Southwest Research Institute, Boulder
flowchart I[Southwest Research Institute, Boulder] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1028)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (374)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- An impact origin of the Earth-Moon system
- Global Climate Change and Society: Scientific, Policy, and Philosophic Themes
- Guiding Science and Policy Through the Global Climate Change Debate
- High Resolution Observations of a Ponded Deposit and Debris Flow on 433 Eros: Evidence for Seismic Shaking?
- Multiplicity in the Kuiper Belt: The First Discovery of a Binary Trans-Neptunian Object
- On the Orbital and Collisional History of (433) Eros
- Volcanism, Clouds, and the Climate of Early Mars
- Local Atmospheric Wind Hazards to Entry, Descent and Landing Operations of the Mars Exploration Rover Mission as Predicted by the Mars Regional Atmospheric Modeling System
- Perspectives About Mercury: We Know Less Than we Think we Do
- Satellite Formation around Gas Giant Planets
- Accretion of the Galilean Satellites
- Consequences of Predicted or Actual Asteroid Impacts
- Constraints on the Galilean protosatellite disk from Jupiter's obliquity
- Magnetic Element Tracking and the Small-Scale Solar Dynamo
- Sharing Planetary Exploration: The Education and Public Outreach Program for the NASA MESSENGER Mission to Orbit Mercury
- Stereoscopic Spectrosopy for Magnetic Field Measurements
- The Power of JIMO for Determining Galilean Satellite Internal Structure and Origin
- Virtual Solar Observatory Distributed Query Construction
- A Neptune/Triton Vision Mission Using Nuclear Electric Propulsion
- Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) Observations of Phoebe's Thermal Emission
- Ceres Observations with HST: Size, Shape, Pole and Rocky Core
- Doing Science with the VSO: Signatures of CME Initiation
- Electrical Conductivity of the Bishop Tuff, Bishop, CA: Implications for Ground-Penetrating Radar Performance
- Faint Rings and Things According to Cassini
- Formation of Organic Molecules in Photo-evaporating Pre-planetary Disks
- Mapping Stratigraphy and Anomalies in Iron-Rich Volcanoclastics Using Ground-Penetrating Radar: Potential for Subsurface Exploration on Mars
- On Type III Protoplanet Migration
- Oxidant Enhancement in Martian Dust Devils and Storms II
- Oxidant Enhancement in Martian Dust Devils and Storms: I. Storm Electric Fields and Electron Dissociative Attachment
- Predictions of the Electrical Conductivity and Charging of the Aerosols in Titan's Atmosphere
- STEREO in the Virtual Solar Observatory Context
- Satellite Formation
- Splendor in the Seen by the Cassini Imaging Science Experiment
- Tharsis Recharge: Analysis of Groundwater Flow to the Martian Outflow Channels
- Wind Patterns at the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Sites Inferred from Mars Express HRSC and MER Images
- Astrobiology and Venus Exploration
- Detection of Martian nightglow: NO recombination bands and aurora over crustal magnetic anomalies.
- Detection of Subsurface Liquid Water Using Magnetotellurics on Mars
- Discovery of Probable Endogenic Hot Spots on Enceladus by the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer
- Initial fluxon models of CME onset: loss-of-equilibrium, breakout, tether-cutting
- MRO's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE)
- Mars Exploration Program 2007 Phoenix Mission Landing Site Selection
- Martian dust devil and storm electric fields: The formation of an O- plasma and new local chemistry
- Modeling the Temporal and Azimuthal Variability of the Io Plasma Torus Observed by Cassini UVIS
- On the combination of CDS and SUMER data for Active Region Plasma Diagnostics
- SPICAM on MARS Express: An Overview of UV and Near IR Results
- Spectral Imaging of Titan's Tropospheric Methane and Lower Atmosphere Haze Profile
- Surface Properties of the Isidis Basin, Mars
- Temperature-Dependent Geochronometry of the Surface of Venus
- Use of Nuclear Electric Power and Propulsion for a Neptune Mission
- A Passive Electromagnetic Sounder to Detect Subsurface Liquid Water on Mars: Methodology, Instrument Description, and Field-Test Results
- An Empirical Solar Wind Forecast Model From The Chromosphere
- CME Initiation due to the Kink Instability in the Absence of Reconnection
- Cassini UVIS Observations of the Saturnian Magnetosphere
- Clouds and Storms on Earth and Titan
- Detailed Calculations of the Venus Spectrum from 0.8 to 2.5 microns.
- Enchancements to the Virtual Solar Observatory
- Europa's Near-Surface Properties from Small Crater Morphology
- Fluxon Modeling of Active Region Evolution
- Goals and Progress of the LWS Focused Science Topic on the CME--ICME Connection
- Heat Flow From the South Pole of Enceladus: Spatial Distribution and Power Supply
- Integrated and Portable Electric &Magnetic Field Sensing System for Geosciences
- Moderately to Poorly Welded Tuff, Bishop, California: Broadband Performance of Ground- Penetrating Radar
- Moderately to Poorly Welded Tuff, Bishop, California: Geophysical and Geological Characterization to Determine the Source of Radar Scattering
- Numerical Modeling of Endogenic Thermal Anomalies on Europa
- Pyroclastic and Volcaniclastic Deposits Near Bishop, California: Geologic Controls on Near-Surface Electrical Resistivity and Radar Data
- The Role of Magnetoconvection in the Evolution of Active Regions Before, During and After the Eruption of Coronal Mass Ejections
- The Virtual Solar Observatory and the Heliophysics Meta-Virtual Observatory
- The current and future roles of virtual observatories serving the heliophysical data environment
- Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) Observations of Iapetus' Thermal Emission, and Implications for the Hemispheric Asymmetry
- Electrical Properties of Ice and Ice-Silicate Mixtures for Mars Exploration
- Energetic Particles in the Jovian Magnetotail
- Evidence of Coupled Large-scale Propagating MHD Waves in the EUV Corona
- Evidence of a Paleolake in the central Valles Marineris
- Feature Tracking of Hinode Magnetograms
- Fire and Ice: Lavas on Io, Cryolavas on Titan
- MARSIS and SHARAD radar reflections within Promethei Lingula, South Polar Layered Deposits, Mars
- Monitoring Io volcanism with AO telescopes during and after the NH flyby
- New Horizons Alice UV Observations of a Stellar Occultation by Jupiter's Atmosphere
- New Horizons at Jupiter: From Polar Lightning to Equatorial Waves
- New Horizons at Jupiter: Observations of Io
- New Insights into Gemina Lingula of the Northern Polar Layered Deposits, Mars from SHARAD Observations
- New Views of 2 Pallas From the Hubble Space Telescope
- On-disk Observation of a Sympathetic CME in SOHO-EIT
- Plausible Forms of Carbon Dioxide Ice Clouds in the Lower Atmosphere of Mars
- Results of the Enceladus Flagship Study
- Stratigraphy of the South Polar Layered Deposits in SHARAD Radar and Images
- The effect of reconnection on a confined flux rope
- Venus Upper Atmosphere Winds Traced by Night Airglow Distributions: NCAR VTGCM Simulations
- A Possible Impact Basin on Pallas
- A Venus Flagship Mission: Exploring a World of Contrasts
- Caloris Impact Basin: Exterior Geomorphology, Stratigraphy, Morphometry, Radial Sculpture, and Smooth Plains Deposits
- Charge Distribution in Martian Dust Disturbances
- Comparison of March 2008 Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) tiger stripe observations with shear heating predictions
- Constraining the Endogenic Power of Enceladus' Tiger Stripe Region
- Coupled Planetary Reservoirs
- Cratering on Mercury Interpreted from MESSENGER's First Two Flybys
- Deep Convective Cloud Constraints on the General Circulation of Titan
- Density Variations within the South Polar Layered Deposits of Mars
- Detection of neutral particle radiation with the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD)
- Electron temperatures and its bulk flow speeds in the low solar corona measured during the total solar eclipse on 29 March 2006 in Libya
- Exploring for early bombardments on Earth from pre-3.85 Fa thermal effects recorded in Hadean zircons - a status report
- Exploring the Martian Subsurface of Athabasca Valles Using MARSIS Radar Data: Testing the Volcanic and Fluvial Hypotheses for the Origin of the Rafted-Plate Terrain
- Formation of Gas Giant Satellites
- Geology of the unusual double-ring Raditladi basin on Mercury
- High Spatial Resolution Observations of Thermal Emission from Enceladus' Active South Pole
- Io from Ground-based Eclipse Observations: Implications for the Eruptive History of Loki
- Lateral Viscosity Variations and the Contractional History of Mercury
- Light-output response of the plastic scintillator for the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD)
- MESSENGER's Second Flyby of Mercury: A Scientific Overview
- Mars Tectonics
- Mercury Core Properties from the Rotation State
- Mobile lid convection beneath Enceladus' south polar terrain
- Optical Constants of the Ammonium Ion: A Potential Ice Product in the Outer Solar System
- Prospects for the Representation of Geophysical Fields from MESSENGER Observations of Mercury Using Harmonic Radial Bases
- Radar Detection of a Subsurface Horizon at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Radar evidence for ice in lobate debris aprons in the mid- latitudes of Mars
- Subsurface Structure of Planum Boreum on Mars from Shallow Radar (SHARAD) Soundings
- Surface Properties and Characteristics of Mars Landing Sites from Remote Sensing Data and Ground Truth
- Tectonics and Interior Structure of Pluto: Predictions from the Orbital Evolution of the Pluto-Charon System
- Terrestrial Planet Geophysics
- The Mercury Gravity Field: MESSENGER Observations
- Topography of Equatorial Mercury from MESSENGER Flybys 1 and 2
- Uranian Equinoctial Observations
- Using SHARAD radar soundings to evaluate the origin of martian gullies and pingos
- Volcanic Forcing of Climate on Earth, Mars and Venus
- Volcanism on Mercury: Characteristics and Distribution from the First MESSENGER Flyby
- Alteration Mineralogy of Adirondack-class Rocks in Gusev Crater, Mars
- Assessing Groundwater Storage Changes in Edwards-Trinity Aquifer, Texas
- Asteroids Shedding Meteoroids...or Becoming Bolides (Invited)
- Atmosphere-Surface Interactions of Titan's Lakes: Fluxes and Clouds
- Characterization of Contractional Deformation Features on Mercury from Finite Element Modeling and Altimetric Profiles from MESSENGER’s Flybys
- Current Issues in NEO Detection and Threat Mitigations (Invited)
- Debris Field of the July 19, 2009, Impact in Jupiter and Its Long-term Evolution
- Early Results from the LRO Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) During this Historic Solar Minimum (Invited)
- Electrical properties of saline ices and ice-silicate mixtures: geophysical and astrobiological consequences (Invited)
- Electrodynamics of Martian Dust Disturbances
- ExploreNEOs: The Warm Spitzer NEO survey
- First Light with SHAZAM (the Stereoscopic High-speed Zeeman Magnetograph)
- Fluxon modeling of breakout CMEs
- Future Io Exploration for 2013-2022 and Beyond: A White Paper submitted for the 2011 Planetary Science Decadal Survey
- Geophysics of Mercury: The MESSENGER View (Invited)
- Integrated Geophysical Examination of the CRREL Permafrost Tunnel’s Fairbanks Silt Units, Fox, Alaska
- Mercury after the Third MESSENGER Flyby
- Modeling and Laboratory Investigations of Evaporites on Mars
- Modelling Io’s auroral emission and the interaction of the moon’s atmosphere-ionosphere with the Jovian magnetosphere
- New Insights into the Spiral Troughs of the Northern Polar Layered Deposits, Mars from SHARAD Observations
- New insights into the electrical properties of ice and permafrost
- Observations of Rosetta Target (21) Lutetia with Keck and Gemini Adaptive Optics
- Pedestal crater deposits as seen by SHARAD
- Proton intensity gradients and radiation dose equivalents in the inner heliosphere: Modeling and Prediction
- Reconstructing the 3-D Structure and Trajectory of ICMEs: Physical and Forecasting Implications
- SHARAD Penetrates Only the Youngest Geological Units on Mars
- Shallow Radar Soundings of the Southern Highlands of Mars
- Simulations of the Evolution of Vapor Ejected by the LCROSS Impact on the Moon
- Spectroscopy of the LCROSS Ejecta Plume from Keck, Gemini, and NASA IRTF Observatories
- The 26 April 2008 CME; a Case Study Tracking a CME into the Heliosphere
- The Rationale for a New High-resolution Imaging Radar Mission to Venus
- The SHARAD Sounding Radar Explores Mars (Invited)
- The snows of Juventae: Mesoscale simulation of atmospheric response to chaos formation
- Travelling Waves and Resonances: Pc3 Sources at High Latitudes
- Understanding the Variability of Nightside Temperatures and Airglow Emissions in Venus’ Middle and Upper Atmosphere: NCAR VTGCM Simulations
- A laboratory study of the effects of roughness on the mid-infrared spectra of rock surfaces
- Dark-toned dunes in the western Medusae Fossae Formation: Characteristics, distribution, and source
- Distributions of Superposed Impact Craters on Lunar Basins
- Electric Fields within Martian Dust Storms
- End-to-End Observations and Modeling of the 17-21 January 2010 CME/ICME
- Finding Magnetic Features and Emerging Flux Regions in HMI Data with SWAMIS
- Forecasting Earth Arrivals of CMEs with Heliospheric Imagers (Invited)
- Formation of the Jovian and Saturnian Satellite Systems (Invited)
- Google Mercury: The Launch of a New Planet
- Great Kobuk Sand Dunes, Alaska: A Terrestrial Analog Site for Polar, Topographically Confined Martian Dune Fields
- How MESSENGER Meshes Simulations and Games with Citizen Science
- Insights from a Geophysical and Geomorphological Mars Analog Field Study at the Great Kobuk Sand Dunes, Northwestern Alaska
- Lunette: A Dual Lander Mission to the Moon to Explore Early Planetary Differentiation
- MESSENGER Education and Public Outreach Arranges a Ride to the Innermost Planet
- Magnetic clouds observed by STEREO
- Martian Pyroxenes in the Shergottite Meteorites; Zagami, SAU005, DAG476 and EETA79001
- Martian Surface Composition From Multiple Datasets, Part I: Statistical Analysis of Global Mineral Distributions From MGS-TES
- Martian Surface Composition From Multiple Datasets, Part II: Chemical Analysis of Global Mineral Distributions from MGS-TES
- Meteorological Predictions in Support of the Mars Science Laboratory Entry, Descent and Landing
- Mosaic Postcards from Mercury
- New Horizons Alice Observations of Io's UV Atmospheric Emissions
- New Horizons Cruise Observations of Lyman Alpha from the Interplanetary Medium
- Positive Radiative-Dynamic Feedback in Martian Dust Storms
- Potential scientific objectives for a 2018 2-rover mission to Mars and implications for the landing site and landed operations
- Rosetta-Alice Observations of Exospheric Hydrogen and Oxygen on Mars
- SHARAD Finds Voluminous CO2 Ice Sequestered in the Martian South Polar Layered Deposits
- Scientific Revelations on Coronal Mass Ejections Using Heliospheric Imagers and In-Situ Data
- Shallow Radar soundings of the four candidate landing sites for MSL Curiosity
- Signal Strength and Bandwidth for Magnetotelluric Sounding of the Interior of the Moon
- Simulation of Io's Auroral Emission: Constraints on the Atmosphere in Eclipse
- The Delivery of Water to the Lunar Mantle by Late Planetesimal Accretion (Invited)
- The Exploration of Mercury by MESSENGER: Looking Ahead to Orbital Observations
- The Radar Effects of Perchlorate-Doped Ice in the Martian Polar Layered Deposits
- The Saturnian Dust Streams: Sources, Sinks and Formation Conditions
- The automatic detection and tracking of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (CMEs) using heliospheric imager data
- Ultraviolet Exploration of 21 Lutetia by the Alice UV Spectrometer Aboard Rosetta
- A High-Amplitude Thermal Inertia Anomalies of Probable Magnetospheric Origin in the Saturnian System.
- A Mid-Infrared Emission and Reflectance Library of Meteorites and Fine Particulate Phases
- A Pragmatic Path to Investigating Europa's Habitability
- A Quantitative Assessment of the Size-Frequency Distribution of Terrestrial Dust Devils, Comparison with Qualitative Estimates, and Applications to Mars
- A hybrid fluid - N-body model for the formation of the Moon
- A search for a crustal magnetization signature of variations in insolation at Mercury
- Crater Floor Slope as a Measure of Long-wavelength Changes in Topography on Mercury
- Demonstration Of A Portable Approach For Rb-Sr Geochronology On The Boulder Creek Granite: Implications For Planetary Exploration
- Dynamics and evolution of Mercury's interior as constrained by MESSENGER observations
- Electromagnetic Sounding of the Moon from ARTEMIS
- Electromagnetic Wave Power Observed Near the Moon during Terrestrial Bow Shock Crossings and Its Importance for Subsurface Sounding
- Evolution of the Deep-space Galactic Cosmic Ray Lineal Energy Transfer Spectrum through Tissue Equivalent Plastic
- Flux Ropes and Small-Scale Interplanetary Transients - New Revelations from STEREO/SECCHI
- Horizontal forward-motion velocities of terrestrial dust devils, comparison with ambient winds, and application to Mars
- Imaging the Turbulent Solar Wind with STEREO/SECCHI
- Incorporation of a Gravity Wave Momentum Deposition Parameterization into the VTGCM
- Insights into the nature of radar attenuation through impure ice from broadband dielectric spectroscopy of polar ice cores
- Internal structure of Mercury: Constraints from MESSENGER
- Inversion of neutron/gamma spectra from scintillator measurements
- Investigations to Determine the Origin of the Solar Wind with the SPICE EUV Imaging Spectrograph and the Solar Orbiter Mission
- LRO/LAMP Maps of the Lunar Poles: Survey of Nightside and Dayside Far-UV Albedos
- Laser Altimetry by MESSENGER over Lobate Scarps Reveals the Lithospheric Structure of Mercury
- Lava erosion on Mercury: Model results using new observations from MESSENGER
- Light Scattering by Lunar Exospheric Dust: What could be Learned from LRO LAMP and LADEE UVS?
- Linking Spectral Features with Composition, Crystallinity, and Roughness Properties of Silica and Implications for Candidate Hydrothermal Systems on Mars
- MESSENGER Educator Fellows Taking the Nation on a Ride to the Innermost Planet
- MESSENGER Observations of Internal and External Magnetic Fields at Mercury
- Mafic Silicate and Ferric Oxide Mineralogy of Gale Crater and the Mars Science Laboratory Rover Field Site
- Magnetic fields of the solar system: A comparative planetology toolkit
- Major compositional provinces on Mars: a record of igneous processes and H2O-rock interactions
- Mercury Lithosphere and Crustal Properties from MESSENGER Orbital Observations
- Mercury's Gravity Field After The First Months Of MESSENGER'S Orbital Phase
- Mineral Reaction Buffering of Venus' Atmosphere: Constraints for Terrestrial Exoplanets
- Recent geologic activity on Mercury
- Remote Sensing of Unexposed Fossil Stumps at Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, Colorado
- Shape And Size Of (90) Antiope Derived From An Exceptional Stellar Occultation On July 19 2011
- The Extended Duration Sounding Rocket (EDSR): Low Cost Science and Technology Missions
- The First Cosmic Ray Albedo Proton Map of the Moon
- The Geophysics of Mercury: Shape, Interior Structure and Thermal Evolution from MESSENGER
- The Impact of a Realistic Vertical Dust Distribution on the General Circulation of the Martian Atmosphere
- The Io Plasma Torus During the Cassini Flyby of Jupiter
- The Martian surface radiation environment - Influence of higher atmospheric pressure and surface or sub-surface water
- The Mercury Surface Interactive: Exploring MESSENGER data and images from orbit
- The Moon's Permanently Shadowed Regions as Observed by LRO's Lyman Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP) Instrument
- The onset of the lunar cataclysm as recorded in its crater populations
- The shape of Mercury's south-polar region
- Turbulent Exchanges of Heat and Methane at the Atmosphere-Lake Interfaces of Titan
- Using Global Heliospheric Reconstructions to Separate Multiple CME and CIR Flows
- Using the Bombardment History of the Moon to Understand Planet Formation
- Using the Earth as a guide to martian mass movement processes: From form to process
- Widespread and voluminous flood volcanism in the northern high latitudes of Mercury revealed by MESSENGER: Relation to global volcanic processes
- A New Inventory of Lunar Impact Basins from LOLA and GRAIL
- Accounting for the MMRTG Background in MSL/RAD Data
- Age Constraints and Growth/Retreat History of Planum Boreum, Mars from a 3-D Analysis of SHARAD Radar Data Combined with Modeling
- An In-Situ Rb-Sr Dating & Organics Characterization Instrument For A MER+ Sized Rover
- Anticipating Juno Observations of the Magnetosphere of Jupiter
- Basin ring faults and giant dikes on the Moon revealed by GRAIL gravity gradiometry
- Bouguer Gravity Anomalies Associated with Lunar Craters: Initial Results from the GRAIL Mission
- Chronology of heavily cratered terrains on Mercury
- Cosmic Ray Albedo Proton Yield Correlated with Lunar Elemental Abundances
- Crustal Thickness Estimates at Mercury from MESSENGER Line-of-sight Gravity
- Deep dielectric charging of the Moon
- Distinguishing Neutrons and Gammas with MSL's Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD)
- Electrical characteristics of simulated tornadoes
- Evection Resonance and the Angular Momentum of the Earth-Moon System
- Evidence from Impact Crater Observations for Few Large Impacts on the Moon 0.8-1.7 Ga
- Evolution of Coronal Bright Points and Photospheric Magnetic Fields
- Forming a Moon with an Earth-like composition via a Giant Impact
- Gemini near-infrared observations of Europa's Hydrated Surface Materials
- Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) Primary Mission Overview
- Histogramming of the Charged Particle Measurements with MSL/RAD - Comparison of Histogram Data with Simulations
- Imaging the origins of solar wind variability
- Impact Cratering on Small Asteroids and into Coarse Regoliths
- Influence of Benzene on Aerosol- and Gas-Phase Chemistry in Haze Analog Atmospheres
- LRO/LAMP Observations of Temporal Variability of Lunar Exospheric Helium During June and July 2012
- Loop Evolution Observed with AIA and Hi-C
- MSL-RAD Dosimetry Measurements in Cruise and on Mars: Calibration and First Results
- Magnetotelluric Sensor Development for Planetary Subsurface Exploration
- Martian CAT scan: Three-dimensional imaging of Planum Boreum with Shallow Radar data
- Mercury's Time-Averaged and Induced Magnetic Fields from MESSENGER Observations
- Mercury's high northern latitude magnetic signature: Limitations on an internal source
- Modeling Insights into the Lunar Exosphere
- Numerical modeling of basaltic sand ripples on Eagle crater as indirect evidence for the hysteresis effect in Martian saltation
- Observations of solar eruptions in the heliosphere
- Onset Times of Solar Particle Events Observed by MSL/RAD - Constraints on Particle Transport
- Orbital detectability of thermal signatures associated with active formation of 'chaos terrain' on Europa
- Pervasive aeolian activity along Curiosity's traverse in Gale Crater on Mars
- Polygonal Ground in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica and its Relationship to Ice-Table Depth and the Recent Antarctic Climate History
- Preservation of Subsurface Sulfates with mid-to-high degree of hydration in Equatorial regions on Mars
- Quasi-periodic electron bursts in the Jovian magnetosphere
- Revelations on Heliospheric Imaging of Polarized Light
- Spin-up and re-shaping by the YORP effect: What are binary asteroids telling us about their internal structure?
- Terrestrial planet formation from a truncated disk -- The 'Grand Tack'
- The Dynamics of Titan's Convective Clouds
- The Earth's Geocorona and Geotail as Observed by LRO's Lyman Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP) Instrument
- The Effect of Surface Emissivity on Mars Science Laboratory Ground Temperature Sensor Measurements
- The Fundamental Structure of Coronal Loops
- The Mars Science Laboratory Mission: Early Results from Gale Crater Landing Site
- The Radiation Environment on the Martian Surface and during MSL's Cruise to Mars
- The crust of the Moon as seen by GRAIL
- Understanding the 3D morphology of the Jovian aurora using Juno-UVS observations: simulations and tomographic reconstruction
- Using a 2D Model of the Io Plasma Torus to Investigate the Effects of Density Variations on the Morphology and Intensity of the Io Footprint
- Venus Climate Sensitivity
- A Concept for Providing Warning of Chelyabinsk-like Meteors, including those approaching from the Sun
- Advances in Complex-Resistivity Mapping and Characterization of Permafrost (Invited)
- An Instrument for In-situ Triage of Mars 2020 Rover Samples for Organics and Chronology
- Asymmetry of the Mars Ionosphere Boundary Altitude during a Solar Energetic Particle Event
- BRISSON Mid-IR Observations of the Moon and Galilean Satellites
- BRRISON Mission Overview (Invited)
- BRRISON Observations of Comet ISON
- Charged Particle Measurements on Mars and during Cruise with the Radiation Assessment Detector (MSL/RAD)
- Coordinated in situ and orbital observations of ground temperature by the Mars Science Laboratory Ground Temperature Sensor and Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System: Implications for thermal modeling of the Martian surface
- Detecting Low-Contrast Features in the Cosmic Ray Albedo Proton Yield Map of the Moon
- Detection and Characterization of Callisto's Atmosphere with the Hubble Space Telescope
- Dynamical Model for the Zodiacal Cloud and Sporadic Meteors (Invited)
- Enceladus' Enigmatic Heat Flow
- Engaging the Public in the MESSENGER Spacecraft's Confirmation of Water Ice on Mercury by Using Actual Data
- Environmental Dynamics and the Habitability Potential at Gale Crater, Mars (Invited)
- Establishing a Network of Citizen Scientists to Measure Trans-Neptunian Objects (Invited)
- Europa's Atmosphere and Aurora: Recent Advances from HST-STIS and Plans for Plume Searches with JUICE-UVS
- Ground-atmosphere interactions at Gale
- High-Altitude Balloon Observatories for Planetary Science
- Imaging solar wind sources at the inner edge of the heliosphere
- Implications of Moon-forming impact scenarios (Invited)
- In-Situ Exploration of Venus: Major Science Objectives, Investigations, and Mission Platform Options
- Interpreting Ground Temperature Measurements for Thermophysical Properties on Complex Surfaces of the Moon and Mars
- Investigation of the Importance of Atmospheric Dust Content on Particle Spectra on the Surface of Mars
- Io's Post-Eclipse Atmosphere: Evidence Against Atmospheric Collapse During Eclipse
- Is Titan's dune orientation controlled by tropical methane storms?
- Journey to a metal world: Concept for a Discovery mission to Psyche
- Low altitude cloud height and methane humidity retrievals on Titan in the near-IR
- Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Sounding for Planetary Volatiles (Invited)
- MARSTHERM: A Web-based System Providing Thermophysical Analysis Tools for Mars Research
- MESSENGER Observations of Induced Magnetic Fields at Mercury
- Magma ascent pathways associated with large mountains on Io
- Measurements of the Martian Gamma/Neutron Spectra with MSL/RAD
- Modeling Regolith Temperatures and Volatile Ice Processes (Invited)
- Modeling sensitivity of temporal and azimuthal variability in the Io plasma torus
- Modeling the Stability of the Large CO<SUB>2</SUB> Deposits on Mars South Polar Cap
- Observations of Ice-Exposing Impacts on Mars over Three Mars Years
- Observations of the Onset and Launch of a Pre-Existing CME Flux Rope
- Optimal Electromagnetic (EM) Geophysical Techniques to Map the Concentration of Subsurface Ice and Adsorbed Water on Mars and the Moon
- Perspectives on the Near-Earth Object Impact Hazard After Chelyabinsk
- Priorities for Venus Exploration
- Probing the Extremes in the Water-Ice Content of the Martian Permafrost
- Radar detectability studies of slow and small Zodiacal Cloud Dust Particles
- Radiation Measurements in Cruise and on Mars by the MSL Radiation Assessment Detector
- Reconstruction of charged particle fluxes detected by the Radiation Assessment Detector onboard of MSL
- Reduced low energy electron counts and their relationship to crustal magnetic fields at Mars
- Secular Climate Change on Mars: An Update Using MSL Pressure Data
- Simulation and Comparison of Martian Surface Ionization Radiation
- The Age of the Moon As Told By Dynamics and Asteroidal Meteorites
- The Bombardment of the Earth During the Hadean and Early Archean Eras
- The Dynamic Meteorology of Gale Crater (Invited)
- The Hohmann-Parker Effect and its Consequences Measured by the Mars Science Laboratory on the Transfer from Earth to Mars
- Thick subsurface water ice in Arcadia Planitia, Mars
- Towards the next HST: Fine Guiding Results from the BRRISON Mission
- What can be learned about the lunar mantle from the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL)?
- A New and Improved Model of the Near-Earth Object Population
- Analysis of Dose Rate Variations Observed By MSL/RAD
- Analysis of Solar Wind Plasma Properties of Co-Rotating Interaction Regions at Mars with MSL/RAD
- BOPPS Observations of Oort Cloud Comets Siding and PanSTARRS
- Birkeland Currents and Their Closure at Mercury
- Cassini CIRS Emissivity Variations across Dione and Rhea's Polar Regions
- Characteriizing Hydration in Asteroids from Observations in the Stratosphere with the BOPPS Infrared Camera
- Charged Particle Measurements with the Mars Science Laboratory's Radiation Assessment Detector (MSL/RAD)
- Comparison of Martian Surface Radiation Predictions to the Measurements of Mars Science Laboratory Radiation Assessment Detector (MSL/RAD)
- Comparisons Between New Horizons Results and Long-Term Monitoring of Pluto
- Compositional and Physical Properties of Materials Along Curiosity's Traverse Inferred from CRISM Hyperspectral Data
- Constraints on Mercury's Core-Mantle Boundary Region
- DELPHI: A Pathfinder to LCAS on board the International Space Station
- Determining Charged Particle Flux Direction in MSL/RAD
- Energetic Particle Measurements on Mars and in Lunar Orbit
- Far-UV Eclipse Observations of Ganymede's Atmosphere with New Horizons Alice: New Constraints to the Atomic Oxygen Component
- Far-Ultraviolet Surface Reflectance of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as Observed by the Alice Spectrograph on Rosetta
- Following up on the Discovery of Water Vapor at Europa's South Pole with HST
- Forbush Decreases on the Martian Surface during the 2014 Mars Oppositio
- GRAIL Bouguer Gravity Anomalies of Complex Lunar Craters: Determined Through Spectral Filtering
- Galileo Observations of the Io Plasma Torus
- Gas Transfer in the Pluto-Charon System: A Charon Atmosphere
- Ground-Based Observations of the Io Plasma Torus in Support of the EXCEED Mission
- Hi-C Observations and the Structure of Coronal Loops
- Instant: An Innovative L5 Small Mission Concept for Coordinated Science with Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus
- Interpretation of the Meteorological Gale Environment through Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) Observations and Mesoscale Modeling (MRAMS)
- LRO-LAMP Observations of the Lunar Exosphere Coordinated with LADEE
- Locations of Major Thrust Faults on Mercury Point to a Formation Mechanism Associated with Crustal Thickening
- Lunar Crustal Properties: Insights from the GRAIL Gravity Signatures of Lunar Impact Craters
- MSL/RAD Measurements of the Neutron Spectrum in Transit to Mars and on the Martian Surface
- Magnetic Feature Tracking in the SDO Era: Past Sacrifices, Recent Advances, and Future Possibilities
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter observation of Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring)
- Measurement of the Gas Environment of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with the Alice Far-ultraviolet Spectrograph on Rosetta
- Mercury's Internal Magnetic Field: Results from MESSENGER's Low-altitude Campaign
- Mercury's Internal Magnetic Field: Results from MESSENGER's Search for Remanent Crustal Magnetization Associated with Impact Basins
- Multi-wavelength observations of Jupiter's aurora coordinated with Hisaki and other space telescopes
- Multivariate Statistical Analysis of MSL APXS Bulk Geochemical Data
- New Calculations of Temperatures and Volatile Migration on Small Bodies
- New IR mineralogy and Rb-Sr geochronology measurements of Martian meteorites
- New Platforms for Suborbital Astronomical Observations and In Situ Atmospheric Measurements: Spacecraft, Instruments, and Facilities
- Observations of Io's Active Volcanoes from IRTF: Imaging and Occultation Lightcurves
- On the Size of the Cosmic Dust Input to the Earth's Atmosphere
- Origin and Evolution of the Cometary Reservoirs
- Pressure oscillations on the surface of Gale Crater and coincident observations of global circulation patterns.
- SHARAD detections of subsurface reflectors near RSL sites on the Tharsis Plateau immediately adjacent to the canyon rim of Valles Marineris
- Secular Climate Change on Mars: An Update Using One Mars Year of MSL Pressure Data
- Sedimentation Waves on the Martian North Polar Cap: Analogy with Megadunes in Antarctica
- Small Fault Scarps on Mercury Detected in Low-Altitude MESSENGER Images
- Structure of the Moon's Orientale Basin from Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) Observations
- Subsurface Ice Detection via Low Frequency Surface Electromagnetic Method
- Surface Strains Associated with the Evolution of Mercury's Domical Swells
- The Detectability of Heat Flow Signatures on Europa
- The Distribution and Behaviour of Photospheric Magnetic Features
- The Geomorphology of Comet Churymov-Gerasimenko As Revealed By Rosetta/Osiris: Implicationsfor Past Collisional Evolution
- The Greenland Ice Sheet in Three Dimensions
- The NASA Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS): A Constellation of Bi-static Ocean Scatterometer Microsatellites to Probe the Inner Core of Hurricanes
- The New Horizons Bistatic Radio Science Experiment to Measure Pluto's Surface Properties
- The Pre- and Post-Launch Configuration of a CME Flux Rope
- The RIMFAX Ground Penetrating Radar on the Mars 2020 Rover.
- The Spatial Distribution of Radiated Endogenic Power from Enceladus' South Polar Region
- The Surface Composition Investigation for Pluto and Its Moons from the New Horizons Mission
- The dynamic nature and spectral characteristics of low-albedo slope streaks on Mars and their possible hydrologic implications
- The search for Ar in the lunar atmosphere using the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter's LAMP instrument.
- Tracking Coronal Mass Ejections through the Space Environment
- Transient Meltwater in Mullins Valley Glacier, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Two Dimensional Physical Chemistry Model of the Io Plasma Torus
- UV-IR Spectra of the Icy Saturnian Satellites
- UV/Visible Observations of C/2012 K1 PanSTARRS and C/2013 A1 Siding Spring from a Stratospheric Telescope
- VERITAS: A mission to study the highest priority Decadal Survey questions for Venus
- Variability of Jupiter's Main Auroral Emission in Response to Magnetospheric Hot Plasma Injections
- Wishstone to Watchtower: Alteration of Plagioclase-rich Rocks in Gusev Crater, Mars
- 3-D Radar Imaging Reveals Deep Structures and Buried Craters Within the Martian Polar Caps
- A First Look at the Geology of Charon
- A Proof of Concept for In-Situ Lunar Dating
- Active Region Soft X-Ray Spectra as Observed Using Sounding Rocket Measurements from the Solar Aspect Monitor (SAM), - a Modified SDO/EVE Instrument
- Ammonia Bearing Species on Ceres: Implication on Origin and Evolution
- An Early, Transient, Impact-driven Tectonic Regime in the Hadean?
- Analysis of the Longitudinal Variation of Energetic Particle Radiation during the 23 July 2012 Solar Event Using STEREO and LRO/CRaTER with the BRYNTRN Model
- Basin Formation and Cratering on Mercury Revealed by MESSENGER
- Broadband Ground Penetrating Radar with conformal antennas for subsurface imaging from a rover
- Capabilities of a FOXSI Small Explorer
- Charged Particle Environment on Mars - One Mars Year of MSL/RAD Measurements
- Charon as Seen by New Horizons in the Infrared
- Charon's Color: A view from New Horizon Ralph/Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera
- Color and Composition of Pluto and Its Moons from the New Horizons Mission
- Comparisons Between New Horizons Results and Long-Term Monitoring of Pluto
- Contextualizing Solar Cycle 24: Report on the Development of a Homogenous Database of Bipolar Active Regions Spanning Four Cycles
- Convection in Solid Nitrogen and Other Supervolatile Ices on Pluto
- Crater Mapping in the Pluto-Charon System: Considerations, Approach, and Progress
- Craters on Pluto and Charon: The Influence of Low Gravities, Low Impact Speeds, and Unique Ices
- Dielectric Signatures of Annealing in Glacier Ice
- Discovering New Compounds on Icy Moon Surfaces with Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy
- Distortion of Induced Magnetic Fields on the Nightside of the Moon and Implications for Electromagnetic Sounding
- Dust inventory through the Solar System: From Earth to Pluto
- Energetic Particles in the far and near Environment of Pluto
- Energy Release and Transport in Super-Hot Solar Flares
- Escape of Pluto's Atmosphere: In Situ Measurements from New Horizons and Remote Observations from Chandra
- Europa's Plasma Environment: A Reanalysis of Galileo PLS and PWS Observations
- Forbush Effects on the Martian Surface and Earth's Poles
- Geology of Pluto and Charon Overview
- Geomorphic Evolution of Sputnik Planum and Surrounding Terrain
- Geomorphological Evidence for Pervasive Ground Ice on Ceres from Dawn Observations of Craters and Flows.
- Geomorphological Mapping of Sputnik Planum and Surrounding Terrain on Pluto
- Haze Production in Pluto's Atmosphere
- High angular resolution at LBT
- Hydrogen Bearing Material in the Lunar Exosphere
- Interior Evolution of Ceres and Vesta Revealed by Dawn
- Investigating Saturn's Icy Moons using HST/STIS
- Long-Lived Storms and Squall Lines on Titan
- Mercury's Crustal Magnetic Field from Low-Altitude Measurements by MESSENGER.
- Mesoscale Modeling of Water Vapor and Dust in Valles Marineris: Atmospheric Influences on Recurring Slope Lineae.
- Monitoring the Heliospheric Conditions at Mars Using MSL/RAD Measurements
- N<SUB>2 </SUB>glacial flow on and onto Sputnik Planum
- New Horizons Alice sky Lyman-α at Pluto encounter: Importance for photochemistry
- New Horizons LORRI Pluto Haze Spatial Analysis
- New Horizons approach photometry of Pluto and Charon: light curves and Solar phase curves
- New Insights into the Structure, Origin, and Evolution of Pluto and Charon
- New Instruments for Spectrally-Resolved Solar Soft X-ray Observations from CubeSats, and Larger Missions
- NuSTAR X-ray observations of small flares and non-flaring active regions
- Observational Constraints on a Pluto Torus of Circumsolar Neutral Gas
- Overview of Key Results from the Exploration of the Pluto System by New Horizons
- Photometric Properties of Pluto and Charon: Comparison to Other Bodies
- Pluto As Seen by the LEISA Spectrometer on New Horizons
- Pluto's Far Ultraviolet Spectrum and Airglow Emissions
- Pluto's Global Color Variability as Seen by the New Horizons Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera
- Pluto's small satellites in the context of the Kuiper Belt
- Possible Albedo Proton Signature of Hydrated Lunar Surface Layer
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-1 Asari Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data.
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-12 Toharu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-14 Yalode Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-2 Coniraya Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-4 Ezinu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-5 Fejokoo Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-7 Kerwan Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-9 Occator Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Processes Modifying Cratered Terrains on Pluto
- REMS Wind Sensor Preliminary Results
- Radiation Protection Challenges for a Human Mission to Mars
- Radii and Shape of Pluto and Charon: Preliminary Results from New Horizons
- Radio Occultation Measurements of Pluto's Atmosphere with New Horizons
- Requirements for an Operational Coronagraph
- Science Measurements for the <em>Io Volcano Observer (IVO)</em>
- Science Objectives and Site Selection Criteria for a Human Mission to Mars
- Scientific Synergies from the Europa Multiple-Flyby Mission
- Search for Trace Species in Europa's Exosphere
- Searching for Charon's Atmosphere
- Shapes and Rotations of the Small Satellites of Pluto
- Surface Reflectometry and Ionosphere Sounding from the Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-surface (REASON)
- Synthetic White-light Imagery for the Wide-field Imager for Solar Probe Plus (WISPR)
- The Atmospheres of Pluto and Charon
- The Chasmata and Montes of Charon
- The Effect of Pre-Impact Porosity and Vertical Density Gradients on the Gravity Signature of Lunar Craters as Seen by GRAIL
- The Geology of Ceres: an Overview
- The Low-Degree Shape of Mercury
- The NASA Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS): Mission Status
- The New Horizons Radio Science Experiment: Performance and Measurements of Pluto's Atmospheric Structure, Surface Pressure, and Surface Temperature
- The NuSTAR Sensitivity to Quiet-Sun Transient Events
- The Solar Wind Interaction with Pluto: Part 2
- The Ultraviolet Spectrograph on the Europa Mission (Europa-UVS)
- The collisional history of dwarf planet Ceres revealed by Dawn
- The effects of dune slopes and material heterogeneity on the thermal behavior of dune fields in Mars' Southern Hemisphere
- The interacting surface and atmosphere of Pluto
- Timing and Timescales in the Grand Tack Model of Planet Formation
- Trojan Tour and Rendezvous (TTR): A New Frontiers Mission to Explore the Origin and Evolution of the Early Solar System
- Ultraviolet emission from CG's coma: fluorescence versus electron-impact excitation
- Understanding Pluto's Surface: Correlations between Geology and Composition
- Vesta and Ceres as Seen by Dawn
- What's Up With Mercury's 2nd-Degree Shape?
- Widespread Plains Volcanism on Mercury Ended by 3.6 Ga
- A Comparison of Flares as Observed in SXR and EUV Spectra
- An update on observations of Io's Active Volcanoes from IRTF: results from 2013-2016
- Bladed Terrain on Pluto: Possible Origins and Evolutions
- CIRs Observed by MSL/RAD on the Martian Surface
- Combining MinXSS and RHESSI X-ray Spectra for a Comprehensive View of the Temperature Distribution in Solar Flares
- Connecting Science Research and Education While Investigating Trans-Neptunian Objects
- Constraining the MSL-SAM Methane Detected Source Location Through Mars Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (MRAMS) and Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) Observations
- Constraining the detection of the meteoroid flux with the altitude distribution of meteor head echoes
- Constraints on the Geophysical Detection of Brine within the Europa Ice Shell From a Synthesis of Dielectric Spectroscopy Measurements
- Depth of Faulting in Mercury's Northern Hemisphere from Lobate Scarp Morphology
- Detection of a hydrogen corona in HST Lyman-alpha images of Europa in transit of Jupiter
- Determination of the System Mass and the Individual Masses of Pluto and Charon from New Horizons Radio Tracking
- Development of a Homogenous Database of Bipolar Active Regions Spanning Four Cycles
- Distribution of the Ammoniated Species on the Surface of Ceres
- Effects of De-spinning and Lithosphere Thickening on the Lunar Fossil Bulge
- Elemental composition of Ceres
- Energetic charged particle interactions at icy satellites
- Expanding Enceladus' Impact Crater Database
- Exploring the Geophysical Evolution of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Far-UV Spectral Mapping of Lunar Composition, Porosity, and Space Weathering: LRO Lyman Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP)
- First Flight and Future Prospects for the Gamma-Ray Imager/Polarimeter for Solar flares (GRIPS)
- Focusing Solar Hard X-rays: Expected Results from a FOXSI Spacecraft
- Formation of Phobos and Deimos via a Giant Impact on Mars
- Geomorphological Mapping of Sputnik Planum on Pluto: Convection, Glacial Flow, Sublimation and Re-deposition of Nitrogen Ice
- Haze in Pluto's Atmosphere: Implications for Processes and Evolution
- How Surface Ice and Topography Affects the Atmospheric Circulation on Pluto
- Imaging the Top of the Solar Corona and the Young Solar Wind
- Impact crater morphology and the Central Pit/Dome of Occator: Ceres as an Ice-rich Body
- Improving Solar Soft X-Ray (SXR) Irradiance Results from Broadband Photometers with New SXR Spectral Measurements from a CubeSat
- Initial Results from Lunar Electromagnetic Sounding with ARTEMIS
- Is Ceres' deep interior ice-rich? Constraints from crater morphology
- Making Major Mounds on Mars: Shaping by Wind-Terrain Feedbacks
- Massive Impact-Induced Release of Carbon and Sulfur Gases in the Early Earth's Atmosphere
- Modelling Cryovolcanism Due to Subsurface Ocean Freezing on Pluto and Charon
- Multi-spacecraft observations of ICMEs propagating from 1 AU to 1.5 AU
- New Horizons Results at Charon
- Numerical Modeling of Lunar Accretion Using a New Hydrocode Coupled to an N-Body Code
- Observations of Ion Composition in the Io Plasma Torus
- Occultation Observations of Io's Hot Spots in 2014
- Opportunities for Suborbital Space and Atmospheric Research Facilities on Blue Origin's New Shepard Crew Capsule
- Pebble Accretion and the Formation of the Asteroid Belt
- Possible Faster Paleo-spin of Ceres as an Explanation of its Present-day Shape and Gravity
- Radiation enviroment at Mars based on the past 4 years of MSL/RAD measurements on Mars
- Regional Topographic Properties of Pluto and Charon from New Horizons
- Shapes and Densities of the Small Satellites of Pluto
- Solar Energetic Particle Events Observed on Mars with MSL/RAD
- Solar energetic particle events observed by MAVEN
- Solar quiescent Active Region temperature distribution inferred from the Miniature Solar X-ray Solar Spectrometer (MinXSS) CubeSat soft X-ray spectra, Hinode X-ray Telescope (XRT) soft X-ray filter images and EUV measurements.
- The Absence of Large Craters on Ceres Is Consistent with an Early Phase of Tectonic Activity
- The Colors of Pluto: Clues to its Geological Evolution and Surface/Atmospheric Interactions
- The EVE plus RHESSI DEM for Solar Flares, and Implications for Residual Non-Thermal Soft X-Ray Emission
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) SMEX Mission
- The Future of Space Weather Forecasting with Polarized Wide-Field Imaging
- The Interior Structure of Ceres as Revealed by Surface Topography and Gravity
- The NASA CYGNSS Satellite Constellation for Tropical Cyclone Observations
- The Role of Survey Telescopes for Planetary Defense
- The Surface and Interior Evolution of Ceres Revealed by Analysis of Fractures and Secondary Crater Chains Using Dawn Data
- The Venera-D Mission Concept: Evaluation by a Joint Science Definition Team of a Means for the Comprehensive Scientific Exploration of Venus
- The Wavelength Dependence of the Lunar Phase Curve as Seen by the LRO LAMP
- The Zodiacal Cloud Model applied to the Martian atmosphere. Diurnal variations in meteoric ion layers
- The far ultraviolet spectrum of Pluto and the discovery of its ionosphere
- Thermophysical Variation within Dune Fields in the Southern Hemisphere of Mars
- Towards More Realistic Simulations of Air-Sea Interaction Over Lakes on Titan
- Using Meteoric Ablation to Constrain Vertical Transport in the Upper Mesosphere
- Where is the Geophysical Evidence for the Giant Impact Origin of the Pluto System?
- 2001 Mars Odyssey THEMIS: Thermophysics at a New Local Time
- A Preview of 2014MU69 Revealed by HST and a Ground-based Stellar Occultation
- A Search for Rarely Seen Ultraviolet Coma Emissions and New Species Upper Limits at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Using the Rosetta-Alice Ultraviolet Spectrograph
- A Study of Local Time Variations of Jupiter's Ultraviolet Aurora using Juno-UVS
- A Two Dimensional Prediction of Solar Cycle 25
- A closer look at Galileo Thermal data from a Possible Plume Source North of Pwyll, Europa
- An overview of atmosphere and plasma observations planned for the New Horizons flyby of 2014 MU<SUB>69</SUB>
- An overview of the first year of observations of Jupiter's auroras by Juno-UVS with multi-wavelength comparisons
- Anticipated Results from the FOXSI SMEX Mission
- Assessing Chronology and Mantle Evolution In-Situ with CODEX
- Atmospheric modeling of Mars CH<SUB>4</SUB> subsurface clathrates releases mimicking SAM and 2003 Earth-based detections
- Chandra observations of Jupiter's X-ray Aurora during Juno upstream and apojove intervals
- Characterizing coronal structure: Combining remote sensing observations with global MHD modeling to make predictions for Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter missions
- Characterizing the Heat Flow from Between Enceladus' Tiger Stripes
- Chasing the Great American 2017 Total Solar Eclipse: Coronal Results from NASA's WB-57F High-Altitude Research Aircraft
- Conditions and Dynamics Within a Regional Mars Dust Storm
- Connecting LADEE LDEX Observations of the Moon's dust cloud to the temporal and selenographic variability produced by micrometeoroid impacts from Jupiter Family Comets
- Constraining Aerosol Properties with the Spectrally-Resolved Phase Function of Pluto's Hazes
- Constraining the thermal conditions of impact environments through integrated low-temperature thermochronometry and numerical modeling
- Constraints on the Shapes and Rotational States of the Distant New Horizons Kuiper Belt Targets
- Crater Degradation on Mercury: A Global Perspective
- Cryovolcanic Resurfacing on Pluto
- Differentiation in impact melt sheets as a mechanism to produce evolved magmas on Mars
- Dosimetry of a Deep-Space (Mars) Mission using Measurements from RAD on the Mars Science Laboratory
- Early Calibration Results of CYGNSS Mission
- Evidence for the Magnetic Breakout Model in AN Equatorial Coronal-Hole Jet
- Evolution of Lunar Crater Ejecta Through Time: Influence of Crater Size on the Record of Dynamic Processes
- Global Fluxon Modeling of the Solar Corona and Inner Heliosphere
- Great Expectations: The New Horizons Imaging and Composition Pre-Encounter Plans and Contemplations of 2014 MU69
- Heterogeneous Delivery of Silicate and Metal to the Earth via Large Planetesimals
- Influence of Bulk Carbonaceous Matter on Pluto's Structure and Evolution
- Juno-UVS observation of the Io footprint: Influence of Io's local environment and passage into eclipse on the strength of the interaction
- Jupiter's X-ray Auroral Pulsations and Spectra During Juno Perijove 7
- LRO Lyman Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP) Far-UV Investigations of Lunar Composition, Porosity, and Space Weathering
- Latitude Variation for Pluto's Crater Distribution
- Linking THEMIS Orbital Data to MSL GTS Measurements: The Thermophysical Properties of the Bagnold Dunes, Mars
- Looking Forward - A Next Generation of Thermal Infrared Planetary Instruments
- Mapping The Territory: What Current Remote Sensing Tells Us To Expect For PSP
- Mars Methane at Gale Crater Shows Strong Seasonal Cycle: Updated Results from TLS-SAM on Curiosity
- Measurements of Forbush decreases at Mars: both by MSL on ground and by MAVEN in orbit
- Mercury's Lithospheric Magnetization
- Modeled and Observed Altitude Distributions of the Micrometeoroid Influx in Radar Detection
- Morphology and Evolution of Sublimation Pits on Pluto
- Multi-spacecraft observations of ICMEs propagating beyond Earth orbit during MSL/RAD flight and surface phases
- Near Infrared Multispectral Mapping of Venus Supports the Hypothesis that Tessera Plateau Material was Formed in the Presence of Surface Water
- New Horizons High-Phase Observations of Distant Kuiper Belt Objects
- New Measurements of Suprathermal Ions, Energetic Particles, and Cosmic Rays in the Outer Heliosphere from the New Horizons PEPSSI Instrument
- Observations by the Rosetta-Alice Ultraviolet Spectrograph of a Coronal Mass Ejection Impact on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- On the Origin of Organic Material on Ceres.
- Origin of the Martian Moons and Their Volatile Abundances
- Parameterizing Venus' aerosol particle size distribution
- Planetary Science from NASA's WB-57 Canberra High Altitude Research Aircraft During the Great American Eclipse of 2017
- Pluto's Haze Properties from Disk-integrated New Horizons MVIC observations
- Pluto's Paleoglaciation: Processes and Bounds.
- Pluto's Ultraviolet Airglow and Detection of Ions in the Upper Atmosphere
- Pluto's surface composition and atmosphere
- Preservation of Groundwater on Mars Depends on Preservation of an Icy Cryosphere.
- Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL) Observations Suggest Widespread Occurrence and Complex Behavior
- Reduced Solar Wind Speeds at New Horizons Beyond 30 AU
- Rosetta/Alice Measurements of Atomic and Molecular Abundances in the Coma of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Small Bodies in the Kuiper Belt : Lessons from Pluto's Small Satellites
- Space Weather at Mars: MAVEN and MSL/RAD Observations of CME and SEP Events
- The Charged Particle Environment on the Surface of Mars induced by Solar Energetic Particles - Five Years of Measurements with the MSL/RAD instrument
- The Color of Pluto from New Horizons
- The Context of Carbonates in Gusev and Jezero Craters
- The Effect of Bond Albedo on Venus' Atmospheric and Surface Temperatures
- The Effects of Terrain Properties on Determining Crater Model Ages of Lunar Surfaces
- The Electric Environment of Martian Dust Devils
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) SMEX Mission
- The Hydrological Evolution of Mars as Recorded at Gale Crater
- The Longitudinal Distribution of Condensed Oxygen on Europa
- The New Horizons Ultraviolet Solar Occultation by Pluto's Atmosphere
- The Radiation Environment on the Surface of Mars and its Implications for Human Exploration: Five Years of Measurements with the MSL/RAD instrument
- The Regional Water Cycle and Water Ice Clouds in the Tharsis - Valles Marineris System
- The Sands of the Bagnold Dunes, Mars and Volatiles in Mars Soils
- The Venus Emissivity Mapper - Investigating the Atmospheric Structure and Dynamics of Venus' Polar Region
- Topography of Sputnik Planitia Basin on Pluto: What We Know and Don't Know
- Ultraviolet Characterization of Comet and Asteroid Surfaces as Observed by the Rosetta Alice Instrument (Invited)
- Using STEREO Polarized White Light Triplets to Reconstruct Features in a CME
- A first look at Bennu and Ryugu for signatures of formation in the arrangements of its surface features
- Accurate determination of the total accelerated electron rate and power using solar flare hard X-ray spectra from RHESSI and FOXSI
- Aerial Platforms for Scientific Investigation of Venus
- Anticipated Particle-Acceleration and Plasma-Heating Results from the FOXSI SMEX Mission
- Assessment of Geophysical Methods for Groundwater Detection and Characterization on Mars
- Boulder Size Frequency Distribution (SFD) of (101955) Bennu
- Carbon on Vesta and Ceres: Constraints from nuclear spectroscopy
- Closing the Gap Between the Sun and Heliosphere
- Constraining the Carbon Content of Dwarf Planet Ceres
- Crater Population(s) on (101955) Bennu, a B-Class Asteroid and Target of the OSIRIS-REx Mission
- DeepEM: A Deep Neural Network for DEM Inversion
- Determining Limits to Pluto's Elastic Thickness and Heat Flux Using Fault Topography
- Determining Regolith Production Rates and Landing Site Safety Hazards Using Boulder Distributions Around Small, Young Lunar Impact Craters
- Disruption and Reaccumulation as the Origin of the Ryugu and Bennu Top Shapes?
- Electromagnetic Sounding of the Subsurface from a Stratospheric Balloon
- Evaluating the tungsten constraint on lunar origin
- Evaluation of Tidal Susceptibility in Rocky Exoplanets: Implications for High Volcanic and Seismic Activity
- Far-UV Investigations of Lunar Composition, Porosity, and Space Weathering by LRO-LAMP and Implications for Europa-UVS and JUICE-UVS
- First Resolved Images of Asteroid (101955) Bennu
- Hazard Identification Using CosmoQuest Citizen Science for the OSIRIS-REx Mission
- High spatial resolution measurements of Ceres' elemental composition
- In Situ Observations of Preferential Pickup Ion Heating at an Interplanetary Shock
- Infrasound Observations Using High Altitude Balloons
- Initial Perspectives on Surface Geology of (101955) Bennu including Comparisons to (162173) Ryugu
- Investigating Mercury's Large Crater Stratigraphy and Kilometer-Scale Primary and Secondary Crater Populations
- Kuiper Belt Planet Geoscience from Interstellar Probe
- Lithification and Diagenesis of Ultramafic Volcanic Ash Deposits on Mars
- Long-Term Measurements of the Charged Particle Radiation Environment on the Surface of Mars with MSL/RAD
- Mars Science Laboratory Observations of the 2018/Mars Year 34 Global Dust Storm
- Modeling the Origin and Evolution of Habitable Environments in Post-Impact Hydrothermal Systems Beneath Martian Craters
- Multiwavelength Study of 24 Equatorial Coronal-Hole Jets
- Mysteries of the Young Solar Wind
- New High-Altitude Observations of the IR and Visible Solar Corona from the 2017 Eclipse
- New Insights into Solar Flare Temperature Distributions and Elemental Abundances using MinXSS CubeSat and RHESSI X-ray Spectroscopy
- O<SUB>2</SUB> Activity in Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from Observations of Electron Dissociative Excitation by the Rosetta-Alice Far-ultraviolet Spectrograph
- OSIRIS-REx Encounters Bennu: Initial Assessment from the Approach Phase
- Planning for the Exploration of the Martian Subsurface
- Regions of Enhanced Tidal Heating in Icy Satellites
- Revealing Solar Sources and Dynamic Evolution Properties of the Solar Wind: Applications to Upcoming Missions
- SSERVI at the Potrillo Volcanic Field: Exploration Roles of Handheld Instruments
- Schedule of Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security-Regolith Explorer Data Product Releases to the Planetary Data System
- Seasonal Variation of Mars Methane Background Indicates that Gale Crater May Be a Containment Region for Local Microseepage
- Seasonal variations of the Mars Hadley cell and methane release may drive the seasonal methane cycle at Gale Crater
- Simulations of Observed Haze Layer Structure in Pluto's Atmosphere
- Solar EUV Spectral Irradiance by Deep Learning
- Spectral Analysis for the OSIRIS-REx Mission at Bennu
- Spectrometer for Temperature and Composition for the Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager - FOXSI mission
- Sunny-side up: The promise of future solar polar missions
- The 2015 - Present Rise of the GCR as observed by RAD on Mars
- The 2017 September 10th events and their imprints at Earth, Mars and STEREO-A
- The Big Picture: Imaging the Ring Current with TWINS
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI)
- The Global Thermal Infrared Spectrum of Bennu: Comparison with Spitzer IRS Asteroid Spectra
- The Lucy Student Pipeline Accelerator and Competency Enabler (L'SPACE): A New Mentor-Based Workforce Development Model for NASA Mission Student Collaborations
- The Mid-UV Reflectance of the Binary Trojan Asteroid (617) Patroclus
- The OSIRIS-REx Thermal Emission Spectrometer (OTES) Instrument
- The Shape of Bennu.
- The Thermophysical Variability of the Vera Rubin Ridge as Explored by the Mars Science Laboratory
- The Unusual Surface Roughness of Pluto's Moon Charon from New Horizons Data
- Thermophysical Properties of (101955) Bennu from OSIRIS-REx Approach Phase Data
- Tracking Flows and Disturbances in Coronagraph Data
- Using Solar Wind Structures as a Rosetta Stone for Understanding Solar Wind Formation
- <SUB>Surface Mineralogy of Geochemical Terranes of Mercury from NIR-MIR (0.7-20</SUB> <SUB>m</SUB><SUB>m) using Ground-Based NASA IRTF SpeX and MIRSI Facility</SUB>
- A Statistical Test for the Population of Contact Binaries in the Kuiper Belt
- ARTEMIS observations of electromagnetically induced fields from the lunar interior
- Azimuthal variation in the Io plasma torus: New insights from the Hisaki satellite
- Big Science with Small Satellites: The Polarimeter to UNify the Corona and Heliosphere
- Characterization of the Effects of Anisothermality on OSIRIS-REx Thermal Emission Spectrometer Data
- Color and albedo heterogeneity of asteroid Bennu and implications for its origin
- Combined Next-Generation X-ray and EUV Observations with the FIERCE Mission Concept
- Combining Remote and in situ Parker Solar Probe and STEREO Data to Understand Solar Wind Density Structures
- Comparing the Properties of ICME-Induced Forbush Decreases at Earth and Mars
- Cross-Scale Physics: MMS, TWINS, and Van Allen Probes Observations of Substorm Dipolarization
- Curiosity's Climb in Global Context: Evolution of Major Sedimentary Mounds on Mars
- Design and Potential of a Compact Low-Cost Reflectance Spectrometer and Fluorimeter
- Detection and Likelihood of Subsurface Liquid Brines on Mars
- Diagnostics of the atomic and molecular physics of small bodies atmospheres available in the ultraviolet
- Evidence for Projectile Tunneling at Small Craters on Asteroid (101955) Bennu
- Evidence for water-rock interaction in VNIR and TIR spectra of B-type asteroid (101955) Bennu
- FIERCE Science: Expected Results From a High-Energy Medium-Class Explorer
- Flocculation, switchbacks, and loss of Alfvenicity: Indicators of shear-driven turbulence in the young solar wind?
- Fragments from the Origins of the Solar System and our Interstellar Locale (FOSSIL): A Discovery Mission Concept
- Geophysical Exploration Of the Dynamics and Evolution of the Solar System (GEODES)
- Geophysical Techniques to Differentiate Between RSL (Recurring Slope Lineae) Formation Mechanisms
- Geophysics at the Edge of the Solar System: New Horizons at (486958) 2014 MU69
- Historical Habitability of Mid- and High-Latitude Martian Ground Ice
- IMPRESS: A Scintillation Detector for Solar Flare Observations
- Imaging the Solar Corona from Within: First Results from the Parker Solar Probe Telescope
- Impact craters on 2014 MU69: Implications for Kuiper belt object size-frequency distributions and planetesimal formation
- Impact-Driven Mobilization of Deep Crustal Brines on Dwarf Planet Ceres
- Improving Forecast Lead Times for the Solar Wind, IMF, and Kp Index
- Influence of Solar Disturbances on Galactic Cosmic Rays in the Solar Wind, Heliosheath, and Local Interstellar Medium: Advanced Composition Explorer, New Horizons, and Voyager Observations
- International Scientific Coordination on Space Weather: A COSPAR Panel on Space Weather Perspective
- Investigating the condensation of benzene (C<SUB>6</SUB>H<SUB>6</SUB>) in Titan's South Pole
- Lucy - First to the Trojans
- MAGIC, A Discovery Proposal to the Icy Moon Callisto
- Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA) an environmental suite of sensors for the Mars 2020 rover
- Measurements of the Radiation Environment with the MSL/RAD Instrument on Gale Crater on Mars
- Meteoroids at the Moon
- Modeling the Steady Solar Wind with an Observationally Driven Fluxon Coronal Magnetic Field
- NASA's Lucy Student Pipeline Accelerator and Competency Enabler (L'SPACE) Program: A Mentor-based Model Enabling Diverse Undergraduate Students to Succeed in Space Science and Engineering at Scale
- Narrow Field Imager (NFI) for the Polarimeter to Unify the Corona and Heliosphere (PUNCH)
- New constraints on the dynamo timing and crustal magnetization on Mars from MAVEN observations
- Novel observations of the middle corona during the 2017 total solar eclipse
- OSIRIS-REx at Asteroid (101955) Bennu: Selecting the Prime and Backup Sample Sites, Invited Paper 492627
- On the Stability & Origin of MU69's and Pluto's Ices
- On the solar nebula origin of (486958) 2014 MU<SUB>69</SUB>, a primordial contact binary in the Kuiper belt
- PUNCH: a new view on the middle corona
- Photometric Properties of Dwarf Planets and Other Kuiper Belt Objects Determined from New Horizons
- Pluto Refractory Material
- Pluto's Surface Properties from the New Horizons Uplink Bistatic Radar Experiment
- Polarimeter to UNify the Corona and Heliosphere (PUNCH): Imaging the Corona and Solar Wind as a Single System
- Quantitative evidence for a Neoproterozoic glacial origin of the Great Unconformity
- RHESSI - GOES Comparisons of Soft X-ray Emission from Solar Flares, 2002 - 2017
- Revealing the pivot energy of Solar Energetic Particles Affecting the Martian surface radiation environment
- Searching for Liquid Water in the Martian Deep with TH2OR
- Seasonal variations of the Hadley cell and differential hemispheric methane release could drive the seasonal methane cycle on Mars
- Seismicity on Tidally Active Ocean Worlds in our Solar System and Beyond
- Shape, spin, and stability of Bennu
- Solar flare hard X-ray and gamma-ray imaging spectro-polarimetry with GRIPS and SAPPHIRE/SHARPIE
- Solaris: A Case for a Solar Polar Mission
- Spectral Properties and Heavy Ion Abundances of Energetic Particles in SEP and CIR events observed during the first two Parker Solar Probe Orbits
- Spectrometer for Temperature and Composition for the FIERCE MIDEX mission concept
- Spindown of 2014 MU<SUB>69</SUB> ("Ultima Thule") by impact of small, cold classical Kuiper belt objects
- Super-Resolution Maps of the Solar Magnetic Field Covering 40 Years of Space Weather Events
- Surface compositions and colors of Pluto, its system of moons, and 2014 MU69
- Surface densities and size-frequency distributions of meter-size boulders inside craters on (101955) Bennu
- Terrestrial Planets Comparative Climatology Mission Concept
- Thalassa: A Mission Concept to Follow the Water on Venus
- The Geology and Formation of the Kuiper Belt Object 2014 MU<SUB>69</SUB>
- The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- The New Horizons Mission: Pluto and the Kuiper Belt Up-Close
- The Next-Generation Planetary Aeolian and Meteorological Investigation (PAMI) mission concept
- The PUNCH Bowl: Data System and Data Products for NASA's PUNCH Mission
- The PlanetCARMA Microphysics Model and Application to Benzene Cloud Formation at Titan's South Pole
- The SPICE (Spectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment) Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph Investigation
- The Shapes of (486958) 2014 MU69 and 14 Other Kuiper Belt Objects from New Horizons
- The VALKYRIE Payload for Probing the Martian Subsurface
- Triton's Surface Composition: Reevaluation of Voyager colors from the perspective of New Horizons at Pluto
- Update on High Resolution Searches for KBO Binaries using New Horizons LORRI
- Using Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Shallow Radar (SHARAD) Sounder Surface Reflections to Understand Different Crater Morphologies
- Validating and Cross-Calibrating Long-term Solar Cycle Data for Driving Solar Cycle Models
- Volume-filling Simulations of Coronal Loops Heated by Nanoflares
- Wide-Field Imager (WFI) for the Polarimeter to Unify the Corona and Heliosphere (PUNCH)
- A Journey of Exploration to the Polar Regions of a Star: Probing the Solar Poles and the Heliosphere from High Helio-Latitude
- A Kuiper Belt Carol (in prose), Being an Origin Story of Pluto and Charon
- A Machine Learning Approach towards Segmentation and Analysis of Solar Filaments from Kodaikanal Solar Observatory Hand-drawn Archive
- Analysis of Minor and Trace Organic Species in Enceladus' Plume Gas
- Balloon-Based Geophysical Investigations at Venus
- Balloon-based Atmospheric Investigations of Venus
- Benzene (C<SUB>6</SUB>H<SUB>6</SUB>) in Titan's South Pole: from gas phase to ice nucleation
- Building a lunar network using a flexible, long-lived Lunar Geophysical Package (LGP)
- Calibrating optical distortions in the Solar Orbiter SPICE spectrograph
- Comparative KBOlogy: The Dynamic Surfaces of Pluto and Triton
- Comparisons of Novel Imaging and Spectroscopic Infrared Eclipse Observations in 2017
- Contemporary Analysis Methods for Coronagraph and Heliospheric Imager Data
- Cross Sections of Coronal Loop Flux Tubes
- Derivation of Toroid Patterns from Analysis of Magnetograms And Inferring Their Deep-origin
- Dynamics and thermal structure in the quiet Sun seen by SPICE
- Empirical Forecast of the GCR-Induced Radiation Environment on Mars
- Europa Magnetotelluric Sounder Characterizes Both Intrashell Water and the Deep Ocean
- First Results From SPICE EUV Spectrometer on Solar Orbiter
- First results from combined EUI and SPICE observations of Lyman lines of Hydrogen and He II
- First results from the EUI and SPICE observations of Alpha Leo near Solar Orbiter first perihelion
- Global-Scale Convective Flows: Window into the Dynamo
- Globally distributed mass movement towards the equator on asteroid (101955) Bennu
- High rate of collisions on the Archean Earth leads to variable atmospheric oxidation
- Higher Density of Interstellar Hydrogen from Pickup Ion Observations in the Outer Heliosphere
- Hunting for Giant Cells at the Solar Poles
- Improving Multiday Solar Wind Forecasts
- In Situ Geochronology for the Next Decade
- Laser Altimetry Reveals Hemispherical Shape Differences of Asteroid (101955) Bennu
- Magnetic Signatures of Polar Convection
- Magnetospheric Shielding of Energetic Particles at the Moon
- Mars Orbiters for Surface-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Connections (MOSAIC)
- Migration of Polar Crown Filaments in the Past 100 Years
- NASA's Lucy Student Pipeline Accelerator and Competency Enabler (L'SPACE) Program: Enabling Hands-on Workforce Preparation for Diverse Undergraduate STEM Students at Scale
- NEAT: A Multi-Comet Flyby Mission that Performs Discovery-Level Science on a SIMPLEx Budget
- New Insights into the Dynamic Relationship between Jetlets and Plumes
- Occultations from SOFIA
- Ongoing shape modification of Bennu by terracing.
- Online Advantage: Lessons Learned from a Virtual REU Program
- Persephone: A Pluto-System Orbiter and Kuiper Belt Explorer
- Plumelets: Dynamic Filamentary Structures in Solar Plumes
- Radiation Shadowing at Butte M12 in the Murray Buttes Formation
- Relative coronal abundance diagnostics with Solar Orbiter/SPICE
- Repurposing a Solar Magnetic Feature Tracking Code to Study Surface and Interior Dynamics
- Scientific goals for the Venus Flagship Mission's aerobot
- Seasonal Variation of the Cold and Bright Anomalies on the North Polar Residual CAP
- Shear-Driven Transition to Isotropically Turbulent Solar Wind Outside the Alfvén Critical Zone
- Solar Orbiter: connecting remote sensing and in situ measurements
- Spectroscopic Constraints on the Dimension of Active Region Loops Along the Line of Sight
- Subsurface Water Ice Mapping (SWIM) on Mars to Characterize In Situ Resources
- Subsurface Water Ice Mapping (Swim) Project: Characterizing the Inventory of Nonpolar Ice on Mars
- Super-resolution of Solar Magnetograms
- TWINS ENA Imaging Observations of the Timing of Ring Current Intensification
- The CubeSat Imaging X-ray Solar Spectrometer (CubIXSS)
- The Gravity and Geophysical Properties of (101955) Bennu
- The IMpulsive Phase Rapid Energetic Solar Spectrometer (IMPRESS): A Time Focused X-ray CubeSat
- The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- The Micro Solar Flare Apparatus (MiSolFA)
- The Polarimeter to UNify the Corona and Heliosphere (PUNCH) Small Explorer Mission: Status and Next Steps
- The Solaris Solar Polar Mission: Exploring one of the last Unexplored Regions of the Solar System
- Towards magnetic sounding of Mars using diurnal variations
- Tracking CME substructure evolution through the solar wind
- Unusual Olivine on Mars Identified with Infrared Spectroscopy
- Updates on the Fundamentals of Impulsive Energy Release in the Corona Explorer (FIERCE) mission concept
- Using InSight Wind Data to Validate Atmospheric Models and Improve Predictions for Other Locations on Mars
- Using Observations of High-Latitude Flows to Ascertain the Sun's Convective Regime
- Velocity Flow Fields Derived from Coronagraph Data
- Why (And How) We Should Observe The Dynamic Middle Corona
- A Global Geological Map of Pluto at 1:7M Scale
- A Machine Learning Approach to Detecting Kuiper Belt Objects for NASAs New Horizons Extended Mission
- A New Model Explaining the Architecture and the Compositional Diversity of the Inner Solar System
- A New Patroclus Occultation Observation: New Astrometry and Shape Constraints of a Lucy Mission Target
- A Stringent Upper Limit of 20 pptv for Methane on Mars and Constraints on Its Dispersion Outside Gale Crater
- A machine-learning oriented remote and in-situ database for forecasting SEP occurrence and properties
- A surface temperature model of Arrokoth, a Kuiper Belt Object visited by New Horizons
- An Overview of NASAs Lucy Mission: First to the Trojans
- Calibrating the Size Frequency Distribution of the Kuiper Belt with Small KBO Occultations Enabled by New Horizons
- Can clay and salts mimic MARSIS bright basal reflections at Ultimi Scopuli?
- Can solar coronal plumelets precondition switchback events in the wind?
- Classification of Solar Wind Discontinuities Using Supervised Machine Learning
- Classification of Solar Wind Structures via Unsupervised Machine Learning
- Comparing the Performance of a Solar Wind model from the Sun to 1 AU using Real and Synthetic Magnetograms
- Comparing two methods of measuring solar axisymmetric flows
- Constraining Venus Cloud Habitability: Earth's Aerobiosphere as an Analogue Environment
- Cooling crusts create concomitant cryovolcanic conduits
- Detection of Very Close Binary Kuiper Belt Objects with Machine Learning
- Direct Evidence for the Dynamic Chromospheric Origin of Solar Coronal Plumes
- Direct First PSP Observation Of The Interaction Of Two Successive Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections On November 2020
- Establishing flux rope chirality using white light polarization data from the PUNCH mission
- Exploring the Mechanisms Controlling Titan's Detached Haze Layer with a Coupled GCM/Microphysics Model
- Exploring the middle corona: new instrumentation to address science questions critical to understanding the thermal structure and dynamic evolution of the middle corona
- Forecasting the Occurrence and Subsequent Properties of Solar Energetic Particle Events using a Data-intensive Neural Network Approach
- Frontiers of Electromagnetic Sounding in the Solar System
- High-resolution Topography of Pluto: Insights into Sputnik Planitia Basin and Ice Sheet
- IMpulsive Phase Rapid Energetic Solar Spectrometer (IMPRESS): Science and Detector Goals
- Impact of Anomalous Active Regions on the Large Scale Magnetic Fields of the Solar Cycle
- In situ measurement of the geotechnical properties of asteroid (101955) Bennus near surface from the OSIRIS-REx sampling maneuver
- Increasing reliability of Solar Energetic Particle forecast through calibration of neural network outcome
- Innovating STEM Workforce Development: The NASA LSPACE Model of Enabling a More Accessible, Equitable, Diverse, and Inclusive Authentic STEM Experience
- Intern's Insight into Inclusive Undergraduate Innovation and Space Workforce Development
- Investigations of Dark Floored Pits in the Volatile Ice of Plutos Sputnik Planitia
- Large Scale Collaborative Science: Lessons Learned from the Phase I COFFIES DRIVE Science Center
- Leveraging a Deep Neural Network to Efficiently Label Solar Flux Emergence Videos
- Lunar Magnetotelluric Sounder
- Mars 2020 MEDA ATS Measurements of Near Surface Atmospheric Temperatures at Jezero
- New Horizons Detection of the Local Galactic Lyman- Background
- New Insights into the Martian Radiation Environment gained with the MSL/RAD Investigation
- Occultations Studies of Three Lucy Mission Targets
- Overshooting in Anelastic Convection: Effect of Density Stratification and Rotation
- Overview of MEDA results aboard Perseverance over the first sols on Mars
- Performance and First Measurements of the MEDA Wind Sensor of NASAs Mars 2020 Mission at Jezero Crater, Mars
- Perseverance/Mars2020 measurements of the daily pressure cycle at Jezero
- Polarimeter to UNify the Corona and Heliosphere: Mission status, activity, and science planning
- Polarimeter to Unify the Corona and Heliosphere (PUNCH) Science Operations Center (SOC) Design and Data Products
- Putting (486958) Arrokoth in Context: New Horizons Observations of Other Small Cold Classical Kuiper Belt Objects
- Radio Path Measurements of the Structure of the Solar Plasma in the Outer Solar System
- SWAP and the Middle Corona
- Sending a space car to visit old rocks and what we will learn
- Small-Scale Solar Activity and its effect on the coronal environment
- Spatio-temporal Drifts of Long-lived Equatorial Coronal Holes: Do they follow the Local Differential Rotation or Rossby Waves?
- Student Thermal Energetic Activity Module (STEAM) X-Ray Spectrometer on the PUNCH Small Explorer
- SynCOM: Synthetic Corona Outflow Model for the Heliophysics community
- Tensile strength of meteorites from contraction cracks and implications for the efficacy of thermal fatigue on asteroids
- The COMPLETE mission concept for the Heliophysics Decadal Survey
- The IMpulsive Phase Rapid Energetic Solar Spectrometer Mission at the University of Minnesota
- The Multiview Observatory for Solar Terrestrial Science (MOST)
- The Observational Uncertainty of Coronal Hole Boundaries in Automated Detection Schemes
- The PUNCH Outreach Program A New Pathway for NASA Mission-Embedded Outreach
- The Solaris Solar Polar MIDEX Mission Concept: Revealing the Mysteries of the Sun's Poles
- The TEMPEST Initiative
- The Venus surface emissivity mapper on the NASA VERITAS and ESA EnVision missions
- The role of early energetic collisions in shaping Venus evolution
- The solar PolArization and Directivity X-Ray Experiment: PADRE
- Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Coronal Plasma Properties from a Single Perspective
- Tracing the Drivers of Slow Solar Wind in the Middle Corona
- Translational Tomography with WISPR: Basis of Method and Current Progress
- Understanding Initial Terrestrial Planet Differentiation: The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- Understanding Solar Eruptions, Solar Wind Formation, and how the Sun Connects to the Heliosphere through a Polar Perspective
- Understanding the coronal origins of global heliospheric phenomena through 3D measurements with COMPLETE
- Using the Morphology and Temporal Evolution of the Sun's High-Latitude Convection as a Probe of its Dynamo State
- Venus Surface and Deep Atmosphere Temperature from Near Infrared Imaging
- Wanderlust on Pluto: Forming Sputnik Planitia with a Coupled True Polar Wander - Climate Model
- A Cross-Laboratory Comparison Study of Titan Haze Analogs and A Database of Material Properties of Organic Liquids, Ices, and Hazes on Titan
- A High-Rate, High-Sensitivity Scintillator Detector for Solar Hard X-Ray Spectroscopy
- A New Universal Polarization Resolving Software Package for Solar Coronal and Heliospheric Observations
- Analysis of a Multi-Spacecraft Event During the First Solar Orbiter Perihelion: the 21 March 2022 SEP event
- Combined STIS and VIMS Retrievals of Titan's Haze Methane Distributions and Selected Surface Albedo Maps
- Constraints on the Parent Bodies of Fe-rich Meteorites and Asteroids from Siderophile Element Partitioning
- Cooling crusts and cryovolcanism on icy ocean worlds
- Coordinated ground and airborne extended observations of TSE 2024 with Citizen CATE and NASA's WB-57s
- Deterministic propagation of energetic ions through the outer heliosphere
- Did evection greatly reduce the Earth-Moon angular momentum?
- Directionality of the Martian Surface Radiation and Derivation of the Upward Albedo Radiation
- ECCCO: The EUV CME and Coronal Connectivity Observatory
- Europa Ultraviolet Spectrograph (Europa-UVS) on NASA's Europa Clipper Mission
- First Results From the Rongowai Airborne GNSS-R mission
- Fluxon Modeling of the Solar Coronal Magnetic Field
- Following a prominence eruption from the Sun to Parker Solar Probe with multi-spacecraft observations
- Geologic Evidence for a South Polar Impact on Enceladus
- Heavy Metal Cratering: Impact Experiments and Simulations in Iron Meteorites
- Hierarchical Classification of Solar Flares, Coronal Mass Ejections, Interplanetary Shocks and Solar Wind Plasma Properties in Predicting the Peak Intensity of Energetic Storm Particle Events
- Homogenizing Solar Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Surveys with Uncertainty: A model-ensemble approach
- Hypotheses for Triton's Plumes: New Analyses and Future Remote Sensing Tests
- Impact-Induced Porosity, Fragmentation and Permeability Within the Peak Ring Material of the Chicxulub Impact Structure
- Investigating the DART Impact Event with the Lucy LOng Range Reconnaissance Imager
- Is True Polar Wander Recorded in Pluto's Geology?
- Leveraging the Citizen CATE 2017 Eclipse Experience to Build CATE 2024
- Looking at the Sun's wind where it's young and weird
- Lunar Interior Structure From Full-Bandwidth Analysis of Apollo 12 - Explorer 35 Magnetic Transfer Functions
- M2020/Perseverance Study of Atmospheric Tides and Waves at Jezero, Mars
- MAKOS: Multi-point Assessment of the Kinematics of Shocks
- Magnetic Field Reconnection as the Source of the Solar wind
- Mass Determination of the Target Asteroids of the LUCY Mission
- Measurement of the Mass Ratio of the Binary Trojan Patroclus-Menoetius Through Stellar Occultations
- Measurements of Thermospheric Density and Temperature from SUVI Solar Occultations
- Measuring Solar Wind Velocities Near PSP with WISPR Image Sequences
- Migration of Low Latitude Long Lived Coronal Holes in the McA: An Analysis of Rossby Waves Based on Coronal Hole Drift Speeds
- Observations of the climate near the surface of Jezero over a half Mars year
- Origin of the Uranian Satellites via Co-Accretion + Giant Impact
- Pathfinding Solar Tomography for Future Missions via Model Data Reconstruction
- Polarimeter to UNify the Corona and Heliosphere: Novel Measurements and Mission Status
- Pre-Equinox Wind Observations in Titan's Middle Atmosphere from Stellar Occultations and Direct Doppler-Shift Measurements with Comparisons to GCM Simulations
- Preparing for the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse with Citizen CATE
- Prominence Eruption Observed in He II 304 Å up to >6 Solar Radii by EUI/FSI Aboard Solar Orbiter
- Real-Time Operational Measurements of the Thermospheric State: Recent Advances and Future Possibilities
- Resolving CME Characteristics with Polarized PUNCH Data
- STEAM - Understanding Origins of Coronal Plasma through Elemental Abundances in X-Ray Spectra
- Scattering of Ice Components in Pluto's Haze
- Science-driven Preparations for Europa Surface Operations
- Searching for New Horizons Targets in the Distant Kuiper Belt
- Seasonal and Daily Evolution of Fast Pressure Fluctuations at Jezero
- Single and Multiple Vantage Point 3D Coronal Reconstruction with the CROBAR Method
- Solar Energetic Particle Events observed with MSL/RAD on the surface of Mars
- Solar Polar - The Why, When, and How
- Solar Wind Stream and Corotating Interaction Regions versus Lightning Over Equatorial South America
- Spatial Distribution and Secular Evolution of Pluto's Ices as Seen from the Ground and Space
- Strategies for Modern, Multi-dimensional Data: Case Studies from PUNCH, CubIXSS, ECCCO, SunCET, & COMPLETE
- SynCOM: A dynamic model for flow tracking algorithms
- The Bombardment Histories of the Giant Planet Satellites
- The COMPLETE mission concept for comprehensive 3D understanding of coronal magnetic energy storage and release
- The Continuing Saga of MARSIS Bright Basal Reflections at Ultimi Scopuli
- The Firefly Constellation: Exploring the Heliosphere from the Solar Interior to the Solar Wind
- The Impact of Convective Rossby Number and Density Stratification on Meridional Flow Structure
- The Impulsive Phase Rapid Energetic Solar Spectrometer (IMPRESS) CubeSat Science and Status
- The NASA L'SPACE Program: A Model for Creating Successful Pathways Towards More Equitable, Inclusive, and Relevant STEM Workforce Development Experiences
- The Open Flux Problem: The Need for High Latitude Observations
- The Relationship Between Fractures and Impact Craters on Tethys
- The Sun's Global Flows: Differential Rotation
- The bimodal distribution of Pluto's haze explained by the season cycles
- UV Detectors and Instrumentation for Exoplanet Studies
- Uncertainties in Simulations of Moon-Forming Disks due to Numerical Resolution and EoS
- Uninterrupted Tracking of Solar Wind Outflows Along Radial and Non-Radial Paths
- Using Time-Distance Helioseismology to Constrain Simulations of Meridional Circulation on the Sun
- Using craters to explore the ages and surface properties of asteroids (65803) Didymos and Dimorphos
- Water vapor at Jezero Crater, Mars
- What Backward And Forward Trajectories Limited By Altitude Around Gale Crater Reveal About Potential Methane Source Regions And Detections
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Norton
- A. A. Simon-Miller
- A. Aran
- A. J. Steffl
- A. K. Higginson
- A. Longobardo
- A. M. Stickle
- A. N. Zhukov
- A. Nag
- A. Raponi
- A. Steele
- A. Sánchez‐Lavega
- A. Verbiscer
- A. Vourlidas
- A. W. Case
- Abdanour Irbah
- Agustín Sánchez‐Lavega
- Albert Y. Shih
- Alejandro Soto
- Alessandro Frigeri
- Alessandro Maturilli
- Alessandro Retinò
- Alexander Kollhoff
- Ali Rahmati
- Alice Lucchetti
- Amanda Alexander
- Amir Caspi
- Amy E. Hofmann
- Andrew J. Skemer
- Andrey M. Stejko
- André Izidoro
- Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo
- Ashwin Braude
- Asier Munguira
- Astrid Veronig
- Athanasios Papaioannou
- Avi M. Mandell
- Ayris Narock
- B. Banerdt
- B. Carry
- B. J. Buratti
- B. J. Thompson
- B. R. Dennis
- Beatriz Sánchez‐Cano
- Bent Ehresmann
- Bernd Heber
- Bradley W. Hindman
- Brian E. Wood
- C. A. Madsen
- C. A. Thomas
- C. B. Olkin
- C. B. Phillips
- C. E. DeForest
- C. J. A. Howett
- C. J. Bierson
- C. J. Henney
- C. M. Ernst
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. Paranicas
- C. R. Neal
- Carolina Martin-Rubio
- Caroline Beghein
- Chao He
- Chao Liu
- Chris Lowder
- Christian Möstl
- Christian Tate
- Christopher Moore
- Christopher S. Ruf
- Colin Wilson
- Cooper Downs
- D. A. Williams
- D. Baratoux
- D. Breuer
- D. C. Richardson
- D. E. McKenzie
- D. F. Strobel
- D. Lario
- D. McCammon
- D. Ruffolo
- D. Spadaro
- Danica Adams
- Daniel B. Seaton
- Daniel J. Scheeres
- David B. Wexler
- David E. Stillman
- David M. Long
- David M. Smith
- Dibyendu Nandy
- Donald M. Hassler
- E. A. Jensen
- E. Dotto
- E. E. DeLuca
- E. E. Palmer
- E. Heggy
- E. K. Sutton
- E. Mazarico
- E. R. Jawin
- E. Romashets
- E. Thiemann
- Ella Sciamma-O’Brien
- Erika Palmerio
- Erin Leonard
- F. Auchère
- F. Capaccioni
- F. Vachier
- Farid Salama
- Ferdinand Plaschke
- Fernando Carcaboso
- Franck Montmessin
- Frank Daerden
- G. B. Hospodarsky
- G. C. Ho
- G. Cremonese
- G. Filacchione
- G. M. Mason
- G. Martínez
- G. Martı́nez
- G. R. Gladstone
- Graziella Caprarelli
- H. A. Elliott
- H. A. Weaver
- H. Fuqua Haviland
- H. M. Antia
- H. M. Bain
- Heather Fischer
- I. Kowalska-Leszczyńska
- I. Matsuyama
- I. R. Linscott
- I. Zouganelis
- Ian Hewins
- Imke de Pater
- J. A. Klimchuk
- J. A. Rodriguez-Manfredi
- J. Berthier
- J. C. Kasper
- J. E. C. Scully
- J. F. Drake
- J. G. Sample
- J. Helbert
- J. J. Kavelaars
- J. Jiménez-Martín
- J. L. Hora
- J. L. Molaro
- J. M. Sunshine
- J. M. Trigo-Rodríguez
- J. Marcus Hughes
- J. Martinez Oliveros
- J. R. Brucato
- J. R. Fuentes
- J. R. Spencer
- J. S. Halekas
- J. Stansberry
- J. Sylwester
- J. T. Hoeksema
- J. T. Keane
- J. U. Ness
- J. W. Parker
- James Paul Mason
- Jared Espley
- Jason D. Hofgartner
- Jason Kooi
- Jason M. Soderblom
- Jean‐Baptiste Vincent
- Jeffrey M. Moore
- Jeffrey Newmark
- Jeffrey W. Reep
- Jia Huang
- Jingnan Guo
- Joachim Saur
- Joe P. Renaud
- John Rayner
- Jorge Pla‐García
- Joshua A. Kammer
- Juan M. Lora
- Julie Castillo‐Rogez
- Justin Krier
- K. E. Korreck
- K. Kobayashi
- K. N. Singer
- K. W. Paulson
- Kalpa Henadhira Arachchige
- Katherine M. Primm
- Kathleen L. Craft
- Kenneth D. Moreland
- Kenneth Hurst
- Kevin McGouldrick
- Krishna M. Jain
- Kurt D. Retherford
- Kurt D. Retherford
- L. C. Quick
- L. F. Guedes dos Santos
- L. Golub
- L. K. Tamppari
- L. P. Chitta
- L. T. Iraci
- Laura A. Hayes
- Lisa Upton
- Li‐Jen Chen
- M. A. Mischna
- M. Bzowski
- M. C. De Sanctis
- M. C. Nolan
- M. Ciarniello
- M. D. Dyar
- M. D. Smith
- M. E. Cameron
- M. E. Hill
- M. Grott
- M. Hahn
- M. I. Desai
- M. L. Mays
- M. L. Rudolph
- M. Nakajima
- M. P. Panning
- M. Pajola
- M. Pätzold
- M. Romoli
- M. S. Bramble
- M. Stęślicki
- M. T. Lemmon
- M. W. Buie
- Manolis K. Georgoulis
- Manuel de la Torre Juárez
- Marc L. DeRosa
- Mariah Baker
- Marie Dominique
- Martin A. Reiss
- Martin Cordiner
- María Paz Zorzano
- Masatoshi Hirabayashi
- Matthew J. West
- Mausumi Dikpati
- Michael Manga
- Michael W. Davis
- Michael Wolff
- Miguel Ramos
- Mikael Granvik
- Morgan L. Cable
- N. C. Schmerr
- N. E. Petro
- N. E. Raouafi
- N. Gopalswamy
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- Nishu Karna
- Oleg Korablev
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- P. Kollmann
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- Peter Macniece
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- Phillip Hess
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- Á. Vicente‐Retortillo
- É. Buchlin
- Д. С. Лауретта