University of California, Los Angeles
flowchart I[University of California, Los Angeles] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (4)"] AW["Affiliated Works (4737)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1592)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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- University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
- University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Electrical Engineering
- University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Physics and Astronomy
- University of California, Los Angeles, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 19th Century Eutrophication of a Remote Northern Lake: Impacts of Climate Warming?
- <SUP>238</SUP>U -<SUP>230</SUP>Th-<SUP>226</SUP>Ra Ages of Crystals in Recent Mt St. Helens Lavas: Implications for Crystal Residence and Recycling
- A High Temporal-Resolution Dataset of ERS Scatterometer Radar Backscatter and its Application to Detecting Melt Onset on Small Arctic Ice Caps
- A Survey of California Plant Species With a Portable VOC Analyzer for Biogenic Emission Inventory Development
- Age, carbon content and climatic stability of West Siberian peatlands
- Centimeter-Scale Changes in Water Levels Beneath Flooded Vegetation Measured With Interferometric SAR
- Colliding Cascades and Boolean Delay Equations for Earthquake Prediction
- Critical Assessment of the Dissolution Condition for Mass Transfer from DNAPL Pools in Porous Media
- Does Fault Length Limit Earthquake Size?
- Evidence for a topographically controlled sulfur dioxide deposit at Chaac caldera, Io
- Expected Applications of the SRTM Data Within the Amazon Basin
- Extreme Drought Conditions in the Rio Grande/Bravo Basin
- Global Mapping of Core-Mantle Boundary Reflection Amplitudes
- Global Signatures of the Traveling Convection Vortex on November 9, 1993
- Heat Transfer by Mantle Convection in a Plate Tectonic Regime: 2D Systematic Investigation
- Interseismic Strain Across the Altyn Tagh Fault System (Northern Tibet), Measured by SAR Interferometry.
- Intrusive emplacement and thermal history of the Geysers Plutonic Complex, northern California: New insights from in-situ U-Pb zircon dating
- Investigation of cold land surface processes - summer monsoon interaction in North America
- Mass-Independent Fractionation of Oxygen-containing Radicals in the Atmosphere
- Melt-Induced Small-Scale Convection: 3-D Numerical Modelling Applied to the Western U.S.
- Model Reliability Analysis and Data Sufficiency Evaluation for Multiobjective Decision-Making
- Multivariate characterization of drought in California
- Oligocene Initiation of the Central Altyn Tagh Fault System Inferred From <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar K-feldspar Thermochronology
- Optimization of Water Distribution and Water Quality by Genetic Algorithm and Nonlinear Programming
- Oroclinal Bending and Slab-Break-Off Causing Coeval East-West Extension and East-West Contraction in the Pamir-Nanga Parbat Syntaxis in the Past 10 m.y.
- Parameter Structure Identification with Natural Neighbor Parameterization in Groundwater Modeling
- Peatland and River Water Biogeochemistry of the West Siberian Plain
- Potential of InSAR for routine earthquake analysis
- Prospective Tests of Earthquake Forecasts
- Review of Optimization Methods in Groundwater Modeling and Management
- Sediment Distribution on Skeidararsandur, Southeast Iceland.
- Sensitivity of California to Rapid Climatic Variations Typical of the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition: Evidence from the 'New' Paleolimnology Applied to Sierra Nevada Lakes
- Simulation of Partially Saturated - Saturated Flow in the Caspar Creek E-Road Groundwater System
- Southern California Earthquake Center Crustal Motion Map Version 3.0
- Stress Orientations in Northern California Point to Variations in Frictional Strength Along Plate Boundary System and to Anomalous Stresses Near Sutter Buttes
- Tectonostratigraphy and Paleotectonics of the Santa Monica Mountains and Vicinity, Southern California
- Timescales of Magmatic Evolution by Coupling Core-to-rim <SUP>238</SUP>U-<SUP>230</SUP>Th Ages and Chemical Compositions of Mineral Zoning in Allanite From the Youngest Toba Tuff
- Unbending of Lithosphere as a Mechanism for Active Rifting in Tibet: Insight from Elastic Modeling
- 238U-230Th-226Ra disequilibria at Cotopaxi volcano, NVZ, Ecuador
- A Mechanism for Seismically Induced Pore Pressure Changes Inferred from High Frequency Water Well Data
- A Simple Model for the Earthquake Cycle Combining Self-Organized Criticality with Critical Point Behavior
- Active Deformation in Central Tibet: Constraints from InSAR and Geologic Observations
- Alfvén Waves Generated by Expanding Plasmas in the Laboratory and in Space
- An Analysis of the Hydrology of the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo Basin
- Characterization of VOC Sources during the Texas Air Quality Study 2000 Using Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometry
- Coseismic Deformation From the Mw=7.8 Kokoxili, Tibet Earthquake, From ERS InSAR Data.
- Crystal textures as recorders of magmatic processes: Ngauruhoe Volcano, New Zealand
- Depth-Dependence of Aftershock Productivity of Deep Earthquakes
- Detection and Monitoring of Jokulhlaup-Induced Topographic Changes Using NASA ATM Lidar Data: Skeidararsandur, Iceland
- Dissolved Organic Carbon Export from West Siberian Peatlands
- Earthquake Potential Models for China
- Expansion of a dense plasma embedded in an ambient magnetized background plasma
- Historical and Satellite Observations of Spring Ice Breakup, Mackenzie River, Canada
- Local and Global Jovian Plasma Sheet Characteristics Observed by the Galileo Energetic Particles Detector
- Model Structure Identification: From the Reliability of Model Prediction to the Robustness of Experimental Design
- Modeling and Monitoring Soil Erosion, Sediment Movement, and Sediment Storage in the United States
- Objective Imprecision and Parameter Identifiability in Groundwater Systems
- One-dimensional Photochemical Model Calculations of Mass-independent Fractionation of Oxygen Isotopes in the Atmosphere
- Optimal Experimental Design for Inverse Problem in Groundwater Modeling
- Orbitally-Induced, Quasi-Periodic Climate Change on Mars: Modelling Changes in the Global Cycling of Water and Carbon Dioxide
- Origin of postseismic streamflow changes inferred from baseflow recession and magnitude-distance relations
- Paleozoic and Cenozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Russian and Chinese Altai Mountains: A Preliminary Report
- Post-Seismic Fault Healing on the Rupture Zone of the 1999 M7.1 Hector Mine, California Earthquake
- Predictability of the South American Regional Climate Using the Regional Eta/SSiB Model
- Source Time Functions of the August 19, 2002, Tonga Deep Earthquakes Compared With a Global Deep Earthquake Catalog
- South American Monsoon and the Land Surface Processes
- Stress Field in the Subducting Lithosphere and Comparison With Deep Earthquakes in Tonga
- Structures Formed by Supersonic Density Filaments
- Tectonic Evolution of the North Qaidam UHP Complex, Western China
- The Dynamical Response to Heating Associated with Volcanic Aerosols in Two Different AGCMs
- The Elastic Modulus of Media Containing Strongly Interacting Intersecting Antiplane Cracks or Inclusions Along the Path to Percolation and Disaggregation
- The Importance of Precession Signals in the Tropical Hydrological Cycle
- The NASA Working Group on River and Wetland Hydrologic Processes
- The Seasonal and Diurnal Variation of Dst Dynamics
- Thermal Conductivity Measurement of Synthesized Mantle Minerals
- Three-Dimensional Parameter Structure Identification: A Case Study of the Central Part of the Western San Joaquin Valley, California
- Timing the Initiation of Extension Along the Shanxi Rift, China, With Implications for the Cenozoic Tectonics of Asia
- Two Preliminary SRTM DEMs Within the Amazon Basin
- Use of Flow and Transport Models for Experimental Design for Model Calibration and Monitoring Network Design
- Volcanic Landslide Basal Friction as Measured by Seismic Waves
- Web-Based Interrogation of Large-Scale Geophysical Data Sets and Clustering Analysis of Many Earthquake Events From Desktop and Handheld Computers
- the Paradox of Tropical-Average Precipitation Anomalies
- A Coupled Zonation-Kriging Method for Parameter Structure Identification in Groundwater Modeling: A Case Study of a Seawater Intrusion Problem, the Alamitos Barrier in Southern California Coastal Plain
- A Hybrid Global MISR Cloud Mask using Support Vector Machines and Active Learning
- A Mechanism for Alborz Support and Caspian Subsidence:an Elasto-visco-plastic Model for the Last 10 Ma of Strain Accumulation in Northern Iran
- A Non-science Major Undergraduate Seminar on the NASA Earth Observing System (EOS): A Student Perspective
- A possible widespread Upper Miocene to Lower Pliocene rift-related sequence under the marine shelf from Mazatlan to the Tres Marias islands, southeastern Gulf of California, Gulf of California MARGINS project
- A three-dimensional variational data assimilation system for coastal oceans
- Automated Geo-Referencing of JERS-1 SAR Mosaics Using SRTM DEM Data
- Channel Slope From SRTM Water Surface Elevations in the Amazon Basin
- Continent- Ocean Transition Across the Alarcon Basin, Gulf of California from Seismic Reflection and Refraction Data.
- Crustal structure and rift evolution across the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
- Did Flow of Weak Middle or Lower Crust Accommodate Extension in the Gulf of California and Salton Trough?
- Earthquake Early Warning and Public Policy: Opportunities and Challenges
- Evaluating Satellite-based Rainfall Estimates for Basin-scale Hydrologic Modeling
- Evaluation of the Noah Land-surface Model for Semi-arid Sites in the Southwestern United States
- Evolution of the Cordillera Blanca Normal Fault, Central Peruvian Andes: Evidence From Basin Analysis and 40Ar/39Ar Thermochronology
- Frequency-Dependent Dynamic Triggering
- Identification of Complex Reactive Transport Processes in Groundwater Modeling
- InSAR observations of conjugate strike-slip faulting in West Central Tibet
- Inverse Problem and Management Applications in Groundwater Modeling: Equivalent Model Sets and Data Sufficiency Evaluation
- Inverse Problem of Thermal Convection: Numerical Approach and Application to Mantle Plume Restoration
- Largest Expected Magnitudes During Finite Time Intervals on California Faults
- Long-Term Variability in River Flow and Associated Lake Levels in the Canadian Prairie Provinces: Applied Dendrohydrology
- Melting of small Arctic ice caps observed from ERS scatterometer time series
- Multiscale Trend Analysis of Temporal (Un)Correlations Between Coda Q and Seismicity in California
- Naphthalene and Naphthoquinone: Distributions and Human Exposure in the Los Angeles Basin
- Optimal Observation Network Design for Parameter Structure Identification in Groundwater Modeling
- Palinspastic Reconstructions of the Gulf of California Based on Airy Isostatic Profiles: Evidence for One Kinematic Phase of Neogene Shearing
- Reflection of Alfven Waves from Boundaries with Various Conductivities
- Satellite Observation of Spring Ice Breakup on Large Northern Rivers
- Seismic Amplitude Variations due to Site and Basin Edge Effects in the Los Angeles Basin
- Seismic Heterogeneity Caused by Oceanic Crust Differentiation and Segregation in the Convecting Mantle
- Seismic imaging of the continent-ocean transition in the southern Gulf of California
- Spatio-Temporal Disaggregation of Remote Sensing Observations for Land Surface State and Flux Estimation Using an Ensemble Data Assimilation Framework
- Testing hypotheses of earthquake occurrence
- The Absence of Remotely Triggered Seismicity in Japan from 1997 to 2002
- The Effects of Shading and Diffuse Radiation in Estimating Carbon and Water Fluxes in Tropical and Midlatitude Sites
- The Future of the Utility of Groundwater Models for Water Resources Management
- The Protracted History of Magmatic Evolution Recorded by Zoning in Allanites
- The Role of Shear in the Onset of Iron's bcc to hcp Stress--Induced Phase Transition
- The effect of shear deformations on the transition onset pressure of the bcc to hcp pressure induced martensitic phase transformation in iron.
- Thermal and Chemical Variations in Subcrustal Cratonic Lithosphere: Evidence from Crustal Isostasy
- Timing, Style, and Magnitude of Upper Crustal Extension, Sierra San Felipe, NE Baja California, Mexico: Constraints on Rift Processes in the NW Gulf of California Extensional Province
- Understanding Active Processes at the Surfaces of Jupiter's Icy Moons
- Water Level Changes on the Central Amazon Floodplain Measured with Interferometric JERS-1 SAR Data
- What Mantle Processes Determine Isotopic
- A Comparison of Methods for Modeling Geochemical Variability in the Earth's Mantle
- A Coupled Systems Approach to Solute Transport Within a Heterogeneous Vadose Zone-Groundwater Environment
- A Holocene Record of Climate Change from the Sierra Nevada, CA, USA: A Paleolimnological Perspective of California Drought
- A Statistical Examination of Spatial and Temporal Trends in Eurasian Arctic River Discharge
- Amplified carbon release from vast West Siberian peatlands by 2100
- Anomalous aftershock decay rates in the first hundred seconds revealed from the Hi-net borehole data
- Assimilation of Lagrangian Data for Estimation and Forecast of Coherent Structures and Transport in Geophysical Flows
- Bayesian Network Structure Learning for Urban Land Use Classification from Landsat ETM+ and Ancillary Data
- Bifurcated current sheets in Earth's plasmasheet: scale size and occurrence frequency
- Calibration of a Complex Three-Dimensional Coastal Aquifer with Density-Dependent Flow
- Case Study of the Evolution of Global Ionospheric Convection during Substorms
- Channel Slopes on Amazon Basin Rivers From the SRTM DEM
- Characterization of Particle and Gas Phase Pollutant Emissions from Heavy- and Light-Duty Vehicles in a California Roadway Tunnel
- Climatological, hydrological and vegetation change for the past 15,000 years based upon a new network of high resolution lake sites in the Sierra Nevada and Unita Mountains
- Comparison of Short-term and Long-term Earthquake Forecast Models for Southern California
- Continental Rifting Across the Alarcon Basin, Gulf of California
- Depth-Dependent Low-Velocity Structure of the San Andreas Fault near the SAFOD Drilling Site at Parkfield from Fault-Zone Seismic Waves
- Do earthquakes correlate better with Earth tides in earthquake prediction windows?
- Effect of cross-field flow on Alfvén waves of small transverse scale.
- Embedded Networked Sensing in Support of Managing Irrigation with Reclaimed Wastewater
- Ensemble Land Surface Modeling Using Coarse Satellite-Based Precipitation Forcing
- Establishing a Multi-spatial Wireless Sensor Network to Monitor Nitrate Concentrations in Soil Moisture
- Feasibility of snow water equivalent estimation using the Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Geology of the North Qaidam HP-UHP Terrane, Western China
- Influence of Wildfire-Created Hydrophobicity on Watershed Flow Paths and Surface Water Quality in City Creek, San Bernardino Mountains, CA
- Io's Tidal Dissipation and Longitudinal Drift
- Laboratory Experiments of Silica Powder Lubrication Between Rock Faces at Coseismic Velocities
- Landslide Basal Friction as Measured by Seismic Waves
- Low-Velocity Damaged Structure on the San Andreas Fault at Seismogenic Depths near the SAFOD Drilling Site, Parkfield, CA from Fault-Zone Trapped Waves
- Material Composite Behavior Under High-Pressure
- Maximum Magnitude in Relation to Mapped Fault Length and Fault Rupture
- Multiconstituent Reaction Identification in Groundwater Modeling
- NSF-PARCS: A Case Study in Proxy Climate Syntheses for the CCSP Assessment
- On the Itinerant History of Crystals in Magma Reservoirs
- Optical Mineralogy at UCLA
- Parameter Uncertainty and Model Reliability in Groundwater modeling
- Peatland Carbon Accumulation in West Siberia Over the Last 2,000 Years
- Post-Perovskite Double-Crossing, Partial Melting, and the Thermal Structure of Earth's D" Layer
- Post-seismic deformation following the M7.1 Hector Mine earthquake: An integrated approach utilizing InSAR and seismic data
- Postglacial Development of the Circumpolar Peatland Complex and Its Potential Impact on Atmospheric Methane Concentrations
- Prospective Tests of Southern California Earthquake Forecasts
- Relation Between Mainshock Rupture Process and Omori Law for Aftershock Moment Release Rate
- Repeating earthquakes may indicate a relation between fault healing and proximity to a mainshock asperity
- Role of Tectonics in the Tomography and Anisotropy of the Southern California Uppermost Mantle
- Rupture Process and Energy Budget of Some Reservoir-Induced Earthquakes
- Seismic Imaging of Rifted Margins in the Southern Gulf of California
- Seismological Constraints on the Magmato-tectonic Behavior of the Asal-Ghoubbet Rift (Afar Depression, Republic of Djibouti) Since the Last 1978-Rifting Episode
- Strange Features of the Earth's Surface Explained: An Interactive Poster
- Testing Models of Thermo-chemical Convection Against Models from Probabilistic Tomography
- The Evidence that Long-Range Earthquake Triggering Involves Fluids
- The Juno New Frontiers Jupiter Polar Orbiter Mission
- The isotopic effects of electron transfer: an explanation for Fe isotope fractionation in nature
- Theoretical estimates of equilibrium <SUP>13</SUP>C-<SUP>18</SUP>O clumping in carbonates and organic acids
- Tomgraphic Structure of East Asia: Data and Results
- Tomgraphic Structure of East Asia: Geodynamic implications
- West Siberian peatlands: A global methane source since the early Holocene
- Who Needs Isostasy? Non-Isostatic Support for Major Mountain Belts, an Example From the Northern Iran-South Caspian System
- A Multi-faceted Investigation of the Effects of Wildfire on a Southern California Watershed
- A New, Rapid, Precise and Sensitive Method for Chlorine Stable Isotope Analysis of Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
- A Projection of the Impact of the Climate Change induced by Increased Greenhouse Gases on the Hydroclimate of East Asia
- A Statistical Analysis of Precipitation and River Discharge Variability in the Eurasian Arctic
- Application of a Satellite Precipitation Product for Snow Modeling and Hydrologic Forecasting
- Changes in Nutrient Concentrations After a Chaparral Wildfire
- Construction of Objective-oriented Groundwater Models: Worst-Case Parameter Identification and Robust Experimental Design
- Coupled Reconnection Sites and Magnetic Energy Release in a Laboratory Plasma
- Data Sufficiency Assessment and Pumping Test Design for Groundwater Prediction Using Decision Theory and Genetic Algorithms
- Determining Ion-Aerosol Nucleation Rates in the Lower Atmosphere: Thermodynamic and Kinetic Modeling and Data Requirements
- Developing a Nighttime Cirrus Climatology Using AIRS Data and Understanding its Errors and Variability
- Direct Retrieval of Radiative Flux-Divergence and Radiative Forcing from Satellite Spectral Measurements.
- Effects of Permafrost Degradation on the River Transport of Solutes to the Kara Sea
- Eight Years of Surface Deformation in the Asal-Ghoubbet Rift (Afar Depression) Observed With SAR Data
- Electrochemically-Induced Redox Reactions in Basalt at High Pressure and Temperature: An Iron and Vanadium K-edge XANES Study
- Equilibrium stable-isotope fractionation of thallium and mercury
- Estimation of Seismic Moment Release with Implications for Regional Hazard Assessment
- Excess Argon in UHP Gneisses: A Field-based Experiment in North Qaidam, China
- Excitation and Transmission of Microseisms Over Oceanic Paths
- Feasibility of distributed snowpack characterization during the Cold Land Processes Field Experiment (CLPX) using a multi-scale multi-frequency data assimilation approach
- Flow and Transport Modeling to Improve Injection Barrier Operations in Southern California
- Frontier Lecture in Hydrological Science: Arctic Change and The New Global Hydrology
- Geodetically Observed Temporal Variation of Crustal Deformation in Southern California and Northern Rim of Tibet
- High frequency waves in a current sheet
- High-resolution ensemble solar radiation estimates through assimilation of coarse-scale retrievals into a simple physical insolation model
- Icy satellite shell thickening: consequences for non-synchronous rotation rates and stresses
- Impact of GPS-Based Water-Vapor Data on Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts in Southern California
- Interaction of Corundum, Wollastonite and Quartz With H2O-NaCl Solutions at 800 C and 10 Kbar
- Interaction of dynamic and thermodynamic controls on deep convection in an idealized model of the ITCZ
- Interseismic deformation along the central segment of the Altyn Tagh Fault (Tibet, China) determined by SAR interferometry
- Ion Mass-loading and Time Variability in the Saturn's Magnetosphere
- LIDAR Measurements of Fault Roughness
- Lithospheric structure along Mars' eastern dichotomy boundary
- Long-range triggered aftershocks in geothermal areas
- MODIS-derived Potential Evapotranspiration Estimates for Operational Hydrologic Modeling
- Making sense out of CAOS: Preliminary results on the Paleozoic-Mesozoic deformation of the Central Asian Orogenic System
- Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (MOSS): A Mission for Global Observations of Deep Soil Moisture
- Mobile Networked Sensors for Environmental Observatories
- Multiobjective Time-Dependent Optimal Experimental Design of Sampling Networks
- New Hypothesis for the Assembly of the Catalina Schist
- Optimal Estimation of Electron Lifetimes in the Outer Radiation Belt
- Optimal Experiment Design for Distributed Parameter Identification in Groundwater Modeling: Case Study -V Warren Subbasin, California
- Planning for earthquakes with lifetime in mind
- Practical problems in testing earthquake forecasts
- Quantifying Metamorphism and Exhumation in the Kumaun Lesser Himalaya, North West India
- SRTM C and X Band Measurements of Water Elevations in Ohio and the Amazon
- Seismic Evidence for Rock Damage and Healing on the San Andreas Fault Associated with the 2004 M6 Parkfield Earthquake
- Seismic Hazard and Fault Length
- Siberian lakes are growing in the north, shrinking in the south
- Southern California Earthquake Forecast Based on the Geodetic Strain Rate
- Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Hydrometeorological Conditions in the Valles Caldera, New Mexico during the North American Monsoon
- Spinning Up Interest: Classroom Demonstrations of Rotating Fluid Dynamics
- T-RELM: Testing Center for Probabilistic Earthquake Forecasts
- Temperature Structure of Saturn from Spectral Mapping by Cassini CIRS and Joint High-Resolution Subaru COMICS and IRTF MIRSI Mid-Infrared Imaging
- The B4 Project: Scanning the San Andreas and San Jacinto Fault Zones
- The Holocene Thermal Maximum in the Arctic
- The Influence of Atmospheric Zonal Wave Three on Antarctic Winter Sea Ice Variability
- The Predicted Distribution of Post-Perovskite in the Lowermost Mantle: Relationship to Chemical Heterogeneity and Further Constraints on Core-Mantle Boundary Heat Flow
- The Relationship Between Soil Type, Water Repellency, and Permeability in the San Bernardino Mountains, California
- The dry Deposition and Resusepnsion of Particle-Associated Trace Metals Near a Freeway in Los Angeles
- The"Overhead Projector Polarizing Microscope
- Visualization of Mercury Methylating Pure-Culture Sulfate-Reducing Biofilms
- Whipple Lecture. Impacts, Porosity and Volatile Loss
- Wildfire-Induced Changes in the Physico-Chemical Properties of Soils, and Their Implication in Watershed and Ecosystem Recovery.
- A Multi-Method Approach to Improving Monazite Geochronology: TIMS, LA-ICP-MS, SIMS and EPMA
- A Study of Dehydration, Low Temperatures and Supersaturations in the Tropical Tropopause Layer both Inside and Outside of Clouds and Possible Mechanisms for Air Parcel Drying.
- Along Stream Profiles of Ohio River Discharge from Satellite Elevation Mapping
- Application of Embedded Network Sensing to Geophysical Monitoring
- Application of dynamic subgrid-scale models for large-eddy simulation of the daytime convective boundary layer
- Application of the Telegraph Model to Coda Q Variations in Southern California
- Aseismic Slip Events on Normal Faults in Afar Observed With Radar Interferometry
- Characterizing Ecosystem and Watershed Response to Atmospheric Loading at the Urban Fringe
- Characterizing Post-fire Hydrologic Response Using End Member Mixing Analysis
- Development of Objective-Oriented Groundwater Models for Warren Subbasin, California
- Effects of mean annual rainfall on landscape-level distributions of soil moisture and soil development in a semi-arid ecosystem
- Ensemble-Based Distributed Hydrologic Modeling with Disaggregated Satellite-Derived Precipitation
- Equilibrium Iron Isotopic Fractionation Among Ferric Chloride Complexes
- Equilibrium uranium isotope fractionation by nuclear volume and mass-dependent processes
- Estimating Stream Chemistry During the Snowmelt Pulse Using Remotely Sensed Snow Observations and a Coupled Snowmelt and Biogeochemical Modeling Approach
- Estimating Water Slope in Amazon River Tributaries Using the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Digital Elevation Model
- Gas-phase Mechanisms of Sulfur Isotope Mass-independent Fractionation
- Geophysical Survey of the 1978 Seismo-volcanic Crisis in the Asal-Ghoubbet Rift (Afar Depression, Djibouti) and the Post-rifting Deformations
- Greenland Ice Sheet melt observed with ERS and QuikScat scatterometers
- High Pressure Electrochemical Behavior of AgI
- High Resolution Analysis of Sub-fossil Midges from the Great Basin, United States Provides Evidence of 20th Century Warming
- High Temperature Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Earths Mantle - An Experimental Approach
- Impacts of Evolutionary History on Endangerment in a Changing Climate: Miocene upwelling, Holocene Pluvial Cycles and Endemics at the Mouth of the Colorado River.
- Impacts of Wind Erosion on the Characteristics of Sand and Dust Flux in Southern New Mexico, USA
- Implementation of a cloud-based microphysical precipitation model for data assimilation: model formulation and sensitivity analysis
- InSAR observations of interseimsic strain along the central Altyn Tagh fault consistent with Holocene slip-rate
- Investigation of hydrologic and biogeochemical controls on arsenic mobilization using distributed sensing at a field site in Munshiganj, Bangladesh
- Isotope fractionation of zinc during electroplating
- Kinematic Fault Model of Crustal Deformation in California Constrained by GPS Observations
- Laboratory Study of Non-MHD Effects During Fast Reconnection
- Laboratory and Field Testing of two Rotational Seismometer Models
- Liquefaction Demonstration Fabricated in the Modeling and Educational Demos Lab (MEDL) at the University of California Los Angeles
- MASE: A seismological perspective of the sub-horizontal subduction of the Cocos Plate under North America
- Measurements Of Snowpack Temperature In A Colorado Subalpine Forest
- Metamorphic Evolution, Mineral Chemistry and Thermobarometry of Orthogneiss Hosting Ultrahigh-Pressure Eclogites in the North Qaidam Metamorphic Belt, Western China
- Modeling the relative contribution of magnetospheric currents to the stormtime ground dawn-dusk asymmetric H perturbation during solar wind dynamic pressure enhancements
- New Earthquake Catalog for California, 1800 - 2006, Magnitude 4.7 and Above
- Non-adiabatic Loss of Relativistic Electrons in the Outer Radiation Belt.
- Nutrient and Light Limitations on Grass Productivity in a Southern African Savanna
- Observations of plasmoids in Saturn's magnetotail
- OceanGLOBE: an Outdoor Research and Environmental Education Program for K-12 Students
- Paleo Tibetan Lake Extent Mapping from High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Digital Elevation Models: A Case Study of Dagze Lake
- Paleoenvironmental Proxies and Carbon Accumulation Sensitivity, Great Vasyugan Bog, West Siberia
- Paleozoic to Mesozoic Construction of Asia as revealed by the Altai Mountains in NW China
- Predicting 15N Concentrations From Reflectance Spectra (400-2500 nm) at Leaf and Canopy Scales
- Predicting Weather Regime Transitions in Northern Hemisphere Data Sets
- Radiative Transfer in Cirrus Clouds: Some Thought on its Connection to Climate and General Circulation Models
- Reconstructing Snow Water Equivalent in the Rio Grande Headwaters: a Multi-Resolution, Multi-Sensor Comparison
- Remotely Sensed Potential Evaporation Estimates for Hydrologic Modeling
- Role of vegetation biophysical process and land cover change in East Asian monsoon development
- Scheduling Optimization of a Multiple Source Water Supply System
- Seismic Tomography of the Cocos Plate
- Slip-Rate on the Haiyuan Fault (Gansu, China), Over Time Scales of 10 yr to 10 kyr
- Snow / Vegetation Interactions Inferred From Contact Spectroscopy
- Snow controls on vegetation productivity in the Tibetan Plateau
- Statistical Modeling of Seismic Moment Release
- Storm-time Simulations with the 3D High Energy Electron Radiation Belt Code.
- The 1985 Parkfield Prediction: What Went Wrong?
- The Impact of Fire on Mercury Cycling in Watershed Systems
- The Peace-Athabasca Delta: A Potential Testbed for Hydrologic Altimetry
- The Potential for Application of a Physically-based Snow Model in Hydrologic Forecasting
- The Seismic Ring: A Classroom Model for Mantle Seismic Wave Propogation
- The effect of vegetation biophysical processes (VBP) on the American monsoon
- The effects of forest vegetation on snow accumulation, ablation, and meltwater routing, Valles Caldera National Preserve, NM
- Use of Scenarios to Decipher Key Determinants of Change in the Water Cycle
- Validation of a Direct Cooling Rate Retrieval Method Using AIRS and TES Data
- Vegetation and Soil Responses to Fertilization Along the Kalahari Transect
- What makes the difference between sawtooth and steady mangetospheric convection events?
- Whistler chorus intensifications associated with convection indicator by SuperDARN and particle injections by LANL satellites
- Wind erosion and vegetation interactions in a desert ecosystem
- 20th century trends in the Russian hydrologic cycle
- 3D Thermal Infrared Radiative Transfer in Mountains
- A Proposed Objective-Oriented Groundwater Model for Conjunctive Use Planning of Surface and Groundwater
- A Time-Reversed Reciprocal Method for Detecting High-frequency events in Civil Structures
- A bottom-up geostatistical approach for quantifying landcover in Asian desert ecosystems and implications for global and climate models: a case study in Afghanistan utilizing a unique hyperspectral dataset
- Acceleration and Losses of Relativistic Radiation Belt Electrons Due to Wave-Particle Interactions: SCATHA Observations
- Advances in laser ablation MC-ICPMS isotopic analysis of rock materials
- An Automated Multi-temporal Image Co-registration Technique for Lake-rich Environments Based on Pseudo Invariant Features
- Analysis of the Sierra Nevada Snowpack in the 21st Century
- Antarctic Peninsula Climate Change and the Role of Atmospheric Quasi-Stationary Waves
- Automatic Calibration Method for a Storm Water Runoff Model
- Cloud Ice: A Climate Model Challenge With Signs and Expectations of Progress
- Constraining Parameters of the Reciprocal K-Primed Equation of State Using Normal Modes
- Coupled Basement-Detrital Thermochronology from the southern Gulf of California
- Dependence of Whistler-mode Wave Induced Electron Precipitation on k-vector Direction.
- Development of a Remotely-sensed Soil Heat Flux Parameterization for Natural Landscapes in Semi-arid Regions
- Earthquake Production by Subduction Zones is Not Linear in Relative Plate Velocity
- Ecohydrological controls on snowmelt partitioning in a mixed-conifer sub-alpine forest, Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Embedded sensor network design for spatial snowcover
- Environmental sensing systems: some myths and some realities
- Enzymatic catalysis of mercury methylation by planktonic and biofilm cultures of sulfate- reducing bacteria
- Estimates of total downwelling surface radiation using a high-resolution GOES-based cloud product along with MODIS and AIRS products
- Estimating snowfall patterns using timeseries of remote sensing images within a Bayesian framework
- Evidence for rapid recycling of subduction erosion forearc material into Cordilleran TTG batholiths: insight from the Peninsular Ranges of southern and Baja California
- Evidence of Regional Warming during the 20th Century in Alpine and Subalpine Lakes in the Western United States
- Experimental Constraints on Al Solubility in Model Granitic Fluids at 700 °C and 1 GPa
- Fusing measurements statistically: combining aerosol data from MISR and MODIS
- Geometry and Kinematics of Quaternary Fault and Fold Growth Along the Northeastern Himalayan Front: Implications for Himalayan Drainage Development and Active Expansion of the Himalayan arc.
- High Pressure Electrochemistry: Application to silver halides
- Influence of surface heterogeneity on a realistic convective boundary layer
- Investigating the Success of Parameter Estimation Routines in Modeling Watershed Behavior under Post-fire Conditions
- Investigation of the Radiative Forcings of Thin Cirrus in the Tropical Atmospheres Based on AIRS/ARM Data
- Is Gutenberg-Richter b value uniform in California and are spontaneous earthquakes stationary in California?
- Is rapid exhumation of the High Himalaya driven by ramp overthrusting, the formation of mid- crustal duplex, or out-of-sequence thrusting associated with channel flow?
- Laboratory Experiments on Dispersion and Damping of Kinetic and Inertial Shear Alfven Waves
- Land/atmosphere Coupling Methodology and Regional Climate Downscaling --- A Study Using the JIFRESSE WRF/SSiB Model
- Lateglacial-Holocene Environment History, Kazakhstan
- Local Dynamic Response of the Magnetosphere to Solar Wind Variations: First THEMIS Case Studies
- Long-term Soil C and N Dynamics in Response to Enhanced Wind Erosion in Semiarid Grassland, Using CENTURY Model
- Malaria transmission in a rice-irrigation area in Mali, West Africa: Review of past work and new findings
- Mapping Geodetic Strain Rates into Long and Intermediate Term Earthquake Potentials
- Material Yield Strength and Anisotropy in the Nonhydrostatic Diamond Anvil Cell: Implications for Mantle and Core Minerals
- Mechanism of Increasing Indian Monsoon Rainfall Following a Winter El Nino
- Mercury Binding and Mobilization in Post-fire Soil Horizons
- Metamorphic Evolution, Mineral Chemistry and Thermobarometry of Ultrahigh-Pressure Eclogites From the North Qaidam Metamorphic Belt, Western China
- Micro-deformation and Micro-seismicity in the Mak'arrasou Fault Zone in Afar, Kinematics Implications
- Nuclear Volume-Dependent Fractionation of Uranium Isotopes
- OLAP Cube Visualization of Hydrologic Data Catalogs
- Open Questions: The Cusp and FTEs
- Optimizing Wastewater Reuse in Agricultural Fields via Merging of Embedded Network Sensor Data and Flow and Transport Models Using Data Assimilation
- Performance and Probabilistic Verification of Regional Parameter Estimates for Conceptual Rainfall-runoff Models
- Phase Stability and Equation of State of Fe2SiO4 in the Earths Mantle
- Predictive Modeling of Urbanization Impacts on Flow Regimes in a Semi-arid Watershed in Southern California
- Quantifying the Effects of Forest Canopy Cover on Snow Accumulation and Ablation at a Continental, Mid-latitude Site, Valles Caldera National Preserve, NM
- Reconstruction of Centennial and Millennial-scale Climate and Environmental Variability during the Holocene in the Central Canadian Arctic
- Relative Spectral Mixture Analysis for monitoring natural hazards that impact vegetation cover: the importance of the nonphotosynthetic fraction in understanding landscape response to drought, fire, and hurricane damage
- Resource homogenization in degraded arid landscapes induced by fire - erosion interactions
- Rising minimum flows in northern Eurasian rivers suggest a growing influence of groundwater in the high-latitude water cycle
- RivWidth: A Software Tool for the Calculation of River Width from Remotely Sensed Imagery
- Satellite-based Paleo and Recent Lake Changes across the Tibetan Plateau
- Seasonal and Interannual Variations of Stream Chemistry in an Urban Fringe Watershed in Southern California
- Sensor Measurements and Sediment Incubations Indicate Diurnal Redox Cycling Associate With Arsenic Mobilization at a Bangladeshi Rice Paddy
- Service Learning Course in Which Undergraduates and Middle School Students Investigate Levels of Pathogen Indicating Bacteria in Beach Sand
- Shear wave splitting measurements and interpretation beneath Acapulco-Tampico transect in Mexico
- Soil Moisture, Salinity, and Nitrate Control for Soil and Groundwater Protection in Support of Wireless Sensor Networks and Optimal Irrigation Strategy
- Spatial Heterogeneity and Sources of Soil Carbon in Southern African Savannas
- Speciation of Aqueous Silica Using Raman Spectroscopy and First Principles Calculations
- Supporting Ecological Research With a Flexible Satellite Sensornet Gateway
- The Influence of Antarctic Sea-ice Extremes on Large Scale Atmospheric Variability in the Southern Hemisphere
- The JIFRESSE Regional Earth System Model and its application to air quality in California
- The Sierra Nevada-San Joaquin Hydrologic Observatory (SNSJHO): A WATERS Network Test Bed
- The Use of Distributed Temperature/Light Probes to Capture the Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Snowmelt and Headwater Stream Discharge
- The influence of rainfall, vegetation, elephants and people on fire frequency of miombo woodlands, northern Mozambique
- The origin of plasmaspheric hiss
- The possible statistical relation of Pc1 pulsations to Earthquake occurrence at low latitudes
- Tomography of the subducting Cocos plate in central Mexico: Images of a truncated slab
- Toward estimating sea level rise contribution from the observed Greenland Ice Sheet volume changes
- Updated Model of Saturn's Magnetic Field Based on All Available Data
- 1,000 Years of Climatic Variability in the Upper Colorado River Basin, USA
- 3D, Multi-fluid, MHD Calculations Of Plasma Escape From Mars
- A Generalized Kolmogorov-Smirnov Statistic for Detrital Zircon Analysis of Modern Rivers
- A Simple Dynamical Model with Features of Convective Momentum Transport
- A Systematic Regional-scale Assessment of Lake Dynamics across the Tibetan Plateau
- A Venus Flagship Mission: Exploring a World of Contrasts
- A generalized flow path model for water distribution optimization
- A nudging data assimilation algorithm for the identification of groundwater pumping
- A search for Sp converted phases in MASE seismic data from the steeply dipping slab beneath central Mexico
- Active faults, surface ruptures, and occurrence of landslides associated with the May 12 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, western Sichuan, China
- Ambient Noise Interferometry and Love Wave Tomography in Southeast Tibet
- Amino Acid Coding Bias of the Hypersaline Dead Sea on an Environmental Scale
- Anthropogenic reduction of Santa Ana winds
- Aqueous and Gas Phase Sorption Properties of Mercury in Burned Soils
- Assessing Forecasting Uncertainties for Improved Snow Model Predictions
- Assessing Seasonal Lake Dynamics in Arctic Alaska: Preliminary Results
- Assimilation of Shortwave Radiation Measurements into a Downwelling Surface Radiation Model Using an Ensemble Kalman Smoother
- Braverman, A
- Carbon Cycling and Carbonate Chemistry in Santa Monica Bay, CA
- Characteristics of Steady Magnetospheric Convection: A SuperDARN Perspective
- Chemical and Structural Dependences of the Fractionation of Oxygen and Silicon Isotopes Between Rock-forming Minerals: a First-Principles Density Functional Study
- Combining End-Member and Reaction Path Modelling: A case study on Hydrologic Structure in an Alpine Catchment
- Correcting time offsets in seismic array data using noise correlation: Examples from a seismic array installed across Mexico
- Coupling NLDAS Model Output with MODIS Products for Improved Spatial Evapotranspiration Estimates
- Daytime and Nighttime Vertical Gradients of HONO in Houston, TX.
- Determining subgrid variability in snow water equivalent surrounding operational snow stations of the Western U.S.
- Development of satellite-based high-resolution ensemble forcing fields for hydrologic modeling using a data assimilation framework
- Do Changes in Connectivity Explain Desertification?
- Dynamics and Resilience of Desert Ecosystems under Changing Climate
- Eigenmode Analysis of Energy and Pitch-Angle Diffusion of Energetic Electrons in the Outer Zone: 0.1-5 MeV
- Elemental Analysis of the Sediment, Magnetic Grains and Microspherules from the Younger Dryas Impact Layer
- Empirical Mode Reduction and non-Gaussian Signatures of Planetary Low-Frequency Atmospheric Modes.
- Enhancing in-situ U-series accessory mineral chronometry to constrain pace and processes of magma accumulation, storage, and eruption
- Evaluating Stream Discharge-Concentration Relationships for a Range of Hydro-climatic Regimes
- Evaluation of Hydro-NEXRAD Products in Southern California
- Evaluation of NDWI as a Universal Index to Map Global Surface Water
- Evidence for temporal variability of Enceladus' gas jets: Modeling of Cassini observations
- Evolution of Eighteen Degree Water and deep mixed layer oxygen and properties from profiling floats during CLIMODE
- Experimental Evidence for Iron and Silicon Isotope Fractionation during Earth's Core Formation
- Factor Analysis of Multitemporal Lake Mapping on the Alaskan North Slope
- First Principles Calculations Of Lattice Thermal Conductivity Of MgO At High Temperature And High Pressure
- Geophysical Anomalies and Earthquake Prediction
- Global and seasonal assessment of interactions between climate and vegetation
- Gravity Wave Relations in Density Coordinates and Application to Constant Density Balloon Data
- Greenland Ice Sheet Annually-resolved Accumulation Rates (1958-2007), a Spatially Calibrated Model
- Heliospheric Evolution of Small-Scale Magnetic Structures
- Hexagonal Diamonds (Lonsdaleite) Discovered in the K/T Impact Layer in Spain and New Zealand
- High-resolution Paleolimnological Evidence of Climate Variability in the Central Canadian Arctic During the Past 2000 Years
- Human perturbation to atmospheric phosphorus
- Hydrologic drainage of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Identification of large-scale stratospheric 10-hour waves in the Antarctic polar vortex
- Impact-Shocked diamonds, Abrupt Ecosystem Disruption, and Mammoth Extinction on California's Northern Channel Islands at the Allerod-Younger Dryas Boundary (13.0-12.9 ka)
- Initial Implementation of the "Earthquake Locator Interactive Demonstration (ELID)" in Introductory Earth Science Courses
- Integrated Isotopic Dating and Geospeedometry: Timescales of Rhyolite Rejuvenation and Crystallization at Yellowstone
- Integrating Soft Data into Hydrologic Modeling to Improve Post-fire Parameter Estimates
- Inter-annual variability in snow cover depletion and snow water equivalent in the Sierra Nevada inferred from MODIS data
- Inter-mineral Magnesium Isotope Fractionation in the Mantle and Implications for the Supra-chondritic 25Mg/24Mg of Earth
- Interactions between reactive iodine species and urban pollution at North American coastal sites
- Laboratory Models of Librationally-Driven Flow in Planetary Core and Sub-Surface Oceans.
- Linking Climate With Hydrologic and Sediment Transport in Southern California's Coastal Watersheds
- Linking Climate and Anthropogenic Signals with Groundwater Levels in a Southern California Watershed
- Lion roar emissions observed by the CLUSTER and THEMIS spacecraft
- Local sea-ice influence on Greenland surface melt
- MJO in four years of EOS MLS UT/LS Temperature and Composition
- Mars Polar Cold Spots: Modeling and Observation With MRO/Mars Climate Sounder
- Mass-dependent and independent fractionation of Mo and Re
- Model Reduction in Groundwater Modeling and Management
- Molecular Signatures of Microbial Metabolism in an Actively Growing, Silicified, Microbial Structure from Yellowstone National Park
- New statistics for precipitation-water vapor relationships for climate model evaluation
- Next-Day Earthquake Forecasts for California
- Non-Vertical Dips of the Southern San Andreas Fault and their Relationships to Mantle Velocities, Crustal Tectonics, and Earthquake Hazard
- PFISR observations of the nightside Region-2 electrodynamics during substorm growth and expansion phases: preliminary results
- Paleoenvironmental Implications of Shoreline Chronology of Qinghai Lake, northeast Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Peru Subduction Zone Seismic Experiment (PeruSZE): Preliminary Results From a Seismic Network Between Mollendo and Lake Titicaca, Peru.
- Presence of all Three Allotropes of Impact-Diamonds in the Younger Dryas Onset Layer (YDB) Across N America and NW Europe
- Radiance assimilation shows promise for snowpack characterization: a 1-d case study
- Rapid Response of Sediment Plumes to Greenland Ice-Sheet Surface Melt
- Rayleigh wave dispersion on the Acapulco-Tampico transect in Mexico
- Recent Rift Volcanism in the Northern Gulf of California and the Salton Through: Why a Preponderance of Evolved Magmas?
- Reconnection Between Magnetic Flux Ropes in a Laboratory Plasma
- Regional Parameter Sensitivity and Uncertainty Estimates for the NWS SACramento Soil Moisture Accounting Model (SAC-SMA)
- Relative Effects of Nonredox vs. Redox on Fe2+/Fe3+ Equilibrium Isotopic Fractionation in Aqueous Solutions
- Remote sensing of suspended sediment concentration, flow velocity, and lake replenishment in the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Canada
- Representation of the Southern Hemisphere Zonally Asymmetric Circulation by the Dominant Climate Modes
- Satellite-based Wetland Mapping in High Latitudes
- Science and Engineering of the Environment of Los Angeles: A GK-12 Experiment at Developing Science Communications Skills in UCLA's Graduate Program
- Seasonal and Annual Variability of Hydrologic Fluxes in Post-fire Watersheds in Southern California
- Self - Organization of Zonal Flows Driven by Drift Mode Turulence in Space and Astrophysical Plasmas
- SensorKit: An End-to-End Solution for Environmental Sensor Networking
- Should we plant trees to offset greenhouse gas emissions in semi-arid environments?
- Simulations and Observations of Vortices Near Saturn's Dawn Magnetopause
- Simulations of Pitch-angle Scattering of Relativistic Electrons With MLT-Dependent Diffusion Coefficients
- Simulations of Tsunami Effects in the F-Region Ionosphere
- Space Physics Concepts addressed in the California and National Science Content Standards
- Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Mercury in Post-fire Soils in Southern California Watersheds
- Spatial variations of seismic parameters and seismic properties in California
- Spatial, Seasonal, and Interannual Variability of Snow Accumulation Control Mechanisms in two Neighboring Alpine and Sub-alpine Catchments in California's Seasonally Snow- covered Southern Sierra Nevada
- Spatio-temporal dynamics of snow cover in the Western Tibetan Plateau using a MODIS derived fractional snow cover index.
- Speciation of Aqueous Silica at High pH Using Raman Spectroscopy
- Spectral Irradiance Variations and Magnetic Field Changes During Solar Cycle 23.
- Tailward flows with northward magnetic field in the Earth's magenetotail
- Testability of forecasts from fault-based and earthquake-based simulators
- The Effect of Aerosol Deposition on Snow Albedo Reduction in the Sierra Nevada Mountains
- The GENESIS Mission: Solar Wind Isotopic and Elemental Compositions and Their Implications
- The Impact of 100 Years of Wildfires on Mercury Accumulation in Sediment Cores From Two Lakes in Southern California, USA
- The Influence of Antarctic Sea Ice on the Variability of the Southern Hemisphere Annular Mode.
- The Influence of Hydrologic Variability on Peatland Dynamics
- The Influence of Rainfall, Vegetation, Elephants and People on Fire Frequency of Miombo Woodlands, Northern Mozambique
- The Influence of Source Landforms, Antecedent Precipitation, and Winds on Dust Events in North Africa
- The Juno Synchrotron Emission Investigation
- The Late Cambrian SPICE Event: A Global Carbon Cycle Perturbation
- The nonlinear interaction of radiation-belt electrons with large amplitude chorus
- The pulse of large silicic magmatic systems
- Thermoelasticity and phase relations of Fe2SiO4 composition at P and T conditions of the mantle
- Using satellite data for evaluating the coupled WRF-CMAQ modeling system for use in studying the impact of climate change on air quality in the Western United States
- Wind Erosion and Vegetation Structure in Groundwater Affected Plant Communities
- 1D Hybrid Simulations of Ion Cyclotron Wave Generation by Pickup Ions at Titan
- A Combined A-Train Perspective on Upper-Tropospheric Humidity and Radiative Heating
- A Global Observing System for Mars: The dual satellite Mars Astrobiology and Climate Observatory (MACO)
- A New Method for Identifying SMCs
- A Non-coordination Criterion - A New Mechanical Model for Brittle Faulting in Anisotropic Media due to the Presence of Pre-existing Weakness
- A Real-Time Groundwater Management Model Using Data Assimilation
- A Simple Method to Predict Threshold Shear Velocity in the Field
- A carbon accumulation maximum during the Medieval Climate Anomaly in the world’s biggest bog, Siberia
- A mechanistic approach for estimating snowpack dynamics in a conifer forest
- Along-strike Variation of Himalayan Drainage Patterns and the Role of Tectonic Development, Climate Condition, and Thickness Distribution of Foreland Sediments
- An Integrated Uncertainty Analysis and Ensemble-based Data Assimilation Framework for Operational Snow Predictions
- Analyses of a hierarchy of frozen soil models for cold region study
- Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variability of Enterococci Concentration at Santa Monica Municipal Pier, California
- Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variability of Enterococci Concentrations at Santa Monica Municipal Pier, California
- Analysis of Springtime Lake-Ice Coverage on the Western Arctic Coastal Plain of Northern Alaska Using Historical Landsat Imagery
- Analysis of synoptic conditions during VOCALS-REx
- Application of a Bayesian snow water equivalent reconstruction technique to a mountainous basin in the Sierra Nevada
- Applying CloudSat/A-Train and ECMWF analyses to constrain and evaluate cloud, convection and radiation parameterizations in climate models
- Applying new methodologies for quantifying total vegetation cover in arid regions using MODIS data
- Are Spontaneous Earthquakes Stationary In California?
- Assessing the Impact of Permafrost Degradation on Lake Dynamics at Pan-Arctic Scale
- Assessing the dust generation potential of soils/sediments in Southern Kalahari
- Assessing the impact of Quaternary climate change on landscape evolution using luminescence dating
- Assessing the role of fluids in episodic tremor and slip events using active seismic sources: results from a prototype experiment in Cascadia (Invited)
- Atmospheric River Impacts on the Precipitation and Snowpack in California during the 2008-09 Cold Season
- Azimuthal Anisotropy Signature in the Great Basin Lithosphere from Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity Maps
- Cassini Plasma Spectrometer Ion Observations Close to Enceladus: E3, E5 and E7
- Challenges and Innovations in Data Assimilation for Radiation Belts
- Classroom management at the university level: lessons from a former high school earth science teacher
- Climatic Effects of Contrail Cirrus over the Western United States: A Regional Climate Model Investigation
- Comparison of The Christiansen Feature Position and Lunar Iron: Evidence for Space Weathering Effects
- Connection of Subtropical Anticyclone and the South American Monsoon System
- Constraining Upper Mantle Azimuthal Anisotropy With Free Oscillation Data (Invited)
- Contaminant Flushing From An Urban Fringe Watershed: Insight Into Hydrologic and Soil Dynamics During the Wet Season
- Correlation of Microseisms Properties with Global Ocean Wave Effects
- Coupled U-Pb Dating and Hf Isotopic Analysis of Detrital Zircons from Modern Sand of the Yalu River System (Yarlung Tsangpo) in Southern Tibet: Implications for Himalayan Provenance Analysis and Drainage Reconstruction
- Debris Field of the July 19, 2009, Impact in Jupiter and Its Long-term Evolution
- Decoupling of Monsoon Precipitation and Erosion Rates along the Eastern Nepal Himalaya
- Deposition of N, P and Fe to Terrestrial and Marine Ecosystems (Invited)
- Development and Validation of a MODIS-based Actual Evapotranspiration for Ecosystems in Semi-arid Regions
- Diffusive transport of particles from the flank toward midnight resulting from fluctuating electric and magnetic fields in the plasma sheet
- Distribution of Aboveground Biomass and Productivity of US Forests from Fusion of Multi-scale Remote Sensing
- Diviner observations of crystalline plagioclase-rich regions on the Moon as observed by the Spectral Profiler and Moon Mineralogy Mapper
- Emission Measurements of Lunar Analogues Measured in a Simulated Lunar Environment for Interpretation of Data Returned from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer on NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Equatorward moving auroral signatures of a flow burst observed prior to auroral onset
- Equilibrium carbon and hydrogen isotope fractionation in iron
- Estimation of nuclear volume dependent fractionation of mercury isotopes
- Estuary sediment plume response to surface melting and supraglacial lake drainages on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Examination of the implications of snow model complexity, stratigraphy and grain-size representation on SWE estimation via passive microwave radiance data assimilation (Invited)
- Examining the scale dependence of the statistical relationship between snow depth and microwave radiance (Invited)
- Excursions into the strong precipitation regime; long tails in water vapor and other tracers (Invited)
- Fast flow pattern associated with the dipolarization region: THEMIS observation
- Fine-grained impact ejecta on the Moon: Views from Earth-based radar and the LRO Diviner thermal mapper
- Global and seasonal assessment of interactions between climate and vegetation biophysical processes using GCM and a preliminary comparison with the assessment from satellite products
- Heat transfer and thermal mixing in planetary dynamo models
- High-Temperature Fractionation of Ni Stable Isotopes Between Metal and Silicates: Constraints from Experimental Study at 800°C and 10 kbar
- Holocene hydroclimate variability in the Uinta Mountains, Utah inferred from tree-rings and diatoms
- Hough Transform Used to Detect Body to Surface Wave Converted phases from Bathymetric Topography Associated with a Trench
- How completely do A-Train satellite instruments observe tropical upper tropospheric water vapor?
- Impacts of the 2006 Day Fire on water quality in Piru Creek watershed, California
- Integrating long-term science projects into K-12 curriculum: Fostering teacher-student engagement in urban environmental research through an NSF UCLA GK-12 program
- Interactions Between Wind Erosion, Vegetation Structure, and Soil Stability in Groundwater Dependent Plant Communities
- Investigating Arsenic Mobilization Mechanisms as well as Complexation Between Arsenic and Polysulfides Associated With a Bangladeshi Rice Paddy
- Investigating the impact of soil moisture and atmospheric stability on cloud development and distribution using a coupled large eddy simulation-land surface model
- Investigation of the Geometry and Kinematics of the Main Frontal Thrust Zone of the Eastern Himalaya Reveals Eastward Increasing Quaternary Himalayan Convergence Rate
- Investigation of the impacts of vegetation distribution and evaporative cooling on urban climate using a coupled LES-LSM model
- LRO Diviner Lunar Radiometer: Compositional Investigation Coverage and Early Results
- LRO Diviner Radiometer and the Apollo 15 Heat Flow Experiment
- LRO Diviner: First Look at Lunar Global Temperatures and Thermophysical Properties
- Laboratory Measurements of Electrostatic Solitary Structures Generated by Beam Injection
- Lake Evaporation On the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska: Results From an Energy Balance Study of a Thermokarst Lake Near Barrow, Alaska
- Lattice Thermal Conductivity of MgSiO3 Perovskite at Lower Mantle Conditions: A First-Principles Study
- Li isotope fractionation in aragonite precipitated from seawater at different rates
- Long term periodicities in a Venus Atmosphere General Circulation Model
- Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Observations in Support of the LCROSS Mission
- Lunar obliquity during a Cassini-state transition
- Mapping Glacial Lakes on the Tibetan Plateau with Landsat TM/ETM+ Imagery
- Melt Water Export from the Greenland Inland Ice Investigated with Stream Observation and a Linear Reservoir Network Model
- Mercury speciation in the presence of polysulfides and dissolved organic matter with implications for bioavailability for mercury methylation
- Methane-bearing fluids in subduction zones: an experimental study of abiotic methanogenesis during serpentinization at 12 kbar and 300°C
- Modeling the Evolution of Plasma Phase Space Density During a Period of Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Multi-point observations of large-amplitude electric fields during substorms obtained by THEMIS
- Multi-scale observations and modeling of the snowpack in a forested Sierra Nevada catchment
- Natural Variation of 238U/235U in Geo- and Cosmochemistry
- Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging of the 2009 Jupiter impact debris field: Constraints on particle composition, size and vertical distribution
- Nonlinear evolution of the EMIC waves in homogenous and inhomogeneous systems
- Numerical Simulations of Core Convection with Boundary Topography
- Numerical modeling of plasmaspheric hiss characteristics
- OSL-thermochronology: introduction, application and limitations
- Observation of Jupiter's Electron Radiation Belts Dynamics on Time-Scales of Days
- Optical Signatures of Ground-based VLF Transmitter-Induced Electron Precipitation from the Radiation Belts
- Optimization of European Call Options Considering Physical Delivery Network and Reservoir Operation Rules
- Pc 5 Spectral Density at ULTIMA stataions and its Radial Diffusion Coefficients for REE
- Peru Subduction Experiment (PERUSE) Preliminary results of Gravity measurements, Earthquake locations and Regional Seismicity in Southern Peru
- Possible origin and production pathway for BrO at Summit, Greenland
- Potential Effects of Speciation on Equilibrium Fe3+/Fe2+ Isotopic Fractionation, based on Ab Initio Models of Aqueous Fe-Cl and Fe-S Complexes
- Predicting Earthquake Response of Civil Structures from Ambient Noise
- Prospective testing of Coulomb short-term earthquake forecasts
- Pulsating auroras observed by a 30-Hz all-sky imager during the THEMIS-ground campaign on January 2008
- Radiative Heat Transfer at the Core Mantle Boundary with Emissivity Measurements at High Pressures and Temperatures and Improved Temperature Measurements
- Rapid Loss of the Outer Belt Electrons due to Storm-Time EMIC Waves
- Reduced order parameter estimation using quasilinearization and quadratic programming
- Relationships between dayside field-aligned currents and particle precipitation
- Remote Sensing of Endorheic Lakes and Analysis of their Aridity at Global Scale
- Response of vegetation cover to drought and fire in arid and semiarid environments (Invited)
- Retrieval of Cirrus Cloud Properties from AIRS Data Using SARTA with Delta-Four Stream Approximation Steve S. C. Ou1, Brian Kahn2, K. N. Liou1, Y. Takano1, and Q. Yue2 1Joint Institute for Regional Earth System Science and Engineering University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 2Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California
- Role of Diffusion in Transport of Cold Dense Plasma Near the Magnetopause Deep Into the Magnetosphere: THEMIS Observations
- Saturn's Periodic Magnetosphere: our Deepest Mystery so far? (Invited)
- Seasonal and Interannual Lake Dynamics and Shoreline Development on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska
- Sediment-driven mercury transport in post-fire storm runoff
- Snow Radiance Assimilation Studies
- Solubility of albite or jadeite + quartz + paragonite in H2O at 500 °C and 600 °C, 1 - 2.2 GPa
- Speciation of Aqueous Silica at Elevated PT Using Raman Spectroscopy
- Spend Less, Get More? Using Low-Cost Accelerometers to Calculate Building Responses
- Substorm Onset by new Plasma Intrusion 3: THEMIS Spacecraft Observations
- Synergetic use of MODIS and AIRS by using spectral and spatial characterization: Possibilities and errors under varying conditions of cloudiness
- THEMIS Observations of Field Line Resonance Excitation in Responce to a Solar Wind Pressure Pulse
- Temporary and Spatial Variations of Ionospheric Flow Signatures Associated with PBIs and Substorms
- The Case for Ceres: Report to the Planetary Science Decadal Survey Committee
- The Case for a Geocentric rather than Heliocentric Origin of the Late Stage Heavy Bombardment (LHB) of the Moon and Tidal Evolution of its Orbit
- The Impact of Buoyancy Reversal in Stratocumulus-Topped Marine Boundary Layers
- The Potential Utility of High-P, High-T Synrock Standards Made by Ultracomminution of Natural Materials
- The Stability and Equation of State of Stishovite in the Lower Mantle
- The high pressure and temperature equation of state of wustite in the lower mantle
- The influence of Southern Hemisphere atmospheric stationary eddies on Antarctic sea ice variability and trends
- The potential of THEMIS satellite and ground-based measurements for data mining
- The relationship between Silicon fractionation properties of silicate minerals at equilibrium and Si-O bondlengths: a First-Principles Density Functional Study
- Theory and Simulations of Interaction of Radiation Belt Electrons with MHD Waves
- Thermal Evolution and Composition of the July 2009 Jupiter Impact Site from 7-25 Micron Imaging and Spectroscopy
- Thermal and Near-Infrared Structural Evolution of the 2009 Wesley Jupiter Impact from 1.5-24.5 Micron Imaging
- Three-dimensional ray tracing of VLF waves in a magnetospheric environment containing a plasmaspheric plume (Invited)
- Tidal bedform characteristics in the Jade and Weser tidal inlet channels, German North Sea coast
- Time series analysis of strain accumulation across the Haiyuan fault, Gansu, China, over the 2003-2009 period from ENVISAT InSAR data
- Tokunaga Networks
- Topographic and Climatic Controls on Snow Cover Duration in the Sierra Nevada (Invited)
- Two-dimensional, average velocity field across the Asal Rift, Djibouti from 1997-2008 RADARSAT data
- Uplift and Exhumation along the Arun River (Eastern Nepal): Implications for the Mechanism of Uplift of the High Himalaya and the Coupling between Erosion and Tectonics (Invited)
- Using Fallout Radionuclides to Quantify Timescales of Soil Deflation due to Ecological Change in Owens Valley, California
- Using a database of multi-frequency radar reflectivity profiles to quantify the benefits of 35GHz+94GHz retrievals of rain characteristics
- Zircon-Scale Insights Into the History of a Supervolcano, Bishop Tuff, Long Valley, California - With Implications for the Ti-in-Zircon Geothermometer
- A Basin-based Analysis of Global Lake Stress from Scarcity of Sustainable Water Resource
- A Multi-Scale Three-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation System and Its Application to Cloud Resolving Models
- A Multi-Sensor Perspective on the Tropical Interannual Variability of Humidity and Clouds
- A comparison of Ground-Based LiDAR, contact spectroscopy, FMCW radar, and manual snow pit profiles of a mountain snowpack
- A comparison of field methods for grain size characterization in the context of passive microwave modeling of snow
- A projection of the impact of climate change on California's major watersheds during the mid-21st century period
- A role of magnetopause shadowing on relativistic electron loss of the outer radiation belt
- Accessibility Dynamics in a Warming Arctic
- AirSWOT: An Airborne Platform for Surface Water Monitoring
- An Electron Diffusion Region Resolved with Multiple Plasma Diagnostics by Polar
- An integrated uncertainty analysis and data assimilation approach for improved streamflow predictions
- Analysis of coherent structures during the 2009 CABINEX field campaign: Implications for atmospheric chemistry
- Arctic Lake Water Temperature Patterns as Impacted by Climatic and Geomorphic Controls
- Assessing the Impact of Droughts on Tropical Forests Using Spaceborne Microwave and Optical Observations
- Auroral Power and Magnetic Wave Activity During Substorms
- Azimuthal Anisotropy in Mexico from Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity Maps and Shear-Wave Splitting
- Azimuthal Anisotropy in the High Lava Plains of Oregon From Rayleigh Wave Analyses
- Azimuthal Pressure Gradient and Associated Auroral Development in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet Soon Before Substorm Onset
- Cellphones as a Distributed Platform for Black Carbon Data Collection
- Changes in contaminant loading and hydro-chemical storm behavior after the Station Fire
- Characterization of Superhard Solids to Mbar Pressures (Invited)
- Characterizing effects of wind erosion on soil microtopography in a semiarid grassland using terrestrial laser scanning
- Characterizing planetary cores with spin and gravity measurements (Invited)
- Charge-State and Plasma Properties Across Trailing Boundaries of Slow Solar Wind
- Charged particle drifts in Saturn's inner and middle equatorial magnetosphere using different magnetospheric field models
- Cloud Top Properties of AIRS V6
- Coarse root structure in water-limited ecosystems: Results of large-scale tree and shrub excavations across a rainfall gradient in Southern Africa
- Contrasting protracted and punctuated zircon growth in two syn-erupted rhyolite magmas from Tarawera volcano: insights to the heterogeneity of crystal mush
- Dayside field-aligned current source regions
- Decadal trends of RSMA-based GV and NPV in western China during 2000-2008
- Developing the capability to monitor and predict California coastal upwelling using an ocean circulation model
- Digital cameras as environmental sensors (Invited)
- Discovery of pulsed polar flares in the Jovian aurorae
- Dust emissions and dune mobilization in the southern Kalahari: possible effects on biotic-abiotic interactions in the Earth system (Invited)
- Dynamic downscaling of CFS winter seasonal simulations over the United States using the ETA/SSIB-3 model
- Early Human Occupation on the Northeast Tibetan Plateau
- Ecohydrological response to snowmelt dynamics from plot to regional scales
- Escape of O+ Through the Distant Tail Plasma Sheet
- Estimating River Baseflow Depth from Swath Altimetry: Initial Results
- Estimating under-canopy ablation in a subalpine red-fir forest, southern Sierra Nevada, California
- Eutrophication in an Urban Estuary: Famosa Slough, California
- Evolution of the Hot Component Ions during AN Extended Interval of Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Experimental Design for Groundwater Pumping Estimation Using a Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD)
- Extreme mechanical properties of materials under extreme pressure and temperature conditions (Invited)
- Eyjafjallajokull volcanic ash concentrations determined from CALIOP and SEVIRI measurements (Invited)
- Field Collection Efforts of Snowpack Properties in Support of Remote Sensing Applications
- Field Studies—Essential Cognitive Foundations for Geoscience Expertise
- Fostering K-12 Inquiry-based Lesson Development on Regional Water Resource Issues in Los Angeles Urban Schools through the NSF UCLA SEE-LA GK-12 program
- Free Energy to Drive the Magnetosonic Instability at Geosynchronous Orbit
- From Earth to Titan: The Effects of a Strong Seasonal Cycle on Superrotation
- Generating synthetic seismogram envelopes along the MASE array for a vertical dependent heterogeneous model
- Greenland Ice Margin Processes Inferred from Terrestrial River Discharge
- Heat transport by turbulent rotating convection and magnetoconvection in liquid gallium
- Heterogeneity of Snow Water Equivalent Derived from MODIS Imagery and the Isnobal Snowmelt Model (Invited)
- Hybrid Simulations of EMIC waves In Dipolar Magnetic Field
- Impact of Aerosols on Photolysis Frequencies during CALNEX-LA
- Impact of land use change on wind erosion and dust emission: scenarios from the central US
- Improving long-term ENSO prediction by using ``weather'' noise
- Integrating Landsat7 ETM+ and MODIS Products for Improved Spatial and Temporal Evapotranspiration Estimates
- Integrating MODIS-based products to improve post-fire recovery predictions for burned watersheds in Southern California
- Intense plasma wave emissions associated with Saturn's moon Rhea
- Interannual Variability in Radiative Forcing and Snowmelt Rates by Desert Dust in Snowcover in the Colorado River Basin
- Intercomparison of Nitrous Acid (HONO) Measurement Techniques during SHARP
- Investigating impacts of soil moisture and atmospheric stability on land-ABL interactions and cloud development (Invited)
- Investigating water quality response to wind-driven upwelling events in the Salton Sea, CA using multi-temporal MODIS satellite imagery
- Investigations of Variability on Multi-Year Timescales in a Venus Atmosphere GCM
- Ionospheric Flow Shear Associated with Poleward Boundary Intensification (PBI)
- Lake Dynamics in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions of Central Asia and Their Responses to Climate Changes
- Lake isotope variability in the Tibetan Plateau
- Land surface processes/land cover change (LCC) and the Tibetan Plateau climate
- Leveraging mobile phones for environmental and agricultural data collection:A look at What's Invasive! and Project BudBurst Mobile (Invited)
- Linking soil moisture with chemical quality of soil organic matter to evaluate belowground carbon storage in savannas
- Maintenance and Variations of Atmospheric Subsidence in the Southeast Pacific
- Modeling Ring Current Ion Anisotropy and Plasma Instability in Non-Dipolar Magnetic Fields
- Modeling the effects of the mountain pine beetle on snowmelt rates in a subalpine forest
- Models of Seismic Velocity and Anisotropy For the Great Basin, Nevada
- Modulation of whistler-mode chorus waves
- Numerical Simulations of Core Convection with Boundary Topography (Invited)
- Observational test of the interchange stability associated with near-tail dipolarizations
- OpenGGCM-CRCM simulation results of the 22 July 2009 storm compared with TWINS and THEMIS observations
- Origin of the F-Layer by ``Snowfall'' in the Earth's Core
- Overview and Major Findings of the Study of Houston Atmospheric Radical Precursors (SHARP) Campaign
- Physicochemical and Toxicological Characteristics of Semi-volatile Components of Atmospheric Aerosols in an Urban Environment
- Potential for hydrologic monitoring of deep mountain snowpack via passive microwave remote sensing: Kern River basin, Sierra Nevada, USA
- Radiation Parameterization for Climate Models: Some New Perspectives (Invited)
- Remote Sensing of Endorheic Lakes and Analysis of their Aridity at Global Scale
- Response of Jupiter's Electron Belt to a Comet-like Impact
- Seafloor bathymetry and gravity from the ALBACORE marine seismic experiment offshore southern California
- Simulating plot-scale variability of snowpack states in conifer forests using hemispherical photography and a process based one-dimensional snow model
- Snowpack Estimates Improve Water Resources Climate-Change Adaptation Strategies
- Soil-litter Mixing Accelerates Decomposition and May Promote Soil Aggregate Formation in the Chihuahuan Desert
- Space-borne and ground-based observations of transient processes occurring around substorm onset
- Spectrogoniometric Measurements and Modeling of Apollo 16 Soil 68810
- Statistical Study of Magnetic Fluctuation Features Associated with Near-tail Dipolarizations Observed by the THEMIS Spacecraft
- Structure of the Subduction System in Southern Peru from Seismic Array Data
- Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy on Carbonate Fluids at High Pressures: A New Technique to Study Fluid Species Under Geologically Relevant Conditions
- Testing the sensitivity of terrestrial carbon models using remotely sensed biomass estimates
- The 2010 Southern California Ocean Bottom Seismometer Deployment
- The Auroral and Ground-Magnetic Response to Different Magnetotail Drivers
- The Field and Particle Environment at Mimas (Invited)
- The Ganymede Interior, Surface, and Magnetosphere Observer (GISMO) Mission Concept
- The Global Current System in Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere
- The Inner Edge of the Plasma Sheet
- The Networked Naturalist - Mobile devices for Citizen Science
- The Role of Ice-Push Shoreline Features in the Orientation of Thaw Lakes
- The impact of atmospheric rivers on the cold season hydrology in California
- The mass-loading from Enceladus' plume
- Towards OSL-thermochronology, a new thermochrometer of very low closure temperature (Invited)
- Towards remote sensing of river discharge from space (Invited)
- Uncertainties of Parameter Estimates in Earthquake Clustering Models
- Understanding Uncertainties Surrounding Low-Cloud Climate Feedback in Transient Climate Change
- Understanding the socio-demographic and climate impacts on total and landscape water use in the City of Los Angeles
- Updated Saturn Interior Models: Implications for Its Rotation Period
- Using Remote Sensing for Water Resource Management (Invited)
- Validation of a Bayesian reconstruction approach to estimate snow water equivalent via assimilation of MODIS fractional SCA data
- Variability of AIRS Infrared Spectra in the Presence of Clouds Observed by MODIS
- Variations in the Rotational Modulation of Saturn Kilometric Radiation and Their Relationship to Magnetic Periodicities Observed Before and Near Equinox
- Water Mass Formation in an eddy-resolving state estimate ECCO2
- 4 Vesta in Color: High Resolution Mapping from Dawn Framing Camera Images
- 4 Vesta in Color: Lithologic heterogeneity from Dawn Framing Camera Images
- A 2000-yr record of the extent of decomposition and vegetation change in peats from the Western Siberian Lowland as revealed from carbohydrate, lignin and amino acid analyses
- A Bayesian algorithm for estimation of river depth, roughness and discharge from SWOT measurements of height and inundated area
- A GIS modeled DEM-based hydrologic watershed network of the Greenland Ice Sheet and non-ice land surface areas
- A Pan-Arctic Assessment of High-Latitude Lake Change ~25 Years Apart
- A Satellite-Ground Study of Magnetospheric ULF Waves with High Azimuthal Wavenumbers
- A Statistical Survey of the Distant Magnetotail using THEMIS/ARTEMIS: Insights into Plasma Distribution and Transport
- A mid-crustal strain-transfer model for continental deformation: A new perspective from high-resolution deep seismic-reflection profiling across NE Tibet
- A numerical investigation on the properties of the modal Green's functions of microseisms
- A series of tilted flux ropes and related TCRs observed by ARTEMIS
- Air-sea CO2 flux estimates from two data-constrained ocean models for the NASA Carbon Monitoring Study Flux Pilot Project and their impact on atmospheric CO2 concentration variability
- An Empirically Derived Method for Remotely-Sensed Estimation of River Depth
- An Investigation of Regolith Cover on Ejecta Blocks: Implications for Regolith Development
- Assimilation of Plasma Density Measurements Into the Dynamic Global Core Plasma Model
- Automated Tree Crown Delineation and Biomass Estimation from Airborne LiDAR data: A Comparison of Statistical and Machine Learning Methods
- Biotic-abiotic feedbacks in desertification: a modeling perspective on connectivity
- Bounce-averaging of scattering rates in a realistic field model
- Broadband Ground Motion Simulations for a Kinematic Variation of the Mw 7.8 ShakeOut Rupture
- BudBurst Mobile and the Floracaching game
- Characterizing Air Masses in the Lower Troposphere (< 2 km) during the 2011 Student Airborne Program (SARP) Mission in Southern California
- Climate Model Simulation of Antarctic Sea Ice and Interaction with Leading Modes of Atmospheric Circulation
- Cognitive Factors that Impact Learning in the Field: Observations from an REU Project on Precambrian Rocks of Yellowstone National Park
- Comparative Thermoelastic Properties of FeO, NiO, and CoO at High Pressures and Temperatures: Implications for Element Partitioning in the Mantle
- Comparison of electric field observations between THEMIS satellites and their ionospheric conjugate points
- Composite Study Of Aerosol Long-Range Transport Events From East Asia And North America
- Constraining Erosion Timescales and Magnitudes with Multiple Fallout Radionuclide Tracers in Owens Valley, CA
- Constraining the Assimilation of SWOT Satellite Observations Using Hydraulic Geometry Relationships
- Controls on Greenland Ice Sheet Runoff from a Land Terminating Glacier
- Coupled Estimation of Surface Heat fluxes and Vegetation Dynamics From Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature and Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation
- Definitive mapping in the late growth phase
- Deglaciation, Basin Formation and Post-Glacial Climate Change from a Regional Network of Sediment Core Sites in Ohio and Eastern Indiana
- Development and validation of the Noah-Urban Canopy Model for two distinct urban climates in the Los Angeles basin
- Development of High Resolution Multi-platform Satellite Products for Hydrologic Applications
- Development of a new platform for airborne measurements of atmospheric CO2 and CH4 and comparison with GOSAT measurements at Railroad Valley playa, Nevada
- Development of urban water consumption models for the City of Los Angeles
- Effect of land-use on sediment fluxes, dune mobilization, and soil nutrient loss in the southern Kalahari
- Electrostatic solitary waves generated by beam injection in LAPD
- Energetic Particles at Dipolarization Fronts in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet
- Estimating the Mg II Index from 1961 Through 1981 Using Ca II K Images from the MtWilson Observatory
- Estimation of Aboveground Biomass at a High Spatial Resolution Using an Extensive Data Record of Satellite Derived Metrics: A Case Study with California
- Evaluation of the multi-model CORDEX-Africa hindcast using RCMES
- Evidence for plasma transport via kinetic Alfven waves at the magnetopause: An event study of THEMIS observations
- Evidence of Space Weathering Processes Across the Surface of Vesta
- Evolution of PSD radial profiles at the outer radiation belt associated with geosynchronous flux dropouts: THEMIS observations
- Expanding Urban Metabolism: Coupling Methodologies and Integrating Social Factors, a Pilot for Los Angeles County
- Factors Affecting the Clumped Isotope Signature of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Carbonate Minerals
- Feasibility of Monitoring Freeze-Thaw State of Soil Underlying Snowpack Using Multifrequency Active/Passive Microwave Measurements
- Field Line Resonance Measurements in the Inner Magnetosphere During Large Storms: Implications for Convection and Depletion
- First Observations of a Foreshock Bubble: Implications for Global Magnetospheric Dynamics and Particle Acceleration
- Fish Canyon Tuff Apatite: A New Look At An Old Low-Temperature Thermochronology Standard
- Functional connectivity as a possible indicator of desertification in degraded grasslands
- Geochemical mapping of 4 Vesta begins
- Global Magnetospheric Response to an Interplanetary Shock: THEMIS Observations
- Global Pickup Oxygen Ion Precipitation in the Martian Thermosphere: Distributions, Effects, and Implications
- Global Transition Zone Anisotropy and Consequences for Mantle Flow and Earth's Deep Water Cycle
- Global ionospheric currents driven by storm-time electric fields
- Hemispherically Asymmetric Superrotation in a Model Venus Atmosphere with Realistic Topography
- Highlights and Challenges in Education, Outreach, and Undergraduate Mentoring from an NSF Hydrologic Sciences CAREER Award
- Hot Flow Anomalies & Foreshock Cavities - Are They the Same Thing?
- Hydrologic controls on coastal suspended sediment plumes around the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Impact of Rossby wave breakings on the Precipitation over Pacific - North America during YOTC
- Importance of nitryl chloride to the radical budget in a continental region
- Improving radiative transfer processes in snow-covered areas prone to dust loading using a regional climate model
- In Situ Data Processing With Workflow-based Embedded Cyberinfrastructure (emCI)
- In situ study on δ<SUP>11</SUP>B and B/Ca in synthetic aragonite and calcite: the effect of growth rate and temperature
- Incorporating multi-platform remote sensing products for prediction of post-fire hydrologic recovery
- Initial Results of the Dawn Gravity Investigation at Vesta
- Inter-annual Variability of High-Resolution Infrared Spectra, Cloud Properties and Thermodynamic Profiles Sorted by Cloud Regime using Aqua AIRS and MODIS
- Inter-annual snow accumulation and melt patterns in a sub-alpine mixed conifer forest: results from a distributed physically based snow model
- Interannual Variability in Dust Deposition, Radiative Forcing, and Snowmelt Rates in the Colorado River Basin
- Intrinsic and scattering attenuation results from seismic network data in California, Peru, and Mexico
- Investigation on a dayside poloidal ULF wave event on 29 May 2007
- Ion acceleration by fast magnetosonic waves and their role in ring current radiation belt coupling
- Lake Dynamics in the Central and Downstream Yangtze Basin in Response to Water Level Modulation in the Three Gorges Dam
- Lead Isotopes in Highway Runoff
- Learning Plate Tectonics Using a Pre-Analogy Step
- Limits on the Abundance and Burial Depth of Lunar Polar Ice
- MJO-related Atlantic Marine, Dust, and Smoke Aerosol Variability
- Macro vs. Micro: relating the Spectral Properties of Vesta and the HED Meteorite
- Magnetic Holes in the Vicinity of Dipolarization Front
- Mapping Northern Vesta Quadrangle V-5NW: Investigating Crater Degradation and Ancient Structures
- Mapping Vesta Equatorial Quadrangle V-10EW: Identification of Dark (Volcanic?) Features
- Mapping Vesta Equatorial Quadrangle V-6EE: Identification of Pit Crater Chains
- Mapping Vesta Equatorial Quadrangle V-7EFE: Identification of anomalous crater ejecta
- Mapping Vesta Mid-Latitude Quadrangle V-11SE: Analysis of Dark "Ribbons" and Bright Rayed Craters
- Mapping Vesta's Northern Quadrangle V-4NFW: Local and Regional Stratigraphy
- Measurements of snow microstructure using field and laboratory methods across an elevational gradient in Colorado, USA
- Measurements of the potential and current structures of auroral-like plasma terminating on neutral gas
- Measuring thermal conductivity at high pressure and temperature in the laser-heated diamond anvil cell
- Mercury Lithosphere and Crustal Properties from MESSENGER Orbital Observations
- Mercury's Gravity Field After The First Months Of MESSENGER'S Orbital Phase
- Mesoscale Eddies in the Solomon Sea
- Model Reduction of a Transient Groundwater-Flow Model for Bayesian Inverse Problems
- Modeling gravity and magnetic field anomalies at Tyrrhenus Mons and Syrtis Major, Mars: Evidence for polar wander, magnetic reversals, and the death of the dynamo
- Modeling of Current Sheet Dynamics Observed by THEMIS
- Modifying patch-scale connectivity to initiate landscape change: an experimental approach to link scales
- Modulation of Hurricane Activity by the Tropical Intraseasonal Variability over the Eastern Pacific in a High Resolution GCM: Implications for Subseasonal Hurricane Prediction
- Monitoring Land Use Change in the Santa Monica Mountains
- Morphology and dynamics of three interacting kink-unstable flux ropes in a laboratory magnetoplasma
- Mountain front precipitation accumulation over a 3300m elevation gradient from scanning LiDAR snow depth and in-situ instrumental measurements, southern Sierra Nevada, California
- Multi-scale characterization of sub-pixel effects for microwave remote sensing of snow
- Net effect of firehose and mirror instabilities on plasma dynamics: more collisions or more viscosity?
- Nonlinear Phase Bunching of Radiation Belt Electrons
- Paleolimnological evidence for abrupt climate change in the central Canadian Arctic at 8200 cal yr BP
- Partitioning Native and Imported Source Contributions and their Uncertainties for Urban Runoff in Los Angeles
- Planning and Design of Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plants Marine Outfalls
- Possible Activity on Dione: Synergistic Observations from Cassini
- Possible link between detrital Jack Hills zircons and the Late Heavy Bombardment
- Post-fire hydrologic model assessment for peak flow estimates across diverse watersheds and climate conditions
- Potential for obtaining optimal snow states estimation by assimilating space-borne passive microwave measurements into surface snow modeling
- Preliminary Core-Mantle Boundary Heat Flux Map
- Preliminary Results from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer's NEOWISE Search for Minor Planets
- Profound change of the near-Earth radiation environment caused by solar superstorms
- Recent Advances in Magnetoseismology Using Network Observations by Ground Magnetometers
- Replacing climatological potential evapotranspiration estimates with dynamic satellite-based observations in operational hydrologic prediction models
- Resolved X-line and Electron Diffusion Region Detection at Magnetopause Supported by Asymmetric PIC Simulations
- SIERRA-Flux: measuring regional surface fluxes of carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor from an unmanned aircraft system
- Seasonal and Interannual Lake Dynamics on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska
- Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Linkages Along an Urban Elevational Gradient in Humid Tropical Forests
- Soil organic carbon and nitrogen content in savannas: Potential impacts of climate change
- Spatial and temporal analysis of snow water equivalent estimates obtained from a multi-sensor and multi-resolution reconstruction approach
- Spatial and temporal variability in atmospheric CO2 and CH4 at Railroad Valley playa, a mid-latitude desert site
- Structural features on 4Vesta: Observations and analysis
- Structure and anisotropy of the Mexico subduction zone based on Rayleigh-wave analysis and implications for the geometry of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
- TASTER: Trojan ASteroid Tour, Exploration and Rendezvous, a NASA Planetary Science Summer School Mission Design Exercise
- Temporal and spatial variations in the atmospheric column inventory of CO<SUB>2</SUB> due to air-sea gas exchange: estimates from an eddying ocean model
- Testing Segmentation Models
- The Effects of the Prandtl Number on the Dynamics and Morphology of Turbulence in Earth's Core
- The Geophysics of Mercury: Shape, Interior Structure and Thermal Evolution from MESSENGER
- The Inner Edge of the Plasma Sheet
- The Moon's Extremely Insulating Near-Surface: Diviner Infrared Observations of a Total Lunar Eclipse
- The Statistical Uncertainty of Seismicity Rate Analysis
- The Thermal Inertia of Vesta's Surface
- The Variability of Sea Level in the Nordic Seas
- The first STEREO multi-event: Numerical simulation of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) launched on August 1, 2010
- The shape of Mercury's south-polar region
- The summertime energy balance of a thermokarst lake in northern Alaska: A three-year study of seasonal and interannual variability
- Theoretical scaling law for heat transfer by quasi-geostrophic convection
- Three-dimensional Radiation Belt Simulations in Terms of Adiabatic Invariants Using Only One Grid
- Tidal dynamics of the Zanzibar channel in comparison with a regional model
- Time Series of Imaging Spectroscopy of Dust Radiative Forcing in Snow
- Tohoku Earthquake: a Surprise?
- Transitioning from a Sanitary City to a Sustainable City: Drivers and Dynamics in the City of Los Angeles
- Triggering of magnetic reconnection in a magnetosheath current sheet due to compression against the magnetopause
- Turbulent Electric Field and Magnetic Field in the Tail: THEMIS High-Resolution Observations
- Using a semi-automated filtering process to improve large footprint lidar sub-canopy elevation models and forest structure metrics
- Using pattern recognition as a method for predicting extreme events in natural and socio-economic systems
- Utilization of an Enhanced Canonical Correlation Analysis (ECCA) to Predict Daily Precipitation and Temperature in a Semi-Arid Environment
- Vegetation dynamics and climate variability in West Africa at seasonal- decadal Scales
- Verification of Advances in a Coupled Snow-runoff Modeling Framework for Operational Streamflow Forecasts
- Wave Acceleration of Energetic Ions in the Earth's Magnetosheath
- 10
- 3D Data Assimilation using VERB Diffusion Code
- 3D Radiative Transfer Parameterization and the Effect on Surface Processes Based on WRF Simulations
- A Real-Time Data-Assimilative Nowcast/Forecast System for the Gulf of Mexico
- A new analogue-experimental apparatus incorporating thermal weakening and basal shear for investigating lithospheric deformation of the Indo-Asian collision
- A novel technique for rapidly calculating the magnetic drift invariant
- A robust Observation Operator to assimilate rain microwave radiances into HWRF
- An Assessment Summary of Paleo and Contemporary Lake Dynamics across the Tibetan Plateau
- An Automated Method for Delineating Braided River Water Surface Area from RGB Imagery
- An Investigation of Controls on Oceanic Ge/Si Ratios, a Potential Proxy for Changes in the Biogeochemical Cycling of Si
- Anisotropy of the Mexico Subduction Zone Based on Shear-Wave Splitting and Higher Modes Analysis
- Applying remote sensing measurements of phenology to southern California vegetation
- As ensemble-based data assimilation framework for characterizing snowpack and the freeze-thaw state of underlying soil from multifrequency passive/active microwave data
- Assessing the Effects of Dust Loading of Snow on Regional Hydroclimatology Using an Improved Regional Climate Model
- Assessing the effects of the Great Eastern China urbanization on the East Asian summer monsoon by coupling an urban canopy model with a Regional Climate Model
- Assessment of characteristics for microbialite aquatic systems around the world
- Assessment of modeled albedo and bare ice extent (2001-present) in the regional climate model MAR using satellite data
- Assessment of variations in taxonomic diversity, forest structure, and aboveground biomass using remote sensing along an altitudinal gradient in tropical montane forest of Costa Rica
- Characteristics of Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves in Observations and High-resolution GCM Simulations
- Characterizing Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance via assimilation of spaceborne surface temperature, albedo, and passive microwave data into a physically-based model
- Chemical Mapping of Vesta and Ceres
- Climate change impacts utilizing regional models for agriculture, hydrology and natural ecosystems
- Clumped Isotope Temperatures and Entrainment Explain Glacial to Recent Tropospheric Structure over the West Pacific Warm Pool
- Clumped isotope analyses of Cascadia margin carbonate cements and veins recovered by the Ocean Drilling Program constrain temperatures in the prism during subduction
- Clumped isotope analyses of cold seep carbonates: Insights into formation environment and mechanisms
- Coherent lake growth on the central Tibetan Plateau since the 1970s: characterization and attribution
- Comparative thermal equations of state of state for transition metal (Fe, Ni, Co) ringwoodites and implications for the Earth's chemical evolution
- Comparison among physical process based snow models in estimating SWE and upwelling microwave emission
- Constraints on the recent rate of lunar regolith accumulation from Diviner observations
- Contrasting Hydroclimatic Impacts of the 4.2 ka Event in the Indus Region and California: Evidence for the Potential Role of the Pacific Ocean in Harappan Decline
- Contribution of agricultural burning to Arctic black carbon aerosol
- Data-Driven Model Reduction and Climate Prediction: Nonlinear Stochastic, Energy-Conserving Models With Memory Effects
- Dawn at Vesta: surface mineralogy after the mapping phases
- Decadal dynamics of lake inundation areas in the Yangtze Basin downstream from the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) - consequences from climate variability or from the TGR water modulation?
- Deep geometry structure feature of Haiyuan Fault on the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau revealed by deep seismic reflection profiling
- Developing a Standardized Testing Procedure for Cloud Tracking Wind Measurement Methods
- Development of an Anthropogenic Soil Moisture Contribution Module in the NOAH-UCM for the Los Angeles Metropolitan Region
- Development of remote sensing products to improve understanding of land surface disturbance and altered watershed behavior
- Dipolarization Fronts and Particle Acceleration
- Double cusp encounter by Cluster: double cusp or motion of the cusp?
- Downscaling CMIP5 Projections over Southern California: Regional Precipitation Impacts
- Dust from southern Africa: rates of emission and biogeochemical properties
- Dust in Snow in the Colorado River Basin: Spatial Variability in Dust Concentrations, Radiative Forcing, and Snowmelt Rates
- Dynamics of the AMPERE Region 1 Birkeland current oval during storms, substorms and steady magnetospheric convection
- Dynamo Action in the Electrically Conducting Molecular Layer of Giant Planets
- ENA flux enhancement from the expanding magnetosheath: IBEX and THEMIS observations
- Effects of forest structure on snow accumulation and melt derived from ecohydrological instrument clusters across the Western US
- Effects of perturbing land surface processes in a coupled atmosphere-ocean-land model
- Enhancing climate literacy by melding the atmospheric and geospatial sciences
- Estimating Soil Thermal Properties from Land Surface Temperature Measurements Using Ant Colony Optimization Approach
- Evaluating Snow Data Assimilation Framework for Streamflow Forecasting Applications Using Hindcast Verification
- Evaluating the Accuracy of Plasmasphere Data Assimilation from Ground-Based Observations
- Evidence of Meltwater Retention within the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Examining the Range of Cometary Dust Characteristics with the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer
- Experimental insights into the magma-hydrothermal transition in the middle and lower crust
- Exploring SWOT discharge algorithm accuracy on the Sacramento River
- Flow Diversion in the Near-Earth Region and Auroral Arc Extension
- Galaxy-15 Anomaly: The Substorm of 0855 UT April 5, 2010
- Generation and Nonlinear Evolution of Ion Cyclotron and Mirror Mode Waves in the Corona
- Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Outreach Films
- Global variations in H<SUB>2</SUB>O/Ce: Slab surface temperatures beneath volcanic arcs
- Greenland supraglacial rivers and the extreme 2012 melt season
- Heat flow in the laser-heated diamond anvil cell and the thermal conductivity of iron-bearing oxides and silicates at lower mantle pressures and temperatures
- High regional climate sensitivity over continental China and underlying dynamics constrained by carbonate clumped isotope reconstructions of glacial-recent changes in temperature and the hydrologic cycle
- High-Pressure High-Temperature Equation of State of B1 Cobalt Oxide and Implications for Redox Relations in the Earth's Lower Mantle
- High-resolution, regional-scale crop yield simulations for the Southwestern United States
- Hydraulic conductivity estimation using Monte Carlo data assimilation techniques with a reduced order model
- Hydraulic geometry of Greenland Ice Sheet supraglacial streams
- Hydrologic controls on patterns of below ground woody biomass in savannas
- Hydrological and ecological implications of radiative forcing by dust in snow
- Ice Sheet Hydrologic Network Development and Functioning Examined with In Situ River Discharge from Nested Watersheds in Southwest Greenland
- Illuminations Conditions at the Asteroid 4 Vesta: Predictions based on Framing Camera Observations from the Dawn Mission
- Imaging Sunlit Aurora from Balloon
- Imaging carbon-rich melts in the Earth's mantle
- Impacts of projected sea ice changes on trans-Arctic navigation
- Implications of Bishop Tuff zircon U-Pb ages for rates of zircon growth and magma accumulation
- Importance of Including Topography in Numerical Simulations of Venus' Atmospheric Circulation
- Improvements to luminescence dating of Quaternary sediments deformed by earthquakes
- Integration of airborne LiDAR data and voxel-based ray tracing to determine high-resolution solar radiation dynamics at the forest floor: implications for improving stand-scale distributed snowmelt models
- Interactions and Feedbacks Between Land Surface Processes and Water Cycle Dynamics in Africa
- Intercomparison and suitability of five Greenland topographic datasets for the purpose of hydrologic runoff modeling
- Internal Structure of 4179 Toutatis
- Internal structure and mineralogy of differentiated asteroids assuming chondritic bulk composition: The case of Vesta
- Interplanetary Shock Generated Disturbances in the Tail Current Sheet and Plasma Sheet
- Inversion of Airborne Passive Microwave Data for Snow Properties using the Metropolis Algorithm
- Investigating the Feasibility of Incorporating Remote Sensing and Earth Science Datasets into Existing Frameworks for Improving Water Supply and Drought Forecast in California
- Ion beam generated modes in the lower hybrid frequency range in a laboratory magnetoplasma
- Landslides Triggered by the Great Tohoku, Japan Earthquake
- Large Impact Basin Morphologies on Vesta in Solar System Context
- Li/Ca, B/Ca, and Mg/Ca content in sea urchin spines cultured at different temperatures and pCO2
- Magnetic reconnection at Saturn's magnetopause
- Magnetosheath Cavities Associated With Bow Shock Processes
- Magnitude Limit of Subduction Zone Earthquakes
- Mass Wasting Processes in Vesta's South Polar Region
- Measurements of CO2 and CH4 Above Petroleum Infrastructure in Nevada
- Mercury Polar Volatiles: Complex Hydrocarbons vs Water Ice
- Messenger observations of Mercury's bow shock and upstream ultra-low frequency waves below 1-Hz
- Microanalyses of O isotopes and elemental ratios of reef building coral (Montastrea annularis) by ion microprobe
- Mid-Century Warming in the Los Angeles Region and its Uncertainty using Dynamical and Statistical Downscaling
- Mid-Proterozoic detrital zircons and the depositional history of the Jack Hills (Narryer Gneiss Complex, Western Australia)
- Model Errors in Simulating Precipitation and Radiation fields in the NARCCAP Hindcast Experiment
- Modeling of Giant Impact into a Differentiated Asteroid and Implications for the Large-Scale Troughs on Vesta
- Modeling tides around Pine Island, Antarctic
- Multi-spacecraft observations of ULF waves during the Halloween storm
- Observation of the outer radiation belt during the ascending phase of solar cycle 24: Long-term disappearance and reappearance
- On the Azimuthal Size of Flux Ropes near Lunar Orbit
- On the Importance of Pickup Ion Precipitation to the Martian Thermosphere Under Severe Solar Wind Conditions
- On the Possibility of a Thin, Molten Silicate Basal Magma Layer at the Base of Earth's Mantle
- Optimal Planning and Design of Seawater RO Brine Outfalls under Environmental Uncertainty
- Optimization of Experimental Design for Estimating Groundwater Pumping Using Model Reduction
- Outreach and education in urban Los Angeles Schools: integration of research into middle and high school science curriculum through the NSF GK-12 SEE-LA program
- Parameter Independent Model Reduction of a 2-Dimenional Groundwater-Flow Model for Bayesian Inverse Problems
- Parametric Dielectric Model of Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Passive microwave remote sensing of snow: Several recent advances and the role of modeling
- Physical Parameters of Asteroids Estimated from the WISE 3 Band Data and NEOWISE Post-Cryogenic Survey
- Poloidal ULF wave observed in the plasmasphere boundary layer
- Post-2 ka Carbon Accumulation in the James Bay and Hudson Bay Lowlands
- Precipitation Characteristics Associated with Air Temperatures over Northern Eurasia
- Preliminary Results of 4-Dimensional Radiation Belt Simulation With the VERB Code
- Projected changes in storm track activity under global warming based on CMIP5 multi-model ensemble simulations
- Quantifying and Predicting Outdoor Water Use in Los Angeles
- Radiative forcing by light absorbing impurities in snow in the Upper Colorado River Basin using MODIS surface reflectance data
- Recent Shift in Eurasian Boreal Vegetation Growth Response Associated with Drought Stress
- Reductions in urban outdoor water use as an adaptation to declining water supplies in southern California
- Relationship of Environmental Relative Humidity with North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Intensification Rate
- Relationships between bottom water carbonate saturation and element/Ca ratios in coretop samples of the benthic foraminifera Oridorsalis umbonatus
- Responses of Wind Erosion to Climate-Induced Vegetation Changes on the Colorado Plateau
- Retrievals of Dust and Black Carbon Radiative Forcing in Snow using Imaging Spectroscopy
- Satellite-derived potential evapotranspiration for distributed hydrologic runoff modeling
- Seasonal and inter-annual snowmelt patterns in the southern Sierra Nevada, California
- Secondary Ionization Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) U-Th-Pb Geochronology of Rutile Under O<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>+</SUP> Bombardment
- Signal Analysis on Pumping Source Identification in Groundwater Modeling
- Simulations of the Eastern North Pacific Intraseasonal Variability in CMIP5 GCMs
- Space-based constraints on lightning NOx production in the GEOS-Chem model over Southwest U.S. during North American summer monsoon
- Statistical Analysis of EMIC Waves in Plasmaspheric Plumes from Cluster Observations
- Statistical features of the high-latitude ionospheric convection structure associated with enhanced solar wind fluctuations
- Statistical study of the relationship between enhanced polar cap flows and PBIs
- Stereo-photogrammetrically derived topography of asteroid (4) Vesta
- Stochastic simulation and decadal prediction of hydroclimate in the Western Himalayas
- Sub auroral interaction between plasma flow and neutral wind
- Sulfur Isotope Fractionation Due to SO2 Photolysis in the Atmosphere
- Sulfur concentration and isotopic variation in apatites from granitic to granodioritic plutons of a Cretaceous Cordilleran Batholith
- Superrotation in terrestrial atmospheres and tropical wave-mean flow interaction
- Supraglacial Streams on the Greenland Ice Sheet Delineated from Combined Spectral-Shape Information in High Resolution Satellite Imagery
- The Dawn Mission & Asteroid Mappers: The Impact of Crowd-Sourced Crater Counting
- The Geological Context of Vesta's Dark Material
- The Geology of the Marcia Quadrangle of Asteroid Vesta: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- The Importance of Basal Topography for Greenland Ice Sheet Margin Hydrology
- The NCEP-NCAR Stratocumulus-to-Cumulus Transition Climate Process Team
- The Science of Middle Nature
- The impact of spring subsurface soil temperature and snow anomaly in the Western U.S. on Southern U.S. summer precipitation and the Texas drought 2011
- Thermal influences on the development and evolution of large catastrophic caldera-forming magmatic systems
- Top-down Estimates of Biomass Burning Emissions of Black Carbon in the Western United States
- Tracking and predicting the northward propagating monsoon intraseasonal oscillations based on extended EOF analysis
- Tracking pore-water evolution through clumped isotope analyses of a septarian concretion
- Transport of the plasma sheet electrons to the geostationary distances
- U-He zircon dating of the Rotoiti eruption, New Zealand: a new approach to a classic tephrochronology problem
- Under-canopy snow accumulation and ablation measured with airborne scanning LiDAR altimetry and in-situ instrumental measurements, southern Sierra Nevada, California
- Using Apollo sites and soils to compositionally ground truth Diviner Lunar Radiometer observations
- Using ENSO teleconnections in AGCMs to gauge the fidelity of the CMIP5 ensemble in modeling past and future precipitation changes
- Using a Coupled Lake Model with WRF to Improve High-Resolution Regional Climate Simulations
- Using a satellite-based potential ET product for operational hydrologic forecasting
- Utilizing Remote Sensing Information to Improve Post-fire Rainfall-runoff Predictions after the 2010 Bull Fire in the Sequoia National Forest, CA
- Vegetation dynamics and climate variability-associated biophysical process in West Africa
- Vegetation dynamics and deposition of dust onto snow in the western United States
- Vertical Structure and Diabatic Processes of the MJO: A Global Model Evaluation Project
- Water speciation in sodium silicate glasses (quenched melts): A comprehensive NMR study
- 13C-18O bond ordering and 18O/16O ratios in dissolved inorganic carbon species and their potential to be preserved in the solid phase
- 3-D, Impulsive Magnetic Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasma (Invited)
- A 360° Survey of Solar Energetic Particle Events, Including One Extreme Event
- A Comparison of the Arctic and Antarctic Auroral Electrojet Indices
- A Cubesat Mission to Venus: A Low-Cost Approach to the Investigation of Venus Lightning
- A Proposed Non-Intrusion Method for Estimating the Specific Yield for a Regional Groundwater System
- A Simple Demonstration of Lorentz Force in Electrically-Conductive Fluid
- A mid-Holocene record of sediment dynamics and high resolution accretion rates in a coastal salt marsh from Northern California
- A non-storm time enhancement of outer radiation belt electrons
- A snow water equivalent reanalysis case study over an Andean watershed
- AirSWOT: A New Airborne Instrument for Hydrology
- An Automated Method to Identify Mesoscale Convective Complexes (MCCs) Implementing Graph Theory
- An assessment of magnetic reconnection at Saturn's magnetopause
- An emerging c. 100 ka record of climate change from Baldwin Lake, San Bernardino Mountains, CA, U.S
- Analyses of observed and simulated Tibetan Plateau summer major climate features and possible impacts of land cover change on these features
- Anatomy of rhyolite production at the Tonga-Taupo subduction system: Okataina volcano, New Zealand
- Applications of Static and Time-Variable Gravity in Oceanography (Invited)
- Assessing Land Cover Heterogeneity in the Boreal Forest of North America by Integrating Remote Sensing and GIS Data
- Assessing the impacts of Three Gorges Dam on lake inundation areas across the downstream Yangtze floodplain
- Assessment of Uncertainties in the Response of the African Monsoon Precipitation to Land Use Change in Regional Model Simulations
- Asteroid thermophysical models: harnessing the NEOWISE dataset
- Bad News Comes in Threes: Stochastic Structure in Random Events (Invited)
- Between land and sea: divergent data stewardship practices in deep-sea biosphere research
- Biotic and abiotic controls on the distribution of tropical forest aboveground biomass
- Building a Sediment Experimentalist Network
- Buried deep: How data about subseafloor life becomes dark and why
- Carrington 2? Estimated response of the magnetosphere to a major outburst'
- Cement paragenesis in septarian concretions: Evidence from clumped isotopes and microscopic examination
- Cenozoic Tectonic Evolution of Northern Tibet: Recent Progresses and Key Issues (Invited)
- Challenges and Opportunities For Space Plasma Physics in the Use of Electromagnetic Fields Measurements (Invited)
- Challenges and potential solutions for the connection of ESPAS, IUGONET and ISDC
- Changes in Seismic Anisotropy Across the Transition Zone Boundaries (Invited)
- Characterizing 3D Structure of Convective Momentum Transport Associated with the MJO Based on Contemporary Reanalyses
- Characterizing the SWOT discharge error budget on the Sacramento River, CA
- Characterizing vegetation transmissivity via spatial and temporal variations in multi-resolution passive microwave measurements at Ka band (Invited)
- Climatic impacts on phenology in chaparral- and coastal sage scrub-dominated ecosystems in southern California using MODIS-derived time series
- Comparison of high altitude pick-up ions at Mars and Venus
- Constraining Glacial to Recent climate shifts over continental China from clumped isotope measurements on terrestrial carbonates from the loess plateau (Invited)
- Constraining Historical NO<SUB>x</SUB> Concentrations Using Variations in Atmospheric <SUP>18</SUP>O<SUP>18</SUP>O: A Status Report
- Crop Yield Simulations Using Multiple Regional Climate Models in the Southwestern United States
- Data Assimilation Results from PLASMON
- Data-driven model reduction of low-frequency modes in turbulent flows
- Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in the Terrestrial Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System (Invited)
- Degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) present in used motor oil and implications for urban runoff quality
- Dependence of Radiative Forcing on Mineralogy in the Community Atmosphere Model
- Detecting Forest Disturbance Events from MODIS and Landsat Time Series for the Conterminous United States
- Determining pre-onset field magnetotail topology from multi-point magnetospheric and ground-based measurements
- Developing an ice cloud fraction parameterization using A-Train satellite datasets
- Development of a multi-scale data assimilation system for model-observation integration and climate model evaluation (Invited)
- Diffuse Auroral Precipitation Caused by Wave-Particle Scattering (Invited)
- Diffuse degassing through magmatic arc crust (Invited)
- Downscaling near-surface wind over complex terrain using a physically-based statistical modeling approach
- Ecosystem and soil fluxes of carbonyl sulfide (COS) and CO2 to constrain rates of gross photosynthesis (Invited)
- Environmental Variability and Fluctuation of Coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever) In California: Based on a New Framework Involving Fungal Life Cycle
- Equatorial electron acceleration and transport towards the inner magnetosphere by impulsive electric fields (Invited)
- Estimating Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Balance Using a Novel Data Assimilation Framework: An Observing System Simulation Experiment
- Evaluating regional climate model montane snow predictions with a newly derived reanalysis dataset over the Sierra Nevada
- Evaluation of Climate Model Data using the Regional Climate Model Evaluation System (RCMES): Application to Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Hydrology
- Evaluation of MODIS, Epan and DAYMET-derived Potential Evapotranspiration Products in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Evaluation of West African Monsoon Processes and Feedbacks: Second West African Monsoon Modeling and Evaluation Project Experiment (WAMME II)
- Evolution of magnetic topology of an erupting arched laboratory magnetoplasma
- Evolution of relativistic outer belt electrons during extended quiescent period
- Expanded Large-Scale Forcing Properties Derived from the Multiscale Data Assimilation System and Its Application to Single-Column Models
- Experience with Data Science as an Intern with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Experimental Design for Estimating Unknown Hydraulic Conductivity in a Confined Aquifer using a Genetic Algorithm and a Reduced Order Model
- Exploratory IRSL thermochronology of the Yucaipa Ridge block, San Bernardino Mountains, southern California
- Exploring Key Processes in Representing the Madden-Julian Oscillation in Climate Models
- Exploring Sources of Uncertainties in Global Radial Anisotropy Models
- Field and Particle Fluxes Variations Ahead of Stopped Dipolarization Fronts
- Formation of dipolarization fronts inside reconnection diffusion region
- From Earth to Titan in just two (+1) parameters
- From wetlands to sauropods (?) and cold seeps: New perspectives on methane cycling in the Phanerozoic (Invited)
- Geochronology of Quaternary-Holocene Volcanic Rocks Using (U-Th)/He in Zircon and Apatite: A Case Study from Dominica, Lesser Antilles
- Greenland Ice Sheet supraglacial stream morphology and dynamics
- Heating and cooling of wakes in Saturn's A ring (Invited)
- Hemispheric and Interannual Comparisons of Polar Winter CO2 Clouds on Mars
- High Climate Sensitivity Suggested by Multi-satellite Observations: the Role of Circulation and Cloud Feedback
- High-power laser-experiments on shear-flow instabilities in a re-entry sheath
- High-pressure thermal conductivity of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovskite measured in the laser-heated diamond anvil cell
- How do Soil Microbial Enzyme Activities Respond to Changes in Temperature, Carbon, and Nutrient Additions across Gradients in Mineralogy and Nutrient Availability?
- Impact of burned area on African seasonal climate in regional modeling
- Impact of the Medieval Climate Anomaly, Little Ice Age, and Recent Warming on Hydrology and Carbon Accumulation in the James Bay Lowland
- Impacts of an offshore wind farm on the lower marine atmosphere
- Impacts of dust and black carbon deposition in snow on surface energy balance and hydrology using a regional climate model over Western U.S
- Implementation of Localized Ensemble Assimilation for a Three-Dimensional Radiation Belt Model (Invited)
- Improving Climate Literacy Using The Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM): A Prototype Virtual Ice Sheet Laboratory For Use In K-12 Classrooms
- Improving student comprehension of the interconnectivity of the hydrologic cycle with a novel 'hydrology toolbox', integrated watershed model, and companion textbook
- In Situ Data Suggest Supra-, En- and/or Subglacial Meltwater Retention in Southwest Greenland
- In-Situ Exploration of Venus: Major Science Objectives, Investigations, and Mission Platform Options
- InSAR investigation of crustal deformation associated with the 2011 eruption of the Nabro volcano, Eritrea
- Inferring Hydrologic Drainage of the Greenland Ice Sheet from a New High Resolution Meltwater Outlet Dataset
- Instrument response function simulation for CLUSTER RAPID mission via GEANT4
- Integrating Remote Sensing Data in Noah-UCM Parameterization and Validation: A Case Study for the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area
- Interactions between magnetosonic (MS) waves and radiation belt electrons: Comparisons of quasi-linear theory with test particle simulations
- Investigating the Origin of the Gutenberg Discontinuity With Anisotropic Seismic Tomography (Invited)
- Investigation of Effects of Climate Variability and Change on Vegetation in North America during the Last 60 Years - A Study Using a Coupled Biophysical/dynamic Vegetation Model
- Ion Flows Associated with Two Flux Ropes in a Magnetoplasma
- Juno JEDI high latitude snapshot of Earth's energetic charged particle distributions during the coordinated Juno spacecraft encounter with Earth
- Large tree species richness is associated with topography, forest structure and spectral heterogeneity in a neotropical rainforest
- Late Hadean-Eoarchean transitions in crustal evolution from Hf isotopic evidence in the Jack Hills zircons
- Lidar and Ground Assessment of Diversity, Wood Density, and Aboveground Biomass Along an Elevation Gradient in Tropical Montane Forest of Costa Rica
- Light Absorbing Impurities in Snow in the Western US: Partitioning Radiative Impacts from Mineral Dust and Black Carbon
- Links between Antarctic sea ice variability and the large scale atmospheric circulation from the perspective of the sea ice
- Low Altitude Large Scale Magnetic Fields in the Venus Ionosphere: Complementary Observations from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter and Venus Express
- Magnetospheric Observations from JUNO and the Van Allen Probes on Oct 9, 2013 (Invited)
- Measurements Needed to Understand Superrotation and Circulation in the Venus Atmosphere
- Mid latitude fly wheel: a connection from the inner magnetosphere to lower thermosphere
- Model Reduction of a 2-Dimenional Sedimentary Texture Groundwater-Flow Model for Inverse Problems
- Modeling Anisothermality in LRO Diviner Observations to Assess Surface Roughness and Rock Abundance
- Modeling nuclear field shift isotope fractionation in crystals
- Modulation of the Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves by the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Neptune and Triton: A Study in Future Exploration
- New experimental constraints on liquidi, critical mixing, and the second critical end point in the system albite-H<SUB>2</SUB>O
- Nitrous Acid: Intercomparison of techniques and Implications of measurements for photochemistry
- Nonlinear Excitation of Acoustic Modes by Large Amplitude Alfvén waves in the Large Plasma Device (LAPD)
- Nonlinear Interaction of Relativistic Electrons and Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in a Two-wave Model
- Oasis Evolution Processes and Mechanisms in the Lower Reaches of Heihe River since 1 ka ago, in North China
- On Postgleadowian Thermochronology (Invited)
- On the connection between continental-scale land surface processes and the tropical climate in a coupled ocean-atmosphere-land system
- Overview of the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast Version 3 (UCERF3) Time-Independent Model
- Pan-tropical phonological patterns retrieved from multiple satellite sensors
- Parameterization of 3D Radiative Transfer in Mountains for CLM/CESM
- Parameterization of 3D Radiative Transfer over Mountains and Investigation of its Impact on Surface Hydrology over the Western United States Using WRF
- Plasma Wave Measurements in Earth's Magnetosphere by Juno, Van Allen Probes, and Cluster
- Predictability of the Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) in the Intraseasonal Variability Hindcast Experiment (ISVHE)
- Predicting tree water use and drought tolerance from leaf traits in the Los Angeles urban ecosystem
- Prediction of high-energy radiation belt electron fluxes using a combined VERB-NARMAX model
- Predictive Framework and Experimental Tests of the Kinetic Isotope Effect at Redox-Active Interfaces
- Preonset white light and redline streamers: Do they represent different onset scenarios?
- Projection-based Model Reduction of Unconfined Groundwater Systems
- Properties of Polar cap flow channels and their association with polar cap arcs, airglow patches and nightside auroral activity
- Radar Characteristics of Vesta's Polar Regions using Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer and Bistatic Radar Observations by the Dawn Mission
- Recent Shift in Eurasian Boreal Vegetation Growth Response Associated with Increasing Drought Stress
- Reconstruction of limnology and microbialite formation conditions from carbonate clumped isotope paleothermometry: A test case from Pavilion and Kelly Lakes
- RegCM Experiments in the Second West African Monsoon Modeling and Evaluation Project
- Relationships Among Precipitation, Precipitable Water, and Surface Air Temperature over Northern Eurasia
- Remote Observation of Phenological Variables across Aridity and Land Use Intensity Gradients in the Kalahari: Implications for Future Productivity and Dust Emission
- Resilience and recovery of Kalahari duneland vegetation
- Resonant scattering and resultant pitch angle evolution of relativistic electrons by plasmaspheric hiss
- SS Precursor Detections of the X and Lehmann Discontinuities Beneath the Pacific
- Satellite River Discharge Estimates Enabled by Adapting Hydraulic Geometry to Remotely Sensed Data
- Scenarios of 21st-century trans-Arctic shipping for climate studies
- Sensitivity of ice flow in Greenland to errors in model forcing, using the Ice Sheet System Model
- Sensitivity of simulated maize crop yields to regional climate in the Southwestern United States
- Simulation of radiation belt electron dynamics using in-situ global model of chorus waves inferred from the low-altitude electron precipitation
- Sources of black carbon in the Arctic Troposphere
- State changes arising from wind transport in drylands (Invited)
- Statistical Earthquake Focal Mechanism Forecasts
- Statistical Study of Hot Flow Anomalies at Earth's Bow Shock
- Statistical characteristics of injections throughout the magnetotail observed by THEMIS
- Subpixel variability of MODIS albedo retrievals and its importance for ice sheet surface melting in southwestern Greenland's ablation zone
- Successful demonstration of a compact laser-pumped vector helium magnetometer on the Daytime Dynamo sounding rockets
- Supraglacial meltwater runoff from the Greenland ice sheet
- Survey of the ULF wave Poynting vector near the Earth's magnetic equatorial plane
- The 2-3 minutes periodicity in the polar aurora and the magnetosphere of Jupiter
- The Airborne Snow Observatory: fusion of imaging spectrometer and scanning lidar for studies of mountain snow cover (Invited)
- The Effect of Composition and Pressure on the Structure of Carbonate-Silicate Melts Using in situ X-ray Diffuse Scattering
- The Effects of Static Coulomb Stress Change on Southern California Earthquake Forecasts
- The Griggs Dynamic Convection Model: a Resource for Learning About Mountain-Building Processes in the Earth
- The Impact of Biomass Burning and North American Monsoon On the Surface Ozone in the Western U.S. mountain ranges
- The Importance of Venus Lightning Investigations
- The Radial Dependence of Tidal Deformation in Europa's Ice
- The Science of Middle Nature (Invited)
- The Solar Event of July 23, 2012: Historical Context, Unusual Behavior, Streaming Limit and Wave Particle Instabilities
- The effectiveness of recent water restriction policies on single-family water use in Los Angeles, California
- The impact of major snow evolution processes on the strategic design of radiance data assimilation system for basin scale snow water equivalent estimates
- The performance of a coupled SVAT and DGVM model over six decades in West Africa
- The regional impact of Land-Use Land-cover Change (LULCC) over West Africa from an ensemble of global climate models under the aupsices of the WAMMEII project (Invited)
- The role of imported water on urban water budgets in southern California
- Topographic Analyses of the Vestalia Terra plateau, Vesta (Invited)
- Topography and Reflectance of Mercury After Two Years of Laser Altimetry
- Two Small Planets: Vesta Revealed and Ceres Anticipated
- Uncertainty in modeling dust mass balance and radiative forcing from size parameterization
- Unusual Stable Trapping of the Ultra-Relativistic Electrons in the Van Allen Radiation Belts
- Using Phase Space Density Profiles to Investigate the Radiation Belt Seed Population
- Which magnetic storms result in Relativistic Electron Events?
- Zircon oxygen isotopes reveal Ivrea-Verbano Zone source characteristics of the Sesia Valley Caldera
- Zonal flow regimes in rotating anelastic spherical shells (Invited)
- examining the role of black carbon and microbial abundance in Greenland ice sheet albedo feedback (Invited)
- 2D Turbulence with Complicated Boundaries
- A Comparison of Parameterizations of Secondary Organic Aerosol Production: Global Budget and Spatiotemporal Variability
- A Dual Model-Reduction Approach to Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport Simulations.
- A Global Model of Plasmaspheric Hiss Waves Inferred from Poes Observations
- A Laboratory Approximation of Whistler Mode Antenna Arrays
- A Method to Retrieve the Complex Refractive Index and Single Scattering Optical Properties of Dust Deposited in Mountain Snow Cover
- A Multi-Model Analysis of the Cloud Phase Transition in 16 GCMs Using Satellite Observations (CALIPSO/GPCP) and Reanalysis Data (ECMWF/MERRA).
- A Nonlinear Model for Dynamics in the Expanding Accelerating Solar Wind
- A Numerically Sparse Approach for Core Flow Problems
- A Projection of Maize-Yield Potential in the Southwestern United States
- A Robust Multimodel Framework for Ensemble Seasonal Hydroclimatic Forecasts
- A Statistical Study of Hot Flow Anomalies at Earth's Bow Shock
- A Statistical Study of Lightning Occurrence Rates from Venus Express Observations
- A Statistical View of the Effect of Density Asymmetry and Guide Field on the Structure of the Reconnection Layer Poleward of the Cusp
- A Study on the Response of Non-photosynthetic Vegetation (NPV) towards the Anomalies of Climate in the Southwestern U.S.
- A Successful Example of Transitioning Research to NCEP Operations: The North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)
- A meta-analysis of vertical accretion data in North American Coastal Marshes
- A search for transient water frost at the lunar poles using LOLA
- A simulation-optimization approach to retrieve reservoir releasing strategies under the trade-off objectives considering flooding, sedimentation, turbidity and water supply during typhoons
- A survey of the cusp ion outflow's kinetic energy flux measured by Polar and FAST during conjunction events
- Acceleration of Electrons in the Earth's Magnetotail during Substorms Using Multi-Scale Simulations
- Acceleration of Oxygen ions by Magnetic Reconnection
- Accessing Core-Style Regimes of Flow Behavior: The Development of the UCLA Large-Scale Rotating Convection Device
- Activity Dependent Global Model of Electron Loss inside the Plasmasphere
- Alumino-silicate speciation in aqueous fluids at deep crustal conditions
- An Efficient Algorithm to Construct the Reduced Stiffness and Mass Matrices in a Reduced Order Groundwater Flow Model
- An Overview of the Uintah Basin Winter Ozone Study Intensives: 2012, 2013, and 2014
- An attempt to reconstruct the observed climate trends in the Baltic Sea Basin
- Analysis of a New Marlborough Fault System Lidar Dataset: The Wairau and Hope faults, South Island, New Zealand
- Analysis of a non-storm time enhancement in outer belt electrons
- Analysis of high-resolution lidar digital topographic data along the Marlborough Fault System: The Awatere and Clarence faults, South Island, New Zealand
- Analyzing low frequency waves associated with plasma sheet flow channels
- Application of GRACE to the Evaluation of an Ice Flow Model of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Application of Local Time Dependent Ion Composition to Observations, Modeling, and Effects of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves
- Assessing SWOT discharge algorithms performance across a range of river types
- Asymmetric Braking and Dawnward Diversion of Dipolarization Fronts: Effects of Ion Reflection
- Asymmetrical Response of the Cusps to a Large Rotation of the IMF
- Atmospheric River Model Simulation Diagnostics and Performance Metrics
- Ballooning Instabilities in the Plasma Sheet in Conjunction with Auroral Wave Structures
- Bayesian Analysis Of HMI Solar Image Observables And Comparison To TSI Variations And MWO Image Observables
- Bimodal Albedo Distributions in the Ablation Zone of the Southwestern Greenland Ice Sheet
- Boundary Layer Dynamical Structure During Secondary Eyewall Formation
- Bromine Chemistry in the Tropical UTLS during the 2011, 2013 and 2014 ATTREX Experiments
- Calcite Solubility in H<SUB>2</SUB>O-KCl-NaCl-LiCl Solutions at 700 °C and 8 kbar: Experimental Determination and Modeling
- California Coastal Ocean Nowcast and Forecast System
- Can atmospheric reanalysis datasets be used to reproduce flood characteristics?
- Carbonate "Clumped" Isotope Determination of Seawater Temperature During the End-Triassic Extinction Event
- Catapult current sheet relaxation model confirmed by THEMIS observations
- Changes in Large Precipitation Events Under Global Warming
- Characteristics of Plasmaspheric Hiss Wave Spectrum and Their Effects on Energetic Electron Dynamics
- Characterization of the impact of land degradation in the Sahel on the West African monsoon using an ensemble of climate models from the WAMME project
- Characterizing Earthquake Rupture Properties Using Peak High-Frequency Offset
- Characterizing a Model of Coronal Heating and Solar Wind Acceleration Based on Wave Turbulence.
- Cirrus Cloud Radiative Characteristics from Continuous MPLNET Profiling at GSFC in 2012
- Climate Model Sensitivity to Moist Convection Parameter Perturbations
- Climate and Edaphic Controls on Humid Tropical Forest Tree Height
- Climate and Physical Disturbance Effects on the Spectral Signatures of Biological Soil Crusts: Implications for Future Dryland Energy Balance
- Climatic impacts on phenology of southern California native ecosystems using MODIS-derived time series
- Cluster Observations of Particle Injections in the Exterior Cusp
- Combining Radiation Belt Models with Multiple Satellite Observations to Reconstruct the Dynamics of the Radiation Belts Using the 3D VERB Code
- Composition of Rheasilvia Basin on Asteroid Vesta.
- Compositionally Driven Dynamos
- Conjugate Magnetic Observations in the Polar Environments by PRIMO and AUTUMNX
- Connecting Returned Apollo Soils and Remote Sensing: Application to the Diviner Lunar Radiometer
- Constraining Earthquake Source Properties Based on Array Waveform Coherency
- Constraining the plasmasphere dynamics with multiple data sets and data assimilation
- Constraints on Mercury's Core-Mantle Boundary Region
- Constraints on the Thermal and Compositional Nature of the Oceanic Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary from Seismic Anisotropy
- Control of Periodic Variations in Saturn's Magnetosphere By Compressional Waves
- Convective Momentum Transport Associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation Based on Reanalysis Dataset
- Coordinated observations of dayside polar cap airglow patches by all-sky imagers and DMSP
- Core to Atmosphere Exploration of Ice Giants: A Uranus Mission Concept Study
- Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in Geospace
- Day-night coupling by a localized flow channel visualized by polar cap patch propagation
- Dealing with Uncertainties in Analyzing Holocene Northern Peatland Carbon Dynamics
- Deep Upper Mantle Anisotropy from SKS Splitting Delay Times and Higher Mode Surface Waves
- Dependence of poleward auroral and equatorward motion on substorm current wedge
- Dependencies of Auroral Electron Precipitation Characteristics on Ionospheric Conductivity Conditions and Examples of Measurements of Ionospheric Pederson Conductivity and Wave and Electron Energy Reflectivity from FAST Satellite Data
- Determination of Mineral-Specific Clumped Isotope Acid Digestion Fractionation Factors Using Heating Experiments and Mass Spectrometry
- Determination of Solar Wind Parameters in the Occurrence of Relativistic Electron Events at Geosynchronous Orbit
- Determining Substorm Onset Location Using 3D Empirical Force-Balanced Pressure and Magnetic Field Models for Substorm Growth Phase
- Determining the Location, Number Density and Temporal Evolution of Streams of Hazardous Near-Earth Objects Using the Magnetic Signatures Produced in Destructive Collisions
- Determining the induced and intrinsic fields of Titan
- Developing and Validating a Santa Ana Wildfire Threat Index
- Developmental History of an Intriguing Peat-Forming Community Along the West Antarctic Peninsula
- Did Climate Change Cause the 2012-2014 California Drought?
- Directivity and Sensitivity of Fiber-Optic Cable Measuring Ground Motion using a Distributed Acoustic Sensing Array
- Discovery in a World of Mashups
- Distribution of Iridium in Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic Strata of the Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria
- Disturbance Regimes and Landscape Heterogeneity in the Boreal Forest
- Drought in the Pacific Northwest, 1920-2013
- Dual Megathrust Slip Behaviors of the 2014 Iquique Earthquake Sequence
- EMIC Waves in the Radiation Belts
- Earth Analog Seismic Deployment for InSight's Mars seismic installation
- Earthquake Lights and Electric Ground Potentials Following the South Napa Earthquake
- Ecosystem gross CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in a tropical rainforest estimated from carbonyl sulfide (COS)
- Eddy-Mediated Transport of Circumpolar Deep Water Across the Antarctic Shelf Break
- Effect of Precipitating Electrons on Ring Current Energy Content, Ionospheric Conductance, and Thermospheric Properties
- Effect of an Ellipsoidal Solid Inner Core on Mercury's Obliquity
- Effects of Litter and Nutrient Additions on Soil Carbon Cycling in a Tropical Forest
- Efforts to Find, Recover and Restore "A National Treasure", The Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) Data Set
- El Niño Western Pacific Sea Level Pressure Anomalies: Why are they there?
- Enceladus Environmental Explorer (EVE): A Mission Concept
- Environmental modeling in data-sparse regions: Mozambique demonstrator case
- Equatorial Electron Acceleration and Transport Towards the Inner Magnetosphere Modeled with Superposed Transient Electric and Magnetic Fields
- Equatorial Zonal Jets and Jupiter's Gravity
- Errors in the Simulated Heat Budget of CGCMs in the Eastern Part of the Tropical Oceans
- Evaluation of Boreal Summer Monsoon Intraseasonal Variability in the GASS-YOTC Multi-Model Physical Processes Experiment
- Evaluation of the water balance of Southeast Asia with a land surface model and era interim reanalysis
- Evolving patterns of coupled glacio-hydrology across the Pacific Northwest Region, USA
- Examining spatial and temporal variability in snow water equivalent using a 27 year reanalysis: Kern River watershed, Sierra Nevada
- Exhumed Blueschists and Eclogites: Hotter Than the Average Model
- Experimental determination of liquidus H<SUB>2</SUB>O contents of simple granites at deep crustal conditions
- Exploring Vesta's Surface Roughness and Dielectric Properties Using VIR Spectrometer and Bistatic Radar Observations by the Dawn Mission
- Exploring regional patterns of uncertainty over precipitation change among CMIP5 models using empirical mode techniques, with a focus on the midlatitude Pacific storm track region
- Exploring the utility of high resolution "nano-" computed tomography imaging to place quantitative constraints on shell biometric changes in marine pteropods in response to ocean acidification
- FLARE (Facility for Laboratory Reconnection Experiments): A Major Next-Step for Laboratory Studies of Magnetic Reconnection
- Fault Formation and Evolution on Icy Satellites as a Result of Bidirectional Cyclical Shear: Insights from Physical Analog Experiments
- Fen to bog transitions in high latitudes: what conditions lead to permafrost aggradation?
- Field Trial of Distributed Acoustic Sensing Using Active Sources at Garner Valley, California
- Field and LiDAR observations of the Hector Mine California 1999 surface rupture
- Field-Aligned and Ionospheric Current Contributions to Ground Magnetic Perturbations
- First Airswot Interferometric Radar Water Surface Elevations and Flooded Inundation Extent from the Sacramento River and Edwards AFB Wetland Complex, California
- First Airswot Ka-Band Radar Backscatter Returns over a Complex California Wetland
- First Experimental Evidence of large-scale wave modes in rotating magnetoconvection
- Fluvial Tufa Evidence of Late Pleistocene Wet Intervals from Santa Barbara, Southern California
- From roots to globe: How the terrestrial nitrogen cycle alters the global carbon cycle?
- Future Projections of Trans-Arctic Shipping Potential and Variability
- Geography of Global Forest Carbon Stocks & Dynamics
- Geologic and structural controls on rupture zone fabric: A field-based study of the 2010 Mw 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake surface rupture
- Global Budgets of Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide
- Global Distribution of Chorus Wave Intensity Directly Measured By Van Allen Probes and Themis and Inferred from Poes Electron Measurements
- Global Drought Information System: Influence of Differences in Land Surface Model Dynamics on Drought Monitoring
- Global Upper Mantle Azimuthal Anisotropy From Probabilistic Tomography
- Global simulation of formation and evolution of plasmoid and flux-rope in the Earth's Magnetotail
- Granular controls on the dispersion of bed load tracers
- Gulf Stream Slope Eddies and their Submesocale Interior
- Gullies and Lobate Deposits as Geomorphological Evidence for Impact-induced Transient Water Flow and Localized, Buried Ice-bearing Deposits on Vesta.
- Habitat modeling and genetic signatures of postglacial recolonization for tidal estuaries
- High HONO concentrations in aged biomass burning plumes in NOMADSS campaign
- High-Pressure, High-Temperature Equations of State for Fe, Ni, and Co Silicates, Oxides and Metals: Constructing a Deep Earth Electrochemical Series.
- How are Rhea's Alfven Wings Generated?
- Hybrid Simulations of Pickup Ions and Ion Cyclotron Waves at Enceladus
- Impact of Dust Aerosols on the Sahel Climate: A GCM Investigation of Aerosol-Radiation-Cloud-Precipitation Interactions
- Impact of burned areas on the northern African seasonal climate from the perspective of regional modeling
- Impact of cloud droplet number concentration on simulated shortwave fluxes in the northeast Pacific
- Improved in Situ Space Weather Data Services from the NOAA National Geophysical Data Center
- Improving government decision making in response to floods using soil moisture observations from Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) data
- Improving solar wind modeling at Mercury: Incorporating transient solar phenomena into the WSA-ENLIL model
- In-situ observations of nonlinear wave particle interaction of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves
- Increasing Flow Oscillation Period at a Tailward Retreating Flux Pileup Region during Dipolarization
- Induced Magnetic Dipole at Callisto: 3-D Hybrid Modeling of Flybys by Galileo
- Inferring unknow boundary conditions of the Greenland Ice Sheet by assimilating ICESat-1 and IceBridge altimetry intothe Ice Sheet System Model.
- Influence of Large-scale Climate Modes on Atmospheric Rivers That Drive Regional Precipitation Extremes
- Influence of auroral streamers on rapid evolution of SAPS flows
- Influence of trans-boundary air pollution from China on multi-day high PM<SUB>10</SUB> episodes in Seoul, Korea
- Inner Magnetosphere keV Ion Drift Path Boundaries as Observed by the Van Allen Probes
- Inner Magnetosphere/Subauroral Flow Bursts in the Partial Ring Region and Their Possible Driving by Tail Flow bursts
- Intense Flows Driven by Mechanical Forcing in Non-axisymmetric Containers
- Interchange Reconnection and Slow Solar Wind Formation at the boundaries of open field regions in the Solar Corona
- Investigating Particle Acceleration in the Magnetotail by Combining Large Scale Kinetic and Particle in Cell Simulations
- Investigating Provenance Using Infrared Stimulated Luminescence (IRSL) Characteristics of Feldspar Grains
- Investigation of North American vegetation variability under recent climate - A study using the SSiB4/TRIFFID biophysical/dynamic vegetation model
- Investigation of solar wind and magnetospheric forcing effects on the outer Van Allen belt through multi-point measurements in the inner magnetosphere
- Ion Cyclotron Waves at Titan
- Ion Dynamics during Substorm Events Modeled with Coupled Global MHD and Kinetic Models
- Ion and Electron Bulk Heating in Magnetic Reconnection: Dependence on the Inflow Alfvén Speed
- Ionospheric Current Closure of the Pre-existing Auroral Arc
- Ionospheric outflows as possible source of the low-energy plasma flux tubes controlling the dimension of pulsating auroral patches
- Kalman filtering and smoothing of radiation belt observations on the basis of model and measurement error identification
- Key Signatures in the Barotropic Vorticity Budget within Ocean Western Boundary Currents : Understanding the Gulf Stream Pathway
- Kinetic processes of global energy conversion following magnetotail reconnection.
- Laboratory Observations Consistent with Non-linear Decay of a Kinetic Alfvén Wave
- Landscape and forest structural controls on wood density and aboveground biomass along a tropical elevation gradient in Costa Rica
- LiDAR Analysis of Hector Mine Fault Scarp Degradation
- Linkages Between Terrestrial Carbon Uptake and Interannual Climate Variability over the Texas-northern Mexico High Plains
- Links Between the Amundsen Sea Low and the Sea Ice Variability in the Ross Sea.
- Long term (>100 years) Carbon Sequestration in California Coastal Salt Marshes
- Long-term Patterns of Climate, Tree Growth, and Tree Mortality in Permanent Forest Plots of Hawaii Island
- Low-Temperature Thermochronlogy using Luminescence Signals from K-feldspar: A Case Study along the San Andreas Fault, California
- Lower Hybrid Drift in Simulations of Hypersonic Plasma
- Lunar Global Surface Temperatures from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment
- MAX-DOAS Measurements of NO<SUB>2</SUB> and HCHO in Los Angeles from an Elevated Mountain Site at Mt. Wilson, California.
- MLT Asymmetries in the Magnetospheric Wave Distribution and Their Effect on Ionospheric Conductivity and Global Transport
- MLT-Dependent 3D Reanalysis of Radiation Belt Elections: Quantifying Errors in Current and Future Magnetic Field Models
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Precursor Studies of the Magnetopause Current Layer
- Magnetospheric ULF waves with an increasing amplitude induced by solar wind dynamic pressure changes: THEMIS observations
- Mantle Rheology and Plate Tectonics: Damage and Inheritance
- Maximum Magnitudes of Earthquakes in Geothermal Fields?
- Mean-Reverting Random Walk Model for Sedimentary Bed Evolution, Bed Forms, and Tracer Waiting Times
- Measurements from the Van Allen Probes EFW instrument on the role of electric fields in controlling the structure of the inner magnetosphere and the dynamic of particle energization
- Modeling Impacts On and Feedbacks Among Surface Energy and Water Budgets Due to Aerosols-In-Snow Across North America
- Modeling Radar Wave Propagation Through Comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Modeling of Effects of Climate and Land Cover Change on Thermal Loading to Puget Sound
- Modelling Martian surface channel dynamics
- Modulation of Ring Current He-Ions by Bounce-Resonant ULF Waves
- Morphology of Interchange-Driven Injections in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Multi-Point Themis Observations of Multiple Transient Ion Foreshock Phenomena
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Magnetosheath High Speed Jets
- Multipoint Measurements of Injection Region Evolution in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Multipoint observations of chorus and plasmaspheric hiss waves
- Multiscale Particle-in-Cell Simulations of the Interaction of the Solar Wind with the Dayside Magnetospheric Boundary
- New Paleoclimate Records from the Russian Far East: Carbon Accumulation Rates and Ecological Change Over the Last 13,000 Years from Western and Central Kamchatka
- New Statistical Methods for the Analysis of the Cratering on Venus
- New geodetic measurements in central Afar constraining the Arabia-Somalia-Nubia triple junction kinematics
- New insights into hydrologic sources and sinks in the Nile Basin: A multi-source satellite data analysis
- Numerical Study of Urbanization Effect on 2012 Heavy Storm Precipitation in Beijing
- Observations and MHD Simulations for a Shocked Magnetotail
- Observations and Model Analysis of Enhanced Oxidized Mercury in the Free Troposphere during NOMADSS
- Observations of BrO Using Limb Scanning DOAS During the 2013 NOMADSS Campaign
- Observations of Plasma Waves in the Colliding Jet Region of a 3D Magnetic Flux Rope Flanked by Two Active Reconnection X Lines at the Subsolar Magnetopause
- Observations of nitrous acid (HONO) and peroxynitric acid (HO<SUB>2</SUB>NO<SUB>2</SUB>) made during the 2013 and 2014 Uintah Basin Winter Ozone Study (UBWOS)
- On the Benefits and Challenges of Multi-Point Analysis of Energetic Particle Injections in the Inner Magnetosphere
- On the Usage of Diffusion-Free Parameterizations of Convective Heat Transfer
- On the relationship between the North Atlantic Oscillation and early warm season temperatures in the southwestern US
- Onset and Evolution of Magnetic Reconnection in Line-Tied Systems
- Openggcm Simulations of Energy Conversion in Dipolarization Fronts
- Parametric Properties and Impacts of Spontaneous Hot Flow Anomalies
- Plasma Transport, Acceleration, and Loss in Mercury's Magnetosphere and Comparison with Other Planetary Magnetospheres
- Potential Dust Emissions from Sources in the Southern Hemisphere.
- Potential ExoMars Rover Landing Sites: Aram Dorsam (previously known as Oxia Palus) and Hypanis Delta
- Predictability Studies Using the Intraseasonal Variability Hindcast Experiment (ISVHE)
- Predicting Effects of Cations (Mg, Ca, Na, and K) on <SUP>13</SUP>C-<SUP>18</SUP>O Clumping in Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Species and Implications for Carbonate Geothermometry
- Predicting the Hydrologic Response of the Columbia River System to Climate Change
- Predominance of Ech Wave Contribution to the Diffuse Auroral Precipitation in Earth's Outer Magnetosphere
- Pressure Variations and Particle Acceleration Associated with Foreshock Bubbles and Hot Flow Anomalies
- Propagation of Pi2 Pulsations through the Braking Region: Results from UCLA and Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry Global MHD Simulations
- Properties of Mirror Mode Waves observed in the Kronian Magnetosphere
- Properties of localized polar cap flow enhancements and their connection to nightside poleward boundary intensifications and substorms
- Pseudostreamers: Formation, Magnetic Topology and Plasma Properties
- Quantifying Turbulence Effects on Aeolian Sand Transport
- ROMA (Rank-Ordered Multifractal Analysis) of Intermittency in Space Plasmas
- Rate-and-State Southern California Earthquake Forecasts: Resolving Stress Singularities
- Recognizing the Geochemical Consequences of Zircon Alteration at Jack Hills, Western Australia
- Reconnection Efficiency Determined from Statistical Properties of Magnetosheath Flux
- Regional 3D Numerical Modeling of the Lithosphere-Mantle System: Implications for Continental Rift-Parallel Surface Velocities
- Relative Timing of Substorm-Associated Processes in the Near-Earth Magnetotail and Development of Auroral Onset Arc
- Relevance of geomagnetic storms to relativistic electron flux enhancements at geosynchronous orbit
- Remote Estimation of Greenland Ice Sheet Supraglacial River Discharge using GIS Modeling and WorldView-2 Satellite Imagery
- Remote, real-time monitoring of cyclones with microseisms
- Response of Lake Area on the Tibetan Plateau to Climate Change
- Response of Peat-forming Ecosystems of the Western Antarctic Peninsula to Recent Climate Change
- Response of ionospheric electric fields at mid-low latitudes during geomagnetic sudden commencements
- Restoration and Recalibration of the Viking MAWD Datasets
- River Discharge Estimation Solely from Satellite Imagery and at-Many-Stations Hydraulic Geometry (AMHG)
- Robustness of Global Radial Anisotropy Models of the Upper Mantle
- Role of Clay Minerals in Long-Distance Transport of Landslides in Valles Marineris, Mars
- Rupture Processes of the Mw8.3 Sea of Okhotsk Earthquake and Aftershock Sequences from 3-D Back Projection Imaging
- SKS Splitting from Ocean Bottom Seismometer Data Offshore Southern California
- Sea Surface Salinity Variability in Response to the Congo River Discharge
- Seasonal and Elevational Variations of Black Carbon and Dust in Snow and Ice in the Solu-Khumbu, Nepal and Estimated Radiative Forcings
- Sedimentary Response of AN Ephemeral Lake during Deglacial and Holocene Climate Evolution, Swan Lake, Southeast Idaho.
- Seismic Anisotropy of the Mexican Subduction Zone Based on the Surface Waves, Shear Wave Splitting, and Higher Modes.
- Seismology and Earthquake Ground Motions of the August 24, 2014 M6 South Napa Earthquake
- Short-tailed Temperature Distributions over North America and Implications for Future Changes in Extremes
- Shortwave heating response to water vapor as a significant source of uncertainty in global hydrological sensitivity in CMIP5 models
- Simulation of Multi-Spacecraft Observed Energetic Electron Injection By the Electromagnetic Field of a Transient, Localized Dipolarizing Flux Bundle
- Simulation of Present-Climate Precipitation: Parameter Perturbations and Internal Variability with the GFDL Model
- Single-grain and single-aliquot luminescence measurements of partially bleached modern-river channel sediments: applications to sediment transport
- Slab Stagnation in the Lower Mantle: A Multidisciplinary Investigation
- Snow Cover Quantification in the Central Andes Derived from Multi-Sensor Data
- Snow Water Equivalent Reanalysis Over a Scarce Data Region Via Assimilation of Snow Covered Area from Landsat 5, 7 and 8
- Snow surface temperature, radiative forcing and snow depth as determinants of snow density
- Snowmelt sensitivity to warmer temperatures: a field-validated model analysis, southern Sierra Nevada, California
- Snowpack Changes in the Sierra Nevada: High-Resolution Projections for the End of 21st Century
- Soil-atmosphere carbonyl sulfide (COS) exchange in a tropical rainforest at La Selva, Costa Rica
- Solar Cycle Modulation of Solar Wind Coupling to the AL Index
- Solar Wind Interaction with the Martian Upper Atmosphere at Early Mars/Extreme Solar Conditions
- Solar wind dynamic pressure pulse - driven magnetospheric vortices and waves
- Solar zenith angle dependence of empirical formulas between energy inputs to the ionosphere and O<SUP>+</SUP> and H<SUP>+</SUP> ion outflows
- Source Attribution of Surface Ozone in the Western United States Using an Adjoint Method
- Source and Structure of Bursty Hot Electron Enhancements in the Tail Magnetosheath: Simultaneous Two-Probe Observation By Artemis
- Southern Ocean and Antarctic Peninsula Temperatures During Critical Climate Transitions of the Cenozoic Constrained by Clumped Isotope Thermometry
- Spatial Patterns of Carbon Exchange Seasonality in Amazonian Forest
- Spatially and Temporally Refined Sources of Black Carbon Aerosols in the Arctic in spring
- Spinning, Breathing, and Flapping: The Changing Size and Shape of Saturn's Middle Magnetosphere
- Standing Alfven Waves Transitioned from Fast-Growing, Travelling Waves: Indications from Electron Measurements
- Statistical Characteristics of Particle Injections throughout the Equatorial Magnetotail
- Statistical Comparison of a Southern Auroral Electrojet Index with Northern Hemisphere AE Indices as a Function of Solar Wind and IMF
- Statistical results describing the bandwidth and coherence coefficient of whistler-mode waves using THEMIS waveform data
- Stromatolites As Fine Records of Terrestrial Environmental Conditions: Examples from the Eocene Green River Formation (Wyoming)
- Stromatolites provide a terrestrial record of a ~35ka warming event in Walker Lake, a remnant of the Pleistocene Lake Lahontan (Western Nevada, USA)
- Structural controls on the spatial distribution and geochemical composition of volcanism in a continental rift zone; an example from Owens Valley, eastern California
- Structure and Thermal Behavior of CO<SUB>2</SUB>-IV at 18 GPa from 300-625 K
- Sub-packet structures in EMIC triggered emissions observed by the THEMIS probes
- Substorm Current Wedge as a Combined Effect of Wedgelets
- Surface Wave Dispersion Analysis Using Time-Frequency Filtering and an Interactive Normal Move Out (NMO) Tool with Uncorrelated Garner Valley Vibroseis Data
- Surface formation of HONO over soil and snow during UBWS 2012, 2014
- Swarm Observations of Field-Aligned Currents: Case Studies
- Symmetry and Symmetry Breaking in Planetary Magnetic Fields
- Systematic High-Resolution (30 meter) Inventory of Global Lakes: Pan-Arctic and Beyond
- Temperature Extremes and Associated Large-Scale Meteorological Patterns in NARCCAP Regional Climate Models: Towards a framework for generalized model evaluation
- Temperature, Sowing and Harvest Dates, and Yield of Maize in the Southwestern US
- Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Energetic Ion Injections in the Inner Magnetosphere: Multi-Point Observations of a Substorm Event.
- Terrestrial ecosystem model performance for net primary productivity and its vulnerability to climate change in permafrost regions
- The 1, 2, 3 of the Van Allen Radiation Belts: Impacts of Dynamics Driven by Observed ULF Wave Power
- The AUTUMNX Magnetometer Network in Quebec and its Antarctic Conjugate Network PRIMO
- The Detectability of Heat Flow Signatures on Europa
- The Differences in Onset Time of Conjugate Substorms
- The Influence of Kinetic Growth Factors on the Clumped Isotope Composition of Calcite
- The Interaction Between Dipolarization Front and the Ambient Plasma
- The Inward Radial Diffusion and Slow Decay of Energetic Electrons in the Earth's Radiation Belts
- The Jetstream Orientation and Weather over the North Atlantic
- The LRO Diviner Foundation Dataset: A Comprehensive Temperature Record of the Moon
- The Mars Magnetosphere in the Tail of Comet C/2013 A1(Siding Spring)
- The NASA Airborne Snow Observatory: Demonstration Mission 2
- The Opening of the Arctic-Atlantic Gateway: Tectonic, Oceanographic and Climatic Dynamics - an IODP Initiative
- The Past, Present, and Future of Tidal Deformation at Europa
- The Plasma and Field Perturbation Around a Charged Dust Cloud in the Solar Wind
- The RIMFAX Ground Penetrating Radar on the Mars 2020 Rover.
- The Response of Heavy Planetary Ions at Mars to Reversals of the IMF
- The Role of Black Carbon from Wildfires in Accelerating Snow and Glacier Melt in Washington State
- The Role of Electron Density on the Interchange Instability at Saturn
- The Storm-Substorm Relationship during Different Solar Wind Conditions
- The foreshock sequence of large earthquakes: slow slip or cascade triggering?
- The influence of variations in Jupiter's plasma environment on the Europa interaction
- The role of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves in the dynamics of the dayside magnetopause and the inner magnetosphere
- The southern Kalahari as a dust source: Results from the field
- The transition from dilute electrolyte aqueous solution to molten salt in geologic fluids: evidence from calcite solubility measurement in Na-halide solutions at 8 kbar and 700 °C
- Thermal Conductivity of Lower Mantle Minerals and Heat Flux Across the Core-Mantle Boundary
- Thermodynamic and Spectral Properties of the Dfb/Bubble Plasma Population in the Near-Earth Magnetotail
- Thickness of Mercury's crust from MESSENGER gravity and altimetry data
- Three Key Processes Drive Marine Low-Cloud Cover Feedback
- Time Variation of Mars Atmospheric Loss in Response to Continuous Rotation of the Crustal Magnetic Field
- Time-dependent MHD modeling of Titan's plasma interaction during T32, T85 and T96 and comparison to Cassini data
- Towards remote sensing of Arctic ice roads and associated human activities using SUOMI NPP night light images
- Towards the Improved Estimates of Mountain Snow Water Equivalent Using Space-borne Passive Microwave Measurements: an Ensemble Kalman Batch Reanalysis over the Upper Kern Basin, Sierra Nevada, USA
- Towards the Understanding of Recent Lake Decline in the Yangtze Basin
- Transmission of Stormtime Electric Field and Currents to the Mid-Equatorial Latitude Ionosphere in the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Ground Circuit
- Tropical Controls on the CO2 Atmospheric Growth Rate 2010-2011 from the NASA Carbon Monitoring System Flux (CMS-Flux) Project
- Tropospheric HONO Distribution and Chemistry in the Southeastern U.S.
- Tungsten Stable Isotope Compositions of Ferromanganese Crusts
- UCLA's Institute for Planets and Exoplanets: Structuring an Education and Public Outreach Program from the Ground Up
- ULF Wave Electromagnetic Energy Flux into the Ionosphere: Joule Heating Implications
- Uncertainty quantification of Greenland Ice Sheet mass balance via assessment of GRACE mascon solutions and variability of high-resolution surface mass balance forcing of an ice flow model
- Understanding Turbulence in the Plasma Sheet and Its Role in Transport
- Understanding the near Earth plasma sheet instability responsible for substorm onset
- Unique Thermal Histories from Whole-Rock <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Step-heating Data
- Using Dawn's GRaND Instrument to Detect a Magnetic Field at Vesta
- Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) for Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) to Evaluate Ground Stiffness
- Using the EPA's SUSTAIN Model to Assess the Capability of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to Improve Water Quality in the Los Angeles Basin
- VIRTIS-Rosetta Observations of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Nucleus and Coma During the Mission Pre-Landing Phase.
- VISL: A Virtual Ice Sheet Laboratory For Outreach and K-12 Education
- Valley aggradation in the San Gabriel Mountains, California: climate change versus catastrophic landslide
- Van Allen Probe Observations: Near-Earth injections of Mev Electrons Associated with Intense Substorm Electric Fields
- Variability of wet troposphere delays over inland reservoirs as simulated by a high-resolution regional climate model
- Vertical Structure and Physical Processes of the Madden-Julian Oscillation: A Model Evaluation Project
- Vesta's Pinaria Region- A window on Vesta's Ancient Crust
- Visco-resistive tearing in thin current sheets.
- Viscosity of Carbonate-Silicate Melts Using Ultra-High Resolution Falling Sphere Viscometry
- Visualizing Space Weather: The Planeterrella Auroral Simulator as a Heliophysics Public Outreach Tool
- WRF-UCM Modeling of Urban Land-Atmosphere Interactions with a Focus on Landscape Irrigation in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area
- Watershed Modeling Applications with the Open-Access Modular Distributed Watershed Educational Toolbox (MOD-WET) and Introductory Hydrology Textbook
- Waves and instabilities in high β, warm ion plasmas in LAPD
- Weather types across the Maritime Continent: From the diurnal cycle to interannual variations
- What Can Radiocarbon Depth Profiles Tell Us About The LGM Circulation?
- When the Sun Gets in the Way: Stereo Science Observations on the Far Side of the Sun
- Whistler mode wave generation in a laboratory plasma
- Whole-Rock <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Step-heating Analyses, Problems and Potential
- Winter Photochemistry Underlying High Ozone in an Oil and Gas Producing Region
- A Clumped Isotope Calibration for Terrestrial Microbial Carbonates
- <em>Excitati</em><em>on of</em><em> </em><em>Fast </em><em>Waves and </em><em>Global Kink-Mode </em><em>Oscillations </em><em>from</em><em> an</em><em> </em><em>Erupting </em><em>Arched </em><em>Laboratory </em><em>Magnetoplasma</em>
- 2013 March 17 Storm: Synergy of Observations Related to Mid-Latitude Electric Field Drivers and their Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Effects
- A Bayesian Analysis of Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary Depth Constraints From Different Proxies
- A Combined Approach to Model Reduction for Nonlinear Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport Simulations Using POD and DEIM.
- A Comparative Study of Various Optimality Criteria for Experimental Design in Groundwater Modeling Model
- A GCM Investigation of Dust Aerosol Impact on the Regional Climate of North Africa and South/East Asia
- A High-Resolution Global Lake Inventory with Classified Freshwater and Saline Types
- A Humidity-Driven Prediction System for Influenza Outbreaks
- A Microphysics-Based Black Carbon Aging Scheme in a Global Chemical Transport Model: Constraints from HIPPO Observations
- A Model of the Induced Martian Magnetospheric Magnetic Field Based on MAVEN Observations: Methodology and First Results
- A Monte Carlo Investigation of the Impact of Aerosol and Albedo Uncertainty on X<SUB>CO2</SUB> Retrieval Errors
- A Multiscale Dynamo Model Driven by Quasi-geostrophic Convection
- A Neural Network Reconstruction of the Coupled Inner Magnetospheric Environment
- A New Appraisal of Northern Peatlands and Global Atmospheric Methane Over the Holocene
- A Novel Reanalysis Dataset for Improving Seasonal Snowpack Characterization: Application to the Sierra Nevada (USA) Over the Landsat 5 Record (1985-2011)
- A Single Linear Prediction Filter that Accurately Predicts the AL Index
- A Study of Atmospheric Turbulence Effects on Dust Emission Using Field Data and One-Dimensional Stochastic Turbulence Model
- A blue carbon soil database: Tidal wetland stocks for the US National Greenhouse Gas Inventory
- A brief history of ice cloud optical property models of applications to remote sensing
- A multifluid magnetohydrodynamic simulation of the interaction between Jupiter's magnetosphere and its moon Europa
- A third radiation zone at relativistic energies observed by SAMPEX HILT during the Bastille Day event
- AUTUMNX: a real-time dense magnetometer array for northern Quebec
- Acceleration of ions by electric field pulses in the inner magnetosphere
- Adaptive probabilistic collocation based Kalman filter for unsaturated flow problem
- Advances in Mineral Dust Source Composition Measurement with Imaging Spectroscopy at the Salton Sea, CA
- Air-sea Energy Transfer at Mesoscale in a Coupled High-resolution Model: Impact of Resolution and Current Feedback
- Ammonia Bearing Species on Ceres: Implication on Origin and Evolution
- An Impact Melt Origin for Tycho Antipodal Deposits
- An MMS multicase study of magnetotail dipolarization fronts
- An Overview of the Induced Magnetospheres of Mars and Venus from a Modeling Standpoint
- An Updated Model of the Substorm Current Wedge.
- An observational radiative constraint on hydrologic cycle intensification
- Anaerobic oxidation of methane related to methane seepage along the northern US Atlantic margin
- Analysis of a Prototypical Substorm with Conjugate Ground Magnetic Data
- Antarctic Ice Sheet Sensitivity to Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Variations During the Early to Mid-Miocene
- Anthropogenic Methane Emissions in California's San Joaquin Valley: Characterizing Large Point Source Emitters
- Application of Seismic Array Processing to Tsunami Early Warning
- Archiving CDF in PDS4: A MAVEN Case Study
- Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Water Availability Accounting for Human-Induced Water Stress
- Assessing the Effects of Burned Areas on the Northern and Southern African Seasonal Climates: a Regional Modeling Study
- Assessing the Importance of Crustal Corrections for Global Upper Mantle Radial Anisotropy Models With a Bayesian Approach
- Assessing the Origin of Olivines Based on Relative Age of Melt Inclusions
- Assessing the value of the ATL13 inland water level product for the Global Flood Partnership
- Atmospheric Rivers Enhanced Water Delivery to Southwestern North America at the Last Glacial Maximum
- Automated Determination of Electron Density from Electric Field Measurements on the Van Allen Probes Spacecraft
- Automated Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) in Developing Decadal Global Lake Dynamics Products using Landsat-7 and 8
- Balanced Sediment Fluxes in Southern California's Mediterranean-climate Zone Salt Marshes
- Benchmarking Climate Model Top-of-atmosphere Radiance in the 9.6 Micron Ozone Band Using TES and IASI Observations
- Benchmarking Velocity and Vorticity Measurement Systems on the UCLA Large-Scale Rotating Convection Device
- Butterfly distribution of outer zone relativistic electrons and their potential connection to the solar wind dynamic pressure
- Can Impact-generated Plasmas be Responsible for Magnetization on the Moon?
- Can Significant Trends in Surface Temperature and Precipitation be Detected over South America?
- Can We Determine Temperatures Associated with Critical Transitions During the Evolution of Metazoan life? Application of 'Clumped' Isotope Thermometry to the Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic
- Canopy-scale GPP from Measurements of Carbonyl Sulfide in a Freshwater Marsh
- Carbon in, Carbon out: Reevaluating Carbon Fluxes in Subduction Zones
- Central Pacific-like Warming Event Induced by Eastern Pacific Event and Possible Mechanism
- Ceres Evolution: From Thermodynamic Modeling and Now Dawn Observation
- Characterizing water resources of the Nile Basin using remotely sensed data
- Charged Particle Behavior in the Growth and Damping Stages of Ultralow Frequency Waves: Theory and Van Allen Probes Observations
- Chemical Characterization and Formation of Reactive Oxygen Species by PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> during Summer in North China Plain of China
- Climate Model Diagnostic Analyzer Web Service System
- Collisions, Cannibals, and the Memory of Long-lost Bed Forms: The Hyster(et)ical Story Revealed
- Comparison of Interpolation Techniques and Model Simulations of Snow Water Equivalent in the Sierra Nevada
- Comparison of the Cratering Records of Ceres and Rhea
- Complex Explosive Volcanic Activity on the Moon in Oppenheimer Crater
- Complexity Variations in the Interplanetary Magnetic Field between 0.4 and 5.3 AU
- Consequences of simulated ion precipitation and sputtering during extreme conditions at Mars: comparison to MAVEN observations
- Considerations of solar wind dynamics in mapping of Jupiter's auroral features to magnetospheric sources
- Consolidating and updating estimates of northern peatland extents and carbon stocks
- Constraints on the metamorphic history of a mélange complex within the easternmost Himalayan orogen, northern Indo-Burma Range, based on P-T pseudosection and thermobarometric studies.
- Constructing an Atmospheric Methane Budget Using <SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUB>3</SUB>D and CH<SUB>2</SUB>D<SUB>2</SUB> in Sources and Sinks
- Continental Deformation in Madagascar from GNSS Observations
- Contrasting evolution patterns between glacier-fed and non-glacier-fed lakes in the central Tibetan Plateau and driving force analysis
- Control of Shortwave Radiation Parameterization on Tropical Climate Simulation
- Controls on Calcite Solubility in Metamorphic and Magmatic Fluids
- Coseismic Faulting and Folding in an Active Thrust Sheet over Multiple Rupture Cycles Resolved by Integrating Surface and Subsurface Records of Earthquake Deformation
- Coupling between pre-onset flows and substorm onset waves
- Cross-scale coupling studies with the Heliophysics/Geospace System Observatory: THEMIS/ARTEMIS contributions
- Current sheet properties derived using multi-point measurements from the Cluster and MMS missions
- Data assimialation for real-time prediction and reanalysis
- Data-driven Analysis and Prediction of Arctic Sea Ice
- Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in Rapidly Rotating Magnetospheres
- Dawn-Dusk Asymmetry in Bursty Hot Electron Enhancements in the Mid-Tail Magnetosheath
- Denudation and topographic responses of coastal drainages near the Mendocino Triple Junction region (MTJ), northern California
- Detecting Recent Atmospheric River Induced Flood Events over the Russian River Basin
- Detection of Atmospheric Rivers: An Algorithm for Global Climatology and Model Evaluation Studies
- Detection of phonological transitions of spring maize in Northeast China during the last 20 years using daily NOAA/AVHRR NDVI temporal series data
- Determining Clumped Isotope (Δ47) Signatures of CO2 During Ion-Molecule Isotopic Exchange Reactions
- Determining Shock 3D-Structure Using ARTEMIS High-Resolution Solar Wind Observations
- Dione's Magnetospheric Interaction
- Dipolarizing flux bundles in the cis-geosynchronous magnetosphere: relationship between electric fields and energetic particle injections
- Direct Evidence of EMIC-Driven Electron Loss in Space: Evaluation of an Electron Dropout Event
- Distinct sources of particles near the cusp and the dusk flank of the magnetosphere
- Distribution and Origin of Iridium in Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic Continental Strata of the Fundy, Deerfield and Hartford Basins, Newark Supergroup
- Do Jack Hills Detrital Zircons Contain Records of the Early Geodynamo?
- Drought monitoring in the Northwestern United States
- Dust on Snow Processes and Impacts in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Dynamical Constraints on the Seasonal Migration of the ITCZ Using a Moist GCM
- Dynamics of the Open Closed Field Line Boundary
- EMIC Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Effect of electron ambient plasmas in reconnection jets and dipolarization fronts : MMS initial results
- Effects of resolution and spectral nudging in simulating the effects of wintertime atmospheric river landfalls in the Western US
- Efficient removal of meltwater runoff through supraglacial streams and rivers on the southwestern Greenland Ice Sheet
- Electric Field, Field-aligned Current and Electromagnetic Waves in the Dip Region in front of the Dipolarization Front
- Electric Mars: The first survey of Martian parallel electric fields.
- Electrodynamic Context of Magnetotail and Magnetopause Dynamics Observed by Magnetospheric Multiscal
- Electron Acceleration in the Magnetotail during Substorms in Semi-Global PIC Simulations
- Electron Radiation Belt Dropouts in the Absence of Geomagnetic Storms
- Energization and Precipitation of Electrons in Mercury's Magnetosphere
- Energy Dissipation and Transport Associated with Whistler-wave Generation during Plasma Jet Events using MMS Data
- Establishing Long-Term Temperature Trends in California Amidst Data Set Variations
- Evaluating Foraminifera as an Archive for Seawater Chromium Isotopic Composition
- Evaluation of Cloud and Heating Rate Profiles in Eight GCMs Using A-train Satellite Observations
- Evaluation of Northeast United States Winter Storm Impacts in a Suite of High Resolution Downscaled Climate Model Hindcasts
- Evaluation of the changes in long-term Snow Water Equivalent trends in the Western US
- Evidence for a Bow Shock at Ceres?
- Evolving Groundwater Rights and Management in Metropolitan Los Angeles: Implications for Water Supply and Stormwater
- Examining Turbulence in the Plasma Sheet and its Role in Transport
- Excitation of Chirping Whistler Waves in a Laboratory Plasma
- Experimental Demonstration of Collisionless Particle Acceleration Mechanisms and Entrainment of Ambient Plasma Ions by a Rapidly Expanding Diamagnetic Cavity.
- Explaining the current geodetic field with geological models: A case study of the Haiyuan fault system
- Explanation of Europa's Unusual Polarization Properties: The Regolith is Sub-micron, Fine-Grained, High Porosity Material
- Exploring Your Universe at UCLA: Steps to Developing and Sustaining a Large STEM Event
- Extent of High Winds and Heavy Rainfall Induced by Tropical Cyclones in South Korea
- Factors Controlling Black Carbon Deposition in Snow in the Arctic
- Filament Channels: Isolated Laboratories of Plasma Heating in the Solar Corona
- Fine Scale Structure of the Afternoon Equatorial Magnetopause as Seen on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- First MMS Observations of High Time Resolution 3D Electric and Magnetic fields at the Dayside Magnetopause.
- First results from Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler measurements of meltwater flux in a large supraglacial river in western Greenland compared with downstream proglacial river outflow
- Flash Droughts over the United States
- Fluctuations in the Venusian Ionosphere and Their Effect on Venus Express Lightning Detection Rates
- Forecasting the Radiation Belts for Satellites Undergoing Electric-Orbit Raising
- Formation of Inner Magnetospheric Energetic Electron Butterfly Distributions by Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves
- Fractal patterns in riverbed morphology produce fractal scaling of water storage times.
- Geomorphological Evidence for Pervasive Ground Ice on Ceres from Dawn Observations of Craters and Flows.
- Getting Under Mars' Skin: The InSight Mission to the Deep Interior of Mars
- Global Impacts of Water Management Activities on Soil Moisture and Runoff Trends
- Global Magnetosphere Evolution During 22 June 2015 Geomagnetic Storm as Seen From Multipoint Observations and Comparison With MHD-Ring Rurrent Model
- Global Surface Temperatures of the Moon
- Ground Motions during the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake: An Expected Event that Defied Expectations
- Ground Validation of IMERG as a Function of Spatiotemporal Scale
- Harmful Algal Bloom Hotspots Really Are Hot: A Case Study from Monterey Bay, California
- Heliophysics/Geospace System Observatory: System level science by large-scale space-ground coordination
- Hidden in the Neutrons: Physical Evidence for Lunar True Polar Wander
- High-<em>m</em> Poloidal Waves Observed in Low Earth Orbit and Their Implications for Energetic Particles in the Magnetosphere
- High-Resolution Climate Change Projections Capture the Elevation Dependence of Warming and Snow Cover Loss in California's Sierra Nevada
- High-precision square-root filter/smoother for near-singular system in estimation of terrestrial reference frame
- High-pressure compressibility and thermal expansion of aragonite
- High-pressure high-temperature behavior of iron silicide (Fe<SUB>5</SUB>Si<SUB>3</SUB>) to 58 GPa and 2400K
- High-resolution Ceres HAMO Atlas derived from Dawn FC Images
- Hiss induced radiation belt electron loss timescales in the plasmasphere based on ray tracings of wave propagation angle
- Homogeneous spectral units on Ceres as inferred from Dawn/VIR
- How much of the streamflow in the U.S. originates as snow?
- Hyperspectral and photogrammetric helicopter-based measurements over western Greenland
- ICESat Derived Crustal Flexure as Caused by Expansion of an Endorheic Lake on the Tibetan Plateau
- Ideal Tearing in the Hall Regime
- Identifying the Structure of Whistler Wave Excitation in a Laboratory Plasma
- Impact and Recovery Pattern of a Spring Fire on a Pacific Coast Marsh - Observations and Implications for Endangered Species
- Impact of 3-D Radiation-Topography Interaction on Indian Summer Monsoon and Hydrology in Himalayas
- Impact of Land Surface Parameters on the Evaluation of East Asia Monsoon Precipitation
- Impact of Springtime NAO on Weather Conditions and Snow Melting in the Southwestern US
- Impact of anthropogenic aerosols on regional climate change in Beijing, China
- Implications of MAVEN Mars Near-Wake Measurements and Models
- Implications of dynamics underlying temperature and precipitation distributions for changes in extremes
- Improved Empirical Models of Plasmaspheric Hiss Intensity and Spectral Distribution
- Improved Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Profile Retrievals Using Multispectral Measurements from NASA "A Train", NPP, and TROPOMI Satellites
- In-Flight Calibration Processes for the MMS Fluxgate Magnetometers
- InSAR Remote Sensing of Localized Surface Layer Subsidence in New Orleans, LA
- Incremental Holocene slip rates from the Hope fault at Hossack Station, Marlborough fault zone, South Island, New Zealand
- Induced earthquake magnitudes are as large as (statistically) expected
- Inevitable changes in snowpack and water resources over California's Sierra Nevada
- Inevitable end-of-21<SUP>st</SUP>-century trends toward earlier surface runoff timing in California's Sierra Nevada Mountains
- Inference of Spatiotemporal Distribution of Black Carbon Aerosols over Northern Pacific from Satellite Observations (2005-2012)
- Influence of auroral streamers on rapid evolution of SAPS flows
- Influence of the Southern Ocean on the Global deep ocean stratification
- Initial Steps Toward a Hydrologic "Watershed" Model for the Ablation Zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Intense energetic-electron flux enhancements in Mercury's magnetosphere: An integrated view with high-resolution observations from MESSENGER
- Interior Characterization of Europa using Magnetometry (ICEMAG): Probing the Europan Ocean and Exosphere
- Internally Drained Supraglacial River Catchments on the Southwest Greenland Ice Sheet
- Intra- and Inter-Seasonal Supra-glacial Water Variability over the West Greenland Ice Sheet as Estimated from Combining High Resolution Satellite Optical Data and a Digital Elevation Model
- Investigating the Early Carbon Cycle Using Carbonaceous Inclusions and Dissolved Carbon in Detrital Zircon
- Investigating the energy crisis in Io's plasma torus: plasma energetics in rotating magnetospheres
- Investigation of Atmospheric Chemistry in the Tropical UTLS with NASA's Global Hawk UAS during ATTREX
- Investigation of Black Carbon Effects on Precipitation and Surface Hydrology over the Western United States
- Investigation of Controls on Ice Dynamics in Northeast Greenland from Ice-Thickness Change Record Using Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM)
- Investigation of Earthquake Rupture Dimension Through Seismic Wave Interferometry
- Ion Beams in the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer
- Is the seasonal forest more vulnerable to drought effects in tropical Amazonia
- Isotopic (Re)ordering Signatures of Stratospheric and Tropospheric O<SUB>2</SUB>
- It's About Time: How Accurate Can Geochronology Become?
- Jovian plasma interaction with Ganymede's magnetosphere
- Kalman Filtering and Smoothing of the Van Allen Probes Observations to Estimate the Radial, Energy and Pitch Angle Diffusion Rates
- LA Megacity: An Integrated Land-Atmosphere System for Urban CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions
- Laboratory Study of Magnetic Reconnection in 3D Geometry Relevant to Magnetopause and Magnetotail
- Laboratory Study of Non-linear Decay of a Kinetic Shear Alfvén Wave
- Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Patterns Associated with Temperature Extremes as a Basis for Model Evaluation: Methodological Overview and Results
- Lidar and Luminescence Dating Analysis of Latest Pleistocene-Holocene Slip Rates on the Awatere fault at Saxton River, South Island, New Zealand
- Linking Historic Wetland Soil Accretion and Sea-Level Rise Data with Landcover Change in the US
- Links Between the Amundsen Sea Low and Sea Ice Variability in the Ross Sea
- Long-term VERB Code Simulations of Ultra-relativistic Electrons and Comparison with Van Allen Probes Measurements
- Longitudinal Inter-Comparison of Modeled and Measured West Greenland Ice Sheet Meltwater Runoff Losses (2004-2014)
- Low-Frequency Wave Activity Detected by MMS during Dusk Magnetopause Crossings and its Relation to Heating and Acceleration of Particles
- Low-frequency wave activity related to dipolarization fronts detected by MMS in the magnetotail
- Lunar Flashlight: Exploration and Science at the Moon with a 6U Cubesat
- MESSENGER Observations of Suprathermal Electrons in Mercury's Magnetosphere
- MHD Model Results of Solar Wind Interaction with Mars and Comparison with MAVEN Plasma Observations
- MMS High-Resolution Observations of the Magnetopause Reconnection Layer
- MMS Observations of Parallel Electric Fields
- MMS Spacecraft Observation of Near Tail Thin Current Sheets: Their Locations, Conditions for Formation and Relation to Geomagnetic Activity
- MMS observations of kinetic-scale structure in a magnetic depression
- MMS observations of small magnetic flux ropes in the near-tail (X > -11 Re)
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Ultra Low Frequency Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Magnetotail flux accumulation leading to auroral expansion and a substorm current wedge: case study
- Mapping Heterogeneity in the Boreal Forest of North America
- Mapping PI2 Pulsations from the Ground to the Plasma Sheet: Results from UCLA and Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry Global MHD Simulations
- Matched-filter Detection of the Missing Foreshocks and Aftershocks of the 2015 Gorkha earthquake
- Mercury's gravity field, tidal Love number k2, and spin axis orientation revealed with MESSENGER radio tracking data
- Migration Stories: Upgrading a PDS Archive to PDS4
- Model-Observation "Data Cubes" for the DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program's LES ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO) Workflow
- Modeling Saturn's Magnetospheric Field
- Modeling Workflow for the DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program's LES ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO) Workflow
- Modeling the Acceleration Process of Dust in the Solar Wind
- Modeling the Climatic Impact of Land Cover Changes Using a Regional Model: Sensitivity to Experimental Design and Lateral Boundary Conditions
- Modeling the Threshold Wind Speed for Saltation Initiation over Heterogeneous Sand Beds
- Modern Measurements of Uranium Decay Rates
- Momentum Budget Analysis of Westerly Wind Events Associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation during DYNAMO
- Moulin distribution and formation on the southwest Greenland ice sheet
- Multi-Array Back-Projections of The 2015 Gorkha Earthquake With Physics-Based Aftershock Calibrations
- Multi-fluid MHD Study of the Solar Wind Interaction with Mars' Upper Atmosphere during the 2015 March 8th ICME Event
- Multi-point, multi-scale observation of the near-Earth current sheet reconfiguration during storm-time multi-onset substorms
- Multipoint Satellite and Ground Observations of the Injection Region
- Multiscale Nature of the Dissipation Range in Gyrokinetic Simulations of Alfvénic Turbulence
- Multiscale Simulations of the Dayside Magnetopause
- Multiscale controls on water surface roughness and implications for remote sensing of rivers
- New Constraints on the Rock Size Distribution on the Moon from Diviner Infrared Measurements
- New Loss Model of Energetic and Relativistic Electrons Based on Van Allen Probes Measurements
- Nighttime Lights, Socioeconomic Development, and Revitalization Policies in Northeast Asia
- Nitrogen fixation in sediments along a depth transect through the Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems off Peru and Mauritania
- Nitrous acid (HONO) observations during the Uintah Basin Wintertime Ozone Studies (UBWOS) and the Wintertime Investigation of Transport, Emission, and Reactivity (WINTER) study: sources, measurements interferences, and implications beyond.
- Non-gyrotropic pressure anisotropy induced by velocity shear.
- Northwestern Pacific Typhoon Intensity Controlled by Changes in Ocean Temperatures
- Numerical Simulation of Magma Reservoirs to Interpret Chrono-Chemical Signal
- Numerical Techniques for Coupled Ring Current - Radiation Belt Modelling
- Observations of 3-D Electric Fields and Waves Associated With Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause
- Occultation Evidence for Haze in Pluto's Atmosphere in 2015 at the New Horizons Encounter
- Ocean-Atmosphere-Land interactions and their consequences on the biogeochemical variability in Eastern Boundary Upwelling System
- On Deriving Requirements for the Surface Mass Balance forcing of a Greenland Ice Sheet Model using Uncertainty Analyses
- On the Jovian Machinery: from Magnetodisk Perturbations to the Generation of Radio Emissions.
- On the Relationship between Column Water Vapor and Deep Convection during GOAmazon 2014-2015: A Comparison to the Tropical Western Pacific
- On the generation of magnetic dips ahead of advancing dipolarization fronts
- Ordering Interfluves: a Simple Proposal for Understanding Critical Zone Evolution and Function
- Paleo-reconstruction of the Jakobshavn Glacier during the late Holocene using ISSM and Paleo-data of Margin Migration
- Parameterization of the Lorentz to Coriolis Force Ratio in Planetary Dynamos
- PhotoSpec - Ground-based Remote Sensing of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
- Pitch-Angle Distribution for Electrons at Dipolarization Sites: Field Aligned Anisotropy and Isotropization
- Plasma-depleted Flux Tubes in the Saturnian Magnetosphere
- Plasmasphere Refilling After Geomagnetic Storms Observed by EMMA Magnetometer Network
- Plasmasphere pulsations observed simultaneously by midlatitude SuperDARN radars, ground magnetometers and THEMIS spacecraft during an auroral substorm
- Polar Cap Precursor of Nightside Auroral Oval Intensifications Using Polar Cap Arcs
- Post-seismic Deformation of Mojave Earthquakes using Full-Resolution InSAR Time-Series Analysis
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-1 Asari Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data.
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-4 Ezinu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-5 Fejokoo Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-8 Nawish Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Maps of the Ac-H-10 Rongo and Ac-H-15 Zadeni Quadrangles: An integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Presentation on the Modeling and Educational Demonstrations Laboratory Curriculum Materials Center (MEDL-CMC): A Working Model and Progress Report
- Problems, Prescriptions and Potential in Actionable Climate Change Science - A Case Study from California Coastal Marsh Research
- Proof of the Post-drought Effect of Amazonian Forests from Space
- Properties of the Magnetotail Plasma Sheet at Lunar Orbit
- Pulsating Reconnection in the interaction of Two Magnetic Fux Ropes.
- Quantifying the Role of Different Magnetospheric Plasma Waves in Diffuse Auroral Precipitation
- RBSPICE Measurements of heavy Ion loss during the 2015 March storm
- Re-measuring the Slip Rate of the San Andreas Fault at Wallace Creek in the Carrizo Plain, CA
- Real-time demonstration and evaluation of over-the-loop short to medium-range ensemble streamflow forecasting
- Recent Achievements of the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability
- Reduced mass absorption cross section of black carbon under an extremely polluted condition in southern suburb of Beijing, China
- Regional and Local Temperature Maps of Dwarf Planet Ceres from Dawn/VIR
- Regolith Formation Rates and Evolution from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer
- Relative Contributions of Geothermal Pumping and Long-Term Earthquake Rate to Seismicity at California Geothermal Fields
- Relativistic Electron Enhancements at GEO: Magnetic Storms vs. Substorms
- Resistive Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Fast Reconnection in Thin Current Sheets: Analysis of the Linear and Nonlinear Stages of the "Ideal" Tearing Mode
- Revisiting mechanisms underlying tree mortality induced by drought in the Amazon: from observation to modeling
- SH-SV Polarization Anisotropy:Interpretation of Experimentally Measured Love and Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocities
- Salient Features of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake in Relation to Earthquake Cycle and Dynamic Rupture Models
- Science Measurements for the <em>Io Volcano Observer (IVO)</em>
- Search Coil and Fluxgate Data Merging on MMS: Examples on Dipolarization Event Cases
- Sediment and water column geochemistry related to methane seepage along the northern US Atlantic margin
- Sediment from the Last Two Glacial Periods Amalgamated and Re-Entrained in the Alluvial Piedmont of the North Tian Shan
- Seeking GUTH, the Grand Unified Theory of Hillslopes: Linking Weathering, Erosion and Landscapes
- Sensitivity Analysis for the Remote Sensing of Methane using the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS)
- Sensitivity of Northern Hemispheric Tropospheric Ozone To Anthropogenic Emissions as Observed by Satellite Observations
- Sensitivity of West African Monsoon water cycle to land surface schemes in RegCM4
- Setting A Stopwatch for Post-Caldera Effusive Rhyolite Eruptions at Yellowstone caldera, Wyoming
- Simulating Negative Pickup Ions and Ion Cyclotron Wave Generation at Europa (Invited)
- Simulation of the energy dependent electron diffusion processes in the Earth's outer radiation belt
- Simultaneous Observations of Electric Fields, Current Density, Plasma Density, and Neutral Winds During Two Sounding Rocket Experiments Launched from Wallops Island into Strong Daytime Dynamo Currents
- Slip pulse characteristics, Kathmandu basin resonance and high-frequency waves radiation during unzipping of locked MHT by the 2015, Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal.
- Slow Modes in Convecting Liquid Metal
- Snowpack response to warmer temperatures: a southern Sierra Nevada case study
- Soil fluxes of carbonyl sulfide (COS) across four distinct ecosystems
- Source and seed populations for relativistic electrons: their roles in radiation belt changes
- Source complexity and the physical mechanism of the 2015 Mw 7.9 Bonin Island earthquake
- Southern California climate, hydrology and vegetation over the past ~96 ka from Baldwin Lake, San Bernardino Mountains, California
- Spatially-distributed Calibration of Two Macroscale Hydrologic Models Across the Columbia River Basin
- Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Urban Heat Island and Urban Metabolism by Satellite Imagery over the Phoenix Metropolitan Area
- Spatio-temporal Variations of Nitrogen Dioxide over Western China from Satellite Observations during 2005-2013
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Orographic Enhancement in the Sierra Nevada (USA): Results from a Multi-decadal Snow Water Equivalent Reanalysis
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Soil Hydraulic Properties from Field Data and Remote Sensing in the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed
- Spectral Diversity of Ceres' Surface as Measured by VIR
- Spin-up simulation behaviors in a climate model to build a basement of long-time simulation
- Spontaneous formation of magnetotail bursty bulk flows, dipolarization fronts, and corresponding changes of magnetic topology
- Spring Land Temperature Anomalies in Northwestern U.S. and Southern Plains Summer Extreme: Texas Droughts and Floods
- Stable Isotope Evidence for Planetary Differentiation
- State-of-Art Empirical Modeling of Ring Current Plasma Pressure
- Statistics on the plasma properties in the magnetosheath and the efficiency of magnetopause reconnection
- Steepening of Waves at the Dusk Side Magnetopause
- Stride Search: A General Algorithm for Storm Detection in High Resolution Climate Data
- Structure and Viscosity of Carbonate-Silicate Melts Using<em> in situ</em> Techniques
- Studies of High β Plasma Regions
- Study Of The Rupture Process Of The 2015 Mw7.8 Izu-Bonin Earthquake And Its Implication To Deep-Focus Earthquake Genesis.
- Study of Interactions Between ULF Waves and Ring Current Heavy (He+ and O+) Ions
- Study of Multiple Scale Physics of Magnetic Reconnection on the FLARE (Facility for Laboratory Reconnection Experiments)
- Study of energetic particle dynamics in Harbin Dipole eXperiment (HDX) on Space Plasma Environment Research Facility (SPERF)
- Substorm Bulge/Surge Controlled by Polar Cap Flow Channels
- Sunlight Mediated Seasonality in Canopy Structure and Photosynthetic Activity of Amazonian Rainforests
- Sunspot Tilt Angles Measured with MDI/SOHO and HMI/SDO
- Supraglacial fluvial landscape evolution on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Surprises from the field: Novel aspects of aeolian saltation observed under natural turbulence
- Swarm Observations of Field Aligned Currents during Geomagnetic Storms
- Systematic characterization of CMIP5 model spread in simulated tropical Pacific rainfall
- THEMIS Observations of Tangential Discontinuity-Driven Foreshock Bubbles
- Temperature data assimilation for hyporheic exchange: numerical studies and sandbox experiments
- Temporal and Spatial Characterization of ULF power and its relation to relativistic electrons in the radiation belts during geomagnetic storms
- Terrestrial Reference Frames Built with Modernized GIPSY Software
- Tests of Diffusion-Free Scaling Behaviors in Numerical Dynamo Data Sets
- The 2014 JPL Realization of the ITRS: JTRF2014
- The Cause of the Hardest Electron Precipitation Events Seen by SAMPEX: a Statistical Survey of Circumstantial Evidence
- The Cluster Inner Magnetosphere Campaign - Results of Emw Waves Study.
- The Coupling of Convection, Large-Scale Atmospheric Dynamics, Surface Radiation, and Sea-Surface Temperature Hot Spots as Characterized by MODIS, TRMM, CERES, and ECMWF-Interim Reanalysis Data
- The DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program's LES ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO) Workflow: Initialization, Forcing and Multiscale Data Assimilation
- The Dependence of Mars Atmospheric Loss on Crustal Field Location: MAVEN Observation and Comparison with a MHD Model
- The Effect of Different Solar Wind Parameters upon Significant Relativistic Electron Flux Dropouts in the Magnetosphere
- The Electron Losses and Fields Investigation
- The Geology of Ceres: an Overview
- The Global Range of Subduction Zone Thermal Structures From Exhumed Blueschists and Eclogites: Rocks are Hotter than Models
- The Harang Reversal and the Interchange Stability of the Magnetotail
- The Impact of Fire on Energy Balance in Southern African Savanna Ecosystems: Implications of Climate Change
- The Influence of the Zonal Wave Three on Antarctic Sea Ice during Ice Advance Season
- The Interaction of Venus-like, M-dwarf Planets with the Stellar Wind of Their Host Star
- The Li isotope composition of modern biogenic carbonates
- The Loss Rate of Ions from the Martian Atmosphere
- The Low-Degree Shape of Mercury
- The Mid-Tail Configuration Under Prolonged Northward IMF: An Event Study With ARTEMIS Observation and Global MHD Simulations
- The Planeterrella: an Analog Model for Teaching About the Invisible Electromagnetic Processes Driving Space Weather
- The Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS): Enabling Required Plasma Measurements for the Exploration of Europa
- The Plausibility of the Stationary Inertial Alfven Wave in Explaining Important Morphological and Temporal Signatures of Auroral Arcs based on Laboratory Experiments and Auroral Observations
- The Role of Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
- The Role of Localized Inductive Electric Fields in Electron Injections Around Dipolarizing Flux Bundles
- The Role of Source Material in Basin Sedimentation, as Illustrated within Eureka Valley, Death Valley National Park, CA.
- The Warming Hiatus, Natural Variability and Thermal Ocean Structure
- The impacts of the St. Patrick's Day superstorm on selected technologies
- The role of soft electron precipitation and ponderomotive force in the generation of ionospheric outflow in the cusp and polar regions
- The state and their implication of Himalayan glacial lake changes from satellite observations
- The universal response of fluid interiors to end-member models of mechanical forcing
- The utility of satellite precipitation products for hydrologic prediction in topographically complex regions: The Chehalis River Basin, WA as a case study
- Theoretical Basis for at-many-stations Hydraulic Geometry (AMHG)
- Thermally-controlled luminescence signals from bedrock K-feldspars
- Tidal Heating at Pluto and Charon as a Result of Non-Zero Obliquity
- Time-dependent radiation dose estimations during interplanetary space flights
- Towards Biogeochemical Modeling of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane: Characterization of Microbial Communities in Methane-bearing North American Continental Margin Sediments
- Towards Optimization of Reservoir Operations for Hydropower Production in East Africa: Application of Seasonal Climate Forecasts and Remote Sensing Products
- Treating Stormwater with Green Infrastructure: Plants, Residence Time Distributions, and the Removal of Fecal Indicator Bacteria
- Trigger of Fast Reconnection via Collapsing Current Sheets
- Tropical convective onset statistics and establishing causality in the water vapor-precipitation relation
- Two Scales of Mixed Rossby-gravity and Kelvin Waves in the lower Stratosphere
- Uncertainty Quantification for the OCO-2 Mission: A Monte Carlo Framework Using a Surrogate Model
- Understanding COS Fluxes in a Boreal Forest: Towards COS-Based GPP Estimates.
- Understanding Earth's Radiation Belt Electron Acceleration and Its Solar Wind Drivers
- Understanding Io's Interior Structure from Electromagnetic Induction
- Understanding fog-plant interactions at the ecosystem scale using atmospheric carbonyl sulfide
- Untangling Element Fluxes From The Subducting Slabs: Aqueous Solutions Through The Electrostatic Lense
- Upscalling processes in an ocean-atmosphere multiscale coupled model
- Upstream drivers of poleward moving auroral forms by satellite-imager coordinated observations
- Using Clumped Isotopes to Investigate the Causes of Pluvial Conditions in the Southeastern Basin and Range during the Last Deglaciation
- Using Divergent Δ<SUP>12</SUP>CH<SUB>2</SUB>D<SUB>2</SUB> and Δ<SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUB>3</SUB>D to Trace the Provenance and Evolution of Methane Gas
- Using GRACE-Derived Water and Moisture Products as a Predictive Tool for Fire Response in the Contiguous United States
- Using High Resolution Simulations with WRF/SSiB Regional Climate Model Constrained by In Situ Observations to Assess the Impacts of Dust in Snow in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Using ISSM to Simulate the LIA to Present Ice Margin Change at Upernavik Glacier, Greenland
- Using Stochastically Downscaled Climate Models and Multiproxy Lake Sediment Data to Connect Climatic Variations Over the Past 1000 Years and the History of Prehistoric Maize Farming in Utah
- Using record player demonstrations as analog models for geophysical fluids
- Validating the Sensitivity of a Regional Climate Model to Land Surface Parameterization Schemes for East Asian Summer Monsoon
- Van Allen Probes Multipoint Measurements of the Spatial and Coherence Scales of EMIC Waves
- Variations of soil δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>15</SUP>N across a precipitation gradient in a savanna ecosystem: Implications of climate change on the carbon cycle
- Venus Express Observations of Electromagnetic Waves at the Bow Shock and Magnetosheath
- Water content and activity in model felsic liquids at 1 GPa
- Weathering, Fractures and Water in the deep Critical Zone: Geophysical investigations in the U.S. Critical Zone Observatories
- What terrestrial glacial meltwater streams reveal about Greenland ice sheet hydrology
- Whole-Rock <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Step-heating Analyses, Problems and Potential
- Wilting Point is the Key Link between the Water and Carbon Cycles in a Remote Sensing-Constrained Global Terrestrial Biosphere Model
- Calibration to improve forward model simulation of microwave emissivity at GPM frequencies over the U.S. Southern Great Plains
- <p>The Oscillatory Nature of Rotating Convection in Liquid Metal
- 3-D Subduction Modeling: The Effects of Back-Arc Boundary Shape on Mantle Wedge Temperature
- A Comparison of Several of the Latest High-Resolution Spaceborne, Airborne, and in situ Landslide Kinematic Measurement Techniques Utilizing the Slumgullion Earthflow Natural Laboratory in Southwest Colorado
- A High-Resolution Model of Water Mass Transformation and Transport in the Weddell Sea
- A Hydrologically-based Method for Calculating Sustainable Yield under California's Sustainable Groundwater Management Act
- A Laboratory Model for Deep-Seated Jets on the Gas Giants
- A Large-Radius High-Mass-Resolution Multiple-Collector Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer for Analysis of Rare Isotopologues of CH<SUB>4</SUB> and Other Gases
- A Model for CH<SUB>2</SUB>D<SUB>2</SUB> and <SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUB>3</SUB>D as Tracers for the Budget of Atmospheric CH<SUB>4</SUB>
- A Multi-layered Model for the Shape, Zonal Winds and Gravitational Field of Jupiter
- A Physically-based Parameterization for BC-Snow Interaction with Application to Snow Albedo Reduction over the Tibetan Plateau
- A Pilot Study to Evaluate California's Fossil Fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions Using Atmospheric Observations
- A Raman and Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Anglesite at High Pressures
- A Reconstruction of Temperature and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Data Since the Last Glacial Maximum Using Soil and Gastropods from the Chinese Loess Plateau
- A case study of the characteristics of intervals of pulsations of diminishing periods (IPDP) observed on February 19, 2013 using conjugate ground-satellite observations
- A climate model diagnostic metric for the Madden-Julian oscillation
- A coupled nearfield and farfield large-eddy simulation for oil transport from deep-water blowouts - a study of the effects of dispersant in the Deepwater Horizon accident
- A density-driven separation of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB> in the deep atmosphere of Venus
- A new U.S.-Canada Collaboration to build SWOT Calibration/Validation and Science Capacity for Northern Rivers and Wetlands
- A viscoplastic shear-zone model for episodic slow slip events in oceanic subduction zones
- Accessing The Fourth Dimension In Orogenic Reconstruction Using Granitoid Thermobarometry
- Advances in the use of airborne remote sensing to estimate blue carbon stocks and transport
- Alpine lakes preserve mineral dust signatures: Implications for long-range mineral dust transport and Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) tornado frequency in the United States
- An Assessment of the SST Simulation Using the Climate Forecast System Coupled to the SSiB Surface Model
- An Improvement of Back-Projection Method Based on a 3-D Earth Model
- An Investigation of Geographical and Seasonal Patterns in X<SUB>CO2</SUB> Retrieval Errors Based on Monte Carlo Experiments
- Analysis of MMS observations of Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Magnetosheath
- Analysis of Societal Response in Urban Landscape Irrigation due to the Recent California Drought Utilizing Remotely Sensed Satellite and High Resolution Aerial NAIP Imagery
- Analyzing the responses of species assemblages to climate change across the Great Basin, USA.
- Anisotropic Impact Cratering on the Moon Observed in the Lunar Cold Spot Crater Population
- Antarctic Sea Ice Response to Late 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century Ozone Changes: a Modeling Perspective on Regional and Seasonal Trends and Variability
- Application of improved May−July seasonal rainfall forecasts for the implementation of drought contingency triggers in water supply reservoirs in Texas
- Assessing Climate Change in Early Warm Season and Impacts on Wildfire Potential in the Southwestern United States
- Assessing Data Quality in Emergent Domains of Earth Sciences
- Assessing Drought Impacts on Water Storage Changes from New GRACE Mascons Solutions and Regional Groundwater Modeling in the Central Valley of California
- Assessing the Biogenicity of Tufas and Their Potential as Biosignature Repositories
- Assessing the Pacific Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Depth From Various Proxies With a Bayesian Approach
- Assessing the aerosol direct and first indirect effects using ACM/GCM simulation results
- Assessing the effects of non-Gaussian tails on increases in temperature exceedances under global warming using climate models
- Assessing the viability of `over-the-loop' real-time short-to-medium range ensemble streamflow forecasts
- Assessment of earthen levee stability for management and response: A NASA-DHS-California Dept. Water Resources collaboration
- Assessments of Future Maize Yield Potential Changes in the Korean Peninsula Using Multiple Crop Models
- Assimilating High-Frequency (HF) Radar Surface Currents into a Real-Time California Coastal Ocean Nowcast/Forecast System
- Assimilation of MODIS Ice Surface Temperature and Albedo into the Snow and Ice Model CROCUS Over the Greenland Ice Sheet Along the K-transect Stations
- Atmospheric Rivers in Climate Simulations: A Multi-model, Global Evaluation
- Atmospheric escape at Mars during ICMEs
- Atmospheric moisture transport to western North America during the Last Glacial Maximum and deglaciation
- Behavior and Stability of Ground Ice on Ceres: Modeling Water Vapor Production
- Boundary Layer vs. Free Tropospheric Controls on Deep Convection at the GOAmazon site
- Calibration and Testing of the Energetic Particle Detector for the Electron Losses and Fields Investigation
- Carbon Diffusion in Zircon
- Carbonate melts in the hydrous upper mantle and their role in H<SUB>2</SUB>O controlled metasomatic mantle transformation
- Cenozoic Development of the Northern Tibetan Plateau and the Onset of Thrust and Strike-slip faulting: Constraints from Apatite and Zircon (U-Th)/He and Fission-Track Thermochronometry
- Changes in tropical precipitation cluster size distributions under global warming
- Changes of the Hadley Circulation Under Global Warming and Their Linkage with Climate Sensitivity and Hydrologial Sensitivity
- Characteristic Energy Range of Electron Scattering due to Plasmaspheric Hiss
- Characteristics of Dissipation within Reconnection Regions at the Dayside Magnetopause
- Characteristics of High Latitude Precursor Flows Ahead of Dipolarization Fronts
- Characteristics of Ion Distribution Functions in Dipolarizing FluxBundles: THEMIS Event Studies
- Characterizing Snowpack Drought and Drought Recovery in the Sierra Nevada (USA)
- Characterizing Uncertainties in Atmospheric Inversions of Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions in California
- Characterizing Weathering Crust Hydrology in the Southwest Greenland Ablation Zone
- Characterizing West Greenland ice sheet runoff losses from modeled and measured data
- Clarify the role of evapotranspiration in improving the predictability of summer droughts over US Great Plains
- Cloudy Planetary Boundary Layer Study with Satellite, Climate Model, and ERA-I Reanalysis Data over the Subtropical Eastern Pacific
- Coalescence of Macroscopic Flux Ropes at the Subsolar Magnetopause: MMS Observations
- Coherent Whistler Mode Waves Simultaneously Observed Over Unexpectedly Large Spatial Scales
- Cold Electrons as the Drivers of Parallel, Electrostatic Waves in Asymmetric Reconnection
- Comparison between electric dipole and magnetic loop antennas for emitting whistler modes
- Comparison of Dynamically Modeled EMIC Wave Activity with in situ Observations: Implications for Wave Growth Assumptions
- Comparison of Global Martian Plasma Models Using MAVEN Data
- Comparison of lighting activity and inner radiation belt particle fluxes perturbations
- Complexity Variations in the Interplanetary Magnetic Field Between 0.3 and 5.4 AU
- Composition and Origin of Theia - the Moon-Forming Impactor
- Constraining regional energy and hydrologic modeling of the cryosphere with quantitative retrievals from imaging spectroscopy
- Contemporary Model Fidelity over the Maritime Continent: Examination of the Diurnal Cycle, Synoptic, Intraseasonal and Seasonal Variability
- Convective transition statistics for climate model diagnostics
- Correlation between Strain Rate and Seismicity and Its Implication for Earthquake Rupture Potential in California and Nevada
- Coseismic slip solution and preliminary postseismic results for the 7 December 2015 Mw 7.2 Sarez Lake, Tajikistan earthquake from joint inversion of Sentinel-1A and ALOS-2 InSAR data
- Coupling Between Subauroral Neutral Wind and Extended Sunward Ion Flow During the 17 March 2013 Storm
- Coupling between marine boundary layer clouds and summer-to-summer SST variability over the North Atlantic and Pacific
- Current Density Reduction Ahead of Dipolarization Fronts
- Current Systems in Saturn's Magnetosphere and their Local-time Asymmetries
- Current sheet thinning in the near-Earth magnetotail
- Currents and associated electron scattering and bouncing near the diffusion region at Earth's magnetopause
- Dayside and Cusp Plasma Dynamics at Mercury's Magnetosphere
- Decadal climate simulations using the Climate Forecast System (CFS) coupled to the SSiB2 land surface model
- Detecting Seismic Anisotropy in the Mantle Transition Zone with SS Precursors
- Detecting regional carbon-climate feedbacks in the Arctic
- Developing a New Thermophysical Model for Lunar Regolith Soil at Low Temperatures
- Development of a SMAP-Based Drought Monitoring Product
- Development of a Validation Framework for Remotely Sensed Water and Energy Balance Components in Data Scarce Catchments using the Budyko Hypothesis
- Development of the Vista Methane Emissions Inventory for Southern California: A GIS-Based Approach for Mapping Methane Emissions
- Dipolarization in the inner magnetosphere during a geomagnetic storm on 7 October 2015
- Disentangling dust emission mechanisms - a field study
- Dissipation Mechanisms and Particle Acceleration at the Earth's Bow Shock
- Distribution of Region 1 and 2 currents in the quietand substorm time plasma sheetfrom THEMIS observations
- Distribution of the Ammoniated Species on the Surface of Ceres
- Do diurnal patterns of branch carbon uptake and transpiration recover after heat waves? Results from a Mediterranean-type ecosystem experiencing seasonal and exceptional drought
- Does desert dust cool or warm the Earth system?
- Double Current Sheet Instabilities and the Transition to Turbulence.
- Dust Impact on Circulation Patterns and Regional Climate of Monsoon Regions
- Dynamics of CME and HSS Storms Revealed from Auroral Imaging
- EMIC waves parameterization in the long-term VERB code simulation
- Early aftershocks and afterslip surrounding the 2015 Mw 8.4 Illapel rupture
- Eddy Shedding in the Deep Western Boundary Current
- Effect of crustal field rotation on ion loss rate and seasonal variation
- Effects of Lower-hybrid Waves on Electron And Ion Heating During Asymmetric Reconnection
- Effects of wintertime atmospheric river landfalls on surface air temperatures in the Western US: Analyses and model evaluation
- Electron Diffusion Region Identification on MMS Using the Radius of Curvature of the Magnetic Field
- Electron Injections: A Study of Electron Acceleration by Multiple Dipolarizing Flux Bundles Using an Analytical Model
- Electron jet of asymmetric reconnection and associated electrostatic turbulence
- Elemental composition of Ceres
- Energy Estimates of Lightning-Generated Whistler-Mode Waves in the Ionosphere of Venus
- Erosion and refilling of the plasmasphere studied by neural network based three-dimensional plasmaspheric model
- Estimating Achievable Accuracy for Global Imaging Spectroscopy Measurement of Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation Cover
- Estimating Surface and Subsurface Ice Abundance on Mercury Using a Thermophysical Model
- Estimating the impact of 2015 El Niño and 2011 La Niña on terrestrial biosphere flux variability with multiple satellite observations
- Estimation of Missing Groundwater Levels Using Short-Time Fourier Transform
- Estimation of precipitation over the OLYMPEX domain during winter 2015-2016 using radar, gauge precipitation and ASO snow estimates
- Evaluating the Correlations and Sequence of Plant Drought Responses: Coordination Among Stomatal, Hydraulic, and Wilting Traits
- Evidence for Large Hydrologic and Ecologic Variability During the Late Wisconsin in the Coastal Southwest United States (Lake Elsinore, CA)
- Excitation of whistler-mode chorus waves in a laboratory plasma
- Experimental determination of quartz solubility in H<SUB>2</SUB>O-KCl solutions at 10 kbar and 600-800°C: implications for mass transfer by brines at high pressure and temperature
- Explicit Two-Phase Modeling of the Initiation of Saltation over Heterogeneous Sand Beds
- Exploring the causes of Colorado River streamflow declines
- Exploring the interior of Venus with seismic and infrasonic techniques
- FLARE: a New User Facility to Study Multiple-Scale Physics of Magnetic Reconnection Through in-situ Measurements
- Fast Tearing Mode Instability in Thin Current Sheets Embedded in a Jet
- Fast flow statistic in the Earth's magnetotail near lunar orbit
- Field measurements of dust emission from sand dunes
- Filament Structure and Stability in the Solar Corona
- Flux Transfer Events on the Magnetopause, Force-Free or Not: An MMS Multi-Instrument Study
- Frameworks for Assessing Human Influence on Water Availability
- Generation of Multi-band Chorus by Lower Band Cascade in the Earth's Magnetosphere
- Geological and Structural Patterns on Titan Enhanced Through Cassini's SAR PCA and High-Resolution Radiometry
- Getting the temperature right: Understanding thermal emission from airless bodies
- Glacial-hydrogeomorphic process of proglacial lake expansion and exploring its amplification effect on glacier recession in the Himalayas
- Glacier melting contributions to the inland lakes on the Tibetan Plateau
- Global Change Impacts on Future Fire Regimes: Distinguishing Between Climate-limited vs Ignition-Limited Landscapes
- Global Observations of High-m Poloidal Waves in the Magnetosphere During the Recovery Phase of the June 2015 Magnetic Storm
- Global patterns in the poleward expansion of mangrove forests
- Growth and Nonlinear Saturation of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves In Multi-Ion Species Magnetospheric Plasma: 2.5D Hybrid Modeling
- Growth rate measurement of ULF waves in the ion foreshock
- Guide-Field Dependence of Dissipation Processes in Magnetopause Reconnection
- High and Dry? Stomatal Regulation and the Water Use Efficiency of Vegetation
- High latitude convection dynamics during Magnetospheric Multiscale magnetopause encounters and magnetic reconnection observations
- High-Resolution Ceres HAMO Color Mosaics derived from Dawn FC Images
- High-resolution Ceres LAMO atlas derived from Dawn FC images
- How Clouds Affect The Vertical Structure Of Radiative Heating Rates: A Multi-model Evaluation Using A-train Observations
- How Representative a View of the Hadean and Early Archean Can We Build From Detrital Zircon Records?
- How to Archive CDF in PDS4: A Tutorial
- Hydrological Modeling in the Bull Run Watershed in Support of a Piloting Utility Modeling Applications (PUMA) Project
- Hydrological control on Ozone greenhouse gas effect
- Hydrous albite magmas at lower crustal pressure: New results on liquidus H<SUB>2</SUB>O content, solubility, and H<SUB>2</SUB>O activity in the system NaAlSi<SUB>3</SUB>O<SUB>8</SUB>-H<SUB>2</SUB>O-NaCl at 1.0 GPa
- Ice under cover: Using bulk spatial and physical properties of probable ground ice driven mass wasting features on Ceres to better understand its surface
- Identification of dominant flow structures in rapidly rotating convection of liquid metals using Dynamic Mode Decomposition
- Identifying "Carrington Events" in Solar, Solar Wind, and Magnetospheric Data
- Identifying groundwater management strategies with reduced models of flow and transport
- Illusory Late Heavy Bombardments
- Imaging spectroscopy calibration and applications for coastal wetland species composition and biomass mapping in the Mississippi Delta
- Impact crater morphology and the Central Pit/Dome of Occator: Ceres as an Ice-rich Body
- Impact of 3-D Radiation-Topography Interaction on Simulation of Land Surface Temperature and Snow Depth over the Tibetan Plateau
- Impact of accurate description of land surface characteristics on simulation of the East Asian monsoon precipitation
- Impact of interactive A/O feedback on Multi-decadal Variability of East Asian and West African Summer Monsoon in the CFSv2 Simulation
- Impact of iodine chemistry on coastal ozone levels at the Gulf of Mexico
- Impact of river discharge on the California coastal ocean circulation and variability
- Impact of the 2015 El Niño on the Indonesian carbon balance: implications for carbon mitigation
- Impacts of 3D Topography and BC Deposition on Climate Change Over the Tibetan Plateau
- Importance of land vegetation schemes for model spread in the fast global precipitation response to CO<SUB>2</SUB> forcing
- Improving medium-range ensemble streamflow forecasts through statistical post-processing
- Improving the Statistical Modeling of the TRMM Extreme Precipitation Monitoring System
- Including stage-dependent roughness coefficient in algorithms to estimate river discharge from remotely sensed water elevation, width, and slope
- Influence of the Madden-Julian oscillation on Tibetan Plateau Snow Cover at the Intraseasonal Time-scale
- Initial Results in Global Flood Monitoring System (GFMS) Using GPM Data
- Insights into hydroclimatic variability of Southern California since 125 ka, from multi-proxy analyses of alpine lakes
- Integrating Legacy Data to Understand Agroecosystem Regional Dynamics to Catastrophic Events
- Integrating satellite remote sensing data and field data to predict rangeland structural indicators at the continental scale
- Interaction between interplanetary shocks and the Moon
- Interannual Variability in the North Atlantic Ocean's Temperature Field and its Association with the Wind-Stress Forcing
- Interior Dynamics of Giant Planets: The Competing Influences of Rotation, Magnetic Fields, and Buoyancy
- Internally drained catchments dominate supraglacial hydrology of the southwest Greenland Ice Sheet
- Interplay between tectonics and topography: Topographic stress controls on bedrock fractures and surface processes
- Investigating Anomalies in the Prediction Model for the Dayside Magnetopause Reconnection Location
- Investigating the Spatiotemporal Variability of Extreme Orographic Snowfall Processes Across Sierra Nevada, USA
- Investigation of C-O-H-S fluids directly exsolved from melts associated with the Mt. Somma-Vesuvius magmas
- Ion Dynamics in Anti-Parallel Magnetotail Reconnection in the Presence of Density Asymmetry
- Ion beams in the plasma sheet
- Ion velocity distributions in the plasma sheet
- Iron Isotope Constraints on Planetesimal Core Formation
- K-Spectrum Determination: Comparison of Three Methods Using High Resolution MMS FPI Plasma and Magnetic Field Multi-Spacecraft Data
- Kinetic Features of Multi-Species Energetic Ions Associated with Dynamic Injections at the Near-Tail Region as Observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission
- LRO Diviner Nonlinear Response and Opposition Effect Corrections
- Laboratory Investigation of Alfvén Waves and Kink-mode Oscillations in an Arched Magnetized Plasma
- Large-scale characteristics of reconnection associated with electron diffusion region encounters by MMS
- Large-scale time-series InSAR analysis of the Sacramento-San Joaquin delta subsidence using UAVSAR
- Libration-Driven Elliptical Instability Experiments in Ellipsoidal Shells
- Lithospheric Subduction on Earth and Venus?
- Low Temperature (<100K) Regolith Thermal Conductivity - Preliminary Laboratory Data
- Lower-tropospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> from near-infrared ACOS-GOSAT observations
- MAVEN Measurements of Ion Escape Rates from Mars
- MMS Observation of Inverse Energy Dispersion in Shock Drift Acceleration Ions
- MMS Observations and Non-Force Free Modeling of a Flux Transfer Event Immersed in a Super-Alfvenic Flow
- MMS Observations of Ion-scale Magnetic Island in the Magnetosheath Turbulent Plasma
- MMS observations of large guide field symmetric reconnection between colliding reconnection jets at the center of a magnetic flux rope at the magnetopause
- MMS observations of wave-particle interactions in a kinetic-scale Alfvén-branch wave
- MMS-Mission Diagnosis of Species-Dependent Leakage of Energetic Particles across Earth's Magnetopause and Implications for Juno at Jupiter
- Magnetic Flux Circulation in the Saturnian Magnetosphere Revisited
- Magnetic Signatures of Nano Dust in the Solar Wind
- Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) and Van Allen Probes Study of Substorm Injections
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Examination of Stress Balance in FTE-Type Flux Ropes at the Earth's Magnetopause
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Flux-Rope Interactions in the Turbulent Terrestrial Magnetosheath
- Magnitude of crustal shortening and structural framework of the easternmost Himalayan orogen, northern Indo-Burma Ranges of northeastern India
- Mapping Regions of the Southern Ocean Likely to Remain Limited in Supply of Dust-Delivered Iron from Terrestrial Sources
- Mapping and Modeling Meltwater Drainage of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Martian Low-Altitude Magnetic Topology Deduced from MAVEN/SWEA Observations
- Matched-filter Detection of the Missing Pre-mainshock Events of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake
- Measurements of mineral thermal conductivity at high pressures and temperatures with the laser-heated diamond anvil cell
- Measuring slip in paleoearthquakes using high-resolution aerial lidar data: Combined analysis of the Wairau, Awatere, Clarence, and Hope faults, South Island, New Zealand
- Mesoscale Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling along Open Magnetic Field Lines Associated with Airglow Patches: Field-aligned Currents and Precipitation
- Mesoscale eddy dynamics over continental slopes: a model inter-comparison
- Mesoscale to submesoscale structures observed in very high-resolution numerical simulations and seismic oceanography data offshore of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina
- Microbial communities in methane seep sediments along US Atlantic Margin are structured by organic matter and seepage dynamics
- Model Simulations For a Potential Bow Shock at Ceres
- Modeling biophysical/biogeochemical/ecological/ocean/atmosphere two-way interactions using NCEP CFS/SSiB5/TRIFFID/DAYCENT: challenge and promising
- Modeling the Southwood Theory of Rotation-Period Perturbations of a Magnetized Plasma
- Modeling the efficacy of future BMP implementation to improve water quality in the highly urbanized watersheds of Dominguez Channel and Machado Lake in Los Angeles California
- Modeling the role of subsurface soil spring temperature anomalies feedback in the development of summer drought in the U.S. Southern Great Plains: Added value of regional climate modeling
- Modeling the sensitivity of the Greenland Ice Sheet to Holocene climate variability using the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM).
- Moisture Limitations Dominate the Seasonality of Heterotrophic Respiration in the Southern Hemisphere
- Motion of the MMS spacecraft through magnetic reconnection structures
- Multi temporal InSAR analysis of interseismic deformation in Northwestern Tibet
- Multi-fluid MHD study of the solar wind interaction with Pluto
- Multi-resolution modeling of snow-dominated basins
- Multipoint Observations of a Global Pi2 Event in Space and on the Ground
- Multipoint observations of energetic electron injections with MMS and Van Allen Probes
- New GOES High-Res Magnetic Measurements: Spectral Properties and Studies of Field Line Conjunctions
- Next Generation Forest Structure Measurements from Space: Synergism of NASA's NISAR and GEDI Observations
- Nonlinear interactions of kink-unstable flux ropes and shear Alfvén waves
- Novel AirSWOT Measurements of River Height and Slope, Tanana River, AK
- Observation of the Spatial Distribution of BTEX Using a new Long-path Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy Instrument
- Observational Signatures of Coronal Heating
- Observations and Characterization of Binary Near-Earth Asteroid 65803 Didymos, the Target of the AIDA Mission
- Observations of Plasmaspheric Density Structures by Normal-mode Magnetoseismology
- Observations of Poleward Moving Auroral Forms by the Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling 2 (RENU2) Sounding Rocket
- Observations of a New Foreshock Region Upstream of a Foreshock Bubble's Shock
- Observations of discrete magnetosonic waves off the magnetic equator
- Occurrence of auroral omega bands
- Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling in SST Hot Spot Regimes as a Function of ENSO: Local SST and Deep Convection Relationships, Larger-Scale Interactions With and Modulations on El Nino, and Remote Tropical and Extratropical Connections Using Multi-Satellite Observations and ERA-Interim Reanalysis
- On evaluating the skill of using anticyclonic wave activity to predict surface ozone in the US
- On the Causes of the Summer 2015 Pacific Northwest Wildfires
- On the Utilization of Ice Flow Models and Uncertainty Quantification to Interpret the Impact of Surface Radiation Budget Errors on Estimates of Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Balance and Regional Estimates of Mass Balance
- On the origin of the 1-hour pulsations in the Saturn's magnetosphere
- On the spatio-temporal and energy-dependent response of riometer absorption to electron precipitation: drift-time and conjunction analyses in realistic electric and magnetic fields
- Optimization of Hydrothermal System Operations with multiple Objectives
- Origin of the anomalously rocky appearance of Tsiolkovskiy crater
- Outward radial transport and drift loss due to ULF waves during an energetic electron dropout during the storm on 1 June 2013
- Paleomagnetism of Hadean and Archean Detrital Zircons from the Jack Hills, Western Australia
- Parameterizing Plasmaspheric Hiss Wave Power by Plasmapause Location
- Permafrost in Earth System Models: Recent Progress and Future Challenges
- Phase relations among K-feldspar, muscovite and H<SUB>2</SUB>O at 1.0 GPa and 800°C: Implications for metasediment dissolution and melting at high pressures and temperatures
- PhotoSpec - Ground-based Remote Sensing of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence: First Results
- Pitted Terrain on Dwarf Planet Ceres: Morphological Evidence for Shallow Volatiles at Low and Mid Latitudes
- Plume-induced roll back subduction around Venus large coronae
- Practical implementation of a particle filter data assimilation approach to estimate initial hydrologic conditions and initialize medium-range streamflow forecasts
- Predicting the Orientation of the B<SUB>z</SUB> Component of CMEs
- Prediction of PM<SUB>10</SUB> grades in Seoul, Korea using a neural network model based on synoptic patterns
- Prediction of Ultra-Relativistic Electron Flux Dynamics Through a Fusion of Machine-Learning and Physics-Based Models
- Pressure-Temperature Studies and Structural Setting of Amphibolite-Grade Rocks Within the Easternmost Indus-Ysangpo Suture Zone and Forearc Complex (Tidding Formation), N. Indo-Burma Ranges of N.E. India
- Pressure-dependent Isotopic Composition of Iron Alloys
- Proglacial River Reveals Substantial Greenland Ice Sheet Climate Sensitivity and Meltwater Routing Delays
- Quantifying Hemispheric Asymmetry of Auroral Currents by Polar Region Interhemispheric Magnetic Observatories (PRIMO)
- Quantifying Local Ablation Rates for the Greenland Ice Sheet Using Terrestrial LIDAR
- Quantifying Precipitation Variability and Relative Erosion Rates on Titan Using a GCM and Implications for Observed Geomorphology
- Quantifying the contribution of microbursts to global electron loss
- Re-evaluation of P-T paths across the Himalayan Main Central Thrust
- Recent Achievements of the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability
- Recent droughts and effect of climate change on climate extremes in the East African region.
- Reconstructing the Aliso Canyon natural gas leak incident
- Reconstruction of the electron diffusion region observed by MMS: First results
- Reexaming Owens Valley: Partitioning of Discrete and Distributed Transtension, Structural Controls on Magmatism, and Seismic Potential within an Active Rift Zone, Eastern California.
- Relation of field-aligned currents measured by AMPERE project to solar wind and substorms
- Resolved <SUP>12</SUP>CH<SUB>2</SUB>D<SUB>2</SUB> and <SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUB>3</SUB>D in CH<SUB>4</SUB> as Sensitive Indicators of Disequilibrium and Equilibrium during Microbial Methane Cycling
- Response of dayside aurora on closed field lines to solar wind driving
- Rethinking plant functional types in Earth System Models: pan-tropical analysis of tree survival across environmental gradients
- Revisiting drought impact on tree mortality and carbon fluxes in ORCHIDEE-CAN DGVM
- Ring Current Modeling of the March 2013 Storm with RAM-SCB
- Risk Analysis and Management for Real-time Flood Control Operation
- Ross Ice Shelf Polynya - Contribution to Antarctic Sea Ice Variability
- Satellite Measurements of Carbonyl Sulfide: A New Constraint on Tropical GPP Seasonality in Global Ecosystem Models
- Saturn's Quasi-Periodic Magnetohydrodynamic Waves
- Science Systems Engineering and Uncertainty Quantification for Sea Level Rise Projections and Implications for Prioritizing Measurements
- Seasonal Variation of Shallow-to-Deep Convection Transition, Its Link to Environmental Conditions and Influence on Diurnaly Cycle of Rainfall as Determined by GoAmazon Data
- Seeking deep convective parameter updates that improve tropical Pacific climatology in CESM using Pareto fronts
- Shift of the Magnetopause Reconnection Line to the Winter Hemisphere under Southward IMF Conditions: Geotail and MMS Observations
- Simulated Impact of Climate Change on Fremont Native American Maize Farming in Utah at the MCA-LIA Transition, ca. 12-14th c. CE
- Simulating Venus' Cloud Level Dynamics Using a New Middle Atmosphere General Circulation Model
- Simulation of boreal Summer Monsoon Rainfall using CFSV2_SSiB model: sensitivity to Land Use Land Cover (LULC)
- Simulation of corn yields and parameters uncertainties analysis in Hebei and Sichuang, China
- Simulations of the MJO in GFDL's New Generation GCMs and a Mechanism Study Using the Moist Static Energy Budget
- Soil Crust Mapping and Estimation of Soil Hydraulic Properties in the Semi-Arid Walnut Gulch Catchment based on Remote Sensing Data
- Solar Eruptive Activity at Mars' Orbit and its Potential Impacts
- Solar Wind Driven Variations of Electron Plasma Sheet Parameters Beyond Geostationary Orbit During Storm Times
- Solar Wind Interaction and Crustal Field Influences on Mars' Upper Ionosphere: MAVEN Observations Compared to Model Results
- Solar Wind Origins, Heating and Turbulence Evolution with Solar Probe Plus: The First Three Perihelia
- Spatial and temporal characterization of relativistic electron enhancements during the Van Allen Probes era.
- Spectrophotometric Correction of VIR-Dawn Observations of Vesta
- Stability Analysis of Two-dimensional Current Sheets at Arbitrary Aspect Ratio
- Stable Nighttime Light Decreased in Protected Area of California: Findings from DMSP-OLS Observations and the Importance for Protected Area Policy Making
- State of the Carbon Cycle Report 2 (SOCCR2): Highlights from the Urban Systems chapter
- Statistical Properties of Substorm Auroral Onset Beads/rays
- Storm orientation impacts on atmospheric river induced precipitation efficiency
- Stormwater Infrastructure in the Los Angeles Region: Are Regulatory Drivers and Opportunism the Best Approach to Clean Water?
- Studying the Post-Fire Response of Vegetation in California Protected Areas with NDVI-based Pheno-Metrics
- Sub-seasonal Evaluation of East African Rainfall for Improved Hydrologic Forecasting
- Subseasonal predictability of tropical cyclone genesis in a global high-resolution climate model
- Subsurface metagenomes uncover a vast repertoire of hypervariable proteins encoded by genetic elements in uncultivated organisms and viruses
- Surface deformation of north-central Oklahoma before, during and after the 2016 Mw 5.8 Pawnee Earthquake from SAR interferometry time series
- Surface water hydrology and the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Systematics of a Clumped Isotope-Based Reconstruction of Temperature and Precipitation Water δ<SUP>18</SUP>O from Late Pleistocene and Holocene Archives of the Chinese Loess Plateau
- Temperature and Oxygenation of the Shallow Tethys During the End-Triassic Extinction Event.
- Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Carbon Storage in California Coastal Salt Marshes
- The Age of the Moon
- The Andes Snow Climatology: Insights From a Landsat-era Snow Reanalysis
- The Biogeography of Endorheic Soda Lakes in the Western United States
- The Business of Co-Production: Assessing Efforts to Bridge Science and Decision-Making for Adaptation in California
- The Controlling Parameters for EMIC Wave Scattering of Relativistic Electrons
- The Deflection Question
- The Effects of High Temperature on Seasonal and Diurnal Cycles of Photosynthetic Water Use Efficiency of Southern California Native Shrubs
- The Impact of the Timing of Precipitation and Vegetation Growth on Potential Dust Emission
- The Interaction of Finite-Width Reconnection Exhaust Jets with a Dipolar Magnetic Field Configuration
- The Lunar Rock Size Frequency Distribution from Diviner Infrared Measurements
- The Mars Crustal Magnetic Field Control of Plasma Boundary Locations and Atmospheric Loss: MHD Prediction and Comparison with MAVEN Observations
- The Non-linear Evolution of Whistler-mode Waves at the Dayside Magnetopause and Its Relation to Magnetic Reconnection and Particle Acceleration
- The Pan African Rengali Orogen, Eastern India: Implications for Gondwanaland.
- The RIMFAX GPR on Mars 2020 - Bringing a New Dimension to Rover Science.
- The Relative Abundances of Resolved <SUP>12</SUP>CH<SUB>2</SUB>D<SUB>2</SUB> and <SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUB>3</SUB>D and Mechanisms Controlling Isotopic Bond Ordering in Abiotic and Biotic Methane Gases
- The Role of Monsoon-like Zonally Asymmetric Heating in Interhemispheric Transport
- The Role of the Auroral Processes in the Formation of the Outer Electron Radiation Belt
- The Snow Data System at NASA JPL
- The influence of crustal magnetic fields on the composition of the nightside ionosphere of Mars
- The initiation and persistence of cracks in Enceladus' ice shell
- The nature of Ceres' bluish material.
- The physics underpinning the emergent constraints of climate sensitivity
- The role of leaf cutter ants on soil organic carbon dynamics in a wet tropical forest
- The spatial variable glacier mass loss over the southeast Tibet Plateau and the climate cause analyses
- Thermophysical behavior of the uppermost lunar surface from Diviner high time-resolution, post-sunset observations
- Thermophysical properties of lunar impact ejecta and their evolution through time
- Time Reversal Imaging of the 2015 Illapel Tsunami Source
- Topographic Influence on Near-Surface Seismic Velocity in southern California
- Towards New Models of Deep Upper Mantle Anisotropy From Higher Mode Rayleigh Waves
- Towards a New 3-D Radial Anisotropic Model of the Upper Mantle and Transition Zone
- Trading Places: Can Interchange Energy Solve the Torus Energy Crisis?
- Transitional behavior of low energy protons based on Van Allen Probes observation
- Tropical Soil Carbon Stocks do not Reflect Aboveground Forest Biomass Across Geological and Rainfall Gradients
- Turbulence in the Plasma Sheet and its Role in Transport in a Coupled Fluid-Kinetic Simulation
- Two Dimensional Energy Flux Measurements of Precipitation using Incoherent Scatter Radars
- Understanding Greenland Ice Sheet Runoff Losses
- Understanding the generation mechanisms of highly oblique lower-band chorus waves
- Understanding the ion distributions near the boundaries of reconnection outflow region
- Understanding the role of Whistler waves at the Bow shock of Earth: MMS observations and dispersion analysis
- Upper-Ocean Contribution to Coastal Sea Level.
- Uptake of OCS in Alaska North-America Land Region
- Use of Energy Preserving Empirical Mode Decomposition to Determine Trends in Simulated Precipitation and Temperature from a High Resolution Ensemble of Climate Models over the Contiguous U.S.
- Using DMSP-OLS Night Light Data for Proxying and Comparing Regional Development in Russia and China, 1992-2012
- VT0005 In Action: National Forest Biomass Inventory Using Airborne Lidar Sampling
- Validation of 2D and 3D MHD with embedded PIC (MHD-EPIC) simulations against MMS observations
- Variability of Dayside Reconnection in a Global Hybrid-Vlasov Simulation
- Variations in lake and reservoir storage associated with Middle East droughts
- Water clarity of the Upper Great Lakes: tracking changes between 1998-2012
- Wave events: climatology and relationship to Northern Hemisphere winter blocking and weather extremes
- What Do We Really Know About Early Earth? Less Than We Claim.
- What Magnetic Conditions Do Determine the Latitudinal Extent of SAPS/SAID Subauroral Flow Enhancements?
- Where and in What Quantity Are Lakes Observable by SWOT?
- Whistler mode refraction in highly nonuniform magnetic fields
- Year-round Regional CO2 Fluxes from Boreal and Tundra Ecosystems in Alaska
- Young Lunar Volcanic Features: Thermophysical Properties and Formation
- A Case Study of Array-based Early Warning System for Tsunami Offshore Ventura, California
- A High-Pressure Study of Manganese Metal and its Reactions with CO<SUB>2</SUB> at 6, 23, and 44 GPa
- A New Distance Metric in Ground Motion Prediction Equations Based On Array Back-Projections
- A New Seismic Hazard Model for Mainland China
- A Process-Based Transport-Distance Model of Aeolian Transport
- A Standard for Sharing and Accessing Time Series Data: The Heliophysics Application Programmers Interface (HAPI) Specification
- A Unified Moisture Mode Framework for Seasonality of the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- A case study of connection between a plasma bubble at X = -60 R<SUB>E</SUB> and high-latitude ground magnetic field perturbations
- A prototype data assimilation framework for generating spatiotemporally continuous SWOT data products
- A statistic study of EMIC waves associated with energetic particle injection from the magnetotail using multi-point in-situ satellite observations
- A study on the non Maxwellian nature of ion velocity distribution functions using Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) data
- A window into the future of the Earth, hidden in the jungles of Costa Rica's volcanoes
- AGU Student and Early Career Leadership
- Absolute water storages in the Congo River floodplains from integration of InSAR and satellite radar altimetry
- AirSWOT Measurements of Water Surface Elevations and Hydraulic Gradients over the Yukon Flats, Alaska
- AirSWOT flights and field campaigns for the 2017 Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE)
- Ammonium on Ceres
- An Inter-comparison Between Reanalysis and Dropsonde Observations of the Total Water Vapor Transport in Individual Atmospheric Rivers
- An Investigation of the Dayside Response of the Magnetosphere to Interplanetary Shocks: Dependence on Shock Parameters and Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- An Ionosphere/Magnetosphere Coupling Current System Located in the Gap Between Saturn and its Rings
- An Iterative Learning Algorithm to Map Oil Palm Plantations from Synthetic Aperture Radar and Crowdsourcing
- An Overview of Tools for Creating, Validating and Using PDS Metadata
- An operational ensemble prediction system for catchment rainfall over eastern Africa spanning multiple temporal and spatial scales
- Analysis and Modeling of Influenza Outbreaks as Driven by Weather
- Analyzing surface features on icy satellites using a new two-layer analogue model
- Anthropogenic Warming Impacts on Today's Sierra Nevada Snowpack and Flood Severity
- Application of New Chorus Wave Model from Van Allen Probe Observations in Earth's Radiation Belt Modeling
- Application of a global magnetospheric-ionospheric current model for dayside and terminator Pi2 pulsations
- Are "Habitable" Exoplanets Really Habitable? -A perspective from atmospheric loss
- Assessing aerosol indirect effect on ice and liquid clouds, and East/Southeast Asia and West African regional climate using NCEP GFS
- Assessing impacts of climate change on species range shifts and extirpation on the local scale through Late Pleistocene fossils of Sequoia sempervirens in the Los Angeles Basin.
- Atmospheric Influences on the Anomalous 2016 Antarctic Sea Ice Decay
- Auroral field-aligned current observations during the Cassini F-ring and Proximal orbits
- Behaviors and transitions along the path to magnetostrophic convection
- Benchmarking CCMI models' top-of-atmosphere flux in the 9.6-µm ozone band using AURA TES Instantaneous Radiative Kernel
- CCMC Modeling of Magnetic Reconnection in Electron Diffusion Region Events
- CYGNSS Surface Wind Validation and Characteristics in the Maritime Continent
- Ceres' Global Cryosphere
- Ceres' intriguing Occator crater and its faculae: formation and evolution
- Challenges for Validating Large Scale Maps of Aboveground Biomass of Humid Tropical Forests
- Characteristics of Energetic Particle Acceleration in Hot Flow Anomalies Observed by MMS
- Characteristics of Terrestrial-Source Ion Distributions In and Around the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer
- Characterizing Temperature Variability and Associated Large Scale Meteorological Patterns Across South America
- Characterizing the Meso-scale Plasma Flows in Earth's Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- Characterizing the utility of the TMPA real-time product for hydrologic predictions over global river basins across scales
- Chorus waves modulate Langmuir waves: Van Allen Probe observations
- Combined convective and diffusive modeling of the ring current and radiation belt electron dynamics using the VERB-4D code
- Combining observations and models to reduce uncertainty in the cloud response to global warming
- Community-managed Data Sharing, Curation, and Publication: SEN on SEAD
- Comparative statistical analysis of strong zonal jet flows generated in a laboratory device and a Global Climate Model.
- Comparison of modelled runoff with observed proglacial discharge across the western margin of the Greenland ice sheet
- Complete Mapping of Titan's South Polar Regions
- Comprehensive Case Study of Magnetosheath Pressure Pulses and Rapid Magnetopause/Bow Shock Motion
- Constraining the Volatile Regime of Primitive Somma-Vesuvius Magmas Based on the Compositions of Phenocrysts and Melt Inclusions
- Contrasting Properties of two Ion-Scale Magnetopause Flux Ropes
- Convection and Dynamo Action in Ice Giant Dynamo Models with Electrical Conductivity Stratification
- Costs and Benefits of Mission Participation in PDS4 Migrations
- Coupling of Outward Radial Diffusion and Losses at the Magnetopause in the Outer Radiation Belt
- Data Assimilation and Reanalysis of Radiation Belt Electrons
- Data processing with Pymicra, the Python tool for Micrometeorological Analyses
- Data-adaptive harmonic analysis and prediction of sea level change in North Atlantic region
- Deep Western Boundary Current in the South China Sea
- Deepening Minimums in Phase Space Density as an Evidence of the Localied Loss of Electrons by EMIC waves
- Dependence of radiation belt simulations to assumed radial diffusion rates
- Detection of non-natural springtime precipitation change over northern South America
- Development and Demonstration of an Aerial Imagery Assessment Method to Monitor Changes in Restored Stream Condition
- Development of a large-sample catchment-scale hydro-meteorological, land cover and physical dataset for Chile
- Diffusion Region's Structure at the Subsolar Magnetopause with MMS Data
- Diffusive transport of several hundred keV electrons in the Earth's slot region
- Digging into the corona: A modeling framework trained with Sun-grazing comet observations
- Direct Simple Shear Test Data Analysis using Jupyter Notebooks on DesignSafe-CI
- Dirt: Integrating Scientific and Local Knowledge to Support Global Land Management
- Dissipation Mechanisms and Particle Acceleration at the Earth's Bow Shock
- Distributed HUC-based modeling with SUMMA for ensemble streamflow forecasting over large regional domains.
- Distribution of magnesium and phosphorous in the H. americanus exoskeleton: Insights for chemical signatures in biominerals
- Distribution of microbial methanogenesis, methane oxidation, and sulfate reduction in a high-temperature subduction system of the Nankai Trough off Cape Muroto (IODP Expedition 370 T-Limit, Site C0023)
- Divergent Geophysical Evolution of Vesta and Ceres
- Do Ions Injected with the Dipolarizing Flux Bundles Provide the Free Energy for Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere?
- Do habitable worlds require magnetic fields?
- Does an Intrinsic Magnetic Field Inhibit or Enhance Planetary Ionosphere Outflow and Loss?
- Drivers and variability of the Chl fluorescence emission spectrum from the leaf through the canopy
- Driving of Dramatic Geomagnetic Activity by Enhancement of Meso-Scale Polar-cap Flows
- Dry Rainbelts: Understanding Boundary Layer Controls on the ITCZ Using a Dry Dynamical Core
- Earthquake Potential in California-Nevada Implied by Correlation of Strain Rate and Seismicity
- Effect of Impingement Angle on landfalling Atmospheric River precipitation efficiency
- Effects of nitrogen enrichment on soil organic matter in tropical forests with different ambient nutrient status
- Effects of whistler mode hiss waves on the radiation belts structure during quiet times
- Efficient Sequential Probabilistic Collocation-based Optimal Design for Parameter Estimation
- Electrostatic Turbulence and Anomalous Effects in Reconnection Diffusion Region
- Energy Partition and Conservation Near Electron Diffusion Regions During Magnetic Reconnection
- Estimating snow depth of alpine snowpack via airborne multifrequency passive microwave radiance observations: Colorado, USA
- Evaluating Extreme Precipitation in Gridded Datasets: A Case Study over California
- Evaluation of Model Performance over the Maritime Continent
- Evaluation of an assimilation scheme to estimate snow water equivalent in the High Atlas of Morocco.
- Evaluation of simulated corn yields and associated uncertainty in different climate zones of China using Daycent Model
- Evidence of Plume on Europa from Galileo Magnetic and Plasma Density Signatures
- Evolution of Flow channels and Dipolarization Using THEMIS Observations and Global MHD Simulations
- Evolution of major and trace elements and volatile contents of selected magmas in the Campi Flegrei and Procida volcanic fields, Italy, based on melt inclusion
- Exploring Tectonic Activity on Vesta and Ceres
- Exploring the causes of declining Colorado River streamflow
- Exploring the pullback attractors of a low-order quasigeostrophic ocean model subject to deterministic and random forcing
- Extracting Prior Distributions from a Large Dataset of In-Situ Measurements to Support SWOT-based Estimation of River Discharge
- Extreme Temperature Exceedances Change more Rapidly Under Future Warming in Regions of non-Gaussian Short Temperature Distribution Tails
- FLARE: a New User Facility for Studies of Magnetic Reconnection Through Simultaneous, in-situ Measurements on MHD Scales, Ion Scales and Electron Scales
- Fast flows, ULF waves, firehose instability and their association in the Earth's mid-tail current sheet
- Fermi Acceleration of Electrons inside Foreshock Transient Cores
- Finite element simulation of earthquake cycle dynamics for continental listric fault system
- Floating Forests: Validation of a Citizen Science Effort to Answer Global Ecological Questions
- Flux characterization in heterogeneous streambed through hydraulic head and temperature data assimilation: Numerical modeling and sandbox experiments
- Flux transfer events formed in the reconnection exhaust region between two X-lines and in the velocity shear layer of Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices
- Food, energy, and water in an era of disappearing snow
- Forecasting Western U.S. Snowpack
- GCM Evaluations of Radiative Heating Profile Anomalies Associated with the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation (BSISO)
- Generation and Micro-scale Effects of Electrostatic Waves in an Oblique Shock
- Geologic Mapping Results for Ceres from NASA's Dawn Mission
- Geomorphological Map of the South Belet Region of Titan: An Exploration of Mid-Latitude-to-Pole Transition Zones
- Global Estimate of Flux Content during Substorms, Storms, and SMC Events
- Global characteristics of Electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves deduced from Swarm satellites
- Global solar magetic field organization in the extended corona: influence on the solar wind speed and density over the cycle.
- High Resolution Mineral Mapping of the Oman Drilling Project Cores with Imaging Spectroscopy: Preliminary Results
- High-Resolution Assimilation of GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage Observations to Represent Local-Scale Water Table Depths
- High-Silica Hadean Crust
- High-resolution Monthly Satellite Precipitation Product over the Conterminous United States
- High-resolution geochemical record of Petaluma Marsh from the San Francisco bay area
- How much runoff originates as snow in the western United States and what its future changes tell us?
- How robust are in situ observations for validating satellite-derived albedo over the dark zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet?
- How will wind and water erosion change in drylands in the future?
- Hypsometric Amplification of Greenland Ice Sheet Meltwater Release
- ICARUS Mission, Next Step of Coronal Exploration after Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus
- Impact of Land Use Land Cover Change on East Asian monsoon
- Impact of climate change on precipitation distribution and water availability in the Nile using CMIP5 GCM ensemble.
- Impacts of Aerosols on Seasonal Precipitation and Snowpack in California Based on Convection-Permitting WRF-Chem Simulations
- Implications on the composition of Titan's mid-latitude surface region from Cassini/VIMS data.
- Importance of Ambipolar Electric Field in the Ion Loss from Mars- Results from a Multi-fluid MHD Model with the Electron Pressure Equation Included
- Importance of Positive Cloud Feedback for Tropical Atlantic Variability
- In Situ Observations of a Magnetosheath High-Speed Jet Triggering Magnetopause Reconnection
- Incorporating Nonstationarity into IDF Curves across CONUS from Station Records and Implications
- Increasing climate whiplash in 21st century California
- Influence of the Tibetan Plateau snow cover on East Asian winter upper-level jet streams at daily time scale
- Initial Results from the Electron Losses and Fields Investigation Mission Onboard Lomonosov Satellite
- Insights into Vesta and Ceres internal structures from their topography
- Interaction of high-energy beams with magnetized plasma: feasibility study for laboratory experiments
- Interannual variability of moulins on the Southwest Greenland Ice Sheet
- Interplanetary shock waves and their effects on the lunar wake
- Intrinsic Dawn-Dusk Asymmetry of Magnetotail Thin Current Sheet
- Investigating the Spatial Characteristics of Extreme Precipitation over the US
- Investigating the Usefulness of Cosmogenic in situ <SUP>14</SUP>C for the Dating of Alluvial Fan Surfaces
- Investigation of the magnetic neutral line region with the frame of two-fluid equations: A possibility of anomalous resistivity inferred from MMS observations
- Ion Thermalization and Electron Heating across Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks Observed by the MMS Mission
- Ion Thermalization and Electron Heating across Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks Observed by the MMS Mission
- Is the Amazon Rainforest Drying Out?
- Kinetic-scale fluctuations resolved with the Fast Plasma Investigation on NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale mission.
- Laboratory Experiments on Alfvén Waves and Instabilities in an Arched Magnetized Plasma
- Laboratory Studies of the Nonlinear Interactions of Kink-Unstable Flux Ropes and Shear Alfvén Waves
- Landslide Detection in the Carlyon Beach, WA Peninsula: Analysis Of High Resolution DEMs
- Large-scale unloading processes preceding the 2015 Mw 8.4 Illapel, Chile earthquake
- Layered/Pancake-like Ejecta on Ceres: Inferring the Composition and Mechanical Properties of the Cerean Surface through Modeling of Ejecta Emplacement
- Levee Seepage Detection in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Using Polarimetric SAR
- Linking Surface and Subsurface Processes: Implications for Seismic Hazards in Southern California
- Listvenite formation from peridotite: Insights from Oman Drilling Project hole BT1B and preliminary reaction path model approach.
- Lower Hybrid Waves at Comet 67P
- Lower-stratospheric control of the frequency of sudden stratospheric warming events
- Lunar Global Heat Flow: Predictions and Constraints
- MASER: Measuring, Analysing, Simulating low frequency Radio Emissions.
- MAVEN observations of complex magnetic field configuration in the Martian magnetotail
- MMS Encounters with Reconnection Diffusion Regions in the Earth's Magnetotail
- MMS Observations of Protons and Heavy Ions Acceleration at Plasma Jet Fronts
- MMS Observations of Reconnection at Dayside Magnetopause Crossings During Transitions of the Solar Wind to Sub-Alfvenic Flow
- MMS Observations of Vorticity Near Sites of Magnetic Reconnection
- MMS Observations of the Evolution of Ion-Scale Flux Transfer Events
- MMS observations and hybrid simulations of rippled and reforming quasi-parallel shocks
- MMS observations of guide field reconnection at the interface between colliding reconnection jets inside flux rope-like structures at the magnetopause
- MMS observations of magnetic reconnection signatures of dissipating ion inertial-scale flux ropes associated with dipolarization events
- MMS observations of the Earth bow shock during magnetosphere compression and expansion: comparison of whistler wave properties around the shock ramp
- Magnesite Solubility at 800 ºC, 10 kbar, in H<SUB>2</SUB>O-CO<SUB>2</SUB>± NaCl solutions: implications for carbon transport in the mantle
- Magnetic profiling of the San Andreas Fault using a dual magnetometer UAV aerial survey system.
- Magnetosheath jets: MMS observations of internal structures and jet interactions with ambient plasma
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Observations of Magnetic Flux Ropes in the Earth's Plasma Sheet
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Field-Aligned Currents in the Magnetotail
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Plasma Turbulence in the Terrestrial Magnetosheath
- Magnetospheric Multiscale observations of Flux Transfer Event signatures
- Magnetospheric Multiscale observations of Poynting flux associated with magnetic reconnection in the Earth's magnetotail from 10 to 25 R<SUB>E</SUB>
- Mapping Electrostatic Solitary Wave Activity in the Bursty Bulk Flow Braking Region
- Marginal Stability of Current Sheets at Low Lundquist Numbers and the Hall Effect
- Mars Crustal Magnetic Fields and Large-Scale Dayside Ionospheric Anomaly
- Mass loss at Saturn: The contribution of plasmoids
- Measurements of decreasing lattice thermal conductivity of ferropericlase across the high-spin to mixed-spin state.
- Mega-solubility of quartz resulting from highly alkaline fluids produced by dissolved albite in H<SUB>2</SUB>O at deep crustal conditions
- Mesoscale thermospheric wind in response to nightside auroral brightening
- Metamorphism Near the Dike-Gabbro Transition in the Ocean Crust Based on Preliminary Results from Oman Drilling Project Hole GT3A
- Methane Provenance Determined by CH<SUB>2</SUB>D<SUB>2</SUB> and <SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUB>3</SUB>D Abundances
- Migrating the Dawn Data Archive to the PDS4 Standard
- Modeling Lake Storage Dynamics to support Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE)
- Modeling Solar Wind Expansion with Wave-Particle Interactions and Coulomb Collisions
- Modeling effects of EMIC wave in the radiation belts simulation.
- Moisture Vertical Structure, Deep Convective Organization, and Convective Transition in the Amazon
- Monitoring Supraglacial Streams over Three Months in Southwest Greenland
- Monitoring and Attributions of Recent Dynamics in East Asia's Largest Fluvial Lake System: Integration of Remote Sensing, Hydrological Modeling, and Gauging Measurements
- Moving Beyond Streamflow Observations: Lessons From A Multi-Objective Calibration Experiment in the Mississippi Basin
- Multi-scale observations of magnetic reconnection: Cluster and MMS measurements of the reconnecting magnetopause at the subsolar region and dusk sector
- Multidecadal Land Cover Change in the Los Angeles Basin and its Water Consumption Implications
- Multiscale Data Assimilation for Large-Eddy Simulations
- NASA's High Mountain Asia Team (HiMAT): collaborative research to study changes of the High Asia region
- Near surface meltwater storage in low-density bare ice of the Greenland ice sheet ablation zone
- New GOES High-Resolution Magnetic Measurements and their Contribution to Understanding Magnetospheric Particle Dynamics
- New era of satellite chlorophyll fluorescence and soil moisture observations leads to advances in the predictive understanding of global terrestrial coupled carbon-water cycles
- Normal-mode Magnetoseismology as a Virtual Instrument for the Plasma Mass Density in the Inner Magneotsphere: MMS Observations during Magnetic Storms
- North Pacific atmospheric rivers and their impact on North America since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Nucleation and kinematic rupture of the 2017 Mw 8.2 Chiapas Mexico earthquake
- Observational evidence for the aerosol impact on ice cloud properties regulated by cloud/aerosol types
- Observations by Juno's Radiation Monitoring Investigation During the First Year at Jupiter
- Observations of Ion Diffusion Regions in the Geomagnetic Tail
- Observations of kinetic scale magnetic holes in terrestrial space
- Observations of wave-particle interactions in the flux pile-up region of asymmetric reconnection
- Obtaining Global Picture From Single Point Observations by Combining Data Assimilation and Machine Learning Tools
- Oceans Melting Greenland (OMG): 2017 Observations and the First Look at Yearly Ocean/Ice Changes
- On the Occurrence of Magnetic Reconnection Along the Dawn and Dusk Magnetopause
- On the Relation Between Deep Penetration of Relativistic Electrons and the Innermost Plasmapause Location
- On the interactions between energetic electrons and lightning whistler waves observed at high L-shells on Van Allen Probes
- Organic matter on Ceres: spectral analysis of the organic-rich area
- Paleomagnetism of Hadean to Neoarchean Detrital Zircons from the Jack Hills, Western Australia
- Parametric instability of nonlinear Alfvén waves in anisotropic plasmas
- Pareto-optimal estimates that constrain mean California precipitation change
- Partitioning Concentration-Discharge Patterns of Weathering Products from Monolithologic Catchments to Global Rivers
- PerSEUS: Ultra-Low-Power High Performance Computing for Plasma Simulations
- Peridotite carbonation at the leading edge of the mantle wedge: OmDP Site BT1
- Plasmaspheric Hiss Modulation By Energetic Electron Injections in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Plasmaspheric hiss: two statistically distinct wave populations
- Plasmoids everywhere: ideal tearing, the transition to fast reconnection, and solar activity.
- Polar CAP Boundary Identification Using Redline Imaging Data
- Potential role of resurfacing Subtropical Underwater in ENSO evolution
- Predictive Power of Clean Bed Filtration Theory for Fecal Indicator Bacteria Removal in Stormwater Biofilters
- Predictive Skill and Predictability of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclogenesis in Different Synoptic Flow Regimes
- Preliminary results and assessment of the MAR outputs over High Mountain Asia
- Pressure Balance and Plasma Transport in the Topside Ionosphere of Mars
- Properties, propagation, and excitation of EMIC waves observed by MMS: A case study
- Quantifying <SUP>10</SUP>Be-derived Erosion Rates from the Min Shan in the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Quantifying the Causes and Propogation of the 2015 Washington Wildfires
- Quantifying vegetation distribution and structure using high resolution drone-based structure-from-motion photogrammetry
- Quantitative Simulation of QARBM Challenge Events During Radiation Belt Enhancements
- Quasi-periodic 1-hour pulsations in the Saturn's outer magnetosphere
- Radar Observations of Asteroid 101955 Bennu and the OSIRIS-REx Sample Return Mission
- Rainfall-induced slope failures near Los Angeles detected by time series of high-resolution satellite imagery
- Regional, seasonal and lagged influences of the Amundsen Sea Low on Antarctic Sea Ice
- Relative influence of aerosols and different meteorological conditions on the total volume of rainfall of the mesoscale convective systems.
- Relativistic electrons generated locally within transient ion foreshock phenomena
- Remote Sensing of Drought: Progress and Opportunities for Improving Drought Monitoring and Prediction
- Remotely Sensing Lake Water Volumes on the Inner Arctic Coastal Plain of Northern Alaska
- Results from Field Testing the RIMFAX GPR on Svalbard.
- Revealing the Rupture Complexity of the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikoura, New Zealand Earthquake with the Slowness-calibrated Back-projection.
- Runoff and Evapotranspiration Sensitivities to a Changing Climate in the Western U.S.
- SAPS simulation with GITM/UCLA-RCM coupled model
- SMAP-based near real-time daily drought maps for CONUS
- SWARM-THEMIS ASI observation of flow shears at the poleward boundary of Omega bands
- Satellite Data Analysis of Impact of Anthropogenic Air Pollution on Ice Clouds
- Satellite Observations of Tropospheric BrO over Salt Lakes and Northern High Latitudes from EOS/OMI and SNPP/OMPS
- Satellites observed widespread greening of Earth and increase of woody biomass
- Saturn's Internal Magnetic Field Revealed by Cassini Grand Finale
- Saturn's Magnetic Field from the Cassini Grand Finale orbits
- Scaling up Planetary Dynamo Modeling to Massively Parallel Computing Systems: The Rayleigh Code at ALCF
- Seasonality of photosynthesis of a Rocky Mountain subalpine forest: implications for SIF as a metric for GPP
- Seismic Anisotropy in Mantle Transition Zone: Constraints from Observations and Synthetic Modeling of SS Precursors
- Sensitivity of Shallow Convection in Large-Eddy Simulations to Forcing Datasets Across a Range of Days: Examining Results from the DOE LASSO Projec
- Shifts in Summertime Precipitation Accumulation Distributions over the US
- Sideways Views of the Moon: Mapping Directional Thermal Emission with Diviner
- Signatures Of Coronal Heating Driven By Footpoint Shuffling: Closed and Open Structures.
- Simulations of Variability and Waves at Cloud Altitudes Using a Venus Middle Atmosphere General Circulation Model
- Simulations of the Impact of aerosol misspecification on OCO-2 Retrievals of XCO2
- Small-Scale Dayside Magnetic Reconnection Analysis via MMS
- Snow Water Equivalent Variations across the western United States and its relation to of El Niño Southern Oscillation
- Snowpack modeling in the context of radiance assimilation for snow water equivalent mapping
- Solar Wind - Magnetosheath - Magnetopause Interactions in Global Hybrid-Vlasov Simulations
- Spatial Variations of Poloidal and Toroidal Mode Field Line Resonances Observed by MMS
- Spatial characterization of relativistic electron enhancements in the Earth's outer radiation belt during the Van Allen Probes era
- Spatiotemporal variation of erosion rates in southeast Tibet as constrained by late Quaternary incision of the Lancang River
- Spring Soil Temperature Anomalies over Northwest U.S. and later Spring-Summer Droughts/Floods over Southern Plains and Adjacent Areas
- Spring Soil Temperature Anomalies over Tibetan Plateau and Summer Droughts/Floods in East Asia
- Stratigraphy and Surface Ages of Dwarf Planet (1) Ceres: Results from Geologic and Topographic Mapping in Survey, HAMO and LAMO Data of the Dawn Framing Camera Images
- Striped aeolian bedforms: a novel longitudinal pattern observed in ripples and megaripples on Earth and Mars
- Submarine melting from repeat UAV surveys of icebergs
- Summertime Minimum Streamflow Elasticity to Antecendent Winter Precipitation, Peak Snow Water Equivalent and Summertime Evaporative Demand in the Western US Maritime Mountains
- Surface Meltwater Routing in Internally Drained Catchments on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Surface water change as a significant contributor to global evapotranspiration change
- Systematic capture of MeV electron beams by MWR
- The California Baseline Methane Survey
- The Characteristics of Kelvin waves in the Navy Global Coupled System
- The Data Cross-calibration of Proton Radiation Belt and the Characteristics of its Long-term Variation: NOAA POES and MetOp Satellites
- The Dayside Aurora Brightening Associated with Magnetosheath High-Speed Jets and Their Related Magnetospheric Signatures
- The Effect of Topographic Shadowing by Ice on Irradiance in the Greenland Ice Sheet Ablation Zone
- The Effects of Surface Roughness on the Apparent Thermal and Optical Properties of the Moon
- The Implication of Summer Monsoon Onset from Seasonally Migrating Linear Rossby Wave and Wave-breaking Regimes
- The Importance of Reconnection at Sector Boundaries: Another Space Weather Hazard?
- The Influence of Runoff and Surface Hydrology on Titan's Weather and Climate
- The North American hydrologic cycle at the Last Glacial Maximum
- The Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS) on The Europa Clipper Mission
- The Solar Orbiter Heliospheric Imager (SoloHI) for the Solar Orbiter Mission
- The Solar Wind from Pseudostreamers and their Environs: Opportunities for Observations with Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter
- The Western States Water Mission: A Hyper-Resolution Hydrological Model and Data Integration Platform for the Western United States
- The characteristic pitch angle distributions of 1 eV to 600 keV protons near the equator based on Van Allen Probes observations
- The characteristic response of whistler mode waves to interplanetary shocks
- The effect of neutral wind on Subauroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) during March 17, 2013 geomagnetic storm
- The influence of Mars' magnetic topology on atmospheric escape
- The influence of sub-seasonal climate variability and land surface conditions on droughts over US Great Plains
- The radiation-belt electron phase-space-density response to stream-interaction regions: A study combining multi-point observations, data-assimilation, and physics-based modeling
- The role of hydrological initial conditions on Atmospheric River floods in the Russian River basin
- The spatial gradients in the solar wind and IMF in the vicinity of the first Lagrangian point
- The tropical precipitation-buoyancy relationship and the vertical thermodynamic structure
- The value of high-resolution and spatiotemporally continuous snow information to California streamflow estimates
- Thermodynamic and Dynamic Mechanisms for the Hydrological Cycle over the Full Probability Distribution of Moisture Events
- Topographic stress and catastrophic collapse of volcanic islands
- Toward a new 3-D radial anisotropy model of the upper mantle and transition zone
- Tracking fine-scale seasonal evolution of surface water extent in Central Alaska and the Canadian Shield
- Transdismensional Approach Applied to the Measurement of Higher Mode Surface Wave Dispersion
- Uncertainties in the Antarctic Ice Sheet Contribution to Sea Level Rise: Exploration of Model Response to Errors in Climate Forcing, Boundary Conditions, and Internal Parameters
- Uncertainties on the Thermal Structure of the Pacific Lithosphere: Resolution From Surface Waves and Comparison of Different Thermal Models
- Uncertainty Quantification for Ice Sheet Science and Sea Level Projections
- Understanding of Particle Acceleration by Foreshock Transients
- Understanding of Particle Acceleration by Foreshock Transients (invited)
- Understanding the Driver of Energetic Electron Precipitation Using Coordinated Multi-Satellite Measurements
- Unexpected storm-time nightside plasmaspheric density enhancement at low L shell
- Unusual refilling of the slot region between the Van Allen radiation belts
- Use of Multi-class Empirical Orthogonal Function for Identification of Hydrogeological Parameters and Spatiotemporal Pattern of Multiple Recharges in Groundwater Modeling
- Using Dawn to Observe SEP Events Past 2 AU
- Using Online Citizen Science to Assess Giant Kelp Abundances Across the Globe with Satellite Imagery
- Using Wave and Energetic Particle Observation on Juno to Investigate Low Altitude Magnetospheric Process on Jupiter.
- VirtualSpace: A vision of a machine-learned virtual space environment
- Wave Propagation Around Coronal Structures: Stratification, Buoyancy, Small Scale Formation
- Wave-Particle Interactions in the Earth's Radiation Belts: Recent Advances and Unprecedented Future Opportunities
- What happens along the flank and corner of a continental indenter? Insights from the easternmost Himalayan orogen and constraints on the models of the India-Asia collision
- What is missing between model and Aura MLS observations in mesospheric OH?
- Widely distributed SEP events and pseudostreamers
- X-ray CT core imaging of Oman Drilling Project on D/V CHIKYU
- "Negative Injections" of electrons observed in Earth's middle magnetosphere by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission
- 'Induced Magnetosphere' Aspects of the Mars-Solar Wind Interaction
- A 32,000 Year Lake Sediment Charcoal Record from Lake Elsinore, Southern California
- A Clumped-Isotope Study of Modern and Last Glacial Terrestrial Gastropod Shells
- A Decision Support System for Seasonal Hydropower Planning in East Africa Using Remote Sensing and Ensemble Forecasts
- A Hierarchical Statistical Framework for Emergent Constraints in the Earth System: Application to Snow-albedo Feedback
- A High Pressure XRD Study of Structural Changes in Anglesite
- A Meridionally Averaged Model of Eastern Bounday Upwelling Systems: An Ecosystem Overview
- A New Adjoint-state Full Waveform Tsunami Source Inversion Method
- A New Analytical Chorus Wave Model Derived from Van Allen Probe Observations
- A Novel Laboratory Set-up for Simulating Core Convection Outside of the Tangent Cylinder
- A Regional-scale Assessment of Lake Changes across the Pan Third Pole (PTP)
- A Study of Turbulence above the Amazon Forest Using the Reduced TKE Phase Space
- A combined neural network- and physics-based approach for modeling the plasmasphere dynamics during extreme geomagnetic events
- A conceptual framework to support GIS analytics using remote sensing datasets in the cloud
- A curve-fitting approach to river bathymetry estimation using SWOT data
- A first estimate of the expected distribution of SWOT river discharge accuracy
- A new approach to benchmark present-day's TOA flux in 9.6-μm ozone band from model ensemble
- A seamless approach to improve climate information for water security
- A team-based approach to undergraduate research that fosters collaboration through peer and vertical mentorship: best practices
- Accelerating rates of Arctic carbon cycling revealed by long-term atmospheric CO2 measurements
- Accuracy analysis of SWOT reservoir storage-elevation estimates
- Adding the datasets to the long-term satellite-based Solar-Induced Fluorescence (SIF) record
- Aeolian processes: an overlooked driver of state change in drylands
- Affordable rotating fluid demonstrations for geoscience education: The "DIYnamics" project
- Amazon Rainforest Drying Trend from Climate Warming and Extreme Anomalies
- An ABoVE Open Water Map at 1 m Resolution from AirSWOT Airborne Camera Imagery
- An inter-comparison of five snow water equivalent estimation methods in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California
- Analysis of Snow Variability Over High Mountain Asia and Other Major High Mountain Ranges
- Analysis of clumped isotopes in loess-derived calcareous paleosols: the Pacific Northwest climate from LGM to today
- Analyzing Alternative Water Supply Options for Municipal Water Management and Groundwater Sustainability: A Stochastic Dynamic Analysis of Reuse under Climate Change
- Application Usability Levels: Their evolution and eco-system
- Arctic-Boreal surface water dynamics tracked using CubeSat imagery
- Are Sky Long Water Things Warming Up?
- Artificial Drainage and the Altered Vulnerability of Freshwater-Dependent Coastal Landscapes to Saltwater Intrusion
- Assessing aerosol indirect effect on clouds and regional climate of East/South Asia and West Africa using NCEP GFS
- Assessing anthropogenic and natural contributions to decadal lake changes in Ebinur and Sayram basins of Xinjiang, China
- Assessing inundation in the Central Valley, CA and its implications for West Nile Virus transmission using remote sensing and hydrological modeling
- Assessing the climate science-policy interface in California: Are current models really mending the gap?
- Assessing the consistency of data-driven whistler mode hiss wave scattering effects during storm-recovery via dedicated error metrics
- Assessing the impact of representing snow-albedo feedback on the response of hydrology to a warming climate
- Associating Speciated Fine Particulate Matter with Adverse Health Outcomes in the Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA) Investigation
- Atmospheric Carbon and Transport (ACT) - America: A multi-year airborne mission to study fluxes and transport of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> across the eastern United States
- Atmospheric Influence on Temperature Distributions and Extremes under Global Warming: Insights from an Idealized Model
- Ballooning instability in the transition region in conjunction with non-substorm auroral wave structures
- Barrier effect of the Maritime Continent on the MJO: Perspectives from the large-scale control and local topographic effect
- Bayesian Inference of Radial Diffusion Parameters for the Earth's Radiation Belt: a Deep Learning Framework
- Broadening the Impact of Our Field Through Validation Efforts of the Geospace Environment Modeling Workshop
- Calculating Alaska North Slope Lake Depth with Sonar, Multi-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Random Forest Algorithm
- Calibration of Foraminifera Carbonate Calcification Temperatures Derived from Clumped Isotope Analysis
- California Baseline Methane Survey
- California's Drought of the Future: A Prospective Look at the 2012-2017 Drought
- Can a subducted sedimentary layer survive into the deep mantle? Maybe, if it is strong or thin.
- Can compositional mantle heterogeneities be detected with seismic anisotropy?
- Carbon Sequestration in the Magma Ocean Implied by Complex Carbon Polymerization
- Challenges of Recruitment and Mentoring of 2YC Students for Successful Research Proposals
- Changes in North Pacific Stratification, Biogeochemistry, and Climate During the Pliocene-Recent
- Chapter 4: Urban Systems
- Characteristics, Occurrence and Decay Rates of Three-Belt events in the Earth's Radiation Belts.
- Characterizing Potential Pingo Morphology on Ceres
- Chemical and biological carbon sinks in the Costa Rican Forearc: First insights from the Biology Meets Subduction project
- Clean air in cities: impact of the layout of buildings in urban areas on pedestrian exposure to traffic-related pollutants
- Climatic and tectonic controls of erosion in the eastern end of Himalaya
- Climatology in Asian dust activation and transport based on MISR satellite observations and trajectory analysis
- Clumped isotope systematics in lacustrine and fluvial carbonates: A tool for paleoclimate, paleohydrology, and paleoaltimetry
- Combination Service for Time-variable Gravity Field Solutions (COST-G) - current status
- Combining NISAR and SWOT Spaceborne Missions to Study Coastal Wetlands
- Combining UAV and Surface Observations for Rapid Discharge Estimation and SWOT Validation in Remote Areas
- Comparing Ocean Boundary Vertical Mixing Schemes with Langmuir Turbulence
- Comparison of Noah-MP and VIC long-term drought predictions over the Western U.S.
- Comparison of modeled and measured discharge from a supraglacial catchment in southwest Greenland
- Comparison of thermal lithosphere-asthenosphere models with geophysical observations
- Constraining the Carbon Content of Dwarf Planet Ceres
- Constraining the Deep Upper Mantle Beneath Antarctica From Higher Mode Surface Waves
- Constraints on Seismic Anisotropy in the Mantle Transition Zone from Long-Period SS Precursors
- Coupled Climate-Economic Modes in the Sahel's Interannual Variability
- Criticality of Low-Mach-NumberInterplanetary Shocks
- Crucial Contribution of Rapid Injections of Relativistic Electrons to Radiation Belt Formation
- Data-adaptive harmonic decomposition and stochastic prediction of regional Arctic sea ice extent
- Data-model integration to develop a knowledge landscape map for improved prediction
- Dawn's second extended mission at Ceres: The final harvest
- Decomposition of the Venus time-variable gravity due to the atmospheric mass motion as inferred from global circulation models
- Deep convection in the tropics across scales: observations and directions toward improved parameterization
- Detecting Low-frequency Earthquakes in Western Japan Using Convolutional Neural Networks
- Developing Applications for Satellite Anomaly Analysis
- Developing the Capability to Inversely Constrain the Estimates of Time-Varying River Discharge Using Ocean Observation
- Development of the SSiB4/Triffid/DayCent-SOM Model to study the impact of Nitrogen availability to carbon cycle
- Differential geographic responses of hydroclimate and vegetation to climate change and 21<SUP>st</SUP> century aridity in California
- Diverse springtime variability in ice nucleating particle properties and sources in an Alaskan Arctic oil-field location
- Do hydraulic traits drive the seasonal and interannual dynamics of Non-Structural Carbohydrates of trees in seasonal eastern Amazon?
- Does bare-ice subsurface water storage explain over-prediction of Greenland Ice Sheet ablation zone runoff and ice surface lowering by climate models?
- Does elevation-dependent warming hold true above 5,000 m elevation?
- Drone Augmented Hydrodynamic Observations of Intermittently Open Estuaries
- Drought tipping points: Can remote sensing provide improved early warning drought signals for food security?
- Drought variability and trends over the Central United States
- Dust and accidents in California
- Dynamic and Thermodynamic Renewal Processes in Greenland's Fjords
- Early and persistent supershear rupture of the 2018 Mw 7.5 Palu earthquake
- Earth's relativistic electron radiation belt response to CME- and CIR driven geomagnetic storms
- Effects of the solar gravitational torque on the Venusian atmosphere
- Efficient generation of variable, high k<SUB>⊥, </SUB>kinetic Alfvén waves
- Electrical conductivity of the magma ocean and silicate dynamos
- Emergent Patterns in Global Forest Carbon Dynamics
- Energetic particle flux and pitch angle variation in dayside outer magnetosphere: Multi-spacecraft observations
- Environmental Justice and First Nations
- Environmental Science without Borders
- Episodic Magma Transport Before the Eruption of the 2018 Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Estimates of vegetation carbon uptake by solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) are modulated by photosynthetic pathway (C3 vs. C4)
- Estimation of Seasonal Snow Water Equivalent Using Landsat Observations
- Evaluation of lake products generated by LOCNES using SWOT hydrology simulator data
- Evaluation of the Ice Nucleating Abilities of Various Aerosol Types Through a Combination of Satellite Data and Cloud-resolving Modeling
- Evidence for Flow Channel Control of Eastward and Westward Expansion of the Substorm Expansion Phase
- Evidence for thick ice deposits in small, simple craters on Mercury
- Excitation of electrostatic nonlinear structures associated with whistler-mode chorus waves
- Exploring Previous and Novel Tropical Cloud-SST Interactions with Multi-Sensor MISR, MODIS, CERES, and NASA Precipitation Datasets
- Exploring the Role of Surface Forcing in Weddell Sea Water Mass Production and Ice Shelf Basal Melt
- Exploring the gravitational anomaly of Mount Sharp in Gale crater, Mars
- Extracting Geophysical Signals from GRACE Using a Data-Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Filter
- Extreme precipitation and IDF projections for the Pacific Northwest
- Feedback of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions on Enhanced PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>Pollution in China
- Field survey of the 28 September 2018 Sulawesi tsunami
- Finding of non-adiabatic electron acceleration in magnetic depression structures.
- Flood-generating mechanisms and trends in the Western United States
- Floor Fractures in Ezinu Crater: Evidence of Solid State Flow on Ceres?
- Formation Mechanism of Diffuse Aurora Patches based on THEMIS Satellite-Imager Conjunctions
- Formation and Magnetospheric Impacts of the Foreshock Bubble
- Forming Ridges on Icy Satellites: Insights from Physical Analogue Modeling
- From rocks to rubble: regolith formation rates from degrading rocks and simple craters
- From the ocean to the air: Biological processes as a source of warm temperature ice nucleating particles in the Arctic
- Frontal Gradients of CO2 as sampled by ACT-America Flights and a Box Model
- Further Plans for the GRACE Mission
- Future changes of the most extreme atmospheric river driven storm events over the U.S. west coast with multi-scale simulations
- GRACE Follow-On: mission status, first results, and plans
- Gaseous Carbon Waste Streams Utilization: Status and Research Needs
- Generation of constant-B states in high-β plasmas.
- Geoscientists are humans too: Increasing inclusivity in geosciences through empathy building conversations with Diversi-Tea
- Global Distribution of Dynamic Floods and Permanent Water Bodies
- Global Vegetation Variability and its Response to Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>, Global Warming, and Climate Variability - A Study Using the Offline SSiB4/TRIFFID Model and Satellite Data
- Global dipole magnetic field: Boon or bane for the Martian atmospheric retention?
- Global patterns of river width-discharge scaling relationships: a data fusion approach
- Global surface water storage dynamics using satellite remote sensing
- Global, Data-Driven Observations of Heterotrophic Respiration
- Graduate Teaching Assistant Experiences in the Implementation of Student Engagement Techniques in Introductory Geoscience Courses
- Gravitational Signatures of Atmospheric Mass Transport by Thermal Tides on Venus
- Ground-based statistics of meso-scale flow and precipitation in Earth's nightside, high-latitude ionosphere
- HAPI Updates to the Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software
- HAPI: An API for Streaming ASCII Data over HTTP
- Hanging out on Ceres is stressful: overhanging cliffs reveal strong crust
- Harmonization of size distributions of dust at emission
- He<SUP>++</SUP>/H<SUP>+</SUP> Density Ratio Across the Subsolar Magnetopause of Earth
- Heterogenous System for in situ Measurements from within Ice Shelf Cavities to Improve Predictions of Sea Level Rise.
- How Our Understanding of Periodic Phenomena Associated with the Planetary Spin Period Has Evolved Pre/post Cassini
- How are cold plasma plumes coupled between Magnetosphere-Plasmasphere-Ionosphere?
- How credible are model projections of changes to precipitation extremes?
- How do planetary bodies respond to periodic tidal forcing and how does that influence heat flow and orbital evolution?- Report from the KISS Workshop entitled "Tidal Heating-Lessons from Io and the Jovian System"
- Identifying the Electron Diffusion Region Using Model Independent Measurement of Spatial Scale-Meter: (MIMSS-M)
- Identifying the Electron Diffusion Region in MMS Magnetopause Crossings
- Imaging Spectroscopy Applications for Assessing Wetland Vegetation Distributions and Coastal Resiliency in Louisiana
- Impact of initialized land temperature on sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction (ILSTSS2S) - A GEWEX/GASS Initiative
- Impact of the September 2017 Solar Flare and ICME Events on Mars
- Impacts of Plant Deformation on Particle Transport in Turbulent Canopy Flows
- Implications for Future Urban Ecosystem Management Alternatives for the Water Balance of the Los Angeles Basin
- Implications of jet stream and monsoon flow patterns on regional atmospheric inversions of CO<SUB>2 </SUB>fluxes over North America
- Improved Model Estimates of Desert Dust Aerosol Surface Concentration
- Improving biospheric models of net ecosystem exchange in the eastern U.S. to inform top-down anthropogenic CO<SUB>2 </SUB>emission estimates during the growing season in the DC/ Baltimore metropolitan area
- In Situ Categorization and Coronal Origins of Different Slow Solar Wind Types
- Integrating ECOTONE and WEMO models to simulate the evolution of vegetation pattern impacted by sediment movement
- Integrating high-resolution topography, geochronology, and elemental analyses to constrain the active break-up of a microcontinent
- Intense Cross-Tail Field-Aligned Currents in the Plasma Sheet at Lunar Distances
- Internal exposure to airborne pollutants and the health effects in migration panels between Los Angeles and Beijing
- Investigating the Interaction Between the Upper and Lower Atmosphere on Mars During Times of Increased Dust Activity
- Investigating the influence of biogenic emissions and extreme weather events on recent ozone formation in North China
- Investigation of Laminae Formation in Eocene Green River Formation Stromatolites Through Combined Micro-X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Petrography
- Ion Heating by Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Keeping Everyone HAPI: Achieving Interoperability for Heliophysics and Planetary Time Series Data
- LIME in Local Time: The Magnetosphere Acting Impulsively
- Laboratory work on thermal properties of rocky and icy regolith analogs
- Large eddy simulation of tsunami-induced turbulent coherent structures in a 3D wave basin
- Late Glacial to early Holocene paleolimnology inferred from Barley Lake sediments (Northern Coastal Ranges, California).
- Leveraging Google Earth Engine (GEE) to Model Large-scale Land Cover Dynamics in Western US
- Linkage between SIF and GPP in a seasonally-dormant high-elevation subalpine forest
- Long-term Reproducibility of Carbonate Standard D<SUB>47</SUB> values: An Intra-laboratory Comparison
- Long-term correlation of ground EMIC wave activity and ultra-relativistic electron flux variations
- MASER, a toolbox for low frequency radio astronomy
- MMS Observations of Magnetospheric Field Line Resonances
- MMS Observations of the Kinetic Processes within an Interplanetary Shock
- MMS observations of whistler waves at interplanetary shock
- Magma crystallization and mixing recorded by chronologically constrained melt inclusions
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of an Ion Diffusion Region with a Moderate Guide Field at the Magnetopause
- Mapping Martian Magnetic Topology with MAVEN data
- Mapping energetic particle injection regions using multipoint observations in the inner magnetosphere
- Mapping temporal changes in water surface elevation and storage across Arctic-Boreal rivers, lakes and wetlands with AirSWOT airborne interferometric synthetic aperture radar images
- Marine and terrestrial influences on ice nucleating particles during continuous springtime measurements in an Arctic oilfield location
- Measuring Ice Sheet Surface Elevation Change in the Greenland Ice Sheet Ablation Zone From Repeat Terrestrial LIDAR Surveys
- Measuring the Effects of Long-term Nitrogen Fertilization on Soil Carbon Cycling in Two Tropical Forests
- Mesoscale Magnetotail Structures and Their Coupling to the Ionosphere
- Methane source apportionment in the Los Angeles basin using airborne imaging spectroscopy and a geospatial infrastructure dataset
- Micro-Imaging Spectroscopy of the Oman Drilling Project Phase 1 and 2 Drill Cores
- Modeling Strain Rate and Fault Slip for China and Vicinity Using GPS Data
- Modeling surface quantities over Himalaya using the Modèle Atmosphérique Régionale (MAR) Model: multi-decadal simulations and assessment using satellites and in-situ data
- Modeling the dynamics of ring current electrons inside GEO: comparison with Van Allen Probe observations and sensitivity to boundary conditions
- Modelling the Annual Cycle of Antarctic Sea ice Extent
- Multi-array back-projection and Tsunami Early Warning: Application to 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku earthquake
- Multi-case study of energetic electron precipitation during Van Allen Probes and LEO satellite magnetic conjunctions
- Multi-year Legacy Impacts Following Droughts in a Seasonal Amazon Forest
- NASA's Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation
- Near-Earth Magnetotail Responses to Prolonged Extreme Solar Wind/IMF Driving
- New Insights into Electron-Scale Dissipation at the Earth's Bow Shock
- Nonlinear drift resonance between charged particles and ultra-low frequency waves: Theory and Observations
- Northwestern China summer precipitation change in response to uniform oceanic warming
- Novel model-data comparison reveals Amazon forest responses to water stress across spatio-temporal scales
- Observations of ICMEs at Mars: past and present
- Observations of Intense Energy dissipation at the Magnetic Reconnection Separatrix Region
- Observations of multi-MeV electron loss and its relation to the minima in phase space density
- Observed changes in temperature extremes and their relation to non-Gaussian warm-side tails
- On the Importance of Hiss Waves and Plasma Density for Sculpting the 3D (L-shell, energy, pitch angle) Structure of the Radiation Belts during Quiet Times
- On the Possibility of Asteroid Magnetospheres
- Onset and evolution of fast reconnection including the Hall effect
- Operational Readiness Levels - A Trust Metric for Operational Data
- Out of sequence thrusting in the northern Indo-Burma Ranges: evidence from preliminary zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology
- Oxygen ion dynamics in Earth's ring current: Van Allen Probes observations
- Parameterized vertical concentration profiles for aerosols in the marine atmospheric boundary layer
- Parker Solar Probe: A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun - Mission Status Update
- Patterns of Large Scale Meteorological Control on Wintertime PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Pollution over China
- PhotoSpec - A New Instrument to Measure Spatially Distributed Red and Far-Red Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence: An Overview of First-Year Experience
- Post-seismic evolution of organic carbon mobilised by landsliding
- Potential Antarctic contribution to sea level due to uncertainties in ice sheet model forcing and dynamic feedbacks
- Potential impact of climate change on groundwater storage in Central Valley, California
- Precipitation-buoyancy relationships and dependence on free-tropospheric moisture: reverse-engineering and forward estimates of deep-inflow influence functions
- Preliminary GFZ GRACE-FO RL06 Level-2 Data
- Progress in Remote Sensing-Based Snow Hydrology and Its Applications
- Projected Snowpack in the Sierra Nevada, California: 21st-Century Trends, Climate Sensitivity, and Uncertainty
- Properties of Wind-Blown Sand on Titan Obtained Through Calibrating Model to Laboratory Experiments
- Properties of intense field-aligned lower-band chorus waves: Implications for nonlinear wave-particle interactions
- Pyspedas, a Python Implementation of SPEDAS
- Quantifying Nonlinear Interactions Between Chorus Waves and Radiation Belt Electrons
- Quantifying the Hydrological Impacts of Changing Lakes and Wetlands in Canada and Alaska
- Quantifying the response of tropospheric circulations to stratospheric forcing using a Green's function approach
- Quasi-periodic 1-hour pulsations in Saturn's outer magnetosphere
- RCM simulation of a single bubble and twin bubbles: dependence on tail initiation location and effect on the inner magnetosphere
- Reanalysis of Long Term Radiation Belt Electron Fluxes Relying on Four Spacecraft, the VERB Code, and a Sequential Kalman Filter
- Recent progress in simulating light scattering by nonspherical ice particles
- Reconstructing Paleoenvironment of Hanon Paleo-Maar Lake in Jeju Island during the Last Deglaciation using Diatom Analysis
- Reducing Uncertainty in Projected Arctic Sea Ice Albedo Feedback
- Relativistic electrons betatron accelerated by foreshock transients
- Remote Sensing of Venus's Atmosphere Using Dual-frequency Cross-link Communications Among CubeSats
- Revisiting conditions for Hadley cell onset in axisymmetric atmospheres based on absolute vorticity
- Revisiting the "Crème Brûlée" model for the Mojave Desert, Southern California
- Rising Up, Speaking Out: Increasing Equity & Diversity through Climate Currents, a Public Communications Platform
- Robust Changes of Tropical Circulation in a Warming Climate
- Role of Greenland's snowline for amplifying ice sheet melt
- Routes to turbulence in low Prandtl number rotating magnetoconvection
- Rupture Complexity in Conjugate Fault Systems: Case Studies of the Mw7.8 Kaikoura Earthquake and the Mw 7.9 Kodiak earthquake
- SAPS in 2013 St. Patrick storm and influence on the ionosphere/thermosphere: GITM simulations
- SIF Comparisons of TROPOMI Data with GOME-2 over Tropical Regions
- Satellite gravimetry for observing and indicating large-scale flood events - a global-scale assessment
- Science to Assist with the 2020-2026 Colorado River Interim Guidelines Renegotiations
- Scientific Ballooning for Imaging Earth's Aurora under the Sun
- Searching for Disequilibrium: Clumped Isotope and Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Signatures in Cultured Biogenic Marine Carbonates
- Seasonal Variability in Local CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emission Sources over CONUS using Airborne In-Situ Combustion Efficiencies
- Seasonal evolution of supraglacial lakes and rivers on the southwestern Greenland Ice Sheet
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Production across Worldwide Megacities and Its Impact on Mortality
- Sensitivity and Feedback in the Zonal Flow Response to Climate Forcing in a Hierarchy of Atmospheric Models
- Sensitivity of Hadley circulation changes under warming to physical parameters in CESM
- Sensitivity of the downstream effect of spring Western U.S. land surface temperature to domain choice, dynamic cores and land surface parameterization on extreme flooding over North America
- Sequence of Events During and After Emplacement of Cerealia Facula Deposits on Ceres
- Shallow-deep convective transition: regional differences between the Congo and Amazon basin
- Simulation of temperature anisotropy instabilities in the solar wind with the semi-implicit fully kinetic expanding box code EB-iPic3D
- Simulations of Intraseasonal variability of CO<SUB>2</SUB> driven by the Madden-Julian Oscillation.
- Solar 11-Year Cycle Signal in Stratospheric Nitrogen Dioxide based on Observations from the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change
- Sounding the vertical thermodynamic structure of precipitation using standard and polarimetric Radio Occultations
- Spatial and Morphological Analysis of Cryoconite Holes in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imaging and Automated Software Recognition
- Spatial characterization of relativistic electron enhancements in the Earth's outer radiation belt during the Van Allen Probes era
- Spatial inhomogeneity of SIF in natural and agricultural canopies and its impact on the interpretation of spatially averaged ground observations
- Spatial scales and properties of chorus waves using simultaneous multi-satellite observations
- Spiky Electric and Magnetic Field Structures and Reconnection in Flux Rope Experiments
- Spin-up of Southern Hemisphere Super Gyre
- Spontaneous Excitation of Plasma Waves by an Intense Proton Beam in a Large Magnetized Plasma
- Stability of the Enceladus plume as measured by plasma interaction modeling
- Stable rate of slip along the Karakax Valley Fault from observation of inter-glacial and post-glacial offset morphology and surface dating
- Statewide Response of California Fire Regime to Previous Holocene Warm Periods, Based on Lake Sediment Charcoal
- Statistic Properties of Flux Ropes and Flux Transfer Events Observed by MMS spacecraft
- Statistical Approach to Determining Runoff Feneration Using Remote Sensing Data
- Statistical Study of Electromagnetic Energy Conversion at Dipolarization Fronts by MMS Observations
- Striking Similarities and Subtle Differences Across the Hadean-Archean Boundary: Model Melt Insight into the Early Earth Using New Zircon/Melt Kds
- Studying Magnetospheric Collisionless Beam Instabilities and ULF Waves in the Laboratory
- Subauroral neutral wind driving and its effects on SAPS during March 17, 2013 geomagnetic storm
- Subglacial meltwater export from the Greenland Ice Sheet observed during winter
- Substorm Injections Inside, Outside, and At Geosynchronous Orbit
- Sunny-side up: The promise of future solar polar missions
- Supraglacial Stream Morphology and Flow Characteristics from Ultra-High Resolution Bathymetric Mapping
- Surface Water Detection and Elevation Retrieval from AirSWOT Airborne Ka-band Radar Interferometry
- Sustained Non-Photochemical Quenching Shapes the Seasonal Pattern of Solar-Induced Fluorescence at a High-Elevation Evergreen Forest
- Team-based community outreach: A tool for developing scientific identity and social belonging in trainees and promoting geoscience literacy
- Tectonic and climatic controls on landsliding at the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Testing the Effectiveness of Enrichment Programs on Underrepresented Minority Scientists in the Geosciences
- The Coupled Effects of Mantle Mixing and a Water-Dependent Viscosity in a Parametrised Convection Model
- The DIYnamics project: making geophysical fluid dynamics demonstrations easy and affordable
- The Dominant Role of Energetic Ions in Solar Wind Interaction With the Moon
- The ESCAPADE mission to Mars: Escape and Plasma Acceleration and Dynamics Explorers
- The Effectiveness of Relativistic Electron Pitch-Angle Scattering by EMIC Waves
- The Extinction of Iconic Megatoothed Shark Otodus megalodon: Preliminary Evidence from 'Clumped' Isotope Thermometry
- The FLARE Device for Next-Step Laboratory Studies of Magnetic Reconnection on Multiple Scales and Its First Plasma Operation
- The Global Impact of Martian Dust Storms on the Near-Planet Space Environment
- The Implication of Summer Monsoon Onset from Seasonally Migrating Linear Rossby Wave and Wave-breaking Regimes
- The Late Holocene Dry Period identified in the Northern Coast Range of California (Barley Lake): Evidence for a mean state change in the average position of the California precipitation dipole?
- The Near-Earth Object Camera
- The aftermath of the 2015 El Nino: how have carbon fluxes changed?
- The circumpolar influence of large-scale atmospheric circulations on Antarctic coastal polynyas
- The controls of present-day topographic stress on subsurface bedrock fracture openness in Forsmark, Sweden
- The dialogue between fast-process diagnostics and stochastic process models for precipitation
- The global health burden of desert dust aerosols
- The global statistical response of the outer radiation belt and inner magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms
- The impact of aerosol-radiation interactions on the effectiveness of emission control measures
- The impact of vapor pressure deficit in the development of droughts over South America
- The meteorological factors modulating the recent haze events in North China
- The possible role of water and ice in the geology of Ceres' Occator crater
- The role of hydrological initial conditions on Atmospheric River floods along the U.S. West Coast in a warming climate
- The role of rain-on-snow in historical and future hydrologic extremes across the conterminous U.S.
- The role of wave run-up and overtopping on near-coastal groundwater flow
- The social dimensions of the carbon cycle: progress and challenges
- The volume of Archean oceans constrained by temperature-dependent mantle water storage capacity
- Thermal conductivity of ferropericlase along the mantle geotherm
- Three decades of variability in California's giant kelp forests from the Landsat satellites
- Three-dimensional Evolution and Formation of Multiple Current-filaments in a Laboratory Arched Magnetized Plasma
- Titan's Aeolian Saltation Threshold Conditions: Initial Experimental Results
- Toward a High Mountain Asia Snow Reanalysis
- Toward a Subnational River-Border Dataset
- Tracking Atmospheric Rivers Globally: Spatial Distributions and Life Cycle Evolutions
- Triggering fast magnetic reconnection in the presence of current sheets with a non-zero normal component.
- Tropical soil fertility increases leaf turnover, not greenness
- Tropical temperatures during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum and Early Eocene Climatic Optimum from Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometry
- Turbulence Studies using MMS: data issues and physics
- Turbulence, Mixing, and Nutrient Fluxes in Kelp Forests: Effects of Currents, Waves, and Stratification
- Turgor loss point as indicator for tropical tree species distribution along a steep rainfall gradient
- Typical properties of whistler mode waves in plasmaspheric plumes and their quantitative effects on energetic electron precipitation
- Uncertainty Assessment of Radiation Belt Models at CCMC
- Understanding Titan and Titan-like Exoplanets around Different Stellar Types
- Understanding the NEO population through thermal infrared imaging with NEOWISE
- Understanding the role of asymmetrical warming on streamflow changes in the Western U.S. using multi-model approach
- Upholding the Scientific Ethos in Scientific Data Analysis
- Use of Principal Components for Identification of Hydrogeological Parameters and Spatiotemporal Pattern of Recharges in Groundwater Modeling
- Using Holocene sediments from North Yolla Bolly Lake in the Northern Coast Range (CA) to investigate the California precipitation dipole.
- Using SatStressGUI to Calculate Tidal Stresses on Moons: Applications to Europa
- Using Solar Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence to Understand Carbon Dynamics and Plant Phenology of Global Major Ecosystems
- Using a broad suite of traits, including hydraulics, for robust prediction of species and forest vital rates in space and time
- Using remotely-sensed functional diversity to inform trait-based ecology
- Using the Community Earth System Model Large Ensemble to investigate changes in frequency of major precipitation accumulations in a warming climate
- Variability of the Martian Ionospheric Peak and Hot O Corona - Observations and Simulation
- Velocity scale for transport and mixing of buoyant particles in the oceanic mixed layer
- Video blogs: A tool for promoting diversity, inclusion, and accessibility
- Volcanic gases include slab- and air-derived nitrogen but no contributions from the mantle: a <SUP>15</SUP>N<SUP>15</SUP>N perspective
- Vulnerability, Residence Time, and Trade-offs Matter in Carbon Storage of California Salt Marshes
- Wave Emissions from the Lower-hybrid to the Electron Cyclotron Frequency in Quasi-perpendicular Shocks: a large-scale 2D PIC Simulation
- Wave propagation within 3D MHD simulations of the heliosphere
- What Can Surface Observations Tell Us About Ceres' Interior?
- What Makes Waves in Some Parts of the Rocks Inside Our World Go Fast?
- What sets the probability distribution of precipitation?
- Whistler Wave Excitation using Ferromagnetic Antennas
- Will it bend? Insights into the mechanical properties and thermal evolution of Ceres' Nar Sulcus
- pH induced kinetic effects in clumped isotope signatures from inorganic calcite counteracted by carbonic anhydrase
- "Enabling future exploration of the Moon through co-analysis of LRO data in a GIS framework"
- "Patchy" Magnetic Reconnection: Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations and Particle-in-Cell Simulations
- "Periglacial" Planet? Ground Ice on Ceres Expressed by Surface Flows
- 3D Global Hybrid-Kinetic Modeling of Magnetosphere Under Quasi-Radial IMF Conditions
- A Case Study of Field Line Resonance Event from Combined MMS and Ground-based Observations
- A Large Burst of Hydroxyl Radical Formation in Cloud Water: Contributions of Particulate Matter Components
- A New Discovery of Critical Features Governing Earth's Radiation Belt Enhancement
- A New Lake Sediment Record from North Yolla Bolly Lake (40° N) Reveals Multi-Scale Holocene Hydrologic Variability in Northwest California
- A Proposed Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Estimating the Statistical Parameters for Monthly Average Streamflows
- A Sensitivity Study of Microwave Spectra to Water Vapor Variability in the Extratropical Marine Planetary Boundary Layer
- A Statistical Study of Proton Microinstabilities and Nonlinear Effects in Space Plasmas
- A Theoretical Study of the Applicability of Open-path FTIR for Benzene Fenceline Air Monitoring
- A data assimilation framework for generating space-time continuous SWOT river discharge products
- A new era of anchoring water cycle science and water resource management with paradigm-shifting snow remote sensing
- A new method to estimate inland water body shoreline bathymetry
- A saline water-based mineralization scheme for gigaton-scale CO<SUB>2</SUB> management
- ARIA Standardized InSAR Product Toolbox: Accessible Management and Manipulation of open-access ARIA Standardized InSAR Products with an Application over the Afar Depression in Eastern Africa
- Accumulation of thick ice deposits in shallow craters on the Moon and Mercury
- Aeolian Processes: an overlooked driver of state change in drylands
- Agile mapping of SIF and xCO2 from the recently-launched OCO-3 mission: Early Results
- Airborne Arctic-Boreal Water Surface Elevation Observations from AirSWOT Ka-band InSAR and LVIS LiDAR
- Airborne Remote Sensing of HCHO and HONO in Biomass Burning Plumes
- Alfvenic slow solar wind and proton temperature anisotropy in inner heliosphere by PSP observations
- Alfvenicity in PSP observations: comparing different measures
- An Arctic-Tibetan connection on subseasonal to seasonal time scale
- An Encounter with the Electron Diffusion Region at a Flapping, Twisted Tail Current Sheet
- An Imprint of ENSO on the South Pacific Western Subtropical Mode Water
- An X-Ray Diffraction Study of the High Pressure Behavior of Gaspéite (NiCO<SUB>3</SUB>)
- Analyzing data from snow pillows and courses for comparison with the Airborne Snow Observatory and the iSnobal model
- Annual cycle of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence in the Canadian Boreal Forest
- Antarctic Climate in CESM2: Sea ice Variability and Atmosphere Interactions
- Applications of a spatially contiguous solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence product predicted by a machine learning algorithm
- Assessing Global and Regional Effects of Reconstructed Land Use and Land Cover Change since 1950 on Climate using a Coupled Land-atmosphere-ocean Model
- Assessing the Crop, Energy and Water Nexus in the Central Valley California Using Remote Sensing Products
- Assessing the potential of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography Mission for Reservoir Bathymetry Estimation
- Assimilation of GRACE Data into the CARbon DAta-MOdel fraMework (CARDAMOM)
- BTEX monitoring inside refineries using a 2D LP-DOAS based optical tent
- Bedrock topography requirements for reducing uncertainties in ice sheet model projections of century-scale Antarctic sea level contribution
- Boreal Wetland Mapping by UAV to Upscale Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- California Precipitation Extremes in a Warming Climate: Linking Large-Scale Forcing from CESM Large Ensemble to Fine-Scale Weather Features
- Can GCMs produce credible projections of changes in extreme precipitation?
- Can Higher Mode Surface-Wave Dispersion Discriminate Between Different Mars Mantle Models?
- Can remote sensing transform our use of snowmelt resources?
- Carbon Isotopes as a Tracer of Recycling at Subduction Zones
- Carbon Loss and Gain of Global Forest in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century
- Causal relations in the climate system
- Changes in the age of soil respired carbon under warming and drying in lowland tropical forests in Panama
- Channels on Titan: an Examination of Data Effects and a Comparison with Earth Analogs
- Characterization of Nonlinear Interactions Between Energetic Electrons and Chorus Waves with Various Spectral Properties
- Characterization of Relativistic Electron Scattering Signatures Caused by EMIC Waves
- Characterizing grass root exposure due to wind erosion in the Chihuahuan Desert
- Characterizing the Effects of Asteroid Structure on Momentum Enhancement from a Kinetic Impactor
- Combining Remote and in situ Parker Solar Probe and STEREO Data to Understand Solar Wind Density Structures
- Comparison of model-observed runoff along the West Greenland Ice Sheet
- Compressional branching during the 2012 Mw 8.6 Off-Sumatra Earthquake: Combination of cycle simulation and dynamic simulation on a conjugate fault system
- Consequences of the precipitation-buoyancy framework: protected convection and convective adjustment timescales.
- Constraining aerosol vertical structure in coastal regions using hyperspectral O<SUB>2</SUB> absorption measurements from space
- Constraints on Mars' paleopressure history from small ancient craters: new results and a new synthesis
- Contrasting physiological strategies of Oryza glaberrima and Oryza sativa varieties to drought and impact on growth rate.
- Convective onset statistics for the ARM diagnostics package
- Coronal Origins of the Alfvénic Slow Solar Wind
- Coseismic Rupture Behaviors of The 2019 M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquakes Inferred From Back-Projections And Satellite Geodesy
- Cross-model Variability and Change in the Frequencies of Meteorological Patterns Associated with Atmospheric Rivers in the Northeast Pacific
- Cusp structures observed by the TRICE 2 sounding rockets and their relationship to the magnetopause reconnection location
- Dawnside Auroral Polarization Stream
- Dayside magnetospheric and ionospheric responses to transient upstream disturbances measured by satellite-imager coordination
- Deciphering the Controls of the Rate and Spatial Distribution of Rockwall Slope Erosion in the NW Himalaya
- Decreasing temperature and increasing X<SUB>CO2</SUB> boost silica dissolution in the system MgO-SiO<SUB>2</SUB>-H<SUB>2</SUB>O-CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Deep Slab Dynamics and The Overriding Continental Plate
- Deep learning for urban watershed land use assessments
- Detecting Nighttime Fire Combustion Phase from Suomi NPP VIIRS: First Global Results
- Detecting Offshore Seismicity by Combining Back-projection Imaging and Matched-filter Processing
- Detecting the Mantle Transition Zone of Mars From Seismic Reflected Waves
- Developing User Focused Tools for Understanding Space Weather Impacts to Satellites
- Development of a Comprehensive Application for Satellite Anomaly Analysis
- Development of open-access Standardized InSAR Displacement Products by the Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) Project for Natural Hazards
- Development of the SSiB4/Triffid/DayCent-SOM Model to study the impact of Atmospheric Nitrogen deposition to carbon cycle
- Did Galileo See a Salty Plume at Europa?
- Differentiation of vernal pool communities assessed by eDNA: a community science experience
- Direct Observation of Sub-Relativistic Electron Precipitation Driven by EMIC Waves
- Direct measurements of ice sheet meltwater runoff in Inglefield Land, northwest Greenland
- Disproving the Bodélé depression as the primary source of dust fertilizing the Amazon Rainforest
- Does elevation-dependent warming hold true above 5000melevation? Lessons from the Tibetan Plateau
- Does vertical resolution matter when using a 1-D radiative transfer model to solve for cirrus cloud forcing?
- Drought Variability and Trends over the Conterminous United States over the Past Century
- Drought and famine in India, 1870-2016
- Drought and food insecurity tipping points: can remote sensing be used for detection of tipping points?
- Drying Effects on Soil Respiration and Biogeochemistry Across Natural and Experimental Gradients in Rainfall and Fertility in Lowland Tropical Forests
- Drying effects on root dynamics in tropical forest soils
- Dynamics and changes in Western U.S. floods
- EMIC (ElectroMagnetic Ion Cyclotron) waves during the Van Allen Probes and ERG era: Spatial distributions of EMIC waves depending on geomagnetic conditions
- ESCAPADE: coordinated multipoint observations of the Martian magnetosphere
- ESCAPADE: the first multi-spacecraft science mission to another planet.
- Effect of Ionospheric Conductances on the Magnetotail During Substorm
- Effects of 3-D fault geometry on rupture dynamics: Simulation of the 2019 Ridgecrest, CA, earthquakes
- Effects of Connections Between Plasma Sheet and Sub-Auroral Flow Bursts
- Effects of Gentle Topography on Gas Fluxes Emitted within Forests
- Effects of Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure on Plasma Characteristics and Location of the Near-Earth Reconnection Point
- Effects of periodic irrigation on the mobilization and transformation of arsenic and iron in the water table fluctuation zone
- Electromagnetic Energy Conversion within Reconnection Diffusion Regions
- Electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in the solar wind: local vs remote sources
- Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Waves Observed in and around Dipolarizing Flux Bundles
- Electron Scattering by Low-Frequency Whistler Waves at Earth's Bow Shock
- Electron vorticity observed during fundamental physical processes in near-Earth space
- Electron-MHD reconstruction of magnetotail reconnection regions observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission
- Electron-scale Magnetic Holes as a Possible Universal Signature of Energy Dissipation in Space Plasmas
- Empirically Estimated Electron Lifetimes in the Earth's Radiation Belts
- Energetics of Lightning-Generated Whistler-Mode Waves at Venus
- Energy Transport and Partition in the Vicinity of the Magnetopause Reconnection Electron Dissipation Region
- Energy balance characteristics of sparse grassland in the Dongkemadi River Basin in the central Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
- Energy cascading from kinetic Alfven waves and whistler waves to nonlinear wave structures
- Energy constraints for evaporation of well-watered grass
- Escaping Back-Streaming Ions at Interplanetary Shocks
- Establishing a Link between Near-tail and Geosynchronous Dipolarizations and Energetic Ion Flux Variations during Storm Main Phases
- Estimation of Radiation Belts' Phase Space Density using Physics-Informed Neural Networks
- Evaluating Non-Gaussian Temperature Distribution Tails in CMIP6 Models
- Evaluating Simulation-Based Earthquake Forecasts with Examples from UCERF3-ETAS
- Evaluating the Representation of Northern Hemisphere Surface Albedo Feedback in CMIP6
- Evaluating the magnitude of extreme daily and sub-daily precipitation in CMIP6 models
- Evaluation of the independent effects of mountainous environmental controls on the spatial snow variability
- Evaluation of the subseasonal forecast skill of AR-related flooding along the coastal Western U.S.
- Explainable AI Landslide Susceptibility Modeling by Superposable Neural Networks
- Explicit channel routing of supraglacial meltwater to assess channel incision, lake filling, and moulin injection: bringing big-data terrestrial hydrology to the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Exploring relationships amongst δ<SUP>13</SUP>C, δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, Δ<SUB>47</SUB>, and δ<SUP>11</SUP>B estimates of calcifying fluid pH in cultured marine biogenic carbonates
- Exploring the impact of explicit assimilation of dust-on snow albedo information on snow estimates from a snow reanalysis framework
- Failure to alert? Exploring perceptions of ShakeAlert during the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Fast Magnetic Reconnection in the Presence of a Normal Component: Macroscopic Fluid Prediction and Microscopic Physics Through Kinetic Simulations with Pictor.
- Fault Interaction in the Northern Mojave Desert Area, Insight From InSAR Geodesy and Simple Analog Models
- Fire, Climate, and Environmental Dynamics at Lake Elsinore, Southern California, from Late Marine Isotope Stage 3 through the Holocene
- First Observations from the TREx Spectrograph: the Optical Spectrum of STEVE and the Picket Fence Phenomena
- First results from the ELFIN mission.
- Forecasting future global biodiversity: Predicting current and future global plant distributions, community structure, and ecosystem function
- Foreshock Transient Phenomena Observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission
- Formation Conditions for the Foreshock Bubbles and Comparisons of MMS Observations with the Global Hybrid Simulation Results
- Formation and Topology of Foreshock Bubbles
- From SAPS and DAPS to Flow Channel Control of Auroral Omega Bands and Auroral Substorm Development
- From Surface to Ground Water: Water Availability Control on African Forests' Productivity during Severe Meteorological Conditions
- From the deep …: Recharge of the impact-induced cryomagma beneath Occator crater by the upwelling of deep mantle brines
- Functional traits predict climate distributions of species and ecosystems across the California Floristic Province
- Functional traits predict plant species' climate distributions across the Hawaiian Islands
- Future Multiyear Droughts in California and Implications of Vegetation Stress and Wildfire Risk
- Gauging the boundary layer vs free tropospheric thermodynamic contributions to convective onset in GCMs using GNSS satellite radio occultation (RO) retrievals
- Geomorphological map of the Soi crater region on Titan
- Gone with the wind: Aeolian transport of microplastics
- Gravitational fractionation of Ar/N<SUB>2</SUB> and age of air in the lowermost stratosphere
- Hands-on Distributed Hydrologic Modeling Toolbox, Applications, and Analysis
- High-Latitude Ionospheric Electrodynamics Characterizing Energy and Momentum Deposition during STEVE Events Reported by Citizen Scientists
- Hindcasting the radiation belts, simulating electron dynamics from Solar Cycle 17 - 24
- How (not) to lose communication with your submersible on Europa: An experimental study for characterizing the shear performance of tethers under confinement in ice
- How To Better Understand Hadean Earth
- How does stand age affect photosynthetic light use efficiency? A remote sensing observational approach across a white pine chronosequence in southern Ontario, Canada
- How much can managed aquifer recharge mitigate the Central Valley groundwater overdraft?
- How neutral is quasi-neutral: Charge Density in the Reconnection Diffusion Region Observed by MMS.
- Human-centered, relational geoscience
- Hydraulic Control of Carbon Dioxide and Water Fluxes at the Ecosystem Scale
- Hydrologic Modeling in the Indus River Basin
- Hydrothermal <SUP>15</SUP>N<SUP>15</SUP>N abundances constrain the origins of mantle nitrogen
- Identification of winter storm contribution to snowpack in Upper Colorado from reconstruction
- Identifying STEVE's magnetospheric driver using conjugate observations in the magnetosphere and on the ground
- Impact of Solar Activity on China Precipitation in Boreal Winter and Summer
- Impact of secondary electron instabilities in the wave emissions excited within the front of a quasi-perpendicular shock: 2D PIC simulation
- Impact of the urban built environments on pedestrian exposure to ultrafine particles
- Impacts of 2015-2016 El Nino on Seasonal and Diurnal Canopy Water Content of the Amazon Rainforest
- Impacts of improving the observability of land surface model soil moisture estimates on data assimilation performance
- In-situ and optical observations of sub-ion magnetic holes
- InSight Observations of Magnetic Pulsations on Martian Surface: Morphology and Wave Sources
- Influence of Non-seasonal Discharge on Global Ocean State
- Integrating imaging spectrometer and synthetic aperture radar data for estimating wetland vegetation aboveground biomass in coastal Louisiana
- Interactions between climate, land use, and infrastructure in the southeastern United States: Implications for water resources and society
- Intermittent heating in the inner Heliosphere: PSP observations
- Interoperability for Heliophysics and Planetary Time Series Data via HAPI
- Interplay among Eruptive Processes, Global Oscillations, and Broad Spectra of Alfvén Waves in Arched Magnetized Plasmas
- Interpreting Ancient Climate from Aeolian Features on Mars: Case studies from Jezero crater and Arabia Terra
- Intraseasonal dynamics and directional dependencies in novel tower-based SIF observations over a temperate deciduous forest
- Investigate depth-dependent tremor variability in Cascadia subduction zone
- Investigating the Impact of Plasma Interaction on the Retrieval of Europa's Induced Magnetic Field
- Investigation of the variability of monthly top soil temperature anomaly and its causes over Tibetan Plateau
- Inward Propagation of Flow-Generated Pi2 Waves From the Plasma Sheet to the Inner Magnetosphere
- Ion Acoustic Waves Associated with Turbulent Plasma Mixing in the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability
- Ion scale flux rope like structure observed inside a foreshock transient
- Ion-Scale Structure of the Outer Electron Diffusion Region
- Ionospheric Electron Density Profile of Jupiter's Moon Callisto and its Implication on Moon's Interior Using Galileo's Radio Occultation Observations.
- Ionospheric Footprints of Detached Magnetotail Interchange Heads
- Ionospheric modulation by Pc5 ULF waves and wave structure detected by THEMIS-PFISR conjunction
- Is Substorm Expansion Onset Always Preceded by an Auroral Streamer?
- King Tides Result in Episodic Cross-Contamination of a California Coastline With Cyanobacterial and Algal Toxins
- Laboratory Scaling Studies of a Shear Alfvén Wave Parametric Instability relevant to the near-Sun solar wind
- Large scale 1/f magnetic field spectrum in the solar wind close to the Sun: comparison between 0.15 and 0.3AU
- Leveraging Google Earth Engine (GEE) and machine learning algorithms to incorporate in situ measurements for rangelands monitoring
- Lightning Characteristics Associated with Atmospheric Rivers Affecting the Continental US Using the GOES-16/17 Geostationary Lightning Mappers
- Linear and nonlinear evolution of jets and microstreams in the solar wind
- Long-term Field Evaluation and Application of Low-Cost Air Monitoring Sensors in a California Community
- Long-term trends in annual and seasonal aerosol loading and composition in China
- MAGIC, A Discovery Proposal to the Icy Moon Callisto
- MMS observations of the structure, evolution, and heating in the diffusion region of a reconnecting magnetosheath current sheet
- Magnetic Reconnection Associated with the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at Different Positions Along the Flank Magnetopause
- Magnetic connectivity of the ecliptic plane within 0.5 AU : PFSS modelling of the early PSP encounters
- Magnetosheath Jets in Global 3D Hydrid Simulations
- Magnetospheric Interactions of Saturn's Moon Dione 2005-2015
- Magnetospheric dynamics associated with STEVE
- Magnetospheric response and reconfiguration times following IMF By reversals
- Magnetotail Current Sheet Prior to Magnetic Reconnection
- Mapping Volcanic Plume Composition with Imaging Spectroscopy: A Case Study from Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Martian Microcraters as Evidence For Obliquity-Driven Pressure Variations
- Measurement of Water Surface Elevations: Advances in Validation Measurements for the NASA SWOT Mission
- Measurements of solar light transmission in bare glacier ice: Implications for subsurface meltwater production in the Greenland Ice Sheet ablation zone
- Meltwater export from the Greenland Ice Sheet observed during winter
- Micro-Imaging Spectroscopy of ICDP Oman Drilling Project Cores: New Insights into Alteration of the Oceanic Crust
- Microbial feedbacks on SOM composition under recurring drought
- Microburst Spatial Size Distribution Derived Using The AeroCube-6 CubeSats
- Miocene thrusting in the easternmost Himalayan orogen and Lhasa terrane (northern Indo-Burma Ranges): implications for recent exhumation and clockwise crustal flow at the eastern Himalayan syntaxis
- Modeling Electron Enhancement and Butterfly Pitch Angle Distributions in the Earth's Inner Radiation Belt and Slot Region
- Modeling and Data Assimilation of the Ring Current, Relativistic and Ultra-relativistic Electrons in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Modeling the relative importance of blowing snow and surface snow in Arctic bromine activation and ozone depletion using regional 3D chemical transport modeling
- Multi-mode Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity Measurements in the Indian Ocean
- Multi-platform, multi-sensor snow surface properties for energy balance and model validation
- Multi-point observations of solar wind turbulence during the MMS Solar wind turbulence campaign
- Multi-source Remote Sensing of Arctic-Boreal Surface Water
- Near-Field Ground Motions from the 2019 M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquakes: Subdued Shaking due to Pervasive Non-Linear Site Response?
- Net Carbon Change: Emissions and Attribution for US Forests in 2005-2016
- Neural Network-Based Model of Radiation Belt Electron Flux Near GEO
- Nitrous acid vertical profiles and formation mechanisms during the CalNex 2010 campaign
- No oceans in the mantle?
- Novel approaches to geospace particle transfer in the digital age: Progress through data science
- Numerical simulations of the evolution of magnetic field kinks in the solar wind
- Observability of Venus' torque balance
- Observation constrained carbon cycle dynamics over tropical south America and its implications for future carbon-climate feedbacks
- Observation of unusual high frequency EMIC waves and their effects on electron dynamics
- Observations of Magnetic Island Formation by the Wide Field Imager on Parker Solar Probe (WISPR/PSP)
- Observed Properties of Solar Wind Jets inside 0.25 AU
- Occurrence Rates of Nonlinear Electron Interaction with Intense Chorus Waves
- Ocean World rifting: Geomechanical inferences from normal fault populations on icy bodies
- On the Ion Precipitation from the inner magnetosphere by EMIC waves
- On the Occurrence of Magnetic Reconnection Along the Dawn and Dusk Magnetopause During the MMS Prime Mission
- Optical signatures of the outer radiation belt boundary
- Origin of two-band chorus in the Earth's outer radiation belt
- PH Induced Kinetic Effects in Clumped Isotopes Signatures from Inorganic Calcite Counteracted by Carbonic Anhydrase
- Paleoceanography of the Cariaco Basin using clumped isotope geochemistry: Last Glacial Maximum to present
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Magnetic Reconnection Exhausts during Encounter 1
- Parker Solar Probe observations of the first Venus flyby
- Parker Solar Probe: Mission Status and Outlook After One Year of Operation
- Particle Acceleration by Magnetosheath Jet-driven Bow Waves
- Particle Acceleration from Strong Turbulence Driven by Magnetic Reconnection
- Pattern recognition of Southern California earthquakes over the past 85 years using machine learning
- Photospheric Vortices and Coronal Energy Storage And Release
- Physics-informed machine learning for estimating the electron flux in the Earth's radiation belts
- Pick Up Ion Observations outside the Focusing Cone at 1 AU
- Planetary Magnetic Field Control of Ion Escape from Weakly Magnetized Planets
- Plant responses to volcanically elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> in two Costa Rican forests
- Plasma Sheet Pi2 Pulsations Associated with Bursty Bulk Flows
- Plasma Wave Phase Analysis of the Magnetosphere-Multiscale Fast Plasma Investigation Data
- Plasma sheet electron precipitation due to lower and upper band chorus waves
- Polynomial reconstruction of the magnetic field around the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft
- Possible Substorm Triggering by Magnetosheath Jets During Northward and Radial IMF: 14 Spacecraft Observations, MHD Simulations and Ground Based and Auroral Signatures
- Possible interaction mechanisms of Tibetan land surface temperature and downstream East Asian precipitation
- Potential Impacts of Wildfires on Soil and Water Chemistry in the San Gabriel Mountains, California
- Precipitation probability distributions in CMIP6 models: relationship to the thermodynamic environment and of daily to sub-daily timescales
- Prediction of the United States spring-summer precipitation from the Western U.S. spring surface temperature anomalies using the statistical method of super-ensemble canonical correlation analysis
- Pressure effects on SEIS-INSIGHT instrument, improvement of seismic records and characterization of gravity waves from ground displacements
- Probing the solar corona with Sun-grazing comets: comparing MHDsimulations with EUV observations
- Projected Changes in the Terrestrial and Oceanic Regulators of Climate Variability Across Sub-Saharan Africa
- Propagation of Alfvén waves and evolution of turbulence in the expanding solar wind with the presence of stream interaction
- Proton-Alpha Temperature Relaxation and Preferential Heating in the Corona: a Ulysses Case Study.
- Pseudo-prospective Evaluation of Aftershock Forecasts during the Ridgecrest sequence
- Quantification of Energetic Electron Precipitation Driven by Magnetospheric Waves
- Quantifying ECH Wave Contribution to Diffuse Auroral Precipitation
- Quantifying the Impact of Intense Pyroconvection on Stratospheric Aerosol Loading
- Quantifying the Shape Distributions of Atmospheric Dust
- Quantifying the uncertainty in estimates of the dust radiative forcing based on the NASA Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source InvesTigation data products
- Quantitative evidence for a Neoproterozoic glacial origin of the Great Unconformity
- Queers in STEM: Creating spaces for LGBTQIA2+ in STEM
- Radial response of radiation belt multi MeV electron enhancements to different solar wind and magnetospheric conditions
- Radiation Belt Electron Acceleration at Earth and Jupiter
- Radiation bombardment at Europa by magnetospheric particles and cosmic rays
- Radio and Plasma Wave Generation by an Electron Beam in a Laboratory Plasma
- Rapid Expansion of Nuclear Arsenals by Pakistan and India Portends Regional and Global Catastrophes
- Rapid River Discharge Estimation from Pressure Transducer Arrays in the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Canada
- Real-time metabolic responses to changing osmotic and matric potential
- Recent global decline in endorheic basin water storage and its implications for the water cycle
- Reconnection Rate of Dayside Magnetopause Asymmetric Reconnection at the Electron Scale
- Reconstructing the Plasmasphere Dynamics from Geomagnetic Indices Using Neural Networks
- Reconstruction of lake storage changes in Ebinur and Sayram Lake basins, Xinjiang, China
- Regional-Scale Controls on Snow Accumulation in the Sierra Nevada, USA
- Resolving interannual climate sensitivity of tree growth and forest productivity by integrating tree-rings, leaf hydraulic traits, and forest census data
- Resolving the evolution of organic carbon stocks from joint assimilation of satellite-informed biomass and CMS-Flux CO2 flux estimates.
- Responses of Venus and Mars to an Extreme Carrington-Type Space Weather Event: Atmospheric Loss and Core-Induced Magnetic Signature
- Role of Tibetan Plateau spring land temperature anomaly on summer precipitation extremes in East Asia
- San Miguel Island Cave Middens DNA Metabarcoding and Shotgun Sequencing Reveal a Rich Diversity of the Early American's Candidate Foods
- Satellite Precipitation for Hydropower Management in Africa
- Scoreboard of the Inner Magnetosphere Charging Environment: Realtime Validation of an Ensemble of Community Models
- Seasonal evolution of supraglacial stream network in southwest Greenland
- Seasonal shifts in soil carbon fractions in moist tropical forests of Panama
- Sharp Alfvenic Impulses in the Near-Sun Solar Wind: Properties and Possible Origins
- Sharp Moho variation beneath SE Tibet: insight into crustal deformation from P wave receiver functions
- Simulated polar amplification and its causes on decadal to millennial timescales
- Simulating the role of fire in forest structure and functional type coexistence: Testing FATES-SPITFIRE in California forests
- Simulations of the Influence of Wave Variations on the Cloud-Level Atmosphere on Venus or Venus-Like Exoplanets
- Site response analyses of U.S. Geological Survey Rapid Aftershock Pasadena (RAP) stations deployed after the M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquakes
- Slab Orphaning: The Role of Phase Transitions in Shaping Mid-Mantle Slab Morphologies
- Slab-wedge Coupling Promotes Deep Subduction of Sediment: Geodynamic Insights to Mantle Geochemical Heterogeneity
- Space Weathering Induced Isotope Exchange between Water Ice and Solids Using the Isotopic Characterization Experimental (ICE) Apparatus and SIMS
- Spatio-temporal foreshock evolution of the 2019 M 6.4 and M 7.1 Ridgecrest, California Earthquakes
- Static and Time-Varying Magnetic Fields Recorded at the InSight Landing Sight
- Stationary waves control North American summer precipitation during Last Glacial Maximum
- Statistics of Current Sheets at Lunar Distance
- Statistics of Energetic Particles in the first Parker Solar Probe Orbit: Correlations and Association with Magnetic Structures
- Statistics of Reconnecting Structures within the Transition Region of Earth's Bow Shock
- Steve: The Optical Signature of Intense Subauroral Ion Drifts
- Storm-time depletions of multi-MeV radiation belt electrons observed at different pitch angles
- Supercritical fluids in the system NaAlSi<SUB>3</SUB>O<SUB>8</SUB> - H<SUB>2</SUB>O at high pressures and temperatures
- Superfloods in the Western US
- Tangible use of Airborne Snow Observatory SWE Products for enhanced runoff forecasting
- Tectonic Stress Map Across Enceladus' SPT and Possible Mechanical Causes
- Temperature-anisotropy-driven instabilities and electron and ion energy budget in the expanding solar wind: fully-kinetic Expanding Box Model simulations with EB-iPic3D
- Test Particle Simulations and Analytical Estimates of Nonlinear Wave-Particle Interactions
- The Behavior of Volatiles on Vesta and Ceres Investigated via Laboratory Experiments and Geomorphological Analyses
- The Driver of Energetic Electron Precipitation in the Earth's Upper Atmosphere
- The Effects of the Upper Atmosphere and Corona on the Solar Wind Interaction with Venus
- The Europa Clipper: Science and Mission
- The Evolution of Plasma Sheet Injections into the Ring Current Region
- The Interdisciplinary Consortium for Evaluating Volatile Origins (ICE Five-O)
- The Investigation of the Deepest Frozen Soil Depth Variation over TP (1981-2005) by Coupled SSiB3 and A Multi-layer Frozen Soil Scheme
- The Longitudinal Distribution of Lunar Craters
- The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- The Mars Structure Service for InSight:Single-Station Marsquake Inversions for Structure
- The Occurrence and Role of Magnetic Reconnection in Turbulent Plasmas
- The Petermann Ice Shelf estuary and its impact on ice-shelf stability
- The ROASTT-2019 training exercise for the Mars 2020 Science Team
- The Remote Effects of Tibetan Plateau Spring Land Temperature on Global Summer Precipitation Anomalies - A Report of the GEWEX/GASS/LS4P First Phase Activity and Preliminary Results
- The Small Crater Population on Giordano Bruno
- The Solar Orbiter Heliospheric Imager (SoloHI) for the Solar Orbiter Mission: Science and Instrument Status
- The Storm-time Evolution and Distribution of Ultra Low Frequency Waves
- The contribution of the world's main source regions to the global cycle of desert dust
- The effects of China vegetation greening on summer regional climate
- The importance of paleobathymetry in understanding the variations in paleo-ocean carbonate compensation depths and carbonate subduction fluxes over the last 100Myr
- The magnetic structure and electrodynamics of the emerging solar wind
- The raised ramparts around Titan's northern lakes: Spectral and emissivity analysis
- The role of Alfvén wave dynamics in the large scale properties of the solar wind: comparing 3D MHD simulation and PSP data
- The role of soil moisture memory in spring runoff predictability in Western US river basins
- The use of machine learning for the rapid prediction of radiation belt dynamics
- Thermal fertilization of the boreal forest contributes about half to the increase of CO2 seasonal amplitude over the northern hemisphere since 1960s
- Thermodynamic solution properties of the albite dissolution process and its effect on the solubility of quartz at high pressures and temperatures
- Thermospheric Tidal Effects on Longitudinal Variation of the Topside Ionosphere at Mars
- Total Ocean Mass Estimates from GFZ RL06 of GRACE and GRACE-FO: Mitigating Effects of Coastal Leakage
- Toward an analytical, predictive theory for the location of Hadley and monsoonal cell ascending branches
- Tracking fine-scale changes in surface water using CubeSat imagery
- Tropical Forest Carbon Dynamics Explain Interannual Variability of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>Growth Rate
- Ultra-Low Temperature (ULT) viscous deformation during subduction, recorded at the leading edge of the mantle wedge, Samail ophiolite
- Understanding improved representation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation in the coupled GFDL GCM
- Understanding the Role of Asymmetrical Warming on Streamflow Changes in the Western U.S. Using a Multi-model Approach
- Understanding the Vertical Structure of Ice Cloud Particle Size Distribution by Combining Field Campaign and Satellite Observations
- Upper Mantle Temperature of Hotspots and Ridges and Correlation with Geochemical Signals
- Using Monte Carlo Simulations to Examine Biases in Fitting Stationary IDF Curves to Nonstationary Data
- Using Synthetic Aperture Radar to Map Oil Palm Plantations in San Martin, Peru
- Using geospatial datasets to characterize mosquito larval habitats in the Los Angeles Basin
- Utilizing NASA Earth Observations in the RHEAS Framework to Enhance Drought Monitoring and Mitigation in Kenya
- Utilizing the Heliophysics/Geospace System Observatory to Understand Particle Injections: Their Scale Sizes and Propagation Directions
- Validation of CMS carbon flux and stock datasets across the FLUXNET eddy covariance flux tower network
- Variabilities in Middle Atmospheric HO<SUB>2</SUB> and OH During Solar Cycles 23 and 24
- Variations in Holocene Fire Activity in California, from a Meta-Analysis of Sedimentary Charcoal Records
- Variations in structural style and shortening strain along strike of the Longmen Shan fault zone, eastern Tibet
- Venus Climate Sounder - A Limb Infrared Radiometer for the Middle Atmosphere of Venus
- Waiting time (distance) distributions of magnetic field and velocity PVI events during the first Parker Solar Probe encounter
- Warming of the Martian deep subsurface by topography
- Water storage in the Martian mantle
- What Makes Saturn's Magnetosphere Beat with One-hour Periodicity?
- Whistler mode waves near the magnetic field intensity minimum of mirror structures in magnetosheath
- Working towards confident spaceborne monitoring of carbon emissions from cities using Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2
- Young Solar Wind in the Grip of the Sun's Corona
- Zr Isotope Variations in Zircon as an Indicator of Magmatic Differentiation
- pySPEDAS: Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software in Python
- "Right tree, right place, right purpose": Linking Governance and Biotechnical Capacities in Addressing Climate Change through Urban Trees
- 3-D Synthetic Modeling of Anisotropy Effects on SS Precursors: Implications for Mantle Flow in the Transition Zone
- A Close Encounter with an Interstellar Visitor
- A Comparative Morphological and Geospatial Analysis of Terrestrial Pingos and Anomalous Hills on Ceres
- A Comparison of Thermodynamic-Convection Coupling in Observations, Reanalysis, and Models
- A Continuity Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) instrument to augment the record from Aura MLS.
- A High-Precision Reanalysis of the Thermal Equation of State of hcp-Iron
- A New Energy Balance Formulation for Greenland's Melting Bare Ice Surface
- A New Landsat-era Snow Reanalysis Dataset over the Western United States
- A Plan For Detecting Evidence of Hadean Life
- A Spatial and Temporal Model Adjusting Approach for Large Scale Multi-temporal Rangelands Monitoring
- A combined neural network- and physics-based approach for modeling plasmasphere dynamics
- A diagnostic to evaluate CMIP6 model fidelity at simulating non-Gaussian temperature distribution tails
- A global framework for SWOT discharge
- A joint study of Solar Orbiter first data and PSP E5 through 3D MHD modeling
- A modeling perspective on Pleistocene landscape evolution and dust production in the Hami Basin, China
- A new role for solar wind plasma expansion in heat flux regulation
- A proposed multi-objective, multi-stage stochastic programming with recourse model for reservoir management and operation
- A rate-and-state model for episodic tremor and slow-slip events with megathrust earthquake cycles in Cascadia
- A statistical study of magnetopause flux ropes and their substructure using Magnetospheric Multiscale mission (MMS)
- A testbed for evaluation of forecast skill for Atmospheric River flooding in California watersheds
- A universal kinetic equation solver for radiation belts
- Accelerating improvements in process-representation in weather and climate models through active community engagement
- Acceleration and Loss of Ultra-relativistic Electrons in the Earth Van Allen Radiation Belts
- Accounting for interhemispheric asymmetries in geospace models
- Accumulation and Dissipation of Water Associated with Flooding in the Missouri River Basin
- Advancing Biodiversity Monitoring by Directly Integrating Remote Sensing Data with Citizen Science Platforms
- Airborne Observations of Ka-band Radar Backscatter from AirSWOT Enable Vegetation and Water Detection
- An Atmospheric-Hydrologic Modeling Framework to Evaluate the Sensitivity of the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) in a Changing Climate
- An Evaluation of Long-term Variations in Magnetic Variometer Data
- An Extreme-Preserving Long-Term Gridded Daily Precipitation Data Set for the Conterminous United States
- An Optical Tent to measure BTEX inside petrochemical facilities
- Analysis of Geomagnetically Induced Currents through Network Analysis with Magnetometer Measurements
- Analysis of the Basin Amplification Seismic Investigation (BASIN) project in Los Angeles, California
- Anthropogenic Warming Increased Ponderosa Pine Mortality by 20% During 2012-2015 Mega-drought in the Sierra Nevada.
- Application of machine learning in seismic array processing
- Applications of Carbonate Geochemistry to Determining the Role of Climate Change in Hominin Evolution
- Archiving Citizen Science Data in a Public Archive: Radio JOVE Data and the Planetary Data System
- Are Zr stable isotopes tracking magmatic differentiation in the zoned La Posta pluton?
- Are hotspots hotter than ridges?
- Assessing how long-term shifts in species and functional composition have impacted carbon and water cycling the southern Rocky Mountains
- Assessing prior emergent constraints on surface albedo feedback in CMIP6
- Assessing the Climatology and Variability of High Mountain Asia Seasonal Snowpack Distribution from an 18-year Snow Reanalysis
- Assessing the sensitivity of evapotranspiration to shifts in plant traits, changing climate, and earlier snowmelt: Long-term observations from a 1,000m elevation gradient in the East River Watershed, Colorado, USA
- Assessment of WRF-Fire's modeling skill on large wildfires under variable grid spacing and input conditions
- Atmospheric Implications Derived from the Small Crater Record from the Curiosity Rover, Gale Crater, Mars.
- Atmospheric Parameters Retrieval Using Machine Learning In Resource Limited Spacecraft Remote Sensing
- Ballooning/Interchange Heads in the Earth's Magnetotail and Their Ionospheric Manifestations
- Bi-stability of the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf Cavity Circulation and Basal Melt Rates
- Braiding Water Knowledge
- Bridge to the stars: A mission concept to an interstellar object
- Building a Better Fluxgate Core - Implications for Future Magnetic Field Instruments
- Can the Late Heavy Bombardment hypothesis be resuscitated?
- Challenges on Mercury's interior structure
- Changes in late Pleistocene hydroclimate and lake level fluctuations at Lake Cochise, AZ
- Changes in probability of large precipitation events under global warming: Using theory to understand projections in the CMIP6 ensemble.
- Channels on Titan and the Earth: Lessons from Planform Images in Low-Resolution SAR
- Characterizing the Aqueous Geochemical History at Tyrrhena Terra, Mars
- Cherenkov Whistler Emission by Electron Holes
- Climate communication in the Twitter era: Challenges, opportunities, and some personal reflection
- Climate regulation of autumn phenology and its impact on carbon cycle
- Climate warming causes declines in crop yields and lowers school attendance rates in Central Africa
- Clumped Isotope Constraints on Changes in Paleotemperature and Past Hydroclimates: A Case Study from the Northwestern Great Basin, Lake Surprise, California
- Coarse dust aerosol radiative effect in the IMPACT model
- Combining CNN and RNN in seismic phase picking
- Combining satellite data from MODIS, and TROPOMI to observe wildfire smoke allows the observation of particle formation processes that were unobservable with one satellites alone.
- Communicating Flood Risk in Near Real-Time - Turning Pixel Flood Maps Into Three Word Warnings
- Comparing Solar Minimum 24/25 with Historical Solar Wind Records at 1 AU
- Comparing interannual snow pattern repeatability between snowpack reanalyses and airborne lidar observations in the California Sierra Nevadas.
- Comparing simulation and results from two models during a period of large IMF By
- Comparison of Magnetic Field Structure of the Induced Magnetospheres of Mars and Venus
- Compositional heterogeneities in the mid-mantle revealed by seismic discontinuities and reflectors
- Comprehensive InSAR deformation analysis using ARIA standard products captures interseismic and shallow aseismic slip processes across California
- Constraining Global Coronal Models with Multiple Independent Observables
- Constraining carbon cycle dynamics over the ABoVE domain using in situ and space-based CO<SUB>2</SUB> observations
- Contrasting sensitivities and vulnerabilities of terrestrial biosphere carbon cycle to climate anomalies across tropical south America
- Controlling Effect of Wave Models and Plasma Boundaries on the Dynamic Evolution of Relativistic Radiation Belt Electrons
- Convergence and divergence of canopy photosynthesis, fluorescence, and reflected radiance
- Data Integration with Knowledge Graphs: A Space Weather Use-case
- Data-driven discovery of Fokker-Planck equation for radiation belt electrons using physics-informed neural networks
- Dawnside Auroral Polarization Streams
- Deep Engagement with Southern California Water Managers: Simulating Future Storms to Stress Test Systems
- Deep sourced fluids for peridotite carbonation in the shallow mantle wedge of a fossil subduction zone
- Detecting The Missing Oceanic Supershear Earthquakes
- Detecting the Impact of COVID-19 Shutdowns on Anthropogenic Emissions in the Los Angeles and Baltimore/Washington Urban Regions
- Detecting the Mantle Transition Zone of Mars From Seismic Triplicated and Reflected Waves
- Determination of the response time of the Martian induced magnetosphere from solar wind fluctuations using multi-spacecraft observations
- Development and Applications of a New Coastal Cloud and Fog Satellite-derived Albedo Record for San Clemente Island
- Development and validation of a dynamically downscaled historical dataset over the Western United States
- Diagnosing non-Gaussian temperature distribution tails using a back-trajectory analysis
- Did Galileo Pass Through a Plume on E26?
- Drought Variability over the Conterminous United States for the past century
- ESCAPADE: Unraveling Cause and Effect in Mars' Unique Hybrid Magnetosphere with Class D Smallsats
- Early Implications of the COVID-19 Shelter-in-Place Restrictions on Urban Air Quality in the Los Angeles Basin
- Electron Scattering Effect due to VLF transmitters in Near-Earth Space
- Electron firehose instability operating in the electron diffusion region
- Electron-Only Tail Current Sheets and Their Temporal Evolution
- Electron-scale currents in the dayside magnetopause: Observations over two seasons
- Emergent Constraints on the Large Scale Atmospheric Circulation and Regional Hydroclimate: Do They Still Work in CMIP6 and How Much Can They Actually Constrain the Future?
- Empirical model for estimating hydraulic properties of the organic-rich arctic permafrost soils
- Energy conversion associated with a series of dipolarization fronts observed by MMS.
- Ensemble data assimilation techniques for electron phase space density in the radiation belts
- Episodes of micro-rifting contribute to distributed extension in Afar: A case-study of a 2002 event
- Estimating the "noise" with the Observational Large Ensemble
- Estimation of the moving direction of the Martian magnetotail flux ropes: MAVEN observations
- Evaluating hydrologic sensitivity in CMIP6: internal variability versus anthropogenic forcing
- Evaluation and Comparison of Satellite Precipitation Products: IMERG, CMORPH, and CHIRPS over the Blue Nile River Basin
- Evaluation of Precipitation Forecast from Global Forecast System over Nile Basin
- Evaluation of Satellite-based Precipitation Products Using Extending Rain gauge Network in Huai River Basin, China
- Evidence for diverse lunar melt compositions and mixing of the pre-3.9 Ga crust from zircon chemistry
- Evidence of Global Mean Increases in the Frequency of Daily and Sub-daily Heavy Precipitation
- Evidence of low-energy electron scattering and ionospheric precipitation by time domain structures
- Evolution and Upstream Conditions of Magnetotail Reconnection Inferred From Ion Distribution Functions Observed in the Electron Diffusion Regions
- Evolution of Drought Tolerance Across California Native Oaks
- Evolution of a foreshock bubble from dayside to nightside and its impact on the magnetosheath/magnetopause: 3D global hybrid simulation
- Examining single-grain luminescence dating uncertainties between upstream fans and downstream sediment deposits in the seismically active southern California
- Exploration of the Permanently Shadowed Regions of the Southern Polar Terrains of Ceres using NASA/Dawn data
- Exploring iron asteroid magnetospheres
- Extracting Ambient Noise Dispersion in the North Western Pacific Ocean
- Extremely Wrong: When Limited Data Leads to Biases in General Extreme Values Distribution Estimates
- Extremes of the Amundsen Sea Low and Their Impact on Climate
- Factors regulating the propagation speed of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on the interannual time scale
- First Principles Estimates of 238U/235U Fractionation in Solutions and Crystals
- GRACE-FO Science Results and Mission Status
- Generation of Inverted Rope-like Structures in the Transition Region of Earth's Bow Shock
- Generation of attached Langmuir circulations by a suspended macroalgal farm
- Generation of harmonics associated with electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves
- GeoICOLD, a georeferenced global dam and reservoir dataset based on the registry of the International Commission on Large Dams
- Geomagnetically Induced Currents at Middle Latitudes: Quiet-time Climatology, Significance during Geomagnetic Disturbances, and Machine-Learning Modeling
- Geomorphological map of the South Belet Region of Titan
- Global Relationships Among Solar-Induced Fluorescence (SIF), Reflectance-Based Vegetation Indicators (NDVI), and Soil Moisture Variability on Weekly Timescales
- Greenland ice sheet meltwater export from a land terminating glacier 2008-2019
- Greenland supraglacial discharge measurements highly correlated with diurnal ice sheet motion
- Groundwater overdraft recovery during post-drought years in California's Central Valley
- Heliocentric Distance Variation of Interplanetary Field Enhancements
- Helioseismic Constraints on the Solar Interior Dynamics and Dynamo
- High-density magnetospheric He<SUP>+</SUP> at the dayside magnetopause and its effect on magnetic reconnection
- How Large-Scale Atmospheric Dynamics Shape Observed Midlatitude Temperature Probability Distributions
- How does planetary magnetic field impact on Ion escape rate?
- How much solar radiation does atmospheric mineral dust absorb?
- Hybrid simulations of large-amplitude Alfvénic fluctuations: the role of parametric instabilities in proton heating and acceleration
- Hydrothermal Alteration and Mineralogy of the Basaltic/Gabbroic Ocean Crust: Insights from Microimaging Spectroscopy of the Oman Drilling Project Cores
- Identifying the response of extreme precipitation to warming by using interpretable neural networks
- Imaging spectroscopy of snow physical properties: Scientific and measurement requirements coupled with regional to global climate modeling for addressing uncertainties in melt controls in Earth's cryosphere
- Impact of High Contrast in Indices of Refraction on Scattering Calculations with Discrete Dipole Approximation
- Implementation and use of the Model Diagnostics Task Force package version 3.0
- Improving the PDS-PPI User Experience
- Improving the simulation of the leaf-to-canopy scaling of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in Community Land Model version 5
- In-situ Observation of Secondary Magnetic Reconnection Region Beside Ion-Scale Flux Rope at the Magnetopause
- Increasing co-occurrence of particulate matter and surface ozone extremes during the wildfire season in the western United States
- Influence of Vegetation on Rainy Season Onset and Its Predictability
- Interaction of Interplanetary Shocks with the Earth's Moon
- Interplay among Arched Plasma Eruptions, Global Oscillations, and Broad Spectra of Alfvén Waves
- Intracrater sediment trapping and transport in Arabia Terra
- Investigating the Effect of Surface Mixing on Boundary Layer Chemistry Using the PACT-1D Atmospheric Model
- Investigating the Feasibility of Using Loon Long Duration Balloons for Meteorological Studies
- Investigating the Impacts of Roadway Activities on Coarse Particle Concentrations Using Emerging Sensor Networks
- Investigation of isotopic fractionation of water vapor in greater Los Angeles basin using HDO retrievals from a mountaintop remote sensing observatory
- Investigation on kinetic processes based on MMS/Cluster joint measurements at the vicinity of the plasma sheet boundary layer
- Ion cyclotron waves in the solar wind: case and statistical studies
- Is there a universal temperature dependence of plant metabolism?
- Italian Solar Orbiter-SWA Working Group on "Multiscale Physics"
- Janus: A NASA SIMPLEx mission to explore two NEO Binary Asteroids
- Joint retrieval of greenhouse gases and aerosols in a polluted urban atmosphere: Development of a full physics algorithm for CLARS-FTS in the Los Angeles megacity
- Kelp from Space: A Citizen Science Powered Classroom Experience
- Landscape Evolution of South America since the Mid-Oligocene: Insights from Source-to-sink Surface Process Modeling
- Lightning-Generated Whistler-Mode Waves in the Ionosphere of Venus
- Linking the different diameter types of aspherical desert dust indicates an underestimation of coarse dust emission
- M-I Coupling via Alfvén Waves and Suprathermal Particles: Perspectives from Swarm and ePOP
- MHD Turbulence in the Solar Wind: Observations from First Five Encounters of Parker Solar Probe
- MMS Observations of Forward and Reverse Ion-scale Flux Ropes in the Plasma Sheet: Evidence for Turbulent Reconnection?
- MMS Observations of Ion Bernstein Mode Wave-Particle Interaction in the Plasmasheet
- MMS Observations of Short-Period Current Sheet Flapping
- MMS and Cluster conjugate observation of current sheet disturbances associated with localized fast flows in the near-Earth magnetotail
- Machine Learning Based Process-oriented Earth System Model Evaluation
- Magnetic Fields, Atmospheres, and the Connection to Habitability (MACH) - Using Team Science to Determine How Magnetic Fields Influence Habitability
- Magnetic Topology in the Mars Magnetosphere and Its Consequences
- Magnetic-field annihilation and island formation in electron-scale current sheet in Earth's magnetotail
- Magnetosheath high speed jets observed with Cluster and MMS with near-Earth upstream solar wind monitors
- Manganese Metal and Manganese Oxide Reactions with CO<SUB>2</SUB> at High-Pressures and Temperatures
- Mapping of ice storage processes on the Moon with time-dependent temperatures
- Mapping the Application Usability Level Framework to the Technology Readiness Levels and Other Readiness Levels
- Mechanistic drivers of canopy-scale spatial patterns in solar induced fluorescence from boreal forests
- Mesoscale macrophysical and plume-scale microphysical properties of the boundary layer as observed and simulated during MAGIC and ACE-ENA
- Metrics for Evaluating CMIP6 Simulation of Daily Precipitation Probability Distributions
- Minima in phase space density and how they relate to the multi-MeV electron radiation belt depletions
- Modeling 3-D radial anisotropy in the Indian Ocean upper mantle from fundamental and higher mode surface waves and a non-linear hierarchical transdimensional Bayesian approach
- Modeling Mantle Plumes and Their Effect on Dynamic Topography
- Modeling Storm Time Interhemispheric Asymmetries: What is our capability?
- Modeling Study of the Impact of COVID-19 on Air Quality in Southern California
- Modeling the Magnitude and Direction of SIF and GPP in Response to Light Conditions Across Evergreen Forests
- Modeling the Strength and Radial Variation of the Magnetic Field Generated by Jupiter's Current Sheet
- Modulation of energy transfer between hot protons and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves by compressional Pc5 ULF waves
- Multi-Point Observations of Quasiperiodic Emission Intensification and Effects on Energetic Electron Precipitation
- Multi-Purpose Model Validation Efforts for Radiation Environment in the Near-Earth Region
- Multi-resolution dynamical downscaling of CMIP6 GCMs across the Western United States using WRF4: Quantifying climate change uncertainty down to the convective scale
- Multi-satellite MMS analysis of electron holes in the Earth's magnetotail: origin, properties, velocity gap and transverse instability
- Natural and anthropogenic size-frequency disturbance from crown damage, tree fall and tree removal in the Brazilian Amazon using airborne lidar
- Nightside Auroral H<SUP>+</SUP> and O<SUP>+</SUP> Outflows versus Energy Input During a Geomagnetic Storm
- Nighttime Magnetic Perturbation Events Observed in Arctic Canada: Superposed Epoch Analysis
- Nitrous acid chemistry in early biomass burning plumes during the FIREX-AQ campaign
- Non-Binary Systems: Looking Toward the Future of Gender Equity in Planetary Science and Related Fields
- Observations of Atmospheric Aerosol Absorption and Their Use to Constrain Models at Various Scales
- Observations of lower hybrid drift waves in a disturbed electron diffusion region in Earth's magnetotail
- Observations of suprathermal particle acceleration in Earth's magnetosheath
- Observed Turbulent Properties of Spherically Polarized Alfvénic States
- Observing greenhouse gases and aerosols in Los Angeles using CLARS-FTS and OCO-3
- On the short-scale spatial variability of electron inflows in electron-only magnetic reconnection in the turbulent magnetosheath observed by MMS
- On the stability and evolution of switchbacks in the solar wind
- Open Knowledge Networks for geoscience: A powerful use case through space weather
- Paired carbonate standard clumped isotope (Δ<SUB>47</SUB> and Δ<SUB>48</SUB>) values on the absolute reference frame using equilibrated gas and carbonate standard-based transfer functions
- Parameterization of a drag partition scheme using field measurements of surface shear stress distribution
- Parker Solar Probe In-Situ Observations of Magnetic Reconnection in the Near-Sun Solar Wind
- Parker Solar Probe observations of the first three Venus flybys: foreshocks, shocks and particle acceleration
- Pathways Linking Deep Convection, Circulation and Low Cloud Feedback
- Performance of Carbon Flux Models Across the ABoVE Domain Using Eddy Covariance Measurements
- Phase stability and thermoelastic property constraints of manganese metal, oxide, and silicate at mid-mantle conditions
- PlasmaPy: An open source Python package for plasma science
- Polar Science with the Lunar Compact Infrared Imaging System
- Post-fire recovery of ecosystem productivity in Arctic and boreal forests of Alaska
- Precipitation convective-stratiform partition in relationship to the thermodynamic environment: dependence on moisture convergence for CMIP6 model diagnostics
- Precipitation-buoyancy relationships in CMIP6 Models
- Processes Coupling Tropical Deep Convection to the Large-Scale Environment in a Plume Buoyancy-Based Framework
- Propagation effects on EMIC wave k vectors: Observations from MMS
- PyCSEP: An Open-Source Toolkit for Evaluating Earthquake Forecast Models
- Quantifying Errors in FAO Crop Reference Estimates Toward Algorithm Improvement
- Quantifying the Effects of Radar Resolution on a Warm Rain Retrieval
- Quantifying the Mislocation of Back-Projection Imaging Due to Velocity Heterogeneities Beneath the Source Region
- Quantifying the impact of declining snow on river discharge in a warming climate
- Quasiperiodic 1-hour Alfvén Wave Resonances in Saturn's Magnetosphere: Theory for a Realistic Plasma/Field Model
- Radiative transfer and viewing geometry considerations for the SIF/GPP relationship
- Rate-dependent Isotopic Fractionation of Zn During Electrodeposition
- Reanalysis Surface Mass Balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet along K-transect
- Recent Advances in Indicators for Drought Monitoring and Prediction
- Recent Increases in Large Wildfires and Corresponding Circulation Changes in California's South Coast
- Reconnection Rates at the Dayside Magnetopause
- Reconstruction of the Radiation Belts for Solar Cycles 17 - 24 (1933 - 2017)
- Reduced evaporation rates primarily led to growth of glacial Lake Bonneville
- Relevance and modeling of intermittency in wind-driven sediment transport
- Revealing the internal structure of Europa with a Bayesian approach to magnetic induction studies
- Revisiting the Effect of Phase Transitions on Layering of Mantle Convection
- Risky trees in safe waters? Drought-sensitive trees survive on deep water access in a tropical forest community
- Scalar mixing in oceanic boundary layers: a method to guide model development
- Scaling atmospheric ion escape to IMF orientation and planet magnetic dipole strength in terrestrial worlds
- Sea-Surface Temperature and Deep Convection as a Paired Predator-Prey System in the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico Prior to and During Tropical Storm Cindy in June 2017 Using GHRSST MUR Level 4 Global Foundation SST Analysis, A-Train and Geostationary Satellite, and ECMWF-Interim Reanalysis Data
- Search for Martian Schumann Resonances
- Seasonal fire impact on ecosystem characteristics and surface energy in Southern Africa savanna
- Secondary magnetic reconnection at Earth's flank magnetopause
- Sensitivity of Western U.S. river basins to seasonally varying climate warming
- Sensitivity of lake and wetland methane emissions upscaling to littoral zone area using airborne synthetic aperture radar
- Sentinel 5p "Tropomi" Perspectives on FIREX-AQ and WE-CAN: Tracing Emissions over Hours and Days of Development
- Sequential observations of flux transfer events, poleward-moving auroral forms, and polar cap patches
- Shear-Driven Transition to Isotropically Turbulent Solar Wind Outside the Alfvén Critical Zone
- Simulating Observations from Loon Balloons for Atmospheric River Reconnaissance
- Simulation of Regulated Streamflow using Noah MP Land Surface Model and Machine Learning
- Simulations of wintertime ozone in the Upper Green River Basin, Wyoming, using WRF-Chem
- Single-Board Computer System for the Surface Magnetic Assessment in Real Time (SMART) Ground-based Magnetometers
- So Much Data and So Few Ways to Use It: The Era of Data Rich Hydrology
- Soil moisture-driven increases in hot and dry days in the American West
- Solar 11-Year Cycle Signal in Nitrogen Dioxide - Similarities and Discrepancies between Model and Observations from NDACC stations
- Solar Wind Coupling and Magnetospheric Substorms
- Solar wind Alfvénic turbulence: overcoming an old paradigm
- Solar wind proxy determination at Mars using an artificial neural network
- Sources and Evolution of the Solar Wind Seen by Parker Solar Probe
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Radiation Belt Electrons Using FIREBIRD-II and the Van Allen Probes
- Speckle Interferometry of 30 Close Double Stars
- Stability Regions of Surface and Subsurface Polar Volatiles from Diviner Lunar Radiometer Data
- Standardizing Time Series Data Access across Heliophysics and Planetary Data Centers using HAPI
- Statistical Comparisons of Spin-Averaged Electron Flux from ARASE and Van Allen Probes Instruments
- Statistical Study of Foreshock Bubbles and Comparisons of MMS Observations with the Global Hybrid Simulations
- Storm Associated Pc4 Waves at Synchronous Orbit in May 2017
- Structure and Variability of the Venusian Upper Atmosphere Revealed by a GCM
- Student Perceptions of a Scientist: Challenging Stereotypes About People in Science
- Subdivision of long-period and volcanic tectonic events in the Kilauea volcano, Hawaii and implication for diverse volcanic processes
- Subseasonal prediction of land cold extremes in boreal wintertime
- Sulfur-Oxidizing Microbial Mats Affect Sulfur and Nitrogen Cycling in the Santa Barbara Basin
- Surface exposure constraints on net regassing of the deep water cycle
- Telling Diverse Stories in 280 Characters: Lessons from the Women Doing Science Twitter
- Temporal evolution of flux tube entanglement at the magnetopause
- Temporally compounding extreme fire weather and extreme precipitation risk over the western United States
- The Center for the Unified Study of Interhemispheric Asymmetries: Research Focus and Future Plans
- The Dynamics of High Mach Number Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks
- The Effect of Lithospheric Structure on the Lithospheric Stress Field
- The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- The MLT distribution and detailed structure of ring current:MMS observations
- The Momentum Flux Budget in the Roughness Sublayer Closed by Turbulent Structural Models
- The Momentum Transferred into the Magnetosheath by a Dust Cloud
- The Ongoing Need for High-Resolution Regional Climate Models: Process Understanding and Stakeholder Information
- The PDS-PPI Web Application to Better Facilitate Remote Dataset Peer Reviews
- The Role of Lake to River Connectivity in Runoff Generation in Canada and Alaska
- The Role of Stratospheric Variability in the Leading Intraseasonal Variability Modes of Surface Air Temperature in Boreal Winter
- The Science Case for a Titan Flagship-class Orbiter with Probes
- The Three-Dimensional Structure of the Martian Ionosphere from MAVEN Observations
- The effect of Mach number on accelerated He+ pickup ions downstream of quasi-perpendicular shocks
- The effects of changing urban land use on the hydrology of the Los Angeles drainage basin
- The influence of Amazonian rainfall on the onset of Atlantic Niño and its potential role in modulating the ENSO influence on Atlantic Niños
- The investigation of lunar farside and nearside space environments
- The onset of reconnection in Earth's magnetotail: simultaneous observations from Magnetospheric Multiscale and the Heliophysics System Observatory
- The properties of turbulence in Earth's magnetosheath and their influence on small-scale magnetic reconnection events
- The resilience and vulnerability of the regional carbon sink in Alaska and Canada
- The topology of the subsolar magnetopause under northward IMF conditions: Global simulations and MMS observations
- Thin current sheets downstream of the Earth's bow shock
- Toward understanding precipitation effects on cellular organization transitions using ground-based rain evaporation rate retrievals constrained by aircraft measurements
- Tropical precipitation relationship to the thermodynamic environment in CMIP6 models at ARM sites
- Understanding the Dynamics of the Cloud-Level Atmosphere on Venus and Venus Analog Exoplanets Using a Middle Atmosphere General Circulation Model
- Understanding the key signatures of magnetopause shadowing throughout a geomagnetic storm.
- United States Methane Budget from Tidal Wetlands: Developing an Open-source Database of Methane Measurements and Process-based Models
- Unravelling the mysteries of Venusian atmospheric evolution through future orbital space physics measurements
- Using Visualization of Semi-Supervised Learning to Study Drivers of Distinct Atmospheric River Conditions Historically and in GCMs
- VERNE WALKIEE: Wireless Acoustic LinK through Ice on Earth and Europa
- VICGlobal: A Globally Consistent Setup for the Variable Infiltration Capacity Model
- Variations in spatiotemporal averaging, canopy illumination, and surface coverage and their impact on the interpretation of SIF and vegetation index observations
- Vertical Structure of the Callisto Ionosphere from Galileo Radio Occultation Data and Its Implication on the Moon's Interior.
- What Are "Essential Services" for Marine Shallow Clouds? Physics-denial Simulations Evaluated by Observations during ACE-ENA
- What drives crop land use change during multi-year droughts in California's Central Valley? Prices or concern for water
- Whistler Mode Waves Observed During Reconnection in the Earth's Turbulent Magnetosheath
- Whistler mode waves in the compressional boundary of foreshock transients
- Wildfire response to changing daily temperature extremes in California's Sierra Nevada
- Winter Snowpack Responses to Near-Freezing Storms in the Sierra Nevada, USA
- e-POP observations of suprathermal electron bursts in the ionospheric Alfvén resonator
- 5-species MHD Study of Martian hydrogen loss and source
- A 3D Azimuthal Anisotropy Model Beneath the East Asia Continent and Western Pacific Subduction Zone
- A 3D climatology of transient eddy mixing in the northern winter stratosphere and upper troposphere
- A Comparative Study of Measurements of the Suns Axisymmetric Flows: A COFFIES Effort
- A Data-Model Integration Framework to Study Carbon Uptake Phenology in Tropical and Boreal Forests
- A Distinct Atmospheric Mode for California Precipitation
- A Glacial Landsystems Model for Jezero Crater
- A Glacial Origin of Polygonal Networks of Double-Ridged Grooves in Western Jezero Crater during the End of an Ice Age on Mars
- A Global Reanalysis of the Thermal Equation of State of hcp-Fe
- A Global-Scale Lake Topology for Harmonizing SWOT A Priori Lake and River Databases
- A Low Frequency Plasmaspheric Hiss Wave Model Parameterized by Plasmapause Location
- A Magnetospheric Driver of Westward Traveling Surge: Plasma-Sheet Bubble
- A Mechanistic Model for Kelp Motion in Offshore Farms
- A Neural Network Based Model of the Relativistic Electrons in the Outer Radiation Belt
- A Python-based tool for constructing observables from the DSN's closed-loop archival tracking data files
- A Statistical Analysis of the Erosion and Refilling of the Plasmasphere Using Neural Network-Based DEN3D Model
- A Study of Options for Estimating Floor Shaking Levels of Tall Buildings in Earthquake Early Warning
- A Systematic Comparison of the Magnetic Field Distributions of Mars and Venus Under Similar Solar Wind Conditions
- A Variational Approach to Small-Scale Parameterization for Nonlinear and Stochastic Dynamical Systems
- A case study for decision-relevant GCM selection in the western US
- A compositional map for Titans surface
- A recent increase in global land evapotranspiration from the mass-balance perspective & the role of human activity on the water cycle
- A review of the physical processes of meso-scale dynamic auroral forms
- A review on snow saltation dynamics and its implications for the surface mass balance
- A statistical study of EMIC (Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron) wave-particle interactions in the magnetosphere using Arase observations
- A tale of two snowpacks: Active versus passive responses to rain-on-snow
- A wind tunnel and spectroscopic study of the mineral composition of soil-derived dust
- Accurate Prediction of Ocean Basins Using Upper Mantle Potential Temperatures
- Achieving More Accurate Uncertainty Quantification in Climate Change Detection and Attribution Through Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling of the Internal Variability Covariance Matrix
- Active Learning Approaches for Operational Sea Ice Mapping
- Additions to Voyager 2 Cosmic Ray Subsystem Data in the Planetary Data System from Ice Giant Flybys
- Advanced processing strategies for a future GFZ GRACE/GRACE-FO Level-2 data release
- Advances in Land Surface Models and Indicators for Drought Monitoring and Prediction
- Advancing Atmospheric Composition Modeling across Air Quality, Weather and Climate Applications
- Aerosol Atmospheric Rivers: Climatology, Seasonality, and Major Transport Pathways.
- Airborne and ground-based interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) measurements to estimate snow water equivalent (SWE) in Utah during SnowEx 2021
- An Analysis of Sea Ice Thickness (SIT) during the Anomalous Antarctic Sea-Ice Retreat of 2016
- An EUV Model of Solar Eclipses using SDO-AIA Images and the Impacts on Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- An MJO-like eastward propagating Rossby wave induced by the mean meridional moisture gradient
- An integrated approach to Ice Forcing in Arc Magma Plumbing Systems (IF-AMPS)
- Analysis of SH and SV-to-P reflections on Mars
- Analytical Results for Simple Models of Nonlinear Wave-Particle Scattering
- Applications for monitoring and analyzing space radiation impacts to satellite operations
- Are the properties of the ion cyclotron wave in the solar wind indicative for their sources?
- Assesing long-term shifts in functional composition and impacts on carbon and water cycling in the southern Rocky Mountains
- Assessing Spatial and Temporal Relationships between the Large-scale Zonally Asymmetric Atmosphere, Zonal Wave 3, and the Sea ice thickness distributions in Southern Ocean
- Assessing changes in terrestrial and aquatic snow-driven habitat using climate change analogues
- Assessing global changes in extents and trends in river deltas with the Landsat catalog
- Assessing the Shifting Roles of Timing, Extremes, and Intensity in Shaping Red Sea Rainfall Regimes
- Assessment of Atmospheric Rivers contribution to snow accumulation in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Assessment of Projected Climate Change Effects on Atmospheric Rivers and Associated Precipitation in CMIP6 Models for the Seven US National Climate Assessment Regions
- Assessment of WRF-Fires Forecasting Skill on Large Wildfires
- Associations between Aerosol Oxidative Potential Measured with the Dithiothreitol and Hydroxyl Radical Assays and Metals, Emissions Sources and Socioeconomic Status in the Greater Los Angeles Area
- Atmospheric Escape Rates from Mars If It Orbited an M Dwarf Star
- Atmospheric River Response to Arctic Sea Ice Loss in the Polar Amplification Model Intercomparison Project
- Atmospheric and Ionospheric Impacts of Intense Relativistic Electron Precipitation from the Plasma Sheet and Radiation Belts Based on ELFIN CubeSat and MMS Observations
- Atmospheric carbonyl sulfide for the last 52.5 thousand years from a South Pole ice core
- Auroral Drivers of Intense dBdt During Geomagnetic Storms
- Automated Detection of Impulsive Events in Ground-based Magnetometer Data
- Automated Estimation of Solar Wind Propagation from L1 monitors to the Earths Bow Shock and Application for A Machine Learning Model
- Azimuthally Anisotropic Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity Maps From Ambient Noise Analysis in the Northern Pacific Ocean
- BALBOA First Test Flight Experience and Lessons
- BTEX Monitoring Inside a Refinery Using UCLAs Optical Tent: One Year of Experience and Results
- Beam-driven Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Waves in Earth's Magnetotail
- Biomass Burning Organic Aerosol Emission Factors, Volatility, and Aging
- Broad-scale Patterns of Elemental Ratios Recapitulate Phylogeny for a Diverse Range of Marine Calcifiers
- Building a Global Jovian Magnetospheric Field Model from Galileo and Juno Observations
- Calibration of a wind erosion and dust emission model using continental-scale geospatial soil and vegetation datasets
- Can we intercalibrate satellite measurements by means of data assimilation? An attempt on LEO satellites
- Causes and implications of the observed desiccation of the US Southwest
- Characteristics of Quasiperiodic Whistler-Mode Waves in Local Media
- Characterization of the Martian subsurface with RIMFAX.
- Characterization of the recent drought in the US Southwest: historical context and what can we expect in the future?
- Characterizing AirSWOT Ka-band SAR Backscatter to Support SWOT Surface Water Extent Retrievals
- Characterizing the Ability of Prescribed Fire to Reduce Future Wildfire Smoke Emissions in the Central Sierra, CA.
- Chemical budget of nitrous acid in young wildfire smoke plumes during the FIREX-AQ experiment
- Citizen seismology helps decipher the 2021 Haiti earthquake
- Classification of Solar Wind Discontinuities Using Supervised Machine Learning
- Classification of Solar Wind Structures via Unsupervised Machine Learning
- Climate change increases risk of extreme rainfall following wildfire in western United States
- Climatology and driving atmospheric patterns of dry lightning outbreaks in central and northern California during 1987-2020
- Compact Rover for Exploring Lunar and Martian Crustal Magnetic Fields
- Comparing POES and Van Allen Probes electron flux measurements during magnetic conjunctions
- Comparing the Applicability of MIDAS and ADDA to Melting Hydrometeors at Microwave Frequencies
- Comparison of Measured and Modeled Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to Inform Critical Loads Across the Western US
- Competing controls on the sensitivity of gross primary productivity to drought
- Complex Hydrometeor 3-Dimensional Volume Jacobian for Microwave to FIR Bands
- Compound Urban Coastal Flood Modeling: Integrating Rainfall, High Tide and Urban Infrastructure
- Comprehensive model evaluation to maximize utility to model developers, scientists and stakeholders: Towards Coordinated Model Evaluation Capabilities
- Configuration of a magnetotail current sheet prior to magnetic reconnection
- Connecting the deep and shallow critical zone: Quantifying inherited heterogeneity of the CZ structure
- Connections between Slowly and Rapidly Rotating Convection Scalings: Rise of the Rossby Numbers
- Conservation of total wave action and the one dimensional evolution of simple waves in the solar wind
- Considerations for application of observations for numerical smoke prediction on the scale of hours to days
- Consistency of snow property retrievals and climate model constraints across the present and coming spaceborne VSWIR imaging spectrometer missions
- Constraining Vertical Distribution of Wildfire Emissions using Airborne DIAL-HSRL Observations
- Constraining long-term sediment depositional history at ancient Lake Cahuilla, Coachella, California
- Constraining the 410-km Discontinuity and Slab Structure in the Kuril Subduction Zone with Triplication Waveforms
- Constraining the increased frequency of global precipitation extremes under warming
- Container-Based Continuous Integration Testing for the MDTF-diagnostics Package in the Cloud
- Contrasting water and energy fluxes during dry (2015 El Nino) and wet (2008 La Nina) extreme events at an Amazonian tropical forest.
- Contribution of Atmospheric Circulation and Anthropogenic Warming on the Increasing Warm Season Fire Weather Risk over the Western U.S.
- Controlling Effect of the Cold Plasma Density on Acceleration and Loss of Electrons at Ultra-Relativistic Energies.
- Controls of tectonic and climate forcing on long-term exhumation rates in the eastern end of Himalaya
- Controls on critical zone thickness in the Appalachian Piedmont: lithology, vegetation, and state of stress
- Convective Deep Inflow: Consequences and Cause
- Correlation of RIMFAX Soundings and Surface Materials along the M2020 Perseverance Traverse
- Could atmospheric dust deposition be an important contributor to Earths riverine silicate weathering flux?
- Critical Zone Controls on Shallow Landslides Near Coos Bay, Oregon
- Crucial Role of Thermal Gradients in MMS Fluxgate In-Flight Calibration
- Cutting the San Gorgonio Knot: Luminescence Thermochronology Suggests Quaternary Uplift Across Mill Creek Fault in Southern California
- Data Archiving System and Micro-services in the Containers.
- Data-driven discovery of the governing equations describing radiation belt dynamics
- Deep and early fractionation of 182Hf : Implications for the 182W heterogeneities in the mantle
- Deepening-warming or drizzle-depletion? An LES intercomparison of the subtropical stratocumulus-to-cumulus transition in the presence of smoke
- Dependence of Nonlinear Effects on Whistler-mode Chorus Wave Bandwidth and Amplitude: A Perspective from Diffusion Coefficients
- Dependence of the Cusp-Region Birkeland Current Structure on the Interplanetary Magnetic Field Orientation as Observed During October 8-9, 2012
- Dependence of the Suns Differential Rotation on the Phase of the Solar Cycle
- Detecting Tsunami-related Gravity Waves in Earth's Ionosphere with Convolutional Neural Networks
- Development of a high-resolution chemical reanalysis and air quality products for societal applications
- Diatom-inferred Water Depth Transfer Function from a Single Lake in Northern California
- Direct Connection Between Auroral Oval Streamers/Flow Channels and Equatorward Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
- Direct observations of electron current in whistler-mode waves
- Discrete Aurora on the Nightside of Mars: Occurrence Location and Probability
- Disequilibrium 44Ca in Calc-silicate Minerals and Kinetic Isotope Effects During Skarn Formation
- Diurnal Vegetation Water Stress Over a Semiarid Mixed Conifer Forest
- Divergence among spaceborne observations of photosynthetic phenology across the pan-boreal domain
- Drying effects on forest soil dynamics across Panama rainfall and soil fertility gradients
- Dune-Field Patterns in the American Southwest
- Dust Blowing in the Wind: The Subvisual Content of the Interplanetary Medium
- Dynamical Controls on Transport and Transformation of Antarctic Bottom Water across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
- Dynamical properties of marine boundary layer clouds derived from ground-based observations in the Eastern North Atlantic
- ELFIN Observations of Energetic Electron Precipitation Driven by Nonlinear Landau Resonance with Oblique Whistler Waves
- ELFIN Observations of the Electron Isotropic Boundary
- ELFIN observations and modeling: Relativistic Electron Losses due to Resonant Chorus Wave Scattering
- ESCAPADE: unraveling cause and effect in Mars hybrid magnetosphere
- Earths Early Magnetic Field Powered by Exsolution of MgO from Liquid Iron?
- Effect of the synergy of coarser size and aspherical shape on dust radiative effect
- Effects of Vegetation and Topography on the Boundary Layer Structure Above the Amazon Forest
- Effects of fire diurnal variation and plume injection on U.S. air quality during FIREX-AQ based on the Multi-Scale Infrastructure for Chemistry and Aerosols (MUSICA-V0)
- Efficacy and Retrieval Boundaries of Spectral Unmixing Algorithms in the EMIT Science Data System
- Ejection of Magnetic Flux Ropes from an Arched Laboratory Plasma Evolving in a Sheared Magnetic Field
- Electron and Ion Populations in the Magnetopause Boundary Layers: Results from Kinetic Simulations
- Electron density and conductance in the auroral ionosphere during substorms. Influence of solar wind and plasma sheet state.
- Electron heating by magnetization and its application to dipolarization fronts in Earths magnetotail Theory, Simulations, and Observations
- Elevation-Dependent Projections of Extreme Heat Stress Changes in the Contiguous United States
- Embedded Region 1 and 2 Currents-Results of Active-Time Convection; Newly-Recognized from Low Earth Orbit Observations
- Emergence of 3 Cloudy Climate States in 1D-RCE Experiments Varying the Column Water Vapor
- Emerging satellite observations for diurnal cycling of ecosystem processes
- Energetic Electron Precipitation Driven by Wave-Particle Interactions: Multi-Event Analysis Using ELFIN CubeSat Observations
- Energetic Proton Distribution in the Inner and Middle Jovian Magnetosphere
- Energetic electron precipitation driven by resonant scattering of quasi-periodic EMIC and whistler waves
- Enhanced Support for Particle and Plasma Data in the Planetary Data System
- Evaluating Northwestern Pacific Tropical Cyclone Forecast in the Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction Project Database
- Evaluating and Bias Correcting Daily Satellite Precipitation over the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Canada
- Evaluating compound coastal flood risk using univariate, conditional and multivariate analysis
- Evaluation of A New Framework for Modeling the Dust Cycle in the Community Atmosphere Model (Version 6.1)
- Evaluation of Subseasonal Drought Forecast Skill over the Coastal Western U.S.
- Evidence That Abundant Aerosols Promote Tropical Cyclone Formation
- Evidence for extended active magnetic reconnection X-lines in three-dimensional plasma turbulence
- Evidence of sub-relativistic electron precipitation from multi-satellite measurements in association with EMIC waves
- Evidence on a Class of Azimuthally Propagating Dipolarization Structures in the Earths Magnetosphere from 4 to 30 Re
- Examining Electron Energy and Pitch Angle Diffusion due to Anisotropic Loss Cone Distribution Generated Whistler Waves in Terrestrial Magnetospheres
- Examining connections between tectonic stress fields, fault development, and drainage patterns on a global scale
- Expanding mission science into the inner magnetosphere with ELFIN
- Expected Value Metrics for Earthquake Early Warning Seismic Station and Redundant Telemetry System Applications
- Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Flux Partitioning methods for water vapor and carbon dioxide
- Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Diffusion-limited Evaporation of Alkali Elements from a Basaltic Melt
- Exploring summer continental temperature variability response to surface evaporative resistance through idealized simulations
- Exploring the Potential of Unsupervised Machine Learning and Satellite Measurements to Derive Climate Zones in the USA
- Exploring the Predictability of Connected Extremes
- Exploring the effects of electron impact ionization on the Mars upper atmosphere
- Exploring the properties and distribution of EMIC waves in the outer magnetosphere
- Extending the spectral range of the RObotic Lunar Observatory(ROLO) model to climate science-relevant wavelengths
- Extrasolar Geochemistry using Polluted White Dwarfs
- Factors Determining the Shape of Snowmelt-driven Streamflow Peaks and Their Changes
- Fast out, Slow In-Which Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes Explain the Interannual Variability of Atmospheric CO2 Growth Rate?
- Fast variations of energetic electron fluxes in the Earths radiation belts as an indication of nonlinear wave-particle interaction
- Field-Aligned Currents Identified in Pioneer 11 Magnetometer Data Interpreted as Reflected Alfvenic Perturbations Imposed by Ganymede
- First Ground Performance Measurements and On Orbit Plans for the NASA Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT)
- First Results from VIPER The VLF Trans-Ionospheric Propagation Experiment Rocket Campaign
- First results from the ELFIN mission and equatorial spacecraft conjunctions
- Fluctuating Magnetic Fields on Mars During One Martian Year and Their Implication for Sounding the Interior
- Forecasting Radiation Belt Electron Flux Using Machine-learned Parameters for Radial Transport Equation
- Forecasting Western US Wildfire Emissions Using Machine Learning
- Forest classification using airborne SAR and Lidar data in interior Alaska
- Formation and evolution of the large-scale magnetic fields in Venus Ionosphere: Results from a 3D global multi-species MHD model
- Fracture-Controlled Magmatism for the Origin of Pit Chains in the Tharsis Region of Mars
- From space-borne snow observation to seamless snow water resource information: making the most of cutting-edge snow measurements from space
- Furfural as a Tracer of Local Wildfires and Residential Burning in Los Angeles
- GRACE Follow-On: Science Results, Mission Status and Plans
- Generating satellite SAR-based landslide density heatmaps for rapid landslide detection in Google Earth Engine
- Gentle topography increases the vertical transport of coarse and giant mineral dust by orders of magnitude
- Geological constraints of slab dip in retroarc foreland basins: insights from source-to-sink landscape evolution models
- Geophysical imaging reveals lithologic controls on weathering at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia, USA
- Geospace plume and its impact on dayside magnetopause reconnection rate
- Glacial Origin of Landform Assemblages in Wester Jezero Crater, Mars
- Global Application of the Atmospheric River Scale
- Global Distribution of ULF Wave Power at Earth and Relationship with Charged Particle Dynamics: Implications for Other Planetary Magnetospheres
- Global Surface Area Variations of Large Lakes and Reservoirs From SAR Observations
- Global Survey of Electron Precipitation due to Whistler-Mode Waves in the Earths Inner Magnetosphere
- Global and Local Electrical Conductivity Structure of the Moon
- Global and Local Processes of Thin Current Sheet Formation during Substorm Growth Phase
- Global pattern of diffuse electron aurora and ionospheric conductance caused whistler mode chorus wave, and its comparison with the Ovation-PRIME empirical model results
- Global structure and properties of ULF waves in the ion foreshock observed in a Hybrid-Vlasov simulation
- Growing Impact of Wildfire on Western United States Water Supply
- Heliophysics Audified: Resonances in Plasmas (HARP), a Citizen Science Tool for Space Weather
- High Latitude Ionospheric Electrodynamics during STEVE and Non-STEVE Substorm Events
- High Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval Over Urban Areas Based on GaoFen-1 and GaoFen-6 Synergistic Observations
- High-resolution P-T paths from garnet-bearing rocks across the Himalayan Main Central Thrust: Implications for understanding the crustal response to orogenic processes
- Hot Flow Anomalies: A Global Asymmetry
- How Does Iceberg Shape Affect Melting?
- How Much Does Ocean Initial State Contribute to Ensemble Spread? Insights from the Energy Exascale Earth System Model Version 1 Large Ensemble
- How can reanalyses contribute to atmospheric model parameterization development and validation?
- How phase transitions change convection patterns through the Earths history: A modeling study
- How will the crustal magnetic field affect the tail reconnection process at Mars?
- Hydraulically-vulnerable trees survive on deep-water access during droughts in a tropical forest
- Identifying active magnetic reconnection in simulations and in situ observations of plasma turbulence using magnetic flux transport
- Identifying the Structure and Propagation of Pc5 ULF Waves Using Space-ground Conjunctions
- Impact of Anthropogenic Warming on Historical Water Budgets across Western USA (1954-Present)
- Impact of Metasomatism on Colorado Plateau Lower Crustal density: Insights from Xenoliths from the Moses Rock and Mule Ear Diatremes, Navajo Volcanic Field
- Impact of Solar Wind Discontinuities on the Magnetopause: Kinetic Modeling
- Impact of climate change and climate variability on fire season onset in California
- Impact of foreshock transients on the flank magnetopause and the ionosphere
- Impacts of the atmosphere on Ka-band radar backscatter returns from land and water surfaces
- Implementation of Recurrent Neural Network in Constructing Global Electron Density in the Earths Magnetosphere
- Implementation of Vegetation and Soil Carbonyl Sulfide Exchanges in the ORCHIDEE Land Surface Model to Better Constrain Ecosystem Gross Primary Productivity
- Implications of Non-Gaussian Wet-Bulb Temperature Distribution Tails Under Projections of Future Warming
- Improvement in the representation of wintertime surface temperature variability in CESM2 related to the representation of snow density
- Improvements to ECOSTRESS Algorithms and Products in Collection 2
- Improving Methane Budgets from Tidal Wetlands with Coupled Biogeochemical Models MEM-PEPRMT
- Improving Seasonal Climate Forecasts in the Nile Basin Through the Use of Satellite Rainfall Products via Machine Learning Technique
- Improving the Resolution of ECOSTRESS Evapotranspiration Retrievals with Spatiotemporal Data Fusion of Land Surface Inputs
- Improving the estimation of snow water equivalent in a Linear Regression Model using remotely sensed snow cover data
- InSight Observations of ULF Waves and Magnetic Impulses on Martian Surface
- Including the Effects of Subsurface Currents on Buoyant Particles in Lagrangian Particle Tracking Models: Model Development and its Application to the Study of Riverborne Plastics over the Louisiana/Texas Shelf
- Inclusion of the Displacement Current Does not Automatically Solve the Question of Field-Aligned Current Formation
- Increasing Vulnerability of water and carbon cycling of Humid Tropical Forests to Coupled Land Use and Climate Stressors 826137
- Influence of Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves on Atlantic Ninos
- Influence of Nonseasonal River Discharge on Sea Surface Salinity and Height
- Infrared Iris Effect Leads to Strong Positive Low Cloud Feedback
- Insights into the mechanisms enabling compressional branching of the 2012 Mw 8.6 Off-Sumatra earthquake: earthquake cycle and rupture simulation in orthogonal conjugate strike-slip fault systems.
- Interactions between carbon uptake potential and ecosystem response to drought across degraded forests in the Amazon
- Interhemispheric asymmetry due to IMF By within the cusp spherical elementary currents
- Interpreting Unsupervised Machine Learning Performance by Decomposing the Objective Function: A Test on Lunar Thermophysical Profiles
- Inverse Streamflow Routing: Toward Runoff-Based Calibration of Distributed Hydrologic Models
- Investigating Aliso Canyon and Abnormally High Methane Days Using CLARS-FTS Measurements in the Los Angeles Basin
- Investigating Substorm-Related Flows and Dipolarizations Using Multi-Point Spacecraft and All Sky Imager Data
- Investigating Water, Flooding and Climate Change in the Classroom Through Authentic Scientific Experiences
- Investigating the Thermal Evolution of Mercurys Fe-S-Si Core
- Investigation of Emission and Evolution of HONO in Smoke Plumes using Airborne Remote Sensing
- Investigation of the homogeneity of the energy conversion processes atdipolarization fronts observed by MMS.
- Investigation of the response of the ionospheric current to upstream solar wind and magnetospheric activity: a neural network approach
- Ion Temperature as a Distinguishing Feature Between Electron-Scale Reconnection Onset and Traditional Electron Diffusion Regions
- Ion and electron temperatures in the solar wind and their correlations with the solar wind speed
- Isotope Velocimetry: Demonstration of the Importance of Gas Flow for Isotope Fractionation During Evaporation of Protoplanetary Material
- Jet Stream Meandering in the Northern Hemisphere Winter: an Advection-Diffusion Perspective
- Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices as an interplay of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling
- Kinematic rupture history of the 2021 M7.3 Madoi earthquake in Qinghai
- Kinetic Plasma Structures Associated with Substorm Auroral Beads by Space-Ground Coordinated Observations
- Large early cold season heterotrophic respiration signal across northern Eurasia
- Latency and Geofence Testing of Wireless Emergency Alerts intended for the ShakeAlert earthquake early warning system (West Coast, United States of America)
- Learning from the past: downscaling snow deposition using historic snow accumulation patterns
- Leveraging mineralization chemistry for the treatment of industrial waste streams via regenerable pH-swing processes
- Lightning on Venus Confirmed by Frequent Observations of Low-Altitude Whistler-Mode Waves
- Linkage between tropical deep convection and low cloud feedback in GFDL perturbed physics experiments
- Listening to the heliosphere how best to make space data audible
- Lithosphere Layering of the Midwestern US and the Relation to Failed Continent Rifting: Evidence from Seismic Full Waveform Inversion
- Loss of water in the ground in the southwest U.S.during drought in 2020 and 2021
- MAVEN observations of factors influencing the twisted magnetotail configuration at Mars
- MJO impacts on precipitation extremes over the western U.S.: seasonality and QBO modulation
- Machine learning applied to data from the THEMIS All-Sky Imager Array: Clouds and APA
- Machine learning based discovery of missing physical processes in radiation belt modeling
- Magnetic Flux Transport Identification of Active Reconnection: MMS observations in the Earths magnetosphere
- Magnetic Waves Excited by Newborn Pickup H+ Near Jupiter: Neutral Hydrogen Loss by the Planetary System
- Magnetic entanglement at the Earths magnetopause: from observation to models
- Magnetic topology at Venus: new insights into the Venus plasma environment
- Magnetospheric Source and Electric Current System associated with Intense SAIDs
- Making the PDS Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node Data Accessible via the EPN-TAP Protocol
- Martian Crustal Magnetic Field Effects on the Hot Oxygen Corona and Photochemical Escape
- Massive Pickup Ions at the Bow Shock
- Measurements from inside a Thunderstorm Driven by Wildfire: The 2019 FIREX-AQ Field Experiment
- Measuring the Radiocarbon Offset Between Soil Greenhouse Gases and Peat Help Determine Sources of Carbon Emissions from a Neotropical Peatland
- Mesoscale Structures Arising from Active Magnetotail ConvectionEmbedded Region 1 and 2 Currents and Dawnside Auroral Polarization Streams, and Their Impact on Ionosphere and Thermosphere
- Metal and Oxide Reactions with CO2 at High-Pressures and Temperatures
- Meteoroid heating, melting, and evaporation at picosecond timescales using molecular dynamics simulations
- Misrepresentation of the temperature sensitivity of respiration in terrestrial biosphere models
- Modeling Diel PM2.5 Mass Variation over China Using GEOS-Chem
- Modeling the dynamic variability of sub-relativistic outer radiation belt electron fluxes using machine learning
- Modeling the fate of carbon mobilized from subducted sediments in the overlying lithospheric mantle
- Modelling Inner Proton Belt Variability at Energies 1 to 10MeV using BAS-PRO
- Modification of downscaled climate trends depending on bias correction before dynamical downscaling increases uncertainty in regional projections
- Momentum governors of California Undercurrent transport
- Multi-Scale Density Structures in the Plume
- Multi-campaign analysis of smoke properties and cloud interactions in the Southeast Atlantic using ORACLES, LASIC, and CLARIFY data with WRF-CAM5
- Multi-decadal global lake volume variability impacted by climate and human activities
- Multi-point observations of ULF modulated energetic electron precipitation
- Multi-scale observation of magnetotail reconnection onset
- Multi-scale structures of dayside current layer and secondary reconnection beside ion-scale flux ropes
- Multiscale analysis of a current sheet crossing associated with a fast earthward flow during a substorm event detected by MMS
- Natural Variability has concealed increases in Western U.S. Flood Risk since the 1970s
- New Hydrometeorological Instrument Cluster at Inglefield Land, NW Greenland
- New Insights into Shortwave Radiative Effects at the Surface in Complex Cloud-Aerosol Environments using Large Eddy Simulation, 3D Radiative Transfer, and Machine Learning
- New Lunar Cold Spots: The Thermophysical Properties of the Youngest Craters on the Moon
- New constraints on emissions and degradation of hydrocarbons in the French Alps, through stable isotopes & doubly-substituted methane isotopologues analyses
- New scalings for the ascending and descending branch positions of the solsticial Hadley cells in planetary atmospheres including Titan
- Nonlinear precipitation blocking of relativistic electrons by large amplitude EMIC waves
- Nonlocal effects of buoyancy forcing on convective updrafts yield deep inflow
- North-South IMF Sensitivity of the Mars-Solar Wind Interaction Is it important?
- Novel low-cost phosphate adsorbents for water treatment: Iron oxide coated waste nut shells
- Observational Evidence for Electron-Only Reconnection as an Onset Phase from Quiet Current Sheets to Traditional Reconnection
- Observational evidence of the excitation of magnetosonic waves by an He++ ion ring distribution
- Observations of Ion Upflow in Conjunction With Pulsating Aurora
- Observations of multi-MeV electron flux depletion and their relation to the minima in phase space density
- Observed Links Between Atmospheric Cloud Radiative Effects and Mesoscale Organization of Deep Convection
- Off-equatorial Minima Effects on ULF Wave-ion Interaction in the Dayside Outer Magnetosphere
- On Shallow Cloud Top Height and Planetary Boundary Layer Height Variability over the Northeast Pacific and Relationships with Internal Climate Fluctuations Using MISR and GPS-RO Satellite Observations and ERA5 Reanalysis Data
- On Using MEMS Magnetometers for Ground-based Space Weather Observations
- On a transition between nonlinear and quasi-linear regimes of electron resonant interaction with whistler-mode waves
- OpenET Satellite-based ET Intercomparisons with Ground-based Measurements: Phase II Results
- OpenET: Operational Evapotranspiration Data for Water Management in the Western United States
- Operation of Surface Magnetic Assessment in Real Time (SMART) Ground-based Magnetometer Network
- Orbital and Experimental Insights into the Formation Mechanisms of Martian Periodic Bedrock Ridges
- Origin of Diffuse Aurora at Jupiter: Multi-event Analysis Using Juno Observations and Physics-Based Modeling
- Panola Mountain revisited: intensive geophysical and geochemical studies reveal the structure of the deep critical zone at a classic hydrologic study site
- ParOSSE: A Flexible Parallel Bayesian Framework for Quantifying Uncertainty in Measurements and Retrievals of Clouds and Precipitation
- Parameterization for the emission of super coarse desert dust
- Parker Solar Probe observations Venusian foreshocks, shocks and particle acceleration
- Particle Entrainment and Rotating Convection in Enceladus' Ocean
- Particle Injection into the Inner Magnetosphere and the Creation of the Partial Ring Current
- Passing the Alfven Layer by Means of Chorus Acceleration
- Patches of the magnetic switchbacks: hints of their origins
- Patterns, Places, People: Leveraging the NEON Airborne Observation Platform for scalable observation of Socio-Environmental Systems
- Peatland formation and Carbon Accumulation: A Pantropical Synthesis
- Performance Evaluation of Convolutional Neural Networks and Random Forests for Large-scale Multi-temporal Rangelands Monitoring
- Performance Metrics of Medium-Range Precipitation Forecasts derived from the Global Forecast System Over Major River Basins in Africa
- Petrologic and geochemical records of late magmatic processes in a shallow highly silicic granite
- Phenological assessment of boreal forest transpiration
- Physical and ecological studies underpinning a new strategy for releasing water from Hetch Hetchy Reservoir in Yosemite National Park
- Physical and ecophysiological controls on the relationship between solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and gross primary productivity across diurnal and seasonal scales in the boreal forest
- Physical drivers of increased interannual variability of precipitation in the Multi Model Large Ensemble Archive
- Planetary Core-Style Rotating Convective Flows in Paraboloidal Laboratory Experiments
- Planetary space weather at Venus and its effect on the atmospheric evolution
- Plant hydraulics and rainfall niches: a mechanistic approach to explain species distributions across tropical biomes
- Population Exposure to Compounding Hazards of Wildfire Particulate Matter and Heat in California
- Precipitating Energy Flux, Average Energy, and Hall Auroral Conductance from THEMIS All-Sky-Imagers during Two Substorms: Mesoscale Contributions
- Precipitation clusters in the tropics exhibit increases in extreme size and intensity under global warming in CMIP6 models
- Predicted Reconnection Signatures Observed With MMS
- Predicting mosquito population with high-resolution inundation in California: implications for West Nile Virus
- Predicting smoke exposure tradeoffs among forest restoration scenarios in the central Sierra Nevada, California
- Prediction of Atmospheric Noise Temperature at the Deep Space Network with Machine Learning
- Prioritizing GCMs for Regional Dynamical Downscaling
- Production of a Titan-like Equatorial Climate in an Idealized, Earth-like GCM
- Profiling particle properties within the 2020 Godzilla dust plume with CALIPSO lidar observations
- Progress on Understanding the Influence of Planetary Magnetic Fields on Atmospheric Escape Rates
- Progresses and Challenges to specifying the I-T system during weak storms
- Propagation of Minimum-B Pockets Originated Chorus Waves
- PyFK: A Fast MPI and CUDA Accelerated Python Package for Calculating Synthetic Seismograms Based on the Frequencywavenumber Method
- QUEST: A New Frontiers Uranus Orbiter Mission Concept Study
- Quantifying Burned Area of Wildfires from Satellite Active Fire Detections
- Quantifying ET Over the Congo Basin Using a Combination of Remotely-sensed and Surface Measurements
- Quantifying the Effects of Radar Resolution on a Warm Rain Retrieval
- Quantifying the Impact of Intense Pyroconvection on Stratospheric Aerosol Loading with a Multi-Year Inventory
- Quantifying the changing mountain snowpack: Where and how much does it vary?
- Quasi-periodic Wave Signatures in the Cassini Magnetometer Data: Wavelet Analysis of the Perturbations and Comparisons to the Predictions of an Alfven Wave Resonance Model
- Radial Evolution of the Ion-Scale Cyclotron Waves from 0.1 to 1 AU Based on PSP, Wind, and STEREO Observations
- Radial evolution of switchbacks in the inner heliosphere: observations from PSP to Ulysses
- Radiative transfer and viewing geometry considerations for remote sensing as a proxy for carbon uptake in boreal ecosystems
- Rapid geophysical characterization of levees internal structure using streamer-based multi-method geophysical approaches
- Reconstructing river flows on Mars and Titan with dimensionless hydraulic geometry
- Reconstruction of the Radiation Belts for Solar Cycles 1724 (19332017)
- Record Low North American Monsoon Rainfall in 2020 Reignites Drought over the American Southwest
- Remote sensing of water quality in coastal Belize: Implications for coastal zone management and informing Sustainable Development Goals
- Resolve the continuous diurnal cycle of high-resolution ECOSTRESS Evapotranspiration (ET) and Land Surface Temperature (LST)
- Ring current morphology from MMS observations
- Robustness and Uncertainties in the New CMIP6 Carbon Cycle Projections in Artic-Boreal Ecosystems
- Role of ULF waves in relativistic electron loss by whistler-mode wave scattering
- Rupture heterogeneity and directivity effects in back-projection analysis: applied to the 2019 M7.6 New Ireland earthquake
- SPEDAS: A Way Forward to Integrated Heliophysics Data, Analysis and Teams and Preparing the Next Generation of Space Scientists
- Satellite detection of plant responses to volcanic carbon dioxide can reveal changes in volcanic activity
- Scour pits formed by wind erosion on Mars
- Seasonal trends in California offshore wind events
- Second Harmonic Electromagnetic Emission in a 20keV Electron Beam-Plasma Laboratory Experiment
- Sediment Motion Initiation: A Modern and Interplanetary Experimental Approach
- Sediment Transport and Depositional History from Nested Alluvial Fans to Flood Plains Using Single-grain Luminescence
- Sensitivity Analysis of Modeling Radiation Belt Electron Acceleration and Decay After Geomagnetic Storms
- Settling of Suspended Dust from Elevated Turbulent Layers
- Short-Term Magnetic Perturbation Events Observed at High Latitudes: A New Component of Space Weather
- Signatures of STEVE in SuperDARN HF backscatter data
- Simulated and observed vertical velocity statistics of marine shallow convection and implications for downdraft parameterizations
- Simulating the Holocene Deglaciation Across a Marine Terminating Portion of Southwestern Greenland in Response to Marine and Atmospheric Forcings
- Single-scattering properties of ellipsoidal dust aerosols accounting for realistic shape distributions
- Skillful Wintertime Temperature Forecasts out to 6 Weeks with Machine Learning Methods over the America's
- Solar Wind Alfven Waves Coupling to the M-I-T System Generating Polar Cap Patches and Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances during Geomagnetic Storms
- Southern Ocean pathways of Antarctic Bottom Water: conduits vs blender
- Space Public Outreach Team: Engaging Families in STEM Learning
- Space Radiation: How Bad Can It Get?
- Space-Based Observational Constraints on NO2 Air Pollution Inequality From Diesel Traffic in Major U.S. Cities
- Spatial Variability in Coastal Wetland Porewater Methane Concentration and Associated Environmental Covariates
- Spatial Variability of Aeolian Abrasion: Early Results from Ibex Dune Field, Death Valley National Park
- Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of the Submesoscale Energetics in the Gulf of Mexico
- Spatiotemporal variations of stress and strain in the crust near 2019 Ridgecrest Sequence Earthquakes
- Spectroscopic Retrieval of Snow Properties in the Mountain Environment: Fractional Snow, Effective Grain Size, and Albedo Degradation by Light Absorbing Particles
- Spontaneous Excitation of Fast and Ion Cyclotron Waves by a Proton Beam in a Large Magnetized Plasma
- Statistical Analysis of Electric Currents within the Magnetosheath using Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Data
- Statistical Investigation of the Erosion and Refilling of the Plasmasphere - Machine Learning Based Approach
- Statistical Investigation of the Frequency Dependence of the Chorus Source Mechanism of Plasmaspheric Hiss
- Statistical Properties of Chorus-induced Electron Bursts with Butterfly Distributions observed by Van Allen Probes
- Statistical Study of Magnetopause Flux Ropes associated with Electron Diffusion Region (EDR) Encounters
- Statistical Survey of Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Waves and Whistler Waves Modulated by Ultra-low-frequency Waves
- Statistical analysis of intermittent structures and their implications on heating during the first six PSP encounters.
- Statistical analysis of whistler wave properties and spatial distribution in foreshock transients
- Statistics of Quasi-periodic Bursts of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves driven by Compressional Ultra-low-frequency Waves
- Storm-time evolution and empirical modelling of the equatorial electron pitch angle distributions in Earth's outer radiation belt
- Storm-time magnetospheric convection modes and drivers and their relation to non-storm times
- Storylines as a tool for advancing co-production of science and informing climate adaptation pathways: A perspective from the U.S. DOE HyperFACETS Project
- Subsurface geology of the Jezero crater floor as characterized with the ground penetrating radar RIMFAX.
- Surviving in Ocean Worlds: An Experimental Characterization of Mechanical and Optical Transmission Performance of Fiber Optic Tethers Across Ice Faults
- THEMIS and MMS Observations of Foreshock Conditions of Hot Flow Anomalies and Foreshock Bubbles
- Targeted observations of TLEs and geomagnetically conjugate sprites from the International Space Station during the Rakia mission
- Ten ways to apply machine learning in the Earth and Space Sciences
- Tens to hundreds of keV electron precipitation driven by kinetic Alfven waves associated with magnetotail injections
- The Bathymetric Consequence to the Long-Term Carbon Cycle: Paleogene to Present
- The EDR Inflow Region of a Reconnecting Current Sheet in the Geomagnetic Tail with MMS
- The EUREC4A-Ocean/Atmosphere campaign: status
- The Effects of Ionospheric Conductivity on the Magnetotail Magnetic Field and Flows During Substorms
- The Importance of Lake Littoral Zones to Arctic-Boreal Methane Emissions
- The Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS) on Europa Clipper Progressing Towards Flight
- The Shelf-Life of Hydro-Climate Downscaling Bias-Correction over the Western United States
- The Spatial and Temporal Variation of Sea Ice Thickness and Volume Around Antarctica
- The detectability of asteroid magnetospheres
- The effects of bulk composition, temperature, and chemical stratification on Martian mantle mineralogy and seismic structure
- The expansion of tree plantations into Latin American drylands and protected areas
- The global vulnerability of plant xylem
- The importance of the in-betweens
- The influence of stress history and geologic heterogeneity on fracture opening and abundance at Forsmark, Sweden
- The inherent uncertainty of precipitation variability, trends, and extremes due to internal variability, with implications for Western US water resources
- The interior of Mars as seen by InSight
- The limits of the predictability of near-term changes in forest biomass: a case study in boreal North America
- The mapping technique for modelling the nonlinear resonant interaction of electrons with transient whistler wave bursts
- The mycorrhizal associated nutrient economy hypothesis: New formulations, context dependencies and research needs
- The response of ionospheric currents to different types of magnetospheric fast flow bursts using THEMIS observations
- The role of land-atmospheric interaction in determining the predictability of warm season drought in a changing climate
- The role of magnetosheath high-speed jets in generating magnetospheric ULF waves
- The rupture process of the 2021 Mw 7.3 East Cape, New Zealand earthquake revealed by back-projection, multiple point source inversion and tsunami recordings
- The shape of inertial subrange turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer
- The storage and transit time of water through vegetation
- The utility of infrequent along-track satellite observations for deriving spatially continuous estimates of snow water equivalent
- Thermal Environments and Volatile-trapping Potential of Lunar Pits and Caves
- Thermal Expansivity, Heat Capacity, and Bulk Modulus of the Mantle
- Thermal Sensitivity Across Forest Vertical Profiles: Patterns, Mechanisms, and Ecological Implications
- Thermal and Tidal Evolution of Uranus with a Growing, Frozen Core
- Thermal conductivity of silicate liquid determined by machine learning potentials
- Thermoelectric Liquid Metal Magnetoconvection
- Thermophysical Properties of Lunar Irregular Mare Patches
- Three-dimensional Versatile Electron Radiation Belt Code (VERB-3D) Simulations for the Van Allen Probe Era
- Time of Emergence of Annual Mean Precipitation is Long Due to Natural and Observational Limitations
- Tipping points and abrupt climate change: A comparison of advanced analysis methods for paleoclimate records
- Titan Clouds and Atmospheric Waves: Observations to Model Connection
- Towards Earthquake Rupture Tracking Using Array-derived Rotational Observations
- Towards Event-Based Modeling of Earths Radiation Belt Electrons
- Trait-Driver Theory: Toward a general theory to predict ecological and ecosystem responses to global change
- Turbulent Plasma Jet Fronts and Related Ion Acceleration
- Two-dimensional Structure of auroral oval/plama sheet flow channels
- U.S. Southwest Dryness as A Bridge for Cold Season Pacific SST to Influence U.S. Great Plains Summer Drought
- ULF waves upstream and downstream of interplanetary shocks.
- Uncertainty in Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) for Dam Safety
- Underestimation of Rupture Speeds in Seismic Back-projection Imaging
- Understanding Initial Terrestrial Planet Differentiation: The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- Understanding near-source smoke composition of prescribed burning using a customized miniature-sensor platform on uncrewed airborne systems (UAS)
- Understanding the evolution of smoke mass extinction efficiency using field campaign measurements
- Understanding the interconnected space weather system: The Convergence Hub for the Exploration of Space Science (CHESS) project and workshop
- Unraveling the Interactions Between Subsurface Water Flow and Underlying Bedrock Structures and Their Effect on Hillslope Hydrology
- Unraveling the drivers of electron loss in the Earths inner radiation belt
- Unraveling the formation region, frequency and bandwidth of chorus spectral gaps
- Urbanization-Induced Land Use Change Enhances Tornado Potential
- Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Long-Short Term Machine Learning Models to Provide Insights into GIC Drivers and Risk of Occurrence.
- Using ECOSTRESS to inform pre-burn vegetation conditions for Southern California Wildfires
- Using ECOSTRESS to model composite diurnal ET
- Using Near Infrared and Thermal Infrared Orbital and Laboratory Measurements to Constrain Global Lunar Surface Composition
- Using Paleopiezometry and Paleobarometry to Quantify Pore-fluid Pressure Ratios in Mid-crustal (15-25 km) Semi-Brittle Shear Zones
- Vanadium isotope constraints on the cosmolocation of the CAI factory
- Variation in Hillslope Sediment Size Controlled by Differences in Subsurface Weathering in a Transient Piedmont Landscape, South Carolina, USA.
- Vertical Distributions of Aerosols and Their Effects on Clouds Based on long-term ASR/ARM Observations
- Water and Aerosol Atmospheric Rivers: Connections to Weather, Air Quality and Climate
- Web Service for Collaborative Real-time Ground-based Magnetometer Observations
- Web User Interface for Apollo Surface Magnetic Field Data
- What Controls the Distribution and Mobility of Microplastics in Stormwater Treatment Systems in Urban Areas?
- What Controls the Interannual Variability of the Boreal Winter Atmospheric River Activities over the Northern Hemisphere?
- What does the CMIP6 ensemble tell us about ongoing and future changes in precipitation extremes?
- What is the Magnitude in Earthquake Early Warning?
- Why predicting California winter precipitation is challenging?
- Wind-Driven Fluctuations in Southern Ocean Abyssal Overturning
- Working WITH teen stakeholders to make sense of Heliophysics Science (sun learning, as it were!)
- "Hot spots" of Ocean Heat Transport toward Antarctic Glaciers
- 'O wai 'oe?: A Critical reexamination of the self in the geosciences
- 3-D global hybrid simulation of outflows in the Earth's magnetosphere
- 87Sr/86Sr of Gastropod Shells Used to Distinguish Water Resources Used at Bonneville Estates Rockshelter
- A Comparison of Data Sources to Quantify Agricultural Water Use in California's Central Valley
- A Data Assimilation Approach for Improved Operational Wildland Fire Forecasting using WRF-Fire
- A Dynamical Downscaling Perspective on the Impact of Human-Induced Climate Change on Extreme Drought in the Western US
- A Machine Learning Approach to Identifying Magnetic Impulses in Geospace Data
- A New Global Magnetic Field Model of Jupiter's Magnetosphere Based on Observations from Galileo and Juno
- A New Process-based Dust Emission Scheme for Global Climate Models: A Case Study for the Community Earth System Model (CESM2)
- A Parametric Survey of Beam-driven Electron Cyclotron Harmonic and Electron Acoustic Waves in relation to Earth's Diffuse Aurora
- A Spectroscopic Study of the Mineral Composition of Soil-Derived Dust
- A Systematic Comparison of the Magnetic Field Distributions of Mars and Venus Under Similar Upstream Conditions
- A Test of Electron Precipitation Models Using Incoherent Scatter Radar and Van Allen Probes Observations
- A Thermal Loading Model Crucial to In-Flight Calibration of MMS Fluxgate Magnetometer Orthogonality
- A Toolkit for Water Quality Monitoring from 2002-2022 in Support of Sustainable Development Goal 14 and Coral Health in Marine Protected Areas in Belize
- A first look at the OPERA Dynamic Surface Water eXtent and Land Surface Disturbance products and their applications
- A global discrepancy in historical near surface humidity trends between Earth System Models and observations.
- A global framework for SWOT discharge with examples from the Ohio River
- A mesh independent flow direction model for flow routing
- A multi-model comparison of September Arctic sea ice seasonal prediction skill
- A statistical study of the behaviors of energetic ions (H+, He+, and O+) in the inner magnetosphere using the Arase satellite observations
- A stochastic machine learning model of wildfire activity in the Western United States
- Acceleration and heating of solar wind: polytropic solar wind model and role of Alfvén waves
- Accessing Data at PDS/PPI Using the Heliophysics Application Programmer's Interface (HAPI)
- Active Control of the Radiation Belt Particle Populations with Ionospheric Amplification of VLF Waves
- Additions to Voyager 2 Cosmic Ray Subsystem Data in the Planetary Data System from Ice Giant Flybys
- Advances in Inverse Streamflow Routing: Estimating Runoff from Discharge Measurements
- Advancing Biodiversity Monitoring by Directly Integrating Remote Sensing Data with Citizen Science Platforms
- Agricultural and Water Management in Bugesera and Nyagatare, Rwanda
- Air Quality Monitoring in African Countries: A Scoping Review and a Way Forward
- Air quality dashboard: a public facing platform to strengthen air quality decision-making activity over the CONUS
- Alfvén Wave Resonances in Earth's Magnetotail: Eigenfrequency Sensitivity to Density Models and Solar Wind Parameters
- An Analysis of Forest Change in Southern Cameroon Using Sentinel-1 and Landsat Derived Data Products
- An Anelastic Revision for Convective Updraft Plume Models
- An Estimate of Antarctic Bottom Water Export Variability from GRACE Satellite Data
- An Exploration of Pantropical Peat and Carbon Accumulation
- An Incoherent Scatter Radar and All Sky Imager Derived Empirical Conductance Model
- An Inter-Resolution Framework for Evaluating Regionally Refined Climate Models: The Significance of High Resolution
- An OSSE Using the VERB Code for Outer Electron Radiation Belt Situational Awareness
- An Updated Attribution of Western United States Forest Fire Trends to Anthropogenic Climate Change: 1984-2022
- An examination of magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupling during STEVE
- Analysis of Dynamics of Ions in the Plasmasphere Using a Machine Learning Model
- Analysis of Electron Precipitation and Ionospheric Density Enhancements due to Hiss Using Incoherent Scatter Radar and Arase Observations
- Analyzing Pyrocumulonimbus Lightning Activity in British Columbia Summer 2021
- Antarctic Undercurrents and Nonlinear Ocean-Sea Ice-Ice Shelf Interactions
- Anticipating SWOT Water and Wetland Phenomenology using airborne Ka-band SAR from AirSWOT
- Apatite inclusion loss in detrital zircons during weathering and transport
- Application of the Multi-Scale Infrastructure for Chemistry and Aerosols (MUSICA) over Africa
- Assessing Trends in Metals Transport and Fate Following the 2018 Woolsey Wildfire, Southern California, USA
- Assessing the Accuracy of Planet and Sentinel-2 Derived Water Maps through in situ GNSS Validation
- Asynchrony among satellite metrics of photosynthetic phenology across the boreal domain
- Asynchrony of Spaceborne Chlorophyll Fluorescence and the Near Infrared Reflectance of Vegetation in Tropical Forests
- Atmospheric lifetime for a hypothetical Mars-sized planet orbiting Barnard's Star
- Auroral Beads in Conjunction With Kinetic Alfvén Waves in the Equatorial Inner-Magnetosphere
- BALBOA Thermal Analysis – TVAC Experiment and Flight Test
- Bathymetric Control Of Warm Water Inflow To Antarctic Ice Shelf Grounding Lines
- Bedrock Ridges in Gale Crater, Mars
- Biomass-burning smoke aging and cloud interactions: an intercomparison of WRF-Chem, CESM-Cam-Chem, and E3SM across multiple field campaigns in the southeast Atlantic.
- Bridging water storage and discharge: a priori data and algorithm improvements towards synergistic use of SWOT's lake and river measurements
- Bursty energetic electron precipitation by high-order resonance with very-oblique whistler-mode waves
- Calculating and Examining Electric Fields in the Venusian Plasma Environment using PSP
- Can Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration be used for yield prediction and water stress detection in smallholder rice fields?
- Carbon Losses from Southeast Asian Peatlands
- Cascading delays in the monsoon rice growing season and post-monsoon agricultural fires likely exacerbate air pollution in North India
- Cellular to ecosystem processes drive forest carbon cycling resistance to increasing disturbance severity
- Changes in Absorbing Aerosol Properties during Transport in the Southeast Atlantic
- Changes of Fire-day Vapor Pressure Deficit during Warm Season over the Western U.S.
- Characterizing Smoke Transport of California Wildfire via Optical Flow Method based on GOES-17 Continuous AOD Sequences
- Characterizing Wildfires using Collocated Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder and Narrow-band Imager Observations
- Characterizing the impacts of the natural limit to electron radiation in the terrestrial Van Allen belts
- Climate change is narrowing and shifting windows favorable for prescribed fire in western United States
- Climatic controls on erosion vary with lithology: insights from the easternmost Himalaya
- Coarse mineral dust in the Earth system
- Compact Rover for Exploring Lunar and Martian Crustal Magnetic Fields
- Comparing Magnetotail Dynamics Using TWINS and THEMIS
- Comparison of Four Methods that Determine Kappa for the LASIC Field Campaign
- Comprehensive Statistical Analysis of Ionospheric and Geomagnetic Signatures Before and After Earthquakes
- Constraining Seismic Anisotropy on Mars: New Challenges and First Detection
- Contextualizing Instabilities from a Global PIC Model of Planetary Magnetospheres to Local Electron Kinetic Scales
- Contrasting Responses of Hailstorms to Anthropogenic Climate Change in Different Synoptic Weather Systems
- Controlling Factors of Microburst Scale Sizes Induced by Chorus Waves: from Microscopic Wave-Particle Interaction to Macroscopic L-MLT Dependence
- Controls and Consequences of Bedrock Weathering: from Topographic Stress to Hydrology and Landslides
- Controls on Slab Morphology Throughout the Mantle: Tectonics to Sedimentary Basins
- Coupled Evolution of Earth's Hydrogen Distribution and Thermal History
- Creation of a Shallow Groundwater Model of Bugesera District, Rwanda
- Crediting Blue Carbon Lateral Fluxes: Measurement and Prediction of Flux Rates
- Critical Critical Zone: Cultural Context and Geochemical Processes in Spring Wetlands
- Critical Zone Controls on Shallow Landslides: Insights from Numerical Simulations in a Steep, Forested Landscape
- Crustal Structure Constraints from the Detection of the SsPp Phase on Mars
- Crustal structure of Mars from the first observation of surface waves
- DIYnamics: An Active Learning, Scalable Climate Sciences Teaching Platform
- Decades of Systemic Racial Disparities in Funding Rates at the National Science Foundation
- Deciphering the Spectra of Flowers to Map Landscape-scale Blooming Dynamics
- Deglacial drivers of Patagonian Ice Sheet retreat across the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone.
- Detecting Coastal Landforms on Titan
- Detection and Predictability of Convection and Extreme Precipitation in the North American Monsoon
- Determination of Magnetic Dipole Moments for Spacecraft Subsystems
- Determining the Electrical Conductivity at Ocean World Conditions Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Experimental Measurements
- Development of Surface Magnetic Assessment in Real Time (SMART) data platform and KNN-based predictive analytics model
- Differentiating Between Simultaneous Loss Drivers in Earth's Outer Radiation Belt Using Phase Space Density Observations
- Direct Observations of Energy Transfer from Resonant Electrons to Whistler-Mode Waves near the Dayside Magnetopause Reconnection
- Direct observations of anomalous resistivity and diffusion in magnetic reconnection
- Dispersive and kinetic effects at switchbacks boundaries
- Distribution of the Ring Current and Coupling with Field-Aligned Currents: Joint observation of MMS and Swarm
- Disturbance Electric fields: A Source of Energetic Particle Precipitation in the Low-Latitude Ionosphere?
- Do Mantle Plumes Merge?
- Dormancy as a Determinant of Phytoplankton Ecological and Evolutionary Success in Fluctuating Temperature Conditions Affected by Climate Change
- Downslope Windstorms in Coastal Environments and Interactions with the Continental and Marine Boundary Layers: Lessons Learn from the Sundowner Winds Experiment (SWEX-2022), Santa Barbara, CA
- Dual Carbonate Clumped Isotope Analysis Resolves Interspecific Differences Underlying Biomineralization in Marine Calcifiers
- Dual clumped isotope data for amorphous carbonates and transformation products reveal novel mechanisms for nonequilibrium effects
- Ducted Chorus Waves Cause Sub-Relativistic and RelativisticElectron Microbursts
- Dynamics of Plasmaspheric Ions Modeled by a Neural Network
- Earth Shaped by Primordial H2 Atmospheres
- Effects of 3D Canopy Structure on Seed Dispersal by Hornbills in Cameroon
- Effects of Resolving Mesoscale Structures in Ion Outflow Modeling
- Elasticity of MgO in Giant Planetary Interiors
- Electron Precipitations as Driven by Interplanetary Shock Impact on the Earth's Magnetosphere
- Embedded Region 1 and 2 Field-Aligned Currents, a Long-Simulated but Newly Observed Feature of the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System, is Likely a Consequence of Meso-scale Magnetotail Dynamics, as Revealed by Their Preference on Geomagnetic Activity
- Emissions from forest edges offset half of Brazilian Amazon REDD+ results
- Enceladus's Tectonic Stress Field
- Energetic Electron Precipitation Driven by Whistler Mode Hiss, Plume Hiss, and Chorus During an ELFIN and THEMIS Conjunction
- Energetic Electron Precipitation Patterns in Earth's Inner Magnetosphere
- Energy and moisture budgets of simulated 1D moist greenhouse climates with and without a time-dependent forcing
- Enhanced Radiation Levels at Aviation Altitudes and its relationship to the Van Allen radiation belts.
- Enhancing snow albedo modeling in Community Land Model (CLM/CTSM)
- Ensemble Modeling of Radiation Belt Electron Acceleration by Chorus Waves: Dependence on Key Input Parameters
- Entangled magnetic flux ropes in the terristrial mangetic sheath
- Entering the third decade of global mass change satellite observations with GRACE-FO: science mission status and plans
- Entrainment/Core/Anvil Relationships in Cloud Resolving Simulations of Deep Convection
- Entropy parameter as a river's hydraulic identity.An approach for ungauged river monitoring
- Environmental and ecological drivers of drought deciduousness across the Neotropics
- Equatorward Extending Auroral Streamers and the Associated Localized Current System
- Equilibrium disruption and enhancement of inner belt electron decay rates
- Estimating Evapotranspiration in the Congo Basin Using Remotely-Sensed Measurements to Constrain a Terrestrial Ecosystem Model
- Estimating wildfire and prescribed burn smoke emissions and population exposure across the west coast of the United States
- Evaluating and Improving the Performance of Seasonal Precipitation Forecasts and Climate Indices in Blue Nile Basin
- Evaluating the Application of Remote Sensing in Coastal Water Quality Monitoring Around SoCal
- Evaluating the Representations of Atmospheric Rivers and Associated Precipitation in Reanalyses with Satellite Observations
- Evaluation of Carbonyl Sulfide Potential to Constrain Carbon and Water Fluxes of Boreal Evergreen Needleleaf Forests through Data Assimilation in a Land Surface Model
- Evidence of a Non-Orthogonal X-Line in Guide-Field Magnetic Reconnection
- Evidence of melt accumulation beneath Yellowstone Caldera from full-waveform inversion
- Evolution of Lower Frequency Breaks of Alfvenic Turbulence in the Inner Heliosphere, Observed by Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter
- Examining the Causality between Stratospheric Planetary Wave Activity and North American Cold Extremes
- Excitation of Electron Acoustic Waves by electron beams in nonlinear Landau resonance with Whistler Waves
- Expected particle radiation around magnetized small bodies and implications to mission design
- Experimental Pub Crawl from Rayleigh-Bénard to Magnetostrophic Convection
- Experimental investigation of quartz solubility in H2O-CO2 fluids at 1.0 GPa, 500 - 800 °C: implications for aqueous speciation and silica mobility
- Exploration of the Martian subsurface by the RIMFAX Ground Penetrating Radar on the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover.
- Explosion monitoring on planetary surface with atmosphere: comparison between Mars and Earth.
- Field-Aligned Currents of Dipolarizing Flux Bundles and the Associated Plasma Disturbance: Understanding the Asymmetry of Wedgelets
- Finding the Baseline: Forest Carbon Storage in the Western United States Across Climatic Gradients and Fire Legacies
- Fine-Scale Sedimentary Architecture of the Jezero Western Delta Front
- Fire-Rainfall Relationships in Continental Southeast Asia
- First ELFIN Observations of Relativistic Electron Precipitation Driven by the Combined Effect of Whistler and EMIC Waves
- First Imaging Spectroscopy Observations and Early Science from the NASA Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation
- First Results from NASA's Salinity and Stratification at the Sea Ice Edge (SASSIE) Mission
- First USGS Global Geologic Map of Titan
- First observations of seismic waves travelling through the Martian core
- Flood Inundation Mapping at Large-scales using a Multidisciplinary Machine Learning Approach
- Forecasting Smoke Transport and Smoke-Weather Interactions using NOAA's High-Resolution Coupled Numerical Weather Prediction Models
- Forecasting of Extreme Ground Magnetic Field Fluctuations at Mid-Latitudes using Machine Learning
- From Biology to Physics to Earth-System Science: Making Sense of Optical Signals for Tracking the Seasonality of Photosynthesis in Evergreen Forests
- Frustrated Relaxation And Instabilities In Solar Coronal Magnetic Fields: From Coronal Structure to Solar Wind Acceleration
- GEDI-constrained Estimates of Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics in Southeast Asian Tropical Forests
- Geospace Concussion: Global reversal of ionospheric vertical plasma drift in response to a sudden commencement
- Global Distributions of Fractional Cover in Arid Lands: Early Analyses from NASA's Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation
- Global Simulations of Ganymede's Magnetosphere during Juno's Close Flyby
- Global ambipolar potentials and electric fields at Mars inferred from MAVEN observations
- Global distribution and evolution of chorus waves modeled by an artificial neural network
- Global distribution of energetic electron precipitation observed by ELFIN in low Earth orbit
- Global energy budget decomposition for hydrological cycle intensification
- Gone with the rock wind: A boundary layer model of close-in, rocky exoplanets with condensable-rich atmospheres
- Harmonized SWOT A Priori Lake-River Database to Monitor Global Surface Water Dynamics
- Heliophysics at the Solar System's most powerful particle accelerator: the COMPASS mission to Jupiter
- Heliophysics from the Moon in the Age of Artemis: Solar Corona Observations from Lunar Orbit and the Surface
- High Resolution VIC Calibration in California Forced by ERA5-WRF Downscaled and Bias-corrected Meteorology
- High mountain late spring land surface and subsurface temperature influence on 1998 summer precipitation prediction
- High-Latitude Plasma Convection Based on SuperDARN Observations and the Locally Divergence-Free Condition
- Hiss in the plasmasphere and plumes: Global distribution from machine learning techniques and their effects on the loss of energetic electrons
- How Low Can They Go? Investigating the Impact of ULF Waves on Lower-Energy Electrons
- How Peer Review Helps Ensure Data FAIRness and TRUSTworthiness in the Planetary Data System
- How might Canadian Shield surface water drainage pattern change in a wetter climate?
- How well can we detect plant water stress from space?
- Imaging large earthquakes in the southern hemisphere with core-phase back-projections
- Impacts of Solar Cycle and QBO: From the Polar Area to Mid-latitude
- Impacts of snow grain shape and mixing state of light-absorbing particles-snow on surface fluxes over the Tibetan Plateau
- Improvements of multi-scale geomagnetic forcing specification from the ground-based integrated networks and the impacts on I-T modeling
- Increasing Recognition of UnderrepresentedSpace Scientists: Lessons Learned from theNomination Task Force Continued Success
- Induced Magnetic Field Distribution and Variability at Mars: MHD Prediction and Comparison with MAVEN Observations
- Informing Decision-making about Extreme Events with a Dynamically-Downscaled GCM Ensemble
- Inner belt wisp precipitation measured by ELFIN: regimes of energetic electron scattering by VLF transmitter waves
- Insights into the Sedimentary Record and Processes of the Western Delta of Jezero crater (Mars) as observed by the Mars 2020 rover Perseverance.
- Intense geoelectric and geomagnetic field perturbations observed after an interplanetary magnetic field turning
- Interaction between Subauroral Proton Aurora, SAR Arcs and SAPS Unveiled by Citizen Scientist Photographs
- Interhemispheric symmetry and asymmetry within the cusp spherical elementary currents during large IMF By magnitudes
- Interplanetary Magnetic Field Enhancements: Dust or Entangled Flux Tubes?
- Interplay of Turbulence and Proton-Microinstability Growth in Space Plasmas
- Investigating the Role of Precipitation and Connectivity on Grass Growth, Establishment, and Re-Establishment
- Investigating the Roles of Different Foreshock Transients in Generating Ground Magnetic Field Oscillations
- Investigating the Uncertainties of Forecasting NE Cold Season Precipitation in NWP Models
- Investigation of kinetic processes at the electron scale in global magnetospheric simulations: the cases of Earth and Mercury
- Invited Presenter
- Is remotely sensed Normalized Difference Vegetation index (NDVI) a good predictor for crop yield in California alfalfa fields?
- Kinetic-scale Current Sheets in the Solar Wind: Properties, Origin and Reconnection Onset
- Laboratory Studies of Laser-Driven, Ion-Scale Magnetospheres on the Large Plasma Device
- Laboratory characterization of whistler mode excitation efficiency by an electric dipole and multi-loop antenna for the purposes of radiation belt remediation.
- Land Surface Impacts on Cold Pools, Haboobs, and Dust Lofting in Dryland Regions
- Land-Atmosphere Feedbacks and the Changing Hydrologic Cycle
- Latitudinal Regionalization of Planetary Core Convection
- Lend Me Your Ears: The Potential of Sonification in Space Weather (Citizen) Science
- Lightning Characteristics of Atmospheric Rivers over the Americas Observed by GOES Geostationary Lightning Mappers
- Limiting global impacts of regional climate intervention: A case study in the Great Barrier Reef
- Linear tearing instability in resistive-MHD current sheet: guide field, normal magnetic field, and plasma flow
- Linking nitrogen cycling with forest soil respiration following a simulated insect disturbance
- Lions Guarding the Magnetosphere; Half Flux Tubes Empty, Half Flux Tubes Full; Entanglement Everywhere
- Liquid Water Stability Zones on Super-Mars Exoplanets: Implications for Subsurface Astrobiology
- Local Acceleration in multi-MeV electron enhancement events
- Locating the largest event observed on Mars with multi-orbit surface waves
- MHD Study of Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at Mars
- Machine Learned Nonlinearity of the Post-spinel Transition and Its Expression in Slabs and Plumes Worldwide
- Machine Learning Investigation on the Redox State of Silicate Melts
- Magnetic Waves Excited by Newborn Pickup H+ Near Jupiter: Neutral Hydrogen Loss By The Planetary System
- Magnetic field spectral evolution in the inner heliosphere: from Parker Solar Probe to Solar Orbiter.
- Magnetic flux transport identification of magnetic reconnection in Earth's magnetosphere: current sheets and entangled flux ropes
- Magnetic gradiometry techniques developed for the Psyche Magnetometry Investigation
- Major Outer Radiation Belt Enhancement due to Fast and Intermittent Strong MeV Electron Injections
- Mapping Tropical Forest Degradation using High-Resolution Planet NICFI Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning
- Mapping Tropical Forest Tree Cover and Deforestation with NICFI Planet Imagery and Deep Learning
- Mapping Variations of Forest Structure across California using Lidar Observations from GEDI Mission and Deep-learning Model Predictions.
- Mars Perseverance RIMFAX Ground Penetrating Radar Stratigraphy of the Jezero Crater Delta / Crater Floor Contact
- Measuring the Alfvén wave Parametric Decay Instability Growth Rate in the Laboratory
- Meridional Overturning Circulation from Satellite Observables: a State Estimate Test
- Mesoscale Magnetic Structure in the Solar Wind
- Mesoscale enhancements of warm plasma cloak: THEMIS observation
- Minerals and Other Materials Identification and Mapping with EMIT
- Mirror Mode Storms in the Terrestrial Magnetosheath
- Model vertical resolution determines its ability to represent the subtropical marine boundary layer
- Modeling Formation and Expansion of Foreshock Bubbles and Hot Flow Anomalies
- Modeling Ring Current Proton Fluxes Using Artificial Neural Network and Van Allen Probe Measurements
- Modeling Venusian Atmospheric Losses over Time
- Modeling of Saturn's radiation environment using the VERB code
- Modeling the Influence of Intrinsic Dipole Field Strength and Interplanetary Magnetic Field Orientation on Ion Escape from Weakly Magnetized Planets
- Modelling of Effects of Rough Surface and Forests on P Band Reflectometry for Snow Remote Sensing
- Modernizing the Electronics System of UCLA Ground-based Magnetometers
- Modulation of Atmospheric Rivers by the Arctic Stratospheric Polar Vortex
- Monitoring Precipitation with a Dense Seismic Nodal Array
- Mortality and Morbidity Attributable to Wildland Fire Smoke in California from 2008-2018.
- Mouth Morphodynamics of an Intermittently Closed Estuary
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of the Statistical Distribution of ULF waves in Magnetic Latitude and Implications for Current Estimates of Radial Diffusion
- Multimodal Heliophysical/Geophysical Machine Learning Models for Earthquake Identification and Forecasting
- Multimodal Machine Learning for Earthquake Identification and Forecasting
- Multiple conjugate observations of magnetospheric fast flow bursts using THEMIS observations
- NASA's Professional DEVELOPment - Evaluating 10 Weeks of Capacity Building
- NASA's Student Airborne Science Activation for Minority Serving Institutions: Inaugural Program, Educational Outcomes, and Lessons Learned
- NSF Incoherent Scatter Radar Summer School: An Interactive, Intensive Training Opportunity for Fundamental Remote Sensing of Earth's Upper Atmosphere
- New Constraints on the Martian Crustal Structure and Seismic Anisotropy near the Dichotomy Revealed by the Largest Marsquake Ever Recorded
- New Insight into the Transition from a SAR Arc to STEVE
- New Insights into the Substorm Initiation Sequence from the Spatio-temporal Development of Auroral Electrojets: Relative Locations of Pre-onset Flow Divergence and Auroral Breakup
- Non-Structural Carbohydrate Dynamics Regulate Soil Respiration Following Phloem-Girdling
- Nonresonant scattering of relativistic electrons by electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in Earth's radiation belts
- Observational Constraints of NOx Abundance, Sources, and Cycling in the Remote Marine Boundary Layer
- Observations of the Ion-Scale Cyclotron Waves in the Inner Heliosphere
- Observations show that methane emissions elevate the carbon intensity of oil and gas production in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
- Observed Links Between Mesoscale Organization of Deep Convection and Variations in Tropical Clouds and the Related Radiative Heating
- Occurrence Distributions and Morphology of Large Geomagnetic Disturbances Observed in Arctic Canada
- On a Contribution of Nonlinear Resonant Effects to Diffusion Rates
- On linkages between precipitation change and cloud feedbacks
- On the Grain Size of Bridgmanite During Magma Ocean Cooling
- On the Importance of Whistler-Mode Wave Ducting in Relativistic Electron Precipitation
- On the Role of Ducted Whistler-mode Waves in Relativistic Electron Losses
- On the Role of Whistler-Mode Waves in Electron Interaction With Dipolarizing Flux Bundles
- On the hunt for magnetostrophic modes in liquid metal rotating magnetoconvection
- On the short-scale spatial variability of electron inflows in electron-only magnetic reconnection in the turbulent magnetosheath observed by MMS
- Open-Source Data Pipelines and Statistical Tool for Studying Pre-Seismic and Post-Seismic Disturbances in the Ionosphere and Geomagnetic Field
- Opening the Black Box of the Radiation Belt Machine Learning Model
- Operation of Surface Magnetic Assessment in Real Time (SMART) Ground-based Magnetometer Network
- Opportunities and Challenges of using High Resolution PlanetScope satellite imagery to improve the detection of Tropical Phenology in the Dja Biosphere Reserve in Southern Cameroon in the Congo Basin.
- Opportunities and challenges in evaluating photosynthetic activity across Arctic-Boreal land cover types using solar-induced fluorescence
- Origin of Nighttime Magnetic Pulsations on Mars Surface
- Overview of the CHemistry in the Arctic: Clouds, Halogens, and Aerosols (CHACHA) Campaign Conducted Along the Coastal Alaskan North Slope
- PILOT (Plasma Imaging, LOcal measurement, and Tomographic experiment): a mission concept for ground-breaking system-science observations of mass and energy flow through Earth's magnetosphere
- Particle Entrainment and Rotating Convection in Enceladus' Ocean
- Particle Tools in The Space Physics Environment Data Analysis System in Python (PySPEDAS)
- Particle-in-cell Simulations of Laser-driven, Ion-scale Magnetospheres in Laboratory Plasmas
- Partitioning of Iron between (Mg,Fe)SiO3 Liquid and Bridgmanite
- Partitioning of Urban NOx Between Short- and Long-Lived Reservoirs and Its Impact on Regional Ozone Production
- Perseverance's Delta-Front Campaign in Jezero Crater, Mars
- Petrochronology of Zircon-Bearing Detrital Rutile from Anza-Borrego Desert State Park and Mill Creek, Southern California
- Phase transitions impact variations in layering of convection throughout Earth's history: Insights from a new entropy method
- Photospheric Doppler Shift Rotation Rates Using Ten Spectral Sampling Pairs in Four Spectral Lines
- Polar Cap Boundary Identification Using Redline Optical Data and DMSP Satellite Particle Data
- Poleward Moving Auroral Forms Induced by Transient Alfvénic Poynting Fluxes
- Potential and limitations of remote sensing metrics for tracking ecosystem photosynthesis: Insights from a network of tower spectrometers and aircraft data
- Pre and Post-Impact Observations of Didymos in Support of NASA's DART Mission
- Predicting Equatorial Electron Flux Measurements from low-Earth-orbit
- Predicting SWARM plasma bubbles via Machine Learning
- Predicting of near-term changes in forest biomass: a case study in boreal North America
- Preliminary Assessment of Satellite Soil Moisture and SIF Observations and Exploring their Applications in Understanding Interactions between Terrestrial Water and Carbon Cycles
- Proglacial River Stage Derived from Georectified Time-lapse Camera Images, Inglefield Land, Northwest Greenland
- Projected future warming in high climate sensitivity models is potentially overestimated based on an emergent constraint by seasonal evolution of extratropical low clouds
- Projecting Interaction of Mineral Dust with Radiation and Its Impact on Climate
- Psyche's Flyby of Mars: A First Test for the Magnetometers
- PySPEDAS New Capabilities and Development Roadmap
- Pygoscelis Penguin Colony Locations and Diet Compositions along the West Antarctic Peninsula could be Driven by High Retention and Accumulation of Simulated Krill
- Pyrocumulonimbus and its Role in the Climate System: What is known and unknown?
- Quantifying Contribution of Atmospheric Circulation to Precipitation Variability and Changes in the U.S. Great Plains and Southwest Using Self Organizing Map - Analogue
- Quantifying Regional Impacts of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation and California Wintertime Precipitation Teleconnection using Causal Inference Theory
- Quantifying ULF Wave Radial Diffusion - A New Model for ULF Diffusion Coefficients based on Solar and Magnetospheric Drivers of ULF Waves
- Quantifying the efficacy and retrieval boundaries of spectral unmixing algorithms using various endmember reduction techniques in the EMIT Science Data System
- Quantifying the uncertainty and error retrievals between field methods for deriving fractional ground cover in arid lands
- Radiation Belt Daily Average Electron Flux Model (RB-Daily-E) from the Seven-Year Van Allen Probes Mission and Its Application to Interpret GPS On-orbit Solar Array Degradation
- Radiative Transfer Modeling of Biomass Burning Plumes
- Radiative forcing due to historical increase in desert dust
- Radical Precursors in Wintertime Fairbanks, AK: Observations of O3, HCHO, and HONO Vertical Concentration Profiles During ALPACA
- Reactive Halogen Species in Bermuda: Observations by Long-Path Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy during the BLEACH Summer Experiment.
- Reanalysis Biases Limit Single Column Model Ability to Simulate Low Clouds and Turbulence
- Reconnection Rate & Off-Diagonal Pressure: Comparing Electron-Only Reconnection & Current Sheets to Ion-Coupled Electron Diffusion Regions in Earth's Magnetotail
- Reconstruction of Oxygenation Changes During the Last Glacial Maximum and Younger Dryas off the Coast of New Zealand
- Reconstruction of historical California flood forecasts
- Reduced Shear Wave Velocities due to Phase Transition in Hydrous Stishovite
- Reducing Heat and Emergency Room Visits With Trees and High-albedo Surfaces in Los Angeles
- Relation between GPS scintillation and aurora in the nightside high-latitude ionosphere
- Remote Marine Boundary Layer Observations - Evaluating a New Atmospheric Pressure Ion-Molecule Reaction Region
- Remote sensing of EMIC and VLF wave-particle interactions with energetic particles and fields measurements from low altitude, polar-orbiting CubeSats.
- Revisiting Kennel-Petschek in the 21st Century: An Integrated Model of the Self-Consistent Capping of Electron Flux and the Control of Non-Linear Energetic Electron Precipitation into the Atmosphere
- Revisiting an Emergent Constraint on Climate Sensitivity from Global Temperature Variability using Paleoclimate Data
- Revisiting the role of geometrical complexity in rupture propagation and arrest in strike-slip earthquakes
- Riometer Observations of Electron Injection Drift Dispersion
- Role of highly oblique whistler-mode waves in bursty precipitation of sub-relativistic electrons
- Rover Concept for Exploring Lunar and Martian Crustal Magnetic Fields
- SHELLS Model: Specifying High-altitude Electrons using Low-altitude LEO Systems
- SHIFTing into an imaging spectroscopy future: SBG High-Frequency Time Series Campaign Overview
- STEREO observations of the Interplanetary Field Enhancement: statistical analysis and their indications
- Science returns from a spaceborne quantum gravity gradiometer in either hybrid or standalone configuration - Results from a joint NASA/DLR study.
- Sea Spray Aerosol Production Estimates in the Scripps Ocean-Atmosphere Research Simulator
- Seasonal Lake Surface Water Temperature to Mean Annual Air Temperature Relationships and Applications: An Analysis of 1000 Lakes
- Seasonal Surface Eddy Mixing in the Kuroshio Extension: Estimation and Machine Learning Prediction
- Seasonal changes in species specific ecophysiology within a flux tower footprint in the rainforest in Costa Rica
- Second Seismic Anchor Point of the Martian Crustal Structure Away from the InSight Landing Site
- Seismic detection of a deep mantle discontinuity within Mars by InSight
- SelenITA: A dual-spacecraft lunar CubeSat mission to characterize the near-surface electromagnetic plasma environment
- Series of dipolarization fronts with non-linear development signatures of kinetic ballooning-interchange instability
- Seven Sisters - An Inner Heliospheric Constellation to 1) Measure Longitudinal Structure of the Coronal Mass Ejections, 2) Enable Advanced Prediction of IMF Orientation at Earth, 3) Determine Particle Energization Processes in Solar Wind Structures
- Simulating A Context-aware Heterogeneous Sensor System for Monitoring Inland Waters and Ecosystems with 3D-CHESS
- Simulating global dynamic surface reflectances for imaging spectroscopy spaceborne missions - LPJ-PROSAIL
- Sinuous Aurora at Mars: exploring a new phenomenon with data and models
- Soil moisture-precipitation relationships during recent floods in the US: results from modeling analysis and plans for GEWEX "soil-cloud cascade"
- Solar Wind Control of Electron Isotropy Boundary Properties
- Solar Wind- Mars Interaction Under Different Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) Orientations
- Solar wind coherent structures from MHD to sub-ion scales: PSP measurements at 0.17 au
- Source-to-sink Modeling of Environmental Impacts on Stratigraphic Development
- Space Weather: Complexity science, convergence research, and a risk and resiliency framework
- Spatial distributions of EMIC (Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron) waves and characteristics of rising tone EMIC waves in the inner magnetosphere using Arase observations
- Spring Land Temperature in Tibetan Plateau and Global-Scale Summer Precipitation - Initialization and Improved Prediction -The GEWEX/LS4P Phase I Experiment
- Statistical Analysis of Plasmaspheric Erosion and Refilling - Machine Learning Approach
- Statistical Analysis of Whistler Waves in Pristine Solar Wind at 1 AU
- Statistical Mapping of Magnetic Topology at Venus
- Statistical considerations of Storm-time Very-Near-Earth Magnetotail Reconnection
- Statistics of Whistler-mode Waves in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet
- Steady-state Erosion and Soil Production in the South Carolina Piedmont Inferred from Cosmogenic Nuclide Depth Profiles
- Structure and Evolution of Meso-scale Flows in the Nightside Auroral Ionosphere during Storms and Substorms
- Student Resiliency and Advancement of DEI Objectives Through Leadership Change and Pandemic Uncertainties: Perspectives from Inclusive Earth
- Study of Ion Injection into the Inner Magnetosphere Using an Implicit Particle in Cell Simulation Driven by a Global MHD simulation
- Study of Slow-mode Shocks in the Near-Earth Magnetotail with MMS Observations
- Submesoscale Coherent Vortices Observed in the Northeastern South China Sea.
- Substantial contribution of internal variability to satellite-era tropospheric warming inferred from CMIP6 large ensembles
- Surface Changes in a Transitioning Wet and Dry Depositional Environment, Deep Springs Playa, California with Implications for Mars
- Survey of Clumped Isotope Temperatures in Canary Islands & Mississippi Valley Land Snails from the Last Glacial Maximum
- THEMIS-ASI at 15: Its Demonstrated Value for Studying the System of Systems that is Geospace
- Tectonic and Geodynamic Controls on the Neogene Landscape Evolution of Southern Patagonia
- Temporal and spatial evolution of chorus waves modeled by an artificial neural network
- Termination of Snowball states: Constraining the Climate Forcing of Stochastic Events
- Testing age models for sedimentary sequences based on growth strata and the exhumation history of adjacent mountain ranges
- The Bow Shock and Magnetosheath Responses to Density Depletion Structures
- The Combined Effect of Convection and a Gentle Topography on the Vertical Transport of Coarse Dust
- The Community Seismic Network: Applications and Expansion to 1200 Stations
- The Continuity Microwave Limb Sounder (C-MLS) - Capitalizing on New Technology to Continue the MLS Record of Daily Global Middle Atmosphere Composition Observations.
- The Dependence of Embedded Region 1 and 2 Currents, Inducer of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Instabilities and Ionospheric Heating, on Geomagnetic Activity Level
- The Displacement Current is Mainly a Correction Factor to the Processes Responsible for Establishing Currents in the Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- The Distribution and the Effect of Chorus Waves in the Earth's and the Jupiter's Radiation Belts
- The Early-phase Growth of ULF Waves in the Ion Foreshock observed in a Hybrid-Vlasov Simulation
- The Earth Mineral dust source InvesTigation (EMIT): Instrument Performance and Initial Results
- The Effect of Vitamin B12 Mutualism between Phytoplankton and Bacteria on Phytoplankton Thermal Performance
- The Effects of Fuel Characteristics on Simulated Fire Dynamics using WRF-Fire
- The Effects of the Ionospheric Conductance on Magnetotail Dynamics
- The Evolution of Storm-Time Electron Pitch Angle Distributions in the Heart of the Outer Radiation Belt
- The Influence of Land Use and Water Reclamation Plants on Fecal Indicator Bacteria and Antibiotic Resistance in the Los Angeles River Watershed
- The Machine Learning application to the Spatiotemporal Prediction of Equivalent Ionospheric Currents
- The Magnetospheric Driver of the Westward Traveling Surge: Plasma-Sheet Bubble Injections
- The Mesoscale Contribution to Mixed Layer Temperature Budgets and Its Variation Globally
- The NASA INCUS Mission
- The NCAR/USGS 4-km Long-term Regional Hydroclimate Re-analysis over the CONUS
- The OH Burst from Aerosols at the DOE Southern Great Plain ARM Site
- The Psyche Magnetometry Investigation
- The Response of Equivalent Ionospheric Currents to the External Drivers via Spatiotemporal Prediction by Neural Network
- The Sam Bingham Community Cares Initiative
- The Sun's Global Flows: Differential Rotation
- The System for Integrated Modeling of the Atmosphere (SIMA): A New Framework for Weather, Climate, Air Quality and Geospace Community Modeling
- The controlling effect of the cold plasma density over theacceleration and loss of ultra-relativistic electrons
- The essential ingredients of summertime continental near-surface air temperature variance
- The impact of soil hydrological parameters on vegetation dynamics
- The increasing role of cool-season rainfall in Western U.S. summer streamflow
- The physics behind precipitation onset bias in CMIP6 models
- The physics of ITCZ narrowing under global warming captured by a simple process model
- The plume zoo of thermal LLSVPs
- The retrieval of infrared dust optical depth and coarse-mode effective diameter based on collocated MODIS and CALIOP observations
- The spectral species concept: lights and shadows of a challenging idea
- Thin current sheet in the lunar distant magnetotail
- Title: Forests for Forests: Combining vegetation indices and solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in random forest models improves gross primary production prediction in the Boreal Forest
- Toward a global mountain seasonal snow reanalysis: Lessons learned from recent applications and future needs
- Towards the next generation of air quality forecast models with NOAA's High-Resolution Rapid-Refresh model coupled to chemistry (HRRR-Chem)
- Turbocharging Convection: Moisture in the Lower Free troposphere and the Need for Observing Closely Spaced Vertical Profiles In and Near Convection
- Two Perspectives on Amplified Warming over Tropical Land
- UV-DOAS Measurements of BTEX in Petrochemical Facilities: Performance, Quality Assessment, and Applications
- Uncertainty in Model-Based Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) for Dam Safety
- Uncovering Mangrove Range Limits with High Resolution WoldView and PlanetScope Commercial Satellite Imagery
- Understanding the Drivers of Connected Extreme Precipitation Events
- Understanding the Response of Northern Hemisphere Winter Circulation Waviness to Climate Change
- Unraveling the short-term mechanisms driving rhizosphere carbon and nitrogen cycling responses to phloem-disrupting disturbance
- Unsteady Magnetopause Reconnection Under Quasi-Steady Radial IMF
- Unsupervised Clustering of Magnetospheric Dayside Data
- Upper Limit of Outer Radiation Belt Electron Acceleration by Whistler-Mode Chorus Waves
- Use of ATMS and COSMIC-2 to Examine Sensitivity to Lower Free Troposphere Moisture under Precipitating Conditions
- Using Information Theory to Analyze Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Processes in ANGIE3D Magnetotail Hybrid Simulations
- Using Multiple-year ARM Observations to Evaluate the Impacts of Aerosol Vertical Distributions on Warm Clouds
- Using a novel Deep Learning Model for Seismic Phase Picking to understand Mechanisms Driving Aftershock Sequences
- Utilizing Supervised Machine Learning to Derive Water-Leaving Radiance from Existing Geostationary Satellite Imagery
- Utilizing high-latitude ground-based observatories in conjunction with satellite observing systems: A focus on all-sky-imagers and radar to provide 2D context and verification
- Varying Degrees of Mantle and Lithosphere Coupling Revealed by Surficial Features
- Vegetation Responses to Water Availability in Northeast Brazil from 21 Years of Satellite-Derived Leaf Area Index Observations
- Verification of Substorm Onset from Intruding Flow Channels with High-Resolution SuperDARN Radar Flow Maps
- Vertical Gradients of Pollutants Measured during Winter in a Subarctic City.
- Viscosity of Albite-H2O Fluids by Molecular Dynamics: Implications for Subduction-Zone Melts
- WRF-Chem Quantification of Transport Events and Emissions Sensitivity in Korea during KORUS-AQ
- Warming weakens the night-time barrier to global fire
- Water in the deep Earth interior
- Water status and ecosystem function of California native oaks vary with topography and microclimate
- Wave-dependent ring current electron loss and magnetospheric precipitation during a geospace storm
- Wavelength measurements of electron cyclotron harmonic waves in Earth's magnetotail
- Weaker Marine Low Cloud Response to Ascent Area Sea Surface Temperature in Long-term Warming among CMIP6 Models
- Westward-Propagating Moisture Mode Over the Tropical Western Hemisphere
- What Can We Learn about Magnetotail Mesoscale Dynamics from Observations at Lunar Orbit?
- What Can We Learn about Snow-streamflow Droughts from the Extreme Case over the Western U.S. in 2021?
- What is the best technique to dynamically downscale regional climate change?
- Whistler Waves in the Earth's Bow Shock: Properties, Origin and Applicability of Quasi-Linear Theory
- Whistler waves in the foreshock transients: statistical characteristics and regimes of wave-particle resonant interactions
- Whistler-Mode Modulation by ULF Waves: Regimes of Wave-Particle Resonance Interactions.
- Wind Tunnel Experiments as an Analog for Sediment Motion in Planetary Systems
- Wind erosion and dust emission modeling using Google Earth Engine based on long term monitoring sites calibration in the western United States
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Borsa
- A. Anthony Bloom
- A. Baltay
- A. Coustenis
- A. E. Andrews
- A. E. Morelan
- A. E. Schuh
- A. Farrish
- A. Glocer
- A. I. Neishtadt
- A. J. Boyd
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Halford
- A. J. Purdy
- A. J. Soja
- A. Johnson
- A. Kavner
- A. Kumamoto
- A. L. Dugger
- A. Longobardo
- A. Luspay‐Kuti
- A. M. Fridlind
- A. M. Keesee
- A. M. Rymer
- A. Matsuoka
- A. Migliorini
- A. Mittelholz
- A. Park Williams
- A. R. Rhoden
- A. Raponi
- A. Runov
- A. S. Reimer
- A. S. Rivkin
- A. Saikin
- A. V. Rocha
- A. W. Breneman
- A. W. Case
- A. W. Merkel
- A. W. Nolin
- A. W. Rollins
- A. W. Smith
- A. W. Yau
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Abigail A. Fraeman
- Abigail Azari
- Abinash Bhattachan
- Adam Collins
- Adam Kellerman
- Adam Michael
- Adam P. Young
- Adele K. Morrison
- Aditi Sheshadri
- Adrienne B. Keller
- Adrienne Wootten
- Aiguo Dai
- Ajay Lotekar
- Akinori Ito
- Alan Dyer
- Alan Fried
- Alan J. Hidy
- Alan M. Gorchov Negron
- Alba M. Rodriguez Padilla
- Alejandro Gonzalez
- Alek Petty
- Alessandro Frigeri
- Alessandro Retinò
- Alessandro Silvano
- Alex Chang
- Alex Hall
- Alexander Drozdov
- Alexander Grayver
- Alexander J. Turner
- Alexander L. Handwerger
- Alexander Norton
- Alexandra G. Konings
- Alexandra Simpson
- Alexandros Chasapis
- Alexey Kuvshinov
- Alexey Shiklomanov
- Ali Behrangi
- Ali Omar
- Ali Rahmati
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Alison M. Hoyt
- Allen H. Goldstein
- Allison Jaynes
- Amy J. Williams
- An Yin
- Anat Shahar
- Ana‐Catalina Plesa
- Anders Eriksson
- Anderson Luís Ruhoff
- Andrea Donnellan
- Andrea F. Corral
- Andreas Behrendt
- Andreas Colliander
- Andreas F. Prein
- Andrew D. Ashton
- Andrew Delman
- Andrew E. Kiss
- Andrew F. Thompson
- Andrew Gettelman
- Andrew J. Felton
- Andrew J. Maguire
- Andrew J. Newman
- Andrew L. Stewart
- Andrew McC. Hogg
- Andrew S. Ackerman
- Andrew V. Zuza
- Andrey Divin
- Andrey Y. Shcherbina
- Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo
- Anezina Solomonidou
- Angela G. Marusiak
- Angelica Tarpanelli
- Ankit Barik
- Anna Horleston
- Anna T. Trugman
- Anthony Lomax
- Antonietta Capotondi
- António Ferraz
- Ariane Arias‐Ortiz
- Arlan Dirkson
- Armin Sorooshian
- Armin Wisthaler
- Aroh Barjatya
- Artem Smirnov
- Arthur J. Sedlacek
- Ashley K. Lang
- Ashley Schoenfeld
- Ashok Kumar Verma
- Asti Bhatt
- Astrid Maute
- Athanasios Nenes
- Athina Peidou
- Attilio Rivoldini
- Augusto Getirana
- Aya Nakayama
- Ayan Santos Fleischmann
- Aydogan Ozcan
- B. A. Buffett
- B. Banerdt
- B. D. Loomis
- B. Gallardo‐Lacourt
- B. H. Mauk
- B. H. Samset
- B. Horgan
- B. J. Anderson
- B. Kunduri
- B. L. Alterman
- B. L. Ehlmann
- B. L. Giles
- B. Larsen
- B. M. Jakosky
- B. P. Weiss
- B. Raimbault
- B. Wang
- Banafsheh Ferdousi
- Baojian Fan
- Baptiste Cecconi
- Baptiste Dafflon
- Barry Baker
- Becky Alexander
- Behrooz Roozitalab
- Ben Bond‐Lamberty
- Ben H. Lee
- Ben Livneh
- Benjamin A. Nault
- Benjamin D. Santer
- Benjamin Fernando
- Benjamin Gaubert
- Benjamin I. Cook
- Benjamin J. Hatchett
- Benjamin J. Murray
- Benjamin Poulter
- Bennett A. Maruca
- Benoît Tauzin
- Bernard J. Vasquez
- Bicheng Chen
- Billy E. Johnson
- Bin Guan
- Bin Zhao
- Bingqing Liu
- Binzheng Zhang
- Boris Faybishenko
- Brad S. Singer
- Bradford J. Foley
- Bradley J. Carr
- Bradley W. Goodfellow
- Brady Flinchum
- Brandon Burkholder
- Branko Kosović
- Brendan Byrne
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brent D. Newman
- Brian A. Ebel
- Brian J. Enquist
- Brian M. Walsh
- Brian McDonald
- Brigitte Knapmeyer‐Endrun
- Bruno L. De Faria
- Bryce Currey
- C. A. Cattell
- C. A. Raymond
- C. A. Thomas
- C. Eric Humphrey
- C. Ferradas
- C. Forsyth
- C. G. Piecuch
- C. Hain
- C. J. Gleason
- C. J. Pollock
- C. Keegan
- C. M. Dundas
- C. M. Elder
- C. M. F. Rosales
- C. M. Fowler
- C. M. Gough
- C. M. Oaida
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. Mouikis
- C. O. Ao
- C. R. Martinis
- C. R. Neal
- C. S. Paty
- C. S. Riebe
- C. Sotin
- C. T. Russell
- C. W. Fairall
- C. Wang
- C. Wilkins
- Calvin Howes
- Cameron R. Homeyer
- Camille Abadie
- Carlos Azael Alvarez
- Carlos Pérez García‐Pando
- Carolina Lithgow‐Bertelloni
- Caroline Beghein
- Caroline S. Juang
- Carène Larmat
- Casey Youngflesh
- Cassandra Nickles
- Cayman T. Unterborn
- Cecilia Durán
- Cecilia Norgren
- Celso Silva
- Cenlin He
- Cenlin He
- Chad W. Thackeray
- Chae‐Woo Jun
- Chang Huang
- Chang Liao
- Chao Yue
- Charles E. Miller
- Charles J. Farrugia
- Charles Jones
- Charles K. Gatebe
- Charles Kuhn
- Charles O. Stanier
- Charles W. Smith
- Chelle Gentemann
- Chen Ji
- Chen Shi
- Cheng Dang
- Cheng Sheng
- Chih‐Ping Wang
- Chloé Michaut
- Chonggang Xu
- Christa D. Peters‐Lidard
- Christian Che‐Castaldo
- Christian Huber
- Christian Möstl
- Christian Tate
- Christina O. Lee
- Christine Gabrielse
- Christine McCarthy
- Christine Wiedinmyer
- Christine Y. Chen
- Christoph K. Thomas
- Christopher D. Holmes
- Christopher F. Lee
- Christopher R. German
- Christopher W. Tessum
- Christopher Y. S. Wong
- Christos Matsoukas
- Chrystal Moser
- Chuanfei Dong
- Ciaran J. Harman
- Cibele Cássia‐Silva
- Cibele Hummel do Amaral
- Claire L. Ryder
- Clara Deser
- Clare E. J. Watt
- Claudia Acquistapace
- Claudia Cenedese
- Claudia Di Biagio
- Colby Haggerty
- Colin M. Zarzycki
- Colin Price
- Colin Raymond
- Constantinos Charalambous
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- Courtney Schumacher
- Craig Brinkerhoff
- Craig E. Manning
- Cédric H. David
- César B. Rocha
- César Hinojo-Hinojo
- D. A. Williams
- D. B. Schaeffer
- D. C. Nunes
- D. D. Oglesby
- D. E. Wendel
- D. Feldman
- D. Fischer
- D. G. Bellugi
- D. G. Sibeck
- D. J. Gershman
- D. J. Knudsen
- D. J. Lawrence
- D. L. Gallagher
- D. L. Turner
- D. Litwin
- D. M. Gillies
- D. M. Lindholm
- D. Malaspina
- D. N. Baker
- D. N. Wiese
- D. Ruffolo
- D. T. Welling
- Dae‐Young Lee
- Dai Yamazaki
- Dalia Kirschbaum
- Damiano Caprioli
- Daniel B. Graham
- Daniel Billett
- Daniel E. Ibarra
- Daniel Jensen
- Daniel L. Swain
- Daniel T. Trugman
- Daniela Brito Melo
- Daniela Cusack
- Daniele Antonangeli
- Danielle Touma
- Dany Waller
- Dar A. Roberts
- Dariusz B. Baranowski
- Darren Engwirda
- David Bekaert
- David Brain
- David Butman
- David Crisp
- David Flannery
- David Gochis
- David J. P. Moore
- David Lesmes
- David M. Lawrence
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- David Mitchell
- David R. Bowling
- David R. Thompson
- David V. Bekaert
- David W. Pierce
- Debjani Sihi
- Dedong Wang
- Deepti Singh
- Denis‐Didier Rousseau
- Dennis Baldocchi
- Dennis L. Newell
- Dennis P. Lettenmaier
- Derek J. Posselt
- Derek Tseng
- Diana Rojas‐Castillo
- Dirk Plettemeier
- Dmitri Kondrashov
- Dmitri Vainchtein
- Donald F. Argus
- Donald Hampton
- Donald R. Blake
- Dong L. Wu
- Dong Lin
- Dong Wei
- Donglai Ma
- Dongxiao Zhang
- Dongyue Li
- Douglas A. Day
- Doyeon Kim
- Doğacan Öztürk
- Duane E. Waliser
- Dubravko Justić
- Dustin M. Schroeder
- E. A. Cherrington
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- E. Calais
- E. D. Kyzivat
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- E. J. Fielding
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- E. J. L. Larson
- E. MacDonald
- E. Mazarico
- E. N. Jack Brookshire
- E. R. Sánchez
- E. Roussos
- E. S. Shoemaker
- E. Spanswick
- E. Thiemann
- E. V. Panov
- E. W. Grimes
- Ed Rhodes
- Edward Blanchard‐Wrigglesworth
- Edward H. Bair
- Edwin S. Kite
- Elias Massoud
- Elias Odelstad
- Elie Bou‐Zeid
- Elisabeth L. Sikes
- Elizabeth A. Barnes
- Elizabeth B. Wiggins
- Elizabeth H. Altenau
- Elizabeth J. Catlos
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Ellen Alexander
- Ellen Knappe
- Elsa M. Ordway
- Emanuele Di Lorenzo
- Emily M. Gargulinski
- Enrico Camporeale
- Eoin L. Brodie
- Ercha Aa
- Eric A. D’Asaro
- Eric A. Oches
- Eric J. Fetzer
- Eric James
- Erika Palmerio
- Erin Dougherty
- Erin E. McDuffie
- Erin Leonard
- Ernie R. Lewis
- Ethan Tsai
- Etienne Fluet‐Chouinard
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- Evan L. Sneed
- Ezra J. T. Levin
- F. Bagenal
- F. Beyene
- F. Capaccioni
- F. Chevallier
- F. D. Wilder
- F. G. Carrozzo
- F. Joseph Turk
- F. Nimmo
- F. S. Mozer
- F. Toffoletto
- F. Tsuchiya
- F. W. Landerer
- Fabien Wagner
- Fabienne Maignan
- Fangjun Li
- Fei Chen
- Feng Cheng
- Fenix Garcia‐Tigreros
- Ferdinand Plaschke
- Flavio Lehner
- Florian Pappenberger
- Foivos Karakostas
- Forrest M. Hoffman
- Francesco Comola
- Francisco Ochoa
- Frank Flechtner
- François Leblanc
- François Massonnet
- Frida A.‐M. Bender
- G. A. DiBraccio
- G. B. Hospodarsky
- G. Clark
- G. Cunningham
- G. D. Reeves
- G. E. Hilley
- G. Facskó
- G. Filacchione
- G. H. Halverson
- G. J. Frost
- G. Le
- G. Piccioni
- G. S. Diskin
- G. W. Perry
- Gabriel B. Senay
- Gabriel G. Katul
- Gabriele Pfister
- Gang Chen
- Gangkai Poh
- Garrett Finucane
- Gary N. Geller
- Gavin D. Madakumbura
- Georg Wohlfahrt
- George H. Allen
- Gerald G. Mace
- German Vargas G.
- Gert‐Jan Duine
- Ghassan Taha
- Gian Luca Delzanno
- Giovanni Lapenta
- Glynn Hulley
- Gonzalo A. Ferrada
- Gonzalo Miguez‐Macho
- Gourihar Kulkarni
- Grace A. Parker
- Graeme L. Stephens
- Graham Feingold
- Grant B. Deane
- Grant Berland
- Greg Michael
- Gregor Steinbrügge
- Gregory R. Foltz
- Gregory R. Goldsmith
- Gregory S. Okin
- Guangjie Zheng
- Guillaume Lapeyre
- Guoliang Li
- Gustavo H. X. Shiroma
- Gábor Tóth
- Géraldine Zenhäusern
- H. A. Chandanpurkar
- H. Fuqua Haviland
- H. K. Connor
- H. Korth
- H. M. Antia
- H. M. Worden
- H. T. Smith
- H. Takahashi
- H. U. Frey
- H. Y. Wei
- H. Zhang
- H.‐J. Kim
- Hailong Wang
- Hanli Liu
- Hannah Carroll
- Hannah Kerner
- Hans‐Peter Marshall
- Hao Cao
- Hao Tang
- Haochi Che
- Haonan Wu
- Haowen Yue
- Hara Prasad Nayak
- Harihar Rajaram
- Harindra J. S. Fernando
- Harlan E. Spence
- Haruko M. Wainwright
- Hatice Ceylan Koydemir
- Hayley Allison
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- Hervé Giordani
- Hideki Kobayashi
- Hilary R. Martens
- Himanshu Save
- Homayon Aryan
- Hong Zhao
- Hongbin Yu
- Honghu Liu
- Hongyu Guo
- Huajian Yao
- Huancui Hu
- Hugh Coe
- Hui Su
- Huikyo Lee
- Huilin Gao
- Huilin Huang
- I. B. Glenn
- I. J. Cohen
- I. J. Daubar
- I. J. Rae
- I. Jun
- I. R. Mann
- I. Shinohara
- I. Y. Vasko
- Ian Baker
- Ian Fenty
- Ignacio Ugarte-Urra
- Ines Fenni
- Inke Forbrich
- Isla R. Simpson
- Ismaïla Diallo
- Isobel J. Simpson
- J Bernard Blake
- J ZhangZhou
- J. A. Slavin
- J. B. Baker
- J. Berchem
- J. C. E. Irving
- J. C. Green
- J. C. Kasper
- J. D. Crounse
- J. D. Menietti
- J. D. Vandegriff
- J. David Neelin
- J. E. Kay
- J. E. P. Connerney
- J. E. Stawarz
- J. Egedal
- J. F. Cooper
- J. F. Drake
- J. F. Ripoll
- J. G. Luhmann
- J. G. Lyon
- J. G. Sample
- J. Gruesbeck
- J. H. Crawford
- J. H. Hecht
- J. H. Westlake
- J. J. McGuire
- J. K. Saunders
- J. L. Burch
- J. L. Hayes
- J. L. Hora
- J. L. Roeder
- J. L. Semeter
- J. L. Verniero
- J. Liang
- J. M. Albert
- J. M. Aurnou
- J. M. Broll
- J. M. Ruohoniemi
- J. M. Sokół
- J. M. Weygand
- J. Masiero
- J. Mukherjee
- J. P. DiGangi
- J. P. Eastwood
- J. P. Schwarz
- J. P. Williams
- J. Patrick Megonigal
- J. R. Shuster
- J. R. Wygant
- J. Raeder
- J. S. Halekas
- J. Schaperow
- J. Scott Evans
- J. Stutz
- J. T. Hoeksema
- J. T. Reager
- J. Taylor Perron
- J. Tibbetts
- J. W. Bonnell
- J. W. Gjerloev
- J. W. Manweiler
- J. Webster
- J. de León
- J.‐H. Shue
- Jacob Bortnik
- Jake J. Gristey
- Jake Lee
- James Andrew Leong
- James Campbell
- James M. Done
- James R. Holmquist
- Jared Espley
- Jasmine Sandhu
- Jason E. Smerdon
- Jason M. Soderblom
- Jason P. Briner
- Jasper F. Kok
- Jean Lynch‐Stieglitz
- Jean Pierre Ometto
- Jean–Paul Montagner
- Jeff Dozier
- Jeffrey R. Pierce
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- Jennie L. Thomas
- Jennifer Carter
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- Jennifer S. Lund
- Jennifer S. Powers
- Jens Redemann
- Jeremiah Johnson
- Jerry Goldstein
- Jessica V. Fayne
- Jessica Wan
- Jesús N. Pinto‐Ledezma
- Jezabel Curbelo
- Jiaming Wen
- Jian Lu
- Jian Yang
- Jiang Liu
- Jianhao Zhang
- Jianyu Zheng
- Jiaqi Li
- Jida Wang
- Jie Deng
- Jie Li
- Jihoon Jung
- Jim Thomson
- Jingfeng Xiao
- Jingyu Wang
- Jinlun Zhang
- Jinxing Li
- Jin‐Song von Storch
- Jiwei Tian
- Jiwen Fan
- Joachim Saur
- Joanna Joiner
- Joel A. Thornton
- Johannes Karstensen
- John B. Nowak
- John E. Shilling
- John J. Battles
- John P. Krasting
- John Patterson
- John T. Abatzoglou
- John T. Fasullo
- John Volk
- Johnathan Hair
- Jonas Sousasantos
- Jonathan C. Ryan
- Jonathan Cheng
- Jonathan H. Jiang
- Jonathan L. Mitchell
- Jonathan Ng
- Jong‐Hoon Jeong
- Jordan L. Schnell
- Jordan M. Bretzfelder
- Jorge Núñez
- Jory Lerback
- Joseph B. Olson
- Joseph E. Borovsky
- Joseph Hughes
- Joseph L. Wilkins
- Joseph M. Katich
- Joshua B. Fisher
- José M.G. Merayo
- Juan M. Lora
- Julia C. Yang
- Julia Chacón‐Labella
- Julia Szinai
- Juliane Dannberg
- Julie C. Fosdick
- Julien Emile‐Geay
- Jun Meng
- Jun Wang
- June T. Spector
- Junjie Liu
- Junlin Hua
- Junying Yang
- Justin Deighan
- Justin H. Lee
- Justin I. Simon
- Justin N. Maki
- Justin Pflug
- Justin S. Mankin
- Justin T. Higa
- Justin Wilgus
- K. A. McWilliams
- K. H. Mahan
- K. J. Genestreti
- K. J. McFarlane
- K. J. Trattner
- K. K. Khurana
- K. Keika
- K. L. Siebach
- K. M. Soderlund
- K. Mandt
- K. N. Musselman
- K. Nykyri
- K. Ogasawara
- K. R. Frizzell
- K. R. Murphy
- K. Reath
- K. Seki
- K. W. Bowman
- K. Zhang
- K.‐M. Aye
- Kamil D. Sklodowski
- Kamini Singha
- Kareem Sorathia
- Karen A. McKinnon
- Karen J. Heywood
- Karina Jimenez
- Karine Issautier
- Karl‐Heinz Glaßmeier
- Karthik Venkataramani
- Kasra Shamsaei
- Katherine Garcia‐Sage
- Katherine L Hudson
- Katherine M. Scharer
- Katherine R. Travis
- Kathleen L. Craft
- Katia Lamer
- Katja Großmann
- Kazue Takahashi
- Kazushi Asamura
- Keir Soderberg
- Keith Julien
- Kelley C. Barsanti
- Kelly Devlin
- Ken L. Ferrier
- Kenneth Hurst
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kenneth R. Bromund
- Kerri A. Pratt
- Kerry Cawse‐Nicholson
- Kevin A. Reed
- Kevin D. Kroeger
- Kevin Pham
- Khaled Ghannam
- Kierstin Daviau
- Kimberley Miner
- Kimberly A. Prather
- Kimberly P. Wickland
- King Fai Li
- Kirk Ullmann
- Kirsten L. Findell
- Krishna M. Jain
- Krishnaprasad Chirakkil
- Krista A. Dunne
- Kristen L. Rasmussen
- Kristi Chadwick
- Kristian D. Hajny
- Kristina J. Anderson‐Teixeira
- Kurt C. Solander
- Kwo‐Sen Kuo
- Kyla Drushka
- Kyoko Ikeda
- Kyoung‐Joo Hwang
- L. Andersson
- L. C. Smith
- L. Capannolo
- L. Del Zanna
- L. G. Ozeke
- L. Gan
- L. Golub
- L. H. Pitcher
- L. J. Paxton
- L. K. Emmons
- L. K. Jian
- L. Kepko
- L. L. Hood
- L. M. Carter
- L. M. Kilcommons
- L. M. Kistler
- L. Ofman
- L. Olifer
- L. R. Lyons
- L. Ruby Leung
- L. Rusaitis
- L. S. Sklar
- L. T. Berner
- L. Vlahos
- L. W. Blum
- Lara M. Kueppers
- Lars Stixrude
- Laura H. Thapa
- Laura Schaefer
- Laurie S. Huning
- Lawrence C. Hamilton
- Leah D. Grant
- Leandro Maracahipes
- Lee B. Corbett
- Lei Cai
- Lei Huang
- Leila M. V. Carvalho
- Leilani Dulguerov
- Leo J. Donner
- Liang Xu
- Lingsen Meng
- Lionel Renault
- Lior Rubanenko
- Lisa Upton
- Lisamarie Windham‐Myers
- Liuwei Xu
- Li‐Jen Chen
- Lola Fatoyinbo
- Loren D. White
- Lorenzo M. Polvani
- Louis-Alexandre Couston
- Lu Pan
- Luciana F. Alves
- Luciana Fenoglio-Marc
- Lucile Turc
- Lucy J. Carpenter
- Luis Preisser
- Lulin Xue
- Lunjin Chen
- Luphi Gao
- Léo Martire
- M. A. Fenn
- M. A. G. Demetillo
- M. A. Mischna
- M. A. Shay
- M. B. Cohen
- M. B. Moldwin
- M. Bzowski
- M. Béla
- M. C. Barth
- M. C. De Sanctis
- M. C. Malin
- M. C. Nolan
- M. Ciarniello
- M. D. Lebsock
- M. D. Looper
- M. Drilleau
- M. E. Banks
- M. E. Frediani
- M. E. Gonneea
- M. E. Litvak
- M. E. Oskin
- M. El‐Alaoui
- M. F. Bashir
- M. Fischella
- M. Flanner
- M. Formisano
- M. Fromm
- M. G. Cooper
- M. G. Henderson
- M. G. Kivelson
- M. Golombek
- M. Gołkowski
- M. Grott
- M. Hartinger
- M. Harvey
- M. Hasan Barbhuiya
- M. Hesse
- M. J. Engebretson
- M. J. Wiltberger
- M. Kitahara
- M. L. Goldstein
- M. L. Santee
- M. Lessard
- M. M. Oppenheim
- M. Moncuquet
- M. Nachon
- M. O. Fillingim
- M. Opher
- M. P. Panning
- M. Piquette
- M. Pulupa
- M. R. Argall
- M. R. Combi
- M. R. Hairston
- M. Ralph
- M. Samara
- M. Shumko
- M. Snow
- M. Swisdak
- M. Syndonia Bret‐Harte
- M. T. Zuber
- M. Tzortziou
- M. Volwerk
- M. Øieroset
- Mackenzie Day
- Madeleine Pascolini‐Campbell
- Malcolm Dunlop
- Mallory L. Barnes
- Man Hua
- Manasvi Lingam
- Manuela Irene Brunner
- Marc L. DeRosa
- Marc Simard
- Marcelo Chamecki
- Marcos Longo
- Margaret Smith
- Margaret W. Chen
- Maria Elena Innocenti
- Maria J. Santos
- Maria Usanova
- Maria del Rosario Uribe
- Maria-Theresia Walach
- Marika M. Holland
- Marissa M. Tremblay
- Mark D. Bartlett
- Mark D. Risser
- Mark Smalley
- Marshall J. Styczinski
- Martha C. Anderson
- Martha M. Farella
- Martin Archer
- Martin Connors
- Martin Knapmeyer
- Martin Rubin
- Martin van Driel
- Martina Klose
- Mary Whelan
- Mary-Grace Bato
- Marysa M. Laguë
- Mathieu Dumberry
- Mathieu Morlighem
- Mats André
- Mats Holmström
- Matthew Bonnema
- Matthew Bromley
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- Matthew Levy
- Matthew M. Coggon
- Matthew McKinney
- Matthew Newman
- Matthew Rodell
- Matthew Route
- Matthew S. Spydell
- Matthieu Plasman
- Matías Romero
- Max Collinet
- Maximilian Dollner
- Maxwell B. Joseph
- Mayumi C. M. Hirye
- Meeta Cesler‐Maloney
- Megan E. Cattau
- Meinrat O. Andreae
- Melissa Bukovsky
- Meng Ling
- Mengxi Wu
- Men‐Andrin Meier
- Meredith Townsend
- Merritt E. Harlan
- Mian Chin
- Michael A. Antonelli
- Michael Chaffin
- Michael Diamond
- Michael Durand
- Michael Ghil
- Michael Goss
- Michael J. DeFlorio
- Michael J. Koontz
- Michael J. Malaska
- Michael L. Stevens
- Michael Lehning
- Michael M. Tice
- Michael Murböck
- Michael Person
- Michael S. Dinniman
- Michael Steele
- Michel Tsamados
- Mickaël D. Chekroun
- Mikael Witte
- Mimi Hughes
- Min Chen
- Min Huang
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- Ming Zhao
- Mingxuan Wu
- Minna Palmroth
- Mitchell Bushuk
- Moa Persson
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- Mostafa Javadian
- Mukund Palat Rao
- Murat Aydın
- Murong Qin
- N. A. Schwadron
- N. Ahmadi
- N. C. Schmerr
- N. E. Petro
- N. E. Raouafi
- N. J. Livesey
- N. K. Walia
- N. Krupp
- N. M. Mahowald
- N. M. Viall
- N. Mangold
- N. P. Molotch
- N. R. Schnepf
- N. Sergis
- N. Stein
- Naoki Terada
- Naomi Goldenson
- Naomi Maruyama
- Naritoshi Kitamura
- Natalia Restrepo‐Coupe
- Natalia Wójcicka
- Nathan D. Brown
- Nathan Dadap
- Nathan Miles
- Neal J. Turner
- Neha Pathak
- Neil P. Lareau
- Ni Dai
- Nicholas C. Parazoo
- Nicholas M. Schneider
- Nicholas Siler
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- Nienke Brinkman
- Nigel P. Meredith
- Nikita Aseev
- Niklas J. T. Edberg
- Nikolaj Dahmen
- Nikos Sioulas
- Niloufar Abolfathian
- Nima Madani
- Nithin Sivadas
- Noah S. Diffenbaugh
- Norberto Romanelli
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- O. Le Contel
- Ofer Cohen
- Oleksiy Agapitov
- Olga Alexandrova
- Olga Muñoz
- Omar Leon
- Osvaldo E. Sala
- P. A. Bernhardt
- P. A. Cassak
- P. A. Ullrich
- P. B. Shepson
- P. Corlies
- P. H. Reiff
- P. J.
- P. J. Erickson
- P. Kollmann
- P. L. Pritchett
- P. Lognonné
- P. O. Hayne
- P. O. Wennberg
- P. Prikryl
- P. R. Moorcroft
- P.J. van Oevelen
- Pablo Lara
- Pablo Reyes
- Paquita Zuidema
- Paul A. Levine
- Paul Bates
- Paul C. Loikith
- Paul Ginoux
- Paul Tregoning
- Paul Withers
- Pauli Kehayias
- Paulo M. Brando
- Pavlos Kollias
- Pedro Campuzano‐Jost
- Pedro Rodrigues Mutti
- Peter J. Haproff
- Peter K. G. Williams
- Peter Landschützer
- Petra Šímová
- Phil Rund
- Philip G. Brodrick
- Philipp Köhler
- Philippe Lognonné
- Pierre Gentine
- Pierre Henri
- Piyush Bhardwaj
- Piyush M. Mehta
- Piyushkumar N. Patel
- Prayash Sharma Pyakurel
- Primož Kajdič
- Q. Ma
- Q. Nénon
- Q. Zong
- Qi Tang
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- Qingyu Zhu
- Qiqi Cao
- Quancheng Huang
- Quentin Blétery
- R. A. Ferrare
- R. A. Frahm
- R. A. Heelis
- R. A. Qudsi
- R. A. Wolf
- R. B. Torbert
- R. Bandyopadhyay
- R. C. Allen
- R. C. Cohen
- R. Chhiber
- R. Damoah
- R. D’Amicis
- R. E. Arvidson
- R. E. Denton
- R. E. Grimm
- R. H. Varney
- R. Ilie
- R. J. Redmon
- R. J. Strangeway
- R. Järvinen
- R. K. Ulrich
- R. L. Lysak
- R. L. McNutt
- R. L. McPherron
- R. L. Storer
- R. Lopes-Gautier
- R. M. Candey
- R. M. E. Williams
- R. Michell
- R. Nakamura
- R. Noschese
- R. P. Barnes
- R. P. Callahan
- R. P. Sawyer
- R. Palermo
- R. R. Forster
- R. R. Ghent
- R. W. Ebert
- Rachel Woods‐Robinson
- Rajesh Kumar
- Ralph A. Kahn
- Ralph D. Lorenz
- Ramon Padullés
- Ramón López
- Raphael M. Kudela
- Raphaël Garcia
- Rashmi Shah
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- Rebecca A. Sugrue
- Rebecca D. Adams-Selin
- Rebecca R. Buchholz
- Renato K. Braghiere
- Renato Prata de Moraes Frasson
- Ricardo Dalagnol
- Richard B. Horne
- Richard H. Chen
- Richard H. Moore
- Richard I. Cullather
- Richard K. Ulrich
- Richard P. Phillips
- Richard Seager
- Richard Wehr
- Riley Troyer
- Robert D. Hetland
- Robert E Ergun
- Robert G. Striegl
- Robert Green
- Robert J. Lillis
- Robert W. Clayton
- Robert W. Dudley
- Robert Wood
- Robert Zinke
- Robin Ramstad
- Rodrigo Rodakoviski
- Roger C. Wiens
- Romain Jolivet
- Romina Nikoukar
- Ron Miller
- Rong Fu
- Ross Maguire
- Ru Chen
- Rubén Delgado
- Rudolf Widmer‐Schnidrig
- Rui Cheng
- Rui Pinto
- Russell Doughty
- Russell L. Scott
- Ryan Felton
- Ryan McGranaghan
- Ryan Webb
- Ryoya Sakata
- Rémi Laxenaire
- S. A. Boardsen
- S. A. Fuselier
- S. A. Glauert
- S. A. Margulis
- S. A. Montzka
- S. A. Thaller
- S. B. Mende
- S. C. Herndon
- S. C. Tripathy
- S. Curry
- S. D. Bale
- S. Dorfman
- S. England
- S. Erard
- S. Eriksson
- S. F. Sholes
- S. Fonte
- S. Fueglistaler
- S. G. Claudepierre
- S. J. Schwartz
- S. K. Vines
- S. Martínez‐Alonso
- S. Nagihara
- S. Ohtani
- S. P. Burton
- S. P. Coss
- S. P. Joy
- S. R. Kaeppler
- S. R. Kamaletdinov
- S. Raizada
- S. Ruhunusiri
- S. S. Wei
- S. Schmidt
- S. Tharimena
- S. Tian
- S. Uhlemann
- S. Vance
- S. Vincena
- S. W. Bougher
- S. W. Cooley
- S. Wang
- S. Y. Huang
- Sabrina Ménina
- Sae Aizawa
- Saeed Mohanna
- Safat Sikder
- Saiprasanth Bhalachandran
- Sally E. Pusede
- Samantha Stevenson
- Samuel Birch
- Samuel D. Walton
- Samuel Lihn
- Samuel R. Hall
- San Lu
- Sandeep Kumar
- Sandra M. Durán
- Sang-Moo Lee
- Sara C. Pryor
- Sarah G. Purkey
- Sarfaraz Alam
- Satoko Nakamura
- Satoshi Kasahara
- Satoshi Kurita
- Scott C. Sheridan
- Scott D. King
- Scott J. Goetz
- Scott M. McLennan
- Sean Crowell
- Sean Swenson
- Sean W. Freeman
- Sebastian Wolf
- Sebastijan Mrak
- Sebastián Carrasco
- Seth A. Jacobson
- Seth A. Spawn‐Lee
- Seth Zippel
- Seulgi Moon
- Shadia Rifai Habbal
- Shane Coyle
- Shannan Y. Jones
- Shanshan Bao
- Shaocheng Xie
- Shaosui Xu
- Shaun A. Marcott
- Shawn P. Serbin
- Shea Hess Webber
- Shea N. Thorne
- Sheng Huang
- Shih-Yu Wang
- Shixuan Zhang
- Shoji Motomizu
- Shotaro Sakai
- Shoya Matsuda
- Shreekrishna Tripathi
- Shun‐Rong Zhang
- Si-Cheol Noh
- Sidharth Misra
- Sierra Ferguson
- Sigurd Eide
- Simon C. Stähler
- Simon H. Lee
- Simon Wing
- Simon Yueh
- Simona Bordoni
- Simone De Angelis
- Simone Di Matteo
- Simone Tilmes
- Simran Sangha
- Siyu Zhao
- Siyuan Wang
- Sneha Yadav
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- Sonal Jain
- Sonia M. Kreidenweis
- Sourav Saha
- Sourish Basu
- Srinivas Bettadpur
- Stacy Larochelle
- Stanley P. Sander
- Steffen Mauceri
- Stephen P. Good
- Stephen Po‐Chedley
- Steve Cropper
- Stéphane Le Mouélic
- Sudip Chakraborty
- Suleiman Baraka
- Sunny Wing-Yee Tam
- Suqin Q. Duan
- Susan C. van den Heever
- Susan Hill
- Susan S. Hubbard
- Susarla Raghuram
- Sushant S. Mahajan
- Séverine Fournier
- T. Chust
- T. D. Phan
- T. Dudok de Wit
- T. E. Cravens
- T. E. Moore
- T. E. Sarris
- T. Elsden
- T. Guillot
- T. H. Painter
- T. Horváth
- T. Leonard
- T. Moretto
- T. Motoba
- T. Pavelsky
- T. R. Watters
- Taiyi Xu
- Tak Chu Li
- Takanobu Amano
- Takanobu Yamaguchi
- Takuya Hara
- Tara I. Yacovitch
- Taylor Shingler
- Theodore Langhorst
- Thomas Clune
- Tian Zhou
- Tianhao Zhang
- Tianjia Liu
- Tien Vo
- Tieyan Wang
- Tilman Spohn
- Timbo Stillinger
- Timo Vesala
- Timothy W. Juliano
- Timu W. Gallien
- Titus M. Casademont
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