations
- Kinematics and Dynamics of Observed Along-Rift Surface Motions in the East African Rift System
- Late Cenozoic Vertical Motions of the Coachella Valley Using Apatite U-Th/He and <SUP>4/3</SUP>He Thermochronometry
- Localized Density Instabilities Driven By Interface Shear and Their Influence on Removal of Sediment from Buoyant Plumes
- Mantle Flow Pattern and Dynamic Topography beneath the Eastern US
- Mantle Structure Assessed from Tomography Models Coupled with Thermodynamic Constraints
- Mapping Field-Aligned Currents as a Function of the Interplanetary Electric Field
- Mesospheric turbulence detection and characterization with AMISR-class radars under consistent meteorological conditions
- Microbial cycling, oxidative weathering, and the triple oxygen isotope consequences for marine sulfate
- Modeling Hydraulic Properties and Hydrologic Processes in Shrink-swell Clay Soils
- Modeling Hydrologic Transport through the Critical Zone: Lessons from Catchment-Scale and Lysimeter Studies
- Moving the Watershed Ecosystem Approach Beyond the Black Box with Sensor Technologies and New Conceptual Models
- Multi-Point Observations of Transient Phenomena at the Magnetopause Associated With Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Impulse Events
- Multi-proxy analysis of tsunami deposits - the Tirúa, Chile, example
- Multi-temporal UAV based data for mapping crop type and structure in smallholder dominated Tanzanian agricultural landscape
- Numerical Modeling of Brine Formation and Serpentinization at the Rainbow Hydrothermal System
- Numerical Modeling of the Hydrothermal System at East Pacific Rise 9°50'N Including Anhydrite Precipitation
- One-Dimensional Hydraulic Theory Applied to Experimental Subaqueous Fans with Supercritical Distributaries
- Personalized, Shareable Geoscience Dataspaces For Simplifying Data Management and Improving Reproducibility
- Plasmasphere pulsations observed simultaneously by midlatitude SuperDARN radars, ground magnetometers and THEMIS spacecraft during an auroral substorm
- Plate Tectonics 2.0: Using GPS to Refine Global Crustal Kinematics and Rewrite Textbooks
- Platinum group and chalcophile element systematics of serpentinized peridotites from the St. Elena ophiolite in Costa Rica
- Polar Cap Precursor of Nightside Auroral Oval Intensifications Using Polar Cap Arcs
- Predicting Sediment and Nutrient Loads for Selected Agricultural Watersheds in the Midwestern United States
- Predicting future productivity of Southeastern U.S. pine ecosystems in a changing climate using data assimilation with diverse data sources
- Present-Day Kinematics of the Dead Sea Transform and Internal Deformation within the Sinai and Arabian Plates
- Project EDDIE: Improving Big Data skills in the classroom
- Quantifying the spatiotemporal distribution of Ultralow Frequency waves in global simulations
- Rainwater Harvesting in South India: Understanding Water Storage and Release Dynamics at Tank and Catchment Scales
- Record of the Pacific Large Low Shear Velocity Province Upwellings Preserved in the Cretaceous Large Igneous Provinces
- Region-Wide Soil Carbon Assessment Across "the Land of Pines"
- Relative role of parameter vs. climate uncertainty for predictions of future Southeastern U.S. pine carbon cycling
- Rheological Heterogeneity Along the Deep Subduction Interface: Insights from Exhumed HP Metamorphic Rocks Exposed on Syros Island, Greece
- Root Water Uptake and Soil Moisture Pattern Dynamics - Capturing Connections, Controls and Causalities
- SKS splitting beneath the MAGIC FlexArray experiment
- Salting our Freshwater: A Macrosystems Study of Global Chloride Patterns and Trends in Lakes
- Seismic Reflectivity of the Crust in the Northern Salton Trough
- Smart Fluids in Hydrology: Use of Non-Newtonian Fluids for Pore Structure Characterization
- Solar Occultation Constellation for Retrieving Aerosols and Trace Element Species (SOCRATES): Proposed Mission Concept
- Source-to-Sink Sediment-Budget Variability in Southern California
- Sources and Characteristics of Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by SuperDARN Radars in the North American Sector
- Spatial and Temporal Trends in Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from a Temperate Floodplain Along a Stream-Riparian-Upland Gradient
- Statistical Characterization of Storm-Time GPS Total Electron Content Variations in the North American Sector
- Study of Quasi-Biennial Oscillation in Mid-Latitude Mesosphere using SuperDARN radar at Saskatoon
- Substorm Bulge/Surge Controlled by Polar Cap Flow Channels
- Sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane as the origin of extremely <SUP>13</SUP>C-depleted calcite in the Doushantuo cap carbonates in South China
- Synthesis of recent advances in critical loads research on impacts from atmospheric nitrogen deposition on terrestrial plant communities.
- Temporal Evolution of Submarine Channel Trajectory and Mobility: Quantitative Analysis and Comparison to Rivers
- Testing Earth System Model Assumptions of Photosynthetic Parameters with in situ Leaf Measurements from a Temperate Zone Forest.
- The Dynamics of Plasma Convection in the Polar Cap Ionosphere under Northward IMF Conditions
- The Global Record of the Toarcian Ocean Anoxic Event: Perspectives from the Eastern Panthalassic Ocean
- The Ionosphere's Pocket Litter: Exploiting Crowd-Sourced Observations
- The Past as a Window to the Future - What Does Long Term Research in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica Tell Us About the Trajectory of Polar Ecosystems?
- The dynamics of region 1 field-aligned currents during periods of dayside and nightside reconnection
- The effects of thick sediment upon continental breakup: seismic imaging and thermal modeling of the Salton Trough, southern California
- The importance of vegetation change in the prediction of future tropical cyclone flood statistics
- The response of ecosystem carbon pools to management approaches that increase the growth of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.)
- Thermodynamically Constrained Averaging Theory (TCAT) Two-Phase Flow Model: Derivation, Closure, and Simulation Results
- ULF Wave Modeling Challenge -Modeling Results and Application to Observations
- Understanding strain transfer and basin evolution complexities in the Salton pull-apart basin near the Southern San Andreas Fault
- Uniform slip model underestimates tsunami hazard for probabilistic assessment: results from a case study in the South China Sea
- Upper-Mantle Seismic Structure Beneath the Western Cordillera in Oregon and Idaho: Preliminary Results from EarthScope IDOR Teleseismic Travel Time Tomography
- Using a data fusion method to estimate daily stand-scale evapotranspiration over a managed pine plantation in North Carolina, USA
- Using electrical resistivity imaging to understand surface coal mine hydrogeology
- Using present-day patterns of interseismic coupling to model the C.E. 1707 Hōei earthquake and simulate tsunami inundation of Lake Ryuuoo in the Bungo Channel, southwestern Japan
- Visualization of Two-Fluid-Phase Flow Dynamics Using Micro-models
- e-POP Radio Science Using Amateur Radio Transmissions
- 3-D Spherical Convection Modeling Applied to Mercury: Dislocation Versus Diffusion Rheology
- A Comparison of Earthquake Back-Projection Imaging Methods for Dense Local Arrays, and Application to the 2011 Virginia Aftershock Sequence
- A Novel Web Application to Analyze and Visualize Extreme Heat Events
- A combined model for Sediment TRansport In Coastal Hazard Events (GeoClaw-STRICHE): Theoretical formulation and validation
- A comparative study of volatile contents of primitive arc bubble-bearing melt inclusions determined by Raman-spectroscopy and mass-balance versus experimental homogenization methods
- A kinetic rate model for crystalline basalt dissolution at temperature and pressure conditions relevant for geologic CO<SUB>2</SUB> sequestration
- A parametric analysis of capillary pressure effects during the carbon sequestration injection process in a sandstone reservoir
- A revised model to calculate the dynamic viscosity of H<SUB>2</SUB>O-NaCl fluids at elevated temperatures and pressures (≤1000 °C, ≤500 MPa, 0-100 wt. % NaCl)
- Active tectonics of the Imperial Valley, southern California: fault damage zones, complex basins and buried faults
- An Assessment of Magma-Hydrothermal Heat Output at the Costa Rica Rift
- An Element of Cohesion in Alluvial Fan Experiments
- An Institutional Community-Driven effort to Curate and Preserve Geospatial Data using GeoBlacklight
- An Integrated Sedimentological and Geochemical Analysis through a Triassic Lacustrine Cycle and Lagerstätte in the Cow Branch Formation of the Dan River Basin, Virginia and North Carolina
- An analysis of carbon and radiocarbon profiles across a range ecosystems types
- Analysis of a Conductive Heat Flow Profile in the Ecuador Fracture Zone
- Applications of alternative gridding schemes for use with polar cap conductance and field-aligned current models.
- Authigenic Carbonate Fans from Lower Jurassic Marine Shales (Alberta, Canada)
- Carbon sequestration potential in operational loblolly pine plantations
- Cations and microbial indicators: strong relationships in waters of urban/mixed land use watersheds of Southwest, VA
- Characterizing the Ionosphere Using a Commercial Off the Shelf Software Defined Radio System
- Clay Flocculation in the Presence of Suspended Silt: Independent or Dependent Fractions?
- Climate regulation ecosystem services of biofuels: a new paired flux tower study comparing loblolly pine and switchgrass ecosystems
- Comparison of Nightside Midlatitude Ionospheric Flows from DMSP and SuperDARN During Stormtime Penetration Events
- Connectivity along the river corridor: new insights, needs, and future avenues
- Constraining the effects of permeability uncertainty for geologic CO<SUB>2</SUB> sequestration in a basalt reservoir
- Controls of ionic strength and macromolecule chemistry on calcite nucleation: Salinity and ion hydration as levers for regulating biomineralization
- Coordinated Ground-Based and AIM Satellite Measurements of Mesospheric and Stratospheric Waves over South America
- Deciphering physical properties of preferential flowpaths using non-Newtonian fluids
- Deciphering the timescales of Archean HT/UHT metamorphism in the Pikwitonei Granulite Domain using garnet petrochronology
- Determination of the Effects of Magnesium on the Structural Order of Amorphous Calcium Phosphate
- Development of Return Period Inundation Maps In A Changing Climate Using a Systems of Systems Approach
- Distinctive Sedimentary Record of a Landslide Generated Mega-tsunami, Taan Fjord, Alaska
- Dynamics of SAPS/SAID During Non-Storm Conditions
- Early-stage continental rifting in East Africa assisted by magma and magmatic volatiles
- Earth's ion upflow associated with polar cap patches global and in-situ observations
- Eastern North America Passive Margin Earthquakes and Mesozoic Rift Structures
- Efficient phosphorus management practices in the Everglades Agricultural Area
- Emerald Ash Borer Threat Reveals Ecohydrologic Feedbacks in Northern U.S. Black Ash Wetlands
- Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) Analysis of Storm-Time GPS Total Electron Content Variations
- Enhanced Carbon Uptake from Nitrogen Deposition in North American Forests is a Species Dependent Phenomenon
- Enhancing the Resilience of Interdependent Critical Infrastructure Systems Using a Common Computational Framework
- Environmental Controls on Loblolly Pine Productivity in Central Virginia
- Environmental Data-Driven Inquiry and Exploration (EDDIE)- Water Focused Modules for interacting with Big Hydrologic Data
- Exoskeleton Heterogeneity in Crustaceans: Quantifying Compositional and Structural Variations Across Body Parts
- Finite-Frequency Tomography of the 410-km and 660-km Discontinuities Using SS Precursors
- Forest Transpiration: Resolving Species-Specific Root Water Uptake Patterns
- Fractional Progress Toward Understanding the Fractional Diffusion Limit: The Electromagnetic Response of Spatially Correlated Geomaterials
- From Salamanders to Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Effects of Upland Management on Wetland Functions
- Get People Talking: Sharing Tsunami Science Beyond the Web
- Halogen Geochemistry of Ore Deposits: Contributions Towards Understanding Sources and Processes
- HamSCI: The Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation
- Hemispheric Observations of Ionospheric Processes in the Polar Regions
- High Temperature Contact Metamorphism and Partial Melting: AN Example from Martinsville, VA
- How Heterogeneous Coseismic Slip Affects Regional Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment: A Case Study in the South China Sea
- Identifying the hydrologic center of watersheds for different weather data sources
- In situ Nanoscale Deformation in Transmission Electron Microscopy: Insights into Carbonate Slickenside and Fault-mirror Formation
- Influence of Magnesium Content on the Local Structure of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC): Real Time Determination by In Situ PDF Analysis
- Integrated geophysics reveals a steep lithologic boundary and Moho offset at the western Idaho shear zone that strongly influenced later tectonic events
- Integrating wetland connectivity into models for watershed-scale analyses: Current and future approaches
- Inter-Hemispheric Comparisons of the Ground Magnetic Response to an Interplanetary Shock
- Interaction between Proppant Packing, Reservoir Depletion, and Fluid Flow in Pore Space
- Interactions of simulated drought and nutrient additions drive persistent shifts in soil-atmosphere exchange of greenhouse gasses in managed pine ecosystems across the southeastern United States
- Inverse Energy Dispersion of Energetic Ions Observed in the Magnetosheath
- Investigating Stress Interactions Between the Active Ol Doinyo Lengai Volcano and Adjacent Natron Border Fault in a Young Segment of the East African Rift System
- Investigation of C-O-H-S fluids directly exsolved from melts associated with the Mt. Somma-Vesuvius magmas
- Is Ceres' deep interior ice-rich? Constraints from crater morphology
- Large Wood Increases Floodplain Connectivity: Implications for Sediment and Nutrient Management
- Large-scale degradation of Amazonian freshwater ecosystems
- Lateral weathering gradients in glaciated catchments
- Mass Delivery and Frequency of Submarine Fan-Building Turbidity Currents
- Mesoscale Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling along Open Magnetic Field Lines Associated with Airglow Patches: Field-aligned Currents and Precipitation
- Metastability of Subducted Slabs in the Mantle Transition Zone: A Collaborative Geodynamic, Petrologic, and Seismological Approach
- Modeling of Occurrence and Dynamics of Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) During Storm and Non-Storm Conditions
- Modelling of a Convecting, Crystallizing, and Replenished Diopside-Anorthite Axial Magma Chamber beneath Mid Ocean Ridges
- Multi-instrument observations and numerical modeling of intense ion upflows during stormtime polar cap expansion
- Multipoint Observations of a Global Pi2 Event in Space and on the Ground
- New Marine Heat Flow measurements at the Costa Rica Rift, Panama Basin
- New Quantification of Mantle structure based on tomography models and thermodynamic constraints
- Non-radiative processes dominate land surface signals in the climate system
- Numerical simulation of nonlinear long wavesinteracting with arrays of emergent cylinders
- Observations of the gradually heating processes of cold ions in the reconnection layer at the dayside magnetopause
- Parameterization of Nitric Oxide Emissions in the Thermosphere
- Plate Motions Predicted from Global Dynamic Models and Seismic Tomography: The Problem of North American Plate Motion
- Present-day Kinematics of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau and SiChuan Basin: Implications for Lower Crustal Rheology
- Probability Based Dislodgement Equation for Boulders By Storms
- Quantifying effects of in-stream structures and channel flow variation on transient storage
- Quantifying the Effects of Spatial Uncertainty in Fracture Permeability on CO<SUB>2</SUB> Leakage through Columbia River Basalt Flow Interiors
- Quantifying the timescales of Archean UHT metamorphism through U-Pb monazite and zircon petrochronology
- Reconfiguration of Reverse Convection in the Dayside Throat Region under Varying Northward IMF Conditions
- Record of Cyclical Massive Upwellings from the Pacific Large Low Shear Velocity Province in the Mesozoic
- Recycling Seamounts: Implications for Mantle Source Heterogeneities
- Remote sensing of mesospheric dust layers using active modulation of PMWE by high-power radio-waves
- Robust decision making in data scarce contexts: addressing data and model limitations for water infrastructure planning under transient climate change
- Run-Up to the 1999 Sub-Plinian Eruption of Shishaldin Volcano Unveiled Using Petrologic and Seismic Approaches
- Sediment Mixing in the Holocene and Late Wisconsin Mississippi Source-To System Using Detrital Zircons
- Serpentinization rates measured in olivine micro-reactors
- Silicon Isotopes doping experiments to measure quartz dissolution and precipitation rates at equilibrium and test the principle of detailed balance
- Simulation and Data Analytics for Mobile Road Weather Sensors
- Simulation of Ionospheric Response During Solar Eclipse Events
- Simulations and analysis of asteroid-generated tsunamis using the shallow water equations
- Soil and water temperature effects on the fluvial erosion of cohesive sediments
- Sources and Characteristics of Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by High Frequency Radars in the North American Sector
- Space Hazard Monitor (SHM) network - Electric field measurements and model comparisons
- Statistical Modeling of Sub-Auroral Polarization Stream (SAPS) Using Observations from Mid-Latitude SuperDARN Radars
- Storm water runoff-a source of emerging contaminants in urban streams
- Stress Drop and Source Scaling of Three Earthquake Sequences in the Central and Eastern United States
- Studying 3D Spherical Shell Convection using ASPECT
- Sub-Auroral Polarization Stream Observations During Storm and Non-Storm Conditions
- Surface Coal Mining Disturbance Effects on Stream Hydrochemistry in Appalachia
- Tectono-Magmatic Investigations with Societal Implications: Progress on the Tanzania Volcano Observatory (TZVOLCANO)
- Terrigenous Grain-size Record of the Newfoundland Ridge Contourite Drift, IODP Site U1411: The First Physical Proxy Record of North Atlantic Abyssal Current Intensity during the Eocene-Oligocene Transition
- Testing the Impact of a Multi-year, Curriculum-based Undergraduate Research Experience (MY-CURE) in the Geosciences: Baseline Observations
- The Absence of Large Craters on Ceres Is Consistent with an Early Phase of Tectonic Activity
- The Atmospheric-Ionospheric-Magnetospheric Responses to the 2015 St. Patrick's Day Geomagnetic Storms at High Latitudes
- The Effects of Rapid Sedimentation upon Continental Breakup: Kinematic and Thermal Modeling of the Salton Trough, Southern California, Based upon Recent Seismic Images
- The Global Tsunami Model (GTM)
- The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Conjugate Investigations of Solar Wind - Magnetosphere - Ionosphere Coupling
- The Influence of Planetary Waves on Polar Mesospheric Clouds
- The Interior Structure of Ceres as Revealed by Surface Topography and Gravity
- The Malagasy Lithosphere-Asthenosphere System Constrained by Independent Initial Temperature Conditions: Implications for Extensional Processes
- The Post-85 Ma Idaho Batholith Represents Melting in Thickened Continental Crust, Not Arc Magmatism
- The Surface and Interior Evolution of Ceres Revealed by Analysis of Fractures and Secondary Crater Chains Using Dawn Data
- The Thermal Evolution of the Galapagos Mantle Plume: Insights from Al-in-Olivine Thermometry
- The Tsunami Generated by the October 17<SUP>th</SUP>, 2015 Taan Fjord landslide
- The effect of topology on two-fluid flow in porous media
- The hydrologic implications of alternative prioritizations of landscape-scale geographically isolated wetlands conservation
- The response of ecosystem carbon pools to management approaches in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations
- Thermodynamic Constraints on Carbonate Stability and Volatile Carbon Production in Subduction Zone Environments
- Thermosphere-Ionosphere Fe/Fe<SUP>+</SUP> (TIFe) Layers and Their Coupling with Geomagnetic Storms and Solar Wind
- Three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulation of whistler wave generated by strong velocity shear
- Throughfall reduction and nutrient availability effects on carbon balance in loblolly pine plantations in the southeastern United States
- Time-variant Catchment Transit Time Distribution and StorAge Selection Functions in Neighbouring Catchments
- Toward Multi-Model Frameworks Addressing Multi-Sector Dynamics, Risks, and Resiliency
- Using Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS) in a range of geoscience applications
- Using Li and Its Isotopes as a Tracer of Subduction-Related Metamorphic Fluid-Rock Interactions
- Using Ray Tracing to Evaluate the Performance of Several Methods for Determining the Ground Range and Refractive Index of Ionospheric Scattering Volumes
- Using synthetic forward seismic models of channelized deep-water slope deposits to inform stratigraphic interpretation, Tres Pasos Formation, Magallanes Basin, Chile
- Using the NSF EarthCube BCube brokering interface to study the Saturation Excess/Infiltration Excess nexus within watershed initializations.
- Variation in river-floodplain connectivity along hydrogeomorphic and hydroclimatic gradients at the continental scale
- Variation in wetland connectivity across contrasting landscapes
- Vertical Transport of Sediment from Muddy Buoyant River Plumes in the Presence of Different Modes of Interfacial Instabilities
- Wavelet-Based ULF Pulsation Index for Studying Conjugate ULF Pulsation at High Latitudes and Its Applications to Space Weather
- Waves and Turbulence in a Disturbed Middle Atmosphere During MTeX and MIST
- What Magnetic Conditions Do Determine the Latitudinal Extent of SAPS/SAID Subauroral Flow Enhancements?
- A Continental-scale River Corridor Model to Synthesize Understanding and Prioritize Management of Water Purification Functions and Ecological Services in Large Basins
- A Customizable Dashboarding System for Watershed Model Interpretation
- A Hands-on Physical Analog Demonstration of Real-Time Volcano Deformation Monitoring with GNSS/GPS
- A Plasma Trajectory Back-Tracing Tool Based on SuperDARN Convection Patterns
- A Spatial Correlation Model of Permeability on the Columbia River Plateau
- A Study of Solar Flare Effects on Mid and High Latitude Radio Wave Propagation using SuperDARN.
- A comparative assessment of the role of anoxia during the Cambrian SPICE event
- A field-deployable GC-EI-HRTOF-MS for in situ characterization of volatile organic compounds
- A simple shear limited, single size, time dependent flocculation model
- A soil-landscape framework for understanding spatial and temporal variability in biogeochemical processes in catchments
- A synthesis of the 2013 Typhoon Haiyan storm surge, the deposits and the post event state of the coast.
- Advances in Field Deployable Instrumented Particles for the Study of Alluvial Transport Mechanisms
- Advances in the measurement of mud flocs within turbulent suspensions in both the laboratory and field
- An integrated geophysical and geochemical exploration of critical zone weathering on opposing montane hillslope
- April 3, 2017 M<SUB>w </SUB>6.5 Moiyabana, Botswana Earthquake resulted from extensional reactivation of Precambrian Limpopo Belt thrust splay: Evidence from potential field data and Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) analyses
- Assessing Soil Organic C Stability at the Continental Scale: An Analysis of Soil C and Radiocarbon Profiles Across the NEON Sites
- Axial crustal structure of the Costa Rica Rift: Implications for along-axis hydrothermal circulation
- Borneo stalagmites reveal climatic excursions associated with Toba ash layers prior to Greenland Stadial 20
- Building infrastructure to prevent disasters like Hurricane Maria
- Carbonate mineralization via an amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) pathway: Tuning polymorph selection by Mg, pH, and mixing environment
- Channels of Reversed Flow in the Polar Ionosphere
- Characterizing MHD Fast Mode Wave Properties Relevant for Radiation Belt Interactions
- Characterizing the Meso-scale Plasma Flows in Earth's Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- Characterizing the Surface Connectivity of Depressional Wetlands: Linking Remote Sensing and Hydrologic Modeling Approaches
- Comparison of Sap Flow- and White's Equation-Based Estimates of Groundwater Evapotranspiration
- Comprehensive Case Study of Magnetosheath Pressure Pulses and Rapid Magnetopause/Bow Shock Motion
- Conductivity Evolution of Fracture Proppant in Partial Monolayers and Multilayers
- Constraining the Volatile Regime of Primitive Somma-Vesuvius Magmas Based on the Compositions of Phenocrysts and Melt Inclusions
- Copper and Gold Partitioning Between Brine and Vapor as a Function of Reduced Sulfur
- Cracking up (and down): Linking multi-domain hydraulic properties with multi-scale hydrological processes in shrink-swell soils
- Critical Zone structure inferred from multiscale near surface geophysical and hydrological data across hillslopes at the Eel River CZO
- Cumulative impoundment evaporation in water resource management within the mid-Atlantic: A case study in Virginia
- Development and Application of Percent Annual Chance Coastal Inundation Maps to Support Decision-Making in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Digital rock physics and macroscale models for two-fluid flow in porous media
- Discretization limits of multi-component lattice-Boltzmann methods and implications on the real porous media simulations
- Distinguishing Among Mechanisms That Determine Pi 2 Pulsation Period
- Distribution of magnesium and phosphorous in the H. americanus exoskeleton: Insights for chemical signatures in biominerals
- Driving of Dramatic Geomagnetic Activity by Enhancement of Meso-Scale Polar-cap Flows
- Dynamic Data-Driven Reduced-Order Models of Macroscale Quantities for the Prediction of Equilibrium System State for Multiphase Porous Medium Systems
- Dynamics of ionospheric convection during disturbed periods observed by the mid-latitude SuperDARN radars in the premidnight and postmidnight sector
- Effect of Floodplain Inundation on River Pollution in Taiwan's Strong Monsoonal Climate
- Effects of Large Wood on River-Floodplain Connectivity in a Headwater Appalachian Stream
- Emailing Drones: From Design to Test Range to ARS Offices and into the Field
- Emirates Mars Mission (EMM) 2020 Overview
- Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometer (EMUS) Overview from the Emirates Mars Mission
- Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometer's (EMUS) Prediction of Oxygen OI 135.6 nm and CO 4PG Emissions in the Martian Atmosphere
- Empirical Derivation of Hall and Pedersen Conductivities.
- Equations of State and High-Pressure Behavior of Alkali Feldspars
- Establishing the solubility and local structure(s) of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC): Toward an understanding of invertebrate biomineralization
- Estimating Poromechanical and Hydraulic Properties of Fractured Media Aquifers Using a Model of the Aquifer at Ploemeur France: Broad Applications and Future Uses
- Evidence for Complex P-T-t Histories in Subduction Zone Rocks: A Case Study from Syros, Greece
- Evidence for Crustal and Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle Decoupling beneath the Malawi Rift
- Evolution of Heat Flow with Age on the Southern Flank of the Costa Rica Rift
- Evolution of ionospheric convection and ULFs during the 27 March 2017 storm: ERG-SuperDARN campaign
- Evolution of major and trace elements and volatile contents of selected magmas in the Campi Flegrei and Procida volcanic fields, Italy, based on melt inclusion
- Experimental Observation of Dispersion Phenomenon for Non-Newtonian flow in Porous Media
- Extent and Nature of the Penetration Electric Field in the Northern Hemisphere During the 2013 St. Patrick's Day Storm
- Factors Controlling Nitrogen Loadings in Major River Basins Across the United States
- Fire Effects on Soil and Dissolved Organic Matter in a Southern Appalachian Hardwood Forest: Movement of Fire-Altered Organic Matter Across the Terrestrial-Aquatic Interface Following the Great Smoky Mountains National Park Fire of 2016
- Fish and fire: Post-wildfire sediment dynamics and implications for the viability of trout populations
- Geodynamic Constraints on the Sources of Seismic Anisotropy Beneath Madagascar
- Geospace Imaging from the Ionospheric Connection Explorer
- Geospatial cross-correlation analysis of Oklahoma earthquakes and saltwater disposal volume 2011 - 2016
- Geotechnical Impacts of Hurricane Harvey Along the Texas, USA Coast
- Gilbert's soil production paradigm applied to a critical zone's fractionation of particle sizes
- Global Discontinuity Structure of the Mantle Transition Zone from Finite-Frequency Tomography of SS Precursors
- HF Band Observations and Modeling of the 2017 Eclipse
- How do floc characteristics change once they have deposited to a bed, and how, if at all, are they modified during re-entrainment?
- Hydrodynamic and sedimentological controls governing formation of fluvial levees
- Hydrodynamics and Connectivity of Channelized Floodplains: Insights from the Meandering East Fork White River, Indiana, USA
- Hydrological Effects of Recent Wildfires in the Southern Appalachian Mountains
- Implementing real-time GNSS monitoring to investigate continental rift initiation processes
- Implications of Seismically Active Fault Structures in Ankay and Alaotra Regions of Northern and Central Madagascar
- Incipient Evolution of the Eastern California Shear Zone through a Transpressional Zone along the San Andreas Fault in the San Bernardino Mountains, California
- Increased Hydrologic Connectivity: Consequences of Reduced Water Storage Capacity in the Delmarva Peninsula (U.S.)
- Influence of Capillary Force and Buoyancy on CO<SUB>2</SUB> Migration During CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection in a Sandstone Reservoir
- Influence of vertically and obliquely propagating gravity waves on the polar summer mesosphere
- Initial Results of HamSCI Ham Radio 21 August 2017 Eclipse Ionospheric Experiments
- Insights into the base of the critical zone from geophysical logging and groundwater flow testing at U.S. Critical Zone Observatories (CZO) and critical zone study sites (CZs)
- Investigating A Unique Open Ocean Geochemical Record Of the End Triassic Mass Extinction from Panthalassa
- Investigation on the cohesive silt/clay-particle sediment via the coupled CFD-DEM simulations
- Is Active Tectonics on Madagascar Consistent with Somalian Plate Kinematics?
- Large-Scale Structure and Dynamics of the Sub-Auroral Polarization Stream (SAPS)
- Lattice-Boltzmann Modeling of Community Challenge MicrofluidicExperiments to Evaluate the Effects of Wettability on Two-Fluid Flowin Porous Media
- Long Term Analysis of Adaptive Low-Power Instrument Platform Power and Battery Performance
- Long-term stream discharge and chemistry observations reveal unexpected ecosystem dynamics: Coweeta Watershed 7 clearcut manipulation
- Looking for Off-Fault Deformation and Measuring Strain Accumulation During the Past 70 years on a Portion of the Locked San Andreas Fault
- Magnitudes of Shear Heating in Metamorphic Systems With Temperature Dependent Rheology
- Making the most of CZ seismics: Improving shallow critical zone characterization using surface-wave analysis
- Mapping porosity of the deep critical zone in 3D using near-surface geophysics, rock physics modeling, and drilling
- Mechanics and rate of headcut growth on shallow sloped floodplains: Implications for floodplain channel network development
- Mid-latitude Narrowband Stimulated Electromagnetic Emissions (NSEE): New Observations and Modeling
- Mixing-dependent Reactions in the Hyporheic Zone: Laboratory and Numerical Experiments
- Modeling the Gradient Drift and Temperature Gradient Instabilities as Applied to the August 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse Using Two-Fluid Plasma Equations
- Monitoring Space Weather Hazards caused by geomagnetic disturbances with Space Hazard Monitor (SHM) systems
- Multi-point observations of VLF quasi-periodic emissions: Results from Arase, PWING and Van Allen Probes.
- Nightside Quiet-Time Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Convection and Its Connection to Penetration Electric Fields
- Numerical Modeling of Hydrothermal Circulation at the Longqi-1 Field: Southwest Indian Ridge
- Particle-Resolving Simulations of Bedform Migration Over Different Hydraulic Conditions and Different Particle Shapes
- Particle-in-cell Simulation of Dipolarization Front Associated Whistlers
- Physically based model for extracting dual permeability parameters using non-Newtonian fluids
- PlayDoh and Toothpicks and Gummy Bears... OH MY, They're Models!
- Plumbing the depths of Yellowstone's hydrothermal system from helicopter magnetic and electromagnetic data
- Predicting Phosphorus Dynamics Across Physiographic Regions Using a Mixed Hortonian Non-Hortonian Hydrology Model
- Predicting Plant-Accessible Water in the Critical Zone: Mountain Ecosystems in a Mediterranean Climate
- Predicting the impact of tsunami in California under rising sea level
- Preliminary Results from an Integrated Airborne EM and Aeromagnetic Survey in Yellowstone National Park
- Radio Observations of the Ionosphere From an Imaging Array and a CubeSat
- Reaction Rates Of Olivine Carbonation - An Experimental Study Using Synthetic Fluid Inclusions As Micro-Reactors
- Recent Algorithmic Advances for the Simulation of Porous Medium Systems Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method
- Reconnection During Periods of Large IMF By Producing Shear Instabilities at the Dayside Convection Reversal Boundary
- Regional-scale comparison of the effects of lakes and reservoirs versus streams on water quality
- Relation between the Sub-Auroral Polarization Stream and Energetic Particle Injection during Substorms
- Remote Sensing the Thermosphere's State Using Emissions From Carbon Dioxide and Nitric Oxide
- Seasonal Dynamics of River Corridor Exchange Across the Continental United States
- Seasonality and Management Affect Land Surface Temperature Differences Between Loblolly Pine and Switchgrass Ecosystems in Central Virginia
- Sensitivity of an Integrated Mesoscale Atmosphere and Agriculture Land Modeling System (WRF/CMAQ-EPIC) to MODIS Vegetation and Lightning Assimilation
- Shallow Crustal Structure in the Northern Salton Trough, California: Insights from a Detailed 3-D Velocity Model
- Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Waters and Soils in a Snow-dominated Headwater Catchment: Investigations at Reynolds Creek Critical Zone Observatory, Owyhee County, Idaho
- Species- to continental-scale influences of nitrogen and sulfur deposition on tree growth and mortality across the conterminous United States
- Spreading speed of magnetopause reconnection X-lines using ground-satellite coordination
- Statistical characterization of the Sub-Auroral Polarization Stream (SAPS)
- Stochastic Models of Macroscale Quantities for the Prediction of the REV Scale for Multiphase Flow through Porous Media
- Stream Intermittency Sensors Monitor the Onset and Duration of Stream Flow Along a Channel Network During Storms
- Stream runoff and nitrate recovery times after forest disturbance in US and Japan
- Stress Drop Variations of Induced Earthquakes in Oklahoma
- Structure and Evolution of the Central Appalachians from the Mantle to the Surface: Results from the MAGIC Project
- Sub-Auroral Polarization Stream (SAPS) Events Under Non-storm Conditions
- Sulfur cycling in plays an important role in the development of Ocean Anoxic Events
- Survey of Pc3-5 ULF velocity oscillations in SuperDARN THEMIS-mode data: Occurrence statistics and driving mechanisms
- The Correlation Between Porosity, Density and Degree of Serpentinization in Ophiolites from Point Sal, California: Implications for Strength of Oceanic Lithosphere
- The NHERI RAPID Facility: Enabling the Next-Generation of Natural Hazards Reconnaissance
- The Occurrence of Small-scale Irregularities in the Mid-latitude Ionosphere from SuperDARN HF Radar Observations
- The Role of Long-Term Tectonic Deformation on the Distribution of Present-Day Seismic Activity in the Caribbean and Central America
- The Role of Small Impoundments on Flow Alteration Within River Networks
- The Role of Solar Wind Density in the Cross Polar Cap Potential Saturation under Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- The consequences of crystal relaxation on CO<SUB>2</SUB> partitioning in plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions
- The great American solar eclipse of August 21, 2017; new understanding of the response of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere.
- The impacts of climatologically-driven megadrought, past and future, on semi-arid watersheds and the water resource system they support in central Arizona, USA.
- The importance of sand in the formation of avulsion channels within experimental fans that develop from sediment mixtures of mud and sand
- The influence of subsurface porosity and bedrock composition on ecosystem productivity and drought resilience in the Sierra Nevada Batholith, California
- Thermospheric Expansion During Multiple Dust Storms on Mars Observed by MAVEN/NGIMS
- Thrust Slip Rates as a Control on the Presence and Spatial Distribution of High Metamorphic Heating Rates in Collisional Systems: The "Hot Iron" Model Revisited
- Total water storage assessment using GRACE and a hydrological model
- Tracking Early Jurassic marine (de)oxygenation
- Urbanization Changes the Temporal Dynamics of Nutrients and Water Chemistry
- Using GPS TEC measurements to probe ionospheric spatial spectra at mid-latitudes
- Using High-Resolution Comparison of Bedrock Properties and Channel Morphology to Empirically Characterize Erodibility in Fluvial Settings
- Using StorAge Selection Functions to Improve Simulation of Groundwater Nitrate Lag Times in the SWAT Modeling Framework.
- Using a Content Management System for Integrated Water Quantity, Quality and Instream Flows Modeling
- Visualizing TZVOLCANO GNSS Data with Grafana via the EarthCube Cyberinfrastructure CHORDS: an Example of Dashboard Creation for the Geosciences
- Volcanic volatile budgets and fluxes inferred from melt inclusions from post-shield volcanoes in Hawaii and the Canary Islands
- Wetland Microtopographic Structure is Revealed with Terrestrial Laser Scanning
- 3D Printed Experimental Devices for Undergraduate Research
- A Community-engaged Approach to Understanding Environmental Health Priorities and Measuring Air Pollution in Urban and Rural Alabama
- A Comparison of Bedrock Properties between Knickpoints and Non-Knickpoint Reaches: Implications for the Roles of Bedrock Properties in Determining Fluvial Erodibility
- A Hydroclimatological Analysis of Monsoon Precipitation Within the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna River Basin
- A Machine Learning Approach to Estimate Multi-Aerosol Mixing State Metrics at a Global Scale in Earth System Models
- A Meta-analysis of Soil Carbon under Cover Crops
- A New Low-weight, Portable Device for Distributed Sampling of Gas-phase Organic Compounds
- A Numerical and Statistical Analysis of the Fractured Rock Aquifer System in Ploemeur, France: Using Time Series Data to Model Local and Regional Recharge
- A Study of Solar Flare Effects on Mid and High Latitude Radio Wave Propagation using SuperDARN HF radars
- A Water Cycle for the Anthropocene
- A question of EPPIC importance: how does space weather affect Earth's atmosphere?
- A stratigraphic and microfossil record of tsunami deposits and coseismic land-level changes from Old Harbor, central Kodiak Island, Alaska
- AI in geosciences: progress, challenges, and opportunities.
- Agricultural Conservation Practices Can Help Mitigate the Impact of Climate Change
- An Alternative Hypothesis for the Source of Scatter Found in the Validation of Incipient Motion Criteria
- An examination of inner-magnetosphere shielding by Region-2 Field-Aligned Currents
- Analysis of SO<SUB>2</SUB> and Aerosols from 2018 Kilauea Volcanic Activity Using SO<SUB>2</SUB> Sondes, AERONET, and Pandora Spectrometer Data
- Application of hydrophobizing chemicals decreases water vapor sorption of soil minerals
- Artificial sinks to treat legacy nutrients in agricultural landscapes
- Assessment of Exceptional Quality Biosolids Products for Urban Gardens
- Atmospheric tides at high-latitudes in the Martian upper atmosphere observed by MAVEN-NGIMS and -IUVS
- Automated Development of a Farm Management Database for the SWAT Model
- Automated Planning of the Nominal Science Operations for the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
- Base Cations Increase the Persistence of Escherichia coli in Freshwater
- Biosolids Processing Method Affects Carbon Stability and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Birch leaves and branches as a source of ice-nucleating macromolecules
- Broadening the Impact of Our Field Through Validation Efforts of the Geospace Environment Modeling Workshop
- Building Data Management Capacity for Field Projects In a Research Group
- Building Digital Infrastructure and Communities to Assess Risk of Drinking Water Hazards Caused by Hurricanes Maria and Florence
- CHORDS: Building the Internet of Things for the Geosciences (IoT-G)
- Causes and Effects of Small-Scale Plasma Density Irregularities in the Mid-Latitude Ionosphere
- Characterization of future drought conditions in India using Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index
- Characterizing Subsurface Hydrologic Fluxes within a Glaciated Watershed
- Characterizing Trends, Variability, and Statistical Drivers of Facility-level Water Withdrawals across Multiple Sectors for Statewide Planning
- Classifying SuperDARN Backscatter using Machine Learning Algorithms
- Climatic and lithologic controls on critical zone structure and ecosystem productivity in the Sierra Nevada, California, evaluated using geophysical and geochemical measurements
- Climatology of Short-period Planetary Waves in the Upper Atmosphere
- Comparison of 4.5-Hz Geophones to Broadband Seismometers from a Real Field Deployment
- Comparison of Bowen's Ratio and White's Method for Evapotranspiration Measurement in an Actively Managed Hemi-Marsh
- Computational study of electrodynamics and irregularity development in the August 21, 2017 solar eclipse.
- Connectivity Thresholds and Flow Generation in a Low-Relief Wetlandscape
- Considering the effects of fluid composition during oilfield wastewater disposal
- Continental Scale Variations of Flow-Frequency Duration Curves and Hydraulic Geometry
- Coordinated Aerial and Ground-based Wind Measurements to Model the Transport of Hazardous Agents in the Atmosphere
- Coordinated Satellite-SuperDARN Observations of a Long-lasting Poloidal ULF Wave
- Coupling between the subtropical stratosphere and polar mesosphere via oblique propagation of gravity waves
- Creating and Connecting Champions for Diversity in the Geosciences: Hearts of GOLD
- Crystal relaxation, an important temperature-dependent post entrapment process of mineral-hosted melt inclusions
- Deciphering soil physical and hydraulic properties using the Arduino platform
- Decoupled Water and Nitrate Transport Downslope and across the Terrestrial-Aquatic Interface
- Deep Critical Zone Architecture of Perpendicular Ridges in a Northern Maryland Piedmont Catchment as Imaged by Seismic Tomography
- Deposition and Erosion Potential of Sediment in a Channelized Floodplain
- Determining the Appropriate Treatment Credit for Green Infrastructure: Understanding Stormwater Biofilter Performance Under Transient Flow Conditions
- Development and Implementation of a Graduate Student Teaching Certificate Program in the Department of Biological Sciences and Geosciences at Virginia Tech
- Development of a tsunami run-up response function and application to northern Puerto Rico
- Diversity and Ice Nucleation Activity of Microorganisms collected with a Small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) in France and the United States
- Do Roots Bind Soil: Comparing the Physical and Biological Role of Roots in Fluvial Streambank Erosion Resistance
- Do water policies encourage or impede agricultural adaptation to climate variability? Integrating hydrology, remote sensing, and economics to model farmer decision-making in irrigated and dryland agriculture
- Dynamics of Stagnant Slabs in the Mantle Transition Zone
- ESA FRM4DOAS: Towards a Quality-Controlled MAXDOAS Centralized Processing System in Support of Air Quality Satellite Sensors Validation
- Early Deccan Traps CO<SUB>2</SUB> Budget & Degassing History Constrained from Melt Inclusions
- Effect of Unsteady Surface Water Hydraulics on Mixing-Dependent Hyporheic Denitrification in Riverbed Dunes
- Electron-Ion Hybrid Instability in a Quasi-Static Near-Earth Dipolarization Front
- Emirates Mars Mission Science Closure Strategy
- Environmental Data-Driven Inquiry and Exploration (Project EDDIE): Using Large Datasets to Build Quantitative Literacy
- Error characterization in spatial-decomposition-based response functions for storm surge hazard assessment
- Estimating Douglas Fir volume proportion from Remote Sensing images using Deep Learning
- Estimating Occupational Heat Exposure from Personal Sampling of Public Works Employees in Birmingham, Alabama
- Estimation of Gas-Water Relative Permeability Curves in Shale Rock Micro-structure Using FIB-SEM
- Evaluating the Effects of Orogenic Exhumation and Sediment Transfer in Foreland Basin Development: A 4D Perspective from the Southern Patagonian Andes
- Evaluating the impacts of short and long-term fates of nitrogen additions on forest carbon pools in Earth system models
- Evolution of Heat Flow, Hydrothermal Circulation and Permeability with Age on the Southern Flank of the Costa Rica Rift
- Examining floods from individual events to cumulative floodplain storage across the conterminous US
- Examining historical impacts and mitigation potential of soil tillage practices in the Community Land Model
- Examining the link between MSTIDs and ionospheric plasma density enhancements with petitSat, an upcoming 6U CubeSat mission
- Expanding the Stratigraphic Record of Tsunami Inundation Along the Semi-arid, Siliciclastic Coast of North-central Chile
- Exploring the Macroscale Variation in Nutrient Loads via Scaling Functions
- Exploring the Parameter Space of the Energy-Dependent Relativistic Electron Drift-Resonant Interaction
- Fluid Capture During Exhumation of Subducted Lithologies: A Fluid Inclusion Study from the Cycladic Blueschist Unit (Sifnos, Greece)
- Forecasting mid-century forest productivity by assimilating regional observations from plot networks and ecosystem experiments into a process-based model
- From the ocean to the air: Biological processes as a source of warm temperature ice nucleating particles in the Arctic
- Fugacities of N<SUB>2</SUB>, CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> in gas mixtures at 10-500 bar and 22-200°C determined using Raman spectroscopy
- Geological Controls on Hydrothermal Systems: 3D Images of Yellowstone's Subsurface Plumbing from Airborne Electromagnetic Measurements
- Geotechnical Characterization of Coastal Sediments from Satellite-Based Remote Sensing
- Global comparison of MMS, Cluster and Themis data on January, 4th 2017, with PIC EM code in the vicinity of the Earth's magnetosphere.
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Early Orbit Observations
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): First Light Observations
- Gradual Intensification of North Atlantic Deep Circulation from Middle Eocene Through Late Oligocene: Terrigenous Grain Size Data from IODP Sites U1406 and U1411, Newfoundland Ridges
- Graduate Teaching Assistant Experiences in the Implementation of Student Engagement Techniques in Introductory Geoscience Courses
- Heterotrophic respiration and the divergence of productivity and carbon sequestration
- High Resolution Electron Measurements Reveal Previously Unseen Energy Dependence in ULF wave Interactions with MeV Electrons
- Holocene hydroclimate variability in the Great Dismal Swamp, southeastern Virginia, USA
- How Hydrologic Connectivity Regulates Water Quality in River Corridors
- How do evapotranspiration-driven discharge fluctuations alter reach-scale ecosystem function?
- How does the deposition and resuspension process alter the size and resuspension rate of mud flocs?
- How does topography and river-floodplain connectivity influence flooding processes?
- Hydrologic drivers of soil organic carbon stabilization in seasonally-saturated wetlands
- IS-GEO 2018 Summer Workshop: Bringing Scientists to the Sensors and Back Again, across 8 of the world's 11 ecosystems
- Identification of the Disturbance and Trajectory Types in Mining Areas Using Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images
- Imaging Mountain Waves Over the Andes
- Impact of Climate Change and Climate Anomalies on Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Processes in an Agricultural Catchment of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, USA
- Impact of Uncertainty Parameter Distribution in Robust Decision Frameworks
- Improving regional water quality predictions by parsing river corridor contributions to "whole-stream" reactions
- In-situ Geotechnical and Sedimentological Investigation of Stratified Sediment in the York River, Virginia
- Increased Ionospheric Scintillation in the Southern Hemisphere following Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Enhancements
- Integrating Models Through Knowledge-Powered Data and Process Composition
- Integrating environmental sensor networks and real-time ecological forecasting to adaptively manage water quality
- Integrating operational satellite-based remote sensing products into the calibration of hydro-economic models to simulate agricultural water use at a regional scale
- Inter-hemispheric asymmetries in the ground magnetic response to interplanetary shocks: The role of shock impact angle
- Investigating the Origin of Intraplate Volcanism in the Canary Islands
- Investigating the Relationships between Petrophysical Parameters Using a Mixed Model and Mercury Intrusion Data
- Ionospheric Effects of the August 2017 Eclipse: Empirically Guided Modeling with Comparisons to Data
- Key role of substorm injections in triggering EMIC waves in the Earth's magnetosphere
- LAPSE-RATE: Advancement of Science and Technology during the 2018 ISARRA Flight Week
- Land-use and land-management scenarios to support regional-global ecosystem assessments
- Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Gas Adsorption and Desorption in Shale Matrix
- Localized Seismic Velocity Change from Passive Tomography with Mining-Induced Seismicity- Case Study: A Deep Narrow-Vein Mine in Western USA
- Machine Learning of A Priori Information in Optimal Estimation of Atmospheric Composition
- Magma crystallization and mixing recorded by chronologically constrained melt inclusions
- Measuring the oxygen content of atmospherically relevant compounds using a novel, robust detection approach.
- Mechanisms of Heating in a Hinterland Nappe of Northern Scotland, with Tectonic Implications
- Metabolic Responses of Stream Biofilms to Ciprofloxacin Exposure Differ Along an Urban Stream Gradient
- Metal Fluxes Across the Sediment Water Interface in a Drinking Water Reservoir
- Microscale simulation of three-fluid flow in porous media
- Model and Data Analysis of Storm Enhanced Density/Tongue of Ionization events in the Arctic and Antarctic during Solar Cycle 24
- Modeling Amateur Radio Soundings of the Ionospheric Response to the 2017 Great American Eclipse
- Modeling High-Resolution Pressure-Temperature Paths Across the Himalayan Main Central Thrust (Central Nepal): Implications for the Dynamics of Collision
- Modeling assessment of climate change impacts on water quality in Chesapeake Bay
- Modeling coupled natural and human systems in lake catchments reveals feedbacks among land-management decisions, water quality degradation, and altered property values
- Modeling the Effects of Turbulence on Hyporheic Exchange and Local-to-Global Nutrient Processing in Streams
- Modeling the effects of macropore length, diameter, and connectivity on transient hyporheic exchange during a peak flow event
- Modeling the response of nutrient loads to management actions in the Chesapeake Bay watershed through participatory modeling
- Modelling of the Spatial and Temporal Variation of Soil Respiration in China from 1961 TO 2014
- Morphology of Nightside Quiet Time Subauroral Ionospheric Convection: Seasonal, Kp, and IMF Dependencies
- Multi-Model Optimization of Field and In-Channel Management Actions in Agricultural Watersheds to Reduce Nitrate, Phosphorus, and Sediment Loads
- Multi-Point Analysis of the Ionospheric Response to Foreshock Transients Using SuperDARN Radars
- Multi-instrument Observations of Meso-Scale Sub-Auroral Polarization Stream (MS-SAPS)
- Multiple phases of high-temperature metamorphism recorded in Archean continental crust: A record from polyphase garnet growth
- New fossil foraminiferal estimates of coseismic vertical deformation during the AD 1700 Cascadia earthquake: Washington and northern California, USA
- Non-isothermal effects of a CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection into a geologic reservoir
- Northward Migration of the Oregon Fore-arc Block on the Gales Creek Fault
- Observations of Second Harmonic Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission Generation during Ionospheric Heating
- Observing the Column O/N<SUB>2</SUB> Density Ratio on the Earth Disk with the ICON FUV Imager
- On the interactions between the critical dimensionless numbers associated with multiphase flow in 3D porous media
- Optimization of TZVOLCANO to Stream Real-Time GNSS Data into Cloud Hosted Real-Time Data for the Geosciences (CHORDS)
- Optimizing Wetland Restoration in River Networks for Nitrate Removal
- Ozone profile retrievals from Brewer zenith sky measurements
- Pandora Ground Based measurements of Total Column NO<SUB>2</SUB> and HCHO Compared with Satellite and Aircraft Data
- Patterns and Drivers of Household Participation in a Turf Rebate Water Conservation Program
- Physics-Informed Generative Learning to Emulate Unresolved Physics in Climate Models
- Predicting GPS TEC maps using Deep Spatio-Temporal Residual Networks
- Predicting the impact of tsunamis in California under rising sea levels
- Preferential Flow in the Vadose Zone: Identifying Solute vs Media Controls on Contaminant Transport
- Prevalence of Isomers in the Atmosphere and Their Impacts on Interpreting Laboratory Data
- Process-Guided Data-Driven modeling of water temperature: Anchoring predictions with thermodynamic constraints in the Big Data era
- Production and Transport of Fe- and Mg-bearing Silicate Nanoparticles in Hydrothermal Fluids at the East Pacific Rise (9° 50' N)
- Quantifying Mineral Weathering Across Lateral Gradients Using a Whole-Regolith Approach
- Quantifying flow conditions during extreme coastal events from deposits
- Rare Earth Element (REE) profiles as a tool for uranium ore provenance assessment
- Ratio of redox sensitive trace elements in fluid inclusions in Permian halite - a possible paleo-redox indicator
- Recent advances in critical loads research and understanding vulnerability to N and S deposition across the contiguous U.S.
- Rendering Hydrologic Ecosystem Services From Urban Soils: A Combined Field and Simulation Study
- Research on Teaching about Earth in the Context of Societal Problems
- SAPS in the 2013 March 17 Storm Event: Simulation Results of the Coupled LFM-TIEGCM-RCM Model
- SWARM observations of Memorial Day storm in conjunction with MANGO imaging network
- Satellite Formation Flight Simulation Using Multi-constellation GNSS and Applications to Ionospheric Remote Sensing
- Seasonal Change Detection of Riverscape Terrain and Vegetation using Drone Laser Scanning
- Sediment Transport/Deposition Potential along Source-to-Sink Watershed Pathways: A Sediment Connectivity Framework
- Self-Consistent Simulations of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling During a Substorm
- Simulating Abiotic Mixing Dependent Reactions in the Hyporheic Zone Using a Laboratory Mesocosm
- Simulating Environmental and Engineering Drivers of Malaria Using Historical Data from Zambia: Toward a Process-Based, Weather-Informed Forecast of Malaria
- Simulation of Phase Behavior on Icy Moons using Synthetic Fluid Inclusions and Raman Spectroscopy
- Small Scale Flow Induced Azimuthal Seismic Anisotropy beneath Madagascar: Implications for Rheology
- Small changes create big differences: A study on the importance of microtopography in wetlands
- Spatial Considerations of Distributed Green Stormwater Infrastructure Implementation
- Spatial and temporal relationships between hydrologic forcing, geologic setting, and river corridor exchange in a mountain stream network
- Spatially-Explicit Predictions of Floodplain Sedimentation Using Mixed Empirical/Processed-Based Models of Increasing Complexity
- Stakeholder-informed scenarios to investigate the impact of land use/land change on nutrients, sediment and runoff in the Shenandoah National Park, Virginia
- Statistical Characteristics and Generation Mechanism of Polar Cap Patches Using Multi-Instruments and Numerical Models
- Statistical Evaluation of Conservative Solute Ratios of Brines from the Eastern United States Sedimentary Basins
- Storage, visualization and simulation using data in Digital Rocks Portal
- Sulfur biogeochemical cycle as a major driver of Marinoan snowball Earth climate
- SuperDARN in the Era of Big Data: New Approaches and Software Tools
- Surface Deformation Monitoring to Characterize the Geomechanical Response of a Stacked Coal Reservoir During a Carbon Sequestration and Enhanced Coalbed Methane Recovery Test in Central Appalachia
- Teaching about Food, Water and Energy in the context of Sustainability: Opportunities and connections with the InTeGrate STEP center
- Testing of the Sortable Silt Hypothesis: Preliminary Experimental Results
- The Construction and Validation of a Citizen Science Derived Global River Obstruction Database (GROD)
- The Effects of Wildfire on Soil Hydraulic Properties and Organic Matter in an Appalachian Hardwood Forest
- The ICON Far Ultra-Violet Imager
- The Influence of Spatial Resolution of Temperature Estimates on Predicting Personal Exposure and Adverse Health Outcomes Associated with Heat Waves
- The Influence of a More Explicit Representation of Forest Management on Carbon Sequestration in the Community Land Model
- The Relative Importance of Alfven Wings and Geo-effective Length in Governing the Saturation of the Reverse Convection Potential Under Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF)
- The Role of Topographic Variability on River-Floodplain Connectivity across Several Floodplains
- The Role of the Solar Soft X-ray Irradiance on Thermospheric Chemistry and Structure
- The Roles of Greenhouse Gas, Solar Cycle Forcing, and Atmospheric Coupling on the Interannual Variability of Temperature near the Mesopause Region
- The Virginia CubeSat Constellation - CubeSat Development and Atmospheric Research at Virginia Universities
- The carbon budget and carbon isotope composition of flood basalt magmas
- The magnitude and drivers of methane emissions vary spatially along a reservoir continuum
- The role of ponded waters versus rivers in regional nutrient budgets
- Thermospheric Wind Observation using Fabry-Perot Interferometers at Arecibo and Nigeria
- Time Coincident Profile Measurements of NO<SUB>2</SUB>, HCHO and O<SUB>3</SUB> During OWLETS-1 (2017) Field Campaign.
- Tools for comparison of ICON EUV data to model, ground- and space-based proxies
- Total column bromine monoxide measurements at middle latitudes using a research grade instrument (MFDOAS).
- Towards Brokered Alignment of Long-Tailed Observations (BALTO)
- Transit Time Distributions on a Boreal Catchment Using a 14 Year Data Time Series.
- Transition Zone Structure Beneath the Eastern US
- UV Remote Sensing of the Daytime Ionosphere and Thermosphere: Challenges, Results, and Future Directions
- Understanding the Long-Term Evolution of the Coupled Natural-Human Coastal System: The Future of the U.S. Gulf Coast
- Using soil development patterns and processes to explain sources of streamflow generation in a glaciated catchment
- Validating the 2011 and 2016 NLCD Tree Canopy Cover Products using Crowdsourced Interpretations
- Van Allen Probes Observations of Symmetric, Compressional ULF Waves in Association with Interplanetary Shocks
- Venusian Impacts: Starting a Mobile Lid
- What Can Surface Observations Tell Us About Ceres' Interior?
- What lurks below: plumbing the depths of the hydrothermal system at Yellowstone
- Wind Estimates in the Lower Atmosphere from a Vehicle Dynamic Model Applied to a Multi-rotor Copter
- A Comprehensive Undergraduate Curriculum for Space Physics and Engineering
- A Helmholtz Free Energy Description of Incipient Motion
- A New Multiphysics Model for Shale Gas Flow in Organic-Rich Shale Rock
- A Reduced Black-Oil Type Simulation Approach to Investigate Huff-n-puff Produced Gas Re-injection EOR in Eagle Ford Shale
- A Space Computer Named In Sight Landed on the Red World Last Year and Here is What We Found So Far
- A Study on Parsimonious Models in Catchments Generating Saturation Excess Runoff
- A global sensitivity analysis of thermal conditions in urban street canyons to physical morphology and vegetation parameters
- A systematic evaluation of climate services and decision support tools for climate change risk management
- Abiotic Mixing Dependent Reaction of Sodium Sulfite and Dissolved Oxygen in a Laboratory Simulated Hyporheic Zone
- Advancing water systems research and management through synergistic partnerships between resource managers and researchers: an example from evaluating water consumption and supply sustainability in Virginia
- An Exospheric Temperature Model Using a Polyhedral Grid
- An MF/HF Antenna Array for Radio and Radar Imaging of the Ionosphere
- An analysis of the 2012 drought using a satellite data-driven hydro-economic model
- An examination of sub-auroral ionospheric convection using SuperDARN and AMPERE
- An experimental approach to inter-hemispheric asymmetries in the ground magnetic response of magnetospheric ULF waves
- Application of Transient Transit Time Distribution Theory to Study Salts in Freshwater Reservoirs
- Application of Transient Transit Time Distribution Theory to a Field-Scale Stormwater Biofilter
- Assimilative Mapping of Geospace Observations (AMGeO): Data Science Tools for Collaborative Geospace Systems Science
- Atmospheric Escape Processes and Planetary Atmospheric Evolution: from misconceptions to challenges
- Bistatic SuperDARN Measurements: First-results
- CHORDS: Helping to build the Internet of Things for the Geosciences (IoT-G)
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O in Plagioclase-Hosted Melt Inclusions from Ocean-Ridge Lavas: An Indicator of Crystallization in the Lower Oceanic Crust
- Can Mars Seismic Events be Successfully Modeled as Fluid Flow Induced Seismicity?
- Characterization of Heat Index Experienced by Individuals Residing in Urban and Rural Settings in Alabama, USA
- Characterization of Water Temperature Variations in Stream Heads in the Southern Appalachian Mountains
- Characterization of temporal and cross-sectional variability in water consumption based on monthly withdrawal and discharge data
- Citizen Scientists and University Researchers Assess Post-Hurricane Well Water Contamination in North Carolina Environmental Justice Communities
- Climate Vulnerability Mapping: State of the Art and Recommended Practices
- Community-level Mapping of Ambient Air Pollution in Louisville, KY
- Comparison of Sediment Connectivity Indices to Synoptic Turbidity Data for Validating Predictions of Sediment Transport/Deposition Potential
- Comprehensive Observations of Multi-scale Polar Ionosphere Structuring Processes During October 13, 2016 Geomagnetic Storm
- Conjugate Observations of Dayside ULF Waves during an Extended Period of Radial IMF
- Constraining the temperature conditions of paleo-subduction plate interfaces, Part I: Petrologic case study of the Rio San Juan Complex (Dominican Republic)
- Controls on Land Surface Temperature along a Gradient of Managed Land-Cover Types in Central Virginia
- Convection Dynamics of Stagnant Slabs and Their Return Flows from Seismic Imaging
- Cross-scale interactions and non-linearity of stream nutrient concentrations with urban and agricultural development across the United States.
- Cusp Convection and Dynamics Derived from AMPERE Measurements of Dayside High-Latitude Birkeland Currents
- Dayside Polar Cap Flows and Density Enhancements Triggered by Substorms
- Dayside magnetospheric and ionospheric responses to transient upstream disturbances measured by satellite-imager coordination
- Detecting the Mantle Transition Zone of Mars From Seismic Reflected Waves
- Developing a Method to Remotely Locate Road-Draining Gullies Using a High Resolution Digital Elevation Model
- Development and Testing of a Neutral Wind Instrument for Nano-Satellite Applications
- Does the past haunt us? Landuse legacy and its consequences for hydrology and water quality
- Dynamical Control of Energetic Particle-produced Nitric Oxide in the Polar Winter Mesosphere
- Ecohydraulics of a Disappearing Stream: Flow-Tree-Sediment Interactions in Karst
- Effect of thermal variations in Mars' mantle on 3D seismic wave propagation
- Electromagnetic Fields of Magnetospheric Waves and Transients at Conjugate Antarctica-Greenland Arrays: Resolving the Current/Voltage Dichotomy
- Evaluation of the Relative Importance of Storm Characteristics on the TEC Enhancements in the US Sector
- Evidence for Recent Dextral Slip along the Western Nepal Fault System in northwest Nepal
- Examining the Role of Dispersion Relation and Collision Frequency Formulations on Estimation of Shortwave-Fadeout
- Expanding the stratigraphic record of tsunami inundation along the semi-arid, siliciclastic coast of north-central Chile
- Experimental Investigation of Fracture Conductivity versus Proppant Areal Concentration Curves under Different Mixing Ratios
- Far-field Slabs Drive the North American Plate
- Filling the void: the effect of riverbank soil pipes on transient hyporheic exchange during a peak flow event.
- First Downhole and Core-Based Petrophysical and Hydrological Measurements in a Submarine Volcano: Brothers Volcano, Kermadec Arc
- First Experimental Detection of Radiation Belt "Zebra Stripe" Pattern Generation
- First Measurement From the Geostationary Orbit of the Equatorial Plasma Bubble (EPB) Characteristics Using GOLD Data
- Flocculation of mud in water progressing from salinities of 0 to 10 psu
- Flow-Pathway Dependent Estimation of Sedimentation Integrated over a Hydrograph
- Frequent flooding caused by floodplain geomorphology
- From SAPS and DAPS to Flow Channel Control of Auroral Omega Bands and Auroral Substorm Development
- GNSS-based Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation of Satellite Formation Flight: An Incubator for Future Multi-scale Space Weather Observations
- Geodynamic modelling of subduction beneath the Pamir-Hindu Kush region
- Geologic Evidence of the Largest Historical Tsunami of Metropolitan Chile Constrains Future Tsunami Hazard in the Countrýs Most Populated Coast
- Geological evidence of 5000-year old tsunamis in the region of the giant 1960 Chile earthquake
- Global View of the Night-Ionosphere: Seasonal Changes
- Ground-based measurements of HCHO during the LISTOS (2018) campaign
- High Spatial Resolution Measurements of Vertical Trace Gas Abundance Using Airborne Hyperspectral Instruments in the near-UV and Visible Spectral Region
- Higher Day vs. Night Ecosystem Respiration Reveals Underestimates In River Carbon Cycling - A Global Assessment Using Diel Patterns Of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration and d<SUP>18</SUP>O
- How Can Deep Neural Networks Help to Capture Signatures of Dynamic Groundwater-River Water Interactions?
- Impacts of Barrier-Island Breaching On Mainland Flooding During Storm Events
- Impacts of Freshwater Salinization on Aerosolized Bacteria
- Implications of source complexity on earthquake rupture and interactions within Mendocino Triple Junction
- Improved classification and geolocation of SuperDARN ground scatter
- Improvements to SuperDARN convection analysis and observation techniques
- Insights Into Hillslope-Scale Critical Zone Structure and Runoff Generation From a Regional-Scale Analysis.
- Integrated Environmental Quality Sensing System; Real-Time Monitoring of Hydrobiogeochemical Processes in a Complex Riparian System
- Inter-hemispheric comparison of ground magnetic response to interplanetary shocks: Shock impact angle versus timing and intensities of ground magnetic response
- Investigation of Volcano-tectonic Interactions in the Natron Rift of the East African Rift System using Numerical Modeling
- IoT Sensors and Their Pathway to HPC
- Ionospheric Response to a Transient Event at the Magnetopause
- Ionospheric flow fluctuations at mid-latitudes during storms as seen by SuperDARN-Van Allen Probes-Arase conjunctions
- Ionospheric modulation by Pc5 ULF waves and wave structure detected by THEMIS-PFISR conjunction
- LBM-based Simulation on Impact of Wettability Heterogeneity on Relative Permeability in Sandstone
- Large Eddy Simulation of Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
- Large Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed using HamSCI Amateur Radio, SuperDARN, and GNSS TEC
- Large and Small Scale Structures within the Marble Cake Mantle
- Let Them Eat Cake! Using Cake to Teach About Planetary Interiors
- Leveraging Data from Forest Manipulation Experiments to Understand and Improve a Global Dynamic Vegetation Model
- Long-term Nitrogen Addition Decreases Organic Matter Decomposition and Increases Forest Soil Carbon
- Long-term nitrogen concentration saturation in river corridors weakens removal capacity and increases regional export
- MINT: An intelligent interface for understanding the impacts of climate change on hydrological, agricultural and economic systems
- Machine Learning for Gravity Wave Identification
- Macrosystems EDDIE: Using hands-on teaching modules to build computational literacy and water resources concepts in undergraduate curricula
- Magnetic Substorm Onset Prediction Using Deep Learning
- Melt Inclusions and Their Application - New Perspective on the Subsurface Architecture of Cerro Negro Volcano, Nicaragua
- Methods for estimating Wet Bulb Globe Temperature from remote and low-cost data: a comparative study in central Alabama
- Micrometer-scale Experimental Characterization of the Lower Huron Shale in the Central Appalachian Basin
- Microplastic Accumulation in Floodplains
- Mixing zones in shallow submerged/hyporheic sediments: experiments and modeling of hydraulic controls
- Model studies of photoionization and photoelectron production in response to solar flares
- Modeling CO<SUB>2</SUB>-Water-Basalt Reactions Effect to Fracture Alteration in a Basalt Fracture Network
- Modeling Coupled Magma-Hydrothermal Processes at Yellowstone National Park
- Modeling Study of Electron Precipitation Effects on the Generation of Subauroral Polarization Streams
- Modeling Turbulent Mixing Across the Sediment-Water Interface of Streams
- Modeling of Space Weather Processes inside the August 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse
- Multi-Instrument Study of High Latitude Ionospheric Dynamics due to Enhanced Solar Wind Compression
- Multi-scale climate impacts on food and water security in Ethiopia
- Multi-station GPS TEC and magnetometer observations of ULF waves in Antarctica
- Narrowing the Gap Between Early Deccan Traps CO2 Outgassing and pre-KPB Global Climate
- National-extent Modeling of River Corridor Functions: What Level of Process Representation Improves Management Outcomes for Water Quality and Aquatic Ecosystems?
- Near-term iterative forecasting of water quality in a reservoir reveals relative forecastability of physical, chemical, and biological dynamics
- New method and data for Silicate Reaction Rates using isotope tracer method
- Nighttime observations of the low latitude ionosphere using GOLD and ground-based optical and radio data.
- Noise Characterization of Distributed Acoustic Sensing Monitoring Data in Urban Areas: Preliminary Results
- Non-diffusive Transport of Radiation Belt Electrons Resulting from Coherent Monochromatic Ultralow Frequency Waves in a Realistic Magnetospheric Geometry
- Nonlinear Computational Modeling of Small Scale Irregularities in the Midlatitude Sub-auroral Ionosphere
- Observation of strong westward flow by Jiamusi HF radar of China during 26 August 2018 storm
- Observations at sub-auroral latitudes of airglow structures associated with STEVEs and SAR arcs
- Observations of Second Harmonic Generation in Stimulated Electromagnetic Emissions during Ionospheric Heating
- Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusions as Windows to Intraplate Melting at Tenerife, Canary Islands
- Optimization of Ecological and Economic Factors for Livestock Grazing in Steppe Grasslands of Northeast China
- Our fragmented rivers-mapping human-made river obstructions around the globe
- Pandora NO2, O3 and HCHO Profile Measurements During OWLETS 2017 and LISTOS 2018 Campaigns.
- Pc6 Modulation of High Energy Electron Precipitation and the Investigation of its Possible Source
- Photic Zone Euxinia in North-east England Through the End-Triassic Mass Extinction
- Physics Guided Machine Learning: A New Paradigm for Modeling Dynamic Systems
- Quadrotor-Assisted Characterization of Windage Factors for Search and Rescue of a Person in Water
- Quantification of Temporal and Spatial Recharge to the Fractured-Rock Aquifer System of Ploemeur, France
- Rapid Ocean Assessment Methodology Workshops — A Future Earth Coast Program tool to better understand coastal futures contributing to national security and sustainable coastal development through thorough and rapid assessment
- Recent Advances in Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission Investigations
- Redrawing the River Network: Towards a Holistic Representation of River Corridors from Headwaters to the Ocean
- Relationships between organic matter, hydrophobic substances, and soil water repellency after wildfire in the Blue Ridge Mountains
- Resolving the plumbing system in Norris Basin with helicopter electromagnetic, magnetic and geochemical data
- Retrieval of aerosol optical properties from MAX-DOAS simulations using machine learning
- Revisiting a 50-year-old hillslope drainage experiment at the Coweeta Hydrologic Lab
- Satellite Formation Flying using GNSS: Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation and Applications to Future Multi-scale Space Weather Observations
- Scintillation producing ionospheric structures over Antarctic plateau during substorm events
- Seasonal influence of soil moisture and cave air CO<SUB>2</SUB> on the stable oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of drip water and speleothem calcite in Grand Caverns, Virginia
- Sediment Transport Dynamics on a Channelized Floodplain at Various Flows
- Shifting flow paths: How disturbance alters carbon export and fate
- Simulating Downstream Impacts from Synthetic Sediment Pulses in the Nisqually River, WA Using a Lagrangian, Bed-material Sediment Transport Model
- Simulating preferential flow in a two water worlds framework
- Sorting of silt by bottom currents part I: Laboratory experiments
- Sorting of silt by bottom currents part II: Grain-size metrics and applicability to paleoceanography
- Stakeholders' Perceptions of Geographical Criteria for Loblolly Pine Management in Virginia
- Storm-time response of high-latitude electrodynamics: Inter-hemispherical AMPERE observations and EW-FAC model results
- Streamflow response and recovery after forest disturbance in different climates
- Subduction shear zone morphology and exhumation dynamics: Insights from peak Pressure-Temperature conditions and timing of subduction on Syros Island, Greece
- Successful real-time prediction of methane ebullition rates in a eutrophic reservoir using temperature via iterative near-term forecasts
- Thallium Isotopic Evidence for Widespread Late Devonian Marine Anoxia
- The GRIDS Instrument for the petitSat Mission
- The LAICE Cubesat Mission - Capabilities and Synergies
- The Landscape Hydrologic Capacitance Hypothesis: Exploring hydrogeomorphic and hydroclimatic drivers of wetlandscape hydrology
- The Open-Source EarthCube Cyberinfrastructure BALTO: Applications in Earth Science
- The Relationship Between Bifurcations of Region 2 Field-Aligned Currents and the Occurrence of Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams
- The Scale Dependence of P-wave Velocity in Earth's Critical Zone
- The Sensitivity of WRF-Fire Predictions of Area, Location, and Propagation Direction to Changes in Ignition Point Location and Time
- The driving processes for the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) responses to magnetic storms
- The information encoded in the isotopic composition of sedimentary sulfide
- The relationship between lithospheric structure and observed deformation centered on the Eastern Branch of the East Africa Rift System
- Thermal Retardation in Karst Aquifers: Field Observations
- UV Multi-Spectral Images of the Ionosphere and Thermosphere from LITES and ICON
- Untangling Robust Decision Outcomes Given Correlations in Climatic and Economic Parameters
- Using UAV imagery to characterize boulder distributions on hillslopes and in channels in the Appalachian Valley and Ridge to assess the role of resistant boulders in topographic preservation
- Using physical insights to minimize error and maximize efficiency in spatial decomposition approaches to surge hazard assessment
- Variation of Magnetospheric Ultra-Low Frequency Wave Power Spectrum during the 27-28 May 2017 Challenge Event: LFM-RCM Simulation Results
- Variations in deep critical zone weathering revealed by 2-D and circular seismic refraction surveys in a Northern Maryland Piedmont catchment
- Visualization and data reuse via the Digital Rocks Portal
- Volcano-generated Ionospheric Disturbances: Comparison of GITM-R simulations with GNSS observations
- Watershed Studies at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: New Lines of Investigation Stemming from a Rich Legacy of Research
- What do the tsunami deposits of the 2018 Palu, Indonesia earthquake say about the hydrodynamics of the tsunami?
- What drove partial melting of Earth's youngest exposed migmatites? Insights from monazite petrochronology of the Western Himalayan Syntaxis
- Where is the bottom of the critical zone? Evidence for deep, stacked critical zones from airborne EM and hydrological models in Reynolds Creek CZO
- Whole-ecosystem oxygenation experiments reveal substantially greater CH<SUB>4</SUB> production and efflux from reservoirs during anoxia
- petitSat - A 6U CubeSat to examine the link between MSTIDS and ionospheric plasma density enhancements
- A Climatology of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by High Frequency Amateur Radio Networks.
- A Further Source of Tokyo Earthquakes and Pacific Ocean Tsunamis
- A Global Assessment of Organic Carbon Metabolism and Spiraling in Running Waters
- A Method for Reconstructing Historical Destructive Earthquakes Using Bayesian Inference
- A Report on the Small-Scale Variations in the Ionospheric Connections Explorer (ICON) Wind Data.
- A Survey of Computational Tools in Solar Physics
- A Survey of Daytime Ionospheric O<SUP>+</SUP> From ICON
- A U.S. National Level Study of Operational GHG Emissions Generated in the Water Sector
- A Validation and Comparison of Unique, Analytically-derived Hydraulic Conductivity Datasets Using the Upper Colorado River Basin as a Testbed
- A deep learning based approach for modeling the dynamics of AMPERE Birkeland currents
- Active Deformation and its Topographic Expression in the High Himalaya of West Nepal
- Addressing the Contribution of Indirect Potable Reuse to Inland Freshwater Salinization
- Advances in characterizing auroral precipitation in a coupled global geospace model and applications in the simulation of SAPS
- Advancing a neutral density prediction model to operational use
- Analysis of ionospheric datasets to identify signatures with periods matching atmospheric planetary waves.
- Analysis of spectral and propagation characteristics of ionospheric structures over Poker Flat Research Range using modelling and observations.
- Assessing spatial patterns and drivers of intermittent flow in the contiguous U.S.
- Assessing the impact of E-region coherent backscatter on HF propagation at auroral latitudes with e-POP RRI measurements and ray trace modeling
- Assimilative Mapping of Geospace Observations (AMGeO): Unified Global and Local Perspectives on High-latitude Ionospheric Electrodynamics
- Atmospheric Tidal Study using ICON/MIGHTI Observations
- Atmospheric pollutant levels in Southeast Brazil during COVID-19 lockdown: combined satellite and ground-based data analysis
- Big Rice Lake and the challenges of restoring Manoomin (wild rice)
- Case study of a mesospheric front observed in polar mesospheric clouds
- Changing Spatial Distribution of NO<SUB>2</SUB> in Atlanta During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Characteristics of Global Traveling Ionospheric Disturbance
- Characterization of GPS Total Electron Content Signatures during Sudden Magnetospheric Compression Events
- Characterization of High-m Poloidal ULF Wave signatures in GPS TEC Data
- Characterization of In-Situ Floc Sizes Over the Vertical Within the Mississippi River and its Distributaries
- Characterization of Organic Aerosol by Volatility and Elemental Ratios Using a New Moderate-cost Detection Method
- Characterization of Sources of Ionospheric Scintillation in High Latitudes through Machine Learning
- Chemical evolution of particle-phase dimethyl sulfide oxidation products
- Climate change, time spent outdoors, and physical activity in a moist subtropical climate in the Southeast United States
- Comparing Stream Metabolism in Two Tributaries and Downstream of Their Confluence
- Comparing simplistic versus complex modeling approaches for simulating localized urban flooding
- Comparison of Rock Strength Testing Methods for Understanding Fluvial Bedrock Erodibility
- Comparison of TADs observed by GOLD with TIDs observed by ground-based GPS
- Compatison of Equatorial Spread-F Bubbles seen in 135.6 nm airglow at solar maximum and solar minimum from high Earth orbit
- Composition, Concentrations, and Reactivity of Sesquiterpenes in the Southeastern US.
- Comprehensive Detection of All Analytes in Large Chromatographic Atmospheric Dataset
- Connecting Composition to Reactivity for Fragrances and Their Emissions
- Controls on River Flashiness Across the Continental United States
- Controls on the isotopic composition of soil water in fine-grained floodplains
- Could Some Mars Seismic Events be Generated by Fluid Flow?
- Coupling a Gas Chromatograph Simultaneously to a Flame Ionization Detector and Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer for Isomer-Resolved Quantification of Particle-Phase Organic Compounds
- Deciphering the timescales and thermal evolution of the subduction interface using petrochronology: a case study from the Western Alps
- Detecting the Mantle Transition Zone of Mars From Seismic Triplicated and Reflected Waves
- Development and Incorporation of Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Site Response Models in Seismic Hazard Analyses
- Development of a neural network model to estimate the maximum elevation of storm surge in coastal Virginia
- Development of analytical models to evaluate transport and attenuation in a multi-layer aquifer during managed aquifer recharge
- Did the Southwest US aquifer-systems recover from the 2012-2015 drought? Insight from InSAR, GRACE and groundwater level data
- Direct evidence of ionospheric variability driven by the neutral wind dynamo
- Dissolved Organic Matter Sources from Soil Horizons with Varying Hydrology and Distance from Wetland Edge
- Diurnal observations of forest spectral traits from UAS platforms
- Effect of soil pipes on riverbank denitrification during transient hyporheic exchange caused by a peak flow event
- Effects of Salinity and Turbulent Shear Variations on Floc Size in the Lower Mississippi River
- Emirates Mars Mission 2020: Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometer (EMUS) Overview
- Enabling Improved Fluvial Process Characterization in Hydrodynamic and Hydrologic Models through Better Representation of River Bathymetry
- Estimating Floodplain Vegetative Roughness using Drone-Based Laser Scanning and Structure from Motion Photogrammetry
- Estimating Interception from Near-Surface Soil Moisture Data
- Evaluating the Effects of Piped Lengths of Buried Channels on Temporal and Small-Scale Spatial Variations of Streams Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics
- Evaluating the Thermal and Geochemical Evolution of Mars
- Examining the relationship between Lyme Disease and Peridomestic Forest Fragmentation using High-Resolution Open-Source Land Cover Data
- Experimental Investigation of the Role of Temperature on the Threshold Gradient of non-Darcian Flow in Clay/Sand Mixtures
- Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Lower Huron Shale Mechanical Properties
- Experimental and numerical investigations of the role of rock-fluid interaction induced proppant embedment on fracture conductivity
- Exploring the Spatial and Temporal Structure of Ozone in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere: An Investigation of the Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events of 2009 - 2013
- Feedbacks between Knickpoint and Divide Migration as Reflected in Paired Reverse and Truncated Channels
- Field Investigation of Cohesive Sediment Flocculation and Sedimentation Across the Fluvial to Marine Transition
- First, we must consider Manoomin (Psiŋ, wild rice, Zizania palustris): Emergent understandings of meaningful research and relationships in tribal-university partnership centering Manoomin
- Fluxes of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> from a small, eutrophic, managed reservoir as determined by eddy covariance
- Fracture conductivity between non-smooth-surface shale slabs: an experimental and numerical investigation
- From Respirators to Swabs: 3D Printing in a Pandemic
- From Satellites to Storativity: Using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) for Monitoring Groundwater in Central Valley California
- Geodynamic Modeling of the Martian Dichotomy and the Origins of Volcanism in Tharsis and Elysium
- Geoelectric Fields Driven by Ultra Low Frequency Waves: A Missing Link in our Understanding of Geomagnetically Induced Currents
- Geomagnetically Induced Currents at Middle Latitudes: Quiet-time Climatology, Significance during Geomagnetic Disturbances, and Machine-Learning Modeling
- Geophysical mapping of Yellowstone's Plumbing System—from Sources to Surface
- Geospace Plume and Its Impact on Dayside Magnetopause Reconnection
- Global modeling of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling at the limit of the fluid approximation: Auroral beads and ballooning-interchange instability in the magnetosphere
- Global multi-scale modeling of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling during an isolated substorm
- Gravity Wave Study in the MLT using ICON-MIGHTI Temperature and Wind Observations
- Gravity Wave, Planetary Wave, and Tidal Activity in the Arctic Stratosphere and Mesosphere in Winter 2018-2019 and Winter 2019-2020
- Ground Magnetometer ULF Wave Observations at the Convection Reversal Boundary During Sustained Periods of Dominant IMF By
- HamSci Radio Research Using VLF and HF to measure aurora emissions and related phenomena.
- Hands-on Modeling Activities in Macrosystems EDDIE Teaching Modules Increase Undergraduate Students' Ability to Define, Interpret, and Apply Advanced Concepts in the Environmental Sciences
- How Alaska's Barry Arm Can Help Us Prepare for Climate Change Hazards
- ICON observations of longitudinal variations from 95 km to the spacecraft altitude of 575 km
- Identifying Hot Moments of Iron and Manganese Cycling in a Drinking-Water Reservoir Using a High-Frequency Water Quality Sensor
- Impact of Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation on the Upper Atmosphere
- Impacts of molecular structure on atmospherically-important physicochemical parameters
- Improvement of Light Use Efficiency Estimation by Accounting for Sunlit and Shadowed Foliage
- Improving Conductance Modeling in Global Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Simulations during Geomagnetic Storms: An Important Element of Space Weather Modeling
- Influence of Obliquely Propagating Monsoon Gravity Waves on Southern Polar Summer Mesosphere after Stratospheric Sudden Warmings in Winter Stratosphere
- Injection triggered EMIC waves and their association with enhanced convection periods
- Integrating Ecosystem Contributions to Stream Corridor Carbon Dioxide and Methane Fluxes
- Integrating drivers of nutrient biogeochemistry in riverine floodplains to inform restoration design
- Inter-hemispheric asymmetries in the ground magnetic ULF waves response to interplanetary shocks
- Introducing the NEON Ecological Forecasting Challenge hosted by the Ecological Forecasting Initiative Research Coordination Network.
- Investigating the effects of topography and magma reservoir structure on volcano-tectonic interactions in a youthful continental rift
- Is our finger on the pulse? Assessing placement bias of the global river gauge network
- Laboratory investigation of dimethyl sulfide oxidation: Comprehensive product characterization, peroxy radical isomerization, and implications for sulfur distribution
- Latitudinal Variation of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Drift Velocities Derived From GOLD Data
- Lessons Learned from the 2020 Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Virtual Workshop
- Leveraging NEON soil archives to link soil organic carbon stocks, persistence, and climate sensitivity at the continental scale
- Leveraging earth observations for estimating health risks associated with flooding precipitated by heavy rains
- Low and Mid-latitude Ionosphere-Thermosphere Response to the April 2020 Storm
- Magma source depths and magma recycling in the 2018 eruption of Kīlauea, Hawai'i based on volatiles in melt inclusions
- Mapping Changes in Global Irrigated Areas
- Mars Orbiters for Surface-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Connections (MOSAIC)
- Measuring heat stress and health outcomes associated with exposure to extreme heat events: Implications for infectious disease risk
- Mesoscale-resolving global modeling of geospace
- Mesoscale-resolving space weather modeling
- Metamorphic thermobarometry captures a rheology-controlled subduction depth limit in exhumed high-pressure/low-temperature rocks exposed on Syros, Greece
- Mid-latitude TIDs as observed in airglow and amateur radio data
- Minerals in rock fragments weather in sync with the soil fine fraction across a lateral hydrochemical gradient
- Mixing Downstream of Stream Confluences Alters Carbon and Nutrient Cycling in Freshwater Networks
- Mixing layer height estimation using Pandora MAX-DOAS measurements from the LISTOS (2018) campaign.
- Modeling Nonlinear, Time-dependent Evolution of Ionospheric Fluid Instabilities in the Polar Cap
- Modeling the gradient drift and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities as turbulence generation mechanisms in sub-auroral polarization streams.
- Multi-phase Segmentation of Digital Rock Images Using Convolution Neural Network: Training Dataset Generation, Model Training and Result Visualization
- MultiSector Influences on Urban Water Supply Across the United States
- Near-term, iterative forecasting suggests high predictability of reservoir methane ebullition at weekly time scales
- Near-term, iterative forecasts highlight the relative importance of two drivers for dynamic oxygen concentrations in a drinking water reservoir
- New Evidence for a Prehistoric Multi-Fault Rupture of the Calico-Hidalgo Fault System of the Southern Eastern California Shear Zone
- Northern-Southern Hemispheric Asymmetry of Solar Wind Energy Input Into the Polar Ionosphere During a Prolonged Interval of Radial Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Novel Low-Cost Concentrating Inlet for Enhancing Instrument Sensitivity and Level of Detection for Reactive Organic Gases in Small Sample Flows
- Numerical Modeling of an Abiotic Hyporheic Mixing-Dependent Reaction: Chemical Evolution of Mixing and Reactant Production Zones
- Observations of Atmospheric Waves in the Thermosphere with ICON
- Observations of Non-Migrating Diurnal Tides in Middle Thermosphere Temperature and Composition with GOLD
- Observations of atmospheric tides in the Martian middle and upper atmosphere from MRO and MAVEN
- Observing Ozone Effects on Transpiration, Carbon Assimilation, and Photosynthesis by Perturbing Stomatal Diffusive Resistance
- Observing canopy-scale relationships between ozone flux, conductance, photosynthesis (SIF), and leaf skin temperature
- Observing the 2019 Southern Hemisphere Sudden Stratospheric Warming over Antarctica using ground-based and satellite measurements
- On-Demand Wind Profiling with Multirotor UAS to Monitor the Atmospheric Transport of Harmful Algal Blooms
- Open Knowledge Networks for geoscience: A powerful use case through space weather
- Paleoseismic and geomorphic evidence for recent rupture on the Hidalgo fault, Eastern California Shear Zone
- Particle Collisions Control Stable Bed Configuration Under Weak Bedload Transport Conditions
- Past, Present, and Future of Flooding-induced Crop Loss in U.S. Midwest
- Predicting Unsteady Pollutant Removal in Green Stormwater Infrastructure with Transit Time Distribution Theory
- Processes contributing to the maintenance of CO<SUB>2</SUB> super-saturation in a large boreal river
- Radar Imaging of Fractures and Voids Behind the Walls of an Underground Mine
- Rapid Orogenic Collapse—Efficient Erosion, or Something More?
- Recent Surface Ruptures of the Western Nepal Fault System: Active Oblique-Slip in the High Himalaya from Talphi to Tripurakot
- Reconciling Ground-Based Remote Sensing and In-Situ Observations of COVID-Related Air Quality Changes in the Boston Area
- Redrawing the River Network: Towards a New Generation of Continental-Scale Water Quality Models
- Results from One Year of Pandora Nitrogen Dioxide Measurements in Dakar, Senegal
- Riometer-based optimization of a simple shortwave fadeout absorption model
- Science in grassroots advocacy: SPI-DAC connects scientists and engineers with experienced environmental advocates
- Seamless Access to Long-Tail and Big Data in Earth and Space Science via the EarthCube Brokering Cyberinfrastructure BALTO
- Seamless Machine Learning Architecture Access to Long-Tail In-Situ Data through EarthCube's BALTO Cyberinfrastructure
- Seasonal Drought Prediction: The Changing Role of Snow in Water Supply Forecasting across the Western U.S.
- Seasonal Variations in Groundwater Storage and Well Levels: Implications for Groundwater Recharge in the Central Valley
- Seasonality and Oxygen Control Dissolved Organic Carbon Quantity, Quality, and Greenhouse Gases in a Eutrophic, Freshwater Reservoir
- Seismic Velocities Distribution in a 3D Mantle: Implications for InSight Measurements
- Simulated sediment-pulse dynamics in a gravel-bedded mountain river
- Sinks and Sources: The Dynamic Contributions of Riparian Wetlands to Catchment Carbon Budgets
- Sounding Rocket Observation of Lower Thermospheric Nitric Oxide in the Polar Night
- Stratigraphic and microfossil evidence of repeated late Holocene tsunami inundation at Sitkalidak Island, AK
- Stress drop estimation from source spectra: Resolution limits and consistency between different studies.
- Study the storm-enhanced density and plasmasphere in response to the electric fields in a magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupled system
- Subsidence-Derived Aquifer Volume Strain Models for the San Joaquin Valley, California and Central Arizona
- SuperDARN Bistatic Measurements: Signals of Opportunity for Ionospheric Sounding
- Supporting Remote Teaching and Learning with 3D Printing
- Temporal Evolution of Second Harmonic Narrowband Stimulated Electromagnetic Emissions
- The Effects of Small Scale Plasma Turbulence on Conductance Modeling in Global Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Simulations during Geomagnetic Storms
- The Impacts of Drought and Water Allocation Practices on River Systems and Communities
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer: Results from Year #1 on Orbit.
- The application of machine learning to a parametric analysis of fluid migration during geological carbon sequestration in a sandstone reservoir
- The effect of subauroral polarization streams (SAPS) on the global thermosphere and ionosphere during geomagnetic storms
- The effects of non-photosynthetic vegetation on windblown dust emissions
- The experimental development and model implementation of a lake spray aerosol source function
- The impact of spatial variation and correlation length of wettability on scCO<SUB>2</SUB>-brine immiscible displacement in 3D porous media
- The latest in nanoscale drivers of large-scale Earth processes
- The power and potential for iterative, near-term ecological forecasting to advance freshwater science
- Tornado-generated Ionospheric Disturbances: Comparison of GITM-R simulations with GNSS
- Tracing the sources of CO2-rich magmas at Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira using olivine-hosted melt inclusions
- Trends and drivers of changing stream intermittency across the United States
- Typology of Food-Energy-Water Systems in the United States
- Uncertainty in Long-Term Projections of Barrier Island Morphology Considering Impacts of Coastal Restoration Practices
- Understanding sensitivity of distributed acoustic sensing integrated with velocity data
- Understanding the details of the descent of mesospheric air following the 2013 elevated stratopause event
- Using Impacts to Initiate a Mobile-Lid Regime on Venus
- Using MESSENGER Data to Model the Thermochemical Evolution of Mercury's Interior
- Variability in the composition of biogenic volatile organic compounds in a southeastern US forest and its role in atmospheric reactivity
- Warming temperatures could expose more than 1.3 billion new people to Zika virus risk by 2050
- Water dispersible (nano)colloids in riparian sediments have a significant influence on organic carbon fate and transport
- Wave-driven Desalination For Arid California: From Lab Test to Site Selection, Storm Waves to Economic Performance
- Wind Determination Using a Rigid-Body Model of Quadrotor Motion
- Winter cover cropping increases albedo and latent heat flux in the Texas High Plains
- Examining the role of flare-driven D-region electron density enhancement on Doppler Flash
- 3D Structure of the Martian Inner Hot Oxygen Corona Imaged by EMM/EMUS
- A Laboratory Study Investigating Ozone Effects on Transpiration, Carbon Assimilation, and Photosynthesis by Perturbing Stomatal Diffusive Resistance
- A New Algorithm Combining Angular Momentum and Other EOP Inputs to Improve IERS Rapid Service/Prediction Center Predictions
- A Novel Multitemporal SAR Interferometric Algorithm for High-Resolution Sentinel-1 Datasets
- A Transient Peak in Seawater Sulfate After the 635-Ma Snowball Earth
- A Variational Approach to Small-Scale Parameterization for Nonlinear and Stochastic Dynamical Systems
- A free, web-based resource on hydrologic analyses in R for instructors and learners
- A global view of stratopause gravity waves derived from CIPS RAA data
- A numerical study of the urban morphology and vegetation parameters cooling effect during an extreme heat event
- A statistical view of small-scale waves seen in the ICON-MIGHTI dataset for January 2020.
- AIM/CIPS Retrieval of Global Gravity Wave Images near the Stratopause
- Achieving real-time, continental, building level, inundation forecasts using the National Water Model and Open Geospatial Data
- Active Faulting in the High Himalaya of West Nepal: Quaternary Slip Rates Along the Western Nepal Fault System
- Amateur Radio Communications as a Novel Sensor of Large Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
- Analyzing the nitrogen dioxide spatiotemporal trends in Dakar, Senegal using Pandora measurements
- Assessing Critical Risk Indicators for Space Weather and the Power Grid with Outage Data in Massachusetts and Vermont
- Assessing animal movement responses to altered human mobility across the USA during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Assessing the impact of flood-induced relocation on municipal viability across the rural-urban spectrum: an agent-based model of coastal Virginia under sea level rise
- Assessing the spatiotemporal variability of total column NO2 in Boston observed by TROPOMI and an intra-urban network of Pandoras
- Assessment of hydropower potential in the Mekong river basin in a changing climate
- Assimilative Mapping of Geospace Observations (AMGeO): Data Science Tools for Collaborative Geospace Systems Science
- Association between Changes in Glacier Mass and Climate Seasonality Revealed from GRACE/FO in High Mountain Asia.
- Bottom-up weathering driven by hydrothermal influence in basalt in Reynolds Creek Critical Zone Observatory, Idaho, USA
- COVID-19 indoor airborne transmission risk estimation based on practical risk indicators or CO2 level
- Canopy Structure Diurnal Mediation of the Photochemical Reflectance Index in Three U.S. Coastal Plain Forest Stands Observed using Airborne Hyperspectral and Lidar Imaging
- Characterization of SuperDARN Backscatter Observations using Machine Learning Algorithms
- Characterization of the groundwater storage in the south-eastern Australian basins using GPS deformation and groundwater head level data
- Climatology of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by HamSCI Amateur Radio with Connections to Geospace and Neutral Atmospheric Sources.
- Climatology of gravity wave influence on the downward progression of stratospheric temperature anomalies
- Comparing the Biogeophysical and Biogeochemical Trade-Offs of a Pine Plantation vs a Bioenergy Cropland
- Comparison of Nightside Ionospheric Instabilities in 135.6 nm Airglow from GOLD and IMAGE
- Comparison of health symptoms associated with flooding estimated using remotely sensed flood exposure to self-reported home flooding in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey
- Conceptualizing Pollutant Load Generation from Urban Catchments
- Connecting people to nature in urban areas through cultural services provisioning by green stormwater infrastructure a role for ecological engineering and plant functional traits
- Connecting the deep and shallow critical zone: Quantifying inherited heterogeneity of the CZ structure
- Constrained Inversion of Gravity Data with Seismic Velocity Perturbations: Implications for the Density Structure Beneath the Rungwe Volcanic Province, East Africa
- Constraining Lake Spray Aerosol (LSA) Emission from the Laurentian Great Lakes Surface
- Constraining the Dynamics of Groundwater Loss in Mexico City from Sentinel and GRACE Observations
- Contributions of aviation and on-road traffic to variability in near-airport tropospheric NO2 columns during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Controls Over the Ozone Loss Rate in a Mixed Deciduous and Coniferous Forest in Virginia
- Controls on critical zone thickness in the Appalachian Piedmont: lithology, vegetation, and state of stress
- Coordinated observations of the daytime thermosphere with ICON and GOLD
- Cost effective solutions to improve water quality in intensively managed agricultural landscapes prioritize wetlands and other near-channel approaches
- Cryoseismic Event Analysis on Distributed Strain Recordings Leveraging Unsupervised Clustering
- Cumulative Effects of Stream Restoration on Nitrate Removal at the Watershed Scale: Data Synthesis and Numerical Modeling
- Data-Driven Variational Multiscale Reduced Order Models for the Quasi-Geostrophic Equations
- Decarbonization via long-distance transmission of hydropower is cost-effective
- Determination of atomic oxygen in the thermosphere of Mars from the Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometer (EMUS) instrument
- Diatom Evidence for Repeated Coseismic Uplift Above the Patton Bay Splay Fault System, Alaska, USA
- Differing Subsurface Fracture Characteristics Inferred from Ground Penetrating Radar at Two Granitic Sites in the Southern Sierra Nevada, California
- Digital Rocks Portal: connecting data, simulation, machine learning and research community
- Disentangling Thermospheric and Ionospheric Signatures in Tidal Perturbations of Column O/N2 Derived from Far Ultraviolet Airglow
- Dissolved Organic Carbon Enhances Cr(III) Solubilization but Diminishes its Oxidation by Manganese Oxide.
- Do biotic interactions control coastal forest resilience to extreme storm events? An exclusion experiment
- Driving Influences of Solar Flare Effects on the Doppler Flash Observed by SuperDARN HF Radars
- Drone-based wind profiling for characterizing aerosol transport in aquatic environments
- EMM EMUS Observations of Martian Nightside Discrete EUV and FUV Aurora: patterns, variability, drivers, and new spectral features
- Early Warning Systems, Mobile Technology, and Averting Cholera: Evidence from rural Bangladesh
- Eddy covariance data reveal that small freshwater reservoirs emit a substantial amount of carbon dioxide and methane
- Effect of bathymetric representation on surface-subsurface process characterization in large-scale hydrologic and hydraulic models
- Eliciting cultural services through virtual experiences with green stormwater infrastructure
- Elucidating the Magma Plumbing System of the Active Volcano Ol Doinyo Lengai, Natron Rift, Tanzania Using Geodesy and Numerical Modeling
- Embracing Uncertainty in ''Small Data'' Problems: Estimating Earthquakes from Historical Anecdotes
- Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometers Observation of Argon I 104.8 nm and 106.6 nm in the Martian Thermosphere.
- Estimating Mean Dominant Heights from NAIP Digital Aerial Photogrammetry and Lidar Over Mixed Deciduous Forests in the Southeastern USA
- Evaluating models for lithospheric loss and intraplate volcanism beneath the Central Appalachian Mountains
- Evaluation of Water Shortage Risks from Permit Exemptions: A Comparison with Climate Change and Demand Growth
- Examining streamflow flashiness trends across the northeastern USA
- Examining the Ecological Processes Influencing the Assembly of Molecules into Organic Matter Assemblages
- Expanding the Modern Diatom Database to Refine Estimates of Historic Coseismic Coastal Deformation Along the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Experimental Investigation of Microplastics Aerosolization by Oceanic Breaking Waves
- Extracting the Full Value of Physics-Informed Modelling of Space Weather
- Factors controlling local intense dB/dt variations during shock-induced substorms
- Far Ultraviolet Hyperspectral Imager: NASA's TIMED/GUVI and DMSP SSUSI
- First Flight Results from the Winds In-Track Instrument on the Dynamo2 Mission
- First Observations from the Winds Cross-Track Instrument on the Dynamo 2 Mission
- First results from the ionization gauge instrumentation on the Dynamo2 missions
- Flood modeling using an integrated hydrosystems approach: Moving beyond traditional flood mapping
- Floodplain reconnection in agricultural landscapes and tradeoffs in water quality
- Forecast-Informed Irrigation Scheduling for Maximizing Nutrient and Water Use Efficiency in Humid Climates: Experimental Results in Corn and Cotton
- From DAS to Discharge: Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing to Estimate the Hydrological Response of the Rhonegletscher, Switzerland.
- Geophysical imaging reveals lithologic controls on weathering at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia, USA
- Geospace plume and its impact on dayside magnetopause reconnection rate
- Global Distribution of ULF Wave Power at Earth and Relationship with Charged Particle Dynamics: Implications for Other Planetary Magnetospheres
- Grassland Degradation as Influenced by Climate Change in Balagaer River Watershed of Inner Mongolia, China
- Growing an Oasis: The Role of Trees in Driving Regolith Production in a Bedrock Landscape, Panola Mountain, Georgia
- Heliophysics Audified: Resonances in Plasmas (HARP), a Citizen Science Tool for Space Weather
- Hitting a World-Ball that is Not Ours with a Space Rock: Making the Top Part Move
- How Virtual Networking Events Can Catalyze Convergence
- Impact of Organic Matter on Extracellular Polymeric Substances, Aggregate Stability, and Fluvial Erosion Rates of Cohesive Streambank Soil
- Implications of InSight Results on the Thermal and Dynamic Evolution of Mars
- Improved Neutral Density Predictions through Machine Learning Enabled Exospheric Temperature Model
- Improved spatiotemporal resolution of terrestrial water storage change in California through joint inversion of GNSS and GRACE observations
- Increasing resiliency of integrated food-energy-water systems to viral pandemics: lessons from COVID-19
- Inferring tsunami source and run-up distribution from run-up observations: A tsunami inversion model
- Insights from a Morphodynamic Model into Barrier System Sensitivities
- Interacting effects of microbial growth and dune translation on hyporheic reactions.
- Interhemispheric Observations of Geomagnetic Pulsations Associated with Foreshock Transient Events
- Interpreting critical zone properties from near-surface geophysics and rock physics modeling: Progress, challenges, and prospects
- Investigating Coulomb Stress Changes in the Eastern California Shear Zone from a Prehistoric Calico-Hidalgo Fault Rupture and the Possible Influences on the 1992 Landers and 1999 Hector Mine Earthquakes
- Investigating Detection Limits of Antarctic Microbial Communities Using Remote Sensing Data
- Investigating Potential Melt Sources for the Magma-Poor Albertine-Rhino Graben of the East African Rift System Using 3D Geodynamic Modeling with ASPECT
- Investigating magma storage histories at flank cones of Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira with olivine-hosted melt inclusions and diffusion chronometry
- Investigating the impact of the latitudinal velocity profile on nonlinear gradient drift instability development in the subauroral ionosphere
- Ionospheric Background Conditions Related to the Thermosphere-Ionosphere Metal (TIMt) Neutral Layers during Equinox at McMurdo
- Ionospheric Sounding with SuperDARN HF Radars
- Its all connected: unpacking the spatial variability of groundwater dynamics, soil solution chemistry, and mineral weathering
- Kinematics and evolution of the southern Eastern California Shear Zone, based on analysis of fault geometry and activity
- Landscape Scale Variability in Optical Water Quality Indicators at NEON Sites
- Learning from a Big Dataset of Digital Rock Simulations
- Listening to the heliosphere how best to make space data audible
- MAGE simulations of flux transfer events, poleward moving auroral forms, and polar cap patches
- Machine learning guided by ray-tracing for mid-latitude SuperDARN backscatter classification
- Magma storage depths and excess CO2 fluids from the explosive Keanakakoi tephra (Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii) based on measurements of melt and fluid inclusions
- Magnetic Perturbation Events (MPEs) that cause GICs: Investigating their Interhemispheric Conjugacy and Control by IMF Orientation
- Mapping Flow-obstructing Structures on Global Rivers
- Mapping and Modeling Interbasin Water Transfers within the United States
- Mapping bedrock topography: a seismic refraction survey in a weathered and crystalline granite in the Laramie Range, Wyoming
- Mapping changes in global area equipped for irrigation
- Mapping distribution of hydraulic diffusivity using surface deformation, applications to fluid injection reservoirs
- Mars Year 34 Dust Storm Effects on Hydrogen Escape in the LMD-MGCM
- Martian Outer Hot Oxygen Corona as Observed by EMM/EMUS and Comparison with a 3-D Monte Carlo Particle Transport Model
- Measurements of Vertical Land Motion and underlying mechanisms along the US East Coast
- Metabolic Patterns of Non-perennial Temperate Forest Streams
- Microbial Induced Anaerobic Oxidation of Magnetite to Maghemite in a Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Aquifer
- Mission Configuration and Retrieval Technique for Profiling Water Vapor in the Marine Boundary Layer by Collocated Radio Occultation and Passive Microwave Sounding
- Monitoring Coastal Subsidence along the US Gulf Coast Using Satellite Remote Sensing
- Morphology of EUV and FUV Martian airglow emissions observed by EMUS instrument onboard EMM
- Multi-Scale Density Structures in the Plume
- Multi-instrument investigation of the role of plasma convection in the formation of the polar holes
- Multi-parameter observations of the quasi-6-day wave and corresponding oscillations in the upper atmosphere observed by ICON and GOLD
- NEREID: Converging in the Spaces Between
- Neotectonics of the Rift-Bounding Toro-Bunyoro Fault, Albertine Graben (Uganda), Western Branch of the East African Rift System
- Neutral Thermospheric Composition Information in ICON EUV Measurements
- Non-migrating structures in the midlatitude thermosphere during December solstice
- Observations and mechanisms of distant and deep injection induced earthquakes in California and Oklahoma hydrocarbon basins
- Observations of Atmospheric Tides at High Latitudes in the Martian Upper Atmosphere
- Observations of Mid-latitude Irregularities Using the Oblique Ionosonde Sounding Mode for the HamSCI Personal Space Weather Station
- Observations of thermospheric waves from the Emirates Mars Mission (Hope Probe)
- Observed trends in daily rainfall variability result in more severe climate change impacts to agriculture
- Observing transient, rapid mass changes in the Earth system with GRACE Follow-On laser ranging measurements
- On the Evaluation of Evolving-Probability Forecasts
- On the Hydrodynamically-Driven Deposition of Mud in River Systems
- On the Transatlantic Journey of Aeolian Dust Aerosols and its Implication for Microorganisms Transport
- Outer Solar System Carbon in the Laboratory
- Paleoseismic Excavations Across a Releasing Bend of the Western Nepal Fault System Reveal Previously Undocumented Earthquakes.
- Panola Mountain revisited: intensive geophysical and geochemical studies reveal the structure of the deep critical zone at a classic hydrologic study site
- Parametric Uncertainty Quantification in Urban Flooding Models
- Parkfield earthquake delay caused by wastewater injection at the San Ardo oilfield
- Patterns, Places, People: Leveraging the NEON Airborne Observation Platform for scalable observation of Socio-Environmental Systems
- Pc 1 wave observations associated with foreshock transient events
- Physics-constrained deep learning model for data assimilation and uncertainty analysis in subsurface flow problems
- Plagioclase weathering in forest soils drives mineral weathering gradients expressed at the hillslope scale
- Potential transition pathways and uncertainty for achieving negative emissions with bioenergy and biochar at local scales
- Power-frequency Experiment at HAARP with SuperDARN and SEE Observations
- Predicting and Validating Integrated Water Vapor from SAR Interferometric Analysis of Sentinel-1 Data over Kerala, India
- Predicting the Time Evolution of Dispersing Atmospheric Clouds using Deep Neural Networks
- Prediction of multi-sectoral water withdrawals through time using machine learning methods
- Preferential Flowpaths Drive Solute Dynamics in Tropical Catchments: Unmixing Sources with Isotopic and Solute-based Approaches
- Preferred Saharan Air Layer Seasonal Pathways Across the Tropical North Atlantic
- Prehistoric Tsunami Deposits in Floras Lake, Oregon: Using Vibracore Data to Identify Tsunami Events and Constrain Rupture Recurrence Intervals Along the Southern Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Rapid Decline in Global Marine Oxygen During Carbon Excursion of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)
- Real-Time Flood Forecasting using an Integrated Hydrologic and Hydraulic Model on the Vamsadhara River in Eastern India
- Real-time Data Product Streams for Permafrost Monitoring with Distributed Acoustic Sensing
- Reasoning about Model Complexity with a Multi-scale Approach
- Recent Advances in Understanding the Thermosphere-Ionosphere From the Global-scale Observations of The Limb And Disk (GOLD) Mission
- Reconstructing Historical Earthquake-induced Tsunamis: Case Study of 1820 Event Near South Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Reconstruction of GRACE-like terrestrial water storage from hydro-climate data using deep learning neural networks
- Relaxation of an oversteepened laboratory river towards the threshold state
- Remotely Investigating the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Soil Moisture in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica: Hydrological and Ecological Implications
- Remotely Sensed Span of Magnetopause Reconnection Structure
- Results from the Emirates Mars Mission (Hope Probe)
- Retrieval of H and O abundance from EMM/EMUS observations of Lyman alpha, Lyman beta, and O I 102.6 nm observations
- Role of Edge Dynamics in Controllability of Flooding Networks
- SPRING - An automated and flexible framework for developing large-scale 3D representations of river network
- Sea-Level Rise and Flooding Hazard Assessment in the Chesapeake Bay of the United States: Analysis of Subsidence and Sea-Level Rise Scenarios
- Seeking a Pattern: Linking Mantle Convection to Surface Features on Venus
- Simulated riverbed response to post-wildfire debris flow input in river networks
- Simulation of Flood Events over Nagavali River Basin using SWAT Model
- Small, Older Water Fraction Controls Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Concentrations in Stream Water during the Non-Growing Season in a Forested Headwater Catchment
- Sources of Intense Geoelectric Fields in the United States: Comparative Analysis of Multiple Geomagnetic Storms
- Spatial structure and relative variability of CO abundance in the Martian thermosphere observed by the Emirates Mars Mission
- Stabilizing Organic Inputs to Soil for Enhanced Carbon Sequestration in Agroecosystems
- Strain Accommodation along Early-Stage Rift-Bounding Faults, Bilila-Mtakataka Fault, Southern Malawi
- Strike-Slip Faulting in the Cascadia Backarc: Documentation of Dextral Activity on the Tumalo Fault, Sisters Fault Zone, Central Oregon, USA
- Strong Anisotropy in the Critical Zone: Evidence that Weathering Enhances Seismic Anisotropy in Saprolite and that Permeability Anisotropy may be Related
- Study of Mud Flocs in the Mississippi River in Southern Louisiana
- Subauroral polarization streams in magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupling
- Sudden Stratospheric Warming-Triggered Composition Response of the Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere- Stratosphere
- Sustained Embayment of Shoulder Type Escarpments through a Feedback between Knickpoint and Divide Migration
- Temporal Evolution and Spatial Distribution of stress and strain at Coso Geothermal Field: January 2005 through June 2019
- Temporal Variation of Upper-Mesospheric Atomic Oxygen Using SOFIE Measurements
- Testing a new solar flare model against ionospheric D and E region data
- The 11-Year Solar Cycle Response of Gravity Waves using ERA5 data
- The Application of Machine Learning Techniques to Meteorological Forecasting at the Savannah River Site
- The Co-evolution of Deccan Traps Mantle Melting, Outgassing, and Climate
- The DRIAR Project: Dry-Rifting In the Albertine-Rhino Graben, Uganda
- The Effects of Small Geomagnetic Storms on Ionospheric Densities
- The Ionosphere-Thermosphere Responses to Multi-scale High-latitude Drivers during the 2015 St. Patrick's Day Storm
- The Kinematic Evolution of Transpression in the Eastern California Shear Zone
- The Mekong River Basin: Ecohydrological complexity from catchment to coast
- The Urban Flooding Open Knowledge Network: Delivering Flood Information to AnyOne, AnyTime AnyWhere
- The correlation study of geomagnetic field variations at interhemispheric conjugate points in high latitude regions
- The effects of irrigation tank rejuvenation in the semi-arid region of Warangal, south India.
- The science of the Emirates Mars Mission (Hope Probe)
- Thermodynamic Controls on Deep Convection Development in the Southeastern United States Summer
- Three-Dimensional Digital Soil Mapping of Soil Properties using gSSURGO for Improved Hydrologic Modeling
- Towards Correlating Side Scan Sonar Backscatter with In-Situ Geotechnical Properties
- Towards Understanding the Relationship Between Coastal and Riverine Processes and Civil Infrastructure in the Arctic
- Towards a New Baseline of Vertical Land Motions in the Chesapeake Bay Using GNSS and InSAR
- Towards a multi-scale predictive model of the high-latitude ionospheric convection
- Towards an Investigation of the Effects of Dynamic Topography on Vertical Land Motions Along the North American Atlantic Coast
- Tracking Sediment Transport and Deposition Along Floodplain Flow Pathways
- Travel-time Measurements from Long-Period Empirical Green's Functions at GSN Stations
- Trends and Drivers of Bedload and Suspended Sediment Fluxes in Global Rivers
- Ultra-Low-Power LoRa-Embedded Microcontrollers Simplifying Rapidly Deployable Inexpensive Weather, Soil, and Streamflow Sensor Designs
- Uncertainties in Forest Management Timing, Forest Structure, and Ecosystem Function: Simulating Delayed Timber Harvest
- Uncovering the controls on fluvial bedrock erodibility and knickpoint expression: A high-resolution comparison of bedrock properties between knickpoints and non-knickpoint reaches
- Understanding the connection between flash drought and streamflow for Mississippi river using multiple satellite sensors and land surface model.
- Unique Na Billows over Arecibo using Resonance Lidar Measurements
- Upscaling linear chemical reactions in porous and fractured media with a continuous time random walk framework
- Utilizing Deformation Along the Western Nepal Fault System to Characterize the Initiation, Kinematics, and Development of a Splay Fault in a Thrust Wedge
- Utilizing Machine Learning and Matched Filter Techniques to Expand the 2011-2012 Summerville, South Carolina Earthquake Catalog
- Validation of a Neutral Density Model Through a Comparison With the High Accuracy Satellite Drag Model (HASDM)
- Variability of the neutral wind dynamo observed by NASA's ICON mission
- Variation in Hillslope Sediment Size Controlled by Differences in Subsurface Weathering in a Transient Piedmont Landscape, South Carolina, USA.
- Veins of the Earth: a Flexible Framework for Mapping, Modeling, and Monitoring the Earths River Networks
- Vertical profiles of mud floc size and concentration in the lower Mississippi River
- Virginia Scientist-Community Interface: A multi-institutional graduate student group dedicated to providing scientific expertise for community-led activism and advocacy
- Water management modeling in the Mekong River Basin
- Watershed Model Parameter Estimation in Low Data Environments
- What makes a stream flashy? Controls on river flashiness across the continental US.
- Where Has All the Carbon Gone?: The Effect of Biochar Amendment on Soil Aggregate Size Distribution and Carbon Content
- Wildfire Erosion and Sedimentation Toolkit (WEST) for predicting post-wildfire erosion and sediment delivery
- a Continental Scale Analysis of Soil Organic Matter Composition Using Untargeted Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry; Exploring Changes in Composition with Depth and Soil Order
- petitSat - a 6U CubeSat to examine plasma density enhancements in the ionosphere
- A Data-Driven Foresighted Agent-Based Model for Municipal Level Projection of Urban and Rural Migration Response to Recurrent Flooding in Virginia
- A Geodynamic and Geochemical Investigation of Mercury's Mantle Melting
- A Kinematic and Morphometric Analysis of Restraining Bends in the Eastern California Shear Zone
- A Model for Salinity Effects on Mud Flocculation
- A Revision of East African Rift System Kinematics from GPS Observations and Block Modeling
- A Study of Temporal Variability in Mars Discrete Aurora as Observed by EMM EMUS.
- A Survey of TADs in the Middle Thermosphere Observed by GOLD
- A Synthesis of Global Streamflow characteristics, Hydrometeorology, and catchment Attributes (GSHA) for Large Sample River-Centric Studies
- A System-of-Systems Approach to Societal Challenges of the Anthropocene
- A Three-dimensional Non-linear Model For Ionospheric Irregularities
- A Transdisciplinary, Integrative, Ecological Structure for Understanding Climate Change Drivers, Impacts, and Solutions
- A comparison of foraminiferal and diatom-based transfer function estimates of coseismic subsidence during the 1700 CE earthquake along the Oregon and California coasts
- A novel modeling framework to understand the fate and transport of salts in sanitary sewer systems
- A novel statistical approach for tropical cyclone-driven compound flood forecasting
- A parsimonious and scalable approach for linking water quality to water age in unsteady hydrologic systems
- Accuracy Assessment Between In-Situ Observations and Remote Sensing Products.
- Advances of the DRIAR Project: Dry-Rifting In the Albertine-Rhino Graben, Uganda
- Airborne Disease Transmission Across 6 Feet to 6 Million Feet
- An Agent-based Modeling Approach to Simulate the Emergence of Institutions that Reverse the Freshwater Salinization Syndrome
- An Analysis of Mangrove Resistance and Resilience in the Philippines Following Super Typhoon Odette
- An Interdisciplinary Journey From Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons to SARS-CoV-2
- An Investigation of the Density Structure Beneath the Rungwe Volcanic Province Through Constrained Inversion of Gravity Data With Seismic Velocity Perturbations
- An adaptive auto-reduction solver for speeding up integration of chemical kinetics in atmospheric chemistry models: implementation and evaluation within the Kinetic Pre-Processor (KPP) version 3.0.0
- An examination of magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupling during STEVE
- An examination of the dynamics of North American mid-latitude sporadic-E
- Analysis of Nightside Ionospheric Instabilities from 2018 to 2022 in 135.6 nm Airglow from GOLD and Comparison with IMAGE
- Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) Formation History in the Ross Sea: Insights from the Pliocene-Pleistocene record at IODP Site U1524
- Application of Machine Learning for PM2.5 Estimation Using the Low-cost Sensors
- Application of a Diatom-Based Transfer Function to Estimate Coseismic Subsidence Along the Cascadia Subduction Zone in Southern Oregon
- Aquatic food web changes in response to mining-induced salinization in Appalachian headwaters.
- Assessing Agricultural Losses due to Extreme Weather Events in Delmarva Peninsula using Machine Learning Approaches
- Assessing Altimetry and Optical Remote Sensing Products to Study Global Sediment Transport Dynamics in Earth's Inland Water Bodies
- Assessing Uncertainty of Relative Sea Level Rise Projection Along the US Coasts
- Assessing the Applicability of Local-Scale Event Rainfall Characteristics from Hurricane Florence to Identify Likely Microbial Contamination in North Carolina Private Drinking Wells
- Assessing the Impacts of Groundwater Density on Fluid Pressure Propagation during Managed Aquifer Recharge with Implications for Induced Seismicity
- Assimilative Mapping of Geospace Observations (AMGeO): Building a Community for Collaborative Geospace Data Science
- AutoRAS - An Automated HEC-RAS based Short-Range Flood Forecast System at Building Level Resolution
- Aviation-related Air Pollution Observations Near the Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport
- Bankfull Shear Velocity as a Predictor of Embeddedness in Gravel Streambeds
- Bias correction of O/N2 observations to support investigations into the role of preconditioning on the ionosphere-thermosphere storm-time response
- Body Wave and Surface Wave Traveltime Measurements from Empirical Green's Functions at GSN Stations
- Building a Collaborative Geospace Data Science Community with Assimilative Mapping of Geospace Observations (AMGeO)
- Catalyzing bottom-up solutions to environmental grand challenges through transdisciplinary research: application to the freshwater salinization syndrome
- Catena Position Regulates Rock Porosity in a Forested Headwater Catchment
- Causal Inference to Scope Environmental Impact Assessment in MultiSector Systems: The Case of Trans-Border Hydropower Exports
- Challenges and Opportunities in Coastal Urban Air Quality Monitoring: Lessons from the Boston Basin for Geostationary Observations
- Changes in substance use-related emergency department visits during and following Hurricane Harvey using remotely sensed estimates of exposure to floodwaters
- Characterizing Deep CZ Structure and Saturation in the Piedmont using P-wave and S-wave Seismic Refraction
- Characterizing auroral precipitation and ionospheric conductance with the Multiscale Atmosphere-Geospace Environment model
- Climatology of Dayside E-region Neutral Wind Shears from ICON-MIGHTI Observations
- Climatology of the Quasi 5-Day Wave in the Polar Summer Mesosphere and its Influence on the Onset of Polar Mesospheric Clouds
- Combat relative sea-level rise at global scale- Presenting the International Panel on Land Subsidence (IPLS)
- Combining radiogenic isotope provenance tracers with grain-size analysis to reconstruct temporal and spatial patterns of ice sheet development on Antarctica during the Eocene Oligocene Transition
- Comparison of Hydraulic Function and Channel-Floodplain Connectivity Between Actively and Passively Restored Reaches of Stroubles Creek 11 Years After Restoration
- Comparison of the Mars PCM Dust Storm Effects on Water Vapor and the Hope Probe Observations
- Complex human-wildlife interactions: Idiosyncratic responses of mammals and birds to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Comprehensive investigation on role of wettability heterogeneity in immiscible two-phase flow in sandstones
- Computationally Efficient Reconstruction for Imaging Modalities with Sparsity
- Connecting Motions to Morphologies
- Connecting communities with the coastal zone, from land to sea
- Contemporary subsidence rate at U.S. major aquifers systems from big InSAR data
- Control of flow hydrograph sequencing on modeling debris-flow routing in river networks
- Coseismic static stress transfer between propagating faults promotes intra-rift faulting: Insights from the 2009 Mw 6.0 and 2014 Mw 5.2 Karonga Earthquakes, Malawi Rift
- Critical Zone Structure and Landscape Analysis in an Asymmetrical Ridge and Valley System in the Laramie Range, Wyoming
- Crustal structure of Mars from the first observation of surface waves
- Defining Spatial Heterogeneity: Using Ground Penetrating Radar to Map the Boundaries between Soil, Saprolite, and Bedrock in the Critical Zone
- Developing Accuracy Benchmarks for Conceptual River Bathymetry to Improve Large-Scale Hydrologic and Hydrodynamic Modeling
- Developing a SmallSat Mission Concept to Monitor Inland Water Quality
- Dione: A Pathfinder Mission for Understanding the Ionosphere-ThermosphereResponses to Magnetospheric Forcing at High Latitudes
- Disappearing Cities: Global Climate Change Induced Coastal Inundation on the US Atlantic Coast
- Drivers of Irregular Spatio-temporal Variations of Far Ultraviolet Dayglow at Mars Observed by EMM EMUS
- Drought in the Colorado River Basin - Dependencies and Risks Beyond the Basin
- Effect of Crystallinity and Particle Size on Iron and Manganese Removal by Hypolimnetic Oxygenation in Freshwater Drinking Reservoirs
- Effect of Curved Interface of Spray Aerosols on Liquid-vapor Phase Equilibrium of Multicomponent Hydrocarbon Mixtures
- Effect of Pore size and Wettability Heterogeneity on Sweep Efficiency of CO2 and Water Injection: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study
- Effects of Core-Mantle Boundary Topography in Lower Mantle Dynamics
- Effects of Oyster Reefs on the Composition and Erodibility of Surrounding Bed Sediment
- Effects of UAS Lidar DEM Resolution and Mesh Grid Resolution on Hydrodynamic Modeling Results
- End-to-end Framework for Future Inundation Scenarios of Coastal Cities with High Resolution Digital Surface Models
- Estimating Ambient PM2.5 Concentrations for the Contiguous US Using Remote Sensing and Street View Imagery
- Estimating Soil Moisture Content in Antarctic Soils Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data
- Evaluating the connections between carbon abundance and persistence across a continental climate gradient
- Exploration and Quality Control of Large-scale Distributed Acoustic Sensing Data to Study Permafrost Degradation in Arctic Alaska
- Extracting Semidiurnal Non-Migrating Tides from Simultaneous Observations of Temperature and Composition from the GOLD Mission
- Fate and Transport of E. coli through Appalachian Karst Systems
- Field mapping and structural analysis of an active oblique splay fault system within a subaerial thrust wedge: A case study of the Talphi segment along the Western Nepal Fault System in western Nepal Himalaya.
- First observations of seismic waves travelling through the Martian core
- Food, Energy, and Water Production within United States Watersheds
- Formation of Ionospheric G-condition following a Total solar eclipse
- Full Waveform Inversion Imaging of the Critical Zone: Unlocking Near-Surface Seismic Data with Open-Source Technology
- Geomagnetic Substorms and Solar Eclipses: A Mutual Information Analysis
- Geospace Concussion: Global reversal of ionospheric vertical plasma drift in response to a sudden commencement
- Geotechnical and geophysical investigations of river-infrastructure interaction in response to the 2021 Ahr Valley flood
- Get in the Zone: The Risk-Adjusted Welfare Effects of Machine Learning to Define Index Insurance Zones
- Gravity Wave Influences on Pre-Conditioning of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings and Their Latitudinal Variability
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy Use for Irrigation
- Groundwater Depletion in the Santa Clara Valley over the Most Recent California Drought (2019-) Inferred from InSAR Deformation Time series
- Harmonized SWOT A Priori Lake-River Database to Monitor Global Surface Water Dynamics
- High-latitude ionospheric electrodynamics specification using the machine-learning based ionosphere models
- How Important is High Sierra Nevada Snowpack for Recharging the Central Valley Aquifers?
- Human influence on global surface water observed by satellites
- Human-environment archetypes of NEON field sites to promote interdisciplinarity and long-term research partnerships
- Hydrodynamic drivers of hillslope soil DOC concentrations during storm events
- Hydrogeochemistry and Geothermometry of the Hot Springs Along the Magma-poor Western branch of the East African Rift System
- Hydrological flash drought forecasting using meteorological flash drought indices and machine learning approaches - A case study in the Mississippi River Basin
- Identification of Cryoseismic Events in Utqiaġvik, Alaska Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS)
- Identification of Mesospheric Clouds in Dayside Disk Images from the Emirates Mars Mission
- Identifying a Critical Threshold in Temporal Variability of Fluvial Suspended Sediment Concentration at a Point in the Water Column with a LISST-SL2
- Impact of Bed Permeability, Bedform, and Flow Velocity on Microplastic Fate in Streams
- Impacts of Barrier-Island Breaching On Mainland Flooding During Storm Events
- Impacts of the Use of Short-Term Weather Forecast Data in Irrigation Scheduling on Nutrient and Water use Efficiency in Humid Climates: Experimental Results in Corn and Cotton
- Improving Streamflow and Flood Predictions Through Computational Simulations, Machine Learning and Uncertainty Quantification
- Influence of Topography on the Size Distribution of Dust Aerosols Emitted Under Different Wind Directions
- Influence of Water-Quality and Habitat Gradients on Macroinvertebrate Community Composition in Salinized Mining-Influenced Headwaters
- Instabilities near the turbo-pause ( 100 km) indicated by the Richardson number (Ri) measured by the MIGHTI instrument on the ICON satellite.
- Integrating Successive Depressional Wetlands into a Catchment-scale Picture: Connectivity and Flow Paths
- Intense geoelectric and geomagnetic field perturbations observed after an interplanetary magnetic field turning
- Interaction between Subauroral Proton Aurora, SAR Arcs and SAPS Unveiled by Citizen Scientist Photographs
- Interhemispheric Observations of High Latitude ULF Waves Under Various Solar Wind Conditions
- Interhemispheric ULF wave propagation caused by foreshock transient events under quiet solar wind condition
- Investigating Differences in Observed Geomagnetic Field Signatures Spanning Latitudes and Hemispheres
- Investigating Melt Generation Beneath the Northern Western Branch of the East African Rift System Using 3D Geodynamic Modeling with ASPECT
- Investigating Vertical Land Motions in the Chesapeake Bay of Eastern North America with GPS and InSAR
- Investigating the Impact of CO2 Injection in Carbon Capture and Storage Sites on Ground Surface Displacement Employing InSAR Observations and Poroelastic Model
- Investigating the Impact of Discontinuity Orientation on Fluvial Bedrock Erodibility and Landscape Evolution
- Investigating the Influence of Fault Geometry and Preexisting Weaknesses on Off-Fault Deformation in the Eastern California Shear Zone Mojave Block
- Investigation of the Southern Hemispheric Ozone Enhancement during the 2019 Sudden Stratospheric Warming
- Ionospheric Total Electron Content Perturbations Driven by Magnetospheric Ultra Low Frequency Waves
- Is Green Infrastructure Effective with Climate Change?
- Key drivers of mold growth and human respiratory illness after a hurricane: Lessons from Hurricane Ida
- Lake Mead Interaction with Nearby Aquifer System: Evidence from Surface Deformation and Mechanical Models
- Large-scale Gravity Waves in Daytime ICON-MIGHTI Data
- Lend Me Your Ears: The Potential of Sonification in Space Weather (Citizen) Science
- Longitudinal Patterns in the Daytime Ionosphere Observed from ICON
- Lost in dune translation: the effects of microbial growth dynamics on hyporheic biogeochemistry beneath moving riverbed dunes
- Lower Thermospheric Response to Geophysical Conditions Using GOLD Observations
- Mantle Temperature and Density Anomalies: The Influence of Thermodynamic Formulation, Melt, and Anelasticity
- Mapping Tropical Forest Degradation using High-Resolution Planet NICFI Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning
- Mapping Tropical Forest Tree Cover and Deforestation with NICFI Planet Imagery and Deep Learning
- Mapping Water Storage Loss During the Most Recent California Drought Using InSAR, GNSS, and GRACE-FO
- Mars Hydrogen Densities, Temperatures, and Escape Rates in 3D from EMM/EMUS observations during Mars Year 36
- Measuring the Spatial Extent of Dayside Reconnection Based on Ionospheric Flows
- Microplastics Aerosolization by Oceanic Breaking Waves: Experimental Investigation into the Effect of Surface and Sub-Surface Distributed Pristine and Aged Plastic Particles
- Modeling Geomagnetic Induction in Submarine Cables
- Modeling and Analysis of Sediment Trapping Efficiency of Large Dams using Remote Sensing
- Modeling the Thermal and Melting Evolution of the Martian Mantle: Implications of the Hemispheric Dichotomy for Tharsis and Other Volcanic Regions
- Monitoring and Forecasting Reservoir Evaporation for the Western US
- Morphology and sediments of the subaqueous Colville River Delta (Alaska)
- Mud Particle Velocity in the Viscous Sublayer
- Multi-Platform Joint Analysis of Microorganisms Transported with the June 2022 Saharan Dust Plume Impacting the U.S. East Coast
- Multi-event analysis of three-types of optical emissions at subauroral latitudes using ground optical and radio instruments and the Arase and Van Allen Probes satellites
- Multiyear observations of NO2 and SO2 vertical column measurements by PANDORA and TROPOMI in Dakar, Senegal
- New Estimates of Vertical Displacement and Sea Level Changes Driven by Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in the Chesapeake Bay Region
- Nitric Oxide in the Polar Winter Observed by the Sub-Millimeter Radiometer (SMR)
- Observations of Atmospheric Tides at High Latitudes in the Martian Middle and Upper Atmosphere
- Observations of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Generated by Sources in the Upper and Lower Atmosphere
- On the Variation of Column O/N2 in the upper atmosphere using Principal Component Analysis in 2-dimensional images
- Overview of the "Loss through Auroral Microburst Pulsations" (LAMP) Sounding Rocket Mission
- Partitioning the Fate of Soil Carbon Dioxide Between Losses to Atmosphere and Subsurface Hydrologic Flow Paths
- Periodic Seismic Velocity Changes in Southern California Caused by Changes in Seasonal Stress
- Persistent, Energetic Pulsating Aurora Observed During the LAMP Sounding Rocket Mission Launch Window
- Physics-informed Machine Learning for Estimation of Spatially-distributed Sea Level Rise Rates and their Associated High Tide Flooding
- Pore-Scale Modeling and Parametric Analysis of Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure in a Hydrogen-Brine-Rock System Using Pore Network Model
- Quantification of Unreported Water Use for Crop Irrigation using Publicly Available Agricultural Data and Reported Irrigation Withdrawals
- Quantifying subsidence damage risk to infrastructures in 25 most populous U.S. cities from the space
- Quantifying the Terrestrial Water Storage Loss in California During the Most Recent Drought Using GPS and Its Evaluation with GRACE-FO, InSAR and Hydrometeorological Data
- Reassessing the Source of Heat that Drove Tectonics on Uranus' Major Moons
- Remote Sensing of River Temperatures: Exploring Connections to Discharge in the Ohio River Basin
- Retirement of US Fossil Fuel-Fired Power Plants Increases Water Availability
- SAPS electric field and particle boundaries in the equatorial magnetosphere as observed by Arase
- SMLT Ozone from SOFIE – Validation and Seasonal Climatology
- Seasonal and Solar EUV Flux Dependence of the Martian Hot Oxygen Corona: EMM/EMUS Observations
- Seasonally Variable Elastic Crustal Deformation detected using DInSAR in Southwest Greenland
- Seismic detection of a deep mantle discontinuity within Mars by InSight
- Seismicity and surface deformation induced by geothermal power operation at the Blue Mountain Geothermal, Nevada
- Sinuous Aurora at Mars: exploring a new phenomenon with data and models
- Slowly but Surely: Widespread exposure of Critical Infrastructures and Communities to Land Subsidence on the US East Coast
- Solar Flare effects on the High Latitude Electrodynamics
- Spatial Variation in Geochemistry Influences Distribution and Diversity of Microbial Mats, but Microbial Mats Determine Structure and Function of Sediment Microbial Communities
- Spatial and Temporal Scales of Pulsating Aurora during the Loss Through Auroral Microburst Pulsations (LAMP) Rocket Mission
- Statistical and Case Studies of Open Closed Boundaries (OCB) using ULF Wave Observations from Antarctic AGOs, McMurdo Station, and South Pole Station
- Strike-Slip Faulting in the Cascadia Backarc: Neotectonic Mapping and IRSL Geochronology Reveal Normal-Oblique Dextral Slip Rates Along the Active Tumalo Fault, Sisters Fault Zone, Central Oregon, USA
- Study of Atomic Hydrogen Lyman-alpha to Lyman-beta Emission Ratio Variability in the Martian Exosphere using EMM/EMUS Observations.
- Study the Spatial Urban Heat Variations Through a Data-Driven Approach
- SuperDARN Observations of Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
- Survey of Extended Strong Vertical Shear Regions of Horizontal Winds from the MIGHTI Experiment on the ICON Mission.
- Testing the hypothesis that extremes in stream specific conductance are associated with snowmelt.
- The Contribution of Laundry Detergent to Inland Freshwater Salinization and Opportunities for Product Switching
- The Effect of Prompt Penetration Electric Fields on Plasma Bubble Growth Rates
- The Energy Pathways of Impulsively Excited Global Magnetopause Surface Eigenmodes
- The Formation of Microstructure at Garnet-Quartz Grain Boundaries and Host-Inclusion Pairs Due to Differential Changes in the Molar Volume of the Neighboring Minerals During Exhumation
- The Geomorphology and Paleoseismology of the Dhorpatan Fault of the Western Nepal Fault System
- The Geospace Dynamics Constellation (GDC) mission: NASA's next Living With a Star mission to explore the Ionosphere/Thermosphere
- The Loss through Auroral Microburst Pulsations (LAMP) rocket mission: Multiplatform, multipoint measurements to study microbursts and pulsating aurora
- The Modular Spectrometer for Atmosphere and Ionosphere Characterization (MoSAIC) for the Geospace Dynamics Constellation (GDC) mission.
- The Potential Contribution of Household Detergents to Inland Freshwater Salinization
- The Social-Ecological System (SES) for Inland Freshwater Salinization and Implications for Collective Management
- The Variability of Geotechnical Properties of Surficial Beach Sands in response to Local Morphodynamics
- The growth of ring current/SYM-H under northward IMF Bz conditions present during the 21-22 January 2005 geomagnetic storm
- The interhemispheric correlation study of geomagnetic field variations in polar cap regions
- The observations of FUV discrete aurora on Mars by the EMM EMUS:characterizing the spectral properties
- Thermospheric Density Profiles from EUV Airglow
- Towards Safe Underground Water Banking: Crustal Stress Perturbation in the Santa Ana Groundwater Basin due to Water Usage and Restoration
- Towards a dynamic human footprint for assessing human-wildlife interactions
- Transient Signal Detection Using GNSS Measurements of the Active Volcano Ol Doinyo Lengai, Tanzania
- Understanding Sources and Trends of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Los Angeles Basin across Gradients of Human Activity and over Decadal Timescales
- Understanding the deep critical zone in the South Carolina Piedmont using borehole sampling and imaging
- Unsteady Magnetopause Reconnection Under Quasi-Steady Radial IMF
- Upscaling linear chemical reactions in porous media; a case study of Dry Creek, ID
- Urban Flooding Open Knowledge Network (UFOKN): Current products and future functionalities
- Using Machine Learning Approach to Predict Urban Canopy Flows for Urban Land Surface Modeling
- Using SWOT observed lake storage change to constrain river inflow and outflow discharge.
- Using U.S. Navy, Predicted Earth Angular Momenta for Earth Orientation Determination
- Validation of a Wind Estimation Scheme Based on an Unsteady Aerodynamic Fixed-wing Motion Model
- Variability of the ICON-MIGHTI Green and Red Line Volume Emission Rates
- Variation of Plate interface strength inferred from global forward and adjoint-based inverse mantle convection models
- Vertical and latitudinal structure of quasi-6 day waves in neutral wind and temperature and their corresponding oscillation in column O/N2
- Virginia Scientist-Community Interface: A multi-institutional graduate student group dedicated to providing scientific expertise for community-led activism and advocacy
- Vulnerable Waters - Headwater Streams and Non-Floodplain Wetlands - are Essential to Watershed Resilience
- Warming Waters, Whole-Ecosystem Metabolism, and Carbon Fate in Streams
- Wastewater Injection, Surface Deformation and Induced Earthquakes in Delaware Basin, West Texas
- Water Quality Trading in Practice: A Comparative Analysis of Adoption Practices between Water Quality Credits and more Traditional Water Quality Compliance Options in Roanoke, Virginia
- What are the Auroral, Ionospheric and Ground Magnetic Signatures of Magnetopause Surface Modes?
- What drives differences in ground- vs satellite-based gradients in NO2 column abundance?
- What is the Spatial Distribution of Coronae on the Surface of Venus Telling Us?
- Wide energy electron precipitation during pulsating aurora: LAMP sounding rocket experiment and computer simulation
- XBeach Modeling of Cross-shore Hydrodynamics and Morphodynamics in a Shallow Surf Zone
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. C. Stanciu
- A. G. Burns
- A. Glocer
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Gerrard
- A. J. Halford
- A. J. Ridley
- A. Kumamoto
- A. M. Keesee
- A. Matsuoka
- A. Pulkkinen
- A. S. Akanda
- A. W. Stephan
- Abigail Azari
- Adam Michael
- Alan Dyer
- Alan J. Kaufman
- Alejandro N. Flores
- Alex T. Chartier
- Allan Lerner
- Allison Jaynes
- Amir H. Kohanpur
- Amir Mortazavigazar
- Amir Salaree
- Ana‐Catalina Plesa
- Anders Eriksson
- Andreas Fichtner
- Anna Horleston
- Anna Kelbert
- Anthony J. Jakeman
- Anuska Narayanan
- Armin Sorooshian
- Asti Bhatt
- Astrid Maute
- Atsuki Shinbori
- Attilio Rivoldini
- Aurélien Stcherbinine
- B. A. Black
- B. Banerdt
- B. Gallardo‐Lacourt
- B. J. Anderson
- B. J. Dalzell
- B. Kunduri
- B. L. Giles
- B. M. Jakosky
- B. P. Lipovsky
- B. Thurairajah
- B. de Foy
- Balaji Ramesh
- Barry Croke
- Ben Bond‐Lamberty
- Benjamin F. Zaitchik
- Benjamin Fernando
- Benjamin Poulter
- Benjamin S. Murphy
- Benjamin Tsai
- Betsy M. Summers
- Bill Liles
- Bo Wang
- Bradley J. Carr
- Brady Flinchum
- Brian J. Harding
- Brian J. Viner
- Brian M. Walsh
- Brigitte Knapmeyer‐Endrun
- Bruce E. Jaffe
- Burcu Kosar
- Byron J. Adams
- C. Kreemer
- C. L. Brogan
- C. López-Lloreda
- C. M. Fowler
- C. Nathan Jones
- C. R. Clauer
- C. R. Englert
- C. R. Martinis
- C. S. Edwards
- C. S. Riebe
- Caroline Beghein
- Cayelan C. Carey
- Cecilia Durán
- Celso F. Castro‐Bolinaga
- Celso Silva
- Chae‐Woo Jun
- Charbel Harb
- Charles R. Lane
- Charles W. Smith
- Cheng Sheng
- Chihoko Y. Cullens
- Chih‐Ping Wang
- Chloé Michaut
- Christine Gabrielse
- Christine L. Dolph
- Christopher Scott Krier
- Ciaran J. Harman
- Claudia Adam
- Claudia Stolle
- Claus Gebhardt
- Clay Campbell
- Colin Triplett
- Constantinos Charalambous
- Craig A. Ramseyer
- Cédric H. David
- D. D. Lucas
- D. Fischer
- D. J. Gershman
- D. J. Knudsen
- D. Litwin
- D. M. Oliveira
- D. Malaspina
- D. N. Baker
- D. N. Wiese
- D. R. Weimer
- D. S. Stamps
- Dai Yamazaki
- Daniel A. Laó‐Dávila
- Daniel D. Mongovin
- Daniele Antonangeli
- David A. Salstein
- David Butman
- David E. Siskind
- David Lagomasino
- David Mitchell
- Deborah F. McGlynn
- Dedong Wang
- Deep Shah
- Deepak K. Karan
- Denise K. Kulhanek
- Diana Swanson
- Diane M. McKnight
- Diego Melgar
- Diptiranjan Rout
- Dmitry Nicolsky
- Donald F. Argus
- Donald Hampton
- Donald O. Rosenberry
- Donald R. Blake
- Donald S. Ross
- Dong Lin
- Douglas P. Drob
- Doyeon Kim
- Doğacan Öztürk
- Durelle T. Scott
- E. A. Johnson
- E. G. Thomas
- E. J. Korpela
- E. J. Rigler
- E. K. Sutton
- E. MacDonald
- E. Nossa
- E. R. Heijkoop
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- Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf
- Ehsan Abolfazli
- Eileen Martin
- Eitan Shelef
- Elizabeth H. Altenau
- Elsa M. Ordway
- Emily Eidam
- Emily Grubert
- Emily Zechman Berglund
- Emmanuel A. Njinju
- Emmaris Soto
- Eric Kirby
- Erich T. Hester
- Erin R. Hotchkiss
- Esteban Gazel
- Estella A. Atekwana
- Estella A. Atekwana
- Eunkyoung Choi
- Ewan Crosbie
- F. Allegrini
- F. D. Wilder
- F. Eparvier
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- Fabien Wagner
- Fatai O. Balogun
- Fazlul I. Laskar
- Feng Dong
- Ferdinand Plaschke
- Foivos Karakostas
- Folarin Kolawole
- G. D. Reeves
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- Gabriel Isaacman-VanWertz
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- Gang Zhao
- Genevieve Ali
- Georg Rümpker
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- Honghu Liu
- Hosein Foroutan
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- I. J. Daubar
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- Ilya Kuzichev
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- J. M. Ruohoniemi
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- J. Michael Johnson
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- Jared Espley
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- Javier González-Rocha
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- Jean‐Philippe Nicot
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- Jeffrey A. Nittrouer
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- Jennifer A. Bower
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- Jeremy W. Hopwood
- Jerry Goldstein
- Jesus D. Gomez‐Velez
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- Jiaqi Li
- Jiashun Hu
- Jintai Li
- John C. Aragon
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- Joseph Eggington
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- Joshua M. Feinberg
- Joshua Pettit
- Juha Vierinen
- Juliana D’Andrilli
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- Julien Malard
- Jun‐Whan Lee
- Justin Deighan
- K. A. McWilliams
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- K. M. Groves
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- K. Zawdie
- Kamini Singha
- Kareem Sorathia
- Karen B. Gran
- Karine Issautier
- Karl J. Maier
- Karthik Venkataramani
- Katherine Garcia‐Sage
- Kathleen A. Lohse
- Katie Murenbeeld
- Katrina E. Bennett
- Kazue Takahashi
- Kazuo Shiokawa
- Kazushi Asamura
- Kelley C. Barsanti
- Kelly L. Hondula
- Ken L. Ferrier
- Kendra E. Kaiser
- Kenneth Hurst
- Kevin Pham
- Khosro Ghobadi‐Far
- Konstantinos Soukis
- Krishnaprasad Chirakkil
- Kristen A. Bretz
- Kuldeep Kumar Dixit
- Kuldeep Pandey
- Kyle Frankel Davis
- Kyle Strom
- L. A. Avanov
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- Lola Fatoyinbo
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- M. Sadegh Riasi
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- Matthieu Plasman
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- Sumedha Gupta
- Sunny Wing-Yee Tam
- Suoya Fan
- Supriya Chakrabarti
- Susanna Werth
- Susarla Raghuram
- Suzan van der Lee
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- T. Taira
- Takeshi Sakanoi
- Taku Namekawa
- Tal Zussman
- Tao Huang
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- Theodore Lim
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- Victoriya V. Forsythe
- Vincent James Adkins
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- W. Kent Tobiska
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- W. Steven Holbrook
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- William E. McClintock
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- É. Beucler
- É. Stutzmann
- А. V. Artemyev
- Л. П. Гончаренко