Howard University, Washington DC
flowchart I[Howard University, Washington DC] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (199)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (63)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- High resolution oxygen A-band and water vapor band spectrometer
- UV (280-325 nm) Temperature Dependent (197-295 K) Absorption Cross-Sections of SO<SUB>2</SUB>
- An Overview of a 2004 Ron Brown Cruise to Study Saharan Dust: The NCAS Science Plan for CTAPS: Caracterizacion Tras-Atlantico del Polvo del Sahara
- Analysis of the Transport of Volcanic Ash from the July, 2003 Eruption of the Soufrire Hills Volcano on Montserrat to Puerto Rico
- Comparison of Aerosol Mass and Size distributions in the Canary Islands
- Plasma sheet formation from solar and ionospheric sources
- The NOAA Center in Atmospheric Sciences (NCAS) at Howard University
- AGU Committee on Education and Human Resources Sub-Committee on Diversity Program for the term 2004-2006
- An Overview of Howard University's Initiatives in the Atmospheric Sciences
- New Courses in Earth and Space Science for Students in Science, Engineering, and Science Education
- The Impact of Soil Moisture Initialization on Seasonal Precipitation in the West African Sahel Using the Regional Spectral Model
- Tree Rings as Climate Proxies in Susquehanna River Basin Streamflow
- Characterization of Microphysical Properties of Saharan Dust Aerosols During Trans-Atlantic Transport
- Chemical Processing Within And Above Forest Canopies
- Comparison of Canadian Air Quality Forecast Models With Tropospheric Ozone Profile Measurements Above Mid-Latitude North America During the IONS/ICARTT Campaign: Evidence for Stratospheric Input
- IONS-2004 (INTEX Ozonesonde Network Study) Ozone Budgets: Experimental Determination and Comparison With Climatology
- Inter-Comparison of Ozone and Aerosol Observations During the NCAS Trans-Atlantic Saharan Dust Aerosol and Ocean Science Expedition
- Nocturnal Secondary Ozone Maxima over the Mid-Atlantic U.S. from Shear Induced Turbulence in the Low Level Jet
- Comparison Hydroxyl Radical Concentrations From Rural And Urban Atmosphere
- Investigation of Sub-Pixel Variability with a Tri-Raman Water Vapor Network during WAVES
- Modelling Studies With a Coupled Canopy Atmospheric Chemistry Emission Model on Trace Gas Exchange and Gas Phase Chemistry in a Norway Spruce Forest
- NATIVE Catches Some WAVES in Beltsville, MD: Apportioning Sources From a Suburban Forest During WAVES, July 2006
- Seeing beyond the pipeline: MSPHD'S a growing experience
- Surface-based Observation of Aerosols Indirect Effect in the Mid-Atlantic region
- The Beltsville Atmospheric Measurement Program: Air Quality Studies at a Rural and Urban Site
- WATERS Network: Increasing Vertical Collaboration within Hydrology Research and Education Communities
- WAVES (Water Vapor Variability Satellite/Sondes) - An Aura Satellite Validation Field Campaign Hosted at the Howard University Research Campus in Beltsville, MD
- Chemical Processing in a Polluted Forest Canopy: a Model Comparison of the Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Mechanism, Version 2 and SAPRC07
- Evidence for a recurring eastern North America upper tropospheric ozone maximum during summer
- Four Summers of Ozone Profiles Over Beltsville, MD: A Study of Free-Tropospheric and Boundary Layer Ozone
- Heterogeneous Photochemical Oxidation of Sulfur Dioxide
- Indirect effects of mineral dust on warm clouds
- Minority Retention and Success through Professional Development Initiatives"
- North American Tropospheric Ozone Profiles from IONS (INTEX Ozonesonde Network Study, 2004, 2006): Ozone Budgets, Polution Statistics, Satellite Retrievals
- The Effect of Synoptic Scale Mountain Meteorology on Nocturnal Peak Ozone Mixing Ratios for Wintertime Conditions
- A Model Comparison of Nitrogen-Containing Compounds in the Free Troposphere using Three Mechanisms: RACM2, CB05 and SAPRC99
- ELF and ALEX SURF WINTER WAVES: Lidar Intercomparison of Aerosol and Water Vapor Measurements in the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area During the Winter Water Vapor Validation Experiments (WAVES) 2008 campaign.
- Geoscience Research at Storm Peak (GRASP), a year-long program providing exceptional field research for a diverse group of undergraduate students
- NCEP GFS-GOCART DUST AOD Evaluation with MODIS Observation
- NO3 Induced Nighttime Air Chemistry
- Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere Water Vapor Measurements Using Optimized Raman Lidar and Balloon-borne Sensors
- Absorption Coefficients for SO2 between 280 and 330 nm and 200 and 300 K
- Aerosol and Ocean Science Expedition (AEROSE) Dedicated Marine Radiosondes for CrIMSS and GOES-R Proxy Datasets
- In-forest canopy chemical sinks and regional air quality
- Inferred NO2 Dry Deposition Rate at Nighttime in Arid Climate Conditions
- Maritime Aerosol Network as a component of AERONET - a satellite validation tool over the oceans
- The Global Dust Modeling System of the NOAA/NWS National Centers for Environmental Protection
- The role of chemistry in under-predictions of NO2 in the upper troposphere
- Wind Profiling from a High Energy, Pulsed, 2-Micron, Coherent-Detection Doppler Lidar during Field Campaign
- Analysis of Aerosol Optical and Physical Properties and Their Impact on Surface Radiative Energy Budget and Atmospheric Thermodynamics during Aerose Campaigns
- High pressure, high temperature studies of methane-water mixtures
- Mineral dust altering cloud microphysics and precipitation, and exerting LW cooling effect
- NOx Chemical Sinks in the Upper Troposphere
- Variations in the Nd isotope composition of Late Miocene to Early Pliocene glacially derived sediments in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica
- Analysis of the interhemispheric tropospheric vertical distribution of ozone over the Atlantic Ocean: Assessing the "ozone paradox" during the 2011 Aerosols and Ocean Science Expedition (AEROSE-VII)
- DRAGONs DISCOVER Air Quality over Baltimore
- Determination of Planetary Boundary Layer Heights on Short Spatial and Temporal Scales from Surface and Airborne Vertical Profilers during DISCOVER-AQ
- Field deployment and initial results from micro-pulse lidar systems during NASA's DISCOVER AQ campaign
- Ozone Development and Destruction in the Planetary Boundary Layer during DISCOVER-AQ 2011 at the Beltsville, MD, site
- Pressure Effects on Product Channels of the Allyl Radical Reactions; C<SUB>3</SUB>H<SUB>5</SUB>+C<SUB>3</SUB>H<SUB>5</SUB> and C<SUB>3</SUB>H<SUB>5</SUB>+CH<SUB>3</SUB>
- Radiative Forcing, Satellite Validation, and Thermodynamic Impact of Aerosols during Aerose Campaigns
- Radiative Lifetimes of NH<SUB>2</SUB>(\Atilde<SUP>2</SUP>A<SUB>1</SUB>): Rotational Quantum Number Dependence and Implications for Cometary Observations
- Satellite Products and Pollution: Examples of Validation and Process Studies from the Field
- Studyng the Influence of Aerosols in the Evolution of Cloud Microphysics Procesess Associated with Tropical Cyclone Earl Using Airborne Measurements from the NASA Grip Field Campaing 2010
- A Technique for Understanding Effects of Urbanization on Local Precipitation Using Ground Station Data
- An Automated Method to Identify Mesoscale Convective Complexes in the Regional Climate Model Evaluation System
- Analysis of In-Situ of Ozone Measurements in Saharan Mineral Dust during AEROSE Cruises
- Dynamical and Synoptic Characteristics of 'Wet' and 'Dry' Seasons Across Northern Sub-Saharan Africa (NSSA)
- Factors Influencing Agreement between OMI-based Ozone and NO2 Products and Ground-based Instrumentation during DISCOVER-AQ (July 2011, Maryland): Site Variability and Meteorology
- In situ ground based aerosol and cloud condensation nuclei observations in Beltsville, MD during NASA DISCOVER-AQ July 2011
- Injection of Water into the Stratosphere by Moderate Volcanic Eruptions
- Multi-sensor Calibration and Validation of the NASA-ALVICE and UWO-PCL NDACC Water Vapour Lidars
- Near Real-Time Estimation of Three-Dimensional Winds for Gulf and East Coast Landfalling Hurricanes
- Organic Contaminants Library for the Sample Analysis at Mars
- Thermodynamic Profiles of the Destructive June 2012 Derecho
- An Automated Method to Identify Mesoscale Convective Complexes (MCCs) Implementing Graph Theory
- An in-situ investigation of aerosol number density characteristics within Saharan Dust Storms in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean
- Distribution of tropospheric ozone over the Tropical Atlantic Ocean
- Evaluation of the NOAA CAREERS Weather Camp's Effectiveness in Promoting Atmospheric Science amongst High School Students
- Locations of Warm Season High Precipitation Relative to Urban Areas in the Baltimore, MD-Washington, DC Region, 2006-2010
- Long-term observation of aerosol cloud relationships in the Mid-Atlantic region
- Meteorological influences on particle growth events in Beltsville, MD during July 2011
- Metrics for the Evaluation the Utility of Air Quality Forecasting
- On the relationships between Sahel precipitation, SST teleconnections and jet streams: a wavelet analysis
- Ozone Modes and Differences in the Variability of Measured and Simulated Tropospheric Ozone Mixing Ratios
- Students Are As Mayflies: Strategies For Building Institutional Relationships To Enhance Recruitment
- The Effect of Clouds and Climate Change on the Lifetime of Methane: A Sensitivity Study
- Assessing the Uncertainty of Raman Lidar Independent Water Vapor Calibration Means for Long Term Water Vapor Trend Studies
- Community Radiative Transfer Model for Inter-Satellites Calibration and Verification
- Dynamics and Predictability of Tropical Cyclone Genesis Evaluated through a Coupled EnKF and 4DVar Data Assimilation Method during GRIP and PREDICT 2010.
- Fire-Induced Variation of Essential Climate Variables in Northern Sub-Saharan Africa
- Habitability for Complex Life and the Development and Self-Limitations of the Biotic Enhancement of Weathering
- Integrating Enhanced STEM Themes in the UTEP CAREERS Weather Camp for Youth
- Leveraging Oceanic and Surface Intensive Field Campaign Data Sets for Validation and Improvement of Recent Hyperspectral IR Satellite Data Products
- Physicochemical evolution of Saharan mineral dust aerosol during the transport over the North Atlantic Ocean
- Regional Wind Speed Comparison of Climate Models, Era-Interim Reanalysis and Observations
- Remote sensing of PM2.5 from ground-based optical measurements
- The Role of Meteorology and Surface Condition to Multi-Decadal Variations of Dust Emission in Sahara and Sahel
- Understanding particle growth events response to changes in hydrocarbons and sulfur dioxide for a rural/urban site in Beltsville, Maryland
- A Study of The Impact of Full-component Coriolis Force on Regional Climate Modeling Over Tropical Areas
- Aerosols modeling in the tropical Atlantic during the AERosol and Ocean Science Expedition (AEROSE 2009)
- Assessing the Uncertainty of Raman Lidar Independent Water Vapor Calibration Means for Long Term Water Vapor Trend Studies
- Evaluation of rainfall evaporation retrieved by lidar means and its intercomparison with an analytical solution model during a virga episode.
- Ground-based observations of aerosol-cloud interactions in the North East of the United States
- The Solar Wind Plasma Environment along the Floor of the Moon's Shackleton Crater: An Affect on Floor Brightening?
- Coupled Atmospheric Chemistry Schemes for Modeling Regional and Global Atmospheric Chemistry
- Development and Field Testing of the Latest Open-path and Enclosed-Path CO<SUB>2</SUB>/H<SUB>2</SUB>O Flux Measurement and Research Systems
- Implementation of Globally Simulated Dust within a Physical Sea Surface Temperature Retrievals for Numerical Weather Prediction
- Long-term, seasonal and diurnal variation of PM2.5 in Washington, DC area
- On the Complex Coupling Between the Production of Ozone and Secondary Organic Aerosol in Polluted Urban Regions
- Radiative conductivity and abundance of post-perovskite in D''
- Spatial Variability in Aging Saharan Dust Storms in the Tropical Atlantic
- Study of Photolysis Rate Coefficients to Improve Air Quality Models
- The Impact of Lightning on Hurricane Rapid Intensification Forecasts Using the HWRF Model
- Coronagraphic Observations of the Lunar Sodium Exosphere
- Early Opportunities Research Partnership Between Howard University, University of Maryland Baltimore County and NASA Goddard for Engaging Underrepresented STEM Students in Earth and Space Sciences
- Pulsed Laser Techniques in Laser Heated Diamond Anvil Cells for Studying Methane (CH<SUB>4</SUB>) and Water (H<SUB>2</SUB>O) at Extreme Pressures and Temperatures
- Searching for Hysteresis in Models of Mantle Convection with Grain-Damage
- The Howard University Program in Atmospheric Sciences: A Program Exemplifying Diversity and Excellence
- Ad-Hoc Ceilometer Evaluation Study (ACES): Lidar/Ceilometer Mixing Layer Heights and Network
- Boat Transect Measurements over the Chesapeake Bay during the OWLETS-2 Campaign
- Direct Observations of Pollution Gradients Within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: Overview of the Ozone Water-Land Environmental Transition Study-2 (OWLETS-2)
- Enhanced atmospheric stability by anomalous elevated aerosols during winter in China
- Examining the capability of NUCAPS to profile summertime Saharan Air Layer Outbreaks over the north tropical Atlantic basin
- Investigation of Solar Electron Hysterisis Event in June 2011 as Observed by STEREO-B IMPACT
- Lessons Learned from the NASA MOO Howard University Program for Underrepresented Minorities in Earth & Space Sciences
- Local recirculation and implications on planetary boundary layer dynamics and air quality
- Monitoring Concentrations of PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>and Black Carbon in a Neighborhood in Washington, DC: When Using Citywide Averages for Environmental Assessment Underestimates Impacts in a Community
- NCAS-M Experiential Training Program for Rising Sophomores: A Whole Student Approach to Success
- Ozonesonde Evolution from the Howard University Beltsville Campus (HUBC) for the Ozone Water-Land Environmental Transition Study-2 (OWLETS-2)
- Pockets of methane in the shallow Martian subsurface. Implications for rapid and seasonal changes of the atmospheric methane on Mars.
- Quantifying Discontinuities in Ozonesonde Measurements with Dual and Coincident Profiles
- REU Site in Physics at Howard University
- EPAMS Profiler and Ceilometer Network
- Human-centered, relational geoscience
- Lessons Learned Over Two Program Cycles of the REU Site in Physics at Howard University
- Lessons Learned from Early Opportunities Authentic Research Experiences for Underrepresented Minorities in Earth and Space Sciences
- Simulations of Space Borne Lidar Measurements of Thermodynamic Profiles in the Planetary Boundary Layer
- The Hard Truth: Facts, Figures, and Diversions in the Struggle to "Broaden Participation"
- A Novel Physics-Based Functional Form for the Magnetopause Shape
- Atmospheric Observations Over Howard University Beltsville Campus (HUBC) During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Chaos formation by porous compaction on Europa
- Characteristics of Ultra Low Frequency Plasma Waves Near the Moon
- Deformation along Enceladus' Tiger Stripes: Insights from tidally modulated icequakes and stress release at Ross Ice Shelf rifts, Antarctica
- Design of the IMAP Thermospheric CubeSat at the University of New Hampshire
- Developing AN Augmented Reality Application for Enhanced Geologic Outcrop Analysis
- Electrical Conductivity and Magnetic Induction on Europa
- Evaluation of Suomi NPP VIIRS and GOES-16 ABI Fire Radiative Power (FRP) Products using FIREX-AQ DC-8 MASTER Data
- Geochemistry as a Tool for Magnetic Induction, Gravity, and Seismology in Icy Ocean Worlds
- How Do We Define Progress? Assessing Equitable Inclusion in the Earth and Space Sciences Workforce
- Investigating Buried Ice at Askja Volcano, Northern Iceland using Ground Penetrating Radar: A Planetary Analog Perspective
- Investigating present-day dune formation on Mars
- LibreTexts, an Integrated System for Building Geoscience OER Textbooks
- NOAA's Commitment to GRUAN and Satellite-Coordinated Science Activities at the Howard University Beltsville GRUAN Site: Examples of Validation Work and Strategy
- Optimizing the synergism between airborne and satellite observations for characterizing fire energetics and smoke emissions during FIREX-AQ 2019
- Planetary Boundary Layer Workshop in the Time of COVID-19
- Raman Spectroscopy of Analog Minerals of Relevance to Lunar and Planetary Exploration
- Reexamining the Potential to Characterize Lava Flows from Margin Geometry
- Revealing chemistry at multi-megabar pressures by means of synchrotron X-ray diffraction: Fe-O system as a case study
- Sample Chemistry Revealed by TMAH-Evolved Gas Analysis: Results from the First In Situ Thermochemolysis Experiment at Gale Crater, Mars
- The Search for Fatty Acids on Mars: Results from the First In Situ Thermochemolysis Experiment at Gale Crater, Mars
- The fate of iron oxides at multimegabar pressure regime
- Vent Morphology at the Holuhraun Lava Flow (Northern Iceland) as an analog for martian fissure vents
- 3U3: The IMAP Student Collaboration CubeSat Project Evaluation Strategies and Early Findings
- A Multi-Frequency Ground Penetrating Radar Investigation of Buried Ice Beneath Pyroclastic Deposits at Askja Volcano, Northern Iceland
- An Evaluation of Biomass Burning Plumes on the Vertical Distribution of Tropospheric Ozone Over the Midwestern United States
- Analyzing Meteorological and Air-Quality Data to Detect and Study Effects of Bay Breeze on Atmospheric Conditions over Baltimore, MD.
- Assessment of Satellite-Derived Smoke Height Boundary Layer Ratio During Extreme Smoke Events in the Western U.S.
- Assimilating Radar and Lidar Observations to Improve the Prediction of Bore Waves during the 2015 PECAN Field Campaign
- Characterizing the Ability of Prescribed Fire to Reduce Future Wildfire Smoke Emissions in the Central Sierra, CA.
- Climate Change Advocacy in School Psychology
- Determining the Accuracy of Using Eddy Diffusivity Methods
- Engaging Hispanic Students, Latinx Students, and their Peers in the 3U3 CubeSat Project
- Iteratively forecasting near-term terrestrial fluxes across a network of eddy-covariance towers
- Machine Learning as a Tool to Aid in the Interpretation of Spectroscopic Data: Applications to Lunar and Planetary Exploration
- Measurements from inside a Thunderstorm Driven by Wildfire: The 2019 FIREX-AQ Field Experiment
- Our Approach: Closely Linking Climate Education/Community Action with Advancements in DEI and Environmental & Social Justice. Multiple Partner Programs Presenting in Concert. Discuss with Us (adults & K-12 students) Uplifting and Heartwarming Successes in Climate Action, While Overcoming Stereotypes Holding Back Diversity in Earth Sciences
- The Science and Instrumentation of 3U3
- Unified Ceilometer Network: Aerosol Profiling for Air Quality and Meteorological Applications
- Voyager 2 Magnetic Field Data Near Closest Approach to Triton
- 3UCubed Science: Using a CubeSat to Measure Suprathermal Electrons and UV Emissions to Study Thermospheric Upwelling during Solar Maximum
- 3UCubed: The IMAP Student Collaboration CubeSat Project
- 3UCubed: The IMAP Student Collaboration CubeSat Project - Strategies to Improve Diversity Through Partnership and Mentoring
- A Global Investigation of IMF-Crustal Field Interactions at Mars Using MAVEN Data
- Current State of a Magnetospheric Disturbance Index (MDI) for Use at Mars
- Design and Development of an Efficient Standoff Raman Optical System for Lunar Science and Exploration
- Determining the Electrical Conductivity at Ocean World Conditions Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Experimental Measurements
- Enhancing Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Space Weather Science - The Center for Geospace Storms (CGS) Broadening Impacts Strategies
- Global ambipolar potentials and electric fields at Mars inferred from MAVEN observations
- Methane Emissions During Biochar Co-composting Are Driven by Biochar Application Rate and Aggregate Formation
- Modeling Cloud Microphysics in Ice Giant Atmospheres
- Mortality and Morbidity Attributable to Wildland Fire Smoke in California from 2008-2018.
- NASA's Student Airborne Science Activation for Minority Serving Institutions: Inaugural Program, Educational Outcomes, and Lessons Learned
- On the Relationship of Arctic Oscillation with Atmospheric Rivers and Snowpack in the Western United States
- Systematic Analysis of Virga Precipitation Events Over the Semi-Arid Region of El Paso, Texas
- The Impact of Low-Level Jets on Pollution Transport in the Baltimore Region.
- The Search for Magnetotail Twisting at Mercury: Comparing MESSENGER Observations with the Terrestrial Case
- Towards a Dynamic Multiscale Wildfire Digital Twin
- Unified Ceilometer Network: Aerosol Profiling for Air Quality and Meteorological Applications
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Soja
- A. Kavner
- A. Lyapustin
- A. M. Keesee
- A. M. Sayer
- Ali Omar
- Ankur R. Desai
- Ashley Walker
- B. L. Lefer
- B. de Foy
- Brendan P. Harrison
- Charles K. Gatebe
- Christopher W. Tessum
- Dong L. Wu
- E. J. Hyer
- E. S. Shoemaker
- Emily M. Gargulinski
- G. A. DiBraccio
- George Pouliot
- Gerald A. Meehl
- J. A. Richardson
- J. A. Slavin
- J. Gruesbeck
- J. H. Crawford
- J. S. Halekas
- Jared Espley
- Jens Redemann
- Jihoon Jung
- Jingting Huang
- John Barnes
- Johnathan Hair
- Joseph L. Wilkins
- June T. Spector
- Kathryn Boyd
- LaToya Myles
- Laura H. Thapa
- M. Lessard
- Marshall J. Styczinski
- Maximilian Dollner
- Michael C. Dietze
- Nakul N. Karle
- Neil P. Lareau
- Norberto Romanelli
- Noé Lugaz
- P. L. Whelley
- Peter Gao
- Prabhakar Misra
- R. Damoah
- Richard H. Moore
- Rubén Delgado
- S. Ruhunusiri
- S. Vance
- Safa Motesharrei
- Sean Howard
- Sen Chiao
- Shaosui Xu
- Si Gao
- Teamrat A. Ghezzehei
- V. G. Merkin
- Vernon R. Morris
- Y. Ma
- Yuki Harada
- Zhifeng Yang