Virginia Tech, Department of Geosciences
flowchart I[Virginia Tech, Department of Geosciences] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (378)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (20)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Chemical Weathering on Mars: Constraints from Equilibrium Reaction-Path Modeling
- Nanoscale Effects of Strontium on Calcite Growth: A Baseline for Understanding Biomineralization in the Absence of Vital Effects
- An investigation of di-peptide modulation of calcite growth
- Partitioning of Mg Into Calcite: Direct Measurement of the Relative Influences of Temperature, Growth Rate, and Solution Chemistry
- Toward Understanding Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca Signatures in Biogenic Calcite: Nanoscale Observation of Two Distinct Types of Interaction Between Impurity Ions and Growing Calcite
- A Theoretical Study on the Dissolution Mechanisms of Forsterite
- Arsenic Mobilization Through Microbial Bioreduction of Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles
- Biological Sulfate Reduction Rates in Hydrothermal Recharge Zones
- Controlled Source P and S Wave Tomography at SAFOD
- Crystal Chemistry and High P,T Behavior of the Post-Perovskite Phase of MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB>
- Cycling of Organoarsenic Compounds in Agricultural Watersheds
- Distribution of Mg in Calcite is Strongly Influence by Transport Conditions at the Mineral-Solution Interface
- Experimental Study of the PVTX Properties of Water-Methane
- Experimental determination of the critical PVTX properties of H<SUB>2</SUB>O-NaCl-KCl-CaCl<SUB>2</SUB> brines
- Experiments in a Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory (DUSEL) Hosted in Sedimentary Rocks
- Fluid Evolution in the Nepheline Syenites of the Ditrau Alkaline Massif, Romania
- Fluid Inclusion Evidence for Brines in the Earth's Crust
- Geochemical investigation of magma evolution in Campi Flegrei volcanic field (Italy) based on melt inclusions
- Hydrothermal Heat Output from a Convecting, Crystallizing, Replenished Sub-Axial Magma Chamber
- Integrated Site Characterization for the Proposed Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory (DUSEL) at Kimballton, Virginia
- Nanoscale controls of inorganic impurities and peptides on shape modification during calcite growth
- Seismic Velocity Structure From a Refraction - Reflection Survey Across the San Andreas Fault at SAFOD
- The Compression of Perovskites
- Classical Nucleation Theory Explains Mineral Growth and Dissolution Within a Mechanistic and Quantitative Framework
- Cu2+ as a Probe for Nanomineral Surface Chemistry
- Direct Comparison of Monazite Ages Obtained By in situ Techniques: Ion-Probe Isotopic Ages Versus Electron Microprobe Chemical Ages
- Geo-Ontology: Empowering new Discoveries in Earth Sciences
- Melt Inclusions From Minopoli 1 Eruptive Products (Campi Flegrei, Campagna, Italy)
- Molecular Fossils for Understanding Biodiversity During the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian Transition in China
- Observations of Nucleation and Early Stage Growth of Amorphous Silica on Carboxyl-Terminated Model Biosubstrates
- S-wave Velocity Structure, Mantle Xenoliths, and the Upper Mantle Beneath the Kaapvaal Craton
- Seismic Reflection and Diffraction Imaging of the San Andreas Fault at SAFOD
- Shock reequilibration and destruction of fluid inclusions: Comparing results of single crystal shock experiments with crystalline basement rocks from The Ries Crater, Germany and porous sedimentary rocks from Meteor Crater, Arizona
- Structural State and Elastic Properties of Perovskites in the Earth's Mantle
- Triclinic Elastic Constants for Albite: Implications for Shear Wave Splitting in the Lower Crust
- Upper-Crustal Reflectivity of the Central California Coast Range Near the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD), USA
- Application of Hf Isotopes to Mantle Source Origin and Paleo-Tectonic Setting of the Baltimore Mafic Complex, Central Appalachian Orogen.
- Applying Full Waveform Inversion to Wide-Angle Seismic Surveys
- Deformation Associated with Serpentinization at Mid-Oceanic Ridges with Reference to the TAG Hydrothermal Field
- Depth Extent of the Fault Zone Wave Guide: Effects of Fault Variation With Depth
- Discovery, Integration, and Analysis (DIA) Engine for Ontologically Registered Earth Science Data
- Effect of Magma Degassing on Diking Processes at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Elasticity and Anisotropy of Common Crustal Minerals
- Electron Density Distributions for Millerite, Vaesite , Heazlewoodite and Ni metal: A Case for the Importance of NiNi Bond Paths for Electron Transport
- Evaluating the Holocene Dynamics of Oceanographic Processes in the Southeast Brazilian Bight Using Accumulations of Calcitic and Aragonitic Shells
- Evaluation of Stress and Strain During Earth Fissuring and Land Subsidence in Las Vegas Basin
- Evolution of Sulfur Isotopes and Oceanic Oxygenation Recorded in a Neoproterozoic Cap Carbonate From the Chaidam Block, China
- Exhumation of a Himalayan core complex during east-west extension enhanced by focused precipitation along the Arun River gorge; the Ama Drime Massif, Tibet
- Exploring Silica Chemistry at Biological Interfaces: Kinetic and Thermodynamic Drivers of Surface Nucleation
- Fe-S Bonded Interactions Involving High and Low Spin State Divalent Fe Atoms
- From Peptides to Proteins: Systematic Control of Net Molecular Charge and Hydrophilicity on the Kinetics of Calcite Growth
- Improved Constraints and Resolution Assessment of Upper Mantle Seismic Velocity Structure in the Western United States
- Insights into the deformation history of the Menderes Massif (Western Turkey)
- Investigating the Basis of Biogenic Calcium Carbonate Formation from an Amorphous Precursor: Nature of the Transformation to Calcite on Hydroxyl Functionalized Surfaces
- Kinematics of Post-Collisional Extensional Tectonics and Exhumation of the Menderes Massif in the Western Anatolia Extended Terrane, Turkey
- Mineral Springs of Southern Tibet, Everest Region: Geochemical Window to Three Structural Levels
- Monazite Age Domain Boundary Characterization Using High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope Techniques
- Recent Exhumation in the Chugach, St. Elias, and Fairweather Ranges, Alaska
- Structure of the Chesapeake Bay Impact Crater from Wide-Angle Seismic Waveform Tomography
- Structure, Petrology and High Precision U-Th-Pb Geochronology of Eclogites From the Ama Drime Massif, Southern Tibet
- Sustainable Groundwater Management Using Economic Incentive Approach
- The Changing Nature of the Chemical Bond
- The Character of Transpressive Deformation Along the Southern San Andreas Fault, Based on Exhumation of the Northern San Gabriel Mountains, Southern California
- The Role of Divalent Alkaline Earth Cations in the Electrolyte-Promoted Hydrolysis of Si-O- Si Bonded Networks
- The Western Chugach-St. Elias Orogen, Alaska: Strain Partitioning and the Effect of Glacial Erosion
- Towards a Mechanism-Based Understanding of Vital Effects: Biomolecules Influence Mg/Ca in Calcite
- Using Nucleation Theory to Understand the Dissolution Kinetics of Vitreous and Biogenic Silica: The Paradox of the Silica Polymorphs
- Wide-angle Marine Seismic Refraction Imaging of Vertical Faults: Pre-Stack Turning Wave Migrations of Synthetic Data and Implications for Survey Design
- Bacterial Physiology and Viability in the Presence of Quantum Dot Nanoparticles: Towards an Environmental Perspective
- Biological Sulfate Reduction Rates in Hydrothermal Recharge Zones
- Boundary Layer Models of Martian Hydrothermal Systems
- Crystal Chemical Basis of the Perovskite to Post-Perovskite Transition
- Diffusion of electromagnetic eddy currents in unconsolidated alluvium
- Effect of Magma Degassing on Dike Propagation at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Electrolyte-promoted demineralization of biogenic, vitreous, and crystalline silica: A density functional investigation
- Erosional Reduction of an Orogenic Wedge: Structural Response to Neogene Climate Change within the St. Elias Orogen, Alaska
- Fault Zone Structure at Seismogenic Depth from Seismic Guided Waves
- Fluid and Melt Inclusion Evidence for Halogen, Sulfur and Metal Contents in Magmatic Hydrothermal Systems
- Hydrothermal Heat Output from a Convecting, Crystallizing, Replenished Sub-Axial Magma Chamber
- Inferences on Upper Mantle Seismic Velocity and Anisotropy in Western North America From Surface Wave Analyses
- Investigating the Physical Basis of Amorphous Precursor Transformation to Calcite Using Patterned Alkanethiol Surfaces
- Mapping Lateral Heterogeneity with Wavefront Modeling of Rayleigh Waves in the High Lava Plains, Oregon
- New Insights to Interplay of Factors that Influence Biomineral Signatures: Intrigue of the Solvation Environment
- New Origins of the Vital Effect in Calcites: Mg-Enhancing Influence of Biomolecules
- New insights into the molecular-level control of silica mineralization by diatoms
- P-T Evolution and Ages of Granulite Facies Rocks from the Winding Stair Gap, Eastern Blue Ridge
- Perspectives on the Environmental Impact of Nanomaterials: What Do We Know Now, and Where Are We Going?
- Polyhedral Control of Tilt Transitions in Perovskites
- Quantifying the Flux of Slab Material Through the Transition Zone and Beyond
- Rates of Fluvial Incision and Exhumation in an Active Mountain Belt, Lahul Himalaya, Northern India
- Relief History and Coupling of Glacial Valley and Hillslope Erosion in the Teton Range, Wyoming
- Seismic Evidence for Complex, Multi-layered, Deep Structure of the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure, Delmarva Peninsula, Virginia, USA
- Spatial Distribution of Magnetic Susceptibility in the Mt. Barcroft Granodiorite, White Mountains, California: Implications for Arc Magmatic Processes
- Structural and Thermochronological Constraints on the Coupling Between Exhumation, Denudation and Tectonics in the Himalaya: Insights From the Ama Drime Massif, Tibet- Nepal
- The role of redox conditions in controlling arsenic release from a tailings aquifer
- Thinking deeply: Is there a contribution to Asian tectonics from large-scale mantle flow?
- Towards Developing Velocity-Attenuation Models of Earth's Mantle Incorporating Mineral Physics Observations
- Towards Multi-mode Diffractional Tomography in Radially Anisotropic Media
- Trace Element Background Modeling for Electron Microprobe Chemical Dating of Monazite
- A Community Benchmark for 2D Cartesian Compressible Convection
- A Look at the Future of Controlled-Source Seismology
- A Predictive Model for Investigating Seagrass Paleoecology, Biogeography and Diversity
- A Three-dimensional Modeling Approach of the Role of Faulting in Land Surface Deformation: The Case of the Eglington Fault in Las Vegas Valley
- An emerging view of the crust and mantle of tectonic North America from EMScope: a mid- term progress review of Earthscope's magnetotelluric program
- Controlled-Source Seismic Imaging of Rift Processes and Earthquake Hazards in the Salton Trough
- Designing Shots for the 2010 Seismic Refraction and Reflection Survey in the Salton Trough, Southern California
- Determination of Fracture Flow at the Coles Hill Uranium Deposit in Pittsylvania County, Virginia Using Electrical Resistivity and Cross Borehole Methods
- Establishing a Baseline for Influence of Salinity on Mg Contents in Calcite
- Evaluation of Fracture Properties Using Earth-Tide Analysis
- Magmatic Processes in Monogenetic Eruptions, Procida Island, Campi Flegrei, Italy: Geochemical Evidence From Melt Inclusions
- Models of Hydrothermal Diffuse Flow Near Ocean Ridge Axes
- Multi-Mode Surface-Wave Sensitivity Kernels and Mode-Ray Duality
- Peptides Enhance Mg Content of Calcite: Toward a Process-Based Understanding of Proxy Models
- Progress in modeling whole-Earth electromagnetic induction for ground-based observations: Peering through the crust
- Progression from South-Directed to Orogen-Parallel Mid-Crustal Flow on the Southern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau, Ama Drime Massif, Tibet
- Semantics-Based Interoperability Framework for the Geosciences
- Silicic Volcanics in the South Mountain Region: A Volcanic Center with the Breakup of Rodinia
- The Combined Role of ENSO-driven Sea Surface Temperature Variation and Arctic Sea Ice Extent in Defining Climate Conditions in the Southwestern United States
- The Extent of the Oceanic Biosphere Throughout Geologic Time
- The Role of Biomolecules in Cation Desolvation During Calcification: A Molecular Dynamics Study
- The role of directed van der Waals bonded interactions in the determination of the structures of molecular arsenate solids
- Volatile Evolution of Magma Associated with the Solchiaro Eruption in the Phlegrean Volcanic District (Italy)
- A Multi-Faceted Approach for Characterizing Fractures in Crystalline Rocks
- Assessing arsenic bioavailability through the use of bioassays
- Assessment of Ridge Denudation Using Cosmogenic Radionuclides and Hillslope Deposits in the Teton Range, Wyoming
- Changing Plate Motions: Is the Mantle an Active or Passive Accomplice? (Invited)
- Investigating the influence of plate boundary motion on mantle thermal evolution using 3D convection models
- Linkages of Erosion, Tectonics, and Climate in a Glacial Setting: Lessons Learned in Alaska's St. Elias Orogen
- More noise, please: How cultural overprinting in the urban environment can be exploited for improved subsurface imaging (Invited)
- Multi-Component Deformation of a Dipping Fracture Zone during a Well Test
- Numerical modeling of two-phase flow in the seafloor hydrothermal systems
- Orogenic Response to Augmented Erosion Associated with Northern Hemisphere Glaciation: The St. Elias Orogen of Alaska
- Project MANTIS: A MANTle Induction Simulator for coupling geodynamic and electromagnetic modeling
- Raman Spectroscopy Research of Perovskites Lead Free Ferroelectrics
- Retrieving the impulse response of the Earth due to random electromagnetic forcing
- Scientific Basis for a Coupled Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical-Chemical-Biological Experimental Facility at DUSEL Homestake
- Seismic Refraction - Wide-angle Reflection Survey of the Coast Mountains Batholith, British Columbia, Canada
- Structural Evolution and Elasticity of YAlO3 Perovskite
- The Curious Case of Bermuda Rise: The Last Phase of the Rift-Drift Transition?
- The Effects of Radial Parametrization in Surface-wave Inversions: Implications for Crustal Tomography Using Long-period Surface Waves
- The Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP): Rift Processes and Earthquake Hazards in the Salton Trough (Invited)
- The effects of 3-D anelasticity (Q) structure on surface waves
- Volatile Evolution of Magma Associated with the Solchiaro Eruption in the Phlegrean Volcanic District (Italy)
- A Geodynamic Template for Super-Continent Dispersal Based on CAMP Geochemical and Isotopic Signatures From the Culpepper Basin of Virginia
- A New Global Classification of Earthquakes
- Boundary Layer Flow and Heat Transfer near Vertical Heated Boreholes in Water-Saturated Rock: An Approach to the THMCB Experiment at DUSEL Homestake
- Characterization and Modeling of a Coupled Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical-Chemical-Biological Experimental Facility at DUSEL
- Controlled-Source Seismic Investigation of the Generation and Collapse of a Batholith Complex, Coast Mountains, Western Canada
- Correlating basaltic composition with stages of geodynamic settings associated with breakup of supercontinent Rodinia
- Crustal Velocity Structure of the Southern Nechako Basin, British Columbia, from Wide-angle Seismic Traveltime Inversion
- Diffusion Rate Tomography for Time Domain Electromagnetic Induction Methods
- Exploring Approaches to Field Characterization of Bedrock Erodibility: Revisiting the Selby Rock-Mass System
- Identifying the crystallinity, phase, and arsenic uptake of the nanomineral schwertmannite using analytical high resolution transmission electron microscopy
- Idor Idaho-Oregon Earthscope Project: Deformation and Modification of a Steep Continental Boundary
- Modeling the Effects of Crustal Structure on Surface-Wave Phase Delays
- Modeling the Hydrothermal Convection Cell at East Pacific Rise 9°50'N: Focus on Recharge
- Morphotectonic segmentation along the Nicoya Peninsula seismic gap, Costa Rica
- Strontium isotopes as an indicator of water-rock reaction for the Coupled Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical-Chemical-Biological (THMCB) Experimental Facility at DUSEL
- Testing the Trench Parallel Flow Hypothesis with 3D Dynamic Calculations
- The Influence of Plate Boundary Motion on Planform and Heat Flux in Viscously Stratified Mantle Convection Calculations
- The pressure impact on the structure, elasticity and the electron density distribution of CaSi2O5
- Thermochemical piles or a hot mantle? Constraints from global electromagnetic sounding
- Upper mantle anisotropy and transition zone thickness beneath southeastern North America and implications for mantle dynamics
- A New Zonation Algorithm with Parameter Estimation Using Hydraulic Head and Subsidence Measurements
- Aftershock Imaging with Dense Arrays (AIDA) following the August 23, 2011, Mw 5.8, Virginia Earthquake: Feasibility Demonstration and Preliminary Results
- An evaluation of parallelization strategies for low-frequency electromagnetic induction simulators using staggered grid discretizations
- Carbon cycling in seafloor and continental peridotite-hosted hydrothermal systems (Invited)
- Compositional zoning of the Devine Canyon Tuff, Oregon
- Controls of Polysaccharide Chemistry on the Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Heterogeneous Calcium Carbonate Nucleation
- Deconvolution Techniques in Receiver Function Imaging of Mantle Discontinuities Beneath the Western United States
- Dense array recordings of the central Virginia earthquake aftershock sequence: A prototype for Flexi-RAMP
- Effects of Subduction Parameters on the Style of Dynamic Buckling of Subducting Slabs
- Extreme metasomatism during high-P-T contact metamorphism in southeastern NY, and its tectonic implications
- Finite frequency effects of surface waves in 3-D elastic and anelastic earth models
- Hydrogeologic Controls on Lake Level at Mountain Lake, Virginia
- Improving and Applying the Measurement of Erodibility: Examining and Calibrating Rock Mass Indices
- Interactions of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with Porous Silica and Montmorillonite Clay
- Investigating the Role of Carbonate Ion Concentration on the Magnesium Content of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate
- Long-period induced electromagnetic fields as constraints on the spatial extent and temperature of mantle plumes
- Multiscale, Finite-Frequency Rayleigh Wave Traveltime Tomography of the Lithospheric Structure beneath South-Central Tibet: A Fully 3-D Approach
- Non-enzymatic U(VI) interactions with biogenic mackinawite
- On Iterative Inversions of Global Crustal Structure Using Finite Frequency Sensitivity Kernels
- Possible thermal histories of Enceladus considering radiogenic decay and icy mantle convection
- Prediction of Alloy Structures in Dichalcogenides and Diselenides at High Pressure
- Preliminary Modeling of Two-Phase Flow at the Main Endeavour Vent Field
- Preliminary Models of Crustal Assimilation and Chloride Enrichment of Lavas at Oceanic Spreading Centers
- Progress Toward a Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical-Chemical-Biological (THMCB) Experiment in the Homestake Mine Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory
- Projection on a Sphere for a More Interactive Approach for Education and Outreach in Earth Sciences
- Role of drainage rearrangement in post-orogenic transient incision: A record from surficial deposits of the Blue Ridge Escarpment, southern Appalachians
- Some Approaches to Modeling Diffuse Flow at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Summary of Pre-2011 Seismic Monitoring Results for the Central Virginia Seismic Zone
- Surface-wave mode coupling for calculation of body-wave Fréchet kernels
- The Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP): Active Rift Processes in the Brawley Seismic Zone
- The Salton Seismic Imaging Project: Investigating Earthquake Hazards in the Salton Trough, Southern California
- The Salton Seismic Imaging Project: Seismic velocity structure of the Brawley Seismic Zone, Salton Buttes and Geothermal Field, Salton Trough, California
- The Salton Seismic Imaging Project: Tomographic characterization of a sediment-filled rift valley and adjacent ranges, southern California
- The Thickest Regions of Mars: Does the connection of the South Pole to Tharsis Rise indicate a mantle plume track?
- The effect of recycled oceanic crust in the thermal evolution of the Galapagos Plume
- The influence of mineralization pathways on the Mg content and fractionation patterns in calcite
- The utility of isotopic characterization of Himalayan lithotectonic zones
- Trace Element Distribution in Stream Bed Sediments Within AN Agricultural Catchment of the Broadkill River Watershed, Delaware, USA
- Using Reverse Water Levels to Characterize Fractured-Rock Aquifers
- A new powerful parameterization tool for managing groundwater resources and predicting land subsidence in Las Vegas Valley
- Active rifting processes in the central Salton Trough, California, constrained by the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP)
- Aftershock Imaging with Dense Arrays (AIDA): Results and lessons learned from the dense deployment of EarthScope portable instruments following the August 23, 2011, Mw 5.8, Virginia Earthquake
- Baseflow as the trigger of intraplate earthquakes
- Beachrock horizons of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica: Implications for coastal neotectonics and paleogeodesy
- Boundary Layer Flow, Heat, and Chemical Transfer near Vertical Heated Boreholes in Water-Saturated Rock: A Mechanism for Developing a Large Scale Underground Hydrothermal Experiment (DUSEL)
- Constraining the characteristics of tsunami waves from deformable submarine slides
- Controlled-Source Shear-Wave Velocity Model of the Crust in the Coast Mountains Batholith Complex, Western Canada
- Controls of functional group chemistry on calcium carbonate nucleation: Insights into systematics of biomolecular innovations for skeletal mineralization?
- Effects of Thermodynamic Properties on Slab Evolution
- Effects of heterogeneous hydration in the incoming plate, slab rehydration, and mantle wedge hydration on slab-derived H<SUB>2</SUB>O flux in subduction zones
- Electromagnetic Induction in Rough Geologic Media: The Classical Approach
- Finite-Frequency Sensitivity of Receiver Functions
- Flat-slab subduction, orogenesis, intraplate deformation, and glacial erosion in southern Alaska: A tectonic-glacial progression from STEEP
- Fluid Overpressure Distribution and Permeability Structure in the Cascadia Subduction Zone Under Southern Vancouver Island
- Fractional Diffusion Analysis of the Electromagnetic Field In Fractured Media Part II: 2.5-D Approach
- Garnet growth as a proxy for progressive dehydration in subduction zones
- How hot is red? Thermal structure of the melting mantle from seismic tomography and thermobarometry
- Investigation of 3-D mantle velocity and Q models using surface wave measurements
- Joint Tomography of Body Wave and Surface Wave Phase Arrival Times for Lithospheric Structure beneath Central Tibet Using a Fully 3-D Multi-scale Finite-frequency Approach
- Magma-Hydrothermal Heat Transfer and Ice Melting During the Non-Eruptive Event at Mt. Spurr, Alaska, 2002-2006
- Modeling Central American Volcanic Front Primitive Lavas with the Arc Basalt Simulator (abs 4.0)
- Non-tectonic base level forcings drive widespread transient incision and relief production in the waning Appalachian orogen
- Numerical Modeling of Two-Phase Flow at the Main Endeavour Field, Juan de Fuca Ridge: Quasi-Steady State and Thermal Decline of the Vent Field
- Organic Surfaces Promote Calcite Nucleation Through Biomolecule-Specific Reductions in Interfacial Free Energy
- Oxygen and Early Animal Evolution
- Planform of Mantle Convection Versus Core Radius: Application to the Gravity Field of Mercury
- Recycled crust and the secular cooling of mantle plumes
- Revisiting Hotspots and Mantle Plumes: Some Phenomenology
- Salton Seismic Imaging Project Line 5—the San Andreas Fault and Northern Coachella Valley Structure, Riverside County, California
- Salton Seismic Imaging Project Line 6: San Andreas Fault and Northern Coachella Valley Structure, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, California
- Salton Seismic Imaging Project Line 7: Data and Analysis to Date
- Strain distribution across the Greater Himalayan Sequence, Annapurna-Dhaulagiri, Nepal
- Structure of the active rift zone and margins of the northern Imperial Valley from Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP) data
- Sulfate sulfur isotope stratigraphy reveals a record of ocean ventilation during the Latest Ordovician
- The Geochemistry of Biomineralization in Planktonic Foraminifera: New Techniques and Tracers
- The Response of Two-Phase Hydrothermal Systems to Changing Magmatic Heat Input at Mid Ocean Ridges
- The Role of Serpentinites in Cycling of Carbon and Sulfur: Seafloor Serpentinization and Subduction Metamorphism
- The Thermodynamics Of Calcite Nucleation On Organic Surfaces: Classical Vs. Non-Classical Pathways
- The relationship between inland extent of sand and the maximum inundation
- Time Series Analysis of Subsidence and Water-Level Data for Aquifer System Characterization
- Timing and Duration of Gas Charge-Driven Fracturing in Tight-Gas Sandstone Reservoirs Based on Fluid Inclusion Observations: Piceance Basin, Colorado
- U(VI) reduction at the nano, meso and meter scale: concomitant transition from simpler to more complex biogeochemical processes
- 3D imaging of crustal structure under the Piedmont province in central Virginia, from reflection RVSP processing of aftershock recordings from the August 23, 2011 Virginia earthquake
- A deeper understanding of processes controlling hydrogeochemical fluxes through shallow karstic critical zones (the epikarst). (Invited)
- A high-resolution investigation of the relationship between the Steptoean Positive Carbon Isotope Excursion and the end-Marjuman trilobite extinction in the Southern Appalachians
- A new tropical active serpentinization end-member discovered in Costa Rica
- An overlapping Yin-Yang grid method for global geomagnetic induction modeling
- Assessing the reach of the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event: New insights from western North America
- Boulders moved by tsunamis and storms: Insights from a new equation of motion
- Carbon cycling in seafloor and continental peridotite-hosted hydrothermal systems (Invited)
- Changes in Sediment Provenance to the Southeast Newfoundland Ridge from the late Eocene to the Early Oligocene; Northern Hemisphere Glaciation or Deep Water Circulation?
- Control of Solution Chemistry and Mineralization Pathway on the Partitioning of Mg and Sr in ACC and Calcite
- Deciphering the energetic barriers to calcium carbonate nucleation as a continuum of competing interfacial forces between polysaccharide chemistry and ionic strength
- EarthScope IDOR controlled-source seismic transect across a steep cratonic margin, Idaho-Oregon
- Elastic properties of alkali-feldspars
- Element transport in veins during serpentinization
- Estimating the power law distribution of Earth electrical conductivity from low-frequency, controlled-source electromagnetic data
- Hydraulic fracture characterization resulting from low-viscosity fluid injection: Implications for CO2 sequestration
- Measurement and Resolution of Global Rayleigh-wave Phase-velocity Maps
- Microbial Activity and Volatile Fluxes in Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems
- Near-field entrainment in black smoker plumes
- Observations of erosion and damage along barrier islands following Hurricane Sandy
- Pyroxenite in the Galapagos plume source at 65 Ma
- Reconstructing Sulfur Cycling at Cretaceous Methane Seeps: Novel Perspectives from Carbonate-Associated Sulfate
- Sea-floor carbonate fans from the Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian-Toarcian): a sedimentological signature of carbon cycle perturbation in deep time
- Sedimentary Signal Propagation and Preservation from Land to Sea
- Study of Lg-wave Quality Factor in the Central United States from Horizontal and Vertical Recorded Earthquake Seismograms
- Subducted Slab Dynamics: Toward Understanding the Causes of Slab Stagnation
- Superplume Metasomatism: Evidence from Siberian mantle xenoliths
- The distinction of submarine mass failure deposits from tsunami backwash deposits - an example from Hornitos, Northern Chile
- TitaniQ Records of P-T-D Paths from Metapelites during Burial Metamorphism and Orogenesis: Evidence for the Role of Pressure Solution Creep
- Toward a mechanistic understanding of patterns in biomineralization and new insights for old dogmas in geological settings (Invited)
- Transience and Glacial Erosion in South Central Alaska
- Microstructural analysis of the Greater Himalayan Sequence, Annapurna-Dhaulagiri Himalaya, central Nepal: Channel Flow and Orogen-parallel deformation.
- Deciphering the Chemical and Physical Basis for the CaCO<SUB>3 </SUB>Polymorphs that Form by an Amorphous Pathway
- Inorganic Biominerals in Crustaceans are Structurally Independent of Organic Framework
- Late Triassic tropical climate of Pangea: Carbon isotopic and other insights into the rise of dinosaurs
- Slab Stagnation: How, When, and Where?
- Controls of ionic strength and macromolecule chemistry on calcite nucleation: Salinity and ion hydration as levers for regulating biomineralization
- Exoskeleton Heterogeneity in Crustaceans: Quantifying Compositional and Structural Variations Across Body Parts
- Influence of Magnesium Content on the Local Structure of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC): Real Time Determination by In Situ PDF Analysis
- Lithospheric Delamination or Relict Slab Beneath the Former North American Cratonic Margin in Idaho and Oregon? New Constraints From Seismic Tomography.
- The Post-85 Ma Idaho Batholith Represents Melting in Thickened Continental Crust, Not Arc Magmatism
- A Spatial Correlation Model of Permeability on the Columbia River Plateau
- Carbonate mineralization via an amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) pathway: Tuning polymorph selection by Mg, pH, and mixing environment
- Core Flooding Experiments Combined with X-rays and Micro-PET Imaging as a Tool to Calculate Fluid Saturations in a Fracture
- Distribution of magnesium and phosphorous in the H. americanus exoskeleton: Insights for chemical signatures in biominerals
- Establishing the solubility and local structure(s) of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC): Toward an understanding of invertebrate biomineralization
- Estimating Poromechanical and Hydraulic Properties of Fractured Media Aquifers Using a Model of the Aquifer at Ploemeur France: Broad Applications and Future Uses
- FTIR measurements of OH in deformed quartz and feldspars of the South Tibetan Detachment, Greater Himalaya
- Geodynamic Constraints on the Sources of Seismic Anisotropy Beneath Madagascar
- Global Discontinuity Structure of the Mantle Transition Zone from Finite-Frequency Tomography of SS Precursors
- Looking for Off-Fault Deformation and Measuring Strain Accumulation During the Past 70 years on a Portion of the Locked San Andreas Fault
- Optimal Tikhonov Regularization in Finite-Frequency Tomography
- PlayDoh and Toothpicks and Gummy Bears... OH MY, They're Models!
- The consequences of crystal relaxation on CO<SUB>2</SUB> partitioning in plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions
- Thrust Slip Rates as a Control on the Presence and Spatial Distribution of High Metamorphic Heating Rates in Collisional Systems: The "Hot Iron" Model Revisited
- A Comparison of Bedrock Properties between Knickpoints and Non-Knickpoint Reaches: Implications for the Roles of Bedrock Properties in Determining Fluvial Erodibility
- CHORDS: Building the Internet of Things for the Geosciences (IoT-G)
- Dynamics of Stagnant Slabs in the Mantle Transition Zone
- Fluid Capture During Exhumation of Subducted Lithologies: A Fluid Inclusion Study from the Cycladic Blueschist Unit (Sifnos, Greece)
- Gradual Intensification of North Atlantic Deep Circulation from Middle Eocene Through Late Oligocene: Terrigenous Grain Size Data from IODP Sites U1406 and U1411, Newfoundland Ridges
- Graduate Teaching Assistant Experiences in the Implementation of Student Engagement Techniques in Introductory Geoscience Courses
- Imaging the Sharpness of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary (LAB)
- Investigating Seismic Anisotropy Beneath the Malawi Rift, East Africa with Geodynamic Modeling
- Non-isothermal effects of a CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection into a geologic reservoir
- Optimization of TZVOLCANO to Stream Real-Time GNSS Data into Cloud Hosted Real-Time Data for the Geosciences (CHORDS)
- Plume-Ridge Interaction During Large Igneous Province Formation
- Small Scale Flow Induced Azimuthal Seismic Anisotropy beneath Madagascar: Implications for Rheology
- Testing of the Sortable Silt Hypothesis: Preliminary Experimental Results
- The volatile budget of Haleakala (Maui): implications for melting, crystallization, and degassing recorded by melt inclusions
- Towards Brokered Alignment of Long-Tailed Observations (BALTO)
- Towards Open Access GNSS/GPS Velocity Solutions at UNAVCO
- Using JSON-LD to power dataset search and discovery in the Hyrax data server
- A physical record of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) outflow in the Ross Sea from the late Pliocene (3.3 Ma) through present
- Convection Dynamics of Stagnant Slabs and Their Return Flows from Seismic Imaging
- Effects of Intrabasinal Recycling on the Preservation of Tectonic and Climate Signals Determined from Provenance Analysis
- Imaging the Global Structure of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary (LAB)
- Integrative Approaches to Building Planet Earth: New Wide-Ranging Equations of State
- Investigation of Volcano-tectonic Interactions in the Natron Rift of the East African Rift System using Numerical Modeling
- Let Them Eat Cake! Using Cake to Teach About Planetary Interiors
- Melt Inclusions and Their Application - New Perspective on the Subsurface Architecture of Cerro Negro Volcano, Nicaragua
- Migrating knickpoints are primary morphodynamic agents in submarine channels that control deep-water stratigraphy
- Model-based estimates of the timing of brine water flux into the Victoria Land Basin from the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Modeling CO<SUB>2</SUB>-Water-Basalt Reactions Effect to Fracture Alteration in a Basalt Fracture Network
- Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusions as Windows to Intraplate Melting at Tenerife, Canary Islands
- Sorting of silt by bottom currents part I: Laboratory experiments
- Sorting of silt by bottom currents part II: Grain-size metrics and applicability to paleoceanography
- Sources of Melt Generation in the Malawi Rift Implemented with ASPECT and the EarthCube Cyberinfrastructure BALTO
- Storage conditions and longevity of rift zone magmas at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai'i: melt inclusion insights from the 2018 Lower East Rift Zone eruption
- Sulfur concentrations and oxidation states of products from the 2018 Kīlauea fissure eruption based on melt inclusions, embayments, and matrix glasses
- The Open-Source EarthCube Cyberinfrastructure BALTO: Applications in Earth Science
- The relationship between lithospheric structure and observed deformation centered on the Eastern Branch of the East Africa Rift System
- Where is the bottom of the critical zone? Evidence for deep, stacked critical zones from airborne EM and hydrological models in Reynolds Creek CZO
- 2020 M5 Mentone earthquake potentially induced by deep wastewater injection: implications for reservoir mechanical property and individual well impacts
- Analysis of Long-Period Empirical Green's Functions at GSN Stations
- Assessing the Role of Lithospheric Buoyancy Forces and Mantle Flow in Driving Deformation across the East Africa Rift through 3D Geodynamic Modeling
- Creep along the Central San Andreas Fault from Surface Fractures, Topographic Differencing, and InSAR
- Did the Southwest US aquifer-systems recover from the 2012-2015 drought? Insight from InSAR, GRACE and groundwater level data
- Earth-observing Radar Satellite Data for Semi-Real-Time Flood Exposure Analysis: Case Study of Iran 2019 flood
- Evaluating the Thermal and Geochemical Evolution of Mars
- Exploring multi-hazard interrelationships: A case study of Central Virginia Planning District Commission Hazard Mitigation Plan Update
- Finite-Frequency Imaging of the Global Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary (LAB)
- Initiating a New Baseline of Vertical Land Motions in the Chesapeake Bay
- Investigating the effects of topography and magma reservoir structure on volcano-tectonic interactions in a youthful continental rift
- Lower crustal magma supply amplification: A key concept for silicic magma production
- Mantle Q Structure from S-wave Amplitude Measurements
- Measuring, Modeling and Projecting Coastal Land Subsidence: Implications for Relative Sea-level Rise and Flooding along US Coast
- Observation of Spatiotemporal Creep Rate Variation Along Southern San Andreas and San Jacinto Faults from InSAR Time Series and Repeating Earthquakes
- Past, Present, and Future of Flooding-induced Crop Loss in U.S. Midwest
- Plume-Lithosphere Interactions and Melt Generation Beneath the Rungwe Volcanic Province, East Africa
- Radar Imaging of Fractures and Voids Behind the Walls of an Underground Mine
- Rapid Eocene Exhumation in the Southern Patagonian Andes and Implications for Regional Tectonics
- Redefinition of Somalian Plate motion, East African Rift System kinematics, and the tectonic significance of Madagascar
- Relating Land Cover Change to Runoff Distribution Using NASA Earth Observation in Riley County, Kansas
- Seamless Access to Long-Tail and Big Data in Earth and Space Science via the EarthCube Brokering Cyberinfrastructure BALTO
- Seamless Machine Learning Architecture Access to Long-Tail In-Situ Data through EarthCube's BALTO Cyberinfrastructure
- Seasonal Variations in Groundwater Storage and Well Levels: Implications for Groundwater Recharge in the Central Valley
- Sedimentary record of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) outflow in the Ross Sea since 3.3 Ma (IODP Sites U1524 and U1525)
- Shallow injection may cause seismicity in the Delaware Basin, Texas
- Stagnant Slabs and Their Return Flows from Finite-Frequency Tomography of the 410-km and 660-km Discontinuities
- Subsidence-Derived Aquifer Volume Strain Models for the San Joaquin Valley, California and Central Arizona
- Supporting Remote Teaching and Learning with 3D Printing
- Synthesizing subsidence, sea-level rise, and storm surge scenarios for Houston-Galveston, Texas
- The application of machine learning to a parametric analysis of fluid migration during geological carbon sequestration in a sandstone reservoir
- Dispersive Melt Spots in the Global Oceanic Asthenosphere
- Evaluating models for lithospheric loss and intraplate volcanism beneath the Central Appalachian Mountains
- Mantle Q structure from S, SS, SSS and SSSS amplitude measurements
- Travel-time Measurements from Long-Period Empirical Green's Functions at GSN Stations
- Body Wave and Surface Wave Traveltime Measurements from Empirical Green's Functions at GSN Stations
- Comparing the impact of African dust, biomass burning, and volcanic ash on marine and terrestrial biogeochemical cycles
- Novel stable isotope constraints on mantle mineralogical heterogeneity and the evolution of mantle plumes
- Roughness of the Global Oceanic 220-km Discontinuity and Implications for Spreading Rate Dependent Small-Scale Convections