NASA Ames Research Center
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Comparison of Mars GCM Cloud Simulations with Observations
- A Young Scientist's Experiences with Education and Public Outreach
- ACE-Asia Aerosol Optical Depth and Water Vapor Measured by Airborne Sunphotometers and Related to Other Measurements and Calculations
- Airborne Sunphotometry in Support of the Chesapeake Lighthouse and Aircraft Measurements for Satellites (CLAMS) Experiment, 2001
- An Integrated Geophysical Strategy to "Follow the Water" on Mars.
- Constraining Polar Stratospheric Cloud Particle Sizes and Number Concentrations Required to Denitrify the 1999-2000 Arctic Vortex
- Coordinated airborne, space borne, and ground based measurements of massive, thick haze layers during the SAFARI-2000 Dry Season Campaign
- Cyanobacterial Bioamarkers: Triterpenoids plus Steroids?
- Earth-Atmospheric Coupling Prior to Strong Earthquakes Analyzed by IR Remote Sensing Data
- Elastic Thickness and Heat Flux Estimates on Ganymede
- From Gullies to Glaciers: A Continuum of Evidence Supporting a Recent Climate Change on Mars
- Galilean Satellite Surface Composition: New Cassini VIMS Observations and Comparison With Galileo NIMS Measurements
- Hot Steam, Hard Rain, and Icy Wastes in the Hadean
- Hydrochemical properties of small Spodosol-dominated catchments with contrasting disturbance from windthrow in a temperate rainforest, southeast Alaska
- Identification of the Source of Methyl Nitrate Observed in the Upper Troposphere During the April 1999 ACCENT Mission: A Successful Test of the Convective Influence Technique
- Independent Confirmation of the MODIS LAI/fPAR Algorithm
- Lidar Measurements of the Optical Characteristics of Smoke and Haze Events at Skukuza and Mongu during SAFARI-2000
- Mars GCM Simulations of MGS Data
- Meteorology for the Mars Global Surveyor Mapping Year Based on Thermal Emission Spectrometer Data Assimilation
- Methane-Derived Hydrogen in Lipids Produced by Aerobic Methanotrophs
- Modeling Biogenic Emission Sources of Acetone and Other Oxygenated Organic Carbon Compounds
- Overview of ACE-Asia Spring 2001 Investigations on Aerosol Radiative Effects and Related Aerosol Properties
- Project ALERT: Three Years Of A Catalytic Partnership For Improving Pre-Service Teacher Education In Earth System Sciences
- Simulations of Polar Stratospheric Clouds and Denitrification Using Laboratory Freezing Rates
- Small Comet Abundance and Solar System Location
- Stationary Vortices in Southern Midlatitudes on Mars
- Student Participation in Rover Field Trials
- The Hadean Atmosphere
- The Martian Climate System: Past and Present
- The Nitrogen Crisis for Archean Life due to Reduced Nitrogen Fixation by Lightning
- The North America Carbon Sink From 1982-1998 Estimated Using MODIS Algorithm Products
- The Upper Atmospheric Wave Structure of Mars as Determined by Mars Global Surveyor
- Thermal infrared hyperspectral analysis of the NASA Mars rover test site at Silver Lake, California
- Trace Gas Observations in the Upper Troposphere During ACCENT
- Transport of Aerosols From Asia and Their Radiative Effects Over the Western Pacific: A 3-D Model Study for ACE-Asia Experiment During Spring 2001
- Validation of Aerosol Products from the Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer
- Voyages Through Time: Everything Evolves
- A Statistical Comparison of PSC Model Simulations and POAM Observations
- Ab Initio Theory of Water and Methane Frequencies and Opacities
- Accumulation of Giant Planet Atmospheres Around Cores of a Few Earth Masses
- Aeolian Processes and Long Period Climate Change on Mars
- Aerosol Chemical Composition in Asian Continental Outflow During TRACE-P: Comparison to PEM-West B.
- Aerosol Size Distributions During ACE-Asia: Retrievals From Optical Thickness and Comparisons With In-situ Measurements
- Aerosol Size Distributions Measured in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere: Formation, Coagulation, Transport and Sedimentation of the Background Non-Volcanic Aerosols
- Analysis of Salinity Intrusion in the San Francisco Bay-Delta Using a GA-Optimized Neural Net, and Application of the Model to Prediction in the Elkhorn Slough Habitat
- Analysis of the Gusev Crater Landing Ellipse Utilizing High-Resolution MOC Images
- Automated Analysis of Earth Sciences Data for Prediction of Land Surface: Ocean Climate Couplings
- Automated Remote Sensing with Near Infrared Reflectance Spectra: Carbonate Recognition
- Carbon dioxide clouds in an early dense Martian atmosphere
- Chemical Evolution of Ozone and Its Precursors in Asian Pacific Rim Outflow During TRACE-P
- Clear-Column Closure Studies of Aerosol Extinction and Optical Depth Aboard the NCAR C-130 in ACE-Asia, 2001
- Clear-column closure studies of lower tropospheric aerosol extinction during ACE-Asia using airborne sunphotometer, airborne in-situ and ship-based lidar measurements
- Cloud Droplet Freezing By Contact Nucleation
- Clouds and Trace Gas Trends Observed During TRACE-P
- Clues to Coral Reef Health: Integrating Radiative Transfer Modeling and Hyperspectral Data
- Continuous-Wave Cavity Ring-Down Measurement of Aerosol Optical Properties
- Dead or Alive? Probing Microbial Ecosystems With Intact Polar Lipids.
- Deductive Coordination of Multiple Geospatial Knowledge Sources
- Development of Rule-Based Autonomous Spectral Analysis Techniques for Planetary Surfaces: Preliminary Results Using Lab Spectra
- Distributed Application Framework for Earth Science Data Processing
- Distribution of CO2 and other tracers in convective and non-convective regions during CRYSTAL-FACE.
- Effects of Interannual Climate Variability in Secondary Forests and Crops Under Traditional and Alternative Shifting Cultivation
- Exploring Gusev with MER A
- Formation and Characterization of Likely Pseudo-Biomarkers in Extraterrestrial Samples
- Formation of Regular Satellites in a Two-component, Extended Gaseous Subnebula: Predictions for the Cassini Mission
- Formation of Rivers From the Effects of Large Impacts on Mars
- Gap-opening and the Survival and Composition of the Galilean Satellites
- Global Atmospheric Budgets of Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) and Methyl Cyanide (CH<SUB>3</SUB>CN): Constraints From Aircraft Measurements Over the Western Pacific
- HCN and CH3CN in the Pacific Troposphere: Evidence for Oceanic Sink
- Information Theoretic Approaches to Rapid Discovery of Relationships in Large Climate Data Sets
- Infrared Detection of Evidence for Microscopic Organisms on Europa
- Intensive Airborne and Surface Measurements of Aerosol Microphysical and Optical Properties and Influences on Shortwave Radiation
- Investigation of Polar Stratospheric Ice Clouds Using Combined Observations from UARS/CLAES and AVHRR
- Kinetics of 2,5-Hexanedione Uptake by Surrogates for Tropospheric Sulfate
- Laboratory Studies of Organic Polymer Particles: Implications for Early Earth
- Licancabur 2002 High-Altitude Expedition: Exploring the Environment and the Limits of Life in the Highest Lake on Earth as an Analog to Martian Paleolakes
- Limits to indirect aerosol forcing in stratocumulus
- MAS Level-1B HDF Data and Derived Products during the CRYSTAL-FACE Field Campaign
- Major Disturbance Events in Terrestrial Ecosystems Detected using Global Satellite Data Sets
- Measurements Alcohols, Ketones, and Aldehydes During Trace-P
- Mid-Infrared Radiation, Electric Charges, and Acoustic Emission During Rock Deformation
- Mid-infrared emission prior to the October-November 2002 Earthquake Sequence on the Denali Fault, Alaska analyzed by remote sensing data
- Molecular Signatures of Methanogens in Cultures and Environmental Samples
- Monitoring the Transport of Biomass Burning Emissions in South America
- NAT Clouds and NOx Near the Tropical Tropopause: Implications for HNO<SUB>3</SUB>
- New Approaches to Aerosol Optical Extinction Measurement
- New Lunar Meteorite Northwest Africa 773: A Tholeiite from the Moon?
- Observations of PANs on Board the NASA P-3 During TRACE-P
- Observed Weather Satellite Thermal IR Responses Prior to Earthquakes
- On the Uncertainty of Satellite-Derived Biospherical Parameters
- Oxygenated Organic Chemicals in the Pacific Troposphere: Sources and Chemical Consequences
- Pros And Cons Of Technology In Advancing Research In Atmospheric Sciences
- Quantitative Estimates of Biomass and Forest Structure in Temperate Rainforests Derived from Multi-return Airborne Lidar
- Reasons Why Some Women Quit Science
- Rivers and Lakes Without Rain on Mars
- Self-Organizing Maps Applied to Mineral Spectra: Pure and Mixed
- Sources of uncertainty in the prediction of LAI/fPAR from MODIS
- Sources, Transport, and Charicteristics of aerosols over the Asian Pacific Region: A Global Model Analysis of in-situ and Satellite data During ACE-Asia
- Surface Nucleation as a Mechanism for the Formation of Solid Polar Stratospheric Cloud Particles
- TRACE-P Informal Instrument Intercomparison
- Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System: Integration of satellite and surface weather observations with ecosystem models
- Testing Fast Photochemical Theory During TRACE-P Based on Measurements of OH, HO2, NO2, and CH2O
- The 2002 Reno Aerosol Optics Study: Overview and Preliminary Results
- The Chemistry and Mineralogy of Atacama Desert soils: A Possible Analog for Mars Soils
- The Effect Of Size Dependent Surface Adsorption On Crystal Nucleation In Binary Droplets
- The Geologist's Field Assistant: Developing an Innovative Science Analysis System for Exploring the Surface of Mars
- The Peroxy Challenge to Early Life
- The Radiative Effects of Aerosol Layers on Solar Spectral Flux Measurements during ACE-Asia
- The Thermal Environment of the World's Highest Lake: Results from the First Field Season at Licancabur Volcano and Implications for Astrobiology
- The Valley Networks on Mars
- Ultramafic Terranes and Associated Springs as Analogs for a Martian Biosphere
- Understanding Controls on Historical River Discharge in the World's Largest Drainage Basins
- Understanding Global Teleconnections of Climate to Regional Model Estimates of Amazon Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes
- Understanding Time-varying Map Data Using Spatio-Temporal Clustering
- Visualization of 2D Distributions from Models with Uncertainty
- A New Direct Beam Irradiance Instrument for Aircraft Measurement of Ozone Columns and Wavelength Dependent UV and Visible Aerosol Optical Depths
- A Non-science Major Undergraduate Seminar on the NASA Earth Observing System (EOS): A Student Perspective
- A Search for Life in the Subsurface At Rio Tinto Spain, An Analog To Searching For Life On Mars.
- A Search for Signs of Life and Habitability on Europa
- Aerosol Deposition to Hyperarid Soils of the Atacama Desert
- Aerosol Optical Depth Measurements by Airborne Sun Photometer in SOLVE II: Comparison to SAGE III and POAM III Measurements
- Airborne Studies of Scale Invariance in the Polar Night Jet Stream
- Applications of Bayesian Classification to Content-based Data Services
- Aqueous Reaction of Methanol and Nitric Acid: Formation of Methyl Nitrate via Aerosol Chemistry
- Are Giant Planet Satellites Mini-solar Systems?
- Assessing Geologic Image Interpretation Errors Occurring in Extraterrestrial Robotic Exploration
- Astrobiologists Seed The Future: Education and Public Outreach in the NASA Astrobiology Institute
- Biospheric Monitoring and Ecological Forecasting using EOS/MODIS data, ecosystem modeling, planning and scheduling technologies
- Carbon Dioxide Cycling and a Methane Greenhouse on Ancient Earth
- Carbon Management and Decision Support Systems for the CASA Ecosystem Model
- Cavity Ring-Down Measurement of Aerosol Optical Properties During the Asian Dust Above Monterey Experiment and DOE Aerosol Intensive Operating Period
- Challenges to Life on Mars --- Ecological Perspective
- Clues to Coral Reef Ecosystem Health: Spectral Analysis Coupled with Radiative Transfer Modeling
- Comparing Model Ozone Loss During the SOLVE and SOLVE-2 Winters
- Comparison of POAM III Water Vapor Measurements With a Microphysical Model During the SH Winter
- Convective Lofting Links Indian Ocean Air Pollution to Recurrent South Atlantic Ozone Maxima
- Definitive Mineralogical Analysis of Martian Rocks and Soil Using the CheMin XRD/XRF Instrument
- Dissolution and Speciation of Oxygenated Organic Compounds in Sulfate Particles: Acetaldehyde
- Drying and moistening by deep sub-tropical and tropical convection in large-eddy simulations of CRYSTAL-FACE and CEPEX field measurements
- Earth-Atmospheric Coupling Before Earthquakes by Analyzing Multi Parameter Satellite Data
- Electrical Charging of the Aerosols in Titan's Atmosphere
- Environmental Influences on Microbial Mat Community Structure and Mineralization.
- Evidence That Ambient Nitric Acid Increases Relative Humidity in Low-Temperature Cirrus Clouds
- Evidence That Most Florida Anvil Crystals Derive From Midtropospheric Aerosols
- Evidence of Deep Convective Transport of Reactive Constituents to the Tropical Tropopause Layer Using Convective Influence Calculations
- Evidence of the Effect of Summertime Midlatitude Convection on the Subtropical Lower Stratosphere: An Analysis of Tracer Measurements From the CRYSTAL-FACE Mission
- Exploring the Limits to Photosynthetic Life in the Hyperarid Atacama (Chile) and Taklimakan (China) Deserts
- Field/Lab Training Workshops in Planetary Geology and Astrobiology for Secondary School Teachers
- Gravity Waves in ER-2 Observations During CRYSTAL-FACE: Propagation Characteristics and Potential Role in Cirrus Cloud Formation
- Heterogeneous Interactions of Ethanol with Low-Temperature Aqueous Sulfuric Acid
- Ice Nucleation in Low-Temperature Aircraft Contrails During CRYSTAL-FACE
- Icy Satellites: Perpetual Permafrost
- Impact Flashes in Saturn's Rings
- Increasing the accuracy of information from coarse-resolution satellite imagery
- Intercontinental Transport of Tropical Ozone from Biomass Burning - Views from Satellite and SHADOZ (Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes)
- Investigations into the Numerical Ages of post-Miocene Fluvial Landforms in the Atacama Desert, Chile
- Kepler Education and Public Outreach: Finding Earth-sized planets
- Layers with biomass burning signature observed at 15.8 km in the stratosphere
- Leaf-Canopy inversion model though a Neural Network algorithm: Application to coffee cherry estimation using UAV images
- Mars Atmospheric Phenomena Observed During the 2001 Planet Encircling Dust Strom
- Mathematical simulation of the diel O, S, and C biogeochemistry of a hypersaline microbial mat
- Measurement uncertainty in spectral indices from field spectroradiometers
- Measurements of HNO<SUB>3</SUB> and NO<SUB>y</SUB> on Cirrus Ice Particles and in Solution Aerosols During CRYSTAL-FACE
- Microbial Biosignatures in High Iron Thermal Springs
- Microstructural Study of Synthetic Sintered Diamond and Comparison with Carbonado, a Natural Polycrystalline Diamond
- Modeling the HDO cycle in the Martian atmosphere.
- Monitoring Jupiter's Atmosphere for Tidal Oscillations
- Multi-year Characterization of PSCs Using Solar Occultation Satellite Observations
- N isotope fractionation and measures of organic matter alteration during decomposition
- NASA Astrobiology Institute Scientist/Educator Bridges
- NASA's Astro-Venture Engages Exceptional Students in Earth System Science Using Inquiry
- NASA's Learning Technology Project: Developing Educational Tools for the Next Generation of Explorers
- Nitric Acid Uptake on Subtropical Cirrus Cloud Particles
- Numerical modeling of Martian rock glaciers: Implications for recent climate change
- Observational Evidence Against Mountain Wave Generation of Ice Clouds Leading to the Formation of NAT Clouds in Early December 1999 Within the Arctic Vortex
- Observations of deep convective transport of reactive constituents to the tropical and mid-latitude tropopause region
- Persistent Ice Supersaturation in Tropical Anvil Cirrus
- Progress in General Circulation Modeling of Recent Climate Change on Mars
- Quantifying Stratospheric Ozone in the Upper Troposphere Using in Situ Measurements of HCl
- Quantifying Transport Pathways in the Middleworld During CRYSTAL-FACE Using Tracer-Tracer Correlations and a Simple Mixing Model
- Rare Earth Element Geochemistry of Atacama Desert Soils
- Recent climate-induced variations in terrestrial carbon cycle over tropics: A model simulation
- Reconstructing the Recent Disturbance History of North America Using the AVHRR Satellite Record
- Records of our Early Biosphere Illuminate our Origins and Guide our Search for Life beyond Earth
- Retrieval of Cirrus Properties from Solar Spectral Irradiance During CRYSTAL-FACE
- Retrieval of Composition of Jupiter's Atmosphere From Passive Microwave Sounding
- Retrieval of Ozone Column Content from Airborne Sun Photometer Measurements during SOLVE II: Comparison with SAGE III, POAM III, TOMS and GOME Measurements
- Searching for Aqueous Mineralogy on Mars Utilizing a Surface Water Flow Model, Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey Data
- Small Scale Motions in Anvils During the CRYSTAL Florida Area Cirrus Experiment
- Stimulated IR Emission from the Surface of Rocks during Deformation
- Students, Teachers, and Scientists Partner to Explore Mars
- Suborbital measurements of spectral aerosol optical depth and its variability at sub-satellite-grid scales in support of CLAMS, 2001
- Subsurface Halophilic Microbial Communities in the Hyperarid Core of the Atacama Desert: An Analog for Possible Subsurface Life in Regolith on Mars
- Summertime Dynamics of the Middleworld Revealed by Aircraft Missions During the Last Decade
- Terrestrial Carbon Sinks Predicted From MODIS Satellite Data and Ecosystem Modeling
- The Association of Liquid Water Springs With Permafrost Regions on Earth and Mars
- The Challenges of Collaboration Across Professional Cultures
- The Habitability of Mars: Lessons From Ophiolites on Earth
- The Microphysical and Radiative Evolution of a Cirrus Anvil During CRYSTAL-FACE
- The Potential for Melting of Subsurface Ice at the Phoenix Lander Latitudes in Mars' Recent Past
- The Use of Manipulations in Studies of Nitrogen and Carbon Cycling in Modern Microbial Mats
- Time and Length Scales for Planetary and Satellite Gas Disk Clearing
- Towards Developing an Automated Science Analysis System for Mars Surface Exploration.
- Trace Gas Transport and Lightning NO<SUB>x</SUB> Production during a CRYSTAL-FACE Thunderstorm Simulated using a 3-D Cloud-Scale Chemical Transport Model
- Unfrozen Water in the Martian Regolith
- Using Kernel Methods to Detect Clouds, Snow, Ice and other Geophysical Processes.
- VPD Estimation from Land Surface Temperature (MOD11) for global map of evapotranspiration and NPP.
- Vortex Dust Flux: Experimental Results Comparing Terrestrial and Martian Cases
- 3D simulations of the early Mars climate with a General Circulation Model
- A Gas-poor Planetesimal Feeding Model for the Formation of Giant Planet Satellite Systems: Prediction for the Composition of Iapetus
- A Neptune/Triton Vision Mission Using Nuclear Electric Propulsion
- A Powder Delivery System (PoDS) for Mars in situ Science
- A Simulation Model of Carbon Cycling and Methane Emissions in Amazon Wetlands
- A Unique Origin for Mojave Crater?
- A generalized, bioclimatic index to predict foliar phenology in response to climate
- Accumulation of Giant Planet Atmospheres Around 5 -- 10 M<SUB>⊕ </SUB> Cores
- Aerosol Versus Dynamic and Thermodynamic Control of Early Anvil Particle Size Over Subtropical and Tropical Regions
- Aerosol size distribution in the tropical/subtropical upper tropsophere: First observation of in-situ new particle formation in cirrus clouds
- Aerosol-induced radiative flux changes in the Pacific Basin troposphere
- Analysis of "Meridiani Planum"-like evaporites using CheMin, an XRD/XRF instrument proposed for the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
- Assessing the impact of lawn management practices on the US carbon and water budgets
- Astrobiology Drilling Program of the NASA Astrobiology Institute
- Atmospheric Nitrate and Limits on the N Cycle in Atacama Desert Soils
- Biospheric Monitoring and Forecasting
- CASA-CQUEST: Decision Support Tools and Data Analysis for Ecosystem Carbon Management in the United States
- Cassini CIRS: Preliminary Results on Saturn's Rings
- Cassini-VIMS Observations of Saturn's Rings at SOI.
- Characterization of Particle and Gas Phase Pollutant Emissions from Heavy- and Light-Duty Vehicles in a California Roadway Tunnel
- Chemical Alteration of Soils on Earth as a Function of Precipitation: Insights Into Weathering Processes Relevant to Mars
- Chemical Kinetics of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Comet Impacts
- Cloud Radiative Heating, Transport, and Dehydration in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- Controls on stream DOC flux and composition in the Amazon region, Tapajos national forest
- Detection of Interannual Climate Variability in Secondary Forests and Crops Under Traditional and Alternative Shifting Cultivation Using Ikonos Data
- Did Habitable Environments Once Exist in Gusev Crater? Astrobiology and the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit
- Dust Devils: Experimental Results for Vortex Sediment Flux
- Earth's Earliest Ecosystems in the Classroom: The Use of Microbial Mats to Illustrate and Demonstrate General Principles of Scientific Inquiry and Microbial Ecology
- Effect of Convection on the Tropical Tropopause Layer in a Microphysical Model
- Ejecta Curtains and Ground Ice on Mars: Efficiencies of Volatile Release
- Evidence of Meteoroid Impacts on the Rings from Cassini Plasma Wave Measurements
- Examination of Organic Reactions in UT/LS Aerosols: Temperature Dependence in Sulfuric Acid Solution
- Explaining Meridiani Planum: The Modeled Frequency and Spatial Extensiveness of Episodes Warm Enough to Allow Ponding in Hesperian Mars
- Faint Rings and Things According to Cassini
- Fe and S isotope variations in cyanobacterial mats: modern analogues of ancient stromatolites
- Grid Technology as a Cyberinfrastructure for Delivering High-End Services to the Earth and Space Science Community
- Impact Induced Fluvial Erosion and Ponding on Early Mars
- In-Situ Isotope Ratiometer for Hydrothermal Effluent Analysis
- In-cloud and Clear-sky Supersaturations with Respect to Ice at Low Temperatures in the Atmosphere
- Initial Cassini results on Saturn's Rings
- Integrating Laboratory Compaction Data With Numerical Fault Models: a Bayesian Framework
- Large-Scale Disturbance Events in Terrestrial Ecosystems Detected using Global Satellite Data Sets
- MRO's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE): Education and public Outreach Plans
- Mapping Active Fault Zones in Southern California Using Master Multispectral Imagery Data
- Measurements of HCl in the TTL
- Medusa-Isosampler: A modular, network-based observatory system for combined physical, chemical and microbiological monitoring, sampling and incubation of hydrothermal and cold seep fluids
- Meteoroid Impacts onto Saturn's Rings
- Modeling Studies of Carbon Cycling at the Tapajos National Forest using the NASA-CASA Ecosystem Model
- Modeling the Evolution of Snowpacks on Mars
- Modeling the Rise of Atmospheric Oxygen
- Orbital Evolution of Impact Ejecta from some of the Biggest Craters on Saturn's Icy Satellites
- Organic Haze Aerosols on the Early Earth: A Laboratory Investigation
- Phoebe and the Icy Saturnian Satellites: Implications for Satellite Origins
- Predictions of the Electrical Conductivity and Charging of the Aerosols in Titan's Atmosphere
- Prognostic/Diagnostic Analysis of Ecosystem Processes: Comparison of MODIS and Biome-BGC Based Land Surface Products Over United States From 2000 to 2003
- Radiative Transfer Modeling, Spectral Analysis, and Remote Sensing of Coral Reefs
- Representing Aerosols in Mars Climate Models
- Saturn's A Ring as Seen by the Voyager IRIS and Cassini CIRS Experiments
- Saturn's Rings on the Arrival of Cassini
- Selective Cutting Impact on Carbon Storage in Fremont-Winema National Forest, Oregon
- Sensitivity Of MODIS Global Terrestrial Primary Production To The Accuracy Of Meteorological Data Sets
- Simulation of the global warming by the one-dimensional simplified earth system model.
- Spectral Imaging of Saturn by Cassini/VIMS: Early Science Results
- Spitzer/IRS Observations of Asteroids, Centaurs, and Kuiper Belt Objects
- Statistical Analysis of Cumulonimbus Anvil and Surrounding Aerosol Properties Retrieved by MODIS in Subtropical and Tropical Regions
- Students and Teachers Exploring Live the Limits of Life on Earth with a Nasa/seti Expedition to the Highest Lakes on Earth
- Summary of the Chemistry Transport in Deep Convection Cloud Modeling Workshop Intercomparison
- Survey of Martian Alluvial Fans
- Tamarisk (Salt Cedar) Infestations in Northwestern Nevada Mapped Using Landsat TM Imagery and GIS Layers
- Terrestrial Planet Formation Around Close Binary Star Systems
- Tethys: Modeling of Near Infrared Telescopic Observations
- The Astrobiology Field Guide in World Wind
- The Condensation/Sublimation Front in the Solar Nebula
- The DEVELOP Program as a Unique Applied Science Internship
- The Medusa Sea Floor Monitoring System
- The Role of Deep Convection in Establishing the Isotopic Composition of Water Vapor in the Tropics
- The Standard Model for Noble Gases in Mantle Geochemistry: Some Observations and Alternatives
- The Surface Composition of Saturn's Moon Phoebe As seen by the Cassini Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer
- The Ticosonde/NAME 2004 Experiment: A Program of High-Frequency Rawinsonde Observations over Costa Rica During Summer
- The impact of humidity above stratiform clouds on indirect aerosol climate forcing
- Titan's Surface Seen by VIMS/Cassini
- Trace and Rare Earth Element Geochemical Signatures Used to Assess the Sources of Silicate Materials in Atacama Desert Soils
- Use of Data Assimilation to Estimate the Aerosol Radiative Forcing
- VIMS Evidence for Palimpsests on Titan as a Constraint on Widespread Precipitation.
- What PAN Tells us About Continental C & N Outlflow, Airmass Chemical Reactivity, and Appropriate Simulation
- 400 ka Eccentricity Cycle Modulation of the SPICE Carbon Isotope Excursion on Both Sides of the Cambrian Earth
- A Case Study of Aerosol Optical Properties and Radiative Effects Computed From Airborne Measurements During the ACE-Asia Campaign
- A Comparative Study of Relative Humidity Distributions Inside and Outside of Clouds at Both the Middle and Tropical Latitudes
- A Fast Radiative Transfer Model for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
- A Modeling Comparison of Methanogenesis from Noncompetitive vs Competitive Substrates in a Simulated Hypersaline Microbial Mat
- A Sunphotometer for Mars Atmosphere Studies
- A Three Level Autonomous Software System for Increased Science Return
- A Zonal Climate Model for the 1-D Mars Evolution Code: Explaining Meridiani Planum.
- A multi-platform analysis of the North American reactive nitrogen budget during the ICARTT summer intensive
- Accessing Information on the Mars Exploration Rovers Mission
- Accurate Biomass Estimation via Bayesian Adaptive Sampling
- Airborne measurements of spectral direct aerosol radiative forcing in INTEX/ICARTT (2004) and comparisons to previous campaigns
- Amazon Rainforest Phenology Observed From Space
- Analogs Environments on Earth and the Search for Organics and Life on Mars
- Anomalies in the Distribution Patterns and Simulation of Aldehydes and PAN within Reacting Continental Outflow
- Aseptically Sampled Organics in Subsurface Rocks From the Mars Analog Rio Tinto Experiment: An Analog For The Search for Deep Subsurface Life on Mars.}
- Assessing Convective Influence by Utilizing Cloud to Ground Lightning Data and High Resolution Kinematic Trajectories
- Assimilation of satellite radiances as a tool for studying the influence of the absorbing properties of aerosols on direct radiative forcing
- CO2 Clouds, CAPE and convection on Mars: Observations and General Circulation Modeling
- Can the Combination of Extremes Protect Life: Clues from Altiplanic Lakes and Implication for Early Mars
- Chemical Characterization of the Soil Organic Matter in the Atacama Desert, Chile
- Chemical Evolution and Network Analysis in Protoplanetary Disks
- Cloud Properties Derived from Visible and Near-infrared Reflectance in the Presence of Aerosols
- Comparison of Airborne Sunphotometer and Near-Coincident In Situ and Remotely Sensed Water Vapor Measurements during INTEX-ITCT 2004
- Comparison of In situ Measurements of Cirrus Cloud Ice Water Content during the MidCiX Field Campaign
- Compositional Mapping of Surfaces in the Saturn System with Cassini VIMS: the Role of Water, Cyanide Compounds and Carbon Dioxide
- Computing Information-Theoretic Quantities in Large Climate Data Sets
- Constraining Rooting Depths in Tropical Rainforests Using Satellite Data and Ecosystem Modeling
- Core Accretion - Gas Capture Model for Gas Giant Planet Formation
- Cross-Reactions of Organic Trace Compounds in Cold, Acidic Sulfate Particles
- Dehydration, Transport and Wave Activity in the Tropical Tropopause Layer During the Season of Warm Tropopause Temperatures
- Detecting Waste Tire Sites Using Satellite Imagery
- Distribution of Formaldehyde Over North America: Implications for Satellite Retrievals and Mapping of Precursor Emissions
- Do Amazonian Forests Get Greener in Dry Season?
- Dry limit to photosynthesis and cyanobacterial spatial pattern in the Atacama Desert
- Dune Exploration: Mars Allegories
- Dust Devils on Earth and Mars: Comparison of Field and Laboratory Results for Sediment Flux
- Ecological Forecasting: Advanced Technologies for Discovery in Earth Science Data
- Education And Public Outreach With MRO's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE).
- Evidence of water limited affects in tree density in a subalpine/alpine environment as inferred from hyperspatial image data and climate gradient analysis
- Exploration of a Subsurface Biosphere in a Volcanic Massive Sulfide: Results of the Mars Analog Rio Tinto Drilling Experiment
- Fluid flow rate, temperature and heat flux at Mohns Ridge vent fields: evidence from isosampler measurements for phase separated hydrothermal circulation along the arctic ridge system
- Glaciers, ice mantling, gullies and polar caps on Mars: a model-based scenario for the Amazonian climates and geology.
- Hyperarid Soils in the Atacama Desert: A Terrestrial Guide to Mars Soil Formation
- IONS-2004 (INTEX Ozonesonde Network Study) Ozone Budgets: Experimental Determination and Comparison With Climatology
- Ice Grain Size Distribution: Differences Between Jovian and Saturnian Icy Satellites From Galileo and Cassini Measurements
- Identification of a Martian Sedimentary Platform in Margaritifer Sinus, Meridiani Terra, and Arabia
- In-Situ Isotope Ratiometer for Hydrothermal Effluent Analysis
- In-Situ Measurements of Aerosols from Motor Vehicles in the Caldecott Tunnel
- Intelligent Agents for Science Data Processing
- Intelligent Mission Management for UAV Wildfire Response
- Interannual Consistency of Temperature Analyses in the Antarctic Stratosphere, 1998-2004
- Investigation of Life in the Atacama Desert by Astrobiology Rover
- Large Icy Diapirs and Small Icy Satellites: Reorientation of Mini-Moons
- Large-Scale Weather Systems in Mars' Southern Hemisphere: Effects of the Great Impact Basins
- Limitations on Detection of Low Levels on Organics in Mars-Like Soils using Pyrolysis GCMS: Implications for the Viking Lander Results
- Long Window Assimilation of Martian Meteorology
- MIDAS: Advanced Remote Sensing for the Exploration of Icy Satellites
- MRO's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE)
- Mars-Relevant Environmental Conditions at the Lakes of Licancabur Volcano, Bolivia
- Martian Alluvial Fans: A glimpse into Martian paleoclimate
- Methane Emissions from Natural Wetlands in the United States: Satellite-Derived Estimation based on Ecosystem Carbon Cycling
- Microbialite Formation across Chemical and Photosynthetic Gradients in Pavilion Lake, BC
- Microbiology and Moisture Uptake of Desert Soils
- Microphysical Modeling and POAM III Observations of Aerosol Extinction in the 1998-2003 Antarctic Stratosphere
- Modeling Studies of Climate Impacts and Extreme Events in California Mountain Ecosystems
- Modelling Arctic Ozone Loss: Effects of Temperature on Interannual Variability
- Molecular Studies of Filamentous and Biofilm-Forming Hyperthermophilic Communities in Yellowstone National Park
- Multi-sensor analysis of changing growing season dynamics across northwest North America since 1998
- Multiple Methods of Searching Large Areas of the Martian Surface
- NASA Intelligent Systems Project: Results, Accomplishments and Impact on Science Missions.
- Near Infrared Spectra of Mixtures Relevant to Icy Satellites
- Nonlinear Statistical Modeling and Model Discovery for Ecological Data
- Observations of Layered Structures in the Lower Tropical Stratosphere Over Costa Rica During Ticosonde-Aura/TCSP 2005
- Observed trends of NDVI and climate over the Amazon basin
- Organic Matter Analysis of the Hyper-Arid Peruvian Desert in comparison to other Hyper-Arid Environments
- Outflow Channels and Martian Climate: General Circulation Model (GCM) Simulations with Emplaced Water and Cloud Physics
- Past Impacts and Future Scenarios of Climate on Ecosystem Carbon Balance for the Western United States
- Pavilion Lake, British Columbia, Canada - An investigation of potentially unique freshwater microbialites, and their application to Mars exploration.
- Physical Properties of the Saturnian Ring System Inferred from Cassini VIMS Opposition Observations
- Physical, Chemical and Optical Properties of Aerosol over North America: Airborne Observations from INTEX-NA
- Planning and Scheduling for Environmental Sensor Networks
- Post-Fire Regeneration Assessment in Yosemite National Park
- Quantifying Seasonal Variation in Cloud Cover with Predictive Models
- Radiation-Hardened Software for Space Flight Science Applications
- Reactive Nitrogen Distribution and Budgets in the North American Troposphere and Lowermost Stratosphere
- Relic and Active Cold Permafrost Springs in the Arctic as Martian Analogs
- SeaRover: An Emerging Technology for Sea Surface Sensor Networks
- Searching for Patterns in the Complex World of Protein Interactions
- Simulating Coupling Complexity in Space Plasmas: First Results from a new code
- Single-Particle Black Carbon Aerosol Verticle Profiles From the Boundary Layer to the Lower Stratosphere
- Smoke Plumes Deep in the Stratosphere: Direct Injection or Self Lofting?
- Soil organic matter in the subsurface of the driest core of the Atacama Desert: Yungay, Chile
- Spectral Imaging of Titan's Tropospheric Methane and Lower Atmosphere Haze Profile
- Statistical Analysis of Cumulonimbus Anvil and Surrounding Aerosol Properties Retrieved by MODIS in Subtropical and Tropical Regions
- Stratigraphy of Ganges Mensa, Mars
- Structure Learning in Stochastic Non-linear Dynamical Systems
- Subsurface Geomicrobiology of a Volcanically Hosted Massive Sulfide Deposit (VHMS), Near Rio Tinto, Spain
- Summertime influence of Asian pollution in the middle and upper troposphere during INTEX-A
- Synthesis of MGS Observations of the 2001 Global Dust Storm on Mars: Implications for Atmospheric Dynamics
- Temperature Thresholds for Polar Stratospheric Ozone Loss
- Testing MODIS retrievals of mineral dust properties
- The Cassini VIMS Titan Photometric Control Network: Relevance to Understanding Titan's Surface and Atmosphere
- The Effect of Convection and In-situ Dehydration on the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- The Experimental Degradation of Microorganisms Exposed to Mn(II) and SiO2 Over Time
- The Phase Dependence of Temperatures Measured in Saturn's Main Rings Indicates Slowly Rotating Ring Particles
- The Rise of Complexity: Do the Pavilion Lake Microbialites Suggest a Way to Build a Macroorganism?
- The Role of Deep Convection in Establishing the Isotopic Composition of the Tropical Transition Layer
- The observation of nitric acid-containing particles in the tropical lower stratosphere
- Thermal Characterization of proposed Phoenix Landing Sites
- Titan's atmospheric structure as inferred from Huygens ASI measurements
- Tracing Organic Material from Interstellar Origins to Meteorites
- Uncertain Isoprene Emissions and Chemistry: Implications for Ozone in the Eastern United States
- Uptake of CF3COOH in Upper Tropospheric Sulfate Particles: Effects of Fluorination on the Accommodation of Oxygenated Organic Vapors.
- Urban Sprawl Impacts on the Carbon and Water Cycles in the United States
- Use of Nuclear Electric Power and Propulsion for a Neptune Mission
- Use of a Variety of Aerosols Transported off the US Northeast Coast in ICARTT 2004 for Multi-Grid-Box Validation of Satellite Optical Depth Retrievals
- Using MODIS Imagery to Detect the Invasive Species Cheatgrass in Northwestern Utah
- Validation of O3 and O2 column densities retrieved from airborne direct solar irradiance measurements and the effects of field inhomogeneity
- Virtual Impactor for Sub-micron Aerosol Particles
- 10 Years of Studies Comparing Airborne Sunphotometer and Satellite Views of Aerosols Over the Ocean
- A Collaborative Decision Environment to Support UAV Wildfire Monitoring Missions
- A Simple Model to Calculate Leaf Area Index from Lidar Data
- A Study of Dehydration, Low Temperatures and Supersaturations in the Tropical Tropopause Layer both Inside and Outside of Clouds and Possible Mechanisms for Air Parcel Drying.
- A Study of Variability in Tropical Tropospheric Water Vapor
- Aerosol nucleation inside and outside of cirrus
- Aerosol size distributions and optical properties in the Caldecott Tunnel with different traffic patterns
- After the Moon-forming Impact
- An Exploration of Relative Humidity Heterogeneity Within Cirrus
- An Overview of The Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) Mission An ESMD Mission to Investigate Lunar Polar Hydrogen
- An overview of laboratory studies on the energetic processes in water-rich ices containing organic impurities at outer Solar System temperatures.
- An oxidised non-chondritic early Earth with no hidden silicate reservoirs
- Calculating Photometric Redshifts using Nonlinear Regression Methods: A Comparative Study
- Characterization of Thin Cirrus Clouds in the Tropical Tropopause Layer by a Eulerian Three-Dimensional Microphysical Model
- Comparison of 1mm and 2m Spatial Remote Sensing Results
- Compositional Mapping of Saturn's Satellite Dione with Cassini VIMS and Implications for Dark Material in the Saturn System
- Connecting virtual observatories with visualization and display tools, lessons learned with NASA Worldwind.
- Content Based Image Matching for Planetary Science
- Cross-Reactions of Trace Propanal and Acetone With Ethanol in Cold Sulfuric Acid
- Data Integration and Anomaly Detection for Decision Support in Protected Area Management
- Detection of Widespread Aromatic and Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Deposits on Titan's Surface Observed by Cassini VIMS
- Determining Biophysical Controls on Forest Structure using Hyperspatial Satellite Imagery and Ecological Gradient Modeling
- Develop a Continental-scale Measure of Gross Primary Production by Combining MODIS and AmeriFlux Data through Support Vector Machine
- Dust and Pollution Aerosol Air Mass Mapping from Satellite Multi-angle Imaging
- Electric Currents in Granite and Gabbro Generated by Impacts Up To 1 km/sec
- Evaluating increases in accuracy achieved by NACP
- First CRISM Observations of Mars
- Full-disk observations of the saturnian moons in the VIS-NIR spectral range by Cassini- VIMS
- Ganges Mensa and other light-toned outcrops in Ganges Chasma
- Global Warming on Mars
- How to Weave a Cognitive Web
- Hypervelocity Impact Flare Models
- In Situ Observations of the Microphysical Properties of Subvisible Cirrus during CR- AVE
- Infrared Spectroscopy of Comet Wild-2 Samples Returned by the Stardust Mission.
- Integration of MGS Observations of the 2001 Global Dust Storm on Mars
- Intraseasonal Interactions between Climate and Vegetation Variability over the Boreal Forests
- Laboratory Simulated Impact Shock on Ices relevant to Planetary icy Bodies
- Laboratory Studies on the Production of Organic Haze on Titan and the Early Earth
- Lagrangian Photochemical Box-Model Calculations of Asian Pacific Rim Outflow During TRACE-P
- Landscape-scale characterization of individual plants using hyperspatial remote sensing: techniques, technologies and applications
- Linking Forest Carbon Monitoring with Management Decisions
- Lofting of Smoke Plumes Generated by Regional Nuclear Conflicts
- MRO's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) Education And Public Outreach program
- Mechanical Alteration And Contamination Issues In Automated Subsurface Sample Acquisition And Handling
- Methyl Nitrate Formation in and Liberation from Acidic Aerosols
- Modeled Aerosol Optical Properties During the SAFARI 2000 Campaign
- Modeling Ground Ice Recharge in the Antarctic Dry Valleys Using In Situ and Satellite Data
- NASA's New Millennium ST-8 Project
- Near IR spectra and real and imaginary indicies of refraction of ices of relevance to KBOs
- New Lipids From Cultured Archaea and Environmental Samples
- New Optical Constants for Amorphous and Crystalline H2O-ice
- Object-Oriented Analysis of Sea Ice Fragmentation Using SAR Imagery to Determine Pacific Walrus Habitat
- Observations of condensed-phase nitric acid in a tropical subvisual cirrus cloud
- On the Formation and Long Term Stability of Earth-like Planets in Binary Star Systems
- On the Interannual Variablity of the Tropical Tropopause Layer Over Central America
- Orbital Eccentricity Growth of Giant Planets
- Organic geochemistry of endoevaporitic environments: Microbial diversity and lipid biomarkers from gypsum deposits at the E.S.S.A Salt Works, Guerrero Negro, Baja, Mexico
- Origin, growth, and detection of life on Enceladus
- Overview of the Multi-Aircraft CALIPSO-CloudSAT Validation Experiment
- POGO-FAN: Remarkable Empirical Indicators for the Local Chemical Production of Smog- Ozone and NOx-Sensitivity of Air Parcels
- Prediction of the onset of greenness from historical satellite and climate data in California
- Preliminary Examination of Organics Returned from Comet Wild 2 by the Stardust Spacecraft
- Pseudoracemization (Biological Accumulation of D-amino Acids) in the Antarctic Cryptoendolithic Microbial Ecosystem, a Model for Oceans, Sediments, and Soils
- Rapid prototyping of ecological nowcasts and forecasts by extending the Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System
- Refinement of rooting depths using satellite-based evapotranspiration seasonality and ecosystem modeling in California
- Reflectances of Kuiper Belt Objects at lambda > 2.5 microns
- Relationship of Fault Geometry to Catastrophic Outflow on Mars
- Remote sensing of the aerosol-cloud boundary
- Role of Iron in the Preservation of Phototrophic Cells: An Example from a Modern Thermophilic Community at Chocolate Pots Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park, USA
- Sagan Lecture: Exploring Mars Broadens the Biogeosciences Into the Realm of Astrobiology
- Saturn's Titan: Evidence for Surface Reflectance Change: Implications for Atmospheric and Volcanic Activity
- Sedimentology of Home Plate at Gusev Crater, Mars
- Simulated Carbon Cycling in a Model Microbial Mat.
- Simultaneous Retrievals of Aerosol Properties Using Airborne Sun Photometer, Solar Flux Radiometer, and Satellite Radiance Data
- Source characteristics of oxygenated volatile organic compounds and hydrogen cyanide
- Spectral Absorption Properties of Carbonaceous Particles
- Sub-millimeter Rock Surface Texture as a Measure of Aeolian Abrasion Maturity
- Subsurface Organics in Aseptic Cores From the MARTE Robotic Drilling Experiment: Ground truth and Contamination Issues
- Terrestrial Carbon Sinks for the United States Predicted From MODIS Satellite Data and Ecosystem Modeling
- Terrestrial Vegetation Dynamics, Global Climate Controls, and Extreme Events
- Terrestrial ecosystem nowcasts and forecasts for North America
- The AISRP Code and Algorithm Library
- The Effects of Gravity waves and Convection on the Tropical Tropopause Region in a Microphysical Model
- The Lunar Explorer for Elements and Hazards (LEEAH) Mission: Characterizing Lunar- Heliospheric Interactions for Both Science and Exploration
- The NASA-Macquarie University Pilbara Education Project: Connecting the public to `science in the making' via virtual reality and the Internet
- The small particle dilemma: Fracture or Fiction?
- Towards a Laboratory Determination of Microphysical Properties of H2O Ice Clouds Under Mars Atmospheric Conditions
- Using MODIS LAI to Identify Vegetation Anomalies in Yosemite National Park
- A 70 ka Record of Methyl Chloride From a Siple Dome, West Antarctica Ice Core
- A Brief Overview of INTEX-B and OVOC Observations Over Mexico City, Gulf of Mexico, and the Pacific Ocean
- A Closer Look at Gully Morphology and Formation on Mars with HiRISE
- A Comparison Of Tree Crown Recognition Techniques
- A Comparison of the Soil Bioload of Mars Analog Sites Using a Novel Life Detection Instrument.
- A Study of Dehydration, Low Temperatures and Supersaturations in the Tropical Tropopause Layer both Inside and Outside of Clouds.
- A Sustained Greenhouse Climate on Mars following an Impact Event
- A Very Weakly Reducing Atmosphere Prior to the Rise in Atmospheric Oxygen
- Aero3X: Fast, Accurate Measurement of Aerosol Optical Properties for Climate and Air Quality Studies
- An Overview of the Exploration History of Europa
- Assessing the Potential for Ancient Habitable Environments in Gusev Crater, Mars
- Atmospheric carbonyl sulfide during the last 2,000 years from analysis of air extracted from Antarctic ice cores
- Biodiversity of Rock Varnish at Yungay, Atacama Desert, Chile
- Biosignatures in modern sulfates: texture, composition and depositional environments of gypsum deposits at Guerrero Negro, Baja, Mexico
- C2-C4 alkanes measured in a South Pole ice core: Are atmospheric histories of light hydrocarbons preserved in Antarctic ice?
- CRISM Retrieval of Surface Lambert Albedos for Multispectral Mapping of Mars with DISORT- based Radiative Transfer Modeling: Phase 1 -- Using Historical Climatology for Temperatures, Aerosol Optical Depths, and Atmospheric Pressures
- Can we Detect an Influence over North America From Increasing Asian NOx Emissions?
- Carbon Fluxes over North America during 2001-2005: A Comparison between Land- and Atmosphere-based Approaches
- CheMin: A Definitive Mineralogy Instrument on the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL '09) Rover
- Comparison of Airborne Sunphotometer and Satellite Retrievals of Aerosol Optical Depth during MILAGRO/INTEX-B
- Comparison of Airborne Sunphotometer to MODIS and MISR Retrievals of Aerosol Optical Depth during MILAGRO/INTEX-B
- Compositional Mapping of Saturn's Satellite Iapetus with Cassini VIMS and Implications of Dark Material in the Saturn System
- Condensed Phase Organic Photochemistry in Atmospheric Aerosols
- Consequence of Electron Mobility in Icy Grains on Solar System Objects
- Convective Vertical Redistribution of Trace Gases in the Tropics: A First Look at Chemical Tracer and Meteorological Measurements from the NASA DC-8 during TC4
- Effects of Plume-Rise Parameterization On The Simulation Of Boreal Fire
- Electrostatic Levitation of Lunar Dust: Preliminary Experimental Observations
- Energetic Particles in the Jovian Magnetotail
- Ensemble modeling of carbon and water fluxes for NACP
- Environmentally Non-Disturbing Under-ice Robotic ANtarctiC Explorer (ENDURANCE)
- Estimating evapotranspiration over Yosemite National Park using a regional ecosystem model driven by satellite-based climate data.
- Estimation of Leaf Area Index (LAI) Through the Acquisition of Ground Truth Data in Yosemite National Park
- Evaluation of the NASA Langley Research Center airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar extinction measurements during the Megacity Initiative: Local and Global Research Observations (MILAGRO) Campaign
- Evidence of multiple flooding events or pulses from erosional features in Martian outflow channels
- Extreme Environments in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
- Field Study of Mars Analog Materials in Spitsbergen (Norway) Using a Portable X-ray Diffraction Instrument
- Formation of Jupiter via Core Nucleated Accretion Within a Dissipating Protoplanetary Disk
- Framework for Producing Ecological Nowcasts
- From Gullies to Outflow Channels: HiRISE's Perspective on Fluvial Activity on Mars
- Global Mapping of the Surface of Titan Using VIMS Infrared Images - Geodynamical Implications
- Goal-Directed Planning for Sensor Webs
- Google Moon, Google Mars, and Beyond
- Hydrogen Peroxide Production at the Rock-Water Interface
- Iapetus as Seen Through the Multispectral Eyes of Cassini VIMS
- Imaging Solar Farside and Tachocline Using SOHO/MDI Data and Numerical Simulations
- In Situ and Remote Measurements of Ice Particles in TC4
- Initial comparisons of MODIS and CALIPSO level 2 aerosol products and their cloud masking techniques
- Integrating Data From NASA Missions Into NOAA's Pacific Region Integrated Climatology Information Products (PRICIP) Project
- Integration of MGS Observations of the 2001 Global Dust Storm on Mars: Implications for Atmospheric Modeling
- Intergration of MGS observations of 2001 global dust storm on Mars
- Investigating the Wavelength Dependence of the Single-Scattering Albedo of Martian Dust Aerosols with CRISM and MARCI Observations of the Very Dusty Atmosphere in 2007
- Laboratory Measurements for Ice Cloud Nucleation Under Martian Atmospheric Conditions on Various Dust Analogs
- Land Use and Changes in Carbon Budget in the Brazilian Cerrado
- Landform Simulations of Parana Basin, Mars
- Lipid and Phylogenetic Analysis of a Gypsum-hosted Endoevaporitic Microbial Community
- MARCI Observations of Mesospheric Cloud Trails and Their Association with Extreme Vertical Ascent within Localized (10's of km), Short Duration (1-2 days) Dust Lifting Events
- Mars: South Polar Spring Recession as observed by CRISM
- Measurements of Area Resolved Surface Spectral Albedo and Validation of MODIS Land Albedo Product during MILAGRO, GoMACCS, and TC4
- Measurements of light alkanes (C2-C4) in firn air at Summit, Greenland and West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide, Antarctica: Is there evidence for a recent decline in polar tropospheric levels?
- Methods of Multivariable Earthquake Precursor Analysis and a Proposed Prototype Earthquake Early Warning System
- Micro-Scanning Electron Microscope and X-ray Spectrometer for Planetary Exploration
- Modeling Carbon Cycles and Trace Gas Budgets of Savannas Worldwide using NASA Satellite Products: Focus on Climate and Land Use Change Impacts
- Modeling Carbon Cycles for the Western United States using NASA Satellite Products: Focus on Climate and Land Use Change Impacts
- Modeling and Forecasting Snowmelt Runoff in California Mountain Watersheds using NASA Satellite Data Products
- New Horizons At Jupiter: Overview Of Results
- New Horizons at Jupiter: From Polar Lightning to Equatorial Waves
- New Mars Water Cycle Simulations Constrained by Laboratory Microphysical Results
- Nitrates on Mars: Evidence from the 15/14N isotopic ratio
- North American Tropospheric Ozone Profiles from IONS (INTEX Ozonesonde Network Study, 2004, 2006): Ozone Budgets, Polution Statistics, Satellite Retrievals
- Numerical simulations of the three-dimensional distribution of polar mesospheric clouds using WACCM/CARMA
- Objective refinements to a diagnostic terrestrial biosphere model using satellite data: North America carbon and water cycle simulations
- Observational Constraints on the Global Budget of Ethanol
- Observational and Theoretical Constraints on Plume Activity at Europa
- Observations of Reactive Nitrogen over the North Pacific: Comparisons, Implications and Chemical Constraints
- Optical Properties of Early Earth and Titan Haze Laboratory Analogs in the Mid-Visible
- Organic and Inorganic Carbon in the Rio Tinto (Spain) Deep Subsurface System: a Possible Model for Subsurface Carbon and Lithoautotrophs on Mars.
- Photochemistry Within Plumes of Various Origin During INTEX-B: A Case Study From May 5
- Photoclinometry, Morphometry, and Spectroscopy of Titan's Sand Dunes from Cassini/VIMS
- Proof-of-Concept for an Advanced Sunphotometer
- Realistic Numerical Simulations of Solar Magneto-Convection and Oscillations
- Recent measurements of water vapor in the TTL by the JPL Laser Hygrometer
- Regional Carbon Fluxes and Atmospheric Carbon Dynamics in the Southern Great Plains during the 2007 CLASIC intensive
- Remote Sensing and Ecosystem Modeling for Protected Area Management
- Robust Remote Sensing of Smog Ozone and Its Production
- Saturn's Titan: Searching for Surface Change
- Species Identification From Spatial Analysis of Digital Imagery
- Spectral Evidence for Aqueous Alteration of the Plains Surrounding Valles Marineris, Mars
- Spectrometers for Sky-Scanning, Sun-Tracking Atmospheric Research (4STAR): Airborne Concepts and Ground Prototype Measurements
- Sub-micron Aerosol Size Distributions in the Tropics: Implications for Stratospheric Aerosol Abundance
- Surface Binding Energies Of N2, CH4, And H2O-ice Systems
- Surface Reflectance of Mexico City
- Surface-Atmospheric Separation Models for Titan: Plane Parallel vs. Spherical Shell Radiative Transfer Solutions for Cassini VIMS Data
- Synopsis of TC4 Missions and Meteorology
- The Vertical Temperature Distribution Across Saturn's Rings as Observed by Cassini CIRS
- The influence of convection on the water vapor and isotopic composition of the upper TTL and tropical stratosphere
- Thin cirrus clouds near the tropical tropopause during TC4 and their relation to convection
- Towards an Understanding of Atmospheric Methanol
- Understanding The Correlation of San Joaquin Air Quality Monitoring With Aerosol Optical Thickness Satellite Measurements
- Uptake and Reactions of Formaldehyde, Acetaldehyde, Acetone, Propanal and Ethanol in Sulfuric Acid solutions at 200-240 K: Implications for upper tropospheric aerosol composition
- Using CALIPSO and MLS Data, Along With in Situ Isotope Measurements, to Constrain Simulations of TTL Transport, Cloud Formation, Dehydration
- VIS-NIR Spectrophotometric Study of the Saturnian icy Satellites by Cassini-VIMS
- Validation of Far-side Imaging of Solar Active Regions through Numerical Simulations
- Vertical Structure and Variability of Ozone in the TTL From TC4 Ozonesondes
- World Wind: NASA's Virtual Globe
- A Model Web Interoperability Experiment Using The Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System and OpenModeller
- A Sustained Greenhouse Climate and Erosion Period on Mars Following an Impact Event
- A Venus Flagship Mission: Exploring a World of Contrasts
- A View of the Prebiotic Earth's Atmosphere: Greenhouse Gases, Oxidized Organic Haze, and the Anti-Greenhouse Effect
- A new Hypothesis for the Origin and Redistribution of Sulfates in the Equatorial Region of Western Mars
- Aircraft Observations of Seasonal Variability in Black Carbon in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- Airmass source analysis during CLASIC using simultaneous CO and CO2 measurements on the CIRPAS Twin Otter
- An Approach to Spatial Classification of Hyperspatial Imagery
- Application of Ecosystem Models to Assess Environmental Drivers of Mosquito Abundance and Virus Transmission Risk and Associated Public Health Implications of Climate and Land Use Change
- Assessing the Nature, Distribution and Duration of Noachian Habitable Environments
- Automatic, Real-Time Algorithms for Anomaly Detection in High Resolution Satellite Imagery
- Baseline uncertainties in wildfire emissions estimates using moderate resolution satellite imagery
- Beam: A Ray-Tracing Monte Carlo Code for Photometric Studies of Saturn's Rings
- Benchmarking Collaborative Inter and Intra-agency Enhancements to a Decision Support System for Global Crop Production Assessments
- Beyond Earth: Using Google Earth to Visualize Other Planetary Bodies
- Biosignatures Preservation Potential and Habitability in Phyllosilicates vs. Iron-rich Environments
- Building Geospatial Web Services for Ecological Monitoring and Forecasting
- Burn Severity Assessment in the Okanogan-Wenatchee Forest Using NASA Satellite Missions
- Carbon Cycling Studies in Forest and Rangeland Ecosystems of Northern and Central Coastal California
- Carbon Cycling from Biofuel Crop Production in the Mid-Continental U. S. Region Predicted from MODIS Satellite Data and Ecosystem Modeling
- Carbon Fluxes in Ecosystems of the Greater Yellowstone Area Predicted from Remote Sensing Data and Simulation Modeling
- Celebrating 400 Years of Astronomia Nova: Johannes Kepler, the Kepler Mission, and the International Year of Astronomy
- Central Peak Gully Formation and Morphologies on Mars
- Characterization of Smoke Injection Into the UT/LS From Biomass Burning 1. Developing Methodologies Based on AI and CALIPSO Data
- Characterization of Smoke Injection Into the UT/LS From Biomass Burning. 2. Methodology Expansion Using the HYSPLIT Trajectory Model
- Cloud Charging in the Atmosphere of Venus
- Comparing the interannual variability of NDVI of croplands over China and India for the period 1982-2006: socioeconomic versus climatic drivers of change.
- Comparison of MMS Pressure, Temperature, and Horizontal Wind Data With CFH/Ozonesonde and AVAPS Dropsonde Profiles Collected During TC4
- Comparisons of MODIS and CALIPSO level 2 aerosol products and their combined use for calculating direct aerosol radiative effects
- Constraints on Aeolian Degradation Rates on Mars from Erasure of Rover Tracks
- Cosmic Impacts and Climates of the Terrestrial Planets
- Design and Characterization of the 4STAR Sun-Sky Spectrometer with Results from 4- Way Intercomparison of 4STAR, AATS-14, Prede, and Cimel Photometers at Mauna Loa Observatory.
- Discovery of Perchlorate at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Distinctive Accessory Minerals, Textures and Crystal Habits in Biofilm Associated Gypsum Deposits
- Diversity of Mineralogy and Occurrences of Phyllosilicates on Mars
- Diversity of Soil Textures Along Spirit's Traverse in Gusev Crater
- Do Secular Trends in the Nickel Content of Banded Iron Formation Record a Methanogen Famine?
- Earth Science Research Discovery, Integration, 3D Visualization and Analysis using NASA World Wind
- Earth System Data Record Of Vegetation Leaf Area Index From Multiple Satellite-Borne Sensors: Evaluation And Validation
- Effect of near infrared (NIR) light on oxygenic photosynthesis in hypersaline microbial mat
- Energy as a Constraint on Habitability in the Subsurface
- Ensemble Ecosystem Model Experiment and Intercomparison using the Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System (TOPS)
- Evidence for High and Low Temperature Alteration across Home Plate, Gusev Crater
- Evidence for Relatively Recent Hydrothermal Activity Due to an Impact within the Syrtis Major
- Extending TOPS: A Prototype MODIS Anomaly Detection Architecture
- First Joint U.S.-Canada Polar Expedition for Educators, Axel Heiberg Island, Nunavut, Canada: Planetary Analogue Research and Lessons Learned
- Functional Group Analysis of Biomass Burning Particles Using Infrared Spectroscopy
- Future Monitoring of Northern Carbon Cycle Dynamics from SMAP
- GEO-CAPE application, demonstrated for CO by the IIP Tropospheric Infrared Mapping Spectrometers (TIMS), and scaled to an expanded application that adds the 9.6, 3.3 and 3.6 um bands for multi-layer tropospheric ozone and for HCHO
- Geochemical Characterization of Subsurface Microbial Habitat Produced by Serpentinization: Preliminary Results from Coast Range Ophiolite Formation Fluids
- Geologist's Field Assistant for Remote Science Exploration: Using High-Resolution Images
- Geomicrobial Optical Logging Detectors (GOLD)
- Geoscience Research at Storm Peak (GRASP), a year-long program providing exceptional field research for a diverse group of undergraduate students
- Gigapan as a Tool for Scientific Collaborations
- HCHO Activity Gauges Ozone Production and Aerosol Production Rates in Both Urban and Far-Downwind Atmospheres
- HiRISE Observations of Glacial Morphologies in Argyre Planitia, Mars
- High resolution imaging of the outflow channels on Mars
- Hydrogen Peroxide Formation and pH Changes at Rock-Water Interface during Stressing
- Hygroscopic Salts on Mars
- IIP Tropospheric Infrared Mapping Spectrometers (TIMS) demonstration of CO retrieval, including multi-layer, from atmospheric data acquired simultaneously in the solar reflective region near 2.3 um and the thermal emissive region near 4.7 um
- IIP Tropospheric Infrared Mapping Spectrometers (TIMS) measurements for widely varying terrain and atmospheric paths, example retrievals of albedos and atmospheric constituents
- Ice Nucleation in Cold Cirrus Near the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- Identification of Components in Organic Films by Coupled Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
- Initializing Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model with land surface conditions from the Terrestrial Observation and PredictionSystem (TOPS)
- Intercomparison, interpretation, and assessment of spring phenology in North America estimated from remote sensing for 1982 to 2006
- Intergrating Data From NASA Missions Into NOAAs Pacific Region Intergrated Climatology Information Products (PRICIP)
- Interpreting Biosignatures in the Context of Marine Evaporitic Environments
- Investigating Correlations Between Satellite-Derived Aerosol Optical Depth And Ground PM2.5 Measurements in Californias San Joaquin Valley with MODIS Deep Blue
- LCROSS Impact Simulations and Predictions
- Laboratory Measurements of Water Ice Cloud Formation on JSC-1 Mars Stimulant for Determination of Nucleation and Growth Conditions
- Laboratory Study of Titan's Surface Chemistry Induced by Meteoritic Impact Processing: Laser-Simulated Hypervelocity Impact on Ices
- Lofting of Triboelectrostatically Charged Particles From the Lunar Surface
- Low-ozone bubbles observed in the TTL during TC4 campaign.
- MGCM simulations of the 2001 Mars global dust storm using synthesized MGS dust opacity
- MRO's HiRISE Education and Public Outreach during the Primary Science Phase
- Mars Aeolian Features and Processes Observed Concurrently From Orbit and the Ground
- Martian Valleys, Channels and Gullies at High-resolution
- Mass Density and Ring Thickness from Cassini UVIS Stellar Occultations
- Mean Ages and Age Spectra for the Tropical Tropopause Layer From Observations of CO2: Implications for Air Transport and Distributions of Short-Lived Chemical Species
- Modeling Pine Plantation NEP Using Landsat
- Models of Jupiter's Growth Incorporating Thermal and Hydrodynamics Constraints
- Multi-model analysis of terrestrial water and carbon cycles in Japan: Japan-MIP
- NASA World Wind: A New Mission
- New Optical Constants of Amorphous and Crystalline H2O-ice, 3-20 micrometers
- Optical Constants of the Ammonium Ion: A Potential Ice Product in the Outer Solar System
- Orbital and Mass Evolution of Planets Undergoing Run-Away Gas Accretion
- Organic Film Formation on Acidic Solutions: Growth Conditions and Film Persistence
- Phoenix landing site and sample context images from the Surface Stereo Imager
- Photo-initiated Reactions of Methylglyoxal and Other Organics in the Condensed Phase: Impact on UV-vis Absorbance of Aerosols
- Physical Processes Controlling PMC Cloud Formation
- Physical Properties of the Icy Soil at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Physical and Thermodynamical Evidence of Liquid Water on Mars
- Possible Segregated Ice at the Phoenix Landing Site: Was Liquid Water Involved?
- Pre-recessional (Ls 160-200) Polar Water Ice Clouds at the Martian South Pole: Potential Tracers of East-West Asymmetry?
- Regional Interagency Disaster Response Collaboration
- Regolith-Atmosphere H2O Exchange and Surface Energy Balances at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Retrieval of Cloud Optical Depth and Effective Radius from SSFR Irradiance Measurements in the Presence of Overlying Aerosol Layers During NEAQS-ITCT and Comparison to MODIS Cloud Product
- Return to the Moon in Second Life, a 3D Metaverse
- Routine measurements of aerosol extinction profiles by the ARM program and their validation
- Sensitivity of WACCM/CARMA simulations of polar mesospheric clouds to gravity wave and microphysics parameterizations
- Simulations of Clouds and Water Vapor in Boreal Summer Tropical Tropopause Layer with a Microphysical Model
- Spectral and Geomorphic Evidence for a Past Inland Sea in Eridania Basin, Mars
- Sub-micron Aerosol Size Distributions in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
- Synergistic use of MODIS and Landsat data for mapping global carbon fluxes at 30m
- Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes from Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado Regions Predicted from MODIS Satellite Data and Ecosystem Modeling
- The Aqueous Chemistry of the Soils at the Phoenix Landing Site
- The Composition of Saturn's Rings
- The Cosmic Shoreline
- The Global Nitrogen Budget and the Faint Young Sun Paradox
- The NASA SIERRA UAV: A new unmanned aircraft for earth science investigations
- The Spectral Classes of the Saturnian System Ices: Rings and Satellites Observations by Cassini-VIMS
- Titan: Callisto With Weather?
- Top-down constraints on the atmospheric acetaldehyde budget
- Toward understanding the role of the atmosphere in pan Arctic change and sea ice loss; an update on the status of focused campaigns under POLARCAT.
- Tracing the Complex Ice Cover Evolution of Lake Vida, Antarctica Through Noble Gases
- Uncertainty in vegetation products derived from field spectral measurements: an error budget approach
- Using Australian Acidic Playa Lakes as Analogs for Phyllosilicate and Sulfate Depositional Environments on Mars
- Utilizing remote sensing to supplement ground monitoring of Diorhabda elongata as a control agent for Tamarix ramosissima in Dinosaur National Monument
- Validating Habitability Assessment of Mars Soils: Life at the Soil-Ice Boundary in the Antarctic Dry Valleys
- Visualizing NASA's Planetary Data with Google Earth
- Water Management in Cache County, Utah
- Wet Chemical Analysis of Antarctica Dry Valley Soils
- What Is "Authentic" Anyway?
- What factor generates greater uncertainty in predicting carbon flux for North America: climate characterization or model choice?
- World Wind Java Enabling Technology
- 4STAR Spectrometer for Sky-scanning Sun-tracking Atmospheric Research: Airborne Concepts and Ground Prototype Measurements
- A Short-Lived Trace Gas in the Martian Atmosphere: A General Circulation Model of the Likelihood of Methane
- A mission planning tool for the Characterization of Sea Ice (CASIE) mission to Svalbard, Norway, in July 2009
- A new look at formation and timing of thrust fault scarps on the Moon
- Absorbing aerosol in the troposphere of the Western Arctic during the 2008 ARCTAS/ARCPAC airborne field campaigns
- Aerosol composition and thin cirrus formation in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL) (Invited)
- Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Aerosol Measurements during ARCTAS
- Airborne Measurement of Surface Albedo in Alaska
- Amazon forests did not green up during the 2005 drought
- Ammonia on Enceladus
- An Examination of the Origin(s) of Phyllosilicates, Clorites, and Kaolinite in an Impact Crater in Syrtis Major, Mars
- An Integrated Framework for Improved Stream Temperature Predictions to Mitigate Fish Mortality
- An Overview of the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) post-Impact Results
- Analysis of Snow BRF from Spring-2008 ARCTAS Campaign
- Antarctic dust and paleowind speed from an automated synthesis of ice core records
- Application of the NASA Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System for Optimization of Agricultural Water Use in California
- Assessing the information content of the Tropospheric Infrared Mapping Spectrometers (TIMS) GEO-CAPE instrument concept when applied for several infrared ozone bands
- Atmospheric Mapping Retrievals Using MRO/MARCI Ultraviolet Images
- Atmospheric Production of Perchlorate on Earth and Mars
- Atmospheric Variability Metrics for GEO-CAPE Measurement Definition
- Biosignatures of photosynthetic influences on carbonate precipitation in surface nodules associated with modern, freshwater microbialites in Pavilion Lake, B.C. (Invited)
- Boreal and California forest fire emissions and influences on atmospheric composition & chemistry during ARCTAS
- Building A Community Focused Data and Modeling Collaborative platform with Hardware Virtualization Technology
- CINEMA (Cubesat for Ion, Neutral, Electron, MAgnetic fields)
- Carbon monoxide transport in the Arctic: A joint study using IASI satellite and aircraft data in spring and summer 2008. (Invited)
- Cassini’s Discoveries at Saturn and the Proposed Cassini Solstice Mission
- Challenges in remote sensing of CCN concentration: a comprehensive assessment with airborne measurements of AOD, CCN, chemical composition, size distribution, light scattering/absorption and humidity response in North America
- Characterization of Smoke Plumes as Observed by the NASA/LaRC DIAL Instrument during the ARCTAS Field Campaign
- Combination of spaceborne sensor(s) and 3-D aerosol models to assess global daily near-surface air quality
- Comparison of Deep Blue and Land Surface Reflectance in the San Joaquin Valley
- Comparison of the Organic Composition of Cometary Samples with Residues Formed from the UV Irradiation of Astrophysical Ice Analogs
- Compositional Mapping Saturn's Icy satellites with Cassin VIMS (Invited)
- Convergence and Divergence in a Multi-Model Ensemble of Terrestrial Ecosystem Models in North America
- Details of assessing information content of the Tropospheric Infrared Mapping Spectrometers (TIMS) GEO-CAPE instrument concept when applied for several infrared ozone bands
- Detection of HCN ice on Triton
- Deteriorating food security in India
- Diagnosing and Assessing Uncertainties of the Carbon Cycle in Terrestrial Ecosystem Models from a Multi-Model Ensemble Experiment
- Digital Moon: A three-dimensional framework for lunar modeling
- Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment: Initial global mapping results (Invited)
- Does Microbial Zonation Recapitulate Phylogeny? A Possible Role for Biogenic Sulphur Gases in the Transition from Methane to Free Oxygen
- Earth System Data Record of Vegetation Leaf Area Index from Multiple Satellite-Borne Sensors: Evaluation and Validation
- Education and Public Outreach at The Pavilion Lake Research Project: Fusion of Science and Education using Web 2.0
- Enhanced Access to Earth Science Data through Standards-based Web Services and Applications
- Entry Probe Missions to the Giant Planets
- Epithermal Neutron Observations and Lunar South Pole Targeting for LCROSS impact planning using the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), Lunar Exploring Neutron Detector (LEND)
- Evidence for Unconformable Deposition of Hydrated Sulfate-bearing Evaporitic Deposits in Northern Sinus Meridiani, Mars
- Examining transport pathways in the Tropical Tropopause Layer using in situ measurements of H2O, HDO, O3, CO, and CO2
- Exoplanet albedo spectra and colors as a function of orbital phase, separation, and metallicity
- Extending TOPS: Knowledge Management System for Anomaly Detection and Analysis
- Fast forward modeling of Titan’s infrared spectra to invert VIMS/CASSINI hyperspectral images
- Fates of Ejecta from Tethys
- Fates of ejecta from co-orbital satellites: Tethys, Telesto, and Calypso
- Fluid Chemistry and Associated Biological Potential in Diverse Serpentinizing Systems of New Zealand’s South Island
- Fluorescense Measurements of Microbial Life in the WAIS Divide Ice Core
- Formation of UV-vis Absorbing Organic Solutes, Films, and Suspended Precipitates in Sulfuric Acid Solutions at Stratospheric Aerosol Acidities
- Functional feedbacks by dwarf mistletoe of pine into global climate change in a Yellowstone forest ecosystem
- GLIDER: Free tool imagery data visualization, analysis and mining
- Global Mars Multiscale Model water cycle validation using results from the Phoenix Mars lander mission
- Global warming increased by the response of land plants to CO2
- Gram-negative Biomass in Clay Minerals Analogs: Testing Habitability Potential for the 2011 Mars Science Laboratory Mission
- Gravity wave effects on polar mesospheric clouds: A comparison of numerical simulations from CARMA 2D model with AIM observations
- Griffith Theory Applied to Dust Lofting on the Moon
- Heterogeneous Chemical Transformation of Incident Exogenous Organic Material in Earth's Upper Atmosphere
- Impact of Fuel Treatments on Carbon Flux During a Wildfire Using Satellite Imagery: Okangoan-Wenatchee National Forest
- Implications of all-sky heating rates for water, clouds, and upward transport in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- Improving stream temperature model predictions using high-resolution satellite-derived numerical weather forecasts
- In-situ stressing of rock: Observation of Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) magnetic signals and ion emissions detected prior to failure
- Indentifying the Molecular Origin of Global Warming
- Initial Results of 3D Topographic Mapping Using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) Stereo Imagery
- Kepler Mission IYA Teacher Professional Development Workshops
- Kepler: First step in discovering the extent of life in our galaxy
- LCROSS Impact Conditions and Ejecta Evolution: Insight from Experiments
- Laboratory Study of Water Ice Growth Rates at Martian Atmosphere Conditions
- Large-Scale Ozone and Aerosol Variations Observed Over the Arctic During the ARCTAS Field Experiment
- Life at the Common Denominator: Mechanistic and Quantitative Biology for the Earth and Space Sciences (Invited)
- Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) Mission: Preliminary Report On the LCROSS Observational Campaign Results
- Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) Science Payload Measurement Results of South Pole Impact
- Lunar Exploration Island, NASA’s Return to the Moon in Second Life
- Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Observations in Support of the LCROSS Mission
- Lunar South Polar Hydrogen Concentrations in the Context of LRO/Diviner Results and Modeling
- MRO/CRISM Observations of Putative Paleolakes on Mars: Evidence of Water-related Activity
- Mapping vegetation Leaf Area Index globally at 30m using Landsat/Global Land Survey data
- Mars’ Water Cycle: Interpreting Phoenix Lander Observations with a General Circulation Model
- Methane Production in Extreme Environments
- Methanogens in hypersaline environments and their substrates for methane production
- Micro-column Scanning Electron Microscope and X-ray Spectrometer (MSEMS) for Planetary Exploration
- Microphysical and Radiative Properties of Tropical Clouds Investigated in TC4 and NAMMA
- Mineralogical Capabilities of the CheMin XRD/XRF instrument on Mars Science Laboratory (MSL ’11)
- Mineralogy and Organic Geochemistry of Acid Sulfate Environments from Valles Caldera, New Mexico: Habitability, Weathering and Biosignatures
- Modeling and Laboratory Investigations of Evaporites on Mars
- Networking Sensor Observations, Forecast Models & Data Analysis Tools
- New Projections of Global Forest Carbon and Ecosystems at Risk for Increased Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Disturbance and Forest Degradation
- On the relationship of polar mesospheric cloud ice water content, particle radius and mesospheric temperature and its use as a parameterization in global climate models
- Orbital Stability Limits for Vulcanoids
- Organic Coatings on Primitive Grains in IDPs: Implications for the Formation of Solar System Organic Matter
- Overview Of Haze And Smoke Measurements in Northern High Latitudes And California During ARCTAS Using The NASA Ames Airborne Sunphotometer And Associated In Situ And Remote Sensors
- Particulate organic matter, semi-refractory organics, soot, and light absorption in aging forest fire plumes
- Pavilion Lake Research Project - using multi-scaled approaches to understanding the provenance, maintenance and morphological characteristics of microbialites
- Performance assessment of a small LIDAR altimeter deployed on unmanned aircraft for glacier and sea ice surface topography profiling
- Physical climate response to a reduction of anthropogenic climate forcing
- Physical influences on microbialite morphological variation and distribution in Pavilion Lake, British Columbia, Canada
- Planetesimal Accretion during Runaway Gas Growth of Giant Planets
- Potential for Biomarkers in Phyllosilicate-bearing Rocks at Mawrth Vallis, Mars
- QuakeSim: Increasing Utility of Spacebourne and Ground-based Earthquake Fault Data
- Radar Reflectivity Changes of Rock Surfaces due to Thermally-Activated Charge Carriers: Contributing to the Understanding of the Magellan Venus Radar Reflectivity Data
- Radiative Heating Rates of Canadian Boreal Forest Fire Smoke During ARCTAS
- Remote sensing of the environmental boundaries of trees in Lake Tahoe, NV
- Second Greenhouse Gas Information System Workshop
- Shape Shifting Rovers and the Search for Biomarkers in an Icelandic Mars Analogue System
- Simulations of Thin Cirrus in the TTL using CAM4/CARMA and comparisons with CALIPSO, HIRDLS, COSMIC and MLS
- Spatial Information Processing: Standards-Based Open Source Visualization Technology
- Spectroscopy of Aerosols on-board of the NASA-P3 during ARCTAS
- Spectroscopy of the LCROSS Ejecta Plume from Keck, Gemini, and NASA IRTF Observatories
- Stability of Liquid Water on a Land Planet: Wider Habitable Zone for a Less Water Planet than an Aqua Planet
- Statistical Clustering and Compositional Modeling of Iapetus VIMS Spectral Data
- Stress-Activated Electric Currents in Rocks might have Oxidized the Early Earth
- Sub-annual Variability of Indian Monsoon Rainfall
- TNO colors: a modeling approach to the properties of ices
- Temperature and Slant Path Effects in Dobson and Brewer Total Ozone Measurements
- The ARCTAS aircraft mission: design and execution
- The Carbon Budget of California
- The Effect of Aging on an Empirical Relationship of Aerosol Index and Biomass Burning Plume Height
- The Impact Hazard
- The Impact of Spatial Resolution on Classification Accuracy of Hyperspatial Imagery
- The LCROSS Impact Cratering Experiment
- The Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) Mission
- The NASA GEO-CAPE Mission
- The Origin of High-Speed Evershed Flows in Sunspots
- The Photochemistry of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Water Ice
- The South Polar Residual Cap and Secular Climate Change on Mars: What Can We Learn From Observations and Models?
- The Spatial Distribution of Lunar Polar Hydrogen Deposits After SELENE/Kaguya
- The Thermal Dissociation-Laser Induced Fluorescence (TD-LIF) technique for total Peroxy Nitrates (PNs) and comparisons to speciated PAN measurements
- The Vertical Distribution of Ozone with OMI/AIRS and from GEO: Empirical, Iteratively Derived Geophysical Relationships and Tropospheric O3
- The coordinated multi-sensor, multi-platform ARCTAS fire plume study on June 30, 2008
- The curious relationship between volcanic fallout layers and millennial climate changes recorded in polar ice
- The effect of resonant shepherding moons on the motion of Mab
- The influence of convection on the water isotopic composition of the TTL and tropical stratosphere
- Toward Obtaining Reliable Particulate Air Quality Information from Satellites
- Using Animations to Study the Formation of Gas Giant Planets via the Core Accretion Model
- Using GLIDER tool in Air Quality Studies
- Using Google Earth for Submarine Operations at Pavilion Lake
- Utilizing NASA Satellite Missions to Identify Bark Beetle Infestation in Sequoia National Park
- VIS-IR spectrophotometric indicators for Saturn's rings and spokes
- Validation of satellite overland retrievals of AOD at northern high latitudes with coincident measurements from airborne sunphotometer, lidar, and in situ sensors during ARCTAS
- Visualizing Mars data and imagery with Google Earth
- Visualizing Moon Data and Imagery with Google Earth
- Volatiles in Terrestrial Planets Orbiting Within Habitable Zones of Low-Mass Stars
- Which habitable zones have the most real estate?
- Whitewashed ground or real clouds? Explicit representation of the radiative properties of clouds brings the outer edge of the habitable zone inward and cools the early Earth
- Young Mid-latitude Martian Valleys: Evidence from Newton and Gorgonum Basins
- 4STAR Spectrometer for Sky-scanning Sun-tracking Atmospheric Research: Development and Results from First Test-flights
- A Decision Support System for Ecosystem-Based Management of Tropical Coral Reef Environments
- A Geospatial Assessment of Mountain Pine Beetle Infestations and Their Effect on Forest Health in Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest
- A High-Resolution SST Climatology Set for Next Generation NOAA Coral Reef Watch Decision Support System
- A Novel Algorithm Quantifying Pollutant Spatial Variability Using Flow Direction; Remote Retrieval and Surface-Network Applications
- A Possible Correlation Between the Mass of a Giant Planet and the Mass of its Host Star
- A state-space approach to predict stream temperatures and quantify model error: Application on the Sacramento River, California
- Absorption properties of biomass burning aerosol: A closure study using the I3RC community radiative transfer model and ARCTAS measurements
- Advanced atmospheric measurements demonstrated by the 2.33 µm IIP Tropospheric Infrared Mapping Spectrometers (TIMS)
- Aerosol Effects on Cirrus Clouds and Climate in NCAR CAM5: Impacts of Heterogeneous Ice Nuclei
- Aircraft Integrated, Low-Altitude Measurements of Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Water Vapor
- An Open Source Platform for Earth Science Research and Applications
- Assessment of Remotely Sensed Land Surface Phenology Data for North America: Inter-comparison and Forecasting
- Bioclimatic limitations on global tree distributions
- C3: A Collaborative Web Framework for NASA Earth Exchange
- CALIOP/CALIPSO: Improvement in the retrieval algorithm and a few applications
- Can rapid loss and high variability of Martian methane be explained by surface H2O2?
- Characterization of microbial metabolism and isotopic biosignatures in saline, alkaline, evaporitic systems of the Cariboo Plateau, B.C
- Characterizing uncertainties in recent trends of global terrestrial net primary production through ensemble modeling
- Comparing precipitation datasets from different sources: implications for uncertainty characterization
- Comparison of FFSM Transient Eddies and MOC Storms, MY 24-26
- Complex serpentinizing systems and the deep biosphere: metabolic opportunities depend on the geochemistry of mixing waters
- Compositional radial variability in the Saturn's system observed by Cassini-VIMS (INVITED) (Invited)
- Constraining Martian Water Abundance via Combination of MONS and CRISM data
- Correlation of AI and height of biomass plumes: Implications of the optical properties of large biomass plumes
- Correlations between VIMS and RADAR data over the surface of Titan: Implications for Titan's surface properties
- Coupling NASA Advanced Multi-Scale Modeling and Concurrent Visualization Systems for Improving Predictions of High-Impact Tropical Weather (CAMVis)
- Earthquake Precursors in Thermal Infrared Data
- Earthquake forecasting based on NASA's integrated systems engineering analysis
- Ejecta-Excavated Subsurface Clays Detected in SW Arabia Terra, Mars
- Erosion, Transportation, and Deposition on Outer Solar System Satellites: Landform Evolution Modeling Studies (Invited)
- Estimated Optical Constants of Calcite at visible to mid-infrared wavelengths (0.3-6 μm)
- Extending TOPS: Ontology-driven Anomaly Detection and Analysis System
- From Earth to the Solar System: A New Online Exhibit to Help Celebrate NASA's Year of the Solar System
- Geobiological Assessment of Evaporite Deposits in the Great Salt Lake Desert: Preliminary Results
- Haumea, an intriguing Water Ice Surface in the transNeptunian Belt
- HiRISE: The People's Camera
- Highly Sinuous Terrestrial Mud Meanders as Martian Analogs
- Homogeneous nucleation of amorphous solid water particles in the upper mesosphere
- Horizontal variability of aerosol optical properties observed during the ARCTAS airborne experiment
- Ice Lens Formation and Frost Heave at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Ice nucleation processes: theoretical expectations versus evidence from laboratory experiments and field measurements (Invited)
- Identifying Aerosol Type from Space: Absorption Angstrom Exponent as a Foundation for Multidimensional Supervised Clustering and Mahalanobis Classification
- Impacts on the Hydrological Cycle of Counteracting Global Warming with Albedo Changes over Oceans or Land
- Implementing a Terrestrial Carbon Flux Model in Preparation for the Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission
- Inter-annual and Seasonal Variation of UT/LS Cloud Ice Water Content in the Asian Monsoon as Observed by CALIPSO
- International Observe the Moon Night - An Opportunity to Participate in the Year of the Solar System While Sharing the Excitement of Lunar Science and Exploration with the Public
- Interpretation of Variations in MODIS-Measured Greenness Levels of Amazon Forests During 2000 To 2009
- Inventory of Vegetation Spectral Properties in the South Bay Salt Ponds: A Database for Enhancing Decision Support and Restoration Mapping
- Lipid Biomarker Preservation in Silica-Depositing Hydrothermal Analogs
- Lunar Quest in Second Life, Lunar Exploration Island, Phase II
- Measuring Carbon Dioxide and Methane Concentrations in Railroad Valley, Nevada to Support GOSAT Satellite Validation and Global Flux Research
- Methane as a biomarker in the search for extraterrestrial life: Lessons learned from Mars analog hypersaline environments
- Mimas at Many Wavelengths and Many Angles
- Mineral Detector for Igneous Rocks
- Modeling Sediment Deposition for Predicting Marsh Habitat Development
- Modeling and Analysis Compute Environments, Utilizing Virtualization Technology in the Climate and Earth Systems Science domain
- NASA Airborne Science Network Communications Infrastructure for the Global Hawk UAS
- NASA Ames Research Center Climate Change Adaptation Research
- NASA Ames Research Center Climate Change Effects and Adaptation Research: Hind- and Forecasting Flood Risk of NASA Ames Research Center Using the BASINS Model
- NASA Earth Exchange: A Collaborative Earth Science Platform
- NASA and the Navajo Nation: A Collaborative Partnership Bringing Science and Cultural Knowledge Together
- NASA's LADEE Mission: Opportunities for Citizen Science and Student Participatory Exploration
- Needs of Near Real-Time Data: Perspectives for Supporting Disaster Observations -- Wildfires
- Next Generation Lunar Scientists and Engineers Group: EPO for the NextGen
- Online Citizen Science with Clickworkers & MRO HiRISE E/PO
- Possible Thermal Infrared Spectral Signature of an Impending Earthquake
- Potential Spacecraft-to-Spacecraft Radio Observations with EJSM: Wave of the Future? (Invited)
- Predicting River Discharge Rates in California Watersheds of the Russian River and Other North Coast River Basins
- Prototype Application of NASA Missions to Identify Patterns of Wetland Vegetation Development within the South San Francisco Bay Salt Ponds
- Radiatively-Active Aerosols Within Mars' Atmosphere: Influences on the Weather and Climate as Simulated by the NASA ARC Mars GCM
- Realistic MHD Simulations of Formation of Sunspot-like Structures and Comparison with Observations
- Reanalysis of the Viking results suggests perchlorate and organics at mid-latitudes on Mars
- Retrieval of aerosol properties, surface albedo, and radiative forcing from SSFR, AATS-14 and HSRL measurements during CalNex and ARCTAS
- River water temperature and fish growth forecasting models
- SHARAD Finds Voluminous CO2 Ice Sequestered in the Martian South Polar Layered Deposits
- Satellite Measurements to Enhance PM2.5 Air Quality Measurements
- Satellite-driven estimation of terrestrial carbon flux over Far East Asia with 30-second grid resolution
- Saturn's Icy satellites: The Role of Sub-Micron Ice Particles and Nano-sized Contaminants (Invited)
- Seasonal and regional variation in UTLS convective water transport from ACE isotopic measurements (Invited)
- Seasonal variations in convection and extratropical mixing in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- Spectrally Dominant Aromatic Hydrocarbon Compounds on Titan (Invited)
- Spectrophotometric Modeling of Enceladus Surface Properties and Composition from Vims Data
- Stress-Activated Electromagnetic Emission and Reflection from Gabbro and Gabbro-Diorite
- Studying the radiative environment of individual biomass burning fire plumes using multi-platform observations: an example ARCTAS case study on June 30, 2008
- Sulfur Particles on the Early Earth
- Sun Glitter Measurements for Monitoring Global Surface Waters
- Terrestrial Biomass Pilot Product: Estimating Biomass and Carbon Storage by Combining Satellite and Ground Observations
- Terrestrial Net Primary Production Predicted from MODIS Satellite Data from 2000-2009
- Testing the sensitivity of terrestrial carbon models using remotely sensed biomass estimates
- The Average Water Concentration within Cabeus Crater: Inferences from LRO/Diviner, LCROSS and Lunar Prospector
- The Ejecta Evolution of Deep Impact: Insight from Experiments
- The NASA Lunar Science Institute Education and Pubic Outreach Program
- The Relationship between Humidity and Influenza
- The atmospheric evolution of Venus the habitable planet. (Invited)
- The effect of airborne dust on the stabilization of the early Mars atmosphere against atmospheric collapse
- Tidal Torques and Long-Term Orbital Evolution of Planets in Locally Isothermal Disks
- Unusually high stable carbon isotopic values of methane from low organic carbon Mars analog hypersaline environments
- Using Surface Roughness Derived From ICESat, IceBridge and CASIE Data to Map Geophysical and Ice-Dynamic Provinces in Glaciers and Sea Ice
- Validating Helioseismic Imaging Techniques using 3D Global-Sun Simulations of Helioseismic Wave Propagation
- Why are the Magnetic Fields of Jupiter and Saturn so Different?
- 4STAR Spectrometer for Sky-scanning Sun-tracking Atmospheric Research: Results from Test-flight Series
- A Fractal Model for the Capacitance of Lunar Dust and Lunar Dust Aggregates
- A Model for the Distribution of Volatiles at the LCROSS Impact Site
- A Multi-Instrument Study of the Optical Properties of Various Mixing-States of Black Carbon
- A Pragmatic Path to Investigating Europa's Habitability
- A Self-consistent Model of the Growth of Jupiter's Core
- A comparison of groundwater storage using GRACE data, groundwater levels, and a hydrological model in California's Central Valley
- A laboratory effort to quantitatively address clay abundance on Mars
- A long term meander evolution simulation: A model evaluation using the field data from Quinn River, Nevada
- Aerosol properties from 4STAR observations: A sensitivity study
- Airborne observations of AOD-CCN relationship
- Alpine snow distribution from-ground based radar measurements compared with a high resolution digital elevation model from ground-based LiDAR observations
- An Enhanced Vapor Transport and Sublimation Model using 10+ Years of Field Measurements of Earth's Oldest Ground Ice in Beacon Valley, Antarctica
- An Information Nexus: the NASA Global Hawk Link Module
- An Observing Architecture for Synthesis of Multi-platform Observations of Carbon Dioxide over Railroad Valley, NV
- Analyzing the Multi-scale Interactions of Tropical Waves and Tropical Cyclone Formation with the NASA CMAVis System
- Anoxygenic growth of cyanobacteria on Fe(II) and their associated biosignatures: Implications for biotic contributions to Precambrian Banded Iron Formations
- Applications of TOPS Anomaly Detection Framework to Amazon Drought Analysis
- Applications of wireless sensor networks, soil water balance modeling, and satellite data for crop evapotranspiration monitoring and irrigation management support
- Are Cloud Environments Ready for Scientific Applications?
- Assessing spaceborne lidar detection and characterization of aerosols near clouds using coincident airborne lidar and other measurements
- Atmospheric Formation of Perchlorate on Mars
- Atmospheric escape, redox evolution, and planetary habitability
- Azimuthal Structure of the Sand Erg that Encircles the North Polar Water-Ice Cap
- Can Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Detect Species Specific Biochemicals ?
- Colored Solutes, Precipitates and Surface Films Produced by Reactions of Organics in Sulfuric Acid Solutions at Upper Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere Aerosol Acidities
- Comparing MARCI Cloud Observations with the NASA/Ames Mars General Circulation Model
- Considerations on the Outward Migration of Jupiter and Saturn
- Constraints on the Formation of Mid-latitude Valleys from Numerical Modeling of Fluvial Runoff and Erosion
- Contrasting oxidative stress response mechanisms in novel strains of Bacillus isolated from the Mars-analog, Mojave Desert
- Correlations between Spectra and Structures in Saturn's Rings
- Depth and Horizontal Distribution of Volatiles in Lunar Permanently Shadowed Regions
- Development of a new platform for airborne measurements of atmospheric CO2 and CH4 and comparison with GOSAT measurements at Railroad Valley playa, Nevada
- Diagnosis and Quantification of Climatic Sensitivity of Carbon Fluxes in Ensemble Global Ecosystem Models
- Direct aerosol radiative effects based on combined A-Train observations
- Diurnal patterns in the frequency distribution of shallow and deep earthquakes underneath the ocean
- Dynamical Stability of the F Ring Core and Moonlet Belt
- Dynamical conditions of ice supersaturation in the extratropical tropopause regions
- Effects of Stress Activated Positive-Hole Charge Carriers on Radar Reflectance of Gabbro-Diorite
- Estimation of Aboveground Biomass at a High Spatial Resolution Using an Extensive Data Record of Satellite Derived Metrics: A Case Study with California
- FT-IR measurements of NH3 in the 1.5 μm region: line positions, intensities and their quantum assignments
- Feasibility and Definition of a Limited-Scale Lunar Polar Volatiles Prospecting Mission
- Fluvial Features on Titan: New Insights from Morphology and Hydraulic Modeling
- Global monitoring of deforestation emissions of carbon and downscaling to REDD project-level verification
- Ground truthing for methane hotspots at Railroad Valley, NV - application to Mars
- Hayabusa Sample Curation in the JAXA's Planetary Material Curation Facility
- High-resolution X-ray imaging of amygdules for measuring bubble size distribution in ancient lava flows
- Hyperspectral Biofilm Classification Analysis for Carrying Capacity of Migratory Birds in the South Bay Salt Ponds
- Hyperspectral Mapping of the Invasive Species Pepperweed and the Development of a Habitat Suitability Model
- In situ measurements of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and ozone (O3) over the Sierra Mountains of central California and western Nevada
- In-Situ Greenhouse Gas Measurement Comparisons in Railroad Valley, NV to Identify Local Point Sources and Quantify their Influences on Observed Background Concentrations
- In-Situ Segregation of Ground Ice on Mars
- Incorporation of a Gravity Wave Momentum Deposition Parameterization into the VTGCM
- Infrared Spectroscopy (6-12 μm) of Callisto's Surface Ices With ISOPHOT-S
- Interannual to Multidecadal Climate Variability and Groundwater Resources of the Western United States
- Kinetics of Speciation Reactions among Glyoxal and Methylglyoxal Hydrates and Polymers upon Dilution: Implications for Cloud Processing of Aerosols
- Leveraging Open Standards and Technologies to Search and Display Planetary Image Data
- Light Scattering by Lunar Exospheric Dust: What could be Learned from LRO LAMP and LADEE UVS?
- Limits on the Abundance and Burial Depth of Lunar Polar Ice
- Linkage between [|#11#|]morphology and optical properties of soot
- Long-term trends in Arctic and Boreal CO<SUB>2</SUB> uptake from 1986 to 2007 inferred from a time dependent inversion compared with satellite NDVI observations to identify likely regions of change
- Magnesium Atoms in the Exosphere Above the Volatile-rich Persistently Shadowed Region of Cabeus
- Mapping the Environmental Boundaries for Methanogenesis in Serpentinizing Systems using a Cell-scale Numerical Model
- Mapping the depth to ice-cemented ground in the high elevation Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Micro-Satellite Constellation for Global Surface Water Data
- Microbial Communities of Pavilion Lake Microbialites
- Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Coast Range Ophiolite, CA Rock Cores Keys to Understanding Subsurface Serpentinite Habitability on Mars
- Mixed-Layered Clays as Evidence for Widespread Diagenesis on Mars
- Modeling Coupled Climate And Urban Land Use Change In The United States
- Modeling Mars Cyclogenesis and Frontal Waves: Seasonal Variations and Implications on Dust Activity
- NASA Earth Exchange: Next Generation Earth Science Collaborative
- NASA's Coastal and Ocean Airborne Science Testbed
- NASA's Student Airborne Research Program as a model for effective professional development experience in Oceanography
- Next Generation Lunar Scientists and Engineers: Effective Professional Development Experiences for Future Members of Lunar Science and Exploration
- On the Asymmetry of Indian Summer Monsoon Predictability During Warm and Cold ENSO Events
- One-carbon (bio?)geochemistry in subsurface waters of the serpentinizing Coast Range Ophiolite
- Parameter Transfer in a Conceptual Snow Model
- Permafrost as a habitable environment on Mars: Insights from the Phoenix Mars Mission
- Persistence of virus lipid signatures upon silicification
- Phyllosilicate analysis capabilities of the CheMin mineralogical instrument on the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL '11) Curiosity Rover
- Physical processes controlling the evolution of ice concentration in cirrus clouds
- Preliminary estimates of carbon emissions constrained by GOSAT from the NASA Carbon Monitoring Study Flux Pilot Project
- Profiling of Lowermost Tropospheric Ozone from Simulated Geostationary Coastal and Air Pollution Events (GEO-CAPE) Measurements
- Quantifying spicules
- Remote sensing of aboveground biomass regeneration in post-fire coastal scrub communities of Big Sur, California
- Remotely Sensing Thermal Infrared Earthquake Precursor Signals
- Rock softening due to ultrasonic acoustical energy
- SIERRA-Flux: measuring regional surface fluxes of carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor from an unmanned aircraft system
- Satellite Irrigation Monitoring and Management Support in California with the Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System
- Scientists Needed! The Year of the Solar System: Opportunities for Scientist Involvement
- Seasonal Changes in Leaf Area of Amazon Forests from Leaf Flushing and Abscission
- Self-consistent Models of Orbital Migration of Earths and Super-Earths
- Significant Science from a Saturn Atmospheric Entry Probe Mission
- Solar Wind Manufacturing of Water on the Moon: An Ongoing NLSI Discussion
- Spatial and temporal variability in atmospheric CO2 and CH4 at Railroad Valley playa, a mid-latitude desert site
- Stabilizing the Early Martian Climate: Effects of Airborne Dust, CO<SUB>2</SUB> Ice Cap Albedo, and Orbital Obliquity on Atmospheric Collapse
- Status and Future of Global Drought Indices and Indicators from Earth Observations
- Surface Characteristics and Traversability of the Gale Crater Mars Science Laboratory Landing Site
- Systematic variations in sinter mineralogy, microtexture and diagenesis in modern siliceous hot springs: Clues for interpreting depositional conditions in ancient deposits
- Testing Helioseismic Measurements of the Solar Meridional Flow with Numerical Simulations
- Testing of the Prototype Mars Drill and Sample Acquisition System in the Mars Analog Site of the Antarctica's Dry Valleys
- The Airborne Tropical TRopopause EXperiment (ATTREX) -- an aircraft mission to understand water vapor and clouds in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- The COMPASS Project
- The Changing California Coast: The Effect of a Variable Water Budget on Coastal Vegetation Succession
- The CheMin Mineralogy Instrument on Mars Science Laboratory: Analysis of Clays and Sulfates at Gale Crater
- The Composition of Saturn's Rings and Satellites from Cassini VIMS and UVIS
- The Impact of a Realistic Vertical Dust Distribution on the General Circulation of the Martian Atmosphere
- The Lunar Dust Pendulum
- The Moon's Extremely Insulating Near-Surface: Diviner Infrared Observations of a Total Lunar Eclipse
- The NASA Airborne Science Data And Telemetry System (NASDAT)
- The Response of Halophiles from the Atacama Desert to Humidity Changes
- The Surface Composition of Titan
- The Titan Haze Simulation experiment: a laboratory study to explore the role of PAHs and PANHs in Titan's atmospheric chemistry
- The formation of organic molecules in solar system environments: The Miller-Urey Experiment in Space preflight overview
- The importance of water for high fidelity information processing and for life
- Theoretical Infrared Frequencies of the trans-HOCO Radical
- Thermal Emission Spectra of Post-Giant-Impact Earths
- Trends of terrestrial water storage from GRACE and relevant observations
- Triggering a Wet Climate on Mars: The Role of Outflow Channels in Martian Water Cycles
- UV-visible Absorption Properties of Colored Species Formed by Organics in Sulfuric Acid at Concentrations Typical of Upper Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere Aerosols
- Using GEOS-5 Atmospheric Transport Simulations to Test the Consistency of Land- and Ocean- Carbon Fluxes with CO2 Observations
- Using optical and microwave data from AQUA to study the Amazon rainforests
- Using the Abitibi Greenstone Belt to understand Martian hydrothermal systems and the potential for biosignature preservation in high temperature aqueous environments
- Using the Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System (TOPS) to Analyze Impacts of Climate Change on California Ecosystems
- Using the Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System (TOPS) to Analyze Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystems within Northern California Climate Regions
- Using the Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System (TOPS) to Analyze Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystems within Southern California Climate Regions
- Validation of the Land Cover Dynamics Product from MODIS with Field Data and MERIS Derived Phenology Estimates over North America
- Vegetation response to climate variability in India from 2001 to 2010
- Vicarious calibration and validation campaign of the GOSAT sensors at Railroad Valley
- Vortex tubes of solar convection: formation, properties and dynamics
- Waiting for O2
- Web Services for Satellite Irrigation Monitoring and Management Support
- Whence, Whither, Wherefore, oh Lunar Water?
- analysis of data from upgraded 2.33 micron TIMS: Example of GEO-CAPE application
- iGlobe: Interactive Visualization and Analysis Framework for Geospatial Data
- 3D MHD Simulations of Spontaneous Flow Ejections by Turbulent Convection into the Chromosphere
- 4STAR Spectrometer for Sky-scanning Sun-tracking Atmospheric Research: Results from TCAP Summer 2012 Field Campaign
- A Geospatial Analysis of Harmful Algal Blooms along the California Coast
- A simple Parametric Estimation of Live Forest Aboveground Biomass in California Using Satellite Derived Metrics of Canopy Height and Leaf Area Index
- Aerosol Classification Using Multiparameter Retrievals from Remote Measurements on Space and Other Platforms
- Aerosol Composition and Variability in Baltimore Measured during DISCOVER-AQ
- Aerosol Spectral Radiative Forcing Efficiency from Airborne Measurements During Multiple Field Missions
- Air density 2.7 billion years ago limited to less than twice modern levels by fossil raindrop imprints
- Airborne Multi-wavelength High Spectral Resolution Lidar for Process Studies and Assessment of Future Satellite Remote Sensing Concepts
- Aircraft-based Assessment of Relationships between CCN Concentration and Aerosol Optical Depth
- Analysis of TES FFSM Eddies and MOC Dust Storms, MY 24 - 26
- Analysis of Tropical Cyclones and Tropical Waves using the Parallel Ensemble Empirical Model Decomposition (EEMD) Method
- Analysis of the spatial variation in the net ecosystem production of rice paddy fields using the diagnostic biosphere model BEAMS
- Application of a satellite-based terrestrial carbon flux model for quantifying recent climate and fire disturbance impacts on northern ecosystem productivity
- Assessing the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Net Ecosystem Exchange over North America
- Assessment of characteristics for microbialite aquatic systems around the world
- Atmospheric aerosol retrievals with a single view angle, polarimetrically sensitive, multispectral instrument: sensitivity studies
- Avenues for Scientist Involvement in Planetary Science Education and Public Outreach
- Boundary layer sources for the Asian anticyclone: Regional contributions to a vertical conduit
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> and SO<SUB>2</SUB> IR Line Lists for Venus/Mars and Exo-Planet Atmosphere Studies
- Calibration of remote mineralogy algorithms using modal analyses of Apollo soils by X-ray diffraction and microscopic spectral imaging
- Climate variability effects on urban recharge beneath low impact development
- Climatic Responses of Tropical Ecosystems Control Variations in Atmospheric CO2 Growth Rates
- Cloud Computing-based Platform for Drought Decision-Making using Remote Sensing and Modeling Products: Preliminary Results for Brazil
- Combining Passive Polarimetric and Lidar Observations from TCAP to Vertically Partition a Multi-Modal Aerosol Model
- Comparison of the electrical response of dry and hydrosaturated gabbro as a function of uniaxial stress
- Connecting Provenance with Semantic Descriptions in the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX)
- Constraining Climate Forcing of Ice Nucleation with SPartICus/MACPEX Observations
- Continuing developments in the search for Martian atmospheric methane
- Controls on the microbial utilization of carbon monoxide and formic acid in Acidic Hydrothermal Springs in Yellowstone National Park
- Coupling between Earth Surface and Ionosphere before Earthquakes: Positive Air Ionization at the Ground-to-Air Interface as Major Driving Mechanism
- DISCOVER-AQ Airborne Measurements Quantify How Satellite-Retrievable Becomes Health-Relevant: The Example Of Smog And Its Production
- Deglaciation and the Evolution of Planetary Lake Habitability
- Development of a High Resolution Weather Forecast Model for Mesoamerica Using the NASA Nebula Cloud Computing Environment
- Diode Laser Hygrometer (DLH) Measurements of Water Vapor in the Upper Troposphere / Lower Stratosphere
- Direct aerosol radiative forcing based on combined A-Train observations and comparisons to IPCC-2007 results
- Distribution of air mass origins and convective influence during the Fall 2011 ATTREX deployment
- Downscaling GRACE satellite data for sub-region groundwater storage estimates in California's Central Valley
- Ecosystem carbon storage capacity as affected by disturbance regimes: a general theoretical model
- Effects of Angular Shapes on Optical properties of Martian Dust and Ice grains
- Electric Properties of Water Ice doped with Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2): Implications for Icy Moons such as Europa
- Episode(s) of intense alluvial deposition during an era of drought on Mars: Evidence from fans at Saheki (and Gale?)
- Evidence for Two Classes of Cirrus in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- Exoplanets in the Habitable Zone
- Exploring Earth's Atmospheric Biology using a Platform-Extensible Sampling Payload
- First results from the CheMin, DAN and SAM instruments on Mars Science Laboratory
- Flyby of Io with Repeat Encounters (FIRE): Designing a New Frontiers mission to study the most volcanic body in the solar system
- Fog water collection measurements along the Central California Coast
- Formation of Jupiter's Core and Early Stages of Envelope Accretion
- Geochemical analysis of layered outcrops using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) - Implications for Mars exploration
- Geostationary atmospheric composition observations from the NASA Decadal Survey GEO-CAPE mission
- High-Accuracy Predictions of Rovibrational Transitions for Small Molecules in Titan's Atmosphere
- Hydrocarbon ices in extra-red TNOs and Centaurs
- Hydrocarbons on Phoebe, Iapetus, and Hyperion: Quantitative Analysis
- IceBreaker: Mars Drill and Sample Delivery System
- Identity and Metabolic Potential of the Serpentinite Subsurface Microbiome
- Impact of nucleation schemes on cirrus cloud formation in a GCM with sectional microphysics
- Impact-induced Climate Change on Titan
- Improving 6th Grade Climate Literacy using New Media (CLINM) and Teacher Professional Development
- In-situ Observations of springtime stratosphere-troposphere exchange events over California
- Investigating Titan's Atmospheric Chemistry at Low Temperature with the Titan Haze Simulation Experiment
- Isotopic Signatures and Growth Rates of Freshwater Microbialites in Kelly Lake, British Columbia
- MACPEX Water Measurement Comparison
- Mapping Stand Age of global primary forests Using Remote Sensing Data
- Meandering channels without vegetation: Examples from Nevada and Chile
- Measurement of ice stability in the high elevation Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Measurements of CO2 and CH4 Above Petroleum Infrastructure in Nevada
- Mineral Controls on Microbial Niche Space in Subsurface Serpentinites of the Coast Range Ophiolite, Northern California
- Modal Mineralogy of Lunar Soils
- Modeling of lunar pickup ion trajectories in the magnetosphere tail-lobes and comparisons with ARTEMIS observations
- Modeling the Effects of Climate Change on Whitebark Pine Along the Pacific Crest Trail
- Monitoring coastal fog events using ground-based measurements and satellite imagery
- NASA Earth Exchange (NEX): Earth science collaborative for global change science
- NASA'S Coastal and Ocean Airborne Science Testbed (COAST): Early Results
- NASA's Flight Opportunities Program: Matching Suborbital Research Payload Demand with Commercial Flight Supply
- Nano-Iron on Outer Solar System Satellites, Implications for Space Weathering
- Near Real-Time Prospecting for Lunar Volatiles: Demonstrating RESOLVE Science in the Field
- Numerical quantification of habitability in serpentinizing systems
- Observational Evidence for a Decade-long climate optimum near the Hesperian/Amazonian Transition
- Ocean-atmosphere relationships from synoptic scale to local scale in South San Francisco Bay, with implications to flood risk at NASA Ames Research Center, Silicon Valley
- On-going laboratory efforts to quantitatively address clay abundance on Mars
- Origin and mixing timescale of Earth's late veneer
- Origins, Evolutions and Processes of the Outer Planet Satellites
- Performance of NASA Earth Science Applications using Modern Computing Accelerator Technologies
- Planetary Analog Research and Climate Change Monitoring in a Land of Extremes: The Ubehebe Volcanic Field (Death Valley, CA)
- Planetary Habitability and Rapid Environmental Change: The Biological Perspective
- Polygonal Ground in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica and its Relationship to Ice-Table Depth and the Recent Antarctic Climate History
- Positive Hole Charge Carriers and their Role in Generating Pre-Earthquake Phenomena
- Possible sources for methane and C2-C5 organics in the plume of Enceladus
- Preliminary estimates of carbon emissions constrained by GOSAT from the NASA Carbon Monitoring System Flux Pilot Project.
- Prototyping Global Web Enabled Landsat Data Production, Distribution and Visualization
- Quantifying Ice-sheet/Ice-shelf Dynamics and Variability with Meter-scale DEM and Velocity Timeseries
- Rapid Onboard Data Product Generation with Multicore Processors and FPGA
- Retrieval of Cirrus properties by Sunphotometry: A new perspective on an old issue
- Returning Samples from Enceladus
- SAM-like Evolved Gas Analysis of Mars Analog Samples from the Arctic Mars Analog Svalbard Expedition: Implications for Analyses by the Mars Science Laboratory
- SAR-based Estimation of Glacial Extent and Velocity Fields on Isanotski Volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
- Satellite and in-situ derived aerosol optical properties over the TCAP campaign region
- Saturn's F Ring Core: Calm Amidst Chaos
- Scaling of NEX Anomaly Detection and Analysis Framework to Global Drought Analysis
- Science from a Saturn Entry Probe Mission
- Sequential optimization of a terrestrial biosphere model constrained by multiple satellite based products
- Smog O3 Production Rate in California Air: Marker Compounds Allow Checks on Source Attribution to Fire and Other Sources
- Stability of Charged Grains in Saturn's Rings
- Stress-driven speciation in novel strains of Bacillus isolated from a microbial community in the Mojave Desert, a Mars-analog
- Structural uncertainty in model-simulated trends of global gross primary production
- Surface processes on a mud-dominated Mars analogue alluvial fan, Atacama Desert, northern Chile
- Surface roughness of sea ice in Fram Strait - A characteristic of the ice-atmosphere interface
- Teleconnections in Groundwater of U.S. Principal Aquifers to the Non-Stationarity of ENSO, NAO, PDO, and AMO
- The ASP Sensor Network: Infrastructure for the Next Generation of NASA Airborne Science
- The Hydrogen Distribution of the Gale Crater: Mars Odyssey Neutron Spectrometer
- The Mars Science Laboratory Mission: Early Results from Gale Crater Landing Site
- The Role of tropical and midlatitude waves in TTL clouds and dehydration during ATTREX
- The application of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in geophysical investigations of geothermal systems
- Towards validation of urban GHG emissions using a very high resolution atmospheric inversion in the Indianapolis Flux Experiment
- Tracing water ice and chromophores across Saturn's moons and rings
- Two Years of Ozone Vertical Profiles Collected from Aircraft over California and the Pacific Ocean
- Two year (2011-2012) observations of atmospheric CO2 and CH4 and comparison with GOSAT measurements at Railroad Valley playa, Nevada
- UV-IR Spectra of the Icy Saturnian Satellites
- Understanding Aerosol Mixing State and its Radiative Impacts: An Overview of Phase 1 of the Two-Column Aerosol Project (TCAP)
- Unmanned Airborne Platforms for Validation of Volcanic Emission Composition and Transport Models
- Upper Boundary Extension of the NASA Ames Mars General Circulation Model
- Use Of The Terrestrial Observation And Prediction System (TOPS) For Developing Climate Adaptation Strategies: Projecting Changes In Tree Biomass And Its Storm Water Regulation Potential For NASA Field Centers
- Using Statistical Comparisons Between Simulations and Observations to Understand Physical Processes Controlling Midlatitude Cirrus Ice Concentrations
- Vegetation response to extreme climate events on the Mongolian plateau from 2000-2010
- Vertical Profiles of Aerosol Parameters from Inversion of Airborne Multiwavelength High-Spectral-Resolution Lidar Data During TCAP
- Water Ice Onset Conditions in Polar Mesospheric Clouds
- Why is Remote Sensing of Amazon Forest Greenness so Challenging?
- A Community-Driven Workflow Recommendations and Reuse Infrastructure
- A Model-based Estimate of the Relative Importance of Climate warming, CO2-fertilization and Nitrogen Deposition to Global Terrestrial Carbon Uptake (Invited)
- A Near Real-time Decision Support System Improving Forest Management in the Tropics
- A mathematical model for metabolic tradeoffs, minimal requirements, and evolutionary transitions. (Invited)
- Aerosol optical properties in the Marine Environment during the TCAP-I campaign
- Aircraft-based assessment of relationships between CCN concentration and visible light extinction
- Analysis of TES FFSM Eddies and MOC Dust Storms, MY 24 - 26
- Analysis of the seasonal and interannual evolution of Jakobshavn Isbrae from 2010-2013 using high spatial/temporal resolution DEM and velocity data
- Analyzing carbon dioxide and methane emissions in California using airborne measurements and model simulations
- Analyzing nonlinear statistical relationships between air parcel thermal and moisture histories and cirrus cloud observations from CALIPSO in the tropical tropopause layer
- Approach to Integrate Global-Sun Models of Magnetic Flux Emergence and Transport for Space Weather Studies
- Assessing Day-to Day Variability in the Vertical Distribution of Methane, Carbon Dioxide, and Ozone over Railroad Valley, NV
- Atmospheric circulation modeling of super Earths and terrestrial extrasolar planets using the SPARC/MITgcm
- Atmospheric models for post- giant impact planets
- Bird conservation through assessment of oak habitats in the Klamath Basin
- CALIOP/CALIPSO's aerosol-above-cloud detection and retrieval capability: an evaluation over Northern America
- CLouds, and Aerosols Radiative Impacts and Forcing: Year 2016 (CLARIFY-2016)
- CO2 Fertilization: What Models Can Talk to Observations
- Camera trap records of animal activity prior to a M=7 earthquake in Northern Peru
- Change in the <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/N of the Mars Atmosphere from Viking to MSL: A possible indication of climate change on Mars
- Characterization of the TTL using O3-H2O tracer correlations measured on the NASA Global Hawk during the ATTREX experiment
- Characterizing the Phyllosilicates and Amorphous Phases Found by MSL Using Laboratory XRD and EGA Measurements of Natural and Synthetic Materials (Invited)
- Classification of Aerosol Retrievals from Spaceborne Polarimetry Using a Multi-Parameter Algorithm
- Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON): Observations of the Dust Grains from SOFIA and of the Atomic Gas from NSO Dunn and McMath-Pierce Solar Telescopes (Invited)
- Comparisons of aircraft measurements of greenhouse gases with GOSAT data
- Computing Highly Accurate Spectroscopic Line Lists that Cover a Large Temperature Range for Characterization of Exoplanet Atmospheres
- Constraining Cometary Crystal Shapes from IR Spectral Features
- Coupling the NASA-CASA ecosystem model with a hydrologic routing algorithm for improved water management in Yosemite National Park
- Decision Support and Robust Estimation of Uncertainty in Carbon Stocks and Fluxes
- Deriving Continuous Fields of Tree Cover at 1-m over the Continental United States From the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) Imagery to Reduce Uncertainties in Forest Carbon Stock Estimation
- Detecting Forest Disturbance Events from MODIS and Landsat Time Series for the Conterminous United States
- Detection and Quantification of Nitrogen Compounds in Martian Solid Samples by the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) Instrument Suite
- Developing a Continuous Hemispheric View of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The GeoCARB Mission
- Discriminating phytoplankton functional types (PFTs) in the coastal ocean using the inversion algorithm PHYDOTax and airborne imaging spectrometer data
- Effect of Aggregation and Mixing on optical properties of Black Carbon
- Effect of atmospheric organics on iron bioavailability
- Electric Response of Hydrogen Peroxide-doped Water Ices: an Analog Study for Positive Hole Currents in Rocks
- Elucidating Microbial Adaptation Dynamics via Autonomous Exposure and Sampling
- Energy requirements in Terrestrial biology and implications for the habitability of Europa (Invited)
- Enhancement of Core Accretion by an Extended Low-Mass Envelope
- Environmental Dynamics and the Habitability Potential at Gale Crater, Mars (Invited)
- Evaluating the impact of convection on the TTL using geostationary satellite data
- Evaluation of Heterotrophy in in Serpentinite-Associated Waters from the Coast Range Ophiolite, Northern California, USA and the Zambales Ophiolite, Philippines
- Evaluation of atmospheric chemical models using aircraft data (Invited)
- Exploring Mars' Middle Atmosphere with the Extended NASA Ames Mars General Circulation Model
- First Results from NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE)
- Forecasting Stratospheric Intrusion Events over the Western US for Exceptional Event Demonstration
- Formation Routes For Pure and N-substituted Cyclic Hydrocarbon Molecules in The Ionosphere of Titan
- Freshly Emitted, Unexpectedly High SO2, SO4=, NOx, CH4, and i-C4H10 Offshore of Los Angeles Attributed to Several Source Sectors
- Global Web-Enabled Landsat Data (Invited)
- Global evapotranspiration data sets: An evaluation of vegetation and energy-based methods for irrigated areas (Invited)
- Helene: The Face that Launched a Thousand Slips
- How NASA is building and sustaining a community of scientist-communicators through virtual technology, graphic facilitation and other community-building tools
- How to Search for Life by the Detection of Biochemistry
- Hyperspectral aerosol optical depths from TCAP flights
- Impacts of snow water equivalent on forest disturbance in the Sierra Nevada with climate change
- Improving Retrievals of Regional PM2.5 Concentrations From MODIS and OMI Multi-Satellite Observations
- Improving our understanding of clouds in the Earth's climate using polarimetry (Invited)
- In situ Volcanic Plume Monitoring with small Unmanned Aerial Systems for Cal/Val of Satellite Remote Sensing Data: CARTA-UAV 2013 Mission (Invited)
- In-Situ Exploration of Venus: Major Science Objectives, Investigations, and Mission Platform Options
- Inferring water vapor amounts with solar spectral irradiance: Measurements, modeling, and comparisons with in situ water vapor profiles in the upper troposphere lower stratosphere from ATTREX
- Initial Calibration and Performance of the IRIS Instrument
- Insights on TTL dehydration mechanisms from microphysical modelling of aircraft observations
- Intercomparisons of Prognostic, Diagnostic, and Inversion Modeling Approaches for Estimation of Net Ecosystem Exchange over the Pacific Northwest Region
- Investigating the asymmetry of Mars' South Polar Cap using the NASA Ames Mars General Circulation Model with a CO<SUB>2</SUB> cloud microphysics scheme
- Investigating the utility of multiple measurement platforms to understand surface ozone in rural Nevada, USA
- Is Pluto a planet? Student powered video rap ';battle' over tiny Pluto's embattled planetary standing
- Knowledge Acquisition and Management for the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX)
- Laboratory and modeling studies for the effect of atmospheric organics on iron bioavailability
- Lipid biomarker production and preservation in acidic ecosystems: Relevance to early Earth and Mars
- Long term trends in GPP and ET on the Mongolian Plateau in context of climate and land cover/land use change. (Invited)
- Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover initial Mastcam geomorphologic and multispectral characterization of the Gale crater field site
- Mars: A Planet with a Dynamic Climate System (Invited)
- Mechanism, Dynamics and Evolution of Small-Scale Dynamo on the Sun
- Microbial Metabolic Landscapes Derived from Complementary Mineralogical, Aqueous Geochemical, and Gas Data Associated with High pH, Actively Serpentinizing Springs in the Coast Range Ophiolite (CA,USA) and Zambales and Palawan Ophiolites (Philippines)
- Microbial Metabolism in Serpentinite Fluids
- Microbiology of Ultrabasic Groundwaters of the Coast Range Ophiolite, California
- Midlatitude ice-rich ground on Mars as a target in the search for evidence of life and for in situ resource utilization on human missions
- Modeling the Impact Ejected Dust Contribution to the Lunar Exosphere: Results from Experiments and Ground Truth from LADEE
- Models for Temperature and Composition in Uranus from Spitzer, Herschel and Ground-Based Infrared through Millimeter Observations
- Multiscale Processes of Hurricane Sandy (2012) as Revealed by the CAMVis-MAP
- NASA World Wind Near Real Time Data for Earth
- National Weather Service Forecast Reference Evapotranspiration
- Near-Real-Time Earth Observation Data Supporting Wildfire Management
- Near-vent measurements of volcanic gases and aerosols with multiple small unmanned aerial vehicles
- Observational Evidence for Incomplete Dehydration in the TTL
- Observations of ejecta clouds produced by impacts onto Saturn's rings (Invited)
- Observations of ozone transport from the free troposphere to an exceedance area
- On Lunar Exospheric Column Densities and Solar Wind Access Beyond the Terminator from ROSAT Soft X-ray Observations of Solar Wind Charge Exchange (SWCX)
- On network design for the detection of urban greenhouse gas emissions: Results from the Indianapolis Flux Experiment (INFLUX) (Invited)
- Optical constants using two particle size distributions: On-going laboratory efforts to quantitatively address clay abundance on Mars
- Parallelization of the Ensemble Empirical Model Decomposition (PEEMD) Method on Multi- and Many-core Processors
- Peroxy defects in Rocks and H2O2 formation on the early Earth
- Phobos mineralogical interpretation from 0.25 to 4.0 μm
- Photosynthetic Microbial Mats are Exemplary Sources of Diverse Biosignatures (Invited)
- Pits and Gullies on Vesta: Potential Insights from Terrestrial Analogs
- Processing Earth Observing images with Ames Stereo Pipeline
- Quantifying Climate Change Hydrologic Risk at NASA Ames Research Center
- Radiative Effects of Aerosol in the Marine Environment: Tales from the Two-Column Aerosol Project
- Radiometric and Polarimetric data inter-comparison for the POlarimeter DEfinition EXperiment (PODEX)
- Reconstruction of limnology and microbialite formation conditions from carbonate clumped isotope paleothermometry: A test case from Pavilion and Kelly Lakes
- Regional Source of the Earth-Moon Progenitors
- Retrieving optical constants of glasses with variable iron abundance
- Rigor + Results = Impact: Measuring Impact with Integrity (Invited)
- Role of Central American biomass burning smoke in increasing tornado severity in the US
- Rotation of a Moonless Earth
- SPARTICUS and MACPEX Cirrus Particle Sizes and Habits as a Function of Temperature and Synoptic Cirrus Type
- Satellite measurements of changes in water storage and their impact on vegetation dynamics
- Saturn's satellites temperatures inferred from Cassini-VIMS reflectance spectra
- Secular Climate Change on Mars: An Update Using MSL Pressure Data
- Semi-Empirical IR Line Lists for 13 CO<SUB>2</SUB> Isotopologues: up to 1500K and 20,000 CM<SUP>-1</SUP>
- Simulating Fine grained Alluvial Fan Sedimentation on Mars
- Spatio-Temporal Evolution and Scaling Properties of Human Settlements (Invited)
- Stress-dependent voltage offsets from polymer insulators used in rock mechanics and material testing
- Surface Composition of the Non-Ice Component on Icy Satellites and Ring Particles in the Saturn System
- Synthesis of nitrous oxide by lightning in the early anoxic Earth's atmosphere
- Terrestrial Analogs for Clay Minerals at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Terrestrial Occurrence of Perchlorate and the Relationship to Nitrate in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas (Invited)
- Terrestrial analog field investigations to enable science and exploration studies of impacts and volcanism on the Moon, NEAs, and moons of Mars (Invited)
- The COSmIC/THS experiment: gas and solid phase studies of Titan aerosol simulants produced at cold temperature
- The DRAGON scale concept and results for remote sensing of aerosol properties
- The Distribution of Ice in Lunar Permanently Shadowed Regions: Science Enabling Exploration (Invited)
- The First X-ray Diffraction Patterns of Clay Minerals from Gale Crater
- The Mineralogical and Chemical Case for Habitability at Yellowknife Bay, Gale crater, Mars
- The OMEGA system for marine bioenergy, wastewater treatment, environmental enhancement, and aquaculture
- The Search for Nitrates on Mars by the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument
- The South-East Atlantic aerosol-cloud system: gaps in our understanding of basic properties and physical processes
- The XRD Amorphous Component in John Klein Drill Fines at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- The runaway Greenhouse revisited: it's "theoretically possible for an Earth-like planet at 1 AU", plus implications for more diverse planets
- Trace Gases - A Warning Signs of Impending Major Seismic Activity
- Tracer Transport in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- Tracking Fallow Land in California Using USDA's Cropland Data Layer
- Tracking long-range transported upper-tropospheric pollution layers with a newly developed airborne Hyperspectral Sun/Sky spectrometer (4STAR): Results from the TCAP 2012 campaign
- Trend in Surface-Water Balance over the Western United States from Downscaled CMIP5 Climate Projections
- US Forest Disturbance Rates Observed from Landsat
- UV-IR Spectra of the Icy Saturnian Satellites
- Understanding chemical trends in rock surface compositions as measured by ChemCam at Gale crater, Mars: The signatures of rock coatings and rinds in LIBS laboratory data
- Urban scale atmospheric inversion of CO2 emissions using a high-density surface tower network over Indianapolis area
- Use of Geomatic Techniques to Evaluate Flooding from the February, 1998 Extreme Storm and Sea Level Rise at NASA Ames Research Center
- Using in situ measurements of ice residuals to evaluate cirrus microphysics in CAM5
- Validation and Application of PHYDOTax In The Santa Barbara Channel
- Venus Terminator Temperature Structure: Venus Express SOIR and VTGCM Comparisons
- Venus, Earth, Xenon
- Waiting ages for atmospheric oxygen: A titration hourglass and the oxidation of the solid Earth. (Invited)
- Water Vapor and Cirrus Clouds in the Pacific TTL during ATTREX 2013 (Invited)
- What NASA Does Best - Providing Effective Experiences in Authentic Science: The IRIS Mission EPO Program
- What is the Polarity of the Global E Field between Ground and Ionosphere?
- XRD and mineralogical analysis of gypsum dunes at White Sands National Monument, New Mexico and applications to gypsum detection on Mars
- A Multi-Parameter Aerosol Classification Method and its Application to Retrievals from Spaceborne Polarimetry
- A Quarter-Century U.S. Forest Disturbance History Mapped from Landsat
- A Semi-Automated Machine Learning Algorithm for Tree Cover Delineation from 1-m Naip Imagery Using a High Performance Computing Architecture
- A Spatio-temporal Data Mining Approach to Global scale Burned Area Monitoring
- A Study by Remote Sensing Methods of Volcanism at Craters of the Moon National Park, Idaho
- A Study of the King's Bowl Phreatic Explosion Crater as an Analog to Pits on Solar System Exploration Target Bodies
- A case-study analysis of convectively sourced water vapor plumes in the overworld stratosphere over the continental U.S. observed in situ during the SEAC4RS mission
- A multi-step approach to improving NASA Earth Science data access and use for decision support through online and hands-on training
- Aerosol properties derived from airborne sky radiance and direct beam measurements in recent NASA and DoE field campaigns
- Airborne Eddy Covariance Fluxes Provide Novel Constraints on Sources and Sinks of Reactive Gases in the Planetary Boundary Layer
- Airborne In-Situ Trace Gas Measurements of Multiple Wildfires in California (2013-2014)
- Airborne Tropical TRopopause EXperiment (ATTREX) 2014 Western Pacific Campaign
- Airborne polarimeter intercomparison for the NASA Aerosol-Cloud-Ecosystem (ACE) mission
- Aircraft- and ground-based assessment of the CCN-AOD relationship and implications on model analysis of ACI and underlying aerosol processes
- Amundsen Sea sector ice shelf thickness, melt rates, and inland response from annual high-resolution DEM mosaics
- Antarctic analogs for Enceladus
- Anthropogenic processing of dust affects the oxygen content of the North Pacific Ocean
- Atmospheric expansion in runaway greenhouse atmospheres: the inner edge of the habitable zone depends on planet mass
- Bringing the Ocean into Finer Focus through the NASA COAST, HyspIRI, and OCEANIA Suborbital Missions
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Observation from Space from Two Complementary Spectrometers; Oco-2 and Gosat
- Calibration of a TCCON FTS at Armstrong Flight Research Center (AFRC) Using Multiple Airborne Profiles
- Case Studies for UV, O<SUB>2</SUB>-A Band and Polarimetric Airborne Remote Sensing Observations of Coastal Waters: Implications for Atmospheric Correction.
- Characterization of Water Vapor in the North American Monsoon with JLH Mark2 and Aura MLS
- Cloud properties retrieved from airborne measurements of transmitted and reflected shortwave spectral radiation
- Cloudbursting - Solving the 3-body problem
- Compact Solar Spectroscopic Column CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB>, H<SUB>2</SUB>O and HOD Observations: Performance Evaluation at TCCON Sites
- Comparison of airborne measurements of greenhouse gases over Railroad Valley, Nevada to satellite and model results
- Comparisons Between New Horizons Results and Long-Term Monitoring of Pluto
- Compositional Constraints on the Best Characterized Rocky Exoplanet, Kepler-36 b
- Cost Optimal Elastic Auto-Scaling in Cloud Infrastructure
- Crater Morphologies on Pluto and Charon: Anticipating New Horizons
- Crater Relaxation and Heat Flow in the Saturnian System, and Anticipation of New Horizons Observations at the Pluto-Charon System
- Current State of Topographic Mapping of Ganymede: Squeezing the Most from JUICE
- Detection of Fast-Moving Waves Propagating from Penumbra to Outside of Sunspots in the Photosphere
- Diel Metagenomics and Metatranscriptomics of Elkhorn Slough Hypersaline Microbial Mat
- Direct Aerosol Radiative Forcing from Combined A-Train Observations - Preliminary Comparisons with AeroCom Models and Pathways to Observationally Based All-sky Estimates
- Dynamical Conditions of Ice Supersaturation and Cirrus Clouds in the Extratropical Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
- Early Phases of Jupiter's Formation from an Evolving Disk of Solids
- Earthbound Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles (UAVS) As Planetary Science Testbeds
- Earthquake Lights and Electric Ground Potentials Following the South Napa Earthquake
- Ecological genomics of the newly discovered diazotrophic filamentous cyanobacterium ESFC-1
- Effect of Salinity on the Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Microbial Mats and Associated Lipid Biomarkers
- Effect of soil quality on determining the timberline at the Pico de Orizaba volcano
- Effects of Urban and Biomass Burning Sources on Downwind Aerosol and Ozone Distributions: Regional Scale Simulations Combined with Airborne Remote Sensing Measurements during TCAP and SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>RS and their Link to Spaceborne Observations
- Efforts to Find, Recover and Restore "A National Treasure", The Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) Data Set
- Evaluating Current and Future Rangeland Health in the Great Basin Ecoregion Using NASA Earth Observing Systems
- Evaluating Spatial Scales of Eddy Covariance Fluxes over the Southeastern United States using 20 Hz Wind and Temperature Data from the NASA DC-8 Meteorological Measurement System
- Experimental Evolution of UV-C Radiation Tolerance: Emergence of Adaptive and Non-Adaptive Traits in Escherichia coli Under Differing Flux Regimes
- Extreme Precipitation in the San Francisco Bay Area: Comparing Downscaling Methodologies' Skill in Representing Extreme Precipitation in Hindcasts and Differences in Their Projections
- First Near-Continental Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Vertical Foliage Profile (VFP) Product from the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS)
- First results from the Mojave Volatiles Prospector (MVP) Field Campaign, a Lunar Polar Rover Mission Analog
- Fostering Outreach, Education and Exploration of the Moon Using the Lunar Mapping & Modeling Portal
- Fresh Shallow Valleys (FSVs) in Northern Arabia Terra, Mars
- From Data to Knowledge — Faster: GOES Early Fire Detection System to Inform Operational Wildfire Response and Management
- Geography of Global Forest Carbon Stocks & Dynamics
- Geologic Framework for Aeolis Palus Bedrock, and Its Relationship to Mt. Sharp, Mars
- Global Mapping of CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Enceladus
- Global aerosol typing from a combination of A-Train satellite observations in clear-sky and above clouds
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Indianapolis using a High-Density Surface Tower Network and an Atmospheric Inversion
- Helene: A Plastic Model
- High-resolution climate data over conterminous US using random forest algorithm
- Highly Accurate Infrared Line Lists of SO<SUB>2</SUB> Isotopologues Computed for Atmospheric Modeling on Venus and Exoplanets
- How much ice is there in the Tropical Tropopause Layer? Observations from the ATTREX mission, from the Global Hawk and from Space
- How to Directly Image a Habitable Planet Around Alpha Centauri with a 30cm Space Telescope.
- Human Impacts to Coastal Ecosystems in Puerto Rico (HICE-PR): A Long-Term Remote Sensing, Hydrologic, Ecologic, and Socio-Economic Assessment with Management Implications
- Husbandry Trace Gas Emissions from a Dairy Complex By Mobile in Situ and Airborne and Spaceborne Remote Sensing: A Comex Campaign Focus
- Hypotheses on the Source of Potassium Enrichment in Some Gale Crater Rocks
- Impact of Cumulated CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emission on Air Temperature: Millennial-Scale Prediction
- Implementing a Web-Based Decision Support System to Spatially and Statistically Analyze Ecological Conditions of the Sierra Nevada
- Implications of Clay Mineral-RNA Interactions for the Origin of Life
- Improved Ozone Profile Retrievals Using Multispectral Measurements from S-NPP and NASA "A Train" Satellites
- Improving Synchronic Maps with Far-Side Active Region Emergence
- In Situ Observations of Water Vapor and Cirrus IWC in the Pacific TTL During ATTREX
- In-situ and Remote-Sensing Data Fusion Using Machine Learning Techniques to Infer Urban and Fire Related Pollution Plumes
- Influence of Meteoroid Streams on the Lunar Environment: Results from LADEE
- Infrared Spectral Observations While Drilling into a Frozen Lunar Simulant
- Integrating Parallel and Distributed Data Mining Algorithms into the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX)
- Integration of 3 Consecutive Years of Aqueous Geochemistry Monitoring Serpentinization at the Coast Range Ophiolite Microbial Observatory (CROMO), Northern California, USA
- Investigating Seasonal Emissions of Carbon Dioxide and Methane in Northern California Using Airborne Measurements and Inverse Modeling
- King's Bowl Pit Crater, Lava Field and Eruptive Fissure, Idaho - A Multipurpose Volcanic Planetary Analog
- LADEE NMS Observations of Sporadic Water and Carbon Dioxide Signatures in the Lunar Exosphere
- LADEE UVS (UltraViolet Visible Spectrometer) and the Search for Lunar Exospheric Dust: A Detailed Spectral Analysis
- Large-Scale Image Analytics Using Deep Learning
- Long-Term Data Records of Biophysical Parameters from Multiple Satellite Systems
- MIZOPEX - A UAS Arctic Campaign During Summer 2013
- Mapping Drought Impacts on Agricultural Production in California's Central Valley
- Mapping Urban Expansion Across North America Using Multi-Temporal Landsat and Nighttime Lights Data
- Measurement and Interpretation of Travel-Time Shifts in the context of Time-Distance Helioseismic Detection of Meridional Flows in the Solar Convection Zone
- Mineralogy of Fluvio-Lacustrine Sediments Investigated by Curiosity during the Prime Mission: Implications for Diagenesis
- Monitoring Surface Moisture of Crater-fill Sediment in Extreme hydroclimatic conditions (Ubehebe Volcanic Field, Death Valley, California).
- Monitoring Watershed Water Quality Impacts on Near-Shore Coral Reef Ecosystems in American Samoa using NASA Earth Observations
- NASA COAST and OCEANIA Airborne Missions Support Ecosystem and Water Quality Research in the Coastal Zone
- NASA Mission Tools Suite for Education
- NEO Targets for Biological In Situ Resource Utilization
- New Isotopic Constraints on the Sources of Methane at Sites of Active Continental Serpentinization
- Northern Late Winter Planetary Waves: MRO/MARCI Observations and Mars Climate Model Simulations
- Obliquity Evolution of an Early Venus
- Observations of high manganese layers by the Curiosity rover at the Kimberley, Gale crater, Mars
- On the Use of FOSS4G in Land Cover Fraction Estimation with Unmixing Algorithms
- One Year of Doppler Lidar Observations Characterizing Boundary Layer Wind, Turbulence, and Aerosol Structure During the Indianapolis Flux Experiment
- Open NASA Earth Exchange (OpenNEX): A Public-Private Partnership for Climate Change Research
- Open NASA Earth Exchange (OpenNEX): Strategies for enabling cross organization collaboration in the earth sciences
- Optical Polarization of Light from a Sorghum Canopy Measured under both a Clear and an Overcast Sky
- Overview of the Airborne Tropical TRopopause EXperiment (ATTREX)
- Oxidation of the Earth from the Inside Out
- Patterns of Convective Influence and Temperatures in the Tropical Tropopause Layer during the Airborne Tropical TRopopause EXperiment (ATTREX)
- Phobos' Low Bulk Density: Evidence Against a Capture Origin?
- Pisolithus tinctorius, Fungal Extremophile and Modern Analog to an Early Earth Environment; An Unlikely Harbor for Deeply Diverging and Novel Chemoautrophic Microbes
- Power and Biological Potential
- Preliminary vegetation index products from Suomi NPP VIIRS illuminate the California drought
- Pressure oscillations on the surface of Gale Crater and coincident observations of global circulation patterns.
- Quantifying Atmospheric Moist Processes from Earth Observations. Really?
- Quantum Boosting and Fast Classical Metrics for Tree Cover Detection in Remote Sensing Data
- Realistic Modeling of Multi-Scale MHD Dynamics of the Solar Atmosphere
- Reconstruction of a Phreatic Explosion from Block Dispersion Modeling at King's Bowl, Idaho
- Reducing Uncertainties in Satellite-derived Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimates using a High Resolution Forest Cover Map
- Relative Humidity Distributions in the Tropical Tropopause Layer Measured During NASA ATTREX
- Remote sensing of large scale methane emission sources with the Methane Airborne MAPper (MAMAP) instrument over the Kern River and Kern Front Oil fields and validation through airborne in-situ measurements - Initial results from COMEX
- Remotely Detectable Biosignatures of Anoxygenic Phototrophs
- Resolving Multiscale Processes in Tropical Cyclogenesis Using Parallel EEMD
- Resource Prospector: A lunar volatiles prospecting and ISRU demonstration mission
- Revised (Mixed-Effects) Estimation for Forest Burning Emissions of Gases and Smoke, Fire/Emission Factor Typologies, and Potential Remote Sensing Classification of Types for Use in Ozone and Absorbing-Carbon Simulation
- Secular Climate Change on Mars: An Update Using One Mars Year of MSL Pressure Data
- Simulations of Water Migration in the Lunar Exosphere
- Single-Footprint Retrievals from AIRS
- Small-Scale Spatial Variability of Ice Supersaturation and Cirrus in the TTL
- Smectite Formation in Gale Crater, Mars and in the Nakhlite Martian Meteorites
- Solar wind sputtering of small bodies: Exospheres of Phobos and Deimos
- Spectrometers for Sky-Scanning, Sun-Tracking Atmospheric Research (4STAR) Upgrade to Full Sun-Sky-Cloud-Trace Gas Spectrometry Capability for Airborne Science
- Statistical modeling of preferential concentration of heavy particles in turbulence
- Stratospheric contribution to surface ozone in the desert Southwest during the 2013 Las Vegas Ozone Study
- Stress-Survival Gene Identification From an Acid Mine Drainage Algal Mat Community
- Stress-stimulated current of dry rocks with constant clamping stress
- Studying Microbial Mat Functioning Amidst "Unexpected Diversity": Methodological Approaches and Initial Results from Metatranscriptomes of Mats Over Diel cycles, iTags from Long Term Manipulations, and Biogeochemical Cycling in Simplified Microbial Mats Constructed from Cultures
- Subsurface Controls on Habitability of Hydrothermal Waters
- Surface Composition and Physical Mixture State of the Regoliths of Outer Solar System Satellites: The Role of Scattering and Absorption by the non-Ice Components and Implications for Rayleigh Absorption and Rayleigh Scattering
- Synthesis of N-substituted Cyclic Hydrocarbons, such as Pyrimidine, in The Ionosphere of Titan
- Systematic observations of Volcán Turrialba, Costa Rica, with small unmanned aircraft and aerostats (UAVs): the Costa Rican Airborne Research and Technology Applications (CARTA) missions
- The Alsep Data Recovery Focus Group of NASA's Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute
- The Automated Dynamic Directed Evolution Chamber: A Tool for Studying Extremophile-Environment Interactions in Real Time
- The D/H Ratio of the Martian Water That Formed the Yellowknife Bay Mudstone Rocks Measured By the MSL-SAM Instrument
- The Effects of Trimethylamine and Organic Matter Additions on the Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Methane Produced in Hypersaline Microbial Mat Environments
- The Extracellular Matrix in Photosynthetic Mats: A Cyanobacterial Gingerbread House
- The Lassen Astrobiology Intern Program - Concept, Implementation and Evaluation
- The Nitrate/Perchlorate Ratio on Mars As an Indicator for Habitability
- The Northern Oscillation Index as a Predictor of Precipitation in California
- The Search for a Diurnal Effect in Lunar Hydrogen Abundance
- The Sun's Meridional Flow and Its Role in Magnetic Flux Transport and the Sunspot Cycle
- The Surface Composition Investigation for Pluto and Its Moons from the New Horizons Mission
- The THS Experiment: Ex Situ Analyses of Titan's Aerosol Analogs Produced at Low Temperature (200K)
- The Thermodynamics of Life on a Planetary Scale
- The lunar exosphere as seen from LADEE UVS
- The microbial mats of Pavilion Lake microbialites: examining the relationship between photosynthesis and carbonate precipitation
- The total column of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> measured with a compact Fourier transform spectrometer at NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center and Railroad Valley, Nevada, USA
- Three-Dimensional Magnetic Reconnection Under Low Chromospheric Conditions Using a Two-Fluid Weakly Ionized Reactive Plasma Model
- Top-Down Estimates of SO<SUB>2</SUB> Degassing Emissions from the Turrialba Volcano Using in Situ Measurements from Unmanned Aerial Systems and the WRF-Stilt Model
- Trajectory and Microphysical Modeling of TTL Water
- Trajectory dispersion by unresolved wind variability in the UTLS
- Tropical Tropopause Layer Cloud Formation, Convection and Stratospheric Dehydration
- UAS Developments Supporting Wildfire Observations
- UV-IR Spectra of the Icy Saturnian Satellites
- Understanding the combined cloud-aerosol radiative effect for heterogeneous scenes
- Unstable Titan-generated Rayleigh-Taylor Lakes Impact Ice
- Use of the NASA GEOS-5 SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>RS Meteorological and Aerosol Reanalysis for assessing simulated aerosol optical properties as a function of smoke age
- Using Analytics to Support Petabyte-Scale Science on the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX)
- Using NASA Earth Exchange (NEX) to develop annual US Forest Disturbance products
- Validating Above-cloud Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieved from MODIS using NASA Ames Airborne Sun-Tracking Photometric and Spectrometric (AATS and 4STAR) Measurements
- Variability of Global Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations over Interannual to Multi-Decadal Timescales: A Linear Approximation
- Xenon Fractionation, Hydrogen Escape, and the Oxidation of the Earth
- A Drought Monitoring Tool for Customized Calculation of a Standardized Precipitation Index Value in the Navajo Nation
- A First Look at the Geology of Charon
- A High Performance Computing Approach to Tree Cover Delineation in 1-m NAIP Imagery using a Probabilistic Learning Framework
- A Model For Selecting An Environmentally Responsive Trait: Evaluating Micro-scale Fitness Through UV-C Resistance and Exposure in Escherichia coli.
- A Portable, Field-Deployable Analyzer for Isotopic Water Measurements
- A Space Mission Concept to Directly Image the Habitable Zone of Alpha Centauri
- A Sparse Hierarchical Map Representation for Mars Science Laboratory Science Operations
- A comparison of ATTREX H<SUB>2</SUB>O observations in the TTL with values derived from reanalysis-based back trajectories
- A cost effective and operational methodology for wall to wall Above Ground Biomass (AGB) and carbon stocks estimation and mapping: Nepal REDD+
- A self-consistent combined radiative transfer hydrodynamic and particle acceleration model for the X1.0 class flare on March 29, 2014
- Aerosol Types using Passive Remote Sensing: Global Distribution, Consistency Check, Total-Column Investigation and Translation into Composition Derived from Climate and Chemical Transport Model
- Aerosol-Radiation-Cloud Interactions in the South-East Atlantic: Future Suborbital Activities to Address Knowledge Gaps in Satellite and Model Assessments
- Aldol Condensation Products and Polyacetals in Organic Films Formed from Reactions of Propanal in Sulfuric Acid at Upper Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere (UT/LS) Aerosol Acidities
- An Airborne Mission to Study Background Sulfur and Prepare for a Rapid Response to a Large Volcanic Eruption
- An Airborne Observing Campaign of an Announced Small Asteroid Impact for High Fidelity Impact Modeling Validation
- An inversion analysis of carbon dioxide emission from airborne sampling of the 2013 Yosemite Rim Fire and its relationship with combustion phase
- Analysis of Summer-time Ozone and Precursor Species in the Southeast United States
- Analysis of the Phoenix Mission's Thermal and Electrical Conductivity Probe (TECP) Relative Humidity Data
- Assessment of the Sources, Distribution and Interanual Variability of PAN over North America using New Observations from TES.
- Asynchronous Amazon Forest Canopy Phenology Indicates Adaptation to Both Water and Light Availability
- Atmospheric correction for ocean spectra retrievals from high-altitude multi-angle, multi-spectral photo-polarimetric remote sensing observations: Results for coastal ocean waters.
- Automated Segmentation and Classification of Coral using Fluid Lensing from Unmanned Airborne Platforms
- Basalt: Biologic Analog Science Associated with Lava Terrains
- Bringing the Coastal Zone into Finer Focus<em></em>
- Characterizing Exoplanets with 2-meter Class Space-based Coronagraphs
- Charon as Seen by New Horizons in the Infrared
- Charon's Color: A view from New Horizon Ralph/Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera
- ChemCam First Discovery of High Silica Sediments in Gale Crater
- Clumped Isotope Values from the Doushantuo Formation of South China: Evaluation of Hydrothermal Influence, Disequilibria and Diagenetic Effects
- Collaborative Approaches to Increase the Utility of Spatial Data for the Wildfire Management Community Through NASA's Applied Remote Sensing Training Program
- Color and Composition of Pluto and Its Moons from the New Horizons Mission
- Coming of Age: Polarization as a Probe of Plant Canopy Water Status
- Compact Solar Spectrometer Column CO2, and CH4 Observations: Performance Evaluation at Multiple North American TCCON Sites
- Comparing observations of fossil fuel-derived CO<SUB>2</SUB> in California with predictions from bottom-up inventories
- Comparisons Between New Horizons Results and Long-Term Monitoring of Pluto
- Concepts and Results of New Method for Accurate Ground and In-Flight Calibration of the Particle Spectrometers of the Fast Plasma Investigation on NASA's Magnetospheric MultiScale Mission
- Constraining Methane Abundance and Cloud Properties from the Reflected Light Spectra of Directly Imaged Exoplanets
- Constraints on Environmental Conditions on Mars during Periods of Alluvial Fan Formation: Results from Landform Evolution Modeling
- Continental Spatio-temporal Data Analysis with Linear Spectral Mixture Model using FOSS
- Contribution of Phenological and physiological Variations on Northern Vegetation Productivity Changes over last three decades
- Convection in Solid Nitrogen and Other Supervolatile Ices on Pluto
- Crater Mapping in the Pluto-Charon System: Considerations, Approach, and Progress
- Craters on Pluto and Charon: The Influence of Low Gravities, Low Impact Speeds, and Unique Ices
- Detecting CO2 and CH4 Urban Emissions using Column-Integrated Dry Air mole Fractions, In-Situ Tower Dry Air Mole Fractions, and WRF Modeling
- Detecting Volatiles Deep in the Lunar Regolith
- Determination of Cloud Thermodynamic Phase with Ground Based, Polarimetrically Sensitive, Passive Sky Radiometers
- Determination of the amount of Peroxy in granite rock using the Seebeck Effect
- Determining Methane Leak Locations and Rates with a Wireless Network Composed of Low-Cost, Printed Sensors
- Developing a Resource for Implementing ArcSWAT Using Global Datasets
- Development of Semi-distributed ecohydrological model in the Rio Grande De Manati River Basin, Puerto Rico
- Devitrification Dating: A Pilot Study with Basalts from the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho.
- Discontinuous Drainage Systems of NE Hellas Basin, Mars
- Distribution and nature of CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Enceladus
- Dust inventory through the Solar System: From Earth to Pluto
- Effect of Different Rock Models on Hydrocode Simulations of Asteroid Airburst and Impact Blast
- Effects of Light Stress on Extracellular Cycling in a Cyanobacterial Biofilm Community
- Effects of Local and Non-Local Processes on the Aging of the Tropopause Layer and the Lower Stratosphere
- Emissions, Topography, and Variation in XCO2 above the Southern California megacity
- Energetic Particles in the far and near Environment of Pluto
- Engaging Students and Teachers in Immersive Learning Experiences Alongside NASA Scientists and With Support from Institutional Partnerships
- Escape of Pluto's Atmosphere: In Situ Measurements from New Horizons and Remote Observations from Chandra
- Estimating emissions of toxic hydrocarbons from natural gas production sites in the Barnett Shale region
- Estimation of spatial variability in humidity, wind, and solar radiation using the random forest algorithm for the conterminous USA
- Evaluation of Big Data Containers for Popular Storage, Retrieval, and Computation Primitives in Earth Science Analysis
- Evaluation of International Observe the Moon Night: Outcomes, Challenges, and Lessons Learned from Six Years of Data Collection
- Evaluation of Modeled SO2 in the UTLS Region with Both Satellite and Aircraft Data
- Evidence for Acid-Sulfate Alteration in the Pahrump Hills Region, Gale Crater, Mars
- Extending the Lunar Mapping and Modeling Portal - New Capabilities and New Worlds
- First Results from the COFFEE Instrument: Airborne In-Situ Measurements of Formaldehyde over California
- Fresh Shallow Valleys in Northern Arabia Terra: Evidence for a Late, Widespread Period of Aqueous Activity on Mars
- GOSAT CO2 and CH4 validation activity with a portable FTS at Pasadena, Chino, and Railroad Valley
- Geology of Pluto and Charon Overview
- Geomorphic Evolution of Sputnik Planum and Surrounding Terrain
- Geomorphological Mapping of Sputnik Planum and Surrounding Terrain on Pluto
- Geomorphology of Titan's polar terrains: Using the landscape's topographic form to constrain surface processes
- Global Monitoring of Tropical Forest Fires Using A New Predictive Modeling Approach for Rare Classes
- Global Surface Photosynthetic Biosignatures Prior to the Rise of Oxygen
- Haze Production in Pluto's Atmosphere
- Hera - an ESA M-class Saturn Entry Probe Mission Proposal
- Highlights from 4STAR Sky-Scanning Retrievals of Aerosol Intensive Optical Properties from Multiple Field Campaigns with Detailed Comparisons of SSA Reported During SEAC4RS
- Highly Accurate Semi-Empirical IR Line Lists of Asymmetric SO<SUB>2</SUB> Isotopologues: SO<SUP>18</SUP>O and SO<SUP>17</SUP>O
- Hollow Nodules Gas Escape Sedimentary Structures in Lacustrine Deposits on Earth and Gale Crater
- Human Impacts to Coastal Ecosystems in Puerto Rico (HICE-PR): Actual Condition of Coral Reefs Associated with the Guanica and Manati Watersheds in Puerto Rico
- Hydrogen Bearing Material in the Lunar Exosphere
- Impacts of Lateral-Boundary-Condition Errors on Regional Climate Downscaling: Lessons Learned from the NASA Downscaling Project
- Implications of using transmitted vs. reflected light for determining cloud properties, cloud radiative effects and aerosol-cloud-interactions
- Improving the frequency of high spatial resolution leaf area index maps using Landsat OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI
- Indigenous Fixed Nitrogen on Mars: Implications for Habitability
- Information Content and Sensitivity of the 3β+2α Lidar Measurement System for Microphysical Retrievals
- Investigating the Impacts of Wildfires on Air Quality in the Western US
- Investigation of ozone sources in California using AJAX airborne measurements and models: Implications for stratospheric intrusion and long range transport
- Leveraging Realtime Data in Airborne Campaigns: From COMEX to Disaster Response
- Lower-Tropospheric CO2 from ACOS-GOSAT
- Magnitude and Uncertainty of Carbon Pools and Fluxes in the US Forests
- Mapping Evapotranspiration over Agricultural Land in the California Central Valley
- Mapping the Region in the Nearest Star System to Search for Habitable Planets
- Maps of the MY 25 Planet-encircling Dust Storm
- Meteorite fractures and the behavior of meteoroids in the atmosphere
- Mission Designs for Demonstrating Gravity Tractor Asteroid Deflection
- N<SUB>2 </SUB>glacial flow on and onto Sputnik Planum
- NASA Earth Exchange (NEX) Supporting Analyses for National Climate Assessments
- NASA's Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) Program support to Cyberinfrastructure from on-orbit to data exploitation
- Near Earth Asteroid Characteristics for Asteroid Threat Assessment
- Neural Networks algorithm development for polarimetric observations of above cloud aerosols (ACA)
- New Horizons Alice sky Lyman-α at Pluto encounter: Importance for photochemistry
- New Horizons approach photometry of Pluto and Charon: light curves and Solar phase curves
- New Insights into the Structure, Origin, and Evolution of Pluto and Charon
- New Titan Saltation Threshold Experiments: Investigating Current and Past Climates
- New Tools for New Missions - Unmanned Aircraft Systems Offer Exciting Capabilities
- Nitrogen Dynamics are a Key Factor in Explaining Global Land Carbon Sink
- Nitrogen cycle in microbial mats: completely unknown?
- OVOC Sources and Sinks over North America: New Constraints from Recent Aircraft Campaigns
- Observational Constraints on a Pluto Torus of Circumsolar Neutral Gas
- Observations of Lower Stratospheric Water Vapor Injected by Overshooting Convection During SEAC4RS
- Overlapping Ballistic Ejecta Fields: Separating Distinct Blasts at Kings Bowl, Idaho
- Overview of Key Results from the Exploration of the Pluto System by New Horizons
- Overview of NASA FINESSE (Field Investigations to Enable Solar System Science and Exploration) Science and Exploration Results
- Paleo-Environmental Conditions Revealed by Fossil and Geochemical Features at Pampa-Lirima, a High-Altitude Geothermal System in the Andes
- Partially Ionized Plasma Three-Fluid Modeling of Magnetic Reconnection in the Sun Chromosphere
- Perchlorate and Volatiles in the Brine of Lake Vida (antarctica): Implication for the Analysis of Mars Sediments
- Phase-Angle Dependence of Determinations of Diameter, Albedo, and Taxonomy: A case study of NEO 3691 Bede
- Photometric Properties of Pluto and Charon: Comparison to Other Bodies
- Planetary Defense and the High Temperture Physical Properties of Meteorites.
- Pluto As Seen by the LEISA Spectrometer on New Horizons
- Pluto's Far Ultraviolet Spectrum and Airglow Emissions
- Pre-earthquake Magnetic Pulses
- Preservation of Lipid Biomarkers Under Prolonged and Extreme Hyperaridity in Atacama Desert Soils
- Probing the Boundaries of the Heliosphere by Analyzing the Temporal Variation of the Polar ENA Flux
- Processes Modifying Cratered Terrains on Pluto
- Quantifying Sources, Sinks and Gas-surface Interactions on the Moon from LADEE Measurements of Exospheric Na and K
- Quantifying the Effects of Wildfire Severity on Snow Water Equivalent in the Sierra Nevada
- Radii and Shape of Pluto and Charon: Preliminary Results from New Horizons
- Radio Occultation Measurements of Pluto's Atmosphere with New Horizons
- Rapid Transport of Carbon Monoxide and Water Vapor from Troposphere to Stratosphere via Tropical Convection During Stratospheric Sudden Warming
- Real-time Data Processing and Visualization for the Airborne Scanning High-resolution Interferometer Sounder (S-HIS)
- Refining atmospheric correction for aquatic remote spectroscopy
- Regression based modeling of vegetation and climate variables for the Amazon rainforests
- Remote Sensing of Water Quality in the Niger River Basin
- Reproducibility and Knowledge Capture Architecture for the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX)
- SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>RS Aerosol Radiative Effects and Heating Rates
- SSERVI Opportunities for the Next Generation of Planetary Researchers
- STEM and the Evolution of the Astronomical Star Party
- Salts as Water Ice Cloud Nuclei on Mars
- Science Objectives and Site Selection Criteria for a Human Mission to Mars
- Searching for Charon's Atmosphere
- Seasonal and Inter-Annual Patterns of Phytoplankton Community Structure in Monterey Bay, CA Derived from AVIRIS Data During the 2013-2015 HyspIRI Airborne Campaign
- Sensitivity to Uncertainty in Asteroid Impact Risk Assessment
- Shapes and Rotations of the Small Satellites of Pluto
- Solar Cycle Prediction with the Advective Flux Transport (AFT) Code
- Solar Dynamo on Small and Global Scales
- Source Attribution of Observed Absorption Profiles During the Two Column Aerosol Project (TCAP) Using a Regional Model
- Spectral and Geological Characterization of Beach Components in Northern Puerto Rico
- Subsurface Feature Mapping of Mars using a High Resolution Ground Penetrating Radar System
- Sunlight Mediated Seasonality in Canopy Structure and Photosynthetic Activity of Amazonian Rainforests
- Testing an Irrigation Decision Support Tool for California Specialty Crops
- The Astrobiology Habitable Environments Database (AHED)
- The Atmospheres of Pluto and Charon
- The Chasmata and Montes of Charon
- The Fast Plasma Investigation on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- The New Horizons Radio Science Experiment: Performance and Measurements of Pluto's Atmospheric Structure, Surface Pressure, and Surface Temperature
- The Open Data Repository's Data Publisher
- The Relationship Between Fossil and Dairy Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Complex Urban Land-Use Patterns by In Situ and Remote Sensing Data from Surface Mobile, Airborne, and Satellite Instruments
- The Solar Wind Interaction with Pluto: Part 2
- The interacting surface and atmosphere of Pluto
- The relationship between cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentration and light extinction of dried particles: indications of underlying aerosol processes and implications for satellite-based CCN estimate
- Tholins as Coloring Agents on Pluto
- Topographic Constraints on the Evolution and Connectivity of Titan's Lacustrine Basins
- Triple Isotope Water Measurements of Lake Untersee Ice using Off-Axis ICOS
- Tsunami waves extensively resurfaced the shorelines of a receding, early Martian ocean
- Understanding Pluto's Surface: Correlations between Geology and Composition
- Unmanned Airborne System Deployment at Turrialba Volcano for Real Time Eruptive Cloud Measurements
- Upcycling UAS into modular platforms for Earth science and autonomy research
- Update on the Atmospheric Composition Measurements by Curiosity: Three (Earth) Years on Mars
- Use of <SUP>13</SUP>C-Labeled Substrates to Determine Relative Methane Production Rates in Hypersaline Microbial Communities
- Using Neutron Spectroscopy to Constrain the Composition and Provenance of Phobos and Deimos
- Utilizing NASA Earth Observations to detect factors contributing to hypoxic events in the southern Gulf of Mexico
- Variability and Sources of Tropospheric Aerosols Over the North Atlantic in Fall: A Model Analysis in Support of the NASA NAAMES Earth-Venture Suborbital-2 Mission
- Variation of Geochemical Signatures and Correlation of Biomarkers in Icelandic Mars Analogue Environments
- Volcanic sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide measurements using small unmanned aerial systems
- Volcano Gas Measurements from UAS - Customization of Sensors and Platforms
- Where are the forests in the United States "not disturbed" over a quarter century?
- Where did the Water in Earth's Oceans Come from?
- Why Alpha Centauri is a Particularly Good Target for Direct Imaging of Exoplanets.
- A Method for Obtaining High Frequency, Global, IR-Based Convective Cloud Tops for Studies of the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- A Pilot Study to Evaluate California's Fossil Fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions Using Atmospheric Observations
- A UAV-Based Fog Collector Design for Fine-Scale Aerobiological Sampling
- Aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions in the South-East Atlantic: first results from the ORACLES-2016 deployment and plans for future activities
- Air Quality Investigation by Mobile Surface In Situ, Mobile Surface Remote Sensing, and Airborne Remote Sensing: Southern California Agricultural and Husbandry Inputs and Implication
- Airborne In-Situ Measurements of Formaldehyde over California: One Year of Results from the Compact Formaldehyde Fluorescence Experiment (COFFEE) Instrument
- Airborne Measurements of Ozone and Other Trace Gases Captured by the Alpha Jet Atmospheric eXperiment (AJAX) during the 2016 California Baseline Ozone Transport Study (CABOTS)
- Airborne Mission Concept for Coastal Ocean Color and Ecosystems Research
- Airborne measurements of multi-wavelength aerosol optical depth and cloud-transmitted radiances in the North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study (NAAMES)
- Amazonian Island-like Landforms on Volcanic Terrains on Mars
- Analytics and Visualization Pipelines for Big Data on the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX) and OpenNEX
- Assessing the maturity and re-usability of NASA's Advanced Information System Technology (AIST) Projects
- Asteroid Threat Assessment: Land versus Water Impact Risk
- Asteroid airburst altitude vs. strength
- Asteroid-Generated Tsunami and Impact Risk
- Atmospheric Breakup and Energy Deposition Modeling for Asteroid Impact Risk Assessmen
- Atmospheric correction with multi-angle polarimeters: information content assessment
- Automating Microbial Directed Evolution For Bioengineering Applications
- Biosynthesis of 3-methylhopanoids by purple non-sulfur anoxygenic phototrophs
- Bladed Terrain on Pluto: Possible Origins and Evolutions
- Building Climate Resilience at NASA Ames Research Center
- CO2 and 12C:13C Isotopic Ratios on Phoebe and Iapetus
- Case Study: Managing Undergraduate Interns in the Context of Multidisciplinary Projects
- Cassini RADAR Backscatter Measurements of Saturn Rings
- Characterization of Relative Humidity Profiles in the Arctic from Field Observations to Assist in Model Predictions
- Characterization of the RaD-X Mission Instruments
- Chromium isotopic fractionation in aquatic systems and foraminiferal calcite
- Clast Size, Void Space, and Degree of Contortion in Spatter Piles at Craters of the Moon, ID. Implications for Eruptions Conditions of Lunar Basalts.
- Cloud Condensation Nuclei Measurements During the First Year of the ORACLES Study
- Constraining Hesperian martian P<SUB>CO2</SUB> from mineral analysis at Gale crater
- Convective Influence on the Lower Stratospheric Water Vapor in the Boreal Summer Asian Monsoon Region
- Data Publication and Interoperability for Long Tail Researchers via the Open Data Repository's (ODR) Data Publisher.
- Data Sharing in Astrobiology: the Astrobiology Habitable Environments Database (AHED)
- Decoding the Margins: What Can the Fractal Geometry of Basaltic Flow Margins Tell Us?
- DeepSAT: A Deep Learning Approach to Tree-cover Delineation in 1-m NAIP Imagery for the Continental United States
- Density of Near Earth Asteroids
- Deploying the ODISEES Ontology-guided Search in the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX)
- Determination of the System Mass and the Individual Masses of Pluto and Charon from New Horizons Radio Tracking
- Dielectric Breakdown Weathering by Solar Energetic Particles Charging Airless Bodies in the Inner Solar System
- Differing Lunar Regolith Hydrogen Distributions as a Possible Source of Variations in Proton Albedo: Geant4 Simulations
- Disk-Planet Torques from Radiation-Hydrodynamics Calculations with Spatially-Resolved Planetary Envelopes Undergoing Solids' Accretion
- Effect of atmospheric organics on bioavailable Fe lifetime in the oceans
- Effects of Environmental Perturbations and Seasonal Dynamics upon Microbial Populations in Serpentinite-hosted Groundwater
- Effects of Far-side Evolution of Magnetic Structures on Coronal and Interplanetary Magnetic Features
- Elkhorn Slough: Detecting Eutrophication through Geospatial Modeling Applications
- Enabling Research Tools for Sustained Climate Assessment
- Enhancing Direct Imaging Exoplanet Detection and Characterization with Astrometry
- Entrainment and mixing of biomass burning aerosol into the Namibian stratocumulus cloud deck
- Estimating Collisionally-Induced Escape Rates of Light Neutrals from Early Mars
- Estimating the Relative Water Content of Single Leaves from Optical Polarization Measurements.
- Evaluating A Priori Ozone Profile Information Used in TEMPO Tropospheric Ozone Retrievals
- Evaluation of Modeled Vertical Distribution of Atmospheric SO<SUB>2</SUB> and Sulfate in UTLS
- Evaluation of simulated biospheric carbon dioxide fluxes and atmospheric concentrations using global in situ observations
- Explicit Two-Phase Modeling of the Initiation of Saltation over Heterogeneous Sand Beds
- Exploring Solar System Origins With The Desert Fireball Network
- Fireballs in the Sky
- First transmitted hyperspectral light measurements and cloud properties from recent field campaign sampling clouds under biomass burning aerosol
- Fluid Lensing based Machine Learning for Augmenting Earth Science Coral Datasets
- Food Quality and Phytoplankton Community Composition in San Francisco Bay using Imaging Spectroscopy Data from the California HyspIRI Airborne Campaign
- FrankenRaven: A New Platform for Remote Sensing
- GHG Emission Source Observations of Western U.S. using the GOSAT Agile Pointing System
- GOSAT field experiments with a new portable mid-IR FTS in the western US
- Geochemical characteristics of volcanic rocks from selected locations located in Idaho, USA and the Korean Peninsula
- Geoelectric Anomalies Preceding the Aug. 24 2016 Amatrice, Italy Earthquake
- Geographic distribution of global methane emission from lakes based on environmental, climatic and geophysical characteristics
- Geomorphological Mapping of Sputnik Planum on Pluto: Convection, Glacial Flow, Sublimation and Re-deposition of Nitrogen Ice
- Geophysical Characterization of in situ Serpentinization Processes at the Coast Range Ophiolite Microbial Observatory (CROMO)
- Global measurements of coarse-mode aerosol size distributions - first results from the Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom)
- Gravity Wave Spectra in the Lower Stratosphere Diagnosed from Project Loon Balloon Trajectories
- Ground Testing of Meteoroid Ablation for Atmospheric Entry
- Hard X-Ray Observations of Coronal Sources: Implications for Particle Acceleration
- Haze in Pluto's Atmosphere: Implications for Processes and Evolution
- Heliophysics as a Scientific Discipline
- High Precision Sunphotometer using Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) Camera Tracking
- High resolution observations of prominence rotation by Hinode and IRIS
- IMPS, A Static-Optics Application of Full-Stokes Spectropolarimetry to Search for Extraterrestrial Biosignatures
- Improved Hazard and Risk Consequence Metrics for Assessing Asteroid Impact Threats
- In-Situ Observations Define the Role of Sulfur Dioxide in Stratospheric Aerosol Formation
- In-situ and remote-sensing observations of springtime clouds and aerosol loading over northern Alaska
- Induced Thermoluminescence Dating of Volcanism on Hawaii
- Inferred contributions of the solar wind and micrometeoroids to metallic species in the lunar exosphere from LADEE data and models
- Instrumentation <p> for Examining <p> Microbial Response <p> to Changes In Environmental Pressures
- Integrating Satellite and Surface Sensor Networks for Irrigation Management Applications in California
- Integrating Satellite, Aircraft, and Ground-Based Observations to Improve a GHG Inventory Network
- Investigating post-impact climate scenarios for early Mars with a 3D GCM
- Iron and Sulfur Geochemistry in Serpentinizing Groundwaters: Relationships to Microbiological Processes
- Lava Flow Alteration at Craters of the Moon, Idaho, as an Analog for Microbial Habitat on Mars
- Linking remotely sensed aerosol types to their chemical composition
- Long-Term Stability of Planets in the Alpha Centauri System
- Lower-tropospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> from near-infrared ACOS-GOSAT observations
- MMS Observations of the Flux Transfer Events in presence of the cold ions
- Magnetoacoustic Waves Excitation in Self-Organized Solar Magnetic Structures
- Mapping lava flow textures using three-dimensional measures of surface roughness
- Maps of Structured Aerosol Activity During the MY 25 Planet-encircling Dust Storm on Mars
- Measuring Ancient Air Pressure Using Fossilized Cyanobacteria
- Meteorite Fractures and Scaling for Asteroid Atmospheric Entry
- Minerva: An Integrated Geospatial/Temporal Toolset for Real-time Science Decision Making and Data Collection
- Model Analysis of Tropospheric Aerosol Variability and Sources over the North Atlantic during NAAMES 2015-2016
- Modeling Surface Processes Occurring on Moons of the Outer Solar System
- Modeling the Global Distribution of Natural Wetlands for Methane Studies
- Molecular Diffusion of Volatiles in Lunar Regolith during the Resource Prospector Mission Sample Acquisition
- Monitoring Building Energy Systems at NASA Centers Using NASA Earth Science data, CMIP5 climate data products and RETScreen Expert Clean Energy Tool
- Morphologic and Morphometric Studies of Integrated Gully Systems on Mars
- Multi-layer Retrievals of Greenhouse Gases from a Combined Use of GOSAT TANSO-FTS SWIR and TIR
- NASA Lunar and Planetary Mapping and Modeling
- NASA's Lunar and Planetary Mapping and Modeling Program
- Neural Network (NN) retrievals of Stratocumulus cloud properties using multi-angle polarimetric observations during ORACLES
- New Horizons Results at Charon
- New approach to characterize CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> emissions over Sacramento, California using an airborne aircraft measurement
- ORACLES and LASIC: New observational campaigns to improve understanding of the effects of Southern African Biomass Burning Aerosol on Radiation, Clouds and Climate.
- Observations from 1 to 6 AU of Low-Frequency Magnetic Waves due to Newborn Interstellar Pickup Ions Using Ulysses, Voyager and ACE Data
- Observed trend in surface wind speed over the conterminous USA and CMIP5simulations
- On Understanding the Nature and Variation of the Venusian Middle Atmosphere Via Observations and Numerical Modeling of Key Tracer Species
- OpenNEX, a private-public partnership in support of the national climate assessment
- Optimizing the Attitude Control of Small Satellite Constellations for Rapid Response Imaging
- Origin of the two scales of wind ripples on Mars
- Overview of the NASA Pacific Oxidants, Sulfur, Ice, Dehydration, and cONvection (POSIDON) Experiment
- Oxychlorine species on Mars: Implications from Gale Crater Samples
- Ozone Laminae and Their Entrainment Into a Valley Boundary Layer, as Observed From a Mountaintop Monitoring Station, Ozonesondes, and Aircraft Over California's San Joaquin Valley
- Performing mineral hydration experiments in the CheMin diffractometer on Mars
- Phobos spectral clustering: first results using the MRO-CRISM 0.4-2.5 micron dataset
- Physical Property Comparison of Meteorite Classes
- Physical processes controlling the distribution of relative humidity in the tropical tropopause layer over the Pacific
- Probing the Physical Connection between Solar Prominences and Coronal Rain
- Quantifying How Climate Affects Vegetation in the Amazon Rainforest
- Regional Topographic Properties of Pluto and Charon from New Horizons
- Remotely sensed northern vegetation response to changing climate: growing season and productivity perspective
- Role of Stratospheric Cooling on the Tropical Troposphere and the Ocean
- SPRITE - The Saturn PRobe Interior and aTmosphere Explorer Mission.
- SSERVI Analog Regolith Simulant Testbed Facility
- Scientific analogs and the development of human mission architectures for the Moon, deep space and Mars
- Sea Ice Pressure Ridge Height Distributions for the Arctic Ocean in Winter, Just Prior to Melt
- Separating Aerosol and Cloud Radiative Effects: Sampling Techniques and Preliminary Results from the 2016 ORACLES Field Campaign
- Small-scale variability in tropical tropopause layer humidity
- Sources and Fate of Reactive Carbon over North America
- Space Science in Project SMART: A UNH High School Outreach Program
- Spaceborne Remote Sensing of Aerosol Type: Global Distribution, Model Evaluation and Translation into Chemical Speciation
- Spectral Monitoring of Volatiles During Drilling into Frozen Lunar Simulant
- Stable Hydrogen-rich Atmospheres of Young Rocky Planets
- State of the Carbon Cycle - Consequences of Rising Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Statistical Downscaling using Super Resolution Convolutional Neural Networks
- Stress-Activated Infrared Emission from Rock Surfaces in the Thermal Infrared (TIR) Window
- Subkilometer-scale motions in the tropical tropopause layer from aircraft measurements: characterization and impact on vertical mixing
- Temporal variation of the IBEX Ribbon
- The Antarctic analogy for ancient lakes at Gale Crater, Mars
- The Carbonate-Silicate Cycle on Earth-like Planets Near The End Of Their Habitable Lifetimes
- The Colors of Pluto: Clues to its Geological Evolution and Surface/Atmospheric Interactions
- The Effect of Molybdate Inhibition of Sulfate Reduction on the Production and Stable Isotopic Composition of Methane in Hypersaline Environments
- The Enceladus Ionizing Radiation Environment: Implications for Biomolecules
- The Frustrating Lives of Climate Scientists - 45 Years of Warm, Cold, Wet and Dry
- The MUlti-SpEctral, MUlti-SpEcies, MUlti-SEnsors (MUSES) Retrievals from the EOS to the Suomi-NPP Era
- The Mapping X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (mapx)
- The NOAA El Niño Rapid Response Field Campaign: Implementation Overview
- The Net Efficiency of Dehydration in the TTL Inferred from In Situ Measurements and Back Trajectory Analysis
- The Sentinel-2 MSI Can Increase the Temporal Resolution of 30m Satellite-Derived LAI Estimates
- The alkaline volcanic rocks of Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho and the Columbia Hills of Gusev Crater, Mars
- The case of the missing vent: lessons in lava flow interpretation from Highway Flow, Craters of the Moon, Idaho
- The radiative effect of boundary layer clouds: Can aircraft measurements improve regional estimates?
- The viability of trajectory analysis for diagnosing dynamical and chemical influences on ozone concentrations in the UTLS
- The viscosity of planetary tholeiitic melts: A configurational entropy model
- Three-Fluid collisional and reactive magnetic reconnection with radiative effects in chromospheric conditions
- Ties of Heat and Mass Transport Properties in Glasses and Melts, with Emphasis on Natural Lava Compositions
- Toward a 30m resolution time series of historical global urban expansion: exploring variation in North American cities
- Trade-space Analysis for Constellations
- Tropospheric Ozone Source Attribution in Southern California during Summer 2014 Based on Lidar Measurements and Model Simulations
- Uncertainty Assessment of the NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Climate Projections (NEX-GDDP) dataset
- Understanding the Laminar Distribution of Tropospheric Ozone from Ground-based. Airborne, Space-borne, and Modeling Perspectives.
- Urban Biomining: Biological Extraction of Metals and Materials from Electronics Waste Using a Synthetic Biology Approach
- Using Airborne In-Situ Profiles to Evaluate TCCON Data from Armstrong Flight Research Center
- Using Docker Containers to Extend Reproducibility Architecture for the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX)
- Using TES retrievals of HCN to determine fire influence of Aura-TES footprints
- Using remotely piloted aircraft and onboard processing to optimize and expand data collection
- Vertical Distribution of <SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Free Troposphere and Stratosphere
- Western US tropospheric ozone: An assessment of vertical and seasonal variations over California and Nevada
- What Do We Really Know About the Earth's Early Atmosphere?
- Where to Search for Earth-like Worlds
- World-Wide Outreach through International Observe the Moon Night
- A 3D Active Learning Application for NeMO-Net, the NASA Neural Multi-Modal Observation and Training Network for Global Coral Reef Assessment
- A Highly Scalable Data Service (HSDS) using Cloud-based Storage Technologies for Earth Science Data
- A portable FTS measurements during GOSAT and OCO-2 joint campaign in Western US 2017
- A statistic study of EMIC waves associated with energetic particle injection from the magnetotail using multi-point in-situ satellite observations
- ATom observations of new particle formation in the tropical upper troposphere. The role of convection and nucleation mechanisms
- Accounting for large dust particles in the GEOS-5 model: consequences for surface PM10 concentration and optical depth
- Active Microbial Sulfate Reduction in Serpentinization Fluids of the Semail Ophiolite in Oman
- Adaptive Management Using Remote Sensing and Ecosystem Modeling in Response to Climate Variability and Invasive Aquatic Plants for the California Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Water Resource
- Aerosol and cloud properties derived from hyperspectral transmitted light in the southeast Atlantic sampled during field campaign deployments in 2016 and 2017
- Aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions in the South-East Atlantic: results from the ORACLES-2016 deployment and a first look at ORACLES-2017 and beyond
- Airborne Measurements and Air Quality Impacts of the 2016 California Soberanes Wildfire
- Airborne remote sensing of ultraviolet-absorbing aerosols during the NASA ATom, SEAC4RS and DC3 campaigns
- Ames Stereo Pipeline for Operation IceBridge
- An Overview of UAS Used in NASA Atmospheric Science Investigations
- An uncertainty analysis for satellite-based estimates of cloud condensation nuclei number concentrations
- Analysis of African Biomass Burning Over the South East Atlantic and its Interaction with Stratocumulus Clouds during ORACLES 2016/17
- Analyzing the Impacts of Land Use Land Change on Near Shore Coastal Habitat
- Application of multi-constituent satellite data assimilation for KORUS-AQ
- Applications of Satellite Data to Support Improvements in Irrigation and Groundwater Management in California
- Aqueous Geochemical Dynamics at the Coast Range Ophiolite Microbial Observatory and The Case for Subsurface Mixing of Regional Groundwaters
- Assessing the Current Status of Atmospheric Radiation Modelling: Progress, Challenges and the Needs for the Next Generation of Models
- Assessing the Importance of Prior Biospheric Fluxes on Inverse Model Estimates of CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Aura CO and Ozone profiles retrieved from combined TES and MLS measurements
- Automated protocols for spaceborne sub-meter resolution "Big Data" products for Earth Science
- Autonomous Scheduling Requirements for Agile Cubesat Constellations in Earth Observation
- Ballistic Transport: After the Cassini Grand Finale, is there a Final Consensus on Ring Origin and Age?
- Better Fire Emissions Estimates for Tricky Species Illustrated with a Simple Empirical Burn-to-Sample Plume Mode
- Bias and sensitivity of boundary layer clouds and surface radiative fluxes in Arctic reanalysis and airborne observations over the marginal ice zone during the ARISE campaign
- Biomass Burning Organic Aerosol as a Modulator of Droplet Number in the Southern Atlantic
- Black carbon's contribution to aerosol absorption optical depth over S. Korea
- Cassini RADAR End of Mission Calibration and Preliminary Ring Results
- Chemical Composition of African Biomass Burning Aerosols Over the Southeast Atlantic: Aerosol Mass Spectrometer Results from the 2016 and 2017 ORACLES Field Campaigns.
- Climate limits across space and time on European forest structure
- ClimateNet: A Machine Learning dataset for Climate Science Research
- Coastal California's Fog Aerobiology and Ecology: A Local-Scale Survey on Atmospheric Microbial Life
- Coastal California's Fog Aerobiology and Ecology: Designing and Testing an Optimal Passive Impactor Collection Unit
- Combining laboratory results, numerical modeling, and in situ measurements to investigate the relative contributions of homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation to ice formation in the tropical tropopause layer
- Constraining Aerosol Properties with the Spectrally-Resolved Phase Function of Pluto's Hazes
- Constraining ozone deposition to the sea surface using airborne data
- Convective Hydration and Dehydration in the Tropical Upper Troposphere
- Coral Bleaching Assessment Through Remote Sensing and Integrated Citizen Science (CoralBASICS): Engaging Dive Instructors on Reef Characterization in Southwest, Puerto Rico Coupled with the Analysis of Water Quality Using NASA Earth Observations
- Coronal Heating and the Magnetic Field in Solar Active Regions
- Cryovolcanic Resurfacing on Pluto
- Curiosity and the Four Seasons: In Situ Measurements of the Atmospheric Composition over Three Mars Years
- Data Collection, Collaboration, Analysis, and Publication Using the Open Data Repository's (ODR) Data Publisher
- Data-driven Simulations of Magnetic Connectivity in Behind-the-Limb Gamma-ray Flares and Associated Coronal Mass Ejections
- Datacube as a Service to Exploit the Full Potential of Data Cloudy Distributed
- DeepSAT's CloudCNN: A Deep Neural Network for Rapid Cloud Detection from Geostationary Satellites
- Detecting Isotopic Signatures and Measuring Isotopic Ratios on Solid Icy Surfaces:Implications for Origin and Evolution
- Developing Model Benchtop Systems for Microbial Experimental Evolution
- Digging into the corona: A modeling framework trained with Sun-grazing comet observations
- Direct Aerosol Radiative Effects and Heating Rates: Results from the 2016 and 2017 ORACLES Field Campaigns
- Distribution of microbial methanogenesis, methane oxidation, and sulfate reduction in a high-temperature subduction system of the Nankai Trough off Cape Muroto (IODP Expedition 370 T-Limit, Site C0023)
- Dried Out: Phytoplankton Drought Response in the San Francisco Estuary
- End-to-End Trade-space Analysis for Designing Constellation Missions
- Endmembers of Ice Shelf Melt
- Energization of the Ring Current through Convection of Substorm Enhancements of the Plasma Sheet Source.
- Enhanced Resolution Maps of Energetic Neutral Atoms from IBEX
- Big Data Platform to Enable Multi-disciplinary Information Extraction from Geospatial Data
- Estimates of Leaf Relative Water Content from Optical Polarization Measurements
- Estimating Water Ice Abundance from Short-wave Infrared Spectra of Drill Cuttings at Cryogenic Temperatures
- Estimation of MODIS-like Surface-Spectral Reflectance from Geostationary Satellites using Deep Neural Networks
- Evaluating Satellite Retrievals of Smoke Aerosol above Clouds using Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Measurements during ORACLES
- Evaluation of Sulfate and Organic Aerosol in the Global UTLS: Budget and Size Distribution
- Evaluation of Terrestrial Carbon Cycle with the Land Use Harmonization Dataset
- Experiments with Analytic Centers: A confluence of data, tools and help in using them.
- Exploring the elevated water vapor signal associated with biomass burning aerosol over the southeast Atlantic Ocean
- Fatty Acid Detection in Mars-Analogous Rock Samples with the TMAH Wet Chemistry Experiment on the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) Instrument
- Field Exploration and Life Detection Sampling for Planetary Analogue Research (FELDSPAR)
- Fireballs in the Sky: an Augmented Reality Citizen Science Program
- GEONEX: Land monitoring from a new generation of geostationary satellite sensors
- GEONEX: algorithm development and validation of Gross Primary Production from geostationary satellites
- Generating Land Surface Reflectance for the New Generation of Geostationary Satellite Sensors with the MAIAC Algorithm
- Getting a Feel for Eclipses: A Tactile Discovery of an Awe-inspiring Celestial Event
- Global Snow from Space: Development of a Satellite-based, Terrestrial Snow Mission Planning Tool
- Global-scale Measurements of CCN-Sized Particles in the Remote Marine Boundary Layer
- Great Expectations: The New Horizons Imaging and Composition Pre-Encounter Plans and Contemplations of 2014 MU69
- Harmonized Landsat/Sentinel-2 Reflectance Products for Land Monitoring
- High resolution mapping of cold ions within flux transfer events using Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) data
- Hydrothermal Signatures at Gale Crater, Mars, and Possible In-Situ Formation of Tridymite
- Impact Delivery of Reduced Greenhouse Gases on Early Mars
- Impact of Convection and Long Range Transport on Short-Lived Trace Gases in the UT/LS
- Impact of convection on stratospheric humidity and upper tropospheric clouds
- Importance of A Priori Vertical Ozone Profiles for TEMPO Air Quality Retrievals
- Influence of Bulk Carbonaceous Matter on Pluto's Structure and Evolution
- Insight into the formation processes of high altitude cirrus over the tropical western Pacific during POSIDON
- Interactions between EMIC and Magnetosonic Wave Modes at Heavy Ion Boundaries
- International Observe the Moon Night: A Worldwide Public Observing Event that Annually Engages Scientists, Educators, and Citizen Enthusiasts in NASA Science
- Lacustine conditions at Gale crater, Mars: A cold and wet hypothesis
- Latitude Variation for Pluto's Crater Distribution
- Linear Subpixel Learning Algorithm for Land Cover Classification from WELD using High Performance Computing
- Liquid Elevations and Topographic Constraints of Titan's Lacustrine Basins at the end of Cassini: Hydrology and Formation
- Long Term Planetary Habitability and the Carbonate-Silicate Cycle: The Effect of Planet Size
- MMS FEEPS Energetic Electron Microinjection Observations During 2015 Through October 2017
- Magnetic Topology of a Long-Lived Coronal Condensation Site Lasting Eight Months
- Maintaining the Background Dust Opacity During Northern Hemisphere Summer Mars Using Wind Stress Based Dust Lifting
- Mars Methane at Gale Crater Shows Strong Seasonal Cycle: Updated Results from TLS-SAM on Curiosity
- Martian Chemical and Isotopic Reference Standards in Earth-based Laboratories — An Invitation for Geochemical, Astrobiological, and Engineering Dialog on Considering a Weathered Chondrite for Mars Sample Return.
- Meteorological Drivers of Cold Temperatures in the Western Pacific TTL
- Methods to Directly Image Exoplanets around Alpha Centauri and Other Multi-Star Systems
- Model-Observation Comparisons of Biomass Burning Smoke and Clouds Over the Southeast Atlantic Ocean
- Modeling the Distribution and Type of High-Latitude Natural Wetlands for Methane Studies
- Morphology and Evolution of Sublimation Pits on Pluto
- Multi-angle polarimeter inter-comparison: the PODEX and ACEPOL field campaigns
- NASA Applied Sciences Disasters Program Support for the September 2017 Mexico Earthquakes
- NASA's Indigenous Capacity Building Initiative: Balancing Traditional Knowledge and Existing Remote Sensing Training to Inform Management Decisions
- NASA's Solar System Treks: Online Portals for Planetary Mapping and Modeling
- NASA's Van Allen Probes RBSP-ECT and NSF's FIREBIRD Data Products and Access to Them: An Insider's Outlook on the Inner and Outer Belts.
- NeMO-Net - The Neural Multi-Modal Observation & Training Network for Global Coral Reef Assessment
- New Horizons High-Phase Observations of Distant Kuiper Belt Objects
- Nitrogen and Martian Habitability: Insights from Five Years of Curiosity Measurements
- Non-thermal Power-Law Distributions in Solar and Space Plasmas
- Non-thermal escape rates of atmospheric H and D from Mars using MAVEN data
- OCO-2 Detection of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Variability over Natural and Anthropogenic Point-Sources
- Obliquity Variability of a Rapidly Rotating Early Venus and of the Potentially Habitable Exoplanets Kepler-62e and Kepler-62f
- Observation of Signatures of Meteoroidal Water in the Lunar Exosphere by the LADEE NMS Instrument
- Observations directly linking chorus to relativistic microbursts: Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD II
- On the Sources and Sinks of Atmospheric VOCs: An Integrated Analysis of Recent Aircraft Campaigns over North America
- Opening a Window on ICME Evolution and GCR Modulation During Propagation in the Innermost Heliosphere
- Orbital and Rover-based Exploration of Perseverance Valley, Endeavour Crater, Mars
- Overview of the aerosol measurements in the UTLS during the POSIDON campaign
- PM2.5 variation related to AOD and meteorological conditions on diurnal scale in Beijing, China
- Phosphorus and iron speciation of the Japan Sea sediments 30 220 kyr ago (IODP Exp. 346): Implications for the evolution of Asian Monsoon climate system
- Plasmapause Location: Model Compared to Van Allen Probes Observations
- Pluto's Haze Properties from Disk-integrated New Horizons MVIC observations
- Pluto's Paleoglaciation: Processes and Bounds.
- Pluto's Ultraviolet Airglow and Detection of Ions in the Upper Atmosphere
- Pluto's surface composition and atmosphere
- Precipitation estimates and comparison of satellite rainfall data to in situ rain gauge observations to further develop the watershed-modeling capabilities for the Lower Mekong River Basin
- Progress toward Modular UAS for Geoscience Applications
- Quantifying Variability and Correlation in Biomarker and Mineralogical Measurements: Lessons from Five Astrobiological Mars Analogue Expeditions in Iceland
- Quantifying the Spatial and Temporal Properties of Microbursts with Multi-spacecraft Missions
- Radar observations of Saturn's rings during the Cassini Grand Finale
- Radio Tracking Fish with Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS).
- Recalescence during crystallization of stardust: Resolution of the amorphous interstellar medium paradox
- Reduced Solar Wind Speeds at New Horizons Beyond 30 AU
- Relative Humidity in the Tropopause Saturation Layer
- Relativistic electron dropout echoes induced by interplanetary shocks
- Relativistic electron dynamics produced by azimuthally localized poloidal mode ULF waves: Boomerang-shaped pitch angle evolutions
- Resource Prospector: Evaluating the ISRU Potential of the Lunar Poles
- SNAP: Small Next-generation Atmospheric Probe Concept
- Satellite-based Drought Reporting on the Navajo Nation
- Satellite-derived SIF and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Observations Show Coherent Responses to Interannual Climate Variations
- Seasonal Differences in Tropical Western Pacific Cloud Ice, Water Vapor and Aerosols Observed From Space During ATTREX-III and POSIDON
- Secular Climate Change on Mars: An Update
- Sediment Transport and Landscape Evolution on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Seeking the Tricorder: Report on Workshops on Advanced Technologies for Life Detection
- Sequential Observations of Radiation Belt Precipitation by the FIREBIRD-II Cubesats
- Simulating the Current Water Cycle with the NASA Ames Mars Global Climate Model
- Small Bodies in the Kuiper Belt : Lessons from Pluto's Small Satellites
- Solar System Treks: Interactive Web Portals or STEM, Exploration and Beyond
- Solar activity across the scales: from small-scale quiet-Sun dynamics to magnetic activity cycles
- Sources of enhanced SO<SUB>2</SUB> in the tropical Western Pacific UT/LS
- Spatial and Temporal Extent of Ion Spectral Structures at the Inner Edge of the Plasma Sheet
- Spatial and Temporal Variations of Aerosol Optical Properties during KORUS-AQ
- Storm-time empirical model of 1 - 200 keV/e O<SUP>+</SUP> and O<SUP>6+</SUP> distributions in the magnetosphere
- Storm-time radiation belt electron dynamics: Repeatability in the outer radiation belt
- Surface-atmospheric water cycle at Gale crater through multi-year MSL/REMS observations
- Terrestrial Analogs for Surface Properties Associated with Impact Cratering on the Moon - Self-secondary Impact Features at Kings Bowl, Idaho
- Testing the Role of Impacts in Warming Early Mars: Comparisons Between 1-D and GCM Results
- The Age of Saturn's Rings Constrained by the Meteoroid Flux Into the System
- The Anatomy of the Blue Dragon: Changes in Lava Flow Morphology and Physical Properties Observed in an Open Channel Lava Flow as a Planetary Analogue
- The Color of Pluto from New Horizons
- The Downwind Hemisphere of the Heliosphere as Observed with IBEX-Lo from 2009 to 2015
- The Effect of Topography on the Exposure of Airless Bodies to Space Radiation: Phobos Case Study
- The Mapping X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (MapX)
- The NASA Planetary Data System Roadmap Study for 2017 - 2026
- The New Horizons Ultraviolet Solar Occultation by Pluto's Atmosphere
- The Sands of the Bagnold Dunes, Mars and Volatiles in Mars Soils
- The connection between X-ray and coronal emission measure in solar limb flares as a diagnostic of non-thermal particle acceleration and heating processes
- The temporal evolution of explosive events and its implication on reconnection dynamics
- Three-dimensional Distribution of Greenhouse Gas Concentrations over Megacities Observed by GOSAT
- Topography of Sputnik Planitia Basin on Pluto: What We Know and Don't Know
- Toward detection of supernova event near the earth based on high-resolution analysis of cosmogenic nuclide <SUP>10</SUP>Be in marine sediments
- Towards PACE Atmospheric Correction, Aerosol and Cloud Products: Making Use of Expanded Spectral, Angular and Polarimetric Information.
- Towards a unified estimate of arctic glaciers contribution to sea level rise since 1972.
- Towards new constraints on the impacts of fires on air quality and the nitrogen cycle: Extending the nadir satellite record of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) with CrIS
- Trans-Atlantic Dust Transport and Deposition: An Evaluation of GEOS-5 Model with Satellite and Aircraft Observations
- Transport of Gas-Phase Anthropogenic VOCs to the Remote Troposphere During the NASA ATom Mission
- Transport, Acceleration and Spatial Access of Solar Energetic Particles
- Tropospheric Ozone Lidar Network (TOLNet) Observations of Processes Controlling Spatio-Temporal Tropospheric-Ozone Distributions
- Understanding human impacts to tropical coastal ecosystems through integrated hillslope erosion measurements, optical coastal waters characterization, watershed modeling, marine ecosystem assessments, and natural resource valuations in two constrasting watersheds in Puerto Rico.
- Unmanned Aerial Technologies for Observations at Active Volcanoes: Advances and Prospects
- Using Proton Radiation from the Moon to Probe Regolith Hydrogenation in the Upper 1-10 cm
- Using volcanic spatter to contain eruptions in Idaho and at the Marius Hills on the Moon
- VLF Wave Local Acceleration & ULF Wave Radial Diffusion: The Importance of K-Dependent PSD Analysis for Diagnosing the cause of Radiation Belt Acceleration.
- Validation of Cloud Optical Parameters from Passive Remote Sensing in the Arctic by using the Aircraft Measurements
- Validation of Cloud Optical Parameters from Passive Remote Sensing in the Arctic by using the Aircraft Measurements
- Van Allen Probe Observations of Chorus Wave Activity, Source and Seed electrons, and the Radiation Belt Response During ICME and CIR Storms
- Van Allen Probe observations of EMIC wave propagation in the inner magnetosphere
- Very High Resolution Tree Cover Mapping for Continental United States using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
- What are the fluxes of greenhouse gases from the greater Los Angeles area as inferred from top-down remote sensing studies?
- X-Ray Diffraction for In-Situ Mineralogical Analysis of Planetesimals.
- ultra-Stable Spectrometer for Sky-Scanning, Sun-Tracking Atmospheric Research (5STAR)
- 3 Years of Airborne Observations over the South East Atlantic: A Review of African Biomass Burning Aerosol Physiochemistry Measurements in the Free Troposphere and Marine Boundary Layer
- A 3D Citizen Science Video Game for NeMO-Net, the NASA Neural Multi-Modal Observation and Training Network for Global Coral Reef Assessment
- A neural network approach to polarimetric observations of aerosols above clouds - design, demonstration, and comparison to existing algorithms
- A new approach to benchmark present-day's TOA flux in 9.6-μm ozone band from model ensemble
- A new generation of miniature high sensitive spectrometers for future planetary missions
- A view of the MY34 global dust storm from the perspective of the Ensemble Mars Atmosphere Reanalysis System (EMARS)
- ACCLAIM: an Airborne Science Mission to Study UTLS Aerosol Processes, Properties and Impacts
- Above Cloud Aerosol Optical Properties in the South East Atlantic from airborne observations during ORACLES
- Advanced Suborbital Flight Communication System Based on Iridium 9523 and Zigbee Mesh Network
- Aeolus the Elder: Alternate concept for a mission to measure the winds and climate of Mars
- Aerosol retrievals from the ACEPOL campaign
- Aerosol vertical distribution observed by both CALIPSO and CATS
- Aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions in the South-East Atlantic: an overview of results from three years of ORACLES-deployments
- Airborne Measurements and Air Quality Impacts of the 2016 California Soberanes Megafire
- Airborne Preparatory Activities for Decadal Survey Designated Foundational Observations
- An Assessment of Martian Atmospheric Wind Measurement Techniques: A Workshop Report
- An Investigation of a Terrestrial Lava Tube with an Instrument Payload Integrated with the LEMUR Rock-Climbing Robot
- An assessment of microbial mat and microbially influenced mineral age, carbon bigeochemistry, lipid profiles, and eukaryotic and prokaryotic community structure in lava caves to inform life detection targets.
- Analysis and Predictability of Transient Eddies in the Ensemble Mars Atmosphere Reanalysis System (EMARS)
- Analyzing the Dependency of AOD-PM Association on the Aerosol Vertical Distribution
- Applications of Satellite Data to Assess Agricultural Production and Quantify Fallowed Agricultural Acreage during Drought Events in Washington and Nevada
- Astrobiological Assay Validation across Gradients in Mars Analogue Sites: Lessons from the FELDSPAR Project
- Automated detection of transient moss features with AIA
- Biogeochemical Effects of Rising Atmospheric CO2 on Terrestrial and Ocean Systems
- Bloom Modeling and Prediction of the Harmful Algae Alexandrium in Bellingham Bay, WA
- Building Upon the Geophysical Fluid Dynamical Framework of MPAS-A to Study the Atmosphere of Mars: Progress Toward a New GCM With Mesoscale Capability
- Can a drone equipped with a miniature methane sensor determine methane fluxes from an Alaskan wetland?
- Cassini Ring Seismology as a Probe of Saturn's Rotation
- Celebrating Fifty Years of Apollo Science - With the World
- Characterization of Wildfire Emissions in California: Analysis of Airborne Measurements of Trace Gases from 2013 to 2016
- Characterizing Martian Crater Circulations with the NASA Ames Mars GCM
- Characterizing X-ray Amorphous Phases through Diffraction Profile Modeling: Understanding Weathering and Diagenesis in Gale Crater
- Classification of Arctic Sea Ice Surface Types During the Melt Season in High-Resolution IceBridge Imagery
- Classifying multimodal coral reef images using domain adaptation
- Comparative Planetology and Exoplanets as a Gateway Back to the Solar System
- Comparisons of Four Dynamical Cores for Mars Atmospheric Modeling with Simplified Global Circulation Model Simulations
- Comparisons of aerosol and cloud properties among aircraft and satellite measurements during the NASA ORACLES field campaign
- Compressing Earth science datasets with quantum-assisted machine learning algorithms
- Constraining Ozone Deposition to the Sea Surface Using Airborne Data
- D/H in Photochemically Produced Organic Dust Analogs
- Deriving digital elevation models using high-resolution satellite imagery in high relief volcanic areas
- Design and Roadmap toward a NASA Earth Science Cloud
- Determining Limits to Pluto's Elastic Thickness and Heat Flux Using Fault Topography
- Development of Active learning and NNN for satellite analysis.
- Distribution and Analysis of Calcium Sulfate Cemented Sandstones Along the Msl Traverse, Gale Crater, Mars
- Distributions and Chemistry of NO<SUB>x</SUB> in the Remote Troposphere and the Validity of the Photo-stationary State Approximation
- Does red dust from retrograde irregular satellites accumulate on the large moons of Uranus?
- Dynamical Forcing of Cap Edge Dust Lifting During the Onset of the 2018 Mars Global Dust Event
- Effect of UV Radiation and Shock Pressures on the Fate of Bio-organic Molecules in the Presence and Absence of Martian Analogue Minerals: Gözen Ertem, Chris McKay, Samuel Kounaves and Robert M. Hazen
- Enabling Experimental Evolution: Multi-parameter Sensor System Integration into a Culture/Stressor Biofluidics System
- Equatorial Alpine Glaciers as a Mars Analog: A Preliminary Assessment
- Estimation of Respirable Particles in the San Joaquin Valley Using Aerosol Optical Thickness and Column Water Vapor from Imaging Spectrometers: The Role of a "Static" Estimation
- Evaluation of Matthews-WLR-CH<SUB>4</SUB>: A New Wetland, Lake, and Reservoir Methane Emissions Data Set
- Evidence for Alteration and Diagenesis at Gale Crater, Mars from the Curiosity Rover
- Experimentally-formed spatter clasts illustrate the relative importance of cooling rate, accumulation rate, and initial temperature to deposit morphology.
- Exploration of the Martian polar atmosphere using the Mars Climate Sounder (MCS) and the Ensemble Mars Atmosphere Reanalysis System (EMARS)
- Exploring Oxidation Chemistry and Energy Availability in Enceladus' Ocean
- FINESSE Project Overview: Field Investigations to Enable Solar System Science and Exploration
- Fused and Assimilated Satellite Carbon Dioxide Observations and Fluxes from Multiple Instruments
- GEONEX Real-time hourly 1-km weather data for the conterminous US for land surface modeling using GOES/ABI data
- GEONEX: A Deep Learning Approach to Prediction of Surface Spectral Reflectance
- GEONEX: A NASA-NOAA collaboration for producing land surface products from geostationary sensors using cloud computing
- GEONEX: Application of Deep Neural Networks and CloudSat Data in Cloud Type Classification of GOES-16 Multispectral Images for Improving PERSIANN-CCS
- GEONEX: Challenges in producing MODIS-like land products from a new generation of geostationary sensors
- GEONEX: CloudCNN 2.0 - A Deep Neural Network for Real-time Cloud Type Classification and Segmentation from Geostationary Data
- GEONEX: Enhancing Real-time Active Fire Detections from GOES-16/ABI data using Machine Learning
- GEONEX: Land Surface Reflectances from Geostationary Sensors
- GEONEX: Progressive Conditional Generative Adversarial Training Using Transfer learning
- Giant Planets as Pathfinders for Characterizing the Pale Blue Dot
- Global Web-enabled Landsat data (WELD)
- Global and regional modeling of absorbing aerosols in the southeast Atlantic during ORACLES 2016: comparisons to new observations
- Gullies and Thermokarst Landforms in the Central Peak Region of Lyot Crater: Implications for a Late Mars Microclimate.
- HiCIBaS: A precursor mission for high contrast imaging balloon systems
- High Resolution Modeling of the Dust and Water Cycles with the NASA Ames Mars Global Climate Model
- How Uranus Fell Over: Consequences of Giant Impacts with High Resolution Simulations
- How do radiatively active clouds impact dust lifting due to wind stress and dust devils during northern hemisphere summer on Mars?
- How good are the retrievals of above-cloud aerosol optical depth from satellites? A validation effort using ORACLES-1 Direct Airborne Measurements over Southeast Atlantic
- Image Super-Resolution and Uncertainty Quantification for Earth Science Data on the NASA Earth Exchange AI Platform
- Impact of Convectively Detrained Ice Crystals on the Tropical Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
- Impact of gravity waves on the motion and distribution of ice crystals in cirrus clouds
- Implications of LADEE measurements of the lunar potassium exosphere
- Improving the Ensemble Mars Atmosphere Reanalysis System with hybrid data assimilation
- Inferring Bolide Pre-entry Parameters Using Deep Neural Networks
- Influence of Water-Rock Interaction on Cave Biogeochemistry
- Informing NASA's Indigenous Peoples Capacity Building Pilot Project through collaborative storytelling and systems mapping
- Interannual Variability of African Dust with Seasonal Distinction in Recent Decades from a Multi-Satellite Analysis
- Intercomparison of biomass burning aerosol properties from in-situ and remote-sensing instruments in ORACLES-2016
- International Observe the Moon Night - Nine Years of Engaging Visitors in Lunar and Planetary Exploration
- Intrinsic Geochemical Variability in Volcanic Rift Zones - Delineating Complex Lava Flows and Magma Evolution within Sill and Dike Networks
- Introducing New Aspects on the Physical Association between Surface PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and Satellite-Borne AOD Using Machine Learning Techniques
- Investigating Parameterized and Resolved Gravity Waves in the Martian Atmosphere with the NASA Ames Mars Global Climate Model
- Large-Scale Traveling Weather Systems in Mars' Southern Extratropics
- Leaf Water Status Estimated from Visible-NIR Polarization Measurements
- Lessons Learned from the 10-year joint campaign for GOSAT and OCO-2 vicarious calibrations
- Local time dependence of sodium in the lunar exosphere from LADEE data.
- MISR and AirMSPI Observations of Speciated Airborne Particulate Matter
- MapX: A Mapping X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer for Planetary Science Applications
- Mapping the Oxidizing Capacity of the Global Remote Troposphere
- Martian Polar Warming Seasonal Forcing Mechanisms
- Measurements of Ash Particles in the Tropical Lower Stratosphere
- Measurements of Cloud-Active Aerosol Particles in the Marine Boundary Layer from 80 °N to 85<SUP> °</SUP>S during the Atmospheric Tomography (ATom) Mission
- Microbial sulfate reduction in the actively serpentinizing peridotite of the Semail Ophiolite, Oman
- Migrating Scarps in the Hapi Region on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Model Atmospheres for Volatile-Rich Hot Rocky Planets
- Modeling NH<SUB>4</SUB>NO<SUB>3</SUB> in California during the CalNex-2010 and DISCOVER-AQ-2013 Field Campaigns
- Modeling the Thermal Radiation from the Tunguska Airburst
- Morphometric analysis of shallow marine stromatolites in Hamelin Pool based on Fluid Lensing Image Processing
- Multi-sensor Integration of Vegetation Index Products for Long-term Monitoring of Vegetation Dynamics: A Case Study from MODIS to VIIRS
- NASA Earth eXchange (NEX) App Store
- NASA NeMO-Net - The NASA Neural Multi-Modal Observation & Training Network for Global Coral Reef Assessment
- NASA's Solar System Treks - New Capabilities and New Worlds
- NEX-AI: A Cloud and HPC Agnostic Framework for Scaling Deep Learning and Machine Learning Applications for Earth Science
- NEX-AI: Deployment of Machine Learning Pipelines using Google Cloud ML Engine and AWS SageMaker
- NeMO-Net - The Neural Multi-Modal Observation & Training Network for Global Coral Reef Assessment
- New Insights into Tropical Tropopause Layer Structure and Composition in the Deep Tropics During Northern Hemisphere Winter
- New particle formation and growth to CCN sizes over the remote tropical Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. ATom observations and modeling studies
- Nocturnal mixed layers and water ice clouds on Mars
- Offshore Surveys of the Active Ocean Entry of the 2018 Lower Puna Eruption of Kilauea Volcano: Tracking Lava Delta Development
- On the Predictability of Short-term Climate Simulations of African Easterly Waves within a Global Mesoscale Model: A View with a Generalized Lorenz Model
- OpenET: Filling the Biggest Gap in Water Data for the Western United States
- Outcomes of 7 years of airborne trace gas measurements over California and Nevada: The Alpha Jet Atmospheric eXperiment (AJAX)
- Oxychlorine detection in Gale Crater, Mars and implications for past environmental conditions
- Performance of High-Resolution Collection 6 MODIS MAIAC Algorithm over South Asia
- Physical properties of near earth asteroids and meteorites - introducing a publicly available database
- Planning for the Exploration of the Martian Subsurface
- Predicting Multi-Component Mineral Compositions in Gale crater, Mars with Label Distribution Learning
- Probabilistic Assessment of Tunguska-scale Asteroid Impacts and Frequencies
- Progress on an AERONET Aerosol Opto-Physical Typology: Refining Classification using Analytic Functions Based upon Density Distribution Functions of Retrieval Values.
- Quantifying Methane Leak Emissions by Fused Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy with in situ Surface Mobile and Airborne Observations of a California Producing Oil Field
- Quantifying Net Annual Polar Deposition Rates of Water Ice and Dust on Mars at Various Obliquities with the Ames Mars General Circulation Model
- Quantifying the economic opportunity for afforestation and reforestation in Maryland (USA) using high resolution carbon monitoring products
- Quantitative Maps Describing Respirable Particle Episodes in the San Joaquin Valley Using Moderate Resolution Satellite Imagery
- Radiometric and Polarimetric Calibration of AirMSPI for ACEPOL, and Level 1 Data Comparisons with AirHARP, RSP, and SPEX Airborne
- Reactive Sulfur Species in the Early Earth Environment
- Realistic 3D MHD modeling of the emerging magnetic flux and corona
- Research Experiences for Students in the Center for Applied Atmospheric Research and Education (CAARE) Program
- Resolution of Fatty Acids in Mars-Analog Samples with the SAM Instrument TMAH Wet Chemistry Experiment
- Return to the Moon: Findings from the Lunar Science for Landed Missions Workshop
- Reveal the Role of Butterfly Effects and Multiscale Processes in Predictability using Advanced Concurrent Visualization and Multiscale Analysis (PEEMD) Methods
- Revealing the Multiscale Nature of Turbulence in Space Plasmas with an Innovative Swarm of Spacecraft
- SNAP: Small Next-generation Atmospheric Probe Concept
- SSERVI Activities in Preparation for the Exploration of the Moon
- SWEAP takes a scoop: Overview of the coronal and solar wind plasma instruments on Parker Solar Probe
- Sampling Venus' atmosphere to measure noble gases and their isotope ratios
- Satellite Observations of Isoprene from the Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectrometer: from Cross-track Infrared Sounder towards the Next Generation of Global Observing System
- Satellite-based Drought Reporting on the Navajo Nation: Utilizing Ground Measurements and NASA Earth Observations to Inform Management Decisions
- Saturn's Rings: Post-Cassini Highlights and Overview - Invited Paper 427896
- Searching for Life in the Martian Dark: an Investigation of Biosignatures in Analog Lava Tubes
- Seasonal Differences in Tropical Western Pacific Cloud Ice, Water Vapor and Aerosols Observed From Space During ATTREX-III and POSIDON
- Seasonal and spatial variation in atmospheric hydroxyl and hydroperoxyl: comparison to a photochemical box model.
- Shifting Bioenergetics Over the Lifetime of Serpentinizing Systems
- Simulation of the Martian Dust Cycle with NASA Ames Mars Global Climate Model
- Source-specific air pollution derived from speciated ground- and space-based observations, and its role on adverse birth outcomes in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
- Sources, Sinks and Processing of Newly Formed Particles in the Remote Free Troposphere: Comparing In Situ-Measurements from the Nasa Atmospheric Tomography Mission with Chemistry Climate Models
- Strange messenger: A new history of hydrogen on Earth as told by xenon
- Study of aerosol indirect effect on shallow warm clouds: results from ORACLES and SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>RS field campaigns
- Tagging Dust and Water in the NASA Ames Mars GCM : a New Global Vision of the Current and Past Martian Climates
- The 2017-Sep-10 EUV Wave and Its Implications for Global Coronal Seismology
- The Dependence of Direct Aerosol Radiative Effects on the Underlying Albedo and Aerosol Properties: Results from the 2016 and 2017 ORACLES Field Campaigns
- The Effect Of Topography On The Rheological And Morphological Evolution Of Basaltic Lava Flows
- The Formation of Cryovolcanic Domes on Europa & Implications for Cryolava Rheology
- The Impact of Prior Biospheric Models on Global CO<SUB>2 </SUB>Flux Estimates when Assimilating OCO-2 Retrievals
- The Mineralogical Record of Redox at Gale Crater
- The NASA Ames early Mars Global Climate Model
- The Open Data Repository's (ODR) Data Publisher
- The Planetary Materials Database
- The Saturated Tropical TTL
- The TEMPO Green Paper: Applications in Air Quality and Health, Agriculture, Forestry, and Economics
- Time Series Study of Hydrothermal Venting at Lō´ihi Seamount Following The 2018 Kilauea Eruption
- Towards Synthetic Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature Assimilation over Snow-Covered Terrain in Western Colorado
- UAS based in-situ volcanic plume characterization for airborne and satellite retrieval validation: VEREX mission results at Kilauea Volcano
- Up Close and Personal on a Carbon-Rich Ocean World: Dragonfly's In Situ Investigation of Titan's Astrobiological Potential
- Update on Using Satellite Data to Aid Quantification and Attribution of Background Ozone Changes in the Western US
- Using Machine-Learning Methods and Expert Prediction Probabilities to Forecast Solar Flares
- Using NASA Earth Observations to Monitor Snow Cover Extent for Water Resource Management on the Navajo Nation
- Utilizing NASA Earth Observations and Community Science to Detect and Map the Displacement of Cladophora along the Milwaukee County Shoreline
- Validating satellite imagery derived cloud optical thickness and albedo with airborne observations from the 2016 - 2018 deployments of the NASA project ObseRvations of Aerosols above CLouds and their intEractionS
- Variations of Microbial Metabolic Activity in Lava Caves as Determined by Bioluminescence Assay
- Vegetation change detection in southern California solar energy developments
- Was the MY 34 Equinoctial Global Dust Event Predictable? A Study Using MACDA and EMARS Reanalyses
- 100 Years of Computational Technologies Have Enabled Advances in Earth and Space Sciences
- A Generalized Spectral Kurtosis Solar Image Variability Descriptor
- A Global-Scale In Situ Dataset of Aerosol Properties to Constrain Models: Results from the Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom)
- A Google Earth Engine Dashboard for Assessing Coastal Water Quality in Belize's Coral Reef System to Identify Sustainable Development Goals for Achieving Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
- A Mission to the Lunar Permanently Shadowed Regions: Polar Ice Prospecting Explorer for Lunar No-light Environments (PIPELiNE)
- A partner-driven water resource management tool on the Navajo Nation
- A pathway to assess chemistry-climate models' tropospheric ozone radiative forcing from satellites
- Abzu: A Mission to Uncover the Origin of Organic Material on Mars
- Aerosol above cloud, optical depth, and direct radiative effect in the southeast Atlantic
- An AERONET Aerosol Opto-Physical Typology: Model Output of Aerosol Compositions, Local, Regional and Global Aerosol Climatology Results with Attention to Dust
- An Automated Bolide Detection and Lightcurve Pipeline for GOES Geostationary Lightning Mapper
- An Overview of the Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) Mission
- Analysis of Candidate Mars Analog Sites in the Equatorial Alpine from Orbital Infrared Data
- Analysis of Gully Systems in Two High-Northern Latitude Craters on Mars
- Analysis ready very high-resolution commercial optical remote sensing products for biodiversity monitoring
- App Store at OpenNEX: A Gateway to Help Find Apps Over Big Data on the Cloud
- Application of a Lidar-Derived Relative Elevation Model for Nutrient Flow Assessment and Salmonid Habitat Restoration in the Nooksack River Watershed (WA, USA)
- Arctic cloud radiative forcing in contemporary atmospheric reanalyses
- Assessing the effect of simulated 3D chemical production of CO<SUB>2</SUB> for flux inversions using OCO-2 retrievals
- Asteroid Impact Crater Sizes in Water
- Atmospheric Dispersal of Contamination Sourced from a Putative Human Habitat on Mars
- Automated production of high-resolution DEMs from historical imagery for quantitative analysis of glacier and geomorphological change
- Automated tools to derive short-term glacier velocity from high-resolution commercial satellite imagery
- Automatic satellite-based flood mapping for disaster response
- Autonomous Scheduling of Agile Spacecraft Constellations with Delay Tolerant Networking for Monitoring Transient Precipitation and Urban Floods
- Baroclinic Waves in the Northern Hemisphere of Mars as Observed by the MRO Mars Climate Sounder
- Biomass Burning Smoke over Northern West Indian Subcontinent, Optical Characteristics and Vertical Distribution
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> densities and temperatures from MAVEN/IUVS between 80-150 km: Simultaneously probing the middle and upper atmosphere
- Can superposition of evaporative flows explain broad IRIS Fe XXI line profiles during flares?
- Carbon Dioxide Emissions during the 2018 Kilauea Eruption Estimated using OCO-2 Observations
- Characterization of Subsurface Flow Dynamics for Forecasting of Solar Activity
- Cluster Analysis of Spectroscopic Line Profiles in IRIS Observations and RMHD Simulations of the Solar Atmosphere
- Complex Refractive Indices of Titan Aerosol Analogs Formed at Low Temperatures
- Complex Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Global Coastal Dead Zones
- CubeSat 201 - Guidelines for Optimizing Affordability and Operational Reliability in Small Spacecraft
- Deep Learning Emulation of Atmospheric Correction for Geostationary Sensors
- Deep Learning for Life Detection in SEM Imagery from BRAILLE Investigations of Lava Beds National Monument
- Deep neural network Cloud-Type Classification (DeepCTC) for new generation of multispectral satellite imagery
- Deploying Earth Observations to Evaluate the Impacts of Land Cover and Water Quality Changes to Improve Coastal Management in American Samoa
- Detection of in-situ particles in planetary atmospheres using a Laser Nephelometer.
- Determining the Viability of Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Detecting Complex Biomolecules at the Plume of Enceladus
- Diagnostics of nanoflare heating in active region core loops from chromospheric and transition region observations and modeling
- Direct biophysical impacts of Earth greening largely controlled by aerodynamic resistance
- Discovering the Apollo Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vent Field at Northern Gorda Ridge, Using Bathymetric Data
- Disseminating Science with NASA's Solar System Treks
- Distributed Miniature Sensor Networks for Science in Extreme Terrain
- Earth System Education for Climate Resiliency in the Salish Sea: Preparing the Future Climate Workforce at Northwest Indian College
- Escape of high-altitude water and D/H fractionation driven by non-thermal processes on Mars
- Estimate of dust poleward transport efficiency using two spaceborne lidars.
- Estimation of Solar radiation and Photovoltaic power using Geostationary satellites.
- Evidence for Projectile Tunneling at Small Craters on Asteroid (101955) Bennu
- Experimental studies of ice nucleation processes occurring across the Solar System
- Exploring a Reducing Greenhouse Environment for Early Mars in the Aftermath of an Impact
- Extracting Bolide Light Curves from GOES GLM Data
- Extratropical Large-Scale Traveling Weather Systems in the Southern Hemisphere on Mars
- Feature Learning for Multispectral Satellite Imagery Classification using Neural Architecture Search
- Formation of Terrain Trapped Airflows in Northern California during Atmospheric Rivers and its impact on Precipitation: A Case Study using Measurements and Model
- Formation of akaganeite in Gale crater, Mars
- Four Years of Progress in Analytic Center Frameworks: Lessons Learned
- Fragments from the Origins of the Solar System and our Interstellar Locale (FOSSIL): A Discovery Mission Concept
- GOES ABI high frequency data for understanding Amazon vegetation dynamics
- Generating Accurate and Consistent Top-of-Atmosphere Reflectance Products from the New Generation Geostationary Satellite Sensors
- Generating LAI and FPAR Products from GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Data
- GeoNEX: A Cloud Gateway for Near Real-time Processing of Geostationary Satellite Products
- Geophysics at the Edge of the Solar System: New Horizons at (486958) 2014 MU69
- Glen Torridon: Chemical Relationship to Members of the Murray Formation (Gale Crater, Mars)
- Greening of global lands from twenty-year satellite observation
- Harmonized Landsat / Sentinel-2 (HLS) Data for Land Science
- High resolution digital elevation models of The Devil's Golf Course: a possible terrestrial analog of Europa's surface
- High-resolution Aerosol Retrievals from Geostationary Observations with Algorithm MAIAC
- Historical Habitability of Mid- and High-Latitude Martian Ground Ice
- How Seasonal Methane Snow Forms on Pluto on Mountain's Tops, Crater Rims and Slopes
- Identifying Lava-Water Interactions with VNIR: A Preliminary Study at Jordan Craters, Oregon
- Impact craters on 2014 MU69: Implications for Kuiper belt object size-frequency distributions and planetesimal formation
- Impact-generated Atmospheres on the Early Earth
- In Situ Mineralogical Analysis of Mercury using X-ray Diffraction and X-ray Fluorescence
- Influence of Deep Convection on Cirrus and Water Vapor Concentration in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
- Integration of MAIA Satellite-derived Aerosol Properties, Geospatial and Meteorological Data, and Surface-based Pollution Measurements to Map Speciated Airborne Particulate Matter
- Integration of MGS TES FFSM eddies and MOC-observed dust storms, MY 24-26
- International Observe the Moon Night: An Engagement Opportunity for Scientists, Science Festivals, and Lunar-Enthusiasts Around the World
- Interpreting Historical Maps to Localize Suitable Restoration Areas for Coastal Prairie Habitat in the San Juan Islands of Washington State, USA
- Intrepid: Lunar Roving Prospector
- Introducing NASA Ames' new infrared optical constant facility. Determinations of complex refractive indices for Titan aerosol analogs and other applications.
- Investigating Pre-flare Signatures with K-means Clustering
- Investigating the Processes Affecting Surface Air-Quality in California's Sierra Nevada Mountain Range
- Investigating the condensation of benzene (C<SUB>6</SUB>H<SUB>6</SUB>) in Titan's South Pole
- Investigation of Columnar/Ground-Level Intensive and Extensive Aerosol Properties, and the Role of Weather in Aerosol Pollution Concentrations in Reno, Nevada, USA from 2012-2019
- Is there an Optimal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Partial Column for Flux Inversions?
- Isotopic Fractionation during Hydrodynamic Hydrogen Escape from Ancient Mars
- Leaf Surface Structures Alter Polarization of Incident Light
- Learning from the past: what paleo ice extents can tell us about the future
- Lessons Learned and Outcomes from 10 Years of Evaluating International Observe the Moon Night
- Long-term dataset of geostationary meteorological satellites can contribute climate change studies: Archiving status in CEReS, Chiba University, Japan, and its utilizations
- Loss of Organic Carbon Along with Changes in Aerosol Optical Properties in African Biomass Burning Due to Long Range Transport Over the Southeast Atlantic Ocean.
- Major and Trace Element Geochemistry Resulting from Mineral-Water Interactions in Basaltic Lava Caves: a Mars Analog Study
- Martian B Storm Evolution: Observational Analysis and Preliminary Modeling Results
- Metagenomic Profiling of the Methane-rich Anoxic Basin of the Antarctic Lake Untersee as an Ocean Worlds Analog.
- Methane emission from high-latitude wetlands: Evaluating the impact of incorporating wetland types and the full suite of high-latitude methane fluxes
- Microbial sulfate reduction rates in low temperature serpentinizing mantle rocks
- Migrating Scarps as a Significant Driver for Cometary Mass Loss
- Mineralogical evidence for water-rock interactions in ancient Gale crater, Mars from the CheMin instrument on the Curiosity rover
- Mixing of Condensible Constituents with H/He During Formation of the Giant Planets
- Mobile Instruments for Mars Exploration (MIMEs) (Characterizing Recurring Slope Linea)
- Modern Tools for Planetary Science: Using Laser Scanning Mapping Techniques for 3D Registration of Sample Locations in Lava Caves
- Monitoring Changes in Aboveground Biomass Across US Forestlands Using Satellite Observations and Forest Inventory Data
- Monitoring Land Change from Resource Extraction Using Long-term Time Series Remote Sensing Data in Wyoming's Powder River Basin
- Morphologic, Slope, and Volume Studies of Martian Gully Systems:Implications for Paleoenvironmental Settings
- NASA Operation IceBridge In-Flight K-12 Classroom Connections
- NASA's AIST Program advances information technology to support research into Biodiversity and Ecological Forecasting
- NASA's Lunar Discovery And Explorartion Program
- NASA's Solar System Treks - Tools for Science and Exploration
- Navajo Storytelling and NASA Earth Science
- NeMO-Net: The Neural Multi-Modal Observation and Training Network for Global Coral Reef Assessment
- Net Carbon Change: Emissions and Attribution for US Forests in 2005-2016
- New Global Datasets for Methane Modeling: Natural Wetlands, Lakes and Reservoirs
- New airborne magnetic and radiometric data over the Charleston, South Carolina, area reveal subsurface structures and variations in Quaternary sedimentary processes
- Observational and model inter-comparisons of aerosol and cloud properties during the NASA ORACLES field campaign
- Observations of New Particle Formation in the Remote Atmosphere from NASA's Atmospheric Tomography Mission
- Observations of atmospheric composition in fire plumes over the Western United States in summertime from the Cross-Track Infrared Sounder
- Observing and attributing the differences of Himawari-8 NDVI hyper-temporal signatures across deciduous broadleaf forests in Japan
- On the Stability & Origin of MU69's and Pluto's Ices
- Ozone production in the Soberanes smoke haze: impact on air quality in the San Joaquin Valley during the California Baseline Ozone Transport Study
- Photometric Properties of Dwarf Planets and Other Kuiper Belt Objects Determined from New Horizons
- Pluto Refractory Material
- Pluto and Charon's Topographic Variance Spectra from Limb Profiles
- Pluto's Surface Properties from the New Horizons Uplink Bistatic Radar Experiment
- Prioritizing Diurnal Variation in Aerosol Concentrations for Temporal Satellite AOD and Health Studies
- Probing the regoliths of the classical Uranian satellites using near-infrared telescope observations: CO<SUB>2</SUB> ice deposits mantled by a veneer of tiny H<SUB>2</SUB>O ice grains?
- Promoting STEM Literacy and Diversity through the Center for Applied Atmospheric Research and Education (CAARE)
- Radiative impacts of Arctic sea ice melt: using observations to inform future climate effects
- Radiatively Active Clouds and the Mars Dust Cycle
- Rapid Changes in the Electrical Conductivity of Rocks During Impact Loading
- Rapid Operational Derivation of Surface Reflectance Values for Near-realtime Applications of Satellite Data
- Realistic, three-dimensional sensitivity kernels for measuring solar interior flows
- Reducing Regional Biases from OCO-2 Observations
- Regional Observations of Methane Emissions from California's Dairies using Ground and Space-based Remote Sensing
- Regional trends in CO column variability using MOPITT
- Remote Sensing of Drought Impacts on Agricultural Production and Fallowing of Agricultural Land in the Western U.S.
- Results from the Curiosity Rover's Traverse Through the Clay-Bearing Glen Torridon Region in Gale Crater
- Retrieving Spectral Single-scattering albedo of Absorbing Aerosols above Clouds from Synergy of ORACLES Airborne Sensors and A-train Satellites
- Rheology of Lunar KREEP Magmas During Crystallization: Did KREEP Crawl or Sprint?
- Robotic Exploration of Planetary Subsurface Voids in Search for Life
- Role of 3-Methylhopanoids in Environmental Hot Spring Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria
- Role of extreme deep convection over land on recent tropical change
- Sampling Strategy Concerns for Atmospheric Microbiology
- Satellite-derived PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Composition and Its Differential Effects on Children's Respiratory Health
- Sea Spray Aerosol Production Controlled by Wind and Sea Surface Temperature
- Searching for Extant Life on Mars: What's Next?
- Seasonal Mars Circulation Patterns as seen through Observations and Mars General Circulation Models
- Ship-Based Black-Carbon Observations Over the South Atlantic and Southern Ocean
- Simulating Gravity Waves in the Middle Atmosphere with the NASA Ames Mars Global Climate Model
- Snowpack and Drought Monitoring on the Navajo Nation Using NASA Earth Observations
- Solar activity modeling: from subgranular scales to the solar cycles
- Spring Mission: Surface Exploration with a Miniaturized Scanning Electron Microscope.
- Statistical Classification of Life Detection Data: Combinatorial Biosignatures and Mission Evaluation
- Stereo2SWE: Snow depth time series from very-high-resolution stereo satellite imagery
- Subglacial Antarctic Lakes: What they tell us about the exploration of Ocean Worlds Beyond Earth
- Suborbital Spaceflight Communication with a Tube-Deployed Reentry Vehicle
- Surface Biology & Geology Pathfinder Data Analysis Pipeline
- Surface Radiative Effect of Arctic Low-Level Clouds: Evaluation of Imagery-Derived Irradiance with Aircraft Observations
- Surface Reflectance Product from Geostationary Satellite
- Surface compositions and colors of Pluto, its system of moons, and 2014 MU69
- Terrestrial Planets Comparative Climatology Mission Concept
- Testing and improving a UAV-based system designed for wetland methane source measurements
- The Aerosol Component of the ACCP Designated Observable Study
- The Astrobiology Habitable Environments Database (AHED) and the Astrobiology Resource Metadata Standard (ARMS): community-driven tools for astrobiological data
- The Clay Minerals of Glen Torridon
- The Dependence of Direct Aerosol Radiative Effects on the Underlying Albedo and Aerosol Properties: Results from the 2016 and 2017 ORACLES Field Campaigns
- The Doppler Wind and Thermal Sounder Instrument for the Aeolus Mission Concept to Mars
- The Europa Clipper: Science and Mission
- The Evolution of an Object-oriented Big Data Tool for Analysis of Climate Extremes
- The Geology and Formation of the Kuiper Belt Object 2014 MU<SUB>69</SUB>
- The Group on Earth Observation (GEO) Global Wildfire Information System (GEO-GWIS)
- The Lunar Polar Hydrogen Mapper (LunaH-Map) Mission: Revealing Hydrogen Enrichments at the Moon's South Pole
- The NASA Decadal Survey Observing-System Study for Aerosols and Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP)
- The New Horizons Mission: Pluto and the Kuiper Belt Up-Close
- The PlanetCARMA Microphysics Model and Application to Benzene Cloud Formation at Titan's South Pole
- The Seagoing sky-scanning Sun Tracking Atmospheric Research Radiometer: automated sunphotometry from ships
- The Shapes of (486958) 2014 MU69 and 14 Other Kuiper Belt Objects from New Horizons
- Thermal Properties of Glassy and Molten Planetary Candidate Lavas
- Thermal Tides in the Atmosphere of Mars During Regional and Global Dust Storms
- Top-Down Methane Emission Estimates from California Dairies by Solar Column Gradient Observations
- Towards a Global Imaging Open Market and A Distributed Approach for SBG
- Transfer Learning to Generate True Color Images from GOES-16
- Triboelectric charging of Lunar Dust by Rover Wheels
- Tropospheric HDO/H<SUB>2</SUB>O Distribution over the Southeast Atlantic Ocean from Satellite, Aircraft and Model
- Update on High Resolution Searches for KBO Binaries using New Horizons LORRI
- Upper Tropospheric Water vapor and Cirrus Cloud Fraction Anomalies and the Annual Cycle
- Using Deep Learning to Automate Inference of Meteoroid Pre-Entry Properties
- Using In Situ Measurements to Evaluate the Lagrangian Dry Point (LDP) Approach for Calculatingthe Stratospheric-entry Water Vapor Concentration
- Using Novel Machine Learning Algorithms to Improve the Spatiotemporal Coverage of Satellite Aerosol Optical Depth
- Utilizing Virtual Reality Field Studies to Enable Analog Research of Planetary Surfaces
- Validation of tree cover maps across Mexico
- Verification of Electron Beam Irradiation as a Lipid Decontamination Method for Life Detection Instrumentation
- Vertical Profiles of Greenhouse Gases Collected over Land and Water in the Western US in Support of Partial Column Validation Efforts
- Vicarious calibration of GOSAT and OCO series satellites
- Virtual Sensors for Air Quality (AQ) Measurements in Urban Environments
- WATSON: In-situ Analysis of Microbial and Organic Analysis in Subsurface Ice Boreholes
- Which Remotely Sensed Quantities Relate to Pollutants and Toxics at the Surface? An Overview from California, October 2018 and WE-CAN 2018
- 4 years of global carbon cycle observed from OCO-2 v9 and in situ data
- A Global-Scale In Situ Dataset of Aerosol Properties from the Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom)
- A Kuiper Belt Carol (in prose), Being an Origin Story of Pluto and Charon
- A Laser Nephelometer for detection of in-situ particles in planetary atmospheres
- A Mid-Infrared Survey of M-type Asteroids with SOFIA+FORCAST
- A Paradigm Shift in Sulfate-Nitrate-Ammonium Aerosol Formation in the United States and its Implications for Reactive Nitrogen Deposition
- A Prototype Data Analysis Pipeline for NASA's Surface Biology and Geology Directed Observables Mission
- A Study of Spectral Absorption Aerosol Optical Depth from the 2016-2018 ORACLES Campaigns
- A Tale of Two Algorithms: Analysis of PHYDOTax vs. MESMA in the San Francisco Bay Area
- A luminescence-based instrument to explore the history and nature of the lunar surface.
- A new Fused L3 OCO-2/GOSAT product performs equally well in Data Assimilation as the pooled L2 products
- A new look at the influence of mineral dust on cirrus cloud formation by combining global-scale measurements, global modeling, and detailed microphysical simulations
- A virtual REU program in Astrobiology and Planetary Science at the SETI Institute
- Adapting International Observe the Moon Night Evaluation to Meet the Needs of a Virtual Event
- Adapting the NASA Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) to a Virtual Experience in Summer 2020
- Air Quality Modeling for Urban Environments Using Deep Neural Networks and Very High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
- Airborne Remote Sensing Measurements of Particles in Different Parts of the World
- Airborne Sensor Combination for Calibration, Validation, and Research in Dynamic Aquatic Systems
- Algorithmic detection of elemental biosignatures
- An Initial Exploration of the 3-D Structure of Terrestrial-like Exoplanetary Atmospheres Orbiting Around Different Parent Star Types
- An Investigation of the Encirclement of Mars by Dust in the 2018 Global Dust Storm Using the Ensemble Mars Atmosphere Reanalysis System (EMARS)
- An in-situ characterization of aged stratospheric smoke from the 2017 Pacific Northwest Event pyrocumulonimbus
- Assessing the Potential for ECOSTRESS Image Data to Improve Biodiversity Modeling of Threatened Species in the Mojave Desert Ecoregion
- Atmospheric Erosion by Giant Impacts onto Terrestrial Planets: A Scaling Law for any Speed, Angle, Mass, and Density
- Automated DEM generation and scientific applications of Planet SkySat triplet stereo and video imagery
- Automating the Inference of Asteroid Physical Properties and Motion
- Bayesian Inference of Asteroid Physical Properties for Impact Scenarios
- Benzene (C<SUB>6</SUB>H<SUB>6</SUB>) in Titan's South Pole: from gas phase to ice nucleation
- Boundary-Aware Tropical Cyclone Detection from Geostationary Satellites and Climatic Archive Data using Advanced Neural Networks
- Building Capacity for Policy-makers in a Virtual Setting: Providing Tools to Analyze Wildfire Smoke Plumes and Their Impacts
- Building a Bilingual Google Earth Engine Dashboard to Increase Accessibility to Long-term Time Series Remote Sensing Data for Monitoring Saline System Changes in Chile's Atacama Desert
- COFFIES - Developing a Reliable Physical Model of the Solar Activity Cycle
- Can scatter of in-situ geochemical data be diagnostic for morphological and petrological features on lava surfaces?
- Carbon exchange in tropical land, as seen from both bottom-up and top-down perspectives
- Cascade Red Fox: Through the Eyes of Our Ancestors to Present Day Knowledge
- Challenges to the retrieval of PH3 from ALMA & JCMT observations
- Chromospheric and TR diagnostics in a large scale numerical simulation of flux emergence: Synthetic vs Real observables
- Chromospheric response to emergence of internetwork magnetic fields
- Cloud and Precipitation Measurements Within NASA's Decadal Survey Observing-System Study for Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP)
- Comparison of Enhanced Absorption in He I 10830 Å in Observations and Modeling During the Early Phase of a Solar Flare
- Constraining North American Wetland Methane Emissions: Evaluation of Existing CH<SUB>4</SUB> Wetland Models and a Novel Global Wetland, Lake, and Reservoir Emissions Dataset Using a Top-Down Approach
- Constraints on the Depositional and Diagenetic History of the Glen Torridon Clay-Bearing Unit from the Mars Science Laboratory Sample Analysis at Mars Instrument Suite
- Convective impact on the stratospheric-entry water vapor through the tropical UTLS in boreal winter and summer
- Convolutional Neural Networks as a Tool for Raman Spectral Mineral Classification Under Low Signal, Dusty Mars Conditions
- Critical evaluation of smoke age inferred from different methods during FIREX-AQ
- DAVINCI+ Answers Long-Standing and Emerging Questions About the Venus Atmosphere
- DAVINCI+: Opening the History Book of Venus and Connecting Analog Exoplanets
- Data Integration for Satellite Precipitation Estimation Using Deep Neural Networks
- Decade-long seismic velocity reduction in the upper crust after the 1999 Mw 7.6 Chi-Chi Earthquake in Taiwan
- Designing a Disruption Tolerant Network for Reactive Spacecraft Constellations
- Detecting short term drought impact in the Southwest US using GOES-16 ABI data.
- Detecting wetland loss or gain using Landsat imagery for the Gulf Coast of Louisiana
- Determination of the Complex Refractive Indices of Aerosol Analogs Formed at Low Temperatures with the NASA Ames Optical Constants Facility (OCF)
- Developing Storytelling Techniques with Earth Science at NASA Ames Research Center
- Developing a Next Generation UAS Volcano Observation Platform
- Development of an Automated Bolide Detection Pipeline for the GOES Geostationary Lightning Mapper
- Direct Aerosol Radiative Effect Above Clouds in the Southeast Atlantic from Airborne Measurement
- Distributed Spacecraft with Heuristic Intelligence to Enable Logistical Decisions (D-SHIELD) for Soil Moisture Monitoring
- Dynamics and Magnitude of California's Dairy Methane Emissions Measured using Ground and Space-based Remote Sensing
- Emissions from Western Wildfires and Southeastern Agricultural Fires: An analysis of VOC measurements from the NASA DC-8 during FIREX-AQ
- Enceladus Orbilander: A Flagship Mission Concept for the Planetary Decadal Survey
- Erythemal Radiation, Column Ozone, and the North American Monsoon
- Europa Luminescence Microscope
- Europan Molecular Indicators of Life Investigation (EMILI) Technology Development
- Evaluating an impact induced H<SUB>2</SUB>-rich climate for early Mars
- Evaluation of low-cloud and warm rain simulation in CMIP6 models through comparisons with satellite observations.
- Evidence for ammonia-bearing species on the Uranian satellite Ariel supports recent geologic activity
- Evolution of PAN in wildfire smoke plumes detected by the Cross-Track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) over the western US during summer 2018.
- Examining the Martian Water Cycle Using the Mars Climate Sounder (MCS) and Ensemble Mars Atmosphere Reanalysis System (EMARS)
- Examining the relationship between deep convection and cirrus formation in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- Expanding NeMO-Net Machine Learning Capabilities for Citizen Science
- Expected spectropolarimetric observables in the lower solar atmosphere from 3D radiative MHD models
- Folding LiDAR and Scientific Data into Virtual Reality: Creating a Planetary Cave Exploration Utility for Future Missions to Mars
- Formaldehyde as a Proxy for Hydroxyl Radical Variability in the Remote Troposphere
- Generation of land surface reflectance with combined Geo-KOMPSAT-2A AMI and Himawari 8 AHI observations
- GeoNEX: A geostationary earth observatory
- Geochemistry of Mineral-Water-Microbe Interactions in Lava Caves: Exploring Terrestrial Correlations to inform Future Planetary Life Detection Missions
- Ground Truth Trekking: Validating Interpretations of Satellite-Based Change in Reflectance Metrics Across Scales and Resolutions Using MODIS, Landsat, and Worldview Imagery of South-Central and Arctic Alaska
- Helioseismic Constraints on the Solar Interior Dynamics and Dynamo
- Highly absorbing refractory carbonaceous matter in cometary comae dust from the perspective of thermal IR spectroscopy
- Identifying Changes in Crystallinity with VNIR, LIBS and XRF on the Ross Flow and Blue Dragon Lava Flow
- In Situ Mineralogical Analysis of the Venus Surface with X-ray Diffraction (XRD)
- In Situ Small Spacecraft Missions Utilizing Heatshield for Extreme Entry Environments Technology
- Incorporating Interface Design Formalism into Space and Ocean Exploration Software
- Intrepid: Traversing 4 Billion Years of Lunar History
- Investigating changes in dust particles size in the Martian atmosphere during Global Dust Storms with the NASA Ames Mars Global Climate Model
- Laboratory Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of Cloud Particle Formation and Growth on Titan, Mars, and Earth
- Leaf Volume Reflectance: Better Estimate of Leaf Chlorophyll Concentration
- Lessons from Earth Bioaerosol Sampling for Venus Habitability & Biosignature Science
- Likelihood of Cloud Gaps Allowing C-gas Exchange Estimates: A Survey of Amazonia Across Broad Temporal Scales, Cloud-Gap Dimensions, and Accuracy Assessments
- Lunar Pit Exploration via Autonomous Micro-Rover
- Lunar-surface UV Photometric Investigation of Exospheres (LUPINE): Thermal Modeling of Payload in a Relevant Daylit Environment
- MACIE: Mars Astrobiological Caves and Internal Habitability Explorer (a New Frontiers Mission Concept) for the next decade
- MICA: Microfluidic Icy-World Chemistry Analyzer
- Mars Dogs: Biomimetic Robots for the Exploration of Mars, from its Rugged Surface to its Hidden Caves
- Martian B Storm Evolution: Modeling Dust Activity over the Receding South Polar CO<SUB>2</SUB> Ice Cap at Southern Hemisphere Summer Solstice
- Measurement and Implications of Surface Energies of Titan's Haze Analogs "Tholins"
- Meridional-flow inversions using realistic 3-D sensitivity kernels
- Meteorite Strewn Fields from Asteroid Airbursts
- Mineralogy of the Glen Torridon Region as detailed by the Mars Science Laboratory CheMin Instrument
- Mineralogy of the Greenheugh Pediment and Underlying Murray Formation from the Mars Science Laboratory CheMin Instrument
- Mixing of Condensable Constituents with H/He During the Formation of the Giant Planets
- Molecules for the origin of life from impact-generated atmospheres on early Earth
- Morphologic and Slope Studies of Crater Gullies in the High-Northern Latitudes of Mars.
- Multi-Wavelength Modeling and Analysis of the Center-to-Limb Effects of Solar Spectroscopy and Helioseismology
- Mutually-exclusive Global Wetland, Lake, and Reservoir Methane Emissions Data Sets
- NASA's Advance Information Systems Technology (AIST) Program: Technology Enabling Earth Science Understanding
- OCO-2 Satellite-imposed Constraints on Terrestrial Biospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux over South Asia
- Observations and Analysis of NaCl and KCl in Io's Atmosphere
- Observations and Simulations of an Eddy-Induced, Water-Ice Cloud at High Northern Latitudes in Early Summer
- Observations of Atmospheric Aerosol Absorption and Their Use to Constrain Models at Various Scales
- On Refining an AERONET Opto-physical Aerosol Typology: Expressing Aerosol Optical Properties as Distribution Functions by Specific Aerosol Type
- On the Taxonomy of Exoplanets using Transmission Color Analysis
- On the velocity drift between ions in the solar atmosphere
- OpenET: Filling a Critical Gap in Water Data for the Western U.S.
- Optimal Sensing of Tropical Cyclones (TCs) by Constellation of Low Earth Orbiting Satellites, Guided by Numerical Weather Prediction Model Ensemble Track Forecasts and Assimilation of Observed/ Missed TC Center Position Measurements
- Orbital stability of compact four-planet systems
- Overview of NASA's RESOURCE (Resource Exploration and Science of OUR Cosmic Environment) Project
- Ozone Production from Wildfires during FIREX-AQ
- Ozone deposition velocity measurements over the ocean using a new fast, high-precision instrument
- Polygonal Impact Craters on Miranda and Ariel Reveal Hidden Tectonism
- Radiation Portal: Connection of Radiation Measurements on Airplane Flights with Observations of Solar-Terrestrial Environment
- Rapid cloud removal of dimethyl sulfide oxidation products short circuits new particle formation in the marine boundary layer
- Re-thinking GIS & Climate Science Curricula to Prepare the Future Climate Workforce at Northwest Indian College
- Robotic Localization and Multi-Sensor, Semantic 3D Mapping for Exploration of Subsurface Voids
- SISTER: SBG Space-based Imaging Spectroscopy and Thermal PathfindER
- SOFIA Exploration of Refractory Dust Species in Comets
- Satellite Imagery-Based Urban Noise Prediction Model - Case study over Vancouver, Canada
- Satellite-based Phenology and Climate Anomaly Analysis in Evaluating the Response of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands Tropical Forests to the 2015-2016 drought.
- Scientific goals for the Venus Flagship Mission's aerobot
- Searching for life at Enceladus with the Orbilander mission concept
- Sentinel 5p "Tropomi" Perspectives on FIREX-AQ and WE-CAN: Tracing Emissions over Hours and Days of Development
- Single Particle Properties of Aerosol from over the Southern Atlantic Ocean from the CLARIFY (2017) and ORACLES (2017 and 2018) Campaigns
- Site Selection and Instrument Considerations for Micro-Rover Exploration of Lunar Polar Ice: The MoonRanger Mission
- Size Matters: Variation in Phytoplankton Biovolume Observed in Remote Sensing Imagery Across a Putative Nutrient Gradient Nearshore to Offshore of Southern California
- SmallSat Aerocapture: Enabling ESPA-class Science Orbiters Using Rideshare Launch Opportunities
- Snowpack Monitoring on the Navajo Nation
- Solar Prominence Bubbles and Associated Plasma Instabilities: IRIS Observations and MHD Modeling
- Spatial and Seasonal Variations of Aerosol Loading and Aerosol Types over South Asia Using Several Satellite-based Datasets
- Spectral Characterization of Lava Fields and Glaciovolcanic Sand Seas of Iceland: Implications for Mars
- Spontaneous Reheating of Crystallizing Lava: An Experimental Study and Implications for Lava Fountains on Io
- Stereo2SWE: Snow depth and snow-covered area from commercial stereo satellite imagery
- Studying Microbial Adaptation in the Laboratory: Sensor & Control Upgrades for an Experimental Evolution Biofluidics System
- Sustainability in NASA Conservation Decision Support Systems
- Terrestrial sedimentation impact on coral and macroalgal cover in Puerto Rico's southwest coral reefs.
- The 5STAR airborne tracking sunphotometer on the NASA SIERRA UAS
- The Adaptable, Deployable, Entry and Placement Technology (ADEPT) enabling advanced entry, descent, and landing capabilities for SmallSat missions
- The Aerosol Component of the ACCP Designated Observable Study
- The Drought Severity Evaluation Tool: A collaboration of Sovereignty and Science for the Navajo Nation
- The GGG2020 TCCON Data Product
- The Impact of Radiatively Active Dust on Land Planet Climate
- The Lunar Polar Hydrogen Mapper (LunaH-Map) Mission: Low-Altitude Hydrogen Mapping of the Lunar South Pole With a Very Small Spacecraft
- The Means of Production: Carbon fixation and assimilation in an ultrabasic, serpentinization-influenced aquifer
- The Organic Capillary Electrophoresis Analysis System (OCEANS) subsystem of the Europan Molecular Indicators of Life Investigation (EMILI) Instrument Suite
- The Origins of Enantiomer Excesses in Meteoritic Organic Compounds: Were Some Reaction Mechanisms Directed by Ambient Magnetic and Radiation Fields?
- The Science Case for a Titan Flagship-class Orbiter with Probes
- The Solar eruptioN Integral Field Spectrograph (SNIFS) Sounding Rocket
- The View From Out Here: the Solar System Planets as Exoplanet Analogs
- The X-ray Amorphous Composition of Rocks Sampled from the Greenheugh Pediment and Underlying Murray Formation
- The development of a spatially resolved retrospective ensemble forecast model of West Nile virus
- Trees as sensors of pre-eruptive change
- Uncertainty Analysis of the GeoNEX Top-of-Atmospheric Reflectance Products Generated from the Third-Generation Geostationary Satellite Sensors
- Understanding the factors controlling on low cloud over Southeastern Atlantic: ORACLES case study
- Using Gravity Wave Resolving Simulations from the NASA Ames Mars Global Climate Model to Inform Parameterized Gravity Wave Drag Schemes
- Validation and Error Estimation of AIRS MUSES CO Profiles with HIPPO, ATom and NOAA ESRL Aircraft Observations
- Venus, Earth's Divergent Twin?: Testing Evolutionary Models For Venus with the DAVINCI+ Mission
- Volcanic Caves as Priority Sites for Astrobiology Science: An Overview
- Volcanic Outgassing from Lunar Maria as a Possible Source of Polar Volatiles: 3-D Simulation of Volatile Transport by Transient Volcanically-Induced Atmospheres.
- Water Vapor Profiles from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2
- What happens when you have smoke bits and water in the sky at the same time? We use flying things and computers to find out
- Where There's Smoke, There's Humidity: Exploring the Water Vapor Associated with the Free-Tropospheric Biomass Burning Plume over the Southeast Atlantic Ocean
- 3D Radiative MHD Modeling of the Solar Atmospheric Dynamics and Structure
- A Statistical Analysis of Bolides Detected by GOES GLM and its Implications to Planetary Defense
- A new generation of miniature ultra-sensitive UV spectrometers for future planetary missions
- A surface temperature model of Arrokoth, a Kuiper Belt Object visited by New Horizons
- Aeolus: A Mars Climate Mission
- Aerosol optical depth is more consistent than aerosol size over large distances during KORUS-AQ
- An Operational Methodology for Validating Satellite Albedo from a UAV
- An environmentally informed statistical model and forecast system for West Nile virus infection rates among mosquitoes in the Coachella Valley, CA and Suffolk County, NY.
- Applications of Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) for improved detection of astrobiologically relevant organics
- Assessing Alaskan Boreal Forest Landcover Affected by Climate-wildfire Interactions from Ground Truth Surveys and NASA Airborne Remote Sensing
- Assimilating Lessons Learned From URGE to NASA's Student Airborne Science Activation (SaSa) Project
- Balloon Flight for NephEx: A Nephelometer for In-situ Particles Detection in Planetary Atmospheres
- Calibration of Landsat 8 Aquatic Reflectance Band Data to Spatial Variations in Chlorophyll a, Suspended Sediment, N, and P in Coastal Estuaries of Southern Louisiana
- Can large scale volcanism explain the heat-death of Venus like worlds?
- Carbon Monoxide Instrument for High-Altitude Science Flights
- Classifying Agnostic Biosignatures using Raman, VNIR, and Elemental Data
- Climate Driven Diagenetic Processes in Gale Crater, Mars.
- Cloud and Aerosol Distributions from SAGE III/ISS Observations
- Communicating metrics of land surface temperature variability using multi-sensor machine learning
- Comparison of Subsurface and Surface Expression Serpentinized Fluid Microbial Communities from the Samail Ophiolite of Oman
- Connecting X-line heating efficiency to the reconnection rate problem
- Constraining Venus Cloud Habitability: Earth's Aerobiosphere as an Analogue Environment
- Correcting a Radiation Code Error in the NASA/Ames Legacy Mars Global Climate Model
- DELTA: An Open-Source Framework to Simplify Machine Learning with Satellite Imagery
- Deep learning astrophysics algorithms to classify immunofluorescent microscopic images for space biology
- Deep neural network high SpatioTEmporal resolution Precipitation estimation (Deep-STEP) using Passive Microwave and Infrared Data
- Detecting the Fundamental Chiral Building Blocks of Life
- Developing the Cross-Disciplinary Information Model for NASAs Science Mission Directorate
- Development of the GeoNEX Level 2G Products: Exploiting the Diurnal Variability of TOA Reflectance in Atmospheric Correction
- Do global inversion systems systematically underestimate the seasonal amplitude of net ecosystem CO2 flux?
- Dynamical Coupling of the Solar Subsurface Shear Layer and the Atmosphere
- Effect of different simulation configurations on the prediction performance of the Space Weather Modeling Framework on ground magnetic perturbations
- Electron energization by electron-only reconnection in the Earths quasi-parallel bow shock
- Emerging satellite observations for diurnal cycling of ecosystem processes
- Enabling Flight Dynamics for HelioSwarm: A Novel Mission Concept Requiring a Spacecraft Swarm
- Enabling Low-Cost Semi-Autonomic High-Altitude Balloons For Establishing Routine Sub-Orbital Atmospheric Measurements
- Energy balance and heating mechanisms of the Martian Upper atmosphere with the NASA Ames MGCM.
- Europa Luminescence Microscope
- Evaluating the Application of Reanalysis Wind Products in a Trajectory Model Study of Convective Transport
- Evolving bedrock geochemistry observed by ChemCam as the Curiosity rover enters the orbitally defined sulfate unit on Aeolis Mons in Gale crater, Mars
- Evolving the Design and CONOPS of a Volcanic Monitoring UAS Over Several Flight Campaigns
- Exploring functional diversity and metabolic capabilities of microbial communities across the continental and marine subsurface
- Forecasting global geophysical states using a deep learning model for Spacecraft constellation scheduling and planning
- GeoNEX-SUBSETS: Geostationary satellite observations over international observing network sites.
- Growing the Success of Small Satellite Missions Through Community Learning
- HORUS - Revealing the Geomorphology of Lunar Shadowed Regions
- High Resolution Assimilation of Multiple Satellite Retrievals with Emissions Adjustment to Improve Air Quality Forecasting with WRF-Chem/DART
- High-resolution Topography of Pluto: Insights into Sputnik Planitia Basin and Ice Sheet
- Holistic and pragmatic standards processes enable interdisciplinary science
- How strong is ocean mixing in the Pacific Ocean cold tongue, and does it matter?
- Improving Geolocation Accuracy of the Advanced Meteorological Imager on the GEO-KOMPSAT-2A
- In Situ Mineralogy of a Clay-Sulfate Transition in Gale Crater.
- Inorganic Energy Supplies of Yellowstone Hydrothermal Systems
- Integrating field measurement, remote sensing, and modeling approach to track forest cover and above ground biomass changes in the Northeast Asian temperate forests
- International Observe the Moon Night: Collaboration for Science Communication Across the Globe
- Investigating 1064-nm Albedo along Mercurys Hot and Cold Poles
- Investigating Hot Spring Outflow Channels Using A Combination of Geochemical and Microbiological Analyses in Yellowstone National Park
- Investigating a lobate feature near a double ridge on Ariel
- Investigating the Significantly More Abundant Leonid Meteor Shower Bolides in the 2020 vs 2019
- Investigations of Dark Floored Pits in the Volatile Ice of Plutos Sputnik Planitia
- Leaf Volume Reflectance: Better Estimates of Leaf Chlorophyll Concentration
- Loss of Thermal Contact Between Dust and Gas in the Mars Atmosphere
- Lunar Trailblazer: A Pioneering Smallsat for Lunar Water and Lunar Geology
- MMS Observations of an Expanding Oxygen Density Wave in Magnetic Reconnection
- Magnetic Reconnection During Varying Inflow Conditions
- Magnetic reconnection for low-density inflow conditions
- MapX: A Next-Generation Imaging X-ray Spectrometer for In Situ Analysis of Planetary Surfaces
- Measuring Mars Wind Speeds with the Aeolus Missions Doppler Wind and Temperature Sounder Instrument
- Mechanisms, pathways, and variability of oxygen ventilation in the upper tropical Pacific
- Merging Analytic Collaborative Frameworks with New Observing Strategies Toward a Digital Twin: Earth Episodic Pulse Event Impacts on the Ocean Carbon Cycle as an Example
- Methods and results of truly interdisciplinary data discovery
- Microbial sulfur cycling in an extremely high pH marine-like terrestrial serpentinizing system-Ney Springs
- Modeling Spatial Heterogeneity in Satellite Validation Against Pointwise Measurements
- Modeling Tenuous Atmospheres with ROCKE-3D GCM: Application to the Paleo-Moon Volcanically-Induced Atmosphere
- Modeling of Observations of the OH Nightglow in the Venusian Mesosphere
- Modeling the B Regional Dust Storm on Mars
- Modulating the reconnection efficiency by moments and field variability and various inflow characteristics
- NASA Earth Science Technology for Earth System Digital Twins (ESDT)
- Next-generation wildlife tracking devices and integrated sensors for measuring species-environment interactions and advancing conservation
- Observations of lower-hybrid wave structures and interactions with plasmas in magnetotail reconnection diffusion regions
- Open source satellite derived bathymetry module for NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline
- OpenET Satellite-based ET Intercomparisons with Ground-based Measurements: Phase II Results
- Operating Autonomous Space Missions: NASA Study Outcomes
- Physical Properties of the Solar Atmosphere Derived from Comparison of Spectro-Polarimetric SDO/HMI Observables with 3D Radiative MHD Simulations
- Physics Guided Optical Flow for Tracking Atmospheric Motion
- Physics-Guided Deep Learning for Quantitative Precipitation Nowcasting
- Planet Hunters TESS: people-powered planet hunting and the global community that drives it
- Processing the Cassini Radar Ring Observations
- Production and Characterization of Laboratory Analogs of Carbonaceous Planetary Atmospheric Aerosols, Surface Materials and Cosmic Grains
- Progress in Developing a Prototype Science Pipeline and Full-Volume, Global Hyperspectral Synthetic Data Sets for NASAs Earth System Observatorys Upcoming Surface, Biology and Geology Mission
- Progress on the Development of a Multi-decadal Historic Global Ground-Based Monthly Seasonal Aerosol Climatology
- Quantifying the effects of surface obstruction by clouds and vegetation in remote sensing of flood events
- Release of the AJAX In Situ Airborne Trace Gas Data Set for Satellite Validation and Atmospheric Science Studies
- Remote Sensing of Lineage Functional Types for Modeling and Monitoring Biodiversity
- SeaSTAR: sunphotometer platform diversification for aerosol characterization over the ocean
- Seasonality of Aerosol Absorption in the 2016 to 2018 ORACLES Campaigns
- Simulating Exoplanet Host Star -Horologii from the Surface to the Bottom of the Convection Zone
- Simulating the Impact of Agile, Heterogeneous, Distributed Spacecraft with Intelligent Scheduling (D-SHIELD) to reduce global Soil Moisture Uncertainty
- Spatial and temporal variations in the CH4 homopause altitude at Jupiters mid-to-high latitudes
- Spatiotemporal Methane Emissions from Global Lakes and Reservoirs
- Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of aerosol and cloud properties over the southeast Atlantic: An observational analysis
- Starting Longitudes and the Lifetimes of Closely Spaced Four-Planet Systems
- Synergies between the Aerosols, Clouds, Convection and Precipitation and the Surface Biology and Geology: science, applications, societal benefits, models, algorithms and measurements
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- The Atmosphere Observing System (AOS): Synergistic Aerosol, Cloud, Convection and Precipitation Measurement and Modeling Systems
- The EDR Inflow Region of a Reconnecting Current Sheet in the Geomagnetic Tail with MMS
- The Influence of Physical Processes in the Growth of Speleothems in Volcanic (lava tube) Caves
- The NASA Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP) Observing System
- The Organic Capillary Electrophoresis Analysis System (OCEANS) a liquid chemical analyzer suite for searching for agnostic biosignatures on ocean worlds
- The Science Case for a Return to Enceladus
- The Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) Mission: Measurement Goals and Traverse Planning
- The curious mass flows of the Lagrangian satellites of Dione and Tethys
- The role of resistivity on the efficiency of magnetic reconnection in MHD
- The stop-and-go mechanism: Towards an integrated approach to model seismicity, outgassing, deformation, and thermal unrest at active volcanoes
- Top-down estimate of carbon stock changes in support of the Global Stocktake
- Topographically Localized Non-Migrating Tides in the Mars Tropical Atmosphere
- Towards AI-Ready Data in Heliophysics and Machine Learning-Driven Forecasts of Solar Transient Events
- Towards the development of 3D lunar surface depth-data collection for geology in virtual reality.
- Transformation of Fire Emission Composition Detailed from Sources to Hundreds of Kilometers Using Enhancement Ratios Based on Multiple Tracers
- Uncertainty Aware Machine Learning based Quantitative Precipitation Estimation from Geostationary Satellites.
- Underground Ice on Mars: Characterization Activities, Potential as an In Situ Resource, and Possible Destination for Human Explorers
- Using Landsat 8 Satellite Imagery to Analyze Biogeochemical Constituents in the Waters of the San Francisco Bay Area and Beyond
- Vegetation Heights for Landsat Land Cover Classes in the Interior Boreal Forest Region of Alaska
- Venus as an Exoplanet: An Initial Exploration of the 3-D Structure of a CO2 Exoplanetary Atmosphere Around an M-Dwarf Star Type
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- Ziggy, a Portable, Scalable Infrastructure for Science Data Processing Pipelines
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- A Decade of Mineralogical Discoveries in Gale Crater, Mars from the CheMin XRD Instrument.
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- Access and Visualization of Spaceflight Environmental-Telemetry Data for Biological Science
- An Alternative Explanation for the Great Oxygenation Event (GOE): Weathering of Rocks Containing Minerals with Peroxy Bonds
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- An Overview of Data Processing to Prepare Artificial Intelligence-Ready Open Science Biological Datasets
- An Overview of HelioSwarm: A NASA MIDEX Mission to Reveal the Nature of Turbulence in Space Plasmas
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- Aqueous Alteration of Two Drill Core from Hawaii: A Geochemical Analog to Alteration in the Martian Subsurface
- Auroral spiral formation through magnetic reconnection in the auroral acceleration region
- CH3Br: A Novel Methylated Biosignature for Exoplanets
- Callisto & Ganymede (and Europa/Io too): Archiving Topographic Data of the Four Galilean Satellites
- Cloud-Based Remote Sensing with Google Earth Engine: Process and Prospects from a Large Edited Open-Access Book
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- Contribution to Solar Brightness of small-size magnetic elements
- Demonstration of Dual-Integration Spectroradiometer Operation by ARM for Enhanced Dynamic Range, Temporal Resolution, and Radiometric Accuracy
- Detecting extreme events in streaming satellite data
- Development of a Virtual Tool to Connect Classrooms to NASA Airborne Science Missions
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- Estimating 2020 carbon dioxide emissions from two urban areas in California
- Evaluating JAXA/GOSAT two-layer XCO2 with aircraft measurements and OCO-2 MIP simulations
- Evaluating the impact of absorbing aerosol on space-based NO2 retrievals using AERONET and Pandora in California
- Evolution of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Stratospheric Plume
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- First-Principles Theory of the Rate of Magnetic Reconnection
- Fusing GeoNEX and VIIRS Surface BRDF Retrievals: Exploring a GEO-LEO Synergy
- Halocarbons in the Lower Stratosphere during the North American Summer Monsoon Season
- Hourly carbon fluxes estimation using the GOES Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) data over the conterminous USA
- How Much Methane Could Lakes and Reservoirs Emit in the Future?
- Impact of Bi-Modal Dust Particle Size Distributions on the MY34/2018 Global Dust Storm in the NASA Ames Mars GCM
- Improving the Total CO2 Budget Estimate for an Active Stratovolcano in Costa Rica
- Investigation of the Effect of Solar Wind Data Simplifications on Ground Magnetic Perturbations Prediction Performance of Geospace Physics-Based Models
- Is True Polar Wander Recorded in Pluto's Geology?
- Liquid Water Stability Zones on Super-Mars Exoplanets: Implications for Subsurface Astrobiology
- Lunar Gravimetry and Shallow Seismology with the VIPER Rover
- Mapping Bedrock Outcrops in the Sierra Nevada using Machine Learning
- Mapping Floods from Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar using Machine Learning
- Mapping national forest aboveground biomass in Mexico by integrating GEDI, Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data
- Methods for measuring wind speed and direction for accurate estimations of methane fluxes
- Microscopy Methods for Life Detection on Icy Ocean Worlds
- Modeling Ejecta Blanketing Around the NASA/VIPER Investigation Site Near the Lunar South Pole: Implication of Material Transport and Burial of Water Ice
- Modeling the B Regional Dust Storm on Mars: Observations and Simulated Dust Plumes
- Molecular Complexity to Biosignatures: A Machine Learning Pipeline that Connects Mass Spectrometry to Molecular Synthesis and Reaction Networks
- NASA's Earth System Observatory - The Atmosphere Observation System (AOS) Polar Project
- NASA's Prototype Spectral Water Inversion Processor and Emulator (SWIPE): Towards Global Coastal and Inland Water Quality and Algal Biodiversity Monitoring
- NASA's Student Airborne Science Activation for Minority Serving Institutions: Inaugural Program, Educational Outcomes, and Lessons Learned
- New Insights into Enceladus Plume Particle Launch Velocities
- New Microbial Sources of 2- and 3-Methylhopanoids in Modern Anoxic, Acidic Hydrothermal Springs
- On the Relationship of Arctic Oscillation with Atmospheric Rivers and Snowpack in the Western United States
- Open Data Integration (ODIN): A Concurrent, Distributed Message-Based Architecture and Framework for Disaster Response.
- Open Science at the Onset of JWST
- Open Science for Life in Space
- Opportunities and Challenges using Observations and Simulated Data for Machine-Learning-Based Retrievals of Water Quality
- Peering into Permanently Shadowed Regions on the Moon using Machine Learning
- Phantom: An Aerobot Mission to the Skies of Venus
- Physics-informed surrogate modeling for supporting climate resilience at groundwater contamination sites
- Radiation Data Portal: Enhancing Data Discoverability and Analysis for Understanding Space Radiation in Earth Environment
- Radiation-Induced DNA Damage Microscopy Data Benchmarking for Machine Learning in Space Biology Research
- Reconnection-Driven Energy Cascade in Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
- Revisiting the Electron Diffusion Region in Asymmetric Guide-Field Reconnection
- Ruggedizing a Commercial Depth Camera for Novel Lunar Exploration
- Scalable Hyperspectral Inversion with Uncertainty Quantification
- Seven Sisters - An Inner Heliospheric Constellation to 1) Measure Longitudinal Structure of the Coronal Mass Ejections, 2) Enable Advanced Prediction of IMF Orientation at Earth, 3) Determine Particle Energization Processes in Solar Wind Structures
- Simulating A Context-aware Heterogeneous Sensor System for Monitoring Inland Waters and Ecosystems with 3D-CHESS
- Simulating the Martian Middle and Upper Atmosphere with the NASA Ames Mars GCM
- South Pole PSRs as Volatile Time Capsules for the Earth-Moon System: How Artemis Science Begins Building on LRO and LCROSS with the VIPER Mission
- Space Flown Rodent Liver RNA Sequencing Data for Machine Learning in Space Biology Research
- Spatial and temporal variations in the CH4 homopause altitude at Jupiter's mid-to-high latitudes
- Super-Resolution from Space: Using MERRA-2 and MAIAC Satellite Imagery to Produce Daily Continuous 1 km PM2.5 Estimates
- Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) for Venus Atmospheric Characterization and Trace Organics Identification
- TRIDENT (The Regolith and Ice Drill for Exploring New Terrain) for the Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) and Polar Resources Ice Mining Experiment (PRIME-1)
- The 2023 PI Launchpad Workshop: Developing new PIs for NASA missions
- The INSTEP Monitoring Network: Characterizing California Wildfire Emissions Using Low-Cost Gas Sensors
- The Influence of CO2 Clouds on the Thermal Structure of the Early Martian Atmosphere
- The Influence of Shear on Deep Convection Initiation
- The New NASA Ames Mars Global Climate Model: Comparing a Reference Simulation to MRO/MCS Temperatures.
- The Science Discovery Engine: An Open Science Success Story
- The Spherical Multi-Lacunarity of the Pit and Dome Craters of Jupiter's Moons Ganymede and Callisto
- The Ultraviolet-Visible Spectra of Iapetus: Unique Insights into the Composition of the Dark Material
- The impact of climate change on fire danger over the contiguous United States
- Top-down regulation by reindeer herbivory limits climate-driven Arctic vegetation change
- Understanding Eclipses Using Innovative Resources
- Unexpected Phase-Shifts of Acoustic Waves Observed in Real Data as well as in Simulations and Their Impact on Estimations of the Deep Meridional Flow
- Updates in Developing a Prototype Science Pipeline and Full-Volume, Global Hyperspectral Synthetic Data Sets for NASA's Earth System Observatory's Upcoming Surface, Biology and Geology Mission
- Validation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Hyperspectral Inversion of Common Water Quality Indicators
- Validation of the TROPOMI ozone profile product in the troposphere with TOLNet ground-based lidar observations
- Vulcan: Exploring Tidal Heating & Extreme Volcanism at Io
- Water-ice and Dust Retrieved from MAVEN/IUVS Data
- Wave-particle Interactions due to the Whistler Wave along the Separatrix in Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. B. Galvin
- A. C. McAdam
- A. D. Howard
- A. E. Dessler
- A. E. Howells
- A. E. Schuh
- A. Eldering
- A. J. Dombard
- A. J. Steffl
- A. K. Diefenbach
- A. Lyapustin
- A. M. Bramson
- A. Malakhov
- A. N. Deutsch
- A. O. Langford
- A. R. Vasavada
- A. Rotundi
- A. S. Brecht
- A. S. McEwen
- A. Steele
- A. Verbiscer
- A. W. Case
- Aaron C. Noell
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Adam J. Burgasser
- Adrienne Hoarfrost
- Akihiko Kuze
- Alessandro Retinò
- Alexander J. Turner
- Alexander Marshak
- Alexander Volkovitskiy
- Alexey Shiklomanov
- Ali Omar
- Allan H. Treiman
- Amanda Hendrix
- Amir H. Souri
- Amy E. Hofmann
- Anastasia Yanchilina
- Anderson Luís Ruhoff
- Andrew Mullen
- Aneesh Subramanian
- Anirudh Prabhu
- Annette R. Rowe
- Antonio J. Ricco
- Apoorva Shastry
- Ariane Verdy
- Ariel D. Anbar
- Arlindo da Silva
- Atılım Güneş Baydin
- Auroop R. Ganguly
- Avi M. Mandell
- B. J. Buratti
- B. L. Ehlmann
- B. L. Giles
- Benjamin Poulter
- Bennett A. Maruca
- Bernard J. Vasquez
- Brad Weir
- Bradford J. Foley
- Brandi Kiel Reese
- Brandon Burkholder
- Brendan Byrne
- Brian L. Thomas
- Bruce C. Forbes
- C. B. Olkin
- C. D. Parkinson
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- C. Hain
- C. J. A. Howett
- C. J. Bierson
- C. J. Henney
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- C. J. Owen
- C. M. Batterson
- C. M. Dundas
- C. M. Lisse
- C. M. Pieters
- C. R. Nowlan
- C. S. Edwards
- C. S. Reynolds
- C. T. Russell
- Carolus J. Schrijver
- Cayman T. Unterborn
- Cecilia Norgren
- Chao He
- Charles E. Miller
- Charles K. Gatebe
- Charles W. Smith
- Cherie Achilles
- Chester E. Harman
- Chris O’Dell
- Christoph Kern
- Christopher R. German
- Christopher R. Glein
- Chuanfei Dong
- Cody S. Sheik
- Colin Wilson
- Colm Sweeney
- Corentin Caudron
- Cristian Carli
- Cédric H. David
- D. A. Williams
- D. B. Jess
- D. F. Blake
- D. G. Sibeck
- D. H. Crider
- D. J. Christian
- D. J. Gershman
- D. K. Henze
- D. P. Hinson
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- Dalia Kirschbaum
- Daniel B. Whitt
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- David Bastviken
- David Crisp
- David M. Winker
- David R. Ciardi
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- David R. Thompson
- Deepak Cherian
- Diane C. Huebner
- Dien Wu
- Dong L. Wu
- Duane E. Waliser
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- E. D’Aversa
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- E. J. Hintsa
- E. M. Wilcox
- Edward Molter
- Edward W. Schwieterman
- Egle Cekanaviciute
- Elizabeth B. Wiggins
- Elizabeth K. Carter
- Ella Sciamma-O’Brien
- Elliot L. Atlas
- Emanuele Simioni
- Eric T. Wolf
- Erika Hamden
- Eryn Cangi
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- Everett L. Shock
- F. C. Seidel
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- Farid Salama
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- Gelu M. Nita
- George H. Allen
- Gerald G. Mace
- Ghassan Taha
- Graeme L. Stephens
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- Guillaume Gronoff
- Guoyong Wen
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- Hanqin Tian
- Harlan E. Spence
- Harshad Vijay Kulkarni
- Haruko M. Wainwright
- Hidetaka Kuniyoshi
- Hugh Morrison
- Huikyo Lee
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- Jean Pierre Paul de Vera
- Jeffrey A. Cardille
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- Jonathan M. Galazka
- Jong-Min Yeom
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- Masatoshi Hirabayashi
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- Mauro Sérgio Ferreira Santos
- Meytar Sorek–Hamer
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- Monica Palaseanu‐Lovejoy
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