University of Iowa, Department of Physics and Astronomy
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Statistical Study of Solitary Waves Using Polar Spacecraft Data
- An Overview of Galileo Plasma Wave Observations During the I31 and I32 Flybys of Io
- An Overview of Results from the Cluster Wideband Plasma Wave Investigation
- Cassini UVIS Observations of Jupiter's Auroral Variability
- Cluster Observations of Ionosphere-Directed Poynting Flux at the High Latitude Plasma Sheet Boundary
- Cluster PEACE Observations of Uni- and Bi-Directional Beams at Mid Altitudes on the Nightside
- Comparison Between Ion Bulk Flows and E x B Drifts in the Topside Ionosphere.
- Conjugate Auroral Substorm Dynamics
- Density measurements above and within a sporadic-E layer using Impedance Probes and Langmuir Probes
- Determination of Joule Heating in the Auroral Ionosphere
- Direct Determination of Auroral Kilomeric Radiation Burst Locations Using Cluster VLBI Delay Observations
- Dynamics of the Near Earth Plasma Sheet During two Substorms
- Efficiency of Energy Transfer from the Solar Wind to the Magnetosphere
- Enhanced Escaping Terrestrial Continuum Radiation and Kilometric Continuum Radiation Observations and Implications
- FAST/Polar Conjunctive Observations in the High-Latitude Auroral Region
- First Results of the Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations Experiment (STAFF) of Cluster
- Low-Latitude Boundary Layer Formation Through Variable Northward and Southward IMF Reconnection
- Multipoint Plasma Density Measurements from Cluster Wave and Particle Instruments
- New Observations of Ganymede's Radio Emissions
- Observations of Intense Electric and Magnetic Fields and Associated Poynting Flux Through-Out the Plasma Sheet During Major Geomagnetic Storms
- Parallell Current in the Plasma Sheet
- Plasma Sheet Dynamics and Auroral Activations
- Polar Observations of Solitary Waves at the Earth's Magnetopause
- Polar Observations of the Temporal/Spatial Evolution of Merging at the Dayside Magnetopause and Comparison to MHD Simulation Results
- Probing the Mysteries of Io's Ionosphere With the Plasma Instrumentation on the Galileo Spacecraft
- Quasi-Periodic Radio Bursts as Observed by Cassini and Galileo
- Radio Emission Attenuation Lanes Observed by the Cassini Spacecraft
- Solitary Potential Structures Observed on the Cluster Spacecraft: Correlated Wave and Particle Measurements
- Source and Characteristice of Kilometric Continuum
- Stormtime Pc5 Hydromagnetic Waves in the Middle Magnetosphere: Modulation of Pc1 Ion Cyclotron Waves and the Role of Medium Energy Ions
- The association of kilometric continuum with plasmaspheric bite-outs: a multi-event study using IMAGE, GEOTAIL and WIND measurements
- The non-expansive auroral disturbance events: a fundamental class
- Three-Dimensional Electric Field Measurements at the Plasma Sheet Boundary as measured by the Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) and the Electric Field and Waves Instrument ( EFW ) on the CLUSTER Spacecraft
- Trapped Electrons at Ganymede Revisited
- Ambipolar Electric Fields Parallel and Perpendicular to the Local Magnetic Field: Magnetopause and Depletion Layers
- Auroral Electron Beams in the Jovian Magnetosphere
- Cluster Observations of Banded fine Structure in AKR Burst Emission
- Collisionless Hall MHD Reconnection Dynamics: Is the Nonlinear Reconnection Rate Independent of the Mechanism that Breaks Field Lines?
- Dynamics of the Plasmapause Location After SSC
- Early Observations of Saturn Kilometric Radiation by Cassini
- Electrodynamics during substorm growth phase.
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves and Enhanced Plasma Regions or Plumes in the Middle Magnetosphere: CRRES Results
- Electron Flux Variability and Diffuse Auroral Precipitation in the Jovian Magnetosphere
- Estimation of Plasma Mass Density Using Toroidal Oscillations Observed by CRRES
- Fine structure of storm-time chorus
- First Results From the Rocket Auroral Correlator Experiment
- Global Observations of O/N<SUB>2</SUB> in Earth's Thermosphere During the April 2002 Sun-Earth Storms
- Hall MHD Ballooning Instability in the Magnetotail: A Possible Mechanism for Substorm Onset
- Investigation of the Initial Stages of Ion Heating in the Topside Ionosphere
- Joint Observations of Low-Frequency Jovian Radio Emissions with the Cassini and Galileo Spacecraft
- Magnetic Moments and Temperatures in the Plasma Sheet
- Magnetospheric Radio Tomography Experiments using IMAGE, WIND, and Cluster
- Magnetotail Behavior Associated With `Sawtooth Injections' During the Magnetic Storm in April 2002
- Measurements of the Mass Density Dependence Along Field Lines Using Toroidal Alfven Frequencies Observed by the CRRES Spacecraft
- Observational search for magnetosheath merging
- Observations of Electron Holes and Their Relationship to Magnetic Reconnection
- Observations of Foreshock Langmuir Waves by the Cluster Wideband Data Plasma Wave Receiver
- On the three auroral electrojet system during substorms.
- Plasma Dynamics Observed Near Local Noon in Jupiter's Magnetosphere With the Galileo Spacecraft
- Properties and Theory of Lower-Hybrid Density Cavities
- Properties of Electric Fields Observed by Polar across Earth's Bow Shock
- Tail Vortex Flows During Substorms
- Testing the Potential Saturation Predictions of the Hill Model Using Observations From the March 31, 2001 Storm
- The Achilles Heel of Normal Determinations via Minimum Variance Techniques: Worldline Dependencies
- The Substorm at 05:45 on October 13, 2001 Observed From the Ground, and the LANL, GOES, Polar, and Cluster Satellites
- The Transverse Dimensions of Whistler-Mode Chorus Emissions in the Source Region
- The temporal evolution of Whistler-mode waves; the relationship between space based observations, ground based observations and energetic electrons.
- Understanding Magnetotail Drivers of Auroral Acceleration Using Polar/FAST Conjunction Data and Simulation Modeling
- Unusual Plasma Conditions during may 23-25, 2002
- Update on Local Time and Radial Dependence of HOM/DAM Radio Emission Observed by the Galileo Plasma Wave Instrument
- Wind Observations Pertaining to Current Disruption and Ballooning Instability during Substorms
- A Galileo Perspective on Plasma Science for JIMO
- A macroscopic / microscopic view of a substorm
- A microscopic and nanoscopic view of storm-time chorus
- Amplitude and Time Duration Statistics of Electrostatic Solitary Waves Observed by the Cluster Fleet in the Magnetic Field Regime 5-550 nT
- Association of north-south Poleward Boundary Intensifications (PBI) orientation with plasma sheet flow direction and the IMF
- Beaming Angular Sizes of Individual AKR Bursts determined from Cluster WBD Observations
- CLUSTER observations of lower hybrid waves excited at high altitudes by electromagnetic whistler mode signals from HAARP
- Cluster Wideband Observations of Low Frequency Bursts
- Comparison of Rice Field Model to Simultaneous Conjugate Auroral Images
- Conjugate auroral observations under various interplanetary conditions
- Coordinated UVCS/SOHO and VLA Observations of the Solar Corona
- Determination of the Quiet-Time Current Sheet Thickness Using Geotail CPI Data and Nonlinear Dynamics Modeling
- Dispersive Alfvén Waves: Lab Verification of Theory for Inertial, Kinetic, and In-between
- Do the Jovian Bow Shock and Magnetopause Surfaces in the Joy et al. (2002) Model Predict Measured Boundary Normals Correctly?
- Electrodynamics of Storm Time Auroral Disturbances
- Electron Dispersion Below Inverted-V Energies: Resonant Deceleration and Acceleration by Alfvén Waves
- Excitation of whistler-mode waves and resonant electron scattering in the Jovian magnetosphere
- Field and Plasma Science with the Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter (JIMO)
- Filamentation of Langmuir waves and the role of absolute decay instability in the electron foreshock: comparison of CLUSTER observations and theory
- Global Observations of O/N<SUB>2</SUB> in Earth's Thermosphere During the April 2002 Sun-Earth Storms
- Hemispheric asymmetries in the location and intensity of the auroral ovals and their association with ionospheric convection and IMF
- IMF control of the theta aurora and substorm onset location in the conjugate hemispheres
- Implications of Multipoint Solar Wind Observations for MHD Predictions of Magnetospheric Dynamics
- Particle Simulations of the Io Inner Torus Boundary
- Pi2 Pulsations With Second Harmonic: CRRES Observations in the Plasmasphere
- Plasma Sheet Thickness at Jupiter From Galileo Electron Density Measurements
- Plasmaspheric plumes: CRRES observations
- Radio Astronomy and the Structure of the Interplanetary Medium
- Radio Emission Direction Finding During the Galileo Almathea-34 Flyby
- Radio and Plasma Wave Science Opportunities Afforded by the Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter
- Refining and understanding the auroral electrojet index AL
- Relationships Between the Flux Tube Volume, Content, Plasma Pressure, and Density in the Plasma Sheet
- Science Opportunities with a Double-Langmuir Probe Experiment for the Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter
- Simultaneous Observations of Jovian Quasi-periodic Radio Emissions by the Cassini and Galileo Spacecraft
- Statistical Studies of Foreshock Langmuir Wave Amplitudes
- The Electron Density in the Jovian Magnetosphere from Galileo Plasma Wave Measurements
- The Return of the Heliospheric 2-3 kHz Radio Emission During Solar Cycle 23
- Unusual bow shock crossing events at Jupiter
- Whistler-Mode Resonance-Cone Emissions Generated by Jupiter's Moon Io
- AKR rain: A study of periodically modulated narrow-band drifting AKR emission observed with the Cluster WBD instrument
- An Overview of Cassini Radio, Plasma Wave, and Langmuir Probe Observations in the Vicinity of Saturn
- Analysis of electron distributions associated with the source of auroral roar
- Auroral Hiss-Like Emissions Observed by Cassini Near the Rings of Saturn
- BBELF and Electromagnetic VLF Wave Cavities in the Auroral Ionosphere
- CLUSTER Observations of Langmuir Wave Decay in the Terrestrial Foreshock
- Cassini RPWS Observations of Saturn Lightning
- Characteristics of Electrostatic Solitary waves near the diffusion region associated with reconnection: Cluster and Geotail observations
- Characteristics of Langmuir electric field waveforms and power spectra exhibiting nonlinear behavior in Earth's foreshock
- Cluster Observations Whistler-mode Propagation Inside and Outside the Plasmasphere
- Cluster Spacecraft Observations of Antiparallel and Component Magnetic Reconnection Close to the X-line at the High-Latitude Magnetopause
- Correlations of Plasma and Field Parameters Within the Magnetotail
- Dust Impacts Observed by Cassini at Saturn's Ring Plane Crossings
- Effect of different initialization methods on reconnection physics: A critical study using Hall MHD, hybrid, Hall-less hybrid and full particle simulations
- Electron Physics in Slow-Mode Shocks
- Energetic Neutral Atom Emission During Cassini's First Orbits at Saturn: Source Strength and Dynamics
- Evidence of Meteoroid Impacts on the Rings from Cassini Plasma Wave Measurements
- Field Line Dependence of the Mass Density and Electron Density
- High Spectral and Temporal Resolution Observations of Saturn Kilometric Radiation
- Impulsive Reconnection Dynamics: From the Laboratory to the Local Cosmos
- Low-frequency Plasma Waves Within an AKR Source Region: Possible Wave Stimulation
- Magnetospheric Radio Tomography: Theory and CLUSTER Experiments
- Mass Density Inferred From Toroidal Wave Frequencies And its Comparison to Electron Density
- Multi-Spacecraft Comparisons of Intense Activity at Low Auroral Latitudes During Major Geomagnetic Storms
- Multi-point observations of density structures in the polar cap
- Narrowband Emissions within Saturn's Density Torus
- Next Generation Data Mining and Visualization Techniques: Application to Global Hybrid Simulations
- Nonlinear electrostatic structures associated with Saturn's bow shock
- Observation of Flux Modulations in SKR and Low Frequency Waves, Relations with Other Measurements and Possible Implications on the Magnetospheric Activity.
- Observation of the Reactive Component of Langmuir Wave-Electron Phase Bunching
- On linear theory of anisotropy instabilities in a current sheet
- On the Characteristics and Generation of Magnetosheath Solitary Waves
- Pc 1 Waves and Associated Unstable Distributions of Magnetospheric Protons Observed During a Solar Wind Pressure Pulse
- Plasma Transition Across the Bow Shock at Saturn: Initial Results From the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer
- Questioning common wisdom on issues of (i) cause of fast magnetic reconnection, (ii) origin and scale of quadrupole magnetic structure, and (iii) physical reality of Sweet-Parker regime
- Questioning common wisdom on magnetic reconnection on issues of (i) anti-parallel vs component merging, (ii) 3D effects, and (iii) role of lower-hybrid drift instability
- Role of Electron Temperature Anisotropy in the Onset of Magnetic Reconnection
- Saturn's UV Aurora Imaged with HST during the Cassini Approach to Saturn
- The Cusp Aurora in the Conjugate Hemispheres of the Earth
- The Ring-dust Plasma Torus as Observed by Cassini RPWS
- The relationship of thermospheric composition changes and ionospheric total electron content during geomagnetic storms.
- Thermal Plasmas in Jupiter's Magnetosphere: Considerations for Auroral Processes
- Two component M-I coupling during auroral substorms
- Two-Dimensional Quasi-Steady and Impulsive Reconnection: A Comparative Study Using Particle-in-Cell and Hall MHD Simulations
- Wave Activity Above the Ionosphere of Titan - Predictions for the Cassini Mission
- A Scale Height Model of Saturn's Plasma Disk
- A Study of the Temporal and Spatial Development of Substorm Expansion Phase Onset Signatures
- A new approach to the equilibrium and stability of current sheets
- Alfvén Wave Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Auroral Zone
- Analysis of Upper Hybrid Wave Growth Rates From Measured Electron Distributions; An Encounter With the Source of Auroral Roar
- Burst Memory and Event Trigger System for the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- Cluster Spacecraft Observations of Magnetic Reconnection Separatrix Regions at the Earth's Dayside Magnetopause.
- Dayside Inverted-Vs Observed During Conjunction of Cluster and Polar Spacecraft
- Discrete Auroral Radio Emissions
- Electron Beams in the Jovian Magnsetosphere
- Equilibrium Theory and Nonlinear Evolution of Bifurcated Current Sheets
- Fast Flows and Flux Tube Properties
- First Science Results from MARSIS Subsurface Sounding
- Intense Alfven Waves With Compressional Mode Waves Well Within the Plasma Sheet During the Main Phase of the 21 October 1999 Major Storm and Comparison of Major Storm to Non-Storm Substorm PSBL Alfven Wave Events
- Ion Mass-loading and Time Variability in the Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Isolated Warm Flux Tubes in the Inner Magnetosphere: Agents for Magnetic Flux Transport
- Learning Alfvén wave properties from electrons measured by near-earth satellite
- Low Frequency Waves in the Foreshock of Saturn
- MARSIS Radar Echo Ionospheric Correction and The Estimation of Mars Ionosphere's Total Electron Content
- Magnetic Reconnection at the Magnetopause Observed by the Four Cluster Spacecraft
- Microscale Physics at Earth's Bow Shock: Cluster Observations of Electrostatic Solitary Waves
- Microstructure of reconnection in the magnetotail region
- Non-driven Reconnection as a function of guide field strength
- Observations of Large Amplitude Electrostatic Waves Associated with Magnetic Ramp Substructure at Earth's Bow Shock by Polar
- Observations of Saturn's Atmosphere and Auroras by Cassini UVIS and VIMS
- On linear theory of ion anisotropy instabilities in a current sheet
- On the Closure Relations for Multimoment Fluid Models of the Long-Range Potential in Downward Auroral Current Regions
- Outer Jovian Magnetosphere Plasma Densities Derived from Voyager Wideband Plasma Wave Observations
- Propagation of Field and Plasma Disturbances in the Magnetotail During Substorms: Case Study
- SKR Polarization and Localization with Cassini/RPWS/HFR
- Saturn's Magnetospheric Boundaries
- Solitary waves observed by Cassini
- Sounds of Space
- Sources of Cold Dense Plasma Sheet:A Multi-Satellite, Multipoint Case Study
- Striated AKR: A Remote Tracer of Solitary Ion Structures in the Magnetosphere
- Sufficient Conditions for Local Detection of Magnetic Flux Erosion
- The FIELDS Instrumentation Package on MMS
- The First Radar Sounding of the Ionosphere of Mars
- The Structure of the Separatix in Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection
- The characteristics of Langmuir waves in the Earth's electron and ion foreshocks: evidence for nonlinear interactions and other physical processes
- Thermal Plasma Flow Near Enceladus: Evidence for the `Missing' Water Source?
- Wave Normal Calculations of Chorus at Saturn Using the Cassini Radio and Plasma Wave Science Five-Channel Waveform Receiver
- Wave-particle interactions in the source region of whistler-mode chorus
- Whistlers Observed in the Magnetosphere of Saturn
- A Saturnian Longitude System Based on a Variable Kilometric Radiation Period
- A Study of an Upper Layer of the Martian Ionosphere Using the Mars Express Ionospheric Sounder
- Average properties and variability of whistler-mode chorus emissions measured by the Cluster and Double Star spacecraft.
- Comets, solar storms, and the Martian ionosphere: Past and predicted blackouts of MARSIS radar returns
- Core Field Generation Mechanisms in Flux Transfer Events
- Dependence of AKR Growth rate on Electron Velocity Distribution Parameters and Perturbation by Solitary Structures
- Effect on Auroral Kilometric Radiation Beaming Characteristics of Longitudinally Elongated Density Cavities Enclosing AKR Source Regions
- Electron Acceleration by Whistler Mode Chorus Waves in Jupiter's Radiation Belts
- Electron Density Depletions in Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere
- Franklin Lecture: Lightning in Planetary Atmospheres
- Further Investigation of the Influence of Saturnian Moons on SKR
- Generation of Chorus Wave Emissions in the Source Region
- Heliopause instability and its possible relation to soft X-ray emission
- High-latitude magnetospheric plasma convection and its dependence on solar wind parameters: Statistical analysis of Cluster EDI measurements
- Investigation of the plasma wake of Titan from RPWS-LP observations and hybrid simulations
- Laboratory measurements of the angular scattering properties of components of atmospheric mineral dust aerosol at visible wavelengths
- Linear Kinetic Theory of Bifurcated Current Sheets
- Macroscopic Elongation of the Diffusion Region: Theoretical and Observational Consequences
- Magnetically Controlled Structures in the Ionosphere of Mars
- Optical Properties of Small Particles Near Saturn's G ring
- Origins of Plasmaspheric Hiss
- PIC Simulation Study of the Impact of Ion Cyclotron Waves on Auroral Kilometric Radiation
- Polar PWI Observations of Chorus Emissions and Electron Acceleration
- Propagation Characteristics of Electrostatic Solitary Waves Obtained Through Multi- Spacecraft Techniques
- RPWS Cold Plasma Results from the Inner Magnetosphere of Saturn - dust-plasma interaction near the E-ring?
- Radial Variation of the Average Ion Mass Inferred From the Frequency of Standing Alfven Waves Observed by CRRES
- Recent Advances in the Understanding of the Structure and Variability of Titan's Magnetic Environment
- Saturn Magnetospheric Interaction with Titan Ionisation Sources and Dynamics as Inferred from Cassini Observations
- Simulation Study of 3D Collisionless Reconnection
- Solar Wind Electron Densities Upstream of Saturn Determined from Langmuir Wave Observations by the Cassini RPWS Instrument
- Survey of Electron Density Profiles From MARSIS Active Ionospheric Sounding
- The Interaction of Rhea with Saturn's Magnetosphere
- The Interaction of Saturn's Magnetosphere with the Icy Satellites: A Plasma Wave Perspective
- The Polarization of Saturn Electrostatic Discharges
- The Rotational Modulation of the Electron Density in Saturn's Plasma Disk
- Toward a Defensible Catalogue of Properties That Typify the Electron Diffusion Region of Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection
- Unraveling the Mechanisms Responsible for Radiation Belt Enhancements
- A Diffusive Equilibrium Density Model for a Two-Species Plasma in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- A Study of Single and Multiple Onset Substorms
- Activity Dependent O+ Transport Paths From the Ionosphere to the Ring Current
- An Overview of the Rotational Modulation of Three Types of Saturnian Radio Emissions
- Analysis of Electron Cyclotron Waves Observed in the Saturn Magnetosphere
- Chorus Observations at Saturn
- Correlations Between Narrowband Radio Emissions and Transient Rotating Plasma Clouds in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Direct Detection of Electron Demagnetization and Agyrotropy at Electron Diffusion Regions
- Discreteness Noise Floor Signatures of Agyrotropy
- Electron Densities in the Upper Ionosphere of Mars from the Excitation of Local Electron Plasma Oscillations
- Energy Flow in Saturn's Ion Cyclotron Wave Belt
- Examining the Dynamics of Llow-Energy Electrons in Saturn's Magnetosphere by combining Cassini CAPS-ELS Data with Charged Particle Transport Model.
- False Positive Signatures of Agyrotropy Caused by Gradients
- Global Shape Modelling of Saturn's Bow Shock
- Holes in the Nightside Ionosphere of Titan
- Lightning in the Saturnian system
- Marsis Data Inversion Approach: Preliminary Results on Mars South Polar Region
- Nonlinear Electrostatic Solitary Waves Observed in Connection with the 24 August 2005 Super-Substorm
- Observations of Pulsating Auroral Kilometric Radiation and its Possible Stimulation by Pc1 Pulsations
- Observations of Very High Amplitudes of Whistler-Mode Chorus: Consequences for Nonlinear Trapping of Energetic Electrons in the Outer Radiation Belt
- On the observation of 'kronian' energetic events: combined observations of radio and magnetic signatures
- Polar Spacecraft Observations of Intense Wave Electric Fields in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Properties of Chorus Emissions Observed by the Polar Plasma Wave Investigation
- Rhea's interaction with Saturn's magnetosphere
- Saturn periodicities as revealed by energetic neutral atoms
- Solar control of the Martian Ionosphere as Detected by MARSIS Active Ionospheric Sounder
- Source Location of Narrowband Radio Emission Detected at Saturn
- Terrestrial AKR Beaming: Implications for Jovian DAM Beaming Models
- The Magnetic Field Induced by the Solar Wind on the Dayside of Mars
- Voyager 2 Observations of Langmuir Waves Upstream of the Termination Shock
- A Multi-Instrument Study of Auroral Hiss Emissions at Saturn Observed With Cassini
- A Rotating Plasma Density Structure in Saturn's High-Latitude Auroral Regions
- A Wave Investigation for the Juno Mission to Jupiter
- Cassini/RPWS Dust Measurements During E3 and E4 Flybys
- Comparison of low frequency equatorial waves at Earth and Saturn: Polar and Cassini observations
- Coordinated measurements of auroral processes at Saturn from the Cassini spacecraft and HST
- Database of measurements of magnetosonic equatorial noise emissions from measurements of the CLUSTER spacecraft
- Determination of the Envelope Distribution for Langmuir Waves in the Topside Ionosphere
- Electric Field Statistics and Modulation Characteristics of Bursty Langmuir Waves Observed in the Cusp
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves, Plasma Drainage Plumes and Geomagnetic Storms
- Evidence for Nonlinear Langmuir Wave Behavior in the Earth's foreshock: Cluster Observations and Instrumental Concerns
- Evidence of a Transient Ionopause at Mars Identified from the Excitation of Local Electron Plasma Oscillations
- Exploring the Martian Subsurface of Athabasca Valles Using MARSIS Radar Data: Testing the Volcanic and Fluvial Hypotheses for the Origin of the Rafted-Plate Terrain
- Generation of Chorus Waves and Their Effects on Electrons
- Growth-rate analysis of Kronian narrowband emission
- Hybrid Simulations of Plasma Environment Around Enceladus
- Ice Penetrating Radar Sounding Over Glaciers in Alaska and Greenland
- Ion composition in the Plasma Trough and Plasma Plume Derived From a CRRES Magnetoseismic Study
- Is Magnetic Reconnection Different in the Magnetotail than at the Magnetopause?
- Modeling variability in the night side ionosphere of Mars
- Non-detection of Titan lightning radio emissions with RPWS after Cassini's nominal mission
- Observations of 3-D Reconnection and Dynamics of Electron Scale Thin Current Sheets with Small Satellite Separation
- Observations of oblique propagation of whistler mode chorus
- Plasma Wave and Electron Density Structure Observed in the Cusp with a Dual-Rocket Experiment
- Radiation Belt Storm Probes Mission
- Relationship Between UV Auroral Events and the Magnetic Storm Main Phase Development
- Response of Saturn's Magnetosphere and Ionosphere to Solar Wind Driving
- Statistical Properties and Stability of Electrostatic Solitary Waves Observed at Shock Crossings by the CLUSTER and CASSINI Spacecraft
- Statistics of Waveform and Envelope Fields: Theory, Simulations and Initial Applications to TRICE Data
- Terrestrial AKR Growth Rates and Beaming: Implications for Extrasolar Planetary and Stellar Magnetospheric Radio Emission
- The Degree of Correlation of Jovian and Saturnian Auroral Emissions With Solar Wind Conditions
- The interior of Iapetus: Constraints provided by the solar wind interaction
- Turbulence in the Martian Atmosphere from Mars Express Radar Sounding
- Unusually strong magnetic fields in Titan's ionosphere: T42 analysis
- Z-Mode Waves as the Source of Saturn Narrowband Radio Emissions
- A Comparison of Terrestrial and Kronian CMI growth rates
- A Direct Encounter with a VLF Saucer Source Region?
- A Survey of Electron Beams Associated With Saturnian Auroral Hiss
- A variety of escape channels on Mars and their effectiveness
- Cassini observations of chorus at Saturn
- Cassini/RPWS Dust Measurements During the Enceladus Flybys in 2008
- Data-model comparisons of the nightside ionosphere of Mars: joint constraints on neutral densities and electron temperatures
- Dayside Outer Zone (DOZ) Chorus at High Latitudes: Properties and Possible Role of Minimum B Pockets (Invited)
- Dual Periodicity in the Rotational Modulation of Saturn Narrowband Emissions
- Dusty Plasma observed in the E-ring and near Enceladus
- Electron Densities in Jupiter's Magnetosphere Determined from Voyager and Galileo Plasma Wave Spectra
- Fluctuation of the Martian ionosphere observed by Mars Express ionospheric sounding
- Generation of Whistler Chorus Emissions and Resulting Wave-Particle Interactions
- Growth Rate Analysis of Ordinary Mode Saturn Kilometric Radiation
- Laboratory Measurements of Electrostatic Solitary Structures Generated by Beam Injection
- Langmuir Waves Associated with the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at Saturn's Magnetopause
- Latitudinal Distribution of Electron Populations in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Microscale properties of Langmuir waves observed by STEREO and CLUSTER inside solar wind magnetic holes
- Modulation of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves by Mixed Mode Pc5 ULF Waves: Generation and Propagation Mechanisms
- Pc-5 wave power in the plasmasphere and trough: CRRES observations
- Periodic bursts observed in Jovian decametric radio emission
- Polar Spacecraft Evidence at 2 Re Geocentric Distance for Alfvenic Poynting Flux as an Energy Source for the Quasi-static Parallel Electric Field Acceleration of Auroral Electrons and Up-flowing Ion Beams in the Auroral Acceleration Region
- Radar Sounding of Mars with MARSIS
- Secure Identifications of the Electron Diffusion Region with Spacecraft Observations
- Spectroscopic and Light Scattering Studies of Mineral Dust Aerosol
- The Martian night-side ionosphere observed by Mars Express ionospheric sounding
- Titan’s induced magnetosphere under variable upstream conditions
- An Electron Diffusion Region Resolved with Multiple Plasma Diagnostics by Polar
- Analysis of Ion Cyclotron Harmonics in the Saturn Downward Current Auroral Region
- CMI Growth Rates for Kronian kilometric radiation
- Cassini observations of low-frequency drifting radio bursts in Saturn's magnetosphere
- Cluster Multi-Spacecraft Observations of AKR in the Auroral Acceleration Region (Invited)
- Current Closure in the Ionosphere: Results from the ACES Sounding Rocket
- Detection of the oxygen torus in the inner magnetosphere using toroidal Alfvén waves
- Energetic ion events upstream from the Saturnian bow shock: A multi-instrument study with Cassini measurements
- First Analysis of Quasi-Periodic Whistler Mode Emissions in Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere
- Ground-Level Detection of Auroral Kilometric Radiation
- Intercalibration of Mars Express Subsurface and Ionospheric Radar Total Electron Content
- Investigation of Plasmaspheric Plumes Measured by Cluster
- Ion/electron heating associated with low-frequency turbulence (Invited)
- Mirror Modes observed in the Saturnian Middle Magnetosphere
- Multi-probing of the auroral acceleration region by Cluster (Invited)
- Nightside ionosphere of Mars observed by MARSIS
- Non-Linear Processes Associated with the Generation of Whistler Waves and their Effects on Electrons
- Observation of Electron Phase Bunching in Auroral Langmuir Waves
- Observations in the downward auroral current region of Saturn's magnetosphere by Cassini: Electron and ion beams and their relation to the Low-frequency waves
- Overview of Emic Triggered Chorus Emissions in Cluster Data
- Polar Spacecraft Analysis of Poynting Flux and Kinetic Energy Flux Measurements at Different Structures within and above the Auroral Acceleration Region and Their Comparison to Space-based Images (Invited)
- Similar LF/VLF Radio Emissions Observed at Jupiter and Saturn
- The Field and Particle Environment at Mimas (Invited)
- The mass-loading from Enceladus' plume
- Variations in the Rotational Modulation of Saturn Kilometric Radiation and Their Relationship to Magnetic Periodicities Observed Before and Near Equinox
- Vlasov simulation of electrostatic solitary structures in four-component plasmas
- A Giant Storm in Saturn's Northern Hemisphere
- A Rocket-Based Study of Auroral Electrodynamics within the Current Closure Ionosphere
- Cassini and Polar observations of low frequency equatorial noise emission at Earth
- Cluster observations of multiple dipolarization fronts
- Combined Laboratory and Modeling Study of the IR Extinction and Visible Light Scattering Properties of Mineral Dust Aerosol
- Diagnostics for Wave Mode Identification in the Dissipation Range of Solar Wind Turbulence: Kinetic Alfven Waves versus Whistlers
- Distribution of Broadened Upper-Hybrid Emissions in Saturn's Middle Magnetosphere
- Dust Impacts In the Outer Solar System Detected by Voyagers 1 and 2
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Helium Branch Induced by Multiple Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Triggered Emissions
- Electrostatic solitary waves generated by beam injection in LAPD
- Evidence for particle size-shape correlations in the optical properties of clay mineral dust aerosol
- Interpretation of Vector Electric Field Measurements of Bursty Langmuir Waves in the Cusp
- Longitudinal Modulation of Electron Populations in the Saturnian Inner Magnetosphere
- Multi-point Analysis of Electrostatic Solitary Waves and Field Aligned Electrons Observed by Cluster in and Near the Auroral Current Regions
- Non-linear Wave Evolution: Observation of Electron Phase Bunching in Auroral Langmuir Waves
- Plasma and Magnetic Periodicities in Saturn's Equatorial Ring Current
- Propagation of EMIC triggered emissions toward the magnetic equatorial plane
- Ray-Tracing Studies of Terrestrial and Kronian AKR
- Recent Advances in Observations of Ground-level Auroral Kilometric Radiation
- Resolved X-line and Electron Diffusion Region Detection at Magnetopause Supported by Asymmetric PIC Simulations
- Saturn Chorus Drift Frequency Compared To Nonlinear Theory
- Source mechanism of Saturn drifting bursts
- Structure of the Dayside Martian Upper Ionosphere from MEX MARSIS Topside Soundings
- Study on the Motion of the Magnetosheath Boundary at Mars from Disappearance and reappearance of Electron Plasma Oscillations
- The Magnetic Link Between Saturn's Plasmapause Boundary and the Rotating Auroral Oval
- Theoretical Perspectives on Kinetic Turbulence in the Solar Wind
- A Rocket-Borne Study of Auroral Electrodynamics within the Current Closure Ionosphere: Modeling
- Cassini Observations of Saturn's Nightside UV Auroral Oval: In Situ Evidence of its Periodic Motion
- Cassini/RPWS Dust Measurements During Enceladus Flybys
- Characteristics of the Waves Antennas onboard the Juno S/C
- Cold Ion Escape from the Martian Ionosphere
- Comparison of Global Models for the Escape of Martian Atmospheric Plasma
- Effects of the June 2011 CME Observed by Mars Express Ionospheric Sounding
- Electric Fields and Waves Instrument on the RBSP Spacecraft: Investigating the Dynamic of the Inner Magnetosphere
- Electron Acceleration at Jupiter: Cyclotron-Resonant Interaction with Whistler-Mode Chorus Waves
- Electron Density Distributions Inside and Outside the Enceladus L-Shell
- Getting Data to Autoplot: a Survey and Comparison of Different Methods for Transmitting Data
- Infrared Extinction Spectra of Mineral Dust Aerosol
- Initial Results from the Radiation Belt Storm Probes EMFISIS/Waves instrument
- Kurtosis Tensor as a Diagnostic of Particle Acceleration in the Bow Shock and Magnetopause
- Magnetosonic equatorial noise at Earth: Polar and RBSP observations
- Oblique ionospheric reflections in the MARSIS data set
- Revealing Hidden Electron Holes in the Auroral Current Regions with Cluster
- Saturn Chorus Intensity Variations Due to Local Electron Phase Space Density
- Saturn High Latitude Aurora: Co-rotating 1 Hour Pulsations in Auroral Intensity and Dynamics, Auroral Hiss Intensity, and Field Aligned Energetic Electrons
- Sounding rocket observations of ionospheric feedback in the Alfvén resonator
- Statistical Analysis of Bursty Langmuir Waves and Coincident VLF Waves in the Cusp
- Structure of a reconnection layer poleward of the cusp under extreme density asymmetry
- The Electric Fields and Waves (EFW) Instrument on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes: Science Operations Center, Operational Modes, and Data Products
- The Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science (EMFISIS) on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes
- The Search For Impulsive Radio Signals From Lightning In Martian Dust Storms Using the Radar Receiver On the Mars Express Spacecraft
- The Time-Dependent Rotational Modulation Of Saturn's Kilometric Radio Emission and Its Relationship To the Rotation Of Plasma In the Inner Region Of Saturn's Magnetosphere
- The electric potential of the charged dust near the E ring
- The influence of the Great White Spot on the rotation of Saturn's magnetosphere
- Thunderstorm and lightning observations during and after the Great White Spot event on Saturn
- Using auroral hiss to search for electron beams at Enceladus: Results from RPWS observations
- Analysis of Van Allen Probes Data Showing Nonlinear Electric Field Feedback During a Magnetic Storm
- Cassini RPWS Measurement of Dust Particles in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Characteristics of Large Amplitude Whistler Mode Waves Detected by the Van Allen Probes EMFISIS Instruments
- Cluster Inner Magnetosphere Campaign: Multispacecraft Observations of Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves
- Comparisons of Earthward Poynting flux and the kinetic energy flux of up-flowing transversely heated ions from the Polar spacecraft on cusp magnetic field lines
- Constraining MarMCET Model Martian Nightside Electron Densities Using MARSIS Topside Sounding
- Electromagnetic spectral properties of the November 14th, 2012 Geomagnetic storm. An early study using EMFISIS and EFW Van Allen probes data
- Energetic electron response to the March 1 storm: coordinated observations between Van Allen Probes and THEMIS spacecraft
- Energetic particle injections at Saturn: their relationship to solar wind driven and rotationally driven magnetospheric dynamics as measured in situ and using ENA
- Enhanced ionization of the Martian nightside ionosphere during solar energetic particle events
- Excitation of Poloidal standing Alfven waves through drift resonance wave-particle interaction (Invited)
- How Will the Violation of Taylor's Hypothesis Alter the Turbulent Power Spectra Measured by Solar Probe Plus?
- In Situ and Ground-Based Observations of a Long-Duration Pulsating Aurora Event
- Kinetic Eigenmodes and Particle Acceleration from the Van Allen Probes
- Kinetic simulations of beam-excited Langmuir waves related to Cassini/Rhea plasma measurements
- Lightning VLF wave propagation from source, through ionosphere to inner magnetosphere using WWLLN and Van Allen Probes
- MARSIS Observations of the Martian Nightside Ionosphere Depending on Solar Wind and IMF Conditions
- Overview of the Cassini In-Situ Observations of Auroral Field-Aligned Currents During the 2013 Saturn Aurora Campaign
- Pulsating aurora observed on the ground and in-situ by the Van Allen Probes
- Reduced low energy electron counts and their relationship to crustal magnetic fields at Mars
- Resonant Diffusion of Energetic Electrons by Narrow-band Z mode Waves in Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere
- Saturn Chorus as a Function of Latitude
- Saturn's northern auroras as observed using the Hubble Space Telescope
- Search for oxygen torus in the inner magnetosphere: Van Allen Probes observations
- Statistical Analysis of Bursty Langmuir Waves, Alfvén and Whistler Waves, and Precipitating Electrons Seen by the CHARM II Nightside Sounding Rocket
- Statistical Study of Langmuir Waves Observed Inside the Electron Foreshock of Saturn
- Structure of a Reconnection Layer Poleward of the Cusp Under Extreme Density Asymmetry
- Survey of the global distribution of the fast magnetosonic mode from Van Allen Probes EMFISIS plasma wave analysis
- Systematic measurements of propagation parameters of whistler-mode waves in the outer Van Allen belt: first results from the Van Allen probes compared to the database from the Cluster mission
- The Influence of Energetic Electrons on the Cassini Langmuir Probe at Saturn : Deriving Large Electron Temperatures and Small Electron Densities
- The dust flux characteristics near the E ring at 2-3 RS observed by the Langmuir probe
- Titan's induced magnetosphere from plasma wave, particle data and magnetometer observations
- Van Allen Probe EFW instrument observations of electric fields during major geomagnetic storms and injection events and their relation to charged particle acceleration
- Van Allen Probes EFW Filterbank First Results: Geophysical Distributions of Large Amplitude Chorus Occurrence
- Van Allen Probes Observations of Direct Wave Particle Interactions
- Van Allen Probes based investigation of storm time plasmasphere erosion and earthward penetration of the convection electric field
- A Data-Model Comparison Approach to Understand the Source and Transport Mechanisms of keV-Energy Electrons at Saturn
- Characterization of Dust Particles Near Saturn By Dust-Spacecraft Impact Signals
- Drifting Quasi-Periodic Modulation of the Fast Magnetosonic Mode: Van Allen Probe Observations
- Dust Detection Using Radio and Plasma Wave Instruments in the Solar System
- EMIC waves and associated relativistic electron precipitation on 25-26 January 2013
- Electron Plasma Oscillations and Related Effects Observed By Voyager 1 in the Interstellar Plasma during 2014
- Evidence for a Seasonally-Dependent Ring Plasma in the Region Between Saturn's a Ring and E Ring
- Examining EMIC wave spectral properties using in situ measurements of multi-ion species and hybrid simulations
- Interaction of Europa with Jovian Plasma Torus
- LRO-LAMP Observations of the Lunar Exosphere Coordinated with LADEE
- Long-duration exohiss waves outside the plasmasphere: observed by Van Allen Probes
- Nonlinear wave growth theory for discrete hiss emissions in the plasmasphere
- Observational evidence for dust-plasma interactions in the Enceladus' plume, Saturn E-ring, in Titan's ionosphere, and near comets
- Parameterization of Observed Saturn Z-Mode Wave Power for r < 4R<SUB>s</SUB>
- Rapid outward extension of electron radiation belt driven by substorm injection and chorus waves
- Solar Wind Interaction with Lunar Magnetic Fields: ARTEMIS Observations and Correlations with Surface Properties
- Statistics of VLF/ELF emissions at subauroral latitudes in Athabasca, Canada and their correspondence to the Van Allen Probes observations.
- Surface-Plasma-Exosphere Coupling at the Moon, Phobos & Deimos, and the outer planet satellites
- The Origin of Jupiter's Outer Radiation Belt
- The occurrence, spatial distribution, and wave properties of hydrogen-, helium-, and oxygen-band EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen Probes
- Van Allen Probes based investigation of storm time enhancements in the duskward electric field to lower L shells and its effect on ring current formation and plasmasphere erosion.
- A Substantial Plume of Escaping Planetary Ions in the MSE Northern Hemisphere Observed by MAVEN
- Altitude Dependence of Nightside Martian Suprathermal Electron Depletions as Revealed by MAVEN Observations
- Applying the cold plasma dispersion relation to whistler-mode waves
- Cassini RPWS Observation of Saturn's Radio Rotation Rates After Equinox
- Charaterizing the O<SUP>+</SUP> ion plume from Hybrid simulations: comparison to MAVEN observations
- Comparison of Martian magnetic pileup boundary with ion composition boundary observed by MAVEN
- Consequences of simulated ion precipitation and sputtering during extreme conditions at Mars: comparison to MAVEN observations
- Dayside Electron Density Depletions Observed by the MAVEN Langmuir Probe and Waves Instrument
- Evidence of Electron Density Enhancements at Enceladus' Apoapsis
- Evidence of Ion Heating at Low Altitudes in the Dayside Ionosphere at Mars
- First Results of the MAVEN Magnetic Field Investigation
- Implications of MAVEN Mars Near-Wake Measurements and Models
- In-situ Measurements of Saturn's Dusty Rings Based on Dust Impact Signals Detected by Cassini RPWS
- Interstellar Dust Detected by Voyager 1 Over Heliocentric Radial Distances From 5 to 132 AU
- Ion cyclotron waves near Mars: Solar wind control of pickup ion instability
- Kinetic Alfvén Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere Triggered by an Interplanetary Shock
- MAVEN Observations of Ionopause-like Density Gradients in the Martian Ionosphere
- MAVEN Observations of Ionosphere Magnetization at Mars: Implications for Atmospheric Escape
- MAVEN observations of magnetic reconnection in the Martian magnetotail
- MHD Model Results of Solar Wind Interaction with Mars and Comparison with MAVEN Plasma Observations
- Measurement of Energetic Neutral Atom Flux in the Lunar Exosphere using the LDEX Instrument
- Multi-fluid MHD Study of the Solar Wind Interaction with Mars' Upper Atmosphere during the 2015 March 8th ICME Event
- Oxygen Pickup Ions Measured by MAVEN Outside the Martian Bow Shock
- Pickup Ions in the Plasma Environments of Mars, Comets, and Enceladus
- Plasma and charged dust around Enceladus
- Precipitating Solar Wind Hydrogen at Mars
- Precursors to Interstellar Shocks of Solar Origin
- Pressure balance across large magnetic flux ropes on the dayside of Mars
- SEP modeling based on the ENLIL global heliospheric model
- Solar Wind Interaction with Comet 67P/C-G: Impact of Corotating Interaction Regions
- Source Region and Growth Analysis of Narrowband Z-mode Emission at Saturn
- Structure of plasma boundaries with a large density gradient observed by MAVEN and its effects on the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
- Sunward O<SUP>+</SUP> ion jets reflected below the Martian bow shock: MAVEN observations
- Terrestrial Planet Space Weather Information: An Update
- The Dependence of Mars Atmospheric Loss on Crustal Field Location: MAVEN Observation and Comparison with a MHD Model
- The Loss Rate of Ions from the Martian Atmosphere
- Understanding the Transient Layers in the Ionosphere of Mars with Mars Express and MAVEN
- A New Source for Saturn's Inner Electron Radiation Belts.
- Bifocal: A Multifunctional, Next Generation Electrostatic Analyzer
- Dust Impact Signals Detected by Cassini RPWS: Observations and Laboratory Experiments
- Erosion and refilling of the plasmasphere studied by neural network based three-dimensional plasmaspheric model
- Extended Survey of Saturn Z/O-mode Wave Intensity
- Interactions Between Energetic Electrons and Realistic Whistler Mode Waves in the Jovian Magnetosphere
- Thermal Electron Density Depletions in the Vicinity of Three Tenuous Rings/Arcs between Enceladus and Mimas
- Understanding the E-ring puzzle
- 403 nm cavity ring-down measurements of brown carbon aerosol
- A Voyager Perspective of Ice Giant Magnetospheres: What Next?
- A comparative examination of auroral acceleration processes at Jupiter and Earth as enabled by the Juno mission to Jupiter
- A statistic study of EMIC waves associated with energetic particle injection from the magnetotail using multi-point in-situ satellite observations
- An Investigation of the Dayside Response of the Magnetosphere to Interplanetary Shocks: Dependence on Shock Parameters and Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Analyzing Saturn's Magnetospheric Data After Cassini - Improving and Future-Proofing Cassini / MAPS Tools and Data
- Bayesian Analysis of Whistler Mode Waves in the Radiation Belts
- Charged particle space weathering rates at the Moon derived from ARTEMIS observations
- Cyclotron Acceleration of Relativistic Electrons through Landau Resonance with Obliquely Propagating Whistler Mode Chorus Emissions
- Detection of Chorus Elements and other Wave Signatures Using Geometric Computational Techniques in the Van Allen radiation belts
- Distinguishing Among Mechanisms That Determine Pi 2 Pulsation Period
- EMIC wave events during the four QARBM challenge intervals
- Effects of whistler mode hiss waves on the radiation belts structure during quiet times
- Electromagnetic Quasi-periodic Whistler-Mode Bursts during Ring Grazing Passes
- Electron Density Distributions In and Above the Saturnian Ionosphere
- Electron Pitch Angle Distributions Along Field Lines Connected to the Auroral Region from 25 to 1.2 RJ Measured by the Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment-Electrons (JADE-E) on Juno
- First in situ measurements of the Jovian Ionospheric ion population by the Juno JADE instrument
- Investigating the source of Electron Cyclotron Harmonic emissions observed in the Radiation belts
- MMS Encounters with Reconnection Diffusion Regions in the Earth's Magnetotail
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Plasma Turbulence in the Terrestrial Magnetosheath
- Magnetospheric Science at Uranus and Neptune
- Mapping lightning discharges on Earth with lightning-generated whistlers wave emission in space and their effects on radiation belt electrons
- Mars Crustal Magnetic Fields and Large-Scale Dayside Ionospheric Anomaly
- Multi-point observations of VLF quasi-periodic emissions: Results from Arase, PWING and Van Allen Probes.
- Multi-point observations of chorus waves from Van Allen Probes
- Multi-scale observations of whistler, hiss and other magnetospheric plasma waves during a series of conjunctions between ARASE (ERG) and Van Allen Probes.
- Multiple reconnection at the magnetopause and its impact on cusp dynamics
- Observations directly linking chorus to relativistic microbursts: Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD II
- Observations of large amplitude chorus waves in the outer radiation belt: Van Allen Probes statistical study of occurrence and wave properties using EFW filterbank data
- Obtaining Global Picture From Single Point Observations by Combining Data Assimilation and Machine Learning Tools
- On Mars' Atmospheric Sputtering after Maven First two Years
- Plasma Wave Intensity During Cassini's F-ring and Proximal Orbits
- Plasmaspheric hiss: two statistically distinct wave populations
- Poynting flux at the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer (PSBL) in Conjunction with the Ground Aurora: Dipolarization in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Propagation of Dipolarization Signatures Observed by the Van Allen Probes in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Quantifying the Effect of Strong Subpacket Structure in VLF Chorus Rising Tones on Radiation Belt Acceleration
- Quasiperiodic modulation of equatorial noise emissions: Cluster and Van Allen Probes observations
- Radial transport of high-energy oxygen ions into the deep inner magnetosphere observed by Van Allen Probes
- Radio Remote Sensing of Coronal Mass Ejections: Implications for Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter
- Radio and Plasma Wave Observations During Cassini's Grand Finale
- Relativistic electron increase during chorus wave activities on the 6-8 March 2016 geomagnetic storm
- Solar rotation period driving modulation of plasmaspheric convection
- Spatial and temporal variability of chorus and hiss
- Spatially Localized Particle Energization by Landau Damping in Current Sheets
- Statistical Analysis of Interchange Injection Events from Over a Decade of Cassini Data
- Statistics of EMIC Rising Tones Observed by the Van Allen Probes
- The Structure and Properties of 0.1 - 100 keV Electron Distributions Over Jupiter's Polar Aurora Region and their Contribution to Polar Aurora Emissions
- The first year of observations of Jupiter's magnetosphere from Juno's Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment (JADE)
- The plasma wave experiment (PWE) on board the Arase (ERG) Satellite Initial results and collaboration with the ground network stations and Van Allen Probes
- Uranus and Neptune: internal heat flow
- VLF Wave Local Acceleration & ULF Wave Radial Diffusion: The Importance of K-Dependent PSD Analysis for Diagnosing the cause of Radiation Belt Acceleration.
- Van Allen Probe Observations of Chorus Wave Activity, Source and Seed electrons, and the Radiation Belt Response During ICME and CIR Storms
- Van Allen Probe measurements of intense Poynting Flux, magnetic dipolarization, and particle energization and auroral arcs.
- Van Allen Probe observations of EMIC wave propagation in the inner magnetosphere
- Van Allen Probes Investigation of Plasmasphere Response to Geomagnetic Activity
- Van Allen Probes Observations of Plasmasphere Refilling Inside and Outside the Plasmapause
- Van Allen Probes observations of drift-bounce resonance and energy transfer between energetic ring current protons and poloidal Pc4 wave
- A Hybrid Fluxgate and Search Coil Magnetometer Concept For Nanosat Missions
- A Multi-instrumental Study of Ring Rain
- A Radio Search for Lightning in Mars Dust Storms Using the Mars Express MARSIS Instrument
- A Source of Jovian Broadband Kilometric Radiation Associated with a Dawn Storm Aurora
- A question of EPPIC importance: how does space weather affect Earth's atmosphere?
- A theory of electron acceleration to high energies over the Jovian polar cap via whistler-mode wave-particle interactions
- Anomalous Plasma Waves Observed During Cassini's Ring-grazing Orbits
- Autoplot in Planetary Sciences and Heliophysics
- Battle Royale: VLF-driven local acceleration vs. ULF-driven radial transport
- Bipolar electric field structures observed in Saturn's magnetosphere by Cassini Wideband receiver
- Dust Detection in Space by Wave Instruments
- Dust Impact Measurements from Spacecraft
- Enceladus Auroral Hiss Emissions during Cassini's Grand Finale
- Energetic charged particle characteristics of Jupiter's middle-to-outer magnetosphere: Observations from Juno/JEDI
- Evaluating Whistler Influence on the VLF Wave Intensity in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Field aligned currents associated with Jupiter's auroras
- First report of electron measurements at Europa and Ganymede auroral footprint tail crossings
- Flying through Enceladus' plume with Cassini - A multi-instrumental view
- Flying through a Dawn Storm : an analysis of Juno-UVS images during PJ11
- Get HAPI! Accessing JUNO Data and More Through a Single Simple Data Access Mechanism
- Insights from Radio and Plasma Wave Observations During Cassini's Grand Finale
- Investigating precipitating cusp electrons using Bifocal, a next generation electrostatic analyzer
- Juno Plasma Wave Observations Associated with the Io Footprint Tail
- Juno/Waves Observations of Intense Broadband Electromagnetic Emissions below the Ion Cyclotron Frequency
- Jupiter's Dawn Magnetosheath, Magnetopause, and Polar Flattening as Measured by Juno
- Jupiter's magnetic field and source location of decametric radio emissions observed by Juno
- Jupiter's surprising space environments as revealed by the Juno mission
- Latitudinal and Radial Dependence of Plasma Sheet Ion Properties at Jupiter: Juno JADE-I Observations
- Lightweight Federated Data Networks with Das2 Tools
- Long-Term Monitoring of the Van Allen Radiation Belts: Operations, Research, and Mission Concepts
- Longitudinal structure of oxygen torus near the plasmapause deduced from simultaneous observations by Arase and Van Allen Probes
- MASER, a toolbox for low frequency radio astronomy
- Magnetotail Reconnection at Jupiter: A survey of magnetic field and plasma flow signatures observed by Juno
- Mapping out the plasmasphere: How to arrive at robust results for plasmasphere-radiation belt interactions in the light of diverging techniques to measure cold plasma.
- Martian Nightside Aurora Observed by MAVEN Remote and In-Situ Instruments
- Modulation at the solar rotation period of outer belt electrons, plasmapause location, convection electric field, hiss and chorus waves over the Van Allen Probes mission
- Multi-point measurements and ray-tracing simulations of chorus wave packets
- Observations of Jupiter lightning-induced electromagnetic waves from the Juno Waves investigation
- Observations of Lightning on Jupiter by the Juno Stellar Reference Unit
- Observations of the Dayside Martian Ionopause by the Mars Express Radar Sounder
- On the Importance of Hiss Waves and Plasma Density for Sculpting the 3D (L-shell, energy, pitch angle) Structure of the Radiation Belts during Quiet Times
- On the generation of the jovian radio emissions by electron conics: linear amplification and saturation processes
- Revolutionizing our Understanding of Particle Energization in Space Plasmas Using On-Board Field-Particle Correlator Instrumentation
- Saturn's ionosphere and D ring electrodynamic interaction using RPWS/LP measurements from the Cassini Grand Finale
- The Case for a Radio and Plasma Wave Receiver on an Interstellar Probe
- The Coupling of Saturn's Atmosphere and Ionosphere to the Rings
- The Field-Particle Correlation Technique: A Method for Determining Particle Energization in the Inner Heliosphere
- The Systematic Increase of the Electron Density and Other Related Effects as Voyager 1 Moves Outward into the Interstellar Space
- Van Allen Probes Observations of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) Rising Tones: Occurrence Statistics
- A Four-Belt Structure in Earth's Van Allen Belts
- A New View of Jupiter's X-ray Aurora Through Juno, Chandra and XMM-Newton
- ARTEMIS observations of electromagnetically induced fields from the lunar interior
- Advances in Low-Noise Fluxgates Enabling Nanosatellite Constellation Instruments
- An Initial Survey of Juno-UVS Auroral Emission Spectra
- Auroral diagnosis of solar wind interaction with Jupiter's magnetosphere
- Characteristics and Evolution of Strahl Electrons in the Inner Heliosphere
- Characterization of Phase Space Energy Transfer in 2-D Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection using Field-Particle Correlations
- Comparisons between InSight IFG Surface Magnetic Field Measurements and MAVEN Observations
- Determining the Velocity-Space Signatures of Magnetic Pumping Using the Field-Particle Correlation Technique
- Do Earth's auroral substorms and Jupiter's dawn storms arise from the same processes?
- ENA injections and narrowband emissions at Saturn
- Effects of the Lunar Plasma Environment on Reflected Ion Distributions and the Impact on Ultra Low Frequency Wave Generation
- Electron moments over Jupiter's main auroral emission
- Electrons in the Young Solar Wind
- Energetic particle observations in Jupiter's polar magnetosphere: new discoveries by Juno
- Energy Input of Solar Energetic Particles at Mars
- Force balance at the Martian MPB: Observations from MAVEN in the subsolar region.
- Foreshock electron impact ionization effect on the amplitude of pickup protons generated waves at Mars
- Global Structure and Thickness of Jovian Current Sheet
- Impacts of small coronal transients at Parker Solar Probe at times of density increases and burst of magnetic switchbacks
- In situ observation of decametric Jovian radio sources with Juno: comparison with simultaneous radio, electron and UV data
- In situ observations of the jovian ionosphere by the Juno JADE-I instrument
- Io's interaction with energetic electrons as observed by Juno
- Ionospheric Electron Densities Measured by the Juno Waves Instrument
- Juno in-situ Observations of Io's Interaction with Jupiter and Comparisons with Enceladus
- Jupiter's Magnetic Field & Source Location of Decameter Radiation Observed by Juno
- Latitudinal Beaming of Jupiter's Radio Emissions from Juno/Waves Flux Density Measurements
- Local Interstellar Electron Densities from the Voyager 1 and 2 Plasma Wave Instruments
- Location Analysis of ARTEMIS probes during Lunar events in the Earth's Magnetosphere
- MAVEN observations of internally generated ULF waves in the upper ionosphere of Mars
- Martian Ionopause: Coincidence with Photoelectron Boundary and Response to Internal and External Drivers
- Mass-Dependent Ion Parameters in Jupiter's Plasma Sheet Observed by Juno JADE
- Measurement of Electron Temperature Anisotropy to within 35 Rs
- Multi-species modelling of the forming solar wind from the upper chromosphere to Parker Solar Probe
- Neighboring Planet Outposts: Location and Opportunity
- New Discoveries in Jupiter's Polar Magnetosphere Through Plasma Observations from Juno: A Mid-Mission Overview
- New understanding on wave-particle interactions over Jupiter's polar auroras as revealed by Juno
- Nonuniform Bow Shock Boundary at Mars
- Observation of Jovian Magnetospheric 'Energetic Events' with Juno
- Observations of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) Waves with Rising Tones During a Van Allen Probes Conjunction
- Observations of Space Weather at Mars
- Observations of whistler-mode waves close to the plasmasphere boundary layer
- Occurrence Rates of Nonlinear Electron Interaction with Intense Chorus Waves
- Origin of two-band chorus in the Earth's outer radiation belt
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of the Release of Density Blobs and Flux Ropes at the Heliospheric Current Sheet
- Particle Acceleration by Io's Alfvénic Interaction
- Plasma waves near the electron cyclotron frequency in the near-Sun solar wind: implications for inner heliospheric turbulence and the structure of the solar wind
- Plasmasphere, Torus, and Cloak: An Initial View of the Typical Distribution of Cold-to-Warm Ions in the Inner Magnetosphere during the Van Allen Probes Era
- Quasi-Periodic (QP) Emissions at Jupiter: Juno Waves Observations
- Quasiperiodic modulation of whistler mode waves in the inner magnetosphere
- Radiation Environment Analysis of Jupiter from Juno/JADE-E, UVS and JEDI-E Penetrating Radiation Datasets
- Real Time Response of the Ionosphere of Mars to an X-Class Solar Flare
- Refining the mechanisms of dust detection by antenna instruments
- Saturn's Dusty Ionosphere
- Server and Data Models in das2py
- Simultaneous observations of quasiperiodic emissions by spacecraft and ground-based instruments
- Solar Cycle Variations of the Ionospheres of Venus and Mars
- Solar Longitudinal Variability of Waves at the Local Proton Cyclotron Frequency Upstream from the Martian Bow Shock
- Solar Wind Interaction and Pressure Balance at the Dayside Ionopause of Mars
- Sounder Accelerated Particles at Mars: Observations, Mechanism, and Applications
- Spatial extent of quasi-periodic emission simultaneously observed by Arase and Van Allen Probes on November 29, 2018.
- The Beginning of High-Resolution MARSIS Ionospheric Science
- The Interaction of Lunar Ions with the Ambient Environment in the Terrestrial Magnetospheric Tail Lobe
- The Prevalence of Ion-Scale Instabilities in the First Parker Solar Probe Encounters
- The Structure of the Martian Bow Shock as Seen by the MAVEN Spacecraft
- The Temperature Dependence of Plasmaspheric Ion Composition
- The US Space Team Man From Iowa Flying Space Computers Found Weird Waves that Make the Very Tiny Excited Things in the Space Rings Go Away
- The electrodynamic energy budgets of induced and intrinsic magnetospheres
- The influence of Martian crustal magnetic fields on atmospheric escape
- The modulation of solar wind hydrogen deposition in the Martian atmosphere by foreshock phenomena
- Up-going whistler-mode waves and their interactions with upward-moving energetic electrons: a study on the polar environment of Jupiter's magnetosphere
- Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose Particle Energization in Turbulence, Magnetic Reconnection, and Shocks
- Using dusty rings to trace asymmetries in Saturn's Magnetosphere.
- Wave-Particle Interactions in the Radiation Belts of Saturn, Jupiter and the Earth
- Young Solar Wind in the Grip of the Sun's Corona
- A Kinetic Plasma Rosetta Stone for Understanding Plasma Heating and Particle Acceleration in Space and Astrophysical Plasmas
- A New Approach to Determining Cold Plasma Ion Density and Composition From Particle Measurements.
- An overview of Jovian auroral acceleration processes: emphasis on energetic charged particle observations from NASA's Juno mission
- Archiving Citizen Science Data in a Public Archive: Radio JOVE Data and the Planetary Data System
- Atmospheric ion escape from Mars - MAVEN observations of a state-transition at high solar EUV
- Autonomous detection and tracing of ion trails in the Martian ionosphere by exploiting spectral morphology and spatial geometry
- Autoplot Scripting using Jython and GitLab for Research Applications
- Building a Better Fluxgate Core - Implications for Future Magnetic Field Instruments
- Characteristics of Ultra Low Frequency Plasma Waves Near the Moon
- Comparing Solar Minimum Conditions at Mars to What We Experience at 1 AU
- Comparison of Magnetic Field Structure of the Induced Magnetospheres of Mars and Venus
- Comprehensive Study of the Response of Outer Radiation Belt and Inner Magnetosphere to Sheath Regions of Coronal Mass Ejections
- Constraining Energy Input by Solar Energetic Particles at Mars
- Dependence of the cross-shock potential on the ion-to-electron mass and light speed to thermal velocity ratios
- Detecting Mirror Mode Waves at Mars with MAVEN: from Case Study to Statistical Occurrence Maps
- Determination of the response time of the Martian induced magnetosphere from solar wind fluctuations using multi-spacecraft observations
- Development of a Correction Algorithm for REPT Inner-Zone Electrons
- Double Layers: Kinetic Plasma Physics at the Venusian Bow Shock
- Dynamics of the Martian bow shock location and machine learning detection
- Electron Energy Density Dissipation Rate and Turbulent Cascade Rate in the Terrestrial Magnetosheath
- Electron Heat Flux in the Near-Sun Environment
- Electrostatic Waves and Electron Heating Observed over Lunar Magnetic Anomalies
- Energetic Particles and Acceleration Regions over Jupiter's Polar Cap and Main Aurora; a Broad Overview
- Evaluating Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interactions at Neptune: A Modeling Study of Solstice Conditions
- Evidence of Sub-proton-scale Magnetic Holes in the Venusian Magnetosheath
- Evolution of plasma turbulent processes at comet 67P: Rosetta Observations
- Experiment of Dust Mitigation for Lunar Surface Exploration
- Explaining the Low Luminosity of Uranus: A Self-Consistent Thermal and Structural Evolution Model
- Field-Particle Correlation Signatures of Magnetic Pumping
- Global survey of ion flow acceleration within current sheets in the Martian magnetosphere with MAVEN
- Identifying Fundamental Upstream Drivers of Ion Escape at an Unmagnetized Planet Using Machine Learning Methods
- Improving the PDS-PPI User Experience
- Io and Ganymede-induced decametric emission: in-situ measurements by Juno
- Jovian high-latitude electron densities measured by Juno/Waves
- Juno Reveals New Insights Into Io Related Decameter Radio Emissions
- Juno Waves Observations of Quasi-Periodic (QP) Emissions at Jupiter
- Jupiter's Polar Magnetosphere and Aurora: An Overview of New Results from Juno
- Lightning Generated Whistler Amplitudes Measured by the Van Allen Probes
- Low frequency proton resonance waves and associated higher frequency waves in the Martian magnetosheath and their role on ion escape
- Lunar Plasma Environment in Cases with Extreme Solar Wind Conditions. First Results from 3-D Hybrid Kinetic Modeling and Comparison with ARTEMIS Observations
- MAVEN Observations of Ion Escape as a Function of the Twisted Tail Magnetotail Configuration
- MAVEN observations of variability in the twisted magnetotail configuration at Mars
- MHD Turbulence in the Solar Wind: Observations from First Five Encounters of Parker Solar Probe
- Magnetic depressions in the Martian magnetosheath and upstream solar wind
- Magnetic switchbacks: on the sensitivity of the statistical results with the chosen methodology
- Mars Orbiters for Surface-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Connections (MOSAIC)
- Martian Middle Atmospheric Water Vapor and its Influence on Hydrogen Escape during the Global and Regional Dust Storms of Mars Year 34
- Measurements of the Jovian high-latitude ionospheric outflow
- Molecular Ion Contribution to the Polar Plume from Mars: Effects of Solar Wind Parameters and Crustal Magnetic Fields
- Negative Hydrogen Ions in the Martian Atmosphere: MAVEN Observations
- New Plasma Physics Pushing Closer to the Sun with PSP/SWEAP
- Observations of a Radial Density Gradient in the Very Local Interstellar Medium by Voyager 2
- Origin of Jupiter's Diffuse Aurora: Quantitative Analysis Using Juno Observations and Theoretical Calculations
- Parker Solar Probe In-Situ Observations of Magnetic Reconnection in the Near-Sun Solar Wind
- Partial electron density and temperature over Jupiter's main auroral emission
- Precipitating Solar Wind Hydrogen at Mars: Improved Calculations of the Backscatter with MAVEN Observations
- Quasi-thermal noise, plasma wave, and radio measurements for an Interstellar Probe Mission
- Radio waves and whistler-mode waves in solar wind and their interactions with energetic electrons
- Rapid Frequency Variations within Intense Chorus Wave Packets: Constraints on the Nonlinear Resonant Electron Acceleration
- Relative heating of ions and electrons in the young solar wind due to turbulent dissipation mediated via Landau damping
- Relativistic Electron Acceleration in Planetary Radiation Belts: Paradigm Shifts from the Van Allen Probes Mission at Earth and a Call for a Dedicated Study at Jupiter
- Relativistic Electron Phase Space Density Distribution in Jovian Plasma Sheet Observed by Juno
- Solar Wind Energy Flux Observations in the Inner Heliosphere: First Results from Parker Solar Probe
- Solar wind proxy determination at Mars using an artificial neural network
- Sources and Evolution of the Solar Wind Seen by Parker Solar Probe
- Space Weather at Mars: 5.5 Years of MAVEN Observations
- The AEPEX Mission: Atmospheric Effects of Precipitation through Energetic X-rays
- The Jovian ionospheric Alfvén resonator and auroral particle acceleration
- The Plasma Density in the Interstellar Medium Near and Beyond the Heliopause: Observations from the Voyager 1 and 2 Plasma Wave Instruments
- The Three-Dimensional Structure of the Martian Ionosphere from MAVEN Observations
- The Unusual Effect of Hiss Waves on Electrons in Saturn's Radiation Belts.
- The drivers of radial diffusion-dominated radiation belt acceleration events
- The generation of whistler-mode waves and their interactions with energetic electrons in Jupiter's polar regions, including applications beyond the giant planet
- The global current systems of the Martian induced magnetosphere
- The influence of the upstream conditions on the plasma convection in the distant tail lobes
- Tracking a CME and SIR to Earth and Mars during the deep minimum of Solar Cycle 24
- Using Electron Measurements from MAVEN to study the Magnetosheath of Mars
- Using Small-Sats, Cube-Sats and Out-of-the-Box Ideas to Address Major NASA Science Goals
- Variability of the Solar Wind Flow Asymmetry in the Martian Magnetosheath observed by MAVEN
- Wave-Particle Interactions and Radiation Belt Modeling in the Terrestrial and Planetary Magnetospheres
- Wave-particle interactions at the Io and Enceladus flux tubes: A high-resolution, in-situ parametric study
- Characterization of Velocity Space Structures of Dissipation Mechanisms of Turbulent Energy in the Earths Magnetosheath Plasma
- Discrete Aurora on the Nightside of Mars: Occurrence Location and Probability
- Empirically determined auroral electron events at Mars - MAVEN observations
- MAVEN observations of factors influencing the twisted magnetotail configuration at Mars
- Nadir Observations of Discrete Aurora on Mars: Evidence for Regional Difference in Local Time Control
- North-South IMF Sensitivity of the Mars-Solar Wind Interaction Is it important?
- Signatures of Landau Damping in Young Solar Wind Turbulence
- The Effect of Equatorial noise on the Proton Density Structure of the Inner Van Allen Belt
- The Scale-Filtered Correlation: A Frequency-and-Velocity Resolved Method for Characterizing the Resonant Impact of Waves
- Using Machine Learning to Characterize Solar Wind Driving of Convection in the Terrestrial Magnetotail Lobes
- A Statistical Analysis of Landau Damping Using MMS Data
- Diagnosis of Particle Energization in Plasma Turbulence as a Result of Wave-Particle Interactions using MMS Data
- Exploring Energy Transfer from the Bell Instability using Simulations and Field-Particle Correlation Analysis
- Frequency-resolved local measurements of phase-space energization
- Global ambipolar potentials and electric fields at Mars inferred from MAVEN observations
- Identifying Fundamental Upstream Drivers of Ion Escape at Mars Using Machine Learning Methods
- The Signatures of Electron Landau Damping in the Solar Wind
- Variations in the Chemical Composition of the Ionosphere of Mars Over a Solar Rotation Period
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Korpi-Lagg
- A. R. Poppe
- A. S. Afshari
- Adiv Paradise
- Alessandro Frigeri
- Alessandro Retinò
- Allison Jaynes
- Anders Eriksson
- Arnaud Beth
- B. L. Alterman
- B. M. Jakosky
- Baptiste Cecconi
- C. A. Kletzing
- Christian Möstl
- Christina O. Lee
- Chuanfei Dong
- Colby Haggerty
- Corentin Louis
- D. P. Hartley
- D. V. Reames
- Dale Weigt
- David M. Miles
- E. Heggy
- Elias Odelstad
- Emily Lichko
- F. Eparvier
- G. A. DiBraccio
- G. G. Howes
- Gangkai Poh
- J. C. Kasper
- J. E. P. Connerney
- J. G. Luhmann
- J. Gruesbeck
- J. R. Shuster
- J. S. Halekas
- James Juno
- Jared Espley
- Jonathan J. Fortney
- K. G. Klein
- Karl‐Heinz Glaßmeier
- Kurt D. Retherford
- L. Golub
- M. A. Mischna
- M. Delcroix
- M. H. Burger
- Maria Usanova
- Michael W. Davis
- N. E. Raouafi
- N. Sergis
- Nicholas M. Schneider
- Norberto Romanelli
- P. H. Reiff
- R. G. West
- R. Noschese
- R. Orosei
- Robert J. Lillis
- Robin Ramstad
- Rui Pinto
- S. A. Boardsen
- S. Curry
- S. Erard
- S. Giuppi
- S. Ruhunusiri
- Sarah A. Horvath
- Shaosui Xu
- Sonal Jain
- T. Dudok de Wit
- Teresa Nieves‐Chinchilla
- Tristan Weber
- X. Cao
- Xiaohua Fang
- Y. Dong
- Y. Ma
- Yuki Harada
- Z. Girazian
- Zachariah Milby