University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Physics and Astronomy
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Colliding Cascades and Boolean Delay Equations for Earthquake Prediction
- Ensemble of Premonitory Seismicity Patterns
- Field-Aligned-Current Signatures of Externally Driven Reconnection and Reconnection Induced by Anomalous Resistivity
- Kinetic Simulation of Nonlinear Alfven Waves of Small Transverse Scale
- Melt-Induced Small-Scale Convection: 3-D Numerical Modelling Applied to the Western U.S.
- Polar Cap Dynamics During a Substorm
- Stimulated Emissions and Radar Scatter from Pulsed RF-Ionosphere Interactions at HAARP
- The Effect of Solar Wind Structures on Earth's Magnetosphere
- The Flow of Foam
- Tidal Dissipation and Stability of the Laplace Resonance in the Galilean Satellites
- 3-D Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection in the Presence of a Guide Field
- A new mechanism to break the frozen-in condition in an EMHD plasma
- EMHD Plasma Dynamics in a Reconnection Experiment
- Electron Heating During Magnetic Field Annihilation in an Electron MHD Plasma
- Excitation of VLF hiss by a laser-produced plasma-- a laboratory investigation
- Kinetic Simulation of Alfvén Waves with Small Transverse Scale
- Microinstabilities in an EMHD reconnection experiment
- Modeling the Inner Magnetosphere and its Effects on the Global Current System
- Propagation of Cyclotron Maser Emissions in the Finite AKR Source Cavity
- Properties of the Drift Kink Instabilities and Their Effect on the Tearing Mode
- Tail Vortex Flows During Substorms
- The Effects of Solar Wind Structure on Magnetosphere Parameters
- Braking of Reconnection-Generated Plasma Flows
- Complexity Induced Anisotropic Bimodal Intermittent Turbulence in Space Plasmas
- Dispersive Alfvén Waves: Lab Verification of Theory for Inertial, Kinetic, and In-between
- Generation of Alfven waves by upper hybrid waves
- Implications of Multipoint Solar Wind Observations for MHD Predictions of Magnetospheric Dynamics
- Ion and Electron Dissipation in Collisionless Slow-Mode Shocks
- Ion-ion kink instability in the magnetotail: Linear Theory, Simulations and Comparison with Observations
- Kinetic Simulation of Nonlinear Interactions Mediated by Alfven Waves
- Observation of the lower-hybrid drift instability in a laboratory current sheet
- Stability and Structure of Superthin" Sheets: 2D and 3D Full Particle Simulations
- Whistler-mode phenomena in electron MHD plasmas
- Electron Physics in Slow-Mode Shocks
- Experiments on skin depth thick current sheets with Alfvénic Scintillations
- Externally Driven Magnetic Reconnection in the Presence of a Normal Magnetic Field
- Generation of Electrostatic Cyclotron Harmonic (ECH) Waves due to Loss Cone Distribution Functions
- Instabilities Driven by Ion Shell Distributions in the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer
- Magnetospheric Convection During an Extended Interval with Southward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Multiscale plasma structuring near the boundary of open-closed field lines
- Nonlinear Pulses of Small-scale Alfven Waves
- Solar Radius Measurements at Mount Wilson
- The High-Beta Interchange Mode in Magnetotaillike Configurations
- The Solar Photograph Archive of the Mount Wilson Observatory - A Resource for a Century of Digital Data
- A Kinetic Ballooning/Interchange Instability in the Magnetotail
- Consequences of Ion Shell Instabilities in the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer
- Dissipation of Magnetic Energy Into Electron Heating and Ion Acceleration Near Magnetic Loop Antennas
- High frequency waves in a current sheet
- Laboratory Investigations of Current Sheets at the Electron Skin Depth Scale
- Magnetic Field Topology of a Tilted Current Ring in a Uniform Magnetoplasma
- Non-driven Reconnection as a function of guide field strength
- Nonlinear Beat-Wave Interaction Between Shear Alfven Waves in a Laboratory Plasma
- Properties of Whistler Waves With Magnetic Fields Exceeding the Ambient Field
- Relaxation and merging flux ropes and 3D effects in the Reconnection Scaling Experiment at LANL
- The Role of Magnetic Reconnection in Producing Energetic Electrons
- Why Weibull?
- A Model of Long Term Variability of Solar UV and EUV Irradiance
- Closure of Field-Aligned Currents in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet
- Electron Heating and Light Emission During Magnetic Field Line Annihilation
- Generation of Chorus Wave Emissions in the Source Region
- Gyrokinetic Simulations of Solar Wind Turbulence
- Highly Nonlinear Whistler Modes and EMHD Reconnection
- Whistler Instabilities Excited by Electron Energization During Field Line Annihilation
- A laboratory search for plasma erosion by Alfven waves
- Are Electron Distributions Associated with Reconnection Electrostatically Unstable and do they lead to Electron Holes?
- Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection in an Asymmetric Current Sheet: Implications for Magnetopause Reconnection
- Electron energization by field line annihilation in whistler spheromaks
- Laboratory and Field Experiments on Expulsion of Selected Ions along Divergent Polar Geomagnetic Fields
- Laboratory experiments on whistler instabilities and triggered emissions
- Observation of Gendrin modes in a laboratory plasma
- On the Physics of the Interaction of a Rotating Magnetic Field with a Magnetized Plasma
- Plasma Sheet Response to the Ionosphere's Demand for Field-Aligned Current
- Turbulence and Plasma Heating in the Solar Wind
- Characteristic Features of Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection: Particle-in-Cell Simulations
- Comparisons of Simulations With Space Observations of Asymmetric Magnetic Field Reconnection on Ion and Electron Spatial Scales
- Generation of Chorus Waves and Their Effects on Electrons
- Generation of Polarized Shear Alfvén Waves by a Rotating Magnetic Field Source
- Generation of Whistler Wave by a Rotating Magnetic Field Source
- Ionospheric electron density variations observed by FORMOSAT3/COSMIC during AKR experiments and the Sichuan earthquake.
- Magnetic Energy Conversion From Whistlers to Electrons
- Modeling Alfven and Whistler Waves Generation by Rotating Magnetic Field Source
- Modeling Substorm Ion Injection in the Near-Earth Magnetotail
- Modeling Tsi Variations Using Automated Pattern Recognition Software On Mount Wilson Data
- Record-Breaking Earthquakes
- Record-Breaking in Geophysics
- Relativistic Electron Acceleration Associated with Magnetic Reconnection
- The Solar Rotation Rate Profile from 1915 to 1985
- Thin current sheet in the substorm late growth phase: THEMIS observations
- Dissipation Region Structure in Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection
- Experiments on the scattering of fast electrons by Alfven waves
- Generation of Whistler Chorus Emissions and Resulting Wave-Particle Interactions
- Interchange Contributions to Plasma Sheet Turbulence: The Necessity for a Kinetic Treatment
- Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves at Saturn's Magnetopause
- Modeling Alfven Waves Generation by a Rotating Magnetic Field Source
- Pitch Angle Scattering of Energetic Particles by Waves Generated from a Rotating Magnetic Field Source
- Propagation of shear Alfven waves in plasmas with two ion-species
- A laboratory study of arched magnetic flux rope eruptions*
- Alfven Wave Generation by a Rotating Magnetic Field Source: Theory, Modeling and Experimental Results
- Interchange Modes in the Magnetotail and Their Role in Generating N-S Auroral Streamers and Plasma Sheet Disruption (Invited)
- Ion-ion Hybrid Alfven Wave Resonator
- Non-Linear Processes Associated with the Generation of Whistler Waves and their Effects on Electrons
- Photospheric synoptic magnetograms, potential-field models and observed global coronal structure
- Pitch Angle Scattering of Electrons by Alfven Waves Generated with Rotating Magnetic Field Source
- Scattering of magnetic mirror trapped electrons by an Alfven wave
- Statistics of Record-Breaking Events in the Self-Organized Critical Systems
- The Impact of Different Global Photospheric Magnetic Field Maps on Coronal Models
- Three-Dimensional Magnetic Field Line Reconnection involving Magnetic Flux Ropes (Invited)
- Application of the AutoClass Automatic Bayesian Classification System to HMI Solar Images
- Comparison of Magnetic Reconnection and Interchange as Mechanisms for Generating Dipolarization Fronts in the Plasma Sheet
- Electron Acceleration Associated with Earthward Propagating Dipolarization Fronts
- Generation of a flare loop structure and ejection of magnetic flux from an erupting laboratory arched magnetic flux rope
- High Frequency Instabilities in Sheaths
- Initial results from the LAPD wave-particle experiment and simulation
- Intense Localized Perpendicular Electric Fields and Modulation of the Reconnection Rate Associated with 3D Dayside Magnetopause Reconnection
- Laboratory Experiments on the Interaction of Waves and Energetic Particles relevant to the earth's radiation belts.
- Scattering of Magnetic Mirror-Trapped Fast Electrons by a Shear Alfvén Wave
- Solar surface circulation velocities and magnetic fields from cycle 22 to early cycle 24
- Study of quasi separatrix layer formation in the interaction of three magnetic flux ropes
- Whistler Propagation in Nonuniform Magnetic Fields
- Auroral Precipitation during Earthward Propagating Dipolarization Events
- Comparison Of Solar Surface Features In HMI Images And Mount Wilson Images Found By The Automatic Bayesian Classification System AutoClass
- Current sheet disruptions caused by explosive diamagnetic cavities
- Excitation of fast waves and global oscillations in a post-eruption laboratory arched magnetic flux rope*
- Formation of Electron Velocity Distribution Functions in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet Seed Region
- Generation of Pi2 Pulsations by Intermittent Earthward Propagating Dipolarization Fronts: An MHD Case Study
- Long-Term Measurements of Sunspot Magnetic Tilt Angles
- MESSENGER X-Ray Spectrometer Detection of Electron-induced X-ray Fluorescence from Mercury's Surface
- North/south hemispheric differences in solar surface magnetic and velocity fields
- Slip Running Reconnection in Magnetic Flux Ropes
- Stimulated Parametric Decay of Large Amplitude Alfvén waves in the Large Plasma Device (LaPD)
- Structure of a reconnection layer poleward of the cusp under extreme density asymmetry
- The Influence of an Extended Mass Distribution on Planetesimal Capture
- The Role of the Kinetic Ballooning/Interchange Instability in Near-Earth Plasma Sheet Dynamics
- The solar surface circulation velocity, Joy's Law and the changing solar surface magnetic field
- De-trapping Magnetic Mirror Confined Fast Electrons by Shear Alfvén Waves
- Electron Energization and Transport in the Magnetotail during Substorms
- Evolution of Plasma Sheet Fast Flows: Observations and a Global MHD Simulation
- First direct detection of resonant energetic electron scattering by whistler-mode waves in a laboratory plasma
- Kinetic Simulations of Ion Beam-driven Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Waves at Dipolarization Fronts
- Magnetospheric Dynamics and ion acceleration during CME- and CIR/HSS-driven geomagnetic storms (Invited)
- On the Importance of Kinetic Effects on Electron Acceleration near the Reconnection Region
- PIC Simulations of Hypersonic Plasma Instabilities
- Pi2 Pulsations: Generation and Propagation Based on Global MHD Simulations
- Pressure coupling at Mercury's core-mantle boundary ensures determination of interior structure
- Prospects for studying temperature-anisotropy-driven instabilities in a high-beta laboratory plasma
- Restarting NEOWISE
- Scaled Laboratory Collisionless Shock Experiments in the Large Plasma Device
- Structure of a Reconnection Layer Poleward of the Cusp Under Extreme Density Asymmetry
- The Ballooning/Interchange Instability as a Source of Dipolarization Fronts and Auroral Streamers
- The Effects of Non-adiabatic Processes on Near-Earth Plasma Sheet Electrons for Different Substorm-Related Magnetotail Conditions
- The Onset of Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection in the Presence of a Finite Normal Magnetic Field Component
- The Quasi-Annual Forcing of The Sun's Eruptive, Radiative, and Particulate Output
- What Happened to the High-Energy (> 100 keV) Particles at Mercury?
- A Comparison of Ion and Electron Energization and Transport Mechanisms in the Magnetotail During Substorms
- Investigating Particle Acceleration in the Magnetotail by Combining Large Scale Kinetic and Particle in Cell Simulations
- Propagation of Pi2 Pulsations through the Braking Region: Results from UCLA and Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry Global MHD Simulations
- The Evolution of the Inner Magnetosphere during CME- and CIR-Driven Geomagnetic Storms
- Understanding Turbulence in the Plasma Sheet and Its Role in Transport
- Bayesian Analysis of Hmi Images and Comparison to Tsi Variations and MWO Image Observables
- Electron Acceleration in the Magnetotail during Substorms in Semi-Global PIC Simulations
- Examining Turbulence in the Plasma Sheet and its Role in Transport
- Impact of Heavy Ions on Reconnection Rate and Dipolarization Fronts during Magnetotail Reconnection
- MMS Observations of Dipolarization Fronts
- Mapping PI2 Pulsations from the Ground to the Plasma Sheet: Results from UCLA and Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry Global MHD Simulations
- Multiscale Nature of the Dissipation Range in Gyrokinetic Simulations of Alfvénic Turbulence
- Reconsideration of pressure anisotropy thresholds in the solar wind assuming bi-kappa distributions
- Three Dimensional Structure of the Electron and Ion Scales of Reconnection
- Three-dimensional Transient Magnetic Reconnection and Dipolarization Fronts in the Terrestrial Magnetotail
- Cluster and THEMIS observations of the magnetosphere dayside boundaries in preparation for the SMILE mission
- Coalescence of Macroscopic Flux Ropes at the Subsolar Magnetopause: MMS Observations
- Dayside and Cusp Plasma Dynamics at Mercury's Magnetosphere
- Electron Acceleration at the Dayside Magnetopause
- Electron Stimulated Desorption Yields at the Mercury's Surface Based On Hybrid Simulation Results
- Global fully kinetic models of planetary magnetospheres with iPic3D
- Interactions of energetic electron bursts and whistler-mode chorus wave emissions: Survey of event characteristics
- On the Three Dimensional Structure of the Electron Diffusion Region in the Magnetotail
- Oxygen Ions in Magnetotail Reconnection
- Sodium Ion Production, Acceleration and Transport in Mercury's Magnetosphere
- Structure and Dynamics of the Magnetopause: Comparison between the results of multiscale simulations and MMS observations
- Turbulence in the Plasma Sheet and its Role in Transport in a Coupled Fluid-Kinetic Simulation
- Wave-Particle Interactions involving Whistler/Chorus Waves in the Earth's Radiation Belt
- A Case Study of Magnetotail Conditions at Substorm and Pseudosubstorm Onsets
- A Global Perspective of Substorm Onset
- A Statistical Examination of the Effect of EMIC Waves on Relativistic Electron Pitch-Angle Distributions
- A statistical study of near-Earth magnetotail evolution during substorms and pseudosubstorms with THEMIS data
- Comparison between Magnetopause and Magnetotail Reconnection Processes
- Dayside auroral pulsations and their association with outer magnetospheric dynamics
- Do Ions Injected with the Dipolarizing Flux Bundles Provide the Free Energy for Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere?
- Driving of Dramatic Geomagnetic Activity by Enhancement of Meso-Scale Polar-cap Flows
- Dynamics of Magnetopause Reconnection in Response to Variable Solar Wind Conditions
- EMIC wave events during the four QARBM challenge intervals
- Effects of the Solar Wind Pressure on Mercury's Exosphere: Hybrid Simulations
- Electron Heating and Acceleration in a Reconnecting Magnetotail
- Evolution of Flow channels and Dipolarization Using THEMIS Observations and Global MHD Simulations
- Externally-Driven Onset of Localized Magnetic Reconnection in a Magnetotail Configuration
- Fermi Acceleration of Electrons inside Foreshock Transient Cores
- Global Estimate of Flux Content during Substorms, Storms, and SMC Events
- Global Particle-in-Cell Simulations of Mercury's Magnetosphere
- In Situ Observations of a Magnetosheath High-Speed Jet Triggering Magnetopause Reconnection
- Interplanetary shock waves and their effects on the lunar wake
- Interplay between electric fields generated by reconnection and by secondary processes
- Intrinsic Dawn-Dusk Asymmetry of Magnetotail Thin Current Sheet
- Magnetotail fast flow occurrence rate and dawn-dusk asymmetry at XGSM ∼ -60 RE
- Particle Acceleration and Heating Processes at the Dayside Magnetopause
- PerSEUS: Ultra-Low-Power High Performance Computing for Plasma Simulations
- Plasma Injections with Rapid Variations of Electron Pitch Angle Distributions and Correlated Electromagnetic and Electrostatic Wave Emission
- Plasma currents and anisotropy in the tail-dipole transition region
- Predicting the Magnetic Properties of ICMEs: A Pragmatic View
- Relativistic electrons generated locally within transient ion foreshock phenomena
- SWARM-THEMIS ASI observation of flow shears at the poleward boundary of Omega bands
- Spreading speed of magnetopause reconnection X-lines using ground-satellite coordination
- The Dayside Aurora Brightening Associated with Magnetosheath High-Speed Jets and Their Related Magnetospheric Signatures
- The characteristic response of whistler mode waves to interplanetary shocks
- Towards parallel collisionless shocks in the Large Plasma Device
- Understanding of Particle Acceleration by Foreshock Transients
- Understanding the anisotropic ion distributions within magnetotail dipolarizing flux bundles
- VirtualSpace: A vision of a machine-learned virtual space environment
- Wave-Particle Interactions Involving Correlated Electron Bursts and Whistler Chorus in Earth's Radiation Belts
- Arase and Van Allen Probes Observations of Rapid Variations of Energetic Electron Pitch Angle Distributions and Whistler-Mode Chorus Emissions During Substorm Plasma Injections
- Effects of the Solar Wind on Mercury's Exosphere: Hybrid Simulations
- Electron Acceleration Associated with Dayside Magnetopause and Magnetotail Reconnection
- Investigation of waves, instabilities and energy exchanges in magnetotail dipolarization fronts using MMS in situ observations and 3D kinetic simulations
- Magnetosheath high speed jets and magnetopause observations by Cluster and MMS simultaneously
- Mesoscale Magnetotail Structures and Their Coupling to the Ionosphere
- Multiscale simulations of electron acceleration in the magnetotail
- Rising Up, Speaking Out: Increasing Equity & Diversity through Climate Currents, a Public Communications Platform
- Spiky Electric and Magnetic Field Structures and Reconnection in Flux Rope Experiments
- Structures in Electron Distribution Functions During Reconnection in the Magnetotail
- Studying Magnetospheric Collisionless Beam Instabilities and ULF Waves in the Laboratory
- Team-based community outreach: A tool for developing scientific identity and social belonging in trainees and promoting geoscience literacy
- Three-dimensional Evolution and Formation of Multiple Current-filaments in a Laboratory Arched Magnetized Plasma
- Understanding Plasma Acceleration and Transport in Mercury's Magnetosphere using Global Particle in Cell Simulations
- Wave propagation within 3D MHD simulations of the heliosphere
- Wave-Particle Interactions in Earth's Radiation Belts: A Model Study of Correlated Electron Bursts and Whistler Chorus
- Calibration of Mt. Wilson Observatory Magnetic Fields for 1967 to 2013
- Combining Luminescence Dating and High-Resolution Imaging to Analyze an Evolving Microcontinent, Isla Ángel de la Guarda, Gulf of California, México
- Consequences of Charged Particle Precipitation onto High Latitude Permanently Shadowed Ice Water Deposits at Mercury
- Cradle-to-Grave Evolution and Explosiveness of the Magnetic Field from Bipolar Ephemeral Active Regions (BEARs) in Solar Coronal Holes
- Effect of Ionospheric Conductances on the Magnetotail During Substorm
- Effects of the Solar Wind Conditions on Mercury's Exosphere: Hybrid Simulations
- Exoplanetary Oxygen Fugacities Evidenced in Polluted White Dwarf Stars
- Flow Streaming in the Magnetotail
- Flow of Energy in Reconnection Events: a Multi-scale MHD-PIC Approach
- Is Substorm Expansion Onset Always Preceded by an Auroral Streamer?
- Multi-Step Particle Acceleration in Earth's Global Magnetosphere
- Probability-based interpretation of terrestrial cosmogenic radionuclide ages: P-CAAT, a tool for the ages
- The Response of Field Aligned Currents to Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Understanding Multi-Scale Plasma Energization in Mercury's Magnetosphere using Global Kinetic Simulations and MESSENGER Data
- Using Velocity Distribution Functions to Probe the Magnetopause's Boundary Layers
- A Model Study of Electron Cyclotron Harmonic and Whistler Chorus Wave-Wave Interactions in Earth's Radiation Belts compared with Van Allen Probe Observations
- Energy exchanges and particle acceleration in turbulent reconnection outflow
- Investigating How Continental Geometry and Land Surface Properties Control Relative Humidity Over Land
- Laboratory Studies of Laser-Driven, Ion-Scale Magnetospheres
- Magnetosheath high speed jets observed with Cluster and MMS with near-Earth upstream solar wind monitors
- Observing, resolving and predicting the terrestrial carbon cycle and its sensitivity to climate.
- PIC Simulations of the Dayside Magnetopause: Origins and Evolution of the Electron and Ion Populations in its Boundary Layers
- Plasma Acceleration, Transport, and Loss in Inner Planetary Magnetospheres
- PlasmaPy: An open source Python package for plasma science
- Space Weathering of Ice Deposits within Mercury's Permanently Shadowed Craters
- Substorm Particle Injection into the Ring Current: An MHD with Embedded PIC Simulation Approach
- The Structure of Earthward Propagating Dipolarizations Following Reconnection
- Time Dependence of the Solar Rotation Rate
- Variability of Amazon water balance determined by atmospheric isotopic water vapor measurements